stringlengths 63
@ Override protected void doTag ( BufferResult capturedBody , Writer out ) throws JspTagException , IOException { PageContext pageContext = ( PageContext ) getJspContext ( ) ; ServletResponse response = pageContext . getResponse ( ) ; String responseEncoding = response . getCharacterEncoding ( ) ; String url = HttpParametersUtils . addParams ( capturedBody . trim ( ) . toString ( ) , params , responseEncoding ) ; /*if(url.startsWith("/")) { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest(); out.write(request.getContextPath()); }*/ out . write ( url ) ; } |
public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_1 < TYPE_3 > VAR_2 , TYPE_4 VAR_3 , String VAR_4 ) throws TYPE_5 { TYPE_6 VAR_5 = METHOD_2 ( ) ; if ( VAR_5 == null ) VAR_5 = this . METHOD_3 ( ) ; try { int count ; for ( count = 0 ; count < VAR_2 . size ( ) ; ++ count ) { TYPE_3 event = VAR_2 . get ( count ) ; if ( event == null ) { break ; } if ( event . VAR_6 ( ) != null && event . VAR_6 ( ) <= INT_1 ) event . VAR_7 ( VAR_8 ) ; String VAR_9 = event . VAR_10 ( ) == null ? TYPE_7 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_11 , event . VAR_12 ( ) ) : event . VAR_10 ( ) ; event . VAR_13 ( VAR_9 ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_5 ( event , VAR_3 ) ; } return VAR_5 . execute ( VAR_4 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_5 VAR_14 ) { throw VAR_14 ; } catch ( TYPE_8 VAR_14 ) { throw new TYPE_5 ( VAR_14 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_9 VAR_14 ) { throw new TYPE_5 ( VAR_14 ) ; } } |
public final void innerCreator ( ) throws RecognitionException { try { // src/main/resources/org/drools/compiler/lang/DRL5Expressions.g:615:5: ({...}? => ID classCreatorRest ) // src/main/resources/org/drools/compiler/lang/DRL5Expressions.g:615:7: {...}? => ID classCreatorRest { if ( ! ( ( ! ( helper . validateIdentifierKey ( DroolsSoftKeywords . INSTANCEOF ) ) ) ) ) { if ( state . backtracking > 0 ) { state . failed = true ; return ; } throw new FailedPredicateException ( input , "innerCreator" , "!(helper.validateIdentifierKey(DroolsSoftKeywords.INSTANCEOF))" ) ; } match ( input , ID , FOLLOW_ID_in_innerCreator3530 ) ; if ( state . failed ) return ; pushFollow ( FOLLOW_classCreatorRest_in_innerCreator3532 ) ; classCreatorRest ( ) ; state . _fsp -- ; if ( state . failed ) return ; } } catch ( RecognitionException re ) { throw re ; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } |
@ Override public RedisFuture < List < StreamMessage < K , V > > > xread ( XReadArgs . StreamOffset < K > ... streams ) { return dispatch ( commandBuilder . xread ( null , streams ) ) ; } |
private void appendProperty ( @ Nonnull StringBuilder sb , String label , String value ) { sb . append ( String . format ( "\"%s\": \"%s\"," , label , value ) ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 < ? > VAR_1 , TYPE_1 VAR_2 ) { TYPE_1 VAR_3 = TYPE_3 . build ( VAR_1 ) ; TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_3 , VAR_2 , new String [ ] { STRING_1 , STRING_2 , STRING_3 } ) ; return VAR_2 ; } |
static String getClassPathName ( Class < ? > c ) { String strClassFullName = c . getName ( ) ; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer ( strClassFullName , "." ) ; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ( ) ; sb . append ( st . nextToken ( ) ) ; while ( st . hasMoreTokens ( ) ) { sb . append ( "/" ) ; sb . append ( st . nextToken ( ) ) ; } sb . append ( ".class" ) ; return sb . toString ( ) ; } |
protected synchronized void processMessage ( OBroadcastMessage message , String fromAddr ) { // System.out.println( // "MSG toNode: " + this.config.getNodeName() + " fromNode: " + message.getNodeIdentity().getName() + " role: " + message.role + " term: " + message.term // + " type: " + message.type + " master: " + message.masterIdentity + " masterTerm: " + message.masterTerm+" masterPing: "+message.masterPing); switch ( message . type ) { case OBroadcastMessage . TYPE_PING : // System.out.println("" + nodeName + " - RECEIVE PING FROM " + message.nodeName); processReceivePing ( message , fromAddr ) ; break ; case OBroadcastMessage . TYPE_START_LEADER_ELECTION : // System.out.println("" + nodeName + " - RECEIVE START ELECTION FROM " + message.nodeName); processReceiveStartElection ( message , fromAddr ) ; break ; case OBroadcastMessage . TYPE_VOTE_LEADER_ELECTION : // System.out.println("" + nodeName + " - RECEIVE VOTE LEADER FROM " + message.nodeName); processReceiveVote ( message , fromAddr ) ; break ; case OBroadcastMessage . TYPE_LEADER_ELECTED : // System.out.println("" + nodeName + " - RECEIVE LEADER ELECTED FROM " + message.nodeName); processReceiveLeaderElected ( message , fromAddr ) ; break ; } } |
protected void METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 , TYPE_1 VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_2 { TYPE_3 VAR_3 = new TYPE_3 ( new TYPE_4 ( VAR_1 ) ) ; String line = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; if ( line == null ) { return ; } String name = STRING_1 ; int index = line . VAR_4 ( CHAR_1 ) ; if ( index >= 0 ) { name = line . substring ( index + 1 ) ; } TYPE_5 VAR_5 = new TYPE_5 ( name ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_3 ( new TYPE_6 ( ) ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_5 ) ; while ( ( line = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) != null ) { String VAR_6 = line . substring ( 0 , line . VAR_4 ( CHAR_1 ) ) ; if ( STRING_2 . equals ( VAR_6 ) ) { VAR_5 . METHOD_5 ( METHOD_6 ( line ) ) ; } else if ( STRING_3 . equals ( VAR_6 ) ) { VAR_5 . METHOD_7 ( METHOD_8 ( line ) ) ; } else if ( STRING_4 . equals ( VAR_6 ) ) { VAR_5 . METHOD_9 ( METHOD_6 ( line ) ) ; } else if ( STRING_5 . equals ( VAR_6 ) ) { VAR_5 . setEnabled ( METHOD_10 ( line ) ) ; } else if ( STRING_6 . equals ( VAR_6 ) ) { int VAR_7 = line . VAR_4 ( CHAR_2 ) ; if ( VAR_7 < 0 ) { VAR_7 = STRING_6 . length ( ) ; } String VAR_8 = line . substring ( VAR_7 + 1 ) . trim ( ) ; TYPE_7 VAR_9 = new TYPE_7 ( VAR_8 ) ; try { VAR_9 . METHOD_11 ( VAR_2 ) ; } finally { VAR_5 . METHOD_12 ( VAR_9 ) ; } } else { throw new TYPE_8 ( String . format ( STRING_7 , VAR_6 , line ) ) ; } } } |
@ Override public JsonSerializer < ? > createContextual ( SerializerProvider provider , BeanProperty property ) throws JsonMappingException { JavaType propertyType = property . getType ( ) ; if ( Score . class . equals ( propertyType . getRawClass ( ) ) ) { // If the property type is Score (not HardSoftScore for example), // delegate to PolymorphicScoreJacksonJsonSerializer instead to write the score type too // This presumes that OptaPlannerJacksonModule is registered return provider . findValueSerializer ( propertyType ) ; } return this ; } |
public static float [ ] floatArrayWrappedOrCopy ( CollectionNumber coll ) { float [ ] array = wrappedFloatArray ( coll ) ; if ( array != null ) { return array ; } return floatArrayCopyOf ( coll ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 ANNOTATION_2 ( "unchecked" ) public TYPE_1 < String > METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 ) { return METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( STRING_1 , VAR_1 ) ; } |
private void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 msg ) throws TYPE_2 { if ( msg == null ) { throw ( TYPE_2 ) TYPE_3 . METHOD_2 ( TYPE_2 . class , STRING_1 , new TYPE_4 [ ] { STRING_2 , null } , VAR_1 ) ; } } |
public static Bitmap getSquare ( Bitmap bm ) { int w = bm . getWidth ( ) ; int h = bm . getHeight ( ) ; int side = ( w > h ) ? h : w ; return Bitmap . createBitmap ( bm , 0 , 0 , side , side ) ; } |
@ NonNull public static Typeface obtainTypeface ( @ NonNull Context context , @ RobotoTypeface int typefaceValue ) { Typeface typeface = typefacesCache . get ( typefaceValue ) ; if ( typeface == null ) { typeface = createTypeface ( context , typefaceValue ) ; typefacesCache . put ( typefaceValue , typeface ) ; } return typeface ; } |
public void paintBorder ( Component c , Graphics g , int x , int y , int width , int height ) { Polygon poly = getBorderPoly ( c ) ; g . setColor ( Scheme . active ( ) . getScrollbarBorderColor ( ) ) ; g . drawPolygon ( poly ) ; ITab tab = getTabFromComponent ( c ) ; if ( tab . isSelected ( ) ) { g . setColor ( ( ( StandardTab ) tab ) . getGradient ( ) ) ; g . drawLine ( x + 1 , y + height - 1 , x + width - 2 , y + height - 1 ) ; } } |
