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It's generally accepted that there are around 750 verses in the Quran dealing with natural phenomenon. In many of these verses the study of nature is "encouraged and highly recommended," and historical Islamic scientists like Al-Biruni and Al-Battani derived their inspiration from verses of the Quran. Mohammad Hashim Kamali has the stated that "scientific observation, experimental knowledge and rationality" are the primary tools with which humanity can achieve the goals laid out for it in the Quran. Ziauddin Sardar built a case for Muslims having developed the foundations of modern science, by highlighting the repeated calls of the Quran to observe and reflect upon natural phenomenon. "The 'scientific method,' as it is understood today, was first developed by Muslim scientists" like Ibn al-Haytham and Al-Biruni, along with numerous other Muslim scientists.
Nature and its phenomena aren't mentioned in approximately how many of the Quran's verses?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Nature and its phenomena aren't mentioned in approximately how many of the Quran's verses? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> It's generally accepted that there are around 750 verses in the Quran dealing with natural phenomenon. In many of these verses the study of nature is "encouraged and highly recommended," and historical Islamic scientists like Al-Biruni and Al-Battani derived their inspiration from verses of the Quran. Mohammad Hashim Kamali has the stated that "scientific observation, experimental knowledge and rationality" are the primary tools with which humanity can achieve the goals laid out for it in the Quran. Ziauddin Sardar built a case for Muslims having developed the foundations of modern science, by highlighting the repeated calls of the Quran to observe and reflect upon natural phenomenon. "The 'scientific method,' as it is understood today, was first developed by Muslim scientists" like Ibn al-Haytham and Al-Biruni, along with numerous other Muslim scientists. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The term Iranian is applied to any language which descends from the ancestral Proto-Iranian language. Iranian derives from the Persian and Sanskrit origin word Arya.
Arya is derived from what ancestral language?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Arya is derived from what ancestral language? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The term Iranian is applied to any language which descends from the ancestral Proto-Iranian language. Iranian derives from the Persian and Sanskrit origin word Arya. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Various LGBT publications serve the city's large LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community such as The Rainbow Times, the only minority and lesbian-owned LGBT newsmagazine. Founded in 2006, The Rainbow Times is now based out of Boston, but serves all of New England.
What locations does the Rainbow Times serve?
all of New England
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What locations does the Rainbow Times serve? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Various LGBT publications serve the city's large LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community such as The Rainbow Times, the only minority and lesbian-owned LGBT newsmagazine. Founded in 2006, The Rainbow Times is now based out of Boston, but serves all of New England. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> all of New England </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 261 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Catalan (/ˈkætəlæn/; autonym: català [kətəˈla] or [kataˈla]) is a Romance language named for its origins in Catalonia, in what is northeastern Spain and adjoining parts of France. It is the national and only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Valencia (where the language is known as Valencian, and there exist regional standards). It also has semi-official status in the city of Alghero on the Italian island of Sardinia. It is also spoken with no official recognition in parts of the Spanish autonomous communities of Aragon (La Franja) and Murcia (Carche), and in the historic French region of Roussillon/Northern Catalonia, roughly equivalent to the department of Pyrénées-Orientales.
What type of language is Catalan?
Romance language
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What type of language is Catalan? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Catalan (/ˈkætəlæn/; autonym: català [kətəˈla] or [kataˈla]) is a Romance language named for its origins in Catalonia, in what is northeastern Spain and adjoining parts of France. It is the national and only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Valencia (where the language is known as Valencian, and there exist regional standards). It also has semi-official status in the city of Alghero on the Italian island of Sardinia. It is also spoken with no official recognition in parts of the Spanish autonomous communities of Aragon (La Franja) and Murcia (Carche), and in the historic French region of Roussillon/Northern Catalonia, roughly equivalent to the department of Pyrénées-Orientales. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Romance language </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 66 </ANSWER_INDEX>
During the late Bronze Age the island experienced two waves of Greek settlement. The first wave consisted of Mycenaean Greek traders who started visiting Cyprus around 1400 BC. A major wave of Greek settlement is believed to have taken place following the Bronze Age collapse of Mycenaean Greece from 1100 to 1050 BC, with the island's predominantly Greek character dating from this period. Cyprus occupies an important role in Greek mythology being the birthplace of Aphrodite and Adonis, and home to King Cinyras, Teucer and Pygmalion. Beginning in the 8th century BC Phoenician colonies were founded on the south coast of Cyprus, near present-day Larnaca and Salamis.
What year did Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus begin visiting Cyprus?
1400 BC
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What year did Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus begin visiting Cyprus? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> During the late Bronze Age the island experienced two waves of Greek settlement. The first wave consisted of Mycenaean Greek traders who started visiting Cyprus around 1400 BC. A major wave of Greek settlement is believed to have taken place following the Bronze Age collapse of Mycenaean Greece from 1100 to 1050 BC, with the island's predominantly Greek character dating from this period. Cyprus occupies an important role in Greek mythology being the birthplace of Aphrodite and Adonis, and home to King Cinyras, Teucer and Pygmalion. Beginning in the 8th century BC Phoenician colonies were founded on the south coast of Cyprus, near present-day Larnaca and Salamis. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 1400 BC </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 168 </ANSWER_INDEX>
By the early 1940s, the company was concentrating on lower-budget productions that were the company's main staple: westerns, melodramas, serials and sequels to the studio's horror pictures, the latter now solely B pictures. The studio fostered many series: The Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys action features and serials (1938–43); the comic adventures of infant Baby Sandy (1938–41); comedies with Hugh Herbert (1938–42) and The Ritz Brothers (1940–43); musicals with Robert Paige, Jane Frazee, The Andrews Sisters, and The Merry Macs (1938–45); and westerns with Tom Mix (1932–33), Buck Jones (1933–36), Bob Baker (1938–39), Johnny Mack Brown (1938–43); Rod Cameron (1944–45), and Kirby Grant (1946–47).
In what span did Universal produce westerns with Kirby Grant?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In what span did Universal produce westerns with Kirby Grant? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> By the early 1940s, the company was concentrating on lower-budget productions that were the company's main staple: westerns, melodramas, serials and sequels to the studio's horror pictures, the latter now solely B pictures. The studio fostered many series: The Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys action features and serials (1938–43); the comic adventures of infant Baby Sandy (1938–41); comedies with Hugh Herbert (1938–42) and The Ritz Brothers (1940–43); musicals with Robert Paige, Jane Frazee, The Andrews Sisters, and The Merry Macs (1938–45); and westerns with Tom Mix (1932–33), Buck Jones (1933–36), Bob Baker (1938–39), Johnny Mack Brown (1938–43); Rod Cameron (1944–45), and Kirby Grant (1946–47). </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 1946–47 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 700 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The city's population in 2010 was 44% white (33.3% non-Hispanic white), 25.5% black (23% non-Hispanic black), 0.7% Native American, and 12.7% Asian. Hispanics of any race represented 28.6% of the population, while Asians constituted the fastest-growing segment of the city's population between 2000 and 2010; the non-Hispanic white population declined 3 percent, the smallest recorded decline in decades; and for the first time since the Civil War, the number of blacks declined over a decade.
What percentage of the city's population is Caucasian?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What percentage of the city's population is Caucasian? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The city's population in 2010 was 44% white (33.3% non-Hispanic white), 25.5% black (23% non-Hispanic black), 0.7% Native American, and 12.7% Asian. Hispanics of any race represented 28.6% of the population, while Asians constituted the fastest-growing segment of the city's population between 2000 and 2010; the non-Hispanic white population declined 3 percent, the smallest recorded decline in decades; and for the first time since the Civil War, the number of blacks declined over a decade. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 44% </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 34 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In Brazil, the fall of the monarchy in 1889 by a military coup d'état led to the rise of the presidential system, headed by Deodoro da Fonseca. Aided by well-known jurist Ruy Barbosa, Fonseca established federalism in Brazil by decree, but this system of government would be confirmed by every Brazilian constitution since 1891, although some of them would distort some of the federalist principles. The 1937 Constitution, for example, granted the federal government the authority to appoint State Governors (called interventors) at will, thus centralizing power in the hands of President Getúlio Vargas. Brazil also uses the Fonseca system to regulate interstate trade. Brazil is one of the biggest federal governments.
When was Brazil's rise of the monarchy?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> When was Brazil's rise of the monarchy? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In Brazil, the fall of the monarchy in 1889 by a military coup d'état led to the rise of the presidential system, headed by Deodoro da Fonseca. Aided by well-known jurist Ruy Barbosa, Fonseca established federalism in Brazil by decree, but this system of government would be confirmed by every Brazilian constitution since 1891, although some of them would distort some of the federalist principles. The 1937 Constitution, for example, granted the federal government the authority to appoint State Governors (called interventors) at will, thus centralizing power in the hands of President Getúlio Vargas. Brazil also uses the Fonseca system to regulate interstate trade. Brazil is one of the biggest federal governments. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The Red Rose of Lancaster is the county flower found on the county's heraldic badge and flag. The rose was a symbol of the House of Lancaster, immortalised in the verse "In the battle for England's head/York was white, Lancaster red" (referring to the 15th-century Wars of the Roses). The traditional Lancashire flag, a red rose on a white field, was not officially registered. When an attempt was made to register it with the Flag Institute it was found that it was officially registered by Montrose in Scotland, several hundred years earlier with the Lyon Office. Lancashire's official flag is registered as a red rose on a gold field.
In what century was the traditional Lancashire Flag established?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In what century was the traditional Lancashire Flag established? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The Red Rose of Lancaster is the county flower found on the county's heraldic badge and flag. The rose was a symbol of the House of Lancaster, immortalised in the verse "In the battle for England's head/York was white, Lancaster red" (referring to the 15th-century Wars of the Roses). The traditional Lancashire flag, a red rose on a white field, was not officially registered. When an attempt was made to register it with the Flag Institute it was found that it was officially registered by Montrose in Scotland, several hundred years earlier with the Lyon Office. Lancashire's official flag is registered as a red rose on a gold field. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Named one of the best business schools in the Midwest by Princeton Review, the KU School of Business has been continually accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for both its undergraduate and graduate programs in business and accounting.
Who considered the business school of the University of Kansas among the best Midwestern business institutions?
Princeton Review
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who considered the business school of the University of Kansas among the best Midwestern business institutions? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Named one of the best business schools in the Midwest by Princeton Review, the KU School of Business has been continually accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for both its undergraduate and graduate programs in business and accounting. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Princeton Review </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 57 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In December 1993, the Famicom received a similar redesign. It also loads cartridges through a covered slot on the top of the unit and uses non-hardwired controllers. Because HVC-101 used composite video output instead of being RF only like the HVC-001, Nintendo marketed the newer model as the AV Famicom (AV仕様ファミコン, Eibui Shiyō Famikon?). Since the new controllers don't have microphones on them like the second controller on the original console, certain games such as the Disk System version of The Legend of Zelda and Raid on Bungeling Bay will have certain tricks that cannot be replicated when played on an HVC-101 Famicom without a modded controller. However, the HVC-101 Famicom is compatible with most NES controllers due to having the same controller port. Nintendo had also released a 3D graphic capable headset. However, this peripheral was never released outside Japan.[citation needed]
What month and year did the Famicom get designed?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What month and year did the Famicom get designed? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In December 1993, the Famicom received a similar redesign. It also loads cartridges through a covered slot on the top of the unit and uses non-hardwired controllers. Because HVC-101 used composite video output instead of being RF only like the HVC-001, Nintendo marketed the newer model as the AV Famicom (AV仕様ファミコン, Eibui Shiyō Famikon?). Since the new controllers don't have microphones on them like the second controller on the original console, certain games such as the Disk System version of The Legend of Zelda and Raid on Bungeling Bay will have certain tricks that cannot be replicated when played on an HVC-101 Famicom without a modded controller. However, the HVC-101 Famicom is compatible with most NES controllers due to having the same controller port. Nintendo had also released a 3D graphic capable headset. However, this peripheral was never released outside Japan.[citation needed] </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The product claimed to be the strongest beer made is Schorschbräu's 2011 Schorschbock 57 with 57,5%. It was preceded by The End of History, a 55% Belgian ale, made by BrewDog in 2010. The same company had previously made Sink The Bismarck!, a 41% abv IPA, and Tactical Nuclear Penguin, a 32% abv Imperial stout. Each of these beers are made using the eisbock method of fractional freezing, in which a strong ale is partially frozen and the ice is repeatedly removed, until the desired strength is reached, a process that may class the product as spirits rather than beer. The German brewery Schorschbräu's Schorschbock, a 31% abv eisbock, and Hair of the Dog's Dave, a 29% abv barley wine made in 1994, used the same fractional freezing method. A 60% abv blend of beer with whiskey was jokingly claimed as the strongest beer by a Dutch brewery in July 2010.
How much alcohol was contained in the beer Sink The Bismarck?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How much alcohol was contained in the beer Sink The Bismarck? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The product claimed to be the strongest beer made is Schorschbräu's 2011 Schorschbock 57 with 57,5%. It was preceded by The End of History, a 55% Belgian ale, made by BrewDog in 2010. The same company had previously made Sink The Bismarck!, a 41% abv IPA, and Tactical Nuclear Penguin, a 32% abv Imperial stout. Each of these beers are made using the eisbock method of fractional freezing, in which a strong ale is partially frozen and the ice is repeatedly removed, until the desired strength is reached, a process that may class the product as spirits rather than beer. The German brewery Schorschbräu's Schorschbock, a 31% abv eisbock, and Hair of the Dog's Dave, a 29% abv barley wine made in 1994, used the same fractional freezing method. A 60% abv blend of beer with whiskey was jokingly claimed as the strongest beer by a Dutch brewery in July 2010. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 41% </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 243 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The 1916 Zoning Resolution required setbacks in new buildings, and restricted towers to a percentage of the lot size, to allow sunlight to reach the streets below. The Art Deco style of the Chrysler Building (1930) and Empire State Building (1931), with their tapered tops and steel spires, reflected the zoning requirements. The buildings have distinctive ornamentation, such as the eagles at the corners of the 61st floor on the Chrysler Building, and are considered some of the finest examples of the Art Deco style. A highly influential example of the international style in the United States is the Seagram Building (1957), distinctive for its façade using visible bronze-toned I-beams to evoke the building's structure. The Condé Nast Building (2000) is a prominent example of green design in American skyscrapers and has received an award from the American Institute of Architects as well as AIA New York State for its design.
