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it wo n't hold up over the long haul , but in the moment , finch 's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a saturday matinee . | 1 | positive |
was that movie nothing more than a tepid exercise in trotting out a formula that worked five years ago but has since lost its fizz ? | 0 | negative |
how good this film might be , depends if you believe that the shocking conclusion is too much of a plunge or not . | 1 | positive |
a cellophane-pop remake of the punk classic ladies and gentlemen , the fabulous stains ... crossroads is never much worse than bland or better than inconsequential . | 0 | negative |
pretty good little movie . | 1 | positive |
if nothing else , `` rollerball '' 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by ll cool j. | 0 | negative |
angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . | 1 | positive |
nemesis suffers from a paunchy midsection , several plodding action sequences and a wickedly undramatic central theme . | 0 | negative |
even when he 's not at his most critically insightful , godard can still be smarter than any 50 other filmmakers still at work . | 1 | positive |
the fascination comes in the power of the huston performance , which seems so larger than life and yet so fragile , and in the way the ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to react . | 1 | positive |
-lrb- t -rrb- he film is never sure to make a clear point -- even if it seeks to rely on an ambiguous presentation . | 0 | negative |
this movie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . | 0 | negative |
amazing ! | 1 | positive |
the ya-ya 's have many secrets and one is - the books are better . | 0 | negative |
the plot 's contrivances are uncomfortably strained . | 0 | negative |
a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . | 1 | positive |
kids will love its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . | 1 | positive |
-lrb- allen 's -rrb- best works understand why snobbery is a better satiric target than middle-america diversions could ever be . | 1 | positive |
the stars may be college kids , but the subject matter is as adult as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determined young woman and a one-night swim turns into an ocean of trouble . | 1 | positive |
we 've liked klein 's other work but rollerball left us cold . | 0 | negative |
both a grand tour through 300 hundred years of russian cultural identity and a stunning technical achievement . | 1 | positive |
a markedly inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . | 0 | negative |
clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up . | 1 | positive |
soderbergh , like kubrick before him , may not touch the planet 's skin , but understands the workings of its spirit . | 1 | positive |
there is no denying the power of polanski 's film ... | 1 | positive |
to be oblivious to the existence of this film would be very sweet indeed . | 0 | negative |
though it goes further than both , anyone who has seen the hunger or cat people will find little new here , but a tasty performance from vincent gallo lifts this tale of cannibal lust above the ordinary . | 1 | positive |
the beautifully choreographed kitchen ballet is simple but absorbing . | 1 | positive |
from the opening strains of the average white band 's `` pick up the pieces '' , you can feel the love . | 1 | positive |
empire ca n't make up its mind whether it wants to be a gangster flick or an art film . | 0 | negative |
the result is so tame that even slightly wised-up kids would quickly change the channel . | 0 | negative |
a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . | 1 | positive |
thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative puzzle that interweaves individual stories , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . | 1 | positive |
director peter kosminsky gives these women a forum to demonstrate their acting ` chops ' and they take full advantage . | 1 | positive |
storytelling feels slight . | 0 | negative |
witty , vibrant , and intelligent . | 1 | positive |
despite its shortcomings , girls ca n't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it 's a worthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . | 1 | positive |
interesting and thoroughly unfaithful version of carmen | 1 | positive |
thanks to a small star with big heart , this family film sequel is plenty of fun for all . | 1 | positive |
for most of the distance the picture provides a satisfyingly unsettling ride into the dark places of our national psyche . | 1 | positive |
it 's a smart , funny look at an arcane area of popular culture , and if it is n't entirely persuasive , it does give exposure to some talented performers . | 1 | positive |
we get the comedy we settle for . | 0 | negative |
eerily accurate depiction of depression . | 0 | negative |
schrader aims to present an unflinching look at one man 's downfall , brought about by his lack of self-awareness . | 0 | negative |
feels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime ... and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be liked by the people who can still give him work . | 0 | negative |
extraordinary debut from josh koury . | 1 | positive |
... a bland murder-on-campus yawner . | 0 | negative |
cannon 's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film 's saving graces . | 1 | positive |
just like a splendid meal , red dragon satisfies -- from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . | 1 | positive |
feels more like a rejected x-files episode than a credible account of a puzzling real-life happening . | 0 | negative |
features what is surely the funniest and most accurate depiction of writer 's block ever . | 1 | positive |
