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My father in law who is aged around 75 is suffering from some mental problems, he can see illusions, he feels scared of those people whom he sees in his imagination, or else he is pretty good with no problems, I reaaly need to find out a reason for this, we did consult a Psychiatrist, but he just gave him some medicines which actually did not work fine, we did visit a neuro surgeon and also got an MRI of his brain ad he told us that he has alzhemier, please suggest, as it is becoming really difficult to live with him.
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.Alzheimer's disease has frequently shown presence of mental symptoms, and you may require use of anti-psychotics such as risperidone or olanzapine or quetiapine in low doses. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link
Hello, I have had the Nexplanon implant for about 3 months now and when I bled for almost a month straight, the nurse that put in my implant said to go ahead and take birth control to stop the bleeding. So, I have been for a month and it worked. I took the sugar pills to make sure I wasnt pregnant about 2weeks ago and had a period for about 4 days. I stopped taking the birth control pill yesterday hoping to get some sort of bleeding to assure me Im NOT pregnant, and I havent..... is that okay?! Im freaking out because I heard taking pills and having the implant can be counteractive... if so, I cant believe a nurse would tell me to do it. Help please
Hi, Welcome to ChatDoctorYour nurse has given you right advise. Initially when we start Implant, it may give irregular bleeding, but with continuous use, you may not see your bleeding. In certain situation we have to give oral contraceptive pills. Do not repeat your birth control pills now, if in case you see any bleeding, before consulting doctor. You may not see bleeding after stopping birth control pills, as you are getting constant release of progesterone from Explain. Actually you should have been properly counseled before starting implant. Women can see different types of bleeding pattern as a result of this. Hope you got your answer. Chat Doctor.
My father has been diagnosed with epilepsy and S-protein deficiency since 12 years. he has frequent seizures (once every 3 months). he has been on medication for epilepsy (tegritol/eptoin) for more than 10 years now. I wanted to know what are the things he should do/not do in order to prevent these frequent seizures ? Is it advisable for him to use a laptop/computer at all ? Does that trigger epilepsy ?
Hello, your question is an intelligent one. There are certain precautions which we advise to the epilepsy patient and his family in order to reduce the chances of a new episode.1. Sleep - a good sound sleep at night is a must. Never make the patient sit for night hours even if there is a family function.2. Medicine-always. Carry meds with you while travelling. Put them in bag even before you put clothes in it. The meds should be given daily (without missing a single day) in made of seizure disorder. It is a must.3. The brand of the med should ideally never be changed (on which the patient keeps fine or seizure free).4. One should avoid seeing TV after evening hours, especially under dim light. Prefer using laptop for limited time and in proper light (preferably daylight).5. Person should carry a card which has his identification and tells that he has epilepsy, number of the doctor or family to be contacted in emergency.6. If patient comes to know that he is going ti have a satire by some uneasy\" feeling\", he should try to lie down on ground at a safe place immediately to prevent fall.7. Avoid all kinds of addictive substances, sometimes even coke is advised to be stopped.8. Get your blood tests and liver function regularly. Hope this helps you.
Last Friday I fell off an obstacle on an obstacle course about roughly 6ft tall and I landed on my back and hit my head on the ground. When I got up my back hurt and I was dizzy and at first everything looked like tunnell vision. I had a headache for a bit after that but it went away. I have a history of sciatica and my lower back had been hurting minimal before the fall but now my lower back, reaching up to below my ribs on the right side and inbetween my shoulder blades hurts alot and is hard to move. as well as having a sharp pain near my tail bone. I am a 21 year old female in the Army.
Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor After going through your query I concluded that you are having acute backache. Cause of it likely to be disc prolapse or muscular pain along with coccyxdynia. Its treatment is rest and analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. Position of resting is rest in lateral position with both hip and knee flexed. Mecobalamin is helpful in recovery. Hot sits bath is helpful in reducing coccyxdynia. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then please don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
Hello Doctor, recently I had a metal object fall on my head. It bleed a little but didnt require stitches so I never saw a physician. That was a week ago and it is still soar and I have a soft spot where it hit. I have has several headaches, and yesterday I had blurred vision and was if I had looked at the flash of a camera for the better part of an hour
Hi, Thanks for writing your query. After reading your post, it seems that your symptoms can be due to concussion injury of your head. I would advise that you should take proper rest. You should avoid watching television, computers and text messaging during this period. You can take painkiller like Ibuprofen after meals for headache. If the symptoms persists or worsen, get yourself clinically examined and investigated by a medical professional. A CT scan or MRI of head will be helpful. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks.
I have had a cough for a long time now, at least 6 months. I cough mostly when I lay down at night. It used to be a dry cough, bit lately it s looser. I have been coughing more.. I don t feel sick, am just really tired all the time. When should I be more concerned about this?
Hi, I understand you are worried about your chronic cough (cough more than 8 weeks). Chronic cough associated with fatigue warrants complete history taking and work up. Since I'm not sure about your age, geographical area, occupational history, and social history, I would like to give you an overview. It could be caused by a discharge from the back of your throat (what we call post-nasal Chat Doctor.
I had a TLIF 1.5 years ago for severe spinal stenosis. I have nerve damage down my left leg, knee to ankle outer side, then a swath across the top of my foot and around the base of the great toe. The sensations have changed over this time and I finally ended my morphine then the depression medications. While my leg seemed numb before I now have electrical zapping sensations down my leg ending in the top of my foot. Is there any medication besides the ones mentioned that would calm the zapping sensations I m having?
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The situation you are in currently is due to the medicines you are having and the current state of your health. Therefore, don't worry. In a span of a month or so, your depression come down considerably. That is experience with the current problems. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
My sister is known patient of CKD(ESRD) and have been on dialysis from last three years. She aged 28 years and unmarried. She has hypertension also.She has been suffering from high grade fever from last one with swelling in abdomen area consisting of liquid containing phosphate etc.Please guide as she has been suffering from lot of pain. She has been on antibiotics injection and paracetmol injection for controlling fever but it does not works.She has also weight loss off 6 kg in a month and now her dry weigt is 39 kg.
Hi, Consult a physician at the earliest and get evaluated. She might require a urine routine and urine culture to evaluate the cause for her symptoms as urinary tract infections can cause similar symptoms. An ultrasound scan also required to rule out any focal collection which can act as a focus of infection and can cause fever. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi, I am 28 years old. I have a slip disk in my lower back. It hurts me a lot. Sometimes it is very difficult to even walk I used to practice Yoga a few years ago. But off late got lazy/busy and not practicing yoga now. I am putting around 14-16 hours infront of computer per day. And my situation is worsening. I need to get rid of this pain. What do you suggest I must do?
Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to a herniated disk. I suggest to use anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. I also suggest physical therapy and gentle stretching exercises. If the pain continues, you should consult a neurologist for further evaluation. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
Hi, I am 42 years old. In past three years have undergone 3 ICSI cycles which resulted in BFN. Also a hysteroscopy last July, a combined laporoscopy and HSG last September and a hysteroscopy last week. Have been prescribed 6mg of progynova for 6 weeks. My husband has poor motility and morphology. Will we ever be parents naturally ie unassisted?
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After the age of 37-40 years, chance of conception rapidly declines because of reduced egg content of ovary. Even when everything is fine, chance of conception at age of 42 is less than 10%. Over & above that, your husband has poor sperm motility & morphology, which will further reduce chance of natural conception to say In this situation, it's best to go for advanced treatment like repeat CSI with own/donated eggs depending on your ovarian reserve. Wish you good health. Regards.
My aunty have back pain also she can t walk and sit her ESR 136 and high blood sugar maybe some time she trying to walk but she can t.. her thighs very painful.. first time we consult a orthopedic, doctor said her sick multiple myeloma then we gone to regional Cancer Centre there do all tests (bonemarrow, 24hours urin, biopsy some blood tests and xray ) they saying not multiple myeloma now we very confused what her sick also we consult which department?
Hello, I have studied your case with diligence. As per your history and reports there is possibility of cancer. I will advise you to do PET scan to look for any lesion in initial stage. Till time Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
hi,i am 26 years old,married woman ,i m having swelling in uterus and pcod problem. my gynaecologist suggested to go for placentrex injection for 15 days.after taking these i m having bodypain.headache ,lots of acidity problem,pain in back of right side,tiredness.why all this happening with me.
Hello, Placenta injection has no such side effects, however the symptoms may vary from patient to patient. You are suggested to inform your discomforts to your treating doctor. Body ache, headache, tiredness may be due to POD. POD causes irregular & heavy bleeding, hormonal changes may trigger headache, body ache, tiredness. Acidity is commonly due to indigestion, untimely food intake or food allergy, oily or spicy food. Take antacids & PPI's for relieve. You are suggested to maintain your eating time. Take small amount of food 4-5 times a day. Avoid oily spicy food & addictions if any. Take Acetaminophen, one so for relieve. Take homemade nutritious food & food rich in iron, calcium & protein or supplements. Get POD treated as early as possible. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
Hi, I am a 60 yr old female and lately I have been having pain in my back where my lungs are, also pain in my shoulder, armpits and sometimes my hands...the last few days I have been quite breathless, even when talking. Could it be a chest infection? I m not coughing but seem to have a lot of phlem, most times quite thick. THANKYOU Yvonne
You complain of chest pain, breathlessness and productive cough. The reasons can be many, hence let me come directly to your question. Could it be chest infection? An infection will usually come with its accompanying signs and symptoms. Fever is one of the cardinal signs of an infectious etiology. A productive colored sputum is an indicator too. It needs evaluation with blood counts and Chest X-ray. To rule out an infection. Also, if possible, a sputum culture is highly recommended. Also given the age and degree of breathlessness, I would advise you to be evaluated for obstructive airway disease (COPD) by getting a Spirometry done. Any more queries are welcome. Regards.
