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נסיון נוסף לפיגוע בבריטניה - ג'יפ בוער התפוצץ בשדה תעופה בגלזגו | 73,094 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Crime and law",
"Heathrow Airport",
"Jacqui Smith",
"United Kingdom",
"June 30, 2007"
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/%D7%A0%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%95%D7%9F_%D7%A0%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3_%D7%9C%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2_%D7%91%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%98%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%94_-_%D7%92%27%D7%99%D7%A4_%D7%91%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%A8_%D7%94%D7%AA%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%A6%D7%A5_%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%93%D7%94_%D7%AA%D7%A2%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%94_%D7%91%D7%92%D7%9C%D7%96%D7%92%D7%95 | [
"ג'יפ בוער התנגש היום (שבת) בבניין טרמינל הנוסעים בנמל התעופה בגלזגו. הג'יפ, מסוג צ'רוקי, עלה באש, התנגש בבנין וחדר אליו ולפי דיווחי מספר עדים, התפוצץ בתוכו. נכון לעתה לא ידועים נפגעים בפרשה, אך הרשויות פינו את שדה התעופה וביטלו את כל הנחיתות וההמראות אשר היו צפויות בו. חדשות Sky דיווחו כי האירוע מוגדר כעת על ידי הרשויות כנסיון נוסף לפיגוע טרור.",
"עדי ראיה דיווחו כי ראו שני אנשים יוצאים מהג'יפ בעוד שזה עשה דרכו לעבר הטרמינל. על פי הדיווחים, אחד משני האנשים עלה בלהבות בעודו נמלט מהג'יפ הבוער ונאבק עם השוטרים אשר ניסו לעצרו. המשטרה דיווחה כי שני חשודים נעצרו על ידה לתשאול ותחקור. עדים שונים מסרו כי עוברי אורח עזרו בלכידת החשודים וההשתלטות עליהם, לאחר שאלו ניסו להמלט מכוחות המשטרה במקום.",
"האירוע התרחש זמן קצר לאחר שנתגלו שתי מכוניות תופת באזור כיכר פיקדילי בלונדון. האירועים הובילו להכרזת כוננות בטחונית גבוהה במיוחד בבריטניה כולה עקב איומי הטרור. בדומה למכוניות התופת שנמצאו זמן קצר לאחר חילופי השלטון, גם מקרה זה קרוב לחילופי שלטון באזור עם השבעתו של הפרלמנט הסקוטי היום במעמד מלכת אנגליה אליזבת השנייה. עד כה לא נודע האם יש קשר בין נסיון הפיגוע הזה לנסיונות הפיגוע בלונדון."
] | 30 ביוני 2007 | interlang link |
Glasgow: płonący samochód uderzył w budynek lotniska | 73,094 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Metropolitan Police",
"Crime and law",
"Heathrow Airport",
"Jacqui Smith",
"United Kingdom",
"June 30, 2007"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Glasgow:_p%C5%82on%C4%85cy_samoch%C3%B3d_uderzy%C5%82_w_budynek_lotniska | [
"Wczoraj w Glasgow miał miejsce już trzeci w ciągu ostatnich dni incydent terrorystyczny. W sobotę rozpędzony zielony Jeep Cherokee prowadzony przez dwóch Azjatów wjechał w bramę międzynarodowego lotniska w Glasgow. Do zdarzenia doszło około godziny 15:15 polskiego czasu. Samochód uderzył w bramę i zaczął płonąć. Nikomu nic się nie stało, jeden z prowadzących samochód-pułapkę został przewieziony do szpitala z poważnymi poparzeniami.",
"Wieczorem po spotkaniu z rządem nowy premier Wielkiej Brytanii Gordon Brown wprowadził najwyższy - \"krytyczny\" - alarm terrorystyczny na terenie całego zjednoczonego królestwa. Taki stan oznacza że, zamach jest spodziewany w każdej chwili. Wcześniej, w piątek udaremniono dwa zamachy terrorystyczne w centrum Londynu. Policja pozwiązuje wydarzenie w Glasgow z wcześniejszymi bombami w Londynie.",
"Z lotniska w Glasgow ewakuowano wszystkich ludzi, a loty zawieszono. Zamknięto również port lotniczy w Liverpoolu. W Birmingham, Newcastle i Edynburgu wprowadzono zakaz podjeżdżania samochodami bezpośrednio pod terminale.",
"W incydencie w Glasgow ucierpiało 5 przypadkowych przechodniów. Zatrzymano w sumie 4 podejrzanych o udział i przygotowanie zamachu w Glasgow."
] | null | interlang link |
Car explodes in Paris, at least 1 person killed | 36,059 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 15, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Car_explodes_in_Paris,_at_least_1_person_killed | [
"A car bomb exploded in a car traveling on the A1 highway north of Paris, France, killing one man. The incident happened in the département of Seine-Saint-Denis, near the Paris suburb of La Courneuve.",
"A passenger in the car was injured and hospitalized. The passenger, whose life is not in danger, was to be questioned.",
"A French fire brigade received the call just before 10:00AM GMT to put out a car fire. A criminal act is suspected — terrorism has been discounted, although murder by planting a bomb in a victim's car is said to be unusual in France. Checks were to be done for a possible criminal background of the dead man."
] | 2006-03-15 | title |
EN cours : Une voiture a explosé à Paris | 36,059 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 15, 2006"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/EN_cours_:_Une_voiture_a_explos%C3%A9_%C3%A0_Paris | [] | interlang link |
Catholic priest murdered during prayer | 32,752 | [
"Crime and law",
"February 6, 2006",
"Roman Catholic Church",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Catholic_priest_murdered_during_prayer | [
"Catholic priest Andrea Santore, 61, who was based at the Trabzon Santa Maria Catholic Church was shot dead during prayer in the northern Turkish province of Trabzon on Sunday. The murderer, a 17-18 year old man is being sought by the police. The killer entered the church at 3:45 pm and shot the Italian priest from behind. Andrea Santore was praying at the time.",
"Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the assassination of a Catholic priest. Many people in Turkey associate this incident with the current crisis over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in European papers."
] | 2006-02-06 | title |
Mord an katholischem Geistlichen in der Türkei | 32,752 | [
"Crime and law",
"February 6, 2006",
"Roman Catholic Church",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Mord_an_katholischem_Geistlichen_in_der_T%C3%BCrkei | [
"Trabzon (Türkei), 08.02.2006 – Der Mord an dem italienischen Geistlichen Andrea Santoro am Sonntag, den 5. Februar 2006 ist aufgeklärt. Ein 16-jähriger Schüler hat nach türkischen Presseangaben die Tat gestanden. Zeugen haben mittlerweile ausgesagt, der Schüler habe „Allahu Akbar“ rufend, den zum Gebet niederknienden 60-jährigen römisch-katholischen Priester in der Santa-Maria-Kirche in Trabzon mit zwei Schüssen in den Rücken niedergestreckt. Ein Motiv ist derzeit nicht erkennbar. Ob ein Zusammenhang mit den Protesten gegen die Mohammedkarikaturen in islamischen Ländern vorhanden ist, muss noch geklärt werden."
] | null | interlang link |
Chad court sentences six French aid workers to eight years of hard labour | 88,154 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 26, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chad_court_sentences_six_French_aid_workers_to_eight_years_of_hard_labour | [
"A Chadian court today sentenced six French aid workers to eight years of hard labour for their role in a plot to kidnap 103 African children and fly them to France. The four men and two women have been in custody since October 25. They were also ordered to pay damages for each of the 103 children totaling the equivalent of US$9 million.",
"Two others, a Chadian and a Sudenese national, were each sentenced to four years, while two other Chadians were found not guilty.",
"The six French aid workers just sentenced belong to Zoe's Ark, a French charity, which had arranged for 103 children to be flown out of Chad, in what the charity described as an attempt to rescue them from the humanitarian crisis created as a result of the neighbouring Darfur conflict. However, on Wednesday a Chadian court found the six aid workers guilty of attempting to kidnap the children. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees had earlier revealed that many of the children involved were not orphans.",
"On November 4, seven associates of the aid workers were set free, having been exonerated of any wrongdoing in the affair.",
"Due to a 1976 agreement between France and Chad regarding judicial affairs, France has indicated it will press for the transfer of its nationals back to France to serve out their time in a French prison. \"France, after obtaining the agreement of the members of Zoe's Ark, and examining the implementation of the judicial co-operation accord between France and Chad, in particular article 29, will ask the Chadian authorities for the transfer of the prisoners to France,\" said Pascale Andreani, spokesperson for the French foreign ministry."
] | 2007-12-26 | title |
Corte de Chad sentencia a seis trabajadores humanitarios franceses a 8 años de trabajo forzado | 88,154 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 26, 2007",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Corte_de_Chad_sentencia_a_seis_trabajadores_humanitarios_franceses_a_8_a%C3%B1os_de_trabajo_forzado | [
"Una corte en Chad sentenció hoy a seis trabajadores humanitarios franceses a ocho años de trabajo forzado por su participación en un alegado complot para secuestrar 103 niños africanos (quienes habrían sido trasladados por aire a Francia). Los cuatro hombres y las dos mujeres habían estado en custodia desde el 25 de octubre pasado.",
"El juez también dictaminó que debían pagar por daños a los 103 menores, llegando a un total equivalente a $9 millones de dólar. Otros dos trabajadores, un chadiano y un sudanés, fueron sentenciados a cuatro años, mientras que otros dos chadianos no fueron encontrados culpables.",
"Los seis franceses sentenciados pertenecen a una caridad de origen francés, Arca de Zoé; la caridad había planeado trasladar por avión a 103 menores, en una operación que la caridad describió como un intento para rescatarlos de la crisis humanitaria que implica el conflicto de Darfur.",
"Sin embargo, el miércoles una corte chadiano encontró culpable de intento de secuestro a los seis trabajadores humanitarios. Adicionalmente, el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) había revelado que muchos de los niños no eran huérfanos.",
"El 4 de noviembre, siete asociados a la caridad fueron liberados y exonerados de cualquier participación en el asunto.",
"Debido a un acuerdo entre Francia y Chad – que data desde 1976 y concierne a asuntos judiciales –, Francia ha presionado para que sus ciudadanos vuelvan a Francia para servir su tiempo en una prisión francesa.",
"\"Francia, luego de obtener el acuerdo de los miembros de Arca de Zoé, y luego de examinar la implementación del acuerdo judicial de cooperación entre Francia y Chad, en particular el artículo 29, pedirá a las autoridades chadianas la transferencia de los prisioneros a Francia\", manifestó Pascale Andreani, portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores francés."
] | 26 de diciembre de 2007 | interlang link |
Affaire de l'Arche de Zoé : la justice tchadienne a condamné les six français à huit ans de travaux forcés | 88,154 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 26, 2007",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Affaire_de_l%27Arche_de_Zo%C3%A9_:_la_justice_tchadienne_a_condamn%C3%A9_les_six_fran%C3%A7ais_%C3%A0_huit_ans_de_travaux_forc%C3%A9s | [
"Une cour tchadienne a condamné aujourd'hui six travailleurs humanitaires français à huit ans de travaux forcés pour leur rôle dans un complot pour enlever 103 enfants africains et les faire venir par avion en France, complot nié par les condamnés. Les quatre hommes et deux femmes sont emprisonnés depuis le 25 octobre dernier. Ils ont été aussi condamné à payer des dommages et intérêts pour chacun des 103 enfants d'un montant de 40 millions de francs CFA (60.000 euros environ), soit un total de 6,3 millions d'euros environ.\nDeux autres accusés, un Tchadien et un citoyen soudanais, ont été chacun condamné à quatre ans, deux autres Tchadiens étant déclarés non coupables.\nLes six travailleurs humanitaires français venant d'être condamnés appartiennent à l'organisation humanitaire française l'Arche de Zoé qui avait organisé l'évacuation de 103 enfants du Tchad, ce que l'organisation avait décrit comme une tentative de les secourir de la crise humanitaire résultant du conflit du Darfour voisin. Cependant, la cour tchadienne à jugé les six travailleurs humanitaires coupables de tentative d'enlèvement des enfants. Le Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés avait révélé il y a quelques temps que de nombreux enfants concernés n'étaient pas orphelins, contrairement à ce qu'indiquait l'Arche de Zoé.\nLe 4 novembre, sept assistants des humanitaires avaient été libérés, dégagés de toute charge dans l'affaire.\nEn raison d'un accord datant de 1976 entre la France et le Tchad concernant les affaires judiciaires, la France a indiqué qu'elle demanderait le « transfèrement » de ses ressortissants vers la France afin qu'ils purgent leurs peines dans des prisons françaises. « La France, après avoir obtenu l'accord des membres de l'Arche de Zoé, et après avoir examiné les indications de l'accord de coopération judiciaire entre la France et le Tchad, en particulier l'article 29, demandera aux autorités tchadiennes le transfèrement des prisonniers vers la France », a indiqué Pascale Andréani, porte-parole du Ministère des Affaires étrangères français."
] | Publié le 26 décembre 2007 | interlang link |
Chad releases seven Europeans held in alleged kidnap plan | 84,439 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 4, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chad_releases_seven_Europeans_held_in_alleged_kidnap_plan | [
"Earlier today, the government of Chad set free three French journalists and four Spanish flight attendants, who had been held since October 25. Chadian authorities had been investigating the role of the seven and 14 other suspects with regard to an attempt to fly 103 African children to Europe for placement with host families.",
"The release of the seven came as French President Nicolas Sarkozy arrived in Chad to hold talks on the case with Chadian officials. The lawyer for the seven, Jean-Bernard Padare, told Reuters that the seven were free to collect their belongings from the courthouse. \"They are happy, they are free,\" said Padare. \"It's the end.\"",
"A French charity, Zoe's Ark, had arranged for the 103 children to be flown out of Chad in an attempt to rescue them from the humanitarian crisis created as a result of the neighbouring Darfur conflict. However, Chadian officials have since described the operation as \"kidnapping\" and \"extortion\", while the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees revealed that many of the children involved were not orphans.",
"According to Radio France, Eric Breteau, the founder of Zoe's Ark charity, spoke at a pretrial hearing in N'Djamena, Chad and stated that the seven released Europeans had not been involved with the charity's plans.",
"Ten other Europeans are still being held in Chad and are facing child abduction and fraud charges."
] | 2007-11-04 | title |
El presidente francés vuela a Chad para recoger a los siete europeos detenidos | 84,439 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 4, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_presidente_franc%C3%A9s_vuela_a_Chad_para_recoger_a_los_siete_europeos_detenidos | [
"4 de noviembre de 2007Yamena, Chad —",
"El presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy, arrivó a Chad para llevar de vuelta a los siete europeos detenidos por el caso de la organización Arca de Zoé.",
"El Gobierno de Chad liberó a los tres periodistas franceses y a las cuatro azafatas españolas, quienes habían sido detenidos el 25 de octubre por un alegado plan de secuestro. Las autoridades chadianas habían investigado el rol de los siete y otros 14 sospechosos en relación a un intento de dirigir a 103 niños africanos hacia Europa para alojarse con familias anfitrionas.",
"La caridad francesa Arca de Zoé había arreglado enviar a 103 niños para \"salvar de la muerte\" a \"huérfanos\" de la crisis humanitaria creada por el conflicto de Darfur. No obstante, oficiales chadianos describieron la operación como \"secuestro\" y \"extorsión\", mientras que el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) reveló que varios de los niños implicados no eran huérfanos.",
"De acuerdo a Radio France, Eric Breteaur, el presidente y fundador de Arca de Zoé, declaró que los siete europeos no habían participado en los planes de la caridad.",
"\"Ya que no reconocieron los hechos y que Eric Breteau les disculpó [...] no hay lugar para mantenerlos detenidos. Por consiguiente, se producirá un levantamiento parcial del mandato de arresto y serán liberadas [...] en las próximas horas\", declaró a la AFP una fuente judicial chadiana.",
"El abogado para los siete, Jean-Bernard Padare, dijo a Reuters que los siete eran libres de recoger sus pertenencias de la corte. \"Son felices, son libres\", dijo Padare. \"Es el fin.\"",
"Según fuentes diplomáticas en Yemena, Sarzoky viajará a Madrid primero – donde dejará a las cuatro azafatas – y luego retornará a Francia.",
"Otros diez europeos siguen cautivos y enfrentan cargos de abducción de menor y de fraude."
] | null | interlang link |
Charles Manson, serving nine life sentences for 1969 murders, dies aged 83 | 2,828,787 | [
"November 22, 2017",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Charles Manson"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Charles_Manson,_serving_nine_life_sentences_for_1969_murders,_dies_aged_83 | [
"Charles Manson, whose \"Manson family\" followers killed nine people in 1969 and whose death sentence became nine life sentences after the state of California, United States, outlawed the death sentence, died on Sunday in a hospital in Bakersfield of natural causes, according to the California Department of Corrections.",
"Manson inspired, but did not participate in, what became known as the Tate-LaBianca murders. On August 9, 1969, at the home of actress Sharon Tate and her husband, director Roman Polanski, followers of Manson stabbed five people to death: Tate, who was more than eight months pregnant; Abigail Folger, heiress to the Folgers coffee fortune; celebrity hairdresser Jay Sebring; director Voityck Frykowski; and Steven Parent who knew the caretaker of the estate. On August 10 they further killed wealthy Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. The seventh and eighth victims were Hollywood stuntman Donald Shea, and musician Gary Hinman. In 1971, after a year-long trial, Manson was convicted of ordering the first seven murders and sentenced to death. Eventually he was convicted of the other two murders as well.",
"\"Helter Skelter\", the name of a song by The Beatles, and \"pig\" were scrawled in blood at the murder sites. According to prosecutors, Manson meant the killings to be blamed on blacks, setting off a race war in the US, to be followed by a new social order led by Manson.",
"Manson's sentence was commuted to nine life terms after a 1972 Supreme Court of California decision outlawed the death penalty. He was in prison for more than four decades, and was an inmate at the California State Prison, Corcoran when he died. He made twelve unsuccessful applications for parole, the last in 2012. Sources told TMZ that he was hospitalized in Bakersfield several days before his death. If his family do not claim his body within ten days, it will be disposed of at state expense, probably by cremation."
] | 2017-11-22 | title |
Morre aos 83 anos, o criminoso americano Charles Manson, que cumpria nove sentenças de prisão perpétua por assassinatos de 1969 | 2,828,787 | [
"November 22, 2017",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Charles Manson"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Morre_aos_83_anos,_o_criminoso_americano_Charles_Manson,_que_cumpria_nove_senten%C3%A7as_de_pris%C3%A3o_perp%C3%A9tua_por_assassinatos_de_1969 | [
"Charles Manson, cujos seguidores da \"Família Manson\" mataram nove pessoas em 1969 e cuja sentença de morte tornou-se nove sentenças de prisão perpétua após o estado da Califórnia, Estados Unidos, abolir a sentença de morte, morreu domingo em um hospital em Bakersfield de causas naturais, de acordo com o Departamento de Correções da Califórnia.",
"Manson inspirou, mas não participou, o que se tornou conhecido como assassinatos de Tate-LaBianca. Em 9 de agosto de 1969, na casa da atriz Sharon Tate e seu marido, o diretor Roman Polanski, seguidores de Manson esfaquearam cinco pessoas até a morte: Tate, que estava com mais de oito meses de gravidez; Abigail Folger, herdeira da fortuna do café Folgers ; Cabeleireiro de celebridades Jay Sebring; diretor Voityck Frykowski; e Steven Parent, que conhecia o zelador da propriedade. Em 10 de agosto, eles mataram ainda mais o Rich Leno e Rosemary LaBianca. As vítimas sétima e oitava foram dublê de Hollywood Donald Shea e o músico Gary Hinman. Em 1971, depois de um julgamento de um ano, Manson foi condenado por ordenar os primeiros sete assassinatos e condenado à morte. Eventualmente, ele também foi condenado pelos outros dois assassinatos.",
"\"Helter Skelter\" (o nome de uma música de The Beatles) e \"Pig\" (\"porco\" em inglês) foram rabiscados em sangue nos locais do crime. De acordo com os promotores, Manson tentou associar os assassinatos aos negros, para provocar uma guerra racial nos EUA, a seguir uma nova ordem social liderada por Manson.",
"A sentença de Manson foi comutada para nove sentenças de prisão perpétua depois que uma decisão da Suprema Corte de 1972 proibir a pena de morte. Ele estava na prisão há mais de quatro décadas e era um preso na prisão estadual da Califórnia, Corcoran, quando ele morreu. Ele fez doze pedidos infrutíferos de liberdade condicional , o último em 2012. Fontes disseram à TMZ que ele foi hospitalizado em Bakersfield vários dias antes de sua morte. Se sua família não reivindicar seu corpo dentro de dez dias, será descartada a expensas do estado, provavelmente por cremação."
] | 2 de dezembro de 2017 | interlang link |
Charles Taylor of Liberia boycotts war crimes trial | 70,997 | [
"The Hague",
"Right to a fair trial",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Sierra Leone",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"June 4, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Sierra Leone Civil War",
"Charles Taylor",
"Special Court for Sierra Leone"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Charles_Taylor_of_Liberia_boycotts_war_crimes_trial | [
"Former Liberian president Charles Taylor, who is facing charges of war crimes for his role in the Sierra Leone Civil War, has decided to boycott the proceedings at The Hague under the auspices of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. He faces 11 charges of war crimes, all of which he denies.",
"Taylor claims that his trial will not be fair as he only has one defense lawyer. \"He has not thumbed his nose at the court,\" said Karim Khan, his counsel, before producing the letter in which Taylor said he would \"not receive a fair trial at the Special Court at this time.\"",
"Chief Prosecutor Stephen Rapp disagrees with Taylor's assessment. Taylor, he says, has been assigned a lawyer, a special investigator and funds. \"Everything that can be done is being done,\" Rapp told the Special Court."
] | 2007-06-04 | title |
Prozess gegen Charles Taylor beginnt in Den Haag | 70,997 | [
"The Hague",
"Right to a fair trial",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Sierra Leone",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"June 4, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Sierra Leone Civil War",
"Charles Taylor",
"Special Court for Sierra Leone"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Prozess_gegen_Charles_Taylor_beginnt_in_Den_Haag | [
"Den Haag (Niederlande), 04.06.2007 – Vor dem Sondergerichtshof in Den Haag beginnt der Prozess gegen den liberianischen Ex-Präsidenten und -Kriegsherrn Charles Taylor wegen Kriegsverbrechen im sierra-leonischen Bürgerkrieg. Es handelt sich um das erste Mal, dass sich ein ehemaliger afrikanischer Staatschef vor einem internationalen Gericht verantworten muss.",
"Taylor war ab 1989 als Warlord im liberianischen Bürgerkrieg aktiv gewesen. Ab 1991 unterstützte er die Rebellen der Revolutionary United Front (RUF), die im benachbarten Sierra Leone einen Bürgerkrieg begannen und für die Ermordung, Vergewaltigung und vor allem das Abhacken von Gliedmaßen von Zivilisten berüchtigt wurden. Er soll für die RUF „Blutdiamanten“ verkauft und Waffen beschafft haben.",
"1997 wurde Charles Taylor zum Präsidenten Liberias gewählt, wobei seine Wahl vor allem aus der Furcht heraus resultierte, er würde im Falle einer Nichtwahl den Bürgerkrieg wieder beginnen. Ab 1999 nahmen Rebellenbewegungen in Liberia den bewaffneten Kampf gegen Taylor auf und verdrängten ihn 2003 nach Nigeria ins Exil. Zugleich wurde er vor dem UN-Sondergerichtshof für Sierra Leone – der nach Ende des Bürgerkrieges 2002 in Sierra Leone eingerichtet worden war – wegen seiner Beteiligung an dem Krieg angeklagt, und die 2006 gewählte Präsidentin Liberias Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf drängte bei der nigerianischen Regierung auf seine Auslieferung. Daraufhin versuchte Taylor zu flüchten, wurde aber kurz darauf im nigerianisch-kamerunischen Grenzgebiet gefasst und dem Sondergerichtshof überstellt. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde der Prozess nach Den Haag verlegt und findet nun in den dortigen Räumlichkeiten des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs statt.",
"Die Anklage gegen Taylor umfasst elf Punkte, darunter Mord, sexuelle Sklaverei und Gewalt, Versklavung, Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten und weitere Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Diese Akte soll er angeordnet, unterstützt oder mitbegangen haben. Taylor hat sämtliche Punkte abgestritten und dem Gericht zudem die Legitimation abgesprochen. Er weigerte sich, dem Prozess beizuwohnen, da er keinen fairen Prozess erwarte und zu wenige Verteidiger habe. Er könne, wie er sich in einem Brief äußerte, „nicht an dieser Scharade teilnehmen, die den Menschen von Liberia und Sierra Leone Unrecht tut“.",
"Der Prozess wurde in der sierra-leonischen Hauptstadt Freetown auf vier Großbildschirmen live übertragen. Er wird voraussichtlich 18 Monate dauern.",
"Falls Charles Taylor für schuldig befunden wird, wird er seine Strafe voraussichtlich in Großbritannien verbüßen."
