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the hanukkah spirit seems fried in pork . | 0 | negative |
there are plenty of scenes in frida that do work , but rarely do they involve the title character herself . | 1 | positive |
it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . | 1 | positive |
4ever has the same sledgehammer appeal as pokemon videos , but it breathes more on the big screen and induces headaches more slowly . | 1 | positive |
a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 . | 1 | positive |
despite all the closed-door hanky-panky , the film is essentially juiceless . | 0 | negative |
it 's one long bore . | 0 | negative |
if you are curious to see the darker side of what 's going on with young tv actors -lrb- dawson leery did what ?!? -rrb- , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there 's nothing very attractive about this movie . | 0 | negative |
it has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian villain ; big fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a story just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out . | 1 | positive |
none of this is very original , and it is n't particularly funny . | 0 | negative |
ice age wo n't drop your jaw , but it will warm your heart , and i 'm giving it a strong thumbs up . | 1 | positive |
a tasty masala . | 1 | positive |
but it does have one saving grace . | 1 | positive |
one ca n't deny its seriousness and quality . | 1 | positive |
piccoli gives a superb performance full of deep feeling . | 1 | positive |
it 'll keep you wide awake and ... very tense . | 1 | positive |
an empty , purposeless exercise . | 0 | negative |
too bad . | 0 | negative |
rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen 's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt vonnegut . | 1 | positive |
can be classified as one of those ` alternate reality ' movies ... except that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . | 0 | negative |
despite some strong performances , never rises above the level of a telanovela . | 0 | negative |
painfully padded . | 0 | negative |
the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that would shake us in our boots -lrb- or cinema seats -rrb- . | 0 | negative |
a diverse and astonishingly articulate cast of palestinian and israeli children . | 1 | positive |
highly recommended viewing for its courage , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . | 1 | positive |
none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting is n't , either , and you would n't turn down a big bowl of that , would you ? | 1 | positive |
a gripping documentary that reveals how deep the antagonism lies in war-torn jerusalem . | 1 | positive |
i had a dream that a smart comedy would come along to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop , and its name was earnest . | 1 | positive |
a delightful surprise because despite all the backstage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and looks professional . | 1 | positive |
for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rare insight into the structure of relationships . | 1 | positive |
every joke is repeated at least -- annoying , is n't it ? | 0 | negative |
` anyone with a passion for cinema , and indeed sex , should see it as soon as possible . ' | 1 | positive |
a refreshing change from the usual whoopee-cushion effort aimed at the youth market . | 1 | positive |
... an interesting slice of history . | 1 | positive |
for dance completists only . | 0 | negative |
it has the air of a surprisingly juvenile lark , a pop-influenced prank whose charms are immediately apparent and wear thin with repetition . | 0 | negative |
it 's uninteresting . | 0 | negative |
bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . | 0 | negative |
a tone poem of transgression . | 1 | positive |
seemingly a vehicle to showcase the canadian 's inane ramblings , stealing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about nothing delivered by the former mr. drew barrymore . | 0 | negative |
confusion is one of my least favourite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . | 0 | negative |
road to perdition does display greatness , and it 's worth seeing . | 1 | positive |
ultimately , sarah 's dedication to finding her husband seems more psychotic than romantic , and nothing in the movie makes a convincing case that one woman 's broken heart outweighs all the loss we witness . | 0 | negative |
an intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time . | 1 | positive |
one of the worst movies of the year . | 0 | negative |
like a soft drink that 's been sitting open too long : it 's too much syrup and not enough fizz . | 0 | negative |
too bad writer-director adam rifkin situates it all in a plot as musty as one of the golden eagle 's carpets . | 0 | negative |
it has more in common with a fireworks display than a movie , which normally is expected to have characters and a storyline . | 0 | negative |
a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . | 1 | positive |
manages to delight without much of a story . | 1 | positive |
... an hour-and-a-half of inoffensive , unmemorable filler . | 0 | negative |
may take its sweet time to get wherever it 's going , but if you have the patience for it , you wo n't feel like it 's wasted yours . | 1 | positive |
ultimately , the film never recovers from the clumsy cliché of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior ms. paltrow employs to authenticate her british persona is another liability . | 0 | negative |
in the book-on-tape market , the film of `` the kid stays in the picture '' would be an abridged edition | 0 | negative |
it is bad , but certainly not without merit as entertainment . | 0 | negative |
high crimes is a cinematic misdemeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its lack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd . | 0 | negative |