void METHOD_1 ( String status ) { if ( VAR_1 == null ) { return ; } if ( VAR_2 != null ) { TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 + VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ; } } |
public static Integer [ ] wrap ( final int [ ] ints ) { if ( ints == null ) { return null ; } final Integer [ ] integers = new Integer [ ints . length ] ; for ( int index = 0 ; index < ints . length ; ++ index ) { integers [ index ] = ints [ index ] ; } return integers ; } |
@ Override public ByteBuffer write ( ByteBuffer data ) throws IOException { return ByteBuffer . wrap ( write ( data . array ( ) ) ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 ( { STRING_1 , "unchecked" } ) ANNOTATION_2 public boolean METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { if ( VAR_2 != null ) { if ( ( VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . length - 1 ) < VAR_3 ) { return false ; } return VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) [ VAR_3 ] . METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 ) ; } else if ( VAR_4 . length == VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . length ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < VAR_4 . length ; i ++ ) { if ( ! VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) [ i ] . METHOD_3 ( VAR_4 [ i ] ) ) { return false ; } } return true ; } return false ; } |
@ Override public java . util . concurrent . Future < DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyResult > deleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyAsync ( final DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyRequest request , final com . amazonaws . handlers . AsyncHandler < DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyRequest , DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyResult > asyncHandler ) { final DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution ( request ) ; return executorService . submit ( new java . util . concurrent . Callable < DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyResult > ( ) { @ Override public DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyResult call ( ) throws Exception { DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyResult result = null ; try { result = executeDeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicy ( finalRequest ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { if ( asyncHandler != null ) { asyncHandler . onError ( ex ) ; } throw ex ; } if ( asyncHandler != null ) { asyncHandler . onSuccess ( finalRequest , result ) ; } return result ; } } ) ; } |
@ Override public VariationalAutoencoder getValue ( double [ ] parameterValues ) { VariationalAutoencoder . Builder b = new VariationalAutoencoder . Builder ( ) ; setLayerOptionsBuilder ( b , parameterValues ) ; return b . build ( ) ; } |
public void setContentTheme ( String themeName ) { setAttribute ( "data-content-theme" , themeName ) ; if ( collapsibleContent != null ) { String s = Empty . is ( themeName ) ? JQMCommon . THEME_INHERIT : themeName ; JQMCommon . setThemeEx ( collapsibleContent , s , JQMCommon . STYLE_UI_BODY ) ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) throws TYPE_2 { final String path = VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; final TYPE_3 VAR_2 = VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_3 ) ; final TYPE_4 VAR_4 ; if ( METHOD_5 ( VAR_2 ) ) { VAR_4 = ( TYPE_4 ) VAR_2 ; } else { VAR_4 = new TYPE_5 ( ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_3 , VAR_4 ) ; } final String method = VAR_1 . METHOD_7 ( ) ; final String VAR_5 = path . split ( STRING_1 ) [ 0 ] ; if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_5 ) ) { final TYPE_6 < TYPE_7 > VAR_7 = VAR_8 . METHOD_9 ( VAR_9 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_10 + path ) , VAR_4 ) ; if ( VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_11 ( ) . METHOD_12 ( STRING_2 , METHOD_13 ( ) ) . contains ( VAR_11 . VAR_12 ) ) { METHOD_14 ( VAR_7 , VAR_4 , path ) ; } else if ( VAR_13 . contains ( method ) ) { METHOD_15 ( VAR_7 , VAR_4 , path ) ; } else if ( VAR_14 . contains ( method ) ) { METHOD_16 ( VAR_7 , VAR_4 , path ) ; } else if ( VAR_15 . contains ( method ) ) { METHOD_17 ( VAR_7 , VAR_4 , path ) ; } else { throw new TYPE_8 ( status ( VAR_16 ) . build ( ) ) ; } } } |
private SemanticType checkConstant ( Expr . Constant expr , Environment env ) { Value item = expr . getValue ( ) ; switch ( item . getOpcode ( ) ) { case ITEM_null : return Type . Null ; case ITEM_bool : return Type . Bool ; case ITEM_int : return Type . Int ; case ITEM_byte : return Type . Byte ; case ITEM_utf8 : // FIXME: this is not an optimal solution. The reason being that we // have lost nominal information regarding whether it is an instance // of std::ascii or std::utf8, for example. return new SemanticType . Array ( Type . Int ) ; default : return internalFailure ( "unknown constant encountered: " + expr , expr ) ; } } |
protected void reloadChangesInfoAfterUC ( ImportNodeData currentNodeInfo , String identifier ) throws PathNotFoundException , IllegalPathException , RepositoryException { reloadChangesInfoAfterUC ( getParent ( ) , currentNodeInfo , identifier ) ; } |
@ Override public void checkConfiguration ( final Issues issues ) { super . checkConfiguration ( issues ) ; if ( ( this . getOptions ( ) . isBacktrackLexer ( ) && this . isCombinedGrammar ( ) ) ) { issues . addError ( "A combined grammar cannot have a backtracking lexer" ) ; } if ( ( this . getOptions ( ) . isIgnoreCase ( ) && this . isCombinedGrammar ( ) ) ) { issues . addError ( "A combined grammar cannot have an ignorecase lexer" ) ; } if ( ( this . getOptions ( ) . isBacktrackLexer ( ) && this . getOptions ( ) . isIgnoreCase ( ) ) ) { issues . addError ( "Backtracking lexer and ignorecase cannot be combined for now." ) ; } } |
protected OProperty setCollateInternal ( String iCollate ) { acquireSchemaWriteLock ( ) ; try { checkEmbedded ( ) ; final OCollate oldCollate = this . collate ; if ( iCollate == null ) iCollate = ODefaultCollate . NAME ; collate = OSQLEngine . getCollate ( iCollate ) ; if ( ( this . collate != null && ! this . collate . equals ( oldCollate ) ) || ( this . collate == null && oldCollate != null ) ) { final Set < OIndex < ? > > indexes = owner . getClassIndexes ( ) ; final List < OIndex < ? > > indexesToRecreate = new ArrayList < OIndex < ? > > ( ) ; for ( OIndex < ? > index : indexes ) { OIndexDefinition definition = index . getDefinition ( ) ; final List < String > fields = definition . getFields ( ) ; if ( fields . contains ( getName ( ) ) ) indexesToRecreate . add ( index ) ; } if ( ! indexesToRecreate . isEmpty ( ) ) { OLogManager . instance ( ) . info ( this , "Collate value was changed, following indexes will be rebuilt %s" , indexesToRecreate ) ; final ODatabaseDocument database = getDatabase ( ) ; final OIndexManager indexManager = database . getMetadata ( ) . getIndexManager ( ) ; for ( OIndex < ? > indexToRecreate : indexesToRecreate ) { final OIndexMetadata indexMetadata = indexToRecreate . getInternal ( ) . loadMetadata ( indexToRecreate . getConfiguration ( ) ) ; final ODocument metadata = indexToRecreate . getMetadata ( ) ; final List < String > fields = indexMetadata . getIndexDefinition ( ) . getFields ( ) ; final String [ ] fieldsToIndex = fields . toArray ( new String [ fields . size ( ) ] ) ; indexManager . dropIndex ( indexMetadata . getName ( ) ) ; owner . createIndex ( indexMetadata . getName ( ) , indexMetadata . getType ( ) , null , metadata , indexMetadata . getAlgorithm ( ) , fieldsToIndex ) ; } } } } finally { releaseSchemaWriteLock ( ) ; } return this ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public ANNOTATION_2 String METHOD_1 ( ANNOTATION_2 TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) throws TYPE_2 , TYPE_3 { if ( VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) { VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( STRING_1 + TYPE_4 . class . getName ( ) + STRING_2 + VAR_1 + STRING_3 ) ; } try { TYPE_5 VAR_3 = VAR_4 . getContext ( ) ; if ( VAR_3 == null ) { throw new TYPE_6 ( STRING_4 ) ; } String VAR_5 = VAR_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; if ( VAR_5 == null || VAR_5 . isEmpty ( ) ) { throw new TYPE_3 ( STRING_5 ) ; } if ( VAR_1 . METHOD_5 ( ) == null || VAR_1 . METHOD_5 ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) throw new TYPE_2 ( STRING_6 ) ; if ( VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( ) == null ) throw new TYPE_2 ( STRING_7 ) ; TYPE_7 VAR_6 = VAR_4 . METHOD_7 ( ) . METHOD_8 ( ) . METHOD_9 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_5 ( ) ) ; if ( VAR_6 == null ) throw new TYPE_2 ( STRING_8 ) ; TYPE_8 VAR_7 = METHOD_10 ( VAR_6 ) ; if ( VAR_7 == INT_1 ) throw new TYPE_2 ( STRING_9 ) ; String VAR_8 = String . format ( STRING_10 , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_11 ) , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_12 ) , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_13 ) , new TYPE_9 ( STRING_14 ) . format ( new TYPE_10 ( ) ) ) ; String VAR_9 = String . format ( STRING_15 , VAR_5 , VAR_8 ) ; String VAR_10 = String . VAR_11 ( VAR_7 + 1 ) ; TYPE_11 VAR_12 = new TYPE_11 ( ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_12 ( STRING_16 ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_13 ( VAR_10 ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_14 ( TYPE_8 . toString ( VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( ) . intValue ( ) ) ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_15 ( VAR_9 ) ; TYPE_12 method = new TYPE_12 ( VAR_4 ) ; String VAR_13 = method . VAR_14 ( String . format ( VAR_15 , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_11 ) , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_12 ) , VAR_6 . METHOD_11 ( STRING_13 ) ) , VAR_12 ) ; METHOD_16 ( VAR_13 ) ; return METHOD_17 ( VAR_6 , VAR_10 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_13 VAR_16 ) { VAR_2 . error ( VAR_16 . METHOD_18 ( ) ) ; throw new TYPE_2 ( VAR_16 ) ; } finally { if ( VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) { VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( STRING_17 + TYPE_4 . class . getName ( ) + STRING_18 ) ; } } } |
@ Override public void error ( String message , String sourceName , int line , String lineSource , int lineOffset ) { this . logger . error ( "[" + sourceName + "@" + line + ", line offset:" + lineOffset + "]" + message ) ; } |
public static @ CheckForNull BugAnnotation getSourceForStackValue ( ClassContext classContext , Method method , Location location , int depth ) { try { int pc = location . getHandle ( ) . getPosition ( ) ; OpcodeStack stack = OpcodeStackScanner . getStackAt ( classContext . getJavaClass ( ) , method , pc ) ; BugAnnotation a0 = getSomeSource ( classContext , method , location , stack , depth ) ; return a0 ; } catch ( UnreachableCodeException e ) { if ( SystemProperties . ASSERTIONS_ENABLED ) { AnalysisContext . logError ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } return null ; } } |
public static void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 response , boolean VAR_1 ) throws TYPE_2 { String VAR_2 = response . VAR_3 ( ) ; TYPE_2 VAR_4 = null ; if ( VAR_2 == null ) { VAR_4 = METHOD_2 ( response , STRING_1 , null ) ; } else if ( ! VAR_2 . contains ( STRING_2 ) && ! VAR_2 . contains ( STRING_3 ) ) { VAR_4 = METHOD_2 ( response , STRING_4 + VAR_2 , null ) ; } if ( VAR_4 != null ) { if ( VAR_1 ) { VAR_4 = new TYPE_3 ( VAR_4 ) ; } throw VAR_4 ; } } |
public B timerWithCycle ( String timerCycle ) { TimeCycle timeCycle = createInstance ( TimeCycle . class ) ; timeCycle . setTextContent ( timerCycle ) ; TimerEventDefinition timerEventDefinition = createInstance ( TimerEventDefinition . class ) ; timerEventDefinition . setTimeCycle ( timeCycle ) ; element . getEventDefinitions ( ) . add ( timerEventDefinition ) ; return myself ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { TYPE_2 VAR_2 = null ; TYPE_3 VAR_3 = null ; try { TYPE_2 VAR_4 = ( TYPE_2 ) this . METHOD_2 ( ) ; String VAR_5 = VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_6 ) . toString ( ) ; String VAR_7 = this . METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 ) ; VAR_8 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_1 + VAR_7 + STRING_2 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_7 ) ; if ( STRING_3 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_5 ) ) VAR_1 = TYPE_1 . VAR_10 ; if ( VAR_1 == TYPE_1 . VAR_11 ) { VAR_8 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_4 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_5 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_6 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_7 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_8 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_9 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_10 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_11 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_12 ) ; if ( ( STRING_13 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_5 ) ) || ( STRING_14 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_5 ) ) ) { VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_15 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_16 ) ; } VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_17 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_18 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_19 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_20 ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_12 . VAR_13 + STRING_21 ) ; } VAR_2 = new TYPE_2 ( this ) ; VAR_3 = new TYPE_3 ( this ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_9 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_14 ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_15 = new TYPE_4 ( VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_16 ) , TYPE_3 . VAR_17 , null , null , null , null ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_15 ) ; String VAR_18 = VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_19 ) . toString ( ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_9 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_20 ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_21 = new TYPE_5 ( VAR_18 , TYPE_2 . VAR_19 , null , null , null , null ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_21 ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_9 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_20 ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; while ( VAR_2 . METHOD_12 ( ) ) { VAR_2 . METHOD_13 ( ) ; if ( ( VAR_1 == TYPE_1 . VAR_22 ) && ( ! VAR_2 . METHOD_14 ( false ) ) ) continue ; String VAR_23 = VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_24 ) . getString ( ) ; if ( VAR_1 == TYPE_1 . VAR_11 ) VAR_9 . METHOD_15 ( VAR_23 , null ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; while ( VAR_3 . METHOD_12 ( ) ) { VAR_3 . METHOD_13 ( ) ; if ( ! ( ( TYPE_6 ) VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_25 ) ) . METHOD_16 ( VAR_1 , false ) ) continue ; String VAR_26 = VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_27 ) . getString ( ) ; String VAR_28 = VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_29 ) . getString ( ) ; String VAR_30 = STRING_22 ; String VAR_31 = VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_32 ) . toString ( ) ; if ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_34 ) ) { if ( VAR_28 . length ( ) > 0 ) if ( VAR_28 . METHOD_17 ( 0 ) == CHAR_1 ) { TYPE_7 VAR_35 = ( TYPE_7 ) ( ( TYPE_8 ) VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_36 ) ) . METHOD_18 ( ) ; if ( ( VAR_35 != null ) && ( ( VAR_35 . METHOD_19 ( ) == VAR_12 . VAR_37 ) || ( VAR_35 . METHOD_19 ( ) == VAR_12 . VAR_38 ) ) ) { TYPE_1 VAR_39 = TYPE_1 . VAR_11 ; if ( VAR_28 . startsWith ( STRING_23 ) ) VAR_39 = TYPE_1 . VAR_22 ; if ( VAR_28 . startsWith ( STRING_24 ) ) VAR_39 = TYPE_1 . VAR_40 ; VAR_28 = VAR_35 . METHOD_20 ( TYPE_1 . VAR_11 , VAR_28 ) ; if ( VAR_39 != TYPE_1 . VAR_11 ) { int end = VAR_28 . METHOD_21 ( VAR_39 == TYPE_1 . VAR_22 ? STRING_23 : STRING_24 ) ; int start = VAR_28 . METHOD_21 ( CHAR_1 ) ; if ( start != - 1 ) start = VAR_28 . METHOD_21 ( CHAR_1 , start + 1 ) ; if ( start != - 1 ) VAR_28 = VAR_28 . substring ( 0 , start ) + VAR_28 . substring ( end ) ; } } else VAR_28 = VAR_12 . VAR_13 + VAR_28 . substring ( 1 ) ; } VAR_9 