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Open Question Answering | Girls and Planes
Q: What does a girl and a plane have in common? A: They both have cockpits. .: Highest Rated Funny Jokes
Q: What does a girl and a plane have in common? A: They both have cockpits.
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Open Question Answering | Everybody's an expert: Community has questions about new fire station
JANESVILLE--Councilman Douglas Marklein said “everybody and their brother” have become fire station-siting experts.
Fire Chief Jim Jensen said: “I have heard every imaginable suggestion for a fire department site.”
Questions abound about the location and scope of a city staff recommendation to demolish 12 homes and build a new central fire station just north of its current location at 303 Milton Ave. at a cost of $9.5 million
That option allows firefighters to operate from the current fire station during construction, after which the old station would be demolished for green space.
Another option at a cost of $9.2 million would require buying and demolishing seven homes, but firefighters would have to relocate for about 10 months during construction.
The Janesville City Council in closed session in November narrowed a list of numerous potential sites to the current location or an adjacent site to the north. The decision was released to the media in late February, when some neighbors said they first learned from newspaper reports their homes were targeted.
Here are some commonly asked questions and answers gleaned from interviews and a March 10 city council meeting:
Q: How did the cost increase from $6.2 million to $7.4 million in October to up to $9.5 million? A: The first cost estimate did not include property acquisitions and relocations. During the closed-door meeting when the city council made its decision on location, staff estimated those costs to be $450,000, Councilman Jim Farrell said.
Now, the cost to buy and relocate is estimated at $1.4 million to $1.8 million.
“A lot of those numbers were put together pretty quickly,” Jensen said.
Q: In 2009, a city staff member said a site at Racine and Main streets was perfect for a new fire station. Other studies have mentioned a corridor between the current location and Racine Street and Randall Avenue. Now the current fire station location is said to be the best location. What has changed? A:
“Are citizens willing to pay the cost of not properly positioning the station for 50 to 60 years?” he asked.
It's not just about the one station, either, Jensen said. It's about how the system fits together. The central station is the hub, and that location is the most critical.
Q: The majority of city council members agree the city must replace the existing fire station, but why do we need a larger central fire station when the central area isn't likely to grow? A: The central station is the busiest station because those firefighters cover for outlying stations, which are small, Jensen said. In addition, when three or four stations are at a fire, available units move into the central station to respond to other calls. Q: Why do we need eight bays instead of the current four? A: Auxiliary equipment, such as the city's one aerial ladder, must be at the central station to quickly get to fires all over the city.
“We have to arrange multiple resources so we can quickly assemble an adequate force,” Jensen said.
The size of equipment has increased through the years. Some equipment, such as hazardous materials response team equipment, did not even exist when the central station was built.
At its five fire stations, the city has 14 bays, 24 trucks and numerous trailers. The department sometimes must send personnel to get reserve equipment stored at the City Services Center. At the central station, they must move equipment out of the bays to get to the equipment they need. Recently, a tanker arrived at a fire two minutes later than the other equipment because of that jockeying.
“If you're waiting at the scene for water, two minutes is a long, long time,” Jensen said.
Q: Could some non-essential equipment be stored elsewhere? A: Yes, but only one other station has extra space, and the hazmat equipment is stored there. Reserve equipment frequently is used for major events, so it is more efficient to have it stored centrally. Q: Couldn't we simply build a smaller station and add a smaller station somewhere else to relieve the pressure? A: Janesville already needs a sixth station on the northeast side, Jensen said, and it could use a seventh. Those stations haven't been built because of the expense of staffing them. The cost for three people to operate an engine and two people to operate an ambulance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year is $1.2 million per year.
“So buildings are expensive, but compared to personnel, they're cheap,” Jensen said.
The current location of the central fire station works even if sixth and seventh stations are built.
Jensen continues to urge city administration to purchase land for a sixth station in the area of Highway 26 and McCormick Drive.
Q: Could we build the new station in phases so personnel could work out of the current station rather than relocating for 10 months? A: Staff is exploring that option. Q: Why are the building designs for both sites the same—only reversed—even though the two sites are different? Shouldn't a building design be tailored to the site? A: Jensen said the design is a common one for the architects, who specialize in fire departments.
“They know it works well, it flows well,” he said.
The building plan for the southern site would be modified because the grade there requires structural fortification.
The footprint is so large because the department needs outside space for maintenance. Firefighters need space to park their vehicles when they go to the central location for training. Drive-through bays are highly recommended.
Could more work be done on the plans?
“Absolutely,” Jensen said. “We can do that once we determine where the station is going to be so we can get into the plans in detail.”
Q: Could you build an entire second floor rather than a partial second floor to reduce the footprint? A: Yes, but building up is expensive, Jensen said. It would be a very tall building because the equipment downstairs is so tall. Staff kept administrative offices on the first floor to be accessible to the public. Jensen prefers dorms on the main level, as well, but they are on the second floor. A traditional fire pole would be installed. Q: Councilman Marklein, a homebuilder, suggested the department cut $1.5 million from the costs, noting his customers normally start with price ranges and options. Evansville in 2009 built a station for about $2.3 million, for example. A: Most volunteer departments are metal buildings, Jensen said. The city's designer will look at different building materials as opposed to the masonry building now suggested.
“We're not going to get $1.5 million out of this project by taking off a few feet or a bay off the end,” Jensen said. “It has to be a significant change.”
Jensen noted the location is also a gateway to the downtown, something the council might want to consider when deciding the appearance of the building.
Q: The staff-preferred recommendation involves a home listed on the National Register of Historic Places. What does the historic commission say about that? A: Commission members said destroying or moving the home would be detrimental to the fabric of the historic district, said Gale Price, city liaison to the committee. Members are concerned about the scale of the proposed fire station versus the scale of the buildings designated as historical. They recommend the historic structure at the very least be moved. Q: Can we sell the current station? A: Minimal repairs would cost between $1.2 million to $2.2 million, Carl Weber, director of public works, said. Some structural problems with the building have been discovered, as well. Manufacturing uses might not be compatible with the neighborhood. |
Open Question Answering | Ag Promotion
Q: If food prices rise, do farmers get more money? A: The short answer is no. Commodity prices rise and fall every day, but farmers have nothing to do with setting food prices unless they are selling directly to consumers at their own farm, farmers market or as part of a group farmers market. On average, more than 80 percent of the cost of food at the grocery store is attributed to marketing and transportation costs, that of which a farmer gets nothing. Q: What do farmers do during the winter? A: During the winter crop farmers spend their time planning and preparing for the next year. They will service equipment, market stored grain and spend time with their families. One of their most important tasks during the winter is to decide their business strategies for the upcoming year. This includes going over data from the previous season to determine what seed, fertilizer and management practices to use the following year. They also participate in various farm group and commodity group meetings and education seminars. Livestock farmers spend the winter doing what they do every day, caring for their animals. Q: How are pests controlled? A: Modern seed genetics help stave off insect problems in crops. Farmers also use Integrated Pest Management techniques which involve inspecting crops and monitoring crops for damage, and using mechanical trapping devices, natural predators (e.g., insects that eat other insects), insect growth regulators, mating disruption substances (pheromones), and if necessary, chemical pesticides. The use of biological pesticides is an important component of IPM. In technical terms, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information with available pest control methods to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. (
When applying pesticides farmers also have the precision technology to apply directly where needed and are also required to be certified before doing so. Remember, farm products cost the farmer money, so they are used in as small amounts as possible.
Q: What are some common conservation practices farmers employ? A: The purpose of these practices is to slow or control water runoff, and to trap sediment and nutrients.
Buffers—There are many different types of buffers depending on the site. They usually involve incorporating vegetative plantings, which act as a filtration strip to slow water movement, and to trap nutrients and sediment.
Conservation tillage—A combination of soil and crop management techniques including managing crop residue and tillage practices in order to aid in soil and organic matter conservation in the field.
Crop rotation—A common practice of rotating certain crops planted in a particular field from one season to the next in order to break the cycle of weeds, insects, and diseases.
Filter strips—A type of buffer, grass is planted in strips between crops.
Grassed waterways—Strips of grass planted where water tends to move across a field, planted to prevent gully erosion.
Nutrient management—Managing nutrients entering (feed, fertilizer, legume nitrogen) and leaving (crops, milk, meat) the farm system so that crops needs are closely matched with proper inputs of manure and other nutrients as needed.
Riparian buffers—Planted along a stream bank, usually consisting of trees, shrubs, and grasses.
Conservation information can be found from the
Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Q: Why do some farmers get paid not to grow things? A: Farm program payments are a public investment in the nation’s food, environmental and economic security.
While more than a decade ago, the structure of some farm programs may have paid farmers who weren’t producing, today’s farm payment programs are based upon production, revenue and sound principles. They provide support to farmers when the markets/prices crash, and even those payments are very limited.
Farmers are also compensated if they are willing to set aside productive agricultural land in favor of conservation practices that are for the benefit of all of society through improved soil, water and air quality. Such an example would include increasing grassland and natural growth around the perimeter of creeks and streams to prevent erosion and runoff from fields, and provide habitat for wildlife.
The majority of farm payments go to family farm operations, and provide a measure of stability in a business where uncontrollable weather, unfair competition and uncertain market prices create a high level of risk. Click on the following link to learn more about
Farm Programs connected to the Farm Bill?
Learn more about farm payment programs
Q: Is the number of small farms increasing or decreasing? A: The modern farm is much different than those of our grandparents. A number of pressures, including record high production costs, food safety concerns and strict regulations are forcing the average-sized farmer to make choices about the size and scope of his or her operation. Some choose to grow larger, while others choose to downsize and find their place in a niche market.
The terms “small” and “large” in agriculture can be misleading because USDA definitions are based on sales, not size. A small acreage farm producing a high-value product may be defined by USDA as large, while a larger farm with lower sales may fit in USDA’s “small” category.
While the number and size of farms are in a state of constant fluctuation, there are advantages to both choices. Local food movements, consumer demand for niche products and specialization has opened the door for small-scale farmers. And farmers choosing to expand create jobs and income for local economies, tax revenue for support of local schools and infrastructure, and provide an opportunity for the next generation of farmers to get started in their career.
Q: Who oversees what farmers do? A: Farmers have freedom to raise whatever crops and/or livestock they choose. But along with that freedom, comes great responsibilities.
A number of local, state and federal agencies and authorities place strict policies and regulations on farmers to ensure:
Here are some links to some of these authorities:
The food they produce for American and global consumers is safe, reliable, abundant and affordable; The proper use and stewardship of natural resources so that future generations of humans and wildlife may continue to enjoy and prosper from the land; Agricultural worker protections and safety, and much more. Q: If there is a short weather event, will food prices go up? A: Among the many factors that influence food prices, weather is one. But the price of food also includes packaging, advertising, processing, labor, transportation and other costs. Corn, for example, makes up just a few cents of the final price of corn flakes. So if corn prices doubled, your cereal might go up by about nickel.
In addition, commodity prices are guided by global supply and demand. If a crop is grown over a wide geographical area, it is unlikely that local weather will disrupt overall production. On the other hand, a significant or extended weather event that limits the availability a crop would eventually be reflected in the cost of food. Typically, it is individual farmers who feel the greatest impact of adverse weather.
Q: Aren’t animal products bad for you? A: Not according to the science-based dietary guidelines established by the
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion which also develops the well-known
My Food Plate The center’s guidelines describe a healthy diet as the following:
Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products; Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts; and Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars. Q: How are commodity prices set? The price of agricultural commodities, such as corn and soybeans, are set in open market trading, where buyers and sellers come together at exchanges such as the
Chicago Board of Trade. This firm brokers large quantities of certain products through futures contracts.
Corn, for example, is sold through 5,000 bushel contracts. The contract stipulates that the corn will be delivered to the contract holder on a specified date in the future. Commodity buyers bid on these contracts to ensure they have a reliable supply of corn at a predictable price. Speculators may also bid in hopes that the value of the corn increases before the contract comes due. The buyers consider factors such as the weather, the number of acres planted and the anticipated demand for corn as they bid.
Local grain elevators use these bids as a guide to determine what price they will pay area farmers for their crop. Farmers can sell at the price offered by the elevator, or store the crop in hopes that the price will improve. Farmers can also sell their crop through a futures contract, which can be risky as they are often selling a crop which hasn’t yet been harvested. There is a complicated set of marketing tools farmers can use to manage this risk, but in the end, they do not get to set the price of their crop.
Q: Is it field corn or sweet corn or popcorn? Most of the corn you see on the highways is field corn. While a small portion is processed for use as corn cereal, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup, it is primarily used for livestock feed, ethanol production and other manufactured goods. It is harvested when the corn is dry and fully mature. Sweet corn is grown as a vegetable and is grown from sweet corn seeds which are different from field corn seeds.
Popcorn is an entirely different variety of corn than sweet corn and field corn.
Q: Is organic food better for you? According to USDA, the answer is unclear at this time. U.S. organic standards and certification do not address food quality, but the method of production. Valid scientific research comparing organic and conventional foods is scant and what has been done focuses on very specific foods and conditions. Some general trends do note that organic foods contain slightly higher levels of trace minerals, vitamin C and antioxidant phytonutrients than conventionally grown crops. Q: What is the farm bill? A new farm bill was passed in 2014. Although most refer to this piece of legislation as the "
Farm Bill" it encompasses much more than just policies and subsidies for farmers.
Approximately 3/4 of the Farm Bill is dedicated to the federal nutrition programs such as food stamps, WIC, food banks and school healthy snack and lunch programs. Food banks are facing increased demands due to increasing food costs and job losses.
The overall mission of the bill is to support the production of a reliable, safe and affordable supply of food and fiber; promote stewardship of agricultural land and water resources; facilitate access to American farm products at home and abroad; encourage continued economic and infrastructure development in rural America; and ensure continued research to maintain an efficient and innovative agricultural and food sector.
Approximately 12 percent of the total bill will be spent on farm programs over the next five years. When you look at this amount in terms of the big picture, farm programs receive support at 1/4 of 1 percent of the total federal budget. |
Open Question Answering | Becoming a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) isn't easy. Many internists may have already suspected or discovered as much, but a new report of one PCMH pilot quantifies some challenges of converting to the new model of care.
There was good news, too, from the Colorado Multipayer Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilot. Final results of the three-year program are still pending, but preliminary reports of the collaboration among 16 primary care practices and their insurers showed a significant reduction in emergency department visits and hospital admissions among the 100,000 or so participating patients.
The hurdles encountered by the program, including the reluctance of self-insuring
employers to contribute and difficulty gathering data on health care cost, will need
to be addressed by current and future PCMH efforts, according to the report in the
Health Affairs.
For details,
ACP Hospitalist recently spoke with the report's authors: Marjie Harbrecht, MD, a family physician
and CEO of HealthTeamWorks, in Lakewood, Colo.; and Lisa Latts, MD, FACP, an internist
and principal of LML Health Solutions LLC, a quality and safety consulting organization
located in Denver.
Q: For participating practices, what changes did being in the pilot involve? A: Dr. Harbrecht: We'd measure them on several parameters. One was team-based care: Did
they really start working more as a team as opposed to top-down? We found when they
really split up the work and let everybody perform to the highest level of their licensure,
it takes a lot of pressure off the physicians.
They started to use guidelines and protocols to drive improvement—spreadsheets to say, “Mrs. Jones is a diabetic. Here are all the things that the guideline says she needs to have done, and the time frames in which they need to have them done.” And they did outreach to patients who weren't coming in to make sure they got all the recommended care.
In addition, they started to also use self-management support to help patients engage in their own care and assist them in setting their own goals, and started to use motivational interviewing techniques.
Q: What effects did you see on the patients from these efforts? A: Dr. Harbrecht: We did patient satisfaction surveys initially. [Patients] would make
comments such as, “We liked our doctors and nurses, but we couldn't get in
and we had difficulty getting information.” Whereas in the later surveys, they
were saying, “Boy, I've really learned how to take care of myself. I feel much
more empowered in reaching my health goals.” They were actually starting to
repeat back some of the language that the practices were using. We'll be releasing
another paper on some of the results, both on the practice measures as well as the
patient surveys.
Q: Participating practices were paid under the traditional fee-for-service model, but
they also received an extra monthly payment (about $4 to $8 per patient). What was
that for? A: Dr. Harbrecht: Because the plans put some additional funding on the table, through
the per member/per month care coordination fees, they were able to do a lot of different
things, such as extended hours, using secure email and phone more frequently, to prevent
patients from having to go to the emergency room. Perhaps the most important was adding
care coordination/care management services to follow up with patients when needed,
and assist them in setting and achieving their own health goals, particularly those
with chronic conditions or complex issues.
Q: What motivated the health plans' involvement? A: Dr. Latts: We really wanted to see a transformation in the way primary care worked.
We have seen a phenomenon, as everybody has, where a very small percentage of members
are responsible for a large percentage of costs. In Wellpoint's case it was something
like 1% of patients responsible for 28% of costs, and 5% for 55%.
It was very important to focus on the individual who had chronic disease and high cost, but also to provide an infrastructure for a broader look at [a practice's] entire panel of patients. That, we realized, was going to take investment on our part. The practices don't have the ready revenue they need to make a significant investment in transformation.
Also, it was going to take a radical revision of thinking to incentivize the right thing to encourage the practice changes we were hoping for. We really liked the idea of a blended payment that would try to keep all the incentives and all the objectives.
Q: Your blended payment model had three parts: fee-for-service, the care coordination
fee and a pay-for-performance bonus. Do you see that combination having potential
as a permanent payment model? A: Dr. Latts: If it's not the right way to go, it's in the right direction. It fixes
a lot of the problems of the past. It's very complicated and has its own problems.
Most notably, because of self-insured employers [choosing not to participate], physicians
were paid through the blended payment model for approximately 20% of their patients.
They delivered the intervention to 100% of their panel and we were only able to deliver
the blended payment for 20%.
Also, it was very difficult especially in a pilot environment [for insurers] to automate the per member/per month care coordination fee, so that ended up being a manual process which was very labor-intensive on our side and very frustrating on the physician side.
Dr. Harbrecht: The blended model is a good start, especially for those just starting this journey. It balances overuse issues seen with fee-for-service alone, underuse issues with capitation alone, and adds incentives for the hard work needed to improve quality and reduce cost trends—which we didn't see in the old managed care days. However, fee-for-service was still too dominant [in the pilot]. It left practices on an acute care treadmill.
Q: What other challenges did the program encounter? A: Dr. Harbrecht: In some places, the medical neighborhood [specialists and hospitals]
was willing to play and in others they weren't. We were really pushing the practices
to reach out to their specialists or hospitals to get information.
If the primary care physician was responsible for reducing cost trends, that became very difficult if you didn't even know that the patient went to the emergency room or went to the hospital, and what happened. You need to follow up to prevent readmissions and to educate folks. For instance, if they went to the ER for something that could have been treated by primary care, tell them, “Next time you've got a bad sore throat or a cold, we can do that. Here are our hours.”
Q: What could specialists do to improve the situation? A: Dr. Harbrecht: Communicate back and forth. Use compacts to clarify our relationships:
If I refer a patient, how do I clarify exactly what I need? Are you going to be taking
on the patient's care, or is this a shared responsibility, or do I just need a quick
If we go back to managed care days, and say this is all on primary care to control cost and quality, but we do not bring the hospitals, specialists and other participants in on the same incentive program, we still end up with a fragmented environment.
The next step would be to start to figure out, through bundled payment or global payment or other mechanisms, [how] to incent people to coordinate care— to really start to work together. We're starting to see those models emerge through accountable care organizations or integrated communities of care. But regardless of the payment model used, it's going to be very important to really work on the culture changes. You can pretty much manipulate any payment program, if you don't believe in the heart of what we're trying to do.
Q: The pay-for-performance component of your pilot was somewhat unusual. It was based
on program-wide measures of quality, so all participants received a bonus if the group
as a whole hit the target. How did you decide on this system? A: Dr. Harbrecht: We had to develop it from scratch. There was no off-the-shelf that
we could find that was aligned with our selected measures. For quality, each practice
was evaluated individually. For cost, the pilot was to be assessed as a whole to ensure
large enough patient numbers. Unfortunately we could not get aggregated cost data
across all the plans to assess this. And, besides a few plans that were able to say,
“Here are your highest-risk patients to go after and manage closely,”
[practices] never really got data on cost. They didn't know for much of the pilot:
What was their baseline for ER and hospital costs? How were they doing? We had to
go by what the literature says that you need to do to affect [costs].
Q: How did practices respond to the idea of cutting costs? A: Dr. Latts: We tend to think of physicians as the money spenders. With the power of
the pen, they are ordering tests, spending money. What we saw in the pilot is that
there's been a huge shift in how physicians viewed their role, and that they are still
responsible for the care of the patient, but they are also stewards of the health
care dollar. Where quality was equivalent or superior, where possible, they wanted
to direct their patients to the lowest-cost commodity facility, [such as] laboratories
or radiology. But they didn't have the data or the knowledge to do that and that was
a real problem.
There's an increasing realization that there's a need for increased transparency around prices....[There is] a real opportunity in the future to try to give physicians the information to make more cost-effective choices.
Q: Your pilot concluded in April. What happens next? A: Dr. Harbrecht: With the [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] Comprehensive
Primary Care Initiative, we'll see a continuation of the work done in these pilots
and hopefully take the lessons learned and go to the next level. We learned so much
in the initial pilots. Other groups were saying a lot of the same exact things: Data
is crucial, redesign is crucial.
Everybody's got to come in. Employers, especially the self-funded employers, are starting to understand that if they can step up and really participate, not only does it give practices a higher penetration of dollars to do this work, there's some return on investment here. A lot of the self-funded employers didn't really understand [the pilot]; they said we're already paying too much, why would we pay more? Wellpoint was able to show a 2.5% to 4.5% return on the dollars that they put in initially. No longer is this a phase or flavor of the month. Many of the plans have already announced that they're going in this direction.
Q: Any other lessons for physicians ? A: Dr. Harbrecht: Technology is a crucial tool. As many providers are starting to get
electronic medical records [and to] use health information exchanges, right now it's
very frustrating for them. Some of the electronic tools are not yet there, but if
they can really use this time to point out to the vendors what they need at the point
of care and to get information to their patients, that's what's going to drive [changes
to technology]. |
Open Question Answering | This dress is Made-To-Order. Whether you choose a standard size or custom measurements, our tailors craft each dress to order (See Tailoring Time). By selecting "Custom Size", your dress will be personally tailored for your exact fit.
Q: Can I return or cancel the dress if I change my mind?
A: Each dress is made to order in DressFirst, including standard size dresses. The custom nature of our dresses means our cancellation and Return Policy is stricter than other items, so it's important to order carefully.
Q: How long can I receive my item?
A: Total Delivery Time is based on the tailoring/processing time + shipping time, you will find them in the product pages.
Q: How can I make sure I order the correct size and fit?
A: Compare your unique measurements with DressFirst's size chart and measuring guide. By selecting "Custom Size", your dress will be personally tailored for your exact fit.
Q: Can I order this dress in a different style/fabric/length?
A: Please understand that each dress is carefully tailored to match exactly what you see in the photos, so unfortunately we are unable to modify the fabric/length in any way. Currently, the two acceptable changes are removing the trains and adding spaghetti straps, only for dresses with simple designs. |
Open Question Answering | Acid-Base Chemistry WaterWe typically talk about acid-base reactions in aqueous-phase environments -- that is, in the presence of water. The most fundamental acid-base reaction is the dissociation of water:
H 2O H + + OH -
In this reaction, water breaks apart to form a hydrogen ion (H
+) and a hydroxide ion (OH -). In pure water, we can define a special equilibrium constant (K w) as follows:
K W = [H +][OH -] = 1.00x10 -14
Where K
w is the equilibrium constant for water at 25° C (unitless) [H +] is the molar concentration of hydrogen [OH -] is the molar concentration of hydroxide
An equilibrium constant less than one (1) suggests that the reaction prefers to stay on the side of the reactants -- in this case, water likes to stay as water. Because water hardly ionizes, it is a very poor conductor of electricity.
pHWhat is of interest in this reading, however, is the acid-base nature of a substancelike water. Water actually behaves both like an acid and a base. The acidity orbasicity of a substance is defined most typically bythe pH value,defined as below:
pH = -log[H
At equilibrium, the concentration of H
+ is 1.00 × 10 -7, so we can calculate the pH of water at equilibrium as:
pH = -log[H
+]= -log[1.00 × 10 -7] = 7.00
Solutions with a pH of seven (7) are said to be neutral, while those with pH values below seven (7) are defined as acidic and those above pH of seven (7) as being basic.
pOH gives us another way to measure the acidity of a solution. It is just the opposite of pH. A high pOH means the solution is acidic while a low pOH means the solution is basic.
pOH = -log[OH
pH + pOH = 14.00 at 25°C
Definitions of acids and bases SaltsA salt is formed when an acid and a base are mixed and the acid releases H + ions while the base releases OH - ions. This process is called hydrolysis. The pH of the salt depends on the strengths of the original acids and bases:
Acid Base Salt pH strong strong pH = 7 weak strong pH > 7 strong weak pH < 7 weak weak depends on which is stronger
These salts are acidic or basic due to their acidic or basic ions. When weak acids or weak bases react with water, they make strong conjugate bases or conjugate acids, respectively, which determines the pH of the salt. For a molecule with a H-X bond to be an acid, the hydrogen must have a positive oxidation number so it can ionize to form a positive +1 ion. For instance, in sodium hydride (NaH) the hydrogen has a -1 charge so it is not an acid but it is actually a base. Molecules like CH
4 with nonpolar bonds also cannot be acids because the H does not ionize. Molecules with strong bonds (large electronegativity differences), are less likely to be strong acids because they do not ionize very well. For a molecule with an X-O-H bond (also called an oxoacid) to be an acid, the hydrogen must again ionize to form H +. To be a base, the O-H must break off to form the hydroxide ion (OH -). Both of these happen when dealing with oxoacids.
Strong Acids: These acids completely ionize in solution so they are alwaysrepresented in chemical equations in their ionized form. There are only seven (7) strong acids:
HCl, HBr, HI, H
2SO 4, HNO 3, HClO 3, HClO 4
To calculate a pH value, it is easiest to follow the standard "Start, Change, Equilibrium" process.
Example Problem: Determine the pH of a 0.25 M solution of HBr.
Answer: HBr (aq) → H +(aq) + Br -(aq) Start: .25 M 0 M 0 M Change: -.25 +.25 +.25 Equilibrium: 0 .25 .25 pH = -log[H +] = -log(.25) = 0.60
Weak Acids: These are the most common type of acids. They follow the equation:
HA(aq) H
+(aq) + A -(aq)
The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of an acid is known as
K a. The larger the value of K a, the stronger the acid.
K a = [H +][A -] [HA]
Example Problem: Determine the pH of 0.30 M acetic acid (HC
2H 3O 2) with the K a of 1.8x10 -5.
Answer: Write an equilibrium equation for the acid: HC 2H 3O 2 H + + C 2H 3O 2 - Write the equilibrium expression and the K a value:
K a = [H +][C 2H 3O 2 -] [HC 2H 3O 2] = 1.8x10 -5 "Start, Change, Equilibrium":
HC 2H 3O 2 H + + C 2H 3O 2 - Start: 0.30 M 0 M 0 M Change: -x +x +x Equilibrium: 0.30 - x x x Substitute the variables (disregard the "-x" because it is so small compared to the 0.30) and solve for [H +]:
K a = 1.8x10 -5 = (x)(x) (.30 - x) = x 2 .30 x = [H +] = 2.3x10 -3 pH = -log[H +] = 2.64
Strong Bases: Like strong acids, these bases completely ionize in solution and are always represented in their ionized form in chemical equations. There are only eight (8) strong bases:
2, Sr(OH) 2, Ba(OH) 2
Example Problem: Determine the pH of a 0.010 M solution of Ba(OH)
Answer: Ba(OH) 2(aq) → Ba 2+(aq) + 2OH -(aq) Start: .010 M 0 M 0 M Change: -.010 +.010 +.020 Equilibrium: 0 .010 .020 pOH = -log[OH -] = -log(.020) = 1.70 pH = 14.00 - 1.70 = 12.30
Weak Bases: These follow the equation:
Weak Base + H
2O conjugate acid + OH -
example: NH
3 + H 2O NH 4 + + OH -
K b is the base-dissociation constant:
K b = [conjugate acid][OH -] [weak base]
example: K b = [NH 4 +][OH -] [NH 3]
K a x K b = K w = 1.00x10 -14
To calculate the pH of a weak base, we must follow a very similar "Start, Change, Equilibrium" process as we did with the weak acid, however we must add a few steps.
Example Problem: Determine the pH of 0.15 M ammonia (NH
3) with a K b=1.8x10 -5.
Answer: Write the equilibrium equation for the base: NH 3 + H 2O NH 4 + + OH - Write the equilibrium expression and the K b value:
K b = [NH 4 +][OH -] [NH 3] = 1.8x10 -5 "Start, Change, Equilibrium":
NH 3 + H 2O NH 4 + + OH - Start: 0.15 M -- 0 M 0 M Change: -x -- +x +x Equilibrium: 0.15 - x -- x x Substitute the variables (disregard the "-x" because it is so small compared to the 0.15) and solve for [OH -]:
K b = 1.8x10 -5 = (x)(x) (.15 - x) = x 2 .15 x = [OH -] = 1.6x10 -3 M pOH = -log[OH -] = 2.80 pH = 14.00 - 2.80 - 11.20
When dealing with weak acids and weak bases, you also might have to deal with the "common ion effect". This is when you add a salt to a weak acid or base that contains one of the ions present in the acid or base. To be able to use the same process to solve for pH when this occurs, all you need to change are your "start" numbers. Add the molarity of the ion, which comes from the salt, and then solve the
K a or K b equation as you did earlier.
Example Problem: Find the pH of a solution formed by dissolving 0.100 molof HC
2H 3O 2 with a K a of1.8x10 -8 and 0.200 mol of NaC 2H 3O 2 in a total volume of 1.00 L.
Answer: HC 2H 3O 2(aq) → H +(aq) + C 2H 3O 2 -(aq) Start: .10 M 0 M .20 M Change: -x +x +x Equilibrium: .10 - x x .20 + x
K a = 1.8x10 -8 = (x)(.20 + x) (.10 - x) = (x)(.20) (.10) x = [H +] = -9.0x10 -9 pH = -log(9.0x10 -9) = 8.05
Acid-Base TitrationsAn acid-base titration is when you add a base to an acid until the equivalence point is reached which is where the number of moles of acid equals the number of moles of base. For the titration of a strong base and a strong acid, this equivalence point is reached when the pH of the solution is seven (7) as seen on the following titration curve:
For the titration of a strong base with a weak acid, the equivalence pointis reached when the pH is greater than seven (7). The half equivalencepoint is when half of the total amount of base needed to neutralize theacid has been added. It is at this point where the pH = p
K a ofthe weak acid.
In an acid-base titration, the base will react with the weak acid and form a solution that contains the weak acid and its conjugate base until the acid is completely gone. To solve these types of problems, we will use the
K a value of the weak acid and the molarities in a similar way as we have before. Beforedemonstrating this way, let us first examine a short cut, called the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation. This can only be used when you havesome acid and some conjugate base in your solution. If you only have acid, then you must do a pure K a problem and if you only have base (like when the titration is complete) then you must do a K b problem.
= pH + pK a log [ base] [ acid]
pH is the log of the molar concentration of the hydrogen p K a is the equilibrium dissociation constant for an acid [base] is the molar concentration of a basic solution [acid] is the molar concentration of an acidic solution
Example Problem: 25.0 mL of 0.400 M KOH is added to 100. mL of 0.150 M benzoic acid, HC
7H 5O 2 ( K a=6.3x10 -5). Determine the pH of the solution.
This equation is used frequently when trying to find the pH of buffer solutions. A buffer solution is one that resists changes in pH upon the addition of small amounts of an acid or a base. They are made up of a conjugate acid-base pair such as HC
Answer: Determine where in the titration we are: 0.400 M x 0.025 L = 0.0100 mol KOH added 0.150 M x 0.100 L = 0.0150 mol HC 7H 5O 2 originally because only 0.100 mol of base has been added, that means the thitration is not complete; this means there are two ways to solve this problem: the normal way and the way using the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation. Normal way:
HC 7H 5O 2 + OH - C 7H 5O 2 - + H 2O before reaction: 0.015 mol 0.0100 mol 0 mol -- change: -0.0100 -0.0100 +0.0100 -- after reaction: 0.0050 0 0.0100 --
K a = [H +][C 7H 5O 2 -] [HC 7H 5O 2] = 6.3x10 -5 = (x)(0.0100) 0.0050 x = [H +] = 3.2x10 -5 M pH = -log(3.2x10 -5) = 4.49 Henderson-Hasselbalch Way:
[HC 7H 5O 2] = 0.0050 mol 0.125 L = 0.040 M
[C 7H 5O 2 -] = 0.0100 mol 0.125 L = 0.0800 M
pH = pK a + log [base] [acid]
pH = -log(6.3x10 -5) + log 0.0800 0.0400 = 4.20 + 0.30 = 4.50 2H 3O 2/C 2H 3O 2 - or NH 4 +/NH 3. They work because the acidic species neutralize the OH - ions while the basic species neutralize the H + ions. The buffer capacity is the amount of acid or base the buffer can neutralize before the pH begins to change to a significant degree. This depends on the amount of acid or base in the buffer. High buffering capacities come from solutions with high concentrations of the acid and the base and where these concentrations are similar in value.
Practice weak acid problem:
6H 5COONa is a salt of a weak acid C 6H 5COOH. A 0.10 M solution of C 6H 5COONa has a pH of 8.60.
Calculate [OH -] of C 6H 5COONa Calculate K b for: C 6H 5COO - + H 2O <---> C 6H 5COOH + OH - Calculate K a for C 6H 5COOH
See the weak acid solution.
Practice titration problem:
20.00 mL of 0.160 M HC
2H 3O 2 ( K a=1.8x10 -5) is titrated with 0.200 M NaOH.
What is the pH of the solution before the titration begins? What is the pH after 8.00 mL of NaOH has been added? What is the pH at the equivalence point? What is the pH after 20.00 mL of NaOH has been added?
See the titration solution.
[Basic Index][Chemical Nomenclature][Atomic Structure][Periodic Table]
[Lewis Structure][Chemical Reactions][Stoichiometry][Acid-Base Chemistry] |
Open Question Answering | Breathalyzers don’t actually measure alcohol.
That’s right. What these machines actually detect and measure is any chemical compund that contains the
methyl group in its molecular structure. There are thousands of such compounds — including quite a few which can be found on the human breath. And this machine that determines a person’s guilt or innocence will “see” all of those chemicals as alcohol — and report a falsely high “blood-alcohol” concentration (BAC).
Most breath machines used by law enforcement in DUI cases today employ a technology called
infrared spectroscopy. The DUI suspect breathes through a tube connected to the machine and a breath sample is captured in a small sample chamber inside the machine. Then beams of infrared light are shot through the captured breath sample. If there are any compounds containing the methyl group, they will absorb some of this light; the more of the chemical compound in the breath sample, the more light is absorbed. The more light that is absorbed, the less that reaches sensors at the other end of the sample chamber. And the less light that is detected by the sensors, the higher the supposed “blood-alcohol” reading.
Problem: the machines are, scientifically speaking, fairly unsophisticated. They are, as scientists say,
non-specific — that is, they are not capable of detecting and measuring a specific compound. More important for government work, they are relatively cheap. Rather than use more expensive filters and/or multiple filters, for example, most breathalyzers use only one or three less-costly filters. Result: these machines can only detect and measure a broad range of compounds containing the methyl group — and they then simply assume that the unknown compound within this group is ethyl alcohol.
If a person has any of these other compounds on his breath, called
interferents by the scientists, he will get a falsely high breath alcohol test result. And if there are two or three such compounds on his breath, the machine will read a cumulative result: it will add them up and falsely report the total as the breath-alcohol level.
So what kinds of compounds may be on a person’s breath that can cause false BAC readings in a DUI case? In one study of eight men, 69 different compounds containing the methyl group were discovered. “Trace Composition of Human Respiratory Gas”, 30
Archives of Environmental Health290. In another study invoviing 28 subjects, researchers found that the “combined expired air comprises at least 102 various organic compounds of endogenous and exogenous origin”. “Characterization of Human Expired Air”, 15 Journal of Chromatographic Sciences 240. And Canadian scientists have discovered over 200 such compounds. “The Diagnostic Potential of Breath Analysis”, 21(1) Clinical Chemistry 5.
What are these compounds? Are there any on my breath? Well, for starters, diabetics with low blood sugar can have high levels of
acetone — which is “seen” as alcohol by breathalyzers. And scientific studies have found that people on diets can have reduced blood-sugar levels, causing acetone hundreds of times higher than found in normal individuals. Frank and Flores, “The Likelihood of Acetone Interference in Breath Alcohol Measurements”, 3 Alcohol, Drugs and Driving 1. And there are many other so-called “interferents”. See, for example, “Excretion of Low-Molecular Weight Volatile Substances in Human Breath: Focus on Endogenous Ethanol”, 9 Journal of Analytical Toxicology 246.
If you are a smoker, your breathalyzer result is likely to be higher than expected. The compound
acetaldehyde — reported by the breathalyzer as “alcohol” — is produced in the human body as a by-product in metabolizing consumed alcohol, and eventually passes into the lungs and breath. Researchers have discovered that levels of acetaldehyde in the lungs can be 30 times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Result: higher BAC readings on the machine.
And then there are the industrial compounds: paint, glue, gasoline, thinners, and other compounds contain the methyl group. No, you don’t have to drink the stuff: simply absorbing it through your skin or inhaling the fumes can result in significant levels of the chemical in your body for hours or even days, depending upon the
half-life of the compound. So if you’ve painted a room or been around gasoline in the last day or two, don’t breath into a breathalyzer.
Some law enforcement officials say that this is not a problem, claiming that levels of the compound would have to be at toxic levels to raise a breath test result to .08% or higher. These officials are displaying their ignorance of the science involved — specifically, of the
partition ratio. This is the ratio of the compound found in the breath to that found in the blood. With ethyl alcohol, the ratio is 2100-to-1, which means that, on average, there will be 2100 units of alcohol in the blood for every unit found in the breath. These officials are using this ratio for all compounds, but every compound has its own ratio. Toluene (found in paint, glue, thinners, cleaning solvents. etc.), for example, has a partition ratio of only 7-to-1; a far greater amount of toluene in the blood will pass into the breath, and so a much smaller amount in the body will have a far greater impact on the breath machine. |
Open Question Answering | What does
BAP mean? BAP means Bandwidth Allocation Protocol
This acronym/slang usually belongs to Computing & IT category.
Particularly in Telecom Abbreviations, Information technology Abbreviations
Particularly in Telecom Abbreviations, Information technology Abbreviations
What is the abbreviation for Bandwidth Allocation Protocol?
Bandwidth Allocation Protocol can be abbreviated as BAP
Most popular questions people look for before coming to this page
What does BAP stand for?
BAP stands for "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol".
How to abbreviate "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol"?
"Bandwidth Allocation Protocol" can be abbreviated as BAP.
What is the meaning of BAP abbreviation?
The meaning of BAP abbreviation is "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol".
What is BAP abbreviation?
One of the definitions of BAP is "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol".
What does BAP mean?
BAP as abbreviation means "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol".
What is shorthand of Bandwidth Allocation Protocol?
The most common shorthand of "Bandwidth Allocation Protocol" is BAP.
Abbreviations or Slang with similar meaning BAVP - Bandwidth Allocation for Virtual Paths DBASE - Distributed Bandwidth Allocation/Sharing/Extension POBAM - Profit Oriented Bandwidth Allocation Method AAP - Address Allocation Protocol BACP - Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol DBAC - Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Capability RAP - Resource Allocation Protocol BAC - Bandwidth Allocation Control BAR - Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation BAP - Bandwith Allocation Protocol BAT - Bandwidth Allocation Table BAT - Bandwidth Allocation Technology BAT - Bandwidth Allocation Threshold BDP - Bandwidth Delay Protocol BRP - Bandwidth Reservation Protocol BAP - Band Allocation Protocol BAP - Bandwidth Allocation Potocol BAPC - Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol BCAP - Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol bag - Bandwidth Allocation Gap |
Open Question Answering | The great debate
Coworker A: I'm going to get a sandwich. Does anyone want anything?
No, thanks, we say. He leaves the room. He comes back a few minutes later and starts dialing the phone.
Coworker B: What is he doing?
I shrug.
A few minutes later, Coworker A hangs up.
Coworker B: Were you just ordering your sandwich?
Coworker A: Yeah, I don't like to wait. It's awkward.
Coworker B: Wait a second. You order ahead at, like, Subway? Places like that?
Coworker A: Yeah. I don't like to stand at the counter.
Coworker B: But to call ahead for ONE sandwich? Why? Who DOES that?
Coworker A: A lot of people do.
Coworker B: Really? How many? Ask them. Ask them when you go, how many people do that.
Coworker A: I'm not asking them that.
Coworker B: Why not?
Coworker A: I have no comment. This is a stupid conversation.
He comes back with his sandwich.
Coworker B: Did you ask?
Coworker A: No.
Coworker B: Why? Aren’t you curious?
Coworker A: No. Look, all I know is that if I hadn't called ahead, I'd still be standing there waiting.
Coworker B: That's a little bit of an exaggeration. (Pause.) It's just not NORMAL.
Coworker A: Whatever, like you would know what normal is.
Which segues into the latest topic du jour: Which person in the department is the most "normal." Somehow, I'm not even in the running, despite the fact that I'M not the one who just spent 15 minutes debating sandwich orders. Something about laughing too much ("not EVERYTHING is funny!" says Coworker B). Go figure. |
Open Question Answering | Our Services
Web Hosting Interview Questions & Answers - Learning Mode
Web Hosting Interview Questions & Answers - Learning Mode
A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special computers called servers. Web Hosting is the service providing space on the Internet for websites. When you make a website and want other people to see it, you will need to publish (or upload) it with a web hosting service. There are three basic parts that make up any current day web site: The domain name; The web-hosting, or server; The site files themselves.
Web Hosting Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode
Web Hosting Interview Questions & Answers - Learning Mode
Web Hosting Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode
Question: What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is the act of renting space and bandwidth through a company so that you may publish your web site online.
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: How do I upload my site?
he main method of uploading files to your site's account is by using FTP. When you sign up with a host, you will probably get an FTP account that lets you access files in your account (usually ftp.yoursitename.com, your main account name and password). Then you can use a built-in Windows or Internet Explorer FTP client, or some other software that supports FTP such as CuteFTP, WS_FTP, or Total Commander, to transfer files from your hard drive to your account. If you don't get an FTP acco
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: My host offers unlimited bandwidth/space/transfer Answer:
As we explained on our scams page, it is not possible for a web host to offer 'unlimited' bandwidth or diskspace. Such hosting plans always come with clauses that restrict how much bandwidth you can transfer at a given moment, how much CPU usage you can use (which is arbitrarily decided), and so forth.
We recommend you visit UnlimBand for more details. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: How do I track how many hits my website gets?
There are a few things that need to be cleared in terms of terminology: * Hits - this simply refers to the number of 'elements' loaded on your site. If one page has five images in it, viewing that page once adds 6 hits (one page + five images). * Impressions - the number of times all the pages on your site are seen (also simply called pageviews). Impressions are sometimes referred to as 'hits' which can cause confusion * Uniques - the number of people that visited your site
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What are PHP, ASP, perl, etc? Answer:
These are all programming languages which are referred to by their acronyms.
PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
ASP - Active Server Pages
Perl - not an acronym
Each programming language has its own benefits and uses. It is best that you research on your own to find one that best fits your needs. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: I am using too much bandwidth! Is there anyway for me to make it less?
In most cases, yes.
You should first try to optimize the graphics on your website. Many GIFs look just as good with fewer colors, and many JPEGs look just as good with a higher compression level. NetMechanic offers an image optimizer program online.
You should also analyze the HTML of your site. Make sure you use relative paths, so that images are not downloaded more than one time. Remove any extra spacing and when linking to other pages, use relative paths and not a Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: How do I upload my site online?
Uploading your site can be done in many ways, but the most popular is FTP.
When your hosting account was created, you should have been provided with an FTP account. Using software such as CuteFTP or WS_FTP, you can log into your host. Then, using the program like a normal windows program, you can drag and drop files onto your web host. These files become live online instantaneously.
There are other ways to upload your site such as using SSH or uploading files through Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What is Virtual Hosting?
Also known as shared hosting, this form of web hosting should suffice for most everyone. Virtual hosting simple refers to the fact that your site is on one server, and that this server hosts mulitple sites. You are virtually shared - your site will not be the only one on this specific server. Very few sites would actually need the power of a dedicated server, so this option provides to be a reliable and cheap solution.
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What is PayPal?
Simply put, PayPal lets anyone with an email address send money to anyone else with an email address.
Each user signs up with PayPal and then enters their necessary banking and credit card information. Once registration is completed, your email address is all you need to send and receive money.
PayPal is owned by eBay. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: How can I pay for web hosting?
This depends on which host you decide to go with. Most web hosts will accept credit cards, and some will accept PayPal and/or a Money Order / Check. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: Why don't I just go with the cheapest hosting?
A host has to make a profit to continue operating. Some hosts do not properly understand the market, and may be pricing themselves too cheap.
We provide a more detailed explanation here Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What is your company's core focus?
BrickHost offers shared and reseller hosting. Clients can choose from standard or custom hosting packages. BrickHost also offers offsite data backup services, which include a proprietary BrickHost backup client. The Backup client completely automates the backup process and is a far better alternative to traditional tape backup media.?
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: How Do I Register a Domain Name? Answer:
Registering a domain name is very easy.
First you will have to make sure that the domain you want is available - using something called a WHOIS lookup at sites like Register.com or Whois Source you can make sure the domain you want is available for registration.
Afterwards, you simply need to visit a registration site such as DirectNIC or Register.com to purchase your domain name. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What do I need to do to put Flash on my website? Answer:
Flash is a client side feature - it runs on the user's computer, not on your web host. As long as the user's browser has the correct plugin installed, it will run on their computer. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is a word along with a TLD that uniquely identifies your website.
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: Why is a good Web hosting service important to businesses and website owners?
?With a background in web design and development, I understand the importance of quality web hosting. BrickHost allows designers and developers to concentrate on design and development. By fully supporting the client, we are able to allow them to do their best work, and be proud and confident of their end result? according to Bryan Lokstet, COO.?
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: What is the difference between UNIX hosting and Windows hosting?
If you need to support Microsoft products such as ASP, MS Access, or VBScript, then Windows hosting would be better. Furthermore, if you are comfortable with IIS and do not have the time to understand how UNIX works, Windows hosting would again be a better choice.
Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: I have a fast internet connection (DSL/cable) - can I just host my own site?
You could, but that's definitely not recommended.
First of all, most ISPs have clauses that do not let you use your internet connection for web hosting - doing so will result in termination of your account.
Second of all, think of the headaches it can provide: making sure your system is secure so that no one can hack into it, having your computer on 24/7, and other such problems.
Third of all, think of the performance. Most good web hosts use powerful serv Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: Do I have to change my domain if I get a new host?
No. Provided that the domain is registered in your name (as it should be), you can simply update your namservers (from where you manage your domain names) to that of your new host. Source: CoolInterview.com
Question: Why should a site owner choose BrickHost over another hosting company?
According the Bryan Lokstet, COO, BrickHost?s strength lies in our commitment to clients and providing an unparalleled level of support. Andrew Campbell was quick to contribute that the BrickHost support chat client, support ticket system and emergency SMS pager system provide the company with the tools to offer their clients an unrivalled hosting experience. Both agree that by focusing on quality support, servers and building a solid network infrastructure, clients can?t help but be satisfied a
Source: CoolInterview.com
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Payment of time- barred debt is:
(a) Valid
(b) Void
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(d) Voidable
Consideration is defined in the Indian Contract Act,1872 in: (a) Section 2(f) (b) Section 2(e) (c) Section 2(g) (d) Section 2(d)
Which of the following is not an exception to the rule, "No consideration, No contract": (a) Natural love and affection (b) Compensation for involuntary services (c) Completed gift (d) Agency
Consideration must move at the desire of: (a) The promisor (b) The promisee (c) The promisor or any other party (d) Both the promisor and the promisee
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_____________ is a game of chance. (a) Conditional Contract (b) Contingent Contract (c) Wagering Contract (d) Quasi Contract
There is no binding contract in case of _______ as one's offer cannot be constructed as acceptance (a) Cross Offer (b) Standing Offer (c) Counter Offer (d) Special Offer
An offer is made with an intention to have negotiation from other party. This type of offer is: (a) Invitation to offer (b) Valid offer (c) Voidable (d) None of the above
When an offer is made to the world at large, it is ____________ offer. (a) Counter (b) Special (c) General (d) None of the above
Implied contract even if not in writing or express words is perfectly _______________ if all the conditions are satisfied:- (a) Void (b) Voidable (c) Valid (d) Illegal
A specific offer can be accepted by ___________. (a) Any person (b) Any friend to offeror (c) The person to whom it is made (d) Any friend of offeree
An agreement toput a fire on a person's car is a ______: (a) Legal (b) Voidable (c) Valid (d) Illegal |
Open Question Answering | Q: When & where was the GHA incorporated?
A: February 12, 2008, in Vermont, which promised a 3-day turnaround and was VERY user friendly in helping us incorporate.
Q: Should the GHA not survive, what will happen to the monies in the Treasury?
A: After the corporation's bills are paid, what is left will be returned to the members.
Q: Who is the horse in the GHA Logo?
A: If you guessed Silver Feather Gypsies' mare,
The Rose, you are correct! The silhouette used in our logo was modeled after a photo of Rose taken by Mark Barrett, with his permission.
Q: Do you have questions or concerns about the running of the GHA?
A: Click here to read a detailed reply to an email sent by a member. Many topics are discussed!
Additional Questions May Be Submitted to the GHA Officers/Directors |
Open Question Answering | CANADIAN filmmaker Dean DeBlois’ fame may seem like it came out of nowhere, but the director of the acclaimed “How to Train Your Dragon” series has been in the trenches and paid his dues over the years.
In Shanghai to promote the Chinese mainland launch of “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” with 3D and IMAX 3D versions, DeBlois says the sequel is a tribute to the bravery of fathers and what they sacrifice for their families.
His father died when he was a boy.
The 44-year-old says “Dragon 2” features more complex shots and great effects, especially the battle scenes.
The story looks at how Hiccup and his dragon friend Toothless mature. Hiccup, in particular, is looking for meaning in his life as a young adult. A war breaks out and Hiccup understands it is his duty to protect the dragons and his homeland.
Born in Aylmer, a small town in Quebec across a river from the Canadian capital Ottawa, DeBlois began his career as an assistant animator and layout artist. He worked on “Mulan” and “Lilo and Stitch.”
In 2010, “How to Train Your Dragon” became DreamWorks Animation’s top-grossing film in North America outside of “Shrek Forever After” and earned DeBlois wide recognition.
The director shares some behind the scenes stories and ideas under consideration for the third installment.
There are so many different types of dragons in the sequel. Some look like cats and dogs. How did you create them? Did you refer to Chinese dragons?
A: A lot of people in our team have pets. I have three bulldogs. They are very cute with funny personalities. Some of my colleagues ride horses.
Yes. We used familiar animal images as a reference for the dragons. Based on real creatures including birds, dogs and elephants, we discussed what elements and personalities of animals could be presented in the characters. As for a Chinese dragon, I think it is an interesting creature and I would love to explore them in the third film.
Q: The film has been hailed by both children and adults. What is the target audience of the “How to Train Your Dragon” series?
A: We want the franchise to appeal to a broader audience including young children, teenagers and their parents. This is the reason we have included elements of romance, fantasy and adventure in it.
Japanese animation director Miyazaki Hayao does so well in this respect. He is a great inspiration to me. I hope that my movies can immerse viewers into this world and push people’s emotions. The story challenges them emotionally. I think it is the joy of watching a film.
Q: Chinese elements have been included in Hollywood animations such as “Kung Fu Panda” and “Mulan.” Are you considering making a film with strong Chinese elements? What subject would you like to try?
A: Chinese culture is rich with good story ideas and traditional Chinese images are also very engaging to me. One of my Chinese friends once showed me the image of a Chinese ghost — a woman with long hair. It was really fascinating. I want to explore more of that in future movies.
Q: You are a fan of the “Star Wars” franchise. Were you inspired by the George Lucas films?
A: When I watched “Star Wars” for the first time, I was only 7 years old. I loved it as a child, and I also love it as an adult. It makes me realize that a good film has no age boundary. It has also encouraged me to make movies like that.
Q: What surprises do you plan in the third installment?
A: In the third installment, both Hiccup and Toothless will be the leader of their own tribes. They may have more differences of opinion. They will also become heroes with great responsibilities. We also hope that each film in the series reveals more talent and the wisdom of the dragons. |
Open Question Answering | You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graphs below show the figures for population distribution in a country for 1900-2050. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Sample Answer: The column graphs compare the populations in rural, suburban and urban areas in a country […]
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-15 which are based on Reading Passage 32 below: A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to life [ The control of fire was the first and perhaps greatest of humanity’s steps towards a life-enhancing technology.] To early man, fire was a divine gift randomly delivered in […]
This Quiz was designed to test your vocabulary level for the IELTS Academic graph writing (task 1). While describing a graph you need to use certain vocabulary to present the data and their changing patterns/ comparisons/ contrasts. Lets take the quiz and find out your proficiency.
