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You are here Soil Health Digest: 20 Things Every Farmer Needs to Know Your hometown has a mix of characters – including farmers and ministers, bankers and accountants – who make a thriving village hum. Your farm’s soil is a vibrant community, too. Earthworms and ants, mites and nematodes, and bacteria and viruses work in synchronicity to create lively soil that spurs crop yields. Destructive activities like tillage raze that community. The good news? You can maintain and even improve the health of your soil community by nixing tillage, diversifying crop rotations, and always covering the soil with cash and cover crops. Here are 20 ways to do it. 1. What is healthy soil? The USDA NRCS defines soil health as “the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans.” Christina Currell, Michigan State University soil health specialist, clarifies that definition further: “The improved function in terms of crop yield response to inputs, such as fertilizer efficiency.” 2. Can it work in my geography? Whether a farm’s soils are heavy clay, blow sands, or anything in between, the principles of soil health will work. “Start small, on a portion of the farm,” says Hugoton, Kansas, farmer Nick Vos, whose 600 acres of wheat, corn, and grain sorghum feature several soil textures from sand to loam. Vos grows cover crops in between his cash crops whenever possible. He also grazes Dorper sheep on the cover crops to further intensify his soil health program. • Improved soil aggregate stability • Better infiltration • Reduced weed pressure • Fewer irrigated water applications Meanwhile, Doug Toussaint and his sons, Brad and Nick, farm in heavy clay soils near Wahpeton, North Dakota. Adopting no-till and cover crops help wick away excess moisture in the spring. More importantly, topsoil stays put on their fields. For years, the Toussaints watched topsoil blow off of farm fields and into road ditches in North Dakota and Minnesota. “That is an eye-opener,” says Brad Toussaint. “I keep thinking about future generations to farm. Why lose that topsoil? Let’s keep it.” The Toussaints grow corn, soybeans, sunflowers, and small grains (including wheat, winter rye, or barley) and try to use cover crops in every part of their rotation. They seed covers after wheat harvest, interseed corn into cover crops, and companion-crop sunflowers to support beneficial insects and to manage weeds. The Toussaints plant winter rye after harvesting cash crops in the fall. The rye that overwinters uses excess spring soil moisture that allows them to do fieldwork more rapidly. Improved soil aggregate stability and resiliency is noticeable after five years of these practices. Brad noticed improvement during soybean harvest two years ago, when he was able to easily combine a field that had been cover cropped, while neighbors fought mud and ruts. Adopting soil health practices does not come without frustration. Sometimes, Vos tills fields to kill stubborn herbicide-resistant weeds or weeds that have grown too large because rainfall has delayed herbicide applications. After each tillage pass, though, he quickly plants a blend of cover crops that covers the soil and keeps soil biology working. Sometimes, tillage is a necessary evil, he says. “Is it detrimental? Absolutely. But sometimes that’s the trade-off,” he says. “You have to pick your battles. As long as you have your goals on the horizon, you’ll make progress toward where you’d like to be.” 3. How do I tell if my soil is healthy? Think aggregate stability, which you can determine with an in-field slake test, says Doug Peterson, NRCS soil health specialist for Missouri and Iowa. a. Collect a chunk of topsoil (a size that would fit in your hand) from an area that hasn’t been tilled, like a fencerow or pasture. b. Garner a second chunk or spade full of soil from a consistently tilled field. It should be the same soil type as the first sample. c. Find two clear glass jars large enough to hold the soil chunks. d. Build a wire mesh that can be hooked at the top of each jar. This allows soil to be submerged in the water yet held within the top half of the jar. e. Insert the wire meshes into each jar and fill the jars with water. f. Simultaneously submerge the tilled sample in one jar and the untilled sample in the other. g. Observe which soil holds together and which one falls apart. Soil with poor structure will begin to fall apart. 4. Why is aggregate stability important? “If we can get the soil to hold together in the presence of water, water will infiltrate. That tells us we’re going to have better aggregate stability, better biological activity – which translates to better nutrient cycling – and fewer nutrients will be lost to leaching,” explains Doug Peterson, NRCS soil health specialist. 5. Why is healthy soil important? More soil microorganisms exist in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on the earth, according to NRCS literature. “Millions of species and billions of organisms – bacteria, algae, microscopic insects, earthworms, beetles, ants, mites, fungi, and more – represent the greatest concentration of biomass anywhere on the planet,” according to NRCS publications. “Microbes, which make up only 0.5% of the total soil mass, are the yeasts, algae, protozoa, bacteria, nematodes, and fungi that process organic matter into rich, dark, stable humus in the soil.” All those creatures need food. The exudates from plants feed organic material, which provides food for the rest of the soil community. Organisms including bacteria, nematodes, arthropods, insects, and earthworms simultaneously work together to feed the soil. Sunlight and precipitation catalyze the whole system, while tillage – much like a tornado or hurricane – destroys this community. It is a complex system to fathom, says Keith Thompson, an Osage City, Kansas, farmer. “I don’t really understand, and I don’t care. It’s like an engine in a car; it starts and it runs, and it works,” Thompson says. “The bottom line is, we’re harvesting the sunlight. The whole biological system goes to pot with tillage.” 6. How can I improve my soil’s health? Reducing tillage and covering the soil is a great start, says Abbey Wick, Extension soil health specialist at North Dakota State University. Tillage destroys a soil’s structure and infrastructure, which can take years to repair. Stopping tillage gives the soil a chance to recover and rebuild the community of soil life that breaks down crop residues to improve organic matter. Further protect the soil surface by interspersing cash crops with a variety of cover crops, adds NRCS’s Doug Peterson. Keep living roots in the soil all year long and use all four plant types: cool season, warm season, grass, and broadleaves, he says. 7. What cover crops should I plant? Cover crops may not always give farmers a big return on investment. It’s not always about dollars and cents, though, says Liz Juchems, conservation outreach specialist at Iowa Learning Farms. “It’s about how we value long-term soil health,” she says. What is a cover crop? Farmers seed cover crops to protect and improve short-term and long-term soil health. Farmers don’t harvest cover crops. Instead, they grow them outside the cash-crop growing season. 1. Less erosion 2. Recycled nutrients 3. Increased soil organic matter 4. Improved soil structure 5. Better water quality 6. More beneficial soil organisms 7. Additional grazing and forage for livestock 8. Weed suppression Properly managed cover crops can improve profitability due to fewer herbicide applications and lower fertilizer costs, says Juchems. Over time, enhanced soil health may also spur higher cash-crop yields, she says. How do you start? “I recommend seeding oats ahead of corn acres,” Juchems says. “In the fall, seed oats where you harvest soybeans and then winter cereal rye ahead of soybeans. In part because the oats will winter-kill, you don’t have to terminate ahead of corn. Because the traditional planting window for soybeans is later than corn, you have a larger window in the spring to terminate winter cereal rye.” 1. Evaluate soil needs and which cover crop or mix will provide matching benefits. 2. Start with just one field on your farm. Expand as you learn the best management practices, says Juchems. Characteristics of common cover crops 1. Grass species establishes quickly and easily. 2. Scavenges excess nitrogen (N), prevents erosion, adds organic matter, suppresses weeds. 3. Requires spring termination; till, mow, roll, or spray. 4. Seed from late summer to 1. Grass species establishes quickly and easily. 2. Suppresses weeds, prevents erosion, scavenges excess nutrients, and adds biomass. 4. Seed in late summer or early fall. 1. Brassica species. 3. Cuts compaction, scavenges N, suppresses weeds. 4. Seed between mid-August and September 15 for optimal sunlight and heat. 1. Legume species 2. Can overwinter (may be winter hardy). 3. Fixes N, suppresses weeds, reduces erosion and compaction. 4. Can be hard to control and terminate in wheat and corn. 5. Plant in fall before a killing frost. 1. Brassica species 2. Most species winter-kill. 3. Scavenges N and phosphorous, adds biomass, and can be grazed. 4. Can be spring- planted as a summer cover crop and in the fall as a winter cover crop. Source: Liz Juchems, Conservation Outreach Specialist, Iowa Learning Farms 8. How do healthy soils and fertile soils differ? Fertile soils contain many nutrients, but they aren’t as productive as healthy soils that contain the same amount of nutrients, explains Ray Ward, founder of Ward Laboratories, Kearney, Nebraska. Healthy soils have more soil life that makes the soil community hum. “A fertile soil has plenty of nutrients,” he says. “Healthy soils produce high yield, yet they may be high or low fertility.” 9. Where do I begin? Set goals when planting cover crops, recommends Dwayne Beck, who manages Dakota Lakes Research Farm near Pierre, South Dakota. “Do you want forage? Or do you want to improve organic matter? You have to decide what you want to accomplish,” he explains. A cover crop – or blend of crops – is another component in the crop rotation. As such, it can carry disease or attract insects. Think ahead to what the impact on the next crop may be. “Using a mix of cover crops meets several goals simultaneously,” says Beck. “Mixtures add more diversity by growing at different times, competing with weeds, and optimizing nutrient cycling.” 10. How rapidly can I improve soil? What if I reduce tillage? Add cover crops? Add grazing? “Normally, we say the first five years are the hardest when transitioning from conventional tillage to no-till,” says Ray Ward, Ward Laboratories. “However, with good residue management and cover crops, we generally see improvement in the soil’s granular structure in three years.” 11. Can I reduce the use of herbicide and fertilizer? No one talks about net revenue per acre at the coffee shop, but Ray Ward says that’s the most important statistic on any farm. In time, farmers who adopt soil health practices tend to be able to reduce fungicide and herbicide applications, and perhaps eliminate insecticide expense. In fact, except for controlling grasshoppers at field edges, the Dakota Lakes Research Farm has not had a foliar insecticide application on it for nearly 20 years, Dwayne Beck says. Fertility, however, is trickier. “You can use legumes to replace some nitrogen, but you can’t replace phosphorous and potassium with cover crops,” Ward adds. 12. Will yields suffer? Based on two years of field research from dozens of working farms across the Midwest, well-managed cover crops tend not to affect yield of cash crops like corn and soybeans, according to the Soil Health Partnership (SHP). The SHP collaborates with more than 140 farmers to conduct side-by-side research involving soil health practices. Planting cover crops did not affect soybean yields, although there is more variability with cover crops before corn, says Shefali Mehta, director of the SHP. “These are working fields,” she says. “They get all the shocks and issues that you do as an active working farmer. It was great to see that yield trend staying steady.” Moreover, the majority of farmers participating in an Iowa State University (ISU) project reported no yield differences. The 10-year cover crop study at ISU evaluated cereal rye in a corn-and-soybean rotation. ISU trials also show the same results from a five-year research study on cover crop mixtures. Finally, a 2016-2017 annual survey of 2,012 farmers conducted by the Conservation Technology Information Center with help from Purdue University and funding support from Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education and the American Seed Trade Association reported that after cover crops: Corn yields increased an average of 2.3 bushels per acre, or 1.3%. Soybean yields increased 2.1 bushels per acre, or 3.8%. Wheat yields increased 1.9 bushels per acre, or 2.8%. “If you understand the system and apply (proper) management strategies, that is when you will see yield increases,” says Keith Berns, who co-owns Green Cover Seed near Bladen, Nebraska. 13. What funding is available? There are a variety of incentive programs through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program and the Conservation Stewardship Program. A challenge with using these programs is that every county is allotted funding, and farmers may or may not be able to enroll in these programs right away. Plus, farmers must adhere to USDA guidelines. Your local NRCS office will have more details. 14. Do I have to kill cover crops before planting? No. Planting a cash crop into living cover crops or planting green works well in many cases. For instance, planting soybeans into a living crop of cereal rye is a common practice, as the Toussaints have done for several years. Cereal rye is a grass crop that helps suppress weeds prior to planting. Farmers can kill it with herbicide after planting or by using a cover crop crimper/roller to lay the cereal rye onto the ground. That helps create a mat to suppress weeds. 15. Are there potential hazards? Certainly. Cereal rye, one of the most common cover crops, has pitfalls. “Cereal rye can host Pythium,” says Mark Licht, Iowa State University Extension agronomist. Its high inoculum load can stress corn planted into cereal rye. That makes seed treatments effective against Pythium a must. Be wary that cereal rye can hammer corn when grown too closely because of increased seedling disease, poor seed-to-soil contact, and potential risk of greenbridge pressure from armyworm and black cutworm, Licht says. Since oats winter-kill, these problems don’t exist. That’s why oats can make a better crop in which to plant corn, he adds. Cereal rye also does not resist cereal rust pathogens. If left unchecked, these pathogens can imperil subsequent cash crops. So just like any agronomic tool, farmers must properly manage them, Licht says. 16. Which cover crops suppress weeds? Many, says Anita Dille, weed scientist at Kansas State University (KSU). First, identify the weeds you want to manage, because the cover crop physiology must align with them, she say. An overwintering and established grass cover crop like cereal rye or annual ryegrass can thwart spring emergence of Palmer amaranth or waterhemp. A fall-planted cover crop best suppresses kochia and marestail. KSU research from 2016 examined June weed emergence following mid-March planting of cover crops. Zero weeds emerged in a mix of triticale and oats, while fallow land had 153 weeds – primarily kochia and Palmer amaranth – per square meter. A mix of spring peas, triticale, and oats had just six weeds per square meter. The grass cover crops essentially smothered weeds. “It’s not 100% control, but herbicides don’t have 100% control either,” says Lancaster, Pennsylvania, farmer Steve Groff. 17. Can I till and maintain soil health? Yes. While the gold standard of tillage systems is widely considered to be no-till, strip-till can be a happy medium. Myriad benefits and disadvantages exist for both. Reversing years of full-width tillage damage doesn’t happen overnight, says Paul Jasa, Extension engineer at the University of Nebraska. “Think long term,” he says. “If you’re thinking short term, you’d be better off going to Vegas.” What are strip-till and no-till? Strip-till consists of a series of 6- to 8-inch-wide strips tilled across a field. The soil in these strips warms up and dries quickly, creating conditions that encourage seed germination and growth. The rest of the field is left undisturbed and is covered with crop residue. No-till eliminates tillage so residue from the previous crop remains on the soil’s surface for protection. The degree of soil disturbance ties directly to its overall health. • Provides a seedbed while covering and protecting most of the soil with residue. • Equalizes field conditions if some areas have more moisture than the rest. • Reduces competition from old roots in corn-on-corn fields. • Warms the tilled residue-free strips quickly. While strip-till is well suited for poorly drained soils, it still means some soil disturbance will occur and hurt the soil’s health, says Jasa. • Conserves soil moisture. • Controls wind and water erosion. • Minimizes fuel and labor costs. • Builds soil structure and health. No-till is particularly effective on well-drained soils. However, it may be difficult to implement on soils already riddled with compaction problems and on fields of continuous corn. Tips to get you started Determine if your fields have compaction first. Jasa recommends digging a hole in your fields with a spade about 15 inches deep. If you find a layer of compaction, odds are it was created by tillage. Strip-till could be a great tool to help farmers transition from a full-width tillage system to no-till over time, Jasa says. "I like strip-till as a transitional tool if I have problems to get rid of first,” he says. “No-till works much easier once the soil is working with you rather than against you.” Talk to neighbors who have already implemented a minimal-tillage system, he says. They may have similar soil conditions, crops, and problems that may more easily predict problems you might encounter. Ask about the challenges and solutions, then adapt your system. Soil health is built over time, so don’t get discouraged or expect soil health to recover in just a year or two. “If you talk to anybody who’s been no-tilling for five years, they’ll say something happened about that third year. That something is they finally overcame the negative history of tillage,” Jasa says. “Once you’ve invested, keep going.” Not another bandage Hover your phone’s camera over this smart code to hear from Paul Jasa, Extension engineer with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, on how the systems approach to farm management and soil health will get you better results than simply treating the symptoms of core issues on your farm. 18. Why is carbon so important? Carbon is “the building block of life,” according to NRCS literature. Adopting soil health practices reduces carbon dioxide emissions and sequesters it into the soil. How? Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it to organic carbon, reports the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. Practices that retain soil carbon can sequester harmful greenhouse gases that influence climate change. Indigo Ag’s goal in launching its Terraton Initiative in June is to remove 1 trillion tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide. As part of the plan, Indigo Ag plans to pay participating farmers $15 to $20 per ton of carbon they sequester using tools like no-till and cover crops. (This translates into $30 to $60 per acre, depending on factors like soil type and climate, according to Indigo Ag officials.) David Perry, CEO of Indigo Ag, says only a small percentage of growers now farm in ways that increase soil carbon. So why aren’t more using practices like no-till? “Changing to something else is a risk,” Perry says. 19. How do I maximize soil carbon? Understanding the carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio is key. It’s simply the mass of carbon to the mass of nitrogen in the soil. NRCS says soil microorganisms work best with a 24:1 C:N ratio, with 16 parts of carbon used for energy and eight parts for maintenance. Imagine the soil as an engine, with carbon as the fuel and nitrogen as the igniter, Ray Ward with Ward Laboratories explains. “The more nitrogen you have, the faster you eat up the carbon,” he says. “Too much nitrogen creates more soil bacteria at the expense of fungi. Soil fungi is what creates the glues that keep soil aggregates together.” According to the accompanying NRCS chart, wheat straw has a higher C:N ratio. That means soil microbes will have to find additional nitrogen in order to consume the wheat straw. This has to come from excessive N in the soil. This could temporarily create an N deficit (immobilization) if insufficient N is in the soil. This could continue until some microbes die and release N contained in their bodies (mineralization). Have you ever wondered why soybean stover doesn’t last long on the soil surface? That’s because it has a low C:N ratio of 20:1, according to Purdue University data. However, following that soybean stover with a high-carbon crop like wheat (80:1) or corn (57:1) helps balance the C:N ratio over a two-year growing season. Planting cover crops, however, helps balance the C:N ratio more quickly and helps to fuel soil microorganism population. That’s one reason cover crop blends are so popular. Adopters can mix multiple species to tweak the C:N ratio and accomplish a multitude of goals – whether improving soil health, providing grazing, or keeping cover on the field. 20. What is the biggest obstacle? Attitude is everything. The automaker Henry Ford is attributed with this quote: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” “It has been my experience that several growers ignore significant problems because they do not want to make the changes needed to address them,” says Lee Briese, a Centrol crop consultant based in Edgely, North Dakota. “Not having the right equipment – or having poorly maintained equipment – is a recipe for disaster,” he says.
- HONEYBEE BIOLOGY - HONEYBEES AND KILLER BEES - HONEYBEE PROBLEMS - HONEYBEE NESTS - HONEYBEE CONTROL - HONEYBEE CONTROL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - HONEYBEE CONTROL AEROSOL - HONEYBEE CONTROL LIQUID TREATMENTS - HONEYBEE SWARM BOXES - BEST HONEYBEE CONTROL DUST - HONEYBEE TRAPS - WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THAT HONEY??? - HONEYBEE HONEY ODOR REMOVAL - CONTACT US Honey Bees are amongst the most important insects on planet earth. Clearly the single biggest pollinator, many plants would simply disappear from the landscape if it weren’t for the flight and food gathering behavior of honey bees. The European Honey Bee is the species most prevalent in the United States though the Africanized Honey Bee seems to get all the press. Closely related and similar biologically, these two species have some very important differences which has made honey bee management a concern for many land owners throughout the southwestern region of the United States. In case this is not what you’re looking for, we also have in depth articles on: BUMBLE BEES CARPENTER BEES DIGGER BEES LEAF CUTTER BEES MASON BEES HONEYBEE BIOLOGY * Honey bee nests are active all year. They don’t “disappear” or “hibernate” like many other bees or wasps. The hive, constructed of bees wax and shaped in honey combs, is used to house, feed, store food and raise the nests occupants. Nests are comprised of three castes; queens, workers and drones. Clearly in charge and responsible for the overall behavior of the nest, queens use chemicals and pheromones to communicate the orders of the day. These orders control the workers and drones and keep a sense of balance and purpose within the social structure of the hive. Honey bee nests can become quite large. Though most average 10,000 to 20,000 bees, it is not uncommon for nests to reach numbers in excess of 50,000. When such nests are on the move or when they decide to live close to man or domestic animals, conflict is inevitable. HONEYBEES AND KILLER BEES * Africanized Honey Bees are very similar to their European cousins. However, Africanized bees are more likely to conflict with people. Furthermore, their behavior just before or during a conflict is much different then the more common honey bee. These differences are worth noting and should not be taken lightly. Africanized bees have been named “killer bees” because they can display a fierce and aggressive behavior not commonly seen with native bees. Because of this aggressive nature, it would be wise to forego any conflict with bees in general – especially in states where Killer bees have been found. At this pint in time, Killer bees have been identified in California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. However, based on their movement patterns since being first identified in the United States back in 1990, Killer bees will at some point migrate around the southern coastal states. It is expected that at some point they will be found in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas and even Virginia. Though they will probably move inward and off the coast as well, their intolerance of cold weather will keep them from reaching further up north. Killer bees are very different from your average species of honey bee for many reasons. First and foremost, they seem to be much less tolerant of any threat to their nest. Approaching a common honey bee hive is not suggested but can generally be done without much risk. The author has been within a few feet of them on many occasions and has never felt threatened nor has he been stung. However, this would not be advisable had the nest been active Killer bees. For some reason this specie of bee will not tolerate such behavior. In fact, it is suggested that you do not knowingly walk within 50 feet of any nest. And if Killer bees are attacking, the best mode of protection is to run as fast as you can and for as long as you can. Adult bees can fly as fast as 12-15 miles per hour. The average adult can run this fast – especially if they are being chased – and a straight path away from the swarming bees is the best method to rid yourself of them should you become a target. Where the average bee will typically give up chasing a perceived threat after 50 yards or less, Killer Bees have been known to keep coming after 150 yards. This is about 1 and a 1/2 football fields. In other words, make sure you have run at least this far before you give up running. And don’t think you can jump in a pool and hide from them. This won’t work. Killer bees will simply hover around the water and wait till you surface. If you are going somewhere out in nature where there is reason to suspect Killer bees may be present, it is best if you wear light colored clothing, no sweet smelling perfume or other scent and don’t do anything to get a suspected nest excited. In simple words, don’t aggravate them. Though the risk of getting killed by Killer bees is small (only a few people get killed annually from attacks), it is a very real threat. Like many larger animals in the wild, it is generally best to avoid conflict and act in a way to minimize the attack should one be initiated. HONEYBEE PROBLEMS * Honey bees can become a problem when any one of several things happens. First, the average spring time swarm of honey bees is usually not a major problem. Though scary when viewed or if they land on your home, most bees will exhibit this activity during the spring and early summer months. If left alone, they will usually move on when suitable housing is found. Stay clear of such swarms and watch to make sure they don’t decide to create a nest on the tree or structure where you find them. A resting swarm will either move on or start a nest so if you see one, watch it carefully to see what it does. The following video features a bee swarm that was discovered and then relocated to a local bee keeper. HONEYBEE NESTS * Active nests out in the woods are usually best left alone and rarely present any immediate threat to people or animals. However, nests which form under eaves, in wall voids and basically anywhere people live can be trouble. Besides presenting an immediate threat in the form of getting stung, allowing such nesting can only lead to further problems. Honey stored away deep in wall voids can only leak and turn bad over time and during the process lead to structural problems. When such nests are identified, it is best to have them removed by a bee keeper. Do not allow them to reside in or on your structure. Bee nests will both degrade the building as well as pose a real hazard to people and pets. In short, bee nests in or on homes is not acceptable. Lastly, the remains of a nest that has mostly been removed or destroyed can present other types of problems. The honey left behind, as well as the lingering scent trails from the bees which were once active, will almost always attract other pests. These pests could turn out to be ants, beetles, other bees or some kind of honey eating animal like skunks or bear. Many times these pests will become active in homes where a bee nest was once present. Additionally, honey will rot as it ages. Spoiled honey smells bad and the odor will eventually find it’s way into living areas. And if the bad smell doesn’t prompt a thorough cleanup, the damage of it as it leaks through wall and ceilings most certainly will. Aging honey combs will decompose and as they break down, the rancid honey will ooze through walls. Dark spots on walls and ceilings are a sure sign of rotting honey and most nests hold enough honey to cause this type of damage following bee removal. HONEYBEE CONTROL * Honey bee nests and infestations can be treated and resolved without the help of a bee keeper. If you have found a swarm or nest on or in your home, there are many treatment options. As previously stated, you may be able to get a bee keeper to come and remove it for you. If you don’t know anyone and want to attempt the job yourself, there are a few safety precautions that are strongly recommended to insure you don’t put yourself in danger. HONEYBEE CONTROL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT * First, dress for the job. A good BEE SUIT, BEE VEIL, BEE GLOVES and BEE HAT are invaluable tools when it comes to safety. Once safely dressed, you will be able to administer the proper chemicals where you need to get them without the fear or danger of getting stung. For most any bee treatment, wearing this equipment is strongly recommended. Once you are properly dressed for the occasion, the next step is picking the right chemical for the job. HONEYBEE CONTROL AEROSOL * For persistent swarms that need a quick kill, many people will use some BEE FREEZE. Though this material can kill bees and wasps quickly, rarely is it strong enough to kill off entire swarms before they disperse. The key to getting as much of the swarm as possible is to get as close as you can before you start to spray. The use of a Bee Suit will enable you to do this. If the swarm is high up on the side of a building or some- where else making it 10-20 feet away, you could spray it hoping the Bee Freeze will reach. Though it can spray 15-20 feet, the impact will not be nearly as good compared to when spraying is direct and from a close distance. For treating swarms out of reach, use an AEROSOL POLE. This device holds a can of Bee Freeze on top and by using a string, the applicator can release material once the can is close to the swarm. These direct treatments will prove to have more of an impact then trying to spray them from a great distance even though the can may be able to reach. Bee Hornet Freeze: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/hornet-killer-15-oz HONEYBEE CONTROL LIQUID TREATMENTS * If you have a structure or tree on which bees like to swarm, you can keep them away by treating it directly with some CYPERMETHRIN. This synthetic pyrethrin is highly repellent to bees and they will sense its presence and stay off treated surfaces. Use it on eaves, siding, tree trunks, rain gutters, around chimneys and basically anywhere you have had problems with swarms in the past. Make your treatments early in the season so when the bees show up, they will move away in search of somewhere more accommodating. The Cypermethrin can also be used to treat the swarm directly. Just add some SPREADER STICKER to the tank mix and most any one of our SPRAYERS and you will be able to treat a swarm with a potent formulation that will knock the bees down like the Bee Freeze. However, the Cypermethrin will provide a much longer residual as well as offer some repellency so it will work much better. Spreader Sticker: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/additive/spreader-sticker Pump Sprayer: http://www.bugspraycart.com/good/pump-sprayers HONEYBEE SWARM BOXES * Another approach you can use to “head off” swarming bees is the use of SWARM BOXES. You will see these in use throughout many of the states that are monitoring the Killer Bee populations. Mostly set up on regions where Killer Bees have been found, swarm boxes are set out and inspected during the year. When bees are found taking advantage of the box, they are easy to contain and handle. This makes for safe and fast management with little risk or danger from the swarm. Install some of these Swarm Boxes if you have had problems with swarming bees during the year. Such offerings are almost always better then what the bees will find naturally so they will take advantage of them once found. And since the swarms are so much more manageable in the swarm box, they can be easily removed and relocated by a professional bee keeper or other specialist if you don’t want to handle them. Use some BEE SWARM LURE to help them find your Swarm Box and replace the lure every couple of months during the swarming time of the year. Though most swarms will happen in the spring, Africanized Killer Bees have been known to swarm most anytime. By keeping Swarm Boxes available with fresh Swarm Lure, you will be ready to intercept them before they decide to make a nest in your yard or home! If you already have a bee nest or hive in or on your home, the use of Bee Freeze or Cypermethrin won’t help much. When nests get in or on a structure, there are other methods that must be used along with entirely different products. One thing is for sure, there is one thing you should NEVER do. *** NEVER SPRAY ENTRANCE/EXIT HOLES OF A BEE NEST WHICH IS LEADING INTO A STRUCTURE SUCH AS A HOME OR GARAGE !!! *** This will almost assuredly fail. The product applied will not reach deep into the wall void where the nest is protected. More importantly, once you contaminate the entrance/exit hole, the bees will many times move laterally inside the wall void attempting to find another path which will be safer to use. This will many times cause them to start “exiting” inside the home. When this happens, most homes will have to be evacuated till the nest is completely killed. Since bee nests are so large, such invasions can last for weeks making the structure uninhabitable. Needless to say, this is a situation that must be avoided – especially if the bees are thought to be Killer Bees! BEST HONEYBEE CONTROL DUST * The proper treatment of any nest which is located on an exterior wall or void is to treat from inside. The application stands a much better chance of getting to the nest and if you don’t get good enough coverage and a quick kill, the foraging bees will still be able to use their old pathways. This means you should still be able to observe them to see just what level of impact your treatment has had. It is quite common for a good treatment to take a few days to kill all the occupants of any one nest. This is largely due to the sheer size that honey bee colonies can reach. The best material for such treatments is a fine white dust called DRIONE. This light dust looks like confection sugar but is deadly to insects. Largely comprised of silica gel, Drione works as both an irritant and a dessicant to most any insect. It will effectively kill them on contact – especially the ones that take a direct hit – and the best way to treat suspected nest locations is to use a “shot gun” pattern. First, identify the wall void in which the nest is located. This space will be opposite the outside entrance of their nest. From inside the home, you should be able to hear them buzzing throughout the wall. It is not uncommon for them to move vast distances once inside. The author has seen nests span areas over 10 feet wide and two stories high so any one hive can become quite large if left alone for several years. Though the Drione will do a good job of penetrating, it is always best to use a consistent pattern of treatment holes to insure proper penetration and coverage. To do this, you will first need a HAND DUSTER. Next, use a power drill with a 1/4″ to 3/8″ drill bit to create treatment holes. This small hole will be large enough to allow the Drione to penetrate the void but small enough to keep the bees out of the living area. It is best to space holes 1-2 feet apart. If the wall is filled with insulation or some other filler, keep the holes spaced close. In other words, more holes with less Drione pumped in will prove more effective then trying to get adequate coverage with only a few holes. If the void is mostly hollow, holes can be placed 3 feet apart. Remember to get holes in between all the studs that could be present since they will serve as a “divider” thus preventing good penetration. Remember too that gravity will tend to cause the dust to settle so make treatment holes above the highest point where you suspect the nest may have reached and when you go to make the actual treatment, start with the holes highest up first. It is always best to make all the holes you expect to need before beginning the actual application. Most nests will require a square area anywhere from 5 feet high to 5 feet long but some nests could mandate a much larger area. The author has dealt with nests requiring holes drilled every foot 20 feet wide and over 10 high. Though such nests are not common, remember that it is always best to treat an area larger then what is thought to be where the bees are located. Such over applications will insure you get the entire nest and thus eliminate any chance of them surviving the dusting. Once you have the area drilled out and you are ready to dust with the Drione, it is strongly advised that you have the room evacuated and that you are safely dressed just in case the wall gives way to the soon-to-be-really-mad bees that will be quite active as the dust infiltrates their nest. It is best to treat the circumference of the nest first, thus surrounding them with the material, so there is no real way for them to escape. Once the perimeter holes have been dusted, work your way through all the interior ones and make sure you get enough dust into the void. It is wise to use about 1 lb of dust per 100 sq/ft which is an area about 10 feet wide by 10 feet high. This may seem like overkill but nests can be quite large and the sheer number of bees that might be present will mandate such usage. You could choose to use less and hope the nest is smaller but if you want fast results, dust the area heavy. This is almost always the best approach. HONEYBEE TRAPS * Once treated, the bees will be alarmed and angry. Stay away from the entrance hole or holes and expect them to be buzzing quite loudly for an hour or two while the dust takes effect. Within a day, most of the activity should cease and for a few days following the application, expect to see stragglers wandering in and out of the nest as the ones that have survived won’t know where to go or what to do. One of the best things you can do to eliminate the ones left following the initial treatment is to set out some BEE GLUE TRAPS. Ideally, these should be as close to the entrance/exit hole as possible. With their special pheromone scent, these traps will do a great job of collecting all the bees still alive but without a home. It is strongly recommended that some be set up where possible following any treatment of a nest. If the nest is on some object like an old dead tree, vacated car or other structure, you could choose to treat it directly. Remember that entrance/exit holes will have a lot of bee activity so it is pretty much mandatory to wear a bee suit if you attempt any such application. Once you are properly protected, direct application can be done. The key here is making sure the bees will have limited or no other chance to find an escape path. In other words, if the direct treatment isn’t reaching far enough into the void where the nest is located, be sure they can’t circumvent the dust and reroute their pathways to survive. If the nest is located somewhere high like under the eaves or soffits of a building, the prospect of working on top of a ladder may not be feasible. For such treatments, the use of another type duster could be worth the investment. Since the small Hand Dusters can only hold a small amount of dust and will have to be filled several times for the average bee nest, the DUST R could be the better tool for the job. I can hold a lot of dust – almost a whole pound of Drione, and will pump it faster and deeper into any void. If the nest is 5-10 feet up, the LONG REACH DUST R has a series of extensions that can be connected which will enable you to do the application. And for any nest 10-25 feet up, the DUSTICK would be best. It doesn’t have quite as large of a holding tank for the dust but it’s long length makes it invaluable for treating hard to reach nests. Long Reach Dust-R: http://www.bugspraycart.com/equipment/dusters/bg-long-reach-dust-r WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THAT HONEY??? * Honey bees can make a lot of honey. This honey must be maintained and managed by the hive. If you kill the bees, the honey will turn rancid and rancid honey will attract pests and to make matters worse, it will really start to stink. To prevent this from happening, it is wise to remove any honey that may be hiding or left behind in wall voids or ceilings. This could involve the removal of wall coverings, the cutting of sheetrock or other finishes and even the dismantling attics or soffits. Try to remove as much as possible; if you leave any substantial honey in any part of a home or other structure where a nest was once active, you will almost assuredly have some type of insect problem develop as well as an experience a real problem “odor issue”. In some cases, the honey will rot through walls and ceilings as it leaks and seeps during the natural decomposition that will occur once the bees are dead and no longer eating and maintaining their food. HONEYBEE HONEY ODOR REMOVAL * If you have rotting honey causing an odor problem and you are not able to access it’s location, the smell could persist for several months. To minimize the bad odor, you may need to do some void treatment with a special deodorizing agent. The agent will effectively neutralize the smell during the decomposition process. The best material for such treatments is N-100. This liquid is excellent to use on anything like garbage, compost piles, raw sewage and other food grade related odors like that which you will have with rotting honey. Direct treatment is important so if you can directly spray it into the voids where the odor is present, you should be able to get good results. Retreat as needed; this could be as often as every week till the honey is completely decomposed. To get better penetration in any type of ceiling or wall void, the use of a FOAMING TOOL is suggested. With the use of some FOAMING AGENT, any of these Foaming Tools will convert the N-100 solution into a thick shaving cream that penetrates hollow spaces and promotes excellent coverage. By getting the N-100 properly displaced in the wall void, you will get better and faster odor reduction. If the odor is present in some open spaces like crawl spaces or attics, use the N-100 in a BG FOGGER. This unit will propel the solution 20 feet or more and ensure you get a dispersed wide area treated. Fogging for odor control really helps promote uniform coverage and gets the N-100 deep into cracks, seams and other hidden spaces where there could be some honey turning bad. Foaming Agent: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/liquid/foaming-agent If you have a honey bee nest on or in your home and have decided it must go, there are plenty of ways to deal with such infestations. However, this specie of bee is lot different from the average bee or wasp. Due to the average nest size, removal and control are not as easy and generally results are not seen immediately following any treatment. Use the right approach and the right product for the most efficient use of time and effort. A less then complete attempt will usually result in more of a problem then what was originally established. And in regions where Killer Bees are present, such an effort is not acceptable! CONTACT US * Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. On Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM and on Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time). Email questions here: http://www.bugspray.com/about-us/contact-us Order online and get a 5% discount! We ship fast with 99.9% of all orders shipping within 1 business day!! Learn more about BUGSPRAY.COM and why it’s never been easier or safer to do your own pest control. Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around to answer your questions and keep this valuable web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
RD194 - Interim Report of the Virginia Commission on Youth - Study of Alternative Education Options Legislators, child advocates and others have expressed concern about the utilization of suspension and expulsion in Virginia’s public school system. Research has revealed that such disciplinary actions may increase a student’s risk of becoming disengaged from and even dropping out of school. While student discipline laws and policies must maintain a student’s right to a safe and orderly learning environment, there is a concern that exclusionary discipline approaches have the potential to increase poor outcomes in students. In Virginia, alternative education programs are available to bridge this gap by providing educational services to disciplined students or students who have not been successful in a traditional learning environment. The question arises whether existing programs in Virginia are sufficiently meeting the need of these students. At the Commission on Youth meeting on May 17, 2006, Commission staff was directed to conduct a review of alternative education programs for youth who are suspended, expelled or at-risk. Additionally, the Commission was directed to explore data available at the Department of Education to determine whether a problem exists regarding the number of school suspensions and expulsions within Virginia public schools. Findings and recommendations were to be presented to the Commission on Youth prior to both the 2007 and 2008 General Assembly Sessions. The Commission established an Alternative Education Advisory Group consisting of representatives from the Department of Education, the School Board Association, the Education Association, local school divisions, and other stakeholders as listed in Appendix A. The Advisory Group met three times through the course of the study’s first year (July 12, August 9 and September 19). Following presentations by Commission on Youth staff at the October 3 and November 28, 2006 meetings, it was recommended that the study be continued and findings and recommendations from the second year of the study be reported to the Commission on Youth prior to the 2008 General Assembly Session. In fulfilling its legislative mandate, the Commission undertook the study.
A New Way of Looking at the Earth from Space By David B. Johnson, RAL Figure 1. An example of the possible transformation of a geostationary satellite image of the earth using a new kind of optical adapter. The optical device, a hardware component that would have to be incorporated into the system design before launch, progressively stretches the edges of the earth image prior to data collection to offset the normal loss of image resolution due to earth curvature effects. The transformed image will provide essentially uniform resolution imagery over almost the whole earth disk as viewed from space, enhancing the quality of spaced-based observations for use in numerical models or for applications involving integration into operational decision support systems. The international system of geostationary meteorological satellites, augmented by a growing constellation of operational and research satellites in low earth orbit (LEO), are essential tools in efforts to understand the atmosphere and earth system. Figure 1 (left-most earth image) shows the traditional view of the earth from geostationary orbit, in this case from the GOES-EAST operational satellite position, while figure 2 shows the earth-satellite distances and viewing geometry of geostationary and LEO satellites, drawn in true relative scale. Views from space, particularly from geostationary orbit, however, are inherently limited by an increasing loss of image resolution as one approaches the edge of the visible earth disk. This foreshortening of earth features is due to the curvature of the earth and the increasingly oblique viewing angle as seen from the satellite. The red circle drawn on the geostationary earth view in Figure 1, for example, highlights the position at which an imaging system’s sensors will have their resolution reduced by a factor of three from their resolution at nadir (in this case meaning the center of the full disk earth image). Observations outside of the red line are generally not useful for quantitative applications, and the gradual loss of resolution as one approaches the red line significantly reduces the utility of the satellite observations over areas far from nadir, such as the bulk of the continental United States (CONUS) and Europe, areas that are often of particular interest. As an unexpected result of a NASA-funded project to enhance the use of advanced satellite products in support of aviation safety and efficiency, RAL scientists realized that new technology imaging systems based on two-dimensional charge coupled devices (CCDs, such as those used in digital cameras) and focal plane arrays may be able to be “corrected” to offset the loss of resolution due to earth curvature. The correction would be based on an optical adapter, either a lens or mirror depending on the design of the imaging instrument, which would stretch the imagery as one moves away from nadir just enough to offset the normal loss in resolution as one moves towards the edge of the earth disk. Figure 1 shows a detailed example of such a correction, starting with a normal view of the earth from geostationary orbit, including full parallax and angle of view considerations, and then applying a two-dimensional numerical lens model to produce the transformed image on the right. The transformation is limited to the area within the red circle and necessarily produces a larger image. The features in the center of the transformed image (e.g. the countries in the northwest corner of South America), however, are still the same size as they were in the original earth view. The image stretching is seen in the enlarged relative depiction of North America and Patagonia, now shown at the same scale and relative proportions as Colombia and Equador. Figure 2. Scale drawing of the Earth-satellite geometry for geostationary and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites. The transformed earth image, with its improved resolution over areas away from nadir, would be well-suited for earth systems science and for initializing numerical models. The transformation is particularly valuable since it is applied before the space-based observations are made and directly enhances the quality of the observations rather than remapping the imagery after the data is collected. The transformation allows users to have the same quality of data over northern Canada and Labrador as one would expect over Panama, and to view virtually all of CONUS with uniform resolution and uniformly spaced observations from a single satellite. This approach is best suited for use with the emerging new generation of two-dimensional imaging systems, rather than the normal scanning radiometers that up to now have been the mainstay of satellite-based observing systems. The imaging capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, however, have long made use of exactly this sort of two-dimensional imaging system and the hyperspectral imaging and sounding systems currently being proposed for the next generation of meteorological satellites also employ 2-D imaging devices. This approach also permits faster data collection and longer dwell times for improved radiometric accuracy. While this concept is particularly well-matched for observations from geostationary satellites, it can also be adapted to applications for satellite sensing from low earth orbit. One of the unique aspects of this discovery is that it was based on consideration of how to apply satellite observations, which then led to an idea for improving how the observations are made. In essence, the approach envisioned is to consider the observing system (e.g. the satellite imaging device) and the earth as a single system, and then customize the space-based observation for optimal utility for earth-based applications. This development directly supports the NCAR Strategic Plan’s emphasis on integration and innovation and offers a promise of improved earth system modeling through advances in observing technologies. The discovery is the direct result of RAL’s efforts in support of the NASA-funded Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products; additional support was provided by the National Science Foundation.
