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Conspirator of USS Cole attack freed from prison | 83,445 | [
"October 27, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Conspirator_of_USS_Cole_attack_freed_from_prison | [
"Jamal al-Bedawi, one of the planners of the USS Cole bombing in 2000 that killed 17 American Navy personnel and injured 39 others in Yemen, has been freed from a prison in Sanaá, the capital of Yemen after he \"pleaded allegiance\" to the president of the country, and will be kept under house arrest with extreme security.",
"Al-Bedawi, who was serving a death sentence for his role in the attack, escaped from a Yemeni prison in February of 2006 along with another plotter of the attack, Fawaz al-Rabeiee, who has yet to be captured. Al-Bedawi turned himself in to authorities just over two weeks ago. 21 other militants, 13 of which who were members of al-Qaeda, also escaped from the prison.",
"United States officials have described the move as \"disappointing.\" \"This action is inconsistent with a deepening of our bilateral counter-terrorism co-operation. We have communicated our displeasure to Yemeni officials,\" said a U.S. National Security Council spokesman.",
"There has been no official information has yet to be released to the press about the decision or the conditions of al-Bedawi's release.",
"Yemen denied on Sunday media reports that a man convicted over the al Qaeda bombing of the U.S. Navy ship Cole in 2000 had been set free."
] | 2007-10-27 | title |
מתכנן ההתקפה על המשחתת האמריקאית 'קול' - שוחרר | 83,445 | [
"October 27, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/%D7%9E%D7%AA%D7%9B%D7%A0%D7%9F_%D7%94%D7%94%D7%AA%D7%A7%D7%A4%D7%94_%D7%A2%D7%9C_%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%97%D7%AA%D7%AA_%D7%94%D7%90%D7%9E%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%A7%D7%90%D7%99%D7%AA_%27%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%9C%27_-_%D7%A9%D7%95%D7%97%D7%A8%D7%A8 | [
"ג'מאל אלבדאווי, אחד ממתכנני הפצצת המשחתת האמריקאית יו.אס.אס קול בשנת 2000, שהותירה שבעה-עשר אנשי צי אמריקאים הרוגים ופצעה 39 אחרים בתימן, השתחרר היום מבית הסוהר בצנעא לאחר שהוא \"נשבע אמונים\" לנשיא המדינה, ויישאר תחת מעצר בית באבטחה מרבית.",
"אלבדאווי, שהמתין לביצוע עונש מוות שנגזר עליו בשל תפקידו בהתקפה, נמלט מבית הסהור התימני בפברואר 2006 בצוותא עם מתכנן נוסף של המתקפה, פואז יחיא א-רביעי, שלא נלכד עד כה. אלבדאווי הסגיר את עצמו לרשויות אך לפני מעט יותר משבועיים ימים. עשרים ואחד אנשי-מיליציה, בהם שלושה-עשר חברי אל-קאעידה, נמלטו אף הם מן הכלא באותו המועד.",
"גורמים רשמיים בארצות הברית תיארו את המהלך כ\"מאכזב\". \"פעולה זו אינה תואמת את העמקת שיתוף-הפעולה האנטי-טרוריסטי בין שתי המדינות. מסרנו את דבר אי שביעות רצוננו לגורמים הרשמיים בתימן\", אמר דובר מטעם המועצה לבטחון לאומי של ארצות הברית.",
"כל הודעה רשמית בדבר פרטי ההחלטה או תנאי שחרורו של אלבדאווי - לא נמסרה עד מועד פרסום הידיעה."
] | 27 באוקטובר 2007 | interlang link |
Contaminated baby's milk induces wave of child illness in China | 113,482 | [
"September 22, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Contaminated_baby%27s_milk_induces_wave_of_child_illness_in_China | [
"Almost 13,000 children in China have fallen sick in a wave of sickness caused by baby's milk contaminated with melamine, a banned chemical which can cause kidney stones, irritation, and ulcers. Most of the sickened children are infants two years or younger, and four children have died from the chemical so far.",
"The Chinese Health Ministry has stated that most of the tainted milk was produced by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co.'s infant milk powder and have pulled several dairy products off the shelves of Chinese stores. Sanlu, Mengniu and Yili were among the largest brands recalled, and have been attempting to repair their damaged public image. Yili announced that it would be reviewing its manufacturing process and making necessary safety changes. Yang Wenjun, president of Mengniu, apologized for the contamination and promised to make changes as well. Sanlu, meanwhile, has stopped production and is checking all products.",
"The Ministry is conducting an investigation into why the number of illnesses doubled Saturday. Ten percent of yogurt, milk and ice cream is also contaminated, however adults will not be affected if they drink less than two litres a day of the contaminated products.",
"Melamine is an industrial byproduct, infamous for poisoning thousands of pets in the United States in 2007. Investigators believe it was used by desperate dairy companies to disguise diluted milk in dairy products in order to pass quality tests and make higher profits."
] | 2008-09-22 | title |
Cina: circa 13 000 bambini ricoverati in ospedale, causa latte contaminato | 113,482 | [
"September 22, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Cina:_circa_13_000_bambini_ricoverati_in_ospedale,_causa_latte_contaminato | [
"È di circa 13.000 il numero dei bambini cinesi ancora ricoverati per aver ingerito latte concentrato, contaminato da una sostanza tossica, la melammina, utilizzata per la fabbricazione di colle e materie plastiche.",
"Sempre in Cina, 4 bambini in età neonatale, sono morti a causa di questa contaminazione. Anche ad Hong Kong sono state fatte analisi su alcuni campioni di latte ed è stata riscontrata la presenza della sostanza incriminata.",
"Fino ad ora, da quanto ci è dato sapere, i controlli sul latte effettuati in Europa hanno dato esito negativo. Le multinazionali del latte cominciano ad emettere comunicati per dissipare eventuali dubbi sulle loro responsabilità.",
"In totale i bambini curati per questa intossicazione sono stati, fino ad ora, 53 000. Ne restano in ospedale ancora circa 13 000 dei quali un centinaio in condizioni gravi."
] | lunedì 22 settembre 2008 | interlang link |
多國禁止中國乳品入口 | 113,482 | [
"September 22, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%A4%9A%E5%9C%8B%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B%E4%B9%B3%E5%93%81%E5%85%A5%E5%8F%A3 | [
"新加坡農糧局驗出中國生產的「子母牌」(Dutch Lady)草莓口味牛奶亦含有三聚氰胺成份。但中國境外生產的「子母牌」則不受影響。新加坡當局己下令全面回收有關產品,而在有關問題乳品的調查還未結束前,一律禁止所有中國的牛奶及奶制產品入口,至於已入口的中國奶品,則需要回收並進行銷毀。又呼籲己購買有關產品的人停止食用。",
] | 【2008年9月21日讯】 | interlang link |
Convicted double murderer executed by electric chair in Tennessee, US | 2,854,978 | [
"Human rights",
"November 4, 2018",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Convicted_double_murderer_executed_by_electric_chair_in_Tennessee,_US | [
"At 7:26 p.m. local time on Thursday, the state of Tennessee, United States executed Edmund Zagorski. Zagorski had been convicted of killing two people in 1983. Mere minutes before his execution, the United States Supreme Court declined to hear his case.",
"Zagorski asked for execution by electric chair instead of lethal injection, which made his case unusual. Tennessee had last used the electric chair method for the 2007 execution of Daryl Holton.",
"\"Faced with the choice of two unconstitutional methods of execution, Mr. Zagorski has indicated that if his execution is to move forward, he believes that the electric chair is the lesser of two evils,\" his legal counsel, Kelley Henry, said prior to the execution. Zargorski was convicted of luring two people into the woods and shooting them and slitting their throats under pretense of selling marijuana to them.",
"With Zagorski, Tennessee has executed 134 people since 1916; two this year, following Billy Ray Irick."
] | 2018-11-04 | title |
VS: voor het eerst sinds jaren weer executie met elektrische stoel | 2,854,978 | [
"Human rights",
"November 4, 2018",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/VS:_voor_het_eerst_sinds_jaren_weer_executie_met_elektrische_stoel | [
"Gisteren is in de Verenigde Staten voor het eerst in bijna zes jaar weer een doodvonnis door middel van de elektrische stoel voltrokken. Dit gebeurde in de RMSI (en)-gevangenis in Nashville (Tennessee). De geëxecuteerde, de 63-jarige Edmund Zagorski (en) uit Michigan, was in 1984 al ter dood veroordeeld vanwege een dubbele moord, maar zijn executie werd steeds weer uitgesteld. Het gerechtshof verwierp op de valreep zijn verzoek om gratie.",
"Hij koos zelf voor de elektrische stoel, omdat hij zeker wilde zijn van een pijnloze dood. Executies door middel van een dodelijke injectie zijn namelijk met name de laatste jaren geregeld misgegaan. Zagorski's laatste woorden zouden Let's rock zijn geweest.",
"In Tennessee zelf dateerde de vorige executie door middel van de elektrische stoel uit 2007, dus elf jaar geleden. Tevens zijn dit in de betreffende staat de enige twee executies door middel van de elektrische stoel die zijn verricht in bijna zestig jaar."
] | 2 november 2018 | interlang link |
Coordinated terrorist attack hits London | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Coordinated_terrorist_attack_hits_London | [
"Three bomb explosions have hit London Underground trains, and a further bomb destroyed a bus in the city centre. The Metropolitan Police Service has initially confirmed that 33 people have been killed in the four explosions on London's transport system this morning, and said the overall number of wounded was as high as 700, in what are believed to be terrorist attacks. (See later reports in the box at the side for later announcements made on following days.)",
"The first reports were of an explosion at 08:49 BST (UTC+1) on the Hammersmith & City Line between Liverpool Street station and Aldgate East. Explosions also occurred on a train between King's Cross and Russell Square and another at Edgware Road. The explosions are currently being reported, and described by Prime Minister Tony Blair, as being \"terrorist attacks.\" Traces of explosives were found at two of the sites according to the BBC.",
"Scotland Yard has confirmed one explosion onboard a double decker red London bus travelling south outside the British Medical Association on Tavistock Square. Police cannot confirm whether this bomb was intended for another train and accidentally detonated aboard the bus instead.",
"Pundits are speculating the attack was co-ordinated by al-Qaeda. Dr. Shane Brighton, an intelligence expert at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence, claims that, \"If what we are looking at is a simultaneous bombing — and it does look like that — it would very certainly fit the classic al Qaeda methodology.\" Two militant Islamist groups are reported to have claimed responsibility for the blasts.",
"In a special news conference at 15:30 BST, July 7, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick of the Metropolitan Police confirmed 33 fatalities so far, 45 critical/serious injuries and approximately 300 minor injuries.",
"At 08:51 BST a bomb exploded on a Circle Line Underground train 91 metres/100 yards into the tunnel from Liverpool Street. Seven are known to be dead.",
"At 08:56 BST a bomb detonated on a Piccadilly Line train between King's Cross and Russell Square. Twenty-one are dead; it is believed more bodies remain in the tunnel, which is one of the deepest on the Underground network.",
"At 09:17 BST a bomb exploded on another Circle Line train between Edgware Road Station and Paddington. The blast blew a hole in a wall, and another train was hit by debris from it. A third train is also involved. Five are known to be dead.",
"At 09:47 BST a No. 30 bus (Hackney - Marble Arch) blew up at the junction between Tavistock Square and Woburn Place outside the BMA building. It has been estimated that thirteen people died.",
"Earlier, quoting the Associated Press, Yahoo News had reported \"at least 40 people were killed and more than 350 wounded\". Also, the same report says \"two U.S. law enforcement officials said at least 40 people were killed\".",
"Several hotlines have been set up for those concerned about friends or relatives. A list of these numbers are below. The agencies setting up these hotlines stress that callers should try to reach their friends or relatives first before contacting the hotline. In addition, to prevent swamping, they also have asked that only genuine callers use the hotlines.",
"The first reports that came in were from London's Liverpool Street station talking of an explosion on the Metropolitan Underground line and the station being evacuated. Later a BBC and a Wikinews reporter spoke of a bus being destroyed by a bomb blast in Tavistock Square outside the British Medical Association offices.",
"The initial reports of explosions were believed to have been the result of power surges. This was because the first indication of any disturbance was the opening of circuit breakers in the Underground, which was observed in the control room. This is usually due to a power surge, but in this case the actual cause was damage to the track circuits by bombs.",
"At approximately 10:50 BST reports were made that there was an additional, as yet unidentified explosion along Houndsditch, near Liverpool Street Station. Police were also warning pedestrians at Russell Square that a series of controlled explosions would be made shortly.",
"BBC News 24 has reported additional unspecified incidents at Brighton, Luton, and Swindon. These stations have been closed and there has been no official confirmation of the nature of the incidents, if any actually occurred.",
"The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair told London Live that there have been \"events\" at Edgware Road, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East and Moorgate.",
"At 11:30 BST (UTC+1) St. Mary's Hospital released a statement that they have admitted 4 critical, 8 severe and several minor injures. Injuries are limb damage, cuts, burns, head injuries and chest problems.",
"The exact causes of the explosions are still unknown. Initially, it was thought that it was some technical fault. However, the police later suspected terrorist attacks. Police are still unsure if the bombs were simply left in packages or whether there were some sort of suicide attacks.",
"According to the Associated Press, a senior Israeli official said Scotland Yard told Israel minutes before the explosions that it had received warnings of possible \"terror attacks\". Sky News says this has been denied by Scotland Yard. Sir Ian during his interview with Sky stated that there had been no specific intelligence.",
"German news magazine Der Spiegel (as well as unconfirmed information from CIA) has reported that a letter from an organization calling itself \"Secret organization - Al Qaeda in Europe\" has appeared, claiming responsibility for the bombings. See our related story for more details.",
"A broadcast interruption on MTV Thursday at 16:00 UTC said a group naming itself \"Al Jihad Network in Europe\" claimed responsibility for the bombings.",
"A police spokeswoman has confirmed two deaths at Aldgate station. Television and radio reports are now saying there have been four separate incidents with up to 150 casualties, speculating that the blasts may be related to terrorist activity.",
"The Associated Press is reporting that a US law enforcement official has put the toll at 40 killed.",
"Emergency Services press conference at around 15:15 BST (UTC+1) confirms at least 33 fatalities, not including those resulting from the incident on the number 30 bus.",
"The CBC reports at least 52 fatalities, including 17 from the incident on the number 30 bus according to media reports.",
"It has been reported that in the early stages of the attack, information was only distributed to civilians within the center of London, and authorities had a specific policy of not providing information to the global media, in case any information provided to the media could be used by additional terrorists to target vulnerable locations during an evacuation procedure. This was probably partly to blame for the early confusion amongst the media.",
"Emergency services are also attending King's Cross and Liverpool Street Station.",
"The entire tube network and all buses within zone 1 have been suspended and many buses are now being used to ferry the 'walking wounded' to the hospitals. The underground will be closed for an indefinite period of time, but according to Fox News Channel United States, the closure will last at least for all of today.",
"All emergency services are responding en-masse to a \"major incident\" and are responding only to life-threatening emergency calls. Patients are being turned away at hospitals to free room for those injured by the attacks.\t",
"The London Congestion Charge has been suspended for the 7th and 8th of July.",
"The Jerusalem Post reports that the Army was dispatched to seal off the Israeli Embassy as Israel's Finance Minister is present for a conference. The army have reportedly been involved with rescues at Covent Garden. Police have denied this report (originally made on Sky News).",
"The police have cordoned off roads around Upper Woburn Place following a massive explosion on a bus in the vicinity. Traffic is at a standstill in many places in the capital. Defra's security branch are reporting that police are advising everyone in London not to use any public transport and the Cabinet Office are advising staff to remain in offices until further notice. A further email sent to all staff by Defra's permanent secretary indicates that Charing Cross and Waterloo mainline railway stations have been closed down for police searches, and that other stations could close for similar reasons later today.",
"As at 09.30 BST, Kings Cross Thameslink was experiencing delays and overcrowding but no serious difficulties.",
"Businesses have been hit by the uncertainty of the events – the FTSE had fallen almost 3.5% by 11.47UTC ([1]), but started to recover a little by early afternoon. The value of the pound has dipped, and the London crude oil price has dropped. International markets are also suffering, with falls in share indexes felt as far as South Africa. See our related story for more details.",
"According to Fox News Channel United States, all London schools are in lockdown and students are being kept in schools.",
"The Authorities are asking people in London to stay where they are, indoors if possible. Take inside any bins or bags of rubbish they have left out for collection, providing they check their contents first. Arrangements are also being made for when schools finish as schools have been asked to keep pupils safe inside until the usual school closing time.",
"The UK Highways Agency has stated that at the request of the police, the message \"Avoid London - Turn on Radio\" is being displayed on electronic motorway message signs on the M25 and other major routes approaching London.",
"The US Homeland Security Department asked authorities in major cities for heightened vigilance of major transportation systems. Department spokesman Roehrkasse indicated that the department had not received any indications of plans that this type of attack is planned in the United States. Later, the department raised the terror alert level to orange. See our related story for more details.",
"A joint statement of the G8 leaders was made by Tony Blair at a press conference, also attended by US President George Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin. See our related story for more details.",
"The Queen and many other world leaders have also issued statements. See our related story for more details.",
"Mayor Ken Livingstone's full statement on the London bombings 07-07-2005:"
] | 2005-07-07 | title |
Terroranschläge in London | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Terroranschl%C3%A4ge_in_London | [
"London (Vereinigtes Königreich) / Berlin (Deutschland), 07.07.2005 – Um 09:51 Uhr MESZ (08:51 Uhr Ortszeit London) ereigneten sich in London vier koordinierte terroristische Anschläge auf einen Doppeldeckerbus und U-Bahnen.",
"Die Informationen drangen nur schwer nach außen, weshalb die gemeldete Zahl der Toten und Verletzen stark schwankte. Bis jetzt steht die Zahl der Opfer noch nicht fest. Fast alle öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel wurden lahm gelegt. In einer Presseerklärung hatte Tony Blair offiziell bestätigt, dass die britische Regierung von Terroranschlägen ausgeht. Er verließ wegen der Anschläge vorübergehend das G8-Treffen im schottischen Gleneagles, um sich in London über die Situation zu informieren. Die Gipfelgespräche werden heute jedoch fortgesetzt.",
"Es wurden vier Explosionen bestätigt, die praktisch gleichzeitig in der Londoner Innenstadt stattfanden, davon eine in einem Doppeldecker-Bus am Tavistock Square, nahe dem Russell Square, drei weitere in U-Bahnzügen. Betroffen waren ein U-Bahnzug von Aldgate East nach Station Liverpool Street, ein Zug bei der Station Edgware in Richtung Paddington und ein Zug der Piccadilly Linie von Russell Square nach King's Cross Station, wie die BBC und die London City Police am Nachmittag meldeten. Es gab Verletzte und Tote: Ein Arzt sprach anfangs von ca. 90 Opfern in der U-Bahn Station Aldgate; ein anonymer Beamter des Justiz-Ministeriums in den USA sprach von 40 Todesopfern; Sky News sprach von bis zu 1.000 Verletzten und 45 Toten; offiziell bestätigt sind am Donnerstag von der Polizei über 38 Todesopfer sowie über 700 Verletzte, etwa 150 von ihnen schwer. Die Krankenhäuser befürchten, dass die Zahlen der Toten in den nächsten Tagen noch weiter nach oben korrigiert werden müssen. Laut Sky News soll es sich bei einem Anschlag um ein Selbstmordattentat handeln. Bei einem Bus wurden Sprengstoffspuren gefunden; auch die Verletzungen der Opfer deuten auf Sprengstoff hin.",
"Das öffentliche Verkehrs- und Transportwesen war am Donnerstag komplett zusammengebrochen. Behörden und Sicherheitsdienste hatten nach eigenen Angaben die Lage nach einiger Zeit wieder im Griff. Hunderte bis tausende Personen steckten stundenlang in den U-Bahnen fest. Die Schächte sind sehr eng, sodass eine Flucht aus den Waggons nur aus dem ersten und letzten Wagen möglich ist. Der Bus-Betrieb wurde auch in Überlandlinien eingestellt. Viele Bahnhöfe wurden geschlossen, dabei die größten in London sowie auch Bahnhöfe außerhalb Londons. Inzwischen fahren die meisten Eisenbahnen wieder, um die Pendler nach Hause zu bringen. Allerdings (und verständlicherweise) sind die Züge recht leer.",
"Zuerst wurde ein Terroranschlag behördlicherseits kategorisch ausgeschlossen und als Ursache ein Fehler im Elektrizitätsnetz der U-Bahn oder der Zusammenstoß von zwei Zügen angegeben. Scotland Yard bestätigte jedoch kurz danach, dass in einer U-Bahn mindestens eine Bombe gefunden worden sei. Die britische Regierung bestätigte, dass es sich um Terroranschläge handelt. Laut SPIEGEL ONLINE liegt ein Bekennerschreiben (deutsche Übersetzung) der Terrororganisation Al-Qaida vor, in dem auch „die Regierungen Dänemarks und Italiens und alle weiteren Kreuzritter-Regierungen“ gewarnt werden. Schon BBC berichtete von Bekennerschreiben auf Al-Qaida-nahestehenden Webseiten. An der Echtheit dieses Schreibens bestehen allerdings Zweifel. Es wurde bisher auch noch nichts offiziell bestätigt.",
"Von der Polizei sind 700 Verletzte und 38 Todesopfer bestätigt worden, davon 21 Tote in Liverpool Street, sieben in der Moorgate Station, sieben in der Edgware Road, zwei in einem Bus am Tavistock Square und eine Person starb an den Folgen der Verletzungen im Krankenhaus."
] | null | interlang link |
Londres es víctima de un atentado terrorista múltiple | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Londres_es_v%C3%ADctima_de_un_atentado_terrorista_m%C3%BAltiple | [
"Una cadena de atentados ha sacudido la mañana del jueves los transportes públicos de Londres. El primer ministro, Tony Blair, ha confirmado desde la cumbre del G-8 la autoría criminal de las seis explosiones en el metro y otra más en un autobús de dos pisos. Todas ellas se han producido de forma casi simultánea, en la hora punta, en el distrito financiero de la ciudad. Las autoridades han indicado que hay varios fallecidos. El caos ha comenzado puntualmente a las 9.49 horas de la mañana. Una explosión ha sacudido la estación de Liverpool Street. Se pensó en un problema eléctrico (el suburbano de Londres no se distingue precisamente por la excelencia de sus instalaciones) o del choque entre dos tres. Pero pronto se escucharon más estallidos: primero en Edgware Road, luego en King's Cross, Russell Square, Aldgate y Moorgate.",
"El temor a que fuera un atentado coordinado cobró más fuerza al saber que también un autobús de dos pisos que circulaba por Tavistock Place había saltado por los aires. Casi todos estos puntos están en la zona financiera, la city.",
"La cifra de víctimas es todavía muy confusa. La policía ha confirmado 37 muertos y 45 heridos graves.",
"La edición electrónica del alemán Der Spiegel señala que una página web islamista ha publicado un comunicado que reinvindica los atentados en nombre de Al Qaeda: \"Alegraos, comunidad de los musulmanes\", empieza la misiva reproducida por dicho diario que continúa señalando que la acción terrorista es una respuesta a la implicación militar del Reino Unido en Irak y Afganistán.",
"El Gobierno aconseja que no se viaje a la ciudad si no es estrictamente necesario. De hecho, las líneas de trenes y autobuses que llegan a la ciudad han quedado también cerradas, según la BBC.",
"El Gobierno español emite un comunicado de condena del \"repugnante\" atentado, expresando \"su ayuda incondicional y su pleno apoyo\", al tiempo que envía sus \"más sentidas condolencias a las familias de las víctimas\". El ministro del Interior, José Antonio Alonso, anuncia una reunión con la cúpula de su departamento para analizar los atentados de Londres",
"Esta cadena de atentados se produce un día después de que Londres fuera elegida sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2012 y coincide con la celebración en la localidad escocesa de Gleneagles de la cumbre del G-8. Desde allí, Blair ha dicho que \"está claro que Londres ha sufrido un ataque terrorista\". El primer ministro, que se va a desplazar por unas horas a la capital para conocer la situación sobre el terreno, ha señalado que el ataque es \"especialmente salvaje en el día que se trata de atajar la pobreza en África\".",
"\"Es importante que los terroristas se percaten de nuestra determinación de defender nuestros valores y nuestro modo de vida. No conseguirán nunca destruir lo que valoramos en este país\", ha dicho el premier británico."