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_28 ) ; } else if ( ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_41 ) ) || ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_42 ) ) || ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_43 ) ) || ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_44 ) ) || ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_45 ) ) || ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_46 ) ) ) { TYPE_1 VAR_47 = TYPE_1 . VAR_11 ; if ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_42 ) ) VAR_47 = TYPE_1 . VAR_10 ; if ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_43 ) ) VAR_47 = TYPE_1 . VAR_40 ; if ( VAR_31 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_33 . VAR_44 ) ) VAR_47 = TYPE_1 . VAR_22 ; VAR_9 . METHOD_15 ( VAR_28 , VAR_47 ) ; VAR_30 = STRING_25 ; } if ( VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_48 ) . getString ( ) . METHOD_7 ( STRING_26 ) ) { if ( VAR_30 . length ( ) == 0 ) VAR_30 = "0" ; if ( VAR_30 . METHOD_17 ( 0 ) == CHAR_2 ) VAR_30 = STRING_27 ; else { VAR_30 = VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_3 . VAR_49 ) . getString ( ) ; if ( VAR_30 . length ( ) == 0 ) VAR_30 = "0" ; } if ( ! VAR_30 . equals ( STRING_28 ) ) VAR_8 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_28 + STRING_29 + VAR_26 + STRING_30 + VAR_30 + STRING_31 ) ; } } VAR_3 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; } VAR_2 . METHOD_22 ( VAR_21 , true ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_9 VAR_50 ) { VAR_50 . METHOD_23 ( ) ; } finally { if ( VAR_2 != null ) VAR_2 . METHOD_24 ( ) ; if ( VAR_3 != null ) VAR_3 . METHOD_24 ( ) ; } } |
public short getAsShort ( ) { final short value = OBinaryProtocol . bytes2short ( buffer , position ) ; position += OBinaryProtocol . SIZE_SHORT ; return value ; } |
@ Override public void putOrderedInt ( Object base , long offset , int x ) { AlignmentUtil . check4BytesAligned ( offset ) ; UNSAFE . putOrderedInt ( base , offset , x ) ; } |
public Type toPrimitive ( ) { if ( mPrimitive ) { return this ; } else { Class < ? > primitive = convertToPrimitive ( mObjectClass ) ; if ( primitive . isPrimitive ( ) ) { return new Type ( primitive ) ; } else { return new Type ( mGenericType , primitive ) ; } } } |
protected void processGeneratedBigIntegerKey ( Model < ? > model , String pKey , Object v ) { if ( v instanceof BigInteger ) { model . set ( pKey , ( BigInteger ) v ) ; } else if ( v instanceof Number ) { Number n = ( Number ) v ; model . set ( pKey , BigInteger . valueOf ( n . longValue ( ) ) ) ; } else { model . set ( pKey , v ) ; } } |
void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 method , String VAR_1 ) { METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 , VAR_1 , METHOD_3 ( method ) ) ; } |
protected FSMState process ( FSMState state ) { // leave current state state . leave ( ) ; // new Thread(this).start(); if ( handler != null ) { if ( ! handler . process ( state ) ) { // If handler couldn't process this transition successfully, // return the old state. But this means the LeaveAction could // have been executed and we are ok with that. Also we call // cancelLeave on State so as to assign back the last timeout // value state . cancelLeave ( ) ; return state ; } } // enter to the destination this . destination . enter ( ) ; return this . destination ; } |
private TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 type ) { if ( type . VAR_1 ( ) ) { TYPE_1 VAR_2 = METHOD_1 ( type . VAR_3 ( ) ) ; TYPE_1 VAR_4 = METHOD_1 ( type . VAR_5 ( ) ) ; type = TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 , VAR_4 , type . VAR_6 ( ) ) ; } String VAR_7 = type . toString ( ) ; if ( VAR_8 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_7 ) ) { return VAR_8 . get ( VAR_7 ) ; } else { return type ; } } |
public CompletableFuture < Long > appendEntries ( ) { raft . checkThread ( ) ; // If there are no other active members in the cluster, simply complete the append operation. if ( raft . getCluster ( ) . getRemoteMemberStates ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { return CompletableFuture . completedFuture ( null ) ; } // Create a heartbeat future and add it to the heartbeat futures list. TimestampedFuture < Long > future = new TimestampedFuture <> ( ) ; heartbeatFutures . add ( future ) ; // Iterate through members and append entries. Futures will be completed on responses from followers. for ( RaftMemberContext member : raft . getCluster ( ) . getRemoteMemberStates ( ) ) { appendEntries ( member ) ; } return future ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_2 VAR_1 , final TYPE_3 < TYPE_1 > VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_4 { final String VAR_3 = TYPE_5 . get ( ) == null ? TYPE_6 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) : TYPE_5 . get ( ) . METHOD_4 ( VAR_4 . VAR_5 ) ; final TYPE_7 VAR_6 ; if ( VAR_3 != null ) { final TYPE_6 VAR_7 = TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_3 ) ; VAR_6 = TYPE_7 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_7 ) ; } else { VAR_6 = TYPE_7 . METHOD_7 ( ) ; } final TYPE_3 < TYPE_8 > VAR_8 = new TYPE_9 < > ( ) ; for ( final TYPE_1 VAR_9 : VAR_2 ) { if ( VAR_9 instanceof TYPE_10 || VAR_9 instanceof TYPE_11 ) { final TYPE_8 VAR_10 = new TYPE_8 ( VAR_9 ) ; final TYPE_8 VAR_11 = new TYPE_8 ( VAR_10 . METHOD_8 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_9 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_10 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_11 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_12 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_13 ( ) , VAR_10 . METHOD_14 ( ) , VAR_6 ) ; VAR_8 . add ( VAR_11 ) ; } else if ( VAR_9 != null ) { VAR_8 . add ( new TYPE_8 ( ) ) ; } else { VAR_8 . add ( null ) ; } } return VAR_2 . size ( ) > 0 ? VAR_8 . size ( ) > 1 ? VAR_8 : VAR_8 . get ( 0 ) : null ; } |
public DestinationDescription unmarshall ( JsonUnmarshallerContext context ) throws Exception { DestinationDescription destinationDescription = new DestinationDescription ( ) ; int originalDepth = context . getCurrentDepth ( ) ; String currentParentElement = context . getCurrentParentElement ( ) ; int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1 ; JsonToken token = context . getCurrentToken ( ) ; if ( token == null ) token = context . nextToken ( ) ; if ( token == VALUE_NULL ) { return null ; } while ( true ) { if ( token == null ) break ; if ( token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT ) { if ( context . testExpression ( "DestinationId" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setDestinationId ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "S3DestinationDescription" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setS3DestinationDescription ( S3DestinationDescriptionJsonUnmarshaller . getInstance ( ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "ExtendedS3DestinationDescription" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setExtendedS3DestinationDescription ( ExtendedS3DestinationDescriptionJsonUnmarshaller . getInstance ( ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "RedshiftDestinationDescription" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setRedshiftDestinationDescription ( RedshiftDestinationDescriptionJsonUnmarshaller . getInstance ( ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "ElasticsearchDestinationDescription" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setElasticsearchDestinationDescription ( ElasticsearchDestinationDescriptionJsonUnmarshaller . getInstance ( ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "SplunkDestinationDescription" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; destinationDescription . setSplunkDestinationDescription ( SplunkDestinationDescriptionJsonUnmarshaller . getInstance ( ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } } else if ( token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT ) { if ( context . getLastParsedParentElement ( ) == null || context . getLastParsedParentElement ( ) . equals ( currentParentElement ) ) { if ( context . getCurrentDepth ( ) <= originalDepth ) break ; } } token = context . nextToken ( ) ; } return destinationDescription ; } |
