stringlengths 63
private static String getString ( Map < String , String > flattenFields , boolean wrapWithQuote ) { String outStr = "" ; if ( flattenFields != null && ! flattenFields . isEmpty ( ) ) { if ( wrapWithQuote ) { outStr += "\"" + Joiner . on ( "," ) . join ( flattenFields . entrySet ( ) ) + "\"," ; } else { outStr += Joiner . on ( "," ) . join ( flattenFields . entrySet ( ) ) + "," ; } } if ( outStr . length ( ) > 0 ) { outStr = outStr . substring ( 0 , outStr . length ( ) - 1 ) ; } return outStr ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public final TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_4 < TYPE_5 > > query , final TYPE_6 VAR_1 ) { TYPE_7 . METHOD_2 ( query , STRING_1 ) ; final TYPE_8 VAR_2 = this . METHOD_3 ( query ) ; if ( VAR_2 == null && ( this . VAR_3 != null || this . VAR_4 == true ) ) { this . VAR_5 . METHOD_4 ( STRING_2 + query + STRING_3 ) ; return null ; } final TYPE_9 VAR_6 = this . METHOD_5 ( ) ; final String VAR_7 = VAR_6 . METHOD_6 ( query ) ; final TYPE_4 < TYPE_2 > VAR_8 = this . METHOD_7 ( VAR_2 , VAR_7 ) ; if ( VAR_8 == null ) { return null ; } final TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > VAR_9 = new TYPE_10 < > ( ) ; for ( final TYPE_2 VAR_10 : VAR_8 ) { final TYPE_2 VAR_11 = this . METHOD_8 ( VAR_10 ) ; VAR_9 . add ( VAR_11 ) ; } return TYPE_11 . METHOD_9 ( VAR_9 ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public String METHOD_1 ( ) { return new TYPE_1 ( TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( x . VAR_1 ( ) ) ) . METHOD_3 ( ) . toString ( ) ; } |
@ Override public JobHandle startJob ( final JobRequest job ) { logger . debug ( "Start job: {}" , job ) ; final String factoryId = job . getFactoryId ( ) ; final Optional < JobFactory > factory = getJobFactory ( factoryId ) ; if ( ! factory . isPresent ( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( String . format ( "Job factory '%s' is unknown" , factoryId ) ) ; } return internalStartJob ( factory . get ( ) , factoryId , job . getData ( ) , job . getProperties ( ) ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 VAR_1 = new TYPE_2 ( ) ; String VAR_2 = METHOD_2 ( this . getClass ( ) ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; TYPE_3 < String > VAR_3 = new TYPE_4 ( ) . METHOD_4 ( VAR_2 , METHOD_5 ( STRING_1 , STRING_2 ) , null , STRING_3 + VAR_2 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_3 ) ; } |
public void addToolbarButtons ( ToolScreen toolScreen ) { super . addToolbarButtons ( toolScreen ) ; new SCannedBox ( toolScreen . getNextLocation ( ScreenConstants . NEXT_LOGICAL , ScreenConstants . SET_ANCHOR ) , toolScreen , null , ScreenConstants . DEFAULT_DISPLAY , null , ProjectTask . PROJECT_PREDECESSOR_DETAIL_SCREEN , MenuConstants . FORMDETAIL , ProjectTask . PROJECT_PREDECESSOR_DETAIL_SCREEN , ProjectTask . PROJECT_PREDECESSOR_DETAIL_SCREEN ) ; new SCannedBox ( toolScreen . getNextLocation ( ScreenConstants . NEXT_LOGICAL , ScreenConstants . SET_ANCHOR ) , toolScreen , null , ScreenConstants . DEFAULT_DISPLAY , null , ProjectTask . PROJECT_TASK_CALENDAR_SCREEN , JCalendarPopup . CALENDAR_ICON , ProjectTask . PROJECT_TASK_CALENDAR_SCREEN , ProjectTask . PROJECT_TASK_CALENDAR_SCREEN ) ; } |
public static final Function < Collection < Integer > , LocalTime > integerFieldCollectionToLocalTime ( Chronology chronology ) { return FnLocalTime . integerFieldCollectionToLocalTime ( chronology ) ; } |
public static < S , T > Collection < T > collect ( S [ ] self , Collection < T > collector , @ ClosureParams ( FirstParam . Component . class ) Closure < ? extends T > transform ) { return collect ( new ArrayIterator < S > ( self ) , collector , transform ) ; } |
private TYPE_1 < ? > METHOD_1 ( String className , TYPE_2 VAR_1 ) { try { return VAR_1 . METHOD_1 ( className ) ; } catch ( TYPE_3 t ) { if ( VAR_2 . VAR_3 . VAR_4 . VAR_5 . VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( ) && VAR_7 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_8 . VAR_9 ) ) { VAR_7 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_8 . VAR_9 , VAR_10 , STRING_1 , STRING_2 + className , t ) ; } } return null ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 ( path = STRING_1 , method = VAR_1 . VAR_2 ) ANNOTATION_2 public TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > METHOD_1 ( ANNOTATION_3 ( "name" ) String name ) { try { if ( null != VAR_3 . METHOD_1 ( name ) ) { return TYPE_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; } } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_4 ) { TYPE_5 . error ( VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( ) , VAR_4 ) ; return METHOD_4 ( VAR_4 , TYPE_5 , VAR_5 , STRING_2 , STRING_3 , STRING_4 ) ; } return METHOD_5 ( VAR_5 , STRING_2 , STRING_3 , STRING_5 , name ) ; } |
public Optional < ServerBackup > getBackup ( long id ) { return Optional . ofNullable ( getHibernateTemplate ( ) . get ( ServerBackup . class , id ) ) ; } |
public WebSocketHandler withControllerClass ( Class < ? > controllerClass ) { this . controllerClass = Objects . requireNonNull ( controllerClass , Required . CONTROLLER_CLASS . toString ( ) ) ; return this ; } |
@ Override public Object getFieldByName ( @ Nonnull java . lang . String name ) throws NoSuchFieldException { if ( "filename" . equals ( name ) ) return filename ; if ( "pr-manager" . equals ( name ) ) return prManager ; if ( "locking" . equals ( name ) ) return locking ; if ( "aio" . equals ( name ) ) return aio ; return super . getFieldByName ( name ) ; } |
@ Override public AttributeConfiguration getConfiguration ( ) throws DevFailed { final AttributeConfiguration config ; if ( proxy != null ) { config = TangoConverter . toAttributeConfigurationEx ( proxy . getAttributeProxy ( ) . get_info_ex ( ) ) ; remoteLabel = config . getAttributeProperties ( ) . getLabel ( ) ; } else { config = new AttributeConfiguration ( ) ; } config . setName ( attributeName ) ; config . getAttributeProperties ( ) . setRootAttribute ( fullRootAttributeName ) ; config . getAttributeProperties ( ) . setLabel ( localLabel ) ; return config ; } |
static DiyFp asNormalizedDiyFp ( long d64 ) { long f = significand ( d64 ) ; int e = exponent ( d64 ) ; assert ( f != 0 ) ; // The current double could be a denormal. while ( ( f & kHiddenBit ) == 0 ) { f <<= 1 ; e -- ; } // Do the final shifts in one go. Don't forget the hidden bit (the '-1'). f <<= DiyFp . kSignificandSize - kSignificandSize - 1 ; e -= DiyFp . kSignificandSize - kSignificandSize - 1 ; return new DiyFp ( f , e ) ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 < ? extends String , ? extends TYPE_2 > VAR_1 ) { for ( TYPE_2 VAR_2 : VAR_1 . values ( ) ) { METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 , ( ( TYPE_3 ) VAR_2 ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; } METHOD_4 ( ) ; VAR_3 = null ; VAR_4 . METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; } |
private static SeLionSoftAssert getSoftAssertInContext ( ) { SeLionSoftAssert sa ; if ( null == Reporter . getCurrentTestResult ( ) ) { // Assume Java Application, and return the static instance of SeLionSoftAssert. sa = softAssert ; } else { sa = ( SeLionSoftAssert ) Reporter . getCurrentTestResult ( ) . getAttribute ( SeLionSoftAssert . SOFT_ASSERT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) ; } return sa ; } |
public BitArray encode ( ) { Collection < State > states = Collections . singletonList ( State . INITIAL_STATE ) ; for ( int index = 0 ; index < text . length ; index ++ ) { int pairCode ; int nextChar = index + 1 < text . length ? text [ index + 1 ] : 0 ; switch ( text [ index ] ) { case ' ' : pairCode = nextChar == ' ' ? 2 : 0 ; break ; case ' ' : pairCode = nextChar == ' ' ? 3 : 0 ; break ; case ' ' : pairCode = nextChar == ' ' ? 4 : 0 ; break ; case ' ' : pairCode = nextChar == ' ' ? 5 : 0 ; break ; default : pairCode = 0 ; } if ( pairCode > 0 ) { // We have one of the four special PUNCT pairs. Treat them specially. // Get a new set of states for the two new characters. states = updateStateListForPair ( states , index , pairCode ) ; index ++ ; } else { // Get a new set of states for the new character. states = updateStateListForChar ( states , index ) ; } } // We are left with a set of states. Find the shortest one. State minState = Collections . min ( states , new Comparator < State > ( ) { @ Override public int compare ( State a , State b ) { return a . getBitCount ( ) - b . getBitCount ( ) ; } } ) ; // Convert it to a bit array, and return. return minState . toBitArray ( text ) ; } |