] | 7 de julio de 2005 | interlang link |
Les transports londoniens touchés par des attentats | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Les_transports_londoniens_touch%C3%A9s_par_des_attentats | [
"Les explosions ont frappé des bus et le métro londonien. Le dernier bilan de Scotland Yard fait état de 49 morts et de nombreux blessés ; les services d'ambulances ont donné un chiffre de 345 blessés, dont 45 graves, Nicolas Sarkozy déclarait à 20:20 (18:20 UTC) qu'il y avait au moins « 50 morts et 50 bléssés graves, dont deux Françaises », tout en soulignant qu'il s'agissait de chiffres provisoires.",
"Les stations concernées sont Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street, et Russell Square.",
"La première explosion a eu lieu à 8 heures 49 heure locale à la station métropolitaine de Liverpool Street. La cause en est encore officiellement inconnnue, mais la piste terroriste est privilégiée.",
"Scotland Yard a confirmé trois explosions sur des bus, l'une près de Russell Square et une autre près de Tavistock Square. L'explosion de Russell Square aurait eu lieu à bord d'un bus touristique.",
"Les premiers bulletins d'informations viennent de la BBC et d'un reporter de Wikinews qui se trouvait sur les lieux de la destruction d'un bus à Tavistock Square, devant les locaux de la British Medical Association. La police a confirmé deux morts. Un bulletin de LBC News rapporte que le bus était le numéro 205 sur la ligne Euston - Russel Square.",
"L'Associated Press et l'Agence France Presse signalent un « autre incident à Egware Road Station » et un autre « incident sérieux » à Aldgate Street. Un porte-parole de la Police a mentionné « de nombreux blessés » à Aldgate. BBC News 24, quant à elle, parle de « deux morts à Algate ».",
"Vers 10 heures 50 (heure locale), des bulletins faisaient état d'une autre explosion près de Houndstitch et de la station de Liverpool Street. La police a prévenu les passants sur Russel Square qu'une série d'explosions contrôlées pourrait avoir lieu sous peu.",
"Des bulletins supplémentaires indiquent des incidents de nature non spécifiée à Brighton, Luton, et Swindon. Ces stations ont été fermées et aucune confirmation officielle sur ces incidents n'a été émise.",
"Le commissaire de la police métropolitainte, sir Ian Blair, a déclaré à London Live que « des événements » avaient eu lieu à Edgware Road, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East et Moorgate.",
"À 11 heures 30, l'hôpital de St Mary a émis une dépêche selon laquelle 4 patients ont été admis dans un état critique, 8 dans un état sévère et plusieurs autres avec des blessures légères. Les blessures semblent être des lésions aux membres, des brûlures, coupures, blessures à la tête et problèmes cardio-respiratoires.",
"À 13h00, les télévisions britanniques affirment qu'il y aurait eu 7 explosions dans la ville, 3 dans le métro et 4 dans des bus.",
"L'armée républicaine irlandaise (IRA) nie toute implication dans ces attentats.",
"À 13h58, selon la télévision américaine CNN, on compte dix morts dans la seule station de métro King's Cross, dans le centre de Londres.",
"À 15h32 : selon la chaîne Sky TV, les attentats de Londres ont fait au moins 45 morts et un millier de blessés.",
"À 18h38, c'est un « jour très triste pour le peuple britannique », a déclaré le premier ministre britannique à Downing street, « mais nous resterons fidèles au mode de vie britannique ». Il a dit savoir que les auteurs des attentats « agissent au nom de l'islam ». « L'action la plus intense de la police et des services de sécurité » sera prise pour « s'assurer que les responsables seront traduits en justice », a déclaré M. Blair.",
"À 18h09 : Le drapeau britannique a été placé en berne à Buckingham Palace, à la demande de la reine Elizabeth II, en marque de respect pour les morts et blessés.",
"À 13h34 : Selon l'agence italienne Ansa repris par l'AFP, le « Groupe secret du djihad d'Al Qaida en Europe », groupe inconnu, a revendiqué les attentats, dans un communiqué non authentifié publié sur un site Internet.",
"Les services d'urgence sont présents à King's Cross et Liverpool Street Station.",
"L'ensemble du trafic des métros et des bus de la « Zone 1 » a été suspendu.",
"Tous les services d'urgence sont sur le pied de guerre, et répondent actuellement uniquement aux situations potentiellement mortelles. Les patients sont redirigés vers les hôpitaux pour laisser place aux blessés graves.",
"La police a bouclé les rues autour de Upper Woburn Place, à la suite d'une explosion à bord d'un bus dans le voisinage. Le trafic est au point mort à plusieurs points de la capitale. La branche « sécurité » du Département de l'Environnement, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires Rurales signale que la police déconseille [1] fermement aux habitants d'utiliser les transports publics, et le Cabinet Office a demandé à son personnel de rester en poste jusqu'à nouvel ordre.",
"À 9 heures 30, Kings Cross Thameslink subissait retards et encombrements, mais sans difficultés sérieuses.",
"Les activités boursières ont été frappées par la confusion des événements. Le FTSE a chuté de près de 3,5%. La valeur de la livre sterling a vacillé, et le prix du baril de brut à Londres a chuté. Les marchés internationaux souffrent également, jusqu'aux indices de marchés Sud-Africains que se sont ressentis des événements.",
"Le Premier Ministre Tony Blair a fait une brève intervention depuis Gleneagles, en Écosse, pour faire état de son intention de regagner Londres dans les prochaines heures pour se faire une idée claire des événements, avant de retourner au G8 dans la soirée. Selon lui, il est « raisonablement clair » qu'il s'agit d'un acte de terrorisme, et il espère que « le peuple de Grande-Bretagne va faire la démonstration que sa volonté de surmonter ces événements est supérieure au désir des terroristes de semer la destruction ». Il a aussi confirmé que les discussions du G8 se poursuivraient comme prévu.",
"Le Premier ministre Dominique de Villepin a fait une brève allocution, offrant le soutien moral et matériel de la France aux Londoniens. Une réunion d'urgence du gouvernement a eu lieu, et le plan Vigipirate est passé du niveau « orange » au « rouge »."
] | Publié le 7 juillet 2005 | interlang link |
Attentato esplosivo a Londra | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Attentato_esplosivo_a_Londra | [
"Una serie di esplosioni multiple in rapida successione ha colpito 3 stazioni della metropolitana di Londra e un autobus. Secondo le autorità il numero di morti accertato è 38, e più di 700 sono i feriti. Il numero di esplosioni è inferiore a quanto inizialmente pensato, in quanto alcune sono avvenute su treni che si trovavano a metà del percorso tra una stazione e l'altra - i feriti sono usciti da entrambe le stazioni, dando l'impressione che gli incidenti si fossero verificati in ciascuna di esse.",
"La prima esplosione è avvenuta alle 8.51 sulla Circle Line tra Liverpool Street e Aldgate, la seconda sulla Piccadilly Line tra King's Cross St. Pancras e Russell Square alle 8:56 e la terza sulla Circle Line a Edgware Road alle 9:17. Infine, alle 9:47, si è verificata l'esplosione sul bus n.30 a Tavistock Square.",
"Alcune fonti riferiscono di un segnale di allerta attentati per questa mattina a Londra, lanciato dai servizi segreti Israeliani, ma la stessa notizia non ha avuto ancora alcuna conferma ufficiale.",
"Alle 13.00 ora italiana il primo ministro inglese, Tony Blair, impegnato in Scozia per l'incontro dei G8, ha convocato una conferenza stampa, comunicando la sua volontà di abbandonare l'incontro e riconoscendo ufficialmente la matrice terroristica dell'attentato.",
"All'attentato di Londra ha assistito come reporter un utente della versione inglese di Wikinotizie. Il suo resoconto (in inglese) è riportato in Explosions, 'serious incidents' occuring across London."
] | 7 luglio 2005 | interlang link |
Londen opgeschrikt door explosies | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Londen_opgeschrikt_door_explosies | [
"Er hebben vandaag zeven explosies in de Londense metro en aan boord van Londense bussen plaatsgevonden. De aanslag op de bus zou een zelfmoordaanslag zijn, maar er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat dit op de metrostations ook het geval is geweest. Premier Blair spreekt van een terroristische daad.",
"Verslagen geven aan dat er mensen gewond geraakt zijn en de BBC spreekt van twee doden. Getroffen stations omvatten Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street, en Russell Square. Er is een vermoeden dat de oorzaak van de explosies bommen waren.",
"De eerste explosie vond plaats om 08:49 UTC+1 op de Metropolitan line bij het Liverpool Street Station. Er wordt uitgegaan van een terroristische aanslag.",
"Scotland Yard heeft een explosie boord een bus nabij Tavistock Plein bevestigd. Deze bus is vermoedelijk een toeristische bus.",
"Experts geloven dat de aanval door Al-Qaida is gecoördineerd. Dr. Shane Brighton, een inlichtingenexpert van de \"Royal United Services Institute for Defence\", zegt dat, \"Indien wij kijken naar een gelijktijdig bombardement - en het ziet er zo naar uit - dan zou dat heel zeker bij de klassieke Al-Qaida methode passen\".",
"Ondertussen werd de aanslag opgeëist door 'Al-qaeda in Europa'. In een mededeling verklaart deze groepering: \"Wij hebben onze belofte gehouden en een succesvolle militaire operatie uitgevoerd. We waarschuwen eveneens de regeringen van Denemarken en Italië om hun troepen uit Afghanistan en Irak terug te trekken.\"",
"Er wordt tevens gewag gemaakt van minstens 30 doden. Honderden gewonden, waaronder enkele tientallen in kritieke toestand zijn naar verschillende ziekenhuizen afgevoerd.",
"Het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag heeft een telefoonnummer opengesteld waar mensen kunnen informeren naar vrienden of familieleden die momenteel in Londen zijn. Het nummer is 070-3487770.",
"De Belgische FOD Buitenlandse Zaken, Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking heeft een informatienummer beschikbaar voor verdere inlichtingen over de situatie; 02 501 40 01 van 17 tot 22 uur.",
"Alle tijden zijn in lokale tijd, 1 uur vooruit op UTC-tijd."
] | 7 juli 2005 | interlang link |
Zamachy bombowe w Londynie paraliżują miasto | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Zamachy_bombowe_w_Londynie_parali%C5%BCuj%C4%85_miasto | [
"W stolicy Wielkiej Brytanii doszło do serii zamachów terrorystycznych. Na terenie Londynu miały miejsce cztery wybuchy, w wyniku których londyńskie metro oraz publiczna komunikacja miejska zostały sparaliżowane. Policja poinformowała, że wybuchy miały miejsce w trzech pociągach oraz jednym autobusie.",
"Według londyńskiej policji ponad 50 osób zginęło (to nie jest ostateczna liczba z powodu wielu trudności), 45 zostało poważnie rannych a 700 osób doznało mniejszych obrażeń. Metro pozostanie zamknięte do jutra, a komunikacja autobusowa powinna rozpocząć pracę w najbliższym czasie.",
"Na teren miasta wkroczyła brytyjska armia, której zadaniem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa.",
"Wśród przyczyn zamachu wymienia się udział Wielkiej Brytanii w kampanii przeciwko terroryzmowi, udział wojsk w operacji wojennej na terenie Iraku, a także rozpoczynający się dzisiaj szczyt grupy G-8.",
"Do zamachów przyznała się \"Tajna Grupa Świętej Wojny Al-Kaidy w Europie\".",
"Ambasada Polski w Londynie poinformowała, że nie ma żadnych informacji o Polakach wśród ofiar.",
"Przed południem miały miejsce cztery wybuchy. Trzy w tunelach w pobliżu stacji metra:",
"Czwarta eksplozja, w trakcie której zniszczony został autobus, miała miejsce nieopodal Tavistock Square.",
"Niektóre media donosiły, że wybuchy miały miejsce także na stacjach Moorgate i Old Street. Niedługo po pierwszym wybuchu londyńska policja informowała o poważnej awarii zasilania elektrycznego, która miała być jego bezpośrednią przyczyną.",
"Z powodu zagrożenia terrorystycznego, ewakuowano budynek londyńskiej giełdy surowcowej, a także wstrzymany został cały ruch kolejowy w Londynie. Dochodziło do paraliżu systemu telekomunikacyjnego na terenie całego miasta.",
"W sprawie zamachu zabrał głos burmistrz Londynu Ken Livingstone. Stwierdził on, iż atak terrorystyczna był \"masowym morderstwem\". Poza tym kierując swoje słowa do autorów zamachu powiedział, że nie uda się ziścić długofalowych ataków na wolne społeczeństwo.",
"Bezwzględną pomoc dla Wielkiej Brytanii obiecał udzielić przewodniczący generalny Interpolu Jackie Selebi. Powiedział on, iż wszelkie sprawy dotyczące czwartkowego zamachu będą traktowane priorytetowo.",
"Premier Wielkiej Brytanii Tony Blair poinformował w krótkim oświadczeniu, że w ciągu kilku godzin opuści szczyt G8 i wróci do Londynu. O godzinie 14:30 Blair odleciał wojskowym śmigłowcem do stolicy.",
"Ataki potępili papież Benedykt XVI oraz uczestnicy szczytu G8. Papież Benedykt XVI wystosował list do Tony'ego Blaira, w którym zapewnił o bliskości z ofiarami. Przywódcy państw G8 wydali wspólne oświadczenie w którym udzielają całkowitego wsparcia ofiarom.",
"Na wydarzenia w Londynie bardzo gwałtownie zareagowały rynki finansowe w całej Europie. Główne indeksy giełdowe notują duże spadki. O godzinie 12:00 londyński indeks FTSE tracił 2.85%, paryski CAC 40 -3.25%, frankfurcki DAX -3.05%, a warszawski WIG -1.99%. Duże spadki na giełdach odnotowały firmy ubezpieczeniowe, linie lotnicze oraz biura turystyczne.",
"Na tragedię w Londynie minutą ciszy zareagował Parlament Europejski. Wyższa izba włoskiego parlamentu przerwała swoje obrady na znak solidarności z brytyjską stolicą. Hołd ofiarom oddał także minutą ciszy polski Sejm. Propozycję uczczenia pamięci ofiar złożył były marszałek Sejmu Maciej Płażyński.",
"W Londynie została uruchomiona specjalna infolinia dla Polaków, którzy chcą uzyskać informacje o swoich bliskich. Jej numer telefonu to 0044 020 7386 3773."
] | null | interlang link |
Londres é vítima de ataque terrorista | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Londres_%C3%A9_v%C3%ADtima_de_ataque_terrorista | [
"Na manhã desta quinta-feira, por volta das 8:50 (hora local), explosões ocorreram no metrô da cidade de Londres, no Reino Unido. Há pelo menos 700 feridos, sendo que no mínimo 150 podem estar em estado grave, e 45 pessoas morreram segundo informações recentes.",
"Os alvos dos ataques foram quatro linhas de trens e um ônibus em Tavistock Place, centro de Londres. No ano passado, Madri também foi atingida por ataques terroristas em trens, no dia 11 de março.",
"Uma série de explosões nas estações subterrâneas fez com que o sistema inteiro de transporte ferroviário ficasse paralisado durante horas. Testemunhas disseram ter visto corpos de vítimas do descarrilhamento de um trem, empilhados.",
"Pelo menos três explosões foram confirmadas, em trens do metrô subterrâneo de Londres, em estações e e numa parada de ônibus.",
"Às 8:51 uma bomba explodiu em um túnel de trem subterrâneo numa rua de Liverpool. Às 8:56 uma bomba explodiu em um trem da linha de Piccadilly entre King's Cross e Russell Square. Às 9:17 uma bomba explodiu numa linha circular entre a Edgware Road Station e Paddington. Um outro trem bateu nos restos da explosão, e um terceiro trem também foi envolvido. Às 9:47 o ônibus número 30 (Hackney - Marble Arch) explodiu na junção entre Tavistock Square e Woburn Place.",
"O ministro Tony Blair declarou que os ataques tinham a intenção de interromper a reunião do G8, o grupo dos sete países mais ricos do mundo e a Rússia.",
"De acordo com a revista alemã Der Spiegel o grupo Organização Secreta da Al-Qaeda na Europa reinvidica a autoria dos ataques. Atribui o ataque ao envolvimento do Reino Unido nas invasões no Iraque e no Afeganistão e ainda ameaça a Dinamarca e a Itália. Uma carta [1] [2] que supostamente teria sido escrita pelo grupo e colocada em seu website diz o seguinte:",
"As autoridades britânicas não receberam nenhuma reinvidicação oficial do atentado até agora.",
"O número de mortos ainda não está oficialmente confirmado. Algumas agências de notícias disseram que o número de mortos passa de 30; outras disseram que apenas duas pessoas morreram. A Fox News disse que segundo relatos de policiais, morreram 33 pessoas e pelo menos 700 ficaram feridas."
] | 7 de julho de 2005 | interlang link |
Doi morţi în exploziile de la Londra | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | ro | https://ro.wikinews.org/wiki/Doi_mor%C5%A3i_%C3%AEn_exploziile_de_la_Londra | [
"7 iulie 2005 Londra, Regatul Unit — Două persoane au murit și mai multe au fost rănite în urma unei serii de șase explozii în trenurile și stațiile de metrou și la bordul unui autobuz în Londra, Regatul Unit. Întregul sistem de transport în comun și rețelele de telefonie mobilă au fost paralizate. Incidente au fost semnalate în stațiile Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street și Russell Square.",
"Prima explozie a avut loc la ora locală 08:49 (UTC+1) pe linia metropolitană în stația Liverpool Street. 45 de minute mai târziu, oficialii metroului londonez au anunțat că a avut loc o a doua explozie, la o altă stație de metrou. Poliția londoneză a precizat ulterior că au mai avut loc și alte explozii în mai multe stații și că transportul subteran a fost suspendat.",
"La ora locală 10:20 au apărut relatări despre explozia unui autobuz în centrul orașului, iar Scotland Yard a confirmat existența unei explozii la bordul unui autobuz în apropiere de Tavistock Square.",
"Experții consideră ca atacul a fost coordonat de organizația teroristă al-Qaeda. Dr. Shane Brighton, un agent secret la Royal United Services Institute for Defence, a declarat că, \"dacă ceea ce am văzut au fost atentate cu bombă simultane — și se pare că așa este — atunci se potrivește exact cu metodologia clasică al Qaeda.\"",
"Mediul de afaceri a fost profund afectat de incertitudinea evenimentelor – FTSE a scăzut până la ora 11.47 UTC cu 3.5% ([1]), valoarea lirei sterline s-a depreciat, iar prețul petrolului a scăzut la Londra. Piețele internaționale au avut și ele de suferit, scăderi ale indicilor buriseri făcându-se simțite chiar și în Africa de Sud.",
"Premierul Tony Blair a declarat la Gleneagles, Scoția, într-o alocuțiune desfășurată la prânz, că intenționează să plece la Londra în câteva ore pentru a-și face o imagine mai bună asupra evenimentelor, înainte de a reveni la summitul G8 din această seară. El a declarat că este \"destul de clar\" că a fost vorba de un act de terorism și că spercă că poporul britanic va demonstra că voința lui de a depăși aceste evenimente este mai mare decât dorința teroriștilor de distruge.",
"El a mai precizat că toți membri cosiliului G8 doresc să continue negocierile așa cum era planificat."
] | null | interlang link |
Серија терористичких напада у Лондону | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B0_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0_%D1%83_%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%83 | [
"Лондон (Енглеска) - При серији терористичких напада у главном граду Енглеске је више од 1000 људи повређено и преко 40 погинуло. Енглески премијер Тони Блер је у шкотском Глениглес-у изјавио да су „напади вероватно повезани са конференцијом Г8“ која се тренутно одржава у том граду.",
"До сада је избројано седам екплозија: шест у лондонским метро-станицама и једна у једном аутобусу.",
"Јединице енглеске војске су алармиране и, како јавља Скај њуз (енгл.Sky news), заузеле су важне позиције у граду, са намјером одржавања јавног реда и мира.",
"Стручњаци шпекулишу, да иза тих напада стоји исламска терористичка организација Ал Каида."
] | 7. јул 2005. | interlang link |
2005/07/07: Explosioner i London | 13,860 | [
"2005-07-07 London bombings",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Ken Livingstone",
"Vladimir Putin",
"Rail transport",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Original reporting",
"July 7, 2005",
"Tony Blair",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Featured article",
"Suicide attacks"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/2005/07/07:_Explosioner_i_London | [
"Centrala London utsattes under förmiddagens rusningstid för minst tre explosioner i tunnelbanan och en på en buss. All trafik i tunnelbanan har därför ställts in. Dödssiffran är okänd, men Londonpolisen uppgav 33 döda och flera hundra skadade. Sky News däremot uppgav under eftermiddagen att 45 människor var döda och minst 1 000 skadade.",
"Explosionerna som inträffade samtidigt som årets G8-möte i Gleneagles, Edinburgh i Skottland misstänks vara en planerad terrorattack. I ett uttalande gemensamt med de övriga ledarna vid G8-mötet fördömde Storbritanniens premiärminister Tony Blair attackerna och säger att attentatet inte är en attack på bara en nation, utan på alla nationer och civiliserade människor i hela världen. Blair kommer i eftermiddag att lämna G8-mötet för att åka till London.",
"En organisation som kallar sig al-Qaida i Europa har tagit på sig ansvaret för attentatet.",
"Londons OS-kampanjledare Keith Mills uppger att firandet att staden fått sommar-OS 2012 ställs in med orsak av attentaten.",
"Sveriges stadsminister Göran Persson höll en presskonferens på Rosenbad 15:30 där han manade till sammanhållning och uttryckte ett deltagande med det brittiska folket. Ungefär 40 000 svenskar bor i London, men det finns ännu inga uppgifter om någon svensk som skadats.",
"Till den 10 juli har framkom uppgifter att 49 människor dött och att omkring 700 personer har skadats i tre explosioner i tunnelbanan och en på en buss. Firandet av att London tilldelats sommarolympiaden 2012 ställdes in av den nye olympiaministern Tessa Jowell."
] | 7 juli 2005 | interlang link |
Coroner says Michael Jackson's death was due to sedative overdose | 131,360 | [
"Los Angeles, California",
"Michael Jackson",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 24, 2009",
"The Times (UK)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Coroner_says_Michael_Jackson%27s_death_was_due_to_sedative_overdose | [
"According to The Times, Michael Jackson was the victim of a homicide. The Los Angeles County Coroner has concluded Jackson died from a lethal overdose of sedatives. It has been revealed that Jackson was probably killed by an overdose of propofol. His doctor, Conrad Murray, is under investigation for manslaughter.",
"Murray told the Los Angeles Police Department that for the six weeks prior to the singer's death he had administered a 50 milligram dose of the drug every night to help Jackson to sleep. He had begun to cut back on the dose after fearing Jackson was becoming addicted and for two days before the death gave him only lorazepam and midazolam.",
"On the day of his death, Murray said, he injected Jackson with lorazepam, then administered midazolam amongst other drugs. Finally, he gave in to Jackson's insistence upon propofol, giving him 25 milligrams before going to the toilet. Upon his return, Jackson was no longer breathing.",
"Investigators have not been able to trace any records of propofol purchases by the doctor. It is also reported that another doctor had previously been approached by Jackson and asked to sell him the drug, but that doctor refused."
