1 value
Open Question Answering
The term “dollarization”, commonly used among academic economists and finance specialists, has already entered Georgians’ everyday vocabulary. Few people, however, understand what dollarization is, how it comes about and why they should care. Below we try to fill this gap, explaining some basic concepts and discussing why and how dollarization affects ordinary people’s lives. Q: Dollarization: what is it, exactly? A: The term dollarization officially refers to the legal substitution of domestic currency by a foreign currency (De Nicolo et al., 2003). Examples include Zimbabwe, a country that struggled with rampant inflation before legalizing the use of the US dollar alongside the domestic currency in 2009, and then, six years later, completely suspending the use of domestic currency. Unofficially, however, the term dollarization is used to denote the usage of foreign currency that is not legal tender alongside the domestic currency (Yeyati, 2006). This typically means that while the use of foreign currency is prohibited in official transactions, foreign currency is still used very commonly—for example to index certain types of transactions (like selling or renting real estate in Georgia) or to store value (e.g., saving money in USD or Euros instead of Georgian Lari). Q: How can we measure the extent of dollarization, and how dollarized is the Georgian economy? A: There is not one single way to measure the extent of dollarization. For example, we can never know exactly the share of renters in Tbilisi that pay their rents in USD or USD equivalent (although one can guess that the percentage is quite high). But there are some proxy measures—i.e., easily observable indicators—which can tell us about the general trend in dollarization. One such measure is the share of bank deposits denominated in foreign currency. This indicator directly shows which currency people prefer for their savings, and, indirectly, to what extent people are tied to the use of foreign currency in various financial transactions. In Georgia, the process of bank deposits being dollarized has been slowing down recently. However, dollarization levels have been well above 50% for the last 20 years (Graph 1). Graph 1. Dollarization Ratio of Deposits, Included in Broad Money, %This is not just a problem for Georgia. The dollarization of bank deposits (also known as asset dollarization) tends to be a particularly stubborn problem affecting many emerging economies. In this group, Georgia stands among the highly-dollarized cohort. Q: Why is dollarization so persistent in emerging economies? A: As one can see from the graph above, in 2002-2004 deposit dollarization hovered around 85%; at the end of 2020, the deposit dollarization ratio was 62.75%—much lower but still quite high. Financial dollarization is so stubbornly persistent precisely because it is not a black and white phenomenon. Like many things in life, it has both positive and negative sides. First, let’s discuss the possible benefits offered by dollarization. 1. Some argue that the biggest advantage of financial dollarization is the hedging of exchange rate risk for commercial transactions. Imagine a Georgian firm that has foreign partners who have to be paid in dollars. Would it not be more natural to keep dollar deposits to make the transaction process easier? That would also eliminate exchange rate risk (imagine having to pay more in terms of GEL because of an unexpected jump in the exchange rate. Which would not be an issue if the transactions were made using dollar deposits). It should be emphasized, however, that if the payments need to be made in Euros or other non-USD currency, dollarization won’t provide the benefits mentioned above. This counterargument is valid for Georgia too, which has trade relations mostly with Turkey and the Eurozone. 2. Financing transactions that are de-facto dollarized (e.g., real estate purchases). Because in emerging economies, including Georgia, many construction companies rely on foreign investors for financing, and payments of dividends may be tied to the dollar, it is more convenient to express prices in dollar terms. Moreover, since some materials have to be imported, just as in the previous case, it is easier to keep dollar deposits to make dollar payments. 3. Another reason is obvious to anyone who remembers life in the region in the 1990s: clearly, asset dollarization guarded against high inflation and protected savings from the erosion of value. The roots of the dollarization problem in Georgia, in particular, can be traced to the unstable political and economic environment after the fall of the Soviet Union. The accelerating inflation and volatile political setting during the transition to a market economy eroded confidence in the national currency. Underdeveloped financial markets and dependency on money transfers from abroad nourished dollarization in the Georgian economy. 4. People/businesses may also keep their liquid assets in foreign currencies due to other considerations: a) The procyclical nature of exchange rate risk in emerging market economies: during periods of recession or low growth, emerging economies typically observe devaluation of their currency against the US dollar (Cordella & Gupta, 2014). If a Georgian business has a loan denominated in USD, then during a recession they will face a double burden—devaluation increases the GEL value of their debt, even as their GEL revenues decline. Hence, a business may choose to keep part of their deposits in USD to protect themselves during a recession. During times of strong economic growth, the opposite may happen—dollar deposits may lose their value due to appreciation of the GEL. This effect, however, is dampened because the negative impact is less noticeable because of the growing economy. b) Devaluation could translate into price increases for imported goods. We do see evidence of the correlation between import price inflation rates and GEL/USD exchange rate changes in Georgia (graph 2). Hence, for people and businesses who rely heavily on imported goods for consumption/production, keeping savings/assets in USD provides a hedge against import price increases. 5. Finally, the high volatility of the exchange rate may in itself contribute to a high level of dollarization in the economy, as people become increasingly uncertain about the value of the domestic currency. Graph 2. Import Price Inflation and Exchange Rate Changes, %Q: What are the drawbacks of dollarization? A: The high level of dollarization is a serious challenge for the country. There are a number of reasons why dollarization may hurt the economy, but those immediately obvious to a non-expert are the following: if the economy is highly dollarized, the risks in the banking system rise; the real economy becomes more unstable and exchange rates become more volatile. Imagine having liabilities in USD and income in GEL. Hence, if you expect the GEL to depreciate, you are likely to start buying dollars. When a lot of people behave this way, the demand for GEL decreases and it loses value—depreciates against the dollar—as anticipated. The most interesting part of this mechanism is that the expectations might have arisen without any logical explanation, bringing real changes to the economy and increasing its volatility. The increased volatility of the exchange rate then feeds into the process of dollarization, creating a vicious cycle that prevents dollarization levels from falling and giving rise to a so-called “dollarization hysteresis” (a phenomenon that is responsible for the persistence of dollarization even as the exchange rates stabilize). That could affect the debt burden and the profitability of such firms. The expectations mechanism is further augmented by the common nature of currency mismatch in Georgia, meaning that many citizens’ assets and liabilities are expressed in different currencies. It has already been mentioned that a significant part of Georgian citizens’ debt is denominated in USD, because of the lower interest rate offerings by domestic banks on loans in USD. Consequently, the balance sheet of such debtors is prone to exchange rate risk, because their source of income is in a currency different from USD. These debtors might be particularly responsive to expected changes in the exchange rate, buying dollars when they expect the GEL to depreciate or buying GEL when they expect the GEL to appreciate. These transactions will bring forward changes in the exchange rate, which might be based solely on these expectations and the actions from debtors in response to expected changes in the exchange rate. Q: What can be done to reduce dollarization? A: As we saw, while asset dollarization can make sense to individual market actors, it poses significant risks for a country and financial system as a whole. Reducing dollarization has been high on the Georgian government’s agenda. In 2016, NBG, together with the Georgian government, adopted a 10-point Larization plan. As part of the Larization policy, loans of less than 100,000 GEL could only be issued in local currency. Since 2019, the threshold has moved to 200,000 GEL. It has also become compulsory to denote real estate prices in GEL. Moreover, the government offers subsidies to induce citizens to de-dollarize their loans. However, despite the Larization policies currently in place, the dollarization level of deposits still remains high in Georgia (2020 average rate was 66.36% (NBG)). Clearly, people who keep their deposits in USD are not irrational. For the reasons already discussed above, if the overall dollarization level in the economy is high, it can make more sense for individuals to keep their assets in dollars as well. Given that bringing down the average dollarization level in the economy is not an easy task (it takes time), we can expect that the asset dollarization problem in Georgia will persist for some time. Q: Is it possible that dollarization will decrease in Georgia in the long run? A: In the long run we can look forward to lower dollarization levels if certain conditions are met. To name a few: a) When businesses have access to and are able to use various financial instruments to hedge against foreign exchange risk (rather than just storing their deposits in USD which, as we saw, is an imperfect hedging instrument in the Georgian context) b) When all sectors of the economy become gradually and fully de-dollarized (e.g., the real estate sector).
Open Question Answering
⌟ Long Term Care Long-term care involves a variety of services designed to meet a person’s health or personal care needs during a short or long period of time. These services help people live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own. Most Care Provided at Home Long-term care is provided in different places by different caregivers, depending on a person’s needs. Most long-term care is provided at home by unpaid family members and friends. It can also be given in a facility such as a nursing home or in the community, for example, in an adult day care center. The most common type of long-term care is personal care — help with everyday activities, also called “activities of daily living.” These activities include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet, eating, and moving around — for example, getting out of bed and into a chair. Services Long-term care also includes community services such as meals, adult day care, and transportation services. These services may be provided free or for a fee. Long-term care insurance is a type of policy which is designed to provide for the financial welfare of an individual beyond a certain period. An example of this can be seen when a common disability package is replaced with its long-term counterpart. Such a plan is commonly seen with individuals who may have chronic illnesses (such as COPD or emphysema) and those who have become physically handicapped. This insurance policy exists in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. It can be known by its acronym LTCI or simply as LTI (Long-Term Insurance). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui accusata recteque ut, tollit vivendum et duo. Purto habeo solet vel in, ad legimus incorrupte sit. Cu justo simul interesset vix. Utamur adolescens vis et, est soluta putent aliquip ut. Est vidit consul sadipscing in, nec dicant noster eu. Mel ne vero nobis noster, ad cum idque docendi menandri, nec utroque principes ullamcorper ex. Tota exerci feugiat no quo, per aliquip ocurreret voluptatum ne. No tritani dolorem disputando his, his aperiri noluisse reprehendunt ut. Duo aliquid minimum te, blandit persequeris id sed, quem populo commune cum te. Ius no errem mentitum, quo quidam consetetur te. Q : How to Switch Banks? A: If you’re going to write checks or use online bill pay, start writing checks from the new account and fund those payments by transferring money from your old account. Q : Why should I spend money on a financial advisor? A: Most commonly, individuals seek the help of a financial advisor for retirement planning. But they can do much more than that. You can get help with college savings, work on household finances and even get out of debt with the help of a financial advisor. Q : Can I get help with my credit card debts from a financial advisor? A: Absolutely. Clients can work with a licensed financial advisor to pay off their debts and get back on track financially. Financial advisors have access to programs most individuals can’t get into on their own, and they have connections in the financial industry most of us simply don’t have. Q : I am already in debt. How can I afford a financial advisor? A: The help of a financial advisor may be less expensive than you might think. Depending on the help you are looking for, you could be looking at a fee only situation or commission based pricing.
Open Question Answering
Do you know why pokemon is called pokemon? And, how does pokeball work? Before we go through the discussion of how to make a Pokeball, let's look into some interesting facts. You know pokeballs are those technological marbles that pokemon trainers used to capture and store living creatures. According to pokemon lore, the whole reason pokemons are even called pokemon is because we capture them in pokeballs. Yes, before these things existed, they were called Mizzou or Magical creatures. Pokemon is a part of the western world since the modern time. How Does a Pokeball Work Are you interested to know a bit more about pokeballs? If you are, then this phase is for you. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this section. I have tried to let you know something that I found interesting about pokeballs. Pokeballs are amazing to say the least. They can do some things we just cannot replicate with modern science. For instance, in a few interpretations, they basically act as portable shrink ray but perhaps even more impressively the most common depiction shows pokemon being completely converted into energy before stored on a trainer's belt, and that might be a ten years old dream come true. Nevertheless, as Einstein theorized with his famous equation (E=MC2) that energy and mass are actually the same things in different states. This means with the right technology; you should be capable of turning a body of mass (like Pikachu) into pure energy. However, this is not that simple. Let's dive into a bit deeper. Take a look at the equation again (E=MC2). If the amount of energy in something is equal to its mass, times the speed of light squared then practically any reasonable mass you plug into the equation is going to release a ton of energy. Take Gastly here, for instance; he's currently the lightest know pokemon in existence. It weighs just point two pounds. But if you are to turn all of his mass into energy, it would still release a whopping 8.0910-15 joules. What does that mean? Well, if Gastly is just floating in the middle of your city and you decided to convert all of his mass into energy, it would create an explosion. Which is roughly 100 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during world war two. Quite incredible! Isn't it? The fireball alone would be three and a half miles diameter, and over 1.7 million people would be killed. Moreover, the air blast from the massive energy release would force almost every building to collapse. But that's all we are assuming the lightest pokemon and fail to contain the energy. Fortunately, for us, pokemon is all about containing things specifically as some experts pointed out pokeballs seem to resemble futuristic supercapacitors. Luckily, far more efficient and capable version of capacitors we have today. You see them everywhere, in motors, computers, and video game consoles. Capacitors use two conductors surrounding one non-conductive region to contain energy in the form of an electric field. I had to guess different types of pokeballs are probably made of different things. You will notice a non-conductive region in the middle is known as a dielectric. Technique of Making a Pokeball Pokemon saga is something we are familiar with, aren't we? Pokeball is the major ball for this game. Generally, this ball features a red top and white bottom and a black horizontal ring around the ball. You can make it at your home. This is not a very big deal, but you need a few items. Things you need A ball Red, white, and black acrylic paint A paintbrush A washer Two rubber bands Primer Preparing Your Ball Use Round Ball You can use any round ball. Size doesn't matter. You can choose any size you would like to use. But make sure it's completely round, and the surface is smooth because smooth surfaces are easy to paint. On top of these factors, I prefer the lacrosse ball, which meets almost every condition I mentioned above. Prime Your Ball Priming makes painting easy and sustainable. If you are going to use an old ball, it might contain scratches, dark strains or many other things on it. In case of a new ball, it might have dark logos on it. So, it is wise and recommendable to prime your ball. Besides using white primer, paint the entire ball with an even layer of paint. Primer helps painting to go on for a long time. Moreover, it increases the smoothness of the entire surface. Place Rubber Bands Around the Ball You would use two rubber bands to mark a line out at the center part of your Pokeball. In order to lay them flat, place them around the ball. Don't forget; you need the area between them just less than one-third of the total ball. Trace the Inside of the Bands Take a color pencil or a pen and mark the area along with elastic bands. Mark the whole ball to create an outline for the black part of the ball. Once you have done it, take the rubber bands off your ball. Use a Washer Now, take a rubber faucet washer which is just bigger than the black part of your pokeball. Use something that will help you to hold it in place. The lines you have created, it should be centered between them. The final step is to trace around the washer in both the inner and outer circle. Painting Your Ball Paint the White Part of Your Ball Are you going you paint for the first time? Then be very careful. Painting is fun, but at the same time, you need to be very tricky and cautious. You can start by using white paint because it is easy to cover up with dark paint if anything white over the line. If you would like to have a bright finish, use two coat of white paint. Don't hurry; take enough time to dry the first coat properly. Remember, it won't be easy to cover your mistake. Anyway, don't forget to paint the tiny part of your washer. Paint the Red Part of Your Ball Now, it's time to paint the top part of your ball, yes, the red part. Start painting from the upper line and end with the tracing elastic. There is a reason for following up this line. As you know, black is darker than red, by any chance, if you get anything over the red, you can have a chance to correct it. I recommend two coats of paint for it too. Paint the Black Part of Your Ball Most of the people focus only on red and white portion but painting the black part is equally important. This is the center ring around the Pokeball. You have already made an outline including you washer. Paint this portion carefully. I suggest you wait until the red and white paint to dry. Otherwise, this could be messed up. Finish With a Gloss In order to make your pokeball more lucrative and elegant, you need to finish with a top gloss. Basically, most of the pokeballs are made shiny. Another important thing is painting your Pokeball one-half at a time. It will diminish the possibility of smudging the gloss. So, you have almost done your job. Just wait for a day to get the ball dry properly. Now, a big Congratulation to you! Frequently Asked Question Question: How can I make an Ultra ball?Answer: The process is the same. You can just decorate it differently.Question: Is there any alternative for rubber bands?Answer: Yes, you can use ribbon or string, but rubber bands work well.Question: What should I do if I don't have white primer?Answer: First try to wash the ball ideally, or you can buy it from your nearer Home Depot or Amazon.Question: What if I don't have spray paint?Answer: You have to use some Acrylic paint. This is available in grocery stores or any craft or art supply store.Question: Is polishing mandatory?Answer: No. polishing depends on which kind of materials you are using. If it is metal, then it is optional.Final words So, as you are thinking of making a Pokeball by yourself, I have tried my best to bring up the whole process of making it. I took help from experts and professionals. You have flexibility as well as you need to maintain the basic rules and regulations. I hope and believe this article will help you. Best of luck!
Open Question Answering
IS220PDOAH1A General Electric Brand New GE FANUC IS220PDOAH1A – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – GE series products: GE PLC 90-30 Series GE PLC 90-70 Series GE PACSystems RX3i GE PACSystems RX7i GE VersaMax GE VMIC GE Mark VIe GE Fanuc CNC GE Field Control GE Genius I/O GE QuickPanel GE Series One GE Multilin Module Feel free to contact us ! Cambia Automation Limited is a components company of PLC DCS TSI control system, located in China. New Good Price! Q&A 1.Q:How about the warranty? A:All goods have 1 year warranty. 2.Q:What about the delivery time? A:Normally in 1 Week. 3.Q: Other suppliers have a better price than yours? A:“To create the greatest benefit for clients is our belief, if you have a better price, please let we know. We will try the best to meet your price and support you. 4.Q:What about the shipment? A:We can arrange shipment by DHL, FedEx, UPS,TNT, EMS with competitive price, of course, customers can also use their own freight forwarders. 5.Q:How about the terms of payment? A:Generally through T/T, Paypal and Western Union also accept. Yes!We also have the following GE products FC302312-03 IS200ACLEH1BAA/ACLEH1B IS210AEBIH1BAB CRS22.P8 IS200ESELH2RRR/ESELH2A IS210AEBIH2BE QC5204MS IS200EHPRG1CCB IS210AEBIH3BBC FC200022-01 IS200EHPRG1BBR IS210MACCH3AGG MVC3013-4001 IS420UCSBH3A IS210AEAAH1BHB CM400RGACH1ACB IS420PPNGH1A IS210MACCH2AEG CM400RGICH1ACB IS200VCMIH2BEE IS215VCMIH2BE IS210AEDBH3ADC IS210AEBIH3BED IS220PDOAH1A IS210AEPSG2BB IS200AEADH4ADA IS220PAICH1A IS210AEDBH3ACC IS200EMIOH1ACA/EMIOH1A IS220PSCAH1A DS200CPCAG1ABB Brand New GE FANUC IS220PDOAH1A – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – GE series products: GE PLC 90-30 Series GE PLC 90-70 Series GE PACSystems RX3i GE PACSystems RX7i GE VersaMax GE VMIC GE Mark VIe GE Fanuc CNC GE Field Control GE Genius I/O GE QuickPanel GE Series One GE Multilin Module Feel free to contact us ! Cambia Automation Limited is a components company of PLC DCS TSI control system, located in China. New Good Price! Q&A 1.Q:How about the warranty? A:All goods have 1 year warranty. 2.Q:What about the delivery time? A:Normally in 1 Week. 3.Q: Other suppliers have a better price than yours? A:“To create the greatest benefit for clients is our belief, if you have a better price, please let we know. We will try the best to meet your price and support you. 4.Q:What about the shipment? A:We can arrange shipment by DHL, FedEx, UPS,TNT, EMS with competitive price, of course, customers can also use their own freight forwarders. 5.Q:How about the terms of payment? A:Generally through T/T, Paypal and Western Union also accept. Yes!We also have the following GE products FC302312-03 IS200ACLEH1BAA/ACLEH1B IS210AEBIH1BAB CRS22.P8 IS200ESELH2RRR/ESELH2A IS210AEBIH2BE QC5204MS IS200EHPRG1CCB IS210AEBIH3BBC FC200022-01 IS200EHPRG1BBR IS210MACCH3AGG MVC3013-4001 IS420UCSBH3A IS210AEAAH1BHB CM400RGACH1ACB IS420PPNGH1A IS210MACCH2AEG CM400RGICH1ACB IS200VCMIH2BEE IS215VCMIH2BE IS210AEDBH3ADC IS210AEBIH3BED IS220PDOAH1A IS210AEPSG2BB IS200AEADH4ADA IS220PAICH1A IS210AEDBH3ACC IS200EMIOH1ACA/EMIOH1A IS220PSCAH1A DS200CPCAG1ABB </template>
Open Question Answering
One morning in October 2021, I woke with a sense of anticipation - and a little concern. I had agreed to give a talk about my latest book, The Estate Origins of Democracy in Russia: From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Post-Communist Middle Class , at the Grimshaw Club, LSE’s oldest student society. The book is about the long shadow of Tsarist Russia’s legacies of the neglected institution of estate (sosloviye), and how they shape present social structure and democracy despite the seven decades of communism. In it, I show: how even the most brutal levelling dictatorships are unable to destroy social hierarchies from feudal orders of the past; how these archaic long-gone orders account for the origin and reproduction of present-day professional middle classes; and how the resilience of social hierarchies, that in the modern day and age increasingly privilege knowledge and human capital, contributes both to democratic impulses and populism-fuelling resentment and anger among those habitually left behind, in current autocracies like Russia and Western democracies alike. It’s not a book easily packed into a sentence (as the proverbial “elevator pitch” to the press editor or literary agent recommends), or a time-constrained lecture. Watch: Professor Tomila Lankina challenges materialist notions of inequality in "Airbrushed out of history: the Soviet middle class and lessons for inequality", a short film about her new book. Creating a more equal society requires not just the redistribution of money, but knowledge The room was jam packed. I began by asking the students to raise their hands if they came from countries they thought were unequal, followed by the question “What one thing would you do to change that?” Unsurprisingly, most raised their hands to the first question. And to the second, I got what I expected too. Some spoke of improving access to education, others about taxation, offshore havens, and redistribution. Then I delved into my book. Drawing a diagram with little persons and stashes of money underneath them, I explained that if you have person A who is rich, and citizen B who has nothing, and we want to improve equality in a material sense, we’d take some cash from A’s metaphorical sack of money and put at least some of it into that of B’s. Coercion is not a long-term solution: if you harass, shoot, and jail too many As, there will be no one left to teach and educate the Bs. What happens though if you face a dilemma like the Bolsheviks did after the October 1917 Revolution - you want to not just redistribute wealth, but also the more intangible human, cultural and knowledge-professional capitals? For the social revolutionaries had proclaimed the fight against illiteracy, backwardness, and ignorance and were eager to promote formal education among the downtrodden peasant and proletarian masses. Would you simply take A’s knowledge and give it to B? Not easily done. And what if the stylised A comes from social groups that the Bolsheviks themselves branded as the bourgeoisie - in Marxist class schemata, to be relegated to the dustbin of history? Educating the uneducated – why the Bolsheviks needed the bourgeoisie As diagram 1 below shows, society in Tsarist Russia had been highly stratified. The institution of estate, in Russian sosloviye , rigidly regimented not only basic freedoms, property rights and taxation, but also access to education. At the pinnacle of the estate hierarchy were aristocracy and life nobles. Together they made up less than 2 per cent of the Empire’s population. Next in the hierarchy came the sosloviye of clergy, at 0.5 per cent a minuscule share of the population, followed by the urban groups of merchants (0.2 per cent), honoured citizens (0.3 per cent), and meshchane , a larger group (10.7 per cent) most approximating the bourgeoisie in a Western sense, of small urban and rural tradesmen, property owners, teachers, doctors, pharmacists, notaries. These groups were citizens, so relatively-speaking, by standards of the Tsarist state, free, unlike those at the bottom - nearly 80 per cent of Russian subjects - who remained de facto without many of the rights that the other estates enjoyed, even though peasants had been emancipated in the 1860s. The free or semi-free enjoyed far better access to education than the peasants, colonising elite classical gymnasia (equivalent of high school, completion of which was a big deal even in America and Western Europe at that time) and technical colleges and university faculties that prepared them for the lives of modern, 20th century-style professionals. It is these people - the bourgeois/aristocrat/clergyman-turned modern professional - who embodied the metaphorical A to whom the Bolsheviks would have to turn if they wanted to tackle the human capital dimension of inequality. So A from among the “educated estates” would have to be approached to educate the B (illiterate peasant or peasant-turned-factory worker). What if hedge fund management is more appealing than school teaching? But what if A prefers to work for a hedge fund instead, as it pays more money than being a schoolteacher? In Bolshevik Russia, A of course had no hedge fund option – the Bolsheviks were against capitalism. But she could sail ship, to Europe, Australia, or America where she would be free to join the 1920s equivalent of the hedge fund. And the Bolsheviks knew this. Hundreds of thousands of the crème de la crème of educated society left Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. So the Bolsheviks start creating perks for A. They also force them to work for the revolutionary state at gunpoint. But coercion is not a long-term solution: if you harass, shoot, and jail too many As, there will be no one left to teach and educate the Bs. Instead the As continue to get more perks and their privileges become institutionalised and formalised in Soviet state policy. Eminent Tsarist-era scientists, surgeons, engineers, and pedagogues get free apartments in elite quarters of Moscow or Leningrad, access to gourmet food, and holidays in fancy resorts like the Crimea; their children get access to prestigious universities even though quotas continue to favour peasants and “proletarian” workers. If even the most brutal communist dictatorship that destroyed capital and levelled incomes was not able to solve the problem of status…, then what hope for more benign democratic welfare states? We are all inadvertently complicit in perpetuating social inequality Asymmetry of human capital then quickly turns into asymmetry of A’s status against that of B. But let’s not just blame the state for inequality! Status, as I show in my book, is also reproduced because society bestows deference selectively on the pedigree professional who is most trusted, say, to treat, educate, and raise your child from poverty, over the newly minted one. A mother with sick and starving children, for example, is unlikely to choose the peasant woman who can barely read or write, but is now a doctor, over the most famous surgeon trained in Imperial Russia. And so we see how not just the state, but wider society, including the least advantaged groups, become inadvertently complicit in perpetuating social inequality. Of course, we all know that Soviet society was unequal. But when experts talk of Soviet society, they do not speak of the aristocrats, the clergy, merchants and meshchane discreetly reconstituting their status – and along with it that of the entire hierarchy of Imperial estates – under the thin veneer of the proclaimed communist egalitarianism. In our outrage with the material aspects of inequality – the offshore havens… the uber-rich... – I contend that we are skirting an important issue of the longer-term drivers of inequality. Studies of communist Russia have misinterpreted issues of inequality How did historians, political scientists and sociologists studying communist Russia get it all so badly wrong? Generations of students have been fed the diet of “Communism as The Great Rupture” narrative. There was the Soviet propaganda of course that proclaimed a whole new revolutionary dawn. There were ideologues and sympathisers to Bolshevism in the west. Even the most highly regarded scholars and intellectuals continued to see Soviet society through the prism of Marxist-Leninist dogma. The historian Sheila Fitzpatrick, for example, celebrating the “spectacular” ascent of youth from “working-class and peasant families” into the ranks of “qualified specialists” as evidence of “a fulfilment of the promises of the revolution.” And then we have the latest polemics about inequality that received renewed momentum with the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century . Piketty skirts the issue of intangible capitals of the kind that I discuss in Estate Origins. Even when discussing the work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, who wrote about the significance of non-tangible cultural, social, and human capitals in perpetuating social hierarchies in France, Piketty couches inequality in materialist-economistic terms. This is a serious misreading of Bourdieu’s work. The period coinciding with communism is considered as a historical phase of levelling. Both communist and capitalist societies elevate those with knowledge But are findings on Russia applicable only to the narrow slice of communist societies? In our outrage with the material aspects of inequality – the offshore havens, the revelations of the Pandora and Paradise papers, the uber-rich in the top percentiles of wealth distribution – I contend that we are skirting an important issue of the longer-term drivers of inequality. What defines modern social structure and inequalities are processes that began when feudalism started giving way to citizenship and the privileging of knowledge that we associate with the present era. That is when the habitually educated layers of pre-modern societies, where social station was ascribed at birth, joined the world of the organisationally-incorporated or free professional. This juncture anticipates the significance that we attach to human capital in the knowledge economies of the present. Just like in communist Russia, both the public policies of developmental welfare states that aim to socially elevate, educate, and enlighten those least privileged and most vulnerable, and the agency of the wider society, conspire to maintain social hierarchies and status in ways that benefits those with the highest stocks of intergenerationally reproduced knowledge. And if even the most brutal communist dictatorship that destroyed capital and levelled incomes was not able to solve the problem of the status of the A as against the B, then what hope for more benign democratic welfare states? Listen: Hear Tomila Lankina in the LSE iQ episode, "Why is democracy declining?" Estate origins of inequality, knowledge societies and the problem of the cameraman As I was wrapping up my Grimshaw session, I was reminded of Piketty’s talk when he came to speak at LSE at a packed hall full of awed students. I recalled a comment from the late sociologist Alvin Gouldner about the problem of the cameraman. Gouldner reminded us that in Marxist dogma, there was no place for intellectuals, professionals, the middle class. There were the bourgeois, the proletariat, the landlords, and the peasants. And what about the Marxes and the Engelses, the Lenins? They didn’t just enjoy better living conditions than the peasants and workers on whose behalf they wrote. They also enjoyed higher status. To Gouldner, they were like the cameraman, who takes a snapshot, drawing our gaze to a social problem, while remaining invisible, hidden behind the camera, and, as such, beyond the scrutiny of class relations. We therefore never clamour for his revolutionary downfall – nor of course, would he clamour for his own fall from the pedestal of social esteem. As I was wrapping up my lecture, I thought better than to dethrone an idol from the pedestal. So I kept quiet about that other talk and the problem of the cameraman. But the thorny dilemma remains. It is at the root of our unequal societies. The cameraman – including the LSE professor – critiques social ills. They admonish. But in the act of doing so, stay high on the podium, on the pedestal of social status and esteem. Banner image source: Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Watson Memorial Library, Cammie G Henry Research Center, Constantine Neklutin collection. The Estate Origins of Democracy in Russia: From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Post-Communist Middle Class by Tomila Lankina will be published with Cambridge University Press in January 2022.
Open Question Answering
Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 48Gbps Black Product # 31231 UPC # 889028079416 $0.99 $12.99 Save $12.00 (92%)*Affirm is not available for business or international orders Customers Also Shopped For Questions and Answers Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. Learn More Do not include HTML, links, references to other stores, pricing or contact info. My question is about: If your question is about more than one item, click + to add them. Browse 111 questions Browse 111 questions and 134 answers Will this work the the Apple TV 4K A1842? New User U on Sep 20, 2019 BEST ANSWER: However, working and working properly are two separate things. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices. BEST ANSWER: However, working and working properly are two separate things. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices. It will! I use it on mine and have not had any issues. Thanks Eli! How is the quality of the picture and sound? So just quick background my tv is HDR10+ and I use Dolby Atmos on my receiver. Picture is nice and clear (chroma 4.2.2) and Dolby Atmos works with no issues. Great. How about Dolby Vision? I have a Samsung QLED 2018 8-series, with an Apple TV 4K. I like the Belkin brand, but have heard great things about Monoprice. Yes and I love it!!! Great. How about Dolby Vision? I have a Samsung QLED 2018 8-series, with an Apple TV 4K. I like the Belkin brand, but have heard great things about Monoprice. I’m not sure about that. I use mine with a Vizio M series quantum color. I have ps4 pro and Apple TV connected with monoprice cables and they look fantastic compared to previous cables I used. Vote for the best answer above! Dolby vision works, correct? A shopper on Aug 28, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Yes. I see Dolby vision broadcast on my LG OLED from my Apple TV 4K. Vote for the best answer above! can I safely put these in a wall? A shopper on Nov 26, 2019 BEST ANSWER: I think the question this person is trying to ask is, "Are these cables rated CL2, CL3 or better for in-Wall use?" I can't find this rating anywhere in the description. BEST ANSWER: I think the question this person is trying to ask is, "Are these cables rated CL2, CL3 or better for in-Wall use?" I can't find this rating anywhere in the description. Vote for the best answer above! A 6ft cable is now showing up as an option on the page? The real deal? Very interested!! A shopper on Aug 28, 2019 BEST ANSWER: I purchased 3 of the 6ft and all working fine. Hdr, eARC, alllm, vrr. Using them with Xbox one x and an LG 65 Oled C9 tv They should have no problem pushing anything available today you won't know until you've got 8K 60 hz 12-bit color signal from something using close to 48 GBPS but that's going to be a while. BEST ANSWER: I purchased 3 of the 6ft and all working fine. Hdr, eARC, alllm, vrr. Using them with Xbox one x and an LG 65 Oled C9 tv They should have no problem pushing anything available today you won't know until you've got 8K 60 hz 12-bit color signal from something using close to 48 GBPS but that's going to be a while. Vote for the best answer above! Is this better than DisplayPort for monitors with HDR? Bert S on Nov 5, 2019 BEST ANSWER: HDR is a video format, DisplayPort and HDMI are interfaces. So the data being sent through the cable (in this case, HDR) will be the same. What is most important is that your input device, and display device support HDR. BEST ANSWER: HDR is a video format, DisplayPort and HDMI are interfaces. So the data being sent through the cable (in this case, HDR) will be the same. What is most important is that your input device, and display device support HDR. Vote for the best answer above! I just bought a sony 950x tv with a 2nd gen fire cube. Since the tv has 4k HDR do i need this cable or the hdmi cable that does 48gbps instead? Patrick K on Dec 1, 2019 Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 48Gbps Black Monoprice 4K Slim Certified Premium High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 18Gbps Black BEST ANSWER: This Ultra 8k cables are capable of HDMI 2.1 standards, including eARC. However, if that doesn't mean anything to you, then you don't need the 8K cable. The 4K cable (as long as it says certified for ARC) will do everything you need, just fine. I believe the Sony 950x doesn't even have eARC capabilities, so definitely go the cheaper 4K cable. You can upgrade to an HDMI 2.1 compliant cable next year (or even later) once more devices begin to support it. BEST ANSWER: This Ultra 8k cables are capable of HDMI 2.1 standards, including eARC. However, if that doesn't mean anything to you, then you don't need the 8K cable. The 4K cable (as long as it says certified for ARC) will do everything you need, just fine. I believe the Sony 950x doesn't even have eARC capabilities, so definitely go the cheaper 4K cable. You can upgrade to an HDMI 2.1 compliant cable next year (or even later) once more devices begin to support it. I had initially purchased the Ultra Slim Certified Premium cables for my system but had picture connectivity issues. I switched to the Dynamic View Ultra 8K HDMI cables and no longer have any issues at all and can now enjoy optimum 4K viewing. I highly recommend the Dynamic View Ultra 8K High Speed HDMI cables when running your 4K HDR source components thru an A/V receiver/processor to your TV ARC HDMI input. Vote for the best answer above! Does this cover Dolby Atmos? A shopper on Jul 4, 2022 BEST ANSWER: It transmits Dolby Atmos with no problem on my system. What is the gauge of the wire? A shopper on Oct 17, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Staff answered "These are 30 AWG cable." Dec 2019 in a similar question. is this full hdmi 2.1 with all spec of 2.1 ? are just some specs are just some specs A shopper on Nov 22, 2019 BEST ANSWER: I picked these up to do 4k 60Hz HDR content through my receiver to TV and needed eARC support when doing 4k streaming via Internet through TV. These cables have not disappointed even though they do not carry an HDMI specified spec. BEST ANSWER: I picked these up to do 4k 60Hz HDR content through my receiver to TV and needed eARC support when doing 4k streaming via Internet through TV. These cables have not disappointed even though they do not carry an HDMI specified spec. Vote for the best answer above! What Hz will it have for 4k? Thanks! A shopper on Dec 22, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Actually, Ultra High Speed HDMI cable can do 4K up to 240Hz. have these been certified under the Ultra High Speed HDMI Certification Program? shawn m on Mar 31, 2020 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. No it would not be. No it would not be. Is there any technical or spec. difference between the Monoprice logo 8k cable and the "No Name" 8k cable. Are they the same cable? Don B on Jan 11, 2021 BEST ANSWER: As I only purchased one cable there is no for me to know the answer to this question, this is a question for Monoprice to answer. Does this cable have 4k at 120Hz… it specifies 8k at 60Hz , but other cables actually specify the 4K/120Hz, this one doesn’t specify that exactly? Brian C on Nov 27, 2022 BEST ANSWER: I purchased 4 of these HDMI wires; they can indeed handle 4K@120Hz; my Ps5 and XBox X handles 120Hz gaming beautifully Is it backwards compatible? A shopper on Feb 2, 2023 BEST ANSWER: Yes. I have one I am using on a 1080P monitor and another with a 4K blu-ray player & TV. Do you ship to Australia ? A shopper on Aug 19, 2019 Vote for the best answer above! How easy to bend is this cable? I ask because I have had many of MP's higher end HDMI cables previously but they were VERY stiff and put quite a bit of pressure on the HDMI ports. Krister H on Sep 3, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The cables are fairly easy to bend. I would put them in the mid range bend-ability. The cables are fairly easy to bend. I would put them in the mid range bend-ability. does this 6 ft. cable more easy to bend than my Monoprice Certified Premium High Speed HDMI Cable, 4K@60Hz, HDR, 18Gbps, 28AWG, YUV 4:4:4, 6ft, White? New User U on Sep 6, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this would be easier to bend than the certified premium cable. Yes, this would be easier to bend than the certified premium cable. Does this cable support 4:4:2? Gary K on Sep 7, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this would support 4:4:2 color. Yes, this would support 4:4:2 color. Are these cables HDCP 2.2 compliant? New User U on Nov 14, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Yes. They work very very well. Have a Yamaha to Samsung and no problems with connection . What is the fire rating? A shopper on Nov 22, 2019 BEST ANSWER: I do not believe these are rated for in-wall, if thats your question. What is the gauge of the wire? Kevin C on Dec 1, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. These are 30 AWG cable. These are 30 AWG cable. does this cable support hdcp2.2? A shopper on Dec 8, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This would pass HDCP 2.2 signal. This would pass HDCP 2.2 signal. Are there any plans to produce a 10 foot version of this cable? Need a bit more length for my setup. Thanks in advance! New User U on Dec 22, 2019 BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. We will be releasing longer versions of this cable in the future. We will be releasing longer versions of this cable in the future. will it work with uverse? A shopper on Jan 6, 2020 BEST ANSWER: It will work with any hdmi connection Does this support HDCP 2.3? Elliott W on May 19, 2020 BEST ANSWER: Yes, that's a format of the data that's being passed by the cable. The cable doesn't care. It's only about the amount of bandwidth you need to use and these should support the full 48 GBPS bandwidth that you won't need until you want to send an 8K 60Hz signal at 12-bit color depth. BEST ANSWER: Yes, that's a format of the data that's being passed by the cable. The cable doesn't care. It's only about the amount of bandwidth you need to use and these should support the full 48 GBPS bandwidth that you won't need until you want to send an 8K 60Hz signal at 12-bit color depth. Vote for the best answer above! Does the 6ft length lose any signal strength over the 3ft? Eric F on Jun 18, 2020 BEST ANSWER: There should be no difference. I use a 15' Ultra cable without resolution loss. Are the contacts on this cable gold plated or not? Johnathon R on Jun 21, 2020 BEST ANSWER: The ones that I have are gold plated. Thanks! The contracts on the inside of the connector that goes into your device, not the external part of the connector? 4k support is 60 or 120hz? A shopper on Jul 2, 2020 BEST ANSWER: 120hz Are these cables thin and flexible? How thick compared to the ultra slim slim series? A shopper on Jul 9, 2020 BEST ANSWER: The cable is a tad over 1/4" or 7mm. It's a durable cable without high flexibility. If you're looking for high flex, consider a braided cable. What are the connectors made of? A shopper on Nov 24, 2020 BEST ANSWER: Connectors might be gold plated. The plastic is pretty good and sturdy. They work excellent. Reviews 4.7 / 5.0 290 Reviews 5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 254 13 10 7 6 Rated 5 out of 5 good fast AND cheap, a rare win in all 3 categories September 25, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Great Quality Cahle The cable is well built and worked extremely well. The only issue that I had was the size of the connector on some of the devices that I use this cable with (mainly tv's and the port clearances) which is no fault of the cable and something that may not affect 99% of individuals. September 18, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Insane value for money! Unbelievable performance! Insane value for money and exactly what I need to make the various rooms in my house more usable. From my office to my home theater, I'm able to maximize the performance of all of my devices. September 18, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Happy customer Used this to connect my gaming PC to my TV. It handles 4k 120fps perfectly. September 17, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable Great deal on a quality wire. September 11, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 September 11, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Great cable at a great price. Works as expected. September 8, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 8K HDMI Cable Great cable for the money. Would buy again. September 5, 2023 Purchased 1 month ago 1 month ago Rated 5 out of 5 Work fine. GREAT deal when on sale!! Can always use more HDMI cables so when these went on sale, I bought a bunch! They arrived safely and well packaged. They look good and work well. They ARE substantial, as the cable is quite thick, so consider the application before using. Still, not a negative. Thicker cables are probably more reliable and more efficient at transmitting signals. Very happy with this purchase. Recommended. September 4, 2023 Purchased 2 months ago 2 months ago
Open Question Answering
Term dates The academic year at Stockholm University starts in late August and ends in early June. The academic year is divided into two semesters, an autumn semester and a spring semester. The autumn semester starts at the end of August and continues until mid-January of the following year. The spring semester starts in January and finishes at the beginning of June. Each semester is divided into 4 parts: Period 1 (A and B) and Period 2 (C and D). Spring 2025 20 January 2025 to 5 June 2025 Period 1: Monday 20/1 Thursday 20/2 Period 2: Monday 24/3 Monday 5/5 Autumn 2024 2 September 2024 to 19 January 2025 Period 1: A: Monday 2/9 B: Thursday 3/10 Period 2: C: Monday 4/11 D: Thursday 5/12 Spring 2024 15 January 2024 to 2 June 2024 Period 1: A: Monday 15/1 B: Thursday 15/2 Period 2: C: Thursday 21/3 D: Thursday 2/5 Autumn 2023 28 August 2023 to 14 January 2024 Period 1: A: Monday 28/8 B: Thursday 28/9 Period 2: C: Monday 30/10 D: Thursday 30/11 Registration may take place before the official start of the semester After you have been admitted to a course you will need to confirm your enrollment through a registration before the start of the semester. Sometimes the registration takes place some days before the official starting date of the semester - make sure you know when you have your registration before you book your flight to Sweden. Stockholm University has a decentralised organisation which means that there are different ways of registering depending on which department you will be studying with. You will be given information from the respectively department on how and when to register. If you do not receive information regarding registration and if there is no information about registration dates on the departmental website, please contact the department directly. Last updated: June 20, 2023 Source: Student Services
Open Question Answering
Anyone who has witnessed a loved one develop and eventually succumb to Alzheimer’s disease knows the slow-paced devastation it can inflict on a family’s morale and finances. Alzheimer’s is one of the most frightening afflictions a person can face. While there isn’t a cure, there are measures you can take to prevent or slow its development. In this yourfootpalace.com article, we present a definition of what Alzheimer’s disease is, identify ways to prevent or slow the onset of it, and offer answers to some of the more common questions related to the disease. What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease gets its name from Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician. The term Alzheimer’s dates back to 1906 when he presented the case of a 51-year-old woman suffering from a rare brain disorder. Known as the most common cause of premature senility, Alzheimer’s disease is caused by progressive mental deterioration or brain cell death. Often confused with the umbrella term dementia, Alzheimer’s is one of the diseases of which dementia is a symptom. As this neurodegenerative disease progresses, brain cells are left with fewer and fewer nerve cells and connections, robbing its victim of awareness, memory, altering the personality and behavior, and eventually mobility. Watch this video to discover how Alzheimer’s disease advances on the brain. Diet May Be Key to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? Research worldwide has shown that your diet may fundamentally influence the onset or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Foods With Higher Risk Values – In what is known as a “Western” diet, consuming large quantities of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sweets is directly linked to the development of the disease.Nitrosamines which act within the liver prompt the production of fats which are toxic to the brain. They can be found in: • Cured meat • Nonfat dry milk • Sometimes in fish and cheese The following foods have all been found to contain or promote the production of nitrosamines: • Beer • Bacon • All food containing nitrites • And tobacco consumption The bodies production of nitrosamines can be slowed and in some instances halted by the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C. Foods That Help Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk – Just as certain foods may encourage the development of a disease, some foods assist the body in its prevention of the disease. The following are foods that reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease:• Curcumin (the principal curcuminoid of turmeric) • Berries • Beans • Olive Oil • Whole Grains • Spinach, Kale, etc. (Leafy Greens) • Wine (one glass daily) • Dark Chocolate • Black Coffee (without sugar or other additives) • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts) • Salmon (as well as other fatty fish) Exercise and Alzheimer’s Prevention A person’s overall health and well-being are not just linked to their diet, exercise plays a direct role in both physical and mental health. According to alzheimersprevention.org/4-pillars-of-prevention/exercise-and-brain-aerobics/ regular physical exercise (150 minutes of a combination of cardio exercise and strength training per week) can reduce one’s risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 50 percent. Medical Intervention and Alzheimer’s Treatment While no definitive cure has been identified, tests are available that can determine a person’s risk of developing the disease. As well, regular exams and annual physicals present an opportunity for early diagnosis. Medical intervention for Alzheimer’s includes cognition-enhancing medication which improves mental function, lowers blood pressure, and potentially balances one’s mood. Combined with diet, exercise, and early detection, those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are living longer with a better quality of life than in previous decades. The following are medical specialists that diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s: Primary Care Provider (PCP) – Prevents, diagnoses, and initially treats diseases.Occupational Therapist – Works to Improve the daily living and work skills of patients.Geriatrician – Focuses on the health care of elderly people.Neurologist – Treats nervous system disorders.Psychiatrist – Primarily through medications, treats mental disorders.People Also Ask The following questions are commonly asked about Alzheimer’s disease. Q: What Are the Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s? A: While there are many subtle signs, the following would indicate that something is wrong and prompt one to get tested.• Memory Loss • Mood and Personality Changes • Confusion Related to Time and Place • Sudden Problems with Speaking or Writing Words • Misplacing Objects • Inability to Retrace One’s Steps • Challenged at Planning • Reduced Problem Solving Capability Q: Can Alzheimer’s Be Prevented? A: Research cannot yet support a definitive answer to this question. However, there is strong evidence that lifestyle choices may influence whether or not you fall victim to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.Years of research has shown that physical activity and diet can reduce one’s risk of diseases like diabetes and heart disease, both of which have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Q: Is Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic? A: Genetics is pretty straight-forward. If you inherit a genetic mutation which causes a specific disease, chances are that you will develop the disease. Cystic fibrosis, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, and familial Alzheimer’s are all examples of genetic disorders that can be inherited.Q: Is Alzheimer’s Linked to Diet? A: Yes – The consumption of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sugary desserts or sweets is among the most prominent risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease.Q: Do Vegans Get Alzheimer’s? A: Yes – However, removing meat and dairy products from one’s diet can reduce their chances of developing the disease in half.Q: Can Turmeric Cure Alzheimer’s? A: Insufficient Data – However, there is evidence that turmeric (or more specifically curcumin – a compound found within turmeric) may be able to protect the brain from the development or progression of the disease.Q: What Foods Are Linked to Alzheimer’s? A: Consuming large quantities of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sugary desserts or sweets are linked to the development of the disease.Nitrosamines (found in cured meat, nonfat dry milk, and sometimes in fish and cheese) prompt the liver to produce fats which are toxic to the brain. Vitamin C (a phytonutrient) can help stop the body from converting nitrites into nitrosamines. Slowing and Stopping Alzheimer’s Disease While Alzheimer’s is a destructive nightmare and brain killer, its development and progression can be slowed or even prevented by diet, exercise, and medical intervention. In this article, you discovered what Alzheimer’s is, how to prevent or slow its progression through diet, which foods prompt the onset or development of the disease, which doctors and specialists to see for treatment and uncovered answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the disease. There is not a cure for Alzheimer’s disease yet. In the meantime, there is early diagnosis, medical treatment, diet, and exercise to prevent and help manage the devastation brought on by this disease. Sources: https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/10_signs https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/nitrosamines/ http://alzheimersprevention.org/ (706) 521-5290 (678) 963-5958
Open Question Answering
What is this lawsuit about ?ANSWER: Victor Boyko (“Plaintiff”) sued American International Group, Inc. (“AIG Inc.”), American International Insurance Company of New Jersey (“AIICNJ”) (now known as 21st Century Pinnacle Insurance Company), AIG Marketing, Inc. (“AIGM”) (now known as 21st Century Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.) (collectively the “AIG Defendants”) and Credit Control Services, Inc. d/b/a Credit Collection Services and C.C.S. (“CCS”) (collectively with the “AIG Defendants”, the “Defendants”). Plaintiff owned an automobile insurance policy issued by AIICNJ that provided that the policy would terminate automatically if not renewed. Plaintiff was incorrectly billed for earned premium by the AIG Defendants after his policy automatically terminated and CCS later sent collection letters to Plaintiff for the earned premium. Plaintiff brought a class action against the Defendants contending that they violated state and federal laws by sending the bills and collecting the earned premium. By Order dated May 3, 2012, as amended on June 12, 2012, the Court granted summary judgment in favor of Plaintiff on his claims for breach of contract against AIICNJ and for violations of the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (“TCCWNA”) against AIICNJ and AIGM. The Court granted summary judgment in favor of AIICNJ on claims for negligence and breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing and granted summary judgment in favor of AIG Inc. on all claims. Plaintiff’s remaining claims – negligence against AIGM, violations of the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act against AIICNJ, AIGM and CCS, and violations of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) against CCS – have not been resolved. The Court also certified two classes: a class of New Jersey residents against AIICNJ for the breach of contract and TCCWNA claims (“AIICNJ Class”) and a class against CCS for the FDCPA claims (“CCS Class”). The parties have agreed to settle the unresolved claims to avoid further protracted litigation. What is a class action? ANSWER: In a class action, one or more people called “Class Representatives” sue on behalf of a group of people with similar claims. All of these people together are called the “Class” or “Class Members.” One court resolves the issues for all Class Members. Why is there a settlement? ANSWER: A settlement is not an admission of any wrongdoing by the Defendants. The Court decided certain claims in favor of Plaintiff and certain claims in favor of Defendants, but there are remaining claims on which the Court did not make any decision in favor of the Plaintiff or the Defendants. Instead, the two sides agreed to settle. By settling, they both avoid the risks, delays, and costs of trial, and the affected customers will get some benefits. The Class Representative and Class Counsel believe this settlement is the best option for everyone in the Class. Who is in the settlement? ANSWER: You are a member of the Settlement Class if you received a notice in the mail, unless you decide to exclude yourself. All of the Court’s orders will apply to you and legally bind you. If you have questions as to how you were identified as a member of the Settlement Class, you can call Class Counsel at (856) 845-1968 for more information. How do I get settlement benefits? ANSWER: If you are a class member you do not need to do anything to get settlement benefits. Unless you exclude yourself, if the Settlement is approved by the Court and becomes final you will get a check for the settlement benefits. When will I get my settlement benefits? ANSWER: You will receive your check if the Settlement is approved and after it becomes final. This may take several months, so please be patient. How do I exclude myself? ANSWER: Send a letter by mail clearly indicating your name, address and telephone number and stating that you “request to be excluded from the Settlement Class in the ‘Boyko New Jersey Insurance Litigation’,” and you must sign the letter. You must mail your exclusion request postmarked no later than July 29, 2013, to each of the following addresses: COURT CLASS COUNSEL DEFENSE COUNSEL Clerk of the Court Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler Saul Ewing LLP United States District Court Lewis G. Adler, Esq. Paul M. Hummer, Esq. Mitchell H. Cohen Building 26 Newton Avenue 3800 Centre Square West Unites States Courthouse Woodbury, NJ 08096 1500 Market Street 4th & Cooper Streets Tel: (856) 845-1968 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Camden, NJ 08101 You cannot exclude yourself over the phone or by email. Who are the lawyers representing the class? ANSWER: The Court ordered that the Class Counsel, Lewis G. Adler, Roger C. Mattson and Louis D. Fletcher of the Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler, will represent you and the other Settlement Class Members. These lawyers and the law firm are called Class Counsel. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. How will class counsel be paid? ANSWER: Class Counsel will ask the Court for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of expenses in an amount up to $250,000. The Court may consider the request at a Settlement Fairness Hearing on August 28, 2013. The amount of fees and expenses awarded to Plaintiff’s Counsel by the Court are separate and apart from any money and/or benefits made available to the Class and will not affect in any way the settlement benefits to which you are entitled. What is the difference between objecting and excluding? ANSWER: Objecting is simply telling the Court that you don’t like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Excluding yourself is telling the Court that you don’t want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you cannot object because the case no longer affects you. How do I object? ANSWER: As a Settlement Class Member, you can object to the Settlement or the motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of expenses, if you wish. You can give reasons why you think the Court should not approve the Settlement or an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursable expenses. The Court will consider your views. To object, you must send a letter saying that you object to the proposed Settlement in the Boyko v. American International Group, Inc., et al., No. 1:08-cv-02214-RBK-JS litigation. You must include your name, address, telephone number, and your signature. You must also state the reasons why you object. Mail copies of the objection to each of the following addresses, postmarked no later than July 29, 2013: COURT CLASS COUNSEL DEFENSE COUNSEL Clerk of the Court Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler Saul Ewing LLP United States District Court Lewis G. Adler, Esq. Paul M. Hummer, Esq. Mitchell H. Cohen Building 26 Newton Avenue 3800 Centre Square West Unites States Courthouse Woodbury, NJ 08096 1500 Market Street 4th & Cooper Streets Tel: (856) 845-1968 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Camden, NJ 08101 When and where will the court decide whether to approve the settlement? ANSWER: The Court will hold a Settlement Fairness Hearing at 9:30 a.m. on August 28, 2013 at the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Camden Division, located at 4th and Cooper Streets, Camden, New Jersey. At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate. If there are objections, the Court will consider them. The Court will listen to people who have asked to speak at the hearing. The Court may also decide how much to pay to Class Counsel. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement. May I speak at the hearing? ANSWER: You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Fairness Hearing. To do so, you must include in your objection (described above) the statement, “I hereby give notice that I intend to appear at the Fairness Hearing in ‘Boyko v. American International Group, Inc., et al.’” Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, and your signature. If you intend to have any witnesses testify or to introduce any evidence at the Fairness Hearing, you must list the witnesses and evidence in your objection. Your Notice of Intention to Appear must be postmarked no later than August 7, 2013, and be sent to the Clerk of the Court, Class Counsel, and Defense Counsel, at the addresses above. You cannot speak at the hearing if you exclude yourself or opt out of the Settlement.