public boolean update ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 , TYPE_3 VAR_3 ) throws TYPE_4 { String VAR_4 = VAR_3 . METHOD_1 ( ) ; String VAR_5 = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; String VAR_6 = VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; String VAR_7 = VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; String VAR_8 = VAR_2 . METHOD_5 ( ) ; long VAR_9 = METHOD_6 ( VAR_4 ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_10 = new TYPE_5 ( ) ; String VAR_11 = VAR_10 . METHOD_7 ( VAR_7 ) ; if ( VAR_6 != null && VAR_7 != null && VAR_8 != null ) { if ( VAR_6 . equals ( VAR_5 ) && VAR_7 . equals ( VAR_8 ) ) { METHOD_8 ( VAR_11 , VAR_9 ) ; METHOD_9 ( VAR_9 ) ; TYPE_3 VAR_12 = new TYPE_3 ( ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_4 ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_11 ( VAR_7 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_12 ( ) . put ( STRING_1 , VAR_12 ) ; return true ; } else if ( ! VAR_6 . equals ( VAR_5 ) ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_13 ( ) . METHOD_14 ( new TYPE_6 ( ) . error ( ) . source ( STRING_2 ) . METHOD_15 ( STRING_3 ) . METHOD_16 ( STRING_4 ) . build ( ) ) ; return false ; } else if ( ! VAR_7 . equals ( VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_13 ( ) . METHOD_14 ( new TYPE_6 ( ) . error ( ) . source ( STRING_5 ) . METHOD_15 ( STRING_6 ) . METHOD_16 ( STRING_7 ) . build ( ) ) ; return false ; } else { return false ; } } else { return false ; } } |
@ Override public boolean updateLastGenerateTriggerTime ( String jobId , Long lastGenerateTriggerTime ) { Query < JobPo > query = template . createQuery ( getTableName ( ) , JobPo . class ) ; query . field ( "jobId" ) . equal ( jobId ) ; UpdateOperations < JobPo > operations = template . createUpdateOperations ( JobPo . class ) . set ( "lastGenerateTriggerTime" , lastGenerateTriggerTime ) . set ( "gmtModified" , SystemClock . now ( ) ) ; UpdateResults ur = template . update ( query , operations ) ; return ur . getUpdatedCount ( ) == 1 ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( ) { super . METHOD_1 ( ) ; if ( VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( STRING_1 , METHOD_4 ( ) ) ; } this . VAR_2 . METHOD_5 ( ) ; String path = TYPE_1 . METHOD_6 ( METHOD_4 ( ) ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_7 ( path , VAR_4 ) ; TYPE_2 . METHOD_8 ( this ) ; } |
private static String hasAnyAuthority ( String ... authorities ) { String anyAuthorities = StringUtils . arrayToDelimitedString ( authorities , "','" ) ; return "hasAnyAuthority('" + anyAuthorities + "')" ; } |
public ReferenceTypeImpl getSuperClass ( ) { if ( clazz . getGenericSuperclass ( ) == null ) { return null ; } java . lang . reflect . Type superType = clazz . getGenericSuperclass ( ) ; if ( superType instanceof ParameterizedType ) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = ( ParameterizedType ) superType ; List < ResolvedType > typeParameters = Arrays . stream ( parameterizedType . getActualTypeArguments ( ) ) . map ( ( t ) - > ReflectionFactory . typeUsageFor ( t , typeSolver ) ) . collect ( Collectors . toList ( ) ) ; return new ReferenceTypeImpl ( new ReflectionClassDeclaration ( clazz . getSuperclass ( ) , typeSolver ) , typeParameters , typeSolver ) ; } return new ReferenceTypeImpl ( new ReflectionClassDeclaration ( clazz . getSuperclass ( ) , typeSolver ) , typeSolver ) ; } |
@ Override public KryoBuilder configure ( KryoBuilder kryoBuilder ) { return kryoBuilder . withInstantiatorStrategy ( new Kryo . DefaultInstantiatorStrategy ( new StdInstantiatorStrategy ( ) ) ) . withReferences ( true ) ; } |
private boolean isAbbreviation ( Annotation token ) { TokenType type = token . get ( Types . TOKEN_TYPE ) . cast ( ) ; return type != null && ( type . equals ( TokenType . ACRONYM ) || ( type . equals ( TokenType . TIME ) && ( token . next ( ) . isEmpty ( ) || Character . isUpperCase ( token . next ( ) . charAt ( 0 ) ) ) ) ) ; } |
String getPhysElemLongName ( int phys_elem , int ent_id ) { switch ( phys_elem ) { case 1 : return "Imager Visible" ; case 2 : return "Imager 3.9 micron IR" ; case 3 : return "Imager 6.7/6.5 micron IR (WV)" ; case 4 : return "Imager 11 micron IR" ; case 5 : return "Imager 12 micron IR" ; case 6 : return "Imager 13 micron IR" ; case 7 : return "Imager 1.3 micron IR" ; case 13 : return "Lifted Index LI" ; case 14 : return "Precipitable Water PW" ; case 15 : return "Surface Skin Temperature" ; case 16 : return "Lifted Index LI" ; case 17 : return "Precipitable Water PW" ; case 18 : return "Surface Skin Temperature" ; case 19 : return "Convective Available Potential Energy" ; case 20 : return "land-sea Temperature" ; case 21 : return "Wind Index" ; case 22 : return "Dry Microburst Potential Index" ; case 23 : return "Microburst Potential Index" ; case 24 : return "Derived Convective Inhibition" ; case 25 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1km National Hybrid Hydrometeor Classification Composite (Unidata)" ; else return "Volcano_imagery" ; case 26 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1 km National Echo Tops Composite (Unidata)" ; else return "4 km National Echo Tops" ; case 27 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1 km National Base Reflectivity Composite (Unidata)" ; else return "Cloud Top Pressure or Height" ; case 28 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1 km National Reflectivity Composite (Unidata)" ; else return "Cloud Amount" ; case 29 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1 km National Vertically Integrated Liquid Water (Unidata)" ; else return "4 km National Vertically Integrated Liquid Water" ; case 30 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "1 km National 1-hour Precipitation (Unidata)" ; else return "Surface wind speeds over oceans and Great Lakes" ; case 31 : if ( ent_id == 99 ) return "4 km National Storm Total Precipitation (Unidata)" ; else return "Surface Wetness" ; case 32 : return "Ice concentrations" ; case 33 : return "Ice type" ; case 34 : return "Ice edge" ; case 35 : return "Cloud water content" ; case 36 : return "Surface type" ; case 37 : return "Snow indicator" ; case 38 : return "Snow/water content" ; case 39 : return "Derived volcano imagery" ; case 41 : return "Sounder 14.71 micron imagery" ; case 42 : return "Sounder 14.37 micron imagery" ; case 43 : return "Sounder 14.06 micron imagery" ; case 44 : return "Sounder 13.64 micron imagery" ; case 45 : return "Sounder 13.37 micron imagery" ; case 46 : return "Sounder 12.66 micron imagery" ; case 47 : return "Sounder 12.02 micron imagery" ; case 48 : return "11.03 micron sounder image" ; case 49 : return "Sounder 11.03 micron imagery" ; case 50 : return "7.43 micron sounder image" ; case 51 : return "7.02 micron sounder image" ; case 52 : return "6.51 micron sounder image" ; case 53 : return "Sounder 4.57 micron imagery" ; case 54 : return "Sounder 4.52 micron imagery" ; case 55 : return "4.45 micron sounder image" ; case 56 : return "Sounder 4.13 micron imagery" ; case 57 : return "3.98 micron sounder image" ; case 58 : return "Sounder 3.74 micron imagery" ; case 59 : return "VIS sounder image " ; default : return "unknown physical element " + phys_elem ; } } |
protected boolean lookahead ( ) { assert next == null : "looking ahead when next is already loaded" ; while ( inner . hasNext ( ) ) { next = transform ( inner . next ( ) ) ; if ( next != null ) { return true ; } } noteExhausted ( ) ; return false ; } |
public static void generateWarningText ( PrintWriter out , Map < String , Map < CorruptFileStatus , Long > > corruptFilesCounterMap , RaidNode raidNode ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ; if ( raidNode . getInfoServer ( ) == null ) return ; String infoAddr = raidNode . getHostName ( ) + ":" + raidNode . getInfoServer ( ) . getPort ( ) ; try { sb . append ( getHTMLLinksText ( "http://" + infoAddr + "/missingblocks.jsp" , "WARNING Corrupt files:" ) ) ; sb . append ( generateTable ( corruptFilesCounterMap , infoAddr , raidNode . getNumDetectionsPerSec ( ) , raidNode ) ) ; out . print ( sb . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { LOG . error ( "Get exception in generateWarningText" , e ) ; } } |
