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deliberately and devotedly constructed , far from heaven is too picture postcard perfect , too neat and new pin-like , too obviously a recreation to resonate . | 1 | positive |
morvern rocks . | 1 | positive |
a positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the intrigue , betrayal , deceit and murder of a shakespearean tragedy or a juicy soap opera . | 1 | positive |
when ` science fiction ' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audience has n't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . | 0 | negative |
illiterate , often inert sci-fi action thriller . | 0 | negative |
as janice , eileen walsh , an engaging , wide-eyed actress whose teeth are a little too big for her mouth , infuses the movie with much of its slender , glinting charm . | 1 | positive |
a film of quiet power . | 1 | positive |
overwrought , melodramatic bodice-ripper . | 0 | negative |
zhuangzhuang creates delicate balance of style , text , and subtext that 's so simple and precise that anything discordant would topple the balance , but against all odds , nothing does . | 1 | positive |
because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we 've somehow never seen before . | 1 | positive |
it 's a very valuable film ... | 1 | positive |
bad movie . | 0 | negative |
just when you think you are making sense of it , something happens that tells you there is no sense . | 0 | negative |
the rich performances by friel -- and especially williams , an american actress who becomes fully english -- round out the square edges . | 1 | positive |
the film rehashes several old themes and is capped with pointless extremes -- it 's insanely violent and very graphic . | 0 | negative |
an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cinematic . | 0 | negative |
it 's pauly shore awful . | 0 | negative |
, `` they 're out there ! '' | 1 | positive |
a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the female set . | 0 | negative |
what could have been right at home as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh 's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination . | 0 | negative |
oh , james ! | 1 | positive |
got some good , organic character work , lots of obvious political insights and little room for engaging , imaginative filmmaking in its nearly 2 1\/2 - hour , dissipated length . | 1 | positive |
an emotionally and spiritually compelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what great cinema can really do . | 1 | positive |
an inept , tedious spoof of '70s kung fu pictures , it contains almost enough chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . | 0 | negative |
a vivid , sometimes surreal , glimpse into the mysteries of human behavior . | 1 | positive |
it 's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that returns the martial arts master to top form . | 1 | positive |
a wild comedy that could only spring from the demented mind of the writer of being john malkovich . | 1 | positive |
it 's affecting , amusing , sad and reflective . | 1 | positive |
how can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing ? | 0 | negative |
the film did n't convince me that calvin jr. 's barbershop represents some sort of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago 's south side . | 0 | negative |
exciting documentary . | 1 | positive |
at its most basic , this cartoon adventure is that wind-in-the-hair exhilarating . | 1 | positive |
a winning piece of work filled with love for the movies of the 1960s . | 1 | positive |
her film is like a beautiful food entrée that is n't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless . | 0 | negative |
the most excruciating 86 minutes one might sit through this summer that do not involve a dentist drill . | 0 | negative |
gives everyone something to shout about . | 1 | positive |
it 's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keeping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack cast . | 1 | positive |
the chateau is a risky venture that never quite goes where you expect and often surprises you with unexpected comedy . | 1 | positive |
deliciously mean-spirited and wryly observant . | 1 | positive |
as dumb and cheesy as they may be , the cartoons look almost shakespearean -- both in depth and breadth -- after watching this digital-effects-heavy , supposed family-friendly comedy . | 1 | positive |
though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted . | 0 | negative |
jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while peppering the pages with memorable zingers . | 1 | positive |
reassuring , retro uplifter . | 1 | positive |
the most brilliant work in this genre since the 1984 uncut version of sergio leone 's flawed but staggering once upon a time in america . | 1 | positive |
there are deeply religious and spiritual people in this world who would argue that entering a church , synagogue or temple does n't mean you have to check your brain at the door . | 1 | positive |
this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that 's as entertaining as it is instructive . | 1 | positive |
much credit must be given to the water-camera operating team of don king , sonny miller , and michael stewart . | 1 | positive |
a sugar-coated rocky whose valuable messages are forgotten 10 minutes after the last trombone honks . | 0 | negative |
what begins brightly gets bogged down over 140 minutes . | 0 | negative |
a painfully slow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow 's car . | 0 | negative |
the best of the pierce brosnan james bond films to date . | 1 | positive |
drumline is -- the mere suggestion , albeit a visually compelling one , of a fully realized story . | 1 | positive |
