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SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Girl at work. Would like to get to know. Rarely get opportunity.
POST: Male 18. How can I strike up conversation with this girl. I only see her at odd times. I'll see her when she's walking in to clock in, as I work outside, but I can only manage to say, "hi". Sometimes I see her in the break room but she's with other coworkers, it would seem odd to me to try and flirt or try to get to know her while others are engaged in convo or are awkwardly silent. I could try to talk to her while she's working and I'm on break, but that seems weird to me because I'd basically have to find her and start up random chat amongst customers.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My girlfriend of two years [21F] has a suspicious conversation with another man
POST: I'm 22M. We've had a great relationship thus far, never had infidelity issues. My girlfriend and were at her house for Christmas break from college and she mentioned that someone was mailing her a check from work that she forgot to pick up. The coworker who was mailing it was an older guy, probably about 40, who I know she's been friends with. When she gets the check, the envelope has a condom in it. Seemed like a joke at the time, and I guess it was intended for her and I anyway. She acted like it was a funny joke, I went along with that.
It's been bugging me since then because it just seemed like a weird joke that kind of crossed the line when you know someone has an SO. Today, after some unrelated drinking, I went on Facebook and signed into her username which is saved on my computer. I realize this was wrong, but I kind of just wanted to put the issue to rest in my head.
She had a long conversation with this guy that was mostly work related, but she called him pet names like "cowboy" at times, and he called her "babe" a few times. Now don't get me wrong, I can see how this could be a kind of running joke. It just freaks me out. At one point, she sent a work related messagethat ended with "cowboy" and then immediately after another that said "haha I'm drunk" which isn't a big deal, but she doesn't really send me that kind of thing. At one point the guy said something along the lines of "not to be creepy but I think you're totally hot". She responded with a work related thing as if dodging the statement, and he said "just wanted to throw that out there." She responded with a winky face emoticon. End of conversation on that day. There is no mention in the conversations of meeting up or hanging out, and I have no specific reason to suspect that they have.
Am I just being paranoid? Or is this worrying? Am I way out of line?
What should I do?
I really love her and I almost wish I didn't see any of this.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [17M] doubted my feelings for my GF [18F] of four months, we broke up. I wanted to know if any long term relationships have gone through something similar
POST: I've been with my girlfrend for about four months. We texted eachother pretty much every day(several hours each day) during this four months but only saw eachother during the weekends, except for a few ocasions.
What I mean is that we talked alot about pretty much everything but didn't spend much time actually toghether. Even so I feel that our connection is very deep and sincere.
About a week ago we went out and I felt weird and anxious all of a sudden. This anxiety grew and then I started feeling doubtful about our relationship, tried to rationalize it but just coundn't hide it from her. I told her how I was feeling and we tried to keep going to see if my anxiety was going to get any better, it didn't seem to go away no matter what so we broke up today, since the break up the anxiety has left, and we are still talking as friends, and everything seems ok (besides all the crap shit about breaking up).
My question is: Has any one with a long term, stable, realtionship (like married couples or just couples with a lot of years toghether) been through something similar? Have you ever had doubts? If so, what kept you going and if you did, was it worth it? did you regret it?
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TITLE: TIFU by picking up dog poo. nsfw
POST: Not really today, but on Monday.
Being the responsible dog owner I am, I often have to pick up dog poo. This dog is a beast, elephant sized poo 3 or more times a day. It's insane. Anyhow, went out early on Monday morning because I was expecting my neighbor who asked over the weekend to use my driveway, home and electric to detail his newly acquired vehicle.
Went out with a bag and a glove and started searching for was already almost 80 degrees at 10am. Located some poo and began mouth breathing, as usual, while I am picking it up. I don't want to smell it! Found 3 piles, successfully picked up two.
I reach for the 3rd pile of poo and tons of big black flies and tiny little gnat-like flies take off in to the air. One of the little ones flew directly in to my mouth to the back of my throat.
I started coughing and also doing that thing where you try to suck at the back of your throat to dislodge snot and what not, thing wouldn't budge. Here I am in my driveway with a bag of dog shit in my hand coughing and now gagging, loudly. Just the thought of this living fly lodged back there, that had recently been tunneling through and eating my dog's shit...just stuck there...I start coughing and heaving so violently I puked everywhere...I puked so violently I ended up peeing myself a little.
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TITLE: Fired For the First Time. :( How Do I Deal With Future Interviews?
POST: So, I'm 28 years old and was just fired for the first time. I sort of knew it was coming sometime because this job was a terrible fit. The really short version of the story is that I was recruited by this firm from another job where I was very successful with the promise of training and advancement. I did want to move forward in my career and felt somewhat stuck at my old job.
Instead of training I was just given a ton of work and expected to figure it out by myself. When I did ask questions I was always told to go ask someone else. I felt like a human pingpong ball. I was starting to get it, but not quickly enough to please my bosses. I was never given any formal warnings or feedback on how to improve my performance, but I knew it wasn't going great. Also the company culture was awful and I dealt with all sorts of inappropriate comments and behavior on a daily basis (my boss threatened to spank me, made comments about women, etc.). I worked there just over 9 months. I was already looking casually because I hated it so much, but wanted to stay there long enough for my employment history not to be messed.
Anyway, on Tuesday they fired me out of the blue. It was a blow and I am pretty upset about it, but I am trying to focus on moving on and finding a better fit. I've updated my resume already and am actively job searching. I got a call today from a head hunter. I know I should be able to find work pretty quickly, but I just don't know what to tell people when they ask. It felt so awkward today when she asked me if I resigned my last position and I had to say, "No." How do I handle the fact that I was fired in my future job search? Is there any way to avoid the stigma?
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: My 28 y/o sister is pregnant & she's not telling our parents. How can I get her to tell them?
POST: Heya Reddit. Need your help.
My sister just moved out of my parents house and got a 2 br apartment with her boyfriend (coincidence? Pshhhh.) so I went over on Sunday to see it. Next thing I know she's like "I'm pregnant". Exciting? Yes. Horrifying? EVEN MORE! Now she has to break the news to my parents and I can tell you they are NOT going to be happy. My sister is very irresponsible. She didn't finish college, she has been fired from just about every job she's ever had, and she has been a compulsive liar for as long as I can remember. She is currently employed making minimum wage as a file clerk. She is also in debt up to her eyeballs and doesn't pay her bills much. My parents know she's a deadbeat but they bail her out of trouble a lot anyway.
My sister has lunch plans with my mom next week and she wants to tell her then. The reason for this is so my sister doesn't have to face the wrath of my old school, ill-tempered, short-fused dad but my fiancé and I informed her that shit just got real adult and she and her baby daddy need to man up & handle it as such. We're all very unsure of what his reaction will be but we're all certain it won't be a positive one.
Another snag is that my sister's boyfriend's mom doesn't like my sister because bf's mom attached to bf's ex-girlfriend and has hinted at an abortion but it's kinda too late for that. She's about 3-4 months along.
BTW, he's 22 & they have been dating less than a year. My sister was also engaged to someone else last October so...
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Ex FWB Got a boyfriend.
POST: I've been hesitant to post this, but I've just run out of options. I (22m) met a girl (27f) at a party at a friend's house. We hit it off pretty quickly and got down and dirty that night and a couple nights for about 3 weeks. At the time, I was looking for something a little more permanent, but she just wanted to have fun and was not looking for a relationship, so we knew it wasn't going to last very long. I still ended up developing some pretty strong feelings for her.
One day in week 3 she went on a date with a guy (30-something male) and they have been dating for about 5 weeks now. She said her feelings for him took her by surprise.
In the past two weeks, she has become increasingly distant and wants little to nothing to do with me, but still claims that she "wants to be friends." She doesn't want to hang out with me alone out of respect for her boyfriend, and I can respect that. I still want to communicate with her through texting at least, but she says she needs "time and space."
I guess I have a few questions about this.
1. Is it possible to repair this relationship (as friends only), and if so, how?
2. How do you prevent yourself from developing feelings in a FWB relationship? This has been my downfall in my two previous FWB relationships.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My friend is always talking about porn and masturbating while we're amongst friends (i.e. in normal social situations), what can I do about this?
POST: It's really awkward and he (25 years old) just brings it up so glibly/flippantly. I'm afraid to really say, "Hey man that's kind of inappropriate and gross, cut it out" because I think he's a bit of a "Forever Alone" guy, but he doesn't do much to really change that. We invite him out all the time to socialize etc.
Here I'll give you an example of a situation (for the sake of this thread, the problem friend will be called "ForeverAFapper"):
Friend 1 (23 years old): Hey GiantStesp360, what have you been up to today?
Me (24 years old): Eh you know, working out, studying, chilled out
Friend 1: What about you ForeverAFapper?
ForeverAFapper: Masturbating a lot
This is a real conversation that happened. This is sort of constant and I don't know what do do about it. It really makes social gatherings with him awkward.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My best friend of 20 years is abusing his wife. Need advice
POST: Ive known my friend since kindergarten. I've known his wife since we were in high school. We are all around 25 now. They've been married for three years now, and they've been the classic arguing couple. Never fighting, just loooooong arguments which I've had the I fortune of stumbling into in our college years (me and friend were roommates for a long time). Now she comes to me saying that he had hit her, and kicked her out of the house for a week. Of course, I don't really know both sides due to the sensitive nature of me bringing it up. But she told me these things while mildly drunk. I need advice or perspective.... Whatever you fine redditors can offer.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Trying to rekindle the fire, what do I do?
POST: Girlfriend and I have been dating for almost a year (I am 20, she 18) and lately she has been unhappy. Telling me that she doesn't feel the same as she used to, although she still loves me. I have tried to give her a break for about a week which I guess helped her for about a week afterwards.
She doesn't know why she doesn't feel the same. Which would be okay for me if I wasn't crazy in love with her. All I do is think about her. I've sacrificed almost everything in my life just to come back home to be with her. She makes me feel like I never thought anyone would be able to make me feel. Yet I cry myself to sleep most nights because I know there is something wrong and I cant seem to be enough no matter how hard I try.
I know that she is the one for me but I don't think I would ever be able to recover and feel whole again if I didn't have her. I just want her interest to be rekindled in our relationship, I want her to get butterflies in her stomach again when she thinks about me. What should I do?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [30/M] feel like my girlfriend [26/F] doesn't seem to want to pay for things but won't flat out say it
POST: My girlfriend of 2 years seems to want me to pay more for things. Initially I setup an excel spreadsheet with expenses for utilities and grocery store expenses.
She would constantly complain about having to pay at the end of the month. She'd nitpick at me and say that I would overcharge her or she shouldn't have to pay as much, but wouldn't talk about how much she believes she wants to pay.
She's currently in graduate school and complains non stop about how she has no income (I consider student loan money income that should be budgeted just like everything else). She says that because I have a job, money isn't an issue for me and to stop telling her she has to pay her share. But I don't see her ever sacrifice anything. She doesn't try to cut back on her social outings. She doesn't say she can't afford a trip with me -- she just comes along and then sees the bill at the end and tries to make me feel sorry for her and just cover all the expenses.
I'm having a hard time dealing with this. If she doesn't want to pay for things she needs to be upfront about it. She needs to make sacrifices if she cannot afford things, not just see the bill and then complain to me.
She is practically financially illiterate. I try and help her but she says she doesn't want to be treated like a child -- yet she won't do any research on her own. I really don't think she wants to learn to deal with this ever. I try and tell her this is part of being an independent adult.
Lastly, she came from a family that provided her with lots of things. Her undergrad was paid for and she still gets lots of perks from her family. I, on the other hand, grew up in poverty and have been supporting myself since I was 18.
Can this problem be solved? Every financial discussion turns into a fight and is completely unproductive. I'm super frustrated. Is this relationship doomed?
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SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: My fiancé and I are considering buying the house we are currently living in from my mother.. Problem is we both have low credit scores
POST: As the title says, my fiancé and I currently live in a house owned by my mom. We want to buy it from her, in order to fix it up and either rent it or sell it.
Our financial situation has been very strained the last couple years, but I have been offered a promotion and will be getting a significant pay raise, but we both have low credit scores.
What can we do to pull our credit scores up to qualify for a home loan? It would be nice to be preparing to purchase it by March 2015. My fiancé was recently approved for a credit card card to buy an iMac (for school), so I was wondering if it would be good for him to apply for another credit card in order to have a better debt-to-credit ratio.
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I did look in the FAQs before posting.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I'm [20f] starting to feel bored with my boyfriend [24m].
POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. It's been a difficult ride, because he can be hot tempered and I can be overly sensitive. But all in all we're in a good place right now.
We don't see each other much because he works so much, but the time I spend by myself makes me think that it wouldn't be so bad to be alone, which is a big deal for me because I'm terrified of being alone and I'm pretty clingy. He's very much a homebody and loves to stay in bed and cuddle. I like that but it also drives me nuts. I'm bored. It's hard for us to go out and do stuff, we're broke and have very different tastes.