An Unhealthy Glow Indoor tanning amps cancer risks – and we’re taking action Indoor tanning has become wildly popular among high schoolers headed for prom and college students bound for the beach. But if concerned legislators have their way, Illinois will soon become one of the first states to adopt a total ban on indoor tanning for everyone under age 18. The searing truth behind the proposed law: tanning booths deliver 10 to 15 times the UV radiation of natural sunlight, boosting the user’s risk of developing deadly melanoma by at least 75%. “I remind teens and parents that 15 to 30 minutes in the booth equals a whole afternoon by the pool,” says dermatologist Sean Burke, MD, one of hundreds of medical partners working with us statewide to spread the word on indoor tanning dangers. Risks doubled, even tripled A 2010 study by the American Cancer Society showed that frequent users of tanning beds – those who tan for at least 50 hours, 100 sessions or 10 years – are two to three times likelier to develop melanoma than those who never tan indoors. That’s what makes the “gym, tan, laundry” message young people see on TV so troubling, Dr. Burke says. “There’s even evidence that indoor tanning causes a feeling of euphoria, which can lead to a pattern of addiction,” he says. Hollywood can help Parents, teachers and youth leaders can make a difference by opening a dialogue with kids. Surprisingly, the example set by major celebrities may actually help. “Take a closer look at fashion magazines,” Dr. Burke suggests. “You won’t see superstars like Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger with a tan. They’re well aware that sun damage causes wrinkles, early aging and cancer. They set a healthy standard of beauty we can all live with.” For more on helping the young people in your life manage their risks for skin cancer, visit cancer.org. HELP ARM OUR YOUTH WITH THE TRUTH Even before the current push for indoor tanning legislation, the American Cancer Society had intensified its efforts to reach young people with messages about sun safety. Last year in Illinois we joined with the American Academy of Dermatology to engage more than 17,000 teens and young adults through our “Tanning: The Real Truth” program, which stresses these startling facts: - Skin cancer touches two million Americans every year – more than breast, lung, colon, prostate, ovarian, uterine and pancreatic cancers combined. - Indoor tanning elevates risks for deadly melanoma, regardless of the type of tanning device used. To find out how your school, college, faith or community group can empower kids by presenting “Tanning: The Real Truth,” contact Jennifer Briggs at the American Cancer Society.
Parent socialization, family economic well-being, and toddlers' cognitive development in rural Paraguay Journal of Research in Childhood Education Taylor & Francis (Routledge) This study examined the specific factors relative to healthy socialization and economic well-being that predicted toddler mental development in rural Paraguay. Thirty toddlers and their primary caregivers were assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II (BSID-II), the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) to assess socialization, and a Family Resource Survey to assess economic well-being. As has been found in other studies, parent responsivity, parent support of child learning, and family economic well-being predicted BSID-II scores. Similar to results from other developing world samples, children's mental development scores decreased across the second year of life, a finding attributed to the parasitic load that many rural Paraguayan children carry, their family's lack of social capital, and inadequate parent-child socialization. The framework for the paper is centered on Amartya Sen's (1999) contention that family-, community-, and country-level well-being must be adequate to support healthy human development. Parent socialization, family economic well-being, and toddlers’ cognitive development in rural Paraguay. Austin, A.M.B., Blevins-Knabe, B., de Aquino, C.N., de Burró, E.U., Park, K-E, Bayley, B., Christensen, M., Leavitt, S., Merrill, J., Taylor, D., & George, A.T. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 20 (4), 255-274.
A special camp to vaccinate poultry birds to protect it from Ranikhet disease got under way here, state wide, in Tamil Nadu. The camp organised by the Department of Animal Husbandry will be held till February 14. Collector H. Krishnanunni in a release said that the disease is caused by a virus that affects all birds (chicken) during summer. It causes diarrhoea in birds leading to death. The release said that farmers and the public who have birds should vaccinate them during the two week camp that will be held at veterinary dispensaries. A total of 2.50 lakh birds would be administered the vaccine by veterinary doctors at the villages, said Virudhunagar Collector R. Kannan. Though the disease, that leads to whitish diarrhoea among the poultry birds was not found in the district, the vaccination is being done as part of a State-wide programme, said Joint Director of Animal Husbandry S. Arunachalakani.
After many years searching, a group of explorers finally found the remains of the Itata shipwreck, also known as the Chilean “Titanic”. The famous steamship sank during a fierce storm 95 years ago, with over 400 people on board, off the coast of La Higuera, in the Coquimbo region. A few weeks ago, a group of researchers from the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) and Oceana’s Science Director Matthias Gorny, Ph.D., expert ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) handler, located the sinking point but no remains were found. The story changed a few days later, when the underwater robot conveyed images from a depth of 200 meters, confirming that the expedition was right above the shipwreck. “We can say that finding the Itata is the greatest discovery in terms of underwater heritage in Chile. It’s been years of searching and investigating, which is why this is such an accomplishment. The next step is to launch our documentary, finish processing national monument permits to perform an archeological survey and raise funds for our fictional movie”, said Carlos Cortés, moviemaker and UCN marine biologist, and one of the people in charge of the expedition. Javier Sellanes, Research Secretary of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of UCN, which will be receiving a ROV in upcoming months to continue to monitor the shipwreck, said that this finding also opens a large range of possibilities for research in areas such as underwater archaeology, anthropology, and history; even chemistry and marine biology. “All of this will continue to be carried out with the required permits and with due respect for the people who lost their lives during this tragic event, and their families”, he added. Cortés and producer Ricardo Bordones started their investigation seven years ago. “First we re-edited a book written by one of the Itata shipwreck survivors, and in time we gathered more information and were joined in our effort by UCN, the Chilean Navy, NGO Oceana, the Culture Council, the municipality of La Higuera, and company’s Sacyr and TPC. All their support has been essential to attain our research objectives”, said Cortés. Finding the Itata was crucial for this story’s closure, so Oceana joined the exploratory work. It was a known fact that the ship was located between Punta de Choros and Caleta Chungungo, an area familiar to this marine conservation NGO. “At Oceana we’ve conducted a number of scientific expeditions off the coast of La Higuera because of this area’s environmental significance. This is why we wanted to cooperate in the search for the Itata using our technology, and thanks to the images collected by our underwater robot, we were able to find the ship”, said Matthias Gorny, Oceana Chile’s Science Director. The discovery of the Itata adds a new tourist attraction to a region that is internationally recognized for its natural abundance. The ship is located off the coast of one of the most visited areas in Coquimbo region, near the Humboldt Penguin National Reserve, an exceptional place for whale watching and sea bird sightings.
David Henderson has a good article on the so-called robber barons, a derogative term that became popular only in the 1930s. He notes that those who complained about Rockefeller and Carnegie were not their consumers but their competitors. The technological breakthroughs of the second half of the 19th century created economies of scale in petroleum, railroads, and steel production. Someone was going to take advantage of these economies, and it turned out that Rockerfeller and Carnegie were the people at the right place with the right skills. But if they had not been there, someone else would have done something similar. Bill Gates in the 20th century is similar case, though it was network economies that he exploited rather than economies of scale. It was inevitable that the business world would standardize on some operating system, and if Microsoft had not offered one, someone else would have developed or offered one. (IBM totally bungled the introduction of their PC--they did not realize it at the time, but they destroyed themselves when they did not control both chips and operating system.) Microsoft has kept its dominance by being smart enough to copy Apple--many others would quickly have lost dominance by being less astute than Microsoft has been. Football sentences to ponder 2 hours ago
Click For Photo: https://media.wired.com/photos/5b04581d4540814303aed7e8/191:100/pass/pollinator.png You like eating, yes? Apples, oranges, berries? For these foods we can thank bees and their extraordinary pollinating powers. Unfortunately, to show our appreciation, humans are killing off bees in staggering numbers—destroying their habitats and poisoning them with pesticides. And at the same time, our population is skyrocketing, which means if we can't get our act together, we have to somehow feed more people with fewer pollinators. Well, living pollinators, that is. In a greenhouse at West Virginia University, a machine called the BrambleBee is learning to roll around pollinating blackberry bushes, knocking their flowers around (blackberry flowers self-pollinate, so bees or robots just have to jostle them to spread around the pollen). It's no replacement for bees, but in a world with too many humans and not enough pollinators, robots like this could help feed our kind. BrambleBee - Car - First - Lidar - Lasers The BrambleBee works not unlike a self-driving car. First it uses lidar, spraying lasers to build a 3-D map of the greenhouse so it can find its way around. For the moment, it looks for QR codes as a stand-in for flowers, but the researchers are close to getting it to snap photos of actual flowers. After traipsing through the rows, it then plans its next pass to reach as many flowers with its arm as possible. Next, once it’s positioned itself in front of a plant, another camera on that arm will make an even higher-resolution 3-D map of the crop. If BrambleBee determines a flower is ready for pollination, it will use a small 3-D printed brush of flexible polyurethane bristles on the end of its arm to gently stroke the blossom. This transfers pollen from the male reproductive organs, called anthers, to the pistils, where pollination commences. The robot will even remember what flowers it already hit, so it can make multiple... (Excerpt) Read more at: WIRED Wake Up To Breaking News!
Maricao is the second-least populous municipality of Puerto Rico located at the western edge of the Cordillera Central. It is a small town set around a small plaza in hilly terrain, north of San Germán, Saban Grande and Yauco; south of Las Marías and Lares, southeast of Mayagüez, and west of Adjuntas. Maricao is spread over 15 wards and Maricao Pueblo (The downtown area and the administrative center of the city). The town borders the Maricao Fish Hatchery, a collection of tanks and ponds in a garden setting, where some 25,000 fish are raised yearly to stock farm fishponds and island lakes. The hatchery is part of the Maricao State Forest, also known as Monte del Estado. Though of dryer vegetation than the other mountain forest, Maricao is home to large number of bird species. Its stone observation tower provides far-flung views to the coast and the Mona Passage. Maricao has a 2000 census population of 6,449. It has a land area of 37.1 square miles (96.87
Treatments and Services New patients in the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Epilepsy Center will have an initial evaluation with one of our doctors to determine the nature of the seizures and the best way to evaluate them. Your doctor may order various tests to locate the exact cause of your seizures and determine the best treatment for you. You may be able to manage your epilepsy with medication or dietary changes, or we may recommend surgery. Testing usually happens in three phases: - Phase 1: Preliminary tests: This testing is done to more clearly define your epilepsy. It is also used in preparation for surgery. - Phase 2: Wada test: If phase 1 testing indicates that surgery may help you, the team will use the Wada test (developed by neurologist Juhn Wada) to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for surgery. It is also used in preparation for surgery. - Phase 3: Electrode placement: If the epilepsy team determines that you need more detailed testing, they will recommend electrode placement to better determine where in the brain the seizures are happening. Most forms of epilepsy can be treated with medications; however, about 25 percent of epilepsy patients continue to have seizures while on medication. For such patients, the Epilepsy Center may recommend surgery, dietary changes, or a combination of therapies. You may find that one treatment no longer works as well as it used to, perhaps because of pregnancy, insomnia, medications, or other issues. It is important to keep in touch with your doctor about your health. Our ketogenic diet is intended for patients one year or older who have frequent seizures and who do not respond well to anti-seizure medications. The diet is composed mostly of fats with small amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and fluids. Most patients find that they have fewer seizures on this diet, although results vary. The program starts with a three-to-five-day hospital stay, followed by regular appointments with the neurologist and dietitian. Vagus nerve simulator This device is an electrical generator implanted under the collarbone and connected by a wire to the vagus nerve in the neck. Stimulating this nerve has proven effective in reducing some types of seizures. It can be activated by holding a magnet over the implanted generator. If medication and other treatments are unable to control your seizures, your Epilepsy Center team may recommend surgery. - Lobectomy: A lobectomy is the removal of part of the brain. Almost 80 percent of partial seizures in adults begin in the temporal lobes, which are located on both sides of the head just above the ears. A portion of one of the temporal lobes can be removed if tests consistently show that your seizures originate there. The success rate for becoming seizure-free after a temporal lobectomy is currently at least 90 percent. Your doctor may perform other surgeries such as removal of tumors, abnormal collections of blood vessels, and congenital lesions. Lesions and their surrounding tissue will be removed if monitoring shows that seizures begin in that area. - Corpus callosotomy: During this operation, the doctor temporarily removes a portion of the skull to gain access to the brain. Nerve fibers that connect one side of the brain to the other, called the corpus callosum, are severed. This is done to keep seizures from spreading from one side of the brain to the other. No tissue is removed. This surgery is most helpful for grand mal seizures and drop attacks. Seizures are not usually stopped entirely by this procedure; however, the effects are generally less severe. Often patients may have a seizure on only one side or the other. The operation is done in two stages. In the first stage, the corpus callosum is severed two-thirds of the way. If this adequately controls seizures, then no further surgery is needed. If it does not significantly reduce the frequency and/or intensity of your seizures, then you will be evaluated for further surgery. - Hemispherectomy: In rare cases, a patient may have extensive brain damage on only one side of the brain. That damage may produce uncontrollable seizures and paralysis on the opposite side of the body. During a hemispherectomy, the doctor removes all, or almost all, of one side of the brain. After this procedure, the remaining side of the brain may take over many of the functions of the part that was removed. However, some body weakness will persist. - Hemispherotomy: This procedure is similar to a hemispherectomy, but instead of removing part of the brain, it is disconnected. A hemispherotomy can have certain advantages for some patients, particulary children. Life after surgery After surgery, you will be followed very closely by your medical and surgical team. It is important that you tell the physician or nurse if you have any problems functioning in everyday life, or have trouble coping with a life without epilepsy. These are very important concerns, and our team can help you. - The nurse coordinator will call you frequently to check on your progress and help with any questions or concerns. - You will see your neurologist and neurosurgeon about four to six weeks after surgery, and have an MRI. - Six months after surgery, you will be admitted to the hospital for a 24-hour electroencephalogram (EEG) with video monitoring and a second series of neuropsychological testing. - Your team will follow up with you every three months for the first year, then every six months thereafter. Risks from epilepsy surgery Although epilepsy surgery is considered relatively safe, there are certain risks, which may include: - Bleeding or infection at the surgical site - Difficulty remembering or speaking certain words - Minor vision loss or weakness opposite the side of surgery - Risks associated with anesthesia
REPORT #PCT07: UNDERSTANDING COMMON LAW © Copyright 1994 Sovereign Services ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A Brief History of Common Law Until the 12th century, law in the western world consisted of written laws, called Civil Laws, all traceable to Roman Law. This basic system still prevails in many countries as well as in the state of Louisiana. However, after the Norman conquest of Britain in 1066, a legal tradition called the "common law," different from that of civil law, began to develop in England. In the 1100s during the reign of the legal reformer, Henry II, court decisions were written down and catalogued according to the types of cases. When the courts were called on to decide similar issues later, they reviewed the earlier decisions and if one was found that covered the earlier decision, they applied the principle of the earlier decision. They called this doctrine, "stare decisis," a Latin term meaning "to stand by the decision." Under this rule of stare decisis, once a legal issue has been resolved as it applied to a particular set of facts, a court did not reconsider that legal issue in a later case where the factual circumstances were substantially similar. But this did not mean that every decision stood forever. However, the principle of stare decisis was a strong one, and judges were reluctant to discard well-established rules, and took great pains to explain a significant departure from a precedent. During America's colonial period, most of the English common law tradition did not change, and the new country continued to follow English common law. When the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1789, the Constitution, based upon the common law inherited from England, became the new foundation on which the American legal system was built. If you're interested in learning more about the history of common law, I recommend Origins of The Common Law by Arthur R. Hogue (LibertyPress, 7440 N. Shadeland, Indianapolis, IN 46250; 1985). The Two Basic Common Laws According to Richard J. Maybury (Whatever Happened to Justice? - Bluestocking Press, PO Box 1014, Placerville, CA 95667; 1993 - highly recommended), there are two fundamental common laws: 1.Do all you have agreed to do; 2.Do not encroach on other persons or their property. "Do all you have agreed to do" is the basis for contract law. "Do not encroach... " is the basis for criminal law and tort law. A "tort" is harm done to someone. Black's Law Dictionary defines encroach as: "To enter by gradual steps or stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass or intrude. To gain or intrude unlawfully upon the lands, property, or authority of another." Now consider the people who masquerade as "government." They agreed to follow their Constitution. To what extent do they do this? And to what extent do they respect other persons or their property? Could it be that so-called "government" is simply common law turned upside-down? The Code of Terra Libra (1) Free Sovereign Citizens own their own lives, minds, bodies, and labor, and may do with them anything that doesn't violate the equal rights of others. This principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership is the foundation for all legitimate property. (2) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to own property, which consists of all possessions acquired without coercing others. They respect the equal right of others to own property, which forms the basis for productive and cooperative human relationships. (3) No individual, group, or majority has the right to initiate or threaten force, fraud, violence, or theft against Free Sovereign Citizens or their property. (4) Free Sovereign Citizens have a right to choose whether to communicate or associate with others. These rights of speech and privacy follow directly from the principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership. (5) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to associate with others and to enter into agreements and contracts. For a contract between Free Sovereign Citizens to be valid, it needs to be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. (6) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to produce and exchange property, and to own the products of their labor and thought. No individual, group, or majority has a right to the labor, ideas, production, or property of a Free Sovereign Citizen, or any part thereof, without prior consent or agreement. (7) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to defend and protect themselves and their property against coercive aggression, and to contract with others to assist them. The authority of voluntarily-chosen agents to defend or protect Citizens and/or their property is strictly limited to that defense or protection. (8) Free Sovereign Citizens consider a crime to occur only when there is a damaged person or property. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "victimless crime," and no Free Sovereign Citizen can commit a crime simply by disobeying the arbitrary rules of tyrants or coercive organizations. (9) To be legitimate, courts and trials must be based on voluntary association and agreement, rather than on coercion. However, anyone who infringes on the person or property of another may be subject to a requirement for restitution by the damaged person. (10) Free Sovereign Citizens recognize that social order and cooperation develop spontaneously in the absence of coercion. They also recognize that leadership by example and productive effort is more beneficial than leadership by force, violence, compulsion, or fear. (11) The principles stated in this Code apply to all Free Sovereign Citizens without regard to age, race, religion, philosophy, background, birthplace, geographic location, gender, or sexual preference. (12) For a right to be valid its exercise may not impose a positive obligation on another; it only depends on others not taking coercive actions. Free Sovereign Citizens respect the equal rights of other Citizens, and therefore do not expect others to contribute to their interests, except through voluntary transactions or contributions. Notice that the Terra Libra Code is an extension of the two basic common laws. The Distinction Between Free and Unfree [This section is extracted from an article by Alfred Adask in the Nov/Dec 1992 issue of AntiShyster.] " On page 1238 of Black's Law Dictionary (Revised 4th Edition) we find the entry: "OMNES HOMINES AUT LIBERI SUNT AUT SERVI. All men are freemen or slaves. Inst. 1, 3, pr.; Fleta, 1. 1, c. 1, Sect. 2." This Latin dictum declares you must be either a "freeman" or a "slave." Mutually exclusive categories. No middle ground. If you're not one, you must be the other. It's an interesting notion, but does this obscure Latin phrase have any current relevance to you and me? Inst. 1, 3, pr." is a reference to Justinian's Institutes, a treatise on Roman Law compiled under the direction of Emperor Justinian, and first published in AD 533. This tells us that the freeman/slave dichotomy dates back at least 1,400 years in Western civilization and legal tradition. The second reference - "Fleta, 1. 1, c. 1, Sect. 2." - refers to an ancient treatise on the laws of England, called Fleta and written during the reign of Edward I in the late 13th Century or early 14th century. So the 6th Century Roman dictum of "slave or freeman" was still honored 800 years later in Fleta and, presumably, in the law of 14th Century England. Black's defines "free" as: "Not subject to legal constraint of another. Unconstrained; having power to follow the dictates of his own will. Not subject to the dominion of another. Not compelled to involuntary servitude. Used in this sense as opposed to 'slave'... Enjoying full civic rights... " Black's defines "freeman" as: "A person in the possession and enjoyment of all the civil and political rights according to the people under a free government. In Roman law, it denoted one who was either born free or emancipated, and was the opposite of 'slave.' In feudal law, it designated an allodial proprietor, as distinguished from a vassal or feudal tenant. (And so in Pennsylvania colonial law. Fry's Election Case, 71 Pa. 308, 10 Am. Rep. 698.) In old English law, the word described a freeholder or tenant by free services; one who was not a villein [slave of a feudal lord]. In modern legal phraseology, it is the appellation of a member of a city or borough having the right of suffrage, or a member of any municipal corporation invested with full civic right." [An allodial proprietor or freeholder has an inalienable right to property. Someone whose property is subject to property tax is a vassal or feudal tenant.] "Full civic right" suggests a person who enjoys all political rights, including the right to hold all public offices. In America, today, only 0.3% of the population - lawyers - can hold office in the judicial branch of government and the other 99.7% of us are denied that civic right. Taken together, the definition of "freemen" and the Roman dictum of freeman/slave dichotomy suggests that the only legal "freemen" in America are licensed lawyers, and conversely, the other 99.7% of us are "slaves." Not a cheery thought. But what do lawyers have that we don't? Education. Knowledge. And what does the Bible say? "My people perish from lack of knowledge." Better start studying, folks. Interesting to see how the 6th Century Roman concept of freeman/slave moved right along through feudal times, to old English law, and on to colonial Pennsylvania. That means the Roman legal concept of "freeman" not only crossed Europe and eight centuries to reach 14th Century England. It later crossed the Atlantic and four more centuries to appear in Pennsylvania law somewhere around 1700. Article I, Section 2 of the Bill of Rights of the 1869 Texas State Constitution says, "All freemen, when they form a compact [voluntary agreement or contract], have equal rights; and no man, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive separate public emoluments or privileges." So the term "freeman" was still in use and clearly part of American Law, as far west as Texas and as recently as 1869 - just over a hundred years ago. [Article I (Bill of Rights), Section 2 of the Texas Constitution also states: "All political power is inherent in the people, and free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith on the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform, or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient."] If the legal term "freeman" was sufficiently resilient to cross one ocean, two continents, and thirteen centuries, it doesn't take a great deal of faith or imagination to suppose the Roman freeman/slave dictum might still carry some weight in today's American legal system. Which means that ancient, obscure Roman dictum still has relevance to your life and mine. Black's defines "slave" as: "A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no freedom of action, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another... One who is under the power of a master, and who belongs to him; so that the master may sell and dispose of his person, of his industry, and of his labor, without his being able to do anything, have anything, or acquire anything, but what must belong to his master... "" [Reprinted (with minor changes) with permission from the AntiShyster, PO Box 540786. Dallas, TX 75354-0786 - (214) 559-7957 - annual subscription $25.] According to Arthur M. Hogue, "Medieval English common law, like Roman law, recognized only two great classes of men - free and unfree." Freemen and slaves. Hale v. Henkel makes a distinction between the individual and the corporation - the freeman and the slave? "There is a clear distinction in this particular case between an individual and a corporation, and that the latter has no right to refuse to submit its books and papers for an examination at the suit of the State. The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights. Upon the other hand, the corporation is a creature of the State. It is presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of the public. It receives certain special privileges and franchises, and holds them subject to the laws of the State and the limitations of its charter. Its powers are limited by law. It can make no contract not authorized by its charter. Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its charter." Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905). Particularly note, that the rights of the individual (freeman), precede the organization of the state. The common-law rights of the individual are senior to any contrary statutes or regulations. The people who masquerade as so-called "government" have used various means (covered below) to trick their victims to unwittingly submit to statutory jurisdiction. Common Law Jurisdiction vs. Statutory Jurisdiction It is possible for an individual or company to operate according to the basic principles of freedom inherent in human nature. Most fundamentally, these are the rights to own property, to engage in voluntary exchange, and the sanctity of contract. These are also basic common law rights. These principles are in accordance with the U.S. Constitution as intended by the American Founding Fathers. Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution states: "No State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts." The individual's right to contract is unlimited and no State may interfere with that right. Very few Americans know that they have a fundamental choice: To live their lives and conduct their businesses under common law jurisdiction or under statutory jurisdiction. Common law is the law of the land, the law of the Constitution. Statutory law is legislated law. Richard Maybury refers to the two kinds of law as scientific law and political law. The IRS makes this distinction between the two kinds of law: "1. Common law comprises the body of principles and rules of action relating to government and security of persons and property which derive their authority solely from usages and customs or from judgments and decrees of courts recognizing, affirming, and enforcing such usages and customs. 2. Statutory law refers to laws enacted and established by a legislative body." IRS Manual, page 5041.1 Section 222.1. Much of the original U.S. common law has been codified in a single Federal statute, the Uniform Commercial Code. "The Code is complementary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where displaced by the code." UCC 1-103.6. The UCC provides the mechanism for making the choice between common law jurisdiction and statutory jurisdiction. It also states that the failure to make the choice results in the loss of common law rights. "When a waivable right or claim is involved, the failure to make a reservation thereof, causes a loss of the right, and bars its assertion at a later date." UCC 1-207.9. "The Sufficiency of the Reservation - Any expression indicating an intention to reserve rights, is sufficient, such as "without prejudice."" UCC 1-207.4. The specific method for reserving your common law rights - for choosing to operate under common law jurisdiction - is to write below your signature "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207." You could use this phrase on your driver's license, on bank signature cards, and on contracts. However, the people who masquerade as "government" may claim that any of the following subjects you to statutory jurisdiction: The 14th Amendment made you a "U.S. citizen" - as opposed to an American Sovereign or a citizen of one of the 50 states. Having a birth certificate Using a social security number. Registering as a voter. Having filed a federal tax return. Having a driver's license. Having a vehicle registration. Having a government marriage certificate. Having children in a government school. Having registered as a voter. Having received a professional license (attorney, doctor, architect, engineer, etc.) Being a director of a corporation. Etc. The people who masquerade as "government" may claim that all the above are "government benefits" which subject you to their jurisdiction. Several organizations provide services involving the systematic revocation of all the above and declaring your sovereignty. We've developed an "Affidavit of Truth" (price $49) to achieve the same objective. Once you've established your status as a sovereign or state citizen, you then operate under common law jurisdiction, and you're no longer subject to statutory jurisdiction. One of the reasons for creating a Pure Contract Trust is that it is a common law entity not subject to statutory jurisdiction. The Trust then can do or own all the things you don't want to be subject to statutory jurisdiction. Many people simply don't want to be bothered with all the hassle it takes to become a sovereign. Of course, even if you do become a sovereign, it's usually worth it to also use a Pure Contract Trust to keep certain assets and activities legally separate from yourself. In fact, if you do become a sovereign, this may put you on some government black list, therefore it may be especially prudent to use a Trust. Practical Considerations in the Application of Your Common Law Rights There are different approaches to applying your individual rights under common law. Which combination of approaches you use depends on your particular situation and preferences. For example, some people prefer to make very public their intentions, status, and actions rights from the start. Some people believe that as a matter of moral principle it's important to fully disclose in advance to various bureaucrats exactly what they think and do. This is certainly an honorable viewpoint to hold, and many people who are quite freedom-oriented subscribe to this methodology. With respect to disclosure of facts, this method parallels that of many philosophies of civil disobedience - which often hold that assertion of whatever right you are claiming must be fully disclosed and public to be properly and morally claimed. Another approach is to think and do as you wish - of course, morally and properly according to individual rights principles based in common law. When confronted by a bureaucrat who might want to infringe on your common law rights, you can then make a more open and public assertion of your rights. If appropriate, you could choose some middle ground between "full public disclosure in advance" and "waiting to be confronted before asserting your rights." This approach does not necessarily mean rights are forfeited because you didn't give COMPLETELY LOUD disclosure in advance. How can this be done? As a declaration of intentions you could, for example, use our "Affidavit of Truth" [price: $49.00] by filing it with the County Recorder. For many people, this may be a good summary of their state of mind with regard to retaining, reserving, and using (when desired) individual rights secured by common law. The reason this represents a middle ground between full disclosure to bureaucrats and no disclosure at all is that the act of filing the document with the County Recorder makes this declaration of your state of mind a matter of public record. Higher profile is to send such a document (or similar declarations) directly to various bureaucrats. This may suit you better if it is morally important to you to give full accounting and disclosure to your enemies, no matter how much they may harm you. Another circumstance in which you may consider direct confrontation is when you are being attacked anyway. In this case, they already are after you and you may get better results by showing the bureaucrats very clearly that you are not "easy pickings" and that coming after you will cost them dearly in terms of time, effort, and money. No public disclosure at all to assert your individual rights under common law may work well for you sometimes. In this case, being discrete about your affairs may reduce the chances of attack against you to nearly zero. Public recording of your state of mind with the County Recorder does increase chances of attack against you some, but in many cases probably not much. There are thousands of Counties in the United States. Consider using a County Recorder some distance from where you spend most of your time. If you do that, the chances of any bureaucrat who might infringe on your individual common law rights ever noticing that you are in fact asserting those rights may well be close to zero! U.S. Court Decisions Today, the court decisions that are published and available in the law libraries, and thus become a part of common law, are almost always appellate court decisions, not trial court decisions. The U.S. Supreme Court and the state Supreme Courts are part of the U.S. appellate court system. The appellate court opinions that appear in published form in the law library follow a format as follows: 1.The Facts, which are taken from the lower court's determination. 2.The Issues, which are presented by the appealing parties. 3.The Ruling or Holding, which is the answer to the issues. 4.The Reasoning or Rationale, which is the discussion. Most judges try hard to be consistent with decisions that they or a higher court have made. This consistency is very important to the common law tradition. For this reason, if you can find a previous court decision that rules your way on facts similar to your situation, you have a good shot at persuading a judge to follow that case and decide in your favor. There are two basic principles to understand when you want to persuade a judge to rule your way. One is called "precedent authority," and the other is called "persuasive authority. " Under precedent authority, using the principle of stare decisis (to stand by the decision), means that the court is compelled to uphold the earlier decision if there is nothing that makes the earlier decision different from the one being decided. If the earlier decision was a U.S. Supreme Court case, that case is binding authority on all courts in this country. As a general rule, persuasive authority means the higher the court, the more persuasive its opinion. However, in the absence of a precedent case, such as the Lee Marvin case, which was the first major case establishing the principle of "palimony," the Marvin case was considered persuasive authority by many out-of-state courts, although that case was not binding outside of California. What bearing does all this have on Hale v. Henkel? We know that Hale v. Henkel was decided in 1905 in the U. S. Supreme Court. Since it was the U. S. Supreme Court, the case is binding on all courts of the land, until another U.S. Supreme Court case says it isn't. Has another U.S. Supreme Court case overturned Hale v. Henkel? The answer is "No." As a matter of fact, since 1905, Hale v. Henkel has been cited by all of the federal and state appellate court systems a total of 1,600 times! Remember that in nearly every instance when a case is cited, it has an impact on the precedential authority of the cited case. How does that compare with other previously decided U.S. Supreme Court cases? Although a careful study has not been made, initial observations have shown that only one other case (the Dartmouth College case - see Report #PCT08: The Sanctity of Contract) have surpassed Hale v. Henkel in the number of times it has been cited by the courts. None of the various issues of this case has ever been overruled. On the persuasive side, in Hale v. Henkel, it was the U.S. Supreme Court that was speaking, the Law of the Land. How much more persuasive can a case be! One of the most popular tools available in the law libraries is called Shepard's Citations. Shepard's Citations is a series of publications, encompassing volumes, which identify all federal and state appellate cases. Shepardizing a case is a part of legal research with which all lawyers and judges are familiar. It is a process by which the present status of a case is evaluated as to how it has been affected by later cases; and the process of locating cases that might otherwise have been overlooked. A citation is simply a reference to a legal authority. A published or reported case is identified: (1) by the publication in which it appears, (2) by the volume number of that publication, and (3) by the page on which the case begins. Thus, the citation of Hale v. Henkel, 201 U. S. 43, identifies the case as being on page 43 of volume 201 of United States Reports, which means the cases of the U.S. Supreme Court. Therefore, if you see a case listed in a Shepard's book under page 43 of volume 201 United States Reports, and the listed case is 934 F. 2d 743, then the cited case is 201 U.S. 43, Hale v. Henkel, and the citing case is 934 F 2d 743, because this case is citing Hale v. Henkel in its reasoning and ruling. Here are some examples of the types of letter abbreviations you will find next to a citing case. Again, remember that a citing case is the case that has cited the case in which you are interested. cc (connected case) - Different case from case cited but arising out of same subject matter or intimately connected therewith. r (reversed) - Same case reversed on appeal. d (distinguished) - Case at bar different either in law, or fact from case cited for reasons given. j (dissenting opinion) - Citation in dissenting opinion. o (overruled) - Ruling in cited case expressly overruled. p (parallel) - Citing case substantially alike in respect of facts, issues, ruling, and reasoning of cited case. Therefore, by the use of the letter abbreviations, it is not difficult, and extremely time efficient, to run down the citing cases of Hale v. Henkel and determine how each citing case was treated in its reference to Hale v. Henkel. If you're interested in obtaining a complimentary copy of a Shepard's guide to legal research, call (719) 488-3000, or write to Shepard's, PO Box 35300, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3530, requesting free copies of their publications, "How to Shepardize" and "Questions and Answers." Court Rulings Contrary to the U.S. Constitution America is unique in the world in that it has a constitution which is the senior law of the land and severely limits what government may do. Also, all government officials are supposed to swear an oath to uphold their constitution. Furthermore, the constitution includes a procedure for amending it. No court - including the U.S. Supreme Court - has the legal power to amend the constitution. This means that, applying a strict legal and logical test, only those court decisions that conform with the constitution are valid. The practice, however, is very different. Generally, judges seem to operate on the basis that they'll do whatever they can get away with. As indicated in The Economic Rape of America: What You Can Do About It, most lawyers are of questionable character - to put it mildly! Most judges are lawyers wearing black robes. Furthermore, most of them are also political appointees. In my opinion, a case can be made that American judges are the worst criminals in the world. If you'd like some evidence to back up my opinion, I suggest you read With Justice for None by Gerry Spence. Ideally, you need to conduct your affairs in such a way that you don't have to go to court. It's the enemy's territitory - not a good place to fight! First, you attempt to organize matters so the enemy isn't aware of you as a threat or potential target. Second, you take measures that, should you become visible to the enemy as a potential target, will induce the enemy to decide that you'll be a very tough nut to crack, and there are much easier pickings elsewhere. The Pure Contract Trust and the Affidavit of Truth are tools to assist you to achieve the above two objectives. The enemy wants to rob you. That's how he gets his income and makes a living. Ultimately, it's your own determination, ingenuity, and resourcefulness that will deflect the enemy to seek out an easier mark. Fortunately, if you're well prepared, it's relatively easy to win! Other reports in this series: #PCT01 - #PCT01A - #PCT02 - #PCT03 - #PCT04 - #PCT05 - #PCT06 - #PCT07 - #PCT07A - #PCT08 - #PCT09 [check out the website....]
Our Lady of Guadalupe has become an eminent image throughout Latin America and even North America and is often seen as an advocate for migrants and vulnerable populations across the Americas. Tag Archive for: Migrants Framed in Catholic Social Teaching and documents of the U.S. bishops, this resource provides a variety of suggestions on how to support and stand with Immigrants, Migrants, Refugees And People On The Move. A video reflection on the work of the Kino Border Initiative created by a student at Brophy College Preparatory, the Jesuit high school in Phoenix, Arizona. The student invites those who watch the video to experience the stories of people migrating who KBI serves and the staff with an open heart — to encounter their humanity. What does the Bible say about helping refugees, migrants and foreigners? Fr. James Martin, S.J., explains that it’s pretty clear. “Looking Beyond Borders” provides students at both the high school and elementary level an opportunity learn about the reality of life for people who are displaced, refugees, or migrants. Interesting linksHere are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :) - Campaña por la Hospitalidad — Español - Come to the Table Potlucks - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Français – Campagne pour l’hospitalité - Hacer el compromiso: Quédate con los que buscan asilo - Immigration Detention Center Pilgrimages - Join The Campaign - Light in the Darkness: Uniting in Prayer for Immigrant Families - Light in the Darkness: Vigil for Immigrant Families - Love Your Neighbor - Send a Love Your Neighbor Note - Share the love – Spread the word! - Take Action - Take the Pledge: Stand With Those Seeking Asylum - Thank you for taking the pledge
Denmark is a small country, but it offers many advantages to potential expats. Most of the population, especially in the urban areas, speaks English. For those who also prefer to learn Danish, there are subsidized or free language courses provided by the local authorities. The country has an active art and culture scene, and there’s always something going on – music and film festivals, art shows, theatre, and plenty more.In addition, Denmark isn’t just a small country, it’s also sparsely populated – its population amounts to about 5.5 million, making it an ideal place for those who prefer to live away from the crowds. There is a large portion of Denmark’s territory that is unpopulated, and this rolling landscape lends itself to a number of sport and outdoor activities. Since Denmark is located close to the sea, the climate can be described as temperate. The Atlantic winds affect the whole of the country since nowhere is more than 52 km from the sea. The result is mild winters and cooler summers, along with plenty of rain. The best weather in Denmark occurs during springtime, which is the driest time of the year. Preparing for the climate in Denmark firstly involves expecting unpredictability. It’s common for the weather to be cold one day and turn hot the next. The official Danish weather website provides regular forecasts, but many times, the weather doesn’t quite match the forecast. Also, since the country is surrounded by water, many different factors can influence the weather in a short period of time. The Danes brace themselves for the changing weather by dressing in layers. This way one can add or remove pieces of clothing as required. Rainwear is also important, as it can sometimes continue drizzling for hours. Heavy rain however is not as common. Carrying a collapsible umbrella is a good idea, as you can store it in your bag when not in use. You are also less likely to lose or misplace your umbrella this way. Winters in Denmark are usually mild, and the days can get quite dark. Sunrise occurs at 9 am and sunset at 4 pm, and therefore the nights can seem long. In fact, winter depression is a common problem in Denmark. Summers are pleasant with just the right amount of warmth. Most people head outdoors to parks or to the beach to take advantage of the enjoyable weather. The average temperature is about 16 degrees Celsius in summer, while the average winter temperature can be around freezing point. Even though there seem to be only two seasons in Denmark, the country actually has four. Spring begins in March and ends in May; summer lasts from June to August; autumn is between September and November; and winter is from December to February. Rainfall is usually evenly distributed throughout the year. The best way to deal with the weather in Denmark is to make it a habit of dressing in layers. Your outer clothing should be wind-resistant and waterproof. For instance, during autumn, you can wear a light windbreaker that protects you from the rain and also keeps you warm during the nights. Scarves are another handy item of clothing in Denmark. You are likely to see many Danes wearing scarves. Also helpful are jackets that have removable linings, which are suitable for the cold winter months and also for the cooler autumn days. Make you your footwear is comfortable. Rain is a constant presence in Denmark and your shoes should be able to handle water. Clothing can be quite expensive in Denmark, so expats may want to bring their own from home. Stay warm with hygge Danes endure the bleak winter months with the help of hygge. It is a cultural concept that can’t be directly translated into English, but refers to feelings of wellbeing or togetherness. Hygge can be different things like enjoying the company of family and good friends, or having a warm meal. Christmas, which occurs right in the middle of the dreary winter season, is the main time for hygge in Denmark. The city streets and popular places like Tivoli Gardens come alive with lights during this time. Candlelight is commonly used to promote a cozy atmosphere, and you will see candles in restaurants, bars, and even offices. Have you moved to Denmark? How do you deal with the climate there? Share your thoughts in the comments.
To be healthy, you really do need to break into a sweat when you exercise, say experts. Official advice that 30 minutes of gentle exercise a day is enough to improve your health has been revised by the scientists who first developed the international fitness guidelines. Members of the American College of Sports Medicine are concerned the advice is being misconstrued. Some may take this to include a mere stroll to the car. People should do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise, like jogging, three days a week, they say. There is confusion about what is the ideal amount and intensity of exercise to improve health. All agree that regular exercise is essential. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said 30 minutes of gentle exercise each day could be enough to sustain a minimum level of fitness. Recently, researchers at Queen's University, Belfast, found walking for half an hour on just three days a week gave similar fitness and blood pressure benefits to walking for 30 minutes five times a week. The sports scientists, however, say this advice is misleading and could encourage people to do too little exercise. "There are people who have not accepted, and others who have misinterpreted, the original recommendation. Some people continue to believe that only vigorous intensity activity will improve health, while others believe that the light activities of their daily lives are sufficient to promote health," they told Circulation , the journal of the American Heart Association. Their original recommendations in 1995 were quickly adopted by the WHO. They now stress that adults need to top up their routine activities, such as casual walking and housework, with structured exercise. This should include vigorous (jogging) and moderate aerobic exercise (a brisk walk), as well as twice-weekly activities, such as weight training, which maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance. People can do short bouts of exercise to count towards their weekly goals, but these must last for at least 10 minutes. They say that even more exercise than this may have further benefits. However, research has also shown that too much exercise can be damaging to the body. Professor Paul Gately, professor of exercise and obesity at Leeds Metropolitan University, told The Guardian that it was difficult to give 'one-size-fits-all' advice. "People who are very overweight would have to do an hour of exercise a day just to maintain their weight if they aren't going to change their diets," he said.
THIS city worthy and character was a son of Dr. David Paton, a physician in Glasgow, who left to his son the tenement in which he lived for many years preceding his decease, called Paton’s Land, opposite the Old Exchange at the Cross (but lately removed to make way for the Trongate Station of the City and Central Railway). The broad pavement,—or plainstanes, as it is called,—in front of the house, formed the daily parade-ground of the veteran. The captain held a commission in a regiment that had been raised in Scotland for the Dutch service; and after he had left the tented field, lived with two maiden sisters, and Nelly, the servant, who had, from long and faithful servitude, become an indispensable member of the household. The captain was considered a very skilful fencer, and excelled in small sword exercise, an accomplishment he was rather proud of, and often handled his rattan as if it had been the lethal instrument which he used to wield against the foe. The wags of the day got up a caricature of the captain parrying the horned thrusts of a belligerent bull in the Glasgow Green. He died on the 30th July, 1807, at the age of 68, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father in the Cathedral, or High Church burying grounds. Captain Paton forms the subject of Lockhart’s celebrated serio-comic Lament, which was first published in Blackwood’s Magazine for September, 1819.
