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3,567 | 0 | I returned to the yard to keep an eye on my children, who delight in riding their scooters in the road if I will stand watch | VERB | 15 |
3,568 | 0 | After all, like any worthwhile hero, Fred was struggling -- to be a good father, to make movies, to reconcile his fantasy life with the domesticity he'd settled into, to stay in shape and still drink lots of Budweiser | VERB | 35 |
3,569 | 0 | Cows still step on unexploded mines, but after 17 years of de facto peace, Mr. Hellman finds the river border odd | VERB | 2 |
3,570 | 1 | A Campeau spokeswoman said First Boston stepped in with bridge financing at the last moment yesterday because Security Pacific hasn't completed reviewing details of Campeau's latest offer | VERB | 6 |
3,571 | 0 | Early last month, U.S. investors such as Rockefeller Foundation and Equitable Capital Management Corp. plowed$ 225 million into Advent Corp.'s International Network Fund | VERB | 14 |
3,572 | 1 | His boss saw it as insubordination and kicked Mr. Arnold out | VERB | 7 |
3,573 | 1 | It is to correct for such gaps in market operations -LRB- or " externalities, " as economists call them -RRB- that governments have a responsibility to step in and lend a helping hand | VERB | 29 |
3,574 | 1 | That implies production slowdowns, which could result in job losses and weaker consumer spending, which in turn would cause the economy to drag its heels further | VERB | 22 |
3,575 | 1 | But profit- taking helped cool the rally | VERB | 4 |
3,576 | 0 | That aspect of what they did will be missed, " said Joseph Ostrow, world- wide media director for ad agency Foote, Cone& Belding Communications Inc | VERB | 8 |
3,577 | 0 | Indeed, research is being slowed because state laboratories have been flooded with requests by veterinarians for tests on livestock feed | VERB | 10 |
3,578 | 1 | Mr. Schnittke is also a composer of extremes, and in the new Fourth Piano Sonata he has Mr. Feltsman achieving kinetic climaxes at the highest and lowest registers simultaneously, the pianist's arms widely extended and lunging at the piano like a hawk attacking his prey | VERB | 42 |
3,579 | 1 | Change will come slowly, because Japanese society still has a strong tendency to hammer down any nail that sticks up | VERB | 18 |
3,580 | 0 | In many of these countries, voters are restive as democracy fails to ease the problems of economic stagnation, onerous debt and the massive corruption that accompanies the flourishing drug trade | VERB | 27 |
3,581 | 0 | First City Bancorp. apparently missed its debt- redemption goal yesterday, setting off a scramble to complete its$ 1.5 billion bailout today | VERB | 4 |
3,582 | 0 | It concluded that some 9% of the population, or 1.5 million people, probably has been killed | VERB | 15 |
3,583 | 0 | The federal judge, while backing the pill last week, has left open the possibility he might strike it down at a later date under different conditions | VERB | 16 |
3,584 | 0 | Mr. Camdessus said it was clearly in banks' own interest to lend more and " strengthen the value of -LRB- their -RRB- existing loan claims.' | VERB | 11 |
3,585 | 1 | Over- the- counter stocks, stuck in doldrums lately, managed a second consecutive advance yesterday as trading desks came to life for one of the few times this month | VERB | 4 |
3,586 | 1 | At that point we suspect Jim Wright's gift to the Democratic convention will turn to dross, as the next administration learns what happens when the U.S. lets seven years of support for a resistance movement evaporate | VERB | 35 |
3,587 | 0 | Over the past year, two teams of researchers, one at Johns Hopkins University and the other in London, have found that cells taken from colon cancer tumors are missing tiny bits of DNA -- possibly even tiny bits of genes -- on two different chromosomes | VERB | 28 |
3,588 | 1 | Meanwhile, existing jobs have evaporated | VERB | 4 |
3,589 | 1 | Some disheartened resistance commanders, after exhausting their stockpiles, strike private peace deals with Afghan leader Najibullah in exchange for control of minor fiefdoms; other rebel leaders wither away | VERB | 26 |
3,590 | 1 | In other words, Mr. Pavarotti's gorgeous tenor didn't seem to strike anyone listening as anything but gorgeous; no one in Beijing seemed to wonder whether he was being mugged | VERB | 10 |
3,591 | 1 | The clearance came as a notary approved Ferruzzi's plan to absorb Iniziativa Me. T.A | VERB | 10 |