public void addHttpHeaderToResponseStream ( final HttpServletResponse servletResponse , final UriInfo uriInfo , final FedoraResource resource ) { getUriAwareHttpHeaderFactories ( ) . forEach ( ( bean , factory ) -> { LOGGER . debug ( "Adding HTTP headers using: {}" , bean ) ; final Multimap < String , String > h = factory . createHttpHeadersForResource ( uriInfo , resource ) ; h . entries ( ) . forEach ( entry -> { servletResponse . addHeader ( entry . getKey ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) ) ; } ) ; } ) ; } |
private void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) { TYPE_3 VAR_3 = TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; try { TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_4 ( TYPE_5 . class . METHOD_5 ( ) ) ; TYPE_6 VAR_4 = VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_7 ( ) . put ( STRING_1 , VAR_5 ) ; TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_4 ( TYPE_5 . class . METHOD_5 ( ) ) ; TYPE_7 VAR_6 = new TYPE_7 ( ) { ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_8 ( TYPE_6 VAR_7 ) { TYPE_8 VAR_8 = VAR_7 . METHOD_7 ( ) . get ( STRING_1 ) ; if ( VAR_8 != null && VAR_8 . equals ( VAR_5 ) ) { VAR_9 . METHOD_9 ( VAR_5 ) ; } } ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_6 VAR_4 ) { } } ; TYPE_9 VAR_10 = VAR_2 . METHOD_10 ( TYPE_9 . class ) ; if ( VAR_10 != null ) { VAR_10 . METHOD_11 ( VAR_6 ) ; } VAR_4 . start ( ) ; } finally { TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_4 ( VAR_3 ) ; } } |
public String METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { if ( VAR_1 != null ) { try { TYPE_2 out = new TYPE_2 ( ) ; String VAR_2 = this . METHOD_2 ( ) ; TYPE_3 VAR_3 = TYPE_4 . METHOD_3 ( ) . METHOD_4 ( VAR_2 ) ; synchronized ( VAR_3 ) { VAR_3 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_1 , out ) ; } String VAR_4 = out . toString ( VAR_5 . VAR_6 ) ; return VAR_4 ; } catch ( TYPE_5 VAR_7 ) { VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_6 VAR_7 ) { VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_7 . VAR_8 VAR_7 ) { VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } } return null ; } |
public void pause ( ) { if ( status . equals ( Status . STARTED ) ) { LOGGER . info ( "Pausing timer" ) ; stopTime = DateUtils . nowMillis ( ) ; if ( startTime > 0 ) { durationBeforePause = durationBeforePause + stopTime - startTime ; startTime = 0L ; stopTime = 0L ; } status = Status . PAUSED ; updateTime ( ) ; } else { AbstractApplication . get ( ) . getExceptionHandler ( ) . logWarningException ( "The TimerView should be on started status to pause. Current status: " + status ) ; } } |
private SearchEngineResponse < Item > removeFilterAndSearch ( SolrQuery query , String fq ) { query . removeFilterQuery ( fq ) ; return search ( query ) ; } |
private void encodeNative ( Encoder encoder , Object object ) { checkDelegate ( ) ; delegate . encodeNative ( encoder , object ) ; } |
public static void removeElectronContainer ( IReaction reaction , IElectronContainer electrons ) { IAtomContainerSet reactants = reaction . getReactants ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < reactants . getAtomContainerCount ( ) ; i ++ ) { IAtomContainer mol = reactants . getAtomContainer ( i ) ; if ( mol . contains ( electrons ) ) { mol . removeElectronContainer ( electrons ) ; } } IAtomContainerSet agents = reaction . getReactants ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < agents . getAtomContainerCount ( ) ; i ++ ) { IAtomContainer mol = agents . getAtomContainer ( i ) ; if ( mol . contains ( electrons ) ) { mol . removeElectronContainer ( electrons ) ; } } IAtomContainerSet products = reaction . getProducts ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < products . getAtomContainerCount ( ) ; i ++ ) { IAtomContainer mol = products . getAtomContainer ( i ) ; if ( mol . contains ( electrons ) ) { mol . removeElectronContainer ( electrons ) ; } } } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void info ( String format , TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_1 VAR_2 ) { METHOD_1 ( VAR_3 . VAR_4 , format , VAR_1 , VAR_2 ) ; } |
public IScope popScope ( ) { IScope scope = ( IScope ) _stackScopes . remove ( _stackScopes . size ( ) - 1 ) ; if ( scope . getActivationCtx ( ) != null ) { _scopeSizes [ _iScopeCsr ] = 0 ; _iScopeCsr -- ; } return scope ; } |
@ Override public AddressBookParsedResult parse ( Result result ) { String rawText = getMassagedText ( result ) ; if ( ! rawText . startsWith ( "BIZCARD:" ) ) { return null ; } String firstName = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "N:" , rawText , true ) ; String lastName = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "X:" , rawText , true ) ; String fullName = buildName ( firstName , lastName ) ; String title = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "T:" , rawText , true ) ; String org = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "C:" , rawText , true ) ; String [ ] addresses = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "A:" , rawText , true ) ; String phoneNumber1 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "B:" , rawText , true ) ; String phoneNumber2 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "M:" , rawText , true ) ; String phoneNumber3 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "F:" , rawText , true ) ; String email = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField ( "E:" , rawText , true ) ; return new AddressBookParsedResult ( maybeWrap ( fullName ) , null , null , buildPhoneNumbers ( phoneNumber1 , phoneNumber2 , phoneNumber3 ) , null , maybeWrap ( email ) , null , null , null , addresses , null , org , null , title , null , null ) ; } |
private void visitAnnotationDefaultValue ( Object value , IRType type , AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor , String name ) { if ( value == null ) { boolean b = ! type . isPrimitive ( ) ; assert b ; //## The JuhVuhUhM currently does not support null default annotation field values in bytecode (but Gosu can still support them at compile-time, haha) //annotationVisitor.visit( name, value ); } else if ( JavaClassIRType . get ( Enum . class ) . isAssignableFrom ( type ) ) { annotationVisitor . visitEnum ( name , type . getDescriptor ( ) , ( String ) value ) ; } else { Class cls = value . getClass ( ) ; if ( cls == Boolean . class || cls == Byte . class || cls == Character . class || cls == Short . class || cls == Integer . class || cls == Long . class || cls == Float . class || cls == Double . class || cls == String . class ) { boolean b = type . isPrimitive ( ) || type == JavaClassIRType . get ( String . class ) ; assert b ; annotationVisitor . visit ( name , value ) ; } else if ( cls . isArray ( ) ) { boolean b = type . isArray ( ) ; assert b ; AnnotationVisitor nestedVisitor = annotationVisitor . visitArray ( name ) ; int length = Array . getLength ( value ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { visitAnnotationDefaultValue ( Array . get ( value , i ) , type . getComponentType ( ) , nestedVisitor ) ; nestedVisitor . visitEnd ( ) ; } } else if ( JavaClassIRType . get ( Class . class ) . isAssignableFrom ( type ) ) { annotationVisitor . visit ( name , Type . getType ( IRTypeFactory . get ( ( IType ) value ) . getDescriptor ( ) ) ) ; } else if ( JavaClassIRType . get ( Annotation . class ) . isAssignableFrom ( type ) ) { IAnnotationInfo ai = ( IAnnotationInfo ) value ; AnnotationVisitor nestedVisitor = annotationVisitor . visitAnnotation ( name , IRTypeFactory . get ( ai . getType ( ) ) . getDescriptor ( ) ) ; for ( IMethodInfo mi : ( ( IRelativeTypeInfo ) ai . getType ( ) . getTypeInfo ( ) ) . getDeclaredMethods ( ) ) { if ( ! mi . isStatic ( ) ) { Object argValue = ai . getFieldValue ( mi . getDisplayName ( ) ) ; visitAnnotationDefaultValue ( argValue , IRTypeFactory . get ( mi . getReturnType ( ) ) , nestedVisitor , mi . getName ( ) ) ; } } nestedVisitor . visitEnd ( ) ; } else { throw new IllegalStateException ( ) ; } } } |