@ Override public CacheState < CachedPortletData < PortletRenderResult > , PortletRenderResult > getPortletRenderState ( HttpServletRequest request , IPortletWindowId portletWindowId ) { final IPortletWindow portletWindow = this . portletWindowRegistry . getPortletWindow ( request , portletWindowId ) ; if ( portletWindow == null ) { logger . warn ( "portletWindowRegistry returned null for {}, returning default cacheControl and no cached portlet data" , portletWindowId ) ; return new CacheState < CachedPortletData < PortletRenderResult > , PortletRenderResult > ( ) ; } // Generate the public render cache key final IPortalRequestInfo portalRequestInfo = this . urlSyntaxProvider . getPortalRequestInfo ( request ) ; final Locale locale = RequestContextUtils . getLocale ( request ) ; final PublicPortletCacheKey publicCacheKey = PublicPortletCacheKey . createPublicPortletRenderCacheKey ( portletWindow , portalRequestInfo , locale ) ; return this . < CachedPortletData < PortletRenderResult > , PortletRenderResult > getPortletState ( request , portletWindow , publicCacheKey , this . publicScopePortletRenderOutputCache , this . privateScopePortletRenderOutputCache , false ) ; } |
@ Override public Subscription subscribe ( String subject , String queueGroup , Integer maxMessages , MessageHandler ... messageHandlers ) { final DefaultSubscription subscription = new DefaultSubscription ( subject , queueGroup , maxMessages , messageHandlers ) { @ Override protected Message createMessage ( String subject , String body , String queueGroup , final String replyTo ) { return new DefaultMessage ( subject , body , queueGroup , replyTo != null && replyTo . trim ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ) { @ Override public void reply ( String body ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { publish ( replyTo , body ) ; } @ Override public void reply ( String body , long delay , TimeUnit timeUnit ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { publish ( replyTo , body , delay , timeUnit ) ; } } ; } } ; Collection < DefaultSubscription > mockSubscriptions = subscriptions . get ( subject ) ; if ( mockSubscriptions == null ) { mockSubscriptions = new ArrayList <> ( ) ; subscriptions . put ( subject , mockSubscriptions ) ; } mockSubscriptions . add ( subscription ) ; return subscription ; } |
public < K > K readMapKey ( final Object key , final DataTypeDescriptor < K > descriptor ) throws Exception { return doRead ( key , descriptor ) ; } |
public ClientUserCodeDeploymentConfig setClassNames ( List < String > classNames ) { isNotNull ( classNames , "classNames" ) ; this . classNames . clear ( ) ; this . classNames . addAll ( classNames ) ; return this ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( int VAR_1 , TYPE_1 field , TYPE_2 < TYPE_3 > VAR_2 ) { METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_3 = new TYPE_4 ( ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_4 . VAR_4 ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( field ) ; field . VAR_5 ( true ) ; if ( this . VAR_6 . contains ( field ) ) { throw new TYPE_5 ( STRING_1 + field ) ; } if ( VAR_2 == null || VAR_2 . size ( ) == 0 ) { this . VAR_7 . get ( VAR_1 ) . add ( VAR_3 , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 1 , this . VAR_8 . get ( VAR_1 ) , 1 , FLOAT_1 , FLOAT_1 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 ) ) ) ; } else { TYPE_8 VAR_11 = new TYPE_8 ( ) ; VAR_11 . METHOD_6 ( new TYPE_9 ( ) ) ; VAR_11 . add ( VAR_3 , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 0 , 0 , 1 , FLOAT_1 , FLOAT_1 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 ) ) ) ; TYPE_8 VAR_12 = new TYPE_8 ( ) ; VAR_12 . METHOD_6 ( new TYPE_9 ( ) ) ; int VAR_13 = 0 ; for ( TYPE_3 VAR_14 : VAR_2 ) { VAR_12 . add ( VAR_14 , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 0 , VAR_13 ++ , 1 , FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_2 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 ) ) ) ; } VAR_12 . add ( new TYPE_10 ( ) , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 0 , VAR_13 ++ , 1 , FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_1 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 ) ) ) ; VAR_11 . add ( VAR_12 , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 1 , 0 , 1 , FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_2 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 , INT_2 ) ) ) ; this . VAR_7 . get ( VAR_1 ) . add ( VAR_11 , TYPE_6 . METHOD_5 ( 1 , this . VAR_8 . get ( VAR_1 ) , 1 , FLOAT_1 , FLOAT_1 , VAR_9 . VAR_10 , new TYPE_7 ( INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 , INT_1 ) ) ) ; } this . VAR_6 . add ( field ) ; this . METHOD_7 ( VAR_1 ) ; } |
private String detokenize ( String translation ) { return translation . replaceAll ( " 's" , "'s" ) . replaceAll ( " ' s" , "'s" ) . replaceAll ( " ' t" , "'t" ) . replace ( " ." , "." ) . replace ( " ," , "," ) ; } |
@ Override public void execute ( Job job ) { if ( job instanceof JobEntity ) { if ( Job . JOB_TYPE_MESSAGE . equals ( job . getJobType ( ) ) ) { executeMessageJob ( ( JobEntity ) job ) ; } else if ( Job . JOB_TYPE_TIMER . equals ( job . getJobType ( ) ) ) { executeTimerJob ( ( JobEntity ) job ) ; } } else { throw new ActivitiException ( "Only jobs with type JobEntity are supported to be executed" ) ; } } |
void clearNodeScope ( Node n ) { while ( sp > mk ) { popNode ( ) ; } mk = ( ( Integer ) marks . pop ( ) ) . intValue ( ) ; } |
@ Override public void onStart ( ) { super . onStart ( ) ; Log . d ( TAG , "onStart()" ) ; // Using automatic disposal, this should determine that the correct time to // dispose is onStop (the opposite of onStart). Observable . interval ( 1 , TimeUnit . SECONDS ) . doOnDispose ( ( ) -> Log . i ( TAG , "Disposing subscription from onStart()" ) ) . as ( autoDisposable ( AndroidLifecycleScopeProvider . from ( this ) ) ) . subscribe ( num -> Log . i ( TAG , "Started in onStart(), running until in onStop(): " + num ) ) ; } |
@ Override public Element query ( String selector ) { DocumentImpl documentImpl = ( ( WebKitDocument ) document ) . getDocument ( ) ; String escapedSelector = selector . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) ; if ( documentImpl == null ) { return null ; } org . w3c . dom . Element element = documentImpl . querySelector ( escapedSelector ) ; if ( element != null ) { return ( ( WebKitPageContext ) context ) . createElement ( element , document , engine ) ; } else { return null ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 public final TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_2 < ? extends TYPE_3 > VAR_1 ) { if ( ! VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) { throw new TYPE_4 ( STRING_1 ) ; } TYPE_1 content = this . VAR_2 . METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; try { TYPE_5 VAR_3 = METHOD_3 ( content ) ; TYPE_6 VAR_4 = new TYPE_6 ( ) ; TYPE_7 writer = new TYPE_8 ( VAR_4 ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( METHOD_5 ( VAR_1 . get ( ) ) , writer ) ; return content ( ) . METHOD_6 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_7 ( ) ) . build ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_9 VAR_5 ) { VAR_6 . error ( STRING_2 , content . toString ( ) ) ; throw new TYPE_10 ( VAR_5 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_11 | TYPE_12 VAR_5 ) { throw new TYPE_10 ( VAR_5 ) ; } } |
public boolean METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 ) { String text = VAR_2 . getString ( VAR_1 , true ) ; return getText ( ) . METHOD_2 ( text ) >= 0 ; } |
public ApplicationDefinition addDynamicFields ( ApplicationDefinition appDef ) { Tenant tenant = getTenant ( appDef ) ; String store = appDef . getAppName ( ) ; for ( DColumn column : DBService . instance ( tenant ) . getAllColumns ( store , "_fields" ) ) { String [ ] nv = column . getName ( ) . split ( "/" ) ; String tableName = nv [ 0 ] ; String fieldName = nv [ 1 ] ; TableDefinition tableDef = appDef . getTableDef ( tableName ) ; if ( tableDef == null ) { tableDef = new TableDefinition ( appDef ) ; appDef . addTable ( tableDef ) ; } FieldDefinition fieldDef = tableDef . getFieldDef ( fieldName ) ; if ( fieldDef == null ) { fieldDef = new FieldDefinition ( tableDef ) ; fieldDef . setName ( fieldName ) ; fieldDef . setType ( FieldType . TEXT ) ; fieldDef . setCollection ( false ) ; tableDef . addFieldDefinition ( fieldDef ) ; } } return appDef ; } |
@ Override public void accept ( CommandContext ctx ) { CommandContext childCtx = new CommandContext ( ctx ) ; super . accept ( childCtx ) ; if ( childCtx . isEnabled ( ) ) { String sql = childCtx . getSql ( ) ; if ( StringUtil . trimLine ( sql ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "where\n" ) == false && StringUtil . trimLine ( sql ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "where" ) == false ) { ctx . addSql ( sql , childCtx . getBindVariables ( ) , childCtx . getBindVariableTypes ( ) ) ; } } } |