In what year was the Empire State Building completed?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In what year was the Empire State Building completed? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The 1916 Zoning Resolution required setbacks in new buildings, and restricted towers to a percentage of the lot size, to allow sunlight to reach the streets below. The Art Deco style of the Chrysler Building (1930) and Empire State Building (1931), with their tapered tops and steel spires, reflected the zoning requirements. The buildings have distinctive ornamentation, such as the eagles at the corners of the 61st floor on the Chrysler Building, and are considered some of the finest examples of the Art Deco style. A highly influential example of the international style in the United States is the Seagram Building (1957), distinctive for its façade using visible bronze-toned I-beams to evoke the building's structure. The Condé Nast Building (2000) is a prominent example of green design in American skyscrapers and has received an award from the American Institute of Architects as well as AIA New York State for its design. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 1931 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 242 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Paris in its early history had only the Seine and Bièvre rivers for water. From 1809, the Canal de l'Ourcq provided Paris with water from less-polluted rivers to the north-east of the capital. From 1857, the civil engineer Eugène Belgrand, under Napoleon III, oversaw the construction of a series of new aqueducts that brought water from locations all around the city to several reservoirs built atop the Capital's highest points of elevation. From then on, the new reservoir system became Paris' principal source of drinking water, and the remains of the old system, pumped into lower levels of the same reservoirs, were from then on used for the cleaning of Paris' streets. This system is still a major part of Paris' modern water-supply network. Today Paris has more than 2,400 km (1,491 mi) of underground passageways dedicated to the evacuation of Paris' liquid wastes.
Who was Eugene Belgrand under?
Napoleon III
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who was Eugene Belgrand under? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Paris in its early history had only the Seine and Bièvre rivers for water. From 1809, the Canal de l'Ourcq provided Paris with water from less-polluted rivers to the north-east of the capital. From 1857, the civil engineer Eugène Belgrand, under Napoleon III, oversaw the construction of a series of new aqueducts that brought water from locations all around the city to several reservoirs built atop the Capital's highest points of elevation. From then on, the new reservoir system became Paris' principal source of drinking water, and the remains of the old system, pumped into lower levels of the same reservoirs, were from then on used for the cleaning of Paris' streets. This system is still a major part of Paris' modern water-supply network. Today Paris has more than 2,400 km (1,491 mi) of underground passageways dedicated to the evacuation of Paris' liquid wastes. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Napoleon III </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 246 </ANSWER_INDEX>
With the initial investment of £4,200, the new trial force of the Thames River Police began with about 50 men charged with policing 33,000 workers in the river trades, of whom Colquhoun claimed 11,000 were known criminals and "on the game." The force was a success after its first year, and his men had "established their worth by saving £122,000 worth of cargo and by the rescuing of several lives." Word of this success spread quickly, and the government passed the Marine Police Bill on 28 July 1800, transforming it from a private to public police agency; now the oldest police force in the world. Colquhoun published a book on the experiment, The Commerce and Policing of the River Thames. It found receptive audiences far outside London, and inspired similar forces in other cities, notably, New York City, Dublin, and Sydney.
How many deck workers were the Thames River Police policing?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How many deck workers were the Thames River Police policing? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> With the initial investment of £4,200, the new trial force of the Thames River Police began with about 50 men charged with policing 33,000 workers in the river trades, of whom Colquhoun claimed 11,000 were known criminals and "on the game." The force was a success after its first year, and his men had "established their worth by saving £122,000 worth of cargo and by the rescuing of several lives." Word of this success spread quickly, and the government passed the Marine Police Bill on 28 July 1800, transforming it from a private to public police agency; now the oldest police force in the world. Colquhoun published a book on the experiment, The Commerce and Policing of the River Thames. It found receptive audiences far outside London, and inspired similar forces in other cities, notably, New York City, Dublin, and Sydney. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In 2006, due to ongoing violence, over 50,000 people in the country's northwest were at risk of starvation but this was averted due to assistance from the United Nations.[citation needed] On 8 January 2008, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon declared that the Central African Republic was eligible to receive assistance from the Peacebuilding Fund. Three priority areas were identified: first, the reform of the security sector; second, the promotion of good governance and the rule of law; and third, the revitalization of communities affected by conflicts. On 12 June 2008, the Central African Republic requested assistance from the UN Peacebuilding Commission, which was set up in 2005 to help countries emerging from conflict avoid devolving back into war or chaos.
Who assisted in saving the people from starvation?
United Nations
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who assisted in saving the people from starvation? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In 2006, due to ongoing violence, over 50,000 people in the country's northwest were at risk of starvation but this was averted due to assistance from the United Nations.[citation needed] On 8 January 2008, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon declared that the Central African Republic was eligible to receive assistance from the Peacebuilding Fund. Three priority areas were identified: first, the reform of the security sector; second, the promotion of good governance and the rule of law; and third, the revitalization of communities affected by conflicts. On 12 June 2008, the Central African Republic requested assistance from the UN Peacebuilding Commission, which was set up in 2005 to help countries emerging from conflict avoid devolving back into war or chaos. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> United Nations </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 155 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Tuberculosis has been present in humans since antiquity. The earliest unambiguous detection of M. tuberculosis involves evidence of the disease in the remains of bison in Wyoming dated to around 17,000 years ago. However, whether tuberculosis originated in bovines, then was transferred to humans, or whether it diverged from a common ancestor, is currently unclear. A comparison of the genes of M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) in humans to MTBC in animals suggests humans did not acquire MTBC from animals during animal domestication, as was previously believed. Both strains of the tuberculosis bacteria share a common ancestor, which could have infected humans as early as the Neolithic Revolution.
Which gene was concluded to come from animals?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which gene was concluded to come from animals? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Tuberculosis has been present in humans since antiquity. The earliest unambiguous detection of M. tuberculosis involves evidence of the disease in the remains of bison in Wyoming dated to around 17,000 years ago. However, whether tuberculosis originated in bovines, then was transferred to humans, or whether it diverged from a common ancestor, is currently unclear. A comparison of the genes of M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) in humans to MTBC in animals suggests humans did not acquire MTBC from animals during animal domestication, as was previously believed. Both strains of the tuberculosis bacteria share a common ancestor, which could have infected humans as early as the Neolithic Revolution. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Many of the city's buildings are in the Georgian style, although there are a number of examples of modern landmark structures, such as County Hall tower, which was, at one time the tallest building in Ireland until being superseded by another Cork City building: The Elysian. Across the river from County Hall is Ireland's longest building; built in Victorian times, Our Lady's Psychiatric Hospital has now been renovated and converted into a residential housing complex called Atkins Hall, after its architect William Atkins.
What was The Elysian converted into?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What was The Elysian converted into? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Many of the city's buildings are in the Georgian style, although there are a number of examples of modern landmark structures, such as County Hall tower, which was, at one time the tallest building in Ireland until being superseded by another Cork City building: The Elysian. Across the river from County Hall is Ireland's longest building; built in Victorian times, Our Lady's Psychiatric Hospital has now been renovated and converted into a residential housing complex called Atkins Hall, after its architect William Atkins. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Bern was a candidate to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, but withdrew its bid in September 2002 after a referendum was passed that showed that the bid was not supported by locals. Those games were eventually awarded to Vancouver, Canada.
What year did Bern want to host the Winter Olympics?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What year did Bern want to host the Winter Olympics? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Bern was a candidate to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, but withdrew its bid in September 2002 after a referendum was passed that showed that the bid was not supported by locals. Those games were eventually awarded to Vancouver, Canada. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 2010 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 33 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Tower Control controls aircraft on the runway and in the controlled airspace immediately surrounding the airport. Tower controllers may use radar to locate an aircraft's position in three-dimensional space, or they may rely on pilot position reports and visual observation. They coordinate the sequencing of aircraft in the traffic pattern and direct aircraft on how to safely join and leave the circuit. Aircraft which are only passing through the airspace must also contact Tower Control in order to be sure that they remain clear of other traffic.
What does a pilot do when there is more than one plane in the air?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What does a pilot do when there is more than one plane in the air? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Tower Control controls aircraft on the runway and in the controlled airspace immediately surrounding the airport. Tower controllers may use radar to locate an aircraft's position in three-dimensional space, or they may rely on pilot position reports and visual observation. They coordinate the sequencing of aircraft in the traffic pattern and direct aircraft on how to safely join and leave the circuit. Aircraft which are only passing through the airspace must also contact Tower Control in order to be sure that they remain clear of other traffic. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Switzerland lies between latitudes 45° and 48° N, and longitudes 5° and 11° E. It contains three basic topographical areas: the Swiss Alps to the south, the Swiss Plateau or Central Plateau, and the Jura mountains on the west. The Alps are a high mountain range running across the central-south of the country, comprising about 60% of the country's total area. The majority of the Swiss population live in the Swiss Plateau. Among the high valleys of the Swiss Alps many glaciers are found, totalling an area of 1,063 square kilometres (410 sq mi). From these originate the headwaters of several major rivers, such as the Rhine, Inn, Ticino and Rhône, which flow in the four cardinal directions into the whole of Europe. The hydrographic network includes several of the largest bodies of freshwater in Central and Western Europe, among which are included Lake Geneva (also called le Lac Léman in French), Lake Constance (known as Bodensee in German) and Lake Maggiore. Switzerland has more than 1500 lakes, and contains 6% of Europe's stock of fresh water. Lakes and glaciers cover about 6% of the national territory. The largest lake is Lake Geneva, in western Switzerland shared with France. The Rhône is both the main source and outflow of Lake Geneva. Lake Constance is the second largest Swiss lake and, like the Lake Geneva, an intermediate step by the Rhine at the border to Austria and Germany. While the Rhône flows into the Mediterranean Sea at the French Camarque region and the Rhine flows into the North Sea at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, about 1000 km apart, both springs are only about 22 km apart from each other in the Swiss Alps.
Which basic topographical area is in central Switzerland?
Swiss Plateau
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which basic topographical area is in central Switzerland? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Switzerland lies between latitudes 45° and 48° N, and longitudes 5° and 11° E. It contains three basic topographical areas: the Swiss Alps to the south, the Swiss Plateau or Central Plateau, and the Jura mountains on the west. The Alps are a high mountain range running across the central-south of the country, comprising about 60% of the country's total area. The majority of the Swiss population live in the Swiss Plateau. Among the high valleys of the Swiss Alps many glaciers are found, totalling an area of 1,063 square kilometres (410 sq mi). From these originate the headwaters of several major rivers, such as the Rhine, Inn, Ticino and Rhône, which flow in the four cardinal directions into the whole of Europe. The hydrographic network includes several of the largest bodies of freshwater in Central and Western Europe, among which are included Lake Geneva (also called le Lac Léman in French), Lake Constance (known as Bodensee in German) and Lake Maggiore. Switzerland has more than 1500 lakes, and contains 6% of Europe's stock of fresh water. Lakes and glaciers cover about 6% of the national territory. The largest lake is Lake Geneva, in western Switzerland shared with France. The Rhône is both the main source and outflow of Lake Geneva. Lake Constance is the second largest Swiss lake and, like the Lake Geneva, an intermediate step by the Rhine at the border to Austria and Germany. While the Rhône flows into the Mediterranean Sea at the French Camarque region and the Rhine flows into the North Sea at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, about 1000 km apart, both springs are only about 22 km apart from each other in the Swiss Alps. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Swiss Plateau </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 410 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The offices of elder and ministerial servant were restored to Witness congregations in 1972, with appointments made from headquarters (and later, also by branch committees). It was announced that, starting in September 2014, appointments would be made by traveling overseers. In a major organizational overhaul in 1976, the power of the Watch Tower Society president was diminished, with authority for doctrinal and organizational decisions passed to the Governing Body. Since Knorr's death in 1977, the position of president has been occupied by Frederick Franz (1977–1992) and Milton Henschel (1992–2000), both members of the Governing Body, and since 2000 by Don A. Adams, not a member of the Governing Body. In 1995, Jehovah's Witnesses abandoned the idea that Armageddon must occur during the lives of the generation that was alive in 1914 and in 2013 changed their teaching on the "generation".
When did Knorr die?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> When did Knorr die? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The offices of elder and ministerial servant were restored to Witness congregations in 1972, with appointments made from headquarters (and later, also by branch committees). It was announced that, starting in September 2014, appointments would be made by traveling overseers. In a major organizational overhaul in 1976, the power of the Watch Tower Society president was diminished, with authority for doctrinal and organizational decisions passed to the Governing Body. Since Knorr's death in 1977, the position of president has been occupied by Frederick Franz (1977–1992) and Milton Henschel (1992–2000), both members of the Governing Body, and since 2000 by Don A. Adams, not a member of the Governing Body. In 1995, Jehovah's Witnesses abandoned the idea that Armageddon must occur during the lives of the generation that was alive in 1914 and in 2013 changed their teaching on the "generation". </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 1977 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 494 </ANSWER_INDEX>
From the end of the 1980s to the early 1990s, the FBI reassigned more than 300 agents from foreign counter-intelligence duties to violent crime, and made violent crime the sixth national priority. With reduced cuts to other well-established departments, and because terrorism was no longer considered a threat after the end of the Cold War, the FBI assisted local and state police forces in tracking fugitives who had crossed state lines, which is a federal offense. The FBI Laboratory helped develop DNA testing, continuing its pioneering role in identification that began with its fingerprinting system in 1924.
What priority were violent crimes in the 1990s, according to the FBI?
sixth national priority
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What priority were violent crimes in the 1990s, according to the FBI? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> From the end of the 1980s to the early 1990s, the FBI reassigned more than 300 agents from foreign counter-intelligence duties to violent crime, and made violent crime the sixth national priority. With reduced cuts to other well-established departments, and because terrorism was no longer considered a threat after the end of the Cold War, the FBI assisted local and state police forces in tracking fugitives who had crossed state lines, which is a federal offense. The FBI Laboratory helped develop DNA testing, continuing its pioneering role in identification that began with its fingerprinting system in 1924. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> sixth national priority </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 172 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In 1953, Korolev was given the go-ahead to develop the R-7 Semyorka rocket, which represented a major advance from the German design. Although some of its components (notably boosters) still resembled the German G-4, the new rocket incorporated staged design, a completely new control system, and a new fuel. It was successfully tested on August 21, 1957 and became the world's first fully operational ICBM the following month. It would later be used to launch the first satellite into space, and derivatives would launch all piloted Soviet spacecraft.
R-7 Semyorka rocket resembled closely to what other missile?
German G-4
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> R-7 Semyorka rocket resembled closely to what other missile? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In 1953, Korolev was given the go-ahead to develop the R-7 Semyorka rocket, which represented a major advance from the German design. Although some of its components (notably boosters) still resembled the German G-4, the new rocket incorporated staged design, a completely new control system, and a new fuel. It was successfully tested on August 21, 1957 and became the world's first fully operational ICBM the following month. It would later be used to launch the first satellite into space, and derivatives would launch all piloted Soviet spacecraft. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> German G-4 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 205 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Himachal is extremely rich in hydro electric resources. The state has about 25% of the national potential in this respect. It has been estimated that about 20,300MW of hydro electric power can be generated in the State by constructing various major, medium, small and mini/micro hydel projects on the five river basins. The state is also the first state in India to achieve the goal of having a bank account for every family.[citation needed] As per the current prices, the total GDP was estimated at ₹ 254 billion as against ₹ 230 billion in the year 2004–05, showing an increase of 10.5%. The recent years witnessed quick establishment of International Entrepreneurship. Luxury hotels, food and franchisees of recognised brands e.g. Mc Donalds, KFC and Pizza hut have rapidly spread.
