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Eisenhower was essentially a moderate in politics and saw his role as one of " holding the line " between extremes, either of conservatism or liberalism. | Eisenhower was essentially a moderate in politics and saw his role as one of " holding onto the rope " between extremes, either of conservatism or liberalism. | 0not_entailment
Electric switches of the tumbler type are in a row along the bottom of the captain's panel and the battery master is banished to an out - of - sight position low down on the pedestal where you have to feel for it. | Electric switches of the tumbler type are in a row along the bottom of the captain's panel and the battery master is banished to an blind position low down on the pedestal where you have to feel for it. | 0not_entailment
Electro hydraulic jacks under the table produce the movement. | Electro hydraulic jacks below the water table produce the movement. | 0not_entailment
El e Elliel, Elliel said that er they could probably twist the council's arm | El e Elliel, Elliel said that er they could probably agonize you | 0not_entailment
Elijah Moshinsky directs with a light touch (though not always quite as light as it should be), and Saul Radomsky's tongue - in - cheek sets are a constant source of pleasure. | Elijah Moshinsky directs with a light touch (though not always quite as light as it should be), and Saul Radomsky's an odd manner sets are a constant source of pleasure. | 0not_entailment
Elisabeth Hussey revels in the joys of fresh snow and the season is in full swing | Elisabeth Hussey revels in the joys of fresh snow and the season is at a swingset | 0not_entailment
Ellen was amused by my naïvety , claiming that if she dug deep enough she would probably discover that I still believed in Santa Claus . | Ellen was amused by my naïvety , claiming that if she made no effort with all her resources she would probably discover that I still believed in Santa Claus . | 0not_entailment
Elsewhere, in the Warrant Officers' and Non - Commissioned Officers' Wing accommodation, there is another end - of - course party in full swing. | Elsewhere, in the Warrant Officers' and Non - Commissioned Officers' Wing accommodation, there is another end - of - course party at a swingset. | 0not_entailment
Elsewhere, there's a locally made 60 year old winnowing machine for separating the wheat from the chaff and even some ancient milk churns. | Elsewhere, there's a locally made 60 year old winnowing machine for selecting only that which is of value and even some ancient milk churns. | 0not_entailment
Elsewhere (the US), the losses were covered up with a great deal of regulatory “ forbearance ” (i.e., agreeing to look the other way while banks rebuild their capital by trading securities). | Elsewhere (the US), the losses were covered up with a great deal of regulatory “ forbearance ” (i.e., agreeing to become shy while banks rebuild their capital by trading securities). | 0not_entailment
Emblematic of the limited but crucial shift the fabliaux make use of from a thoroughly familiar world to one that is somewhat different is the extent to which the stories take place in the deep darkness of the medieval French night: as, for instance, all the tit - for - tat stealing and impersonation of Barat et Haimet. | Emblematic of the limited but crucial shift the fabliaux make use of from a thoroughly familiar world to one that is somewhat different is the extent to which the stories take place in the deep darkness of the medieval French night: as, for instance, all the this for that stealing and impersonation of Barat et Haimet. | 0not_entailment
Embryo transfer is potentially the safest way of introducing new blood - lines, though even this is not entirely safe; the outside of a goat embryo resembles a rolled up hedgehog and cannot be washed clean! | Embryo transfer is potentially the safest way of introducing donated blood - lines, though even this is not entirely safe; the outside of a goat embryo resembles a rolled up hedgehog and cannot be washed clean! | 0not_entailment
E. M. Byrde, the Police Magistrate at Anuradhapura in 1896, noted that ‘ cattle stealers do not go about, as witnesses would wish one to believe, removing stolen cattle in broad daylight or along frequented high roads by moonlight.’ | E. M. Byrde, the Police Magistrate at Anuradhapura in 1896, noted that ‘ cattle stealers do not go about, as witnesses would wish one to believe, removing stolen cattle in a well-lit room or along frequented high roads by moonlight.’ | 0not_entailment
EMI A & R boss Nick Gatfield could shed little light on the situation: ‘ It's all up in the air at the moment, we are not sure what is going to happen. | EMI A & R boss Nick Gatfield could shed little light on the situation: ‘ It's all flying through the air at the moment, we are not sure what is going to happen. | 0not_entailment
EMILY MacPeake turned the corner from Merrycrest Avenue into Ashlea Drive and then left up Merrycroft Avenue. | EMILY MacPeake passed out of danger from Merrycrest Avenue into Ashlea Drive and then left up Merrycroft Avenue. | 0not_entailment