] | 2009-08-24 | title |
Michael Jackson va morir per un excés de Propofol | 131,360 | [
"Los Angeles, California",
"Michael Jackson",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 24, 2009",
"The Times (UK)",
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson_va_morir_per_un_exc%C3%A9s_de_Propofol | [
"La mort de Michael Jackson ha estat catalogada d'homicidi, el que significa que podria haver càrrecs contra el metge Conrad Murray. El cantant va morir de nivells letals del poderós anestèsic propofol.",
"Segons documents judicials donats a conèixer a Houston, Texas, el despatx forense del Comtat de Los Angeles va arribar a aquesta conclusió després d'haver fet l'autòpsia corresponent.",
"Es continua investigant l'ús dels medicaments receptats que Jackson feia servir, així com el paper del seu metge personal, Conrad Murray.",
"El metge va admetre que va proporcionar a Jackson una combinació de propofol i altres medicaments el dia que va morir.",
"Murray, que té un consultori a Houston, ha dit que tractava a Jackson per insomni.",
"La Direcció de Control de Drogues dels Estats Units, DEA, va donar a conèixer que no té registres que el doctor Murray hagi ordenat, adquirit, o obtingut el potent anestèsic propofol."
] | 25 d'agost del 2009 | interlang link |
Michael Jackson murió de niveles letales de Propofol | 131,360 | [
"Los Angeles, California",
"Michael Jackson",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 24, 2009",
"The Times (UK)",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson_muri%C3%B3_de_niveles_letales_de_Propofol | [
"La muerte de Michael Jackson ha sido catalogada de homicidio, lo que significa que podría haber cargos contra el médico Conrad Murray. El cantante murió de niveles letales del poderoso anestésico propofol.",
"Según documentos judiciales dados a conocer en Houston, Texas, el despacho forense del Condado de Los Angeles llegó a esa conclusión tras haber conducido la autopsia correspondiente.",
"Se sigue investigando el uso de los medicamentos recetados que Jackson usaba, así como el papel de su médico personal, Conrad Murray.",
"El galeno admitió que proporcionó a Jackson una combinación de propofol y otros medicamentos el día que falleció.",
"Murray, quien tiene un consultorio en Houston, ha dicho que trataba a Jackson por insomnio.",
"La Dirección de Control de Drogas de Estados Unidos, DEA, dio a conocer que no posee registros de que el doctor Murray haya ordenado, adquirido, u obtenido el potente anestésico propofol."
] | 25 de agosto de 2009 | interlang link |
Michael Jackson morreu de uma quantidade letal de propofila | 131,360 | [
"Los Angeles, California",
"Michael Jackson",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 24, 2009",
"The Times (UK)",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson_morreu_de_uma_quantidade_letal_de_propofila | [
"Los Angeles, Califórnia, Estados Unidos • 24 de agosto de 2009",
"(Los Angeles Times) Investigatores de Los Angeles, no Estado de Califórnia, confirmaram a descoberta de provas que confirmam que Michael Jackson morreu de uma overdose de anestésicos.",
"Quando publicou a notícia da morte, em 25 de junho, de um dos cantores pop mais bem-sucedidos, surgiram muitas suposições sobre a causa da morte de Michael Jackson. Desde o início, o médico pessoal do cantor é um dos suspeitos de estar envolvido na morte súbita.",
"No exame toxicológico de duas autópsias em separado, a perícia de Los Angeles disse que Michael Jackson morreu de uma overdose de anestésicos propofila conhecido como diprivan.",
"A polícia de Los Angeles disse que o médico pessoal do cantor, Conrad Murray, chegou à conclusão de que o cantor antes de sua morte estava sofrendo de insônia. É por isso que todas as noites, deu para Michael 50 miligramas de propofila.",
"Segundo os registros do tribunal, o médico disse que duvidava que Jackson tornara-se viciado em anestésicos e sua dose foi reduzida pela metade. Pelo efeito, permaneceu o mesmo, com 25 miligramas propofila lorazepam acrescentou duas outras drogas, entre elas midazolam. Dois dias antes da morte do cantor, Murray disse que tinha abolido completamente o propofil.",
"No dia em que Jackson morreu, o médico admitiu que tentou fazer sonolência com Michael. O que falhou foi ter injetado no cantor a injeção lorazepam, logo após Michael Jackson entraria em um coma profundo."
] | null | interlang link |
Мајкл Џексон умро од смртоносне количине пропофила | 131,360 | [
"Los Angeles, California",
"Michael Jackson",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 24, 2009",
"The Times (UK)",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%98%D0%BA%D0%BB_%D0%8F%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD_%D1%83%D0%BC%D1%80%D0%BE_%D0%BE%D0%B4_%D1%81%D0%BC%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B5_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0 | [
"Лос Анђелес / САД (Лос Анђелес тајмс) Истражитељи савезне државе Лос Анђелес потврдили су проналазак доказа којим се потврђује да је Мајкл Џексон умро од предозирања анестетиком. Обелодањене поједине информације судске истраге.",
"Када је 25. јуна објављена вест о смрти једног од најуспешнијег поп певача кренуле су многобројне претпоставке како је преминуо Мајкл Џексон. Од самог почетка сумњало се да је у изненадну смрт умешан и лични доктор певача. То је данас и потврђено.",
"После токсиколошких прегледа и чак две засебне обдукције, званичници Лос Анђелеса су изјавили да је Мајкл Џексон умро од превелике дозе анестетика пропофила познатији као диприван.",
"Полиција ЛА изјавила је да је испитивајући личног лекара Конрада Мареја дошла до закључка да је певач пред смрт боловао од шестонедељне несанице. Због тога је сваке вечери давао Мајклу 50 милиграма пропофила.",
"Према судском записнику, лекар је изјавио да је сумњао да Џексон постаје овисник анестетика те је његову дозу преполовио. Да би ефекат остао исти уз 25 милиграма пропофила додао је и два друга лека лоразепам и мидазолам. Два дана пред смрт певача, Мареј је изјавио да је потпуно укинуо пропофил.",
"На дан када је Џексон преминуо, лекар је признао да је покушао да изазове поспаност Мајкла. Како није успео убризгао је певачу ињекцију лоразепама након чега је Мајкл Џексон убрзо упао у дубоку кому."
] | 24. август 2009. | interlang link |
Corpse of former President of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos stolen | 145,685 | [
"Mediterranean Sea",
"Politics and conflicts",
"December 11, 2009",
"Tassos Papadopoulos",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Corpse_of_former_President_of_Cyprus_Tassos_Papadopoulos_stolen | [
"The corpse of former Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos has been stolen by grave robbers. Officials report that his body was taken overnight from the Deftera Cemetery in Nicosia. The theft was reported one day before the anniversary of his death. Police reported that fresh mounds of dirt were piled up beside the grave. The motive is still unclear.",
"The leader of the Diko party, Papadopoulos’s former alliance, released a statement. Marios Garoyan called the act a \"heinous and terrible crime\".",
"A heavy smoker, Papadopoulos died on the 12th of December, 2008 after a battle with lung cancer. He was the President of Cyprus from the 23rd of February, 2003 until 23 February 2008."
] | 2009-12-11 | title |
Tasos Papadopulos'un cesedi çalındı | 145,685 | [
"Mediterranean Sea",
"Politics and conflicts",
"December 11, 2009",
"Tassos Papadopoulos",
"Crime and law",
] | tr | https://tr.wikinews.org/wiki/Tasos_Papadopulos%27un_cesedi_%C3%A7al%C4%B1nd%C4%B1 | [
"Eski Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti lideri Tasos Papadopulos'un cesedi çalındı. Polis sözcüsü, mezarın açılıp cesedin çalınması olayıyla ilgili soruşturma başlatıldığını söyledi. Cesedin ne amaçla ve kim ya da kimler tarafından çalındığı bilinmiyor. Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti'nin mevcut lideri Dimitris Hristofyas cesedin çalınmasının bir provakasyon olduğunu söyledi ve Halktan, bu provokasyon karşısında sükunetini korumasını istiyorum. Bunun başka bir izahı yok şeklinde açıklama yaptı. Hristofyas, saldırıyı ahlak dışı, kınanması gereken bu davranış kültürümüze ve ölülerimize saygımıza karşı bir saldırı olarak niteledi.",
"Tasos Papadopulos, 2003-2008 arası 5 yıl Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti liderliğini yürütmüştü. Papadopulos, 12 Aralık 2008 tarihinde akciğer kanserinden dolayı hayatını kaybetmişti."
] | 11 Aralık 2009, Cuma | interlang link |
Court decision means Floyd Landis loses Tour de France title | 80,305 | [
"September 20, 2007",
"2006 Tour de France",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Floyd Landis",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Court_decision_means_Floyd_Landis_loses_Tour_de_France_title | [
"2006 Tour de France champion Floyd Landis will be stripped of his title after test results revealed, Friday, the cyclist used synthetic testosterone during the competition.",
"Landis may also face a two year ban, even though he has repeatedly denied using any performance-enhancing drugs.",
"The final option that would salvage Landis' title is to file an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport. He has one month to file the appeal.",
"If Landis is not able to save his title, he will be the first person in over 105 years to lose the title because of a drug charge.",
"U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart said, \"Today's ruling is a victory for all clean athletes and everyone who values fair and honest competition.\"",
"Landis said, \"This ruling is a blow to athletes and cyclists everywhere...For the Panel to find in favor of USADA when, with respect to so many issues, USADA did not manage to prove even the most basic parts of their case shows that this system is fundamentally flawed. I am innocent, and we proved I am innocent.\""
] | 2007-09-20 | title |
Cyclisme : Floyd Landis dans la tourmente | 80,305 | [
"September 20, 2007",
"2006 Tour de France",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Floyd Landis",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Cyclisme_:_Floyd_Landis_dans_la_tourmente | [
"Floyd Landis, vainqueur du Tour de France 2006, risque de perdre son titre. Contrôlé positif un an auparavant à la testostérone, l'intéressé s'était pourvu devant les instances sportives de son pays.",
"Par deux voix contre une, la Cour arbitrale américaine a jugé que Landis s'était bien dopé à la testostérone puis l'a sanctionné d'une suspension de deux ans. Cette décision, obtenue après une longue procédure, pourrait avoir des conséquences directes sur son titre de vainqueur de la Grande Boucle l'an dernier. L'Union cycliste internationale pourrait invalider sa victoire laquelle reviendrait à l'Espagnol Oscar Pereiro, dauphin de l'épreuve.",
"Le président de l'UCI[1] a déclaré à Reuters qu'« en vertu de nos règlements, Oscar Pereiro sera déclaré vainqueur du Tour de France 2006 ». De son côté, Christian Prudhomme, directeur de la Société du Tour de France, a ajouté que « c'est tout sauf une surprise. Dès le mois d'août, nous avions dit que Landis n'était plus pour nous le vainqueur du Tour de France (…) Nous avions une totale confiance dans le laboratoire de Châtenay-Malabry et dès lors que l'échantillon B avait confirmé l'analyse de l'échantillon A, il n'y avait plus de doute. Ce n'est peut être pas complètement terminé ».",
"En effet, Floyd Landis peut encore intenter un dernier recours devant le Tribunal Arbitral du Sport. Ses avocats ont regretté la décision des instances du sport américaines. « Considérer chacune des erreurs séparément revient à ignorer l'erreur globale du résultat. Le panel n'a pas tenu compte des témoignages des experts de M. Landis, qui sont reconnus dans leurs domaines respectifs, sans analyser l'impact des erreurs sur le résultat final. C'est une erreur judiciaire » a déclaré Maurice Suh, l'un des avocats du coureur.",
"Floyd Landis, quant à lui, continue de clamer son innocence : « Ce jugement est un camouflet pour tous les athlètes et les cyclistes (…) Que le panel décide en faveur de l'USADA, alors que celle-ci n'a même pas réussi à apporter la moindre preuve, montre que ce système est fondamentalement vicié. Je suis innocent et nous l'avons prouvé »."
] | Publié le 21 septembre 2007 | interlang link |
Landis moet zijn tourzege afstaan | 80,305 | [
"September 20, 2007",
"2006 Tour de France",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Floyd Landis",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Landis_moet_zijn_tourzege_afstaan | [
"Vandaag is na meer dan een jaar het verdict in de zaak-Landis gevallen. Het Amerikaanse Arbitragecomité (AAA) schorst de Amerikaanse renner voor twee jaar en hij moet ook zijn tourzege afstaan. Floyd Landis houdt vol dat hij onschuldig is. De schorsing is met terugwerkende kracht ingegaan vanaf 30 januari 2007, wat betekent dat hij begin 2009 weer zal mogen fietsen. Landis heeft nog één beroepsmogelijkheid: het Internationaal Sporttribunaal (TAS) in Lausanne.",
"De overwinning van Landis in de Tour van 2006 werd enkele dagen na de afloop van de rittenwedstrijd in vraag gesteld, nadat bleek dat hij tijdens een dopingcontrole positief had getest op testosteron. Deze controle had plaantsgevonden na de 17e etape naar Morzine, waar hij met een monsterontsnapping zijn schijnbaar hopeloze achterstand in het klassement weer tot een minimum had herleid. Tijdens de afsluitende tijdrit enkele dagen later zou hij de gele trui overnemen van Oscar Pereiro, tweede op het eindpodium en nu door de UCI tot winnaar uitgeroepen."
] | 20 september 2007 | interlang link |
Court rules in favour of record labels, Kazaa found illegal | 20,946 | [
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"September 5, 2005",
"Audio reports",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Court_rules_in_favour_of_record_labels,_Kazaa_found_illegal | [
"Sharman Networks, owner of the popular Kazaa peer-to-peer software, lost against a coalition of record labels in an Australian federal court. The court ruled that Kazaa infringed on artists' copyright and facilitated piracy. The list of plaintiffs included EMI, Sony BMG, Warner, Festival Mushroom and Universal.",
"The court has ordered Sharman to modify the software within two months to prevent further piracy. While this order is only valid in Australia, Sharman is incorporated in the country and thus the effect of the ruling will be felt in the peer to peer community worldwide. Sharman was also ordered to pay 90% of the plaintiff's legal fees, with damages to be considered at a later date. Sharman has said it will appeal.",
"It is unclear whether this will have a significant effect on preventing piracy in the music industry. Surveys have shown that users have already abandoned Kazaa, which used to be the dominant peer to peer program used for sharing files, in favour of newer networks such as eDonkey and BitTorrent. This trend amongst users was also observed to happen with Grokster and Napster, two legacy peer-to-peer networks which faced similar suits.",
"This is not the first case in which Sharman has had to defend itself: in a related case in the U.S. Supreme Court which concluded two months ago, the court ruled that file sharing networks could be held responsible for the actions of their users in some circumstances. This may have influenced this most recent case, where the court found the Kazaa website encouraged visitors to feel 'cool' about breaking copyright law and downloading illegal music.",
"Kazaa, or other versions of it, has been estimated to be installed on up to 300 million computers worldwide."
] | 2005-09-05 | title |
Urteil zur Musik-Tauschbörse „KaZaA“: Betreiber tragen Mitschuld an Copyright-Verletzungen | 20,946 | [
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"September 5, 2005",
"Audio reports",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Urteil_zur_Musik-Tauschb%C3%B6rse_%E2%80%9EKaZaA%E2%80%9C:_Betreiber_tragen_Mitschuld_an_Copyright-Verletzungen | [
"Sydney (Australien), 05.09.2005 – Der „Australian Federal Court“ hat Sharman Networks und Altnet, den Betreibern der Online-Musik-Tauschbörse „KaZaA“, zwei Monate Zeit gegeben, den Tausch urheberrechtlich geschützter Musik wirksam zu unterbinden. Das oberste Bundesgericht Australiens gab damit einer Klage von über 30 Unternehmen der Musikbranche, darunter EMI, Sony BMG, Universal Music und Warner Music, größtenteils statt.",
"Die Betreiber hatten argumentiert, es sei ihnen nicht möglich, die getauschten Inhalte zu kontrollieren. Das Gericht folgte aber der Argumentation der Kläger, die Betreiber hätten verfügbare Techniken wie Filter einsetzen können, um illegalen Tausch zu verhindern. Richter Murray Wilcox erklärte, die Beklagten hätten dazu beigetragen, „dass KaZaA-Nutzer von den Klägern gehaltene Copyrights auf Tonaufnahmen verletzen“, und Urheberrechtsverletzungen als „cool“ ansehen.",
"Konkret wurden die KaZaA-Betreiber verurteilt, eine neue Version der Tauschsoftware zu entwickeln. Diese dürfe nur mit Musikstücken funktionieren, die ausdrücklich zum Tausch freigegeben sind. Die Benutzer älterer Versionen sollten mit „maximalem Druck“ angehalten werden, diese neue Version zu verwenden, etwa mit deutlichen Warn- und Updatehinweisen auf der KaZaA-Website. Keinen Erfolg hatten die Kläger in anderen Klagepunkten, unter anderem dem Vorwurf der Bildung einer verschwörerischen Gemeinschaft. Zum Thema Schadensersatz wird es ein gesondertes Verfahren geben.",
"Die Entscheidung in Australien wurde von der deutschen Musikindustrie positiv aufgenommen. Das Urteil sei „wegweisend für die Branche“, sagte Gerd Gebhardt, Vorsitzender der deutschen Phonoverbände (IFPI), in Berlin. „Wir gehen davon aus, dass illegale P2P-Dienste in Zukunft weniger, legale Angebote noch stärker genutzt werden.“",
"Die Anwälte der „KaZaA“-Betreiber haben angekündigt, gegen das Urteil in Berufung zu gehen."
] | null | interlang link |
Gebruikers van Kazaa schuldig bevonden | 20,946 | [
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"September 5, 2005",
"Audio reports",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Gebruikers_van_Kazaa_schuldig_bevonden | [
"Sydney (Australien), 05.09.2005 – Der „Australian Federal Court“ hat Sharman Networks und Altnet, den Betreibern der Online-Musik-Tauschbörse „KaZaA“, zwei Monate Zeit gegeben, den Tausch urheberrechtlich geschützter Musik wirksam zu unterbinden. Das oberste Bundesgericht Australiens gab damit einer Klage von über 30 Unternehmen der Musikbranche, darunter EMI, Sony BMG, Universal Music und Warner Music, größtenteils statt.",
"Die Betreiber hatten argumentiert, es sei ihnen nicht möglich, die getauschten Inhalte zu kontrollieren. Das Gericht folgte aber der Argumentation der Kläger, die Betreiber hätten verfügbare Techniken wie Filter einsetzen können, um illegalen Tausch zu verhindern. Richter Murray Wilcox erklärte, die Beklagten hätten dazu beigetragen, „dass KaZaA-Nutzer von den Klägern gehaltene Copyrights auf Tonaufnahmen verletzen“, und Urheberrechtsverletzungen als „cool“ ansehen.",
"Konkret wurden die KaZaA-Betreiber verurteilt, eine neue Version der Tauschsoftware zu entwickeln. Diese dürfe nur mit Musikstücken funktionieren, die ausdrücklich zum Tausch freigegeben sind. Die Benutzer älterer Versionen sollten mit „maximalem Druck“ angehalten werden, diese neue Version zu verwenden, etwa mit deutlichen Warn- und Updatehinweisen auf der KaZaA-Website. Keinen Erfolg hatten die Kläger in anderen Klagepunkten, unter anderem dem Vorwurf der Bildung einer verschwörerischen Gemeinschaft. Zum Thema Schadensersatz wird es ein gesondertes Verfahren geben.",
"Die Entscheidung in Australien wurde von der deutschen Musikindustrie positiv aufgenommen. Das Urteil sei „wegweisend für die Branche“, sagte Gerd Gebhardt, Vorsitzender der deutschen Phonoverbände (IFPI), in Berlin. „Wir gehen davon aus, dass illegale P2P-Dienste in Zukunft weniger, legale Angebote noch stärker genutzt werden.“",
"Die Anwälte der „KaZaA“-Betreiber haben angekündigt, gegen das Urteil in Berufung zu gehen."
] | null | interlang link |
Criminals kidnapping mother of soccer players, in Brazil | 5,676 | [
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"March 12, 2005",
"Football (soccer)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Criminals_kidnapping_mother_of_soccer_players,_in_Brazil | [
"Brazil — \nThe mother of Brazilian soccer player Luis Fabiano has been kidnapped. According to the television channel TV ESPN Brasil, the kidnapping occurred Friday, March 11, by morning in Ponte Preta district, Campinas, 83.5 km (52 mi) of São Paulo.",
"The police are not giving too many details, and a great part of local media is not reporting the case, afraid of putting the life of Fabiano's mother at risk.",
"This is the third kidnapping of a soccer player's mother in four months. On February 23, Ilma de Castro Libânio, 51, the mother of the Brazilian soccer player Edinaldo Batista Libânio, 25, known as Grafite was kidnapped.",
"On November 6, 2004, the mother of Robson dos Santos, or Robinho, was kidnapped.",
"In both cases, the hostages were released and they are well, and the police arrested the suspects."
] | 2005-03-12 | title |
Criminales secuestran madre de futbolista en Brasil | 5,676 | [
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"March 12, 2005",
"Football (soccer)",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Criminales_secuestran_madre_de_futbolista_en_Brasil | [
"La madre del jugador brasileño de fútbol Luis Fabiano, que actúa en el FC Porto, actual campeón de Europa, fue raptada. Según anuncio hecho por la emisora de televisión brasileña ESPN Brasil, el secuestro ocurrió la mañana del viernes 11 de marzo en el barrio Ponte Preta en la ciudad de Campinas, a 83,5 kilómetros de São Paulo.",
"La policía no comunicó muchos detalles sobre el caso y gran parte de los medios locales no ha reportado el hecho, por temor de poner la vida de la madre de Fabiano en riesgo.",
"Este es el tercer caso de rapto de una madre de jugador de fútbol en Brasil, en cuatro meses.",
"El 6 de noviembre de 2004, fue secuestrada la madre de Robson dos Santos, Robinho, del Santos Fútbol Club. El día 23 de febrero de este año, el turno fue para Ilma de Castro Libânio, de 51 años, madre del jugador del São Paulo Fútbol Club, Edinaldo Batista Libânio, de 25 años, conocido como Grafite. En estos dos casos, la policía detuvo a los sospechosos y las rehenes fueron liberadas sanas y salvas."
] | 12 de marzo de 2005Brasil — | interlang link |
Seqüestrada mãe do jogador Luis Fabiano, do Porto | 5,676 | [
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"March 12, 2005",
"Football (soccer)",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Seq%C3%BCestrada_m%C3%A3e_do_jogador_Luis_Fabiano,_do_Porto | [
"A mãe do jogador brasileiro de futebol Luis Fabiano, que atua no Futebol Clube do Porto, foi raptada. Segundo anúncio feito pela emissora de televisão brasileira ESPN Brasil, o seqüestro ocurreu sexta-feira, 11 de março, pela manhã, no bairro Ponte Preta, na cidade de Campinas, 83,5 quilômetros (51,88 milhas) de São Paulo.",
"A polícia não forneceu muito detalhes sobre o caso e grande parte da mídia local não está reportando-o, com receio de pôr a vida da mãe de Fabiano em risco.",
"Este é o terceiro caso de rapto de uma mãe de jogador de futebol no Brasil, em quatro meses.",
"No dia 6 de novembro de 2004, foi seqüestrada. a mãe de Robson dos Santos, ou Robinho, do Santos Futebol Clube .",
"No dia 23 de fevereiro deste ano, foi a vez de Ilma de Castro Libânio, 51, a mãe do jogador de futebol do São Paulo Futebol Clube, Edinaldo Batista Libânio, 25 anos, conhecido como Grafite ser raptada.",
"Para esses dois casos, a polícia deteve os suspeitos e as reféns foram libertadas, e estão bem."