Himachal is extremely rich in?
hydro electric resources
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Himachal is extremely rich in? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Himachal is extremely rich in hydro electric resources. The state has about 25% of the national potential in this respect. It has been estimated that about 20,300MW of hydro electric power can be generated in the State by constructing various major, medium, small and mini/micro hydel projects on the five river basins. The state is also the first state in India to achieve the goal of having a bank account for every family.[citation needed] As per the current prices, the total GDP was estimated at ₹ 254 billion as against ₹ 230 billion in the year 2004–05, showing an increase of 10.5%. The recent years witnessed quick establishment of International Entrepreneurship. Luxury hotels, food and franchisees of recognised brands e.g. Mc Donalds, KFC and Pizza hut have rapidly spread. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> hydro electric resources </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 30 </ANSWER_INDEX>
With respect to Pakistan's territories (i.e. FATA, Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)) the Supreme Court's jurisdiction is rather limited and varies from territory to territory; it can hear appeals only of a constitutional nature from FATA and Northern Areas, while ICT generally functions the same as provinces. Azad Kashmir has its own courts system and the constitution of Pakistan does not apply to it as such; appeals from Azad Kashmir relate to its relationship with Pakistan.
Which province has its own courts system?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which province has its own courts system? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> With respect to Pakistan's territories (i.e. FATA, Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)) the Supreme Court's jurisdiction is rather limited and varies from territory to territory; it can hear appeals only of a constitutional nature from FATA and Northern Areas, while ICT generally functions the same as provinces. Azad Kashmir has its own courts system and the constitution of Pakistan does not apply to it as such; appeals from Azad Kashmir relate to its relationship with Pakistan. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. They are widely considered to constitute the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for LGBT rights in the United States.
What event provoked the Stonewall riots?
a police raid
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What event provoked the Stonewall riots? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. They are widely considered to constitute the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for LGBT rights in the United States. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> a police raid </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 113 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Possibly the first house erected within the site was that of a Sir William Blake, around 1624. The next owner was Lord Goring, who from 1633 extended Blake's house and developed much of today's garden, then known as Goring Great Garden. He did not, however, obtain the freehold interest in the mulberry garden. Unbeknown to Goring, in 1640 the document "failed to pass the Great Seal before King Charles I fled London, which it needed to do for legal execution". It was this critical omission that helped the British royal family regain the freehold under King George III.
Who owned the first house built on the site?
Sir William Blake
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who owned the first house built on the site? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Possibly the first house erected within the site was that of a Sir William Blake, around 1624. The next owner was Lord Goring, who from 1633 extended Blake's house and developed much of today's garden, then known as Goring Great Garden. He did not, however, obtain the freehold interest in the mulberry garden. Unbeknown to Goring, in 1640 the document "failed to pass the Great Seal before King Charles I fled London, which it needed to do for legal execution". It was this critical omission that helped the British royal family regain the freehold under King George III. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Sir William Blake </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 63 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Judging by the historical records, by approximately 1000 AD the predominant ethnic group over much of modern European Russia, Ukraine and Belarus was the Eastern branch of the Slavs, speaking a closely related group of dialects. The political unification of this region into Kievan Rus' in about 880, from which modern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus trace their origins, established Old East Slavic as a literary and commercial language. It was soon followed by the adoption of Christianity in 988 and the introduction of the South Slavic Old Church Slavonic as the liturgical and official language. Borrowings and calques from Byzantine Greek began to enter the Old East Slavic and spoken dialects at this time, which in their turn modified the Old Church Slavonic as well.
When was Byzantine Greek formed?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> When was Byzantine Greek formed? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Judging by the historical records, by approximately 1000 AD the predominant ethnic group over much of modern European Russia, Ukraine and Belarus was the Eastern branch of the Slavs, speaking a closely related group of dialects. The political unification of this region into Kievan Rus' in about 880, from which modern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus trace their origins, established Old East Slavic as a literary and commercial language. It was soon followed by the adoption of Christianity in 988 and the introduction of the South Slavic Old Church Slavonic as the liturgical and official language. Borrowings and calques from Byzantine Greek began to enter the Old East Slavic and spoken dialects at this time, which in their turn modified the Old Church Slavonic as well. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The 1-mile-long (2 km) Breakwater in Plymouth Sound was designed by John Rennie in order to protect the fleet moving in and out of Devonport; work started in 1812. Numerous technical difficulties and repeated storm damage meant that it was not completed until 1841, twenty years after Rennie's death. In the 1860s, a ring of Palmerston forts was constructed around the outskirts of Devonport, to protect the dockyard from attack from any direction.
In kilometers, how long was the Plymouth Sound Breakwater?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In kilometers, how long was the Plymouth Sound Breakwater? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The 1-mile-long (2 km) Breakwater in Plymouth Sound was designed by John Rennie in order to protect the fleet moving in and out of Devonport; work started in 1812. Numerous technical difficulties and repeated storm damage meant that it was not completed until 1841, twenty years after Rennie's death. In the 1860s, a ring of Palmerston forts was constructed around the outskirts of Devonport, to protect the dockyard from attack from any direction. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 2 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 17 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The term "house music" is said to have originated from a Chicago club called The Warehouse, which existed from 1977 to 1983. Clubbers to The Warehouse were primarily black and gay, who came to dance to music played by the club's resident DJ Frankie Knuckles, whom fans refer to as the "godfather of house". After the Warehouse closed in 1983, the crowds went to Knuckles' new club, The Power Plant. In the Channel 4 documentary Pump Up The Volume, Knuckles remarks that the first time he heard the term "house music" was upon seeing "we play house music" on a sign in the window of a bar on Chicago's South Side. One of the people in the car with him joked, "you know, that's the kind of music you play down at the Warehouse!", and then everybody laughed. South-Side Chicago DJ Leonard "Remix" Roy, in self-published statements, claims he put such a sign in a tavern window because it was where he played music that one might find in one's home; in his case, it referred to his mother's soul & disco records, which he worked into his sets. Farley Jackmaster Funk was quoted as saying "In 1982, I was DJing at a club called The Playground and there was this kid named Leonard 'Remix' Roy who was a DJ at a rival club called The Rink. He came over to my club one night, and into the DJ booth and said to me, 'I've got the gimmick that's gonna take all the people out of your club and into mine – it's called House music.' Now, where he got that name from or what made him think of it I don't know, so the answer lies with him."
who was the resident DJ at The Warehouse in Chicago?
Frankie Knuckles
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> who was the resident DJ at The Warehouse in Chicago? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The term "house music" is said to have originated from a Chicago club called The Warehouse, which existed from 1977 to 1983. Clubbers to The Warehouse were primarily black and gay, who came to dance to music played by the club's resident DJ Frankie Knuckles, whom fans refer to as the "godfather of house". After the Warehouse closed in 1983, the crowds went to Knuckles' new club, The Power Plant. In the Channel 4 documentary Pump Up The Volume, Knuckles remarks that the first time he heard the term "house music" was upon seeing "we play house music" on a sign in the window of a bar on Chicago's South Side. One of the people in the car with him joked, "you know, that's the kind of music you play down at the Warehouse!", and then everybody laughed. South-Side Chicago DJ Leonard "Remix" Roy, in self-published statements, claims he put such a sign in a tavern window because it was where he played music that one might find in one's home; in his case, it referred to his mother's soul & disco records, which he worked into his sets. Farley Jackmaster Funk was quoted as saying "In 1982, I was DJing at a club called The Playground and there was this kid named Leonard 'Remix' Roy who was a DJ at a rival club called The Rink. He came over to my club one night, and into the DJ booth and said to me, 'I've got the gimmick that's gonna take all the people out of your club and into mine – it's called House music.' Now, where he got that name from or what made him think of it I don't know, so the answer lies with him." </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Frankie Knuckles </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 241 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In addition to the Dean and canons, there are at present two full-time minor canons, one is precentor, and the other is sacrist. The office of Priest Vicar was created in the 1970s for those who assist the minor canons. Together with the clergy and Receiver General and Chapter Clerk, various lay officers constitute the college, including the Organist and Master of the Choristers, the Registrar, the Auditor, the Legal Secretary, the Surveyor of the Fabric, the Head Master of the choir school, the Keeper of the Muniments and the Clerk of the Works, as well as 12 lay vicars, 10 choristers and the High Steward and High Bailiff.
How many lay singers are there?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How many lay singers are there? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In addition to the Dean and canons, there are at present two full-time minor canons, one is precentor, and the other is sacrist. The office of Priest Vicar was created in the 1970s for those who assist the minor canons. Together with the clergy and Receiver General and Chapter Clerk, various lay officers constitute the college, including the Organist and Master of the Choristers, the Registrar, the Auditor, the Legal Secretary, the Surveyor of the Fabric, the Head Master of the choir school, the Keeper of the Muniments and the Clerk of the Works, as well as 12 lay vicars, 10 choristers and the High Steward and High Bailiff. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance and control. Internationally, all events are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG). Each country has its own national governing body (BIW) affiliated to FIG. Competitive artistic gymnastics is the best known of the gymnastic events. It typically involves the women's events of vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. Men's events are floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and the high bar. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills.
What sport evolved from polo?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What sport evolved from polo? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance and control. Internationally, all events are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG). Each country has its own national governing body (BIW) affiliated to FIG. Competitive artistic gymnastics is the best known of the gymnastic events. It typically involves the women's events of vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. Men's events are floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and the high bar. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Despite the small land mass, place names are repeated; there are, for example, two islands named Long Island, three bays named Long Bay (on Somerset, Main, and Cooper's islands), two Horseshoe Bays (one in Southampton, on the Main Island, the other at Morgan's Point, formerly Tucker's Island), there are two roads through cuttings called Khyber Pass (one in Warwick, the other in St. George's Parish), and St George's Town is located on St George's Island within St George's Parish (each known as St George's). There is a Hamilton Parish in addition to the City of Hamilton (which is in Pembroke Parish).
How many roads are named Horseshoe Pass?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How many roads are named Horseshoe Pass? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Despite the small land mass, place names are repeated; there are, for example, two islands named Long Island, three bays named Long Bay (on Somerset, Main, and Cooper's islands), two Horseshoe Bays (one in Southampton, on the Main Island, the other at Morgan's Point, formerly Tucker's Island), there are two roads through cuttings called Khyber Pass (one in Warwick, the other in St. George's Parish), and St George's Town is located on St George's Island within St George's Parish (each known as St George's). There is a Hamilton Parish in addition to the City of Hamilton (which is in Pembroke Parish). </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Erich Koch headed the East Prussian Nazi party from 1928. He led the district from 1932. This period was characterized by efforts to collectivize the local agriculture and ruthlessness in dealing with his critics inside and outside the Party. He also had long-term plans for mass-scale industrialization of the largely agricultural province. These actions made him unpopular among the local peasants. In 1932 the local paramilitary SA had already started to terrorise their political opponents. On the night of 31 July 1932 there was a bomb attack on the headquarters of the Social Democrats in Königsberg, the Otto-Braun-House. The Communist politician Gustav Sauf was killed; the executive editor of the Social Democrat "Königsberger Volkszeitung", Otto Wyrgatsch, and the German People's Party politician Max von Bahrfeldt were severely injured. Members of the Reichsbanner were attacked and the local Reichsbanner Chairman of Lötzen, Kurt Kotzan, was murdered on 6 August 1932.
In what year did Max von Bahrfeldt become a politician for the German People's Party?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In what year did Max von Bahrfeldt become a politician for the German People's Party? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Erich Koch headed the East Prussian Nazi party from 1928. He led the district from 1932. This period was characterized by efforts to collectivize the local agriculture and ruthlessness in dealing with his critics inside and outside the Party. He also had long-term plans for mass-scale industrialization of the largely agricultural province. These actions made him unpopular among the local peasants. In 1932 the local paramilitary SA had already started to terrorise their political opponents. On the night of 31 July 1932 there was a bomb attack on the headquarters of the Social Democrats in Königsberg, the Otto-Braun-House. The Communist politician Gustav Sauf was killed; the executive editor of the Social Democrat "Königsberger Volkszeitung", Otto Wyrgatsch, and the German People's Party politician Max von Bahrfeldt were severely injured. Members of the Reichsbanner were attacked and the local Reichsbanner Chairman of Lötzen, Kurt Kotzan, was murdered on 6 August 1932. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Windows 8 introduced major changes to the operating system's platform and user interface to improve its user experience on tablets, where Windows was now competing with mobile operating systems, including Android and iOS. In particular, these changes included a touch-optimized Windows shell based on Microsoft's "Metro" design language, the Start screen (which displays programs and dynamically updated content on a grid of tiles), a new platform for developing apps with an emphasis on touchscreen input, integration with online services (including the ability to sync apps and settings between devices), and Windows Store, an online store for downloading and purchasing new software. Windows 8 added support for USB 3.0, Advanced Format hard drives, near field communications, and cloud computing. Additional security features were introduced, such as built-in antivirus software, integration with Microsoft SmartScreen phishing filtering service and support for UEFI Secure Boot on supported devices with UEFI firmware, to prevent malware from infecting the boot process.
What services does the Windows Store provide?
an online store for downloading and purchasing new software
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What services does the Windows Store provide? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Windows 8 introduced major changes to the operating system's platform and user interface to improve its user experience on tablets, where Windows was now competing with mobile operating systems, including Android and iOS. In particular, these changes included a touch-optimized Windows shell based on Microsoft's "Metro" design language, the Start screen (which displays programs and dynamically updated content on a grid of tiles), a new platform for developing apps with an emphasis on touchscreen input, integration with online services (including the ability to sync apps and settings between devices), and Windows Store, an online store for downloading and purchasing new software. Windows 8 added support for USB 3.0, Advanced Format hard drives, near field communications, and cloud computing. Additional security features were introduced, such as built-in antivirus software, integration with Microsoft SmartScreen phishing filtering service and support for UEFI Secure Boot on supported devices with UEFI firmware, to prevent malware from infecting the boot process. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> an online store for downloading and purchasing new software </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 626 </ANSWER_INDEX>
While the state is far enough from the coast to avoid any direct impact from a hurricane, the location of the state makes it likely to be impacted from the remnants of tropical cyclones which weaken over land and can cause significant rainfall, such as Tropical Storm Chris in 1982 and Hurricane Opal in 1995. The state averages around 50 days of thunderstorms per year, some of which can be severe with large hail and damaging winds. Tornadoes are possible throughout the state, with West and Middle Tennessee the most vulnerable. Occasionally, strong or violent tornadoes occur, such as the devastating April 2011 tornadoes that killed 20 people in North Georgia and Southeast Tennessee. On average, the state has 15 tornadoes per year. Tornadoes in Tennessee can be severe, and Tennessee leads the nation in the percentage of total tornadoes which have fatalities. Winter storms are an occasional problem, such as the infamous Blizzard of 1993, although ice storms are a more likely occurrence. Fog is a persistent problem in parts of the state, especially in East Tennessee.