public String substring ( final int beginIndex , final int endIndex ) { if ( beginIndex < 0 ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException ( "Negative beginIndex: " + beginIndex ) ; } if ( endIndex > this . len ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException ( "endIndex: " + endIndex + " > length: " + this . len ) ; } if ( beginIndex > endIndex ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException ( "beginIndex: " + beginIndex + " > endIndex: " + endIndex ) ; } return new String ( this . array , beginIndex , endIndex - beginIndex ) ; } |
@ Override public void internalWrite ( Server server , Query query , ImmutableList < Result > results ) throws Exception { RrdDef def = getDatabaseTemplateSpec ( ) ; List < String > dsNames = getDsNames ( def . getDsDefs ( ) ) ; Map < String , String > dataMap = new TreeMap <> ( ) ; // go over all the results and look for datasource names that map to // keys from the result values for ( Result res : results ) { log . debug ( res . toString ( ) ) ; String key = getDataSourceName ( getConcatedTypeNameValues ( res . getTypeName ( ) ) , res . getAttributeName ( ) , res . getValuePath ( ) ) ; if ( isNumeric ( res . getValue ( ) ) ) { log . debug ( "Generated DataSource name:value: {} : {}" , key , res . getValue ( ) ) ; if ( dsNames . contains ( key ) ) { dataMap . put ( key , res . getValue ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; } } } doGenerate ( results ) ; if ( ! dataMap . keySet ( ) . isEmpty ( ) && ! dataMap . values ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { rrdToolUpdate ( StringUtils . join ( dataMap . keySet ( ) , ' ' ) , StringUtils . join ( dataMap . values ( ) , ' ' ) ) ; } else { log . error ( "Nothing was logged for query: " + query ) ; } } |
@ Override public List < HistoricActivityInstanceDto > queryHistoricActivityInstances ( HistoricActivityInstanceQueryDto queryDto , Integer firstResult , Integer maxResults ) { queryDto . setObjectMapper ( objectMapper ) ; HistoricActivityInstanceQuery query = queryDto . toQuery ( processEngine ) ; List < HistoricActivityInstance > matchingHistoricActivityInstances ; if ( firstResult != null || maxResults != null ) { matchingHistoricActivityInstances = executePaginatedQuery ( query , firstResult , maxResults ) ; } else { matchingHistoricActivityInstances = query . list ( ) ; } List < HistoricActivityInstanceDto > historicActivityInstanceResults = new ArrayList < HistoricActivityInstanceDto > ( ) ; for ( HistoricActivityInstance historicActivityInstance : matchingHistoricActivityInstances ) { HistoricActivityInstanceDto resultHistoricActivityInstance = HistoricActivityInstanceDto . fromHistoricActivityInstance ( historicActivityInstance ) ; historicActivityInstanceResults . add ( resultHistoricActivityInstance ) ; } return historicActivityInstanceResults ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 , String string , int VAR_3 , int VAR_4 ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( VAR_5 . VAR_6 . VAR_7 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( string , VAR_3 , VAR_4 , VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( VAR_5 . VAR_6 . VAR_8 ) ; } |
@ Override public void initializeParsers ( final ExtensionParsingContext context ) { context . setSubsystemXmlMapping ( SUBSYSTEM_NAME , Namespace . WEBSERVICES_1_0 . getUriString ( ) , WSSubsystemLegacyReader :: new ) ; context . setSubsystemXmlMapping ( SUBSYSTEM_NAME , Namespace . WEBSERVICES_1_1 . getUriString ( ) , WSSubsystem11Reader :: new ) ; context . setSubsystemXmlMapping ( SUBSYSTEM_NAME , Namespace . WEBSERVICES_1_2 . getUriString ( ) , WSSubSystem12Reader :: new ) ; context . setSubsystemXmlMapping ( SUBSYSTEM_NAME , Namespace . WEBSERVICES_2_0 . getUriString ( ) , WSSubSystem20Reader :: new ) ; } |
public static TYPE_1 < String > METHOD_1 ( String path ) { TYPE_2 p = TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( path ) ; TYPE_1 < String > VAR_1 = new TYPE_3 < String > ( ) ; while ( p != null ) { VAR_1 . add ( p . first ( ) ) ; p = p . VAR_2 ( ) ; } return VAR_1 ; } |
protected void generateBuilderFactoryContributions ( MemberDescription description ) { if ( description . isTopElement ( ) ) { return ; } if ( description . getStandardContainers ( ) . isEmpty ( ) && description . getNoBodyContainers ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { return ; } List < String > modifiers = description . getModifiers ( ) ; if ( modifiers . size ( ) <= 1 ) { // No need to create a function with the modifier's label in the name. modifiers = Collections . singletonList ( "" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ } final boolean enableAppenders = getCodeBuilderConfig ( ) . isISourceAppendableEnable ( ) ; for ( final String modifier : modifiers ) { final String createFunctionName = "create" //$NON-NLS-1$ + Strings . toFirstUpper ( modifier ) + Strings . toFirstUpper ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; String container = null ; if ( ! description . getStandardContainers ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) { container = description . getStandardContainers ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ; } else { container = description . getNoBodyContainers ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ; } final String createContainerFunctionName = "add" //$NON-NLS-1$ + Strings . toFirstUpper ( container ) ; final TypeReference containerBuilder = description . getContainerDescription ( ) . getBuilderInterfaceType ( ) ; this . builderFactoryContributions . addContribution ( new StringConcatenationClient ( ) { @ Override protected void appendTo ( TargetStringConcatenation it ) { it . append ( "\t/** Create the factory for a " + getLanguageName ( ) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getElementType ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + "." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param name the name of the " //$NON-NLS-1$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param resourceSet the set of the resources that must be used for" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * containing the generated resource, and resolving types from names." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @return the factory." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t */" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t@" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Pure . class ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\tpublic " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getBuilderInterfaceType ( ) ) ; it . append ( " " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(String name, " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( ResourceSet . class ) ; it . append ( " resourceSet) {" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\treturn " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(name, createResource(resourceSet));" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t}" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLineIfNotEmpty ( ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t/** Create the factory for a " + getLanguageName ( ) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getElementType ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + "." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param name the name of the " //$NON-NLS-1$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param resource the resource that must be used for" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * containing the generated resource, and resolving types from names." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @return the factory." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t */" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t@" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Pure . class ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\tpublic " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getBuilderInterfaceType ( ) ) ; it . append ( " " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(String name, " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Resource . class ) ; it . append ( " resource) {" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\t" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( getScriptBuilderInterface ( ) ) ; it . append ( " scriptBuilder = createScript(getFooPackageName(), resource);" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\t" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( containerBuilder ) ; it . append ( " containerBuilder = scriptBuilder." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createContainerFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(getFooTypeName());" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\treturn containerBuilder.add" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Strings . toFirstUpper ( modifier ) ) ; it . append ( Strings . toFirstUpper ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) ; it . append ( "(name);" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t}" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLineIfNotEmpty ( ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; } } ) ; if ( enableAppenders ) { final String buildFunctionName = "build" //$NON-NLS-1$ + Strings . toFirstUpper ( modifier ) + Strings . toFirstUpper ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; final TypeReference appender = getCodeElementExtractor ( ) . getElementAppenderImpl ( description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; this . builderFactoryContributions . addContribution ( new StringConcatenationClient ( ) { @ Override protected void appendTo ( TargetStringConcatenation it ) { it . append ( "\t/** Create the appender for a " + getLanguageName ( ) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getElementType ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + "." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param name the name of the " //$NON-NLS-1$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param resourceSet the set of the resources that must be used for" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * containing the generated resource, and resolving types from names." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @return the appender." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t */" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t@" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Pure . class ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\tpublic " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( " " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( buildFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(String name, " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( ResourceSet . class ) ; it . append ( " resourceSet) {" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\t" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( " a = new " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( "(" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(name, resourceSet));" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\tgetInjector().injectMembers(a);" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\treturn a;" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t}" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLineIfNotEmpty ( ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t/** Create the appender for a " + getLanguageName ( ) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getElementType ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + "." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param name the name of the " //$NON-NLS-1$ + description . getElementDescription ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @param resource the resource that must be used for" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * containing the generated resource, and resolving types from names." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t * @return the appender." ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t */" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t@" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Pure . class ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\tpublic " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( " " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( buildFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(String name, " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( Resource . class ) ; it . append ( " resource) {" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\t" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( " a = new " ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( appender ) ; it . append ( "(" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . append ( createFunctionName ) ; it . append ( "(name, resource));" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\tgetInjector().injectMembers(a);" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t\treturn a;" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLine ( ) ; it . append ( "\t}" ) ; //$NON-NLS-1$ it . newLineIfNotEmpty ( ) ; it . newLine ( ) ; } } ) ; } } } |
public B orElse ( B other ) { B b = get ( ) ; return b != null ? b : other ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 , TYPE_1 [ ] VAR_2 ) { VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( METHOD_3 ( VAR_1 ) , VAR_2 ) ; } |
public static void METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 , String VAR_2 , TYPE_1 VAR_3 ) { int VAR_4 = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 ) ; int VAR_5 = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 ) + VAR_2 . length ( ) ; if ( VAR_4 != - 1 && VAR_5 != - 1 && VAR_5 > VAR_4 ) { VAR_3 . delete ( VAR_4 , VAR_5 ) ; } } |
void releaseConnection ( ConnectionPool pool , Cassandra . Client conn ) { if ( pool != null && conn != null ) { pool . release ( conn ) ; } } |
@ Override public ElkDataPropertyRangeAxiom getDataPropertyRangeAxiom ( ElkDataPropertyExpression property , ElkDataRange range ) { return new ElkDataPropertyRangeAxiomImpl ( property , range ) ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 < String , TYPE_2 > METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_3 VAR_1 ) { final TYPE_1 < String , TYPE_2 > data = new TYPE_4 ( ) ; data . put ( STRING_1 , METHOD_2 ( ) ) ; data . put ( "type" , METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; data . put ( STRING_2 , METHOD_4 ( ) ) ; data . put ( STRING_3 , VAR_1 ) ; data . put ( STRING_4 , VAR_2 ) ; data . put ( STRING_5 , fileName ) ; data . put ( STRING_6 , filePath ) ; return data ; } |
@ Subscribe public void undispatched ( DeadEvent e ) { if ( ! m_done . get ( ) && e . getEvent ( ) instanceof ImporterChannelAssignment ) { ImporterChannelAssignment assignment = ( ImporterChannelAssignment ) e . getEvent ( ) ; synchronized ( m_undispatched ) { NavigableSet < String > registered = m_callbacks . getReference ( ) . navigableKeySet ( ) ; NavigableSet < String > unregistered = m_unregistered . getReference ( ) ; if ( registered . contains ( assignment . getImporter ( ) ) ) { m_eb . post ( assignment ) ; } else if ( ! assignment . getAdded ( ) . isEmpty ( ) && unregistered . contains ( assignment . getImporter ( ) ) ) { LOG . warn ( "(" + m_hostId + ") disgarding assignment to unregistered importer " + assignment ) ; } else { m_undispatched . add ( assignment ) ; } } } } |
private void renderBase ( ) { if ( base != null ) { builder . append ( NL ) . append ( "@base <" + base + "> ." ) . append ( NL ) ; } } |
void writeInformationsDetails ( ) throws DocumentException , IOException { for ( final JavaInformations javaInformations : javaInformationsList ) { currentTable = createJavaInformationsTable ( ) ; writeSummary ( javaInformations ) ; writeDetails ( javaInformations ) ; addToDocument ( currentTable ) ; } } |
private void addAllJoinedColumns ( Expression e ) { HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < rangeVariables . length ; i ++ ) { rangeVariables [ i ] . addTableColumns ( list ) ; } Expression [ ] nodes = new Expression [ list . size ( ) ] ; list . toArray ( nodes ) ; e . nodes = nodes ; } |
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , TYPE_3 VAR_2 , String message ) { int [ ] VAR_3 = { 0 } ; String filename = TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_3 ) ; final TYPE_3 error = METHOD_3 ( VAR_1 , VAR_2 , VAR_4 . VAR_5 . VAR_6 , new TYPE_4 [ ] { message , filename , TYPE_5 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_3 [ 0 ] ) } ) ; return new TYPE_1 ( error , filename , VAR_3 [ 0 ] ) ; } |