Aside from all of this, I sometimes ask myself, "is this the guy I'm going to marry? Or be with forever?" And my answer is usually "not at all." My boyfriend is not fond of commitment. It took him three months of sleeping together and spending most of our time together for him to call me his girlfriend. When I recently asked him if he would consider moving in with me sometime in the future, he very quickly and emphatically said "hell no".
I'm obviously way too young to be thinking about getting married or anything like that. But I also don't want to spend the next 6 years with this man and find out THEN that he wouldn't want to move forward.
Maybe it's me who's not so fond of commitment and straying because there's no excitement anymore. I dont get that warm feeling anymore when i think about him or when he sends me a sweet text. I just don't know where to go from here. Should I break up or endure?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [16/M] Just starting first relationship with a close friend [15/F], don't want to screw things up.
POST: During the summer, one of my best friends and I confessed our feelings to each other. We couldn't actually start the relationship because she went out of the country for the summer to visit family. She gets back in August and she tells me that she wants to wait a little while to start the relationship, she tells me that she still feels the same way she did, but that she had a very tumultuous summer and that she just needed some time to sort things out. This past weekend I see her in person again for the first time (we don't go to the same school, but we do the same co-curricular) and we start talking, she tells me what happened over the summer, and I can now understand why she needed some time to sort things out, and I can tell that she really is still interested. So here's my issue reddit, I want to ask her out on a date when I see her again next weekend, and so here I am asking for advice.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [21/m] Need some advice about an ex-girlfriend.
POST: A little over a year ago, I ended a relationship.
My ex and I had gone through a lot. Life threw us a lot of curve balls, and we had to deal with a lot of things that people our age shouldn't need to deal with.
Without getting into the personal details too heavily, I ended up moving in with her to help her with everything after her father passed away. She was still in contact with her mom, but she was living well over an hour away in a clinic.
Things were rough, so me moving in seemed like the best option.
Putting two ~20 year olds in a situation like this isn't exactly a recipe for relationship bliss, and we started to grow apart.
She grew distant, I grew apathetic, and the stresses of the situation started to show...
So I broke up with her. At the time, I thought it was for the best. I couldn't see where it was going, and wasn't sure if it could ever get better.
Since then, we've both moved, and we're living in the same city now. Things are different, and we've both grown. I see her around sometimes.
This brings me to today, and needing advice.
I miss her.
I miss her a lot.
Do I say something?
I don't want to live the rest of my life wondering what if, I guess.
We both made mistakes, but I feel like I let her down.
I gave up on her. I gave up on us, I guess.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [26 M] with my ex [24F] of one year, I want a new relationship with her
POST: My ex and I had a great relationship that was fun, upbeat, very open and understanding, lots of trust, and we could just be ourselves around each other (goofy!). However it was always bogged down by little things that "I" was doing wrong. She told me that she could never be what I needed (no one can at the moment because I am in counselling to understand that my happiness doesn't come from others, but from myself, and that I should not be seeking validation from others).
Recently my ex and I broke up (April 24). She told me on the Sunday before this date that she no longer was in love with me and that the relationship had too many negatives that just weren't being addressed. The day of breaking up she told me she hasn't been happy for a while. I told her I agreed with this and I was finding it hard to be happy with her all the time, but i would focus on the amazing times we had together.
Then she just started giving up on the relationship. I could tell she was finding reasons to argue with me and started to pick me apart. The break up came and I agreed that it should end. I really didn't want it to though.
5 days after breaking up (no contact) she contacts me and asks if I want to meet up with her. We go out, go to a book sale where we talk about exchanging and reading books that we both got (meaning we will be in each others future). Then have a pleasant lunch together that seemed to be like we were dating still. Touching, long stares in eyes and at each others lips. The interaction ended with a long embrace.
I went out of town and she continued to message me. When I got back I asked her if the whole meet up was platonic and she said yes. I told her I needed her 'out of my life' because i am not at the point she is in the break up.
Se is treating me exactly how her previous ex treated her. Although acknowledging that she doesn't want me to feel as though it's all my fault, she is pretty much stating that I was the one who caused this to end.
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SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: My shyness may have ruined any chances I had..
POST: Male here (21) the girl is 19.
Basically met her back in September at the start of Uni (England ftw!) during a society first meet up, talked a fair amount and we have a good few things in common. Time went by of not speaking for ages till I invited her over for a movie night (Just me and her) Things went fine but in the end I couldn't bring myself to even do the whole 'yawn and stretch to hug' crap. Had another movie night 2 months later and as I was walking her back to her place I told her that I felt that I liked her more than a friend, I never got an answer as I told her to forget about it since it was very embarressing for me.
After that we hadn't spoken for a good 2 months (unsure why) untill last week she invited me out for a few drinks before she leaves for the year. Went well I assume, talked for a good 4 hours till the pub closed and we got booted out, but then she invited me to go to the cinema the day after, we went (She bought the tickets, I didn't really have much of a choice) and again myself being too shy to make any sort of move. Walked her back to where we parted ways and hugged.
Not going to see her untill atleast September now so just wondering if i've just got delusions in my head about her and should just forget it or did the events before she left mean something? Advice would be helpful considering I've never really felt like this for someone before.
May help that i've never had a girlfriend before since i'm not exactly the most outgoing type of person, heck only ever kissed one girl before so my experiance with females is pretty much 0
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: New employment. Please help
POST: Ok, I'm in need of assistance. I just (pre-)interviewed for a personal assistant position. I have experience in the business prior, but the company I'm interviewing for now is a completely different kind of company (Going from working for a financial consultant to a florist). The company is on the smaller end, and is doing well for a recession (especially for a wedding florists in a recession). So heres the deal. We're going to talk about salary. My disadvantage = I'm 19 and I'm not sure what I'm worth (well I do, but I'm not sure what I should say I'm worth). His disadvantage = I'd be his first personal assistant, also I'd start managing a major part of his company, assisting in technical aspects as well as expansion aspects of his business. I'd be an acting business partner after some time and would manage major operations of his company after a short acquaintance with it.
So. How do I handle salary negotiations? How do get what I'm worth without looking greedy or driving his 12-year successful company down the drain. How do I negotiate enough to support myself substantially?
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SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: My husband didn't get the job
POST: After a year of unemployment, two years of grad school for a career change, and another two years of underemployment, my husband got a teaching job. It was a horrible school. An impossible work load, prepping for FIVE different middle school subjects. The new principal is awful and the staff was miserable.
He wasn't happy there. But it was still a terrible blow to find how they wouldn't be bringing him back this fall.
He had an interview last week for an 8th grade social studies teaching position, his dream job. Made it to the second round of interviews, but they selected another candidate.
He'll be unemployed next month. And may or may not qualify for unemployment. And teaching jobs are HARD to come by here.
I'm afraid we'll end up losing our home if he doesn't find something soon. Between student loans and years of underemployment, we are out of financial reserves.
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SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: Buying a house with friends as an LLC
POST: Long story short is that 2 friends and I are tired of paying rent to an abusive land lord, born out of this idea is buying a home for ourselves. Here is the idea, we live in Cleveland where housing is plentiful and cheap. We would like to buy a large house (5+ bedrooms) in the city (not the greatest or coolest neighborhoods) for 70,000 or less, and be able to provide housing for ourselves and have additional tenants to cover the mortgage (we would not buy something where the mortgage would be unable to be covered ourselves). Combined we have about $90,000 to spend, but still plan to finance. I am seeking advice on the best way to do this with respect to
- Changing life circumstances
- Legal protections for all involved
- Buyouts
- Dividends on the house if it appreciates
- Creating an LLC
I've been doing research but have not been able to find anything solid. As far as I can tell this will be a lot of work, and that's fine, but none of us nowhere to start, but surely we are not the first people to have this idea.
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TITLE: TIFU....... Was in a shitty situation in a rural pub in Ireland (Boyle)
POST: TIFU..... By agreeing to help my musician friend sell a few CDs after his gig in a rural Irish town (Boyle). Little did I know, this gig was in a shithole pub..... I sat at a table on my own to enjoy the music but obviously I didn't look content enough so the 3 dirtiest old men who had been drink for several hour's (possibly years) decided to join me. Every few minutes one of them would catch my eye and make a cheering drunken sound in my direction followed by showing their battered tar stained fingers in my direction to engage in a handshake or any form of human contact with they seemed to crave....... Absolute mutants....... As I sipped my my pint glass, a ghastly smell started to arise and I just guessed that this was the regular smell a man makes after 15 pints of Guinness. I waited for the smell to pass but after what felt like an age, the smell didn't leave. I couldn't handle it, it was too much. I stood up and apologised to the alcho that was sitting within an arms length to me and shuffled him out of my way, he stood up, and like a punch in the face, it hit me, the smell, but x1000. Turns out my new comrade was sitting right next to me while taking a shit......
Moral of the story is, if a dodgy looking alcho sits beside you, he's probably gonna shit himself..
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: My girlfriend was raped 9 years ago. She just told me. It's like majorly upsetting me...what do I even say/think/feel?
POST: I'm no stranger to this, as my mother (whom I love more than anyone) went through that a few times when she was younger, so I've seen the repercussions. But today, my girlfriend told me that she got raped when she was 8...and I don't even get what to do or what I'm supposed to feel or anything. Like she said "oh it's fine don't worry I'm over it etc." but it's been disturbing me SO FUCKING MUCH all day, and it's like depressing me or something. I just feel like I can't look at her the same again.
I mean, I love her, we've been the closest of friends for a very long time, and we only recently started dating, but I can't look at her the same now.
The fact that she's seen the absolute worst of people just makes me feel like I have to be the best that I can be for her.
Also, I feel like this is going to hurt our sex life (which is very active) cause now all I'm gonna think about is's like I keep forgetting throughout today, and then I remember and just start feeling incredibly weird and bad.
Can someone relate? Can someone offer advice? Like just really hit me out of left field, and I'm all mixed up about it now...
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [29 M] with my girlfriend[25 F] of 6 years - I've ended the relationship due to her endless cheating. We have a child together and I struggle with decision. Am I being rational?
POST: We've had a tumultuous journey, mainly due to her constant cheating. She was on meds when we met and I believed they were making her manic. Once she got off the meds she started to be much closer to me within about 6 months. She was very open with everything for the first time ever and we had great days together. She did not cheat at all and our sex life was great.
We ended up having a child a year ago. At first she was ecstatic. but after a few months she began shutting down. She quickly became resentful towards me and before I knew it she was cheating again, but with zero guilt or empathy towards the grief I was experiencing. Lots of lies and deception. This week she slept with guy number 6.
I guess I'm realizing she isn't the person I thought she was. She tells me she doesn't know why she can't stop and won't really tell me what she's thinking. I finally had enough and broke up with her. We've lived together for 4 years.
I feel so bad for our son and that's what I struggle with. Am I making an unwise decision based on emotion? I hate being used this way. I've paid for psychiatrist and therapist and she's gone to all the sessions but they just get nowhere with her. This must be the proverbial end of the road right? She just does not seem upset with what is happening to our family.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My girlfriend [21 F] of seven years broke up with me [24 M] because she feels numb.
POST: To preface this a bit we had been dating online for 7 years and met for the first time back in October.
The super short version of our breakup is that she became numb and felt I didnt love her and didnt feel like she was the right girl for me because she felt she didnt motivate me like she used to and vice versa.
After losing such a long relationship out of nowhere I became extremely anxious, vulnerable, and needy. Even 15 to 20 minutes without a reply was enough to send me into borderline panic attacks that I'd lost my chance to fix our relationship. This made an already stressful and sad situation even worse for the both of us so she told me that she doesnt mind talking to me (and has been talking to me like normal) but that she needs some space to recover. I have since calmed down quite a bit and refuse to say anything that isnt supportive or positive but Im still struggling to contain my neediness and urge to try to fix everything asap.
To make matters worse, being a girl who plays games online she often befriends and plays games with other guys and after a few months when they feel confident they usually end up confessing to her even knowing that she's in a relationship. Not wanting to lose friendships she's had for months, she stays friends with them but makes it clear that she's taken and isnt interested. This has been happening for as long as I can remember and she's always been open and honest about it when it does happen so she has earned my trust but being a guy I still felt jealous and now the feeling is cranked up to 10 and makes containing myself even harder because I dont want to lose her to anyone else.
Is there anything I can do to help relieve her numbness while still giving her the space she needs?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Should I [20F] give up hope with the man I like [28M]?
POST: I've been knowing this young man for quite some time and always found him attractive: he's a friend of a friend, extremely smart, beautiful and overall interesting - however, he acquired a girlfriend a couple of months ago.
They have a very weird relationship, arguing all the time, he often says he can't stand her and doesn't pick up the phone if she calls while we're together. I am left feeling confused.
A couple of weeks ago we were hanging out one night and ended up pretty wasted. He kissed me. We kissed for a while. He asked me if I wanted to go over to his place and I said no, suddenly overcoming the heat of the moment and realizing how inappropriate the whole situation was. We parted ways and went back to our own homes.
However, even though it was a mistake since he's in a relationship and everything, I was pretty happy and, honestly, I wanted more. The attraction had always been there, but this was the first time we acted upon it.
