Борис Андреевич Адамо́вич (12 января 1926 — 19 августа 2013, Москва) — российский учёный, конструктор в области систем обеспечения жизнедеятельности космических экипажей. Доктор технических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент Международной академии космонавтики. Биография Окончил Московский авиационный институт (1948). Работал в НИИ-4 Минобороны под руководством М. К. Тихонравова. В 1957 году окончил аспирантуру. В 1957—1965 гг. — в ОКБ-1. По рекомендации С. П. Королёва в 1965 г. назначен заместителем директора — главным конструктором Института медикобиологических проблем Минздрава СССР. Конструктор систем жизнеобеспечения в космосе. Участник проектной разработки кораблей «Восток» — руководитель группы разработчиков ТЗ на тормозную двигательную установку. Доктор технических наук. Член-корреспондент Международной академии астронавтики. Заслуженный испытатель космической техники РФ. С 1990-х гг. профессор Московского авиационного института. Также работал заместителем генерального директора по науке и технологиям промышленно-инвестиционной компании «Ресурспроминвест». Последние изобретения — «Устройство для экологически чистого сжигания мусора» и «SOS-система для автомагистралей», патенты от 2002 г. Книги Жизнь вне Земли / Б. А. Адамович, В. А. Горшенин ; Межгос. ин-т прикл. систем. анализа и синтет. наук. Междунар. неправител. науч.-исслед. и образоват. организация «Рау-корпорация». — М. : [б. и.], 1997. — 591 с. : ил. — ISBN 5-86014-093-2 : Б. ц. Библиогр. в конце частей Высший разум и Вселенная / Б. А. Адамович, А. В. Вестяк, А. Н. Грозов, С. А. Космынин ; Межгос. науч.-исслед. и образоват. орг. «РАУ-Корпорация». — М. : РАУ-Ун-т, 2002. — 427 с. : ил. — ISBN 5-86014-135-1 Марсианская одиссея / Борис Адамович, Ахмед-Гири Дербичев, Владимир Дудов. — М. : Авиамир, 2006. — 303 с. : ил. ; 25 см. — Библиогр.: с. 302—303. — 1000 экз. — ISBN 5-903035-05-1 (в пер.) : 90 р. Посвящ. 100-летию С. П. Королева Источники Сердюков О. Адамович Борис Андреевич [Текст] / Сердюков О. // Изобретатель и рационализатор. — 2004. — N 1. — С. 2 . — ISSN 0130-1802 Российской Федерации Преподаватели_Московского_авиационного_института
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A to ZTitle - Z to ADate - Old to RecentDate - Recent to OldAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A\nsome detail\nfull detail\nPage:1234567 ... 2021\nThe Common Law of Colonial America: Volume I: The Chesapeake and New England 1607-1660\nWilliam E. Nelson\n10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195327281.001.0001\nHistory, American History: early to 18th Century\nThe four-volume series of which this book is the first volume shows how the legal systems of Britain's thirteen North American colonies, which were initially established in response to divergent ... More\nThe four-volume series of which this book is the first volume shows how the legal systems of Britain's thirteen North American colonies, which were initially established in response to divergent political, economic, and religious initiatives, slowly converged until it became possible by the 1770s to imagine that all thirteen participated in a common American legal order, which diverged in its details but differed far more substantially from English common law. This book reveals how Virginians' zeal for profit led to the creation of a harsh legal order that efficiently squeezed payment out of debtors and labor out of servants. In comparison, Puritan law in early Massachusetts strove mainly to preserve the local autonomy and moral values of family-centered, subsistence farming communities. The law in the other New England colonies, although it was distinctive in some respects, gravitated toward the Massachusetts model, while Maryland's law, except during a brief interlude of Puritan rule, gravitated toward that of Virginia.Less\nThe Common Law of Colonial America : Volume I: The Chesapeake and New England 1607-1660\nPublished in print: 2008-09-01\nThe four-volume series of which this book is the first volume shows how the legal systems of Britain's thirteen North American colonies, which were initially established in response to divergent political, economic, and religious initiatives, slowly converged until it became possible by the 1770s to imagine that all thirteen participated in a common American legal order, which diverged in its details but differed far more substantially from English common law. This book reveals how Virginians' zeal for profit led to the creation of a harsh legal order that efficiently squeezed payment out of debtors and labor out of servants. In comparison, Puritan law in early Massachusetts strove mainly to preserve the local autonomy and moral values of family-centered, subsistence farming communities. The law in the other New England colonies, although it was distinctive in some respects, gravitated toward the Massachusetts model, while Maryland's law, except during a brief interlude of Puritan rule, gravitated toward that of Virginia.