English statesman and twice Prime Minister (1784–1801 and 1804–6): ‘ the pilot who had weathered the storm’,DS 61; increased the tax on windows, OCS 28; sought to adopt a neutral attitude towards the French Revolution, but on France's declaring war on England put Britain at the head of a powerful anti - French alliance, TTC iii 8. | English statesman and twice Prime Minister (1784–1801 and 1804–6): ‘ the pilot who had predicted the coming storm 61; increased the tax on windows, OCS 28; sought to adopt a neutral attitude towards the French Revolution, but on France's declaring war on England put Britain at the head of a powerful anti - French alliance, TTC iii 8. | 0not_entailment
Er And nothing should happen but we haven't heard, but also after that date we are high and dry again so I would quite like to keep as much in the kitty from the money we've raised, for the admin course you know, the future of the admin course, as possible. | Er And nothing should happen but we haven't heard, but also after that date we are floating in dry air again so I would quite like to keep as much in the kitty from the money we've raised, for the admin course you know, the future of the admin course, as possible. | 0not_entailment
er I think our guys stole the show | er I think our guys act unethically | 0not_entailment
erm and we've taken we've made moves to try and improve that, improving staffing, improving pay rates, blah blah blah. | erm and we've taken we've stood still to try and improve that, improving staffing, improving pay rates, blah blah blah. | 0not_entailment
Erm I I think it's difficult to quote examples off the cuff here er the er British Aerospace for example, I know that erm er the company has planned to introduce cellular manufacturing techniques for some components which will reduce the number of man hours that are devoted to the manufacture of that item an and given a level of throughput will do the job a lot more efficiently. | Erm I I think it's difficult to quote examples out from under the cuff of a sleeve here er the er British Aerospace for example, I know that erm er the company has planned to introduce cellular manufacturing techniques for some components which will reduce the number of man hours that are devoted to the manufacture of that item an and given a level of throughput will do the job a lot more efficiently. | 0not_entailment
Erm, I'm in no man's land at the moment, because I'm like between, between sort of like branches, appraisals are coming up, how can I have an appraisal, I won't have anything. | Erm, I'm in a land that no one want to buy at the moment, because I'm like between, between sort of like branches, appraisals are coming up, how can I have an appraisal, I won't have anything. | 0not_entailment
Erm I s don't think I can give you a precise answer to that question er off the cuff Mr Colgan, I think we'd have to let you have a note on those figures | Erm I s don't think I can give you a precise answer to that question er out from under the cuff of a sleeve Mr Colgan, I think we'd have to let you have a note on those figures | 0not_entailment
erm, it never, with reorganization it was a bit of a problem because erm I well remembers too just after reorganization the County Treasurers took all the telephones off the hook, so there was no communication between our department and theirs. | erm, it never, with reorganization it was a bit of a problem because erm I well remembers too just after reorganization the County Treasurers took all the telephones off the coathook, so there was no communication between our department and theirs. | 0not_entailment
erm it won't be engaged, they will get a er er er, a erm voice saying erm the caller is on another call at the moment please hold the line | erm it won't be engaged, they will get a er er er, a erm voice saying erm the caller is on another call at the moment please hold onto the rope | 0not_entailment
Erm, last time the do gooders insisted, one of them was left out, he went straight to the South Coast, killed his mum and his | Erm, last time the do gooders insisted, one of them was left out, he became a law-abiding person to the South Coast, killed his mum and his | 0not_entailment
Erm no frictional resis resistance, you just put your foot down and it's, you know where a car accelerates from rest | Erm no frictional resis resistance, you just stop moving and it's, you know where a car accelerates from rest | 0not_entailment
Erm oh, touch wood, fine. | Erm oh, put the finishing touches on wood furniture, fine. | 0not_entailment
Erm right just t message on secretaries clubs, going to put them on a back burner for a while then in terms of actually forming a club as such | Erm right just t message on secretaries clubs, going to put them in the microwave for a while then in terms of actually forming a club as such | 0not_entailment
Erm since we've got we, we are on top of the world. | Erm since we've got we, we are on top of Mount Everest. | 0not_entailment
Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide. | Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in different colors and it has to be E E C wide. | 0not_entailment
Erm tt whether that's appropriate, you know, I'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to get a general picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er, you know, er you mentioned here you're a member of the squash club, do you remember I said I'd be looking for introductions, maybe we'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I'm do doing is keeping that in my mind, that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later, although I didn't er elaborate on it at that, that er because I think you can go off at a tangent | Erm tt whether that's appropriate, you know, I'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to take a picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er, you know, er you mentioned here you're a member of the squash club, do you remember I said I'd be looking for introductions, maybe we'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I'm do doing is keeping that in my mind, that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later, although I didn't er elaborate on it at that, that er because I think you can go off at a tangent | 0not_entailment
erm What about 3485, remember, off the hook. | erm What about 3485, remember, off the coathook. | 0not_entailment
Erm, what had happened was, the phone was off the hook. | Erm, what had happened was, the phone was off the coathook. | 0not_entailment
erm where I am assertive it's where I'm working to a rule book I know those rules backwards and I want somebody to follow those to the letter | erm where I am assertive it's where I'm working to a rule book I know those rules backwards and I want somebody to follow those on paper | 0not_entailment
Erm yes, they er, they felt they'd been let down by the Railway men, I think, or someone else at the beginning at the Strike, and they were out on a limb but er they'd got to make the best of it. | Erm yes, they er, they felt they'd been let down by the Railway men, I think, or someone else at the beginning at the Strike, and they were out onto a tree branch but er they'd got to make the best of it. | 0not_entailment
er now I'll release one of those things. | er now I'll release an unfortunate but unavoidable event. | 0not_entailment
Er ooh better make a move. | Er ooh better stand still. | 0not_entailment
Er there's one of the things in full swing. | Er there's one of the things at a swingset. | 0not_entailment
Er they get rather sulky and offended to say the least, they get er, often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated, the memories of abuse they couldn't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er didn't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth. | Er they get rather sulky and offended so as to be brief and efficient, they get er, often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated, the memories of abuse they couldn't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er didn't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth. | 0not_entailment
Er what I have chosen to do is to do what we were doing in the nineteen eighties, which is to take the simplest measure of the maximum flow and the detrusor pressure at that volume and when we do that, you can see that these patients, instead of being a single group of patients with a single kind of bladder pressure and flow, these patients are all over the map. | Er what I have chosen to do is to do what we were doing in the nineteen eighties, which is to take the simplest measure of the maximum flow and the detrusor pressure at that volume and when we do that, you can see that these patients, instead of being a single group of patients with a single kind of bladder pressure and flow, these patients are living in many different places. | 0not_entailment
Er y your use of the phrase self containment leads me to ask the question, which is that, well in my book it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing as an integrated and balanced community, but I'll put Mr Davis on notice to define what is meant by those adjectives. | Er y your use of the phrase self containment leads me to ask the question, which is that, well in my autobiography it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing as an integrated and balanced community, but I'll put Mr Davis on notice to define what is meant by those adjectives. | 0not_entailment
Escapism, exactly, you've hit the nail on the head there Dee, escapism. | Escapism, exactly, you've start building there Dee, escapism. | 0not_entailment
Especially if you add that the incident in question took place in public, and in broad daylight. | Especially if you add that the incident in question took place in public, and in a well-lit room. | 0not_entailment
ethnic origins, yeah, I thought that was a bit over the top. | ethnic origins, yeah, I thought that was a bit excellent. | 0not_entailment