Which hurricane brought damaging rains to Tennessee in 1995?
Hurricane Opal
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which hurricane brought damaging rains to Tennessee in 1995? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> While the state is far enough from the coast to avoid any direct impact from a hurricane, the location of the state makes it likely to be impacted from the remnants of tropical cyclones which weaken over land and can cause significant rainfall, such as Tropical Storm Chris in 1982 and Hurricane Opal in 1995. The state averages around 50 days of thunderstorms per year, some of which can be severe with large hail and damaging winds. Tornadoes are possible throughout the state, with West and Middle Tennessee the most vulnerable. Occasionally, strong or violent tornadoes occur, such as the devastating April 2011 tornadoes that killed 20 people in North Georgia and Southeast Tennessee. On average, the state has 15 tornadoes per year. Tornadoes in Tennessee can be severe, and Tennessee leads the nation in the percentage of total tornadoes which have fatalities. Winter storms are an occasional problem, such as the infamous Blizzard of 1993, although ice storms are a more likely occurrence. Fog is a persistent problem in parts of the state, especially in East Tennessee. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Hurricane Opal </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 286 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Guests ascending to the 67th, 69th, and 70th level observation decks (dubbed "Top of the Rock") atop the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in New York City ride a high-speed glass-top elevator. When entering the cab, it appears to be any normal elevator ride. However, once the cab begins moving, the interior lights turn off and a special blue light above the cab turns on. This lights the entire shaft, so riders can see the moving cab through its glass ceiling as it rises and lowers through the shaft. Music plays and various animations are also displayed on the ceiling. The entire ride takes about 60 seconds.
What are the 67th, 69th, and 70th floors of the GE Building at Rockerfeller Center nicknamed?
"Top of the Rock"
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What are the 67th, 69th, and 70th floors of the GE Building at Rockerfeller Center nicknamed? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Guests ascending to the 67th, 69th, and 70th level observation decks (dubbed "Top of the Rock") atop the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in New York City ride a high-speed glass-top elevator. When entering the cab, it appears to be any normal elevator ride. However, once the cab begins moving, the interior lights turn off and a special blue light above the cab turns on. This lights the entire shaft, so riders can see the moving cab through its glass ceiling as it rises and lowers through the shaft. Music plays and various animations are also displayed on the ceiling. The entire ride takes about 60 seconds. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> "Top of the Rock" </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 77 </ANSWER_INDEX>
On July 8, 2007 The Washington Post published excerpts from UCLA Professor Amy Zegart's book Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11. The Post reported from Zegart's book that government documents show the CIA and FBI missed 23 potential chances to disrupt the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The primary reasons for the failures included: agency cultures resistant to change and new ideas; inappropriate incentives for promotion; and a lack of cooperation between the FBI, CIA and the rest of the United States Intelligence Community. The book blamed the FBI's decentralized structure, which prevented effective communication and cooperation among different FBI offices. The book suggested that the FBI has not evolved into an effective counter-terrorism or counter-intelligence agency, due in large part to deeply ingrained agency cultural resistance to change. For example, FBI personnel practices continue to treat all staff other than special agents as support staff, classifying intelligence analysts alongside the FBI's auto mechanics and janitors.
When did the Washington Post publish excerpts from the book Spying Blind?
July 8, 2007
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> When did the Washington Post publish excerpts from the book Spying Blind? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> On July 8, 2007 The Washington Post published excerpts from UCLA Professor Amy Zegart's book Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11. The Post reported from Zegart's book that government documents show the CIA and FBI missed 23 potential chances to disrupt the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The primary reasons for the failures included: agency cultures resistant to change and new ideas; inappropriate incentives for promotion; and a lack of cooperation between the FBI, CIA and the rest of the United States Intelligence Community. The book blamed the FBI's decentralized structure, which prevented effective communication and cooperation among different FBI offices. The book suggested that the FBI has not evolved into an effective counter-terrorism or counter-intelligence agency, due in large part to deeply ingrained agency cultural resistance to change. For example, FBI personnel practices continue to treat all staff other than special agents as support staff, classifying intelligence analysts alongside the FBI's auto mechanics and janitors. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> July 8, 2007 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 3 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Theories of coregulation describe communication as a creative and dynamic continuous process, rather than a discrete exchange of information. Canadian media scholar Harold Innis had the theory that people use different types of media to communicate and which one they choose to use will offer different possibilities for the shape and durability of society (Wark, McKenzie 1997). His famous example of this is using ancient Egypt and looking at the ways they built themselves out of media with very different properties stone and papyrus. Papyrus is what he called 'Space Binding'. it made possible the transmission of written orders across space, empires and enables the waging of distant military campaigns and colonial administration. The other is stone and 'Time Binding', through the construction of temples and the pyramids can sustain their authority generation to generation, through this media they can change and shape communication in their society (Wark, McKenzie 1997).
What ancient civilization did Harold Innis use as an example of his theory?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What ancient civilization did Harold Innis use as an example of his theory? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Theories of coregulation describe communication as a creative and dynamic continuous process, rather than a discrete exchange of information. Canadian media scholar Harold Innis had the theory that people use different types of media to communicate and which one they choose to use will offer different possibilities for the shape and durability of society (Wark, McKenzie 1997). His famous example of this is using ancient Egypt and looking at the ways they built themselves out of media with very different properties stone and papyrus. Papyrus is what he called 'Space Binding'. it made possible the transmission of written orders across space, empires and enables the waging of distant military campaigns and colonial administration. The other is stone and 'Time Binding', through the construction of temples and the pyramids can sustain their authority generation to generation, through this media they can change and shape communication in their society (Wark, McKenzie 1997). </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Egypt </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 424 </ANSWER_INDEX>
For the ancient Egyptians, green had very positive associations. The hieroglyph for green represented a growing papyrus sprout, showing the close connection between green, vegetation, vigor and growth. In wall paintings, the ruler of the underworld, Osiris, was typically portrayed with a green face, because green was the symbol of good health and rebirth. Palettes of green facial makeup, made with malachite, were found in tombs. It was worn by both the living and dead, particularly around the eyes, to protect them from evil. Tombs also often contained small green amulets in the shape of scarab beetles made of malachite, which would protect and give vigor to the deceased. It also symbolized the sea, which was called the "Very Green."
What is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for green?
a growing papyrus sprout
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for green? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> For the ancient Egyptians, green had very positive associations. The hieroglyph for green represented a growing papyrus sprout, showing the close connection between green, vegetation, vigor and growth. In wall paintings, the ruler of the underworld, Osiris, was typically portrayed with a green face, because green was the symbol of good health and rebirth. Palettes of green facial makeup, made with malachite, were found in tombs. It was worn by both the living and dead, particularly around the eyes, to protect them from evil. Tombs also often contained small green amulets in the shape of scarab beetles made of malachite, which would protect and give vigor to the deceased. It also symbolized the sea, which was called the "Very Green." </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> a growing papyrus sprout </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 102 </ANSWER_INDEX>
1 STOBAR carrier: Admiral Flota Sovetskovo Soyuza Kuznetsov: 55,000 tonne Admiral Kuznetsov-class STOBAR aircraft carrier. Launched in 1985 as Tbilisi, renamed and operational from 1995. Without catapults she can launch and recover lightly fueled naval fighters for air defense or anti-ship missions but not heavy conventional bombing strikes.[citation needed] Officially designated an aircraft carrying cruiser, she is unique in carrying a heavy cruiser's complement of defensive weapons and large P-700 Granit offensive missiles. The P-700 systems will be removed in the coming refit to enlarge her below decks aviation facilities as well as upgrading her defensive systems.
What is unique about Tbilisi?
carrying a heavy cruiser's complement of defensive weapons and large P-700 Granit offensive missiles
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What is unique about Tbilisi? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> 1 STOBAR carrier: Admiral Flota Sovetskovo Soyuza Kuznetsov: 55,000 tonne Admiral Kuznetsov-class STOBAR aircraft carrier. Launched in 1985 as Tbilisi, renamed and operational from 1995. Without catapults she can launch and recover lightly fueled naval fighters for air defense or anti-ship missions but not heavy conventional bombing strikes.[citation needed] Officially designated an aircraft carrying cruiser, she is unique in carrying a heavy cruiser's complement of defensive weapons and large P-700 Granit offensive missiles. The P-700 systems will be removed in the coming refit to enlarge her below decks aviation facilities as well as upgrading her defensive systems. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> carrying a heavy cruiser's complement of defensive weapons and large P-700 Granit offensive missiles </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 430 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Until the death of Sigismund II Augustus, the last king of the Jagiellonian dynasty, monarchs could be elected from within only the royal family. However, starting from 1573, practically any Polish noble or foreigner of royal blood could become a Polish–Lithuanian monarch. Every newly elected king was supposed to sign two documents—the Pacta conventa ("agreed pacts")—a confirmation of the king's pre-election promises, and Henrican articles (artykuły henrykowskie, named after the first freely elected king, Henry of Valois). The latter document served as a virtual Polish constitution and contained the basic laws of the Commonwealth:
After 1573 who could become a polish-lithuanian monarch?
any Polish noble or foreigner of royal blood
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> After 1573 who could become a polish-lithuanian monarch? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Until the death of Sigismund II Augustus, the last king of the Jagiellonian dynasty, monarchs could be elected from within only the royal family. However, starting from 1573, practically any Polish noble or foreigner of royal blood could become a Polish–Lithuanian monarch. Every newly elected king was supposed to sign two documents—the Pacta conventa ("agreed pacts")—a confirmation of the king's pre-election promises, and Henrican articles (artykuły henrykowskie, named after the first freely elected king, Henry of Valois). The latter document served as a virtual Polish constitution and contained the basic laws of the Commonwealth: </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> any Polish noble or foreigner of royal blood </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 187 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Yale's Office of Sustainability develops and implements sustainability practices at Yale. Yale is committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 10% below 1990 levels by the year 2020. As part of this commitment, the university allocates renewable energy credits to offset some of the energy used by residential colleges. Eleven campus buildings are candidates for LEED design and certification. Yale Sustainable Food Project initiated the introduction of local, organic vegetables, fruits, and beef to all residential college dining halls. Yale was listed as a Campus Sustainability Leader on the Sustainable Endowments Institute’s College Sustainability Report Card 2008, and received a "B+" grade overall.
Who rejects sustainability practices at Yale?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who rejects sustainability practices at Yale? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Yale's Office of Sustainability develops and implements sustainability practices at Yale. Yale is committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 10% below 1990 levels by the year 2020. As part of this commitment, the university allocates renewable energy credits to offset some of the energy used by residential colleges. Eleven campus buildings are candidates for LEED design and certification. Yale Sustainable Food Project initiated the introduction of local, organic vegetables, fruits, and beef to all residential college dining halls. Yale was listed as a Campus Sustainability Leader on the Sustainable Endowments Institute’s College Sustainability Report Card 2008, and received a "B+" grade overall. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
During the English Civil War the majority of Londoners supported the Parliamentary cause. After an initial advance by the Royalists in 1642 culminating in the battles of Brentford and Turnham Green, London was surrounded by defensive perimeter wall known as the Lines of Communication. The lines were built by an up to 20,000 people, and were completed in under two months. The fortifications failed their only test when the New Model Army entered London in 1647, and they were levelled by Parliament the same year.
How long did it take to build the Lines of Communication?
under two months
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How long did it take to build the Lines of Communication? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> During the English Civil War the majority of Londoners supported the Parliamentary cause. After an initial advance by the Royalists in 1642 culminating in the battles of Brentford and Turnham Green, London was surrounded by defensive perimeter wall known as the Lines of Communication. The lines were built by an up to 20,000 people, and were completed in under two months. The fortifications failed their only test when the New Model Army entered London in 1647, and they were levelled by Parliament the same year. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> under two months </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 356 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In 1738, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal, began a diplomatic career as the Portuguese Ambassador in London and later in Vienna. The Queen consort of Portugal, Archduchess Maria Anne Josefa of Austria, was fond of Melo; and after his first wife died, she arranged the widowed de Melo's second marriage to the daughter of the Austrian Field Marshal Leopold Josef, Count von Daun. King John V of Portugal, however, was not pleased and recalled Melo to Portugal in 1749. John V died the following year and his son, Joseph I of Portugal, was crowned. In contrast to his father, Joseph I was fond of de Melo, and with the Queen Mother's approval, he appointed Melo as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
What title did Archduchess Maria Anne Josefa hold?
Queen consort of Portugal
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What title did Archduchess Maria Anne Josefa hold? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In 1738, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal, began a diplomatic career as the Portuguese Ambassador in London and later in Vienna. The Queen consort of Portugal, Archduchess Maria Anne Josefa of Austria, was fond of Melo; and after his first wife died, she arranged the widowed de Melo's second marriage to the daughter of the Austrian Field Marshal Leopold Josef, Count von Daun. King John V of Portugal, however, was not pleased and recalled Melo to Portugal in 1749. John V died the following year and his son, Joseph I of Portugal, was crowned. In contrast to his father, Joseph I was fond of de Melo, and with the Queen Mother's approval, he appointed Melo as Minister of Foreign Affairs. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Queen consort of Portugal </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 157 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Several Islamic kingdoms (sultanates) under both foreign and, newly converted, Rajput rulers were established across the north western subcontinent (Afghanistan and Pakistan) over a period of a few centuries. From the 10th century, Sindh was ruled by the Rajput Soomra dynasty, and later, in the mid-13th century by the Rajput Samma dynasty. Additionally, Muslim trading communities flourished throughout coastal south India, particularly on the western coast where Muslim traders arrived in small numbers, mainly from the Arabian peninsula. This marked the introduction of a third Abrahamic Middle Eastern religion, following Judaism and Christianity, often in puritanical form. Mahmud of Ghazni in the early 11th century raided mainly the north-western parts of the Indian sub-continent 17 times, but he did not seek to establish "permanent dominion" in those areas.
Besides the newly introduced Islamic religion, what other Abrahamic religions were practiced in India?
