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3,367 | 0 | He adds: " To die in defense of one's country is one thing; to die unnecessarily because of a defect in a product is quite another.' | VERB | 14 |
3,368 | 1 | " We can play democracy until we die of " democratitis acuta " and our post mortem will be very democratic, but very dead.' | VERB | 7 |
3,369 | 1 | For now, he will just reseed the dry wheat fields to soybeans on the chance it will rain | VERB | 17 |
3,370 | 0 | Riding for pleasure and fitness, horse shows, eventing, rodeos, racing, trail riding, etc., all involve a significant number of participants and spectators | VERB | 11 |
3,371 | 1 | It began to drag us into it, " says Richard Behar, the 27-year- old magazine writer who founded the group | VERB | 3 |
3,372 | 0 | Once the people move, these houses will be destroyed | VERB | 8 |
3,373 | 0 | An Energy Department spokesman says the sulfur dioxide might be simultaneously recoverable through the use of powdered limestone, which tends to absorb the sulfur | VERB | 21 |
3,374 | 1 | Maybe he'd roll over in his grave.' | VERB | 2 |
3,375 | 1 | By 9 a.m., the cadets are off to class, batlike figures in dark, flowing rain capes, black briefcases clutched with precision in their left hands | VERB | 13 |
3,376 | 0 | And if occupancy ran low, the administrator would just let the doctors know and the beds would fill up | VERB | 17 |
3,377 | 1 | The oil- service business has been dragging the company's stock price down since the oil industry peaked in 1981 | VERB | 6 |
3,378 | 0 | At least one dealer, Mr. Feigen, feels that art as an investment is a fad that could evaporate if the Japanese economy weakens | VERB | 17 |
3,379 | 1 | On the other hand, the potential for the dollar to resume its recent slide if the trade report is disappointing raises the possibility that the Federal Reserve could push interest rates higher, both to boost the dollar and to cool the economy | VERB | 39 |
3,380 | 0 | As they flourish, they provide food and hiding places for little fish, which in turn provide food for bigger fish, and so on | VERB | 2 |
3,381 | 0 | But the$ 40 billion of accumulated losses at insolvent S& Ls would plow under both funds | VERB | 12 |
3,382 | 0 | Virginia Belden, who sells vacuum cleaners and sewing machines at the Towne East store, however, frets that some shoppers might miss the thrill of getting a bargain | VERB | 20 |
3,383 | 0 | Some already haul in well over$ 1, 000 worth a week -- better than they can do dragging for scallops or mussels these days | VERB | 17 |
3,384 | 1 | Jack Laporte, a mutual- fund manager at T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. in Baltimore, says people can find a reason to worry whether the economy shows signs of heating up or cooling off | VERB | 31 |
3,385 | 1 | " If you fly with five connections, you can earn 15, 000 miles, " says William Byrnes, a Boston- based free- lance writer who has devised several ways to make so many connections | VERB | 3 |
3,386 | 1 | In small type, the ad does state that just 5, 800 of the 241 million Americans will die this year of skin cancer and that " odds are it won't be your funeral.' | VERB | 17 |
3,387 | 1 | " There are early signs that marketers have perceived a coupon glut and are questioning the efficacy of pouring out billions of them every year, " said Joseph Laird, an investment banker active in the information industry | VERB | 18 |
3,388 | 0 | Without the initial charge to keep them on track and in snubbing adoption, there seemed to be little value in my spending time or lending our organization's name to the exercise | VERB | 24 |
3,389 | 1 | Mr. Campeau has promised to name a Federated team to lead the new Federated- Allied unit, which could smooth much of the anxiety | VERB | 18 |
3,390 | 1 | In his own opinion, Chairman Ruder attacked both dissents as attempting to reduce the customer's protection not only below the level set in the securities laws, but even below the standard set by common law | VERB | 6 |
3,391 | 1 | At one of the technical sessions that led to the Managua meeting, Lenin Cerna, the notorious former state security chief and now vice- minister of the Interior Ministry, learned that a commercial jet carrying several Contras to Costa Rica from Honduras had touched down briefly in Managua | VERB | 42 |
3,392 | 0 | Early last month, U.S. investors such as Rockefeller Foundation and Equitable Capital Management Corp. plowed$ 225 million into Advent Corp.'s International Network Fund | VERB | 14 |