I texted him two days later, and he didn't reply. We were supposed to hang out with mutual friends earlier this week and he didn't show up. I just want him to tell me if it was just a drunken kiss, I'd accept it, honestly. But, he's avoiding all confrontation. I've heard from our mutual friends that he's having even more trouble than usual with his girlfriend, but he still refuses to talk to me.
Reddit, what do I do? Do I move on even without closure? Do I keep waiting? Do I text him again?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: 21/F want to turn a hookup into something more with 21/m
POST: Hi all!
I went on vacation with my friend and her extended family about two weeks ago and drunkenly made out with her (very good looking) cousin one of the nights. Our vacation got cut short and when we returned home we had a minor fourth of july party together after which i ended up having sex with the same guy twice.
Were both kind of shy and each day after it happened it was a little awkward and there were a lot of people (the rest of their cousins and friends) around. He didnt ask for my number but I have a feeling he just didnt get a chance in front of everyone, and its not like I asked him for his or volunteered mine. It was just kind of awkward because we felt like everyone knew.
So its been more than a week since that happened and I keep thinking about it. I would be interested in pursuing a friends with benefits type of situation with this guy, possibly getting to know eachother better to see if theres a possible relationship, if he was also interested. but I also dont want to make it even more awkward if hes not interested.
Should I ask for his phone number from my friend? They are very close. Or, should I take it as a sign that he hasnt tried to get my phone number from her?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Friend's wedding and I can't go
POST: Hey all
I have a group of four close knit friends, who are in our late 20s and one of them is getting married in the summer to another person not within the group. He has decided to get married in China, where his fiancee's parents are. Naturally, he has invited the other two close knit friends and me.
Now my two fellow invitees are both gainfully employed, while I'm still a student at school with substantial debts. I can't afford to go by my own, and the person getting married has offered to pay for me (this is around $3000 with hotels and airfare).
Thinking it through, I declined. I would have to get them a rather significant wedding gift and also be inclined to pay their loan back. A fellow invitee has told me to think of it as an interest free loan, but it does not excuse the amount of money I would have to spend once I'm there.. I'm thinking that will be around $1k out of pocket.
After my declining to go, my engaged friend has been rather consistent in trying to convince me to go. I think I have even hurt our relationship a bit.
I have tried a few times to explain in detail about what my rationales are (that I can't afford $1k+ out of my own pocket, and I won't expect them to pay for everything), and that I'm generally uncomfortable with taking out such a large loan at their expense.
While I have stuck with my decision, I can't help but feel a bit selfish for declining their invitation, since it is their special day.
Just wondering what /relationships thinks about situation!
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: [22/f] Feelings for other man [28/m]
POST: I'm currently in a long term relationship with a man that I thought I had fallen in love with. We've been together for years and I was considering him as a life partner (at some point after college or whenever). He's the first person I ever bonded with on this level. He is pretty much my best friend. But the problem is I lost the attraction to him and I cheated on him with another man. I admitted my infidelity and we decided to try to work things out. He is the perfect guy and an amazing boyfriend. He has admitted to me that he would like to try to make this a life long commitment. I love the idea of spending the rest of my life with him.
However, I have been thinking about this other man ever since it happened. I'm not a superficial person but he isn't even better looking. He was good and I feel we connected outside of that on a deeper level and some sort of feelings grew. He has said that he misses me and wishes we could still hang out. He wants a relationship but I don't know what I want. I can't stop thinking about him despite the fact that I promised to have nothing to do with him anymore. I've written a pro and con list and the current boyfriend is the perfect man that I've wanted but the attraction level just isn't there despite the fact that he is more attractive than the "other man".
Overall, I'm afraid I'm making the wrong choices. I feel like I'm young and I have no clue what I want in a partner and it will take a long time to find the "right" person. The problem with going down the path of the normal college girl and dating guys without lots of commitments is that I feel stable in this relationship. He is an amazing man and I am proud to be his girlfriend but I am ashamed of my actions and my straying feelings.
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SUBREDDIT: r/loseit
TITLE: 18 M/255lbs Just starting my journey!
POST: A little background about myself.
I am a full time student in College and for me eating really healthy foods is not an option for several different reasons the main one being time and money. I plan on eating less, cutting out sugars, becoming much more active, and with the aids of L carnitine and a CLA supplement my goal is to lose 60lbs. I have always struggled with weight especially during high school, I played football and needed to be big in order to perform better. After sports thought I let myself get out of hand, I still like to eat like its the football season and that is my greatest weakness. The last time I visited home I checked my weight because I knew it was up, I was astonished when it read 257 lbs. I know I have to make a change with myself because I am so insecure around girls, and being in college these years are supposed to be the best times of my life. So I did some research and found some products that should help with my weight loss. As I said before I can only cut back on the foods I am eating and increase my activity levels. I have Insanity on my computer so that will be my main source of exercise along with basketball and the occasional weight lift (since I am not trying to get any stronger). I know that telling someone about this will make me more motivated to go through with it, and since I have seen so many success stories on here I know you guys can help me get going.
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
POST: I got a tuxedo for an incredible discount at a formal wear store going out of business for my university's only formal event. But the event only had 500 tickets for 4000 undergrads, and seeing as its being held at the library of congress those tickets sold out less than 1 second after going on sale online. So now I've got a fresh tuxedo and nowhere to go. I know dc is the capitol of gala's, fundraisers, etc so there has got to be some formal events around here that I can get into for free or for a minimal cost. So anybody know of anything going on, or perhaps a place to figure out what events are happening in dc.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How can I (m17) be there for my girlfriend (f16) in her time of need?
POST: My girlfriend is cutting, it has been going on for a week now as far as i know but it could have been longer. i have not been able to see her as much as i would like to, it is Thursday and i only saw her on Tuesday night, and today after school although we text constantly and i call her every night and talk to her. anyway today i found out that she had been raped by her older stepbrother who now lives in las Vegas from when she was 12-15 years old. she had been cutting during that time and when her mom found out about the cutting she sent her to a mental institution. she then came back and for three months was again raped by her step-brother while she slept. she finally told her mother about it three months ago. her brother is now in las Vegas, however she has to go to court with him soon. i feel completely helpless and useless, i just want her to know that i love her so much and care about her with every fiber of my being. she is extremely depressed and i am the only one she has ever told about all of this, and i just don't know what to do because i cant constantly be with her to comfort and be with her. any help or advice would be appreciated. thank you.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (21/f) am ready to break up with my girlfriend (22/f) of 16 months, only it's Mother Day and her mother died four years ago.
POST: We've been together for 16 months. Both of us have a lot of issues and have no business being together. Her: depression, anxiety, anger issues (hostility, aggression) and has hit me before. Me: anxiety, depression, baggage from a traumatic past. I can't speak for her, but I shouldn't be in a relationship at all until I've sorted myself out. I'm finally at a place emotionally to end things, and I want to do it soon.
Thing is, right now is a difficult time for her. Her mother died suddenly of a drug overdose four years ago. Despite the circumstances, they were close, so obviously Mother's Day is a struggle for her. I know I need to wait a bit because of this.
Another issue is that our lease is up at the end of July. I intend to renew the lease until I save up and purchase a car (reasonable rent, excellent location that's within walking distance of my job and everything else) so I can move. It's a single bedroom and I want to give her time to figure out living arrangements. It's not ideal, living with your ex in a one-bedroom, but I've put this break-up off long enough.
My question is: when is an appropriate time to do this? Any other advice relevant to the situation?
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SUBREDDIT: r/loseit
TITLE: 3 months to make this happen, anyone have any advice or inspiration? I could sure use it.
POST: Basically I have three months before I go back to university and I want to lose as much weight within this time as I can (keeping it within healthy limits of course).
I have spent my small amount of Christmas savings on a gym membership for three months, which was the most I could afford.
So on to me:
I am 23 and female, weighing 100kg (220 lbs) with a goal weight of 70kg (154 lbs), vegan but with poor portion control and a love for pasta and soda.
I live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, without university on at the moment I have almost no reason to leave the house. I am rather short with an hour glass figure, holding most of my weight around my hips and thighs.
My long term boyfriend and I recently broke up and losing weight would really be a nice way to make him regret that.
Where should I start? What should I focus on? I want to lose as much as I can in this three months so I am motivated by being closer to my goal when I have the increased work load of university.
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SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice
TITLE: [NY] An incident happened, and now my Uber-driving father has to pay >$700.
POST: So I will let you guys know what happened to my father and the details I know as of yet.
My dad drives for Uber in NYC. Apparently, he picked up a passenger this morning who needed to head to LaGuardia Airport. Recently, a system was created where now Uber drivers cannot just pick up any passengers from the airport; rather, they have to wait in line. First come, first serve basis.
Now, my father was informed about this situation, and he was not looking for a passenger to pick up from the airport. After he dropped the passenger off, he got out of his car to get an energy drink from the back of his car, since he had been working very early from the morning.
As he was getting an energy drink from the back of the car, a lady came up to him and asked him what the fare would be like from LGA to Manhattan. My father gave her an estimate, and the lady immediately started to put her luggage in the back.
Before my father had a chance to stop her, the cops nearby approached and told him that it was illegal to just straight pick up passengers from the airport anymore.
My father informed them that he was aware, but they still pulled him to the side and told him that he has to head to the TLC to pay a fine of ~$700, and then they towed his car away. Now he has to go to Brooklyn and pay another amount to get the car back.
I do not know all the details yet, but is there any way out of this mess now? This will go ridiculously hard on my family. :(
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [23M] with my GF [22F] of 9 months, she found it funny to respond with "I don't love you"
POST: My GF and I were joking around in bed yesterday, and we were teasing eachother and tickling and laughing. It got to the point where she gets all laughy and adorable, and I just felt so happy to be there with her and so I stop us and get serious for a few seconds, I look her in the eye and I told her with a straight face "I love you".
It's not something I say very often, but she knows I mean it when I do say it. Problem is she found it funny to respond "I don't love you" back. It really put me off any affection for her, I thought about going home at that point but I stayed the night and had some awkward sex later on. This morning I couldn't help but feel completely unattracted to her and just told her I was going home.
It's like the one thing you don't joke about like that, I just immediately felt like shit. Is that super weird? I just feel like she did it to purposely play with my emotions for really no reason at all.
We have both said "I love you" a few times before (certain times when you just feel it, you know?), I can't tell if part of her meant it or if she's just fucking with me, or if she was just joking, even though she swore she didn't mean it afterwards. She says she does love me and she didn't mean it, but she also said she knew I was being totally serious when I told her I love her.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [29 M] don't feel the special connection I once had with my fiancee [24 F] of 18 months. Can I get it back?
POST: My fiancee is amazing, very smart, very good to me, has a great career that will make my life easier. We're due to be married in November of this year, but I've slowly come to realize I'm not very happy.
I was involved with another girl (My fiancee was aware we had an open relationship at that point), but our feelings got too serious and my fiancee couldn't handle it, so I had to break it off. That breakup was hard on me, and still is. I had real feelings for the other girl, and miss her like crazy now. That being said, I chose my fiancee and would like to make it work with her.
I am hopeful that this is just something stemming from the loss of someone I cared for a lot (the other girl), but it feels like the issue is deeper with my fiancee. She has a lot of goals and wants a pretty normal life, with kids and fun and all that good stuff. I've always been kind of a loner, and I don't know if that's what I really want. I'm often times happier just being alone. I do think, however, that I'm going to regret this line of thinking a lot further on in my life.
I'm not sure if this is a "grass is greener" feeling, or if I just really fell in love with my Fiancee, then over time lost that. Maybe I'm truly in love with the other girl (even though we are just friends now, and she's unavailable). I still feel very strongly that I love my fiancee, I just don't know if that's enough.
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TITLE: Found some of ex's stuff. Should I try to give it back?
POST: So my girlfriend of almost 2 years and I broke up in september/october (both 18, now both 19) and it was really messy and long story short, we are no longer on speaking terms (she does not want to talk to me) and haven't interacted since early november.
Right now is the first time, because of uni, that i have been home/we've been in the same city. My mom just moved to another state, so i am staying with my brother who is holding on to some of my stuff from the move.
Among those things are some of my ex's belongings (mainly, her pipe for smoking trees) and i don't know if i should try and contact her to see if she wants it back or just kind of let it go/throw it away.
The pipe may have a bit of sentimental value as we both bought our first pipes together and they sort of match. But i used mine on my own and with friends enough that i don't associate her with the pipe so much. And the pipe itself costs like $25 and doesn't have much use.
Its a sort of situation where the ball is in her court. She is the one that ended contact saying we were no longer friends, she also broke up with me because she was with another guy. The relationship was very special to both of us but now it seems she hates me so any attempt at salvaging a friendship or anything really kinda has to be initiated by her.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [F/25] feel stronger and more in touch with myself when my partner [M/27] of ten months isn't around.
POST: Hello,
When my partner isn't around, I feel so much stronger as a person. I know what I want to do with myself, more in touch with my interests and passions.
