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my kid is 3 years old and by birth he has asthama, he got in heridity. he is restless and unable to breathe proparly even sputom is formed in lungs. allopathy homeopathy treatment everything done, but did not got proper relief . kindly suggest some home remedy | Hello. Welcome to Chat Doctor. Chil Chat Doctor. We need to understand the importance of immediate bronchodilator which the child may require anytime-playing/ school etc. It is an important fact that many childhood asthmatics will lose/ get relieved from this problem by puberty or adulthood. So, please maintain him on his prescribed medication (inhalers/ bronchodilators etc. and do not stop medication. You can simultaneously continue homeopathy as treatment is very effective and offers permanent solution. Available home remedied for asthma include |
Well, I also have a dog that was just vaccinated last year. Last saturday a girl of 5 years old was bitten by my dog?She got one shot of vaccination for anti-rabbies and one shot of anti-tetanous. The doctor said if my dog live after the 14 days observation, she doesnt need to be vaccinated. Will she needs to continue the vaccination? | Hello. Welcome to Chat Doctor, As your pet dog which was fully immunized against the rabies, and now it has bitten a 5-year-old girl. Rabies is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable with proper and adequate treatment. She should be given at least three doses of Antirabies vaccine on days 0, 3 and 7. If the dog is healthy after 10 days of bite nothing is required after that. In addition to Antirabies vaccine In TT should be taken. Thank you. |
Hello, I have pain, like a burning sensation and numbness and then pulsing pain in my left arm, triceps and armpit, with a cold, ice like sensation, followed by a searing burning sensation, as if I am having saline solution put through my vein. If I put my hand on my left hip, the pain starts immediately from the armpit into the triceps but goes away as soon as I let my hand rest down parallel to my body. This is a second time I ve experienced this pain for nearly 3 weeks, right after I was examined my oncologist. Twice now he presses very hard, digs into my armpit until I am in pain to palpate the Sentinel node and really crunches it against my ribcage! After having a lumpectomy, I refused to have the sentinel node removed or to follow up on the standard protocol for breast cancer. It s been 8 months since my surgery and I never experienced pain until he dug for the sentinel node twice, very, very, very painful examination. Now, when I feel the node, it seems that it s been squashed and divided somewhat! Is this pain coming from trauma to the node or have I been protective of my left side. I do tend to lift and do heavy manual work...the oncologist told me that he s 85% sure the cancer is in that node and he really wants me to have a biopsy or have it removed! Why? Why am I being demoralized and pushed to think I m doomed? I am going in for another ultrasound on Monday. Every time I asked to see my ultrasounds before and the 3 after the surgery, I am not given access. Why? | Hi, thank you providing a brief history of you. Since you mentioned you get this kind of pain + you had once also + you do regular heavy lifting come to an assessing part of the oncologist it is his job to figure out if anything is wrong. Chances of getting pain after the pressure might be symptomatic but not have damaged anything. Still you are going an ultrasound you will get some inputs as well.let's understand that when u keep hand behind the hip you get pain or else in normal anatomical position you don't get any pain. Why don't you try doing some regular exercises under the guidance of a physical therapist who can help assess your weaker muscle groups and help you strengthen them. You can even rule out any issue with the spine if any nerve is getting trapped. For which an NCV or MRI will be of great help. You can even take the HEL of a physical therapist who can use some therapeutic ultrasound and TENS for reducing the pain symptoms. Improving the metabolism of you body will help it to fight against infection too. With the exercises you will even have improved immune system which may rule out the nodal cancer issue which your once is suspecting as your exercises' indulgence will suppress all symptoms and make your once wrong and make you happy a lot. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery. Never get demoralized by anyone. You should be a fighter and prove that you can make a change for your own self. |
dear doctor my son 20 years old getting diffrent type of epilepsy and gettin aggressive some three to five times a day we were giving him clonazepam (rivotrill) and Valporin now we have stopped what i can we give him to control his convelsion (seizure) | Hello Thanks for asking from ChatDoctorA lot of individuals with epilepsy mood symptoms like aggressive behavior are seen. Mood swings aggression can occur due to persistent mood changes because of chronicity of illness. Other reason for aggression is illness itself, aggression can occur due to increased seizure discharge in brain. You have stopped Sodium Valproate and Clonazepam. I would advise you to consult your doctor again and start Sodium Valproate again. The Chat Doctor. The |
My brother in- law have Kidney stone (7.2 mm) and blood suger having about 400 and by Insulin injection it falls down to 130. He has also renal infection and temperature was also high and now normal. During investigation stone was found a fews days ago. He he is now under treatment. Now please advisie me whether operation should be done to remove the stone or medicine to be taken to dissolve the stone and for renal infection. | HelloThanks for query. Your brother-in-law has Diabetes with kidney stone of a size of 7.2 mm with infection. I would suggest following line of treatment 1) Control his diabetes with Insulin and proper monitoring of sugar levels.2) Treat UTI with appropriate antibiotics after doing his urine culture 3)The stone of a size of 7.2 mm is likely to pass down spontaneously.4)Once his diabetes and infection is well controlled repeat Ultrasound scanning after 2 weeks and if the stone is in a same position he may go for Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithography to fragment the stone so that the gravel will pass out through urine. Chat Doctor. |
hi my name is Sara and my 2 yr old son use to go to bed no problem and sleep through now he screams when me or his dad leaves the bedroom and then wakes in the night and can be awake for about an hour and half. when i go into the room he gets out of bed and stands facing the wall really close and wont let us comfort him. his bedtime routine has not changed could he be waking up with nightn terrors? | Hello, Night terrors are frightening for a parent to witness. The child appears agitated and panicked and confused and dazed and may have his eyes open. At the beginning of the night terror, he can cry or scream. He may mumble, is often clumsy, and push a parent away. The child is unaware of what he is doing and has no memory of these events when he wakes up. He might become more upset if you attempt to calm him down. He may seem to be awake but is actually asleep. A night terror occurs within 1-2 hours after falling asleep. Duration |
I had a root canal in February and my jaw hinge was sobad it cracks and pops feels like my jaw is got tmj I wen t to dentist twice both dentists said I grind gave me night guard pain is sort of gone now I have rash around my face and numbness around my chin and pain in gum line on that side still cant open mouth all the way what is wrong | Thanks for your query, you have multiple issues.basically you have TMJ disorder that can be treated by the night guard and proximal tablets.if the pain doesn't reduce then you have to take an MRI and can go for joint lavage with saline(amniocentesis)....the pain in the gum line could be because of the gum infection get yourself examined by your physician for deposits over the teeth and get it cleaned.the numbness could be because of pressure over the nerve by any tumor or cyst...consult your oral physician to rule out all these issues...I hope my answer will help you,take care |
Hello Doctor Prasad ! Over the past year I have noticed white/opaque clusters on my fore skin. some clusters are like pimples that protrude out from my fore skin and I can feel them and some clusters I can see them but barely feel them. I just wanted to know if this some thing I should be concerned about ? I think that started at one spot but now I notice they are all around the glans on the fore skin. | Thanks for contacting ChatDoctorI am sorry to hear that you are concerned about white lumps that you have found on your penis and foreskin. This white bums are probable sebaceous cysts. These are completely benign and do not need to be treated. You do not need to be worried, and I can reassure you that these are very normal finding. Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again with your health care concerns and questions |
Hi, I am 27 year old female. I have extreme back pains, especially around the lower back region, more specifically on the left side, just to the side of my spine, and around my waist/above my hip area. I dont think its a cyst nor is it a lipoma, as there is nothing visible on the skin; but I can feel the bump when I press down on the area that hurts... Please could someone let me know what this could be?? It really really hurts, and Im just hoping its some kind of cancerous internal lump..... Thanks in advance! | Welcome to ChatDoctorAfter going through your query I concluded that you are having chronic backache. You are a swelling, it is likely to be subcutaneous fat. Treatment of backache is analgesic and back exercises. You can get vitamin D3 test as vitamin D3 deficiency is an important cause of backache. You are worried about cancer. So it is best to get your MRI done to rule out cancer and relieve your worries. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any further questions then don't hesitate to writing to us. I will be happy to help you. You can also write to me directly on below link |
I need help with guilt. I am feeling very heavy guilt right now for things Ive done in the past. I am still young so I told my mom how I felt and she understood. I told her that I did bad things, but I didnt tell her everything specifically. I feel bad about it, but I dont want to tell her and then get in huge trouble and mess our relationship up. I have learned from my mistakes, but I just feel like I deserve anything good. Please help, what should I do?! | Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Feeling guilty over what you did wrongly in the past is actually mature understanding. Rather it could be called realization. Such realization leads to positive thought and positive act and behavior. Everyone come across such a stage in their life. Take it positively and just concentrate on your studies and career. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http |
Hello, I have this problem. When I masturbate, I have absolutely no problem getting an erection. I had a sex for the first time, I was having trouble getting an erection, and after I reached orgasm for the first time, I couldnt get another erection. I gotta say I was quite stressed since it was my first time. I assume this problem is psychological, will this disappear when I have sex next time or do I need to visit some doctor? | Hi, It looks like the problem you have experienced is more likely to be due to anxiety as you seem to have realized, and this should go away with more experience. Only if you persistently have an inability to have spontaneous intercourse should you start worrying but even then, it is highly likely that you will respond to medications like PDE5Inhibitors like Tadalafil or Sildenafil which are available in the pharmacies. |
i did a appendicitis removal then the doctor let me go home 2 hours after surgery and i kept faiting / blacking out so my parents called me a ambulence back to the same hospital. they told nothing was really wrong , the next day i was puking all my fluids an decied to go to a different hospital and they saw my blood count was low an noticed half my bodys blood was in my stomach and they had to to a surgery to remove it an a blood tranfusions. kept me in the hospital for 4 days and i havent pooped since i have had my first surgery which was 7 days ago . should i be worried | Hello stinky94louise94 welcome to Chat Doctor, You have undergone two major abdominal surgeries which should be worrying you rather than not pooping for seven days as after most of the abdominal surgeries patient won't be given anything through mouth, so no input obviously no output. First you have undergone appendectomy after that you might have developed haemoperitoneum which means collection of blood in your abdominal cavity which might had been due to any reason, that's why you had recurrent fainting and blackouts and also omitting everything that are taken through mouth and after that they might have performed surgery for that and transfused blood to compensate for the blood loss. It's a victim that patients won't be given anything through mouth after major abdominal surgeries that's why you are not passing stools. The problems to worry about you now is about your improvement in general condition after second surgery, what caused the bleed inside the abdomen after first surgery and the success of second surgery. Hope for your quick recovery, |