We are living in Bangalore and my 4 year old son have enlarged Adenoid (for last year and half). Due to this he s prone to cold and his body resistance to infection is little low. We consulted few ENT specialists w.r.t removal of enlarged Adenoid via surgery. We got mixed opinions on that. As I understand Adenoid is first level of defense in the respiratory track and it s removal can have unfavorable consequences in longer run. Also there s chance of getting it back between age 6-8 yrs. We are following Homeopathy & Ayurvedic treatment (off and on) for last year or so. My son is some-what better w.r.t frequency of getting infections. But still he snores a lot and breaths with open-mouth most of the times. We are just worried if this prolong mouth-breathing will do some damage to his internal organs and ears (due to some-what frequent chest & ear infection).
Hi, Your child sleeps with mouth open, this means that the tonsils are quite large at the age of 4 years. If there is difficulty in breathing or not able to swallow anything then the child should be operated. Tonsillectomy is a common operation and there are some minor complications like nasal discharge, sore throat, ear ache, but these symptoms usually subside over 3 weeks. In my opinion, you should go for tonsillectomy. I hope this has helped you. Take care. Regards Chat Doctor.
i have a girl 2 years old her stool is soft and pus cells are 6-7 protozoa are nill and direct examination few fecal leucocytes . culture negative for salonellla,shigella and staphyllococcus aureus . the stool smell very bad and she stoll immediately after she have food. please advice the reason and how to treat her
Hi, What your kid is having is not diarrhea and is only gastronomic reflux. It is quite common for babies of this age group to pass a small amount of diarrhea or loose stools soon after feeds. This need not be treated as diarrhea and especially antibiotics are not indicated. When the kid takes food, the stomach expands - then when it is contracting it sets off a waveform which moves down the intestines and when that wave reaches the lower down rectum, a small quantity of the stool is evacuated out. This is the basis for gastronomic reflex. Do not worry. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. The other possibility when it related is passing motion immediately after food is that it could have been worm infestation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I have experienced a hand tremor since January I first associated it with stress but the stress is gone and the tremor isnt. I also have noticed it when I stretch I feel a weird tremble like feeling. I am currently getting my thyroid tested and I have already had lab work done. I was noted to be anemic and have a vitamin d deficiency but I am not sure if any of that is associated with the tremor. The NP said it was probably because I wasnt eating regularly but I have since started to eat regular and havent noticed a change. Any suggestions?
Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to
I am a 58 year old male. 2 days ago I noticed three elongated lumps around my right breast area under the skin. They were about an inch or so long by a half inch wide. I thought it maybe a spider had bit me because they were a little itchy. Today I noticed several pea sized ones on my stomach. What could this be?
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for the small moveable lump under skin at the site of the hickey.1-I feel concerned that you are serious about the knowing the cause of the lumps around the breast and the abdomen.2- In my opinion dear, the lump under the skin 2 day aback around the rt breast and on the stomach, with itchiness, are mostly due to the spider bits or bedbug bites.4-I would advise you to take cetirizine, with SOS NSAID and apply some low steroid ointment locally, which would take care of it. 5-Hope this would solve your worry about lumps around the breast and stomach. 6-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
a goiter and nodules were found during a scan of my gallbladder which landed me into the hospital, i saw a surgeon for the gallbladder and have elected to put off surgery for now (feel fine now).... i followed up with an endo, she wanted to put me on synthyroid to TRY to shrink the nodule (i said NO due to the side effects of this drug) i was also told over the phone, i test positive for antibodies? and have an underactive thryroid...not sure if i like this doc or not...only saw her 1 time.. i do not have any details of blood results, she acts like it is no big deal but i am concerned... currently i am to followup in june with a sono and office biopsy of the nodule... i do not want medication unless it is absolutely necessary (I feel perfectly normal)... i am 57 and in excellent health until the gallbladder issue... am i jeopardizing my health by refusing meds for the nodule? is there a more natural approach to this deficiency of the thyroid?
Ignite is enlargement of thyroid. If there are multiple nodules and your TSH levels are normal, initially you can try with Thyroxine tablets along with iodized salt. If there is no response, you can go for surgery for multi nodular goiter. You can also go for surgery directly as the medical treatment is not responsive. But, let the FNAC/Biopsy report come, and you can proceed accordingly. If there is no cancer, you can wait for the response of medicines or go for surgery directly as some benign nodules may turn into cancer. Please do not try other natural approaches for thyroid as it will delay the treatment. Regarding gall bladder, it should be removed if you are having gall bladder stones along with pain in the right upper part of abdomen. If you come back with biopsy report, I will clarify furthering you good healthRegards
My husband, age 63 is feeling cool on his abdomen and back while the rest of him is warm...currently sleeping. Last week was diagnosed with pneumonia...had a period last week when he was so cold, couldn t get warm so we went to the hospital. He says he is feeling fine and feels OK to work everyday (does construction work outside on a normal basis). Should I be concerned tonight that part of him feels cool even when under covera for an hour or two Thanks so much
Hello and thank you for asking in Chat Doctor I can understand your concern Don't worry so much. Your husband is under treatment for pneumonia according to the history, and he has had fever several times. Now he feels better, but he is not completely asymptomatic which means that the feeling he had might be due to an episode of temperature not so high. This shows that the treatment is doing well. But he has to be careful with the treatment to be correct as the doctor has prescribed, no smoking and not to work in dust environment, a lot of liquids too. Take parish a fast recovery for your husband.
I have developed an odd elongated lump behind my ear at the hairline. It itches, especially if I touch or scratch it. No flaking. Slightly reddish. No sign of any bugs. It is solid under the skin. Not sure but I think it is growing in length. Dont know if it is related, but I first noticed it after camping in the desert. Help!
Hi, Dear,Good Evening, and Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your query in details and understood your concerns.@My impression of your lump behind the ear-is as follows--Could be psoriasis ? Lice infestation? As they came up after desert camping. I would advise -a-Consult ER Dermatologist, who would check and fix its diagnosis. This would help you to plan treatment with your doctor.@Hope this would resolve your worrisome query. Welcome for any further query in this regard, and would love to help you to resolve this problem till it is solved to your satisfaction.@ One Small Request to you to Write strong recommendations promoting my services for the benefit of my new and old patients at Chat Doctor clinic. Wishing you fast recovery.!! Have a Good Day. With Regards, Chat Doctor. N. Super-specialist in NCCD-Non-Curable Chronic Disorders and Rejuvenation therapies in tissue and organ failures.
hello doctor, i tried to convince myself many a times, but failed. my father behaves ia an unnatural way. he saya himself to be god. he doesnt sleep at night and doesnt let other sleep. he speaks a lot of useless things. he was previously dependent on intoxication but now after the doctor recommendation we have forcibly stopped everything. is it due to the stopping of intoxication or what and why he becomes so irritated. we are living in orissa and from a middle class family. kindly help
Hi dear, what ever you describe about him suggest that he might have bipolar mood disorder, and it may be due to the substance which he took, or it may have individual entity. For proper diagnosis we need detail history and mental status examination of him. You need to consult psychiatrist. There are many medications which controls his behavior and symptoms also like mood stabilizer sodium valproate, lithium, carbamazepin, etc. also anti-psychotic medication like olanzapine helpful. Thank you
I am a 53 yr old female. Dr xrayed me for constant stomach upper region pain. She said she does not like the way my bladder looks at all and ordered a cat scan. My insurance would not cover and I dont know if I should just go to the er or find another radiologist. Have been on Subutex for 5 years and am afraid surgery pain will not be able to be treated. I had an bowel obstruction years ago and almo s t died. Im scared.
Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. I would rather advise you to consult another radiologist after getting yourself clinically examined by the ER doctor or your family physician. Opinion regarding bladder or any other viscera might not be practicable by a simple X-ray of the abdomen. This would need an ultrasound/CT scan of the abdomen to arrive at a diagnosis of a pathology in an intra-abdominal organ. However, a good radiologist could fairly have an idea about it by a simple ultrasound which would be much more affordable than a CT scan. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
hello i am currently pregnant and my vagina has been very sore and itchy. i ahve had this for a while but latly parts of my vagina have swollen up and gone very red. it has been that painful it has made me cry. i cannot wear any underwear as its very sore and rubs.
Hallow Dear, You seem to have vaginal infection which could be bacterial, fungal or trichomonal. These infections lead to vaginal itching and pain with discharge. Since during pregnancy the immunological response is poor, these infections are commonly observed. If you are having curry discharge, it could be fungal infection. Trichomonal vaginal discharge is frothy greenish white while the bacterial discharge is mucoid or yellowish pus. Fungal infections can be treated with antifungal vaginal pessaries, Metronidazole can take care of trichomonal infection while for bacterial infections, antibiotics are needed. Both the partners should have the treatment simultaneously. Please report to your Obstetrician for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. During the treatment, please observe the following instructions
my one year old is having a yellow gooey discharge and she has had a rash on her vagina for about two weeks now. i have tried desitin, balmex, powder, letting her air out. i dont know what to do, the discharge is really beginning to concern me. also she has been teething and has had flu like symptoms(runny nose, crying, coughing) for the past 2-3 days.