Protecting against bowel cancer This page tells you about other ways to reduce your risk of bowel cancer, apart from with a healthy diet. You can find the following information People who do more physical exercise have a lower risk of large bowel (colon) cancer. We don't know why exercise helps. It may affect your hormone levels. Or it may change the speed that your body ticks over (your metabolic rate). Or it may even change the length of time food stays in your bowel. Aspirin and NSAIDs Aspirin and drugs called non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or Nurofen) may help to prevent bowel and other digestive system cancers. A 2010 review of trials found that taking low dose aspirin for a few years reduced the risk of colon cancer but not rectal cancer. Research is looking into using medicines such as aspirin to prevent bowel cancer. But aspirin does have side effects. You should not take aspirin or other NSAIDs regularly without checking with your doctor first. Other possible protective factors Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the contraceptive pill may protect against bowel cancer. You may have a lower risk of bowel cancer if you have a higher than average level of vitamin D and if you don't smoke. You can view and print the quick guides for all the pages in the about bowel cancer section. People who are more physically active have a lower risk of colon cancer. Overall, the most active men can reduce their risk of colon cancer by nearly 20 to 30%. And the most active women can reduce their risk by around 10 to 30%. In 2011, it was estimated that more than 5 out of 100 bowel cancers (5%) in the UK were linked to people doing less than 150 minutes of at least moderate exercise per week. We don't know why exercise helps. It may affect your hormone levels. Or it may change the speed at which your body ticks over (your metabolic rate). Or it may even change the length of time food stays in your bowel. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen) and aspirin may help to prevent bowel and other digestive system cancers. We don't know quite how this works. There is a theory that this type of drug stops an enzyme called COX-2 from working. Blocking the enzyme may help to stop polyps developing. Polyps can develop into cancer. Trials are looking into this further. At least 2 trials using aspirin have found it lowers the risk of developing bowel polyps. A 2010 review of trials found that taking low dose aspirin for a few years reduced the risk of colon cancer but not rectal cancer. It also reduced the number of people who died from bowel cancer. But aspirin does have side effects and it is not yet clear how safe it is to take even in low doses. Research is looking into this. You should not take aspirin or other NSAIDs regularly without checking with your doctor first. These drugs can damage the lining of your stomach and cause bleeding. Doctors don't currently recommend routinely taking aspirin or other NSAIDS to prevent bowel cancer unless you are part of a clinical trial. For many people, the risk of damage to the stomach lining outweighs the benefit of preventing bowel cancer. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the contraceptive pill may protect against bowel cancer, but the evidence is mixed. Compared with women who have never used them, the evidence suggests that women who have used HRT or the pill have around a 20% lower risk of colon and rectal cancer. But we need more research to be sure. Female hormones may protect against bowel cancer by helping to lower the concentration of bile in the bowel. Although we need it for the healthy digestion of fats, bile irritates the lining of the bowel. Although HRT may reduce bowel cancer risk, there are other health issues to take into account when deciding to take HRT. It increases your risk of breast cancer and other illnesses. Before making a decision about whether to take HRT, you should talk to your doctor about the overall effect it could have on your health. Several studies have shown that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of bowel cancer. You get a small amount of vitamin D from your diet. But your body also makes vitamin D in response to the sun. You don't need to sunbathe to get enough vitamin D. A short time outdoors a few times a week should be enough. Your body only makes as much vitamin D as it needs. So spending too long in the sun and getting burnt will not help with vitamin D levels, but will increase your risk of skin cancer. Smokers are more likely to develop polyps in their bowel than non smokers, and some studies show that smokers have a higher risk of bowel cancer, particularly rectal cancer. So giving up smoking can reduce your risk of bowel cancer. If you want to give up smoking you can find tips and information on this website. Rated 5 out of 5 based on 12 votes Question about cancer? Contact our information nurse team
Eat Slow to Lose Weight? February 26, 2010 — 10:30 AM Researchers have found evidence over the years that when people wolf their food, they end up consuming more calories than they would at a slower pace. One reason is the effect of quicker ingestion on hormones. Scientists found that when a group of subjects were given an identical serving of ice cream on different occasions, they released more hormones that made them feel full when they ate it in 30 minutes instead of 5 . The scientists took blood samples and measured insulin and gut hormones before, during and after eating. They found that two hormones that signal feelings of satiety, or fullness....Ultimately, that leads to eating less.
Characteristics (Quick Facts) Ability to Adapt: Need for Grooming: The British Shorthair Cat is one of the oldest known breeds. The easy-going and mellow British Shorthair is perfect for people of all ages and will adjust right into your home. This is a laid-back breed that doesn’t demand a lot of attention, but they like to follow their owners around. Due to upturned mouth, round whisker pads and cheeks, the British Shorthair looks like a smiling teddy bear. The large well-boned chunky body, dense coat, and broad face are the distinctive traits this breed is known for. This breed comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The most famous variation being the ‘British Blue’ with a distinctive solid blue-gray coat and copper eyes. Female British Shorthairs are more subdued and make great pets for people who like peace and quiet. Males are easier going and are excellent for active families. Where Did British Shorthair Cat Breed Originate? The British Shorthair Cat is regarded as one of the most ancient cat breeds in existence. It is presumed that these cats have been around since the first century AD. It is believed that Roman invaders brought Egyptian domestic cats with them to Great Britain. Later these cats bred with the local wildcat population. Thus, creating a distinctively large breed with a robust body and thick coat that’s able to sustain harsh conditions. Sturdy build and excellent predatory skills were put to good use. People started using them to protect their food stores from rodents. Their easy going and likable nature ensured that these cats found their way in people’s homes as well. Until the end of the 19th century, there were no attempts to standardize the breed. Some sources say that Harrison Weir was the first who attempted to improve the breed through carefully selected pairings. His efforts were successful, and the British Shorthair Cat was featured at the first ever cat show at Crystal Palace in 1871. At this point, the breed gained huge popularity. However, by 1890 the newly imported long-haired breeds stole the spotlight from the British Shorthair. During World War I the British Shorthair breed was almost extinct. To regain the numbers, breeders started to mix Persian cats into British Shorthair’s bloodlines. The new genes introduced were the foundation for the British Longhair Cat. To preserve the standard after the war, the Governing Council of the cat Fancy decided to accept only third generation of Persian/ British Shorthair crosses. This decision placed the breed on the verge of extinction once again by World War II. This time, breeders include Persian, Russian Blue, and Chartreux into the mix. After the war, breeders worked to reintroduce the real British type. It was not until 1970s that the British Shorthair Cat gained formal recognition. The American Cat Association recognized the breed in 1967. However, the Cats Fanciers Association waited until 1980. Today, the British Shorthair is recognized by all cat registries. What Does the British Shorthair Cat Look Like? This breed is best described as being hefty. The broad chest, strong thick legs, rounded paws, and a medium-long thick tail give the breed a robust feel. The head is a study of roundness, with a short muzzle, broad cheeks, large round eyes, and broadly set wide ears. British Shorthair comes in a wide range of colors and patterns which only increase the breed’s overall appeal. According to size standards, the robust body of the British Shorthair should be medium-large in size. While this breed may appear chubby, it shouldn’t look obese. The well-boned body should look and feel powerful and strong. British Shorthair Cat Colors The ‘British Blue‘ remains the most famous color variation of this breed. These cats have a solid blue-gray coat and distinctive copper eyes. However, this breed can be found in almost any imaginable color and pattern. The most common colors include Black, Blue, White, Red, Silver, Cream, Golden, Cinnamon and Fawn. The coat patterns can range from solid, color point, tabby, shaded, bi-color and tortoiseshell. British Shorthair Cat Personality Traits The British Shorthair is a laid-back cat with a calm and mellow personality. They like to follow their owners around the house and be close by. Still, they aren’t demanding and are content to observe instead of getting involved in your activities. British Shorthairs don’t like being picked up or carried around. So, this breed isn’t the best choice if you want a lap cat. However, they will gladly sit by their owner on the sofa. The undemanding British Shorthair values its privacy and won’t mind being alone for longer periods of time. And since this is a low energy breed, you don’t have to worry about any destructive behavior. However, due to their clumsy nature, they tend to get into minor accidents that can cause some damage. This is a smart cat that likes playing with toys which help stimulate its brain. Most British Shorthairs remain playful and energetic until they reach one year of age. After that, they acquire a taste for a sedentary lifestyle and spend most of their time napping. Hence, it is a good idea to buy scratching posts and cat trees that will encourage your cat to be more active. Due to their gentle and easy-going temperaments, British Shorthairs are a pleasure to have around. They are loyal to their owners and will match any amount of affection you provide. The well-mannered British Shorthair isn’t ‘in your face’ type of cat and won’t pester you for attention. This breed is also a bit reserved when meeting new people. But after a couple of visits, they welcome all guests confidently. Female British Shorthairs have somewhat reserved temperaments and tend to be self-sufficient. Males, on the other hand, are more easy-going and have a happy go lucky approach to life. British Shorthair Cat Behavior The self-contained British Shorthair has all four feet firmly on the ground and rarely develops any behavioral issues. This breed doesn’t need much. Just regular meals, a bit of affection and a cozy place to sleep is sufficient. Urinating outside the litter box is a common behavioral issue for all cats, and it can sometimes happen with British Shorthairs. In this case, check the litter box, and clean it if necessary. And if the issue continues, it might be that your cat has a urinary infection and needs to see a vet. Are British Shorthair Cats Adaptable to New Surroundings? Thanks to its history, the British Shorthair Cat is a highly adaptable breed. They react well both to lifestyle changes and new environments. Their mild and calm nature helps them accept other animals and children. When it becomes adult, the British Shorthair becomes an absolute couch potato. You will have to interact with your cat daily to keep her active. Teach your cat to play fetch and make her run after foam balls to get her burning calories. Does It Get Along with Children and Other Pets? The gentle and docile nature of the British Shorthair Cat ensures that this breed gets along well with children. Unlike other cats, this breed doesn’t avoid toddlers. Since they are less energetic, they are perfect companions for this low energy cat. However, the British Shorthair likes the company and attention of older kids too. If they don’t try to pick and carry the cat, it will be a happy camper, otherwise, the Shorthair won’t be pleased. They also get along with dogs and other cats if they are introduced properly. This is a sedentary breed, that enjoys sleeping more than anything else. So, you should get your cat moving with toys. Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day playing with your cat to meet her social needs and keep her active. This way you will prevent obesity and provide a happy life for your feline. General Health and Potential Risks The British Shorthair Cat is known for its robust health and long lifespan. However, like most cat breeds, they are prone to some health issues. The following conditions are seen in this breed. But that doesn’t mean they will affect your cat specifically. - Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart condition that affects all cat breeds. It causes a thickening in the heart and affects its ability to pump blood. A DNA test for this condition is available. So, check if your cat has been tested before you bring her home. - Polycystic Kidney Disease: It’s a hereditary condition that causes the forming of multiple cysts in the kidneys. These cysts are present at birth but grow with time and can cause kidney failure. There isn’t a specific therapy for this condition. - Obesity: The low energy British Shorthair can put on the pounds quite easily. Any additional weight can put the cat at risk of other health problems. Feed your cat with diet cat food. Additionally, include extra activities to help your cat burn fat more easily. British Shorthair Cat Lifespan On average the British Shorthair Cat can live from 14-20 years. However, the above-mentioned health problems can affect this breed’s life expectancy. Therefore, we recommend getting your cat from a reputable breeder and having her tested. With proper care and regular vet check-ups, your cat will thrive for many years. The thick and dense coat is one of the defining features of this breed. The fact that the coat doesn’t have an undercoat makes it easy to maintain. To keep the coat in excellent condition, brush your cat two times a week with a grooming brush. This way you will take care of any loose hair and give your cat a massage too. British Shorthair Cat Shedding Compared to the cats of similar size and coat, the British Shorthair is a low shedding breed. While loose hair won’t be an issue whole year round, this breed does shed during spring and fall. So, brush your cat more often during this period to prevent cat hair from accumulating in your house. Breed Related FAQ In this section, we answer the commonly asked questions about the British Shorthair. Read on to find the answers you are looking for! How Much is British Shorthair Cat Price? The exact price of British Shorthair depends on the breeder and several other factors. Generally, you can expect to pay somewhere in the range of $1500 to $2000 for a healthy kitten. And if you are set on a particular coat or eye color, and competition-quality be prepared to pay a bit more. How Big Do British Shorthair Cats Get? Full grown British Shorthair cats should be medium to large in size, but there is a significant weight difference between male and female cats. Males usually weigh from 9-17 pounds. Females are quite smaller and weigh just 7-12 pounds. This is a slow maturing breed that will reach its full size at approximately three years of age. Because of the chunky and powerful body, it is hard to notice if your cat is overweight. So, use only high-quality cat food. To avoid obesity, feed your cat according to her age and activity level. Are British Shorthair Cats Friendly? British Shorthairs are typically amicable towards people, dogs, and other cats, but this doesn’t happen overnight. Remember that this breed likes to keep its distance and can seem reserved and standoffish. But after the initial period, their amiable personality starts to shine through. Do British Shorthair Cats Make Good Pets? British Shorthairs are some of the easiest cats to live with thanks to their calm and friendly temperaments. They are easy going, gentle towards children and since they like to lounge around, they are a great choice for apartment living. Are British Shorthair Cats Intelligent? Along with their other positive traits, this breed is also noted for being smart. British Shorthairs are quick learners, easy to train, and like playing with puzzle toys that test their intellect. Compared to other breeds, the British Shorthair is characterized as moderately intelligent. Not so much an evil genius, but more a deep thinker type.
|Author: ||K.W. Richards| The potential of the alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata (F.), to pollinate legume forage crops, other than alfalfa, was investigated. Thirty plant species were evaluated using 3 treatments (caged with leafcutter bees, open pollinated, and pollinator excluded). Most perennial and biennial legumes currently grown in Canada require cross-pollination and had favourable seed sets and yields when exposed to leafcutter bees. Most annual legumes did not benefit from leafcutter bees. This study has provided an option to seed growers in their choice of pollinator for these crops. After the mass-screening of crops was completed a detailed study of some of the more-promising crops was initiated to compare pollinator species. A theoretical approach was used to predict the bee population required to pollinate varying flower densities. Estimates of leafcutter bee productivity on crops is also required to meet bee management objectives. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software to read PDF files) URL www.actahort.org Hosted by KU Leuven
A survey shows that 85 million US families share their homes with their pets, and these pet owners spent $75.38 billion on their pets in 2019. Out of this figure, around $34.12 were paid to vet care, supplies, and over-the-counter medication. This kind of spending has become quite usual in the United States. Like non-pet owners get worried about their family members, pet owners feel the same for their pets when they are ill. With saying that, fur parents may not have to worry about their cats‘ health anymore because CBD could be useful for treating several health issues in cats. If you want to know more about CBD and cats, keep reading this article. What is CBD? CBD stands for “cannabidiol” and is one of the 113 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are substances that interact with the endocannabinoid system of mammals. Mammals, like humans and felines, develop cannabinoids through the endocannabinoid (ECS) system. Endocannabinoids are formed by mammals. Whereas phytocannabinoids are produced by plants, especially by cannabis plants. Cannabinoids and ECS The ECS is one of the central signaling hubs of the mammalian body. It serves as a “regulatory board” for signaling biological and physiological processes. These indicators impact sleep, immune function, appetite, and pain, to name a few. Cannabinoid receptors (CBs) are present within the ECS, and two are currently known as CB1 and CB2. CBD is the cannabinoid that binds with these receptors, causing an ECS response. This response depends on what cannabinoid binds the cannabinoid receptor to. CBD has no obvious impact on the ECS. But it blocks or activates certain compounds present in the ECS. For example, the nerve corridors that pain signals use to get to the brain seem to be interrupted. It is an effective way that the CBD may relieve pain. Are THC and CBD the Same? Most people get confused between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD; it is essential to note that THC products come from the marijuana plant while CBD products are derived from the hemp plant. Cannabis plants categorized as hemp plants consist of less than 0.3% THC, it‘s a compound responsible for causing a ‘high.‘ On the other hand, CBD does not cause any euphoric sensation and is safe to consume by both humans and pets. Benefits of CBD for Cats CBD for Cat Seizures CBD has been studied for treating seizures and epilepsy in both cats and dogs. According to a 2019 research, 100 cats were given CBD during the clinical trial, and 89% showed a reduction in seizure intensity after a month of CBD intake. CBD for Cats in Pain Another benefit of consuming CBD is it reduces the intensity of pain and inflammation in humans as well as some animals. A study shows that CBD contains anti-inflammatory properties and treats pain in cats. According to a recent report, CBD can help increase comfort and decrease pain in osteoarthritis in both cats and dogs. What to Look for in CBD Oil for Cats The first thing you need to look for when purchasing CBD oil for your cat is the plant source. It’s safer to go for the hemp-sourced CBD since this decreases the risk of a THC-containing drug. Below are some other attributes that you can pay attention to when shopping for CBD products. NASC Seal or GMP Label Select a CBD drug that explicitly notes that it meets “Best Manufacturing Practices.” Reputable pet CBD brands also have the stamp of the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC). These acronyms say that the product contains healthy ingredients. They also say that CBD oil came from a safe, sanitary manufacturing facility. Independent Lab Test Results Make sure that the CBD items you’re purchasing have undergone independent research. The results of the laboratory tests will tell you how much CBD and THC the drug contains. It will also indicate what the remaining ingredients of the CBD oil are. Like chocolate, grapeseed oil can also be harmful to animals and not to humans. Nonetheless, CBD products for humans can contain this form of oil. Xylitol, a sugar substitute, can also be used in CBD products manufactured for humans. However, this alternative sugar can cause low blood sugar and seizures in animals. It can also lead to liver failure and, if not treated, death in animals, especially cats. It is also important to know that THC is toxic for animals. So, your CBD product for your cat should not contain any THC. That being said, make sure that all the mentioned ingredients are natural and safe for cats. Keep in Mind If your cat is already under some kind of medication, don‘t feed them with CBD. Instead, ring up your vet first to inquire about any potential drug reactions. Past work has shown that CBD has a significant preventing influence on CYP450 enzymes. In humans, this means that taking CBD while taking another drug can impede the action of these enzymes. As a result, more of the drugs will get in and remain in a person’s system. In fact, if your cat isn‘t taking any traditional medicine, it’s still a good idea to reach out to your vet because they can suggest you better about your pet’s wellbeing. CBD Dosage for Cats When you want to give your pet CBD oil, begin with a very small dose. It’s best to first err on the side of caution and check for any possible reactions. If no side effects are noticed, you can increase the dosage. Potential Side Effects to Look For Lack of knowledge on the side effects of CBD on cats is also due to a lack of research. Though, this does not necessarily mean that CBD does not have side effects for pets. This can cause reactions such as the adverse effects that one experiences. One of the side effects is dry mouth, as CBD can limit the production of saliva. This may tend to be more thirsty than usual in cats. One possible side effect is mild fatigue in your animals. It may be due to the relaxing effects of CBD. That said, be extra careful when you give CBD to your pets. If the mouth is dry, make sure that your cat or dog has more water. Is It Legal to Give CBD to Cats? The legality of CBD oil and CBD products is complicated in the US; according to the 2018 Farm Bill rules, hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.3% THC is legal on a federal level, but states hold the authority to alter the practices. As a result, CBD is legal for recreational and medicinal use in some states; other states only allow the therapeutic use of CBD. Meanwhile, some states don’t allow any kind of use of CBD. So be sure to check out your state’s rule about CBD before you start using it for medicinal or recreational purposes. Where to Buy CBD? If you are looking for the original and best quality CBD product, there are several platforms you can entirely rely on. They offer CO2 extracted, 100% natural, and non-GMO CBD products to every client – all you have to do is look for the right manufacturer.
The Research Digest Blog asks, “Are children from collectivist cultures more likely to say it’s okay to lie for the group?” The theory says that yes, they might say it’s okay to lie for your team than children from individualistic cultures, such as the US, which places more value on self-interest. The surprising finding was that children from China actually found lying to protect one’s team less acceptable than children in the US did. “This is not to suggest that Chinese children were acting in an individualistic manner,” the researchers said, “but rather that they were acting based on what they believed to be a more salient moral aspect of the situation.” Source: Research Digest Blog Collective cooperation may explain why China has a long history of innovation. After all, the Chinese invented the compass, paper, the printing press, gunpowder, the multistage rocket and much more. Source: The Growing Gap Between the US and China In addition, I read in the September/October 2012 issue of Foreign Policy Magazine that the Chinese are doing it again. for example: inventing a modular method to build energy-efficient skyscrapers —China plans to use this innovative method to built the world’s tallest building (220-stories) in ninety days compared to the current tallest building in Dubai that is 160 stories tall and took six years to build. Other innovations China is developing is the straddling bus in addition to safer, cleaner nuclear energy. Subscribe to “iLook China”! Sign up for an E-mail Subscription at the top of this page, or click on the “Following” tab in the WordPress toolbar at the top of the screen.
Digital Beamforming Interferometry Digital Beamforming Interferometry (GSC-TOPS-22) Dividing a single antenna into two antennas Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a sophisticated form of radar that implements a single antenna to successfully scan a target area, store the received signals, and coherently process the signals to resolve elements in an image of the target area. Interferometric SAR (InSAR) uses two or more SAR images to generate three dimensional maps of surface deformation or digital elevation using phase difference information. InSAR is commonly implemented with SAR systems in a repeat pass platform configuration where two SAR images are generated during each of the passes, and an interferogram between the two images provides the desired "height" measurement, or in a single pass configuration where the SAR system uses two separate antennas are used to generate the interferogram. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has developed a new approach that uses a single phased array antenna and a single pass configuration to generate interferograms. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has developed a new approach that uses a single phased array antenna and a single pass configuration to generate interferograms, known as Digital Beamforming Interferometry. A digital beamforming radar system allows the implementation of non-conventional radar techniques, known as Digital Beamforming Synthetic Aperture Radar Multi-mode Operation (DBSAR). DBSAR is an L-Band airborne radar that combines advanced radar technology with the ability to implement multimode remote sensing techniques, including several variations of SAR, scatterometry over multiple beams, and an altimeter mode. The Multiple channel data acquired with a digital beamformer systems allows the synthesis of beams over separate areas of the antenna, effectively dividing the single antenna into two antennas. The InSAR technique is then achieved by generating interferograms from images collected with each of the antennas. Since the technique is performed on the data, it allows for synthesizing beams in different directions (or look angles) and performs interferometry over large areas. Digital Beamforming Interferometry has potential in many areas of radar applications. For example, NASA GSFC innovators developed the first P-Band Digital Beamforming Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Instrument to measure ecosystem structure, biomass, and surface water. - Simple design: reduces complexity inherent in typical systems - Powerful and Extensive: capable of fine resolution measurements - Doubles coverage area: able to synthesize beams on both sides of the track - Effectively turns one nadir looking antenna into two - Many areas of radar applications - Enables InSAR measurements using single antenna radars
7 April 2022 On World Health Day, EASL explores the complex relationship between the well-being of the planet and that of our livers. What is World Health Day? On 7 April, every year, we celebrate World Health Day. On this date, marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948, the WHO draws global attention to a particular public health topic. What is the theme of World Health Day 2022? In 2022, the World Health Day topic is: Our planet, our health. Our health depends on our planet, just as its health depends on us. Our overall well-being, including the health of our livers, is intertwined with the health of the planet around us. The WHO is calling for a #HealthierTomorrow and for us to create societies focussed on well-being. How does the environment damage your liver? Climate change and resulting extreme weather scenarios (such as heat, fires, flooding, pollution, and droughts) can negatively affect agriculture, how food is grown, how our societies function, and the places we live in. Not only that, climate change can cause harm to our mental and physical health, including our livers. This set of knock-on effects is called the climate change–liver disease connection. Food insecurity triggered by global warming has led to epidemics of both obesity and undernutrition, both of which can cause damage to the liver, notably causing non-alcohol related fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD in turn can lead to further liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer, said Prof. Aleksander Krag, EASL Vice-Secretary. Other environmental sources of damage to the liver include: fungi in food, typical in hotter climates; outbreaks of parasites that thrive in rivers and along coastlines; contaminated drinking water; waterborne viral infections, including hepatitis; and extreme heatwaves and heatstroke. Air pollution appears to cause inflammation, making it harder for the liver to heal itself, as discussed in a recent article published in the Journal of Hepatology. Stress and eco-anxiety may drive people to consume more alcohol and drugs, which puts further strain on the liver. How does liver treatment damage the environment? The healthcare industry takes a heavy toll on the environment. In what it does, and what it does not do. The healthcare sector is the source of considerable greenhouse gases, medical packaging, transport, and waste, and sometimes unnecessary medical procedures. The prestigious EASL–Lancet Commission report, published end-2021, is calling urgently for a paradigm shift in tackling liver health across Europe, which could also reduce the negative climactic impact of the health sector, commented Prof. Thomas Berg, EASL Secretary General. How is EASL addressing the climate change–liver disease connection? Together with three other professional associations devoted to the liver and the digestive systems, EASL has just published a Commentary exploring the links between climate change, liver disease, and healthcare for liver patients. EASL Vice-Secretary, Prof. Aleksander Krag is a contributing author. “The negative bidirectional interaction between climate change and the prevalence and care of liver disease: A Joint BSG, BASL, EASL, and AASLD Commentary” was published in March 2022 simultaneously in three medical journals, including EASL’s Journal of Hepatology. The Commentary urges the healthcare sector to take responsibility for its role in climate change and to seek creative solutions. It proposes a four-domain strategy prevention, patient empowerment and self-care, lean service delivery, and provision of low-carbon alternatives. It provides a summary table, “Suggested Actions for Environmentally Sustainable Hepatology”, outlining the steps that can be taken by individual doctors, departments, specialist societies, and pharma and industry, and set of Calls to Actions (see below). As the hepatology community, we need to make medical services more sustainable and less wasteful (such as by reducing the use of invasive tests, when non-invasive alternatives exist), opting for telemedicine when appropriate, and reducing travel. In our interaction with society, the healthcare community can help educate the public about the links between the environment and their own liver health: promoting prevention, rather than cure. We additionally have a responsibility to lobby for changes at a policy level to make healthy eating and living easier to do. EASL, for example, is actively involved in the fight against the marketing of nutritionally poor food to children. Calls to Action In the recently published joint Commentary, EASL and three other associations call for hepatologists worldwide to: - raise awareness of the reciprocal link between climate change and liver disease, which includes instruction in medical school and specialty training; - facilitate research into the impact of climate on the liver and liver-related health care; - promote awareness of how ways of living can impact positively on the prevention of liver disease and the climate crisis, and advocate for such behavioural changes; - reduce low-value healthcare contacts in hepatology, for example, reduce unnecessary in-person visits and procedures; - promote sustainable hepatology services and good practice to colleagues, mostly via virtual conferences, symposia, and small-group interactive meetings interspersed with occasional safe, in-person, morale-boosting, small, educational and social gatherings; - develop standardised sets of sustainability metrics specific to hepatology; and - advocate for government investments, for example, policies to reduce the harmful impact of alcohol, ban marketing of junk foods, subsidise healthy foods, and make exercise free and accessible to all. Source: “The negative bidirectional interaction between climate change and the prevalence and care of liver disease”, Donnelly et al, Journal of Hepatology, March 2022 More EASL actions underway Access the EASL–Lancet Commission report Read an article on air pollution and the liver, published end-2021 in the Journal of Hepatology View the joint statement, recently signed by EASL and 16 other organisations: Call to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food: Time for an effective regulatory framework Access the HEPAHEALTH Project Report: Risk Factors and the Burden of Liver Disease in Europe and Selected Central Asian Countries Read more about EASL’s Policy and Public Health Committee Find out more about EASL’s EU Affairs and Advocacy activities
Banning access to social-media sites to prevent children from seeing unsuitable or age-inappropriate material is not the answer and is counter-intuitive, according to Ciaran McCormack of Eurocreator, a pan-European platform for sharing digital media that aims to inspire creativity amongst school goers. Online social-media sites, McCormack said, are just as suitable for positive, educational purposes that can be fun for students and, as a byproduct, can also create teaching resources for sharing online. Eurocreator launched recently and is a YouTube for education because, aside from encouraging kids to create their own media, it is also moderated and gives constructive feedback on the creations submitted, McCormack said. “It has the full functionality of YouTube, but the big difference is that not a single piece goes live before it is moderated, and Eurocreator has teamed up with the EU Commissioner, Jean Segal, to give this constructive feedback, as well as certification from Eurocreator,” he explained. Although Eurocreator – fully supported by the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) – has only been running for just two months, already over 400 educational institutes have signed up. “It is already hugely successful in Ireland because it ties in so well to all that’s happening; YouTube is banned in most schools around the country because its content is not moderated,” McCormack said. Eurocreator’s popularity is, in part, down to the fact that its content does not live on the main site alone – it can be easily embedded into blogs and social-networking sites just like YouTube, and it is also triple-coded so it can be shared across and viewed on almost all mobile handsets too. One of the best things about Eurocreator, McCormack said, is the misdirection of education: while they’re busy having fun, kids are learning without realising it. As this is the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009, both Eurocreator and Digitalcreator.ie have just launched in the past month or so. The latter is a bit like the digital media equivalent of ECDL, providing certification for adults and children (14+) across video, audio and image creation, production, editing and sharing. By Marie Boran Buy your tickets now!
Astronomers have discovered two new alien worlds a bit larger than Earth circling a nearby star. The newfound exoplanets, known as HD 7924c and HD 7924d, are “super Earths” with masses about 7.9 and 6.4 times greater, respectively, than that of our home planet, researchers said. The planets orbit the star HD 7924, which lies just 54 light-years from the sun — a mere stone’s throw considering the size of the Milky Way, which is on the order of 100,000 light-years wide. The discovery brings the number of known planets in the HD 7924 system to three. (Another super Earth, called HD 7924b, was spotted there in 2009.) HD 7924b, HD 7924c and HD 7924d all lie closer to their host star than Mercury does to the sun. They complete one orbit in five, 15 and 24 days, respectively, researchers said. “The three planets are unlike anything in our solar system, with masses seven to eight times the mass of Earth and orbits that take them very close to their host star,” study co-author Lauren Weiss, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. MORE
Bet you thought that Pokémon first appeared in Japan in the 1990s. Not so, fartuous knave! The British Library has revealed that they have already caught them all – in Medieval times. Pokémon are known for by their strange hybrid appearance, bright coloring and distinctive quirks. Many medieval manuscripts are filled with similarly fantastical creatures. These two could be Pokémon Go! Medieval players Manuscripts have weird and wonderful creatures like this Pokémon-looking little guy Not to mention hybrids and dragons Wait. Is the guy in purple hurling a Pokémon Go! Medieval Pokeball? Pokémon And Other Medieval Beasts An illustration student, Mary McClain, created a Medieval manuscript called a beastiary for Pokémon. A bestiary is a illustrated Medieval book of real and imaginary animals. This being the Middles Ages, there’s usually a pointed moral lesson as well. Putting out Unicorn Fire with Pokeballs Another marvellous Medieval catch Medieval Satan and Pokemon Medieval people believed in the devil. Remember, if your Pokémon possesses you, get an exorcism and vomit him out. Read the full wonderful British Museum blog here. Siobhan is a freelance writer, research addict and lover of twisted history. If you like horrible but amazing history, check out her website www.interesly.com or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/interesly. Or you can reach her through www.siobhanoshea.com.
Modern Toilet Designs, Recycling Water Solar Powered Bathroom Toilet by Caltech An innovative water recycling and energy producing toilet design of the future is the intention of the Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who wants to solve problems involving sanitation, water conservation and saving energy. Last year Gates gave $100,000 in prize money to the California Institute of Technology among other universities for their research on modern toilet design. A new bathroom toilet design will improve health in the developing world, where 1.5 million children under the age of 5 die each year from sanitation problems, caused by open defecation. The current Western style toilets use too much water and a complex sewer system, which contributes to these health risks. Gates decided to improve modern toilet design and technology, which have remained unchanged for almost 250 years. The first flush toilet was invented back in 1775 and has not really changed since its initial creation. We need to continue to collaborate, stimulate new investment in this sector, and apply our ingenuity in the years ahead to enjoy new innovations and green toilet design ideas that will revolutionize sanitation in the developing world and transform our dependence on traditional flush toilets in wealthy nations, Bill Gates says. Modern toilet designs for the future The challenge of creating modern toilets for the future is to design eco friendly products that are hygienic, safe and affordable, while using little water and produce some energy to operate itself. The modern toilet designs are required to make waste into energy, clean water and nutrients. Bill Gates gave the award to Michael Hoffman of the California Institute of Technology for the winning entry in the Reinventing the Toilet design contest. The team from Caltech got the first prize of $100,000 for its working model of a solar-powered bathroom with an innovative toilet design, where a solar panel produces power for an electrochemical reactor that breaks down feces and urine into hydrogen gas, which can be stored in hydrogen fuel cells to provide a back-up energy source for night operation or use in low-sunlight conditions. Gates is hoping that technologically advanced modern toilet designs will become integrated into society within the next two to four years. His foundation currently spends $80 million per year to address the issues of water, sanitation and hygiene, and create more eco friendly products that support green living ideas. by Ena Russ Related articles and sponsored content More from modern bathroom
Wizards, Aliens, and Starships Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction Charles L. Adler From teleportation and space elevators to alien contact and interstellar travel, science fiction and fantasy writers have come up with some brilliant and innovative ideas. Yet how plausible are these ideas--for instance, could Mr. Weasley's flying car in the Harry Potter books really exist? Which concepts might actually happen, and which ones wouldn’t work at all? Wizards, Aliens, and Starships delves into the most extraordinary details in science fiction and fantasy--such as time warps, shape changing, rocket launches, and illumination by floating candle--and shows readers the physics and math behind the phenomena. With simple mathematical models, and in most cases using no more than high school algebra, Charles Adler ranges across a plethora of remarkable imaginings, from the works of Ursula K. Le Guin to Star Trek and Avatar, to explore what might become reality. Adler explains why fantasy in the Harry Potter and Dresden Files novels cannot adhere strictly to scientific laws, and when magic might make scientific sense in the muggle world. He examines space travel and wonders why it isn’t cheaper and more common today. Adler also discusses exoplanets and how the search for alien life has shifted from radio communications to space-based telescopes. He concludes by investigating the future survival of humanity and other intelligent races. Throughout, he cites an abundance of science fiction and fantasy authors, and includes concise descriptions of stories as well as an appendix on Newton's laws of motion. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships will speak to anyone wanting to know about the correct--and incorrect--science of science fiction and fantasy. Charles L. Adler is professor of physics at St. Mary's College of Maryland.
The most common meaning for the term free software is programs whose source code is freely available to anyone to use for any purpose, including studying, copying, modifying, extending and giving away. Source code (also referred to as just code) is the version of software as it is originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human in plain text (i.e., human readable alphanumeric characters) using a programming language (e.g., C, C++ or Java). Source code is converted into executable (i.e., compiled or runnable) programs through the use of specialized programs called compilers. Freely available means that there is no requirement for a monetary payment nor is there any other obstacle for anyone wanting to obtain the source code (except the lack of a computer and an Internet connection). The code is supplied on CDROMs or other media with the executable program and/or it is made available for downloading from the Internet. Although the source code must be made freely available in all cases, there is no requirement that the executable programs themselves be freely available. In fact, part of the freedom of free software is that anyone has the right to sell an executable program released under a free software license at any desired price. However, such programs are typically also made available for free (usually as a free download from the Internet). This meaning of free software is basically the same as the most common meaning of the term open source software. Both are very different from proprietary software (also commonly called commercial software), which is software that is controlled by a company or an individual. The source code for proprietary software is usually not made publicly available, or, if it is, there are generally severe restrictions on its use. There are also usually major restrictions on the use of the executable programs, except sometimes in the case of freeware. Freeware is proprietary software that is available free of charge in executable form. However, in most cases it is closed source (i.e., the source code is kept secret), and there are often restrictions on the use of the executable version. Among the best known examples of freeware are Adobe's Acrobat Reader, which is used for reading (but not writing or modifying) PDF (portable document format) files and Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. Free Software and Public Domain Software Free software is also very different from public domain software. Public domain refers to the total absence of copyright protection. Software and other creative works enter the public domain only if the author deliberately surrenders the copyright or if the copyright has expired due to the passage of a legally stipulated period of time. If something is in the public domain, then anyone is permitted copy it or use it in any way they desire. A copyright is a designation granted by a government that provides the author of a creative work (e.g., a musical composition, painting, literary work, movie or software) with the exclusive, but transferable, right to copy or perform that work. Its purpose is to provide a financial incentive for producing such works in order to benefit society as a whole. Copyright does not protect facts, discoveries, ideas, systems or methods of operation, although it can protect the way they are expressed. Free software, as the term is usually used, and public domain software resemble each other in that both are usually free both in a monetary sense and with regard to use. However, there is a fundamental difference: free software retains its copyright and is released under a license, whereas there is no license for public domain software because there is no owner. The purpose of the retention of copyright and the use of the license is, in contrast to proprietary software, not to restrict users' freedoms with regard to the software, but rather to maximize them. Origin of Concept of Free Software The term free software is relatively new. However, free software itself is not. It is as old as computers themselves. Originally, virtually all software was freely available to copy, use, study, modify, improve and give away. Computer software was almost universally regarded as being akin to mathematics, i.e., something that anybody is permitted to use in any amount, with any desired modifications and for whatever purpose desired. Advances in mathematics cannot be copyrighted or patented, and they become immediately available for everyone to use for the advancement of civilization. Thus, there is no term free mathematics. The analogy is also frequently made with recipes for cooking food. That is, there are no legal restrictions on anyone using, studying, copying, modifying, improving or publishing any recipe. The exact wording of a recipe as it is written by its author is protected under copyright law, but the information itself (i.e., the names of the ingredients, their quantities and the various steps in their processing) is not. In fact, it seemed so obvious that the situation with regard to software resembled that of mathematics or recipes that terminology such as free software, freeware and open source software did not exist for many years. However, the situation suddenly became reversed in the early 1980s. At that time a new generation of computers with proprietary operating systems was introduced, and their vendors required that users sign non-disclosure statements in order to obtain copies of the operating systems. Whereas it had previously been the norm to assist colleagues and freely share ideas and software, such cooperation suddenly became forbidden and was made a crime. Naturally, computer professionals had a difficult time adjusting to what seemed to them to be a bizarre turn of events. The takeover of software by corporations continued at a rapid pace, and free software was becoming an endangered species. The loss of the freedom to study, improve and give away source code as well as the sudden requirement for large payments to use the software was extremely frustrating for researchers and developers, particularly for those whose years of openly done work became the core of much of the new, secret corporate software. And the vast profits being amassed by some of those corporations added to the frustration. This led to the development of the free software movement by Richard Stallman. In 1983 Stallman announced his GNU (a recursive acronym for GNU's Not Unix) project for creating a completely free and high quality operating system that would be compatible with UNIX. Soon thereafter, he quit his job at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and established the non-profit Free Software Foundation (FSF) to employ free software programmers and provide a legal framework for the free software community. In 1989 Stallman invented the concept of copyleft, which is aimed specifically at preventing any recurrence of the type of takeover of free software that had occurred earlier in that decade. Two years later Stallman, together with Eben Moglen, the pro bono general counsel for the FSF, completed development of a license based on this concept, the GNU General Public License (GPL). By then, much of the GNU operating system had been completed, with the notable exception of a kernel (i.e., the core of the operating system). In 1991, this final gap was filled by Linux, a kernel which was written independently of the GNU project by Linus Torvalds, then a computer science student in Finland, but which made use of GNU development tools and system libraries. The GPL subsequently became by far the most widely used license for free software. In fact, in 2004 there were more than 17,000 programs in various stages of development that use the GPL, and much of the most popular software is released under this license, including the Linux kernel itself. Other Free Software Licenses There are a number of other free software licenses, and some of them reflect differences in the philosophy of what is meant by free. Among the most popular are the BSD, MIT and Artistic licenses, which differ from the GPL in that they are not copyleft licenses. That is, they do not require that the source code be included with redistributions of modified versions of programs that use such licenses. Advocates of these extremely short and simple licenses contend that they provide even greater freedom than the GPL because they grant the freedom for source code to be incorporated into proprietary software (which usually keeps its source code secret). Advocates of copyleft respond by pointing out that there is no such thing as absolute freedom. Even in the most democratic of societies some minimal rules and obligations are necessary in order to maximize and preserve freedom for the society as a whole. Likewise, some minimal restrictions are necessary for free software, namely the GPL requirement that the source code be made freely available with all redistributions of modified or derived works, in order to keep such software free. Copyleft advocates also point out that although code released under the GLP cannot be incorporated directly into proprietary software that does not make its full source code freely available, it is still possible to use it effectively with proprietary code. In particular, it can be kept in separate files from the proprietary executable files and linked via dynamic linking, which allows two separate bodies of code to communicate with each other only as needed. GPL advocates also respond to criticism made by some major producers of proprietary software that "the GPL is viral in nature and destroys intellectual property" by pointing out that (1) there are many instances in which software developers and vendors have been able to successfully use GPL-licensed software together with proprietary software and that (2) an increasing number of companies are making substantial profits from GPL-licensed software. Perhaps it will become easier to provide a better answer to the debate among free software advocates over the copyleft provision with the passage of time and the accumulation of evidence regarding the two types of licenses. There is also a view that, regardless of the extent to which each of these approaches proves to be best, another important aspect of the overall free software picture is the availability of the variety in license types, as well as the ability of developers to write new free (and non-free) licenses of their own. A somewhat related view is that the more successful any type of license is in promoting freedom for software, the greater its usage will become; that is, there is a sort of self-adjusting mechanism inherent in the free software ecology. Free Software Versus Open Source Software Although the terms free software and open source software are usually used more or less interchangeably, there are some subtle differences. They arise from differences in their histories, in the philosophies of the groups promoting them and in their secondary meanings. For example, the term open source is of much more recent origin. It was coined in 1997 with the intention of replacing the term free software in order to avoid the negative connotations that are sometimes associated with the word free and thereby make it more attractive to corporations. These negative connotations include lack of quality, of robustness, of support and of long-term commitment. In general, there is a tendency for advocates of the term term free software to emphasize the ideological aspects of software, including the ethical or moral aspects, and they view technical excellence as both a desirable and an unavoidable by-product of their ethical standards. Advocates of the term open source, in contrast, tend to place more emphasis on the business advantages of the software. They regard technical excellence as the primary goal, and sharing of the source code is seen as a means of achieving that goal. They prefer the term open source as a way of avoiding both the negative connotations and the ambiguity of the English word free (i.e., free price versus freedom of use). However, although the use of the term open source clearly avoids the problem of the ambiguity of the word free, it introduces another ambiguity. It is the distinction between programs that provide the source code and give users the freedom to use it for any desired purpose and programs that provide the source code but place restrictions on its use (e.g., do not allow it to be redistributed). Software with such restrictions is not free software as the term is most commonly used. The terms liberated software and free open source software (FOSS) have been proposed as a means of overcoming the problems with the terms free software and open source software. However, although used occasionally, they have problems of their own and and it thus appears unlikely that they will become replacements. Created January 31, 2005. Updated July 4, 2006.
As World War II drew to a close, a major concern of researchers was the suspension of activity by the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), which the government had created to oversee defense and medical research. But in March 1946, the government executed a contract with MIT under the sponsorship of a tri-service committee, which consisted of the Army Signal Corps, the Office of Naval Research and the Air Materiel Command. The contract awarded RLE its first research funding in addition to surplus Radiation Laboratory equipment. This Joint Services Electronics Program (JSEP) was essential in maintaining the momentum created by the Radiation Laboratory. Much of RLE's first research funded by JSEP carried over from the Radiation Laboratory. The initial emphases were on microwave and physical electronics coupled with the basic study of microwave physics, and communication science and information theory. Today, JSEP in RLE focuses on fundamental studies of electronical and optical processes. An important emphasis is not only the development of scientific understanding, but also the construction of novel theoretical and experimental tools to produce and observe the phenomena under study. The results under JSEP complement achievements in industry, the Department of Defense, and other JSEP-funded academic laboratories. JSEP at RLE has continued since 1946, making it the oldest sponsored research program at MIT as well as the federal government's oldest university-based sponsored research program. A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on October 30, 1996.