\nKeywords: Chesapeake, colonial America, common law, debtors, Massachusets, moral values, New England, profit, servants, Virginia\n'Englishmen Transplanted': The English Colonization of Barbados 1627-1660\nLarry Gragg\nHistory, British and Irish Early Modern History\nThis book challenges the notion that the 17th-century English planters of Barbados were architects of a social disaster. These planters were not simply profligate, immoral, and grasping capitalists ... More\nThis book challenges the notion that the 17th-century English planters of Barbados were architects of a social disaster. These planters were not simply profligate, immoral, and grasping capitalists who exploited their servants and slaves in a quest for quick riches in the cultivation of sugar. To be sure, they quickly transformed the island's economy from one of semi-subsistence to the most successful plantation economy in the seventeenth-century English empire. Yet, they, like English emigrants to other regions in the empire, transplanted many familiar governmental, religious, and legal institutions; eagerly started families; sought to abide by traditional views about the social order; and resisted compromises in their diet, apparel, and housing, despite their tropical setting. In short, they were more than rapacious entrepreneurs. Seldom becoming absentee planters, these Englishmen developed an extraordinary attraction to Barbados, where they saw themselves, as one group of planters explained in a petition, as 'being Englishmen transplanted'. The book draws heavily upon material from the Public Record Office and the Barbados Archives.Less\n'Englishmen Transplanted' : The English Colonization of Barbados 1627-1660\nThis book challenges the notion that the 17th-century English planters of Barbados were architects of a social disaster. These planters were not simply profligate, immoral, and grasping capitalists who exploited their servants and slaves in a quest for quick riches in the cultivation of sugar. To be sure, they quickly transformed the island's economy from one of semi-subsistence to the most successful plantation economy in the seventeenth-century English empire. Yet, they, like English emigrants to other regions in the empire, transplanted many familiar governmental, religious, and legal institutions; eagerly started families; sought to abide by traditional views about the social order; and resisted compromises in their diet, apparel, and housing, despite their tropical setting. In short, they were more than rapacious entrepreneurs. Seldom becoming absentee planters, these Englishmen developed an extraordinary attraction to Barbados, where they saw themselves, as one group of planters explained in a petition, as 'being Englishmen transplanted'. The book draws heavily upon material from the Public Record Office and the Barbados Archives.\nKeywords: Barbados, sugar, servants, slaves, government, family, religion, emigrants\nInformation for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective\nStuart Macdonald\nBusiness and Management, Innovation, Organization Studies\nInformation is not taken seriously. Much is said about the information age, the information economy, the information society, and particularly about information technology, but little about ... More\nInformation is not taken seriously. Much is said about the information age, the information economy, the information society, and particularly about information technology, but little about information itself. Information has some very odd characteristics, conveniently overlooked by senior managers passionate about knowledge-based, learning organizations; by politicians and public servants, compensating with policy and programme for the information failure of organization and market; and by the IT and dotcom communities, bent on adding value to what they treat as just a commodity. This book looks at innovation from an information perspective; one that puts information first. Its information perspective is applied to eighteenth-century agriculture and high technology, to technology transfer and espionage, to corporate strategy and intellectual property.Less\nInformation for Innovation : Managing Change from an Information Perspective\nInformation is not taken seriously. Much is said about the information age, the information economy, the information society, and particularly about information technology, but little about information itself. Information has some very odd characteristics, conveniently overlooked by senior managers passionate about knowledge-based, learning organizations; by politicians and public servants, compensating with policy and programme for the information failure of organization and market; and by the IT and dotcom communities, bent on adding value to what they treat as just a commodity. This book looks at innovation from an information perspective; one that puts information first. Its information perspective is applied to eighteenth-century agriculture and high technology, to technology transfer and espionage, to corporate strategy and intellectual property.