private void METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > VAR_1 ; if ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) , VAR_2 . VAR_3 ) ) { VAR_1 = TYPE_3 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } else { VAR_1 = TYPE_3 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_7 ( ) . METHOD_8 ( ) ) ; } for ( TYPE_2 VAR_4 : VAR_1 ) { String state = METHOD_9 ( VAR_4 ) ; TYPE_5 item = VAR_5 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_4 ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_7 ) . setValue ( VAR_4 . METHOD_11 ( ) . replace ( STRING_1 , STRING_2 ) ) ; try { item . VAR_6 ( VAR_8 ) . setValue ( TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_12 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_13 ( ) ) ) ; } catch ( TYPE_6 . VAR_9 . data . VAR_10 . VAR_11 | TYPE_7 VAR_12 ) { TYPE_8 . error ( STRING_3 , VAR_12 ) ; } item . VAR_6 ( VAR_13 ) . setValue ( state ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_14 ) . setValue ( TYPE_9 . METHOD_14 ( TYPE_10 . get ( state ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_15 ) . setValue ( new TYPE_11 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_15 ( ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_16 ) . setValue ( new TYPE_11 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_16 ( ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_17 ) . setValue ( VAR_4 . METHOD_17 ( TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_18 ) . setValue ( TYPE_12 . METHOD_18 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_19 ( ) ) ) ; } VAR_5 . METHOD_20 ( new String [ ] { VAR_15 } , new boolean [ ] { false } ) ; TYPE_1 < TYPE_13 > VAR_19 = new TYPE_14 < TYPE_13 > ( ) ; if ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_21 ( ) ) { VAR_19 . add ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_22 ( ) ) ; } VAR_19 . METHOD_23 ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_24 ( ) ) ; for ( TYPE_13 VAR_4 : VAR_19 ) { TYPE_5 item = VAR_5 . METHOD_25 ( 0 , VAR_4 ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_7 ) . setValue ( VAR_4 . METHOD_11 ( ) . replace ( STRING_1 , STRING_2 ) ) ; if ( VAR_4 instanceof TYPE_15 ) { item . VAR_6 ( VAR_8 ) . setValue ( ( ( TYPE_15 ) VAR_4 ) . METHOD_26 ( ) . METHOD_27 ( ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_15 ) . setValue ( new TYPE_11 ( ( ( TYPE_15 ) VAR_4 ) . METHOD_15 ( ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_13 ) . setValue ( VAR_20 ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_14 ) . setValue ( TYPE_9 . METHOD_14 ( TYPE_10 . get ( VAR_20 ) ) ) ; } else { item . VAR_6 ( VAR_8 ) . setValue ( ( ( TYPE_16 ) VAR_4 ) . METHOD_26 ( ) . METHOD_27 ( ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_13 ) . setValue ( VAR_21 ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_14 ) . setValue ( TYPE_9 . METHOD_14 ( TYPE_10 . get ( VAR_21 ) ) ) ; } item . VAR_6 ( VAR_17 ) . setValue ( VAR_4 . METHOD_17 ( TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) ) ) ; item . VAR_6 ( VAR_18 ) . setValue ( TYPE_12 . METHOD_18 ( VAR_4 . METHOD_19 ( ) ) ) ; } } |
public static final void dateInFuture ( Date date , Date maxDate ) { dateInFuture ( date ) ; if ( date . after ( maxDate ) ) throw new ParameterException ( "Date too far in future" ) ; } |
void remove ( T value ) { Event < T > event = eventsByValue . remove ( value ) ; // If the event already exists somewhere else in the history then... if ( event != null ) { // make the rest of the list not reference it... if ( event . nextEvent != null ) { event . nextEvent . previousEvent = event . previousEvent ; } else { // if it was the head element then back the head reference up one node. headEvent = event . previousEvent ; } event . previousEvent . nextEvent = event . nextEvent ; // make it not reference the rest of the list. event . nextEvent = null ; event . previousEvent = null ; } } |
public static Record makeRecordFromClassName ( String className , RecordOwner recordOwner , boolean bInitRecord , boolean bErrorIfNotFound ) { Record record = null ; try { record = ( Record ) ClassServiceUtility . getClassService ( ) . makeObjectFromClassName ( className , null , bErrorIfNotFound ) ; } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { if ( className . startsWith ( "." ) ) if ( recordOwner != null ) if ( ! recordOwner . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) . startsWith ( BundleConstants . ROOT_PACKAGE ) ) { String packageName = Utility . getPackageName ( recordOwner . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) ) ; int domainEnd = packageName . indexOf ( "." ) ; if ( domainEnd != - 1 ) domainEnd = packageName . indexOf ( "." , domainEnd + 1 ) ; if ( domainEnd != - 1 ) { className = ClassServiceUtility . getFullClassName ( packageName . substring ( 0 , domainEnd ) , null , className ) ; ex = null ; try { record = ( Record ) ClassServiceUtility . getClassService ( ) . makeObjectFromClassName ( className , null , bErrorIfNotFound ) ; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { ex = e ; } } if ( ex != null ) recordOwner . getTask ( ) . setLastError ( ex . getMessage ( ) ) ; } } if ( bInitRecord ) if ( record != null ) record . init ( recordOwner ) ; return record ; } |
@ Override public void setComponent ( Component component ) { super . setComponent ( component ) ; if ( component != null ) { component . setPosition ( TerminalPosition . TOP_LEFT_CORNER ) ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 protected void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 event ) { TYPE_2 VAR_1 = METHOD_2 ( event ) ; if ( VAR_2 ) { VAR_3 . out . METHOD_3 ( STRING_1 + VAR_1 ) ; } METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 , VAR_4 . VAR_5 | VAR_4 . VAR_6 ) ; VAR_1 = METHOD_5 ( ) ; if ( VAR_1 != null ) { METHOD_6 ( VAR_1 , VAR_4 . VAR_7 , event ) ; } } |
public void setUVs ( float u , float v , float U , float V ) { minU = u ; minV = v ; maxU = U ; maxV = V ; } |
public void visit ( final String name , final Object value ) { ++ size ; if ( named ) { bv . putShort ( cw . newUTF8 ( name ) ) ; } if ( value instanceof String ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newUTF8 ( ( String ) value ) ) ; } else if ( value instanceof Byte ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( ( ( Byte ) value ) . byteValue ( ) ) . index ) ; } else if ( value instanceof Boolean ) { int v = ( ( Boolean ) value ) . booleanValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ; bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( v ) . index ) ; } else if ( value instanceof Character ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( ( ( Character ) value ) . charValue ( ) ) . index ) ; } else if ( value instanceof Short ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( ( ( Short ) value ) . shortValue ( ) ) . index ) ; } else if ( value instanceof Type ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newUTF8 ( ( ( Type ) value ) . getDescriptor ( ) ) ) ; } else if ( value instanceof byte [ ] ) { byte [ ] v = ( byte [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof boolean [ ] ) { boolean [ ] v = ( boolean [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' Z ' , cw . newInteger ( v [ i ] ? 1 : 0 ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof short [ ] ) { short [ ] v = ( short [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' S ' , cw . newInteger ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof char [ ] ) { char [ ] v = ( char [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newInteger ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof int [ ] ) { int [ ] v = ( int [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' I ' , cw . newInteger ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof long [ ] ) { long [ ] v = ( long [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' J ' , cw . newLong ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof float [ ] ) { float [ ] v = ( float [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newFloat ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else if ( value instanceof double [ ] ) { double [ ] v = ( double [ ] ) value ; bv . put12 ( ' [ ' , v . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ; i ++ ) { bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newDouble ( v [ i ] ) . index ) ; } } else { Item i = cw . newConstItem ( value ) ; bv . put12 ( ".s.IFJDCS" . charAt ( i . type ) , i . index ) ; } } public void visitEnum ( final String name , final String desc , final String value ) { ++ size ; if ( named ) { bv . putShort ( cw . newUTF8 ( name ) ) ; } bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newUTF8 ( desc ) ) . putShort ( cw . newUTF8 ( value ) ) ; } public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation ( final String name , final String desc ) { ++ size ; if ( named ) { bv . putShort ( cw . newUTF8 ( name ) ) ; } // write tag and type, and reserve space for values count bv . put12 ( ' ' , cw . newUTF8 ( desc ) ) . putShort ( 0 ) ; return new AnnotationWriter ( cw , true , bv , bv , bv . length - 2 ) ; } public AnnotationVisitor visitArray ( final String name ) { ++ size ; if ( named ) { bv . putShort ( cw . newUTF8 ( name ) ) ; } // write tag, and reserve space for array size bv . put12 ( ' ' , 0 ) ; return new AnnotationWriter ( cw , false , bv , bv , bv . length - 2 ) ; } public void visitEnd ( ) { if ( parent != null ) { byte [ ] data = parent . data ; data [ offset ] = ( byte ) ( size >>> 8 ) ; data [ offset + 1 ] = ( byte ) size ; } } |