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
Hi, Last month it s my first time to use Charlize pills, I used to take Althea then. My Q is now that I m using Charlize pills,(my first try) I m done using the 21 active pills and now I m on my 4th take of my ferrous fumarrate, but suddenly my monthly period started this morning, I m supposed to take my 4th tablet of ferrous this evening. What should I do?do I have to continue taking those 7 ferrous tablets until I m done then start taking a new pack. Or I need to stop taking the left ferrous and start taking the active pills by tomorrow? (coz it says that we should take the pill on the 2nd day of your period) when will I take the new pack?tnx
Hallow, I have read your query and have understood your confusion. Charlie tablet pack contains 28 tablets. First 21 days tablets are the main hormone containing tablets. Last seven tablets are as you know are iron tablets. The main purpose of iron tablets is not to break the habit of taking daily tablets. Also, they help you to regain the blood lost during menses. After finishing the hormone 21 tablets, any day during the iron tablets the menses start. By the time you finish iron tablets, your menses are over and the new pack starts. You do not have to worry about starting the menses while on iron portion of the tablets. Now you have got two options
I am unsure of how to ask this but, I feel as though I am losing it or going insane. Sometimes I stare at blank spaces and even zone out when this happens I feel as though I see something but I know I don t see anything. At times I am also socially awkward/inept and I find it hard to look people in the eye when I am conversing. Any help would be great, thank you.
Hi, It is unlikely that you have symptoms of psychosis or Asperger. From your description, you seem to have non-specific problems (not fitting into any particular disorder). Anxiety can be commonly associated with such symptoms where patients may find it difficult to describe). Your social awkwardness may be because of low self-confidence, poor social skills or social anxiety. Try consulting a psychiatrist for detailed evaluation of your problem. All the best.
The bottom of my big toe gets numb and itches somtimes after i sit in a hard chair. I also have mild scoliosis. The itch is really deep and sends a shock to me when it starts itching. but of course because its numb i cant relieve the itch until i get up and walk around a while. What do you think this could be?
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. This can be nerve entrapment. This condition requires clinical examination. Please consult a Neurosurgeon at the earliest Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at http
my husband age is 30 years old.he made semen analysis yesterday.his sperm count 50 million.his motiality is104 million/mil.viscoisty is normal.color whitesh.abnormal 20% and the dead 35%.can any doctor explain to me is abnormal and dead value is ok or not?. wedight 67 and his height 179m
HelloYour semen analysis findings may indicate normal findings. Sperm count is normal. Normally it should be at least 20 millions/ml. Your findings suggest 50 millions/ml, so it is normal. Motility is also normal. Normally it should be at least 55 %. Normal morphology sperms are also normal. Only 16 % normal morphology sperms are required for natural fertilization. Other findings like viscosity etc. are also normal. In short, findings are normal. However, it needs clinical correlation. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
I went to the doctor today for a routine check up. He always goes over the blood tests with me but this time what I saw was that the bilirubin was slightly elevated but consistently increasing for over, more than five years but still is in the normal range. I am seventy years of age, excellent health, except for gout, I take allopurinol 300 mg/day for the last 10 years and aspirin.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am very proud of your lifestyle and dedication to maintain good health. Gout is a common condition that takes place due to high serum uric acid levels. I would first like to inform you that serum uric acid levels can be controlled to quite an extent through diet. Why don't you consult a nutritionist for the same. If you succeed, then we can wean you off the medication. Allopurinol has shown to cause a rise in bilirubin levels, which is why you notice only the rise of bilirubin levels. As long as other parameters to measure your liver function are within normal limits, there should be absolutely no reason to be worried. Try controlling your gout through your diet, which will help your doctor in reducing the dose and gradually weaning you off the allopurinol. Wishing you loads of luck. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at
The other morning when applying my makeup I rubbed my right cheek and the right side of my face began to twitch around my eye and cheek and it felt very tight and numb. Now anytime I touch the outer right part of my cheek bone (close to my ear) the same thing happens.
Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to
I m sitting here next to my husband. He has end stage liver cancer from cirrhosis & hep c. He breathes then stops. I knew that would happen. But I just came upstairs & he has orange foam coming from his mouth. What s causing this & the color. It s terrifying me.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. There are many causes for breathlessness in end stage liver cancer.1. Congestive cardiac failure (CCF) due to low proteins and low hemoglobin. 2. Metastases in lung.3. Metastases in pleura and produce malignant pleural effusion. But in my opinion CCF appears more as foam like think coming from mouth is seen in pulmonary edema. And orange color may be due to high bilirubin as a sequela of end stage liver cancer. So this can be the cause for yellowish orange foam coming out from your husbands mouth.
I m experiencing very regular lightheadness. Dizzy. Like I m going to faint but I don t. Generally I m really fit and active but my body feels heavy lately and my muscles tight. I keep getting pains in my right hip thigh and knee ( I rub on magnesium and this seems to help). I feel I m urinating quite a lot, maybe twice an hour, but I do try to drink a lot of water. I m also experiencing pains similar to period pains but there not during my cycle. Been quite a heavy drinker for many years but upon feeling this way I have given up and not had a drink for 2 months. This seems to have made the lightheadness more frequent. Also feeling regular fatigue when I m normally full of energy. Craving more sugar foods when I generally eat a very very healthy diet with a super low salt and sugar intake. I m a smoker aged 40. Female
Hello, What I can advise after going through your complaints is to get your blood pressure and sugar level checked. There are a lot of causes for dizziness and generalized weakness and fatigue. Sometimes it can also be due to alcohol with Chat Doctor. I would suggest you visit your general practitioner and get your blood pressure and sugar level checked. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Broad question concerning my knees. 52 years old, 6 3 240, athletic. Stepped in a hole in yard, knee went left, body went other way. Didn t immediately hurt, not even for a week, then suddenly it has begun to be very painful,, lost full range of motion, can t run, stiff if I sit for too long, can t prop it across other leg, outside of it is tender, have a difficult time even using it to get up from a chair. Feels as if it could give out going up or down stairs, and even walking. Suggestions or comments welcome. Eric , email
Hello, I have studied your case. As per your age and history there is possibility of soft tissue injury in knee. Most commonly meniscus injury occurs. As per your symptoms you need to do physiotherapy and knee exercises to improve range of motion. If pain persist then you may need to do MRI again to see for any functional defect. Small meniscus tear can be managed conservatively with physiotherapy with USG Andrews. Meniscus injury can be managed by arthroscopic repair, and same day you can go home. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
My father in law had surgery to correct a small hernia yesterday and has been coughing up phlegm that he says looks like it has dirt in it . He isn t a smoker (was 30 years ago). Do you have any thoughts about what it may be and would it be wise for him to save a sample for his physician to see? My father in law is 76 years old. Thank you!
Welcome to Chat Doctor, As he had hernia surgery yesterday, productive cough (cough with sputum) has to be treated intensively. Intravenous antibiotics may be started before the treatment and has to be continued. The sputum sample will be useful for your treating physician aspiration of dust particles to the lungs will also cause cough and to expel it. Hope this explains with regards Chat Doctor.
My collegue Mir Kamal Hossain is suffering from kidney deases. He is getting his treatment from KIDNEY HOSPITAL, DHAKA. His doctor has advised him for kidney transparent which is very high costly in DHAKA.As he is very poor, he is unable to expend this high amount.Is it possible to do his kidney transparent in your hospital within low cost? He is now waiting for your kind answer.Thanks & best regards.Monoranjan YYYY@YYYY DHAKA He wants to know
Hello Monomania and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your concern for your friend. In leading, indian medical college hospitals, with dialysis and transplant facility, the surgery is being done, on a very subsidized charge. If you bring Mir Gomal with all his reports, it may be possible, to undergo the treatment at minimal cost. Wishing your friend the very best of health. INSA Allah. Chat Doctor. Manga.
My height is 1.62, Blood group O+, I am 48 years. Have two abortions. Have no child. Have not seen menstral period since February, 2010. My husband has low sperm problem. Can you help us in place of advice.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. As amenorrhea has so many reasons like1 hormonal imbalance 2 uterine pathology. So I would suggest doing hormonal study, thyroid profile, ultrasound of pelvis. For your husband I would suggest semen analysis for low sperm count. Then consult your family physician for further management plan. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
my abdomen is swollen most of the time but only on the right hand side by nighttime it looks really abdnormal i have a right hemicoelectomy eight year ago for suspected tumour but found only inflamation i have a very raised cea of 16 last colonodcopy showed small ulcers in bowel biopsys were normal told i had ibs but no symptoms of this i was at doctor theysaid my abdominal swelling was gas or wind but no pain at all i am 51 had no periods for 5 years no menopausal symptoms although i feel my body temperature has risen i am 8st 3lb and five foot eight this height is normal but weight has goneup from 7st 12 in last couple of mmonths is this just wind
Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Your history of colectomy on the right, colonoscopy with biopsy reports and ulcers noted. The swelling on the right side of the abdomen after right embolectomy is definitely due to intestinal obstruction, one of the most important complications after intra-abdominal surgery. I would advise you the following
hi i have had chest pain lasting a couple of weeks following a sever chest infection which landed me in hospital for a couple of days. i get chest pain all over but mosstly o the left side and on my upper back. sometimes the pain is accross the center and it radiated doown the arms mostly the left. i sometimes get discomfort up my neck and jaw. im only eighteen and am sure its nothing but would like some advice. thanks
Respected Sir, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.It's lpost-infective pain involving some neurons of referred pain centers. Not much problematic but * Continue your medications for infection properly.* Analgesic tablets as when required in collaboration with your treating Chat Doctor. Try and see the magic.* Have adequate sleep of 8 hours.* Avoid smoking / alcohol if consuming.* Get relieved from stress and anxiety for recovery period because you would be fine soon. Hope I am clear to rectify your query. Thanks for using Chat Doctor and reading my answer with patience. Regards. Wishing you a fast and speedy recovery from the same. Bye Dear Take Care.