\nKeywords: information age, information economy, information society, information technology, senior managers, learning organizations, politicians, public servants, dotcom communities, commodity\nSenior Officials in the Danish Central Administration: From Bureaucrats to Policy Professionals and Managers\nHanne Nexø Jensen and Tim Knudsen\nin Bureaucratic Elites in Western European States: A Comparative Analysis of Top Officials\n10.1093/0198294468.003.0011\nPolitical Science, Comparative Politics\nThe Danish senior civil service has a mixture of older and newer traditions, in which history and tradition are very important. Accordingly, this chapter starts by summarizing the historical ... More\nThe Danish senior civil service has a mixture of older and newer traditions, in which history and tradition are very important. Accordingly, this chapter starts by summarizing the historical background to the Danish central public administration and the historical role of Danish civil servants. Further sections then introduce the common organizational principles governing the central public administration. The different sections discuss: ranks and numbers of senior civil servants at the top levels; methods of recruitment and promotion; inter‐ministerial mobility; pay; party membership and the senior civil service; the status in the civil service of high status ministries; the social and educational background of top officials; women at the top; interaction and formal contacts within and between ministries; and political party policies towards the senior civil service.Less\nHanne Nexø JensenTim Knudsen\nThe Danish senior civil service has a mixture of older and newer traditions, in which history and tradition are very important. Accordingly, this chapter starts by summarizing the historical background to the Danish central public administration and the historical role of Danish civil servants. Further sections then introduce the common organizational principles governing the central public administration. The different sections discuss: ranks and numbers of senior civil servants at the top levels; methods of recruitment and promotion; inter‐ministerial mobility; pay; party membership and the senior civil service; the status in the civil service of high status ministries; the social and educational background of top officials; women at the top; interaction and formal contacts within and between ministries; and political party policies towards the senior civil service.\nKeywords: central public administration, civil servants, civil service, Denmark, educational background, history, ministries, mobility, party membership, pay, political party policies, promotion, rank, recruitment, senior civil servants, senior civil service, social background, status, tradition, women\nThe Welfare State Managers: Senior Civil Servants in Sweden\nJon Pierre and Peter Ehn\nThe first part of this chapter discusses retrenchment, recent institutional changes, and senior civil servants in Sweden; it attributes the recent changes in the senior civil service to the budgetary ... More\nThe first part of this chapter discusses retrenchment, recent institutional changes, and senior civil servants in Sweden; it attributes the recent changes in the senior civil service to the budgetary crisis of the state and the emergence of a less interventionalist control regime, in which the heyday of state‐driven economic and social change has gone. The main source of uncertainty now concerns the final destination of the rapid changes in many core aspects of Swedish politics and public administration. The different sections of the chapter look at: the size and structure of the Swedish civil service; ranks of senior civil servants; systems of recruitment and promotion; party membership among senior civil servants; inter‐ministerial mobility of civil servants; status in the civil service; the social and educational backgrounds of top officials; informal contacts across ministries and between ministries and agencies; the relationship between national and sub‐national officials and those working in agencies; political party policies towards the civil service; and the social status of the senior civil service.Less\nJon PierrePeter Ehn\nThe first part of this chapter discusses retrenchment, recent institutional changes, and senior civil servants in Sweden; it attributes the recent changes in the senior civil service to the budgetary crisis of the state and the emergence of a less interventionalist control regime, in which the heyday of state‐driven economic and social change has gone. The main source of uncertainty now concerns the final destination of the rapid changes in many core aspects of Swedish politics and public administration. The different sections of the chapter look at: the size and structure of the Swedish civil service; ranks of senior civil servants; systems of recruitment and promotion; party membership among senior civil servants; inter‐ministerial mobility of civil servants; status in the civil service; the social and educational backgrounds of top officials; informal contacts across ministries and between ministries and agencies; the relationship between national and sub‐national officials and those working in agencies; political party policies towards the civil service; and the social status of the senior civil service.