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3,167 | 0 | His vocal pyrotechnics command the stage even when he is disappearing in a puff of smoke, magically reappearing on a flying crane, or battling hairy monsters who look like they just stumbled in from MTV's " Headbangers' Ball.' | VERB | 31 |
3,168 | 1 | Mr. Meese of course had good personal reasons for the infernal device he left behind; Washington's Democrats have been trying to destroy Ed Meese since the day he arrived in town, for no reason other than that he looked like an easier target than Ronald Reagan | VERB | 21 |
3,169 | 1 | News accounts told of thousands of Iranian soldiers at the Iraqi front suffering severe burns and damaged lungs from mustard gas, a poison that killed or maimed over a million people in World War I | VERB | 24 |
3,170 | 0 | Other regions should escape relatively unscathed, she says | VERB | 3 |
3,171 | 0 | Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita has stumbled, but not seriously enough to affect his six- month- old government | VERB | 5 |
3,172 | 1 | The suspension likely will accelerate inter- union warfare, as the electricians step up their recruitment drive at new sites, while other unions try to grab electricians' members in factories where they represent the minority, Mr. Metcalfe says | VERB | 24 |
3,173 | 0 | A court in London sentenced an American member of the outlawed Irish Republican Army to life imprisonment for killing a British police officer 13 years ago | VERB | 18 |
3,174 | 0 | He maintains, " It's only a matter of time before these groups step over the line. " They may begin rousting others they dislike -- people " who are not the right skin color or the right religious persuasion, " he says | VERB | 12 |
3,175 | 1 | While Mr. Gorbachev preached togetherness yesterday, Romania was kicking Hungary's ambassador out of the country | VERB | 8 |
3,176 | 1 | West German police are seeking a West Berlin woman working for Palestinian terrorists in connection with a 1986 discotheque bombing that killed two U.S. soldiers | VERB | 21 |
3,177 | 1 | " To me there is absolutely no fun being stuck within the same four walls every day, " she says | VERB | 9 |
3,178 | 0 | While reconstruction projects may initially absorb many of the workers, the need to find work for men demobilized from Iraq's million- strong army makes it unlikely that guest labor will remain at current levels | VERB | 5 |
3,179 | 1 | " We wanted an arresting headline that would drag people into the body copy, " says Tambrands spokesman Paul Konney | VERB | 8 |
3,180 | 0 | Holly Farms' experience is a classic example of how a food company can stumble in launching a product | VERB | 13 |
3,181 | 1 | As Bismarck wrote more than a century ago: " I, who prepare to go to war, kill thousands, the Christians in the name of God kill millions.' | VERB | 25 |
3,182 | 0 | Meanwhile, prices in parts of the North that missed the boom might start rising | VERB | 8 |
3,183 | 1 | More competition is on the way; International Business Machines Corp. is expected to roll out a laptop soon to replace its PC Convertible, a near- total failure in the market | VERB | 13 |
3,184 | 1 | Yesterday's half- point increase in base rates to 9.5% isn't likely to be enough to cool inflationary pressures because it didn't trigger a rise in mortgage rates, said Gwyn Hacche, an economist at James Capel& Co. " Mortgage rates are one of the main mechanisms by which a change in interest rates affects the demand for consumer credit, " he said | VERB | 15 |
3,185 | 1 | A purported$ 16-a- share offer for Superior Industries International Inc. evaporated yesterday after a flurry of activity in which one supposed player, Prudential- Bache Securities Inc., denied it had authorized such a buy- out offer | VERB | 10 |
3,186 | 0 | Mr. Waters sets his sights on the " hairhoppers, " the polished amateurs who dance on " The Corny Collins Show, " his version of " American Bandstand.' | VERB | 14 |
3,187 | 0 | Cray plows more than 15% of its revenues back into R& D, a very high percentage even for high- tech companies | VERB | 1 |
3,188 | 1 | Mr. Weicker, breakfasting with his third wife, Claudia, at a local diner on Coca- Cola, rice pudding, scrambled eggs and hash browns, says the race is close because Mr. Lieberman has been " slinging the{ expletive deleted} in TV commercials for four months, and some of it started to stick.' | VERB | 49 |
3,189 | 1 | But rock- bottom discounters who stick to that philosophy limit themselves, he says, because " We'll always be a niche player for a certain type of client | VERB | 5 |
