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I am 30 years old & have just checked my breasts for lumps & they seem to be fine. However I have just noticed a purple coloured mole/freckle on my right breast ??? It was not there before & I am a little concerned as I have never had a purple mole before & I no I defiantly didn t have a mole of any colour there before | is best if you consult with a doctor for physical examination and clinical evaluation regarding your concern. A mole could be benign, but others have the tendency to be malignant. Physical examination and a possible biopsy, if needed, will be of great help. To rule any breast lesions for your age, a breast ultrasound is suggested. If there are lesions found, a consult with a general surgeon is best for evaluation and interpretation of results. Other diagnostics and management (medical and/or surgical) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. |
My 28 yr old son, has been diagnosed with low white blood cell count, had a bout of vomiting last night along with his nails turning blue, shaken and short of breath. I put him on my CPAP for 10 min and the pink cam back to his finger nails and his eyes were blood shot. he had diareah this morning. While at the barber shop this morning he felt nuseaded and passed out for 5 minutes. EMT cleared him, however I m still concerned. | It would be good to know if he has ONLY low White cell count or Low counts along with low hemoglobin and low platelets. In case he has Only low Leukocyte counts, then the vomiting and diarrhea could be caused by an infection in his tummy. In case of people with low white cell counts, even minor infections can rapidly spiral out of control. So he needs to be treated for diarrhea with antibiotics. Then again if he has passed out once, then you need to be sure that he does not have low hemoglobin levels because that can mean that he needs a transfusion. Once you get him stabilized out of the infection, he needs to be investigated for the cause of his low counts. Maybe, a Hematology consult will help. |
Thank youSquamous cells were recently discovered in a biobsy of my vagina. I had a complete hysterectomy in 2010 for uterine cancer followed up by radiation. My gyn oncology doctors nurse recently called and said the doctor isnt concerned and to come back for my regular 6 month checkup. Needless to say I am a little concerned. Cancer is cancer. | Hi, Thanks for writing in. You have been treated by hysterectomy and radiation for uterine cancer in 2010 and recently had a vagina biopsy done as follows up. You are concerned about the presence of squamous cells in your vagina biopsy. The vagina is lined by a layer of flat cells called squamous cells. This layer of cells is also called epithelium or epithelial lining, because it is formed by epithelial cells. Any abnormal growth and multiplication of these squamous cells is an indication for cancer. In your situation, squamous cells are seen in the vagina (which is normal) and no mention it being abnormal in morphology (appearance) or mitotic activity (multiplication) is there. Your report is normal and not a cause for concern at the moment. Hope this helps. |
Dear Sir / Mam, I am suffering from allergy cough in night only from last 2 months. and also liver pain and mild enlargement of liver from last 4 years Kindly provide manufacturer of phalatricadi kashay. LFT approx normal- SGPT-22, SGOT-27, SERUM AL. PH. - 228, SER. GLOBIN- 2.5, SER. ALBUMIN-4.1, SER. PROTIN-6.6 TLC- 4200, EOSINOPHILS - 4, MONOCYTES - , AEC - 168 PL. ADVISE | HELLO!! Go for Vasarishta 2 SF with half cup of water twice a day. Sitopaladi churn 1/2 SF with honey 3-4 times a day for liver enlargement you can take tb arogyawardhini 2tbs twice a day mild fireman with trivrutta lehyamphalatricadi Keisha - u can prepare at home with decoction of trifle choornaalso some dietary restrictions like, avoid cold- Chat Doctor. Have a good day! wish you a sound sleep! |
hello sir! my SGPT level is 102IU/L and my plasma glucose random is 121mg/ dL.... I have problem in my penis head...itching in penis head and itching in lower side in penis foreskin... there are some samall red rashes on my penis head and lower side of penis foreskin,,due to which itiching occurs on my penis head......please give any suggestion ... what i shall do to normal my SGPT level hai to away this itching | Hi, You have two different issues which have no correlation with each other. For high SGPT you need to investigate with Bag estimation, HCV estimation, USG abdomen scan for primary work up. The rash and itch in penis head, foreskin could be due to fungal balanoposthitis. For that antifungal cream can be applied over that. I suggest you consult a physician for a detailed evaluation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
more than 6 months ago i attempted to donate plasma. when the blood was being put back, i was in such pain. the lady told me some pain may occur but after screaming in pain another woman came over and took the needle out. my vein had been ruptured and all the blood had just been distributed into my arm. the blood bank told me i would be fine and to not lift anything heavy. for months my arm was every shade possible. they kept on saying it was typical and that i was fine but now im having difficulty moving my arm after a long day of movement. i dont know what to do | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Such incidents never happens in blood or plasma transfusion. It is unusual incident that has happened to you. There is no treatment available for the blood being on the hand. It will be Chat Doctor. But please do not stress the hand by weight lifting and other such condition. Please maintain good hygiene as it can prevent the infection. I will be happy to answer your further concern on |
I was putting my 1 month old baby in the baby swing last night and he rolled out of my arms and hit the floor (about 1.5 to 2 feet on the carpet). He tensed up and cried for 2 or 3 minutes and I immediatly breastfed him and he seemed fine. He slept well last night and doesn t seem to be acting out of the ordinary. Should I call his Dr. or just watch for certain signs? | Hello, I can understand your concern. As the child is not crying excessively as if in pain and is comfortable otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. Fortunately, the floor where the child fell was carpeted which cautioned the blow. However, the symptoms you should watch for are excessive crying, vomiting, appearance of swelling on head or anywhere else on body etc. If he develops any if these, a doctor should be seemed immediately. I hope this information helps. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Take care. Best, |
Hi I am 28yrs old woman and married from past 6yrsanxious to conceive so undergoing treamment and my doc adviced me to go for folicle studies and on first scan on 12th day found my follicular max size is 10.5 mm, so wanted to know how to increase my follicullar size naturally. | Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Follicle size depends on body hormones. Generally they rupture when get up to 18/19 mm size. If not developing up to that size then u have to do reports for that like ovulation study to gynecologist. There are medicines available to increase follicle size like camphene. There are no home remedies to increase size. So consult a gynecologist he/she will advise you further. Take care. |
I am 19 years old, 5ft 1, and around 7.5 stone. 2 years ago i was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia and now receive a b12 injection every 3months. However i am still extremley tired and run down. I am affraid its starting to also effect me mentally as my lack of energy and enthusiasm can often leave me feeling depressed. My doctor pescribed me with folic acid supplements, however after one pescription he then denied my next one. I am now applying for university and concerned about finance as i find it difficult to work. Do you have any suggestions to as why im still so tired and would i be egilable for Disabled student allowance? | HiT hanks for your query. Based on your query, my opinion is1. Your complaints may be genuinely related to pernicious anemia as vitamin B 12 deficiencies is known to cause neurological symptoms.2. However, if you are regular on your medications, then chances of pernicious anemia causing you problems is quite less. 3. You can get vitamin B 12 stores evaluated along with red cell folate levels. 4. You are also having some problems with your routine life and concerned about education. So depression is most probably related to these.5. I would suggest you to go for a psychiatric counselling as well as if depression is due to psychiatric causes, this might get in way of your routine lifestyle. Hope this helpsRegards |
Can I use nitrofurantoin to help treat a dental infection if that is all I have available at this time? I dont have a regular dentist and it isnt easy for me to get antibiotics. I need 2 take something now and thought this is better than nothing. PLEASE respond quickly!!! Thank You Brent Bearden 443-378-2975 YYYY@YYYY Feel free to call so I can send pic | Hello have gone through your query. Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic commonly used in urinary tract infections. Nitrofurantoin has poor tissue penetration and is not indicated to treat anything other than simple cystitis (urinary tract infections). If you really can't visit a dentist and I were your treating doctor I would advise you to take lifetime plus clavulanic acid combination if not allergic to it. For pain a painkiller can be taken. Hope this answers your query. Regards |
hello self nidhi and me 20 yr old...i have hyperpigmentation problem..i used melacare since 1 now i feel my skin has been littel thin n also be a pls tell me proper topical cream which is steroid free ?? is melaglow or glyco a proper? | Hello dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor.I have read your query and understood your concern. You have correctly observed the changes. Steroidal creams on long term usage makes the skin thin, causes acne, increased hair growth, pigmentation etc. I will advise you to stop applying and use safer creams like those containing comic acid, vitamin C, glycolic acid, albumin etc. Melaglow and glycol both are safer preparations. But before that, you need to moisturize the skin well so that it can regain its lost strength and tone. You may discuss this with your dermatologist. Stay healthy. |
As a diabetic with mildly high sugar (usually in the range of 99-105 before meals, 110 two hours after meal) I have discouvered that AFTER eating a candy bar, or some other sugar laden product like cake or pie, that my sugar lever actually goes DOWN, to around 80 - 90, and will remain so until my next meal. Why is that??? | Dear Friend, greeting s from Chat Doctor . I think it is due to excess secretion of insulin .... at a time over loading glucose is not good you are straining beta cell s for more insulin . You need to consume those foodstuff which will maintain glucose slow and in a constant rate . Like proteins and low glycemic index d foodstuff . Take more of fiber rich food like green leafy vegetables, fruits (not juices with sugar) sweets if u need to take . Those which are made up of artificial sweeteners or ask for sugar-free sweet s . Do exercise at least walk for an hour a day . Take the medications in time. All the best . And do contact for more queries . Thank s |
\"I am suffering from a psychiatric illness. Over the last 10 years, I have tried several psychiatrists (at least 8 to 10) in and around Kolkata and even Mumbai. I have been highly disappointed by all the doctors I have been to so far.They are either money-grabbing touts or just incompetent doctors who have not been able to treat me. Some of them came highly recommended. I am not happy with any of them.Please, based on nothing else but your own experiences, tell me who is the best psychiatrist to go to.I am currently settled in Kolkata, but I do not mind traveling anywhere in India for treatment.\ | Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Every doctor has a specific way of treating, and everyone is benefiting someone. There are around 3500 psychiatrists in India and It's very difficult to identify the best. In fact more than the best, it's the one who is sincere in his efforts, that will matter more. You may visit me at Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and I can assure you to be sincere in my efforts. The other option is visiting national institute of mental health and neurosciences in Bangalore. It's a government hospital, supposed to be a very good one. But be prepared to stand in the lines. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link |