] | null | interlang link |
Sierra Leone : Charles Taylor refuse de comparaître à la première audience de son procès à La Haye | 70,997 | [
"The Hague",
"Right to a fair trial",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Sierra Leone",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"June 4, 2007",
"Crime and law",
"Sierra Leone Civil War",
"Charles Taylor",
"Special Court for Sierra Leone"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Sierra_Leone_:_Charles_Taylor_refuse_de_compara%C3%AEtre_%C3%A0_la_premi%C3%A8re_audience_de_son_proc%C3%A8s_%C3%A0_La_Haye | [
"Le procès de l'ancien président du Libéria, Charles Taylor, poursuivi pour 11 chefs d'inculpation dont des crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre, s'est ouvert lundi 4 juin 2007 à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas, devant le Tribunal spécial pour la Sierra Leone (TSSL), en l'absence de l'accusé, qui estime son procès « inéquitable » et conteste les moyens qui lui sont alloués pour assurer sa défense.",
"L'unique avocat du prévenu, Me Karim Khan, a lui-même quitté la salle d'audience après quelques échanges avec la présidente du tribunal, la juge Julia Sebutinde.",
"La guerre civile de Sierra Leone a été déclenchée le 23 mars 1991, par le Revolutionary United Front (RUF), groupe armé fondé par Foday Sankoh, réputé proche de Charles Taylor, les deux hommes s'étant liés lors d'un séjour, dans les années 1980, dans un camp d'entraînement en Libye, sous la protection du colonel Kadhafi. Foday Sankoh avait fondé son mouvement sierraléonais en 1988, tandis que Charles Taylor, en rébellion contre le président Samuel Doe, avait intégré une formation libérienne existante, le National Patriotic Front of Liberia, et en avait pris la tête en 1989.",
"De son côté, Foday Sankoh et le RUF avaient attendu le 23 mars 1991 pour lancer leur propre campagne militaire au Sierra Leone.",
"Les 11 années qui avaient suivi avaient entraîné, en Sierra Leone, au cours d'une guerre qui avait pour but principal le contrôle des zones diamantifères de Sierra Leone et du trafic international des diamants via le Libéria, de nombreuses pertes civiles. On a estimé le nombre de morts entre 100 000 et 200 000 tandis que, sur moins de 5,5 milliosn d'habitants, plus de deux millions sont, à un moment ou à un autre, devenus des réfugiés en raison de la guerre civile. Les rapports des associations humanitaires ont également fait état, durant cette période, de nombreuses exactions, incluant des viols et de très nombreuses mutiliations corporelles infligées à des civils, tandis que la rébellion enrôlait de force des enfants, parfois très jeunes, dans ses rangs.",
"À la fin de l'année 1996, après la conclusion, le 30 novembre, des accords d'Abidjan entre Foday Sankoh et le nouveau président sierraléonais Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, on avait brièvement pensé à un retour de la paix, mais la guerre civile était repartie de plus belle après l'arrestation de M. Sankoh, au Nigeria, en mars 1997, pour détention d'armes à feu. La guerre avait ensuite connu divers rebondissements, dont une mise à sac par les troupes du RUF de la capitale sierraléonaise, Freetown, en janvier 1999, ainsi qu'un coup d'État qui avait porté un temps au pouvoir un mouvement allué de Foday Sankoh et du RUF.",
"Charles Taylor et le NPFL avaient entamé les hostilités contre le président Samuel Doe, au Libéria, le 24 décembre 1989.",
"Pendant ce temps-là, au Libéria voisin, la progression de Charles Taylor et du NPFL avait été régulière. La guerre civile au Libéria s'était achevée après la conclusion des accords d'Abuja en août 1996. Le NPFL s'était mué en une formation politique légale, le National Patriotic Party, qui avait remporté une large victoire aux premières élections postérieures à la guerre civile, le 19 juillet 1997. Charles Taylor l'avait emporté dès le premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, avec 75,33 % des suffrages exprimés, tandis que, sur la base de son score, le NPP se voyait attribuer, à la représentation proportionnelle, 49 des 64 sièges de la Chambre des représentants et 21 des 26 sièges du Sénat. Charles Taylor avait pris ses fonctions le 2 août 1997.",
"Une seconde guerre civile avait éclaté au Libéria en 1999 lorsqu'un groupe rebelle soutenu par la Guinée voisine, les Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), s'étaient lancés dans la lutte armée pour tenter de chasser Charles Taylor du pouvoir. À partir du début de l'année 2003, un second groupe armé, le Movement for Democracy in Liberia, réputé soutenu par la Côte d'Ivoire, s'était à son tour lancé dans la bataille ce qui avait conduit, à la fin du mois de juillet, à l'encerclement de la capitale libérienne, Monrovia, puis à la démission de Charles Taylor, le 11 août, suivie de sa fuite au Nigeria.",
"Le 14 août 2000, le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU votait la résolution 1315, qui donnait mandat à Kofi Annan, secrétaire général, de négocier avec les autorités de Sierra Leone pour créer un tribunal de juridiction mixte, appelé à juger les « principaux responsables de crimes contre l'humanité, crimes de guerre et de certains crimes prévus par le droit sierra léonais commis depuis le 30 novembre 1996 », date des accords d’Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), par lesquels divers protagonistes régionaux avaient en vain tenté de mettre fin à la guerre civile sévissant en Sierre Leone.",
"Le principe de la création du Tribunal spécial pour la Sierra Leone (TSSL) avait été formellement conclu le 16 janvier 2002, par un accord entre l'ONU et la Sierra Leone, le parlement de ce pays votant en mars 2002 une loi pour ratifier l'accord, entré formellement en vigueur en juillet, tandis que les juges siégeant au TSSL prêtaient serment en décembre de la même année, ouvrant la voie au travail d'instruction.",
"La présidente nouvellement élue du Libéria, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, avait formellement transmis aux autorités du Nigeria, le 17 mars, une requête d'extradition visant Charles Taylor, réfugié dans ce pays depuis son départ du pouvoir en août 2003. Le gouvernement du président nigérian, Olusegun Obasanjo, faisait savoir, le 25 mars, qu'il n'accorderait pas l'asile politique à l'ancien président libérien. Le 28 mars, les autorités policières nigérianes constataient la disparition de M. Taylor de son domicile, mais annonçaient le lendemain son arrestation dans le nord-est du pays, alors qu'il s'apprêtait à franchir la frontière menant au Cameroun.",
"Charles Taylor avait alors été transféré à Monrovia, au Libéria, puis aussitôt remis à la justice de la Sierra Leone. Il avait comparu une première fois devant le TSSL, le 3 avril 2006 à Freetown, pour une audience préliminaire [1] destinée à lui notifier les charges qui pesaient à son encontre.",
"Parallèlement, le président du TSSL avait demandé aux Pays-Bas, le 29 mars, d'accepter l'hébergement du procès de Charles Taylor par la Cour pénale internationale, à La Haye, invoquant des risques que la tenue du procès ferait courir à la stabilité de la région. Le 13 avril, le TSSL et la CPI signaient un « mémorandum d'accord » pour définir les premières modalités de ce transfert à La Haye. Ce principe d'une « délocalisation » du procès avait ensuite été approuvé par la résolution 1688 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, le 16 juin 2006, le Conseil ayant à cette occasion demandé que le TSSL, avec l'assistance du secrétaire général de l'ONU et des autorités des États concernés, fassent en sorte « que les populations de la sous-région puissent suivre le déroulement du procès, notamment par liaison vidéo ».",
"Charles Taylor se voit reprocher 11 chefs d'inculpation, répartis en sept chapitres :"
] | Publié le 5 juin 2007 | interlang link |
Chief Justice of the United States, William H Rehnquist, dies at age 80 | 20,614 | [
"John G. Roberts",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Sandra Day O'Connor",
"Public domain articles",
"US Supreme Court",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"September 3, 2005",
"North America",
"William Rehnquist"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chief_Justice_of_the_United_States,_William_H_Rehnquist,_dies_at_age_80 | [
"United States Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died of complications from thyroid cancer. He was 80. Rehnquist died surrounded by friends and family in his Arlington, Virginia home.",
"\"President Bush and Mrs. Bush are deeply saddened by the news,\" said White House counselor Dan Bartlett. \"It's a tremendous loss for our nation.\"",
"Rehnquist's death creates a second opening in the United States Supreme Court. The first vacancy occurred when Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement on July 1, 2005, though O'Connor will remain in office until her successor has been appointed. Hearings for nominee John G. Roberts, Jr. are set to begin on Tuesday, September 6, 2005.",
"Rehnquist first joined the Supreme Court, the highest court in the U.S., as an Associate Justice in 1972. He was elevated to the leading position of Chief Justice in 1986 and presided over the court for the next 19 years."
] | 2005-09-03 | title |
Oberster US-Richter Rehnquist gestorben | 20,614 | [
"John G. Roberts",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Sandra Day O'Connor",
"Public domain articles",
"US Supreme Court",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"September 3, 2005",
"North America",
"William Rehnquist"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Oberster_US-Richter_Rehnquist_gestorben | [
"Washington D.C. (USA), 04.09.2005 – Eine Gerichtssprecherin des obersten US-Bundesgerichts gab heute den Tod William Hubbs Rehnquist bekannt. Er war Richter des „Supreme Court“, des obersten Gerichts der USA. Gestorben ist er am Samstag in seinem Haus in Arlington in Virginia im Alter von 80 Jahren an Schilddrüsenkrebs.",
"Er gehörte seit 1971 dem Obersten Gericht an, der ehemalige US-Präsident Richard Nixon hatte ihn dazu ernannt. 1986 wurde er dann von Ronald Reagan zum Obersten Richter befördert.",
"Seine Aufgabe war die Leitung eines sehr wichtigen Verfassungsorgans der USA, das mit dem deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht vergleichbar ist. Es entscheidet über die Verfassungsmäßigkeit von Gesetzen sowie von Anordnungen der Exekutive."
] | null | interlang link |
Chief of Fijian military claims that he is in control of Fiji | 55,879 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 3, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chief_of_Fijian_military_claims_that_he_is_in_control_of_Fiji | [
"The chief of the Fijian military, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, has claimed that he is now in control of Fiji without having to stage a military coup. Commodore Bainimarama said: \"Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase was no longer in control of the Government and unless he gives in to my demands he will have nowhere to live in Fiji.\"",
"There are predictions that the military will send out armed troops into the streets of Fiji's capital, Suva in the afternoon (0300 GMT). Commodore Bainimarama said: \"I assure him [Mr Qarase] that he will not be kidnapped or put under any form of house arrest. It will be a peaceful transition.\" According to the Fijian newspaper Sunday Post, sources inside the government and the military have confirmed that there will be a government takeover tomorrow. Commodore Bainimarama will set up a interim administration.",
"Prime Minister Qarase, said that Commodore Bainimarama is \"deranged and unstable.\" However Commodore Bainimarama responded to this, he said that they were \"the action and words of a cornered rat.\"",
"The government and his cabinet are in hiding outside of Suva, Fiji, but the Prime Minister assures everyone that he is still in control of the government. Referring to the hiding, Commodore Bainimarama said: \"Qarase had better come out of hiding because right now I'm in control of him.\"",
"\"We want freedom to live within a democratically civil government, where the government is elected by the people. We do not want a dictator,\" Mr Qarase said in a nationally broadcast interview.",
"Mr Qarase said the he expects that he will be the Prime Minister for another four and a half years as he believes that the Fijian people do have confidence in him."
] | 2006-12-03 | title |
Fidji : le chef de l'armée indique qu'il contrôle le pays | 55,879 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 3, 2006"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Fidji_:_le_chef_de_l%27arm%C3%A9e_indique_qu%27il_contr%C3%B4le_le_pays | [
"Publié le 3 décembre 2006 Le chef des forces militaires, Frank Bainimarama, a annoncé qu'il contrôlait maintenant totalement les Fidji sans avoir amorcé un coup militaire. Bainimarama a indiqué que : « le premier ministre Laisena Qarase ne contrôle plus le gouvernement et à moins qu'il se mette sous ma protection il n'a nul part où vivre dans les Fidji ».",
"Des rumeurs indiquent que les militaires déploieront des troupes armées dans les rues de Suva la capitale. Le Commodore Bainimarama a promis : « qu'il ne sera pas kidnappé ou mis sous aucune forme de confinement, ce sera une transition pacifique. » Selon un quotidien local, le Sunday Post, des sources gouvernementales et militaires ont confirmé qu'il y aura un changement de gouvernement demain. Commodore Bainimarama mettra en place une administration intérimaire.",
"Le premier ministre Qarase, a quant à lui indiqué que le Commodore Bainimarama est « dérangé et instable ». En réaction Bainimarama a répondu que c'était des « actions et des mots d'un rat cerné ».",
"Le gouvernement et son cabinet sont cachés en dehors de Suva, mais le premier ministre assure qu'il contrôle toujours le gouvernement. En réponse, le Commodore a dit que : « Qarase devrait sortir de son trou car je tiens déjà. »",
"« Nous voulons la liberté de vivre avec un gouvernement démocratique et civil, un gouvernement élu par le peuple. Nous ne voulons pas un dictateur, » a indiqué M. Qarase durant une interview diffusée nationalement.",
"M. Qarase a dit qu'il comptait rester premier ministre pour encore quatre ans et demi puisqu'il considère que les Fidjiens ont confiance en lui."
] | null | interlang link |
Chile: Pope Francis stirs outrage with 'slander' comment | 2,833,041 | [
"The Vatican",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"Pope Francis",
"January 20, 2018"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chile:_Pope_Francis_stirs_outrage_with_%27slander%27_comment | [
"On Thursday, Roman Catholic Pope Francis, on a tour of South America, spoke to the press in Chile on his last day in the country. When asked by a local journalist about Bishop Juan Barros, who has been accused of covering up sexual abuse by another priest, the Pope responded: \"The day they bring me proof against Bishop Barros, I'll speak. [...] There is not one shred of proof against him. It's all calumny [slander]. Is that clear?\"",
"According to multiple news outlets, this did not sit well with many Chileans. The aforementioned Bishop Juan Barros was the protégé of priest Fernando Karadima who was found guilty in 2011 by the Vatican of dozens of abuses against minors since the 1980s. Barros, who rose above his mentor, is alleged to have protected Karadima for years.",
"Victims of Karadima decried the Pope's remark. \"We feel absolutely betrayed by what Pope Francis said, and about his incoherence, because he asks for forgiveness on one side and then says victims are lying,\" said Juan Carlos Cruz in an interview on Friday. \"We will not be bullied by anybody no matter how powerful they are.\" Cruz has alleged that Barros was present when Karadima groped and kissed him.",
"James Hamilton, who also says he was a victim, told a press conference: \"What the Pope has done today is offensive and painful, and not only against us, but against everyone seeking to end the abuses\".",
"Bishop Alejandro Goic spoke of Barros in a radio interview: \"It left me with a bitter taste that a brother of mine occupied a leading role [in the abuse scandal] that was not good.\" Not all were against the Pope. Bishop Santiago Silva stated, \"Without reserve, we support what Pope Francis said\".",
"Earlier in Pope Francis's visit to Chile he met with victims of abuse by clergy. Francis also said: \"I cannot help but express the pain and shame, shame that I feel over the irreparable harm caused to children by church ministers,\" while speaking in Stantiago, the capital city of Chile. \"Is it fair to ask for forgiveness?\""
] | 2018-01-20 | title |
El papa Francisco finaliza viajes a Chile y Perú | 2,833,041 | [
"The Vatican",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"Pope Francis",
"January 20, 2018"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_papa_Francisco_finaliza_viajes_a_Chile_y_Per%C3%BA | [
"El papa Francisco concluyó su sexta gira por América Latina que en esta ocasión lo llevó a visitar ciudades de Chile y Perú.",
"La visita a Chile se llevó a cabo del 15 al 18 de enero siendo uno de los viajes más difíciles y polémicos de su pontificado, al llevarse a cabo protestas por la visita del jerarca católico con motivo de los casos de pederastia presuntamente encubiertos por el obispo Juan Barros, quien estuvo presente en la mayor parte de los eventos públicos del líder religioso. La participación fue además muy escasa en los eventos multitudinarios, contrario a lo que normalmente sucede en los eventos presididos por el sumo pontífice en países mayoritariamente católicos, lo cual contrastó con la visita al Perú en donde fue notoria una mayor participación de la población.",
"En ambos países, el papa se reunió con las autoridades locales: la presidenta Michelle Bachelet de Chile y el presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski del Perú, cuyo país visitó del 18 al 21 de enero.",
"Además de las habituales ceremonias oficiales con los mandatarios, el papa se reunió en ambos países con representantes de los pueblos originarios como los mapuches en Chile y una veintena de grupos indígenas de la amazonia peruana. En su mensaje manifestó su apoyo en la lucha por la sobrevivencia, la defensa de su territorio, la lengua y la cultura de estos pueblos, así como el llamado a la no violencia para resolver las diferencias con los gobiernos de las naciones a las cuales pertenecen.",
"Otro tema de la gira papal fue el combate a la corrupción al reconocer el pontífice que es un cáncer que afecta a América Latina y que es necesario erradicar. Cabe destacar que el presidente Kuczynski está actualmente siendo investigado por el caso Odebrecht."
] | 21 de enero de 2018 | interlang link |
Chilean policeman dies after falling from roof mid-pursuit | 243,331 | [
"Santiago Metropolitan Region",
"Santiago, Chile",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"February 5, 2011"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chilean_policeman_dies_after_falling_from_roof_mid-pursuit | [
"A Chilean policeman, Germán Hugo Ulloa Valdivia, died after falling from a seven meter high roof, during a foot pursuit in Santiago on Tuesday. Ulloa was pursuing some criminals who tried to rob a computer store.",
"The policeman was taken to the Hospital de Carabineros (Carabiniers Hospital) where, despite medical efforts, he died on Thursday after the serious injuries caused by the fall.",
"Carabineros de Chile said in a statement that they were saddened by the \"sudden death of one of our functionaries, afforded by the unconditional support of his wife and his three children, [we] distinguish his bravery and commitment to service of [the person] who gave his life for the well-being of the community.\"",
"Ulloa worked twenty years in Carabineros de Chile."
] | 2011-02-05 | title |
Ένας Χιλιανός αστυνομικός σκοτώθηκε μετά από πτώση από οροφή | 243,331 | [
"Santiago Metropolitan Region",
"Santiago, Chile",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"February 5, 2011"
] | el | https://el.wikinews.org/wiki/%CE%88%CE%BD%CE%B1%CF%82_%CE%A7%CE%B9%CE%BB%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%8C%CF%82_%CE%B1%CF%83%CF%84%CF%85%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%82_%CF%83%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%84%CF%8E%CE%B8%CE%B7%CE%BA%CE%B5_%CE%BC%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%AC_%CE%B1%CF%80%CF%8C_%CF%80%CF%84%CF%8E%CF%83%CE%B7_%CE%B1%CF%80%CF%8C_%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%86%CE%AE | [
"Ένας Χιλιανός αστυνομικός, ο Χερμάν Ούγκο Ουλλόα Βαλντίβια, σκοτώθηκε μετά από πτώση από επτάμετρη οροφή, καθώς καταδίωκε κάποιους εγκληματίες που προσπαθούσαν να ληστέψουν κατάστημα ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών.",
"Ο αστυνομικός μεταφέρθηκε στο Νοσοκομείο των Καραμπινέρος, όπου, παρά τις προσπάθειες των γιατρών, εξέπνευσε την Πέμπτη μετά από τον σοβαρό τραυματισμό που δέχθηκε κατά την πτώση του.",
"Οι Καραμπινέρος της Χιλής (Εθνική Αστυνομία) εξέφρασαν με ανακοίνωσή τους την λύπη τους για τον «ξαφνικό θάνατο ενός συνεργάτη μας, ο οποίος άφησε τη σύζυγο του και 3 παιδιά. Τον ξεχωρίζουμε για την ανδρεία του και την αφοσίωσή του στην υπηρεσία, ο οποίος έδωσε τη ζωή του για την ευημερία της κοινωνίας».",
"Ο Ουλλόα δούλευε για 20 χρόνια στους Καραμπινέρος της Χιλής."
] | 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 | interlang link |
China accused of torturing Chinese-Canadian prisoner | 60,276 | [
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"February 9, 2007",
"Hu Jintao",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_accused_of_torturing_Chinese-Canadian_prisoner | [
"The family of a Chinese-Canadian imprisoned in China on terror-related charges say that the prisoner, Huseyin Celil is being tortured by Chinese police in order to make him sign a confession.",
"Celil has Canadian citizenship, which China has refused to recognize. Consular officials and his Canadian lawyer have not been permitted to meet him and his wife Kamila Telendibaeva hasn't seen him in almost a year.",
"Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said that Celil is being tried in accoordance with Chinese laws and that consular access does not apply since Celil is a Chinese citizen.",
"Huseyin Celil's sister, mother and older brother say that they are speaking out despite fears that the police would arrest them.",
"The family says that if Celil, who fled China in the 1990s and sought refuge in Canada, living in Hamilton, does not sign the confession, he would be \"put in a hole and buried alive.\" Celil was arrested in Uzbekistan in 2005 and extradicted to China. Chinese authorities say he is a member of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which China and the United States consider to be a terrorist organisation.",
"Celil alleged that he has been tortured during a court appearance during which his sister and son were present. Canadian officials were not permitted to be present at the trial.",
"This issue has caused friction between Canada and China, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper questioning China's human rights record. The issue was also brought up when Harper spoke with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Vietnam last November.",
"Canadian media report that Canadian federal officials have been dispatched to China and will stay in the country.",
"China's assistant foreign affairs minister He Yafei said Celil is suspected of involvement in terrorist activities."