I don't know why this is happening. I thought long and hard about it, fearing that I missing out on some psychological or emotional abuse. But this is a man that will spend time with me even when I'm doing things that bore him to tears. He has no patience for cooking, but will help me out in the kitchen. He prefers league of legends, I like mario kart. He'll still play with me. He isn't close to his family, but he goes out of his way to build a relationship with my siblings and parents. He respects and adores them. We have our own book club where I get to choose the books.
I think I might be intimidated by him, truthfully. He's very opinionated and has something to contribute on everything. He's one of those men that is just so well read and intelligent that they know a bit of everything and can thoughtfully contribute to conversations. He's an intellectual challenge at times and can be blunt. I get easily intimidated by his intellect.
He pokes a lot of fun at me, though. Most of the time it's in good fun, and I find it hilarious in an endearing way. Sometimes he'll hit a sore spot, and I'll tell him, and he won't do it again. Ever.
So he's amazing.
I don't know why I'm so quick to put his preferences over my own, to value his opinions over mine, and to just generally see him as subconsciously superior to me.
When I get to reconnect with myself, I feel so much stronger as a person. My preferences and opinions are easier to stand by. I feel like around him, I'm so focused on him and so focused on making him happy and remaining in tune to his emotions, that I.... forget myself.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I may never see him ever. I love him to death.
POST: I am (F)20 and he is 21. The man I love is leaving back to Arizona. I live in California. He's leaving because he cant stand my family, mainly my older sister constantly nagging him about why he doesn't have a better job.
He's the kindest, calmest, most lovable man I know. I loved him since I was 16, now 20. I don't know how to handle this. I told him I would go with him but he said he wants me to finish school and become successful. But I can't stand to think about sound all of that without him by my side.
I'm going to miss him. So much. I try not to think about it as much. We only have a couple days left. Our days together are counted. How will I handle this? I may not see him for years, even worse, I may my see him EVER!
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [17 F] with my crush [18 M] is it cruel to ask a shy guy to a dance?
POST: Hey, so there's this guy that I work with who is very quiet and somewhat shy. He's very inexperienced with girls, and as far as I know has never had a girlfriend or been to a dance in his life. I am somewhat shy/quiet as well, but him and I have hung out a few times. He is short (like 5'5) and might possibly be insecure due to acne/height. I was thinking of asking him to go to my schools homecoming with me, but if he doesn't like dancing in front of people because he's embarrassed, would this just be cruel? How would I get him comfortable? I'm not going to grind on him or anything like that, but I don't really know how to dance so would this just be a fucking trainwreck? Pretty much everyone goes to hc, its a really popular dance so I'm afraid he would feel overwhelmed...
If I were to ask him, when should I do it? Are there any creative ways to ask?
Should I do the cheesy thing where I do it with food/cards etc., or just straight up ask him?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 M] with my Girlfriend [20 F] of 6 months, hates cuddling/touching after sex, makes things awkward.
POST: Our relationship has been really happy, we almost never argue and when we do the issue is sorted out very quickly. As far as I am aware, the sex is good for both of us, she has told me she enjoys it and says she would be honest with me if she didn't.
The only really issue is that she doesn't like cuddling after we have sex. She'll quickly jump up when I finish, and she'll go to the bathroom. She then goes really distant for 10 minutes or so, but gets upset if I don't talk to her during that time. I respect that she doesn't like cuddling afterwards (she's explained this to me), but it makes it quite awkward for me and I never know what to say afterwards. She's cried before when I go quiet and don't say anything.
I really love this girl and it's a very small part of our relationship, but I feel it's important that I make an effort to improve it.
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SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Decided not to date a coworker, now i don't work there anymore
POST: Im 23M and she is 25F.
Met her at workplace (which I only worked there for 3 months), and early we got along talking about basketball. We went to a bar to watch a game one night and each of us invited 1 other friend. She dressed up for it, and picked me up (since I don't have a car). I liked her after that outing but decided against asking her out because we were coworkers.
She asked me once if i thought coworkers should date, and i told her i didn't like the idea, also asked me if i thought professionals in our field should date (and I sarcastically deflected the question....).
While working there we would get lunch together off-site at least once a week, and I've also gone over to her place to watch a game on a night where she rescheduled with a best friend who usually came over for some VH1 show.
PRESENT DAY: I just left the job a week ago unexpectedly, and have had communication with her only through text. I asked if she wanted to go see a game at a bar this upcoming week, we have agreed to meet. Is it time for me to go ahead and ask her out?
Should I worry that she is relocating in 2 months, or is it fine if i just want to date and get to know her while she in town, and discuss the move later on (if we date).
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TITLE: TIFU By getting hooked over another girl.
POST: Heyo im Guesswho :)
Today, i decided, i was going full out on a saturday night. I started drinking and smoking ganjaroos since i woke up at 12:00 pm. Yes i have issues, pardon me... but i honestly give no fucks.
So im getting pumped going out with this girl that i thought was like the one. No mooshy shit, i pretty much thought this girl was too fucking cool to be true, and i guess i was right. I thought hitting it by being real and talking about anythign with this girl and being nice would show her im an actual gentleman. But nah.... This generation have been so washed out, shallowness has become the norm. Pretty much, I'm out with two friends, Lets call them George, and Paul. So im pregaiming the night with these two buds of mine, we drinking a lot we start bar hopping then we deiced to end up at this club with the girl i thought was the one. The moment we show up.... it was just the complete complete opposite of who i thought she was.
Im sick of all these girls acting as if they want someone real and nice in their life, then practicilly throwing themselves at other men that just look good, but have a brain the size of a peanut then after a month or so it just causes drama and stress for the woman.
Like i know it's the saying, threes a bunch of nice guys, but their all either gay or fucking ugly lol. Either way im drunk out of my mind and high out of my mind, im depressed as balls because this girl was throwing herself all over at the club. She has a boyfriend and it seems as though the two wont last long as it seems to me, anyways im afraid of one of my RL friends seeing this.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Was I acting "crazy" is this situation? (xpostfromaskreddit)
POST: Two nights ago my girlfriend's ex was in town and she told me a few weeks before that they were going to go out and have drinks. Now, I'm totally fine with this and I let her know that it's fine, but I still have that shitty sort of feeling you get in the situation.
So at about 8:30 she sends me a text telling me she's "going out to meet him for drinks and she shouldn't be out too late" and I respond by saying, "sounds good let me know when you're heading home". About 11:30 I send her a text saying "How's everything going?". Finally at about 12:20am she sends me a text saying "she's on her way home!". Two things to note about this: 1. She can't be more than 20 minutes away and 2. The roads are snowy and icy.
An hour later I send her a text asking if "everything is good?" (She should have been home or let me know if she got caught up) At 2:00am I give her a call and she doesn't answer. At this point I'm worried because I know she's been drinking and the roads are bad. So I call her ex to make sure she left and he said she left with her friend that picked her up about 1230. So I call him, no answer, text him, no reply. So I try her again at 230 and still no answer. So now I'm super worried and I call the hospital and I call the jail. I can't get a hold of the jail, but it's just a half mile away so I leave to go see if she's there.
When I leave I see her friends car parked in the alley behind our place. I go up to the car and they're just sitting there smoking cigarettes! I knock on the window and angrily tell her I've been fucking worried and had no idea where she was or if she was safe or in jail! Once we get inside she is mad at me because I am "acting crazy"! This has all turned into something much much bigger and we're probably going to break up.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: [Personal Issues] Feel like a loser, need advice on how to fix that
POST: I am afraid of the future, my last relationship was a disaster and it was almost 2 years ago (i think) i've been on a dry spell since then.
i've hooked up(made out) with girls but i think i have low self esteem when it comes to hooking up, i need to be wasted not to be overly shy ,if not, im too nervous to try anything and that turns girls off.
I used to have a big circle of friends but then I used drugs constantly for a while and had just a few people, then those people betrayed me (drugs+friends=fake friends) and I lost trust in everyone basically.
I have a few player friends, who ive seen , get different girls almost every week and I feel like I can never have the confidence/flow they do. I guess I am insecure. I've hung out with girls that I want to fuck but I am not sexual enough to get to that point. I've become comfortable being lonely and I hate that (i enjoy it). its like im afraid of sex because its always been weird or awkward for me, or maybe that's just what i make myself think. ive had pretty bad performance anxiety in the last relationship but i also contributed that to heavy drug use. I've learned not to really care but its still in the back of my mind because time flies and I dont wanna get a lot older and be alone. In the past year I realized that close friends will stab you in the back if they can benefit from the situation, I also learned I was naive and too trusting of people.
I feel like writing this out will help on its own because I've sort of been ignoring the problem instead of facing it.
What and how do you recommend I improve myself? I've been hitting the gym for a while and my body is alright but that didn't really boost my confidence that much. My situation might sounds worse than it really is but the performance anxiety and low self esteem is my real issues. I feel like i never amounted to what i thought i would at my age (21-22)
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SUBREDDIT: r/books
TITLE: best DRM-free/low DRM ebook reader and ebook formats?
POST: Reddit, I'm looking for a good ebook reader. I'm not interested in being locked into someone's consumer ecology, so I'm hoping for some good advice on the best ebook reader which handles multiple formats, and hopefully for which non-supported formats are easily converted.
So far, my options are:
I stare at a computer all day, so I want something that doesn't feel like staring into my computer - iPad is right out.
The important bits for me, in order:
* Format support, light to no DRM
* Easy to read from
* Long battery life
* High storage or expandable storage
* Decent amount of publisher/author support for science fiction, fantasy
The second issue is, of course, what format I should do my primary purchasing in? Is there any 'good' format for ebooks, or is the software/hardware lock-in an inevitable part of moving to ebooks, a sacrifice of freedom for a better catalog of books?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: American Student (w/ Italian Citizenship) hoping study abroad in Italy for Italian tuition
POST: Hey Reddit,
I'm an American undergrad student who wants to study abroad in Italy for a semester. And since I'm an Italian citizen I'd really prefer to do it for next to nothing instead of the $50,000 a year American schools charge. Problem is, I don't speak Italian. Therefore I have to find an English speaking international school in Italy to which I can directly apply.
I've been researching it using this nifty little site that can usually answer all my questions (link- but I haven't been able to turn up any solutions! Everything I find is either to apply for 4 years at an Italian speaking university or to set up a study abroad program piggybacking off another American school's program. Unfortunately this option still charges US tuition fees.
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TITLE: How do I teach my dog to use a "porch potty"? (xpost from r/dogtraining)
POST: For context, this is the porch potty ( We have two dogs, a Yorkie and a Poodle. Neither are entirely reliably house broken but they are crate trained. We've had the Yorkie for over a year (trying to get him potty trained the whole time) and the Poodle for one month. They are both almost 2 yrs old.
We walk them outside and reward them when they relieve themselves outdoors. Everytime they pee/poop in the correct place, we say "Go potty" and give them a treat. We have tried to get them to use the porch potty (it is on our balcony) with no success.
Before we got the Poodle, we tried one day to get the Yorkie to use the porch potty by only giving him that as his option to relieve himself; we didn't take him outside to his normal area. Our Yorkie held his pee for almost 24 hours and ended up peeing in his crate rather than relieving himself on the porch potty.
We have tried catching our Yorkie's pee in a cup and pouring it on the porch potty. They have both relieved themselves on the porch potty less than a handful of times seemingly by accident. We praised and fed them when they did this. But that was weeks ago and no luck since then.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I'm a [24/M] that's afraid my recent breakup will affect my new relationship [25/F]
POST: About six months ago, my ex-fiancee [23/F] broke up with me about 6 weeks before our wedding. In September, I found out about how she had been cheating on me, which sent me into a pretty serious depression that I'm still recovering from (but doing much better.) In October, my cousin set me up on a date with his wife's sister. We hit it off and have been talking and hanging out constantly since.
My problem is that I'm absolutely and equally terrified of two things-- that I'll fall head over heels in love far too quickly, or that I won't allow myself to trust anyone. This past weekend she went on hike for a few hours with a male friend of hers and my thoughts immediately assumed the worst (which obviously wasn't the case.)
I really like this new girl. I can see myself with her for a good while-- but I don't know how to deal with these trust issues. I haven't told her about my breakup other than mentioning how my ex won't let me see my dog--but her sister and my cousin know too well about what happened. Should I bring it up? I really don't want this to be a rebound, since I could see it going good places.
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What was your worst experience when you were just trying to help someone by doing your job?
POST: basically I'm a bell hop. I had an absolute asshole cuss me out (a 40 year old man) and mock me because i was doing my job by trying to help him. He was blocking traffic (in his BMW) and I simply asked him to move. He proceeded to tell me "Get the fuck away!" Said the same to another co-worker of mine. After flipping us off and driving away he then walked up to us and mocked us in a childish voice saying "You're a hater because you will never be able to afford a car like mine" I reacted by telling him "have a nice day" and he then mocked me again and told my boss I started an altercation with him. I along with my friend were sent home for the day for harassing this man. Before we knew our fate, he proceeded to yell obscenities at us off of the balcony.