@ Override public EClass getIfcExternalSpatialStructureElement ( ) { if ( ifcExternalSpatialStructureElementEClass == null ) { ifcExternalSpatialStructureElementEClass = ( EClass ) EPackage . Registry . INSTANCE . getEPackage ( Ifc4Package . eNS_URI ) . getEClassifiers ( ) . get ( 247 ) ; } return ifcExternalSpatialStructureElementEClass ; } |
public static Response put ( String uriString , String body , ContentType contentType ) throws URISyntaxException , HttpException { return putBody ( new HttpPut ( uriString ) , body , contentType , null , null ) ; } |
public String METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { if ( METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) && VAR_1 != null ) { TYPE_2 . VAR_2 . node . VAR_3 VAR_4 = TYPE_3 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 ) ; if ( VAR_4 != null ) { TYPE_4 VAR_5 = info . VAR_6 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( VAR_4 ) ; if ( VAR_5 != null ) { return String . format ( "\n" , VAR_5 . METHOD_6 ( ) . getName ( ) , VAR_5 . METHOD_7 ( ) , VAR_5 . METHOD_8 ( ) ) ; } } } return STRING_1 ; } |
ANNOTATION_1 ( "unchecked" ) public void METHOD_1 ( String field , TYPE_1 < String > errors ) { TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( field , STRING_1 ) ; TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( errors , STRING_1 ) ; TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 < String > > VAR_1 = ( TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 < String > > ) this . result . get ( VAR_2 ) ; if ( VAR_1 == null ) { VAR_1 = new TYPE_4 < > ( ) ; METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 , VAR_1 ) ; } TYPE_1 < String > VAR_3 = VAR_1 . get ( field ) ; if ( VAR_3 == null ) { VAR_3 = new TYPE_5 < > ( ) ; VAR_1 . put ( field , VAR_3 ) ; } VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( errors ) ; METHOD_3 ( VAR_4 , VAR_5 . VAR_6 ) ; } |
public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( String name , TYPE_1 ... VAR_1 ) { METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 , true , VAR_1 ) ; TYPE_1 VAR_2 = f ( ) . METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; return METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 , name ) ; } |
@ Override public void jobWasExecuted ( JobExecutionContext context , JobExecutionException jobException ) { final String message ; final String stacktrace ; if ( jobException == null ) { message = null ; stacktrace = null ; } else { message = jobException . getMessage ( ) ; StringWriter stackTraceWriter = new StringWriter ( 200 ) ; jobException . printStackTrace ( new PrintWriter ( stackTraceWriter ) ) ; stacktrace = stackTraceWriter . toString ( ) ; } JobStatsContext statsContext = statsContextThreadLocal . get ( ) ; statsContextThreadLocal . remove ( ) ; if ( statsContext != null ) { addExecution ( statsContext , message , stacktrace ) ; } } |
private CmsLock getParentLock ( final String absoluteResourcename ) { CmsLock parentFolderLock = getParentFolderLock ( absoluteResourcename ) ; if ( ! parentFolderLock . isNullLock ( ) ) { return parentFolderLock ; } return CmsLock . getNullLock ( ) ; } |
private void replaceEarlyOpenedFile ( SSTableReader toReplace , SSTableReader replaceWith ) { if ( isOffline ) return ; Set < SSTableReader > toReplaceSet ; if ( toReplace != null ) { toReplace . setReplacedBy ( replaceWith ) ; toReplaceSet = Collections . singleton ( toReplace ) ; } else { dataTracker . markCompacting ( Collections . singleton ( replaceWith ) , true , isOffline ) ; toReplaceSet = Collections . emptySet ( ) ; } dataTracker . replaceEarlyOpenedFiles ( toReplaceSet , Collections . singleton ( replaceWith ) ) ; } |
public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( final String VAR_1 , final TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) { return METHOD_2 ( METHOD_3 ( VAR_1 , VAR_2 ) . METHOD_4 ( String . VAR_3 ) , new TYPE_3 < TYPE_4 < TYPE_1 > > ( ) { } ) . get ( 0 ) ; } |
public void writeChar ( char value ) throws KryoException { require ( 2 ) ; unsafe . putChar ( buffer , byteArrayBaseOffset + position , value ) ; position += 2 ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { for ( TYPE_2 < TYPE_3 , TYPE_4 > VAR_2 : VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) { VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) . toString ( VAR_2 . getValue ( ) , VAR_4 ) ) ; } } |
@ RequestMapping ( value = "/authorized" , method = RequestMethod . POST , produces = "application/json" ) @ ResponseBody public HttpEntity < Authorized > authorized ( HttpSession session ) throws AuthManager . AuthException { Authorized authorized = new Authorized ( ) ; try { authorized . authorized = authManager . isAuthorized ( ) ; } catch ( AuthManager . AuthException e ) { authorized . authorized = false ; } if ( ! authorized . authorized ) { session . invalidate ( ) ; } return new ResponseEntity <> ( authorized , HttpStatus . OK ) ; } |
@ Override public void serialize ( DateTime value , JsonGenerator jgen , SerializerProvider provider ) throws IOException { if ( provider . isEnabled ( SerializationFeature . WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS ) ) { jgen . writeNumber ( value . getMillis ( ) ) ; } else { value = value . withZone ( DateTimeZone . UTC ) ; jgen . writeString ( value . toString ( ISODateTimeFormat . dateTime ( ) ) ) ; } } |
ANNOTATION_1 ANNOTATION_2 ( { TYPE_1 . class , TYPE_2 . class } ) public static void METHOD_1 ( final boolean VAR_1 , ANNOTATION_3 final String value ) { if ( VAR_1 ) { TYPE_3 . METHOD_1 ( value ) ; } } |
private PDRectangle writeProjectInformation ( final float pageWidth , final float startingHeight , final ReportData reportData ) throws IOException { final float height = startingHeight - 18 ; PDRectangle rectangle = pdfManager . writeWrappedLink ( 5 , height , 280 , reportData . getProjectName ( ) , reportData . getProjectURL ( ) , PDFBoxManager . DEFAULT_FONT , 18 ) ; final String dash = " - " ; rectangle = pdfManager . writeText ( 5 + rectangle . getUpperRightX ( ) , height , dash , PDFBoxManager . DEFAULT_FONT , 18 , Color . BLACK ) ; rectangle = pdfManager . writeWrappedLink ( 5 + rectangle . getUpperRightX ( ) , height , 280 - rectangle . getWidth ( ) , reportData . getProjectVersion ( ) , reportData . getProjectVersionURL ( ) , PDFBoxManager . DEFAULT_FONT , 18 ) ; final String projectAttributesString = "Phase: " + reportData . getPhase ( ) + " | Distribution: " + reportData . getDistribution ( ) ; rectangle = pdfManager . writeWrappedText ( 5 , rectangle . getLowerLeftY ( ) - 18 , 300 , projectAttributesString ) ; logger . trace ( "Finished writing the project information." ) ; return rectangle ; } |
public void deleteDirectory ( SrvSession session , TreeConnection connection , String path ) throws IOException { deleteFile ( session , connection , path ) ; } |
public boolean isSwipeClose ( ) { String v = getAttribute ( "data-swipe-close" ) ; return ( v == null || v . isEmpty ( ) || "true" . equals ( v ) ) ; } |
public void getAllChildren ( List < AbstractImageGraphicsItem > outputList ) { outputList . addAll ( children ) ; for ( AbstractImageGraphicsItem child : children ) { child . getAllChildren ( outputList ) ; } } |
@ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) public < T > T assemble ( T component ) { Preconditions . checkArgument ( component != null , "Parameter 'component' must not be [" + component + "]" ) ; Descriptor < T > descriptor = new Descriptor < T > ( ( Class < T > ) component . getClass ( ) ) ; return new Assembler < T > ( this , descriptor , component ) . assemble ( ) ; } |
private void load ( final ScrollableFixture fixture , Mode mode ) { execute ( mode , new Executable ( ) { @ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) @ Override public void execute ( ) { deleteEntitiesOfClass ( CleanableFixtureProxy . get ( fixture ) . getClassesToDeleteIterator ( ) ) ; saveEntities ( fixture ) ; } } ) ; } |