Open Question Answering
Course Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practice Part B: Course Detail Teaching Period: Term1 2021Course Code: EMPL7098CCourse Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practiceSchool: 375T Vocational Design and Social ContextCampus: City CampusProgram: C4352 - Certificate IV in Youth WorkCourse Contact: Dianne MackayCourse Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4454Course Contact Email: [email protected] and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff Nominal Hours: 120Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities. Pre-requisites and Co-requisites None. Course Description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and enhance own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development. This unit applies to workers in all industry sectors who take pro-active responsibility for their own professional development. National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice 1. Reflect on own practice 3. Facilitate ongoing professional development 2. Enhance own practice Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements. Details of Learning Activities This course learning activities will be support and complimented by RMIT's online learning management tool Canvas. Other essential learning activities take place during the workshops, and you will also be required to undertake independent studies. Some learning activities that you will undertake in the workshops are: Class discussion Documentary viewing and discussion Guest speaker Group work projects Questioning Teaching Schedule Elements and Performance Criteria Week 1 & 2 Week Week 6 CHCYTH001 – 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2 CHCYTH002 – 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, Week 7 CHCYTH001: 1.1,1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, CHCYTH002: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2,4.3 CHCYTH003: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, Week 8 CHCYTH001 – 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2 CHCYTH002 – 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Placement preparation and allocations Week 15 Workplace Investigation Placement preparation and allocations Week 16 Workplace Investigation Placement preparation and allocations Assessment Task 2: Working with Young People: Workplace Investigation Week 17 Semester 1 Wrap Up/Assessments Placement preparation and allocations Semester Break Semester 1 Introduction & welcome Introduction Activities (get to know the class activities/ice-breakers) Overview of The Reflect and Improve own Professional Practice Unit Overview of Assessments for semester 1: Focus on Reflective Journal Entries What is Reflective Writing? Getting to know RMIT services Peer helper training Peer Helper Training (gain basic counselling skills which you can use in your student placements) Peer helper training Peer Helper Training (gain basic counselling skills which you can use in your student placements) Exploring Youth Sector Federal/State/ Local/ and NGO sectors. Building the Scaffolding Report Disciplines – Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Mental Health YAC VIC ACTIVITY: Students brainstorm- “What are the top 5 issues affecting young people today?” Understanding of issues affecting vulnerable youth including homeless young people: Show Oasis videos x 2 on youth homelessness & explore Vulnerable Youth Framework Report Self Evaluation of current skills and knowledge. Political and policy context Show video – (RSA Animate Changing Education Paradigms)- In small groups: Students then describe what they learnt from video, & how learnings from the video could be used in youth work practice Show students a 2nd video- ‘Build a School in the cloud” -Large group reflection on the video- What does that mean for young people? Analyse an article: Young people breaking cups in the refuge. Brainstorm then leads into info on Restorative Practice- benefits to using this with disadvantaged young people Ted Talk Video on Vulnerability Analysis of Oasis Videos on Youth Homelessness Youth Justice Performance and feedback Exploring Children’s Court Exploring Juvenile Justice system sentencing and post sentencing options How the teenage brain works – impulsiveness Advocacy and young people Performance reviews & gaining feedback on your work performance as a youth worker Resilience and youth led social justice movements Youth Journals to be aware of in Australia Young Victorian’s Resilience and Well-Being Survey How to become more resilient information and activities The importance of Emotional intelligence in our lives Practicing Pooch problem solving model (basic counselling skills) The Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth Youth social justice movements and the reinterpretation of the youth perspective Learning Resources Prescribed Texts References Other Resources Overview of Assessment This course is assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment. To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete the following assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback from the teacher when you have completed the assessment tasks. ASSESSMENT TASKS TASK 1: Personal Development PlanTASK 2A: Online QuizTASK 2B: Online QuizTASK 2C: Online QuizTASK 3: Self and Peer EvaluationTASK 4: Portfolio You should refer to the assessment plan which is available on Canvas for details of each assessment task and for detailed assessment criteria. Grades that apply to courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are: CA: Competency Achieved NYC: Not Yet Competent DNS: Did not Submit for Assessment If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/student-support/equitable-learning-services A student charter http://www.rmit.edu.au/about/studentcharter summarises your responsibilities as an RMIT student as well as those of your teachers. Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions which are available for review online: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-exams Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1: Personal Development Plan Assessment Task 2A: Online quiz Assessment Task 2B: Online quiz Assessment Task 3: Self and Peer Evaluation Assessment Task 4: Reflective Learning Portfolio Assessment Task 2C: Online quiz Assessment Matrix Personal development plan - Marking rubric CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created a personal development plan that reflected areas of improvement identified in self and peer evaluations5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created and documented a personal development plan that included two (2) realistic goals 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created a personal development plan that includes realistic timeframes to achieve set out goals and ways to see if goals have been met 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks Total points: 15 Portfolio - Marking rubric CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student consulted with supervisor and others to complete the self and peer evaluations Student completed a self-evaluation and per evaluation in conjunction with a classmate. The student was able to identify how they;- communicate with clients and co-workers - work safely - practice self-care - Follow policies and procedures - work with diversity 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student reflected on their own values and beliefs and identified the impact this has on their behaviour as a worker Student clearly identified their own values and beliefs and was able to describe the impact these have on own professional practice such as; - cultural biases potentially impact working with diverse clients 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to evaluate the feedback provided to them and identify areas for improvement of their own practice as a worker Student was able to identify areas in their practice that needed improvements such as; - communication techniques when working with clients - practice self-care more regularly - maintain clear professional boundaries 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify both internal and external supports available in improving their practice as a worker Student was able to identify the supports they could access if they needed to assist them in improving their professional practice such as; - professional development opportunities - regular supervision with manager 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to recognise when self-care is needed and identify suitable techniques Student was able to identify the need for self-care and suggest self-care techniques to use such as; - Yoga - Exercise - Listening to a podcast - Reading a book 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to describe legal and ethical requirements relevant to their role as a youth worker Student was able to confirm their understanding of legal and ethical requirements along with areas for improvement including; - Identifying and reporting hazards - Maintaining privacy and confidentiality - Reporting any suspected risk of harm 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify work role boundaries and limitations as a youth worker Student was able to identify work role and limits, this includes; - Ensuring there are no conflicts of interest - Engaging in professional relationships with clients and co-workers - Identifying when a client may need to be referred to another service provider 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student consulted with supervisor and others to complete the self and peer evaluations Student completed a self-evaluation and per evaluation in conjunction with a classmate. The student was able to identify how they; - communicate with clients and co-workers - work safely - practice self-care - Follow policies and procedures - work with diversity 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student shared two-way feedback with another classmate Student was able to provide and receive feedback with another person including both positive points and areas to be worked on. Feedback may include; - time management - communication techniques - record keeping 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to seek feedback and identify areas for improvement of their own practice/ knowledge as a youth worker Student was able to identify areas in their practice/ knowledge that needed improvements such as; - communication techniques when working with clients - practice self-care more regularly - maintain clear professional boundaries 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify areas where further training is required or where the student will benefit from further study Student was able to identify areas where they could use additional training to support their professional practice this may include; - Informative webinars - Professional development workshops - Higher level qualification 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks Total points: 55 CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student identified and engaged with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise Student was able to identify areas where they could use additional training to support their professional practice this may include;- Informative webinars - Professional development workshops - Higher level qualification 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDemonstrated attendance at a PD session relevant to the industry - proof of participation certificate attached to assessment 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student discussed their learnings while on training with their peers before identifying one option for further training and development 5 Pts Full marks 0 Pts No marks Course Overview: Access Course Overview
Open Question Answering
Speaker Guidelines & FAQs Speaker Guidelines Conference Series, the largest Open Access Publisher and Scientific Events Organizer, publishing more than 400 Open Access journals and organizing more than 300 scientific events per year offers membership to students. 3rd International Conference on Food Microbiology & Nutrition Committee would like to invite speakers to submit their research for inclusion in the Food Microbiology 2018 scientific program. Abstract Submission Details We warmly invite you to submit your abstract and attend the 3rd International Conference on Food Microbiology & Nutrition. Submit your abstract online at Speaker abstract(or) Email to: [email protected] Terms Abstracts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been presented elsewhere (except in the form of a thesis) and are not currently under consideration by another conference. The submitting speaker should ensure that the abstract publication has been approved by all other co-authors. Modes of Presentation Oral presentation Poster presentation Language All abstracts must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names and affiliations). Correspondence Please provide the following: Presenting author’s contact details including full mailing address, office phone number, email address and fax number Name(s) of presenting author and co-authors: first name(s) or initials of first name(s), family name (e.g. Jason Wong or J. Wong) Affiliation details of all authors: Department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), countrySample Abstract Template Special Benefits We are pleased to inform you that all accepted abstracts will be published in the respective OMICS International Journals. Accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings which are to be distributed at the conference. Each abstract will receive a Digital Object Identification Number (DOI) provided by CrossRef. Peer Review All abstracts are subjected to peer review and are expected to meet the standards of academic/scientific excellence. Submissions will be considered by an expert panel if not, rejected right away by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the speakers. FAQs for speakers Ans:We encourage all our speakers to attend from beginning of the conference. Many of our delegates might have seen your name in our Scientific program and wants to meet you. If this is not possible, we recommend you to arrive at least an hour before the commencement of your speech and preferably during a break in the program. This will allow you to go through your slides with our AV technician. Ans:Our program is structured to encourage the interaction between speakers and the audience. If you are presenting a single Track, we request you to keep your slides short, colorful and informative. Allow enough time for questions at the end of your presentation and try to keep it interesting. Ans:You will be asked to speak from a lectern on the stage in the conference hall. If you are Track chair, you will be seated in front of the stage throughout your session. Audience Q&A will be held at the end of each session, except during panels when moderators tend to keep things more interactive. Ans:The organizing committee tries to minimize disruption to conference program as much as possible, but sometimes it is unavoidable. If there is a change in the program with regards to your talk time, the conference organizer will contact you as soon as possible. We will inform the delegates on the day and reproduce new copies of the program agenda in the conference workbooks. Last minute changes will be communicated as soon as they are known and you will be informed immediately about the changes that affect your talk time. Ans:The dress code at all our events is business/casual. Speakers often choose smart business attire, but we leave it to the individual to decide. Ans:Chair will be provided with the content before the event, which contains important notes and biography of each speaker. Ans:Speakers are encouraged to arrive at the venue at least an hour before their presentation is due to start. You will be given the opportunity to go through your slides in the break prior to your speech. Ans:If you are delayed to the conference, please contact someone from organizing committee as soon as possible. Ans:If you would like to cancel your commitment to speak at OMICS International event, we kindly request you to provide a replacement speaker who can speak on the same/relevant topic with prior intimation. FAQs for Regular Issues Ans: Please contact: [email protected] or at +16502689744 Ans: There are a number of different registration packages available, depending on which conferences/meeting you would like to attend. For details about these packages, please visit the individual website of our conference. Ans: If you are registered online and payment is done then the final stage of registration process is your receipt and confirmation page. If we have sent you an invoice and received your cheque payment/bank transfer, we will email you a confirmation and receipt once your registration is processed. Ans: We strongly emphasize to register in advance rather spot registration. Ans:To take advantage of our group discount of 10%, your group should consist of 3 or more attendees from the same company and they must be registered at the same time. Please contact for more details [email protected] Ans:Payment can be done through credit card/ cheque / Bank Transfer Ans:Badges will be provided to all the attendees on-site.
Open Question Answering
One of the most significant pressures leaders face today is creating a clear, bold vision of the future. And for a good reason–a clear strategic direction is the foundation for any great focused strategic plan. That pressure intensifies for leaders creating vision statements for brand new teams or organizations. We recently worked with the leadership team in the Engagement Division at Cleveland Metropolitan School District. We were impressed by their team’s focus on creating a great vision statement. And boy, they didn’t disappoint. Vision Statements in a New Organization One of the most significant challenges they faced was creating a vision (and mission) statement from scratch. The School District’s Engagement Division encompasses communications, attendance, customer, experience, enrollment, and school choice as a brand-new division. It’s a model they’re pioneering in the School District’s organizational structure. Engagement Division Vision – Our Aspiration CMSD is the number one choice in Cleveland; families enroll and remain with the District because they feel welcomed, valued, supported, and meaningfully engaged as partners in students’ success.So, why is visioning in a new organization challenging? And how do you overcome it? Here are a few quick notes we took away from our work with CMSD: Challenge: Where do you go when you don’t have a deep history to examine where you’ve been? Solution: Think about your core purpose and what impact you want to make in the future . The Engagement Division was thoughtful about what impact they want to make for their organization and what their perfect vision of the future looks like – being the #1 choice for schools in Cleveland. Challenge: How do we have a clear vision statement that’s short and direct when we haven’t had a direction before? Solution: The Engagement Division’s vision statement is a great example of a longer vision statement that still has a great impact. We love visions that can fit on a t-shirt, but it’s okay to have a longer vision statement if it better suits and guides your organization.Challenge: How do you know the difference between your mission and vision statements when you’re just starting? Solution: We often see leaders struggle with the difference between mission and vision. They work together, but each does have a distinct purpose. Here’s an easy way to remember the difference–mission statements explain why you exist ; vision statements describe where you’re going in the future .
Open Question Answering
This complete package includes everything you need: an excellent guitar; a small, portable amp that delivers big sound; a bag to protect your guitar when you are not playing; a strap to help you hold your instrument; a 10' cable to connect your guitar to the amp; and a guitar tuner to keep you in tune! 3/4 size is perfect for a person who is between 4'2" and 4'10", or for a larger person who just wants a smaller instrument (for perhaps when one travels). The body is contoured for hours of comfortable play. Dual cutaway allows access to the highest frets. Vintage fulcrum bridge with six adjustable saddles. Truss rod adjustable maple neck . The amp provides 10 watts of power through an especially designed 5 1/2" speaker. It has a Master Volume Control. The Two Band Equalizer allows you to control the bass and treble independently. Headphone jack keeps the household sane as you can practice silently. Amp weighs only 6 1/2 pounds. It is 9 3/4" wide x 10 5/8" high x 5" deep. Enjoy! Measurements of amp: The guitar is wonderful quality in design and sound. All components have as promised we have a budding guitarist by Ashley My son bought this with his Christmas money this year after reading the reviews and we have not been disappointed. The guitar is the perfect size for an older child or adult who simply wants a small, travel electric guitar. The amp works great. The set was a piece of cake for everything also. Karen M on Amazon. Nicely crafted guitar - perfect for my 7 year old rock star wanna be! The extras are really a nice touch as well. You get a lot of bang for the buck with this purchase. As good as any guitar that would cost three times as much! by "march 13" This guitar was delivered in 4 days. I love this guitar. It is well made and sounds great... looks much better in person than online...very professional looking, not cheap. The size is perfect for my 11 year old and is still big enough for me to play around on it. It is bigger than I expected, but I'm glad, because I was worried that it would be too small. He can play this for a long time...The case that comes with it is of much better quality than I was expecting. It is not flimsy. It is made of a thicker material and has some structure to it. That was a bonus.As for the amp, my husband, who is a sound tech for live bands, said it has a good sound for such a small amp. by Mama Lemberg For the price you can not find any other set like this. Great product arrived on time and in good condition. Everything works and sounds great. by Leonar Question: How much does the guitar weigh? Answer: Only 8 pounds! Question: Is the tremolo bar removable? Answer: Yes indeed! Question: "The cord going between the guitar and the amp will not go in or stay in the guitar. Answer: Yes sometimes the tab inside the jack will get bent back. if you bend forward just slightly they will likely fix it." See video
Open Question Answering
2017 October Cisco Official New Released 300-115 Dumps in Lead2pass.com! 100% Free Download! 100% Pass Guaranteed! This dump is valid to pass Cisco 300-115 exam and don’t just memorize the answer, you need to get through understanding of it because the question changed a little in the real exam. The material is to supplement your studies. Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: https://www.lead2pass.com/300-115.html QUESTION 326 Which two commands is used to remove VLAN 55 from the trunk port? (Choose two.) A. switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3, remove 55 B. switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 55 C. switchport trunk allowed vlan except 55 Answer: BC QUESTION 327 AAA question about the command used to login a user and set immediate access to privilege mode. A. aaa authorization exec default group radius Answer: A QUESTION 328 Question about LACP priority. A. LACP priority is used to determine which port is used to form the EtherChannel B. LACP priority is removed from EtherChannel (don’t remember exactly C. There was a command about LACP priority D. LACP priority is used to determine which port is put in standby mode Answer: D QUESTION 329 Question about RSPAN A. RSPAN VLAN carries only RSPAN traffic B. On a switch there can be only one RSPAN VLAN C. RSPAN VLAN carries RSPAN traffic along multiple switches Answer: C QUESTION 330 Which two operational attributes can be checked for EtherChannel ports that are in err-disabled state? A. Port mode B. Port cost C. Duplex D. DTP E. VLAN Answer: AE QUESTION 331 What statement is true about PVST? A. PVST+ is the default STP mode on Cisco switches B. Rapid PVST+ is the default STP mode on Cisco switches C. Is the default mode on Cisco switches D. STP is the default mode on Cisco switches Answer: A QUESTION 332 What is the value of the TPID/tag protocol identifier in dot1q? A. 0x8100 B. 0x8a88 C. 0x8b45 D. 0x8200 Answer: A QUESTION 333 What is the value of the TPID/tag protocol identifier of QinQ? A. 0x8a88 B. 0x8100 C. 0x8b45 D. 0x8200 Answer: A QUESTION 334 Core switch is connected to 2 distribution switches which are connected to 2 access switches. PC1 is connected to DSW1 and DSW2 root bridge. Link connected from PC1 to DSW2 is 4Gbps and DSW1 is 10gbps. There is an EtherChannel trunk between DSW1 and DSW2. Default port priority is configured. Change in port priority so traffic goes through DSW1 to DSW2. (Choose two.) A. DSW1: spanning-tree port priority 16** B. DSW1: interface g1/0 C. DSW2: spanning-tree port priority 16 D. DSW2: interface g1/0 E. DSW1: spanning-tree port priority 0 Answer: AB QUESTION 335 Question about port which was put into error disabled state. It had BPDU guard configured and received BPDU. Now admin has entered “no bpdu guard enable” command. How can the port be brought back to operational status? A. shutdown + no shutdown B. “couple of answers” around enabling errordisable autorecovery Answer: A QUESTION 336 Which two configurations cause the frames to be tagged? (Choose two.) A. interface gi 0/1.116 encapsulation dot1q B. trunk allowed vlan 116 C. interface with access and voice VLAN configured to 116 Answer: AB QUESTION 337 What VSS technology allows you to share downstream resources? A. LACP B. PAgP C. MEC D. EOA Answer: C QUESTION 338 EtherChannel load balancing with an exhibit. SERVER SERVER | | S W I T C H ||||||||||| S W I T C H | HOST Which EtherChannel load balancing algorithm should be used to optimize the EtherChannel links between switches? A. Source MAC B. Source-dest MAC C. Destination IP D. Destination MAC Answer: A QUESTION 339 Where should the Root Guard be implemented in the network topology that Cisco recommends? (Choose two.) A. All non-root ports of the Access Switches. B. Downstream links from Distribution to Access Switches C. Access Switches to uplink ports to Distribution Switches D. On Layer 3 Switches. Answer: AB QUESTION 340 Refer to the exhibit. Which two commands ensure that DSW1 becomes the root bridge for VLAN 10 and 20? (Choose two.) A. spanning-tree mstp 1 priority 0 B. spanning-tree mst 1 root primary C. spanning-tree mst vlan 10,20 priority root D. spanning-tree mst 1 priority 4096 E. spanning-tree mst 1 priority 1 F. spanning-tree mstp vlan 10,20 root primary Answer: BD QUESTION 341 EXHIBIT – switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,80,99-250 Which two commands will remove VLAN 100 from the allowed VLAN list? (Choose two.) A. switchport trunk allowed vlan remove vlan 100 B. switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-80,99,101-250 C. switchport trunk allowed vlan except vlan 100 Answer: AB Explanation: A & B are right 1- after applying the question command:switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,80,99-250 Switch(config)#do show int trunk Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan Fa0/1 on 802.1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk Fa0/1 1,80,99-250 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain Fa0/1 1 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fa0/1 1 now after applying “except 100”: Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan except 100 Switch(config-if)#do show int trunk Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan Fa0/1 on 802.1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk Fa0/1 1-99,101-1005 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain Fa0/1 1 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fa0/1 none You can see that except 100 , allowed all vlans except 100, which is against what is required in the question. QUESTION 342 What is the benefit of UDLD? A. provides backup for fiber B. help in preventing loops C. removes loops D. determines switch path Answer: B QUESTION 343 When no spanning-tree bpdu guard enable is configured in f0/7, which is true? (There’s an exhibit that shows f0/7 receive BPDU.) A. We have to configure shutdown and no shutdown. B. Have to use errdisable recovery Answer: A QUESTION 344 An exhibit with spanning-tree. Protocol used was IEEE. (Choose two.) A. The command spanning-tree mode IEEE was implemented. B. The spanning-tree mode is IEEE. Answer: AB QUESTION 345 A question about the priority of a Stackwise switch. (CONCEPT ONLY) A. Master member is selected based on member’s priority Answer: A QUESTION 346 A question about port number and multicast address of HSRP. (CONCEPT ONLY) A. HSRP uses multicast address and uses UDP port 1985 Answer: A QUESTION 347 A question about the port number and multicast address of VRRP. (CONCEPT ONLY) A. VRRP uses multicast address and uses IP protocol number 112. Answer: A QUESTION 348 A question about the number of Active Virtual Gateways (AVG) that can be used. (CONCEPT ONLY) A. 1 – only one can be elected on a switch. Answer: A QUESTION 349 A question about the port number and multicast address of GLBP. (CONCEPT ONLY) A. GLBP uses multicast address with UDP port 3222. Answer: A QUESTION 350 Behavior of an access port when a tagged packet is received other than the access VLAN value. A. Tag is removed and packet is forwarded of the VLAN mentioned in the tag. B. tag is removed and packet is forwarded on the VLAN of the access port C. Not Available D. packet is dropped Answer: D About 90% questions are from this 300-115 dump. One thing you need to pay attention is the questions are rephrased in the real 300-115 exam. And btw selections are jumbled so you must remember the answer itself not the letter of choice. 300-115 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDM0pqaFJWUXVuM2M 2017 Cisco 300-115 exam dumps (All 432 Q&As) from Lead2pass: https://www.lead2pass.com/300-115.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]
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[ad_1] Car Shakes When Starting up Cold: Causes and Solutions Introduction It is quite common for car owners to experience their vehicles shaking when starting up cold. This phenomenon can be unsettling and raise concerns about the health and safety of the vehicle. In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind this issue, as well as provide some solutions to help you address it. Additionally, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide further clarity on the matter. Causes of Car Shaking During Cold Starts 1. Engine Misfire: An engine misfire occurs when one or more cylinders fail to ignite properly. This can result in a rough idle and shaking during cold starts. The primary reasons for an engine misfire include worn spark plugs, faulty ignition coils, or a clogged fuel injector. Regular maintenance, such as replacing spark plugs and cleaning fuel injectors, can help prevent this issue. 2. Low Fuel Pressure: Insufficient fuel pressure can lead to a rough start. When the car is cold, the fuel system may struggle to maintain the required pressure, causing the engine to shake. A faulty fuel pump or a clogged fuel filter are common culprits in these scenarios. Replacing the fuel filter regularly and ensuring the fuel pump is in good condition can help prevent low fuel pressure. 3. Vacuum Leaks: A vacuum leak occurs when air enters the engine through a crack or loose connection in the vacuum system. During cold starts, the engine may struggle to compensate for this extra air intake, resulting in shaking. Common causes of vacuum leaks include deteriorated hoses, loose connections, or a faulty intake manifold gasket. Regular inspection of the vacuum system and promptly addressing any leaks can prevent this issue. 4. Transmission Problems: In some cases, the shaking during cold starts may be attributed to transmission issues. A worn-out torque converter or a malfunctioning transmission fluid pump can cause the car to shake upon starting. Regular maintenance, including fluid changes and inspections, can help prevent such problems. 5. Engine Mounts: Engine mounts are rubber or metal brackets that hold the engine in place. If these mounts become worn or damaged, the engine may vibrate excessively during cold starts. Regular inspection and replacement of worn engine mounts can alleviate this issue. Solutions to Car Shaking During Cold Starts 1. Regular Maintenance: The most effective way to prevent car shaking during cold starts is to follow a regular maintenance schedule. This includes routine inspections, fluid changes, and replacing worn-out components. Adhering to the manufacturer’s recommendations helps ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition. 2. Addressing Specific Issues: If you experience shaking during cold starts, it is essential to identify the underlying cause. Consulting a qualified mechanic can help diagnose the problem accurately. They can then provide appropriate solutions, such as replacing spark plugs, cleaning fuel injectors, or fixing vacuum leaks. 3. Warm-up Period: Allowing your car to warm up before driving can minimize shaking during cold starts. This gives the engine time to reach its optimal operating temperature and reduces the strain on various components. Experts recommend letting the engine idle for a few minutes, especially in colder weather conditions. FAQs Q1. Is it normal for my car to shake during a cold start? A: While minor vibrations are relatively common during cold starts, excessive shaking can indicate an underlying issue that requires attention. Q2. Can a dirty air filter cause my car to shake during cold starts? A: A dirty air filter does not directly cause shaking during cold starts. However, it can affect overall engine performance and efficiency, potentially contributing to vibrations. Q3. How often should I replace spark plugs? A: Spark plugs typically need replacement every 30,000 to 100,000 miles, depending on the type of plug and manufacturer recommendations. Consult your vehicle’s manual for specific guidelines. Q4. Can low-quality fuel cause shaking during cold starts? A: Low-quality or contaminated fuel can lead to various engine problems, including shaking during cold starts. It is advisable to use high-quality fuel from reputable sources. Q5. Should I be concerned if my car only shakes briefly during cold starts? A: Brief shaking during cold starts may not be a cause for immediate concern. However, if the shaking persists or intensifies, it is advisable to have your vehicle inspected by a professional. Conclusion Experiencing car shaking during cold starts can be a cause for concern, but understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate solutions can help alleviate the issue. Regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and allowing the engine to warm up can significantly reduce shaking. Remember to consult a qualified mechanic for accurate diagnosis and effective resolution. By taking proactive measures, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable start to your journeys, regardless of the temperature outside. [ad_2]
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Rollerball FAQs 1. What is rollerball ink? What is different from ballpoint ink? 2. Do I need a rollerball or ballpoint refill? 3. How do I choose the correct rollerball refill for my pen? 4. Why does the Schmidt and or Monteverde look exactly like my expensive branded refill? 5. What is a fineliner refill? 6. Which fineliner refill will fit my pen? 7. Why does my rollerball skip? Q1. What is rollerball ink? What is different from ballpoint ink? A: A rollerball refill is a liquid ink filled tube which has a golf ball like dimpled ball which delivers this liquid ink to the paper. Rollerball liquid ink is similar to liquid used in fountain pen ink. It is very different than ballpoint ink which is waxy and requires thrust to push the ink from the tip. A rollerball liquid ink refill flows as if a wick is touched to the paper. Paper (or a shirt pocket) will literally wick the ink from a rollerball refill in minutes. There is a wick inside the tube. Q2. Do I need a rollerball or ballpoint refill? 1. Does the pen require that you remove the cap to write? A: Rollerball refill. 2. Does the pen require that you twist or click the pen to begin to write? A: Ballpoint refill. If you have a rollerball pen you generally must remove the cap of the pen to expose the writing tip. Just like a fountain pen it has a separate cap. So, if you must remove your pen's cap to write, then you more than likely have a rollerball refill in your pen. An exception to the rule is popular capless Tornado Rollerball made by Retro 1951. It will take both the Schmidt P8126 capless rollerball refill Q3. How do I choose the correct rollerball refill for my pen? A: Measure the total length of your refill from tip to end using a ruler and write it down. Then compare your old refill with the refill shown on the website. To determine your exact fitment you should ignore your refill's tube color and any numbers on the refill tube itself. They are production dates and are meaningless to us. It is best to determine the refill you need by searching by brand or refill image (if unknown). The most commonly used rollerball shape refill looks like this. The top of the refill will either be flat (as shown above) OR have a little hat (as shown below). Q4. Why does the Schmidt and or Monteverde look exactly like my expensive branded refill? A: Notice how this Cartier branded refill appears exactly the same as the Schmidt refill? It is exactly the same. Your Cartier pen (or many other popular brands) can use any of our replacement refills or the Cartier branded refill. Your choice. Odds are that your branded refill was made by Schmidt of Germany. or Cartier rollerball refillQ5. What is a fineliner refill? Monteverde fineliner refill A: A fineliner is like the old felt tip pen but technologically evolved. The writing tip is extremely firm and will withstand the test of time and remain strong and sharp. Consequently, writing points are usually offered in extremely fine choices. If you have developed a habit of crushing the tip of your pen against paper, this is not your refill. If you have a standard 'hand’ a fineliner using today’s tip technology may open up an entirely new world of writing pleasure. The inks are quick to dry and there is virtually no friction required to lay ink to paper. We recommend you try all your writing options to determine which one you prefer.Q6. What fineliner refill will fit my pen? A: Many rollerball pens will accept a fineliner refill. Any rollerball pen which uses a Standard International rollerball refill will also accept the Monteverde fineliner or spring-loaded fineliner refills as shown below: Monteverde fineliner refill Please check under your pen’s brand for fineliners which may be available.Q7. Why does my rollerball skip? A: It is likely because the paper surface is unsuitable or it has dried out. Rollerball ink is liquid and needs be absorbed. Papers with a glaze or coating prevent the ink from being absorbed and can cause skipping. Also, be sure to keep your pen capped when not in use. Rollerball ink can evaporate and dry out the tip. With normal use, rollerball refills should last between 1-3 months after the wax seal is removed. Refills with a wax seal on the tip can be stored up to 1 year before they will dry out.
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Secondly, you should clearly understand that if you want to submit a winning manuscript, you need to know how to write a thesis statement for a research paper that your supervisor will like. Thesis for a paper #1 Professional Speech Writers. The initial draft of your thesis paper begins with the creation of a thesis statement. Search these databases, and remember to check the. How to Create a Thesis Statement: Guides - A Research Guide Guides - How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper How To Create A Brilliant Research Paper For High School How to write a thesis proposal I. Framework II. Structure of a thesis proposal III. Order in which to write the proposal IV. Tips V. Resources I. Framework Senior research projects in Environmental Sciences have the following elements in common: An environmental issue is identified. Other people's work on the topic is collected and evaluated. Most research papers begin with a thesis statement at the end of an introductory paragraph. Even if it's not a requirement, it's a good idea to write a thesis statement as you begin to organize your research. Writing the thesis statement first is helpful because every argument or point you make in your paper should support this central idea ... How to Write a Good Thesis Paper | GoodWritingHelp.com Tips on How to Write a Good Thesis Paper An academic thesis is a paper written by students who are pretty close to earning an academic degree. It is the name typically given to the major document candidates compose to earn a Master's degree or an MBA, but it can also be used to describe a PhD dissertation or even a culminating study a college ... How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper - SolidEssay How to Write a Thesis - ldeo.columbia.edu How to Write a Thesis Statement: Writing Guides: Writing ... How to Write a Thesis Statement What is a Thesis Statement? Almost all of us—even if we don't do it consciously—look early in an essay for a one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow. We refer to that condensation as a thesis statement. Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement? PDF Writing Research Papers and Theses - liberalarts.utexas.edu "Writing Research Proposals for the Honors Thesis"] Step #5: Outline your paper: When your reading no longer yields new information, you are probably ready to start organizing the paper. But before you sit down to write, think through the argument and methodology of the paper. In other words, what are you going to say in the paper, and how ...Even if the whole research paper is full of answers to specific questions. The list is also not a good form for a thesis statement – it is better to use a simple small sentence that describes the general idea and purpose of your investigation. You can use “A is true because of B” and other standard formulas. PDF How to Write a Thesis : A Working Guide - student.uwa.edu.au their research in the context of existing knowledge. is means a thorough and critical review of the lit-erature, not necessarily limited to the narrow topic of research, but covering the general area. e PhD candidate should also show clearly what original contributions she or he has made [ ]. Although neither Argumentative Research Paper Examples - 123HelpMe™ How to Properly Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper ... How to critique a research paper? A lot of students need to know the answer. We decided to write this article in order to explain you what the research paper critique is, and how one should critique a research paper. First of all, research paper critique includes the hypothesis evaluation. Research paper hypothesis (or proposal) has to be ... PDF How to Write a Term Paper or Thesis - Covington Innovations Adhering to guidelines for composing a research paper outline template APA while considering APA style recommendations will assist you to write a good, balanced outline. Universal Rules for an APA Research Paper Outline. Font, Font size and Spacing – The preferred font type is Times New Roman, and font size is 12 points. How to Write Research Paper . . . and Get an A+ You aren’t going to change the bedrock of the paper—the thesis and the research to go along with it—but you are going to change things that make the paper flow, like smoothing out the transitions, evening out the structure and order of the paragraphs, and make sure all the ideas link together naturally. GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A THESIS OR DISSERTATION 3. As you become well-informed about your topic and prior research on the topic, your knowledge should suggest a purpose for your thesis/dissertation. When you can articulate this purpose clearly, you are ready to write your prospectus/proposal. This document specifies the purpose of the study, significance of the study, a tentative review How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper Examples How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper Examples Knowing how to write a thesis for a research paper can be challenging, but with good thesis examples, it becomes an easy task. A thesis is a statement that shows highlights, acts as a lighthouse for target audience by tells by telling them about the paper you are analyzing.
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It would be a matter of concern if the wiring of your outlet is not correct right! Because it can damage your electrical appliances. It can also harm you severely. While checking your outlet did you find the neutral to ground voltage 120v? It is not the normal voltage the neutral to ground should contain. Typically in normal load conditions, the neutral to ground should contain 2v or less. If it is higher than this then the connection is reversed. And you need to place the neutral and ground wire correctly before any accident happens. Let’s jump in here and see how you can fix this issue. And save yourself from getting injured. What Should Be The Neutral to Ground Voltage There is a common trait that 120v receptacles are always wired correctly. But sometimes there can be a fault as well. It is commonly found that neutral and ground wires are reversed or shorted. This problem may be unfound or undetected for a long period of time. Because many loads aren’t that sensitive to polarity. Because power supplies generally convert AC to DC. That’s why electronic loads may be indifferent to AC polarity. For that reason, you may not face trouble even if your wiring is reversed. But you can’t say anything about the accident right! That’s why you should be always cautious about the right voltage of your wire connections. Generally in normal load conditions, the neutral to ground voltage stays around 2v. You can also face issues with plugging in an electrical outlet. But that’s not a hard task to do for sure. Why is the Neutral to Ground Voltage is 120v [How to Fix it!] There is a high chance of the reversed connection of your neutral to ground connection. There is a simple way to check if the neutral to ground connection is reversed or not. You need to check the hot to ground and hot to the neutral voltage under load. You will find more difference if the load is higher. You can find the hot to ground voltage is less than the hot to neutral voltage. Then you should get that the neutral to ground voltage is reversed. Because the hot to ground voltage should always be higher than the hot to neutral voltage. These problems are mainly found in the old houses. Those houses can also have problems like the gas oven turning on by itself. There is another way to find out if the neutral to ground voltage is reversed or not. The black wire which is the positive/hot should be on the golden screw of the outlet. The white wire which is the neutral should be on the silver screw. And the green wire which is the ground should screw on the downside of the outlet. When the neutral to ground polarity is reversed that means the neutral is placed on the ground. And the ground is placed on the neutral. But you can fix it very easily within just 5 mins if you follow my given steps accordingly. What if the Neutral to Ground Polarity is Reversed [4 Easy Steps to Fix] If you find the neutral to ground polarity is reversed, then correct it immediately. But if you are tensed about fixing it on your own, no worries at all. Just follow these 5 simple steps and you will be done with it. Besides this, you should also know how to remove backstab wires. But let’s fix the reversed wire first. Step 1: Remove the Power Safety first! right? Before working with the wiring you must disconnect everything connected with it. You can leave a note on the power panel so that people can know about your work. Step 2: Check the Wiring Unscrew the screws on the outer side of the outlet. Pull the outlet out and check all the wiring closely. You will find that the white wire which is neutral is on the ground screw. And the green wire which is the ground is on the silver screw which is for neutral. So this means the neutral to ground polarity is reversed. Step 3: Place the Right Wire to Screws You have already got that the neutral to ground wire is placed reversed. Unscrew both the neutral and ground wire. Place the white wire which is neutral to the silver screw and tighten the screw properly. Then place the green wire to the ground screw and also tighten the screw properly. If you don’t tighten the screw up properly it can cause a short circuit. Keep that in mind and don’t forget to tighten the screws up. Step 4: Place the Outlet Correctly When you are done with doing the wiring correctly push down all the wires. Place the outlet correctly on the spot and screw it up. Hey, don’t forget to add the faceplate to the receptacle. Otherwise, it will definitely look awful right! And you always need to take proper precautions while installing the outlet right! This is how you can fix your reversed neutral to ground wire within a few minutes. Now let me suggest to you some good quality outlets in case you change the old one: ProductsPrice These are the most commonly used outlets in the market. These little devices can protect you from huge accidents. FAQs Question: Why does my neutral wire have voltage? Answer: Sometimes you can see voltage on the neutral wire. But there is nothing to worry about. Here neutral wire is conducting the voltage from the hot wire. If you feel unsafe about that just disconnect all the wires from the circuit. Question: Can I get shocked from a neutral wire? Answer: Yes it is possible to get shocked from a neutral wire as well. Sometimes the neutral wire can hold current. So, when you touch that, the current can go through your body and you can get shocked. Be careful when you touch a live wire. Question: Should neutral wire have voltage? Answer: Basically it is said the neutral wire has no voltage on it. So it should be zero voltage. The zero voltage means there shouldn’t be any presence of electricity in that wire. The neutral wire is also called the negative wire. Conclusion I hope from this article you have got why is neutral to ground voltage 120v right! As it is the problem of reversed wiring, don’t make any delay to fix it. Use my easy fixing procedure to get it done within minutes. Till then have a safe and healthy life!
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Table of Contents If you have been wondering about how many zeros in 473.9 billion? , then you have come to the right post. Apart from the answer to this question, we provide you with related information regarding the number of zeros in 473.9 billion. Read on to learn all about the amount of 0s in 473.9bn, and make sure to check out our app right below. Calculator How many Zeros in Four Hundred And Seventy-Three Point Nine Billion? 473.9 billion in figures equals 473900000000, or 473,900,000,000 when written by thousand separators, which makes it easier to count the occurrences of 0. Thus, we get: 8 8 is the answer to 473.9 billion has how many zeros ? Questions on our website similar tohow many zeros in 473.9 billion , include, for example:If you like to learn how many zeros for a numeral different from 473.9 billion, fill in our application at the beginning of this post. After inserting your number, our tool displays the amount of 0’s automatically. In the next part of how many zeros in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion, we show you how many 100 and 1000 there are in 473.9 billion, and other related information. 473.9 Billion has how many Zeros? You already know the answer to the question 473.9 billion has how many zeros?, but we are left with telling you how many 10, 100, 1000 et cetera there are in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion: How many tens in 473.9 billion? Answer: 47,390,000,000 tens. How many hundreds in 473.9 billion? Answer: 4,739,000,000 hundreds. How many thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 473,900,000 thousands. How many ten thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 47,390,000 ten thousands. How many hundred thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 4,739,000 hundred thousands. How many millions in 473.9 billion? Answer: 473,900 million. In the concluding section ahead we wrap how many 0 in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion up, and explain the use of our search form located in the sidebar and our menu. Zeros in 473.9 Billion The image sums how many zeros in 473.9 billion? up: Comments, questions and everything else you might have about how many 0 in 473.9 billion are truly appreciated, and can be left in the designated form at the bottom.As an alternative means, you can send us an email with a title such as How many zeros in 473.9 billion? , and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Observe that by means of our search form in the menu you can learn about the number of zeros for lots of numerals including 473.9bn. Enter, for example, number of zeros 473.9 billion. If our information about the number of 0’s in 473.9bn has been useful to, don’t forget to bookmark our site and to hit some of the share buttons at your disposal.Thanks for visiting How many Zeros in 473.9 Billion.
Open Question Answering
Reader: “Now the time has come” Response: “for the Son of Man to enter into his glory.”Scripture: John 12:20-36Some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration paid a visit to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee. They said, “Sir, we want to meet Jesus.” Philip told Andrew about it, and they went together to ask Jesus. Jesus replied, “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me. “Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to your name.” Then a voice spoke from heaven, saying, “I have already brought glory to my name, and I will do so again.” When the crowd heard the voice, some thought it was thunder, while others declared an angel had spoken to him. Then Jesus told them, “The voice was for your benefit, not mine. The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” He said this to indicate how he was going to die. The crowd responded, “We understood from Scripture that the Messiah would live forever. How can you say the Son of Man will die? Just who is this Son of Man, anyway?” Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.” After saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them. Reader: This is the word of the Lord. Response: Thanks be to God.Some thoughts: In this pericope, we have reached the pivotal point in this whole gospel. Let’s take a look as to why. There are three references to “time” in this passage of Scripture: first, “the time has come to enter into glory;” second, when Jesus refers to the “time for judgment” and third, “put your trust in the light while there is still time.” The first refers to Jesus’ mission to the world; the second, to the reason for the mission and the third, the challenge to trust in the Son of Man of the mission while there is still time. The appointment with death and the upcoming sacrifice of his life is but days away. The public ministry has come to an end. (Note the last sentence of this passage. It’s important to note that John does not always relate encounters with Jesus in chronological order.) What is the significance of Greeks coming to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover? Up to this time, Jesus and his disciples had preached and reached out to the Jews. (By now his fame had spread beyond Jewish circles which is also what troubled the Pharisees and other Jewish leadership, hence their plan to kill him.) Philip and Andrew were Greek names, so that may be why the Greeks came to them. The Greek inquisitor’s words were, “Sir, we want to see Jesus,” by which they meant, “Since you guys are disciples, can you set up an appointment for us to meet with him?” Interestingly, Jesus answered their question in a much broader way. In this passage, the reference to the “Greeks” actually means to all the gentiles, in other words, everyone in the world, a revolutionary point. Jesus, after having said numerous times to this point in the gospel, “My time has not yet come,” now responds with the pivotal phrase in the whole gospel. “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory.” Whenever you read the phrase, “I tell you the truth,” or “truly, truly” in some translations, that is another way of saying, “What I’m about to say is extremely important and of great significance, so pay close attention!” Jesus was saying that he was about to complete what he came to do and return in glory back to heaven. Those listening didn’t get it. So he gives a parable. Growing up on the farm, I remember walking out into the field with dad a week or so after the corn was planted, and watching him dig in the ground to see if the seeds had sprouted. The corn was truly buried in the earth. It was a special joy when a few days later the tender shoots popped up through the ground! In fact, that one seed produced a stalk with at least one ear of corn containing 700-800 kernels! The “burial” of that seed did indeed produce a plentiful harvest. Jesus’ point was that his coming burial would produce a plentiful harvest of “new,” redeemed eternal lives of all who put their trust in him. This new life would not be without cost. Following Jesus meant “being where he is.” Did you notice that Jesus’ comments move us out of the biblical moment in which he spoke? His words are present tense, meaning they apply as you read this. Where is Jesus working in your world now? What is he doing? We are to be with him in the midst of his work. That’s where you are supposed to be following him. Have you sprouted? We move next to being reminded of the humanity of Jesus as he speaks of his personal angst. Remember his weeping at Lazarus’ death, his thirst at the well, his attack on the money changers in the Temple, or his care for his mother at his crucifixion? Jesus was not a passionless gnostic figure. In his words regarding the state of his soul, we are given insight into the inside of Jesus’ mind and heart. The question everyone faces in the midst of a trauma is, “What shall I do? What shall I say?” or simply, “Now what?” We really see Jesus’ thought process and love for us in his words. In effect, “Father, should I ask you to save me from what lies ahead at this point? I know you can, but I can’t do that. Dying for these people is the whole reason I came to earth. I’m going through with it as it will bring glory to your name.” The Father spoke words of affirmation from heaven as we mentioned a few days ago. Interestingly, Jesus commented that the speaking was for the people’s benefit, not for his! The determination of his “troubled soul” is evidenced by his forthright statement of the defeat of Satan and judgment of this world. The day of reckoning had come. His words, “I will draw everyone to myself” is not a universalist comment in which everyone on earth will be saved but rather a statement focusing on the cross. With such a pronouncement, he is calling people to embrace his person as Savior. He is not calling people to follow his teachings or his example of living. He is calling all of us to follow him. His atoning death draws people to the person of Jesus Christ, the only hope of salvation. The people still struggled with the idea that a Messiah should die. How does the Son of Man fit in with that idea? Jesus concludes this section and his public ministry with another reference to “light,” alluding to the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, words they would have known. His challenge then and now is to trust in the light now while you have time. Final judgment is coming! At that point Jesus appeared no more in public as the final days of his life on earth unfolded. What do we draw from this passage? Jesus was fully human and fully divine. He embraced his mission out of love. He was immovable. He sought the glory of the Father above all else. He warned the people of coming judgment. He destroyed forever the ruler of this world, Satan. His forgiveness is extended to all peoples and nations. And most incredibly, we have a marvelous Savior who invites us to be where he is. Music: “He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions” Gramophone Chorus Ghanahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNvIRc-7c9o from Messiah Prayer: O Lord Jesus Christ, you have said that you are the way, the truth, and the life. Suffer us not to stray from you, who are the way, nor to distrust you, who are the truth, nor to rest in anything other than you, who are the life. ―Erasmus, 1469-1536 Please plan to attend Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services somewhere if your church does not have them. It will change your Easter Sunday morning!
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Search help You can perform a combined metadata and full text search (“Search in all data”). Alternatively, you can restrict your search to either the metadata or full text within the digital collection. If you use more than one search term, they are automatically linked using AND. This means that results will only be displayed where all the search terms appear in the metadata or full text. Example of search with automatic linking: print book Example result: “I would like to print a book for my father”As an alternative to automatic AND-linking, you can explicitly link your search terms using AND or OR. In the latter case, results will be displayed even if only one of the search terms is found. Example of search terms linked by OR: book OR print Example result: A very good book”, “There are some good passages in this book”, “The print was very faint”. In the case of a simple search, target words are automatically right-truncated. However, if you are performing an AND or OR search, you can specify left-truncation by using the asterisk. Example of search with automatic right truncation: print book Example result: “I want to have a book printed for my mother” Example of search with explicit left-truncation: *read Results would include bread, tread, dread, etc. Please note that there is no right or left truncation if you enter a search term between quotation marks. If you enter a term between quotation marks, the system will search the metadata or full text for the exact combination of words as written. Example of search term in quotation marks: “page number” Example result: “The reference is on page number 24.” The search will not find: “A number of examples can be found on page six.” Once the search has been performed, all results are initially sorted in order of relevance. Thereafter, they can be re-sorted according to different metadata fields. These fields can be selected from the list in the sidebar under “Sorting”. Click your chosen metadata field a second time to change from ascending to descending order.
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Gujarat Board GSEB Class 12 English Textbook Solutions Flamingo Poem 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf. Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 12 English Flamingo Poem 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers GSEB Class 12 English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Text Book Questions and Answers Think it Out Question 1. How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes? Answer: Like all beasts of prey, the tigers are the denizens of the forest. They live far away from human settlements. They are called ‘chivalric.’ This indicates the majestic and honourable position that they occupy in the world of animals. So, the use of the words ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ adds to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes. Question 2. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is weaving tigers on the panel. Her hands are moving about her wool. She is finding the needle quite hard to pull. The weight of years of her married life is lying heavy on her hand. This makes the pulling of the needle so hard. Question 3. What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’? Answer: It suggests the weight of the harsh and tough experience of Aunt Jennifer’s married life. The image is quite suggestive. The wedding band is symbolic. It represents the unbreakable bond of marriage between the husband and the wife. Question 4. Of what or whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified in the third stanza? Answer: In the third stanza, the poet refers to Aunt Jennifer’s ‘terrified hands’. The old unhappy memories are still fresh in her mind. She had passed through many testing and horrible times during her married life. These ordeals crushed and suppressed her. Their effect is still visible. So, she is still ringed with those ordeals that dominated her life. Question 5. What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by? Why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’! What are the different meanings of ‘ringed’ in the poem? Answer: The poem addresses the experiences of marriage in the midst of constrictions. The word ‘ringed’ is significant. It suggests that the vicious grip or her unhappy married life is still holding her tightly. The word ‘ringed’ has been used in two ways. First is the conventional use. Here ring is a symbol of the sacred bond of marriage. The other is the figurative use of ‘ringed’. It means encircled or surrounded. Question 6. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference? Answer: The tigers are ‘prancing’. They pace in ‘sleek chivalric certainty. They ‘do not fear the men beneath the tree. Thus, they are symbols of strength, fierceness and beauty. Aunt Jennifer, on the other hand, is weak and terrified. Her hands are finding it difficult to pull the ivory needle through the wool. The massive weight of the wedding band sits heavily on her hand. Her terrified hands are still ringed by the ordeals of married life. The Contrast heightens the intensity. Question 7. Interpret the symbols found in this poem. Answer: Adrienne Rich’s “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” is rich in symbolism. ‘The massive weight of wedding band’ symbolises ordeals, hardships and worries of married life. ‘Terrified hands’, and ‘ringed with ordeals’ also indicate those unpleasant experiences that are still clinging to Aunt Jennifer physically and mentally. Question 8. Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer? Answer: Yes, we do sympathise with Aunt Jennifer. She has experienced hardships and ordeals during her married life. The attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer is equally sympathetic. The poet gives many suggestive images and symbols to present an old lady who has passed through painful experiences as well as unpleasant and terrifying periods during her married life. GSEB Class 12 English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Additional Important Questions and Answers Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each. Question 1. What do you learn about Aunt Jennifer’s tigers on reading the poem? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers were created in the panel by her own hands. They appeared to be prancing (jumping) across a screen. They looked sleek. They were bright like yellow topaz. They were majestic and courageous. They didn’t fear the men beneath the tree. They paced in ‘chivalric certainty. Question 2. How has Aunt Jennifer created her tigers? What traits’ of tigers do they reveal? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are her own creations. She works with wool and ivory needles. She has created them in the panel. They have s&l the traits of the beasts of prey who are denizens of green forests. They are well-built and well-groomed. They are chivalric and full of confidence. Question 3. What difficulty does Aunt Jennifer face while making her tigers and why? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is making her tigers in the panels. She is using ivory needles. Her fingers are fluttering through the wool. She finds it difficult (hard) to pull even the ivory needles. The reason is obvious. The weight of unhappy and unfortunate experiences of her married life sits heavily on her hands. Question 4. What is the weight that lies heavy on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is working with ivory needles and wool. But she can’t move her fingers freely in the wool. She finds it hard to pull even the ivory needles easily. The experiences of her past married life are quite bitter. She has unpleasant memories of her married life with her husband. The heavyweight of the wedding band sits heavily upon her hand. Question 5. How will Aunt Jennifer’s hands look when she is dead? Answer: When Aunt Jennifer dies, her hands will still look terrified. Perhaps she has experienced a lot of hardships and troubles in the past. Their effect has left its print on her hands. The ordeals that crushed her married life had surrounded and cramped her fingers and hands too. Question 6. What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers will survive her. She has created the tigers in a panel. They are made of wool. These objects of art will survive their creator. The Tigers will go on jumping, proud and unafraid. Question 7. Describe the poetic devices used in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers. Answer: Adrienne Rich’s ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is a beautiful short poem rich in symbolism and imagery. The metaphor ‘bright topaz’ depicts the. shining yellow complexion of her tigers: The effective use of alliteration in ‘sleek, chivalric certainty’ describes the pace of the tigers effectively. ‘The massive weight of wedding band’ symbolises ordeals and hardships of Aunt Jennifer’s married life. The images ‘terrified hands’ and ‘ringed with ordeal’ create the effect of oppression and terror as well as captivity. Question 8. How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are a picture of strength, beauty and certainty. They seem to be jumping across a screen. They ‘pace in sleek chivalric certainty. They are confident and impressive. Aunt Jennifer is a weak, depressed and terrified person. Life has been a cup of woes for her. She is still in the grip of those ordeals and terrors that she faced and suffered from during her married life. Her fingers are so ‘terrified’ that they find it hard to pull even the ivory needle through the wool. Thus, the contrast is amply highlighted. Figures of Speech Choose the Figures of Speech in the following lines: Question 1. ‘Bright topaz denizens of a world of green’ A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Synecdoche D. Apostrophe Answer: B. Metaphor Question 2. ‘They pace in sleek chivalric certainty A. Personification B. Internal Rhyme C. Alliteration D. Oxymoron Answer: C. Alliteration Question 3. ‘The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ A. Alliteration B. Anastrophe C. Oxymoron D. Metaphor Answer: D. Metaphor Question 4. ‘Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool’ A. Alliteration B. Antithesis C. Synecdoche D. Simile Answer: A. Alliteration Reading Comprehension (Textual) Read the following stanzas and answer the questions given below them: Question 1. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree : They pace’ in sleek chivalric certainty. Questions: (1) What are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers doing? How do they look like? (2) Where do they live? Are they fearless? Give an example. Answer: (1) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are jumping across a screen or a wall. The tigers are moving in a lively fashion, perhaps arrogantly. They look like shining yellow topaz. (2) They live in green forests. They are fearless. They don’t fear the men under the tree. Question 2. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool Find even the ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. Questions: (1) What was lying heavily? Where? (2) What was upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How did it sit there? Answer: (1) The weight of Uncle’s wedding band was lying heavily on her hand. (2) There was uncle’s wedding band upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. It sat heavily there. Question 3. When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid. Questions: 1. Why are Aunt Jennifer’s hands called ‘terrified’? 2. What are they still ringed with? Answer: 1. Her hands are called terrified because they have passed through very hard and bitter experience of married life. 2. They are still ringed with those hard and testing difficulties which possessed her during her life. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary in English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Introduction: Adrienne Cecile Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012) was an American poet, essayist and feminist. She was called ‘one of the most widely read and influential poets of the second half of the 20th century, and was credited with bringing ‘the oppression of women and lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse’. Her first collection of poetry, A Change of World, was selected by renowned poet W. H. Auden for the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Auden went on to write the introduction to the published volume. She famously declined the National Medal of Arts, protesting the vote by House Speaker Newt Gingrich to end funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary: In the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ a woman expresses her suppressed feelings through her art. Aunt Jennifer is the victim of the male-dominated society. She has no one to tell her mental and physical pain. She makes a picture to convey her deep feelings.The speaker describes the tigers which her aunt produced on the panel. They are set in motion. They are moving quickly by raising the front legs and jumping forwards on the back legs. In the green jungle, they look free, bright, brave, fearless and magnificent. There are men sitting under the tree, but the Tigers do not. They move on to their goal boldly and smoothly. Jennifer finds it difficult to make pictures by using the ivory needle. She is tired of doing the household work after she got married. She can’t get herself involved in her artistic work. She has to do it in her leisure time. Even then she has to be sure whether her husband is watching her or not. So her hands are terrified. She will not be free from fear until she dies. She will be dominated by her husband. She will die, but her art will express her desire to move proudly and fearlessly like the tigers she has made.
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Sebastian Wehrmann of gocept was talking about how to do efficient ad-hoc queries to the ZODB which is his master thesis. His first idea about the ZODB was: Hey, that’s easy, I derive from Persistant and create an object graph and that’s it. But: How do I get those objects out again? How can I search for them? Usually you can only access them via the object graph and traversal. He wrote his master theses about this and out came a product which implements a query and indexing engine for the ZODB. It has a query language, is standalone (means independant of Zope, you can query any ZODB you have) and is a python egg and thus buildout compatible. What can it do? It can automatically index a ZODB (but this is the initial indexing. Not working right now is the automatic update of this index. This is hopefully finished in October) It can search for objects, like for states (class and such) or attributes. The query language is XPath like How does it work? There is a query processor which creates a query tree and an ObjectCollection component performs the query. It builds upon a QuerySupport (has Join-Algorithms etc.) and IndexSupport (this has all the indexes, e.g. about class names etc.). Demo He created a demo database with three different types. It consists of classes like Library, Book and Person. As you might imagine, a Library contains Books and Books can be lent to Persons. They are all derived from persistent.Persistent He then added some example data as you would imagine. Now you can do queries like parser.parse('/foo/bar') which returns a query path. You can also search for attributes: parser.parse('/foo[@title="foo"]/bar') Queries can be used like this: query('/Library') which returns a list of Python objects. We can also search for a location (which is an attribute of Library): query('/Library[@location="Halle"]') which only returns one object. Or to get a list of all books in that library: query('/Library[@location="Halle"]/Book') To search for the Plone book we do query('/Library[@location="Halle"]/Book[@title="Plone-Benutzerhandbuch"]')[0].title This will only find those Library objects which are in the ZODB root. To find e.g. all Books we can do: query('/_*/Book') where _* is the wildcard operator. Other examples: query('/_*/Book[@available>0]') query('/_*/Book[@available=0]') You can also join queries. Let’s find all Libraries and all Persons: query('(/Library[@location="Berlin"])|(/_*/Person)') <(All libraries in Berlin and all Persons) This will be released mid/end of October 2008 on PyPI and it can be checked out already at http://svn.gocept.com/repos/gocept/gocept.objectquery Master thesis (german): http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2008/0081/index.html Questions Q: How fast is it? A: Hard to say but it’s all done via the index and no objects need to be waken up. Q: Right now the query returns list and no iterator, isn’t this a problem for large result sets A: This can be implemented of course. Q: How is the update mechanism going to work? A: It is planned to hook it up to the transaction mechanism
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Price: ₦5000 ₦2900 Complete and updated UNN School of Nursing Past Questions. To perform your best, a crucial part of your preparation tactics, is to practice previous years’ papers. Solving these will help you understand the exam pattern, know the level of difficulty and ultimately, and help you create your best preparation strategy. This resource is 100% quality checked! UNN School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers can be downloaded on this page. Are you about writing UNN School of Nursing exams? Then you will have to get the past questions and answers to enable you to prepare better for this exam. Furthermore, this material will serve as an ultimate guide for preparation. Downloading the UNN School of Nursing Past Questions which is a pdf file is very simple, we uploaded this file here on our store to help save candidates the stress of searching for this material offline (i.e. buying it in a bookshop). You can simply sit at the comfort of your home to process payment for this material and then download it immediately, read below other reasons why you need this material. Before listing few vital benefits of this material amongst other numerous ones, it is important to note that every exam has its expectation of candidates. By this I mean, the marking scheme of Akwa Ibom State Teaching Hospital School of Nursing will definitely not be the same as UNN School of Nursing even though they’re the same discipline. The underlying reason many candidates fail this exam is not because of their inadequacies but not doing what is expected of them which is outside the marking scheme or short of the expectation. Therefore the reasons or benefit of purchasing UNN School of Nursing Past Questions and answers pdf includes; BIOLOGY 1.The mouth part of the housefly is adapted for A. lapping and sponging. B. sucking and chewing. C. piercing and sucking. D. chewing and lapping. E. biting and chewing.2.The parts used by tapeworm to fasten itself to the host’s intestine are the A. neck and suckers B. hooks and suckers C. rostellum and suckers D. young proglottis and neck E. rostellum, hooks, and suckers.3.C6H12O6 is __________ A. Ethyl pentanol B. Glycerol C. Glucose D. Ethyne E. Ethanol4.Oxygen combines with hemoglobin to produce ____ A. Oxyhemoglobin B. Deoxygenated blood C. Oeroglobin D. Oxyeoglobin E. deoxygenated hemoglobin5.The respiratory organ found in the cockroach is the __ A. Air sac B. Trachea C. Lung book D. Gill E. Fins6.Which of the following statements is NOT true of enzymes? They A. are proteins B.need cofactors to activate them C. are sensitive to hydrogen ion concentration D. are specific in their action E. can withstand high temperatures7.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the piliferous layer of a root? It A. has a very thin cuticle B. is the outermost layer of the cortex C. may bear root hairs D. breaks down as the root ages E. is replaced by a cork in old roots.8.Which of the following types of vertebrates occur in equal numbers in the rabbit, rat, and man? A. Caudal B. Thoracic C. Lumbar D. Cervical E. Sacral9.The parts used by tapeworm to fasten itself to the host’s intestine are the A. neck and suckers B. hooks and suckers C. rostellum and suckers D. young proglottis and neck E. rostellum, hooks, and suckers.10.The path taken by glucose from the ileum to the heart is A. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic artery vena cava heart. B. ileum hepatic portal artery hepatic artery vena cava heart. C. ileum hepatic portalvein vena cava heart D. ileum hepatic vein vena cava heart. E. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic vein vena cava heart.MATHEMATICS 1. If 5x – 2 = 23, what is the value of x? A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 Answer: C 2.What is the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line passing through the point (2, 5) with a slope of 3? A y = 3x + 5 B y = 5x + 3 C y = 3x – 1 D y = 5x – 7 Answer: C 3.Solve the equation 3x + 2 = 17. A x = 5 B x = 15 C x = 19 D x = 21 Answer: A 5.What is the area of a rectangle with length 8 cm and width 5 cm? A 13 cm² B 20 cm² C 24 cm² D 40 cm² Answer: B 6.What is the volume of a rectangular prism with length 4 cm, width 3 cm, and height 6 cm? A.36 cm³ B 48 cm³ C 72 cm³ D 144 cm³ Answer: C 6.What is the value of x in the equation 2(x – 3) = 14? A 5 B 7 C 8 B 10 Answer: D 7.What is the perimeter of a triangle with sides of length 7 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm?A 18 cm B.24 cm C.25 cm D 28 cm Answer: D 8.If a square has an area of 16 cm², what is the length of one side of the square?A 2 cm B 4 cm C 8 cm D 16 cm Answer: B 9.What is the value of x in the equation 5x/2 – 3 = 7? A.5 B.6 C 7 D 8 Answer: C 10.Solve the equation 2(x – 4) + 3 = 5x – 1. A x = –3 B.x = –2 C x = 3 D x = 4 Answer: D Click the “BUY NOW” button below.