3,190 | 0 | The company has targeted the electroplating industry for several reasons | VERB | 3 |
3,191 | 0 | As the struggle enters its final weekend, any one of the top contenders could grasp his way to the top of the greasy pole | VERB | 14 |
3,192 | 0 | So Mr. Tribe of Justice will file a brief arguing for independent counsels; Justice itself has filed briefs attacking these prosecutors, and both arguments are supposed to represent the view of the executive branch | VERB | 18 |
3,193 | 1 | Amstrad is one of the last major personal- computer makers to sign such an accord with IBM. IBM has stepped up efforts to enforce its patent rights since launching its new line of PS 2 models in April 1987 | VERB | 19 |
3,194 | 1 | And at Mellon Bank Corp., a followership workshop helped smooth a major restructuring in the corporate banking department | VERB | 9 |
3,195 | 0 | Carole Pfeffer put an ad seeking them in a trade publication and was flooded with close to 1, 000 pictures | VERB | 13 |
3,196 | 0 | Other people love Acapulco -- and don't miss Frank Sinatra | VERB | 7 |
3,197 | 0 | " The only thing that would make me feel better about -LRB- the NIH experiment -RRB- would be to put in a second marker gene as a fail- safe, to allow you to kill all the cells of that lineage at will if something went wrong, " one researcher says | VERB | 33 |
3,198 | 0 | Wolverine Exploration Co. said a Lea County, N.M., well in which it has an interest struck oil | VERB | 15 |
3,199 | 0 | When sentencing a criminal, the chief justice of the country's Supreme Court takes into consideration whether the felon has atoned for his sins by drinking sakau with the victim's family | VERB | 24 |
3,200 | 0 | And, to slash costs, he is attacking United's slow- moving, free- spending ways, even banning fresh flowers from his office | VERB | 6 |
3,201 | 0 | They appear in the internecine killing between different mafia groups, and the killing of judges, journalists, police and government leaders opposed to the drug traffic | VERB | 5 |
3,202 | 1 | The once high- flying company stumbled in 1986 when competition intensified in the mainframe market, and it has been revamping its product line since then | VERB | 5 |
3,203 | 0 | Still, calls continue to pour in on Dr. Lapin's 800-NO- BLOOD hotline | VERB | 4 |
3,204 | 0 | The vice president's confrontation with Mr. Rather also has raised further questions about the media's performance this political season, as CBS and its affiliates were flooded with phone calls, mostly critical of Mr. Rather | VERB | 25 |
3,205 | 1 | The U.S. side was angry that talks were dragging | VERB | 8 |
3,206 | 1 | But Madison Avenue's interest in Mr. Tyson is cooling because of the barrage of negative publicity about an alleged suicide attempt and his stormy marriage to actress Robin Givens | VERB | 8 |
3,207 | 0 | Few things give him more satisfaction now, it seems, than the hundreds of roses, fruit trees and berry bushes the 57-year- old Mr. Lance and a grandson have planted together | VERB | 28 |
3,208 | 0 | Because Israel doesn't have the luxury of an all- volunteer military force, its army can't escape the schisms of opinion that beset the wider society | VERB | 15 |
3,209 | 0 | While filling movie houses and exciting donors are both honorable tasks, the facts don't support the histrionics | VERB | 1 |
3,210 | 1 | Jordan, with a flagging economy and a 4.2% annual birth- rate, couldn't absorb another influx of refugees no matter how sympathetically it viewed their plight | VERB | 12 |
3,211 | 0 | Parasite infections of people who like to eat raw or undercooked fish are increasing, and the main cause is the rising population of seals and other protected marine mammals, scientists reported | VERB | 7 |
3,212 | 0 | American officials have concluded that the Kuwaiti hijacking is the work of a Lebanese Shiite terrorist named Imad Mugniyah who has been trying for more than four years to free his wife's brother from prison in Kuwait, where he was convicted in 1984 of building a bomb used to attack the U.S. Embassy | VERB | 49 |
3,213 | 0 | The number of annual inspections remains unchanged, however, mainly because many more are targeted on the construction industry, where inspections require fewer manhours than they do in manufacturing | VERB | 13 |
3,214 | 0 | Based on the evidence from the early contests -- including a surprisingly strong second- place finish in last weekend's Maine caucuses -- his populist crusade against " economic violence " is striking a chord among some Democrats beyond his black base | VERB | 31 |