Hi, i recenlty noticed that left side of my tongue(close tip), is rised higher than right side. This results in problems when i talk, especialy when i pronounce certain letters, i feel like my tongue does not want to come to right position to pronounce correctly. Is it related to muscles in my tongue or i am realy afraid of things like stroke , may it be a symptome of it? I also have curve in my cervical spine , is it possible that some nerves in my neck were pinched? And is it all fixable? I always used to talk fast and because of this i can not talk as fast as i used to. Thanks for answers. | Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your symptoms could suggest a weakness of tongue muscles on one side. The tongue muscles are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve, which originates from the lower part of brain stem, at the junction of cervical spinal cord. A picture of your tongue when protruded outside, would help in deciding whether you have a weakness of tongue muscles. If weakness is confirmed, we need to do MRI scan of brain to find out the cause, such as stroke, infections, tumors, etc. I hope it helps. Please get back if you have any more queries. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. |
is there cyberknife surgery available at guwahati?My mother 66yrs old recently gone through Modified redical mastactomy for LABC Grd.3 T4Mx 9/14nodes metastatic.But we could not give her chemotherapy owing to comorbid health condition and now she is showing synptoms of metastatic brain cancer,pls help. | Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has breast cancer with metastasis in brain. ITIS stage 4 disease. No surgery will help at this stage. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can not cure the disease completely. It is just used as palliative treatment. Despite any treatment prognosis remains poor. Life expectancy is not good. Chemotherapy has its own side effects so avoid chemotherapy is the better option. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
iam nearing age 31 & my husband nearing 30. we try to conceive past 16 months but not we checked my husband not having mortial sperm (0.01) & my overies having cyst & fobroid also. we are very disappoint, my doctor advice my husband to take medicine to increase count, & advice to do iui after my spouse treatment completed, it is ok ? pls advice me. | Hi thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. As your husband have low sperm count and low percent of motile sperm then you should investigate for him. U should consult urologist and do color Doppler ultrasound to find vascularity of testes and to rule out varicocele. There are supplementary medicine for increase sperm count. For you fibroid size location matter for pregnancy, and you should consult a gynecologist for the same. Iui is the best option available. Have a good life and success... |
Hi,i used mifepristone tablets the day before yesterday,i then used misoprostol tablets (4) for abortion. I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I experienced cramps and bleeding with cloats,for almost two hours,the problem is am experiencing bloating and slight abdominal pain plus am stil bleeding,,is that ok? | Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion presence of bloating and abdominal cramps along with bleeding is normal. The bleeding after taking the abortion pills is heavy with passage of clots initially. Then the bleeding decreases but will continue till a week or more. The cramps are due to uterine contractions to expel the products of conception. The bloating can be due to side effect of abortion pills. So whatever you are experiencing is normal. I suggest you to undergo medical termination of pregnancy only under medical supervision to avoid complications like heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion etc.Also, kindly get an ultrasound after 2 weeks to check for completion of abortion. Hope this helps. Best regards.... |
shortness of breath. I have been taking a few supplements, such as Jack3d and Sizeon to help put on some mass. However, Ive noticed over the past week shortness of breath. I have no idea where this came from. I have to take deep breaths several times before I take one more to feel comfortable. Sometimes i have to change the way I sit, sometimes stretch in order to yawn and get that deep breath I need to breath right for a few minutesWhat could be the cause of this. Again, I have never had this problem before. Im at 30 yr old male | Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... You have not mentioned your weight... If you are overweight then sometime apnea and breathing difficulty can occur.... You have no other symptoms present.... If excess stress or anxiety then also dyspnea can be there.... Rule out anemia by blood test.... Measure your blood pressure ... If needed ECG or echo done to rule out cardiac cause.... Your resp examination done... Spirometry help in differentiating restrictive and obstructive causes ... If abnormal then chest x-ray and needed investigation done.... Hope your concern solved... Take care... Chat Doctor. |
i have a prigmitation and black patches in my face , one of my friend suggest me apply viamine E capsule like evion 400 apply on my face its good or not not please suugest me what can i do . acctualy in am driving a sccooty so i got sun burn on my face | Hello, Melasma is a kind of hyperpigmentation seen mostly in females of middle age and is dictated by hormones and sunlight. It treatment is challenging but with proper regimen good results can be achieved. Yes application of vitamin E i.e. Evian will help to certain extent but cannot be used as sole treatment. Usually the treatment is divided into clinic based treatment and home based. At clinic, I suggest series of chemical peels like glycol, Lesser, TCA with or without microdermabrasion. At home, you can apply cream containing comic acid, albumin, etc. and vitamin C serum for maintenance. Use high SPF sunscreen on regular basis. Use glycolic acid based face wash. Hope this will take care of your issue. Chat Doctor. |
Hi, one of my family members (age 27) has been diagnosed to have jaundice during the laproscopy procedure that she underwent for pregnancy tests . My kids (5 years and 1 year )are also in the same house. Will it spread to them as well. Should I be caucious of it and not allow my kids to be handled by them. Please advice. | Hi Dinesh You have to tell you what is the cause of the jaundice. If it is viral hepatitis like A and E it is spread by food and water, if someone in your family is affected make sure you take boiled water and properly cooked food. If it is something like hepatitis B- it is spread by bodily fluids. So your kids are not going to get that so don't worry. If something else is the cause of the jaundice other than hepatitis it is non-contagious. So don't worry, your kids are not going to get the jaundice from your family member. Regards |
my blood pressure has been going up continuously over the past month. i have began a regular cardio routine, and yet it goes up. at what point should i go to the hospital. today it is 152/100. i have been to my dr this week who put me on exercise diet, and to the cardiologist for stress test which i did well on. what are they missing? | Hello, Thanks for posting your query on Chat Doctor ...* Brief Answer |
My son is suffering from breath and hearing problem. Dr advised adenoid X-ray. It shows the adenoid problem. Dr told it is around 75% advised one month medicine,repeat X-ray and advised surgery if result is same. We had X-ray , which shows the same result. My question is is it curable with medicine. | Hello. It sometimes happens that the adenoids get enlarged which affect breathing and hearing by blocking. In such case, we try reducing its size with medicines at first, but if medical therapy has failed, we go for surgery.I believe your doctor has already tried medical therapy but it didn't work hence surgery would be the only option right now.I would like to assure you that it's a very safe and common surgery and I'm sure your doctor will help you with any other questions you might have |
My payment went through twice n havent received answer. Got 2 emails with 2 different transaction # how can I fix that I was diagnosed with pneumonia (dr said it was starting) at ER a week ago and today had my follow up appointment. I finished my antibiotic, but feels hot[not fever], Im sweating and have body aches. Do I should be concern? I feel weak and cant perform my usual daily activities. | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, you should get done repeat chest x-ray to see whether pneumonia is worsening or not. Pneumonia is lung infection. It is known to cause weakness, fever, sweating, body ache etc. If your pneumonia is recovered than your symptoms must have gone, and you should improve. But since you are having all these s, better to rule out worsening of pneumonia. So get done chest x-ray. In pneumonia, along with antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. So discuss all these with your doctor and start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
Hello! I am Vivek Das aged 35 years. I am taking Epilive 1500 at Night. Heaviness & Headache is caused by this medicine or by other. The other Medicines I am taking are | Hello, All the medications you are taking are prescribed to treat epilepsy or other seizure conditions. Their prescription and dosage make me think of a severe seizure. This explains the heaviness and headache you feel. I suggest adding a magnesium supplements in combination with other it. B complex and L-carnitine supplements to ease your symptoms. Plus, should monitor your blood pressure, and record the results for reference. Keep regular follow-ups with your caring doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
A lipoma in underarm for my wife we had consulted with doctor they checkd my wife and told us this is not cancer 100/100 percent but they are giving test for FNAC, Uldrasound scan for auxilary lipoma, X-ray, etc., we still waiting for report Is there is any major problem? | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Lipoma is benign soft tissue tumor containing mostly fat tissue. It is subcutaneous in nature and non-tender,non-itchy. Usually no treatment is required. In rare cases it turns into malignancy called liposarcoma. But it is very rare. So your doctor has advice tests to rule out malignant potential of lipoma. So no harm in doing all test. Get done all test. It will come benign only. So no need to worry much. |
i had recently increase in heart beat, not able to sleep uneasy nausea etc met a me a psychatrist and she sd this is because of depression and adviced me to take tancodep 2 and prodep along with rivotral 10. after i have got sme relieve after taking this medicine after 3mths again i got the same symptoms and my doctor sd it is started again and she asd to take clonil 10 for 2weeks along with rivotral 10. please tell me wht is happening because of dis my daily life getting affected i am working unable to concentrate on anything else feel no interest on anything. | Hi, Increased heart rate & palpitations can have a lot of causes. It can be normal sinus tachycardia due to anxiety or stress, or it could be abnormal supra ventricular tachycardia. For the diagnosis, you need to do ECG at the time of palpitation & tachycardia. If the duration of palpitations are short enough to reach a nearby hospital, we put a 24hr ECG monitoring (Holder Monitor). You also need to do a 2D Echo & thyroid function test to see for any associated abnormality if any. Thanks |
My 17 year old son had symptoms of fatigue, loss of appetite, naseua, occasional diarrhea, nervousness - which we may still be attributing to physical signs of depression & anxiety. However, a recent blood test revealed his Biliburn count was 2.9 Double the norm, from my understanding. He was told it was no big deal & it was like having jaundice as an infant & there is no need for concern. I have also read that mono could give a high bilirun count (which he had over 6 months ago). Any insight would be helpful. | Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. I don't think this is normal, but this is not reason to be very concerned too. He is teenager and growth is intensive in this age. It may affect liver too. Also there can be any systemic infections such as mono which can cause liver to be enlarged and elevated bilirubin. Hepatitis as well. He should do more detailed Gastroenterology work up to rule out most common liver disorder. His psychological problems are something else Wish you good health. Regards. |