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Moms everywhere have little choice but to answer the same questions time and time again… How old is he? Is he sleeping through the night? Are you breastfeeding? (When exactly did it become appropriate for a stranger to ask that?!). But the questions twin moms have an abundance of others to deal with. Here are just a few of the most repeated questions twin moms have to answer week in week out… 1. “Are they twins?” Quick response: “Yes.” Always wanted to try: “No. I just happen to have a double stroller housing two children of exactly the same age that look identical.” 2. “Do twins run in your family?” Quick response: “No.” Time saving tip: Even if this isn’t true, and even if you have identical twins, do not try and explain. You will give the perpetrator the perfect opportunity to tell you all about her husband’s sister’s neighbor who also has twins… 3. “You’ve got your hands full there.” “Oh… Double trouble!” or “Twins… How adorable.” Quick response: Smile with an acknowledging nod and keep walking. Note: This is not actually a question, so take the opportunity to run while you can. If you slow down or give a verbal response it will lead to a full scale incursion, toe grabbing and all. 4. “How do you do it?” Quick response: “I have no choice.” Alternatives if applicable: “Two nannies and a personal masseuse.”, “Wine.”, “a padded suit and earplugs.” This question is often asked by new moms who are still traumatized by the arrival of their singleton child. The facial expression is usually somewhere between awe and pity. 5. “Are they on the same schedule?” The only response: “Hahahahaha…” Accompanied by mild insane-mom eyes… this will allow you to slip away while they ponder what to say next. It seems as my twins get older things won’t get any better. Here’s a bubbly pair called Samantha and Madeleine on Youtube telling us about the most common questions they STILL get asked… I hope you enjoyed the post, and really, if the questions stopped I’d probably miss them! Related Posts: Telepathic Twins and Other Freaky Twin Stuff; Identical Twins: What Makes the Fertilized Egg Split? 8 Things you may not know about Identical Twins; Baby Names for Twins: You Wouldn’t Want to Disappoint; How to Tell Twins Apart; The post is linked up here:
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Contact Details Foshan Hongshuo Environmental Technology Investment CO.,LTD Place of Origin: China Brand Name: Hongshuo Certification: ISO Model Number: B001 Minimum Order Quantity: 10 Price: Negotiation Packaging Details: EPE+carton+bubble+shrink film Delivery Time: 20-30day Payment Terms: L/C, D/A, D/P, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram Supply Ability: 10Piece 20day Product Name: Clear Plastic Boat Material: Polycarbonate Color: Transparent/clear Usage: Sea, Lake Or Park Capacity: 2-3 Person Loading Weight: 200kg Net Weight: 26.3kg Size: 336*91*37cm Type: Water Playground Equipment Shipping: By Air/By Sea High Light: water quest canoe ,water sports boat FAQ Q1. What is your terms of packing? A: Generally, we pack our goods in wooden boxes. If you have other requirement, we will also try our best to serve you. Q2. What is your terms of payment? A: T/T 50% as deposit, and 50% before delivery. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages before you pay the balance. Or you can pay through Alibaba Trade Insurance. L/C and western union is also accepted. Q3. What is your terms of delivery? A: FOB, CFR, CIF. Q4. How about your delivery time? A: Generally, it will take 15 to 30 days after receiving your advance payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. Q5. Can you produce according to the samples? A: Yes, we can produce by your samples or technical drawings. We can build the molds and fixtures. Q6. Do you test all your goods before delivery? A: Yes, we have 100% test before delivery Q7: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship? A: We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them, no matter where they come from. Contact Person: sales
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Need Trap Designed to traps up to 40,000 Flies before having to be emptied? 100% NON-TOXIC ECO-FFRIENDLY Join Over 30,000+ Happy Customerwho bought Fast Fly Catcher® last Summer Features Of The Fast Fly Catcher® High Quality Materials: This Fast fly trap is made of high quality, thick iron wire gauze, matched with the environmentally friendly plastic bowl, durable, it can be hung, folded and reused. How It Works: This is a new take on the fly traps. Efficient, safe and environmentally friendly. Easy to use and clean. Uses bait to trap the flies into the cage and starve them. 🎁BUY 6 FLY Catcher® (SAVE $200) + FREE SHIPPING FATHER'S EARLY DAY SALE Simple and Easy: This Fast Fly Catcher® is easy to use and understand, and traps efficiently. While in use, we recommend to use bait that the flies like, such as fish intestines, rotten fruit, fly trap attractant and other smelly foods. You need to provide the bait by yourself, this product does not come with any fly trap bait. Non-toxic:This reusable fly trap physically traps the insect, so it’s non-toxic, non-radioactive and harmless. Also environmentally and pet friendly. Wide Variety of uses: This stable fly trap could be used in canteens, toilets, restaurants, slaughterhouse, garbage disposal field, farms, farmer’s market, greening fields, gardens and other public places. 4 EASY STEPS TO ASSEMBLE: PRINCIPLE OF FLY TRAP Use bait to lure flies into the cage and lack food to die naturally. Green and non-toxic, No harm to human and pets. WIDELY USED Used in many occasions. Green and no harm to human and pets. 🪰CUSTOMER FAQ🪰 Q: How does The Ranch Fly Trap work?A: The Fat Fly Catcher® is designed to attract and trap flies using a non-toxic bait made from natural ingredients such as sugar and vinegar. Flies are drawn to the bait and enter the trap through the cone-shaped entry points, but are unable to escape due to the funnel-like design of the trap. Q: Is The fast Fly Trap safe to use around children and pets?A: Yes, The Fat Fly Trap is made from safe, non-toxic materials and can be used around children and pets. However, it is important to place the trap in a location that is out of reach of children and pets to avoid accidental contact. Q: How long does The Fly Trap last?A: The Fly Trap is a reusable trap that can last for several weeks or even months, depending on the level of fly activity in the area. Once the trap becomes full of flies, it can be emptied and refilled with fresh bait. Q: Where should I place The Fly Trap?A: The Fly Trap should be placed in an area where flies are present, such as near garbage cans, compost piles, or livestock areas. It is important to place the trap in a location that is out of direct sunlight and protected from the wind to prevent the bait from drying out. Q: How often should I empty and refill The Fly Trap?A: It is recommended to empty and refill The Fly Trap once it becomes full of flies or when the bait becomes dry and less effective. This can vary depending on the level of fly activity in the area, but it is generally recommended to check and empty the trap every few days. ⏰Hurry, Sale Price Will Go Back To Their OriginalPrice Of $59.97 (x2) Once This Offer Ends.
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Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading, is a global decentralized market for trading national currencies against one another. One of the key factors that influence price movements in the Forex market is the order flow. Understanding the Forex order flow is crucial for traders seeking to gain an edge in the highly competitive Forex market. In this article, we will explore the concept of Forex order flow, its significance, and how it impacts the market dynamics. Table Content 1. The Basics of Forex Order Flow 2. The Relationship Between Order Flow and Liquidity 3. The Mechanism Behind Forex Order Flow 4. Analyzing Forex Order Flow 5. Strategies for Trading with Forex Order Flow 6. Advantages of Trading with Forex Order Flow 7. Challenges of Trading with Forex Order Flow 8. FAQs 9. Footnote The Basics of Forex Order Flow · What is Forex Order Flow? Forex order flow refers to the process of buying and selling orders that directly impact the supply and demand of a currency pair. It represents the flow of orders from traders around the world, including banks, financial institutions, hedge funds, and retail traders. · The Significance of Forex Order Flow Forex order flow plays a pivotal role in determining price movements and market trends. Understanding the order flow can help traders anticipate potential price reversals, identify liquidity levels, and gauge market sentiment. The Relationship Between Order Flow and Liquidity Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing a significant price change. Order flow affects liquidity levels in the Forex market, with high liquidity ensuring smoother trading and lower spreads. The Mechanism Behind Forex Order Flow · How Order Flow is Generated Order flow is generated by traders placing market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and other order types. Market orders execute immediately at the current market price, while limit orders execute when the price reaches a specified level. · The Role of Market Makers Market makers are entities, often financial institutions, that provide liquidity to the market by offering to buy or sell assets. They help maintain a continuous flow of orders, ensuring smoother market operations. · Order Books and Depth of Market Order books display all the current buy and sell orders in the market. The depth of the market shows the number of orders at different price levels, revealing where the market has significant demand or supply. Analyzing Forex Order Flow · Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Order Flow Traders utilize various tools and techniques to analyze Forex order flow, including order flow indicators, footprint charts, and volume profile analysis. These tools provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential price movements. · Reading Market Sentiment through Order Flow By analyzing order flow, traders can gauge market sentiment. High buying pressure indicates a bullish sentiment, while strong selling pressure suggests a bearish sentiment. · Identifying Key Support and Resistance Levels Order flow analysis helps identify critical support and resistance levels. These levels act as barriers where the market is likely to reverse or stall. Strategies for Trading with Forex Order Flow · Order Flow Trading Strategies Order flow trading strategies involve leveraging order flow analysis to make informed trading decisions. Some common strategies include order block trading, volume trading, and liquidity zone trading. · Managing Risk with Forex Order Flow Proper risk management is essential when trading with Forex order flow. Traders should implement stop-loss orders, position sizing, and risk-reward ratios to protect their capital. Advantages of Trading with Forex Order Flow · Increased Trading Precision Trading with Forex order flow provides traders with a more precise understanding of market dynamics, enhancing their trading accuracy. · Real-time Market Insights Order flow analysis offers real-time market insights, allowing traders to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. Challenges of Trading with Forex Order Flow · Complexity of Analysis Forex order flow analysis requires proficiency in using specialized tools and interpreting complex data, making it challenging for inexperienced traders. · Market Noise and False Signals In some instances, order flow analysis may generate false signals due to market noise, requiring traders to exercise caution. FAQs Q: What is the best time frame for Forex order flow analysis? A: There is no fixed time frame for order flow analysis. Traders may use various time frames based on their trading objectives and strategies. Q: Can Forex order flow analysis be used in conjunction with technical analysis? A: Yes, order flow analysis can complement technical analysis and provide additional insights for traders. Q: Is Forex order flow analysis suitable for day traders? A: Yes, order flow analysis can be highly beneficial for day traders seeking to capitalize on intraday price movements. Q: How can I improve my order flow analysis skills? A: Improving order flow analysis skills requires practice, studying market patterns, and seeking guidance from experienced traders. Q: Does order flow analysis work for all currency pairs? A: Yes, order flow analysis can be applied to all currency pairs traded in the Forex market. Q: Can order flow analysis predict major market events? A: While order flow analysis can provide valuable insights, it cannot guarantee the prediction of major market events. Footnote In Summary, forex order flow is a dynamic and vital aspect of the foreign exchange market. Traders who master the art of analyzing order flow gain a significant advantage in making informed trading decisions. By understanding the nuances of Forex order flow, traders can navigate the complexities of the market with confidence and precision. Incorporating order flow analysis into their strategies, traders can enhance their potential for success in the competitive world of Forex trading.
Open Question Answering
What’s The Golden Rule of Accounting? The golden rule of accounting is immensely important in the financial world. It’s a basic guideline which helps accountants record transactions accurately. When companies follow this rule, they can make sure their books are balanced and their financial statements are accurate. What’s the golden rule of accounting? The Importance of the Golden Rule of Accounting This rule states that for every transaction, two accounts must be affected. One will record the debit entry, which increases assets or expenses. The other will record the credit entry, which increases liabilities or revenues. This double-entry system lets businesses check for errors and discrepancies. It’s key for companies to understand and use the golden rule. It gives them a systematic way to handle finances and make decisions based on accurate data. Plus, it increases transparency and helps them communicate with stakeholders. The golden rule originates from when merchants used clay tablets to write down their business dealings. Luca Pacioli , and Italian mathematician and Franciscan friar , made it official in his book called “Summa de Arithmetica.” This book contained the principles of double-entry bookkeeping, including the golden rule of accounting. Understanding the Golden Rule of Accounting The golden rule of accounting is the key to financial success. Every debit entry must have a corresponding credit entry , and vice versa. This means that books are always in balance and financial reporting is accurate. All businesses and individuals should understand this principle. It is the basis of accounting practices. Following it lets you track revenue and expenses, assess profitability, and analyze cash flow . With this data, management can make smart decisions that benefit the company. Individuals benefit too! Keeping income and expenses in order lets you budget, monitor savings, and plan for the future. It’s no surprise that accountants love the golden rule – it’s the only time they get to play with something shiny! The Application of the Golden Rule of Accounting Practices The golden rule in accounting is key. It states: for each debit there must be a matching credit, to keep the equation balanced. Let’s explore how it works. We can use a table to show the debit and credit entries for different accounting elements. Accounting Element Debit Credit Assets Increase Decrease Liabilities Decrease Increase Equity Decrease Increase Revenues/Costs/Expenses/Gains/Losses/Dividends (Temporary accounts) (Temporary accounts) <=> Revenues (Normal Credit Balance) / Costs, Expenses, Gains, Losses, Dividends (Normal Debit Balance) {>> Increase (Revenues) / Decrease (Costs, Expenses, Gains, Losses, etc.) } Not following the golden rule in accounting can be a disaster! It’s like a book with embarrassing typos that everyone can see. The Impact of not Following the Golden Rule Not following the golden rule in accounting can bring on some serious repercussions. Inaccurate financial reporting, misinterpretation of financial data and a lack of trust from stakeholders can all arise from this. Plus, legal consequences and harm to the company’s reputation could follow. The golden rule in accounting is based on the principle of recording transactions accurately and consistently. This means that for every transaction, there must be and equivalent and opposite entry. Neglecting to abide by this rule can lead to errors or omissions in financial documents. Take, for instance, a large multinational corporation. They had been disregarding recording certain liabilities in their financial statements for a few years. When this improper accounting practice was discovered during and audit, it caused a huge restatement of their financials and their stock price dropped. The company got investigated by the authorities and sued by investors who had relied on wrong information. Applying the golden rule correctly in accounting: if the numbers don’t lie, then accountants must be the world’s most honest people… or the greatest liars. Tips for applying the golden rule Apply the golden rule accurately in accounting is essential for correct financial management. Here’s a 5-step guide: Spot the accounts. Identify them as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, or expenses . Grasp the golden rule. Equate debits and credits. Debits rise assets and reduce liabilities ; credits do the opposite. Assess transactions. Work out which accounts are affected and need to be debited or credited. Know the business’s financial structure. Record regularly. Use a double-entry bookkeeping system. Ensure debit and credit entries match up and are recorded accurately. Reconcile often. Verify that all transactions are listed correctly and financial statements are correct. To make sure nothing is missed, record transactions quickly. It keeps everything updated and shows the financial well-being of the business. The golden rule of accounting is not only about making money, it’s about making money without anyone suspecting. The golden rule as a guiding principle for successful accounting practices The golden rule of accounting is a must-follow principle. It stresses the importance of accurate and reliable financial documents. Following this rule lets accountants maintain transparency, integrity, and compliance with accounting standards. To follow the rule, accountants must record each financial transaction in two accounts: one debit and one credit. This ensures the assets equal liabilities plus equity equation stays balanced. With clear records, businesses can monitor their money, identify mistakes, and make great decisions. The golden rule boosts auditing processes too. With consistent records, auditors can quickly review and verify the accuracy. This decreases fraud or misrepresentation risks and gives assurance to stakeholders. Adhering to the golden rule helps companies meet legal needs. Also, it allows them to prepare financial statements that comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Doing this builds trust among investors, creditors, and other stakeholders. Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions about the Golden Rule of Accounting Q: What is the golden rule of accounting? A: The golden rule of accounting is the principle that states that for every debit entry, there must be a corresponding credit entry of equal amount, ensuring that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity) remains in balance. Q: Why is the golden rule important? A: The golden rule of accounting is crucial because it ensures accurate recording of financial transactions and maintains the integrity of financial statements. It helps prevent errors, fraud, and discrepancies in the accounting records. Q: Can you provide and example of the golden rule of accounting? A: Certainly! Let’s say a company purchases inventory worth $1,000. According to the golden rule, the accounts payable (liability) will increase by $1,000 (credit), while the inventory (asset) will also increase by $1,000 (debit). Q: Does the golden rule of accounting apply to personal finances? A: Yes, the golden rule of accounting applies to personal finances as well. It helps individuals track their income, expenses, assets, and liabilities accurately and helps maintain a balanced financial position. Q: What happens if the golden rule of accounting is not followed? A: If the golden rule is not followed, it results in a discrepancy in the accounting records, making them unreliable and misleading. Financial statements will not balance, and it becomes difficult to assess the true financial position of a business or individual. Q: Is the golden rule of accounting universally accepted? A: Yes, the golden rule of accounting is universally accepted and forms the foundation of double-entry bookkeeping, which is used by businesses and organizations worldwide to maintain accurate financial records.
Open Question Answering
HyperSound® HSS 3000 is an innovative, highly directional ultrasonic sound speaker. Unlike traditional loudspeakers, it is a parametric speaker that allows you to create a precise sound beam. This speaker creates a directional sound that provides independent audio zones without sound bleed. It is an extremely focused audio technology that means sound where you want it. Sleek and lightweight Eliminates traditional sound noise Creates highly directional sound-tight audio zones without sound bleed Produces a 3D audio effect Multiple mounting options and easy to install Design immersive, engaging experiences and increases dwell time Video Hypersound Directional Speakers Hypersound Installation Training Video Specs Specifications Speaker dimensions: 12 1/2” x 6 3/8” x 2 1/8” Amplifier dimensions: 6 1/4” x 6 3/4” x 1 7/8” Power Supply: Input 100V-240V 50/60 Hz / Output 30V DC @1.5A Weight: 7 1/2” Pounds (Complete 2 Speaker System) Operating temperature: 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Storage temperature: -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F) Operating humidity range: 0 to 95% (non-condensing) Storage humidity range: 0 to 95% (non-condensing) Max audio SPL output: (per emitter) 100dB @ 1.5kHz/2 meters Impedance: 10k Ohms Max input for max output: 160mVrms per channel Ultrasonic speaker type: HyperSound proprietary, patented and patent-pending monolithic film transducer Frequency response: 300Hz to 18kHz Carrier frequency: Proprietary in the range of 40kHz Amplifier type: Customized Class D digital Amplifier power output: 15 Watts In The Box 1 (mono system) or 2 HyperSound Speakers (White or Black) Set of 7’ Red & Black Speaker Cables With Banana Connectors A: If the site is small we recommend installing the speaker pointing directly down towards the floor, creating a smaller sound footprint, and reducing the reflective area. Q: How wide is the beam of sound? A: Dispersion is extremely tight (1% at 3 meters), both horizontal and vertical, over the size of the speaker (6.38" x 12.49") Q: Can I use the HyperSound Speakers with any amplifier? A: No. The HyperSound Amplifier has proprietary digital signal processing circuitry. That produces a composite ultrasonic/sonic waveform which is amplified and sent to the speakers Q: Can the speakers be connected in series or parallel with each other? A: No. The HyperSound Amplifier has two channels. Each channel is designed to drive a single HyperSound Speaker, for a total of 2 speakers per amplifier. The two channels on the amplifier are separate and can be used for stereo audio or two completely separate audio sources Q: How far can the speaker be from the amplifier? A: The HyperSound Speakers each come with a 6' cable. The maximum speaker wire length is 140'
Open Question Answering
UNIT - 1 CONCEPT OF HEALTH, POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT EXERCISES 1. Give very short answers to the following questions: i. List at two aspects of health, population and envirionment. Ans: The two aspects of health, population and environment are as follows: Physical Aspects Biological Aspects ii. What do you mean by physical aspect? Ans: Physical aspects are all the natural, physical and man-made aspects which are found around us such as roads, mountains, river, lakes etc.2. Give short answers to the following questions: i. "Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify this. Ans: We get fresh air and food from environment. When the environment gets polluted, its components also get polluted. When the air gets polluted, it directly or indirectly affect the human health. When we are sick or unhealthy, we cannot do our works. We cannot do any Job boy earning money. We get unemployed which give birth to poverty. In absence of money we cannot fulfill our daily needs due to which we may be affected by several diseases. Unhealthy person cannot live a happy. In this way. Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life. So, we should always try to keep our environment clean and healthy so that we can live a happy and prosperous life. ii. How can you say that HPE is a multidisciplinary subject? Clarify it. Ans: All the content related to humans, humans health and sound environment come under HPE subject. We learn about the importance of environment, methods of population control, ways of keeping ourselves clean etc. in one subject i.e HPE.This subject covers all the areas of health, population and environment. HPE is integrated version of 3 different subjects named as Health, population and Environment. So, HPE is a multidisciplinary subject and these three disciplines are interconnected somehow because we cannot just study the environment without considering the effect on people and vice versa. iii. How biological and sociocultural aspects of the environment are related to health and population? Explain briefly. Ans: Biological aspects are all the plants and animals available in different part of our country. In the same way, Sociocultural aspects means the feasts, festivals, traditions and customs we are following. Human beings get food from animals and vegetation. They grow crops, rare animals inorder to uplift their living standard which help them to live a healthy life. We also visit different temples, attain different festivals. We enjoy there by consuming different types of food as per festivals. Excessive consumption of food in festivals affect our health. It causes diarrhoea, cholera etc. which may cause premature death. Due to premature death of people, the population of that area decreases. In this way, biological and sociocultural aspect of environment are related to health and population. iv. Distinguish between biological aspects and physical aspects. Ans: Physical aspects include biotic and abiotic components such as rivers, roads etc. It include physical, natural and man-made aspects. Physical aspect provides shelter to the living organisms. It includes non-living or a biotic components. Man produces different physical things to satisfy his/her needs and wants. While producing such materials people use raw materials available in their environment. Thus, the development works like construction of bridge, canals, industries etc. also fall under physical aspect. But,Biological aspects include the various types of plants and animals available in different part of the country. Man gets food from biological aspects of environment. Biological aspect of environment is required for all living organism in order to survive and continue their generation. Biological aspect is related to health and population. Density of population is more where there is fertile soil and agricultural production is high. v. How science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE? Ans: Human beings are using different modern technologies to make their life easier. People are also establishing industries for the production of fine goods and products. Many gases are being emmited from vehicles and industries which pollutes the environment. Due to pollution the quality of environment is decreasing day by day. Some people are misusing the means of science and technology to disturb people, create scams and to perform illegal activities. Pollution affect environment and polluted environment affect human beings.When the health of person is not good he/she cannot contribute to the development of the country. Means of transportation and communication are made for the betterment of human beings but they directly or indirectly are affecting us. If we use the scientific knowledge and skill rationally, aspects of environment, population and health are effectively developed but if it is not used wisely it affect all the aspects of HPE. So, in this way science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE. 3. Long-answer questions (Comprehension level). i. Explain HPE as a multidisciplinary subject. Ans: All the content related to humans, human health and sound environment come under HPE subject. We study about various aspects such as biological aspect, physical aspect etc. We study about our sociocultural activities. We learn the way to live a happy and properous life. It teaches us the importance of keeping ourselves and the environment clean. HPE subject is the combination of three subjects i.e health, population and environment. HPE covers the wide area of health, population and environment. All these three subjects are interrelated with each other. The change in the subject matter of one subject affect another. So, HPE is a multidisciplinary subject.ii. How are the physical and biological aspects interrelated with health, population and environment education? Ans: Physical aspects means all natural and man-made aspects of environment which mostly includes non-living things such as river, mountains, roade etc. In the same way biological aspect include all the living component of the environment such as plants and animals. The availability of biological resources of a place determines the environment and health of people.People almost get all the raw materials from the biological aspect of environment. It helps to promote the health condition of people by providing food, oxygen, raw materials etc. There is high population where there is fertile soil, facility of transportation, health service etc. When there is proper conservation of biological and physical aspect of environment, the ecosystem will be balanced. People can easily use the natural resources for running their life. The place with fertile land and high agricultural yield has nationally higher density. In such places, animal husbandry also thrives. It helps people to uplift their living standard. People can get nutritious food which help them to remain healthy. In this way physical and biological aspects are interrelated with health, population and environment education. iii. Explain the relationship of science and technology with health, population and environment. Ans: We human beings use different modern technologies to make our life easier and comfortable. People are establishing different types of industries for the production of fine goods and products. Many gases are being emmited on a daily basis from vehicles and industries which pollutes the environment. Due to pollution the quality of environment is decreasing day by day. In the similar manner some people are misusing the means of science and technology to disturb people, create scams and to perform illegal activities. Pollution affect environment and polluted environment affect human beings.When the health of person is not good, they cannot contribute to the development of the country. Means of transportation and communication are made for the betterment of human beings but they directly or indirectly are affecting us. If we use the scientific knowledge and skill rationally, aspects of environment, population and health are effectively developed but if it is not used wisely it affect all the aspects of HPE. So, in this way science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE. iv. How is the psychological aspect related to health, population and environment education? Ans: Physchological aspect of health, population and environment means the aspect which represent the feelings of attitude, behaviour and understanding of individuals.Human physchology plays an important role in regard to HPE education. If there is positive psychology then people can be motivated for the conservation of environment and they can be able to improve the health condition. Program and policies cannot be effective until and unless people are willing to participate in the environment conservation as well as population management programs. Positive attitude and behaviour helps a person to live a quality life. Provision of education helps to change the psychological aspects. If man heartly adopts the behaviour of proper utilization of means and resources of the environment, the environment will be conserved. It helps to maintain sanitation of the surrounding environment. When the environment is clean, people's health will also be good. Healthy people can run their life easily. They can easily contribute to the development of nation. In this way, people can live a happy and prosperous life. Hence, we can say that psychological aspect is related to health, population and environment education. 4. Write short notes on: i. Economic aspect of HPE We need money, business and exchange of goods and services for our survival. People conduct various income-generating activities. The money we get is essential to fulfil our needs and wants. ii. Psychological aspects of HPE Psychology deals with human thinking, attitude and behavior. Availability of services and facilities create positive attitude and shortage create the negative attitude and behavior. These positive and negative attitudes are developed with the sociocultural environment. Provision of education helps change the psychological aspects. THE END
Open Question Answering
A Sysinct List of Republicans who have been accused, indicted or convicted of crimes Full Story »I have an idea for the perfect republican team: George Bush and Dan Quayle. Americans would be really happy because they’d be constantly laughing themselves silly: Quayle: “Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.” Bush: “Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to […] Full Story »You might be a republican: 1. If you are opposed to socialism and learned about it in a free public library. 2. If you hate the “de.ath tax” and the only thing you inherited from your parents was baldness and a 1948 GMC pickup truck. 3. If you think a man born in New Haven, […] Full Story »Q: What do you get when you have a basement full of Republicans? A: A whine cellar. Q: What do you get when you cross a pig and with a Republican? A: Nothing. There are some things even a pig won’t do. Q: What do you get when you put 32 republicans in one room? […] Full Story »This part of the Gulf of Mexico had been OFF LIMITS to drilling until Bush was elected. It also had strict environmental protections until Bush removed them. Here are the specific things he did to open this area to drilling: 1. May 2001. Cheney chaired a secret Energy Task Force, (NEPDG), releasing a document pushing […] Full Story »
Open Question Answering
Q: I was arrested for supposedly forging someone’s name and theft by deception. They say I went to a jewelry store with a yellow slip and picked up a ring and signed the victim’s name. They showed the victim a picture. She snapped a picture with her phone, then posted it to social media. She then supposedly received a message from me on social media, but I never sent any message. because of that message told the officer my name. The officer then looked through JNET and PennDOT to finds my picture and he says it matches the person in video. But I have an alibi for that day. (Wexford, PA) A: You can be arrested on another person’s word and belief that you committed a crime, even if you didn’t. I advise you to make no statements to anyone, not only police, but anyone. Also, gather your evidence and preserve it. If you have an Alibi defense in that you were at another location in the company of others at the time, get those persons names and contact information and any other evidence including video, time cards, receipts, etc. If the mistaken identity defense does not knock the case ouy early on, there is some interesting law on the use of social media as evidence that you may benefit from. Most importantly, get an attorney and share all the information with him or her. If you cannot afford one, sign up for the Public Defender. Q: My uncle recently died. My husband and I was buying his vehicle because he could no longer drive. Two weeks before he died he handed us the signed title and told my husband happy birthday. Uncle was sick, and I was the caregiver. I did not go down right away and change the title. Now my cousin says when he gets out of prison he is going to press forgery charges on me. Can he? (McKeesport, PA) A: Anybody can say they will sue somebody else. If he wants to have the police file charges, or file a civil suit through a lawyer, he will need evidence to base a civil or criminal prosecution on. This type of evidence would be the appearance of an obvious to the eye forgery, forgery supported by a hand writing expert opinion, or statements from witnesses. If this is not a forgery, you should not worry. If it is, see a lawyer. Q: A family member moved in with my grandmother sold her house. My grandmother’s name was forged on the documents. We need to get it back. A: I do believe your recourse is by hiring an attorney file a petition to rescind fraudulent transfer or a quiet title action. If you are correct this transfer was done through fraud. If grandmother is competent and can testify that the signature on the deed is not hers and she did not sign, the case is easier. If she is incompetent to testify, it will be a little more involved. You may need her doctor to testify of her mental competence at the time the deed was supposedly signed and perhaps even a handwriting expert. I would see an attorney as soon as possible so something can be filed before the house is transferred again. Q: Can a minor be charged with a felony? (forgery, bad checks, theft by deception) What is the punishment? Checks were taken from a friend’s grandparents, their signatures forged, and the checks cashed. Two people were involved, one a minor and one an adult. The adult is currently incarcerated, but the minor would like to turn herself in for the crimes they helped commit. The minor participated willingly in the acts and is fully willing to take a punishment, given the punishment on the adult is lessened. A: Yes, minors can be charged with just about all of the charges an adult can be charged with. The charges are filed in juvenile court. This minor and his parents should speak to an experienced lawyer in your county, before turning himself in and confessing. He may or may not have a defense. The police may or may not have enough evidence to charge him. If there is no defense, he can accept whatever punishment they are offering. If sentenced in juvenile court, the possible sentences would depend on this juvenile’s prior criminal history among many other things. If he has a good background, he could possibly receive a Consent Decree followed by probation which does not result in a conviction, if he completed probation successfully. The other more severe sentences moving up the scale would be, electronic home monitoring and probation, regular probation, or placement in a juvenile facility. Q: I took a taxi from the Pittsburgh airport to my house, which ended up being an hour long ride. As a frequent traveler for work, I knew that landing at 4:30 p.m. meant I’d be sitting in traffic. I ended up taking a Veterans Taxi. The driver recklessly weaved in and out of lanes – going into the emergency lane even to pass cars. When we got to my house, I went to pay with my credit card on the machine in the van. The driver took my card and I thought maybe the machine is broken and that he’d run the card in the front. He didn’t offer any explanation. I should have questioned it, but didn’t think much. I asked for a receipt, which was printed from the car. The driver wrote in the tip by hand on the receipt, which seemed sketchy. I found later that day that the receipt amount didn’t match what I was charged since I noticed the square receipt in my email. I also noticed a scribble in the signature line. I contacted the taxi company and the taxi upset that there not only was a discrepancy but the driver signed my signature. There is apparently video surveillance in the van but the manager/owner has now taken the driver’s side without even pulling this footage. What can I do? This is fraud. A: The beauty of using credit cards is that most have a dispute resolution process whereby you just report to them in writing of a disputed charge and they hold payment and investigate it. So, report this either via phone or on your credit card company website and fill out and submit the necessary forms. If you want to go even further, you can contact the county police (I believe they have jurisdiction over the airport) or your local police in the town where the taxi ride ended (may have jurisdiction as well as that is where the transaction was signed) and see if they are interested in filing a theft, access device or forgery charges. My thought is that your credit card company will work it out with the cab company. Q: Can I press forgery charges on behalf of my late mother? My mother died recently and we have discovered that a sibling signed my mother’s name to several checks that were drawn on my mother’s credit card. I went to the bank to which these checks were written (to pay a mortgage) and the bank told me that only my mother could press charges. A: Yes, you would have to open an estate on behalf of your mother. The estate could then sue or prosecute the sibling as the legal party of interest. If there are sufficient assets there are other options to prosecuting. The estate attorney can advise you.
Open Question Answering
Mathematics is a super challenging subject. Whether you are or not, but when we were in school, we all had a strange fear of the subject. Even students who never scored less than 95% marks in all subjects worked day and night and harder in mathematics compared to other subjects. This is the nature of mathematics. It can be the most challenging topic but also the most interesting. With this thought, let’s start today with our exciting set of math puzzles. Math Riddles with Answers: Mathematical riddle 1: Henry, the magician, has a unique die that he uses for his magic tricks. Six faces of the die are marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 respectively. Note that the magician’s die does not have any 6s on either face. If Henry calls one of the volunteers from the audience and the volunteer rolls 3 of those dice in a row, what do you think is the probability of getting a total sum of 14 on the top face? HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: The chances are between 20% and 25%. The chances are more than 25%. The chances are between 5% and 10%. The chances are between 10% and 20%. Mathematical riddle 2: Are you smart enough to understand the unique series? What number do you think is in K? 0.. 6.. 24.. 60.. 120.. K HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: 120 150 180 Math Riddle 3: A flight is made up of people from a wide variety of professions. There are 25 actors, 20 nurses, 18 designers and 12 lawyers on the flight. In total, all of these people spent $1,330 on tickets. Five actors spent as much money on the ticket as 4 nurses. Additionally, 6 designers spent as much money on the ticket as 8 lawyers and 12 nurses spent as much money on the ticket as 9 designers. If this is the scenario, how much do you think the nurses spent? HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: $420 $350 $195 $210 Wondering where the answers are? Well, have we ever left your hand halfway? Here are the answers you may be looking for: ANSWERS: Mathematical riddle 1: Henry, the magician, has a unique die that he uses for his magic tricks. Six faces of the die are marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 respectively. Note that the magician’s die does not have any 6s on either face. If Henry calls one of the volunteers from the audience and the volunteer rolls 3 of those dice in a row, what do you think is the probability of getting a total sum of 14 on the top face? HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: The chances are between 20% and 25%. The chances are more than 25%. The chances are between 5% and 10%. The chances are between 10% and 20%. Answer: The chances are between 5% and 10%. Mathematical riddle 2: Are you smart enough to understand the unique series? What number do you think is in K? 0.. 6.. 24.. 60.. 120.. K HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: 120 150 180 Answer: 210 Math Riddle 3: A flight is made up of people from a wide variety of professions. There are 25 actors, 20 nurses, 18 designers and 12 lawyers on the flight. In total, all of these people spent $1,330 on tickets. Five actors spent as much money on the ticket as 4 nurses. Additionally, 6 designers spent as much money on the ticket as 8 lawyers and 12 nurses spent as much money on the ticket as 9 designers. If this is the scenario, how much do you think the nurses spent? HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: $420 $350 $195 $210 Answer: $350 Weren’t these math puzzles super interesting? Well, we agree they were difficult, but that’s the beauty of it. READ ALSO: Word Puzzles: We’ve raised the difficulty bar. We give you a word, you find its opposite and synonym in the word puzzle. (TIME LIMIT: ONLY 40 SECONDS!)
Open Question Answering
Reallydough Productions, we add the sparkles and the shine to music Offering mixing services as well as original compositions Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above. Interview with Reallydough Productions Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?A: Attended University of Missouri St. Louis, Audio Production certificate program for basic mixing training Developed precise skills from an online audio program by Berklee College of Music Continuously learn and work hand in hand with engineers in music studiosQ: What are you working on at the moment?A: A-Shot - Mr. Dough 3 Skimane - Only Here to Win Reallydough Productions - Creative Differences 2Q: Analog or digital and why?A: Digital because it's convenient and only getting better. Plus digital is what I grew up on.Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?A: That I have the ability to make a bad recording sound radio ready. The output is only as good as the input.Q: Can you share one music production tip?A: Highpass and Lowpass filters are magical
Open Question Answering
We all know what a nightmare is. The bothersome, terrifying, and dysfunctional dreams can have a profoundly pervasive effect on our emotions, ripping us out of sleep. Believe it or not, adult nightmares are rather rare; they’re a lot more common in kids. Adult nightmares can be caused by a variety of rather unexpected habits, as well as medications or underlying health conditions. We go through the 6 most common causes of bad dreams and how to remedy them. Alcohol Drinking a few glasses of wine may make you sleepy, so you may believe that having a night out with drinks will only help your sleep. In reality, alcohol affects our sleep in a more complicated manner - at first, it will help you sleep deeper, but when blood alcohol levels start dropping, they make you a lighter sleeper. Additionally, alcohol may increase the time of rapid eye movement sleep (REM). During this sleep cycle, vivid dreams and nightmares are much likelier. This way, consuming alcohol can contribute to nightmares. The solution: Avoid drinking too much alcohol - keep the quantity to a glass or two of wine or one strong drink. In addition, make sure to wait at least 3-4 hours before going to bed. Late-evening snacks Digestion is hard work for the body, and this can clash with your body’s resting cycles. “This is because your body will be working hard to break down food and will send signals to your brain to be more active, which may trigger nightmares,” said Phil Lawlor, a sleep expert, to the Huffington Post. Any type of snack can lead to nightmares, but spicy and sweet foods have a higher risk of causing sleep problems. The same types of foods are also more likely to contribute to acid reflux, which can also interrupt your sleep. The solution: If you can, avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed. But if you’re a habitual evening snacker, keep nighttime snacks small and choose foods and drinks known to promote sleep , such as chamomile tea, turkey, chicken, or a handful of nuts and seeds. Stress and anxiety Traumatic life events - both serious ones like a bad day at work or a major one like a car accident - increase your stress levels and promote worries, which often seep into your dreams too, provoking night terrors. The fear and stress may feel so overwhelming that you end up having nightmares. This falls in line with scientific observations stating that people suffering from anxiety and persistent stress are predisposed to nightmare disorder, a condition where nightmares “happen often, cause distress, disrupt sleep, cause problems with daytime functioning or create fear of going to sleep,” according to the Mayo Clinic. The solution: The good news is that these types of bad dreams tend to go away. Avoid scary or stress-inducing content before going to sleep. This means no scary books, horror movies, or news. To reduce dress levels right before bed, dedicate the time before bed (or any other free time available) to relax. Take a relaxing bath, a walk, meditate, listen to relaxing music, or do light yoga. Medications and nutritional supplements Although scientists aren’t exactly sure how medications can cause nightmares, it’s not uncommon for drugs like antidepressants, blood pressure medications, Parkinson’s disease medications, beta-blockers, and medications used to help people quit smoking can all make you have more bad dreams. If you take melatonin to fall asleep, be mindful that this supplement can also trigger night terrors. The solution: When it comes to medications and supplements, things can get tricky, as you may need these medications to manage your health. Therefore, it’s safest to discuss your concerns with your doctor and ask if you have any alternatives that wouldn’t trigger nightmares. Mental health conditions Nightmares are a known symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD sufferers frequently experience vibrant nightmares in which they relive the traumatic events that cause the condition. But patients who suffer from other mental health disorders, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety are more likely to have bad dreams as well. The solution: Treating the mental health disorder is the best way to make the nightmares go away too. Also, remember that sleep deprivation itself can lead to nightmares. Try and get enough sleep, and the bad dreams may become less frequent or go away altogether. Sleeping on the back Sleeping on your back has many advantages: fewer wrinkles and less back pain, to name just a few. Unfortunately, this sleeping position also has some disadvantages, among which is a higher chance of bad dreams. Research suggests that back sleepers are more likely to experience breathing difficulties, which can cause nightmares of suffocating, being chased, or drowning. The solution: Try changing your sleeping position. Experts recommend sleeping on your right side. It’s fine if you change sleep positions during the night, but try to sleep on the right side as often as you can. Here are a few more tips to help you cope with a nightmare: 1. Recognize the nightmare and stop it. When you’re having an unpleasant dream, look around at any mirrors or clocks. In a dream, they often look strange. You can also try to pinch your nose or scratch your skin. If you can’t feel anything, you’re dreaming. Once you recognize that you’re dreaming, you can wake yourself up. Alternatively, you can try and change the ending of your dream on your own. 2. Start a dream journal. A dream diary can help you understand how your dreams are influencing you. Keep the journal on your bedside table, and write down all of your dreams - both good and bad - first thing in the morning. You can keep track of your total sleep time. Review the journal from time to time and try to understand why they’re causing you discomfort. When should you see a doctor? The occasional nightmare is no cause for concern, but recurrent night terrors can be a symptom of Nightmare Disorder or even an underlying brain condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease. See your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the following signs: 1. You experience nightmares more than once a week. 2. The bad dreams upset your mood, sleep, or day-to-day activities. 3. You started having nightmares once you started a new medication. H/T: Huffington Post, Best Health, WebMD, Mayo Clinic
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from a handpicked tutor in LIVE 1-to-1 classes Square Root of 53 Square root of 53 is a number which, when multiplied by itself, results in the number 53. 53 is an odd number and a prime number. Prime numbers have been described as the building blocks of mathematics. Let us determine the square root of 53 in this article. We will learn how to calculate the square root of 53, find out whether square root of 53 a rational or irrational, and look at a few problems to help us understand this topic. Square Root of 53: √53 = 7.280Square of 53: 53 2809² =1. What Is the Square Root of 53? 2. Is Square Root of 53 Rational or Irrational? 3. How to Find the Square Root of 53? 4. Challenging Questions 5. FAQs on Square Root of 53 What Is the Square Root of 53? The square root of a number n is written as √n. This number when squared or multiplied by itself results in the original number n. The square root of 39 can be written as: Radical form: √53 Decimal form: 7.280 Exponent form: (53)1/2 Is Square Root of 53 Rational or Irrational? 53 is a number that is not a perfect square, meaning it does not have a natural number as its square root. Square root of 53 is simlipfied in decimal form as √53 = 7.280. Square root of 53 cannot be expressed as a fraction in the form p/q which tells us that the square root of 53 is an irrational number. How to Find the Square Root of 53? There are 2 ways to find the square root of 53: Long Division Method Prime Factorization Long Division Method The square root of 53 by long division method consists of the following steps: Step 1: Starting from the right, we will pair up the digits 53 by putting a bar above 53. We also pair the 0s in decimals in pairs of 2 from left to right.Step 2: Find a number that, when multiplied to itself, gives a product less than or equal to 53. The number 7 fits here as 7 squares gives 49. Dividing 53 by 7 with quotient as 7, we get the remainder as 4.Step 3: Drag a pair of 0s down and fill it next to to make the dividend 400.Step 4: Double the divisor 7, and enter 14 below with a blank digit on its right. Think of a number which is greater than equal to dividend, i.e., 400. 142 is the perfect number to divide 400.Step 5 : Multiply 142 by 2. 142 × 2 = 284 < 400 and write the remainder, i.e., 116.Step 6: Repeat this process until the quotient starts repeating after certain digit.Therefore, the square root of 53 = 7.280 Prime Factorization To find the square root of 53, we shall first express it in terms of its prime factors. Prime factorization of 53 = 1 × 53 Since all the prime factors of 53 are unique none of these factors are perfect squares, the square root of 53 cannot be simplified. Therefore, the Square Root of √53 = 7.280 Explore square roots using illustrations and interactive examples Square Root of 45 Square Root of 36 Square Root of 29 Square Root of 52 Square Root of 54 Square Root of 56 Square Root of 27 Square Root of 35 Challenging Questions What is the negative root of 5300? Find the square root of 5300 up to 5 decimal places? What is the square root of: a) 530 b) 153 Solved Examples Example 1: Rob is multiplying a number by itself. If the product is 53, help Rob in finding the number.Solution: To find the number let us assume number = y On multiplying y times y = y × y = 53 y² = 53 y = √53 y = 7.280 (7.280 × 7.280 = 52.999 ≅ 53) The number is 7.280. Example 2: The area of a square-shaped table is 2809 square units. Calculate the measurement of one side of the table.Solution: The area of table = 2809 sq. units To find the side of the square-shaped table, let us take square root of 2809 by prime factorization method. 2809 = 1 × 53 × 53 Square root of 2809 is 53. Therefore, side of square table is 53 units. FAQs on Square Root of 53 What is the square root of 53 using prime factorization? Prime factorization of 53 = 1 × 53 √53 = 7.280 Is 53 a perfect square root? 53 is not a perfect square. 53 is a natural number, but since there is no other natural number that can be squared to result in the number 53, it is NOT a perfect square. What is the decimal value of the square root of 53? The decimal value of the square root of 53 is √53 = 7.280. Is the square root of 53 a rational number? No, the square root of 53 is not a rational number since the square root of 53 is non-terminating and cannot be represented in the form of p/q. Can we find the square root of 53 by the repeated subtraction method? No, we can’t find the square root of 53 by repeated subtraction method as it can be used only for perfect squares. 53 is not a perfect square. visual curriculum
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The DAV Class 6 Maths Solutions and DAV Class 6 Maths Chapter 6 Worksheet 7 Solutions of Introduction to Algebra offer comprehensive answers to textbook questions. DAV Class 6 Maths Ch 6 WS 7 Solutions Question 1. If a = 2, b = 3 find the value of the following algebraic expressions. (a) 3a + 2b Solution: Here a = 2, b = 3 3a + 2b = 3(2) + 2(3) = 6 + 6 = 12 (b) 2a – b Solution: Here a = 2, b = 3 2a – 6 = 2(2) – 3 = 4 – 3 = 1 Question 2. If x = – 1, y = 2, z = – 3 find the value of (a) x + y + z Solution: Here x = – 1, y = 2, z = – 3 x + y + z = – 1 + 2 + (- 3) = – 1 + 2 – 3 = – 2 (b) 2x – 3y + 6z Solution: Here x = – 1, y = 2, z = – 3 2x – 3y + 6z = 2(- 1) – 3(2) + 6 (- 3) = – 2 – 6 – 18 = – 26 Question 3. If p = – 3, q = 0, r = 2, find the value of (a) p + q + r + 1 Solution: Here p = – 3, q = 0, r = 2 p + q + r + 1 = – 3 + 0 + 2 + 1 = – 3 + 3 = 0 (b) 2pq + 3qr – 4pr Solution: Here p = – 3, q = 0, r = 2 2pq + 3qr – 4pr = 2(- 3) (0) + 3(0) (2) – 4(- 3) (2) = 0 + 0 + 24 = 24 Question 4. If z = – 9, find the value of \(\frac{2}{3}\) z + 6 Solution: \(\frac{2}{3}\) z + 6 = \(\frac{2}{3}\) × (- 9) + 6 = 2 × (- 3) + 6 = – 6 + 6 = 0 Question 5. If a = 1, b = – 2, c = – 1, show that 7a + 6 + c = 2abc. Solution: Here a = 1, b = – 2, c = – 1 7a + b + c = 2abc L.H.S. : 7(1) + (- 2) + (- 1) = 7 – 2 – 1 = 4 R.H.S.: 2abc = 2 × 1 × (- 2) × (- 1) = 2 × 2 = 4 L.H.S. = R.H.S. Hence Proved. DAV Class 6 Maths Chapter 6 Value Based Questions Question 1. Amounts donated by Mr. Lai and Mr. Sohan to an orphanage are represented by the expressions ₹ (2a2 – 3b2 + 6ab) and < (5b2 – 2ab + 3a2 ) respectively. (а) Find the expression for total amount donated by them. Also, when a = 100, b = 150 find the total amount. Solution: Amount donated by Mr. Lai = ₹ (2a2 – 3b2 + 6ab) Amount donated by Mr. Sohan = ₹ (5b2 – 2ab + 3a2 ) ∴ Total amount donated by them = ₹ (2a2 – 3b2 + 6ab) + ₹ (5b2 – 2ab + 3a2 ) = ₹ (5a2 + 2b2 + 4ab) On putting a = 100 and 6 = 150 in the expression, we get ₹ [5(100)2 + 2(150)2 + 4 × 100 × 150] = ₹ ([5 × 10000 + 2 × 22500 + 60000] = ₹ [50000 + 45000 + 60000] = ₹ 1,55,000 (b) What value is depicted by them? Solution: Helpful to the deprived or cooperative with others in helping the needy, etc. Question 2. Number of students of Class-V and VI who participated in “SAVE ENVIRONMENT” campaign is given by the expression (2pq + 3p2 + 2q2 ) and (4p2 + q2 + 3pq) respectively. (а) If p = 2, q = 5, find how many more students of Class-V participated in the campaign. Solution: Given that p = 2 and q – 5 No. of students of Class-V participated in campaign = (2pq + 3p2 + 2q2 ) = 2(2)(5) + 3(2)2 + 2(5)2 = 20 + 12 + 50 = 82 No. of students of Class-VI, participated in campaign = (4p2 + q2 + 3pq) = 4(2)2 + (5)2 + 3(2)(5) = 16 + 25 + 30 = 71 ∴ No. of more student of Class V with respect to Class VI = 82 – 71 = 11 (b) What value is possessed by participating students? Solution: Environment friendly, etc.
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The DAV Maths Book Class 8 Solutions Pdf and DAV Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Worksheet 6 Solutions of Mensuration offer comprehensive answers to textbook questions. DAV Class 8 Maths Ch 14 WS 6 Solutions Question 1. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder if (i) radius of its base = 7 cm, height = 1.5 dm (ii) area of base = 154 cm2 , height = 1.5 cm (iii) circumference of base = 1.32 m, height = 25 cm Solution: (i) Here r = 7 cm, h = 1.5 dm = 150 cm ∴ The volume of the cylinder = πr2 h = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 7 × 7 × 150 = 23100 cm3 (ii) Here πr2 = 154 cm2 and h = 1.5 cm ∴ The volume of the cylinder = πr2 h = 154 × 1.5 = 231 cm3 (iii) Here 2πr = 1.32 m and h = 25 cm 2πr = 132 cm ⇒ 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × r = 132 ⇒ r = \(\frac{132 \times 7}{2 \times 22}\) ⇒ r = 21 cm ∴ The volume of the cylinder = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 21 × 21 × 25 = 346.50 cm3 Question 2. How many cubic metres of the earth must be dug out to sink a healthy 16 m in depth and 7 m in diameter? Solution: Here h = 16 m and r = \(\frac{7}{2}\) m ∴ The volume of the earth to be dug out = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7} \times \frac{7}{2} \times \frac{7}{2} \times 16\) = 616 m3 Hence the required volume = 616 m3 Question 3. A water tank is cylindrical in shape and the diameter of its base is 28 m. If it is 7 meters deep, how many kilolitres of water can it hold? Solution: Here r = \(\frac{28}{2}\) = 14 m and h = 7 m ∴ The volume of the tank = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 14 × 14 × 7 = 4312 m3 = 4312 kl [∵ 1 m3 = 1 kl] Question 4. The radius of the base of a cylindrical oil can is 4 m. Find its height if it can contain 1408 kilolitres of oil. Solution: 1 m3 = 1 kl ∴ Volume of the oil = 1408 kl = 1408 m3 ∴ πr2 h = 1408 ⇒ \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 4 × 4 × h = 1408 ⇒ h = \(\frac{1408 \times 7}{22 \times 4 \times 4}\) ⇒ h = 28 m Hence, the required height = 28 m Question 5. The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 5 : 7 and its volume is 550 cm3. Find its radius. Solution: Let the radius be 5x cm and the height be 7x cm. ∴ Volume = πr2 h ⇒ 550 = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 5x × 5x × 7x ⇒ 550 = 550x3 ⇒ x3 = 1 ⇒ x = 1 Hence, the required radius = 5 × 1 = 5 cm Question 6. The thickness of a hollow metallic cylinder is 2 cm. It is 35 cm long and its inner radius is 12 cm. Find the metal volume required to make the cylinder, assuming it is open, at either end. Solution: The inner radius, r2 = 12 cm thickness = 2 cm ∴ outer radius, r2 = 12 + 2 = 14 cm height h = 35 cm ∴ Volume of the metal required = \(\pi r_2^2 h-\pi r_1^2 h\) = \(\pi\left(r_2^2-r_1^2\right) h\) = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × (142 – 122 ) × 35 = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × (196 – 144) × 35 = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 52 × 35 = 5720 cm3 Hence, the required metal = 5720 cm3 Question 7. A rectangular sheet of paper is rolled along its length to make a cylinder. The sheet is 33 cm long and 32 cm wide. A circular sheet of paper is attached to the bottom of the cylinder formed. Find the capacity of the cylinder so developed. Solution: When the sheet is rolled along its length ∴ 2πr = 33 ⇒ 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × r = 33 ⇒ r = \(\frac{33 \times 7}{2 \times 22}=\frac{21}{4}\) cm and h = 32 cm ∴ The volume of the cylinder so formed = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7} \times \frac{21}{4} \times \frac{21}{4} \times 32\) = 2772 cm3 Hence, the required volume = 2772 cm3 Question 8. Two solids of right cylindrical shape are 49 cm and 35 cm high and their base diameters are 16 cm and 14 cm respectively. Both are melted and moulded into a single cylinder, 56 cm high. Find its base diameter. Solution: The volume of the first cylinder V1 = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 8 × 8 × 49 = 9856 cm3 The volume of the second cylinder V2 = πr2 h = \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 7 × 7 × 35 = 5390 cm3 Volume of the moulded cylinder = V1 + V2 = 9856 + 5390 = 15246 cm3 ∴ πr2 h = 15246 ⇒ \(\frac{22}{7}\) × r2 × 56 = 15246 ⇒ r2 = \(\frac{15246 \times 7}{22 \times 56}=\frac{693}{8}\) ⇒ r2 = 86.6 ⇒ r = 9.3 cm Hence, the required diameter = 2 × 9.3 = 18.6 cm Question 9. The volume of a metallic cylindrical pipe is 748 cm3 . Its length is 14 cm and its external radius is 9 cm. Find its thickness. Solution: Let its internal radius be r1 cm and external radius be r2 cm. ∴ Volume of the metallic pipe = \(\pi\left[r_2^2-r_1^2\right] \times h\) ⇒ 748 = \(\frac{22}{7}\left[9^2-r_1^2\right] \times 14\) ⇒ \(\frac{748 \times 7}{22 \times 14}=9^2-r_1^2\) ⇒ 17 = 81 – \(r_1^2\) ⇒ \(r_1^2\) = 81 – 17 = 64 ⇒ r1 = 8 cm Hence, the required thickness = r2 – r1 = 9 – 8 = 1 cm Question 10. The volume of a cylinder is 150π cu. cm and its height is 6 cm. Find the areas of its total surface and lateral (curved) surface. Solution: The volume of the Cylinder = πr2 h ⇒ 150π = π × r2 × 6 ⇒ r2 = \(\frac{150 \pi}{\pi \times 6}\) = 25 ⇒ r = 5 cm ∴ T.S.A. = 2πr[h + r] = 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 5 [6 + 5] = 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 5 × 11 = \(\frac{2420}{7}\) cm2 C.S.A. = 2πrh = 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 5 × 6 = \(\frac{1320}{7}\) cm2 Hence, the required T.S.A. = \(\frac{2420}{7}\) cm2 and C.S.A. = \(\frac{1320}{7}\) cm2 Question 11. The curved surface area of a cylindrical pillar is 264 m2 and its volume is 924 m3 . Find the diameter and the height of the pillar. Solution: Curved surface, 2πrh = 264 …..(i) Volume, πr2 h = 924 …..(ii) Dividing (ii) by (i), we get \(\frac{\pi r^2 h}{2 \pi r h}=\frac{924}{264}\) ⇒ \(\frac{r}{2}=\frac{7}{2}\) ⇒ r = 7 cm Putting the value of r in eq. (i) 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 7 × h = 264 ⇒ h = \(\frac{264 \times 7}{2 \times 22 \times 7}\) = 6 cm Hence, the required diameter = 2 × 7 = 14 cm and the height = 6 cm
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Our team is skilled at helping with your denture placement and adjustment quickly so you can have a better quality of life with a smile fit just for you. We’re never too busy to be your dentist. Because of our focus on urgent care, we can get you in and fit your dentures now so you can go back to smiling without a referral to slow you down. Don’t worry about the price, process, or pain. We use a straightforward approach to pricing so you know what to expect. You can ask us any question and we will always give a judgment-free answer. Our skilled staff is ready to treat you as soon as possible. We take the mystery out of your procedure so you can sit back in the chair, chat with our friendly staff, and have your pain resolved quickly. Fast and Effective Fitting and Adjustment Our team is skilled at helping with your denture placement and adjustment quickly so you can have a better quality of life with a smile fit just for you. You can trust us with your smile We’re never too busy to be your dentist. Because of our focus on urgent care, we can get you in and fit your dentures now so you can go back to smiling without a referral to slow you down. Going to the dentist when you are in pain is not fun Don’t worry about the price, process, or pain. We use a straightforward approach to pricing so you know what to expect. You can ask us any question and we will always give a judgment-free answer. Our skilled staff is ready to treat you as soon as possible. We strive to make your appointment enjoyable We take the mystery out of your procedure so you can sit back in the chair, chat with our friendly staff, and have your pain resolved quickly. Q: How do I take care of my dentures? A: Go through this routine daily and your dentures will be well cared for: Use a denture brush and a mild detergent like Dial or Dawn. (Don’t use a normal toothbrush a toothpaste because it will harm your denture.) Lightly tap and use the ends of the bristles to work between the teeth to clean the area and prevent buildup. On the underside of your denture, clean it with the denture brush. After all of that, put it in a denture bath with a tablet for a five-minute soak, and then store it in water for the night. Don’t wear it to bed or overnight. Do that in order, and your dentures will keep smiling for you! Q: Will I be able to eat whatever I want with dentures? A: Yes, as long as you approach it in the right way. If you take small bites, distribute the food evenly using both sides of your mouth, and take your time, you should be able to eat most of the foods you love. Q: Should dentures have suction? A: Yes! It’s very important and very obtainable. In some cases, if the patient hasn’t had teeth for 30-40 years or lacks saliva, suction is harder to achieve. Q: What type of dentures are available? A: We offer both select and premium level dentures and offer select, cast metal, and flexible partial dentures. Q: Is getting dentures painful? A: No. Just like breaking in a new pair of shoes, new dentures take some getting used to, but the process should not be painful. We are here to make sure your dentures are adjusted and performing properly. Q: How do I take care of my dentures? A: Go through this routine daily and your dentures will be well cared for: Use a denture brush and a mild detergent like Dial or Dawn. (Don’t use a normal toothbrush a toothpaste because it will harm your denture.) Lightly tap and use the ends of the bristles to work between the teeth to clean the area and prevent buildup. On the underside of your denture, clean it with the denture brush. After all of that, put it in a denture bath with a tablet for a five-minute soak, and then store it in water for the night. Don’t wear it to bed or overnight. Do that in order, and your dentures will keep smiling for you! Q: Will I be able to eat whatever I want with dentures? A: Yes, as long as you approach it in the right way. If you take small bites, distribute the food evenly using both sides of your mouth, and take your time, you should be able to eat most of the foods you love. Q: Should dentures have suction? A: Yes! It’s very important and very obtainable. In some cases, if the patient hasn’t had teeth for 30-40 years or lacks saliva, suction is harder to achieve. Q: What type of dentures are available? A: We offer both select and premium level dentures and offer select, cast metal, and flexible partial dentures. Q: Is getting dentures painful? A: No. Just like breaking in a new pair of shoes, new dentures take some getting used to, but the process should not be painful. We are here to make sure your dentures are adjusted and performing properly.