The diagram below shows the consumption of renewable energy in the USA from 1949 – 2008. Write a report for a university lecturer identifying the main trends and making comparisons where relevant.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on the Reading Passage below. How consumers decide Professor John Maule from the University of Leeds describes new research into the way that consumers choose a product. Understanding consumers Consumers are creatures of habit: they buy the same products time and time […]
This quiz was developed to asses your understanding level about various facts of IELTS test. Take this quiz and assess your understanding level of IELTS test. One of the very important aspects of your IELTS success depends on how well you know the details of the IELTS test, question types and other FAQs. If you […]
IELTS Essay Topic: One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing. Do you think the advantageous of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Sample Answer: Medical & health care are very fundamental and crucial needs for the citizens of a country as this sector is […]
IELTS Essay Topic: As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample Answer: It is sometimes argued that businesses have many important responsibilities towards societal issues along with making money. I completely agree with this notion that corporations should be working on tackling socio-economic problems […]
IELTS Essay Topic: Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Explain what the world would be like. Use your imagination! Sample Answer: Laws and rules are the regulating factors of any community. They organize and govern the behavior of people. There are several impacts […]
IELTS Essay Topic: Some people like to save money because they consider it is an important source of happiness. Others believe that money should be spent as it is the way to fulfill our dreams. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your […] |
Open Question Answering | spurring science A seed takes root in Texas man's arm
It's been said that mighty oaks can grow from even the tiniest acorns. Justin Martin, 26, can attest to that, though in his case, it was a tiny cocklebur growing in a very unusual place. In May 2007, Martin was driving down a rural Texas road when a cow appeared and he crashed. Several months later, a painful, marble-like lump developed on Martin's left arm. In June 2008, the decision was made to surgically remove it for biopsy. The lump, it turned out, was a plant. Evidently a cocklebur had become embedded in the deep cuts on Martin's arm the night of the accident; it eventually migrated to a spot about 6 inches away. Even more remarkable, because it was close enough to the surface of the skin to get light, the seed had sprouted. "I wish (the doctors) could have saved (the sprouted plant) for me," said Martin, whose tale appears in
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Special Edition 2011. capitol idea No more pop quizzes in Idaho
Public schools chief Tom Luna demonstrated new technology being used in Idaho classrooms during a presentation Wednesday to the 27 lawmakers on the state Senate and House education committees. He asked lawmakers two questions and gave them each an electronic device that functions like a remote to input their answers. Luna asked what year Idaho became a state, and the legislators' answers were calculated and projected on a screen. It showed 17 percent on the two education panels didn't know the answer: 1890. Asked which town was Idaho's first capital, 15 percent did not know the correct answer: Lewiston.
No. 1 son The numbers align for this birthday
Tyler Ashton Marx's lucky number is going to be one, or 11, or maybe both. The son of Jared and Leslie Marx was born at 11:11 a.m. on Jan. 11, 2011, at St. Luke's Meridian Medical Center in Meridian, Idaho. Jared is serving in Iraq and watched his son's birth over the Internet. But Tyler isn't the only one in the family with a memorable birthday. His older sister was born on 9/9/09.
flight of fantasy Santa followers reach record high
NORAD says its Santa-tracking program logged a record number of phone calls and e-mails on Christmas Eve. The North American Aerospace Defense Command said volunteers answered more than 80,000 calls and more than 7,000 e-mails on Santa's whereabouts. In 2009, there were 74,000 calls and 3,500 e-mails. The website had nearly 15.5 million unique visitors, up from 13 million. The program started in 1955 when a newspaper ad printed the wrong number for a Santa hotline and kids called NORAD's predecessor instead.
Compiled from Times wires. |
Open Question Answering | Contents
Introduction About the author Acknowledgements LITERACY Unit 1 Spelling Unit 2 Alphabetising Unit 3 Comprehension MATHEMATICS Unit 4 General Mathematics Unit 5 Basic Operations - Section A: Addition - Section B: Subtraction - Section C: Multiplication - Section D: Division Unit 6 Decimals - Section A: Addition - Section B: Subtraction - Section C: Multiplication - Section D: Division Unit 7 Fractions - Section A: Addition - Section B: Subtraction - Section C: Multiplication - Section D: Division Unit 8 Percentages Unit 9 Measurement Conversions Unit 10 Earning Wages/Work Time Unit 11 Squaring Numbers - Section A: Introducing square numbers - Section B: Applying square numbers to the trade Unit 12 Area and Perimeter Unit 13 Ratios Unit 14 Applying Maths to the General Construction Trade - Section A: Digging trenches - Section B: Concreting - Section C: Demolition - Section D: Scaffolding - Section E: Bobcats and heavy machinery Unit 15 Practice Written Exam for the General Construction Trade Glossary Formulae and Data Notes
Graduated difficulty – the books are divided into units that gradually increase in length, content and difficulty. Use them throughout the course, not just before the actual assessment.
No teacher preparation is required – students can write directly into the books, and can then later use them for revision
Real-life scenarios and terminology used – helps motivate students and makes the content specifically relevant to the students’ chosen trade
Comprehensive practice questions – includes hundreds of questions
Bonus practice detachable test included – produced on perforated paper, it allows for easy tear out
Calculator-free – these workbooks have been designed to mirror current apprenticeship entry assessments and encourage students to attempt all questions without using a calculator.
CD Features – Animated worked examples to promote self-paced learning. Bonus step-by-step instructions and activities on how to use Google’s 3D SketchUp drawing and modelling software. This software is free for all schools, and has many practical, real-life applications for pre-apprenticeship students. |
Open Question Answering | Opio M.O.,Kitovu Hospital | Kellett J.,Hospital of South West Jutland
American Journal of Medicine | Year: 2017
Background: Although taking a radial pulse is considered to be an essential clinical skill, there have been few reports on how well it is measured in clinical practice, and how its accuracy and precision are influenced by rate, rhythm, and blood pressure. Methods: This study is a retrospective quality audit carried out as part of a larger ongoing prospective observational trial. The radial pulse rates recorded by 2 research nurses were compared with the electrocardiogram (ECG) heart rates measured on acutely ill medical patients during their admission to a resource-poor hospital in sub-Saharan Africa. Results: There were 619 ECGs performed on 231 patients while they were in the hospital. The median interval between measuring the vital signs and obtaining an ECG was 12.6 minutes (mean 62.3, SD 104.3 minutes). The correlation coefficient between the pulse rate recorded and ECG heart rate was 0.54. The bias between the pulse rate and the ECG heart rate was 1.34, SD 13.51 beats per minute (ie, limits of agreement 26.5 beats per minute). Bias and variance were not influenced by blood and pulse pressure. However, tachycardia increased the variance and was the only independent predictor of a pulse deficit (odds ratio 2.32; 95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.51; chi-squared 17.21; P < .0001). Conclusion: Practice-based evidence shows that in acutely ill patients, there is a poor correlation between the radial pulse and the ECG heart rate, and that tachycardia increases the variance and is the only independent predictor of a pulse deficit. © 2017 Elsevier Inc.
Stolberg C.R.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Hepp N.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Hepp N.,Copenhagen University | Juhl A.J.A.,University of Aarhus | Juhl C.B.,Hospital of South West Jutland
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases | Year: 2017
Background: Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for severe obesity. It results in significant and sustained weight loss and reduces obesity-related co-morbidities. Despite an increasing prevalence of severe obesity, the number of bariatric operations performed in Denmark has decreased during the past years. This is only partly explained by changes in the national guidelines for bariatric surgery. The purpose of the cross-sectional study is to investigate referral patterns and possible reservations regarding bariatric surgery among Danish primary care physicians (PCPs). Setting: Primary care physicians in Denmark. Methods: A total of 300 Danish PCPs were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey regarding experiences with bariatric surgery, reservations about bariatric surgery, attitudes to specific patient cases, and the future treatment of severe obesity. Most questions required a response on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, and strongly agree) and frequency distributions were calculated. Results: 133 completed questionnaires (44%) were returned. Most physicians found that they had good knowledge about the national referral criteria for bariatric surgery. With respect to the specific patient cases, a remarkably smaller part of physicians would refer patients on their own initiative, compared with the patient's initiative. Fear of postoperative surgical complications and medical complications both influenced markedly the decision to refer patients for surgery. Only 9% of the respondents indicated that bariatric surgery should be the primary treatment option for severe obesity in the future. Conclusion: Danish PCPs express severe concerns about surgical and medical complications following bariatric surgery. This might, in part, result in a low rate of referral to bariatric surgery. © 2017 American Society for Bariatric Surgery.
Combined heart rate- and accelerometer-assessed physical activity energy expenditure and associations with glucose homeostasis markers in a population at high risk of developing diabetes: The addition-pRO study
Hansen A.-L.S.,StenoDiabetesCenter A S | Carstensen B.,StenoDiabetesCenter A S | Helge J.W.,Copenhagen University | Johansen N.B.,StenoDiabetesCenter A S | And 7 more authors.
Diabetes Care | Year: 2013
OBJECTIVE Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and different subtypes of dysglycemia have shown different associations with PA. To better understand the associations of PAand glucose homeostasis,we examined the association of objectivelymeasured PA energy expenditure (PAEE) with detailed measures of glucose homeostasis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSdIn 1,531 men and women, with low to high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, we measured 7 days of PAEE using a combined accelerometry and heart rate monitor (ActiHeart). Measures and indices of glucose homeostasis were derived froma 3-point oral glucose tolerance test in addition tomeasures of long-term glycemia (glycated hemoglobin A1c and advanced glycation end products). Associations of PAEE with glucose homeostasis markers were examined using linear regression models. RESULTSdMedian age (IQR) was 66.6 years (62.1-71.6) (54%men) with amedian ActiHeart wear time of 6.9 days (6.0-7.1) and PAEE level of 33.0 kJ/kg/day (23.5-46.1). In fully adjusted models, we found higher levels of PAEE to be positively associated with insulin sensitivity and negatively with insulin 2 h after glucose load (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONSdEven in an elderly populationwith low levels of PA,we found higher objectively measured PAEE levels to be associated with a more beneficial glucose metabolic profile. Although our findings are cross-sectional, they indicate that evenwithout high-intensity exercise, increasing the overall level of PAEE slightly in an entire population at risk for developing type 2 diabetes may be a realistic and worthwhile goal to reach in order to achieve beneficial effect in terms of glucose metabolism. © 2013 by the American Diabetes Association.
Kusk M.W.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Karstoft J.,University of Southern Denmark | Mussmann B.R.,University of Southern Denmark
Acta Radiologica | Year: 2015
Background Generation of multiplanar reformation (MPR) images has become automatic on most modern computed tomography (CT) scanners, potentially increasing the workload of the reporting radiologists. It is not always clear if this increases diagnostic performance in all clinical tasks. Purpose To assess detection performance using only coronal multiplanar reformations (MPR) when triaging patients for lung malignancies with CT compared to images in three orthogonal planes, and to evaluate performance comparison of novice and experienced readers. Material and Methods Retrospective study of 63 patients with suspicion of lung cancer, scanned on 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) with images reconstructed in three planes. Coronal images were presented to four readers, two novice and two experienced. Readers decided whether the patients were suspicious for malignant disease, and indicated their confidence on a five-point scale. Sensitivity and specificity on per-patient basis was calculated with regards to a reference standard of histological diagnosis, and compared with the original report using McNemar's test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to compare the performance of the four readers, using the area under the curve (AUC) as figure of merit. Results No statistically significant difference of sensitivity and specificity was found for any of the readers when compared to the original reports. ROC analysis yielded AUCs in the range of 0.92-0.93 for all readers with no significant difference. Inter-rater agreement was substantial (kappa = 0.72). Conclusion Sensitivity and specificity were comparable to diagnosis using images in three planes. No significant difference was found between experienced and novice readers. © The Foundation Acta Radiologica 2014.
Lauridsen M.M.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Thiele M.,Copenhagen University | Kimer N.,Copenhagen University | Vilstrup H.,Aarhus University Hospital
Metabolic Brain Disease | Year: 2013
Existing tests for minimal/covert hepatic encephalopathy (m/cHE) are time- and expertise consuming and primarily useable for research purposes. An easy-to-use, fast and reliable diagnostic and grading tool is needed. We here report on the background, experience, and ongoing research regarding the continuous reaction times (CRT) method. The method has been in clinical use for decades in Denmark for the stated purpose. The method is a 10-minutes, computerised registration of a series of motor reaction times to an auditory stimulus, with results reported as the CRTindex (50 percentile/(90-10) percentile) as a parameter of reaction time variability. The index is a measure of alertness stability and is used to assess attention and cognition deficits. The CRTindex identifies half of patients in a Danish cohort with chronic liver disease, as having m/cHE, a normal value safely precludes HE, it has a broad outcome span reflecting the degree of brain impairment, it shows no learning effect, and it is independent on age and gender. The CRTindex is, therefore, a candidate tool for routine screening, detecting, grading, and monitoring m/cHE. Still, however, further methodological and clinical validation trials are required and are currently being conducted. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Hansen L.K.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Brabrand M.,Hospital of South West Jutland
European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine | Year: 2014
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines are constantly optimized to increase survival. Keeping hands-off time brief is vital. Our hypothesis is that rhythm recognition is time-consuming during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A Laerdal Sim-Man simulated three shockable and four nonshockable rhythms. Rhythms were presented to physicians who identified whether they were shockable and whether they would defibrillate. We measured time to stated decision. Thirty-five doctors participated, 32 had completed advanced life support training. The mean time to make a decision on whether to defibrillate or not was 3.4 s [95% confidence interval (CI): 2.8-3.9] for shockable and 4.4 s (95% CI: 3.6-5.3) for nonshockable rhythms (P<0.05). For all rhythms, the mean time was 4.0 s (95% CI: 3.5-4.5). Of all shockable rhythms, 95.2 % were correctly diagnosed as shockable, compared with 88.6 % of nonshockable rhythms being correctly diagnosed. Our simulation study indicates that doctors are able to correctly identify shockable rhythms within 4 s.
Steffensen S.M.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Korsgaard N.,Hospital of South West Jutland
BMJ Case Reports | Year: 2014
An 82-year-old woman presented with an asymptomatic mass, rapidly growing on her left cheek for the previous 3 months. Punch biopsy of the tumour was performed, and the pathology was compatible with Merkel cell carcinoma. A resection margin of more than 1 cm would involve left oral commissura, potentially damaging speech, eating and drinking ability. The patient had a strong wish of keeping surgery simple in order to maintain quality of life. Tumour excision was performed with 1 cm resection margin, and postoperatively the patient was referred to adjuvant radiation therapy. Sensibility of upper and lower lip remained unaffected, while motor innervation of left upper lip was impaired. Despite this, the patient's ability to talk and eat was unaffected. Surgery, with adjunctive radiation therapy, is the first-line of treatment for the primary tumour. The option for a more conservative treatment is not first choice, but can be considered upon individual assessment. Copyright 2014 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Haidl F.,Lillebaelt Hospital | Brabrand M.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Henriksen D.P.,University of Southern Denmark | Lassen A.T.,University of Southern Denmark
European Journal of Emergency Medicine | Year: 2015
An increased lactate level is related to increased mortality in subpopulations of critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to investigate whether lactate was related to mortality in an emergency department (ED) setting of undifferentiated medical patients. All adult patients admitted from March 2009 to August 2011 to a medical ED with lactate measured within 6 h after arrival were studied. Lactate was stratified into 1-mmol/l intervals and analysed in a multivariate logistic regression analysis. A total of 5317 patients were included, 46.9% men, median age 71 years (5-95% percentiles 25-90 years). The median lactate level was 1.2 mmol/l (5-95% percentiles 0.6-3.8 mmol/l, range 0.2-22 mmol/l). Lactate was associated with 10-day mortality independent of age, comorbidity and presence of hypotension, with an odds ratio of 1.54 (95% confidence interval 1.44-1.63) per 1 mmol/l increase. Lactate is an independent predictor of 10-day mortality among patients admitted to a medical ED. © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Muus Steffensen S.,Hospital of South West Jutland
BMJ case reports | Year: 2014
An 82-year-old woman presented with an asymptomatic mass, rapidly growing on her left cheek for the previous 3 months. Punch biopsy of the tumour was performed, and the pathology was compatible with Merkel cell carcinoma. A resection margin of more than 1 cm would involve left oral commissura, potentially damaging speech, eating and drinking ability. The patient had a strong wish of keeping surgery simple in order to maintain quality of life. Tumour excision was performed with 1 cm resection margin, and postoperatively the patient was referred to adjuvant radiation therapy. Sensibility of upper and lower lip remained unaffected, while motor innervation of left upper lip was impaired. Despite this, the patient's ability to talk and eat was unaffected. Surgery, with adjunctive radiation therapy, is the first-line of treatment for the primary tumour. The option for a more conservative treatment is not first choice, but can be considered upon individual assessment.
Lauridsen M.M.,Hospital of South West Jutland | Lauridsen M.M.,University of Southern Denmark | Schaffalitzky de Muckadell O.B.,University of Southern Denmark | Vilstrup H.,Aarhus University Hospital
Metabolic Brain Disease | Year: 2015
Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is a frequent complication to liver cirrhosis that causes poor quality of life, a great burden to caregivers, and can be treated. For diagnosis and grading the international guidelines recommend the use of psychometric tests of different modalities (computer based vs. paper and pencil). To compare results of the Continuous Reaction time (CRT) and the Portosystemic Encephalopathy (PSE) tests in a large unselected cohort of cirrhosis patients without clinically detectable brain impairment and to clinically characterize the patients according to their test results. The CRT method is a 10–minute computerized test of a patient’s motor reaction time stability (CRTindex) to 150 auditory stimuli. The PSE test is a 20–minute paper-pencil test evaluating psychomotor speed. Both tests were performed at the same occasion in 129 patients. Both tests were normal in only 36 % (n = 46) of the patients and this group had the best quality of life, a normal CRP, a low risk of subsequent overt HE, and a low short term mortality. Either the CRT or the PSE test was abnormal in a total of 64 % of the patients (n = 83), the CRT in 53 % (n = 69) and the PSE in 34 % (n = 44). All these patients had a poorer quality of life, low-grade CRP elevation, moderate risk for subsequent overt HE, and a higher than 20 % short term mortality. Both tests were abnormal in 23 % (n = 30) of the patients and this group had more advanced cirrhosis and a 40 % short-term mortality. One of the tests was abnormal in the majority of the patients but concordant in only 60 %. Most cirrhosis patients seem to have impairments of different cognitive domains and more domains with advancing disease. Two abnormal tests identified patients with an increased risk of overt HE and death. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
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Open Question Answering | All SAT Math Resources Example Questions Example Question #1 : How To Find Absolute Value
For which of the following functions below does
f( x) = | f( x)| for every value of x within its domain? Possible Answers:
f(x) = x
4 + x
f(x) = x
2 – 9
f(x) = x
4 + (1 – x) 2
f(x) = x
2 – 2x
f(x) = 2x + 3
Correct answer:
f(x) = x
4 + (1 – x) 2
When we take the absolute value of a function, any negative values get changed into positive values. Essentially, |
f( x)| will take all of the negative values of f( x) and reflect them across the x-axis. However, any values of f( x) that are positive or equal to zero will not be changed, because the absolute value of a positive number (or zero) is still the same number.
If we can show that
f( x) has negative values, then | f( x)| will be different from f( x) at some points, because its negative values will be changed to positive values. In other words, our answer will consist of the function that never has negative values.
Let's look at
f( x) = 2 x + 3. Obviously, this equation of a line will have negative values. For example, where x = –4, f(–4) = 2(–4) + 3 = –5, which is negative. Thus, f( x) has negative values, and if we were to graph | f( x)|, the result would be different from f( x). Therefore, f( x) = 2 x + 3 isn't the correct answer.
Next, let's look at
f( x) = x 2 – 9. If we let x = 1, then f(1) = 1 – 9 = –8, which is negative. Thus | f( x)| will not be the same as f( x), and we can eliminate this choice as well.
Now, let's examine
f( x) = x 2 – 2 x. We know that x 2 by itself can never be negative. However, if x 2 is really small, then adding –2 x could make it negative. Therefore, let's evaluate f( x) when x is a fractional value such as 1/2. f(1/2) = 1/4 – 1 = –3/4, which is negative. Thus, there are some values on f( x) that are negative, so we can eliminate this function.
Next, let's examine
f( x) = x 4 + x. In general, any number taken to an even-numbered power must always be non-negative. Therefore, x 4 cannot be negative, because if we multiplied a negative number by itself four times, the result would be positive. However, the x term could be negative. If we let x be a small negative fraction, then x 4 would be close to zero, and we would be left with x, which is negative. For example, let's find f( x) when x = –1/2. f(–1/2) = (–1/2) 4 + (–1/2) = (1/16) – (1/2) = –7/16, which is negative. Thus, | f( x)| is not always the same as f( x).
By process of elimination, the answer is
f( x) = x 4 + (1 – x) 2 . This makes sense because x 4 can't be negative, and because (1 – x) 2 can't be negative. No matter what we subtract from one, when we square the final result, we can't get a negative number. And if we add x 4 and (1 – x) 2, the result will also be non-negative, because adding two non-negative numbers always produces a non-negative result. Therefore, f( x) = x 4 + (1 – x) 2 will not have any negative values, and | f( x)| will be the same as f( x) for all values of x.
The answer is
f( x) = x 4 + (1 – x) 2 . Example Question #2 : How To Find Absolute Value
Let and both be negative numbers such that and . What is ?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
We need to solve the two equations |2a – 3| = 5 and |3 – 4b| = 11, in order to determine the possible values of a and b. When solving equations involving absolute values, we must remember to consider both the positive and negative cases. For example, if |x| = 4, then x can be either 4 or –4.
Let's look at |2a – 3| = 5. The two equations we need to solve are 2a – 3 = 5 and 2a – 3 = –5.
2a – 3 = 5 or 2a – 3 = –5
Add 3 to both sides.
2a = 8 or 2a = –2
Divide by 2.
a = 4 or a = –1
Therefore, the two possible values for a are 4 and –1. However, the problem states that both a and b are negative. Thus, a must equal –1.
Let's now find the values of b.
3 – 4b = 11 or 3 – 4b = –11
Subtract 3 from both sides.
–4b = 8 or –4b = –14
Divide by –4.
b = –2 or b = 7/2
Since b must also be negative, b must equal –2.
We have determined that a is –1 and b is –2. The original question asks us to find |b – a|.
|b – a| = |–2 – (–1)| = | –2 + 1 | = |–1| = 1.
The answer is 1.
Example Question #1 : How To Find Absolute Value
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Example Question #4 : How To Find Absolute Value
Find the absolute value of the following expression:
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
In order the find the answer, you must first solve what is inside the absolute value signs.
Following order of operations, you must first multiply which equals .
Then you must subtract from as shown below:
Now, you must take the absolute value of which is positive , the correct answer.
Example Question #2 : Absolute Value
Evaluate for :
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Example Question #1 : Absolute Value
Evaluate for :
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Substitute 0.6 for :
Example Question #8 : How To Find Absolute Value
Evaluate for :
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Substitute .
Example Question #3 : How To Find Absolute Value
Which of the following sentences is represented by the equation
Possible Answers:
The sum of three and the absolute value of the sum of a number is three less than the number.
None of the other responses are correct.
The sum of three and the absolute value of the sum of a number is three greater than the number.
The absolute value of the sum of a number and seven is three greater than the number.
The absolute value of the sum of a number and seven is three less than the number.
Correct answer:
The absolute value of the sum of a number and seven is three less than the number.
is the absolute value of , which in turn is the sum of a number and seven and a number. Therefore, can be written as "the absolute value of the sum of a number and seven". Since it is equal to , it is three less than the number, so the equation that corresponds to the sentence is
"The absolute value of the sum of a number and seven is three less than the number."
Example Question #1 : Absolute Value
Evaluate .
Possible Answers:
None of the other responses is correct.
Correct answer:
Example Question #691 : Arithmetic
Define an operation as follows:
For all real numbers ,
Evaluate: .
Possible Answers:
None of the other responses is correct.
The expression is undefined.
Correct answer:
, or, equivalently,
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Open Question Answering | What does
DIP mean? DIP means Dialup Internet Protocol
This acronym/slang usually belongs to Computing & IT category.
Particularly in Telecom Abbreviations
Particularly in Telecom Abbreviations
What is the abbreviation for Dialup Internet Protocol?
Dialup Internet Protocol can be abbreviated as DIP
Most popular questions people look for before coming to this page
What does DIP stand for?
DIP stands for "Dialup Internet Protocol".
How to abbreviate "Dialup Internet Protocol"?
"Dialup Internet Protocol" can be abbreviated as DIP.
What is the meaning of DIP abbreviation?
The meaning of DIP abbreviation is "Dialup Internet Protocol".
What is DIP abbreviation?
One of the definitions of DIP is "Dialup Internet Protocol".
What does DIP mean?
DIP as abbreviation means "Dialup Internet Protocol".
What is shorthand of Dialup Internet Protocol?
The most common shorthand of "Dialup Internet Protocol" is DIP.
Abbreviations or Slang with similar meaning 6OVER4 - Internet Protocol Version 4 Over Internet Protocol Version 6 6to4 - Internet Protocol Version 6 to Internet Protocol Version 4 IPDSLAM - Internet Protocol Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer IPDVB - Internet Protocol Over Digital Video Broadcast Working Group IPDVMRP - Internet Protocol Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol IPE&TD - Internet Protocol Engineering & Technology Development IPoO - Internet Protocol Over OTN IPORPR - Internet Protocol Over Resilient Packet Ring IPPCP - Internet Protocol Payload Compression Protocol IP-MPLS - Internet Protocol Multi Protocol Label Switching IP/MPLS - Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching IPV6CP - Internet Protocol Version 6 Control Protocol ITSVOIP - Internet Telephony Services Voice Over Internet Protocol IPCP - Internet Protocol Control Protocol IPSP - Internet Protocol Security Protocol DIP - Dialup IP Protocol IPWIP - Internet Protocol Within Internet Protocol IPIMP - Internet Protocol Inverse Multiplexing Protocol PDIP - Pin Dialup Internet Protocol IPsec - Internet Protocol SECurity protocol |
Open Question Answering | NATA 2017 ANSWER KEY
Hello Friends,
The entrance exam for NATA 2017 was held on 16th April according to the new pattern. The official ANSWER KEY for NATA 2017 is out!
IMPORTANT LINKS NATA 2017 Drawing Test Answer Key by Mosaic Q1. One late afternoon, you along with your family members were enjoying a boat ride along a river and viewed a spectacular sunset. You noticed that the boat was moving from south to north and all of you were facing north. Suddenly, your youngest brother shouted and told everybody to see the river bank on your right side. You saw a series of high-rise apartment building interspersed with trees. But, in the middle, there was a beatiful river ghat, a garden and a small white mosque adjacent to it. Lots of birds were flying around and sitting on its golden dome. In the concrete jungle, the small structure seemed to be a nice relief. Develop a coloured sketch (use dry colour) of what you experienced. Hint & Explanations:
Before attempting this question it is advisable, to draw a rough sketch from the information provided to us. This helps in providing a clear picture to us & prevents from making mistake in the final drawing.
It is important to note that, though the sunset is mentioned in the initial lines, it will not be apparantly visible, as the main emphasis is on the ghat & the monuments on the west ie. right hand side. The reflection of the sunset will be visible in the river waters & the mosque dome.
Q2. You are waiting in a railway platform for catching a local train. Some people are also waiting there with small and big luggage. Few people are sitting on wooden benches. There is a small food shop. You saw that the roof above is sloped. Standing at the entry point of the platform you noticed that the train is coming and has reached almost midway of the length of the platform. Draw a pencil sketch of what you experienced.
NATA-2017: Answer Key to Part-A (Set - A)
Mathematics (Q. 1 – 20)
General Aptitude (Q. 21 – 60)
Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key 1 C 21 A 41 B 2 C 22 D 42 C 3 A 23 B 43 B 4 D 24 B 44 D 5 A 25 A 45 C 6 D 26 A 46 D 7 B 27 A 47 C 8 B 28 D 48 C 9 C 29 D 49 D 10 A 30 A 50 A 11 B 31 A 51 B 12 D 32 C 52 D 13 C 33 B 53 B 14 C 34 C 54 D 15 D 35 B 55 D 16 B 36 C 56 B 17 D 37 A 57 A 18 B 38 D 58 C 19 A 39 B 59 D 20 * 40 C 60 A
* There was no correct answer provided in the booklet for Question No. 20 (Set-A). As decided by the competent authority of CoA, full marks is to be awarded for the said question to all candidates, irrespective of attempt for the same.
NATA-2017: Answer Key to Part-A (Set - B)
Mathematics (Q. 1 – 20)
General Aptitude (Q. 21 – 60)
Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key 1 B 21 A 41 A 2 C 22 A 42 A 3 A 23 D 43 D 4 B 24 D 44 B 5 D 25 C 45 B 6 C 26 B 46 A 7 C 27 C 47 B 8 D 28 A 48 C 9 B 29 D 49 B 10 D 30 B 50 D 11 B 31 C 51 C 12 A 32 B 52 A 13 * 33 A 53 A 14 C 34 C 54 C 15 C 35 D 55 B 16 A 36 A 56 B 17 D 37 D 57 D 18 A 38 C 58 B 19 D 39 C 59 D 20 B 40 D 60 D
* There was no correct answer provided in the booklet for Question No. 13 (Set-B). As decided by the competent authority of CoA, full marks is to be awarded for the said question to all candidates, irrespective of attempt for the same.
NATA-2017: Answer Key to Part-A (Set - C)
Mathematics (Q. 1 – 20)
General Aptitude (Q. 21 – 60)
Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key 1 * 21 C 41 D 2 A 22 B 42 D 3 B 23 C 43 A 4 D 24 A 44 A 5 B 25 D 45 D 6 D 26 B 46 D 7 B 27 C 47 B 8 D 28 D 48 A 9 A 29 C 49 C 10 D 30 C 50 D 11 A 31 D 51 A 12 C 32 A 52 A 13 C 33 B 53 D 14 C 34 C 54 B 15 C 35 B 55 B 16 D 36 D 56 A 17 B 37 C 57 A 18 A 38 B 58 A 19 C 39 D 59 C 20 B 40 B 60 B
* There was no correct answer provided in the booklet for Question No. 1 (Set-C). As decided by the competent authority of CoA, full marks is to be awarded for the said question to all candidates, irrespective of attempt for the same.
NATA-2017: Answer Key to Part-A (Set - D)
Mathematics (Q. 1 – 20)
General Aptitude (Q. 21 – 60)
Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key Question No Answer Key 1 B 21 D 41 B 2 D 22 C 42 B 3 A 23 C 43 A 4 D 24 D 44 C 5 A 25 A 45 D 6 C 26 B 46 A 7 C 27 D 47 A 8 C 28 B 48 A 9 C 29 D 49 D 10 D 30 D 50 D 11 B 31 C 51 B 12 A 32 B 52 C 13 C 33 C 53 B 14 B 34 A 54 D 15 * 35 D 55 C 16 A 36 B 56 A 17 B 37 C 57 D 18 D 38 A 58 B 19 B 39 A 59 B 20 D 40 C 60 A
* There was no correct answer provided in the booklet for Question No. 15 (Set-D). As decided by the competent authority of CoA, full marks is to be awarded for the said question to all candidates, irrespective of attempt for the same.
Q1. How many bricks of dimension 20 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm are required to build a wall 12 m long, 3m high and 30 cm wide, if 10% of the wall is comprised of mortar?
(A) 4860 (B) 5200
(C) 4600 (D) 5000
Ans. ( A ) 4860
EXPLANATION: To get the number of bricks used in the wall, we need
The volume of brick wall / Volume of a single brick
The given dimensions of brick are in cm ie. 20cm X 10cm X 10 cm
Volume of a brick = 20 X 10 X 10 = 2000
Lets convert the dimensions of the brick wall also in cm
Given dimensions for brick wall - 12 m X 3 m X 30 cm
Since, 1 metre = 100 cm
Therefore, brick wall dimensions in cm are 1200cm X 300cm X 30 cm
So, Volume of brick wall = 1200 X 300 X 30 = 10800000
Since 10% of wall is mortar, then 10% of 10800000 = 1080000
Lets deduct the percentage of mortar from the wall ie. 10800000 - 1080000 = 9720000
Now divide the volume of brick wall ( without mortar ) by volume of a single brick
9720000 / 2000 = 4860
So, we need 4860 bricks in total to build the wall of the given dimensions.
Q2. From a point O, two persons A and B started their journey on XY plane. A went 7 km along north and stopped. B went 5 km west and then 5 km south and stopped. What is the shortest distance between A and B?
(A) 13 km (B) 7 km
(C) 12 km (D) 3 km
The image provided below is a pictorial representation of the information given to us in the question ( Image X )
To find the shortest distance, AB
Join AC & BC ( Image Y )
Since, OD = 5 km, BC = 5 km
Since, DB = 5 km, OC = 5 km
Now, AB
2 = AC 2 + BC 2 ( Pythageros Theorem)
ie. AB
2 = 12 2 + 5 2
2 = 144 + 25
2 = 169
AB = 13
Q3. Green Architecture is promoted these days because
(A) it costs less initially
(B) it is environment friendly
(C) it lasts longer
(D) it uses good colours
Green Architecture is sustainable, energy efficient and environment friendly way of building.
Q4. The type of roof suitable in plains where rainfall is meagre and temperature is high is
(A) pitched and slope
(B) flat
(C) vault
(D) shell
Pitched & Sloping roofs are suitable for areas which recieve heavy rainfall and snow. Otherwise flat roofs suffice for plains with low rainfall & high temperature.
Q5. Which one of the following consumes least amount of electricity?
(A) Tungsten bulb
(B) Fluorescent Tube
(C) Light Emitting Diodes ( LED )
(D) Compact Fluorescent Lamp ( CFL )
LED's are power efficient, since they produce more light and less heat in comparison to incandescent & other conventional light bulbs.
PART A - General Aptitude Test Question Paper Q21. A direction post is erected on a crossing. Due to heavy storm it turned in such a way that the arrow which was first showing South is now showing East. A car went in a direction thinking it is West direction is the car actually moving?
(A) North (B) West
(C) East (D) South
Q22. Let E and F be any two sets. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) E – F = E – (E ∩ F)
(B) (E ∪ F) – F = E - (E ∩ F)
(C) E – (E ∩ F) = E ∩ F
(D) (E ∪ F) – F = (E - F) ∪ (E ∩ F)
Q23. A set P has 20 elements. The number of subsets of P containing odd number of elements id
(A) 2
18 + 20 (B) 2 19
(C) 2
19 - 1 (D) 2 20 – 128 Q24. Let P = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and R = {(1, 3), (3, 5), (1, 5), (9, 7), (7, 5), (9, 5)}, Then R
(A) is not reflexive but symentric and transitive
(B) is neither reflexive nor symmetric but transitive
(C) is neither transitive nor symmetric but reflexive
(D) is an equivalence relation
Q25. Let P = {1, 2, 3}, Q = {2, 3, 4}. Then the number of elements in P x Q is
(A) 9 (B) 7
(C) 6 (D) 4
Q26. In a project, the share of material and labour costing is 3 : 2. In the labour component, the electrician gets 5%. What is the total project cost if an electrician gets Rs 25,000/-?
(A) Rs. 12.5 Lakh (B) Rs. 25 Lakh
(C) Rs. 125 Lakh (D) Rs. 62.5 Lakh
Q27. From a point O, two persons A and B started their journey on XY plane. A went 7 km along north and stopped. B went 5 km west and then 5 km south and stopped. What is the shortest distance between A and B?
(A) 13 km (B) 7 km
(C) 12 km (D) 3 km
Q28. Three cubes of side 2 cm are glued surface to surface horizontally such that it produces a cuboid. What is the surface area of the cuboid?
(A) 72 cm
2 (B) 68 cm 2
(C) 64 cm
2 (D) 56 cm 2
Q30. How many total number of triangles are there in the figure given below?
(A) 16 (B) 17
(C) 18 (D) 20
Q31. The left most figure below show the top view of an object. Identify the correct elevation from amongst the answer figures, looking in the direction of arrow.
Q32. Which one of the following consumes least amount of electricity?
(A) Tungsten bulb
(B) Fluorescent tube
(C) Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
(D) Compact Fluorescent lamp (CFL)
Q33. Green Architecture is promoted these days because
(A) it costs less initially
(B) it is environment friendly
(C) it last longer
(D) it uses good colours
Q34. World Environment Day is observed on :
(A) February 14 (B) May 01
(C) June 05 (D) August 06
Q35. Find the odd one from the figures below. Ignore the direction of arrow head.
Q36. Gypsum is a
(A) mechanically formed sedimentary rock
(B) igneous rock
(C) chemically precipitated sedimentary rock
(D) metamorphic rock
Q37. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
(A) energy (B) momentum
(C) torque (D) impulse
Q38. A heavy ladder resting in the floor and against a vertical wall may not be in equilibrium if
(A) floor is smooth and wall is rough
(B) floor is rough and wall is smooth
(C) both floor and wall are rough
(D) both floor and wall are smooth
Q39. The type of roof suitable in plains where rainfall is meager and temperature is high is
(A) pitched and slope (B) flat
(C) vault (D) shell
Q40. The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to slide down is known as angle of
(A) limiting friction (B) inclination
(C) repose (D) overturning
Q41. Nurse Merry has worked more night shifts in a row than Nurse Sujata, who has worked five. Nurse Ruma has worked fifteen night shifts in a row, more than Nurses Merry and Sujata combined. Nurse Priti has worked eight night Shift in a row, less than Nurse Merry. How many night shifts in a row has Nurse Merry worked?
(A) 10 (B) 9
(C) 8 (D) 7
Q42. Unscramble and find the odd one among the following
Q43. X is 1 km northeast of Y, Y is 1 km southest of Z, W is 1 km west of Z, P is 1 km south of W, Q is 1 km east of P, What is the distance between X and Q in km ?
(A) √5 (B) √3
(C) √
2 (D) 3
Q44. In a group of four children, Som is younger to Riaz, Shiv is elder to Ansu, Ansu is youngest in the group. Which of the following statements is/are required to find the eldest child in the group?
Statements : 1. Shiv is younger to Riaz
2. Shive is elder to Som
(A) Statements 1 and 2 are both required to determine the eldest child
(B) Statement 2 by itself determines the eldest child
(C) Statementd 1 and 2 are not sufficient to determine the eldest child
(D) Statement 1 by itself determines the eldest child
Q45. Given below are two statements followed by two conclusions, Assuming these statements to be true, decide which one logically follows.
Statements :
All film stars are playback singers. All film directors are film stars.
Conclusions :
All film directors are playback singers. Some film stars are film directores.
(A) Only conclusion I follows (B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Only conclusion I and II follow (D) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
Q46. A truncated (horizontally cut in mid-way) hexagonal pyramid has following numbers of surfaces, edges and vertices respectively.
(A) 8, 16, 12 (B) 6, 12, 10
(C) 6, 16, 10 (D) 8, 18, 12
Q47. A circle is inscribed within an equilateral triangle of area √3 sqm. The circumference of the circle is
48. The linear scale of a map is 1 cm = 2 m. The drawing dimensions of an on-site rectangular plot measuring 25 m X 40 m will be
(A) 50 cm X 80 cm (B) 25 cm X 40cm
(C) 12.5 cm X 20 cm (D) 5 cm X 8 cm
Q49. When a clock is seen through a mirror, the hour arm and minute arm are seen at 9 and 4 respectively, so that the time seen is 9 : 20 What will be the actual time after 15 minuts?.
(A) 2 : 35 (B) 3 : 35
(C) 3 : 55 (D) 2 : 55
Q50. Length of a solid diagonal of a cube is 6 cm. The volume of the cube is
(A) 24√3 cm
2 (B) 8 cm 3
(C) 12√3 cm
3 (D) 27 cm 3
Q51. How many surfaces are there in the model ? Consider all seen and unseen surfaces.
(A) 21 (B) 17
(C) 12 (D) 15
Q52. A horizontal supporting crosspies over an opening is called.
(A) Lattice (B) Leader
(C) Lancet (D) Lintel
Q53. A square is drawn on 1 st quadrant of XY plane having consecutive coordinates (counter-clockwise, starting from left botton) as P(2, 3), Q(7, 3), R(7, 8), S(2, 8) respectively. Thereafter, each side of the sqare is doubled considering P as a fixed point and the new square becomes PQ’R’S’ . Now this new square is mirrored with respect to X axis. What will be the coordinates for the images of R’?
(A) (7, -8) (B) (12, -13)
(C) (-12, -13) (D) (-7, 8)
Q54. What secondary colour is obtained by mixing blue and Red colours?
(A) Pink (B) Brown
(C) Orange (D) Purple
Q55. What is Texture?
(A) Solid colour (B) Type of shape
(C) Lines drawn in colour (D) The way a surface looks and feels
Q56. Building acoustics concerns
(A) Water related issues (B) Sound related issues
(C) Ventilation related issues (D) Daylight related issues
Q57. Choose the appropriate shadow pattern of this cube (below) at 3:00 p.m in India.
Q58. Fly ash is a waste product from which of the following:
(A) Nuclear installation (B) Coal mine
(C) Thermal power plant (D) Iron ore conversion
Q59. French influence in architecture is found at
(A) Kerala (B) Sikkim
(C) Goa (D) Puducherry
Q60. How many bricks of dimension 20 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm are required to build a wall 12 m long, 3 m high and 30 cm wide, if 10% of the wall is comprised of mortar?
(A) 4860 (B) 5200
(C) 4600 (D) 5000
Note : Nata 2017 official answer key available on www.nata.nic.in/
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Open Question Answering | Q&A: The Silent Legend
An Interview with Alfons Mayer, the globe-travelling tobacco buyer for General Cigar Co. (continued from page 9)
In January, the 78-year-old Mayer allowed senior editor David Savona into his Warren, New Jersey, home, a repository of memorabilia, notes and photos from Mayer's endless trips througout the world—almost a museum of tobacco. Filing cabinets brim with information from his decades in the business, including the book of notes he kept from his five-year apprenticeship in Cuba that began in 1952. Newspaper and magazine clippings hang on the walls in the few spaces not occupied by photographs of his family and cigar industry luminaries. A cabinet humidor amid the carefully organized clutter of his office holds cigars from decades ago as well as today, and two upstairs rooms have been converted into humidified storage for thousands of his very own Alfons Mayer cigars. Ashtrays of various colors and shapes cover nearly every table—Mayer still smokes six or seven cigars a day. The interview began over Alfons Mayer cigars and concluded with two Montecristo No. 1 lonsdales put in the box in 1959.
David Savona: Let's go back and talk about your history in the tobacco business.
Alfons Mayer: I grew up in a tobacco family. I was born in 1927. My grandfather had a company named A. Mayer & Co. They were the Sumatra sandblatt kings.
Q: And sandblatt is?
A: Sandblatt is the bottom leaves, the last three leaves on the plant. Sandleaf, they call it, because it is sandy soil.
Q: So your grandfather founded A. Mayer, and your father was in the business as well. Where were you born?
A: In Amsterdam.
Q: What was it like growing up there?
A: Ah, it was great, because you're an innocent bystander as a kid. But then you have to realize that in 1940, the [German] invasion came, and it was rotten.
Q: What did you do?
A: I never finished my last grade of high school, because all schools were closed in Holland. I was picked up one time by the Germans in a train. Got out of it, don't ask me how. It was a football game in the Olympic Stadium in Holland. The Germans closed all the doors and picked up everybody from 15 and up and picked me up and then I got out. I walked home. And then it was recommended—through a friend that had a buddy from the Gestapo—she advised me to get out of Amsterdam as soon as possible because they were going to take young people to work in the factories in Germany. I took my bicycle—it was eight, nine o'clock—and I knew exactly the farm where I wanted to go, which was owned by [Willem] Schermerhorn, who became prime minister after the war. I worked for him the last two years of the war. And my duty was to teach American pilots how to eat. You see, I don't tell these stories to everyone, because I hate to talk about it. But we had to train them how to eat, how to dress and how to shut up. And that's the way we brought them to Belgium.
Q: Why were you teaching American soldiers how to eat?
A: The Americans eat with a fork only. They cut the pancakes with a fork, they cut the eggs with a fork, they never go fork and knife. So they would go for breakfast at six or seven o'clock, and two Gestapo people stand in front of them. They would pick them up and send them to prison camp. We would teach them. They would come one by one into the house, and we would give them lessons. I'm half-Jew, my father's Jewish.
Q: Was that why you were in danger from the Germans?
A: No. I never had a star. My name was very Jewish, but I'm blond and blue eyes.
Q: So the entire country was controlled by the Germans?
A: They controlled the cities, but they didn't dare go into the polders [the part of the Netherlands reclaimed from the water, and crisscrossed by dykes]. The Germans couldn't get on these dykes. The war started [in the Netherlands] on the fifth of May, 1940. I got away the end of 1942 to the polders. I was there until 1945 on the tenth of May, when the war was over [in Europe]. Then Willem Schermerhorn became the prime minister, immediately, and he called me and he said, "Go to Antwerp to the Argentinean consulate and get your papers." I was the first one out, with 12 other people, to Buenos Aires. Twenty-one days on that boat, I'll never forget it. Everybody was sick, and I had to milk cows.
Q: You had to milk cows on the boat?
A: Yes—that was the first export from Holland. Cows. I went to Buenos Aires to see my father [who had left the Netherlands prior to the invasion] and stay there.
Q: So you started working with your father in the tobacco business?
A: Immediately. I didn't know a word of Spanish. He said, "Here's the paper, tell them who you are, and go to every cigar store you can." I was selling cigars, pipe tobacco, you name it. If it belonged to tobacco, he had it.
Q: When did you visit your first tobacco field?
A: In Cuba. 1952. I went to General Cigar Co. of Cuba.
Q: What was that first trip like?
A: Work until the cows come home! [Laughs.] Work, don't open up your mouth, and work.
Q: Were you with your father?
A: No. I left my father in 1952. I said, "What you know about tobacco I will never learn, because you are interested in selling your products. I want to learn tobacco." So when I got to Havana, I had to get a license to stay and work in Havana. And we kept on moving bales, all the time. My hands were open, bloody. And then one guy comes up to me and says, 'You can get rid of that in two days. Piss on your hands.' It worked—they became leather. They are still leather. I spent six months moving bales. They were aging the leaf for almost two years in yagua, palm bark.
Q: What was your title when you started with General?
A: Learning tobacco in Cuba.
Q: So you were an apprentice?
A: Yes. They were so sure I could make it, and not break me, after I pissed enough times on my hands, I could do what I wanted. And then the people, the top management of Cuba, was fantastic. In Cabaiguan, in Santa Clara, in Remedios, in Pinar del Río—all these areas were top-notch people. They had tobacco talking to them. It took me two years before I found out how tobacco talks to me. They were masters. And I had a hard time. I said I'll never get it. I'll never get it. I wrote everything down they told me at night. And I can show you that. I have never thrown anything away.
Q: Have you always been that way?
A: Always. You saw that attic? A minefield. [Laughs.]
Q: And you still have your notes from Cuba?
A: I have every farmer's name.
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Search our database of more than 17,000 cigar tasting notes by score, brand, country, size, price range, year, wrapper and more, plus add your favorites to your Personal Humidor. |
Open Question Answering | Marriage Proposal with an Android App
On November 2nd I proposed to my girlfriend of over 2 years, Meghan. She's very perceptive and extremely difficult to surprise, so I knew I had to do something really clever to catch her off guard. I knew I had to first distract her with something she's obsessed with so that she'd lower her defenses... and that led me to
"Her Android Phone" and "Harry Potter".
As luck would have it I had just gotten an invitation to the beta of
Google's "App Inventor", which allows people to quickly and easily create apps with little or no programming. In several hours (including the initial learning curve) I was able to create an app that would achieve my goals.
I created an app that
appeared to be an official application promoting the new Harry Potter movie. The premise was that if you successfully completed a simple quiz, you'd win free tickets to opening night of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... The trap was now set. (In case anyone is confused, this is NOT a real contest nor an official app,and it's not affiliated with Harry Potter or Warner Brothers in ANY way).
We went to dinner and I casually mentioned to her that a co-worker told me about an app she could win free tickets to Harry Potter with. She fell for it hook, line & sinker and immediately demanded that I install it on her phone.
Here's what she saw:
A nice title page to set the stage.
It even played the Harry Potter theme music The details to lure her in.
To keep the ruse going, all "official" apps must have legal terms & conditions
The fine-print at the bottom, translated to spanish using Google Translate, states that this app is not actually official. Why spanish? Because she doesn't speak spanish and I didn't want to give away the secret just yet.
It also states that to be eligible for the "Grand Prize", you must reside in New Jersey and the CRC32 of your first name, last name and birthday much match Meghan's. (I had to make sure that no-one else claimed the grand prize!)
Question #1 - An easy one to get her started
Answer: Hedwig
Question #2
Answer: Fred
Question #3
Answer: Keeper
Question #4 - Now that she's fully engrossed with the questions, here comes the one-two punch in the "Final Question"...
Answer: Rufus Scrimgeour
The "Final Question" - She was totally caught off-guard, and had a "deer-in-headlights" combined with a "WTF?!?" expression.
Yes, of course!
As soon as she said yes, the app automatically texted me with
"Yes, I'll Marry You!"
I then whipped out the actual ring to seal the deal.
This one took some research on my part. It's the famous scene from the movie coupled with the corresponding paragraph from the book.
Fade to white. FIN.
(and yes, she still got her opening night tickets!)
Since there needed to be a code path in case she said "No", here's what she would have seen had that tragedy occurred...
The Image is from "The PotterPuffs"
This application was created with Google App Inventor
"Harry Potter" is a registered trademark of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. and other entities.
This site is in NO WAY associated with Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. or other entities. |
Open Question Answering | Name:
Lauren Michell Age:29 Location: Maryland Zodiak Sign: Pisces Favorite Color(s): black Fun Fact: I still sleep with my baby blanket
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a model; who inspired/motivated you along the way?
A: It was never a lifelong dream. I was living in Reno Nevada several years ago and an agent approached me and asked if I was interested. I did one shoot and fell in love. Q: Since you recently had a baby; how have things changed in your life? A: I was already a mother so not a lot changed except the amount of love I now have for 2 other human beings Q: Did you enjoy your pregnancy, or could you not wait for it to be over with? A: I loved it because I was fortunate to not have many symptoms and I embraced my body and loved every minute! Q: What kind of training are you doing to ensure you keep that model figure? A:Just walking at the moment.....I have another 2 weeks before I can use the treadmill again but honestly I really don't have much weight to lose at all Q: Does having children change the style of work you model for? A: I am no longer doing nude work. Q: If you did/do a controversial photo how would you explain that to your children when they get older? A: I am an adult and because of that I am able to make my own decisions. I am proud and confidant of my work and it has never been kept a secret Q: If one of your kids wanted to model, what would you do? What if they wanted to do nude? A: Yes, I would support them modeling. I will always support them if they were doing what they really wanted, I just hope they choose to do things for the right reasons. Q: What's a PLaDz night for you? Where you Party Like a dorKstar (have a good time) A: Good friends, great wine, even better music Q: Explain the best part(s) of doing the paint/airbrush modeling? A: My pregnancy shoot was the first time I've done that so the new experience was really cool and opened a new door for me Q: Is there a photographer that you would love to work with? If so, what kind of shoot would it be and where? A: There are several I want to work with. At this point in my life anyone who is able to advance my career would be a plus to work with Q: What can we expect from you in 2014? A: More sexy and classy work of course!
Learn More about Lauren Michell.
Thanks for taking the time to Sitdown With $muggz in the Mile High Lights!
Photos curtesy of the Mile Hile Lights |
Open Question Answering | 02 August 2011
The Essentials
Name (First/Last): Johanna MacDougallLocation (City, State/Province): Vancouver, B.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120lbs
Measurements: Bust- 32 , Waist- 25, Hips-35 , Dress-2, Shoe- 6.5
Ethnicity (Mother/Father): French/Native/Irish (caucasian)
Turn-ons: A man in uniform, confidence and a good sense of humour
Turn-offs: Face piercings, guys that are shorter than me, no job or ambition
Pet Peeves: Girls that wear full butt panties with tight pants, crooked pictures, dirty houses and Bugs.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Jo_Macdougall
The Interview
Q: Is “Name” your real name or model name?
A: Real Name
Q: Where are you from? And, are you currently living there? If not, where are you currently living?
A: Fort St. James , B.C , I now live in Vancouver, B.C
Q: Does your personality match your Zodiac sign? Describe.
A: It does a bit, I can be stubborn at times.
Q: How long have you been modeling?
A: Just over a year
Q: What would you say are your strengths as a model? (ex. body, eyes, smile, certain poses and emotions...)
A: I am confident and outgoing and I work out to stay in shape. I would have to say I am a pretty good package all around :)
Q: Do you have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos? Please state "what", "where", "how noticable?"
A: I do have a scar on my lower back from a car crash when I was 17. It is noticeable depending on what I am wearing because its just on the pants line. Everyone says it adds character to me.
Q: Describe yourself in 3 words or statements.
A: Talkative, Caring and Determined.
Q: What is your best beauty secret?
A: Hitting the gym! Its great for your skin not to mention your health!
Q: What do you look for in a guy? What would he have to do to get your attention and to keep you interested?
A: I look for a laid back guy that likes to laugh. Someone who wants to make me happy and not someone that I have to remind what makes me happy. Tall, dark and handsome. He has to be successful as well.
