2 values
pachishíi káan uhyárih.
translate from karuk to english
The dog is standing there.
The dog is standing there.
translate from english to karuk
pachishíi káan uhyárih.
xás paachvíiv káan úkxiiptih, kúnish tu'áy páchishiih.
translate from karuk to english
The bird is flying there, it is sort of afraid of the dog.
The bird is flying there, it is sort of afraid of the dog.
translate from english to karuk
xás paachvíiv káan úkxiiptih, kúnish tu'áy páchishiih.
pachishíi u'áharamuti sahíshyuuxach.
translate from karuk to english
The dog is chasing a rabbit.
The dog is chasing a rabbit.
translate from english to karuk
pachishíi u'áharamuti sahíshyuuxach.
pachishíi káan úkrii, tóo kfuuyshur, umyáhyaahtih.
translate from karuk to english
The dog is sitting there, it is tired, it is panting.
The dog is sitting there, it is tired, it is panting.
translate from english to karuk
pachishíi káan úkrii, tóo kfuuyshur, umyáhyaahtih.
túuyship uvêehrimva, xás utíshraamhitih musúrukam.
translate from karuk to english
Mountains are standing, and a valley is below them.
Mountains are standing, and a valley is below them.
translate from english to karuk
túuyship uvêehrimva, xás utíshraamhitih musúrukam.
xás musmus'asiktâan káan uhyárih, pírish u'áamtih.
translate from karuk to english
A cow is standing there, she is eating grass.
A cow is standing there, she is eating grass.
translate from english to karuk
xás musmus'asiktâan káan uhyárih, pírish u'áamtih.
káan tishrámkaam, xás úhthaamhitih, káru ipahá'anamahach káan u'íihya.
translate from karuk to english
A big field is there, and a man is planting there, and a little tree is standing there.
A big field is there, and a man is planting there, and a little tree is standing there.
translate from english to karuk
káan tishrámkaam, xás úhthaamhitih, káru ipahá'anamahach káan u'íihya.
káru pirishxárahsa uvêehrimva mupîimach.
translate from karuk to english
And tall grass is standing next to him.
And tall grass is standing next to him.
translate from english to karuk
káru pirishxárahsa uvêehrimva mupîimach.
utishramhúniihva káru máruk, víri vaa káan káru uhthaamhíramhitih.
translate from karuk to english
There are fields on the slopes uphill also, there is cultivated ground there too.
There are fields on the slopes uphill also, there is cultivated ground there too.
translate from english to karuk
utishramhúniihva káru máruk, víri vaa káan káru uhthaamhíramhitih.
pa'ávansa usrûuntih payuraschíshiih.
translate from karuk to english
The man is leading the horse.
The man is leading the horse.
translate from english to karuk
pa'ávansa usrûuntih payuraschíshiih.
ukûuntakoo páchishiih, ikrivtakukíriipux, káru ishrêeriipux.
translate from karuk to english
He is riding the horse, without a saddle, and without a bridle.
He is riding the horse, without a saddle, and without a bridle.
translate from english to karuk
ukûuntakoo páchishiih, ikrivtakukíriipux, káru ishrêeriipux.
payôok ávansa vuraakírak uvôoruraatih, úmkaanvutih.
translate from karuk to english
Here a man is climbing on a ladder, he is picking apples.
Here a man is climbing on a ladder, he is picking apples.
translate from english to karuk
payôok ávansa vuraakírak uvôoruraatih, úmkaanvutih.
payôok kuyráak axíich kun'iruvêehriv.
translate from karuk to english
Here three children are standing.
Here three children are standing.
translate from english to karuk
payôok kuyráak axíich kun'iruvêehriv.
káru tapas'ápsuun káan ithyárukirukam utákviihriv, muxvâa a' uhyárih.
translate from karuk to english
And a rattlesnake is lying coiled there across-stream, its head is standing up.
And a rattlesnake is lying coiled there across-stream, its head is standing up.
translate from english to karuk
káru tapas'ápsuun káan ithyárukirukam utákviihriv, muxvâa a' uhyárih.
xás paaxíich kuníkshuupkuti pa'ápsuun.
translate from karuk to english
The children are pointing at the snake.
