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while the story is better-focused than the incomprehensible anne rice novel it 's based afterwards , queen of the damned is a pointless , meandering celebration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me life . | 0 | textbugger |
while the story is better-focused than the incomprehensible anne rice novel it 's based upon , queen of the damned is a pointless , meandering celebration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me lifestyle . | 0 | clean |
originɑlity ai n't on the menu , but there 's nevеr a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . | 1 | textbugger |
originality ai n't on the menu , but there 's never a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . | 1 | clean |
like mike is a s light and uninventive movie : like the exalted michael jordan referred to in the title , many can aspire but none can equal . | 0 | textbugger |
like mike is a slight and uninventive movie : like the exalted michael jordan referred to in the title , many can aspire but none can equal . | 0 | clean |
the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows ԁeft comic timing . | 1 | textbugger |
the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows deft comic timing . | 1 | clean |
a grittily beautiful film that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended po em than a traditionally structured story . | 1 | textbugger |
a grittily beautiful film that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditionally structured story . | 1 | clean |
strangely comeѕ off as a kingdom more mild than wild . | 1 | textbugger |
strangely comes off as a kingdom more mild than wild . | 1 | clean |
a few hours after you 've seеn it , you forget you 've been to the movies . | 0 | textbugger |
a few hours after you 've seen it , you forget you 've been to the movies . | 0 | clean |
yet it 's not quite the genre-busting film it 's been hyped to be because it plaуs everything too safer . | 0 | textbugger |
yet it 's not quite the genre-busting film it 's been hyped to be because it plays everything too safe . | 0 | clean |
the biggest problem with roger avary 's uproar against the mpaa is that , still in all its director 's cut gl ory , he 's made a film that 's barely shoϲking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . | 0 | textbugger |
the biggest problem with roger avary 's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its director 's cut glory , he 's made a film that 's barely shocking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . | 0 | clean |
peralta cap𝚝ures , in luminous interviews and amazingly evocative film from three decades ago , the essence of the dogtown experience . | 1 | textbugger |
peralta captures , in luminous interviews and amazingly evocative film from three decades ago , the essence of the dogtown experience . | 1 | clean |
maages to accomplish what few sequels can -- it equals the original and in some ways even betters it . | 1 | textbugger |
manages to accomplish what few sequels can -- it equals the original and in some ways even betters it . | 1 | clean |
the end result is ⅼike cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . | 0 | textbugger |
the end result is like cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . | 0 | clean |
it shows that some studios firmly believe that people have lost the abilities to think and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there 's a littⅼe girl-on-girl actions . | 0 | textbugger |
it shows that some studios firmly believe that people have lost the ability to think and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there 's a little girl-on-girl action . | 0 | clean |
despite a quieter milieu section , involving aragorn 's dreams of arwen , this is even better than the fellowship . | 1 | textbugger |
despite a quieter middle section , involving aragorn 's dreams of arwen , this is even better than the fellowship . | 1 | clean |
that such a horrible moive could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year 's worst ciոematic tragedies . | 0 | textbugger |
that such a horrible movie could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year 's worst cinematic tragedies . | 0 | clean |
a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family dviersion . | 1 | textbugger |
a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . | 1 | clean |
australian filmmaker david flatman uses the huge-scⲅeen format to make an old-fashioned nature film that educates viewers with words and pictures while entertainng them . | 1 | textbugger |
australian filmmaker david flatman uses the huge-screen format to make an old-fashioned nature film that educates viewers with words and pictures while entertaining them . | 1 | clean |
`` mr. deeds '' is adequate summer entertainment that offers escapism without requiring a great deal of thought . | 1 | textbugger |
`` mr. deeds '' is suitable summer entertainment that offers escapism without requiring a great deal of thought . | 1 | clean |
lame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturnеd . | 0 | textbugger |
lame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . | 0 | clean |
rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to the rising place that wo uld configured it apart from other deep south stories . | 0 | textbugger |
rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to the rising place that would set it apart from other deep south stories . | 0 | clean |
it 's always disappointing when a documentary fails to live up to -- or offeⲅ any new hunch into -- its chosen topic . | 0 | textbugger |
it 's always disappointing when a documentary fails to live up to -- or offer any new insight into -- its chosen topic . | 0 | clean |
yet another iteration of what 's become one of the movies ' oddest conventions , in which the developmentally dіsabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally `` superior '' friends , faimly ... | 0 | textbugger |
yet another iteration of what 's become one of the movies ' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally `` superior '' friends , family ... | 0 | clean |
you may be galled that you 've lost narly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . | 0 | textbugger |
you may be galled that you 've wasted nearly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . | 0 | clean |
herr. scorsese 's bravery and integrity in advancing this vision can hardly be underestimated . | 1 | textbugger |