I have intermittent pain on the top surface of my right big toe. It feels like a needle poking it or a bad sting. I ve read it might be an indication of gout. Is there anything I can do to immediately alleviate the pain before I can get a doctor s appointment? | Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As the pain is like needles in the great toe a thorough clinical examination is advised. These symptoms can be due to either of the factors. Increase in the uric acid levels will lead to pain and can be investigated by lab urine culture. The next is this needling sensation is more of the neuropathic sign like nerve impingement in the lower lumbar spine and such symptoms are related to nerve. After a thorough clinical examination the treatment will be initiated. For time being till you meet your physician you can apply ice for few minutes and the pain should be down. Icing is advice only if you do not have Diabetes. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor. |
What are some simple steps that a person can take to cope with a loved one who has a chronic back ailment and takes powerful medicines to cope with depression ? Also, what is high blood pressure and what impact does the combination of these ailments produce in clinical studies. She seems to have excellent medical care. She has multiple therapist for her back and pain management. In short, my worry is what are the long term affects on the off-injured partner s physical and psychological state of mind from exposure to such demonstrative suffering. | Hello, I have studied your case and reports with diligence. Osteoporosis may be associated leading to diffuse pain in back. Periodic flare up of arthritic pain can be due to seasonal changes, due to excess activity, lack of exercises, excessive travelling. Check your bone strength with DEXA SCAN and you can start medication according to level of osteoporosis, And also check your it B12 and it D3 level. You can reduce pain by doing regular exercises and medication. I will advise you to do regular physiotherapy and exercises as my patients find much relief by these therapies. You may consult physiotherapist for guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case you need to take diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Along with the pain you have depressive symptoms as well and that needs to be taken care of. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a good option. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care. |
Hi guys, Good a bit of issue, about 2 weeks ago, I noticed a pea size lump on my anus rim. Prior to that about a week before I was traveling oversea in South E. Asia and got diarrhea for about 2 days and had very red stools. I went to the clinic and they suspected food poisoning gave so medication to solidify my stool. To date, the pea sized lump is virtually gone, however I have noticed a white pimple spot near the anus. A bit worried about it, I ll definitely be seeing the doc next week when I have time off. Seeking a bit of insight to put my mind at easy. Look forward to your assistance. | Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause for pea size lump around anus-In my opinion your small perianal lump is -Sentinel pile, which would need confirmation from ER Surgeon, as it appears to be there long back, simultaneously and got detected now. This is non-malignant condition but needs treatment by an ER Surgeon.Hence, stop worrying about it, as it is not a CANCER as you fear and think, but do check it up from ER Surgeon. For Final Diagnosis and treatment needs clinical data from a Doctor. And Hence for further treatment I would advise you to Consult ER Surgeon, who would treat it accordingly. This advice is based on the facts from the history you give and needs further clinical check.Hence, I would advise you to check with ER Surgeon. So don't build up wrong concepts and create more psychic complications in you which would increase risks and costs to you. Hope this would relieve your problem. Welcome for any more query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Write good resume and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N. |
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I m 58, 5 7 about 235. Former smoker (quit in 93). This morning while seated on the phone I laughed so hard I could not breath in and I believe I passed out as my phone was on the floor and I could remember what I was doing for a few seconds. What s up with that? | Hi, There can be various reasons for this kind of fainting spells. It basically occurs when there is reduced blood flow to the brain. It can be due to heart related conditions (arrhythmia - abnormal rhythm), anemia, hypoglycemia (reduced sugar), hypotension (reduced blood pressure), brain disorders (seizures) or electrolyte imbalance (abnormal salts). However, sometimes prolonged standing, excessive heat (warm weather), increased stress or anxiety, prolonged fasting, increased alcohol intake can also cause such problems. I feel that take proper diet. Avoid the precipitating causes as discussed above. But do go for some investigations like complete blood count, electrolytes, ECG, fasting sugar and MRI brain. This will help us find the exact cause. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
I am feeling a bit shakey and have been having trouble off and on with shortness of breath since last night. Last year I was anemic and had a hemoglobin level of 5 and to have a blood transfusion. Im not sure if my levels had dropped again and shuold I seek medical attention. | Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion it must be again Chat Doctor. Hemoglobin is essential to o transport oxygen to different organs of the body. If you have anemia hemoglobin stops transferring to various organs of the body.HE in the range of five is the likely cause of such a reaction. I think you should check your hemoglobin level in the blood again. If again hemoglobin has gone down then you must require compulsory blood transfusion. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on |
Hi my son is a month and one week old and he has colic and griping pain,i started giving him infacol but it was not helping him so i changed the medicine to bonnison i give him 1 teaspoon as instructed and it helps question is how long is it safe to use it for? | Congratulations with baby. He is small, he has infantile colic. Bosnian relieves smooth muscle spasms associated with colic, protects the GI mucosa, expels gas from the GI tract and combats acute and chronic infections. Bosnian helps restore the normal physiological functions of the digestive tract which maintains overall health and well-being in infants and child Chat Doctor. It is safe, because its natural, you can give this 1 month, if it will not help you can also try colicaid-simeticon 5-10 |
I fell really bad on my upper thigh a could weeks ago and got the worst bruise i ve ever had. Now the bruise is getting better, more yellow finally, but the middle of it is hard and kind of numb. The area around it is more tender, and if i ve been sitting for a while my whole upper leg is sore as if i ve worked out. | Hello, Bruise is and external manifestation of subcutaneous injury that results in hemorrhage under the skin. Bruise will gradually clears on it own in 2-3 weeks. Pain you are having is not because of the bruise but because of the original soft tissue injury that results in bruise. All you need to do is to do some icing over the painful site and give rest to the part, if not improved in 3-5 days go for an ultrasonography. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
Recently started having increased pain in both hips . Pain is steady while resting or activity .when lying down on back pain under left rib, eventually subsided. Weakness in lifting legs and pain. After sitting from activity severe stiffness feet have stabbing pains at times can t walk when taking a step ,hips also joints lock up. Hear popping in hips. Tiredness. Have been diagnosed with joint inflammation, high blood pressure, severe depression, IBS ,diverticulitis. Have had kidney stone removable. Removal of ruptured disk L2 ,L4. | 1 weakness in lifting legs is due to disc lesions and spondylosis2 hip pain that increase while sitting and leaning forwards is osteoarthritis of both hip joins 3 pain under left rib can have many causes but I suspect colon problems from depression in general any pain after long resting position is arthritis pain I recommend x-rays to decide next treatment step the way you describe the pain suggests total hip replacement Good Luck |
I hope you can help me. Three weeks ago my 82 year old husband was a passenger in a car. The driver pointed to something and my husband quickly turned his head to his left and experienced an immediate sharp pain behind his left ear resulting in a constant headache and a feeling of numbness over the left side of his skull. Could this be a heart attack or headache whiplash? It does not seem to be improving. | Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor ! No, it's not a heart attack. It occurred due to sudden movement as there is nerve compression between the spine. Doesn't appear to be a worrisome matter. You should get X cervical spine AP/ Lat view. You need to visit physiotherapist after an X-ray. Till that time, he can have tabbed Erosion Forte once a day which is a nerve vitamin. If this is not helpful, then you need to take Tab Pregabalin 75 mg bedtime, which is a nerve stabilizer. Hope this helps you and get back to me if you have any doubts. Take care |
I just started tech school for the United States Air Force shortly after arriving here I started having back and sharp pains and my foot has this numbness or tingly feeling to it and gets worse when I walk for while... just wondering if you think I will be getting a early separation from military because of this? | Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history. As per the history it appears to me more of a nerve impingement. Undergoing a thorough clinical examination and an MRI of lumbar spine to the extent of the nerve impingement. Also, your symptoms are less and not must serious kind one. With physical therapy and proper stabilization of the spine you can regain the strength in the muscles of the Spine. All the best for your career. You won't have early separation. You have a long regards Jay In Chat Doctor. |
my 16 yr old son has had add since he was very young , I had been also told he may have ODD but I just put it down to being a strong willed person. Over the past year he has refused to take medication which he said didnt help him .At around the same time he started to develop what I now see as CD Combat Disorder . I find that I cant get him to co operate but he says he will promise to do things that he is supposed to like go to school co-op or homework. then he refuses constantly much to his detriment . is there any medicatin for this that can help . he will not go to therapy. He knows how to play people getting what he wants | Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. He seems to be having oppositional defiant disorder and not the CD (conduct disorder) yet. Therapies are the best option but if he cannot go for the therapies then the other option is taking low dose risperidone. This will reduce the irritability and aggression. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link |