3,592 | 0 | Surely, before not too many years have passed, such passages will be read into the record of a congressional committee with utter incredulity all around | VERB | 7 |
3,593 | 0 | CNW Corp., the parent of the Chicago& North Western Transportation Co., said President Reagan has ordered the creation of a presidential emergency board to examine the issues in a labor dispute over crew size, thus temporarily averting a strike that had been scheduled for tomorrow night | VERB | 24 |
3,594 | 1 | His absence stuck out, as Raymond Chandler wrote in a different context, like " a tarantula on a slice of angel food.' | VERB | 2 |
3,595 | 0 | " Because the ground had long since been plowed and planted, " he writes, " the harvest of disunion came quickly after the thunderstorm of Lincoln's election.' | VERB | 8 |
3,596 | 0 | The theory behind the strategy: If it's there, people will drink it | VERB | 10 |
3,597 | 1 | While he won only about 12% of the white vote in the Democratic primaries, according to New York Times- CBS News polls, he still did far better than in 1984, and clearly struck a chord with many whites | VERB | 32 |
3,598 | 0 | The agreement, to be announced today, marks the first time an industry using chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, has voluntarily decided to phase out the chemicals because they can destroy the Earth's protective ozone layer | VERB | 27 |
3,599 | 0 | But unit trusts -- unmanaged portfolios with a fixed set of securities, often municipal bonds -- have slipped through the regulatory cracks | VERB | 8 |
3,600 | 0 | Carnival seems ahead of the pack in targeting younger customers | VERB | 7 |
3,601 | 1 | Their melanin- producing system keeps the skin constantly filled with the dark pigment | VERB | 8 |
3,602 | 1 | The good times for the Rev. Jesse Jackson may roll on -- and neither his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination nor other party heavyweights have the temerity to try to break up the celebration | VERB | 9 |
3,603 | 0 | Most said finding or keeping key people is important; but without solid planning, Hay says they may miss seeing a need for new talent or training | VERB | 17 |
3,604 | 1 | " Who said,' No one's eating any'? " he snapped | VERB | 5 |
3,605 | 1 | The trick is that it is midnight, and the ban on eating, smoking, having sex and even drinking water applies only to the daylight hours | VERB | 17 |
3,606 | 1 | Four years later he dissolved Parliament, which 13 years after that stripped him of power | VERB | 4 |
3,607 | 0 | Say Sparky Anderson does it, and the batter swings and misses and the runner is thrown out at second | VERB | 10 |
3,608 | 1 | And Mr. McGegan, who doesn't mince words when he dislikes something or someone -LRB- he called the countertenor in his recent Long Beach production " awful " -RRB-, said he was knocked out by Mr. Davies's strangely articulated yet strikingly clear conducting of Beethoven's " Eroica " Symphony | VERB | 31 |
3,609 | 0 | Gifts flow from commodity brokers, Wall Street houses, developers, insurance firms, Pentagon suppliers, oil companies and labor unions, including the Teamsters | VERB | 1 |
3,610 | 0 | Police, meanwhile, raided Arab villages and destroyed the homes of suspected activists | VERB | 6 |
3,611 | 0 | The Navy, which began flying the A-6 in 1963, has 340 in service and is buying more | VERB | 4 |
3,612 | 1 | Until now, major manufacturers have stuck to old- fashioned toaster waffles because they couldn't come up with a way to prevent microwaved ones from drying out | VERB | 5 |
3,613 | 0 | Shortly after 6 p.m., the shark grabs a final tuna- head snack off a line and glides off into the gloom | VERB | 6 |
3,614 | 0 | Flying to Slovenia from the Yugoslav south isn't unlike flying to the Midwest from the Mideast | VERB | 9 |
3,615 | 0 | Thus, such basic camouflage measures as false runways made of painted plastic strips, dummy buildings and planes, sod planted on concrete buildings, reforestation and the like could lead him to drop his bombs in the wrong place | VERB | 18 |
3,616 | 0 | Mexico wants to be able to borrow from international banks again, and retiring its bank debt at about 70 cents on the dollar may discourage many banks from lending it more money, bankers said | VERB | 28 |
3,617 | 1 | While investors generally reacted either indifferently or negatively to the dozens of quarterly earnings reports that flooded the market, there were a few exceptions | VERB | 16 |