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Whirlpool Dryer Won’t Start Troubleshooting Guide - October 8, 2022 Whirlpool Washer Agitates But Won’t Spin Troubleshooting - September 27, 2022 Best Washing Machine Outlet Box Options - August 29, 2022 In addition to Whirlpool dishwasher’s extended warranties, they are known for their high quality and durability. But this does not mean they are immune to errors. Like every other dishwasher, the Whirlpool dishwasher gets broken too. One of the most common problems with a Whirlpool dishwasher is not spraying enough water to clean plates. Many people have experienced this issue, and it can be frustrating. As an HVAC specialist, I have years of experience troubleshooting HVAC appliances. I can assure you with the proper troubleshooting guide, you can fix your dishwasher on your own. In this Whirlpool Dishwasher Not Spraying Troubleshooting article, I have included some of the most common causes of your Whirlpool dishwasher not filling with water and how to troubleshoot them. Let’s get started! Bottom Line Up Front There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to troubleshooting your Whirlpool dishwasher. If your Whirlpool dishwasher stops spraying, the most common culprit would a clogged device. In this case, you either need to clean the part, or replace it entirely. Reasons why your Whirlpool dishwasher is not spraying water Here are the most common causes of your dishwasher not filling with water and how to troubleshoot them. Clogged Water Inlet The dishwasher’s water inlet is a small valve that allows water to enter the dishwasher. It is usually located at the back of the dishwasher and connects to the water supply line. When you turn on the dishwasher, water flows into the dishwasher through the water inlet and fills up the tub. If your Whirlpool dishwasher isn’t spraying water, it could be due to a clogged water inlet. The water inlet is the point where water enters the dishwasher, and if it’s blocked, the water can’t get into the dishwasher to do its job. How to Fix To fix this problem, you must clean or replace the inlet valve. Unplug the dishwasher from the power outlet. Remove the lower dish rack and look for debris in the water inlet. Use a small brush or toothpick to clear it out if you see any. Check the inlet valve for clogs. Use a small brush or toothpick to clean debris from the inlet valve. If the valve is severely clogged, you may need to replace it. How to replace Disconnect the water inlet. Replace it with a new one. Once you have cleaned or replaced the inlet valve, reassemble the dishwasher and plug it back in. Turn on the dishwasher to see if it is now spraying water correctly. Problem with The Float Switch The float switch is a mechanical device that detects the water level in a dishwasher tub. It rises and falls with the water level. When the water level rises to a certain point, the float activates the switch, which turns on the dishwasher’s pump. Also, it deactivates when the water level falls below a certain point, and the pump shuts off. The float switch prevents the dishwasher from operating if there is too much water in the tub. If it is stuck in the “on” position, it will prevent the dishwasher from starting. How to Fix Unplug the dishwasher from the power outlet. Remove the screws that secure the float switch to the dishwasher tub. Clean any dirt or debris from the float switch with a damp cloth. Check to see if the float moves freely and does not get stuck in the “on” position. If the float switch is damaged, replace it with a new one. Reattach the float switch to the dishwasher tub and screw it in place. Plug the dishwasher back into the power outlet and turn it on. Run a test cycle to see if everything is fine. Problem with The Water Pump A dishwasher typically has a water pump that helps to circulate water throughout the machine during the washing cycle. The pump is usually located near the bottom of the dishwasher. It consists of moving parts that combine to draw water from the dishwasher’s reservoir and push it through the various spraying components. The water pump is responsible for providing enough water pressure to operate the dishwasher’s spray arms, which are responsible for cleaning the dishes. Sometimes your dishwasher can fail due to age or wear and tear, which can cause the dishwasher to leak or not operate correctly. So, if your Whirlpool dishwasher isn’t spraying water, the problem is likely with the water pump. How to Fix First, check to see if there is water in the dishwasher. If there is, then check if the water pump is getting power. If neither of these is the problem, the issue is probably with the water pump itself and will need replacement. How to Replace First, disconnect the dishwasher from power and water sources to replace the pump. Then, remove the access panel to get to the pump. The water pump should be visible with the board removed. Disconnect any attached hoses or wires and then remove the pump itself. Install the new pump in reverse and reconnect the access panel. After putting everything back in place, reconnect the power and water sources. Test the dishwasher to ensure it is working correctly. Clogged Spray Arm The spray arm is a critical component of the dishwasher that helps to ensure your dishes come out clean and sparkling. It is responsible for spraying water and detergent onto the dishes. The spray arm is located at the bottom of the dishwasher and has several holes or nozzles that release the water. The spray arm’s water pressure helps rotate it, allowing it to cover all dishes in the dishwasher. As the water sprays onto the dishes, any food or dirt particles are loosened and removed. If your Whirlpool dishwasher isn’t spraying water, one of the most likely culprits is a clogged spray arm. You will need to clean it. How to Clean To clean the spray arm: Remove the upper rack and locate the spray arm. Clear debris from the spray arm’s holes with a toothpick or sharp object. Run the dishwasher through a cycle with hot water to make sure the spray arm is clear. Overloaded Dishwasher The dishwasher must be level for the water to spray correctly. If you overload your dishwasher with too many dishes, it will cause additional stress, resulting in not spraying water. How to fix Open the door and look at the gap between them. Open the tub to see if your dishwasher is level. The space should be even all around. If it isn’t, reposition the leveling legs until it is. If it’s not, adjust the leveling legs until it is. Problem with The Water Pump Belt A water pump belt helps to circulate water in a dishwasher. It is responsible for moving water from the dishwasher’s reservoir to the spray arm. It ensures that dishes are cleaned adequately during the washing cycle. If the water pump belt becomes damaged or worn, it can cause the dishwasher to leak or not operate correctly. Not all dishwasher comes with a pump belt; consult your owner’s handbook to see if your model has a water pump belt. How to Replace Follow the steps below to replace your water pump belt and get your dishwasher back up and running. First, disconnect your dishwasher from the power source. Next, remove the lower dish rack and spray arm assembly. Locate the water pump belt and remove it from the pulley. Install the new water pump belt onto the water pump pulley. Reinstall the spray arm assembly and lower dish rack. Reconnect your dishwasher to power and turn it on. Check to see if your Whirlpool dishwasher is now spraying water properly. Problem with The Circulation Pump A dishwasher’s circulation pump helps to ensure that water is evenly distributed throughout the washer during the washing cycle. The circulation pump is typically located near the bottom of the dishwasher and consists of a small motor and impeller. The impeller helps to create a water current that circulates the water throughout the dishwasher. Over time, the circulation pump may become dirty or clogged, reducing efficiency. If this happens, cleaning or replacing the circulation pump is essential to ensure proper dishwashing. How to Replace Disconnect your dishwasher from the power source. To expose the pumps and other components, remove the lower access panel. Locate the circulation pump (it will be near the bottom of the dishwasher). Loosen the mounting screws and disconnect the electrical wires with a screwdriver. Remove the old circulation pump and install the new one in its place. Reconnect the electrical wires and mounting screws. Replace the lower access panel and turn on your dishwasher. If you followed these steps correctly, your dishwasher should spray water properly again. How to Use A Dishwasher Properly for The Best Results? If you have a dishwasher, you may want to use it as often as possible to save time and energy. However, if you don’t use it properly, you could end up with dirty dishes or even damage your dishwasher. Here is how to properly use your dishwasher for the best results: Start by rinsing off any large pieces of food from your dishes before loading them into the dishwasher. It will help prevent clogs and ensure that your dishes come out clean. Try to load your dishwasher evenly so that water can circulate properly and clean all dishes. Avoid overcrowding the dishwasher or packing items too tightly together. Be sure to use the correct amount of detergent for your load. Too much detergent can cause excessive suds and may not clean your dishes properly, while too little can leave them dirty. To ensure that your dishes are clean, you may need a dishwasher booster or water softener if you have hard water. Run your dishwasher on the appropriate cycle for the type and number of dishes you’re cleaning. Most dishwashers have cycles for normal loads, heavy loads, and fragile items. FAQs Question: How can I clean my Whirlpool dishwasher’s filters? Answer: To clean your Whirlpool dishwasher’s filters, remove them from the dishwasher and then rinse them under running water. If the filters are filthy, you may need to soak them in a vinegar solution for a few minutes before rinsing. Once the filters are clean, reinstall them and run the dishwasher through a cycle to ensure proper operation. Question: How does water spray in a dishwasher? Answer: Warm water from the dishwasher’s basin is distributed to the spray arms by the drain pump. The plates are then sprayed with hot water through tiny pores in the spray arms at high pressure. Question: Why is my Whirlpool dishwasher leaving water spots on my dishes? Answer: Several possible reasons your Whirlpool dishwasher may be leaving water spots on your dishes. First, check the water supply line to ensure it is not leaking. Next, clean the dishwasher’s filters and spray arm to remove any build-up that may be causing the problem. Finally, if the dishwasher is still leaving water spots, it may need to be serviced by a qualified technician. Question: How do I know if my Whirlpool dishwasher drain pump is bad? Answer: You will have to take a brief test to confirm this. Disconnect the washer from the sink first, then empty the drain hose into a bucket or other container. Set the dishwasher to drain and watch how quickly the water drains. If it is only a trickle, you may have a broken impeller. That explains why your dishwasher does not spray water. Question: Why is my Whirlpool dishwasher not draining properly? Answer: There are several possible reasons why your Whirlpool dishwasher may not be draining properly. First, check the drain hose to ensure it is not kinked or blocked. Next, clean the dishwasher’s filters and spray arm to remove any build-up that may be causing the problem. Finally, if the dishwasher is still not draining correctly, it may need to be serviced by a qualified technician. Whirlpool Dishwasher Not Spraying Troubleshooting: Conclusion Although dishwashers are built to last and have an extended warranty, there may be times when they malfunction. If your Whirlpool dishwasher is not spraying, it is likely one of the components has been clogged. Depending on the type of dishwasher you have, I suggest you do a proper investigation before making any conclusions. Most times, the problem might not be as complicated as it seems.
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Gujarat Board GSEB Textbook Solutions Class 7 Maths Chapter 10 Practical Geometry InText Questions and Answers. Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 7 Maths Chapter 10 Practical Geometry InText Questions Think, Discuss and Write (Page 195) Question 1. In the above construction (see Page 193 NCERT Textbook), can you draw any other line through A that would be also parallel to the line l? Solution: No, because through a given point only one line parallel to a line can be drawn. Question 2. Can you slightly modify the above construction (see Page 193 NCERT Textbook), to use the idea of equal corresponding angles instead of equal alternate angles? Solution: Yes. In this case, with A as centre and radius equal to BC, draw an arc to cut BA (extended) at E. Next, with centre as E and radius equal to CD mark a point F as shown in the figure. Now join AF to draw a line m which is parallel to the given line ‘l’. Here, the corresponding angles ∠CBE and ∠FAE are equal. Therefore, l || m. Think, Discuss and Write (Page 198) Question 1. A student attempted to draw a triangle whose rough figure is given here. He drew QR first. Then with as centre, he drew an arc of 3 cm and with R as centre, he drew an arc of 2 cm. But he could not get P. What is the reason? What property of triangle do you know in connection with this problem? Can such a triangle exist? (Remember the property of triangles ‘The sum of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the third side;!) Solution: Such a triangle does not exist, because a triangle is possible only when the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the third side. But here, 2 cm + 3 cm, i.e. 5 cm < 6 cm. Think, Discuss and Write (Page 200) Question 1. In ∆ABC if AB = 3 cm, AC = 5 cm and m∠C = 30°. Can we draw this triangle? Solution: We may draw AC = 5 cm and ∠C = 30°. CA is one arm of ∠C. Point B should be lying on the other arm of ∠C. But we observe that point B cannot be located uniquely. So, the given data is not sufficient for construction of ∆ABC. Think, Discuss and Write (Page 202) Question 1. In the above example (see Page 201, NCERT Textbook), length of a side and measures of two angles were given. Now study the following problem: In ∆ABC, if AC = 7 cm, m∠A = 60° and m∠B = 50°, can you draw the triangle? (Angle- sum property of a triangle may help you!) Solution: We are given the line segment AC. ∠A is given but ∠C is not given. We can determine ∠C using angle-sum property. ∠C = 180° – (∠B + ∠A). = 180° – (60° + 50°) = 180° – 110° = 70° Now, with the help of ∠C, we can construct the triangle. Miscellaneous Questions (Page 204) Question 1. Below are given the measures of certain sides and angles of triangles. Identify those which cannot be constructed and, say why you cannot construct them. Construct rest of the triangles. Solution: 1. We have: Since for ∆ABC, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° But here ∠A + ∠B = 85° + 115° = 200° > 180°. i. e. ∠A + ∠B + ∠C will be greater than 180° Thus, ∆ABC cannot be constructed. 2. We have: Steps of construction: I. Draw a line segment QR = 4.7 cm. II. At Q, construct ∠RQX = 30°. III. At R, construct ∠QRY = 60°. IV. Let \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{QX}}\) and \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{RY}}\) intersect at R Thus, ∆PQR is the required triangle. 3. We have: Here, the side AC is given. ∴ To complete the triangle, we need m∠A and m∠C. Since, m∠C = 180° – [∠A + ∠B] = 180° – [70° + 50°] = 180° – 120° = 60° Steps of construction: I. Draw a line segment AC = 3 cm. II. At A, construct ∠CAX = 70°. III. At C, construct ∠ACY = 60° IV. Let the rays \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{AX}}\) and \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{CY}}\) meet at B. ∴ ∆ABC is the required triangle. 4. We have: Since, in ∆LMN, ∠L + ∠M +∠N = 180° But here, ∠L + ∠N + ∠M = 60° + 120° + ∠M = (180° + ∠M) > 180°. ∴ ∆LMN cannot be constructed. 5. We have: \(\left.\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{BC}=2 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{AB}=4 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{AC}=2 \mathrm{~cm} \end{array}\right\}\) We know that a triangle is possible only when the sum of lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side. Here BC + AC = 2 cm + 2 cm = 4 cm = AB (∵ AB = 4 cm) ∴ ∆ABC is not possible. 6. We have: \(\left.\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{PQ}=3.5 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{QR}=4 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{PR}=3.5 \mathrm{~cm} \end{array}\right\}\) Steps of construction: I. Draw a line PQ = 3.5 cm. II. With centre P and radius 3.5 cm, draw an arc. III. With centre Q and radius 4 cm, draw another arc, such that it cuts the previous arc at R. IV. Join RP and RQ. Thus, ∆PQR is the required triangle. 7. We have: \(\left.\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{XY}=3 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{YZ}=4 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{XZ}=5 \mathrm{~cm} \end{array}\right\}\) Steps of construction: I. Draw a line segment YZ = 4 cm. II. With centre Y and radius 3 cm, draw an arc. III. With centre Z and radius 5 cm, draw another arc which cuts the previous arc at X. IV. Join XY and XZ. Thus, ∆XYZ is the required triangle. 8. We have: \(\left.\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{DE}=3 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{EF}=4 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \mathrm{DF}=5 \mathrm{~cm} \end{array}\right\}\) Steps of construction: I. Draw a line segment EF = 5.5 cm II. With centre E and radius 4.5 cm, draw an arc. III. With centre F and radius 4 cm, draw another arc such that it intersects the previous arc at D. IV. Join DE and DF. Thus, ∆DEF is the required triangle.
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Build Process in C MCQ Questions and Answers Table of Contents Creating and Running C Program ( Build Process in C ) Generally, the programs created using programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc., are written using a high-level language like English. But, the computer cannot understand the high-level language. It can understand only low-level language. In order for the computer to understand a programme written in high-level language, low-level language must be used instead. Either an interpreter or a compiler is employed to perform this conversion. Popular programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc., use the compiler to convert high-level language instructions into low-level language instructions. A compiler is a program that converts high-level language instructions into low-level language instructions. The compiler typically does two things: first, it checks for programme errors and returns a list of them if any are discovered; otherwise, it converts the entire programme into a low-level language. To create and execute C programs in the Windows Operating System, we need to install Turbo C software Step 1: Creating a Source Code Source code is a file with C programming instructions in a high-level language. To create source code, we use any text editor to write the program instructions. The instructions written in the source code must follow the C programming language rules. The following steps are use to create a source code file in Windows OS… Click on the Start button Select Run Type cmd and press Enter and Type cd c:\TC\bin in the command prompt and pressEnter Type TC pressEnter Click on File -> New in C Editor window Type the program Save it as FileName.c (Use shortcut keyF2 to save) Step 2: Compile Source Code (Alt + F9) The compilation is the process of converting high-level language instructions into low-level language instructions. We use the shortcut key Alt + F9 to compile a C program in Turbo C . The compilation is the process of converting high-level language instructions into low-level language instructions. The source file will be sent to the compiler whenever we press Alt + F9. When a source file is received, the compiler first looks for errors. The compiler returns a list of errors if there are any, otherwise it converts the source code to object code and saves it as a file with the extension.obj. The Linker receives the object code after that. The Linker creates an executable file with a.exe extension by combining the code from the specified header file and object code. Step 3: Executing / Running Executable File (Ctrl + F9) After completing compilation successfully, an executable file is created with a .exe extension. The processor can understand this .exe file content so that it can perform the task specified in the source file. We use a shortcut key Ctrl + F9 to run a C program. Whenever we press Ctrl + F9 , the .exe file is submitted to the CPU . On receiving .exe file, CPU performs the task according to the instruction written in the file. The result generated from the execution is placed in a window called User Screen . Step 4: Check Result (Alt + F5) After running the program, the result is placed into User Screen . Just we need to open the User Screen to check the result of the program execution. We use the shortcut key Alt + F5 to open the User Screen and check the result. Execution Process of a C Program The file which contains c program instructions in a high-level language is said to be source code. Every c program source file is saved with .c extension, for example, Sample.c. Whenever we press Alt + F9 the source file is submitted to the compiler. Compiler checks for the errors, if there are any errors, it returns a list of errors, otherwise generates object code in a file with name Sample.obj and submit it to the linker. The linker combines the code from specified header file into an object file and generates executable file as Sample.exe. With this compilation process completes. Now, we need to run the executable file (Sample.exe). To run a program we press Ctrl + F9. When we press Ctrl + F9 the executable file is submitted to the CPU. Then CPU performs the task according to the instructions written in that program and place the result into UserScreen. Then we press Alt + F5 to open UserScreen and check the result of the program. Important Points of C Program Build Process C program file (Source file ) must save with.c extension . The compiler converts complete program at a time from high-level language to low-level language. Input to the compiler is .c file and output from the compiler is.exe file, but it also generates.obj file in this process. The compiler converts the file only if there are no errors in the source code. CPU places the result inUser Screen window.Overall Process Type the program in C editor and save with .c extension (PressF2 to save). Press Alt + F9 to compile the program. If there are errors, correct the errors and recompile the program. If there are no errors, then press Ctrl + F9 to execute/run the program. Press Alt + F5 to open User Screen and check the result. [WpProQuiz 45] Build Process in C MCQ 1) What is the input file in a C program building process.? A) filename.k B) filename.cpp C) filename.c D) filename.p Answer [=] C Explanation: Obviously, it is a C file with some code. 2) What is the output Filename of C Program build process ? A) filename.ex B) filename.bak C) filename.exe D) filename.asm Answer [=] C Explanation: Yes. There will one Exe file created with the same name as the.C file. 3) What is the first step in C program building process? A) Compiling B) Assembling C) Linking D) Preprocessing Answer [=] D Explanation: Preprocessing deals with #define macros, #pragma, #include and other commands. 4) What is the next step to Preprocessing in C Program build process.? A) Compiling B) Assembling C) Linking D) None of the above Answer [=] A 5) What is the next step to Compiling in C program build process.? A) Preprocessing B) Assembling C) Linking D) None of the above Answer [=] B Explanation: An assembler converts Assembly code from compiler and converts it to Object code or machine code. 6) What is the next step to Assembling in C program build process.? A) Preprocessing B) Compiling C) Linking D) None of the above Answer [=] C Explanation: Linking combines our C file object code and predefined library functions object code into a single exe file. 7) What is a C Editor.? A) A C compiler B) A C assembler C) A C code editor like notepad D) None of the above Answer [=] C Explanation: You can any editor for typing and editing C code. 8) What is the output of C Compiler compiling.? A) An assembly language code B) Object Code C) Class file code D) None of the above Answer [=] A 9) Expanded Source code is the output of which C program building process? A) Preprocessor B) Assembler C) Linker D) Compiler Answer [=] A Explanation: Expanded source code includes appropriately replaced macro names (eg. CVV or PI) with Values or Expressions (eg. 3.14 or 2*x+y). 10) Choose a correct statement about C program output file.? A) Output file .exe is machine dependent. .Exe is windows suitable file. B) Exe file does not work in Linux or Unix machines. So different type of output is create on different machines C) Linker produces a suitable output file for each maching D) All the above Answer [=] D
Open Question Answering
How to say Yes in Chinese Knowing how to say YES in a new language that you are learning, is quite important and very useful. Is “yes” in Chinese as simple as in English? The answer is, nope! But it is not hard, either! Even though we do not have direct answers for “yes” in Chinese, we have some rules for you to follow. In this article, we will talk about how to say yes in Mandarin Chinese. 11 Ways to Say Yes in Chinese There are many situations in which we will say YES! Let’s learn some common ways to say yes in Mandarin Chinese. Saying Yes to Yes/No Questions When answering a yes or no question, it depends on the “verb” or the “adjective” in the question. If the answer is “yes,” you can simply repeat the verb or adjective as a short answer. If the answer is “no,” you add “不” or “没” before the verb. You can see the article on how to say no in Chinese, for more “NO” details. The pattern looks like this: Answer with “yes” Short answer: verb / adjective Sentence answer: Subject + verb + adjective (+ object) Example 1, A: May I ask, are you Li Ming? 请问,你是李明吗? Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì lǐ míng ma? B: Yes, I am. 是,我是。 Shì, wǒ shì. Example 2, A: Is he your dad? 这位是你爸爸吗? Zhè wèi shì nǐ bàba ma? B: Yes, he is my dad. 是,他是我爸爸。 Shì, tā shì wǒ bàba. Example 3, A: Are you coming tomorrow? 你明天来不来? Nǐ míngtiān lái bu lái? B: Yes, I will come. 来!我会来。 Lái! Wǒ huì lái. Example 4, A: Is she pretty? 她漂亮吗? Tā piàoliang ma? B: Yes. I think she is very pretty. 漂亮!我觉得她很漂亮。 Piàoliang! Wǒ juédé tā hěn piàoliang. Saying Yes to accept an invitation Keyword Sure, ok 好 hǎo There are a variety of situations when you respond yes to an invitation. We have listed just the one keyword above, but it does not mean you can only use this word to say yes. “好 hǎo” is a general word to say yes to an invite. Example 1, A: I would like to invite you and your family over for my son’s birthday party this Saturday at 3. 我想邀请你和你家人来我儿子的生日派对,这的星期六下午三点。 Wǒ xiǎng yāoqǐng nǐ hé nǐ jiārén lái wǒ érzi de shēngrì pàiduì, zhè de xīngqíliù xiàwǔ sān diǎn. B: Thank you. Yes, we can come. 谢谢你!好,我们会去。 Xièxiè nǐ! Hǎo, wǒmen huì qù. Example 2, A: I would like to take you out for dinner. Are you available tomorrow night? 我想请你吃饭,你明天晚上有空吗? Wǒ xiǎng qǐng nǐ chīfàn, nǐ míngtiān wǎnshàng yǒu kòng ma? B: Sure, I am available tomorrow. 好,我明天晚上有空。 Hǎo, wǒ míngtiān wǎnshàng yǒu kòng. *OK, yes, sure 好 hǎo *Emoji fun fact: If you type “hao” on your Chinese pinyin keyboard (at least on iPhones and Macs), do you know what you will get? Let’s try it! You will get this → 👌 Isn’t it cool? Saying Yes to express pleasure Sure; ok! 好啊 hǎo a Of course 当然 dāngrán That’s great, that would be great! 太好了!Tài hǎole! **Yay 耶!yē! Example 1, (After dinner…) Dad: Do you guys want to go get some ice cream? 你们想去吃冰淇淋吗? Nǐmen xiǎng qù chī bīngqílín ma? Kids: Yay! Of course! 耶!当然想吃! Yē! Dāngrán xiǎng chī! Example 2, A: I want to go shopping this afternoon? Want to go together? 我今天下午想去逛街,你想要一起去吗? Wǒ jīntiān xiàwǔ xiǎng qù guàngjiē, nǐ xiǎng yào yīqǐ qù ma? B: Sure! 好啊! Hǎo a! **Fun fact 1: When you want to take pictures with your friends from China or Taiwan, you may notice they often post their hands like this, ✌️. Do you know it doesn’t mean “peace?” The hand gesture actually means “yay!” Many Chinese, especially the younger generation, like to pose with a “V” hand gesture while taking pictures. **Emoji fun fact 2: If you have a Chinese pinyin keyboard on your smartphone or computer (at least on iPhones and Macs), type “ye” and see what emoji you will find! Yes, you will get ✌️! Saying Yes to agree Keywords Right, correct 没错 méi cuò Right, correct 对 duì Correct 正确 zhèngquè The first one, “没错 méi cuò,” literally means “not wrong.” The usage of the first one and the second one is pretty similar. When you agree with what someone says, you can use both “没错 méi cuò” and “对 duì.” Even though all three of the keywords above can be translated as “correct,” the last one, “正确 zhèngquè,” is normally used in a formal setting or in documents. Let’s see the examples for each keyword: Example 1, A: Are you the one who took those pictures? 你是照那些照片的人吗? Nǐ shì zhào nàxiē zhàopiàn de rén ma? B: That’s right. It was me. 没错,是我。 Méi cuò, shì wǒ. Example 2, A: Did you choose “B” for question 5? 妳第五题选B吗? Nǎi dì wǔ tí xuǎn B ma? B: Yes, I chose B. 对,我选B。 Duì, wǒ xuǎn B. Example 3, A: Are those pieces of information correct? 这些资讯正确吗? Zhèxiē zīxùn zhèngquè ma? B: Yes, they are correct. 正确。 Zhèngquè. Saying Yes to permit a request Yes, OK 行 xíng Yes, sure 可以 kěyǐ When someone asks permission from you, the question usually contains the phrase “可以 kěyǐ.” But when answering the questions, both keywords above can be used. See two examples below: Example 1, Student: Teacher, may I come in? 老师,我可以进来吗? Lǎoshī, wǒ kěyǐ jìnlái ma? Teacher: Yes, come in! 可以,你进来吧! Kěyǐ, nǐ jìnlái ba! Example 2, Child: Dad, can I go to Joe’s house? 爸爸,我可以去 Joe 的家吗? Bàba, wǒ kěyǐ qù Joe de jiā ma? Dad: Sure. But come back before dinner. 行!但是你得晚餐前回来。 Xíng! Dànshì nǐ dé wǎncān qián huílái. Saying Yes to claim the ownership Keyword ***Have 有 yǒu If someone is asking if you have, or own, something and you do, you can claim the ownership by using the word “有 yǒu.” Example 1, A: Do you have a scooter? 你有机车吗? Nǐ yǒujī chē ma? B: Yes, I have one. 有,我有一辆机车。 Yǒu, wǒ yǒuyī liàng jīchē. Example 2, A: Do you have children? 你有孩子吗? Nǐ yǒu háizi ma? B: Yes, I have two children, one boy and one girl. 有,我有两个孩子。一个儿子,一个女儿。 Yǒu, wǒ yǒu liǎng gè háizi. Yīgè er zi, yīgè nǚ’ér. ***Emoji fun fact: If you are familiar with emojis, you may have seen this “ 🈶️ ” before. Look familiar? Yes, that is the word “have 有 yǒu.” Saying Yes to express the ability To know how to 会 huì To know 知道 zhīdào The word 会 huì means the skill or knowledge you have learned. So when someone asks if you know how to do a certain skill, you can answer yes by saying “会 huì.” You can also use the phrase “知道 zhīdào to know.” It usually comes with “怎么 zěnme” which means “how, how to.” Check out the examples below: Example 1, A: Do you know how to say this character “难”? 你知道怎么说 “难” 这个字吗? Nǐ zhīdào zěnme shuō “nán” zhège zì ma? B: Yes. This character is “nán,” it means hard, difficult. 知道,这个字是 “nán” ,意思是 hard, difficult. Zhīdào, zhège zì shì “nán”, yìsi shì hard, difficult. Example 2, A: Does your brother know how to drive? 你弟弟会开车吗? Nǐ dìdì huì kāichē ma? B: Yes, he just got his license this summer. 会,他今年夏天刚拿到驾照。 Huì, tā jīnnián xiàtiān gāng ná dào jiàzhào. Saying Yes to express a hesitant OK OK… Fine… 好吧 hǎo ba There are other times you are kind of forced to say yes, with a hesitant or unwilling voice. Here is how we say it: Example 1, Child: Mom, I am going out with my friend tonight. I probably won’t be home until 11 pm. 妈妈,我今天晚上要跟朋友出去,可能要十一点才回来。 Māmā, wǒ jīntiān wǎnshàng yào gēn péngyǒu chūqù, kěnéng yào shíyī diǎn cái huílái. Mom: No, you need to be home by 9:30 pm. Otherwise, you are not allowed to go out. 不行,你得九点半以前回来,不然你不能出去。 Bùxíng, nǐ dé jiǔ diǎn bàn yǐqián huílái, bùrán nǐ bùnéng chūqù. Child: OK. Fine. 喔,好吧。 Ō, hǎo ba. Example 2, (You are afraid of roller coasters. But you go to an amusement park with some of your close friends, they all want you to try one.) Your friend: Let’s go on it for just one time, ok? 我们一起去玩一次,好不好? Wǒmen yīqǐ qù wán yīcì, hǎobù hǎo? You: OK. Fine. 好吧。 Hǎo ba. Saying Yes to express the possibility Keyword Can 可以 kěyǐ A: Is it possible you could lend me some money? 我可以跟你借一点钱吗? Wǒ kěyǐ gēn nǐ jiè yīdiǎn qián ma? B: OK, fine. How much? 好吧…可以。借多少? Hǎo ba… Kěyǐ. Jiè duōshǎo? Saying Yes to your significant one! I am willing / yes, I do 我愿意! Wǒ yuànyì! Yes, I do! When someone proposes to you, this is the way to respond in Chinese, say “我愿意! Wǒ yuànyì!” We also say this at weddings. Your officiant: “Will you take this woman/man to be your wife/husband, …” 你愿意他 / 她成为你的丈夫 / 妻子… Nǐ yuànyì tā/ tā chéngwéi nǐde zhàngfū/ qīzi… You: Yes, I do. 我愿意。 Wǒ yuànyì. Saying Yes to express your doubt Keywords Oh 哦?Ó? Really? 真的吗?Zhēn de ma? Yeah? 是吗?Shì ma? We sometimes do not truly believe what people tell us; your response may be “oh yeah?” “really?” in English. Let’s see some examples: Example 1, (20 minutes after Jack got home from school) Jack: Mom, I finished my homework. I am going to play now. 妈妈,我写完我的作业了!我要去玩了。 Māmā, wǒ xiě wán wǒ de zuòyèle! Wǒ yào qù wán le. Mom: Oh yeah? Show me your homework. 哦?是吗?拿来给我看看。 Ná lái gěi wǒ kàn kàn. Example 2, A: I heard Kevin is getting married next month! 我听说 Kevin 下个月要结婚了! Wǒ tīng shuō Kevin xià gè yuè yào jiéhūnle! B: Yeah? I saw him last week, he said he did not have a girlfriend yet! 真的吗?我上星期看到他,他说他还没有女朋友。 Zhēn de ma? Wǒ shàng xīngqí kàn dào tā, tā shuō tā hái méiyǒu nǚ péngyǒu. You are welcome to share with us other ways to say “yes” in Chinese! Please make a comment below!
Open Question Answering
from a handpicked tutor in LIVE 1-to-1 classes Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi The volume of a cone in terms of pi is the capacity of the cylinder represented in terms of pi, which signifies the amount of any material it can hold or the amount of any material that can be immersed in it. A cone is a three-dimensional solid object which is having a circle at one end and a pointed end on the other. The pointed end is also known as the vertex of the cone. The material could be any substance or any liquid quantity which can be filled in the cone uniformly. In this section, we will learn about the volume of the cone along with a few solved examples and practice questions. 1. What is Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? 2. Volume of A Cone in Terms of Pi Formula 3. How to Calculate Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? 4. FAQs on Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi What is the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? The volume of a cone in terms of pi can be defined as the space occupied by the right circular cone represented as a product of pi. The symbol of the volume is denoted by (V), the volume of the cone is equal to one-third of the product of the area of the circular base and its height. If we correlate the volume of the cone and the volume of the cylinder, the volume of the cone is one-third of the volume of the cylinder of the same radius and height. The unit of volume of the cone in terms of pi is given in terms of cubic units, m3 , cm3 , in3 , or ft3 , etc. Volume of Cone in Terms of Pi Formula A cone is a three-dimensional solid object which is having a circle at one end and a pointed end on the other. A right circular cone is generated by a revolving right triangle about one of its legs. To calculate the space occupied by a cone in terms of pi, we find the total space occupied by a revolving right triangle about one of its legs. Therefore, the volume of the cone is given by the product of the area of base and height. For any cone whose base radius is ‘r’, and height is ‘h’, the volume will be (1/3) times base times its height. Thus, the cone’s volume of base radius "r", and height "h" = (1/3) × (area of base) × height of the cone Since the volume of the cone is equal to one-third of the volume of a cylinder, it can be written as: Volume of cone = ((1/3)r2 h)π Therefore, the volume of a cone, with radius r and height h in terms of pi is ((1/3)r2 h)π cubic units. How to Calculate Volume of a Cone? The volume of a cone is equal to ((1/3)r2 h)π. The following steps are mentioned below by which we can find the volume of a cone. Step 1 : Calculate the height and the radius of the base of the cone.Step 2 : Then find the square of the radius.Step 3 : Find out the product of the π to the square of its radius of the base. We will get the area of the circular base of the cone.Step 4 : Multiply the area of the circular base with the height of the cone.Step 5 : Multiply the result thus obtained with 1/3.Step 6 : Represent the answer in cubic units.Examples on Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi Example 1 : The radius of a cone is 3 units. Find the volume of the cone in terms of pi if the height is 10 units.Solution: Given the length of the radius of a cone, r = 3 units, and height of the cone, h = 10 unitsUsing the formula for the volume of the cone in terms of pi, V = ((1/3)r2 h)π ⇒ V = (1/3) 32 × 10 × π ⇒ V = π × 3 ⇒ V = 30 πTherefore, the volume of the cone is approx 30π cubic units. Example 2 : Sam has given data about the volume of the cone in terms of pi which is 49π cubic units. Find the radius of the circular base of the cone if the height of the cone is 3 units.Solution: Given the volume of the cone, V = 49π and height of the cone, h = 3Using the formula for the volume of the cone in terms of pi, V = ((1/3)r 2 h)π ⇒ 49π = (1/3) r2 × 3 × π ⇒ 49 = r2 ⇒ r = 7So, the radius of the cone is 7 units. FAQs on Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi What is the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? The volume of a cone in terms of pi can be defined as the space occupied by the right circular cone represented in terms of pi. The unit of volume of a cone in terms of pi is given in terms of cubic units where the unit can be m3 , cm3 , in3 , or ft3 , etc. What is the Formula of Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? The volume of a cone in terms of pi is given as, V = (1/3)πr2 h, where "V", "r" and "h" are the volume, radius, and h is the height of the cone. A cone is a three-dimensional geometric figure it has a curved surface pointed towards the top and also has a flat surface. The apex is a pointed end of the cone, whereas the flat surface is called the base. What is the Formula of Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi and Slant Height? We use the relation V = (1/3)πr2 √(l2 −r2 ) to determine the volume of a cone in terms of pi and slant height where where "V", "r" and "l" are the volume, radius, and l is the slant height of the cone as the value of l can be obtained using the Pythagoras theorem as l = √(r2 + h2 ). How to Find the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi? We can find the volume of a cone in terms of pi using the below steps: Step 1 : Identify the height and the radius of the base of the given cone.Step 2 : Then find the square of the radius and multiply it to πStep 3 : Multiply this value with the height of the cone.Step 5 : Multiply the obtained answer with 1/3.Step 6 : Write the answer in cubic units.How to Find the Radius of Cone If the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi is Known? We can find the radius of the cone if the volume of the cone in terms of pi is given using the below steps: Step 1: Identify the given dimensions of the cone and let the radius of the cone is "r"Step 2: Square of the radius and multiply it by π.Step 3: Find the product of the result with the height of the cone.Step 4: Divide the obtained answer in Step 3 by 3 and solve for "r".Step 5: Once the equation is solved for "r", represent the obtained answer in units.What Happens to the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi If the Height of Cone is Doubled? The volume of the cone in terms of pi doubles, if the height of the cone is doubled as V = (1/3)πr2 h and the value of "h", will be substituted by "2h" which gives the formula V = (1/3)πr2 (2h) = 2 × ((1/3)πr2 h) that is twice the original volume of the cone in terms of pi. What Happens to the Volume of a Cone in Terms of Pi If the Radius of Cone is Tripled? The volume of the cone in terms of pi becomes nine times its original value, as the radius of the cone is tripled as V = (1/3)πr2 h and the value of "r", will be substituted by "3r" which gives the formula V = (1/3)π(3r)2 h = 9 × ((1/3)πr2 h) that is nine times the original volume of the cone in terms of pi. visual curriculum
Open Question Answering
We are a collection of independent design, development, production, and sales in one of the wood flooring manufacturers. We have established a perfect sales network in large and medium-sized cities in China, Europe, America, North America, Australia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc,. We supply high-quality wide Plank flooring in European Oak, American Black Walnut, Russian Oak, and other exotic woods. iroko, Burma teak, acacia, jatoba, ipe, rosewood, wenge, Merbau, Sapele. Product name Oak Engineered 3-ply Wood Flooring Certification FSC,CARB2,PEFC Moisture Content 8%-12% color Natural or Customized Application Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Buil Size 1900*190*14/3mm Usage Household Thickness Customized Materials Oak 1. The paint we use is German TREFERT paint for the surface coating. And we apply the paint 7 times on the bottom and 2 times onthe surface and use DYNEA F4 star adhesive from Finland for plywoods, These two are very famous brands, environmental protection, and good quality. 2. Our processing accuracy is very good, we use German HOMAG slotting machine for T&G also, we use the instrument to check whether the surface is cups, to check the gap tolerance between T&G, our tolerance is controlled between 0.05mm-0.1mm. 3. We will control the moisture content according to different countries. This is one of the most important steps in the entire manufacturing. It will affect the stability of the floor after the sale. We have enough experience to ensure that our flooring will not be affected by dry or wet weather after the sale. 4. Our products are fully inspected throughout every process. And will also do random inspection before shipment. Q:What is your terms of payment? A:30 % by T/T as deposit, balance paid by T/T against documentsQ:How about your delivery time? A:it will take 30 to 45 days after receiving your advance payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your orderQ:Can you produce according to the samples? A:Yes. we can produce according to your samplesQ:Can you Design for us? A:Yes, we have a professional team in the R&D department Just tell us ideas, and we will help to carry out your plan into the design and follow with actual sampling.Q:How long can I expect to get the sample? A:usually takes 3-15 days to finish the samples. The sample delivery time would be from 3-5 work days depends on the express company you choose.Q:Is your parquet approved to be used on concrete floors with floor heating system in? A:Yes. The engineered floor are all available for heating system. Q:How do we control Moisture content for engineered wood flooring? A:The moisture content of Engineered floor is normally 8+-2%, We use moisture tester. We do moisture test from the beginning to the end of production many times. When we are selecting veneers, after kiln dry, after gluing, and after coating before packing, we check the moisture all the time. And not only to the veneer, but also to the plywood. Only if theveneer and plywooc moisture has reach a certain value, we can start qlue and cold press.. Q:How to pay for the products? A:Our regular payment terms is T/T. T/T payment Terms: 30%-50% deposit in advance and the balance against the B/L Copy. We can also accept the 100% Irrevocable L/C at sight, West Union, PayPal payment etc.Q:What are your terms of packing? A:Generally, we pack our goods in boxes with pallets. If you have your requirements, we can pack the goods in your branded boxes.Q:What's your best price for this product? A:We will quote you best price based on your order quantity. So pls advise the order quantity when you make an inquiry.Q:What about the warranty? A:We have your own special quality control systems and also can provide the QC Report to clients before shipment; we make sure all the goods sent out to customers are in good quality condition.If here has any quality problem, we will give replacement in the next orderQ:What certificates do you have? A:We have CE, CARB2 , FSC
Open Question Answering
So, you’ve got a stellar idea for a business. That’s fantastic! But, as you might’ve guessed, there’s a hitch. A catchy idea isn’t enough. You need funds to transform that idea into a booming business. You might be asking, “How in the world do I get the cash?” That’s where a solid business plan swoops in to save the day. It’s the secret weapon you need, not just for clarity but to woo potential investors. Let’s dive in and explore how to finance your business with a business plan , shall we? 1. A Business Plan: More Than Just Words If you’re thinking a business plan is just a dull document, think again. It’s your business’s resume. Visualize the Future: A business plan paints a picture of your business’s future.Track Your Progress: It helps you keep tabs on your journey and make course corrections.Convince Investors: Most importantly for this chat, it’s what makes investors sit up and take notice.2. What Makes a Business Plan Investor-Ready? Ah, the million-dollar question! Here’s a quick breakdown: Executive Summary: This is your elevator pitch. It should succinctly convey your business idea, objectives, and strategies.Market Analysis: Dive deep into your target market. Who are they? What do they want? How can you reach them?Operations & Management: Lay out your organizational structure. Who does what? How’s your business going to run?Products or Services: What are you selling or offering? Why’s it unique?Financial Projections: The juicy bit! Project your revenues, expenses, and profits for the next 3-5 years.3. Finding Potential Investors Having a top-notch business plan is one thing. Getting it in front of the right eyes is another ball game. Network, Network, Network: Attend industry events, join online forums, and chat up folks in your field. You never know who’s looking to invest.Crowdfunding: Sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can give your idea the initial boost.Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists: These are the big guns. They’ve got the money but be ready to give up some control.4. Presenting Your Plan Nerves can get the best of us, but when it’s game time, you’ve got to shine. Be Confident: Know your plan like the back of your hand.Practice: The more you rehearse, the smoother your pitch will be.Engage Your Audience: Remember, they’re human. A bit of charisma goes a long way!Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: How long should my business plan be?A: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Ensure it’s detailed but concise. Typically, anywhere from 15 to 50 pages works, depending on the complexity.Q: Can I use a business plan template?A: Absolutely! Templates can be a great starting point. But make sure you tailor it to your business’s specifics.Q: How often should I update my business plan?A: Regularly. As your business evolves, so should your plan. Consider revisiting it every quarter.Conclusion Financing a business is no walk in the park, but a robust business plan can be your compass in the complex world of business funding. Remember, it’s not just about the numbers or the facts. It’s about presenting a compelling story of your business’s potential. So, roll up those sleeves and start crafting a business plan that’ll make investors line up at your door. Because, in the wise words of Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
Open Question Answering
Questions 1-5: Yes or No? 1. Do you have an eight-month emergency fund? 2. Do you have all four essential documents in place: a will, living revocable trust, durable power of attorney for healthcare, and financial power of attorney? 3. If your employer offers a matching contribution to a retirement plan, do you contribute enough to qualify for the maximum match? Or if you don't have matching contributions through work, are you contributing to your IRA? 4. In the past 12 months, have you paid every bill on time (and if you're in debt, are those payments high enough to help reduce your debt)? 5. In the past 12 months, have you used annualcreditreport.com to obtain free credit reports from the three major credit bureaus, and confirmed that the information is correct and clear of any suspicious activity? Suze says: Any answer marked no should be transferred to the top of your financial to-do list. I promise that the minute you can earn a perfect 5 out of 5 in this section, you will get an immediate payoff: the calm and satisfaction of knowing you are in control of your financial life.Questions 6-12: What's Your Money Mentality? 6. When it comes to planning for retirement, where do you stand? A: I know saving is important for my future, but I haven't started yet. The longer you wait to start saving for retirement, the harder it will be to have any shot at meeting your goals. Your financial immaturity now means you're not taking advantage of one of the best investment tools: time, and the power of compounding over many years. B: I'm saving as much as possible, but I don't know if I'm on track. Good for you! I'm impressed you're saving as much as possible. Now do yourself a big favor and get a handle on whether you're on track to meet your goals. The free online Retirement Income Calculator at T. Rowe Price is a great resource (www.troweprice.com/ric/ricweb/public/ric.do). C: I've crunched the numbers to understand how much I will need to retire comfortably, and I know what I need to be saving today to have a good shot at meeting that goal. Congratulations. Your retirement strategy rates an A+ in my book. 7. Someone begs you to cosign a loan. You say yes: A: If it's someone you really love and trust. This is the equivalent of needing financial potty training! When you cosign a loan, you become legally responsible for repaying that debt—no matter what. This isn't about love or friendship. This is about protecting your bank account and your FICO credit score. B: If you have enough extra savings to treat the loan as a gift, if it came to that. This is the only scenario that truly makes the grade as far as I am concerned. You understand that the only money you can ever afford to lend is money you can afford to lose. C: If the borrower agrees to make automated payments and send you an electronic confirmation at least seven days before each due date. Trying to build in a safeguard shows that you understand the risk you are taking. But safeguards won't mean much if the person you cosign with is suddenly injured or unemployed. Remember, it's your money and FICO credit score on the line. 8. Sally spends $100 a week on groceries. If inflation averages 3.5 percent a year for the next 20 years, how much will those groceries cost Sally in 20 years? A: Math makes me wince, but I know it's more than $100. We all have to be our own best financial adviser, and if you don't understand the impact inflation has on your family's finances, you're going to pay a steep price. B: $170. Pretty good! While 3.5 percent times 20 years is indeed $70 in interest, you're missing one important factor: compounding. Each year the 3.5 percent interest is added to an increasingly larger balance, so over the full 20 years, the total rise in costs will be more than $170. C: Nearly $200. Yep, the cost of living will nearly double in two decades if inflation averages 3.5 percent (which, by the way, it has, roughly, over the last 75 years). It's important to keep the impact of inflation in mind for retirement: Once you stop working, your portfolio would need to earn an average of 3.5 percent a year just to allow you to maintain your current standard of living. 9. Erica and James are in their 30s with one child and annual living expenses of $38,000. James is a stay-at-home dad, and Erica has a great job that pays $75,000 a year. She has a life insurance policy through work, with a death benefit equal to one year's salary. What size death benefit should they consider when purchasing additional life insurance? A: 25 times their annual living expenses, or $950,000. You've been paying attention. My advice is to buy a term life policy with a death benefit equal to 25 times the family's annual living costs (SelectQuote and AccuQuote are two good online resources). But with this answer, you've prepared for only one death. What happens if James dies prematurely? B: $950,000 on Erica's life and an additional policy on James's life as well. Excellent choice. All families need to think through what the added expenses would be if the stay-at-home parent were to die prematurely. Add those costs to the current annual living expenses, and the death benefit should be 25 times that new number. C: They don't need to buy extra life insurance. The company policy is plenty. That will barely cover two years of James's living expenses. And how would Erica cover childcare if James were to die? The policy through work is woefully inadequate. 10. What percentage of women who are 65 years old today will still be alive at 85? A: 10 percent. B: 25 percent. Close, but you're still underestimating our average longevity. C: 50 percent. Right! This statistic should give you serious pause about planning for early retirement. If you stop work in your 50s, you may need your retirement savings (along with Social Security and any pensions) to support you for 30-plus years. That is asking a lot. 11. What would be considered a good FICO credit score? A: I am not buying a home or a car, so I don't need to know this. Are you kidding me? Your FICO credit score isn't just about purchases and loans. A version of your credit score is usually used to determine your car insurance rates. Cell phone companies may require you to leave a fat deposit if you have a low FICO score. And if you're a renter, landlords may check your credit score to help determine whether you'd be a responsible tenant—and they can legally deny your rental application if they don't think your score measures up. B: Anything above 700. A score of 700-plus is mighty fine, but since the financial crisis hit, the bar for what's considered a good credit score has gone up. C: 740 or higher. You're speaking my language. A FICO score between 740 and 850 is considered the gold standard. 12. A friend has $20,000 in credit card debt and the interest rate is above 20 percent. Your advice is to: A: Pay at least the minimum due each month, and scour the budget to see if she can curb spending and pay even a bit more. You understand the importance of making timely payments (which accounts for 35 percent of your FICO credit score), and it's smart to do everything possible to boost the payment above the minimum. B: Take a withdrawal from her 401(k) or IRA; paying off debt that carries such a superhigh interest rate is one of the few times it's okay to borrow against your future. It never makes sense to touch your retirement savings to pay off an unsecured debt. C: Contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (nfcc.org) to get professional advice on whether she qualifies for a debt management plan. Sometimes the smartest way forward is to ask for help, and the counselors at the NFCC are a tremendous resource for people struggling with debt. In many cases, they can help consumers enroll in a debt-management plan administered by an NFCC counselor that helps settle debts within a five-year time frame. Next: Take Suze's quiz—and find out what your financial age is
Open Question Answering
This is how Indians responded when Google questioned them about proposing to Google Assistant. Although it is not uncommon for brands to interact with users on social media, it is quite rare for a brand to tease them. However, that is precisely what Google India did when it playfully mocked Indian users of the Google Assistant with a ‘We really really really’ meme. Using the latest meme that has been used by top-tier corporate Twitter accounts in the United States, such as sports clubs and others, Google India asked Indian users the following serious question: why do people repeatedly ask the Google Assistant to marry them? The artificial-intelligence-powered virtual assistant is primarily available through mobiles and smart home devices and can engage in two-way conversations. Although it is unclear how many Indians have asked the Google Assistant for their hand in marriage, it may be a significant number based on the popularity of the meme. Many Indian users responded to the Google tweet by posting screenshots of their conversations with the virtual assistant. While some users gave lighthearted responses asking about the alternatives for single men, others gave a variety of reasons for asking the Google Assistant to marry them. There were even individuals who expressed concerns about their privacy. “She is the perfect girl anyone can get. She manages everything, reminds me of important dates, wakes me up when I need it, and calls everyone without any hesitation. She is love,” wrote one user. Another individual questioned Google’s monitoring of personal conversations, saying, “Dude we need some privacy.” One user gave an ironic response, stating, “Because we are lonely and can’t talk to real people, and the assistant lets you down easily while a real person bruises your soul.” Another user provided a suggestion, “Google should probably get a male voice for girls to ask to marry.” In conclusion, while it is uncommon for brands to taunt their users, Google India was able to achieve amusing results by using the ‘We really really really’ meme. 10th Grade Science: Life Processes with Complimentary Ncert Solutions 2023-07-25 00:51:45Solution: The inner lining of the small intestine undergoes a structural modification, forming villi, which are finger-like projections. These villi serve to increase the surface area for the absorption of digested food. Furthermore, they have a high vascularity, meaning they are well-supplied Creating a Lovely and Simple Homemade Rakhi 2023-07-25 00:50:08Creating Your Own Homemade RakhiThe glimmer in your eyes and the fervent desires in your heart paint a clear picture: you're filled with ideas for surprising your loved ones on Raksha Bandhan! Are you aware of what that entails? It means that Raksha Bandhan is fast approaching, leaving us with limited 10th Grade Science Life Processes: Access Ncert Solutions for Free 2023-07-25 00:03:33Solution: The inner lining of the small intestine undergoes a transformation into tiny finger-like projections known as villi that enhance the surface area for the absorption of digested food. These villi are abundantly supplied with blood vessels, making them highly vascularized. Additionally, 10 Years - Information on Wikipedia 2023-07-24 02:56:26A decade, which comes from the Ancient Greek word δεκάς (dekas) meaning 'a group of ten', is a span of ten years. Decades can refer to any period of ten years, whether it is someone's lifespan or a specific grouping of calendar years.Usage:Any period of ten years is considered a "decade". For
Open Question Answering
Whirlpool Dryer Won’t Start Troubleshooting Guide - October 8, 2022 Whirlpool Washer Agitates But Won’t Spin Troubleshooting - September 27, 2022 Best Washing Machine Outlet Box Options - August 29, 2022 It sucks to have your home appliances break down on you, especially when you need them the most; trust me, I get it. Appliances like the whirlpool washers tend to break down when they haven’t been maintained in a while. Troubleshooting a Whirlpool washer is no different from troubleshooting other washers. Whenever a washer agitates but won’t spin, in my experience as an HVAC specialist, it is mostly either a clog problem or a faulty drainage system. Sometimes it can even be as simple as an overload or unevenly positioned washer. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how you can troubleshoot your Whirlpool washer not spinning. Let’s get started! Bottom Line Up Front Before you draw any conclusions about the situation, ensure you haven’t overloaded the washer with clothes, that the power source isn’t faulty, the water hoses aren’t kinked, and your washer is positioned evenly. If all of these check out, you need to go deeper with the troubleshooting. When troubleshooting your Whirlpool washer, you have to keep an open mind. The problem might not be as serious as you think, and remember, you can always contact a technician for assistance. How does the Whirlpool Washer work? Before troubleshooting, I find it very important to learn and understand how your washer functions. Not only will it help you trace and resolve the problems quickly, but you will also understand why the problem happened, what led to it, and how to prevent it from happening again. Here’s a step-by-step guide on your Whirlpool washer’s sequence of operation: Step 1: Once you have selected the washing cycle, water temperature, and spin speed, and press the Start button, the Washer will begin filling up with water.Step 2: The next step is the washing stage, where the clothes are agitated to remove any dirt or stains.Step 3: After the washing stage is complete, the Washer will enter the rinse cycle. During this cycle, fresh water is added to the tub, and the clothes are agitated again. This helps to remove any soap residue from the clothing.Step 4: Finally, the spin cycle will begin. This is where the clothes are spun at high speed to remove any excess water.Step 5: Once the spin cycle is finished, your laundry will be clean and ready to be put in the dryer!Why Your Whirlpool Washer Agitates but Won’t Spin? There are several reasons your Whirlpool washer agitates but won’t spin; here are the possible causes and how to fix them: Problem 1 – Overloading the Washer The washer requires enough room for the clothes to be cycled. Water and detergent can’t circulate adequately if the washer is overloaded. It will put the washing machine under too much strain, which causes occasional failure. Every piece of clothing is cleaned properly while the washer is agitating. Even though your washer may agitate when it’s overloaded, nothing will be thoroughly cleaned. Even worse, it can result in leakage since; it won’t effectively drain the water. How to fix: If your Washer has produced a noise alerting you that you’ve overloaded it, you should manually check it. First, remove the Washer’s plug from the power source. Now, lift the lid and have a look inside. The simplest way to check if you’ve overloaded the washer is to stick your palm inside of it. If your hand cannot fit, you have put on too many clothes. The only alternative is to remove some soaked garments. The machine must be restarted after any buttons or hooks become stuck in the rotating belt. Now, try washing again. Problem 2 – Broken Power Source If your Whirlpool washer is not spinning even after it has gone through the agitation cycle, there may also be a problem with the power source. How to fix Check to ensure that the Washer is plugged in correctly and that the circuit breaker has not tripped. If everything looks in order with the power source, you may need to call a professional for further assistance. Problem 3 – Kinked Hose A kinked hose might sound funny, but yes, it is a possible cause. It can potentially prevent water flow to and from the washer, and when there is not enough or no water flow, the washer will not spin correctly or at all. How to Fix It is simple, pull out the washer for proper inspection. Carefully check to see if any water hose is tangled. If you find any kinks, untangle them. Problem 4 – Unbalanced Washer Your washer will not spin properly if it is positioned unevenly. This is because when a washer is tilted, the rest of the components, including the agitator and tub, tilt with it, making it difficult to spin correctly because they must be positioned in the center to function properly. The most common way to know your washer is tilted is if you hear some funny sounds while it spins. How to fix Look to see if your washer is unbalanced with a leveler. If it is, then make sure you position it evenly or use shims under the feet to balance it. Problem 5 – Damaged Drive Belt When a Whirlpool washing machine’s drive belt rips, the washer is incapable of spinning. In the top loader machine, the belt is attached to the transmitter. While in front loaders, it is connected to the engine. A broken belt, in either case, prevents the washer from spinning. It could have simply broken away from the pulley holding it together on occasion. Or the drive belt’s flexibility may have deteriorated over time due to wear and aging. Either way, the best aspect of damaged drive belts is that they are simple to repair. How to fix To find the source of the issue foremost, examine the drive belt. Based on the machine you’re using, you might need to invert the washer, remove the control panel or drum, or both to get to the belt. Now, determine whether the belt adheres to the pulley. If the drive belt isn’t in the right spot (on the pulley), you’ll need to replace it. Tip: When purchasing a new belt, use a Whirlpool drive belt. Verify that the drive belt is compatible with the washer model.How Often Should You Replace the Belt on Your Whirlpool Washing Machine? If you have a Whirlpool washing machine, you might wonder how often you need to replace the belt. The answer depends on a few factors, but you should generally plan on replacing the belt every three to five years. Of course, if you notice that the belt is showing signs of wear and tear before that time frame, it’s always best to replace it sooner rather than later. Remember that a worn or damaged belt can cause your washing machine to operate less efficiently, so it’s essential to keep an eye on it and replace it as needed. Problem 6 – Faulty Door Latch The Whirlpool washers prevent the washing cycle from starting if the door is not secured. It pauses to avoid the overflowing of water. You will experience this if the Washer is too old and the lock has malfunctioned, if there is a short circuit, or if the door lock is damaged. How to fix: The only option is to change the door lock: Remove the screws from the lid, and open it. Remove the wire connection while keeping the door lock assembly in place. Remove the door latch carefully. Replace the broken door latch with the new one. Reconnect the wiring. Secure the door lock assembly with the screws. Mount the lid’s screws. Problem 7 – Wrong Power Connection Connecting your washer to an extension cord is a potential culprit. This is because, in most cases, there is no guarantee the extension has enough capacity to carry the washer’s heavy-duty power cord. How to fix If your washer is connected to an extension cord, unplug it. Connect your washer directly to an outlet. Problem 8 – Faulty Drainage System When doing laundry, buttons, coins, garment clips, or keys may enter the Whirlpool washer’s drainage system. If these pieces become stuck in the hose, they will start spinning. And yes! clogged drainage might stop the Washer from spinning, as strange as it may sound. How to fix The better option to fix this problem is to call a technician. But here is the process: You must first relocate the washer and gain access to the drain pump. You might need to remove the washer’s back. When you get to the drain pump, empty the lodge that stops it from spinning. Problem 9 – Wrong Water Level Incorrect water levels can also cause your Whirlpool washer to agitate but not spin. When the water level is too high, the washer will not be able to spin fast enough to remove all of the water, so the cycle will be stopped and restarted. How to fix To fix this: Adjust the water level setting to a lower setting. Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Whirlpool Washer Lift the lid and remove any large items from the wash basket before starting a load. Select the appropriate cycle and water level. Start with a ‘full load of clean clothes, and do not overload your Washer. Do not use too much fabric softener or bleach. Use cold water for regular clothes and slightly hot water for dirty clothes. If your washer is leaking, try to set the water level lower. If the leak persists, the rubber seal has likely deteriorated. It is necessary to use a detergent for each type of fabric, such as cotton, wool, silk, etc. So, removing stains can be effective, and clothing can last longer. Whirlpool Washer Agitates But Won’t Spin Troubleshooting: FAQs Question: Why is my washing machine making strange noises? Answer: If your washing machine makes strange noises, it could be due to several factors. One possibility is that something has become entangled in the pump. Another possibility is that the bearings have deteriorated. If you hear unusual noises from your machine, we recommend contacting a qualified technician for further analysis. Question: Why is my washing machine leaving spots on my clothes? Answer: There are several reasons why your washing machine might leave spots on your clothes. One possible explanation is that the water supply is not properly filtered. Another possibility is that the detergent dispenser is malfunctioning. I recommend checking these two things if you first notice spots on your clothes. Question: What should I do if my washing machine overflows? Answer: If your washing machine overflows, you should first turn off the machine’s water supply. Once the water has been turned off, you can begin cleaning up the mess. To avoid future overflows, thoroughly clean the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Question: What could be causing my washing machine to smell bad? Answer: If your washing machine smells bad, it could be due to mildew or mold growth. This can happen if the machine isn’t cleaned properly regularly. If you notice a bad odor, thoroughly clean the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Final Thoughts Though it may seem daunting, troubleshooting your appliances is reasonably straightforward. The first thing to look at when you encounter this problem is overload. Make sure you do not have too many clothes in the washer. This might seem minor, but an overloaded washer will have difficulties with actually spinning, even if it agitates. If you have passed this first stage and confirmed that it is not the problem, it is time to dig a little deeper. I like to start with the washer’s driver belt because it is responsible for movement. If the drive belt has not been changed in a while, it gets weak and then breaks eventually. There is also the drainage system and the door latch. If anything happens to either of these components, your washer will have difficulties spinning. I have included some instructions to help you troubleshoot your Whirlpool washer. Remember, it is perfectly okay to consult a technician for help, especially if you have tried all these solutions and none worked.