] | 2007-02-09 | title |
La Cina accusata di torturare un prigioniero di origine canadese | 60,276 | [
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"February 9, 2007",
"Hu Jintao",
"North America",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/La_Cina_accusata_di_torturare_un_prigioniero_di_origine_canadese | [
"La famiglia di un cittadino sino-canadese imprigionato in Cina per accuse di terrorismo ha detto che il prigioniero, Huseyin Celil, viene torturato dalla polizia cinese per estorcergli una confessione.",
"Celil ha la cittadinanza canadese, ma la Cina si è rifiutato di riconoscerla. Funzionari del consolato e il suo avvocato canadesi non hanno avuto il permesso di incontrarlo, mentre sua moglie Kamila Telendibaeva non riesce a vederlo da un anno.",
"Il ministro degli esteri cinese Jiang Yu ha detto Celil viene trattato secondo le leggi cinesi e che l'aiuto del consolato canadese non può essere ammesso in quanto Celil è un cittadino cinese.",
"La sorella, la madre e un fratello maggiore di Huseyin Celil hanno detto di avere paura che la polizia cinese li arresti.",
"La famiglia ha riferito che se Celil, che scappò dalla Cina e ha cercato rifugio a Hamilton, Ontario in Canada, non firmerà la confessione, potrebbe essere «gettato in una fossa e sepolto vivo». Celil era stato arrestato in Uzbekistan nel 2005 ed estradato in Cina. Le autorità cinesi dicono che Celil è membro di un «movimento islamico del Turkestan orientale», che la Cina e gli Stati Uniti considerano un'organizzazione terroristica.",
"Celil ha dichiarato di essere stato torturato durante un'udienza in tribunale, in presenza di sua sorella e di suo figlio. Funzionari canadesi non sono stati ammessi a presenziare al processo.",
"La questione Celil ha causato una frizione nei rapporti fra Cina e Canada; il primo ministro canadese Stephen Harper ha ricordato alla Cina la necessità di rispettare i diritti umani. La questione era stata anche riportata durante i colloqui fra Harper e il presidente Cinese Hu Jintao al summit sulla cooperazione economica nell'area del Pacifico tenutosi in Vietnam nel novembre scorso.",
"Il media canadesi hanno riportato che alcuni funzionari canadesi sono stati inviati in Cina e rimarranno nel Paese.",
"Il segretario agli affari esteri cinese He Yafei ha affermato che Celil è sospettato di un coinvolgimento in attività terroristiche."
] | venerdì 9 febbraio 2007 | interlang link |
China bans free plastic bags | 89,267 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"January 9, 2008",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_bans_free_plastic_bags | [
"The People's Republic of China has banned free plastic shopping bags in a move to take effect from June 1, 2008. The decision made by the Chinese Cabinet, the State Council, is intended to reduce the amount of plastic bags used in China, currently being estimated at three billion per day. The State Council also announced that at the same time as the ban, the manufacturing, sale and even use of very thin plastic bags, which are defined as being under 0.025mm thick, will be banned. Any company that does not follow this ban can be fined.",
"The ban of free plastic bags and complete ban on very thin bags will, the government hopes, help reduce the amount of crude oil used for plastic packaging, which is currently at five million tonnes per year according to Times Online. The notice issued by the Chinese government said: “We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags, using baskets for their vegetables.”",
"The People's Republic of China is not the first country to ban or restrict plastic shopping bags and the notice names Uganda and South Africa according to CNN. Many supermarkets in the European Union have voluntarily adopted methods to reduce usage of plastic bags, which often also consist of charging for bags (e.g. Germany) or rewarding customer loyalty points for returning used carrier bags. Still, many of the world's leading polluting countries, including the United States of America, have not yet introduced any legislation intended to reduce the usage of plastic bags. The United States Environmental Protection Agency claimed that in 2000 only 1% of plastic bags in the United States were recycled.",
"The People's Republic of China has attracted a lot of attention in the past for having possibly the highest greenhouse emissions in the world, disproportionate to the size of its economy, according to The Telegraph. Times Online quoted a Chinese activist as saying that plastic bags are not the main problem and the government needed to make people care more about the environment."
] | 2008-01-09 | title |
חוק חדש בסין יאסור שימוש וייצור שקיות פלסטיק | 89,267 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"January 9, 2008",
"Crime and law",
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A7_%D7%97%D7%93%D7%A9_%D7%91%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%9F_%D7%99%D7%90%D7%A1%D7%95%D7%A8_%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A9_%D7%95%D7%99%D7%99%D7%A6%D7%95%D7%A8_%D7%A9%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%A4%D7%9C%D7%A1%D7%98%D7%99%D7%A7 | [
"סין, המדינה בעלת האוכלוסיה הרבה ביותר בעולם, תאסור החל מיוני 2008 השימוש בשקיות פלסטיק. האיסור יחול למעשה על שקיות פלסטיק \"חינמיות\", אותן נוהגים לחלק מכולות וסופרמרקטים עבור נשיאת המצרכים. בנוסף, יאסרו גם הייצור, המכירה והשימוש בכלל בשקיות פלסטיק דקות במיוחד, אשר הוגדרו על ידי החוק כשקיות בעובי 0.025 מילימטר. מטרת הצעד היא להביא לצמצום בפועל של כמות שקיות הפלסטיק בהן משתמשים תושבי סין, אשר לפי הערכות מגיעה לכ-3 מיליארד שקיות ביום.",
"הרקע לצעד הוא נסיון הממשל הסיני להביא לירידה בכמויות הנפט הגולמי אשר בשימוש תעשיית שקיות הפלסטיק במדינה. על פי הטיימס, תעשיית השקיות בסין צורכת מדי שנה כ-5 מליון טונות של נפט גולמי, המשמש ליצירת השקיות. תהליך הייצור בעזרת הנפט הגולמי גורם לזיהום רב והשקיות עצמן לרוב אינן ממוחזרות. כתחליף לשקיות הפלסטיק הודיעה ממשלת סין כי תעודד את תושביה לחזור להשתמש בשקי וסלי בד בשביל לנשוא את פירותיהם ומצרכיהם.",
"יש אשר יכנו הצעד מעט מפתיע עבור מדינה אשר גונתה עקב רמת הזיהום הגדולה הנפלטת מתעשיותיה ותורמת לאפקט החממה. עם זאת, על אף שהסכימו כי מדובר בצעד חיובי, פעילים סביבתיים העירו כי לא צמצום בייצור שקיות הפלסטיק הוא שיביא לירידה המיוחלת ברמות הזיהום אשר סין מייצרת. בכל אופן, אין היא המדינה הראשונה לפעול כך. מספר מדינות קדמו לסין במדיניות כללית המגבילה או אף אוסרת על השימוש בשקיות בנסיון להקטין את הזיהום הסביבתי אשר נוצר מאופן יצורן. כך, בין השאר, החליטו רשויות אוגנדה ודרום אפריקה עוד קודם לכן על צעדים דומים. ואם לא מדינות - אזי מספר בעלי עסקים ורשתות שיווק ברחבי אירופה החליטו לצמצם בשימוש בשקיות הפלסטיק מיוזמתם, ללא זרז ממשלתי או חוקתי."
] | 9 בינואר 2008 | interlang link |
China ends presidential term limits in constitutional amendment | 2,837,983 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Xi Jinping",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"March 13, 2018"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_ends_presidential_term_limits_in_constitutional_amendment | [
"On Sunday, China's National People's Congress (NPC) voted to amend the Constitution of the People's Republic of China in several ways, including eliminating term limits for the offices of President and Vice President. The changes mean Xi Jinping may be President for life if he so chooses.",
"The vote in the legislature was nearly unanimous. 2958 votes were cast in favor, two opposed, three abstained. Without this change, Xi would be required to leave office in 2023. In another change, Xi's own political theory was written into the constitution. \"Xi Jinping thought\", as the theory is also known, was approved by the Communist Party of China in the autumn of 2017.",
"Shen Chunyao, the chairperson for the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC, told Xinhua News Agency, \"As an important content of the amendment, the inclusion of Xi's thought into the country's fundamental law reflects the common aspiration of the entire Communist Party of China and all Chinese people of various ethnic groups\".",
"News media reported a backlash to the news on the Internet. In response, state censors were blocking images of Winnie the Pooh and words like \"I disagree\" and \"Emperor\". Reuters reported difficulties in getting reactions to the lifting of term limits from members of the congress, one woman choosing to remain anonymous and remarking, \"You can't ask me that\".",
"Under China's constitution, the presidency is a largely ceremonial office with limited powers. However, since 1993, as a matter of convention, the presidency has been held simultaneously by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the top leader in the one-party communist state. Xi Jinping's powerful positions as General Secretary and Chairman of the Central Military Commission do not have any term limit."
] | 2018-03-13 | title |
China: Amtszeitbegrenzung wird abgeschafft | 2,837,983 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Xi Jinping",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"March 13, 2018"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/China:_Amtszeitbegrenzung_wird_abgeschafft | [
"Peking (Volksrepublik China), 11.03.2018 – Was die kommunistische Partei Chinas im Februar beschlossen hatten, tritt nun durch den Volkskongress in Gesetzeskraft: Die Amtszeitbeschränkung auf zwei Amtszeiten für den Präsidenten wurde nun in China aufgehoben. Für diese Verfassungsänderung, welche die Macht des derzeitigen Präsidenten Xi Jinping weiter erhöhen wird, sprach sich eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Delegierten aus. Lediglich zwei Delegierte stimmten dagegen.",
"Weitere Verfassungsänderungen betreffen eine Änderung der Präambel, in der Xi Jinping nun als Vordenker eines chinesischen Sozialismus bezeichnet wird, und die Einrichtung einer neuen, von der Justiz unabhängigen Kontrollbehörde, die die Arbeit von Staatsbeamten überwacht. Kritiker warnen vor einer zu hohen Machtkonzentration durch die Änderungen.",
"Portal:Globale Politik"
] | null | interlang link |
Chine : Xi Jinping peut être président à vie | 2,837,983 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Xi Jinping",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"March 13, 2018"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Chine_:_Xi_Jinping_peut_%C3%AAtre_pr%C3%A9sident_%C3%A0_vie | [
"L'Assemblée nationale populaire a voté pour l’abolition de la limite des mandats présidentiels, qui avait été établie en 1982. C'est avec 2958 voix pour, deux contre et trois abstentions, que l'Assemblée nationale populaire a modifié la Constitution de la république populaire de Chine afin que le Président de la république populaire de Chine puisse être élu à vie.",
"Depuis 1982 jusqu'à maintenant, la durée maximale du mandat présidentiel en Chine était de 10 ans (deux termes individuels de 5 ans). Le président actuel, Xi Jinping, a été élu en 2013. Sous l'ancienne loi, il aurait donc dû démissionner en 2023 s'il avait été réélu.",
"11 mars 2018",
"Partager cet article :\nCourriel,\nDigg,\nFacebook,\nIdenti.ca,\nReddit,\nLinkedin,",
] | Publié le 11 mars 2018 | interlang link |
Chinese president krijgt levenslang mandaat | 2,837,983 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Xi Jinping",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"March 13, 2018"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_president_krijgt_levenslang_mandaat | [
"Chinese president krijgt levenslang mandaat",
"Bij de jaarlijkse bijeenkomst van het Chinese Volkscongres is vandaag definitief een grondwetswijziging goedgekeurd waardoor een president zijn leven lang kan aanblijven. 2958 leden van het Congres stemden voor de wijziging. Slechts twee leden stemden tegen en drie onthielden zich. Eén uitgebrachte stem was ongeldig. Sinds 1982 gold in China de regel dat een president maar voor maximaal twee termijnen van vijf jaar mag aanblijven. Dit was gedaan om te voorkomen dat een bloedige dictatuur zoals die onder Mao Zedong zich nog eens zou herhalen.",
"De grondwetswijziging betekent dat de huidige president Xi Jinping, die in 2013 president van China werd en volgens de oude regel dus uiterlijk in 2023 zou hebben moeten aftreden, nu tot zijn dood kan aanblijven. In de grondwet is nu bovendien vastgelegd dat kritiek op de president geldt als een wetsovertreding en dus als iets strafbaars.",
"Er is veel kritiek de grondwetswijziging, inclusief vanuit politieke kringen. Niettemin stond al van tevoren vrijwel vast dat het Volkscongres er massaal mee zou instemmen."
] | 11 maart 2018 | interlang link |
Си Цзиньпин навсегда: в Китае отменили ограничения срока полномочий председателя КНР | 2,837,983 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Xi Jinping",
"Crime and law",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
"March 13, 2018"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B8_%D0%A6%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8C%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BD_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B4%D0%B0:_%D0%B2_%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D0%9A%D0%9D%D0%A0 | [
"В воскресенье, 11 марта 2018 года, депутаты проходящей в Пекине сессии высшего органа государственной власти Китая — Всекитайского собрания народных представителей (ВСНП) приняли изменённый проект конституции страны, в частности, разрешив председателю КНР править вечно.",
"Поправки убирают из конституции существовавшие с 1982 года ограничения, в соответствии с которыми председатель страны и его заместитель имели право занимать свои посты только два пятилетних срока.",
"Китайские депутаты одобрили также внесение в текст конституции имени и идеи Си Цзиньпина о «развитии социализма с китайской спецификой в новую эру».\nИдеи Си Цзиньпина о государственном развитии Китая в новую эру признаны «новейшим достижением китаизации марксистской теории» и заслужили места в основном законе наравне с идеями Мао Цзэдуна и теорией Дэн Сяопина.",
"В поправках подчёркивается абсолютная власть КПК во всех вопросах и то обстоятельство, что она является единственной политической организацией, управляющей Китаем.",
"Кроме того, в соответствии с поправками, в стране будет создан новый антикоррупционный орган — Государственный комитет по надзору.",
"«За» поправки проголосовали 2598 делегатов, «против» два человека, ещё трое воздержались, один бюллетень признан недействительным.",
"Предложение об изменении внесено ЦК Коммунистической партии Китая.",
"На пресс-конференции перед открытием сессии пресс-секретарь сессии Чжан Есуй пояснил, что необходимость внесения поправок назрела в связи с «революционными изменениями» в обстановке в стране, «особенно после 18 съезда партии» 2012 года, когда Си Цзиньпин был избран генсеком КПК. Через год — в 2013 году, он стал председателем КНР.",
"Предпринятый шаг вызвал необычно острую критику в стране. У многих китайцев политические маневры, направленные на установление пожизненного правления, вызывают в памяти эксцессы правления Мао Цзэдуна и Культурную революцию 1966—1978 годов.",
"Двое предшественников Си Цзиньпина — Цзян Цзэминь (27 марта 1993 года — 15 марта 2003 года) и Ху Цзиньтао (15 марта 2003 года — 14 марта 2013 года) — оставили пост главы КНР после двух сроков пребывания у власти."
] | 11 марта 2018 года | interlang link |
China executes nine for ethnic riots | 143,858 | [
"Crime and law",
"November 9, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_executes_nine_for_ethnic_riots | [
"China has executed nine people for taking part in July's ethnic unrest in the western city of Ürümqi, according to a local state news agency.",
"The official Xinhau news agency reported that the nine were the first of those convicted in the riots to be executed. It said the sentences were carried out with the approval of the country's supreme court; however, it was not immediately clear where the executions were carried out.",
"Violence erupted in the Xinjiang regional capital of Ürümqi on July 5, after Uighurs protested the deaths of two Uighur factory workers in a brawl with Han Chinese in southern China's Guangdong province.",
"Uighurs said the protests turned violent when police cracked down on the rally. Protesters then attacked ethnic Han people in the regional capital. Two days later, Han Chinese staged revenge attacks. Nearly 200 people are believed to have been killed, but the official toll is much lower.",
"At least 21 people have been sentenced in connection with the Ürümqi riots, in crimes ranging from murder to arson, robbery, and destruction of property. Twelve people have been sentenced to death."
] | 2009-11-09 | title |
சீனாவில் இனக்கலவரத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட 9 பேருக்கு மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றம் | 143,858 | [
"Crime and law",
"November 9, 2009"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%80%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%88%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F_9_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A3_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%88_%E0%AE%A8%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%B5%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D | [
"சீனாவின் சின்சியாங் மாகாணத்தின் தலைநகரான உருமுச்சியில் கடந்த ஜூலை மாதம் இடம் பெற்ற இனக்கலவரங்கள் தொடர்பில் அங்கு ஒன்பது பேருக்கு மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது.",
"அந்தப் பகுதியில் அப்போது இடம் பெற்ற வன்முறையில் குற்றவாளிகள் என்று கண்டறியப்பட்ட ஒன்பது ஆண்களுக்கு கடந்த சில நாட்களில் மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளதாக சீன அரசுக்கு சொந்தமான சின்குவா செய்தி நிறுவனம் தெரிவித்துள்ளது.",
"அந்தப் பகுதியின் மாகாண அரசின் பேச்சாளர், அவர்களுக்கு மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளதை பிரெஞ்சு செய்தி நிறுவனம் ஒன்றிடம் கூறியுள்ளார்.",
"கடந்த ஜூலை மாதம் 5 ஆம் நாள் உருமுச்சியில் உள்ளூர் பழங்குடியினரான உய்கூர் மற்றும் ஆன் சீன சமூகங்களுக்கு இடையே ஏற்பட்ட மோதல்களில் சுமார் 200 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர்.",
"குறைந்தது 21 பேர் இந்தக் கலவரத்துடன் தொடர்புள்ளவர்களாக குற்றம் சாட்டப்பட்டது. இவர்கள் மீது கொலை, கொள்ளை, மற்றும் பொருட்சேதம் ஆகுய குற்றங்கள் சுமத்தப்பட்டன. இவர்களில் 12 பேருக்கு மரண தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது."
] | செவ்வாய், நவம்பர் 10, 2009 | interlang link |
China hit by biggest cyberattack to date | 783,991 | [
"Science and technology",
"August 26, 2013",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_hit_by_biggest_cyberattack_to_date | [
"Early last night, massive attacks targeted China's Internet, slowing access to a crawl. The Chinese .cn domain was targeted in the latest of many denial of service attacks against China. According to the China Internet Network Information Center, which manages the .cn domain, this attack was the largest of its kind.",
"The domain was attacked twice, once at 2am local time, and again at 4am. The second was larger, and Chinese officials said work to restore service was progressing slowly. State-run newsmedia said numerous .cn websites and microblogging website Sina Weibo were targeted.",
"This outage comes at a sensitive time for China, with the trial of Bo Xilai, a former government official, having just ended. The attack also comes amidst rumors that the Chinese government will be cracking down on social media commentators, according the The Wall Street Journal.",
"According to a Wall Street Journal interview with Matthew Prince, CEO of CloudFlare, a company that tracks web traffic and metrics, during the attack Chinese Internet traffic dropped by 32%. He also claimed this attack is an indicator of the susceptibility of Chinese Internet infrastructure to these attacks.",
"Sina Weibo access is presently working as normal."
] | 2013-08-26 | title |
Chine : une importante cyberattaque touche le pays | 783,991 | [
"Science and technology",
"August 26, 2013",
"Crime and law"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Chine_:_une_importante_cyberattaque_touche_le_pays | [
"Hier matin, la Chine a été victime d'une cyberattaque par déni de service distribué (DDos) touchant le domaine .cn. Le déni de service consiste à innonder un même serveur de requêtes jusqu'à conduire au blockout de celui-ci. Des millions de sites ont été touchés, y compris Sina Weibo, le Twitter chinois. Les sites du domaines ont été fortement ralentis et certains ont été partiellement coupés. Selon le China Internet Network Information Center, il s'agit de la plus importante cyberattaque de l'histoire du pays.",
"La première attaque a commencé vers minuit (heure de Pékin), suivie d'une seconde plus importante vers 4 heures du matin. La quasi totalité du réseau a pu être restaurée vers 10 heures. On ne sait pas d'où provenait cette attaque et si elle est toujours en cours.",
"Interviewé par le China real time report, l'expert américain en renseignement Matthew Aid estime que ces attaques \"ont démontré la vulnérabilité du web chinois face à des agressions extérieures\". \"Si tous les sites internet chinois peuvent être hackés avec une simple attaque par déni de service, leur réseau est plus vulnérable que nous le pensions\", ajoute-t-il."
] | Publié le 27 août 2013 | interlang link |
China sentences dissident to eleven years in prison | 146,493 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"December 26, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/China_sentences_dissident_to_eleven_years_in_prison | [
"A Chinese court sentenced prominent democracy activist Liu Xiaobo to 11 years in prison for inciting to subvert state power, prompting international calls for his release.",
"A Beijing court issued the sentence Friday following a two-hour trial earlier in the week. A group of U.S. and European diplomats were among those who stood outside the court after they were barred from the courtroom.",
"Gregory May, first secretary with the United States Embassy in Beijing, told reporters the United States is \"deeply concerned\" by Liu's sentence.",
"\"We continue to call on the government of China to release him immediately,\" May said, \"and to respect the rights of all Chinese citizens to peacefully express their political views in favor of universally recognized fundamental freedoms, including the right to petition one's government.\" May says members of the U.S. embassy have repeatedly raised Liu's case at high levels in Washington, D.C. and Beijing.",
"China has accused foreign diplomats of \"meddling\" in the trial. On Thursday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu stressed that Liu is a Chinese citizen and, as a result, his case is an \"internal\" affair.",
"Liu's charge of subversion is an ill-defined one, often brought against those who voice opposition to Communist Party rule. Liu has spent time in jail or under house arrest before, especially following his early activism over the 1989 student protests in Tiananmen Square.",
"Along with his prison term, Liu will lose his political rights for another two years. Liu's lawyer, Shang Baojun, said of the verdict, “We are just extremely disappointed.” Baojun says Liu plans to appeal the verdict.",
"Liu was detained more than a year ago after he co-authored the pro-democracy petition \"Charter '08.\" Thousands of Chinese citizens signed the online document, including 38-year-old Yang Licai, one of a handful of Chinese supporters who came to the courthouse on Friday. Yang says he came to turn himself in.",
"Yang also says he signed Charter '08, and since Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years for sponsoring the document, Yang felt he should receive the same treatment. After he finished speaking with reporters, police escorted Yang into a van that promptly drove away.",
"Many international human rights organizations are denouncing the sentence and calling for Liu's release. International PEN, a non-profit organization devoted to freedom of expression, called Liu's sentence \"a grievous betrayal of his inalienable rights as a Chinese citizen.\"",
"Liu is a former president of the independent China PEN Center. Larry Siems, the director of Freedom to Write and international programs at PEN American Center, says Liu exemplifies the traits that PEN values. \"He's been in his work an example of a true intellectual, someone who is true to his ideas and principles,\" Siems noted, \"and also as a public intellectual, someone who lives by his actions, his words, someone who's willing to speak his mind and take the consequences.\"",
"Siems says PEN will continue to advocate for Liu's release."
] | 2009-12-26 | title |
11 Jahre Gefängnis für chinesischen Bürgerrechtler Liu Xiaobo | 146,493 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"December 26, 2009"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/11_Jahre_Gef%C3%A4ngnis_f%C3%BCr_chinesischen_B%C3%BCrgerrechtler_Liu_Xiaobo | [
"Peking (China), 26.12.2009 – Der Bürgerrechtler Liu Xiaobo (54) wurde wegen Untergrabung der Staatsgewalt von einem chinesischen Gericht zu einer elfjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt. Liu Xiaobo ist Verfasser eines Manifests (Charta 08), in dem zu mehr Demokratie und Beachtung der Menschenrechte in China aufgerufen wird.",
"Von Menschenrechtsorganisationen, der US-Regierung sowie Vertretern der Europäischen Union wurde das Verfahren gegen Liu verurteilt."
] | null | interlang link |
Chinese bloggers pressure leads to kitten killer giveup | 36,232 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 17, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_bloggers_pressure_leads_to_kitten_killer_giveup | [
"Wang Jue, a Chinese nurse appearing in a disturbing internet video stomping a cat with her high-heel shoes, gave herself up to authorities after bloggers and some print media started a campaign to trace back the recording. In the beginning, she was labeled as the kitten killer of Hangzhou, because it was believed she was from there; but some internauts recognized an island in northern Heilongjiang province.",
"Wang posted an apology on the Luobei city government official website. She said she was recently divorced and didn't know what to do with her life. The cameraman, a provincial TV employee, and she lost their jobs when internauts discovered their identities.",
"Nevertheless, since China lacks laws against cruelty to animals, Wang and the cameraman might be freed soon.",
"The site (http://www.crushworld.net/) where the video was first posted is no longer active."
