class label
2 classes
Fairley asked politely as they took the floor.
Fairley asked politely as they sat on the floor.
Faith in the building was one of the reasons that seven members of the museum staff chose to weather out the storm there instead of at home.
Faith in the building was one of the reasons that seven members of the museum staff chose to predict the coming storm there instead of at home.
Faldo powered into the lead in the race for the £366,000 top prize with a series of rapier thrusts producing three birdies in the first six holes on the tough Tryall course skirting the Caribbean.
Faldo powered into the lead in the race for the £366,000 top prize with a series of rapier thrusts producing three birdies in debt on the tough Tryall course skirting the Caribbean.
Faldo, who took five at the next short hole, added: ‘ I was only 10ft from the flag and I was in a hole.
Faldo, who took five at the next short hole, added: ‘ I was only 10ft from the flag and I was in debt.
( Falling over is God's way of telling you the bar's about to shut in my book . )
( Falling over is God's way of telling you the bar's about to shut in my autobiography . )
Far from giving up the ghost, Mr Jones now tours the world with his ‘ Absolut Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Company’, staging his late companion's choreographies, dancing, even getting into debates with local Roman Catholic clergymen about the use of condoms.
Far from acting like a ghost, Mr Jones now tours the world with his ‘ Absolut Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Company’, staging his late companion's choreographies, dancing, even getting into debates with local Roman Catholic clergymen about the use of condoms.
Farrel explained that he was an agricultural student and had come to lend a hand with the harvest.
Farrel explained that he was an agricultural student and had come to shake hands with the harvest.
' Fat an' lazy yourself with brass knobs on.
' Fat an' lazy yourself with buttons sewn on.
FC Copenhagen will have identical twins hoping to bring home the bacon when the Danes come to town for Thursday's European Cup encounter.
FC Copenhagen will have identical twins hoping to bring pork home for dinner when the Danes come to town for Thursday's European Cup encounter.
Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand - in - hand.
Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have held hands.
Feeling really invigorated I decided to spend my remaining time in the gym and let those machines really know that I meant business!
Feeling really invigorated I decided to spend my remaining time in the gym and let those machines really know that I thought everything could be a business!
Fellow colleagues were surprised, to say the least!
Fellow colleagues were surprised, so as to be brief and efficient!
Feminist humour is astutely observed by Jackie Fleming in Never Give Up (Penguin, £ 4.99), where women always have the last laugh.
Feminist humour is astutely observed by Jackie Fleming in Never Give Up (Penguin, £ 4.99), where women always be the last to laugh at a joke.
FERGIE'S invitation to join the Queen for Christmas will see her banished to a lonely farmhouse while the rest of the royal family whoop it up two miles away at Sandringham.
FERGIE'S invitation to join the Queen for Christmas will see her banished to a lonely farmhouse while the rest of the royal family whip up a meal two miles away at Sandringham.
Ferguson, for his part, can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup - tie verified the youngster's ability to put an awkward pre - match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend.
Ferguson, for his part, can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup - tie verified the youngster's ability to put an awkward pre - match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was suffering.
Fertilisers — feast or famine?
Fertilisers — eating or starving?
Few 24-hour races ever go the full distance — fans usually burst on to the sacred tarmac 20 minutes or so before the official end
Few 24-hour races ever take a lot of time — fans usually burst on to the sacred tarmac 20 minutes or so before the official end
Few as they were, they might be sufficient, for the men in them would be seasoned seamen and raiders who would brawl for the love of it, on shipboard anywhere; who would defend their own northern lands to the death, on land or on sea; but who would never march south in cold blood to throw away life defending a foreigner's ground.
Few as they were, they might be sufficient, for the men in them would be seasoned seamen and raiders who would brawl for the love of it, on shipboard anywhere; who would defend their own northern lands to the death, on land or on sea; but who would never march south in a pool of blood to throw away life defending a foreigner's ground.
Fifth bottom is quite enough for the chairman and the manager to continue their policy of keeping the fans in the dark.
Fifth bottom is quite enough for the chairman and the manager to continue their policy of ignoring the fans.
FIGHTER COLLECTION flew their P-38 Lightning back to Duxford from Lydd on Monday September 28 , 22 days after it came to grief in a belly landing at Lydd Airport, en route to the Shepway Seafront Airshow on September 6 (FP October, p6).
