class label
2 classes
' For one thing, not one of my nurses knew anything about the project; you've kept them almost completely in the dark!
' For one thing, not one of my nurses knew anything about the project; you've ignored the fans!
For one thing, we have to be smart at spotting new trends in feedstock usage, because this can make or break our profitability.
For one thing, we have to be smart at spotting new trends in feedstock usage, because this can build or destroy our profitability.
For our purposes, only the final group pass muster into the Soviet Empire, but the others are worth noting in passing.
For our purposes, only the final group pass along mustard into the Soviet Empire, but the others are worth noting in passing.
For over 200 years, up to the middle of the nineteenth century, whilst the Industrial Revolution was in full swing in Europe and North America, Japan was in a state of almost total seclusion.
For over 200 years, up to the middle of the nineteenth century, whilst the Industrial Revolution was at a swingset in Europe and North America, Japan was in a state of almost total seclusion.
For semiconductor makers not already committed to building 16-megabit production lines, the case for going straight for the 64-megabit device looks increasingly attractive.
For semiconductor makers not already committed to building 16-megabit production lines, the case for becoming a law-abiding person for the 64-megabit device looks increasingly attractive.
For some reason, asset prices get way out of whack and rise to unsustainable levels.
For some reason, asset prices get way suddenly and rise to unsustainable levels.
For some reason people did not seem to be able to accept the possibility of two people who were ‘ going steady’ being in a state of temporary misunderstanding — the common condition of love; it had to be make or break, ‘ very fond of each other’or ‘ broken it off’.
For some reason people did not seem to be able to accept the possibility of two people who were ‘ going steady’ being in a state of temporary misunderstanding — the common condition of love; it had to be build or destroy, ‘ very fond of each other’or ‘ broken it off’.
Forster slithered to Delaney and got a grip, pulling him back to comparative safety.
Forster slithered to Delaney and was reasonable, pulling him back to comparative safety.
For the articulating principle of hip pie ideology is, in the final analysis, and despite its potential for opposition, embedded within the ideology of the dominant culture itself (see Clarke et al.
For the articulating principle of hip pie ideology is, in the last page of the report, and despite its potential for opposition, embedded within the ideology of the dominant culture itself (see Clarke et al.
For the hell of it, I said :' Show me . '
for whatever reason, I said :' Show me . '
For the high and mighty only appear so because we are on our knees.
For the masculine only appear so because we are on our knees.
For the moment, they were on the same wavelength.
For the moment, they were listening to the same radio frequency.
For the news programmes, this means finding a thousand and one different ways of making bricks without straw.
For the news programmes, this means finding a thousand and one different ways of building simple things.
For the next four years, it was the suburban conquerors of southern Britain, not the decaying and dispirited north and west, who would pay the piper and call the tune.
For the next four years, it was the suburban conquerors of southern Britain, not the decaying and dispirited north and west, who would pay the piper and sing the song.
For the past 12 years the Government have behaved like latter day Don Quixotes tilting at windmills and all the other renewables.
For the past 12 years the Government have behaved like latter day Don Quixotes enthusiastically build windmills and all the other renewables.
For the record, the St John survey found that the preference among men for a kiss of life would be from Catherine Zeta Jones, of The Darling Buds of May.
For the record, the St John survey found that the preference among men for a life-changing kiss would be from Catherine Zeta Jones, of The Darling Buds of May.
For the remainder of the carol I was on tenterhooks, not daring to take my eyes from the lectern.
For the remainder of the carol I was in a state of anger, not daring to take my eyes from the lectern.
For the rest of that evening Dr Jones astonished the Casualty junior staff by being, for him, an angel of sweetness and light to us.
For the rest of that evening Dr Jones astonished the Casualty junior staff by being, for him, an angel of sugary and nutritionally void food to us.
For this interview, talking just for the hell of it, he was immeasurably more relaxed.
For this interview, talking just for whatever reason, he was immeasurably more relaxed.
For this surely would have broken his heart — he loved us so much .
For this surely would have broken his bones — he loved us so much .
For this surely would have broken his heart — he loved us so much .
For this surely would have caused him to feel great joy — he loved us so much .
For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under the microscope.
For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under close scrutiny.
For too long we have sat on the fence regarding when a lone rescuer should leave a collapsed victim to seek medical help.
For too long we have put something on the fence regarding when a lone rescuer should leave a collapsed victim to seek medical help.
Fortunately, one of her friends had done a first aid course so he put her in the recovery position and cleared her airways, then gave her the kiss of life.