I have been suffering from PCOD since last couple of years. I am 30 yrs old and married since last 3 yrs. I am looking at getting pregnant for which i am taking folwise (one at night) and glycomet 1gm ( 1gm mrng and 1gm evening)on a daily basis. However its only when i am on medication do i get my periods. the month i do not take medicines i do not get my periods. Can u please adivise me on what else can i do to conceive. I am also overweight but hav been trying hard to loose weight but unsucessful. also i have no thyroid . | Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Patients suffering with Poly cystic ovarian disease have multiple small cysts in their ovaries. Thus, ovaries become enlarged and produce excessive amount of estrogen and an Chat Doctor. This prevents ovulation and absence of ovulation causes infertility. Many patients with POD also have insulin resistance and have raised level of insulin. These patients may not respond to clomped, thus treated with anti-diabetic |
I inject myself with 17.5 mg of methotrexate once a week for psoriatic arthritis. My doctor x-rayed and diagnosed me with pneumonia. He prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanic acid oral to start tomorrow. The drugstore information flyer says a bad interaction can occur with these two drugs. My doctor may have forgotten my rheumatologist has me on methotrexate. What should I do? | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Amoxicillin plain can interact with methotrexate and so antibiotic effect is reduced. But when amoxicillin is given in combination with clavulinic acid, it is not interacting with methotrexate and hence antibacterial effect don't hamper. So you should continue amoxicillin plus clavulinic acid for pneumonia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
my kid is 4.5 yrs old and having fever for past 2 to 3 weeks but not continuously in between 1 week he was fine and now he got cold and fever temperature s 99.8 and i took typhoid test malaria test and urine culture and everything s normal and my son is active and he is very under weight 13 kg. | Hi... Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15\u00a0mg/kg/dose every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Regards - |
I have been having some type of pain in the lower back region while lowering, lifting objects and even while sleeping. The pain is not too much but creates difficulty.So, as consulted from an M.D, I got an X-RAY done. The report says LOSS OF LORDOSIS. What exercises or consultations should I take.....? | Hi, The X-ray report states that there is a LOSS of NORMAL curvature of the spine. Typically, there are 4 curves to the spinal column in the human being. When a lordosis curve (or lordosis) is altered or \"lost\" in a person it is usually taken to mean that there is some kind of muscle spasms present in that region which is causing a STRAIGHTENING of the spinal column thus resulting in a LOSS of its curvature. Things to do would be to get an EVALUATION by a PHYSICAL REHABILITATION SPECIALIST OR EVEN a PHYSICAL THERAPIST. Either one of those specialists should be able to come up with a series of stretches and exercises to help muscles to relax in the column and thereby release the pressure on the low back. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
hi my name is nancy i have a daughter who has high blood pressure and problems with her thyroid she is only 21 and has had these symtoms for about 2and a half years no one can give use any answers to why this is happening i hope hope you can help no one else has been able to help her cardiologist has run every test every blood work there is and no answers please help my daughter thank you nancy sheridan | Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. No doubt hypertension is there, but it is not necessary that, hypertension is due to heart problems, so, how a cardiologist will diagnose the disease. As you mentioned in query that there is problem with thyroid, but what type of problem, mention it? Please upload the value of T S H, T3, T 4. Certain thyroid diseases develops very high blood pressure, so report is very important. Hope I have answered your question. If further any question I will help. Good luck. |
hi,im 23yrs old nw and i am suffering frm deep pain in my butt jst below the backbone. 2 yrs back i consult with a doctor n he told me its a sinus. I d gone through surgery n its infected due 2 ingrowth hair. Bt 2day im feelng d same pain. The skin got inflated as if the whole tract is swollen. Plz advice | Hello, If there is pain with skin changes or swelling of skin at your previous operated site then there can be re-appearance of sinus at your buttock. I shall advise you following |
Been going to the VA to have my heart checked out. Wore the harness, echo cardiogram etc. I guess those turned out ok. It has been 3 or 4 weeks. Scheduled for a lung test this month. I get extremely short of breath when I do anything. Can get deep breaths in but, when I exhale it is difficult. | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Heart and lung diseases are common causes for breathing difficulty. Since your heart related reports are normal, no need to worry about heart diseases as a cause for your breathlessness. You are having more difficulty in exhalation. This is commonly seen with bronchitis. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Quit smoking as soon as possible if you are smoker. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
I am 40 year old male 96 kg, 184cm tall. R And of average fitness . I have a history of asthma which I take a prevention for and I have haemochromatosis. I normally have. Blood taken 4 times a. Year but have not had any taken for 1. Year. 4 weeks ago I started to developed really. Bad. Achne on my back. 4 pimples and lots white craps. I squeeze. Them and they go away but more will. Appear in different spots. Why would I suddenly get them. ? Thanks YYYY@YYYY | Your body immunity decreases as the age increases. As age increases the immune system goes down eventually even if you are on medicines your initial allergies will be rising or the other systems are involved like skin, stomach or bones acne is also turnout of allergieDont use greedy and oily footstep using all routine oils almonds coconut walnut groundnut soyaApply olive and use love for cooking Take DOI 100 MGM BD or 2 week apply clindamycin gel twice a day on affected part scan also apply histocalamine once a dado for long time along WTH other medicines you are taking for asthma |
i have a sharp stabbing pain in my back upper right arm. Certain movements make it occur. Like wiping my butt! or picking up something. No pain in lower part of arm or front. At first my skin was hurting all the time to touch. Thats how it started | Hello, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I think you are having muscle generalized pain in upper right back. In my opinion these pains are likely to be due to vitamins and trace element deficiency specially that of vitamin D. Second important cause of this can be hypothyroidism. I will suggest you to got following test to see cause (if these are not done earlier).1. Serum vitamin D. Serum Vitamin B12 3. T3,T4,TSH(Thyroid profile) Furthermore Empirically treat my such patients by |
I am a 49 year old woman. I was under alot I stress about 2 - 3 months ago and during that time I started my period. During that cycle it was a very very heavy flow. There was no discomfort, no different than any other period. But the period didnt completely stop. When the stress eased up so did the amount of flow. Now it may be just a couple minutes a day. When I m home and relaxing there is no flow 95% of the time. When I get a little stressed I bleed again not heavy but enough to have to wear a pad and unfortunately I have to wear one 24/7 because I don t know when it s going to happen. What can this be? | Hello, You have depressive symptoms along with most probably thyroid problem (as it is commonly linked with both depression and periods). Chat Doctor. Apart from the meds-get your blood tests for |
I had a mri done at the facility where I worked. I fear that the disc may be tampered with. My employer has called my pcp in an attempt to influence him with my healthcare. I am taking the disc to a specialist not at this facility. The radiologist said a had a small bulging disc, But last year the same radiologist read mri done then and reported moderate size herniated disc at L 5. So I have anxiety that the disc maybe altered. Would that be possible? | I went through your explanation and realize you have got disc bulge as per the MRI report. Now here one thing you need to understand disc bulge or herniation can not go back in its normal position on its own. There is a only way to set it back is by surgery. But even after surgery the chances of recurrence are high and patient are supposed to follow all spinal exercise with precautionary care like posture and do and don't. As well before surgery also if you do the same and take physical therapy for few days it will be fine. Now disc bulge means its in starting stage and disc herniation can also be called same. Many of time the advance stage like disc protection or slip disc are also called as disc herniation so it's a common word which can be use for all disc related condition if its coming out from its normal position. You can get confirmation by looking in your MRI. By comparing the previous one and recent one with the help of your radiologist. Hope this was useful for you. Take care |
I have severe chronic fatigue and recently developed a bad severe sore throat . I know this is a symptom of cfs . What can i do for it besides drinking salt water and taking motrin. i am 34 female. i also have hot flashes and then get cold. What can i do about the soar throat it feels like im swallowing glass and is very swollen. i also have post nasal drip. | Hi, Virus infections, bacterial infections, irritants and injuries can cause a sore throat. Sore throat symptoms may be accompanied. By coughing, sneezing, fever, tonsils, chronic sinusitis, step throat and allergies. Try to rest your voice for the day. Avoid straining your throat by talking too much, especially talking loudly. Avoid fried or cold foods, which can aggravate a sore throat. Sufficient intake of water helps in washing away infections quickly from your system. My advice is; Gargle with infusion made from HENNA LEAVES heals sore throat as it has antibacterial Gargle with 2 tablespoons of SESAME OIL three times a day. Apply paint in the throat with GARLIC JUICE + HONEY mix Chew THALISHADI JATAKA as lozenges. Take REPTILIAN tablet twice daily. |
Yeah im 17 and i have been suffering with hypochondriam for about 2 years. i had stopped for a few months but has struck me again since i now think i have cancer due to these symptoms Dizzines, Chest pains, Shortness of breath and i have a lump in my mouth that has been there for a few weeks now. i am eating fine but could these be early symptoms? i am a smoker | Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your symptoms are not due to cancer. You may have some infection in lung or pleura. You should go for chest x-ray and complete blood count. Then you should take treatment accordingly. In teenagers cancer of lung is very unlikely. So don't worry about that. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
A friend of mine suffers from reoccurring kidney stones. He has had a jj sent set from the kidney to his urinary tract. This was done in July 2014. He should have had it removed least by Nov 2014. He has no muscle control when he needs to urinate. Having to get to a toilet almost immediately. Can the sent be causing any damage? Furthermore, a stone has lodged itself now near tip of his penis; causing immense pain. Can the stone also cause him any damage? He has also had shock wave treatment to break the stones down; but it would seem to no effect. He has been advised to drink plenty of water; and he is currently taking a Internet herbal tablet named Renivive or Cystone to help disorders the stones..but does not seem to be working? He has been taking tramodol to help eliviate the constant pain and a dirretic fusiomide How better to treat he? Please advise? Thank you. | Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your anxiety. The stone at the tip of the penis must be removed urgently. He should take Magnesium Ammonium Citrate tablets with vitamin B6. This helps in dissolution of the stones in the kidney. Continue Chat Doctor. After removal of the stent, he should repeat the ultrasound-KUB. His stone metabolic work-up must be done, of blood and urine. If you've any other doubts, send a direct question in my name. |