Open Question Answering
Personal Behavior History Question Response Current alcohol use:If yes, oz./week and type of alcohol: Occasionally - 6 oz a week of beer Tobacco use: Do you smoke?If yes, #/day and for how long: No If you did smoke but quit, when did you last smoke? N/A For how many years? N/A Do you sleep well? Yes Do you exercise on regular basis? Yes Is your diet well balanced?If no, explain: Yes Are you a vegetarian? No Any dietary restrictions?If yes, explain: No Sexual History Question Response A partner whose sexual background you are unsure of in the past 12 months? No Donor Genetic History Question Response Were you or any family members born with any birth defects?If yes, explain: No Have you been tested for Cystic Fibrosis?If yes, the result: Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Karyotype?If yes, the result: Yes - Nomal karyotype Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)?If yes, the result: Non Carrier - Standard donor screening Tay Sachs?If yes, the result: Non Carrier - by gene sequencing Question Response Are you of Jewish ancestry?If yes, please note: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, or Other No Question Response Tay Sachs:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Gaucher:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Canavan:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Fanconi Anemia Type C:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Niemann-Pick Type A:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Bloom Syndrome:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Familial Dysautonomia:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Mucolipidosis IV:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Usher Syndrome III & 1F:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Glycogen Storage Disease 1A:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing ABCC8-Related Hyperinsulinism:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency:If yes, result(s): Yes - Non-carrier by gene sequencing Question Response Are you of African ancestry? No If yes, have you been tested as a carrier of sickle cell anemia? Yes - by gene sequencing If yes, result: Non Carrier - by gene sequencing Are you of Mediterranean, Greek or Italian ancestry? No If yes, have you been tested as a carrier of beta thalassemia? Yes If yes, result: Non Carrier - by gene sequencing Donor Medical History Question Response List any operations:Age & reason: N/A - 17, wisdom teeth removed. 6.- stitches due to cut on head, 22- stitches in foot due to accident Hospitalization other than surgery:Age & type of illness: N/A Have you ever had any broken bones?If yes, please give age and description: No Have you ever had any serious illnesses?If yes, please give age and description: No How many days in the past 12 months could you not work because of all illness (colds, flu, accidents, surgery, etc)?Please describe: 3 - Had a cold and did not go to work Are you presently under a physician's care for any reason?If yes, please describe: No List all drugs you have taken in past 12 months (prescription, nonprescription, herbal, and sports supplements, and recreational). Include drug, frequency and duration taken, and reason: Advil or Ibuprofen has been taken two or three times a month for the occasional head ache. List all current medication or treatments (include vitamins, aspirin, antacids, laxatives, herbal, sports supplements, etc.) Include drug, frequency and duration taken, and reason: Na Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?Are you near or far-sighted? No Usual weight? 175 Recent weight loss or gain?# of lbs and reason: No Allergies (medicines, food, pollens)?If yes, please list substance and reaction caused: No Have you been tested for HIV (AIDS)?If yes, when: Yes - Negative, ongoing donor screening. How many sexual partners do you currently have? 1 Have you ever had a tattoo?If yes, what year did you get the tattoo? No Have you ever had your ear(s) or body pierced?If yes, where and what year? No Family Medical HistorySee list of questions asked here Question Response Current age or age at death 61 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 60 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 24 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 27 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 91 Living / Dead Dead Cause of death and any treatment prior to death Organ failure Health Problems Disease Age Diagnosed Treatment For Condition Organ failure 91 Palliative care Question Response Current age or age at death 93 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 69 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 63 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 68 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 88 Living / Dead Dead Cause of death and any treatment prior to death Organ failure Health Problems Disease Age Diagnosed Treatment For Condition Organ failure 88 Palliative care Question Response Current age or age at death 65 Living / Dead Dead Cause of death and any treatment prior to death Heart attack - no heart disease or heart failure prior to heart attack Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 68 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy Question Response Current age or age at death 71 Living / Dead Living Cause of death and any treatment prior to death N/A Health Problems Healthy
Open Question Answering
High-Frequency Trading (HFT) has become a pivotal force in the modern forex market. This article delves into the realm of forex trading strategies tailored for HFT. It explores the significance of HFT, introduces various approaches to executing rapid trades, and provides insights into risk management and technological prerequisites. By understanding the intricacies of HFT strategies, traders can make informed decisions to thrive in this dynamic and competitive arena. Table Content 1. Introduction 2. Understanding High-Frequency Trading (HFT) 3. Approaches for HFT in Forex Trading 4. Risk Management in HFT 5. Technological Prerequisites for HFT 6. FAQs: 7. Footnote Introduction: In the rapidly evolving world of forex trading, speed is often the name of the game. High-Frequency Trading (HFT) has emerged as a dominant force in this landscape, where traders execute a large number of rapid trades within milliseconds. HFT leverages cutting-edge technology and sophisticated algorithms to capitalize on market inefficiencies and price differentials that exist for only fleeting moments. This article delves into the realm of forex trading strategies tailored for HFT, exploring the approaches that allow traders to navigate the complexities of executing rapid trades successfully. Understanding High-Frequency Trading (HFT): High-Frequency Trading is characterized by its lightning-fast execution of trades, enabled by powerful computers, advanced algorithms, and high-speed data connections. This section sheds light on the essence of HFT and its significance in the forex market. Approaches for HFT in Forex Trading: In the world of HFT, various strategies are employed to execute rapid trades. This section highlights some prominent approaches used by HFT traders: a. Market Making: Market makers continuously quote both buy and sell prices, profiting from the bid-ask spread. Their goal is to profit from the volume of trades rather than relying on significant price movements. This strategy requires precision in quoting prices and rapid order execution.b. Statistical Arbitrage: Statistical arbitrage involves identifying patterns of price movements and correlations between currency pairs. Traders look for deviations from historical norms and execute trades when a discrepancy arises. This strategy requires sophisticated statistical models and real-time data analysis.c. News-Based Trading: Traders employing this approach capitalize on the immediate market reactions to news events. Automated algorithms scan news sources and execute trades based on predefined criteria once a significant announcement is made. This strategy demands rapid information processing and execution.d. Scalping: Scalping involves making a large number of small trades throughout the day to capture minor price movements. Traders enter and exit positions swiftly, aiming to accumulate small profits that add up over time. This strategy requires a keen understanding of short-term market dynamics.Risk Management in HFT: While HFT can be highly profitable, it's not without risks. This section addresses the importance of risk management strategies in HFT: a. Volatility Management: HFT traders need to be cautious during times of heightened market volatility, as rapid price fluctuations can lead to unexpected losses. Implementing volatility filters and position limits is crucial to avoid excessive risk exposure.b. Technology Risks: HFT heavily relies on technology, making it susceptible to technical glitches, connectivity issues, and cyber threats. Traders must have robust backup systems and security measures to mitigate these risks.c. Regulatory Considerations: HFT strategies are subject to regulatory scrutiny in many jurisdictions. Traders must ensure compliance with relevant regulations and stay updated on any changes that might affect their trading activities.Technological Prerequisites for HFT: Executing successful HFT strategies necessitates a technologically advanced infrastructure. This section outlines the key technological prerequisites: a. Low-Latency Connectivity: HFT thrives on speed. Traders require direct market access (DMA) and low-latency connections to trading servers to minimize execution delays.b. High-Performance Computing: Powerful computing systems are essential for processing vast amounts of data and executing complex algorithms in real-time.c. Co-location Services: Co-locating trading servers in close proximity to exchange servers reduces communication delays and enhances execution speed.FAQs: Q1. Is HFT suitable for individual retail traders? A: HFT is primarily dominated by institutional players due to the significant technological and financial resources required. Retail traders might find it challenging to compete effectively in this space. Q2. How much capital is needed for HFT? A: The capital requirements for HFT can vary significantly based on the strategies employed and the markets traded. Generally, substantial capital is necessary to cover technology expenses and withstand potential losses. Q3. What role do algorithms play in HFT? A: Algorithms are the backbone of HFT strategies. They analyze market data, identify trading opportunities, and execute trades at lightning speed based on predefined rules. Q4. What markets are suitable for HFT? A: HFT strategies are commonly employed in forex, equities, and futures markets. The forex market's high liquidity and 24/5 trading hours make it particularly attractive for HFT. Q5. How can risk be managed in HFT? A: Effective risk management in HFT involves implementing volatility controls, employing robust technology with backup systems, and staying compliant with relevant regulations. Footnote: High-Frequency Trading is a dynamic and lucrative arena within the forex market. Traders leveraging HFT strategies must be equipped with cutting-edge technology, sophisticated algorithms, and a keen understanding of market dynamics. By embracing the approaches discussed in this article and implementing robust risk management practices, traders can navigate the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by HFT, contributing to their success in this fast-paced trading environment.
Open Question Answering
Dimensions 29.2x17.0x4.6cm ( 11.4x6.7x1.8inch ); each cavity 1.7x1.7x1.7cm ( 1.7x1.7x1.7inch ) 35ml (1.8oz). Tornado chocolate mousse cake or russian tale entremets bakeware. For pastry, chocolate truffle, bread, cherry cordials, mirror glaze cake, pudding, cupcake, cookie topper, cheesecake, cornbread, muffin, brownies, fianciers, mousse, keto food, homemade snacks, ganache, panna cotta, cannabutter making, mini pumpkin breads, jello, Baumkuchen, ice cream, sugar jelly, ice, varied of desserts, soap, candle, resin casting art, polymer clay and more crafting. Modern French style cake entremets bakeware and homemade patisserie essentials. Made from European grade silicone; stronger, more flexible and durable to maintain its original shape and non-stick quality through more uses. Pinch test passed. No white fillers when pinched or twisted. No chemical coatings. Pure, premium quality food-grade silicone. Meets US FDA and EU LFGB safety standards. BPA, PVC and phthalate free. Easy to use, flexible easy to clean, can be used in oven, dishwasher, refrigerator etc. Used within the temperature between -40~220 centigrade. Bite size. Material: Silicone Food Grade warranty. Food Grade and Non Food Grade material should use separately. Wash and boil before use, especially for food. Easy to use mould very flexible and easy to clean, can be used in oven, dishwasher, refrigerator etc. Can be used within the temperature between -40~220 centigrade. Some material ( such as clay, paste etc. ) may extend a bit when pull out of the mold. Frequently problem answer Question: I have used this product 3 times and few "dimples" are already starting to tear away from the base. Answer: The mold may be stored quite a while and has been pressed down, and shapes changed. Please place it under the sun or place in oven or place in a high temperature. The shape then will be restored. Question: Please let me know the temperature of the mold can suffer. Answer: In general practice, can suffer within the temperature between -40~220 centigrade, in some case can suffer 260 centigrade. Please note silicone mold, which can suffer temperature higher than 260 centigrade (500 degrees fahrenheit) or temperature lower than -40 centigrade (-40 degrees fahrenheit), may be additive, is not 100% pure silicone. Question: Why the mold soft a bit? Answer: For flexible reason, we design the mold a bit soft, so you may easily un-mold. If you need a more sturdy support when transfer or move, you can put it on a tray or another mold. UPC: 8381314734518 Model Number: 4664
Open Question Answering
Dr. Gaurav Gupta is a well-known doctor based in Gautam Buddha Nagar who specialises in AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections. He has over 15 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Currently, Dr. Gaurav Gupta is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Dr. Gaurav Gupta specialises in Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing, Dental Fillings, Tooth Extraction, Dental Implant Fixing. Apart from hospital affiliations, He has been working actively in various fields. He is a member of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry. CDE- Speaker IDA Bhopal Branch, Speaker in 65th Indian Dental Conference, Mumbai are among the awards that Dr. Gaurav Gupta has won. Q: What educational qualifications does Dr. Gaurav Gupta have? A: The following are the qualifications of Dr. Gaurav Gupta - BDS, Certified Implantologist. Check above for a full list of Dr. Gaurav Gupta's qualifications. Q: How long has Dr. Gaurav Gupta been practising for? A: Dr. Gaurav Gupta has 15 years of experiences in the field of AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections. Q: What treatments do patients visit Dr. Gaurav Gupta for? A: Patients visit Dr. Gaurav Gupta for Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing. A complete list of services and treatments offered by Dr. Gaurav Gupta is given above. Q: At which locations does Dr. Gaurav Gupta practice? A: Dr. Gaurav Gupta is available at Dr. Urvashi's Super Speciality Orthodontic & Implant Centre in Sector-24, Noida. Q: How to make an appointment with Dr. Gaurav Gupta? A: Click on "Book an appointment" for an online consultation or an in-clinic appointment with Dr. Gaurav Gupta through myUpchar.
Open Question Answering
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 An editorial in anticipation of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-13, 2023) by State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly Contact DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559Last month, I had the honor of appearing before a Student Finance Committee, a group of high school students in Mount Horeb who conducted a hypothetical budget hearing with me. I provided testimony, and students followed up with questions about the needs they see in their school. Their questions were constructed as a mock exercise, but my answers don’t have to be. Because their questions were about how the state budget could better support the adults working in their schools, and the solutions are all in Gov. Tony Evers’ budget. Some have been carved out by the Joint Finance Committee, but we still have a huge opportunity to take action on key solutions. I wish they had been there to listen to the Student Finance Committee, because they would have heard an important message on how to appreciate and support our teachers During the student-run hearing, these future leaders asked me how the state budget could address teacher turnover, teacher workload, teacher mental health, a substitute teacher shortage, and student teacher retention. And every single time, they advocated for a solution: increasing teacher pay. The learners occupying the seats in Wisconsin’s classrooms know this will make the most impact on their own education. That is why we asked for their ideas in the form of a Student Finance Committee hearing. It doubles as a great civics lesson, but the objective was to hear from those most impacted by the budget (students) about what they hope that impact to be. It turns out they want an investment in teacher recruitment and retention because they cannot learn and be competitive in careers and colleges if they don’t have educators today who are there to teach and support them in that learning. Thinking about it, maybe the civics lesson is really for people like myself, the elected officials who lead our great state, but also more specifically, the committee the students were trying to emulate could stand to learn a lesson from this exercise. After the students asked their questions, we turned the tables and I got to ask them a few. The first was, “What did you learn in this process?” One student had an immediate answer: “This is about public service, about using our position to do what’s best for other people.” I couldn’t agree more; that is exactly what being a legislator, or any elected official, is about. It is also a great description of teaching. Our Wisconsin teachers do us an incredible public service by caring for and educating our children. We owe them more than appreciation. We owe them investment. We owe them opportunities like Grow Your Own programs, stipends for internships and mentorships, and funding for programs that will support the needs of the students in their classrooms, like school nutrition and mental health services. We owe our staff working in schools the opportunity to earn a salary that will allow them to own a home in the community where they teach, or not have to rely on food assistance programs or additional jobs to support their families. And today, we owe them action – action to change the challenges standing in the way of them providing the level of care and education they want to provide, and this state requires. Some of the K-12 provisions were cut by the actual Joint Finance Committee. I can’t help but wonder what the Student Finance Committee would have done instead. As we left Mount Horeb, one of the students thanked me for coming. She said, “This was awesome – you actually listened to us.” The good news is that the Joint Finance Committee still has a chance to do the same, to make some of the impact the students want to see. They can increase per-pupil aid and revenue limits, providing more general aid funding to our school districts. Doing this will enable our districts to turn around and increase teacher pay, investing in the future of our state by supporting the educators who are teaching our children. Because we all know that by supporting our educators, we are investing in our kids. The young people who formed the Student Finance Committee are going to lead this state one day, and I am very much looking forward to that. They are our future, and I don’t expect them to lead now, but I do expect those of us who are in leadership positions to listen to them today, so they can be well prepared to lead tomorrow. They are telling us to invest in public education, pay our teachers more, and in turn, invest in them. Let’s do it. Because action is how we show teachers appreciation.
Open Question Answering
Affordable and high-quality headphones for students. Regardless if you’re preparing for college finals, engaging in SAT prep in school, or simply working on a weekly assignment, getting the best headphones for students is always a great idea if you want to stay in the zone while enjoying some of your favorite tunes. If your main goal is to focus on your studies or writing, then you can’t go wrong with high-quality noise-blocking headphones that will ensure you don’t get distracted by all the commotion going on in the background. They’re also perfect for establishing an isolated atmosphere if you want to enjoy your favorite songs, an audiobook, or a movie in peace in a public place. The main aspects you have to consider when picking the best headphones for students include the provided level of comfort, battery duration, and handy special features such as noise cancellation and built-in voice assistants. Frequency Response: 4 Hz - 40 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ Fantastic sound quality ⊕ Quick Attention Mode ⊕ 30-hour battery life ⊖ None The Sony WH1000XM3 headphones for students has two frequency response systems to offer you excellent monitoring capability. The response range of this model is 30 feet so you can monitor any point in the room and from a certain distance up to about three miles. These headphones are perfect to be used in the class or even in your own home. These wireless headphones are quite light in weight so they can easily be carried by you wherever you go. It also has an in-built rechargeable battery so you don't have to worry about its charging time. The headphones have the special noise cancellation technology that can effectively block the background noises from bothering you. Also, the sound produced by these headphones is very clear and crisp so you will not have problems hearing the instructor as you listen to the lecture. Frequency Response: 50 Hz - 20 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ Dependable noise cancellation ⊕ Lightweight, sturdy design ⊕ Companion app with useful features ⊖ Buggy performance The Plantronics BackBeat GO 810 headphones for students is one of the best choices in headphones that will enable you to make the most out of your university experience. You can use these headphones while you are studying since these headphones provide excellent sound clarity and also do not interfere with the sound quality that you get from your computer. In addition to this, these headphones are designed so that they can be worn comfortably on your head. Furthermore, the headphones are very lightweight so that they can be easily carried around without causing any discomfort. The first benefit of using this type of headphones is the fact that these are highly portable. They are designed to fit perfectly in a person's ears and so they are very easy to use and transport. Furthermore, another benefit of the Plantronics Back Beats is that you can easily record audio while you are listening to it. This is a particularly useful benefit if you want to listen to the music of your choice at another time apart from the time in which you are having your music lessons. Once you record your own audio with these headphones, you can then transfer them to your personal computer or a CD player in order to play them. Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ Good build quality ⊕ Very good battery life ⊕ Decent connectivity ⊖ Design is a bit plain The LYPERTEK TEVI headphones for students use traditional, analog signal processing to give you the best in clear sound reproduction, eliminating background noise and providing a super clean experience with no unwanted buzzing. With the power of this amazing technology behind them, any student is certain to hear clearly what they're listening to whether they're studying in their dorm room, in a classroom or even in an office cubicle. LYPERTEK TEVI headphones for students has been tested to deliver great sound quality, so you'll get the best quality of sound you can possibly get. The headphones are also incredibly thin and lightweight so they're incredibly easy to take on and off, and there's no hassle with aligning them if you have bad vision. Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 40 kHz | Wireless: No | Noise Cancelling: No | Cable Length: 1.25 m ⊕ Lush sound quality ⊕ Excellent build and design ⊕ Unmatched value ⊖ Plastic remote feels cheap 1MORE Triple Driver headphones for students are a perfect product to enhance your learning experience at the same time provide you with the freedom to fully immerse yourself in your studies. These products are designed specifically for students so that they fit perfectly within the ear canal and so you do not have any problems with these headphones fitting comfortably or remaining on one ear only. 1MORE Triple Driver headphones for students come with a noise cancelling microphone built into the base, which automatically mutes outside noises so you can listen without having to switch them off, ensuring that you hear only the sounds you are trying to focus on. This is done through a complex electronic system that not only mutes sounds but also amplifies them so you get the clearest possible sound reproduction. Frequency Response: 15 Hz - 22 kHz | Wireless: No | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: 1.2 m ⊕ Clear sound ⊕ Balanced and entertaining delivery ⊕ Usful three-button remote ⊖ Lacks solidity of wired counterparts SoundMAGIC E11D headphones for students are designed to work with the ears of any age. The headphones work well with the iPod, so whether you are listening to classical music or modern music, the headphones will be comfortable to use and give you a clear and crisp sound. This is one pair of headphones that will help your child excel in academics and focus better. Students love the ability to listen to their favorite songs on the commute to and from school and with the headphones they no longer need to carry around a lot of extra music. Students are often limited by the volume levels of earbuds or Bluetooth devices, so having the freedom to enjoy music while on transit is just what some people want. Frequency Response: 16 Hz - 22 kHz | Wireless: No | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: 1.35 m ⊕ Excellent build quality ⊕ Balanced, rich audio ⊕ Tons of tips included ⊖ Narrow soundstage The RHA S500 headphones for students will provide you the same level of sound that you would get from an expensive stereo. This is because these wireless headphones come with a noise-canceling feature. When these headphones are placed on your ears, it will automatically turn off the white noise in your ears and play only the music that you desire. In addition to this, the RHA S500 headphones for students also features special sound effects such as voice activation. This means that when you say certain words or say them repeatedly, the headphone automatically plays back the sound according to the frequency that you speak. Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ Impressive overall sound ⊕ Handy companion app ⊕ Wireless charging case ⊖ Finicky touch controls ⊖ No active noise cancellation The Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus is a new series of headphones from Samsung that have been designed especially for students. These headphones are perfect for students because of the many features that they offer. For one, they can play music without wires so they won't get entangled in any wires which can be a hassle for students. They are also easy to use since they have a quick release mechanism that makes it easier to put on and take off. Aside from this, these headphones have also been equipped with a noise-canceling feature to help students block out distractions from other classrooms and their teachers. They are also lightweight, which is perfect for people who are always on the go. Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ Dynamic, lively sound ⊕ In-app audio customization ⊕ Sleek and durable aesthetics ⊖ Newer features unavailable at launch ⊖ Can get extremely loud at max volume One of the top headphones for students available on the market today is the Jabra Elite 75t. The headphones have a lot going for them. First off, the design is very nice. It looks like a mix between a sport headphone and an entertainment headphone. Sound quality is great. These headphones for students deliver clear and crisp sound just like the rest of the lineup by far. It's almost as if they sound as good as a set of regular cans, if not better. You can easily tell you're wearing a pair of high end headphones by looking at the design. Other features include a media player, a microphone, and a volume wheel. Frequency Response: 16 Hz - 40 kHz | Wireless: Yes | Noise Cancelling: Yes | Cable Length: No cable ⊕ IPX-7 rating ⊕ Great battery life ⊕ Durable and lightweight ⊖ Unambitious audio ⊖ Limited in-line controls Anker LifeP2 headphones are very popular amongst students because they provide amazing isolation and sound quality. The headphones are created with a special isolation cup which is able to isolate any external noise that may interfere with the student's focus. Another advantage of these headphones for students are that the audio produced by them is top quality, which is very good and there is very little background noise, which means that you will be able to listen to your favorite music with no problems. Image Name Features Sony WH1000XM3 Our choice CHECK PRICE→ Plantronics BackBeat GO 810 Durable CHECK PRICE → LYPERTEK TEVI Good value CHECK PRICE → Active Noise Cancelling Active noise cancellation can be a lifesaver for anyone who needs to focus on studying. Whether you have family members messing about or your roommate is talking too loud on their phone, you won’t have to listen to any of that. Noise cancellation technology relies on emitting soundwaves that neutralize background sounds by mirroring them. Once two mirrored soundwaves clash against each other, they neutralize themselves, which results in silence. Price If you compare different headphones models, you’ll notice a direct correlation between their cost and quality. A pair that costs below $100 can be good enough for a regular listener, but an audiophile might get offended at the produced sound. Most of the best headphones for students can be found in the $100-$200 price range so that’s where you should be aiming at unless you’re tight on funds. Wireless Wireless headphones that are connected to your device via Bluetooth are becoming increasingly more popular. They tend to be a bit more expensive, but that shouldn’t be an issue if you can’t stand dealing with wires. Just be sure to pick a model with good battery life and fast recharging. Sound Range Creating a pair of headphones that produces fantastic audio at all frequencies is quite a challenge, which is why the primary factor that music enthusiasts look at is frequency distribution. Getting bass to sound properly is nearly impossible with headphones no matter how good they are since they are incapable of reproducing audio the same way a room speaker can. In most cases, headphones try to make up for it by boosting the bass to create the illusion of a natural bass feel. Budget headphones are prone to producing a “tinny” sound, which is something you want to avoid. Opt for models that can competently manage high frequencies and produce them in crisp, clear quality.
Open Question Answering
Optimize Your Financial Outcome With hBits In 2023 5 Mar, 2021First of all, what is fractional ownership of property? What this means is that hBits brings together a group of investors who can each invest ₹25 lakhs onwards and jointly purchase a premium commercial property. In this manner, investors can now own a share or portion of a Grade A commercial property for a fraction of its cost, enjoying the higher rental income and capital gains while dividing their risk. Basically, a share in a premium (both, quality and rental yield) real estate property can be acquired for Rs. 25 lacs, which could earlier be done only with a minimum investment of Rs. 5 crores. What is hBits? What is Fractional Ownership of property? hBits is a platform that facilitates fractional ownership of commercial properties with an affordable minimum investment of ₹25 lakhs. Fractional ownership of property refers to a system where multiple individuals or investors collectively own a portion or share of a property. Instead of one person owning the entire property, fractional ownership allows multiple owners to pool their resources and acquire a fractional interest in the property. This shared ownership structure enables investors to enjoy the benefits and returns of owning high-value real estate assets while dividing the associated costs and risks among the fractional owners. But how does hBits do this? How is your investment structured? But how do we do this? hBits forms a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the acquisition of to acquire the Grade A pre-leased property — this is an entirely separate company in which the individual investors are members and independent professional directors are appointed. hBits merely stays on as the property manager in this arrangement. This serves various purposes — it helps to pool the funds together, it ensures that ownership and control of the Grade A Property lie with investors, SPV does not have any other asset or liability and consequently, the Grade A Property is ring-fenced from any third-party liability, and also allows the division of profits proportionate to the investment made by each member. Now the following bit is important to remember because this is the real ingenious solution. Each investor’s contribution is split in two — Shares of the SPV Compulsory Convertible Debentures (CCD), which is simply a financial instrument through which you, the investor, are lending money to the SPV and earning interest income which is linked to the rental yield Once the property has been purchased, the rental yield will be distributed to investors not as rental income per se, but as interest on their CCD. How real estate is taxed Real estate is taxed in three ways in India – (i) Tax on rental income, (ii) Tax on capital gains, and (iii) Property tax. Property tax: This is the tax paid to the municipal authorities or local government bodies. The tax rate varies by location and is decided by the local authorities and imposed annually or semi-annually. Property tax is the first to be levied on the total rental income or Gross Annual Value of the property. Upon subtracting property tax, we arrive at Net Annual Value, based on which we calculate deductions. Rental income tax: Any rental income received from a property that has been let out is taxed under the head ‘Income from house property. As per Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, all rental income is to be taxed under this head, be it residential or commercial. The same Section also allows every taxpayer a standard deduction of 30% from the rental income. This 30% is chalked up to expenses and is exempt from taxation — irrespective of whether the actual expenses (electricity, repairs, insurance, etc.) are higher or lower. It is under the same Section that interest paid on loans can also be claimed as income tax deductions. Let’s do some hypothetical number-crunching and compare a regular rental property in an SPV/holding company and a property that has been purchased and structured as per hBits’ formula. (In both cases, let’s assume property tax has already been paid). Regular rental property Rental income or Net Annual Value: ₹100 Standard deduction at 30%: ₹30 Taxable rental income: ₹100 – ₹30 = ₹70 Rental income tax: (Depends on your income tax slab, let’s assume 30%) 30% of ₹70 = ₹21 Fractional property with hBits’ structuring formula Rental income: ₹100 Standard deduction: ₹30 Deduction of interest on borrowed capital (paid out as interest on CCD): ₹70 Taxable rental income: ₹100 – (₹30 + ₹70) = ₹0 Conclusion: As readers will no doubt have noted, hBits’ structuring formula allows the SPV or the holding company to pass on the full income and maximum benefits to the investors. Moreover, this is not the only way hBits helps investors to save on tax, so let’s move on to capital gains next. Capital gains tax: This is a tax on the growth in value of the investment, or quite simply put, it is any profit or gain that arises when the asset is sold at a higher price than when it was bought. It is classified as Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) if the property is held for 36 months or more (24 months for shares, 36 months for CCD). If the holding period is less, it is termed Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG). hBits holds all assets under its management for 4-6 years before selling them. This is done primarily to achieve a good appreciation in the property value and has an added advantage of capital gains being taxed as long-term gains which attract lower tax rates (20%) and also allow for indexation for computing the cost of acquisition. Illustration of long-term capital gains tax with indexation* Property X was purchased on December 1, 2016, for ₹100 and sold on December 1, 2019, for ₹150. A layperson might assume that tax will be calculated on the gross profit or ₹50. However, the following method is more accurate and tax-efficient: Purchase price: ₹100 Indexed cost of acquisition: ₹100 (purchase price) x 289 (CII for 2019-20) = ₹110 264 (CII for 2016-17) Selling price: ₹150 Net gain: ₹150 – ₹110 = ₹40 LTCG Tax: 20% of ₹40 = ₹8 Effective tax rate: ₹8 x 100 = 16% ₹50 Illustration of short-term capital gains tax* Property Z was purchased on December 1, 2016, for ₹100 and sold on December 1, 2019, for ₹150. Purchase price: ₹100 Selling price: ₹150 Net gain: ₹50 STCG Tax: (As per applicable slab rates, let’s assume 30%) 30% of ₹50 = ₹15 Effective tax rate: ₹15 x 100 ₹50 * For simplicity the tax calculations are done at the base rate, ignoring applicable surcharge and cess. Conclusion: It is immediately clear that there is great benefit in holding the asset till investors can enjoy the benefits of long-term capital gains, as it can mean paying nearly half the tax they would have paid for short-term gains. Bonus pro tip: To optimize your capital gains, even more, it is best to re-invest your profits in real estate again, or in bonds or similar tax-friendly assets. Freedom and security As explained above, hBits has strategized and calculated how best the investors can maximize their returns and minimize tax. These measures include virtual pass-through of rental yield with any tax in the hands of SPV, holding the asset for long-term gains, as well as endeavour to sell the entire SPV, rather than selling merely the property (this is also more tax-effective). That said, hBits also values the investors’ need for liquidity and ease of exit. Keeping this in mind, hBits has structured the investment in a manner (shares & CC) that allows individual investors to cash out whenever they want by selling shares & CCD of the SPV — even if it is before the sale of the asset or entire SPV. * The above taxation rates and calculations apply only to resident investors; non-resident investors can contact hBits to find out more about tax rates applicable to them.
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Open Question Answering
Reader: “A day is like a thousand years to the Lord,” Response: “and a thousand years is like a day.” Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8-13But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames. But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness. Reader: “The word of the Lord.”Response: “Thanks be to God.”Some thoughts: A passage such as this, helps us put the nativity in context. The birth of Jesus introduces the “earthly portion” of the redemption, the re-creation plan of God. In Peter’s epistle, he is addressing a viewpoint held by some in his day and many, many people including Christians in our day who doubt a literal, visible, glorious reappearing of Jesus Christ. Peter has written this second epistle to warn them yet again. It’s very clear that those in the early church believed Jesus would return during their lifetimes. But he did not return. Peter’s letter helps us get outside of our human perspective and reasoning. How so? He reminds his readers that time is relative. Our God is in time and at the same moment , wholly apart from time, in a sense, above, outside and beyond time. Remember, “In the beginning God created . . .” In that one statement we see that God is uncreated and beyond time altogether. What seems to us like a long delay in God’s time is but a present moment. We need to be able to think in other dimensions than our earthly ones. To make this point I’m going to try to condense a C.S. Lewis illustration. Imagine you are writing a novel. In your story, Mary is sitting in a chair reading a book. There is a knock at her door (in your novel.) At this point in your writing, you decide to go get a drink of water, which you do, then are distracted, grab a cookie and empty a waste basket. You come back, sit down, eat the rest of your cookie, pick up your pen and begin writing again. Your story continues. . . Mary put down her book, got up and answered the door. Now as someone reads your novel, the time you spent in getting a drink, eating and emptying the waste basket appears nowhere in your novel. The time frame in the novel and the time frame in your getting a drink are in two different worlds. This example is a rough idea of what Peter is getting at in saying a thousand years are as a day and a day as a thousand years. (This idea is also why God can hear a million prayers at the same time giving complete attention to each one.) So time is one factor. Peter also addresses the delay factor making clear that God is desirous of giving people time to repent and receive salvation, not wishing that anyone perish because the Day of Judgment is final. Peter also exhorts people not to become complacent in their waiting. By saying Christ’s return will come as a thief in the night, it means without warning, catching us by surprise. I’m reminded of the days of Noah when the flood came without warning and destroyed the entire world with the exception of those in the ark, an ark Noah and his sons had labored to build over the span of 100 years! Do you think there were any days when they wondered if a flood was really going to come, since people didn’t even know what a flood was? Was there any ridicule of Noah and his family? Surely so. Just like there is ridicule from some people in our day concerning the return of the Lord as a fantasy and not something to be taken literally. God’s word says unequivocally that the Lord will return as he promised and establish the new heavens and new earth filled with God’s righteousness. When you see the exactness of all of the Old Testament prophecies in predicting the coming Messiah and when you read what Jesus said about his return and when you understand the relative nature of time in earthly and heavenly dimensions, I would believe exactly what the Scripture records. There is also a basic pattern throughout the Bible and it is this: there is an awful lot of waiting for fulfillment. E.g. the Flood; Abraham/Sarah and all the infertility issues throughout the Scriptures; 400 years of slavery in Egypt before the exodus; Joseph waiting 13 years to get out of prison; 40 years in the wilderness; 400 years of silence between the Testaments; fasting 40 days in the wilderness then temptation; waiting for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and so forth. Then you look at your own experience and all the things you are praying about, much of the Christian life has to do with exhibiting faith as we wait. But when God acts . . . !! Music: “Star Carol” Nathan PachecoBonus: “A Spotless Rose” Paul MealorA spotless rose is blowing, sprung from a tender root, Of ancient seers’ foreshowing, of Jesse promised fruit; Its fairest bud unfolds to light Amid the cold, cold winter And in the dark midnight. The Rose which I a singing whereof Isaiah said, Is from its sweet root springing in Mary, purest Maid; For through our God’s great love and might The blessed babe she bare us On a cold, cold winter’s night. Prayer: Let nothing disturb you, let nothing dismay you; all things pass: God never changes. Patience attains all it strives for. He who has God finds he lacks nothing: God alone suffices. ―Teresa of Avila, (1515-1582), Eerdmans’ Book of Famous Prayers, p.51
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Do you want to check the best BMX frame size chart and guide but cannot find a solid one? That’s great! WHY? Because I’ll share with you all the ins and outs about getting the right frame size after riding BMX for 20+ years. Let’s do this. This post covers: BMX Frame Size Chart How To Measure BMX Frame Top Tube Length Sizing Up Or Sizing Down Your BMX Frame What Size BMX Frame Do Pros Ride? Conclusion: Pick The Right BMX Frame Size BMX Frame Size Chart Remember, choosing the ideal frame TT is more of a personal preference than anything else. Even myself, I’m 5’11” and according to the table below, I should ride a frame with a 21″ – 21.25″ top tube (TT) length. (Don’t miss my in-depth article on BMX top tube length.) Which I did. For many years, actually! But I wanted to try something different, picked a 21.6″ BSD Raider frame, and I’ll probably NEVER go smaller (maybe 21.5″). It fits me SOOO good! Rider height Top tube length 4’8″ to 5’2″ 18.5″ – 20″ 5′ to 5’4″ 20″ – 20.25″ 5’2″ to 5’6″ 20.25″ – 20.5″ 5’4″ to 5’8″ 20.5″ – 20.75″ 5’6″ to 6′ 20.75″ – 21″ 5’8″ to 6’2″ 21″ – 21.25″ 6’+ 21.25″+ Note : If you’re choosing a complete bike – then check out my BMX bike size chart.You should also know that most of the professional BMX riders also don’t really follow any BMX frame size charts. For the most part, they ride larger frames that they “should.” In BMX, there are NO rules. But I will say this : If you are a beginner, choosing a frame according to the above chart is a wise decision to make.However, with time, you’ll likely want to try something new, make adjustments to your bike that are unique to you and your riding styles, which will help you progress further and FURTHER. You may also be interested in learn all and everything about BMX frame geometry and get geeky about it. How To Measure BMX Frame Top Tube Length If you have a BMX bike but don’t know what size it is, the above image demonstrates how to measure the top tube length.TT is the measurement from the center of the seat tube to the center of the head tube.Sizing Up Or Sizing Down Your BMX Frame If you’ve analyzed the frame size chart above but you’re right on the edge – what to do? Should you pick a LONGER or a SHORTER frame? This really all depends on the riding style you do, but here are my two general recommendations: Why sizing up : If you like flow, riding fast and enjoy shredding trails and transitions the most, then going with a frame that’s longer will give you that extra stability that will make you feel safer and more comfortable.Why sizing down : If you are into technical street and park riding and you need a responsive and twitchy bike for spins, grinds and all other balancing stunts, then I recommend you go with the shorter frame version.Remember, while you cannot modify the TT, you can play with the chainstay length to make the bike feel right for you. Your bar position (forward/backward) also makes the bike feel different. (I ride it slightly forward.) Yup, there’s a lot of room for optimization for you to find the right frame and build the bike that suits you perfectly. What Size BMX Frame Do Pros Ride? Okay, because so many requested a list of some of the top pros and what frame sizes they ride, here they are. Garrett Reynolds (5’7″): 20.75″ Chad Kerley (5’6″): 20.5″ Dakota Roche (5’6″): 20.75″ Kriss Kyle (6’2″): 20.8″ Reed Stark (6’4″): 21.8″ Boyd Hilder (6’1″?): 21.2″ Joe Jarvis (6’3″): 21″ Broc Raiford (6′): 21.25″ Brett Silva (6′): 21.25″ Simone Barraco (6’1″): 21.15″ Nathan Williams (5’10”): 21.25″ If you’re interested in bikes pros and ams ride, check my BMX bike checks category. Conclusion: Pick The Right BMX Frame Size Getting the ideal frame is a very personal thing. But I’m sure the BMX frame size chart above and this entire guide will HELP you make the right decision. As a reference , I started riding BMX on a 20.5″ TT frame, but slowly transitioned to a 21.75″, then 21″ (which I rode the longest), 21.25″ and now 21.6″ (which feels THE BEST so far!).In short, if you’re a beginner, picking the frame according to the above recommendations would be your safest bet. However, if you’re already riding BMX for some time and are looking to try something different, I’d recommend you size up. (This is something you won’t read elsewhere.) But really, DO YOUR THING! (Who cares what everyone else says.) Yo! 🤘 Disclosure : The BMX Dude's content is free & reader-supported. I may earn a commission if you click & buy through my links. Your support helps me create the best content & make a difference. Thanks! 🤘
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Revelation 6: The Seven Seals It starts with the four animals, these are the chief angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Every angel has its own responsibility, a task given by God. They are servants of the Most High, and their service is their glory. The First Seal: Revelation 6:1-3 'Then I saw the Lamb open one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow; a crown was given to him, and he went out as a conqueror in order to conquer. When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” ' EXPLANATION: This trumpet was blown at the coming of Jesus Christ. He is the rider on the white horse and has the crown of life. Not much needs to be said about this, this is clear to everyone.The Second Seal: Revelation 6:4 “And another horse that was red went out, and to him that sat on it was given power to take away peace from the earth, and to cause men to slaughter one another. And he was given a great sword. EXPLANATION: The rider of the red horse is Satan. This concerns the two world wars. There will be three world wars in total, the third taking place during the fourth seal.The Third Seal: Revelation 6:5 When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a set of scales in his hand. EXPLANATION: The scale is characteristic. Weighed and found too light. The New Apostolic Church was the second chosen people. In 1985 there were two ministers who invited to the day of the Lord, but they were not believed by the followers of this church (see the agreement with the two spies). God has also become very angry about this and has shown this by the nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986.This denomination ultimately considered their own opinion more important than the word of the Most High, so a new people of God has been called. You know the saying: many last shall be first. That is about the 144,000 firstlings. God speaks of 144,000 firstlings. God never lies! When He speaks of 144,000, it is 144,000. And the N.A.C. proclaimed for many years that the firstlings would come from among them, and they silently turned it into a symbolic number. This has been weighed and found wanting (second time). The actual 144,000 firstfruits (the wanderers, the parable of the King) were recorded on Good Friday, April 2, 2021. These had a common denominator, namely forgiveness. The fourth seal: Revelation 6:7-8 And when the Lamb had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see! And I looked, and behold, a gray horse and he that sat on it, his name was death, and the realm of death followed him. And they were given power over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword (WWIII) , with hunger , with death (New very deadly mutation of Covid19) and by the wild beasts (the rioters) of the earth . This starts when a world leader suddenly dies. EXPLANATION: human violence is increasing, starvation is becoming more and more, Covid19 arose without human intervention (2x mentioned in Daniel). This will cost the lives of a quarter (25%) of the world's population.The sword mentioned is WW-III and partly because of this war, immediately after the sudden death of a world leader, a quarter (2 billion) of humanity will die. Almost all people who have faith in the true teachings of God will be taken to Hades during this war by the four factors mentioned. The true faith is: Humility. Not my will, but Your will, O Lord. A fourth part: 8,000,000,000 x 25% = 2,000,000,000 all more or less believers. This has NOTHING to do with religion! God look at the heart! The harvest from the clouds Revelation 14:14-16 'Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and one like the Son of Man was seated on the cloud, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. Another angel came out of the temple, crying out in a loud voice to the one who was seated on the cloud, “Use your sickle and reap, for the time to reap has come, since the harvest of the earth is ripe.” So the one seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. ' On the day that exactly 8 billion people live on this earth, the promised RAPTURE will start. The rapture begins because Jesus will be visible through an unnatural phenomenon. The clouds will literally take on a cross shape. This is the first return on the clouds. In a relatively short period of time, 2 billion will be killed by the factors mentioned in Revelation 6:7-8. The fifth seal: Revelation 6:9-11 October 4/5, 2022 is the Day of Atonement Revelation 6:9-11 'When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they had given. They cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, the one who is holy and true, how long until you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood? ” So they were each given a white robe, and they were told to rest a little while longer until the number would be completed of their fellow servants and their brothers and sisters, who were going to be killed just as they had been. ' The international calendar states that October 4/5, 2022 is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). This has been determined by scientists because the Jewish lunar calendar has 354 days as a base. This is an incorrect starting point, because 3½ has 1260 days and that is 360 days in a year. This day is a very special day and has everything to do with the Wheat Festival mentioned in Leviticus 23. Every person who dies will end up in the realm of the dead. All who sincerely believe – as God wills it, so no self-willed way of thinking of man – will be taken up from the realm of the dead into the realm of heaven. The resurrection will be seen by many, but also not recognized by many. John 5:28-29 'Do not be amazed at this, because a time is coming when all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come out — those who have done good things, to the resurrection of life, but those who have done wicked things, to the resurrection of condemnation. ' EXPLANATION: Once a world leader suddenly strives and this is followed by the trumpets described below. It will also no longer rain from that moment on, the result of extreme global drought can be guessed. The number of people who find themselves in these few days due to extreme natural disasters concerns a third of the 6,000,000,000 = 2,000,000,000 dear but unbelieving persons. The seventh seal, Revelation 8:6-13 The preparations in heaven for the sixth seal. Revelation 8:1-6 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand in the presence of God; seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel, with a golden incense burner, came and stood at the altar. He was given a large amount of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up in the presence of God from the angel’s hand. The angel took the incense burner, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the earth; there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. The sixth seal: Revelation 6:12 'Then I saw him open the sixth seal. A violent earthquake occurred; the sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair; the entire moon became like blood; ' EXPLANATION: The fourth seal is the death of 2,000,000,000 righteous. The sixth seal immediately follows the fourth seal and it concerns an extreme natural force, this natural force is the trumpets. One third of 6,000,000,000 = 2,000,000,000 dear but unbelieving persons. These people will be killed by the natural disaster below that starts with a meteor shower that burns a third of the earth.'And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them. The first angel blew his trumpet, and hail and fire, mixed with blood, were hurled to the earth. So a third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the sea. So a third of the sea became blood, The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from heaven. It fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water. The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day was without light and also a third of the night. I looked and heard an eagle flying high overhead, crying out in a loud voice, “Woe! Woe! Woe to those who live on the earth, because of the remaining trumpet blasts that the three angels are about to sound! There is a separate document for the complete explanation of the Seven Trumpets. See this link.Some men will survive anything! Ezekiel 12:15-16 'They will know that I am the Lord when I disperse them among the nations and scatter them among the countries. But I will spare a few of them from the sword (WW-III), famine (starvation), and plague (Covid19), so that among the nations where they go they can tell about all their detestable practices. Then they will know that I am the Lord .” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 For we say this to you by a word from the Lord: We who are still alive at the Lord’s coming will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel’s voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are still alive (the small number of men from Ezekiel 12:16 ), who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. ' A text from 4 Esdras 15: 5 Behold, saith the Lord, I will send misfortunes upon the face of the earth, the sword ( war Russia - Ukraine), and famine, and death (covid19), and destruction (natural disasters).Read the Prophecy of Ezra via this link - in Dutch: : https://www.debeloofdeschepping.nl/ontstaan-bijbel/4ezra15 A SHORT SUMMARY ABOUT THE SEVEN SEALS. Seal 1. The white horseman, the incarnation of Jesus as a human being Seal 2. The red horseman - Satan - was given a great sword: WW-I & WW-II Seal 3. The scales are the mark, one particular religion (New Apostolic Church) has been weighed and found wanting. This was the second chosen people. The new chosen people are the wanderers, these have been picked up by the angels. (the parable of the King, Matthew 22:1-14 & Mark 13:27 ). Seal 4. The rapture of a quarter of the world's population, so 2,000,000,000 humble believers. Seal 5. The transfer of the dead from Hades to Heaven on the Day of Atonement. The only thing that is noticed on earth is the literal opening of the graves. The resurrection of the dead. Seal 7. The seventh seal is a preparation in Heaven for the sixth seal. Read Revelation 8:1-6 Seal 6. The meteor shower and the star that, together with a volcanic eruption, causes another 2,000,000,000 deaths (dear, but unbelieving people). The original beginning of the time of tribulation is October 21, 2022, the time of tribulation has been shortened. see Matthew 24:22 and in Mark 13:20 The end in the first quarter of 2026. The last people that are left are destroyed by the fire and the last few Gods servants are taken up by God in an indivisible moment together with the resurrected murdered prophets. Zephaniah 1:2-6 : I will utterly destroy everything from the face of the earth. Ezekiel 12:15-16 But I will leave of them a LITTLE NUMBER of MEN. Via the link below you can see the complete implementation, completely dated. The sixth seal is the moment the trumpets sound, fully described via the link below.
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Step into an emerging field and learn how to blend digital skills like information architecture and experience design concepts with branding and messaging needs, translate semantic data into compelling visual forms and narratives, and understand how research and analytics can drive communication strategies and tactics. Analog signals turn into digital signals. Amniotic Ocean. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. At The Bar A: What can I serve you, Sir? B: What kind of beer do you have? A: Most known Brands and some Local – How about a Carlsberg? B: Is that a local beer? A: No, it’s from Denmark. B: No thanks, I think I will have a whiskey? A: Canadian Club is very popular here at the moment. B: Make it a double. A: Yes, Straight or on the rocks? B: On the rocks please. A: Coming up in a second, Sir. B: I am terribly thirsty and I also have cold. A: Excellent choice, Sir. B: Thank you. How much do I owe you? A: 25 Kwai, Sir. B: Here’s 30. Keep the change. A: Thank you, Sir. But we don’t take tips in China. B: Great. I think I like it here.
Open Question Answering
Cellulite is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s characterized by the appearance of dimpled or bumpy skin on thighs, buttocks, and other areas where fat deposits are present. While cellulite may not be dangerous to your health, it can cause significant self-esteem issues and make you feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about getting rid of cellulite in just two weeks. Introduction to Cellulite and its Causes Before we dive into how to get rid of cellulite, let’s first understand what causes it. Cellulite occurs when fat cells underneath the skin expand and push against the connective tissue, creating small bulges or lumps. This process is influenced by several factors such as genetics, hormones, age, diet, and lack of exercise. Understanding these underlying causes is essential for developing an effective treatment plan. Understanding the Anatomy of Cellulite The structure of cellulite is complex, which makes it challenging to treat. The affected area has three layers – the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer) and hypodermis (deepest layer). When fat cells swell up, they create pockets between the dermis and hypodermis, causing the characteristic “cottage cheese” look. To effectively reduce cellulite, we must target all three layers. The Best Diet for Getting Rid of Cellulite A healthy diet plays a crucial role in reducing cellulite. You should aim to eat foods rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats while avoiding processed junk foods can help improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and support metabolism. Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Exercise Routines that Target Cellulite Regular physical activity helps tone muscles, burn calories, and boost circulation, which can significantly reduce cellulite. Some exercises that specifically target cellulite include squats, lunges, leg presses, planks, and cardio workouts like running or cycling. Doing these exercises at least four times per week for around 30 minutes each session can show noticeable results within two weeks. Top 5 Cellulite Treatments That Work 1. Endermologie – This FDA-approved technique uses a special machine to massage and suction the skin, improving blood flow and breaking down fat cells. 2. Laser Therapy – High-intensity lasers penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and reducing cellulite. 3. Radio Frequency – Radio waves heat up the skin, contracting collagen fibers and tightening loose skin. 4. Mesotherapy – Small injections of medications, vitamins, and amino acids are injected directly into the affected area, promoting lipolysis (fat breakdown) and reducing cellulite. 5. Liposuction – Surgical removal of excess fat cells from the affected area can provide long-lasting results, but it comes with risks and requires downtime. How to Choose the Right Cellulite Cream There are countless cellulite creams available on the market today, making it difficult to choose one that works. Look for products containing ingredients like caffeine, retinol, alpha hydroxy acid, and green tea extract, which have been shown to reduce cellulite. Also, check customer reviews and ratings before buying any product. Apply the cream twice daily, massaging gently onto the affected area until fully absorbed. Natural Remedies for Reducing Cellulite In addition to medical interventions, there are natural remedies that can help reduce cellulite. These include: 1. Dry brushing – Brush your skin vigorously with a dry brush before bathing, which can exfoliate dead skin cells and improve circulation. 2. Massage therapy – Regular massages can increase blood flow, break down fatty deposits, and reduce stress levels. 3. Yoga – Practicing yoga poses like Downward Dog and Warrior II can strengthen and tone muscles, reducing cellulite over time. Q&A: Common Questions About Cellulite Here are some frequently asked questions about cellulite along with their answers: 1. Is cellulite only found in women? No, men can also develop cellulite although it’s less common. 2. Can losing weight reduce cellulite? Yes, losing weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce cellulite by shrinking fat cells and improving overall body composition. 3. Does smoking cause cellulite? Smoking constricts blood vessels, reduces oxygen supply, and damages skin elasticity, which can worsen cellulite. Quitting smoking can improve skin health and reduce the likelihood of developing cellulite. Conclusion: Achieving Smooth, Cellulite-Free Skin While cellulite may seem daunting, achieving smooth, cellulite-free skin is possible with dedication and consistency. By following a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, using cellulite creams and natural remedies, and addressing underlying causes, you can achieve your desired results within two weeks. Remember, patience and persistence are key to success!