I woke up with severe pain on the right side of my face during the night. I thought I had just slept wrong. It continued the next day, Aleve didn t help. Called ask a nurse at Avera in South Dakota and Es told to go to the ER. The side of my face was slightly swollen. The did a cat scan, said it looks like it may be bone on bone, but won t know until the person who reads the X-rays looks at it. Also did an EKG and put a heart monitor on me, as my dad had to have open heart surgery, one brother passed from a massive stroke, another brother had to have a stent put in and was told he has PAD. Just wondered what your thoughts were? Thank you
Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to trigeminal neuralgia. A brain CT scan or MRI would help examine your brain and nerves. These tests are much more accurate than a simple X-ray study. Anyway, your symptoms do not indicate any life-threatening disorder. So, just try not to worry too much about it! Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi my mom has this problem it seems when ever she leave home she starts to sort of \"freak out\" and i have looked it up and it seems she has panic attacks when ever she leaves the house. it has only been goijng on for the past two days and i was wondering if she should go see a doctor
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Panic disorder is panicking before some physical / hypothetical situation. Usually panic attacks are based on anxiety about something. Anxiety is fear about some future event which may or may not happen. Your task is to find out why your mother is anxious and why she gets panic and what is the root cause of anxiety. Once the root cause is known, treatment becomes easy. You can consult a psychologist who should help you. If you need more of my services in this regard, please post a direct question to me with every detail. I am glad to serve the purpose. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
Hi I am a 38 year old female and I suffer from GAD and panic disorder. I have an irrational fear of having a heart attack. My dad had one at 60. I am not obese and I have normal/low blood pressure. I don t smoke. Over the last 6 years I have probably had 6-10 ECG s and they have all come back normal. But I feel like I need to have more tests done. I get chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and nausea etc.....
Hi, thanks for asking from Chat Doctor for your health related doubts can understand your concern. The irrational fear of having some illness or Hyperion Chat Doctor. You are 38 years old female, and it is not common to have heart attack at this age especially in females. You're all ECG's came normal so remain relaxed and assured that you are safe. Thinking about getting some serious illness again and again causes anxiety and panic. Try to keep yourself busy to come out of anxiety and panic attacks. Relaxation exercises help to reduce the anxiety and panic will decrease. Breathing exercises also helps to reduce the symptoms. If relaxation exercises don't result in improvement then medicinal treatment will be needed. SSRIs are commonly used
I have a lump in my vaginal area. On the outer lip (hair area) bikini line area. Like where the elastic around the leg of underwear is. Not on the outer part of elastic, on inner part of elastic area. Its so hard to describe where it is. I wish I could draw a picture. It was the size of a pea & u can see it, well u can see the half thats out when u touch it, it was completely round like size of pea & hard as rock. I tried squeezing it. I keep touching it & its getting bigger & the inside part is taking on a shape od however I sit & I can feel it against my leg when I walk. My husband thought an ingrown hair. But idk its just outta sight range for me. I gotta really lean over or use mirror.
Hello, According to the narration, it is a benign soft tissue lesion either sebaceous cyst or skin wart of that region. Usually, these lesions are not curable with medicines but require minor surgical excision under local anesthesia as a day care procedure. Still, it is wise to get examined by a consultant surgeon in person and get all the details or else can upload photograph of it (if no objection) for further guidance. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Im a 34 yr old female with slightly elevated BP. Ive been monitoring it as directed by my doctor for about 2 months now..I should mention that I have also had frequent headaches/migraines for the past several months as well. A few days ago I had a dizzy spell all of a sudden while grocery shopping and thought I might faint as well as my heart was racing. I went home and took my BP and it was 150/96. Today I started feeling not well, headache, heart racing. I took my BP and it is now 141/105. My mother, grandmother and aunts have all either had high BP, heart attacks, or strokes. Are my issues urgent?
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read your question carefully and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to uncontrolled high blood pressure. Your past medical history may be related to a hereditary high blood pressure. The headaches may also be an indicator of uncontrolled high blood pressure. From the other hand a cardiac arrhythmia can not be excluded, referring to the lat episode. I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination and perform some tests
My mom suddenly passed away while she was sitting at her bed, a last soft gasp of air. Her eyes were still opened, immediately we lifted her legs. My father tried to do CPR whiting less than 3 minutes she had bled from her nostrils and had vomited a bile. The last 3 months of her life she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, the hospital overdosed her with cortisone injections. She was bleeding for several months, except the day of her passing. Doctors questioned 11 months earlier whether she had Lymphoma, Hodgkin. Doctors were puzzled, my mom suffered for her last 11 months. Was her bleeding after passing and bile coming typical for her situation?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Pulmonary fibrosis itself can not cause bleeding from nose or bilious vomiting. She has been given excessive steroids. So this can cause gastric ulcers, Gastroparesis and gastritis. All these can cause vomiting, bleeding etc. So mostly excessive steroid injection and its side effects is cause of her bilious vomiting and bleeding. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Thanks.
hiii,doc my problem is regarding my dad he is snr. pharmacist and practises at home too.from last few days he is not behaving nicely,always be silent lost in his own world,feels that call bell is ringing and not getting complete really worried about his health.please help
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. People get disappointed with so many normal life events, when the events become over whelming. You should talk to your dad. Be sympathetic. Don't advise or guide. Just talk to him and be a good listener. Your dad should gain confidence in talking to you. He should open up. Then take him to a psychological counselor for further direction. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http
I suffered malaria in 2009 and in 2010 I was diagnosed for speenomegaly with 16cm.But Dr suggested don t worry let s see whether it grows or coming back to normal size. Recently I visited hospital with stomach fullness and gas formation and also some discomfort. the Dr tested me with hands they found nodes in the asked to take scan,ultrasound and X-ray and also blood test. The blood test results were fine.No problem Dr said. They found very small lymph nodes in the neck and abdomen and also some stones in gallbladder. Now Dr said to make appointments with hametologist and gastro Dr. Let s hear from them too to find out the real problem. Please advice.
Hi, In most cases, treatment of gallstones is considered necessary only if you are having symptoms. Of the various conventional treatments that are available, surgical removal of the gallbladder is the most widely used. Some alternative treatments have also been found to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of troublesome gallstones. When deciding what course of action to take for symptomatic gallstones, doctors usually choose from among three main treatment options
I have a rash that started on my ears, then lower arms, then behind my ears, down my neck and to my upper chest area. The rash is very faint with tiny, pinhead, red bumps and itches like crazy! I am nursing a 3 month old and am wondering what I can take to relieve the itching and what in the world could be causing this... I have never been prone to rashes before. Thank you for your help!
Hello would be pleased to answer your question. You seem to be having an urticaria allergic rash. You should take anti histamine like HY Chat Doctor. It is safe if taken in a small dose for a short period of time. You should however consult first with your pediatrician to approve and prescribe you the same. The literatures say that is safest among the anti histamines. However, Antihistamines sensitivity is very high in infants .so be cautious and see the risk and benefit ratio. I would in the meantime suggest you to apply over the counter lotion called SARA lotion which you can apply 2 to 3 times a day. Thanks and Take care
I m trying to conceive for the last two weeks. My last period occurred on 28th jan. But the problem is that I have an irregular menstrual cycle. Also, as my husband and I only meet at weekends. Today I saw some spotting. This is an irregular time for the menstrual cycle. Can you give an opinion on this matter.
HI. You should consult a gynecologist who will first work towards establishing a diagnosis and working with you on regularizing your menstrual cycle. Once this is done, fertility will be checked by checking on your ovulation, and when this is calculated, if all is well you will be given your fertile days during which you will have to make it possible for you and your husband to engage in sexual activity whether you guys were otherwise planning on meeting. Best wishes.
Hello Dr I am taking prednisone 10 mg and clarirhromycin 500 mg for a sinus infection, I cannot sleep for days and I am feeling really dizzy , please help should I stop prednisone, I have to take foe 12 days,I finished day six yesterday, thanks again
Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. As it has been advised you doctor so I can not comment on duration. I would suggest you
I went to my doctor late wednesday after noon and had my blood pressure checked, the cuff was very tight when pumped up and in fact the CMA pumped it even tighter to the point it kind of hurt. Thursday morning I had a spot the size of a half dollar that felt like I had slept wrong on it on the inside part of my upper arm. Friday morning my upper arm hurts so bad I cnt stretch it out, reach for things in front of me or above me. I have trouble getting a jacket on or off or pulling my pants up It feels muscle related but is extremely painful. If I let my arm hang down at my side it hurts and it is weak feeling. Ive never had this before, what can I do?
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms seem to be related to a nerve compression. It could be related to compression during sleep too, after staying in a wrong position. I would recommend consulting with a neurologist and performing a nerve conduction study to examine the nerves of your arm. Some blood lab tests (complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate) would also help exclude other causes like inflammation. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
HI, My husband has slightly elevated AST and ALT results on two occasions. He has also lost about 30 pounds. This was following a fever that lasted about 7 weeks. His only other symptom seems to be joint pain in his knees and a cough that has lasted four months. He has had a clear chest x-ray The fever is gone now. The dr. just ran some blood tests to look for Hepatitis, but I have been really nervous about the cough and weight loss. Should we be doing other tests?
Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Liver enzymes can be elevated in viral respiratory infection as well... You have not mentioned how rise was present in liver enzymes value... Prolonged cough, weight loss history can be suggestive towards tuberculosis like lung infection but chest x-ray was clear. Here for elevated liver enzymes and for respiratory symptoms following work up needed . -USG abdomen -CBC with peripheral smear examination -bag test -Anti HCV Elisa test -repeat chest x-ray -sputum examination if needed Is specific cause found than treated accordingly Consult physician for examination and investigate with above reports Take care
My mother always cry whenever she is alone and also have a problem of high blood pressure, gas & stone in stomach. She likes to talk to others and dont want to work anymore because she think that she is physically weak. She always think negative and used to recall all her bad memories of life in the mean time.In our family, My father is usually busy in work, my brother is busy in his studies and i am pursuing my higher education which will complete in next year. As no one is with him thats why she is very depressed and she always tell that she want at least one person to be always with her but one thing positive about her is that she believes in God and like to spend more time on religious stuff.I want her to be always happy, whenever i make a call she told me that, she is fine but she used to cry at least 2 times in 3 days and sometimes more.So, what could be the best treatment to her
Hi, There are multiple options for treating depressive disorder, the one which your mother appears to be suffering from now. Before starting treatment I want to be sure of few things. I want to know her Thyroid levels in blood. Has she attained menopause and for how long? If not, Is she having disturbed menstrual cycle? How is her appetite and sleep?Also, we need to get her liver function and blood cells checked. Once we are sure that depression is not due to other physical problems she can be started on antidepressants like Escitalopram, Florentine, sertraline. There are numerous other medicines which will help her. The best could be chosen, once she is examined properly. You can also take her to a Psychotherapist so that few sessions of therapies like cognitive behavior therapy could be taken. She can discuss her problems there, and she would be enlightened with new understandings and also will be taught with some new skills which she might be lacking!! Regular food, sleep, exercise are all the first steps that you can right away start with. She can be definitely helped with so get her to psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation by the earliest.
i am a 45 year old female. healthy or at least i would like to think i am. and what has been happening is that whenever i start exercising or get on the threadmil, i start getting lighthead and feel like i am going to faint. after it happened a few times, i went to do a stress test and they put me on the threadmile, and it was happening again and they told me that my blood pressure was shooting down.... except they werent sure what was causing it... but it only happens as i work out...
Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that you should do s warm IP before you go on treadmill test. If you do a good warm up it will make your body adapted to the run on treadmill. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
My friend has been diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer in October. It has spread to the lymph nodes. He had surgery to remove a tumor & started the chemo treatments. About 3 weeks ago he was told that the chemo is not helping and/or not working. He was then given a stronger chemo treatment last Friday. Apparently he got very ill while taking oxycotin & was then switched to morphine. He is weak, in a lot of pain & can hardly walk. Also the doctor was able to grab the lump in his neck when before that was not possible. It is now about 2 inches thick; The doctor said it has grown significantly. With the first chemo treatments he was fine, maybe a little sluggish but always made it to work on Monday. Now it seems he may be out for about 2 weeks depending how he feels. What does all this mean?
Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor. Your friend is having toxic effects of chemotherapy as well as the effects of tumor. Chemotherapy is very toxic to general health and most of the patients suffer severe depression of general health as a cumulative effects on body. He needs to keep eating well and try to have frequent small meals of balanced diet rich in proteins. If patient is unable to tolerate chemotherapy further your doctor might need to discontinue it for some time and restart later. Wish him good health and speedy recovery.
I dont know if I have HPV anymore. I got it when I was 16. I am now 19. I had visible warts on my anus one year after having sex for the first time (I have only had sex with one person my entire life). I got these visible warts right when i caught a cold (was 17 years old). Now I am 19 and I just got over my cold, but I did not develop any warts. Would it be safe to say that my immune system has fought it off?
HiT hanks for posting on ChatDoctorHPV is a sexually transmissible infection that may not have any Chat Doctor. All you need is to have a healthy lifestyle, eat well and balanced and avoid other infections or things that can weaken the immune system. When the immune system is strong enough, it may hardly manifest, and you may get spontaneous healing. The absence of Warts however, does not mean the infection has gone away. I will suggest you take the test again and do a colonoscopy to eliminate any precancerous cervical lesion. Hope my answer will help you Best regards
I have recently found out that my blood pressure is running a little high. I started physical therapy and last week my bottom number was just about 55 but has continued to rise even at rest. My lower number has been staying mostly in the 90 s. Occasionally lower. My top numbers averages 121 from waking up to 155 in the middle of the day. However at 12
DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. Frequent checking of blood pressure can trick the readings itself. You must go to your doctor according to your given appointment and in the meantime, you should not check your blood pressure unnecessarily. Let your doctor determine your BP. To say you have hypertension, the doctor might check your BP several times at several hours of a day within a weeks period. The average is taken as your blood pressure. Stress, anxiety etc. can cause temporary hypertension. Please let your doctor determine your blood pressure. In the meantime, stop worrying and exercise. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http
Last night, i woke up from sleeping and did some what of a sit up motion in bed reaching my right arm across my body. As i did this i felt a sharp snap in my chest that poped. ever since then it has been sore. the pain resides in my lower sternum and shoots up under my right pectorial when i breath deep and when i stretch. very uncomfortable
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since your chest pain is associated with specific movement and position, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid movements causing pain. 2. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 3. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 4. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 2-3 days. If not improving then consult doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
What could cause pain shooting down arms while coughing or vomiting? It turns into numbness, tingling. I feel it like a string from yhe front of my armpit to the back of the elbow then down to my fingers. It makes me feel like I m dying and panicky after. I have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and usually take an inhaler for asthma. I haven t taken it in about a month because I was concerned it was making my mouth and tongue sore.
Hi, Thanks for your query. Due to compression of nerve root in cervical spine there is tingling numbness and pain associated with it. I will advise you to MRI cervical spine for better diagnosis. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic like pregabalin and methylcobalaminmedication can be started consulting your doctor. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The left side of my face; from the jaw line to under the lower eye line is swollen and painful.It extends to my ear. I was bit by a spider on the left side of neck 6 days ago. The swelling has been slowly increasing since then. The inside of my mouth is bright red and several teeth ache. One of the teeth had a root canal 6-7 years ago. Is this result of the bite or is it the tooth? How can I tell?
Hi, Thanks for asking the query, Swelling near the eyelid is due to the spider bite, make sure that you are immunized for tetanus if you are not so in the last five years. Infection caused by the spider bite can be treated with the help of antibiotics. As such most of the cases of spider bites heal by themselves. For toothache, you need to visit the Dentist and get the checkup done, take an x-ray of the tooth, if the tooth is re-infected you have to go for reject. Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics. Maintain a good oral hygiene. Hope this helps out. Regards.
Hello, Im writing because a year ago I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out because they were impacted and causing me pain. A couple months after the fact, a small solid but painless bump appeared on the outside of my gums by the upper left extraction site. As recently as a month ago, the bump seemed to be more sensitive and a tiny pointed bone like protrusion seemed to work its way through the soft tissue. That has since healed over and isnt nearly as swollen, however now the upper right side seems to be starting to swell. Anything you can tell me to help would be appreciated.
i have what seem to be bug bites on my arm very itchy and somewhat swollen. One of them is white with a redish outlining. Earlier last week i had them on my right arm a total of 12 and now i have 12 on my left arm it seems to be a little extreme to have that many bug bites in one place
If I were your treating Doctor for this case of itchy bug bites I would just advise to apply ice pack / cold compress and if possible apply calamine lotion or take anti-allergic tablets like cetirizine 10 mg! The whitish one has pus inside and might Chat Doctor. . Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing your son good health.
HiI have a lump behind my right ear. Ive had an ultrasound and am now being sent for a CT scan. Ive started to get pins and needles in my right arm and hand and my jaw gets tired easily when Im eating. Ive just got blood test results back too. Im really worried.
Hi. The lump behind the ear is mostly due to a lymph node. Rarely it can be due to infection of underlying mastoid bone or a sebaceous cyst or a lipoma or very rarely hematoma. You would have noted any local symptoms like pain, redness behind the ear, if these are not there and there is no history of mastoid surgery or trauma, there is less to worry about it and this being noticed incidentally. Your symptoms of pins and needles on the right arm and hand can be due to co-existing cervical spine problem. Jaw getting tired easily on eating can be due to other reasons. Anyway it was a good decision to get the tests done. Let us wait for the results, till then you can relax. As stress will increase the muscular spasms and symptoms of arm, hand and jaw. Please let us know the reports and other symptoms if you have for us to guide you further.
Hello, I have been having intermittent, crampy pain in my upper abdomen ever since I had an EGD with biopsies of my esophagus, Antrum, and duodenum. The procedure was five days ago, and while the pain hasnt worsened (and certainly isnt intolerable) Im wonderiing if this is common, and also curious as to what might be the cause. Thanks.
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. There are many possible causes but most common are gastritis, HERD, gallstones or IBD. When you rule these out then some more serious diagnosis should be considered. You should change your dietary and lifestyle habits and see will it improve. This is the best treatment. Also, you should take some antacid medicines. To check your liver, gallbladder and pancreas you should do abdominal ultrasound and then plan further tests. Wish you good health.
hi my father has been undergoing chemotherapy treatment .he had undergone a total gastrectomy surgery 3 months back.he was on his third chemo session when his total blood count dropped down to 1000.he is being given injection to raise the bloodcount..but sincethe past 3 days he is suffering from chronic headache and giddiness.the headache goes on for 5 minutes and this countinues as a cycle every half another or more this because of low blood count? the doctors say the headache is not attributed to chemo treatment.has taken ct scan, mri scan chest xray..everything seems normal.chemotablet used is Xeloda 500mg.(taking 2000mg per day on a 14 day couse in a 21 day cycle)
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Chemotherapy is a stressful event and patients might have certain side effects after taking chemotherapy. It is possible that your father is still having low hemoglobin and anemia because of which there is regular headache. The doctors probably intend to say that the headache is not a direct result of chemotherapy but due to hemoglobin. Since CT scan and MRI scan have shown normal findings therefore it is unlikely to be due to any bleeding or infection in the brain. However, headache due to anemia might be occurring. Right now focus should be on increasing his nutrition and giving him a daily diet of 2200 kcal is recommended. These might be as foods which he likes and water, and fresh juices are to be given in adequate amounts. Please protect him from any infection by taking precautions. Please do not worry.