I am a 57 yr old Asian male who recently lost 20 lbs over 2 months thru reduced carbs, increased exercise (moderate) and increased intake of fruits and vegetables (no fad diet.) I feel great and shed excess weight (10 more to go to reach healthy weight (145) as I am 5 5 . My recent blood panel showed elevated SGOT of 50 and my MD advised me to stop losing wt. this seems illogical and I would like to continue to keep this healthy behavior regimen. Your opinion? | Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. I cannot find a reason for you not losing weight. Do not worry.GOT value of 50 is not a thing to worry. I would suggest you to - Avoid oily, spicy food-Avoid alcohol, smoking-Continue physical exercise-Have a diet with loads of vegetables and fruits. Do not worry. If you develop pain abdomen or yellowish discoloration of urine and eyes, get an abdominal ultrasound done. For the time being, nothing to worry. Have a nice day. Wishing you good health. |
I had taken Fruta Planta for 2 months. Lost 20 lbs. I stopped taking it for 2 weeks and going to gym regularly. I am eating fruits and vegetable and staying away from fried foods and fast food. Though my blood pressure is still high. What can I do to lower my blood pressure besides garlic pills, exercise, eating right. Dont want no medication. | Hello, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. High BP is major risk factor for multiple major disease like HD, stroke etc.most of the time cause is not known called essential hypertension n for 5-10 percent pt having underlying kidney disease, endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders. If patient have some other symptoms that suggestive of underlying disease the workup is ended to and that cause n TX that will normalize BP but if no came is found than according to BP control protocols pt is put first life style modification to DEC BP in HIC he/she is advised to DEC fatty food take fruits, de salt intake n do exercise for a period of 6 months n still having high BP then pt is put on medication to DEC BP n then as to monitor BP charting so that dose can be adjusted accordingly... I hope this answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask. Regards. |
I have a molar tooth that will need to be extracted. It has decayed to where half the tooth is damaged/chipped. My question is I have gained a lot of weight even though I work out and track calories and have had lots of light headedness. Could these symptoms be connected with the tooth? | Hello, I can understand your concern. Tooth decay is never associated with weight changes and lightheadedness. Tooth decay can be associated with food impaction in the tooth, sensitivity to hot and cold food, pain during chewing, at night or all the time and referred pain can be felt in ear or temple. Other than these, other symptoms are not associated with the decayed tooth and should be checked by a physician for other diagnosis related to hormonal system and blood pressure. I would recommend consulting a physician before tooth extraction as lightheadedness due to blood pressure changes can cause complications during extraction and hormonal issues such as thyroid and diabetes should also be cleared or kept under control with medications, if present, before extraction. If the tooth causes pain by the time other issues are solved, you can take Ibuprofen 400 mg or Motorola 10 mg up to thrice a day for pain relief. Do not do heat compressions or hot/warm water gargles. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. I wish you feel better soon. Best, |
Hi my boyfriend has had two piles appear in his back passage but all of a sudden a swollen red raised circle of skin has appeared on one side of his bum he is concerned it could be a clott he is in a lot of pain and finds it hard to get around currently thanks in advance sam | Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor. Do your boyfriends bronchoscopic examination. Mostly it is because of piles. If any inflammation or growth present then it will be detected by photocopy examination.Meanwhile, avoid excess spicy food. Friction to the anal area avoided. So stool softener taken... Anal area warm water site bath can be taken. Avoid stool straining. Chat Doctor. . Smoking avoided. Ibuprofen can be taken... Take care... |
Hi Dr. for the past three months I have been passing very yellowish urine. During this period I feel feverish and fatigue. I am 28 year old young man; height-5.4ft;weight 60kg. I also experience scrotum pains. I suspect I have an infection from my girlfriend. Please advise me. | Hi, Thanks for writing in. Fever, yellow urine and fatigue for 3 months requires detailed investigation. It is important to do a complete blood count and basic tests to know if you are having any chronic infection. You might have to do liver function test and get ultrasound scan abdomen done to know if there is any infection in the liver which is causing yellow urine. There are many conditions which can cause such symptoms and if there is persistent fever and burning urination then a blood culture and urine culture is suggested. Scrotum pain requires clinical examination and ultrasound scan to know any problem in testis. If the scrotum pain is relieved by lying down then it is an infection. It is important to know if the scrotum pain is from an infection or any other reason. If required then it is better for your partner to get tested for any infection that has been found in you and use condoms during sex. Please do not worry. |
Hi.. My whole body complexion is becoming darker. Parts of my body not exposed to sun were very fair before. But now my whole body has turned darker and is becoming darker day by day. I would like to know what might went wrong and how to get back my previous skin tone | Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. Generally, in my patients of sun tanning I would advise then to get series of microdermabrasion followed by chemical peeling. Microdermabrasion is a procedure that removes the superficial deal layers of skin, and it is done with a help of machine. Then after a week or same day itself I would carry out another procedure called chemical peeling. Chemical peeling is again a similar procedure where superficial layers of skin is removed but here the effect is more profound, and it stimulates new skin generation in much better way thus giving you more youthful and radiant skin. Several options are available in chemical peels like glycolic acid, alicyclic acid, TCA but my personal favorite is retinol peel or also known as Yellow peel. The rationale of combining this procedure is to get better and long-lasting effects. I am sure 6-8 sessions will bring out a pretty gratifying results. At home the results can be maintained with antioxidant tablets like Antonio HC once daily in morning(It can be safely taken for months together) and night application of cream containing mixture of glycolic acid, albumin and Comic acid. In morning, you can apply a good quality sunscreen with additional skin lightening ingredients (NIL TAN SPF). Use a good quality face wash like Fast face wash gel. Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and indulge into regular exercise for healthy skin and body. Hope this was useful. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Thank you and take care, Chat Doctor. D Dermatology |
my sonogram report saysRight kidney measure 7.2 *3.6cms and left kidney measures *.#*3.7 cms.Both kidneys are contracted.showed increased cortical echoes with poorly maintained cortico medullary echo differentiation.My age is 27 years and i had an operation for vesico ureteral reflux when i was young.My BUN is 22 and creatinine is 2.7.Need advise for further treatment | HelloUltrasound findings suggests chronic renal disease. It is evident by small size kidneys, poor cortico-medullary differentiation. You need clinical correlation and further investigation. Investigations include routine hologram, complete renal function test(serum urea, creatinine,creatinine clearance, GFR,serum sodium, potassium,calcium, chloride,bicarbonate, phosphate,24 hour protein excretion), urine RE/ME. You may need diet restrictions and medicines after full investigations. Vesico-ueretreic reflux should also be tried to correct as it is underlying cause. You should consult urologist. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. |
hi, i am a 19 year oldi hav had symptoms of pcos..wen i did the tests only the testosterone level was high in my blood where as the other hormones were within the normal range and there were no cysts found in my my doctor prescribed me Diane 35 which i was having for one my doctor has asked me to discontinue it so its been over 4-5 months i am not having i had an i pill. will it be effective? will it work? i did not hav unproctected intercourse but i felt my partners semen fell near my to be on the safer side i took an i pill in a few hours. will it work? | Hi, Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. As you took I pill within few hours, it is very effective in preventing the pregnancy. But, watch out if you miss your periods. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups. If you like my answers kindly rate it, and write a review as well. Please do not forget to accept it. Thank you, Wish you good health. Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor .com/doctors/ |
Hai i m 32 yrs old married women n get married 3 yrs back.i dont concive till now. i done my foliculler study 3 times my endo is 12mm .naturaly my eggs are release and its rupture also .my husband done his semen test .his count is 35million.doc say everything is ok but not get result.plaese suggest | Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Your follicles are rupture on time that's good. But if you didn't get histosalpingography. HSG then do it to rule out tubal blockage. Theni would advise trying with natural method (fertile period) on alternate days. If not getting success then go to gynecologist for further management plan like GUI intrauterine insemination IVF invited fertilization. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care. |
last night a stray dog nail is scratched on my legs but my skin is not broken no blood come out a little mark with red line established on my leg immediately i took a tetanus injection i am afraid of Rabie disease should i take vaccination for rabies ? | Hi, I understand your concern. Scratch can cause transmission of the rabies virus. Rabies is very fatal disease. If the dog did not appear ill during the 10 days of observation or after, then the dog is healthy and without rabies. The person who was bitten does not need any rabies vaccination. But it is very difficult to trash stay dog. I would suggest following appropriate anti rabies vaccination schedule according to your doctor advise. Make sure that there is no infection and pus formation at bite site. If infection occur topical antibiotic will help. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards, |
My nephew who is 9 years old having some skin related problems. When consulted a doctor they diagnoised with some tests and then told that he is sufferring from Psoriasis. Some suggest we can have a micorbiological gene test. 1. What are all tests are suggested for psoriasis to find out whether it is hereditary or not. 2. How best can this be approached for treatment. | Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of Psoriasis, I would come up with three possibilities, these include |
I have a lot of mid abdominal pain whenever I eat any thing solid . It is relieved by taking increasingly larger amounts of Pepto Bismal and Zantac > with these I am good for a while as long i i dont eat any thing, this has been coming on gradually for several months but was only occasional or with certain foods untill 2 days ago | Hello! Thank you for the query. If your pain is located in the upper middle abdomen, your symptoms may be caused by acid reflux disease, peptic ulcer, stomach inflammation. Nausea and chest burning can be also present. If your pain is more in the right upper abdomen and occasionally radiates to the back, gallstones can be the reason. Pancreas inflammation is also possible. I suggest you to visit your doctor, have blood work, liver tests, urinalysis, abdominal ultrasound and gastrostomy. In a meanwhile please avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, fried foods, alcohol and coffee. Hope this will help. Regards. |