Q: What gets you in the mood? What are some of your turn-ons?
A: Candles, good music and a wicked make-out seesion :)
Q: How do you feel about pick-up lines? What was the best line that was used on you? Did it work?
A: I hate pick up lines, Talk to me like a person. The best line would have to be "Hello beautiful, what's your name?" Plain and simple.
Q: So what is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you on a date? How did the rest of the night go?
A: The weirdest thing would have to be shouting in a crowd of people "I love you Johanna" that was embarrassing. It was my boyfriend at the time and now....EX BOYFRIEND. haha.
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how wild are you in the bedroom?
A:Well thats an interesting question, depends on my mood I guess. I couldn't give a rating.
Q: What do you wear to bed?
A: It always varies. In the winter I will sometimes wear a full outfit! In the summer not a whole lot.
Q: What item of clothing or accessory makes you feel the sexiest?
A: Booty shorts!
Q: Have you posed in the nude? If so, how did it make you feel?
A: Yes, it was fine because the person was very professional. It was more implied nudity.
Q: Where can we see you? (ex. shows, tv, magazines, etc)
A: Right now that is something I am working on. There will be a bikini calender coming out next year called Shoot for the Sun, Trazgirl.com and more to come.
Q: What is your dream car? What modifications/upgrades would you make, and why?
A I would have to say a black Aston Martin DB9 as is- now that is one sexy car!
Q: Do you have many traffic violations? Any stories you’d like to share with us?
A: Well....I once ran a stop sign in a school zone.....on my driving test! It was an instant FAIL.
Q: With any ‘spotlight’ type of job, you are looked upon as a role model. What advice would you give out to aspiring models?
A: If you want it don't expect it to happen over night. You have to keep working at it . I always say if you believe you will achieve. Not everyone is going to believe in you but don't ever let that get you down. Use that as motivation to prove you can do it.
Q: Words to live by?
A: If you believe, you shall achieve.
Q: Any shout-outs or last words?
A: I appreciate all the amazing support I have had and continue to have from family, friends and even strangers. I love you all!! |
Open Question Answering | FC: POA Revision Notes (Final Accounts)
1: Introductory Concepts for Trading, Profit and Loss accounts (including Balance Sheet) Comes under one heading,Known as Final Accounts. Final Accounts: it is the financial statement made by the organization or rather a business at the end of the accounting period or 1 accounting year. Why must we do TPL? The object of preparing final accounts is to find out the profits earned or losses suffered during a particular accounting period and to present the true picture of final position of the firm Going Concern Concept which assumes the business is not going to be broke. To put in simply, the business is also assumed to remain in existence forever. Accounting Period Concept: the operating cycle of a business is divided into equal proportions for a short period of time to record timely accounting information. Prudence Concept:: states the presence of conservatism says that whenever there are alternative procedures or values, the accountant will choose the one that results in a lower profit, a lower asset value and a higher liability value.
2: Details of Trading, Profit & Loss Account On the top right are everything to has got to do with sales, including sales returns where goods are not sold successfully to customers and returned back to the business due to faulty good or often of a wrong specifications. The top left will start with the opening stock, followed by purchases. There are a few special wages that a business has to pay most of the time. These are carriage inwards (otherwise known as carriage or freight on purchases), custom duties (or duties on purchases) and wages on purchases (meant for the workers who are involved in helping with the repackaging of the goods. Together with the net purchases these things so far forms the total cost of goods available for sale. Cost of goods sold is obtained through the total cost of goods available for sale, deducting the closing stock. The wages (for own employees) are then [placed here.Round it up with the gross profit and total the current balance (together with the amount in sales part) The remaining are all revenue and expenses and the net profit or loss may be obtained by calculating.
3: Balance Sheet | Divided into 5 main sections, namely: Fixed assets, Current assets, Owner's equity, Long-term liabilities and Current liabilities. One of the major financial statements used by accountants and business owners. Shows a company's financial position at the end of a specified date. Tells the reader of a company's financial position in an accounting period, allowing someone to see what a company owns as well as what it owes to other parties as of the date indicated in the heading. For example: creditors. Similar to the Trading, Profit & Loss A/C, the balance sheet also has double columns, one for the workings, the other for the final amount. More details will be covered in the next page.
4: Balance Sheet (part 2) -Everything on the left off the balance sheet are known as tangible assets (includes both Fixed & Current Assets). -Fixed Assets: It is a long-term tangible property owned by a business to produce income and will not be easily converted into cash for more than one accounting year. -For example, it contains premises, land and buildings, Machinery, Motor vehicles, office equipments and etc...
5: Balance Sheet (part 3) -Just below Fixed Assets, Current Assets refer to all assets that a person can readily convert to cash to pay outstanding debts and cover liabilities without having to sell fixed assets. -Owner's Equity is located on the right of the Balance Sheet. It consists of the opening capital, adding or deducting any profit or drawings respectively if any, and rounding off with the closing capital which has to be calculated by ourselves. -Below the owner's capital, are all the liabilities. Divided into 2 sections, there are the long-term liabilities and Current liabilities.
6: Definitions of the different liabilities:- -Long-term Liabilities only contains loan from bank and mortgage on premises. (Recorded on the balance sheet, a company's liabilities for leases, bond repayments and other items due in more than one accounting year.) Current Liabilities is a company's debts or obligations that are due within one year. Appear on the company's balance sheet and include short term debt, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other debts.
7: Quizzes 1.How many different sections are there in a profit and loss account? 2. Name the section of the profit and loss account that is used to calculate gross profit? 3. The profit and loss account provides information on what? 4. How is discount received shown in the final accounts? 5.Which of the following should be credited to the profit and loss account? 6. Mr. K incorrectly included a prepayment of insurance of $350 as an accrual. What is the affect on Net profit? 7. Which financial document will provide the net profit for the year? 8. Which account is gross profit found at? 9. Discount allowed of $50 is wrongly recorded as discount received. What will be the effect on Net Profit? 10. Is discount received in the Profit and Loss Account?
8: Answer to quizzes Ans: 3 Ans: Trading Account Ans: Business Activity Ans: as an income in the T,P&L account. Ans: Profit on sale of asset. Ans: understated by $700 Ans: Profit and Loss account Ans: Credit side of profit and loss account Ans: Net profit overstated by$100 Ans: Yes
9: Mind Map
10: Acknowledgments | http://dineshbakshi.com/igcse-gcse-accounting/final-accounts/interactive-quizzes/1217-profit-and-loss-account-grade-or-no-grade http://www.businessdictionary.com http://www.accountingcoach.com/online-accounting-course/05Xpg01.html
11: Credits | Group 6 Topic covered: Final Accounts(Trading, Profit and Loss A/c)(Balance sheet) Group Members: Justin Heng Wayne Goh Lim jing Jie Tan Kae Chuan |
Open Question Answering | Sunday, January 9, 2011 IFBB Pro Beth Wachter Interview
I went to 2010 Masters Nationals. Saw some impressive physiques on stage throughout the day. Obviously some stood out. One that really stood out was Beth Wachter. How much did it stand out? She won her IFBB Pro card that night. But what stood out almost as much as her incredible physique (and amazing back), was how humble she was and how much fun she seemed to have on stage. She seemed so surprised she won, and then seemed even more gracious after she won. From 93lbs to IFBB Pro Bodybuilder..... that is a very impressive story about a very impressive woman.
Q: First, Beth, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself.
A: I am originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. My family moved down to Ft. Lauderdale, FL when I was 9. Now, I live in North Palm Beach.
Q: Before the gym were you an especially athletic person? Play any sports or anything?
A: Before the gym, I used to run and did a lot of martial arts. Earned my black belt in Tae Kwon Do but hurt my ankle and could no longer do martial arts. That's when I decided to try bodybuilding.
Q: What initially led you into the gym?
A: I always worked out in a gym just to stay in shape.
Q: Was training something you picked up fairly easy?
A: From the first time I went into the gym, it was something I really enjoyed. I always looked forward to training.
Q: What made you decide to compete for the first time?
A: I was always little, about 93 pounds, and could never really put size on. I enjoyed attending bodybuilding shows and saw the girls on stage and really wanted to compete, but always thought I was too small. Then, I started eating more and training harder and really started seeing results, and that's when I decided it was time to compete.
Q: Is competing something your family and friends supported?
A: My family was very supportive, especially my youngest daughter, Nicci.
Q: Was competing what you expected or did anything surprise you about it?
A: I really didn't know what to expect, I had never done anything like it before. The feeling of stepping on stage was surprising and exciting in an addictive kind of way.
Q: You won your Pro card in 2010 at Masters Nationals. What did winning the pro card mean to you?
A: It was the most amazing feeling. Training and living the bodybuilding lifestyle for ten years. I always did well competing on a National level. When I first started, I never thought I would ever be good enough to one day become a Pro. I felt as though I had accomplished such a feat and had finally become one of the girls I used to sit and watch at the shows.
Q: I was their watching and when they announced you won, you seemed really surprised or shocked. Is that an accurate statement?
A: Absolutely. I try to be a very humble person and going from 93 pounds and not a prayer in the world of gaining anything to having my name called with "your new IFBB Pro" preceding it was mind blowing.
Q: Can you share your contest history.
A: My first show was the Florida Gold Cup in 2000. After that I did the Hurricane Bay and did all National shows after that such as the JR Nationals, USA's, Nationals, and Master's Nationals.
Q: As far as body parts, what do you feel is your best one?
A: My back.
Q: Do you have a part you most like to train or favorite exercise.
A: Not really, I enjoy training everything.
Q: What is your normal training routine and diet like and how do you alter it for contest prep?
A: I train 5 days a week. My diet is pretty much the same on and off season, I just eat more or less according to whichever it is.
Q: When someone sees your physique or hears you compete for the first time, what is the most common reaction? More positive or negative?
A: Equal. I get a lot of each. Some people love it and really admire and understand the hard work that goes into it. However, some people snicker and assume the worst. Doesn't bother me because I do it for myself and no one else.
Q: When they see it that first time, what is the one question or comment you are most sick of hearing?
A: "How much can you bench?"
Q: What is the biggest misconception about women who train and compete or the one thing you wish people understood?
A: No matter how I look on the outside, I am still the same person I was on the inside. I wish people didn't judge me by what they see on the exterior and actually took the chance to see who I really am.
Q: What is the best and worst part of training for you?
A: The best would have to be the gratification of being one step closer to achieving my goal of doing my next show. The worst would be having to fall onto the toilet after training legs. Lol.
Q: Do you have any favorite competitors or any you admire?
A: Well, since Debi Laszewski is my trainer, I would definitely have to say her.
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: Sushi and chocolate cake.
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: Don't ever give up.
Q: Do you think it is becoming more common to see women in the gym training as hard as men?
A: Yes, absolutely.
Q: Outside of training, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: I love the beach, spending time with my boyfriend, and my daughter.
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Beth Wachter.
A: Wake up at 4, at the gym at 5 to do my cardio, back home to shower and eat breakfast, back to the gym to train, and back home to shower and nap. Cooking lots of food throughout the day.
Q: Describe Beth Wachter in five words
A: Honest, Trustworthy, Loyal, Humble, Loving, and Hardworking. (I know you said 5 but my daughter made me put that in there.)
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: I am VERY modest.
Q: Any set plans for the near future as far as competing or anything else?
A: I plan on doing the Tampa Bay Pro in 2011. However, I just had surgery on my shoulder the 22nd of December, so, we'll see how that goes. Plans may change.
Q: Anything you want to take this opportunity to plug or promote?
A: I just want to say thank you to the people I don't even know that have supported me on my journey.
Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so how can they reach you and what are they getting in Beth Wachter the athlete and competitor?
A: I would love to have sponsors. They would be getting my heart every time I step into the gym and onto the stage. My Facebook page would probably be the easiest way to get in touch with me.
Q: Beth, again, I thank you for taking the time to do this. Congrats on your recent success. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you so much! And thank you for asking me to do this interview! |
Open Question Answering | Short answer:
you basically need to divide the paper up into equal parts of either '1', '√2', or '1+√2'. Then be able to measure '1' and '√2' from those 'equal parts' on the opposite side.
Detailed (possibly confusing) answer:
First off making sure we understand how to fold nths (like dividing paper into thirds, fifths, thirteenths, etc.):
(This one shows how to get fifths using fourths(four 'equal parts' of '1's))
We basically make use of Similar Triangles
For all of the shapes in the pic above, we just need to make two triangles created by two straight lines
such that the ratio of the two triangles' size is the ratio we're looking for.
I will use 4√2:3√2 - 1 as an example. (prev. asked by Mir Numaan)
For this example, I divided the paper up into 'equal parts' of √2 (not 'equal parts' of 1)
-> for #4, I divided the paper up into 4 'equal parts' of √2
____-> Then, I measured 1 'part' of √2 + 1 'part' of 1 on the other side (Note: 4√2 - (3√2 -1) = 1+√2)
-> for #5, I divided the paper up into 3 'equal parts' of √2
____-> Then, I measured 1 'part' of 1 from the other side.
I'm sorry if this was all confusing. (It means I'm bad at explaining
) But if you can understand my first picture (dividing into 5), you're on the right track. |
Open Question Answering | Reasonable Answer:
In my opinion, any "alive" grappling training will prepare you for controlling the movement (and pain level) of a human that is actively resisting you. Therefore, any grappling training is good to have in a ruckus.
Which one works better depends on the individuals involved, and their respective leves of experience, aggression, strength, speed, etc.
My advice? Go with your gut, pick the one you like, and train. The more you play "Which is the best?" the more you avoid actually training. I've been there. Trust me, just jump into one and go with it.
Maladjusted-Dickbag-on-Teh-Internetz Answer:
Listen, dude. Grappling makes you look like some gay animal, and any horizontal surface translates directly into PURE DEATH in a streetfight. When some "Homie" starts raggin on your authentic Matrix trenchcoat and warrior ponytail, do you really want to be rolling around like a homo on the Aids-Lava while all his "gangsta" friends kick you in the head? Psh, I think not. I think BJJ would probably be better as a overall self defense art. The reasons why is that a wrestler, no matter how good he is can still get knocked down or be taken by surprise and end up on his back or side. In this situation his skills are not as applicable and his trained reaction (flattening out or giving his back up to get base) could get him in trouble.
BJJ training, on the other hand will give you more options if the worst case scenario happens and you end up on the ground against your will. I do think that having a good sprawl. cross face, understanding how to use an underhook and whizzer, and defensive wrestling hips are really essential skills that should be developed for any martial artist. "Submission grappling is just sport crap! Aikido/Wing Chin/Ninjutsu/Krav Maga at least teach you how to fight on the streets."
Said no rational, physically fit martial artist EVER.
well, I agree with the second half of that statement.
Originally Posted by
Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, my good man. |
Open Question Answering | Step 1: Listen to Dialog
Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file. Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills.
Step 2: Quiz - View Questions
If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions. After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did.
Step 3: Show Conversation Dialog
A: "Hey Jack. How's it going?"
B: "I'm falling in love." A: "What! With who?" B: "That girl in my econ class. She is so hot." A: "Did you guys go on a date already?" B: "No. I didn't even talk to her yet. But I think I'm in love." A: "Does she have a boyfriend?" B: "I don't think so. I've been following her around campus and I haven't seen another guy." A: "Dude, you're a stalker man. Just ask her on a date." B: "I plan on running into her in the cafeteria when she's alone. I think I'll ask her then." A: "So why do you think you're in love?" B: "She's the only thing I can think of all day long." A: "That's called blind love. Well, I gotta run. Tell me how it goes next week." B: "Aright. I'll talk to you later."
You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson. Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions. |
Open Question Answering | High Strength Suspension Part Hub Bolt
Purchase Qty.:
100-9,999 10,000+ FOB Unit Price: US $8 US $3
Purchase Qty. (Pieces) FOB Unit Price 100-9,999 US $8 10,000+ US $3
Production Capacity: 2000tons/Month Transport Package: Paper Carton and Wooden Pallet Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union, Paypal, Money Gram Model NO.: hb100 Surface Finishing: Zinc Plated Certification: ISO Trademark: OEM Origin: China Material: Stainless Steel Grade: A Customized: Customized Specification: 20*1.5*92*220mm HS Code: 3601963132
2)Apply to: Isuzu,volvo,scania,man truck
3)Material: 45# steel, 40Cr steel
4)Packing:Neutral export carton box.(Or as required)
5)Grade: 10.9 ,12.9(Or as required)
6)Surface :zinc plate, black oxide, phosphating, baking according to your required color
7)Nuts: each U-bolt with two locking nuts.(no need washer)
Q1. What is your terms of packing?
A: Generally, we pack our goods with wooden pallet. If you have special requirement, we could pack as yours.
Q2. What is your terms of payment?
A: T/T 30% as deposit, and 70% before delivery. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages before you pay the balance.
Q3. What is your terms of delivery?
Q4. How about your delivery time?
A: Generally, it will take 30 to 60 days after receiving your advance payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order.
Q5. Can you produce according to the samples?
A: Yes, we can produce by your samples or technical drawings. We can build the molds and fixtures.
Q6. What is your sample policy?
A: We can supply the sample if we have ready parts in stock, but the customers have to pay the sample cost and the shipping cost.
Q7. Do you test all your goods before delivery?
A: Yes, we have 100% test before delivery
Q8: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship?
A:1. We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit ;
2. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them, no matter where they come from. |
Open Question Answering | Getting Started New to Yoga?
Yogadurango offers a variety of yoga classes for all levels. But if you are brand new to yoga, we recommend you start with our free
Yoga Basics Workshop offered about once a month, or the Thursday morning Beginner Yoga class with Joan.
Once you have attended a Yoga Basics or Beginner Yoga class talk with your instructor about which classes would be appropriate for you.
Guidelines Be on time Turn off your cell phone Avoid eating for two hours before class Please inform your instructor of any injuries or illnesses Respect the quiet space upon entering the studio Avoid wearing synthetic perfumes and scents; typically, essential oils are fine
Above all....Be compassionate with yourself. Breathe, listen to your body and honor the place you are in. Yoga is not a competition. There is plenty of time to watch your development as your practice progresses.
Frequently Asked Questions Q: What do I wear? A: Comfortable workout clothes are fine (shorts, sweatpants, tanktops, tee shirts, etc.). We practice yoga barefoot, so leave shoes and socks outside the studio. Q: What do I bring? A: If you have a yoga mat, bring it. Also bring your own water bottle and a towel, especially for hot yoga classes. Q: Do you have yoga mats and props available to borrow? A: Yes. We have yoga mats available to rent for $1 if you don't have one or are visiting Durango from out of town, but it's healthier to use your own yoga mat. All other yoga props (blankets, blocks, straps) are provided. Please bring your own mat for Hot Vinyasa class. Q: How early do I need to be there for my class? A: It's a good idea to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start time of your class or series, especially if it's your first time to Yogadurango. |
Open Question Answering | All GMAT Math Resources Example Questions Example Question #1214 : Data Sufficiency Questions
Of the marbles in a box, are blue, are red, and the rest are green. Also, half of the marbles are large and half are small. How many marbles are there?
1) Half of the blue marbles and half of the red marbles are large.
2) There are thirty-six large marbles that are either red or green.
Possible Answers: Correct answer:BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
From the initial information, we can determine that of the balls are green.
The first statement alone tells you that half of the blue marbles and half of the red marbles are large, so half of the green marbles must be large as well. But this alone does not tell you how many marbles there are
The second statement alone tells you how many large marbles are red or green, but you do not have any way of figuring out how many small marbles or total marbles are.
But if you put the statements together, you know the following:
Half of the red marbles and half of the green marbles comprise the thirty-six large marbles:
There are 120 marbles.
The answer is that both statements together are sufficent to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Example Question #1215 : Data Sufficiency Questions
Is a fraction in lowest terms?
Statement 1: is a multiple of 4 greater than 8.
Statement 2: is an even number greater than 6.
Possible Answers:
BOTH statements TOGETHER are insufficient to answer the question.
EITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 2 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 1 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
Correct answer:
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
Both and satisfy the conditions of Statement 1; the first fraction is in lowest terms, the second is not.
Both and satisfy the conditions of Statement 2; the first fraction is in lowest terms, the second is not.
Neither statement alone is enough to answer the question. Both together, however, are enough to prove the fraction is not in lowest terms; a fraction which satisfies both statements has both its numerator and denominator divisible by 2.
Example Question #1216 : Data Sufficiency Questions
Is a fraction in lowest terms?
Statement 1: is an odd number divisible by 5.
Statement 2: is an even number not divisible by 5.
Possible Answers:
Statement 2 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 1 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 2 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
BOTH statements TOGETHER are insufficient to answer the question.
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
EITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
Correct answer:
BOTH statements TOGETHER are insufficient to answer the question.
The two statements together are insufficient. and each satisfy the conditions of both statements, but the first fraction is in lowest terms and the second is not.
Example Question #1217 : Data Sufficiency Questions
is a fraction in lowest terms. Is its decimal representation a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal?
Statement 1: is a power of 2.
Statement 2: is a multiple of 5.
Possible Answers:
Statement 2 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 1 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
EITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
BOTH statements TOGETHER are insufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but Statement 2 ALONE is NOT sufficient to answer the question.
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
Correct answer:
BOTH statements TOGETHER are insufficient to answer the question.
The two statements together provide insufficient information.
and are two examples of fractions that satisfy both conditions; note that the first is represented in decimal form by a terminating decimal, and the second, by a repeating decimal.
Example Question #1218 : Data Sufficiency Questions
Which fraction is larger than ?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
From the question, we know that only one of the fractions in the answer choices is larger than . The correct answer must therefore be the largest of the answer choices. This observation is important, because it means we can eliminate some of the answer choices without performing any calculations. For example, is smaller than , so eliminate from the possibilities. is smaller than both and , so eliminate it as well. Similarly, is smaller than , so eliminate too.
This leaves us with only two answer choices: and
First consider . We can rewrite this as , which is clearly smaller than . Eliminate .
By process of elimination, we've thus shown that is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #1 : Dsq: Understanding Fractions
is a real number. True or false: is an integer.
Statement 1: is an integer.
Statement 2: is an integer.
Possible Answers:
STATEMENT 1 ALONE provides sufficient information to answer the question, but STATEMENT 2 ALONE does NOT provide sufficient information to answer the question.
BOTH STATEMENTS TOGETHER do NOT provide sufficient information to answer the question.
BOTH STATEMENTS TOGETHER provide sufficient information to answer the question, but NEITHER STATEMENT ALONE provides sufficient information to answer the question.
STATEMENT 2 ALONE provides sufficient information to answer the question, but STATEMENT 1 ALONE does NOT provide sufficient information to answer the question.
EITHER STATEMENT ALONE provides sufficient information to answer the question.
Correct answer:
STATEMENT 2 ALONE provides sufficient information to answer the question, but STATEMENT 1 ALONE does NOT provide sufficient information to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone does not prove is or is not an integer.
For example, if , then
If , then
is an integer in only one scenario, but Statement 1 is true in both.
Now assume Statement 2 alone, and let . Then is an integer by Statement 2, and
Suppose is an integer. Then , the difference of integers, is itself an integer. But we know that this is equal to , which is not an integer, so, by contradiction, is not an integer. |
Open Question Answering | Here's proof that nobody used performance-enhancing drugs in the 11th Annual USA TODAY Media Prognostication Contest: The victor, a reader, won on the tie-breaker with eight correct answers out of 15, a drop from last year's winning total of 10.
Marlin Toser, 75, of Harrisburg, Pa., a retired Defense Department supply systems analyst, says he tracks media as editor of Non-Sport Update, a magazine for collectors of movie, TV, music and other non-sports trading cards.
He says he's apprehensive about the media business in 2008.
"With rising gasoline prices and the (writers') strike, it's pretty edgy right now. It's a crapshoot, just like this contest. If we knew the answers, we'd be millionaires."
Our top Wall Streeter, Pali Research's Richard Greenfield, got seven right and beat AIM Capital Management's Mark Greenberg on the tiebreaker.
As a team, however, the analysts' averaged five right to 3.4 by our nearly 1,000 reader entrants.
The 2007 scorecard
Which megasequel will generate the most box office in its three-day opening weekend?
a) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Fox nws); b) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Warner twx); c) Live Free or Die Hard (Fox); d) Ocean's 13 (Warner); e) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Disney dis); f) Spider-Man 3 (Sony sne).
Answer: F. Spidey caught a record $151.1 million in its opening weekend web. That out-swashbuckled Pirates' $114.7 million. Trailing: Harry Potter ($77.1 million), Fantastic Four ($58.1 million), Ocean's 13 ($36.1 million) and Live Free or Die Hard ($33.4 million).
Digital albums or their equivalent (10 tracks = 1 album) accounted for 5.3% of album sales as of late 2006. What share will be digital by late 2007?
a) 5.3% or less; b) 5.4% to 7.0%; c) 7.1% to 9.0%; d) 9.1% to 11.0%; e) 11.1% to 13.0%; f) More than 13.0%.
Answer: F. Digital represented 14.8% of 519.1 million albums sold. But the rise didn't offset the nearly 15% drop in CD sales. Overall, album sales fell 9.2%.
About 35.9 million different people visited YouTube.com in November 2006, up from 1.1 million in November 2005, says Nielsen/NetRatings. November 2007 traffic will be:
a) Down 50% or more; b) Down less than 50%; c) Flat or up 50% or less; d) Up more than 50%, but less than 100%; e) Up 100% or more.
Answer: D. The site, whose name is becoming synonymous with Web video, attracted 63.1 million unique visitors in November, Nielsen/NetRatings says.
Weekday newspaper circulation fell 2.8% in the six months ended Sept. 30, 2006. In that period in 2007, weekday newspaper circulation will:
a) Rise; b) Be flat/fall less than 1%; c) Fall at least 1% but less than 2%; d) Fall at least 2%, but less than 3%; e) Fall at least 3%, but less than 4%; f) Fall 4% or more.
Answer: D. Circulation fell 2.6%.
Which of these deals will be announced and either close or still be going ahead as of Dec. 1?
a) Sirius siri and XM Satellite Radio xmsr merge; b) EMI and Warner Music wmg merge; c) Microsoft msft buys Yahoo yhoo; d) AT&T t buys EchoStar dish or DirecTV dtv; e) Viacom via-b buys DreamWorks Animation dwa; f) More than one; g) None.
Answer: A. Sirius awaits a federal OK of its $4.7 billion acquisition of XM, announced in February.
Which animated movie will generate the most box office in its three-day opening weekend?
a) Bee Movie (DreamWorks); b) Meet the Robinsons (Disney); c) Ratatouille (Disney-Pixar); d) Shrek the Third (DreamWorks); e) The Simpsons Movie (Fox); f) Surf's Up (Sony); g) TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) (Warner).
Answer: D. At $121.6 million, the third Shrek beat the second Shrek's record animated opening weekend. Following: The Simpson Movie ($74 million), Ratatouille ($47 million), Bee Movie ($38 million), Meet the Robinsons ($25.1 million) and TMNT ($24.3 million).
Which of these new ventures will be seen as the biggest success in 2007:
a) Allbritton's multimedia political news venture The Politico; b) CBS Records cbs; c) Condé Nast business magazine Portfolio; d) Fox's business news cable channel; e) a YouTube-like video website created by the Big Four TV networks.
Answer: C. Portfolio's off to a promising start, at least journalistically. Politico is close, but we dinged it for mistakes, including an erroneous report that Sen. John Edwards would drop his presidential campaign to help wife Elizabeth deal with cancer.
By Dec. 1, the Los Angeles Times owner will be:
a) Still Tribune; b) David Geffen; c) Ron Burkle and Eli Broad; d) Philip Anschutz; e) The Minuteman Project; f) More than one; g) Someone else.
Answer: A. A close call. By Dec. 1, Sam Zell hadn't completed his $8.2 billion deal to take Tribune txa, including the L.A. Times, private.
About 36.4 million people saw Taylor Hicks win the American Idol finale in 2006. For 2007, the finale audience will be:
a) Down 5% or less; b) Down more than 5%; c) The same; d) Up 5% or less; e) Up more than 5%.
Answer: B. With 30.7 million viewers, the ratings show that 15.5% fewer people saw Jordin Sparks beat the guy who makes sound effects when he sings.
As DVRs become popular and more people watch shows on their own schedule, what will major broadcast networks and advertisers count in determining who watches a TV show?
a) Live-only viewing, as now; b) Live plus same-day DVR playback; c) Live plus three-days; d) Live plus four-days; e) Live plus seven-days; f) Something else.
Answer: C. NBC was the first to go with the change, but just about everyone quickly followed.
Which of these changes will Washington lawmakers or regulators approve this year?
a) Internet providers can't favor some websites; b) Cable and satellite companies must let people subscribe to channels individually; c) Companies can own a newspaper and TV station in a market; d) The limit on the TV and/or radio stations a company can own in a market will be raised; e) More than one; f) None.
Answer: C. This month, the Federal Communications Commission voted to let a single company own a newspaper and TV station in bigger markets.
The Wall Street Journal is undergoing a redesign in January, shrinking page width to 12 inches. What will happen to its average weekday circulation in the six months ending in September?
a) Rise from its 2.04 million; b) Fall less than 1%; c) Fall at least 1%, but less than 2%; d) Fall at least 2%, but less than 3%; e) Fall 3% or more.
Answer: C. It fell 1.5%, which may be one reason the Bancroft family took Rupert Murdoch's $5 billion offer for parent company Dow Jones.
Which of these companies will be bought?
a) Imax imax; b) Lionsgate lgf; c) TiVo tivo; d) 4Kids; e) World Wrestling Entertainment wwe; f) More than one; g) None.
Answer: G. Aside from Murdoch and Dow Jones, and Zell and Tribune, this was a quiet deal year.
Cable programming is changing. Which stock will appreciate most in 2007 (as of Dec. 1)?
a) Crown Media Holdings crwn (Hallmark Channel); b) Discovery disca; c) New Frontier noof (adult pay-per-view and VOD adult); d) Outdoor Channel Holdings outd; e) Viacom.
Answer A:Investors seem to like family programming. Crown was up a kingly 78%, while Discovery rose 58%. By contrast, Viacom was up 3%, Outdoor was down 46%, and New Frontier fell 51%.
Which of these unconventional sports stocks will appreciate most in 2007 (as of Dec. 1)?
a) AVP (pro beach volleyball); b) International Fight League (martial arts); c) United States Basketball League; d) World Wrestling Entertainment.
Answer: D. None rose, but the WWE smacked down its rivals by falling just 3%. AVP fell 17%, USBL, 24%, and the International Fight League, 97%.
Scholastic schl sold about 6.9 million copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the first 24 hours of release in July 2005, up from 5 million for the previous book in July 2003. How many copies of the seventh and final volume, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will sell in the first 24 hours?
Answer: 8.3 million. Harry was magic to the end.
What the experts predicted:
•Marla Backer (Research Associates):1-e, 2-b, 3-c, 4-c, 5-g, 6-d, 7-d, 8-a, 9-d, 10-a, 11-f, 12-b, 13-g, 14-a, 15-b, TB: 8.0.
•Greenberg:1-e, 2-c, 3-d, 4-d, 5-e, 6-d, 7-d, 8-f, 9-e, 10-c, 11-f, 12-c, 13-g, 14-e, 15-d, TB: 6.0.
•Greenfield:1-f, 2-c, 3-d, 4-d, 5-f, 6-d, 7-d, 8-b, 9-e, 10-e, 11-f, 12-c, 13-g, 14-e, 15-d, TB: 7.5.
•Hal Vogel (Vogel Capital Management):1-b, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-d, 6-c, 7-d, 8-b, 9-b, 10-c, 11-f, 12-a, 13-g, 14-b, 15-b, TB: 7.1.
•Tom Wolzien (Wolzien LLC):1-f, 2-c, 3-d, 4-d, 5-f, 6-e, 7-e, 8-f, 9-d, 10-b, 11-f, 12-b, 13-f, 14-NA, 15-NA; TB: 8.4.
•Coming this week:
USA TODAY's 2008 Media Prognostication Contest ballot. Enter by mail or online to test your media savvy against the pros. |
Open Question Answering | Vintage Plastic Costume Pearl Necklace , Six Big Pearl Necklace AndDiamond
Delicate and dainty, these cream plastic pearls are a perfectlength, for day or evening wear! What's more, it can be made ofivory pearls,white pearls,pink pearls,light grey pearls,dark greypearls for you.Please select the pearl color you need when checkingout.
every pearl is beaded and beween several a little big pearl,obtainsalloy circle with diamond. You can see in the close up, some of the beads show some slightscuffing and pin dot dents.I made the twisted necklace&braceletwith 6mm and 8mm glass pearls, finish with gold plated heart claspand 4 cm extend chain.This item is in good vintage condition. Specification:
Item Name
Pearl Necklace Pearl Material Glass Style Vintage Necklace Material Alloy and plastic Other Material Diamond Chain Length 7cm Occassion Party, Dinner Gender Women Advantage 1. Competitive prices: 2. Factory direct sale 3. Ensure the delivery 4. Thousands of samples 5. 8 years experience of fashion jewelry 6. Free shipping 7. Competitive prices: 8. Factory direct sale 9. Ensure the delivery 10. Thousands of samples Company Profile:
Our company, Charming Yang Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Co. Ltd,located in Dongguan city, Guangdong province, China. . Our mainproducts include simulated pearl jewelry and zinc alloy jewelry,for instance:earrings, necklaces, bracelet, ring and brooch.
About Sample 1. Ready sample: Immediately arrange shipment 2. Custom sample: Within 4 working days 3. Sample fee: Usually the sample are charge, but after the orderconfirmed,we would pay back the sample fee. Pls be rest assured ofthat. Essentially we sometimes send the samples for free. Half ofthe sample fee will refund when bulk order placed FAQ:
1. Can I place mix order?
A: Yes, you can mix colour and style.
2. Can I get discounts?
A: Yes, we give reasonable discounts for big order and for oldcustomer and frequent customers.
3.How could I pay them?
A:Paypal and T/T are acceptable, so you can choose which is easyfor you.
4. Can I get discounts?
A: Yes, we give reasonable discounts for big order and for oldcustomer and frequent customers. 5.How could I pay them? A:Paypal and T/T are acceptable, so you can choose which is easyfor you. We are glad that you could offer us some suggestion for productsand service. 6. How long does it take to get my order after I have paid? A: Delivery time depends on the mode of shipping. We generally shipvia DHL, FEDEX, UPS, TNT, or DHL, which delivers to you in a veryshort period. We will provide tracking information to you when the order is shipped. 7. If the item I received is different from the picture, what do Ido? A: The picture only show some of our samples, so please confirm theorder with a picture before ordering. If you are still notsatisfied, please contact us to satisfy your needs. Photos
Contact Name Sofia
+86 13925503156 Skype [email protected] Facebook @CYfashionjewelry Twitter @sofiashency Google+ @Charming Yang Fashion Jewery |
Open Question Answering | Product Medium Cash Drawer Jy-410b Drawer with Cable for Any Receipt Printer Jy-410b Drawer with Cable for Any Receipt Printer
FOB Price: US $26.5 / Piece Min. Order: 10 Pieces
Min. Order FOB Price 10 Pieces US $26.5/ Piece
Production Capacity: 20000 PCS/Month Transport Package: Carton Box Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union, Paypal Model NO.: JY-410B Payment Method: Cash Touch Screen: Without Touch Screen Certification: TÜV, ISO Network Management: Support Network Management System: Windows Interface: Rj11/6p6c Driving Voltage: 12V, 24V OEM: Yes Specification: 415(L)X410(W)X100(H) mm HS Code: 8473290000 Type: Barcoder Card Type: Non-Contact IC Card Printer: Thermal Function Type: POS for Consuming CPU: Intel Innner Structure: 5 Bill & 8 Coin Trays, Adjustable Drawer Front: Two Media Slots Material: Galvanized Steel Sheet and Plastic Trademark: JY Origin: Zhangjiagang China Product Introduction:
Cash drawers are one of the core components to every Point of Sale System. They may be the simplest part of your POS, but making sure you have the right cash drawer is key. Most cash drawers are printer driven and will need the right cabling to connect to your receipt printer. Manual, USB, and Serial cash drawer models are also available to ensure compatibility with any POS system. We offer cash drawers that are designed for the most rugged environments, as well as cash drawers that are compatible with an iPad.
Robust features with best-in-class performance
The JY-410B cash drawer is the perfect solution for applications that can be addressed with a standard duty cash drawer. The JY-410B is also the cost effective choice that doesn't sacrifice quality or dependability.
JY-410B is competitively priced and includes features, such as multifunction locks and drawer status reporting, found in more expensive cash drawers. A variety of configurations with a wide range of size, style, color, interface and till options are available to meet your specific requirements.
Product Information:
Dimensions 415L X 410W X 100H (mm) Feet Height: 14mm 16.3L X 16.1W X 3.9 H (inch) Drawer Metal cash drawer with heavy-duty ball bearing rollers Casing Steel construction Front Panel Painted front or stainless steel front (optional). Bill Tray Metal bill clips Adjustable dividers for up to 5 compartments (with 5 metal clips) Coin Tray Removable tray from the money cash Double-row compartment with 4 adjustable trays and 4 fixed trays Media slot Front access slots for check, credit card receipt, bill or any paper Lockable Lid Lockable Lid for the cash receiver to change trays (optional) Lock 3-position Key Lock (two keys) Emergent Release Emergent release lever on the chassis of drawer Micro Switch / Sensor Open by driver signal to the solenoid (optional) I/O Interface 12V, 24V for RJ11 / RJ12 Receipt Printer Interface 9-Pin RS-232 Interface (optional) USB Interface (optional) Durability 1, 000, 000 operations Color Ivory, Black or Customization Net. Weight 7.2 kg Gross Weight 9.5 kg Features:
1. Heavy-duty metal design (thick robust steel) with 2 keys included.
2. Compatible, work for most major brands of receipt printers/ thermal printers, such as Epson, Star, Citizen, JAY, Star and Bixolon, and Windows XP, 7 & 8.
3. All steel construction, with stainless steel front.
4. Black or off-white powder coated finish.
5. Three function center key lock: Manual release, electronic release and drawer lock.
6. Standard ABS plastic 5 coin/8 bill removable money trays insert.
7. Five stainless steel spring-loaded clips for bills/checks.
8. Available: Wired for any receipt printer, ERC/POS system, or computer interface.
9. Warranty: 1 year.
Package & Delivery:
1 X Cash drawer with RJ11 cable
1 X Bill tray
1 X 1 Coin compartment (REMOVABLE)
2 X keys.
About 10-30 days from the date of purchase, or depends on the shipping time and destination.
Question: Is possible to operate without a register?
Answer: Yes, keys are included to open drawer. I use it as a cash lock box until I can attach a printer and computer to it.
Question: Does it look just like one pictured?
Answer: Exactly.
Question: Will this work with square?
Answer: Yes, just plug it into your Square-compatible receipt printer.
Question: Will this work with the Epson TM-T88V receipt printer?
Answer: Yes, just plug in the the built in cable to the receipt printer.
The cash drawer will automatically open when it's supposed to.
Question: Can you send samples for confirmation? Are they free?
Answer: Yes, trial order or sample is welcome, but sample fee is not for free.
Question: Can you customize, modify and develop products according to my configuration or specification?
Answer: Yes, we are the professional manufacturer of this line for over 10 years, we can provide OEM service and customize products according to the customer's requirements.
Question: Does the cash drawer have a USB connection? If not than how does the drawer interface with the square stand?
Answer: You have to have a comparable printer. The printer plugs into the stand and the draw plugs into the printer. Hope this helps!
-Nice black metal casing (looks nice)
-Printer Driven (most POS systems support only printer driven)
-Does not make a ding or noise when it opens
-Coin slots have slits underneath to let debris fall through
-Good drawer for basic needs |
Open Question Answering | Tuesday, April 19, 2011 IFBB Pro Michelle Blank Interview
For me, one of the main highlights of the Arnold's was meeting and talking to Michelle Blank. She was incredibly kind, even more beautiful in person and allowed me to get my cardio i by being her coffee runner. But there is more to Michelle than just being a kind, beautiful coffee drinker. Look at her competition history. First show, she wins, second show, she wins her IFBB Pro card, and at her third show, this years N.Y. Pro, she took third and qualified for the Olympia. Combined with a busy job, it is amazing how she finds time to both work on routines and build one of the best physiques in the Fitness division. Very honored to present my interview with Michelle Blank.
Q: First, Michelle, thanks so much for taking the time to do this.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself.
A: I grew up in Ocean City, NJ and attended Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. I lived and worked in Philly for a few years until I moved to Saint Simons Island, Georgia for work in late 2009.
I'm a Special Agent for IRS Criminal Investigation. Currently I'm assigned to our National Criminal Investigation Training Academy as an Use of Force Instructor & the National Physical Fitness Coordinator for our agency.
Q: Before the gym were you an especially athletic person? Play any sports or anything?
A: I started dance with I was 4 years old. I mainly did jazz and acrobatics. I was almost 11 by the time I started gymnastics. From 11 to 17 my life was gymnastics and I was hoping to go compete in college. When I was 16 I made it to level 9, but then I got a stress fracture in my lower back. I tried to compete the following year, but
was still in a lot of pain. I decided to retire from gymnastics at that time. However, 9 years later, I found myself back in gymnastics. I had started attending open workouts near a gymnastics gym near my house in Pennsylvania. The adult class was going to compete in the State Games for Pennsylvania and asked me to join them. I thought they were crazy since I had only been tumbling and had not touched the other events. In the end they convinced me and we had a great time. After that
competition, we developed an adult gymnastics team and started competing in more competitions. The first year for our team, I competed at Regionals in the 15 and up age group and took second.
Q; What initially led you in to the gym. Was training something you picked up fairly easy? What made you decide to compete?
A; During most of college days I did not work out as I was working and going to college full time. One day a fellow co-worker told me I was looking flabby which convinced me it was time to start working out. The problem was my only experience working out involved competitive sports. I thought I need a goal and considered
Fitness competitions. At that time, I did not know anyone involved in Fitness competitions or how to go about preparing so I just started going to the gym.
I did cardio and strength training a couple days a week. Going into training for my job, I was in decent shape, but still had plenty room for improvement. By the time I completed training, I had increased my cardio and became more structured in my strength training routine. In 2006 I started attending open gym workouts at a gymnastics club in Upper Merion, Pennsylvania. The following year, I helped to establish an adult gymnastics team at the club and began competing again. In late 2008, my coach Tina Cole asked if I had ever thought about body building and I told her I had thought about doing Fitness competitions prior to starting back at gymnastics. Tina introduced me to Tracey Greenwood in late 2008 and we started prepping for my first competition in January 2009.
Q: Is competing something your family and friends supported?
A: My family and friends have been supportive throughout my entire journey. They know once I set a goal for myself, I will not stop until I reach that goal and then will set a new one.
Q: Was competing what you expected or did anything surprise you about it?
A: The tanning, posing and dieting were all very new to me and if I did not have Tracey telling me what I needed to do, competing would have been a complete nightmare.
Q: Can you share your contest history.
A: I competed in and won my first show on October 31, 2009 and turned pro at my second competition at the 2010 NPC JR Nationals in June. I just made my Pro debut in NYC on April 9th placing 3rd and qualified for the Olympia!!!! I'm still in shock! What a journey this has been and I can't wait to compete in Toronto followed by the Olympia!
Q: As far as body parts, what do you feel is your best one?
A; I think my back, but I don't get to see too often other than photographs. LOL!
Q: Do you have a part you most like to train or favorite exercise?
A: My favorite exercise are handstand shoulder taps. I get into a handstand and tap my hand to my shoulder one at a time. I do anywhere from 30 to 50 taps during
one set. It's so much fun to be a fitness competitor and do exercises most people wouldn't dare to try.
Q: What is your normal training routine and diet like and how do you alter it for contest prep
A; My workouts are usually split as follows:
The other days I work my routine.
My diet usually consists of 5 meals and a post workout protein shake. My diet has gone through 3 stages since January. Consisting of egg whites, tuna, chicken, tilapia, and flank steak. In the beginning it was a mix of all of those. Then we took out the flank steak and added more Tilapia. I was getting too lean so we added more sweet potatoes and eventually removed all Tilapia and replaced with Flank steak for 2 meals.
Q: When someone sees your physique or hears you compete for the first time, what is the most common reaction? More positive or negative?
A: "Wow I wish I looked like you" or "you could kick my ass." What I don't like to
hear is you're not a body builder are you? I don't like how there is such a
misconception about body building. Yes I am a body builder and proud of it.
Q: When they see it that first time, what is the one question or comment you are most sick of hearing?
A: "Do you work out?"
Q: What is the biggest misconception about women who train and compete or the one thing you wish people understood?
A: Some people think you are taking some kind of drug if you have a lot of muscle.
Then there are people that are afraid to lift weights because they don't want to
gain big muscles. There are Many factors that go in to the size of your muscles; genetics, bone structure, exercise regimen and diet. There are no simple answers or miracle drugs. It takes work or lack of work that shapes your muscle size. Every one's body is different and changes in different ways. You have to find what works for you to get the look you want.
Q: What is the best and worst part of training for you?
A: Not enough time and having to work around ailments. I love how I feel once I get my workouts in. I love being a fitness competitor because my work outs include doing goofy exercises in the gym and it can't be deemed showing off. Just part of the routine!
Q: Do you have any favorite competitors or any you admire?
A: Tracey Greenwood! I'm not just saying that because she's my coach. She had crazy
difficult routines and knew how to show them off and has an amazing physique. Even more inspiring is that fact she competed at such a high level while working as a professor, consulting, expediting and all the other things she's involved in. Going into my first competition I wasn't sure if I would be able to balance a full time job outside the fitness industry and preparing for competition. Tracey's ability to manage it all helped me.
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: Brownie ice cream sundae!!!
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: The hardest part is getting started. Start by finding something you know you would enjoy and can fit in to your schedule easily. Once you reach the first goal, make another, and make each one more challenging.
Q: Do you think it is becoming more common to see women working in the gym with the weights and not just doing cardio and things?
A; There is so much information out there letting people know muscle burns more
calories than fat and doing just cardio will not help you build muscle and lose
fat as quickly as combining strength training & cardio that women are doing more
than just cardio now. There are also so many ways to strength train with out
using machines & free weights which has enticed many women away from just doing cardio.
Q: Outside of training, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: I like to be outside as much as I can. I enjoy reading but have trouble sitting
still long enough or have the time. When I can I help to coach gymnastics. I love to motivate people of all ages not just in the gym but in all walks of life. It's never too late or too early to set a goal and dedicating yourself to reach that goal.
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Michelle Blank.
A: It all starts with 30-45 minutes of cardio. Breakfast in my car as I drive to work. My day may start at 7 or 8 AM depending on the class schedule. My work day involves being in the mat room teaching defensive tactics, answering questions from the field regarding policy and training, and developing training techniques and policies.
Q: Describe Michelle Blank in five words.
A: Motivated, Dedicated, Open hearted, Balanced, Optimistic
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: I always wanted to be a firefighter!
Q: Any set plans for the near future as far as competing or anything else?
A: Well, I just made my pro debut in NY, took third place qualifying me for the
Olympia so you know where I will be in September! Wow still amazed! Before that I will be competing at the Toronto Supershow in June.
Q: Anything you want to take this opportunity to plug or promote?
A: With out the guidance of Tracey Greenwood I would be were I am today. After only
three competitions I am making my way to the Olympia stage. That says it all!! I followed her plan each time and each time she was right on! CJ Elite Suits has
made all my suits and costumes and they are spectacular! I mainly train at Anytime Fitness and they have been so supportive. I love that I can go Anytime, Anywhere and have used their facilities all over the east coast. I practice my routine at the Karate for Kids klub in Brunswick, GA and coach there when I can and Brunswick Gymnastics. Organic Monkey has sent me some fantastic supplements. Eat to Grow provided me with much needed organic chicken & tilapia before my pro debut. I was having trouble finding organic chicken & tilapia where I live. I've also been using egg whites from egg whites international for the past few months and love the convenience and higher quality of protein I'm getting from the product.
Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so how can they reach you and what are they
getting in Michelle Blank the athlete and competitor?
A; I am looking for sponsors. I love being a fitness competitor not just for myself but the opportunity to motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle. My website is apprimefit.com and e-mail is [email protected]
Q: Michelle, again, I thank you for taking the time to do this. Any last words before you go?
A: Apprime Fit = Fitness Above All
Mind, body and spirit!!
Be fit!! |
Open Question Answering | Product Optical Frame Soflying Best Selling Acetate Frame Mix Metal Temples Optical Glasses Soflying Best Selling Acetate Frame Mix Metal Temples Optical Glasses
Purchase Qty.:
600-1,999 2,000+ FOB Unit Price: US $8.8 US $7.6
Purchase Qty. (Pieces) FOB Unit Price 600-1,999 US $8.8 2,000+ US $7.6
Port: Xiamen, China Production Capacity: 100, 000/Month Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, Paypal Model NO.: ZH4110 Nose Support: Non-Integrated Metallic Materials: Nickel Alloy Frame Color: Black Suitable for Face: Square Face Glasses Style: Full frame Brand: OEM Order Accepted Trademark: Can Be Customized Specification: CE, FDA, SGS HS Code: 90039000 Frame Material: Acetate Frame Shape: Square Usage: For Reading Glasses, For Optical Style: Antique Suitable for: Man Sizes: Can Be Customized Logo Laser and Printing: Available Transport Package: 22cm X 15cm X 10cm Origin: China Xiamen Optical Glasses
Model: ZH4110
Colour: Black Eyeglasses
Lens Features
Lens: Polycarbonate or Demo Lens
Sunscreen: 3
Frame Features
Dimensions: 50 - 24 - 142
Category: Sun
Gender: Men
Form: Rectangular
Structure: Full rim
Frame Material: TR90 or PC/Aluminum
Stress-resistant TR90 frame make it super flex and light
1.Popular styles optical frames offer very wide selection of material, colors and size.
2.Good quality with competitive lowest price.
3.Logo printing and laser are available.
4.Small trial orders for optical frames are accepted.
5.OEM SPECTACLES are welcome,we can also design for you according to your requirement.
Order Terms: 1. Payment Terms: T/T,40% prepaid,the balance paid before the delivery or Paypal. 2. Delivery time: 60 days after confirmed order and received deposit. 3. MOQ:600PCS/style, 4: Packing Details: 1PC/poly bag, 12PCS/inner box, 300PCS/carton. Inner box dimensions: 22cm X 15cm X 10cm Carton dimensions: 80cm X 24cm X 53cm Net Weight: 11 KGS/CTN, Gross Weight: 14KGS/CTN. Customized packing is accepted. Sunglasses case,pouch or cloth and other accessory need extra charge
---------------------------------------------------------Key Words------------------------------------------------------------------
Key Words: Popular: Key Words: Popular: Key Words: Popular: Sunglasses YES Eyeglasses YES Glasses direct YES Glasses frames YES Sunglasses hut YES Kids sunglasses YES Prescription sunglasses YES Glasses online YES Designer sunglasses YES Polarized sunglasses YES Sunglasses for men YES Eyeglass frames YES Cheap sunglasses YES Mens sunglasses YES Aviators YES Eyeglasses online YES SunglassesFashion YES Serengeti sunglasses YES Sun glasses YES Eyewear YES Round sunglasses YES Cat eye sunglass YES Computer glasses YES Police sunglasses YES Designer sunglasses YES Sunglasses for women YES Cheap eyeglasses YES Silhouette glasses YES Sunglasses at night YES Sunglasses online YES Sunglasses shop YES Eyeglasses frames YES Bolle sunglasses YES Smith sunglasses YES Electric sunglasses YES Vintage sunglasses YES Sunglasses brands YES Best sunglasses YES Rimless glasses YES Baby sunglasses YES Bamboo glasses YES Cheap glasses online YES Cazal sunglasses YES Super sunglasses YES Dragon sunglasses YES Polarised sunglasses YES Wooden Eyeglasses YES Glasses YES
1. Q:Do you accept the small order?
A:Sure.We accept small order if your quantity is less than MOQ,we do our best to help you by giving you the reasonable price with diligent service.
2. Q:Should we pay for the sample cost?
A:Well,it is depends,if sample for free,but customer should take care of express charge.If we request customer to pay sample cost,they will surely get the refund after order confirm.
3. Q:What is your lead time?
A: For MOQ is about 30days,for 20F container's quantity is around 45 days.
4. Q:Do you offer other service?
A: Yes,if you need our help on purchasing any goods,just send us your demand details,we will do our utmost to help you,and reply to you as soon as we can.We also can be your purchasing agent in China to do all export jobs for you. |
Open Question Answering | Questions and Answers about Headlights
Q: What are Projector Headlights?
A: Projector Headlights feature a special lens that projects the light much farther down the road. The beam of light is more concentrated than the typical headlight beam.
Q: What are Euro Headlights?
A: Euro Headlights are a clear lense design light the is cleaner and brighter than factory lights. The back part of the headlight housing is designed to reflect more light with diamond angles.
Q: What does CCFL mean?
A: Cold cathode fluorescent lamps. CCFLs use a discharge in mercury vapor to develop ultraviolet light, which causes a florescent coating on the inside of the lamp to make a visible light. This means it is a brighter and more even light. This technology is used in the Halo or Angel Eye rings on many of the lights that we sell.
Q: How hard is it to install headlights in my car?
A: It is the same as changing out a factory headlight. Most vehicles only require the removal of a few screws and clips and then you unplug the factory light and reverse the steps to install the new lights.
Q: Do I need to cut or splice wires to install Projector or Euro Headlights?