I have a hard lump on my upper back and its been there for over 2 years with no pain and the only reason i know its there is my wife asked me about it one night and asked me what it was and if it hurt at all at the time no it did not hurt but i had a doctor look at it anyway they said it was nothing and not to worry sence there was no pain but about 2 weeks ago it started to become painful when i move my arm or bend over and my wife thinks its getting bigger should i be worried what should i do how do i fix it
Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Studied your query in full depth of its details. Reviewed it in context of your health concerns. Based On the facts, You seem to suffer from-Lipoma on the Back with Drums Disease Type-A painful version of the Benign Lipoma.or/ it could be a -Sebaceous Cyst with Hematoma and infection-due to excessive handling lately. Or / could be due to Chronic burnt out-Boil with Abscess, increasing lately USG of the lump and FNAC Biopsy if need be, after Surgeons Second Review Opinion, would fix the cause of this Lump on your upper back. Hope this reply would satisfy you and would help you to plan further treatment with your doctor there. Welcome any further query in this regard, which would be replied in next session. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
I recently had a Colonoscopy, and I was told I would be put to sleep and wouldnt feel a thing. That was so not true. I had horrible pain during the procedure and I had something to compare it to, because I had one before which was totally painless. This time I not only had a lot of pain, but my abdomen hurt all week. I felt like someone had punched me in the abdomen.
Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. As already colonoscopy done on previous occasion and now again, your main complaint is pain during procedure and even after 7 days pain present. In my opinion reason may be 1 stricture formed due to previous procedure.2 Operating doctor may not be an expert.3 Proper anesthesia may have not used or may have not acted properly. Anyhow take painkillers for 2-3 days. Still pain persist then consult doctor concerned. Good luck.
my son uday kumar maurya aged 40 plus is suffring with psychectric symptom like depression,anxiety, withillusions since over 20years. he likes to be alone &calm,avoids to mix with relatives.treatment is continuing at calcutta.please suggest me for better&concreat email is _uday kumar YYYY@YYYY
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I can understand that you are concerned about your sons problems. You have mentioned multiple psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, illusions, poor socialization, etc. In such a case, it is important that he first has a detailed psychological assessment in order to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Further treatment will depend on the diagnosis. There are many treatment options available in the form of medication or counselling. So, I would advise you to take him to a good psychiatrist in your place for a proper evaluation. Wish you all the best.
Ok so I have list of complaints that I never thought went together but now I am worried that they do. Im a 29 year old male. I originally went to the doctor about two-three years ago for unexplained back pain. X-rays were negative, blood work and urine tests only showed slightly elevated uric acid. I was told I may have the precursors to gouty arthritis. I was given ultram for the pain. Now, in addition to the back pain I am experiencing pins and needles in my back and sometimes chest area especially at times of temperature change like hot baths or a cool breeze. I am constantly fatigued but I have a poor diet and dont exercise except for my job as a warehouse worker. Lately Ive had some trouble swallowing as well and once or twice unexplained general weakness. Any ideas?
For generalize weakness I suggest taking vitamin B complex as it's an energy Booster vitamin, for gouty arthritis take omega 3suppliment as it is a natural anti-inflammatory supplement and there are many other benefits available along with it. To reduce uric acid level or production you need to consult a dietician too. I can suggest something that avoid any fruits or vegetable which contain too many seeds like tomato, brinjal, red chili, etc. And yes doing regular work out is also very important. Our body also have got healing capacity for anything goes wrong in the body. And it works best when we are active doing enough walking a day, and when body sweats. Along with this you will also start feeling good and active. Take care
My sister had to have an emergency surgery to have her appendix removed. When the doctors started the procedure they couldnt even see her appendix because her colon and intestines were wrapped around it. They removed part of her colon, intestine and lymph nodes. They also said her white blood cell count was very high. They are checking for cancer. I am now very concerned. Can you tell me more. Thank you.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Inflamed appendix is occasional wrapped around by intestines and momentum. Appendix is not usually visible in this situation and surrounding structures have to be removed along with appendix and examined histopathologically to look for appendix and inflammation in the appendix. High blood cell count occurs most commonly in infections. Blood cancers can also cause high blood counts, however, peripheral blood smears examination is required to find out whether the elevated counts are due to infection or some other cause. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
I have post nasal drip and sores on the side of my tongue. I drink a lot of fluids, but I feel like I have to keep sticking my tongue out to swallow properly and I feel as though I have to swallow constantly. I have been experiencing allergies and taking Allegra and a nose spray for the past 3-4 weeks-I thought maybe they were the cause of the discomfort of having to keep my tongue out. However, since I stopped both medications, the symptoms remain.
Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. As you have chronic allergy problem, so I would recommend you to try following
I ve been starting to occassionally have pressure in my head if I lay stomach first one my bed. It is relieved by standing back up. Today, it was bad enough to make me real dizzy, but again relieved by standing upright and then sitting in a chair for awhile.
Hello, As you mentioned giddiness and headache. I would like to ask you a few things - are you diabetic, are you having any signs of hypertension, If none of this then this could be related to vertigo and may have to get it examined by a neurologist, for medication and later a physiotherapist for vertigo exercise. In case you have pain in the neck then examining the neck and taking an MRI should help understand the soft tissue and management post that. As most people even have dizziness, headaches due to neck pathology. In my clinical experience of 12 years, a proper clinical examination and assessment have helped to figure out the diagnosis and treatment accordingly to help patients. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
I have a bad cough and lots of phlegm which I have had for about 3 months. My doctor had me on antibiotics but that has done little to help. I have been using Benylin cough syrup which does help with the phlegm but the cough is still quite bad. It sounds quite loud and from the chest. It sounds like someone who smokes. Its embarrising to go out or even go to the gym. Would an air purifier help and what else Can I do?
Hello.I would advise you to get blood workup and a chest X-ray/ CT chest along with sputum examination.these can give us an idea of what is happening with your body.generally large quantities of sputum and cough is due to infection.but there are a lot of other causes too.take the help of your doctor for the above said tests.with the reports we can plan further management. Air purifier is not of much help until the exact cause is identified and treated hoe this helps you.if you have any other doubts I would be happy to answer.
I am tired all the time, could sleep for 18 hours and still feel exhausted. I am feeling like I cant hear people. Im very depressed (I am taking setralone 100mg per day) but it doesnt seem to be working. My hair is falling out and my memory seems to be not working. Im gaining weight even though Im on a diet. Ive had a frozen shoulder for a couple of years but its seems to have got better since I have up work last year and now just aches occasionally but I seemed to be aching all over
Hello, What you describe is a case of depression, and you are already on 100 mg of Sertraline. I suggest you can increase the dose of Sertraline after consulting your treating psychiatrist. Maximum dose is 200 mg per day. Desvenlafexine is the other Chat Doctor. Your sleep should decrease once your depression improves, meanwhile you can start on Tab. Armodafinil/Modafinil to help you keep awake. Please check your Hemoglobin, Blood Sugars and Thyroid Profile to rule out other reasons of weakness and excessive sleep. You also should have regular exercise and healthy diet for your speedy recovery. Hope your concern is ad
I have periods of rapid heartbeat with shortness of breath.Iwoke up yesterday am with the heartbeat and still have it now.Im 51 years old am a smoker and drinker(not every day) I also can often hear my heart beat inside my right ear,and im also overweight and had a hysterectomy in1997
Hi Thereafter going through your query I understand your concern. Your symptoms of palpitations with shortness of breath are suggestive of having transient cardiac arrhythmias that needs a further evaluation. Further, taking into account your age group and the habit is smoking and Chat Doctor. Its highly advisable that you should personally consult a cardiologist and get and echocardiography and HOLDER monitoring done. Hope to have been helpful. Kind Regards
Hi, Im sol and my HBsAg is reactive. I was advise to undergo hepa b profi and SGPT. I am appplying for a teaching position in college. Am i unfit to work? My PTB minimal when iwas 30 yrs old was treated Im now turnign 40. I am worried about my condition please advise me.By the way the result in my Hepa B profile and sgpt is not yet done.
Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor .I had gone through all the details posted. Just because you are Hep B reactive you will not become unfit for job. There are medications for Hep B which will help you to lead near normal life. We need blood tests like HBV DNA, Head, liver function tests to determine whether you need treatment for Hep B or not. Everyone with Hep B don't need treatment. We have to look at the above reports to decide whether you need treatment or regular periodic monitoring is essential. Kindly do those tests and consult a medical gastroenterologist or general physician. Hope this helps.