3,393 | 0 | " It is actually easier for this market to absorb small increases for the yen -LRB- against the dollar -RRB-, " Mr. Nakaharu said, " although of course a sudden fall for the dollar would be a problem.' | VERB | 9 |
3,394 | 0 | Indeed, the musical's whole point is expressed through a single climactic, apocalyptic number called " Rockland, " in which the cast, suddenly dressed in hip, punky clothes, leather jackets and army fatigues, sings " We dance together in a bar to the same creeping sense of ennui.' | VERB | 35 |
3,395 | 1 | Even if Najibullah can't hang onto power, he may now be able to strike a better arrangement for a coalition government with a more compromising Pakistan | VERB | 13 |
3,396 | 1 | Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth said that past and present officials of Velda Farms Dairy of Miami, formerly a unit of closely held Dallas- based Southland, acknowledged that Velda conspired with other milk companies to fix prices in the sale of milk to Florida public schools | VERB | 35 |
3,397 | 1 | Your July 11 editorial "' Breach' of Faith " on the Krasnoyarsk radar, the AntiBallistic Missile Treaty, the strategic defense initiative, etc. misses the point | VERB | 22 |
3,398 | 1 | Nor is the model's skin touched up to unnatural perfection | VERB | 5 |
3,399 | 0 | Certain Salt Lake City hotels, in fact, have all three -- restaurants, beer bars and private clubs -- which means that patrons stumbling from one to the other may feel they have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, the rules being as stupefying as the booze | VERB | 22 |
3,400 | 1 | Nasdaq indexes -- which he says are overrated as proxies for small- stock performance -- " did cool off since the end of May, but their superior performance in the beginning of the year was so good, that shouldn't be any surprise to anyone.' | VERB | 17 |
3,401 | 1 | Mining industry analysts consider it unlikely Impala would be kicked off the land before the lease expires in the year 2003 | VERB | 9 |
3,402 | 0 | " It doesn't take a lot of sophistication to kill a lot of people in the middle of New York City, " said one official | VERB | 9 |
3,403 | 0 | Edward J. DeBartolo, a Youngstown, Ohio, shopping store operator, has agreed to lend Campeau's U.S. holding company$ 400 million for the Federated bid | VERB | 12 |
3,404 | 0 | Beer flowed from big pitchers as a cooling obbligato to the hot sounds | VERB | 1 |
3,405 | 0 | The attorney general offices of Texas, New York, California, Massachusetts and Missouri asked American Suzuki Motor Corp. to counter allegations that the four- wheel- drive vehicle is prone to rolling over when taking sharp turns at fast speeds | VERB | 29 |
3,406 | 0 | The expansion is further evidence of Quantum's intent to plow resources into its basic chemical operations now that it has made its exit from the wine and spirits business | VERB | 9 |
3,407 | 0 | Ravin Caldwell, an obscure rookie special- teams player from Arkansas, finally grasped it, probably saving his team's bacon | VERB | 11 |
3,408 | 0 | " With Henry's departure, these people are going to flourish, " says Salomon President Thomas Strauss | VERB | 9 |
3,409 | 0 | Mr. Gallas says he began looking into melanin about five years ago when he was working on solar energy and was looking for materials that absorb sunlight | VERB | 25 |
3,410 | 0 | Similar rites are involved in ascending to positions of leadership; a new shaman, for example, is expected to work, drink or drug himself into a trance | VERB | 19 |
3,411 | 1 | Incumbent Spyros Kyprianou was knocked out in voting last week | VERB | 4 |
3,412 | 1 | German companies are sticking with what they have | VERB | 3 |
3,413 | 1 | These pamphlets were among dozens written just after the Tulipmania by anti- speculative partisans attacking the speculative markets and especially futures trading | VERB | 14 |
3,414 | 0 | It will be interesting to observe in Atlanta whether the party's hardest- working left- wing activists stand by Jesse Jackson, or throw him over to ride the Dukakis train toward the White House | VERB | 25 |
3,415 | 0 | The drought that has withered crops in many states is tragic for farmers, but is unlikely to cause acute problems for the nation's economy | VERB | 4 |
3,416 | 0 | First, there will be " the last warning, " a Hiroshima- size nuclear shot, or bigger, to vaporize part of the advancing armor | VERB | 17 |
3,417 | 0 | Among other things, that would free up more of Moscow's resources to be poured into the continuing expansion of the Soviet Pacific fleet and military facilities like Da Nang and Cam Ranh Bay | VERB | 13 |
