samgis /
aletrn's picture
ci: revert to docker sdk in
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8.35 kB
title: SamGIS
emoji: 🗺️
colorFrom: red
colorTo: blue
sdk: docker
pinned: false
license: mit

About this README

I tested these instructions on MacOS, but should work on linux as well.

Segment Anything models

It's possible to prepare the model files using or using the ones from (copy them within the folder /machine_learning_models).

In this case after the clone of this repository it's best to initialize the sam-quantized submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

SamGIS - Gradio SDK version

After developed your project using the gradio quickstart, you can declare the specific gradio version you want to use in the HuggingFace space using the header section. You need to compile these fields:

sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.39.0

For some reason the space won't work if the app_file setting points to a file not within the root folder project.

Under the hood, HuggingFace install the gradio SDK using docker. If you need to install some dependencies (for this project I needed nodejs) you can add some system debian packages within the pre-requirements.txt file.

SamGIS - Docker version

The SamGIS HuggingSpace url is Build the docker image this way:

# clean any old active containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

# build the base docker image from the repository root folder using ARGs:
# - DEPENDENCY_GROUP=fastapi used by poetry
# VITE__MAP_DESCRIPTION, VITE__SAMGIS_SPACE used by 'docker build'
  set -o allexport && source <(cat ./static/.env|grep VITE__) && set +o allexport;
  env|grep VITE__;
  docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-samgis-base --progress=plain \
  --build-arg DEPENDENCY_GROUP="fastapi" \

# build the image, use the tag "samgis-huggingface"
docker build . --tag --progress=plain

Run the container (keep it on background) and show logs

docker run  -d --name samgis-huggingface -p 7860:7860 \
  -e MOUNT_GRADIO_APP="" \; docker logs -f samgis-huggingface

Test it with curl using a json payload:

curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL}

or better visiting the swagger page on http://localhost:7860/docs

SamGIS - lambda AWS version

Build the docker image this way:

# clean any old active containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

# build the base docker image with the docker aws repository tag
docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-samgis-base --build-arg DEPENDENCY_GROUP=aws_lambda \
  --tag example-docker-namespace/samgis-base-aws-lambda --progress=plain

# build the final docker image
docker build . -f dockerfiles/dockerfile-lambda-fastsam-api --tag example-docker-namespace/lambda-fastsam-api --progress=plain

Run the container (keep it on background) and show logs

docker run  -d --name lambda-fastsam-api -p 8080:8080 lambda-fastsam-api; docker logs -f lambda-fastsam-api

Test it with curl using a json payload:

curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL}

Publish the aws lambda docker image

Login on aws ECR with the correct aws profile (change the example example-docker-namespace/ repository url with the one from the ECR push command instructions page).

Dependencies installation, local execution and local tests

The docker build process needs only the base dependency group plus the aws_lambda or fastapi optional one (right now I use almost only the fastapi version). Install also the test and/or docs groups if needed.

Local execution

If you need to use the SPA frontend follow the frontend instruction here.

You can run the local server using this python command:

uvicorn app:app --host --port 7860

Change the port and/or the host ip if needed. Test it with curl using a json payload:

curl -d@./events/payload_point_eolie.json -H 'content-type: application/json' ${URL}

Local execution on MacOS

There is a known issue running the project on MacOS. SamGIS still work also without executing it within a docker container, but is slower during image embedding because of a memory leak caused by CoreML. Here a log about this bug:

2024-05-15T18:38:37.478698+0200 - INFO - - samexporter_predict - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) missing instance model mobile_sam, instantiating it now! 
2024-05-15T18:38:37.479582+0200 - INFO - - __init__ - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) Available providers for ONNXRuntime: %s 
2024-05-15 18:38:37.673229 [W:onnxruntime:, GetCapability] CoreMLExecutionProvider::GetCapability, number of partitions supported by CoreML: 104 number of nodes in the graph: 566 number of nodes supported by CoreML: 383
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
2024-05-15T18:38:47.691608+0200 - INFO - - __init__ - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) encoder_input_name: 
2024-05-15 18:38:47.913677 [W:onnxruntime:, GetCapability] CoreMLExecutionProvider::GetCapability, number of partitions supported by CoreML: 48 number of nodes in the graph: 496 number of nodes supported by CoreML: 221
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
Context leak detected, CoreAnalytics returned false
2024-05-15T18:38:50.926801+0200 - DEBUG - - samexporter_predict - (be2506dc-0887-4752-9889-cf12db7501f5) using a mobile_sam instance model... 

This problem doesn't rise if running it within the docker container.


Tests are defined in the tests folder in this project. Use PIP to install the test dependencies and run tests.

python -m pytest --cov=samgis --cov-report=term-missing && coverage html

How to update the static documentation with sphinx

This project documentation uses sphinx-apidoc: it's a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources that, using the autodoc extension, document a whole package in the style of other automatic API documentation tools. See the documentation page for details. Run the command from the project root:

# missing docs folder (run from project root) initialize this way
cd docs && sphinx-quickstart --project SamGIS --release 1.0.0 --language python --master index

# update docs folder (from project root) referring to the other packages folder
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs /path/to/samgis_web
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs /path/to/samgis_core

Then it's possible to generate the HTML pages

cd docs && make html && ../

# to clean old files
cd docs && make clean html && cd ../

The static documentation it's now ready at the path docs/_build/html/index.html.

To create a work in progress openapi json or yaml file use

  • (useful to export the json schema request and response from lambda app api)