HelloMy problem started two weeks ago when I got a bump at the end of my spine which almost interfered with my walking since 3 days ago. However since 2 days ago, the pain has shifted to the back of my right butt cheek, and it kind of hurts inside and I barely cant walk. I went to the doctor and they said its not a problem just take some pain killers, however Ive been getting worse and worse. Plz help. Thank you very much.Robert. | Hi, based on your symptoms you have pain and swelling at tailbone. Pilonidal sinus is present at that region which can get infected and produce similar complaints. You need to consult neurologist/neurosurgeon for same and confirm the diagnosis. You may require MRI spine showing sacrococcygeal region and fistullography if it is colonial sinus infection. Meantime take rest, have neuralgic Chat Doctor. |
I have experienced DAILY pain, throbbing, and spasms in both my lower lumbar area as well as the thoracic upper back pain. This all started 33 years ago after the long labor of my first child, my son. Just before I was able to conceive, I was told that I had endometreosis. I took male hormone pills for nine months, and upon stopping this treatment, I became pregnant. I ve had seven laporoscopies performed during a 20 year period of time, and each time, the growtChatDoctore back. I was able to conceive a 2nd child seven years in between all of the above. I also suffer from bowel spasms and have for years. Finally. my insurance has approved for an MRI for both my thoracic and lumbar area of back. My immediate issue is the fact that I have been on narcotics for most of these years, and they have essentially taken my short and some long term memories away. I am in a serious situation here. I have tried alternative methods such as acupunture, Chiropractor , deep muscle massage, injections, I have found that the muscles massages can and will bring some relief for a short period of time. I having ALWAYS said that I would never have back surgery - however, I want OFF of these narcotics for the pain issues...I believe that I can do this. Please advise! | Dear Madam,first thank you for your consultation. I have read your problems seems that you have this chronic pain for a long time. It is good to know that you don't want to take narcotics anymore. For endometriosis which often causes back pain there are some classical Chat Doctor. Apart from that you should do some exercise in the back region like back muscle strengthening exercise in home on regular basis. I sincerely believe it will help you to feel less pain and decrease the need for taking narcotics. I hope your health will improve a lot in near future. Thank you. |
My 74 yr old husband had mitral valve surgery in Feb of this yr. the Dr did not fix the triscupid valve which is a 3+ out of 4 . He has swollen ankles and wears the pressure sox, but now is having dizziness is that from the triscupid not functioning properly? | Hello, whether to fix the tricuspid valve during surgery depends on a number of aspects which your doctor must have considered before planning the surgery. However, the swelling in the ankles and even the dizziness can be explained because of the tricuspid leak. Do visit your doctor so that he can titrate your husbands' medication to help him relieve the symptoms. Diuretic may help in this case > Regards |
For the past few months I have been having an extreme toothache , I haven t slept in 30 hours because it s just that bad. I also have a headache that I think is related to it because all of the pain is on the left side of my face. It hurts for me to open my eyes wide and I was wondering if it is neurological or do I just need to go to the dentist? | Hi and welcome, toothache arises from inflammation of the tooth nerve tissue by bacterial carious process or some kind of periodontal infection. Dental pain has radiating nature, and it does radio to the surrounding structures like head, neck, and ear region. I would suggest you to visit a dentist and get an OPG radiograph done which will show the infection areas and the vital structures involved. Accordingly treatment can be planned, infection in the tooth is treated by root canal procedure followed by a course of antibiotics and analgesics will subside the symptoms. Meantime you can use analgesics like diclofenac with serrtiopeptidase which helps in relieving excruciating dental pain. I hope this helps, take care. |
Hey my name is London. I left work on Friday with a fever and I believe I have the flu. Through out this weekend, my temperature ranged from 100 to 103 and its Sunday now and I just checked my temperature is 104.3. Is it okay to wait for my appointment in the morning or should I go to the emergency room | Hi, Thanks for your question on ChatDoctorI do understand your pain and discomforts As per your history is concerned you have fever so meet a doctor today for a clinical examination. Do a CBC with differential if possible also check for malaria because fever can be due to virus, bacteria and parasitic origin. Take plenty of water. Take paracetamol for fever and pain. Specific treatment will be given by your doctor after investigation reports, you can do few things at home to reduce body temperatures -1)Soak a wash cloth in cool tap water, wring out the excess water and then sponge areas like your armpits, feet, hands and groin to reduce the temperature. Also, you can place cold, damp washcloths on your forehead and the back of your neck. The cloth pieces should be changed regularly after a few minutes. This remedy is beneficial when dealing with a high fever as it helps keep temperature under control.2)Make a tea by mixing one teaspoon of basil with one-fourth teaspoon of pepper in one cup of boiling water. Steep for five minutes, and then strain and Chat Doctor. |
I have had pain in my lower back just above my butt area. When I walk and try to reach for something a certain way, a quick pain will shoot through the area causing me to freeze up in pain for a second before it quickly vanishes. If I crouch or sit, there is no pain. I am female and 18 years old. | HiT hank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Your problem can be due to sacroiliac joint arthritis or due to muscle strain. An examination with orthopedic will give clue for that. Sacroiliac joint arthritis will get relief by locally injecting corticosteroids. For muscle strain I treat my patients with NSAIDs like diclofenac and muscle relaxants like thiocolchicoside. If it is present for long term then physiotherapy also should be done to get relief. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further queries. |
Home remedies for Apsys? Hello Doctor, I m 25yrs old female,My height is 5.7 and my weight is 53Kgs.From past 4 months i m getting apsys in my leg,hand and face.I had worms tablet,but still it has not stop.I had consulted a doctor,they gave me Bevon Capsules tablet for 1 month n Mupirocin Ointment | Hello, Getting apses at multiple site is an indicator of poor personal hygiene. Most of the apses are caused by bacteria residing over the skin surfaces when they got a chance to insinuate into deeper tissue layers as a result of breach in skin continuity, which may occur as a result of scratching or like. As far as treatment is considered you need to get the apses Chat Doctor. For prevention, you need to maintain a good personal hygiene. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
Hi.. I woke up with an extreme shortness of breath and a very high fever. My eyes feel hot when I close them and I am constantly getting chills. I am always cold even when in multiple blankets. I have asthma and I think it made it worse. My throat I very swollen and its hard to swallow . In having chest pains as well.. What could be wrong? | Hello, Welcome and thank you for posting in Chat Doctor Per your description you are suffering from a respiratory tract infection and an associated pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx). These affections are typically caused by viruses (but with very moderate fever 37.5-38.5 degree Celsius) but when fever is very high with swollen throat (tonsils, uvula and pharynx) it is generally bacterial infection (strep). Having respiratory signs like shortness of breath, chest pains etc. typically indicate a respiratory affection which could be an extension of the germs in the pharynx. For diagnosis, a rapid streptococcal test or a throat swap + culture have to be done to rule out possible bacterial infection. Chest x-ray is also important to rule out pneumonia. Your asthma symptoms are present as a result of the affection which has provoked the crisis since you are a known asthmatic and microbes affecting your respiratory tract might induce asthma symptoms and even exacerbate them. You will need to see your doctor soonest for prompt management before it gets any worst. Steroidal/non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibiotics would have to be administered either orally or intravenously depending on the severity of your condition. Bronchodilators would also need to be administered. I believe you will require emergency medical attention. Hope this helps |
Hi I have a very itchy right hand side of my tongue and my right inside of my ear is sometimes itchy. I had this last year for at least 6 months but it went away before I went to see someone about it. It came back about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I m 29 and don t have any known allergies and don t suffer from hayfever. Any ideas? | Hello, I can understand your concern. The most common cause of itchy tongue and ears is allergic reaction. You might not be aware of it and usually one exposure to allergen cannot give allergic symptoms for 6 months. In this situation we can assume that probably you are having allergy to food item that you regularly consume. I would advise you to start antihistamines like Levocetrizine 5 mg (Exocet) once a day for 5 days. If you find relief, then it is allergic reaction only. In addition, go for a blood allergy test that will give idea regarding what food substances you are allergic to and will help you to avoid them. Also go for Complete blood count so that we can rule out infection as a cause. After the results, you can reach me back or see a dentist for further advise and treatment. I hope this answer helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Best, |
I had Inguinal Hernia surgery 30 days ago and last night ate lobster, felt an itch on the left side of scrotum, had some oozing and redness. The itch has stopped however the redness remains, there is no pain, nor itch or discomfort. PS | Hi, It may be contact allergic dermatitis on the left side of scrotum. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. Take antihistamines like Cetirizine daily and apply combined cream of steroid and antibiotic. If you needed, take oral steroid in tapering dose. Avoid contact with suspected allergens. Avoid soap bath. Take Site bath in Detail mixed water. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
Recently I had my blood drawn and saw my doctor for the results. There were two of the tests that I am not sure I understood her correctly as to the cause. My platelet count was 186 and she said this was abnormal. The other was my potassium count was 5.9 which she said was high. I was wondering what could cause these two tests to be abnormal and what I can do about them? Thank you. | Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. First of all your platelets count is absolutely normal. It's not decreased at all. So don't worry about that. Other is your potassium level which is slightly high. You should take treatment for that because its level is very sensitive and need to be corrected as soon as possible. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then you can ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