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If you want to skip the middleman and print out your own digital photographs, you can! It may seem a bit overwhelming, but just about anyone can get the hang of it pretty easily. With the proper equipment and knowledge, you can print out your own pictures and save yourself a little money in the process! If you don’t already know, here is a very good piece of advice: take good pictures to begin with! With a digital camera, it is very easy to see the progress of your photos as you take them. If an image is not attractive to you, just erase it and then start over! You won’t have to develop any picture that you don’t like, either. With a digital camera, you can pick and choose which images you want to reproduce, so you have the freedom to make the editing process as painless as possible. If something doesn’t look right to you, just erase it and do it all over again. Color laser printers, once the stuff of dreams (or professional print shops); have rapidly become both more economical and more photo-friendly. The latest and greatest color laser printers cost under $900, produce high-quality color output, and features like PictBridge (that allows direct connection to many digital cameras) are starting to appear in this class. It’s looking like color laser printers may finally start to break into the huge home-office market, partly on their photo-printing strengths. Even without going to specialized photo paper, you can improve the quality of your printer’s output by careful paper choice. 24lb weight paper is best for most photo printing, though more expensive than normal 20lb paper, used for most printing. Lower weights will often bleed through too much ink; higher paper weights can cause reliability problems in typical home office printers. A few problems that everyone has with their printers can be quite frustrating, running out of ink or something annoying along those lines. Problem: Missing colors or incorrect colors are white and black images, which is often what a photographer does not want to see. I want my picture in color! Solution: Make sure that the settings for ink are correct. You want the ink settings in color format. Renew the inks if the ink is low. Use your cleaners to clean the heads. Check with your manual to learn more! Problem: Smearing and blurring print is one of the most frustrating appearances that come out of a printer. Solution: You want to make sure the type of media is correct. Next, you can verify that the paper is facing up and position correctly. Refer to your user’s manual for more details. Photo editing software should allow for a variety of print options including duplex printing and large format document prints. When buying computers and printers be sure to consider the need for a full-color photography printer ideally with CD imprint capabilities. Depending on your needs, you may want to include video editing software options that will allow you to integrate your photographs in short movies and audio-video presentations for home or work. CD and DVD burner capabilities make sharing, archiving, labeling and storing the creations you make from your photographs much easier. A popular new use of digital photographs is for digital scrapbooking. It is a great way to present your photographic treasures to family and friends. Digital cameras can be used to document artifacts, art and items you want to sell on the Internet. Digital scrap-booking and gallery techniques with related software will assist you in achieving the best result. Most editing software’s or at least a lot of them will automatically adjust brightness and contrast by using filters. The downside is the computers can’t read a picture as you can read it, and will adjust the photo to its own liking, which is often not to your liking. Therefore, you want to get out your thinking cap, since you are going to manual adjust your own brightness, contrast and shadow if you like. Assuming you are using Photo Deluxe imaging manipulators, we are going to check out the commands brightness and contrast. Once you select the commands, you will notice a dialogue box appearing in the window. The box should have sliders. With your mouse, click on the brightness slide and move it left or right, depending on what you are seeking to achieve. If you want less brightness, move the slider to the right. Do the same, dragging the slider to the left if you want a darker image. If you notice in the dialogue box, there is a little white box with numbers showing. You can use this box to select your own level of contrast or brightness if you know what you are doing. Likewise, to achieve contrast effect, move the slider either left or right. If a picture of a celebrity is valuable, it’s usually because it’s rare. If it’s rare, it’s usually because they don’t want to be photographed. If they don’t want pictures taken, and you take them, you may be sued. Remember, a millionaire celebrity doesn’t have to win the case to outlast a beginning photographer in court. Whoever you’re taking pictures of, you should try to be aware of the laws of the state you’re in. Some states, for example, have passed laws against using hidden cameras or microphones, partly to reduce the conflicts that often result from ambushing public figures. Celebrities aside, private places in general can be tricky from a rights perspective. Usually if something can be seen from a public place or if you are invited to a private place, photographs are okay, but it’s always best to get written consent from someone who has authority – a property owner or manager. Have you taken a picture of the most beautiful sunset, only to find that when you check it over in your viewfinder, that it appears dark and off color? Well, the reason for this is that your white balance is not at the proper levels. With a digital camera, pretty much every scene you capture will involve many forms and levels of white balance. If you are taking a picture of the sky, what appears white to your eye, may have a bluish tint in a digital camera. How do you correct your white balance? With a digital camera, you can control the white balance more easily than a traditional film camera. You will need to adjust your white balance to every different lighting condition you encounter. In most digital cameras, the white balance will be automatically adjusted for you. There are models, though, that allow the user to set the white balance manually. You will need to check your camera’s manual to be sure where the white balance setting is located, if you can manually adjust it.
Open Question Answering
Yes, it is possible to attend university and pursue a career in modeling simultaneously. Many models choose to balance their studies with their modeling commitments by managing their time and prioritizing their responsibilities. An expanded response to your question As an expert in the field, I can confidently say that it is indeed possible to attend university and pursue a career in modeling simultaneously. Many individuals have successfully managed to balance their studies with their modeling commitments by effectively managing their time and prioritizing their responsibilities. Due to my practical knowledge and experience, I can assure you that pursuing a modeling career while attending university can be demanding, but it is definitely achievable with the right approach. Here are some interesting facts on this topic: Time management is key: Successfully juggling both university and modeling requires excellent time management skills. It’s crucial to create a schedule that includes dedicated time for studying, attending classes, participating in modeling gigs, and personal commitments. Flexibility in modeling: Modeling offers a certain level of flexibility, allowing individuals to work on assignments during their free time. This flexibility can be advantageous for university students as they can schedule their modeling gigs around their class schedules and deadlines. Building a network: University can provide a great platform for networking, and a modeling career is no exception. By engaging with peers, professors, and industry professionals, you can expand your connections and create valuable opportunities within the modeling industry. Motivation and determination: Pursuing both university studies and a modeling career requires a high level of motivation and determination. It can be challenging to balance the demands of both, but with a strong work ethic and a clear sense of purpose, you can achieve success in both aspects of your life. A famous model and actress, Tyra Banks, once said, “Modeling is a great career, but it’s not something that lasts forever. I’ll be doing it for as long as I can, but I’ve been building a network and relationships that I’ll maintain and grow after.” This quote highlights the importance of not only focusing on modeling but also investing in education and building long-term connections. To provide a comprehensive overview, here is a table outlining the advantages and challenges of pursuing both university and a modeling career simultaneously: Advantages Challenges Opportunity to expand network Balancing time commitments Developing time management skills Potential conflicts with class schedules Gaining professional experience Traveling for modeling assignments Building a diverse skill set Meeting academic and modeling demands Exploring multiple career paths Navigating the modeling industry while studying In conclusion, pursuing a university education while being a model is absolutely possible, although it requires dedication, excellent time management, and the ability to prioritize effectively. By embracing the challenges and leveraging the benefits of both worlds, individuals can nurture their aspirations, expand their network, and potentially set a solid foundation for their future career endeavors. See more responses There are no formal education requirements for becoming a model, and modeling schools do not guarantee employment. Although there are no formal education requirements, some aspiring models attend modeling schools that provide training in posing, walking, applying makeup, and other basic tasks. This video has the solution to your question In this YouTube video, parents discuss their experiences with the University Model School, a non-traditional schooling model. Leslie, a mother of three, explains that the schedule of the University Model School, which is similar to a college schedule, allows her to work part-time while still being involved in her children’s education. Another mother expresses how the structure and accountability of the university model benefit her children’s preparation for the real world. The benefits of having expert teachers, social interactions for both introverted and extroverted children, and the close parent-teacher relationship are also highlighted. The University Model School schedule allows parents to have dedicated time for their own work while their children are at school, and the modified year-round calendar provides opportunities for quality family time during extended breaks. The accessibility and capacity of the school are also discussed, with advice to apply early for lower grades due to potential waiting lists. Overall, the University Model School provides a unique and special educational experience for families seeking a non-traditional approach. I am sure you will be interested in these topics as well Accordingly, Can I be a model and a student? Response to this: COMBINING YOUR STUDIES AND A MODELLING CAREER IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE ! This is the case for a lot of teenage models, and your agency will take into account that you are at school and adapt your modelling schedule accordingly. Can you become a model in college? There are no formal education requirements for becoming a model , and modeling schools do not guarantee employment. Models maintain a portfolio of their work for job applications, and may also use social media to build a following and increase exposure.What college degree is best for a model? As a response to this: The fashion modeling major is actually a combination of two degrees: fashion design and fashion merchandising. Some schools offer this degree as a bachelor’s degree and allow students to concentrate in merchandising and/or design.Keeping this in view, What percentage of models go to college? Answer to this: Fashion Model educational attainment The most common degree for fashion models is bachelor’s degree 59% of fashion models earn that degree. A close second is high school diploma with 15% and rounding it off is associate degree with 13%. Considering this, Do you need a modeling school to become a model? Modeling Schools are a great way to start your career as a model.You do not need to go to a modeling school in order to become a model, but there is no harm in enrolling on a modeling course to grasp the basics of modeling. The main purpose of modeling schools and modeling courses is to help you get ahead in your professional life. Considering this, What is the purpose of modeling schools and modeling courses? As a response to this: The main purpose of modeling schools and modeling courses isto help you get ahead in your professional life. These courses teach you many skills and practices, which can be useful at one point or another of your career. How do I get a modeling job? As a response to this: You can try getting clients on your own, but most clients prefer working through a modeling agency, so it’s best to look for an agent. When you visit an agency, bring your portfolio and expect to complete an audition. You can also prepare to provide your body statistics, including height, weight, eye color and shoe size.People also ask, How can a model be a good model? In reply to that: Be comfortable with traveling: A model may travel for work, so they can benefit from being comfortable with traveling for work. Adapt to an unpredictable work schedule: A model may work on a part-time basis and attend photo shoots during different hours depending on the needs of each client. Do you need a modeling school to become a model? Modeling Schools are a great way to start your career as a model.You do not need to go to a modeling school in order to become a model, but there is no harm in enrolling on a modeling course to grasp the basics of modeling. The main purpose of modeling schools and modeling courses is to help you get ahead in your professional life.In respect to this, How can I become a model at a UK college or university? Answer: When you’re a student at a UK college or university, you have access to a lot of resources that other people might not. In fact, the world is your oyster, and this is a rather unique position to be in. Modelling as a student can be approached in a number of ways. Contact the Fashion department. Similarly one may ask, Where can I get a degree in fashion modeling? Response: Below are colleges and universities providing majors and degree programs in Fashion Modeling. Fashion Institute of Technology New York, NY Harper College Palatine, IL Enjoy this post? Don’t forget to share. College Degree Finder What is a university model school? 1. It’s faith based. 2. It provides a parent-teacher partnership. 3. It fosters family time. 4. It allows for flexibility. 5. It meets our daughter’s needs for socialization. 6. It’s affordable (to an extent). There isn’t a university-model school near me. Now what?! FREE First Day of School Printables!
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How to End an Essay for a Scholarship When it comes to writing a scholarship essay, every aspect of your writing is crucial, including the conclusion. The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the scholarship committee. It should effectively summarize your key points, reflect on personal growth, and inspire the readers. In this article, we will explore the essential elements of an impactful scholarship essay conclusion and provide practical tips to help you end your essay with confidence. Importance of a Strong Conclusion A strong conclusion is essential for several reasons. First, it brings closure to your essay and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It is the final opportunity to convince the scholarship committee that you are the best candidate for the scholarship. Additionally, a well-crafted conclusion showcases your ability to communicate effectively and highlights your dedication to achieving your goals. Summarizing Key Points One crucial aspect of a scholarship essay conclusion is summarizing the key points discussed throughout your essay. By summarizing, you remind the reader of the main arguments and evidence you presented. This helps reinforce the central message of your essay and ensures that your ideas are fresh in the reader’s mind when they evaluate your application. Reflecting on Personal Growth In addition to summarizing your key points, it is essential to reflect on your personal growth in the conclusion. Share how the experiences and challenges you faced have shaped you as an individual and how they align with the values and goals of the scholarship program. This reflection demonstrates your self-awareness and ability to learn from your experiences, making your essay more compelling and authentic. Inspiring and Leaving a Lasting Impression A memorable scholarship essay conclusion inspires the reader and leaves a lasting impression. Consider ending your essay with a powerful quote, anecdote, or personal reflection that encapsulates your journey and aspirations. By evoking emotions and engaging the reader, you can make a stronger connection and stand out from other applicants. Reiterating Qualifications and Goals To reinforce your qualifications and goals, restate them in the conclusion. However, avoid simply copying and pasting from the earlier sections of your essay. Instead, rephrase and emphasize your main qualifications, accomplishments, and future aspirations. This reaffirms your commitment and determination to succeed in your chosen field of study. Making a Call to Action Including a call to action in your scholarship essay conclusion can demonstrate your enthusiasm and initiative. Also, Encourage the scholarship committee to take the next step by inviting them to learn more about your projects, research, or community involvement. This shows your proactive mindset and willingness to contribute beyond the scholarship itself. Avoiding Common Mistakes To create a strong scholarship essay conclusion, it’s important to avoid common mistakes. One common error is introducing new information or ideas in the conclusion. Remember, the conclusion should summarize and reinforce what has already been discussed. Another mistake to avoid is repeating your thesis statement verbatim to in the conclusion. While it is essential to restate your main points, repeating the thesis statement word for word can come across as repetitive. Instead, rephrase the thesis statement and tie it together with the key arguments you presented throughout your essay. Emphasizing Gratitude and Appreciation Expressing gratitude and appreciation in your scholarship essay conclusion is a powerful way to leave a positive impression. Also, Take the time to thank the scholarship committee for considering your application and express your appreciation for the opportunity to share your story. This not only showcases your humility but also demonstrates your ability to acknowledge the support and resources that have contributed to your journey. Formatting and Proofreading In addition to the content, the formatting and proofreading of your scholarship essay conclusion are equally important. Ensure that your conclusion flows smoothly from the body of the essay and maintains a consistent tone. Also, Check for any grammatical or spelling errors and make necessary corrections. A polished and error-free conclusion reflects your attention to detail and professionalism. Seeking Feedback Before finalizing your scholarship essay conclusion, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers, mentors, or family members. Their input can provide valuable insights and help you refine your conclusion further. Consider their suggestions while ensuring that your conclusion remains true to your own voice and experiences. Conclusion In conclusion, crafting an impactful conclusion for your scholarship essay is crucial to leaving a lasting impression on the scholarship committee. Also, A strong conclusion summarizes the key points, reflects on personal growth, and inspires the reader. It reinforces your qualifications and goals while making a call to action. However, By avoiding common mistakes, emphasizing gratitude, and ensuring proper formatting and proofreading, you can create a conclusion that stands out and increases your chances of receiving the scholarship. FAQs Q: How long should a scholarship essay conclusion be? A: A scholarship essay conclusion should be concise yet comprehensive. Aim for a paragraph or two that effectively summarizes your main points and leaves a strong impression. Q: Can I include new information in the conclusion? A: No, the conclusion should not introduce new information. It should only summarize and reinforce what has been discussed in the essay. Q: Should I repeat the thesis statement in the conclusion? A: While it’s important to restate your main points, avoid repeating the thesis statement verbatim. Instead, rephrase it and tie it together with the key arguments presented throughout your essay. Q: How can I make my conclusion more memorable? A: To make your conclusion memorable, consider using a powerful quote, anecdote, or personal reflection that encapsulates your journey and aspirations. Q: Is it necessary to include a call to action in the conclusion? A: Including a call to action in the conclusion is not necessary, but it can demonstrate your enthusiasm and initiative. Also, Encourage the scholarship committee to learn more about your projects, research, or community involvement, showcasing your proactive mindset.
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Download and Install Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK File with Unlimited Money. Enjoy the special edition with Max Level and Magic hack version game. Welcome to the world of Shadow Fight 2, an epic nail-biting mix of martial arts and RPG gaming! If you’re a fan of thrilling battles, intense combat moves, and captivating storylines, then you’re in for a treat. To take this gaming experience to a whole new level, enter the realm of Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK. In this article, we will explore the exciting features, benefits, and frequently asked questions about this modified version of the game. Shadow Fight 2 Mod Apk Unlimited Everything And Max Level Shadow Fight 2, developed by Nekki, has garnered millions of fans globally due to its addictive gameplay and stunning visuals. The game features unique characters, each equipped with a shadowy past and exceptional combat skills. Players immerse themselves in a world where they battle fierce opponents, learn new fighting techniques, and unravel an intriguing storyline. The MOD APK version builds upon the original game’s success by providing players with unlimited resources, enhanced abilities, and unique customizations. With Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK level 52 max, you can fully unleash the potential of your favorite characters, making them virtually invincible in the game’s universe. Features of Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK Unlimited Gems and Coins: Forget about grinding for hours to gather in-game currency. The MOD APK grants you access to an unlimited supply of gems and coins, allowing you to buy the best equipment, and upgrades, and unlock premium content effortlessly.Customization Galore: The MOD APK opens up a plethora of customization options. Tailor your characters with exclusive skins, gear, and weapons, making them stand out in the arena and strike fear into the hearts of your foes.Powerful Weapons and Armor: Acquire legendary weapons and armor sets that were previously difficult to obtain. Strengthen your arsenal and watch as your character becomes an unstoppable force in the battle arena.Ad-Free Experience: Tired of annoying ads interrupting your gaming sessions? The MOD APK ensures an ad-free experience, enabling you to focus entirely on the intense combat and immersive storyline.Unlocked Tournaments and Modes: With the MOD APK, you can unlock all tournaments and game modes from the start, skipping the lengthy progression process. Engage in epic battles and challenges right away.Enhanced Combat Moves: Enjoy access to an expanded range of powerful combat moves and skills that were limited in the original game. Dominate your opponents with an array of devastating attacks.Unlimited Gems and Coins Unlimited Gems and Coins are among the most coveted features in the Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK. In the original game, acquiring these resources often required considerable time and effort, hindering players from fully enjoying the game’s potential. However, with the MOD APK version, the constraints are lifted, and players can access an infinite supply of Gems and Coins. Powerful Weapons and Armor In the world of Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK titan, one of the most alluring features for players is access to a vast array of Powerful Weapons and Armor. These formidable gear options empower players to create invincible characters capable of dominating their opponents in epic battles. Let’s delve into the significance and advantages of having powerful weapons and armor in the game: Download Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK How To Download & Install Shadow Fight 2 For Android We are going to tell you a couple of steps to download the app. If you follow that you can easily install and Stream the app on mobile. Step 1: Go to your browser. Search Shadow Fight 2 You will see some websites. Now, go to any website. Find out the Download link. Now download the app. And Install it Step 2: We shared with you a direct download link Download the latest version by clicking on that link When the downloading is completed Go to the settings of your phone Enable Unknown Sources Go to the download folder and find out the download file Now, Install it & enjoy How To Install Shadow Fight 2 For PC/ Windows? We shared with you a very easy way to use Android apps on your computer. Just follow the instructions:- Firstly, Download an emulator Then Install it Download the App from the given link Now double-click on the download file Choose open with the emulator At last, Complete the other process and install it successfully After Completing all things, you will be able to use it on your personal computer. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Is Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK safe to download and install? A: Yes, as long as you download the MOD APK from reputable sources, it should be safe to install. Avoid downloading from unknown websites to minimize security risks.Q: Can I use the MOD APK on any device? A: It is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. Ensure your device meets the minimum system requirements for optimal performance.Q: Will using the MOD APK result in a ban? A: While the MOD APK offers exciting enhancements, using it might violate the game’s terms of service. Play at your own risk, as the developers may ban accounts found using unauthorized versions.Q: How frequently is the MOD APK updated? A: The frequency of updates depends on the developers of the MOD. However, it’s best to keep an eye out for new versions to enjoy the latest features and ensure compatibility with the latest game updates.Conclusion Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK level max takes the adrenaline-pumping action of the original game and elevates it to an extraordinary level. With unlimited resources, powerful gear, and an ad-free experience, you’ll find yourself immersed in the ultimate fighting adventure. Remember to exercise caution when downloading and using MOD APKs, as it may violate the terms of service. Now, prepare to step into the shadows and unleash your true potential in the world of Shadow Fight 2 MOD APK Latest Version!
Open Question Answering
October/2022 Latest Braindump2go NS0-603 Exam Dumps with PDF and VCE Free Updated Today! Following are some new Braindump2go NS0-603 RealExam Questions! Question: 20 Exhibit. Referring to the exhibit, a volume in the Value storage service level is storing 10 TB of data. What is the maximum number of IOPS that the volume would receive? A. 1280 B. 5120 C. 128 D. 512 Answer: A Question: 21 You are designing for StorageGRID deployment. In this scenario, what are two rules for the nodes? (Choose two.) A. You need two admin nodes per site. B. Each data center site must include at least four storage nodes. C. Each data center site must include at least three storage nodes. D. Only one admin node is permitted per site. Answer: B, C Question: 22 Exhibit. You are implementing storage-as-a-service using the service levels that are shown in the exhibit. In your implementation plan, which metric is used for the SLA and SLO? A. throughput B. I/O density C. latency D. RAID level Answer: B Question: 23 You are designing a new deployment of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure using a highly available configuration. In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.) A. Each node has access to its own storage only. B. NFSv4 is supported. C. NFSv4 is not supported. D. Each node has access to the other node’s storage. Answer: B, C Question: 24 You re-engineer your on-premises Infrastructure and migrating workloads to the cloud. You are asked to consider a hybrid cloud deployment. Which two scenarios would highlight that a hybrid cloud deployment would be more appropriate for the workload in this situation? (Choose two.) A. when used to provide a guaranteed low latency solution for your analytics workloads B. when specific data in your solution is not permitted to be moved to the cloud due to regulations or policies C. when used to reduce management between your on-premises data center and remote locations by hosting part of your architecture in the cloud D. when used as a transition platform during a longer-term migration to a fully cloud-native solution Answer: C, D Question: 25 You are designing a file services platform for unstructured data in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The primary workload of your data is production file shares. Based on your assessment, you notice that only 10% of your data is “hot”, which equals 4 TB of storage. This active data set requires high performance storage. The remaining 36 TB of data is archive dat a.To achieve cost benefits, you deploy Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS, associate two 4 TB disks with the aggregate, and enable data tiering. In Cloud Manager, which volume tiering policy would satisfy the requirements? A. Snapshot only B. None C. All D. Auto Answer: B Question: 26 You are designing a multicloud architecture using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) The objective is to deploy NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP in both clouds and use SnapMlrror for replication. You already deployed NetApp Cloud Manager and an associated Connector in Microsoft Azure. To connect your Cloud Manager to AWS, you are instructed to establish a site-to-site VPN between Microsoft Azure and AWS. In this scenario, which two components are required to provision the AWS endpoint for the VPN connection? (Choose two.) A. firewall rules to unblock UDP port 4500 B. AWS Direct Connect C. a virtual private gateway in AWS D. a VPN connection in AWS Answer: B, C Question: 27 You are using Windows Virtual Desktops and storing user profiles on Azure NetApp Files by using the Premium storage service level. There will be 1000 contractors coming onboard for a short duration to assist with project work, and each one of them requires virtual desktop access. In this scenario, which three actions address the short term performance demand without affecting the latency of existing users? (Choose three.) A. Use FlexCache. B. Increase the volume quota on Azure NetApp Files. C. Change the Azure NetApp Files service level to Ultra Storage. D. Increase the capacity pool on Azure NetApp Files. E. Enable encryption on Azure NetApp Files. Answer: B, C, D Question: 28 Exhibit. Referring to the exhibit, what are three business reasons for the migration to the new target?(Choose three.) A. to increase redundancy B. to refactor the application to use S3 object storage C. to reduce cost D. to add NFS v4 support E. to increase performance Answer: A, B, C Question: 29 An IT organization transformed from an asset-based management approach into a service-provider approach by implementing adaptive QoS and multiple points of automation. Now, performance and cost of the system are predictable. Which two metrics would the organization start to report after such a transition? (Choose two.) A. throughput for each storage array B. IOPS per TB per month C. cost per GB per month by service level D. latency per each storage volume Answer: B, C Question: 30 You are deploying NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP to support a relational database workload. You must protect data from an intermittent loss of network connectivity to a single zone in a public cloud data center. Which Cloud Volumes ONTAP feature accomplishes this ta A. end-to-end encryption B. multi-zone high-availability (HA) C. ONTAP storage efficiencies D. intelligent cold-data tiering to object storage Answer: B Question: 31 You are asked to develop a migration strategy for your customer that is migrating several SMB and NFS workloads from on-premises to Azure NetApp Files. In this scenario, which three technologies should you consider? (Choose three.) A. rsync B. robocopy C. NetApp Cloud Sync service D. Azure Storage Explorer E. SnapMirror technology Answer: B, C, D Question: 32 You want to deploy a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP HA pair on Google Cloud. In this scenario, what is the minimum supported network configuration for Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)? A. four dedicated VPCs B. one shared VPC and three dedicated VPCs C. four shared VPCs D. one dedicated VPC and three shared VPCs Answer: B Question: 33 You are planning a migration of a single 500 TB workload into NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP starting with 10 TB and gradually increasing the amount hosted in the cloud. You believe that 80% of the data is cold and will be tiered using data tiering. The most important factor is to minimize the number of licenses as your footprint grows. Which two licensing options would minimize the cost of the licenses in this scenario? (Choose two.) A. Purchase a PAYGO license from the cloud marketplace for the initial footprint, and then use in- place conversion to a BYOL license. B. Purchase a PAYGO license from the cloud marketplace for the initial footprint, and allow it to grow as your Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance grows. C. Purchase a BYOL license for the initial footprint, and then stack additional BYOL licenses when you reach capacity on the initial license. D. Purchase a single BYOL Cloud Volumes ONTAP license for the Initial footprint, and then deploy a new Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance for each additional migration. Answer: B, C Question: 34 An administrator notices that disks need to be added to Increase capacity in NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure deployed as an HA pair. The administrator is preparing to use the Azure portal to add the disks. As a cloud architect, what would you tell the administrator to do in this situation? A. Use NetApp System Manager to log into Cloud Volumes ONTAP and add disks to the right node. B. Use NetApp Cloud Manager to add disks to the aggregate. C. Use the CLI to log into Cloud Volumes ONTAP and add disks to the right node. D. Use the Azure portal to navigate to the storage account and add a new Blob container. Answer: C Question: 35 Your customer wants to move from hosting all workloads in a public cloud to infrastructure-as-a- service (IaaS) on-premises. In this scenario, which two benefits would you present to the customer? (Choose two.) A. scalability B. data sovereignty C. agility D. data security Answer: A, B Question: 36 You want to deploy NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP In AWS using NetApp Cloud Manager. In this scenario, which two network protocols need to be specified in the security group rules to initiate a connection with your AWS tenant? (Choose two.) A. LDAP B. SSH C. ICMP D. HTTPS Answer: A, B Question: 37 Your log files are stored in Amazon S3 and you want to keep a copy In Azure Blob storage. In this scenario, which tool do you use for data replication? A. NetApp Cloud Sync service B. NetApp Cloud Backup service C. Azure Data Box D. AWS Snowball Answer: A Question: 38 Which two domain service providers are supported for authentication of Azure NetApp Files SMB shares? (Choose two.) A. Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) B. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) C. Azure Active Directory External Identities D. Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) Answer: B, C Question: 39 You need to set up a data resilient configuration for Cloud Volumes ONTAP In AWS. In this scenario, which action will accomplish this task? A. Set up a multi-zone redundant configuration and use round robin in AWS. B. Set up a three-way active-active-passive redundant cluster between multiple regions of AWS. C. Set up an active-active HA cluster between two regions of AWS. D. Set up an active-passive redundant set of instances between two regions of AWS. Answer: A Question: 40 Your company has just merged with another organization. You are responsible for connecting both companies by designing a new multi-region cloud service in Microsoft Azure. Both company’s Azure subscriptions and tenants have been merged already. You want to enable cross-region connectivity between the new services and endpoints. In this scenario, which service do you consider? A. ExpressRoute B. VNet Peering C. Service endpoints D. Site-to-Site VPN Answer: A Question: 41 You are designing an automation solution that you will use across both on-premises and cloud-based NetApp ONTAP systems. You want a single automation solution for both locations to reduce the administrative overhead. In this scenario, which two automation tools would you use? (Choose two.) A. Ansible B. Rest API C. ARM D. CloudFormation Answer: B, C Question: 42 A customer wants to design a solution that provides unique persistent storage when scaling a StatefuISet application. The customer proposes using a volume claim template in the StatefulSet definition to generate a unique persistent volume and use NetApp Trident to automate the provisioning of the persistent volume. Which Kubernetes object would be used in this scenario? A. HorizontalPodAutoscaler B. CronJob C. StorageClass D. ConfigMap Answer: A Question: 43 You are using Cloud Volumes ONTAP to store persistent data In a multi-tiered Web application on AWS. In this scenario, which two architectures would improve application availability? (Choose two.) A. deployment of the Cloud Volumes ONTAP High Availability instances In a private subnet B. deployment of a AWS CloudHSM cluster in the same Availability Zone as a Cloud Volumes ONTAP single-node instance C. deployment of a Cloud Volumes ONTAP single-node instance on a single dedicated compute host D. deployment of Web servers behind a network load balancer Answer: B, D Question: 44 You want to protect your data against ransomware attacks In Cloud Volumes ONTAP In this scenario, which two policies should be enabled? (Choose two.) A. Snapshot policy B. tiering policy C. FPolicy D. export policy Answer: A, B Question: 45 Your manager asks you to include steps In your NetApp Hybrid cloud deployment to reduce the risk of a developer accidentally interfering with your mission-critical applications that are in production. In this scenario, which step would you perform? A. Identify federated NetApp Cloud Manager’s identity to your company’s SSO. B. Use dedicated NetApp Cloud Manager accounts for development and production environments. C. Isolate the production’s VPC network from the development’s VPC network. D. Enable multifactor authentication (MFA) for privileged administrators to access NetApp ONTAP software and NetApp Cloud Manager. Answer: C Question: 46 You are designing a disaster-recovery solution for a customer who is running a critical workload on Azure NetApp Files. You suggest cross-region replication In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.) A. Cross-region replication depends on Global VNet Peering. B. Cross-region replication can be used to replicate SMB workloads. C. Cross-region replication can replicate data between any two Azure regions D. Cross-region replication works only between designated region pairs. Answer: B, C Question: 47 One volume on your NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP Hlgh-Availablllty (HA) cluster has reached a capacity limit. Which two actions would address this issue? (Choose two.) A. Create another storage virtual machine (SVM) on your Cloud Volumes ONTAP node. B. Migrate aggregates to the standby node in your Cloud Volumes ONTAP cluster. C. Move volumes to another aggregate on the same system. D. Move volumes to another Cloud Volumes ONTAP system. Answer: B, C Question: 48 Your customer needs assistance developing a cloud storage solution that allows access from both NFSv3 and SMBv3 clients. You recommend Azure NetApp Files. In this scenario, which two satisfy the requirements? (Choose two.) A. Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) I B. Azure Active Directory (AAD) C. Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) D. DNS servers that are reachable from the Azure NetApp files delegated subnet Answer: B, C Question: 49 A customer wants to migrate workloads to Cloud Volumes ONTAP. In this scenario, which two test cases would you design in your proof of concept to demonstrate the solution? (Choose two.) A. test HA resiliency B. test FCoE C. test storage efficiencies D. test RAID DP Answer: B, C Question: 50 Your team is deploying a containerized application on Kubernetes. The developers are currently collecting metrics for application response times. d Insights to augment their In this scenario, what are three ways that you would monitoring? (Choose three.) A. Curate application metrics and other Kubernetes monitoring into a single dashboard. B. Provide automatic Snapshot copies of the containerized application. C. Automatically adjust the size of the cluster based on the workload. D. Collect pod metrics. E. Provide an overall health view of the Kubernetes cluster. Answer: B, C, D Resources From: 1.2022 Latest Braindump2go NS0-603 Exam Dumps (PDF & VCE) Free Share: https://www.braindump2go.com/ns0-603.html 2.2022 Latest Braindump2go NS0-603 PDF and NS0-603 VCE Dumps Free Share: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YJtw25fasWGgG9nq2s8SiVZPaug3_WW-?usp=sharing 3.2021 Free Braindump2go NS0-603 Exam Questions Download: https://www.braindump2go.com/free-online-pdf/NS0-603-PDF-Dumps(21-35).pdf https://www.braindump2go.com/free-online-pdf/NS0-603-VCE-Dumps(1-20).pdf Free Resources from Braindump2go,We Devoted to Helping You 100% Pass All Exams! Braindump2go Testking Pass4sure Actualtests Others $99.99 $124.99 $125.99 $189 $29.99/$49.99 Up-to-Dated ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Real Questions ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Error Correction ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Printable PDF ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Premium VCE ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ VCE Simulator ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ One Time Purchase ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Instant Download ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Unlimited Install ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ 100% Pass Guarantee ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ 100% Money Back ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
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May 2010 Locksport Person of the Month: Datagram Datagram was nominated and selected for the Locksport Person of the Month distinction for his outstanding contributions to the locksport community. Datagram is well known for his work on two separate endeavors: lock forensic analysis (www.lockpickingforensics.com), and Lockwiki (www.LockWiki.com), a repository of lock related information. I sat down with Datagram in his Los Angeles villa over a New York Strip to discuss his passage into the locksport community. Q: First off, why do you call yourself Datagram? A: I've been part of the computer security/hacker community for longer than I've been working with locks, and many of the lock-related events I do are at computer/security events. Using a handle is pretty traditional for US security groups and events so it has become what people know me as. There's a running joke between friends that no one would know who I was if I started putting my real name on my presentations and research papers. I don't remember why I chose 'datagram' in particular, though. Q: So I understand that you your work in forensics was your debut into the locksport community. Is it okay if I go ahead and describe you as an amateur lock forensics guy gone pro? Can you explain how this progression occurred? A: That's not true, exactly. I've been working with locks for about a decade but it wasn't until a few years ago that I became interested in the forensics aspect. Before doing forensics I did training and presentations on locksport at various security conferences and events. Eventually I started looking for resources on forensic locksmithing but had a hard time finding much. I decided to do my own research and make the website. Since then I've gotten an increasing amount of work teaching and performing forensic locksmithing both at home and overseas. In the sense that I am an amateur turned pro, you're correct. Q: Have you developed any proprietary methods of forensics analysis or published any discoveries? A: I don't believe in having secrets in forensic locksmithing. A big part of the job is knowing what to expect and what is possible. Free exchange of information between forensic locksmiths helps to promote awareness of different attacks and the evidence they leave behind. To that end, I have a few articles and sections on the site that detail uncommon attacks or rare types of evidence. The next few articles for the website will also have similar information that has, to my knowledge, never been published before. Q: What is the coolest for-hire forensics job have you done? A: Well, forensic locksmithing is not like the CSI show on TV, but there have been many interesting cases. The most fun, for me, comes from the investigations where I have to try a variety of attacks against a duplicate lock to see if they produce the same tool marks/signature as what was found on the lock in evidence. The best example of this was testing different chemical (acid) attacks against brass-based padlock bodies. Teaching has also been rather cool, especially when you get to teach government/law enforcement. The best part is getting to see what equipment they use and hearing what they think of locks and physical security in general. Q: What are the plans for the future, etc, etc…? A: I'm working on a few new articles for the website. They detail attacks and forensic techniques for some popular and upcoming American brand locks. I expect the articles to be useful to forensic investigators because of the overwhelming popularity of these locks. As for the website, I'd like to expand into other lock types, particularly lever and disc-detainer locks. They are uncommon in the United States but are an interesting lock mechanism with unique forensic evidence, picking tools, and attack methods. Right now I just need to build up a budget to purchase some new lever locks and picking tools. They are not too expensive by themselves, but the shipping costs from the UK are killer! LockWiki: Q: For those that don't know, what is LockWiki? A: Lockwiki is a collaborative website, like Wikipedia, that focuses on locks, safes, locksport, and physical security. Anyone can contribute information and resources to the site, and the content is reviewed and edited by many people to make sure that all the information is accurate and non-biased. Q: I know I am not alone when I say that LockWiki is a fantastic source for lock and physical security related information. How “complete” is the repository? A: As far as the end-goal, it is very incomplete. I'd say that what you see on Lockwiki today would be less than 1% of the information available a few years from now. In light of that, there are certain pages that are very thorough, containing information, images, media, and references for further information. Lately, I have been working on lock-specific pages because they are the easiest to do and provide a good amount of information. Once they are done, they require little upkeep - which is great cause I don’t have to worry about the older articles and focus on getting new/improved articles on other parts of the site. Q: What are your long-term goals and strategies to increase content on the site? A: Right now I have been focusing on going through my lock collection and doing very detailed articles for each lock I own. Many that I've done have turned into really thorough pages that rank higher on Google than most of the official pages for those locks! In the long term I hope to get more editors contributing the site by editing articles, uploading images, or doing more administrative work like writing help pages and creating templates for other editors to use. I'm probably the worst salesman you could find, so I rarely try to sell people on the idea of editing or contributing. Those that have contributed have done much to improve the site and motivate me to keep going with my own updates. Q: I understand that you are responsible for 99% of all contributions to the site. Why do you think people are so reluctant to contribute? A: That's actually true, but I would like to truly thank the 1% that have gone out of their way to contribute to the site. Finding people to continually contribute is difficult but understandable. Many people just don't have the time, which I think is the biggest factor. Some don't have the technical knowledge to write in-depth articles, and others don't have the writing skills. Many people get upset when they write a long article and someone else (usually me) goes in and edits it to be more readable or better organized. But that's the point of the site. That's why everyone can contribute and improve everything on the site. You have to develop a thick skin to have your writing publicly accessible by anyone in the world. People are going to pick on every possible thing about your writing, but in the end the site benefits from all those opinions. - 05/05/2010 - Doug
Open Question Answering
You'll hear this basic conversation two times. First, at a normal speed, then at a slower speed. After that, you'll hear short practice dialogs using What kind of (noun) do you like? Finally, you'll hear the conversation again at a normal speed. Conversation Bill: Robert, I have some tickets to the Hawks game. Do you want to go? Robert: Not really, Bill. I don't like baseball. Bill: Oh, do you like sports? Robert: Yes, of course. Bill: What kind of sports do you like? Robert: I like soccer. Bill: Well, that's the world's most popular sport. Let's practice. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like soccer. A: What kind of Japanese food do you like? B: I like sushi. A: What kind of books do you like? B: I like Harry Potter. A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I like action movies. A: What kind of cars do you like? B: I like sports cars. A: What kind of computers do you like? B: I like Apple computers.
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Discover the CTLS Incite Student Portal through this easy-to-understand guide, perfect for all grade students. Explore its features, benefits, and how it can help you with schoolwork. Hey there, 2nd-grade learner! Are you ready to dive into the amazing world of the CTLS Incite Student Portal? It’s like having a special online classroom just for you. In this guide, we’ll explain everything about the CTLS Incite Student Portal in simple language you can easily understand. What is the CTLS Incite Student Portal? The CTLS Incite Student Portal is a fantastic website made especially for students like you. It’s a place where you can find exciting things to help you with your schoolwork. Think of it as a magical virtual classroom that makes learning even more fun! How to Use the CTLS Incite Student Portal? To use the CTLS Incite Student Portal, you need a computer, tablet, or Chromebook with an internet connection. Ask a grown-up or teacher to help you open a web browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Then, type in the web address your teacher gives you for the CTLS Incite Student Portal. Once on the portal’s page, you might need to enter a special username and password. Ask your teacher for these details, and you’ll enter your learning world when you type them correctly. What Can You Do on the CTLS Incite Student Portal? The CTLS Incite Student Portal is full of exciting things to explore. Let’s discover what you can do: Complete Fun Assignments: Your teacher might give you special tasks or activities on the portal. You can find them in your portal and complete them online. It’s like having a digital workbook just for you! Play Engaging Educational Games: Get ready for some learning fun! The portal has interactive games and activities to help you practice what you’re learning in class. Play games, solve puzzles, and have a blast while boosting your skills. Find Helpful Learning Resources: The portal is like a treasure trove of knowledge. You can discover videos, stories, and even websites that can help you learn more about different subjects. It’s like having a library at your fingertips! Communicate with Your Teacher: Do you have questions or need help with something? No worries! You can send a message to your teacher through the portal. They will read your message and reply to you. It’s a great way to stay connected and get your needed support. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Q: How do I log in to the CTLS Incite Student Portal? A: To log in, use your special username and password. Ask your teacher or a grown-up to help you with this. They will guide you through the process. Q: Can I use the CTLS Incite Student Portal on my tablet or phone? A: Absolutely! You can use the portal on your tablet or Chromebook. Ask your teacher or a grown-up for guidance on accessing it from your device. Q: What should I do if I forget my username or password? A: Don’t worry if you forget your username or password. Just talk to your teacher; they will help you remember or reset them so you can return to learning. Conclusion: The CTLS Incite Student Portal is your special place for a learning adventure. You can complete assignments, play educational games, explore learning resources, and communicate with your teacher. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your teacher or a grown-up if you’re unsure about anything. Get ready to
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The adventure: incredible. The service: with an eye for detail. Sometimes everything is just right: the mood, the weather, a nice companion. You can count on every trip in your Audi being a great experience and on arriving safely in places where you can enjoy unforgettable moments. Audi Service helps you to savour these to the full. Thorough check-ups: on occasion. Holiday fun: frequently. Audi maintenance: To ensure that nothing unexpected happens when you’re on the road, it is advisable to have your vehicle checked regularly. Maintenance work at your Audi Partner ensures that you can travel safely on day-to-day trips and longer journeys. And rest assured that everything is in order. The challenge: no time. The solution: no problem. Audi repairs: Whether you have a family to take care of or a company to run – one thing is always in short supply: your time. So it’s all the more important to be mobile again in the event of damage to your vehicle. Audi Service is a partner you can count on to work not only with the highest quality but also at speed. The parts: tailor-made. The possibilities: endless. Audi Genuine Parts: Audi’s commitment to quality extends even to the smallest parts. Rigorously tested – and tailor-made for each model. There are always good reasons to go for the genuine article. Make sure that your Audi always stays an Audi. Discussion: together. Result: outstanding. Audi direct reception: During the direct reception procedure, place your Audi in the hands of an expert who takes note of your wishes step by step in dialogue with you. This ensures that your car can be serviced with specific points in mind, while you learn useful things about your Audi. Our experts: trained outstandingly. Your Audi: serviced outstandingly. Trust comes about when know-how meets quality. The employees of Audi Service are, among many other things, trained to handle specially developed tools and mix expertise in their field with exceptional motivation. The tests: strict. The result: durability. The Audi testing procedures: Weaknesses cannot be dealt with unless they are detected. This is why Audi Genuine Parts are specially tested for each individual Audi. These highly developed components are optimised to the smallest detail and, as a result, are as reliable as they are durable. The competition: tough. The competitors: tougher. The Audi Twin Cup: Providing the best service can be learnt. The most talented Audi mechanics in the world meet every year for the Twin Cup to put their technical expertise and customer orientation to the test - a competition that you, as a customer, directly profit from.
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Contact Details Foshan Hongshuo Environmental Technology Investment CO.,LTD Place of Origin: China Brand Name: Hongshuo Certification: CE Model Number: B001 Minimum Order Quantity: 10 Price: Negotiation Packaging Details: EPE+carton+bubble+shrink film Delivery Time: 20-30day Payment Terms: L/C, D/A, D/P, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram Supply Ability: 10Piece 20day Place Of Origin: China Hull Material: Polycarbonate Loading Capacity: 200kg Weight: 24 KG Keyword: Glass Bottom Boat Destin Usage: Fishing High Light: clear bottom fishing kayak ,see through bottom kayak New Arrivals 2 Seats Plastic Transparent Paddle Fishing Rowing Boats Clear/fishing FAQ Q1. What is your terms of packing? A: Generally, we pack our goods in wooden boxes. If you have other requirement, we will also try our best to serve you. Q2. What is your terms of payment? A: T/T 50% as deposit, and 50% before delivery. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages before you pay the balance. Or you can pay through Alibaba Trade Insurance. L/C and western union is also accepted. Q3. What is your terms of delivery? A: FOB, CFR, CIF. Q4. How about your delivery time? A: Generally, it will take 15 to 30 days after receiving your advance payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. Q5. Can you produce according to the samples? A: Yes, we can produce by your samples or technical drawings. We can build the molds and fixtures. Q6. Do you test all your goods before delivery? A: Yes, we have 100% test before delivery Q7: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship? A: We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them, no matter where they come from. Contact Person: sales
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Picture this: you’re cramped in your airplane seat on a long flight, your legs are stiff, and your back is starting to ache. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and turn that uncomfortable journey into a Zen experience . Introducing plane yoga stretches – your in-flight savior! In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of incorporating yoga into your air travel routine and share some easy-to-perform stretches you can do right in your seat. TL;DR: Key Takeaways Plane yoga stretches help reduce stiffness, improve circulation, and relieve stress during long flights. Sitting for extended periods increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – yoga can help combat this. We’ll provide a list of easy-to-perform yoga stretches designed specifically for air travel. Why Plane Yoga Stretches Are Your New In-Flight Best Friend It’s no secret that sitting for long periods on a plane can wreak havoc on your body. The Federal Aviation Administration warns that passengers who remain seated for extended durations are at risk for developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a potentially dangerous blood clot that forms in the legs. This is where yoga comes to the rescue. “Yoga is a great way to stretch and move your body during a long flight. It can help prevent stiffness and soreness, and also calm the mind and reduce stress.” – Yoga instructor, Sarah Beth Dr. John Torres, NBC News Medical Correspondent, also highlights the benefits of incorporating yoga stretches into your in-flight routine : “Incorporating yoga stretches into your in-flight routine can help improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and increase flexibility. It’s a great way to combat the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time.” Top Plane Yoga Stretches to Get You Started Ready to transform your long flight into a Zen experience? Here are some easy-to-perform plane yoga stretches you can do right from your seat: 1. Seated Cat-Cow Stretch This gentle stretch helps to release tension in the spine and improve overall posture. Simply sit up straight, place your hands on your knees, and alternate between arching and rounding your back as you inhale and exhale. 2. Neck Rolls Neck rolls can help relieve stiffness and tension in your neck and shoulders. Slowly tilt your head to one side, roll it forward and to the other side, and then back. Repeat this motion several times, and then switch directions. 3. Seated Twist This stretch targets the lower back and can help improve spinal flexibility. While sitting up straight, cross your right leg over your left, place your left hand on your right knee, and gently twist your upper body to the right. Hold for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other side. 4. Ankle Rolls Keep your ankles limber and reduce the risk of DVT with simple ankle rolls. Lift one foot off the ground, and rotate your ankle in a circular motion. Do this for a few seconds, and then switch directions and repeat with the other foot. 5 . Seated Forward Bend Stretch your lower back and hamstrings with this seated variation of the classic forward bend. Sit up straight with both feet on the floor, and then hinge at your hips to fold forward, reaching for your ankles or toes. Hold for a few breaths before returning to an upright position. Conclusion: Make Plane Yoga Stretches a Must-Do on Your Next Flight Don’t let the discomfort of long flights get in the way of your travel adventures. Incorporate these simple plane yoga stretches into your in-flight routine to improve circulation, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of DVT. Your body – and your mind – will thank you! FAQs Q: Can I perform yoga stretches on any flight, regardless of the airline? A: Yes, these stretches can be performed on any flight, but be mindful of the space available and the comfort of your fellow passengers. Q: How often should I perform these stretches during a long flight? A: Aim to stretch at least once every hour or two to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness. Q: Can I do these stretches if I have a pre-existing health condition? A: Always consult your healthcare provider before engaging in any new exercise routine, especially if you have a pre-existing condition. Q: Do I need any special equipment for plane yoga stretches? A: No special equipment is required – all you need is yourself and your airplane seat! Q: Can plane yoga stretches help with jet lag? A: While plane yoga stretches primarily target physical discomfort, they may also help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can contribute to better sleep and a faster adjustment to new time zones. References Federal Aviation Administration. (n.d.). DVT: Don’t let it happen to you. https://www.faa.gov/pilots/safety/pilotsafetybrochures/media/DVT_Brochure.pdf Torres, J. (n.d.). How to stay healthy while traveling. NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/how-to-stay-healthy-while-traveling-1514565955713
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from a handpicked tutor in LIVE 1-to-1 classes LCM of 30 and 45 LCM of 30 and 45 is the smallest number among all common multiples of 30 and 45. The first few multiples of 30 and 45 are (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, . . . ) and (45, 90, 135, 180, . . . ) respectively. There are 3 commonly used methods to find LCM of 30 and 45 - by listing multiples, by prime factorization, and by division method. 1. LCM of 30 and 45 2. List of Methods 3. Solved Examples 4. FAQs What is the LCM of 30 and 45? Answer: LCM of 30 and 45 is 90.Explanation: Methods to Find LCM of 30 and 45 Let's look at the different methods for finding the LCM of 30 and 45. By Listing Multiples By Prime Factorization Method By Division Method LCM of 30 and 45 by Listing Multiples To calculate the LCM of 30 and 45 by listing out the common multiples, we can follow the given below steps: Step 1: List a few multiples of 30 (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, . . . ) and 45 (45, 90, 135, 180, . . . . )Step 2: The common multiples from the multiples of 30 and 45 are 90, 180, . . .Step 3: The smallest common multiple of 30 and 45 is 90.∴ The least common multiple of 30 and 45 = 90. LCM of 30 and 45 by Prime Factorization Prime factorization of 30 and 45 is (2 × 3 × 5) = 21 × 31 × 51 and (3 × 3 × 5) = 32 × 51 respectively. LCM of 30 and 45 can be obtained by multiplying prime factors raised to their respective highest power, i.e. 21 × 32 × 51 = 90. Hence, the LCM of 30 and 45 by prime factorization is 90. LCM of 30 and 45 by Division Method Step 1: Find the smallest prime number that is a factor of at least one of the numbers, 30 and 45. Write this prime number(2) on the left of the given numbers(30 and 45), separated as per the ladder arrangement.Step 2: If any of the given numbers (30, 45) is a multiple of 2, divide it by 2 and write the quotient below it. Bring down any number that is not divisible by the prime number.Step 3: Continue the steps until only 1s are left in the last row.The LCM of 30 and 45 is the product of all prime numbers on the left, i.e. LCM(30, 45) by division method = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 90. ☛ Also Check: LCM of 30 and 45 Examples Example 1: The product of two numbers is 1350. If their GCD is 15, what is their LCM? Solution: Given: GCD = 15 product of numbers = 1350 ∵ LCM × GCD = product of numbers ⇒ LCM = Product/GCD = 1350/15 Therefore, the LCM is 90. The probable combination for the given case is LCM(30, 45) = 90. Example 2: Verify the relationship between GCF and LCM of 30 and 45. Solution: The relation between GCF and LCM of 30 and 45 is given as, LCM(30, 45) × GCF(30, 45) = Product of 30, 45 Prime factorization of 30 and 45 is given as, 30 = (2 × 3 × 5) = 21 × 31 × 51 and 45 = (3 × 3 × 5) = 32 × 51 LCM(30, 45) = 90 GCF(30, 45) = 15 LHS = LCM(30, 45) × GCF(30, 45) = 90 × 15 = 1350 RHS = Product of 30, 45 = 30 × 45 = 1350 ⇒ LHS = RHS = 1350 Hence, verified. Example 3: The GCD and LCM of two numbers are 15 and 90 respectively. If one number is 45, find the other number. Solution: Let the other number be p. ∵ GCD × LCM = 45 × p ⇒ p = (GCD × LCM)/45 ⇒ p = (15 × 90)/45 ⇒ p = 30 Therefore, the other number is 30. FAQs on LCM of 30 and 45 What is the LCM of 30 and 45? The LCM of 30 and 45 is 90 . To find the least common multiple of 30 and 45, we need to find the multiples of 30 and 45 (multiples of 30 = 30, 60, 90, 120; multiples of 45 = 45, 90, 135, 180) and choose the smallest multiple that is exactly divisible by 30 and 45, i.e., 90. Which of the following is the LCM of 30 and 45? 50, 21, 90, 45 The value of LCM of 30, 45 is the smallest common multiple of 30 and 45. The number satisfying the given condition is 90. What are the Methods to Find LCM of 30 and 45? The commonly used methods to find the LCM of 30 and 45 are: Prime Factorization Method Listing Multiples Division Method How to Find the LCM of 30 and 45 by Prime Factorization? To find the LCM of 30 and 45 using prime factorization, we will find the prime factors, (30 = 2 × 3 × 5) and (45 = 3 × 3 × 5). LCM of 30 and 45 is the product of prime factors raised to their respective highest exponent among the numbers 30 and 45. ⇒ LCM of 30, 45 = 21 × 32 × 51 = 90. If the LCM of 45 and 30 is 90, Find its GCF. LCM(45, 30) × GCF(45, 30) = 45 × 30 Since the LCM of 45 and 30 = 90 ⇒ 90 × GCF(45, 30) = 1350 Therefore, the GCF (greatest common factor) = 1350/90 = 15. visual curriculum
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Growing pains for businesses Small businesses form the backbone of many economies worldwide. In the United States alone, they make up 99.99% of all businesses. At some point, you may consider expanding your business. That could include exploring new locations, venturing into new markets or adding new products or services. However, expansion doesn’t just consist of duplicating current successes on a larger scale. It takes methodical planning, strategic decision-making and, sometimes, difficult course corrections. Growth can come with big investments; there’s always a risk of losing money if things don’t pan out. But while the challenges may seem daunting, each growing pain is an opportunity for the business to improve. Many successful businesses have gone through similar growing pains and have emerged stronger, demonstrating that the following challenges can be overcome with thoughtful planning, dedicated effort and careful execution. Let’s uncover some common issues businesses face when expanding and tips on how to avoid or mitigate them. Problem: Insufficient planning Diving headfirst into expansion without a game plan can make things spin out of control—and fast. It can lead to poor decision-making, wasting resources and, quite possibly, a failure to expand. Solution: Dodge this problem by creating a comprehensive business plan, including detailed market research, a well-defined value proposition, a clear marketing strategy, operational plans and realistic financial projections. Regularly review the plan and make adjustments as needed.Problem: Cash flow Rapid expansion can lead to a lot of money going out before it comes in. This can cause you to be stretched thin financially while growing operations. Solution: Keep an eye on your finances. It’s important to have a detailed financial plan that includes cash flow projections. This helps businesses identify potential shortfalls and plan for them. Securing additional financing through loans, investors or grants is an option. But also creating a slower, more manageable growth strategy that aligns with the financial capacity can be more financially sound.Problem: Overlooking core customers When you’re busy trying to bring in new customers and markets, you may inadvertently neglect your existing customer base. This can lead to a decrease in customer loyalty and repeat business. Solution: Keep engaging with existing customers by asking for feedback and working to meet their needs during the expansion. Remember, these are the people who helped you succeed in the first place.Problem: Declining company culture As you grow and bring on new employees, it can be tricky to maintain the original company culture you had when your team was smaller. Solution: You must clearly communicate your mission, vision and values—and it should come from leadership. Regular team-building exercises can also help solidify the company culture. Also, when hiring, make sure new employees will be a good culture fit.Problem: Overexpansion Sometimes, you can be overambitious with expansion plans, trying to do too much too quickly. This can stretch your resources too thin and increase the risk of failure. Solution: Consider a more intentional, step-by-step expansion strategy. This lets you learn from each step and adjust your strategy as needed, so you ensure your resources can support your growth.Problem: Inefficient operations As you grow, systems and workflows that work for a smaller team may not scale for a larger operation. They can become inefficient and hinder expansion. Solution: Regularly review your operations and processes, and update them as needed to accommodate growth. Implementing scalable solutions, like cloud-based applications and automation tools, can help manage increased complexity.Problem: Regulatory compliance Expanding into new regions or markets can involve unfamiliar regulations and compliance requirements. Solution: Do your homework to fully understand the regulatory environment in any new markets you plan to enter. Hiring local legal counsel or compliance experts can help you navigate complexities and make sure you’re operating within the law.By anticipating these growing pains and planning for them, you can greatly increase your chances of a successful expansion. Also, don’t hesitate to seek advice from mentors, business advisors or other entrepreneurs who have successfully expanded their own businesses. You’ve got this! Back to issue
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2017 August Cisco Official New Released 300-208 Dumps in Lead2pass.com! 100% Free Download! 100% Pass Guaranteed! Are you interested in successfully completing the Cisco 300-208 Certification Then start to earning Salary? Lead2pass has leading edge developed Cisco exam questions that will ensure you pass this 300-208 exam! Lead2pass delivers you the most accurate, current and latest updated 300-208 Certification exam questions and available with a 100% money back guarantee promise! Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: https://www.lead2pass.com/300-208.html QUESTION 226 During BYOD flow, where does a Microsoft Windows 8.1 PC download the Network Setup Assistant from? A. from Cisco App Store B. from Cisco ISE directly C. from Microsoft App Store D. It uses the native OTA functionality. Answer: B QUESTION 227 Which two attributes are delivered by the DHCP probe to the Cisco ISE? (Choose two.) A. dhcp-client-identifier B. framed-IP-address C. host-name D. calling-station-ID E. MAC address Answer: AC QUESTION 228 Which option is the correct redirect-ACL for Wired-CWA, with being the Cisco ISE IP address? A. ip access-l ex ACL-WEBAUTH-REDIRECT deny udp any any eq domain deny ip any host permit tcp any any eq 80 permit tcp any any eq 443 B. ip access-l ex ACL-WEBAUTH-REDIRECT permit udp any any eq domain permit ip any host deny tcp any any eq 80 permit tcp any any eq 443 C. ip access-l ex ACL-WEBAUTH-REDIRECT deny udp any any eq domain permit tcp any host eq 8443 deny ip any host permit tcp any any eq 80 permit tcp any any eq 443 D. ip access-l ex ACL-WEBAUTH-REDIRECT permit udp any any eq domain deny ip any host permit tcp any any eq 80 permit tcp any any eq 443 Answer: B QUESTION 229 In Cisco ISE 1.3 and above, which two operations are allowed on Endpoint Certificates pages for issued endpoint certificates on the admin portal? (Choose two.) A. unrevoke B. delete C. view D. export E. revoke Answer: CE QUESTION 230 Which statement about the CAK is true? A. It is the master key that generates the other keys that MACsec requires. B. Failed MACsec connections fall back to MAB by default. C. It is the key that is used to discover MACsec peers and perform key negotiation between the peers. D. It is the secret key that encrypts traffic during the connection. E. It is the key that is used to negotiate session encryption keys. Answer: A QUESTION 231 Which remediation type ensures that Automatic Updates configuration is turned on Windows clients per security policy to remediate Windows clients for posture compliance? A. AS Remediation B. File Remediation C. Launch Program Remediation D. Windows Update Remediation E. Windows Server Update Services Remediation Answer: D QUESTION 232 Which command on the switch ensures that the Service-Type attribute is sent with all RADIUS authentication request? A. radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req B. radius-server attribute 25 access-request include C. radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth D. radius-server attribute 31 send nas-port-detail Answer: C QUESTION 233 Which protocol is EAP encapsulated in for communications between the authenticator and the authentication server? A. EAP-MD5 B. IPsec C. EAPOL D. RADIUS Answer: D QUESTION 234 Which three of these are features of data plane security on a Cisco ISR? (Choose three) A. Routing protocol filtering B. FPM C. uRPF D. RBAC E. CPPr F. Netflow export Answer: BCF QUESTION 235 When you are configuring DHCP snooping, how should you classify access ports? A. untrusted B. trusted C. promiscuous D. private Answer: A QUESTION 236 When 802.1X is implemented, how do the client (supplicant) and authenticator communicate? A. RADIUS B. TACACS+ C. MAB D. EAPOL Answer: D QUESTION 237 When performing NAT, which of these is a limitation you need to account for? A. exhaustion of port number translations B. embedded IP addresses C. security payload identifiers D. inability to provide mutual connectivity to networks with overlapping address spaces Answer: B QUESTION 238 Which two answers are potential results of an attacker that is performing a DHCP server spoofing attack? (Choose two.) A. ability to selectively change DHCP options fields of the current DHCP server, such as the giaddr field. B. DoS C. excessive number of DHCP discovery requests D. ARP cache poisoning on the router E. client unable to access network resources Answer: BE QUESTION 239 When configuring NAT, which three protocols that are shown may have limitations or complications when using NAT? (Choose three.) A. Kerberos B. HTTPS C. NTP D. SIP E. FTP F. SQL Answer: ADE QUESTION 240 Which state is a Cisco IOS IPS signature in if it does not take an appropriate associated action even if it has been successfully compiled? A. retired B. disabled C. unsupported D. inactive Answer: B QUESTION 241 Which statement best describes inside policy based NAT? A. Policy NAT rules are those that determine which addresses need to be translated per the enterprise security policy B. Policy NAT consists of policy rules based on outside sources attempting to communicate with inside endpoints. C. These rules use source addresses as the decision for translation policies. D. These rules are sensitive to all communicating endpoints. Answer: A QUESTION 242 When Cisco IOS IPS is configured to use SDEE for event notification, how are events managed? A. They are stored in the router’s event store and will allow authenticated remote systems to pull events from the event store. B. All events are immediately sent to the remote SDEE server. C. Events are sent via syslog over a secure SSUTLS communications channel. D. When the event store reaches its maximum configured number of event notifications, the stored events are sent via SDEE to a remote authenticated server and a new event store is created. Answer: A QUESTION 243 When is it feasible for a port to be both a guest VLAN and a restricted VLAN? A. this configuration scenario is never be implemented B. when you have configured the port for promiscuous mode C. when private VLANs have been configured to place each end device into different subnets D. when you want to allow both types of users the same services Answer: D QUESTION 244 In an 802.1X environment, which feature allows for non-802.1X-supported devices such as printers and fax machines to authenticate? A. multiauth B. WebAuth C. MAB D. 802.1X guest VLAN Answer: C QUESTION 245 Which Cisco IOS IPS feature allows to you remove one or more actions from all active signatures based on the attacker and/or target address criteria, as well as the event risk rating criteria? A. signature event action filters B. signature event action overrides C. signature attack severity rating D. signature event risk rating Answer: A QUESTION 246 You are troubleshooting reported connectivity issues from remote users who are accessing corporate headquarters via an IPsec VPN connection. What should be your first step in troubleshooting these issues? A. issue a show crypto isakmp policy command to verify matching policies of the tunnel endpoints B. ping the tunnel endpoint C. run a traceroute to verify the tunnel path D. debug the connection process and look for any error messages in tunnel establishment Answer: B QUESTION 247 Which of these allows you to add event actions globally based on the risk rating of each event, without having to configure each signature individually? A. event action summarization B. event action filter C. event action override D. signature event action processor Answer: C QUESTION 248 Which Cisco IOS Firewall feature allows the firewall to function as a Layer 2 bridge on the network? A. zone-based firewall B. CBAC C. firewall ACL bypass D. transparent firewall Answer: D QUESTION 249 Cisco IOS IPS uses which alerting protocol with a pull mechanism for getting IPS alerts to the network management application? A. HTTPS B. SMTP C. SNMP D. syslog E. SDEE F. POP3 Answer: E QUESTION 250 When configuring the Auto Update feature for Cisco IOS IPS, what is a recommended best practice? A. Synchronize the router’s clock to the PC before configuring Auto Update. B. Clear the router’s flash of unused signature files. C. Enable anonymous TFTP downloads from Cisco.com and specify the download frequency. D. Create the appropriate directory on the router’s flash memory to store the downloaded signature files. E. Download the realm-cisco.pub.key file and update the public key stored on the router. Answer: A All Cisco 300-208 exam questions are the new checked and updated! In recent years, the 300-208 certification has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Want to become a certified Cisco professional? Download Lead2pass 2017 latest released 300-208 exam dumps full version and pass 300-208 100%! 300-208 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDM1I1WlhIdHJZNjA 2017 Cisco 300-208 exam dumps (All 300 Q&As) from Lead2pass: https://www.lead2pass.com/300-208.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]
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add_shopping_cart Suggested Parts 1keyboard_arrow_down lock Warranty Information keyboard_arrow_down Moog fulfills their warranty through their individual dealers. That means that in order to receive warranty support, you will have to refer back to the original dealer you purchased the part from. Be sure to check the dealer's warranty support before you buy the part to make sure that they will properly support the warranty. If a dealer will only refer you back to the manufacturer in order to receive warranty support, then you may not actually have any warranty at all. WARRANTY: Moog Premium Steering Components carry a Limited Lifetime Warranty. Moog R-Series Control Arms, Hub Assemblies, and Strut Assemblies carry a 3 Year Warranty. Moog warranties their parts to be free of defects in materials and/or workmanship during these timeframes as measured from the date of purchase. If a Moog part should fail due to materials or manufacturing defect while under warranty, we will provide a replacement of the part upon return of the defective part. What is the Difference Between Moog R Series and CK Control Arms? CK, K or RK? We here at Diverse Suspension Technologies get this question a whole lot. If you are putting parts on your vehicle, you want to know exactly what you are installing. It can be hard to do that with all of these letter designations. So here is all that you need to know to clear up the confusion. Short Answer: R Series is a value-driven replacement part while the CK Series incorporates Moog's premium Problem Solver components for a better than OE upgrade. CK (K): Moog Problem Solver Starting with the CK and K. Whether you see a "K" designation or a "CK" designation, you are getting the same part. The CK and K are Moogs Premium line of control arms. Utilizing their "problem solver" technology, these control arms address common factory design issues providing a better than the original replacement for your vehicle. Most CK and K control arms include ball joints that are powder coated metal with gusher bearings giving them a long life. Many of these ball joints are serviceable and have grease fittings. The CK and K arms also have problem solver bushings and a precise fit and form for easy installation. RK: Moog R Series The RK series is a more value-driven part. Because there are so many different vehicles both foreign and domestic, Moog has introduced the R-Series arms to provide replacements for a wide range of vehicles. The RK arms have OE fit and form geometry alignment, with pre-installed OE style bushings and most include the ball joints. However, these ball joints are not serviceable like the CK arms. All of the R Series arms have Moog validated construction and design, providing a less expensive alternative. Type and Warranty Each line of control arms has Forged Steel, Stamped Steel, or Forged Aluminium arms to provide the best style for your specific vehicle. The Premium CK line has a limited lifetime warranty, and the RK has a 3 year warranty that are both handled through our awesome customer service team at DST. Whether you are looking for a "light on the wallet" OE replacement, or a "premium" control arm upgrade, Moog control arms are a great choice for your vehicle. Product Reviews for moog-ck8708t | Front Upper Control Arm Ball Joint | Ford Explorer 5 Star (1) 100% 4 Star (0) 0% 3 Star (0) 0% 2 Star (0) 0% 1 Star (0) 0% star star star star star MOOG moog-ck8708t verified_user star star star star star "Nice parts." Fit well. verified_user Verified Buyer - Darrell Newhouse - . MOOG moog-ck8708t - 5 out of 5question_answer Customer Questions and AnswersQuestion: Is this for driver side only or can it be used on passenger side also Answer: No part number moog-ck8708t is for the front left side only. Question: Is this for driver side only or can it be used on passenger side also Answer: No, part number moog-ck8708t is for the front upper left side only. Question: Will part number ck8708t fit my 1999 Ford Explorer AWD? Answer: Yes, part number ck8708t will fit the 1999 Ford Explorer AWD if you have the one piece control arm design. Question: What is the difference between the ck8708t and the ck80054 control arms on my 2006 Ford Ranger 4x4? Answer: For the 2006 Ford Ranger 4x4, part number ck8708t is for the front torsion bar and part number ck80054 is for the front coil springs. Question: Do you ship internationally? Answer: Yes, we do ship internationally.