public double METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 < ? extends TYPE_3 > VAR_2 , TYPE_4 < ? > c ) { TYPE_5 < ? extends TYPE_6 < ? > > VAR_3 = c . VAR_4 ( ) ; int VAR_5 = 0 , VAR_6 = 0 ; for ( TYPE_6 < ? > VAR_7 : VAR_3 ) { if ( ( VAR_7 . size ( ) <= 1 || VAR_7 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) ) { switch ( VAR_8 ) { case VAR_9 : VAR_5 += VAR_7 . size ( ) ; continue ; case VAR_10 : continue ; case VAR_11 : break ; } } VAR_6 += ( VAR_7 . size ( ) * ( VAR_7 . size ( ) - 1 ) ) > > > 1 ; if ( VAR_6 < 0 ) { throw new TYPE_7 ( STRING_1 ) ; } } double [ ] VAR_12 = METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 , VAR_3 , VAR_6 ) ; int [ ] VAR_13 = new int [ VAR_12 . length ] ; METHOD_4 ( VAR_12 , VAR_13 ) ; long VAR_14 = 0 , VAR_15 = 0 , VAR_16 = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < VAR_3 . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { TYPE_6 < ? > VAR_17 = VAR_3 . get ( i ) ; if ( ( VAR_17 . size ( ) <= 1 || VAR_17 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) && VAR_8 . equals ( VAR_18 . VAR_9 ) ) { continue ; } for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < VAR_3 . size ( ) ; j ++ ) { TYPE_6 < ? > VAR_19 = VAR_3 . get ( j ) ; if ( ( VAR_19 . size ( ) <= 1 || VAR_19 . METHOD_2 ( ) ) && VAR_8 . equals ( VAR_18 . VAR_9 ) ) { continue ; } VAR_16 += VAR_17 . size ( ) * ( long ) VAR_19 . size ( ) ; for ( TYPE_8 VAR_20 = VAR_17 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; VAR_20 . METHOD_7 ( ) ; VAR_20 . METHOD_8 ( ) ) { TYPE_3 obj = VAR_2 . get ( VAR_20 ) ; for ( TYPE_8 VAR_21 = VAR_19 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; VAR_21 . METHOD_7 ( ) ; VAR_21 . METHOD_8 ( ) ) { double VAR_22 = VAR_23 . METHOD_9 ( obj , VAR_2 . get ( VAR_21 ) ) ; int p = TYPE_9 . METHOD_10 ( VAR_12 , VAR_22 ) ; if ( p >= 0 ) { while ( p > 0 && VAR_12 [ p - 1 ] >= VAR_22 ) { -- p ; } VAR_14 += p ; VAR_15 += VAR_12 . length - p - VAR_13 [ p ] ; continue ; } p = - p - 1 ; VAR_14 += p ; VAR_15 += VAR_12 . length - p ; } } } } final long t = ( ( VAR_2 . size ( ) - VAR_5 ) * ( long ) ( VAR_2 . size ( ) - VAR_5 - 1 ) ) > > > 1 ; final long VAR_24 = ( t * ( t - 1 ) ) > > > 1 ; double VAR_25 = ( VAR_14 - VAR_15 ) / ( double ) ( VAR_14 + VAR_15 ) ; double VAR_26 = METHOD_11 ( VAR_14 , VAR_15 , VAR_24 , VAR_12 . length , VAR_16 ) ; VAR_25 = VAR_25 > FLOAT_1 ? VAR_25 : FLOAT_1 ; VAR_26 = VAR_26 > FLOAT_1 ? VAR_26 : FLOAT_1 ; if ( TYPE_10 . METHOD_12 ( ) ) { TYPE_10 . METHOD_13 ( new TYPE_11 ( key + STRING_2 , VAR_8 . toString ( ) ) ) ; if ( VAR_5 > 0 ) { TYPE_10 . METHOD_13 ( new TYPE_12 ( key + STRING_3 , VAR_5 ) ) ; } TYPE_10 . METHOD_13 ( new TYPE_13 ( key + STRING_4 , VAR_25 ) ) ; TYPE_10 . METHOD_13 ( new TYPE_13 ( key + STRING_5 , VAR_26 ) ) ; } TYPE_14 VAR_27 = TYPE_14 . METHOD_14 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_15 ( ) , c , STRING_6 , STRING_7 ) ; TYPE_15 VAR_28 = VAR_27 . METHOD_16 ( STRING_8 ) ; VAR_28 . METHOD_17 ( STRING_9 , VAR_25 , - FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_1 , false ) ; VAR_28 . METHOD_17 ( STRING_10 , VAR_26 , - FLOAT_2 , + FLOAT_2 , FLOAT_1 , false ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_15 ( ) . METHOD_18 ( VAR_27 ) ; return VAR_25 ; } |
public static ShutdownService getShutdownService ( boolean isGaeAvailable ) { if ( ! isGaeAvailable ) { return DefaultShutdownService . INSTANCE ; } try { String classname = "org.rythmengine.GaeShutdownService" ; Class clazz = Class . forName ( classname ) ; Object [ ] oa = clazz . getEnumConstants ( ) ; ShutdownService result = ( ShutdownService ) oa [ 0 ] ; return result ; } catch ( Throwable t ) { // Nothing to do } return DefaultShutdownService . INSTANCE ; } |
boolean tryFollowDefaultInvisibleChoice ( ) throws Exception { List < Choice > allChoices = state . getCurrentChoices ( ) ; // Is a default invisible choice the ONLY choice? // var invisibleChoices = allChoices.Where (c => // c.choicePoint.isInvisibleDefault).ToList(); ArrayList < Choice > invisibleChoices = new ArrayList < Choice > ( ) ; for ( Choice c : allChoices ) { if ( c . isInvisibleDefault ) { invisibleChoices . add ( c ) ; } } if ( invisibleChoices . size ( ) == 0 || allChoices . size ( ) > invisibleChoices . size ( ) ) return false ; Choice choice = invisibleChoices . get ( 0 ) ; choosePath ( choice . targetPath , false ) ; return true ; } |
private Collector createCollector ( String collectorName ) { CollectorRequest collectorReq = new CollectorRequest ( ) ; collectorReq . setName ( collectorName ) ; //for now hardcode it. collectorReq . setCollectorType ( CollectorType . AppPerformance ) ; Collector col = collectorReq . toCollector ( ) ; col . setEnabled ( true ) ; col . setOnline ( true ) ; col . setLastExecuted ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ; return collectorService . createCollector ( col ) ; } |
public static String exportDictionary ( String name , String data ) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ( ) ; sb . append ( "<meta name=\"" ) . append ( name ) . append ( "\" content=\"" ) . append ( data ) . append ( "\" />" ) ; return sb . toString ( ) ; } |
@ Override public ATUser checkIfPasswordExpired ( ATUser user ) { if ( null != user . getPasswordDate ( ) && null != properties . getUsers ( ) . getMaxPasswordAgePeriod ( ) ) { Period maxLifeTimePeriod = properties . getUsers ( ) . getMaxPasswordAgePeriod ( ) ; LocalDateTime maxDate = user . getPasswordDate ( ) . plus ( maxLifeTimePeriod ) ; if ( LocalDateTime . now ( ) . isAfter ( maxDate ) ) { user = setUserExpired ( user , true ) ; } } return user ; } |
public final byte [ ] getMessageContentAsByte ( ) throws StorageException { if ( Utility . isNullOrEmpty ( this . messageContent ) ) { return new byte [ 0 ] ; } if ( this . messageType == QueueMessageType . RAW_STRING ) { try { return this . messageContent . getBytes ( Constants . UTF8_CHARSET ) ; } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { throw Utility . generateNewUnexpectedStorageException ( e ) ; } } else { return Base64 . decode ( this . messageContent ) ; } } |
public void visitProvide ( final String service , final String ... providers ) { if ( mv != null ) { mv . visitProvide ( service , providers ) ; } } |
int parse ( final IntBuffer buff , final int start ) { int pos = start ; // read for Dacl byte [ ] bytes = NumberFacility . getBytes ( buff . get ( pos ) ) ; revision = AclRevision . parseValue ( bytes [ 0 ] ) ; pos ++ ; bytes = NumberFacility . getBytes ( buff . get ( pos ) ) ; final int aceCount = NumberFacility . getInt ( bytes [ 1 ] , bytes [ 0 ] ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < aceCount ; i ++ ) { pos ++ ; final ACE ace = new ACE ( ) ; aces . add ( ace ) ; pos = ace . parse ( buff , pos ) ; } return pos ; } |
@ Override public DeleteDeploymentResult deleteDeployment ( DeleteDeploymentRequest request ) { request = beforeClientExecution ( request ) ; return executeDeleteDeployment ( request ) ; } |
public int getMaxFieldSize ( ) throws SQLException { int result = 0 ; checkClosed ( ) ; try { result = this . internalStatement . getMaxFieldSize ( ) ; } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw this . connectionHandle . markPossiblyBroken ( e ) ; } return result ; } |
private boolean isAvailable ( BaseDestinationHandler destinationHandler , DestinationAvailability destinationAvailability ) { if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . entry ( tc , "isAvailable" , new Object [ ] { destinationHandler , destinationAvailability } ) ; boolean sendAvailable = false ; boolean receiveAvailable = false ; if ( destinationAvailability == DestinationAvailability . SEND || destinationAvailability == DestinationAvailability . SEND_AND_RECEIVE ) { // Destination must be a non-mediated destination with a local queue point if ( destinationHandler . hasLocal ( ) ) { sendAvailable = true ; } if ( sendAvailable ) { if ( ( destinationHandler . definition . isSendAllowed ( ) ) && ( isLocalizationAvailable ( destinationHandler , destinationAvailability ) ) ) { sendAvailable = true ; } else { sendAvailable = false ; } } } if ( destinationAvailability == DestinationAvailability . RECEIVE || destinationAvailability == DestinationAvailability . SEND_AND_RECEIVE ) { // Destination must have a queue point on the ME to which the connection is connected if ( destinationHandler . hasLocal ( ) ) { receiveAvailable = true ; } if ( receiveAvailable ) { if ( ( destinationHandler . definition . isReceiveAllowed ( ) ) && ( isLocalizationAvailable ( destinationHandler , destinationAvailability ) ) ) { receiveAvailable = true ; } else { receiveAvailable = false ; } } } if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . exit ( tc , "isAvailable" , new Object [ ] { new Boolean ( sendAvailable || receiveAvailable ) } ) ; return ( sendAvailable || receiveAvailable ) ; } |
Subsets and Splits