FIGHTER COLLECTION flew their P-38 Lightning back to Duxford from Lydd on Monday September 28 , 22 days after it expressed condolences in a belly landing at Lydd Airport, en route to the Shepway Seafront Airshow on September 6 (FP October, p6).
Fiji's decline is abetted by its newly - acquired reputation as a ‘ banana republic’ following the two coups last year when the military leader Colonel Rambuka refused to allow the democratically - elected government to take office.
Fiji's decline is abetted by its newly - acquired reputation as a ‘ banana grove following the two coups last year when the military leader Colonel Rambuka refused to allow the democratically - elected government to take office.
Finally, add extra sparkle by serving up the Christmas spirit with bobbing snowmen and fir tree - shaped ice cubes — they'll certainly break the ice at parties!
Finally, add extra sparkle by serving up the Christmas spirit with bobbing snowmen and fir tree - shaped ice cubes — they'll certainly make icecubes at parties!
Finally, by postponing sexual maturity by the same token, neotenous trends in human evolution ensured that young males stayed as long as possible under the protection of the parental group before being ejected and having to begin to fend for themselves.
Finally, by postponing sexual maturity for the price of one ticket, neotenous trends in human evolution ensured that young males stayed as long as possible under the protection of the parental group before being ejected and having to begin to fend for themselves.
Finally, if you are already subscribing to company AVCs, before investing in a new plan check on your present level of contributions and the benefits that these are expected to yield.
Finally, if you are already subscribing to company AVCs, before investing in a new plan check on street level of contributions and the benefits that these are expected to yield.
Finally, someone else who has seen the light!
Finally, someone else who has seen the brightest star!
Finally the engine gave up the ghost completely and nothing could persuade it to start again.
Finally the engine acted like a ghost completely and nothing could persuade it to start again.
Finally, you might use a sanction to show that you really do mean business in terms of your bargaining position.
Finally, you might use a sanction to show that you really do think everything could be a business in terms of your bargaining position.
Financially the slate had been wiped clean.
Financially the open and apparent to everyone.
Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation, although even this is not always clear, especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements, simply because they lived from hand to mouth.
Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation, although even this is not always clear, especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements, simply because they lived from hand in mouth.
Finding the hole in a blocked inspection chamber is not always easy: the way to do it is to find the bottom channel and to push the rod along this until it goes down the drain.
Finding the hole in a blocked inspection chamber is not always easy: the way to do it is to find the bottom channel and to push the rod along this until it goes down to the ocean.
Finite in number, the limited material world they make up is not all there is, for, besides an infinite God, we have immaterial souls.
Finite in number, the limited material world they make up is incomplete is, for, besides an infinite God, we have immaterial souls.
Finlay Young , 24, of Lincoln Avenue, Knights - wood, Glasgow, walked free from the High Court in Glasgow at the end of the nine - day trial.
Finlay Young , 24, of Lincoln Avenue, Knights - wood, Glasgow, took a stroll without disturbance from the High Court in Glasgow at the end of the nine - day trial.
Firms that wanted to do the right thing, to spend the money to reduce their emissions, now worry that doing so would put them at a competitive disadvantage as others continue to emit without restraint.
Firms that wanted to turn right, to spend the money to reduce their emissions, now worry that doing so would put them at a competitive disadvantage as others continue to emit without restraint.
First Edition MANILA (Reuter)— President Aquino, admitting that the death of Ferdinand Marcos had sparked a wave of sympathy for the late dictator, urged Filipinos to stop weeping for the man who had ‘ laughed all the way to the bank.’
First Edition MANILA (Reuter)— President Aquino, admitting that the death of Ferdinand Marcos had sparked a wave of sympathy for the late dictator, urged Filipinos to stop weeping for the man who had ‘ made money by deceiving
Firstly the bill can go through on the nod with no note.
Firstly the bill can go through on the top of the head with no note.
Firstly, the notion that science is concerned with the production of a set of individual predictions rather than with the production of knowledge in the form of a complex of general statements is, to say the least, counter - intuitive.
Firstly, the notion that science is concerned with the production of a set of individual predictions rather than with the production of knowledge in the form of a complex of general statements is, so as to be brief and efficient, counter - intuitive.
First machine comes along and a man of the cloth, as some ladies here know, from Nottingham, the Reverend William Lindel designed a knitting machine, the first machine.