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SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: I feel like no matter what your stance in religion is your always getting a shit end of a deal
POST: So I was born and raised Christian. one of all the branches and shit. I think its called pentecostal but not the overly strict one. sorry if I ramble. I don't know I guess what's been bothering me is that no matter like what religion you are or if you choose not to have one, you have to deal with people who just straight up hate your religion and will do nothing more than just bash on it. And while this bothers me I thought to myself and realsed something. In my case, it was just asshole Atheist who dont know how to mind their damn business. Im not the kind of guy who (like *those* Christians) whose all about converting you. Yea if I feel if were close Its part of me to at least mention once but no more. Then the assholes bash on you for just doing what you do. Then I see it's not just some atheist bashing on Christians. There are the people that fuck with Muslims and those who mess with Jewish. Sorry, I'm no good at getting stuff off my chest. I guess my
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SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Met at a bar.. when do I ask for a date?
POST: I'll try to keep this brief, Saturday night I was out with friends and met a girl at the bar. It took quite a bit of liquid courage for me to talk to her, self confidence isn't my strong suit and she's pretty attractive. We really hit it off and I ended up going back to her place, we were up talking till almost 6. I stayed the night but didn't have sex. She told me she liked me that night and that she wanted to see me again the next morning. When I got home she texted me apologizing if she was obnoxious (i didn't think she was), and saying if there's a next time that we should make it a more sober event.
As much as i struggle with confidence, I even think she really is into me and wants to go out again some time. I texted her yesterday and we talked for a few minutes but just small talk, haven't spoken today. It's been a couple years since I've had something go well for me so I don't want to blow this and seem needy (a problem in the past). How long should I wait to text her again, when should I ask her to go out? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
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TITLE: I (22f) saw my ex-boyfriend(22m) out with another girl tonight after being together over 2 years and broken up around 2 months. Do I stop waiting? (xpost from r/relationships)
POST: Someone in r/relationships suggested to post here.
My ex boyfriend of over two years broke up with me out of the blue right after Christmas. He said he was just too stressed with school and couldn't handle being in a relationship anymore. We had been taking marriage and moving in together and suddenly he was gone.
He told me he wanted to be friends and be together again when he got his crap together with school. We talk every once in a while over text, but he always stops talking to me in the middle of conversations, out just blatantly ignores me. He texted me for the first time in two weeks today asking me about my health (I have been somewhat sick the last year) and then suddenly stopped talking to me in the middle of the conversation.
Tonight, I saw him for the first time since we broke up, and it wasn't on purpose. I have asked him out for drink or to talk once or twice, and he just tells me he has no free time ever and it won't happen for a long time. I ran into him tonight at the mall with another girl. I saw them coming. They were laughing and walking extremely close together. My stomach dropped. I can't imagine being with anyone else, and here he is with a girl from school. He walked right past me, gave me an awkward wave and kept moving.
I want him still. I have resisted the urge to contact him and ask him about it. I feel like it wouldn't be my place to ask. I had this idea that things would get better and he would come back, but is it pointless to wait? He clearly doesn't miss me. I don't know what to do or what step to take next. Any advice?
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TITLE: TIFU by being garbage at holding in my laughter
POST: After reading a post by /u/Kroph (Here's the post: ), I was reminded of something similar that happened to me. This was around 5 Months ago.
I was in the middle of class when there's an announcement on the loudspeaker for the teacher to come get a document with an announcement for the class.
Me and my friends have a messed up sense of humor. Jokingly we say to each other: "In before some kid died or something." we're thinking: "That would be horrible, but imagine if we called it perfectly." Of course the teacher says to the class a kid ended up dying. On top of that we were already laughing at whatever bullshit jokes teenagers laugh at. My friends and I immediately just laughed at the coincidence while saying we called it, and of course I laugh the loudest. I'm thinking: " I can't believe I called it. Oh shit, I'm laughing as the teacher says a kid died, I'm gonna get mobbed."
Some time after class, a couple of people ask me what the hell they saw back there. Some people understood and laughed themselves, others called me a total asshole. One kid called me an asshole, and the next week came back saying he found out who it was, and started saying he doesn't care he got hit, and that he laughed when he found out. I'm Just thinking after that: "Who's the real asshole here?" I just barely dodged being labeled as the school dickwad.
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TITLE: I feel insecure about my music taste when I look at critics' scores.
POST: This probably is the most miniscule thing on this subreddit, but I kinda wanted to get this out somewhere. (Throwaway because I don't want friends harping me on this) Its weird. Whenever I want to start getting into a band I always look up the professional critics' scores and go by that for which albums to get into. Any album that they rated mediocre or even "good, not great" I feel weird about listening to it, like I shouldn't be. This isn't something major but its been bugging me for a while. Like recently, one of my favorite bands new albums just leaked, and I have been listening to it like crazy. I love it, but I know that if the critics downscore it, It'll tarnish my view of that album. Is this weird? It makes me feel like a pretentious music snob.
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SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: -SERIOUS- I got my student loans written off, but now that its tax time...
POST: I had my student loans written off last year ($64,000 and around $5,000 interest). I had to go in and out of school several times due to my condition. Being a private school (Not-For-Profit) didn't help matters either.
I received my 1099-C form in the mail a few days ago. I entered in the corresponding information into the tax software, and it comes up that I owe around $11,500 Federal and $4,500 state.
I made around $13,000 last year.
I have virtually no assets. I don't own a car (I sold it to pay off previous medical bills/insurance). I now have Medicaid though. Seriously my computer is the most expensive thing I have @ $500, and maybe a little more worth in clothes.... And yes I will be moving in with a family member to get out rent-free :/
So how do I go about paying this off?
One of the first stipulations of getting these loans written off is making sure that you don't make any money. I cannot exceed the Federal set income poverty line for a family of 2 for 2015. Approx. $15,000.
The only 3 ways I know are: 1. Payment Plan. 2. Garnishment on wages. 3. Bankruptcy. The first two are pretty much the same thing in my situation. I am going to be paying it back no-matter what, and probably as soon as possible. Bankruptcy is something that I don't know a whole lot about, and I am not sure would be good in my situation for such a small amount of debt.
Don't get me wrong. I am very grateful for everyone that helped me get my student loans forgiven. Family, friends, doctors, Department of Social Security, and The Dept. of Education. I know this will likely end up being a year or two of hell paying this back to the IRS. This debt is still pocket change compared to the original student loans that I had. **I just didn't feel like I made close to $82K last year....
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [20M] want to break up with my girlfriend [20F] because I'm a bad boyfriend.
POST: Hey Guys,
I'm wondering how should I break up with my girlfriend. This is my first serious relationship I've been in. I've been dating her for two years and we always fight because of me. I am very forgetful about stuff (Monthaversary), and like I always forget to do things that any normal boyfriend would. She has to remind me to see her after I'm done my classes.( I know it's my fault since I don't remember.) She likes to know my weekly schedule in advance, and I forget to remind her. Or I forget to let her know what I'm doing that night.
I've been trying hard to remember, but I forget sometimes and it just gets into a blown out argument. I say sorry and I'll try to change. But whenever I mess up, an argument breaks out.
I want to let her know that she's not the reason we're breaking up. It's me. She's a terrific girlfriend. But I'm just a terrible boyfriend.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 F] with my mixed race crush [23 M] are having issues with conflicting religious families
POST: I have just started seeing this guy I met online who is Lebanese. We both live in Canada and I am white. My parents are Christians and I moved out and am practicing Buddhism. His parents were born and raised in Lebanon and he and his whole family is Muslim.
I personally like him because he is a totally sweetheart. He is close to his family and he is in training to become a police officer. He and I get along really well and have a lot of fun together.
The problem: my parents. They don't seem to approve of him because he is middle eastern. My mother is the type to see a middle eastern guy on her flight and become visibly nervous. He is obviously not a terrorist and they don't seem to care about the fact he wants to be a cop.
He has told me that his family is completely open to me and the fact I am not Lebanese or Muslim and that they have mixed race couples already in the family.
I havent put a label on our relationship yet because I am scared of my parents disowning me. They are really traditional and nearly disowned me when I got a tattoo.
Anyone have any similar situation or advice dealing with racists parents?
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TITLE: More Experience
POST: Hello Everyone
I am writing to jobs for some advice. Please Forgive me if this is not the right subreddit. I am currently an undergraduate at a university and have been working in a lab for the summer. I previously volunteered in the lab. My tenure is coming to an end with the start of the new school year and I would like to get some experience else where. It's very likely that I can get a good recommendation from the professor that I'm currently working for. I was lucky enough even to get experience. **What is the best way to approach another professor so that I can get some volunteer experience.** The reason why I'm apprehensive is that the professor I currently worked under is known to be very accommodating and as such allowed many students to get experience including myself. My only Achilles heel is that my grades average is a B.
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: How do I retrieve the audio from my YouTube video that was removed due to, what is in my mind, an idiotic copyright claim.
POST: Ok so here's what happened. Back in 2008 I had an English assignment for Romeo and Juliet. I added in the "mmm watcha say" audio clip (from Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek") when Tybalt stabbed Mercutio (I recreated Act 3 Scene 1, if anyone cares). This was before YouTube was cracking down on copyright infringement. When they did start cracking down, I noticed that any copyright infringement was resolved either by YouTube automatically crediting the song artist and linking the iTunes download link (which they did with a separate video of mine), or they would completely remove the entire audio from the entire video (which they did with my Romeo and Juliet video).
I think it's kind of ridiculous because they took the audio away from my 6 1/2 minute video over less than two seconds of a song. I feel like it wasn't even true infringement because it was alluding to a popular cultural reference at the time, but then again I've never been very informed about copyright laws.
Right now I'm more concerned about getting my audio back just so I can download it because I edited the video on my old family computer and we reformatted the hard drive before YouTube took down the audio. I'm not concerned about views or w/e, I just want my audio :(
Do you know how I can go about resolving the copyright issue? Right now YouTube is only giving me the option to replace the full audio with one of their "approved" songs, but I think that's kind of bull.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [19 F] with my boyfriend [19 M] 5 months, he has a anger problem when dealing with things, am I being sensitive?
POST: My boyfriend and I have a terrific relationship and I know he cares about me a lot but, he has a small anger problem when dealing with small problems like homework or things he has conflict with.
He's very sweet most times except when he does homework for example and would get very angry about it. I was next to him on the bed when he was doing homework and helping him on Chemistry because I am a Chemistry major so I knew I could help him on some stuff. When I tried to explain a problem to him, he didn't get it, which I totally understand except his frustration with it started to increase and I tried to explain it again and he kinda just flipped out about it and said whatever.
This type of situation happened before over Skype when I was helping him memorize some formulas and he got angry and I asked him if he needed help again and he yelled at me saying No. It wasn't really yelling but it was aggressive. He did apologize to me after when he saw that I was being quiet since I am the loud one in the relationship.
The reason I am asking if I am just sensitive is because I was in a emotionally abusive relationship before that I wasn't aware of until later when I cried everyday. I see nothing like that in my current boyfriend and everyone seems to like him unlike my ex.
My boyfriend and I have talked about this and agreed we shouldn't do homework around each other and acknowledges my feelings about this whole thing. He seems to genuinely understand me being scared. I am scared though that this behavior won't change since both incidents were in 2 weeks time. I don't want him to change necessarily since I know that this is just him being him, but maybe I don't want to be around that kind of person? IDK. I like him a lot for a relationship that is 5 months old and I don't really want to leave him over something like this. Has anyone ever experienced this?
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Redditors with tattoos, I have several questions for you.
POST: Where did you get your tattoo? What is the best spot for a tattoo, in your opinion? How much should a small tattoo (3" x 2") cost if it is all black? How can I tell whether the tattoo place is legit? How can I make sure that the tattoo artist will complete the design properly? Anything you would recommend not getting as a tattoo? Any other suggestions?
I am thinking of getting a tattoo in Arabic (a calligraphy design that I created) and I have seen several examples online where the letters are out of place or disconnected and the people have no idea. I study Arabic so I would definitely not want that to happen. Basically, how do I make sure I'm going to get what I want for a decent price?
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: 2.5 hours of sleep tonight and received death threats from a psycho, crack head of a neighbour. DAE have a shitty neighbour story to top mine?
POST: The woman that lives beneath us has caused me and my boyfriend numerous problems in the past, but she just topped herself this morning. She started screaming (which has happened countless times before) at 10pm on March 28th, when I was at work and my boyfriend was home. He spoke to her about it at 11-11;30. The screaming and banging continued. At 2:30 am (March 29th) he went down to speak to er again. she basically told him that since she has been living in the apartment complex for 5+ years, she can do whatever she wanted and slammed the door in his face. Cops were called. At about quarter to 5, the screaming had not stopped. My boyfriend stomped on the floor to let her know she was still keeping us up. Next thing we know, she comes upstairs and starts slamming on our door, saying she is going to kick down our door. come with a 9mm gun and shoot us both. We immediately called the police again. They immediately made our situation a priority. The call was completed a few minutes after 5, and the woman continued to yell. She quieted down about 10 minutes before the police officers arrived. My boyfriend went down to speak with one of them, while the other went to the ladies door. When finished, the later police officer said that a ticket was issued. The woman told him that she was a bit drunk because it was the anniversary of her husbands death by cancer. "Pretty much, she is a crack head lying through her teeth". Our landlord was immediately contacted about the situation. Finally was able to fall asleep at around 6-6:30am, and awoke at 9:45-ish to a call from our landlord. The woman has 14 days to vacate, less once I give my landlord the complaint letter me and my boyfriend wrote up.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Should I still talk to someone who rejected me?