mr. scorsese 's bravery and integrity in advancing this vision can hardly be underestimated . | 1 | clean |
more intellectually scary than dramatically invlving . | 0 | textbugger |
more intellectually scary than dramatically involving . | 0 | clean |
the movie is like a year late for tapping into our realіty tv obsession , and even tardier for exploiting the novelty of the `` ԝebcast . '' | 0 | textbugger |
the movie is like a year late for tapping into our reality tv obsession , and even tardier for exploiting the novelty of the `` webcast . '' | 0 | clean |
funny and nimble . | 1 | textbugger |
fun and nimble . | 1 | clean |
when the casting call for this movie went out , it must have read ` seeking everyone with acting ambition but no sense of pride or disgrace . ' | 0 | textbugger |
when the casting call for this movie went out , it must have read ` seeking anyone with acting ambition but no sense of pride or shame . ' | 0 | clean |
the movie is a despeⲅate miscalculation . | 0 | textbugger |
the movie is a desperate miscalculation . | 0 | clean |
what they 're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no lap or sensuous charge . | 0 | textbugger |
what they 're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . | 0 | clean |
plays like a glossy melodramas that occasionally verges on camp . | 0 | textbugger |
plays like a glossy melodrama that occasionally verges on camp . | 0 | clean |
what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superficial wɑy it deals with its story . | 0 | textbugger |
what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superficial way it deals with its story . | 0 | clean |
polanski has found the pеrfect material with which to address his own world war ii experience in his signature stlye . | 1 | textbugger |
polanski has found the perfect material with which to address his own world war ii experience in his signature style . | 1 | clean |
the main story ... is cоmpelling enough , but it 's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that chatty fish . | 0 | textbugger |
the main story ... is compelling enough , but it 's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that chatty fish . | 0 | clean |
the fіlm boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is disappointing . | 1 | textbugger |
the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is disappointing . | 1 | clean |
it 's no surprіse that as a diⲅector washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's no surprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . | 1 | clean |
if mostly martha is mostly unsurprising , it 's still a sweet , even delectable diveⲅsion . | 1 | textbugger |
if mostly martha is mostly unsurprising , it 's still a sweet , even delectable diversion . | 1 | clean |
top-notch ac𝚝ion powers this romantic drama . | 1 | textbugger |
top-notch action powers this romantic drama . | 1 | clean |
roman polanski 's autobіographical gesture at redemption is brighter than ` shindler 's list ' - it is more than merely a holocaust movie . | 1 | textbugger |
roman polanski 's autobiographical gesture at redemption is better than ` shindler 's list ' - it is more than merely a holocaust movie . | 1 | clean |
an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almoѕt makes you wish he 'd gone the ԝay of don simpson . | 0 | textbugger |
an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost makes you wish he 'd gone the way of don simpson . | 0 | clean |
confessions may not be a straightforwɑrd bio , nor does it offer much in the way of barris ' motifs , but the film is an oddly fascinating depiction of an ɑrchitect of pop culture . | 1 | textbugger |
confessions may not be a straightforward bio , nor does it offer much in the way of barris ' motivations , but the film is an oddly fascinating depiction of an architect of pop culture . | 1 | clean |
the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source matеrial movie are once again made all too clear in this schlocky horror\/action blended . | 0 | textbugger |
the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source material movie are once again made all too clear in this schlocky horror\/action hybrid . | 0 | clean |
takes a mere premise and carries it to unexpected heights . | 1 | textbugger |
takes a simple premise and carries it to unexpected heights . | 1 | clean |
` moore is like a progressive bull in a china shop , a provocatеur crashing into ideas and spceial-interest groups as he slaps together his own brand of liberalism . ' | 0 | textbugger |
` moore is like a progressive bull in a china shop , a provocateur crashing into ideas and special-interest groups as he slaps together his own brand of liberalism . ' | 0 | clean |
the film reminds me of a vastly improved germanic v ersion of my big fat greek wedding -- with better characters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a measure of style . | 1 | textbugger |
the film reminds me of a vastly improved germanic version of my big fat greek wedding -- with better characters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a measure of style . | 1 | clean |
the star who hеlped give a spark to `` chasing amy '' and `` changing lanes '' falls fⅼat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this smumer 's new action film , `` the sum of all fears . '' | 0 | textbugger |
the star who helped give a spark to `` chasing amy '' and `` changing lanes '' falls flat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this summer 's new action film , `` the sum of all fears . '' | 0 | clean |
a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camеra . | 1 | textbugger |
a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera . | 1 | clean |
a marvelous performance by allison lohman as an identity-seeking foster chiⅼd . | 1 | textbugger |
a marvelous performance by allison lohman as an identity-seeking foster child . | 1 | clean |
a slow-moving police-procedural thriller that takes its title all too lіterally . | 0 | textbugger |
a slow-moving police-procedural thriller that takes its title all too literally . | 0 | clean |
since dahmer resor𝚝s to standard slasher flick sentiments when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it misses a major chances to be truly revelatory about his psyche . | 0 | textbugger |
since dahmer resorts to standard slasher flick thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it misses a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche . | 0 | clean |
Subsets and Splits