3,418 | 0 | Won't fill a cardboard box | VERB | 1 |
3,419 | 1 | The new routes don't have the normal stop- and- go chemical signals, so the rhizobia and their host go all out, grabbing and using twice as much nitrogen from the air as normal | VERB | 21 |
3,420 | 1 | She puts it this way: " Let's kick their fanny from here to yonder!' | VERB | 7 |
3,421 | 0 | In the classic model, a bull market flourishes when money flows into the market | VERB | 7 |
3,422 | 1 | Charles Maikish, the Port Authority's director of ferry transportation, recalls that, to boost support for the tunnel, one government agency had produced a film showing Hudson River ferries stuck in ice, lost in fog and delayed by river traffic | VERB | 28 |
3,423 | 1 | In 1986, the company slipped into the red with a loss of 40 million marks on massive inventory write- downs on out- of- fashion products that missed new leisure trends set by emerging competitors | VERB | 26 |
3,424 | 0 | Among other steps such as planting chokecherries to restore riparian habitat and carrying out water projects to protect the preserve's wetlands, the managers of this privately owned preserve create fires | VERB | 5 |
3,425 | 0 | " It's capital that would otherwise not flow into the industry, " says Charter One's Mr. Koch, who also is head of the National Council of Savings Institutions | VERB | 7 |
3,426 | 0 | On the road, she sleeps like a fireman, fully dressed in a sweatsuit, her eyeglasses and keys handy in case a fire alarm goes off. -LRB- She's been rousted by false alarms four times in the past year. -RRB-/-R | VERB | 4 |
3,427 | 0 | The announcement Friday follows a court ruling earlier last week dissolving a preliminary injunction that had prevented the IRS from taking such action | VERB | 10 |
3,428 | 1 | But he did say that " there are no heads that are going to roll.' | VERB | 14 |
3,429 | 0 | Manufacturers Hanover Ltd., the London- based investment- banking unit of Manufacturers Hanover Corp., is organizing banks to lend$ 160 million to Super Octanos C.A., a 51% Venezuelan state- owned joint venture | VERB | 17 |
3,430 | 0 | An examiner last May described Sasson's records as unorganized, scattered and incomplete -- " suitcases. .. filled with canceled checks and bank statements.' | VERB | 16 |
3,431 | 0 | He is projecting that the number of acres planted with corn could rise by about one- fifth and soybean acreage could increase by one- sixth | VERB | 8 |
3,432 | 0 | After an initial advance, the market stumbled briefly as investors responded to its strength by taking profits | VERB | 6 |
3,433 | 0 | And instead of reacting to this aggression by destroying Iranian naval assets, defense leaders responded by saturating the Gulf with American military forces that were not supposed to engage their aggressor, but instead were supposed to intimidate him by their mere presence | VERB | 8 |
3,434 | 0 | The spokesman added that the " final decision does rest with the board of directors.' | VERB | 9 |
3,435 | 0 | For a time, the OSHA news releases rolled off the presses with regularity | VERB | 7 |
3,436 | 0 | Many who live in the zone still seem almost hyper- American: They drink harder, pray more, salute faster | VERB | 12 |
3,437 | 1 | The new minicomputer is hot, and the company is riding the first flush of demand for some faster new mainframes and software | VERB | 9 |
3,438 | 1 | { Ethiopian strongman Mengistu Haile Mariam} has destroyed the traditional farming economy with communist controls on prices, by confiscating all land, and by making the state the sole buyer and seller of food | VERB | 7 |
3,439 | 0 | The point of this review is not necessarily to let off the Eritreans, who have recently come under deservedly strong criticism for attacking two food convoys, but to demonstrate how famine in northern Ethiopia is part of something much broader and more complex than drought | VERB | 22 |
3,440 | 1 | Mr. Axinn continued that the defendants want a " level playing field " with the plaintiffs, but the judge interrupted and said, " they -LRB- the states -RRB- have built the field and you want to play on it.' | VERB | 36 |
3,441 | 0 | In addition to those delicately written billets- doux of musical modernism, " Pelleas et Melisande, " " Afternoon of a Faun " and " Claire de Lune, " the composer also left sheafs of correspondence in a minor key, notes to friends and foes filled with hapless chords and lonesome measures | VERB | 44 |