I have a very achy neck; i have been to chiropractor and physical therapist, I am stretching exercising, I eat very well and keep my self in shape, exercise, pilates and lift weights, had x-rays, neck is fine. I am 49 and experiencing many perimenopausal symptoms, could this achy neck be related to menopause, I am not achy anywhere else | Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to a muscular pain. I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also recommend using magnesium for muscle relaxation. Furthermore, I recommend to use warm compresses. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. |
I am on Torpol for blood pressure. It is usually in the 130/86 range even on the medicine. In the last six months I have lost about 30 lbs ... From 315 down to 285. My blood pressure has been dipping into the 111/62 range at times. Is that Ok? I feel a slight light headedness but nothing besides that. Is it too low? I am 34 yrs old... 66 Been on different blood pressure meds since 2003. | Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that these blood pressure values are not too low, but as you are experiencing lightheadedness, it means that it is low for your body (as you are not accustomed to such blood pressure values). As you have lost some pounds, it has lead to a Chat Doctor. Coming to this point, it is necessary reducing Tool dose (take half of the dose) as you have a lower weight now and do not need such dose for the control of your blood pressure. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful! Greetings! |
helloduring the past three weeks i have been waking up with qiuet a large amount of blood in my mouth i was treated a week ago by my dentist who said i had gum disease i have been flossing cleaning as told but it still is happening iim wondeing if this could be anything else as it only happens when i wake up ,i get a little blood when i floss but nothing like in the morning thanks steven | Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. The bleeding in the gums suggest that you have gingivitis and periodontal inflammation which is usually the cause for bleeding in the mouth. In your query, you have not mentioned whether you have got your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist, if not please get it done and then follow the correct method of brushing and flossing. Use chlorhexidine mouth wash for a while. If you have got your teeth cleaned by your dentist and still it bleeds more, I would advise you to consult your GP doctor to rule any systemic conditions which may be the cause. Hope this was helpful. Thanks and regards. |
Hello there, I have just returned from a scuba diving holiday to Puerto Galera, Philippines with a diving group and whilst there I noticed a lump under my armpit and now there is a couple of them. The food was terrible and a couple of our friends got food poisoning, whilst diving I didn t exceed my no decompression times on any dive and always completed a 5min 5m safety stop after every dive. I am wondering if it s an infection rather than a symptom of a DCI? | HI, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Treatment for bump under armpit-after scuba diving -is due to the armpit boil/ fur uncle with spread to nearby hair follicles / by allergy / or by skin spread of infection. Treatment -would be Antibiotics / Anti-inflammatory from ER doctor. If not referral to Dermatologist would resolve the issue. Hope this would help you to plan treatment with ER doctor. Welcome for any further query to Chat Doctor. Hit thanks and write good review if this reply helps your health concerns, for the benefit of new and old patients at my virtual clinic at Chat Doctor. Good Day. Chat Doctor. N. |
Hi, since 8yrs we are trying to get pregnant but no luck. We tried thrice IUI and IVF but failed. Now from last one year we are on ayurvedic medicine. This month doctor gave us Hucug injection which he told to take on 16th day of my period and have sex the same day and next following day also. Is this right procedure? Earlier 5 months back I was having 25 days cycle but now it has change to 27 days cycle. Pls ansqet my query. Thank you in advance | Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Let me explain that your treatment in my opinion is not in right direction. As you stated that you are taking AYURVEDIC treatment for conception, but injection is human chorionic gonadotrophin (allopathic Chat Doctor. As I VF & I U I failed so what is the reason behind failure. If any disease please mention? Why ovulation not occurring ? What is the level of FSH/L H ratio? Condition of ovarian stoma & follicles ? Upload all reports and thereafter evaluation. Good luck. |
Why do My gums on the right side hurt (throb) starting about 30 minutes after I eat. They dont hurt to the touch or any other time. I brush regularly and floss quite often daily. I also brush with pronamel. Most of my teeth are capped. Do I have periodontal disease? Or do i have cancer? I also have started to notice the throbbing getting farther towards the front. So the area of pain is increasing. Thanks for any recommendations you can offer. | Hello there, Thanks for writing your query, your clinical history suggests you are suffering from periodontal infection that involves gums and the attachment procedure of the teeth. As most of your teeth are capped you may have compromised gum health leading to periodontal infection. It is caused due to accumulation of bacterial plaque and calculus deep in the gum pockets and root surfaces of the teeth. You may need to be treated by thorough professional deep scaling of gums and root planing of the teeth to remove all the irritants, this will help in resolving the symptoms. Followed by a course of antibiotic and analgesics. Meantime, I would suggest you to go for symptomatic treatment at home like gargling with lukewarm saline water or antiseptic mouthwash like chlorhexidine or Betadine. Approach a dentist for treatment.I hope this helps, take car |
please i dont know why my wife can not get pregnant, after the doctors said my semen have low count i can not pregnant my wife, but for now i have taken a lot of medical treatments and my semen count now is okay but yet my wife can not get pregnant why? | Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. As you said that your semen analysis is normal now. But to conceive both reports should be normal. If you have not done your wives report then do ovulation profile, thyroid profile, histosalpingography HSG. These reports help to find any pathology if its there and then consult a gynecologist for her. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care. |
I jumped/fell off a 6ft fence into conrete. I landed mody on my right heal and it s aching and throbbing and is quite painful. I cant stand on it at all and it s sore to move... The pain ranged from the ball of my foot, mostly in my ankle and even half way up my leg.... Thoughts & thank | Here your pain and soreness at foot and ankle level is started after having fall on your feet with jump from 6 feet height as per explanation. Here I suggest you to visit orthopedic doctor and do an x-ray of affected feet and ankle and then if there is fracture then doctor will do what is necessary that is either surgery for major fracture or applying plaster for mild to moderate issue. Now if there is no fracture then doctor will give some medication for pain relief as well to reduce inflammation. Along with this I also suggest taking physiotherapy treatment and use crew bandage for stabilization of feet and ankle. You can also take rest for pain and use cold pack at ankle and foot painful area for relief in pain as well to reduce inflammation. Apart from this for next few days I suggest to use soft footwear and do not walk with barefoot even with in the house. Here I have given you general guideline, but I am sure this will be helpful for you if you follow it properly. Take care. |
pituitry tumour needs to be removed | Dear concerned., Thanks for writing to us. The pituitary tumors are usually located in a region called Cell Turkic very close to a region called Optic Chiasm where the fibers of Left and Right Optic nerves Cross Cross each other. Usually the tumors therefore produce a visual field defect called bitemporal/binasal hemianopias. Therefore it is very important to you to consult a Euro surgeon for an Elective Euro Surgical procedure. Depending upon the severity of the pressure effect and hormonal imbalance, the neurosurgical procedure will be decided either as a (1) Trans Sphenoidal approach in which case a team of Euro surgeon/ENT Surgeon and a Maxilla facial surgeons will perform the Surgery an externally there will be no visible scar.(2)through infra temporal route; This involves opening the skull from a side behind the forehead by a euro surgeon.this procedure involves production of scars in the temporal area. Kindly discuss the issue thoroughly with your Euro surgeon and then decide about the Elective procedure. Best Regards., Wishing you a quick recovery., Chat Doctor. |
Just dx with panic attacks and have been experiencing them nonstop for about 5 days...lost 7 lbs, can t eat, always nauseous, etc. My chiropractor recommended magnesium but I already take that. I had one acupuncture tx which was helpful [as long as the needles were in]. My MD started me on .25 mg xanax [1-2] TID PRN to help stop the cycling. Still hoping the attacks will stop. Have read about increasing levels of serotonin with certain foods [many of which I consume already] and 5HTP. I have exercised regularly for decades. Read Dr. Weil and he advises against counting on foods/5HTP to increase serotonin. ??? Suggestions? Thanks, Jeanne | Hi. I understand your concern. Xanax contains clonazepam. It helps in anxiety and panic attacks. Increase in serotonin level can prevent further panic attacks. Medicines like SSRI can help. In SSRI sertraline / Escitalopram / paroxetine in mild doses are advisable to control it. There are very minimal level of serotonin in foods like chocolate / banana etc. It can help to reduce stress but can not prevent panic attacks. Discuss with your treating doctors for further options. Psychotherapy and psychological counselling can help. Maintain proper sleep and diet. Exercise and meditation can be useful. I hope I have answered your question. Thank you. |
I currently have an infected wisdom tooth that I am on antibiotics for. I saw my dentist today. Im getting all four of them out on Friday, but by the one that is Infected there is a fluid filled bump on my gum. The entire area is in a TON of pain, and Ive been using a salt water rinse after I eat anything. Would I be relieved of some pain if this thing burst? | Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain is because of the pus secondary to the gum infection over the wisdom tooth, Once it is Chat Doctor. If I am your treating doctor, I would have suggested you to take a course of antibiotics particularly, amoxicillin and metronidazole combination. Along with this, you can take an analgesic like diclofenac. Get the tooth removed after completing the course of antibiotics. I hope my answer will help you, take care. |
I have slight chest pain n my ekg was abnormal but ER dr said my chest wall is inflammef. It feels like bad gad n im scared. I dont have insurance buy im seeing a primary vare doc Thursday mornomg. I have taken chewable aspirin n gasx. I feel bloated. Thats all. | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you are having changes in ECG, possibility of heart disease is more for your chest pain. So better to consult cardiologist and get done 2d echo, coronary angiography to rule out heart diseases. If all these are normal then possibility of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more because you are also having gaseous bloating. So take proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Avoid hot and spicy food, junk food. Don't worry, you will be alright but first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
I have a friend 80yrs of age, about 5 10, 146 lbs. He has torus palatinus and believes that it causes elevated blood pressure during sleep. He can get no definitive answers from his gp or an ent. Any help on this would be appreciated. He awakes to find his blood pressure 190/105. He takes medication. | Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that sometimes high blood pressure values during the night may indicate uncontrolled high blood pressure. An optimization of antihypertensive therapy is needed in such cases. But, I would also recommend excluding some other disorders (like sleeping apnea), which can lead to this symptomatology. So, I would recommend performing some tests |