I m 29 around 5 11 and around 190 lbs. I was diagnosed with Torticollis at an emergency room 4 days ago. My shoulder had been hurting for about 5 days prior to the point that the pain had become excruciating. Pain radiating down the arm and numbness in the tips of a couple of fingers. I was prescribed Valium, Hydrocodone, and 60 mg Ibuprofen. I m out of the Valium and I have one pill of Hydrocodone left. I ve still had pain in the mornings until the pills kicked in so I know I m still going to be hurting. The main problem is that my health insurance doesn t kick in for another 2 weeks. I m not sure whether to go to one of the specialists the ER doc recommended or if I could just contact him for more pain meds. I don t want to live on pain pills but if I can just make it until my insurance kicks it would be best. What should I do? | Hello, It looks that you are having severe pain. Radiation of pain in arm with numbness in fingers at your age with history of tortillas is pointing towards nerve compression at neck. At his stage for your maximum safety I shall advise you to consult to your orthopedic doctor or a neurophysician for help. A long delay of 2 weeks to consult your doctor may lead to damage to nerves. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
Possibly sciatic problem?I feel a pinch, almost like a cramping feeling in one specific spot in my left buttock. It is constant and does not feel better or worse at any time or with any stretching or movement. this has been going on for two days straight with no end in sight. Ive had sciatic problems years ago and it radiated down my leg, extremely painful, until an injection fixed it immediately. I cant remember if this is how it started. what I remember most is the excruciating pain down my leg.I am 33 years old, female, with osteoarthritis in both hands, plantar fasciitis in both feet, and narrowing of my lower spine as found in x-rays after a couple years of back pain which is still an issue. Can this pinch be the beginning of the sciatic problem which will make its way down my leg again?? Its not that it hurts too bad to function, more like it hurts so bad because it has been hurting for SO long already that makes it seem more painful. | Hi there, welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your question. Pinching like sensation in the buttocks may be due to spinal and non-spinal Conditions. L5/S1 disc(which is the lowermost functioning cushion like structure in your spine) degeneration can cause buttock pain with or without pressure on your never. During early part pain can only be restricted to buttock, with time there can be radiation of pain to back of thigh. It may or may not become associated with numbness also. An X-ray might show DC reset space between the L5 and S1 bone providing an in direct evidence of disc degeneration.IIF the symptoms persist for longer than 6 weeks or if the pain is unrelenting in spite of medications and physiotherapy and MRI might be indicated which has is more Conclusive. Spinal related pain can be one sided as in your case or it might affect both sides.Non-spinal buttock related pain is usually one-sided. Social bursitis which is inflammation of the covering of one of the muscles/social Bone on which we usually sit, can cause focal pain over the point of the buttock. Inflammation around the sciatic nerve in the buttock can also cause similar pain. Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint what is a joint between the pelvic and the spinal bones can also result in similar pain. If your pain as been there for more than 6 weeks it would be worthwhile to get radiological and blood tests done to rule out the above Conditions. I would suggest you to meet your physician and get evaluated so that these Conditions can be ruled out. In the meantime physiotherapy, strechtes,anti-inflammatory and analgesic mediations can help you tied over the pain. Hope your queries are answered the besting best regards Chat Doctor. |
a few weeks ago my lungs started hurting and now a couple days ago I started to feel like I cant breath. my kidneys and liver are fine but my gallbladder hurts my lungs hurt and I cant breath but my blood oxygen is 99. I know something isn t right but im not sure whats wrong. I m paler than normal and if I stand up I get light headed and dizzy should I see a doctor? | Thanks for your question I completely understand your problem this feeling of breathlessness seems to be like anxiety. But if it persists u should see a pulmonologist. Who can get a spirometry done and which in turn can rule out every cause of breathlessness related to respiratory system. Yes this feeling of dizziness and lightness u should see a doctor.thanks/regardsfeel free to ask more questions may god bless u with good health |
Hello i have taken Timodine for two weeks for tight foreskin and redness. But the foreskin is tight still and on a certain time itchiness i clean the penis with shower jets on a daily basis what other solutions are there Also time i use thrash cream | HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have what is called as Mitosis. The itching in foreskin is a presenting symptom of Diabetes. Please get your blood sugar levels on empty stomach and two hours after lunch done to rule out Diabetes. Take antifungal medications like Fluconazole twice daily along with broad spectrum antibiotics topical Fluconazole jelly for local application for a week., If problem persists consult qualified General surgeon for clinical evaluation. You may need to get circumcised under local anesthesia. Chat Doctor. |
I am currently taking zoloft 25 mg and occasional .25-5 mg xanex when needed for anxiety and depression .(2months total so far) Ambien at night for insomnia . I am feeling better but am so tired throughout the day. The sexual side effects are unpleasant as well. Do you think adding wellbutrin to my mix would be Ok/ beneficial? I am also an occasional smoker and would like to stop | Hello welcome to Chat Doctor public forum You are taking Zoloft 25\u00a0mg, Xanax 0.25 mg and Ambient for insomnia Symptoms experienced by you are -Feeling tired (probably due to sedatives)Sexual side effects (due to Zoloft) Since you are experiencing side effects of this medication.... you should consult your psychiatrist for re-adjustment of the dosage so that these effects wane off Regarding adding Wellbutrin (bupropion) to your schedule.... ..... its one of the Chat Doctor. ... but don't start it without proper consultation Good Luck thanks |
I have a round dry scaly patch on my upper lip that goes away but keeps returning. When I was at the dermatologist, the NP didnt seem too concerned when I mentioned it. It was not active at that time. I am concerned because it keep recurring. What do you think? | Hello. Thank you for writing to us at Chat Doctor I will have to keep a few possibilities because it is difficult to know what exactly it is without visualizing the skin lesion. Chat Doctor. A KOH wet preparation made from a small amount of scale scraped from the surface of patch can be visualized under the microscope for fungal elements. If KOH is positive, one of the topical antifungal agents e.g. ketoconazole, bifonazole, fluconazole etc. may be chosen and used twice daily for 2-4 weeks. Most likely KOH would turn up as negative and would then be suggestive of Satyriasis Alba. Pityriasis Alba is nothing but a |
hello, well im a 14 year old girl and lately my heart been hurting i dont know why my grampa say that is because my boyfriend because he been hurting me alot ... but he dont do that and this been going on 4 like a week or sum it hurts when im in school and then it stops then agen it beginnings agen .....HELP plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Hi.the chest pain you're having may be from your heart or from other part of body... like muscles, lungs... etc. I would be glad if you could describe your complaints in more detail. Are you having any of the following?cheat heaviness palpitations breathlessness giddiness /dizziness.if at all you're having any, then you better consult a cardiologist. Do also get a baseline EKG. If you're not having any of above additional complains, then don't need to worry much. And then also I would suggest you to get an EKG done. |
Hi, I am Ved. My ECG checked by my doctor & revealed LAFB other wise NAD. Please tell me more about LAFB and treatment. This is first time as I am getting regular check up every year. I am 42 years old of 166 cms hight & 68 kgs weight with early AO at telonavicular joint due to an exident and no other problem. | Nothing to worry about. Many people have left anterior vascular block (LAB) and are doing fine. It becomes an issue if you have chest pains, shortness of breath or lightheartedness - even then, simple work up by your Cardiologist can provide you with enough reassurances. It's simply means that one of the electrical pathways in your heart is a little sluggish. But the heart has other electrical pathways to help it beat. |
I just discovered lumps on the back of my head. They did not hurt initally, however now after 5 days they are getting painful when i touch them. I am also feeling numbness and tingling on my head. My doctor thinks they may be cysts and has given me an antibiotic. If not cleared up in 2 weeks or becomes painful I should go back. I am just wondering what you think it may be. Both areas are on the left side of the head. one on the back side and one on the top left side of head almost like an L shape. | Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Yes, possibly your doctor was right in labeling them as cysts. In the starting, they were not painful, but these got secondarily infected later on giving rise to the pain. These could subside with antibiotics, but could recurrently get infected. Therefore, I would advise you to get these assessed by a general surgeon and get these removed once the infective phase was over on consuming the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor. |
hello, I am 28 years old, overweight, have high BP, on medication .My recent blood test indicates serum creatinine level 1.2, BUN 14, Uric acid 4, Total protein 7.8, Albumin 4.6, globulin 3.2, ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 1.4, CALCIUM 9.7, HEMOGLOBIN 15.0, PHOSPHORUS 2.8. Lipid profile test is also normal. I was having high cholesterol problem also. My initial cholesterol level prior to treatment was 231 about 1 year ago. I was taking Tonact 20, 3 months back I had a lipid profile test that indicate significant reduction in cholesterol to 145 but TRIGLYCERIDES was 198. then my doctor administered tonact TG. At that time my creatinine was 1. but recent test indicates 1.2. Though TRIGLYCERIDES level is 96, but I am worried about Creatinine. Routine urine test is also normal as well as BUN and Uric acid. For Hypertension I use to take Nebicard 5, and Olmezest H20 daily. Should I have to worry about Creatinine? Why Serum cretinine increases? | Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your serum creatinine level is not very high. So it is not a cause of worry. Your creatinine level is 1.2. It is normal. You should continue your all medication for lipid control & hypertension. No need to worry about creatinine. It can be slightly increased by many non-specific cause like exercise. So just repeat your creatinine level after a month. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
Hi my name is chandra, from last two days i cant move my left eye brow, i cant close my left eye lid completely., i cant smile properly. When i see myself in the mirror and tried to smile only the right part of my lips are moving. I can feel slight numbness on left part of my face. While eating food am not able to open my moutChatDoctorpletely, the left side of mouth, both the upper and lower lips not moving. Im having a slight pain at the bottom of my left ear. Im worried. Please try to help me. | Hi Mr Chan Chat Doctor. These are suggestive of left sided facial paralysis (also called as Bells palsy). This is most often caused by a viral infection such as herpes simplex. Diabetics are also more prone to get this illness. You should consult a neurologist, who would examine you and do a facial nerve conduction to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment would consist of medications such as acyclovir and prednisolone. In addition, physiotherapy would also be useful. Most people would recover within 3-4 weeks of treatment. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, |
Hi, I gave zentel to my 4 year old daughter for deworming. After one day she had high fever and a day after red bumps on her feer and palm, few on legs and bum as well. The bumps are very very itchy and red. Is this a reaction to the medicine, or some other skin condition. What is the treatment usually? Thanks. | Hi... I feel by what you quote he should be having a - Hand Foot Mouth disease. This is one viral illness among all other anthems which can cause fever followed by rash over palms and soles. It is a self-limiting disorder and itching can be really worrisome. I suggest you use any over the counter antihistamine if you have one with you now. You can use HY Chat Doctor. This can even cause some peeling of skin in the next 4-6 weeks and do not worry about it. Regards - |