the project 's filmmakers forgot to include anything even halfway scary as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting . | 0 | negative |
a high-spirited buddy movie about the reunion of berlin anarchists who face arrest 15 years after their crime . | 1 | positive |
... one of the most entertaining monster movies in ages ... | 1 | positive |
an infinitely wittier version of the home alone formula . | 1 | positive |
devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special . | 0 | negative |
succeeds where its recent predecessor miserably fails because it demands that you suffer the dreadfulness of war from both sides . | 1 | positive |
fontaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict , inextricably entwined through family history , each seeing himself in the other , neither liking what he sees . | 1 | positive |
everyone 's insecure in lovely and amazing , a poignant and wryly amusing film about mothers , daughters and their relationships . | 1 | positive |
seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product 's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life water colors . | 0 | negative |
it 's also curious to note that this film , like the similarly ill-timed antitrust , is easily as bad at a fraction the budget . | 0 | negative |
do n't let the subtitles fool you ; the movie only proves that hollywood no longer has a monopoly on mindless action . | 0 | negative |
the only type of lives this glossy comedy-drama resembles are ones in formulaic mainstream movies . | 0 | negative |
fulford-wierzbicki ... deftly captures the wise-beyond-her-years teen . | 1 | positive |
you see the movie and you think , zzzzzzzzz . | 0 | negative |
much of this slick and sprightly cgi feature is sufficiently funny to amuse even the most resolutely unreligious parents who escort their little ones to megaplex screenings . | 1 | positive |
a tightly directed , highly professional film that 's old-fashioned in all the best possible ways . | 1 | positive |
confessions is without a doubt a memorable directorial debut from king hunk . | 1 | positive |
best enjoyed as a work of fiction inspired by real-life events . | 1 | positive |
this is a heartfelt story ... it just is n't a very involving one . | 0 | negative |
schnitzler does a fine job contrasting the sleekness of the film 's present with the playful paranoia of the film 's past . ' | 1 | positive |
george clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utterly ridiculous shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energetic and original comedies to hit the screen in years . | 1 | positive |
` martin lawrence live ' is so self-pitying , i almost expected there to be a collection taken for the comedian at the end of the show . | 0 | negative |
the screenplay does too much meandering , norton has to recite bland police procedural details , fiennes wanders around in an attempt to seem weird and distanced , hopkins looks like a drag queen . | 0 | negative |
if oscar had a category called best bad film you thought was going to be really awful but was n't , guys would probably be duking it out with the queen of the damned for the honor . | 0 | negative |
anyone else who may , for whatever reason , be thinking about going to see this movie is hereby given fair warning . | 0 | negative |
i could n't help but feel the wasted potential of this slapstick comedy . | 0 | negative |
the latest vapid actor 's exercise to appropriate the structure of arthur schnitzler 's reigen . | 0 | negative |
majidi 's direction has never been smoother or more confident . | 1 | positive |
there 's only one way to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . | 0 | negative |
fear permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz ' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique . | 1 | positive |
falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie 's reality and stifling its creator 's comic voice . | 0 | negative |
bland but harmless . | 0 | negative |
like leafing through an album of photos accompanied by the sketchiest of captions . | 0 | negative |
judd 's characters ought to pick up the durable best seller smart women , foolish choices for advice . | 0 | negative |
the criticism never rises above easy , cynical potshots at morally bankrupt characters ... | 0 | negative |
adolescents will be adequately served by the movie 's sophomoric blend of shenanigans and slapstick , although the more lascivious-minded might be disappointed in the relative modesty of a movie that sports a ` topless tutorial service . ' | 1 | positive |
about the best thing you could say about narc is that it 's a rock-solid little genre picture . | 1 | positive |
an unbelievably stupid film , though occasionally fun enough to make you forget its absurdity . | 0 | negative |
star\/producer salma hayek and director julie taymor have infused frida with a visual style unique and inherent to the titular character 's paintings and in the process created a masterful work of art of their own . | 1 | positive |
what -lrb- denis -rrb- accomplishes in his chilling , unnerving film is a double portrait of two young women whose lives were as claustrophic , suffocating and chilly as the attics to which they were inevitably consigned . | 1 | positive |
to build a feel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved . | 0 | negative |
a generic bloodbath that often becomes laughably unbearable when it is n't merely offensive . | 0 | negative |
judith and zaza 's extended bedroom sequence ... is so intimate and sensual and funny and psychologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the movies look like cheap hysterics . | 1 | positive |
with an unusual protagonist -lrb- a kilt-wearing jackson -rrb- and subject matter , the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . | 1 | positive |
Subsets and Splits