3,618 | 0 | They refuse to rest and demand treatment with antibiotics | VERB | 3 |
3,619 | 0 | " It is combined with a lot of information, and is visually well done -- although if you watched it ten times, you might laugh at all the hands touching.' | VERB | 29 |
3,620 | 1 | The Reagan administration is pushing for Noriega to step down and permit free elections | VERB | 8 |
3,621 | 0 | The broad argument of Mr. Levin's book, within whose parameters all his wonderful analogies flourish, is considerably overstated | VERB | 14 |
3,622 | 1 | Indiana Rep. Andrew Jacobs, a Democrat who's neutral in the presidential- nomination contest, says Mr. Gephardt reminds him of a time in his life when he had to eat a lot of dinners at a drive- in restaurant | VERB | 28 |
3,623 | 1 | The report cooled bullish sentiment brought about by a smaller Brazilian crop this year, analysts said | VERB | 2 |
3,624 | 0 | It will promote inefficiency -LRB- some trees will continue to be planted on marginal land or land not suited for certain species -RRB-, stifle innovation -LRB- with the safety net in place there will be less incentive to try different cultural practices -RRB- and distort the market -LRB- surpluses will become greater -RRB- | VERB | 11 |
3,625 | 1 | The message Mr. Welch says he is sending, however, is that by cutting management layers and delegating responsibility, " we are trying to create an atmosphere where people want to work, a nonbureaucracy where people have a chance to flourish | VERB | 39 |
3,626 | 1 | The generally accepted reason for the softening of TPA sales is that wholesalers filled their distribution pipeline, and hospital usage now is coming out of wholesalers' stocks of the drug -- not new sales, Ms. Behrens said | VERB | 13 |
3,627 | 1 | " Our suspicion is that very pessimistic views on trade are paying insufficient attention to the dynamic factors -- namely, the investment flows that are likely to result from the improved competitivenes of U.S. industry, " said John Lipsky, a director at Salomon Brothers | VERB | 22 |
3,628 | 0 | Love shrank and withered, and all that remained was a quickening of the pulse, a rise in blood pressure and stomach contractions chasing each other in a horrible loneliness; the loneliness of the wave absorbed by the sand, which never returns to the sea | VERB | 3 |
3,629 | 1 | Indian troops in Sri Lanka killed 20 Tamil civilians after four soldiers died in an ambush by Tamil rebels, officials in Colombo said | VERB | 5 |
3,630 | 0 | The officials then began to examine some kind of combination between the two international airlines | VERB | 5 |
3,631 | 1 | Macmillan advisers said the company plans to stick with its proposal | VERB | 7 |
3,632 | 1 | The plant, the company's second- largest, has annual slitting and rolling capacity of about 120, 000 tons | VERB | 10 |
3,633 | 1 | In 1985 and 1986, when pictures of rioting blacks and rampaging white policemen filled television screens around the world, the perception was that South Africa's white- dominated government was losing its grip | VERB | 13 |
3,634 | 0 | But a source close to Black& Decker acknowledged that the company had received the information from American Standard and said that the company's representatives will meet with American Standard officials this afternoon to examine nonpublic information | VERB | 33 |
3,635 | 1 | American investors may be shunning U.S. stock funds these days, but not the Japanese; a record$ 700 million of Japanese money this week poured into a new U.S. mutual fund | VERB | 23 |
3,636 | 1 | Audiences love the interplay between Brown, a renowned bassist, and Harris, whose technique and volcanic energy moved one colleague to say, " If God meant us to play like that, He would have given us 88 fingers.' | VERB | 27 |
3,637 | 1 | Back then in 1876, Wagner nearly went bankrupt trying to fill up his new theater, and a good many who did attend, among them Tchaikovsky, left word of the boredom they barely conquered listening to this gigantic parable of love, lust, power and greed dovetailed over decades out of quaint Nordic myths and some 200 leitmotives | VERB | 10 |
3,638 | 1 | Wolverine also said the Wyoming well is being pumped at a rate of 255 barrels of oil a day from a depth of 7, 260 feet | VERB | 8 |
3,639 | 0 | Less than 0.01 millirem escaped into the atmosphere through a facility's stack, and workers weren't evacuated, a statement from Savannah River said | VERB | 4 |
