stringlengths 63
public void appendTo ( Appendable out , DependencyInfo info , File content , Charset contentCharset ) throws IOException { appendTo ( out , info , Files . asCharSource ( content , contentCharset ) ) ; } |
public GroupVersion unmarshall ( JsonUnmarshallerContext context ) throws Exception { GroupVersion groupVersion = new GroupVersion ( ) ; int originalDepth = context . getCurrentDepth ( ) ; String currentParentElement = context . getCurrentParentElement ( ) ; int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1 ; JsonToken token = context . getCurrentToken ( ) ; if ( token == null ) token = context . nextToken ( ) ; if ( token == VALUE_NULL ) { return null ; } while ( true ) { if ( token == null ) break ; if ( token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT ) { if ( context . testExpression ( "ConnectorDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setConnectorDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "CoreDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setCoreDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "DeviceDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setDeviceDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "FunctionDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setFunctionDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "LoggerDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setLoggerDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "ResourceDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setResourceDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } if ( context . testExpression ( "SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn" , targetDepth ) ) { context . nextToken ( ) ; groupVersion . setSubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn ( context . getUnmarshaller ( String . class ) . unmarshall ( context ) ) ; } } else if ( token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT ) { if ( context . getLastParsedParentElement ( ) == null || context . getLastParsedParentElement ( ) . equals ( currentParentElement ) ) { if ( context . getCurrentDepth ( ) <= originalDepth ) break ; } } token = context . nextToken ( ) ; } return groupVersion ; } |
private void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 msg ) throws TYPE_2 { open ( ) ; METHOD_2 ( msg ) ; METHOD_3 ( msg ) ; long startTime = TYPE_3 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; double VAR_1 = VAR_2 . METHOD_5 ( ) / ( ( ( VAR_2 . METHOD_6 ( ) == 0 ) ? INT_1 : VAR_2 . METHOD_6 ( ) ) + ( ( VAR_2 . METHOD_7 ( ) == 0 ) ? 1 : VAR_2 . METHOD_7 ( ) ) + ( ( VAR_2 . METHOD_8 ( ) == VAR_3 . VAR_4 ) ? 0 : 1 ) ) ; double VAR_5 = FLOAT_1 * msg . VAR_6 ( ) / VAR_1 ; double VAR_7 = TYPE_4 . METHOD_9 ( VAR_5 / INT_2 ) ; double VAR_8 = VAR_5 % INT_2 ; try { if ( VAR_7 == 0.0 ) { int VAR_9 = TYPE_5 . METHOD_10 ( ) . METHOD_11 ( ) ; TYPE_5 . METHOD_10 ( ) . METHOD_12 ( TYPE_5 . VAR_10 ) ; long end = startTime + ( ( int ) ( VAR_8 * FLOAT_2 ) ) ; while ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_4 ( ) < end ) { } TYPE_5 . METHOD_10 ( ) . METHOD_12 ( VAR_9 ) ; } else { TYPE_5 . METHOD_13 ( ( int ) ( VAR_7 * FLOAT_3 ) , ( int ) VAR_8 ) ; } } catch ( TYPE_6 VAR_11 ) { VAR_12 . METHOD_14 ( STRING_1 ) ; } METHOD_15 ( msg ) ; } |
public Request < DescribeEndpointTypesRequest > marshall ( DescribeEndpointTypesRequest describeEndpointTypesRequest ) { if ( describeEndpointTypesRequest == null ) { throw new SdkClientException ( "Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)" ) ; } try { final ProtocolRequestMarshaller < DescribeEndpointTypesRequest > protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory . createProtocolMarshaller ( SDK_OPERATION_BINDING , describeEndpointTypesRequest ) ; protocolMarshaller . startMarshalling ( ) ; DescribeEndpointTypesRequestMarshaller . getInstance ( ) . marshall ( describeEndpointTypesRequest , protocolMarshaller ) ; return protocolMarshaller . finishMarshalling ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new SdkClientException ( "Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } } |
@ Implementation protected static void addPeriodicSync ( Account account , String authority , Bundle extras , long pollFrequency ) { validateSyncExtrasBundle ( extras ) ; removePeriodicSync ( account , authority , extras ) ; getStatus ( account , authority , true ) . syncs . add ( new PeriodicSync ( account , authority , extras , pollFrequency ) ) ; } |
public void putAll ( Map map ) { for ( Iterator i = map . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ; i . hasNext ( ) ; ) { Map . Entry entry = ( Map . Entry ) i . next ( ) ; set ( entry . getKey ( ) . toString ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) ) ; } } |
protected void modifyUserAttributes ( final User user , final Supplier < Hashtable < String , String > > adminEnv , final String userDN , final List < SearchResult > result ) { final List < ModificationItem > modifyList = new ArrayList <> ( ) ; if ( user . getOriginalPassword ( ) != null ) { modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , "userPassword" , user . getOriginalPassword ( ) ) ; } final String attrSurname = fessConfig . getLdapAttrSurname ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getSurname ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrSurname , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrSurname ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrSurname , v ) ) ) ; final String attrGivenName = fessConfig . getLdapAttrGivenName ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getGivenName ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrGivenName , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrGivenName ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrGivenName , v ) ) ) ; final String attrMail = fessConfig . getLdapAttrMail ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getMail ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrMail , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrMail ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrMail , v ) ) ) ; final String attrEmployeeNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrEmployeeNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getEmployeeNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrEmployeeNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrEmployeeNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrEmployeeNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrTelephoneNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrTelephoneNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getTelephoneNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrTelephoneNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrTelephoneNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrTelephoneNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrHomePhone = fessConfig . getLdapAttrHomePhone ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getHomePhone ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrHomePhone , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrHomePhone ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrHomePhone , v ) ) ) ; final String attrHomePostalAddress = fessConfig . getLdapAttrHomePostalAddress ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getHomePostalAddress ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrHomePostalAddress , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrHomePostalAddress ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrHomePostalAddress , v ) ) ) ; final String attrLabeledURI = fessConfig . getLdapAttrLabeleduri ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getLabeledURI ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrLabeledURI , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrLabeledURI ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrLabeledURI , v ) ) ) ; final String attrRoomNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrRoomNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getRoomNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrRoomNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrRoomNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrRoomNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrDescription = fessConfig . getLdapAttrDescription ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getDescription ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrDescription , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrDescription ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrDescription , v ) ) ) ; final String attrTitle = fessConfig . getLdapAttrTitle ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getTitle ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrTitle , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrTitle ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrTitle , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPager = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPager ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPager ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPager , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPager ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPager , v ) ) ) ; final String attrStreet = fessConfig . getLdapAttrStreet ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getStreet ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrStreet , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrStreet ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrStreet , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPostalCode = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPostalCode ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPostalCode ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPostalCode , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPostalCode ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPostalCode , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName , v ) ) ) ; final String attrDestinationIndicator = fessConfig . getLdapAttrDestinationIndicator ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getDestinationIndicator ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrDestinationIndicator , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrDestinationIndicator ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrDestinationIndicator , v ) ) ) ; final String attrInternationaliSDNNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrInternationalisdnNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getInternationaliSDNNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrInternationaliSDNNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrInternationaliSDNNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrInternationaliSDNNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrState = fessConfig . getLdapAttrState ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getState ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrState , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrState ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrState , v ) ) ) ; final String attrEmployeeType = fessConfig . getLdapAttrEmployeeType ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getEmployeeType ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrEmployeeType , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrEmployeeType ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrEmployeeType , v ) ) ) ; final String attrFacsimileTelephoneNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrFacsimileTelephoneNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getFacsimileTelephoneNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrFacsimileTelephoneNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrFacsimileTelephoneNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrFacsimileTelephoneNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPostOfficeBox = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPostOfficeBox ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPostOfficeBox ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPostOfficeBox , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPostOfficeBox ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPostOfficeBox , v ) ) ) ; final String attrInitials = fessConfig . getLdapAttrInitials ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getInitials ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrInitials , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrInitials ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrInitials , v ) ) ) ; final String attrCarLicense = fessConfig . getLdapAttrCarLicense ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getCarLicense ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrCarLicense , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrCarLicense ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrCarLicense , v ) ) ) ; final String attrMobile = fessConfig . getLdapAttrMobile ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getMobile ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrMobile , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrMobile ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrMobile , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPostalAddress = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPostalAddress ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPostalAddress ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPostalAddress , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPostalAddress ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPostalAddress , v ) ) ) ; final String attrCity = fessConfig . getLdapAttrCity ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getCity ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrCity , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrCity ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrCity , v ) ) ) ; final String attrTeletexTerminalIdentifier = fessConfig . getLdapAttrTeletexTerminalIdentifier ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getTeletexTerminalIdentifier ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrTeletexTerminalIdentifier , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrTeletexTerminalIdentifier ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrTeletexTerminalIdentifier , v ) ) ) ; final String attrX121Address = fessConfig . getLdapAttrX121Address ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getX121Address ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrX121Address , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrX121Address ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrX121Address , v ) ) ) ; final String attrBusinessCategory = fessConfig . getLdapAttrBusinessCategory ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getBusinessCategory ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrBusinessCategory , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrBusinessCategory ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrBusinessCategory , v ) ) ) ; final String attrRegisteredAddress = fessConfig . getLdapAttrRegisteredAddress ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getRegisteredAddress ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrRegisteredAddress , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrRegisteredAddress ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrRegisteredAddress , v ) ) ) ; final String attrDisplayName = fessConfig . getLdapAttrDisplayName ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getDisplayName ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrDisplayName , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrDisplayName ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrDisplayName , v ) ) ) ; final String attrPreferredLanguage = fessConfig . getLdapAttrPreferredLanguage ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getPreferredLanguage ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrPreferredLanguage , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrPreferredLanguage ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrPreferredLanguage , v ) ) ) ; final String attrDepartmentNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrDepartmentNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getDepartmentNumber ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrDepartmentNumber , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrDepartmentNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrDepartmentNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrUidNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrUidNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getUidNumber ( ) ) . filter ( s -> StringUtil . isNotBlank ( s . toString ( ) ) ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrUidNumber , s . toString ( ) ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrUidNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrUidNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrGidNumber = fessConfig . getLdapAttrGidNumber ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getGidNumber ( ) ) . filter ( s -> StringUtil . isNotBlank ( s . toString ( ) ) ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrGidNumber , s . toString ( ) ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrGidNumber ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrGidNumber , v ) ) ) ; final String attrHomeDirectory = fessConfig . getLdapAttrHomeDirectory ( ) ; OptionalUtil . ofNullable ( user . getHomeDirectory ( ) ) . filter ( StringUtil :: isNotBlank ) . ifPresent ( s -> modifyReplaceEntry ( modifyList , attrHomeDirectory , s ) ) . orElse ( ( ) -> getAttributeValueList ( result , attrHomeDirectory ) . stream ( ) . forEach ( v -> modifyDeleteEntry ( modifyList , attrHomeDirectory , v ) ) ) ; modify ( userDN , modifyList , adminEnv ) ; } |
@ Override public < U > ThrowingStream < U , X > mapToObj ( ThrowingDoubleFunction < ? extends U , ? extends X > mapper ) { DoubleFunction < ? extends U > f = getExceptionMasker ( ) . mask ( mapper ) ; return ThrowingBridge . of ( getDelegate ( ) . mapToObj ( f ) , getExceptionMasker ( ) ) ; } |
public void flickInsideWithOptions ( int touchCount , UIAPoint startOffset , UIAPoint endOffset ) { WebDriverLikeRequest request = buildRequest ( WebDriverLikeCommand . FLICK_INSIDE_WITH_OPTIONS , ImmutableMap . of ( "touchCount" , touchCount , "xstart" , startOffset . getX ( ) , "ystart" , startOffset . getY ( ) , "xend" , endOffset . getX ( ) , "yend" , endOffset . getY ( ) ) ) ; commandExecutor . execute ( request ) ; } |