Fortunately, one of her friends had done a first aid course so he put her in the recovery position and cleared her airways, then gave her the life-changing kiss.
Fortunately, the answer lay close at hand, in that sense of the redeeming power of personal example which had for so long been part of the mental furniture of the British middle classes.
Fortunately, the answer lay close at hand, in that sense of the redeeming power of personal example which had for so long been a piece of furniture of the British middle classes.
Forty subjects with adenomatous polyps proved histologically of diameter greater than 5 mm were included in the final analysis.
Forty subjects with adenomatous polyps proved histologically of diameter greater than 5 mm were included in the last page of the report.
‘ For us, energy needn't cost the earth.
‘ For us, energy needn't put the earth in danger.
For years, I thought I was the normal one - I've come to realise since finding more who've experienced my type of upbringing that I am the odd one out!
For years, I thought I was the normal one - I've come to realise since finding more who've experienced my type of upbringing that I am the regular member of a group!
Foster, frustrated by a number of near misses and a dropped catch, turned to take his anger out on the stumps, kicking two of them out of the ground.
Foster, frustrated by a number of near misses and a dropped catch, turned to take his anger out sitting on the tree stump, kicking two of them out of the ground.
Four fences out, Llewellyn made his move, and from the next it was merely a question of whether Party Politics could hold on or whether Romany King could peg him back.
Four fences out, Llewellyn stood still, and from the next it was merely a question of whether Party Politics could hold on or whether Romany King could peg him back.
Four generations of Glynns, and the fourth of the dynasty had got himself murdered in his own office; no heat - of - the - moment crime either, but a carefully planned murder executed in cold blood out of hatred, or fear, or obsessive greed.
Four generations of Glynns, and the fourth of the dynasty had got himself murdered in his own office; no heat - of - the - moment crime either, but a carefully planned murder executed in a pool of blood out of hatred, or fear, or obsessive greed.
Four years after that Hunt Ball, where Nicandra lost her heart for ever, Aunt Tossie broke into her moneybox to endow the marriage of Nicandra Constance with Andrew Julian.
Four years after that Hunt Ball, where Nicandra had heart failure for ever, Aunt Tossie broke into her moneybox to endow the marriage of Nicandra Constance with Andrew Julian.
France, especially, has weathered the storm; from now on confidence in its ERM commitment will be all the stronger, which will also help to lower its interest rates.
France, especially, has predicted the coming storm; from now on confidence in its ERM commitment will be all the stronger, which will also help to lower its interest rates.
France ’s current - account deficit has risen to more than 2 % of GDP , even as its economic growth has ground to a halt .
France ’s current - account deficit has risen to more than 2 % of GDP , even as its economic growth has soared .
France ’s current - account deficit has risen to more than 2 % of GDP , even as its economic growth has ground to a halt .
France ’s current - account deficit has risen to more than 2 % of GDP , even as its economic growth has solid grounding .
Francis Bacon, well known for his capacity to drink nearly everyone under the table, left his friend John Edward, a son of a publican, £ 10 million in his will, which was published last month
Francis Bacon, well known for his capacity to drink nearly everyone below the water table, left his friend John Edward, a son of a publican, £ 10 million in his will, which was published last month
Francois d'Aubert, a centre - right UDF deputy, and Alain Juppe, general secretary of the Gaullist RPR party, demanded a public enquiry into what d'Aubert termed ‘ banana republic ethics’.
Francois d'Aubert, a centre - right UDF deputy, and Alain Juppe, general secretary of the Gaullist RPR party, demanded a public enquiry into what d'Aubert termed ‘ banana grove ethics’.
Frank, will you take a bow.
Frank, will you apologize.
Fred tells me, a little horrified, about a girl in Los Angeles sitting on his lap in a restaurant who, by way of introduction, ‘ started to massage my bollocks under the table’.
Fred tells me, a little horrified, about a girl in Los Angeles sitting on his lap in a restaurant who, by way of introduction, ‘ started to massage my bollocks below the water table.
French museums were aware of the quality going under the hammer, too.
French museums were aware of the quality changing, too.
Frenetic close - season transfer activity is new to most rugby countries, but in South Africa it's become part of the furniture …
Frenetic close - season transfer activity is new to most rugby countries, but in South Africa it's become a piece of furniture …
Frequently it is necessary to read between the lines .
Frequently it is necessary to look for meaning that is not implicit .
Frequently it is necessary to read between the lines .
Frequently it is necessary to read .