] | 2006-03-17 | title |
Asesina de gatos se entrega por presión de los cibernautas chinos | 36,232 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 17, 2006",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Asesina_de_gatos_se_entrega_por_presi%C3%B3n_de_los_cibernautas_chinos | [
"Una mujer china de 37 años llamada Wang Jue (王珏) se entregó a las autoridades de su país, tras la presión y el acoso de cientos de bloggers. La mujer, enfermera de profesión, aparece en un video casero publicado en internet en el que asesinaba a un gato con un zapato de tacón alto.",
"Tanto los bloggers como los periódicos chinos la denunciaron y buscaron su paradero, hasta que finalmente la encontraron e hicieron que se entregara. Al principio se pensó que estaba en Hangzhou, una ciudad cercana a la sureña Shanghái (motivo por el cual la mujer había recibido el sobrenombre de \"la asesina de gatos de Hangzhou\"), pero gracias a las capturas del video, algunos cibernautas establecieron que en el fondo aparecía una isla de la provincia nororiental de Heilongjiang.",
"Más adelante, la búsqueda condujo al sitio http://www.crushworld.net/, donde este y otros videos eran puestos a la venta. El sitio fue cerrado con prontitud debido a la investigación, pero se descubrió que las imágenes habían sido subidas en la ciudad de Hangzhou por una persona con el alias de gainmas, que proporcionó la dirección de correo electrónico [email protected].",
"Luego, los cibernautas buscaron en Google China el número telefónico que aparecía en el sitio, lo que condujo a una empresa llamada Silver Fox Technology, que aparecía domiciliada en la misma dirección que la otra Hangzhou.",
"Pronto aparecería más información acerca de gainmas, que fue mostrado con un automóvil Mazda plateado con placas de Zhejiang. Otra búsqueda en la versión china del portal de subastas eBay revelaría que gainmas compró un par de zapatos con tacón de 12 cm en enero de 2005.",
"Entretanto, otros cibernautas se encontraban a la caza de la mujer que aparecía en el video. Una página llegó a afirmar que la mujer era de nacionalidad japonesa y que el video era un anuncio publicitario de una marca de zapatos nipona. No obstante, y gracias a la pista de la provincia de Helongjiang, los \"ciberinvestigadores\" identificaron finalmente a la enfermera Wang.",
"Wang fue obligada a emitir un comunicado en la página oficial de Luobei, Heilongjiang, en el que promete no grabar videos matando animales de nuevo. La mujer afirma que su reciente divorcio la sumió en una fuerte depresión que la hizo maltratar animales como conejos y ranas, y manifestó que su comportamiento hirió a su familia, en especial a su hija. Wang y el camarógrafo, éste último trabajador de una estación provincial de televisión, perdieron sus empleos apenas se supo que eran los responsables de la grabación.",
"Según Richard Spencer, corresponsal de The Daily Telegraph en China, Wang dijo que estaba confundida y que alguien le pidió participar en la \"broma\". Spencer añade que \"un cínico sugiere que el gobierno local publicó el comunicado por ella y que la forzaron a aceptarlo si quería que le devolvieran su empleo de enfermera\".",
"El sitio donde fue publicado el video (crushworld.net, no disponible ahora) llegó incluso a vender algunos CD con el mismo a 15 yuanes (1,50 euros o US$1,90), anunciándose con la frase \"animalitos pisoteados hasta la muerte por mujeres provocativas\".",
"No obstante, China, país conocido por la gran cantidad de maltratos hacia los animales, no tiene leyes contra este tipo de acciones, si bien se anunció una investigación contra Wang y el camarógrafo."
] | 17 de marzo de 2006 | interlang link |
Chinese court sentences six to death for Xinjiang riots | 141,215 | [
"October 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_court_sentences_six_to_death_for_Xinjiang_riots | [
"A Chinese court has handed down death sentences to six men for their involvement in a riot in the far northwestern region of Xinjiang, in the first cases directly related to the deadly July riots in Xinjiang. Violence sparked by the rioting left nearly 200 people dead and more than 1,600 others injured. The six men had been charged for murder and other crimes. One other defendant was sentenced to life in prison.",
"Xinjiang regional government spokesman Li Jie confirmed all seven men were ethnic Uighurs. He was asked if he thought the sentences would stir up more violence in Xinjiang.",
"Li said that it is hard to say how ordinary people will react, but asserted the sentences are impartial. He says the courts later will hand down more sentences related to the riot. He added that everything will be handled according to the law.",
"However, Dilxat Rixit of the World Uighur Congress said that the sentences were unfair and the defendants did not receive a proper defense. He said the defendants' court-appointed lawyers only acted in the Chinese government's interest.",
"\"These verdicts were motivated by politics, not the desire to see justice served,\" Rixit said.",
"Late last week, one man was sentenced to death and another to life in prison for their part in a toy factory brawl last June in China's southern Guangdong province. Two ethnic Uighurs were killed in the violence that sparked the rioting in Xinjiang.",
"Official media gave no details, but the names of the two men suggest they are ethnic Han, China's majority ethnic group.",
"The rioting in Xinjiang was some of China's worst ethnic violence in decades. Uighurs, angry over the deaths in Guangdong, led a protest march that police say ended in attacks on Han in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi. Han Chinese retaliated two days later, and attacked Uighurs, before Chinese troops restored order.",
"The Turkic-speaking Uighurs have long complained of discrimination by the Han, and say the government severely restricts their Muslim religious practices. The Chinese government says there is no discrimination and Uighurs, like other ethnic minorities, receive benefits the Han majority does not."
] | 2009-10-12 | title |
Sechs Todesurteile im Zusammenhang mit Unruhen in Xinjiang | 141,215 | [
"October 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Sechs_Todesurteile_im_Zusammenhang_mit_Unruhen_in_Xinjiang | [
"Ürümqi (Volksrepublik China), 12.10.2009 – Ein Gericht in Ürümqi, der Hauptstadt des Uigurischen Autonomen Gebietes Xinjiang im Nordwesten Chinas, hat am gestrigen Montag sechs Personen in erster Instanz zum Tode verurteilt. Ein weiterer Angeklagter erhielt eine lebenslange Haftstrafe.",
"Hintergrund des Prozesses waren Unruhen zwischen Uiguren und Han-Chinesen im Anschluss an eine Demonstration Anfang Juli dieses Jahres, bei denen fast 200 Menschen ums Leben gekommen sind. Etwa 1.700 Menschen wurden verletzt. Laut Darstellung der chinesischen Behörden waren die meisten Opfer Han-Chinesen. Der Weltkongress der Uiguren, eine uigurische Exilorganisation, geht aber davon aus, dass auch viele Uiguren bei den schwersten ethnischen Unruhen, die es in China seit Jahrzehnten gegeben hat, gestorben sind. Nach der Welle der Gewalt waren viele Menschen verhaftet worden. Bisher wurde Anklage gegen 21 mutmaßliche Beteiligte erhoben. Laut einem BBC-Korrespondenten herrscht in der Provinz immer noch eine sehr hohe Polizeipräsenz, weswegen es bislang nicht zu neuen Ausschreitungen gekommen sei.",
"Wie die staatliche chinesische Nachrichtenagentur „Xinhua“ berichtet, wurden im aktuellen Verfahren alle sieben Männer des Mordes für schuldig befunden. Ein Teil der Angeklagten wurde außerdem wegen Verbrechen wie Brandstiftung und Diebstahl verurteilt. Einer der Angeklagten entging der Todesstrafe, weil er die ihm zur Last gelegten Verbrechen vor Gericht zugegeben haben soll und der Polizei bei den Ermittlungen gegen einen der anderen heute Verurteilten geholfen haben soll.",
"Gegenüber „Reuters“ sagte Dilxat Raxit, ein Sprecher des Weltkongresses, der Prozess sei intransparent und unfair gewesen. Die Angeklagten hätten keinen Rechtsbeistand gehabt. „Xinhua“ zitiert dagegen Nurmemet Hapiz von einer örtlichen Moschee mit folgenden Worten: „Menschen sollen sich nach dem Gesetz richten. Als Bürger sollen wir versuchen, unser bestes für die gesellschaftliche Harmonie, Zufriedenheit und Sicherheit zu tun“."
] | null | interlang link |
சீனாவில் ஜூலை கலவரத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட 6 பேருக்கு மரண தண்டனை | 141,215 | [
"October 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%80%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%9C%E0%AF%82%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%88_%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%88%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F_6_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A3_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%88 | [
"சீனாவில் வடமேற்குப் பகுதியில் சின்ஜியாங் மாநிலத்தில் கடந்த ஜுலை மாதம் 5ந் நாள் இடம்பெற்ற கலவரத்தின் போது கைது செய்யப்பட்ட 6 பேருக்கு சீன நீதிமன்றம் மரண தண்டனை விதித்துத் தீர்ப்பளித்தது. சிறுபான்மையினரான உய்குர் முஸ்லிம்களுக்கும், ஹான் சீனர்களுக்கும் இடையே ஜூலையில் நடந்த மோதலில் 197 பேர் கொல்ல்லப்பட்டனர். அவர்களில் பலர் சீனர்கள் ஆவார்கள். 1,600 பேர் காயமடைந்தனர்.",
"இந்த கலவரம் தொடர்பாக உய்குர் முஸ்லிம்கள் 718 பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர். அவர்களில் 21 பேர் மீது உரும்பி நகர நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டுள்ளது. கலவரம், கொள்ளை, தீவைப்பு, பொருட்களுக்கு சேதம் விளைவிப்பது போன்ற குற்றங்களில் ஈடுபட்டதாக அவர்கள் மீது வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டது. ஆறு பேருக்கு மரணதண்டனையும் ஒருவருக்கு ஆயுள் தண்டனையும் விதிக்கப்பட்டது.",
"தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்ட ஏழு பேரும் சிறுபான்மையின உய்கூர் இன முஸ்லிம்கள் என சின்ஜியாங் மாநில அரசுப் பேச்சாளரான லி ஜி தெரிவித்தார்.",
"இக்கலவரங்கள் ஆரம்பமாவதற்குக் காரணமாக இருந்த ஒரு பெரும்பான்மையின ஹான் சீனர் ஒருவருக்கு சென்ற வாரம் மரணதண்டனை வழங்கப்பட்டு, வேறொருவருக்கு ஆயுள்தண்டனை வழங்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. ஜூன் மாதத்தில் சீனாவின் குவாஅங்டொங் மாகாணத்தில் விளையாட்டுப் பொருட்கள் தயாரிக்கும் தொழிற்சாலை ஒன்றில் இரண்டு உய்கூர் இன முஸ்லிம்களைக் கொலை செய்ததாக இவ்விருவரும் குற்றம் சாட்டப்பட்டிருந்தனர். இக்கொலைச்சம்பவத்திற்குப் பின்னரே சின்ஜியாங்கில் கலவரம் வெடித்தது."
] | செவ்வாய், அக்டோபர் 13, 2009 | interlang link |
Chinese NPC to take control of Hong Kong electoral system | 2,917,360 | [
"March 7, 2021",
"Politics and conflicts",
"2019 Hong Kong protests",
"Hong Kong",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_NPC_to_take_control_of_Hong_Kong_electoral_system | [
"The Chinese National People's Congress put forward plans on Friday that would mean electoral candidates from Hong Kong would have to be thoroughly vetted before being allowed to run. The plans ensure that only \"patriots\" to the People's Republic of China would be allowed to run. This comes after protests against the republic over the last two years, with 47 pro-democracy election candidates, activists, and campaigners remaining in jail on national security laws.",
"Premier Li Keqiang said he would \"resolutely guard against and deter\" interference from other countries during the annual work report. Li delivered a speech to about 3000 members of the congress. As a result, a draft decision was made, containing recommendations from Wang Chen, who is the vice chair of the standing committee of the NPC. It included modifications to the Hong Kong constitution, including granting a committee that currently elects the chief executive additional powers to \"directly participate in the nomination of all legislative council members\", and create \"a qualification vetting system for the whole process\".",
"Political scientist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Willy Lam told Agence France-Presse the vetting committee proposed by the NPC would to disqualify any candidate from running for office who was seen as not being loyal to the Chinese Communist Party. After the plans were announced, Beijing's liaison office said \"from all walks of life in Hong Kong have voiced their support\" for the changes.",
"In last year's work report, national security laws were introduced that gave the Chinese government more powers to convict residents of Hong Kong and prevent them from running for office. On Thursday, 47 pro-democracy activists and potential election candidates were still being held after an informal \"primary poll\" they had carried out, which prosecutors said was designed to \"overthrow\" the government.",
"This comes after about a thousand protestors had gathered outside the Hong Kong court on Monday demanding the release of what they called \"political prisoners\", The Guardian reported. Those arrested were charged under the laws on Sunday. The Guardian said 32 were denied bail, in part because the national security laws make it difficult for those arrested to be given bail. Fifteen defendants were granted bail that prosecutors opposed."
] | 2021-03-07 | title |
La Nacia Popola Asembleo de Ĉinujo ekregos la honkongan elektosistemon | 2,917,360 | [
"March 7, 2021",
"Politics and conflicts",
"2019 Hong Kong protests",
"Hong Kong",
"Crime and law",
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/La_Nacia_Popola_Asembleo_de_%C4%88inujo_ekregos_la_honkongan_elektosistemon | [
"La pasintan vendredon, la 5-an de marto, la Nacia Popola Asembleo (NPA) de Ĉinujo starigis planojn, kiuj devigos ke ĉiuj politikaj kandidatoj de Honkongo estu detale kontrolitaj antaŭ ol ricevi permeson balotiĝi. La planoj celas certigi, ke nur «patriotoj» al la Popola Respubliko de Ĉinujo povu kandidatiĝi. Ĉi tiu evento okazas post kontraŭrespublikaj manifestacioj dum la lastaj du jaroj, rezulte de kio 47 pro-demokratiaj elektokandidatoj, aktivistoj, kaj kampajnantoj restas en prizono sub leĝoj pri nacia sekureco.",
"Ĉefministro Li Keĉiang diris ke li «rezolute kontraŭgardos kaj malkuraĝigos» eksterlandajn intervenojn dum la ĉiujara laborraporto. Li donis paroladon al ĉ. 3000 membroj de l' asembleo. En rezulto, oni faris malnetan decidon entenantan rekomendojn de Vang Ĉen, la vicĉefo de la permanenta komitato de NPA. La decido inkluzivis modifojn al la honkonga konstitucio, interalie aŭtoritatigante komitaton, kiu respondecas pri elektado de la honkonga ekzekutivestro, «rekte partopreni en la nomumado de ĉiuj membroj de la leĝdona kunsido» kaj krei «kvalifikan sistemon de aprobado por la tuta procezo».",
"Politiksciencisto de la Ĉina Universitato de Honkong, Willy Lam, diris al la novaĵagentejo Agence France-Presse ke la kontrolanta komitato proponita de la NPA malkvalifikos je balotado ajnan kandidaton, kiun oni ne konsideras sufiĉe lojala al la Komunista Partio de Ĉinujo. Post la anonco de la planoj, la komunika oficejo de Pekino diris ke homoj «de ĉiuj sferoj de vivo esprimis sian subtenon» por la ŝanĝoj.",
"En pasintjara laborraporto, la Partio enkondukis novajn leĝojn pri nacia sekureco provizantajn al la ĉinuja registaro pliajn potencojn konvikti loĝantojn de Honkongo kaj malpermesi al ili kandidatiĝi. Ĉi tiun pasintan ĵaŭdon, 47 por-demokratiaj aktivistoj kaj eblaj elektokandidatoj ankoraŭ restis enkarcerigitaj post «unuarunda baloto» kiun ili starigis. Prokuratoroj asertis, ke ĉi tiu «baloto» havis la celon «renversi» la registaron.",
"Ĉi tiu novaĵo okazas post kiam, la pasintan lundon, proksimume mil manifestaciantoj amasiĝis ekster la honkonga kortumo postulante la liberigon de tiuj, kiujn ili nomis «politikaj malliberuloj», laŭ raportaĵo de la gazeto The Guardian. Dimanĉon, la arestitoj estis akuzitaj sub tiuj leĝoj. The Guardian raportis ke al 32 individuoj oni rifuzis kaŭcion, parte pro tio, ke la leĝoj pri nacia sekureco estigas al la arestitoj pliajn obstaklojn kontraŭ kaŭcio. 15 defendantojn tamen oni kaŭciis malgraŭ la deziroj de prokuroroj."
] | Dimanĉo, la 7-a de marto 2021 | interlang link |
Chinese police arrest six after woman beaten to death at Shandong McDonald's | 1,398,147 | [
"June 1, 2014",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_police_arrest_six_after_woman_beaten_to_death_at_Shandong_McDonald%27s | [
"Police in China announced yesterday the arrests of six people who reportedly pled guilty to murdering a woman by bludgeoning her to death at a McDonald's restaurant in the city of Zhaoyuan, Shandong province. Police said they believed the suspects, who included a man, his reportedly twelve-year-old son, and two daughters, along with two other women, were members of a cult known as Quannengshen, Chinese meaning \"All-powerful spirit\".",
"Police said the victim, surname Wu, refused to give the man, surname Zhang, her telephone number when he solicited her for induction into the group, following which, Zhang began to bludgeon her with a mop before the other suspects joined in the assault. The Australian cited claims from uncensored websites saying the women who accompanied Zhang shouted \"beat her to death\" prior to attacking the victim themselves.",
"The son, who can't be held criminally responsible in China due to his age, will be \"dealt with separately\" according to authorities. Following the incident, state broadcaster China Central Television reported discovery of religious material at a location connected to Quannengshen.",
"Video footage of the assault has been uploaded to the internet, along with photos of Wu motionless on the floor of the restaurant in a pool of blood. Though taken to hospital, Wu, who was reportedly the mother of a young son, died. The incident has drawn the criticism of netizens online, who highlighted the presence of dozens of other customers in the restaurant who stood by and filmed the assault, while doing nothing to stop the attack or assist the victim.",
"According to the newspaper Southern Metropolis Daily, Quannengshen, a doomsday cult which bases its ideology on the Christian Bible, began about twenty years ago in Heilongjiang province and now has members based in the eastern provinces of China. Reportedly the Chinese government declared the group an illegal \"evil cult\" in 1995. In December 2012, according to a report by the Beijing Morning News, seventeen cultists were arrested in Beijing for harassing people with an apocalyptic message in a public park.",
"The incident comes amid ongoing efforts by the Chinese government to control religious movements who base their teachings on Christianity and Buddhism. Another group, Falungong, also illegalized as an \"evil cult\", was suppressed by the government in 1999, and reportedly had a membership of millions. The government has detained tens of thousands of Falungong members and, according to the group, tortured members for their beliefs.",
"McDonald's has released a statement on its Chinese microblog, expressing “deep-felt grief” for the incident, along with a promise the company would conduct an investigation. Chinese state news agency Xinhua quoted Shandong authorities, \"Local provincial police authorities vowed to severely punish illegal activities of heretic sects to protect the safety of people's lives and property\". When the Associated Press contacted the police headquarters in Zhaoyuan, they were told by a clerk there was no one available for comment."
] | 2014-06-01 | title |
山东招远麦当劳故意杀人事件 | 1,398,147 | [
"June 1, 2014",
"Crime and law",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%B1%B1%E4%B8%9C%E6%8B%9B%E8%BF%9C%E9%BA%A6%E5%BD%93%E5%8A%B3%E6%95%85%E6%84%8F%E6%9D%80%E4%BA%BA%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6 | [
] | 【2014年6月7日讯】 | interlang link |
Chinese police seal off monastery in Tibet | 83,267 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama",
"Crime and law",
"October 25, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_police_seal_off_monastery_in_Tibet | [
"Armed Chinese police have surrounded and sealed off two monasteries in Tibet after monks began to celebrate the Dalai Lama's honor of receiving the United States Congressional Gold Medal. At least 100 monks are reported to be held inside the Drepung monastery and its not known if any have been injured or arrested. Earlier, at least 3,000 police surrounded the Zhaibung Monastery.",
"\"[Chinese] police stopped an attempt by monks to peacefully mark the honor to the Dalai Lama last week [by sealing off the monastery]. Tibetan sources report a buildup of armed police in the city, checkpoints on roads out of Lhasa, and an order to Lhasa citizens not to carry out any religious or celebratory activities,\" said the International Campaign for Tibet in a report.",
"Other protesters and monks are reported to have been arrested and injured when police began to clash with the celebrations which started on October 16 inside the monastery. Beginning in the morning on October 17, police began to intervene to stop the celebrations throughout Tibet.",
"China claims that it is not aware of any report, and has not commented on the situation in Tibet."
] | 2007-10-25 | title |
משטרת סין אטמה מנזר בטיבט | 83,267 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama",
"Crime and law",
"October 25, 2007",
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%98%D7%A8%D7%AA_%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%9F_%D7%90%D7%98%D7%9E%D7%94_%D7%9E%D7%A0%D7%96%D7%A8_%D7%91%D7%98%D7%99%D7%91%D7%98 | [
"כוחות משטרה סינים חמושים כיתרו ואטמו שני מנזרים בטיבט לאחר שהנזירים החלו בחגיגות לכבוד עיטור הדלאי למה במדליית הזהב של הקונגרס האמריקאי. למעלה מ-100 נזירים מוחזקים בתוך מנזר דרפונג, כך על פי הדיווחים, ולא ידוע האם מי מהם נפצע או נעצר. מוקדם יותר, למעלה מ-3000 שוטרים כיתרו את מנזר ז'איבונג.",
"\"המשטרה הסינית מנעה את נסיון הנזירים לציין בדרכי שלום את הכבוד לו זכה הדלאי למה [ע\"י אטימת המנזר]. מקורות טיבטיים מדווחים על היאספות של כוחות משטרה חמושים בעיר, הקמת מחסומי הדרכים מחוץ ללהאסה, והנחיות לתושבי להאסה לא לעסוק בכל פעילות דתית או חגיגית\", כך עפ\"י דיווח של \"הקמפיין הבינלאומי למען טיבט\".",
"דווח כי מפגינים ונזירים אחרים נעצרו ונפצעו כאשר המשטרה החלה בעימותים עם משתתפי ההילולה שנפתחה ב-16 באוקטובר בתוככי המנזר. למן בוקר ה-17 באוקטובר, המשטרה החלה להתערב על מנת לבלום את המשך החגיגות בכל רחבי טיבט.",
"סין טוענת כי היא איננה מודעת לכל דיווח שכזה, וסרבה להגיב לגבי המצב בטיבט."
] | 25 באוקטובר 2007 | interlang link |
Chinese quake death toll nears 32,500, as a major aftershock occurs and mourning begins | 106,272 | [
"May 18, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chinese_quake_death_toll_nears_32,500,_as_a_major_aftershock_occurs_and_mourning_begins | [
"The government of China announced it would begin three days of mourning on Monday, as the death toll from the 7.9 magnitude earthquake centered in the Sichuan province has been raised to nearly 32,500, with 220,000 injured. At 2:28 p.m local time, flags will be moved to half mast for three days, there will be three minutes of silence, and entertainment in public will be suspended for the mourning period.",
"Authorities have continued to pull victims out of the rubble resulting from the quake, 65 since the original quake, with two pulled out alive more than six days after the earthquake. Rescuers are also trying to pull out two still alive. More than 9,500 people are still trapped under rubble throughout the province.",
"Chinese authorities are worried as aftershocks continue to affect the region devastated by the initial earthquake, while water builds up in clogged rivers. An 5.8 magnitude aftershock shook buildings and caused people to evacuate in Chengdu, 200 km (125 miles) south of the aftershock's epicenter. The aftershock killed three people and injured 1,000 others. A buildup of water is occurring 3 km (2 miles) upstream of Beichuan, where a man was freed from under a hospital's remains.",
"Chinese President Hu Jintao said to families of victims in Yinghua that \"We will make every effort to save our people even if there is only the slightest hope and possibility.\" They are preventing people from going into the affected region for fear of these conditions. Families of possible victims who tried to enter the affected region were not allowed into the area by police, due to fears of aftershocks and the clogged rivers.",
"60 aid organizations from 13 countries have assisted so far with the earthquake, including Japan, Russia, Taiwan, South Korea, the United States and Singapore, and in addition to aid from inside China there has been 6 billion yuan (858 million United States dollars) of aid."