First machine comes along and a tailor, as some ladies here know, from Nottingham, the Reverend William Lindel designed a knitting machine, the first machine.
First mate Mr Gregory was charged with operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol or drugs and negligent discharge of a pollutant without a permit.
First mate Mr Gregory was charged with operating a vessel under the spell of alcohol or drugs and negligent discharge of a pollutant without a permit.
First port of call was HELP!
first source of help was HELP!
First, the complete omission of ‘ When I have often heard young maids complaining’(This may seem surprising, given that the text managed to get into the quarto, even if late; but as a continuo song it could, at a pinch, have been accompanied by the harpsichordist from a separate sheet, with a gamba player reading over his shoulder.
First, the complete omission of ‘ When I have often heard young maids complaining’(This may seem surprising, given that the text managed to get into the quarto, even if late; but as a continuo song it could, with a pinch of salt, have been accompanied by the harpsichordist from a separate sheet, with a gamba player reading over his shoulder.
First, the strain of maintaining Martin Luther King's advice to " turn the other cheek " was becoming too great to bear in the face of continued attacks and insults.
First, the strain of maintaining Martin Luther King's advice to " turn the head around " was becoming too great to bear in the face of continued attacks and insults.
' First up, then down.
' firstly, then down.
Fish Sparks, who's been a bit down in the mouth since we rumbled his story, thought it was terrifically funny to start calling the Indians things like Sitting Bull and Tonto, but of course they didn't understand and anyway the rest of us sort of froze him out.
Fish Sparks, who's been a bit getting dental surgery since we rumbled his story, thought it was terrifically funny to start calling the Indians things like Sitting Bull and Tonto, but of course they didn't understand and anyway the rest of us sort of froze him out.
Flynn admitted that two home defeats on the trot was hard for the fans to stomach.
Flynn admitted that two home defeats on a horse was hard for the fans to stomach.
Foaming at the mouth?
making bubbles with the mouth?
Foaming at the mouth, the maths master, now on his knees, raised both hands above his head and shook them violently.
making bubbles with the mouth, the maths master, now on his knees, raised both hands above his head and shook them violently.
Foliar feeding may be good for emergencies, but not in my book for basic cultivation of roses.
Foliar feeding may be good for emergencies, but not in my autobiography for basic cultivation of roses.
Following a decision earlier in the year to scale down its workstation business,(UX No 368 ) Solbourne Computer Inc , Longmont , Colorado , has pulled the plug on its direct sales operations in Europe , claiming ‘ lack of business.’
Following a decision earlier in the year to scale down its workstation business,(UX No 368 ) Solbourne Computer Inc , Longmont , Colorado , has encouraged its direct sales operations in Europe , claiming ‘ lack of business.’
Following a decision earlier in the year to scale down its workstation business,(UX No 368 ) Solbourne Computer Inc , Longmont , Colorado , has pulled the plug on its direct sales operations in Europe , claiming ‘ lack of business.’
Following a decision earlier in the year to scale down its workstation business,(UX No 368 ) Solbourne Computer Inc , Longmont , Colorado , has pulled direct sales operations of plugs in Europe , claiming ‘ lack of business.’
Following its fellow Motorola Inc 88000 travellers, Dolphin Server Technology AS (UX No 376) and Harris Corp's computer division (UX No 380), Data General Corp — which admits to having chewed the fat over alternative RISCs, but has decided to stick with the 88000 series (UX No 376)— is expected to announce its own plans for systems based upon the next generation 88110 shortly, likely to include a complete re - haul of its existing AViiON workstation and server series.
Following its fellow Motorola Inc 88000 travellers, Dolphin Server Technology AS (UX No 376) and Harris Corp's computer division (UX No 380), Data General Corp — which admits to having chewed on fatty food over alternative RISCs, but has decided to stick with the 88000 series (UX No 376)— is expected to announce its own plans for systems based upon the next generation 88110 shortly, likely to include a complete re - haul of its existing AViiON workstation and server series.
FOLLOWING the success of three previous seminars Liverpool Chamber of Commerce is holding a fourth talk shop on trading with the former East Germany.
FOLLOWING the success of three previous seminars Liverpool Chamber of Commerce is holding a fourth talk about shopping on trading with the former East Germany.
Following the trend spearheaded by Unify Corp with its Accell 4GL toolset a few years ago, Ingres Corp is expected to make the first moves in liberating its own toolsets from the Ingres database next month.