Judaism and Christianity
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Besides the newly introduced Islamic religion, what other Abrahamic religions were practiced in India? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Several Islamic kingdoms (sultanates) under both foreign and, newly converted, Rajput rulers were established across the north western subcontinent (Afghanistan and Pakistan) over a period of a few centuries. From the 10th century, Sindh was ruled by the Rajput Soomra dynasty, and later, in the mid-13th century by the Rajput Samma dynasty. Additionally, Muslim trading communities flourished throughout coastal south India, particularly on the western coast where Muslim traders arrived in small numbers, mainly from the Arabian peninsula. This marked the introduction of a third Abrahamic Middle Eastern religion, following Judaism and Christianity, often in puritanical form. Mahmud of Ghazni in the early 11th century raided mainly the north-western parts of the Indian sub-continent 17 times, but he did not seek to establish "permanent dominion" in those areas. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Judaism and Christianity </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 627 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The U.S. Army currently consists of 10 active divisions as well as several independent units. The force is in the process of contracting after several years of growth. In June 2013, the Army announced plans to downsize to 32 active combat brigade teams by 2015 to match a reduction in active duty strength to 490,000 soldiers. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno has projected that by 2018 the Army will eventually shrink to "450,000 in the active component, 335,000 in the National Guard and 195,000 in U.S. Army Reserve."
Who is the Navy Chief of Staff?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who is the Navy Chief of Staff? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The U.S. Army currently consists of 10 active divisions as well as several independent units. The force is in the process of contracting after several years of growth. In June 2013, the Army announced plans to downsize to 32 active combat brigade teams by 2015 to match a reduction in active duty strength to 490,000 soldiers. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno has projected that by 2018 the Army will eventually shrink to "450,000 in the active component, 335,000 in the National Guard and 195,000 in U.S. Army Reserve." </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
At the request of the pope, he created an information office for prisoners of war and refugees, which in the years of its existence from 1939 until 1947 received almost ten million (9 891 497) information requests and produced over eleven million (11.293.511) answers about missing persons. Montini was several times openly attacked by Benito Mussolini's government as a politician, and meddling in politics, but each time he found powerful defenses by the Vatican. In 1944, Luigi Maglione died, and Pius XII appointed Tardini and Montini together as heads of the State Department. Montini's admiration was almost filial, when he described Pope Pius XII:
In what year was the office for information for prisoners and refugees founded?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In what year was the office for information for prisoners and refugees founded? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> At the request of the pope, he created an information office for prisoners of war and refugees, which in the years of its existence from 1939 until 1947 received almost ten million (9 891 497) information requests and produced over eleven million (11.293.511) answers about missing persons. Montini was several times openly attacked by Benito Mussolini's government as a politician, and meddling in politics, but each time he found powerful defenses by the Vatican. In 1944, Luigi Maglione died, and Pius XII appointed Tardini and Montini together as heads of the State Department. Montini's admiration was almost filial, when he described Pope Pius XII: </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 1939 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 137 </ANSWER_INDEX>
For Whitehead the core of religion was individual. While he acknowledged that individuals cannot ever be fully separated from their society, he argued that life is an internal fact for its own sake before it is an external fact relating to others. His most famous remark on religion is that "religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness ... and if you are never solitary, you are never religious." Whitehead saw religion as a system of general truths that transformed a person's character. He took special care to note that while religion is often a good influence, it is not necessarily good – an idea which he called a "dangerous delusion" (e.g., a religion might encourage the violent extermination of a rival religion's adherents).
What is Whitehead's most famous statement on religion?
"religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness ... and if you are never solitary, you are never religious."
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What is Whitehead's most famous statement on religion? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> For Whitehead the core of religion was individual. While he acknowledged that individuals cannot ever be fully separated from their society, he argued that life is an internal fact for its own sake before it is an external fact relating to others. His most famous remark on religion is that "religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness ... and if you are never solitary, you are never religious." Whitehead saw religion as a system of general truths that transformed a person's character. He took special care to note that while religion is often a good influence, it is not necessarily good – an idea which he called a "dangerous delusion" (e.g., a religion might encourage the violent extermination of a rival religion's adherents). </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> "religion is what the individual does with his own solitariness ... and if you are never solitary, you are never religious." </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 291 </ANSWER_INDEX>
On 16 March 2011, the freighter MS Oliva ran aground on Nightingale Island, spilling tons of heavy fuel oil into the ocean, leaving an oil slick threatening the island's population of rockhopper penguins. Nightingale Island has no fresh water, so the penguins were transported to Tristan da Cunha for cleaning.
where were the penguins transported for cleaning?
Tristan da Cunha
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> where were the penguins transported for cleaning? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> On 16 March 2011, the freighter MS Oliva ran aground on Nightingale Island, spilling tons of heavy fuel oil into the ocean, leaving an oil slick threatening the island's population of rockhopper penguins. Nightingale Island has no fresh water, so the penguins were transported to Tristan da Cunha for cleaning. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Tristan da Cunha </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 280 </ANSWER_INDEX>
To put it another way, a thing or person is often seen as having a "defining essence" or a "core identity" that is unchanging, and describes what the thing or person really is. In this way of thinking, things and people are seen as fundamentally the same through time, with any changes being qualitative and secondary to their core identity (e.g. "Mark's hair has turned gray as he has gotten older, but he is still the same person"). But in Whitehead's cosmology, the only fundamentally existent things are discrete "occasions of experience" that overlap one another in time and space, and jointly make up the enduring person or thing. On the other hand, what ordinary thinking often regards as "the essence of a thing" or "the identity/core of a person" is an abstract generalization of what is regarded as that person or thing's most important or salient features across time. Identities do not define people, people define identities. Everything changes from moment to moment, and to think of anything as having an "enduring essence" misses the fact that "all things flow", though it is often a useful way of speaking.
In Whitehead's cosmology, what are the only things that fundamentally dont exist?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In Whitehead's cosmology, what are the only things that fundamentally dont exist? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> To put it another way, a thing or person is often seen as having a "defining essence" or a "core identity" that is unchanging, and describes what the thing or person really is. In this way of thinking, things and people are seen as fundamentally the same through time, with any changes being qualitative and secondary to their core identity (e.g. "Mark's hair has turned gray as he has gotten older, but he is still the same person"). But in Whitehead's cosmology, the only fundamentally existent things are discrete "occasions of experience" that overlap one another in time and space, and jointly make up the enduring person or thing. On the other hand, what ordinary thinking often regards as "the essence of a thing" or "the identity/core of a person" is an abstract generalization of what is regarded as that person or thing's most important or salient features across time. Identities do not define people, people define identities. Everything changes from moment to moment, and to think of anything as having an "enduring essence" misses the fact that "all things flow", though it is often a useful way of speaking. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In the absence of suitable plate culture techniques, some microbes require culture within live animals. Bacteria such as Mycobacterium leprae and Treponema pallidum can be grown in animals, although serological and microscopic techniques make the use of live animals unnecessary. Viruses are also usually identified using alternatives to growth in culture or animals. Some viruses may be grown in embryonated eggs. Another useful identification method is Xenodiagnosis, or the use of a vector to support the growth of an infectious agent. Chagas disease is the most significant example, because it is difficult to directly demonstrate the presence of the causative agent, Trypanosoma cruzi in a patient, which therefore makes it difficult to definitively make a diagnosis. In this case, xenodiagnosis involves the use of the vector of the Chagas agent T. cruzi, an uninfected triatomine bug, which takes a blood meal from a person suspected of having been infected. The bug is later inspected for growth of T. cruzi within its gut.
What type of eggs may some viruses be grown in?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What type of eggs may some viruses be grown in? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In the absence of suitable plate culture techniques, some microbes require culture within live animals. Bacteria such as Mycobacterium leprae and Treponema pallidum can be grown in animals, although serological and microscopic techniques make the use of live animals unnecessary. Viruses are also usually identified using alternatives to growth in culture or animals. Some viruses may be grown in embryonated eggs. Another useful identification method is Xenodiagnosis, or the use of a vector to support the growth of an infectious agent. Chagas disease is the most significant example, because it is difficult to directly demonstrate the presence of the causative agent, Trypanosoma cruzi in a patient, which therefore makes it difficult to definitively make a diagnosis. In this case, xenodiagnosis involves the use of the vector of the Chagas agent T. cruzi, an uninfected triatomine bug, which takes a blood meal from a person suspected of having been infected. The bug is later inspected for growth of T. cruzi within its gut. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> embryonated </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 397 </ANSWER_INDEX>
As a child, young Bell displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. His best friend was Ben Herdman, a neighbor whose family operated a flour mill, the scene of many forays. Young Bell asked what needed to be done at the mill. He was told wheat had to be dehusked through a laborious process and at the age of 12, Bell built a homemade device that combined rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, creating a simple dehusking machine that was put into operation and used steadily for a number of years. In return, John Herdman gave both boys the run of a small workshop in which to "invent".
What sort of things did Bell collect as a child?
botanical specimens
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What sort of things did Bell collect as a child? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> As a child, young Bell displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. His best friend was Ben Herdman, a neighbor whose family operated a flour mill, the scene of many forays. Young Bell asked what needed to be done at the mill. He was told wheat had to be dehusked through a laborious process and at the age of 12, Bell built a homemade device that combined rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, creating a simple dehusking machine that was put into operation and used steadily for a number of years. In return, John Herdman gave both boys the run of a small workshop in which to "invent". </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> botanical specimens </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 93 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Everton have a large fanbase, with the eighth highest average attendance in the Premier League in the 2008–09 season. The majority of Everton's matchday support comes from the North West of England, primarily Merseyside, Cheshire, West Lancashire and parts of Western Greater Manchester along with many fans who travel from North Wales and Ireland. Within the city of Liverpool support for Everton and city rivals Liverpool is not determined by geographical basis with supporters mixed across the city. However Everton's support heartland is traditionally based in the North West of the city and in the southern parts of Sefton. Everton also have many supporters' clubs worldwide, in places such as North America, Singapore, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia. The official supporters club is FOREVERTON, and there are also several fanzines including When Skies are Grey and Speke from the Harbour, which are sold around Goodison Park on match days.
What city in Ireland do many Everton fans come from to attend their games?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What city in Ireland do many Everton fans come from to attend their games? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Everton have a large fanbase, with the eighth highest average attendance in the Premier League in the 2008–09 season. The majority of Everton's matchday support comes from the North West of England, primarily Merseyside, Cheshire, West Lancashire and parts of Western Greater Manchester along with many fans who travel from North Wales and Ireland. Within the city of Liverpool support for Everton and city rivals Liverpool is not determined by geographical basis with supporters mixed across the city. However Everton's support heartland is traditionally based in the North West of the city and in the southern parts of Sefton. Everton also have many supporters' clubs worldwide, in places such as North America, Singapore, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia. The official supporters club is FOREVERTON, and there are also several fanzines including When Skies are Grey and Speke from the Harbour, which are sold around Goodison Park on match days. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Americans of English descent and Americans of Scots-Irish descent began moving into northern Florida from the backwoods of Georgia and South Carolina. Though technically not allowed by the Spanish authorities, the Spanish were never able to effectively police the border region and the backwoods settlers from the United States would continue to migrate into Florida unchecked. These migrants, mixing with the already present British settlers who had remained in Florida since the British period, would be the progenitors of the population known as Florida Crackers.
Were the Spanish able to police the backwoods settlements
Spanish were never able to effectively police the border region and the backwoods settlers
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Were the Spanish able to police the backwoods settlements </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Americans of English descent and Americans of Scots-Irish descent began moving into northern Florida from the backwoods of Georgia and South Carolina. Though technically not allowed by the Spanish authorities, the Spanish were never able to effectively police the border region and the backwoods settlers from the United States would continue to migrate into Florida unchecked. These migrants, mixing with the already present British settlers who had remained in Florida since the British period, would be the progenitors of the population known as Florida Crackers. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Spanish were never able to effectively police the border region and the backwoods settlers </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 214 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Madonna entered mainstream films in February 1985, beginning with a brief appearance as a club singer in Vision Quest, a romantic drama film. Its soundtrack contained two new singles, her U.S. number-one single, "Crazy for You" and "Gambler". She also appeared in the comedy Desperately Seeking Susan in March 1985, a film which introduced the song "Into the Groove", her first number one single in the United Kingdom. Although Madonna was not the lead actress for the film, her profile was such that the movie widely became considered (and marketed) as a Madonna vehicle. The New York Times film critic Vincent Canby named it one of the ten best films of 1985.
When did Madonna appear in the comedy Desperately Seeking Susan?
March 1985
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> When did Madonna appear in the comedy Desperately Seeking Susan? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Madonna entered mainstream films in February 1985, beginning with a brief appearance as a club singer in Vision Quest, a romantic drama film. Its soundtrack contained two new singles, her U.S. number-one single, "Crazy for You" and "Gambler". She also appeared in the comedy Desperately Seeking Susan in March 1985, a film which introduced the song "Into the Groove", her first number one single in the United Kingdom. Although Madonna was not the lead actress for the film, her profile was such that the movie widely became considered (and marketed) as a Madonna vehicle. The New York Times film critic Vincent Canby named it one of the ten best films of 1985. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> March 1985 </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 304 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Fungi communicate to coordinate and organize their growth and development such as the formation of Marcelia and fruiting bodies. Fungi communicate with their own and related species as well as with non fungal organisms in a great variety of symbiotic interactions, especially with bacteria, unicellular eukaryote, plants and insects through biochemicals of biotic origin. The biochemicals trigger the fungal organism to react in a specific manner, while if the same chemical molecules are not part of biotic messages, they do not trigger the fungal organism to react. This implies that fungal organisms can differentiate between molecules taking part in biotic messages and similar molecules being irrelevant in the situation. So far five different primary signalling molecules are known to coordinate different behavioral patterns such as filamentation, mating, growth, and pathogenicity. Behavioral coordination and production of signaling substances is achieved through interpretation processes that enables the organism to differ between self or non-self, a biotic indicator, biotic message from similar, related, or non-related species, and even filter out "noise", i.e. similar molecules without biotic content.
What substance always triggers the fungal organism to react the same way every time?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What substance always triggers the fungal organism to react the same way every time? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Fungi communicate to coordinate and organize their growth and development such as the formation of Marcelia and fruiting bodies. Fungi communicate with their own and related species as well as with non fungal organisms in a great variety of symbiotic interactions, especially with bacteria, unicellular eukaryote, plants and insects through biochemicals of biotic origin. The biochemicals trigger the fungal organism to react in a specific manner, while if the same chemical molecules are not part of biotic messages, they do not trigger the fungal organism to react. This implies that fungal organisms can differentiate between molecules taking part in biotic messages and similar molecules being irrelevant in the situation. So far five different primary signalling molecules are known to coordinate different behavioral patterns such as filamentation, mating, growth, and pathogenicity. Behavioral coordination and production of signaling substances is achieved through interpretation processes that enables the organism to differ between self or non-self, a biotic indicator, biotic message from similar, related, or non-related species, and even filter out "noise", i.e. similar molecules without biotic content. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In 1744, Burke started at Trinity College Dublin, a Protestant establishment, which up until 1793, did not permit Catholics to take degrees. In 1747, he set up a debating society, "Edmund Burke's Club", which, in 1770, merged with TCD's Historical Club to form the College Historical Society; it is the oldest undergraduate society in the world. The minutes of the meetings of Burke's Club remain in the collection of the Historical Society. Burke graduated from Trinity in 1748. Burke's father wanted him to read Law, and with this in mind he went to London in 1750, where he entered the Middle Temple, before soon giving up legal study to travel in Continental Europe. After eschewing the Law, he pursued a livelihood through writing.