I have a dime sized lump on the right side of my abdomen. It is about a hands width below my rib cage. It is not painful to the touch or anything like that. It is round and not irregular in shape. It does not stick out from my body. I am a 43 year old female in good health. What could this be? I have a yearly doctor s appointment in 2 months and did not know if it would be okay to wait until then to have it checked. | Hi.based from your description alone, it could be a lipoma (fatty deposit), fibrous (fibrous tissue formation) or a cystic formation (sebaceous or gelatinous cyst). These are all benign lesions, but other lesion types must also be ruled-out. it's not an emergency case, but if the lesion is increasing in size, causes pain or discomfort, and is bothersome for you, a consult with your doctor, preferably a general surgeon, is best for clinical evaluation. Diagnostics (such as X-ray or ultrasound) and management (medical and/or surgical, excision biopsy of the lesion) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. |
I m 23 yrs old guy. I m facing a really bizarre problem. Whenever I talk to my female co-workers, my sister or any female out there, they make me feel like I am looking at the boobs but I keep the eye contact all the time. They start put their hand on the neck to show me that I m looking. The things get worse when boys too show me the same behavior like putting hand on neck or by any means they just try either not to make eye contact with me or just they end the conversation with me. The worst part takes place when my very own sister does that. I know myself. I am a nice with no bad habits.I am not a pervert who has sex on his mind all the time. This social phobia is increasing day by day. I am scared to talk to anyone. I cant even tell my problem to anyone becoz they would make fun of me or just say its not a problem at all. But, please help ........I need it...... | Hello You have problem that you always try to look into the eyes while having a conversation. You feel that people are thinking that you are looking at their breasts. Even with family members you have such problem and this thing is causing loss of confidence. Most probably your complaints are occurring due to Social anxiety disorder and this has reached to obsessional level. You have started thinking that you should not look into the breasts and due to this you continuously look in individuals eyes. You become conscious due to that and this has resulted in social impairment. I would advise you to consult a Psychiatrist for that. Behavior therapy will help in decreasing the undesired behavior. Medicines like high dose Escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine etc. are commonly used to decrease anxiety. For symptomatic relief low dose benzodiazepines or propranolol can be used. Consult a psychiatrist for prescription and evaluation. Thanks, hope this helps you. |
I have been feeling a fluttering sensation on the right side of my head at least 2-6 times a month since I can remember. I often have dizzy spells where I will be walking and my vision will go black from the outside. Then I usually sit down to avoid falling, but if I do that, I start seizing slightly. I usually can t feel direction, Gravity, sound or my body movements. After a few seconds, it passes, I get up and go on. But it happens several times a day. I have had an MRI done and nothing is out of the ordinary. No doctors have ever been alarmed at hearing any of this, or maybe they respond, Eat better. What is going on? | Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned that you have certain symptoms like dizziness, weakness and uncontrolled body movements. Since you have even undergone an MRI which has not revealed anything than it should not be a worry. Because most of the time MRI scan comes normal when there are no symptoms associated at that particular movement. Since you have tried with the physician I will recommend you to try physical therapy. Certain times when there are abnormal neural activity happening in brain tissue, it may lead to abnormal symptoms like dizziness, disturbance in vision, uncontrolled bodily movements etc. which can be controlled by the doing motor exercises. Motor exercises will help to have an active conscious control onto the muscles, and also it will help improve the metabolism and motor functions. I have met certain cases where the symptoms are same, and they got control of their symptoms by regular exercises. As the metabolism is improved it will also help to function of the motor centers of the brain better. Also, the dizziness will reduce. You can discuss the same with your physician. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery regards |
Hello, Im a 22 year old female medical student and I have been suffering from a decreased appetite for over six months, however I was able to force myself to eat until last month or so when I started feeling strongly repulsed by food all together, after eating I feel nausea and sometimes a gag-reflex and am compelled to throw up but I dont. I have also been experiencing upset/nervous stomach related to my anxiety which has subsided somewhat after using beta-blockers I got prescribed from my attending doctor. I also have trouble relaxing and sleeping, Im always tired no matter how many hours I sleep, neither my mind nor my body is rested. I have a family history of depression and generalized anxiety disorder on my fathers side. I have also suffered from panic attacks a couple of years ago along with what seemed at a time to be mild symptoms of depression. Im 164 cm and weighed 49 kg a couple of weeks ago, and Im worried about losing more weight or becoming anemic. | Hi, I can understand your concerns regarding your symptoms. Your current symptoms of decreased appetite, sleep disturbances, being stressed are highly suggestive of underlying depression and anxiety. In view of the fact that you have had panic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms in the past and have a positive family history of depression, you should seek a psychiatric consultation for complete evaluation and initiating treatment at the earliest. Earlier the treatment is started, better is the prognosis. Treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like sertraline would be effective. In addition, you should start exercising daily. It will help you relax and feel better. You can also consider the option of cognitive behavior therapy which will consist of multiple sessions helping you relax and overcome your depression. I do hope that I was able to answer your query. Best wishes. |
My husband was diagnosed with asthma earlier this year having suffered an attack in the spring. He had another session before xmas which lasted well over 2 weeks. Went to a walk-in clinic 2x within a week as his symptoms were severe. Prescribed steroid drugs in conjunction with regular puffers. He started doing some light cardio within the past several days and felt stronger, although his airways still feel somewhat constricted. He played hockey tonite (taking it easy according to him) and immediately felt extremely dizzy when he got off the ice. The dizziness has continued, so far 3 hours since he played. Im concerned if he should seek immediate help or can he wait to see if the dizziness settles down. His doctor is away until next Tuesday. Thank you very much. | Hi, thank you for asking Chat Doctor. With this presentation, I think dizziness may have resulted from physical activity. When there is an asthmatic attack, blood passing through the lungs does not acquire enough oxygen and when you are exercising your muscles, oxygen consumption increases. The imbalance might lead to dizziness. In my opinion, I would suggest he rest and continue medications. I hope that answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. We will be delighted to answer more questions from you. I wish him good health |
Hi i am 28year old male my sgpt 123 and sgot 65 and my chlostrol are also high i.e tryglyceride 213 hdl 38 ldl 140, uric acid 8.7 and tsh 6.43. Liver enzymes and chlostrol are high from last two years. I m taking vibro vas, allupronol 300mg from last three months but not working properly. I also hv psvt for that i m dilzem 120 cd. I want to control these things please suggest me what to do. regards rajdeep | HelloSign SGPT may indicate liver injury. It may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, altered lipid profile, medicines,autoimmune causes etc. High SGPT may be due to altered lipid profile in your case. You may need few investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, viral markers, ultrasound of abdomen. I suggest tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg twice daily for three months to my patients. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. I also suggest combination tablet of atorvastatin 10 mg and fenofibrate 160 mg single dose at night after dinner. It will control increased lipid level. You also need diet and lifestyle modification. You should avoid saturated aft and go for brisk walk regularly. You should continue other medicines as well. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. |
hi um 23 years old , female... recently i have been experiencing a very bad pain in my knees ( like inside the bone on the sides and in the back of the knee) i ran a test for my ESR and it was 49 in the first hour and 74 in the second ... what should i do , b coz um really scared and in pain ( i go to work so i have to be healthy) n.b | Hi, Thanks for your query. There are numerous causes and conditions that produce pain in the knee joint. One of the commonest conditions that affects your age people is Patellofemoral arthritis (wear & tear in the cartilage of the kneecap & thigh-bone)A detailed clinical examination & a few investigations are needed to establish a correct diagnosis of your problem. The general recommendations for Anterior knee pain are as follows -- Avoid any activities that increase the pain such as climbing stairs and deep knee bending movements.- Use over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen as & when needed-Weight loss alone will often fix the problem if you are substantially overweight.- Specific exercises can strengthen the muscles that support your knees and control limb alignment, such as your qua Chat Doctor. I suggest you to consult an orthopedic surgeon for further management. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care |
I had a supernumeracy tooth removed from the bottom of my mouth,they also took out to teeth which were infected i had a blood clot and have been rinsing with salt water as advised however the blood clot has now disappeared and i have a massive hole i have rang the dentist and they said it can be normal for the clot to dislodge however i now have a dull ache along my gum line, any suggestions? | Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. Early dislodgement of the blood clot can sometimes delay the healing of the tooth socket. I would advise you to AVOID vigorous gargling of the mouth, though you should continue with salt water gargling. Take the medicines as prescribed by the dentist. If the pain increases or persists, get it reviewed by the dentist to rule out any infection( Chat Doctor. Hope this was helpful. Thanks and regards. |
Sir/Maam,I was wearin underpants and shorts...and my girlfriend was wearing nothing....I touched her vagina after i touched my shorts which were it possible that she can get pregnant....please reply...we are worried.... | Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion there is no chance of pregnancy with just touching the vagina. There is chance of pregnancy when semen is ejaculated on or inside the vagina during the fertile period. So relax. Nothing to worry. Avoid stress. The first sign of pregnancy is missed period. So wait and check for the period. But anyway there is no chance of pregnancy. Best regards... |
I am 30 years old and trying to conceive last 1st time in last 1yr but no result. I have tracked my ovulation patterns with bbt chart & CM, 28 day cycle. my prolectine was high 4months before, now problems conceiving our first child. Is my ovulation too late to conceive and when should I go see a doctor about this? | Hi, Sorry but your history is not clear. Let me tell you the basis of ovulation & periods. Normally periods are 28 days +/- 7 days, bleeding of up to 7 days is normal. To know the exact date of ovulation, Subtract 14 days from Average length of cycle, e.g.- if periods every32 days, 32-14= Day 18 is day of Ovulation. If your cycle is regular, don't worry about any other hormones. Because if you have abnormal levels of Thyroid or Prolactin hormones, you will not ovulate, hence your periods will be prolonged or irregular. Repeat Prolactin (early morning around 6-7 am, empty stomach). Do consult infertility specialist if level is too high (up to 30\u00a0ng/ml or mcg/Lt is normal). Prolactin can rise for varied situations e.g. - lack of sleep, anxiety, after sex, anxiety even seeing the syringe ! If your cycle is regular rule out other causes for infertility like Husband - Semen parameterize- Tubal patency- SG (X-ray with dye) or SSG (Scan with dye) or laparoscopy. All the best Chat Doctor. |