A: No. The Headlights that we sell have the factory harness connector so they are just plug and play.
Q: Are Projector Headlights legal?
A: Yes all of the headlights that we sell are DOT approved. |
Open Question Answering | DVIPS ver. 5.996 does not produce right paper format!
It seems to me the problem is in the program, not in the config.ps
Also this version is not sensitive to option-t a4, -t letter , -t b5in the contrast to v.5. 995 where the output is correct.
Thanks for attention
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees whobring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDMrestrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only theapps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/304595813;131938128;j _______________________________________________Q: How can I leave the mailing list?A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.html#leavingml
Am Wed, 18 May 2016 13:14:24 +0300 schrieb Peter Slavov:
> DVIPS ver. 5.996 does not produce right paper format!>> It seems to me the problem is in the program, not in the config.ps>> Also this version is not sensitive to option> -t a4, -t letter , -t b5> in the contrast to v.5. 995 where the output is correct.
Yes there seems to be something wrong. I made a bug report.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees whobring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDMrestrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only theapps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/304595813;131938128;j _______________________________________________Q: How can I leave the mailing list?A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.html#leavingml |
Open Question Answering | Q1:
What is the fee for applying for a passport?
A: To know the fee details for ordinary passports, please click the
link on the Home page. No fee is required for Diplomatic/Official passports. "Fee Calculator"
How can I make the payment? What are the accepted methods of payment?
A: Online Payment has been made mandatory for booking appointments at all PSKs.
Online Payment can be made using any one of the following modes:
Credit/ Debit Card (MasterCard and Visa)
Internet Banking (State Bank of India(SBI), Associate Banks and Other Banks)
SBI Bank Challan
SBI Wallet Payment
Note: Applicants applying under Tatkaal need to pay, only the fee while making Online Payment. The balanced as applicable under Normal Category applicable should be payable in "Cash" at Passport Seva Kendra/ Passport Office, once application under 'Tatkaal' category is accepted.
Tatkaal fee
Chargeback / Refunds:- No claim for refund, return or exchange of fee will be entertained for passport related services. In case of multiple payments for the same ARN, for Passport related services including miscellaneous services, the claims for refund will be dealt with as per extant policy governing them.
Applicants visit Passport Seva Kendra without appointment as Walk-in can pay in cash.
How much do I have to pay for Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)?
A: The fee to be paid for Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is Rs.500/-.
What is the fee to be paid for Background Verification for GEP?
A: The fee to be paid for Background Verification for GEP is Rs.500/-.
How can I cancel my appointment and get refund on cancellation?
A: Once you have paid fee and booked the appointment, then refund of paid amount is not permitted.
Can the fee be refunded if we have not booked an appointment?
A: Once payment is made the same cannot be refunded.
Can I transfer my paid fee from one Application Reference Number (ARN) to another ARN?
A: The fee once paid cannot be transferred from one ARN to another ARN.
What if I do not have a SBI Bank account?
A: If you are not a SBI Bank account holder, you can continue to make payment online using either the Credit/Debit Card of other banks or SBI Challan.
What if multiple payments are done for making passport fee payments?
A: Refund of excess payment will be made by the concerned RPO.
What is the validity of fee?
A: Payment will be valid for one year from the date payment has been made. If you have booked appointment then the validity of fee will be one year from first appointment date.
Should I carry the online Application (ARN) receipt while visiting to PSK at the time of appointment?
A: Yes. You will be required to carry online application receipt along with all necessary documents.
Note: Click the link to print the application receipt containing Application Reference Number (ARN)/Appointment Number. "Print Application Receipt"
Online Payment
Which payment gateway is used for Online Payment?
A: SBI gateway is being used for Online Payment.
If online payment has been made but appointment has not been booked?
A: Appointment can be booked by clicking the
link after successful fee payment. You can check fee payment status by using the link "Schedule Appointment . "Track Payment Status"
How can I use online payment option while booking appointment for Tatkal passport?
A: If you are applying under Tatkaal, you need to pay only the fee as applicable under Normal Category while making Online Payment. The balance fee as applicable for Tatkaal will be payable in
at Passport Seva Kendra, once Tatkaal application is accepted by Passport Officials. "Cash" Note: Please refer to the link on the Passport Seva website to know the fee applicable to you. "Fee calculator"
Can I change the scheduled date of appointment once the payment is done through online?
A: Once an appointment at Passport Seva Kendra is confirmed, it can be rescheduled only two times within a year of the first appointment date.
How much charge/amount do I need to pay while paying through e-Mode payment option?
A: For Debit/Credit cards, bank will charge 1.5%+service tax. Any change in the charges will be notified accordingly. However, there are no charges levied for using SBI and its Associate banks internet banking and payment through challan. All relevant charges are available on the payment screen.
What if I get an error after reaching payment gateway?
A: In this case bank website may be down, so please try after sometime.
What should I do if amount is deducted but PSP Portal displays the Payment Status as "Pending"?
A: You may reconfirm the payment status on the next working day using the
link on the "Track Payment Status" screen. Post payment confirmation, you can proceed with appointment booking using the "Applicant Home" link on the "Schedule Appointment" screen. "Applicant Home"
What should I do if amount is deducted from my Net Banking Account/ Credit Card/ Debit Card but PSP Portal displays the Payment Status as "Failed"?
A: In case the payment status is
and the amount gets deducted, the deducted amount will be refunded by SBI to applicant's BANK within seven working days. Thereafter, the applicant need to follow up with their BANK for amount to be credited into his/her account. "Failed" If the amount is not refunded please send an e-mail to the Service/ Helpdesk Id: [email protected] or call at Service/ Helpdesk Phone No.: 011-41561114 (between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM) providing the relevant details such as Application Reference Number, Transaction Id, Payment Amount and Transaction Date.
How do I make Credit/Debit Card, internet banking payment for Passport Seva Project?
A: SBI Payment Gateway (For VISA and MASTERCARD credit/debit cards), direct debit option (Internet Banking) of SBI/
Associate Banks are available to pay fee online for passport.
How does SBI and SBI's Associate Banks internet banking work?
A: When you choose to make a payment through the Net Banking option, the payment gateway is directed to the State Bank of India (SBI) or Associate Banks Net Banking page, where you need to enter your Net Banking ID and Password to complete the transaction.
Challan Payment
Which bank will do support for challan payment?
A: Challan payment can be deposited only at State Bank of India branches.
How much charge should I need to pay while paying passport fee through Challan payment option?
A: No bank charges will be payable if you are paying fee through challan mode.
When I can deposit the passport fee at SBI branch by using the challan?
A: You should deposit the passport fees
(in cash) at the nearest SBI Branch after, minimum 3 hours of generating challan.
What is the time period of depositing the fee at SBI branch?
A: Payment after the challan expiry date (85 days from the generation of challan) will be rejected by the Bank.
When I can book the appointment after making the payment through challan?
A: First, you check the confirmation on the fees part by using the button
after minimum of 2 working days of depositing the fees at SBI Branch. If it shows "Track Payment Status" then Book an appointment by clicking the "Success" link. "Schedule Appointment" Note: In case Payment Status is not changed within two working days, check with the respective bank branch for verification. You may also report the same to SBI by sending an e-mail to the Service/Helpdesk Id: [email protected] or by calling at Service/Helpdesk Phone No.: 011-41561114 (between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM) providing the relevant details such as Application Reference Number, Payment Amount and Challan Deposit Date.
Should I carry the fee receipt (citizen copy) of challan while visiting to PSK at the time of appointment?
A: Yes, you will be required to carry fee receipt along with all necessary documents.
SMS Services Charge Payment
What is SMS Services?
A: SMS Services is an optional value-added service for applicants. You will get appointment reminder SMS and regular updates on your mobile phone for your passport application once enrolled for this service.
How can I enrol and Pay for SMS Services?
A: You need to select 'SMS Services' while submitting application and pay in cash Rs. 45 (inclusive of all taxes) during your visit to the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) for application processing. Fee payment receipt will be provided after successful SMS fee payment at the PSK.
What is the charge for 'SMS Services'?
A: You need to pay Rs. 45/- (FORTY FIVE ONLY) inclusive of all taxes, as one-time enrolment charges.
Is the charge for 'SMS Services' refundable?
A: No, once you paid for SMS Services Charge, it will not be refunded.
If I did not select the 'SMS Services' while submitting the application form but I want to enrol for SMS service then what should I do?
A: You may enrol for SMS service using the link 'Enrol for SMS Services' available under 'Services' section after login. SMS service cannot be availed once the passport application has been processed at the PSK. |
Open Question Answering | Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question.
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German to English translations [PRO] Other
German term or phrase: Gamsbarthütchen In a transcript of a video (which I haven't seen as part of a description of what someone is wearing.
No other context.
traditional hat decorated with a Gamsbart (tuft of hair from the back of a chamois) Explanation: This is how I would say it. The Gamsbart, althogh literally translated as chamois beard, is not taken from the bear at all (a chamois has no beard); it is taken from a chamois' back, preferably after the chamois has been taken anytime during the month so f November through February, when the chamois wears its winter coat. About 99.99% of the "Gamsbaerte" one sees adorning the hats in Germany are not from the chamois; they are made of horsehair that has been dyed to look like chamois hair. A true Gamsbart costs hundreds of dollars, because a chmaois is a highly prized hunting trophy and very few are bagged each year. Selected response from: Dr. Fred Thomson United States Local time: 14:35
Grading comment
Thanks! 4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer 10 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +1
Chamois tuft on hat or hat with chamois tuft
Explanation: "Gamsbart" is tuft from a chamois. It is worn as a hunting trophy on men's hats in Bavaria and is a part of traditional Bavarian folk attire. You can see pictures if you look on google under Gamsbart.
lindaellen Native speaker of: English PRO pts in category: 1 Login to enter a peer comment (or grade) 7 hrs confidence:
traditional hat decorated with a Gamsbart (tuft of hair from the back of a chamois)
Explanation: This is how I would say it. The Gamsbart, althogh literally translated as chamois beard, is not taken from the bear at all (a chamois has no beard); it is taken from a chamois' back, preferably after the chamois has been taken anytime during the month so f November through February, when the chamois wears its winter coat. About 99.99% of the "Gamsbaerte" one sees adorning the hats in Germany are not from the chamois; they are made of horsehair that has been dyed to look like chamois hair. A true Gamsbart costs hundreds of dollars, because a chmaois is a highly prized hunting trophy and very few are bagged each year.
Dr. Fred Thomson United States Local time: 14:35 Native speaker of: English PRO pts in category: 67 Login to enter a peer comment (or grade) Return to KudoZ list KudoZ™ translation help
The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases.
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Open Question Answering | Today, and Tomorrow are okay for me, but Saturday is going to be great. My birthday is Sunday(yes, superbowl sunday) so my husband is taking me out for the weekend, the kids are staying at grandmas and we are going to a motel and then on Sunday we are having a birthday/superbowl party at my husbands moms house(where the girls are staying)! It will be SO much fun. It will be nice to have a break from work/kids/ and other issues going on in our life and just RELAX!!
Thanks Kaiya!! How old will your hubby be? I will be 23. We were just going to celebrate on Sunday and have a normal party but my husband decided he wanted to have a "romantic weekend"! LOL Can't argue with that!
Your Welcome Katz :) He'll be 37, poor guy says he feels like an old man, lol. I guess it doesn't help when he has a wife that's younger making fun of him. I think we're going to have a little super bowl party at the house, nothing better then cooking finger foods and snacking all day :)
Your gonna have a fun weekend then, lucky!!!! Last romantic weekend we had was in Nov for our 2 year anniversary, only only nine more months to go, lol
***Edited By: Kaiya-Aspenmom on 2/2/2006 8:57:43 PM*** Reason: add
thought this was cute for all the health conscious people. lol : I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOCTOR WROTE THIS, BUT I LIKE HIM!
HEALTH QUESTION & ANSWER SESSION Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true?
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.
Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies.. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what ar ! e these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.
Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!
Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.
Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No pain...good!
Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?
Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.
Q: ! Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy? HELLO ...... Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around!
Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.
Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!
Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets. And remember: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "WOO HOO, What a ride!" |
Open Question Answering | The meaning of the name Chad is: Defense warrior
The origin of the name Chad is believed to be Celtic C: The positive personality traits: Highly Sociable, Inspiring, Excellent Vocal communication skills, Motivational, Fun loving, Creative and Imaginative ,Versatile. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Easily Bored - has trouble finishing projects, Prone to exaggerating, Sensitive to criticism, Irresponsible, Disorganized, Can be moody and emotional. H: The positive personality traits: A natural leader, a strong decision maker, Inspiring and Intuitive, Ambitious and Powerful, A Visionary with a persevering and pioneering spirit, Analytical and Factual, Generous. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Dominant, Formal, Arrogant, Stern with a bad temper at times, Manipulative, Money Conscious, can be a gambler. A: The positive personality traits: A strong leader, who is highly competitive, Self Sufficient, Ambitious, Pioneering spirit, Inventive, Commands respect. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Ruthless, Stubborn, Arrogant, Impatient, Dominant, Risk Taker. D: The positive personality traits: Highly practical - likes to get things done, Realistic, Traditional, Systematic and Organized, Solid and Reliable, Honest and Dependable. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Serious, Rigid, Bossy, Judgmental, Inflexible, Overly cautious.
The origin of the name Chad is believed to be Celtic
C: The positive personality traits: Highly Sociable, Inspiring, Excellent Vocal communication skills, Motivational, Fun loving, Creative and Imaginative ,Versatile. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Easily Bored - has trouble finishing projects, Prone to exaggerating, Sensitive to criticism, Irresponsible, Disorganized, Can be moody and emotional.
H: The positive personality traits: A natural leader, a strong decision maker, Inspiring and Intuitive, Ambitious and Powerful, A Visionary with a persevering and pioneering spirit, Analytical and Factual, Generous. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Dominant, Formal, Arrogant, Stern with a bad temper at times, Manipulative, Money Conscious, can be a gambler.
A: The positive personality traits: A strong leader, who is highly competitive, Self Sufficient, Ambitious, Pioneering spirit, Inventive, Commands respect. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Ruthless, Stubborn, Arrogant, Impatient, Dominant, Risk Taker.
D: The positive personality traits: Highly practical - likes to get things done, Realistic, Traditional, Systematic and Organized, Solid and Reliable, Honest and Dependable. The more negative personality traits apt in some circumstances to be as: Serious, Rigid, Bossy, Judgmental, Inflexible, Overly cautious.
Chad = ^_^
by Jinx_1337 July 30, 2011
Is a common name of an overly cocky fool-hearted man-child. Chads tend to think they're gods gift to women when they really aren't, a chad will usually be overweight bald and brag about their sexual prowess. When you meet a woman who has dated a chad they all say the same thing, chads are abusive manipulative jerks who take advantage of women, usually by means of date rape drugs to compensate for their tiny pencil dicks and running debts up in other people's names.
by Ruths1984 January 28, 2017
The most amazing man you'll ever meet. Charming, funny, generous, sweet, compassionate, understanding, and he listens. We all meet a Chad at least once in our lifetimes. Keep them close in your lives. Even if you can't have one for yourself ;) Chads are blessings and unbelievably amazing, not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Chads are so so sexy and very popular with people because they're easy to get along with, so Chads have lots of friends. Chads are honest and are very trustworthy and dependable and you can always count on a Chad.
by SuicidalMickeyMouse August 18, 2010
by William Burton May 13, 2008
A nice guy that will help you with your problems. Extremely trustworthy and caring. Though unusual at times, he can be cool. Also very attractive and extremely funny, and can see through people lies.
by alice carrik June 20, 2010
a peice of shit fagget some one who wears a wifebeater and flip flops. someone who gets everything handed to them and thinks they are better than everybody els
by Jason DeRulo February 15, 2010
by kempent June 04, 2009 |
Open Question Answering | A researcher is interested in the eating behaviour of 5 year olds and selects a group to be tested in a research study. The group of 25 five year olds is a:
A researcher is curious about the average IQ of registered voters in the state of Florida. The entire group of registered voters in Florida is an example of a:
Although research questions typically concern a ______ research study typically examines a ______.
Sample, population
Statistic, sample
Population, sample
Parameter, Population
Statistical methods that use samples to answer general questions bout a population are called _______.
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
Statistical techniques that summarise, organise and simplify data are classified as ________.
Population statistics
Sample statistics
In an experiment, the researcher manipulates the _______ variable and measures changes in the ________ variable.
Independent, dependent
Dependent, independent
A researcher observed that preschool children playing in a red room showed more aggression than playing in a blue room. For this study, what is the independent variable?
Preschool children
Colour of the room
Amount of aggression
The children's play
In a study evaluating the effectiveness of a new medication designed to control high blood pressure, one sample of individuals is given the medicine and a second sample is given an inactive placebo. Blood pressure is measured for each individual. For this study, what is the dependent variable?
The medication
The placebo
Blood pressure
The individuals given the medication
A hypothesis test is ______.
A descriptive technique that allows researchers to describe a sample
A descriptive technique that allows researchers to describe a population
An inferential technique that uses the data from a sample to draw inferences about a population
An inferential technique that uses information about a population to make predictions about a sample
The null hypothesis _______.
States that the treatment has no effect
Is denoted by the symbol H1
Is always stated in terms of sample statistics
All of the choices are correct
The null hypothesis ______.
Concerns a population with an unknown mean
Is denoted by the symbol H0
Generally states that there is no effect, no change or no difference
All of the other choices are correct
The final step of hypothesis testing is to ______.
Locate the values associated with the critical region
Make a statistical decision about H0
Collect the sample data and compute the test statistic
State the hypotheses and select an alpha level |
Open Question Answering | Balak Summons Balaam 22:1 The Israelis continued their travels, eventually encamping on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River opposite Jericho. 2 Zippor’s son Balak saw everything that Israel had done to the Amorites. 3 As a result, Moab greatly feared the people, because they were so numerous. Because a sense of impending doom was afflicting the Moabites as they faced the Israelis, 4 the Moabites told the elders of Midian, “This horde of people is about to lick up everything around us, like an ox licks up the green ground.”
At that time, Zippor’s son Balak was the king of Moab. 5 He sent messengers to Beor’s son Balaam in Pethor, near the Euphrates River, the land where the descendants of his people originated, to summon his aid. He said, “Look! A group of people have escaped from Egypt. They cover the surface of the whole earth, and are sitting here right in front of me. 6 So come right now and curse this people for me, because there are too many of them for me to handle. Perhaps I’ll be able to strike them down and drive them out of the land, since I know that whomever you bless is blessed and whomever you curse is cursed.”
7 So the elders of Moab and Midian left to visit Balaam, bringing an honorarium with them, and communicated Balak’s concerns to him. 8 In answer, Balaam told them, “Stay here for the night and I’ll bring back a message to you, depending on what the LORD says to me.” So the officers of Moab stayed with Balaam overnight.
God Forbids Balaam to Cooperate 9 God visited Balaam and asked him, “Who are these men with you?”
10Then Balaam told God, “Zippor’s son Balak, king of Moab, sent them to me and said, 11 ‘Look! A group of people have escaped from Egypt. They cover the surface of the whole earth! So come right now and curse them for me. Perhaps I’ll be able to fight against them and drive them out.’”
12 But God told Balaam, “Don’t go with them. Don’t curse the people, because they’re blessed.”
13 So Balaam got up the next morning and told Balak’s officials, “Go back to your homeland, because the LORD has refused me permission to go with you.”
14 So Balak’s officials got up, returned to Balak and reported, “Balaam refused to come with us.”
15 In response, Balak sent more officers—higher ranking ones, at that!— 16 who approached Balaam with this message: “This is what Zippor’s son Balak says: ‘Don’t let anything get in the way of your coming to me. 17 I’m determined to reward you generously, and I’ll do everything you tell me to do. So come right away and curse this people for me.’”
18 Balaam responded to Balak’s entourage by saying, “Even if Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I won’t double-cross the command of the LORD my God in even the slightest way. 19 Meanwhile, stay here overnight so I may learn what the LORD might say to me.”
20 God came to visit Balaam that same night and told him, “If the men come to call on you, get up and go with them, but be sure to do only what I tell you to do.” 21 The next morning, Balaam got up, saddled his donkey, and started to leave, accompanied by the Moabite officials.
Balaam’s Donkey Rebukes its Owner 22 At this, the anger of the LORD flared up against Balaam, because he was leaving. So the angel of the LORD stood in the way to oppose him. As Balaam was riding his donkey, accompanied by two of his servants, 23 all of a sudden the donkey saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, with an unsheathed sword in his hand! The donkey turned off the road and went into an open field. Balaam started beating the donkey in order to turn her back to the road, 24 but the angel of the LORD stood on a narrow path that crossed the vineyards. It had walls on both sides of the path. 25 When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she squeezed herself so close to the wall that Balaam’s foot was pressed to the wall. So he beat her again!
26 Then the angel of the LORD went along a little further and stood in a much narrower space, where it was impossible to turn either right or left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she crouched down under Balaam. As a result, Balaam got so angry that he started to whip the donkey with his staff.
28 That’s when the LORD enabled the donkey to speak. She asked Balaam, “What did I do to you that you would beat me in the space of only three footsteps?”
29 “Because you’re playing a dirty trick on me,” Balaam answered the donkey. “If only I had a sword in my hand! I’d kill you right now!”
30 But in response, the donkey asked Balaam, “I’m your donkey that you’ve ridden on in the past without incident, am I not, and I’m the same donkey you’re riding on right now, am I not? Am I in the habit of treating you like this?”
“No,” he admitted.
31 Then the LORD enabled Balaam to see, so he observed the angel of the LORD standing in the way, with an unsheathed sword in his hand. So he bowed down and prostrated himself on his face.
32 Then the angel of the LORD asked him, “Why did you beat your donkey in the space of only three footsteps? I’ve come to oppose you, because I say that what you’re doing is perverted. 33 The donkey saw me and turned in front of me in the space of those three footsteps. 34 If she hadn’t turned away from me, I would have killed you by now and left her alive!”
At this, Balaam replied to the angel of the LORD, “I’ve sinned! I didn’t know that you were standing to meet me on the road. So now, since it displeases you, let me go back.”
35 But the angel of the LORD told Balaam, “Go with the men, but deliver only the message that I’m going to give you.” So Balaam went with Balak’s officials.
36 When Balak heard that Balaam had arrived, he went out to meet him in the city of Moab on the border of Arnon at the extreme end of his territory. 37 Balak asked Balaam, “Didn’t I repeatedly send for you to summon you? Why didn’t you come to me? I can pay you well,t can’t I?”
38 Balaam answered Balak, “Well, I’m here now. I’ve come to you, but I can’t just say anything, can I? I’ll speak only what God puts in my mouth to say.” 39 So accompanied by Balaam and Balak’s officials, Balak traveled to Kiriath-huzoth, 40 where he sacrificed oxen and sheep. 41 The next day, Balak brought Balaam up to Bamoth-baal, where he could see part of the community of Israel.
Balaam’s First Sacrifice 23:1 Balaam told Balak, “Build for me here seven altars and prepare here for me seven bulls and seven rams.”
2 So Balak did just as Balaam instructed. Balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar. 3 Then Balaam instructed Balak, “Stand by your offering and leave me alone by myself. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet me. I’ll tell you whatever he reveals to me.”
And so he went to a high place, 4 where the LORD met with Balaam, who told him, “I’ve prepared seven altars and offered bulls and rams on an altar.”
5 Then the LORD gave Balaam this message. “Return to Balak and speak to him.”
6 So Balaam returned to where Balak had been standing, that is, next to his offerings, accompanied by all the Moabite officials.
Balaam’s First Prophecy 7 Then Balaam uttered this prophetic statement:
“King Balak of Moab brought me from Aram,
from the eastern mountains,
and told me,
‘Come and curse Jacob for me.
Come and curse Israel.’
8 But how can I curse those whom God hasn’t cursed?
How can I denounce
those whom the LORD hasn’t denounced?
9 I saw them from the top of the rocks.
I watched them from the hills.
Truly this is a people that lives by itself
and doesn’t matter among the nations.
10 Who can count the dust of Jacob?
Who can number the dust of Israel?
Let me die the death of the righteous,
and may I end up like him.”
11 “What are you doing to me?” Balak asked Balaam. “I brought you to curse my enemies, not pronounce a blessing!”
12 But in response, Balaam asked, “Shouldn’t I be careful to communicate only what the LORD puts in my mouth?”
Balaam’s Second Sacrifice 13 “Come with me to another place where you can see them,” Balak replied. “You’ll only see a portion of them, because you won’t be able to see them completely. Come and curse them from there for me.”
14 So Balakb took him to the field of Zophim, and from there to the top of Mount Pisgah, where he built seven altars and then offered a bull and a ram on each altar. 15 Then he told Balak, “Stand by your offering while I go alone to meet the LORD.”d
16 Then the LORD met with Balaam and gave a message to him. “Now go back to Balak and speak to him.” 17 So Balaam returned to where Balak had been standing, that is, next to his offerings, accompanied by the Moabite officials.
“What did the LORD say?” Balak asked him.
Balaam’s Second Prophecy
18 In response, Balaam uttered this prophetic statement:
“Stand up, Balak, and pay attention!
Listen to me, you son of Zippor!
19 God is not a human male—
he doesn’t lie,
nor is he a human being—
he never vacillates.
Once he speaks up,
he’s going to act, isn’t he?
Once he makes a promise,
he’ll fulfill it, won’t he?
20 Look! I’ve received a blessing,
and so I will bless.
I won’t withdraw it.
21 He has not responded to iniquity in Jacob
or gazed at mischief in Israel.
The LORD his God is with them,
and the triumphant cry of a king is among them.
22 From Egypt God brought them—
his strength was like a wild ox!
23 No Satanic plan against Jacob
nor divination against Israel
can ever prevail.
When the time is right,
it is to be asked about Jacob and Israel,
‘What has God accomplished?’
24 Look! The people are like lions.
Like the lion, he rises up!
He does not lie down again
until he has consumed his prey
and drunk the blood of the slain.”
25 Then Balak told Balaam, “Don’t curse them or bless them!”
26 “Didn’t I tell you,” Balaam responded to Balak, “that I’ll say whatever the LORD tells me to say?”
Balaam’s Third Sacrifice 27 So Balak exhorted Balaam, “Let’s go right now! I’ll take you to another place. Maybe God will agree to have you curse them for me from there.” 28 So Balak took Balaam to the top of Mount Peor, which overlooks the open wilderness.
29 Balaam told Balak, “Build seven altars for me right here. Then prepare seven bulls and seven rams.” 30 Balak did just what Balaam had instructed—he offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
Balaam’s Third Prophecy 24:1 When Balaam noticed that the LORD was pleased that Balaam was blessing Israel, he didn’t behave as he had time after time before, that is, to practice divination. Instead, he turned with his face to the wilderness, 2 looked up, and saw Israel encamped in their respective tribal order. Just then, the spirit of God came upon him. 3 Balaam uttered this prophetic statement:
“A declaration by Beor’s son Balaam,
a declaration by the strong, blind man.
4 A declaration from one who hears what God has to say,
who saw the vision that the Almighty revealed,
who keeps stumbling
with open eyes.
5 Jacob, your tents are so fine,
as well as your dwelling places, O Israel!
6 They’re spread out like valleys,
like gardens along river banks,
like aloe planted by the LORD,
or like cedars beside water.
7 He will pour water from his buckets,
and his descendants will stream forth like abundant water.
His king will be more exalted than Agag
when he exalts his own kingdom.
8 God is bringing them out of Egypt
with the strength of an ox.
He’ll devour enemy nations,
break their bones,
and impale them with arrows.
9 He crouches, laying low like a lion.
Who would awaken him?
Those who bless you are blessed,
and those who curse you are cursed.”
10 Balak flew into a rage and he started hitting his fists together. “I called you to curse my enemies,” he yelled at Balaam. “But look here! You’ve blessed them three times! 11 Now get out of here! I had promised you that I would definitely honor you, but now the LORD has kept me from doing that!”
12 But Balaam replied to Balak, “I told your messengers, 13 ‘Even if Balak gives me his palace full of silver and gold, I won’t double-cross the command of the LORD and do anything—whether good or evil—on my own initiative, because I’m going to say whatever the LORD says.’ 14 Meanwhile, since I have to return to my people, come and listen while I tell you what this people will be doing to your people in the last days.”
Balaam’s Final Prophecies 15 Then Balaam uttered this prophetic statement:
“The declaration by Beor’s son Balaam,
a declaration by the strong, blind man.
16 A declaration from one who hears what God has to say,
who knows what the Most High knows,
who saw the vision that the Almighty revealed,
who keeps stumbling with open eyes.
17 I can see him,
but not right now.
I observe him,
but from a distance.
A star streams forth from Jacob;
a scepter arises from Israel.
He will crush Moab’s forehead,
along with all of Seth’s descendants.
18 Edom will be a conquered nation
and Seir will be Israel’s defeated foe,
while Israel performs valiantly.
19 He will rule over Jacob,
annihilating those who survive in the city.”
20 Next, Balaam looked directly at Amalek and then uttered this prophetic statement:
“Even though Amalek is an international leader,
his future is permanent destruction.”
21 Balaam also uttered this prophetic statement about the Kenites:
“Your dwelling places are stable,
because your nest is carved in solid rock.
22 Nevertheless, Kain will be incinerated.
How long will it take until Asshur takes you hostage?”
23 Finally, he uttered this prophetic statement:
“Ah, who can live,
unless God makes it happen?
24 Ships under control of Kittim will devastate Asshur and Eber,
until they are permanently destroyed.”
25 Then Balaam got up, returned to his country, and Balak went on his way.
Other modules in this unit: The 7 days of Creation, Genesis 2:4-3:24 Day One – Night and Day Day Two – sky and sea Day Three – Land and Vegetation Day Four – Stars, Sun and Moon Day Five – Sea creatures including fish and Birds Day Six – Animals and Mankind Day Seven – Rest Ark, Genesis 8:1- 10:20 Hagar and Ishmael – Genesis 16:11–17:27 Rebekah the wife of Isaac the son of Abraham, Genesis 24:1-67 Laban Meets Jacob, Genesis 29:1-30:43 Laban pursues Jacob, Genesis 31:1-55 Esau Meets Jacob, Genesis 32:1-33:20 and Genesis 36:1-43 Jacob Moves to Egypt in a cart, Genesis 46:8 – 47:12 2nd 40 Years, Exodus 2:26-7:6 Moses – 3rd set of 40 years, the book of Exodus 7:8 – 40:38 Moses – 10 Plagues, Exodus 7:14-12:36 Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah (The Day of the Sounding of Shofar) Feast of Tabernacle – Succouth or Sykkot Moses – Yom Kippur, means “Day of Atonement” Moses – 37 years, Numbers 14:1-36:13 Balaam, Numbers 22:1-24:25 Three Sermons, the whole book of Deuteronomy 1:1-34:12 Deborah the 4th Judge of Israel sends for Barak her army commander, Judges 4:9 to 5:31 Gideon the fifth judge of Israel – Judges 6:1-8:35 Eli the Priest and the ninth Judge of Israel, 1 Samuel 1:1-4:22 Ruth the Moabitess, Ruth 1:16-4:22 Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel, Judges 11:16-40 & 12:1-7 Samson the fourteenth Judge of Israel, Judges 14:1-16:31 David’s soldiers, 1 Samuel 21:1-30:31 The 20 Kings of Judah who ruled between – 931BC-586BC King Jeroboam, 1 Kings 11:34-14:20 The 19 Kings of Israel – 931BC-722BC King Ahab 7th King of Israel, 1 Kings 17:1-22:40 Hezekiah King of Judah – Continued from 2 Kings 18:1-12 Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem’s Walls, Nehemiah 2:11-3:32 The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of Matthew Arranged Marriages Dates that Jesus might have been born Herodian Dynasty Possible Dates of Jesus’ Death OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE APOSTLES |
Open Question Answering | Q1. What is the age limit for JEE Main 2017?
Answer: Date of birth for JEE Main 2017 is must be on or after october 1, 1992. However age is relaxed by 5 year for SC, ST/PWD candidates.
Q2. Marks for qualifying examination?
Answer: For the candidates to qualify for the admission in the IITs/NITs/IIITs and such other CFTIs whose admissions are based on the JEE (Advanced)/JEE(Main) ranks, they should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class examination, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards. For SC/ST students the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class examination.
Q3. What will be the subject combination?
Answer: Number of subjects in class 12th exam must be at least five (5)
Q4: How many times a person can attempt for JEE Main?
Answer: The number of attempts, which a candidate can avail at JEE Main exam is limited to three(3).
Q5. What should be the year of passing qualifying examination?
Answer: Student must have either passed class 12th (Qualifying exam) in year 2015 or 2016 or is appearing in 2017
Candidates who have passed 12th or equivalent exam in 2014 are not eligible to apply.
Q6. How to fill application form?
Answer: Candidates are required to fill the JEE Main 2017 Application Form only through online process. The application form available from 1st December 2016 @ http://jeemain.nic.in
Q7. How much the “Application Fees” for JEE Main 2017?
Answer: Application Fees as follow:
Offline examination
Online examination
General/OBC (Male)
SC/ST/PWD/All Females
For examination centres opted in India
Paper I & II
Paper I & II
For examination centres opted in Foreign countries
Paper I & II
Paper I & II
Q. What is the exam pattern for JEE main 2017?
Answer: The JEE Main 2017 exam pattern for paper I and Paper II is given below:
JEE Main Paper I:
Courses: It is held for engineering courses (B.Tech/BE).
Number of Questions: It is consisted of 90 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).
The paper will be asked from subjects as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Language: Hindi, English (candidates can select while filling the application form)
Mode: It will be commenced via both; online & offline.
Duration: 3 hours. (4 hours for the candidates having 40% or more disability)
Marking Scheme: 4 marks for each correct response.
Negative Marking: 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response or multi-responses.
JEE Main Paper II:
Courses: It is held for Architecture course. (B.Arch).
Number of Questions: It is consisted of 82 questions (MCQs) out of which 30 questions from mathematics, 50 questions from aptitude test and 2 questions (descriptive) of drawing test.
Subjects: The paper will be asked from subjects as Mathematics, Aptitude, Drawing.
Language: Hindi, English (candidates can select while filling the application form)
Mode: It will be commenced via offline mode.
Duration: 3 hours. (4 hours for the candidates having 40% or more disability)
Marking Scheme: 4 marks for each correct response (2 questions of drawing will carry 70 marks).
Negative Marking: 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect or multi-responses.
Aptitude test
Q8. How many times the JEE Main examination held in a year?
Answer: Only one time
Q9. Will board provide the correction facility for JEE Main 2017?
Answer: As per the previous years look it may be provided. Better you fill your form correct in one time.
Q10. Will 12th marks be added in JEE score to prepare the merit?
Answer: No, class 12th marks will not be added in year 2017.
Q11. Will diploma holders be eligible for lateral entry through JEE Main exam?
Answer: No, JEE Main exam held only for providing the regular (first year-first semester) admission.
Q12. Will vicant seat in IITs be filled by JEE main score after counselling & allocation 2017?
Answer: No, If seats remain vacant then too not be filled by JEE Main.
Q13. Are transgender allowed to appear the JEE Main examination 2017?
Answer: Yes, they are.
Q14. Can a candidate owe facility of two types of reservation?
Answer: Of-course not.
Q15. What is the mode of submission of JEE Main application?
Answer: Online only.
Q16. What will be the JEE main cut-off?
Answer: The cut-off is the minimum score required by the candidates to get admission in the top colleges of the country. The JEE Main 2017 Cut-off will be decided by various factors such as number of students appearing for the exam, difficulty level of exam, etc.
Q17: Is there a different criteria or section for NRIs/foreign students for phone number?
Ans: NRIs or foreign applicants need to mention their mobile number in the place/field of landline number.
Q18: What will be the criteria for thumb impression while filling JEE Main 2017 application form?
Ans: Male candidates need to provide their left hand thumb impression, while in case of female applicants, right hand thumb impression is required. In case the applicant uploads incorrect thumb impression, then he/she has to provide the same thumb impression during examination on the attendance sheet.
Q19: In case a transaction fails while paying the fee for JEE Main 2017, what needs to be done?
Ans: If the payment status of online transaction (by credit/debit card) is not communicated by payment gateway in real time, then fee payment is not completed. In this case, the candidates are required to pay the fees again either through online transaction or by e-challan and to download the acknowledgement page. Your amount of failed transaction of credit/debit card will be refunded back within 7 to 10 days.
In case, fee payment is made through e-challan and the fee is not updated on the website, the candidate has to contact the concerned bank/branch for updation of fee. However, such candidates may also send the copy of paid e-challan through e-mail on [email protected].
Q20: Is there any provision for students if they wish to appear for both the exams at different centers i.e Paper -1 (Computer based) and Paper -2 (Pen and Paper based)?
Ans: Since Paper-2 is only in offline mode, a student who is appearing for both the papers - paper 1 being online mode and paper 2 being offline mode, will only get such centers that have facility for both the modes of examination. For example: Test centers for this could be PATNA: PEN & PAPER BASED and COMPUTER BASED. Two different roll numbers and separate admit cards cannot be issued to a candidate to appear at different centres for paper 1 and 2 separately.
Q21: Is there any option available that the Hindi Medium paper comes in both the languages?
Ans: Yes, Hindi medium paper will be bilingual in English and Hindi medium.
Q22: What if a candidate has no thumb?
Answer: He/ she can upload impression of finger or foot thumb also and same should be applied on the attendance sheet during examination.
Q23: Why are there no sample papers for offline exams?
Answer: The mock test available on our website for all the candidates who have opted either for pen and paper based mode or computer based mode. However it is also for practice purpose and to give candidates look and feel of the Computer Based Examination (CBE). |
Open Question Answering | I adore working with teams and seeing them pull together, be creative and succeed against the challenges they face. However, quite often the challenges are human-centric rather than what they’re working on or producing. Having immersed myself in the world of Coaching and NLP, I often draw on many insights from that arena when I work with Agile teams.
Offering a choice of viewpoints or “reframing”: We can change our response to an experience by placing that experience in a different frame or “viewpoint” – effectively reframing that experience. The meaning of any event depends on the frame in which we perceive it. When the meaning we place upon it changes, so do our behaviours.
If something has gone badly for a team, I want to encourage positive switched-on open creative thinking to tackle it. To do this I try to switch the focus round into what else could this be instead. For example if a there’s a challenge/failure then reframe it in another way… “How else can we view this?”
Responses to the team could be…
“Great! We’re now aware of this and can do something about it…!” “Thank you so much, I’m glad you shared that. How can we now use that feedback?” “OK, so knowing this… what would we rather have now?” “I suppose that’s one way of looking at it, however what else could this mean?!”
Ok… sometimes this may result in some surprised faces initially Some find it bizarre. But that’s good, as you’ve challenged and interrupted their normal thinking pattern and that’s what you want!
I then encourage the team to focus on taking action, either tackling the issue head on or seeking an alternative way forward. So I then follow up with…
“So, what would be the most useful thing we can do right now?” “Is there anything else useful we can draw from this?” “What needs to happen now so we can do/achieve …?” “This has been a really useful thing to learn. How can we utilise this insight to our advantage?”
This generally raises the energy, stops the blame seeking and
quickly refocuses a team into what they can do about the situation. If they then subsequently seek out the root causes, they are more likely to do it in a positive and a more valuable learning from the experience way as opposed to wallowing in destructive “failure” emotion with potential doom & gloom spirals and team breakdowns. Yes we could view it as “failure”, but we have a choice how we view it…! Gaining fast feedback, inspecting and adapting are fundamental to an effective Agile way of working.
I’ve found that teams soon start re-framing situations for themselves, which in-turn fuels a more positive, in-it-together and supportive culture. Working together as one. If something goes wrong they have formed their own “failure-strategy” and join together against the challenge and making themselves more resilient and adaptive, thus turning both themselves and the situations they face around faster. Issues get raised and discussed earlier, people seek help and opinions from each other. The result: more open communications and collaboration, both of which play a key part in Agile.
Some examples:
Comment: “Sophie, the team still aren’t producing what I asked for.”
Response: I’m glad you’ve raised that, what is it you’re expecting to see? What else could this mean? …
Comment: “We actually have no tests in that area.”
Response: That’s great, thanks for highlighting that. So knowing this, what would we rather do now? ( …Whatever we decide to do is a conscious visible decision, rather than left as “someone else’s” problem)
The way in which people respond and interact has an obvious and profound effect on openness. This is especially evident when there’s a perceived sensitivity. If, for example, I had gone silent or had growled back “What do you mean we have no tests in that area??” How would those responses have been received?… Invariably I ask myself “What actually would be useful here? - What is it we want to attain? - What’s our end-goal?” I want productive action now to resolve the issue at hand, not a withdrawn or defensive team. The issue has come about somehow, and this is what we're playing with now. The team will not only learn more about the issue and resolving it, but also experience the way in which they went about resolving it.
So, helping a team to help themselves work more effectively when things go wrong or they hit challenges has many positive knock on effects. Not only honest, open and constructive collaboration, but it also encourages and frees the team to push more boundaries and increases their capacity to focus towards their goals/mission/purpose and where they ultimately want to go!
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Open Question Answering | Part eleven of an ongoing series on higher standards in New York State
To help educators and the public understand how the annual math tests have changed in accordance with what the state’s new, higher standards demand, the New York State Education Department has released a sample of test questions on EngageNY.org. To solve the problem shown below, for example, students must recall the formula for the volume of a cylinder and apply it to solve a real-world problem. The annotated answer key models how teachers should analyze their students’ work on classroom assignments throughout the year, looking at why students got the wrong answer and determining whether there is any pattern in students’ mistakes that would indicate the need to re-teach part of the unit.
Sample question from New York State Grade 8 Math Assessment
A water tank is in the shape of a right circular cylinder with a height of 20 feet and a volume of 320π cubic feet. What is the diameter, in feet, of the water tank? A 16 B 10 C 8 D 4 Correct Answer: CMeasured CCLS: 8.G.9 Commentary: The item measures 8.G.9 because it measures using the formula for the volume of a cylinder (V = πr2h) to solve real-world problems; it has students solve for the diameter of a cylinder given the volume and height. Answer Choice A: 16. This response reflects the radius squared of the cylinder. The student likely divided the volume by the height times π, but did not take the square root of the result to determine the radius. A student who selects this response may have limited understanding of how to solve for a variable in a formula. 320π ÷ 20π = 16 Answer Choice B: 10. This response reflects half of the height of the cylinder. A student who selects this response may not understand how to use the formula for the volume of a cylinder or the relationship between the dimensions of the cylinder. 20 ÷ 2 = 10 Answer Choice C: 8. The student correctly determined the diameter of the cylinder. The student who selects this response used the formula for the volume of a cylinder to solve for the radius of the cylinder, and then used the radius to find the diameter. V = πr2h 320π = πr2(20) 2r = d 16 = r2 2 × 4 = 8 4 = r Answer Choice D: 4. This response reflects the radius of the cylinder. A student who selects this response may understand how to use the formula for the volume of a cylinder, but may not understand the relationship between the radius and diameter of the cylinder or attend to precision when answering the question posed in the problem.
V = πr2h
320π = πr2(20) 16 = r2 4 = r
Answer options A, B, and D are plausible but incorrect. They represent common student errors made when using the formula of a cylinder to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Answer option C represents the correct process used to solve for the diameter of a cylinder given the volume and height.
Please click here to read part ten in this ongoing series. |
Open Question Answering | Table of Contents Question: Can I have my own set of item type images (or authorized value icons)? Answer: Absolutely. To add additional icons to your system you simply add a new directory to koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/itemtypeimg/ and to koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/prog/itemtypeimg and put your icons in the new directory. Your icons will show up in a new tab as soon as they are in the folders.
Remember to put the icons in both places (on the OPAC and the intranet).
Question: Can I customize the images in the OPAC? Answer: Absolutely. Koha comes with a series of original images that you can alter to meet your needs. The originals can be found in the misc/interface_customization/ directory. Question: What MARC fields print to the different OPAC screens in Koha? Answer: The XSLT preference must be set as follows for the following fields to show
The OPAC Results page shows:
100, 110, 111
700, 710, 711
The OPAC Details page shows:
100, 110, 111
700, 710, 711
440, 490
130, 240
plus all of the 5xx fields in the Notes tab at the bottom
Question: How do I get the subtitle to display on the detail pages for my bib records? Answer: Subtitle display now depends on there being a keyword mapping for the MARC field in question. Adding a mapping for "subtitle" -> "245b" for an item's framework results in display of the subtitle in OPAC and staff client search and detail pages (although not in all instances where subtitles might be displayed, e.g. the Cart). Question: How do I change the Koha logo on the Staff Client login page? Answer: Opacsmallimage controls the display of the Koha logo in the OPAC, but there is no system preference controlling the logo on the staff client login page. Luckily the logo is displayed via CSS so it can be easily customized through some custom CSS.
These are the relevant parts of the staff client default CSS:
#login h1 { background:url("../../img/koha-logo.gif") no-repeat scroll center top transparent; margin-bottom:0.5em; margin-top:0; } #login h1 a { border-bottom:medium none; display:block; height:74px; text-indent:-1000px; }
If you have access to the file system on your Koha server you can add a custom CSS file and specify that file using the intranetcolorstylesheet system preference.
//]]> </script> <style type="text/css"> /* inline styles */ </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[
In the above snippet where it says /* inline styles */ we'll redeclare the relevant properties from the styles of the login image:
//]]> </script> <style type="text/css"> /* inline styles */ #login h1 { background:url("../../img/koha-logo.gif") no-repeat scroll center top transparent; } #login h1 a { height:74px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[
I've only reproduced the properties necessary to make the change we want. You can see that the "background:" property sets the path to the default logo. You can change this to point to any image you want, on the Koha server or anywhere else. Then you just need to change the #login h1 a's "height" property to match the height of the image you choose.
For example:
//]]> </script> <style type="text/css"> /* inline styles */ #login h1 { background:url("http://www.myacpl.org/sites/all/themes/npl/logo.png") no-repeat scroll center top transparent; } #login h1 a { height:71px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ Question: Can patrons see the barcodes for the items they have checked out. Answer: Not by default, but with a few edits to the patron record you can make a barcode column appear on the patron's check out summary in the OPAC. You can set up a patron attribute with the value of SHOW_BCODE and authorized value of YES_NO to make this happen.
Then on the patron's record set the value for SHOW_BCODE to yes.
This will add a column to the check out summary in the OPAC that shows the patrons the barcodes of the items they have checked out.
Clicking on the 'Overdue' tab will show only the items that are overdue. |
Open Question Answering | Wile E. Coyote Is My Process Improvement Hero
Of all the heros and superheros I have known, Wile E. Coyote has never been on that list. I only recently discovered an ardent admiration for Mr. Coyote. Why? Because, he is a process improvement expert. He is a tenacious problem solving animal and an avid proponent of Plan-Do-Check-Act. Mr. Coyote may not realize how good he is but he does have a fan club. At this writing there are five fan pages on Facebook regarding Wile E. Coyote with a grand total of over 19,000 likes/members. Mr. Coyote may not even realize his process improvement process is classic. Nevertheless, here is what Mr. Coyote does that is so amazing.
PLAN: The planning of a project is a very detailed process. The better the plan, the better the execution.
“Failing to plan is planning to fail” ~Proverb
The first step of planning is identifying the right problem. What is Mr. Coyote’s problem? He’s hungry. He continues with the defining the problem before he jumps into solving it. He responds to the following questions instinctively: What is the primary reason for this project? Answer: Get food. What do you hope to achieve by solving the problem? Answer: A waistline. Why is it important to do something now? Answer: He may be too weak to hunt later on. What will happen if the current environment doesn’t change? Answer: He dies. Why does it have to be done? Answer: Death hurts. The clearer and succinct the problem statement the clearer the responses for a solution.
“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” ~ Charles F. Kettering
More planning. Once the problem is clearly and specifically stated, Wile moves into the next phase of planning: analyze the problem and research causes of the problem. He does not use the 5 Whys process to determine the root cause but maybe we can. Mr. Coyote is hungry. Why? He has not eaten in days. Why? The food source is scarce. Why? He lives in the desert. Why? It’s his natural habitat. Why? Ahhhh . . . Mother Nature put him there?
More planning. The next phase of planning is analyzing alternatives. This phase is very creative and will require input from various sources. Since he cannot change his location, we can go back and determine if there are alternative reasons why he has not eaten in days or why the food source is scarce. We can also analyze the various food sources available.
According to Wikipedia:
“ Coyotes are opportunistic, versatile carnivores with a 90% mammalian diet, depending on the season.” Discounting the sand, rocks, cactus and occasional motor vehicle, there is no other visual hints of a food source for Mr. Coyote. The roadrunner seems like the only viable alternative.
Even more planning. Designing a solution is the next phase of planning. If the roadrunner is the best alternative then designing a solution to catch the roadrunner is our next step. This is where Mr. Coyote is his most creative. With his Acme Products catalog, his possibilities are practically unlimited. Once again this process is very creative and participation from multiple resources would be beneficial. What could you do with an Acme Products catalog?
Once the solution is designed, the next step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process is Do.
DO: Implement your plan. Wile E. Coyote does this very well. If you recall, Mr. Coyote’s execution of his plan is precise. Through no fault of his own, the products he uses are unfortunately defective.
After implementation, the next step is Check.
CHECK: How did you plan work? What went well and what did not? For Mr. Coyote, never well. It’s usually some canyon floor, rock wall or overhang, a nearby explosive, a large truck (with a beep-beep horn), or some other out of control device. He never catches the roadrunner and he is still very hungry.
The next step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act process is Act.
ACT: What are your next steps? If your solution and implementation worked, how do you leverage it or expand it or improve upon it? If your solution hadn’t worked, what do you need to change to make it work? Here again, Mr. Coyote is brilliant. He does not continue doing what does not work. He evaluates the new problem and looks for another solution.
And then once again Mr. Coyote exhibits his extraordinary and admirable qualities. He is tenacious, relentless, resolute, persistent, insistent, determined, single-minded, focused, unremitting, inexorable, unstoppable, unwavering, tireless, adamant, persevering, indomitable, driven and motivated about his problem solving. He picks himself up, dusts himself off and begins to plan again.
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
Mr. Coyote is still hungry. Why? He has not eaten in days. Why? He cannot catch the roadrunner. Why? He doesn’t have the right equipment. Why? They are defective. Why? Acme Products suck.
And the cycle begins again. This is why Wile E. Coyote is my hero and I believe we can all learn a lesson in tenacity.
Plan-Do-Check-Act (or PDCA) is a four step iterative process that continues until the issue is resolved or used to incrementally improve processes. |
Open Question Answering | Aquatic dragonfly larva / SAT 6-30-12 / Fuzz Flap in comics / Cousin of kinkajou / German granny / Jumping ability in hoops lingo / Spec of Dust singer 1982 / Toilet playwright Jones Saturday, June 30, 2012
Constructor: Tim Croce
Relative difficulty: Medium
THEME: none
Word of the Day: Talisa SOTO (
32A: "Licence to Kill" Bond girl Talisa) — Talisa Soto(born March 27, 1967) is an American model and actress. [...] [S]he auditioned and landed the role of "India" in her feature debut, Spike of Bensonhurst, a comedy which starred Sasha Mitchell and Ernest Borgnine. In 1989, she was cast as Lupe Lamora, in the James Bond film Licence to Killstarring Timothy Dalton and as Maria Rivera in The Mambo Kings. [6] Soto has participated in more than twenty films, among which are: Mortal Kombat(1995) as Kitana; Island of the Deadas Melissa O'Keefe; Piñero(2001) as Sugar, starring Benjamin Bratt; and Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever(2002) as Ryne alongside Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas. Soto also made two guest appearances on the television series C-16: FBI. In 1995, she played the role of Doña Julia, one of Johnny Depp's many love interests in the tongue-in-cheek romantic comedy Don Juan DeMarco, Depp playing the title role. She also made an appearance in Marc Anthony's music video for "I Need to Know". In 1996, Soto played the title role in the campy film Vampirellabased on the comic book character. (wikipedia)
• • •
ONE FINGER SALUTE( 1A: Bird) is the most original thing here, and even that wasn't as entertaining as it thought it was. Seems both crass and old-fashioned. I mean, hurray for colloquialisms, but I just didn't find this one that exciting. CALIFORNIA GIRLS is the new SCARLET TANAGERS (which was the new A LOT ON ONE'S PLATE). That is, I've seen it a bunch (or so it seems). A FIGHTING CHANCEisn't bad ( 17A: What every honest competitor deserves). I might actually like that better than 1A (friend of mine does *not* like that indefinite article, but I think the phrase coheres best with the "A" attached). But everything down below is dull. The rest: well, some it's OK, but a lot of is it crosswordese dressed up like it's something special (see clues on LOA, OLAV, ONO, TEL, NAIAD, ESE, OMA, AAAS, OCALA, UPS, CSA, etc.). 15 stacks are old hat—if you're going that route, make sure they really sizzle. Otherwise, use your 70 words to make a grid where "great" trumps "15."
I'm out of here for a while. A long while. I'll pop in now and again, but otherwise, you will be getting a host of guest bloggers for the next three or so weeks. And by "a host," I mean ... well, a lot. Some have filled in before, but fully eleven (by my count) have not. So be nice. And I'll see you in mid-late July.