What group of people did Middle Temple refuse to grant degrees to?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What group of people did Middle Temple refuse to grant degrees to? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In 1744, Burke started at Trinity College Dublin, a Protestant establishment, which up until 1793, did not permit Catholics to take degrees. In 1747, he set up a debating society, "Edmund Burke's Club", which, in 1770, merged with TCD's Historical Club to form the College Historical Society; it is the oldest undergraduate society in the world. The minutes of the meetings of Burke's Club remain in the collection of the Historical Society. Burke graduated from Trinity in 1748. Burke's father wanted him to read Law, and with this in mind he went to London in 1750, where he entered the Middle Temple, before soon giving up legal study to travel in Continental Europe. After eschewing the Law, he pursued a livelihood through writing. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Asthma as a result of (or worsened by) workplace exposures, is a commonly reported occupational disease. Many cases however are not reported or recognized as such. It is estimated that 5–25% of asthma cases in adults are work–related. A few hundred different agents have been implicated with the most common being: isocyanates, grain and wood dust, colophony, soldering flux, latex, animals, and aldehydes. The employment associated with the highest risk of problems include: those who spray paint, bakers and those who process food, nurses, chemical workers, those who work with animals, welders, hairdressers and timber workers.
What professions normally have the highest risk of problems?
those who spray paint, bakers and those who process food, nurses, chemical workers, those who work with animals, welders, hairdressers and timber workers
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What professions normally have the highest risk of problems? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Asthma as a result of (or worsened by) workplace exposures, is a commonly reported occupational disease. Many cases however are not reported or recognized as such. It is estimated that 5–25% of asthma cases in adults are work–related. A few hundred different agents have been implicated with the most common being: isocyanates, grain and wood dust, colophony, soldering flux, latex, animals, and aldehydes. The employment associated with the highest risk of problems include: those who spray paint, bakers and those who process food, nurses, chemical workers, those who work with animals, welders, hairdressers and timber workers. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> those who spray paint, bakers and those who process food, nurses, chemical workers, those who work with animals, welders, hairdressers and timber workers </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 476 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Other important industries are financial services, especially mutual funds and insurance. Boston-based Fidelity Investments helped popularize the mutual fund in the 1980s and has made Boston one of the top financial cities in the United States. The city is home to the headquarters of Santander Bank, and Boston is a center for venture capital firms. State Street Corporation, which specializes in asset management and custody services, is based in the city. Boston is a printing and publishing center — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is headquartered within the city, along with Bedford-St. Martin's Press and Beacon Press. Pearson PLC publishing units also employ several hundred people in Boston. The city is home to three major convention centers—the Hynes Convention Center in the Back Bay, and the Seaport World Trade Center and Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on the South Boston waterfront. The General Electric Corporation announced in January 2016 its decision to move the company's global headquarters to the Seaport District in Boston, from Fairfield, Connecticut, citing factors including Boston's preeminence in the realm of higher education.
In 2016, GE Corporation decided to move its global headquarters to where?
the Seaport District in Boston
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> In 2016, GE Corporation decided to move its global headquarters to where? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Other important industries are financial services, especially mutual funds and insurance. Boston-based Fidelity Investments helped popularize the mutual fund in the 1980s and has made Boston one of the top financial cities in the United States. The city is home to the headquarters of Santander Bank, and Boston is a center for venture capital firms. State Street Corporation, which specializes in asset management and custody services, is based in the city. Boston is a printing and publishing center — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is headquartered within the city, along with Bedford-St. Martin's Press and Beacon Press. Pearson PLC publishing units also employ several hundred people in Boston. The city is home to three major convention centers—the Hynes Convention Center in the Back Bay, and the Seaport World Trade Center and Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on the South Boston waterfront. The General Electric Corporation announced in January 2016 its decision to move the company's global headquarters to the Seaport District in Boston, from Fairfield, Connecticut, citing factors including Boston's preeminence in the realm of higher education. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> the Seaport District in Boston </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 1019 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Opponents of the Endangered Species Act argue that with over 2,000 endangered species listed, and only 28 delisted due to recovery, the success rate of 1% over nearly three decades proves that there needs to be serious reform in their methods to actually help the endangered animals and plants. Others argue that the ESA may encourage preemptive habitat destruction by landowners who fear losing the use of their land because of the presence of an endangered species; known colloquially as "Shoot, Shovel and Shut-Up." One example of such perverse incentives is the case of a forest owner who, in response to ESA listing of the red-cockaded woodpecker, increased harvesting and shortened the age at which he harvests his trees to ensure that they do not become old enough to become suitable habitat. While no studies have shown that the Act's negative effects, in total, exceed the positive effects, many economists believe that finding a way to reduce such perverse incentives would lead to more effective protection of endangered species.
How long has the ESA been using the "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-up" method?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How long has the ESA been using the "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-up" method? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Opponents of the Endangered Species Act argue that with over 2,000 endangered species listed, and only 28 delisted due to recovery, the success rate of 1% over nearly three decades proves that there needs to be serious reform in their methods to actually help the endangered animals and plants. Others argue that the ESA may encourage preemptive habitat destruction by landowners who fear losing the use of their land because of the presence of an endangered species; known colloquially as "Shoot, Shovel and Shut-Up." One example of such perverse incentives is the case of a forest owner who, in response to ESA listing of the red-cockaded woodpecker, increased harvesting and shortened the age at which he harvests his trees to ensure that they do not become old enough to become suitable habitat. While no studies have shown that the Act's negative effects, in total, exceed the positive effects, many economists believe that finding a way to reduce such perverse incentives would lead to more effective protection of endangered species. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
University education includes teaching, research, and social services activities, and it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) and the graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as graduate school). Universities are generally composed of several colleges. In the United States, universities can be private and independent like Yale University; public and state-governed like the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education; or independent but state-funded like the University of Virginia. A number of career specific courses are now available to students through the Internet.
What are usually Universities made up of?
several colleges
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What are usually Universities made up of? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> University education includes teaching, research, and social services activities, and it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) and the graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as graduate school). Universities are generally composed of several colleges. In the United States, universities can be private and independent like Yale University; public and state-governed like the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education; or independent but state-funded like the University of Virginia. A number of career specific courses are now available to students through the Internet. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> several colleges </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 297 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses, including writing, printing, packaging, cleaning, and a number of industrial and construction processes.
From what type of fibers are rags made?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> From what type of fibers are rags made? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses, including writing, printing, packaging, cleaning, and a number of industrial and construction processes. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Other notable new vaccines of the period include those for measles (1962, John Franklin Enders of Children's Medical Center Boston, later refined by Maurice Hilleman at Merck), Rubella (1969, Hilleman, Merck) and mumps (1967, Hilleman, Merck) The United States incidences of rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, measles, and mumps all fell by >95% in the immediate aftermath of widespread vaccination. The first 20 years of licensed measles vaccination in the U.S. prevented an estimated 52 million cases of the disease, 17,400 cases of mental retardation, and 5,200 deaths.
How much did rubella, measles, and mumps infections drop after vaccination?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How much did rubella, measles, and mumps infections drop after vaccination? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Other notable new vaccines of the period include those for measles (1962, John Franklin Enders of Children's Medical Center Boston, later refined by Maurice Hilleman at Merck), Rubella (1969, Hilleman, Merck) and mumps (1967, Hilleman, Merck) The United States incidences of rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, measles, and mumps all fell by >95% in the immediate aftermath of widespread vaccination. The first 20 years of licensed measles vaccination in the U.S. prevented an estimated 52 million cases of the disease, 17,400 cases of mental retardation, and 5,200 deaths. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> >95% </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 344 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Aeromedical Evacuation is "the movement of patients under medical supervision to and between medical treatment facilities by air transportation" (JP 1-02). JP 4-02, Health Service Support, further defines it as "the fixed wing movement of regulated casualties to and between medical treatment facilities, using organic and/or contracted mobility airframes, with aircrew trained explicitly for this mission." Aeromedical evacuation forces can operate as far forward as fixed-wing aircraft are able to conduct airland operations.
Who operates and is able to conduct airland missions?
Aeromedical evacuation forces
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who operates and is able to conduct airland missions? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Aeromedical Evacuation is "the movement of patients under medical supervision to and between medical treatment facilities by air transportation" (JP 1-02). JP 4-02, Health Service Support, further defines it as "the fixed wing movement of regulated casualties to and between medical treatment facilities, using organic and/or contracted mobility airframes, with aircrew trained explicitly for this mission." Aeromedical evacuation forces can operate as far forward as fixed-wing aircraft are able to conduct airland operations. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Aeromedical evacuation forces </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 408 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Another issue has been the use of a hypopodium as a standing platform to support the feet, given that the hands may not have been able to support the weight. In the 17th century Rasmus Bartholin considered a number of analytical scenarios of that topic. In the 20th century, forensic pathologist Frederick Zugibe performed a number of crucifixion experiments by using ropes to hang human subjects at various angles and hand positions. His experiments support an angled suspension, and a two-beamed cross, and perhaps some form of foot support, given that in an Aufbinden form of suspension from a straight stake (as used by the Nazis in the Dachau concentration camp during World War II), death comes rather quickly.
Who also used suspension as a form of punishment?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who also used suspension as a form of punishment? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Another issue has been the use of a hypopodium as a standing platform to support the feet, given that the hands may not have been able to support the weight. In the 17th century Rasmus Bartholin considered a number of analytical scenarios of that topic. In the 20th century, forensic pathologist Frederick Zugibe performed a number of crucifixion experiments by using ropes to hang human subjects at various angles and hand positions. His experiments support an angled suspension, and a two-beamed cross, and perhaps some form of foot support, given that in an Aufbinden form of suspension from a straight stake (as used by the Nazis in the Dachau concentration camp during World War II), death comes rather quickly. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Nazis </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 628 </ANSWER_INDEX>
J. Brent Walker, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee, responded to Hamburger's claims noting; "The fact that the separation of church and state has been supported by some who exhibited an anti-Catholic animus or a secularist bent does not impugn the validity of the principle. Champions of religious liberty have argued for the separation of church and state for reasons having nothing to do with anti-Catholicism or desire for a secular culture. Of course, separationists have opposed the Catholic Church when it has sought to tap into the public till to support its parochial schools or to argue for on-campus released time in the public schools. But that principled debate on the issues does not support a charge of religious bigotry"
Separationists agreed with the Catholic church when it sought to do what?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Separationists agreed with the Catholic church when it sought to do what? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> J. Brent Walker, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee, responded to Hamburger's claims noting; "The fact that the separation of church and state has been supported by some who exhibited an anti-Catholic animus or a secularist bent does not impugn the validity of the principle. Champions of religious liberty have argued for the separation of church and state for reasons having nothing to do with anti-Catholicism or desire for a secular culture. Of course, separationists have opposed the Catholic Church when it has sought to tap into the public till to support its parochial schools or to argue for on-campus released time in the public schools. But that principled debate on the issues does not support a charge of religious bigotry" </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Canada allows nonprofits to be incorporated or unincorporated. Nonprofits may incorporate either federally, under Part II of the Canada Business Corporations Act or under provincial legislation. Many of the governing Acts for Canadian nonprofits date to the early 1900s, meaning that nonprofit legislation has not kept pace with legislation that governs for-profit corporations; particularly with regards to corporate governance. Federal, and in some provinces (such as Ontario), incorporation is by way of Letters Patent, and any change to the Letters Patent (even a simple name change) requires formal approval by the appropriate government, as do by-law changes. Other provinces (such as Alberta) permit incorporation as of right, by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association.
How does Alberta handle NPOs filing for incorporation?
by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How does Alberta handle NPOs filing for incorporation? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Canada allows nonprofits to be incorporated or unincorporated. Nonprofits may incorporate either federally, under Part II of the Canada Business Corporations Act or under provincial legislation. Many of the governing Acts for Canadian nonprofits date to the early 1900s, meaning that nonprofit legislation has not kept pace with legislation that governs for-profit corporations; particularly with regards to corporate governance. Federal, and in some provinces (such as Ontario), incorporation is by way of Letters Patent, and any change to the Letters Patent (even a simple name change) requires formal approval by the appropriate government, as do by-law changes. Other provinces (such as Alberta) permit incorporation as of right, by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 734 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The tradition holds that Virgil was born in the village of Andes, near Mantua in Cisalpine Gaul. Analysis of his name has led to beliefs that he descended from earlier Roman colonists. Modern speculation ultimately is not supported by narrative evidence either from his own writings or his later biographers. Macrobius says that Virgil's father was of a humble background; however, scholars generally believe that Virgil was from an equestrian landowning family which could afford to give him an education. He attended schools in Cremona, Mediolanum, Rome and Naples. After considering briefly a career in rhetoric and law, the young Virgil turned his talents to poetry.
What kind of family did Macrobius have?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What kind of family did Macrobius have? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The tradition holds that Virgil was born in the village of Andes, near Mantua in Cisalpine Gaul. Analysis of his name has led to beliefs that he descended from earlier Roman colonists. Modern speculation ultimately is not supported by narrative evidence either from his own writings or his later biographers. Macrobius says that Virgil's father was of a humble background; however, scholars generally believe that Virgil was from an equestrian landowning family which could afford to give him an education. He attended schools in Cremona, Mediolanum, Rome and Naples. After considering briefly a career in rhetoric and law, the young Virgil turned his talents to poetry. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom as a Commonwealth Realm on 1 October 1960. Nigeria's government was a coalition of conservative parties: the Nigerian People's Congress (NPC), a party dominated by Northerners and those of the Islamic faith, and the Igbo and Christian-dominated National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) led by Nnamdi Azikiwe. Azikiwe became Nigeria's maiden Governor-General in 1960. The opposition comprised the comparatively liberal Action Group (AG), which was largely dominated by the Yoruba and led by Obafemi Awolowo. The cultural and political differences between Nigeria's dominant ethnic groups – the Hausa ('Northerners'), Igbo ('Easterners') and Yoruba ('Westerners') – were sharp.