POST: So I [17M] got rejected by one of my closest friend [17F], whom I've known for 3 years. It had a huge impact on my life cause I honestly loved her for 3 years...I loved her soo much that when she told me that she liked my best friend I tried setting them up because I always wanted to do what would make her happy (I know I am weird...bare with me plz haha) But even that didn't work out my best friend rejected her. I was there with her for every step of the way when she was handling that pain. We were honestly very good friends, we text each other like 24/7, have our own little moments and all that. I finally built up the courage to ask her which I only did because she said that she was over her little crush she had on my best friend, and plus I think that she was actually playing around with me giving me mixed signals(kissy face good night texts, hearts, claiming to actually like me more than just a friend, etc.)... but before I could get the chance to ask her she somehow figured it out and confronted me over text one night. She gave me the classic I like you and all but I have soo much going on with my life, like exams and stuff. Can't we just accept that we like each other but we can't be in a relationship cause it'll be too much to handle? After this event I think I legitimately went clinically depressed for a month. I started doing all sorts of shit. Idk in all that time when I was going through this she was so happy...that's what pissed me off so much (Yeah I know I am contradicting what I said earlier but...Really? give me a break I was an emotional mess then) Like after she rejected me she started talking to me like everything was back to normal. Idk I came to the conclusion that she was jsut using me as a distraction or something...
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TITLE: [18M] Any Any advice on getting my first job? How do I stand out from the rest?
POST: I'm still in high school, going to be a senior this year. Trying to get my first job this summer, I have no experience working, I live in a town of about 2k people, I should have gotten a call for an interview by now. Had no luck getting a job this summer at ALL. I think I've applied at 6-8 places with no callbacks from any. I've applied at Walmart TWICE. I even asked my references If they've gotten calls asking about me, nope... WHY NOT? I've even talked to a few of the managers and they said they'd look at my app and then nothing... Nothing is wrong with my applications, phone numbers, etc everything is correct. The places I'm applying are hiring as well. I have no idea what's up. Do I really need to make a resume to work at a place like McDonald's or what?
It's so frustrating not hearing back. What do I gotta do? Lie and say I'm living in my car and desperately need a job if I want to live? Had no idea it was this hard to get a fucking minimum wage paying job. They expect me to have a college degree or some shit? Also to add, I've put in the 6-8 apps over the course of like 3-4 months. It's not like I just applied a week ago. Last one I put in was maybe around a 3 1/2 weeks ago.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: LDR isn't going well, she has lots of guy friends, seeing a movie marathon with one she's spending a ton of time with...
POST: Not sure if I should continue the relationship with my GF of 5 months, LDR since May but only until September (college students, 20 years old both).
She's been really conflicted recently because of the way I treated her during the school year, which I admit wasn't the greatest, but not horrible and I'd like to think overall things were pretty good. Since summer start, things have been amazing, until about two weeks ago...
With an LDR, i've been trying to maintain the relationship and put a ton of effort into it. I've visited 3 times as she's only 2 hrs away, but she is too busy (be it work, summer classes, or hanging out with friends) to really commit time to me. As such, our conversations have been lacking and she finally told me so, saying that it seems like we're unhappy.
I made her an awesome bdday gift and all it did was upset her because she opened it with a friend (this kinda bugged me, it was a special thing, I said nothing) and the friend said how awesome it was and how great a bf i must be, but internally she was upset because the friend didn't know how "bad things had been."
We'll text throughout the day kinda, (20 back and forth, maybe), rarely phone call or skype, but instead she'll go out to movies with friends, and just generally have a grand old time. One in particular, she's been spending a ton of time with (on her birthday, I had a wedding to attend that weekend and she went shooting with him) and tonight is having a movie marathon with. Am I wrong in being jealous about it? I completely trust her, but I feel like she's unwilling to commit or sacrifice any amount of time to talk with me, all I've asked is 10 minutes a day before bed, I dont think that's too much to ask, and especially because I understand if she's busy or occupied. She keeps putting off talking with me, and im just sad but really care about this girl.
What to do?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19F] am quickly becoming very close friends with a [59M]. Too weird?
POST: I guess I'm just not sure how weird this is since I've never really encountered it before. This summer I worked with a guy who shares a ton of interests with me, who I can really converse with unlike anyone else, etc. We just really click. Since we stopped working together (I moved for school), we've been emailing frequently. Occasionally what some may consider flirting (I am really bad at gauging when someone hits on me, we're just very complimentary of each other since we work in a similar artistic field, and he occasionally subtly compliments my appearance, etc.) He has never been overtly forward or creepy. We have plans to get together next time I'm in town. I guess I have some romantic feelings for him, but not sexually. I'm really just the kind of person who is attracted to intellect/personality rather than looks, plus I've always had a thing for authority figures/mentors. Is this friendship too weird? Even if so, is there any reason I should get out of it? Just looking for some outside perspective.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [15 F] with the guy I am dating [16 M] 3 weeks, who uses drugs and I don't approve of drug use
POST: I recently found out, from a large number of my friends, that the guy I am dating consumes weed on a regular basis. I don't do drugs or drink at all yet he does more frequently than I am comfortable with.
It is making me upset. Some people are telling me not to care while others are telling me i should. I don't want to say something because I sound like a bitch but if i don't say something then the issue may get worse.
It also worries me that I can't trust him as well.
How do I deal with the situation?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Am I (F20s) wrong to refuse to open doors for the delivery person if my flatmate who ordered food (M30s) will not listen out for it?
POST: My flatmate (M30s) often orders take-away and then proceeds to play computer games with his friends on-line. They communicate via voice-comms; he has headphones on all the time.
Very often I hear the door-knock and he doesn't. When I tell him there was knock on the door he raises his voice "why do you keep the poor delivery person waiting?" Sometimes I play with them (I can hear the cars / door-knocks – and sometimes my flatmate's conversations - through *my* headphones) and he expects me to fetch his food despite the fact I'm playing as well.
I told him that it's his food and if he wants it, he should be able to listen out. He says that playing computer games and listening out are "mutually incompatible".
Now, if I wanted to be passive-aggressive I could post this on the gaming group chat, or ignore the door-knock next time. He has made it clear that he will not stop playing immediately – even if he can hear the door-knock, he asks me to get it - "I'm flying a plane, can you get it?" and doesn't take "no" for an answer.
Anyone has other suggestions?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do I deal with the silent treatment?
POST: I (28 F) have been in a relationship with my lover (M 30) for nearly six years now. He is currently giving me the silent treatment - today is the third day. I feel so abandoned, isolated, hurt and lonely. He will not speak to me and refuses to even look at me.
I have acknowledged my part in our argument and apologised for it, but he still refuses to speak to me. He has a history of not acknowledging his part in arguments and not apologising for his wrongs. Throughout our relationship he has used emotionally manipulative behaviour. Before we lived together he would often ignore my calls and texts for days after a fight. We now live together (a whole other bag of problems re: division of household labour and sleep patterns) and now he is around me and ignoring me.
I don't know what to do. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me to help him deal with his childish behaviour. I do not want to leave him, so constructive advice to helping our relationship improve would be appreciated.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [24F]--lately I've been feeling quite down when it comes to the 'friends' department and I don't know how I can change things.
POST: When I look around, I see a lot of people (like certain cousins, siblings, acquaintances, etc..) that have a whole group of friends that they hang out with, a really big social circle, etc...and yet for some reason, I barely have any friends and it's quite lonely for me (someone thats extroverted and bubbly).
For various reasons, my life has always been this way--I was bullied a lot growing up, I was going through a lot during my first couple of years of college, and during my teens until a few years in my twenties, I developed mental health related issues. I feel like an entirely different person now and worked really hard to get myself into the place that I'm in now, but I just really struggle with putting myself out there and making friends. I still struggle to understand where I belong as a queer person of color. I'm not sure what to do, but one of my biggest fears is that by my late twenties I'm going to end up in a situation where I don't have any friends and am still single. Social relationships matter a great deal to me, but because of life circumstances, I found that I ended up in this place and I really don't want to be in this place anymore. I love the few friends that I do have--they're loyal and kind, but it's not enough for me to have just a few friends especially when I don't have much in common with them and I long for more friendships that are just as great, but with people that feel like family to me.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (20F) am thinking about finding a life coach. No one in my life approves.
POST: In short, I'm a mess. I feel stuck in a rut, and I don't even know where to begin. I don't have any hobbies anymore, I just zone out in front of the TV or computer when I'm not in school. I lack motivation for everything, even fun things. I don't have any friends. I've been screened for depression by a doctor and was told I'm not depressed, but even if I was I don't like the idea of being doped up on SSRIs. Even reading, which I used to love, feels like work. I know I have potential and I'm living a shallow life but I don't know what to do about it. People around me are kickboxing and running marathons and here I am getting fatter and so tired just living everyday life. Life is so awesome and I'm wasting it! My fundamental problem is laziness.
My university sucks for mental health sometimes. I asked about therapy and they said they're booked up till September. I don't want to wait so many months to feel truly engaged.
I looked up life coaches and it seems to be what I need. Since I have no internal motivation I thought it would be the kick I need. My boyfriend of 2 years disagrees. He says it's a waste of money (I don't have a lot of money anyway, and I don't think i could afford this anyway) and won't get to the root causes. My parents would never agree.
I just want to become happier with myself, more fulfilled, and able to make strong connections to others. How can I do this?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [23 M] with my Girlfriend [20 F] 6 Months, Unsure about whether or not I should end things
POST: So we've been dating 6 months, and lately things have become extremely bland. Constant texting, snapchats, always hanging out. I care about her deeply, and would say I love her. I've brought these things up, but days later its back to the same thing. I feel like I've just run out of things to say. Why should I care that work was boring like every other day, and should I feel bad for not caring?
Perhaps I'm just to selfish to be in a relationship. I don't want to hurt her, but I'm not sure I can handle the little things that bug me anymore
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What is the worst feeling you've had and why?
POST: I'll start off.
Me and a buddy were enjoying a sunny day and had the idea of indulging into some trees. We smoked outside and continued to kick a soccer ball when we heard my mom drive into the driveway. We immediately panicked and my buddy briefly went home. My mom walked inside the house and asked me if I did something I wasn't supposed to. I told her that I went away from the house and did it and because of my car that things smelled. She cried... and told me that my words meant nothing and that she couldn't handle this anymore. I was heart broken for the rest of the day and screwed many orders up at work that night and couldn't hear anything or anyone properly in my surroundings. My mom who loved me undoubtedly told me the worst thing a son could hear ... that she couldn't trust me. I felt as though as I was going to have a heart attack and throughout work felt very anxious and eventually passed out from a anxiety attack. I woke up to a customer nudging me and helping me up and asked if I was OK. I have never been more emotionally damaged in my life.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (23m) asked my gf (21f) to tell her ex about me. Now I feel guilty
POST: So my gf and I have been dating for about 8 months now, and everything is great. An issue arose in the past (about 3 months in) where she revealed to me that she still talks to her ex boyfriend quite regularly. This wouldn't be an issue at all, except up until that point she had made sure to tell me that he no longer lives the the same city we do, and that she has no desire to have conversations with him. But whatever, I got over that quite quickly because it's a non-issue.
The issue now is that this morning I found out that her ex does not know that I exist. My gf has been talking to him once every week or two on Facebook for the entire 8 month duration of our relationship (as well as before we even met) but has never once mentioned me or even the fact that she is dating someone at all. So when I found out about it, I got a bit upset, and asked her to please tell him about me immediately, or else I would have to suspect that something is up. To me, if you are friends with an ex, they absolutely have to know when you are dating someone, especially after you have been dating someone for 2/3 of a year. My gf agreed to do it, but she also said that she doesn't feel like it's something that she should be obligated to do, since her love life is none of her ex's business. After she said that I started to feel guilty about my request. Did I make an unreasonable request?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do you deal when your ex girlfriend [F20] starts dating some guy who's better than you in every way?
POST: My ex girlfriend and I broke up 3 months ago, after being together for 4 years. We had been fighting a bit, but it was nothing that couldn't have been worked out. Evidently she had no interest in trying to work it out and she ended it.
I've felt pretty horrible since we broke up, but last month she started dating this guy and it got so much worse. He's better than me in every conceivable way - more money, better looking, stronger, taller, more successful. Every time I go on facebook they're posting another photo Of them together. Almost every day.