Freud is not, however, likely to be generally rejected, since he is so much part of the valued cultural furniture of the West.
Freud is not, however, likely to be generally rejected, since he is so much a piece of furniture of the West.
Fri 24 Sep 2004 Friday Film Fuckupedness Posted by StopsAtGreen under general, miscellanea " Three terrorists going south on Baqalaqadaqa street! "
Fri 24 Sep 2004 Friday Film Fuckupedness Posted by StopsAtGreen under general, miscellanea " Three terrorists becoming worse on Baqalaqadaqa street! "
Friday 6th December: When we arrived, our ‘ stand’ looked little bare, to say the least!
Friday 6th December: When we arrived, our ‘ stand’ looked little bare, so as to be brief and efficient!
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears ;
Friends, Romans, countrymen, help deaf people ;
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, help deaf people; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
Frogmore must hold the fort .
Frogmore must avoid the responsibility while another person is temporally absent .
From 1941 onwards, and particularly so in 1942 when the ‘ Final Solution’ was in full swing, Hitler repeatedly harked back to his ‘ prophecy’of 1939, which he consistently misdated to the day of the outbreak of war , 1 September, not 30 January.
From 1941 onwards, and particularly so in 1942 when the ‘ Final Solution’ was at a swingset, Hitler repeatedly harked back to his ‘ prophecy’of 1939, which he consistently misdated to the day of the outbreak of war , 1 September, not 30 January.
FROM 1984–90 guesses that cash flow could be higher if assets changed hands or if a firm 's financial structure was changed were made in $ 1.7 trillion - worth of cases in America .
FROM 1984–90 guesses that cash flow could be higher if assets changed to the same owner or if a firm 's financial structure was changed were made in $ 1.7 trillion - worth of cases in America .
FROM 1984–90 guesses that cash flow could be higher if assets changed hands or if a firm 's financial structure was changed were made in $ 1.7 trillion - worth of cases in America .
FROM 1984–90 guesses that cash flow could be higher if assets changed types or if a firm 's financial structure was changed were made in $ 1.7 trillion - worth of cases in America .
From a practical standpoint we are suffering from some jail overcrowding problems here and certainly this was one option to take an offender who does n't really belong behind iron bars and punish them at home , and from a personal standpoint I was sort of intrigued with the novelty of it all and the technology aspects of it .
From a practical standpoint we are suffering from some jail overcrowding problems here and certainly this was one option to take an offender who does n't really belong outside of the prison and punish them at home , and from a personal standpoint I was sort of intrigued with the novelty of it all and the technology aspects of it .
From Conan The Barbarian to a Terminator with a heart of gold, he's a deadly foe.
From Conan The Barbarian to a Terminator with a cold, mean heart, he's a deadly foe.
From here it goes south through Bedenham, RNAD Frater, Priddy's Hard, and under Forton Lake to the Oil Fuel Depot.
From here it becomes worse through Bedenham, RNAD Frater, Priddy's Hard, and under Forton Lake to the Oil Fuel Depot.
From the information collected you should be able to get a picture of the typical …
From the information collected you should be able to take a picture of the typical …
‘ From the little I've grasped about him I'd say that was unlikely, to say the least.’
‘ From the little I've grasped about him I'd say that was unlikely, so as to be brief and efficient
From the look of things, it was odds on he'd done a runner with either the till, a barmaid or the Christmas Club fund.
From the look of things, it was odds on he'd gone jogging with either the till, a barmaid or the Christmas Club fund.
From the main hall, go up 7 steps, going north , 7 west and 7 going south to the first floor.
From the main hall, go up 7 steps, going north , 7 west and 7 becoming worse to the first floor.
From the moment the lead vehicles broke cover , they could see the enemy headquarters , halted at the edge of a wood .
From the moment the lead vehicles broke down , they could see the enemy headquarters , halted at the edge of a wood .
From the moment the lead vehicles broke cover , they could see the enemy headquarters , halted at the edge of a wood .
From the moment the lead vehicles entered the place of shelter , they could see the enemy headquarters , halted at the edge of a wood .
From the no - man's land at the entrance to the ward, where the brown lino changed to blue, Tilda's voice could be heard, asking whether she and her sister might be allowed to bring Mr Blake a bottle of Suncrush.
From the a land that no one want to buy at the entrance to the ward, where the brown lino changed to blue, Tilda's voice could be heard, asking whether she and her sister might be allowed to bring Mr Blake a bottle of Suncrush.