At 2 weeks old, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s three African lion (Panthera leo) cubs born to 6-year-old Nababiep Sept. 22 appear to be healthy, Zoo veterinarians said today after completing the cubs’ first health exam. “We’re happy to see that the cubs are growing and that each appears to be in good health,” said Dr. Jessica Siegal-Willott, supervisory veterinarian at the Zoo. “Naba has done a great job nursing them and we’ll continue to monitor their development.” The veterinary team checked the cubs’ mouths and eyes, listened to their hearts and lungs and felt their bellies, but the animals are still too young to receive vaccines. The cubs weigh between 7 and 8 pounds. Because the cubs are just 2 weeks old, animal care staff continues to be cautiously optimistic. The mortality rate for cubs younger than 1 year old in human care in 2009 was about 30 percent, compared to a 67 percent mortality rate for cubs in the wild. The cubs’ next exam will be in about a month. On Sept. 17, the Zoo’s four other lion cubs, born to Naba’s sister, Shera, Aug. 31, underwent their first health exam and all four also appeared to be healthy. Although it is difficult to determine the sex at such a young age when genitalia have not fully developed, at this time two of the cubs appear to be male and one appears to be female. Only when a male’s scrotum begins to develop or the prepuce (the skin around the penis) becomes prominent can the animal care team say what the animal’s sex is with certainty. In fact, at the end of last week, the Zoo’s animal care team identified that there was a prominent prepuce and scrotum on one of Shera’s four cubs and determined that one to be male—so rather than four females, Shera has three females and one male cub. The animal care team will confirm the sex of Naba’s three cubs at the next exam. Luke, the Zoo’s 5-year-old male lion, is father to all seven cubs and is the most genetically valuable lion in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Species Survival Plan for African lions. An SSP matches individual animals across the country for breeding in order to maintain a healthy, genetically diverse and self-sustaining population. “We’re thrilled to have seven genetically valuable cubs that will grow up and go on to contribute to the continued genetic health of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ lion Species Survival Plan,” said Craig Saffoe, interim curator of the Zoo’s Great Cats Exhibit.
Throughout black history, great black athletes have served as role models to America’s youth, in a way that may not have been possible for others leaders. And to be sure, some of these great heroes of athletics have become virtually godlike to all sports fans, not just those in the black community. Michael Jordon’s ability on the basketball field during his career at times seems to be virtually superhuman. And the career of Mohammed Ali sent such a powerful message of black pride to black and white America that he virtually transformed social perception of the black man through sheer talent and attitude. Before Mohammed Ali came along, the idea of a black boxer, even a very good black boxer becoming such a central figure for black pride seemed unlikely. But Ali demonstrated something to the youth of the African American community that was so inspirational that it helped to transform their world view like no other public figure could have done. With his swagger and braggadocio, Ali stood out as a proud black man in such a way that had never been seen before. His use of rhyme with such phrases as “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee” to his self promotion maintaining “I’m pretty”, that sent a message to black and white admirer alike. And that message was loud and clear. Ali was black and he was proud and other black men and women in America have just as much reason to be proud as he was. This was an important message because coming out of years of oppression, it was sometimes difficult for black youth to gain a sense of pride and the self assurance needed to get out there and be a success. It took the work of great black role models such as Mohammed Ali to let them know that it is allowable for you to be proud and to be great as well. For Ali didn’t back up his claims with just boasts. He was truly a great black athlete as well. So when Ali bragged that he was “pretty”, he showed that the way he fought truly was a thing of beauty. That same excellence and how it has been used to inspire the black community can be found in the phenomenal career of Michael Jordon. In the same way that Ali’s talent seemed to eclipse even the genre of boxing, Jordon was so phenomenal at basketball that he became an icon of excellence and skill and a role model for black youth across the country. Both of these men recognized that God had given them this tremendous talent and the opportunities to reach their potential. And they worked hard to be a role model to their community so others would be inspired to be their best as well. Moreover, great black sports heroes also provided healing by setting a high standard of excellence for sports fans of all races to admire. It wasn’t just black sports fans who adored the work of Mohammed Ali and Michael Jordon. They became true heroes to anyone to whom sports was an important part of life. Sports is an arena where men and woman can come to socialize and find common ground. Like entertainment, there is a world of sports that makes comrades of all who enjoy the exploits of sports heroes whether on the baseball diamond, the football field, the boxing arena or the basketball stadium. And sports fans have a standard that they value their heroes that is based on talent, achievement and ability to do that one thing everybody in sports admires – to be a winner. And Mohammed Ali and Michael Jordon were certainly embodiment of great black men who were also in every way winners. And we all admire that regardless of race, color or creed.
One of the most promising and at the same time challenging ways to penetrate the riddle of the mesoscopic composition (ordered domains, zones) of water is to research the anomalies of water joined to nafion. As it is well known from countless experiments mostly performed by Prof. Pollack and his team nafion as well as many other hydrophilic substances (mostly gels, but even metals) form the a so called EZ layer of water. If we limit ourselves to nafion, the most proximal EZ water layer is electrically negative (~ 100 mV), going away from the nafion surface the voltage is continuously falling, reaching 0 mV somewhere at the end of EZ after which it begins with sharp increase in positive direction, reaching its maximum still close to the end of EZ and is then slowly falling. The vertical distribution of pH parallels this electrical occurrence, namely, according to certain researches (personal information) EZ water is alkaline, while the bulk water beyond it is acidic, with the strongest acidity close to EZ layer. This is one of apparently biggest mysteries of nafion immersed in water. Namely, nafion is classified as a superacid (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superacid ), because of its SO3- ends combined with the fluorinated carbonic backbone. Since the sulfonated proton giving groups are on the surface of nafion one would expect a surplus of protons (actually hydronium ions) in the vicinity of nafion beads or a sheet immersed in water. However, as already said, the opposite is true: water enclosing nafion is alkaline and has a surplus of hydroxide anion (OH-). This represents a chemical paradox. It is true that acidity is achieved at some half millimeter distance from nafion, but this, again, is strange, since sulfonate groups are not present there an neither are they with higher distances (water can be acidic with pH ~ 3 even many cm far from the nafion surface). The fundamental question is what functions as a base in the close neighborhood to superacidic nafion and what as an acid at some distance from its surface? We doubt there are any chemical grounds for this weird, chemically contradictory, phenomenon. Therefore we should seek the ground in physic (not even in physical chemistry as this would still be bound to chemistry), more precisely in quantum field theory. We should resort to theories of stable coherent states of water domains proposed by Preparata, Giudice etc. and recently elaborated by De Ninno, Yinnon etc. The main question to be solved is what forms the cationic counterpart to hydroxide anions in EZ layer and what functions as a conjugate base in bulk water beyond EZ, when nafion is exposed to very pure distilled water. From experiments by Elia et al. it stems that there could be no chemical impurities that would leak from nafion and yet there still exist the same electrochemical phenomenon. Therefore two different oppositely charged entities should form cationic and anionic counterparts in the two layers. We are groping into their real state and nature. The discovery of these “shadow” entities may revolutionize chemistry in its different ramifications and physical chemistry as well.
Sherwood Forest Plantation [VA] Sherwood Forest Plantation was once home to John Tyler (1790-1862), the first United States Vice President to ascend to the Presidency. Tyler's term (1841-1845) began after then President William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) died. The plantation was originally owned by Harrison, but was later purchased by Tyler. During his life, Tyler also served as Virginia Governor, senator, and delegate; member of the House of Representatives; U.S. Senator; member of the Confederate Congress; and Chancellor of The College of William and Mary. The residence itself is Virginia Tidewater in style with Greek Revival additions. It sits on 25 acres containing gardens designed by landscape architect Andrew Jackson Downing (1815-1852), a gingko tree gifted by Commodore Matthew Perry (1794-1958) after his 1850s return from Japan, a 17th-century tobacco barn, milk house, smoke house, garden house, kitchen and laundry, and law office. The home is furnished with pieces which belonged to the Tyler family. The site offers period rooms. Lunch boxes are available on request.
AN EXPERIMENT to create a piece of the Sun on Earth may have helped solve one of the great mysteries about our nearest starwhy its diffuse outer atmosphere is much hotter than its surface. Scientists have long puzzled over how the Sun's corona reaches a million kelvin when its surface beneath is only a few thousand kelvin. One theory is that disturbances in the Sun's magnetic field called Alfvén waves can transfer heat to the cloud of electrically charged ions and electrons of the coronal plasma without heating the surface. But testing this idea with a spacecraft would be impossible because no vehicle could survive the trip. To get around this, Masayuki Ono and his colleagues at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in New Jersey recreated conditions in the corona inside the National Spherical Torus Experiment, a spherical chamber designed to study fusion. Inside the sphere, the researchers created a ... To continue reading this article, subscribe to receive access to all of newscientist.com, including 20 years of archive content.
Explanation of print registration in the printing process and discussion of how much variance in the print registration is acceptable. What is print registration? In the printing process, whether you're hand-printing individual sheets or using automated printing presses, registration marks are used to make certain that each imprint exactly matches all other prints in the run. Registration marks are placed beneath a plastic sheet on the press bed when an artist prints an etching, a lithograph, or a wood cut. These marks show the artist where to place a sheet of paper that is to be printed. The paper's corners are aligned with the registration marks beneath the plastic sheet. This ensures that the intended image is printed in exactly the same location on every print. Commercial promotional product printing uses registration marks as well, and particularly when printing with four color artwork. The process is made simpler in concept but perhaps more difficult in execution because certain computer programs are designed to print the registration marks along with the artwork. Cyan, yellow, magenta, and black are the four colors printed individually onto the surface and outside the artwork area of the item being printed. Each of those colors must exactly line up with the other colors in order to produce an accurate and in-focus print of the original artwork. The registration marks make this alignment possible. Original artwork must be produced using a computer program in which files are compatible with the printer’s computer program. These digitized files are converted into a film once they're approved by the printer. The sheet of material displaying the reproduced art image is then placed on a printing plate. The image is then burned into the printing plate using light, laser, or acid baths. The areas that are not burned into the plate are the areas that will pick up ink. Although various methods of imprinting are used today, digital files are used to transfer the original artwork to a surface capable of receiving ink and then transferring that ink onto a different surface. These files work with the printing presses to transfer the artwork quickly and efficiently to paper, plastic, fabric, metal, and even promotional items! One of those methods is called CTP (Computer-to-Plate), which employs technology that sends art files to an on-board computer and then to a press. The images are then burned onto a silicone plate on the press. It is difficult to get four separately-printed colors to line up exactly. In a four-color-print process, the colors need to line up with the registration marks in order to produce an image that is not blurred or discolored, so a process called trapping is often used to accomplish that. The artist creating the original artwork tells the computer to use trapping, in which an overlay or overprinting of darker colors onto lighter ones is used to create the illusion of an exact registration. This also eliminates a line or area between colors where the imprint surface shows through. |Article By Bubba| Bubba is the Quality Logo Products mascot. He may have started out as "just a stress ball," but he's come a long way since the company's launch in 2003. Bubba has been immortalized in numerous vector artwork designs for internal and external promotions, and you can see him change outfits on the Quality Logo Products homepage whenever a holiday rolls around. Oh, and he thinks pants are for the birds. You can connect with Bubba on Google+. Advertising Specialty Industry FAQs Why Do You Sometimes Ship 10% Over or Under the Requested Ordered Quantity? Why Does it Cost More for Rush Production? The Guide to Rush Production What is an Imprint Area and How is It Determined? Why is It Important That I Order Case Quantities When Purchasing Drinkware? What Goes into Making a Screen for Setup? What is Print Registration & What Print Variance is Normal/Acceptable? What Prevents the Ink/Imprint from Rubbing off an Item? Why Aren't Some Drinkware Items, Such as Travel Mugs, Dishwasher Safe? What Causes the Waves that Appear in Some Plastic Drinkware Items? Why are Red and Orange Ceramic Mugs So Much More Expensive to Produce?
Endometriosis is a chronic condition characterised by growth of endometrial tissue in sites other than the uterus, most commonly in the pelvic cavity, but also in other parts of the body (RCOG 2006). This ectopic tissue responds to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle, with subsequent bleeding, inflammation, and pain. If the ovaries are affected, endometriotic ovarian cysts may develop (Bulun 009). Although the condition may be asymptomatic, common symptoms include dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, non-cyclical pelvic and abdominal pain, and subfertility (RCOG 2006). When endometriosis remains untreated, the disease progresses in around a third of women, but seems either to resolve or does not progress in the rest (DTB 1999). The prevalence is estimated to vary from 2-22% of women and, in women with dysmenorrhoea, the incidence of endometriosis is 40-60% (Johnson 2007). The cause of endometriosis is not known, but several factors are thought to be involved in its development. These include retrograde menstruation; embryonic cells giving rise to depositsin distant sites around the body; an abnormal quantity or quality of endometrial cells; failure of immunological mechanisms; angiogenesis; and the production of antibodies against endometrial cells (Gazvani 2002, Rock 1992, Seli 2003, Kyama 2003, Oral 1996). Pain due to endometriosis can be functional, neuropathic, due to inflammation, or result from a combination of these. It may be evoked by a low intensity, normally innocuous stimulus (allodynia), it may be an exaggerated and prolonged response to a noxious stimulus (hyperalgesia), or it may be spontaneous in the absence of any apparent peripheral stimulus (Lundeberg 2008). In addition, oestrogens and prostaglandins probably play key modulatory roles in endometriosis and the pain it causes (Lundeberg 2008). Consequently, current medical treatments for the condition include drugs such as NSAIDs, combined oral contraceptives, progestogens, androgenic agents and gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues, as well as surgical excision of endometriotic lesions. However, management of pain in women with endometriosis is often inadequate. Bulun, S.E. (2009) Mechanisms of disease: endometriosis. New England Journal of Medicine 360(3), 268-279. Gazvani R. Templeton A. Peritoneal environment, cytokines and angiogenesis in the pathophysiology of endometriosis. Reproduction 2002; 123(2): 217-26. Kyama C et al. Potential involvement of the immune system in the development of endometriosis. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2003 1; 123. Johnson N, Farquhar C, 2007. Endometriosis. Clinical Evidence. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. www.clincalevidence.com Lundeberg T, Lund I. Is there a role for acupuncture in endometriosis pain, or 'endometrialgia'? Acupunct Med 2008; 26 (2): 94-110. Managing endometriosis. Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin 1999; 37: 25-32. Orl E et al. The peritoneal environment in endometriosis. Human Reproduction Update 1996; 2: 385-98. RCOG, 2006. The investigation and management of endometriosis. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. www.rcog.org.uk Rock JA, Markham SM. Pathogenesis of endometriosis. Lancet 1992; 340:1264-7. Seli E et al. Pathogenesis of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2003; 30: 41-61. How acupuncture can help In general, acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nervous system and cause the release of neurochemical messenger molecules. The resulting biochemical changes influence the body's homeostatic mechanisms, thus promoting physical and emotional well-being. Stimulation of certain acupuncture points has been shown to affect areas of the brain that are known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress (Wu 1999). There is preliminary evidence to support acupuncture as an effective treatment for endometriosis, with one small sham controlled trial (Wayne 2008) and a few comparative studies against Western medication (Yan 2008, Xia 2006, Sun 2006), though further research is needed to confirm this. It has been shown that acupuncture treatment may specifically be of benefit in people with endometriosis by: providing pain relief - by stimulating nerves located in muscles and other tissues, acupuncture leads to release of endorphins and other neurohumoral factors, and changes the processing of pain in the brain and spinal cord (Zhao 2008, Han 2004, Zijlstra 2003, Pomeranz 1987). reducing inflammation - by promoting release of vascular and immunomodulatory factors Kavoussi 2007, Zijlstra 2003). regulating levels of prostaglandins (Jin 2009) combining acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine for endometriosis has been shown in animal studies to down-regulate the abnormal increase of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) levels that is associated with ectopic activity of endometrial cells. The treated rats had reduced areas of ectopic tissue (Chen 2008). MMP-2 is required for the anchoring of the placenta to the uterine wall in pregnancy but over-production can lead to endometriosis. (Article from the British Acupuncutre Council website)
Some cuckoos have been given electronic tracker tags and their journeys have been followed back and forward on their migration routes, so now we know even better than before exactly where some cuckoos go. Most of our cuckoos go to Africa for our winter, spending around 9 months there and interestingly never actually calling “cuckoo” whilst there. Lazy or clever, depending upon what you think, the cuckoo does not build a nest but lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, mostly the nests of meadow pipits in this area. Remarkably the eggs of cuckoos resemble those of the bird it lays its eggs in [the host]. When the young cuckoos hatch, the crafty wee birds chuck the other chicks out of their nest so it becomes the only one to be fed – it’s just as well humans do not do that. The parent birds continue feeding the young even when it becomes much larger than the parents. Favourite foods are insects, big juicy caterpillars especially. At the end of summer the young somehow know to fly away to Africa – an amazing bird. Also seen recently in Durness and also from Africa are the swallows, probably from even further away, they are keen on insects too, which of course Scotland has plenty of. Another creature I have seen for the first time this year, one the Germans call ‘a flying mouse’, is a wee mammal which eats thousands of midges, flies at night and hangs upside down [to us], it probably thinks we are upside down. Do you know what it is ? and if you have seen it around Durness I would like to know. More of them later.
There are 13 nights of ecology required for credit in this class. Below is a list of assignments. The number in each section represents how many POINTS that assignments is worth. The easiest assignments are worth 1 point. A more challenging or longer assignment is worth 2, 3, or 4 points. You can do any assignments you want, in any order, as long as when you are done, you have satisfactorily completed at least 8 total points. Submit work in one of these ways - Download, print, create a heading with your name and the title of this assignment, fill in, share with me in goggle or email it to me at ([email protected]). - Download, create a heading with your name and the title of this assignment, fill out, take a picture with your phone, share the picture with me in goggle or email it to me at ([email protected]). - Open a google doc, create a heading with your name and the title of this assignment. Record your answers and share it with me in google at [email protected]. - Nearpod and ed-puzzle will notify me when you’ve completed one of those assignments. For Ed-Puzzle Assignments Join HERE use code UMMUOTU to join class For Nearpod Assignments Join HERE and use code given next to assignment Assignments worth TWO points each: Biodiversity Nearpod Code: UVXLT Climate Change Nearpod Code: SPCZM Assignments worth THREE points each: Ozone Layer Nearpod: Code JZHSD Assignments worth FOUR nights each:
SELinux is a security mechanism that works on top of the native file and directory read/write/execute permissions within the Linux file system. It is available for most Linux distributions and is installed by default in newer RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) & Fedora distributions. As SELinux may prevent the installation and/or operation of any software being executed, ensure that you create appropriate policy file for it. Ensure that you consult with your security team to determine the correct level of access for the APM. SELinux allows you to set a finer granularity of restrictions on access and execution. This control is represented by "policy files", typically created and maintained by the SecOps team within your organisation. For more details about SELinux see https://selinuxproject.org/page/Main_Page. The policy files are found in /etc/sestatus.conf by default. To determine if SELinux is present on your system, run getenforce command which returns the string Enforcing if it is active. Alternatively, you can run the following command: The above command produces following output: If SELinux status is disabled, it indicates that the system has not installed the package. However, if the status returned is enabled, but the Current Mode is permissive, then SELinux policy files are not enforced. To install and test the APM Agent: - Set the mode to permissive and then enable it - Follow the SELinux guidelines to create the appropriate policy statements for the agent in question For more details on how to customize your policy files see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/5/html/deployment_guide/sec-sel-policy-customizing. To enable SELinux, use the command setenforce 1 to enable enforcing mode; to disable SELInux use setenforce 0 (i.e. set to "permissive" mode). For more details about enabling/disabling SELinux: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/11/html/Security-Enhanced_Linux/sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Enabling_and_Disabling_SELinux.html
Why does the urine sometimes smell so strong? Urine is being corroded by the help of ammonia once it left the body. During this process a very distinct smell arises. Because of their incontinence a lot of people tend to drink less, which causes the urine to be very concentrated. The more concentrated the urine is, the more it smells. Besides it can cause a urinary infection which is not only painful but can also be the reason for a strong odor. To neutralize the smell of the urine, it needs a very specific odor system within the product which all Abena products have.
This post may contain affiliate links, meaning IC Caribbean gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. The incredible cultural heritage to visit in Cuba. Since 1959 UNESCO created a conservation category called World Heritage Sites. This distinguishes specific assets of exceptional relevance —cultural or natural— for the common heritage of humanity. In general, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about Cuba are its excellent and beautiful beaches, but the island also offers the possibility of discovering sites loaded with great historical and cultural value. This is a summary of the places that constitute World Heritage Sites and that you can visit and learn about in Cuba. The customs and traditions of Cuba are an essential component of the national identity and foundational element of our culture. When you think of Caribbean culture, and specifically Cuban culture, surely the rhythmic steps of salsa come to mind, the stridency of rum burning the throat on a very hot island and the laughter that welcomes visitors to this land. In a certain way, all this is Cuba, but it is also much more. Historic Center of Old Havana and its System of Colonial Fortifications With almost five centuries of life, Old Havana and its system of colonial fortifications, located near the interior of the port, shows together with its natural attributes a valuable architectural heritage, recognized among the best preserved in Latin America. Founded in 1519 by the Spanish, Havana became an important shipyard for the Caribbean region in the 17th century. Although today it is a very extensive metropolis, its old center preserves an interesting mix of baroque and neoclassical monuments, as well as a homogeneous set of houses with arcades, balconies, wrought iron grilles and interior patios. Declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 1982, Old Havana preserves the typical architecture of the colonial era and has squares, palaces, mansions, cathedrals, castles, convents and churches, in which the mixture of baroque monuments and neoclassical. Historic Center of Trinidad and its Valley of the Sugar Mills Registered in 1988 on the World Heritage List. The city owes its birth to the sugar industry and constitutes a representative example of the urbanism of the first settlements founded in America in the 16th century, and of its harmonious growth until the beginning of the 19th century. Founded at the beginning of the 16th century in honor of the Holy Trinity, the city of the same name was a bridgehead in the conquest of the American continent by the Spanish. Its buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries, such as the Palacio Brunet and the Palacio Cantero, were built at the time of the prosperity of the sugar industry. Almost all the attractions to see in Trinidad are concentrated around the Plaza Mayor, a most charming place surrounded by palaces turned into museums, churches and ideal colonial houses. The cobbled center of Trinidad is the best preserved in Cuba and the main reason is that after the abolition of slavery and the collapse of the sugar business, the city plunged into poverty. This was precisely the key to its preservation: since there was no money, there were no changes. The rich without slaves could not maintain their standard of living and emigrated, leaving Trinidad frozen in time. Castle San Pedro de la Roca in Santiago de Cuba Commercial and political rivalries in the Caribbean region during the 17th century resulted in the construction of this castle, a massive set of fortifications erected on top of a rocky promontory to protect the important port of Santiago. This intricate complex of forts, magazines, bastions and batteries, built according to the design principles of Renaissance Italy, is the most complete and best preserved example of Spanish military architecture in the Americas. Inside the castle there is a museum, since 1978. Its five rooms house exhibitions of weapons, objects, documents and historical photographs that allow us to delve into the colonial past inscribed on the walls. In addition, the castle offers spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea and the bay, as well as the Dungeon of Death, used as a punishment and torture cell. In 1898, it became a military prison. In addition, the castle preserves the traditional ceremony of the Cañonazo Mambí, a rite that aims to pay tribute to Cuban patriots. Alejandro de Humboldt National Park This park is one of the most important places in the northern hemisphere for the conservation of endemic flora. Thanks to the high endemism of its flora and fauna, it has become a kind of natural laboratory. Some of the endemic species present in the area are the parrots, the catey, the Royal Woodpecker, the Caguarero Hawk, the Almiquí and the Manatee. The national park is located in the Cuban provinces of Holguín and Guantánamo in the west of the island and was inscribed in 2001 on the list of World Heritage Sites. It includes rivers, forests, waterfalls, streams, plains, bays, coral reefs, and mountains. And of the four biosphere reserves in Cuba, the largest and most valuable is within this park, occupying more than half of its entire surface: the Cuchillas del Toa biosphere.Its name pays homage to the German Enrique Alejandro, Baron de Humboldt, an important scientist who toured the island in the 19th century, acquiring the title of Second Discoverer of Cuba. Urban Historic Center of the City of Cienfuegos Located in the southern center of the island of Cuba, Cienfuegos is the only 19th century Cuban and American city founded by the French under the Spanish Crown. Over time it became a commercial center for products such as sugar cane, tobacco and coffee. Bathed by the waters of the Caribbean and located in the south central part of the island, Cienfuegos is in the middle of a region that produces coffee, tobacco, mangoes, and sugar cane. Its architecture, neoclassical at first, evolved towards more eclectic forms, without the urban landscape ever losing its overall harmony. The most notable buildings are: The old Plaza de Armas, today José Martí Park, the Nuestra Purísima Concepción Cathedral, the Tomás Terry Theater, the Ferrer Palace, the old Spanish Casino, the Martí Park and the Paseo del Prado. Urban Historic Center of the City of Camagüey Camagüey is one of the first seven towns founded by the Spanish in Cuba. This city played a leading role as the urban center of a territory dedicated essentially to cattle ranching and the sugar industry. Founded in 1528 in its current location, the city developed from an irregular urban scheme made up of a network of plazas, squares, winding streets and irregular blocks of houses, which is very unusual in Latin American colonial cities located on flat ground. The Historic Center of Camagüey covers 54 hectares and is an exceptional example of a traditional urban settlement relatively removed from the main commercial routes. The influence of the architecture and urbanism of medieval Europe is clear in the urban layout and the construction techniques brought to America by the masons and master builders of the Spanish colonizers. It has the status of Cultural Heritage of Humanity since July 2008. Heritage of Cuba, Valley of Viñales Located in the west of Cuba, the Viñales National Park is located in the homonymous valley located in the Sierra de los Órganos, which integrates the Guaniguanico mountain range, in the province of Pinar del Río. It has the largest cave system in Cuba, highlighting the Cueva del Indio, crossed by the San Juan River, and Santo Tomás, the largest in the Antilles, with 45 kilometers. It is characterized by high endemism and a high diversity of flora and fauna. Among the endemic species present in the area are the male pine, the tocororo, the tomeguín del pinar and the Cuban nightingale. It was awarded the category of Cultural Landscape of Humanity conferred by UNESCO in 1999 for its landscape, biological, geological, paleontological and cultural values. The French Tomb The type of dance, song and percussion called Tumba Francesa (literally, French drum) arrived in Cuba with Haitian slaves, who were transferred to the eastern part of the country after the revolts that shook Haiti in 1790. The first written testimonies of this tradition They date from the early 19th century. The popularity of the French Tomb reached its height at the end of the 19th century. Today, only two of the many styles of Tumba Francesa are performed regularly: the mason, a humorous parody of French ballroom dancing, and the yubá, an improvised dance based on frenetic drum beats. Three sets continue to keep this tradition alive. The cuban rumba The richness of the rhythm, the grace and sensuality of the dances and songs and the joy that it transmits connects with many people, regardless of their gender, phenotype, social or geographical situation. UNESCO declared the Cuban rumba as Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2016. The execution of the rumba includes verbal and gestural forms of communication: songs, movements, claps, dances and a specific body language. The percussion instruments, work tools and domestic utensils used for rumberas music are an integral part of this cultural practice. When the performers perform the rumba with their specific cultural codes and establish an interaction with the public, a festive atmosphere is created and the songs and dances evoke a grace, a sensuality and a joy conducive to the rapprochement between people, whatever their condition. socioeconomic status, gender, or ethnic origin. The practice of the Cuban rumba is transmitted from generation to generation within families and among neighbors.
What Does It Mean to Be Green? The September/October green practices and technologies issue of SN was an interesting one, congratulations! The Florida Institute of Technology does an annual International Sustainability Forum jointly with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The meeting alternates between Budapest, Hungary, and Melbourne, Fla. The next meeting is in The “Meetings Go Green” article raises the key overarching question of what it means to be green. Does green represent the “looking good” feeling or the much more difficult life cycle analysis-based assessment? Reduce, reuse and recycle are all important. The reuse of badges is a “no-brainer.” However, the cited cost of 75 cents per badge seems a little high, but if they are recycled that is OK. To say that food service for 2,200 people saves 1890 lbs. of plastics going to a landfill ignores the fact that thermoplastics are recyclable. One needs to create a market for such plastics. What are the manufacturing, transportation, storage, cleaning system, water, detergent, energy, labor and end disposal costs for the replacement glass and china during the life cycle? I have not seen that calculated. The answer might be surprising. Last year in one of the many meeting magazines I receive, an author was arguing on “green” grounds for the use of crocks of butter, cream cheese and jelly rather than the individual serving packages. Rather than being able to provide for actual use, one has large serving containers, which generate substantial waste because the unused portion cannot and should not be brought forward to the next client. As above, the whole issue of all of the associated costs of manufacture, transportation, storage, cleaning, labor, separate containers for bulk food, disposal of waste, etc., are ignored. Also ignored are the health risks. What carbon offsets are legitimate? Who is certifying those programs? Do local foods and organics survive a detailed life cycle analysis assessment for all inputs and outputs? The absence of printed programs or handouts is hardly green if the meeting objectives are not fully achieved. Providing an electronic agenda is hardly green if I have to print it out to use it effectively. It just transfers costs. True sustainability involves environmental, economic and political aspects. All must be in place. In the absence of life cycle assessment we actually do not know if sustainability criteria are met. The DataPoints column by Thomas Murphy and Peter Fortini in the September/October issue of SN provided some interesting information, but it omitted an important factor in reporting test results, that of reference material uncertainty. My instrument has a computer that can be programmed to print out any number of digits (within reason). So let us assume that we program it to print out 6% to six digits: 6.000000. The precision of the instrument is 0.001%, so we are not justified in reporting any more than that. Now we are down to 6.000. The reference material used to calibrate the instrument has an uncertainty of 0.02%. Therefore, the product can be certified to no better than 0.02%. For internal use, I can report to 0.001% if the numbers are going to be used to measure variation within the product, not absolute results. I know statisticians will argue about significant figures, but my results are no better than the reference material used to calibrate the instrument. Mr. Creasy brings up the good point that instrument error may be just one of the contributions to the variability of the test result. Other factors might be test specimen preparation and sub-sampling of the submitted material. Uncertainty includes all of the factors involved in the test. You can rest assured that test method precision and uncertainty will be future topics for the DataPoints column. However, we cannot agree with a policy of rounding results based on overall uncertainty, in general. The purpose of significant digits used to record or to report a measurement or test result is not just to approximate the quantity we are trying to measure but also to capture the result itself including its systematic and random errors. The choice of repeatability as the sigma for the 0.05 to 0.5 sigma rule recommended for data reporting was deliberate, as repeatability is close to the bottom of the error hierarchy.
What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue (also known as non-Addison's hypoadrenia, sub-clinical hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, adrenal neurasthenia, or adrenal apathy) is a syndrome that is the result of the adrenal glands not functioning properly. It is most often associated with prolonged periods of high stress though it can also arise after serious illness. What are the adrenal glands? The adrenals are triangle-shaped organs that rest on top of the kidneys. They help regulate the body's hormones. The adrenal glands operate in concert with the hypothalamus and pituitary which regulate metabolism and physical functions. The three work closely together and are known as the HPA axis. Disruptions in one organ throws off the usual operation of other glands. What are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Some people may look or act relatively normal even if they have adrenal fatigue but use caffeine and other stimulants to keep them going. Symptoms might include: - Extreme Fatigue: Some people might find it hard to get out of bed for more than a few hours per day. You also might feel tired for no reason or gain weight. - Food Cravings: Patients report craving certain foods like salty and sweet snacks. - Stressed Out: Many people report feeling overwhelmed or extremely stressed and are irritable. - Energetic at Night: People with adrenal fatigue say that they feel most alert and awake in the evenings. - Inability to Focus: Some might find concentrating on tasks or jobs difficult. - Worsening Allergies: Patients report that their allergies are either worsening or they are developing allergies they never had before. What causes adrenal fatigue? Prolonged stress can trigger unfavorable effects in the body that can progress to chronic disease states. The medulla secrets adrenaline and norepinephrine to help the body handle stress by escalating metabolism. The cortex is in charge for maintaining the body's balance, regulating sugar metabolism, and a complex array of steroid hormones such as cortisone, DHEA, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Adrenal function is impaired by long term cortico-steroid drug use, as these will cause the adrenals to shrink. Other pre-disposing factors include continuous stress, anterior pituitary dysfunction, a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, excessive caffeine use, or a vitamin B deficiency. How do I know if I have adrenal fatigue? It is possible to have adrenal fatigue and not know it. The fatigue can be covered up by constantly drinking caffeinated drinks. One of my customers would not address the issue and ended up developing onset diabetes. If you lead a high stress life and need five cups of coffee just to get started in the morning, talk to your doctor about getting tested for adrenal fatigue. A simple saliva test can tell you if you have the condition. What can I do to help with my adrenal fatigue? If you do have adrenal fatigue, there are some things that you can do to keep it under control. - Avoid Certain Foods: Avoid caffeine, sugars, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and hydrogenated oils should be avoided. - Eat Superfoods: Some of the top superfoods for adrenal health include olives, coconut, avocados, sea salts, cauliflower, broccoli, fatty fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, seeds, and seaweed. - Take Supplements: Supplements help to keep your body functioning properly. Recommended supplements include ashwagandha, magnesium, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D3, and zinc. - Get Enough Sleep: Try to sleep around 8-10 hours per night. Additionally, try to stay on a regular sleep cycle. - Exercise: Exercising can help to relieve stress, maintain a healthy weight, and boosts your mood. - "3 Steps to Heal Adrenal Fatigue Fast." DrAxe.com. 09 Oct. 2014. <http://draxe.com/3-steps-to-heal-adrenal-fatigue/>. - Lad, Vasant. Ayurveda: The Science of Self-healing. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984. Print. - Rector-Page, Linda G. Healthy Healing: An Alternative Healing Reference. United States: Healthy Healing Publications, 1994. Print. - "What Is Adrenal Fatigue?" What Is Adrenal Fatigue? AdrenalFatigue.org. <http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/what-is-adrenal-fatigue#what-is-adrenal-fatigue>. - Wilson, James L. Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. Petaluma, CA: Smart Publications, 2001.
In Charles Dickens classic Great Expectations, the young orphan Pip falls in love with the beautiful Estella. Pip is sure that if he can become rich, Estella will finally take notice of him and his life will be perfect. Pip gets one of his wishes when he comes into a windfall of a fortune is elevated above his lowly status. But, Murnighan and Kelly say, you need to ask yourself: If you think that your life will be wonderful if another person falls in love with you, do you really want to be with that person, or do you just imagine that being together would somehow magically solve your problems? Would this person really cure everything in your life? Pip eventually realizes that his problem is feeling inadequate and that Estella has never really made him feel happy.
It is accurate to suggest that an interdependent relationship exists between the individual and society. It is also accurate to state that in order for both the individual and society to flourish, the two entities must complement one another in values, beliefs and needs. It may be perceived that through carefully constructed characterisation throughout his eighteenth century novel ‘The Sufferings of Young Werther’, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe holistically depicts the way in which the relationship between society and the individual can shape the individual, how the individual, having been rejected from society, can become a body of self destruction and the way in which relationships throughout society can be shaped in response to conflicting perspectives of the individual and society as a whole. Due to the interdependent relationship between the individual and society, societal values can greatly influence the individual. It can be said that Goethe’s characterisation of Lotte and Werther clearly depict this notion in varying outcomes. Lotte is depicted as a compassionate and loyal character whose relationship with Werther depicts her as somewhat naive. Despite having convinced herself for the majority of the novel that her feelings for Werther are due to a brother-like connection, Lotte acknowledges her individual desires of wanting to, “keep [Werther] for herself.” (82) Throughout the novel, the heart and soul are symbolic of passionate love. With, “her heart squeezed tight, and a dark cloud [hanging] over her eyes,” Lotte ... ... middle of paper ... ... but comes back and everything is diseased/dying, recurring plot reflective of his addictive attitude Re: ants -> see as destruction of society • Re: Prince about creativity? Perhaps. Re: death scene • Horse (free from self) • The drawn out death sequence (punishment for turning back on society perhaps) • Imperfection... world order... pg 138 Loses self in romantic dreams - Goethe pg 129 re: intertextuality, becomes Ossian Suggesting that freedom from society equates to happiness, but has completely lost self because they’re crazy, really. o The murder Obsessive over lover If I can’t have her no one can, reflective of Werther’s idea of Lotte Both seem to see their actions (murder and suicide) as tribute of their love • Lotte touched the gun, ergo sanctioned the suicide o Could go into religious blood sacrifice if time allows Need Writing Help? Get feedback on grammar, clarity, concision and logic instantly.Check your paper » - “The period from 1700 to 1840 produced some highly sophisticated psychological theorizing that became central to German intellectual and cultural life, well in advance of similar developments in the English-speaking world” (Bell i). Some of the psychologists that have helped German literature, advanced are Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, and Carl Rodgers. Originally, Sigmund Freud studied personality and developed a theory of neurosis and later, Karen Horney built upon his theory, changing some ideas, making her own theory of neurosis.... [tags: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Romanticism] 1673 words (4.8 pages) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's novel, The Sufferings of Young Werther portrays a young man coming to terms with his position in society, his views on life, and more importantly, his affections for Lötte. In reading the novel, and trying to reach a greater understanding of its meanings, it is important to distinguish that this is a middle-class novel, dealing with a young middle-class man in late eighteenth century Germany. Though the novel is middle-class in substance, it should be noted that it did enjoy a wide readership, which included the aristocracy.... [tags: European Literature] 1415 words (4 pages) - ... Harry Steinhauer believes that a modern reading of the novel depict Werther as a man who cannot, “...find a place for himself in society.” However, if we are to believe that Werther is aware of the difference in values between society and the individual, we too can see that he consciously elects to alienate himself from society by following his own desires as opposed to those structured to complement society. It can be said that while Lotte accepts the values of society and Werther opposes them, both of these actions come as a direct result of the interdependent relationship between the individual and society.... [tags: notorius German writer and statesman] 1359 words (3.9 pages) - From the first storytellers to the most recent Poet Laureate, inner emotion has always fueled the creators of language art. Without inner conflict, and emotion stemming from that conflict, there is no wood to make the fire burn, no motivation behind the words. While all artistic authors have emotion as an inspiration for their works, and all poets use emotion as the stimulus for or subject of their writings, the sentimentalists took the most intense standpoint on the emotional spectrum in artistic writing.... [tags: Emotion, Writing] 779 words (2.2 pages) - Death and Freedom in Sorrows of a Young Werther and Crime and Punishment The relationship between death and freedom is a common thread throughout Sorrows of a Young Werther by Goethe and Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. The relationship illustrated in both works is that one cannot achieve true freedom until they are dead. Until death, Werther and Raskolnikov will always feel the restrictions that society places upon them. Werther feels restricted due to the unrequited love of Lotte and Raskolnikov feels restricted by the moral code that society establishes.... [tags: Goethe Dostoevsky Death Freedom Literature Essays] 884 words (2.5 pages) - Shelley in Frankenstein and Goethe in The Sorrows of Young Werther wrap their stories around two characters whose mental torment and physical actions are similar to one another. Both the stories deal with characters who are struggling to find happiness in their lives in the world they live in, but they could not because of rejection. Werther was seeking to be loved and have a family with the girl she loved whereas, the creature was seeking for a companion and people to relate with and call family because he was all alone.... [tags: Sorrows of Young Werther, Victor] 1177 words (3.4 pages) - Death has been the consequent for the main characters in each of the first four novels read for the course. The protagonist in each of the first four novels; Werther, Rafael, Ivan Ilyich, and K., respectively; met their demise on the final page of their respective novels. All four directly or indirectly were the cause of their painful demise. Werther chose suicide over conforming to the ways of adulthood, and moving further away from nature. Rafael chose to live a life of possessions, and in turn, his inner-self dwindled.... [tags: Goethe Sorrow Young Werther] 1648 words (4.7 pages) Myth of the 'Noble Savage' Illustrated in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther - Political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau is often attributed to the discussion of the “noble savage,” and the existence of natural man. Throughout numerous works of literature, the theme of the “noble savage” is prevalent and enduring, providing indirect authors’ commentary through the actions and development of various characters. Two such novels are Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther. In both novels, Shelly and Goethe demonstrate strong Romantic ideals, while developing various characters using Rousseau’s myth.... [tags: The Sorrows of Young Werther, frankenstein] 1379 words (3.9 pages) - Goethe’s first and most famous narrative work, The Sorrows of Young Werther, beautifully captures the spirit of the birth of romanticism in Germany. Beauty being essential to the romantics, Kant defined it as “purposefulness without purpose”. Goethe had this same idea when writing, in that aesthetic judgment is different than subjective or cognitive judgment. These aesthetic judgments are concerned with experiencing an object as designed for the emotion they can invoke, not for any particular intention.... [tags: Goethe] 2076 words (5.9 pages) - Werther as the Prototypical Romantic in Sorrows of Young Werther In Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, the protagonist's characteristics and ideas define him as the prototypical romantic personality. The Romantic Movement emphasizes emotion over reason, an idea that Werther emulates throughout his life. Werther loves pastoral settings; in nature, he feels most in touch with his emotions. He rejects rationality and complexity with the sentiment that life is an adventure to be guided by intuition. Werther's longing for his love, Lotte, is a paradigm of the Romantic concept of sehnsucht, one's constant yearning for something that they will never possess or know. Werther find... [tags: Sorrows Young Werther Essays] 1342 words (3.8 pages)
The Republic of Tatarstan is part of the RussianFederation. Its capital is a large port city of Kazan. In the administrative-territorial sense, the Republic is located on the territory of the Volga region. With which subjects of the Russian Federation borders Tatarstan, you can find out by looking at the map of Russia. The Republic has common borders with 8 administrative units. Geographically, Tatarstan is on theEast European Plain, in its eastern part. The length of the border of Tatarstan from north to south is 290 km, from west to east - 460 km. The total area of Tatarstan is 670,836.2 square kilometers. On the territory of the Republic is the largestartificial reservoir - Kuibyshev reservoir. The dam is installed on the site of the confluence of the Kama into the Volga. There is a merger of two large rivers. The Nizhnekamsk water reservoir was created in the valley of the Kama River. The rivers Vyatka and Belaya are its tributaries. The first state in the territory of modernTatarstan was Volga Bulgaria, founded by Turkic tribes. During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, it was captured by the Golden Horde. The feudal state appears on the map after the collapse of the Horde. It was called the Kazan Khanate. After the capture of his capital by Ivan the Terrible in the compositionThe Russian state appears Kazan province. At this stage of history, information appears on the boundaries of the state. The original borders of the Kazan province in the north extended to Kostroma, in the west to the cities of Murom and Penza, in the east to the Ural Mountains, in the south to the Terek River. In the Soviet period, the TatarAutonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The state has new boundaries. Since that time, the borders of the Republic have remained unchanged. What subjects of the Russian Federation does Tatarstan border on today? With the same as with the Soviet period. There are no borders with foreign countries. Today the Republic of Tatarstan is swiftlydevelops and belongs to the economically developed regions of Russia. It occupies a leading position in the industrial and agricultural sectors. The fact, with which subjects of the Russian Federation borders on Tatarstan, plays an important role, since this affects the development of the Republic as a whole. The republic is located practically in the centerPrivolzhsky Federal District and is in a very favorable economic and geographical situation. In this territory of Russia there is an active development of the economy and infrastructure communications. The Republic is open for cooperation with its neighbors, therefore it is important to know with what subjects of the Russian Federation Tatarstan borders. In the north, the described subject borders on theThe Udmurt Republic and the Kirov Region. The eastern border with Udmurtia originates in the interfluve between Kama and the right tributary of the Izh. Further it passes along the Nizhnekamsk water reservoir, changes its direction towards the north, skirting Tatarstan. Then the border turns to the east and crosses the M7. Further it passes along the river Vyatka in the northern direction. In the vicinity of the village of Ust-Luga, the borders between the republics end, the Kirov region begins. The border of Tatarstan with the Kirov region goes parallel to the river Vyatka. In the vicinity of the village of Verkhny Sardyk, it makes a turn to the west. Further on, in the region of the river of Platineries, the border ends. In the northwest Tatarstan borders with the republicMari El. Almost the entire border runs along the State Natural Park "Mari Chodra". In the vicinity of the city of Volzhsk, near the Kuibyshev reservoir, the border between the republics ends. From the west, the Republic of Tatarstan borders onChuvash republic. The border originates from the Kuibyshev reservoir near the town of Kozlovka, which is located in Chuvashia. Then it crosses the M7. Part of the border runs along the river Arya, then overland, a fairly large stretch of the border passes along the Kubnya River. Further, it is interspersed with parts of land and the rivers Bula, Lashchi, Karl. Part of the border runs along the Shemurshinsky forest, which is located on the territory of Chuvashia, along the Chavash national park. Further it passes along the river Inish. Who is bordered by Tatarstan on the southern border? These are the Ulyanovsk, Samara and Orenburg regions. The boundary along these regions extends by a broken line in the sublatitudinal direction. From the east, Tatarstan borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan. The border between the republics from the south to the north runs along the rivers Ik and Xun. Relations between Tatarstan and the RepublicsUdmurtia, Mari El, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan are built on the basis of the treaty of friendship and cooperation. With the Kirov region, an agreement on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural spheres was signed. The Ulyanovsk region has an agreement oninteraction and cooperation in the field of economy, culture, science, high technology, health and small business development. Also, an agreement on the development of water tourism was signed between Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions. The contract on the construction of an international transport corridor has been concluded with the Orenburg region. So, with what subjects does Tatarstan border? With Udmurtia, Mari El, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan and Kirov, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg regions. With each neighboring entity, an agreement on cooperation and cooperation was signed.
