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start reading your scripts before signing that dotted line . | 0 | negative |
jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema . | 1 | positive |
a pathetically inane and unimaginative cross between xxx and vertical limit . | 0 | negative |
max pokes , provokes , takes expressionistic license and hits a nerve ... as far as art is concerned , it 's mission accomplished . | 1 | positive |
the power of shanghai ghetto , a documentary by dana janklowicz-mann and amir mann , rests in the voices of men and women , now in their 70s , who lived there in the 1940s . | 1 | positive |
` punch-drunk love is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you 'd want to smash its face in . ' | 0 | negative |
a sentimental mess that never rings true . | 0 | negative |
a fascinating case study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . | 1 | positive |
-lrb- janey -rrb- forgets about her other obligations , leading to a tragedy which is somehow guessable from the first few minutes , maybe because it echoes the by now intolerable morbidity of so many recent movies . | 0 | negative |
the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care . | 0 | negative |
a film without surprise geared toward maximum comfort and familiarity . | 0 | negative |
... although this idea is `` new '' the results are tired . | 0 | negative |
remarkable for its excellent storytelling , its economical , compressed characterisations and for its profound humanity , it 's an adventure story and history lesson all in one . | 1 | positive |
mike white 's deft combination of serious subject matter and dark , funny humor make `` the good girl '' a film worth watching . | 1 | positive |
a film that will be best appreciated by those willing to endure its extremely languorous rhythms , waiting for happiness is ultimately thoughtful without having much dramatic impact . | 1 | positive |
this may be the first cartoon ever to look as if it were being shown on the projection television screen of a sports bar . | 0 | negative |
it 's a treat -- a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score ... grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so much fun . | 1 | positive |
the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of clever ideas and visual gags about halfway through . | 0 | negative |
even when crush departs from the 4w formula ... it feels like a glossy rehash . | 0 | negative |
nair does n't treat the issues lightly . | 1 | positive |
a compelling motion picture that illustrates an american tragedy . | 1 | positive |
it 's that painful . | 0 | negative |
smart , sassy interpretation of the oscar wilde play . | 1 | positive |
there 's nothing more satisfying during a summer of event movies than a spy thriller like the bourne identity that 's packed with just as much intelligence as action . | 1 | positive |
though writer\/director bart freundlich 's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent-child relationship , it has some special qualities and the soulful gravity of crudup 's anchoring performance . | 1 | positive |
the early and middle passages are surprising in how much they engage and even touch us . | 1 | positive |
-lrb- cho 's face is -rrb- an amazing slapstick instrument , creating a scrapbook of living mug shots . | 1 | positive |
if ever such a dependable concept was botched in execution , this is it . | 0 | negative |
his -lrb- nelson 's -rrb- screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it . | 0 | negative |
terminally brain dead production . | 0 | negative |
-lrb- grant -rrb- goes beyond his usual fluttering and stammering and captures the soul of a man in pain who gradually comes to recognize it and deal with it . | 1 | positive |
the movie suffers from two fatal ailments -- a dearth of vitality and a story that 's shapeless and uninflected . | 0 | negative |
bigelow handles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . | 0 | negative |
while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | 1 | positive |
one senses in world traveler and in his earlier film that freundlich bears a grievous but obscure complaint against fathers , and circles it obsessively , without making contact . | 0 | negative |
well-meant but unoriginal . | 0 | negative |
it 's an effort to watch this movie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it . | 1 | positive |
it 's burns ' visuals , characters and his punchy dialogue , not his plot , that carry waydowntown . | 1 | positive |
the real triumphs in igby come from philippe , who makes oliver far more interesting than the character 's lines would suggest , and sarandon , who could n't be better as a cruel but weirdly likable wasp matron . | 1 | positive |
the quiet american is n't a bad film , it 's just one that could easily wait for your pay per view dollar . | 0 | negative |
no. . | 0 | negative |
kapur weighs down the tale with bogus profundities . | 0 | negative |
my big fat greek wedding is that rare animal known as ' a perfect family film , ' because it 's about family . | 1 | positive |
even though many of these guys are less than adorable -lrb- their lamentations are pretty much self-centered -rrb- , there 's something vital about the movie . | 1 | positive |
while it may not add up to the sum of its parts , holofcener 's film offers just enough insight to keep it from being simpleminded , and the ensemble cast is engaging enough to keep you from shifting in your chair too often . | 1 | positive |
an ugly , revolting movie . | 0 | negative |
if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea . | 1 | positive |
the characterizations and dialogue lack depth or complexity , with the ironic exception of scooter . | 0 | negative |
shanghai ghetto may not be as dramatic as roman polanski 's the pianist , but its compassionate spirit soars every bit as high . | 1 | positive |
but it 's hardly a necessary enterprise . | 0 | negative |
ratliff 's two previous titles , plutonium circus and purgatory county show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . | 1 | positive |
distinctly sub-par ... more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . | 0 | negative |
it 's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes ... finally seem so impersonal or even shallow . | 0 | negative |
as it stands , crocodile hunter has the hurried , badly cobbled look of the 1959 godzilla , which combined scenes of a japanese monster flick with canned shots of raymond burr commenting on the monster 's path of destruction . | 0 | negative |
leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that 's simultaneously painful and refreshing . | 1 | positive |
i liked the original short story but this movie , even at an hour and twenty-some minutes , it 's too long and it goes nowhere . | 0 | negative |
it 's the kind of under-inspired , overblown enterprise that gives hollywood sequels a bad name . | 0 | negative |
the movie starts with a legend and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to believe if it were n't true . | 0 | negative |
really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . | 0 | negative |
a breezy blend of art , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . | 1 | positive |
unexpected moments of authentically impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sincere movie that portrays the frank humanity of ... emotional recovery . | 1 | positive |
stands as a document of what it felt like to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 9\/11 . | 1 | positive |
my wife is an actress works as well as it does because -lrb- the leads -rrb- are such a companionable couple . | 1 | positive |
about schmidt is nicholson 's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . | 1 | positive |
a comedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . | 1 | positive |
hatfield and hicks make the oddest of couples , and in this sense the movie becomes a study of the gambles of the publishing world , offering a case study that exists apart from all the movie 's political ramifications . | 1 | positive |
the movie is so contrived , nonsensical and formulaic that , come to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it . | 0 | negative |
this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling coming-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psychology of co-dependence and the struggle for self-esteem . | 1 | positive |
enigma looks great , has solid acting and a neat premise . | 1 | positive |
eventually , they will have a showdown , but , by then , your senses are as mushy as peas and you do n't care who fires the winning shot . | 0 | negative |
as warm as it is wise , deftly setting off uproarious humor with an underlying seriousness that sneaks up on the viewer , providing an experience that is richer than anticipated . | 1 | positive |
godard 's ode to tackling life 's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of topical excess ... in praise of love remains a ponderous and pretentious endeavor that 's unfocused and tediously exasperating . | 0 | negative |
this ready-made midnight movie probably wo n't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it 's goofy -lrb- if not entirely wholesome -rrb- fun . | 1 | positive |
hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script ... that aims for poetry and ends up sounding like satire . | 0 | negative |
although sensitive to a fault , it 's often overwritten , with a surfeit of weighty revelations , flowery dialogue , and nostalgia for the past and roads not taken . | 0 | negative |
several uninteresting , unlikeable people do bad things to and with each other in `` unfaithful . '' | 0 | negative |
... a low rate annie featuring some kid who ca n't act , only echoes of jordan , and weirdo actor crispin glover screwing things up old school . | 0 | negative |
this version does justice both to stevenson and to the sci-fi genre . | 1 | positive |
surprisingly , considering that baird is a former film editor , the movie is rather choppy . | 0 | negative |
directing with a sure and measured hand , -lrb- haneke -rrb- steers clear of the sensational and offers instead an unflinching and objective look at a decidedly perverse pathology . | 1 | positive |
... it was n't the subject matter that ultimately defeated the film ... it was the unfulfilling , incongruous , `` wait a second , did i miss something ? '' | 0 | negative |
wiseman is patient and uncompromising , letting his camera observe and record the lives of women torn apart by a legacy of abuse . | 1 | positive |
it 's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laramie project is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thing does , in fact , still happen in america . | 1 | positive |
ub equally spoofs and celebrates the more outre aspects of ` black culture ' and the dorkier aspects of ` white culture , ' even as it points out how inseparable the two are . | 1 | positive |
full frontal , which opens today nationwide , could almost be classified as a movie-industry satire , but it lacks the generous inclusiveness that is the genre 's definitive , if disingenuous , feature . | 0 | negative |
ultimately ... the movie is too heady for children , and too preachy for adults . | 0 | negative |
could n't someone take rob schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny person ? | 0 | negative |
in the wrong hands , i.e. peploe 's , it 's simply unbearable | 0 | negative |
what saves it ... and makes it one of the better video-game-based flicks , is that the film acknowledges upfront that the plot makes no sense , such that the lack of linearity is the point of emotional and moral departure for protagonist alice . | 1 | positive |
like an afterschool special with costumes by gianni versace , mad love looks better than it feels . | 0 | negative |
a strong script , powerful direction and splendid production design allows us to be transported into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good human being . | 1 | positive |
miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet . | 1 | positive |
it has no affect on the kurds , but it wore me down . | 0 | negative |
the wanton slipperiness of \* corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of physical time and space would make it a great piece to watch with kids and use to introduce video as art . | 1 | positive |
the real star of this movie is the score , as in the songs translate well to film , and it 's really well directed . | 1 | positive |
instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick . | 0 | negative |
this tuxedo ... should have been sent back to the tailor for some major alterations . | 0 | negative |
ever see one of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frame one ? | 0 | negative |
the film is impressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . | 1 | positive |
for most of its footage , the new thriller proves that director m. night shyamalan can weave an eerie spell and that mel gibson can gasp , shudder and even tremble without losing his machismo . | 1 | positive |
Subsets and Splits