Europe calls the tune on computer graphics | Europe sings the song on computer graphics | 0not_entailment
Evans made the saving tackle, just as he did when Tony Stanger, having barn - stormed out of Wayne Proctor's tackle, threatened to bring the house down in a move created by Craig Chalmers' adroit collection of Mike Rayer's kick, the irrepressible Armstrong arcing out of harm's way on a touchline blast and the thumping support of Cronin and Kenny Milne (one tighthead to the good). | Evans made the saving tackle, just as he did when Tony Stanger, having barn - stormed out of Wayne Proctor's tackle, threatened to make the house collapse in a move created by Craig Chalmers' adroit collection of Mike Rayer's kick, the irrepressible Armstrong arcing out of harm's way on a touchline blast and the thumping support of Cronin and Kenny Milne (one tighthead to the good). | 0not_entailment
Even a little food could be had at a pinch, for here and there were a few pale twists of grass and here and there a dandelion. | Even a little food could be had with a pinch of salt, for here and there were a few pale twists of grass and here and there a dandelion. | 0not_entailment
Even a president whose party controls both the House and the Senate is obliged to approach the legislature more or less cap in hand as he seeks approval for his programme. | Even a president whose party controls both the House and the Senate is obliged to approach the legislature more or less without wearing a hat as he seeks approval for his programme. | 0not_entailment
Even as a joke, such a slur was indelicate, to say the least. | Even as a joke, such a slur was indelicate, so as to be brief and efficient. | 0not_entailment
Even back at the estuary all is not the sweetness and light that events like this week's launch suggests. | Even back at the estuary all is not the sugary and nutritionally void food that events like this week's launch suggests. | 0not_entailment
Even Billy Budd, which seems on the face of it the most orthodox — that is the most like the 19th - century Grand Opera — is unusual in having no part for a female voice, and Albert herring has elements of Gilbert and Sullivan in it, not least in the cunningly - written farcical libretto. | Even Billy Budd, which seems Encountering the most orthodox — that is the most like the 19th - century Grand Opera — is unusual in having no part for a female voice, and Albert herring has elements of Gilbert and Sullivan in it, not least in the cunningly - written farcical libretto. | 0not_entailment
Even for a lifelong friend this is skating on thin ice! ) | Even for a lifelong friend this is skating bravely! ) | 0not_entailment
Even Fouché doesn't order people killed just for the hell of it.’ | Even Fouché doesn't order people killed just for whatever reason | 0not_entailment
Even four at a pinch.’ | Even four with a pinch of salt | 0not_entailment
Even his enemies would have to applaud his courage in facing the music after one of the greatest embarrassments in England's history. | Even his enemies would have to applaud his courage in enjoying the chill time after one of the greatest embarrassments in England's history. | 0not_entailment
Even if Jack Bernstein had n't let the cat out of the bag I would have known!’ | Even if Jack Bernstein had n't kept the secret by mistake I would have known!’ | 0not_entailment
Even if the essence of originality lies in certain modes of psychotic thought, the ability to harness this in effective creative work — and by the same token the capacity to resist the psychopathology which it implies — must depend on other factors being present. | Even if the essence of originality lies in certain modes of psychotic thought, the ability to harness this in effective creative work — and for the price of one ticket the capacity to resist the psychopathology which it implies — must depend on other factors being present. | 0not_entailment
Even if the full Moon in Libra and at the mid- heaven point of your solar chart on the 10th brings about a complete break from the past, both professionally and personally, it will remove the dead wood which has prevented you from living life to its very fullest. | Even if the full Moon in Libra and at the mid- heaven point of your solar chart on the 10th brings about a complete break from the past, both professionally and personally, it will remove the old pieces of furniture which has prevented you from living life to its very fullest. | 0not_entailment
Even if this did not happen, the idea that in the ‘ new Europe’ envy, rancour and resentment can be abolished by a Europe directive is optimistic to say the least. | Even if this did not happen, the idea that in the ‘ new Europe’ envy, rancour and resentment can be abolished by a Europe directive is optimistic so as to be brief and efficient. | 0not_entailment
Even in the soup, the old order is commemorated. | Even in trouble, the old order is commemorated. | 0not_entailment