Following the trend spearheaded by Unify Corp with its Accell 4GL toolset a few years ago, Ingres Corp is expected to stand still in liberating its own toolsets from the Ingres database next month.
Follow the track down and go straight on to a modern farm track.
Follow the track down and become a law-abiding person on to a modern farm track.
FOOTBALL/ Make or break for Newcastle/ Boro still hopeful of number two slot BORO boss Lennie Lawrence issued a rallying call to the troops last night with the cry :' We haven't lost ground with Leicester yet'.
FOOTBALL/ build or destroy for Newcastle/ Boro still hopeful of number two slot BORO boss Lennie Lawrence issued a rallying call to the troops last night with the cry :' We haven't lost ground with Leicester yet'.
For 20 years after World War Two it seemed possible that the dog eat dog ‘ survival of the fittest’ brand of free market capitalism had been supplanted by a social contract between employers and workers, with only occasional mediation by the state.
For 20 years after World War Two it seemed possible that the cannibalism ‘ survival of the fittest’ brand of free market capitalism had been supplanted by a social contract between employers and workers, with only occasional mediation by the state.
For a moment he thought he smelt a rat; could it be one of Marjorie's' little jokes'?
For a moment he thought he smell something rotten; could it be one of Marjorie's' little jokes'?
For a second or two he said nothing further, then, apparently going along with her unspoken wish to change the subject, he asked, tongue in cheek, ‘ And what did you think of our transport?’
For a second or two he said nothing further, then, apparently going along with her unspoken wish to change the subject, he asked, an odd manner, ‘ And what did you think of our transport?’
For, being my guests, it is not polite for you to insult my husband . "
For, going for it, it is not polite for you to insult my husband . "
Forbidding though the prospect may be, he needs another talking shop — a commission whose function would be to draw up a definitive Russian constitution that could then be entrenched against the amending whims of the Congress.
Forbidding though the prospect may be, he needs another talking about shopping — a commission whose function would be to draw up a definitive Russian constitution that could then be entrenched against the amending whims of the Congress.
Forces, being a smallish town and by no means a city, the passing of street pleasantries is not quite the folk art it is in villages but people still enjoy passing the time of day with their neighbours.
Forces, being a smallish town and by no means a city, the passing of street pleasantries is not quite the folk art it is in villages but people still enjoy telling the time with their neighbours.
For Christ's sake get it up.
For Christ's sake get an erection.
For conscientious objectors there is no moral difference between dropping a bomb and paying someone else to do it.
For conscientious objectors there is no moral difference between giving decisive news and paying someone else to do it.
For Crawford, it was all in a day's work, and split - second timing was the key.
For Crawford, it was all work that be done in a single day, and split - second timing was the key.
For delegates, they're part of the furniture.
For delegates, they're a piece of furniture.
For Dino Morelli and Kevin McGarrity it is a make - or - break year.
For Dino Morelli and Kevin McGarrity it is a build or destroy year.
Foreign communities, whether tribal or otherwise, are no more anxious than you or I to be subjected to intensive and embarrassingly close scrutiny by a tiresome stranger whose aims and intentions may be, to say the least, puzzling.
Foreign communities, whether tribal or otherwise, are no more anxious than you or I to be subjected to intensive and embarrassingly close scrutiny by a tiresome stranger whose aims and intentions may be, so as to be brief and efficient, puzzling.
Forest duo on mend
Forest duo suffering
Forest not out of the woods
Forest not out of lumber
For even though some attempt to give status to the ‘ community or home beat officer’ has been made following Lord Scarman's (1981) report on the Brixton riots which gave something of a ‘ slap on the wrist’to the service, the deference accorded to specialist posting or to detective work remains untouched.
For even though some attempt to give status to the ‘ community or home beat officer’ has been made following Lord Scarman's (1981) report on the Brixton riots which gave something of a ‘ tap of the wrist the service, the deference accorded to specialist posting or to detective work remains untouched.
For example a couple of weeks ago there was a thing on tit for tat and this week there's a fascinating thing on snakes and female sexuality which erm illustrates er some of the points I'll be, I'll, I'll be making and although as Sue rightly says erm, most of the articles in Nature are rather technical and difficult to understand if you're not a specialist they do make concessions to the rest of us by publishing very often erm summaries er in the first part of the journal erm and there is one on this and er I can recommend that.