The children are pointing at the snake.
translate from english to karuk
xás paaxíich kuníkshuupkuti pa'ápsuun.
payôok áxak pa'ápsuun, kúnish chími kuníshkaaksipreevish.
translate from karuk to english
Here are two snakes, they are sort of going to strike (lit., jump).
Here are two snakes, they are sort of going to strike (lit., jump).
translate from english to karuk
payôok áxak pa'ápsuun, kúnish chími kuníshkaaksipreevish.
paaxíich uumkun káru tá kunmah, pa'ápsuun.
translate from karuk to english
The children also see the snakes.
The children also see the snakes.
translate from english to karuk
paaxíich uumkun káru tá kunmah, pa'ápsuun.
pa'ápsuun ithyáruk kuníshkaakaraanik, xás paaxíich tá kun'áathva, xás kuníhmar.
translate from karuk to english
The snakes have jumped across, and the children are afraid, and they ran.
The snakes have jumped across, and the children are afraid, and they ran.
translate from english to karuk
pa'ápsuun ithyáruk kuníshkaakaraanik, xás paaxíich tá kun'áathva, xás kuníhmar.
xás yítha paaxíich tóo kyívish, tóo kyívivruk.
translate from karuk to english
One child fell down, he fell down over (the bank).
One child fell down, he fell down over (the bank).
translate from english to karuk
xás yítha paaxíich tóo kyívish, tóo kyívivruk.
páy uum úuth yúrasak.
translate from karuk to english
This is out at the ocean.
This is out at the ocean.
translate from english to karuk
páy uum úuth yúrasak.
xás pakúusra tuvôonsip.
translate from karuk to english
The sun has risen.
The sun has risen.
translate from english to karuk
xás pakúusra tuvôonsip.
káru pápaa úuth uthívruuhtih.
translate from karuk to english
And the boat is floating out in the water.
And the boat is floating out in the water.
translate from english to karuk
káru pápaa úuth uthívruuhtih.
káan asiktávaan uhyári yurástiim.
translate from karuk to english
A woman is standing there on the seashore.
A woman is standing there on the seashore.
translate from english to karuk
káan asiktávaan uhyári yurástiim.
xás pa'ávansa úuth uvíitih.
translate from karuk to english
The man is paddling out in the water.
The man is paddling out in the water.
translate from english to karuk
xás pa'ávansa úuth uvíitih.
payôok yurástiim kunifyúkiichvutih pa'ávansa káru payeeripáxvuh.
translate from karuk to english
Here the man and the girl are taking a walk on the seashore.
Here the man and the girl are taking a walk on the seashore.
translate from english to karuk
payôok yurástiim kunifyúkiichvutih pa'ávansa káru payeeripáxvuh.
páy uum pichas'ípaha uvêehrimva, xás simsímtas utaaspáthahitih.
translate from karuk to english
These peach trees are standing, and there is a wire fence around.
These peach trees are standing, and there is a wire fence around.
translate from english to karuk
páy uum pichas'ípaha uvêehrimva, xás simsímtas utaaspáthahitih.
páy uum úhthaam, koonmúrax.
translate from karuk to english
This is a garden, nothing but corn.
This is a garden, nothing but corn.
translate from english to karuk
páy uum úhthaam, koonmúrax.
páy uum tishrámkaam, xás utuyshíiprinahiti yiiv.
translate from karuk to english
This is a big valley, and there are mountains rising far away.
This is a big valley, and there are mountains rising far away.
translate from english to karuk
páy uum tishrámkaam, xás utuyshíiprinahiti yiiv.
xás ipahá'anamahach káan u'íihya.
translate from karuk to english
A little tree is standing there.
A little tree is standing there.
translate from english to karuk
xás ipahá'anamahach káan u'íihya.
áxak pátiik, a' kunvêehriv.
translate from karuk to english
There are two hands, they are standing upwards.
There are two hands, they are standing upwards.
translate from english to karuk
áxak pátiik, a' kunvêehriv.
páy uum tiik.
translate from karuk to english
These are hands.
These are hands.
translate from english to karuk
páy uum tiik.
xás aas kich.
translate from karuk to english
They are wet.
They are wet.
translate from english to karuk
xás aas kich.
xás pa'íshaha tu'irihshúroo tik'ípanich.
translate from karuk to english
The water is dripping off of the fingertips.