ANNOTATION_1 ( STRING_1 ) public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( ANNOTATION_2 int VAR_1 , TYPE_2 context ) { TYPE_3 VAR_2 = context . VAR_3 ( ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_4 = context . VAR_5 ( ) ; if ( VAR_6 . VAR_7 . VAR_8 >= INT_1 ) { return VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , VAR_4 ) ; } else { return VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 ) ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 [ ] METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , TYPE_3 VAR_2 , TYPE_4 VAR_3 ) { if ( ! TYPE_5 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_6 . class , TYPE_6 . VAR_4 ) . getValue ( TYPE_7 . class ) ) { return null ; } try { if ( VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) >= INT_1 ) { return new TYPE_1 [ ] { new TYPE_8 ( STRING_1 + VAR_2 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_7 ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_8 ( ) ) + STRING_2 , METHOD_9 ( VAR_1 ) ) } ; } else { return null ; } } catch ( TYPE_9 VAR_5 ) { throw new TYPE_10 ( VAR_5 ) ; } } |
public int METHOD_1 ( ) { try { METHOD_2 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { return - 1 ; } int VAR_2 = VAR_3 ; if ( VAR_2 < 0 ) { try { VAR_2 = TYPE_2 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_4 ( STRING_1 ) ) ; METHOD_5 ( VAR_2 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { } } return VAR_2 ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { for ( TYPE_2 event : VAR_1 ) { if ( event . getType ( ) == TYPE_2 . VAR_2 && event . VAR_3 ( ) . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) . startsWith ( STRING_1 ) ) { TYPE_3 VAR_4 = TYPE_3 . METHOD_4 ( event . VAR_3 ( ) ) ; TYPE_4 < TYPE_5 > VAR_5 = VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( STRING_2 ) ; if ( VAR_6 == null || VAR_6 . isEmpty ( ) ) { VAR_6 = new TYPE_6 < > ( ) ; for ( TYPE_5 VAR_7 : VAR_5 ) { VAR_6 . add ( METHOD_7 ( VAR_7 ) ) ; } METHOD_8 ( ) ; } } } } |
@ Nonnull public VESID getWithClassifier ( @ Nullable final String sNewClassifier ) { if ( EqualsHelper . equals ( m_sClassifier , sNewClassifier ) ) return this ; return new VESID ( m_sGroupID , m_sArtifactID , m_sVersion , sNewClassifier ) ; } |
public void init ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) throws TYPE_2 { TYPE_3 VAR_2 = VAR_1 . METHOD_1 ( ) ; String VAR_3 = VAR_2 . getString ( STRING_1 ) ; if ( VAR_3 != null ) { try { TYPE_4 VAR_4 = new TYPE_4 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_1 ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) , VAR_1 . getName ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( ) ) ; TYPE_5 < ? > VAR_5 = TYPE_5 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_3 ) ; VAR_6 = ( TYPE_6 ) VAR_5 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; VAR_6 . init ( VAR_4 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_7 VAR_7 ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . error ( VAR_7 ) ; throw new TYPE_2 ( VAR_7 ) ; } } if ( VAR_6 == null ) { TYPE_4 VAR_4 = new TYPE_4 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_1 ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) , VAR_1 . getName ( ) , VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; VAR_6 = new TYPE_8 ( ) ; VAR_6 . init ( VAR_4 ) ; } VAR_8 = new TYPE_9 ( ) ; } |
double interpolate ( double val , double y0 , double x0 , double y1 , double x1 ) { return ( val - x0 ) * ( y1 - y0 ) / ( x1 - x0 ) + y0 ; } |
@ Override public List < RecordSession > listSessions ( ) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psList = null ; try { psList = DbSQL . getSingleton ( ) . getPreparedStatement ( "session.ps.list" ) ; List < RecordSession > result = new ArrayList < RecordSession > ( ) ; try ( ResultSet rs = psList . getPs ( ) . executeQuery ( ) ) { RecordSession ra = build ( rs ) ; while ( ra != null ) { result . add ( ra ) ; ra = build ( rs ) ; } } return result ; } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new DatabaseException ( e ) ; } finally { DbSQL . getSingleton ( ) . releasePreparedStatement ( psList ) ; } } |
public static STextualDS getTextualDSForNode ( SNode node , SDocumentGraph graph ) { if ( node != null ) { List < DataSourceSequence > dataSources = graph . getOverlappedDataSourceSequence ( node , SALT_TYPE . STEXT_OVERLAPPING_RELATION ) ; if ( dataSources != null ) { for ( DataSourceSequence seq : dataSources ) { if ( seq . getDataSource ( ) instanceof STextualDS ) { return ( STextualDS ) seq . getDataSource ( ) ; } } } } return null ; } |
public static String [ ] METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_1 VAR_1 , final String [ ] args , final String VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_2 { final String VAR_3 = VAR_1 . getName ( ) ; final TYPE_1 VAR_4 = new TYPE_1 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) , VAR_3 + STRING_1 ) ; final TYPE_3 writer = new TYPE_3 ( VAR_4 ) ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < args.length - 1 ; i ++ ) { writer.write ( args [ i ] ) ; if ( args [ i ] . METHOD_3 ( STRING_2 ) || args [ i + 1 ] . startsWith ( STRING_2 ) ) { writer.write ( CHAR_1 ) ; } else { writer.write ( VAR_2 ) ; } } if ( args.length > 1 ) { writer.write ( args [ args.length - 1 ] ) ; } writer . VAR_5 ( ) ; final String [ ] VAR_6 = new String [ INT_1 ] ; VAR_6 [ 0 ] = args [ 0 ] ; VAR_6 [ 1 ] = VAR_4 . toString ( ) ; return VAR_6 ; } |
private void addReload ( File file ) { addReload ( file . getNormal ( ) ) ; addReload ( file . get ( true ) ) ; } |
public void setClientIDList ( java . util . Collection < String > clientIDList ) { if ( clientIDList == null ) { this . clientIDList = null ; return ; } this . clientIDList = new com . amazonaws . internal . SdkInternalList < String > ( clientIDList ) ; } |
@ Override public void closeStream ( ) { for ( final Closeable closeable : resources ) { try { closeable . close ( ) ; } catch ( final IOException e ) { errorHandler . error ( e ) ; } } outputStreamReceiver . closeStream ( ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( String name ) { if ( VAR_1 ) { VAR_2 . remove ( name ) ; } else { TYPE_1 p = METHOD_2 ( name ) ; if ( p != null ) { p . VAR_3 ( ) ; } } } |
public static TYPE_1 < ? > METHOD_1 ( String className , TYPE_2 < ? > [ ] VAR_1 ) { try { return TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( className ) . METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_3 VAR_2 ) { return null ; } } |
public void resume ( ) { try { statusLock . lockInterruptibly ( ) ; httpget . reset ( ) ; setLongPollingDisabled ( false ) ; statusChanged . signal ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Thread . currentThread ( ) . interrupt ( ) ; return ; } finally { statusLock . unlock ( ) ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 public final void setValue ( String key , String value ) throws TYPE_1 { this . METHOD_1 ( key , new String [ ] { value } ) ; } |
public static final TYPE_1 getValue ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , String VAR_2 ) { return METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 , VAR_2 , null , TYPE_2 : : getValue , TYPE_2 : : getValue , TYPE_2 : : METHOD_2 , TYPE_2 : : METHOD_3 ) ; } |
public KeyStore createKeyStore ( ) throws NoSuchProviderException , NoSuchAlgorithmException , KeyStoreException { if ( getLocation ( ) == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "location is required" ) ; } InputStream inputStream = null ; try { URL url = LocationUtil . urlForResource ( getLocation ( ) ) ; inputStream = url . openStream ( ) ; KeyStore keyStore = newKeyStore ( ) ; keyStore . load ( inputStream , getPassword ( ) . toCharArray ( ) ) ; return keyStore ; } catch ( NoSuchProviderException ex ) { throw new NoSuchProviderException ( "no such keystore provider: " + getProvider ( ) ) ; } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ex ) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ( "no such keystore type: " + getType ( ) ) ; } catch ( FileNotFoundException ex ) { throw new KeyStoreException ( getLocation ( ) + ": file not found" ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw new KeyStoreException ( getLocation ( ) + ": " + ex . getMessage ( ) , ex ) ; } finally { try { if ( inputStream != null ) { inputStream . close ( ) ; } } catch ( IOException ex ) { ex . printStackTrace ( System . err ) ; } } } |