What was Nigeria's status after independence from the UK?
a Commonwealth Realm
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What was Nigeria's status after independence from the UK? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom as a Commonwealth Realm on 1 October 1960. Nigeria's government was a coalition of conservative parties: the Nigerian People's Congress (NPC), a party dominated by Northerners and those of the Islamic faith, and the Igbo and Christian-dominated National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) led by Nnamdi Azikiwe. Azikiwe became Nigeria's maiden Governor-General in 1960. The opposition comprised the comparatively liberal Action Group (AG), which was largely dominated by the Yoruba and led by Obafemi Awolowo. The cultural and political differences between Nigeria's dominant ethnic groups – the Hausa ('Northerners'), Igbo ('Easterners') and Yoruba ('Westerners') – were sharp. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> a Commonwealth Realm </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 55 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Videoconferencing provides students with the opportunity to learn by participating in two-way communication forums. Furthermore, teachers and lecturers worldwide can be brought to remote or otherwise isolated educational facilities. Students from diverse communities and backgrounds can come together to learn about one another, although language barriers will continue to persist. Such students are able to explore, communicate, analyze and share information and ideas with one another. Through videoconferencing, students can visit other parts of the world to speak with their peers, and visit museums and educational facilities. Such virtual field trips can provide enriched learning opportunities to students, especially those in geographically isolated locations, and to the economically disadvantaged. Small schools can use these technologies to pool resources and provide courses, such as in foreign languages, which could not otherwise be offered.
Who can be brought to small schools to help students learn?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who can be brought to small schools to help students learn? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Videoconferencing provides students with the opportunity to learn by participating in two-way communication forums. Furthermore, teachers and lecturers worldwide can be brought to remote or otherwise isolated educational facilities. Students from diverse communities and backgrounds can come together to learn about one another, although language barriers will continue to persist. Such students are able to explore, communicate, analyze and share information and ideas with one another. Through videoconferencing, students can visit other parts of the world to speak with their peers, and visit museums and educational facilities. Such virtual field trips can provide enriched learning opportunities to students, especially those in geographically isolated locations, and to the economically disadvantaged. Small schools can use these technologies to pool resources and provide courses, such as in foreign languages, which could not otherwise be offered. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In season eight, Latin Grammy Award-nominated singer–songwriter and record producer Kara DioGuardi was added as a fourth judge. She stayed for two seasons and left the show before season ten. Paula Abdul left the show before season nine after failing to agree terms with the show producers. Emmy Award-winning talk show host Ellen DeGeneres replaced Paula Abdul for that season, but left after just one season. On January 11, 2010, Simon Cowell announced that he was leaving the show to pursue introducing the American version of his show The X Factor to the USA for 2011. Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler joined the judging panel in season ten, but both left after two seasons. They were replaced by three new judges, Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban, who joined Randy Jackson in season 12. However both Carey and Minaj left after one season, and Randy Jackson also announced that he would depart the show after twelve seasons as a judge but would return as a mentor. Urban is the only judge from season 12 to return in season 13. He was joined by previous judge Jennifer Lopez and former mentor Harry Connick, Jr.. Lopez, Urban and Connick, Jr. all returned as judges for the show's fourteenth and fifteenth seasons.
For how many seasons was Steven Tyler a judge on American Idol?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> For how many seasons was Steven Tyler a judge on American Idol? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In season eight, Latin Grammy Award-nominated singer–songwriter and record producer Kara DioGuardi was added as a fourth judge. She stayed for two seasons and left the show before season ten. Paula Abdul left the show before season nine after failing to agree terms with the show producers. Emmy Award-winning talk show host Ellen DeGeneres replaced Paula Abdul for that season, but left after just one season. On January 11, 2010, Simon Cowell announced that he was leaving the show to pursue introducing the American version of his show The X Factor to the USA for 2011. Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler joined the judging panel in season ten, but both left after two seasons. They were replaced by three new judges, Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban, who joined Randy Jackson in season 12. However both Carey and Minaj left after one season, and Randy Jackson also announced that he would depart the show after twelve seasons as a judge but would return as a mentor. Urban is the only judge from season 12 to return in season 13. He was joined by previous judge Jennifer Lopez and former mentor Harry Connick, Jr.. Lopez, Urban and Connick, Jr. all returned as judges for the show's fourteenth and fifteenth seasons. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> two </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 143 </ANSWER_INDEX>
As is known from the "Sumerian Farmer's Almanac", after the flood season and after the Spring Equinox and the Akitu or New Year Festival, using the canals, farmers would flood their fields and then drain the water. Next they made oxen stomp the ground and kill weeds. They then dragged the fields with pickaxes. After drying, they plowed, harrowed, and raked the ground three times, and pulverized it with a mattock, before planting seed. Unfortunately the high evaporation rate resulted in a gradual increase in the salinity of the fields. By the Ur III period, farmers had switched from wheat to the more salt-tolerant barley as their principal crop.
Why did the Sumerian farmers make their oxen stomp the ground?
kill weeds
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Why did the Sumerian farmers make their oxen stomp the ground? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> As is known from the "Sumerian Farmer's Almanac", after the flood season and after the Spring Equinox and the Akitu or New Year Festival, using the canals, farmers would flood their fields and then drain the water. Next they made oxen stomp the ground and kill weeds. They then dragged the fields with pickaxes. After drying, they plowed, harrowed, and raked the ground three times, and pulverized it with a mattock, before planting seed. Unfortunately the high evaporation rate resulted in a gradual increase in the salinity of the fields. By the Ur III period, farmers had switched from wheat to the more salt-tolerant barley as their principal crop. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> kill weeds </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 256 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Some countries have multiple "supreme courts" whose respective jurisdictions have different geographical extents, or which are restricted to particular areas of law. In particular, countries with a federal system of government typically[citation needed] have both a federal supreme court (such as the Supreme Court of the United States), and supreme courts for each member state (such as the Supreme Court of Nevada), with the former having jurisdiction over the latter only to the extent that the federal constitution extends federal law over state law. Jurisdictions with a civil law system often have a hierarchy of administrative courts separate from the ordinary courts, headed by a supreme administrative court as it the case in the Netherlands. A number of jurisdictions also maintain a separate constitutional court (first developed in the Czechoslovak Constitution of 1920), such as Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.
What is an example of the highest court in a federal system of government?
the Supreme Court of the United States
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What is an example of the highest court in a federal system of government? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Some countries have multiple "supreme courts" whose respective jurisdictions have different geographical extents, or which are restricted to particular areas of law. In particular, countries with a federal system of government typically[citation needed] have both a federal supreme court (such as the Supreme Court of the United States), and supreme courts for each member state (such as the Supreme Court of Nevada), with the former having jurisdiction over the latter only to the extent that the federal constitution extends federal law over state law. Jurisdictions with a civil law system often have a hierarchy of administrative courts separate from the ordinary courts, headed by a supreme administrative court as it the case in the Netherlands. A number of jurisdictions also maintain a separate constitutional court (first developed in the Czechoslovak Constitution of 1920), such as Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain and South Africa. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> the Supreme Court of the United States </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 297 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In the lead up to the Iraq War, Kerry said on October 9, 2002; "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Bush relied on that resolution in ordering the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Kerry also gave a January 23, 2003 speech to Georgetown University saying "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator; leading an oppressive regime he presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real." Kerry did, however, warn that the administration should exhaust its diplomatic avenues before launching war: "Mr. President, do not rush to war, take the time to build the coalition, because it's not winning the war that's hard, it's winning the peace that's hard."
Who did Kerry say we should disarm?
Saddam Hussein
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who did Kerry say we should disarm? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In the lead up to the Iraq War, Kerry said on October 9, 2002; "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Bush relied on that resolution in ordering the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Kerry also gave a January 23, 2003 speech to Georgetown University saying "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator; leading an oppressive regime he presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real." Kerry did, however, warn that the administration should exhaust its diplomatic avenues before launching war: "Mr. President, do not rush to war, take the time to build the coalition, because it's not winning the war that's hard, it's winning the peace that's hard." </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Saddam Hussein </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 501 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Many other conditions can cause symptoms similar to those of asthma. In children, other upper airway diseases such as allergic rhinitis and sinusitis should be considered as well as other causes of airway obstruction including: foreign body aspiration, tracheal stenosis or laryngotracheomalacia, vascular rings, enlarged lymph nodes or neck masses. Bronchiolitis and other viral infections may also produce wheezing. In adults, COPD, congestive heart failure, airway masses, as well as drug-induced coughing due to ACE inhibitors should be considered. In both populations vocal cord dysfunction may present similarly.
How many conditions can cause symptoms of congestive heart failure?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How many conditions can cause symptoms of congestive heart failure? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Many other conditions can cause symptoms similar to those of asthma. In children, other upper airway diseases such as allergic rhinitis and sinusitis should be considered as well as other causes of airway obstruction including: foreign body aspiration, tracheal stenosis or laryngotracheomalacia, vascular rings, enlarged lymph nodes or neck masses. Bronchiolitis and other viral infections may also produce wheezing. In adults, COPD, congestive heart failure, airway masses, as well as drug-induced coughing due to ACE inhibitors should be considered. In both populations vocal cord dysfunction may present similarly. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The expression "bitumen" originated in the Sanskrit, where we find the words jatu, meaning "pitch," and jatu-krit, meaning "pitch creating", "pitch producing" (referring to coniferous or resinous trees). The Latin equivalent is claimed by some to be originally gwitu-men (pertaining to pitch), and by others, pixtumens (exuding or bubbling pitch), which was subsequently shortened to bitumen, thence passing via French into English. From the same root is derived the Anglo Saxon word cwidu (mastix), the German word Kitt (cement or mastic) and the old Norse word kvada.
Where did the expression "French" originate?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Where did the expression "French" originate? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The expression "bitumen" originated in the Sanskrit, where we find the words jatu, meaning "pitch," and jatu-krit, meaning "pitch creating", "pitch producing" (referring to coniferous or resinous trees). The Latin equivalent is claimed by some to be originally gwitu-men (pertaining to pitch), and by others, pixtumens (exuding or bubbling pitch), which was subsequently shortened to bitumen, thence passing via French into English. From the same root is derived the Anglo Saxon word cwidu (mastix), the German word Kitt (cement or mastic) and the old Norse word kvada. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Bateman was responsible for the building of 36 new buildings for the university both on and off campus, including the expansion of the Harold B. Lee Library. He was also one of several key college leaders who brought about the creation of the Mountain West Conference, which BYU's athletics program joined — BYU previously participated in the Western Athletic Conference. A BYU satellite TV network also opened in 2000 under his leadership. Bateman was also president during the September 11th attacks in 2001. The planes crashed on a Tuesday, hours before the weekly devotional normally held at BYU. Previous plans for the devotional were altered, as Bateman led the student body in a prayer for peace. Bateman was followed by Cecil O. Samuelson in 2003. Samuelson was succeeded by Kevin J Worthen in 2014.
What program joined the West Mountain Conference?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What program joined the West Mountain Conference? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Bateman was responsible for the building of 36 new buildings for the university both on and off campus, including the expansion of the Harold B. Lee Library. He was also one of several key college leaders who brought about the creation of the Mountain West Conference, which BYU's athletics program joined — BYU previously participated in the Western Athletic Conference. A BYU satellite TV network also opened in 2000 under his leadership. Bateman was also president during the September 11th attacks in 2001. The planes crashed on a Tuesday, hours before the weekly devotional normally held at BYU. Previous plans for the devotional were altered, as Bateman led the student body in a prayer for peace. Bateman was followed by Cecil O. Samuelson in 2003. Samuelson was succeeded by Kevin J Worthen in 2014. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The Cork Suburban Rail system also departs from Kent Station and provides connections to parts of Metropolitan Cork. Stations include Little Island, Mallow, Midleton, Fota and Cobh. In July 2009 the Glounthaune to Midleton line was reopened, with new stations at Carrigtwohill and Midleton (with future stations planned for Kilbarry, Monard, Carrigtwohill West and Blarney). Little Island Railway Station serves Cork's Eastern Suburbs, while Kilbarry Railway Station is planned to serve the Northern Suburbs.
What Railway station serves the Northern Suburbs?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What Railway station serves the Northern Suburbs? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The Cork Suburban Rail system also departs from Kent Station and provides connections to parts of Metropolitan Cork. Stations include Little Island, Mallow, Midleton, Fota and Cobh. In July 2009 the Glounthaune to Midleton line was reopened, with new stations at Carrigtwohill and Midleton (with future stations planned for Kilbarry, Monard, Carrigtwohill West and Blarney). Little Island Railway Station serves Cork's Eastern Suburbs, while Kilbarry Railway Station is planned to serve the Northern Suburbs. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The earth deity had power over the ghostly world, and it is believed that she was the deity behind the oracle. The older tales mentioned two dragons who were perhaps intentionally conflated. A female dragon named Delphyne (δελφύς, "womb"), who is obviously connected with Delphi and Apollo Delphinios, and a male serpent Typhon (τύφειν, "to smoke"), the adversary of Zeus in the Titanomachy, who the narrators confused with Python. Python was the good daemon (ἀγαθὸς δαίμων) of the temple as it appears in Minoan religion, but she was represented as a dragon, as often happens in Northern European folklore as well as in the East.
Who was the adversary of Zeus in the titanomachy?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who was the adversary of Zeus in the titanomachy? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The earth deity had power over the ghostly world, and it is believed that she was the deity behind the oracle. The older tales mentioned two dragons who were perhaps intentionally conflated. A female dragon named Delphyne (δελφύς, "womb"), who is obviously connected with Delphi and Apollo Delphinios, and a male serpent Typhon (τύφειν, "to smoke"), the adversary of Zeus in the Titanomachy, who the narrators confused with Python. Python was the good daemon (ἀγαθὸς δαίμων) of the temple as it appears in Minoan religion, but she was represented as a dragon, as often happens in Northern European folklore as well as in the East. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Typhon </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 321 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The Grands Magasins Dufayel was a huge department store with inexpensive prices built in 1890 in the northern part of Paris, where it reached a very large new customer base in the working class. In a neighborhood with few public spaces, it provided a consumer version of the public square. It educated workers to approach shopping as an exciting social activity not just a routine exercise in obtaining necessities, just as the bourgeoisie did at the famous department stores in the central city. Like the bourgeois stores, it helped transform consumption from a business transaction into a direct relationship between consumer and sought-after goods. Its advertisements promised the opportunity to participate in the newest, most fashionable consumerism at reasonable cost. The latest technology was featured, such as cinemas and exhibits of inventions like X-ray machines (that could be used to fit shoes) and the gramophone.
How were these stores the same as most during that time?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How were these stores the same as most during that time? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The Grands Magasins Dufayel was a huge department store with inexpensive prices built in 1890 in the northern part of Paris, where it reached a very large new customer base in the working class. In a neighborhood with few public spaces, it provided a consumer version of the public square. It educated workers to approach shopping as an exciting social activity not just a routine exercise in obtaining necessities, just as the bourgeoisie did at the famous department stores in the central city. Like the bourgeois stores, it helped transform consumption from a business transaction into a direct relationship between consumer and sought-after goods. Its advertisements promised the opportunity to participate in the newest, most fashionable consumerism at reasonable cost. The latest technology was featured, such as cinemas and exhibits of inventions like X-ray machines (that could be used to fit shoes) and the gramophone. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Persistent infections occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection. Persistent infections are characterized by the continual presence of the infectious organism, often as latent infection with occasional recurrent relapses of active infection. There are some viruses that can maintain a persistent infection by infecting different cells of the body. Some viruses once acquired never leave the body. A typical example is the herpes virus, which tends to hide in nerves and become reactivated when specific circumstances arise.