From then on Leeds showed some good attacking play but thankfully Bright is a donkey who gets caught off - side alot or we'd have been in trouble (Newsome and wetherall look dodgy to say the least).
From then on Leeds showed some good attacking play but thankfully Bright is a donkey who gets caught off - side alot or we'd have been in trouble (Newsome and wetherall look dodgy so as to be brief and efficient).
From these bits of activity, a richer life could develop; but it is vital that whatever Harry and Elizabeth choose is something they both really want to do and not a situation where she goes along with it in a patronising way, and then leaves him high and dry.
From these bits of activity, a richer life could develop; but it is vital that whatever Harry and Elizabeth choose is something they both really want to do and not a situation where she goes along with it in a patronising way, and then leaves him floating in dry air.
From the summit head south along the broad path which follows the summit ridge.
From the summit travel southward along the broad path which follows the summit ridge.
From the word go.
from the green light.
From the word go she was knocking on doors, visiting and sharing the platform ministry every Sunday.
from the green light she was knocking on doors, visiting and sharing the platform ministry every Sunday.
From the word go the crowd (badly dressed, smelly, blank - faced and radiating tragedy) greeted the bands with abuse and bottles of cider which they had feverishly pissed in.
from the green light the crowd (badly dressed, smelly, blank - faced and radiating tragedy) greeted the bands with abuse and bottles of cider which they had feverishly pissed in.
From the word go the eventual winners from Sligo / Mullingar knew that their task would not be easy when they encountered Dundalk.
from the green light the eventual winners from Sligo / Mullingar knew that their task would not be easy when they encountered Dundalk.
From this perspective, the witch - doctor is clearly on the side of the angels and his business is highly legitimate.
From this perspective, the witch - doctor is clearly at the top of the mountain and his business is highly legitimate.
From time to time, taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other's work and publications.
From time to time, taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk about shopping and learn about the other's work and publications.
Funds for major projects and programmes have been approved virtually on the nod.
Funds for major projects and programmes have been approved virtually on the top of the head.
Funnily enough it's not the people like me who usually do get the boot in academic life, it's the people with real talent who generally have a hard time.’
Funnily enough it's not the people like me who usually do obtain the boot in academic life, it's the people with real talent who generally have a hard time.’
" Funny, being a bird - watcher, " a boy called Cosgrave had once said and Stephen had made him take that back, twisting his arm until he agreed to.
" Funny, being a bird - watcher, " a boy called Cosgrave had once said and Stephen had made him take that back, agonizing you until he agreed to.
Funny , but even though she knew Delaney , Lawton and Forster were engaging Mahon — she could hear gun fire — the empty shadowy corridors of the place gave her the creeps .
Funny , but even though she knew Delaney , Lawton and Forster were engaging Mahon — she could hear gun fire — the empty shadowy corridors of the place caused her to be unafriad .
Funny , but even though she knew Delaney , Lawton and Forster were engaging Mahon — she could hear gun fire — the empty shadowy corridors of the place gave her the creeps .
Funny , but even though she knew Delaney , Lawton and Forster were engaging Mahon — she could hear gun fire — the empty shadowy corridors of the place gave up her position.
Further, employers could not have it both ways; if they sought summary conviction before justices of the peace, they could hardly have had penalties of a harshness imposable only by the courts.
Further, employers could not do two things at once; if they sought summary conviction before justices of the peace, they could hardly have had penalties of a harshness imposable only by the courts.
Further, it makes me angry with myself to find that the perfectly natural and utterly unfair result is that I begin to dislike Paxford, no exercise of the will convincing me that it is not the unfortunate P. who is boring me with his views on everything under the sun.
Further, it makes me angry with myself to find that the perfectly natural and utterly unfair result is that I begin to dislike Paxford, no exercise of the will convincing me that it is not the unfortunate P. who is boring me with his views on everything that makes you warm.
Furthermore, Adenauer was prepared to put the question of national unity on the back burner as a result of his clear moral choice for the values of the West.
Furthermore, Adenauer was prepared to put the question of national unity in the microwave as a result of his clear moral choice for the values of the West.
Furthermore, commitment of such central training resources to libraries often went hand - in - hand with commitment of library management time to training, presumably because to an extent both are aspects of the same overall policy of the parent authority towards training.
Furthermore, commitment of such central training resources to libraries often held hands with commitment of library management time to training, presumably because to an extent both are aspects of the same overall policy of the parent authority towards training.
Furthermore, I think that my readers will readily grant that in reality these two phenomena usually go hand - in - hand to create a vicious and self - sustaining circle of growth in state power promoting individual impotence causing more state power, etc.
