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# Edge Weight Prediction For Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation
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By [Or Hirschorn](https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=GgFuT_QAAAAJ&hl=iw&oi=ao) and [Shai Avidan](https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?hl=iw&user=hpItE1QAAAAJ)
This repo is the official implementation of "[Edge Weight Prediction For Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation
# Hugging Face Demo Coming Soon!
### Stay tuned for the upcoming demo release!
## πŸ”” News
- **`25 November 2024`** Initial Code Release
## Introduction
Given only one example image and skeleton, our method refines the skeleton to enhance pose estimation on unseen categories.
Using our method, given a support image and skeleton we can refine the structure for better pose estimation on images from unseen categories.
## Citation
Please consider citing our paper and GraphCape if you found our work useful:
title={Edge Weight Prediction For Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation},
author={Or Hirschorn and Shai Avidan},
title={A Graph-Based Approach for Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation},
author={Or Hirschorn and Shai Avidan},
## Getting Started
### Docker [Recommended]
We provide a docker image for easy use.
You can simply pull the docker image from docker hub, containing all the required libraries and packages:
docker pull orhir/edgecape
docker run --name edgecape -v {DATA_DIR}:/workspace/EdgeCape/EdgeCape/data/mp100 -it orhir/edgecape /bin/bash
### Conda Environment
We train and evaluate our model on Python 3.8 and Pytorch 2.0.1 with CUDA 12.1.
Please first install pytorch and torchvision following official documentation Pytorch.
Then, follow [MMPose](https://mmpose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) to install the following packages:
Having installed these packages, run:
python setup.py develop
## MP-100 Dataset
Please follow the [official guide](https://github.com/orhir/PoseAnything) to prepare the MP-100 dataset for training and evaluation, and organize the data structure properly.
## Training
### Training
To train the model, run:
python run.py --config [path_to_config_file] --work_dir [path_to_work_dir]
## Evaluation and Pretrained Models
### Evaluation
The evaluation on a single GPU will take approximately 30 min.
To evaluate the pretrained model, run:
python test.py [path_to_config_file] [path_to_pretrained_ckpt]
### Pretrained Models
You can download the pretrained models from following [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gbeeVQ-Y8Dj2FrsDatf5ZLWpzv5u8HyL?usp=sharing).
## Acknowledgement
Our code is based on code from:
- [MMPose](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose)
- [PoseAnything](https://github.com/orhir/PoseAnything)
## License
This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.