18A: Fuzz and Flap, in the comics: Abbr. (LTS) — no idea which "comics" ... ah, "Beetle Bailey," I see. I don't believe anyone's actually read it since 1970. It lives on due to some strange (and enormous) MOMENT OF INERTIA. 28A: Jumping ability, in hoops lingo (UPS) — true enough. Wanted HOPS. No fit. 45A: Johann ___ Koss, speed skater with four Olympic golds (OLAV) — nothing more exciting than semi-obscure Olympians' middle names. 60A: "Spec of Dust" singer, 1982 (ONO) — no idea, but seeing three letters, I dropped ONOright in. 1D: Southern city called the Horse Capital of the World (OCALA) — "the world?" You'd think if you were the capital, then you'd have to be one of the top 100 cities I think of when I think of horses. But no. Top 500? No again. 14D: "CrazySexyCool" R&B trio (TLC) — early into the grid. Total gimme. They were massive in the '90s. I still often find "No Scrubs" running through my head for no particular reason. 24D: Cousin of a kinkajou (COATI) — No idea what a kinkajou is (some kind of Pokemon?), but I got this off the C- nonethless. Behold the Power of Crosswordese! 36D: "The Toilet" playwright Jones (LEROI) — wanted INIGO, but he was more stage designer than playwright. 53D: Eight-time Best Opera Recording Grammy winner (SOLTI) — this guy and other conductors like OZAWA and ARTURO TOSCANINI (who was the old A LOT ON ONE'S PLATE), show up a lot in crosswords. Even if you aren't that into classical music, you learn them. 63D: German granny (OMA) — better than a suffix? If you're German, I guess. |
Open Question Answering | “Singing in the church choir was my greatest motivation to do music”. Gamit says , as an upcoming musician, song writer and producer, I am self made, during this interview he told The Sunrise’s Allen Kisakye about his incredible journey. Qn: what are your real names?
Ans: Gamit Joseph, I decided to use my sir name as my stage name because it’s unique and I feel proud of it
Qn: Which regions of Uganda do you came from?
Ans: I am a Japadhola and I come from Eastern Uganda, Tororo to be exact
Qn: when did you start doing music professionally?
Ans: I started doing serious music in 2006, at Avid record in Tororo and David Oweka produced my first song, but by then I used to call myself JoeGold and I was a duo with my friend called Kid*P, but later in 2011 I changed my name to Gamit.
Qn: who inspired you to do music?
Ans: growing up in a Catholic home, I’ve always been in Church choirs, and to that I would confidently say that my mum inspired me to music, because she’s a great musician too though she does only church music
Qn: which kind of music do you do?
Ans: I do Urban dancehall and Urban reggae because I want to bring out something new and to also sound different.
Qn: How many songs do you have so far?
Ans: I have many songs but the major ones that are making rounds on social media are like eight, including Dream girl, Poolside party, I need you, Same fire among others but I only have three videos now.
Qn: I believe that in due time you will love to do collabos, which artists would you like to do a collabo with?
Ans: I would very much want to do a collabo with Bebe Cool aka Bigsize, becauseI admire him and he is musically flexible, I would also love to do a collabo with Irene Ntale and Keko
Qn: Which international artiste do you look up to and would wish to have a collabo with?
Ans: I love Busy Signal so much and I wish I would have a collabo with him, I also love Rommain
Qn: Who is the producer behind your music?
Ans: I am the person behind my music, I write all my songs and I also personally produce them, though I sometimes take them to my producer friends for mastering
Qn: You said that you are a producer, which songs have you ever worked on?
Ans: Though I have not yet made a hit song, I have worked with one artiste called Bana Birungi, who is a Christian rapper
Qn: What’s the name of your recording studio?
Ans: It’s called Titanium records and it’s found in the outskirts of Kampala in Kyambogo
Qn: Which record label are you signed under?
Ans: I am under the management of MOKOLIMBO INC, and Charles is my manager. We are two people under that management the other artiste is called Artcian Lee.
Qn: Which big stage have you ever performed on?
Ans: I performed on the Hot100 explosion in 2014
Qn: What are your plans for 2017?
Ans: I am planning to produce more music and to shoot more videos. |
Open Question Answering | Step 1: Listen to Dialog
Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file. Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills.
Step 2: Quiz - View Questions
If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions. After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did.
Step 3: Show Conversation Dialog
A: "Martha. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
B: "Jake just broke up with me." A: "I'm sorry. When did this happen?" B: "Yesterday. I didn't even know it was coming. He just told me he found someone else." A: "What a jerk. He doesn't deserve you." B: "But it still hurts. I thought I loved him." A: "He didn't treat you that well either. Maybe you don't want to hear this, but I think you can do better." B: "Better or worse, it doesn't matter. I had a lot of feelings for him. I really liked him" A: "It must be really painful. I remember when Josh and I broke up. I was crying for a week." B: "I know I'll get over him. My first break up was painful because I was naive." A: "Exactly. You'll find someone again. You should get your mind off of this. Let's go shopping." B: "Maybe tomorrow. I don't feel like it tonight." A: "How about coffee down the street?" B: "Sure."
You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson. Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions. |
Open Question Answering | Native Plants Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
Did you know you can access the Native Plant Information Network with your web-enabled smartphone?
Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Search Smarty Plants rate this answer Tuesday - September 21, 2010 QUESTION:I live in South Central Missouri. I am looking for a plant/shrub to plant in pots (our soil is clay and very rocky)to landscape the front of our barn. This plant can't be harmful to horses and must be something they would not likely want to eat. So far they have eaten petunias, day lilies, marigolds, etc. I would also like the plant to come back after each winter. ANSWER:
You might want to just plant shrubs that will grow in your poor soil. You can mulch them with your composted horse manure to give them a little boost. They will survive with less care than if you put them in pots. I think you will still have to protect them by putting three or four stakes and a six foot fence in a circle around each plant until it is big enough that a few horse nibbles doesn’t decimate the entire plant. The fence will have to be five or six feet tall and be large enough in diameter to prevent the horses from reaching the plant, even as it grows wider. I can find what is not poisonous for your horses in Cornell’s list of toxic plants, but I don’t think there is a definitive list of what horses won’t eat. I could find they eat everything from roses to palmettos. You might want to join some forums for horse owners and ask them if the horses will eat these plants. I suspect horses are like deer. There are no plants that some deer, somewhere, won't eat.
Here are a few shrubs that will grow in your soil and not be poisonous to your horses. They all are perennials. That’s one of the neatest things about natives. There are always many that are adapted to your soil, no matter how problematic it is for gardening.
1) Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra. This makes a large enough plant to look good against the front of your barn. It grows in waste soils but mulching it will make it grow even better. 2) Atlantic ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius – this fast-growing plant will grow in dry clay soils and is insect and disease resistant. 3) Leadplant amorpha, Amorpha canescens .This is another beautiful shrub. It likes rocky, well-drained soils. You might want to plant it in small mounds to make sure it has enough drainage. I usually just dig a hole about half as deep as I need, then mound the soil to the top of the dirt around the plant.
If these plants don’t fit your landscaping scheme, you might want to look at the recommended plant list for Missouri which I already narrowed down to plants that are perennials, want full sun and dry soils. You could combine several of these. But I suggest that you check to see if they will grow in rocky clay and go ahead and plant them in the ground. The horses will probably eat the grasses, and some of the wildflowers. But sideoats gamma is supposed to grow better when the land is overgrazed so may survive being eaten to regrow. Just be sure to check each plant to see if it is poisonous to horses.
You might want to try these sources to find your plants:
More Poisonous Plants Questions
Eliminating skunk cabbage in Troy, NY
May 19, 2009 - My yard is overgrown with skunk cabbage. My question is how do I get rid of it? view the full question and answer
Pruning non-native oleanders
September 28, 2011 - I have an oleander that has become to "leggy". I read the pruning instructions, but where I want to prune, there are not any leaf nodes. Can I trim below at the base, or will I hurt the plant? I ... view the full question and answer
Plants to replace poison ivy and brush
June 23, 2008 - I am right next to a highway in Paradise, CA 95969. I am having brush and poison oak removed in that area and want to plant something fast growing and draught resistant. I am thinking about Oleander... view the full question and answer
Is Mexican petunia (Ruellia brittonianna) toxic to dogs
June 23, 2009 - I would like to know if the plant known as Mexican petunia,or Katie dwarf (Ruellia brittonianna) is toxic for dogs. Thank you. Thank you. view the full question and answer
Are palm leaves poisonous?
August 18, 2008 - Are palm tree leaves poisionous? Because my dad was doing yard work and was stuck by a palm tree leaf in his calf. His calf has swollen and in he thinks it broke off in his calf. view the full question and answer |
Open Question Answering | Just a collection of celebrity, TV, and Movie jokes. None of them were thought of by me, all were collected online.
FUN FACTS ABOUT CELEBRITIES Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming that Law And Order are the names of his right and left legs Justin Bieber can play KINECT by flipping his hair. Taylor Swift was banned from relationship statuses on Facebook Chuck Norris is Luke Skywalker’s real father. The Taylor Swift 2009 calendar for some reason were just all pictures of Kanye West. Chuck Norris won an award today. Kanye West sat politely in his seat. Zooey Deschanel has siblings, Theme Parkey Deschanel and Water Parkey Deschanel. DVD’s say not to watch Pirate movies. But when Johnny Depp is in one, they say it’s a “Must-Watch” And Now……… Just Another Time Wasting Website Takes A Look At Twilight
I went to see Twilight and there was this annoying girl who talked all the way through it. I think her name was Kristen Stewart.
Dear Twilight fans,Thank you for making us look sane and fit back into everyday society.Yours sincerely, Trekkies.
On a scale of Kristen Stewart to Nicki Minaj, how many facial expressions do you have?
Kristen Stewart should be a mathematician.
She’s always simplifying expressions.
Twilight lies! I’ve seen Robert Pattinson in a mirror and the sun.
The Complete Track Listing For Taylor Swift’s Next Album Our Song Is Pretty Dated Now This Time It’s True Love. (No really you guys, I SWEAR.) (Stop laughing.) (Seriously, stop laughing!) One Relationship Away From a Miley Haircut Sparks Fly When I Set Fire To Your House For Leaving Me Today was a Fairytale, Tomorrow will be Filled with Sappy Chick Flicks, Boy Hating and an Entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s Hey Stephen… I’m Sorry I Called You John And Now… …… Just Another Time Wasting Website Takes A Look At The Hunger Games
Hey guys! It’s me Peeta! From “The Hunger Games”. Not a lot of people know this but I had to use pick-up lines to woo Katniss over. I’d like to share ’em with you guys, maybe you could use them on your crush.
“I think I’ve been stung by a trackerjacker… because you look so good I must be hallucinating!”
“You make Snares? Because I’m all tangled up in your love.”
There ya go. Try that and you may just make Panam’s cutest couple.
Gale: You’re on the phone with your baker, he’s upset
Katniss: Oh no Gale: Goin’ off about some burnt bread Gale: ‘Cause he don’t know how to hunt like I do Katniss: Gale, stop Gale: I’m in the woods, it’s a typical Sunday afternoon Gale: I’m hunting the kind of squirrels he doesn’t like Gale: He’ll never be able to hunt like I do Gale: CUZ HE BAKES BREAD Gale: I MAKE SNARES Gale: HE EATS CUPCAKES Gale: AND I HUNT BEARS Katniss: Gale, Just stop
Peeta: When I walk out of the shop
Katniss: Not again- Peeta: This is what I see Katniss: Peeta stop Peeta: Katniss Everdeen is a-lookin at me Peeta: I GOT A LOAF IN MY HANDS Peeta: AND I AIN’T AFRAID TO THROW IT, THROW IT, THROW IT Katniss: You done? Peeta: I’M PEETA AND I KNOW IT Due to limited tickets for the midnight showing of The Hunger Games, guests will be asked to fight to the death in our area. Thanks, The Theater Staff Lady Gaga Pick-Up Lines
“Hey babe we go together like Lady Gaga and #1 records!”
“Baby girl, you’re like Lady Gaga’s single “Poker Face” (Why’s that?) Cause I just can’t get you out of my head!”
“I’ll never have a Bad Romance with you!”
“Hey Night, Do You Want To Get Married?”
“Can I Have The Number To Your Telephone?”
“You And I Can Just Dance”
“I’ll Feel Like I’m On The Edge Of Glory When I’m With You”
And Now ……… Just Another Time Wasting Website Takes A Look At Harry Potter
Shhhhh Don’t tell anyone, but I’m secretly a student at Hogwarts. Now let’s just keep this between you and me okay. Now I’ll admit it, I’m a troublemaker at that school. But you have to have a little fun at such a serious school. Because of my behavior, I’ve had to write sentences, just like at a regular school, you know, where the teacher makes you write “I will not talk in class” 100 times or whatever. Anyway, here are some of the things I’ve had to do sentences on:
I will not eat chocolate frogs in Potions class. Dumbledore is not Santa Claus and I will not sit on his lap and tell him what I want. There is no open-mic night at Hogwarts. There is no “Bring a Muggle To School Day”. I will not say the phrase “Dude, get a life.” to Lord Voldemort I am not permitted to utter the line “Hey Rocky, Watch Me Pull A_____Out Of My Hat” during Charms class.
Hey guys! It’s me Ron Weasley. I had to deliver some pretty good pick-up lines to get Hermione to fall in love with me! Here are some of them
My love for you burns like a dying phoenix. My name may not be Luna but I sure know how to Lovegood.
Use these, and you’ll become Hogwarts cutest couple! GUARANTEED! |
Open Question Answering | Optical substrates expert Chad R. Sandstrom of Imation Corporation provides the following explanation:
CD-Audio and CD-ROM were established in the early 1980s as the "new thing" to replace the venerable analog long-playing record. This digital format was very quickly accepted as the standard because it provided compact size, high fidelity and tremendous durability. But soon the consumer, accustomed to recording LPs onto magnetic tapes, demanded the same ability in the new compact disc format. New technology made that possible a few years later with CD-R (recordable CDs) and then CD-RW (rewriteable CDs).
CD-Audio and CD-ROM feature a spiral of pits on a molded plastic substrate overcoated with a reflective aluminum alloy. The regular topography on the disc (
see atomic force microscope scan, top right) causes the reflected light to "modulate" from bright to dark as the laser beam scans from an area with no pit to one with a pit as the disc spins under the focused laser beam in the drive.
To make a recordable disc, you start with a plastic substrate that has blank grooves rather than a predefined pattern of pits. The blank grooves can keep the drive on track before the data is written. In addition to a layer of metal, the media includes a thin layer of dye. Pulsing at high power, the laser in the drive can ablate or "burn" marks in the dye. Read back with the laser at the normal, lower read power, those marks look like pits to the detectors in the drive. Because the high laser power permanently changes the dye, this format can be written only once.
For additional rewriteable capability (CD-RW), a thin layer of so-called phase-change metal replaces the dye layer. That material requires two extra "dielectric," or glassy, layers for protection. The drive employs a high-power laser to write amorphous marks in the metal layer, an intermediate-power level to write crystalline marks and a low-power level to read the recorded data. To the drive, the crystalline areas appear bright and the amorphous areas appear dark. As a result, the disc can be read in the same manner as a CD-ROM. The crystalline-to-amorphous transition is reversible. CD-RW media (
see atomic force microscope scan, bottom right) can thus be rewritten approximately 1,000 times. In both CD-R and CD-RW, the difference between bright and dark regions is not as stark as that in CD-ROM technology. But newer drives tend to be able to read the various formats.
Gordon Rudd of Clover Systems offers this answer:
All CDs (and DVDs) work by virtue of marks on the disc that appear darker than the background and can thus be detected by shining a laser on them and measuring the reflected light. In the case of molded CDs, these marks consist of "pits" molded into the surface of the disc. Destructive interference of the laser beam caused by the difference in path length between the bottom of the pit and the surrounding "land" causes the pits to appear darker than the background. In the case of CD-Recordables (CD-Rs), the writing laser makes permanent marks in a layer of dye polymer in the disc. These marks, too, appear dark compared with the background.
CD-Rewriteable discs (CD-RWs) work in a similar fashion, except that the change to the recording surface is reversable. Instead of dye or pits, these discs feature a layer of phase-change material. This material can exist in two different solid states: crystalline or amorphous. Most solids have a crystalline structure in which the atoms are close packed in a rigid and organized array. But some materials can have an amorphous state in which the atoms are organized not into arrays but randomly, as in a liquid. A common example of such a material is ordinary window glass, an amorphous form of silica.
The phase-change material can change from one phase to the other when it is heated and cooled. The material used is chosen because the two solid states reflect light differently. The amorphous state reflects less light than the crystalline state does. Therefore, by starting with a disc surface in the crystalline state, heating with the laser can change small spots to the amorphous state, which will appear dark upon playback.
Heating the material with the laser beam above its melting point transforms it from crystalline to amorphous. The rapid cooling of the spot causes the material to freeze in the amorphous state. These spots can then be erased in a process known as annealing. This is accomplished by heating the material to a lower temperature, which transforms it back to its crystalline state. Existing data can be overwritten by turning the laser on continuously to the erase power, which will erase any existing marks. Switching the laser to a higher power, one sufficient to melt the material, enables the creation of a new mark.
Sony Electronics marketing manager Robert DeMoulin writes:
Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R) is a write-once technology. Once an area of the disc has been written to, it cannot be erased. The recordable layer is an organic cyanine or pthalocyanine dye. Initially, the organic dye has high reflectivity. When the laser is applied in write mode, however, a chemical reaction occurs that makes that "pit" less reflective than the "land" around it. During readout, the laser detects the difference in reflectivity between the "pits" and "lands" to read the data or music. CD-R discs are highly reflective--about 60 to 70 percent of light is reflected or bounced back to the photo detector or read laser. Because of this high reflectivity, CD-R discs can be read or played back in most CD players and CD-ROM drives.
Compact Disc Rewriteable (CD-RW) is a fully rewriteable media, meaning that any spot on a CD-RW disc can be rewritten up to 1,000 times (based on the current standard). Phase change technology enables this rewriteability. The recordable layer on a CD-RW disc is made up of a rare-earth metal alloy "sandwich," which includes silver, indium antimony and tellurium elements. This combination of elements has an important property: it allows a spot on the disc to be changed by the heat of a laser from a crystalline state (high reflectivity) to an amorphous state (low reflectivity). Heated to a lower temperature or power level, the same spot changes back to crystalline state. When overwriting data, the laser is modulated first to erase (or make crystalline) the spot to be recorded and then modulated to write power.
Phase change technology does have a limitation: it has very low reflectivity (approximately 25 percent). For this reason, a typical consumer CD player won't recognize a CD-RW disc.
Answer originally posted September 10, 2001. |
Open Question Answering | In this lesson of
Studying English with Movies, we’re going to take a look at a movie called, “Silver Linings Playbook.” This movie was recommended by a student of mine and was pretty popular a few years ago. It stars Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawerence, who won an Academy Award for Best Actress. The story is a bit complex so I won’t go into the details, but the acting is fantastic and it is worth watching in my opinion.
So what can we learn from
“Silver Linings Playbook”?
Let’s go through our checklist of steps.
Step 1: Choose the Movie
So why did I choose “Silver Linings Playbook”? Well, when I looked at the first three “Movie Study” blog posts, I realized that I chose two superhero movies and one animated fantasy. It was definitely time to
choose a drama which centered around characters in the real world with real problems and challenges. These movies produce the most natural, or realistic dialogue, in my opinion. Step 2: Choose a Scene
Despite the number of great actors and actresses in this movie, I wanted to choose a scene with the two main characters,
Pat and Tiffany. They are in the movie the most and there were plenty of scenes to choose from.
In this scene, Pat and Tiffany meet for the second time while jogging in their neighborhood. In their first meeting, they exchanged some pretty personal information about each other which left Pat
a little hesitant to see her again. Let’s watch the scene and please note his surprise when she bumps into him!
Let’s watch:
Step 3 (optional): Try Writing Down the Script (Dictation)
This is t
he longest scene we’ve had so far. Not to worry! It’s good to keep leveling up little by little.
If you are ready to try, go ahead and
try writing down the script as you hear it. Don’t worry if you can’t understand every word! Instead, just write down the sounds you hear and you can check the script later.
Here is the
script for this clip: Tiffany:Hey! Pat: Whoa! Hey! What the hell?! Tiffany: What happened to your face? Pat: Weightlifting accident. Tiffany: That sounds like bullshit. (Pause) Why’d you run by my house? [Did] Our little conversation get you upset last night? Pat: Hey, this is my route, ok, just back off! Tiffany: This is my neighborhood! You just ran by my house! Pat: I like to run by myself, ok? Tiffany: Me too! Pat: Hey! I like to run alone! Will you stop? Ok? Tiffany: What? Pat: I’m running here! Tiffany: Me too! Pat: Well then, why don’t you run somewhere else? There’s fuckin’ tons of roads to run in [on]. What are you trying to do? Tiffany: I like this road. This is my neighborhood! Pat: Oh, come on! Please! Tiffany: Calm down, “crazy”! Pat: (spits) Tiffany: Why are you–? (spits) Note:In Tiffany’s third line, she said, “Our little conversation…”I added [Did] to show the proper grammatical sentence. Sometimes “did” or “do” is omitted in conversation when it introduces a question. Note:In Pat’s seventh line, he said, “…tons of roads to run in.”I added [on] to show the proper grammar. This was probably just misspoken during the filming but the director decided to keep it because it didn’t have a big effect on the meaning and the acting was good. Not a big deal in real life but “run ON”is the correct grammar. Step 4: Look Up any New Vocabulary
This is the most realistic movie with studied here so far in terms of the story and setting so it is expected that we would find more
natural language, including some slang. Here are the words I would target as new vocabulary: weightlifting *bullshit route to back off neighborhood *fuckin’ tons of
As you can see, I’ve highlighted two words
(bullshit, fuckin’). These are slang terms that you probably won’t find in a regular dictionary. If you come across slang terms that aren’t in your dictionary, I recommend using Urban Dictionary to look them up. bad wordsin English (also known as swear words) and should NOT be used in public situations or formal situations. If you do, you will immediately cause discomfort in others around you and you will make a bad impression of yourself. You are now warned! Step 5: Find Common Sentence Patterns
The pattern I’d like to look at today is from
Pat’s seventh line: Pat:Well then, why don’t you run somewhere else?
Pat is
annoyed that Tiffany has chosen to run so close to him because he likes to run alone. Therefore, he strongly suggests that Tiffany runs in a different place than him.
The “key” to this sentence pattern is:
( X ) “Why don’t you .”
This pattern is used to
make a suggestion. This phrase is commonly used in many different cases however in this case, it is a strong suggestion because of Pat’s tone and high level of annoyance.
“X” is the
action that you want the listener to take. Reminder:To make a suggestion, you don’t have to use the word “suggest” or “suggestion.” There are many ways you can make a suggestion to another person. For more phrases, please watch this episode of the English 2.0 Podcast.
Here are some other examples you could make with this pattern:
use movies to study English?” Why don’t you
visit the Empire State Building while you’re in New York?” Why don’t you
practice the guitar in a different room?” Why don’t you
leave me alone?” Why don’t you
The first two examples show
simple suggestions, probably in response to someone who asked for advice.
How can I improve my English? B: Why don’t you use movies to study English?
What should I do on my trip? B: Why don’t you visit the Empire State Building while you’re in New York?
The second two examples show
stronger suggestions, probably when the speaker is annoyed by something the other person is doing.
(playing his guitar loudly) B: Why don’t you practice the guitar in a different room?
(bothering person B) B: Why don’t you leave me alone?
Can you make your own sentences?
Please show me your examples in the “Leave a Reply” section below!
Why don’t you ( X )?” Step 6: Note How a Character Responds to a Question or Comment
In this dialogue, there are a few questions that are very specific to the context so it is a little hard to pull out general ideas. However, there is
one response that we can look at that may be helpful to our English study.
Again, to review, in this scene, Pat is jogging by Tiffany’s house and she believes that he wanted to talk to her again. He is
surprised to see her and is annoyed that she is following him. She sees a cut on his face and asks him: Tiffany:What happened to your face?
Pat responds:
Pat:Weightlifting accident.
Now in Tiffany’s mind, this answer is
quite unbelievable or unlikely to be true. Therefore, the key question we want to examine is, “ How does Tiffany respond to a comment she believes is unbelievable?” Tiffany:That sounds like bullshit.
“Bullshit” is another way to say “nonsense” or “garbage.” In other words, Tiffany is telling Pat that she believes that
his answer is “nonsense.” She doesn’t believe him (It’s more likely that he cut his face in some other way). Warning:Remember that “bullshit” is a strong slang termthat should only be used around friends and people who are close to you. So, how can we use this in our daily conversation?
If you believe someone has told you something that doesn’t make sense, or is unbelievable, unlikely, or ridiculous, you can respond with:
“That sounds like nonsense.” (Regular)
“That sounds ridiculous.” (Regular)
“That sounds unbelievable.” (Regular)
If someone you care about is saying something that is ridiculous, nonsensical, or untrue, it is to
their benefit that you point it out for them. Step 7: Note Natural Expressions
Let’s keep leveling up our English study with movies! Yes, we’re
adding another step. One great thing about movies is that you’ll often find a lot of natural expressions that won’t appear in your textbooks. Often, they may be slang terms so you may need to use Google or Urban Dictionary to find the meanings.
In this dialogue, we can find a very natural expression right at the beginning. Pat is jogging and Tiffany runs up to him very suddenly and shouts, “Hey!”
Pat’s natural reaction is:
Pat:Whoa! Hey! What the hell?!
Actually, there are
two expressions to look at here.
First, we hear that Pat says,
“Whoa!” Remember that Pat is surprised by Tiffany. In fact, she came very close to making contact with him. If you are not expecting it, and something or someone is about to hit you or make contact with you, a natural reaction in English, is to say, “Whoa!”
Second, let’s look at
“What the hell?!” After Pat realizes that it is Tiffany that has almost run into him, he is quite angry that she did that. To express his surprise and also his anger at her, he says, “What the hell?!”
So, those are the expressions I would pull out of this dialogue. If you are doing this by yourself, my advice would be to
note down the expression, and as much of the context or situation as you can. Also, try to imagine the feelings the characters are experiencing at the moment of speaking.
You will start to see the same expressions in different scenes and in different movies. If you
take good notes, you will start to see many similarities. This will be very valuable as you keep improving your English. Bottom Line Studying movies is fun and can be very useful if you have an effective method. Follow these 7 steps when you want to study English from movies and I’m sure you will learn something that you can use right away!
Do you have any questions about this scene?
If so, please write it in the “Leave a Reply” section below and I will respond as soon as I can! |
Open Question Answering | Intermediate Piano Rhythm
Sixteenth notes are pretty fast, especially if the tempo is quick. Sixteenth notes are half the length of eighth notes, so sixteen sixteenth notes can fit in a measure in a 4/4 time signature. (How many sixteenth notes can fit in a measure in a 3/4 time signature? Answer: 12 How many in a 2/2 signature? Answer: 16 How many in a 3/2 signature? Answer: 24)
In order to play sixteenth notes, we need to subdivide inside the beat even more. To do this, we say 1, e, &, a, 2, e, &, a, 3, e, &, a, 4, e, &, a, etc. Or, to pronounce it, we say one (two, three, or four), ee, and, uh. We must say ee, and, uh in between beats so that it'll fit in between the numbers. That'll be pretty fast, and when you're playing it on the key at the bottom of the screen, go ahead and slow down the tempo. Your browser and computer may not be fast enough to process several taps.
Try the above rhythm, and listen to the correct rhythm by clicking on the "Download MIDI File" image. It should be pretty basic stuff. After you feel a little comfortable, try the rhythm below. |
Open Question Answering | Product Optical Frame Guangzhou Light-Weight Mens Korean Eyeglasses Optical Frames Guangzhou Light-Weight Mens Korean Eyeglasses Optical Frames
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Open Question Answering | About Us News Resources Login Become a member Help Search
The Last Mallorn by Mirach 4 Review(s) ecan Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2009 Great Poem, Gil-Estel Has me on the edge of my sit.
Isthis Poem about Celeborn His translate name is Silver Tree or is it about
Maglor watching the last of his Kind sail for the west.
Author Reply: Thank you! I think it can be about Celeborn or Maglor, I don't like lessons in literature where they tell you what you should think about a poem - what *you* feel about it is important. For me, this is a lament of a Mortal after all Elves have sailed, lament for all the beauty and magic that left these shores with them. Maybe the mallorn can be the one that Sam planted. Larner Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/19/2009 How easily Sam might have written this! Author Reply: I think he really could, looking at the mallorn that he planted and remembering Lórien... Raksha The Demon Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/16/2009 Very sad and beautiful. Author Reply: Thank you! Sadness and beauty are sometimes very close to each other... Cairistiona Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/16/2009 *sniff* *sniff*
Oh, that was lovely, in that throat-achingly sad way. Which is so appropriate for Tolkien poetry like this. Well done!
Author Reply: *hands you a handkerchief* One hobbit taught me to have them always at hand... Especially when reading professor's writings, they always do this to me when I come to the end and to the Grey Havens...
Thank you very much for your review! |
Open Question Answering | Q: What is UNZ.org?
A: The UNZ.org website is intended to provide convenient access to a large quantity of high-quality content material, mostly published over the last 150 years in America and England, including both articles and books, encompassing over one million readable items and titles of another million items not readable due to copyright. Much of this material has never previously been available anywhere on the Internet and should be useful for researchers and intellectual historians.
Q: Why do you include non-readable articles and books?
A: The inclusion of the copyright-excluded material allows users to examine a more nearly complete collection of a given author's writings, even if many of the particular items themselves are currently unavailable due to copyright. If necessary, many of these other items can often be accessed and read on other websites or content systems, especially in the case of extent publications. Furthermore, there is a chance that at some future point these publications will be released for reading on this website as well.
Q: The website seems very different than when I previously visited. What's the story?
A: The current Version 2.0 release of UNZ.org incorporates major design changes from the previous version, but nearly all of the same underlying printed content is still available. Given the relatively slight use of the previous links to external videos and webzines, these portions have been removed, thereby streamlining access to the printed materials which constitute the main value of the system. Another major change has been the widespread use of Javascript, rendering most of the pages "reactive" as you begin entering information.
Q: How do I find a given author or publication?
A: Most of the main pages of the website contain one or more "Reactive Clouds," with the names of various authors or publications. Javascript functions cause these Clouds to "react" and change the displayed information as you begin typing in the entry boxes. For example, as you enter the first few letters of an author's name on the Home page, the Clouds adjust to display only those authors whose names begin with those letters. Similar adjustments occur as you start typing in a particular decade or year, or if you select one of the drop-down settings or other filter. This allows you to quickly focus in on the individuals you are seeking based on your particular criteria.
At any point, the relative size of the names in a given Cloud indicates the volume of underlying content material associated with that name. Meanwhile, the color indicates what fraction of the content material is readable (for copyright reasons): bright blue indicates mostly readable, dark blue indicates partly readable, and black means mostly unreadable
Q: How do I find a given article or book?
A: The main Articles and Books pages, as well as the Overview tabs for individual authors or publications, display a Listing of articles (or books) towards the bottom of the page. Like the Clouds, these Listings are "reactive" and automatically adjust as you being typing in any of the information in the various data entry fields---Title, Author, Publication, or Period, displaying only those items that match your selection.
Q: What about the individual publications?
A: When you reach the pages associated with a given publication, you can examine the contents in a number of different ways, accessed via the different tabs. The default Overview tab gives you the Cloud of authors for that publication plus the Listing of individual articles, with both of these being "reactive" as you provide information in the Title, Author, or Period fields.
There are also several other tabs. The Tree tab displays a dynamic tree allowing the individual time periods, issues, and articles to be opened for greate detail. The Year Contents tab displays the tables of contents for all the issues of a given year, the Issues, Small Covers, and Large Covers tabs display those views of the contents for a given decade, and the All Years tab provides an overview of the entire archive of the periodical. In addition, the drop down field in the control bar may be used to explore the different periods. All these pages allow for convenient browsing of the contents of a given periodical and clicking on any of the individual links accessing more detailed information.
Q: How does Searching work?
A: As mentioned above, much of the exploration of the website contents is normally performed by browsing the various different pages or entering information into the various text fields and having the displayed information automatically adjust. Actual Searches are performed in a parallel manner, by entering the target information into the data fields and then pressing the Search button (or simply hitting Enter). The system then performs a Search across the selected Text, Title, Author, and other information and displays the findings in a new Search Results tab.Searches may be performed on any of these individual pages, or on the Power Search page, which allows for more detailed Searches across all content material. |
Open Question Answering | Sex Q&A: Is It Safe To Have Sex In The Ocean? The fantasy of having sex in the water is tantalizing, but is it safe? Dr. Trina gives her advice on what to expect from the beach to the hotel pool. BY DR. TRINA READ
DepositPhotosIf you're going to get frisky in the ocean there are a few tips to make things more comfortable.
“ Sex in the ocean gives a feeling of weightlessness, which makes all of those awkward standing sex positions possible.”
Sex and relationship expert, Dr. Trina Read, is ready to answer your questions.
My husband and I are planning a warm vacation and have fantasized about sex in the ocean. He’s heard it’s not safe so what are our options?
The key to fantastic sex in the water is to make sure you have enough lubrication, as penetration may be more difficult when water washes away your natural lubrication.
To make sex more comfortable insert a small amount of silicone-based lubricant into your vagina beforehand.
Sex at the beach. Sex in the ocean gives a feeling of weightlessness, which makes all of those awkward standing sex positions possible. Yet if the water is cold, your husband's penis may shrink and he may experience a slower sexual response.
Sex in the hotel pool. If you’re planning a midnight rendezvous in the hotel pool, make sure there are no security cameras. Be warned some chemicals such as chlorine in public pools or hot tubs may irritate the delicate mucosal tissue of your genitals much as it irritates the mucosal tissue of your eyes.
Great Sex Tip: If you have an orgasm in the water, vaginal contractions that accompany it could create a suction effect and draw water inside of you. If that water is treated with chemicals it could irritate your vagina.
I think my husband is cheating on me. When is it appropriate to snoop through his phone or e-mail?
A recent study showed that 10 percent of people dating and 3 percent of married people found something incriminating when they went snooping in e-mails and on cell phones. That’s pretty low.
So here’s the moral high-horse answer: You should trust your partner enough not to check their stuff. Your relationship should be transparent enough that you both have your e-mails open and phones available for each other to check any time.
Here’s the human answer: Insecurity can make people do some crazy stuff—we’ve all been there. However, when you go looking be prepared to find things you don’t want to see and that make you wish you never had.
Here’s the moderate in between answer: Healthy relationships do not have secrets. If there are secrets, there is usually a reason why. And the reason you’re keeping secrets from each other are what needs to be worked on if the relationship is to succeed.
So before you go looking, first ask yourself a few questions:* Is this based on something you saw or just a feeling? * Are you feeling insecure? * If and when you do find something incriminating, what will happen to your relationship? * Will checking periodically become a habit?
Great Sex Tip: Snooping will breed your own personal hell of jealousy, insecurity, and doubt. Is that who you want to be in this relationship?
Dr. Trina Read is the founder of VivaXO.com; a leading relationship and sexual health expert and educator; and is a best selling author, media expert, syndicated blogger, international speaker, magazine columnist, and spokeswoman. Trina has just launched Sensual Tastes Events, an interactive workshop blending the pleasures of food and sex education. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook. |
Open Question Answering | Seating Arrangement case-11
Exam Name Seating Arrangement case-11 Description NABARD BANK 2009 Exam Type PUBLIC Authenticity 3 creator rahul(199) Case 11) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G. Who sits between D and C?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
Who sits between D and C?
Case 11) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G. Who sits second to the right of E?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
Who sits second to the right of E?
Case 11) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G. What is the position of A with respect to H?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
What is the position of A with respect to H?
Case 11) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G. Four of the following five are alike based upon their seating arrangements and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
Four of the following five are alike based upon their seating arrangements and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Case 11) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G. Which of the following pairs has the second person sitting to the immediate left of the first person?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circular table facing the centre. A sits second to the left of D, who is third to the left of E. C sits third to the right of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits third to the right of B, who sits second to the right of G.
Which of the following pairs has the second person sitting to the immediate left of the first person?
Answer: |
Open Question Answering | Here are some very commonly asked questions in a .NET/SQL Interview..
Q: What is CLR?
Answer: The Common Language Runtime ( CLR) is the virtual machine component of Microsoft’s .NET framework and is responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs. In a process known as just-in-time (JIT)compilation, the CLR compiles the intermediate language code into the machine instructions that in turn are executed by the computer’s CPU.
Q: What are lambda expressions?
Answer: Let us start by an example:
delegate int del(int i);
static void Main(string[] args)
del myDelegate = x => x * x;
int j = myDelegate(5); //j = 25
The left side of the lambda operator (=>) specifies the input parameters (if any) and the right side holds the expression or statement block. The lambda expression x => x * x is read “x goes to x times x.”
Q:What is the difference between hashtable and Dictionary?
Answer: Dictionary is a generic type, Hashtable is not. So, you get type safety with Dictionary, because you can’t insert any random object into it, and you don’t have to cast the values you take out. Hashtable is thread safe for use by multiple reader threads and a single writing thread, while in Dictionary public static members are thread safe, but any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
Q: Describe cycles in a ASP.NET Page life
Answer: To answer this question Please read the following link:
Q: Is String a Value Type of Reference Type?
Answer: String is a reference type.
Q: IN SSIS Packages What are variables and what is variable scope?
Answer: A variable is used to store values. There are basically two types of variables, System Variable (like ErrorCode, ErrorDescription, PackageName etc) whose values you can use but cannot change and User Variable which you create, assign values and read as needed. A variable can hold a value of the data type you have chosen when you defined the variable. Variables can have a different scope depending on where it was defined. For example you can have package level variables which are accessible to all the tasks in the package and there could also be container level variables which are accessible only to those tasks that are within the container.
Q: What is the use of Sequence Containers in SSIS Packages?
Answer: Using Sequence Containers lets you handle the control flow in more detail, without having to manage individual tasks and containers. For example, you can set the Disable property of the Sequence container to True to disable all the tasks and containers in the Sequence container.
If a package has many tasks then it is easier to group the tasks in Sequence Containers and you can collapse and expand Sequence Containers.
Q: What does NullIF expression in SQL do? NULLIF returns the first Answer: expressionif the two expressions are not equal. If the expressions are equal, NULLIF returns a null value of the type of the first expression.
NULLIF ( expression1 , expression2 )
Thanks for reading my post. If you would like me to post more questions please comment in the section below. |
Open Question Answering | All GRE Math Resources Example Questions Example Question #1 : How To Find The Angle For A Percentage Of A Circle
An ant begins at the center of a pie with a 12" radius. Walking out to the edge of pie, it then proceeds along the outer edge for a certain distance. At a certain point, it turns back toward the center of the pie and returns to the center point. Its whole trek was 55.3 inches. What is the approximate size of the angle through which it traveled?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
To solve this, we must ascertain the following:
1) The arc length through which the ant traveled.
2) The percentage of the total circumference in light of that arc length.
3) The percentage of 360° proportionate to that arc percentage.
To begin, let's note that the ant travelled 12 + 12 + x inches, where x is the outer arc distance. (It traveled the radius twice, remember); therefore, we know that 24 + x = 55.3 or x = 31.3.
Now, the total circumference of the circle is 2πr or 24π. The arc is 31.3/24π percent of the total circumference; therefore, the percentage of the angle is 360 * 31.3/24π. Since the answers are approximations, use 3.14 for π. This would be 149.52°.
Example Question #2 : How To Find The Angle For A Percentage Of A Circle
A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a vaccine for the common cold (Rhinovirus sp.). 1000 patients were studied. Of those, 500 received the vaccine and 500 did not. The patients were then exposed to the Rhinovirus and the results were tabulated.
Table 1 shows the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in each age group who caught the cold.
Suppose the scientists wish to create a pie chart reflecting a patient's odds of catching the virus depending on vaccination status and age group.
All 1000 patients are included in this pie chart.
What would be the angle of the arc for the portion of the chart representing vaccinated patients of all age groups who caught the virus?
Possible Answers:
Insufficient information to answer this question
Correct answer:
First, we must determine what proportion of the 1000 patients were vaccinated and caught the virus. The total number of patients who were vaccinated and caught the virus is 50.
18 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 19 = 50
The proportion of the patients is represented by dividing this group by the total number of participants in the study.
50/1000 = 0.05
Next, we need to figure out how that proportion translates into a proportion of a pie chart. There are 360° in a pie chart. Multiply 360° by our proportion to reach the solution.
360° * 0.05 = 18°
The angle of the arc representing vaccinated patients who caught the virus is 18°.
Example Question #3 : How To Find The Angle For A Percentage Of A Circle
A group of students ate an -inch pizza that was cut into equal slices. What was the angle measure needed to cut this pizza into these equal slices?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
You will not need all of the information given in the prompt in order to answer this question successfully. You really only need to know that there were slices. If the slices were evenly divided among the degrees of the pizza, this means that the degree measure of each slice was . This reduces to degrees.
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This is the first module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Activities are self-directed by students or student teams using online videos and data from the SDO satellite to explore, research and build knowledge about... (View More) features of the Sun. Students build vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections, and creating resources to use in their investigations. Each activity comes with both a teacher and student guide with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos and internet resources. Activity 1A: Structure of the Earth's Star takes students through the features and function of the Sun's structures using online videos, completing a "Sun Primer" data sheet using information from the videos, and creating a 3D origami model of the Sun. Students use a KWL chart to track what they have learned. Activity 1B: Observing the Sun has students capture real solar images from SDO data to find and record sunspots and track their movement across the surface of the Sun. Activity 1C has students create a pin-hole camera to use in calculating the actual diameter of the Sun, and then calculate scales to create a Earth-Sun scale model. Students reflect on their learning and results at the end of the module. An internet connection and access to computers are needed to complete this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the second module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and uses online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore, research... (View More) and build knowledge about how and why studying the Sun's electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields help scientists better understand the Sun's activity and space weather. Students build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide is included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 2A: The Sun and the EM Spectrum students learn how SDO uses key parts of the Sun's electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to research regions of the Sun, create an interactive foldable to describe the different wavebands of the EMS, then use real-time SDO image data and the Helioviewer online tool to explore the Sun's regional activity. Tutorials for using Helioviewer and making the EMS foldable are included. Activity 2B: Solar activity and Magnetism has students use information in online videos and slide presentations to demonstrate concepts of magnetism and the relationship between the Sun's variable magnetic fields and sunspots. Activity 3B: Solar Research in Action! Build a Spectroscope has students create a spectroscope to observe the different wavebands of visible light, demonstrate how the Sun emits varying EMS energies, and explain how this information helps scientists understand the composition and activity of both our nearest star, and other stars in the universe. A computer for student-teams and a connection to the Internet are needed to complete this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the third module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and utilizes online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore,... (View More) research and build knowledge about how the Sun's varying activity impacts Earth and space weather. Each activity provides opportunities to build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide are included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 3A: Sun-Earth Interactions, students gather information from online videos and create a 3D model to demonstrate the relationship to Earth's place in space and the affect of Earth's axial tilt on our seasons, then film a short video explaining the reasons for the seasons. Activity 3B: Space Weather, students use online videos to gather information on what space weather is, and its causes and effects, to create a concept map. They then use real-time SDO data to forecast space weather. Activity 3C: Solar Research in Action! Make a Magnetometer has students view information in online videos about to Earth's magnetosphere and the impacts of space weather, then create a magnetometer to detect and visualize changes in the Earth's magnetic fields to monitor solar storm impacts. A computer for student-teams and access to the internet are needed for this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the fourth and culminating module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Student teams use information and resources from the other three modules in the project suite to create a 3D interactive solar exhibit to... (View More) educate others about the Sun and how SDO informs scientists about the Sun's activity, structures and features, and Earth-Sun interactions. Students then self-evaluate their team's solar exhibit. Both a teacher and student guide are included, as well as tools for students to self-direct and track project process, and record reflections and information. A computer for student-teams and access to the internet are needed for this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
Designed to help students learn about NASA's missions currently studying the sun and its effects on Earth, this second of two storybooks in the series focuses on the importance of collaboration in data acquisition and analysis. Through a series of... (View More) activities, students mine pre-existing data, find trends and patterns in that data, and collect and share related data. The guide concludes with a data challenge for students to design their own experiment using NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) satellites. The book contains teacher companions/guides with instructions and tips for classroom implementation (see Related & Supplemental URLs). (View Less)
Using three images from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission, students measure and analyze infrared light from objects to identify Brown Dwarfs and Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs). The lesson includes a teacher’s guide,... (View More) student worksheet and PowerPoint presentation (which contains the three images to be analyzed). (View Less)
This is a lesson about research tools and skills. Learners will explore the features of Mars through a demonstration of Google Earth Mars, gather, and analyze data from multiple sources on the internet as well as print sources, develop and use... (View More) strategies for reading informational text to systematically find information, understand that Earth and Mars have similar geological features. The lesson uses the 5E instructional model and includes: TEKS Details (Texas Standards alignment), Essential Question, Science Notebook, Vocabulary Definitions for Students, Vocabulary Definitions for Teachers, two Vocabulary Cards, and a reading strategy supplement. This is lesson 3 of the Mars Rover Celebration Unit, a six week long curriculum. (View Less)
Learners work in teams to determine a landing site for their Mars Rover that best relates to their scientific question. They use technology skills to research Gale Crater through an online interactive module and learn about features of Mars through... (View More) use of Google Earth Mars. The lesson uses the 5E instructional model and includes: TEKS (Texas Standards alignment), Essential Question, Science Notebook, Vocabulary Definitions for Students, Vocabulary Definitions for Teachers, three Vocabulary Cards, and a Mini-Lesson. This is lesson 8 of the Mars Rover Celebration Unit, a six week long curriculum. (View Less)
This is an activity about the requirements of life. Learners will explore what living things need to survive and thrive by creating and caring for a garden plot (outdoors where appropriate) or a container garden (indoors) at the program facility.... (View More) The garden will be used to beautify the facility with plant life with many planting and landscaping options provided. Children will consider the requirements of living things, compare the surface conditions on Mars to those found on Earth, view images/video of a NASA Astrobiology Institute "garden" where astrobiologists are studying life under extreme conditions, and consider the similarities and differences in the type of life that would be possible on Mars as compared to their garden on Earth. It also includes specific tips for effectively engaging girls in STEM. This is activity 3 in Explore: Life on Mars? that was developed specifically for use in libraries. (View Less)
This online lab exercise focuses on the causes, characteristics and effects of the glacial-interglacial cycle. The sixth in a 10-part lab series on weather and climate, this lab exercise is designed for first and second year college geoscience... (View More) students (majors and non-majors) as well as pre-service STEM teachers. (View Less) |
Open Question Answering | Social Security Q&A: If I Work till 70, Should I Collect Survivor's Benefits at 60 or 66?Commentary by Laurence Kotlikoff
August 20, 2014
Source: Forbes
Social Security may be your largest or one of your largest assets. How you manage it, by deciding which benefits to collect and when, can make an absolutely huge difference to your lifetime benefits. And those with the highest past covered earnings have the most to gain from maximizing their Social Security.
I’ve been answering questions and writing columns about Social Security each week for the past two years on PBS NEWSHOUR’s website. The editors at Forbes asked me to post a Q&A each day from those columns. To see all my columns, please go to my software company’s site, www.maximizemysocialsecurity.com, and click More Press below the WSJ quote.
Today’s question is about how to best sequence filing for survivor and retirement benefits when working till 70. It involves the Earnings Test and the Adjustment of the Reduction Factor as well as how the survivor and retirement benefits are determines. Question: Garland, Texas: I’m recently divorced for the second time. I was married to my first wife for 13 years before we divorced. She then passed away. Should I try to collect survivor benefits at age 60 or 66? I’m planning to work until age 70. Answer: You probably want to wait until 66 to collect your survivor benefit and until 70 to collect your retirement benefit. If you start collecting your survivor benefit at 60, this benefit may be lost due to the earnings test. However, once you reach full retirement age, the earnings test ends and, at that point, Social Security will readjust your survivor benefit to compensate you for the months of benefits you took.
If your ex was the higher earner, your survivor benefit may exceed your own retirement benefit, in which case your benefit at 70 may not change. In this case, Social Security will give you your retirement benefit starting at 70, but they will reduce your survivor benefit dollar for dollar, leaving you with the same total benefit you were getting before. Stated differently, they will redefine your survivor benefit to be your excess survivor benefit, which will equal your original survivor benefit less your retirement benefit. |
Open Question Answering | Questions and Answers What does Yandex consider an original?
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Open Question Answering | Now that's what I call battling for the puck.
What the Edmonton Oilers need to start doing is winning those puck battles - along the boards, in open ice, in front of the net, or behind the net. With a little more intensity in game situations, the Oilers would avoid a lot of the problems they have right off the bat. If they attack the zone of movement (and I'm not suggesting a left-wing lock or puck-side attack here) depending on the team they're playing, they wouldn't be chasing the puck so much.
Problem: Detroit is a passing team that likes to set up the one-timer or the tip-in on-the-go during the offensive rush. The only time they really shoot from the point is if they can get a screen in front of the goalie.
Solution: This won't always work, but it will make Detroit's life a living hell - send two forecheckers in to flush out the puck, cover the passing lane for the other two and keep the defense fairly deep to cover the dump-ins. If all else fails, tie up the puck along the boards, instead of trying to ring it around the boards like some have tried ...
Problem: Minnesota has a short-handed chance that has promise. What do you do?
Solution: It doesn't matter that Sam Gagner is out of it and still in the offensive zone. Your numbers advantage on the PP means that you will attack the puck carrier head on because his passing options are limited. Standing pat with your stick waving around as if you were a NHL 09 video game character reveals the lack of intensity.
Sure, you can look at the example I gave about Minnesorta and you can say it was a nice pass and nice shot - but the real honest truth is that the Oilers were flat-footed on the powerplay. When you see a short-handed chance and the other team's individual players outworks your team's individual players, you have to commend them. But if two of the other team's individual players outworks your entire PP unit you have an accurate measure of their intensity, desire, and perhaps that's a good measure of how the Oilers coaching staff prepares them for these kinds of important situations. |
Open Question Answering | Product Wire Series HDMI Cable 1.8m High Definition HDMI to HD01 Cable HDMI Audio Video Cable (AV-HD01-1.8M-180 Degree) 1.8m High Definition HDMI to HD01 Cable HDMI Audio Video Cable (AV-HD01-1.8M-180 Degree)
FOB Price: Get Latest Price Min. Order: 1,000 Pieces Production Capacity: 5000 PCS/Day Transport Package: Standard Exported Carton Payment Terms: T/T Model NO.: AV-HD01-1.8M-180 Degree Color: Black Application: Multimedia, Computer, TV Certification: RoHS, Ce, ISO9001, CTA Brand: Suoer Specification: ISO9001: 2000, CTA, CE, RoHs Applicaiton: Multimedia, Home Appliance, DVD, HDTV Species: HDMI Type: Optical Fiber Connector: HDMI Trademark: Suoer Origin: China (Mainland)
Model: AV-HD01-1.8M-180 Degree
NO. 00030234
Quick Details
Place of Origin: Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Brand Name: SUOER
Model Number: AV-HD01-1.8m-180 Degrees
Type: Optical Fiber
Application: Multimedia
Packing: Double Blister
Connector Color: silver
Connector Type: HDMI
Shielding: Braid
Packaging & Delivery
Packaging Details:
Carton Box Delivery Detail: 15 days after the deposit is confirmed
1. May I take some samples to test before placing the order ?
Answer: Yes, but customers need to pay for the sample fees and express fees, and it will be returned when next order is confirmed.
2. How long can you offer the samples?
Answer: 1~5 days after the deposit payment is confirmed.
3. What's your payment term for sample?
Answer: You can pay via T/T.
4. What's the price terms can you offer for us?
Answer: We can accept EXW,FOB,CIF and so on.
5. Do you have any certifications for your products?
Answer: We have ISO9001:2000, CE, RoHS, certifications for all of our products.
6. Where is your main market for your products?
Answer: Most of our Suoer brand products are exported to Southeast Asia, Africa and Mid East. |
Open Question Answering | Comment: #1:
“Why do you think there is so much resistance to your South American theory of it being the land of promise?”Jenkins A.
Response: I think it was Hugh Nibley who stated that “nothing is harder than to convince a man of a thing he has not experienced,” and this is pointed out in “Either did prophesy great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not” (Ether 12:5). It seems true that those without faith live in a world of their own making, which to them seems logical and final—they take the very unscientific stand that beyond the realm of their own very limited experience nothing whatever exists or is possible.
To embrace the South American Andean area as the Land of the Nephites, is to follow the scriptural record from beginning to end in how Nephi says they got to that land and what they found there, then accept Jacob’s comment they were on an island, then follow Nephi’s march northward and read carefully every description given by Mormon and Moroni of the Land of Promise. In doing that, there simply is no other place that matches all of the scriptural references given, than Andean South America as it appeared ancient.
The problem most people have is that they look at South America as it is today, a very large continent and dismiss it out of hand for it is far too large to be the Land of Promise—which, of course, in its present configuration, it is.
However, once they study and learn of the condition of that continent in the past, understand 3 Nephi 8,9, and see how every descriptive scripture is found in Andean South America, and most nowhere else in the Western Hemisphere, then they are on the right track. Still, rejecting what “everyone knows” is hard for most people who rarely think outside the box. They tend to feel on safer ground if it is ground everyone else is on--hence, the great following of Mesoamerica though it has so few points that agree with the scriptural record.
Comment #2: “
The story of poisonous serpents “hedging up the way” sounds a little suspicious to me, like over-emphasizing an unimportant detail of the famine” Tex S.