HI, I have been TTC for 7 months now after going off BC. I have not had a period for 2 months ( stress , death in family, seem to be the cause). I am pretty sure I ovulated approx 11 days ago though and for the past week now have been having light cramping, increased temperature (99), slight backache and dizziness . Have seen my doctor since and she told me to wait it out. Yesterday and today only after going to restroom I have noticed pink/red mucus when I wipe. Have taken a pregnancy test this morning and its negative. What gives? | Hi, Although excessive stress is one of the possibility of delayed period specially in absence of pregnancy as you have negative urine pregnancy test. But stress would not cause cramping, increased temperature, slight backache and dizziness with red mucus secretion. These symptoms can occur in genital tract infection. So, it is better for you to get evaluated and investigated by gynecologist. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health. |
I have a small patch of skin that is slightly numb directly above my right knee. There is no pain and the sensation does not get any worse if i move to a certain position. I suspected it is a pinched femoral cutaneous nerve so I have been doing foam rolling and hip extension stretches. It seems when I do the stretches the sensation comes back to being strongest. Is this a pinched nerve? Something else? What are some home treatments I can do before going to a professional and spending $$$? | Dear Patient, it could be a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve compression in the pelvis if you are diabetic or overweight, for example. In that case, weight loss would help. Also, I would also consider a possible pinched nerve in the lower spine at the L3 level and confirm it with an MRI scan of the lower spine. In that case, consider doing some physical therapy with traction on lower back. Thank you |
hi... I was diagnosed with PCOS four months back. Starting date of my last menstrual period was on jan 28, 2014. My period is not yet due. Today afternoon i had a home pregnancy test, but the result was negative. I could sense a mild pain in my lower abdomen for the past one week. Could you please clear my doubt whether i am pregnant or not ? | Women with PCs may commonly experience low back pain, sacral pain, and lower qua Chat Doctor. To become pregnant you would have to have unprotected sex between the 10th and 18th day of your cycle. If that is not the case and if your pregnancy test is negative, you need not worry. The pain in PCs is generally due to the bursting of the follicles within the ovary in order to release the ovum. It can also have a component of muscle spasm associated along with. |
Hi sir my name is Raghu i am 23 year old i am suffering from hair loss before from 4 year now i am bald i was consult many doctors but no use but doctor has suggested mintop forte i am using before from 1 weak but i did not visible eny improvement please tell me solution and what i do for hair regrowth | Hello Mr Raft. Welcome to ChatDoctorFirst thing to consider is if you have a family history of hair loss, if there is male baldness in the family. In this case you will be more prone to similar problems. And medical treatment may not help you much. Other causes to consider are hormonal(thyroid etc.), any lifestyle or residence change, stress, any history of recent illness like typhoid, any chemical procedures, etc. Also do note if you have hair loss anywhere else in the body. These causes need to be considered and treated as they affect hair growth. For now, you may continue Maintop solution to scalp as advised, along with hair supplements daily like Collinear. This needs to be continued at least for 2-3 months. Improvement will not be visible within a week. Since you have been on treatment since a long time, with not much improvement, do consult a dermatologist, to assess your type of hair loss and to give you treatment based on the results. They may also suggest some routine blood tests if required. If medical methods do not work well for you, certain new surgical procedures can be considered such as transplant etc., as will be advised by your consulting doctor after observation, if they feel that it will be a good option for you. Also get a good nutritious diet, avoid stress, smoking, get good rest. Hope this guides you. |
I have epigastric flutters with some nausea. I have been on Valium for anxiety but do not take it regularly. Gaviscon will stop the flutters for the most part. I am so afraid it is my heart and then I get all upset about that. I might add that my husband recently passed away of a massive MI in his sleep. He was 51. Well I just turned 54 and am very overweight but have been trying to eat better over the last few years. I have type 2 diabetes...not good but well controlled with meds. I take nexium in the morning for reflux and zantac at night. I am pretty sure I get palpations from time to time and was in the hospital for SVTs in 2008. No problems since then. I noticed in my 30s that I was experiencing PVCs but no problems. Had echo with no adverse dx. Should I be concerned and if so where should I start. | Hello thanks for asking from ChatDoctorYou have lost your husband and this was a serious trauma to you. The symptoms like epigastric flutters, anxiety, fear etc. could be occurring due to anxiety. You are on antacids for epigastric discomfort still the symptoms are persisting. I would advise you to visit a psychiatrist for evaluation. Also get your ECG done to rule out any cardiac problem. SVT or PVC can get aggravated in anxiety also and may present even with anxiety as chief presentation. For anxiety symptoms medicines like low dose benzodiazepines can help like you are already taking Valium on SOS basis. For proper treatment of anxiety medicines like SSRIs as Sertraline can be used. The Chat Doctor. |
I fell into my nightstand a week ago Friday. This injury bruised the front of my right side. It s located right below my rib cage, above my hip bone. Under the skin there s a hard lump, when I try to rub it out it really hurts or if I bend over the wrong way and it pinches there s a burning pain the runs through it. I m concerned if it s a blood clot that needs to be treated by a Doctor or if it s just the healing process of the bruise? | Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your concern in depth.* The cause of pain in the ribs may be - hematoma underneath stretching the skin - irritation of the nerve endings through inflammation - rib fracture - Costco Chat Doctor. - If there is more pain or fever, redness over the area then consult a Doctor.- Do not rub it at all. Hope this will help you. Welcome for further guidance. Regards dear. |
hi doctor, my platelets was 1.5million, doctors told me it is essential thrombocytosis , started with the medicine hydroxyurea, and my paltelets become 400 thousand then i got some skin rashes and doctors advised to stop the hydroxyurea and started anagralayd after fewmonths they stopped it and started imatinib i took it arround six months there is no improvement then they shifted the medicine to dasatinib150mg daily still my paltelets are 780thousand i done BCR- ABL 3 times It is negative,but the doctors here they are saying i am a cml patient, now they are going to shift the medicine agin to nilotinib. i need your advise in this matter. | Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have chronic myeloproliferative disorder. It may be essential thrombocytes or chronic myeloid leukemia. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice. Bone marrow transplantation is the other option. Imaging is helpful in chronic myeloid leukemia. You should go for flow cytometry to the confirmation the diagnosis then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
I have red oval rash on the left side chest, hip, buttocks and thigh. Headache on left side with left earache. No fever at this time. Had a tick bite positive anitbody test for lyme disease. Did 21 days of doxycycoline treatment. Rash and headache came on 5 days after I finished the doxy treatment. Any idea what is causing this? Thank you | Hello, Thanks for the query. Skin rash is a manifestation of Lyme disease. In fact, it is one of most common manifestation of Lyme. You don't need to worry slowly this rash will disappear.It's good that you have taken treatment. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.https |
Hello. I have auto immune hepatitis and I take azathioprine and solupred for several years now. Now all these chinese natural diet pills came out and they dont have any side effects,I would like to know if its possible to take something like apple lighting pills or super slim.Thank u | Hi thanks for asking question. Noted you have autoimmune hepatitis. You are taking immunosuppressive Chat Doctor. . Chinese products can be tried as you have mentioned. But here you have to do is regular follow up with LFT whenever needed. Continue using azathioprine...Meanwhile, to prevent progression avoid alcohol ... Take low fat diet. More fruits taken... Avoid trans fat diet like cheese, burger, meat etc... If jaundice occurs immediately consult doc for investigation. Take care.... |
I have a corn on the bottom of my foot ,it is vert painful, I AM working in a seniors home, so i am on my feet all the time. I have never ever had one of these corns, could ther be some kind of home care that i can do to rid my foot of this painful corn. I do 12 hr shifts, at the end of the day it is painful. | Hello, Your symptoms seem to be related to painful corns. I suggest to |
yes my name is sherry hill and i have mastoiditis. I have a hole in my eardrum in my left ear i vant hear anything out of it and i recently was admitted into the hospital i got out january 21. I supposed to have followed up with an ear nose and throat doctor but i havent because i have no medicaid and no money i have taken all my antibiotics and now im having headaches like everyday i take tylenol it works for a little then it starts hurting again what should i do is this something serious? | Hi Sherry, I understand your difficult situation but as we all know healthy is better than wealthy. There are five stages of the disease, and it is better to stop it asap to have fewer complications like your hearing loss, intracranial extension of the infection etched you finish the treatment with antibiotics as your doctor prescription? Did you have ear discharge or temperature? If the answer is positiver than consulting ENT doctor is a MUST. The disease has severe complications, and it is better to follow up than cure the side effects of the disease. Hope that helped |
hello I have some issues going on with my stomach. it s like sometime after I eat I have some discomfort in my stomach. I have a lot of gas and do a lot of burping and the pain sometimes go to my back. I ve been diagnose as having acid reflux but is it possible I could have a stomach ulcer? my stool is still normal it only turns dark in color when I take peto. I have no weight loss nor loss of appetite | Hi. Thanks for your query. Yes, This is possibly a stomach ulcer. The reason being history of pain sometime goes back. This classically appears in posterior wall stomach ulcers or pancreatitis. I would advise the routine blood and urine tests; stool - routine and for occult blood. The most important is an Upper GI Endoscopy and ultrasonography of abdomen. This will confirm the diagnosis. The treatment will depend upon the findings; in addition go for a soft bland diet. Small frequent meals, life without stress as this is one of the most important factor. |
