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claire peploe 's airless movie adaptation could use a little american pie-like irreverence . | 0 | textbugger |
clare peploe 's airless movie adaptation could use a little american pie-like irreverence . | 0 | clean |
a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empaty . | 0 | textbugger |
a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empathy . | 0 | clean |
a cutesy romantic tale with a twis𝚝 . | 1 | textbugger |
a cutesy romantic tale with a twist . | 1 | clean |
about one in three gags in white 's intermittently wise script հits its mark ; the rest are padding unashamedly appropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . | 0 | textbugger |
about one in three gags in white 's intermittently wise script hits its mark ; the rest are padding unashamedly appropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . | 0 | clean |
it plods along methodically , somehow under the aѕsumption that its `` dead wife communicating from beyond the grievous '' framework is even remotely new or interesting . | 0 | textbugger |
it plods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its `` dead wife communicating from beyond the grave '' framework is even remotely new or interesting . | 0 | clean |
give credit to everyone from robinson down to the essential grip that this bold move works . | 1 | textbugger |
give credit to everyone from robinson down to the key grip that this bold move works . | 1 | clean |
enough said , e×cept : film overboard ! | 0 | textbugger |
enough said , except : film overboard ! | 0 | clean |
a suffocating rape-pɑyback horror show that hinges on the subgenre 's most enabling victim ... and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freezers . | 1 | textbugger |
a suffocating rape-payback horror show that hinges on the subgenre 's most enabling victim ... and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freezers . | 1 | clean |
while we no longer possess the lack-of-attentіon span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sitting for blades ii . | 1 | textbugger |
while we no longer possess the lack-of-attention span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sitting for blade ii . | 1 | clean |
a collage of clichés and a dim eco of allusions to other films . | 0 | textbugger |
a collage of clichés and a dim echo of allusions to other films . | 0 | clean |
combine the paranoid claustrophobia of a undersea moviе with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why did n't hollywood think of this sooner ? | 1 | textbugger |
combine the paranoid claustrophobia of a submarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why did n't hollywood think of this sooner ? | 1 | clean |
if damon and affleck attempt another project geenlight , next time out they might try paying less attention to the miniserieѕ and more attention to the film it is about . | 0 | textbugger |
if damon and affleck attempt another project greenlight , next time out they might try paying less attention to the miniseries and more attention to the film it is about . | 0 | clean |
the screenplay by jɑmes eric , james horton and director peter o'fallon ... is so pat it makes your teeth hurt . | 0 | textbugger |
the screenplay by james eric , james horton and director peter o'fallon ... is so pat it makes your teeth hurt . | 0 | clean |
i 'm giving it thumbs down due to the endlessly repetitive scenes of embarrassment . | 0 | textbugger |
i 'm giving it thumbs down due to the endlessly repetitive scenes of embarrassment . | 0 | clean |
not only does leblanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miѕerable across as he swaggers through his scenes . | 0 | textbugger |
not only does leblanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throughout as he swaggers through his scenes . | 0 | clean |
an elegant work , food of adore is as consistently engaging as it is revealing . | 1 | textbugger |
an elegant work , food of love is as consistently engaging as it is revealing . | 1 | clean |
the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the ѕcreenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature wrote by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by spike jоnze . | 1 | textbugger |
the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by spike jonze . | 1 | clean |
... a weak and ineffective ghost stoⲅy without a conclusion or pay off . | 0 | textbugger |
... a weak and ineffective ghost story without a conclusion or pay off . | 0 | clean |
if you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to look it twice . | 1 | textbugger |
if you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to see it twice . | 1 | clean |
the film never finds its tоne and several scenes run too long . | 0 | textbugger |
the film never finds its tone and several scenes run too long . | 0 | clean |
suffers from a lack of clarity and ɑudacity that a subject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . | 0 | textbugger |
suffers from a lack of clarity and audacity that a subject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . | 0 | clean |
it 's not a motion pictures ; it 's an utterly static picture . | 0 | textbugger |
it 's not a motion picture ; it 's an utterly static picture . | 0 | clean |
it 's probably not easy to make such a wоrthless film ... | 0 | textbugger |
it 's probably not easy to make such a worthless film ... | 0 | clean |
the film is bⲅight and flashy in all the right ways . | 1 | textbugger |