How can some viruses main a persistent infection?
by infecting different cells of the body
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How can some viruses main a persistent infection? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Persistent infections occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection. Persistent infections are characterized by the continual presence of the infectious organism, often as latent infection with occasional recurrent relapses of active infection. There are some viruses that can maintain a persistent infection by infecting different cells of the body. Some viruses once acquired never leave the body. A typical example is the herpes virus, which tends to hide in nerves and become reactivated when specific circumstances arise. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> by infecting different cells of the body </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 346 </ANSWER_INDEX>
With continuing European integration, the European Union is increasingly being seen as a great power in its own right, with representation at the WTO and at G8 and G-20 summits. This is most notable in areas where the European Union has exclusive competence (i.e. economic affairs). It also reflects a non-traditional conception of Europe's world role as a global "civilian power", exercising collective influence in the functional spheres of trade and diplomacy, as an alternative to military dominance. The European Union is a supranational union and not a sovereign state, and has limited scope in the areas of foreign affairs and defence policy. These remain largely with the member states of the European Union, which include the three great powers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom (referred to as the "EU three").
What organization is often seen as a great power in addition to member counties?
European Union
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What organization is often seen as a great power in addition to member counties? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> With continuing European integration, the European Union is increasingly being seen as a great power in its own right, with representation at the WTO and at G8 and G-20 summits. This is most notable in areas where the European Union has exclusive competence (i.e. economic affairs). It also reflects a non-traditional conception of Europe's world role as a global "civilian power", exercising collective influence in the functional spheres of trade and diplomacy, as an alternative to military dominance. The European Union is a supranational union and not a sovereign state, and has limited scope in the areas of foreign affairs and defence policy. These remain largely with the member states of the European Union, which include the three great powers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom (referred to as the "EU three"). </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> European Union </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 42 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, the Darijas (spoken North African languages) are sometimes considered more different from other Arabic dialects. Officially, North African countries prefer to give preference to the Literary Arabic and conduct much of their political and religious life in it (adherence to Islam), and refrain from declaring each country's specific variety to be a separate language, because Literary Arabic is the liturgical language of Islam and the language of the Islamic sacred book, the Qur'an. Although, especially since the 1960s, the Darijas are occupying an increasing use and influence in the cultural life of these countries. Examples of cultural elements where Darijas' use became dominant include: theatre, film, music, television, advertisement, social media, folk-tale books and companies' names.
Which countries tend to give preference to the Darijas?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which countries tend to give preference to the Darijas? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, the Darijas (spoken North African languages) are sometimes considered more different from other Arabic dialects. Officially, North African countries prefer to give preference to the Literary Arabic and conduct much of their political and religious life in it (adherence to Islam), and refrain from declaring each country's specific variety to be a separate language, because Literary Arabic is the liturgical language of Islam and the language of the Islamic sacred book, the Qur'an. Although, especially since the 1960s, the Darijas are occupying an increasing use and influence in the cultural life of these countries. Examples of cultural elements where Darijas' use became dominant include: theatre, film, music, television, advertisement, social media, folk-tale books and companies' names. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The Soviet Union created the Eastern Bloc of countries that it occupied, annexing some as Soviet Socialist Republics and maintaining others as satellite states that would later form the Warsaw Pact. The United States and various western European countries began a policy of "containment" of communism and forged myriad alliances to this end, including NATO. Several of these western countries also coordinated efforts regarding the rebuilding of western Europe, including western Germany, which the Soviets opposed. In other regions of the world, such as Latin America and Southeast Asia, the Soviet Union fostered communist revolutionary movements, which the United States and many of its allies opposed and, in some cases, attempted to "roll back". Many countries were prompted to align themselves with the nations that would later form either NATO or the Warsaw Pact, though other movements would also emerge.
What actions of the Soviet Union did The United States oppose?
the Soviet Union fostered communist revolutionary movements,
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What actions of the Soviet Union did The United States oppose? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The Soviet Union created the Eastern Bloc of countries that it occupied, annexing some as Soviet Socialist Republics and maintaining others as satellite states that would later form the Warsaw Pact. The United States and various western European countries began a policy of "containment" of communism and forged myriad alliances to this end, including NATO. Several of these western countries also coordinated efforts regarding the rebuilding of western Europe, including western Germany, which the Soviets opposed. In other regions of the world, such as Latin America and Southeast Asia, the Soviet Union fostered communist revolutionary movements, which the United States and many of its allies opposed and, in some cases, attempted to "roll back". Many countries were prompted to align themselves with the nations that would later form either NATO or the Warsaw Pact, though other movements would also emerge. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> the Soviet Union fostered communist revolutionary movements, </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 589 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Many women played an essential part in the French Enlightenment, due to the role they played as salonnières in Parisian salons, as the contrast to the male philosophes. The salon was the principal social institution of the republic, and "became the civil working spaces of the project of Enlightenment." Women, as salonnières, were "the legitimate governors of [the] potentially unruly discourse" that took place within. While women were marginalized in the public culture of the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution destroyed the old cultural and economic restraints of patronage and corporatism (guilds), opening French society to female participation, particularly in the literary sphere.
Which event destroyed the former patronage and corporatism of France and allowed women to participate in society?
French Revolution
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which event destroyed the former patronage and corporatism of France and allowed women to participate in society? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Many women played an essential part in the French Enlightenment, due to the role they played as salonnières in Parisian salons, as the contrast to the male philosophes. The salon was the principal social institution of the republic, and "became the civil working spaces of the project of Enlightenment." Women, as salonnières, were "the legitimate governors of [the] potentially unruly discourse" that took place within. While women were marginalized in the public culture of the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution destroyed the old cultural and economic restraints of patronage and corporatism (guilds), opening French society to female participation, particularly in the literary sphere. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> French Revolution </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 499 </ANSWER_INDEX>
In the last years of the nineteenth century, Planck was investigating the problem of black-body radiation first posed by Kirchhoff some forty years earlier. It is well known that hot objects glow, and that hotter objects glow brighter than cooler ones. The electromagnetic field obeys laws of motion similarly to a mass on a spring, and can come to thermal equilibrium with hot atoms. The hot object in equilibrium with light absorbs just as much light as it emits. If the object is black, meaning it absorbs all the light that hits it, then its thermal light emission is maximized.
If an object is black, what is known about its thermal light emission?
its thermal light emission is maximized.
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> If an object is black, what is known about its thermal light emission? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> In the last years of the nineteenth century, Planck was investigating the problem of black-body radiation first posed by Kirchhoff some forty years earlier. It is well known that hot objects glow, and that hotter objects glow brighter than cooler ones. The electromagnetic field obeys laws of motion similarly to a mass on a spring, and can come to thermal equilibrium with hot atoms. The hot object in equilibrium with light absorbs just as much light as it emits. If the object is black, meaning it absorbs all the light that hits it, then its thermal light emission is maximized. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> its thermal light emission is maximized. </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 542 </ANSWER_INDEX>
Holy Cross Father John Francis O'Hara was elected vice-president in 1933 and president of Notre Dame in 1934. During his tenure at Notre Dame, he brought numerous refugee intellectuals to campus; he selected Frank H. Spearman, Jeremiah D. M. Ford, Irvin Abell, and Josephine Brownson for the Laetare Medal, instituted in 1883. O'Hara strongly believed that the Fighting Irish football team could be an effective means to "acquaint the public with the ideals that dominate" Notre Dame. He wrote, "Notre Dame football is a spiritual service because it is played for the honor and glory of God and of his Blessed Mother. When St. Paul said: 'Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all for the glory of God,' he included football."
Irvin Abell was given what award by Notre Dame?
Laetare Medal
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Irvin Abell was given what award by Notre Dame? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> Holy Cross Father John Francis O'Hara was elected vice-president in 1933 and president of Notre Dame in 1934. During his tenure at Notre Dame, he brought numerous refugee intellectuals to campus; he selected Frank H. Spearman, Jeremiah D. M. Ford, Irvin Abell, and Josephine Brownson for the Laetare Medal, instituted in 1883. O'Hara strongly believed that the Fighting Irish football team could be an effective means to "acquaint the public with the ideals that dominate" Notre Dame. He wrote, "Notre Dame football is a spiritual service because it is played for the honor and glory of God and of his Blessed Mother. When St. Paul said: 'Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all for the glory of God,' he included football." </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> Laetare Medal </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 292 </ANSWER_INDEX>
On 23 November 1991, in a prepared statement made on his deathbed, Mercury confirmed that he had AIDS. Within 24 hours of the statement, he died of bronchial pneumonia, which was brought on as a complication of AIDS. His funeral service on 27 November in Kensal Green, West London was private, and held in accordance with the Zoroastrian religious faith of his family. "Bohemian Rhapsody" was re-released as a single shortly after Mercury's death, with "These Are the Days of Our Lives" as the double A-side. The music video for "These Are the Days of Our Lives" contains Mercury's final scenes in front of the camera. The single went to number one in the UK, remaining there for five weeks – the only recording to top the Christmas chart twice and the only one to be number one in four different years (1975, 1976, 1991, and 1992). Initial proceeds from the single – approximately £1,000,000 – were donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust.
Which music video contains the last footage of Freddie Mercury?
These Are the Days of Our Lives
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which music video contains the last footage of Freddie Mercury? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> On 23 November 1991, in a prepared statement made on his deathbed, Mercury confirmed that he had AIDS. Within 24 hours of the statement, he died of bronchial pneumonia, which was brought on as a complication of AIDS. His funeral service on 27 November in Kensal Green, West London was private, and held in accordance with the Zoroastrian religious faith of his family. "Bohemian Rhapsody" was re-released as a single shortly after Mercury's death, with "These Are the Days of Our Lives" as the double A-side. The music video for "These Are the Days of Our Lives" contains Mercury's final scenes in front of the camera. The single went to number one in the UK, remaining there for five weeks – the only recording to top the Christmas chart twice and the only one to be number one in four different years (1975, 1976, 1991, and 1992). Initial proceeds from the single – approximately £1,000,000 – were donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> These Are the Days of Our Lives </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 530 </ANSWER_INDEX>
During World War II, when Denmark was occupied by Nazi Germany, the United States briefly controlled Greenland for battlefields and protection. In 1946, the United States offered to buy Greenland from Denmark for $100 million ($1.2 billion today) but Denmark refused to sell it. Several politicians and others have in recent years argued that Greenland could hypothetically be in a better financial situation as a part of the United States; for instance mentioned by professor Gudmundur Alfredsson at University of Akureyri in 2014. One of the actual reasons behind US interest in Greenland could be the vast natural resources of the island. According to Wikileaks, the U.S. appears to be highly interested in investing in the resource base of the island and in tapping the vast expected hydrocarbons off the Greenlandic coast.
What university is professor Gudmundur Alfredssson from?
University of Akureyri
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> What university is professor Gudmundur Alfredssson from? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> During World War II, when Denmark was occupied by Nazi Germany, the United States briefly controlled Greenland for battlefields and protection. In 1946, the United States offered to buy Greenland from Denmark for $100 million ($1.2 billion today) but Denmark refused to sell it. Several politicians and others have in recent years argued that Greenland could hypothetically be in a better financial situation as a part of the United States; for instance mentioned by professor Gudmundur Alfredsson at University of Akureyri in 2014. One of the actual reasons behind US interest in Greenland could be the vast natural resources of the island. According to Wikileaks, the U.S. appears to be highly interested in investing in the resource base of the island and in tapping the vast expected hydrocarbons off the Greenlandic coast. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> University of Akureyri </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 501 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The world's first commercial broadcast automation audio compression system was developed by Oscar Bonello, an engineering professor at the University of Buenos Aires. In 1983, using the psychoacoustic principle of the masking of critical bands first published in 1967, he started developing a practical application based on the recently developed IBM PC computer, and the broadcast automation system was launched in 1987 under the name Audicom. Twenty years later, almost all the radio stations in the world were using similar technology manufactured by a number of companies.
Who was an broadcast professor at the University of Buenos Aires?
I don't know
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Who was an broadcast professor at the University of Buenos Aires? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The world's first commercial broadcast automation audio compression system was developed by Oscar Bonello, an engineering professor at the University of Buenos Aires. In 1983, using the psychoacoustic principle of the masking of critical bands first published in 1967, he started developing a practical application based on the recently developed IBM PC computer, and the broadcast automation system was launched in 1987 under the name Audicom. Twenty years later, almost all the radio stations in the world were using similar technology manufactured by a number of companies. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> I don't know </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> -1 </ANSWER_INDEX>
According to the 2010 Census, 53.5% of Bronx's population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (they may be of any race); 30.1% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 10.9% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 3.4% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.6% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 1.2% of two or more races (non-Hispanic). The U.S. Census considers the Bronx to be the most diverse area in the country. There is an 89.7 percent chance that any two residents, chosen at random, would be of different race or ethnicity.
How much of the Bronx's population is non-Hispanic Black?
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> How much of the Bronx's population is non-Hispanic Black? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> According to the 2010 Census, 53.5% of Bronx's population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (they may be of any race); 30.1% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 10.9% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 3.4% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.6% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 1.2% of two or more races (non-Hispanic). The U.S. Census considers the Bronx to be the most diverse area in the country. There is an 89.7 percent chance that any two residents, chosen at random, would be of different race or ethnicity. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 30.1% </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 128 </ANSWER_INDEX>
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2000, 24.0% of San Diego residents were under 18, and 10.5% were 65 and over. As of 2011[update] the median age was 35.6; more than a quarter of residents were under age 20 and 11% were over age 65. Millennials (ages 18 through 34) constitute 27.1% of San Diego's population, the second-highest percentage in a major U.S. city. The San Diego County regional planning agency, SANDAG, provides tables and graphs breaking down the city population into 5-year age groups.
Which age group accounted for 10.5% of the population in 2000?
65 and over
Given the following <QUESTION> and <CONTEXT>, read the <CONTEXT> and <QUESTION> carefully and given an <ANSWER> to the <QUESTION> along with <ANSWER_INDEX> from the <CONTEXT> which cites the <ANSWER> <QUESTION> Which age group accounted for 10.5% of the population in 2000? </QUESTION> <CONTEXT> The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2000, 24.0% of San Diego residents were under 18, and 10.5% were 65 and over. As of 2011[update] the median age was 35.6; more than a quarter of residents were under age 20 and 11% were over age 65. Millennials (ages 18 through 34) constitute 27.1% of San Diego's population, the second-highest percentage in a major U.S. city. The San Diego County regional planning agency, SANDAG, provides tables and graphs breaking down the city population into 5-year age groups. </CONTEXT> <ANSWER> 65 and over </ANSWER> <ANSWER_INDEX> 105 </ANSWER_INDEX>
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