HI My daughter is 9 years old- former 25 week preemie- very complicated med history. short of it she has had 37 surgeries and has 2 TBI. She has PTSD due to early med trauma and is scared out of her mind of medical facilities. On Sunday she started running a fever 103-103.7 even with ibprofrin I could only get it down to 102. She would vomit every time she would sit up, couldn t walk and complained that her head hurt, she also had a bladder accident and said she didn t even know she needed to go. I took her in on Monday- strept and urine fine; and Doc thought possibly viral meningitis. sent us home told me to keep fever under control- call if it got worse or if confusion ect took place or a rash. That night her fever was only brough to 102 with ibprofrin and cold wash cloths, cool bath. 2 am fever broke she was fine. Tuesday she played all was well. today she woke up with a headache, difficult walking, some confusion fever started about 11 a.m.- I gave her ibprofrin again but by 12
Thanks for consulting in Healthcare. I want to tell you that often we observe headache and fever when patient has herpes infection, that's why I propose to your daughter antiviral medicine-acyclovir 400 mg 1 tab 2 times 5 days. Keep to HY Chat Doctor. In addition, for increasing her bonus and immunity give to her multivitamin- zirconia syrup 1 teaspoon 1 time 1 month, vitamin C 500 mg 1 tab 1 time 5\u00a0days, Tulsa juice 1 teaspoon 2 times 1 month. You can check her for viruses-IgM, G to herpes 6type,cytomegalovirus and Epshtein-Barr. Blood test is normal, because immunity is not good, it is not well when we don't have reaction to infectionRecovery soon
Five days ago I have a heart catherization done and they put in a stent cause I had 95% blockage. Since I came home from the hospital there has been an increased amount of bruising and well as a burning pain in the groin area all the way up to my rib area. I also have bruising of my testicles and penis. I have a hard time being on my feet for very long. I am a 54 year old male. Should I be seeking medical attention?
Respected sir, If there is local pain and increased bruising, both of which has increased post discharge, I humbly request you to inform your cardiology as there may be a local hematoma (blood clot) or pseudo aneurysm, which are known complications of femoral artery puncture(leg artery), used to assess the heart artery to put stent. Many a time they are managed conservatively so no need to worry in that context, but because you are on blood thinner, do inform your cardiologist
ex rays shows the appearances of the lung parenchyma show basal bronchovascular crowding due to suboptimal respiratory effort .bronchial wall thickening is seen and bronchovescular markings noted of cocern for endobrochial inflammotory change / bronchoitis
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Normally bronchus are not visible on chest x-ray. But when bronchus are inflamed, their walls are edematous and thickened. These thick walls are visible on chest x-ray. Same thing is happening in your case. So possibility of either infection or bronchitis is more in your case. Smoking and allergies are the most common cause for this. So if you are smoker than quit smoking as soon as possible. Also consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). You may need antibiotics, antihistamines, inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Im a 39 yo male, within the last hour I have had what seemed likea crushing cgest pain on my left side, which went to the left upper part of my shouder and midway of my neck. No other symptoms other then I had passed some gas about five minutes after the second time the pain occured.
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.... As You have mentioned gas as adjoining symptom, so chronic constipation also can be there leading chest pain.... But dear first according to this history, ischemic heart disease like angina or MI ruled out by ......1. Blood pressure checking 2.EKG 3.ECHO 4. Cardiac enzymes' estimation if needed Than is MI there, angiography can be done and if needed angioplasty or thrombolytic therapy done .... For angina arbitrate like Chat Doctor. . If no cardiac cause present than treatment for constipation done by stool laxative ex.Dulcolax tablets .... More water taken ... Take care ... Consult physician for this . Hope I have solved your concern.....
I have a high calcium level and and a high TSH level. I have undergone treatment for a hypothryroid in the past with no success. The last two years I have gained 80 pounds, Im chronically fatigued and I have been experiencing increased head aches and dizzy spells. How do I find a doctor who knows more about the thyroid/pituitary function and is willing to do additional testing?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, High levels of TSH suggest hypothyroidism or low levels of thyroid hormones. Replacement therapy with thyroid hormones is required. High levels of calcium can occur in number of conditions like hyperparathyroidism or any other condition causing bone resorption. The structure and function of parathyroids is required. For more assistance, you need to consult an endocrinologist. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
My MRI indicted that I have a bulging disc that is forming the ventral surface of the cord without abnormal cord signal (C2-C3) Also, C4-C5, C5-C6 moderate to severe canal stenosis impinging upon the cord without evidence of acute myelopathy or myelomalacia I am planning to see a Neurosurgeon but wonder how serious this situation is in relation to possible permanent injury. Thank you
Hello, The report suggests that you possibly have compression of the spinal roots between C2-6 at varying degrees of severity. You probably have pain, tingling numbness or weakness in the arms (in varying degrees and combinations). I would really need to see the scan directly to know exactly how much is the damage. If you upload the pictures of the scan, I can probably try to help you out with the report further. I think, it would be safe to start a minimal dose of Pregabalin Chat Doctor. However, since symptoms are not mentioned, I cannot tell you the treatment accurately. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
HI!Im Nishtha.Last year,from 26th sep 2010 to 26 oct(roughly)2010 i got a rabipur injection all 5 doses as i had a doubt that the street dog licked me on an unhealed part of my feet as it was very dark in that area and i wasnt sure whether it licked or not.but i didnt get the booster dose as i wasnt aware of it and the doctor didnt mention about the booster dose.i got 5 rbipur.tell me for how long this 5 dose will be effective.Bcause yesterday morning a cat entered my room when i was sleeping but wen i got up suddenly from deep sleep i saw that it jumped on floor and left after my loud shriek.i hav doubt what if it licked me on my scratched skin or corn in foot or jumped on me wen i was didnt jump on me wen i was awake nor i found any scratch from the cat on my body.tell me wat to do.i consulted the physician he told me that as i already had a dose of 5 injections a year ago then i need not worry .he said the 5 doses will last for 2 to 3 years.iwant to be doubly sure.pls answer i hope it is free consultation.
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Cat is a known reservoir of rabies virus, and it can transmit rabies to the humans. Rabies is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. As you were licked by a dog on the open wound previously for which you have received all five shots of anti rabies vaccine as per the schedule of post exposure prophylaxis. Once again you are in doubt that the cat has licked the open wound recently. According WHO categorization of animal bite, you will be categorized into Re-Exposures. You should receive two doses of anti rabies vaccine on days 0 and 3. The vaccine should be taken to shoulder. This will remove all the anxiety associated with the doubtful contact of cat saliva with your wound. Thank you.
I am in severe pain from a lower molar extraction three days ago. I have been taking 4 ibproufen every 6 hours along with 2 norco 5MG tablets. The pain subsides but only for 2 hours then I am back to the drawing board. I want to also add I had the PRF with bone graft on this site. Can you still get a dry socket and if so is this what is going on?
Hi. Thanks for the query. Pain after 3 days of extraction and graft can be due to Infection at the site or can be inflammation that is a regular course of any surgical procedure. If the pain is unbearable then you should consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated. A clinical examination and x-ray of extraction site should be done so that the exact cause of the symptoms can be ruled out. For now, you can take Motorola or Tramadol for pain relief. Do cool compresses over the cheek. Apply Lidocaine gel over the extraction site. Hope this helps. Regards.
My 2D-EchoTest showed that I have a mild concentric LV hypertrophy. What precautions I should take. At present, I am taking the following medicine. 1. Co-Diavon. 2.Stalo-10 3. Ravelol-XL-50. 4. Ecosprin. 5.Riomet-Tio-2mg. 6.Tonnect-Tg. 7. Biostar Gold. Kindly advise. Shankar Pillay Patient e-mail
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy in your case is due to Hypertension. The Chat Doctor. Monitor your blood pressure and heart regularly. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week is pretty useful. These
i recently found out that i was pregnant. i had had unprotected sex with someone and he did not ejaculate in me or at all for that matter. i was not in a relationship at that time but i was right before and right after that where i had unprotected sex and he did ejaculate in me. is there any chance that the one that did not ejaculate could be the one that got my pregnant?
Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Unprotected sex with pulled out method has high failure rate (around 15 to 27%) and it depends on ovulation time. You should know that pre-ejaculatory fluid (secreted before actual ejaculation) contains small amount sperm and may cause pregnancy if you were on the fertile period. Conclusion
Hello Doctor Am Anu on last month i had sex with my husband during my 2nd day of periods. But ejaculation done out of the vagina. On fourth day i had taken i pill tablet. But till today i didnt get my periods it suppose to come on 22nd of this month. Is there any chances of getting pregnancy. Please suggest me Am worried.
Hello dairy understand your concern No chance of the pregnancy because
hi..i am 27yr old and a mother of a 4.5yr old baby girl.i was diagnosed with PCOD and did laproscopy almost 1 month back.Now my periods started and i was told to take ubiphene50 tablet twice daily for 5 days and i am already taking metformin500 thrice daily for last one month..What are the chances of me getting pregnant in this cycle..
Hello thanks for your query.POD is a condition which interferes with normal ovulation. Many follicles are present in the ovary, but none matures into a follicle and ovulates. Hence, assuming your laparoscopy was normal, and both tubes were open, your infertility specialist is right in prescribing you iPhone. It contains camphene citrate, which stimulates the ovaries to produce mature follicles and hence is a treatment modality for POD. For women whose only infertility problem is an ovulation, up to 80% of patients will ovulate using this medication and 50% of those will conceive. Camphene may be combined with intrauterine insemination to boost the success of the medication by placing the sperm and egg in closer proximity to each other. All the best.
Hi, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder 21 years ago. Only in about the last 4-5 years have I felt somewhat normal, until recently that is. About the last 6 months Ive had a whole new set of symptoms. I am very easily irritated and when I do get irritated I get very mean, angry, upset, tearful and i just want to scream at everybody. At work I just want to be left alone to do my work and if I get any interruption from another employee I EXPLODE! I dont know what this is and I dont know how to control it and I dont know what to do. Can you please give me some idea as to what might be causing all this? Thank you, Mary Jo
Hi Mary Jo, It seems that for last 6 months, your depression have re-emerged. The symptoms that you have listed might be because of your feeling low which can easily make one more irritable. Wanting to be left alone and being tearful are also suggestive of depression. You haven't mentioned whether you are on any medication or not or if you had any treatment earlier. As a psychiatrist, I would advise you to consult a psychiatrist immediately either to review your current treatment or start you on treatment. Best wishes.