private AbstractExpression parseRowExpression ( VoltXMLElement exprNode ) { // Parse individual columnref expressions from the IN output schema // Short-circuit for COL IN (LIST) and COL IN (SELECT COL FROM ..) if ( exprNode . children . size ( ) == 1 ) { return parseExpressionNode ( exprNode . children . get ( 0 ) ) ; } // (COL1, COL2) IN (SELECT C1, C2 FROM...) return parseRowExpression ( exprNode . children ) ; } |
protected void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 t , String string , String VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 , int i ) { } |
@ BetaApi public final Operation insertForwardingRule ( ProjectRegionName region , ForwardingRule forwardingRuleResource ) { InsertForwardingRuleHttpRequest request = InsertForwardingRuleHttpRequest . newBuilder ( ) . setRegion ( region == null ? null : region . toString ( ) ) . setForwardingRuleResource ( forwardingRuleResource ) . build ( ) ; return insertForwardingRule ( request ) ; } |
public void onVideoRecorderExtensionConfigured ( @ Observes ( precedence = - 100 ) VideoExtensionConfigured event ) { if ( takenResourceRegister . get ( ) == null ) { this . takenResourceRegister . set ( new TakenResourceRegister ( ) ) ; } Recorder recorder = new DesktopVideoRecorder ( takenResourceRegister . get ( ) ) ; recorder . init ( ( DesktopVideoConfiguration ) configuration . get ( ) ) ; this . recorder . set ( recorder ) ; } |
@ Override public void addRoute ( Routes route ) { if ( server . isRunning ( ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "You may not add a handler to a running server" ) ; } this . routes . add ( route ) ; } |
@ RequestPart ( HttpPart . CONNECTIONS ) void doConnections ( @ RequestParameter ( HttpParameter . FORMAT ) String format ) throws IOException { assert ! isFromCollectorServer ( ) ; // par sécurité Action . checkSystemActionsEnabled ( ) ; final boolean withoutHeaders = HTML_BODY_FORMAT . equalsIgnoreCase ( format ) ; htmlReport . writeConnections ( JdbcWrapper . getConnectionInformationsList ( ) , withoutHeaders ) ; } |
public void putAll ( TrxMessageHeader trxHeaderToMerge ) { if ( m_mapMessageHeader == null ) m_mapMessageHeader = new HashMap < String , Object > ( ) ; if ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageHeaderMap ( ) != null ) this . getMessageHeaderMap ( ) . putAll ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageHeaderMap ( ) ) ; if ( m_mapMessageInfo == null ) m_mapMessageInfo = new HashMap < String , Object > ( ) ; if ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageInfoMap ( ) != null ) this . getMessageInfoMap ( ) . putAll ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageInfoMap ( ) ) ; if ( m_mapMessageTransport == null ) m_mapMessageTransport = new HashMap < String , Object > ( ) ; if ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageTransportMap ( ) != null ) this . getMessageTransportMap ( ) . putAll ( trxHeaderToMerge . getMessageTransportMap ( ) ) ; } |
private void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 element ) { TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( element , STRING_1 ) ; TYPE_2 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( element . getClass ( ) ) ) ; } |
private Codec < T > getWrapped ( ) { if ( wrapped == null ) { wrapped = registry . get ( clazz ) ; } return wrapped ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_1 VAR_1 , final TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) { TYPE_3 VAR_3 = ( TYPE_3 ) VAR_1 ; TYPE_4 VAR_4 = VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; int rows = VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_4 ( STRING_1 ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( "id" , VAR_1 . getId ( ) ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_6 ( STRING_2 , VAR_1 . METHOD_7 ( ) ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_6 ( STRING_3 , VAR_1 . METHOD_8 ( ) , "true" ) ; switch ( VAR_3 . getType ( ) ) { case VAR_5 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( "type" , STRING_4 ) ; break ; case VAR_6 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( "type" , STRING_5 ) ; break ; case VAR_7 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( "type" , STRING_6 ) ; break ; case VAR_8 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( "type" , STRING_7 ) ; break ; default : throw new TYPE_5 ( STRING_8 + VAR_3 . getType ( ) ) ; } VAR_4 . METHOD_6 ( STRING_9 , VAR_3 . METHOD_9 ( ) , "true" ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_6 ( STRING_10 , VAR_3 . METHOD_10 ( ) , "true" ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_6 ( STRING_11 , rows > 0 , rows ) ; switch ( VAR_3 . METHOD_11 ( ) ) { case VAR_9 : break ; case VAR_10 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_12 , STRING_13 ) ; break ; case VAR_11 : VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_12 , STRING_14 ) ; break ; default : throw new TYPE_5 ( STRING_15 + VAR_3 . METHOD_12 ( ) ) ; } VAR_4 . METHOD_13 ( ) ; TYPE_6 . METHOD_14 ( VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ; METHOD_15 ( VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_16 ( STRING_1 ) ; } |
@ Override protected Expression instantiate ( Object oldInstance , Encoder enc ) { Dimension dimension = ( Dimension ) oldInstance ; return new Expression ( dimension , dimension . getClass ( ) , BeansUtils . NEW , new Object [ ] { dimension . width , dimension . height } ) ; } |
public LCSClientName createLCSClientName ( CBSDataCodingScheme dataCodingScheme , USSDString nameString , LCSFormatIndicator lcsFormatIndicator ) { return new LCSClientNameImpl ( dataCodingScheme , nameString , lcsFormatIndicator ) ; } |
@ Override public boolean execute ( ) throws EFapsException { if ( isMarked4execute ( ) ) { final Map < Type , List < Instance > > types = new HashMap <> ( ) ; for ( final Instance instance : this . instances ) { final List < Instance > list ; if ( ! types . containsKey ( instance . getType ( ) ) ) { list = new ArrayList <> ( ) ; types . put ( instance . getType ( ) , list ) ; } else { list = types . get ( instance . getType ( ) ) ; } list . add ( instance ) ; } // check the access for the given instances final Map < Instance , Boolean > accessmap = new HashMap <> ( ) ; for ( final Entry < Type , List < Instance > > entry : types . entrySet ( ) ) { accessmap . putAll ( entry . getKey ( ) . checkAccess ( entry . getValue ( ) , AccessTypeEnums . READ . getAccessType ( ) ) ) ; } final Iterator < Instance > tempIter = this . instances . iterator ( ) ; while ( tempIter . hasNext ( ) ) { final Instance instance = tempIter . next ( ) ; if ( accessmap . size ( ) > 0 ) { if ( ! accessmap . containsKey ( instance ) || ! accessmap . get ( instance ) ) { tempIter . remove ( ) ; } } } } return executeWithoutAccessCheck ( ) ; } |
@ Override public void addResult ( Example < Instance > testInst , Prediction prediction ) { MultiLabelInstance inst = ( MultiLabelInstance ) testInst . getData ( ) ; if ( this . squareError == null ) { this . squareError = new Estimator [ inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ] ; this . averageError = new Estimator [ inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ] ; this . averageErrorToTargetMean = new Estimator [ inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ] ; this . squareErrorToTargetMean = new Estimator [ inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ] ; this . sumY = new Estimator [ inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < inst . numOutputAttributes ( ) ; i ++ ) { this . averageError [ i ] = new Estimator ( this . widthOption . getValue ( ) ) ; this . averageErrorToTargetMean [ i ] = new Estimator ( this . widthOption . getValue ( ) ) ; this . squareError [ i ] = new Estimator ( this . widthOption . getValue ( ) ) ; this . squareErrorToTargetMean [ i ] = new Estimator ( this . widthOption . getValue ( ) ) ; this . sumY [ i ] = new Estimator ( this . widthOption . getValue ( ) ) ; } } double weight = inst . weight ( ) ; if ( numberOutputs == 0 ) { numberOutputs = inst . numberOutputTargets ( ) ; } if ( weight > 0.0 ) { if ( TotalweightObserved == 0 ) { reset ( inst . dataset ( ) . numClasses ( ) ) ; } this . TotalweightObserved += weight ; this . weightObserved . add ( weight ) ; if ( prediction != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberOutputs ; i ++ ) { double error = ( inst . valueOutputAttribute ( i ) - prediction . getVote ( i , 0 ) ) ; this . sumY [ i ] . add ( inst . valueOutputAttribute ( i ) ) ; double errorTM = ( inst . valueOutputAttribute ( i ) - this . sumY [ i ] . total ( ) / this . weightObserved . total ( ) ) ; this . averageErrorToTargetMean [ i ] . add ( Math . abs ( errorTM ) ) ; ; this . squareErrorToTargetMean [ i ] . add ( errorTM * errorTM ) ; ; this . averageError [ i ] . add ( Math . abs ( error ) ) ; this . squareError [ i ] . add ( error * error ) ; } } //System.out.println(inst.classValue()+", "+prediction[0]); } } |