] | Brasil • 12 de março de 2005 | interlang link |
Custody of Saddam Hussein given to Iraq, to be executed 'today or tomorrow' | 57,282 | [
"Nouri al-Maliki",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 29, 2006",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Custody_of_Saddam_Hussein_given_to_Iraq,_to_be_executed_%27today_or_tomorrow%27 | [
"Saddam Hussein is reported by BBC to be already executed, at around 6:05 Baghdad time today.",
"10:22PM EST, CBS broke into Friday night coverage to report Saddam was executed.",
"As of 10:00PM EST, the nation of Iraq was awaiting word of Saddam's execution.",
"The custody of Saddam Hussein has been turned over to the Iraqi government and a judge, who is to be present during the execution of the former Iraqi dictator, says that the execution will take place no later than Saturday.",
"One of Nouri al-Maliki's advisers has stated that the execution will be carried out by 6 a.m. on Saturday (10 p.m. Friday EST).",
"\"A few minutes ago we received correspondence from the Americans saying that President Saddam Hussein is no longer under the control of United States forces,\" said a statement by Hussein's lawyers.",
"At least one judge has stated that the execution could take place as early as \"today.\"",
"\"Saddam will be executed today or tomorrow. All the measures have been done,\" said Munir Haddad, an appeal's court judge who upheld the vedict to have Hussein executed. Mr. Haddad is expected to be present during Hussein's execution.",
"\"I am ready to attend and there is no reason for delay,\" added Haddad.",
"Not everyone agrees that Hussein should be executed. The Prime Minister of Yemen is trying to urge U.S. President George W. Bush to stop the execution from taking place.",
"\"The Yemeni government urges [Bush] to intercede to prevent this sentence from being carried out ... as it would lead to more internal strife and suffering for the Iraqi people,\" said a letter to Bush from Yemeni P.M., Abdul-Qader Bagammal.",
"He is expected to be hanged on a custom-made gallows that has been kept in Camp Cropper, a U.S. military prison at Baghdad airport where Hussein has been imprisoned."
] | 2006-12-29 | title |
Rätselraten um Hinrichtungstermin Saddams | 57,282 | [
"Nouri al-Maliki",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 29, 2006",
"Middle East"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/R%C3%A4tselraten_um_Hinrichtungstermin_Saddams | [
"Bagdad (Irak), 30.12.2006 – Im Laufe des 29. Dezembers verdichteten sich Hinweise, wonach Saddam Hussein binnen weniger Stunden gehängt werden könne; innerhalb der so genannten Grünen Zone Bagdads sei ein Galgen aufgestellt worden.",
"Die Angaben sind jedoch widersprüchlich; Richter Mounir Haded erwähnte am Freitagabend, dass die Exekution binnen einer Stunde stattfinden solle, was jedoch nach Ablauf dieser Frist bislang unbestätigt blieb. Seitens seiner Anwälte wird eine Exekution im Morgengrauen als wahrscheinlich angesehen. Saddam habe seine persönlichen Besitzgegenstände nach einigen Quellen seinem Anwalt, nach anderen Quellen zwei Halbbrüdern welche ihn im Gefängnis besuchten, übergeben. Einigen Berichten zufolge wurde er von amerikanischem Gewahrsam an die irakischen Behörden überstellt."
] | null | interlang link |
Voci discordanti sulla data di esecuzione di Saddam Hussein | 57,282 | [
"Nouri al-Maliki",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 29, 2006",
"Middle East"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Voci_discordanti_sulla_data_di_esecuzione_di_Saddam_Hussein | [
"Il Ministro degli esteri iracheno, Hoshyar Zebari, ha smentito le voci secondo le quali l'ex dittatore del Paese, Saddam Hussein, sarebbe già stato consegnato dalle forze americane alle autorità locali, preludio dell'esecuzione: «Non è stato consegnato alle autorità irachene», ha detto, precisando che «non c'è alcuna data definita per l'esecuzione», dovendo «essere completate alcune procedure legali prima che sia consegnato». La notizia della consegna di Saddam alle autorità irachene era stata diffusa, nel corso del pomeriggio, dall'emittente televisiva statunitense Cnn.",
"La tesi di Zebari è stata confermata dal Dipartimento di Stato americano che ha dichiarato che Hussein si trova ancora sotto la custodia delle forze statunitensi: «Non ci sono cambiamenti nel suo status», ha dichiarato il portavoce Tom Casey.",
"Fonti governative irachene hanno comunicato che data e ora dell'esecuzione saranno comunicate al condannato attraverso la notifica di un \"cartellino rosso\", creato proprio sotto il regime di Hussein.",
"Secondo il Presidente della Corte d'Appello penale, Arif Abdulrazzak Shaheen, «la condanna a morte di Saddam è stata approvata, ma non credo che l'esecuzione possa essere eseguita prima della fine delle celebrazioni per la Festa del Sacrificio». A seconda delle interpretazioni, tale festa è celebrata nel mondo islamico a partire da sabato o da domenica. Per legge, lo stesso giudice dovrà essere presente all'esecuzione del reo, ma al momento Shaheen si trova a Suleymania, nel Kurdistan, e questo particolare fa pensare ad un possibile slittamento dell'impiccagione di Hussein.",
"Di parere diverso Giovanni Di Stefano, legale italiano dell'ex dittatore, ed il giudice Munir Haddad. Il primo ha dichiarato alla Cnn che l'impiccagione sarà eseguita «a breve, entro le prossime due ore», pur confermando che Hussein «è ancora sotto custodia degli americani». Il giudice della Corte d'Appello Haddad ha invece affermato che «sono stati presi tutti i provvedimenti e non ci sono ragioni per un rinvio». Analogo, inoltre, il parere di uno degli avvocati iracheni di Saddam, secondo il quale l'esecuzione avverrà all'alba di domani.",
"Secondo la televisione irachena, a Baghdad sarebbero state allestite due forche mentre il giudice, il medico ed il religioso che dovrebbero assistere all'esecuzione sarebbero già stati allertati.",
"Vige, in ogni caso, lo stato di massima allerta in tutto il Paese, in vista delle possibili violenze che potrebbero seguire l'impiccagione di Hussein.",
"Saddam Hussein è stato condannato alla pena capitale in quanto ritenuto colpevole di crimini contro l'umanità per la strage di 148 sciiti, compiuta a Dujail nel 1982.",
"Ahmet Essadik, uno degli avvocati di Saddam, aveva dichiarato ieri durante un'intervista che, a suo parere, l'esecuzione sarebbe dovuta avvenire entro il 2 gennaio 2007, perché il giorno successivo i democratici avrebbero assunto il controllo del Congresso, rendendo più difficile la consegna effettiva del prigioniero agli iracheni, tentati di sottrarre, in tal modo, all'amministrazione Bush, l'occasione di esibire un raro successo d’immagine a fini di politica interna nel quadro dei numerosi fallimenti collezionati durante l'avventura irachena.per l’amministrazione Bush dall’inizio dell’avventura irachena. \nA spingere verso una soluzione immediata anche il fatto che praticamente tutti i governi europei si erano dichiarati contrari all'esecuzione e in questo contesto diveniva cruciale per l'Amministrazione USA dare l'impressione che il governo Iracheno fosse effettivamente in grado di agire in modo indipendente e speditamente, nonostante le opposizioni internazionali all'esecuzione, giunte anche dall'India."
] | venerdì 29 dicembre 2006 | interlang link |
Husajn zostanie stracony w sobotę około 6 rano | 57,282 | [
"Nouri al-Maliki",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 29, 2006",
"Middle East"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Husajn_zostanie_stracony_w_sobot%C4%99_oko%C5%82o_6_rano | [
"Saddam Husajn zostanie stracony w sobotę około godziny 6 rano czasu lokalnego (tj. godz. 4 czasu warszawskiego)- powiedział wysoki przedstawiciel irackiej administracji. Wysoki Trybunał Iracki skazał 5 listopada byłego dyktatora Iraku na śmierć przez powieszenie. Kara śmierci powinna być wykonana przed końcem stycznia 2007.",
"Jeśli do egzekucji nie dojdzie do soboty wówczas zostanie ona przesunięta na czwartek 4 stycznia. Taka sytuacja związana jest z obchodzonym od soboty muzułmańskiego Święta Ofiary (Id al-Adha). Jednak i \"To nie jest pewne\" - powiedział anonimowy przedstawiciel irackich władz. Sędzia Munir Haddad oświadczył dzisiaj, że \"jest gotów wziąć udział (w egzekucji) i nie ma powodu, by to opóźniać. Wszystkie kroki zostały podjęte\". Według AP premier Maliki podpisał już wyrok śmierci Saddama.",
"Saddam został przekazany już władzom irackim co jest niemal jednoznaczne z ostatecznym wykonaniem wyroku. Przedstawiciel rządu Finlandii, która przewodniczy obradom EU zaapelowało zaniechanie wykonania wyroku, nawet w tej sytuacji, gdzie winnemu jest udowodniona wina w stu procentach. Husajn został oskarżony o dokonanie masakry 148 szyitów, zgładzonych w odwecie za nieudany zamach na jego życie w 1982 roku w miejscowości Dudżail. Wyrok jest prawomocny."
] | null | interlang link |
Cutty Sark blaze treated as 'suspicious' | 69,515 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 21, 2007",
"United Kingdom",
"Merchant shipping"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Cutty_Sark_blaze_treated_as_%27suspicious%27 | [
"The Cutty Sark, one of the most famous historic sailing ships in the world, was seriously damaged by fire in the early hours of Monday morning, May 21, 2007. The 19th century ship, which is in dry dock in Greenwich, London, England, set a speed record during its working days, and has been a popular tourist attraction for many years.",
"The fire brigade was first called to the blaze on the tea clipper at 4:45 a.m. BST and reported that the flames had been extinguished by 7:00 a.m., but firefighters were still on the scene damping down at 8.30 a.m. The blaze was so intense that eight fire engines and 40 firefighters were sent to put out the fire. No injuries have been reported.",
"Cutty Sark Trust chief executive Richard Doughty said he was told the blaze was being treated as suspicious. \"We're losing history,\" he lamented. \"It's unbelievable.\" He went on: \"When you lose the original fabric, you lose the touch of the craftsmen; you lose history itself. What is special about Cutty Sark is the timber, the iron frames, that went to the South China Sea. To think that is threatened in any way is unbelievable. It is an unimaginable shock.\"",
"However, Doughty also confirmed that half of the ship's planking, and all of the masts and rigging had been removed for renovations prior to the fire. The iron framework of the hull has been twisted and buckled.",
"The Chairman of Cutty Sark Enterprises, Chris Levitt, speaking later at the scene, said: \"We had removed 50% of the planking, so 50% of the planking wasn't on site and that's safe and secure, and from where I stand there is not a huge amount of damage to the planking that was left on. There are pockets of charred planking and some have gone, but it doesn't look as bad as first envisaged.\"",
"Cutty Sark Trust curatorial consultant, Dr Eric Kentley was optimistic that the Ship is not completely devastated and can be saved. Speaking about the Cutty Sark, he said: \"We will put her back together - but it's going to take much much longer and a lot more money than we originally thought.\"",
"The historic ship, one of London's best known tourist attractions, has been in dry-dock in Greenwich since 1954. It is currently undergoing a £25 million renovation scheduled to last until 2009. It was feared that gas canisters used in the reconstruction work might explode in the blaze but the London Fire Brigade later confirmed that none were present, although concerns about the risk of explosion had caused some delay in tackling the fire. It is a Grade I listed monument and is on the Buildings At Risk Register in the UK.",
"Police believe the fire on board the ship may have begun in suspicious circumstances. They are studying CCTV footage which showed some movement around the ship in the early hours of the morning. They are appealing for witnesses who might have seen anyone near the ship or a silver car that was reported driving away from the scene.",
"The Cutty Sark was built in 1869 by Scott & Linton, Dumbarton in Scotland and completed by Dennys. It is the world's last surviving tea clipper. Because the clippers were build of wood, but with a framework made of iron, they marked the transition from wood to iron. The windjammers that emerged some 30 years later were build completely of iron or steel.",
"The clippers were used in long-distance races between China and England, with large profits for the first ship back with the first tea of the year. The Cutty Sark sailed in the China trade between 1870 and 1877/78. She sailed in the Australian wool trade between 1883 and 1895, during which period she achieved the record breaking voyage under wind power between Australia and England via Cape Horn of 72 days in 1885.",
"The ship takes its name from a character in Burns' poem 'Tam o' Shanter."
] | 2007-05-21 | title |
Segelschiff „Cutty Sark“ ausgebrannt | 69,515 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 21, 2007",
"United Kingdom",
"Merchant shipping"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Segelschiff_%E2%80%9ECutty_Sark%E2%80%9C_ausgebrannt | [
"London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 22.05.2007 – Der Schiffsrumpf des unter Denkmalschutz stehenden Segelschiffs „Cutty Sark“ ist am 21. Mai gegen 5:30 Uhr Ortszeit (6.30 Uhr MESZ) ausgebrannt. Das in Greenwich auf dem Trockendock liegende Schiff sollte gerade für 37,5 Millionen Euro restauriert werden, deshalb sind alle Aufbauten gerettet und unversehrt. Wegen der Löscharbeiten mussten mehrere Wohnhäuser und Geschäfte evakuiert werden. Die Brandursache ist noch unklar: Befürchtungen, Gasflaschen seien explodiert, bestätigten sich indessen nicht. Da kurz vor Ausbruch des Feuers Unbekannte in Schiffsnähe von mehreren Zeugen gesehen wurden, ermittelt die Polizei auch in Richtung Brandstiftung. Das beliebte Schiff kann nach Angaben der Reederei vollständig restauriert werden."
] | null | interlang link |
Czech parliament votes in favour of legalising firearms possession | 2,818,827 | [
"Gun politics",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"European Union",
"Czech Republic",
"July 1, 2017"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Czech_parliament_votes_in_favour_of_legalising_firearms_possession | [
"On Wednesday, the lower house of the Czech Republic's parliament voted in favour of expanding legal firearms possession, asserting safety of the state and citizens. 139 of 168 deputies voted to amend the Czech constitution, allowing firearms possession previously banned under European Union (EU) orders.",
"Per the amendment, citizens can legally obtain guns, and carry them for the security of the country during militant attacks. Interior Minister Milan Chovanec said, \"We do not want to disarm our citizens at a time when the security situation in Europe is getting worse\" in Wednesday's parliamentary debate. The EU reformed the gun law in December, prohibiting citizens from possessing short semi-automated arms with more than 20 rounds, and long semi-automated arms with more than ten rounds. The rule was enacted in April; the Czech Republic, Poland, and Luxembourg opposed it.",
"The EU's decision to call for stricter law for firearms came after the Paris attack in November 2015, and explosions at Brussels' airport and subway system in March 2016. Chovanec said, \"Show me a single terrorist attack in Europe perpetrated using a legally-owned weapon.\" The amendment waits for the approval of the senate and the president. The Czech government is to lodge a complaint against the EU's orders in the European Court of Justice by August 17.",
"In recent years, unlike the Czech Republic, European countries including the United Kingdom, France and Belgium suffered militant attacks. Last year's Global Peace Index listed the Czech Republic sixth in the safest countries."
] | 2017-07-01 | title |
Tsjechisch parlement stemt in voor verruiming van wapenbezit | 2,818,827 | [
"Gun politics",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"European Union",
"Czech Republic",
"July 1, 2017"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Tsjechisch_parlement_stemt_in_voor_verruiming_van_wapenbezit | [
"Tsjechisch parlement stemt in voor verruiming van wapenbezit",
"Het Tsjechische parlement heeft vandaag voor een verruiming van de mogelijkheden voor wapenbezit gestemd. 139 van de 168 parlementsleden stemden voor een aanpassing van de Tsjechische grondwet. Het amendement moet nog goedgekeurd worden door de senaat en de president.",
"Met de wetswijziging wordt beoogt vuurwapens toe te staan die eerder door de Europese Unie verboden werden. De EU hervormde de wapenwet in december, waardoor het in bezit hebben van sommige wapens voor burgers verboden is geworden. Het betreft korte semiautomatische wapens die meer dan twintig patronen kunnen bevatten en lange semiautomatische wapens voor meer dan tien patronen. De wet werd in april van kracht; Tsjechië, Polen en Luxemburg stemden tegen.",
"Wanneer de wetswijziging erdoor is, kunnen Tsjechische burgers legaal wapens bezitten en ze tijdens een gewelddadige aanval dragen. Milan Chovanec, de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, zei in het parlementaire debat: \"We willen de burgers niet ontwapenen in een tijd dat de veiligheidssituatie in Europa verslechtert.\"",
"Het EU-besluit voor strengere wapenwetten kwam na de aanslagen in Parijs van november 2015 en de aanslagen in Brussel van maart 2016. Tsjechië staat met plaats 6 juist hoog op de lijst met veilige landen in de wereld. Tegen de verzwaring van de wapenwet door de EU dient de Tsjechische regering op 17 augustus een klacht in bij het Europees Hof van Justitie.",
"In andere Europese landen wordt gehandeld in wapens van Tsjechische herkomst. In december 2014 vond de Nederlandse politie 30 pistoolmitrailleurs van het Tsjechische merk Skorpion in Oss. Het automatische wapen dat de rapper Kempi bezat en dat hem onder meer een celstraf opleverde van 12 maanden, was eveneens van Tsjechische makelij."
] | 28 juni 2017 | interlang link |
Czech Republic Minister of Transport banned from driving | 219,489 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 10, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Czech Republic"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Czech_Republic_Minister_of_Transport_banned_from_driving | [
"Vít Bárta, the Minister of Transport for the Czech Republic, has been banned from driving. Bárta has been banned for six months after being caught driving with a fake licence plate.",
"The minister was driving with a sticker with his registration number written on it glued to the hood of his car. He was caught in July, while driving his Maserati home from his own wedding. He claimed to have lost the original licence plate while driving along a dirt road. It has been reported that Bárta does not plan to appeal the ban.",
"As well as his six-month driving ban, Bárta has also been fined 5,000 koruna. The charges were announced by Karel Hanzelka, a spokesman for the Transport Ministry.",
"Bárta spoke to reporters about his ban. He joked around saying that he wouldn't really miss his licence and that his \"wife will drive him around\". He also said that he accepted his punishment."
] | 2010-11-10 | title |
Český ministr dopravy nesmí půl roku řídit auto | 219,489 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 10, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Czech Republic"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/%C4%8Cesk%C3%BD_ministr_dopravy_nesm%C3%AD_p%C5%AFl_roku_%C5%99%C3%ADdit_auto | [
"Vít Bárta, ministr dopravy České republiky, nesmí v nejbližším půl roce řídit auto. Provinil se tím, že jel s podomácku vyrobenou variantou registrační značky. K události došlo v červenci a Bárta byl přistižen, když jel ze své vlastní svatby. Podle svých slov původní značku ztratil.",
"Kromě zákazu musí také zaplatit 5000 korun. Samotný zákaz pro něj nepředstavuje velké omezení, protože díky své funkci má nárok na služební auto s řidičem. Bárta se proti omezení nehodlá odvolávat a o víkendech se údajně nechá vozit od manželky."
] | Čtvrtek 11. listopadu 2010 | interlang link |
Danish clothing company sells T-shirts to support FARC and PFLP | 31,381 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"South America",
"European Union",
"January 20, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Danish_clothing_company_sells_T-shirts_to_support_FARC_and_PFLP | [
"A recently created Danish clothing company is selling on the internet T-shirts in order to support the clandestine radio station of the Colombian guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the graphical workshop of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In fact the money will be used by these groups to carry on their terrorist activities. FARC activities include kidnappings, masacres, bombs, extortions and the drug trade.",
"Fighters and Lovers is selling the T-shirts at 170 DKK (US$27.6), from which 35 DKK (US$5.7) are to be destinated to support both armed groups.",
"Anna Duever, Fighters and Lovers PR chief, said to Spanish news agency EFE that their objective is to \"defend freedom and social justice, which is FARC and PFLP are fighting for\". Duever believes the fact the FARC has been included by the EU in its terrorist group list is a \"political game\". \"We pay our taxes in Denmark, and that money is used for financing the troops our government has sent to Iraq. That's terrorism. Besides, in Colombia there's a regime oppressing population and torturing and killing its people\", she said.",
"Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolina Barco, said to local media that \"financing terrorist groups is unacceptable and goes against all the international norms. Yesterday [Tuesday 19] our ambassador contacted the Danish government, we sent a protest note and have demanded an explanation.\"",
"A year ago, a Danish NGO named Oprør (\"Rebelion\") stated it had donated money to the Colombian guerrilla. A new antiterrorism law in Denmark may punish it."
] | 2006-01-20 | title |
Firma danesa vende camisetas para apoyar a las FARC y al FPLP | 31,381 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"South America",
"European Union",
"January 20, 2006"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Firma_danesa_vende_camisetas_para_apoyar_a_las_FARC_y_al_FPLP | [
"19 de enero de 2006Bogotá, Colombia — Una fuerte controversia se ha desatado en Colombia debido a la decisión de la recién creada firma danesa de ropa Fighters and Lovers de vender en su sitio de internet camisetas alusivas y en apoyo a las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC).",
"Las prendas serán comercializadas en toda Escandinavia a 170 coronas danesas (US$ 27,6), de las cuales algo más del 20% (35 coronas o US$5,7) será destinado a la financiación de Radio Resistencia, la estación de radio clandestina de las FARC.",
"La firma también apoya al Frente Popular para la Liberación de Palestina (FPLP), cuyo taller gráfico será financiado en forma parcial por la empresa.",
"Anna Duever, jefa de relaciones públicas de la firma, dijo a la agencia española EFE que su objetivo es \"defender la libertad y la justicia social, que es por lo que luchan las FARC y el FPLP\". Añade que la inclusión de las FARC en la lista de organizaciones terroristas de la Unión Europea es un \"juego político\". \"Nosotros pagamos impuestos en Dinamarca, y ese dinero sirve para financiar a las tropas que nuestro gobierno ha enviado a Iraq. Eso es terrorismo. Además, en Colombia hay un régimen que oprime a la población y tortura y mata a su gente\", señaló.",
"En la descripción que hace Fighters and Lovers de las FARC en su página web, afirman que \"por décadas el régimen colombiano ha obstaculizado las elecciones libres al barrer cualquier oposición pacífica, torturando y matando a 4.000 miembros del partido progresista UP Unión Patriótica. Sin otra elección, jóvenes, sindicalistas, profesores y hasta sacerdotes se han alzado en armas para unirse a la mayor guerrilla que Latinoamérica ha visto: las FARC (...) [que] han liberado grandes pedazos de Colombia del terror de los escuadrones de la muerte del régimen (...) [sus] decenas de miles de combatientes han pretendido derribar el mandato corrupto de los señores de la droga liderados por el presidente Álvaro Uribe\".",
"La canciller colombiana Carolina Barco calificó de \"inaceptable\" la promoción de los grupos terroristas y solicitó la adopción de \"medidas ejemplares\" al gobierno danés. \"Si el fin de las camisetas es financiar a las FARC, esto es un delito\", advirtió.",
"Esta noticia se conoce casi un año después de que una ONG de ese país, llamada \"Rebelión\" (Oprør en danés), afirmara que había donado dinero a la organización subversiva. En virtud de una nueva ley antiterrorista en Dinamarca, las autoridades han pedido la apertura de dos procesos penales contra el vocero de Rebelión. La norma, aprobada en 2002, castiga hasta con 10 años de cárcel a quienes financien de manera directa o indirecta agrupaciones consideradas terroristas.",
"Fighters and Lovers asegura no tener vínculos con \"Rebelión\"."