For example a couple of weeks ago there was a thing on this for that and this week there's a fascinating thing on snakes and female sexuality which erm illustrates er some of the points I'll be, I'll, I'll be making and although as Sue rightly says erm, most of the articles in Nature are rather technical and difficult to understand if you're not a specialist they do make concessions to the rest of us by publishing very often erm summaries er in the first part of the journal erm and there is one on this and er I can recommend that.
For example, it was said printed that the Red ~ Guards had not only thoroughly looted the Winter ~ Palace, but that they had massacred the yunkers after disarming them, had killed some of the Ministers in cold blood; and as for the woman soldiers, most of them had been violated, and many had committed suicide because of the tortures they had gone through ....
For example, it was said printed that the Red ~ Guards had not only thoroughly looted the Winter ~ Palace, but that they had massacred the yunkers after disarming them, had killed some of the Ministers in a pool of blood; and as for the woman soldiers, most of them had been violated, and many had committed suicide because of the tortures they had gone through ....
For example magnesium chloride holds water within its crystal lattice and if you dry it that water comes out, but as it comes out it also strips out the chlorine as hydrogen chloride gas for example.
For example magnesium chloride withstands criticism within its crystal lattice and if you dry it that water comes out, but as it comes out it also strips out the chlorine as hydrogen chloride gas for example.
For example there are echoes of colonial discourse in the way the boys make a distinction between the ‘ good blacks’(who accept the verdict of the first, lost fight) and the ‘ bad blacks’ who cry foul and fight back, trying to reverse the verdict of a society which has made them permanent losers.
For example there are echoes of colonial discourse in the way the boys make a distinction between the ‘ good blacks’(who accept the verdict of the first, lost fight) and the ‘ bad blacks’ who cry hysterically and fight back, trying to reverse the verdict of a society which has made them permanent losers.
For fuck 's sake get a grip .
For fuck 's sake grab on .
For fuck 's sake get a grip .
For fuck 's sake lose your self-control.
Forget Cineroma, it's been on the way for several years now so its not going to see the light of day.
Forget Cineroma, it's been on the way for several years now so its not going to see the brightest star of day.
For golfers who believe the joys of the course and delights of the table go hand - in - hand, there's the Gourmet Golf Guide by Iain Crawford (£ 7.99, Lochar Publishing) from good book shops.
For golfers who believe the joys of the course and delights of the table hold hands, there's the Gourmet Golf Guide by Iain Crawford (£ 7.99, Lochar Publishing) from good book shops.
For golfers who believe the joys of the course and delights of the table go hand-in-hand, there's the Gourmet Golf Guide by Iain Crawford (£7.99, Lochar Publishing) from good book shops.
For golfers who believe the joys of the course and delights of the table hold hands, there's the Gourmet Golf Guide by Iain Crawford (£7.99, Lochar Publishing) from good book shops.
For if a country makes it hard to create companies , do n’t be surprised if new companies are few and far between .
For if a country makes it hard to create companies , do n’t be surprised if new companies are plentiful .
For if, as we have seen, the vacuity at the heart of Owen's prospectus was the tacit assumption that owners, having seen the light, would agreeably acquiesce in the expropriation of their property in order that it would be beneficially used by the workers, that at the heart of Marx's was that the proletariat would as the movement of the dialectic ordained, seize the means of production.
For if, as we have seen, the vacuity at the heart of Owen's prospectus was the tacit assumption that owners, having seen the brightest star, would agreeably acquiesce in the expropriation of their property in order that it would be beneficially used by the workers, that at the heart of Marx's was that the proletariat would as the movement of the dialectic ordained, seize the means of production.
For instance, he said that the expression ‘ by hook or by crook’ came from the period of Charles II when there were two judges called Hook and Crook and ‘ a man of straw’he discovered, was one who could be brought to bear false witness — recognisable by the straw in his shoes.
For instance, he said that the expression ‘ by hook or by crook’ came from the period of Charles II when there were two judges called Hook and Crook and ‘ a man who sell straw discovered, was one who could be brought to bear false witness — recognisable by the straw in his shoes.
For instance, I couldn't believe it when we were kept in the dark about the team until the hour before kick - off.
For instance, I couldn't believe it when ignoring the fans about the team until the hour before kick - off.