I have no idea how to deal with this. All I can think about is this Greek fucking god of a man fucking the woman that I love. We started dating in high school and she's the only girl I've ever been with. There's girls who are interested in me I guess, but they just want sex and I have never had any interest in casual sex. I've always wanted a relationship. What do you do? Right now there is a full bottle of scotch in my kitchen that I would just love to skull, and I'm trying really hard to resist. I have exams coming up next week and I can barely think. My university has a minimum grade policy of 75% or I'll get kicked out. I've barely studied at all because I can't stop thinking about them. I need some advice.
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TITLE: TIFU by having too much with the forklift at work
POST: Okay, reddit how's this for a first post ever.
About an hour ago I was getting ready to close the store I work at. It's a small retail chain with stores in most of the western states. Anyway, I was just about finished cleaning up the backroom, adjusting the pallets on our highbay racks.
Let me give you some backstory now, I've been certified to drive the forklift at work for about a year. It's like the only fun thing to do at work so I'm on whenever I can be. I even make excuses to drive it around. I've only had one fuck up on it when I dumped a pallet but it really wasn't my fault.
Back to tonight, I had a few empty pallets on my forks when I accidentally ran into the racks causing a huge fixture on the top rack to make an incredibly horrible sound and move backward and get wedged in the rack about 30 feet in the air. I was freaking out. I had no idea how I was going to explain it to my bosses or what I was going to do to fix it. Do I called another supervisor and a teammate to the back room to help fix my fuck up. I had to shift the fixture over toward the mezzanine so that the two could prop it up and get it back on the rack. Fortunately, we were successful and nobody got hurt. Best of all, I won't have to be harassed about it forever by my bosses because they'll never know.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me (f24) with boyfriend's (24) dad keeps asking us for money, puts us in an awkward position..
POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for going on 3 years, we have lived together for 2 and recently, his dad has been asking us for loans as much as 500.00, we live in the second most expensive area in the country and can barely make ends meet with our income but we make it work, and recently went on vacation to New York, his parents knew this and the day we left, his dad asks again for 400.00..its a reoccurring thing and as much as we want to help, and have in the past with giving them money, we can't anymore. He feels bad for telling them no, as they are getting evicted from their house and it's his parents, so I understand, but we can only so much..not to mention they are the reason his credit is shot and we cannot apply for most's a real problem and I know it bugs him, he talks about how sad it is that his dad has no shame in asking but telling his parents to stop asking doesn't seem like a real option..advice would be greatly appreciated!!
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I 19/M have been having sexual fantasies about my ex 19/F but our relationship ended 2 years ago.
POST: So I've been having these fantasies about my ex whenever I doze off or let my imagination go wild. The thing is our relationship was an online long distance type. We manage to have a smooth 5 months in with our long casual talk and some dirty things. But things got rough after she left her home to travel in visiting colleges. We decided to speak through email via her friend's phone (since she can't carry her computer), but after a while we talked less and less. Skipping details we split after she returned from her travels. I missed her because she opened me up to explore more sexual things like role play and anal stuff, etc, and we had fun. Now about 2 years later I think about her. I wonder if it would be a good idea if I say something to her? I still have her email as a contact somehow. If not how should I deal with these feelings.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: Can the guys of Reddit please explain to me, is this just a guy thing?
POST: So my boyfriend and I recently moved to another state with the intent to purchase a house after we got on our own two (four) feet. He told his whole family that he wanted this and I had the idea to open my own book shop. We have been here for about two months now and he's now saying he isn't exactly sure what he wants. He doesn't want to buy a house or rent an apartment. He wants to "live wherever". That this planet is his home, and he's not going to plan a future because the future will happen as it's supposed to happen. When I ask if he still wants a family with me he says "No, I don't get to want. The Universe gets to choose that." He wants to make music (which he's been working on for a while) and so he feels like he's going to focus on that and the rest will fall into place.
So is this just him being a guy, not wanting to commit? Are there any other guys that feel similarly? How should I handle this without making him want to run away? He swears he wants me in his life but refuses to make any plans at all. He says we are going to save money but he doesn't even know what we are saving for. We are just saving "for whatever happens."
We have been together for 7 years, he's 23 and I'm 24. High school sweethearts.
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TITLE: TIFU by going to a girl's house
POST: As the title says (and the mandatory didn't happen today, but yesterday, still shocked/laughing after what happened, lol, you'll see why soon), I made a post a while ago about a FU (which wasn't as bad as this one, [here] if you're curious), let's call the girl Jane, just for having a name..
So I met this girl at a café, flirted a bit, exchanged phone numbers, chatted, met a few times, planned to date her soon, but hey, that's a plan for another time! Back on topic, we were at her house, 23 AM (yeah, awkward hour, but whatever, her parents were at a wedding and she was the only one home, so I guess I could profit, right?).. alright, we chat (again), I'm not a person that likes to make a thing fast, I prefer to go the slow, but steady way, so we kept it on the close friends level (because.. eh.. we're still on the friends level, but I plan to try to change that).. all good.. until..
Something is heard outside, she made an awkward face like she would be ashamed. A guy outside was screaming "Jane, I still love you! Look at me!" while furiously masturbating, and me, like a moron, I went to verify what's happening by looking through the window.. seeing a guy in action from that distance for the girl that I have a sympathy for.. wow.. I'm disappointed, but it was a LOL moment on my part, I couldn't stop laughing, but could you condemn me? In the end, he left after 30 minutes since he has probably thought that nobody was home, even though the first level's clearly proved that someone's been in the house, the light was turned on, but whatever, I'm happy that he left and didn't make problems.. so here I am, writing now about this stupid incident that I don't want to happen again.. note that he was probably drunk, more than 95% sure that he was either drunk or high because his accent wasn't the one of a normal person
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [19 M] with my ex [18 F] 3 months, she is confusing the hell out of me
POST: Essentially we met at a bar , i got her number after talking for awhile we met again , she then said she liked me and thought i was her man etc , however following this she never had time to meet me twice and flaked , so i never bothered with her , because i had exams and didn't want to waste time on someone who never met me.
We then never spoke for two weeks , she initiated and i replied 'whos this' , she got annoyed and we never spoke for another month , i then messaged her 4 days ago and she told me she missed me i facetimed her and she said she still liked me whilst flaunting her body and wanted to meet next week , i said okay , next week comes so i message her last night on sunday , i said lets meet up when u free , she says not 100% sure but ill try see you.
I got annoyed with her flakiness and said nvm forget it, she said dont go , i want u to stay please dont disappear on me again. She says night ill message u tomorrow , (she hasnt messaged me).
So i have initiated contact many times and now shes just plain out right confusing ,
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20 M] getting really frustrated that my [21 f] girlfriend never seems texts/calls me!
POST: So ya we're dating a couple of months, we go to 2 different colleges about 2 hours apart, so we don't see each other during the week, but usually at weekends we go out and stay at each others'.
It's all going really good but just she never really texts asking how I am, how my day was, starting a conversation. If I text she could take an hour or two to write back "Really good college was fun :) X". I know she isn't overworked or superbusy, and she's a kind of girl that always has her phone on her so I just don't know.
I've got a great bunch or friends and I play soccer and regularly go out with my guy friends during the week so it's not that I'm desperatly dependent on her. It'd just be nice if I felt she was thinking about me during the day.
It's leaving me annoyed and irritated a lot of the time, I know it isn't a massive deal but it feels like she doesn't think about me at all when we're not together.
Anyone has any similar experiences, advice?
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TITLE: How can I calm my cat down so that I may groom(shave) him?
POST: Tried posting this to /r/AskReddit and they suggested i come here , so I hope this is the right spot. I have a long haired cat that is in need of a shave. I've been gone most of the summer, and the fur that he'd been shedding has been matted up into his other fur, he also hates to be combed/brushed. He usually gets a shave every April or May, yet this time i couldn't afford it.
The groomer i typically go to isn't returning phone calls, from what i understood she used a sock over his head to disorient him and get the job done, she did a fine job. I've tried this to no avail. Also i have used the method (recommended from a vet years ago to use childrens benadryl, but he had an adverse reaction, while the other cat i have was fine with it) I am at my whits end, it breaks my heart to see him with dreads all over, and getting some dandruff or dry skin to boot. If I had the money I'd take him in, but this is currently not an option.
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TITLE: TIFU by skyping a stranger
POST: So this just happened starting from two days ago to a few hours ago. This week I had just finished my end of year exams for university and was feeling great when a strange person added me on facebook. Looking at the profile and thinking with my lower head rather than my actual head I add them.
Now even from the beginning the entire scenario seemed fishy, but part boner-part curiousity I engaged in conversation with this strange "girl". Eventually she asked me if she wanted to skype and at first decided not to, but seeing as I just finished my exams I thought heck why not? So I add her on skype and was greeted by someone who was indeed the person in the profile pic. Next thing you know she starts taking off her clothes and playing with herself and eventually the power of my boner overcame any sense of common sense of "stranger danger" and joined in when she asked me to.
Two days later and being an actual idiot thinking with his lower head again, she wants to skype again, but this time she had instead a video of me playing with ma shtick and releasing ma man juices all over myself. She then asks that she would upload this video onto the internet and would send the video to all my facebook friends. At this moment I immediately go into damage control mode, ended the conversation and started to shut down my facebook account.
Afterwards I felt sad, worried, embarrassed and ashamed that I fell for such a scam. I don't care as much as there being a video of me playing with myself on the internet but I'm rather ashamed to think how my friends would think of me. I message some of my close friends who laughed it off telling me I'm such an idiot and telling me not to worry too much about it.
So afterwards realising that there is nothing much I could do besides blocking and reporting the offender on social media. i have decided to keep my Facebook account activated and have started drinking on a thursday afternoon and hopefully wake up when it's Monday.
I'm an idiot.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I love this guy (26M), but I (26F) dont know what to do.
POST: My kinda boyfriend (we broke up a month ago because of a drunken petty argument) of two years and I have been trying to patch things up but I'm not sure if he's putting in the same amount of effort as me, he says he doesn't owe me anything and doesn't trust me..
The thing is our love outweighs anything logical, when we're together holding each other nothing else matters (I know I know), but he won't text me back - I know I'm being clingy maybe? I JUST DON'T KNOW! I love him so much, but I don't know what he wants and it's doing my head in and whenever I bring it up with him he doesn't want to talk about cos he wants to focus on the now.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18m] am uncomfortable with my sister [14f] talking to my girlfriend [20f]
POST: So I kind of just need perspective and advice here.
My sister has recently gone through her first big break up (they had a very toxic relationship as far as I know) and is learning to come to terms with it.
She has recently started talking to my girlfriend on the phone, and has started to ask her for advice and generally trying to get closer to her. Now this I feel is a little awkward for me as I like to keep my relationships and family seperate, but the problem is that my sister wants it to be a secret from me, as in, she went and spoke to my girlfriend without telling me or asking permission from me.
My girlfriend is the type to help anyone, even if it inconveniences her. She has told me about my sister wanting to hide this from me and thankfully has kept me posted on the situation, and I do believe she has the best intentions, but it seems like my sister is bothering her (she hasn't outright said this, but I can tell.)
My sister tells her that she feels like she can speak to nobody else and calls my girlfriend crying when I'm out of the house. She feels like she can't speak to anybody else and so has turned to her, telling her things like she cut herself (which she has done before, she suffers from depression) well before she told me about it.
Me and my girlfriend both feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable about the situation. On the one hand, she is being quite "clingy" and talks to my girlfriend in a seemingly fine way after any serious discussion. She is also doing this behind my back which I don't appreciate at all. Knowing my sister as well as I do, I can say she can come across as a little attention seeking and immature, so I'm not sure if this is temporary or not, but on the other hand, how can my girlfriend turn away my sister when she calls her crying on the phone?
I really just need advice or guidance here, please.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [f, 24] just started dating an amazing guy. He [m, 25] is moving at the end of summer. Unsure what to do...
POST: I recently met a guy and we hit it off right away. He lives about 45 minutes away from me currently and we talked for about two weeks or so before we finally met up in person. Our first date was almost surreal, we spent it from 1 pm- 2 am together (just ended up kissing a lot, no sex or anything), and there was zero awkwardness- it felt like we've been together as a real couple, honestly. He texted me an hour after the date and said he wants to get together as soon as he can.
On our second date (two days later!), it was also pretty amazing. At the end of it he dropped the bomb that he was moving (for school- he applied before we met, didn't expect to "meet someone like me" and then want to leave her at the end of summer. This was about three weeks ago.
We had a really long conversation (on the phone) about it. I've gathered that he doesn't want to overly invested in me- something he said he can easily see happening, and then having us break it off when he leaves. We've touched on LDR a little bit, but not as much, as we've only really been together for such a short time. We haven't talked about it since (about a week and half ago)
We still talk- every single day- via text, FB message, but not nearly as before. I'd say it's 60/40 of who starts a conversation.