am I abused? it is not like most abused wife knew their husbands did to(beat-up) them. I got nightmares about needle shot on my arms and legs, some one twisted my right feet, hit forehead 3 times,...all happened after I slept without knowing. over 17 years can t catch anyone did to me with security systems bought by my husband. in the meanwhile frequently things disappeared/stolen, some of them would return... we did visit family doctor when our marriage worse and worse but she didn t believe anything I said such as showing knife-cut my finger and wanted me take depression-related medicine and to visit mental doctor (both I refused)... we invited my 2nd brother lives with us (over a year) but making worse that he believed I should see mental doctor 9himself didn t have job over 15 years). I didn t lose my confidence in myself and knew bad things won t stop. I thought there is 3rd person involved to abuse me because something disappeared I m pretty sure is not my husband did(he may know/agree but not all of them). in the beginning I thought my husband seemed was abused and wanted me to go thru what he suffered.. all over my body was hurt except my left front ribs/head/foot not suffer heavy painful yet. the 1st time I felt right arm was needle shot we went to emergence room the doctor can t tell but a warning... becareful in private short seconds with me. am I in danger? | Hello I have read your history and can understand your problem. You have mentioned that you get nightmares about needles shot on your arms and legs, someone hit you on forehead. Things have disappeared and appeared again. You have visited your family doctors who advised to consult psychiatrist. Even you didn't consult psychiatrist and again started having complaints. You called your brother and after one year he also advised you to consult psychiatrist. See although I need more details of symptoms but from the summary it appears that you have delusions that someone is harming you. The delusion is held despite evidence to contrary. The delusions are causing development of other symptoms. Consult a Psychiatrist for expert opinion. Thanks |
I RECENTLY FELL BROKE MY HIP HAD REPLACEMENT. WENT WELL, HOWEVER, I AM NOW HAVING SEVERE PAIN IN MY LEFT GROIN. I ALSO AM ABOUT TO HAVE LEFT KNEE REPLACEMENT DUE TO ARTHRITIS AND AGRIVATION FROM FALL AND MY WALKING TO FAVOR THE HIP. LEFT HIP WAS REPLACED ON MARCH 12. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN EXTREMELY ACTIVE AND VERY BUSY. AGE 77. | Hi there. Welcome to Chat Doctor. You have mentioned that you have passion over your left hip which has undergone surgery. If you still have pain and any limping, you need to consult your Doctor right away to look for any problems associated with the surgery. Avoid squatting, cross leg sitting, kneeling or heavy weight lifting as these can cause stress to a replaced hip. Kindly do exercises as taught by your doctor or physiotherapist. It is good to keep active but be within sage limit and do not over do any activity without consulting your doctor. Eat healthy. Chat Doctor. Stay stress-free. Hope I have answered your query. |
45, depression for about 20 years, take prozac 40 mg daily, overweight, i am about 5 7 208 lbs, exercise daily, walk about 1 mile, cutting back on calories, sweets and jumk. feeling foggy in the head, just not quite right, jittery, sometimes down right shaking and cold feeling, went to er , second time for this in 2 years, blood work shows ok for thyroid,blood glucose, heart ok, kidney functions ok, said i had a world class blood workup and nothing showed. gave me xanax to try, hard to function even on .5mg as it makes me very tired and I have to drive all day. very upsetting and has me rdgy nervous and worried now, sometimes symptoms wake me out of sleep, sometimes vomitting and dizziness, not sure if shortness of breath is anxiety from not feeling good or really am short of breath. | I appreciate your concerns, based on the history I would say that if you are not running fever and if your blood complete picture is also normal, then there is nothing to worry. Foggy feeling in the head, dizziness and shortness of breath can be due to the accompanied anxiety. However, more information is needed your vomiting as it is unlikely in routine anxiety. You can practice deep breathing exercise and nothing to worry. I hope you find this helpful. |
Hello Doctor! I am simmi, 26 years old, 153 cms and wt is 65 kgs.3 months b4 I was diagnosed wid multiple cysts in ovaries(mild degree). I was on medication. Recently i get an ultrasound and found no cysts. But now I found my husband spermcount is 25 mn and sperm motality is 15%. can I get pregnant? What is the chance? | Hi, it is possible to get pregnant with sperms count of 25 million and motility 15 %. Your husband can take some antioxidants for 2 to 3 months after consulting a doctor. It helps in improving motility. A motility of 32 % is required to get pregnant naturally. So repeat a semen analysis after 2 months. If improvement is seen you can try naturally every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It increases the chance to get pregnant. If there is no effect, then you can go for GUI. In this semen is processed and count and motility is increased to a great extent. Then it is instilled into your uterus on day of ovulation. Talk to your doctor regarding this. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor. |
Hello sir i had panic attacks for last 2 years, i take nexito 10 and its not regular but i take it with a gap of 5 or 6 days, the reason is that i want to quit taking nexito and when i feel vertigo i take it. However for last few days i am facing issues with my blood pressure as it rises to 160/100 and extreme anxiety , i went to seek a doctor and he prescribed me aten 50. Plz tell me what should i do now? | Hai adeelk1001 silent feauturespanic attack irregular medication raised BP episodic Raised BP is part of Panic attack however to rule out Hypertension u need to check BP at 3 different days when it would be consistent Next i.e., Escitalopram have no use if taken irregularly panic attack occurs in several conditions. So I suggest u to first meet nearest psychiatrist and get evaluated whether u have panic disorder. If so Paroxetine would be better Chat Doctor. I advice u\" Do not self-medicate\ |
Hi. I was recently diagonesed with Hepatitis A which resulted into Jaundice . My enzymes levels were significantly elevated and bilirubin was raised to 13. After several LFTs, now my enzyme level has come down but bilirubin still seems to be high. How much time does it normally takes for Bilirubin to come down to normal? | Hello, Gaurav.Khan, I am glad that you are recovering from acute hepatitis-A. Rest assured that you will completely recover from this without any residual damage to the liver. This does not go into a chronic phase like Type-B or Type-C hepatitis. Your enzymes have been coming down and so will the serum bilirubin. Usually, it takes about 4 weeks for all the lab results come back normal. I want you to make sure that you take a good Super B-Complex Vitamin along with Vital 1000 mg. daily. Follow a good high protein diet, cutting back on fatty and greasy foods. I wish you well. |
Hi doc I just found out that I have Hep C and I don t have an idea how did I get parents don t have this (RIP).....I m 51yrs. old...I m trying to get a life insurance and they turn me down because of my blood result....every year I do physical such as including urine and blood test ..... | Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I have read your query in detail. Furthermore, I understand your concern. Hepatitis C can be spread through |
Hello,this morning I was driving to work when I felt pain in my upper abdomen. I felt clammy, my stomach aired up I felt bloated. This strange feeling went on for about 7 to 10 minutes. It felt as if though aired was being sucked out of me. When it passed I felt relieved, but notice I was exhausted. The pain in my upper abdomen was like a slight cramp. I have had this happen before. When it happened it is always in the same spot of my upper abdomen and in the past it felt like my stomach muscle was bulging out (very painful). Can you give me some idea of what i may be experiencing? | Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. You had pain in the upper abdomen, bloated, exhausted, previously also you had such pain. The pain in the upper abdomen is suggestive of the gastric pain due to peptic ulcer, or gastric irritation due to irritant foods. Gall bladder pain, or pancreas pain, or stones in the pelvis of the kidney. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment, as it may become severe as the time passes. I advise you to avoid spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. |
I have chronic pain from MS. My doctor prescribed Cymbalta, but after reading the long list of side effects I really dont want to take it. Im supposed to meet with him this week. Is there an alternative medicine you can think of for me to ask for? Right now, Im just taking ibuprofen which does very little. I just want something to cut the pain enough for me to sleep. Im searching for a new neurologist. This one is not very good. | Pain from MS can be very difficult to treat and for the patient to deal with. I like to try and control the pain with a multi-modal approach, that way you attain the most benefit. For starters, I think you should definitely start taking some neuropathic, or nerve pain controlling, medications. A good start would be with gabapentin. Typically, you will start at 300\u00a0mg daily and slowly increase overtime to a dose which helps you and avoids side effects. Another excellent option is a tricyclic antidepressant, called Pamela. Pamela is very old, cheap, and highly efficacious. Typically, I start at 25\u00a0mg nightly. This will not only help with pain, but will help you to sleep better as well. Now other than pharmaceuticals solutions, another great option is nutraceutical (vitamins and supplements). I would recommend a vitamin regimen that includes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1000 units twice a day to help with pain, inflammation. Also start taking a vitamin B complex (containing B3, B6, B12) as this helps with nerve related pain and helps decrease further nervous system damage. Lastly I would start taking magnesium citrate 500\u00a0mg nightly, to aid in better sleep and help with pain (magnesium citrate is absorbed the best by your body, so be sure it is this formulation). If the pain persists, and you begin having more tingling/unpleasant sensations, another option would be alpha biopic acid 600\u00a0mg twice daily. These suggestions are all proven to be effective in the medical literature and I use them on a daily basis for my MS patients. I hope that this helps and I hope you feel better soon! Good luck! |
yes my son was with his dad the other day and he got bit by a puppy . in which it barely broke the skin and he has a few blisters around the site of the bite. he is 2 years old, and he now has a low grade fever of 101.9 degrees F. should we be concerned.. | Thanks for posting your query at Chat Doctor. Dogs, like other mammals are prone to having a disease called rabies which is lethal in humans and does not have any cure. I would strongly suggest that you get your child vaccinated immediately with the proper course of anti rabies vaccine. The fever that you are talking about is not low grade and probably due to a bacterial infection that might have occurred during the skin breach. He may require some antibiotics after the blood work has been done. Please contact your pediatrician. Hope that I have been able to ad Chat Doctor. Feel free to revert in case of further questions if any. |
Hi I hv been taking lonazep and prodep since 5 years as prescribed by doc ......I stopped I between didnt go go to doc ......I hv been drinking hv mood swings now past 6 months Self medicated and taking lonazep and prodep and suffer from depression .... 2md morning and night with 20 mg prodep......trying to quit drinking but cannot help........please help | Headfirst of all I would advise you to stop taking alcohol immediately because alcohol is a CNS depressant and taking alcohol with another CNS depressant like benzodiazepine may result in severe CNS depression. Now as you left medicines without the advice of doctor and again you starting taking it again without consulting doctor. I would advise you to consult a Psychiatrist regarding proper dosing of Proper or fluoxetine. Don't self-medicate yourself because clonazepam is a benzodiazepine, and it has high abuse potential especially when taken without the supervision of a doctor. Thanks |
Okay I m asking this question for my girlfriend, please help I m a little worried tht this could be something. Well recently my girlfriend (17) and I were intimate, and while my finger was inside her vagina I felt something that I guess was a sort of lump to the left (her left) of the opening of her cervix . It was hard and the best way I can describe it, it felt almost like rigid like if I rub my throat that kind of feeling and it was hard and I don t think it moved. She has also said that she has been urinating more frequently but she does drink alot of water, and she has also said that she feels irritated down there alot recently. I ve looked up some things and I came across vaginal cancer . I really hope and pray that she doesn t have that and i don t know how to get her rested for it because we couldn t tell her parents how we found it or that we ve had sex. Please help me!! | Hi You need not worry as what you felt will be the part of cervix as it will be firm to hard in any girl who is yet to have a normal vaginal delivery. Sometimes what you felt may be the normal pelvic bone parts if your girlfriend is very lean. So no need to panic. The urinary irritation and vaginal irritation is because of vaginal infection because of handling. This can be treated with antibiotics and Chat Doctor. All the best. |