] | 2008-05-18 | title |
China declara tres días de duelo nacional | 106,272 | [
"May 18, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/China_declara_tres_d%C3%ADas_de_duelo_nacional | [
"19 de mayo de 2008Sichuan, China — El gobierno chino ha decretado tres días de luto nacional tras el terremoto registrado la semana anterior, y reveló que la cifra confirmada de muertos aumentó a 32.477, a su vez que se cuentan hasta el momento 220.109 heridos.",
"El presidente Hu Jintao agradeció a los gobiernos extranjeros que se han solidarizado con la tragedia y por la ayuda internacional recibida, la cual asciende a 860 millones de dólares.",
"En la plaza de Tian'anmen la bandera china se izó a media asta y fue suspendido el relevo de la llama olímpica. También se guardaron tres minutos de silencio a las 14:28 horas locales del domingo (06:28 UTC) para recordar a las víctimas.",
"Más de 100 réplicas del terremoto se registraron durante la semana anterior mientras que los equipos de rescate han perdido las esperanzas de encontrar más víctimas con vida entre los escombros."
] | null | interlang link |
Chip and PIN 'not fit for purpose', says Cambridge researcher | 154,885 | [
"February 14, 2010",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"University of Cambridge",
"Economy and business",
"United Kingdom"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chip_and_PIN_%27not_fit_for_purpose%27,_says_Cambridge_researcher | [
"University of Cambridge security expert Professor Ross Anderson has blasted the EMV system used worldwide for credit and debit card transactions, and known in the UK as Chip and PIN, after his research team discovered a serious vulnerability. The group were able to carry out purchases using a card, even without knowing the associated personal identification number (PIN), by using a \"man-in-the-middle\" attack.",
"Retail terminals at the point of sale require the cardholder to insert their card and enter their secret PIN before a transaction can be authorised. They then communicate with the microchip built in to the card itself, which holds the PIN. If the correct number has been given, this chip returns a standard verification code (0x9000) to the terminal.",
"In the researchers' attack they inserted a genuine card into a second reader, connected to a laptop. The laptop is linked by thin wires to a fake card, which is inserted into the retailer's terminal. The laptop relays the communications between the terminal and the stolen, but genuine, card, up until the stage where the PIN is to be checked. At this point it intercepts and responds with the verification code, no matter what number was entered. The retailer's terminal then believes that the correct PIN has been entered, and the card can be told that a signature was used to verify the cardholder instead.",
"Their technique has been tested successfully on cards from six different issuers: Bank of Scotland, Barclaycard, Co-operative Bank, Halifax, HSBC and John Lewis.",
"The group say that not much technical skill is required for the attack, and suggested the equipment needed could be kept in a backpack, with the wires to the fake card running down a user's sleeve. They believe the equipment could be miniaturised to the size of a remote control.",
"\"In practice how this attack would work is that one reasonably technically skilled person would build a device that carries out the attack and then sell this equipment on the internet just like criminals already do,\" said Dr Steven Murdoch who worked on the project.",
"Professor Anderson claimed that the attack could already be in use by criminals. \"We have many examples of people who have had their cards stolen and then purchases made using the chip and pin,\" he said. \"They are adamant they didn't use it but if the banks say chip and pin has been used you have to pay. I think many of these people would have been victim of the kind of technique we have developed.\"",
"He was scathing about bank claims that the system was secure. \"The banks are wrong. All the banks are lying. They are maliciously and wilfully deceiving the customer. If there was any justice then the police would be looking into this. The system is not fit for purpose.\"",
"Consumer group Which? have also called for an investigation, stating that in a recent survey one in seven people said that money had been taken from their accounts without authorisation. Around half of these did not have the money refunded by the bank.",
"\"We want the banks to look into these potential flaws,\" said Cathy Neal from Which? Money, \"because we have had many examples where the banks have said a pin was used and the customer said it hasn't.\"",
"Over 90 percent of UK card transactions at point-of-sale use chip and PIN, according to the UK Payments Administration. The attack does not affect ATM transactions, which use different standards. Mark Bowerman, a spokesman for the group which represents card companies, said that there was no evidence the attack was in use and emphasised that card fraud had fallen with the introduction of chip and PIN.",
"\"We are taking this paper very seriously, as maintaining excellent levels of card security is paramount,\" he said. \"However, we strongly refute the allegation that chip and PIN is broken.\"",
"The research paper has been made available as a working draft, and is due to be published at the IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium in May 2010. Members of the banking industry were informed of the vulnerability in early December last year."
] | 2010-02-14 | title |
Biztonsági rést fedeztek fel a bank- és hitelkártyákhoz is használt EMV technológiában | 154,885 | [
"February 14, 2010",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"University of Cambridge",
"Economy and business",
"United Kingdom"
] | hu | https://hu.wikinews.org/wiki/Biztons%C3%A1gi_r%C3%A9st_fedeztek_fel_a_bank-_%C3%A9s_hitelk%C3%A1rty%C3%A1khoz_is_haszn%C3%A1lt_EMV_technol%C3%B3gi%C3%A1ban | [
"A hiba kihasználásával a PIN kód ismerete nélkül is lehetséges vásárolni az ilyen típusú kártyákkal. A Ross John Anderson vezette kutatócsoport összesen hat különböző pénzintézet, nevezetesen a Bank of Scotland, a Barclaycard, a Co-operative Bank, a Halifax, a HSBC és a John Lewis rendszerét is ki tudta játszani a bolti terminálokon. Az EMV technológia szerte a világon használt, de Nagy-Britannia számára külön kényessé teszi az ügyet, hogy ott a bolti kártyás fizetések 90%-a ezen alapul.[1] A csoport a probléma felfedezését bőven a nyilvánosságra hozatal előtt, még december elején jelezte a bankszférának. Ross J. Anderson egyébként neves biztonságtechnikai szakértő, a Cambridge-i Egyetem professzora, a Microsoft Palladium nevű rendszertervének egyik fő kritikusa.",
"Az EMV típusú kártyákon – ellentétben a Magyarországon elterjedt mágnescsíkos megoldással – az adatokat egy chip tárolja, beleértve a PIN kódot is. A PIN beütésekor a kártyát az olvasóban kell tartani: a terminál a megadott számokat továbbítja a chipnek; ha a kód helyes, akkor a chip a 0x9000-es hexadecimális értékkel válaszol. Akárcsak nálunk, a vásárlások alkalmával a PIN megadása nem kötelező, azt bizonyos elfogadóhelyeken a vásárló aláírása is helyettesítheti.",
"A gond az, hogy a terminál és a chip kommunikációjába viszonylag egyszerű eszközökkel bele lehet szólni. Amit a kutatók megvalósítottak, az – technikai szakzsargonnal élve – egy középreállásos támadás. Az eredeti kártyát egy számítógép kártyaolvasójába helyezték, míg a bolti terminálba egy hamisat tettek; ez utóbbit (mármint magát a kártyát) kábeleken keresztül szintén a géphez csatlakoztatták. A terminál jeleit a hamis kártya és a számítógép révén közvetítették az eredetihez és fordítva, lehetőséget adva a kommunikáció lehallgatására. A közvetítést a PIN kód továbbításakor megszakították és a terminál felé elküldték a helyes kódot visszaigazoló hexadecimális jelet. Az eredeti kártya mindeközben azt a jelet kapta, hogy a vásárló aláírást használt PIN helyett. Az összeg ezzel levonásra került a számláról.",
"A csoport szerint a berendezés összeállítása csak minimális szakértelmet igényel és hozzávetőleg egy távirányító méretéig miniatürizálható. Egyik tagjuk, Dr. Steven Murdoch szerint nem lehetetlen, hogy leleményes bűnözők már építettek hasonló készülékeket, s az sem, hogy ezeket az interneten forgalmazzák. Anderson szintén arra figyelmeztetett, hogy a technikát már használhatják illetéktelenek, elvégre több ellopott kártya számláját is megcsapolták az utóbbi időkben. Hozzátette: „A bankok tévednek. Sőt: amikor azt mondják, hogy »a rendszer biztonságos«, valójában szándékosan hazudnak és megtévesztik a fogyasztókat. A rendőrségnek már rég nyomoznia kellene az ügyben. Ez a technológia egyszerűen nem megfelelő a célra.”[2]",
"A Which? nevű fogyasztóvédelmi szervezet szintén sürgeti a nyomozás megindítását annak fényében, hogy egy közelmúltbeli felmérésük szerint minden hetedik ember számlájáról tűnt már el pénz a tulajdonosok tudta és jóváhagyása nélkül. Az esetek mintegy felében a bankok nem térítették meg ezen károkat.",
"A módszer részleteit taglaló tanulmány félkész változatát időközben publikálták az interneten. A felfedezés várhatóan témája lesz a Villamosmérnökök Egyesülete[3] májusi biztonságtechnikai szimpóziumának.",
"A kártyakibocsátók nevében nyilatkozó Mark Bowerman kifejtette, hogy ez a fajta trükk nem használható a bankjegykiadó automatáknál. Hangsúlyozta továbbá, hogy az EMV bevezetése óta a kártyákkal való visszaélések száma csökkent, s hogy a módszert egyelőre nem használták rossz szándékkal – legalább is erre nincs bizonyíték. „A tanulmányt pedig igenis komolyan vesszük, elvégre a kártyahasználók és számláik biztonsága számunkra mindenek előtti. Egyúttal elutasítjuk a felvetést, miszerint a rendszer alkalmatlan lenne feladata ellátására.”[4] – mondta."
] | 2010. február 16., kedd | interlang link |
Chomsky book banned from Guantanamo Bay | 141,213 | [
"Corrected articles",
"October 14, 2009",
"Free speech",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Chomsky_book_banned_from_Guantanamo_Bay | [
"U.S. military censors blocked a Pentagon lawyer's donation of a book by U.S. dissident intellectual, Noam Chomsky, to an inmate at the U.S military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.",
"The Arabic version of the book, 9/11, was donated to the Guantanamo Bay library's collection of over 16,000 items, but rejected with a standard note of unacceptable material for the collection. Activist and intellectual Noam Chomsky responded by saying, \"This happens sometimes in totalitarian regimes.\" Adding, \"[o]f some incidental interest, perhaps, is the nature of the book they banned. It consists of op-eds written for The New York Times syndicate and distributed by them. The subversive rot must run very deep.\" The intended recipient of the Arabic version of 9/11 was Ali Hamza al Bahlul, former media secretary for Al Qaeda. Bahlul is serving life in prison for creating a video showing footage of Osama Bin Laden giving a speech followed by images of violent attacks by the U.S. military on Muslims and footage of the aftermath of the USS Cole bombing.",
"A Navy spokesman for Guantanamo Bay did not comment on the details of why this particular book was denied, but suggested the book was banned to avoid \"impact on good order and discipline.\" The spokesman also said that books that promote “Anti-American, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Western” material or contain themes relating to “military topics”, “excessive graphic violence”, or “sexual dysfunctions\" would be banned from the prison library."
] | 2009-10-14 | title |
Keine Chomsky-Bücher für Guantanamo-Häftlinge? | 141,213 | [
"Corrected articles",
"October 14, 2009",
"Free speech",
"Crime and law"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Keine_Chomsky-B%C3%BCcher_f%C3%BCr_Guantanamo-H%C3%A4ftlinge%3F | [
"Guantanamo-Bucht (Vereinigte Staaten), 13.10.2009 – Laut einem Bericht des „Miami Herald“ haben Zensoren des US-Militärs die Aufnahme eines Buches des emeritierten US-amerikanischen Linguistikprofessors und linken Intellektuellen Noam Chomsky in die Bibliothek des Gefangenenlagers Guantanamo auf Kuba verweigert. Ein Anwalt hatte das Buch in einer arabischen Übersetzung für Ali Hamza al Bahlul, einen ehemaligen Medienberater von Osama bin Laden, spenden wollen. Ein Militärgericht hat Bahlul zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe wegen der Verbreitung von Werbung für den Terrorismus verurteilt. Er ist der derzeit einzige Verurteilte, der im Lager in der Guantanamo-Bucht inhaftiert ist.",
"Die Bibliothek des Lagers umfasst mehr als 16.000 Bände, darunter Werke aus den Kategorien Fiktives, Kunst, Mathematik, Geschichte, Religion, Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Neben Büchern und Zeitschriften werden auch Videos in der Bibliothek geführt. Vertreter des US-Militärs äußerten sich unter Berufung auf Sicherheitsgründe nicht darüber, warum Chomskys Aufsatzsammlung aus dem Jahr 2007, in der er über die US-Außenpolitik nach dem 11. September 2001 schreibt, nicht für die Guantanamo-Häftlinge geeignet sei. Brook DeWalt, ein Guantánamo-Sprecher, sagte aber, jedes für die Bibliothek vorgeschlagene oder empfohlene Buch werde überprüft. Zudem gab er bekannt, dass kein einziges Buch von Chomsky in die Bestände aufgenommen worden sei.",
"Bei der Überprüfung gehe es um Sicherheitsfragen, die im Zusammenhang mit der „Dynamik im Lager“ stünden, wie der Einfluss auf die gute Ordnung und Disziplin. Kriterien, die die Militärbehörden sonst bei Auswahl des Lesestoffs für die Insassen des Lagers anwenden, sind das Verbot von antiamerikanischen, antisemitischen, antiwestlichen Schriften. Auch Bücher über „militärische Themen“ und Literatur, in denen exzessive Gewaltdarstellungen und die Darstellung „sexueller Störungen“ dargestellt werden, seien nicht erlaubt. Wie Mitarbeiter der Bücherei berichten, zählen die Harry-Potter-Romane, ein französisches Kochbuch, Lehrwerke über den Koran und Videos von Fußball-Weltmeisterschafts-Qualifikationsspielen zu den am häufigsten ausgeliehenen Beständen.",
"Der 80-jährige Chomsky ist seit dem Vietnamkrieg als prominenter Kritiker der US-Außenpolitik in Erscheinung getreten. Auf die Nachricht des „Miami Herald“ reagierte er irritiert und spöttisch. „So etwas passiert manchmal unter totalitären Regimen“, sagte er der Zeitung. Weiter weist Chomsky darauf hin, dass das Buch lediglich Kommentare enthalte, die er für die „New York Times“ geschrieben habe und die auch dort erschienen seien."
] | null | interlang link |
Книгу Ноама Чомскі заборонили в Гуантанамо | 141,213 | [
"Corrected articles",
"October 14, 2009",
"Free speech",
"Crime and law"
] | uk | https://uk.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D1%83_%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D0%A7%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%96_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%B2_%D0%93%D1%83%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE | [
"Адміністрація американської військової в'язниці в Гуантанамо, на Кубі заборонили книгу відомого американського інтелектуала та дисидента, Ноама Чомскі (Хомського). Книга була пожертвою адвоката з Пентагону одному з ув'язнених на американській військовій базі в бухті Гуантанамо.",
"Заборонена книга була перекладом арабською мовою книги Чомскі «9 / 11» і була передана в дар бібліотеці в'язниці Гуантанамо разом з іншими 16,000 подарунків. Книга, однак, була відхилена із колекції зі стандартним поясненням, що вона являла собою неприйнятний матеріал для бібіліотеки. Громадський активіст та інтелектуал Ноам Чомскі на це відповів, що: \"Подібні заборони іноді трапляються в тоталітарних режимах\". Він також припустив, що причиною заборони ймовірно став зміст книги. В книгу увійшла збірка редакційних статей Чомскі написаних для газети Нью-Йорк Таймс. Ця книга арабською мовою ймовірно призначалася для ув'язненого там Алі Хамза аль Бахлула, колишнього прес-секретаря Аль-Каїди. Бахлул відбуває довічне ув'язнення за створення відео промови Усами бен Ладена і його зв'язку з терористичними актами.",
"Речник ВМС у Гуантанамо відмовився коментувати подробиці про те, чому ця книга була відхилена, але припустив, що книга була заборонена з тим, щоб запобігти \"негативному впливові на порядок і дисципліну в таборі\". Представник адміністрації також сказав, що з бібліотеки і в майбутньому вилучатимуться книги, які пропагують \"анти-американські, анти-семітські, анти-західні\" ідеї або які містять \"військову тематику\", \"сцени насильства\" або \"сексуальні теми\"."
] | 14 жовтня 2009 | interlang link |
Church of Scientology in France accused of fraud; ordered to stand trial | 112,738 | [
"Crime and law",
"September 8, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Church_of_Scientology_in_France_accused_of_fraud;_ordered_to_stand_trial | [
"According to a report by Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Church of Scientology in France will be facing a court trial, being accused of \"organized\" fraud. The AFP also states that seven other Scientologists will be charged with illegally prescribing prescription medication. If found guilty, Scientology could be banned in France.",
"According to the report, the charges come from an unnamed woman, who in 1998 purchased nearly US$30,000 worth of Scientology self-help material which allegedly included prescription drugs. After a few months passed, the woman said she felt like she was being scammed. Following several complaints from other unnamed individuals and an investigation, judge Jean-Christophe Hullin ordered at least two Scientology departments and the seven Scientologists to be put on trial for fraud and \"illegally practicing as pharmacists.\"",
"The Church released a statement following the order saying that they felt \"stigmatized\" by the French judicial system.",
"\"The special treatment reserved for the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center raises questions about the equality of the justice system and the presumption of innocence,\" the Church said in a statement to the press.",
"The AFP says the case is to be heard at an unknown date, and will also include an investigation by France's association for prescription drugs. Olivier Morice, a lawyer representing the unnamed woman and others in the case against the Church, say the trial could begin as early as 2009.",
"On September 5, an alleged rights group called the American Rights Counsel LLC attempted to have at least 4,000 anti-Scientology videos removed from the video sharing website YouTube, filing a DMCA request. Upon further investigation, Wikinews found that most videos and clips were added to YouTube by the copyright holders of the material; as DMCA requests are for the purposes of requesting removal where service providers host material that infringe on the copyright of the complainant, the merit of these requests remain questionable. It was also discovered that the alleged rights group does not exist as a physical entity which started rumors from the internet and from one Scientology critic Mark Bunker, that the Church fraudulently submitted the DMCA requests."
] | 2008-09-08 | title |
Scientologikirken i Frankrike stilles for retten for organisert bedrageri | 112,738 | [
"Crime and law",
"September 8, 2008",
] | no | https://no.wikinews.org/wiki/Scientologikirken_i_Frankrike_stilles_for_retten_for_organisert_bedrageri | [
"Målform: Bokmål - Dato: 8. september 2008 - Oppdater siden - Rediger artikkelen - Flere nyheter",
"Frankrike: Scientologikirken stilles for retten i Frankrike for organisert bedrageri og ulovlig distribusjon av reseptbelagte legemidler.",
"Ifølge en rapport fra nyhetsbyrået AFP anklages scientologikirken for organisert bedrageri. Sju av dens medlemmer siktes også for ulovlig distribusjon av reseptbelagte legemidler. Dersom de finnes skyldig vil scientologi kunne bannlyses i Frankrike.",
"Ifølge rapporten kommer anklagene fra en anonym kvinne som i 1998 brukte nesten 30 000 amerikanske dollar på selvhjelpmateriale fra scientologikirken, blant dette reseptbelagt medisin. Etter noen måneder følte kvinnen seg bedratt. Etter klager fra flere andre personer beordret dommer Jean-Christophe Hullin at to scientologiavdelinger og de sju enkeltpersonene skulle stilles for retten for bedrageri og for å «virke ulovlig som farmasøyter».",
"Scientologikirken har offentliggjort en pressemelding der de sier de føler seg «stigmatisert» av det franske rettssystemet. I pressemeldinga stiller de spørsmål ved rettferdigheten i det franske rettssystemet og antagelsen om at man er uskyldig til det motsatte er bevist.",
"AFP sier at det er ukjent når saken skal høres, men advokaten til den anonyme kvinnen og flere andre personer i saken sier at det kan skje så tidlig som i 2009."
] | null | interlang link |
CIA "rendition" confirmed in Europe | 31,755 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Council of Europe",
"January 25, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/CIA_%22rendition%22_confirmed_in_Europe | [
"The Council of Europe is pressing member governments to provide information concerning CIA prisons operating secretly in Europe.",
"In an interim report by the human rights council rapporteur, Swiss senator Dick Marty made public the 42-member nation's preliminary conclusions regarding CIA activity on European Union soil.",
"Marty reported, \"Individuals have been abducted, deprived of their liberty and transported to different destinations in Europe, to be handed over to countries in which they have suffered degrading treatment and torture.\" The report estimates the rendition of \"more than a hundred persons.\"",
"But when it comes right down to it, no irrefutable evidence exists to confirm allegations that the CIA operated secret detention centers in Europe. \"There is a great deal of coherent, convergent evidence pointing to the existence of a system of 'relocation' or 'outsourcing of torture',\" the report stated while further noting that, \"It is highly unlikely that European governments, or at least their intelligence services, were unaware.\"",
"\"Our aim is to find out the truth that is being hidden from us today\", he said. He adds that he is afraid of \"the pressure put on the media in the United States not to report on this affair.\"",
"A researcher for Human Rights Watch, John Swift, said; \"Cooperation is going to be needed if this investigation is going to succeed. European governments are at a crossroads. They can decide to cooperate with this investigation and uphold European traditions of human rights, or they can continue their romance with the CIA. But they can't do both.\"",
"The report has also been criticized for appearing to lack new content and to be incomplete. Former minister for Europe and British member of parliament Denis MacShane has said that Marty's report \"has more holes than a Swiss cheese.\" US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack has rejected the report and stated that it was an example of the \"same old reports wrapped up in some new rhetoric. There's nothing new here.\"",
"US Department of Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has stated regarding the US government that \"the government acts in accordance with the law and with respect to the sovereignty of host countries in which it operates,\" and further stated that \"The authorities are free to investigate what they want to investigate but we should not allow ourselves to be distracted from the need to identify, prevent and protect against terrorist acts of violence.\"",
"The group Amnesty International USA is calling for the US Congress to create a commission to investigate detention and interrogation practices. The United States neither confirms nor denies the existence of secret detention centers."
] | 2006-01-25 | title |
Un rapport confirme les enlèvements de la CIA | 31,755 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Council of Europe",
"January 25, 2006"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_rapport_confirme_les_enl%C3%A8vements_de_la_CIA | [
"Dans une note d'information rendue publique aujourd'hui, Dick Marty, vice-président de la délégation suisse auprès de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe, et président, au sein de cette assemblée, de la commission des questions juridiques et des droits de l'homme, présente des conclusions préliminaires concernant les questions autour des activités de la CIA dans les États membres du Conseil de l'Europe.",
"Le rapport affirme ainsi que des enlèvements et des actes de torture ont été effectués et que les États membres étaient vraisemblablement au courant. Par contre aucune preuve de l'existence de lieux de détention secrets n'a été trouvée, mais l'enquête doit se poursuivre car des éléments existent dont un message égyptien intercepté par la Suisse.",
"Concernant le centre de détention de la KFOR au Kosovo, aucune visite n'a pu être faite mais des négociations sont en cours. Le futur rapport de M. Bindig sur la Tchétchénie fait état de disparitions et de tortures.",
"La commission des questions juridiques et des droits de l'homme de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe a commencé à enquêter sur cette affaire le 7 novembre 2005.",
"Parallèlement, plusieurs autres parlementaires européens, députés au Parlement européen, qui représente quant à lui les États membres de l'Union européenne, ont assisté à deux reprises aux travaux de la commission. La Conférence des présidents de groupe de cette autre assemblée, a en outre fait adopter, le 12 janvier 2006, une résolution visant à constituer une « commission temporaire sur l'utilisation présumée de pays européens par la CIA pour le transport et la détention illégale de prisonniers », ce dont le président de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe, René van der Linden, membre de la délégation néerlandaise, s'est félicité le lendemain, soulignant qu'il serait, selon lui, « de l’intérêt de tous – y compris des gouvernements d’Europe et des États-Unis d’Amérique – de coopérer à la recherche de la vérité dans cette affaire afin d’empêcher que de telles violations du droit international se produisent à l’avenir »."