I'm just really unsure of what to do from here. Like I said, we still talk frequently- not as frequently as we used to (but both of us are busier). I'm not sure if he's using the classes he's in now as a huge cop out, or not, because ever since we really have known each other, we've both had a ton of free time (I was on break, then he was, now I'm done and he's not) and it's just really shitty timing. I mentioned grabbing lunch since I'm in his area later this week for work and he said he'll let me know, but it all depends on class.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Need help deciding, and need your opinions. (Sexual)
POST: Not sure this is the right sub reddit but oh well.. Let me first start by saying I'm 18, shes 18. We've been a couple since we we're 16. We are/we're about to be engaged this summer. We are lifelong friends.
Recently we found ourselves in a group chat online. I've never seen her sexual side and she never saw mine as we are both virgins. Without trying to ramble on too long, I'll cut to the point. In this group chat we were challenged to answer 100 questions, some we're sexual.
The whole reason I'm asking for advice-- I'm open to basically anything sexually but she answered these sexual questions and it was a huge turn off for me. Examples being- she Said she will never engage in oral sex because it's too gross, she isn't kinky at all, and she will only engage in old fashioned intercourse. She wouldn't even give handjobs because "That's where they pee" She claims she is "old fashioned" so my question is, should I leave her over being incompatible sexually? It seems selfish to leave over sex.. But I would like a few blowjobs or handjobs here or there as much as I'd like to eat her out.. But since she refuses.. What should I do? Are most girls like this?? I'm not too advanced in sexual relations.. So help me out reddit! Whats your advice? What do I do?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Do I keep fighting . or throw in the towel?
POST: I've came to a point in life where , my girlfriend of 5 years is ready to leave me , I hate my job even tho It makes me a decent amount of money. But i have no furture goals besides just getting through each day. I haven't really accepted the fact that I struggle with anxiety , insomnia and depression. But now its reality I must accept. Me and my girl have a 3 year old daughter. Best thing that ever happened to us . I know I'm currently not the best version of me. And my girlfriend sees it as well. My question to reddit is this. What do I do? Move on or keep fighting for her . we've been through so much together and were still young(24). The idea of not being able to watch our daughter grow up together kills me. She says she wants space but we currently live together so .. I won't ramble on . hopefully someone reads this ..
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SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice
TITLE: Turning a dead, three year old school project into a copyrighted Software - without my old team [US — VA]
POST: Unlike some other questions I've seen on here, this is not about school ownership. Though I need to find specific policy to quote, i have word from the administration that my university does NOT own anything I created while enrolled.
Instead, this is pertaining to the other students I worked with on the original software.
The project, while still in progress, is similar in name and high-concept only. All code and assets are completely new and had nothing to do with them. Everything from the old project has been stripped out, and in fact, much of the original wasn't even Copyright safe in the first place, with assets and code pulled from Google. This is what little it had in the first place, it was a very incomplete demo. My role encompassed everything from asset design to programming to UI design blah blah... The project was my baby and it shows.
Given that it's essentially a completely new item, and the original was never released or monetized or published, is there any claim that the other 3-4 students in my group (that together contributed maybe about 25% to THAT project) have to my new software?
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SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice
TITLE: MI My lawyer didn't show up at an arraignment on time and I now have a felony charge (no conviction) on my arrest record?
POST: I will preface that this is a stupid question about something that happened 4 years ago.
When I was 17 I was charged with identity theft and 3rd degree retail fraud (I shoplifted from Walmart).
I was never put in holding and as I did not have a state ID at the time, the police officer that responded did not put down my real name, just the second half of my hyphenated first name. This caused another person in the area to be arrested and the DA tried to charge me for identity theft.
I'm not debating about the shoplifting. I've taken responsibility for that.
I went to talk to a recruiter, as I'm interested in joining the military. A quick call to the court that I was charged in revealed that this was still on my record. My lawyer had not shown up at the correct time for court, but I was (thankfully) smart enough to plead not guilty.
The results of which I've already explained. I had received another arraignment (I'm not sure how) where the felony was dropped and I went on a deferred program instead of pleading and completed my probation.
My question is is there anything I can do about this being on my record? Thanks in advanced!
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Boyfriend insists on paying for everything... even when he's unemployed and broke and I have a secure job with no bills/loans to pay.
POST: My boyfriend and I are in our early 20s, been dating for 6 months, living together for most of it.
My boyfriend is very traditional in some things, such as paying/splitting costs. He will pay for EVERYTHING. Even after 6 months of dating, he insists on paying for all meals and entertainment. He won't let me chip in on rent.
I'm pretty independent, so his behavior- while really nice and probably appreciated by a lot of girls- makes me kind of uncomfortable. I've protested many times, but he's always like, Nope nope nope.
It started getting REALLY uncomfortable when he had a major financial meltdown in September. He has been unemployed and broke, yet still insists on paying for everything! I have a decent job and no debt and am more than capable of paying for the rent and living costs. I could most definitely alleviate his financial burden, but he won't let me! I have a bunch of extra income that just goes into my savings account (and he thinks that's exactly where it should go). He doesn't think I should have to chip in or share my income unless we are married.
I've been trying to help him out as much as possible through indirect means, like not suggesting activities that would cost a lot of money and if we do, making it a "gift" or a "deal" I got somewhere. I just go ahead and get the groceries and use my car if we're going somewhere. Still, these are all pretty minor. The main way I can help is by paying the rent. The lease is under his name, and I'm technically just staying over at his place, not really living with him. So he feels like I have no obligation. Also, he feels really bad about himself whenever I pull out my wallet for anything. He thinks he screwed up majorly back in September and doesn't think it should affect me.
How the hell can I put some sense into him and realize it's FINE for me to chip in every now and then?
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SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Reddit, my GF's mother is slowly robbing her blind. What can I do about this?
POST: A little background info:
My girlfriend is trying to save for college, and we are planning on moving out of state so that she can attend the college that she was accepted into. Both her mother and father have been far from helpful in this endeavor, by refusing to put her on their insurance plan, charging her for things I have never heard a parent charging their child for (her father is charging her for the hours he spent fixing a car that he insisted will be her first car, which she hasn't even gotten yet), etc.
To make matters worse, her mother is constantly borrowing money from her and refusing to pay it back, saying "I'm your mother, I shouldn't have to pay you back." Today, her mother came into her work while my girlfriend was working, and asked to borrow some money, and that she will pay her back when she receives the child support check. When my girlfriend said she did not have the money to give her, that the only money she had in her bank account was money that she owed me, her mother said that if she doesn't get money for her, then she can walk home.
Any time thisis brought up to her in any way, by my girlfriend or her father, or even her mother's boyfriend, her mother gets upset at my girlfriend and takes it out on her for embarrassing her and talking about her behind her back, or whatever her logic is for this.
What can I, or anyone for that matter, do to stop this? At this rate, she won't be able to afford college or even moving out to escape her mother (as melodramatic as that sounds.) My girlfriend insists anything I try, or can think of, to do will just result in her getting in more trouble, but I am sure the hivemind can think of something.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [17 M] and my crush [17 F], what do I do in this situation?
POST: This girl is in one of my classes in high school and we are both seniors. She seems to be into me because she comes up and talks to me, compliments my shirts and says we're "best friends" because we both like the same band (Fall Out Boy). I've met eyes with her before like she was looking at me. Just overall seems like she sorta likes me. She is also a pretty popular and super cute girl so I asked my friend who is friends with her, to ask if if she is talking to anyone. He asked her over text and she said no. Then he proceeded to tell her he knows someone who likes her and then she wanted that person's number (mine), so she could text it. I told him no, because then it would be insanely awkward in class with her, because I am a super super super shy guy. And obviously, this isn't how you get someone's number. I am just too shy and awkward to ask her in person, but would it be weird if he gave her mine over text this way?
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My 23(f) SO lef t me24 (m) because of something I said while asleep. Need advice.
POST: First time posting so hoping if you guys could give me any idea of what to do.
My SO and I have been dating for six months and so far everything has been going great. Last night I took a dose of night time mucinex to help me sleep because of a cold. Started to feel it kick in and we say our goodnights and everything is good. Apparently, at 3 in the morning, I woke up then woke my girlfriend up and then told her "we are two different people on two different paths and we should end it but we will talk about it tomorrow", and then I just go back to sleep. I wake up to my girlfriend being very distant. Fast forward to evening and she tells me what I said and thinks that's how I feel about the relationship and says she can't continue on doubting the relationship. My relationship did a complete 180 in a matter of 24 hours over something I don't remember saying and that I don't feel at all.
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TITLE: Why is life so boring?
POST: Tomorrow is summer break. Most teens would be glad that its summer break. I find it very boring.
Anyway, I always asked my dad this. "Isn't life boring? Once your out of highschool you basically work for the rest of your life until you retire. Arent you bored?" He would say no
But I don't understand, all we literally do is learn for our future and work until we retire and die. Yes, there can be fun vacations, family gatherings, and holidays, but its only for the moment. It will all pass. All my friends will leave me and I'll get a whole new 'set'.
Being a teenager, I'm already bored of everyone and everything. I tried to find a hobby, all I do is draw. I find no point to live (not depression, I just don't want to live so dull) if nothing is fun. Yes there are challenges, new friends, new partners, but what's the point if we will all just die. We are nothing but specks to the universe, we are useless.
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TITLE: TIFU by trashing the engine on my lovely truck, repairs will cost more than I paid for it, FML
POST: About a week ago I hauled my horse to a competition with my lovely 20 year old F-250. I love this truck dearly but am quite a novice when it comes to the maintenance of a hauling vehicle, especially an older one. I had planned on getting the oil changed and fluids checked but spontaneously decided to go on this little field trip first.
Fast forward to the afternoon when it's 95+ degrees and I am on the freeway and it starts making a weird clatter anytime I'm on the accellerator. It also seems to have less power and the engine light comes on. I have no option but to get the horse home due to the insane heat, so I drive a little slower and we make it safely back. Park the truck and it won't start. Call my neighbor for a rescue but while waiting for her it turns over and I (STUPIDLY) decide to just cowboy it home since "getting it towed from halfway home will be a lot less of a hassle then getting it towed from 20 miles away"
Well turns out I had run out of coolant, blown the head gasket, and have completely, utterly ruined the engine completely. The shop just called and said they can get a rebuild with a 3yr warranty from Ford (it's a 351 Windsor) so I would essentially get an entire new engine, water pump, hoses, whole 9 yards.... To the tune of $5-6k. I paid $4300 for it. I'm moving to Florida from California in 6 weeks and was planning on selling it before the move.
I feel sick over it, should have checked the damn coolant before hauling in the heat, should have taken it in for it's oil change, should have just stayed in bed that morning.... UGH.
Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and don't know whether I should get the new engine, keep the truck, drive it to Florida with the brand new engine.... Donate it to charity and learn my damn lesson.... Or something else. I have a CL ad up to see if anyone wants it as-is but haven't really had any serious interest yet.
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SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: Question About Scholarship Money
POST: Hope this the right subreddit for this. I could really just use some quick advice.
My girlfriend received a $1,000 scholarship towards college in her senior year of high school. The money is well needed and well deserved and she is paying her own way through college as well as constantly paying for a slew of other personal expenses that would often be handled by the parents in other families. She also is already receiving merit and financial aid at the University that she will attend this August.
My question is about what we can do with the scholarship money. My girlfriend is worried that if she cashes or deposits the check, she will have to report it to her school as income and they will remove $1,000 from her financial aid package, rendering the scholarship useless. Would this be an issue? If so, would it be possible for her to endorse the check and give it to me so I could cash it for her from my own bank account then give her the money? Are there any other options? Any help would be immensely appreciated.
I understand there are some moral ramifications to doing this but the money will absolutely go towards education and we are not set on any of these plans yet, we just would like to test the waters to see what our options are with this money.
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SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I just broke up with my girlfriend of 11 months... How do I get back up on my feet?
POST: So I've been with this girl for 11 months and tonight she decided to break up, I asked her why, and she's told me for the following reasons: But before I do, here's how we were, she told me when we broke up for loss of interest before she decided to get back together and told me she could be herself when she's with me or become retarded how she says because I treated her more like a best friend and a girlfriend at the same time, so what we did, we skyped all the time, and whenever we did we'd go on reddit and make stupid meme jokes like "Do you even lift?" or "I know dem feels man." I didn't mind that, but that was most of the time, no problem with that but I'm getting ahead of myself. So her reasons are: 1. She never could have a regular conversation with me which I do from time to time, so on so forth. 2. She said she couldn't trust me, be advised I never cheated on her, but I did hang out with girls without her knowing, because like every other girl, she'll get jealous, but when I do hang out with a girl, its someone's girlfriend and her guy friends and a few of mine. My ex has social anxiety and barely socializes with anyone, I in the other hand trusted her, since she's pretty honest, on that note, I even scared away guys that tried to hook up with her. For the last reason which was pretty hard for me, she says I lack motivation. Bear in mind its hard for me to find a job since I'm in college and no car, when I went back to my hometown I did wound up getting too distracted with friends and wound up not getting my license this year. Being 20 with no job is pretty hard, the only thing supporting me right now is my dad who will supply some money to help me get by through the month. But enough of my life story, now I'm here, trying to get back on my feet now and trying to clear up in my life, Redditors, I ask you, any word of advice that will just at least help me with this situation?
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