@ Override public void evaluate ( DoubleSolution solution ) { int numberOfVariables = getNumberOfVariables ( ) ; double [ ] x = new double [ numberOfVariables ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariables ; i ++ ) { x [ i ] = solution . getVariableValue ( i ) ; } double sum = 0.0 ; double mult = 1.0 ; double d = 4000.0 ; for ( int var = 0 ; var < numberOfVariables ; var ++ ) { sum += x [ var ] * x [ var ] ; mult *= Math . cos ( x [ var ] / Math . sqrt ( var + 1 ) ) ; } solution . setObjective ( 0 , 1.0 / d * sum - mult + 1.0 ) ; } |
public void warn ( final Object iRequester , final String iMessage , final Object ... iAdditionalArgs ) { if ( isWarnEnabled ( ) ) log ( iRequester , Level . WARNING , iMessage , null , iAdditionalArgs ) ; } |
private Person getMember ( int memberNo ) throws Exception { WebClient wc = WebClient . create ( urlStem ) ; wc . path ( memberNo ) ; Person p = wc . get ( Person . class ) ; System . out . println ( "person ID/Name/Age = " + p . getId ( ) + " / " + p . getName ( ) + " / " + p . getAge ( ) ) ; return p ; } |
private ItemDeprecation toItemDeprecation ( JSONObject object ) throws Exception { if ( object . has ( "deprecation" ) ) { JSONObject deprecationJsonObject = object . getJSONObject ( "deprecation" ) ; ItemDeprecation deprecation = new ItemDeprecation ( ) ; deprecation . setLevel ( deprecationJsonObject . optString ( "level" , null ) ) ; deprecation . setReason ( deprecationJsonObject . optString ( "reason" , null ) ) ; deprecation . setReplacement ( deprecationJsonObject . optString ( "replacement" , null ) ) ; return deprecation ; } return object . optBoolean ( "deprecated" ) ? new ItemDeprecation ( ) : null ; } |
private static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 expr ) { TYPE_3 VAR_1 = expr . VAR_2 ( VAR_3 . VAR_4 ) ; if ( VAR_1 == null ) return null ; TYPE_2 VAR_5 = new TYPE_2 ( STRING_1 . equals ( VAR_1 ) ? ( String ) VAR_1 : STRING_2 . equals ( VAR_1 ) ? ( String ) VAR_1 : STRING_3 ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_6 = new TYPE_4 ( VAR_5 , expr . getName ( ) ) ; VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( expr ) ; VAR_6 . METHOD_3 ( true ) ; VAR_6 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( expr ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_7 = expr . VAR_2 ( VAR_8 . VAR_9 ) ; if ( VAR_7 != null ) { VAR_5 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_3 . VAR_10 , VAR_7 ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_3 . VAR_4 , VAR_1 ) ; } return VAR_6 ; } |
static TYPE_1 < byte [ ] > METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_2 VAR_1 , final TYPE_3 < String , String > VAR_2 ) { return METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , VAR_2 , true ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 ( name = STRING_1 , VAR_1 = STRING_2 , method = STRING_3 , url = STRING_4 , args = { ANNOTATION_2 ( name = STRING_5 , VAR_1 = STRING_5 , VAR_2 = true , type = String . VAR_3 ) } ) TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_4 ) { TYPE_1 response ; TYPE_3 VAR_5 = TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; if ( VAR_5 . METHOD_4 ( ) ) { String VAR_6 = VAR_5 . METHOD_5 ( 1 ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_7 = VAR_8 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_6 ) . METHOD_7 ( ) ; if ( VAR_7 != null ) { String VAR_9 = TYPE_6 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_7 ) ; TYPE_7 . METHOD_9 ( VAR_9 ) ; response = TYPE_8 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_9 ) ; } else { response = TYPE_8 . METHOD_11 ( VAR_10 . VAR_11 , TYPE_8 . VAR_12 ) ; } } else { response = TYPE_8 . METHOD_12 ( ) ; } return response ; } |
public Matrix4f billboardCylindrical ( Vector3fc objPos , Vector3fc targetPos , Vector3fc up ) { float dirX = targetPos . x ( ) - objPos . x ( ) ; float dirY = targetPos . y ( ) - objPos . y ( ) ; float dirZ = targetPos . z ( ) - objPos . z ( ) ; // left = up x dir float leftX = up . y ( ) * dirZ - up . z ( ) * dirY ; float leftY = up . z ( ) * dirX - up . x ( ) * dirZ ; float leftZ = up . x ( ) * dirY - up . y ( ) * dirX ; // normalize left float invLeftLen = 1.0f / ( float ) Math . sqrt ( leftX * leftX + leftY * leftY + leftZ * leftZ ) ; leftX *= invLeftLen ; leftY *= invLeftLen ; leftZ *= invLeftLen ; // recompute dir by constraining rotation around 'up' // dir = left x up dirX = leftY * up . z ( ) - leftZ * up . y ( ) ; dirY = leftZ * up . x ( ) - leftX * up . z ( ) ; dirZ = leftX * up . y ( ) - leftY * up . x ( ) ; // normalize dir float invDirLen = 1.0f / ( float ) Math . sqrt ( dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY + dirZ * dirZ ) ; dirX *= invDirLen ; dirY *= invDirLen ; dirZ *= invDirLen ; // set matrix elements this . _m00 ( leftX ) ; this . _m01 ( leftY ) ; this . _m02 ( leftZ ) ; this . _m03 ( 0.0f ) ; this . _m10 ( up . x ( ) ) ; this . _m11 ( up . y ( ) ) ; this . _m12 ( up . z ( ) ) ; this . _m13 ( 0.0f ) ; this . _m20 ( dirX ) ; this . _m21 ( dirY ) ; this . _m22 ( dirZ ) ; this . _m23 ( 0.0f ) ; this . _m30 ( objPos . x ( ) ) ; this . _m31 ( objPos . y ( ) ) ; this . _m32 ( objPos . z ( ) ) ; this . _m33 ( 1.0f ) ; _properties ( PROPERTY_AFFINE | PROPERTY_ORTHONORMAL ) ; return this ; } |
public void move ( WrappedFile filePath , WrappedFile destFilePath ) throws IOException { Files . move ( Paths . get ( filePath . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) , Paths . get ( destFilePath . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ) ; } |
private Set < Binding > internalGetGuiceBindings ( Grammar grammar , Function < IGeneratorFragment , Set < Binding > > func ) { LinkedHashSet < Binding > bindings = new LinkedHashSet < Binding > ( ) ; for ( IGeneratorFragment module : fragments ) { Set < Binding > temp = func . apply ( module ) ; if ( temp != null ) { for ( Binding entry : temp ) { if ( bindings . contains ( entry ) ) { for ( Iterator < Binding > iterator = bindings . iterator ( ) ; iterator . hasNext ( ) ; ) { Binding binding = iterator . next ( ) ; if ( binding . equals ( entry ) ) { if ( binding . isFinal ( ) ) { if ( entry . isFinal ( ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "Conflicting final bindings for '" + binding . getKey ( ) + "' from fragments " + "" + binding . getContributedBy ( ) + " and " + entry . getContributedBy ( ) ) ; } else { LOG . warn ( "Cannot override final binding '" + binding + "'. " + "Ignoring binding from fragment '" + getModuleClassName ( module ) + "'" ) ; } } else { if ( LOG . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { LOG . debug ( "replacing binding : " + binding ) ; LOG . debug ( " with new binding : " + entry ) ; } iterator . remove ( ) ; } break ; } } } bindings . add ( entry ) ; } } } return bindings ; } |
private void executeProgram__parseDirectives__process ( StatementOn directive ) throws Exception { List < RuleSpec > _target = null ; Class < ? > _valueType = null ; switch ( directive . getEventName ( ) ) { case EVENT__ON_SINGLE_LINE_PROPERTY_PARSED : _target = getProcessorRuleSpecsForSingleLineProperty ( ) ; _valueType = String . class ; break ; case EVENT__ON_MULTIPLE_LINE_PROPERTY_PARSED : _target = getProcessorRuleSpecsForMultipleLineProperty ( ) ; _valueType = String [ ] . class ; break ; } if ( null != _target ) { for ( Statement _statement : directive . getStatements ( ) ) { if ( _statement instanceof StatementIf ) { executeProgram__parseDirectives__processRuleset ( ( StatementIf ) _statement , _target , _valueType ) ; } } } } |
public VirtualMachineInner update ( String resourceGroupName , String vmName , VirtualMachineUpdate parameters ) { return updateWithServiceResponseAsync ( resourceGroupName , vmName , parameters ) . toBlocking ( ) . last ( ) . body ( ) ; } |
Subsets and Splits