Chess is a game designed for two players. All the experiments with ever more advanced computers playing either against humans or each other naturally conform to this assumption. But what if the game were changed so that each piece were artificially intelligent (AI), made its own moves, and the decision about which piece on a side were to move next were negotiated among the pieces on that side? What could this tell us about ways we can use distributed AI (DAI) or develop a complex swarm intelligence (SI), and whether and how the “wisdom of crowds” dynamic might apply to groups or teams of AI processes. The idea presently ventured is not a computerized version of the “Wizard’s chess” in the Harry Potter books and movies, since like real chess, that is two-player game. The only similarity might be that each piece would indeed have its own opinion about its next move. It might be a bit more like a virtual chess version of the sci-fi drama Westworld, in that pieces interact (although not with people) and learn. In any event, the immediate inspiration for this line of thinking actually was sparked by an image (right) of a couple of robot figures on a chessboard* at the just concluded Future Fest 2018 conference in London. While being quite aware of the advantage of a single mind or computer directing a side in chess, I’ve also become interested (as a non-expert in the field) in how intelligent agents with different though perhaps complementary goals, might interact in a defined environment towards a particular goal. Since so much work has been done with computer/AI chess in the standard 2-player mode, I wondered what might be possible with AI on the level of all the 32 individual pieces on a virtual chessboard. Autonomous pieces work out the moves According to the scenario I’m imagining, there is no overseeing player controlling the pieces on a side. Each AI chess piece: knows the rules of the game and cannot break them knows the main object of the game plans its own moves and will normally avoid a move resulting in its being taken can communicate with all the other pieces on its side (but not the other side) Another design parameter involves a choice: Either each piece would know no more than the above, or would be given data on how it has (been) moved throughout many actual games. In the latter case, it would have a repertoire of possible moves in various situations to choose (or depart) from, but not a generalized overview of the games. The communication among pieces on a side prior to a move would be a critical aspect, of course. For the opening move on each side, there are only 10 of the 16 pieces that can move, and each has exactly two (2) choices, for a total of 20 potential moves. Beyond that, the numbers and combinations – and hence complexity – increase significantly. There have been experiments where AI bots have interacted, but this 16 sided interaction would be significantly more complex. With each piece being able to consider its own possible moves plus not moving on each turn – even given a specific arrangement on the board after each previous move – there is no one obvious decision for the side from the point of view of the individual pieces (except where a piece wants to escape being taken, or if the king is threatened). Unless instructed in the set-up how to arrive at a decision, the pieces would have to develop their own criteria or method for choosing which piece on the side will make the next move. Some protocol for communication would likely be necessary, especially to facilitate human study of the decision process. Learning from learning chess pieces If we treat the AI chess pieces as learning programs (like AlphaZero and Leela Chess Zero), then each piece would probably best always be in the same position – such as e2 white pawn or b8 black knight. That would simplify reference to past games if we choose to give pieces that data, and would in any case presumably facilitate learning the role of the piece over many games. One could also try various experiments such as switching the position of a piece (that e2 white pawn to, say, h2), or putting a veteran piece on a rookie team to study how it affects the team function. It would be interesting to evaluate how much computing power is needed for each AI piece and whether/how much that varies by type of piece or position. And naturally also what the aggregate of those demands are per side. As with AI in the 2-player game, one would watch for unexpected outcomes in the 32-player (but still 2-side) game. Would for instance pieces develop the willingness to sacrifice themselves in scenarios that might lead to their side winning? Although the object of such an effort would not necessarily be to develop a “team” of pieces that could win against accomplished players, it might be useful at some point to play against single players – human or computer – for the AI pieces to learn in different settings, and also to measure the effectiveness of their “teamwork.” * Drikybot, the creation of Audrick Fausta, dancer and engineer in mechatronics. Image was copied from Twitter. The caption on the tweet that triggered my thinking on this was something like “what are their thoughts?” – unfortunately I was unable to retrieve that specific tweet for this post. This is the third of 3 posts on “AI & the self-driving resume” The previous two posts1 have looked at the current state of the job market and why applications of artificial intelligence (AI) could make it function better for job seekers and recruiters. They have also mentioned aspects of how AI in this context might work, with the ultimate vision being of intelligent agents (IAs),2 working on behalf of job seekers and recruiters, and able to interact with each other. The beauty of bringing AI more completely into the job market is not just in saving time and facilitating good matches, but the potential to generate new dynamics, from job matches that never would have been found with current methods, to benefits for career planning, staffing strategies, and potentially other areas of the economy. What are the forms that AI (or specifically, the IAs) will take in the job market, and how (quickly) will they will evolve? At this early stage, there are many possibilities, but as some are developed and others not, the process becomes path dependent, meaning that your future options are conditioned by your current direction. Presently, there is attention to developing AI for recruiters and the intermediary job boards, but nothing I am aware of that would work for the job seeker, who is still using basically late 20th century tools to find jobs, write resumes, and apply for positions. The longer that disparity remains, the more it is likely to grow, and we could have a job market where AI works for hiring organizations, employment agencies, and job boards, but for job seekers only through them. This post therefore focuses mainly on how AI for the job seeker might be developed, all within the understanding that the eventual system will involve a distribution of AI tools among all actors in the job market. Self-driving resume, Mark 0.1 The “self-driving resume” in the title of this series comes from the notion that a computer program could write a resume, find a job opening, and deliver the resume (and job application) to the hiring agent. When you get into it, the steps are not so simple, and the technology has not yet been applied in this way[see comment about one example], but the basic idea begins with two proven concepts: a web crawler (incorporating AI advances) and an intelligent program that can author documents (with some human participation, but less than required by the online template-based “resume generator” programs). As the process evolves, and AI can conduct much of the job search and writing tasks unassisted, the self-driving metaphor becomes a bit more apt. With current technology (as I understand it), separate programs would probably be necessary for each of the two main processes – searching and writing. For the first, web crawlers are not new, although there are naturally efforts to make their searches more intelligent. For the second, programs that write human language are much newer, yet have had some interesting successes in specific authoring scenarios (from emails to novellas). For automating a job search, both would be designed as learning programs, and each would probably have to be “pre-learned” about the situations they would encounter (perhaps with AI chips?). In the scenario sketched above (dubbed “Self-driving resume, Mark 0.1”), the crawler (1) searches job sites and organization employment pages according to parameters input by its owner, the job seeker. Those criteria would be types or titles of jobs, particular companies, or perhaps an industry in a region. Basically, the kinds of considerations that an individual searching the web would have in mind when they look for a job are the ones that have to be made clear for the crawler to work on. Assuming the crawler finds a match (2), for example a particular job listing, it would need to find and extract relevant data concerning the job description, qualifications, deadlines, contact names, and relevant details about the organization. In this scenario, the writing program then enters the picture. The crawler would have as part of its function forwarding the data extracted from the job site to the writer in a form the latter can use (3). Perhaps the trickiest part of the scenario is this exchange of information between what are conceived here as two separate though allied processes. The writing program, for its part, would have a number of tasks. It is possible that we might actually be talking about a suite of programs that would function in tandem, with each one specializing on writing different things – though for purposes of this example I’ll assume it’s a single program. One fundamental function of the writer, unconnected with the functioning of the crawler, would be authoring of the resume. The resume will be written by the writer based on input from its owner and then some kind of iterative process of review involving the owner to arrive at a satisfactory product that can be updated by the writer. In this scenario we also assume that the writing program has at its disposal a range of best practices, templates, keywords and other important input devices to use in construction of a quality resume. This resume then is a resource that then can be updated or are tweaked for particular employment opportunities. Another set of responsibilities of the writing program, would be to analyze the data (including text) communicated to it by the crawler which, as described above, has just found a job match, and then to compose a draft cover letter. That cover letter probably would be based on some kind of template that has been pre-loaded, perhaps tweaked earlier by the owner earlier to conform with their style. Its draft letter would then be forwarded to the owner (4) with whatever details on the job it has received from the crawler. The owner then can review that letter, edit it, and as necessary consult the company site him or herself. The finalized letter and approval to go ahead are then returned by the owner to the writing program (5), which then can go to the companies job page, log in for the owner, fill out the forms for the job application(6), and attach the approved cover letter and a copy of the resume (7). The filling out of online forms is a function relating to the writer’s work on the resume and the cover letter, drawing from the same text, to appropriately respond to the usual range of questions that appear on such forms. All of the above assumes there would be no problems with the web crawler scraping the organizations job pages, or with the writer logging in (some sites block one, the other or both). It also assumes that the organization listing the job is not itself already using smart programs. What happens when job seekers and recruiters are working with intelligent automation? From self-driving resume to quantum resume? Moving beyond the rudimentary but still unprecedented Mark 0.1, AI will be enlisted on the part of individual job seekers and each recruiting organization, rather than centrally organized along the lines James Cooke Brown envisaged, or by major intermediary companies. The operant concept is the IA – independent learning programs that will act on behalf of their owners, though what operates for the job seeker and for the recruiter will naturally differ. On one side, the job seeker’s crawling and writing programs discussed above would be united in a single “self-driving” IA – basically an autonomous learning program, able to complete the full range of tasks involved in searching and applying for a position, including preparing application materials, notably the resume, but also capable of scouting out potential positions at organizations in industries of interest (perhaps by monitoring contracts and investments to know which companies might be hiring). Once we have introduced AI into the job search process, it would be a short step to using the IA as a tool to help career planning. An entirely new dimension in this phase would be the potential for interacting with other IAs – of recruiters and companies, obviously, but also with IAs of other people in the job market or just out there in case. Imagine sharing information with other applicants (minus name and personal details) regarding comparative qualifications for a job of interest. Or information on companies – hiring practices, workplace issues, salary levels & offers – from each one’s experience. All of a sudden a range of data becomes available from the IA – a significant benefit beyond automating repetitive tasks and extending searches beyond what is humanly possible. On the other side, as it were, recruiters will also be working with some configuration of IAs (perhaps in a tiered system, partially for security reasons?) to handle job applications, communication with applicants, inquiries outside of job listings, vetting, etc., as well as IAs to seek out potential applicants (more or less reversing the contact and response processes). The idea is not a more sophisticated information dump from one side and more sophisticated management and analysis process on the other, but rather IAs that can query, respond in kind, and exchange information, and that are capable of learning from the interactions in ways that both improve their function and produce and organize usable data for their owners. All that said, it is important to note that the use of IAs would not eliminate person to person contacts, serving instead to get us to where those contacts are most productive, and indeed giving us more time for them rather than repetitive tasks. To the extent we begin talking about IAs interacting on their own – albeit with direction from and “ground truthing” with their owners – the dynamics become hard to predict. However there are some things that can be expected: As IAs of job seekers and recruiters, or job seekers with other job seekers, communicate directly with each other, this will not take take place in human language (if we take recent experiments as an indication of what is to come). The resume will no longer have a fixed form, except when needed for human reading, and then will change according to the context and the IA’s learning from experience – almost a quantum phenomenon. The database of professional information and job history that goes into the resume will originate from the owner, and be tweaked as appropriate, but the specific selection and organization of information transmitted in each circumstance – or generated into a printed document in the appropriate human language – would likely differ. There will no longer be a need for companies to tell you they’ll “keep your resume on file,” since recruiters could page your IA (or the IA of anyone, or theoretically everyone) for resumes when they need them. There will have to be protocols and standards for communication among IAs, including ways to translate their communication to forms we recognize for checking and analysis. One interesting question is what will be the virtual space in which this interaction of IAs takes place? Would this happen simply over the Internet, or on the servers of particular companies or job boards, or some dedicated “agora” run by an intermediary non-profit organization? Next steps, first steps At this point there are three areas to get the process moving towards a Mark 0.1 stage and beyond: Setting up an experimental crawler that can find jobs and download (“scrape”) relevant information. The idea would be something that can be easily tasked (what to look for) and tweaked (to improve results). There are crawler programs available, but thinking here of something purpose-designed and friendly to non-expert users – something one could run from a desk-top or perhaps a smart phone. Setting up a program to author resumes based on information given it, perhaps in the form of an existing resume. However, this is an intelligent program, not a fillable template program, so it would be expected to produce a document with minimal input and understand when it needs more for a complete document, and where it can trim information for succinctness (and space limitations). A next step would be to be able to adjust the resume contents in function of input of a job description and requirements. The step after that would be authoring a cover letter in function of the resume material and input of job information. Here too, a priority is user friendliness. Development of a plan for how to link the two programs. The next step on this, as I see it, would be how to unify them into a single IA. I am interested in the possibility of this being approached as an open-source project (though am unfortunately not at the level of being able to contribute to the actual development). A meta-requirement is elaborating the vision of how IAs of job seekers and recruiters would interact. This would be more on the cutting edge of AI development as I understand it. This is the second of 3 posts on “AI & the self-driving resume” In a sense, the job market is really a market in resumes, even though a real person – someone seeking a job, a potential employee – is behind each one. Resumes stock databases, they are digitally searched, they may be passed around and printed and looked over. The distribution of resumes engages intermediary organizations, and advice about how to write and share resumes has become an economic activity. And of course, each resume itself represents an investment of time and resources. Reign of the resume The resume, as a statement of one’s experience and education, and nowadays often cast as a marketing tool, is perhaps the central element in the current employment system. While some want to trace the history of the resume back to Leonardo da Vinci (see the diagram at right1), it really only became an established part of job applications well into the industrial age. Despite some changes in standard content over the years (e.g., bio info no longer appropriate, the objective statement now “out of style“), and in availability of much better tools for producing and disseminating resumes on the one hand and processing them on the other, the basic concept hasn’t changed at all. The ability to submit resumes has always run into the problem of whether and how they will be read on the receiving end. I still recall a talk back in the late 1970s in which the speaker suggested a red ribbon as a device to make a resume stand out in the very physical pile of paper before a recruiter hiring for entry level positions. Current availability of advice and tools to improve the content and look of a resume are more sophisticated, but still reflect the same concerns. In place of artifices like a red ribbon, job seekers of all levels these days are advised (1) to layer keywords into their resume or CV (one site lists 155) in order to make them findable in the digital pile, and (2) on the chance the resume is seen by human eyes, to format the content for the few fleeting seconds of attention they may get. For more detail, read the 300-page manual on resume writing offered by The Ladders. Another factor is the disparity between those fleeting seconds of attention, and the hours spent putting together, updating, and tailoring a resume. It naturally takes much longer to write something worthwhile than it does to read it, but it seems that resumes are no longer even read. One quick estimate is that time spent glancing over a resume may be only 0.0003% to 0.0014% of the time taken to prepare it. Meanwhile, the same digital technologies that have facilitated producing and editing resumes on the one hand, and online job listings on the other, have fostered a kind of trade in resumes. It is possible to post a resume on a website where, if one is to believe the advertising, it will be “exposed” to hundreds of thousands of employers. ResumeRabbit.com, for instance, claims over 1.5 million (via reposting to 89 other sites). It will however be one of probably millions vying for attention. Even on a more specialized level, the numbers are incredible: DevelopmentAid.org for example, offers a “CV broadcast” service reaching 30,205 organizations (as of April 2017 – the number varies). In short, the system is flooded with ever more resumes. Where is all this going? One could argue that the humble resume is in effect being asked to do much more than it was ever intended to do. No surprise therefore to see radical-sounding prognoses such as the “death” of the resume (for example in 2013, the previously cited 2015 list, and of course Nelson Wang’s 2012 book, The Resume is Dead), perhaps along with its recent counterpart, the applicant tracking system (ATS) . Discussions of the “death of the resume” propose alternatives such as bios, videos, graphics, or the amorphous online personal brand. One blog post by Charles Handler several years ago suggested that “various elements of a resume are being teased apart and presented in a different format that is based more on profiles and portfolios.” But all these tend to end up with resume-surrogates that still have to be created by job seekers, and then sorted through and processed by recruiters, who for their part resort to the assistance of specialized software.2 In fact, the resume was never “alive” to begin with, given that it is static information on a page(s). Social media presence may be more current, and other resume-surrogates may have their appeal (some of them are quite creative in what they can convey), but in the end, these are all passive presentations of information, regardless of how well-crafted they may be. Hence one of the questions here: Could artificial intelligence (AI) bring the resume to life, able to interact with a human or machine reader, bring forth relevant information, learn from the interaction, and inform the owner of the resume? Mass market & upmarket There is arguably an inherent dysfunctionality to this system, of which resumes are central, as the volume of applicants and positions grows. In the massifying job market, more people can send applications – relatively more easily thanks to technology – to more organizations for more positions. So, hiring departments adapt with more automated ways to screen out digital documents and reduced time for eyes-on review. But even if job seekers “load” their resumes with keywords to get through the automated screening, the software is also “raising the bar,” to screen in more sophisticated ways. An extreme outcome of this “keyword arms race” is the oft-cited case where one company screened 29,000 applications for a single engineering position with not one of them found qualified. Suggestions per Nelson Wang and others that job seekers take unorthodox strategies – the new “red ribbon” – are only an advantage when a few are using them. How much does anyone stand out if everyone is standing out, and how can recruiters with limited time sort through the cacophony? There are human limits. Hence on the recruiter side, automation and discussion of “AI” to deal with applicant data – which in turn reduce the applicant, or actually their resume, to data. This massification of the job market is exactly the kind of situation – large and increasing number of actors, large but varying numbers and types of openings, complex quantitative and qualitative data, and waste – where a more intelligent, if not interactive, program or automation could do much better for everyone. As one moves up the scale to more specialized and executive positions that are relatively fewer in number and higher in pay, the dynamic changes in some respects. Recruiters, sometimes from executive search services (headhunters) or firms specializing in particular professional fields, may reach out to contact prospective hires. Personal contacts developed in earlier work, may prove useful as sources for information and/or references – and indeed important as many positions on higher levels are not advertised (this is another issue that I’ll come back to). But there are still many people chasing mid to higher level positions in the same job market, relying on basically the same methods and advice. Imperfect information & intermediaries The job market is one of imperfect information – in several ways. A job seeker can’t know all available positions they qualify for, and even the best research on a potential employer goes only so far. Recruiters must judge candidates based only on resumes first (usually) and whatever other information comes in the application or via referrals, and they often – especially in some industries – are dealing with a subset of potential candidates they’ll never have the chance to consider. So, another part of the system includes intermediary entities designed in one or another way to help link employers with job seekers in that uncertain environment: Recruitment firms (“recruiters” may work for specific employers or for one of these firms) and headhunters; All of the above (except for job agencies run by government or non-profits) are businesses, basically selling services to employers, job seekers, or sometimes both. Like any business, they seek to maximize income, minimize expenses, and provide services that attract (and in some cases, retain) customers. Significant amounts of money and attention to diverse revenue streams (often from both recruiters and job seekers) are involved. On the job seeker side, for instance, resume writing services run about $100, while job coaches cost clients hundreds or thousands of dollars, with one upper end service costing about $10k (and all of that without any guarantee of results). No figures on what recruiters pay for services in this subsector (in tandem with their in-house recruitment capabilities), but it likely is a lot. So, we have a system that has grown in all respects, has costly inefficiencies, and is – along with all of us – in the midst of technological change including what we call AI. It is inevitable that some aspects of AI will be brought into the job market more fully, even as other aspects of AI are applied to automate various jobs. We already see the early stages of this, as mentioned in the previous post in this series. The next post will focus on AI, with particular attention to the less often considered subject of what it might do for the job search side of the system, and how it could change interaction between job seekers and recruiters. 1. Image source: Undercover Recruiter. Image credit: Rezscore.com. Click on image to open full size. (Note the 400-year gap in the “500 year evolution.”) 2. Since traditional resume-based approaches on the entry level may miss talent, some employers try to get away from the resume, even using social events or computer games to evaluate applicants. It is not entirely new to have such live-performance evaluations of candidates – the US Department of State has long used an observed role-playing exercise as part of the selection process for Foreign Service Officers. This is the first of 3 posts on “AI & the self-driving resume” There’s lots of speculation these days about how robots and artificial intelligence (AI)* might further transform the way we work or drive a new industrial age – along the way maybe even taking our jobs – but not so much on how such advanced technology could change the ways recruiters fill positions and almost nothing how it might help people find employment. In an age where self-driving cars are already on the road, aren’t we due for some breakthroughs in the mechanisms recruiters and job hunters use in the job market? Maybe you’ve read about the novella “co-written” by AI that fared well in recent a Japanese literature competition? Or other projects using AI to write reports or stories – or even “better emails“? If I’m writing a resume, I’d want something along these lines to fill in all the right details and keywords to the right measure, and optimize it just right for the recruiter’s database search and eventual 6 or 8 (or maybe 30 on a slow day) seconds of attention. But wait – if I’m a recruiter I might want something along the lines of that Alphago program that beat human champions at the complex game of “go” to analyze candidates’ skills and track record and figure out which ones fit best in which positions, seeing ahead a few moves to future development and retention. So maybe even award-winning resumes won’t be seen by humans? But then, since we’re talking about AI, maybe the resume writing program and and the recruitment strategy program could somehow just talk to each other? Have them get back to us when they have something! Getting real … in the age of AI It’s hard not to speculate about what AI might be able to do to make both the job search and the recruitment process less labor intensive, more efficient, and more productive for all. In recent years there has been a lot of discussion of how technology trends will affect job hunting and recruitment – for example 6 or 7 ways in 2012, 5 ways in 2013, reiterated in 2014, 10 more in 2014, 4 or 5 or 10 ways in 2015. However, all of these really concern changes in, not of, the system, and don’t venture into how cutting edge technology could transform the job market. Yet. AI actually does come up in a few discussions of technology for recruitment – for example as early as 2008 and in a later undated article – but more as sophisticated ways of searching resume databases and beyond. A recent article tacks on chat bots and employee onboarding to the tasks AI might do for recruiters, so you can see the direction things are moving in. There’s not even that much for job seekers, who are for the moment still stuck essentially with late 20th century tools and processes. A recent innovation for job boards claims to use AI to help job hunters find positions. Again an intimation of where things might go, but again not changing the search process, let alone the vehicles used to apply – such as hand-typed resumes. A system on the verge of transformation? Could we be on the cusp of a revolution in the job market involving AI, data science, and perhaps virtual reality that could aid both the person looking for employment and the company doing hiring? One that would enable a lot of the time-consuming processes involved in searching and application on the one hand, and review and screening on the other to be done more quickly and systematically, with less human error, and on a wider scale than is possible with current methods? This is not to suggest that the whole hiring process should or could be completed without human input, but rather that many of the initial (often repetitive) tasks on both sides could be more efficiently and productively handled by intelligent automation – processes that ultimately will be able to interact. And that that human input would then come in where it is most valuable, and indeed essential: input of information and parameters at the outset, and at key decision points later on. If self-driving cars can provide personal transportation that is potentially safer and more efficient, couldn’t there be analogous advances in how jobs are found and filled? On the job seeker side, consider how much time goes into searching listings, filling out applications, crafting resumes, writing cover letters, and maintaining a professional social media presence. And along the way keeping up with all the advice and evolving thinking on approaches and techniques to do all of that better, which has become an industry in itself (looking for a job? here’s a list of 9 more books you should read, according to Business Insider). Altogether this represents a lot of repetitive work, most of which has no return (one recent article on “1200 job rejections” illustrates the problem). What if much of this could be automated, intelligently? Could AI, informed and tasked by a person, search out particular kinds of openings (roles, companies, locations), write and tailor presentation of professional information, and generate job applications? As a learning (recursive) program it would be designed to adapt, but a key aspect would have to be iteration and course correction with the person it is representing. On the recruiter side, consider how many applications are received for each position, with the numbers growing each year. Incoming applications have to be processed in limited time, or stored in an applicant tracking system (ATS) and accessed as data (think keyword searches of masses of resumes). And then there’s screening and checking references. What if incoming applications could be analyzed and queried, with preliminary background and reference checks as appropriate, to yield a short list? What if the ATS was smart enough to do all that? Then there is the question of how AI in the service of job seekers and AI in the service of recruiters would work together. One would imagine the need for a system of protocols and a conceptualization of the virtual space in which they would interact, as intelligent agents (IAs) in a multi-agent system. That could in turn lead to radical changes not only in how jobs are found and filled – for one thing, IAs operating quickly and across cyberspace could find matches that people could not – but perhaps also in the ways careers and staffing are approached. One could be permanently on the market in the sense that the IA could regularly check new employment opportunities or potential new hires. And perhaps lead also to novel outcomes as IAs go to work: What if for example, IAs of job seekers who have never met could compare notes about an organization or salary offers, or IAs of recruiters could share data on a particular candidate? Reimagining the job market The idea of technology fundamentally changing the ways people find employment and organizations find employees – as opposed to enhancing or modifying parts of the current system – is not new. Perhaps the most extensive effort to think through the possibilities is that of James Cooke Brown in his 2001 book, The Job Market of the Future: Using Computers to Humanize Economies. But while Dr. Brown’s work considers how to reorder the economy and thus the nature of employment, aided by computer technology, I’m wondering if the sequence will actually be reversed. That is, that application of advanced information technologies – specifically AI – in the service of individual employers and especially individual potential employees might in turn change the nature of those relationships and how careers are built. The job market as we know it is basically an evolution of communication between people needing paid work and people needing help with getting something done. And the current system of web-based applications and screening of digital resumes is the contemporary version of a set of tools, roles, and modes of communication developed in recent history as economies became more complex: job ads; employment agencies and websites; applications with resumes and cover letters; recruitment/hiring as a specialization within the field of human resource management; and processes of review and selection. Will intelligent technology rewrite this sequence and the elements involved? I’m suggesting it will, and that it will be a good thing. In the following posts in this series, I’ll explore aspects of this question: * AI can refer to a range of capabilities and processes. For a basic introduction, see the articles in Encyclopaedia Britannica and/or Wikipedia. In referring to AI in this blog post, I am assuming some variable sub-set of that range. … on agriculture, NRM, education, ICT, language, development & policy
430 to 360 million years ago this armored fish that dominated the oceans, called placoderms, had the first teeth, according to a new research. Dunkleosteus. Image credit: wikimedia A team of researchers, by using a particle-accelerator called a synchrotron, has discovered that these ancient jawed fish did indeed have teeth and probably sharp ones. Dr. Martin Rücklin from the University of Bristol, said: The evolution of jaws and teeth is thought to be the key innovation for jawed vertebrates, essentially leading to their success. While sharks are primitive creatures, they’re not the same as the primitive jawed vertebrates that existed back in the Devonian, around 380 million years ago. Professor Phil Donoghue, University of Bristol, said: This is solid evidence for the presence of teeth in these first jawed vertebrates and solves the debate on the origin of teeth. The findings were published online October 17 in Nature. Dunkleosteus. Image credit: wikimedia The earliest identifiable placoderm fossils are from China and date to the mid to late Silurian. They are already differentiated into antiarchs and arthrodires, along with the other, more primitive groups. Apparently placoderms already diversified into their current groups before the start of the Devonian, somewhere during the early or mid Silurian, though earlier fossils of basal Placodermi have not been discovered in these particular strata.
A Rose May Be a Rose, But Is a Calorie a Calorie? No, say weight-loss experts who stress the differing ways the body processes nutrients (HealthDay News) -- Their holiday indulgences now over, and armed with New Year's resolutions, many people will begin this month to try to shrink their expanded waistlines by counting calories and hitting the gym. But how should those calories be counted in order to lose weight? Is a calorie of fat the same as a calorie of carbohydrate or protein? Not necessarily so, according to Weight Watchers, which recently instituted a complete revamp of its legendary "points" system based on the understanding that the body processes different nutrients in different ways. Weight Watchers' new "PointsPlus" plan takes into account the three types of nutrients that provide the human body with calories -- proteins, carbohydrates and fat -- and the fact that the body treats each of these nutrients differently, said Karen Miller-Kovach, a registered dietitian and chief scientific officer for Weight Watchers International. "Where the calories are coming from makes a difference, in terms of how hard the body has to work to use those calories, the feelings of fullness and the hunger satiation a person gets," Miller-Kovach said. The science behind the group's plan is nothing new to dietitians, said Andrea Giancoli, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. It's based on long-standing healthy eating practices. "Weight Watchers is taking a novel approach at marketing what we already know we should be doing," Giancoli said. "The idea here is to marry lean proteins with high-fiber foods." For example, the new plan will steer participants toward eating more protein because protein provides the most eating satisfaction for dieters, Miller-Kovach said. On top of that, the body has to work harder to process lean protein into energy so there's less chance that calories from protein will be stored as body fat. Research seems to back up that goal. "We're learning that protein has a satiating effect," Giancoli said. "That may be why people on high-protein diets don't feel as hungry." On the other hand, the body doesn't have to work very hard at all to process carbohydrates or fats so more of the calories from these nutrients will probably be stored away, Miller-Kovach said. "When I eat the toast, I find by 10 a.m. I'm really hungry," she said. "If I eat the eggs, I'm not hungry until noon." Fats in particular are bad because the body does very little to process them and they serve a limited role in good nutrition, compared with protein or carbohydrates, Miller-Kovach and Giancoli said. A gram of fat also contains nine calories, more than twice the four calories contained in a gram of either carbohydrate or protein. That's why the focus for healthy eating is on lean proteins, such as fish and lean cuts of meat, rather than on any high-protein food, regardless of its fat content. The PointsPlus plan also steers people toward eating more fiber in their diet, in part by changing the rules so that no points are assessed against participants when they eat fresh fruit or most fresh vegetables. Again, high fiber is something that dietitians stress when advising clients, Giancoli said. "Fiber helps to fill us up, and it doesn't have any calories, for the most part," she said. "People with high-fiber diets tend to eat better overall and have lower BMIs," or body mass index, which is an indicator of body fatness calculated from a person's weight and height. Weight Watchers also is trying to help participants follow the new guidelines by providing them with lists of what it calls power foods, which are recommended because they more closely follow the emphasis on protein and high fiber than do some other foods. Think of two broth-based soups sitting side-by-side on a grocery store shelf. One might be considered a power food, but not the other, perhaps "because one is higher in sodium or saturated fat, or the other is maybe higher in fiber," Miller-Kovach said. The idea behind Weight Watchers' switch, she said, was to take intelligent and widely accepted healthy eating practices and make them easier for regular folks to grasp and follow. "While there is a tremendous amount of complexity to nutrition and health and body weight, it is possible to create a simple system so nutrition recommendations can be met," she said. "People just throw up their hands. They just give up and say, 'This isn't worth it; I don't have time for this.' But here, we've done all the homework." People who've been using the organization's old points system, though, should not try to mix and match concepts from the old and the new, Miller-Kovach said, as that will only hurt their dieting success. "It is a completely different system," she said. "Let [the old system] go. I know it's hard, but you've got to let it go." On the Web To learn more about weight control, check out information from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Karen Miller-Kovach, M.S., R.D., chief scientific officer, Weight Watchers International; Andrea Giancoli, M.P.H., R.D., spokeswoman, American Dietetic Association Copyright © 2010 ScoutNews LLC. All rights reserved.
ASL (American Sign Language) is the native language for most deaf and hard-of-hearing people in North America. It is a complete language in its own right, with a grammar and structure distinct from English and other phonetic languages. With about 1% of the population using ASL, it is the fourth most prevalent language in the United States. Translation and interpretation are two different aspects of communication in two languages. Usually, translation refers to written language, while interpretation refers to spoken language. One might translate court or medical documents to the visual/spatial language of ASL for complete understanding by the client. Then one could interpret the conversation between an attorney or a doctor and the deaf or hard-or-hearing client. Or the interpreter could work with a deaf or hard-of-hearing professional who is dealing with a hearing population. With the growing awareness of the capabilities of deaf people, many opportunities are now available for learning sign language. Local colleges may offer courses, and some online classes in sign language are now available. This creates an opportunity for an interested individual who wants to become a licensed interpreter for a deaf population. Public schools, medical practices, courts, and other services require interpreters when hearing individuals who do not know sign language work with deaf or hard-of-hearing clients. Since it is becoming more common for students with disabilities to be main-streamed and learn alongside other students, this increases the number of interpreter jobs available. Happily, it also increases the opportunity for both hearing and deaf students to communicate with and learn from one another. As more and more deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals mingle with the hearing population, the two groups are more likely to learn about one another. Myths surrounding deafness will be challenged, and friendships and comfortable working relationships are more likely to become the norm. Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals have talents and abilities which will increasingly earn them professional positions and well-deserved respect.
Despite Japanese radiation showing up as close to our state as Alabama, Louisiana officials say EPA monitoring stations have not picked up any of it in here. According to the Department of Environmental Quality's bi-weekly monitoring data from the RadNet network, radiation levels that do register are naturally occurring, or background levels. The levels are well below anything that would pose a health risk and have typically remained unchanged since the Japanese nuclear incident began. Even the radiation linked to Japan that showed up in Alabama are well below unsafe levels. RadNet is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's nationwide radiation monitoring system. There are more than 100 fixed monitoring sites across the United States. Two of them are in Louisiana – one in Shreveport and one in Baton Rouge. "The RadNet air monitors across the U.S. show typical fluctuations in background radiation levels. The levels detected are far below levels of concern. As the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said, we do not expect to see radiation at harmful levels reaching the U.S. from damaged Japanese nuclear power plants," according the EPA website providing information on the Japanese disaster.
This system was originally manufactured in the1870s and is undoubtedly the first electric watch clock to be widely accepted. The system employs a battery and one pair of wires running to all the tour stations, over which any of the stations may send a signal to this central unit. On visiting a station, the watchman wound the station mechanism's mainspring. When he released it, an escapement allowed the mechanism to run down over eight seconds or so. In running down, a code wheel would "make and break" the electric circuit, sending a coded signal that identified the originating station. At the central recorder, the first signal pulse releases the recorder's clock mechanism and allows the pinion gear (seen at the center in Fig. 2) to start "lifting" the long arm with which it meshes. The portion of that arm that extends upwards to the right carries a pinprick or a marking lead at its upper end (out of sight here, behind a broad hammerhead). As the marking element is carried across the recording dial surface, from near the outer edge toward the center, further incoming signal pulses cause the solenoid coils to pull on the hammer and thus force the marking element against the recording chart for an instant. This leaves a trail of dots and spaces which identifies the station.
This section examines the fascinating history and impact of religious beliefs, practices and institutions on the development of Australian society. The story of religion in the first hundred years is dominated by the activities of the traditional Christian churches and evangelical missionaries. Their activities are reflected through official government and church records and through the personal papers of significant churchmen, missionaries and religious activists held in the Library's collections. Post-war immigration has brought with it a diverse range of religious beliefs and practices. This emerging religious diversity is gradually being reflected in the Library's collection particularly through the images of documentary photographers. Significant change has also come in our recognition of the complex spiritual traditions of the original inhabitants. The European settlers regarded with suspicion and hostility the concept of Aboriginal spirituality, their belief in spirits behind the forces of nature and the influence of ancestral spirit beings. The early years The First Fleet anchored in Sydney Cove on January 28, 1788. On the following Sunday, February 3, the first church service was held for the officers, marines and convicts on Australian soil. The service was led by the colony's Chaplain, the Reverend Richard Johnson, on a grassy hill under a tree. He chose for his text the twelfth verse of Psalm 116, "What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?" Two weeks later on February 17, Rev. Johnson celebrated the first Communion in the colony. The service was held in Lieutenant Ralph Clark's tent, borrowed for the occasion. The event was recorded by Clark in his journal: "I will keep this Table also as long as I live for it is the first Table that ever the Lords Supper was eat of in this country" >Read Ralph Clark's diary In the early years of the colony religion played a difficult and unpopular role. As an evangelical minister, Rev. Richard Johnson saw his role as an opportunity to convert the convict population and the native inhabitants to Christianity. As a military officer, Governor Phillip believed the Church provided a necessary code for social order and control. The commission received by Governor Phillip in 1787 requested only that "Due observance of religion and good order among the inhabitants of the new settlement, and that you do take such steps for the due celebration of publick worship as circumstances will permit". In November 1788, Rev. Richard Johnson wrote to Henry Fricker of Portsmouth, England, a friend of the Johnson family. Amongst personal news Johnson describes the arrangements for religious observances at Rose Hill, the Governor's reluctance to build a church and the irreligious lives of the convicts. For the first five years Johnson was solely responsible for performing services throughout the colony. He travelled up to Parramatta every second Saturday. It took around five or six hours to travel the fourteen miles up the river to the settlement. He would then give a sermon at Toongabbie around seven on Sunday morning and two services at Parramatta later in the day. Services at Sydney Cove and further west were held in the open air or in makeshift buildings In bad weather or if the Chaplain was ill the services were cancelled. Despite numerous requests from the chaplain for land, funds and labour, a proper church was not provided. Another of Johnson's concerns was the poor attendance at services. In 1791 Governor Phillip issued an Order for attendance at divine service. Rations for non-attenders were to be reduced, to two pounds of meat for every overseer, and one and a half pounds for every convict, The Order was not enforced nor did any penalty apply to Officers or Marines. In the circumstances, Governor Phillip's reluctance to support Johnson's requests was not surprising. The need to feed, house and control the activities of an increasingly dissatisfied and expanding population was a far greater priority. In 1794 Reverend Samuel Marsden arrived in the colony to assist Rev. Johnson. His impression of the colony and the moral state of the inhabitants quickly agreed with that of Johnson. In October 1795 Rev. Marsden wrote to Mary Stokes in England about conditions in the Colony. 'The Enemy hath so completely possessed himself of the Minds of all Ranks and Orders here; that it is a Matter of Doubt with me, that his Power will be ever seen in this Place to fall like Lightning from Heaven' The Reverend Richard Johnson was appointed as the first chaplain to the colony of New South Wales in 1787, a position he held until 1800 when he returned with his family to England. Johnson owed his appointment to friends within the London Eclectic Society, including Reverend John Newton and William Wilberforce. Johnson and his wife Mary left on the First Fleet convict transport Golden Grove in 1787. As the colony's official Chaplain Johnson performed the first church service on February 3, 1788. For the first five years Johnson was solely responsible for performing services throughout the colony. Johnson performed baptisms, marriages and burials. He supervised the colony's schools, attended executions, worked among the convicts and organised and funded the building of the colony's first church, opened in 1793. Johnson also worked extensively with the Aboriginal population. A young Aboriginal girl, Abaroo, lived with his family and Johnson gave his daughter an aboriginal name, Milbah. Before attending university Johnson was a farmer and teacher in Yorkshire. These farming skills were valuable to the new settlement. Johnson supplied grain, vegetables and meat to Sydney from the lands that he cultivated around Brickfield, Canterbury and Ryde. Johnson was an early pioneer of the citrus industry in Australia. On the voyage out with the First Fleet he collected orange seeds and successfully grew the fruit on his property at Kissing Point, near Parramatta. In November 1788, Richard Johnson wrote to Henry Fricker of Portsmouth, England, a friend of the Johnson family. Amongst personal news Johnson describes the arrangements for religious observances at Rose Hill, the Governor's reluctance to build a church and the irreligious lives of the convicts. The letter is from a series of correspondence from the Rev. Richard Johnson to Henry Fricker between May 30, 1787 to August 10, 1797.