static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( final String VAR_1 , final TYPE_2 < String , TYPE_1 > VAR_2 ) { TYPE_1 VAR_3 = VAR_2 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; if ( VAR_3 != null ) { return VAR_3 ; } VAR_2 . put ( VAR_1 , VAR_3 = new TYPE_1 ( VAR_1 ) ) ; if ( ! VAR_1 . isEmpty ( ) ) { final TYPE_1 VAR_4 = METHOD_1 ( METHOD_2 ( VAR_3 . name ) , VAR_2 ) ; if ( VAR_4 != null ) { if ( VAR_4 . VAR_5 == null ) { VAR_4 . VAR_5 = new TYPE_3 < > ( ) ; } VAR_4 . VAR_5 . add ( VAR_3 ) ; VAR_3 . VAR_6 = VAR_4 ; } } return VAR_3 ; } |
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , String VAR_2 ) { TYPE_3 VAR_3 = new TYPE_3 ( ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_4 = new TYPE_4 ( VAR_3 ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_2 ( TYPE_4 . VAR_5 ) ; VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_1 ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_6 = ( TYPE_5 ) VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_2 ) ; if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_5 ( ) == null ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_6 ( new TYPE_6 ( VAR_3 ) ) ; } return VAR_6 ; } |
public static void METHOD_1 ( boolean VAR_1 , String VAR_2 , TYPE_1 ... params ) throws TYPE_2 { if ( VAR_1 ) { throw new TYPE_2 ( TYPE_3 . format ( VAR_2 , params ) ) ; } } |
protected void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_3 { TYPE_4 VAR_3 = VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; String filePath = VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( filePath ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_3 ) ; } |
public static String METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 file ) { try ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 = new TYPE_3 ( file ) ) { return METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_2 ) { return TYPE_5 . handle ( String . VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ; } } |
@ Override public void save ( FluoConfiguration fluoConf ) { SimpleConfiguration appConfig = fluoConf . getAppConfiguration ( ) ; // TODO Auto-generated method stub appConfig . setProperty ( PREFIX + id + ".instance" , instance ) ; appConfig . setProperty ( PREFIX + id + ".zookeepers" , zookeepers ) ; appConfig . setProperty ( PREFIX + id + ".user" , user ) ; appConfig . setProperty ( PREFIX + id + ".password" , password ) ; appConfig . setProperty ( PREFIX + id + ".table" , table ) ; } |
public static boolean isSubjectValid ( Subject subject ) { if ( jwtSSOTokenProxyRef . getService ( ) != null ) { return jwtSSOTokenProxyRef . getService ( ) . isSubjectValid ( subject ) ; } return false ; } |
public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 < String > keys , TYPE_3 < String , String > args , TYPE_4 out , int offset ) throws TYPE_5 { TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_6 > > VAR_2 = new TYPE_7 < > ( ) ; TYPE_2 < String > VAR_3 = new TYPE_8 < > ( ) ; if ( args . VAR_4 ( STRING_1 ) ) { TYPE_9 < String > VAR_5 = TYPE_10 . METHOD_2 ( STRING_2 ) . METHOD_3 ( ) . split ( args . get ( STRING_1 ) ) ; for ( String VAR_6 : VAR_5 ) { VAR_3 . add ( VAR_6 ) ; } } int counter = 0 ; for ( TYPE_11 VAR_7 : VAR_1 ) { TYPE_12 < TYPE_13 > VAR_8 = VAR_7 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( ) ; counter ++ ; out . append ( ( counter + offset ) + STRING_3 ) ; TYPE_2 < TYPE_14 > VAR_9 = VAR_7 . METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; for ( TYPE_14 VAR_10 : VAR_9 ) { TYPE_13 VAR_11 = VAR_10 . getId ( ) ; if ( VAR_8 . contains ( VAR_11 ) ) { out . append ( STRING_4 ) ; out . append ( VAR_10 . METHOD_7 ( ) ) ; out . append ( STRING_5 ) ; } else { out . append ( VAR_10 . METHOD_7 ( ) ) ; } out . append ( STRING_6 ) ; } out . append ( "\n" ) ; if ( ! VAR_3 . isEmpty ( ) ) { String [ ] path = VAR_7 . METHOD_8 ( ) ; METHOD_9 ( out , VAR_3 , path [ path . length - 1 ] , VAR_7 . METHOD_10 ( ) , VAR_2 ) ; } out . append ( "\n" ) ; } } |
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 ) { TYPE_3 VAR_2 = METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , VAR_1 . get ( VAR_3 ) , TYPE_4 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; if ( VAR_2 instanceof TYPE_5 ) { VAR_2 = new TYPE_6 ( ( TYPE_5 ) VAR_2 , VAR_4 ) ; } TYPE_7 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_2 instanceof TYPE_1 , STRING_1 , VAR_2 . getClass ( ) ) ; return ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_2 ; } |
@ Override public void restoreState ( FacesContext context , Object state ) { if ( state == null ) { return ; } Object values [ ] = ( Object [ ] ) state ; super . restoreState ( context , values [ 0 ] ) ; Object restoredRowStates = UIComponentBase . restoreAttachedState ( context , values [ 1 ] ) ; if ( restoredRowStates == null ) { if ( ! _rowDeltaStates . isEmpty ( ) ) { _rowDeltaStates . clear ( ) ; } } else { _rowDeltaStates = ( Map < String , Map < String , Object > > ) restoredRowStates ; } // PI45044 start if ( _saveUIDataRowState ) { if ( values . length > 2 ) { Object rs = UIComponentBase . restoreAttachedState ( context , values [ 2 ] ) ; if ( rs == null ) { if ( ! _rowStates . isEmpty ( ) ) { _rowStates . clear ( ) ; } } else { _rowStates = ( Map < String , Object > ) rs ; } } if ( values . length > 3 ) { Object rs = UIComponentBase . restoreAttachedState ( context , values [ 3 ] ) ; if ( rs == null ) { if ( ! _rowTransientStates . isEmpty ( ) ) { _rowTransientStates . clear ( ) ; } } else { _rowTransientStates = ( Map < String , Map < String , Object > > ) rs ; } } } // PI45044 end } |
@ Override public Formula negate ( ) { switch ( this . comparator ) { case EQ : if ( this . rhs > 0 ) return this . f . or ( this . f . pbc ( CType . LT , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) , this . f . pbc ( CType . GT , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ) ; else return this . f . pbc ( CType . GT , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ; case LE : return this . f . pbc ( CType . GT , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ; case LT : return this . f . pbc ( CType . GE , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ; case GE : return this . f . pbc ( CType . LT , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ; case GT : return this . f . pbc ( CType . LE , this . rhs , this . literals , this . coefficients ) ; default : throw new IllegalStateException ( "Unknown pseudo-Boolean comparator" ) ; } } |
Subsets and Splits