Hello, my daughter is 3 and a half months old and has a Streptococcus pneumoniae infection of the left eye, I think that its in the nasolacrimal canal. We made the necesarry tests, and acording to the antibiogram, the bacteria is sensitive to ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol. We did 2 week treatment (ciprofloxacin drops during the day and chloramphenicol ointment during the night), but the bacteria keeps coming back | Welcome to ChatDoctorI have carefully read and understood you query hope you will find this usefulUnfortunately the Nasolacrimal duct infection keeps coming back as it has a blockage inside which needs to be ad Chat Doctor. But not very later than that. Surgical treatment includes probing and syringing of the duct for mechanical removal of the blockage. Probing failures are treated with more aggressive surgical procedures including balloon dacryoplasty and nasolacrimal duct intubation. Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy is generally reserved for intubation and balloon dacryoplasty failures before that, the management is at home.Don't use Cipro or chloramphenicol too much. Replace it with antimycin which better in case of NLD infections in infants with less after effects. Important is to massage the medial side of the eye along the nose with the little finger, where the duct is. Give ten strokes four times a day. This is very effective in removing the blockage with pressure. But don't exert excessive pressure. If it does not work for till 8 months of age, see an ophthalmologist for intervention. I will be happy to know if you have found answer to your queryThank you |
My daughter has a small scar on her nose from an injury that happened over 3 months ago. We have noticed that there are little white bumps around the scar that don t seem to go away. They are not soft, but firm in texture. Will these go away or should we consult a physician? | Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. |
My friend has the following symptons | Sore throat suggests infection. Hot n cold flushes and blurring, nausea, vomiting etc. suggest it may be malaria also. Your doctor is right in giving prima facie medicine. But it would be prudent to take blood samples for Malarial parasites, TLC DLC etc. M.P. if (-)ve once, doesn't mean that malaria is absent. Presence calls for radical treatment. Main thing is manage fever, headache, vomiting etc. first. To my own such patients, I suggest Superman fan vat, Panjiva, god anti and Gilroy mixed in one which prevents and cures all above symptoms and are harmless, safe herbal medicines. But slow...but.non-toxic too. For more throat Toilet lozenges. Hope it helps you. |
My mother is 86 and for 6 years has had difficultity with chronic cough. Had a swallow study, her eppiglotis is not functioning properly. She gets headaches and other pains from coughing so much, and I can not express how frustrating her coughing is for the rest of the family. Codine and other supressants do not work. Any suggestions? Also she is on hospise care.... what are the long-term consequences of this type of problem? | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, your mother is mostly having aspiration and related lung disease. Non-functioning of epiglottis is common cause of aspiration. The common complication is aspiration pneumonia. So better to get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. For prevention, nasogastric tube insertion is an easy option. It prevents aspiration and hence pneumonia. So better to consult doctor and discuss all these. Also ask about nasogastric tube. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks. |
I am wanting to get pregnant. I habe been trying for about a year. I have a 30 day cycle and my period is always on time. I know I ovulated before i started trying to concieve, but now I see no signs of ovulation. Can you have a period but not ovulate or is it that im not having any symptoms or that I am now infertile?? Help me! | Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Ovulation generally occurs between day 10 and day 19 of the menstrual cycle, or 12 to 16 days. It is difficult for a woman to know exact date of ovulation and signs of ovulation are not experienced by many women. Here are few signs of ovulation1. During ovulation, the cervical mucus increases in volume and becomes thicker due to increased estrogen levels. It is often said that the cervical mucus resembles egg whites at a women most fertile point.2. Ovulation may also lead to a 0.4 to 1.0 degree increase in basal body temperature, but difficult to determine this rise3. Finally, ovulation predictor kits are available from Chat Doctor. Most of the women who have regular cycles ovulate, but if you think that you are going through cycles without ovulation then it's better to consult a gynecologist and she/he may suggest you a scan.A woman said to be Infertile if she fails to become pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse, I suggest you to eat nutritious diet, Take Tab ova care 0-1-0 for 3 months (it contains nutrients which helps in ovulation) and observe for 3 months, if you fail to conceive it's time to consult an expert. All the Beauregard |
My doctor wants a second opion on my back. He gave me three names Dr. Moshitar, Landsdown; Dr. Yjar, Fairfax, Dr. Lotfi. Dr. Mazahery ordered a CT scan, (no MRI due to pacemaker), cannot determine my issue. I have now had 4 shots in spine and satcnerve with very little relief. | Hello, Thanks for your query. You are suffering from what we call the industrial backache. The first step is to ensure that you maintain an appropriate posture while working on the computer. Take frequent stretch breaks and Chat Doctor. Discontinue using pillow while sleeping straight. Do not lift heavy objects, especially after bending down. Eat a healthy wholesome meal which should satisfy your minerals and proteins requirement. The most essential and long-lasting remedy is exercises. There are certain back strengthening and neck isometric exercises that you must learn from a physiotherapist and perform them at home or work whenever possible. You can also undergo a weeks' session of traction at your physiotherapists clinic do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care |
my son went to the doctors yesterday for a bad stomach ache that he has had for over a week, she listened to his stomach, pushed on it and said it was just gas. she said to give him pepto. I gave him pepto and about 10 min. after he said he felt worse, now the next morning he still says he feels terrible and his stomach and head hurt. Something else to try or do I just need to take him to a gastro doctor? | Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history.Your son has got a pain in abdomen for over a week, the Doctor auscultated and said it was gas. Well, gas alone can not cause pains for more than a week. There has to be a reason for this. I would advise you to take him to the Castro, get the following investigations done |
neither i nor my boyfriend have an STI but he has a strong fish smell around the head of his penis even after washing well. Due to this i have now started to smell the same on the inside of my outer labia. I have no discharge and no smell coming from inside the vagina. What could it be? | Hello, It could be a Sega which is nothing but an infective material collected at the glans(head) penis. Poor personal hygiene will be the common cause for developing Sega. As a first line management you can apply topical antibiotics like mupirocin after cleaning with soap and water. If lesion persists better to consult a dermatologist and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
i have had a gel like lump on my neck for aseveral months - comes, and goes, a little tender now , no other symtoms, was checked out with body scan and head scan in april - not for this however..everything good also had full metabolic blood tests in May as well all good ?? | Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The history and features suggest most possible cause could be lymph nodal enlargement.2. Lymph nodal enlargement can be due to any infection / inflammation local or systemic. 3. Other possible cause could be any glandular lesion, finally vascular cause.4. To conclude, after examination needs to get an ultrasound examination done - that will help in assessing the nature of the lesion, its source and extensions.5. Depending on findings if mass - a needle sample might be needed and treated accordingly. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. |
can a molar decay and fall out? I had a tooth extracted that had already had a partial root canal. My dentist realized he could not save it and pulled it. The molar tooth behind it is chipped and in bad shape, but dosnt hurt. Since i have had the other one pulled it has been sore. (not like a toothache, more like spacers before braces) It is wiggling and loose, and seems like it is coming out little by little? Is it possible for it to just fall out? | Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. Yes, it is possible for a tooth to fall out. Since the adjacent tooth is missing, the tooth starts to move as it has more space created, thus begins to get loose, eventually falling out. I would suggest you to visit your dentist and check it. Get it extracted. Replace the missing teeth, if not the opposite jaw will start to cause problem. If pain you can take ibuprofen(if you are not allergic to any medicine). Hope this was useful. Thanks and regards. |
5 month olds heart beats irregularly. my 5 month old was sleeping on my chest while I was sitting up and all of a side his heart stated beating out of his chest that you could see his cloths moving up and down then it went down and he had some palpitations and was whimpering like if it hurt. then he was ok for the rest of the night. what could this be? | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Possibility of arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) is more. And most common cause for arrhythmia in 5-month-old child is congenital heart diseases (CHD). So better to consult pediatric cardiologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of heart 2. ECG 3. 2d echo. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your child. Thanks. |
almost 7 months ago I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Since this time, but not before, I cough up greenish mucus all morning. The mucus has no blood but taste metallic like blood. Should I be worried? I havent been back to my doctor since. Should I go? | Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... You are having green colored stained phlegm ... So it's not normal.... Post nasal Chat Doctor. ... For that physical examination and auscultation is first indeed... If abnormal than further work up done with digital chest x-ray (if rales or rhonchi heard)It might be bacterial infection for which antibiotic course given..... If still symptom not improves than sputum culture and cytological examination done ... Take care Advise |
Hi i am 21 years old, i weigh 54kgs and my height is 5 3. I used to be very fair when i ws young, but after the age of 5, i started getting tan and my complexion is very dull now , is there any way to get my complexion back as in a fairness treatment ?? | Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. Generally, in my patients of sun tanning I would advise then to get series of microdermabrasion followed by chemical peeling. Microdermabrasion is a procedure that removes the superficial layers of skin, and it is done with a help of machine. Then after a week or same day itself I would carry out another procedure called chemical peeling. Chemical peeling is again a similar procedure where superficial layers of skin is removed but here the effect is more profound, and it stimulates new skin generation in much better way thus giving you more youthful and radiant skin. Several options are available in chemical peels like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, TCA but my personal favorite is retinol peel or also known as Yellow peel. The rationale of combining this procedure is to get better and long-lasting effects. I am sure 6-8 sessions will bring out a pretty gratifying results. At home the results can be maintained with antioxidant tablets like Antonio HC once daily in morning (It can be safely taken for months together) and night application of cream containing mixture of glycolic acid, albumin and Comic acid. In morning, you can apply a good quality sunscreen with additional skin lightening ingredients (NIL TAN SPF). Use a good quality face wash like Fast face wash gel. Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and indulge into regular exercise for healthy skin and body. Hope this was useful. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Thank you and take care, Chat Doctor. D Dermatology |