Response: There’s the old saying that the Lord works in mysterious ways. This one, however is not so mysterious. The Lord has always planned ahead when it comes to things of the world, and one of those plans was in providing animals in a New World after the Flood where man had never been. Hence, he had the Jaredites, farmers, and herdsmen in Mesopotamia, bringing animals of all kinds to the Land of Promise. When he brought Lehi, for some reason, he did not choose to have Lehi bringing animals with him—only seeds of all kinds, obviously, since he knew the animals were already there.
he poisonous serpents drove the stampeding animals southward toward the narrow neck and through into the Land Southward
Comment #3: “
I find the incident of Limhi’s people not finding Zarahemla and continuing on for hundreds of miles rather odd. Surely, there must have been some suggestion from somebody where Zarahemla would have been since these people’s grandparents probably left Zarahemla years earlier” Cameron W.
Response: If you eliminate roads, maps, compasses, GPS, signs, and known or identifiable landmarks, etc., from the equation, you would find it very difficult to find a place you had never been in a land you had never seen, with nothing more than a vague understanding of where the place was located. When you include canyons without bridges, wide rivers without fords, mountains without passes, etc., travel becomes far more difficult and you are forced along routes you might not otherwise follow.
Consider walking through a mountain pass several miles long with mountains on both sides and visibility limited to your immediate vicinity—you would not know what you have passed by, could have been a river, a canyon, even a city, without knowing it or an entire ocean.
Comment #4: “
You wrote long long ago that the city of Pachacama, that is Zaarahemla, was more than one complex, but that the city was built on all sides, or all around the area we see today, including the area of Lima and the other settlements in between. Where do you get that from?” Jedd M.
Response: About the time the sons of Mosiah “were numbered among the unbelievers,” there was peace in all the land of Zarahemla “
and the people began to be very numerous, and began to scatter abroad upon the face of the earth, yea, on the north and on the south, on the east and on the west, building large cities and villages in all quarters of the land” (Mosiah 27:6). This was the Land of Zarahemla, and about the city itself, or on the outlying areas or outskirts of the city, the Nephites built new settlements, villages and large cities. The temple in Zarahemla was on a hill, for the people “ had to go up to the temple” (Mosiah 2:5), as it is in Pachacamac. There were so many that came to hear king Benjamin speak he could not teach them all within the walls of the temple, so he caused a tower to be erected (obviously higher than the temple walls) that his people might hear his words (Mosiah 2:6-7). The temple at Pachacamac, its ruins at the base of the Sun Temple today, called the Temple of God (or Pachacamac) measures 400-feet in length and 180-feet in width, and the area within the temple walls measures approximately 2.5 miles by 1.5 miles, or 2,420 acres. Obviously, the city had and was expanding to cover the areas to the north, east, south and west.
Comment #5: “I am a horticulturist, and for whatever it’s worth, in reading Jacob 5 and the allegory of the Olive Tree, it appears to me that one would have to have been very knowledgeable of the olive reproductive process. As a simple example, the Lord of the vineyard continually threatens to burn the vineyard, because olive trees will usually grow back after being burned, producing suckers from the old roots, which is generally more time-effective than trying to start a completely new crop of trees from scratch. It seems unlikely to me that Joseph Smith would have been that familiar with olive horticulture” Gerard “Gerry” C.
Response: Exactly. Olives, by the way are strictly a Mediterranean Climate tree and do not do well in cold temps, especially where temp falls below 57ºF. They simply do not do well in New England, the area of Joseph’s upbringing, and there would have been none on the farms his father and grandfathers owned. Where, then, did he get his knowledge if not from the plates? It might also be noted that when the Spanish moved into the colder regions of New Mexico, they had planned to have olive trees on every land parcel; however, they did not survive in the climate.
Comment #6: “
Brandon, let me explain something to you about time. I'm a geologist that accepts the fact that the earth is young. I studied at Utah State University and received my degree there and have worked as a geologist for over 35 years. There are two camps and the one you are talking about is the secular, humanists who reject the bible and other scriptures. These people reject Noah's flood of Genesis 6 as well. BYU accepts this however and the reason they do is because graduates would not be able to get a job if they do not accept this dogma. To be short however, Del's site will give you good information about the true time scale that coincides with the scriptures. The Evang. Christians have done an outstanding job of correcting the record as well. Go to the Insitute for Creation research = ICR.org for very good articles on the creation and Noah's flood. They reject the 4.55 billion year earth and have done excellent research that refutes it. I can give you scriptures as well from the book of Moses that tell you that Adam was the 1st flesh and the 1st man created on the earth. The 6-day creation in Genesis and PofGP is a spiritual creation not the physical. But you can research that out yourself. Just go get educated on this subject and don't believe all the stuff you get in school because it's simply wrong and it will contradict the scriptures.”Ira T. |
Open Question Answering | 397. Medical Truths
Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true?
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... Don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.
Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and
corn.. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a p ork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.
Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain.
Bottoms up!
Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies your ratio is two to one, etc.
Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good!
Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
....... Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're
permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?
Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.
Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy?
HELLO Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around!
Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.
Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!
Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.
And remember:
'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, What a Ride'
For those of20you who watch what you eat , here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.
1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than Americans.
4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you. |
Open Question Answering | anecdotes
a friend came over to meet m with her daughters, aged 4 (A) and 6 years (S).
S: he's so cute. me: thank you...and what do you think (i ask the 4 year old)? A: i don't like him. me (amused): why not? A: because he's so little. me: yeah..that's true. A: can he walk? me: no, not yet. A: why? he has legs so why can't he walk? me: ummm... a little later, after m had a bawling bout - S: why does he cry? me: he can't talk, so he cries when he has to say something, eg, if he's hungry. S: if he can cry, why can't he talk? answers, anybody? ___________________________________________________________________________ we took m shopping. at some point, the new daddy decided that he wanted to do 'men things' with his son and give the two women (my mum and myself) time to do our own thing. so he went to 'media markt', a haven for electronic-geeks. mum and i went to a cafe and chatted. we met up with the 'men' after some time, and s looked completely psyched. before i could ask, he said: "so i'm having a wonderful time looking around at gadgets, and m is very well-behaved. he sleeps throughout, while i choose dvds and other stuff. when i reach the counter to pay, he wakes up and whimpers. i peep into his stroller, smile and say sh-sh, and continue my attempt to manage the bulky carton with the printer and all the other stuff i bought. the next thing i know, m is howling. REALLY loudly. so i put everything down, and pick him up and try to comfort him. he cries even louder. by now, people are staring..some giving me really pitiful looks, others glaring. and there are these 2 indian-looking guys close-by and i hear one of them say 'arre iski ma kidhar hai?'
S: he's so cute.
me: thank you...and what do you think (i ask the 4 year old)?
A: i don't like him.
me (amused): why not?
A: because he's so little.
me: yeah..that's true.
A: can he walk?
me: no, not yet.
A: why? he has legs so why can't he walk?
me: ummm...
a little later, after m had a bawling bout -
S: why does he cry?
me: he can't talk, so he cries when he has to say something, eg, if he's hungry.
S: if he can cry, why can't he talk?
answers, anybody?
we took m shopping. at some point, the new daddy decided that he wanted to do 'men things' with his son and give the two women (my mum and myself) time to do our own thing. so he went to 'media markt', a haven for electronic-geeks. mum and i went to a cafe and chatted. we met up with the 'men' after some time, and s looked completely psyched. before i could ask, he said:
"so i'm having a wonderful time looking around at gadgets, and m is very well-behaved. he sleeps throughout, while i choose dvds and other stuff. when i reach the counter to pay, he wakes up and whimpers. i peep into his stroller, smile and say sh-sh, and continue my attempt to manage the bulky carton with the printer and all the other stuff i bought. the next thing i know, m is howling. REALLY loudly. so i put everything down, and pick him up and try to comfort him. he cries even louder. by now, people are staring..some giving me really pitiful looks, others glaring. and there are these 2 indian-looking guys close-by and i hear one of them say 'arre iski ma kidhar hai?' |
Open Question Answering | All CEOs, managers, supervisors, training professionals, and educators must be able to effectively recruit, train, manage, and promote a culturally diverse work force. Unfortunately, few of them have been adequately trained to do so. Effective management of diversity is good business. It takes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the creation of an inclusive organizational culture to succeed. This comprehensive book helps administrators better understand the problems they face and how to deal with them by dispelling the myths and facing the realities of cultural diversity.
Drawing on numerous examples of successful diversity initiatives, the book gives the reader a balanced view of distinct diversity interventions. Cross-cultural training programs are critiqued, along with specific methods for assuring quality in-service training activities. Self-administered quizzes, surveys, and critical incidents are included to allow the reader to gain self-insight and self-improvement. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, women, older workers, employees with disabilities, foreign workers, and majority cultural groups are discussed in great detail. Theories and laws, as well as behavioral, cognitive, and affective strategies are among the topics presented.
Author Bio
Henderson, George : University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
George Henderson, a pioneer among African American educators in Oklahoma, is chair of the Department of Human Relations and a Regents' Professor at the University of Oklahoma
People Introduction Ethnic Minorities Women Older Workers Workers with Disabilities Foreign Workers Workplace Issues and Interventions Barriers to Cultural Diversity Communication in Organizations Words that Hurt Cross-Cultural Conflict Epilogue References Appendix A: Answers to the Sexual Harassment Quiz Appendix B: Interpretation of Behavior Style Questionnaire Index
All CEOs, managers, supervisors, training professionals, and educators must be able to effectively recruit, train, manage, and promote a culturally diverse work force. Unfortunately, few of them have been adequately trained to do so. Effective management of diversity is good business. It takes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the creation of an inclusive organizational culture to succeed. This comprehensive book helps administrators better understand the problems they face and how to deal with them by dispelling the myths and facing the realities of cultural diversity.
Drawing on numerous examples of successful diversity initiatives, the book gives the reader a balanced view of distinct diversity interventions. Cross-cultural training programs are critiqued, along with specific methods for assuring quality in-service training activities. Self-administered quizzes, surveys, and critical incidents are included to allow the reader to gain self-insight and self-improvement. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, women, older workers, employees with disabilities, foreign workers, and majority cultural groups are discussed in great detail. Theories and laws, as well as behavioral, cognitive, and affective strategies are among the topics presented.
Author Bio
Henderson, George : University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
George Henderson, a pioneer among African American educators in Oklahoma, is chair of the Department of Human Relations and a Regents' Professor at the University of Oklahoma
Table of Contents
People Introduction Ethnic Minorities Women Older Workers Workers with Disabilities Foreign Workers Workplace Issues and Interventions Barriers to Cultural Diversity Communication in Organizations Words that Hurt Cross-Cultural Conflict Epilogue References Appendix A: Answers to the Sexual Harassment Quiz Appendix B: Interpretation of Behavior Style Questionnaire Index |
Open Question Answering | "Non-snow-related things to do in Lake Tahoe"
San Francisco, California
My friends got a cabin in Tahoe for the summer, so I thought I'd pay a visit at some point! Haven't decided yet if I'm just visiting for the weekend or a week yet, but I'd like to have some options for things to do and see on the weekend and maybe some restaurants to check out for dinner. And if anyone knows of any gyms around there where I can get a day pass, that would be awesome, too. Thanks!
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Trevor Morrow from Los Angeles
Lake Tahoe is amazing in the summer and there is so much to do! Things like restaurants and tour providers might depend on which part of Lake Tahoe the cabin is in as it's a massive area. But here are a few ideas to get you started.
Speed Boat Rental
You'll definitely want to get out on the lake as much as possible (and for as long as possible). To really cover some ground and have independence, I'd recommend renting your own speed boat. Here's a provider in South Lake Tahoe, and here's a provider on the West Shore (Tahoe City). You can rent a boat for a half day for between $365-585 depending on the boat you choose. It may seem expensive at first, but boats hold between 7 and 10 people. So just divide the coast between a group and it's really affordable.
Stand Up Paddle Boarding
SUPing on Lake Tahoe is a must, especially early in the morning when the lake is clam. It depends where around the lake you're staying, but here is a provider on the West Shore, North Shore, and in South Lake.
Kayaking on Lake Tahoe is incredible. I'd recommend taking a kayak tour of Emerald Bay. With this tour provider based on the South Shore, you'll get about 4 hours on the water (and a good workout) for $70. Here's a provider on the West Shore (Tahoe City) which provides tours throughout the lake, as well as SUP rentals.
If you're not looking to battle rapids and a 2-3 hour leisurely float is more your speed, check out this provider based out of the West Shore (Tahoe City).
This is the most dependent on which part of Lake Tahoe you'll be staying in. I'm most familiar with the West Shore so here are a few great places in that neck of the woods.
PDQ Tahoma Market - (website) Located in the Tahoma area of the West Shore, they have amazing deli sandwiches made on fresh homemade bread. Stop here and pick up sandwhichs if you're driving by, or come here to pack a lunch to take on your boat rental or river float trip.
Have a great time!
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answered by
Shayne Kline from Templeton, California
Hey Debbie - Tahoe is a blast in the summer. I'll assume you are looking in Tahoe City since you referenced the Safeway and Crepe stand.
The gym you want to go to is asante lakeside fitness and don't be suprised if you bump into an Olympian while you're there. It's a killer little gym with great equipment.
If you have any desire at all to learn to fly fish check out Matt Heron Fly Fishing located at the Resort at Squaw Creek . Matt leases the ponds on the golf course and stocks them with big hungry trout. He'll teach you to cast and catch fish in a couple hours and it's a blast. From there you can get out on the river.
And then you can always float the Truckee River . Raft companies are set up just down river from Fanny Bridge and you float from The Bridgetender (great place for a beer on the deck) to River Ranch Lodge (also great spot for a beer on the deck)! After your float they bus you back to the parking lot.
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Tiffany Weber from Corvallis, Oregon
It's been eons since I've been there myself, but the obvious answer is: The Lake! It's a great space for boating, jetskiing, or waterskiing. There are hiking trails in the are too. I used to go there a lot to ski. There's a ton to do, but the outdoors is the immediate draw.
On the Nevada side, you can gamble and there are several casinos. Hopefully someone else on here will know the best ones. :)
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Open Question Answering | Sponsored Post: 7 Reasons It Takes A Watch To Say Sorry
Yeah. You messed up. Big time.
But don’t worry, you’ve found the ultimate relationship advice column from a fat, single American. How do you fix everything? Do what any self-respecting American would do: Buy an expensive imported product for him or her!
Not only do I have a sexy selection of timepieces to choose from, but I’ve got a watch for every specific screw-up. From offending your mother-in-law to skipping out on Sunday dinner with the extended family, there is a watch that will make things all better. So without further ado…
1. Screw-up: You burnt the roast you cooked for his boss coming over for dinner. Solution: The Mondaine Evo Chronograph watch.
OK, so the turkey was slightly drier than Cousin Catherine’s rubberized masterpiece in Christmas Vacation. You know he’ll never retaliate by leaving the burgers on the grill too long with this Swiss chronograph from Mondaine watches.
2. Screw-up: You deleted Project Runway off of your TiVo. Solution: The Wenger Alpine Crystal watch.
Alright, man—she’s not buying that you did it on “accident”, so stop trying to sell it. (We both know it was intentional anyway.) Any fashionista would be proud to sport this blinged-out lavender head-turner on her wrist. Eat your heart out, Heidi.
3. Screw-up: You refused to let him go paintballing for a bachelor party. Solution: The Wenger Standard Issue XL watch.
The only way to make sure he stayed in one piece and could still be the father of your futures kids was to not let him go. Now he refuses to do the yard work to get back at you. Get him this Wenger watch with its steel case and heavy duty strap, and he won’t be able to wait to try out its toughness while cleaning the gutters and re-shingling the roof.
4. Screw-up: You faked an illness to skip the marriage retreat. Then she came home and found you drinking beer, smoking cigars and playing pinochle with your buddies. Solution: The Tense Sandalwood Digital watch.
In your defense, all of the cigar smoke and Guinness did end up making you quite sick. But get her the latest from Tense watches, and she’ll be proud to wrap the all Maple piece around her wrist when you go on the nature hike. At the marriage retreat next weekend.
5. Screw-up: You put his favorite watch through the washing machine and ruined it. Solution: The Casio G-Shock Retro-Vintage watch.
Let’s face it—his old sports watch was grimy and filthy; it needed a good cleaning. How could you possibly be expected to not try and get sparkling again? Get him the brand that everyone who’s anyone in the hip-hop industry is rocking today. This all white G-Shock watch would be fit for the couch or one of Diddy Dirty Money’s white parties.
6. Screw-up: You feel guilty that she just bought you a new white G-Shock. Solution: The Casio Baby-G Multifunction watch.
She gave you such a baller watch that her nasty old leather piece looks awful. So getting her the matching model from Baby-G watches will score you some major points (Just in case you accidentally sell something she loves at your next yard sale).
7. Screw-Up: You accidentally sell something he loves at your next yard sale. Solution: The Fossil Ansel watch.
Hey, it goes both ways. So he’ll never have his old teddy bear, first baseball mitt or birth certificate ever again—he’ll get over it pretty quickly with this classy Fossil watch. It never needs a battery, so it will never stop living—just like your love, even after all of these mishaps.
Author Bio: Post contributed by Barrie on behalf of Watchco. |
Open Question Answering | 3 Piece Wedding Costume Jewelry Sets Party Favor , Pearl Sets WithTriple Color
Item Description Pearl type Glass Length 16cm Color as picture or your requests ODM/OEM available Pearl Color White, pink , purple or dyed color as you requests MOQ 100 pcs Our Predominance: Many other styles for select. All styles ,colors,size is available.we have many type machines forjewelry Good quality and excellent service. Sample is available .Big order have reasonable discount. Use high quality enviromentally friendly materials to make theproducts. Various style and Color is available New trendy necklace for dressing
OEM and Small order are welcome
Professional design and service team
Good quality and excellent service.
Competitive price and fast delivery.
1.We'll respond your question about the items in 24 hours (holidaysexcluded)
2.We will provide you best professional sales service. 3.Our service guideline: Credit is the basis, Quality is the first.
4.All the materials are environmental friendly, all the products are friendly to kids, adults and allpeople.
5.Customized designs, sizes, colors are available. 6.We have specialized quality control department. Why Choose us 1. Sample is available .Big order have reasonable discount. 2. Good quality and excellent service. 3. Use high quality environmental friendly materials to make theproducts. 4. Competitive price and fast delivery. 5. Professional design and service team Packaging & Delivery Packaging Details: ► Simple Opp bag packing, 1: Wrap in protective air bubble; 2: Pack with extra strong Cartons; 3: 10 pcs into bigger opp bag; ►Custom packing fashion earring. Delivery Detail: Shipped in 3 days after payment FOQ
Q1. Why choose us?
A: We have our own design team;OEM and ODM approved; High qualityand excellent services; Factory-Direct price. Q2. Delivery time for order? A: Within 7-25 days since we confirmed the order. Q3. Can I get discounts? A: Yes. For a big order and Frequent Customers, we will give areasonable discounts. Q4. How can i get my order? A: We will send you the goods by UPS, Fedex, EMS and so on. Q5. How can i know you sent the goods. A: We will send you the tracking number by Email. Q6: How can i know your latest fashion jewelry? A: You will find it in our website. Q7: Can I choose the color as I wish? A: You can also customized the color as required.
Q8: .Can I have our own design?
A: Sure you can, our designer will according to your picture orideas to draw/design picture. The product will arrange productionwhen you confirm.
How about the sample charge? A: for stocking products, we give 1 pcs for free as samples. Butcustomer will pay for the freight. Picture |
Open Question Answering | Product Optical Frame China Spectacle Designers Acetate Eyeglasses Frames Manufacturers China Spectacle Designers Acetate Eyeglasses Frames Manufacturers
Purchase Qty.:
600-1,199 1,200+ FOB Unit Price: US $4 US $3
Purchase Qty. (Piece) FOB Unit Price 600-1,199 US $4 1,200+ US $3
Port: Xiamen, China Production Capacity: 150, 000/Month Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, Paypal Model NO.: KG0011-A Nose Support: Non-Integrated Metallic Materials: Nickel Alloy Frame Color: Red Suitable for Face: Square Face Glasses Style: Full frame Lens: Can Be PC/Polarized, Tac,All Color Available Certificate: SGS/Ce/FDA Trademark: SOFLY Specification: CE, FDA, SGS HS Code: 90039000 Frame Material: Acetate Frame Shape: Rectangular Usage: For Reading Glasses, For Optical Style: Fashion Suitable for: General Sizes: Can Be Customized Brand: OEM Order Accepted Logo Laser and Printing: Available Transport Package: 22cm X 15cm X 10cm Origin: China Xiamen
Model: HM4004
Colour: Black
Lens Features
Lens: Polycarbonate or Demo Lens
Sunscreen: 3
Frame Features
Dimensions: 50 - 24 - 142
Category: Sun
Gender: Unisex
Form: Rectangular
Structure: Full rim
Frame Material: TR90 or PC/Aluminum
Stress-resistant TR90 frame make it super flex and light
1.Popular styles optical frames offer very wide selection of material, colors and size.
2.Good quality with competitive lowest price.
3.Logo printing and laser are available.
4.Small trial orders for optical frames are accepted.
5.OEM SPECTACLES are welcome,we can also design for you according to your requirement.
Order Terms: 1. Payment Terms: T/T,40% prepaid,the balance paid before the delivery or Paypal. 2. Delivery time: 60 days after confirmed order and received deposit. 3. MOQ:600PCS/style, 4: Packing Details: 1PC/poly bag, 12PCS/inner box, 300PCS/carton. Inner box dimensions: 22cm X 15cm X 10cm Carton dimensions: 80cm X 24cm X 53cm Net Weight: 11 KGS/CTN, Gross Weight: 14KGS/CTN. Customized packing is accepted. Sunglasses case,pouch or cloth and other accessory need extra charge
1. Q:Do you accept the small order?
A:Sure.We accept small order if your quantity is less than MOQ,we do our best to help you by giving you the reasonable price with diligent service.
2. Q:Should we pay for the sample cost?
A:Well,it is depends,if sample for free,but customer should take care of express charge.If we request customer to pay sample cost,they will surely get the refund after order confirm.
3. Q:What is your lead time?
A: For MOQ is about 30days,for 20F container's quantity is around 45 days.
4. Q:Do you offer other service?
A: Yes,if you need our help on purchasing any goods,just send us your demand details,we will do our utmost to help you,and reply to you as soon as we can.We also can be your purchasing agent in China to do all export jobs for you. |
Open Question Answering | DIVING WITH THE SHARKS UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Immerse yourself in the adventure of a lifetime.
Unlike any other shark dive, this daring – yet safe – plunge
to the bottom of our exhibit will let you interact with 5 different species of sharks, sea turtles, giant groupers, stingrays and hundreds of other amazing sea creatures. Package includes: 3-day aquarium access Guided SCUBA dive UnderWater World Signature USB with pictures of your dive TIMES Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled dive.
Whether you’re excited about Diving with the Sharks or nervous about the adventure, you’re sure to have questions – everyone does. In fact, here are some of our most frequently asked questions (and their answers) to put your mind at ease.
Q: Can I use my own dive gear?
A: T he only equipment you may provide yourself is your dive mask. All other gear will be provided by UnderWater World. We have this policy both in place for your safety and the safety and health of our animals. If you are a diver with a disability, please let us know when you register and we will work with you to make sure you are accommodated.
Q: I want to bring my camera to record my adventure! Is that OK?
A: We cannot allow cameras inside the exhibit tank. If you would like to have your camera along while you are out of the water, that’s fine. However, please keep in mind, we are an aquarium and you will be behind the scenes in the “splash zone.” You are welcome to have family or friends take photos or video of you during your dive from inside the tunnel, and our videographers will be filming your adventure from inside the aquarium.
Q: I had to answer “Yes” on the health form but I still want to dive. Is that possible?
A: Just take the Medical Clearance form to your doctor with the Medical Questionnaire form, have your doctor sign the form, and bring it with you on your dive date and you will be good to go!
Q: Can my friends who don’t dive come to the aquarium with me?
A: Yes, your friends and family members can purchase admission tickets and watch from inside the tunnel through the aquarium. They can take pictures and watch you dive once admitted into the aquarium.
Q: Do I have to be a certified diver?
A: Yes. You must be PADI certified open water or above
Q: Do I need to bring a towel?
A: No. UnderWater World signature towel is included.
Q: Is there a place to shower?
A: We have two dive locker rooms available for your use. There are three showers in both the men’s and women’s locker rooms. You are welcome to bring your own shower shoes and toiletries.
Q: Is there a safe place to keep my jewelry or wallet while I’m in the water?
A: UnderWater World will not be responsible for any valuables brought to the aquarium. Separate guest lockers with private keys are provided. Your program guide will be happy to hold your key for you while you dive.
Q: How long is the Dive With the Sharks experience?
A: It takes about one and a half hours from start to finish.
Q: How far in advance should I schedule my dive?
A: Because we can only take a very small number of divers in a day, you should schedule as far in advance as possible. We require at least 24 hours notice to make sure all the elements are in place for your adventure.
Q: What if I’m the only diver to sign up for the day?
A: We require a minimum of two divers to run a dive. If you booked as a solo diver, please make sure the contact information you give us is correct. That way, if we need to reschedule your dive to meet the minimum diver requirement, we can notify you. You can expect about 48 hours notice if we will need to reschedule your dive, although you are welcome to call us and check on the status of your dive any time.
Q: Are the sharks dangerous?
A: While our sharks are wild animals, we have designed our program to be very safe for our guests, our staff, and the animals. We have rules in place for your protection and our staff will end the dive if they have any safety concerns. In over 10 years of nearly daily diving in our shark tank, we have had no serious injuries to any divers. Please let us know if you are worried about your safety and we will discuss our precautions in more detail with you.
Q: Is it a problem if I am menstruating?
A: No.
Q: Can I dive if I fly out the next day?
A: PADI recommends waiting at least 12 hours before flying after a single dive. Please consult your certifying dive agency guidelines if you are doing multiple dives or would like more information.
Q: I don’t like wearing a wetsuit. Can I just dive in my swimsuit or dive skin?
A: Divers are required to wear the provided wetsuit. This is a safety requirement.
Q: What is the water temperature?
A: Water temperature in our exhibit is normally around 25C or 77F.
Q: How deep is the dive?
A: Twelve feet or approximately 4 meters maximum.
Q: What kind of animals will I see on my dive?
A: You will see five different species of sharks, three kinds of stingrays, guitarfish, giant groupers, green sea turtles, and a host of tropical reef fish – we have around 1,500 animals in our main exhibit!
Still have questions? No problem! Feel free to email us at [email protected].
If you’re interested in our Dive with the Sharks (DWS) program, we ask that you make online reservations at least 24 hours in advance. However, we may need to adjust your dive day in order to meet our minimum two-diver requirement.
IMPORTANT: Prior to each dive, certified divers will be required to show their SCUBA Certification Card and everyone will be asked to present a PHOTO ID.
The following list may help provide a better understanding of our policies and expectations:
Guests may not participate in the DWS program until they have signed the downloadable Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk waiver(s). Guests may not participate until they have signed a downloadable PADI Medical Questionnaire Form and/or a completed Medical Clearance form signed by a physician. Any guest that the Dive Instructor feels cannot safely dive will not be allowed to dive. The following examples may end a guest’s participation: Intoxication or hangover Illness, such as a cold Physical injury Inappropriate behavior UnderWater World will provide all gear necessary for the DWS program. All guests are required to wear an exposure suit, beanie, and buoyancy compensation device provided by UnderWater World. Masks and fins will also be provided, however guests may bring their own mask. All guests will follow the instructions and directions of the Dive Instructor or Instructor during the dive. All guests will check their dive gear before proceeding with the dive. Guests will dive conscientiously in an effort to prevent contact with the tunnel acrylic. At no time will a guest enter an overhead area of the aquarium. No guest will descend without the direction of the Dive Instructor. No guest will move any portion of the exhibit decor. At no time will a guest be permitted to grab or hold any animal. Guests will move to the exhibit exit when directed by the Dive Instructor.
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Open Question Answering | ok i've heard many different ideas from guys in the gym on whether or not to eat before cardio in the morning.
1/ eat breakfast then cardio as the food gets the metabolism going fast after being slow during the night. 2/ protein shake first (to stop catabolism) then cardio, then breakfast. 3/ before breakfast on an empty stomach. i'm a bit confused (easily done i must admit!!!) any advise?
ok i've heard many different ideas from guys in the gym on whether or not to eat before cardio in the morning.
1/ eat breakfast then cardio as the food gets the metabolism going fast after being slow during the night. 2/ protein shake first (to stop catabolism) then cardio, then breakfast. 3/ before breakfast on an empty stomach. i'm a bit confused (easily done i must admit!!!) any advise?
short answer: it doesnt matter. get in your cardio whenever you want. (except maybe straight after a workout, when you should get your proteins and carbs)
short answer: it doesnt matter. get in your cardio whenever you want. (except maybe straight after a workout, when you should get your proteins and carbs)
Blockhead would disagree with you. He is an advocate of morning empty-stomach cardio.
I've tried hard, real hard, to do that. But I'm just not a morning person. When I wake up, I am tired and cranky and hungry and just want my coffee and eggs...
yes it does matter when you do cardio.
lets say you do cardio at 1 pm. at 1230 you ate brown rice and lean ground beef. well at 1pm you you start up your cardio but your insulinlevels are elevated from you brown rice and your not going to burn fat your goign to burn up those carbs (first 20 minutes). in my opinion... there are three times of day when cardio can be done... 1) morning on empty stomach 2) post workout epmty stomach 3) 1 hour before last meal of the day that being said if your on a KETO type of diet..where your running mainly pro/fat meals during the day.. then you cn throw all this out the window and do your cardio whenever youd like and as often as youd like...as long as its kept to low intensity like walking
yes it does matter when you do cardio.
lets say you do cardio at 1 pm. at 1230 you ate brown rice and lean ground beef. well at 1pm you you start up your cardio but your insulinlevels are elevated from you brown rice and your not going to burn fat your goign to burn up those carbs (first 20 minutes). in my opinion... there are three times of day when cardio can be done... 1) morning on empty stomach 2) post workout epmty stomach 3) 1 hour before last meal of the day that being said if your on a KETO type of diet..where your running mainly pro/fat meals during the day.. then you cn throw all this out the window and do your cardio whenever youd like and as often as youd like...as long as its kept to low intensity like walking
shut the fuck up, you have no clue what your talking about in any of your posts.
you will indeed burn more fat if you do the cardio on an empty stomach in the morning, but over a 24 hour period no type of exercise can increase fat burning. (the rest of the day you will be burning more carbs and less fat inorder to compensate so at the end of the day it doesnt matter)
in other words; do the cardio whenever you want and make sure your in a caloric deficit at the end of the day (or whatever measurement period you wanna use), if fat loss is the goal.
it doesnt matter if you burn carbs or fat during your cardio. morning cardio is just a way to burn calories inorder create a caloric deficit, when dieting. (thats why it 'works'). but the same thing can be achieved by walking whenever you want.
and i dont recommend keto diets for several reasons: one reason is that for alot of people the workouts will go to hell ( =muscle loss because you wont be able to sustain lifting poundages....)
when you diet, keep some carbs in the diet to fuel you workouts.
can you get ripped using a keto diet? sure. but there are better methods.
shut the fuck up, you have no clue what your talking about in any of your posts.
you will indeed burn more fat if you do the cardio on an empty stomach in the morning, but over a 24 hour period no type of exercise can increase fat burning. (the rest of the day you will be burning more carbs and less fat inorder to compensate so at the end of the day it doesnt matter) in other words; do the cardio whenever you want and make sure your in a caloric deficit at the end of the day (or whatever measurement period you wanna use), if fat loss is the goal. it doesnt matter if you burn carbs or fat during your cardio. morning cardio is just a way to burn calories inorder create a caloric deficit, when dieting. (thats why it 'works'). but the same thing can be achieved by walking whenever you want.
you want to burn body fat, not the food you eat.
the calories .... proteins and fats and carbs... you eat should be working to make you grow.
the cardio is what should burn the fat.
although there are ways to lose fat through diet alone that will allow you to preserve muscle; BUT you have to have a very good understanding of nutirion and how your own individual metabolism operates.
thinking " calorie is a calorie"...and that "calories in vs. calories out"... well its too simplistic and your setting yourself up for less than stellar results.
you want to burn body fat, not the food you eat.
the calories .... proteins and fats and carbs... you eat should be working to make you grow. the cardio is what should burn the fat. although there are ways to lose fat through diet alone that will allow you to preserve muscle; BUT you have to have a very good understanding of nutirion and how your own individual metabolism operates. thinking " calorie is a calorie"...and that "calories in vs. calories out"... well its too simplistic and your setting yourself up for less than stellar results.
once again, you have no idea what your talking about.
i could explain further, but im not gonna waste my time, as it doesnt matter to me what you do.
a question was asked. a correct answer was given by me.
once again, you have no idea what your talking about.
i could explain further, but im not gonna waste my time, as it doesnt matter to me what you do. a question was asked. a correct answer was given by me.
my brother
im here to help if you get dissapointed with your results.
i wont hold these insults against you as i know your a hard headed individual who thinks you know it all. i can sympathize. when you realize the truth you come to me and ill give you the details.
my brother
im here to help if you get dissapointed with your results. i wont hold these insults against you as i know your a hard headed individual who thinks you know it all. i can sympathize. when you realize the truth you come to me and ill give you the details.
on the gossip board i could let your bs slide. but not when your on a training board giving fake advice about stuff you have no idea about. run along now.
on the gossip board i could let your bs slide. but not when your on a training board giving fake advice about stuff you have no idea about. run along now.
okay budddddddy how about you try to have a intelligent discussion about the subject then ?
i wont just blow some shit out my ass thnking its funny to act stupid like i used to do
i can help you learn
OK, candi, slaveboy, now I'm confused...
OK, candi, slaveboy, now I'm confused...
about what
just do your cardio...im sure that there are probably differences in when you do them and whether or not your on an empty stomach but if you just do your cardio im pretty sure youll be just fine. I think alot of people think much more into these things than need be, eat clean, lift heavy, and do your cardio.
Do cardio when ever it`s convient for you.
Don`t make little things complicated.
on the gossip board i could let your bs slide. but not when your on a training board giving fake advice about stuff you have no idea about. run along now.
Listen up tough guy. Your advice is kindergarden compared candi. It doesn't matter when you do cardio is horse poo. To maximize your fat burning do cardio when blood suger levels are at thier lowest that way fist minute in your cardio you burn fat versus eating suger so your cardio results are burning calories from suger instead of fat; a no brainer. Of course it would not matter if you are in Ketosis because suger levels are always low.
All kinds of ways to lose fat and Ketosis isn't the best way in terms of health, but certainly the fasted and most effective way of loseing fat and if you say BS to this you are 100 % discredited and you know very little. I know how to get shredded and Candi advice is legit. Do you get shredded? probably not...
Listen up tough guy. Your advice is kindergarden compared candi. It doesn't matter when you do cardio is horse poo. T
o maximize your fat burning do cardio when blood suger levels are at thier lowest that way fist minute in your cardio you burn fat versus eating suger so your cardio results are burning calories from suger instead of fat; a no brainer.
Of course it would not matter if you are in Ketosis because suger levels are always low.
All kinds of ways to lose fat and Ketosis isn't the best way in terms of health, but certainly the fasted and most effective way of loseing fat and if you say BS to this you are 100 % discredited and you know very little. I know how to get shredded and Candi advice is legit. Do you get shredded? probably not...
has been answered already. (see previous posts)
as for ketosis being the most effective method of fatloss. nope. works for sure, but not the best method.
hope this helps 'candi'. |
Open Question Answering | Sunday, December 27, 2009 Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Monday, December 14, 2009
This Black Friday I bought 2 things, a DVD and a DS game. Both were bought from DeepDiscount.com.
Initially, I wanted to buy Professor Layton and Curious Village, the first game in the series, but it was listed at only a dollar below regular price. Instead, I ordered Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box at $21.74. An awesome price for a game that came out 3 months ago. For 3 weeks, in order detail, the game was listed as backordered. On 12/8/09 I decided to ask customer service when they expect to get the game back in stock again. Next day I received an email that my ordered was canceled because the game has been "discontinued by the manufacturer". A game that came out 3 months ago, has received an 8.5 from IGN and has sold over 1.26 million units is discontinued?! Really?! I contacted Nintendo, the manufacturer. I received a reply within 4 hours. Was pleasantly surprised at the fast reply, DeepDiscount took a lot longer, and that the reply was not some canned response from India but was from America and actually addressed my question. The reply was that the game just came out and is not discontinued. I emailed Nintendo's response to DeepDiscount and have so far didn't even receive an apology. What I'm guessing happened is that the game was listed at the wrong price and instead of honoring the price, DeepDiscount took the game off their site and told everyone who purchased it that it was discontinued. Since DeepDiscount is ignoring me, I filed a complaint with BBB of Chicago.
Initially, I wanted to buy Professor Layton and Curious Village, the first game in the series, but it was listed at only a dollar below regular price. Instead, I ordered Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box at $21.74. An awesome price for a game that came out 3 months ago.
For 3 weeks, in order detail, the game was listed as backordered. On 12/8/09 I decided to ask customer service when they expect to get the game back in stock again. Next day I received an email that my ordered was canceled because the game has been "discontinued by the manufacturer". A game that came out 3 months ago, has received an 8.5 from IGN and has sold over 1.26 million units is discontinued?! Really?!
I contacted Nintendo, the manufacturer. I received a reply within 4 hours. Was pleasantly surprised at the fast reply, DeepDiscount took a lot longer, and that the reply was not some canned response from India but was from America and actually addressed my question. The reply was that the game just came out and is not discontinued. I emailed Nintendo's response to DeepDiscount and have so far didn't even receive an apology.
What I'm guessing happened is that the game was listed at the wrong price and instead of honoring the price, DeepDiscount took the game off their site and told everyone who purchased it that it was discontinued. Since DeepDiscount is ignoring me, I filed a complaint with BBB of Chicago.
DeepDiscount's original reply: Nintendo's reply: Thursday, December 10, 2009
People on financial assistance and those with a low income may qualify for a free cell phone with a free 68 minutes per month service. The program is offered by SafeLink and is available in New York and many other states.
In New York, if you're on one of the following programs, you automatically qualify and all you need to do is visit the website and apply online.
Family Assistance Food Stamps Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Medicaid Safety Net Assistance Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Veteran's Disability Pension Veteran's Surviving Spouse Pension
You can also qualify if your total household income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). Check the website for the exact number.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A good password has different case letters, number and symbols. It's also hard to remember and a lot of people resort to a password they can remember over a good, secure password. Big mistake. A bad password will let a hacker have access to your personal information, your credit card, your bank account, and the ability to scam your friends too.
What is a bad password?
Your name, name of someone from your immediate family, any information that can be looked up on your Facebook or any other social network site.
What is a really bad password?
12345, abcde, asdfg, a11111, abc123, etc. These passwords are unfortunately common and are very easy to guess.
What is a really, really bad password?
Name of site with or without number. facebook or facebook123 is about the worst password you can choose for your facebook account. These passwords are even more common and you might as well leave the password blank.
Are good password hard to remember? I say no. I recommend picking two words, at least 5 characters each, preferably not English and if English is not your native language, don't use that language either. Pick each word from a different language and these words should not be greetings or curses. Replace vowels with numbers and symbols. For example, "a" can be 4 or @, "i" can be 1 or !, e can be 3, o is 0. You can do same for some of consonants. "w" can be vv or \/\/, "l" can also be 1 or !, "k" can be |<, etc. Make the first letter of the second word a capital.
Now you have a password which is easy to remember and very hard to crack. Microsoft has a very good password checker which you can use to check the strength of your password.
One last important point. Don't use the same password for different sites. Your email should have a unique password. Social network site should at least have another password. Financial sites should have a third password, though preferably a different one for each site. |
Open Question Answering | If he says contradictory things is he not a rascal ? (Srila Prabhupada Conversation, Philadelphia, July 13th 1975)
Dear Prabhu's please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
In the following article we would like to point out some contradictory statements in IRM's paper "Does Srila Prabhupada Support Poisoning Theory?"
IRM: IRM members are not to propagate any literature or messages to the effect that Srila Prabhupada was deliberately poisoned. Rather they are instructed to at least wait until the outcome of the official investigation on this subject. Our position is that there is not enough evidence present currently on which to form any conclusions, and therefore we shall reserve judgement until concrete evidence comes to light. However members are encouraged to participate in any neutral investigation of this issue, that will help uncover the full truth of the matter.
PSS: No IRM member can propagate any literature or messages to the effect that Srila Prabhupada was deliberately poisoned but the IRM leader and member, rather than waiting for the outcome of the "official investigation on this subject" (as he instructs the IRM members to do) in his next newsletter (no. 9) propagates the Web page chakra, who's view is certainly not neutral. Chakra's view is that Srila Prabhupada wasn't poisoned.
IRM : 1. Srila Prabhupada refers to others stating that he has been given poison. Srila Prabhupada does not himself confirm this, only adding that 'It's possible'.
PSS: Then they contradict themselves by stating in the Final Conclusion:
PSS: Or in other words their view is:
No Srila Prabhupada Doesn't Support Poisoning Theory !
But earlier they acknowledge that Srila Prabhupada says it is possible. Now they say Srila Prabhupada says no. Earlier they say:
IRM: We must stress that this paper does not prove, nor even attempt to prove, that Srila Prabhupada was not poisoned.
PSS: Another contradictory statement. They have tried very hard to prove that Srila Prabhupada was not poisoned by trying to eliminate the main evidence, Srila Prabhupada's own words, and the conclusion of their paper is
IRM: Our position is that there is not enough evidence present currently on which to form any conclusions, and therefore we shall reserve judgement until concrete evidence comes to light
PSS In their final conclusion or judgement they say of the main evidence, Srila Prabhupada's words:
IRM FINAL CONCLUSION: Therefore there is no evidence from the infallible source of the acarya that he was being deliberately poisoned. Thus the answer to the title of this paper has to be 'no'.
PSS: A very reserved and contradictory judgement.
IRM: The purpose of this paper is to study the actual words of Srila Prabhupada only on the subject of his poisoning. Naturally,
PSS: The IRM leader says "we can only rely on the actual words Srila Prabhupada spoke.... the views and opinions of others who were in the room with Srila Prabhupada are of no relevance to us" Later in his paper with his own words he presents a testimony from the Kaviraja, a person who was in the room with Srila Prabhupada, as evidence.
PSS: So he contradicts himself by presenting his and others views, views which he earlier said were of no relevance to him. Now the Kaviraja's testimony which we hear second hand from the IRM leader is presented as evidence but the the following views and opinions of the people in the room are of no relevance to the IRM leader. These views presented in the conversation below clearly reveal that they understood that Srila Prabhupada was now clearly stating what had been previously dicussed as a "possibilty", that is, that someone had poisoned him.
Tamala Krsna: Prabhupada was thinking that someone had poisoned him.
Tamala Krsna: That was the mental distress.
Adri-dharana: Yes.
Kaviraja: (Hindi)
Tamala Krsna: What did Kaviraja just say?
Bhakti-caru: He said that when Srila Prabhupada was saying that,
there must be some truth behind it. (People all speaking at once)
Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, Sastriji says that there must be some truth to it if you say that.
So who is it that (pause) has poisoned? ( S.P.Room Conversation November 10, 1977, Vrndavana ) Taken from Vedabase. 'It's Possible', for these are the only words Srila Prabhupada himself offers on the subject of his poisoning.
PSS We would like to humbly suggest that the IRM should have also, at least concluded the title of their paper
Prabhupada: This is our position. Gradually they will show Hare Krsna movement. In India also, although India's... They will want to crush down this movement. So this will be up to Him. Krsna or Krsna's movement, the same thing. And Krsna was attempted to be killed by Kamsa class of men and his company, the demons.
; So it will be there . Don't be disappointed, because that is the meaning that it is successful. Krsna's favor is there, because Krsna and Krsna's movement is not different, nondiff..., identical. So as Krsna was attempted to be killed, many, many years before He appeared... At eighth child, if the mother produces child yearly, still ten years, eight years before His birth, the mother was to be attempted to be killed it is already there . . And Lord Jesus Christ was killed. So there may be attempt like that So they may kill me also. (S.P.Room Conversation May 3, 1976, Honolulu)
PSS: Srila Prabhupada says there may be an attempt to kill him or his movement. If we look earlier in the conversation he actually says the attempt will be there. This is the clear evidence from the lotus mouth of Srila Prabhupada. He goes on to say it is already there, in other words the poison was been given from as early as May 1976. Srila Prabhupada's health was very bad on May 4th 1976 the day after he said " So it will be there; it is already there"
Later Srila Prabhupada confirms this very clearly.
That same thing … that someone
has poisoned me. ( S.P.Room Conversation November 10, 1977, Vrndavana ) IT IS POSSIBLE Srila Prabhupada:
PSS: If we look at how Srila Prabhupada always uses the word "it is possible" we will notice he and Lord Krsna use it to say it is a fact ! When it is not a fact Srila Prabhupada says "It is not possible"
TRANSLATION: The Blessed Lord said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but
by constant practice and by detachment. it is possible
PURPORT: The difficulty of controlling the obstinate mind, as expressed by Arjuna, is accepted by the Personality of Godhead. But at the same time He suggests that by practice and detachment
(B.G. 6.35)
And this revival of original consciousness can be executed by hearing, sravanam kirtanam.
. Therefore we stress on the point of sravanam kirtanam. It is possible (Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 5.5.24 Vrndavana, November 11, 1976)
Prabhupada: Spiritual life means... (Hindi) And Dhruva Maharaja starved six months, a boy of five years old.
. He did not eat. Simply tapasya. Hare Krsna It is possible (S. P. Morning Walk April 15, 1976, Bombay)
We are created for His enjoyment, and if we participate in that eternal enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we become happy. We cannot become happy otherwise.
to be happy independently, just as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach. It is not possible for the living entity to be happy without rendering transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Lord. It is not possible (B.G. Intro.) for the Brahman realized impersonalist or the Paramatma realized yogi to understand Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the son of mother Yasoda or the charioteer of Arjuna. It is not possible (B.G 7.3)
The Lord is the master of material nature, and the conditioned souls are under the stringent rules of material nature. Unless one understands these bare facts,
to achieve peace in the world either individually or collectively. it is not possible (B.G. 5.29)
PSS: Therefore when Srila Prabhupada says "It is possible" he is saying :
Someone says that I've been poisoned. It is a fact !
He then repeats this, clarifing to the Kaviraja that the poison has been given to "Mujhko : To me."
Srila Prabhupada: Keu bole je keu poison kore diyeche. Hoy to tai.
Translation: Someone says that I've been poisoned. It is possible
Balaram Mishra (?): Hmm? Kaviraja: Kya farma rahe hain? Translation: What is he saying? Srila Prabhupada: Koi bolta hai je koi mujhko poison kiya gaya hai. Translation: Someone says that someone has given poison. Kaviraja: Kisko? Translation: To whom? Srila Prabhupada: Mujhko. Translation: To me.
PSS: In the next exchange Srila Prabhupada explains who said he's been poisoned:
Kaviraja: Kaun bolta hai? Translation: Who said? Srila Prabhupada: Ye sab friends. Translation: These all friends. Bhakticharu: Ke boleche, Srila Prabhupada? Translation: Who said, Srila Prabhupada? Srila Prabhupada: Ke boleche. Translation: They all say. Tamal Krishna: Krishna das?
PSS: Why Srila Prabhupada calls his poison givers friends is clarified by the following quote:
Under the shelter of Vedanta, he's preaching atheism. So therefore they are more dangerous. Just like you are fighting with your enemies, that is very clear. "The other party is my enemy."
But if somebody's treating as your friend and within he's trying to kill you, enemy, oh, that is very dangerous enemy. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta lecture, Adi-lila 7.109-114 San Francisco, February 20, 1967)
PSS: On forensically tested whispers certain individuals are heard to be whispering about giving Srila Prabhupada poison. In the IRM paper it is said:
IRM: The so called 'whispers' can only be used as supporting evidence once poisoning has itself been proven. Thus they have no role to play yet. (It is also worth noting that in any case the poison proponents themselves admit that the forensic tests on the whispers have a margin of error of up to 20%. Please note that in standard scientific tests that can be put forward as any sort of proof, such as DNA testing, the margin of error is usually as low as 0.0001%, or one chance in a million).
PSS: Whether or not there is an margin of error on forensic tests, Srila Prabhupada's senses are perfect and beyond the errors of a conditioned soul. He says "
I do not know, We can accept it as a fact after hearing from the perfect source, that there were talks (whispers) of Srila Prabhupada been poisoned. Therefore there is an error margin of ZERO ! Was there any talk of weasels either by Srila Prabhupada or those around him just before his passing away ? but it is said." Kaviraja: Ao ko kaun poison dega? Kis liye dega? Translation: Who would give you poison? Why would anyone do that? Tamal Krishna: Who said that, Srila Prabhupada? Srila Prabhupada: I do not know, but it is said. ( S.P.Room Conversation November 9, 1977, Vrndavana ) |
Open Question Answering | FAQs Q1: Do all Oregon bicycle accident attorneys charge the same amount?
A. No. Many attorneys increase their fees to 40% if they file a lawsuit, take a deposition, or go to mediation. Many attorneys also charge you for recovering your medical expenses. This can really add up. If you have a $100,000 settlement and $50,000 in medical bills and your lawyer charges you 40% for filing a lawsuit, this only leaves you with $10,000.
Q2: What do you charge to handle an Oregon bicycle accident case?
A. If we settle the case before trial or arbitration, my fees are 33% of what is left after the past medical bills are paid. If you have a $100,000 settlement and $50,000 in medical bills, my fee is $16,666 and you end up with $33,333. My fees increase to 40%, after medical bills are paid, only if the case goes trial or arbitration.
Q3: Should I accept the offer that the car insurance company has given me?
A: Not without talking to a lawyer. Insurance companies rarely offer you a fair amount for your injuries without a lawyer. Two extreme examples are one case where my client was offered $4,000 before he hired me. At trial a jury awarded us $550,000. In another case client was offered $1,500 and a jury awarded us $138,000. Insurance companies do not get to determine the value of your injury case, that is up to you or a jury. If you have already received an offer for your injuries, contact me and I will let you know if I think it is a fair offer. I will not charge you for this consultation. If I do not beat their original offer to you, I will not charge you an attorney fee.
Q4: Why is it so important to hire an Oregon attorney who goes to trial?
A: Most personal injury cases settle before trial, but you want to maximize your settlement. If you hire an Oregon personal injury attorney who has little trial experience, oftentimes they will be afraid to go to trial. Insurance companies know who these lawyers are, and they usually offer them less than the case is worth. I have 20 years of courtroom experience and I have tried over 130 cases. A good example of why you sometimes have to go to trial are the recent results I have had. I recently tried five separate cases where the offers totaled approximately $181,500. The juries awarded a total of over $1,715,500. If my clients had hired a lawyer who does not try cases, they would have lost a combined total of around $1,534,000. Verdicts like these do not come easy and it took me over 20 years of trying cases and over 130 jury trials before I had the skills to get big verdicts for my clients. Most Oregon personal injury attorneys rarely, if ever, try cases. I believe that these attorneys do a great disservice to their clients and cost their clients millions of dollars by settling cases that should go to trial. Before you hire a lawyer, make sure that they are actively trying cases and have had a number of six figure verdicts.
Q5: Lawsuits can be expensive, will it cost me any money up front for filing fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and any other costs?
A: Filing a lawsuit, paying court costs and expert witness fees can be very expensive. Every year I spend thousand of dollars in litigation costs. I know that most people cannot afford these costs up front, so Iforward these costs up front in every case I take. Spending a few thousand dollars on a good expert witness can make the difference between getting thousands of dollars and getting nothing for your personal injury claim. Before you hire a lawyer, make sure that they are willing to forward the money to adequately pursue your personal injury case. Otherwise, you may be forced into taking a minimal settlement if you cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars to pursue your personal injury claim.
Q6: I hear a lot of lawyers do not stay in touch with their clients. Will I have access to you if I have questions after hours or weekends?
A: Yes. I check my email 365 days a year and respond to clients 365 days a year. If you email me on a Saturday, you will likely hear back from me the same day or the next day. I don't have my staff screen my email. You communicate with me via the same email address as my family and close friends. Unless I am somewhere where I do not have internet access, I make a point of returning emails 7 days a week, all hours of the day. This process can be stressful and I don't want you losing sleep over a question I can easily answer.
Q7: Will I have to pay the any up front expenses?
A: No. I advance all costs associated with your case. I never ask you for a penny until we recover from the at fault party.
Q8: What do you charge for recovering my medical expenses?
A: I do not charge my clients a fee recovering their past medical expenses. Most lawyers charge 33% for this. I base my fee on what is recovered in addition to your medical expenses. If your lawyer charges you for recovering your medical expenses it can significantly reduce how much goes in your pocket. For example, if you had $50,000 in medical expenses and a $100,000 settlement, your lawyer would get $33,000, $50,000 would go to repay your medical expenses, and you would be left with around $17,000. In a case like that, I would base my fee off of the $50,000, putting $33,000 in your pocket instead of approximately $17,000. The only time I charge a fee for recovering your past medical expenses is when someone other than the client, usually my client's insurance company or healthcare provider, pays me to recover the medical expenses.
Q9: Are there any hidden fees?
A: No. I do not charge you fees for consultations, opening your file, copies, long distance, etc. Before you hire a lawyer, make sure you find out what they will be charging you, as these hidden fees can add up.
Q10: Do you charge more for filing a lawsuit or going to court?
