--- |
title: SamGIS |
emoji: 🗺️ |
colorFrom: red |
colorTo: blue |
sdk: docker |
pinned: false |
license: mit |
--- |
# About this README |
I tested these instructions on MacOS, but should work on linux as well. |
## Segment Anything models |
It's possible to prepare the model files using <https://github.com/vietanhdev/samexporter/> or using the ones |
from <https://huggingface.co/aletrn/sam-quantized> (copy them within the folder `/machine_learning_models`). |
In this case after the clone of this repository it's best to initialize the `sam-quantized` submodule: |
```bash |
git submodule update --init --recursive |
``` |
## SamGIS - Gradio SDK version |
After developed your project using [the gradio quickstart](https://www.gradio.app/guides/quickstart), |
you can declare the specific gradio version you want to use in the HuggingFace space using |
the README.md header section. You need to compile these fields: |
``` |
sdk: gradio |
sdk_version: 4.39.0 |
app_file: app.py |
``` |
For some reason the space won't work if the app_file setting points to a file not |
within the root folder project. |
Under the hood, HuggingFace install the gradio SDK using docker. If you need to install some dependencies |
(for this project I needed `nodejs`) you can add some system |
[debian packages](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-dependencies#adding-your-own-dependencies) |
within the `pre-requirements.txt` file. |
## SamGIS - Docker version |
The SamGIS HuggingSpace url is <https://huggingface.co/spaces/aletrn/samgis>. |
Build the docker image this way: |
```bash |
# clean any old active containers |
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) |
# build the base docker image from the repository root folder using ARGs: |
# - DEPENDENCY_GROUP=fastapi used by poetry |
# VITE__MAP_DESCRIPTION, VITE__SAMGIS_SPACE used by 'docker build' |
( |
set -o allexport && source <(cat ./static/.env|grep VITE__) && set +o allexport; |
env|grep VITE__; |
docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-samgis-base --progress=plain \ |
--build-arg DEPENDENCY_GROUP="fastapi" \ |
--tag registry.gitlab.com/aletrn/gis-prediction |
) |
# build the image, use the tag "samgis-huggingface" |
docker build . --tag registry.gitlab.com/aletrn/samgis-huggingface --progress=plain |
``` |
Run the container (keep it on background) and show logs |
```bash |
docker run -d --name samgis-huggingface -p 7860:7860 \ |
registry.gitlab.com/aletrn/samgis-huggingface; docker logs -f samgis-huggingface |
``` |
Test it with curl using a json payload: |
```bash |
URL=http://localhost:7860/infer_samgis |
curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL} |
``` |
or better visiting the swagger page on <http://localhost:7860/docs> |
## SamGIS - lambda AWS version |
Build the docker image this way: |
```bash |
# clean any old active containers |
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) |
# build the base docker image with the docker aws repository tag |
docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-samgis-base --build-arg DEPENDENCY_GROUP=aws_lambda \ |
--tag example-docker-namespace/samgis-base-aws-lambda --progress=plain |
# build the final docker image |
docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-lambda-fastsam-api --tag example-docker-namespace/lambda-fastsam-api --progress=plain |
``` |
Run the container (keep it on background) and show logs |
```bash |
docker run -d --name lambda-fastsam-api -p 8080:8080 lambda-fastsam-api; docker logs -f lambda-fastsam-api |
``` |
Test it with curl using a json payload: |
```bash |
URL=http://localhost:8080/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations |
curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL} |
``` |
### Publish the aws lambda docker image |
Login on aws ECR with the correct aws profile (change the example `example-docker-namespace/` repository url with the one from |
the [ECR push command instructions page](https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/repositories/)). |
### Dependencies installation, local execution and local tests |
The docker build process needs only the base dependency group plus the `aws_lambda` or `fastapi` optional one (right now I use almost only the `fastapi` version). Install also the `test` and/or `docs` groups if needed. |
#### Local execution |
If you need to use the SPA frontend follow the frontend instruction [here](/static/README.md). |
You can run the local server using this python command: |
```python |
uvicorn app:app --host --port 7860 |
``` |
Change the port and/or the host ip if needed. Test it with curl using a json payload: |
```bash |
URL=http://localhost:7860/infer_samgis |
curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL} |
``` |
#### Local execution on MacOS |
There is a known issue running the project on MacOS. SamGIS still work also without executing it within a docker container, but is slower during image embedding because of a memory leak caused by CoreML. Here a log about this bug: |
```less |
[...] |
2024-05-15T18:38:37.478698+0200 - INFO - predictors.py - samexporter_predict - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) missing instance model mobile_sam, instantiating it now! |
2024-05-15T18:38:37.479582+0200 - INFO - sam_onnx2.py - __init__ - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) Available providers for ONNXRuntime: %s |
2024-05-15 18:38:37.673229 [W:onnxruntime:, coreml_execution_provider.cc:81 GetCapability] CoreMLExecutionProvider::GetCapability, number of partitions supported by CoreML: 104 number of nodes in the graph: 566 number of nodes supported by CoreML: 383 |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
2024-05-15T18:38:47.691608+0200 - INFO - sam_onnx2.py - __init__ - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) encoder_input_name: |
2024-05-15 18:38:47.913677 [W:onnxruntime:, coreml_execution_provider.cc:81 GetCapability] CoreMLExecutionProvider::GetCapability, number of partitions supported by CoreML: 48 number of nodes in the graph: 496 number of nodes supported by CoreML: 221 |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false |
2024-05-15T18:38:50.926801+0200 - DEBUG - predictors.py - samexporter_predict - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) using a mobile_sam instance model... |
[...] |
``` |
This problem doesn't rise if running it within the docker container. |
### Tests |
Tests are defined in the `tests` folder in this project. Use PIP to install the test dependencies and run tests. |
```bash |
python -m pytest --cov=samgis --cov-report=term-missing && coverage html |
``` |
### How to update the static documentation with sphinx |
This project documentation uses sphinx-apidoc: it's a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources that, using the autodoc |
extension, document a whole package in the style of other automatic API documentation tools. See the |
[documentation page](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/man/sphinx-apidoc.html) for details. |
Run the command from the project root: |
```bash |
# missing docs folder (run from project root) initialize this way |
# |
cd docs && sphinx-quickstart --project SamGIS --release 1.0.0 --language python --master index |
# update docs folder (from project root) referring to the other packages folder |
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs /path/to/samgis_web |
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs /path/to/samgis_core |
``` |
Then it's possible to generate the HTML pages |
```bash |
cd docs && make html && ../ |
# to clean old files |
cd docs && make clean html && cd ../ |
``` |
The static documentation it's now ready at the path `docs/_build/html/index.html`. |
To create a work in progress openapi json or yaml file use |
- `extract-openapi-fastapi.py` |
- `extract-openapi-lambda.py` (useful to export the json schema request and response from lambda app api) |