] | null | interlang link |
Daughter of Yuko Ikeda kidnapped to ransom in Tokyo; freed 13 hours later | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Daughter_of_Yuko_Ikeda_kidnapped_to_ransom_in_Tokyo;_freed_13_hours_later | [
"Ikeda Kanako, a 21-year-old senior student of the Meiji Gakuin University and the first daughter of celebrity surgeon Yuko Ikeda, was kidnapped at about 1225 (UTC+9), June 26, 2006, in Shibuya, Tokyo.",
"A bullet was fired and one officer slightly cut when police stormed a Kawasaki apartment to rescue the girl.",
"Kanako was dressed in a white light half-sleeved cardigan, blue jeans with a bistre belt made of leather, a spring green camisole and carried a bag of Vuitton when she was abducted at a bus stop.",
"She was found unharmed 13 hours later by Japanese police at a condominium located in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. The young woman's make-up was not disordered; Kanako's long brown fringe was not disheveled at all and she was wearing what she had been when she was kidnapped.",
"The kidnapping of Kanako was a big story in Japanese media in June, 2006. The story appeared in many newspapers as the front-page news on June 27, 2006.",
"Kanako and her kidnappers had been in touch with her mother using Kanako's mobile phone. The effort to free her was helped greatly by a woman who witnessed the moment Kanako was taken; she wrote down the license plate of the van and other details.",
"Police traced mobile phone calls and were able to locate the van in Kawasaki where they detained two of the kidnappers as they went shopping.",
"One conspirator Li Yong, 29, from China, led the policemen to the apartment and tricked Kaneo Ito, 49, from Japan, to open the door. Ito managed to discharge one bullet before being restrained by an assistant police inspector, the first man in the room.",
"The other man involved in the kidnap of Kanako was Choi Gi Ho, 54, from South Korea. Kanato was freed unharmed.",
"The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested three men on suspicion of conspiring to kidnap a woman and hold her to a reported 300 million yen ransom."
] | 2006-06-27 | title |
Japanische Studentin 13 Stunden lang entführt | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Japanische_Studentin_13_Stunden_lang_entf%C3%BChrt | [
"Tōkyō / Kawasaki (Japan), 19.07.2006 – Am 26. Juni 2006 wurde Kanako Ikeda im Tōkyōter Stadtteil Shibuya entführt, wo die 21-jährige an der Universität Meiji Gakuin studiert. Die Entführer forderten 300 Millionen Yen (etwa zwei Millionen Euro) Lösegeld. 13 Stunden später, um 01:25 Uhr nachts, befreite die Polizei sie aus einer Wohnung in Kawasaki. Drei Verdächtige wurden festgenommen.",
"Die Mutter der Entführten ist die in Japan bekannte Schönheitschirurgin Yuko Ikeda (47), die seit 2002 in einem Park in Shibuya ihre eigene Praxis betreibt. Ihre Tochter ist Geschäftsführerin eines Unternehmens, das von ihr entwickelte Kosmetika vermarktet. Sie macht keinen Hehl aus ihrem Reichtum: Im Fernsehen zeigte sie ihre Luxuswagen und sagte, sie habe im letzten Jahr 1,2 Milliarden Yen verdient (fast 8,2 Millionen Euro).",
"Nach Angaben der Polizei lief die Entführung wie folgt ab: Kanako wartete gegen 12:30 Uhr an einer Bushaltestelle, als ihr ein Mann anbot, sie mitzunehmen. Sie lehnte ab, doch er zwang sie, in einen Lieferwagen zu steigen. Sie schrie, und eine Zeugin informierte die Beamten eines etwa 200 Meter entfernt gelegenen Kōban (kleine Polizeistation).",
"Sofort nach der Entführung benutzen die Entführer Kanakos Mobiltelefon, um ihre Mutter anzurufen. Sie drohten, Kanako zu töten, sollte die Polizei eingeschaltet werden. In einem weiteren Anruf forderten sie 300 Millionen Yen Lösegeld.",
"Die Zeugin hatte sich das Nummernschild des Lieferwagens notiert. Gegen 17:00 Uhr fand die Polizei den Mietwagen, in dem zwei Männer saßen, in Kawasaki und verfolgte ihn. Die Verdächtigen kauften Lebensmittel und brachten diese in ein Apartmenthaus im Stadtteil Nakahara. Um 00:41 Uhr wurden die Männer festgenommen und befragt.",
"Einer von ihnen begleitete die Polizei zu der Wohnung, in der Kanako festgehalten wurde. Er brachte einen dritten Komplizen in der Wohnung dazu, die Tür zu öffnen. Neun Ermittler stürmten die Wohnung. Ein 36-jähriger Beamter wurde durch einen Streifschuss verletzt, als der Verdächtige aus der Wohnung auf ihn schoss. Kanako Ikeda wurde um 01:25 Uhr in Schutzhaft genommen."
] | null | interlang link |
Estudiante universitaria japonesa secuestrada en Tokio es encontrada 13 horas después en Kawasaki | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Estudiante_universitaria_japonesa_secuestrada_en_Tokio_es_encontrada_13_horas_despu%C3%A9s_en_Kawasaki | [
"Kanako Ikeda, estudiante universitaria japonesa de la universidad Meiji Gakuin de 21 años de edad, fue secuestrada aproximadamente a las 12:25 (03:25 UTC) del pasado 26 de junio en el distrito tokiota de Shibuya.",
"Ikeda lucía una rebeca ligera blanca a media manga, jeans azules con un cinturón marrón hecho de cuero, una camisole celeste y llevaba un bolso de Vuitton cuando la secuestraron en una parada de autobús.",
"La estudiante fue hallada 13 horas después por la policía japonesa en un condominio situado en Kawasaki, prefectura de Kanagawa, gracias a un rastreo de las comunicaciones vía celular de los secuestradores de Ikeda con la madre de ésta. Los secuestradores resultaron ser dos hombres, uno de nacionalidad surcoreana y otro de nacionalidad china. Ikeda fue encontrada ilesa.",
"El secuestro de Ikeda tuvo amplio eco en los medios japoneses pues su madre, Yuko Ikeda, de 47 años, es una famosa cirujana plástica conocida por el procedimiento no invasivo llamado puchi seikei, y maneja la clínica Lovehearts de Tokio."
] | 8 de julio de 2006 | interlang link |
Japon: L'étudiante japonaise Kanako Ikeda a été retrouvé saine et sauve | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Japon:_L%27%C3%A9tudiante_japonaise_Kanako_Ikeda_a_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_retrouv%C3%A9_saine_et_sauve | [
"Ikeda Kanako, 21 ans, une étudiante japonaise en 4e année d'économie à l'université Meiji Gakuin à Tōkyō au Japon, avait été enlevée le 26 juin 2006 à 12h25, dans l'arrondissement de Shibuya à Tōkyō. Sa mère dirige une clinique de chirurgie esthétique très connue.",
"Kanako a été trouvée indemne 13 heures plus tard par la police japonaise dans une copropriété à Kawasaki dans la préfecture de Kanagawa.",
"Les journaux japonais (l' Asahi Shimbun et le Yomiuri Shimbun) ont dit que Kanako s'était échappée.",
"Le kidnapping de Kanako Ikeda est un événement du Japon en juin 2006.",
"La police japonaise <<Tokyo MPD>> a arrêté 3 kidnappeur.",
"Lors de son enlèvement, Kanako était élégamment vêtue d'un cardigan léger blanc, un jeans bleu avec une ceinture noire de cuir et un caraco glauque (vert étang).",
"Kanako portait un sac Vuitton."
] | Publié le 2 juillet 2006 | interlang link |
Giappone: ritrovata la studentessa Kanako Ikeda | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Giappone:_ritrovata_la_studentessa_Kanako_Ikeda | [
"Ikeda Kanako, 21 anni, una studentessa giapponese al quarto anno di economia all'università Meiji Gakuin di Tōkyō in Giappone)\nera stata rapita il 26 giugno 2006 alle 12:25, nella circoscrizione di Shibuya à Tōkyō. Sua madre dirige una clinica di chirurgia estetica molto famosa.",
"Kanako è stata ritrovata indenne 13 ore più tardi dalla polizia giapponese a Kawasaki nella prefettura di Kanagawa.",
"Alcuni giornali giapponesi (l'Asahi Shimbun e il Yomiuri Shimbun) avevano riportato che Kanako fosse scappata di casa.",
"La polizia giapponese ha arrestato tre rapitori."
] | 12 luglio 2006 | interlang link |
東京で女子大生誘拐事件、13時間後に保護 | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%AC%E3%81%A7%E5%A5%B3%E5%AD%90%E5%A4%A7%E7%94%9F%E8%AA%98%E6%8B%90%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6%E3%80%8113%E6%99%82%E9%96%93%E5%BE%8C%E3%81%AB%E4%BF%9D%E8%AD%B7 | [
"読売新聞と毎日新聞によると、6月26日午後0時25分 (UTC+9) 頃、東京都渋谷区で、美容外科医・池田優子さん(池田ゆう子クリニック院長・47歳)の長女で明治学院大学4年生の果菜子さん(21歳)が誘拐された。13時間後の27日午前1時25分ごろ、神奈川県川崎市中原区のマンションで警察が発見し、無事保護された。",
] | 【2006年6月27日】 | interlang link |
Estudante universitária japonesa Kanako Ikeda é sequestrada em Tóquio, mas 13 horas mais tarde é resgatada com segurança | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Estudante_universit%C3%A1ria_japonesa_Kanako_Ikeda_%C3%A9_sequestrada_em_T%C3%B3quio,_mas_13_horas_mais_tarde_%C3%A9_resgatada_com_seguran%C3%A7a | [
"Ikeda Kanako, uma estudante sênior de 21 anos da Universidade Meiji Gakuin e a primeira filha do cirurgião celebridade Yuko Ikeda, foi sequestrada por volta de 12:25 (UTC +9) de 26 de junho de 2006, em Shibuya, Tóquio.",
"Uma bala foi disparada e um policial ligeiramente cortado quando a polícia invadiu um apartamento de Kawasaki para resgatar a garota.",
"Kanako vestia um cardigã branco, jeans azul com cinto feito de couro, uma camisola verde primavera e carregava uma sacola de Vuitton quando foi sequestrada em um ponto de ônibus.",
"Ela foi encontrada ilesa 13 horas depois pela polícia japonesa em um condomínio localizado em Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. A maquiagem da jovem não estava desordenada; A franja longa e marrom de Kanako não estava nem um pouco desgrenhada e ela estava vestindo o que estava quando foi sequestrada.",
"O sequestro de Kanako foi uma grande história na mídia japonesa em junho de 2006. A história apareceu em muitos jornais como notícia de primeira página em 27 de junho de 2006.",
"Kanako e seus sequestradores haviam entrado em contato com sua mãe usando o telefone celular de Kanako. O esforço para libertá-la foi muito ajudado por uma mulher que testemunhou o momento em que Kanako foi capturada; ela anotou a placa da van e outros detalhes.",
"A polícia rastreou ligações de telefones celulares e conseguiu localizar a van em Kawasaki, onde prenderam dois dos sequestradores enquanto faziam compras.",
"Um conspirador Li Yong, 29 anos, da China, conduziu os policiais até o apartamento e enganou Kaneo Ito, 49 anos, do Japão, para abrir a porta. Ito conseguiu disparar uma bala antes de ser contido por um inspetor de polícia assistente.",
"O outro homem envolvido no sequestro de Kanako foi Choi Gi Ho, 54 anos, da Coreia do Sul. Kanato foi libertada ilesa.",
"O Departamento de Polícia Metropolitana de Tóquio prendeu três homens sob suspeita de conspiração para sequestrar uma mulher e sujeitá-la a um resgate de 300 milhões de ienes."
] | Japão • 27 de junho de 2006 | interlang link |
Japanska kvinna universitet studerande Kanako Ikeda är kidnapped i Tokyo, 13 timmar senare hon är rescued säkert | 44,024 | [
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Japanska_kvinna_universitet_studerande_Kanako_Ikeda_%C3%A4r_kidnapped_i_Tokyo,_13_timmar_senare_hon_%C3%A4r_rescued_s%C3%A4kert | [
"Ikeda Kanako, uma estudante sênior de 21 anos da Universidade Meiji Gakuin e a primeira filha do cirurgião celebridade Yuko Ikeda, foi sequestrada por volta de 12:25 (UTC +9) de 26 de junho de 2006, em Shibuya, Tóquio.",
"Uma bala foi disparada e um policial ligeiramente cortado quando a polícia invadiu um apartamento de Kawasaki para resgatar a garota.",
"Kanako vestia um cardigã branco, jeans azul com cinto feito de couro, uma camisola verde primavera e carregava uma sacola de Vuitton quando foi sequestrada em um ponto de ônibus.",
"Ela foi encontrada ilesa 13 horas depois pela polícia japonesa em um condomínio localizado em Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. A maquiagem da jovem não estava desordenada; A franja longa e marrom de Kanako não estava nem um pouco desgrenhada e ela estava vestindo o que estava quando foi sequestrada.",
"O sequestro de Kanako foi uma grande história na mídia japonesa em junho de 2006. A história apareceu em muitos jornais como notícia de primeira página em 27 de junho de 2006.",
"Kanako e seus sequestradores haviam entrado em contato com sua mãe usando o telefone celular de Kanako. O esforço para libertá-la foi muito ajudado por uma mulher que testemunhou o momento em que Kanako foi capturada; ela anotou a placa da van e outros detalhes.",
"A polícia rastreou ligações de telefones celulares e conseguiu localizar a van em Kawasaki, onde prenderam dois dos sequestradores enquanto faziam compras.",
"Um conspirador Li Yong, 29 anos, da China, conduziu os policiais até o apartamento e enganou Kaneo Ito, 49 anos, do Japão, para abrir a porta. Ito conseguiu disparar uma bala antes de ser contido por um inspetor de polícia assistente.",
"O outro homem envolvido no sequestro de Kanako foi Choi Gi Ho, 54 anos, da Coreia do Sul. Kanato foi libertada ilesa.",
"O Departamento de Polícia Metropolitana de Tóquio prendeu três homens sob suspeita de conspiração para sequestrar uma mulher e sujeitá-la a um resgate de 300 milhões de ienes."
] | Japão • 27 de junho de 2006 | interlang link |
David Cameron responds to rioting, promises changes on policing | 276,850 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"August 13, 2011",
"George Osborne",
"Independent Police Complaints Commission",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"David Cameron",
"2011 England riots",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/David_Cameron_responds_to_rioting,_promises_changes_on_policing | [
"British Prime Minister David Cameron has stated that a change in police strategy is appropriate following what many feel to be an inadequate response to the rioting that has overrun many cities across England. Riots started in Tottenham on Saturday night after the fatal shooting by police of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old taxi driver who the Independent Police Complaints Commission state was in possession of a handgun, but did not fire it.",
"During the Parliamentary debate on the riots, David Milliband, the Labour leader, called on Cameron to reconsider cuts to police budgets. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne described the communities where the rioting occurred as being \"left behind\" and \"cut-off from the economic life-blood of the rest of the country\", and called for solutions to the \"deep-seated social problems\"",
"One avenue the Prime Minister is said to be considering is changing regulations on social media services like Twitter, Facebook and BlackBerry Messenger, the latter being used to communicate between groups of rioters. The Open Rights Group and Big Brother Watch came out in opposition to any plans to restrict communication using social media, with Jim Killock of the Open Rights Group warning that such regulation would be abused by the police and private companies.",
"In Southampton, England, three people were arrested by police for the suspicion of using Twitter or BlackBerry Messenger to encourage the rioting. The government is \"working with the police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these Web sites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality,\" said Cameron.",
"The Prime Minister also announced that he would consider using the army to support the police in controlling future rioting, and also that he would consult with William J. Bratton, CBE, who had been the chief of police in Los Angeles and a police commissioner in New York City and Boston. Bratton is quoted as saying that arrests are not the only way to solve societal problems which lead to rioting and unrest: \"You can't arrest your way out of the problem.\""
] | 2011-08-13 | title |
Британия перешла на программу «нулевой терпимости» к мародёрам и хулиганам | 276,850 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"August 13, 2011",
"George Osborne",
"Independent Police Complaints Commission",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"David Cameron",
"2011 England riots",
"Free speech"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D1%83_%C2%AB%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%C2%BB_%D0%BA_%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%91%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC_%D0%B8_%D1%85%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BC | [
"Власти Соединённого Королевства собираются существенно ужесточить свою политику в отношении уличной преступности. Ради достижения порядка руководство страны готово перейти на программу американского типа так называемой «нулевой терпимости» к членам уличных банд, которые сеют беспорядки. Такая тактика предполагает самые жёсткие наказания даже за незначительные правонарушения. Власти надеются, что участники уличных банд поймут, что правительство не намерено закрывать глаза на их противоправные действия. «Я буду говорить гораздо больше о необходимости этих мер, потому что такая необходимость есть. Мы недостаточно громко заявили о нашей „нулевой толерантности“, но это та мысль, которую мы хотим донести», — цитирует РБК британского премьера Дэвида Кэмерона.",
"Напомним, беспорядки начались в Лондоне в ночь на 7 августа. Их причиной стало убийство полицейским 29-летнего темнокожего британца Марка Дуггана, которое произошло 4 августа. Стражи порядка попытались провести досмотр автомобиля, где находился Дугган, однако подозреваемый в связях с бандитскими группировками открыл огонь и был застрелен на месте. После этого несколько сотен человек пришли к полицейскому участку на главной улице в Тоттенхэме с требованиями «восстановления справедливости». Мирная акция быстро переросла в массовые волнения. Жертвами беспорядков за всё это время стали как минимум четыре человека — житель Лондона, погибший от огнестрельного ранения, и трое жителей Бирмингема, которые были сбиты машиной, предположительно, при попытке остановить мародёров."
] | 15 августа 2011 года | interlang link |
Dead body found in suitcase floating in Auckland harbour | 38,774 | [
"April 18, 2006",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dead_body_found_in_suitcase_floating_in_Auckland_harbour | [
"In Auckland's Harbour, a suitcase containing a dead body has been found. Police, first suspecting a possible kidnap and ransom plot, have now arrested two male students from China. They have not been accused of any crime, but they are in custody and \"are helping police\", as Detective Inspector Bernie Hollewand told IOL reporters.",
"Specialists say the body had been dead for about 24 hours by the time it was found and had multiple injuries. Forensic police believe that the murder took place in an inner-city Auckland hotel."
] | 2006-04-18 | title |
新西兰一中国留学生遇害 | 38,774 | [
"April 18, 2006",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E6%96%B0%E8%A5%BF%E5%85%B0%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E7%95%99%E5%AD%A6%E7%94%9F%E9%81%87%E5%AE%B3 | [
] | 【2006年4月19日讯】 | interlang link |
Deadly blaze in Paris possibly caused by arson | 20,564 | [
"Original reporting",
"Public domain articles",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"September 3, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Deadly_blaze_in_Paris_possibly_caused_by_arson | [
"The fire that broke out in a Parisian building that housed black immigrants may have been caused by criminals who committed arson, authorities announced. Activist groups denounce housing and immigration policies.",
"In the night of August 25 to August 26, a fire broke out a run-down apartment building located at 20, Bd Vincent Auriol in Paris, France. The building housed a number of immigrant families from Africa. These families had squatted the building illegally, until the building was bought by the local government and ran through some charity; even then, the building did not respect applicable safety norms.",
"Experts have examined the situation. While no hydrocarbons (fuel etc.) were found on the scene, the speed of the fire seems to indicate a criminal origin. For this reason, the prosecution service of Paris (parquet) opened a criminal investigation for \"arson resulting in death\". An investigating magistrate has been named. Criminals face a maximal penalty of life imprisonment, though lesser criminal qualifications may be retained during the course of the enquiry.",
"On Saturday 4, protests were staged denouncing the recent fires that killed black immigrant families housed in unsafe buildings. Left-wing groups such as the Revolutionary Communist League denounced the immigration, workforce and housing policies of the center-right government, as well as its center-left predecessor, as regressive and promoting racism."
] | 2005-09-03 | title |
Dodelijke vuurzee in Parijs mogelijk veroorzaakt door brandstichting | 20,564 | [
"Original reporting",
"Public domain articles",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"September 3, 2005"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Dodelijke_vuurzee_in_Parijs_mogelijk_veroorzaakt_door_brandstichting | [
"De brand die uitbrak in een Parijs gebouw waarin zwarte immigranten woonden, kan door misdadigers aangestoken zijn. Groepen activisten stellen het huisvestings en immigratiebeleid aan de kaak.",
"In de nacht van 25 augustus op 26 augustus brak in een armzalig flatgebouw in 20, Bd Vincent Auriol in Parijs, Frankrijk, brand uit. Het gebouw huisvestte een aantal immigrantenfamilies uit Afrika. Deze families hadden het gebouw illegaal gekraakt, tot het gekocht werd door de lokale overheid en het door een liefdadigheidsinstelling gerund werd; zelfs daarna respecteerde het gebouw de toepasselijke veiligheidsnormen niet.",
"De situatie werd onderzocht door deskundigen. Terwijl er geen waterstof (brandstof, enz.) werd gevonden, scheen de snelheid van de brand op misdadige oorsprong te wijzen. Daarom opende het Parijse parker een onderzoek naar \"brandstichting resulterend in dood\". Een \nmagistraat is al benoemd. De schuldigen riskeren maximaal een levenslange opsluiting, alhoewel kleinere misdadige kwalificaties weerhouden kunnnen worden tijdens het onderzoek.",
"Op zaterdag 4 september werden protesten gehouden over de recente branden, die de levens eisten van zwarte immigrantenfamilies, gehuisvest in onveilige gebouwen. Linkse groeperingen als de Revolutionaire Communistische Liga beschouwen het beleid van zowel de huidige centrumrechtse regering als zijn centrumlinkse voorganger op gebied van immigratie, tewerkstelling en huisvesting als antiprogressief en racismebevorderend."
] | 3 september 2005 | interlang link |
Deadly shooting at high school in Finland | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Deadly_shooting_at_high_school_in_Finland | [
"Eight people have been killed in a school shooting in Jokela, Finland according to an official police briefing. The victims are five male students and two female students and the principal of the Jokela High School. At least 12 people were injured from glass and other injuries during evacuation, but are not in serious danger. Besides the eight that perished, only one other person has been reported to have received a gunshot wound, but is also reported to be out of serious danger.",
"At a news conference at 18:00 EET (UTC+2), police said that they arrested the shooter after a siege situation at the Jokela School Centre. The shooter is said to be an 18-year-old male student, named as Pekka-Eric Auvinen, who attended the school.",
"The police say that the shooter had probably shot himself at some point in an apparent suicide attempt. He died at nearby Töölö Hospital at 22:14 EET. The police confirmed that they had not used weapons during the incident.",
"Apparently, the killer had uploaded a home-made movie to YouTube announcing the \"massacre\" one day prior to the shooting. His profile featured several movies regarding an ongoing depression and unsuccessful treatment with SSRIs. Additionally, some movies of him shooting his new gun had been uploaded weeks prior to the shooting. Several hours after the event, YouTube decided to suspend his account due to terms of use violation.",
"Auvinen also had a personal website which featured images, music and documents, including a manifesto. The site has since been removed by the service provider. In the manifesto, he called for a war on the \"weak-minded masses\" and said he was willing to die for his cause. \"I cannot say that I am of the same race as this miserable, arrogant and selfish human race. No! I have evolved a step higher,\" he wrote.",
"Prayer vigils are being held at churches around Finland. The Ministry of the Interior has said that flags should be flown at half-mast from 8 o'clock in the morning until sundown on Thursday.",
"The Jokela School Centre has 460 students between the ages 12 and 18. Jokela is in the Tuusula municipality and is located just north of Helsinki."
] | 2007-11-07 | title |
Schulmassaker in Finnland: Trauer um die Opfer | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Schulmassaker_in_Finnland:_Trauer_um_die_Opfer | [
"Helsinki (Finnland), 08.11.2007 – Finnland begeht heute einen nationalen Tag der Trauer, nachdem am gestrigen Mittwoch ein 18-Jähriger sieben Schüler und einen Lehrer in Tuusula, 50 Kilometer nördlich der Hauptstadt Helsinki, erschossen und zwölf weitere verletzt hatte. Finnlands Ministerpräsident Matti Vanhanen beschrieb das Ereignis als „große Tragödie“. Präsidentin Tarja Halonen zeigte sich geschockt und sprach den Familien der Opfer ihr Beileid aus.",
"Der Attentäter, inzwischen identifiziert als Pekka-Eric Auvinen und selbst ehemaliger Schüler der Schule, war gegen Mittag in das Gebäude eingedrungen, tötete fünf Jungen, zwei Mädchen und die Schuldirektorin, bevor er seine Pistole gegen sich selbst richtete und sich in den Kopf schoss. Wenig später verstarb er im Krankenhaus.",
"Schon zuvor hatte der Amokläufer das Massaker im Internet angekündigt und ein Videoclip auf der Website YouTube veröffentlicht, das ihn mit einer Pistole zeigte. Er bezeichnete sich darin selbst als „sozialen Darwinisten“, der alle eliminieren werde, die ihm nicht passten. Der Film zeigte dabei Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Video, das Cho Seung Hui an den US-Fernsehsender NBC schickte, bevor er im April dieses Jahres 32 Studenten an der Virginia Highschool tötete.",
"Finnland, mit seinen nur 5,2 Millionen Einwohnern, hat die weltweit dritthöchste Dichte von Schusswaffen pro Einwohner. Auf 100 Menschen kommen 56 Schusswaffen."