A: No. Unlike most lawyers, my fees do not increase for filing a lawsuit, going to court, litigating motions, or going to mediation. The only time my fees increase is if we go to trial or arbitration, which usually happens in less than 10% of my cases. Before you hire a lawyer, make sure they don't increase their fees just for filing a lawsuit or spending a few hours in mediation.
Q11: How soon after my bicycle accident should I call you?
A: Not without talking to a lawyer. Insurance companies rarely offer you a fair amount for your injuries without a lawyer. Two extreme examples are one case where my client was offered $4,000 before he hired me. At trial a jury awarded us $550,000. In another case client was offered $1,500 and a jury awarded us $138,000. Insurance companies do not get to determine the value of your injury case, that is up to you or a jury. If you have already received an offer for your injuries, contact me and I will let you know if I think it is a fair offer. I will not charge you for this consultation. If I do not beat their original offer to you, I will not charge you an attorney fee.
Q12: How do I pay your legal fees?
A: I handle bike accidents and all other personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means YOU DO NOT OWE ME A LEGAL FEE UNLESS I RECOVER MONEY FOR YOU. I do not ask for any attorney fees upfront. If there is no recovery there is no fee.
Q13: Do insurance companies treat lawyers who try cases differently than "trial cowards" that don't try cases?
A. Yes. They pay their clients less. Below is a quote from Reptile, a book by David Ball and Don Keenan. David Ball is the best trial consultant in the country and Don Keenan is the best trial lawyer in the country.
This is why I try cases. Most lawyers don't. Who would you rather hire?
The insurance companies know every negotiation move you've ever made. They know if your comfort level is limited to settling in order to avoid trying cases — or if you will do the best for your client even if "best" means walking out of mediation and into trial. If your trial threshold is too high, change it.
If you are or remain a trial coward, especially once you're armed with the methods in this book, you're in the wrong job and you ought to tell that to your prospective clients.Your client deserves a lawyer the insurance companies respect. And that respect is independent of any particular case. http://www.reptilekeenanball.com Q14: Will I get to talk to a lawyer if I call?
A: Yes. Everyone who calls for a free consultation gets to talk to a lawyer. I do not have my staff screen cases. Usually you will get to talk to a lawyer right away or later the same day.
Q15: Should I call you even if I want to handle my claim myself?
A: Yes. In a few minutes over the phone I can usually give you an estimate of what your claim is worth so you don't get ripped off by the insurance company. If they give you an offer and you later hire me, I will not charge you a fee unless I can increase the amount that goes into your pocket.
Q16: Can I recover even if the motorist never hit me?
A: Yes. Many people are under the misconception that there has to be physical contact between a cyclist and a motor vehicle for the motorist to be liable. This is not true. There are many situations where cyclists are injured when they take evasive action to avoid being hit, and crash as a result. The motorist can still be held liable if their negligence required the cyclist to take the evasive action.
Q17: Can I recover if the other driver had no insurance?
A: Yes. If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you can recover money for your medical bills and pain and suffering even if the other driver had no insurance.
Q18: Does my auto insurance personal injury protection (PIP) cover accidents when I am on my bike?
A: Many auto policies will cover you if you are injured in a bicycle accident or while on foot.
Q19: How do I know if I have a good bicycle accident claim?
A: You need to contact me and we can discuss your case. My consultation on a personal injury case is always free.
Q20: How long does it take to settle most bicycle accident and personal injury cases?
A: It depends on the nature of your personal injury claim. I have settled many policy limits cases within 90 days of taking the cases. The bigger your case is, the longer it usually takes to get it settled or take it to trial. I don't sit on cases when they come through the door, my staff and I literally start working on them the day we get your intake paperwork. I work hard to get your case resolved as quickly as possible, but it can take some time to get a fair amount. The majority of the cases I handle either settle or go to trial within one year you hiring me. Once your personal injury case is settled, I can usually put a check in your hand within 14 days.
Q21: Will pursuing my case take up a lot of my time?
A: No. Oftentimes I only meet with clients for the initial interview and then we can just talk over the phone. If we do have to go to court, it will take more time. I realize your time is important, so I don't waste it.
Q22: Will I have to go to trial?
A: The vast majority of bicycle collision and personal injury cases don't go to trial. However, I treat each case as if it is going to be a trial, as you have to be willing to go to trial to maximize your settlement.
Q23: Do I need a Oregon bicycle lawyer?
A: In order to settle your bike accident case you will have to deal with insurance companies. Their goal is to pay you as little as you will take. It is tough for someone who is not familiar with bicycle accident cases to know what a fair settlement amount is. An experienced Oregon bicycle accident attorney can help you to determine that amount and reach a fair settlement.
Q 24: I don't want to bankrupt somebody. What happens to the person I sue?
A: Although the lawsuit will have the other driver's name on it, we are actually going after the insurance company's money. In virtually every case, the person we sue does not have to pay a penny, as their insurance company pays the settlement or verdict amount, as well as all of the legal fees. In the three cases where I have received verdicts bigger than the policy limits, the insurance companies still paid, as it was their fault for not settling for the policy limits.
Q 25: What types of Oregon accident cases do you handle?
A: I handle all types of Oregon personal injury, wrongful death and products liability cases, including: crashes and collisions involving bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, and mopeds.
Q 26: What parts of Oregon do you handle cases in?
A: Although I am located in Portland, Oregon, I will handle take cases throughout the state of Oregon. |
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This is the first module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Activities are self-directed by students or student teams using online videos and data from the SDO satellite to explore, research and build knowledge about... (View More) features of the Sun. Students build vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections, and creating resources to use in their investigations. Each activity comes with both a teacher and student guide with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos and internet resources. Activity 1A: Structure of the Earth's Star takes students through the features and function of the Sun's structures using online videos, completing a "Sun Primer" data sheet using information from the videos, and creating a 3D origami model of the Sun. Students use a KWL chart to track what they have learned. Activity 1B: Observing the Sun has students capture real solar images from SDO data to find and record sunspots and track their movement across the surface of the Sun. Activity 1C has students create a pin-hole camera to use in calculating the actual diameter of the Sun, and then calculate scales to create a Earth-Sun scale model. Students reflect on their learning and results at the end of the module. An internet connection and access to computers are needed to complete this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the second module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and uses online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore, research... (View More) and build knowledge about how and why studying the Sun's electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields help scientists better understand the Sun's activity and space weather. Students build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide is included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 2A: The Sun and the EM Spectrum students learn how SDO uses key parts of the Sun's electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to research regions of the Sun, create an interactive foldable to describe the different wavebands of the EMS, then use real-time SDO image data and the Helioviewer online tool to explore the Sun's regional activity. Tutorials for using Helioviewer and making the EMS foldable are included. Activity 2B: Solar activity and Magnetism has students use information in online videos and slide presentations to demonstrate concepts of magnetism and the relationship between the Sun's variable magnetic fields and sunspots. Activity 3B: Solar Research in Action! Build a Spectroscope has students create a spectroscope to observe the different wavebands of visible light, demonstrate how the Sun emits varying EMS energies, and explain how this information helps scientists understand the composition and activity of both our nearest star, and other stars in the universe. A computer for student-teams and a connection to the Internet are needed to complete this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the third module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and utilizes online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore,... (View More) research and build knowledge about how the Sun's varying activity impacts Earth and space weather. Each activity provides opportunities to build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide are included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 3A: Sun-Earth Interactions, students gather information from online videos and create a 3D model to demonstrate the relationship to Earth's place in space and the affect of Earth's axial tilt on our seasons, then film a short video explaining the reasons for the seasons. Activity 3B: Space Weather, students use online videos to gather information on what space weather is, and its causes and effects, to create a concept map. They then use real-time SDO data to forecast space weather. Activity 3C: Solar Research in Action! Make a Magnetometer has students view information in online videos about to Earth's magnetosphere and the impacts of space weather, then create a magnetometer to detect and visualize changes in the Earth's magnetic fields to monitor solar storm impacts. A computer for student-teams and access to the internet are needed for this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
Students use a dipole magnet and compass to model and map Earth's magnetic field. They then induce a magnetic field to represent a Ring Current in order to observe the response to a fluctuating electric current caused by a solar storm. The lesson... (View More) includes background information, procedures, worksheets, answer keys and graphics. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are listed. (View Less)
Become a crime scene investigator! Learners model Dawn Mission scientists, engineers, and technologists and how they use instrumentation to detect distant worlds. After a briefing to build context, students explore interactions between different... (View More) frequencies/wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum and matter as they investigate the different ways scientists gather and understand remote sensing data, using Dawn instruments as examples. This module is organized around a learning cycle, engaging students through several experiences to activate students' prior knowledge and assess conceptual understanding, informing next steps. (View Less)
Each lesson or activity in this toolkit is related to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). The toolkit is designed so that each lesson can be done independently, or combined and taught in a sequence. The Teacher Implementation Guide provides... (View More) recommendations for combining the lessons into three main strands: 1) Lunar Exploration - These lessons provide a basic introduction to Moon exploration. Note that this strand is also appropriate for use in social studies classes. 2) Mapping the Moon - These lessons provide a more in-depth understanding of Moon exploration through the use of scientific data and student inquiry. The lessons also include many connections to Earth science and geology. 3) Tools of Investigation - These higher-level lessons examine the role of technology, engineering and physics in collecting and analyzing data. (View Less)
This is an activity about color. Participants will use scientific practices to investigate answers to questions involving the color of the sky, sunsets, the Sun, and oceans. This activity requires use of a clear acrylic or glass container to hold... (View More) water, a strong flashlight, batteries for the flashlight, and powdered creamer or milk. (View Less)
This is an activity about satellite design. Learners will create a satellite model to determine which shape will provide a steady minimum current output from solar panels, given a fixed position light source. After, as a group, they will assess... (View More) whether their satellite model would work in real life and how their actions were similar to what engineers do. This is the fifth activity as part of the iMAGiNETICspace: Where Imagination, Magnetism, and Space Collide curriculum. Instructions for downloading the iBook educator's guide and the associated Transmedia book student guide are available at the resource link. (View Less)
This activity allows participants to build a paper model of the GPM Core Observatory and learn about the technology the satellite uses to measure precipitation from space. Directions explain how to cut, fold and glue the individual pieces together... (View More) to make the model. The accompanying information sheet has details about the systems in the satellite including the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR), the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI), the High Gain Antenna, avionics and star trackers, propulsion system and solar array, as well as a math connection and additional engineering challenges. (View Less)
This lesson was developed to give participants an understanding of Earth's water cycle. In this one-hour long activity, students participate in a webquest to learn about the water cycle, and then build a mini-model of the water cycle to observe how... (View More) water moves through Earth's four systems. The activity uses the 5E instructional model and is part of the "Survivor Earth" series of one-hour lessons. (View Less) |
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This is the second module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and uses online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore, research... (View More) and build knowledge about how and why studying the Sun's electromagnetic energy and magnetic fields help scientists better understand the Sun's activity and space weather. Students build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide is included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 2A: The Sun and the EM Spectrum students learn how SDO uses key parts of the Sun's electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to research regions of the Sun, create an interactive foldable to describe the different wavebands of the EMS, then use real-time SDO image data and the Helioviewer online tool to explore the Sun's regional activity. Tutorials for using Helioviewer and making the EMS foldable are included. Activity 2B: Solar activity and Magnetism has students use information in online videos and slide presentations to demonstrate concepts of magnetism and the relationship between the Sun's variable magnetic fields and sunspots. Activity 3B: Solar Research in Action! Build a Spectroscope has students create a spectroscope to observe the different wavebands of visible light, demonstrate how the Sun emits varying EMS energies, and explain how this information helps scientists understand the composition and activity of both our nearest star, and other stars in the universe. A computer for student-teams and a connection to the Internet are needed to complete this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is the third module in the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Project Suite curriculum. Each activity is self-directed by students or student teams and utilizes online videos, data from the SDO satellite and hands-on activities to explore,... (View More) research and build knowledge about how the Sun's varying activity impacts Earth and space weather. Each activity provides opportunities to build knowledge and vocabulary, apply or demonstrate learning through real world connections and create resources to use in investigations. Both a teacher and student guide are included with sequential instructions and embedded links to the needed videos, tutorials and internet resources. In Activity 3A: Sun-Earth Interactions, students gather information from online videos and create a 3D model to demonstrate the relationship to Earth's place in space and the affect of Earth's axial tilt on our seasons, then film a short video explaining the reasons for the seasons. Activity 3B: Space Weather, students use online videos to gather information on what space weather is, and its causes and effects, to create a concept map. They then use real-time SDO data to forecast space weather. Activity 3C: Solar Research in Action! Make a Magnetometer has students view information in online videos about to Earth's magnetosphere and the impacts of space weather, then create a magnetometer to detect and visualize changes in the Earth's magnetic fields to monitor solar storm impacts. A computer for student-teams and access to the internet are needed for this module. See related and supplementary resources for link to full curriculum. The appendix includes an alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (View Less)
This is an instruction manual for the Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance, or SID, instrument and program. The Stanford Solar Center's Space Weather Monitor program is an education project to build and distribute inexpensive ionospheric monitors to... (View More) students around the world. The monitors detect solar flares and other disturbances in Earth's ionosphere. Special materials are required, including the SID monitor from the Stanford Solar Center, a computer with Internet, and materials for making an antenna. Please note, this is the manual for setting up and installing the SID instrument and does not include specific lessons for learners. (View Less) |
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Help! My dog is STARVING!!! (Or, how do I know if my dog is getting enough food?)
It was pointed out that this is a pretty common concern for a lot of dog owners (and kittehs too!), and warranted some discussion (thanks MMM, you're right!) So here goes...
A lot of dog moms and dads are concerned about how much food their pups are getting...are they getting enough? Too much? How do I KNOW if they're being fed the proper amount? These are good questions to ask, because proper portion control is essential to ensuring good weight management in our pets. We all know that obesity is a major cause of health concerns for humans, and the same applies to our furry family members...arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, kidney/liver disease can all be linked to carrying extra unnecessary fat.
Let's look at some common questions.
(Please note: although I say "dog" and use the male gender in reference to a hypothetical furry companion in this article, no predjudice against either the feline or feminine kind is intended, and all information can and should be applied to all our furry friends ) Q: I have a new dog. How much should I feed him? A: The short answer is: as much as he needs to maintain a healthy body weight. How do you determine this? It takes some experimentation, because even if they're the same weight, breed and/or age. For example, I have two medium-sized dogs (roughly 55-60 lbs each)...one eats 4 cups of dry food a day while the other eats only 1 1/2 cups of dry food a day (or, more recently, 1.5 vs 3 lbs of raw food per day). no two dogs will have exactly the same caloric needs
Start by getting a "baseline" amount. If you're feeding dry or canned food, look at the label or bag for their feeding recommendations (usually cups/day or cans/day according to body weight). Use your scale at home or at the vets to determine your dog's current weight, and use an actual cup measurer to measure out the appropriate amount of food. Try feeding your dog this amount of food for a week or two. (Note: if the recommended amount is significantly different from what you are currently feeding, gradually reduce or increase the amount over several weeks).
As you start this food experiment, you must start monitoring your dog's body condition very closely, both with your hands and your eyes. Here's a link with some illustrations to help get you started: http://vet.osu.edu/1851.htm Have a look at body type #3.
Notice how the dog's waist has a nice tuck up towards the groin when viewed from the side, and an equally pretty waist when viewed from above. You cannot see ribs, except perhaps for the last few. Now, using your hands, feel your dog's rib cage. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, with just a small padding of flesh on top. If it's difficult or impossible to feel the ribs, you've got a dog that needs to shed a few pounds (see question below on "crash diets").
Don't be afraid to use your hands to check out other areas of your pet's body to get a sense of his overall "feel". I personally notice changes to Gracie's chest if she is putting on a bit of weight...she's a fluffy dog with lots of fur which can make it hard to feel ribs or see the waist, but the shorter fur on her chest makes it easier to notice when the flesh there is getting fatty.
Now that you know how your dog looks/feels, notice how it changes (if at all) as you feed your dog the portion suggested by the food manufacturer. Is your dog losing weight or feeling bony? Increase the amount of food you give at each meal or add a supplemental meal during the day. Is your dog starting to feel a tad too fleshy? Reduce the food a little bit for a period of time and see if that makes any changes.
Any change to the daily amount of food you give your pet should be made
gradually. Eventually you will find the "ideal" amount of food for your pup and will quickly recognize if the amount needs to change (perhaps because your dog is getting more exercise and requires more calories). A NOTE ON RAW/BARF FEEDING: Many of us are chosing to feed our pets raw diets. The same principles apply here. A good "baseline" for quantity to feed is 2-3% of the dog's body weight per day. Then, increase/decrease the quantity fed as required by the individual dog, based on body condition. Q: What if my dog is really overweight, can I put him on a crash diet? A: Absolutely not. It's NEVER healthy for anyone (human or animal) to lose weight too rapidly. Take your dog to your vet and ask for a body assessment and a recommendation for weight loss. Your vet (or a technician) can help you determine an ideal "goal" weight for your dog, and how long it should take to lose the excess pounds. Expect healthy weight loss to take several months, depending on the amount of weight to lose. Never impose severe restrictions on the amount of food your dog eats. Q: How often should I feed my dog? Can I leave the food out all day? A: Well, the dog police aren't going to come to your house if you leave food out for your dog (i.e., "free feed"), but it's not ideal for several reasons.
If you choose to free feed, you are probably mindlessly refilling the dish whenever you happen to notice that it's getting low or empty. You are probably not measuring the amount of food. You are probably not aware of how much your dog is actually eating during the course of a day.
So what? As we discussed above, portion control is the easiest way to make sure your dog maintains a healthy weight. If you are aware of the amount you feed, then you can easily make adjustments in order to help your dog acheive and maintain a good body condition.
Also, if you are not aware of how much your dog eats, then you could be missing important signs that your pet is not feeling well. A sick pet will often eat more or less than usual. It is harder to notice these changes early on if you are continually topping up that free-feed bowl, but you'll notice right away if Fido walks away from his usual breakfast time.
So how often
should you feed? Generally, 2 to 3 meals a day is adequate for most dogs. Smaller dogs, and puppies typically need to be fed smaller meals more frequently. Speak with your vet about the best feeding schedule for your pup's age and breed. Q: My dog doesn't really want to eat a full meal all at once...what can I do? A: Most dogs can be taught to eat a full meal at a chosen time, and this is particularly useful if you have a multi-pet household...it is especially difficult to monitor food intake when all three cats and four dogs are nibbling out of open-access food troughs all day.
Dogs LOVE and thrive on routine, and will quickly catch on that 7am and 7pm = time for food, and will often remind you if you're more than a second late filling that bowl. To start your pet on a routine, pick feeding times that you can easily stick to with consistency, and then spread out the meals evenly throughout the day. Put out the dog's measured portion of food, and if he hasn't noticed yet (I'm sure most have, but just in case), feel free to announce "It's dinner time!" to get him running. Leave the food out for 15-20 minutes, then put the rest away. Your pup should quickly learn that you control the meals in the house, and that they'd better eat up if they don't want to go to bed on an empty tummy!
Q: My dog inhales his food and follows me around with sad puppy eyes all day, begging for more. I'm worried that he's not getting enough to eat, and that he's feeling hungry all day. I feel so mean! Should I feed him more? A: There's a few things to consider here.
First of all, dogs have different "food" personalities. Some dogs are absolutely mind-blowingly driven by food. Any food, all food, they would gladly leap across the Grand Canyon if there was a crumb of bread on the other side. These dogs will inhale their meals, often without chewing, and then frantically sniff and search the premises in case there's more hiding somewhere. Then they'll BEG their humans for MORE, PLEASE OH PLEASE MORE!!!
Other dogs really couldn't be bothered to eat. As in, if you didn't point out to them "hey dummy I just put some food in your dish"...they would probably forget to eat. Sometimes they DON'T eat. Or they nibble at their food over the course of several hours. Sometimes you have to bribe them a little.
Many dogs are somewhere in the middle.
The food-crazy dogs are NOT starving, and giving in to their begging is not only reinforcing bad doggie manners, it's also going to load them up with extra calories they don't need. Those extra calories turn into fat. Fat=unhealthy. So no matter how "sad" your dog seems, please do the kindest thing and stick to his regularly scheduled meals.
Now, there are legitimate health issues that can cause a dog to eat more than normal and you should keep this in mind.
If your dog is showing signs of eating unusual amounts of food (especially if he's not food-mad) then you may consider a trip to the vet to rule out issues such as intestinal parasites, diabetes, or other metabolic conditions. If your dog is eating more and losing weight, that vet visit should be on the top of your "to do" list.
Q: Ok, so I have a food-crazy dog...is there anything I can do to prolong his meals?
A: Sure, there are a few tricks and tools that might stretch out his inhalation a little bit. If you have some cash to spare, you might consider investing in something like this: http://www.eatslowerpetdishes.com/dogdishes.html There are many varieties of dishes designed to make eating a bit more challenging...
You could also try a food-dispensing toy...sometimes these are called puzzle balls or puzzle feeders. The dog must roll and paw the toy in order to make the kibbles fall out. It's more work, and they get some extra exercise too!
For a simpler solution, try putting a tennis ball or two in your dog's food bowl (*
make sure the ball is too large to fit in your dog's throat to prevent choking!!!). He'll have to eat around them, which might slow him down a bit.
You could also turn mealtimes into training or play time. Get the kids to practice the "come" and "sit" commands with your pet...one participant can stand on either side of room with a portion of the dog's meal, and pup can trot back and forth between the kids as he responds to the commands and is rewarded with part of his meal. If your dog has a great nose, teach him the "find it" game...hide portions of the meal around the room and let him sniff them out.
On a personal note, since introducing my dogs to a raw diet, my "inhaler" of kibble has now become a thorough chewer! Something to think about!
Q: Does "portion control" mean I can NEVER feed my dog treats, like, EVER? But...but.... A: Ok, don't panic, that's not what I'm saying. My dogs get occasional treats. There's nothing wrong with treating. The key is to be AWARE of what your dog is eating and how much, and the body condition. It's also a good idea to chose healthy treats for your dogs. Many manufactured treats are, while tasty, loaded with calories and fat, not to mention artificial flavours and colours and preservatives and *blech*. It's like handing them a chocolate bar or a bacon-double-cheeseburger. Consider giving raw veggies or fruits. Many dogs are just as happy to get a baby carrot, peice of sweet potato, or a slice of apple as they are that greasy pizza crust they've been eyeing. Look for more natural meat-based treats like freeze-dried liver (my dogs would sell their souls for a crumb of freeze-dried liver). You don't have to completely deprive your dog of "yummies", just be conscious about it. Some people toss food at their dogs all day (a little o' this, a nibble o' that...) and it can add up to one chunky dog very quickly.
Hopefully this information was helpful, and if more questions (or suggestions)come up, I'll try to keep this updated. Remember, feeding is not an exact science, and it's up to you as your pets' caregivers to find out what works best for your animals. Good luck!
Owned by:
Solomon - black DSH - king of kitchen raids (11)
Gracie - Mutterooski X - scary smart (9)
Jaida - GSD - tripod trainwreck and gentle soul (4)
Heidi - mugsly Boston Terrier X - she is in BIG trouble!!! (3)
Audrey - torbie - sweet as pie (11 months)
Patrick - blue - a little turd (but we like him anyways) (6 months)
Boo, our Matriarch (August 1 1992 - March 29 2011)
Riley and Molly
Last edited by bendyfoot; December 19th, 2008 at 10:30 AM.
Excellent, excellent post
bendyfoot .
This is something I find most pet owners I know have difficulties with...
In our case, our dogs are 55-65lbs with Penny being the smallest and Ava the largest. Raw fed, Ava eats approx. 2.5% to maintain a healthy body weight, Lucky 3.5%, while Penny needs as much as 5%. And they
all act as if I only gave them a treat size portion after they're done eating .
Thanks so much
bendyfoot for taking the time to write such an informative article.
"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance." -Will Durant
Great article, bendyfoot!
We have to adjust our dogs' portions all the time--some seasons they're more active than others, and of course as they age their food requirements change, too. Part of our grooming routine is a hands-on check to monitor for body condition.
"We are--each of us--dying; it's how we live in the meantime that makes the difference."
"It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived!"
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
That was great info bendyfoot
Haha, awesome post, so well written.
My EB had to lose a few lately (she just HATES the winter) so I skimmed off the top of her meals morning and night.
I swear, for the first week she would just look at me afterwords like SHE KNEW that she was short changed on a few pieces of kibble... But, she's back to being a sexy mama again lol
Chis21711 - you feed carrots? But how do your dogs chew them? Ive tried so many times and she just kind of lets it rest in her mouth and then spits it out...
them in the garden
Beware of Mushers...They will suck you into their addiction!
If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion!
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Open Question Answering | “You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.”
“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.”
“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.”
My recent hospital stay was TORTURE!!! Well, not so much for myself as it was for some of the hospital staff. Especially those whose job it was to get blood from me. They had the worst of it. Le’ me esplane..
I spent a good part of the past six weeks in the hospital. Initially it was for a couple of different problems. I was sent home after two weeks. I had to go back a few days later because of an allergic reaction to one of the medications they had given me. It caused a rash over about 80% of my body. So I was in there for a few more weeks as the doctors tried different things to clear up the rash, and make sure it would not happen again. Let me first say, everyone from the doctors, nurses, to the cleaning staff, were very nice to me and very professional. Other than being in some pain on occasion, I was nice to them in return. Silly at times, I will admit. But hey, that’s just me being myself. Or, was it payback for all the times they came into the room while I was sleeping, wake me up and tell me “time for you medication to help you sleep”? One never knows, does one. It may have also been payback for all the times the techs came into the room at 4am to take blood from me. Read more about this below.
For example: Whenever the duty nurse would come in to give me my meds, they would always ask me for my name and date of birth. It was the way they phrased it that caused them to go crazy.
Nurse: “Do you know your name and date of birth?” Me: “Yes, I do.” Nurse: “Can you tell me your name and date of birth?” Me: “Yes, I can.” Nurse, finally: “What is your name and date of birth?” Me: I’d finally tell them my name and date of birth. (ain’t i a stinker!)
One day, one of the doctors came into the room to check on my progress. Not sure where it came from but, a fly followed the doctor into the room. He commented: “How did that fly get in here? I’ve never seen one inside the hospital before.” To which I commented: “What. You mean I can’t have a pet with me while I’m here?”
He just looked at me.
Now, regarding the vampires.. um, I mean the lab techs whose job it was to take blood from the patients. I gave them the most trouble. Mind you, not intentionally. They had trouble trying to find a vein to get blood from me. Of course it would start with the same “name/date of birth” routine. Then the fun would really begin.
There was one lab tech especially who went from being champion of the blood suckers to being brought down to equal footing with the rest of them. He was a big, bald headed dude; could have been a relative of Mr. Clean. He was the champion blood sucker because supposedly he could find a good vein on a patient and take the necessary blood on the first try without any problems. Until he met me. He came into my room early one morning, waking me up. He had his needle and tubes at the ready. It was probably from the sleep in my eyes, but I could swear he had a devilish grin on his face; fangs glistening with the blood from the previous patient. He starts off with the usual “can you tell me your name and date of birth?” And I give him the usual “yes i can”. Even half asleep I can make someone crazy with my weird sense of humor. He gives up on that question and then tells me he is there to take some blood, all the while trying to find a vein to use in either arm. I tell him “good luck”. He laughs. I laugh. He thinks he found a good vein to use, and pricks me with his needle. Nothing comes out (seriously). He looks for a different vein; same thing. I tell him “told you”. He chuckles. After a few more tries he gives up and has a look of dejection on his face. I defeated the champion blood sucker because I had run out of blood in my body.
Actually, what was happening was this..
If any of you reading this have had extended stays in a hospital at some point in your life, may I say “Bless you” and I sincerely hope you are much better now. You especially will understand what I am talking about regarding having blood taken from you three or sometimes four times a day. With my having been in the hospital for as long as I was, it was literally starting to take its toll on my blood vessels. They were basically running out of blood. The lab techs would ask if I was drinking plenty of water, as it would help the flow of the blood. Unfortunately I was on a fluid restriction; 1500mL per day. So that did not help, me or the techs. Eventually the lab stopped trying to get blood from me four times a day. In the meantime, the nurses had placed a sign on the door to my room to indicate that I was on a fluid restriction. Why they did that I am not sure. I kept asking the nurse or her aide if they would change the sign so it would read “Please do not water the patient!” They all laughed but said it could not be done or they might get into trouble.
Now, as far as food was concerned..
The hospital food was actually not too bad. I was surprised to find out they prepared most of it themselves. After three weeks of having a limited selection to choose from, I began craving some other foods. Which of course I was not allowed to have while in there. And it did not help with all the food commercials shown on television. Plus, some of those being advertised had restaurants either right across the street or just down the road a few blocks away. Fried chicken; pizza; homemade-style burgers and fries; etc. I was also having cravings for some of my Philly favorites – soft pretzels and cheesesteaks. Neither of which can be found down here. At least not true honest to goodness soft pretzels and cheesesteaks. But I was never able to successfully con any of the staff to get me any of the foods I was craving. Even after describing the deliciousness of these items to those who never had the pleasure of partaking a true Philly cheesesteak or soft pretzel. You could tell they were starting to crave those things also by the hunger in their eyes and drooling of the mouths. Alas.
Anyways, I’m home now. Healing slowly but healing at least. I still can’t have some of the foods I was craving. Eventually I will have to make my own soft pretzels and Philly-style cheesesteaks I guess. I’ve done it before. As for my blood, I think it is gradually replenishing itself.
And as for my weird sense of humor, that is gradually healing as well. So I hope to begin writing more and posting again soon. Oh, and one bit of advice. Especially if for whatever reason you have a lengthy hospital stay. Try to get a room at the end of the corridor, near the stairwell. You’ll have better air flow, and won’t set off the smoke alarm as quickly when you light up the bbq grill to cook up some ribs for dinner. And don’t forget to make enough for the nurses on duty also. They will appreciate it!
A girl I used to know had just broken up with her boyfriend. She decided to try one of those online dating services to meet someone new. Giving much thought as to what she wanted to write on her profile, she decided she wanted to meet someone who was a little older and more mature. And also, someone who would take care of her. She was not necessarily the brightest of people, though. Because she was on a diet, she titled her profile as “Sugar Substitute Daddy Wanted!”
Resembles a Costume Party The Big Apple was the site of this year’s sixth annual Superhero Convention. The three-day event was sponsored by Burpee Cola, the caffeine and sugar-free tasteless soft drink. The convention was held at the famed Macadamia-Hysteria Motel. In attendance were all the big names and long time superhero favorites such as Spiderman, Aquaman, The Green Hornet, and Wonder Woman. After spending two days attending various crime fighting symposiums, the superheroes got a bit rowdy on the last day of the convention. Unconfirmed reports from several eyewitnesses tell us that Superman was spotted leaving a local tavern, staggering down the sidewalk, As he flew away from the gathering crowd he accidentally tipped the Empire State Building. Efforts are underway to contact Superman to correct this issue. Meanwhile, it was reported tiny superhero Atom Ant was accidentally stepped on in a crowded elevator. He was not seriously hurt. Also, the police had to keep the Green Lantern away from all intersections controlled by traffic lights, as he was confusing drivers. And, the military tried in vain to restrain the Hulk’s cousin, She-Hulk, as she kept swatting planes out of the sky. In her own defense, she claims it was “that time of the month.” Preparations are already underway for next year’s convention.
Lakehurst Naval Airstation, NJ – A man was killed over the weekend while visiting the air show being held at the Naval Airstation in Lakehurst, NJ. A blimp, the Graf Zeppelin 2, had to make an emergency landing due to electrical problems. The pilot of the airship was not able to make it to the mooring, and it landed on top of several cars in the parking lot instead. It was while going through the wreckage of the automobiles that the victim was discovered. The victim was identified as Fred Magillicuddy of 713 Burning Bush Road, Grovers Mills, NJ. Fred was 61 years old. At first it was believed Mr. Magillicuddy suffered a severe blow to the head from the accident, as it appeared that his tongue was hanging out, and there was a lot of blood covering his face. Upon further investigation, it was determined that Fred had been eating a hot dog with lots of ketchup on it.
Once, I was watching a person wind surfing in one of the nearby bays. From the distance something did not appear right. As the surfer approached the beach I realized he had no sail, but he did have spiked hair. Very high, very stiff spiked hair. I watched him as he surfed around the inside of the bay for a few minutes; all he needed to do was to turn his head to change directions. As he turned his head once again, a very strong gust of wind came along and quickly carried the surfer out to sea. A Coast Guard ship found him a few hours later laying exhausted on top of his board in calm waters. The surfer’s spiked hair had been bent in different angles, thus causing him to spin out of control.
One more true story. Again, this one takes place while I was a driving instructor back in New Jersey.
I, personally, plus with students driving, had driven down a country road numerous times and never paid much attention to the happenings at a local farm. One day, with a student driving, as we were passing this particular farm, I just happened to look over and seen something I was not expecting to see. You all have heard the term “makin’ bacon”, I’m sure. Well, as we went past the farm, that’s exactly what two hogs were doing; making bacon. Just curious though; would that have been called doing it “piggy style”? Talk about squealing! 😀
For those of you who remember watching the “Dumbo”.. oops, sorry, I mean “Rambo” movies. Specifically, the one where “Rambo” utters the line “I’m your worse nightmare.” Well, for me, he would not be my worse nightmare. Mine would be performing in a ballet as the male lead, having to catch a 400 pound person, wearing a tutu and tights, when they do their leap.
Can you say “Oh oh!” 😀
For some reason when I was younger, elephant jokes used to be very popular. Among people I mean, not the elephants. But then again, who knows what kind of sense of humor an elephant has.
Um, anyways.. There is one elephant joke I still remember from time to time, and it goes like this: Oh, one more thing.. I am not the person responsible for writing them either, so don’t blame me. 😀
Q: Why is it dangerous to walk in the jungle between 3 and 5 in the afternoon?
A: That’s when elephants are jumping out of trees. Q: Why are pygmies so short? A: Because they were walking in the jungle between 3 and 5 in the afternoon.
I did not say they were all funny jokes. I just said they were popular for some reason. And don’t ask me why I remember this particular joke either. My brain works in mysterious ways; when it does work that is. 😀
I went to one of the local seafood markets for the first time. Among the displays of the usual supposedly “fresh” catches, they also had the tanks for lobsters and crabs. Near the end was a third tank; it was labeled “Fresh Imitation Krab” with fake crabs floating inside.
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Open Question Answering | 49 year old gentleman was killed in a head-on collision with an 18 wheeler. The company failed to perform a driver qualification check which would have demonstrated several prior problems this driver had on his record. Driver crossed the center line and struck plaintiff's vehicle head on. Plaintiff survived the crash and died 33 days later in the hospital.Jury verdict was the highest verdict in the history of this conservative courthouse venue.
Danillo Sabillon vs. Dupuy Storage and Forwarding
Practice Area:
Trucking accident
Oct 18, 2012
Jury Verdict $4,661,333 in favor of truck driver
48 year old truck driver injured when a forklift operator dropped his load which hit a board and struck the truck driver in the head. Truck driver suffered a concussion and an ensuing mild traumatic brain injury. Defense denied traumatic brain injury and liability blaming the incident on the truck driver's failure to get out of the way during unloading process.
Richard Chenevert v. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company
Practice Area:
Medical malpractice
May 10, 2000
$650,000 Verdict
Mr. Chenevert sustained a tibia/fibula fracture that required an open reduction internal fixation surgery. A skin flap was also required. Mr. Chenevert developed an infection at the site which was not timely diagnosed or treated and which resulted in the development of osteomyelitis. It required a below the knee amputation.
John Harris et al v. East Jefferson General Hospital, et. al
Practice Area:
Medical malpractice
We secured a $2.6 million settlement..
This case involved the failure to timely diagnose nectotizing faciitis, a flesh eating bacteria that led to the double amputation of Mr. Harris' legs. This result was achieved in spite of a cap on damages of $500,000
John Harris et al v. East Jefferson General Hospital, et. al
Practice Area:
Medical malpractice
We secured a $2.6 million settlement..
This case involved the failure to timely diagnose nectotizing faciitis, a flesh eating bacteria that led to the double amputation of Mr. Harris' legs. This result was achieved in spite of a cap on damages of $500,000 |
Open Question Answering | Product Livestock Machinery Ventilating Exhaust Fan with Single Phase for Greenhouse Ventilating Exhaust Fan with Single Phase for Greenhouse
FOB Price: US $100-150 / Piece Min. Order: 10 Pieces
Min. Order FOB Price 10 Pieces US $100-150/ Piece
Port: Qingdao, China Production Capacity: 600000 Sets/ Year Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, D/P, Western Union, Paypal Model NO.: RS 1530 Usage: Incubation Equipment, Reproduction Apparatus, Poultry Ventilation Equipment Power Source: Electric Epidemic Prevention Equipment: No Computerized: Non-Computerized Condition: New Diameter of The Blade: 1400mm Motor Rotational Speed: 1400rpm/Min Total Pressure: 55 PA Rated Voltage: 220/380V Warranty: One Year Transport Package: According to Customer Origin: Qingzhou, Weifang of Shandong Province, China Type: Exhaust Fan Application: Greenhouse / Industrial / Poultry House Heating and Ventilation Equipment Type: Ventilation Air Blade Type: Curved Teeth Certification: SGS, ISO9001:2008, CE Fan Driving Method: Direct Drive Blade Rotational Speed: 325rpm/Min Air Flow: 55800cubic M/H Input Power: 1.1/1.5kw Dimension: 1530*1530*420mm Trademark: Risheng Tempequip Specification: 1530*1530*420mm HS Code: 8414809090
1. Frame: Galvanized steel sheet, anti-corrosive and durable. Thickness: 1.0mm for the top and 0.8 for the other sides
2. Blade: 6 pieces of mirror finished stainless steel blades, attractive and durable with big air volume, passing the homeostasis test to ensure the air volume keeping the same as the very beginning during the operational life span, low noise, no distortion, no broken, Thickness: 1.2mm.
3. Motor: Siemens motor or Chinese motor, high efficient and energy-saving with CCC certificate. Protection class: IP55, Insulation class: F. The voltage, power, Hz and phase can be customized.
4. Shutter: Made of high strength hot-galvanized steel sheet, dust-proof and waterproof.
Thickness: 0.45mm
5. Swung drop hammer: Made of high quality nylon, stable performance, guaranteeing the shutters open and close flexibly.
6. Protective net: Made of hard-drawn wire, designed as door-type, which is convenient for maintaining.
7. Belt impeller: Made of aluminum magnesium alloy by injection moulded, adopting more stiffening rib, processed by sandblasting, eliminating the internal stress, high intensity, low noise, long service life.
8. Belt Pulley: Made of aluminum-magnesium alloy by injection moulded, reducing the weight of blade and impeller, high corrosion resistance. Blast-sanding treatment for attractive appearance, eliminating internal stress to improve its own rigidity and stability, high strength.
9. Belt tensioner: Made of high quality nylon or aluminum-magnesium alloy, avoiding belt loosening or dropping off, extending service life and avoiding distortion, waterproof
10. Bearing: Imported double-row bearing, super mute, high intension and durable
11. Belt: China famous brand belt, Mistubishi belt
12. Strict test criterion: Consist of airflow test, nose test, libration test, drive concentric test, blade RPM test, whole machine efficiency test, dynamic balance test, the thickness of the galvanized sheet test, the size of the spare parts test, etc.
13. Guarantee period: One year. Easy broken parts are offered free of charge during this period
Company Information:
Qingzhou Risheng Temperature-controlled Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of exhaust fan, evaporative cooling pad, light trap, air inlet and heater. We use good materials to produce high quality products. Our company have passed ISO9001 Quality certificate. And our products passed CE certificate.
Welcome to contact us for cooperation.
Q: What voltages you can do, if you can make special voltages?
A: Normal standard is 380V for 3phase, 220V for single. The voltage and herz can be customized as your requirement. For example, 400V, 240V, 60Hz.
Q: How long is the warranty?
A: One year. Broken parts can be provided free of charge during this period. We use good materials and motors, the fans are hardly broken.
Q: What is the MOQ, can I order a sample for test?
A: MOQ is 10sets, it's for convienence to arrange products. If you need sample for test, then order large quantity, 1 set for sample is ok, too.
Q: Are you real manufacturer or. .?
A: Yes, we are 100% original manufacturer of exhaust fan. Our factory located at Qingzhou city, Shandong province. Welcome to visit us. As a manufacturer, we have strict control of the material purchase and productions quality. Make sure the goods delivery to you are unwounded and perfect.
Q: How can I pay?
A: We accept T/T(Telegraphic transfer) and L/C(Sight letter of credit). 30% deposit is needed for TT payment. Balance against the copy of B/L(bill of lading).
Technical parameter:
Model Diameter Blades
Air Volume (m 3 /h) Power (kw) Outer Size(mm) (H*W*T) Voltage RS-620(24" ) 500 5700 0.25 620*620*400 380V RS-780(30" ) 710 23000 0.75 780*780*420 380V RS-830(32" ) 720 20000 0.55 830*830*400 380V RS-900(35" ) 750 22000 0.37 900*900*400 380V RS1000(39" ) 900 25000 0.75 1000*1000*400 380V RS-1100(43" ) 1000 32500 0.75 1100*1100*400 380V RS-1220(48" ) 1100 38000 0.75 1220*1220*400 380V Rs-1380(54" ) 1250 44000 1.1 1380*1380*400 380V RS-1530(60" ) 1400 55800 1.5 1530*1530*400 380
Welcome to contact me for more details:
My phone is 86-15006689818 |
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Sunday Funnies!! Jokes!
I know some of you can put these to good use!
Q: What is the definition of endless love? A: Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder playing tennis (please don't be offended, it is meant to be funny) Q: How many tennis players does it take to change a light bulb? A: "What do you mean it was out, it was in!" Q: Why should you never fall in love with a tennis player? A: To them, "Love" means nothing. My tennis opponent was not happy with my serve. He kept returning it. Doctors Orders A middle management executive has to take on some sport, by his doctor's orders, so he decides to play tennis. After a couple of weeks his secretary asks him how he's doing. "It's going fine, " the manager says. "When I'm on the court and I see the ball speeding towards me, my brain immediately says, 'To the corner! Back hand! To the net! Smash! Go back!'" "Really? What happens then?" the secretary asks. "Then my body says, 'Who? Me? You must be kidding!" Q: What do you serve but not eat? A: A Tennis Ball. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks to the following website for these: source: http://www.jokes4us.com/sportsjokes/tennisjokes.html Get on the Court with Game-Set-Match! |
Open Question Answering | Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
(27 intermediate revisions by 16 users not shown) Line 4: Line 4:
| title = Frequentists vs. Bayesians
| title = Frequentists vs. Bayesians
| image = frequentists_vs_bayesians.png
| image = frequentists_vs_bayesians.png
− | imagesize =
| titletext = 'Detector! What would the Bayesian statistician say if I asked him whether the--' [roll] 'I AM A NEUTRINO DETECTOR, NOT A LABYRINTH GUARD. SERIOUSLY, DID YOUR BRAIN FALL OUT?' [roll] '... yes.'}}
| titletext = 'Detector! What would the Bayesian statistician say if I asked him whether the--' [roll] 'I AM A NEUTRINO DETECTOR, NOT A LABYRINTH GUARD. SERIOUSLY, DID YOUR BRAIN FALL OUT?' [roll] '... yes.'}}
m typing this now... + +
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+ + + + + Revision as of 17:40, 12 April 2014
Frequentists vs. Bayesians Title text: 'Detector! What would the Bayesian statistician say if I asked him whether the--' [roll] 'I AM A NEUTRINO DETECTOR, NOT A LABYRINTH GUARD. SERIOUSLY, DID YOUR BRAIN FALL OUT?' [roll] '... yes.' Explanation
This is another comic about the accuracy of presidential election predictions that used Bayesian statistical models, such as Nate Silver's
538 and Professor Sam Wang's PEC. Thomas Bayes studied conditional probability - the likelihood that one event is true when given information about some other related event. From Wikipedia: "Bayesian interpretation expresses how a subjective degree of belief should rationally change to account for evidence".
In the comic, the likelihood that the detector is lying is much higher than the likelihood of the Sun exploding. Therefore, one should conclude that a single "yes" result is probably a false positive. The bit about "p < 0.05" comes from a naive interpretation of P-value, a scientific research standard where a result is presumed to be valid if there is less than a 5% chance that it is merely random coincidence. There is a 1/36 chance of rolling two sixes on 2d6.
The title and the last two frames suggest that "frequentist" interpretation of statistics is somehow wrong, which is not actually the case. The Bayesian interpretation and the frequentist interpretation are not mutually exclusive and neither is wrong. It's the misuse of P values that causes the character in the panel labeled "Frequentist Statistician" to conclude that the sun has exploded, not the use of frequentist statistics. In particular, P-values are usually used only for numerical values that are known to fall along a specific distribution - in this case, it is used to determine the significance of a discrete event, which is wrong. In fact, the labels on the bottom two panels were applied as an after-thought, according to Munroe's post here; he states his intention was "to illustrate a case where naïve application of that significance test can give a result that’s obviously nonsense."
The final panel is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the absurdity of the premise. If the sun did explode, he won't need to pay out the bet because the Earth and everyone on it would be destroyed. But if it didn't explode, then he'll win $50. It also likely refers to a well-publicized bet that Nate Silver tried to make with Joe Scarborough regarding the outcome of the election:
The title text refers to a classic series of logic puzzles known as Knights and Knaves, where there are two guards in front of two exit doors, one of which is real and the other leads to death. One guard is a liar and the other tells the truth. The visitor doesn't know which is which, and is allowed to ask one question to one guard. The solution is to ask either guard what the other one would say is the real exit, then choose the opposite. Two such guards were featured in the 1986 Jim Henson movie
Labyrinth, which is referenced in the text. Transcript Did the sun just explode? (It's night, so we're not sure) [Two statisticians stand alongside an adorable little computer that is suspiciously similar to K-9 that speaks in Westminster typeface.] Frequentist Statistician: This neutrino detector measures whether the sun has gone nova. Bayesian Statistician: Then, it rolls two dice. If they both come up as six, it lies to us. Otherwise, it tells the truth. Frequentist Statistician: Let's try. [to the detector] Detector! Has the sun gone nova? Detector: roll YES. Frequentist Statistician: Frequentist Statistician: The probability of this result happening by chance is 1/36=0.027. Since p<0.05, I conclude that the sun has exploded. Bayesian Statistician: Bayesian Statistician: Bet you $50 it hasn't.
add a comment! ⋅ add a topic (use sparingly)! ⋅ refresh comments! Discussion
Something should be added about the prior probability of the sun going nova, as that is the primary substantive point. "The neutrino detector is evidence that the Sun has exploded. It's showing an observation which is 35 times more likely to appear if the Sun has exploded than if it hasn't (likelihood ratio of 35:1). The Bayesian just doesn't think that's strong enough evidence to overcome the prior odds, i.e., after multiplying the prior odds by 35 they still aren't very high." - http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/fe5/xkcd_frequentist_vs_bayesians/ 23:51, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
Note: taking that bet would be a mistake. If the Bayesian is right, you're out $50. If he's wrong, everyone is about to die and you'll never get to spend the winnings. Of course, this meta-analysis is itself a type of Bayesian thinking, so Dunning-Kruger Effect would apply. - Frankie (talk) 13:50, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
You don't think you could spend fifty bucks in eight minutes? ;-) (PS: wikipedia is probably a better link than lmgtfy: Dunning-Kruger effect) -- IronyChef (talk) 15:35, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
Randall has referenced the Labyrinth guards before: xkcd 246:Labyrinth puzzle. Plus he has satirized p<0.05 in xkcd 882:Significant--Prooffreader (talk) 15:59, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
A bit of maths. Let event N be the sun going nova and event Y be the detector giving the answer "Yes". The detector has already given a positive answer so we want to compute P(N|Y). Applying the Bayes' theorem:
P(N|Y) = P(Y|N) * P(N) / P(Y) P(Y|N) = 1 P(N) = 0.0000.... P(Y|N) * P(N) = 0.0000... P(Y) = p(Y|N)*P(N) + P(Y|-N)*P(-N) P(Y|-N) = 1/36 P(-N) = 0.999999... P(Y) = 0 + 1/36 = 1/36 P(N|Y) = 0 / (1/36) = 0
Quite likely it's not entirely correct. Lmpk (talk) 16:22, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
Here's what I get for the application of Bayes' Theorem:
P(N|Y) = P(Y|N) * P(N) / P(Y): = P(Y|N) * P(N) / [P(Y|N) * P(N) + P(Y|~N) * P(~N)] = 35/36 * P(N) / [35/36 * P(N) + 1/36 * (1 - P(N))] = 35 * P(N) / [35 * P(N) - P(N) + 1] < 35 * P(N) = 35 * (really small number)
So, if you believe it's extremely unlikely for the sun to go nova, then you should also believe it's unlikely a Yes answer is true.
I wouldn't say the comic is about election prediction models. It's about a long-standing dispute between two different schools of statisticians, a dispute that began before Nate Silver was born. It's possible that the recent media attention for Silver and his ilk inspired this subject, but it's the kind of geeky issue Randall would typically take on in other circumstances too. MGK (talk) 19:44, 9 November 2012 (UTC)
I agree - this is not directed at the US-presidential election. I also want to add, that Bayesian btatistics assumes that parameters of distributions (e.g. mean of gaussian) are also random variables. These random variables have prior distributions - in this case p(sun explodes). The Bayesian statistitian in this comic has access to this prior distribution and so has other estimates for an error of the neutrino detector. The knowlege of the prior distribution is somewhat considered a "black art" by other statisticians.
My personal interpretation of the "bet you $50 it hasn't" reply is in the case of the sun going nova, no one would be alive to ask the neutrino detector, the probability of the sun going nova is always 0. Paps
Yes, you would be able to ask. While neutrinos move almost at speed of light, the plasma of the explosion is significally slower, 10% of speed of light tops. You will have more that hour to ask. (Note that technically, sun can't go nova, because nova is white dwarf with external source of hydrogen. It can (and will), however, go supernova, which I assume is what Randall means.) -- Hkmaly (talk) 09:19, 12 November 2012 (UTC) Our sun will not go supernova, as it has insufficient mass. It will slowly become hotter, rendering Earth uninhabitable in a few billion years. In about 5 billion years it will puff up into a red giant, swallowing the inner planets. After that, it will gradually blow off its lighter gasses, eventually leaving behind the core, a white dwarf. 01:58, 15 November 2012 (UTC) Please don't edit others' comments on talk pages; it's considered quite rude. On a talk page, discourse is meant to be conducted, by editors for the betterment of the article. For constructive discourse to occur, a person's words must be left in tact. The act of censorship hurts the common goal of betterment. Per Wikipedia, the authoritative source on how a wiki works best: "you should not edit or delete the comments of other editors without their permission." lcarsos_a (talk) 17:38, 13 November 2012 (UTC) Note: much of this conversation has been removed at the request of the authors.