While Americans and Europeans bemoan the cost of gasoline at the pumps, people in some other parts of the world enjoy filling up their tanks cheaply thanks to subsidies provided by wealthy, oil-rich governments. But fuel subsidies tend to benefit the rich (who own motor vehicles) more than the poor. The IMF estimated that 65 percent of the fuel subsidies in Africa benefit the richest 40 percent of households (2010). Only 8 percent of the $410 billion in government fuel subsidies worldwide went to the poorest 20 percent of the population (International Energy Agency - estimates, 2010). The British insurance firm Staveley Head has released the latest list of the world’s gas pump prices. Here are the 10 cheapest countries on Earth to fill a gas tank. With elections looming in October 2012, President Hugo Chávez knows that raising gas prices would be a risky move politically. His presidency is already threatened by his deteriorating health, providing a unique opportunity for the opposition’s candidate, the telegenic Henrique Capriles Radonski, to replace the ailing leader. Last time a government attempted to raise prices in 1989, fatal riots ensued, killing hundreds. Venezuelans are likely to continue paying less for fuel than bottled water in many parts of the country for years to come. 1 of 10
By Reiland Rabaka Read or Download Against Epistemic Apartheid: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Disciplinary Decadence of Sociology PDF Similar discrimination & racism books The stories of Empire trilogy explores the advanced and subterranean political currents that emerged in English society through the years of post-war decolonization. simply because the empire ended, while white princesses waltzed with new black heads of nation in social gathering of independence from colonial rule, the registers of racial whiteness in the house society quickened, and racial segregation - the color bar - turned ever extra said. Racializaton has turn into one of many significant ideas within the research of race and racism. This quantity brings jointly prime overseas students from a number backgrounds to deal with key features of the concept that in a variety of social and political arenas, together with gender family, policing, city groups, early life cultures, immigration, and political existence. Within the identify of educational freedom, the middle values of upper education_honest scholarship, impartial examine, and variety of inspiration and person_have been corrupted through an academy extra drawn to holding its privileges than in maintaining its personal integrity. the yank collage has misplaced its civility. How do race and nature paintings as terrains of strength? From eighteenth-century claims that weather made up our minds personality to twentieth-century scientific debates concerning the racial dimensions of genetic affliction, suggestions of race and nature are integrally attached, woven into notions of physique, panorama, and state. - The Crises of Multiculturalism: Racism in a Neoliberal Age - Anatomy of Four Race Riots: Racial Conflict in Knoxville, Elaine (Arkansas), Tulsa, and Chicago, 1919-1921: Racial Conflict in Knoxville, Elaine (Arkansas), Tulsa and Chicago, 1919-1921 - Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion after Divided by Faith - Making Anti-Racial Discrimination Law: A Comparative History of Social Action and Anti-Racial Discrimination Law Additional resources for Against Epistemic Apartheid: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Disciplinary Decadence of Sociology
Only 43 percent of 2012's high-school graduates are prepared for success in college, according to a report released on Monday by the College Board, which owns the SAT. The SAT Report on College & Career Readiness says that a majority of test takers did not achieve the college-entrance examination's benchmark score of 1550, which the College Board suggests is indicative of college success and graduation. The SAT is scored on a 2400-point scale. But the SAT is only one factor indicating college readiness and likelihood of completion, the College Board noted, and therefore students who score below the benchmark can still succeed in college. The strongest indicators of college success, the report says, are taking a rigorous high-school curriculum and having parents with postsecondary degrees. Members of the high-school Class of 2012 who took the SAT represented the largest and most diverse pool in the test's history, according to the report. Of the more than 1.66 million test takers from the Class of 2012, 45 percent identified themselves as minority students, up from 38 percent in 2008. Thirty-six percent of test takers said their parents' highest level of education was a high-school diploma or less. While participation has increased 6 percent since 2008, SAT scores have decreased slightly. Mean scores for critical reading are down four points, writing scores are down five points, and mathematics scores have remained stable, compared with four years ago. The overall mean for the Class of 2012 was 1498, substantially below the 1550 benchmark. Researchers continue to debate whether the SAT reliably predicts success in college; some studies support the test's role, while others say it is a poor indicator of future academic performance, putting low-income and minority students at a disadvantage.
Scientist says this university's vaccine is our best hope THE professor behind one of Australia's biggest scientific successes has backed the coronavirus vaccine being developed in Queensland as the one most likely to come off, saying it stands out among the slew of contenders. While there are 80 COVID-19 vaccines under development around the world, renowned scientist Professor Ian Frazer says the work being done at the University of Queensland used the best technique and had the best chance of success. Professor Frazer developed the lifesaving human papilloma virus HPV vaccine which prevents cervical cancer and in 2008 earned him the Prime Minister's Prize for Science. In an interview with the Australian Academy of Sciencepublishedonline last night the esteemed Queensland scientist said the UQ vaccine "would be one that would have a high chance of success if any vaccine is going to work". "We're very fortunate that we have great vaccine technologies available now that were simply not available 20/30 years ago," he said. "And within Australia there are several vaccine programs under development including one at the University of Queensland, based on what I would regard as one of the best possible techniques for making such a vaccine because it's a protein based vaccine using what I would regard as fairly standard and routine technologies for developing a vaccine. "So I would guess that would be one that would have a high chance of success if any vaccine is going to work". Professor Frazer said of the more than 80 known vaccines currently under development worldwide, at least one of them was expected to deliver some level of protection from the disease. "Whether any of them will end up giving us lifelong protection against the infection is another matter because that depends on the nature of the immune response and control will prevent infection," he said. He said the University of Queensland vaccine had demonstrated that it could neutralise the virus in animals and "that's probably the most important first step towards getting a vaccine to humans". "It still doesn't show up with a process of a minimum of a year if we're going to demonstrate safety, efficacy and then scale up for production so you can start immunising", he said. The vaccine developed to save millions of lives is being fast-tracked with a $17 million cash injection. UQ scientist Professor Trent Munro told The Courier-Mail last month the team had set itself the "incredibly ambitious" goal of large-scale production by the September quarter. He said the university's candidate vaccine, dubbed S-clamp, was on track to start human testing by July. Originally published as Scientist says QLD vaccine is our best hope
Social media sites can be a great way for healthcare professionals to network with colleagues and share health information. However, they should be aware of the potential risks of using social media, and especially use caution when connecting with patients online. Healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and physical therapists, have plenty of options when it comes to establishing an online presence. Like all of us, they can start a blog or join networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace. There are also online communities exclusively for healthcare practitioners. Although it has taken them time to catch up, healthcare professionals have entered Health 2.0 and are now turning to ways they can personalize health care, collaborate, and promote health education. The Dangers of Social Media Networking Before jumping on the bandwagon, healthcare professionals are advised to be mindful of the possible ramifications of posting health information on social media sites. “Numerous legal issues can arise when healthcare providers use social media. These include issues related to patient privacy, fraud and abuse, tax-exempt status, and physician licensing,” says Ike Willett, an attorney who works as an associate in the health care and life sciences group of the law offices of Baker & Daniels LLP. Numerous legal issues can arise when healthcare providers use social media. According to Willett, friending patients on social media sites may pose risks under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and state privacy laws. The fact that an individual is a patient of a healthcare provider falls within the types of health information that these laws are designed to protect. “The simple act of accepting a friend request likely would not constitute an adequate consent to the disclosure of patient information under HIPAA and other state privacy laws,” he adds. “HIPAA, for instance, specifies information that consent to disclosure of health information needs to contain.” As a rule, healthcare providers should not use social media to share any health information that could be linked to an individual patient, such as names, pictures, and physical descriptions, without the patient’s consent. Social Use by Healthcare Professionals As social media grows, so does its use by healthcare professionals. In 2009, Medimix International surveyed 510 physicians in the United States, Europe, Brazil, and Mexico about their social media use. More than 66% of the interviewed physicians said they either don’t know about or don’t use the general social networking websites. For the 34% of those who do use them, Facebook leads the pack with 30% of physicians being members of the site. MySpace and Twitter came second and well behind Facebook, with only 4% of physicians reporting that they use them. Meanwhile, a 2009 study by marketing communications firm Nicholson Kovac, Inc. examined media usage by nurses, and 77% of the 292 nurses surveyed have visited Facebook and a quarter have visited LinkedIn. Only 11% of the nurses report using Twitter. Carmen Carpenter, chair of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program at South University, says blog and social media postings can pose many risks for healthcare providers. “Even things that seem like common-sense practices can be potentially risky,” she says. “What if I say as a physician or nurse to ‘take an aspirin’ on a website and someone does and has a negative reaction to it? It could be a potential liability.” Carpenter tells healthcare professionals to proceed with caution and include a disclaimer on blogs and web pages where they provide health information. “You should tell people to consult with their physician and that your recommendations are not substitutes for actual medical help,” she states. Healthcare organizations entering the social network need to make sure they have social media policies that specify what uses by their employees are permitted and prohibited. “Employees should be careful because their organization could be tied to what they say on social media,” Willett says. Also, healthcare providers who want to establish a Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, or other account need to think about whether they want to use social media exclusively to push content out to the public or to provide an interactive forum where patients can share comments and experiences, Willet says. “Interactive social media sites are usually more compelling to users, but healthcare providers who choose this route need to have a plan for addressing negative comments,” he says. In order to draw clear lines drawn between interactions as a healthcare provider and those as a friend, some advise keeping separate personal and professional social networking accounts. When carefully handled, social media can help strengthen the relationship between the patient and their healthcare provider. “Using social media to share articles on healthcare topics, podcasts conducted by medical staff members, videos providing information on particular healthcare service lines, and patient success stories with the public can be an effective way to present a personally relatable view of a healthcare organization,” Willett says. What Healthcare Professionals Should Know Attorney Ike Willett offers details on the legal issues that can arise when healthcare providers use social media: Patient Privacy – HIPAA and state privacy laws limit healthcare providers’ ability to interact with patients through social media. HIPAA and state privacy laws prohibit healthcare providers from disclosing patient information without proper patient authorization. Information protected by HIPAA includes anything that can be used to identify a patient, including pictures. A healthcare provider discloses patient information through social media without patient authorization in violation of HIPAA and/or state privacy laws can be subject in fines and other penalties. Fraud and Abuse – Federal and state laws aimed at preventing fraud and abuse in health care prohibit healthcare providers from giving third parties anything of value as an inducement for the third party to generate referrals to the healthcare provider for services which may be reimbursable by Medicare or Medicaid. Paying third parties to use social media to talk up a healthcare provider’s services may present risks under laws aimed at preventing fraud and abuse, such as the federal Medicare and the Medicaid Patient Protection Act of 1987 (“Antikickback Statute”). - Tax-Exempt Status – Healthcare providers that are exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are prohibited from intervening in political campaigns and from seeking to influence legislation as a substantial part of their activities. This restriction may extend to advertising on or sponsoring social media sites that support a political candidate or particular pieces of legislation. - Physician Licensing – Healthcare professionals need to be careful about providing medical advice to patients using social media. If a patient receiving the medical advice from a doctor through social media is located in a state in which the doctor is not licensed, the doctor giving the advice risks liability under state licensing laws.
An alarming new study conducted by the scientific consulting firm ChemRisk found that the U.S. Navy knew of the dangerous effects of asbestos, yet continued to require extensive use of the toxic material in naval steamships, shipyards, boiler rooms, and engine rooms throughout most of the 20th century. This research may help to explain why nearly one-third of all mesothelioma victims are veterans. The latest report details the significant role that asbestos played in during World War II and the relative economic importance that it continued to hold for decades. Our mesothelioma attorneys understand that asbestos was extremely popular for its heat and fire resistant properties, which were critical during wartime and as the military rapidly expanded. By using asbestos materials, naval veterans were able to rapidly and efficiently build ships at minimal cost. Dangerously high levels of asbestos dust could be found on every naval ship, from pipes, pumps, boilers, and valves to motors, gaskets, cement, and block. Veterans and civilian employees were likely exposed to massive amounts of asbestos while performing a number of tasks, including pipefitting, welding and insulating. According to the study, cases of asbestos-related lung cancer were diagnosed as early as 1907. In 1935, a textbook expressly documented a causal connection between significant exposure to asbestos fibers and asbestosis, and this connection was further validated by research studies performed by private and government scientists. However, in spite of known asbestos health hazards, the Navy continued to require use of toxic asbestos materials both on the inside and the outside of its ships. This is particularly troubling given the structural aspects of naval ships, which make them a breeding ground for contamination. Small spaces combined with a lack of adequate ventilation create a dangerous place for loose asbestos dust to gather. Pipes, pumps, turbines, and various types of auxiliary machinery covering naval ships contained massive amounts of asbestos, resulting in a serious occupational health hazard. Not only were thousands of naval workers and machinists exposed to the asbestos fibers firsthand, but their family members and loved ones may have been exposed as well. Toxic asbestos fibers may remain on skin or clothing and lead to secondhand exposure, causing the same negative health effects. Reports indicate that the Navy attempted to implement safety procedures that would minimize the dangers of asbestos exposure, but their efforts were insufficient to protect Navy veterans from asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. In fact, because mesothelioma can lie dormant in the body for decades, many veterans may not yet be aware that they are suffering from an asbestos-related illness. The medical community has made some advances in recent years to help victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases. Chemotherapy, targeted radiation and new surgical techniques may help to alleviate some of the debilitating symptoms, but they are not able to cure mesothelioma, and the prognosis is generally very poor once the disease is finally detected. Our mesothelioma lawyers have experience working with naval veterans and other victims suffering from an asbestos-related disease. We have extensive knowledge of the legal remedies available for individuals and their loved ones who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Asbestos is a known occupational health hazard and the latest reports indicate that the Navy was one of the most knowledgeable industries with respect to the dangers posed by toxic asbestos dust. Unfortunately, the Navy knowingly exposed veterans to the dangerous material and many of our dedicated service members are still suffering the consequences. Due to the government’s negligence for failing to provide workers with adequate safety information, compensation may be available for asbestos victims and their families to help cover the cost of asbestos-related medical bills.
Noise, whether it is music or the by- product of the activities in repairing a city or landscaping, can always do damage and creates what is known as noise pollution; there should always be a limit to the pollution in an area. Excessive noise damages the receptors in the auditory nerve system that picks up higher volume sounds and causes people later in life to be unable to understand one another. More importantly, noise pollution also affects the environments around it including animals and plants. Animals and plants use noises, as humans do, as means of communicating which include alerting other animals to oncoming danger, the presence of good food and safety, and most importantly a readiness and place to mate. If noise pollution permeates areas then these species will have their patterns of proper communication interrupted which could mean displacement from safe dwellings, loss of a means to a food supply, or an inability to determine when it is safest and best to mate. After that, a species could face extinction which directly affects the rest of the web of life on earth and shifts humanity’s ability to survive. With both the effects on human auditory damage (and sleep deprivation as has been recorded on many an occasion) and the effects on the environment itself, noise pollution may not be able to be stopped entirely, but it can be curbed and controlled by lessening and implementing/enforcing legal issues as well. While I believe in personal freedom, the issue with noise pollution is that your freedom to make noise interferes with another person's ability to sleep. We should have a time at night after which loud noises must stop, or you the person making those noises should face some sort of a fine. I believe that inside a crowded apartment or city where there are people in close proximity that after a certain time at night time excessive noise should be forbidden it is only fair to those trying to get some sleep before going to work the next day I think that is the most considerate way. There is a specific tie in which excessive noise should be cut off. This should vary city by city and culture to culture, of course. But, too much noise keeps children from getting enough sleep for school and adults getting enough sleep for work. It's an absolute detriment to workers. Yes, there should be a specific time in which excessive noise should be cut off, because all people should be able to sleep in peace in their home or apartment. Most people sleep at night, so night is an appropriate time to shut everything off. Loud music is a form of harassment. You could have a bunch of people who love loud noise late into the night all living in the same town. Then such a regulation would be silly. The minority who prefers things quiet would do well to move elsewhere. There isn't a single right or wrong for this question. It depends on what the community wants. That way people can move to a place that better suits their interests.
Ontario’s time of use hydro rates haven’t significantly reduced over-all energy use by householders, says a new study. The time of use rates went hand in hand with the installation of “smart meters” across the province, at a cost of more than a billion dollars The meters, which measure power use throughout the day, allow utilities to charge higher rates when demand for electricity is high, and lower rates on weekends and overnight, when demand falls off. Currently, householders pay 12.9 cents a kilowatt hour for the energy portion of their hydro bill during peak usage periods, which during winter months run from 7 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. on weekdays. During mid-peak hours — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. pm weekdays – the rate is 10.9 cents a kilowatt hour. The off-peak rate — charged from 7 p.m to 7 a.m., and on weekends and holidays — is 7.2 cents a kilowatt hour. (During the summer, the definition of peak, off-peak and mid-peak hours changes). Householders pay delivery, administration and debt retirement charges in addition to the energy charge. But the new rate structure has had modest, if any, impact on conservation by householders, says the study, conducted by Navigant Consulting for the Ontario Energy Board. It used two different ways of measuring how much households cut power use with the introduction of time of use rates. By one measure, consumption dropped 0.2 per cent because of the rates; by the other, it dropped 1 per cent. About 93 per cent of Ontario households are subject to time of use rates. The study found there was a modest reduction in overall power use during the winter that could be attributed to the new rates. But it found “there is no significant summer conservation impact” from the time of use rates. Still, time of use rates have been modestly successful in nudging consumers toward using less power during peak periods. That, too, was one of the goals of time of use rates. Having short, sharp periods of high electricity use forces the power system to build expensive plants that are used for only a few hours a day, and a sometimes for only a few months of the year. Those plants receive payments whether they’re working or not, and all users bear the cost in their overall rates. If those short periods of high demand can be shaved back, there’s less need for costly plants that serve only the short-term peaks. That’s an important effect, and one of the goals of introducing the rates. The study found that during peak summer periods, households trimmed power use as much as 3.3 per cent. On the flip side, during off-peak periods — when there are plenty of generators with spare capacity — consumption rose as much as 3.5 per cent. That pattern didn’t hold in the winter, however. During the colder months, consumers have reacted to the new price structure by cutting back power across the board, although the cutbacks are greater during peak periods. Smart meters are supposed to deliver benefits beyond conservation or changing patterns of use. For example, the meters allow utilities to see where customers have lost power almost immediately, so they can respond faster and more efficiently to outages. Alan Findlay, spokesman for the energy board, said a follow-up study will examine whether changes in time of use rates might deliver greater benefits. Time of use rates, and the smart meters that are needed to administer them, have been a divisive political issue. Conservative leader Tim Hudak has branded smart meters as “tax machines” and said he’d give ratepayers a choice of whether to pay time of use rates or a flat rate. Hydro utilities spent about $1 billion installing smart meters — a cost they’re allowed to pass on to their customers. The Independent Electricity System Operator has also spent $250 million on a storage hub to handle the data flowing in from the meters. Ratepayers are being charged 79 cents a month on their power bill to cover that cost.
At Delavan-Darien High School, teachers of the school’s “American Diversity” course were trying to make the very valid point that whites are often provided leeway in America. They did so by having children read literature exploring the concept of “white privilege,” defined on a class handout as such: In critical race theory, white privilege is a set of advantages that are believed to be enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc.). Theorists differentiate it from racism or prejudice because, they say, a person who may benefit from white privilege is not necessarily racist or prejudiced and may be unaware of having any privileges reserved only for whites. Race relations in America are, of course, not as bad as they were decades ago, but problems like staggering Black unemployment and the pathetically biased criminal justice system linger, making it clear that Blacks are still burdened by unfair disadvantages. That’s obvious to anyone who knows anything, and there are facts to prove it. The notion of white privilege is not a radical concept. It merely acknowledges the reality that, due to a variety of complex and often invisible societal prejudices, white people are given a leg up in places minorities are not. Relatively benign? Not to some parents. One parent told Fox News that the American Diversity course is “teaching white guilt,” adding, “[t]hey’re saying to non-whites, ‘You have been oppressed and you’re still being oppressed.’” That it is somehow offensive to some people to face the reality that minorities face oppression is a terrifying thought. Alas, the superintendent of the district says he plans on going over the coursework with the diversity teachers in order to ensure “fairness.” Oh, the sick irony of a lesson about white privilege getting shut down by angry white people for teaching children of color about “oppression.” The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of BET Networks. BET National News - Keep up to date with breaking news stories from around the nation, including headlines from the hip hop and entertainment world. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. (Photo: Pablo Alcala/Lexington Herald-Leader/MCT/LANDOV)
The story of a scientific experience | Summer 2021 The recipe was simple: get day camp youngsters involved and introduce them to community research. The goal was to prove scientifically that gardens promote biodiversity. Between you and me, there’s no denying that a garden promotes biodiversity in cities – but we were after some numbers. A simple protocol Over the summer, four cohorts from Space for Life day camps were formed to take invertebrate inventories. In total, 24 groups of animologues (9 to 10 years old) collected data on invertebrates from four different habitats. The idea was to compare the biodiversity on asphalt, on the lawn, in a flower garden and in an untended area. Where did the idea come from to evaluate biodiversity in a wild meadow? In May, when I was visiting the Youth Gardens, Banjo, the horticulturist in charge, introduced me to a secret corner of the Jardin botanique: an untended area. He explained to me that it was the result of an initiative aimed at letting nature do its work. In fact, an untended area is a transitional ecosystem. It’s what happens when you let grass grow. For some it’s an abandoned lawn, but for us it was a golden opportunity to evaluate the biodiversity there. Besides, an untended area comprises a space that needs no fertilizing and no watering. Based on our observations, gardens host an average of 13 species versus fewer than 3 for concrete surfaces. Overall, gardens and untended areas host two to three times more species than concrete and lawns. Even though everything was a little stage-managed (predictable), the results are indisputable: spaces where plant biodiversity is plentiful also foster animal biodiversity. Our results, illustrated in a graph. How can such results be explained? We can assume that this abundance of life is essential to the entire resulting food chain (birds, mammals, reptiles and others). In addition, green spaces equate to food and shelter for the wildlife found there. They’re the basis of our urban ecosystems. If we wish to preserve wildlife in our cities, it’s vitally important to conserve natural habitats that are home to plants of all sorts in order to support it. Although the natural untended area hosts a little less animal life than the flower garden, our results indicate that the species we found were different in the two: more butterflies in the gardens, and more crickets in the untended area. In a way, these two habitats are complementary. To be convincing, you need numbers All summer I kept repeating, “to persuade people, you need to have numbers.” Now that we have them, let’s try to convince political decision-makers to develop more green spaces (of all kinds) in order to promote biodiversity. Science, difficult sometimes, but educational! Between the heatwaves, the storms and the tall grass that tickled, the animologues were faced with several challenges and met them brilliantly. We even caught some of them carrying on with their research right through lunch. A big thank-you to the whole Space for Life day camps team and especially to the animologues, without whom none of all this would have been possible. I hope our experience helped develop your curiosity and your desire to preserve biodiversity!
This activity will help you model self-care to others. It is a part of the NCWWI Leadership Tool Kit. Document Tag: NCWWI-Product This tool kit is your opportunity to develop and practice your leadership skills so that you can positively impact children, families, and your community. A leadership development plan, built from a competency-based framework, and based on a self-assessment, will guide you in developing the critical leaderships skills necessary for success. Click the links to access the top 10 self-care resources shared on NCWWI social media during 2021 Utilizing the Psychological Stressor-Strain theory, this study assessed the associations between everyday workplace discrimination, racial/ethnic identities, and psychological well-being among public child welfare case workers. This document summarizes a study that used survey and administrative data from 485 Oregon Department of Human Services caseworkers to investigate how family or child case severity and job resources impact workers’ decisions to stay in the field. This 1-pager defines and explains active efforts according to the 2016 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) final rule. Information includes examples of how active efforts are different from reasonable/passive efforts and how public child welfare programs can ensure active efforts are followed. The NCWWI Advisory Board was charged to “reimagine” the child welfare system by focusing on promoting child and family well-being. Through their deliberations and recommendations, this “re- envisioning” document, Child Welfare Systems Change, was generated to inform ways to build a child welfare system that is family-centered, anti-colonial, and anti-racist. In the three-tiered prevention approach, … This document provides tips and resources to promote the development of emerging leaders’ critical leadership skills, and ways child welfare programs can support their growth. On September 28, 2021. a panel hosted by NCWWI and CWLA presented helpful steps that emerging leaders can take to promote their own growth and development of critical leadership skills in their existing position or program and share concrete ways organizations can support emerging leaders. The recording of the event is available here: https://vimeo.com/618222458 This 1-pager provides a summary of the research on how individuals with social work degrees perform in child welfare.
Throughout a permaculture website, there are few issues which might be uniform. With biodiversity and the maximization of edge key ideas in permaculture gardening, you website is unlikely to look very uniform, to not point out that every particular person plant grows in its personal distinctive means. But additionally, your website is unlikely to really feel uniform. Throughout a single location, there generally is a vital variety of completely different microclimates. These microclimates have completely different atmospheric situations from the areas they’re subsequent to, with variations in temperature, gentle and water all more likely to be current. The excellent news is that after you perceive how various factors have an effect on microclimates, you possibly can modify these components by means of your design to create, change and enhance the microclimates in your property. There are 5 major components that have an effect on microclimates. The form of the land is a big affect on microclimates. Whereas on a big scale, climate methods have a sure predictability (associated to the rotation of the earth and the interaction between ocean and land), these patterns can get disrupted on the native degree by topographical options comparable to facet and slope. Side refers back to the course slope faces. This may decide how a lot photo voltaic radiation it receives, which in flip impacts upon temperature and shading. Within the northern hemisphere south-facing slopes are uncovered to extra direct daylight than reverse slopes, as are north-facing slopes within the southern hemisphere. This may forged longer shadows on the other facet of the slope, which should be taken into consideration when deciding which species of plant to put there. (That is additionally the case on flatter floor the place timber, hedges, fences and partitions forged shadows.) Even small dips and indentations in your property can have an effect on the microclimate, as they will type assortment factors for chilly air and in consequence generally type frost pockets. The angle of slope on a geological characteristic is a significant component in figuring out the affect of wind and water on a website. The steeper the slope the quicker wind will transfer uphill. This could impression not solely on vegetation on the windward facet, but in addition trigger elevated turbulence on the leeward slope because the wind falls again down on the opposite facet of the slope. The suitable placement of windbreaks will help to alleviate these results, whereas in the event you do have steep slopes in your website that create numerous wind, you could want to examine harnessing this power with generators. By way of water, a steeper slope signifies that water runs off the slope extra rapidly, which means not solely that it has much less time to percolate into the soil and so be made out there to vegetation rising there, but in addition is extra more likely to trigger erosion of the soil on the slope, notably in areas of heavy rainfall. Moreover, the place of your property within the panorama will have an effect on temperature, with places increased above sea degree being colder than these decrease down. The composition of the soil impacts microclimates primarily by means of how a lot water it retains or which evaporates from it. A soil that has a big proportion of clay retains extra moisture than one that’s predominantly sand. The diploma to which a soil retains moisture impacts the humidity and temperature of the air above it. After heavy rains, the soil can comprise numerous water and modify microclimates very similar to a physique of water comparable to a lake. Apart from the mineral composition of the soil, the diploma of protection it has will have an effect on temperature and moisture evaporation. Naked soils mirror extra gentle and warmth than these lined by vegetation or mulch. It’s not simply the moisture degree throughout the soil that may have an effect on a microclimate, the water saved on the floor of the land can be essential. Over a area, the presence of lakes and reservoirs can create a extra average local weather, whereas ponds, streams and different our bodies of water in your website will impression upon the temperature of the encircling areas in your backyard. These results are because of the truth that water beneficial properties and loses warmth extra slowly than the land. The water physique additionally sends moisture into the air by means of evaporation. This atmospheric moisture captures warmth from the solar, making the air round a pond hotter than areas additional away. The moisture within the air round ponds can even affect the vegetation your house there, with species favoring a extra humid microclimate more likely to thrive. The vegetation on a permaculture website interacts with the soil and water to have an effect on the microclimate. Not solely does it cowl the soil and forestall warmth loss and radiation from it, it additionally regulates the temperature of the soil, filters mud and different particles from the air, and might act as a windbreak or suntrap. Vegetation is of course tailored to take advantage of its local weather of origin. So, as an illustration, vegetation that originate in tropical areas are inclined to have broad, darkish leaves that enable for the utmost absorption of daylight, and the efficient transpiration of moisture again into the air – which can in flip affect the microclimate within the fast neighborhood. Use native vegetation in your permaculture design to take advantage of these diversifications. Your home can impression upon microclimates by absorbing warmth through the day and releasing it at night time, by deflecting wind and creating sheltered spots, and reflecting daylight. However different synthetic buildings can even play an element in modifying microclimates. For example, patios and different paved surfaces like driveways average temperature by absorbing and releasing warmth, whereas fences and partitions may give vegetation safety from wind, shade and shelter from wind. Even rocks within the backyard will have an effect by storing and releasing warmth. You’ll be able to judiciously place rocks to switch microclimates. Microclimates are dynamic issues. As your website adjustments by means of maturation of planting, siting of synthetic buildings, and even contouring of the land, so the microclimates will alter. The nice factor is that you would be able to instantly affect how this occurs by your design selections, and so make the utmost use of each microclimate area of interest in your property.
CLAIM: The expression “elemental things of the world” has confused commentators for years. Ben Witherington writes, “The meaning of this last phrase is certainly one of the most debated issues in all of Pauline studies.” This is, no doubt, because the Greek term stoicheia “was capable of taking on a wide variety of specific meanings as it was used in different spheres of ideas.” For instance, the author of Hebrews uses it of the basics of spirituality (Heb. 5:12), and in extrabiblical Greek, Plato used stoicheia of teaching children the “alphabet” or the “ABC’s.” What does Paul mean by this difficult phrase in the context of Galatians 4? RESPONSE: Paul is most likely referring to the Law in this section for a number of reasons: The context defines the “elemental principles” with the Law. Paul just recently referred to the law, as our tutor, who would teach us (Gal. 3:24). Now that we have Christ, we have no need for going back under law (i.e. the elemental things). Notice the parallelism between verse 3 and 4-5: (v.3) [We] were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. (v.4) God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law. (v.5) That He might redeem those who were under the Law. Moreover, the full context of the letter to the Galatians was a battle against legalism—not paganism. Judaizers were infiltrating the church to import the law—not paganism. Thus it would be odd for Paul to be switching over to criticizing paganism at this point without making this clear. In Galatians 4:10, Paul writes, “You are trying to earn favor with God by observing certain days or months or seasons or years.” This fits with the OT practice of formalism and having holy days. In Colossians 2:8, Paul writes, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” Later in Colossians 2, Paul connects the “elementary principles” to formalism and legalism (v.20). Do the “elemental principles” actually refer to the worship of the four basic elements (e.g. earth, wind, air, and fire)? Most commentators believe that Paul is referring to paganism in Galatians 4:3. Under this view, the “elemental principles” (stoicheia) refers to worshipping the elements of nature: earth, water, air, and fire. Peter uses this term in this way in 2 Peter 3:10-12 to explain how the “elements will be destroyed with intense heat.” If the “elements” (stoicheia) refer to pagan worship of the four elements of nature, then this would make sense of Paul’s criticism of this practice: “When you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods?” (Gal. 4:8) Yet Paul uses the term “we” in verse 3 (“we… were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world). Paul repeatedly uses the second person pronoun throughout the letter. In fact, the first three uses of “we” in the book refer to Jews—not Gentiles (2:15-16; 3:13-14; 3:23-25). This wouldn’t fit with the notion that these were Pagan practices, because Paul had never been a Pagan. ARGUMENT #1: In what way were the Gentiles under the law in the past? Paul writes, “We… were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world” (Gal. 4:3). Why would Paul teach that Gentiles were under bondage to the law? In Romans, Paul explains that the law is binding on all people—not just Jews (Rom. 3:9, 19). Therefore, this could fit with the notion of Gentiles being under the law before meeting Christ, or it could also refer to the Gentiles falling under law before Paul was writing. Clearly, these people had fallen under law by the Judaizers, so we would expect him to write in this way. ARGUMENT #2: In what way is the law “of the world,” if it is divine in origin? Paul writes that the believers “were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world” (Gal. 4:3). How can God’s moral law be said to be “of the world”? Yet the author of Hebrews uses the same term to refer to the “earthly sanctuary” (Heb. 9:1). It isn’t that the tabernacle was sinful, but it was from the world (hagion kosmikon). ARGUMENT #3: Why does he call legalism the worship of gods? Paul writes, “When you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?” (Gal. 4:8-9) Doesn’t this expressly interpret the “elemental things” (stoicheia) with idolatry and paganism? Not necessarily. Paul’s original use of “elemental things” was in verse 3, where he uses it of the Law. In that context, he is clearly referring to the law. In verse 9, however, he is referring to their pagan background worshipping the elements. It might seem odd to interpret the “elemental things” in such a different way, but the context warrants this. Paul is comparing the Jewish slavery under the Law to the pagan slavery under paganism. He knows that his Gentile audience wants freedom from the slavery from Paganism (v.9), so he equates this practice with the freedom from the Law. Neither legalism nor paganism can bring us into sonship—only Christ can. Witherington, Ben. Grace in Galatia: a Commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1998. 284. Longenecker, R. N. (1998). Galatians (Vol. 41, p. 165). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. Cole, R. A. (1989). Galatians: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 9, pp. 159–160). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. Longenecker, R. N. (1998). Galatians (Vol. 41, p. 164). Dallas: Word, Incorporated.
Romania was formed in 1862 through the combination of Wallachia and Moldavia. In 1878, it was recognised as one independent country. After the turmoil of World War I, having aligned with the Allied Powers, Romania gained further territories, including Transylvania. In World War II, the country sided with the Axis Powers, invading the USSR with the Germans in 1941. An armistice was agreed with the Soviets after three years, when the Soviets stormed the country. The Soviet rule after World War II established communism in the people’s republic in 1947, with the king abdicating. After Nicolae Ceausescu rose to dictator in 1965, he ruled the country for decades as a Securitate police state. The conditions under the Communist dictator deteriorated up ‘til the late 1980’s, climaxing with a revolution in 1989. Although Ceausescu and his wife were tried and executed the same day on Christmas Day, 1989, Communists continued to hold some power through to the mid 1990’s. After the revolution, Romania became a part of NATO in 2004, and the EU in 2007. With an area of almost 240,000 sq km, Romania includes a variety of landscapes between the lower Danube River on the West and the Black Sea to the East. Including plains, hills and Balkan Mountains, many mineral and agricultural resources are found in Romania. The time spent under Communism also saw an increase in industrialisation. Further economic restructuring has been linked to increasing foreign investment, but unemployment remains a problem. As some workers have found employment in other countries, some local skills have seen shortages, in services and agriculture. Population & statistics According to the United Nations, the population of Romania is approximately 19.5 million as of October 2017. Migration and historical border changes have contributed to pockets of ethnic diversity within Romania. Approximately 87% of the population is Romanian, approximately 7% Hungarian, along with smaller groups of Turkish, Slav and others. Rroma account for between half a million and three million people, estimated at 3.8% of the population. Up to 23 different languages are spoken within Romania. Religion & worldview Romania is a secular state, despite the prominence of the Orthodox Church. After the religious persecution under Communist rule, there is still some general opposition to religious freedom. A law from more recent years controls the registration of denominations and charities, as well as limiting evangelism. However, Romania remains relatively open to evangelism and has seen growth in the evangelical population despite the varied opposition. In addition to the legacy of Communist atheism, there are elements of nominalism, legalism, hypocrisy, and slander that have influenced people’s worldviews. These along with folk religious practices, the occult, and superstitions all contribute to a complicated reception of God’s Word. Much prayer is needed that God would awaken this people and draw them to Himself. Many mission programs quickly sprang up after Communism fell. International workers planted churches, trying to spread God’s love. Many workers and programs were gone within a few years, but many continue, even now, working to reach the lost in Romania. Some of these continuing churches and ministries are now run by Romanians and Rroma. Prayer is needed for the strengthening, unifying, and equipping of these ministries, particularly in a cross-cultural context. As the recovery from Communist rule continues, social, humanitarian and moral hurdles are Faced constantly within Romania. Common challenges include substance abuse, prostitution, human trafficking, pornography, cyber-crime, and inadequacy of child welfare. Around three quarters of pregnancies are estimated to end in abortion. Government corruption has led to widespread unemployment and financial instability, which in turn has contributed to the level of poverty. Power struggles and division within the government continue, causing shortfalls and inadequacies in government services. These effects can be seen in the health care, police, education, and legal systems among others. Prayer is needed for wise leadership both in local communities and at a national level, particularly for church and ministry leaders reaching out those enduring these many concerns, often with inadequate training and resources. Prayer is needed for Romanian and Rroma Christians to remain in the country, building up and transforming their own nation. - Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation; 7th ed; Biblica Publishing; 2010 by Jason Mandryk.
Competition to make bio-fuels out of waste products that would otherwise have to be dumped is creating a fast-growing, worldwide industry. And a German research organisation now believes it has perfected a system called a “biobattery” for turning a vast range of waste into energy. The drive for better technology has been spurred on by criticism that the first generation of bio-fuels used productive land that should be used for food crops, rather than to grow plants for ethanol and other fuels. That inspired scientists and governments to find ways of using everything from human waste to algae to power planes, cars and to make electricity. So many new companies have sprung up to exploit this new market and try to gain big backers for their projects that there is even a daily internet news site, BiofuelsDigest, just to keep up with developments. Germany has been the leader in Europe because it has made the political decision to phase out nuclear power and replace it with renewables. Biofuel plants are a key part of this revolution because the gas they produce is used to make electricity to balance out the shortfall when solar farms and wind turbines are not producing enough power. There are already 8,000 plants in operation in Germany, with an electrical output of 3.75 gigawatts in total − the equivalent roughly to three nuclear power plants. Some of these are the first generation that use food plants to make fuel, and so remain controversial. However, the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental Energy and Safety Technology (UMSICHT) in Germany has developed the biobattery, which uses sewage sludge, green waste, production residues from the food industry, straw and animal excrement to create electricity, heat, purified gas, engine oil and high quality biochar (a form of charcoal). The scientists at UMSICHT, a research organisation that claims to be the leader in Europe for turning ideas into commercial ventures, believe that they can efficiently produce electricity and even marine and aviation fuel from the process. They built a pilot plant, which they say is cheap to set up and can be scaled up without the need for large capital resources. The other advantage is it saves the cost of disposing of material that would otherwise be waste. “We can utilise a number of raw materials that would otherwise have to be disposed of, often at great cost,” says Professor Andreas Hornung, director of UMSICHT at the Institute’s branch in Sulzbach-Rosenberg. “The plant converts more than 75% of the energy efficiency into high quality energy sources in a robust, continuous process. The efficacy can be improved even more if mobile latent heat accumulators are used.” To make all this work efficiently, the biobattery is a series of environmental technologies bolted together in one complex. They include biogas plants, thermal storage, carburettors and engines to produce electricity. At the heart of the system is a process called “thermo-catalytic reforming”, which turns organic material into carbon. This is then processed to make oil, gas or coke. The process is continuous, feeding raw material in one end and mixing it up without oxygen with a continuous turning screw. The material is heated up to break it down into charcoal and gases. These vapours are then heated up again and cooled down to create bio-oil and water. The remaining gas is purified and collected. The liquid, gaseous and solid products can be re-used in various ways. The oil can either be processed into marine and aviation fuel or used in a combined heat and power plant, as can the gas, to produce electricity and heat. The separated process water, which contains numerous short-chain biodegradable carbon compounds, can be fed back into the biogas plant to increase the methane yield. The biochar is ideal as a soil conditioner. A number of pilot projects have been set up in Germany and elsewhere in Europe to test whether the system is economic in practice. The gas and other fuel produced are already being used commercially. The construction of bio-plants using waste that would otherwise have been sent to landfill is being driven across Europe by a landfill tax imposed by the European Union to encourage local authorities to re-use waste, recycle it, or use it as fuel. It already cost £80 (US$122) a tonne in the UK to dump waste, and it will rise to £82.60 next month. This has caused many landfill sites to shut. Construction of bio-plants using waste is being driven across Europe by a landfill tax imposed by the EU to encourage local authorities to re-use waste, recycle it, or use it as fuel. The amount of waste going to landfill in the UK has dropped from 100 million tonnes in 1997 to the current figure of 30 million tonnes. Landfill companies are now separating elements of the waste so it can be recycled or processed into a variety of fuels. This bio-revolution has been possible only because the landfill tax makes the alternative of disposing of the waste so costly that it is more economic to turn it into fuel. The new German bio-battery and a host of other inventions pushing their way onto the market mean that the cost of electricity produced by the technology will continue to fall, as wind and solar energy have already done dramatically in the last 10 years.