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How to Not Struggle Struggle can be good sometimes. We step out of our comfort zone and venture into uncharted dreams and aspirations. A good dose of struggle strengthens our resolve and builds character. This article is about the other kind of struggle. The one that robs this moment of its beauty and value—the inner struggle we have when we’re trying to do or justify not doing something. This is the type of struggle you want to manage and reduce as much as possible. Understanding struggle What creates the bad type of struggle? Why do we struggle with some things but not with others? Why do we struggle with a certain type of activity while others seem to be doing it with ease? To answer these questions, we need to look into how struggle begins and what causes it to stick—more than we like. Struggle starts with a conflict. Struggle starts with a conflict between two opposing thoughts that are tugging at your soul. Your heart tells you to do something different and your mind tries to justify staying with the old pattern. Let’s take the example of waking up earlier than your normal routine. You decide you really want to do it and set the alarm for an hour earlier. The alarm goes off, but you’re still in bed feeling tormented. On one side you want to get up to start writing before you go to work. On the other, you feel cozy and safe in bed; there is no urgent need for you to move. If you want to get healthier and seem to struggle with your diet choices, you have two thoughts that are pulling you in opposite directions. Your heart wants you to have a salad. But your mind wants the instant gratification of those tasty French fries. Paradoxically, struggle grows with choosing the easier (or more familiar) option. It’s easier to stay in bed. It’s easier to have the fries. But that’s not all. The easy option usually has a price—more struggle in the form of self-defeating judgments and guilt. You feel you’re weak and can’t choose what’s right for you. And you feel worse. The better choice is usually not the easiest. If you’re used to doing things a certain way, your mind will throw in every possible justification and roadblock to stay right where you are. Struggle can become an addiction. The drama queen within is always up for more misery. A continuous cycle of sabotaging our own desires for better choices will keep the relentless negative voice alive—well fed and always hungry for more. This is the payoff for constant struggle. We get to dwell in pain that sucks the life out of our hopes and desires. Struggle becomes the master. The most important question you can ask yourself This question will awaken you to the price you pay for struggle. You get to determine for yourself what is of value to you. Would I rather struggle for hours and daysorchoose the better /harder option right now? How to not struggle If you answer the question honestly and follow up with the best action, your struggle is over. The price of the familiar and easy is usually momentary pleasure and long lasting pain. The price of challenging and hard is usually brief discomfort and long lasting peace. Who wouldn’t want long lasting peace of mind? For example: Would you rather sleep in and beat yourself up throughout the day, or get up and feel tired for a few minutes then feel good that you did it? Obstacles to action When you start and take action, your progress can be impeded by one of these conditions. 1. Unfamiliarity When you start something new, your mind will kick into resistance mode. The solution: Make a conscious effort to turn the unfamiliar to familiar.Remind yourself of everything you learned in the past and how it became familiar. You moved through fear and ventured out slowly—one small step at a time. 2. Lack of clarity If you don’t have a clear desire, you will struggle with overwhelm and confusion. The solution: You need to do one of the following:Get clear on what you desire. Determine exactly what you want. Then give up the distractions and go for it. Or Allow yourself to meander and experiment with different options to gain clarity. It’s okay if you get lost for a while. And if you can’t find your way after, just start with one thing and give it your best. In both cases you need to trust in your abilities to venture into the unknown. And to believe in your dreams. 3. Unrealistic expectations or attachment to a specific outcome You start something with high hopes. But things turn out differently and you give up. You stop pursuing your dream—but don’t let it go. So the unfulfilled desire sits in the background of your mind compounding your struggle. The solution: It’s hard not have any expectations. But the best fun is had when we just do something and not worry about what happens next.You don’t worry about what others think or how you would feel if you fail. You do what you want—for yourself and for the experience. 4. Interruptions and giving up too soon If you keep starting something and stopping, you will eventually give up. It’s really hard to get back into something after a few interruptions. The most important things don’t scream out loud demanding your attention. They will linger in the background and keep nagging—unfulfilled. The solution: Make a point of picking yourself up and starting again as soon as you can. Don’t let something that’s really important to you slip for more than a couple of days. Otherwise, it’s going to sit for a week, a month and before you know it, a year.Keep at it no matter what. Don’t allow yourself to give up unless you’ve decided you no longer wish to pursue this experience. This means you gave it your best and don’t want to do it anymore. 5. Wrong focus and complications When we focus on what we don’t want we end up with more struggle. The wrong focus complicates the process needlessly. For example if you keep thinking I don’t want to gain weight, you will think and act based on the fear of gaining weight. You don’t have a goal to achieve but a fear to avoid. The solution: You need to focus on being and feeling healthy and doing what it takes to get there.Focusing on what you want is simpler and more empowering. You can start with small steps towards eating and feeling healthy, without paying attention to your weight. For more resources on dealing with struggle and taking action, check out these articles from the archives. Standing in your own way Steps to get out of your own way How to sustain change How to move forward when you don’t feel like it And when all is said and done, let the journey itself be your guide. A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. ~John Steinbeck
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50C To F: If you want to convert 50 C to F, see 50 Celsius to Fahrenheit. Here’s how to convert 50 C to F so you know how hot or cold 50 degrees Celsius is in Fahrenheit. The formula from C to F is (C × 9/5) + 32 = F. If we plug 50 for C into the formula, we get (50 × 9/5) + 32 = F. To solve (50 × 9/5) + 32 = F, we first multiply 9 by 50, then divide the product by 5, and finally add 32 to the quotient to get the result. Here’s the math to illustrate: 50×9 = 450 450 / 5 = 90 90 + 32 = 122 Therefore, the answer to 50 C to F is 122, which can be written as: 50°C = 122°F Therefore, the temperature is measured with a thermometer. Although Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. However, we typically use 50 degrees Celsius or Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) to measure temperature. Table of Contents Definition Of 50c In f / Celsius In Fahrenheit The temperature in 50 degrees Celsius is given in (°C). For example, the normal body temperature is 37 °C. The temperature in Fahrenheit is given in °F. For example, a normal body temperature is 98.6 °F. 50 degrees Celsius vs. 50 Fahrenheit: key difference Before we explain how 50 degrees Celsius converts to Fahrenheit (and Fahrenheit to Celsius). Let’s look at the main differences between the 50 degree Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales. How much is 50 degrees in Fahrenheit 50 degrees Celsius equals Fahrenheit How much is 50 degrees Fahrenheit converted to Celsius Also, how much is 50 degrees celsius in farenheit Minus 50 degrees Celsius converted to what temperature Fahrenheit What is – 50c equals f N/A -50c corresponds to what degree in f? Also, How to convert 50f to 50c What is f equal to -50c? Also, 45 c to what f What is 50c equal to in f? How Do I Convert 50 Degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit? The formula °F = °C × (9/5) + 32 is used to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. For example, Convert 20 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit: 20 °C = 20 × (9/5) + 32 = 36 + 32 = 68 °F. Therefore, 20 degrees Celsius equals 68 Fahrenheit (20 °C = 68 °F). ) However, you want to convert 50 cents to Fahrenheit. If you give your answer in °C to °F, you should know that the temperature scale is Celsius and Fahrenheit. It doesn’t matter what your final answer is, but if you were ever expected to spell a name, that’s good to know. Therefore, conversion is very simple. Formula To Convert 50 Celsius to Fahrenheit Firstly, Multiply the temperature in °C by 1.8. Add 32 to this number. Here is the answer in °F. °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Therefore, Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius is that easy. °C = (°F – 32) × 5/9 Differences between C and F Basis for Comparison Celsius Scale Fahrenheit Scale Definition Celsius scale, or centigrade scale, is a temperature scale that is based on the freezing point of water at 0°C and the boiling point of water at 100°C. Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale that is based on the freezing point of water at 32°F and the boiling point of water at 212°F. Denoted by Celsius scale or simply Celsius is abbreviated as Degree C (°C). Fahrenheit is abbreviated as Degree F (°F). Introduced by or Named after It is named after the astronomer ‘Andres Celsius’. It is named after the physicist ‘Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit’. The freezing point of water The freezing point of water or the melting point of ice in the Celsius scale is 0°C. It is the lower fixed point of the scale. The freezing point of water or the melting point of ice in the Fahrenheit scale is 32°F. It is the lower fixed point of the scale. Example of converting °C to °F For example, to convert 26 °C to °F (warm temperature during the day): °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Then, °F = (26 × 9/5) + 32 °F = (46.8) + 32 The two different types of units or scales used to measure temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit. In other words, they are two different scales for measuring temperature. FAQ’s What temperature is 50 °C in F? 122 degrees Fahrenheit Answer: The temperature at 50 degrees Celsius is equal to the temperature at 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Let’s examine the nature of the conversion between the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Is 50 degrees F hot or cold? A low temperature of 50 degrees (for example, 50 or 51 degrees Fahrenheit) is much colder than 59 degrees and in this case would require warmer clothing. What temperature F is 40 °C? 104 degrees Fahrenheit Answer: The temperature at 40 degrees Celsius is equal to the temperature at 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Related posts Featured Posts Fast and Furious Hobbs and Shaw (2019) Subtitles Download HD Online – 2023 Introduction Fast and Furious Hobbs and Shaw Subtitles Download is a 2019 American science fiction action film. It is written… Ensuring Data Security During Cloud Migrations As companies increasingly shift their essential systems and data to the cloud, the safety of these assets during the transition…
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You’ve probably already heard of the Fibonacci sequence. It is a sequence of numbers named after the mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, that’s generated using a simple rule, yet pops up in many unexpected places in math and nature, often in relation to the golden ratio. To generate the sequence, start with the sequence 1, 1 . Then, generate the next element in the sequence by adding up the last two elements: 1, 1 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 2, 3 … Mathematically, this can elegantly be expressed using recursion. In this formula, n represents a given position in the sequence starting with 0 . We will be implementing the Fibonacci logic using Rust. Rust is a programming language initially developed at Mozilla that can guarantee memory safety, while at the same time being super fast. We’ll try out different approaches and see which one runs fastest. If you want to follow along on your computer, you can find simple installation instructions for Rust and cargo, the Rust package manager, for just about any OS, on the Rust homepage: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install. Alternatively, you can also code along online on the Rust playgroundwithout having to install anything! If you are not coding along on your machine, feel free to skip this section. First, let’s create a new Rust library project from the command-line using cargo: cargo new --lib rust_fibonaccicd rust_fibonacci/ The file src/lib.rs is where we’ll be writing source code later on. You can delete it’s pregenerated contents for now, as we won’t go through writing tests for such a simple program. Now, the only aspect missing is the benchmarking, so that we can compare the different approaches to calculating the Fibonacci sequence. To do this, we can use the criterion crate, which allows us to write benchmarks and run them using cargo. Add the following code to the Cargo.toml file, just below the [dependencies] section at the bottom: [dev-dependencies]criterion = "0.3"[[bench]]name = "fibonacci_benchmark"harness = false Create a directory called benches in the base directory and place an empty file called fibonacci_benchmark.rs into it. Once you’re done, the rust_fibonacci/ project directory content should look something like this: .├── benches│ └── fibonacci_benchmark.rs├── Cargo.lock├── Cargo.toml└── src └── lib.rs Now, let’s get coding! Probably the most straightforward way to implement the Fibonacci sequence, would be to just start with two variables a and b , that keep track of the last two elements of the sequence and build from there. Let’s do that! Add this code to src/lib.rs : pub fn fib_standard(n: usize) -> usize { let mut a = 1; let mut b = 1; for _ in 1..n { let old = a; a = b; b += old; } b} Notice the pub keyword: We use it, so that we can import the code from other files. This will be useful when benchmarking the functions later on. Here, we declare a and b as mut , i.e. mutable , to allow us to mutate or change their values. In Rust, all variables are imutable by default. We start our loop at 1 , because the first two values are already defined and the range is non-inclusive for its end. Another approach to implementing the Fibonacci algorithm would be to just translate the recursive mathematical definition from the introduction into Rust code. Add the following function in src/lib.rs : pub fn fib_recursive(n: usize) -> usize { match n { 0 | 1 => 1, _ => fib_recursive(n-2) + fib_recursive(n-1), }} In this case, the match operator comes in really handy. It works just like the conditional function definition in math! It is short, clean and concise. This means we don’t have to write endless if { ... } else if { ... } else { ... } clauses. One last thing to note, is the implicit return. We did not have to use the return statement, because the last expression is automatically returned. However, it is important not to end with a semi-colon, which would make the function return nothing (or () , to be more precise). When we take a close look at this function, it might become clear that it is pretty inefficient. When calculating fib_recursive(n) , we end up calculating the Fibonacci sequence twice every step down from n , although it would be enough to calculate the sequence once. This is where memoizationcomes in. The recursive approach has the runtime complexity . This is because the time complexity of fib_recursive(n) approximately doubles for every n , because it computes fib_recursive(n-1) and fib_recursive(n-2) . If we want to be more exact about the statement “it approximately doubles”, we can say the following about this factor : We can safely ignore the second solution , which is negative. This leaves us with , the golden ratio. What a coincidence! The asymptotically tight bound on the running time of fib_recursive is thus , where is the golden ratio. You can find out more about asymptotic notation in computer science on Khan Academy. We will use a std::collections::HashMap, which is similar to a dict in Python or an Object in JavaScript, to keep track of all the values we’ve already calculated. Then, we can quickly check, whether a given value has already been encountered and can return this, before wasting time on a redundant calculation. Add this code to your lib.rs file: use std::collections::HashMap;pub fn fib_memoization(n: usize, memo: &mut HashMap<usize, usize>) -> usize { if let Some(v) = memo.get(&n) { return *v; } let v = match n { 0 | 1 => 1, _ => fib_memoization(n-2, memo) + fib_memoization(n-1, memo), }; memo.insert(n, v); v} We first check, whether the current n is in the HashMap, by checking whether the value at n is Some . If no value has jet been recorded, memo.get(&n) will return None and the pattern won’t match. Next, we compute the sequence value just as when using plain recursion. The only difference is, that we save the value to our memo before returning it. Notice how we write &mut HashMap<usize, usize> in the function definition. This is part of Rust’s borrow checker, that ensure memory safety for our program. By declaring the memo as mutable , Rust ensures that only one part of the program has write access at a time and that no other part of the program can read from the memo while we have write access to it and might be modifying it unexpectedly. One last way to implement the Fibonacci sequence that this post will cover is using Rust iterators. You might be familiar with this concept, especially if you’ve already used Generators in JavaScriptor Iterators in Python. Rust iterators implement the Iterator traitand expose a next function, which returns the next element of the iterator or None , if the iteration is over. Lets implement this iterator principle using a struct . The struct will save the last two elements a and b of the sequence, starting at 1 . It will then generate the next value just as in the standard approach: pub struct FibIterator { a: usize, b: usize}impl Default for FibIterator { fn default() -> Self { FibIterator { a: 1, b: 1 } }}impl Iterator for FibIterator { type Item = usize; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { let curr = self.a; self.a = self.b; self.b = curr + self.a; Some(curr) }} A few things to notice here. First, notice how we all methods of the struct are wrapped in impl blocks. This separates the struct definition from it’s methods, helping your code stay clean. Also, we write a default method that takes no arguments and returns an initialized FibIterator . As this method is not associated to a struct instance, i.e. an initialized FibIterator with concrete values for a and b , it is called an associated function . We can call these types of functions using :: . In this case, we would call FibIterator::default() to construct a new instance. The Iterator and Default traits are implemented using the impl Foo for Bar statement. In the impl block of the Iterator trait, we define a next function that just returns the sum of the two last elements in the sequence. This way, the iterator can just keep generating new integers of the sequence on demand . Because iterators in Rust are lazy, these integers are only generated when needed. A trait is a set of common functions all structs must implement, to have this trait. In the case of Iterator , this is solely the next function. Traits are useful, because they allow other functions to accept different types, while making sure that all of these different types share a common interface. When implementing Iterator , this trait unlocks a whole set of other useful methods such as skip , take , filter , and many more, that all rely on the next method we implemented. These all come built-in with the trait and we don’t need any additional work to implement these. Iterators are an important part of Rust, as they allow to write code in a concise functional style, while incurring no additional performance. When compiling the code, Rust will optimize the operations away and turn the iterators into classical for loops in the background. That means you don’t have to choose between writing fast and clean code, you can do both! Finally, we will compare the different approaches by benchmarking the different functions. Add the following code to the benches/fibonacci_benchmark.rs file. Note that benchmarking does not seem possible on the online Rust playground. use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkId, Criterion};use rust_fibonacci::*;use std::collections::HashMap;fn bench_fibs(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Fibonacci"); for i in [20, 21].iter() { group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Standard", i), i, |b, i| { b.iter(|| fib_standard(*i)) }); group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Recursion", i), i, |b, i| { b.iter(|| fib_recursive(*i)) }); group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Memoization", i), i, |b, i| { b.iter(|| { let mut memo = HashMap::new(); fib_memoization(*i, &mut memo); }) }); group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("Iterator", i), i, |b, i| { b.iter(|| { FibIterator::new().nth(*i).unwrap(); }) }); } group.finish();}criterion_group!(benches, bench_fibs);criterion_main!(benches); This code creates a test group called Fibonacci and benchmarks the four different approaches using the same input. Run the benchmark in your terminal: cargo bench Once the benchmarks are done, you can view a nice HTML report in your browser by opening target/criterion/Fibonacci/report/index.html . Running on my machine gave me the following stats: You can clearly see, that the naive recursive solution is the least performant approach, as its execution time increases (exponentially, but not visible with 2 inputs) with the workload. The memoized version, in contrast, shows a great improvement, but it still incurs the performance overhead of initializing and managing the memo, making it less performant than the two last approaches. The iterator and standard seem to be indistinguishable. On my machine, the execution of the iterator takes ~34ns for both inputs, the standard approach around ~4.5ns for both inputs. You can find more detailed graphs and charts for every function in the corresponding target/criterion/Fibonacci/<APPROACH>/report/index.html folder. We’ve implemented and benchmarked four different approaches to generating the Fibonacci sequence. Although the recursive solution is short and concise, it is by far the least performant and can become too slow to calculate for larger inputs. The memoized solution is interesting, in that it combines the conciseness of the recursive approach with a greater speed. The standard approach, on the other hand, seems to be the fastest, but it is arguably the least elegant. Finally, the iterator solution appears to be by far the most versatile while at the same time being very fast. Additionally, it allows the user to work with the sequence in a very convenient way, e.g. by filtering, mapping, etc. Overall, it becomes clear that iterators are a very versatile and performant aspect of Rust, that are also worth considering in other languages such as Python or JavaScript. The final code of this project is open source and available here: https://github.com/umcconnell/rust_fibonacci Feedback, questions, comments or improvements are welcome! Thanks for reading.
Open Question Answering
12 Essential Painting Safety Rules to Protect Yourself from Hazards Introduction: Painting jobs can be visually captivating and rewarding, but they also come with their fair share of hazards. From chemical exposures to falls, fire hazards, and environmental concerns, painters need to understand and address these risks for their safety and the quality of their work. This comprehensive guide explores twelve distinct hazards associated with painting jobs and provides safety rules to ensure a safe and creative painting experience. Topics covered include chemical exposure, falls from heights, electrical hazards, lead exposure, equipment mishaps, and more. By following these safety measures, painters can transform their potentially dangerous task into a masterpiece of safety and creativity. Full Article: 12 Essential Painting Safety Rules to Protect Yourself from Hazards Painting Hazards: How to Stay Safe While Creating Art Introduction: – The beauty of painting often masks underlying hazards and risks – Understanding the dangers associated with painting is crucial to ensure safety – In this comprehensive guide, we explore the twelve hazards of painting and provide safety measures for a secure and creative experience Hazards Associated With Painting Jobs: 1. Chemical Exposure: – Paints contain harmful chemicals that can cause health issues – Prolonged exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can lead to respiratory problems and skin irritation 2. Inhalation of Fumes: – Paint fumes can cause respiratory issues, dizziness, and headaches – Proper ventilation and respiratory protection are necessary to prevent these health problems 3. Skin and Eye Irritation: – Direct contact with paint and solvents can lead to skin irritation and chemical burns – Paint splashes can also cause eye injuries if protection is not used 4. Falls from Heights: – Working on ladders or elevated surfaces poses a risk of falling and sustaining injuries – Fall protection measures must be in place to ensure safety 5. Electrical Hazards: – Painting near electrical sources can result in electrical shock if water-based paints come into contact – Proper precautions should be taken when working near electricity 6. Fire Hazards: – Oil-based paints are flammable and can cause fires or explosions – Working in well-ventilated areas and away from open flames is crucial for fire safety 7. Lead Exposure: – Older buildings may have lead-based paint, which poses health risks if ingested or inhaled – Safe practices for dealing with lead-based paint are necessary to minimize exposure 8. Equipment Mishaps: – Accidents can occur with paint sprayers or brushes if used incorrectly – Proper maintenance and usage of equipment are essential for safety 9. Trips and Slips: – Paint spills can create slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of falls – Keeping the work area clean and organized prevents accidents 10. Lack of Proper Ventilation: – Inadequate ventilation can lead to respiratory problems and discomfort – Ensuring proper ventilation is crucial to maintaining air quality 11. Confined Spaces: – Working in small spaces with limited air circulation can increase paint fume concentration – This presents risks of health issues and suffocation 12. Weather Conditions: – Exterior painting jobs can be affected by wind, rain, and extreme temperatures – These conditions can impact paint application and worker safety Safety Rules To Follow When Doing Painting Job: 1. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): – Safety goggles, gloves, and protective clothing should be worn to prevent exposure to chemicals – Respiratory protection might be necessary for significant fume production 2. Ensure Proper Ventilation: – Working in well-ventilated areas and using exhaust fans helps disperse harmful fumes – Respiratory protection should be used in enclosed spaces with concentrated fumes 3. Inspect and Maintain Equipment: – Regularly check and maintain painting equipment to ensure functionality and safety – Faulty equipment can lead to accidents or uneven paint application 4. Practice Safe Ladder Usage: – Ensure ladder stability by placing it on a level surface and securing it properly – Maintain three points of contact and avoid overreaching 5. Prevent Slips and Trips: – Keep the work area clean and promptly clean up spills or paint splatters – Clear walkways of debris, cords, and equipment to prevent tripping hazards 6. Handle Chemicals Safely: – Follow recommended storage guidelines and familiarize yourself with labels and MSDS – Pour or mix chemicals in well-ventilated areas and rinse skin contact immediately 7. Use Adequate Lighting: – Proper lighting is essential for safety and quality of paint application – Good visibility reduces the likelihood of accidents and enhances accuracy 8. Minimize Lead Exposure: – Follow lead-safe work practices when dealing with lead-based paint – Proper containment and cleanup methods are necessary to minimize exposure 9. Proper Waste Disposal: – Dispose of paint waste and containers according to local regulations – Avoid pouring hazardous paints down drains to prevent environmental harm 10. Fire Safety Precautions: – Keep flammable materials away from open flames and heat sources – Store paints and solvents in cool, dry areas and properly seal containers Conclusion: – Painting can be a rewarding and creative task, but safety should always be prioritized – By understanding and addressing the hazards associated with painting, accidents and health issues can be prevented – Follow these safety rules to ensure a secure and enjoyable painting experience. Summary: 12 Essential Painting Safety Rules to Protect Yourself from Hazards Summary: Pain takes center stage when a canvas meets the brush or a wall is adorned with vibrant colors. Yet, beneath the artistic allure lies a canvas of potential hazards that can compromise not only the quality of the masterpiece but also the safety of those wielding the tools. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of painting hazards, uncovering the potential risks and providing a spectrum of safety measures to ensure your artistic endeavors are visually captivating and secure for everyone involved. From chemical exposures to falls, fire hazards, and environmental concerns, each paint stroke carries its own safety considerations. So, whether you’re an experienced professional painter or a curious novice, let’s venture into the world where creativity and safety seamlessly blend – where every brushstroke is artistry and responsibility. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What are the different hazards associated with painting? Answer: The hazards of painting include exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in paint fumes, inhalation of hazardous solvents, skin irritation from contact with chemicals, eye damage from splashes or fumes, and potential fire hazards from flammable materials. 2. How can exposure to VOCs in paint fumes affect health? Answer: Breathing in VOCs from paint fumes can cause various health effects, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, eye and respiratory irritation, and in some cases, damage to the liver, kidney, or central nervous system. 3. What safety equipment should be used while painting? Answer: It is essential to use proper safety equipment, such as goggles, respirators or masks, gloves, and protective clothing to minimize the risks associated with painting. These protective measures prevent inhaling fumes, splashes on the skin, and eye injuries. 4. Are there any precautions to take when working with solvents? Answer: Yes, when working with solvents like paint thinners or cleaners, you should ensure good ventilation in the workspace to minimize inhalation risks. Additionally, avoid direct contact with skin, as solvents can cause irritations or even chemical burns. 5. Can painting lead-based surfaces be harmful? Answer: Yes, painting over lead-based surfaces without proper precautions can release lead dust or particles, which can lead to lead poisoning if inhaled or ingested. It is crucial to take necessary precautions like using HEPA vacuum cleaners and protective masks when dealing with lead-based surfaces. 6. What are the fire hazards when painting? Answer: Painting involves working with flammable substances like paint thinners or varnishes, which can pose fire risks. It is crucial to store flammable materials properly, away from any potential sources of ignition, and use non-sparking tools to reduce the risk of fire. 7. How can I protect my eyes while painting? Answer: Always wear safety goggles or protective glasses to shield your eyes from paint splatters, fumes, or any other potential eye hazards. This will reduce the risk of eye damage or irritation. 8. Are there any precautions to protect skin during painting? Answer: Yes, it is essential to wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves, pants, and gloves, to prevent direct contact with paint or chemicals. This helps reduce the risk of skin irritation or chemical burns. 9. Can painting in enclosed spaces be dangerous? Answer: Yes, painting in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces can lead to a buildup of fumes, which can cause dizziness, nausea, and respiratory issues. It is important to ensure adequate ventilation or use respiratory protection when working in such environments. 10. What should be done with paint waste or leftovers? Answer: It is crucial to dispose of paint waste or leftovers properly as they can be hazardous to the environment. Follow your local regulations for safe disposal, including recycling or taking them to designated facilities for proper treatment. 11. What are the risks of spray painting? Answer: Spray painting can pose inhalation risks if not performed in a well-ventilated area. Spraying paints or coatings can create fine particles or mists that can easily be inhaled. It is important to use appropriate respiratory protection and take necessary measures to prevent the release of excessive spray into the air. 12. Are there any specific safety rules to follow when using ladders or scaffolds for painting? Answer: When using ladders or scaffolds for painting, always ensure stable and secure footing. Do not overreach or place ladders on unstable surfaces. Use properly maintained equipment and follow proper ladder safety guidelines to prevent falls or accidents.
Open Question Answering
[ad_1] Car Makes Noise When Idling: Common Causes and Solutions Introduction: If you hear unusual noises coming from your car while it’s idling, it can be a cause for concern. Ignoring these noises can result in more significant problems down the line, leading to costly repairs. However, understanding the potential causes and solutions can help you address the issue promptly and prevent further damage. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why your car makes noise when idling and provide possible solutions to rectify the problem. Common Causes of Car Noises When Idling: 1. Exhaust System Issues: A faulty or damaged exhaust system can create a variety of noises when your car is idling. These noises can range from a hissing sound to a loud rumbling. Possible causes include a cracked or leaking exhaust manifold, damaged catalytic converter, or a loose or broken muffler. It is crucial to address these issues promptly, as a compromised exhaust system can negatively affect your vehicle’s performance and fuel efficiency. Solution: Take your car to a trusted mechanic who can inspect and repair any exhaust system issues. They may need to replace damaged components or tighten loose connections to eliminate the noise. 2. Belt Problems: Worn-out or loose belts can cause a squealing or chirping noise when your car is idling. The most common belts that may be responsible for these noises are the serpentine belt, alternator belt, or power steering belt. Over time, belts can become worn, cracked, or loose, resulting in irritating noises. Solution: It is recommended to have a professional mechanic inspect your belts regularly and replace any worn-out or damaged ones. Regular maintenance can prevent such noises from occurring in the first place. 3. Faulty Idle Control Valve: The idle control valve regulates the engine’s idle speed. When this valve malfunctions, it can cause the engine to rev too high or too low, leading to unusual noises such as a high-pitched whining or a rough idle. This issue is more common in older vehicles. Solution: A mechanic can diagnose the problem by checking the idle control valve’s functionality and cleaning or replacing it if necessary. 4. Engine Mount Failure: Engine mounts are designed to secure the engine to the vehicle’s frame, minimizing vibrations and noise. However, over time, these mounts can wear out or become damaged, resulting in excessive engine movement and causing rattling or clunking noises during idling. Solution: If you suspect engine mount failure, it is advisable to visit a professional mechanic who can inspect and replace the worn-out mounts to eliminate the noise. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. Why is my car making a clicking noise when idling? A clicking noise when idling can indicate a problem with the engine’s valves or lifters. It is recommended to have a mechanic inspect the engine to diagnose the exact cause and make any necessary repairs. 2. What does it mean when my car makes a grinding noise when idling? A grinding noise when idling can be a sign of transmission issues or problems with the clutch. It is crucial to have a professional examine your vehicle to identify the source of the noise and perform the required repairs. 3. Can a dirty air filter cause noise when idling? A dirty air filter can restrict airflow to the engine, leading to various issues, including increased engine noise. Regularly replacing or cleaning your air filter can help prevent this problem. 4. Can low engine oil cause noise when idling? Yes, low engine oil levels can cause your car to make noise when idling. Insufficient lubrication can lead to increased friction and wear, resulting in unusual sounds. Maintaining proper oil levels through regular oil changes can help prevent this issue. Conclusion: When your car makes noise while idling, it is essential not to ignore it. Identifying the cause of the noise early on and seeking professional assistance can prevent further damage and potentially save you from costly repairs in the future. Whether it’s an issue with the exhaust system, belts, idle control valve, or engine mounts, the solutions provided above can help you address the problem promptly and restore your car to its optimal performance. Remember, regular vehicle maintenance and inspections are key to avoiding such issues and ensuring a smooth and noise-free driving experience. [ad_2]
Open Question Answering
The Clinical Study Manager job description is a vital role in the science industry. The manager is responsible for coordinating and overseeing clinical trials designed to test new medications and medical devices. They ensure the studies are conducted ethically, accurately, and on time. The Clinical Study Manager works closely with different departments such as regulatory, clinical operations, and product development. They are responsible for developing study plans that meet regulatory requirements, recruiting and training study personnel, and monitoring study progress. The Clinical Study Manager's job involves many responsibilities. They ensure compliance with regulations, oversee data collection, and review study reports. They also monitor the budget, negotiate contracts, and liaise with investigating clinicians, vendors, and contract research organizations. In summary, the Clinical Study Manager job description requires significant knowledge of clinical research, good communication and leadership skills, strong attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple tasks at once. To work as a Clinical Study Manager in the Science industry, you'll need a combination of education and experience. Usually, you'll need a bachelor's degree in a discipline such as biology, pharmacology or medicine. However, some employers may require a master's degree. You should also have experience in clinical research, with at least three years of experience as a Clinical Study Coordinator. As a Clinical Study Manager, your main job will be to oversee clinical research trials to ensure they comply with regulations and ethical standards. You will help to design study protocols and supervise the work of the Clinical Study Coordinators who will be conducting the research. Good communication and management skills are essential, along with a sharp eye for detail. Clinical Study Manager Salary Range: The expected salary range for a Clinical Study Manager in the Science industry varies depending on several factors, including experience, location, and education level. In the United States, the average salary of a Clinical Study Manager ranges from $76,000 to $130,000 per year. However, salaries can go up to $160,000 or higher for those with more than 10 years of experience in a related field. In other countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada, the average salary for a Clinical Study Manager is around £50,000 to £70,000 per year, and CAD $80,000 to CAD $120,000, respectively. Sources: Clinical study managers are responsible for managing the clinical trial process, including designing, planning, and executing clinical trials to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new treatments. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of medical and health services managers, including clinical study managers, is projected to grow 18% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is attributed to the aging population and the increased demand for healthcare services. The pharmaceutical and biotech industries are experiencing strong growth in clinical trials, which is expected to fuel demand for clinical study managers. Overall, the career outlook for clinical study managers is positive, with abundant prospects for growth and advancement. Q: What does a Clinical Study Manager do? A: A Clinical Study Manager is responsible for overseeing the planning and execution of clinical trials to ensure they comply with regulations and meet research objectives. Q: What qualifications are required to become a Clinical Study Manager? A: Typically, a Clinical Study Manager has a degree in life sciences or a related field, and several years of experience in clinical research. Q: What are the key skills required to become a Clinical Study Manager? A: A Clinical Study Manager needs excellent communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills, along with the ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines. Q: What are the most challenging aspects of being a Clinical Study Manager? A: A Clinical Study Manager needs to balance the needs of clinical research with the ethical and safety considerations for patients involved in the studies, while also managing budgets and timelines. Q: What career opportunities are available in the Science industry for a Clinical Study Manager? A: Experienced Clinical Study Managers can progress to roles such as Director of Clinical Research, Clinical Operations Manager or Clinical Program Manager.
Open Question Answering
NHM सिंधुदुर्ग अंतर्गत पदभरती अंतिम निवड आणि प्रतीक्षा यादी – NHM Sindhudurg Results DHO Zilla Parishad, Sindhudurg National Health Mission – Final Selection and Waiting List DHO जिल्हा परिषद, सिंधुदुर्ग राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान – अंतिम निवड आणि प्रतीक्षा यादी RBSK and AYUSH selection and waiting list under National Health Mission राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान अंतर्गत आरबीएसके निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान अंतर्गत आयुष निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी List of eligible and ineligible candidates for the post of Supervisor, TB Supervisor, Laboratory Technician under Sindhudurg National Health Mission जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी , सिंधुदुर्ग राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान अंतर्गत पर्यवेक्षक ,टीबी पर्यवेक्षक , प्रयोगशाळा तंत्रज्ञ पदाची पात्र व अपात्र उमेदवार यादी Zilla Parishad Sindhudurg Recruitment under National Health Mission- List of Eligible and Ineligible Candidates जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी, जिल्हा परिषद सिंधुदुर्ग राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान अंतर्गत पदभरती- पात्र व अपात्र उमेदवार यादी. NHM Sindhudurg Bharti Eligible and Ineligible List NHM Sindhudurg Result: National Health Mission Sindhudurg has released Eligible and Ineligible List for the posts of various posts Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list from the given link. Applicants having any objection with list may contact with [email protected] before 19th May 2021 NHM Sindhudurg Final Merit List National Health Mission Sindhudurg has announced the list of marks for various posts and Final Merit list. Click on the link below to download the list. Candidates who have applied for Medical Officer, Ayush MO, Staff Nurse, ANM Posts can check their final merit list from below link: NHM Sindhudurg Bharti Eligible and Ineligible List NHM Sindhudurg Final Result: National Health Mission Sindhudurg has released Eligible and Ineligible List for the posts of Physician, Medical Officer, MO, Staff Nurse, ANM. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list from the given link. Applicants having any objection with list may contact with [email protected] before 10th April 2021. NHM Sindhudurg Final Result: National Health Mission Sindhudurg has released a Merit List for the Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, ANM, Posts. Candidates who have applied and attend the written test may check their list from the given link. NHM Sindhudurg Final Result: National Health Mission sindhudurg has released a final merit list for various posts like Ayush Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, ANM on the official site. Candidates who had applied for these posts can check your result from below link: NHM Sindhudurg Final Merit List National Health Mission Sindhudurg has announced the list of marks for various posts and Final Merit list. Click on the link below to download the list. Candidates who have applied for Physiotherapist, Social Worker, Psychologist, Dialysis Technician, X-Ray Technician, Technician, Counselor, Facility Manager, Ect. Posts can check their final merit list from below link: NHM Sindhudurg Final Waiting List National Health Mission Sindhudurg has announced the list of marks for various posts and Final Waiting list. Click on the link below to download the list.Candidates who have applied for MO,ECG Technician, Lab Technician, Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator can check their result from below link: National Health Mission Sindhudurg has announced the list of marks for various posts. Click on the link below to download the list. If candidates have any objection on that they can send their objection on a given email id on or before 29th July 2020 till 6.00 PM NHM Sindhudurge Final Selection and Waiting List NHM Sindhudurg Results: National Health Mission Sindhudurge has released released the Final Selection and Waiting list for the posts of Medical Officer, Nutrition Officer, Psychologist Posts. Candidates who had applied should check their names through the link given below. NHM Sindhudurge Merit List NHM Sindhudurg Results: National Health Mission Sindhudurge has released the Merit List Medical Officer Posts. Applicants may be applied for these posts may check their merit list from the given list. NHM Sindhudurg Interview Eligibility List NHM Sindhudurg Results: National Health Mission Sindhudurge has released the interview eligibility list for the various posts. Candidates may submit documents dated from 4th Feb to 13th Feb 2020 those candidates may check their names for the final interview. Related information about interviews may upload on the official website.
Open Question Answering
The DAV Class 7 Maths Book Solutions and DAV Class 7 Maths Chapter 14 Brain Teasers Solutions of Visualising Solids offer comprehensive answers to textbook questions. DAV Class 7 Maths Ch 14 Brain Teasers Solutions Question 1. A. Tick (✓) the correct option: represents a net of— (a) cone (b) cube (c) cubiod (d) cylinder Answer: (d) cylinder It represents a net of cylinder. Hence, (d) is the correct option. (ii) How many cubes are there in the given figure? (a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16 Answer: (c) 15 15 cubes are there in the figure. Hence, (c) is the correction option. (iii) A tetrahedron has ___________ vertices. (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 Answer: (c) 4 A tetrahedron has four vertices A, B, C and D. Hence, (c) is the correct (iv) I have one square and four triangles. I am a (a) cube (b) pyramid (c) prism (d) cubiod Answer: (b) pyramid A pyramid has one square and four triangles as shown in the given figure. Hence, (b) is the correctc option. can be folded into a: (a) cone (b) sphere (c) cylinder (d) circle Answer: (a) coneIt can be folded into a cone. Hence, (a) is the correct option. B. Answer the following questions. (i) Draw a net for a tetrahedron. Answer: Nets for a tetrahedron (ii) Can this be a net for a die? Why or why not? Answer: No, When the net is folded, it will look like the figure given alongside, in which sum of opposite face digits is not equal to seven (7). (iii) Complete the net for making a cube. Answer: (iv) Two cubes of edge 2 cm each are placed side to side to form a cuboid. Draw an oblique sketch for the resulting figure. Answer: (v) What is the difference between a cube and a cuboid? Answer: All faces of a cube are squares and all faces of a cuboid are rectangles. DAV Class 7 Maths Chapter 14 HOTS Question 1. Which figure will be opposite to the triangle when the net is folded into a cube? Answer: will be opposite to the triangle when the net is folded into a cube. Question 2. Draw the top view and front view of a bolt with a hexagonal head and a hexagonal nut. Answer: Top view: Front View:
Open Question Answering
Are you seeking balance and relief from the challenges of depression? Well, I’ve got something important to share with you today – a comprehensive guide to tricyclic antidepressants. These powerful medications can help you find the stability and peace of mind you deserve. Let’s dive in! Understanding Tricyclic Antidepressants Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are a class of medication that have been widely used for decades in the treatment of depression. They work by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which play a crucial role in regulating mood and emotions. TCAs are particularly effective for individuals who experience severe depression symptoms or have not found relief with other antidepressant options. They can also be prescribed for other conditions, such as anxiety disorders, chronic pain, and migraines. How Tricyclic Antidepressants Can Help So, you might be wondering, how exactly can tricyclic antidepressants help you? Well, these medications work by restoring the balance of neurotransmitters in your brain, which can alleviate symptoms of depression, including: Intense sadness and hopelessness Loss of interest in activities Changes in appetite and weight Sleep disturbances Fatigue and lack of energy Trouble concentrating Feelings of guilt or worthlessness By targeting these symptoms, tricyclic antidepressants can help you regain control over your life and find the relief you’ve been searching for. Considering the Potential Side Effects Like any medication, tricyclic antidepressants come with potential side effects. It’s essential to be aware of these possibilities and discuss them with your healthcare provider. Common side effects may include: Drowsiness or fatigue Dry mouth Blurred vision Constipation Weight gain Orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing up) Remember, everyone’s experience is unique, and not everyone will experience these side effects. Your healthcare provider will work closely with you to find the right dosage and monitor your progress to minimize any potential discomfort. How Nao Medical Can Assist You At Nao Medical, we understand the importance of finding the right treatment for your mental health. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to support you every step of the way. We offer comprehensive mental health services, including tricy cyclic antidepressant prescriptions and personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Here’s how we can assist you: Expert Evaluation: Our caring staff will conduct a thorough evaluation to understand your unique symptoms, medical history, and treatment goals. This evaluation helps us determine if tricyclic antidepressants are the right option for you. Medication Management: Once tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed, we provide ongoing medication management. Our team closely monitors your progress, adjusts dosages if needed, and addresses any concerns or questions you may have along the way. Comprehensive Care: Nao Medical is not just about medication. We believe in a holistic approach to mental health. In addition to tricyclic antidepressants, we offer a range of services to support your overall well-being, including therapy, counseling, and lifestyle interventions. We’re here to help you achieve balance in every aspect of your life. Affordable and Accessible: We understand that cost and accessibility are crucial factors in healthcare. Nao Medical is committed to providing high-quality care that is affordable and within reach for all communities, including lower-income areas. We accept a wide range of insurances to make our services accessible to as many individuals as possible. Take the First Step If you’re ready to take the first step towards finding balance and relief, we invite you to book an appointment with Nao Medical. Our friendly and experienced team is eager to help you on your journey to better mental health. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone. Nao Medical is here to support you with expert care, cutting-edge technology, and a compassionate approach to your well-being. Together, we can find the right path towards a happier and healthier life. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Are tricyclic antidepressants addictive? A: Tricyclic antidepressants are not addictive. However, it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and avoid abruptly stopping the medication without consulting them. Q: Can tricyclic antidepressants be used for anxiety? A: Yes, tricyclic antidepressants can be prescribed for anxiety disorders. They can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and provide relief. Q: How long does it take for tricyclic antidepressants to work? A: It can take several weeks for tricyclic antidepressants to reach their full effect. Your healthcare provider will closely monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Q: What should I do if I experience side effects? A: If you experience any side effects from tricyclic antidepressants, it’s important to communicate them with your healthcare provider. They can help you manage the side effects or explore alternative options if necessary. That’s it for our guide to tricyclic antidepressants. We hope you found this information helpful and insightful. Remember, Nao Medical is here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards better mental health. Book your appointment with us today and let’s work together to find the balance and relief you deserve!