3,215 | 0 | AN AIRBUS A-320 CRASHED at an air show in France, killing at least three | VERB | 10 |
3,216 | 0 | The media have given him a ticket to ride, but they're unlikely to leave him in the driver's seat for long | VERB | 8 |
3,217 | 1 | Last month, Thiokol said it settled the last suit with the estates of the seven crew members killed in the Challenger | VERB | 17 |
3,218 | 0 | U.S. executives in search of global markets have found that the French don't drink orange juice for breakfast; that Middle Easterners prefer toothpaste that tastes spicy; that the Japanese like herbs in their cold medicines, and that laundry detergent is used to wash dishes in parts of Mexico | VERB | 13 |
3,219 | 0 | In it, the hero gets dragged to the " Cave Town " mall by his mom, gets lost, gets found, and is rewarded with an ice cream cone | VERB | 5 |
3,220 | 1 | Mr. Bilirakis's letter referred to the March 2 death of Airman Recruit Lee Mirecki, 19 years old, of Appleton, Wis., who drowned during an elite rescue swimmer training program at the Pensacola, Fla., Naval Air Station | VERB | 21 |
3,221 | 1 | " Flip " was born 16 months ago at a lunch at Le Toque, an entertainment- industry hangout where Mr. Schreger and Mort Marcus, HRI's telecommunications president, kicked around ideas | VERB | 27 |
3,222 | 1 | In Tokyo, prices were lower in moderate trading as investors stepped aside before the release of U.S. trade figures and after an early buying spree concentrated in electricals | VERB | 10 |
3,223 | 1 | Your Oct. 18 international- page article " Lawson Accused of Miscues on Economy: British Chancellor Strayed From Strict Monetarism " illustrates that a country can not radically reduce marginal tax rates without a deterioration of its current trade account; nor can it continue to simultaneously keep exchange rates fixed without suffering an inevitable increase in its inflation rate | VERB | 48 |
3,224 | 1 | As has been the pattern in other standardized tests recently, younger students showed big strides in grasping basic information | VERB | 16 |
3,225 | 1 | " On silent nights, great flocks of white birds fly formations past the Camino's Lobby Bar... | VERB | 9 |
3,226 | 0 | To their astonishment, the alfalfa plants flourished, doubling their foliage and weight | VERB | 6 |
3,227 | 1 | " Certainly the place where Chambers wrote' Witness' and where the' pumpkin papers' that ultimately indicted Hiss were kept is a place of considerable historical importance and meets the minimal requirements, " said Tony Dolan, a Reagan speechwriter who planted the idea of the historical designation with Mr. Hodel | VERB | 39 |
3,228 | 1 | Thus, a first milestone has been reached on the road to rebuilding an international monetary order, though it rests on the will and ability of governments to impose self- discipline | VERB | 18 |
3,229 | 0 | If the Russians had rolled over West Germany last week, it might have made Messrs | VERB | 4 |
3,230 | 1 | The company has been pumping gas in Houston for more than 25 years, but is classified in the area as a non- major, with a market share of just 2.6%, according to Whitney Leigh | VERB | 4 |
3,231 | 0 | The department maintained that fighter aircraft, for example, " must be fast enough and maneuverable enough to evade and destroy enemy aircraft | VERB | 19 |
3,232 | 0 | But critics complain that the blitz of big fines, which generally are settled for half or less of the proposed amount, was a bombastic gimmick that did little to attack the root problems of workplace illness and injury | VERB | 29 |
3,233 | 1 | As negotiations dragged on, Mr. Finkelstein, known as a straightforward man, exclaimed, " We're getting nowhere, and it's getting late.' | VERB | 2 |
3,234 | 0 | Much of Mr. Jackson's money is being plowed back into a direct- mail program, which reportedly is growing rapidly | VERB | 7 |
3,235 | 1 | The short- sellers have come bounding in, waiting for the company to stumble | VERB | 12 |
3,236 | 1 | The government's economic program, introduced with much enthusiasm at the beginning of the year, has stumbled clumsily from the start | VERB | 15 |
3,237 | 0 | But Sen. Quayle stumbled twice during the day trying to explain his decision to enter the National Guard in 1969 during the Vietnam War | VERB | 3 |
3,238 | 1 | I have slept through Minsk and past Smolensk | VERB | 2 |
3,239 | 0 | As of Thursday night, other Yanks besides Schultz remained in their respective gold- medal chases, including 1984 Olympic super- heavyweight champ Bruce Baumgartner, who rolled a notable East German on Thursday; Nate Carr at 149.5, and Kenny Monday at 163 | VERB | 24 |