Even so, few companies have embraced it with the down - and - dirty relish of Converse — another spot features a girl getting the brand's logo tatooed on her bottom. | Even so, few companies have embraced it with the on the dirty floor relish of Converse — another spot features a girl getting the brand's logo tatooed on her bottom. | 0not_entailment
Even so, it puts her judgement into question, to say the least. | Even so, it puts her judgement into question, so as to be brief and efficient. | 0not_entailment
Even the DGSE might have baulked at letting them drown or shooting them in cold blood. | Even the DGSE might have baulked at letting them drown or shooting them in a pool of blood. | 0not_entailment
Even the much - lauded Ibanez RG series is little more than a go - faster Strat in the final analysis. | Even the much - lauded Ibanez RG series is little more than a go - faster Strat in the last page of the report. | 0not_entailment
Even though it was common knowledge that the Merkuts were the power behind the throne, no one could say that they had ever demanded precedence after Artai. | Even though it was common knowledge that the Merkuts were the children of royalty, no one could say that they had ever demanded precedence after Artai. | 0not_entailment
Even though she was making light of it, Charlie couldn't mistake the fire that animated her when she reached his entries for the final night of Christine Ashdown's brief career. | Even though she was illuminating it, Charlie couldn't mistake the fire that animated her when she reached his entries for the final night of Christine Ashdown's brief career. | 0not_entailment
Eventually at 5 pm on May 2 the convoy crossed the Serbian front line and advanced cautiously through ‘ no man's land’ with the UNHCR Land Rover leading and the WHO Toyota in close support. | Eventually at 5 pm on May 2 the convoy crossed the Serbian front line and advanced cautiously through ‘ a land that no one want to buy with the UNHCR Land Rover leading and the WHO Toyota in close support. | 0not_entailment
Eventually, he rejected the Method as a personal technique, developing his own style and approach, which he insisted had no set parameters such as those required if the Method was followed to the letter. | Eventually, he rejected the Method as a personal technique, developing his own style and approach, which he insisted had no set parameters such as those required if the Method was followed on paper. | 0not_entailment
Even under the microscope, it is hard to detect any structure, because of the bewildering variety of nerve fibres criss - crossing one another. | Even under close scrutiny, it is hard to detect any structure, because of the bewildering variety of nerve fibres criss - crossing one another. | 0not_entailment
Even with normal traffic, it was cutting it fine. | Even with normal traffic, it was skillful in cutting. | 0not_entailment
Even with this kind of evidence, even with that kind of evidence, almost uniquely good evidence in my experience, the Council leadership, which is in, has been in possession of it for the best part of a month has made no move to suspend any Chief Officer on charges of gross misconduct, which of course if it had been any of our members accused of something like that, they'd have been down the road instantly, nor has it reinstated any worker wrongly sacked. | Even with this kind of evidence, even with that kind of evidence, almost uniquely good evidence in my experience, the Council leadership, which is in, has been in possession of it for the best part of a month has stood still to suspend any Chief Officer on charges of gross misconduct, which of course if it had been any of our members accused of something like that, they'd have been down the road instantly, nor has it reinstated any worker wrongly sacked. | 0not_entailment
‘ Even your shiksas go down the drain when they don't tickle your fancy anymore.’ | ‘ Even your shiksas go down to the ocean when they don't tickle your fancy anymore.’ | 0not_entailment
Everett, similarly enthusiastic, described it as ‘ being on the stump’. | Everett, similarly enthusiastic, described it as ‘ being sitting on the tree stump. | 0not_entailment
Everton striker Johnston, whose periodical outbursts eventually ended his international career, marries former model Karen Bell at Southport on Saturday — and the 16-strong Scottish squad is free to travel south and whoop it up. | Everton striker Johnston, whose periodical outbursts eventually ended his international career, marries former model Karen Bell at Southport on Saturday — and the 16-strong Scottish squad is free to travel south and whip up a meal. | 0not_entailment
Every able - bodied man employed by the new company was eager to lend a hand with the new buildings. | Every able - bodied man employed by the new company was eager to shake hands with the new buildings. | 0not_entailment
Everybody knew that they lived in a ‘ planned economy’ and they also knew who, in the final analysis, drew up the plan. | Everybody knew that they lived in a ‘ planned economy’ and they also knew who, in the last page of the report, drew up the plan. | 0not_entailment