] | null | interlang link |
Tuusulassa ampumavälikohtaus | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Tuusulassa_ampumav%C3%A4likohtaus | [
"Jokelan koulussa Tuusulassa tapahtui ampumavälikohtaus 7. marraskuuta 2007. Jokelan koulukeskus on yhdistetty yläaste ja lukio, jossa on noin 500 oppilasta ja 50 henkilökunnan jäsentä.",
"Helsingin Sanomien mukaan poliisi on vahvistanut yhdeksän ihmisen surman ja ainakin kymmenen haavoittumisen. Varsinaiset tapahtumat kestivät poliisin mukaan noin puoli tuntia. Ampuja on poliisin mukaan saatu kiinni. Poliisin tiedotustilaisuuteen klo 18.00 mennessä oli varmistunut uhrimäärän nousu kahdeksaan. Kuolleiden määrä nousi myöhemmin samana iltana yhdeksään, kun ampuja kuoli Töölön sairaalassa saamiinsa vammoihin[1]. Uhreista opiskelijoita oli seitsemän, viisi poikaa ja kaksi tyttöä. Lisäksi surmansa sai koulun naisrehtori.",
"Yleisradion TV1:n uutislähetyksen mukaan sairaalalähteisiin viitaten Töölön sairaalassa on hoidettavana ammuskelijaksi epäilty henkilö, jonka tila on kriittinen. Sairaalan ylilääkärin Eero Hirvensalon mukaan hänen ennusteensa on erittäin huono ja henkiinjäämisen mahdollisuutensa olematon [2]. Hän oli ampunut itseään päähän.",
"Poliisi ei ampunut välikohtauksen aikana yhtään laukausta, mutta poliisia kohti ammuskelija ampui yhden laukauksen.",
"Poliisin tiedotustilaisuudessa kävi ilmi, että ampujan käyttämä ase oli luvallinen. Sen lupa oli myönnetty 19. lokakuuta ja lupahakemuksen liitteenä oli ampumaseuran todistus jäsenyydestä. Käytetty ase oli todennäköisesti .22 kaliiperin Sig Sauer Mosquito -pistooli. Ampuja oli jo aiemmin ilmoittanut aikeistaan Internetin YouTube-sivustolla ja IRC-Galleriassa, johon hän oli ladannut kuvia ja suunnitelman tulevasta iskusta. Sittemmin Sturmgeist-tunnuksella esiintyneen käyttäjän YouTube-tunnus on suljettu, eikä videoita ole enää nähtävillä. Aineisto on silti nähtävillä lukuisilla muilla sivuilla Internetissä."
] | 7. marraskuuta 2007 | interlang link |
Finlande : Fusillade dans un établissement scolaire | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Finlande_:_Fusillade_dans_un_%C3%A9tablissement_scolaire | [
"Publié le 8 novembre 2007 Huit morts, tel fut le résultat de la fusillade dans un lycée en Finlande mercredi 7 novembre. Il s'agit de sept élèves et du proviseur de ce collège-lycée à Tuusula. Cet événement rappelle ceux qui ont émaillé l'actualité américaine, ces dernières années (inspirant des films, des livres et des documentaires).",
"L'auteur des faits est un élève de 18 ans, en dernière année de lycée, il s'agit d'un acte prémédité puisqu'il annonçait quelques heures plus tôt sur le site de Youtube en mettant en ligne une vidéo qu'une fusillade allait se produire dans son lycée (vidéo qui depuis a été retirée du site mais qui fut vue par 200 000 personnes) sous le nom de \"Massacre du Lycée Jokela - 7/11/2007\". Armé de 500 cartouches, il tua sept personnes dont le proviseur de l'établissement avant de se donner la mort.",
"Il explique son geste dans une lettre où il dévoile son hostilité envers la société."
] | null | interlang link |
Finlandia: sparatoria in una scuola di Tuusula | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Finlandia:_sparatoria_in_una_scuola_di_Tuusula | [
"Uno studente non ancora identificato ha aperto il fuoco questa mattina all'interno del liceo Jokela di Tuusula, in Finlandia. Il numero di vittime è rimasto incerto durante la mattinata, l'agenzia ANSA in un primo momento riportava 3 morti fra cui il direttore della scuola mentre la STT parlava solo di una vittima e quattro feriti gravi. In un aggiornamento rilasciato alle ore 15.41 locali (le 13.41 UTC) dall'agenzia STT un testimone oculare afferma che le vittime sono tre mentre la rivista Iltalehti riportando non meglio specificate \"fonti di polizia\" parla di sette vittime.",
"Nel tardo pomeriggio la polizia finlandese ha annunciato che il numero di vittime della sparatoria è di otto persone, dieci i feriti, e che il sospetto è stato ricoverato all'ospedale Töölö di Helsinki dopo essersi sparato alla testa. Sette vittime erano studenti, l'ottava è la preside del liceo.",
"Subito dopo la sparatoria la polizia ha circondato la scuola e un portavoce ha riferito che sono stati esplosi alcuni colpi verso gli agenti. Un portavoce della città ha riferito che il sospetto, un ragazzo di 18 anni, ha aperto il fuoco con una pistola durante una lezione. Diversi testimoni hanno visto unità armate della polizia dirigersi verso la scuola. Il sospetto si è barricato all'interno dell'edificio che è stato circondato dalle teste di cuoio della polizia supportate anche da alcuni tiratori scelti. L'ispettore capo Tero Haapala del Keskusrikospoliisi (la polizia criminale) parlando ai giornalisti nel primo pomeriggio ha affermato che la situazione è sotto controllo e non rappresenta un pericolo per la collettività.",
"Un video intitolato Jokela High School Massacre - 11/7/2007 è stato caricato ieri su Youtube, si presume dalla stessa persona che ha attaccato oggi la scuola con lo pseudonimo di Sturmgeist89 (spirito di tempesta in tedesco). Nel suo profilo utente sono riportate frasi di odio verso la società e una sorta di manifesto di pulizia sociale nei confronti di coloro che «sono fallimenti della selezione naturale»."
] | mercoledì 7 novembre 2007 | interlang link |
Massacre em escola na Finlândia | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Massacre_em_escola_na_Finl%C3%A2ndia | [
"Um massacre em escola cidade de Tuusula na Finlândia deixa oito estudantes mortos e vários ficaram feridos.[1] Vários vídeos foram colocados no YouTube antecipando o assassinato em massa. A empresa que mantém o YouTube já retirou do ar.[2] Massacres de estudantes em estabelecimento de ensino tem sido comuns nos últimos anos em todo o mundo."
] | 8 de novembro de 2007 | interlang link |
В Финляндии школьник расстрелял одноклассников | 84,711 | [
"November 7, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting",
"Suicide attacks"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%92_%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B8_%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA_%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%BB_%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2 | [
"В среду в одной из школ на юге Финляндии 18-летний финн Пекка Эрик Аувинен открыл огонь по ученикам, а когда прибыла полиция, обстрелял и стражей порядка, поcле чего выстрелил себе в голову и был доставлен в больницу в критическом состоянии. В результате стрельбы в школе погибли восемь человек: пять учеников, две ученицы и директор школы. В среду вечером Аувинен скончался в больнице.",
"Сообщается, что школьник легально приобрел оружие, получив лицензию 19 октября, и ранее не имел проблем с законом. Накануне трагедии он поместил сообщение о предстоящих действиях на сайте YouTube под заголовком \"Резня в школе Jokela\". В ролике, который позже был убран из всемирной сети, содержалось изображение здания школы, две фотографии молодого человека с пистолетом и текст о \"революции против системы\".",
"В знак траура по погибшим в Финляндии в четверг будут приспущены государственные флаги. Президент страны Тарья Халонен, выражая соболезнования пострадавшим и близким погибших, назвала инцидент \"горестным и потрясающим\"."
] | 7 ноября 2007 года | interlang link |
Death of Nancy Benoit rumour posted on Wikipedia hours prior to body being found | 72,778 | [
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Original reporting",
"Georgia (U.S. state)",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"June 28, 2007",
"North America",
"World Wrestling Entertainment",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Death_of_Nancy_Benoit_rumour_posted_on_Wikipedia_hours_prior_to_body_being_found | [
"Wikinews has learned through an investigation that anonymous edits on the Wikipedia article Chris Benoit were added about the death of his wife Nancy Benoit 14 hours before police entered the Benoit home to find the former professional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Canadian wrestler and his family dead.",
"An anonymous edit from IP address using the Internet service provider Optimum Online was made at 04:01 UTC on Chris Benoit's Wikipedia article. On a paragraph about an earlier fight: \"However, Chris Benoit was replaced… due to personal issues,…\", the anonymous editor added \" stemming from the death of his wife Nancy.\" The edit was reversed just under one hour later with the comment: \"Need a reliable source. Saying that his wife died is a pretty big statement, you need to back it up with something.\"",
"Then just one hour later after the first edit reversion, another anonymous edit by using unwiredAustralia.com.au, a wireless Internet service provider, was made adding about the aforementioned personal issues: \"which according to several pro wrestling websites is attributed to the passing of Benoit's wife, Nancy.\" That edit was reverted just under 20 minutes later, with the comment: \"Saying 'several pro wrestling websites' is still not reliable information.\"",
"Further investigation shows that the IP address used to make the first edit is located in Connecticut, but the IP address is not linked to any computers or servers used by the WWE, but according to Cary Bass, Volunteer Coordinator for the Wikimedia Foundation, the IP address matches a location in Stamford, Connecticut where the WWE headquarters is located. Bass also informed the local authorities in Atlanta about the unusual edits, but it is not known if the edits were investigated by the police. The second edit was made by a computer in Australia from a wireless network.",
"\"It didn't become apparent until someone put the pieces together and realized that the comment was made by someone who apparently knew about the murders,\" added Bass.",
"Fayette County Sheriff deputy Lt. Tommy Pope stated that police found the family at about 2:30 p.m. ET, which is 18:30 UTC, on Monday when the WWE called police and asked them to do a \"welfare check\" after employees of WWE received calls and text messages from Chris Benoit. Early Sunday, Benoit sent repeated text messages that read \"My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215.\" Another text message reportedly said \"The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open.\" The messages were sent around 4:00 a.m. ET.",
"Earlier, on Saturday afternoon, Chris Benoit placed a series of calls that explained why he missed his flight to Houston. The stories he told were mostly about his wife and son being sick with food poisoning and vomiting. Although, in one call he said that he and Nancy were at the hospital to be with Daniel who was hospitalized. Throughout he insisted that he would attend that live event in Houston.",
"When he missed the live event on Sunday, and the WWE couldn't get hold of him, they contacted authorities. Police say that Benoit strangled his wife on Friday, smothered his son on late Friday or early Saturday, and then hanged himself inside his weight room on Sunday or Monday.",
"The Wikinews investigation is unable to conclude whether the anonymous editors had inside information about the death of Nancy Benoit.",
"This is not the first time Benoit's article has been edited to show false or unsourced information, as the article's edit history indicates a long history of promotional spam and vandalism. Around the time of the edits, the article contained a hidden warning to editors of the section mentioned, warning against adding rumours and speculations. For the time being, Benoit's article has been protected in an attempt to stop the addition of fraudulent information."
] | 2007-06-28 | title |
Morte di Chris Benoit: su Wikipedia una modifica annuncia la morte della moglie | 72,778 | [
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Original reporting",
"Georgia (U.S. state)",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"June 28, 2007",
"North America",
"World Wrestling Entertainment",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Morte_di_Chris_Benoit:_su_Wikipedia_una_modifica_annuncia_la_morte_della_moglie | [
"Nuovi misteri circondano la vicenda del doppio omicidio-suicidio di Chris Benoit, celebre star del wrestling, e della sua famiglia. Fra i registri delle modifiche di Wikipedia in lingua inglese, infatti, è stato scoperto che un utente anonimo ha inserito nella voce della star del wrestling un riferimento alla morte della moglie Nancy Daus alle 4:01 (UTC) del 25 giugno, dunque circa 14 ore e 30 minuti prima del rinvenimento dei cadaveri e addirittura 16 ore prima che la WWE, la federazione del wrestling di cui Benoit faceva parte, annunciasse la scoperta dei cadaveri nella casa del wrestler a Fayetteville, in Georgia.",
"La modifica affermava testualmente che (in grassetto la modifica dell'IP anonimo):",
"Nell'immediato la modifica era passata inosservata, ed era stata infatti annullata successivamente, in quanto si trattava di una speculazione alquanto fantasiosa e non supportata da alcuna fonte, si presume l'opera di un mitomane o comunque di un vandalo.",
"Alle 16:00 (ora locale, le 20:00 UTC) del 25 giugno, la WWE annuncia con un breve comunicato la morte di Chris Benoit.",
"Diverse ore più tardi la modifica viene riscoperta da un utente di Wikipedia, il quale effettua un whois per cercare di localizzare l'origine geografica della modifica, ovvero il luogo da cui è partita tale modifica. Si scopre, quindi, che l'IP proviene da Stamford, Connecticut, che è anche la sede della WWE.",
"Varie ipotesi sono state fatte sinora su Wikipedia, dove si sta discutendo anche di informare le autorità di tale modifica: secondo alcuni si tratta di una tragica coincidenza, mentre secondo altri si tratta probabilmente di una fuga di notizie, dovuta ai messaggi che Chris Benoit avrebbe inviato ai colleghi della WWE con il proprio cellulare, e soprattutto al fatto che la modifica sia partita proprio dalla città che è il quartier generale della federazione cui Benoit apparteneva e dove potrebbero essere giunti alcuni dei messaggi inviati dal wrestler."
] | mercoledì 27 giugno 2007 | interlang link |
Death penalty abolished in Philippines | 43,718 | [
"Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo",
"June 24, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Death_penalty_abolished_in_Philippines | [
"Gloria Arroyo, President of the Philippines, has signed legislation abolishing the death penalty. This move comes on the eve of a visit to see Pope Benedict XVI and only two weeks after the legislation was confirmed by Congress. The change in sentencing law will lead to more than 1,200 prisoners having their sentences changed to life imprisonment.",
"Arroyo has made assurances that \"we shall continue to devote the increasing weight of our resources to the prevention and control of serious crimes, rather than take the lives of those who commit them\". She was keen to emphasise that her country was not soft on terrorism.",
"In the Philippines, the death penalty was originally abolished in 1987, but it was reintroduced in 1993. Since then seven people have been executed. Abolition of the death penalty has generally occurred in correlation with increasing democratisation in nation-states around the world. As of 2005, a majority of states (122) were abolitionist, and a minority (73) retained the death penalty."
] | 2006-06-24 | title |
La peine de mort a été abolie par les Philippines | 43,718 | [
"Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo",
"June 24, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/La_peine_de_mort_a_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_abolie_par_les_Philippines | [
"Gloria Arroyo, la présidente des Philippines a signé le décret abolissant la peine de mort dans son pays. Cette action survient à la veille d'une visite pour rencontrer le pape et seulement 2 semaines après la confirmation par le Congrès. Ce changement de législation va transformer la sentence de plus de 1200 prisonniers en prison à vie.",
"Arroyo a donné des assurances qu'elle continuera à augmenter les moyens dédiés à la prévention et au contrôle des crimes plutôt que de d'éliminer ceux qui les ont commis.",
"La peine de mort avait été abolie en 1987 et réintroduite en 1993. Sept personnes ont été exécutées durant cette période."
] | Publié le 24 juin 2006 | interlang link |
フィリピンで、死刑制度が廃止に | 43,718 | [
"Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo",
"June 24, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%83%AA%E3%83%94%E3%83%B3%E3%81%A7%E3%80%81%E6%AD%BB%E5%88%91%E5%88%B6%E5%BA%A6%E3%81%8C%E5%BB%83%E6%AD%A2%E3%81%AB | [
] | 【2006年6月25日】 | interlang link |
Dell delays filing of financials as accounting investigation continues | 63,885 | [
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"March 30, 2007",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dell_delays_filing_of_financials_as_accounting_investigation_continues | [
"Dell Inc., a global leader in computer hardware manufacturing and sales, announced yesterday that it will delay filing of its annual performance report, the Form 10-K, required for compliance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Nasdaq listing rules.",
"In a press release, Dell explained that an audit committee of the company's board of directors is carrying out an investigation into accounting and financial reporting issues. The company stated that it would delay filing of the 10-K since the investigation had not been completed.",
"The internal investigation has found evidence of accounting errors, misconduct, and deficiencies in areas of financial control.",
"The chairman of Dell's audit committee, Thomas Luce III, indicated that the delay in filing would extend past the April 3, 2007 deadline as well as an April 18, 2007 extension date. \"As we move toward the conclusion of our investigation, we are committing the time and resources required to ensure a thorough and comprehensive review and resolution of all identified issues and the implementation of appropriate remedial measures,” said Luce.",
"The investigation is to determine whether the restatement of any financial disclosures are warranted, based on the accounting errors identified. The probe will also assess whether there are deficiencies in Dell’s internal control over financial reporting."
] | 2007-03-30 | title |
Dell hat die Bekanntgabe seiner Bilanz verschoben | 63,885 | [
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"March 30, 2007",
"North America",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Dell_hat_die_Bekanntgabe_seiner_Bilanz_verschoben | [
"Round Rock (Vereinigte Staaten), 30.03.2007 – Der Computerhersteller Dell hat in einer nach Börsenschluss veröffentlichten Meldung Bilanzierungsfehler sowie weitere Mängel im „Finanzkontrollumfeld“ zugegeben. Als Folge wurde die Veröffentlichung des Jahresberichts verschoben, der damit nun nicht mehr zum 18. April der US-amerikanischen Börsenaufsicht SEC vorgelegt wird, wie es ursprünglich vorgesehen war. Derzeit führt die Firma mit der Hilfe von externen Experten eine interne Untersuchung durch, um festzustellen, ob schon gemachte Angaben korrigiert werden müssen und ob es Mängel bei den Kontrollen innerhalb des Unternehmens gebe, hieß es."
] | null | interlang link |
Details emerge on fatal stabbing at Belgian day care centre | 119,819 | [
"Crime and law",
"January 24, 2009",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Details_emerge_on_fatal_stabbing_at_Belgian_day_care_centre | [
"Prosecutor Christian Du Four has released more details on the fatal stabbing in a day care center in East Flanders, Belgium, yesterday, in which two children (six and nine months old) and one employee were killed. Ten children and two adults were injured.",
"The alleged perpetrator, a 20-year-old man from nearby Sint-Niklaas, was arrested in the neighbouring municipality of Lebbeke shortly after the crime. Belgian news website nieuwsblad.be have named the arrested man as Kim De Gelder.",
"The attacker wore a bullet-proof vest under his clothes and a backpack containing a knife, an axe and a fake pistol. Two other knives were found near the crime scene.",
"The prosecutor confirmed that the man's face was painted white with blackened eyes as he committed the crime, which led international media to make comparisons to the Joker, the villain from the Batman series.",
"\"I have a question,\" the killer told the first employee he encountered, after which he immediately stabbed her, and started his rampage. One female day care worker attempted to disarm the killer while others locked the doors. The killer stabbed employees trying to carry children to safety.",
"The arrested man is not cooperating with the investigation and has not confessed. The prosecutor described his attitude as \"passive\". \"He says nothing to his questioners. He is absolutely uncooperative,\" the prosecutor explained. Yesterday, media reported that the killer was laughing at the officers who were questioning him, but the prosecutor today denied these speculations.",
"According to the crime scene investigation, the man entered the building through an unlocked side-entrance which gave immediate access to the room with the babies. He stabbed several of them, then went to another room where he stabbed other children. He then fled on the bicycle on which he had arrived.",
"Panic struck in Dendermonde amidst fears that the man would attack more crèches or schools. There were reports that the killer carried a note with names and addresses of other day care centres or schools nearby, something which the prosecutor could not comment on. The Associated Press says three judicial officials anonymously confirmed that the attacker carried addresses of three other nurseries. Following news of the stabbings, all schools in Dendermonde were ordered to keep all gates shut.",
"Eyewitness Hans Staelens told reporters that he had noticed a suspicious character in the street where the day care centre 'Fable Land' was located. He described him as \"not too tall, thin, red hair, dark eyes, like make-up\".",
"The alleged killer lived alone and was unemployed, but does not have a criminal record. \"There is no element whatsoever that makes us believe he has a psychiatric history,\" the prosecutor told the press at a conference today. He has commissioned three psychiatrists to examine the man. Kim D. was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.",
"One child and one woman died in the day care centre itself, with another child dying in hospital. All injured are reported to be in stable condition. Three children and one adult remain in intensive care. Five others also remain hospitalised, although several are expected to be discharged at some point during the weekend.",
"54-year-old Marita Blindeman, who was killed in the attack, worked in the day care centre, which was sponsored by social services, since she was 18. Since the death of her father, she lived with, and took care of, both her mother and her sister, who has a learning disability. Just two years ago, she started having a relationship with a man, according to her son in a letter to newspapers.",
"Only six of the 18 children in the crèche, all under the age of three, were uninjured. Meanwhile, the decision has been taken not to reopen the day care centre, but to provide day care in other facilities. Six employees were present during the attack.",
"Friday evening, the Belgian crown prince and his wife visited the crime scene. The couple, who have four children, were moved deeply by the killings.",
"Some hundred people have signed a mourning registry in Dendermonde's city hall, and flowers and teddy bears were left at the day care centre. A silent demonstration is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and a mourning ceremony will be held on Monday evening.",
"Several media outlets have discussed the safety of day care centres. Minister Veerle Heeren said she would consider additional safety measures if the investigation suggests it, but also added that, \"a day care centre should be a haven, not a prison.\"",
"\"Fatal stabbings kill three at Belgian day care center\" — Wikinews, January 23, 2009"
] | 2009-01-24 | title |
Flere detaljer om belgiske barnedrap kjent | 119,819 | [
"Crime and law",
"January 24, 2009",
] | no | https://no.wikinews.org/wiki/Flere_detaljer_om_belgiske_barnedrap_kjent | [
"Målform: Bokmål - Dato: 26. januar 2009 - Oppdater siden - Rediger artikkelen - Flere nyheter",
"Belgia: Detaljer har nå kommet ut om mannen som drepte to spedbarn og en kvinne i Dendermonde i Belgia fredag.",
"I løpet av lørdag har alle, bortsett fra en voksen og et barn, blitt flyttet fra intensivavdelingene til vanlige avdelinger. Tre barn og en voksen ble utskrevet lørdag, mens to skal kunne forlate sykehuset idag, søndag.[1] Dendermondes borgermester, Piet Buyse, har meldt at barnehagen ikke vil åpnes igjen.[2]",
"Gjerningsmannen er den ikke tidligere straffede tyveårige Kim De Gelder fra Sint-Niklaas' kommunedel Sinaai. Han har ikke avgitt en forklaring med hensyn til motivet for ugjerningen. Kim De Gelder ble offisielt arrestert lørdag kveld 23.35 og overført til fengselet i Brugges sykehusavdeling. Arrestasjonen ble basert på identifikasjoner foretatt av mennesker som var tilstede i barnehagen da han gikk til angrep. Selv nekter han at han har noe med saken å gjøre, og tier. Han vil bli fremstilt for retten tirsdag i forbindelse med en forlengelse av fengslingen.",
"De Gelder er arbeidsløs etter å ha sagt opp jobben hos en butikkinnrednings-grossist, og bor alene i en bydel med mange unge familier med barn. Naboene beskriver ham som en enstøing, mens kollegaenes beskrivelse er at han er en lukket, intelligent kar med stor interesse for film.",
"Under en pressekonferanse lørdag ble videre meldt at da De Gelder ble anholdt var han blant annet ikledd en skuddsikker vest og hadde han en ryggsekk med en kniv, en øks og en juksepistol. Videre ble ytterligere to kniver funnet nær barnehagen. Kim D. skal undersøkes av tre psykiatere.[3][4]"
] | null | interlang link |
Device explodes on London Tube train at Parsons Green | 2,823,702 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"National Health Service",
"September 15, 2017"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Device_explodes_on_London_Tube_train_at_Parsons_Green | [
"This morning local time an explosion, now officially considered a terrorist incident, was reported on a London underground train which was stopped at Parsons Green in south-west London.\nThe explosion has been officially confirmed caused by an improvised device placed in a white bucket inside a Lidl shopping bag. Reports also indicate a timer attached to the explosive. At least 29 people were injured, NHS England said this afternoon.",
"Officers and ambulance staff were on the scene this morning, with reports of burn and crush injuries. Detectives and MI5 were investigating.",
"BBC News presenter Sophie Raworth described seeing a woman on a stretcher with face and leg burns.",
"In a statement after the incident, British Prime Minister Theresa May said, \"My thoughts are with those injured at Parsons Green and emergency services who are responding bravely to this terrorist incident.\""
] | 2017-09-15 | title |
Terroranschlag in London: Das britische Volk ist schockiert | 2,823,702 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"National Health Service",
"September 15, 2017"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Terroranschlag_in_London:_Das_britische_Volk_ist_schockiert | [
"London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 15.09.2017 – In der britischen Hauptstadt London kam es am Morgen des 15. Septembers um etwa 8 Uhr 20 zur Explosion einer Bombe in der Metro. Der Vorfall wurde als Terroranschlag eingestuft. Dreißig Personen erlitten Verletzungen, ein Großteil davon Verbrennungen.",
"Die Polizei erhöhte nach dem Anschlag die Terrorwarnstufe im Land auf die Stufe fünf „kritisch“, der höchsten Stufe der Skala. Nach der Festnahme eines 18-jährigen Mannes am Hafen von Dover wurde die Warnstufe auf vier „ernst“ heruntergesetzt. Nach Auskunft von Scotland Yard soll es sich bei dem Festgenommenen um die Personen handeln, von der die Bombe im Zug platziert worden war.",
"Am Sonntag nahm die Polizei eine 21-jährigen Mann im Westen von London im Stadtteil Hounslow fest. Im Zusammenhang mit der Festnahme durchsuchten Ermittler eine Wohnung nahe dem Flughafen Heathrow in der Ortschaft Stanwell."