to be influenced chiefly by humanity 's greatest shame , reality shows -- reality shows for god 's sake ! | 0 | negative |
take away the controversy , and it 's not much more watchable than a mexican soap opera . | 0 | negative |
the audacity to view one of shakespeare 's better known tragedies as a dark comedy is , by itself , deserving of discussion . | 0 | negative |
the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . | 1 | positive |
too damn weird to pass up , and for the blacklight crowd , way cheaper -lrb- and better -rrb- than pink floyd tickets . | 1 | positive |
you expect more from director michael apted -lrb- enigma -rrb- and screenwriter nicholas kazan -lrb- reversal of fortune -rrb- than this cliche pileup . | 0 | negative |
director jay russell weighs down his capricious fairy-tale with heavy sentiment and lightweight meaning . | 0 | negative |
a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but never quite gets off the ground . | 0 | negative |
a moving and solidly entertaining comedy\/drama that should bolster director and co-writer juan josé campanella 's reputation in the united states . | 1 | positive |
everything is off . | 0 | negative |
working from a surprisingly sensitive script co-written by gianni romoli ... ozpetek avoids most of the pitfalls you 'd expect in such a potentially sudsy set-up . | 1 | positive |
pretend like your sat scores are below 120 and you might not notice the flaws . | 0 | negative |
mordantly funny and intimately knowing ... | 1 | positive |
i ca n't remember the last time i saw worse stunt editing or cheaper action movie production values than in extreme ops . | 0 | negative |
it 's tommy 's job to clean the peep booths surrounding her , and after viewing this one , you 'll feel like mopping up , too . | 0 | negative |
each of these stories has the potential for touched by an angel simplicity and sappiness , but thirteen conversations about one thing , for all its generosity and optimism , never resorts to easy feel-good sentiments . | 1 | positive |
there 's ... an underlying old world sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . | 0 | negative |
what a great shame that such a talented director as chen kaige has chosen to make his english-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . | 0 | negative |
i liked a lot of the smaller scenes . | 1 | positive |
some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing sidekicks add much-needed levity to the otherwise bleak tale , but overall the film never rises above mediocrity . | 0 | negative |
beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart . | 1 | positive |
nothing can detract from the affection of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . | 1 | positive |
bring tissues . | 1 | positive |
an enthralling , entertaining feature . | 1 | positive |
as a director , paxton is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . | 1 | positive |
well-made but mush-hearted . | 1 | positive |
labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhelms the other . | 1 | positive |
assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . | 1 | positive |
a damn fine and a truly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . | 1 | positive |
filmmaker stacy peralta has a flashy editing style that does n't always jell with sean penn 's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizing it . | 1 | positive |
despite its promising cast of characters , big trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that ` zany ' does n't necessarily mean ` funny . ' | 0 | negative |
a surprisingly sweet and gentle comedy . | 1 | positive |
... begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tangled plot . | 0 | negative |
although what time offers tsai 's usual style and themes , it has a more colorful , more playful tone than his other films . | 1 | positive |
a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female bonding picture . | 0 | negative |
a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sights and sounds of battle . | 1 | positive |
with an unflappable air of decadent urbanity , everett remains a perfect wildean actor , and a relaxed firth displays impeccable comic skill . | 1 | positive |
by no means a slam-dunk and sure to ultimately disappoint the action fans who will be moved to the edge of their seats by the dynamic first act , it still comes off as a touching , transcendent love story . | 0 | negative |
it has that rare quality of being able to creep the living hell out of you ... | 1 | positive |
i encourage young and old alike to go see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale 's tale -- you wo n't be sorry ! | 1 | positive |
what goes on for the 110 minutes of `` panic room '' is a battle of witlessness between a not-so-bright mother and daughter and an even less capable trio of criminals . | 0 | negative |
in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slice of lower-class london life ; despite the title ... amounts to surprisingly little . | 0 | negative |
the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few . | 0 | negative |
the master of disguise may have made a great saturday night live sketch , but a great movie it is not . | 0 | negative |
if we 're to slap protagonist genevieve leplouff because she 's french , do we have that same option to slap her creators because they 're clueless and inept ? | 0 | negative |
i 've had more interesting -- and , dare i say , thematically complex -- bowel movements than this long-on-the-shelf , point-and-shoot exercise in gimmicky crime drama . | 0 | negative |
i 've seen some bad singer-turned actors , but lil bow wow takes the cake . | 0 | negative |
`` nicholas nickleby '' is a perfect family film to take everyone to since there 's no new `` a christmas carol '' out in the theaters this year . | 1 | positive |
Subsets and Splits