3,240 | 1 | This relationship will be characterized by caution and hard- nosed realism about mutual interests, say Soviet and Chinese officials, rather than by the euphoria and stifling closeness of the past that dissolved into suspicion and then bitter border clashes in the l960s | VERB | 31 |
3,241 | 0 | The remaining members have agreed to dissolve the facility, though they say they may form a new, smaller claims agency | VERB | 6 |
3,242 | 0 | Mr. Choi, filling three pages with computations, offers this stern -- and unsettling -- advice to one American business reporter: " Don't write about investing this summer | VERB | 2 |
3,243 | 0 | You can't eat these confections, but paper making satisfies the senses all the same | VERB | 2 |
3,244 | 0 | The pores permit carbon dioxide released by the respiring produce to escape the package, while allowing only small amounts of oxygen to enter. -LRB- Air is 21% oxygen. -RRB-/-R | VERB | 11 |
3,245 | 1 | The filing also reported two lawsuits brought by Staley shareholders attacking the company's extensive anti- takeover arsenal | VERB | 10 |
3,246 | 0 | As we watch everybody eat -- Dan pouring rather a lot of salt on his chicken salad and from the looks of it, running out of banter -- a local pollster makes conversation with the press | VERB | 7 |
3,247 | 0 | Thirty- eight summers ago at Tecumseh Lodge in Eagle River, Wis., my riding instructor was " Uncle " Al Dorfman | VERB | 12 |
3,248 | 0 | Anyone who spends a few hours reading his speeches and talking to Democrats familiar with his views learns quickly that Mr. Dukakis has absorbed many of the dovish obsessions of his party's left | VERB | 23 |
3,249 | 0 | Baker Hughes and Dresser have a joint venture, BJ- Titan, in the pressure pumping services business, though they said last week they are seeking buyers | VERB | 13 |
3,250 | 0 | As a solid red, however, good pinot noir is so pleasurable to drink, so versatile with food that demand from consumers is increasing rapidly, putting pressure on short supply | VERB | 12 |
3,251 | 1 | During the past 10 years state and federal governments have pumped money into the railroad, whose main line track has been substantially improved | VERB | 10 |
3,252 | 1 | Those objections quickly evaporated after the university sophomore, who declared herself " proud to be a Thai woman, " was named the pageant's winner | VERB | 3 |
3,253 | 0 | Air Midwest said it flew 12.7 million revenue passenger miles in February, a 5.3% decrease from 13.4 million a year earlier | VERB | 4 |
3,254 | 1 | Coincidence perhaps, but within 48 hours, Ms. Fox says, it rained here | VERB | 10 |
3,255 | 0 | Many patients still die relatively quickly | VERB | 3 |
3,256 | 0 | The rate on funds, or reserves that banks lend each other overnight, averaged 5.80%, according to an estimate by Fulton Prebon -LRB- U.S.A. -RRB-/-R | VERB | 8 |
3,257 | 1 | And when Mr. Dukakis's 46-minute address had ended -- as the confetti and the balloons rained down and jubilant delegates waved an estimated 10, 000 American flags -- Mr. Jackson, his wife and family joined the Dukakis and Bentsen families on the platform | VERB | 15 |
3,258 | 1 | Mitterrand dissolved parliament Saturday | VERB | 1 |
3,259 | 0 | MDT makes sterility- assurance systems and examining and operating equipment for the hospital, medical, dental and laboratory markets | VERB | 6 |
3,260 | 0 | Foreign farmers are fast plowing new acreage for soybeans to meet demand around the world | VERB | 4 |
3,261 | 1 | By the time they reached the Inner Court many were beginning to look bleary- eyed as they wandered through a sea of glass cases filled with everything from Han jugs to Ming wall- scrolls and jades | VERB | 24 |
3,262 | 1 | If that figure sticks, the Air Force might be able to avoid further contract adjustments, sources say | VERB | 3 |
3,263 | 0 | The Monitor's losses are absorbed by the church's working fund, which reportedly has declined during the past two years to about$ 200 million from more than$ 280 million, largely because of the stock- market crash | VERB | 4 |
3,264 | 0 | He tried again, and his next ball stuck firmly in the net twine for an unlikely -- and maybe unprecedented -- double fault | VERB | 7 |
3,265 | 0 | These were incentives, the official visitor said, to get them planting again | VERB | 10 |
3,266 | 0 | But the OTC market was withering badly near the close and traders said if there was more time prices would have fallen further | VERB | 5 |
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