Open Question Answering
Since it started in 2014, the Maltese CBI program has been considered the best of the best. Its strong due diligence process, EU compliance, a favorable tax regime, and the fact the passport gives you full access to the EU to work, live, travel, and invest, quickly put it at the top of the CBI programs. However, that also means the process to gain access can be difficult. In Privatus Maximus, together with Privatus Maximus, we have more than two decades of experience helping people acquiring second passports to protect their families, their legacies, and their assets. In that time, we’ve built a network of experts that includes Discus Holdings, one of the top service providers in Europe. We talked with its Managing Director, Laszlo Kiss, who answered all the main questions our clients constantly ask regarding Malta’s CBI and RBI programs. Thank you for joining us today, Laszlo. First of all, the Maltese CBI and RBI programs are probably the most prestigious. Why have they been so successful? Answer: In 2020, only two EU Member States have real citizenship by investment programs. Both Malta and Cyprus are flourishing countries with mild weather, welcoming people, and low taxes. Moreover, the Maltese passport is the most useful travel document among all travel documents of the jurisdictions with CIP schemes. What advantages can the program offer for investors, especially Latin American investors? Answer: Latin American investors can enjoy the incomparable advantages of Malta. They become citizens of the European Union, can travel, live, and work in any other European countries in the Union and the Schengen zone. Don’t forget the citizens’ children may also study in other states. Also, it’s vital to notice that Malta’s low-tax regime differs from the other rigid and high-tax laws of most EU Member States. Malta has a long tradition of productive, profitable commerce and banking. The Maltese financial center is prepared to accept business from Latin-America, there are no cultural barriers, and the financial institutes are flexible. Nowadays, health care became a crucially important question. The blue EU healthcare card allows the holders to receive treatment in any other Member State for free. Maltese citizens, who are living in another country do not have to pay tax on their foreign-sourced income. Why choose Malta, and not Cyprus, who is an EU member, too, or one of the Caribbean and Pacific Islands that offer a CBI program? Answer: Malta has unique advantages. First of all, in the EU, only Malta and Ireland use English as an official language. Don’t forget that Malta uses territorial taxation, and foreign-sourced income is tax-exempt while Cyprus has a worldwide tax system. Regarding the comparison with the Caribbean programs, the primary benefit of those programs is the Schengen visa exemption. Still, a Caribbean passport does not allow you to live or work in the European Union. The passport of Malta offers you another level of freedom to travel. The Maltese passport will enable you to enter 169 countries without a visa or by picking up one upon arrival, and it is the fifth strongest travel document of the world. Even the strongest Caribbean passport (of Saint Kitts and Nevis) allows you to enter only 142 countries and holds the 19th position in the international comparison of the passports’ strength. Are the programs seeing many backlogs? What is the average time it takes to get the CBI and RBI? Answer: As official agents of the program, it is our responsibility to submit complete documentation. There can be seasonal backlog during the RBI scheme, but if there are no missing documents, we can plan the time frame of the successful processes, according to the law. Regarding the residency by investment program, the due diligence process takes three months. Meanwhile, to obtain the Maltese passport through the citizenship scheme takes one year. What are the main differences between both programs? Do they provide the same potential tax benefits? Answer: Naturally, the legal status of a resident and a citizen is different. In Malta, the not domiciled residents enjoy tax exemption on their not remitted foreign-sourced income. Meanwhile, the citizens of Malta can live where they want and can become tax residents in other countries so that they can decide their tax requirements. Apart from the financial requirements, do the programs have different requirements regarding the eligibility criteria? Answer: No, the applicants must meet the same conditions, the “Fit and Proper” due diligence check of Malta is strict and serves as a role model internationally for the other investor’s immigration schemes. Does the RBI program have any particular requirements over the minimum annual income?How much has to be added per dependent? Answer: In the case of the Malta Residence & Visa Program, the applicant must prove an annual income of not less than €100,000 arising outside Malta or must have a capital of minimum €500,000. Meanwhile, the eligibility criteria for the Individual Investor Programme is that all applicants and each dependent must have a global health insurance coverage of at least €50,000and must provide evidence that they can maintain it for an indefinite period. How many dependents are allowed by both programs? Answer: Under the Malta IIP: – A child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant, or of the spouse of the main applicant, who is less than 18 years of age; A child of the main applicant, or of the spouse of the main applicant, who is between 18 and 26 years of age, who is not married, and who proves that he/she is wholly maintained or supported by the main applicant; A parent or grandparent of the main applicant, or of the spouse of the principal applicant, who is over 55 years of age, and proves that he/she is wholly maintained or supported by the main applicant, and forms part of the household of the main applicant; A child of the main applicant, or of the spouse of the principal applicant, who is at least 18 years of age, is physically or mentally challenged, and who is living with and is fully supported by the primary applicant. Meanwhile, under the MVRP Program, the following dependents of the primary applicant may participate: – The spouse of the principal applicant in a monogamous marriage or in another relationship having a similar status to marriage, unless the Minister authorizes otherwise on a case by case basis. A child, including an adopted child, of the principal applicant or of his spouse who at the time of application, is less than eighteen years of age. A child, including an adopted child, of the principal applicant or of his or her spouse, who at the time of application is not yet born or not yet adopted by the principal applicant or by his spouse, and is born or becomes so adopted after the appointed day. A child, including an adopted child, of the principal applicant or of his spouse, who at the time of application is adult (over eighteen years of age), not married, and proves that at the time of application he or she is not economically active and is principally dependent on the main applicant. A parent or grandparent is eligible, who proves that at the time of application, that he or she is not economically active and is principally dependent on the principal applicant. An adult child of the primary applicant or the spouse of the principal applicant who has been certified by a medical professional/authority as having a disability. What are the financial requirements for the CBI program? Answer: The primary applicant has the following financial requirements during the naturalization process under the Malta IIP: Donate €650,000 to the NDSF (National Development and Social Fund) Invest in stocks, bonds or other special purpose vehicles qualified by Identity Malta, for at least €150,000 Purchase a residential real estate with a minimum value of €350,000, or lease a residential real estate in Malta for five years, at an annual rent of at least €16,000 Get a global health insurance coverage of at least €50,000, for all named applicants. How much has to be added to the contribution per dependent? Answer: Spouse: €25,000 Each dependent child 0-17 years: €25,000 Each dependent between 18-26 years, single and financially dependent on the primary applicant: €50,000 Each dependent aged 55 or over, residing with the main applicant and financially dependent on the applicant: €50,000 What is the minimum investment term? Can I sell my property after that term without buying/leasing a new one? Is it the same with the RBI program? Answer: The citizens must maintain the investments (bonds + real estate ownership or rental) for five years. Regarding the residency by investment program, the investor must keep the investment for at least five years either until he or she becomes a citizen or decides to change the resident status. What are the associated fees to apply for the CBI program? Answer: Due Diligence Fees: Principal applicant: €7,500 Spouse: €5,000 Each Dependent child aged 0-17: €3,000 Each Dependent aged 18-26: €5,000 Each Dependent aged 55 or above: €5,000. What are the financial requirements of the RBI program? Answer: Investments in highly reliable Maltese government bonds of €250,000, for 5 years Contribution to the State Fund of Malta in the amount of €30,000. Purchase or rent a property in Malta for residential use. Purchase: not less than €320,000 for a property situated in the North of Malta, or €270,000 for a property located in Gozo or the South of Malta. Rental: €12,000 per annum for a property situated in Malta; or €10,000 per annum for a property located in Gozo or the south of Malta) Do the RBI program’s contribution and fees cover the whole family? Answer: The €30,000 contribution covers the main applicant, spouse, and children of the main applicant/spouse at the application stage. A further contribution of €5,000 is applicable for every parent or grandparent of the main applicant or spouse at the application stage. What are the associated fees to apply for the RBI program? Answer: There is a non-refundable due diligence fee of €5,500. How much of the total investment must be paid with the application in both cases? Do I have to pay for the property, make the contribution, and invest in bonds ### ### before applying or only after receiving an approval? Answer: As an official agent of the Maltese investor’s immigration programs, we help the clients to prepare the proper documents for the application. For the citizenship program the investor must also transfer the professional fees, the government due diligence fees, a non-refundable contribution of €10,000 as a partial payment of the NDSF contribution in exchange for the Letter of Approval in Principle”. Within four months of the Letter of Approval in Principle, proof must be submitted to Identity Malta that the applicant completed the real estate purchase or fulfilled the lease, as well as completed the requisite €150,000 investment required by law. Once the Letter of Approval in Principle has been issued, Malta Immigration will be able to grant the applicant and family members a National Visa (for a period 90 days). It allows them to visit Malta to take the Oath of Allegiance, complete any property viewings to purchase and provide their biometric data (fingerprints and iris scan). If the applicant met all the conditions, within two years but not earlier than six months from the date of the application, the authority issues the Certificate of Naturalization, which is needed to obtain the passports. For the residency, a non-refundable €5,500 fee must be paid. When the Letter of Approval in Principle is issued, the €24,500 contribution is due. Is the donation to the NDSF refundable? Answer: Donation is not refundable. Are the RBI beneficiaries required to live in Malta for a determinate time per year? Answer: The minimum number of days to be spent in Malta is not specified. Must the CBI applicants live in Malta before, during, and after the application? Answer: The minimum number of days to be spent in Malta is not specified. Citizens of Malta can live, work or stay, wherever they want to. In which steps of the process, the applicant must be physically present in Malta (in both programs)? Answer: During the process, the applicants must visit Malta to provide their biometric data, and they must personally pick up the passports. Are the names of those approved in the CBI program published somewhere? Answer: The Government of Malta every year publishes the names of all foreign citizens who naturalized for citizenship in the official Gazette. The Gazette publishes the names of all naturalized citizens and IIP citizens combined in December of the following year. Does Malta recognize dual citizenship? Can citizenship be revoked? Answer: Malta recognizes dual citizenship since 2000. Yes, the Maltese citizenship can be lost through deprivation if: The citizenry was acquired using fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact. The citizen has shown himself or herself by act or speech to be disloyal or disaffected towards the President or the Government of Malta. The citizen engaged, unlawfully traded either communicated with an enemy or associated with any business motivated by the willingness to assist an enemy in a war. The citizen has, within seven years after becoming naturalized as a Maltese citizen, been sentenced to a punishment of not less than twelve months in prison. The citizen has been ordinarily resident in foreign countries for a continuous period of seven years. During such time, he or she has neither been in the service of the Republic or of an international organization of which the Government of Malta was a member nor given a notice in writing to the Minister of his or her intention to retain citizenship of Malta. Malta has one of the stringiest due diligence processes among the CBI and RBI programs. How can Discus Holdings guarantee success to their clients? What’s your success rate in Malta? Answer: Our headquarters is in Malta; we are a local company there with the experience of long years. Our success rate is 100% because our clients must go through a strict preliminary due diligence check. It is our responsibility to prepare the documents and the applicants for the process, and we do our job very well. Is Discus Holdings a government-licensed service provider in Malta? Answer: Naturally, Discus Holdings was among the first immigration and investment consultancies to obtain the license from the government, you can check it on the official list of service providers in the relevant section of the Identity Malta’s website. What do you offer over other providers in Malta? Why should a client pick Discus Holdings? Answer: Most of our competitors entered the citizenship and residency by investment sector only a couple of years ago. Meanwhile, our colleagues have more than 25 years of experience. Even before the trend of obtaining second citizenship started, we have been already one of the leading European company forming and tax planning service providers in Central Europe. We have the contacts, and we are official agents of the programs. We take the success of your application personally. Ask for a free consultation to check the quality of our service.
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If you are looking for high-quality earbuds with great features,then the Indy Evo earbuds are a great option. These earbuds offer superior sound quality,long battery life,and a comfortable fit that makes them perfect for long listening sessions. Are you looking for How To Pair Indy Evo Earbuds Together? However, in order to get the most out of these earbuds, it’s important to understand how to pair them together properly.Pairing your Indy Evo earbuds together is necessary to ensure that you get the best sound quality and avoid any potential connectivity issues. By pairing the earbuds together, you can enjoy a seamless listening experience without any interruptions or dropouts. This is especially important if you are using your earbuds while working out or traveling. Overall, learning how to pair your Indy Evo earbuds together is an essential step in getting the most out of these high-quality earbuds. With a little bit of practice and the right guidance, you can enjoy all the great features that these earbuds have to offer and take your listening experience to the next level. Let’s get into the further details! Contents 1 How To Pair Indy Evo Earbuds Together: A Comprehensive Guide 2 What Are The Advanced Features Of Indy Evo Earbuds? 3 How To Sync Indy Evo Earbuds with Your Device: A Simple Guide? 4 Tips for Maintaining Indy Evo Earbuds Pairing and Syncing 5 Frequently Asked Questions 6 Closing Thoughts How To Pair Indy Evo Earbuds Together: A Comprehensive Guide Indy Evo Earbuds are a popular choice for people who love listening to music or taking calls on the go. But sometimes, users struggle with pairing the earbuds together, which can be frustrating. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of pairing your Indy Evo Earbuds together, with some useful tips to make it easier. 1. Preparing the Earbuds for Pairing Before we dive into the pairing process, let’s ensure that your earbuds are ready for use. Here’s what you need to do to prepare your Indy Evo Earbuds for pairing: 2. Checking the Battery Life of the Earbuds and Charging Them if Necessary To check the battery life of your Indy Evo Earbuds, press the button on the side of the earbud. The LED light will flash a certain number of times to indicate the battery life. 3. Resetting the Earbuds to Factory Settings If you have previously paired your earbuds with another device, you may need to reset them to clear any pairing information. Here’s how you can reset your Indy Evo Earbuds: Place both earbuds in the charging case and close the lid. Press and hold the button on the earbuds for 10 seconds until the LED light flashes red. Release the button and wait for the earbuds to reset. 4. Pairing Your Indy Evo Earbuds Together Now that your earbuds are ready, let’s move on to the pairing process. Follow these steps to pair your Indy Evo Earbuds together: Take both earbuds out of the charging case and turn them on by pressing the button on the earbuds. Press and hold the button on both earbuds for about 5 seconds until the LED light on both earbuds starts flashing red and blue. Once the LED lights on both earbuds are flashing red and blue, they are in pairing mode. Go to the Bluetooth settings on your device and select “Indy Evo” from the list of available devices. Wait for your device to connect to the earbuds, and the LED light on both earbuds will turn solid blue. Congratulations, your Indy Evo Earbuds are now paired together and ready to use! Moreover, pairing Indy Evo Earbuds together may seem daunting at first, but with the right preparation and step-by-step instructions, it’s a breeze. Checking the battery life, resetting the earbuds, and following the pairing process will ensure that your earbuds work seamlessly together. What Are The Advanced Features Of Indy Evo Earbuds? The Skullcandy app offers advanced features that allow you to customize your earbuds and enhance your music-listening experience. Here are some of the features you can access through the app: Access voice assistants: You can use your earbuds to access voice assistants like Siri or Google Assistant, allowing you to control your music and other tasks hands-free.Find your fit: The Skullcandy app allows you to find your perfect fit by performing a fit test. The app will play a tone and ask you if you can hear it, then adjust the earbuds’ settings accordingly.Firmware updates: Updating the firmware on your earbuds ensure that they are running at optimal performance and can fix any bugs or issues.Customize settings: You can customize the EQ settings to adjust the bass, treble, and mid-range frequencies to your liking.How To Sync Indy Evo Earbuds with Your Device: A Simple Guide? So, you have paired your Indy Evo earbuds together, but now you need to sync them with your device. Whether you are connecting to your phone, laptop, or tablet, syncing your earbuds to your device is crucial for an optimal listening experience. In this guide, we will show you how to sync Indy Evo earbuds with your device in a few simple steps. Syncing the Earbuds with Multiple Devices: Indy Evo earbuds have a multi-device pairing feature that allows you to switch between devices seamlessly. Here’s how to sync your earbuds with multiple devices: Disconnect the earbuds from the first device by turning off Bluetooth or disconnecting them manually. Connect the earbuds to the second device following the same steps as above. To switch between devices, pause the audio on one device and play it on the other device. Troubleshooting Common Syncing Issues If you encounter any syncing issues, try the following solutions: Make sure your device’s Bluetooth is turned on and within range. Restart your device and earbuds. Reset your earbuds to their factory settings by placing them in the charging case and holding the touch button for 10 seconds. With these simple steps, you can now sync your Indy Evo earbuds to your device and enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, and more with ease. Tips for Maintaining Indy Evo Earbuds Pairing and Syncing Are you tired of struggling with the pairing and syncing of your Indy Evo earbuds? Fortunately, there are several ways to maintain the pairing and syncing of your Indy Evo earbuds. Avoid interference from other Bluetooth devices: Interference from other Bluetooth devices can cause disruptions in the connection between your Indy Evo earbuds and your device. To avoid this, make sure to turn off any nearby Bluetooth devices that you are not using. Check for software updates regularly: Regularly checking for software updates is essential to maintain the pairing and syncing of your earbuds. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements to Bluetooth connectivity, which can help improve the pairing and syncing process. Keep the earbuds and device within range of each other: One of the most critical factors in maintaining a good connection between your Indy Evo earbuds and your device is the distance between them. Make sure to keep your earbuds and device within range of each other to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted listening experience. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I pair Indy Evo earbuds together? Ans: Put both earbuds into pairing mode by holding down the button until they flash red and blue. Then, select “Indy Evo” on your device’s Bluetooth menu to connect. Q: How do I clean my Indy Evo earbuds? Ans: Use a dry, soft-bristled brush to clean the earbuds and charging case. Avoid using liquids or harsh chemicals that can damage the earbuds. Closing Thoughts Indy Evo earbuds offer a convenient and high-quality listening experience for users. From their comfortable fit to their long battery life, these earbuds are designed to meet the needs of music enthusiasts and casual listeners alike. With their sleek design and impressive features, Indy Evo earbuds are a great choice for anyone who values great sound and ease of use. Whether you are listening to music, taking phone calls, or working out, Indy Evo earbuds offer a reliable and enjoyable listening experience that you won’t want to miss out on.
Open Question Answering
Experiments in blind tasting At the course I've written before about my experiences as an uncertified beer judge, and when the Norwegian homebrewer's association offered their beer judge certification course again this year I decided to apply. My goal was to learn more about the beer brewing process, to improve my ability to analyze beer, and to learn about specific flaws in beer and how to detect them. If I'd also have to teach myself the Norwegian beer style guidelines I decided that was a price I'd be willing to pay. To join the course you had to apply and explain your background as well as why you wanted to take the course. 10 applicants were selected, just under half of the people who applied, and I was one of the lucky ones. The course was just a single day, designed to help us get a picture of what we need to learn. The exam will be in four months, and was described by one of the instructors as "entirely flunkable". Apparently only 1 in 3 participants passed last year, Geir Ove being one of them. The course day was held a good distance outside of Oslo, on Nesodden, and so we all gathered at the central station in the morning, to share a taxi out to the course location. This was a brewhouse which one of the instructors had set up next to his home. This brewhouse had various steel vats, a small bar with a tap, and a table with just enough room for the participants and instructors. The course had a theoretical part, mostly covering the role of the beer judge, the brewing process, and various chemicals in beer. There was also a practical part, in which we were given small samples of different beers. The initial batch was four beers used to illustrate various chemicals in beer. Grolsch was used to illustrate dimethyl sulfide, Grans Bare Øl for diacetyl, and a Cantillon Gueuze to illustrate acidity. To illustrate oxidization they took Ringnes Pils (the default Norwegian lager), pumped a small amount of sterile air into it with an aquarium pump, and then cooked the bottle in an oven at 70C for a while. The result certainly was oxidized, and very different from the original. We were not told what beers these were until after we had tasted them, but one participant guessed the Grolsch. We were then given a batch of three unidentified black beers, and told to write notes on them, then attempt to guess the beer styles. After tasting the three we were asked one by one to read our notes on the first one, all of which went along the lines of "roasty, caramel, maybe a bit neutral". The shock was considerable when we were told that it was, again, Ringnes Pils, this time with some black colouring added to it. Every single one of the 10 participants claimed to taste roastiness in the beer, and not one of the 10 so much as came near the idea that this might be a pilsener. An interesting example of the sense of taste being affected by visual signals. The second beer was described along similar lines, but as having more flavour, more burntness, maybe some alcohol, and some earthiness. One participant guessed that it was Samuel Smith Taddy Porter, and so it did indeed turn out to be. Taster glasses The third beer was again described as having a pretty lasting brown head, being roasty, kind of neutral, maybe a bit sweet, and, by one person, as slightly estery. There was again considerable shock on being told that this was Erdinger Hefe-Weissbier (the pale variety) with dark colouring. We'd again been fooled by the colour into picking up an entirely imaginary roastiness, although the ester character is certainly correct. I'm still surprised by this result. There was considerable beer tasting experience among the participants. There were three RateBeer users with approximately 8,000 ratings put together, one guy educated as a wine sommelier, two commercial microbrewers, and the rest were certainly not novices, either. And yet while the participants were able to recognize two beers simply by tasting them, they were also fooled into tasting something that was just not there. There is much research and anecdotal evidence indicating that people's sense of taste and aroma are strongly influenced by their expectations, so this shouldn't have come as a shock. But it did. Next, we were given what's called a triangular test. We're given three glasses of beer, containing two different ones. The task is to identify the one glass containing a beer different from that in the other two. I easily spotted that glass 2 had a beer that was noticeably thinner and waterier than the sweeter beer in glass 1. Then I got stressed and flustered, and consequently messed up the comparison with glass 3, but in the end decided that glass 2 had to be the one that was different. Most people (possibly all) gave the same answer. The correct answer was: 1 Murphy's Red Ale, 2 Kilkenny, 3 Murphy's Red Ale. So we got this one right. For the last part, we were divided into two groups, and given four beers to sample. Our task was to make tasting notes, then discuss and agree on what type of beer it was, and finally to judge it using the standard judging sheets. The first one we all immediately spotted as a Belgian Wit, probably Hoegaarden, based on the coriander aroma that was quite prominent. The visuals (hazy pale yellow) made this easier, of course. The other group came to the same conclusion. It really was Hoegaarden. The second we really struggled with, with the group dividing itself over whether this was a German Dunkel or a Brown Ale. It may sound strange that this should be so hard, but the sample beer did not have that much flavour, and it's not trivial to distinguish the dry maltiness of a dunkel from the fruitier nuttier character of a true brown ale. The group argued back and forth for a long time, with some people changing sides during the argument, while others stuck to their guns. In the end the Dunkels outnumbered the Ales 3 to 2, so we settled for that. One of the Dunkels guessed it to be Aass Bayer. The other group also struggled with this, in the end settling for brown ale. The correct answer: Frydenlund Bayer (a dunkel). Bar tap On the third beer we all agreed it had to be some sort of ale, and after some discussion (bitter? pale ale? brown ale?) we decided to settle for Brown Ale. The Norwegian style guide distinguishes between English and American Brown Ale, but we ignored this. One person guessed it to be a home brew, perhaps even the host's Lobster Duck Fat Brown. My recollection is that the other group also settled for brown ale here. The answer: Dischler Fat Brown. (Lobster Duck is a different beer.) The fourth beer was black, with lots of flavour, and all five group members agreed it must be some sort of porter or stout. One person immediately claimed to recognize Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout. The discussion went back and forth a bit here, too, over porter, oatmeal stout, imperial stout, etc, before it was agreed to assume imperial stout. Again this may sound odd, but with no reference points it's not really that easy to determine how powerful a given beer actually is when you taste it. Some of the members were also not that clear on the finer points of the different porter/stout types, which of course made things harder. The other group chose imperial stout here. The beer did turn out to be Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout. At the end nearly everyone went off to an excellent dinner at Oslo Spiseforretning, a fine restaurant in the oldest part of Oslo, accompanied by three excellent beers from Haandbryggeriet. The waitress did the usual spiel of introducing the dishes and beers, and was a bit surprised to find the group giggling on being told that porter is a dark beer. It was a very good dinner, much enjoyed by all. Normally people would have been up for several beers after dinner, but on this occasion everyone was completely wasted after a long and intense day, and so everyone retired home. Now follows a bit of study to learn the style guide, and probably some study group meetings to practice judging beer. And then, in March, the exam. The last beer Similar posts The Danish Association of Beer Enthusiasts have been arranging beer festivals for several years, but this year was the first time I was able to go Read | 2008-11-13 15:25 The state of the Norwegian beer scene never ceases to amaze me, and given that I'm a native Norwegian, I thought international readers might enjoy a look at what goes on here Read | 2008-08-20 21:04 The Beer Nut - 2008-11-20 10:51:26 Kilkenny really is easily spotted due to its utter tastelessness. I found it very easy to pick out from Beamish Red in a blind tasting. Jason B Standing - 2008-11-27 14:00:21 That's fascinating - I live in constant paranoia that someone's going to make me do a taste-off between 2 identical beers and I'm not going to get it... I like the idea of giving distinct "baseline" points for taste reference (like when my g/f & I recently bought oaked and unoaked chardonnay because I confessed I didn't know what oak was meant to taste like, despite having it referred to in numerous tasting notes - I know what it is now :). As an aside, where can you get Beamish Red? I've not seen it anywhere for years!! Lars Marius - 2008-11-29 09:15:03 I wouldn't worry too much about the taste-off, since this is much harder than it seems. If you get it wrong, that doesn't really mean much. Here in Norway Beamish Red is available in Ica stores, if I remember correctly. And probably only in those. Nate Ring - 2008-12-03 14:18:55 I've been looking for advise on how to really engage good beer. It seems to be something of a rarity here in United States. The best beer I have had was in Berlin a pale. Bailey - 2009-01-05 14:07:34 Thought I'd drop by to let you know that, in the last couple of months, I've refered to this post several times in making the point that lots of what we think is to do with taste is actually bound up in appearance, branding and presentation. Or, to put it another way, not many people have such great tasting skills that they can *really* be objective. Certainly not me! So, thanks, interesting stuff. The Beer Nut - 2009-02-05 19:24:56 Me again, via the miracle of Boak & Bailey. Beamish Red has just been discontinued in Ireland by its new owners Heineken. I'm not sure if they'll keep it on in their foreign breweries however, as they already have Murphys Red as their Irish-Red-Which-You-Can't-Buy-In-Ireland. Jonny Axelsson - 2009-03-02 05:19:09 I recently had to do a variant of a triangle test with white wine. A customer claimed that the bottle (from a small winery) had been mislabeled and it really was the other type they produce. So I made a glass with each of the two types as well as the bottle in dispute. In this case my task was eased by having two out of three glasses of known reference type, but it still wasn't easy. I concluded with 80% confidence that the customer was wrong, but I couldn't be more certain than that. Evilly I gave him an entirely different glass of white wine than he had ordered at a later occation and he never noticed.
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Unnecessarily argumentative Started by Yogini, April 28, 2020, 10:09:07 PM Quote from: billy rubin on April 29, 2020, 12:52:32 AMstart thinking about tacos, too. youll need to be prepared. Quote from: hermes2015 on April 29, 2020, 04:45:52 AMWelcome to the family, Yogini! Quote from: Recusant on April 29, 2020, 04:53:20 AMHello and welcome to HAF, Yogini. I hope that you enjoy your time reading and posting here. Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PMIn Asmo's grey lump, wrath and dark clouds gather force.Luxembourg trembles. Quote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:16:12 AMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 12:42:27 AMSo, Yogini, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? What are your pet peeves? And, bonus question: what is the answer to life, universe and everything? Hi SP I'm from CA. My hobbies include yoga, meditation, reading, and movies. My pet peeve...negative people. I met DL on another atheist forum and now I'm here. Oh and I am an atheist even though I yoga Bonus answer: 42 Quote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 12:42:27 AMSo, Yogini, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? What are your pet peeves? And, bonus question: what is the answer to life, universe and everything? Quote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:17:02 AMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 28, 2020, 10:29:59 PMHello Yogini, welcome to the forum! *waves* I love your googly eyes! lol Quote from: xSilverPhinx on April 28, 2020, 10:29:59 PMHello Yogini, welcome to the forum! Quote from: Tank on April 29, 2020, 06:36:05 AMHi YoginiWelcome to HAF. RegardsChris Quote from: Asmodean on April 29, 2020, 09:53:25 AMWelcome! Mind The Asmo - He's evil. Quote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 02:27:26 PMQuote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:16:12 AMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 12:42:27 AMSo, Yogini, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? What are your pet peeves? And, bonus question: what is the answer to life, universe and everything? Hi SP I'm from CA. My hobbies include yoga, meditation, reading, and movies. My pet peeve...negative people. I met DL on another atheist forum and now I'm here. Oh and I am an atheist even though I yoga Bonus answer: 42 I like this one, DL. Quote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:00:14 PMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 02:27:26 PMQuote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:16:12 AMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 12:42:27 AMSo, Yogini, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? What are your pet peeves? And, bonus question: what is the answer to life, universe and everything? Hi SP I'm from CA. My hobbies include yoga, meditation, reading, and movies. My pet peeve...negative people. I met DL on another atheist forum and now I'm here. Oh and I am an atheist even though I yoga Bonus answer: 42 I like this one, DL. Quote from: Dark Lightning on April 29, 2020, 03:54:25 PMQuote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:00:14 PMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 02:27:26 PMQuote from: Yogini on April 29, 2020, 03:16:12 AMQuote from: xSilverPhinx on April 29, 2020, 12:42:27 AMSo, Yogini, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? What are your pet peeves? And, bonus question: what is the answer to life, universe and everything? Hi SP I'm from CA. My hobbies include yoga, meditation, reading, and movies. My pet peeve...negative people. I met DL on another atheist forum and now I'm here. Oh and I am an atheist even though I yoga Bonus answer: 42 I like this one, DL. Smart, funny, nice, what's not to like?
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Lead2pass 2017 August New CompTIA 220-902 Exam Dumps! 100% Free Download! 100% Pass Guaranteed! Lead2pass is the best place for preparing IT exam as we are providing the latest and guaranteed questions for all certifications. We offer you the ultimate preparation resource of CompTIA 220-902 exam questions and answers. Wondering what could be this effective? It is our CompTIA 220-902 VCE and PDF which serves as a guide to pass CompTIA 220-902 exam. Following questions and answers are all new published by CompTIA Official Exam Center: https://www.lead2pass.com/220-902.html QUESTION 1 A technician is configuring a SOHO router to ensure network computers can only use secured protocols on the Internet. Which of the following ports should be allowed? A. 143 B. 23 C. 443 D. 3269 E. 3389 Answer: C QUESTION 2 A technician is noticing extremely slow performance on a computer and would like to see what application is consuming resources. Which of the following tools should the technician use to view the system. A. msconfig B. Task manager C. Event Viewer D. netmon Answer: B QUESTION 3 Which of the following updates should be performed on a regular basis to ensure the OS has the latest security patches? A. Anti-malware updates B. Driver updates C. Windows Updates D. Firmware updates Answer: C QUESTION 4 A technician is configuring a SOHA wireless router for a small business with three employees. After the three employees laptops have successfully connected to the wireless network, the company would like to prevent additional access to the wireless networks. The technician enables WPA2 on the wireless router. Which of the following additional settings should the technician change? A. Enable MAC filtering B. Disable SSID broadcast C. Reduce radio power level D. Update router firmware Answer: A QUESTION 5 A user needs their email set up on their iOS device. The email needs to synchronize all changes made with the server and the PC. Which of the following would the technician use to accomplish this? A. IMAP B. SMTP C. SMNP D. POP3 Answer: A QUESTION 6 The customer reports their PC freezes up everyday around the same time. Which of the following utilities would be BEST to check for any error codes? A. Windows Updates B. Task Scheduler C. Event Viewer D. Performance Monitor Answer: C Explanation: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308427 QUESTION 7 A user is looking for the Application Data directory in their profile but cannot see it. Which of the following Control Panel options would correct this? A. System B. Display C. User Accounts D. Folder Options Answer: D Explanation: http://windows.microsoft.com/is-is/windows7/change-folder-options QUESTION 8 While configuring a new email application that uses POP3 for a customer, the technician determines the firewall is blocking the traffic. Which of the following ports should be opened to allow POP3 mail traffic through the firewall? A. 53 B. 110 C. 443 D. 3389 Answer: B Explanation: http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=110 QUESTION 9 A user has downloaded and installed a browser add-on that causes the browser to hang. The PC has very slow system response when rebooted. Which of the following should a technician do to troubleshoot this problem? A. Run System Restore, update antivirus program, and run an antivirus scan. B. Remove all Internet temporary files, run an antivirus scan, and reboot using Last Known Good Configuration. C. Remove all temporary files, turn off System Restore, update and run an antivirus scan. D. Run an antivirus scan, Run Disk Cleanup, and reboot into Safe Mode. Answer: C Explanation: This might be the sign of a virus infecting the system. First, remove all temporary Internet files on your computer. Viruses are downloaded through software or a webpage. And normally it resides in Temporary Internet Files folder. Now turn off system restore because you don’t want to load a previous state on the computer with the virus still lingering the digital wild. Run an antivirus program to clean infected files. QUESTION 10 A large magnet is placed too close to a CRT monitor. Which of the following will MOST likely occur? A. Dead pixels B. Flickering image C. No image on screen D. Distorted image QUESTION 11 In which of the following locations would a technician go to show file extensions? A. Security Center B. Folder Options C. Display D. System QUESTION 12 After being relocated to an enclosed position under a desk, a computer experiences intermittent shutdowns. Which of the following conditions is MOST likely the cause? A. Power surges B. Overheating C. APIPA addressing D. RF interference QUESTION 13 A technician is fixing a very slow computer. Antivirus and Malware programs have been run, and some detections have been removed. After running Disk Cleanup, the system still seems to be slow, especially with multiple programs running. Which of the following should the technician do NEXT? A. Run CHKDSK B. Manually erase all cookies C. Go back to the latest restore point D. Run defrag Answer: D Explanation: http://windows.about.com/od/maintainandfix/ss/SBSdefragWin7.htm QUESTION 14 A technician needs to use a command line tool to determine the network name and the IP address of a resource. Which of the following command line tools will provide an IP address when given a name? A. verify B. tracert C. ipconfig D. nslookup Answer: D Explanation: http://www.computerhope.com/nslookup.htm QUESTION 15 A user wants to configure their network to support VoIP. Which of the following would BEST support a VoIP installation? A. QoS B. POTS C. Wake-on-LAN D. VPN Answer: A Explanation: http://www.petri.co.il/voip-quality-of-service-basics.htm QUESTION 16 A user is concerned about an issue with iOS. The user MOST likely has which of the following devices? A. iCloud B. Android Phone C. iPhone D. Windows Tablet Answer: C Explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS QUESTION 17 A user has installed a legacy application in Windows 7 and reports that only some of the functionality in it is operational. Another user is using the same application on a different Windows 7 machine and doesn’t report those problems. Which of the following features in Windows 7 may be responsible for this problem? A. System Protection settings B. User Account Control C. Action Center D. Data Execution Prevention Answer: B Explanation: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/products/features/user-account-control QUESTION 18 A user reports that they are getting frequent delayed write messages throughout the day and are experiencing sluggish performance. The technician suspects that the issue relates to the hard disk drive. Which of the following would BEST help validate the diagnosis? A. System information B. Event viewer C. POST card D. SMART status Answer: D Explanation: http://www.howtogeek.com/134735/how-to-see-if-your-hard-drive-is-dying/ QUESTION 19 A user states that they are having a problem with their word processor on their laptop. Whenever they attempt to type letters with their right hand, numbers and symbols show up instead. Which of the following would address this issue? A. Switch to a standardized font B. Restore regional settings to default C. Toggle the function + num lock combination D. Connect a full sized external keyboard Answer: C Explanation: http://forum.notebookreview.com/windows-os-software/43702-holding-fn-key-toggle- numlock.html QUESTION 20 Which of the following security threats is defined by its self propagating characteristic? A. Virus B. Rootkit C. Trojan D. Worm Answer: D Explanation: http://www.pcworld.com/article/111965/article.html QUESTION 21 Which of the following features allows for easier navigation of long lists on a tablet device? A. Pinch-zoom B. Multitouch C. Scrollbars D. Touch flow Answer: D Explanation: http://gigaom.com/2010/03/08/touchscreen-tablets/ QUESTION 22 Which of the following file system types is used primarily for optical media? A. FAT32 B. NTFS C. HPFS D. CDFS Answer: D Explanation: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/c/cdfs.htm QUESTION 23 When moving files from a Microsoft gaming console, which of the following command line utilities is recommended to transfer files? A. IMAP B. XCOPY C. DISKPART D. FDISK Answer: B Explanation: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en- us/xcopy.mspx?mfr=true QUESTION 24 Which of the following should a technician implement to prevent external contractors from physically plugging devices into the company’s network jacks unless such jacks are designated for guest use? A. Disable DHCP and assign a static IP address to each network device physically connected to the network. B. Enable MAC address filtering across all network jacks and record the MAC address of guest devices. C. Disable all switch ports when they are not utilized and enable them on an as needed basis. D. Place guest network jacks in public areas and all other jacks in secure areas as needed. Answer: C Explanation: The best way is to disable all switch ports when they are not utilized. Switch them on when you need them. This way, you can prevent external contractors from physically plugging devices in to company’s network jacks. QUESTION 25 After installing a new printer the organization determines that there are problems printing images and very large files. Which of the following will MOST likely resolve the issue? A. Update the drivers using WHQL drivers B. Install additional memory to each computer C. Install additional memory to the printer D. Apply the latest OS service pack Answer: C Explanation: http://www.ehow.com/how_6875286_install-printer-memory.html More free Lead2pass 220-902 exam new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDMU1VNVhHQ08xR1E Practise Lead2pass 220-902 braindumps and pass your exam easily. Lead2pass is number one company for real exam dumps. Download Lead2pass 220-902 exam questions and answers PDF file and prepare from our study material. 2017 CompTIA 220-902 (All 1236 Q&As) exam dumps (PDF&VCE) from Lead2pass: https://www.lead2pass.com/220-902.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]
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2017/June New Microsoft Exam 70-357 Dumps with PDF and VCE Free Released in www.Braindump2go.com Today! 1.|2017 New 70-357 Exam Dumps (PDF & VCE) 55Q&As Download: http://www.braindump2go.com/70-357.html 2.|2017 New 70-357 Exam Questions & Answers Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B75b5xYLjSSNSFE3OF9GakVEOUE?usp=sharing Case Study: 1 – Fabrikam Case Study: 2 – LitWare, Inc. Case Study: 3 – Timeline QUESTION 1 You are developing a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. Your app stores files on a user’s device. You need to be able to replace the existing files with new files generated by the user. Solution: You run the StoragaFile.GetParentAsync method to get a reference to the existing file. Then, you run the StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileAsyne method to create the- new file at that same location. Does this meet the goal? A. yes B. No Answer: A QUESTION 2 You are developing a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. Your app stores files on a user’s device. You need to be able to replace the existing files with new files generated by the user. Solution: You run the StorageFile. OpenSequentialReadAsync method to replace the existing file. Does this meet the goal? A. yes B. No Answer: B QUESTION 3 You have two Universal Window Platform (UWP) apps named Catalog and Research, respectively. You need to create a service in the Catalog app that can be queried by the Research app. Which three tasks should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. A. Enter the package family name of the Catalog app in the Research app. B. Add an app service extension to package.appmanifest file in the Research app C. Add an app service extension to package.appmanifest file the the Catalog app. D. Enter the package family name of the Catalog app In the Catalog app. E. Add a Windows Runtime component to the Research app. F. Add a Windows Runtime component to the Catalog app. Answer: ABE QUESTION 4 You have a Universal Windows Platform (UWPJ app. The app has a page that includes the following XAML markup. Line numbers are included for reference only. Users report that the page takes a long time to refresh. You need to improve the load time for the page while maintaining the same layout and functionality. What should you do? A. Specify exact values for the Width property in lines 05 and 06. B. Move the attributes from the BORDER element at line 02 to the GRID element at line 03. Then, remove the BORDER elements at line 02 and line 11. C. Move the Fill and Opacity attributes and value from the RFCTANGLE dement at line 08 to the GRID element at line 03 Then. Remove the RECTANGLE element at line 08 to the GRID. Then, Remove the RECTANGLE element. D. Swap the markup at line 012 with the markup at line 03. Swap the markup at line 10 with the markup at line 11. Answer: C QUESTION 5 You have to connect your app to an online identity provider that uses OAuth authentication protocol. The app must securely use the Web Authentication Broker object for authentication. You need to ensure that the app registers with the provider. Which two actions should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. A. Call the GetCurrcntApplicotionCallbackUri method. B. Construct a HTTPS request URI. C. Call the Authenticate Async method. D. Construct a HTTP request URI. Answer: A QUESTION 6 You are developing a Universal Windows Platform (UWP} a pp. The app must be available on Windows Phone, Windows tablet devices, and Xbox. When the app is running on a device, you need to determine which members of a specific class you can use. Which of the following methods should you use? A. Selector.GetlsSelectionActive B. Userlnformation.NameAccessAllowed C. Apilnformation.lsPropertyPresent D. Storyboard.GetTargetName Answer: D QUESTION 7 You are developing a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that allows users to lake photos and record videos. The photos and videos must be stored in the user’s Photos library and Videos library, respectively. The app must not display a user interface for saving files. You need to configure the app. Which set of capabilities should you declare in the app manifest? A. webcam, location, proximity and Pictures library B. webcam, microphone, Pictures library and Video library C. Internet (client), microphone, location and proximity D. Internet (client), Documents library, Videos library, and proximity Answer: A QUESTION 8 You are a developing a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. You need to provide a solution that moves the scroll bars of the ScrollViewer when a user rotates the mouse wheel. Which two actions should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. A. Add an event handler to the PointerWheelChanged event for the current window. B. Evaluate the CurrentPoint.Properties.lsHorizontalMouseWheel property of the PointerEventArgs object. Call the ChangeView() method of the ScrollViewer. C. Evaluate the CurrentPoint.Properties.MouseWhcclDelta property of the PointerEventArgs object. Call the Change View() method of the ScrollViewer. D. Update the XAML of the ScrollViewer to include the PointerWheelChanged event with a new event handler. Evaluate the Pointer.lslnRange property of the PointerRoutedEventArgs object within the event handler. Call the ChnageView() method of the ScrollViewer. E. Add an event handler to the PointerRoutedAway event for the current window. Answer: DE !!!RECOMMEND!!! 1.|2017 New 70-357 Exam Dumps (PDF & VCE) 55Q&As Download:http://www.braindump2go.com/70-357.html 2.|2017 New 70-357 Study Guide Video: https://youtu.be/i7bwdHohynM Braindump2go Testking Pass4sure Actualtests Others $99.99 $124.99 $125.99 $189 $29.99/$49.99 Up-to-Dated ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Real Questions ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Error Correction ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Printable PDF ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Premium VCE ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ VCE Simulator ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ One Time Purchase ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Instant Download ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ Unlimited Install ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ 100% Pass Guarantee ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ 100% Money Back ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
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SERVICES Specialty Contact Lens Solutions C O N D I T I O N S We specialize in designing specialty contact lenses to restore sight to those who have lost vision due to a range of conditions. Keratoconus Extreme Dry Eye Radial Keratotomy Post-LASIK dryness Post-PRK dryness Exposure Keratopathy Corneal Transplants Graft-versus-Host Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid Ocular disfigurement Pediatric Aphakia Adult Aphakia Non-Healing Epithelial Defects Neuropathic Corneas Color Deficiency Corneal Scarring Extreme Light Sensitivity Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Keratoprosthetic Devices Corneal Dystrophies Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Sjogren’s Syndrome Iris Colobomas Recurrent Corneal Erosions Double Vision Myopia Control Irregular Astigmatism SOLUTIONS Specialty Contact Lenses What To Expect At A Specialty Contact Lens Consultation SPECIALTY CONTACT LENS CONSULTATION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Q: WHAT ARE SPECIALTY CONTACT LENSES? A: Specialty contact lenses are lenses that are designed specifically for the shape & visual needs of your eye. These are not mass produced lenses (such as Acuvue Oasys, etc). They require a Doctor to take scans and measurements of your eye and personally design a solution that has certain specifications to be relayed to a laboratory. They can be rigid (hard) or soft lenses. Q: WHAT IS THE FITTING PROCESS LIKE? A: The fitting process starts with a Specialty Contact Lens Consultation. This consultation covers all testing necessary to determine the best option to perfect your vision. You may try on different types of lenses at this examination as well to assess your visual potential. If you decide to proceed with contact lenses, the lenses are ordered for you and you will return in about 1-3 weeks to try on the initial lens. This initial lens is our first chance to see how things look. If the lenses looks good you will leave with the lenses and return for a follow up visit to give us feedback on comfort and vision. We may need to alter the lens at this visit and will order lenses with different parameters. For specialty contact lenses, once we start the fitting process you are able to return for unlimited follow ups and lens changes for three months until we have a final product. Q: HOW LONG DO THE LENSES LAST? A: Soft lenses can last anywhere from 1-day (dailies) to months before they need to be exchanged for a new lens.. Rigid lenses, which tend to be more common for specialty patients, can last years as long as the shape of the eye or the prescription needed doesn't changing. RGP or Scleral lenses are highly customized to the shape and prescription of your eyes. These lenses will not need to be replaced as long as they continue to fit and the plastic does not become scratched. Our office recommends having a backup pair of specialty contact lenses, especially if you rely on these lenses to see. If nothing has changed, we recommend a new pair of rigid lenses every two years.
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You can upload any kind of file here with these extensions(.pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt) If you are facing any problem in uploading files, you can send the attachment on [email protected] Thought is your Enemy-PDF Book God or enlightenment is the ultimate pleasure, uninterrupted happiness. No such thing exists. Your wanting something that does not exist is the root of your problems. Transformation, moksha, liberation, and all that stuff, are just variations of the same theme: permanent happiness. The body can't take uninterrupted pleasure for long; it would be destroyed. Wanting to impose a fictitious permanent state of happiness on the body is a serious neurological problem. I am not out to liberate anybody. You have to liberate yourself, and you are unable to do that. What I have to say will not do it. I am only interested in describing this state, in clearing away the occultation and mystification in which those people in the holy business have shrouded the whole thing. Maybe I can convince you not to waste a lot of time and energy looking for a state which does not exist except in your imagination. Total Hits : 2412 Posted On : 2014-11-11 18:16:15.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Struts2 Quiz Questions This file contains some multiple choice question based on struts2 framework. Each question has four options and one correct answer. For example: What is struts? 1. A Technology 2. A Frameworks 3. A Java Development Tool Kit 4. A Language. Answer: 2 Struts is not a new language .It is not a part of JDK of not a Java Development Tool Kit. Infect it is new technology which provide a frameworks to work on web based applications. Total Hits : 4400 Posted On : 2014-05-24 20:41:48.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Struts framework Quiz Question This file contains objective type question based on struts framework. Each question has four or more options and one correct answer. For example: Which of the following are the struts pre-built Action classes RequestAction, SwitchAction, LookupRequestAction, ConfigAction, ContextAction, LookupDispatchAction, SwitchAction, RequestAction, ResponseAction, ForwardAction, DispatchAction, IncludeAction, LookupDispatchAction, SwitchAction, ForwardAction, SwitchAction, ResponseAction, ContextAction, ConfigActionCORRECT ANSWER : ForwardAction, DispatchAction, IncludeAction, LookupDispatchAction, SwitchAction Total Hits : 1959 Posted On : 2014-05-24 20:38:15.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Spring3 objective type question This file contains 50 objective type question based on spring3. Each question has 4 options and one correct answer. In this file each correct answer has its explanation. For example: Question 1: Given the following Spring configuration file, what is the correct answer: 1. The first declared bean MyServiceImpl is missing an id must be named myService 2. The second declared bean JpaDao is missing an id must be named jpaDao 3. Answers 1 and 2 are both rights 4. Answers 1 and 2 are both wrong Question 2: Given the Spring configuration file, which are the correct statements? 1. The p namespace has to be declared 2. Bean id is bankServiceImpl 3. The BankServiceImpl references a NationalBank bean 4. NationalBank is a scalar value Total Hits : 2320 Posted On : 2014-05-17 01:50:59.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Hibernate Basics Quiz Question This file contains 10 question based on hibernate basics. Each question has 4 options and one correct answer. for example: Choose true 1.Hibernate is a framework. 2.Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language 3.Hibernate provides a mapping for object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. 4.All of the above 5.None Answer: All of the above Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. 1.True 2.False Answer: True What is ORM? 1.ORM stands for object/relational mapping. 2.ORM is the automated persistence of objects in a Java application to the tables in a relational database. 3.Both of Above 4.None Answer: Both of Above The Hibernate XML configuration file name is? 1.hibernate.cfg.xml 2.hibernate.config.xml 3.hibernate.cg.xml 4.None Answer: hibernate.cfg.xml Total Hits : 2347 Posted On : 2014-05-15 20:55:49.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Spring Framework Basics Quiz Question This File contains 20 question based on basics and overview of spring framework in java. Each question has four options and one correct answer. For example: 1. IOC or Dependenct injection is a .. . A. Design Pattern B. Framework C. Java Module D. ORM Framework Answer: Design Pattern 2. Which of the following is not a Spring Module? A. AOP B. O/R Integration C. Spring MVC D. HTML/JSP Answer: HTML/JSP 3. Which of the following is true ? . A. ApplicationContext implements BeanFactory B. ApplicationContext extends BeanFactory C. BeanFactory extends ApplicationContext D. BeanFactory implements ApplicationContext Answer: ApplicationContext extends BeanFactory 4. Beans defined in spring framework are by default .. . A. Abstract B. Singleton C. Final D. initialized Answer: Singleton Total Hits : 3861 Posted On : 2014-05-13 22:00:35.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Complete tutorial on Design Patterns in java The term "design patterns" sounds a bit formal to the uninitiated andcan be somewhat off-putting when you first encounter it. But, in fact, designpatterns are just convenient ways of reusing object-oriented code betweenprojects and between programmers. The idea behind design patterns issimple-- write down and catalog common interactions between objects thatprogrammers have frequently found useful.The field of design patterns goes back at least to the early 1980s. Atthat time, Smalltalk was the most common OO language and C++ was still inits infancy. At that time, structured programming was a commonly-usedphrased and OO programming was not yet as widely supported. The idea ofprogramming frameworks was popular however, and as frameworksdeveloped, some of what we now called design patterns began to emerge. Total Hits : 2273 Posted On : 2014-03-01 20:59:10.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Complete AJAX tutorial and Development The term AJAX, originally coined by Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path in hisessay AJAX: A New Approach To Web Applications,It is an acronym for "AsynchronousJavaScript And XML." That´s a bit of a mouthful, but it´s simply describinga technique that uses JavaScript to refresh a page´s contents from a web serverwithout having to reload the entire page. This is different from the traditionalmethod of updating web pages, which requires the browser to refresh the entirepage in order to display any changes to the content. Total Hits : 1776 Posted On : 2014-03-07 23:55:53.0 Rishi Kumar 523 1882 49150 Tutorial on Java Threads This tutorial explores the basics of threads -- what they are, why they are useful, and how to get started writing simple programs that use them. We will also explore the basic building blocks of more sophisticated threading applications -- how to exchange data between threads, how to control threads, and how threads can communicate with each other. Total Hits : 2273 Posted On : 2014-03-07 21:11:33.0 Garima Gupta 596 1295 58962 Tutorial on Introduction to Java IO This tutorial is an overview of Java I/O and all the classes in the java.io package. We journey through the maze of the java.io package, examining I/O classes, methods, and various techniques for handling I/O in your Java code. This tutorial assumes you have a basic knowledge of I/O, including InputStream and OutputStream. If you have training and experience in Java programmming, take this course to add to your knowledge. If you do not have Java programming experience, we suggest you take Introduction to Java for COBOL Programmers , Introduction to Java for C or C++ Programmers , or other introductory Java courses available on the Web. Total Hits : 1959 Posted On : 2014-03-07 21:04:41.0 Garima Gupta 596 1295 58962
Open Question Answering
This simple chat app lets you chat with people on your Android phone for free. Telegram Mod APK messenger-style FB is a messenger-like messaging application with many features. You can use the manufacturer for Thanksgiving Turkey Free Speech. You can chat with up to 200 people at the same time, and the app lets you share your videos with up to 1 GB in size. In addition, you simply enter your phone number to secure the cloud and immediately start listing your friends on your chat log application. You just can't find a friend to start with at this number in the chat. So respect is undoubtedly the autocomplete symbol that is displayed at the moment, to show the words in your GIF and mouse homogeneous to your conversations. You can use WhatsApp as an alternative to the wired programs offered more than these, without obvious drawbacks, which are very useful. This is a super-safe bet. What is Telegram Mod Apk? Telegram Apk Download is an instant messaging application that, like similar applications like Viber, WhatsApp, and LINE, gives you a simple and accessible way to communicate with all your contacts. The main difference between them is that the telegram also gives you better security and privacy. Telegram's security options allow you to create private chats with other users, which means that your conversations with them are completely encrypted and not stored or stored on Telegram's servers. And you can activate a 'self-destruct' feature to delete your messages X times. In addition to these privacy features, Telegram Apk Download offers a service just like any other instant messaging system: group chat, file sharing, personal notifications, and much more. Telegram is an instant messaging tool that shares many similarities with WhatsApp, including its appearance. However, the privacy it offers can be very appealing to many people. Don't want to secure conversations with certain contacts? Set it to self-destruction after ten seconds and voila! Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging application that allows users to communicate via their WiFi or mobile data connection. You can use messages to communicate with others, share content and media, and create groups of up to 200,000 people. Messenger supports voice over IP calls, video calls, and more. Chats are end-to-end encrypted for secure communication. What do I use the telegram for? Telegram Apk Download is a free messaging application that allows users to communicate with individuals or groups, share photos, videos, and audio media, send messages to large groups of people, make free voice and video calls, and much more. In addition to these basic functions of other messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Hike, and many more, it also provides content through telegram channels. People can create their own channels to distribute content. Users can follow the channels of their choice and easily reach countless followers through creator broadcast messages. When a new post is uploaded, customers are notified via messages. In this sense, Telegram also competes with programs such as YouTube (for video content) and Instagram (for video content and photos). Telegram can be used on both mobile devices and computers and sync between devices. You can access media, chats, channels, and more on any device. Telegram is compatible with macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux. It can also be used on the Internet if you do not want to download it to your devices. What are the main reasons for using Telegram Mod Apk? Unlike other messaging apps and services, Telegram Apk Download has no in-app advertising. This means that there is no data exchange with third parties. Messenger has established itself as a secure environment for communication and is being used more and more often due to its high level of data security. In that sense, it is equivalent to WhatsApp. Mobile phones also allow you to set up secret chats, messages which can be self-destructing. All you need to do is adjust the volume and volume, the messages will disappear. This makes the communication channel very private and there is no risk of anyone finding the chat. Telegram is not just a messaging app. With the channel feature, you not only share content from other places but also create your own channel to build a community and explore other interesting channels. This can be useful when you want to distribute content to a large number of people. With this in mind, the application is self-contained and does not require third-party applications to share content. What are the biggest shortcomings of Telegram? The biggest disadvantage of the app is that it is unclear how to add new contacts. When you click "Add New Contact", a window will open asking for the person's name and number. While mobile phones have the option to import contacts from the phone to the desktop, you must manually enter the contact details to create a contact. This can be a bit tricky as WhatsApp automatically connects contacts. Although Telegram Apk Download is considered secure with a high level of privacy, its reach is not yet as great as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. While you may want to distribute the content across a larger community, getting enough telegram subscribers can be a challenge in itself. How do I create an account with Telegram? To create a telegram account, you need a valid phone number. Users can access the account with multiple accounts on multiple devices for a seamless experience. These accounts can be created and deleted at any time. 6 months after account closure, they will be automatically deleted from Telegram. You can also customize the "last seen" message on the account. The account is authenticated via SMS and it takes two minutes to create an account. How are the user interface and telegram experience? After logging in, a window opens showing the contact on one side and the conversation on the other. A menu opens and you can see the functions of the application. You can create a new group, create a new channel, view contacts, go to settings and switch to night mode for applications. On Windows, the program has a nice user interface that looks quite attractive. How to download and install the Telegram Mod Apk? This unique property ensures that its users are always protected. If you cannot find this app in the Google Play Store, you can always download it from this website. Follow the steps below to install this app on Android devices before completing the idea. Go to "Unknown Sources" in Settings. After that, go to Security and enable the Security option. Go to the download manager of your Android device and click on Telegram Mod Apk. Now it's time for you to download. Two options can be found on the mobile screen. There are two ways to install an operating system and all you have to do is boot it quickly on your Android device. You will see a popup with options on your mobile screen. You have to wait a while for it to appear. When all downloads and installations are complete, just click the "Open" option and open the screen on your mobile device. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How can ApkResult.com guarantee 100% security for the Telegram Mod Apk? A: If someone wants to download an APK file from ApkResult.com, we check the relevant APK file on Google Play and allow users to download it directly (of course they are cached on our server). The APK file will be found in our cache if it does not exist in Google Play. Q: Installing an APK from ApkResult.com allows updating it from the Play Store? A: Yes, of course. TThe Play Store installs from Google’s servers, with the exception of downloading and installing your service, and page loading from websites like ApkResult.com is the same. After you download the new version of the app, an update will begin immediately. Q: How come Android App Permission is required in order to download Telegram Mod Apk? A: Applications need to access certain devices' systems. As soon as an application is installed, you will be informed of all the permissions it requires. Conclusion This review must have fulfilled all your queries about the Telegram Mod Apk, now download this amazing app for Android & PC and enjoy it. Apkresult is a safe source to download the APK files and have almost all apps from all genre and category. For any discrepancy, please comment your thoughts in the comment section or email us to the official email id provided in the contact us section. Unduh Telegram APK Download terletak di kategori Communication dan dikembangkan oleh Telegram Messenger LLP's. Peringkat rata-rata di situs web kami adalah 4,3 dari 5 stars.Namun, aplikasi ini diberi peringkat 3 dari bintang-bintang berdasarkan platform penilaian yang berbeda. Anda juga dapat menanggapi Telegram APK Download di situs web kami sehingga pengguna kami dapat bisa mendapatkan ide aplikasi yang lebih baik. Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang Telegram APK Download, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs web pengembang resmi untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Peringkat rata-rata diperingkat oleh pengguna 27756. Aplikasi ini diberi peringkat 1 bintang oleh pengguna 15 dan bintang 5 oleh pengguna 8793. Aplikasi ini telah diunduh setidaknya 4443 kali, tetapi jumlah unduhan dapat mencapai 88860. Unduh Telegram APK Download Jika Anda memerlukan aplikasi gratis untuk perangkat Action Anda, tetapi Anda memerlukan versi Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23) atau lebih tinggi untuk menginstal aplikasi ini.
Open Question Answering
This guide will explore all the details about the UCC Economics Course. In this regard, we will look at the following areas as far as Economics in UCC is concerned: First, whether UCC offers Economics course Second, the nature of the program Third, the duration of the program Fourth, the admission requirement and Lastly, the school fees Now, does UCC offer an undergraduate program in economics? Find the answer right below. Click For The Summary Of This Guide Is There A First Degree Economics Courses At UCC? We continuously explore the many courses that UCC offers to students at the university. Honestly, the School of Economics is a very old are in academia. Thus many universities, schools and colleges offer economic programs. In light of this, it does not come as a surprise to know that UCC Economics Department offers an undergraduate program in economics. For this reason, those who pass the Wassce Examinations and look to enrol at the university can always apply to the read Economics program at UCC. Now, check the list right below. The Nature Of BA Economics Program At UCC Indeed the UCC Economics Program is an exciting one. First of all, the program falls under humanity, though it has some scientific tendencies. Therefore you will study the following courses if you study economics at the University of Cape Coast: Macroeconomics Microeconomics Eco Statistics Quantitative Methods And Many more Now let’s find out the study duration for these UCC Economics courses. Study Duration For UCC Economics Courses So how many years does it take to study BA Economics at UCC? Indeed, the study duration for all the first Economics programs in UCC is four years for WASSCE graduates. Thus, Wassce graduates will read the program for four years. However, applicants who already have an HND certificate will study the program for only two or three years, depending on your class and HND program. Now, what is the admission requirement to read Economics at UCC? Find about that right below. Admission Requirement To Study Economics, UCC Applicants must possess the following result: Credit Passes in these Core Subjects: English Language Mathematics Integrated Science Social Studies Also, must have at least C6 in three out of the following subjects: Economics Elective Mathematics And the third elective from any of the following areas: General arts Business Home Economics and Science Thus, you realize that students from all the programs at SHS can apply for economics at UCC. At this stage that, you are aware of the admission requirements for the program, proceed to check the cut-off point for the course right below. Cut Off Point For Economics In UCC Indeed you qualify to read the program when you get at least C6 in the requisite subjects. Nevertheless, you must bear in mind that every UCC course has a cutoff point, and thus, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics is no exception. Therefore the current general cutoff point for Economics courses at UCC is aggregate 16. Now, I believe you have all the information you need about Economics in UCC. You Might Have Interest In The Following As Well: Does UCC Offer a hospitality course? When Is UCC Reopening 2020/2021 – University Of Cape Coast Date List Of UCC Education Courses – University Of Cape Coast BCom Accounting UCC Requirements – University Of Cape Coast Bachelor of Commerce – Bcom UCC Admission Requirements – Bachelor Of Commerce BCom Human Resource Management UCC Requirements – University Of Cape Coast BA Economics UCC Requirements – University Of Cape Coast University Of Cape Coast (UCC) Student Login Portal UCC Percentage Of Fee University Of Cape Coast Percentage Of Fee To Pay Before You Can Register – University Of Ghana Can I Read Education Program-University Of Ghana-Legon? Conclusion: I believe Educareguide has been of help to you concerning your subject of concern. Also, there are many other contents available to help you in your education. Furthermore, if there is any contribution/comment/concern that you would want to make, it is warmly welcome on our site. Thus proceed to Login/Register to submit your post. Now, please, subscribe to Educareguide and contact us for further assistance for your education. Finally, please fill the contact form on the sidebar to reach us. Nevertheless, do not forget to comment in the comment section below. Indeed, we will gladly appreciate knowing how you think about this article. Thanks.