I fell & sprained my wrist about 3 weeks ago. Had it x-rayed a few days later, no fractures. It was swollen and bruised. After about a week, the swelling went down. The bruise is gone now, but it still feels sore after eg typing a lot and it hurts a bit when I put pressure on it. Is that to be expected or should I be concerned that it is not healing properly? | Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you have a sprained wrist these symptoms are common post the injury. Also, using a wrist brace should be helpful for stabilizing the joint and then some simple Forearm muscle Strengthening exercises. As this will improve your joint stability and muscle endurance. After performing exercises for 2-3 weeks of time you should have good recovery. There is nothing much to worry as these are all common symptoms post injuries. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. |
I have muscle spasms and restlessness in my legs that I ge twhen sitting in a car or movie theatre or at night when I try to sleep. Requip helped for awhile but is wearing off. I also get it worse when I do more activity and my lower centerback hurts | Hi, Thanks for your query. Restlessleg syn Chat Doctor. There is no cause for this disease, but usually it is due to over activity of the brain. I would suggest you to get your serum B 12 estimation as some time this can cause RLS. Meanwhile, I have the following suggestions for you.1. Try to sleep at a fixed time, avoid late night sleep. Avoid coffee in nighttime.2. If you was my patient, then I would suggest you Amytryptalin daily.3. Capsaicin ointment local application will also give relief.td4. After B 12 test is done you can also take Methylcobal tablet daily do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care |
Hi Mam This is Tarik From Dhaka,Bangladesh . My Wife is pregnent for 6 months . She is 31 years old. She is sufferin.g from serious itching all over body. Our doctor given test of ALT( SGPT) and Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP). We have gone through the test and just got the result ALT 98 and ALP 131.Both are in higher side. Need your valued suggestion to get these fixed asap. Should we have to gone through any further test ? Pls advise. | Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the itching during pregnancy can be physiological or abnormal. Usually itching is present in pregnancy in 3rd trimester i.e. between 29-40 weeks. But it might not be associated with raised serum bilirubin and liver enzymes. Other condition called obstetric homeostasis of pregnancy (OCP) where there is severe itching and jaundice associated with raised liver enzymes and serum bilirubin. I suggest you to get serum bilirubin done to check for any OCP.OCP might be associated with preterm labor.Don't worry. With good monitoring the complications can be prevented. Antihistamines might give you relief. If raised bilirubin is present other medicines to decrease the bilirubin might be prescribed. Avoid stress. Hope this helps. Best regards... |
i got my medical result today and it says that there are susupiciour densities in the left upper lobe of my lungs but may heart is normal and other structures are unremarkable. i don t have any diseaselukahikaro@ right now.. it says that i need an apicolordotic view.. what does it mean? | Hello, Normally chest x-ray is taken in AP (Anteroposterior) view. In this view, lung apex is overlapped by ribs, clavicle etcetera. So any pathology in lung apex will not be clearly visible in the AP view. So apicolordotic view is asked. In this, a chest x-ray is taken in such a way that lung apex visualized clearly without overlapping by ribs and clavicle. So, it is better to get done apicolordotic view to identify suspicious opacity in the left lung apex. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
Hi, please help! I am suffering tooth abcesses which has caused me to have 2 teeth extracted. Though the pain I am in, is still horrendous! My jaw is constantly aching and throbbing (burning sensations and sharp shooting pains on my left jaw) I don t know what else I can do. At a dead end with the dentist . Is there anything a doctor can do. (I have had to visit the doctors for a sick note, due to do much time off work) I am only 27 and frightened that nothing is going to help. I have been on 4 lots of antibiodics and constantly taking pain killers. | Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I would like to inform you that pain in jaw following extraction needs a thorough examination y your dentist, I would advise you to see an oral surgeon for the same. Until you visit a dentist, kindly perform warm saline rinses(3-4 times/day), antibacterial mouth wash(twice/day), Do not worry, your dentist will take an ,x-ray to make sure no other tooth is causing these symptoms.I hope I answered your query, i wish you good health. |
Dear sir,Its me krishna Psd. Aryal from Nepal. I have the problem of Rhd mild mr from last 10 years. Iam now 24 years old and started to take penicillin 12 since i was 14 years old. Currently i have received a offer letter from UAE and I am planning to go there. Does my this problem will affect my medical report and may be bound to go there. I am in tension. Please reply me. If i can go there shall i take injections there? | Rheumatic heart disease with only abnormality of Mr with normal valves will not per se be a problem in going there, however they will evaluate you completely before issuing work visa. You should take the in, as previously prescribed at least till 35 years and preferably life long. However, if you have problems taking in, carry tab penicillin V, which you can take in prescribed dose twice a day instead of in. Regards |
Hi,I had under gone pilonidal surgery in 2010 nov closed the wound at first and the there was an infection inside so they had to open it to heal from the time i had under gone the surgery till now i do dressing daily now my wound is almost close but there are 2 holes in which it still blood or yellow liquide come. Kindly help me with a solution . | Thanks for your query at Chat Doctor! I am Infectious Disease Specialist! I went through your query! I suggest that if discharge is coming out it must be tested to evaluate for infectious agent by gram staining and culture tests for bacterial both aerobic and anaerobic infection. If sterile no need to worry just maintain good hygiene. But if infectious take treatment based on the sensitivity reports. Best of the surgeries are sometimes ruined by infection. So take precautions. Happy to take more queries! You can also write a review for me. If you would like some more information, I will be happy to provide. You can take a follow-up query. Take care! |
I have Hashimoto s that is being treated with 120mg of Armour daily, low vitamin D levels for which I take D3 daily. I have been having gallbladder type pain (but it was removed in 2005) and underwent an ultrasound this past week. The test showed that I am boderline hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with some fatty changes to the liver and no visual issues with the pancreas or ducts. Last night we were messing around with a glucometer (my friend is diabetic, I have no family with diabetes and neither am I) We tested my glucose 2 hours post prandial and it was 81; 4 hours later I was at 66 after consuming regular coca cola all evening. I ate some candy and 15 minutes later it was at 129. Ten hours later after an overnight fasting, glucose was at 113. After breakfast it was at 130. Is it possible that what ever immune disorder I have in relation to my Hashimoto s is attacking my liver, spleen, and pancreas? I plan on seeing my doc for an A1C. | Hello Jeanette, I have seen blood reports that you have provided. I do not think there is any problem with your pancreas presently. The blood sugar values that you have provided look ok. In addition to your A1C I suggest you get your CBC, Liver Function Test (LFT), PT-INR and Lipid profile also checked. These are to check out the liver functions in view of the enlargement in size of the liver and the spleen as mentioned in the ultrasound report. Hope I have answered your query you remain well. I will be available in case of any further queries. |
Have pain lower back sometime felt in groan. Fell on concrete on left side mri shows degenerated disease at l4 and 55 left foraminal disc protrusion cqusing foraminal narrowing with facet degenerated chqnges l5- s 1. Disc space narrows at l5- s1 lowered right iliac crest. My lower back hurt! | Hello, Thanks for your query. You might be suffering from degenerative disc *disease & it occurs due to repetitive overload or stress to the disc & it increases the risk of disc herniation & spinal canal stenosis. For this condition you have to do stretching & strengthening exercises in which you have to stretch tight muscle & strengthen weakened ones which will alleviate stress on facet joint and disc.Meanwhile, for pain control take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care |
I have a son whom Im living with right now, and I cant beleive what im seeing and hereing from him. His temper is unreal and you would think he was a 17 yr old boy ... this man is 43... he only hangs out with much younger guys.. I am so ashamed of him I dont know what to do.... He likes to live in his own trash with dishes in his room as you would see in a teen .. wears clothes that i would throw away... what can i do | Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The given information may not be enough to understand your brothers character and diagnose his problem. But I do understand he is leading a lifestyle which others cannot accept and for which he never cares, and if somebody tries to advise him, he does not like it. Borderline personality disorder symptoms are somewhat identical to his condition. But need more information for a proper diagnosis. He needs counseling and psychotherapy. I shall provide you with the required counseling and psychotherapy techniques online, to overcome these problems. Please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
Sir, my syster has kydney problem. she is doing deit and medications . now she has creatinine 3.4, from the previous test it was 3.2. As per the doctor he saying it will have variations. how is this stage how shecan recover this. Thanks | HelloThanks for your query. I will try my best to provide you with the best possible professional recommendations to your questions. Normal levels of creatinine in the blood are approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (DL) in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 milligrams per deciliter in adult females. Any condition that impairs the function of the kidneys will probably raise the creatinine level in the blood. It is important to recognize whether the process leading to kidney dysfunction (kidney failure, academia) is longstanding or recent. The most common causes of longstanding kidney disease in adults are high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. Certain Chat Doctor. Serum creatinine can also transiently rise after ingestion of large amount of dietary meat. Creatinine level will vary depending on the disease. Kidney problem is vague description I would like to know the exact diagnosis, only after that I can speak about the prognosis. Yet again, I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further queries. Regards |
I have had 2 episodes of sudden chest pain, dizziness, arm pain and cold sweats in the past few months requiring hospitalization with some changes to my ECG results, no enzymes seen in blood tests (no heart damage). A recent angiogram was negative for coronary artery blockages. I remain on beta blockers and aspirin until seen again soon by my cardiologist. My father died @ age 44 of a heart attack and I am a 43 year old male. What are some other possible causes and questions I should be asking my doctor ? | Hi, If you had a normal angiogram recently, then a heart attack in a year is not likely. You should look for another cause for your complaints, such as Costco Chat Doctor. Just follow healthy lifestyle and don't worry. The only advise I would give you check your cholesterol level once a year and have a stress test. Hope I could help nourishing you good health In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask |
I feel weak and tired all the time. I am not normally like this and my arms and upper body feel the most weak. what is this? Also I was diagnosed with mono begining of april but still feel terrible and I had mono 10 years ago it was not even close to this bad. | Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Yes, chronic infectious mononucleosis can cause this type of reaction. But you should be diagnosed with such a condition by PCR and its various antigens and antibody against it. This type of chronic infection has very bad prognosis. Even antiviral Chat Doctor. Only chronic fatigue specialist can help you. I advise you should visit to them. They will certainly help you. I will be happy to answer your further concern on |
Hi I am a 39 woman who has had a concusion for the second time in 2 years at the top of my head. this time it was not as severe but after a week of headaches I now have eye twitching on and off all day in my right eye. I am worried that it is linked to my concussion? | Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have headache and eye twitching. You should go for MRI brain. It will give you exact idea whether you need any further treatment or not. Till that you can take symptomatic treatment like paracetamol. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