] | null | interlang link |
Una explosión en el metro de Londres dejó varios heridos, se presume de un ataque terrorista | 2,823,702 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"National Health Service",
"September 15, 2017"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Una_explosi%C3%B3n_en_el_metro_de_Londres_dej%C3%B3_varios_heridos,_se_presume_de_un_ataque_terrorista | [
"Esta mañana, cerca de las 08:20 hora local (07:20 BSC), una explosión en una estación de metro londinense volvió a despertar sospechas de otro ataque terrorista a la capital del Reino Unido. Fue en la estación Parsons Greens del ramal District (verde) en una formación que viajaba de Wimbledon a Padington y dieciocho personas sufrieron heridas.",
"En lo que en principio las fuentes califican como incidente terrorista, un artefacto explosivo detonó en la estación Parsons Greens y provocó la estampida de los pasajeros que estaban en el lugar y pudo haber sido lo que provocó más lesiones que la propia explosión, los vídeos muestran un cubo parecido a un tarro de pintura ardiendo en llamas y del cual sobresalían unos cables.",
"Un testigo presencial declaró a una agencia noticiosa que observó varias personas heridas a causa de los pisoteos de otras personas que trataban de salir de la estación. Otra periodista declaró que vio gente muy afectada por el calor provocado por el estallido.",
"Rápidamente los servicios de emergencias acudieron al lugar y los heridos fueron trasladados a centros asistenciales, ninguna de las víctimas presentan riesgo de vida.",
"Las autoridades londinenses expresaron su consternación por lo que puede ser un nuevo acto terrorista que tuvo como blanco a esta ciudad incluyendo a la primer ministra británica Theresa May y al alcalde de Londres Sadiq Khan quienes se solidarizaron con las víctimas y prometieron no acobardarse con las amenazas terrorista y solicitaron a sus habitantes extremar las medidas de precaución y conserven la calma."
] | 15 de septiembre de 2017 | interlang link |
Explosie in Londens metrostation, mogelijk terreurdaad | 2,823,702 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"National Health Service",
"September 15, 2017"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosie_in_Londens_metrostation,_mogelijk_terreurdaad | [
"Explosie in Londens metrostation, mogelijk terreurdaad",
"Bij een kleine explosie vanmorgen in het Londense metrostation Parsons Green zijn 29 (licht)gewonden gevallen. In een wagon ontplofte een witte emmer met daarin iets explosiefs in een plastic tas. Er ontstond volgens getuigen een vuurbal, die kortstondig veel paniek veroorzaakte. Een deel van de slachtoffers liep brandwonden op door de explosie, anderen werden in het ontstane tumult onder de voet gelopen.",
"De politie gaat uit van een terreurdaad en is op zoek naar de dader(s), met steun van de MI5. Volgens terrorismedeskundige Mark Rowley betreft het een geïmproviseerd explosief. Er zijn ook berichten over nog een tweede explosief dat bij het station zou zijn aangetroffen. Er is iemand geïdentificeerd die de emmers had achtergelaten, maar er is nog niemand opgepakt.",
"Volgens experts was de schade veel groter geweest en waren er ook doden gevallen als de emmer helemaal was ontploft.",
"Op het getroffen deel van de metrolijn − tussen Earl's Court en Wimbledon − is het metroverkeer stilgelegd. Premier May heeft haar medeleven betuigd met de slachtoffers.",
"Inmiddels heeft Islamitische Staat de verantwoordelijkheid voor de aanslag opgeëist en gedreigd met meer aanslagen. Naar aanleiding hiervan is in het Verenigd Koninkrijk het dreigingsniveau verhoogd naar het hoogste niveau, \"kritiek\", wat betekent dat er op korte termijn een nieuwe aanslag valt te verwachten.",
"In Dover is een 18-jarige man aangehouden op verdenking van betrokkenheid bij de aanslag. Of hij ook de dader is, is niet bekend. De Britse politie brengt geen nadere details naar buiten. Het terreurdreigingsniveau is niet verlaagd na de de aanhouding.",
"Twee mannen van 21 en 48 die waren gearresteerd in verband met de aanslag zijn weer vrijgelaten. De 21-jarige man is een Syriër die was opgevangen in hetzelfde Britse pleeggezin als de 18-jarige hoofdverdachte. Hij heeft familie in het Noord-Brabantse Terheijden."
] | 15 september 2017 | interlang link |
Категория:Теракт в лондонском метро (2017-09-15) | 2,823,702 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"National Health Service",
"September 15, 2017"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82_%D0%B2_%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE_(2017-09-15) | [
"15 сентября 2017 года в метро Лондона произошёл взрыв. Было ранено около 30 человек. Самодельная бомба взорвалась не на полную мощность, иначе последствия были бы намного тяжелее.",
"Ответственность взяло на себя Исламское государство."
] | null | interlang link |
Distributed malware attacks Dyn DNS, takes down websites in US | 2,800,349 | [
"October 24, 2016",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Distributed_malware_attacks_Dyn_DNS,_takes_down_websites_in_US | [
"On Friday, a network of diverse Internet-connected devices targeted the Dyn domain registration service provider. It took down Dyn clients, including several popular websites such as Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Reddit, New York Times, and Wired.",
"The attack involved targeting Dyn's domain name system servers with a large volume of requests, rendering it incapable of serving replies to legitimate requests — a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. Users' browsers and other clients sent requests to Dyn to resolve the respective web sites' domain names to an IP, but did not get a reply within the time required.",
"The first attack started at about 7am local time (UTC-4) and was resolved in two hours. A second attack started at mid-day, and a third attack started at about 4pm local time. Tens of millions of malicious request sources were observed, interfering with legitimate Dyn traffic.",
"The reports noted the malicious devices included internet-connected devices — not only servers and desktops, but also webcams, digital video recorders, routers — referred to as the Internet of Things.",
"On Friday evening Dyn said a security company Flashpoint and a cloud services provider Akamai identified symptoms of malware Mirai participating in the attacks. The malware infects the devices by brute forcing their passwords. This strategy may work as a consequence of users' negligence towards password security of stationary devices, which the users do not directly interact with in their everyday life while leaving them exposed to the Internet.",
"Matthew Prince, the CEO of an Internet infrastructure company Cloudflare said it's a known issue, \"There's nothing really new about [this type of DDoS attack]. We've seen them for at least the last three years, they tend to be difficult to stop\".",
"Public release of Mirai source code was announced at Hackforums on September 30.",
"Dyn's corporate headquarters are in New Hampshire."
] | 2016-10-24 | title |
Ciberataques masivos inutilizan las páginas web de empresas como WhatsApp, Twitter, Spotify y Netflix | 2,800,349 | [
"October 24, 2016",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Ciberataques_masivos_inutilizan_las_p%C3%A1ginas_web_de_empresas_como_WhatsApp,_Twitter,_Spotify_y_Netflix | [
"Este viernes, una serie de ciberataques masivos contra la empresa Dyn, que ofrece servicios de gestión y optimización del tráfico a múltiples páginas, ocasionaron la caída de los sitios web de grandes compañías, como Twitter, Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, Visa, Github, Airbnb, Reddit, WhatsApp y periódicos como The New York Times. Este ataque, que afectó a usuarios de todo el mundo, se considera el más relevante de los últimos diez años.",
"De acuerdo con Dyn, sus servidores sufrieron un ataque de denegación de servicio, que satura con tráfico no deseado los servidores ocasionando que los sitios no respondan. El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos y el FBI investigan las \"causas potenciales\" del ataque. Dyn informó sobre el ataque a las 11:10 UTC y, dos horas después, afirmó que el servicio había sido restaurado. \"El ataque ha impactado principalmente en la costa Este de Estados Unidos y ha afectado a los usuarios cuyas direcciones DNS estén gestionadas desde esa región\", explicó la compañía sobre el primer ataque. No obstante, tres horas después, se reportó otro ataque.",
"Animal Político afirma que los puntos \"más afectados son las costas este y oeste, el sur de EU, Francia, Reino Unido y el centro de México\". \"Creemos que puede tener relación con la botnet, una granja de bots, de Mirai. En los últimos meses se ha izado para lanzar ataques de denegación de servicios distribuida como la que ha sufrido Dyn hoy\", indicó sobre el caso AlienVault, firma especializada en ciberataques. En septiembre pasado, en Francia, se registró el mayor ataque reciente de este tipo. En esa ocasión, se emplearon 150 000 dispositivos inteligentes para atacar a OVH."
] | 21 de octubre de 2016 | interlang link |
Atak DDoS na DNS firmy Dyn | 2,800,349 | [
"October 24, 2016",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Atak_DDoS_na_DNS_firmy_Dyn | [
"21 października 2016 roku doszło do ataku DDoS na DNSy firmy Dyn, świadczącej usługi na rzecz kilku popularnych serwisów internetowych. Korzystanie z zawartości takich serwisów stało się niemożliwe.",
"Celem ataku było sparaliżowanie ruchu internetowego w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Nie działały m.in. takie serwisy jak Twitter, Github, Amazon, PlayStation Network, Reddit.",
"Atak następował dwukrotnie, druga fala nastąpiła o 17:50 czasu polskiego."
] | null | interlang link |
Ciberataques em massa inutilizam as páginas web de empresas como WhatsApp, Twitter, Spotify e Netflix | 2,800,349 | [
"October 24, 2016",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Ciberataques_em_massa_inutilizam_as_p%C3%A1ginas_web_de_empresas_como_WhatsApp,_Twitter,_Spotify_e_Netflix | [
"Nesta sexta-feira, uma série de ciberataques em massa contra a empresa Dyn, que oferece serviços de gestão e otimização de tráfego a múltiplas páginas, ocasionaram a queda dos sítios web de grandes empresas, como Twitter, Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, Visa, Github, Airbnb, Reddit, WhatsApp e jornais como The New York Times. Este ataque, que afetou os usuários de todo o mundo, é considerado o mais relevante dos últimos dez anos.",
"De acordo com Dyn, seus servidores sofreram um ataque de negação de serviço, que satura com tráfego não desejado os servidores, ocasionando que os sítios não respondam. O Departamento de Segurança Interna dos Estados Unidos e o FBI investigam as \"causas potenciais\" do ataque. Dyn relatou o ataque às 11:10 UTC e duas horas depois, afirmou que o serviço havia sido restaurado. \"O ataque foi impactado principalmente na Costa Leste dos Estados Unidos e já afetado aos usuários cujos endereços DNS são geridas a partir dessa região\", explicou a empresa sobre o primeiro ataque. No entanto, três horas depois, foi relatado outro ataque.",
"Animal Político afirma que os pontos \"mais afectados são as costas leste e oeste, o sul dos Estados Unidos, França, Reino Unido e centro do México.\" \"Acreditamos que pode ter relação com o botnet, uma granja de bots, de Mirai. Nos últimos meses, havia erguido para lançar ataques de negação de serviço distribuída como a que havia sofrido Dyn hoje\", disse sobre o caso AlienVault, empresa especializada em ciberataques. Em setembro passado, na França, se registou o maior recente desse tipo. Nessa ocasião, foram usados 150.000 dispositivos inteligentes para atacar OVH."
] | 21 de outubro de 2016 | interlang link |
DNA re-test ordered on executed Virginia man | 30,022 | [
"January 6, 2006",
"Mark Warner",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/DNA_re-test_ordered_on_executed_Virginia_man | [
"Virginia’s outgoing governor and possible 2008 presidential contender Mark Warner ordered on Thursday that DNA testing should be performed on Roger Keith Coleman, a Grundy, Virginia man executed in May 1992 for the rape and murder in 1981 of Wanda Fay McCoy.",
"The death penalty was re-instated in the United States after a Supreme Court ruling in 1976, reversing its brief suspension from 1973. A total of 1,004 prisoners have been executed since then, but none yet have been posthumously exonerated. That could change if the more precise DNA testing methods available today find Coleman innocent.",
"Coleman, 33, maintained his innocence to the end, saying \"An innocent man is going to be murdered tonight. When my innocence is proven, I hope America will realize the injustice of the death penalty as all other civilized countries have,\" as his final words before being strapped into the electric chair.",
"Governor Warner said regarding the Coleman case, \"[that] technology has advanced significantly and can be applied in the case of someone who consistently maintained his innocence until execution… My prayers are with the family of Wanda McCoy as we take this extraordinary step.\" Coleman's resolute insistence on his innocence drew national attention when he was pictured on the cover of TIME magazine, focusing attention on capital punishment.",
"The victim was a 19-year-old housewife and Coleman’s sister-in-law. DNA work done on sperm evidence during the 1990’s found that Coleman was within 2% of the possible population of people who could have committed the crime. Coleman’s execution was allowed to proceed by then governor Douglas Wilder.",
"The biological evidence used during Coleman's post-conviction appeal process has been under negotiation for months to agree on a proper method to have it re-tested. Four Virginia newspapers and the Centurion Ministries, a New Jersey organization, asked for the re-testing. The request was denied by the Virginia Supreme Court. With negotiations over the biological evidence successfully concluded, and with a new appeal from the Centurion Ministries to Governor Warner, the testing has begun and may conclude before the end of Warner’s governorship on January 14.",
"The sperm has been kept frozen at a California laboratory for 15 years. Dr. Blake, the head of the lab, submitted an affidavit attesting to the integrity of the samples. The first set of samples was sent to the Ontario Centre of Forensic Sciences lab in Toronto on December 15. A second delivery currently is underway.",
"\"We have found that the latest DNA technology—in certain instances where the other facts of a case support it—has provided a definitive result not available at the time of trial or post-conviction testing,\" said Governor Warner."
] | 2006-01-06 | title |
DNA-Test könnte Roger Colemans Unschuld beweisen | 30,022 | [
"January 6, 2006",
"Mark Warner",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/DNA-Test_k%C3%B6nnte_Roger_Colemans_Unschuld_beweisen | [
"Richmond (Virginia) (USA), 08.01.2006 – Vor 23 Jahren hat ein US-Gericht über Roger Coleman das Urteil gesprochen. Er wurde wegen Mordes und Vergewaltigung zum Tod verurteilt. Das Urteil wurde am 20. Mai 1992 auf dem elektrischen Stuhl vollstreckt.",
"Der Fall hat jetzt eine entscheidende Wendung genommen. In dieser Woche berichteten US-Medien, der Gouverneur von Virginia, Mark Warner, habe am Donnerstag einen DNA-Test angeordnet. Dabei soll endgültig geklärt werden, ob Coleman 1981 seine Schwägerin Wanda McCoy vergewaltigt und getötet hat.",
"Zum Zeitpunkt des Prozesses gegen Coleman standen die technischen Möglichkeiten für einen DNA-Test noch nicht zur Verfügung. Erstmals in der Geschichte der USA könnte in diesem Fall nachgewiesen werden, ob ein Urteil zu Recht vollstreckt wurde. Vor Warner hatte noch kein Gouverneur solch einen Test angeordnet.",
"Sollte sich herausstellen, dass Coleman zu Unrecht getötet wurde, hoffen die Gegner der Todesstrafe auf ein Umdenken der Befürworter dieser Art der Urteilsvollstreckung. Menschen, die im Hinblick auf diese Strafart unentschlossen sind, könnten dadurch zum Gegner dieser Strafe werden.",
"Ebenfalls am Freitag hat sich der Rechtsprofessor der American University in Washington, Ira Robbins, an die Öffentlichkeit gewandt. Er geht davon aus, dass unabhängig vom Ergebnis des DNA-Tests rückwirkend viele alte Todesurteile neu aufgerollt werden. \nUnabhängig vom Ausgang werde Warners Schritt auf jeden Fall dazu führen, dass US-weit rückwirkend in zahlreichen alten Fällen getestet werde, zitierte die „Washington Post“ am Freitag den Rechtsprofessor Ira Robbins von der American University in Washington. Seine Meinung dazu lautete: „Es könnte der größte Wendepunkt in der Frage einer Abschaffung der Todesstrafe werden.\"",
"Roger Coleman hat bis zu seiner Hinrichtung seine Unschuld beteuert."
] | null | interlang link |
Dominique Strauss-Kahn refused bail after appearance in New York court | 262,434 | [
"Economy and business",
"May 18, 2011",
"New York, New York",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Diplomatic immunity",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"United States",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dominique_Strauss-Kahn_refused_bail_after_appearance_in_New_York_court | [
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, has been refused bail after appearing in court in New York charged with sexually assaulting a chambermaid at a hotel in Manhattan. The decision by the judge to remand him in custody yesterday will likely disrupt emergency talks over the European debt crisis, demolish hopes that he will challenge Nicolas Sarkozy for the French presidency, and spell the end of his political career.",
"In court, Strauss-Kahn appeared sombre and tired. The judge agreed with the argument by the prosecution that the French politician was a flight risk after he reportedly tried to flee the country on a passenger jet for Paris. The defence said Strauss-Kahn denied the charges against him and offered $1,000,000 bail and said he would reside in Manhattan with an electronic bracelet, but the judge refused. Afterwards, defence lawyer Benjamin Brafman said: \"This battle has just begun.\"",
"The politician appeared in court charged with three crimes, including attempted rape, after a chambermaid told detectives she had been sexually assaulted by Strauss-Kahn in a luxury hotel near Times Square. \"The maid described being forcibly attacked, locked in the room and sexually assaulted,\" a spokesperson for the New York Police Department said. Detectives said the politician was detained in the first class cabin of the passenger plane which was minutes from leaving for Paris. Strauss-Kahn had reportedly fled the hotel \"in a hurry\" after the attack, leaving a number of personal effects behind.",
"Prosecutors have last night announced they are investigating claims made by a French author, Tristane Banon, that she was sexually assaulted by Strauss-Kahn in 2002. At the time, her mother—socialist councillor Anne Mansouret— persuaded her not to press charges against him, but yesterday she told French television that Strauss-Kahn had an \"addiction\" to \"preying\" on women, and had \"a difficulty in controlling his impulses.\" The author's lawyer has announced he is planning to file a complaint with Banon to officials about the alleged attack. Kahn can be convicted and sentenced over the alleged attacks on the chambermaid and on Banon because he does not have diplomatic immunity.",
"Strauss-Kahn was considered a serious contender and was expected to announce his candidacy against Sarkozy this month, but the allegations are expected to destroy the hopes of his supporters, increase infighting among the French left, and leave his political career in tatters. His arrest comes at a critical moment for the IMF, and will likely plunge efforts to stabilise the financial states of struggling eurozone countries into chaos. Strauss-Kahn was meant to discuss the bailouts of Greece and Portugal with European Union financial officials at a meeting in Brussels this week."
] | 2011-05-18 | title |
New York City: Strauss-Kahn bleibt in Untersuchungshaft | 262,434 | [
"Economy and business",
"May 18, 2011",
"New York, New York",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Diplomatic immunity",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"United States",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/New_York_City:_Strauss-Kahn_bleibt_in_Untersuchungshaft | [
"New York (Vereinigte Staaten), 16.05.2011 – Der Präsident des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, der vorgestern wegen des Verdachts auf versuchte Vergewaltigung festgenommen worden war, muss weiter in Untersuchungshaft bleiben. Das beschloss heute ein für Strafsachen zuständiges Gericht in Manhattan (New York City) nach einer 26-minütigen Anhörung.",
"Strauss-Kahn wird vorgeworfen, eine Hotelangestellte in einer 3.000-US-Dollar-Luxus-Suite eines New Yorker Hotels (Sofitel) festgehalten und versucht zu haben, sie zu vergewaltigen. Der unbekleidete Strauss-Kahn soll die Brüste der Frau und ihre Genitalien berührt haben und laut Medienberichten, die sich auf den Polizeibericht beziehen, offenbar auch versucht haben, der Frau ihren Slip auszuziehen. Die 32-jährige Hotelangestellte hat Strauss-Kahn in einer Gegenüberstellung als Täter identifiziert. Strauss-Kahn weist die gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe zurück.",
"Die Verteidigung scheiterte mit ihren Argumenten vor der Richterin Melissa C. Jackson vollständig. Der Antrag der Verteidigung auf Freilassung gegen Kaution wurde abgelehnt. Die Anwälte des IWF-Präsidenten hatten eine Kaution von einer Million US-Dollar angeboten, die von der Ehefrau des Verdächtigen, die auf dem Weg nach New York ist, hinterlegt werden sollte. Die Verteidiger Strauss-Kahns argumentierten außerdem, Strauss-Kahn habe bei seiner Verhaftung nicht versucht zu fliehen, was für ihn spräche. Außerdem wurden Zweifel an dem vorgestellten zeitlichen Ablauf vorgebracht. Nach Angaben der Verteidigung habe Strauss-Kahn ein Alibi für die Tatzeit. Ein geplantes Essen mit einer anderen Person habe während der mutmaßlichen Tatzeit stattgefunden, was diese Person bezeugen könne.",
"Die Staatsanwaltschaft begründete ihren Gegenantrag mit der Fluchtgefahr des Verdächtigen. Mit Frankreich gebe es kein Auslieferungsabkommen. Außerdem sei Strauss-Kahn wegen vergleichbarer Delikte bereits mehrfach beschuldigt worden, darunter sexuellem Missbrauch, Vergewaltigung und anderer krimineller sexueller Handlungen. Im Falle einer Verurteilung müsse Strauss-Kahn mit einer mehrjährigen Gefängnisstrafe rechnen. Dies begründe die Fluchtgefahr des Beschuldigten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft argumentierte weiterhin, gegen Strauss-Kahn sei ein weiterer Vorwurf außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten zu prüfen, wonach er für mindestens einen weiteren Fall wegen sexueller Belästigung verantwortlich zu machen sei.",
"Die Richterin wies auch die von der Verteidigung ins Spiel gebrachte Möglichkeit zurück, noch nachträglich die Kaution zuzulassen, wenn es der Verteidigung gelänge, mit der Bezirks-Staatsanwaltschaft von Manhattan eine Vereinbarung dahingehend zu erzielen, dass Strauss-Kahn im Gegenzug für die Bereitschaft, eine elektronische Fussfessel zu tragen, auf Kaution freigelassen werden könnte. Nächster Gerichtstermin ist der 20. Mai. Im Falle einer Verurteilung drohen dem französischen Politiker bis zu 20 Jahre Haft.",
"Noch während der IWF-Direktor sich einer New Yorker Richterin stellte, begann in Europa bereits die Debatte um die Nachfolge des Finanzexperten im IWF-Vorsitz. Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel erklärte: „Wir wissen, dass auf mittlere Zeiträume sicherlich die Schwellenländer auch Anspruch haben – sowohl auf den Posten des IWF-Chefs als auch auf den Posten des Weltbank-Chefs.“ Ewald Nowotny, Ratsmitglied der Europäischen Zentralbank, drängte auf einer rasche Entscheidung in dieser Personalfrage. Der deutsche Regierungssprecher, Steffen Seibert, versuchte mit den Worten zu beruhigen: „Der IWF ist funktionstüchtig“."