whenever it threatens to get bogged down in earnest dramaturgy , a stirring visual sequence like a surge through swirling rapids or a leap from pinnacle to pinnacle rouses us . | 1 | positive |
surprisingly powerful and universal . | 1 | positive |
the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimes inexpressive . | 0 | negative |
even murphy 's expert comic timing and famed charisma ca n't rescue this effort . | 0 | negative |
a captivating coming-of-age story that may also be the first narrative film to be truly informed by the wireless age . | 1 | positive |
an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundly humanist -lrb- not to mention gently political -rrb- meditation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . | 1 | positive |
if hill is n't quite his generation 's don siegel -lrb- or robert aldrich -rrb- , it 's because there 's no discernible feeling beneath the chest hair ; it 's all bluster and cliché . | 0 | negative |
and neither do cliches , no matter how ` inside ' they are . | 0 | negative |
strictly a ` guy 's film ' in the worst sense of the expression . | 0 | negative |
a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freely mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . | 0 | negative |
irwin and his director never come up with an adequate reason why we should pay money for what we can get on television for free . | 0 | negative |
can you bear the laughter ? | 1 | positive |
`` abandon '' will leave you wanting to abandon the theater . | 0 | negative |
the movie fails to portray its literarily talented and notorious subject as anything much more than a dirty old man . | 0 | negative |
not as good as the full monty , but a really strong second effort . | 1 | positive |
asks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifically questions cinema 's capability for recording truth . | 1 | positive |
audiences are advised to sit near the back and squint to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitably elegant . | 1 | positive |
... a solid , unassuming drama . | 1 | positive |
a formula family tearjerker told with a heavy irish brogue ... accentuating , rather than muting , the plot 's saccharine thrust . | 1 | positive |
it 's fairly solid -- not to mention well edited so that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . | 1 | positive |
the holiday message of the 37-minute santa vs. the snowman leaves a lot to be desired . | 0 | negative |
a vile , incoherent mess ... a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg 's brilliant ` videodrome . ' | 0 | negative |
discursive but oddly riveting documentary . | 1 | positive |
what 's most offensive is n't the waste of a good cast , but the film 's denial of sincere grief and mourning in favor of bogus spiritualism . | 0 | negative |
like a medium-grade network sitcom -- mostly inoffensive , fitfully amusing , but ultimately so weightless that a decent draft in the auditorium might blow it off the screen . | 0 | negative |
a little melodramatic , but with enough hope to keep you engaged . | 1 | positive |
not only is it a charming , funny and beautifully crafted import , it uses very little dialogue , making it relatively effortless to read and follow the action at the same time . | 1 | positive |
just about all of the film is confusing on one level or another , making ararat far more demanding than it needs to be . | 0 | negative |
though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there 's a certain robustness to this engaging mix of love and bloodletting . | 1 | positive |
it 's touching and tender and proves that even in sorrow you can find humor . | 1 | positive |
collapses after 30 minutes into a slap-happy series of adolescent violence . | 0 | negative |
a spiffy animated feature about an unruly adolescent boy who is yearning for adventure and a chance to prove his worth . | 1 | positive |
payne constructs a hilarious ode to middle america and middle age with this unlikely odyssey , featuring a pathetic , endearing hero who is all too human . | 1 | positive |
a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . | 0 | negative |
fierce , glaring and unforgettable . | 1 | positive |
the film does n't show enough of the creative process or even of what was created for the non-fan to figure out what makes wilco a big deal . | 0 | negative |
there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers do n't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . | 1 | positive |
a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to believe . | 1 | positive |
miller has crafted an intriguing story of maternal instincts and misguided acts of affection . | 1 | positive |
sometimes there are very , very good reasons for certain movies to be sealed in a jar and left on a remote shelf indefinitely . | 0 | negative |
an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . | 0 | negative |
some movies suck you in despite their flaws , and heaven is one such beast . | 1 | positive |
with a `` spy kids '' sequel opening next week , why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a `` snl '' has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni ? | 0 | negative |
muddled , melodramatic paranormal romance is an all-time low for kevin costner . | 0 | negative |
in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . | 1 | positive |
so original in its base concept that you can not help but get caught up . | 1 | positive |
but even then , i 'd recommend waiting for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . | 0 | negative |
this new zealand coming-of-age movie is n't really about anything . | 0 | negative |
quitting offers piercing domestic drama with spikes of sly humor . | 1 | positive |
Subsets and Splits