The water is dripping off of the fingertips.
translate from english to karuk
xás pa'íshaha tu'irihshúroo tik'ípanich.
amkír utháaniv.
translate from karuk to english
A table is sitting.
A table is sitting.
translate from english to karuk
amkír utháaniv.
ásip ávahkam uthrítakoo.
translate from karuk to english
A bowl is sitting on top.
A bowl is sitting on top.
translate from english to karuk
ásip ávahkam uthrítakoo.
pa'asiktávaan utráamnihti pa'ásipak.
translate from karuk to english
The woman is looking in the bowl.
The woman is looking in the bowl.
translate from english to karuk
pa'asiktávaan utráamnihti pa'ásipak.
pa'asiktávaan yiivári kúuk tu'íipma, tóo ktaamsip pa'ásip.
translate from karuk to english
The woman goes away again, she carries off the bowl.
The woman goes away again, she carries off the bowl.
translate from english to karuk
pa'asiktávaan yiivári kúuk tu'íipma, tóo ktaamsip pa'ásip.
pa'amkír káan utháaniv, xás ukxúrikahiti ávahkam ípaha.
translate from karuk to english
The table is sitting there, and a tree is drawn on top.
The table is sitting there, and a tree is drawn on top.
translate from english to karuk
pa'amkír káan utháaniv, xás ukxúrikahiti ávahkam ípaha.
káan pa'ávansa uhyárih, úmuustih.
translate from karuk to english
A man is standing there, he is looking at it.
A man is standing there, he is looking at it.
translate from english to karuk
káan pa'ávansa uhyárih, úmuustih.
xás tu'ûusip pa'ípaha, xás yiivári kúuk tu'íipma.
translate from karuk to english
He picks up the tree, and goes away again.
He picks up the tree, and goes away again.
translate from english to karuk
xás tu'ûusip pa'ípaha, xás yiivári kúuk tu'íipma.
pa'ávansa muhrôo xákaan káan kun'iruvêehriv.
translate from karuk to english
The man and his wife are standing there.
The man and his wife are standing there.
translate from english to karuk
pa'ávansa muhrôo xákaan káan kun'iruvêehriv.
pa'avansáxiich áachip uhyárih, payeenipaxvúhich uum ápapkam.
translate from karuk to english
The boy is standing in the middle, the little girl is at the side.
The boy is standing in the middle, the little girl is at the side.
translate from english to karuk
pa'avansáxiich áachip uhyárih, payeenipaxvúhich uum ápapkam.
ishkêeshak xákarari áxak ávansa kun'iruvêehriv.
translate from karuk to english
Two men are standing on each side of a river.
Two men are standing on each side of a river.
translate from english to karuk
ishkêeshak xákarari áxak ávansa kun'iruvêehriv.
yítha ithyáruk úksuupkaratih.
translate from karuk to english
One is pointing across-stream.
One is pointing across-stream.
translate from english to karuk
yítha ithyáruk úksuupkaratih.
kúkuum vúra vaa kun'iruvêehriv pa'ávansas.
translate from karuk to english
Again the men are standing like that.
Again the men are standing like that.
translate from english to karuk
kúkuum vúra vaa kun'iruvêehriv pa'ávansas.
kúna vúra payêem ápapkam asiktávaan yítha.
translate from karuk to english
But now one woman is on one side.
But now one woman is on one side.
translate from english to karuk
kúna vúra payêem ápapkam asiktávaan yítha.
pa'ôokukam uum úksuupkunaa pa'áxak.
translate from karuk to english
The one on this side is pointing at the two of them.
The one on this side is pointing at the two of them.
translate from english to karuk
pa'ôokukam uum úksuupkunaa pa'áxak.
payêem uum pa'asiktávaan ôokukam.
translate from karuk to english
Now the woman is on this side.
Now the woman is on this side.
translate from english to karuk
payêem uum pa'asiktávaan ôokukam.
xás uum kunchúuphiti pa'ávansa xákaan.
translate from karuk to english
She and the man are talking.
She and the man are talking.
translate from english to karuk
xás uum kunchúuphiti pa'ávansa xákaan.
pa'ithyárukam tá pácheech.
translate from karuk to english
The one across-stream is alone by now.
The one across-stream is alone by now.
translate from english to karuk
pa'ithyárukam tá pácheech.