3,640 | 1 | -- With the only refinery in Panama, Texaco was dragged into a controversy with the Reagan administration over tax payments to the Noriega regime; it now has stopped making such payments | VERB | 9 |
3,641 | 1 | Baby hilariously escapes disaster, over and over, as the camera whips around at a hyperanimated pace | VERB | 2 |
3,642 | 0 | The Justice Department matched this effort by forming an Environmental Crimes Unit and by targeting environmental crime as a high priority for FBI investigations | VERB | 14 |
3,643 | 0 | Flo, sporting elaborate eye makeup and nails painted a half- dozen colors, said after her 200 win that she'd probably take it easy until the Olympics, working out twice a week, resting, and, probably choosing new outfits | VERB | 31 |
3,644 | 0 | It is Babe who ends up drinking too much because she never wins her battles against family convention and it is Babe who comes to an early, tragic end | VERB | 6 |
3,645 | 1 | The first two days, Dr. Kroll collapsed into his sleeping bag and had to be awakened to eat | VERB | 17 |
3,646 | 1 | Observers said the surprise move, just before the four- day midautumn festival holiday, was designed to cool the stock market investment craze | VERB | 16 |
3,647 | 0 | The study, which examined 50 people who were wearing lap belts during auto accidents, concluded that 32 would have " fared substantially better if they had been wearing a lap- shoulder belt.' | VERB | 3 |
3,648 | 1 | Ansaldo, which until last year got about 20% of its sales from building nuclear power plants, is trying to step up its role in transportation following Italy's ban last year on further nuclear plant construction | VERB | 19 |
3,649 | 1 | In late May, a rumor spread through the city that the government would raise the price of rice, which has been fixed for years at 14 U.S. cents a pound | VERB | 21 |
3,650 | 1 | " If we don't settle our disputes soon, " he warns, " the foreign companies may step in and dominate.' | VERB | 16 |
3,651 | 0 | But earlier, the real estate concern said its financial adviser, First Boston Corp., had agreed to lend as much as$ 900 million in short- term subordinated debt, in addition to$ 200 million of " bridge loans.' | VERB | 16 |
3,652 | 0 | A 19-year- old 737 owned by the airline was grounded after the top of its fuselage was torn off during an April 29 flight, killing a flight attendant | VERB | 24 |
3,653 | 1 | He added that neither the Fed, nor any other U.S. government agency or international body should try to fix exchange rates | VERB | 18 |
3,654 | 0 | Suggest someone else grab a mitt and squat awhile | VERB | 3 |
3,655 | 1 | The OSU sled's No. 1 advantage, he says, is an aerodynamic shape that reduces drag 20% to 25% | VERB | 14 |
3,656 | 1 | Luby's Cafeterias Inc., San Antonio, Texas, is targeting the Midwest after recently inching out of its Deep South stronghold into Arizona | VERB | 7 |
3,657 | 1 | " Cold water has been poured on the market and any advance has been stopped dead in its tracks, " one dealer said | VERB | 5 |
3,658 | 0 | This might include such cream- puff outings as hiking in the Alps or riding elephants in Thailand | VERB | 13 |
3,659 | 1 | Red ink has been raining upon one AI company after another -- including Symbolics Inc., Teknowledge Inc. and Intellicorp -- and Xerox's business has been hurt, too | VERB | 4 |
3,660 | 0 | That got the IDB's attention, but we now wonder about the administration's strategy for winning a greater say in where and to whom the IDB lends money | VERB | 25 |
3,661 | 1 | Once, in Missoula, Mont., the behemoth had to be rolled over the back of the seats on plywood | VERB | 9 |
3,662 | 0 | But the Army stumbled in getting the project off the ground, and by the time the Army was nearing key decisions on the project, Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci's budget ax fell | VERB | 3 |
3,663 | 1 | The company thinks many smokers will be drawn enough by the decreased tar and decreased offense to non- smokers that they will stick with Premier and learn to like it | VERB | 22 |
3,664 | 1 | Yesterday, Alan J. Brody, Comex chairman, president and chief executive officer, accused Nymex of dragging its feet on the closely watched talks | VERB | 14 |
3,665 | 0 | In February, money flowed out of stock funds for the first time since October | VERB | 3 |
3,666 | 0 | As Eliot wrote: " In a warm haze, the sultry light is absorbed, not refracted, by grey stone.... " and flowers do indeed " sleep in empty silence.' | VERB | 12 |
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