respected doctors,my age is 36 i have celulities infection in my left foot from 6 years for a couple of timenow i got my blood tests and the tests show that my ggt is high (65) i also have history of gestional diabetes nine years beforeplease can you kindly tell me any curation of my diseases | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Cellulitis of the foot requires an antimicrobial therapy. I suggest you to take a definite 200 mg tablet for foot infection three times a day under your doctors' guidance. You can also take paracetamol and diclofenac tablet under your doctors' guidance for pain and fever. Please maintain good hygiene by frequent Chat Doctor. This will equally cure you rapidly as do antibiotics do. Raised GGT indicates some liver pathology. I suggest you to get your all liver function test done. If you have this high GGT is because of hypertension than treating the hypertension will treat you with high GGT. Please control your sugar if your sugar is higher than controlling the sugar also cures your infection. I will be happy to answer your further concern on |
I suffer from EXTREME muscle spasms ion both my legs and upper torso. the only way I know how to is describe it is | Cellophane you for trusting ChatDoctorDear how old are you??spasm may be due to Hypokalemia or hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia. Hypothyroidism or Diabetes or neuropathy (compressive neuropathy), B12 or folic acid deficiency, alcoholic patients, anemia etc. Please avoid smoking and caffeine. Avoid alcohol, take plenty of fruits juices and vegetables. If symptoms not improved please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. Take care |
first of morning sir.. sir,i am 20 year old male student & my problem is when i goes to toilet for pooping sperms leaks immediatly and automatically in too much quantity.As a result my penis is going to be small and small. plz give me a treatment for it sir such that it does not leak....its my humble request to u sir...! | Hi Semen is a body fluid like our Saliva which is secreting from group of glands. If you have a myth of Masturbation is sin, first u break that false belief. If you start to ejaculating regularly your problems will disappear. If you ejaculate today the glands will produce the Semen in the next day. (If you ejaculate 2-3 times per day the volume will reduce). Ejaculation through masturbation will not produce infertility and will not lead you to Erectile Dysfunction...... your current symptoms are due to over stagnation of Semen. there's no relationship between seminal discharge and Penile size reduction. Hope you got your Answers. |
This morning I woke up with pain in the back part of my thighs and buttocks as well as pain in the back of my upper arms. I just turned 70 yesterday and was marveling that I have no aches and pains. And today I received a reminder. Any idea what would cause this? | Hello, I appreciate your positiveness and your work to maintain your body. At this stage this pain in absence of any other disease can be due to strain due to work or due to improper rest. If you find any of these factors then please rectify those. If such pain continue to persist then I shall advise you to have a complete routine check up. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
I felt my pants wet last night and came home and it was blood that had just poured out of my bum with no warning or cramping. I took Imodium ad and went to bed and when I woke up had 4 more episodes of blood with a little bit of stool that washed out with it. The last one was just urgency with blood and blood clots.I have been diagnosed with Lupus, Hep C (from a blood transfusion at Stanford in 76) and kidney disease..Can I just wait till this passes? | Hi! Thank you for asking your query. Looking into your problem, I think you urgently need to consult a rheumatologist immediately along with a gastroenterologist. SHE can lead to GI bleeds, so you need to be evaluated for disease activity along with urgent platelet counts as thrombocytopenia in SHE can lead to these issues which is generally found when the disease is activity. An urgent ESR, CRP, urine R/M, serum albumin needs to be looked urgently for the disease. You haven't mentioned that have you ever suffered from hemorrhoids, or you have got any kind of fever along with this episode as dysentery and hemorrhoids need to be ruled out. Kindly seek medical attention as soon as possible as role of hepatitis c in causing liver damage further leading to clotting abnormalities needs to be evaluated. THANK YOU. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES FEEL FREE TO ASK. |
Hi doctor I had Bilateral Release on my Left Knee around 2 years ago. Since then till now I m great but recently after a gym session I feel a slight shift in a ligament above my knee cap on the left knee. it almost feels like a small ball. It just feels weird for 2 seconds but their is no discomfort or pain what so ever. Im just curious to know it is. It only occurs when I fully bend the knee | Hi after most operations whether open surgery or keyhole surgery the healing process is by formation of scar tissues in the operated area and this scar tissue sometimes can be perceived by a patient when stretching the operated area. If it is not painful or uncomfortable then there is no need to worry about it, but please continue monitoring this phenomenon and if it worsens in any way then please visit your surgeon again |
After flying for 4 hours, during the night, I woke up extremely fizzy and nauseous. I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with vertigo. He prescribed Meclizine, and I did feel a bit better after 2 days. Now ten days later,I am light headed, and have pressure in my skull, not a headache. I do not feel right, and not sure if this is indeed vertigo, or something else.My cholesterol is high, but that is it.. I am a 63 year old female, not on any medications. | Hello, Dizziness for you is related to the sense of balance and equilibrium. Changes in cabin pressure can lead to changes in your inner ear pressure. In most cases of vertigo, the complications arise from displacement of inner ear particles that are responsible for maintaining your center of gravity or equilibrium. When displacement of the inner ear particles occur, there is often a change in your sense of balance and the sense of balance is not restored for many hours, sometimes even lasting weeks or days. DO not need to worry about this. Hope this helps. Please write back for further queries. Wishing you good health. |
Hi. My MRI spine lumbar impression is-- posterior disc bulge at L4-L5 indenting the thecal sac anteriorly. - Broad based disc herniation at L5-S1 causing right neural foraminal and bilateral lateral recesses narrowing and indenting the right S1 root in lateral recess and compressing the left S1 root in the lateral recesses. What would be the treatment and prognosis? | Hello MRI findings suggests degenerative disc disease of lumbar spine. It is due to chronic stress on annulus fibrosis. At L4-5 level, there is posterior disc bulge which is indenting the thecal sac anteriorly. At L5-S1 level, there is broad based disc herniation which is causing narrowing of bilateral lateral neural canal. Herniated disc is also compressing left S1 nerve roots. Majority of the cases of degenerative spine disease are benefited by physiotherapy and analgesics. Since you have mild findings, so you should try physiotherapy first. Surgery should be the last option. Treatment can be planned after consultation with neurologist. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. |
Hi My Son 45 days on mothers milk & bottle feed is suffering with continous vomiting immediately after feeding... doctor suggested me to give junior lanzol....will it have any side effects on my son....he is also suffering with mucus obstructed in his throat doctor gave Asthakind-P | Hello,First, do not panic. I will suggest you feed the baby in a propped up position. Taking the baby with a semi-reclining position and patting on the babies back after completing feeding for a few minutes by holding the baby in an upright position, will help to avoid vomiting. Lazol is acid production blocking medicine. Please seek prescription support from your treating doctor for liquid Risperidone, which is antiemetic and acts by preventing upward reflux and propelling the food forward. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
My bilurubin is 5 on one parameter and 5.7 on the other sgot 170 and sgpt 90 as of 17/1/15 9/1/15 it was was 10 & 11.2 and sgot 700 and sgpt recovering from viral e hepatitis and resulting doctor treated me with udiliv 600 for two dosage down to 300 question is that since I lost a lot of muscle mass and weight (previously 64kg now 58)how should i go abput gaining it?i am an athlete and my loss of muscle really bothers me there a supplement you could advise to gain endura mass safe?can i add whey protein to skimmed milk?and can i resume calisthenics(body weight exervises).also doctor,how should i strengthen my liver in the long term?is liv52 effective? | Hi.noted history of hepatitis, jaundice, elevated liver function tests and weight loss. Your signs and symptomatologic are probably secondary to your unresolved infection. Other hepaticopancreaticobiliary tree pathology must also be ruled-out, such as obstructive causes (like gallstones, tumor lesions, etc.). It is best if you do a follow-up consult with your doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist, for physical examination and clinical evaluation. Diagnostics (such as ultrasound, ct-scan, tumor markers, etc.) and management (medical and/or surgical if indications are found) will be directed accordingly. I do not disagree but i also personally do not recommend intake of supplements which are not FDA approved, and no proven indication of use for your condition. Majority of these pass through your liver for metabolism and kidneys for clearance. They may cause more harm than help. Yes, you can resume your daily exercises as tolerated, but making sure that you are also provided with good nutrition. Low fat low salt diet is also recommended. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. |
I have pain in my back (right side only) that is a constant nagging fairly severe. It has me wiggling around to alleviate the pain by changing my position if I m sitting. I m able to walk and do all normal activities but I am in constant pain that prevents me from focusing on anything else other than ways to alleviate the pain. I have ste an appointment but nothing is available until 12 days from now. I am miserable and can t sleep well. I am taking 3-6 200 ibuprofen (over the counter) and they are doing nothing to help. What can I do for 12 days to survive the pain until I can get in to see a doctor? | Welcome to ChatDoctorAfter going through your query I concluded that you are having chronic backache. Treatment of it is rest and analgesic such as ibuprofen which you are already taking. If pain is not relieved by this strong analgesic such as tramadol can be taken. After pain relief back exercises can be of use. You can further investigate it by MRI scan. Vitamin D3 level should be done as it is important cause of backache. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any further questions then don't hesitate to writing to us. I will be happy to help you. You can also write to me directly on below link |
hi i have hypertension 150/105 n take amtas 5 daily for same . i also consume alcohol every alternate day 120 ml of whisky. am male 37 yrs old . is the same okay or shd i reduce my drinking but is tough as i have done it alternate days alreadymy weight is 75 kg | Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. Hypertension is one of major issue and most time about 90-95% cause is unknown, if u were my patient I would like to ask u monitor BP while you're on med BCS I wanna know is that 1 reading or u having still high BP even after med n, so I can optimize dose to control BP in normal range . Ideally 5-7 days need to BP charting n then bring it to me so I'll decide whether you need to adjust dose or not... regarding alcohol Royal College of Physician said male can use 21 units of alcohol /week n 1 unit is in small pub measure 25ml of spirit(40% alcohol by vol) or standard pub measure 50ml of fortified wine(20%alcohol)... other factor also need to be modified like Dec salt intake, exercise n weight lose if over weight according to BMI protocol . All such factors along witChatDoctorpliance with med can control BP... I hope this answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask. Regards. |
Subsets and Splits