] | Publié le 24 janvier 2006 | interlang link |
Промежуточный доклад Марти о тайных операциях ЦРУ | 31,755 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Council of Europe",
"January 25, 2006"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B6%D1%83%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8_%D0%BE_%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%85_%D0%A6%D0%A0%D0%A3 | [
"Специальный уполномоченный Совета Европы швейцарец Дик Марти (Dick Marty) доложил промежуточные результаты расследования тайных операций американского центрального разведывательного управления. Марти считает, что более 100 человек, подозреваемых в терроризме, были захвачены, нелегально провозились через Европу и иногда переправлялись в страны, где их подвергали пыткам. Марти полагает, что европейские секретные службы знали о тайных операциях ЦРУ.",
"Марти назвал страны, в которых (предположительно) содержались, а возможно и подвергались пыткам подозреваемые в терроризме: Румыния, Польша, Латвия, Чехия, Болгария, Македония, Косово и Украина.",
"США возражают на его обвинения: «Это старые сообщения в новой упаковке — ничего нового», сказал представитель министерства иностранных дел США Шон Мак-Кормак (Sean McCormack).",
"Правительства Европы говорят о плохой работе Марти вместе с Советом Европы."
] | null | interlang link |
CIA:s tortyrflygningar bekräftas av oberoende utredning | 31,755 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Council of Europe",
"January 25, 2006"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/CIA:s_tortyrflygningar_bekr%C3%A4ftas_av_oberoende_utredning | [
"Strasbourg – \nEuroparådets utredare, Dick Marty, säger i sin delrapport att övertygande bevis finns för att CIA sänt fångar utomlands för att där låta dem utsättas för tortyr, men inga entydiga bevis finns för att CIA haft hemliga fängelser i Europa. Han tillade dock att det var höst osannolikt att europeiska regeringar inte känt till CIA:s verksamhet.",
"Dick Marty har lett utredningen av anklagelserna att USA skickat fångar till hemliga fängelser i Europa. Utredningen inleddes sedan den amerikanska tidningen Washington Post i november publicerade uppgifter om att CIA hade ett hemligt nätverk av fängelser i Europa. USA regering har varken bekräftat eller förnekat uppgifterna.",
"Marty sa att CIA gjort hundratals flygningar till ett stort antal europeiska länder och att ländernas regeringar, eller åtminstone deras säkerhetstjänster, måste ha känt till verksamheten. Han poängterade ockå att uppgifterna aldrig förnekats av till exempel USA:s utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice. Fångarna har utsatts för olagliga förhörsmetoder och tortyr samtidigt som det varken fått tillgång till advokat eller fått reda på vilket brott de varit misstänkta för.",
"Marty anklagade också de europeiska regeringarna, som måste ha känt till fångtransporterna i två eller tre år, för en \"chockerande passivitet\" och tillade att vissa länder aktivt samarbetat med CIA medan andra bara \"tittat åt ett annat håll\".",
"EU-parlamentet tillsatte en kommitté förra veckan som ska utreda anklagelserna mot CIA. Bland annat planerar man att höra högt uppsatta europeiska politiker och säkerhetstjänstemän i Bryssel under våren. Många tvekar dock till att de berörda kommer att infinna sig i Bryssel för att låta sig förhöras."
] | 24 januari 2006 | interlang link |
CIA Director confirms use of waterboarding on terror suspects | 98,666 | [
"February 6, 2008",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"US Senate Intelligence Committee",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/CIA_Director_confirms_use_of_waterboarding_on_terror_suspects | [
"The director of the Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed that his agency used the extreme interrogation technique known as waterboarding on three terrorism suspects nearly five years ago. In testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, Michael Hayden urged lawmakers not to place restrictions on the interrogation methods available to U.S. intelligence agencies.",
"Director Hayden's testimony was the most detailed description to date of the CIA's use of \"enhanced\" interrogation techniques.",
"\"In the life of the CIA detention program, we have held fewer than 100 people,\" he said. \"Fewer than a third of those people have had any techniques, enhanced techniques, used against them in the CIA program.\"",
"He confirmed that among those \"enhanced\" techniques used was waterboarding - which induces the feeling of imminent drowning, and which critics say amounts to torture.",
"\"Waterboarding has been used on only three detainees,\" he said.",
"He said those three detainees are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - one of the architects of the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington, Abu Zubaydah - who is believed to have been a top al-Qaida strategist, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri - who is believed to have played a key role in the bombing of the USS Cole. All three are being held at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.",
"Hayden said waterboarding was used against the three detainees nearly five years ago because of circumstances at the time, including the belief that additional attacks against the United States were imminent.",
"Hayden defended the CIA's use of extreme interrogation techniques as lawful, and urged lawmakers not to impose restrictions on such methods.",
"Congress is considering legislation that would restrict the CIA to using only the interrogation techniques authorized by the U.S. Army's field manual, which does not include waterboarding."
] | 2008-02-06 | title |
Reconoce la CIA uso de la tortura después del 11 de septiembre | 98,666 | [
"February 6, 2008",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"US Senate Intelligence Committee",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Reconoce_la_CIA_uso_de_la_tortura_despu%C3%A9s_del_11_de_septiembre | [
"El general Michael Hayden, actual director de la CIA, reconoció el martes que la agencia estadounidense de espionaje utilizó la tortura conocida como \"waterboarding\" después de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001.",
"Durante una audiencia del Comité de Servicios de Inteligencia del Congreso, el general Michael Hayden declaró este martes 5 de febrero de 2008 que la CIA aplicó el \"waterboarding\" a Khalid Seik Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah y Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, detenidos por sospechas de ser miembros de Al Qaeda. El general Hayden observó incluso que, en el caso de Zubaydah, los resultados fueron “particularmente fructíferos”.",
"El general Hayden afirmó que la CIA no ha utilizado más el waterboarding desde hace 5 años. Explicó que los interrogadores de la agencia recurrieron a esa \"técnica\" porque las autoridades estadounidenses temían la realización de nuevos ataques terroristas en los propios Estados Unidos.",
"El término inglés \"waterboarding\" está siendo utilizado para designar una práctica que la Inquisición utilizó en la Edad Media para arrancar confesiones a sus víctimas. Esta práctica consiste en provocar el ahogamiento de la víctima vertiendo agua sobre un pedazo de tela colocado sobre su rostro. El \"waterboarding\" también fue utilizado durante la guerra de Vietnam (1965-1975) por soldados de Estados Unidos (Ver imagen.).",
"La práctica del \"waterboarding\" coincide con la definición de tortura descrita en la Convención de la ONU contra la Tortura y los Tratamientos Crueles e Inhumanos, en vigor desde 1987 y firmada por Estados Unidos.",
"Durante la audiencia, el director de la CIA se opuso a aceptar que la agencia se vea limitada a utilizar solamente las “técnicas de interrogatorio” autorizadas en el manual actualmente en vigor para su uso por los interrogadores de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos."
] | 6 de febrero de 2008 | interlang link |
La CIA reconnaît avoir utilisé la torture après le 11 septembre | 98,666 | [
"February 6, 2008",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"US Senate Intelligence Committee",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/La_CIA_reconna%C3%AEt_avoir_utilis%C3%A9_la_torture_apr%C3%A8s_le_11_septembre | [
"Publié le 6 février 2008 Le général Michael Hayden, directeur de la CIA, a reconnu que les services secrets des États-Unis d'Amérique ont utilisé la torture connue sous le nom de waterboarding après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.",
"Au cours d’une audience au Comité du Congrès des États-Unis pour les services de renseignement, le général Michael Hayden a déclaré le mardi 5 février 2008 que la CIA avait appliqué le waterboarding à Khalid Seikh Mohammed, Abou Zoubaydah et Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, trois détenus soupçonnés d’être membres d’Al-Qaida. Il a observé que dans le cas précis de Zoubaydah cette « technique d’interrogatoire » s’était avérée « particulièrement fructueuse ».",
"Toujours selon les déclarations du général Hayden, la CIA n’aurait plus utilisé le waterboarding depuis 5 ans. Il a affirmé que la CIA avait eu recours à cette pratique, en 2001-2002, parce que les autorités américaines craignaient de nouveaux attentats meurtriers contre les États-Unis.",
"Le terme anglais waterboarding désigne aujourd'hui une pratique utilisée entre autres au Moyen-Âge par l'inquisition pour extorquer des aveux. Elle consiste à étouffer la victime en versant de l’eau sur un chiffon posé sur son visage. Lors de la guerre du Vietnam (1965-1975), le waterboarding avait été utilisé aussi par des soldats américains (Voir image.).",
"Le directeur de la CIA s’est dit en outre opposé à ce que les « techniques d’interrogatoire » autorisées pour être utilisées par les interrogateurs de son agence soient seulement celles qui apparaissent dans le manuel dont disposent maintenant les interrogateurs des forces armées des États-Unis.",
"L'administration Bush refuse de reconnaître le waterboarding comme une forme de torture alors que cette pratique coïncide avec la définition de torture inscrite dans la Convention des Nations Unies contre la torture et les traitements cruels et inhumains, en vigueur depuis 1987 et signée par les États-Unis."
] | null | interlang link |
CIA sending suspects overseas for "rendition" | 5,451 | [
"New York Times",
"March 7, 2005",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/CIA_sending_suspects_overseas_for_%22rendition%22 | [
"The CIA has been secretly authorized by a classified directive, signed by US President Bush, to send suspects overseas as part of a \"rendition\" process.",
"The program has been used to manage the large case load which has accumulated since the September 11, 2001 attacks, leaving US officials free to concentrate on the \"high value\" suspects who are kept under US control at secret locations throughout the world.",
"Today, US officials were reluctant to defend this policy for any specific cases, but White House spokesman Dan Bartlett presented a generic defense of US anti-terrorism policies on Sunday talk shows in the United States.",
"A former government official claimed that the program was \"fully authorized\" and that the CIA was \"not doing anything illegal\" in an interview with The New York Times, and said that the leadership of the House and Senate intelligence committees was able to find out about the program, or had been informed of its existence.",
"Allowing the CIA to have so much power in deciding who can stay in the country and who is shipped off to other countries is controversial, because in the past, the White House, State Department, or Justice Department would have been involved in approving individual cases of sending prisoners to other countries.",
"While refusing to admit that the rendition policy even exists, the Bush administration claimed that they do not hand over people to be tortured in other countries, to get around US laws which prohibit such practices.",
"However, the New York Times interviewed a number of current and former officials who believed that the policy was designed to allow the government to plausibly deny that torture was being tolerated.",
"The case of Australian Mamdouh Habib attracted widespread attention in that country, after he was released in January after 40 months, without any charges being pressed. Australian officials were aware that he had been transferred by the United States to Egypt for six months. During this time, Habib claims he was subjected to various methods of torture, including electric shock and being held under water.",
"The United States denies that Habib was tortured with their knowledge, although US officials were not present during his overseas captivity and could not guarantee that he had not been tortured. Egypt has not confirmed that Habib was ever in the country.",
"A similar case involving Syrian born Canadian Maher Arar, deported to Syria in October, 2002, subsequently held and allegedly tortured for 374 days, led to Canada issuing a travel advisory strongly cautioning Canadians born in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and Sudan against travel to the United States for any reason. A subsequent internal RCMP investigation found several instances of impropriety in the Arar case, including the provision of sensitive information on Arar to US officials, and that a liaison officer may have known of the deportation plan but did not contact his supervisors.",
"Mr. Arar's attempt to sue American Attorney-General John Ashcroft over the incident in January 2004 was dismissed when the US government invoked the rarely used \"state secrets privilege\", claiming that to go forward in open court would jeopardize intelligence, foreign policy, and national security interests.",
"Legal analysts point out that information obtained through the use of torture is useless in court proceedings, but US officials insist that the information obtained from such interrogations is still useful for their purposes, and that \"it has resulted in the capture of terrorists.\""
] | 2005-03-07 | title |
CIA skickar misstänkta utomlands för "tolkning" | 5,451 | [
"New York Times",
"March 7, 2005",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/CIA_skickar_misst%C3%A4nkta_utomlands_f%C3%B6r_%22tolkning%22 | [
"Ett hemligt dokument, undertecknat av president Bush, ger CIA tillåtelse att skicka misstänkta utomlands som en del av en \"tolkningsprocess\".",
"Möjligheten har använts för att hantera det stora antalet fall som har uppstått efter attackerna den 11 september 2001. Genom dokumentet har tjänstemän haft möjlighet att koncentrera sig på de viktigaste fångarna som USA håller i förvar på olika platser i världen.",
"Ingen representant för den amerikanska administrationen ville försvara hur policyn använts i något enskilt fall, men Vita husets talesman Dan Bartlett försvarade i amerikansk TV på söndagen de amerikanska anti-terroristlagarna i allmäna ordalag.",
"En tidigare regeringsmedarbetare hävdade att det omdiskuterade programmet är \"fullt legalt\" och att CIA \"inte gör något kriminellt\" i en intervju med New York Times. Han sa också att ledamöter i senatens säkerhetskommittéer haft möjlighet att ta del av programmet och att de hade informerats om dess existens.",
"Att tillåta att CIA utan insyn kan avgöra vem som får stanna i landet eller skickas vidare till någon annan nation är kontroversiellt. Tidigare har Vita huset och justitiedepartementet tagit del av varje enskilt fall innan de godkänt att fångar skickas utomlands.",
"Vita huset vägrar kategoriskt att ens medge att \"tolknings\"-principen ens existerar men påpekar samtidigt att inga fångar utelämnas för att utsättas för tortyr som ett sätt att kringå amerikanska lagar.",
"Flera personer som New York Times intervjuat har dock sagt sig vara övertygade att den aktuella handlingen tagits fram just för att regeringen ska kunna förneka att tortyr accepteras.",
"Det australiensiska fallet, då Mamdouh Habib släpptes efter 40 månader i amerikanskt förvar utan åtal, väckte mycket uppmärksamhet i Australien. Habib hävdar att under den tiden då han hölls fängslad i Egypten, något som australienskiska myndigheter var fullt medvetna om, utsattes han för tortyr med elchocker och hölls under vatten.",
"USA förnekar någon kännedom om att Habib skulle ha utsatts för tortyr i Egypten. Egypten å sin sida vägrar ens bekräfta att Habib befunnit sig i landet."
] | 7 mars 2005 | interlang link |
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's murder rate becomes world's highest | 142,047 | [
"El Paso, Texas",
"Ciudad Juárez",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 22, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ciudad_Juarez,_Mexico%27s_murder_rate_becomes_world%27s_highest | [
"The murder rate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico has become the highest in the world. There were an average of seven killings every day for the past twelve months in the city, which is currently in the midst of a clash between two powerful drug cartels.",
"The majority of the 1,986 murders this year remain unsolved, and most involve drug gang members who have come from elsewhere to fight for control of the drug smuggling route into neighbouring El Paso, Texas, as well as the lucrative local trade in drugs. There is a jump of 815 murders from last year.",
"107 women, 85 children, and 49 police officers are among the dead and many people have met particularly violent ends. One man was tethered between two trucks and ripped apart; others have been decapitated or dismembered. The violence results from a turf war between rivals Juarez cartel and Sinaloa cartel, the latter being run by the most wanted man in the country, Joaquin \"El Chapo\" Guzman.",
"In late 2006 authorities launched a crackdown on Mexican drugs cartels, with Ciudad Juarez receiving 45,000 troops during that time. However, this has failed to prevent the gangs battling to control the cocaine-smuggling trade run from the city."
] | 2009-10-22 | title |
Ciudad Juárez, en México, es la ciudad con el nivel de homicidios más alto | 142,047 | [
"El Paso, Texas",
"Ciudad Juárez",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 22, 2009"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Ciudad_Ju%C3%A1rez,_en_M%C3%A9xico,_es_la_ciudad_con_el_nivel_de_homicidios_m%C3%A1s_alto | [
"23 de octubre de 2009Ciudad de México, México —",
"La tasa de homicidios más alta en todo el mundo corresponde a Ciudad Juárez, ubicado en México cerca de la frontera con Estados Unidos. Según estadísticas, ha habido un promedio de siete asesinatos por día durante el último año.",
"La cifra se sitúa en 1.986 homicidios que ha habido este año aun no han sido resueltos, lo que supone un aumento de 815 desde el año pasado. Aun la mayor parte de los homicidios no ha sido resuelta.",
"Ciudad Juárez es actualmente escenario de violencia en enfrentamientos entre dos fuertes carteles narcotraficantes. Casi la totalidad de los asesinatos involucran a miembros de grupos narcotraficantes que han acudido a la ciudad para participar en la lucha por el control del narcotráfico hacia la ciudad de El Paso, Texas, así como el lucrativo comercio local de drogas.",
"Unas 107 mujeres, 85 niños y 49 oficiales de policía están entre los muertos, con varios que sufrieron muertes particularmente violentas. Un hombre fue atado a dos camiones y despedazado; otros fueron decapitados o desmembrados.",
"La violencia es resultado de la lucha territorial entre el cartel Juárez y el cartel Sinaloa, siendo este último dirigido por el hombre más buscado por la policía en todo México, Joaquín \"El Chapo\" Guzman.",
"A finales de 2006 las autoridades habían lanzado una operación para detener los carteles narcotraficantes en Juárez, por lo que se desplegaron 45.000 tropas en la ciudad. No obstante, ha fallado en impedir que las bandas traficantes de cocaína continuaran batallando por el control del comercio en la ciudad."
] | null | interlang link |
Civilian deaths as U.S. bombs hospital in Afghanistan | 2,483,801 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Red Cross and Red Crescent",
"Disasters and accidents",
"October 6, 2015",
"War crimes",
"Afghan Taliban",
"United Nations",
"Crime and law",
"Médecins Sans Frontières",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Civilian_deaths_as_U.S._bombs_hospital_in_Afghanistan | [
"Twenty two civilians, including three children, died, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported, on Saturday after a United States airstrike hit a hospital in the city of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan. Amongst the fatalities were twelve charity staff working for MSF. MSF said there were about two hundred people in the building.",
"A statement was issued on the MSF website criticising the attack and stating \"Under the clear presumption that a war crime has been committed, MSF demands that a full and transparent investigation into the event be conducted by an independent international body.\" The US military released a statement saying they had struck \"against individuals threatening the force\" and \"The strike may have resulted in collateral damage to a nearby medical facility.\" The US Government announced there would be three separate investigations, carried out by the Afghan forces, the US military, and NATO. The Afghan interior ministry claimed there had been a Taliban presence in the hospital although this was denied by the insurgent organization.",
"The attack was also condemned by the International Committee of the Red Cross, whilst the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, described the strike as \"inexcusable\" and called for a full investigation.",
"On September 28, the Taliban launched an assault on Kunduz. The US has been carrying out air strikes to support Afghan government forces attempting to recover the city. MSF said it had often provided the Afghan and US governments with details of the location of the hospital, particularly on September 29. The Taliban had unsuccessfully tried to capture Kunduz in April this year, but they were pushed back by government forces."
] | 2015-10-06 | title |
Девет мртвих у погођеној болници Лекара без граница у Кундузу | 2,483,801 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Red Cross and Red Crescent",
"Disasters and accidents",
"October 6, 2015",
"War crimes",
"Afghan Taliban",
"United Nations",
"Crime and law",
"Médecins Sans Frontières",
"United States",
"North America"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82_%D0%BC%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%85_%D1%83_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%92%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%98_%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8_%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7_%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0_%D1%83_%D0%9A%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B7%D1%83 | [
"4. октобар 2015.Кундуз- (Beta) - У бомбардовању болнице Лекара без граница у Кундузу на северу Авганистана, које су извеле америчке снаге, убијено је девет чланова особља, а 37 особа је повређено, саопштила је данас та невладина организација нови биланс напада.",
"Лекари без граница указали су да је бомбардовање трајало 30 минута пошто су они обавестили авганистанске и америчке власти о тачној локацији њихове болнице у Кундузу.",
"Организација је у саопштењу „најоштрије осудила страшно бомбардовање“ њихове болнице.",
"Они су саопштили да је у нападу погинуло девет особа, након што је првобитно било објављено да је страдало троје чланова особља, а навели су да још недостају бројни пацијенти и особље.",
"У тренутку бомбардовања у болници се налазило 105 пацијената и 80 чланова особља, Авганистанаца и странаца, навели су Лекари без граница и додали да је њихова зграда погођена више пута и да је тешко оштећена.",
"Кундуз је стратешки град, а у понедељак су га заузели талибани које су у контраофанзиви протерале авганистанске снаге после три дана борби и акција подржаних НАТО ваздушним ударима.",
"Америчке снаге спроводиле су рано јутрос ваздушне ударе на Кундуз где помажу авганистанским снагама да из града протерају преостале талибане. НАТО је признао да је могуће да је болница грешком погођена.",
"Портпарол америчких снага у Авганистану пуковник Брајан Трајбус рекао је да су америчке снаге спровеле ваздушни удар у Кундузу у 02:15 јутрос по локалном времену, против „особа које прете снагама коалиције“.",
"„Удар је можда имао за последицу колатералну штету у оближњем здравственом објекту“, рекао је он и додао да се инцидент испитује.",
"Агенција АП преноси да је портпарол авганистанског министарства унутрашњих послова рекао на конференцији за штампу да се између 10 и 15 „терориста“ крило у болници у време напада и да су сви „терористи убијени“, али да су такође изгубили лекаре.",
"Он је рекао да је 80 чланова особља болнице, укључујући 15 странаца склоњено на сигурно.",
"Директор операција Лекара без граница Барт Јансенс рекао је раније да је та невладина организација збринула 394 повређених од понедељка и да су дубоко шокирани ноћашњим нападом.",
"Болница Лекара без граница пружа важну помоћ цивилном становништву и једина је у тој области на северу Авганистана у којој могу да се лече тешко рањени.",
"Међународна организација Лекари без граница повукла се из Кундуза, на северу Авганистана, дан после бомбардовања у којем је уништена болница иу којем је погинуло најмање 19 особа.",
"Представница за медије Лекара без граница Кејт Стегеман рекла је данас да само неколико чланова те организација и даље ради у другим здравственим објектима у Кундузу, где се авганистанске снаге боре против талибанских побуњеника.",
"Америчке власти наредиле су истрагу о бомбардовању болнице у којем је погинуло најмање 19 особа, укључујући и троје деце. Повређено је више од 30 особа.",
"У тренутку бомбардовања у болници се налазило 105 пацијената и 80 чланова особља, Авганистанаца и странаца.",
"Болница Лекара без граница пружала је важну помоћ цивилном становништву. То је једина болница у тој области на северу Авганистана у којој могу да се лече тешко рањени."