For instance someone with a sore throat may well also have a fever and you will get a fuller picture by looking at the remedies in both sections.
For instance someone with a sore throat may well also have a fever and you will take a picture by looking at the remedies in both sections.
For instance, you may think that running a household and looking after your children is all in a day's work; however, the planning skills needed to do this could be a very useful quality to have in some jobs.
For instance, you may think that running a household and looking after your children is all work that be done in a single day; however, the planning skills needed to do this could be a very useful quality to have in some jobs.
For instance you probably know that Christians believe that Jesus came alive again after being dead and buried for three days.
For instance you probably know that Christians believe that Jesus came alive again after being forgotten for three days.
for in the final analysis both the remand and the committals explosions appear to be largely the result of excessive caution in the way magistrates exercise their discretion in relation to bail and venue decisions.
for in the last page of the report both the remand and the committals explosions appear to be largely the result of excessive caution in the way magistrates exercise their discretion in relation to bail and venue decisions.
For inveterate cattle - lifters it all added up to a convenient no - man's - land across which to launch thieving raids.
For inveterate cattle - lifters it all added up to a convenient a land that no one want to buy across which to launch thieving raids.
For Jean - Claude, who had always been abjectly poor, there seemed no way of escaping a hand - to - mouth existence by his own efforts: only a miracle could effect it.
For Jean - Claude, who had always been abjectly poor, there seemed no way of escaping a hand in mouth existence by his own efforts: only a miracle could effect it.
For me it is quite out of the question that the Maastricht treaties should be changed again in one way or another .
For me it is possible that the Maastricht treaties should be changed again in one way or another .
For me it is quite out of the question that the Maastricht treaties should be changed again in one way or another .
For me it is quite out of the blue that the Maastricht treaties should be changed again in one way or another .
For men have always had it both ways: the begetting and the travail (the travail which, as ‘ work’ belongs to culture, but which as bearing and ‘ labour’belongs to nature); the genius and the work (the genius which is itself both passive possession and authoritative production), the penis and the womb.
For men have always doed two things at once: the begetting and the travail (the travail which, as ‘ work’ belongs to culture, but which as bearing and ‘ labour’belongs to nature); the genius and the work (the genius which is itself both passive possession and authoritative production), the penis and the womb.
FORMER Irish League goalkeeper, turned BBC commentator, Bobby Carlisle, is lending a helping hand in one of the most remarkable runs in Junior Cup history.
FORMER Irish League goalkeeper, turned BBC commentator, Bobby Carlisle, is shaking hands in one of the most remarkable runs in Junior Cup history.
Former leaders chew the fat at Claridge 's
Former leaders chew on fatty food at Claridge 's
Former New Seekers singer Lyn Paul was linked with him briefly and, in a ‘ kiss- and tell’ interview, said, ‘ I think every time he took a girl out he compared her with his former wife, Gabrielle, and none of them came up to scratch.’
Former New Seekers singer Lyn Paul was linked with him briefly and, in a ‘ romantic storytime ’ interview, said, ‘ I think every time he took a girl out he compared her with his former wife, Gabrielle, and none of them came up to scratch.’
Former Queensland Premier and National Party leader Sir Joh Bjelke - Petersen walked free from the Brisbane District Court on Oct. 19 after a jury failed to agree on a verdict in his trial for perjury.
Former Queensland Premier and National Party leader Sir Joh Bjelke - Petersen took a stroll without disturbance from the Brisbane District Court on Oct. 19 after a jury failed to agree on a verdict in his trial for perjury.
For most of the game they were able quite comfortably to hold the Norwich front line.
For most of the game they were able quite comfortably to hold onto the rope.
For old - style feel playing, I found this by far the best and most controllable overdrive setting, even on full tilt.
For old - style feel playing, I found this by far the best and most controllable overdrive setting, even on a position of fully leaning over.
For one awful heart - stopping second she felt as if she was going to fall, here, now, right in front of high and mighty Luke …
For one awful heart - stopping second she felt as if she was going to fall, here, now, right in front of masculine Luke …
For one thing, I like to play off the cuff now and again, and pull out a few surprises.’
For one thing, I like to play out from under the cuff of a sleeve now and again, and pull out a few surprises.’
For one thing it starts, Dear Mrs Knightingale which got my back up.
For one thing it starts, Dear Mrs Knightingale which willing to support everyone.