Download (direct link): Furthermore, Conant originated, or helped originate, several other fundamental aspects of chemistry. He was among the group who applied UC (it was the only isotope of carbon then available) to a trail-blazing study of a metabolic pathway. He and G. B. Kistiakowsky initiated the measurement of the heats of hydrogenation of organic compounds, so as to improve the precision of thermodynamic data relative to those available from heats of JAMES BRYANT CONANT combustion. He and P. W. Bridgman were the first to investigate the effects of extremely high pressure on the rates of reaction of organic compounds; they discovered the acceleration of polymerization by pressure. Conant’s investigations (with L. F. Fieser, among others) of the reversible oxidation-reduction potentials of quinones, and his studies of irreversible electrochemical oxidations and reductions, were far ahead of their time. In his work with P. D. Bartlett on the mechanism of semicarbazone formation, he distinguished sharply between kinetic and thermodynamic control; that paper alone exerted a powerful influence on developing theory. One interesting aspect of Conant’s work in the biochemical area was the discovery that copper is the essential metal of the prosthetic group in hemocyanin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of crustaceans. In his major biochemical work, Conant and his collaborators discovered the role of autoxidation in the so-called “phase test” for chlorophyll—a complex and previously confusing series of reactions initiated by strong base. Hans Fischer and his many collaborators in Munich were the chief investigators of chlorophyll, as they had been for hemin; in 1935 Fischer suggested an essentially correct solution to the structural problem. Although Conant’s part in the chlorophyll story was a minor one, one can only speculate as to what he might have accomplished had he not been appointed in 1933 to the Presidency of Harvard, but had continued in chemistry. The same speculation holds for his investigations of physical-organic chemistry, since he left the field just as it was beginning its exponential growth phase. Conant’s students have built on the ideas he introduced, both in physical-organic chemistry and in biochemistry. His co-workers included L. F. Fieser, P. D. Bartlett, and me, all of whom (after intervals elsewhere) returned to the Harvard Chemistry Department, and A. M. Pappenheimer, who was appointed in the Biology Department; they also included G. W. Wheland at the University of Chicago, Alsoph Corwin at Hopkins, Robert Lutz at Virginia, Emma Dietz Stecher at Barnard, Jack Astin at Penn State, and several others whose research advanced both mechanistic and biological chemistry. In addition to research, Conant and his collaborators advanced the teaching of chemistry through their writings, including especially “The Chemistry of Organic Compounds,” a highly innovative and successful basic textbook, ORGANIC SYNTHESES—Vol. 58 published jointly with his scientific co-worker, A. H. Blatt. Conant gave direction to these works, and through his example to a whole generation of U.S. chemists, the generation that came up to European (and his) standards. Conant was important not only to chemistry and to science, but also to scholarship through being President of Harvard. An activist president, he introduced scholarships for needy students, promoted geographical distribution in the college, and emphasized general education. But those who see these innovations as his major contributions have missed the point of his presidency. The Emperor Augustus boasted that he found Rome a city of bricks and left it in marble; Conant found Harvard a college and left it a university. In large part the transformation rested on Conant’s introduction of the ad hoc committees that apply rigid standards to each tenure appointment. But perhaps even more important was the obvious intent of the system. Conant himself was a scholar who loved and honored research. The measures he introduced established research—and therefore teaching at the graduate level—as comparable in importance with undergraduate instruction. And because Harvard was a prestigious institution (and, too, because the time was ripe for such leadership), this upgrading of the graduate school at Harvard served as an example to many other universities. Conant was able to devote his full effort to Harvard for only a few years; as the Nazi military threat came to dominate the world, Conant became increasingly involved with national affairs. As Chairman of the National Defense Research Committee, he provided effective scientific leadership during World War II. After the war he was appointed the first Chairman of the National Science Board, and in that role helped to initiate the policies that proved so successful in encouraging the development of science, especially in the U.S., but also abroad. Conant, then, was perhaps the individual most instrumental in bringing the level of U.S. scholarship in general, and of chemistry in particular, up to, and in many cases beyond, the standards previously set in Oxford, Munich, and Zurich. His great achievement was not the solution of some particular problem in reaction mechanisms, or some specific determination of structure, or some generalization with respect to organic chemistry—although he did
Abraham de Moivre correctly calculated the day of his own death. As he grew older, he needed longer sleeping hours. He noted that he was sleeping an extra 15 minutes each night and correctly calculated the date of his death on the day when the additional sleep time accumulated to 24 hours, November 27, 1754. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, author of “Mathematics is the queen of sciences”. His mother was illiterate and never recorded the date of his birth, remembering only that he had been born on a Wednesday, eight days before the Feast of the Ascension, which itself occurs 40 days after Easter. Gauss would later solve this puzzle about his birth date in the context of finding the date of Easter, deriving methods to compute the date in both past and future years. Isaac Newton in a manuscript in 1704 describes his attempts to extract scientific information from the Bible, he estimated that the world would end no earlier than 2060. Newton was deeply religious, and wrote more on Biblical hermeneutics and occult studies than on science and mathematics. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, German mathematician and philosopher, one of the inventors in the field of mechanical calculators. Meanwhile, Leibniz was charming, well-mannered, and not without humor and imagination. Besides, he had many friends and admirers all over Europe. By the way, Leibniz never married. Ghiyath ad-Din Abu’l-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri is a real name of a Persian polymath – philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet Omar Khayyam. Khayyam was born in Nishapur, modern-day Iran, about thousand years ago, in 1048. The medieval Iranian calendar in which 2,820 solar years together contain 1,029,983 days (or 683 leap years, for an average year length of 365.24219858156 days) was based on the measurements of Khayyám and his colleagues. Khayyam’s calendar simply contained eight leap years every thirty-three years (for a year length of 365.2424 days). His calendar was more accurate to the mean tropical year than the Gregorian calendar of 500 years later. The modern Iranian calendar is based on his calculations. The deathbed puzzle which came to him in a dream from the Hindu goddess Namagiri – solved. Indian maths genius Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887, right 125 years ago, in Kumbakonam, Tamilnad. Ramanujan was self-taught and worked in isolation from the mathematical community of his time. He independently rediscovered many existing results, as well as made his own unique contributions. Ramanujan passed away at the young age of 32 of tuberculosis, but he left behind formulations in mathematics that have paved the path for many scholars who came after him. While on his death-bed in 1920, Srinivasa Ramanujan wrote a letter to his mentor, English mathematician G. H. Hardy, outlining several new mathematical functions never before heard of, along with a hunch about how they worked. Decades years later, researchers say they’ve proved he was right – and that the formula could explain the behavior of black holes.
Last year, Global Currents reported on the history and current rulings relating to net neutrality. In light of recent decisions from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on this issue, this post will bring you up to speed on what’s happening now. Net neutrality is the idea that all content on the Internet be treated equally. In other words, under net neutrality legislation, Internet service providers (ISPs) will not be able to give preference to certain websites, or allow for Internet “fast lanes” to companies who pay more. We left off our last post on the issue when the FCC was opening a four-month window for public input before passing further legislation. At this time, the United States Court of Appeals ruling on Verizon vs. FCC held that previous rules pertaining to net neutrality produced by the FCC were not valid, because ISPs were not common carriers. This meant that ISPs fell outside of the realm of authority for the FCC, under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C.). This is one of the important things that has changed in the past year. In November of 2014, President Obama released a statement on net neutrality. Obama urged the FCC to reclassify the Internet as a utility, which would make it a common carrier and allow the commission to regulate ISPs. He stated, “For almost a century, our law has recognized that companies who connect you to the world have special obligations not to exploit the monopoly they enjoy over access into and out of your home or business. It is common sense that the same philosophy should guide any service that is based on the transmission of information — whether a phone call or a packet of data.” On February 26th, 2015, the FCC followed this advice and voted to reclassify the Internet as a common carrier. Along with this decision came the FCC’s new Open Internet Rules, which were released to the public on March 12th. The three rules are: - No blocking – ISPs cannot block any lawful content from consumers. - No throttling – ISPs cannot control the Internet speed for any content or services, regardless of the applications or devices being used. - No paid prioritization – ISPs cannot provide faster Internet service in exchange for payment. This means there cannot be any “fast lanes” of Internet content. But, the FCC’s latest decision is not the end-all solution for net neutrality. The debate rages on as ISPs like Verizon and AT&T, and many (mostly Republican) lawmakers argue that the ruling places too much regulation on Internet service and will stifle innovation. FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has been called to several meetings with lawmakers since the ruling, being forced to explain and defend the commission’s position. The conversation on this issue is definitely not over, and it remains to be seen what will become of the FCC’s latest ruling. The sources below will help you brush up on the net neutrality issue! What is net neutrality and what does it mean for me? – USA Today How Net Neutrality Works (Video) – New York Times The Open Internet: A Case for Net Neutrality The FCC Rulings: - Federal Communications Commission. (2005). Policy Statement: FCC 05-151. - Federal Communications Commission. (2010). Report and Order: FCC 10-201. - Federal Communications Commission. (2014). Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC 14-61. - Federal Communications Commission. (2015). REPORT AND ORDER ON REMAND, DECLARATORY RULING, AND ORDER: FCC 15-24. The Communications Act of 1934: - Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs. (1934). Chapter 5 – Radio Communication. 47 U.S.C. § 151-621. U.S. Government Printing Office. Additional places to search for U.S. legislation: - Legal Information Institute- Cornell Law: Look up U.S. Code - U.S. Government Publishing Office
To be able to use the information stored in the Named Network object in the firewall configuration, you must create network objects. The networks included in the network objects are defined by setting the scope of the Named Network object. The scope can be defined individually for each Named Network tree node in the network object. This allows you to use Named Networks for standard network object lists of network addresses or IP address. You can also create wildcard network objects by selecting a wider scope when selecting the included Named Network tree nodes and group categories. Create a Network Object from a Named Network Object - Go to CONFIGURATION > Configuration Tree > Box > Virtual Servers > your virtual server > Assigned Services > Firewall > Forwarding Rules. - In the left menu, click on Networks. - Click Lock. - Right-click the table and select New. The Edit/Create Network Object window opens. - From the Type drop-down list, select Generic IPv4 Network Object (IP, Network, Range). - Enter a Name. - In the Include Entries section, click the Add Named Network icon . The Add Named Network window opens. - Select the Named Network Object. - From the tree node and group category list, select the scope of the network object. - Click Insert and Close - In the Exclude Entries section, add IP address, network, and geolocation of Named Networks to the exceptions. - Click OK. - Click Send Changes and Activate. You can now use the wildcard network object in your access rules. When creating or editing an access rule, click the Object Viewer in the left menu to see a list of all available network objects.
Shamans view most psychological imbalances as an indication that soul loss has occurred. Traditionally, if a community member experienced depression, loss of energy, sickness, or malaise, the Shaman would immediately consult with his Spirit Guides to determine if soul-loss had indeed occurred. In addition, he might ask very specific details about the individual's life, including stories from early childhood through adulthood. The shaman would listen for clues leading to either an event or a series of events where the loss may have occurred. Or he may choose to work directly with his spirit allies without hearing any of the client's story. determined that a soul retrieval was in order, the Shaman would prepare the day and typically journey for the lost soul during the night in total darkness. This was usually done inside the client's house or dwelling. In North America the Shaman would usually prepare through prayer, meditation, fasting, and the avoidance of certain foods and other impurities. One or more assistants were there as drum and to watch over the Shaman's physical body while he journeyed into the Spirit World. After all the preparations had been completed (which may have included burning sage, gathering witnesses, singing, and chanting) the Shaman would journey to the Lower, Middle, or Upper Worlds, being guided and protected by his helping allies. He would look for the lost piece or pieces of the recipients soul. When he had fully recovered them, the Shaman would blow the energy back into (client's) body, often into the heart area and the top of the head. At this point, any necessary instructions would be communicated, and most likely the client would be given into the care of his family friends, while the shaman retired to a resting place. In today's Western Culture, it is often left up to the individual and her small group of supporters, to weather life transitions. We are expected to 'maintain appearances' even during times of extreme stress. Even illness or death of a loved one doesn't excuse one from the daily responsibilities of being in the world, or if it does, it is only briefly. It is in early childhood that we learn society's expectations of 'appropriate behavior' (which varies culturally) and we then internalize those rules. The family itself has a great influence on how the child will choose to incorporate these guidelines, for while one family may adhere rigidly to the norm, another may reject traditional values and structures in favor of a more open and flexible system. It is often at mid-life when these expectations are seriously evaluated and one decides whether to keep them or not. This internal struggle between what has been taught and what is 'truly one's own' is often what brings on the awareness that soul-loss has occurred. Many times the child willingly gives up a 'piece of her soul' in order to be loved and accepted in the family of origin. In other circumstances it just leaves; unable to witness and endure the horrors of abuse and neglect. One such client was a woman named Jennifer. Her background was tragic. Jennifer's father had been extremely abusive and violent to her, dating back to her infancy. Her mother had all but been absent emotionally, for she suffered as well under the grip of terror which held her mercilessly and kept her in passive submission. Daily threats of violence were commonplace in this family and, to compound an already horrible scene, Jennifer's father also subjected her to daily rituals which involved sexual and emotional abuse. There was no place in the house where she was safe and by the time she was a teenager, she was already using drugs and alcohol to try to numb the pain which became more and more intolerable by the day. Along with the drugs and drinking, she became sexually promiscuous and spent as much as several days away from her home, finding 'peace' at any price. As an adult she went from relationship to relationship, unable to maintain intimacy on any level, frequently changing jobs, homes, and suffering from chronic physical symptoms including stomach aliments. When Jennifer called me and asked me to do a session for her, she said that she wanted to make a 'leap forward' and there was something holding her back. She was enthusiastic about the possibility of the healing that a retrieval potentially held, and asked if we could do it immediately. I told her I would have to meditate about it and I would get back to her. I considered it, talked with my allies, and decided to do it for her. I also knew that the soul would probably be, not only reticent to return, but also reluctant to stay. We discussed these possibilities at length. In fact we spent several sessions preparing for the retrieval, talking at length, and also doing ceremony to prepare for her soul's return. We worked with her allies to insure their support and active participation. At the session as I began rattling to call my allies, when I was ready, I lay down beside Jennifer and began the journey. I walked towards the World Tree, accompanied by Hawk and Panther. They told me to pull my cape up around me and walk very quietly. I entered the Tree in my usual way by climbing in the hole and down the rungs on the inside wall. Once inside and standing on solid ground, I looked around for the entrance that I would use today. Panther motioned to the right. I didn't remember having been that way before, but I followed, first sitting down and then sliding down the tunnel into the Lowerworld. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, winding its way down through many levels. It was very dark. When I finally emerged, I was standing on the shore of a large lake near a boat sitting by the shore. I pulled my hood over my head even more, knowing now that my journey was to the Land of the Dead. Stepping into the boat and sitting down, I waited. The boat began to move slowly, and as it did, I noticed that the boat was being navigated by a tall 'man' dressed in black. I could feel the fear inside of me. Of course I couldn’t take my allies with me on the boat, for it would give me away. I realized that in order to cross the great waters, I had to appear dead and could not show any life. I concentrated on my task, knowing that I had to find the lost soul and return it to Jennifer. I kept that thought in my mind, repeating it over and over again as the boat reached shore. What I saw before me was beyond description. It appeared to be an island, but this was no tropical paradise. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands of 'lost souls', wandering aimlessly, without purpose or direction. They were of all ages, but they shared the same lack of life energy. I thought, " How will I ever find Jennifer?" I moved out of the boat, hoping that I would not be asked for anything. (I had no money and remembered that in Greek mythology there is often a fee for crossing the river.) I slowly stepped forward and didn't look back. I began to move toward the people. I heard what sounded like sobbing and wailing and after some time I saw a young girl of about 5. I was beginning to feel very tired, as though the life was being drained out of me. I had begun to feel discouraged and defeated, and upon seeing this child held once again to the hope that I could return Jennifer's soul to her. I whispered to her, asking her if she was the child I was looking for. She barely nodded, but I knew that she was the lost soul. There was almost no energy at all in her, which seemed different from the others around. I suspected that this was true because she was a 'missing piece' of someone who still lived in the Middle World. Many of these souls were somehow lost or stuck during the death process. Their souls had not been able to move to the middle astral plane where the reevaluation between lives takes place. I felt elated that I was able to find Jennifer but the primary problem now was how to leave the Land of the Dead without being detected. We moved slowly together toward the boat, but I realized that the boat was probably not the way we could return. Only my ally the Hawk could assist me at this point which was unfortunate since I had left her back on the other side of the river. I concentrated as much as I could, visualizing us flying back over the river to safe ground. My allies were waiting and quite anxious to attend to both of us. I quickly 'shrank' Jennifer and put her energy inside my Retrieving Crystal. I placed the Crystal in my Medicine Bag and began my journey back up to the light of the Middle World through the Great Tree, emerging into the green meadow that I had left just moments before. I took a deep breath and pulled down my hood as I let the sun shine on my face once again. My allies told me that retrieving Jennifer's child self was all the work I could do today. I agreed, and prepared to blow the lost energy back into the waiting adult Jennifer who was still lying beside me. Upon my return I blew the child self into Jennifer, first through her heart and then through the top of her head. I rattled around her to seal the energy and welcomed her back. I shared my journey with her. She seemed happy and full of energy. We arranged to meet 2 weeks later for a follow-up session. Several days later I received a call from Jennifer. She said she had so much energy that she was literally bouncing off the walls! She was having a great time with her newly found inner child. She had bought crayons, paper, and toys. She was feeling a tremendous resurgence of vitality and optimism. She said she hadn't felt this good in years. During the upcoming weeks she would continue to work integrating her renewed energy. There was still more work to do, but this was, as she later told me, the great leap she had been looking for. by Victoria Marina-Tompkins Copyright © 2003-2015 by Victoria Marina-Tompkins. All Rights Reserved.
Social issues essays: gun control search gun control and other 63,000+ term papers, college essay examples and free essays of a law-abiding citizen is. Essay on different types of social control – society makes use of various means of social formal control: the state makes use of law research papers. How was the introduction of the poor law concerned with: social controlhow was the introduction of the poor law concerned with: social control (stopping a revolution. Law 254,607 fen finance social insurance 7,082 biorn total number of cites to papers in the ssrn elibrary whose links have been resolved to date. Law and social control jan 6,2010 2 processes of social control 1- internalization of group norms 2- external pressure negative sanctions positive. Due process is the “equal treatment before the law of anti-social behaviour in this essay i will be reflecting on essay - social control of. Question assignment 2: social control and criminal deviance: bullying identify the most important step in the student's guide to research that you would need in. Family social control the discrepancy is brought about by how persons socialize not to break the law according to the social take a look at what our essay. Term paper warehouse has free essays, term papers, and book reports for students on almost every research topic. Database of free social work essays search to find a specific social work essay: suzanna pickering social workers are increasingly referring to theories. Social control is the attempt, by society, to regulate people s thoughts and behavior nearly, everyone seeks to control their world to a certain degree. Free social control papers law is established in contrast as a formal method of social control law is then in this essay, i discuss the role of social. Assignment 2: social control and criminal deviance: bullying to keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the ted video and the. Social control essay topics social control and modernization theories about social control normally propose that people’s commitments, norms, values, beliefs and. According to hirschi's theory of social control persons whose social bond written essay on control theory of crime contract law essay our. Social control is a concept within the disciplines of the social sciences law is a technique used for the purposes of social control for example.View
You may know there’s added sugar in your Coke or cookies. But did you know that it’s in your salad dressing, pasta sauce and bread? The Food and Drug Administration came out Friday with its new template for nutrition labels. One big change was the addition of a line for “added sugar,” to be placed below a line for total sugar. The change is designed to distinguish between sugars that are naturally occurring in a food — like the milk sugar in a plain yogurt — and the sugars that food manufacturers include later to boost flavors — like the “evaporated cane juice” in a Chobani Kids strawberry yogurt. A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina conducted a detailed survey of the packaged foods and drinks that are purchased in American grocery stores and found that 60 percent of them include some form of added sugar. When they looked at every individual processed food in the store, 68 percent had added sugar. Some of those products are more obvious sugary foods, but not all. The list includes many sauces, soups, fruit juices and even meat products. You might think it’s easy to figure out whether the food manufacturer added sugar to your food, but it isn’t always so. While some foods include “sugar” in their ingredients, many use different words for products that are nutritionally similar. Most of us have heard of high-fructose corn syrup, a sugar made from processing corn. But there are also things like the “evaporated cane juice” in the yogurt, and “rice syrup” and “flo-malt,” which are less obvious and amount to the same thing. Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, and one of the paper’s authors, said that the wide variety of sugars is not always meant to confound consumers. Instead, he said, the many sugar types are chosen by food scientists to give their products the best flavor and texture. Some sugars are better for baked goods, while others are better in soft drinks. Some are also cheaper than others. Sugar tariffs and import laws make it expensive to bring in too much foreign sugar. But not all of the sugar formulations count toward the laws’ quotas. There’s also the matter of fruit juice concentrates, which are juices that have been stripped of nearly everything but sugar and evaporated. A lot of seemingly natural foods include ingredients like “apple juice concentrate.” That’s sugar. That will be a lot clearer when the labels are updated. “It’s going to really surprise people who go to organic and whole foods stores, when they find that all this natural food they’ve been buying is full of added sugar,” Mr. Popkin said. “It’s full of fruit juice concentrates, and they thought it was all good stuff.” The emphasis on added sugar comes from new nutrition guidelines that urge Americans to consume a “healthy dietary pattern” containing certain types of foods. According to the regulation, hidden added sugars make it difficult to understand whether the food you are eating is part of that healthy pattern. Medical evidence shows that high sugar consumption is linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay — though not all of that work distinguishes between added sugar and total sugar. Many of the big food industry trade groups and lobbyists were satisfied with the new label rules, as my colleague Sabrina Tavernise recently wrote. But the sugar industry and the corn refiners are upset. Critics of the policy argue that the difference between natural and added sugars is not nutritionally meaningful, and that the science establishing health harms from added sugar is weak. The new label will kick in for large food companies in 2018, and for smaller companies a year later. The U.N.C. research used its master list of sugar code words to measure how many grocery store foods include sugar. But measuring the precise amount of sugars that are added with the current label is quite difficult. Mr. Popkin said consumers would be surprised by recent research from his team revealing the large amounts of added sugars in products that are generally thought of as healthy — foods like infant formula, protein bars and yogurt.
‘It’s a Girl’ screening In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of this so-called “gendercide”. It’s a Girl reveals this issue. It asks why this is happening, and why so little is being done to save girls and women. The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son. Global experts and grassroots activists put the stories in context and advocate different paths towards change, while collectively lamenting the lack of any truly effective action against this injustice. It’s a Girl is now available for screening events globally. It’s a Girl is making the film available to universities, community centers, churches and just about everywhere else around the world. If you have a passion for seeing gendercide brought to an end, believe in promoting equality for women, or are interested in human rights and international development, please bring It’s a Girl to your city!
(1) Femoral Anteversion (Positional Deformity) Hertling, D., & Kessler, R. M. (1996). Management of common musculoskeletal disorders: Physical therapy principles and methods. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Rothbart BA (1972) Clinical treatise on transverse plane dysplasias of the femur and tibia. J Am Podiatirc Med Assoc 62:1-14. Hip Rotation Test Intoeing secondary to Antetorsion (Internal Femoral Torsion) Computing the Antetorsion Value Femoral anteversion is an internal rotation of the femur that occurs within the acetabulum. This results in the knees and feet being turn inward (pigeon-toed appearance) Etiology of femoral anteversion When the child is first learning how to walk, femoral anteversion can create an intoeing appearance. As the knees and feet turn in, the legs look like they are bowed. Diagnosing Femoral Anteversion The Hip Rotation Test is used in the differential diagnosis. The angle formed between the superimposed longitudinal axis of the head, neck, and greater trochanter of the femur proximally and the transverse axisof the femoral condyles distally. This angle represents the structural twist that occurs in femur. Approximately 12 degrees in adults, but is considerably greater in infants. (1) Femoral Antetorsion (Structural Deformity) Inventor and Designer of Postural Control Insoles Antetorsion angular orientation of the neck of the femur to a line that connects the femoral condyles (Rothbart, 1972; Hertling & Kessler, 1996, Fig 12-3, p. 286). As such, it describes a bony or structural torsion or twisting of the femoral shaft. Adducted (Pigeon-Toed) Gait Structural and Positional Variances that Occur in the Femur
Job Descriptions / Job Analysis A Case Study of a Job Analysis - Published in 2003 in the Journal of Psychological Practice - Author: C. C. Bowen - For more information, contact: C. C. Bowen Abstract: Job analysis is the foundation of virtually all the human resource management practices. Because of its scientific approach to gathering job information, it provides legal defensibility and practical utility for organizations. This article describes a step-by-step procedure for conducting a job analysis and illustrates it by reference to one performed by the author on a ride technician's job in an amusement park. The procedure is described in a general way that can be easily adopted and applied to other jobs. The position of ride technician was analyzed through a series of data collection methods in order to specify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary to perform the job. The data collection methods included O*NET database, perusal of the company's written documents, interviews with incumbents and supervisors, and multiple on-site observations. The use of the job information collected from this analysis provides a working example of how to design a fair and valid job selection system.
What is Art Deco and how does it inspire our designs? Decorative art style from the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by precise and bold geometric shapes and strong colors and used most notably in everything from architecture, furniture, art, and jewelry. It has experienced a resurgence of interest due to pop-cultural references of films such as Great Gatsby, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Midnight in Paris. Art Deco as an architectural style used streamlined surfaces, linear and geometric shapes, and symmetry while keeping a dose of glamour at all times. The Chrysler Building NY, The Empire State Building NY, Carbide & Carbon Building Chicago, and Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth are three examples of buildings that have inspired several of our designs. The Great Gatsby featured extensive use of the Art Deco patterns and styles. Extensive use of outlined bold patterns and pallets of gold set very distinctive tonal elements. This film and others have helped the resurgence of this design form. Art Deco Jewelry embraces a timeless bold pattern of elegance, glamor, and sophistication. Cate’s Concepts Art Deco Designs embrace these same qualities in each piece of earring, charm or pendent we make.
While robots have been used for social interaction, there is great untapped potential for their use as therapeutic social partners. This research provides a process by which a socially assistive robot can be developed and used for socialization therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Toward that end, the robot is designed so that its behavior encourages, facilitates, and trains, social behavior in children with ASD through embodied social interaction. The contributions of this work include a socially assistive robot control architecture, methods for multimodal assistive human-robot interaction (HRI) sensing and recognition, and domain-relevant validation metrics based on existing psychological benchmarks as the basis for the behavior of the robot. It is generally understood that children with ASD typically respond better, socially and intellectually, to computers and robots than to humans in similar contexts. It has also been observed that robots can inspire social behavior in children with ASD. This work describes a methodology for designing socially assistive robot systems that encourage, through social interaction, a measurable increase in social behavior. Enabling a robot to understand social behavior, and do so while interacting with the child, is a challenging problem. Children are highly individual and thus technology used for social interaction requires recognition of a wide-range of social behavior. This argues for data-driven methods that capture the relevant range of interactions. This work addresses the challenge of designing data-driven behaviors for socially assistive robots in order to enable them to recognize and appropriately respond to a child's free-form behavior in unstructured play contexts. The focus on free-form behavior is inspired by and grounded in the DIR/Floortime approach to therapeutic intervention with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This approach emphasizes fostering engagement through play, recognizing social behavior and using "engagements" to bolster social interactions. This research presents a data-driven methodology and a validated experimental framework for enabling fully autonomous robots to interact with both typically developing children and children with ASD in undirected scenarios using socially appropriate behavior, especially where spatial interaction is concerned. Autonomous robot operation as a critical aspect of the methodology; save for safety interventions by a human operator, the robot acts of its own accord. The robot and child engage in free-form interaction, in part though distance-oriented behaviors; the robot must be able to recognize the child's behaviors and respond to them appropriately. This research presents the following computational contributions with therapeutic potential: - Detection and mitigation of a child's distress: This work presents methodology for learning and then applying a data-driven spatio-temporal model of social behavior based on distance-based features to automatically differentiate between typical vs. aversive child-robot interactions. Using a Gaussian Mixture Model learned over distance-based feature data, the developed system is able to detect and interpret social behavior with sufficient accuracy to recognize child distress. The robot uses this model to change its own behavior so as to encourage positive social interaction. - Encouragement of human-human and human-robot interaction: This work demonstrates a global and local motion planner that uses the above spatio-temporal model as part of the determination of a motion trajectory that maintains the robot's spatial relationship with the child and sustains interaction while also encouraging the child to move toward another proximal interaction partner. The desired spatial interaction behavior is achieved by modifying an established trajectory planner to weight candidate trajectories based on conformity to a trained model of the desired behavior. - Data-Driven Approach For Providing Graded Cueing Feedback: A methodology for robot behavior that provides autonomous feedback for a robot-child imitation and turn-taking game. This is accomplished by incorporating an established therapeutic model of feedback along with a trained model of imitation behavior. This is used as part of an autonomous system that can play a turn-taking game, recognize breeches in imitation behavior, and interpret a breech in order to provide appropriate feedback. The approach is validated in a spatial imitation game, used to gauge the presence of imitation behavior. The three main contributions above: averse behavior detection, model-based trajectory planning, and data-driven feedback, have been instantiated and validated in several SAR systems using autonomous person sensing, behavior interpretation, and action selection, for the purposes of detecting, provoking, and encouraging both human-human and human-robot social interaction. The validated systems were tested in experiments that evaluated the system design, the accuracy of the robot's ability to interpret observed behavior, the appropriateness of the robot's responses, and the quality of the child-robot and child-parent social behavior interaction. The evaluation experiments were conducted with both children with ASD and typically developing children. The systems were also used to explore the therapeutic potential of socially assistive robots facilitated by the developed models, architecture, and experiment framework. - Data-Driven Interaction Methods for Socially Assistive Robotics: Validation With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders". University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 2011. - Distance-Based Computational Models for Facilitating Robot Interaction with Children". In Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 1(1):55-77, Jul 2012. DOI: 10.5898/JHRI.1.1.Feil-Seifer. - Ethical Principles for Socially Assistive Robotics". In IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 18(1):24-31, Mar 2011. Special issue on Roboethics. G. Veruggio, J. Solis, and M. Van der Loos (Eds.). - A Simon-Says Robot Providing Autonomous Imitation Feedback Using Graded Cueing". Poster paper in International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), May 2012. - People-Aware Navigation For Goal-Oriented Behavior Involving a Human Partner". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Learning , Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Aug 2011. - Automated Detection and Classification of Positive vs. Negative Robot Interactions With Children With Autism Using Distance-Based Features". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 323-330, Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar 2011. - B3IA: An architecture for autonomous robot-assisted behavior intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders". In IEEE Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Munich, Germany, Aug 2008. - Toward Socially Assistive Robotics For Augmenting Interventions For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders". In 11th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2008 (ISER '08), 54 201-210, Athens, Greece, Jul 2008. Springer.
Release 2 (8.1.6) Part Number A76965-01 This chapter defines distributed processing and describes how the Oracle server and database applications work in a distributed processing environment. This material applies to almost every type of Oracle database system environment. This chapter includes: In the Oracle database system environment, the database application and the database are separated into two parts: a front-end or client portion, and a back-end or server portion--hence the term client/server architecture. The client executes the database application that accesses database information and interacts with a user through the keyboard, screen, and pointing device such as a mouse. The server executes the Oracle software and handles the functions required for concurrent, shared data access to an Oracle database. Although the client application and Oracle can be executed on the same computer, greater efficiency can often be achieved when the client portion(s) and server portion are executed by different computers connected via a network. The following sections discuss possible variations in the Oracle client/server architecture. Distributed processing is the use of more than one processor to perform the processing for an individual task. Examples of distributed processing in Oracle database systems appear in Figure 6-1. Oracle client/server architecture in a distributed processing environment provides the following benefits: Net8 is the Oracle network interface that allows Oracle tools running on network workstations and servers to access, modify, share, and store data on other servers. Net8 is considered part of the program interface in network communications. Net8 uses the communication protocols or application programmatic interfaces (APIs) supported by a wide range of networks to provide a distributed database and distributed processing for Oracle. Communication protocols define the way that data is transmitted and received on a network. In a networked environment, an Oracle server communicates with client workstations and other Oracle servers using Net8. Net8 supports communications on all major network protocols, ranging from those supported by PC LANs to those used by the largest mainframe computer systems. Without the use of Net8, an application developer must manually code all communications in an application that operates in a networked distributed processing environment. If the network hardware, topology, or protocol changes, the application has to be modified accordingly. However, by using Net8, the application developer does not have to be concerned with supporting network communications in a database application. If the underlying protocol changes, the database administrator makes some minor changes, while the application requires no modifications and will continue to function. Chapter 8, "Process Architecture" for more information about the program interface Net8 drivers provide an interface between Oracle processes running on the database server and the user processes of Oracle tools running on other computers of the network. The Net8 drivers take SQL statements from the interface of the Oracle tools and package them for transmission to Oracle via one of the supported industry-standard higher level protocols or programmatic interfaces. The drivers also take replies from Oracle and package them for transmission to the tools via the same higher level communications mechanism. This is all done independently of the network operating system. Depending on the operation system that executes Oracle, the Net8 software of the database server may include the driver software and start an additional Oracle background process. When an instance starts, a network listener process establishes a communication pathway to Oracle. When a user process makes a connection request, the listener determines whether it should use a shared server process or a dedicated server process and establishes an appropriate connection. The listener process also establishes a communication pathway between databases. When multiple databases or instances run on one machine, as in an Oracle Parallel Server, service names allow instances to register automatically with other listeners on the same machine. A service name can identify multiple instances, and an instance can belong to multiple services. Clients connecting to a service do not have to specify which instance they require. Automatic instance registration reduces the administrative overhead for multiple databases or instances. The system identifiers (SIDs) of other instances on the network must be registered in a LISTENER.ORA file. The initialization parameter SERVICE_NAMES identifies which services an instance belongs to. On startup, each instance registers with the listeners of other instances belonging to the same services. During database operations, the instances of each service pass information about CPU usage and current connection counts to all of the listeners in the same services. This enables dynamic load balancing and connection failover. In a multi-tier architecture environment, an application server provides data for clients and serves as an interface between clients and database servers. This architecture allows you to use an application server to: An example of a multi-tier architecture appears in Figure 6-2. A client initiates a request for an operation to be performed on the database server. The client can be a web browser or other end-user process. In a multi-tier architecture, the client connects to the database server through one or more application servers. An application server provides access to the data for the client. It serves as an interface between the client and one or more database servers, which provides an additional level of security. It can also perform some of the query processing for the client, thus removing some of the load from the database server. The application server assumes the identity of the client when it is performing operations on the database server for that client. The application server's privileges are restricted to prevent it from performing unneeded and unwanted operations during a client operation. A database server provides the data requested by an application server on behalf of a client. The database server does all of the remaining query processing. The Oracle database server can audit operations performed by the application server on behalf of individual clients as well as operations performed by the application server on its own behalf. For example, a client operation might be a request for information to be displayed on the client whereas an application server operation might be a request for a connection to the database server. "Multi-Tier Authentication and Authorization" for more information about security issues in a multi-tier environment
The words “money” and “spirituality” are seldom found in the same sentence. Yet Luke and other biblical writers give a good deal of attention to money and possessions. In Luke’s own community there seems to have been some tension between rich and poor, and he took a special interest in addressing it. If we define spirituality broadly as how we stand before God and relate to others, then money is an inevitable and important aspect of Christian spirituality. Jesus was not an economist, and we cannot expect from the Gospels master plans applicable to 21st-century economic conditions. What we can expect from Jesus the wisdom teacher are wise principles that can direct our thoughts and actions about money and possessions. Today’s text from Luke’s Gospel consists of four units of varying lengths, all concerned with money and spirituality. Each unit can (and probably once did) stand on its own. As in other wisdom instructions, they have been joined together because they deal with the same general topic, not because they develop a logical argument on one point. The first and longest unit (16:1-8) is traditionally called the parable of the dishonest steward. He is said to have been squandering his employer’s resources. The parable concerns the ingenious plan the steward devised to save himself from personal and financial ruin. There are two ways to interpret his plan. In one reading the steward is simply dishonest. He cheats his employers and involves others in his plot, thus setting up the possibility of blackmailing them in the future. In another reading he forgoes his own commission, sacrificing a short-term gain for long-term security. In either case it appears that the steward’s strategy is so clever that even his former employer had to admire it. The point of the parable is that many people in our world display enormous intelligence and energy in financial matters in comparison with the little attention that they pay to the state of their souls. The industry, creativity and tenacity that go into making money and securing one’s financial well-being often far outweigh the time and effort given to life’s ultimate questions: Who am I? What is my goal? How do I get there? The second unit (16:9) urges people to use their money wisely (however they might make it), in order to gain good friends. If you should lose your money, such persons may help you out in your time of need. And when you die, they may welcome you into their heavenly home. The third unit (16:10-12) suggests that there is some consistency between how one handles money and material possessions and how one handles spiritual matters. Those who are conscientious and trustworthy in material matters are very likely to be conscientious and trustworthy in spiritual matters. The fourth unit (16:13) reminds us that “no servant can serve two masters…. You cannot serve God and mammon.” The word “mammon” derives from the same Semitic root as “Amen.” It refers to what one puts faith in or trusts, and so came to mean money. The saying warns against making money or material possessions into one’s god, or the ultimate good in one’s life. While few people might actually worship money in theory, in practice many seem to live as if they do. The four units that make up today’s Gospel reading remind us that money and spirituality do not belong to separate realms. They urge us to apply some of the intelligence and energy to things of the spirit that we devote to money and possessions, to use money wisely, to be trustworthy and honest in money matters and not to make money into a substitute for God. Today’s reading from the prophet Amos indicates that greed, exploitation of the poor and dishonest business practices are not new phenomena and that they have been and still are sinful in God’s eyes. The selection from 1 Timothy 2 offers a benign view of the Roman Empire (as in Rom 13:1-7) and urges prayers for political leaders and government officials. The idea seems to be that political tranquility will enhance the possibility of religious practice. A very different (and highly negative) view of the Roman Empire appears in the book of Revelation. The summary of Christian faith embedded in 1 Timothy 2 (“Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all”) features a financial image (“ransom”) and reinforces Luke’s message that Christians live out their faith in the world of economics and politics. How we deal with both reveals much about who we are and how we relate to God and to others. The connection between money and Christian spirituality is real. • In practice, do you serve mammon better than you serve God? Do you use the kind of ingenuity in spiritual matters that you give to money matters? • Do you use money wisely and well? How do you define those terms? • Are you trustworthy and faithful in both financial and spiritual matters?
Cancer Home > Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that is most often seen in children younger than five years of age. It occurs in hereditary and nonhereditary forms. Symptoms may include a condition called "white eye," crossed eyes, and pain or redness in the eye. Treatment options may include such things as enucleation, radiation therapy, cryotherapy, and chemotherapy. Retinoblastoma is an eye cancer that most often occurs in children younger than five years of age. It occurs in hereditary and nonhereditary (sporadic) forms. The retina is the nerve tissue that lines the inside of the back of the eye. It senses light and sends images to the brain by way of the optic nerve. Although retinoblastoma may occur at any age, it most often affects children younger than five years of age. The tumor is usually found in only one eye, but can develop in both eyes. Retinoblastoma rarely spreads from the eye to nearby tissue or other parts of the body, and it can usually be cured. Retinoblastoma is sometimes inherited (passed from the parent to the child). Such cases of the cancer caused by an inherited gene mutation are referred to as hereditary retinoblastoma. It usually occurs at a younger age than retinoblastoma that is not inherited. Retinoblastoma that occurs in only one eye is usually not inherited (called sporadic retinoblastoma). When it occurs in both eyes, it is always inherited. When the hereditary form first occurs in only one eye, there is a chance it will develop later in the other eye. After a diagnosis of retinoblastoma in one eye, regular follow-up exams of the healthy eye should be done every 2 to 4 months for at least 28 months. After treatments are finished, it is important that follow-up exams continue until the child is seven years of age. Treatment for both types of retinoblastoma should include genetic counseling (a discussion with a trained professional about inherited diseases). Brothers and sisters of a child who has retinoblastoma should also have regular checkups and genetic counseling concerning the risk of developing the cancer.
Walt Disney- perhaps the greatest storyteller of all time- has entertained millions of people of all ages throughout the world, and mobilized hundreds of thousands of cast members within the Disney empire to action and amazing perfomance. He led his organization through the use of storytelling. He understood the magic and power of story to connect people to the moral of each tale he told. Through compelling storytelling, leaders like President Abraham Lincoln and the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr captured the imagination of people and moved them to change their behavior in unaccustomed and innovative ways; disrupting the status quo and transforming lives, organizations, and the world for good. What can we learn from these leaders about narrative leadership and organizational storytelling? Leadership is about persuasion, and motivating people to action in the future. Transformational leadership is about disruption of the status quo; inspiring people to act different ways. Narrative leadership combines both, using storytelling as a leadership skill. Its use can have a profound motivating effect on people and organizations- dramatically disrupting and transforming both. Another great leader, Mahatma Ghandi, said: "Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny” To change our destiny, we have to change our beliefs. What we believe individually and collectively about our organization(s) has a direct impact on the organization's destiny. These beliefs have a direct impact on our organization’s service cultural success or failure. Through organizational storytelling, narrative leaders affect the trust and belief our employees and teams have in our organizations. They shape our culture and ultimately affect our organization’s destiny. Stories create a picture in our minds- a running narrative that powerfully affects our decisions about how we ultimately act. Are you ready to drive behavior, actions, and culture through organizational storytelling? More posts you may enjoy: - Think Storytelling is Fluff? Think Again! - Leadership Storytelling: The Secret to Going from Good to Great - Ignite Your Customer Experience via Storytelling This post is based on insights from Hugh Kincaid. Hugh has spent over four decades learning and teaching leadership insights in the foremost storytelling organization in the world, the Walt Disney Company. ABOUT DONNELLY EFFECT: With over 20 years of Disney leadership experience, Mike Donnelly, Chief Experience Officer (CEO) of Donnelly Effect shares his insights on Talent Selection and Hiring, Employee Onboarding, Customer Experience, Workplace Culture and Leadership- among others. Donnelly Effect is home of the exclusive "World-Class Workshop" series and offers consulting services and keynote addresses to audiences of all sizes and industries. Since 2007, Mike Donnelly has been a contracted Disney Institute Facilitator, delivering Disney training to audiences across the United States.
A 19 year-old male presents with distal femur pain from a running injury 1 week ago. What are the findings? What is your diagnosis? Hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) with fracture. Hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) is an autosomal dominant disorder in which multiple exostoses, or osteochondromas, form. The lesions are caused by separation of a cartilage fragment from the epiphyseal growth plate which herniates through the periosteum surrounding the growth plate. The fragment grows and undergoes enchondral ossification resulting in a subperiosteal bony protuberance with a cartilage cap.1 The disorder was first described in 1786 and a familial occurrence was first recorded in 1814.1,2 Around 60 to 70% of patients have a positive family history.2 HME has also been seen in other animals, including horses, cats, dogs and lizards.2 Most patients are diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 12 and some can be diagnosed at birth.1 Osteochondromas continue to grow until the child reaches skeletal maturity at which point no new lesions will occur.2 Spontaneous regression has been reported in childhood and puberty, particularly following a fracture.1,2,3 Complications and Imaging Osteochondromas, whether single or multiple, are typically asymptomatic unless complications occur. Most complications are common to both HME and solitary exostoses but are more common in HME, primarily because of the increased number of lesions. Growth retardation and metaphyseal widening, caused by disruption of normal bone tubulation by the lesions, are specific to HME. HME may result in deformity and remodeling of adjacent bony structures. Neural impingement may result in pain. The spinal cord can be compressed by vertebral or rib exostoses. Muscle weakness and atrophy are additional possible sequelae of nerve impingement.3 Vascular complications include displacement, stenosis, occlusion and pseudoaneurysm formation.1 Formation of an overlying adventitial bursa can occur which may present as an enlarging mass.1 The bursa may be complicated by inflammation, infection, hemorrhage, chondral bodies and synovial chondromatosis.1 The cartilage cap can be prominent in a child and shows high signal intensity on fluid sensitive sequences and differentiation from a bursa can be difficult. Fractures can result from direct trauma and typically occur at the base of a pedunculated osteochondroma.1 Injury to an adjacent muscle has been described and is felt to be due to repetitive motion of the muscle over the osteochondroma causing pain and swelling, similar to a muscle contusion.3 Malignant degeneration of the cartilage cap is the most serious complication of HME, seen in approximately 3-5% of patients with a mean age of onset of 31.1,2 (Malignant transformation of a solitary osteochondroma occurs in approximately 1% of patients.)3 It rarely occurs before the age of 20 or after the age of 50.1,2 The average age of occurrence in a patient with HME is 25-30 years, younger than that of a solitary osteochondroma in which the average age is 50-55 years.1 By far the most common malignancy is a chondrosarcoma. The tumors are slow growing and metastases (commonly to the lungs) are unusual and occur late.1,2,4 Complete surgical resection is required. Radiation and chemotherapy are not helpful.1,2,4 Radiographic findings suggestive of malignant transformation include growth in a skeletally mature patient, irregularity or indistinctness of the surface, focal areas of radiolucency within the lesion, destruction of adjacent bone, irregular scattered calcifications and a soft tissue mass.1,2 Cartilage cap thickness is used as a primary criterion on MRI. The majority of benign osteochondromas have a cartilage cap less than 1 cm thick and the majority of malignant cases have a cap thickness of greater than 2 cm. A cartilage cap measuring greater than 1.5 cm should be highly suspected of malignant transformation.2 A positive bone scan cannot differentiate between benign and malignant lesions, although a negative scan typically excludes malignant transformation.1,2 Hereditary multiple exostoses is not a difficult imaging diagnosis to make. The entity is typically asymptomatic unless complications occur. The purpose of imaging is to diagnose and define those complications, including inflammation and impingement of adjacent structures. The ability of MRI to evaluate the thickness of the cartilage cap and other associated findings is critical in detection of the most serious complication, malignant degeneration. - Murphey MD, Choi JJ, Kransdorf MJ, Flemming DJ, Gannon FH. Imaging of osteochondroma: variants and complications with radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2000; 20(5). ↩ - Hennekam RCM. Hereditary multiple exostoses. J Med Genet 1991; 28:262-266. ↩ - Uri DS, Dalinka MK, Kneeland JB. Muscle impingement: MR imaging of a painful complication of osteochondromas. Skeletal Radiology 1996; 25:689-692. ↩ - Solomon L. Hereditary multiple exostoses. JBJS (BR); May 1, 1963. ↩
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Dubai – For Children with Complex Communication Needs Communication is the basis of society as it is the way by which we express ourselves to others. It is something that children learn gradually from birth. However, some children fail to communicate properly or age-appropriately and hence, find it difficult to interact with others or follow instructions given by others. The paediatric Speech and Language Therapy proves to be helpful for such children having a speech impairment. At Hope AMC, our trained Paediatric Speech Therapists use different types of advanced techniques to help children communicate properly. One such technique is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Dubai. Other than verbal communication, there is also different ways of non-verbal communication. AAC comprises all the ways by which children can share their emotions, ideas, and feelings non-verbally through gestures, posture, facial expressions, etc. Communication can be effective even without words and AAC proves this fact. Children having severe speech and language issues, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, etc., find AAC to be very helpful in communicating with others. Techniques followed in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Dubai: In this system, gestures, facial expressions, body language, and sign language are used for communication. In this system, certain tools or speech-generating devices (SGDs) are used and that can be both basic and technology-based. In the basic aided system, a simple pen and paper can be used as an effective tool of communication. A symbol communication board with pictures, letters, words, etc. can also be used. These are low-tech communication modes. Whereas, in the technology-based aided system, high-tech communication devices are used, such as various iPad software, Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS (to communicate with pictures), Eyegaze machines, and Switches and Switch Placement are used at Hope AMC. AAC programs on iPad, such as TouchChat, Proloquo2Go, GoTalk, Prentke Romich Company programs like LAMP, Unity, Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD), etc. are also used. These devices and techniques are used for assessing the individual strengths, weaknesses, language skills, motor skills, vision or visual strength, cognitive skills, and language skills of the children. The approaches are designed as per the competence of the individual child. The trained speech therapists at Hope AMC make the best use of the above-mentioned tools, techniques, and approaches of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Dubai and design Speech and Language Therapy programs tailored to individual child’s needs so as to make children capable of communicating and expressing themselves successfully.