] | null | interlang link |
Clashes in Nigeria kill hundreds, troops on alert | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Clashes_in_Nigeria_kill_hundreds,_troops_on_alert | [
"According to witness and media reports, at least two hundred people in Nigeria have been killed after pastoralists and villagers clashed near the city of Jos, which has been the source of repeated tension between Christians and Muslims.",
"Local authorities, however, contradicted witness reports, saying that there were eight casualties, as did Mark Lipdo, an aid worker for the Stefanus Foundation charity, who reported that at least a hundred people were dead.",
"Witness reports state that pastoralists started firing into the air in the village of Dogo Nahawa, about five kilometres south of Jos, at night, and attacked those who emerged from their homes. \"They came around three o'clock in the morning and they started shooting into the air. The shooting was just meant to bring people from their houses and then when people came out they started cutting them with machetes,\" commented Peter Jang, who lives in the village, as quoted by Al Jazeera.",
"According to the Agence France-Presse news agency, some of the victims were children.",
"Acting Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan said he had placed national troops on \"red alert\" following the clashes. \"The acting president has placed all the security forces in the plateau and neighbouring states on red alert so as to stem any cross-border dimensions to this latest conflict,\" read a statement released by his office. Armed forces are already present in Jos.",
"\"The security services are on top of the situation,\" said Jonathan's spokesman Ima Niboro in an email statement to the Bloomberg news service.",
"In January, at least 400 people were killed and a further four thousand injured in the city of Jos after tensions between Christians and Muslims."
] | 2010-03-08 | title |
Wieder Tote in Nigeria durch religiös motivierte Gewalt | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Wieder_Tote_in_Nigeria_durch_religi%C3%B6s_motivierte_Gewalt | [
"Lagos (Nigeria), 08.03.2010 – Viele Tote wurden in der kleinen Ortschaft Dogo Nahawa bei Jos im nigerianischen Bundesstaat Plateau gefunden. Der Augenzeuge Peter Jang, der in dem Dorf wohnt, gab an, dass Hirten der Hausa-Fulani gegen drei Uhr morgens Schüsse in die Luft abgegeben hätten und nachfolgend die Menschen, die in Panik aus ihren Hütten flüchteten, mit Macheten abschlachteten.",
"Gregory Yenlong, der Sprecher des Gouverneurs des Bundesstaates, teilte mit, dass womöglich bis zu 500 Personen ein Opfer des Massakers wurden. Für diese Angabe gibt es noch keine unabhängige Bestätigung. Die Al-Dschasira-Korrespondentin Yvonne Ndege meldete, dass es über die Zahl der Opfer unterschiedliche Angaben gebe. Nach den Angaben der nigerianischen Polizei wurden acht Tote gefunden. Ein Reporter von Reuters habe in dem fünf Kilometer südlich von Jos liegenden Ort 103 Leichen gezählt, doch viele Tote seien über die Felder der Umgebung des Dorfes verteilt. 18 weitere Leichen sollen in der Leichenhalle des Krankenhauses von Jos liegen. Dem Reuters-Reporter zufolge soll es sich bei vielen der Getöteten um Kinder handeln. Nach Angaben des Roten Kreuzes sind fünf- oder sechshundert Bewohner des Dorfes geflohen.",
"Im Januar war es in Jos zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Christen und Muslimen gekommen, in deren Verlauf nach amtlichen Angaben 325 Personen getötet wurden. Diese hatten sich am Streit über den Bau einer Moschee entzündet. Danach wurde eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre verhängt. Jos liegt an der Grenze der überwiegend von Christen bewohnten Südhälfte des Landes und dem meist muslimischen Norden Nigerias. Deswegen kommt es immer wieder zu Gewaltausbrüchen. Diesen sind 2001 rund 1000 Menschen, 2004 etwa 700 und im Jahr 2008 rund 200 Personen zum Opfer gefallen."
] | null | interlang link |
Nigeria : nouvelles violences intercommunautaires à Jos | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Nigeria_:_nouvelles_violences_intercommunautaires_%C3%A0_Jos | [
"De nombreux corps ont été retrouvés hier dans la petite ville de Jos, dans l'État du Plateau, au Nigeria. Il s'agit de violences entre chrétiens et musulmans auxquelles le pays est confronté depuis plusieurs années. Un témoin, Peter Jang, qui vit dans la ville, a déclaré que les agresseurs ont tirés des coups de feu en l'air vers trois heures du matin, puis que les habitants ont fui de leurs maisons dans la panique et ont été abattus à coups de machette.",
"Gregory Yenlong, porte-parole du gouverneur de l'État, a indiqué que jusqu'à 500 personnes ont perdu la vie. Il n'existe cependant pas de confirmation indépendante. Le correspondant d'Al Jazeera, Yvonne Ndege, a par ailleurs signalé que le nombre de victimes était très différent selon les sources. Un reporter de Reuters indique, quant à lui, qu'un grand nombre des victimes sont des enfants. Enfin, selon la Croix-Rouge, cinq ou six cents habitants du village ont fui après l'attaque.",
"Goodluck Jonathan, président par intérim du Nigeria depuis le 9 février 2010, a mis le centre du pays sous alerte maximum. « Le président en exercice a placé toutes les forces de sécurité du Plateau et des États voisins en alerte maximum afin d'empêcher que ce dernier conflit ne déborde sur d'autres États nigérians », selon un communiqué publié à Abuja. « Il a aussi ordonné à tous les services de sécurité de prendre des initiatives stratégiques pour battre ces bandes de tueurs en maraude ». « M. Jonathan doit également rencontrer les dirigeants des services de sécurité du pays pour trouver des moyens de mettre fin aux violences », toujours d'après la présidence fédérale nigériane.",
"La ville de Jos est située dans le centre-nord du Nigeria, où vit la population musulmane. La localité est régulièrement le théâtre de violences religieuses. En septembre 2001, des émeutes déclenché par un conflit sur la construction d'une mosquée avaient causé la mort de plus de 1 000 personnes et, en 2004, 700 personnes sont mortes dans des affrontements similaires."
] | Publié le 8 mars 2010 | interlang link |
Több százan meghaltak a nigériai zavargásokban | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | hu | https://hu.wikinews.org/wiki/T%C3%B6bb_sz%C3%A1zan_meghaltak_a_nig%C3%A9riai_zavarg%C3%A1sokban | [
"Civil jelentések szerint legalább kétszázan haltak meg a Jos város környéki falvakban éjjel rendezett mészárlásban. A területen rendszeresek a vallási indíttatású villongások a keresztény és a muzulmán lakosság között.",
"Szemtanúk elmondása szerint a vérfürdő a Jostól öt kilométerre délre fekvő Dogo Nahawa falucskában kezdődött hajnali három környékén, amikor is helyi pásztorok több lövést is adtak le a levegőbe, majd társaik a házaikból kijövő gyanútlan emberekre bozótvágó késekkel támadtak rá. Az Agence France-Presse hírügynökség jelentése szerint az áldozatok között gyerekek is vannak. A befutó hírek mindenesetre ellentmondásosak: a hatóságok nyolc halottról tudnak.",
"Az esetre reagálva készültségbe helyezték a hadsereget és megerősítették a környéken állomásozó kormányerőket, megakadályozandó a további vérontást. A területen kijárási tilalmat rendeltek el.",
"Legutóbb januárban voltak itt súlyosabb összetűzések a vallási felekezetek között: akkor legalább négyszázan vesztették életüket és további négyezren sérültek meg."
] | 2010. március 8., hétfő | interlang link |
Nigeria: muzułmanie dokonują rzezi na chrześcijanach | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Nigeria:_muzu%C5%82manie_dokonuj%C4%85_rzezi_na_chrze%C5%9Bcijanach | [
"W Nigerii znów doszło do niepokojów na linii muzułmanów i chrześcijan. W wczorajszym ataku muzułmańskich pasterzy na chrześcijan w pobliżu miasta Jos mogło zginąć nawet 500 osób.",
"Rzeź rozpoczęła się wczoraj o godz. 3:00 w nocy, kiedy muzułmańscy pasterze dokonali ataku w wiosce Dogo Nahawa, oddalonej o 5 km od Jos. Agresorzy oddali strzały w powietrze, a następnie dokonali rzezi na chrześcijanach, którzy wyszli z domów. Muzułmanie w ataku użyli maczet. Większość wśród zabitych stanowili kobiety oraz dzieci. Jedno z zabitych niemowląt miało mniej niż trzy miesiące. W ataku zginęło oficjalnie 300 osób, choć mogłoby ich nawet 500. Setki osób opuściło wioskę.",
"Goodluck Jonathan pełniący obowiązki prezydenta Nigerii na czas nieobecności w kraju prezydenta Umaru Yar'Adui z powodów zdrowotnych, nakazał ścigać morderców i zarządził pełną mobilizację tamtejszych służby bezpieczeństwa.",
"Wprowadzono także godzinę policyjną, obowiązującą od zmierzchu do świtu. Obecnie władze rozważają jej wydłużenie.",
"Miasto Jos jest podzielone między chrześcijan i muzułmanów i oddziela muzułmańską północ Nigerii od południa kraju zamieszkiwanego głównie przez chrześcijan. Do zamieszek dochodziło tam od 2001 roku. W sierpniu 2001 roku w starciach zginęło ponad 1000 osób, a w walkach między muzułmanami a chrześcijanami w 2004 roku - 700 osób. W 2008 roku w podobnych zamieszkach zginęło ponad 300 mieszkańców miasta.",
"W tym roku doszło już tam do przemocy. W styczniu w czterodniowych zamieszkach życie straciło 326 osób - wg oficjalnych statystyk, jednak źródła agencyjne oceniają liczbę ofiar na 400-600 osób."
] | null | interlang link |
நைஜீரியாவில் மத வன்முறையை அடுத்து நூற்றுக்கணக்கானோர் இறப்பு | 161,838 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"March 8, 2010",
"Crime and law",
"Goodluck Jonathan",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%9C%E0%AF%80%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%A4_%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%AF%E0%AF%88_%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%82%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%8B%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 | [
"நைஜீரியாவில் ஜொஸ் நகரில் நேற்று மத வன்முறையை அடுத்து இடம்பெற்ற தாக்குதல்களில் ஐநூறுக்கும் அதிகமானோர் கொல்லப்பட்டதாக உள்ளூர்த் தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.",
"முன்னர் 100 பேர் வரையில் இறந்ததாக தகவல்கள் வெளிவந்தன. ஆனாலும் உண்மை நிலவரத்தை அறிய முடியவில்லை என பிபிசி செய்தியாளர் தெரிவிக்கிறார்.",
"ஜொஸ் நகருக்கு அருகே உள்ள இரண்டு கிருத்தவக் கிராமங்கள் அயலில் உள்ள மலைக்கிராமங்களில் இருந்து வந்த கும்பலால் தாக்கப்பட்டதாக அதிகாரிகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.",
"இங்கு உள்ளூர் கிருத்தவர்களுக்கும் முஸ்லிம்களுக்கிடையே பல ஆண்டுகாலமாக முறுகல் நிலை இருந்து வந்துள்ளது.",
"கடந்த ஜனவரியில் பல நூற்றுக்கணக்கானோர் இறந்ததற்குப் பழி வாங்கவே நேற்றைய தாக்குதல்கள் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளதாக உள்ளூர் அவதானிகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றனர்.",
"பதில் அரசுத்தலைவர் குட்லக் ஜொனத்தன் இராணுவத்தினரை உசார் நிலையில் இருக்குமாறு உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளார்.",
"சொட் மற்றும் டோகோ-நகாவா ஆகிய கிராமங்களில் நேற்றைய தாக்குதல்களில் இறந்தோரில் பெரும்பான்மையானோர் பெண்களும் குழந்தைகளும் ஆவர்.",
"ஜொஸ் நகரம் நைஜீரியாவின் முஸ்லிம்கள் அதிகமாக வாழும் வடக்குப் பகுதிக்கும், கிருத்தவர்கள் அதிகமமக வாழும் தெற்குப் பகுதிக்கும் இடையில் அமைந்திருக்கிறது.",
] | திங்கள், மார்ச் 8, 2010 | interlang link |
Clashes over World War II monument in Estonia continue | 66,658 | [
"Soviet Union",
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2007",
"World War II",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Clashes_over_World_War_II_monument_in_Estonia_continue | [
"According to BBC News Online more than 300 people were detained and at least 10 hurt after a second night of riots in Estonia's capital, Tallinn.",
"Clashes began last night after Estonian authorities removed a controversial Soviet monument, the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, which Russian-speaking Estonians see as a symbol of the liberation of Eastern Europe from Nazism, while Estonian nationalists view it as a reminder of Soviet occupation."
] | 2007-04-28 | title |
Estonie : Le gouvernement cherche l'apaisement | 66,658 | [
"Soviet Union",
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2007",
"World War II",
"Crime and law"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Estonie_:_Le_gouvernement_cherche_l%27apaisement | [
"Comme nous en avons déjà parlé dans un article précédent, la tension entre la minorité russophone en Estonie et les estoniens au sujet du Soldat de bronze est toujours très importante même si le gouvernement cherche l'apaisement en accélérant le replacement de celle-ci dans un cimetière militaire pour qu'il soit effectif avant la date symbolique du 8 mai.",
"Ce même gouvernement, pour apaiser une nouvelle fois la minorité russe et pour ne pas perdre ses relations avec la Russie voisine a déclaré par la voix du ministre de la Défense M. Jaak Aaviksoo que « Le cimetière militaire est un endroit plus digne et mieux adapté pour rendre hommage aux soldats enterrés [sous la statue], que son ancien emplacement près d'un arrêt de bus, dans le centre de Tallinn », il a par la même occasion invité les autorités russes pour inaugurer le nouvel emplacement le 8 mai prochain même s'il a ajouté qu'il considère « inadéquate et empreinte de mauvaise volonté, la présentation par les autorités et les médias russes, des derniers événements ».",
"Depuis jeudi soir, le bilan est selon la police de 1 mort, plus de 150 blessés, plus d'un millier d'interpellations dont 46 personnes placées en détention provisoire. Cette nuit a été calme à Tallinn, la capitale d'où les événements ont débuté, même si cela est dû à la présence importante de la police dans les rues. En revanche, à Narva, 50 jeunes de la minorité russe ont été interpelé pour « comportement agressif » et à Kohtla-Järve, la police a interpellé un homme transportant une grenade."
] | Publié le 29 avril 2007 | interlang link |
Rivolta dei russi a Tallinn | 66,658 | [
"Soviet Union",
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2007",
"World War II",
"Crime and law"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Rivolta_dei_russi_a_Tallinn | [
"Comme nous en avons déjà parlé dans un article précédent, la tension entre la minorité russophone en Estonie et les estoniens au sujet du Soldat de bronze est toujours très importante même si le gouvernement cherche l'apaisement en accélérant le replacement de celle-ci dans un cimetière militaire pour qu'il soit effectif avant la date symbolique du 8 mai.",
"Ce même gouvernement, pour apaiser une nouvelle fois la minorité russe et pour ne pas perdre ses relations avec la Russie voisine a déclaré par la voix du ministre de la Défense M. Jaak Aaviksoo que « Le cimetière militaire est un endroit plus digne et mieux adapté pour rendre hommage aux soldats enterrés [sous la statue], que son ancien emplacement près d'un arrêt de bus, dans le centre de Tallinn », il a par la même occasion invité les autorités russes pour inaugurer le nouvel emplacement le 8 mai prochain même s'il a ajouté qu'il considère « inadéquate et empreinte de mauvaise volonté, la présentation par les autorités et les médias russes, des derniers événements ».",
"Depuis jeudi soir, le bilan est selon la police de 1 mort, plus de 150 blessés, plus d'un millier d'interpellations dont 46 personnes placées en détention provisoire. Cette nuit a été calme à Tallinn, la capitale d'où les événements ont débuté, même si cela est dû à la présence importante de la police dans les rues. En revanche, à Narva, 50 jeunes de la minorité russe ont été interpelé pour « comportement agressif » et à Kohtla-Järve, la police a interpellé un homme transportant une grenade."
] | Publié le 29 avril 2007 | interlang link |
Zamieszki w Estonii po usunięciu pomnika żołnierzy radzieckich | 66,658 | [
"Soviet Union",
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2007",
"World War II",
"Crime and law"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Zamieszki_w_Estonii_po_usuni%C4%99ciu_pomnika_%C5%BCo%C5%82nierzy_radzieckich | [
"W stolicy Estonii, Tallinie, doszło do zamieszek po usunięciu przez władze pomnika upamiętniającego wyzwolenie Estonii spod hitlerowskiej okupacji przez Armię Czerwoną. Manifestanci sprzeciwiający się usunięciu pomnika, w większości przedstawiciele mniejszości rosyjskiej, starli się z policją. W nocy z 26 na 27 kwietnia w zamieszkach zginęła jedna osoba a 44 zostały ranne. Dzisiejszej nocy aresztowanych zostało według różnych szacunków co najmniej 300 osób a więcej niż 10 zostało rannych.",
"\"Brązowy Żołnierz\", wzniesiony w roku 1947, był uważany przez nacjonalistów estońskich za symbol okupacji rosyjskiej, natomiast dla mniejszości rosyjskiej był on symbolem wyzwolenia Europy Wschodniej z nazizmu. Rząd estoński zgodnie ze swoimi wcześniejszymi zapowiedziami zdecydował się na jego usunięcie. Pomnik jest obecnie trzymany w nieznanym miejscu. Według rzecznika rządu estońskiego, Martina Jasko, statua zostanie umieszczona na jednym z cmentarzy wojskowych w Tallinie.",
"28 kwietnia Władimir Putin w rozmowie telefonicznej z kanclerz Niemiec Angelą Merkel, wyraził swe zaniepokojenie zamieszkami w Tallinie. \"Władimir Putin wyraził swe najgłębsze zaniepokojenie dramatycznym rozwojem wydarzeń w Tallinie po podjęciu przez władze estońskie działań w celu zdemontowania pomnika. Ze swej strony Angela Merkel zaapelowała o jak najszybsze rozwiązanie sytuacji i (wezwała) wszystkie strony do umiaru\" - poinformował Kreml.",
"Rosyjskie Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych zaapelowało 28 kwietnia do wspólnoty międzynarodowej o reakcję na starcia w Estonii i zagroziło sankcjami.",
"\"Dziesiątki cywilów padły ofiarą nadmiernego użycia siły przez władze estońskie przeciwko manifestantom. Mamy nadzieję, że postępowanie władz estońskich zostanie odpowiednio ocenione przez społeczność międzynarodową, a zwłaszcza sojuszników Estonii w Unii Europejskiej i NATO, oraz w Radzie Europy i OBWE\" - informowano w oświadczeniu rosyjskiego MSZ.",
"Trzy rosyjskie sieci sklepów spożywczych wycofały już ze sprzedaży estońskie towary.\nJedna z nich o nazwie \"Siedmoj Kontinent\" (\"Siódmy kontynent\") zapowiedziała że estońskie produkty znikną z półek w ciągu dwóch dni.\n\"Stanowisko przedsiębiorstwa \"Siedmoj Kontinent\" wobec wydarzeń w Estonii jest jednoznaczne. Sprzeciwiamy się usunięciu pomnika żołnierza-wyzwoliciela w Tallinie i uważamy podobne działania za niedopuszczalne. W związku z tym zapadła decyzja o skorygowaniu asortymentu w sklepach sieci\" - powiedział przedstawiciel sieci."
] | null | interlang link |
Colombia ends Chávez-FARC mediations | 85,744 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hugo Chávez",
"Crime and law",
"November 23, 2007",
"South America",
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombia_ends_Ch%C3%A1vez-FARC_mediations | [
"On Thursday, Colombia ended Hugo Chávez, the President of Venezuela, efforts in negotiating hostage releases with Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Álvaro Uribe, the President of Colombia, said that Chávez broke a November 10 agreement not to speak directly to Colombian military commanders.",
"FARC, reportedly, hold hundreds of hostages in the jungles of Colombia. Their aim in the mediation was to trade some 50 hostages for 500 of their own, held in prisons of Colombia. FARC is offering high-profile hostages such as former Senator Íngrid Betancourt and three Americans as leverage.",
"\"The president of the republic considers as terminated the facilitation of the Senator Piedad Cordoba and the mediation of President Hugo Chávez and thanks them for their assistance,\" Uribe said in a statement. \"Today Senator Piedad Cordoba telephoned the army commander, General Mario Montoya, asking for a meeting and then passed the telephone to President Chávez, who asked questions about the hostages held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia,\" the statement continued.",
"Later, the Colombian government said it will only let Chávez meet with FARC again, if FARC releases some hostages and pledges to release the rest.",
"Íngrid Betancourt was kidnapped on February 23, 2002, while she was campaigning for the presidency of Colombia. She also holds French citizenship. When Chávez met Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France on November 20, he was unable to provide proof that Betancourt was alive, but said that he had been told she was alive as recently as November 18.",
"On Thursday, Sarkozy urged Uribe to reconsider. \"We continue to think that President Chávez is the best chance for freeing Íngrid Betancourt and all the other hostages,\" said Sarkozy spokesperson David Martinon."
] | 2007-11-23 | title |
Uribe cancela la mediación de Chávez con las FARC | 85,744 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hugo Chávez",
"Crime and law",
"November 23, 2007",
"South America",
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Uribe_cancela_la_mediaci%C3%B3n_de_Ch%C3%A1vez_con_las_FARC | [
"El miércoles cerca de la media noche, el presidente de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez – quien repite mandato en medio de escándalos y una gran presión popular – ha ordenado que el presidente Hugo Chavez y la senadora Piedad Córdoba cesen en sus mediaciones con las FARC por el acuerdo humanitario y la libertad de los secuestrados. El Presidente recibió inmediatamente críticas por parte de familiares de rehenes.",
"Las FARC habían presentado una lista de secuestrados canjeables por presos políticos que el presidente mantiene hacinados en las cárceles del régimen.",
"\"El presidente de la República da por terminada la facilitación de la senadora (colombiana) Piedad Córdoba y la mediación del presidente Hugo Chávez, a quienes agradece la ayuda que estaban prestando\", declaraba en el comunicado Uribe.",
"La decisión de Uribe ocurre tras enterarse de que Chávez habló por teléfono con el comandante del Ejército de Colombia, Mario Montoya, pese a la negativa de Bogotá de mantener contacto directo, acordado en la Cumbre Iberoamericana 2007.",
"La portavoz de las familias de los secuestrados, Marleny Orjuela, calificó como un \"escupitajo de las partes\" la decisión tomada. Entre los secuestrados se incluyen a la política colombo-francesa Ingrid Betancourt, los estadounidenses Keith Stansell, Thomas Howes y Marc Gonsalves y decenas de políticos, militares y policías colombianos.",
"Uribe causó sorpresa con su anuncio, ya que el martes había fijado el 31 de diciembre como fecha límite para la gestión de Chávez, quien había pedido paciencia a su homólogo colombiano.",
"La organización armada FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo) es una organización insurgente Colombiana con amplias raíces en el conflicto social que vive el país desde décadas atrás y que crece con el régimen paramilitar que gobierna al país."
] | 22 de noviembre de 2007 | interlang link |
Uribe descarta ajuda de Chávez para soltar reféns das FARC | 85,744 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hugo Chávez",
"Crime and law",
"November 23, 2007",
"South America",
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Uribe_descarta_ajuda_de_Ch%C3%A1vez_para_soltar_ref%C3%A9ns_das_FARC | [
"O Presidente da Colômbia Álvaro Uribe decidiu dar por encerrada a colaboração do Presidente da Venezuela Hugo Chávez como mediador das negociações para a libertação dos reféns seqüestrados pelas FARC. \nA senadora colombiana Piedad Córdoba também foi afastada das negociações.",
"\"O presidente da República dá por terminada a facilitação da senadora (colombiana) Piedade Córdoba e a mediação do presidente Hugo Chávez, a quem agradece a ajuda que estavam emprestando\", declarou Uribe num comunicado.",
"O governo da Venezuela disse que acatará a decisão.",
"Os jornais colombianos dizem que um contacto telefônico entre Chávez e o comandante do exército colombiano Mario Montoya teria sido a razão para a decisão de Uribe. Segundo a Radio Caracol, Córdoba teria feito várias chamadas para colombianos ilustres detalhando a reunião com o Presidente da França em 20 de novembro. Quando Córdoba falava com o General Mario Montoya, Hugo Chávez chegou, pegou o telefone e começou a conversar com Montoya:\"General Montoya ... fala Hugo ... como está?(...)General, quantos policiais e soldados foram seqüestrados pelas FARC?\"",
"O Presidente Uribe advertiu que não se deve pôr em risco a segurança democrática do país apesar dos esforços para libertar os reféns das FARC: \"Não podemos pôr em risco a segurança democrática. Devemos fazer todos os esforços pela paz e pelo Acordo Humanitário mas tendo em conta que não se pode pôr em risco a segurança democrática, que é o que finalmente levará à paz e vai acabar com o seqüestro que tanto afetou este país\".",
"O comando das Forças Armadas da Colômbia emitiu um comunicado em que enfatiza a autoridade do Presidente da República da Colômbia como chefe das Forças Armadas."