Furthermore, I think that my readers will readily grant that in reality these two phenomena usually hold hands to create a vicious and self - sustaining circle of growth in state power promoting individual impotence causing more state power, etc.
Furthermore, I've been doing my sums in another area and generally putting two and two together, and I figure that something has to happen before I'm reposted — to account for the baby.
Furthermore, I've been doing my sums in another area and generally group like things together, and I figure that something has to happen before I'm reposted — to account for the baby.
Gaga fans only listen to the words and dance to the music, they never look beyond the words and the melody. They don't read between the lines, which is exactly what Gaga doesn't want them to do.
Gaga fans only listen to the words and dance to the music, they never look beyond the words and the melody. They don't look for a meaning that is explicit , which is exactly what Gaga doesn't want them to do.
Gaga fans only listen to the words and dance to the music, they never look beyond the words and the melody. They don't read between the lines, which is exactly what Gaga doesn't want them to do.
Gaga fans only listen to the words and dance to the music, they never look beyond the words and the melody. They don't read the new lines, which is exactly what Gaga doesn't want them to do.
Galena and chalcopyrite were observed under the microscope in the samples used for reflectance measurements in these areas.
Galena and chalcopyrite were observed under close scrutiny in the samples used for reflectance measurements in these areas.
Galtieri walks free as the generals seek vindication
Galtieri takes a stroll without disturbance as the generals seek vindication
Games between the sides in the past have seen brawn get the better of brain , even in good conditions .
Games between the sides in the past have seen brawn lose to brain , even in good conditions .
Gandhi's teaching concerning the symbolic nature of personifications of Truth in a variety of different forms seems on the face of it to correspond to what Tillich has to say about the symbolic nature of Christian terminology.
Gandhi's teaching concerning the symbolic nature of personifications of Truth in a variety of different forms seems Encountering to correspond to what Tillich has to say about the symbolic nature of Christian terminology.
Gardening: In the pink for spring Stephen Lacey begins a new monthly series
Gardening: in pink paint for spring Stephen Lacey begins a new monthly series
Garland (1985b), in his detailed consideration of the Victorian prison system, concluded that, for Britain at least, Foucault's characterisation is wide of the mark.
Garland (1985b), in his detailed consideration of the Victorian prison system, concluded that, for Britain at least, Foucault's characterisation is considerably accurate.
‘ Garlands will cost the earth! ’
‘ Garlands will put the earth in danger! ’
Gaston had chatted lightly on every topic under the sun, except the one that was consuming her.
Gaston had chatted lightly on every topic that makes you warm, except the one that was consuming her.
Gave me more laughs than any Leeds player especially when under the influence of old frogslegs he began trying to control the ball with his feet.
Gave me more laughs than any Leeds player especially when under the spell of old frogslegs he began trying to control the ball with his feet.
‘ General Electric must be laughing all the way to the bank,’ he says.
‘ General Electric must be making money by deceiving he says.
General secretary of the FDP, Mr Westerwelle, however, cried foul.
General secretary of the FDP, Mr Westerwelle, however, cried hysterically.
George didn't bother to explain the process by which he had deflected the first demand — that Maxim go round to Century House by himself — by a counter - offer of Number 10 (‘ As it's a Saturday, we could use the Cabinet Room; think how that would look in your memoirs’)— or one of his clubs, naming the one that had been effectively the HQ of the Intelligence Service in the heady days of World War II, and finally agreeing on this no - man's - land.
George didn't bother to explain the process by which he had deflected the first demand — that Maxim go round to Century House by himself — by a counter - offer of Number 10 (‘ As it's a Saturday, we could use the Cabinet Room; think how that would look in your memoirs’)— or one of his clubs, naming the one that had been effectively the HQ of the Intelligence Service in the heady days of World War II, and finally agreeing on this a land that no one want to buy.
Geraldine Lynn hit the nail on the head with Sick blokes (February SHE).
Geraldine Lynn start building with Sick blokes (February SHE).
Germany which survived two dictatorships in 60 years, considers herself fortunate to have been able to lend a helping hand here and there during this " third wave " of democratisation, and ultimately, through her own peaceful revolution, experienced the finale of the clash of systems in her own country.
Germany which survived two dictatorships in 60 years, considers herself fortunate to have been able to shake hands here and there during this " third wave " of democratisation, and ultimately, through her own peaceful revolution, experienced the finale of the clash of systems in her own country.