Hello. I have jaw spasms. This can occur at any time. But when I m feeling anxious or nervous, they happen more frequently. This has affected my social life. When a spasm happens, I make the excuse that I have bitten my tongue , because I am sure that it is very obvious to the person I am speaking to at the time. I am a podiatrist and this happens when I am working. It doesn t physically affect my treatment, but it has a devastating effect on me emotionally. Please advise me on what I can do to alleviate these spasms. I have only told my mum about these. I am married with children who have now grown up. Nobody else in my family is aware I have any problems whatsoever. Kind regards. Dawn | Hi, from your description it appears that you have some form of anxiety disorder. You may also have some pathology related to teeth or jaw which cause spasm and anxiety is exacerbating your jaw spasm. Sometime anxiety disorder itself can present as jaw spasm, but it is better to rule out oral pathology. As problem is prolonged or severe and leading to frequent interpersonal problems, then for assessment and treatment, you should visit specialist like psychiatrist and dental surgeon together. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health. |
i have two boy friends and i made Sex before 17 with first boy friend and sex with other boy friend from 17 to concieve and my first day of mensuration started on 26 and my next menuration are not coming now.Am i pregnant ? before 17 or after 17 ,which boy friend is father of my kid now ? | Hello, As you might be aware that woman with regular cycle, day 10 to 20 of the cycle is the most fertile period of the cycle. If you happen to have unprotected sexual activity in this period then you stand chance to get pregnant. As per your history, your fertile period was between dates 5 to 15 of the month. Accordingly, if you are pregnant then it would be due to unprotected sexual activity in this period. I hope you can make out that sexual activity with first partner will be responsible for the pregnancy. If you have history of regular cycles, and if you have crossed your dates then please get mornings first sample of urine tested for pregnancy. In case of any doubt blood beta Chat Doctor test and USG will be of help. If you opt for termination of pregnancy with abortion pills under medical supervision safely till 9 weeks of pregnancy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
period was march 15-18 days app says my ovulation days are march 25- april1st......had sex with my partner on march 25 & 28 & april 1st.....on april first had very very light pinkish spotting....earlier today no spotting til the evening its a bit more but still light only on the its and orangish pink......i know by my research implantation bleeding is 6-12 days after ovulation my next periodis due april 17th.....could this possibly be implantation bleeding??? | Hi, i ve learn your quarry in detail. According to dates you mentioned and your history u had spotting on the 1st of April that is around mid of the cycle (if your next period is due on April 17) some women experience mid-cycle spotting at the time of ovulation. For the implantation bleeding to occur egg must have mated with sperm and newly formed embryo when implanting in uterine endometrium can cause some spotting. So implantation bleeding can not occur before usually occurs 6 to 8 days after fertilization. But DNT worry just wait for the periods and if u DNT have then gone for pregnancy of luck |
What is the deciding factor to alert you that your eosinophils are high. My son in law had blood work taken and he also had blood in his urine but the hospital felt it was nothing to be concerned about. He received a copy of his blood work and the levels were 6.0 on one and 7.5 on another. | Hello, the absolute number of eosinophils is the most important bit of information. More than 500 per microliter is higher than usual and should be investigated. Much higher numbers would be more worrisome though. The rest of the complete blood count information has to be evaluated in parallel with the eosinophil count. If everything is normal then a slight deviation from normal eosinophil count is likely insignificant. The numbers you've provided cannot be evaluated because I don't know if it's a percentage (and of what total white blood cell count?) or an absolute number (what units?). If you'd like a more detailed answer, please ask again providing all the data from the complete blood count.I'll be glad to help! Kind Regards! |
I quit taking anti-anxiety meds over 6 months ago.Since then shortness of breath attacks,not constant but a constant nagging pain on left side.I do suffer from acid reflux and it seems to bring on symptoms depending on diet.If my acid reflux is really acting up it I feel more flush. Exercise brings relief of both and I can breath deeply within just 30 seconds and everything becomes clearer also.Leaving out microwaved foods or fast foods helps also. Of course when it starts anxiety can even make symptoms worse.Ive been to ER twice and no signs of hear attacks,lungs are very clear but pains move to stomach area if I squat down. | Hello, Uncontrolled anxiety can cause chest pain, hyperacidity, gastritis, shortness of breath etcetera. So we should first treat yourselves anxiety to subside all symptoms. So consult a psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You will also need anxiolytic (propranolol and flunarizine combination) Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. You can take pantoprazole and levosulpiride combination on empty stomach twice daily for acid reflux. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
My MRI scan has just shown that I have a slight dehydrated disc L5/S1.... He says this is a good diagnosis and could have been much worse..... Aiave read so many bad things on this today and getting increasingly concerned it wont get better... Can you give me information on this please ?? May I add I apparently only have slight dehydration if this makes any difference ?? | Disc deny Chat Doctor. MRI is dependent on water content of tissues and that is why they report it on MRI. You should not be too much worried about it. No one can stop or reverse aging. !. What you need to do is to have a good exercise routine including spinal muscle strengthening exercises. And maintain proper posture while sitting or working. Physiotherapist can help you in this regard. Do not get scared by reading a lot of material on internet. See a qualified spine surgeon for proper evaluation and guidance if you have any significant symptoms. Take care. |
My husband 39 yo, runner began complaining of tightness and SOB. The doctor performed an EKG and the results were Sinus bradycardia with occasional Premature ventricular complexes and nonspecific ST abnormality. His heart rate ranged from 49-60 during the test | Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your husband is having ECG abnormalities and symptoms (tightness of chest and shortness of breath) suggestive of Brady arrhythmias and heart block. So better to consult cardiologist and get done Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG), stress echo and electrophysiology study (EP study). If he found to be had heart block then pacemaker insertion is the treatment. So consult cardiologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your husband. Thanks. |
Hi, I have a cracked tooth and its been very troublesome lately. At this point it comes and goes with pain, and/or numbness. It is my back molar on left bottom side. I know its down to the root because when I brush or floss it hurts. My question is could I still have an absess even if I dont feel the pocket of pus on the side of my gum? | Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . As per your complaint if you have a cracked tooth then it can lead irritation of nerve present at the center of tooth and nerve irritation can cause severe pain. I would suggest you to consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like x-ray can help in diagnosis and treatment will be done accordingly. You can be advised root canal treatment of the tooth and in case if the crack is vertical then extraction can be advised. But first an x-ray is mandatory. Hope this helps. Regards. |
Hi, I woke yesterday morning with a lump lodged on the top side wall and inside my bellybutton that is tender (sore) to the touch. It is about the size of a pea. Could it be some kind of and infection or something else. I have no other symtoms and am extremely always healthy so this is really bothering me. | Hi, I understand your concern. -A painful pea sized lump on side wall of umbilicus, may be a painful/ inflamed lymph node, that has arisen because of injury/infection. - A simple lipoma (which is usually painless) being irritated /infected by itching, massaging, pressing, pricking-may turn painful. - The painful lump can be beginning of an umbilical hernia. Here the lump grows on stress/coughing etc. A course of antibiotics & anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. But if it does not subside/increases in size/ affected by coughing, you should consult a surgeon for exclusion/treatment of hernia. Thanks. |
im a 47 yr old male. im a left handed tattoo artist. its my life. i ride a motorcycle. i was diagnosed with severe carpal tunnel. but a pain in my elbow would not go away. i had an ultrasound done and they said i had plaque in my radial artery just past my elbow. went in and they did an angiogram then used a balloon to open the artery. sent me home. next morning my arm went numb all the way. they called me back to the hospital and put me on a clot dissolving i.v. next morning sent me to ultrasound. when i returned to the hospital bed they ran in and gave me emergency op on vein . they said it was an older looking clot and rubbery. arm feels better but still numb in the wrist area. had the op two days ago. will i be able to open my business again or ride a bike again? oh and they said i also have arthritis in my left wrist | Hi Charts a pleasure to answer your doubts, first you need to stay positive, yes you will be back in your work and that to with a bang, but you need to have some patience. Your numbness will certainly pass by in matter of few days and for your arthritis you probably are going to need the help of a physiotherapist for some mild exercises. Precautions you need to take are |
hi i have a lump in my left breast but the pins and needles are in my nipple and all over the breast im scared cos my mum died of lung cancer can you please tell me its fine.i am 37years old.i have been going throw the change of life from i was 28 years old can u help | Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The lump in the breast need to be evaluated - you can't ignore.2. Letus not think of needle and pins instead get an Ultrasound breast done and find out the nature of the lump (ductal dilatation/cyst/solid/mixes/calcifications)3. Once the nature of lump is found, one can act accordingly.4. There are familial cause for cancers - but It's not definitely a cancer so do not worry - first let evaluate. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. |
last night my child walk having a serious stomach pain for the last few days he was suffering from cold coffe and fever but for the last 2 days he was not having any fever what he had some coffee yesterday night i saw that he is suffering from severe stomach pain can i give him cyclopam and what should be the dosage | Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Kindly note that for any child with abdominal pain it is better he is examined by a pediatrician to rule out serious causes of pain abdomen as kids can't localize their pain properly and if we give them over the counter medicines like Cyclops we may some serious diseases. We have to treat the cause of pain abdomen rather than treating pain like urinary infection, gastritis, surgical causes, worms etc. Only after all these causes have been excluded by a child specialist, you can give Cyclops and its dose depends on the children weight. Hope this has been helpful to you, kindly feel free to contact again for any queries. Take care. |
my child has had diarohea and vomiting. he has recovered from it but it has left him with a stomach ache, high temperature and smelly wind. he has seen the GP and Gp checked child stomach and said everything is fine. but my child is still complaining with the same symptoms and it has now been 11 days for him to have the symptoms. Hes not eating well at all the drinking is fine. He is a slim child but now i can see his ribs which concerns me the most now. please advice me in what i should now. | Dear friend, You should get his stool sample examined by a recognized, registered laboratory to rule out amoebic infection or guardians. Both these are parasites of the human gut and can cause a chronic problem without there being many loose bowels. Other than that, I would not suggest anything. If you think he is slimmer now than before, you need to give him energy-rich foods as much as he can tolerate them. This would mean sugary stuff and fats/oils. However, a balanced normal diet is a better alternative than concentrating on specific foods. As he recovers, he will gain weight. Do keep his weight AND height record, taking these measurements at least once a fortnight. |
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