] | 23 de novembro de 2007 | interlang link |
Colombia extradites guerrilla to the USA | 5,574 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"United States",
"March 10, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombia_extradites_guerrilla_to_the_USA | [
"The communist FARC guerrilla named Omaira Rojas, or Nayibe Rojas Cabrera, or Nayibe Rojas Valderrama, or Sonia was extradited to the United States. The Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez authorized the extradition requested by a tribunal court in Washington.",
"The guerrilla was given to DEA officers Wednesday, March 9, at 3:25 p.m. in the airport of Barranquilla, Colombia.",
"Colombian and American authorities say that Sonia directly negotiates the delivery of narcotics to drug dealers from Peru and Brazil.",
"Sonia's lawyers said she could not be extradited to the United States since her real name was not determinated. They demanded a revision to the process. The government of Colombia didn't accept the arguments and Uribe signed the authorization for the extradition."
] | 2005-03-10 | title |
Colombia extradita guerrillera a Estados Unidos | 5,574 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"United States",
"March 10, 2005"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombia_extradita_guerrillera_a_Estados_Unidos | [
"La guerrillera comunista de las FARC llamada Omaira Rojas, o Nayibe Rojas Cabrera, o Nayibe Rojas Valderrama, o Sonia (como es más conocida) fue extraditada a los Estados Unidos. El presidente de Colombia Alvaro Uribe Vélez autorizó la extradición solicitada por un tribunal de Washington.",
"La guerrillera fue entregada a las autoridades norteamericanas de la DEA este miércoles 9 de marzo a las 15:25 (20:25 UTC) en el aeropuerto de Barranquilla, al norte de Colombia. Las autoridades norteamericanas y colombianas dicen que Sonia negociaba directamente la entrega de narcóticos a los traficantes del Perú y Brasil.",
"Los abogados de Sonia intentaron impedir la extradición para los EE.UU. y solicitaron una revisión del proceso. Ellos alegaron que como el verdadero nombre de Sonia no es conocido, no se puede autorizar su extradición.",
"Sonia había sido puesta bajo fuertes medidas de seguridad desde finales del año pasado, pues temía por su vida, ya que las FARC habría tenido intenciones de asesinarla en prisión."
] | 12 de marzo de 2005Colombia — | interlang link |
Colômbia extradita guerrilheira para os EUA | 5,574 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"United States",
"March 10, 2005"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Col%C3%B4mbia_extradita_guerrilheira_para_os_EUA | [
"América do Sul • 10 de março de 2005",
"A guerrilheira comunista das FARC chamada Omaira Rojas, ou Nayibe Rojas Cabrera, ou Nayibe Rojas Valderrama, ou Sonia (como é mais conhecida) foi extaditada para os Estados Unidos da América. O presidente da Colômbia Alvaro Uribe Velez autorizou a extradição requisitada por um tribunal de Washington.",
"A guerrilheira foi entregue às autoridades norte-americanas do DEA nesta quarta-feira, 9 de março, às 15h25, no aeroporto de Barranquilla, na Colômbia. Autoridades norte-americanas e colombianas dizem que Sonia negocia diretamente a entrega de narcóticos para traficantes do Peru e Brasil.",
"Os advogados de Sonia tentaram impedir a extradição para os EUA e requisitaram uma revisão do proceso. Eles alegaram que como o verdadeiro nome de Sonia não é conhecido, não se pode autorizar sua extradição."
] | null | interlang link |
Colombian crime gang boss, hundreds of members surrender | 323,784 | [
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 24, 2011",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombian_crime_gang_boss,_hundreds_of_members_surrender | [
"The boss of a crime gang identified as the Popular Anticommunist (alternatively, Anti-terrorist) Revolutionary Army (PARA) has surrendered to authorities in Colombia. Jose Lopez Montero, also called \"Caracho\", handed himself in yesterday.",
"More than 280 other members of the group also gave themselves up to police yesterday and on Thursday. Why the group members gave themselves up en masse is currently uncertain. Caracho recently told Colombian media he had \"tired of war\". All of the group members surrendered in Villavicencio, a city located south-east of the capital Bogotá.",
"Judges have yet to decide upon the legal status of the gang members. The ring members will remain in Villavicencio until they do. The Office of the Attorney General of Colombia has clarified that it did not negotiate with the group members at the time of their surrender. This is understood to be one of the largest mass suspect surrenders in the country for a number of years.",
"Caracho is accused of conspiracy, while PARA's members are also accused of a variety of crimes, including murder and illegal drug trade. Prosecutor Nestor Armando Novoa has stated that Caracho may also face further criminal charges due to his leadership in PARA. It is anticipated the members of the gang will say where their weapons are cached.",
"According to Associated Press, the political stance of the Popular Anticommunist Revolutionary Army is uncertain. Caracho had been the leader of PARA since the death of Pedro Guerrero, also called \"Cuchillo\" (\"Knife\"), who was killed in December of last year by falling in a river while trying to escape from police."
] | 2011-12-24 | title |
Fiscalía colombiana ordena captura de integrantes del ERPAC que se entregaron en Villavicencio | 323,784 | [
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 24, 2011",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Fiscal%C3%ADa_colombiana_ordena_captura_de_integrantes_del_ERPAC_que_se_entregaron_en_Villavicencio | [
"27 de diciembre de 2011Villavicencio, Colombia —",
"La semana anterior, 248 miembros del Ejército Revolucionario Popular Antisubversivo de Colombia (ERPAC), uno de los remanentes del paramilitarismo en Colombia y que se habían entregado en forma voluntaria ante las autoridades, la Fiscalía General de la Nación abrió una orden masiva de captura contra 19 de ellos.",
"Pese a que en un primer momento se procedió a liberarlos por falta de capacidad logística de la Fiscalía, según Néstor Armando Novoa, director nacional de fiscalías, \"Estas personas no estaban capturadas, tampoco había una situación de flagrancia. No hubo una entrega negociada, lo que hubo fue un sometimiento, un grupo de personas que se entregan a la Fiscalía para pagar por los delitos que haya cometido\" por lo que el gobierno colombiano se limitó a dar asistencia a los integrantes de la ERPAC a fin de que estos se sometan a la justicia a través de un transporte proporcionado por el Ejército.",
"El alto consejero para la reintegración, Alejandro Eder, anunció que los criminales que se entregaron no tendrán derecho a forma parte del proceso de incorporación a la sociedad por cuando las ERPAC son considerados por el Estado como una banda criminal y no como un grupo subversivo como lo fueron en su momento sus antecesoras Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia o las actuales Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC).",
"En el proceso de sometimiento, las ERPAC entregaron tres toneladas de armamento y explosivos entre los que se cuentan 53.000 cartuchos para armas largas, 123 fusiles, dos ametralladoras tipo M-60, tres morteros y 404 granadas, todas en poder del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigaciones (CTI).",
"Por su parte el ministro de justicia, Juan Carlos Esguerra, si bien defendió la actuación de la Fiscalía aclaró algunos asuntos por las cuales el ente investigador tuvo que sopesar acusaciones de improvisación a la hora de someter a los miembros de la banda criminal:",
"El ERPAC estaba liderado por José López Montero, alias Caracho y Germán Ramírez Devia, ‘Vacafiada’, quienes fueron los sucesores del extinto paramilitar Pedro Oliviero Guerrero Castillo, conocido como \"Cuchillo\". Además controlaba las rutas de narcotráfico entre Brasil y Venezuela."
] | null | interlang link |
Colombian police rescue kidnapped 2-month old baby | 50,204 | [
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"September 15, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombian_police_rescue_kidnapped_2-month_old_baby | [
"Colombian authorities rescued a 2-month-old baby, who was kidnapped by a woman on Monday in Bogotá, in Armenia on Thursday night, September 14.",
"The baby girl, Maribel Muñoz, was taken by a woman who told her parents, Zenaida Muñoz and Henry López Romero that she belonged to an NGO and could get medical care for the girl inside Hotel Tequendama. The parents, who are displaced people, went to Caracol TV network in order to report the kidnapping.",
"Surveillance recordings from the hotel and the city's bus terminal helped with the search. The woman, described as in her late twenties, of height 1.65 m, and having black hair and almond-shaped eyes, left the hotel with two men and went to the local bus terminal. On Thursday, a taxi driver told the media that the day before, he had driven a woman with those features to Cedritos, a neighbourhood in northeast Bogotá.",
"Finally, on Thursday night, the kidnapper, Esmeralda Echeverri Castaño, was taken into custody in Cali. She confessed that she had abandoned the baby in a hotel in Armenia, where Maribel was finally found and moved to a hospital. The doctors found the baby to be in good health.",
"Maribel's parents, who live in a modest house in Usme, south Bogotá, recognized the baby on Friday early morning, thanks to a digital picture sent from Armenia to the police in Bogotá. The child was returned to her parents at 11:30 a.m. (16:30 UTC) on Friday."
] | 2006-09-15 | title |
Policía colombiana encuentra a bebé de dos meses raptada en Bogotá | 50,204 | [
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"September 15, 2006"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Polic%C3%ADa_colombiana_encuentra_a_beb%C3%A9_de_dos_meses_raptada_en_Bogot%C3%A1 | [
"15 de septiembre de 2006Bogotá, Colombia — Las autoridades colombianas, tras cuatro días de búsqueda, encontraron en la ciudad de Armenia a Maribel López Muñoz, una bebé de dos meses de edad que fue raptada el lunes (11) en la capital del país.",
"La secuestradora se había llevado a la niña tras prometerles a los padres, Zenaida Muñoz y Henry López Romero, una consulta médica para la bebé en el Hotel Tequendama, diciéndoles que pertenecía a una ONG. Los padres de la niña, desplazados por la violencia, acudieron a un noticiero de televisión, iniciando así la búsqueda de Maribel.",
"Las grabaciones de las cámaras de seguridad del hotel y de la terminal de transportes, así como testimonios de taxistas, fueron fundamentales para encontrar el paradero de la niña. La mujer, de 25 a 30 años, 1,65 m de estatura, cabello largo y ojos rasgados, dejó el hotel acompañada por dos hombres y se trasladó a la terminal de transportes, a donde entró y luego salió. El jueves (14), un taxista afirmó que el día anterior había llevado a una mujer con esas características al barrio Cedritos, al noreste de Bogotá.",
"Finalmente, la noche del jueves, la secuestradora, identificada como Esmeralda Echeverri Castaño, fue capturada en la ciudad de Cali. Echeverry confesó que había abandonado a la niña en un hotel de Armenia, donde finalmente fue encontrada. La bebé fue llevada al Hospital San Juan de Dios, cuyos médicos afirmaron que se encontraba en buenas condiciones.",
"Los padres de Maribel, que viven en una pequeña vivienda en Usme, al sur de Bogotá, reconocieron en la madrugada del viernes (15) a la bebé, gracias a una fotografía digital enviada desde Armenia y que les fue mostrada por los policías. La niña fue entregada a Muñoz y a López la mañana del viernes."
] | null | interlang link |
Colombia’s Uribe orders the bombing of a Natural National Park | 33,713 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"February 17, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Colombia%E2%80%99s_Uribe_orders_the_bombing_of_a_Natural_National_Park | [
"After 6 policemen who supervised the manual eradication of coca plants were killed in the Serrania de la Macarena National Park, 270 km south of Bogotá, President Alvaro Uribe announced this Thursday from Washington that he authorized the Colombia]n Air Force to bombard the area, where, according to the authorities, they found eight sites with tents and equipment belonging to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), allegedly responsible for the death of the police officials.",
"“We are going to define the way to evacuate the area of Macarena to bomb it before the coca eradicators enter again” said the president. “This is a difficult confrontation, which represents an important effort to defeat terrorism once and for all”, stated the Minister of defense Camilo Ospina.",
"Even though the bombing started this Thursday, the authorities confirmed that the manual eradication in the Macarena area will continue. Some coca eradicators, most of whom are peasants, decided to give up the job due to the difficult security conditions. However, General Jorge Daniel Castro, director of the National Police, stated that since January 20th when the operation started more than 140 ha of coca crops have been eradicated.",
"The announcement made by Uribe has outraged environment activists who warn about the ecological damages that the military actions may cause in the area which was declared national park in 1971. The Macarena area has been saved from fumigations."
] | 2006-02-17 | title |
Uribe ordena bombardeo de parque natural | 33,713 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"February 17, 2006",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Uribe_ordena_bombardeo_de_parque_natural | [
"Tras la muerte de seis policías que custodiaban la erradicación manual de plantas de coca en la Serranía de la Macarena, 270 km al sur de Bogotá, el Presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez anunció este jueves (16) desde Washington que la Fuerza Aérea bombardeará la zona, donde según las autoridades, fueron hallados ocho sitios donde al parecer existen campamentos de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), responsable de la muerte de los uniformados el pasado 6 de febrero.",
"\"Vamos a definir cómo evacuamos áreas de La Macarena para bombardear antes de que entren los erradicadores\", dijo el mandatario colombiano. \"Es una confrontación difícil, que representa un esfuerzo importante del país para derrotar el terrorismo de una vez por todas\", señaló Camilo Ospina, ministro de Defensa.",
"A pesar de los bombardeos, que comenzaron el mismo jueves, las autoridades reiteraron que la erradicación manual en la zona de La Macarena continuará. Algunos de los erradicadores, cuya gran mayoría está compuesta por campesinos, decidieron desistir por las difíciles condiciones de seguridad. No obstante, el general Jorge Daniel Castro, director de la Policía Nacional, afirmó que desde el 20 de enero pasado, cuando inició la operación, han sido erradicadas más de 140 hectáreas de cultivos de coca.",
"El anuncio de Uribe ha sido mal recibido por ambientalistas, que advierten de los daños ecológicos que las acciones militares puedan causar en la zona, declarada Parque Nacional en 1971. El lugar ha estado libre de las fumigaciones aéreas con insecticidas debido a una prohibición."
] | 16 de febrero de 2006 | interlang link |
Condemned US killer to face execution by firing squad | 176,815 | [
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"April 25, 2010",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Condemned_US_killer_to_face_execution_by_firing_squad | [
"A convicted killer in the western US state of Utah has chosen to die by firing squad in Utah's first execution in more than 10 years. Ronnie Lee Gardner indicated his preference at a state court in Salt Lake City on Friday, after being informed that an appeal against his death sentence had been rejected.",
"Gardner was convicted in 1985 of fatally shooting an attorney during a failed escape attempt at a courthouse in the same city. Under state law, the 49-year-old had a choice between death by lethal injection or a by five-person team of shooters. \"I would like the firing squad please,\" he told the judge.",
"Utah is one of two states that permit execution by firing squad. The state outlawed the method in 2004, but prisoners convicted before then still have it as an option. The central U.S. state of Oklahoma also permits death by firing squad, but only if other methods are rejected in particular cases.",
"The execution method has been criticised by some. \"The firing squad is archaic, it's violent, and it simply expands on the violence that we already experience from guns as a society,\" said John Charles Wester, Roman Catholic Bishop of Salt Lake City.",
"Lethal injection is generally the preferred means of executing prisoners in the U.S., whose Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. Since then, only two prisoners in the U.S. have been executed by firing squad, both of them in Utah."
] | 2010-04-25 | title |
Odsouzený v Utahu bude popraven popravčí četou | 176,815 | [
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"April 25, 2010",
"North America",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Odsouzen%C3%BD_v_Utahu_bude_popraven_poprav%C4%8D%C3%AD_%C4%8Detou | [
"Usvědčený vrah v americkém Utahu si vybral, že chce být zastřelen popravčí četou. Bude to první utažská poprava po více než deseti letech a odsouzený Ronnie Lee Gardner dal v pátek před státní soudem v Salt Lake City najevo, že tento způsob popravy preferuje. Učinil tak poté, co se dozvěděl, že jeho odvolání bylo zamítnuto.",
"Gardner byl odsouzen v roce 1985 za vraždu právníka, kterého zastřelil během neúspěšného pokusu o útěk od soudu. Utažské zákony až do roku 2004 odsouzeným umožňovaly zvolit si, zda chtějí být zabiti smrtící injekcí, nebo zastřelením pětičlennou popravčí četou. Gardner sdělil soudci: „Přál bych si popravčí četu.“",
"Utah je jedním z posledních dvou státu Spojených států amerických, kde je tento způsob popravy možný. Mohou se pro něj ovšem rozhodnout už jen ti, kdo byli odsouzeni před rokem 2004 a tedy se na ně ještě vztahují starší zákony. Druhým státem, kde je možné být popravený zastřelením, je Oklahoma.",
"Někteří tento způsob kritizují, například John Charles Wester, římskokatolický biskup ze Salt Lake City, řekl: „Popravčí četa je zastaralá, je násilná, a prostě šíří dál násilí zbraní, které jako společnost zažíváme.“",
"Od roku 1976, kdy Nejvyšší soud Spojených států amerických znovu povolil trest smrti, je nejčastější způsobem popravy smrtící injekce a k jediným dvěma případům popravy zastřelením došlo právě v Utahu."
] | Neděle 25. dubna 2010 | interlang link |
Connecticut repeals death penalty | 423,635 | [
"April 26, 2012",
"Serial killers",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Connecticut_repeals_death_penalty | [
"In the United States, the state of Connecticut has repealed the death penalty, becoming the seventeenth state in the U.S. to do so. The state's governor Dannel Malloy signed the repeal into law on Wednesday and is to take effect immediately.",
"\"This afternoon I signed legislation that will, effective today, replace the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of release as the highest form of legal punishment in Connecticut. Although it is an historic moment – Connecticut joins 16 other states and the rest of the industrialized world by taking this action – it is a moment for sober reflection, not celebration,\" said Malloy in a written statement on his website.",
"In future convictions, the death penalty will be replaced with life imprisonment with no possibility of parole. However, despite the state's decision, prisoners currently serving a death row sentence are still set to be executed as planned. Currently in Connecticut, eleven prisoners are serving a death row sentence, all of them men. The repeal bill was passed in the state's house of representatives with 86 supporting the measure and 63 opposing it. The senate had passed the measure just seven days before.",
"Jodi Rell, then Connecticut's governor, blocked a prior attempt at repeal by state lawmakers in 2009.",
"Only one person in Connecticut has been executed since 1976, when the U.S. government reinstated the death penalty after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld capital punishment. That execution of serial killer Michael Bruce Ross occurred in 2005 by lethal injection.",
"\"As our state moves beyond this divisive debate, I hope we can all redouble our efforts and common work to improve the fairness and integrity of our criminal justice system, and to minimize its fallibility,\" added Malloy."
] | 2012-04-26 | title |
Connecticut zrušil trest smrti | 423,635 | [
"April 26, 2012",
"Serial killers",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Connecticut_zru%C5%A1il_trest_smrti | [
"Stát Connecticut se stal sedmnáctým ve Spojených státech amerických, který zrušil trest smrti. Guvernér Dannel Malloy ve středu podepsal patřičný zákon, jenž okamžitě nabyl účinnosti.",
"Na své webové stránce k tomu Malloy uvedl: „Dnes odpoledne jsem podepsal zákon, který s účinností ode dneška nahrazuje trest smrti doživotním vězením bez možnosti propuštění coby nejvyšším možným zákonným trestem v Connecticutu. Přestože se jedná o dějinný okamžik – Connecticut se tímto krokem přidává k šestnácti ostatním státům i zbytku vyspělého světa – je to okamžik střízlivého přemítání, nikoli okamžik oslav.“",
"V budoucích rozsudcích bude trest smrti nahrazen doživotním vězením. Změna se ovšem netýká jedenácti dříve odsouzených, kteří na popravu dále čekají.",
"Zákon prošel sněmovnou s 86 hlasy pro a 63 hlasy proti, již o sedm dní dříve prošel senátem. Podobný zákon zablokovala v roce 2009 předchozí guvernérka Jodi Rellová.",
"Od roku 1976, kdy federální vláda obnovila trest smrti, přitom zatím došlo v Connecticutu jen k jediné popravě. Sériový vrah Michael Bruce Ross byl popraven injekcí v roce 2005.",
"Tato zpráva byla založena zčásti nebo zcela překladem zprávy Connecticut repeals death penalty na anglických Wikizprávách."
] | Sobota 28. dubna 2012 | interlang link |
États-Unis : le Connecticut abolit la peine de mort | 423,635 | [
"April 26, 2012",
"Serial killers",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89tats-Unis_:_le_Connecticut_abolit_la_peine_de_mort | [
"Le Connecticut est le dix-septième État américain à abolir la peine de mort.",
"En effet, le gouverneur démocrate de cet État a promulgué, hier mercredi, la loi abolissant la peine capitale adoptée au début du mois par les deux chambres de l’État.",
"Cette abrogation n'a pas d'effet rétroactif et ne concerne donc pas les onze condamnés qui attendent cette peine dans les prisons."
] | Publié le 26 avril 2012 | interlang link |
Il Connecticut abroga la pena di morte | 423,635 | [
"April 26, 2012",
"Serial killers",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"United States",
"North America"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Il_Connecticut_abroga_la_pena_di_morte | [
"Negli Stati Uniti, lo stato del Connecticut ha abrogato la pena di morte, diventando il diciassettesimo stato americano a farlo. Il governatore dello stato ha firmato l'abrogazione mercoledì ed entrerà in vigore immediatamente.",
"Malloy ha dichiarato nel proprio sito web: «Questo pomeriggio ho firmato una legge che, entrata in vigore da oggi, sostituisce la pena di morte con l'ergastolo come la più alta forma di punizione legale in Connecticut. È anche un momento storico — il Connecticut si unisce ad altri 16 stati e il resto del mondo industrializzato, facendo questa legge — si tratta di un momento di riflessione sobria, non di celebrazione».",
"In condanne future, la pena di morte verrà sostituita dall'ergastolo senza possibilità di libertà condizionale. Tuttavia, nonostante la decisione dello stato, i prigionieri che stanno attualmente scontando una pena di morte dovranno, come previsto precedentemente, subire l'esecuzione. Attualmente in Connecticut 11 detenuti stanno scontando una condanna di morte. Il disegno di legge è passato alla Camera dei Rappresentanti con 86 favorevoli e 63 contrari, mentre era passato in Senato una settimana prima.",
"Jodi Rell, allora governatore del Connecticut, bloccò un precedente tentativo di abrogazione dei legislatori statali nel 2009.",
"Solamente una persona in Connecticut è stata giustiziata dal 1976, quando il governo degli Stati Uniti ha ripristinato la pena di morte dopo che la Corte Suprema aveva confermato la pena capitale. L'unica esecuzione del Connecticut, ai danni del serial killer Michael Bruce Ross, attuata nel 2005, fu eseguita tramite un'iniezione letale.",
"«Nonostante questo dibattito che divide, mi auguro che tutti potremo raddoppiare i nostri sforzi e il nostro lavoro comune, per migliorare la correttezza e l'integrità del nostro sistema di giustizia penale, e per minimizzare la sua fallibilità», ha aggiunto Malloy."
] | mercoledì 25 aprile 2012 | interlang link |
Subsets and Splits