Should we all go 'electric'? Tesla just unveiled their new "affordable" electric car. But will electric cars really make a difference to the pollution levels in cities? Charis Lestrange has been investigating the solution to pollution... Are you feeling stressed? Tired? Why don't you step outside and take a breath of fresh air? After all, this has been found to boost your immune system, give you more energy and overall make you happier. But, if you're reading this in a city, how clean is the air you are breathing in? There has been a lot of debate around this subject recently, with the UK government facing new court proceedings over a failure to act on the illegal air pollution ratings measured across UK cities. One of the worst cities is, unsurprisingly, London, with Oxford Street, Knightsbridge and Putney High Street having some of the highest levels of pollution measured across the country. So why would this matter? What is air pollution and how does it affect us? Air pollution is the presence of higher concentrations of harmful gases or particulate matter in the atmosphere. These include nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide are caused in their highest amounts by cars, lorries and busses. These gasses are not good for you: air pollution has been linked to heart problems, cancers, and even cognitive decline, Especially over long periods of time. If the particles are small enough, they can even enter your bloodstream to attack your organs as well. The closer you are to a busy street, the higher your exposure to air pollution levels. Even being inside a vehicle doesn't keep you protected: in fact, this is where the levels of pollutants are at their highest! This is due to being closest to the source of the pollution. The vehicle exhaust releases pollutants that travel back into the car through its air vents. These busy roads are unavoidable for many people, so how do we reduce these levels of harmful gasses? Cycling and walking provide could immediate solutions to reducing your personal levels of emissions, as well as helping you to avoid breathing them in, but this simply isn't feasible for many people. So, could switching our vehicles to electric be the answer? What is an electric car? The main difference between electric and petrol-fuelled cars is the vehicle's source of energy. A petrol car uses a rotary engine, which generatesits energy from the burning of petrol or diesel. Electric cars instead rely on motors powered by energy stored from a rechargeable battery source is used. Other than that, the cars are mainly the same and look very similar. Why go electric? To entice more people to go green, the UK government currently subsidises electric cars in a bid to make them more viable over petrol and more accessible, but do they make a real difference? On the surface, electric cars seem very attractive. They have no emissions, which straight away contributes to reducing the urban air pollution problem. They are cost effective as with technological advancements both the cost and maintenance of electric cars has dropped in recent years. It costs about two pence per mile to travel by electric car whereas a petrol car costs about 12 pence per mile. They tend to have lower maintenance than petrol cars as there is no engine to lubricate or service and they are very quiet which reduces noise pollution too. However, there are always two sides to every coin. As attractive as electric cars may sound, they do have some potential drawbacks. These vehicles are limited by their range and speed. Most of these cars have a range of about 50-100 miles before they need to be recharged again and compared to petrol stations, electric charging points are still very much in the development stages. There are around 10,000 charging stations in the UK, most of which are privately owned by the vehicle owners themselves. The charging time itself is also far longer than it is to fill a car up with petrol - typically four to six hours for a full charge. These are of course potential limitations. As long as journeys are planned in advance, most of these disadvantages can be avoided. By charging the vehicle overnight, shorter journeys should be unaffected by the car running out of juice and many service stations across the UK have charging points for travelling further afield. With a UK Government grant available and the overall health benefits of no emissions, the electric car is certainly an appealing solution to air pollution. Nonetheless, there is the issue of the long tail pipe debate. This argument suggests that electric carsare just displacing the pollution to other less populated parts of the UK, as coal fired power stations are still needed to generate the electricity used to charge the cars in the first place. This could be considered a good thing as the pollution is further away from the largely populated cities where a high percentage of the population lives. Also, this energy does not have to come from power stations: many new, renewable energy resources are being used to generate this electricity, which produces less air pollution overall. As the technology to create more fully electric vehicles advances, most of the world's roads are full of petrol or diesel powered vehicles that are still releasing harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. One shorter term solution could be to go half way by creating hybrids. These are electric motors that are powered by diesel. There are many hybrid cars already easily available to buy, but what about other modes of transport? Vantage Power is a company that retrofits diesel double decker buses with hybrid diesel engines to greatly reduce emissions. Similarly, these retrofitted hybrids look no different to other double-decker buses; the changes are all under the hood. The whole of the diesel engine is removed to make way for a self contained, fully pre-assembled hybrid system. This merges an internal combustion engine with an electric system, meaning the engine is used to charge the battery pack. This allows the engine to be run at its most efficient point so that fuel can be saved and emissions improved. This allows the engine to be turned off when the bus is sitting in traffic or moving slowly, which means idle emissions are not being produced. There is a consistent 40% improvement in fuel consumption for these hybrids when compared to normal diesel powered buses. Before, the bus would have achieved a fuel consumption of about 4.5 miles to the gallon, but the hybrids regularly use a greatly improved eight miles to the gallon. This could save bus operators up to £20,000 worth of fuel per bus per year. Is there a solution to air pollution? Air pollution is definitely an important and dangerous problem when it comes to public health. Road transport is a huge contributor to this situation and encouraging people to walk and cycle instead of driving is definitely beneficial to reducing the pollutants in the air and also to reduce the health risks associated with it. Realistically, people still need to travel further distances. While electric vehicles are the long term aim for roads of the future, hybrids seem to be the most successful short-term solution and transition to green transport.
NTSB SEA01LA037 - On January 10, 2001, a flight instructor learned a valuable lesson about who is PIC on instructional flights when the Grumman American AA-1B he and a student were flying was destroyed on impact with terrain following fuel exhaustion. The student pilot and the flight instructor both sustained serious injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The student stated that during the preflight, he "checked the fuel levels prior to flight that day by visually observing the sight tubes for each tank." The student and the instructor believed they had two hours of fuel onboard. The student's logbook showed four flights in the accident airplane, but no flights had been recorded for the eight months leading to the accident. The CFI had 903 hours of dual given, and .9 hours in the Grumman AA-1B. The pair had done some air work, including slow flight and power off stalls, then proceeded to a nearby airport for some practice landings. The first approach resulted in a go-around due to a helicopter on the runway. After the go-around, they proceeded to the departure airport for more pattern work. The first touch and go was completed, during which the student applied full power, moved the carburetor heat to the 'OFF' position, and brought the flaps up. At approximately 200 feet AGL, the engine stopped. The CFI took control of the aircraft, and the student began to troubleshoot the engine failure. The student switched the fuel tanks and turned on the fuel boost pump. He did not have time to activate the starter prior to impact. In recreating the flights leading up to the accident, the NTSB determined that approximately 7.4 HOBBS hours had been flown on 35.6 gallons of available fuel. This results in a fuel burn of approximately 4.81 gallons per hour. The operating manual for the Lycoming O-235-C2C installed on the aircraft indicates fuel consumption of between 5.3 and 5.9 gallons per hour during operations at 2,500 above sea level. The NTSB determined the cause of this accident to be the flight instructor's failure to ensure the student had an adequate supply of fuel available, and the student's failure to refuel the aircraft, which resulted in fuel exhaustion. Fuel exhaustion accidents occur at a rate of more than one per week. This accident provides two important lessons, one for all pilots and one particularly for instructors. For all pilots, it is important to know how much fuel you have on board prior to lift off, and to land with your reserves unused. ASF recommends planning to land with one hour of fuel onboard for day VFR flights. This is double what the FAA requires. For instructors, it serves as a stark reminder of who has the final responsibility on dual instructional flights. This accident report as well as others can be found in ASF's Online Database. More information on fuel exhaustion can be found in ASF's Safety Advisor "Fuel Awareness". Go back to the index page. VOLUNTEER AT AN AOPA FLY-IN NEAR YOU! SHARE YOUR PASSION. VOLUNTEER AT AN AOPA FLY-IN. CLICK TO LEARN MORE >>> VOLUNTEER LOCALLY AT AOPA FLY-IN! CLICK TO LEARN MORE >>> BE A PART OF THE FLY-IN VOLUNTEER CREW! CLICK TO LEARN MORE >>>
Images can be distorted by blur, such as motion blur or blur resulting from an out-of-focus lens. Blur is represented by a distortion operator, also called the point spread function (PSF). Different deblurring algorithms estimate and remove blur based on how much knowledge you have of the PSF and noise in the image. |Deblur image using blind deconvolution| |Deblur image using Lucy-Richardson method| |Deblur image using regularized filter| |Deblur image using Wiener filter| |Taper discontinuities along image edges| |Convert optical transfer function to point-spread function| |Convert point-spread function to optical transfer function| Deblurring is a process that removes distortion from a blurry image, using knowledge of how the optical system blurs a single point of light. The Lucy-Richardson deconvolution function enables you to deblur images with complicated distortions such as nonuniform image quality or undersampling. Although blind deconvolution algorithm does not require information about the blurring or noise, it enables you to deblur images that have complicated distortions such as nonuniform image quality or undersampling. To create your own deblurring functions, convert the distortion operator between the spatial and the frequency domains. Ringing is an artifact that appears as alternating bright and dark bands near edges. Reduce ringing by blurring the edges of the original image.
Chemotherapy is a general term referring to cancer treatment that is drug or medication based. i.e. not radiation or surgery. Historically, it was first introduced in the 1940’s when mustard gas used in World War I was found to cause lower blood counts in exposed individuals. Because of this, it was thought that it may be of use in cancer and was initially used for lymphoma. Today there are many different types of chemotherapy agents that work in many different ways. Some of them will predispose the patient to bleeding or infection and routine dental care may not be safe. Chemotherapy drugs are numerous and vastly different in their effects on tumors and normal tissues. Traditionally, chemotherapeutic agents are cytotoxic to cells that are rapidly dividing. This is aimed at the cancer cells, but many other normal cells that are turning over rapidly may also be affected. These may result in mucositis and pancytopenia. These agents have the potential to be myelosuppressive and this carries significance for safe dental care. These agents are often used in combination and are given in cycles that have been determined by clinical trials. Other types of chemotherapy include anti-hormone receptor agents, immunotherapy and targeted agents. The hormone receptor agents are primarily used as an adjunct in breast and prostate cancers that are promoted by hormones. For the most part, myelosuppression is the major concern affecting safe dental care. Thrombocytopenia and neutropenia may preclude invasive dental treatment as excessive bleeding and infection may result. Knowing the agents, dosage regimen and the blood counts are important in determining whether safe care can be administered. Consultation with the medical oncologist will provide information regarding the timing of care. After myelosuppressive chemotherapy, the blood counts will drop and expose the patient to risks of bleeding and infection. Depending on the agent used, the blood counts will gradually recover before the next cycle of chemotherapy is to be administered. Generally, elective dental care is not advisable during chemotherapy that is myelosuppressive. Timing of emergency dental care is very important. Elective dental care is not recommended. Recovery of the blood counts to acceptable levels usually occurs before the next dose or cycle of chemotherapy. It is at this time that emergency dental care can be provided. Neutropenia (PMN <1) may require the use of prophylactic antibiotics. Thrombocytopenia presents challenges for dental extractions. Other emergency care such as endodontic therapy, placing sedative dressings, smoothing of rough or fractured surfaces and denture adjustments may be performed if administration of local anaesthetics can be safely done. For example, mandibular block anaesthesia should be avoided in the patient with low platelets because of the risk of vascular events. Consultation with the oncologist and knowledge of the current blood work are necessary for safe dental care. Chemotherapy is often combined with other treatment modalities such as radiation therapy or surgery. Combined modality strategies include: neoadjuvant, when the agent is given prior to local treatment such as surgery to shrink the primary tumor first; Concurrent – where the chemotherapy agents are given at the same time as another type of therapy such as radiation; Adjuvant – where it is given after local treatment to lower the risk of recurrence and metastases. Myelosuppressive means depression of the bone marrow. Erythroid and myeloid precursors may be affected leading to pancytopenia which may result in anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. In general, the mechanism of action of these agents is relatively non-specific in that they target all cells that are rapidly dividing with the intent of being cytotoxic to cancer cells. This class is the most common type used and may render your patient unfit for elective dental care as the risk of bleeding and infection may be significant. Emergency care necessitates knowing the current blood counts especially the platelet and neutrophil count. Myelosuppressive agents work in many different ways. Some are cytotoxic to cells during mitosis by preventing spindle formation or disassembly; others prevent DNA synthesis while others work by arresting the cell cycle. Myelsuppressive agents fall into the following categories: Alkylating agents attach an “alkyl” group to DNA. This alkyl group attaches to a guanine base of the purine ring. This prevents the DNA from replicating because the cross linkages formed prevent uncoiling of the DNA double helix. These agents would affect all cells that divide rapidly such as the mucosal lining of the gut, oral cavity, bone marrow and gonads. Examples of alkylating agents include: cyclophosphamide, procarbazine, dacarbazine, melphalan, chlorambucil and busulfan. Carboplatin and cisplatin are platinum based and do not contain an alkyl group but work in a similar fashion by crosslinking DNA strands. They are considered to be alkylating-like agents. They are used in head and neck cancer, multiple myeloma, leukemia and lymphoma. Anthracyclines are a class of antibiotic drugs derived from Streptomyces bacterium. They inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis. They work by inserting molecules between the 2 strands of DNA; generating highly reactive free radicals that damage other molecules; and by inhibiting topoisomerase I and II. These enzymes work to to allow normal unwinding of DNA during replication and transcription. Inhibiting them causes breaks in the DNA. Examples include daunorubicin and doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) which are used in combination with other agents for Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia, breast, stomach, uterine ovarian, bladder and lung cancers. Antimicrotubular agents inhibit disassembly of the mitotic spindle and cause breakage of chromosomes. They bind to microtubules stabilizing them so that they do not dissemble. This leads to a significant decrease in free tubulin which is needed for microtubule formation. This results in inhibition of mitosis. The microtubules accumulate within the cell and cause the initiation of apoptosis (cell death). Examples include docetaxel (Taxotere®). Paclitaxel (Taxol®, Abraxane®). They are used in metastatic breast cancer, metastatic prostate cancer, lung cancer and advanced head and neck cancer. Vinca alkaloids, derived from the periwinkle plant bind to tubulin protein stopping the cell from separating chromosomes during metaphase. Examples include vincristine and vinblastine which are used in lymphoma, leukemia and lung cancer. Antimetabolite agents are a group of drugs that impede DNA and RNA synthesis. They have similar structures to nucleotide base purines (guanine and adenine) and pyramidines (cytosine, thymine and uracil).They become incorporated into DNA or block DNA polymerase required for DNA synthesis thereby preventing mitosis. Examples include methotrexate, fludarabine, fluorouracil, gemcitabine, cytarabine, hydroxyurea and azacitidine. They are widely used in many different types of cancer but especially in metastatic breast cancer and leukemia. Myelosuppressive agents are often combined into “cocktails”. The combination of different agents allows for lower doses of each thereby decreasing the toxicity and chances of resistance to any one particular agent. They do increase the effect of myelosuppression. They are commonly given acronym nicknames that may include trade names for ease of nomenclature. There are many different types of cocktails that are used and pending results of clinical trials, they are constantly changing. Common examples follow: As part of the cocktail, steroids are often included as either prednisone or dexamethasone. They act as immunosuppressants in myeloproliferative diseases and also work to decrease some of the side effects of the cytotoxic agents. These agents are delivered in cycles. This refers to dosing regimens based on protocols for each disease and stage. The cycles allow for a recovery period between doses. The timing and doses are evidence based determined by clinical trials. Different myelosuppressive agents vary in their effect on the bone marrow, the maximal depression of the bone marrow is referred to as the “nadir’ and may take a few days after the initial dose to occur depending on the agent used. The nadir refers to the point in time when the blood counts are the lowest. It is at this time that thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, and anemia can predisposed to bleeding, infection and sepsis. This is the most undesirable time for any dental care. The blood counts usually recover after this point, but depending on the agents used and the patients overall health, the time that this takes is variable. Consultation with the oncologist is necessary to determine if safe dental care can be provided. It is important in the functional enquiry to learn the date of the last chemotherapy cycle and when the next one is scheduled. This gives some indication of the recovery time but knowing the blood counts is essential. In general, the best time to perform emergency dental care only is immediately prior to the next cycle of chemotherapy when the counts have recovered enough for another dose. This is predicated on the blood counts. |Hemoglobin (Hb)||140-180g/L||Females 120-160 g/L| |White Blood cell count (WBC)||4.0-11.0 x 10 -9/L| |Platelets||150-450 x 10-9/L| |Neutrophil count (PMN)||2.0-7.5 x 10-9/L| Not all myelosuppressive agents will cause all of these effects. Most non-specific agents will cause hair loss, but many of the other effects are dependent of the type of agent used. For example, anthracyclines are known to cause cariotoxicity. Some of these effects are temporary such as hair loss, fatigue ad GI upset; others such as infertility and secondary malignancies are not. As of June 30, 2015 the Head and neck cancer patients seen in our clinic by site was 12,727 with the following breakdown: Mucositis, neutropenic ulceration, dysgeusia, opportunistic infections (eg. Candidiasis, HSV), xerostomia, tooth sensitivity are potential oral complications of myelosuppressive chemotherapy. Mucositis with erythema and ulceration occurs because the oral mucosal epithelial cells turn over rapidly and as such are targeted by some of the myelosuppressive agents. This causes pain and difficulty with nutrition. The photograph on the left side is of a painful ulcer in the buccal mucosa of a patient undergoing induction chemotherapy for leukemia. The neutrophil count was below 0.5. The photograph on the right is of the same patient 2 weeks later when the neutrophil count had increased to 1.7. Neutropenic ulcers characteristically are coated with a film of bacteria. Opportunistic infections secondary to neutropenia may also occur with myelosuppression. Candidiasis and herpes simplex are the most common infections in the immunosuppressed patient. Relief of discomfort is the objective in the treatment of the oral side effects. They are self limiting and usually resolve when the blood counts return to acceptable levels. Mouthrinses such as simple baking soda and water, topical anesthetics such as lidocaine viscous, topical antifungal agents are the mainstay of empiric treatment. Patients may also obtain some symptomatic relief by sucking on ice chips. As these side effects are temporary, keeping the patient comfortable so that maintenance of nutrition is possible is the goal of therapy. Hormone antineoplastics are used in tumors which thrive on hormones. The most common include breast and prostate carcinomas. This form of therapy is usually given as maintenance after other primary modalities. As they are aimed at reducing levels of hormones, myelosuppression is not a complication and these drugs do not affect the ability to provide safe invasive dental care. Examples include Letrozole (Femara®) and Tamoxifen. The former is an aromatase inhibitor which converts androgens to estrogen leading to a decrease in circulating estrogen. It is generally used in post-menopausal women as adjuvant treatment for breast cancer. Tamoxifen competitively binds with estrogen receptors on tumor cells decreasing the estrogen effects, and preventing division of the tumor cells. In prostate cancer, antiandrogens block and inhibit testosterone which acts to promote growth of certain prostate cancers. Examples include Degarelix (Firmagon®) and Abiraterone (Zytiga®). The former blocks GNnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) in the anterior pituitary gland by reversibly binding to the receptor. This results in a decrease in LH (lutenizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) causing a drop in testosterone levels. The latter works by inhibiting the enzyme needed for androgen synthesis in prostate tumor tissue and inhibits the formation of testosterone precursors. Immunotherapy in the context of chemotherapy refers to boosting the normally functioning immune system to attack the tumor cells. There are myriad mechanisms possible given the complex nature of the immune response. This is a burgeoning area of research. Examples include: Targeted agents are monoclonal antibodies to specific genes or gene products of the abnormal cancer cell. Because they 'target' the cancer cells or their products specifically, there are less systemic side effects. They are often used in combination with other agents. Some examples include: Patients may present to the dental office and reveal in their medical history that they are on a clinical trial or a study for treatment of their cancer. This information may impact on safe dental care and it is necessary to contact the oncologist or study nurse to get information. Frequently, this infers that the disease is refractory to the usual therapy and may be palliative in nature. If the patient is a part of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing differing treatments, communication with the oncologist or study nurse is necessary. If there is a sufficient window of opportunity to remove areas of infection and potential areas of infection, undertake a cleaning, scaling and oral hygiene instruction this should be done. The dental examination should be a complete, thorough examination and include a complete radiographic examination. The keystone of treatment is infection removal. To better prepare you for patients requiring chemotherapy treatment ask them to bring a copy of their complete blood count, any coagulation laboratory tests and a complete list of their chemotherapy drugs including the doses and the timing of treatment. You can find information on the many chemotherapy regimens online or in a drug reference text. Patients should also discuss the timing of dental treatment with their oncologist who ideally should give the go-ahead. There are a few critical issues in the management of patients on some chemotherapy regimens that cause immunosuppression. Be mindful that most patients with central venous catheters may require antibiotic coverage to prevent the catheter from becoming infected. Always treat the patient in your comfort zone from a hematological standpoint – i.e. factor in their hemoglobin level, their platelet count, any coagulation disturbances and their absolute neutrophil count. Everyone’s comfort zone is different and it differs from patient to patient and procedure to procedure. Generally during chemotherapy treatment it is better to err on the side of caution. The best way of preventing complications of treatment is to not cause them.
The use of caster wheels is so common in everyday life that many people are unaware of their prevalence. They are on the grocery and shopping carts, trash cans, and on office chairs. Some applications are not as visible but have at least an equal impact include those on medical equipment, containers of industrial solutions, and automobile manufacturing apparatus. Not all wheels are made the same or for the same purpose, which is why choosing the appropriate wheel depends largely on the weight of the load, floor composition, and temperature. One of the first considerations in choosing a castor wheel is the weight of the load to be moved. In the grocery store, a cart may carry just a few items or a big load, but it makes sense to have a castor that can carry the range of that load. In the manufacturing setting, where extremely hefty cargo is the norm, industrial wheels made for such burdensome loads apply. Meanwhile, a small delicate piece of equipment such as one made for a tabletop requires a much different castor. Imagine rolling a trash bin across a smooth concrete sidewalk and then across a gravel path. There will be a noticeable difference depending on the size of the wheel. A smooth, indoor floor surface that is kept clean and free of debris is suitable for one type of castor, but a rocky, uneven surface littered with debris requires something different. Generally speaking, a larger wheel allows for better movement, but consideration should also be given to the size of the equipment and how the wheel fits. Most situations where casters are used can be described as having temperatures that are within normal daily living. However, some environments are quite inhospitable because of extreme temperatures. For example, wheels used in deep freezers will perform differently than those used at room temperature. The same is true for those used in intense heat environments such as metal smelting factories. Special lubricants made for such conditions are typically used in these situations to ease performance issues. Castor wheels have many applications in activities conducted by the average person. They also have an important role in numerous industrial applications. Regardless of the use, the wheels make moving things easier. By spending some time researching the weight of the load, floor composition, and temperature levels, choosing the best castor wheel can be made easier.
Dollars and Sense: How What You Don't Know about Money is Costing You a Pretty Penny COUNTRY Survey: Americans Struggle to Make the Grade on Basic Finance Knowledge BLOOMINGTON, Ill., March 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- In a test of personal finance wit, Americans aren't making the grade, according to the latest COUNTRY Financial Security Index®. When quizzed on their knowledge of pertinent personal finance facts - from spending to retirement savings, Americans need to spend more time studying if they want to receive a passing grade on this report card. Q: What is the recommended percentage of income you should spend on housing? A: 30 percent. Many financial planners and experts stick to approximately this amount so you don't overextend and end up "house rich and cash poor." Just one in three (31 percent) Americans answered correctly; leaving 69 percent unaware of how much housing costs today and the impact it has on the ability to build a solid financial future. "It's alarming to see only a small population of Americans getting this question right," says Troy Frerichs, director of Investments-Wealth Management at COUNTRY Financial. "However, it's never too late to equip yourself with information or to talk to a professional. It's important to start with what's probably your largest expense, your housing, to make sure you're not buying "too much" house. If you max out your income on your home, you may not have enough left over for personal savings and retirement funding." Q: If you save 10 percent of your income annually, will you have enough money to retire and live in the way you are accustomed? A: Probably not. Frerichs notes that a sound retirement plan is one set up like a three-legged stool, drawing on personal savings, employer contributions in a pension or 401(k) and Social Security. While people with a very generous employer program and modest lifestyle may only need to save 10 percent of their income, this is probably not the case for most Americans. Nearly half of Americans may not be on track to retire comfortably, as 44 percent either agree or are unsure if saving 10 percent of their income annually is enough. And men (30 percent) are even more likely to say yes than women (18 percent). Perhaps because of this, they are putting their money elsewhere or aren't aware of the appropriate vehicles for the best return on investment. - Forty-three percent of the general population say saving for their child's college education is more important than saving for their own retirement, and another 11 percent are unsure. Lower income groups are even more likely to say saving for their child's education is more important. - Just 38 percent of Americans chose correctly when asked about the difference between a traditional and Roth IRA. Thirty-two percent chose incorrectly and another 30 percent were just altogether unsure. "You can borrow for college, but not for your retirement," notes Frerichs. "As a rule of thumb, retirement savings should come first, however we often see Americans putting the priority on education expenses." Q: Is it better to get a large tax refund or have fewer taxes withheld from your paycheck throughout the year? A: It's better to have fewer taxes withheld. While getting a big refund check can feel great, this can be an expensive way to save – think about the lost interest throughout the year as well as what you could have done with extra money on each paycheck. While a majority (59 percent) of Americans say having fewer taxes withheld is the better choice to make more money in the long-term, there are still a significant number who don't. Even fewer Gen Y Americans (46 percent) say the same. Perhaps this is why 26 percent said the appropriate amount for emergency savings is much less than recommended (four to six months) or were unsure. "No matter how you choose to educate yourself about money matters or where you get your information, financial literacy is an important part of building a financially secure future," continues Frerichs. "Knowing the basics of how to prioritize your spending and savings can go a long way in achieving your short and long-term financial goals." To find out how you fare on a personal finance 101 quiz and for additional information, visit www.countryfinancialsecurityblog.com. The COUNTRY Financial Security Index® Since 2007, the COUNTRY Financial Security Index has measured Americans' sentiments of their personal financial security. The COUNTRY Index also delves deeper into individual personal finance topics to better inform Americans about the issues impacting their finances. Survey data, videos and analysis are available at www.countryfinancialsecurityblog.com and on Twitter at @FinanceSecure. The COUNTRY Index was created by COUNTRY Financial and is compiled by Rasmussen Reports, LLC, an independent research firm, based on a national telephone and online survey of at least 3,000 Americans. The margin of sampling error for a survey based on this many interviews is approximately +/- 2 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence. COUNTRY Financial (www.countryfinancial.com) serves about one million households and businesses throughout the United States. It offers a full range of financial products and services from auto, home and life insurance to retirement planning services, investment management and annuities. SOURCE COUNTRY Financial
At Riverview Junior School, creative development is a vital part of our learning journey. We believe that all children should be encouraged to explore and engage in all aspects of the curriculum, including the arts. This year will see brand new skills and techniques introduced to enhance our creative curriculum and engage children in art and design. From sketches to sculptures; collage to batik and so much more, children will experience a wealth of medias and develop skills in a safe and stimulating environment. Skills already vary from clay sculptures of Greek Pillars in Year 5, to Year 4 using Mod Roc to create Egyptian death masks and it will only continue to develop. As the learning journey develops, progression in art will focus on deepening understanding and refining techniques and skills. Children will be actively encouraged to explore various artists and artistic styles, evaluating their work to develop their critical thinking and celebrated in their successes and development of artistic techniques. Riverview Junior School aims to provide a safe and familiar environment where children are willing to take on new challenges and try new techniques. With regards to Art, we see mistakes as positives and an opportunity to reflect and deepen our skill. Also, this year we hope to introduce a film and media project to promote Art and how it can work alongside English to build essential skills and provide an engaging and enjoyable activity for children.
Liverpool, as a city, is master of reinventing itself. It re-uses parts of its landscape when priorities (and economics) change. The Pier Head area in general has seen many, many changes. The filling of the Pool, and the creation of the first wet dock, is perhaps the most significant. The road sign declaring George’s Dock Gates is another clue to these changes. The disappearing George’s Dock Gates Old Ordnance Survey maps (like the 1893 edition below) show a large open square area just to the river side of St Nicholas’s Church. This is labelled as George’s Dock Gates. It lay over the filled in form of George’s Dock Basin (which led into both George’s Dock and Prince’s Dock). The street sign is not attached to an old section of the wall of George’s Dock Basin, contrary to what some other websites will tell you. Rather, it refers to this area, which acted as a sort of entry way into the central dock system. George’s Dock still held water when the walls of the churchyard were erected. The George’s Dock Gates name was already in use. The name is marked on maps right through until the Three Graces replaced the dock basins behind the Pier Head. This map from the middle of the 20th Century still displays the name. For the city today, it’s a reminder that the busy dual carriageway area of the waterfront was once central to Liverpool’s central activity: trade and exchange.
The festival of Shavuot, which falls tomorrow evening, has special poignancy for the Jews of Iraq. On 1 and 2 June 1941, hundreds were murdered, mutilated or raped and property wrecked in a devastating Nazi pogrom. Abraham Miller explains why it is important to grasp that it was the terrible events of Shavuot 65 years ago, and not, as Arab apologists would have it, the creation of Israel, which sounded the death knell for 26 centuries of Jewish life in the Land of the Two Rivers. (With thanks: Joseph) Farhud is Arabic for “violent dispossession.” This is the word used to describe the pogrom of 1 June 1941 against the Jews of Baghdad. In its wake, the Farhud left some 200 dead, 2000 injured, and 900 Jewish homes destroyed. It was the beginning of the end of the Jewish community of Iraq, a community that existed for twenty-six centuries, preceded Islam by a thousand years, and once numbered over 125,000 souls. Today, there is not a single Jew left in Iraq. (At any rate, no more than a dozen - ed) Arab apologists trace the dismantling of the Jewish communities of the Arab world (Mizrachim) and of North Africa (Sephardim) to anti-Jewish sentiment growing out of the creation of Israel. Explicit in this is the imposition of collective responsibility, as if the Jews of the Arab world and North Africa were directly responsible for whatever Israeli Jews did or did not do. Although the Arab and Muslim communities in America and West understandably have gone to great lengths to publicly cry, “foul” or “racial profiling,” when the events of 09/11 are linked to them or their religion, they are unhesitant and shameless in their invocation of collective responsibility when applied to Jews. Writing in the interfaith newsletter here in Contra Costa County, Dr. Amir Araim, the Imam of Concord, California and himself an Iraqi who represented Saddam Hussein’s regime to the United Nations, directly links the dismantling of the Jewish community of Iraq to the controversial events of Deir Yassin in the Arab/Israeli war of 1948. Among the many problems with this woefully unhistorical analysis, is that the Farhud occurred long before there was an Israel or even a single Palestinian refugee. The Farhud began at 3:00 PM on 1 June 1941, the Jewish holy day of Shavuot. The violence began when a pro-Nazi mob attacked representatives of the Jewish community as they crossed Baghdad’s Al Khurr Bridge to greet the returning Iraqi Regent Abdul-al Ilah. The mob then murdered, burned and raped its way through the Jewish community. Jewish infants were special targets, killed as helpless parents looked on. The superintendent of police refused to stop the riots because he did not want to kill or injure Muslims to save Jews. The Farhud is doubly embarrassing for Arab apologists. First, it resurrects the problem of the nearly one million Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. They received no recognition from the United Nations and no assistance outside of the Jewish community and the State of Israel. Instead of languishing for four generations in refugee camps, as have Palestinian refugees, within a few years, they became both contributing members and citizens of Israel and Western societies. Second, the Farhud was a Nazi riot, and it is embarrassing because while Arab propagandists routinely use “Jew” and “Nazi” in the same breath, Nazism is in reality very much part of Arab political culture. Ba’ath socialists of Iraq and Syria, for example, draw their inspiration from Nazism. This further belies the Arab claim that antisemitism is exclusively a Western and not a Middle Eastern phenomenon. The Farhud was the result of the work of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el Husseini. The Mufti cut a deal with the Nazis to overthrow the British-sponsored government of Iraq and provide Hitler with Iraqi oil vital to Germany’s war efforts. In return, the Nazis would eliminate the “Jewish problem” in Mandate Palestine. In October of 1939, the Mufti came to Iraq to precipitate a coup that was to be led by Iraqi officers who embraced Nazism and were known as the “Golden Square.” As a unifying inspiration for the coup, the Mufti invoked Nazi propaganda themes of antisemitism focusing on the Jews as “enemies of the state.” The coup failed. The Mufti fled Iraq to Berlin and the hospitality of SS Chief Henrich Himmler and later Hitler himself. Although the Nazis held the Arabs in only slightly higher esteem than they held Jews, the Nazis saw the Mufti as a useful ally against the British, and his antisemitic propaganda broadcasts in Arabic from Berlin further served mutual purposes. The Mufti’s legacy of antisemitism became part of Iraqi culture. In 1947 when the United Nations took up the question of the Palestine Mandate, Iraqis organized new pogroms and used Nazi confiscation techniques to seize Jewish property. On 23 September 1948, Safiq Ades, Iraq’s wealthiest Jew was publicly hanged on phony charges and his property seized. His body swung in the public square in Basara, where celebrant Iraqis mutilated it. A month later, all of Iraq’s Jews employed in the civil service were summarily fired. Iraq then set about systematically seizing Jewish assets and impoverishing its Jews. With a degree of almost unmatched cynicism, the Iraqi political oligarchy profited from requiring the use of its travel agents for Iraqi Jews to flee to Israel. All the while, Iraq saw the imposition of 15,000 penniless Jews a month on the newly created Jewish state as a mechanism to defeat Israel by precipitating a major economic crisis. Indeed, Israel accepted these Jews at a time when there were not even enough tents or refugee camps to house them. Iraqi Jews went to Israel and lived in refugee camps. So little is known about the plight of the Mizrachi and Sephardic Jewish refugees that even informed Jews are dumbfounded upon learning this. Yet, within a space of a few years, these refugees were absorbed into Israeli society and not left, as the Arabs have left the Palestinians, to languish for generation after generation in camps, in poverty, and without hope. Slowly but inevitably the truth about the one million Jewish refugees from Arab lands is coming to light. Remembering the Farhud is part of restoring the history of an oppressed and forgotten people, whose suffering and persecution have been far and away too long ignored. Arabs and Muslims must ultimately take responsibility for the antisemitism of their world, a racism that resulted in Arab Jews becoming the largest ethnic group in Israel. Abraham H. Miller is emeritus professor of political science, University of Cincinnati. Read article in full Also published here
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of two people/parties involved in negotiation process. Negotiation is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. Negotiation is intended to aim at compromise. - Senator Obama is trying to make this into a debate between his reasonable willingness to talk with adversaries on the one hand, and the approach of Senator McCain or the Bush administration on the other being a bunch of unilateralist cowboys who never talk to anybody. That’s not the dispute at all. Every negotiation is an individual decision, whether it’s in our interest to talk or not to talk. And, I think, here’s the key point: Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique. It's something you use when it's to your advantage, and something that you don't use when it's not to your advantage. - The best move you can make in negotiation is to think of an incentive the other person hasn't even thought of - and then meet it. - Eli Broad cited in: Mike Boehm (May 04, 2012) "Eli Broad offers life lessons in 'The Art of Being Unreasonable'." Los Angeles Times - My father said, 'You must never try to make all the money that's in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a reputation for always making all the money, you won't have many deals'. - J. Paul Getty cited in: Alison Branagan (2009) Making Sense of Business: A No-Nonsense Guide to Business Skills. p. 136 - Roger Smith: The basic rule of negotiating is to consider and respect the other person's feelings. - Keiichi Hasegawa, The Big O, Missing Cat - In business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. - Chester L. Karrass (1994) Negotiating Game Rev; cited in: Scott Gabehart (1997) The Upstart Guide to Buying, Valuing, and Selling Your Business. p. 143 - The political disposition of peoples should rest upon their own wishes, freely expressed in plebiscites or free elections. If there are legal problems, they can be solved by legal means. If there is a threat of force, it must be rejected. If there is desire for change, it must be a subject for negotiation, and if there is negotiation, it must be rooted in mutual respect and concern for the rights of others. - No one should be under the illusion that negotiations for the sake of negotiations always advance the cause of peace. If for lack of preparation they break up in bitterness, the prospects of peace have been endangered. If they are made a forum for propaganda or a cover for aggression, the processes of peace have been abused. But it is a test of our national maturity to accept the fact that negotiations are not a contest spelling victory or defeat. They may succeed--they may fail. They are likely to be successful only if both sides reach an agreement which both regard as preferable to the status quo--an agreement in which each side can consider its own situation to be improved. And this is most difficult to obtain. But, while we shall negotiate freely, we shall not negotiate freedom. Our answer to the classic question of Patrick Henry is still no-life is not so dear, and peace is not so precious, "as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery." And that is our answer even though, for the first time since the ancient battles between Greek city-states, war entails the threat of total annihilation, of everything we know, of society itself. For to save mankind's future freedom, we must face up to any risk that is necessary. We will always seek peace--but we will never surrender. - John F. Kennedy Address at the University of Washington. 16 November 1961 - In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct action. - If I should ever be captured, I want no negotiation - and if I should request a negotiation from captivity they should consider that a sign of duress. - Henry A. Kissinger (1985) U.S. News and World Report October 7, 1985: Cited in: Jay M. Shafritz (1990) Words on war: military quotations from ancient times to the present. p. 199 - Roger Smith: A negotiator only uses force as a last resort. - Chiaki Konaka, The Big O The Greatest Villain - Anger can be an effective negotiating tool, but only as a calculated act, never as a reaction. - Mark McCormack (1984) What They Don 't Teach You at Harvard Business School; cited in: Ronnie Lessem (1989) Global management principles. p. 136 - It is always amazing to see how wide a spectrum of results can be obtained from replicating an identical negotiation with different principal actors; it makes no difference whether there subjects are inexperienced or whether they are senior executives and young presidents of business firms. That is an important lesson to be learned here. - Howard Raiffa (1982) The Art and Science of Negotiation. Part II, Chapter 7, Acquisitions and Mergers, p. 94 - The need is not for the creation of new analytical techniques specially designed for the negotiation process, but rather for the creative use of analytical thinking that exploits existing techniques. - Howard Raiffa (1982) The Art and Science of Negotiation. Epilogue, p. 360 - A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. - Henry David Thoreau (1854) Walden. Chapter 2; Cited in: Warren W. Wiersbe (2007) The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: The Complete Old Testament. p. 666 - The single and most dangerous word to be spoken in business is no. The second most dangerous word is yes. It is possible to avoid saying either. - Lois Wyse (1987) Company Manners; cited in: QFinance: The Ultimate Resource (2009). p. 1809
In the U.S. government, Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution gives the president the power to veto any bill passed by Congress. The president's veto power is limited it may not be used to oppose constitutional amendments, and it may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. In practice, the veto is used rarely by the president (although Franklin D. Roosevelt vetoed over 600 bills), and a bill once vetoed is rarely reapproved in the same form by Congress. The pocket veto is based on the constitutional provision that a bill fails to go into operation if it is unsigned by the president and Congress goes out of session within ten days of its passage the president may effectively veto such a bill by ignoring it. The British crown's technical veto power over acts of Parliament has not been exercised since 1707. American states have generally given their governors veto power similar to that of the president. In addition, more than 40 states have legislated a line-item veto, which, in varying terms, allows the governor to veto particular provisions of taxing and spending bills. In 1996, Congress passed a law that gave the president a limited ability to kill items in similar federal bills, but it was ruled unconstitutional in 1998. The second type of veto, by one member of a coalition, has been seen frequently as exercised by one or another member of the United Nations Security Council its use within the European Union is under debate. See more Encyclopedia articles on: Political Science: Terms and Concepts Browse by Subject - Earth and the Environment +- - History +- - Literature and the Arts +- - Medicine +- - People +- - Philosophy and Religion +- - Places +- - Australia and Oceania - Britain, Ireland, France, and the Low Countries - Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic Nations - Germany, Scandinavia, and Central Europe - Latin America and the Caribbean - Oceans, Continents, and Polar Regions - Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and the Balkans - United States, Canada, and Greenland - Plants and Animals +- - Science and Technology +- - Social Sciences and the Law +- - Sports and Everyday Life +-