the film is bright and flashy in all the right ways . | 1 | clean |
a brisk , revеrent , and subtly different sequel . | 1 | textbugger |
a brisk , reverent , and subtly different sequel . | 1 | clean |
a macabre and very stylized swedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and citizen virtues that hold society in place are in tatterѕ . | 1 | textbugger |
a macabre and very stylized swedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters . | 1 | clean |
does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the warfare and of filling in the background . | 1 | textbugger |
does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background . | 1 | clean |
a fascinating documentray that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system | 1 | textbugger |
a fascinating documentary that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system | 1 | clean |
a cautionry tale about the folly of superficiality that is itself endlessly superficial . | 0 | textbugger |
a cautionary tale about the folly of superficiality that is itself endlessly superficial . | 0 | clean |
quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his travelogue performance . | 0 | textbugger |
quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . | 0 | clean |
i did go back and c heck out the last 10 minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 30 or 40 minutes . | 0 | textbugger |
i did go back and check out the last 10 minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 30 or 40 minutes . | 0 | clean |
in the ed , the movie bogs down in insignificance , saying nothing about kennedy 's assassination and revealing nothing about the pathology it pretends to investigates . | 0 | textbugger |
in the end , the movie bogs down in insignificance , saying nothing about kennedy 's assassination and revealing nothing about the pathology it pretends to investigate . | 0 | clean |
it 's refreshing to see a films that embraces its old-fashioned themes and in the process comes out lookiոg like something wholly original . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's refreshing to see a movie that embraces its old-fashioned themes and in the process comes out looking like something wholly original . | 1 | clean |
it must be the end of the world : the best film so far this year is a franchise seqeul starriոg wesley snipes . | 1 | textbugger |
it must be the end of the world : the best film so far this year is a franchise sequel starring wesley snipes . | 1 | clean |
boomers and their kids will have a barrie good tіme . | 1 | textbugger |
boomers and their kids will have a barrie good time . | 1 | clean |
woah . | 1 | textbugger |
wow . | 1 | clean |
if disney 's cinderella proved that ' a dream is a wish your heart makes , ' then cinderella ii proves that a nightmare is a wish a stuido 's ԝallet makes . | 0 | textbugger |
if disney 's cinderella proved that ' a dream is a wish your heart makes , ' then cinderella ii proves that a nightmare is a wish a studio 's wallet makes . | 0 | clean |
been there , done that ... a thousand times alreadу , and better . | 0 | textbugger |
been there , done that ... a thousand times already , and better . | 0 | clean |
an infuriating movie . | 0 | textbugger |
an infuriating film . | 0 | clean |
a film with a great premise but only a great premises . | 1 | textbugger |
a film with a great premise but only a great premise . | 1 | clean |
seagal ran out of movies years ago , and this is just the prove . | 0 | textbugger |
seagal ran out of movies years ago , and this is just the proof . | 0 | clean |
a backhanded odе to female camaraderie pеnned by a man who has little clue about either the nature of women or of friendship . | 0 | textbugger |
a backhanded ode to female camaraderie penned by a man who has little clue about either the nature of women or of friendship . | 0 | clean |
the fetid underbelly of fame has never l ooked uglier . | 0 | textbugger |
the fetid underbelly of fame has never looked uglier . | 0 | clean |
by halfway through this picture i was beginning to hate it , and , of course , feelinɡ guil ty for it ... then , miracle of miracles , the movie does a flip-flop . | 1 | textbugger |
by halfway through this picture i was beginning to hate it , and , of course , feeling guilty for it ... then , miracle of miracles , the movie does a flip-flop . | 1 | clean |
soulless and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crɑpulence . | 0 | textbugger |
soulless and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . | 0 | clean |
what the movie lacks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romaոce . | 1 | textbugger |
what the movie lacks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . | 1 | clean |
sweet home ala is n't going to win any academy awards , but this date-night diversion will definitely triumphs some hearts . | 1 | textbugger |
sweet home alabama is n't going to win any academy awards , but this date-night diversion will definitely win some hearts . | 1 | clean |
it 's a satisfying summer blockbuster and wor𝚝h a look . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look . | 1 | clean |
a party-hearty tеen flick that scalds like acid . | 0 | textbugger |
a party-hearty teen flick that scalds like acid . | 0 | clean |
the movie is ... very funny as you peеk at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . | 1 | textbugger |
the movie is ... very funny as you peek at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . | 1 | clean |
Subsets and Splits