Hi doc Ive got some symptoms but no doctors are not knowing what Ive got my symptoms are very low blood also low iron I never have any energy to do anything also Im never hungry but whenI eat I always feel very nauseas Ive had these symptoms for nearly 7 years can u please help me in finding out wats wrong with me
Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You need to investigate properly to diagnose your problem. You should go for complete blood count and peripherals smear examination. After that accordingly you should go for further investigation. If you have iron deficiency then you should take iron treatment and if you have it b12 deficiency then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello Sir , I am 27 year old and have a minor sleep disk problem as my doctor told me in my L5-S1 disk .I m having sitting job and i also play badminton but now feel pain specially while sitting what to do get recovered from and also to continue my badminton practise.
Hello,First, I need to see your MRI report so that exact amount of problem due to disc prolapse can be assessed. Disc prolapse without nerve root compression can be managed conservatively with physiotherapy and rest and modifications in daily routine activities. Avoid forward bending and weight lifting. Back extension and back strengthening exercises helps lot in back pain relief. Visit to an orthopedic spine surgeon is recommended. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
hi my last period came on 1st august.then I took unwanted 72 on 6th(as I have unprotected sex with my husband)..then there was bleeding like menstrual on 12,13,14 and it is 11th of September n I havnt got my periods yet.m worried now..even I have done pregnancy test at home which was I pregnant??plz help
Hi, Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. As you have taken emergency pill within 72 hours, It's highly unlikely that you are pregnant. The chances of pregnancy are less than 1%, the abnormal bleeding which you had on 12,13 might be a side effect of progesterone which you took as emergency pill. As the pregnancy test is negative and as you have missed your period, kindly get a scan done, if everything is normal you can take progesterone tablets for with Chat Doctor. Please ask if you have more questions. If you are satisfied, please make sure that your ACCEPT my answer so that I receive credit. Good luck!!
Hello Doc! Please let me that conceiving process depends upon the male discharge into the female body only or male and female discharge at the same time results in pregnancy? Will the female discharge during the intercourse effects the pregnancy? Is it necessary or good or bad or neutral?
Hello! The conceiving process occurs when the ovum (female cell) and sperm (male cell) meet each other, merge and divide. So, the condition for this process to occur is having sexual contact. When the male ejaculate his semen inside your vagina, some of his sperm pass through the cervix and uterine cavity and reach your ovum at the level of the uterine tubes. Only one of this sperm is able to conceive the ovum and then the embryo is formed.
My 9 yr old daughter recently started asking me strange questions. She told me she needed to pray because the devil was in her head telling god she hated him. She said she prayed to god and told him she didn t hate him. Then she asked am I ok? I asked her if the voice was hers or someone else s she said she didn t know. There have been a couple questions like this that she asks but basically all similar. She makes straight A s in school. She has lots of friends, could this just be a phase or should I be concerned? She is healthy.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor If she hears the voice one or two episodes then need not consider much, just give her counseling not to be afraid, pray to Jesus Christ, everything will be normal. But if she frequently hears the voice, her sleep is less, appetite is decreased, decreased speech then you need to consult a psychiatrist. Do not worry much, pray to Lord Jesus, God will surely protect and answer.
I have hep c gen type 1, and stage 2 i belive. I start the 48 week treatment next week when my meds get delvivered to my home. I am concerned about me forget to take my bipolar meds while im on the treatments and the side effects they cause. Me and my feince are also concerned becasuse we werent thinking and he ended up giving me a hickey, can he get hep c. the skin was not broke and he didnt swallow any of my blood.
Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Hepatitis c spread by secretions of body... Hence, Avoid sharing of objects with your friend especially razor, toothbrush etc.... If he has not come into contact with your secretion than chances of infection less likely... Your pan in which you have eaten food should be washed well esp with diluted bleach solution... Hope your concern solved No vaccine available for preventing HCV infection.... Take care
I injured my left elbow 3 weeks ago a pulled muscle/ligaments in back of arm up to triceps area, there was fluid build up and I had it drained and a week went by and fluid build up again. the dr put me on some anti-inflammatory med . the fluid that was drained had red tint of blood mixed in. I just had the second drain of fluid done on Friday and this is Sunday and there is fluid building up again, there is no pain, however the muscle is in strong and is still healing. what is causing the fluid build up ? and how can I stop it ?
hi Hope this msg finds u in good health. I have gone through your complaints and understand your concern. I feel u had a muscular injury that causes blood tinted fluid to accumulate in dependent parts. Unless the muscle has completely healed the accumulation won't subside. So I suggest u to take good amount of rest.vitamin tablets, and it will heal up eventually. Hope this answers your question. If u have any follow-up queries, feel free to consult me anytime. Thanks Take care god bless
i have a chest pain and breathing problem i am not able to drink water and swallow food.i got my chest x-ray, eco-ECG done nothing abnomal got detected. i have so much of constant in pain the chest i cannot even drink one glass of water. please suggest some remedies i am 52 years old 5 feet45kg
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since your extensive cardiac work up is normal, no need to worry about heart diseases for your symptoms. We have to rule out lung related diseases (bronchitis) also. So get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). If PFT is also normal then no need to worry about lung diseases also. Sometimes stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I had a tooth pulled 5 days ago. The pain was lessening up until last night it began to hurt again. Its controled by regular aspirin but is uncomfortable. I had to work the day of extraction and three days after long shifts. Is this pain normal. I can still see something on the hole (was red then a white covering and now is like a grey)
Hello, Thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. Actually when a tooth is removed you should continue with the antibiotics and painkillers for 5 days and even follow the instructions given by the doctor. If you have followed all the instructions then pain might get relieved after 5 days. But as in your case, it looks that due to exertion the socket is not healing properly and that is why pain is present, there is a possibility of Chat Doctor. Better to visit your dentist again and get it treated. Hope it will help you.
I m taking Proventil as needed for bronchial tightness. During allergy season is the worst time. For the past two weeks, I ve needed my inhaler nightly. I told my doctor about this, and he suggesting I go on Symbicort. I am reluctant to do this. What is your opinion?
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor If your present medication is not controlling your asthma, it would be best to step up or change it. Uncontrolled asthma is associated with both short term and long term risks (long term changes to the lungs). If the Symbicort control the asthma, then you should use it. You may not need to be on it permanently. If the asthma is controlled, step down to other medication may be tried. I hope this helps
Hi. I am 33 years old, I use to masturbate lot like once a week, then I moved to twice a week. every thing was going normal for few months, I will say at least 6 months. Then suddenly I start having wet dreams even without any sexual or any other thoughts. then one week I noticed I had wet dream 3 days in row. after that I also start seeing some white shine drops in my under wear without any arousal. I though may be I masturbated too much so I decreased the frequency. Its been a month or so. but I am still seeing same problem. some fluid leaked every day or night without arousal or sexual thoughts. in last few days now I noticing even I try to have sexual thinking so I will get ready for masturbate but I get erected for minute and when I try to masturbate I am done in 20 seconds. Would you please help me and explain me what is wrong ? One thing I was doing from last six months is regularly drinking 2 table spoon of fiber just before sleep because I had constipation issue and if I do not take this fiber I start having blood in stood. Now I also stop taking fiber for every night but still taking every after 2 or 3 days. Please advise Thanks in advanced MK
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your questionLooking at your history it seems that you might have contacted infection on urinary tract may be due to unhygienic practices please visit your doctor for through examination and a battery of test to confirm a diagnosis meanwhile have good balanced food with multivitamins and minerals supplements to boost your immunity and vitality have plenty of fluids daily go for exercise regularly hope this helps you wish you good health
hi, so I m 39 weeks as of tomorrow, I m crying for no reason, can t sleep, and would like to know if it would be better or worse for me to try and put myself into labor? I should also mention as horrible as I feel about it I smoke about 1/2 pack a day (which is cut from over full pack) and last OB appointment baby weighed in at 5 lbs 15 oz.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. First I should request you to stop the smoking because it is going to harm your child, your body as well as your psychological problems like depression and anxiety. You are already stressed. From the given symptoms, you are suffering from pre-natal depression. It can interfere with a women ability to care for herself during her pregnancy. You may be less able to follow medical recommendations, as well as sleep and eat properly. The condition can also put you at risk for greater use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal Chat Doctor. Evidence suggests that many antidepressant medicines are safe for treating depression during pregnancy, and will not harm your growing baby, at least according to the results from short-term studies. You should discuss the possible risks and benefits of antidepressants with your doctor. If necessary, he or she should also be able to refer you to a mental health specialist. Don't worry. You will be able to face the delivery as scheduled. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http
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🩺 Recurv-Medical-Dataset:

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The Recurv-Medical-Dataset is a comprehensive resource of 67,299 high-quality question-answer pairs explicitly designed for training and fine-tuning medical AI models. Curated from trusted medical sources, this dataset focuses on real-world scenarios like anamnesis, diagnostics, and treatment recommendations. It sets a new benchmark for advancing conversational AI in the healthcare domain.

πŸ“ˆ Dataset Statistics

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Number of QA Pairs 67,299
Average Question Length 420
Average Answer Length 603

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Sourced from the most authoritative and trusted references in medical fields:

  • PubMed and Open Access Journals
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines (WHO, CDC)
  • Medical Textbooks
  • EHR-Simulated Data
  • Peer-Reviewed Research Papers

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