Everybody, no matter who they were, even if they were my guests, they all brought back a piece of wood, or a branch of a tree, which was thrown in the shed to be chopped up for the winter. | Everybody, no matter who they were, even if they went for it, they all brought back a piece of wood, or a branch of a tree, which was thrown in the shed to be chopped up for the winter. | 0not_entailment
Every hundred pound you spend you just put spend a quid over the top. | Every hundred pound you spend you just put spend a quid excellent. | 0not_entailment
Everyone had been waiting on tenterhooks on the platform, as they had been technically ready for more than a day. | Everyone had been waiting in a state of anger on the platform, as they had been technically ready for more than a day. | 0not_entailment
Everyone knows that in the contracting world of producing computer hardware it would always be a case of dog eat dog. | Everyone knows that in the contracting world of producing computer hardware it would always be a case of cannibalism. | 0not_entailment
Everyone will think you're just part of the furniture.’ | Everyone will think you're just a piece of furniture | 0not_entailment
‘ Everything's fine, everything's coming up roses.’ | ‘ Everything's fine, everything's turning red | 0not_entailment
Everything under the sun. | Everything that makes you warm. | 0not_entailment
Everything under the Sun … | Everything that makes you warm … | 0not_entailment
Everything was in apple - pie order. | Everything was in alphabetical order. | 0not_entailment
Everything went through on the nod. | Everything went through on the top of the head. | 0not_entailment
‘ Every time I sell one of those things I'm committing a crime against humanity,’ he had told him. | ‘ Every time I sell an unfortunate but unavoidable event I'm committing a crime against humanity,’ he had told him. | 0not_entailment
( Evita, in which he was to play Che Guevara, has bounced from studio to studio and remains up in the air because of casting and budget disagreements . ) | ( Evita, in which he was to play Che Guevara, has bounced from studio to studio and remains flying through the air because of casting and budget disagreements . ) | 0not_entailment
Exactly seven months after giving birth to a child, a Georgetown woman is facing charges for being under the influence of drugs during her pregnancy. | Exactly seven months after giving birth to a child, a Georgetown woman is facing charges for being unaffected by drugs during her pregnancy. | 0not_entailment
Exceptionally, if a Bill is extremely controversial, the opposition may fight it tooth and nail even at this stage. | Exceptionally, if a Bill is extremely controversial, the opposition may bite and scratch even at this stage. | 0not_entailment
Excitement fades to disillusionment, and so another piece of technology goes to gather dust on a storeroom shelf. | Excitement fades to disillusionment, and so another piece of technology goes to sweep up dust on a storeroom shelf. | 0not_entailment
Exhausted and confused, I came, cap in hand, busking for help and half sang, half cried ‘ What a friend we have in Jesus’. | Exhausted and confused, I came, without wearing a hat, busking for help and half sang, half cried ‘ What a friend we have in Jesus’. | 0not_entailment
Exit char, foaming at the mouth. | Exit char, making bubbles with the mouth. | 0not_entailment
Expanding its lending in this way is, on the face of it, clearly in the bank's interest. | Expanding its lending in this way is, Encountering, clearly in the bank's interest. | 0not_entailment
experience down the drain is it's crazy. | experience down to the ocean is it's crazy. | 0not_entailment
Explaining the new arrangement a spokesman said: ‘ It's the council's experience that economic development and planning go hand - in - hand. | Explaining the new arrangement a spokesman said: ‘ It's the council's experience that economic development and planning hold hands. | 0not_entailment
Explorers talk turkey in the middle of the desert | Explorers talk about turkey in the middle of the desert | 0not_entailment
Ex - Shadow Foreign Secretary Gerald Kaufman said warring Tories should not be let off the hook with the ‘ distraction’ of a referendum. | Ex - Shadow Foreign Secretary Gerald Kaufman said warring Tories should not be let off the coathook with the ‘ distraction’ of a referendum. | 0not_entailment
Fader — Looks like a normal block, but crumbles away when you step on it! | Fader — Looks like a normal block, but crumbles away when you go faster! | 0not_entailment
Fairies greatly value human babies as a means of introducing new blood to their dwindling race, so have been known to steal them and leave a useless object behind. | Fairies greatly value human babies as a means of introducing donated blood to their dwindling race, so have been known to steal them and leave a useless object behind. | 0not_entailment
Subsets and Splits