I think the explanation is wrong or otherwise lacking in its explanation: The P-value is not the entire problem with the frequentist's viewpoint (or alternatively, the problem with the p-value hasn't been explained). The Frequentist has looked strictly at a two case scenario: Either the machine rolls 6-6 and is lying, or it doesn't rolls 6-6 and it is telling the truth. Therefore, there is a 35/36 probability (97.22%) that the machine is telling the truth and therefore the sun has exploded. The Bayesian is factoring in outside facts and information to improve the accuracy of the probability model. He says "Either the machine rolls 6-6 (a 1/36 probability, or 2.77%) or the sun has exploded (an aparently far less likely scenario). Given the comparison, the Bayesian believes it is MORE probable that the machine rolled 6-6 than the sun exploded, given the relative probabilities. If the latter is a 1 in a million chance (0.000001%), it is 2,777,777 times more likely that the machine rolled 6-6 than the sun exploded.To borrow a demonstration/explanation technique from the Monty Hall problem, if the machine told you a coin flip was heads, that would be 50% chance of occuring while a 2.7% chance of the machine lying, the probabilities would clearly suggest that the machine was more likely to be telling the truth. Whereas if the machine said that 100 coin flips had all come up heads (7.88x10^-31%). Is it more likely that 100 coin flips all came up heads or is it more likely the machine is lying? What about 1000 coin flips? or 1,000,000? I think the question is, whether one could assign a probability to the sun exploding. Also, I think they could have avoided the whole thing by asking the machine a second time and see what it answered. TheHYPO (talk) 19:09, 12 November 2012 (UTC)
Another source of explanation: http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/43339/whats-wrong-with-xkcds-frequentists-vs-bayesians-comic --JakubNarebski (talk) 20:12, 12 November 2012 (UTC)
The P-value really has nothing to do with it. If I think that there is a 35/36 chance that the sun has exploded, then I should we willing to take any bet that the sun has exploded with better than 1:35 odds. For example, if someone bets me that the sun has exploded in which they will pay me $2 if the sun has exploded and I will pay them $35 if it hasn't, then based on my belief that the sun has exploded with 35/36 probability, then my expected value for this bet is 2*35/36 - 35 * 1/36 = 35/36 dollars and I will take this bet. Clearly I would also take a bet with 1:1 odds - my estimated expected value in the proposed bet in the comic would be 50*35/36 - 50 * 1/36 = $49 (approximately), and I would for sure take this bet. The Bayesian on the other hand has a much lower belief that the sun has exploded because he takes into account the prior probability of the sun exploding, so he would take the reverse side of the bet. The difference is that the Bayesian uses prior probabilities in computing his belief in an event, whereas frequentists do not believe that you can put prior probabilities on events in the real world. Also note that this comic has nothing to do with whether people would die if the sun went nova - the comic is titled "Frequentists vs Bayesians" and is about the difference between these two approaches. -- (talk)
(please sign your comments with ~~~~)
The Labyrinth reference reminds me of an old Doctor Who episode (Pyramid of Mars), where the Doctor is also faced with a truthful and untruthful set of guards. Summarized here: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Pyramids_of_Mars_(TV_story) Fermax (talk) 04:49, 14 November 2012 (UTC)
This is actually an example of the Base rate fallacy. -- 04:04, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
People have gone over this already, but just to be a bit more explicit:Let NOVA be the event that there was a nova, and let YES be the event that the detector responds "Yes" to the question "Did the sun go nova?"What we want is P(NOVA|YES)=P(YES|NOVA)*P(NOVA)/P(YES)Suppose P(NOVA)=p is the prior probability of a nova.Then P(YES|NOVA)=35/36, P(NOVA)=p, and P(YES)=p*35/36+(1-p)*1/36=1/36+34/36So then P(NOVA|YES)=35p/(1+34p). If p is small, then P(NOVA|YES) is also small. In particular, the Bayesian statistician wins his bet at 1:1 odds if p<1/36, which is probably the case.If the Bayesian statistician wants 95% confidence that he'll win his bet, then he needs p<1/666. =P
It's cute to attempt to connect this to the U.S. presidential election, but it's far likelier that it's a reference to Enrico Fermi taking bets at the Trinity test site as to whether or not the first atomic bomb would cause a chain reaction that would ignite the entire atmosphere and destroy the planet. I'll bet you $50 it is. 21:29, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
I don't like the explanation at all. Some of the discussion posts give a good view on this. I'd like to share my thought about the last panel, though. The page reads as if the punch line is about the fact that you cannot spend the money if the sun was going to explode; but why does the bayesian propose this bet and not the frequentist - no reason for this. I think there is a better explanation for this panel: there are several proofs that bayesian probabilities result in "rational" behaviour: They state that if you act according to bayes' rule you cannot be cheated in betting. 17:11, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
The last panel may refer to Nate Sliver's view expressed in his book The Signal and the Noise that if one believes one's prediction to be true one should be confident to bet on it. --Troy0 (talk) 18:46, 6 July 2014 (UTC)
Please excuse my ignorance, but how is two sixes rolled on fair dice 31/32? (In the explanation: "the detector is telling the truth (31 in 32)") --Pudder (talk) 17:06, 9 December 2014 (UTC)
Just a missreading, not stupid. The detector is telling the truth when you dont role 2 sixes. roling 2 sixes is 1/6 * 1/6 or 1/36. So not roling is 35 in 36, wait oops 36 not 32, thanks. 17:39, 9 December 2014 (UTC)
I have always thought that the suggested Bet is also a reference to the Dutch Book argument for judging and accounting for probabilities underlying Bayesian interpretations of probability theory. 22:11, 12 August 2015 (UTC)
The likelyhood of a solar explosion may be wrong. Since the detector I'd only used at night, the event is twice as likely to occur than listed. That said, there's a 50% chance of the event never being detected, so I'm not sure. Any one more knowledgeable than I care to comment? Mikemk (talk) 06:47, 5 April 2016 (UTC)
Huh. I thought that the last panel was pragmatism: "If the sun goes nova, $50 doesn't matter; I'll be dead. If the sun hasn't, I get $50!" |
Open Question Answering | Stephen Chow is a genius. But you don’t have to take my word for it, you can take his numbers: the number of roles he successfully performs in film-making (writer, director, actor, producer…), the number of genres he successfully mixes in his hotchpotch fantasies (comedy, drama, romance, horror…), and the number of record-breaking successful blockbusters he’s responsible for (Shaolin Soccer, Kung-Fu Hustle, Journey to the West…). With so much going on for him, we are so glad to present you this: an interview with Stephen Chow.
More than a simple performer, a one-man-orchestra; and more than a simple star, a one-man-constellation, Mr. Chow stand out not only for doing a lot, but also for doing it differently, as he almost single-handedly brought to life a new comedy genre: mo lei tau, his special kind of absurd humour, that is further developed in his latest hit: ‘Journey to the West’.
Q: Although ‘mo lei tau’ means something like ‘nonsense’, many authors believe that comedy has to be ultimately truthful in some level, in order to be really funny. Do you agree with this? Which truths do you explore in ‘Journey to the West’?
A: In ‘Journey To The West’, I want to explore the true beauty in all beings. I agree that everyday life elements provide important ideas for comedies.
‘Journey to the West’ is a loose adaptation of the first part of a classic Chinese 16th century novel. In Mr. Chow, however, pays more attention to the personal growth of its protagonist, monk Xuan Zang, incorporating new symbolic elements, like a nursery rhymes book to be used as a “weapon” against demons, in order to rescue the demon’s true good nature in opposition to the other demon hunters’ violent methods.
Q: But this rhymes prove useless until the order of the words are somehow altered to form a powerful Sutra. What does this symbolize in your movie?
A: The rhymes were useless in the beginning because the main character of the movie has to go through a personal development in order to understand the meaning of true love.
Mr. Chow was a pioneer in the use of intensive CGI in comedy, as showcased in smash hits “Shaolin Soccer” and “Kung-Fu Hustle”, an example followed by a myriad of productions nowadays.
Q: Does this mean that is harder now to surprise the audience than back in 2001? Does technical advances make original thinking and imagination even more important than in the past?
A: CGI provides a great platform for us as moviemakers; it helps to bring our imaginations to our audience. It gives us a lot of freedom in terms of what we want to achieve.
‘Journey to the West’ is the first film directed by Stephen Chow in which he doesn’t take part also as an actor, although he even had experience portraying the Monkey King in a couple of 90’s productions.
Q: Why this decision to not appear on-screen?
A: There isn’t a role that is suitable for me in the movie.
Mr. Chow has made a habit of focusing his narratives in common men and women. ‘Journey to the West’ isn’t different. The original tale is populated by highborns (like the Emperor) and powerful spirits (like Guanyin), which, in fact, are the reason for the journey itself. But this first filmic instalment, at least, focus only in everyday folk.
Q: Why did you decide to make this story more mundane?
A: This movie is focusing on the journey of the lead character Tang Sanzang and his experience of enlightenment before he got his disciples and embarked on the Journey to the West. Hence, we didn’t feature the Emperor nor Guanyin.
Q: The movie ends with an obviously open door to other movies to narrate the journey to the west itself. Will there be sequels? If so, what are their development status?
A: Journey to the West includes many different elements/ storylines. In fact, I am in the process of creating elements for the sequel.
A sequel we wait for anxiously.
The AMP crew wants to thank Mr. Chow so much for taking the time to answer our questions, and wish him success in all his endeavours (a pretty safe bet, if you ask us).
我们非常感谢周先生抽时间让我们完成访问,我们希望他可以完成它想做的所有事情(如果你问我们,我们可以说这是一个非常安全的赌注) |
Open Question Answering | In 1916, Great Britain was under severe pressure
by Germany. The leaders of the IRB saw this as
a prime opportunity stage a rebellions.
What we know already.....
1. What are two main political groups at this time?
The War of Independence
The British Government declared Dail Eireann illegal.
However, Sinn Fein and its Irish Republican Army (IRA) promised to defend the Republic at all costs.
The Easter Rising
The Results of the Rising
1. Death and Destruction:
About 500 people were killed. Over 300 of these
were civilians. There was also property damage of
over £3 million .
The Rise of Sinn Fein
Sinn Fein
was founded by
Arthur Griffith in 1908
. Before the Rising, Sinn Fein was not as popular as the Home Rule Party. However, after the rebellion the British began to blame Sinn Fein on the rising, not the IRB.
"England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity" The Easter Rising and beyond
Ans: Nationalist and Unionist
2. Name the 3 types of Nationalist groups.
Ans: Home Rule, I.R.B & Sinn Fein.
3. When was the Home Rule bill passed?
Ans: 1912
4. 200,000 Unionists sign a petition. What is this petition called?
Ans: Solemn League and Covenant.
5. The Ulster Volunteers smuggled 24,000 guns into Ulster. What was this event called?
Ans: Larne Gun Running.
6. The Irish Volunteers do the same in Dublin as they smuggle 1,500 guns. What was this called?
Ans: Howth Gun Running.
7. As Home Rule fast approaches, World War
I begins. What does this means for Home Rule?
Ans: Home was postponed until after the war.
The IRB established a "Military Council" to plan the rebellion. The key members of this council were
Padraig Pearse, Sean MacDiarmada and Thomas Clarke
The IRB Military Council took 3 actions in at the beginning of their planning.
1. They recruited James Connolly and
his Irish Citizen Army. This group had
about 300 members.
2. They sent
Sir Roger Casement
to Germany for get arms. He would
ship them using a boat named
"The Aud"
3. They needed the Irish Volunteers.
Eoin MacNeil
l was against the rebellion so
the rebels tricked him by showing him a false
British document.
The Rising faced 2 majors difficulties before the
1. The Aud was seized by the British off
the coast of County Kerry. The arms and Casement were be lost.
2. On the
22nd April,
Eoin MacNeill discovered
that he had been tricked and all Volunteer support
was canceled.
Eoin MacNeill had planned a march for the Irish Volunteers for 23rd April Easter Sunday.
When MacNeill had learned that he had been
tricked by the IRB military council, he cancelled the march.
The leaders of the IRB decided that
they would still go ahead with the rising on Easter Monday. It had no
hope of military success.
On Easter Monday morning 2
4th April 1916,
1,500 Volunteers and members of Irish Citizen Army launched the 1916 Rising.
Pearse and Connolly took over the General Post Office (GPO) on O'Connell Street. Outside the GPO, Pearse read the
"Proclamation of the Irish Republic"
The British Government was taken by surprise as they expected the Rising to be cancelled.
The British ordered reinforcements
from the
and England. The
British army closed off Dublin city
and a gunboat,
the Helga
, was sent up
the Liffey.
On Saturday 29th April, Pearse surrender unconditionally to prevent further loss of life.
2. Reaction of the People:
Dublin people were angry with the
rebels because of the destruction of their
city. Many of nationalists supported the Home Rule
3. Martial Law:
The British army was no in charge of the country.
2,000 people were tried without trial.
4. Executions:
90 people were sentenced to death.
All seven signatories of the Proclamation
were executed in Kilmainham jail. This was
a massive mistake by the British.
Sinn Fein was now the most popular party in Ireland and
Eamon De Valera
, the only surviving leader of the Rising, became its leader.
The 1918 Election:
Sinn Fein led by De Valera and a young
rebel from Cork, Michael Collins, promised
voters that they would give Ireland a Republic.
At this time, the "Great War" looked as if it might never end. The word "Conscription" was feared by many Nationalists.
The election was a massive success. Sinn Fein won 76 seats, the Home Rule party 6 and the Unionists 26.
Sinn Fein would now deliver on their promise and create a Republic.
Sinn Fein immediately set up the Dail, the parliament of the Irish Republic, in the
Mansion House
, Dublin.
The Irish War of Independence started in
January 1919
, when a group of Tipperary IRA men, led by
Dan Breen
, attacked an RIC barracks in
in Tipperary.
The IRA had learned from the Rising that they could not beat the British Army directly. They knew they needed to use "guerrilla warfare" if they were to have any chance of prolonging the war.
The IRA organized itself into "
Flying Columns
These were groups of 40 t0 80 men, who would live in the countryside and ambush British soldiers.
During the War of Independence, De Valera spent most of his time in prison or in America.
The IRA was officially led by the Minister of Defence, Cathal Brugha. However, the real leader from 1919 to 1921 was Michael Collins.
Born in Cork in 1890.
Emigrated to London in 1909 where he joined the IRB.
Sent to prison in Wales in 1916 after the rising.
Elected as an MP for South Cork in 1918. Refused to take seat in Westminster.
Joined Dail Eireann and became Minister for Finance.
Set up "The Squad" to assassinate British spies.
The IRA's main aim was to destroy the RIC. Thus destroying British law in Ireland. The IRA was extremely successful at this and by 1920 the RIC only existed in major towns.
The British response was to send former World War 1
soldiers to Ireland. This group was called the "Black and Tan" due to their uniform
The War of Independence 1919-1921
As we have seen previously, the IRA's
guerillas warfare was working in many parts of
Ireland. The RIC was struggling to contain the IRA
and even with the help of the "Black and Tans", the
IRA was winning the war.
In retaliation to the attacks on the RIC, the Black and Tans began to carry out reprisals against local people and their homes. These actions meant that the IRA was receiving more support from the public.
There were 4 major incidents of the War of Independence.
1. In 1919, Tomas MacCurtain was murdered by the RIC in front of his entire family. MacCurtain was the Lord Major of Cork and his murder was a retaliation to the death of policeman.
2. Terrence MacSwiney became the Lord Major
of Cork after MacCurtain. He was arrested and sent
to Brixton prison, near London. When in prison,
he went on hunger strike and died on the 20th October 1920.
"Victory is not won by Those Who can inflict the most, but by Those Who can Endure the most"
3. On the
21st of November 1920
, Micheal Collins ordered
"The Squad"
to a kill a group of British agents called the
"Cairo Gang"
. 13 of these were killed in Dublin that morning.
Later that day, the Black and Tans shot into
Croke Park during a football match. 12 people were
killed, including one of the players, Michael Hogan
from Tipperary.
. The IRA attacked the Custom House in May 1921. The Custom House was severely damaged but this led to the capture or death of up to 80 Dublin IRA members.
In the Summer of 1921, both sides wanted peace.
Eamon De Valera
Lloyd George
both agreed to
a ceasefire in
July 1921
for a number of reasons.
The IRA were short of men and ammunition.
The people wanted peace.
The war was costing both sides a lot of money.
The British government was being criticised at home and abroad. |
Open Question Answering | Vol.2
June 6, 3989 Hitoshi is sleeping and drolling. From this angle you cant tell where they are headed. Akemija is driving the ship with a lollipop in her mouth, she throws it at hitioshi and it sticks to his head, it wakes him up
June 6, 3989
Hitoshi is sleeping and drolling. From this angle you cant tell where they are headed.
Akemija is driving the ship with a lollipop in her mouth, she throws it at hitioshi and it sticks to his head, it wakes him up
Hitoshi: (Opens his eyes and looks at the lollipop, without a word he puts it in his mouth)
Akemija: “ Im afraid were never gonna find it, or even arrive within the proximity of it”
Hitoshi: “Were still inside of the solar system…”
Akemija: “ Yes, and weve hardly reached the end of the milky way. Once we escape the mily way, we will be on our way to the Andromeda galaxy. It is very far…yes but..
Hitoshi is still eating the lollipop
h: “Maybe its no use. with all of the research out there its poss…”
a: “No. its not possible. . weve spent years perfecting our knowledge of space and our planet earth. its lead us here so there is no turning back now.besides the world is in turmoil. without us it could all go to mush…”
h:”Yes yes. i know.Im sorry to be negaive at such a crcuial time. its just a lot of pressure. No one believed in our theories..everyone vilified us.We went agaisnt all of the normal teachings”
a: “Who would ever believe that the earth is currently mechianlly enineered with a utopian mechanisim . never allowing stress, disease, murder, pain, or feeling of lost time. only serenity and alertness in the present moment in everywaking moment of your being. what could be better”
h: “Sounds like a cruel joke when you look at the world today. its harsh to trying to make them believe that we werent created for any of the purposes we now chase”
a: “Yes. but in order to get our species back on track, were gonna have to step on a few toes
“ “The utopian mechanism is so strong, it is able to push though more than 4000 miles of iron and nickel.It was built for a specific reason” Back when the earth was dominated by the utopian mechanism, our planet thrived and grew quickly. earths greenery was lush and vast, the oceans were clear allowing the sight of every underwater being.When humans developed we co-existed with mother nature, and we never destroyed each other.It resembled what we believe “heaven” to be. Now we are living hell on earth with the absense of it.replacing our fruitful earth with useless edifices,poisoning our bodies, destroying everyother living being we dont understand to make more since of our existense, . we have evolved and deteriorated simuntaneously . if we can reverse the decadence of humans we can do the same for our planet. its our responsibity
(Make this is a captioned area where i have pictures demonstrating this)
h: “We still haven’t been able to pin-point who or what is responsible for the de-actvation of the utopian mechanism”
a: “That is true. but i believe we are headed in the right direction
(picture of a map)
(picture of a map)
Some time much..much..much later:
Akemija walks out of the shower and has a flashback. there is a recurring memeory she cannot get out of her head. It is of her watching an otherworldly creature take her out of her mothers stomach.. and then staring her in the eyes..with a devious smile. its gets her to thinking about how humans were created. this flashback scares her.
a: I wonder how the first being was created.
h: “dust and rib…or so it says here”. (points to the bible he is reading) a: “how unreliable and deviously simple” h: “And how convenient the placement of The Tree of Knowledege” a: “The garden of eden was paradise, but easily allowed the temptation of satan. God knew he was the only perfect being, he knew he was the only one who could withstand temptation. why would he test adam and eve so harshly.”
h: “dust and rib…or so it says here”. (points to the bible he is reading)
a: “how unreliable and deviously simple”
h: “And how convenient the placement of The Tree of Knowledege”
a: “The garden of eden was paradise, but easily allowed the temptation of satan. God knew he was the only perfect being, he knew he was the only one who could withstand temptation. why would he test adam and eve so harshly.”
(crash)! they notice they’ve crashed into a wall. the milky way seems to have a stopping point..but they can see the other side.( it is a mirror)
h: No!! this can’t be..no..no..NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Akemija rushes to put on her suit.. hitoshi says ” no you can’t out there, it could be a trap”
Akemija rushes to put on her suit.. hitoshi says ” no you can’t out there, it could be a trap”
a: I Don’t CARE!!!!!! ..(she leaves out. we can now see a full view of the the space ship. …from the far away view we see her climbing up the space ship,,,to touch the wall that has stopped her. when she tapes the wall a loud high pitch noise goes off..causing her to loose her hearing for a brief amount of time.)
She turns back quickly and a huge spaceship, three times the size as hers moves past her slowly . she is so confused. has it been following her?,,, teleported…??, almost knocking her head off but she dunks down. its able to get through the wall, giving her ship a chance to go through.she rushes back into the ship..screams at hitoshi
She turns back quickly and a huge spaceship, three times the size as hers moves past her slowly . she is so confused. has it been following her?,,, teleported…??, almost knocking her head off but she dunks down. its able to get through the wall, giving her ship a chance to go through.she rushes back into the ship..screams at hitoshi
A:” follow that ship!!” (the person in the ship looks familiar)
They follow the ship inside of the portal, once they arrive it looks nothing like what they expected. the wall of the portal was a mirror reflecting where she was b4 she comes to realize. since no other sattelitte or ship as ever traveled that far there would be no way of them knowing that there was a portal in the first place.
They follow the ship inside of the portal, once they arrive it looks nothing like what they expected. the wall of the portal was a mirror reflecting where she was b4 she comes to realize. since no other sattelitte or ship as ever traveled that far there would be no way of them knowing that there was a portal in the first place.
What the inside of the portal looks like : ( there is no one there, no planets, the sky is not dark, nor does it have any stars. there are flowers hanging from the ceiling, which doesnt seem to have a definite start.it is very quiet…and the flowers are hanging,,hitoshi tries to speak to akemija but she can’t hear..neither of them can hear each other…all of a sudden,, the flowers began to shot out beautiful marble balls…but as the rush towards the them they convert into balls with knives attached…they are running away. but the darts are moving in closer, they are being rejected from the portal..as they are running, they are stopped in there tracks by the king flower..he says ” You are not supposed to be here. who are you?”
Hitoshi: he looks unbelievably frightened and scared. ” what…..is….this?”
Flower:” this is just one of the thousands of dimensions we have .” (this being the very first one) “how did you get in?”
akemija:” she tries to run away as she is talking ” we followed another ship in here..we didnt mean to disturb, let us out,,let us out!!”
akemija:” she tries to run away as she is talking ” we followed another ship in here..we didnt mean to disturb, let us out,,let us out!!”
Akemija and hitoshi began to run away but the flower stops in front of them again.
Flower: “Well you did, you distrubed the frequency of this dimension, and every other one too. tell me why youve intruded and i will let you go”
Akemija: “we are looking for the person responsible for de-activating the utopien mechanism on earth”
flower: “utopian mechanism?oh i see, and so youve tried to perfect your knowledge of space to make it happen, but we’ve surprised you. no one has ever traveled this deep into the universe b4. you shouldve known the information you’d optain would be biased.”
flower. “the universe is 16 billion years old, and out of the 5 billion years earth has been active, you are the first intruder we’ve ever had, who’s ever made it this far. but this is only the beginning”….”you must prove your worthiness..through a series of tests, if you pass…what you’ve traveled this far for will be granted?”
flower. “the universe is 16 billion years old, and out of the 5 billion years earth has been active, you are the first intruder we’ve ever had, who’s ever made it this far. but this is only the beginning”….”you must prove your worthiness..through a series of tests, if you pass…what you’ve traveled this far for will be granted?”
Akemija: i dont want this anymore
Flower: test 1……..
They are instantly dropped into another universe. it is blank..no left, right,,or up..so they walk endlessly in whatever direction..
they eventually end up next to a ladder…it is very long. The further it goes up, the harder it is to see. They realize that this is the only way out..So they began to climb. Their bodies become weak after such a long journey. They eventually get to the top and there is a door. they open it and leads them into this dark hallway, the floors are covered with a maroon velvet carpet, the walls have an intricate medival design. the ceilings are decorated with fire..it is upside down. they walk into the room and their are two chairs. each wall has an outline of a neon light that highlights the entire room.
Hitoshi: ( he looks at akemija) “What are we supposed to do?”
A woman, dressed in all black, with thick eyeliner, skinny read lips and long eyes apppears from behind. she says
” Sit down.” She shuts the door. akemija and hitoshi look scared they dont want to make any sudden moves
Hitoshi and akemija move hesitantly to the chair. . The woman comes over and hands them two masks, one for each
Hitoshi and akemija move hesitantly to the chair. . The woman comes over and hands them two masks, one for each
w: “put this on”
Hitoshi: “Why?! This is stupid. “
w: “Well if its so stupid why can’t you put it on, it will challange you in ways you coud never imagine. So take a look inside.”
Akemija and hitoshi place the masks on their head. It begans to form to their faces making it impossible to get out of. and the challenge begins. |
Open Question Answering | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 Seminar Question
On Monday, I spoke at a Chicago Bar Association CLE event on customs compliance. It was one of the more fun sessions in which I have participated. I knew most everyone on the panel, the moderator did a good job keeping us in check, and the topic was pretty basic so prep was easy. One question, however, was not so basic.
The question was asked, "Does the value of an assist include the duties and brokerage fees paid on import to the country of production?" Think that over for a second. It initially stumped the whole panel and we all agreed that we had never been asked that question. At a break, we huddled and reached the following very lawyerly conclusion: It depends. Remember that an assist is something of value given buy the buyer to the seller for use in the production of the imported merchandise. Classic examples include tools, dies, and molds. Most people know that the shipping cost is included in the value of the assist. The status of duties and brokerage is a perfectly natural question. Except that it is not. If you think it through, in few circumstances will the buyer pay the duties and brokerage fees associated with the importation by the producer. More often than not, those expenses will fall to the producer who will, one would hope, recoup them in the piece price. Thus, duties and brokerage are not likely to be provided by the buyer to the seller and, thus, are not included in the value of the assist. Two questions arise out of that analysis. First, what if the producer pays the transportation? Then there is no cost to the buyer and, again, the seller should be including that expense in its piece price (or just eating it). Second, what if the buyer actually does pay the duty and brokerage (e.g., in a DDP transaction)? Those are costs the seller would normally have to bear and, as a result, would normally pass on in the piece price. Given that the seller did not bear those costs, the piece price is theoretically artificially too low. Thus, it would seem that the duty and brokerage expense covered by the buyer would be included in the value of the assist or separately identified as an indirect payment. Does that make sense? It's an off the cuff analysis and I specifically reserve the right to change my mind in the right circumstances. Of course, when it comes to what appears in this blog, I always reserve that right.
The question was asked, "Does the value of an assist include the duties and brokerage fees paid on import to the country of production?"
Think that over for a second. It initially stumped the whole panel and we all agreed that we had never been asked that question.
At a break, we huddled and reached the following very lawyerly conclusion: It depends.
Remember that an assist is something of value given buy the buyer to the seller for use in the production of the imported merchandise. Classic examples include tools, dies, and molds. Most people know that the shipping cost is included in the value of the assist. The status of duties and brokerage is a perfectly natural question. Except that it is not.
If you think it through, in few circumstances will the buyer pay the duties and brokerage fees associated with the importation by the producer. More often than not, those expenses will fall to the producer who will, one would hope, recoup them in the piece price. Thus, duties and brokerage are not likely to be provided by the buyer to the seller and, thus, are not included in the value of the assist.
Two questions arise out of that analysis. First, what if the producer pays the transportation? Then there is no cost to the buyer and, again, the seller should be including that expense in its piece price (or just eating it). Second, what if the buyer actually does pay the duty and brokerage (e.g., in a DDP transaction)? Those are costs the seller would normally have to bear and, as a result, would normally pass on in the piece price. Given that the seller did not bear those costs, the piece price is theoretically artificially too low. Thus, it would seem that the duty and brokerage expense covered by the buyer would be included in the value of the assist or separately identified as an indirect payment.
Does that make sense? It's an off the cuff analysis and I specifically reserve the right to change my mind in the right circumstances. Of course, when it comes to what appears in this blog, I always reserve that right. |
Open Question Answering | Call 800-279-1693 Today for Wholesale Pricing
Our interlocking rubber floor tiles are the perfect choice if you are looking for a gym, weight room or sports floor and want something that is easy to install, looks great and is super tough.
It is also great if in the future you want to move the gym to another room, a new studio, a new house or another commercial location and want a floor that you can take with you!
When you walk into a room or a gym with our tiles installed, you do not see a room full of individual puzzle looking pieces. Our seams are so tight that that the floor looks as though it was one large piece of rubber. Our customers are amazed at how seamless the tiles look once installed.
These 24” x 24” x 3/8” thick, interlocking floor tiles are the perfect solution for not only those smaller spaces but also for any place that you don’t want to tape or use a full spread of adhesive to install.
The tiles are designed to be loose laid, so no adhesive or double stick tape is required.
Not only are they easy to install, they are tough enough to stand up to even the most demanding commercial applications such as schools, commercial gyms,military bases, recreation centers and physical therapy centers that have our tiles installed.
Not only do they look great, they will withstand years of abuse under the harshest conditions.
Question: “Do you have a size that will fit my gym?”
Answer: “Yes we do. Our Interlocking Rubber Floor Tiles allow you to install a gym floor in just about any size and configuration to fit your needs.
You can choose a wall-to-wall layout for 100% coverage or you could choose what is called a “rubber mat” layout.
For example, if you had a gym with wood or tile floors, you could put our interlocking tiles under the exercise equipment and leave other areas open to show off the wood or tile.
The versatility of these tiles allows you to create the perfect sports floor for your space. The size combination’s are endless.
Question: “How many types of tiles are there?”
Interlocking Corner Tile
Interlocking Center Tile
Interlocking Border Tile
Answer: “Our interlocking rubber floor tiles come in a choice of corner tiles, border tiles or center tiles. You can use our interlocking rubber floor tiles calculator to determine the number of each type of tile that you need. Simply enter the dimensions of your room and in seconds the calculator does all of the work and tells you the exact number that you need.”
Question: “Will the tiles damage my existing floor?”
Answer: “No they won’t. Another great benefit of the interlocking rubber tiles is that they will protect hardwood, tile, cement or resilient floors and will not leave any residue or scuff marks once the tiles are removed.
Thanks to our manufacturing process our rubber tiles will breathe and allow trapped moisture to evaporate, making the underlying floor and the gym or homeowner happy.”
Question: “What are the tiles made from?”
Answer: “These tiles are made from the same commercial quality rolled rubber athletic flooring that is used in most of the large nationwide commercial gym chains.
The rolled rubber is then die cut into 24” x 24” interlocking tiles. They are tough enough for a commercial facility with hundreds of members a day working out on them.”
Question: “What colors are available?”
Answer: “Our Interlocking Rubber floor tiles come Stock in solid black, blue speck, grey speck, tan speck and red brick speck. These tiles are always in stock and ship within 24 hours after the order is placed. We can also cut the tiles in any of our other colors as well. The non stock tiles are cut to order and we can usually ship them in about a week.
Answer: “There are many qualified contractors that can install your rubber flooring for you. Give us a call at
800-279-1693 if you would like us to help you locate several for you to choose from in your area.
If you want to install your own tiles, click here for installation instructions.
If you have questions during your installation you can call one of our installation support specialists for the help you need. |
Open Question Answering | A BLESSING OR A CURSE?
1. Both of these words are used frequently in the Bible.
2. We will be considering them as nouns in our study.
3. The word "blessing" means: "A benefit bestowed." Rom. 15:29; Gal. 3:14; Eph. 1:3; Heb. 6:7,8.
4. The word "curse" means "In the disfavor of God." Gal. 1:8,9.
5. Both words are used in Deut. 11:26-28.
6. So, with these thoughts in mind, I believe we can pretty well know how to distinguish between a blessing and a curse.
7. But, do you realize that there are blessings that can become curses to us?
A. Shut your eyes tight for just a moment!
1. Aren't you glad that you were able to open them and see again?
2. Aren't you glad that you have been able to see the glories of God's creation?
3. What if you had never been able to see your family, your relatives, your friends, your brethren?
B. We read of two blind men in the Bible. Matt. 20:29-34.
1. Did you note what they requested of Jesus, when He asked them what they wanted of Him?
2. How wonderful it must have been for them to now be blessed with sight.
C. But how sad it is for us to use these eyes with which we have been blessed for the wrong purpose.
1. When we do such, our eyes become a curse to us. Gen. 3:6; 19:26; Matt. 5: 27,28; 2 Pet. 2:14; 1 Jno. 2:15-17.
D. So, if we allow our eyes to become a curse, it would have been better if we had been born blind.
A. Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with a deaf-mute?
1. I have preached to them through an interpreter.
a. But even then, we are told, much is left to be desired in understanding.
B. Have you ever had a bad case of laryngitus or some other problem that prevented you from talking?
1. No doubt, under such conditions, you wrote out what you wanted to say.
2. I knew a dear old brother in the Lord that lost his voice entirely.
a. To make matters worse, he could neither read nor write.
b. I have spent hours trying to determine what he wanted to tell me. So did his children. No doubt, he went to his grave not being able to communicate what he wanted so desparately to tell me.
C. I would consider it a very great tragedy in my life if I could not speak to my loved ones.
1. But especially if I could not pray, talk to others about the Lord, nor sing praises to His matchless Name.
2. David said: "My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all day long." Psa. 71: 24.
D. But this same tongue, a blessing from God, used to praise God, can become a curse.
1. It can do so by: speaking evil -- cursing -- slandering -- lying -- using vulgarity, etc.
2. James warns about the tongue in Jas. 3:1-12.
A. God has given us life -- it is a blessing. Gen. 2:7; Acts 17:25.
1. Even when we pray, we thank the Lord for our life.
2. I believe that all of us want to live as long as we possibly can.
a. Peter speaks of a good life. 1 Pet. 3:10-12.
b. Paul says something about how to have long life. Eph. 6:1-3. Also note: Psa. 55:23.
3. We are very sad whenever our loved ones are taken from us in their youth.
a. But whether we live a long time or not, our lives can be a blessing.
B. But, on the other hand, if our lives are misused and thereby become a curse, it would have been better if we had not been born or if we had died as a baby.
1. Look at the life of Jereboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin.
a. He was an influence also on many other kings of Israel that followed in his steps.
1) Many times the statement: "They followed in the steps of Jereboam, the son of Nebat that caused Israel to sin," is said concerning kings that followed him.
2. It is left up to us what our lives will turn out to be.
3. The Lord tells His people that they have good and they have evil before them and that they should choose the good life and live eternally.
A. I am sure that we are thankful for the great abundance of physical blessing in this land in which we have been permitted to be born and live as citizens.
1. Many hundreds of thousands of people are living in lands where their loved ones are starving to death.
2. What a blessing to live in the good old USA. But, will we always be blessed with such abundance?
3. Jesus tells us about praying for our needs. "Give us this day our daily bread..." Matt. 6:11.
a. He does not tell us to pray: "Give us this day all of our luxurious desires."
4. He also tells uf that we "do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4.
5. He further tells us where our priorities should be: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Matt. 6:33.
6. John tells us not to love the world nor the things that are in the world. 1 Jno. 2:15- 17.
B. But in our quest for much of this world's goods, and our desire to enjoy them to the fullest, such might just become a curse rather than a blessing. 1 Tim. 6:7-10, 17-19.
1. Yes, many souls have gone on to torment because of turning this blessing into a curse.
A. Modest and comfortable ones can be a blessing to any congregation.
1. They can highly facilitate the Lord's work if used right.
2. Sometimes the Lord's work can be hampered by the lack of adequate facilities in which to meet.
B. But, church buildings have become albatrosses around many a neck of congregations throughout the land.
1. The Lord's money has been wasted on needless appendages and annexes.
a. Things which have nothing whatsoever to do with serving the Lord.
2. Too much attention has been given to creature comforts rather than to spreading the gospel.
A. Such can be a tremendous blessing if used right.
1. Much good teaching can be disseminated through the written page.
B. But such can also become a curse upon the brotherhood if allowed.
1. When such is looked to for authority rather than to the Bible.
2. When people put more stock in the editors and staff writers of such papers than they should.
3. When lines are drawn on the strength of which paper you read.
4. When false teaching is done in such papers.
5. When such papers begin to meddle in the affairs of a congregation.
A. What a wonderful blessing, especially in this day and time, to be able to send our children to schools where everything is done by Christians.
1. Where God is reverenced and His word respected.
B. But such schools can also become a curse.
1. By trying to legislate policy for churches.
2. By accepting and soliciting funds from churches.
3. By suggesting that all preachers should have a degree from such schools.
1. Yes, there are many blessings in this life that can, by abuse and misuse, be made into curses.
2. Actually, all that the Lord has ever done for us, through His manifold blessings, can become a curse to us if we fail to accept and use such blessings in the right way.
3. What is your life? -- a blessing or a curse?
4. Why not make it a blessing for yourself and for others?
By Jim Sasser
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The only pop-ups we use on our site are user-initiated pop-ups”we never display pop-up windows you haven’t requested by clicking on a link.
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400 – Bad Request
Problem: There’s something wrong with the address you entered. You may not be authorized to access the web page, or maybe it no longer exists.
Solution: Check the address carefully, especially if the address is long. Make sure that the slashes are correct (they should be forward slashes) and that all the names are properly spelled. Web addresses are case sensitive, so check that the names are capitalized in your entry as they are in the original reference to the website.
401 “ Unauthorized and 403 – Forbidden
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Solution: If you think you have authorization, try typing your password again. Remember that passwords are case sensitive.
404 – Not Found
Problem: Either the web page no longer exists on the server or it is nowhere to be found.
Solution: Check the address carefully and try entering it again. You might also see if the site has a search engine. If so, use it to hunt for the document. (It’s not uncommon for pages to change their addresses when a website is redesigned.)
To get to the home page of the site, delete everything after the domain name and hit the Enter or Return key.
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Why am I seeing out-dated information? To ensure that you see the most current information and photos on the MHM and ORCC websites and emails, please clear the cache folder on your computer regularly. Here are some simple instructions to guide you through this process:If you use Firefox: Click on Firefox (your Google screen should appear) Click on Tools, then options, then clear private data A list of options will appear with boxes checked next to them. Make sure the “cache” box is checked. You will need to determine if you want the other options cleared. Then click the “clear private data” button.If you use Internet Explorer: Click on Internet Options Click on Tools (in the upper right corner of the screen) A screen should pop up with several tabs across the top. Make sure you are on the “general” tab. Look for “Browsing History” and click “Delete” You must delete the Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. After that you can decide what other areas you want to clean out. |
Open Question Answering | Network
Written by SorceryNet Sunday, 05 September 2010 10:45 BotServ Commands
BotServ allows you to have a bot in your own channel. BotServ was created for users that either cannot host, configure or spend the time needed to run their own bots. On SorceryNet, we do permit friendly bots so this is merely a convenient bonus for those who would like to use this option instead. The available commands for the bot are listed below. On SorceryNet, you can always type in /BotServ help.
Explanation: This command lists all available bots on the network.
Syntax: /BotServ BOTLIST
Example: /botserv botlist
Explanation: This command will assign a bot to a channel. You can then configure the bot for the channel so that it fits your needs.
Syntax: /BotServ ASSIGN channel botname
Example: /botserv assign #blah Bot
Explanation: This command removes a bot from your channel. When you use this command the bot will not join the channel anymore. However, the bot configuration for the channel will remain so you will always be able to reassign a bot later without having to reconfigure it entirely.
Syntax: /BotServ UNASSIGN channel botname
Example: /botserv unassign #blah Bot
Explanation: This permits you to see BotServ information pertaining to a channel or a bot. If the parameter is a channel, you will get information such as enabled kickers. If the parameter is a nick, you will gain information about a bot (such as creation time or number of channels the bot is in).
Syntax: /BotServ INFO {channel | botnick}
Examples: /botserv info #blah
/botserv info Bot
Explanation: Here are the BotServ SET commands to configure bot options. Access is granted to this command by the user's Level SET.
Syntax: /msg BotServ SET (channel | bot) option parameters
DONTKICKOPS To protect ops against bot kicks
DONTKICKVOICES To protect voices against bot kicks
GREET Enable the bot to give Greet messages from users who join the channel with high enough Access.
FANTASY Enable fantaisist commands such as !op, !deop, !ban, !kick, !kb, !unban, !voice, !seen, etc.
SYMBIOSIS Allow the bot to act as a real bot. The bot will do all acts that normally ChanServ would handle.
Explanation: This will enable or disable OPs protection mode on a channel. When it is enabled, ops will not be kicked by the bot, even if they do not match the NOKICK level.
Syntax: /BotServ SET channel DONTKICKOPS {ON | OFF}
Example: /botserv set #blah dontkickops on
Explanation: This command enables or disables Voices protection mode on a channel. When it is ON, Voices will not be kicked by the bot, even if they do not match the NOKICK level.
Syntax: /BotServ SET channel DONTKICKVOICES {ON | OFF}
Example: /botserv set #blah dontkickvoices off
Explanation: This enables or disables the Fantasy mode on a channel. When it is enabled, users will be able to use the commands !op, !deop, !voice, !devoice, !kick, !kb, !unban and !seen on a channel. Note that users wanting to use Fantaisist commands MUST have enough level for both the FANTASIA and another level depending on the command if required. For example, to use !op, the user must have enough access for the OPDEOP Level. Many commands work simply by typing the command and the user's nick. i.e. !op Snake will give ops to user Snake in the channel.
Syntax /BotServ SET channel FANTASY {ON | OFF}
Example: /botserv set #blah fantasy on
Explanation: This command enables or disables the GREET mode on a channel. When enabled, the bot will display greet messages of the users who join the channel, provided they have enough access to the channel.
Syntax: /BotServ SET channel GREET {ON | OFF}
Example: /botserv set #blah greet off
Explanation: This enables or disables Symbiosis mode on a channel. When enabled, the bot will do everything normally done by ChanServ in the channel such as MODES, KICKS and even the entry message. Access to this command is determined by Level set.
Syntax: /BotServ SET channel SYMBIOSIS {ON | OFF}
Example: /botserv set #blah symbiosis on
Explanation: This command sets the Bot to autokick when an event happens or parameters are met.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel option parameters
Options to use:
BOLDS Sets if the bot kicks bold lettering
BADWORDS Sets if the bot kicks bad words
CAPS Sets if the bot kicks caps
COLORS Sets if the bot kicks colors
FLOOD Sets if the bot kicks flooding users
REPEAT Sets if the bot kicks users who repeat themselves
REVERSES Sets if the bot kicks reverses
UNDERLINES Sets if the bot kicks underlines
Explanation: This activates the bolds kicker. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use bold typing. (Control + B) 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before he/she gets banned. Do not give ttb to disable the ban system once it has been activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel BOLDS {ON | OFF} [ttb]
Example: /botserv kick #blah bolds on
Explanation: This sets the colors kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use colors. 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before that user is banned. Do not give ttb to disable the ban system once it has been activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel COLORS {ON | OFF} [ttb]
Example: /botserv kick #blah colors on 14 = The color kicker is on and after 14 times of kicking a user for colors, a ban will be set. (Control + K)
Explanation: This sets the reverses kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use reverses (Control + R) to invert text.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel REVERSES {ON | OFF} [ttb]
Example: /botserv kick #blah reverses on 5 = The bot reverses kicker has been activated and will ban after 5 kicks.
Explanation: This sets the underlines kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use underlines. (Control + U)
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel REVERSES {ON | OFF} [ttb]
Example: /botserv kick #blah reverses on 5 = The bot reverses kicker has been activated and will ban after 5 kicks.
Explanation: This sets the caps kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are talking in CAPS. The bot kicks only if
there are at least the minimum caps number set and/or they constitute at least a certain percentage set of the total text line. If not set manually by this command, the bot defaults to 10 characters and 25 percent of the message. 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before he/she will be banned. Do not give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel CAPS {ON | OFF} [ttb [min [percent]]]
Example: /botserv kick #blah caps on 12 15 50 = The bot will now kick caps which constitute at least 15 characters and 50% of the entire message. It will ban after the user has been kicked 12 times for the offense.
Explanation: This sets the flood kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are flooding the channel using at least a set number of lines in a given number of seconds. If the parameters are not given, the default is 6 lines in 10 seconds. 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before it is banned. Do not give ttb to disable teh ban system once activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel FLOOD {ON | OFF} [ttb [lines [seconds]]]
Example: /botserv kick #blah flood on 12 15 15 = The bot will kick a flooder who does 15 lines in 15 seconds. It will ban a user who has been kicked 12 times.
Explanation: This command sets the repeat kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are repeating themselves a certain number of times. If no number is given, the default amount is three times. 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before he or she is banned. Do not give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel REPEAT {ON | OFF} [ttb [number]]
Example: /botserv kick #blah on 4 5 = The bot is set to kick someone who repeats the same message 5 times. If the user is kicked 4 times for the offense, the bot will ban the user on the 4th kick.
Explanation: This sets the bad words kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who say certain words on the channels. You will be able to set bad words for your channel using the BADWORDS command. You can read on to the next paragraph here or type /BotServ HELP BADWORDS for more information. 'ttb' is the number of times a user can be kicked before the user is banned. Do not give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.
Syntax: /BotServ KICK channel BADWORDS {ON | OFF} [ttb]
Example: /bs kick #blah badwords on 5 = the bad words kicker has been activated and users saying 'bad words' that are set will be banned after 5 kicks.
Explanation: This command maintains the bad words list for the channel. The bad words list determines which words are to be kicked when the bad words kicker is enabled. For more information, see the command above this one or type /BotServ HELP KICK BADWORDS. The BADWORDS ADD command will add the given word to the bad words list. If SINGLE is specified, a kicker will be done only if a user says the word alone. If START is specified, a kicker will be done if a user says a word that starts with the word. I.e. if 'truck' is the word you set with SINGLE, any word with 'trucker' showing up in the first part will be banned. 'truckface' will therefore be kicked. If you use END, a kick will be done if the user says a word that ends with the particular kickable word. I.e. 'mothertrucker' would be banned if 'trucker' is put in and END is used. If you do not specify anything, a kick will be used every time the word is said by a user. This command can also be used to delete words off of the bad words list and you can view your list at any time. You may also choose to clear the entire bad words list if you are the founder.
Syntax: /BotServ BADWORDS channel ADD word [SINGLE | START | END]
Example: /botserv #blah add truck single = If used as a stand-alone word, anyone saying 'trucker' will be kicked.
Example: /bs #blah add truck start = saying the word 'truck' at the start of a compound word will enable the person to be kicked. i.e. truckface.
Example: /bs #blah add trucker end = using 'trucker' at the end of a compound word will enact the kicker. i.e. mothertrucker.
Example: /bs #blah add trucker = saying the word 'trucker' at anytime will activate the kicker.
Syntax: /BotServ BADWORDS channel DEL {word | entry number | list of numbers}
Example: /botserv badwords #blah del trucker = deletes 'trucker'
Example: /botserv badwords #blah del 5 = this deletes the 5th bad word in the bad words list.
Syntax: /BotServ BADWORDS channel LIST [mask | list]
Example: /botserv badwords #blah list 2-5,7-9 = this will list the bad words entries number 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.
Syntax: /BotServ channel CLEAR
Example: /bs #blah clear
Explanation: This makes the bot say the given text on the given channel. The bot must be in the channel to say the text.
Syntax: /BotServ SAY channel text
Example: /botserv say #blah Hey how's it going? = The bot will say to the channel 'Hey, how's it going?'
Explanation: This makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command, putting a sentence into 'action', which will be posted to the indicated channel. The bot must be in the channel that you wish it to speak in.
Syntax: /BotServ ACT channel text
Example: /botserv act #blah ran to the store = The bot, named bot in this case, will then post '* @Bot ran to the store |
Open Question Answering | If the day of the fourth insemination was a sitcom, it would be titled
Two and a Half (Strange) Men. The episode would feature our half-stranger fertility doc Dr. Text, our brand new donor Lefty, and a man named Tom who PartnerA and I came upon outside as we made our way to our appointment at Clinic One that morning, face-down on the icy pavement bleeding from his head.
Oh yes indeed, the day of the fourth insemination was a doozy.
A bout of the seasonal flu had me down for the count in the days leading up to and including my thirtieth birthday. That weekend, alternately shivering and sweating beneath a heavy duvet, I ingested an entire bottle of cough syrup, a few dozen medicated menthol cough drops, and my body weight in lemon balm herbal tea.
Needless to say, when Monday, February 18, 2013, rolled around, I was a tad exhausted and when upright, rather dizzy too. I hadn’t left the house in days, but determined to be present at the fourth insemination, I dragged myself to the shower, tugged on clothing
other than flannel pajamas, and made my way out the front door and into the world. The sunshine reflecting off of the snow heaped along either side of the road stung my eyes as PartnerA and I shuffled along the icy sidewalk. The bitter cold biting my cheeks jolted me awake.
PartnerA and I were optimistic and patting ourselves on the back for getting out of the house bright and early that Monday morning. We were going to be on time for the insemination appointment at Clinic One, have a leisurely lunch somewhere downtown, and spend the remainder of our day relaxed and enjoying each other’s company. You know what they say about the best laid plans.
We had barely made it to the end of our street when we came upon a man face-down on the asphalt, his glasses broken on the ground, and blood pooled around his head. A young woman crouched beside him, one hand on the conscious man’s shoulder and the other clutching a cell phone.
“Do you have your phone?” I questioned PartnerA, adrenaline facilitating a jolt of clarity in my flu-hazy brain. “Take it out. You need to be holding it.”
I raced toward the man on the ground. “Have you called 911?” I greeted the young woman, no more than twenty-one. She was rather calm, considering, but helpless there on the vacant street with an injured stranger. She was comforting him, but could do little more.
I knew that there was an EMS Station within walking distance. I could see it a couple hundred yards south behind a chain link fence.
Toward PartnerA I ordered, “Stay with her so she’s not alone with him.” PartnerA crouched beside the man on the ground and reached out her hand to rub his back. He lifted his head briefly and it was impossible to tell from where he was bleeding; the blood covered his forehead, nose, lips, and chin, and dripped down his neck forming a dark stain on the collar of his gray jacket. His mouth gaped open, saliva and blood dripping to the pavement and freezing in red rivulets on the ground below him. He didn’t speak.
I jogged to the EMS Station, tugged off my gloves, and rapped my bare knuckles against the cold metal door. No answer. I banged repeatedly on the door with the side of my fist. No answer. I tugged at the door handle. Locked. I could see vehicles in the ambulance bay, but the blue uniformed EMTs who were always milling about outside of this station were notably absent on this holiday Monday. Yanking my cell phone out of my pocket I willed my frozen fingers to dial 911. My lungs burned from running through the frigid February air as I explained to the dispatcher the location of the fallen man — a couple hundred yards north of the EMS Station.
Dispatcher: ‘Describe your location, ma’am.’
Me: ‘I am knocking on the front door of EMS Station #123.’
Dispatcher: ‘What intersection are you nearest to?’
Me: ‘Seriously?!! I’m literally standing beside EMS Station #123!’
Long story short, although the man fell within sight of an EMS Station, it took EMS 14 minutes to arrive. During that time, which felt like an eternity, the young woman and PartnerA crouched over the man taking turns rubbing his back and shoulders and encouraging him to stay still until help arrived. Between spitting blood, the man mumbled that his name was Tom. He was 55 years old. He lived up the street. He had gone out for a walk that morning and had been suddenly overtaken by a bout of vertigo.
Dispatcher: ‘Is be breathing normally?’
Me: ‘I guess? He’s conscious.’
Dispatcher: ‘Can he answer questions?’
Me: ‘I don’t know. What should I ask him?’
Dispatcher: ‘Anything.’
Me: ‘Uh, sir, do you know what day it is today? He can’t really talk; there’s a lot of blood in his mouth.’
Dispatcher: ‘I need you to keep an eye out for the ambulance. Flag them down when they arrive.’
Me: ‘I am. I know.’
At this point, I was running on emotionless auto-pilot. My strength is not people; my strength is efficient and effective coordination. So while PartnerA crouched over the stranger on the ground, coordinate I did. I was on the line with the 911 dispatcher for 14 minutes.
It was 14 minutes into the 911 call that the yellow-jacketed EMTs finally arrived and whisked the bleeding man away in an ambulance. After, the young woman kicked snow over the puddle of blood on the asphalt, explaining that today was her first day at her new job, and now she was late. She bolted toward the bus stop before PartnerA and I had a chance to explain that we were late too — for our appointment downtown to be inseminated with a stranger’s sperm.
Upon arrival at Clinic One, PartnerA trotted knowingly toward what we refer to as the ‘take-out window’ where patients advise Clinic One’s staff to thaw their frozen semen. Would you like fries with that? The last three times PartnerA had ordered thawed semen here, it had belonged to Mickey, our first choice donor. Today, the order was for Lefty, our second choice donor.
While I sat beside the large fish tank in the waiting area twiddling my thumbs, PartnerA had her blood drawn and had her twenty-eighth transvaginal ultrasound. Then, DrText appeared and as has become our routine, PartnerA and I jogged behind him as he dashed down the hallway into Insemination Room #4.
There, PartnerA stripped from the waist down, scooted onto the papered examination table, and with her socked feet in metal stirrups, signed the requisite paperwork confirming her intention to be inseminated.
Then, DrText retrieved a thawed vial of Lefty through the mini-door in the wall and a minute later, 18.9 million of our brand new donor’s sperm were ejected from the syringe to the tune of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe”.
Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here’s my number, So call me, maybe?
Frankly, the whole process
is crazy what with the whole being inseminated by a strange man with another strange man’s sperm. It’s all rather bizarre that this is a thing that people do. That this is a thing that we have done. Indeed, we have done it while grinning and bopping our heads in unison to the latest catchy sugar-sweet teeny-bopper pop hit. Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here’s my number, So call me, maybe?
Crazy, indeed!
IUI #1 Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Donor: Mickey Outcome: FAIL! Vials of Mickey left: 2 IUI #2 Thursday, November 29, 2012 Donor: Mickey Outcome: FAIL! Vials of Mickey left: 1 IUI #3 Monday, January 21, 2013 Donor: Mickey Outcome: FAIL! Vials of Mickey left: 0 IUI #4 Monday, February 18, 2013 Donor: Lefty Outcome: Blood Test and Results Scheduled on Sunday, March 3, 2013 Vials of Lefty left: 1 |
Open Question Answering | Q: Enclosed is a photo of a candy dish marked "Royal Winton Chintz, Hand Painted, Made in England." It was purchased in the early 1900s. Can you tell me how much it might sell for?
A: This was made by Grimwades Ltd. in Stoke, England, during the mid-20th century. It would probably sell for about $35 to $45.
Q: This mark is on the bottom of a compote. It has a basket-weave rim and is supported by three Cupids. It is a fine-quality porcelain decorated with flowers of various colors. Please tell me what you can about its origin and value.
A: This was made by the Carl Thieme porcelain factory in Potschappel, Germany, about 1880. It would probably sell for $500 to $600.
Q: I have a 9-inch vase that has a picture of a deer in a field; in the background are a building and trees. It is marked "Royal Bayreuth" and dated 1794. Please eval
uate this for me.
A. Your porcelain vase was made in Tettau, Germany, in the mid-20th century. It would probably sell for about $100.
Q: Some people say that my can of Billy Beer is valuable. I know this was made when his brother (Jimmy Carter) was president in the 1970s. What is your opinion?
A: The last time I checked, the price was about $3; a current price guide lists the empty Billy Beer cans at 50 cents to $1.
Q: My antique hand-painted porcelain vase is 10 inches tall and is decorated with orange and yellow flowers on a black background. It is marked "Czechoslovakia." Can you tell me when this was made and what it might sell for?
DTC A: Since Czechoslovakia was founded in 1918, your vase was probably made between then and 1939, when the country was taken over by Germany. It would probably sell for $65 to $75. |
Subsets and Splits