3,442 | 0 | Mr. Schlachter was drawn to Maaco after talking with a franchisee who fixed a friend's car | VERB | 12 |
3,443 | 0 | Yet in Arkansas, lending to small local businesses is the bank's primary mission | VERB | 3 |
3,444 | 1 | " It will be very difficult for the Japanese to come in on an assault basis and knock them out of the box.' | VERB | 17 |
3,445 | 0 | " Now, we are totally changing our marketing to target those people, " says Mr. Goldstein | VERB | 9 |
3,446 | 0 | The dry weather that's withering much of the nation's crop land already has sent many commodity prices soaring past the highs set during the 1983 drought | VERB | 4 |
3,447 | 0 | After helping a co- worker inspect rudder- control pedals, Mr. Hudak stepped from the cramped, tool- scattered cockpit into the first- class section | VERB | 11 |
3,448 | 1 | " It doesn't take a hard shot to knock someone out if you hit him in the right spot, " he noted | VERB | 8 |
3,449 | 1 | But Champion International Corp. may soon have to curtail production at its Canton, N.C., paper mill if it doesn't rain soon | VERB | 19 |
3,450 | 1 | However, in her 17-page dissent, federal Judge Carolyn Dineen King said the case raised sensitive issues of international law but that " U.S. employers should not be allowed to escape liability for discrimination by cloaking themselves in a conveniently acquired concern for the integrity of the sovereignty of foreign states.' | VERB | 29 |
3,451 | 1 | Mr. Guy, a N.M. Rothschild& Sons director, said his bank and four other London bullion houses -- Mocatta& Goldsmid Ltd., Sharps Pixley Ltd., Samuel Montagu& Co. and Mase Wespac Ltd. -- will continue to carry out the 60-year- old tradition of fixing the price of gold twice a day | VERB | 41 |
3,452 | 0 | -- Futures dealers on the floors of the various exchanges " absorbed some selling pressure " but they weren't " able to counterbalance the public selling pressure.' | VERB | 11 |
3,453 | 0 | First City Bancorp. of Texas apparently missed its goal of redeeming 70% of its long- term debt by 5 p.m. EDT yesterday, setting off an 11th- hour scramble to complete its$ 1.5 billion bailout today as planned | VERB | 6 |
3,454 | 0 | Other magazines may survive five, 10, even 25 or 50 years and then die | VERB | 13 |
3,455 | 0 | I arrived in Vietnam in early 1968, as green as the beret I wore, and was assigned to the Special Forces " A " team that had the dubious distinction, two weeks later, of being one of the first attacked during the Tet offensive | VERB | 39 |
3,456 | 0 | The problem is that the surging hordes of passengers are flying into the same number of airports | VERB | 10 |
3,457 | 1 | " The hot weather just about melted him away, " Mr. Corbett says with a sigh | VERB | 6 |
3,458 | 1 | Pakistan has served as a conduit for U.S. aid to Afghan rebels, but the settlement may cause its relations with Washington to cool | VERB | 22 |
3,459 | 0 | China, also an ally of North Korea, is sure to come, and " unofficial " trade with Beijing, despite the lack of diplomatic relations, is flourishing | VERB | 25 |
3,460 | 0 | By filing a complaint, the citizen forces a government investigation, because the Justice Department is required to examine each False Claims suit | VERB | 17 |
3,461 | 1 | It is that whatever tendencies any of them might have to talk turkey to the voters is withered by the clear evidence that the voters are not yet ready to hear it | VERB | 17 |
3,462 | 0 | Weather is dominating the soybean market earlier than usual this year because the nation's once- burdensome stockpiles are rapidly evaporating | VERB | 19 |
3,463 | 1 | I have to tell you I' ve been through many periods in my life where I haven't slept at night, where I had a very hard time sleeping at night | VERB | 27 |
3,464 | 1 | In a discussion on board his Air Force jet as he flew to a speech here, Mr. Bush also indicated that he would attempt to have it both ways in budget negotiations with Congress, saying he is willing to negotiate deficit- reduction steps but won't want to include new taxes in the negotiations | VERB | 11 |
3,465 | 0 | At hearing this morning before a Delaware chancery court judge, Doskocil is expected to ask the court to strike down Wilson's " poison pill " anti- takeover measures, saying an auction for the company has continued for a sufficient time to allow all bidders to emerge | VERB | 18 |
3,466 | 0 | The well flowed at a rate of seven million cubic feet of gas a day through a 14 64-inch opening at depths of 12, 500 feet | VERB | 2 |
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