] | null | interlang link |
Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigns as head of IMF | 262,843 | [
"May 19, 2011",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dominique_Strauss-Kahn_resigns_as_head_of_IMF | [
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn has resigned as the head of the International Monetary Fund after he was arrested and charged with sexually attacking a chambermaid at a hotel in New York. In a statement to the executive board of the IMF, he said he was resigning from his position \"with immediate effect\" to \"devote all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence.\" Officials at the IMF said they would soon be releasing information about his successor.",
"In the statement to the board, he said it was \"with infinite sadness\" that he had to resign, and paid tribute to the IMF. \"To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me,\" he said.",
"The politician is currently being held at the notorious Rikers Island, where he has been put on suicide watch, after a judge at a court in Manhattan denied him bail for fears he was a flight risk after he reportedly tried to flee the country on a passenger jet. In court earlier this week, where Strauss-Kahn appeared tired, he denied the charges against him and offered $1,000,000 bail, but the judge refused.",
"Prosecutors allege Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted a chambermaid at a luxury hotel near Times Square. \"The maid described being forcibly attacked, locked in the room and sexually assaulted,\" a spokesperson for the New York Police Department said.",
"Detectives said the politician was detained in the first class cabin of the Air France passenger plane which was minutes from leaving for Paris. Strauss-Kahn had reportedly fled the hotel \"in a hurry\" after the attack, leaving a number of personal effects behind. He was charged with committing a criminal sexual act, attempted rape, sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment and forcible touching.",
"Investigators have this week continued to search the hotel room where the alleged attack took place, removing a piece of carpet in the suite which they hope will prove the allegation by the chambermaid that he forced her to have oral sex. Benjamin Brafman, the lawyer defending Strauss-Kahn, said forensic evidence found in the room at the Sofitel New York hotel \"will not be consistent with a forcible encounter\".",
"Strauss-Kahn is to make another court appearance to plead for bail again this morning, Brafman said; the defence is reportedly considering telling the judge he will surrender his passport, wear an electronic tag, and remain under strict living conditions.",
"The IMF has said it will soon release information about Strauss-Kahn's successor; John Lipsky, the deputy head, has been acting as head since the arrest at the weekend. The incident comes at a critical time for the IMF as it tries to the financial states of struggling eurozone countries. Strauss-Kahn was meant to discuss the bailouts of Greece and Portugal with European Union financial officials at a meeting in Brussels earlier this week.",
"Before his arrest he was expected to announce his candicacy in the race for the French presidency, and analysts suggested he posed a real threat to Nicolas Sarkozy, but the charges will likely put and end to the hopes of his supporters."
] | 2011-05-19 | title |
Rücktritt Strauss-Kahns vom IWF-Chefsessel – Streit um Nachfolge | 262,843 | [
"May 19, 2011",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/R%C3%BCcktritt_Strauss-Kahns_vom_IWF-Chefsessel_%E2%80%93_Streit_um_Nachfolge | [
"New York (Vereinigte Staaten), 19.05.2011 – Dominique Strauss-Kahn, der wegen des Verdachts auf Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung in New York in Untersuchungshaft sitzende Präsident des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) erklärte heute schriftlich seinen Rücktritt von seiner Funktion als geschäftsführender IWF-Präsident. Er wolle Schaden vom IWF und von seiner Familie abwenden und sich darauf konzentrieren, seine Unschuld zu beweisen.",
"Der Internationale Währungsfonds spielt in der internationalen Finanzpolitik eine bedeutende Rolle. Nach der Rücktrittserklärung des IWF-Präsidenten entbrannte daher sofort eine heftige Debatte um die künftige Besetzung dieser Schlüsselposition. Letztlich entscheiden die 24 Direktoren des Leitungsgremiums des IWF über die Nachfolge. Die Stimmenanteile richten sich jedoch nach dem eingebrachten Kapital. Die stärksten Kapitalgeber waren bisher die Vereinigten Staaten mit einem Anteil von 16,7 Prozent, gefolgt von Japan mit 6,25 Prozent und Deutschland mit einem Kapitalanteil von 5,8 Prozent. Entsprechend der wachsenden Bedeutung Chinas und anderer Schwellenländer in der Weltwirtschaft wurde der Anteil von China, Indien und Brasilien innerhalb des IWF erhöht, womit auch ein höherer Einfluss auf die Geschäftspolitik und die Auswahl des Führungspersonals verbunden ist. China besitzt künftig mit einem Stimmanteil von 6,07 einen höheren Einfluss auf die IWF-Politik als beispielsweise Deutschland, dessen Stimmenanteil nun niedriger ist.",
"Traditionell wurde der Chefposten des IWF, der zuletzt von Strauss-Kahn ausgeübt wurde, an einen Europäer vergeben. Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin hat sich bereits dafür stark gemacht, dass diese Tradition fortgeführt wird. Aber auch China meldete sich jetzt in dem Sinne zu Wort, dass der Einfluss der Schwellenländer in den Führungsstrukturen des IWF zur Geltung gebracht werden müsse. Die Sprecherin des chinesischen Außenministeriums, Jiang Yu, erklärte: Kriterien wie „Gerechtigkeit, Transparenz und Leistung“ müssten als Maßstab für die Besetzung des geschäftsführenden Direktors angelegt werden. Und weiter: „Grundsätzlich glauben wir, dass die Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer in den Spitzenpositionen vertreten sein sollten.“ Unterstützung für diese Position kommt auch aus der Türkei. Der türkische Finanzminister erklärte vielsagend: „Die Schwerkraft der Welt verschiebt sich vom Westen in den Osten.“"
] | null | interlang link |
Dominique Strauss-Kahn démissionne du FMI | 262,843 | [
"May 19, 2011",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Dominique_Strauss-Kahn_d%C3%A9missionne_du_FMI | [
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn, arrêté samedi dernier pour « agression sexuelle » sur une employée d'hôtel à New York, a annoncé sa démission du poste de directeur général du FMI[1]. Il est incarcéré à Rikers Island depuis qu'une juge a décidé lundi que suffisamment d'éléments motivent son maintien en détention. Ses avocats vont une fois de plus lors de la prochaine audience tenter d'obtenir la remise en liberté sous caution de leur clients et son placement en résidence surveillée 24 heures sur 24 à Manhattan avec un bracelet électronique.",
"« C'est avec une infinie tristesse que je me sens contraint de présenter au conseil d'administration ma démission de mon poste de directeur général du FMI », a-t-il écrit dans une lettre datée d'hier. « Je tiens à dire que je nie avec la plus grande fermeté possible toutes les allégations qui ont été faites contre moi. Je veux protéger cette institution que j'ai servie avec honneur et dévouement, et en particulier, je veux consacrer toute ma force, tout mon temps, et toute énergie à prouver mon innocence », a-t-il ajouté.",
"Le grand jury doit se réunir prochainement afin qu'un procureur présente des preuves recueillies au cours de l'enquête et détermine d'ici à vendredi si elles sont suffisantes pour ouvrir un procès.",
"Le FMI précise qu'il communiquera prochainement sur le processus de sélection d'un nouveau directeur général. L'intérim est toujours assuré par le numéro deux de l'institution, John Lipsky. La succession de DSK[2] a été, ces derniers jours, au cœur des préoccupations de beaucoup de dirigeants, qui jugeaient sa situation incompatible avec l'exercice de sa fonction."
] | Publié le 19 mai 2011 | interlang link |
SHBA, Strauss-Kahn jep dorëheqjen nga posti i kreut FMN | 262,843 | [
"May 19, 2011",
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
"International Monetary Fund"
] | sq | https://sq.wikinews.org/wiki/SHBA,_Strauss-Kahn_jep_dor%C3%ABheqjen_nga_posti_i_kreut_FMN | [
"Dominique Strauss-Kahn dha sot dorëheqjen nga posti i drejtorit të përgjithshëm të Fondit Monetar Ndërkombëtar (FMN) dhe u angazhua të mos largohet nga Nju Jorku me shpresë për të bindur drejtësinë amerikane t'i japë lirinë me kusht.",
"\"Dominique Strauss-Kahn njoftoi sot këshillin administrativ të Fondit Monetar Ndërkombëtar për dorëheqjen e tij nga posti i drejtorit të përgjithshëm me efekt të menjëhershëm, theksoi institucioni në një deklaratë të publikuar pak pas mesnate.",
"Fondi Monetar Ndërkombëtar publikoi një letër në të cilën ai kërkon pafajsinë. \"Për të gjithë, dua të them se hedh poshtë me vendosmërinë më të madhe çdo akuzë që është ngritur kundër meje, shkruan ai që prej burgut të Nju Jorkut, ku ndodhet i ndaluar përkohësisht.",
"Këto fjalë janë, deklarata e parë publike e Strauss-Kahn, që prej publikimit të çështjes për krim seksual, për të cilën ai u akuzua. Në punonjëse e një hoteli në Nju Jork e akuzoi se e kishte ngacmuar seksualisht dhe se kishte tentuar ta përdhunonte.",
"Strauss-Kahn do të mësojë nesër nëse dhoma e akuzës, që u mblodh këtë javë me dyer të mbylluara dhe dëgjoi dje dëshminë e viktimës së dyshuar, ka vendosur ta shpallë fajtor, ose me pak gjasa të përfitojë nga rrëzimi i akuzave.",
"Duke pritur njohjen e këtij vendimi, një audiencë destinuar shqyrtimit të një kërkese tjetër për lirimin e drejtorit të përgjithshëm të FMN-së do të zhvillohet sot në Nju Jork, theksoi një zëdhënës i gjykatës penale të Manhatanit, David Bookstaver."
] | null | interlang link |
Dozens dead in Connecticut school shooting | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dozens_dead_in_Connecticut_school_shooting | [
"Before turning the gun on himself, a 20-year-old male opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 28 people, 20 of them children ranging from five to ten years old. Approximately 600 students were inside the school.",
"The New York Post identifies the shooter as 20-year-old Adam Lanza. He was reported to be in possession of a .223-caliber assault rifle and two hand guns when he opened fire inside the school. His motives are not yet clear, but reports say his mother Nancy, who was also killed, may have been the target. She was a teacher of a kindergarten class at the school. Adam's brother Ryan, who was initially reported to be the shooter, is also in police custody.",
"United States president Barack Obama spoke in a televised address saying, \"The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers — men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams.",
"\"So our hearts are broken today — for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children, and for the families of the adults who were lost. Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well, for as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight, they know that their children’s innocence has been torn away from them too early, and there are no words that will ease their pain.\"",
"A hospital near the school, in Danbury, Connecticut, is currently on lock down. According to The New York Times and Danbury Hospital's Facebook page, the hospital is treating three of the shooting victims."
] | 2012-12-14 | title |
إعلان الحداد في الولايات المتحدة بعد مجزرة نيوتاون | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | ar | https://ar.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%A5%D8%B9%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9_%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF_%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A9_%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%86 | [
"أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما مساء أمس الجمعة في كلمة له الحداد مدة أربعة أيام بعد حادثة إطلاق نار صباح أمس في مدرسة ابتدائية في مدينة نيوتاون بولاية كونيكتيكت أودت بحياة 27 شخصاً منهم 20 طفلاً، وأمر أن تنكس الأعلام على جميع المباني الحكومية تضامناً مع أهالي الضحايا. وكان شاب في العشرين من أمره قد هاجم المدرسة صباح أمس ومعه أسلحة وذخائر وفيرة بعد أن قتل والدته في بيته، فأطلق النار على التلاميذ والبالغين قبل أن يقتل نفسه في الهجوم الأسوأ على مؤسسة تعليمية بعد مذبحة جامعة فرجينيا في 2007.",
"وقال أوباما في كلمته والدموع تسيل من عينيه: «أعلم أن جميع الآباء في الولايات المتحدة يشعرون اليوم بنفس الأسى الذي أشعر به… معظم الذين قتلوا من الأطفال الأبرياء، تتراوح أعمارهم بين الخامسة والعاشرة… لقد كانت حياتهم أمامهم… كانت لديهم أحلامهم… لقد سقطوا اليوم وسرقت أحلامهم منهم مبكراً». وقد انقطع صوته مراراً خلال إلقائه للكلمة.",
"ونوه أوباما في كلمته: «سيتعين علينا الاتحاد معا والقيام بعمل جاد لمنع تكرار مثل هذه المآسي بغض النظر عن السياسة» في إشارة واضحة إلى شدة تأثير لوبي صناعة الأسلحة ورابطة الأسلحة الوطنية على أعضاء في الكونغرس الأمريكي وإلى ضرورة مراجعة قوانين حمل السلاح في البلد.",
"ووفق صحيفة نيويورك تايمز، فإن شاباً هو ابن إحدى المعلمات في المدرسة يدعى آدم لانزا دخل المدرسة حوالي التاسعة والنصف من صباح الجمعة ومعه مسدسان وذخيرة وفيرة واستهدف بإطلاق النار صفين قتل فيهما في بضعة دقائق 20 طفلاً قضى 18 منهم على الفور واثنان توفيا في المستشفى، بينما بقيت جريحة واحدة على قيد الحياة. وبين البالغين القتلى مديرة المدرسة والأخصائية النفسية. وقال الشهود أنهم سمعوا أصوات أكثر من مئة طلقة أثناء الحادثة.",
"وتعتبر هذه الحادثة واحدة من أكبر الاعتداءات التي نفذها شخص واحد على المؤسسات التعليمية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، حيث تأتي في المرتبة الثانية بعد مذبحة جامعة فرجينيا في 2007."
] | السبت 15 ديسمبر 2012 | interlang link |
28 morts en un tiroteig escolar a Connecticut | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/28_morts_en_un_tiroteig_escolar_a_Connecticut | [
"15 de desembre del 2012, Newtown, Connecticut, Estats Units.",
"A l'Escola Primària de Sandy Hook a Newtown, Connecticut, un home de vint anys va obrir foc. L'home, Adam Lanza, deixà a 28 morts, entre els quals 20 nens i nenes entre 5 i 10 anys. Uns 600 estudiants es trobaven dins de l'escola. Entre els 28 morts s'hi inclou Lanza, qui al matar a tants nens i nenes finalment girà la pistola al seu cap i matà per últim cop.",
"Els motius de Lanza encara es desconeixen. Tot i així, varis reportatges apunten a que els seus objectius incloïen matar a la seva mare, qui es trobava entre els 28 morts.",
"El president dels Estats Units Barack Obama es comunicà per televisió. “La majoria dels que van morir avui eren nens petits —bonics nens i nenes entre les edats de 5 i 10. Tenien les seves vides senceres per completar —anniversaris, graduacions, bodes, naixements dels seus propis nens. Entre els que van caure s'inclouen professors — homes i dones qui van devotar les seves vides senceres a ajudar i a fer aprendre als seus estudiants per a que aquests puguin realitzar els seus somnis.”",
"El president continuà: “Així que els nostres cors estan trencats avui — pels pares, mares, avis, àvies, germanes i germans d'aquests petits nens, i per les famílies dels adults que van ser perduts. Els nostres cors estan trencats pels pares i mares dels que van sobreviure també, ja que tot i que estan beneïts per tenir els seus fills i filles amb ells aquesta nit, ells saben que la innocència dels seus fills i filles ha estat destrossada massa aviat, i no hi ha paraules que ara els puguin ajudar.”"
] | null | interlang link |
Connecticut: Amoklauf an einer Grundschule löst Entsetzen aus | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Connecticut:_Amoklauf_an_einer_Grundschule_l%C3%B6st_Entsetzen_aus | [
"Newtown (Vereinigte Staaten), 15.12.2012 – Am Freitag ereignete sich in der Sandy Hook Grundschule in Newtown im Bundesstaat Connecticut eine unfassbare Bluttat. Der 20-jährige Ryan Lanza war um 09.30 Uhr (Ortszeit, 15.30 Uhr MEZ) in die Schule gekommen und hatte binnen weniger Minuten bis zu 100 Schüsse abgegeben. Er soll für den Tod von 28 Menschen verantwortlich sein.",
"Der Amokschütze, der Autist gewesen sein soll, hatte zuerst seine Mutter im Elternhaus erschossen und sich dann zur Grundschule begeben. Laut einem Bericht der New York Times hat die Schuldirektorin den Schützen ins Gebäude gelassen, da sie ihn als Sohn einer Lehrerin erkannte. Die Rektorin ist ebenfalls unter den Mordopfern. Der 20-Jährige war mit einem .223-Kaliber Sturmgewehr und zwei Handfeuerwaffen der Marken Glock und Sig Sauer ausgerüstet, wobei das Sturmgewehr der Marke Bushmaster in dem Auto zurückgeblieben war, mit dem der Täter zu Schule gefahren war. In der Schule soll Lanza, der in schwarz gekleidet war und eine Schussweste trug, zunächst im Klassenzimmer seiner Mutter um sich geschossen haben. 20 der Getöteten sind Kinder im Alter zwischen fünf und zehn Jahren, 18 davon starben sofort, zwei weitere im Krankenhaus. Die Schule wurde evakuiert, in Reihen wurden die Schüler in ein Feuerwehrhaus gebracht.",
"Der 24-jährige Bruder des Amokläufers wurde von den Ermittlern vernommen. Die Polizei geht davon aus, dass er nichts mit der Tat zu tun hat. Er soll schon zwei Jahre keinen Kontakt mehr zu Ryan Lanza gehabt haben. Die Eltern des Täters sind seit 2009 geschieden, der 24-Jährige lebte nach der Trennung bei seinem Vater, während der 20-Jährige bei der Mutter blieb. Das Gouverneur von Connecticut, Dan Malloy, sagte: „Das Böse hat heute diese Gemeinde heimgesucht. Alle Eltern und Angehörigen sollen wissen, dass Connecticut geschlossen zu ihnen steht.“ Präsident Barack Obama sprach im US-Fernsehen und konnte dabei kaum seine Tränen unterdrücken: „Unsere Herzen sind gebrochen“. Auch äußerte er sich zu den liberalen Waffengesetzen: „Wir müssen zusammenkommen und bedeutsam handeln, um mehr Tragödien wie diese zu verhindern - ohne Rücksicht auf Parteipolitik“."
] | null | interlang link |
Τραγωδία σε αμερικανικό σχολείο | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | el | https://el.wikinews.org/wiki/%CE%A4%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%B3%CF%89%CE%B4%CE%AF%CE%B1_%CF%83%CE%B5_%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C_%CF%83%CF%87%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%BF | [
"Χθες το απόγευμα, σε σχολείο του Κονέκτικατ, διεξήχθη επίθεση ενόπλου δράστη, με αποτέλεσμα 6 ενήλικες και 20 παιδιά να χάσουν τη ζωή τους. Στους νεκρούς συμπεριλαμβάνεται και ο δράστης της επίθεσης. Ο αριθμός των τραυματιών παραμένει ασαφής, ωστόσο, τα ΜΜΕ κάνουν λόγο για 3 τραυματίες.",
"Ο Άνταμ Λάνζα εισέβαλε στην τάξη και σκότωσε την μητέρα του, η οποία ήταν δασκάλα, 20 παιδιά (όλη την τάξη) ηλικίας 5-10 ετών, καθώς επίσης και 6 ενήλικες. Αφού διέπραξε το έγκλημα, ο 20χρονος δράστης αποφάσισε να βάλει τέλος στη ζωή του. Στο σημείο του εγκλήματος φαίνεται να βρέθηκαν δύο όπλα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου ενός βαριού τυφεκίου στρατιωτικού τύπου.",
"Ο Πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ, Μπαράκ Ομπάμα, εξέφρασε τα συλληπητήρια του στις οικογένειες των αδικοχαμένων παιδιών και ζήτησε να είναι μεσίστιες οι αμερικανικές σημαίες στα δημόσια κτήρια για 4 μέρες, ως ένδειξη σεβασμού στους νεκρούς της επίθεσης."
] | 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 | interlang link |
Masacre en escuela primaria en Estados Unidos deja al menos 26 muertos | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Masacre_en_escuela_primaria_en_Estados_Unidos_deja_al_menos_26_muertos | [
"14 de diciembre de 2012Newtown, Estados Unidos —",
"Veinte personas, entre ellas, diez niños, murieron esta mañana en un tiroteo en una escuela rural en Newtown, Connecticut.",
"Una fuente de la policía asegura que el tiroteo en la escuela rural Sandy Hook dejó 26 muertos, 20 de ellos niños, luego de que durante horas se manejó cifras mucho menores.",
"El asesino fue un hombre de unos 20 años al cual hallaron muerto en la escuela, aunque no está claro si fue abatido por la policía o si se suicidó. La policía parecía haber detenido a otro sospechoso vestido con traje de fatiga, el cual permanecía dentro de un vehículo policial mientras revisaban las colinas cercanas a la escuela en busca de alguien más o de evidencia.",
"La policía recuperó dos armas en la escena del crimen —una pistola Glock y otra Sig Sauer— y las imágenes de la televisión mostraban un automóvil negro a la entrada de la escuela, que parecía ser del interés de la policía.",
"Un reporte del hospital Danbury, a unos 15 kilómetros de la escuela, aseguró haber recibido a tres personas heridas.",
"Los angustiados padres de los escolares se acercaron a la escuela para reunirse con sus hijos tan pronto como fueron advertidos de la emergencia por medio de correos electrónicos y llamadas telefónicas de parte de las autoridades escolares.",
"El ataque ocurrió a las 9:41 a. m. Newtown está situado a unos 72 kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Hartford y 128 kilómetros al norte de Nueva York. La escuela Sandy Hook atiende a unos 600 niños en edades de 5 a 10 años, desde parvularios hasta el 4º grado."
] | null | interlang link |
États-Unis : Fusillade dans une école primaire américaine | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89tats-Unis_:_Fusillade_dans_une_%C3%A9cole_primaire_am%C3%A9ricaine | [
"Une fusillade a éclaté cet après-midi dans l'état du Connecticut, au nord-est des États-Unis. Un tireur muni de deux armes aurait ouvert le feu à l'école Sandy Hook de Newtown. La police locale a confirmé la mort du tireur et les sources se contredisent sur la quantité de personnes atteintes par les balles. Le directeur de l'école Sandy Hook dans la ville de Newton ferait partie du compte des victimes. Le nombre de victimes s'élèverait à au moins 27 morts, parmi lesquels 18 enfants.",
"Près de 600 enfants âgés de 5 à 10 ans étaient présent dans l'école au moment des faits. Il s'agit de la fusillade la plus meurtrière de l'année après celle du Colorado en juillet, où 12 personnes ont péri dans un cinéma d'Aurora."
] | Publié le 14 décembre 2012 | interlang link |
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