\nKeywords: agencies, civil servants, civil service, educational background, institutional change, ministries, mobility, party membership, political party policies, promotion, public administration, rank, recruitment, retrenchment, senior civil servants, senior civil service, social background, social status, status, Sweden, top officials\nA Description of the Greek Higher Civil Service\nDimitri A. Sotiropoulos\nFormally, the higher civil service of Greece is a powerful group, but it also has a legitimate claim to relative powerlessness. Its subservient role is correlated with the perennial and problematic ... More\nFormally, the higher civil service of Greece is a powerful group, but it also has a legitimate claim to relative powerlessness. Its subservient role is correlated with the perennial and problematic features of the organizational structure of the Greek public administration, which, in certain respects, is pre‐modern. Starts by distinguishing the main features of the top management level of the Greek civil service, pointing out the minor role played by Greek civil servants compared with their counterparts in other European countries. Goes on to describe the ranks of civil servants, the methods of recruitment and promotion to the Greek higher civil service, and the interdepartmental mobility of civil servants. Further sections discuss status in the civil service, the social background characteristics and social status of top officials, organizations and informal contacts across ministries, and political party policies towards the higher civil service.Less\nFormally, the higher civil service of Greece is a powerful group, but it also has a legitimate claim to relative powerlessness. Its subservient role is correlated with the perennial and problematic features of the organizational structure of the Greek public administration, which, in certain respects, is pre‐modern. Starts by distinguishing the main features of the top management level of the Greek civil service, pointing out the minor role played by Greek civil servants compared with their counterparts in other European countries. Goes on to describe the ranks of civil servants, the methods of recruitment and promotion to the Greek higher civil service, and the interdepartmental mobility of civil servants. Further sections discuss status in the civil service, the social background characteristics and social status of top officials, organizations and informal contacts across ministries, and political party policies towards the higher civil service.\nKeywords: civil servant ranks, civil servants, civil service, Greece, higher civil service, interdepartmental mobility, ministries, political party policies, powerlessness, promotion, ranks, recruitment, social background, social status, status, top officials\nSpain: Still the Primacy of Corporatism?\nIgnacio Molinaxs Álvarez De Cienfuegos\nStarts with an account of the Spanish administration over the last two decades (to 1997); includes a definition of the Spanish civil service bureaucratic élite as composed at the top level (which ... More\nStarts with an account of the Spanish administration over the last two decades (to 1997); includes a definition of the Spanish civil service bureaucratic élite as composed at the top level (which must be filled by public employees) and of senior civil servants who hold political posts. Followed by an analysis of the historical legacy of the Spanish civil service. The next section looks at exactly who the senior civil servants are in relation to the other public employees in the central administration, and in relation to educational background: three different circles of senior bureaucrats are distinguished: a political circle, a politico‐administrative circle, and a bureaucratic circle. Further sections discuss the sociological characteristics of senior officials, the position of the civil servant in the organization, and Spanish civil servants in relation to politics. The conclusion discusses the main structural problems of the Spanish civil service and the constant demands for transformation that there have been over the last two centuries.Less\nStarts with an account of the Spanish administration over the last two decades (to 1997); includes a definition of the Spanish civil service bureaucratic élite as composed at the top level (which must be filled by public employees) and of senior civil servants who hold political posts. Followed by an analysis of the historical legacy of the Spanish civil service. The next section looks at exactly who the senior civil servants are in relation to the other public employees in the central administration, and in relation to educational background: three different circles of senior bureaucrats are distinguished: a political circle, a politico‐administrative circle, and a bureaucratic circle. Further sections discuss the sociological characteristics of senior officials, the position of the civil servant in the organization, and Spanish civil servants in relation to politics. The conclusion discusses the main structural problems of the Spanish civil service and the constant demands for transformation that there have been over the last two centuries.\nKeywords: bureaucratic elite, central administration, civil servants, civil service, education, public employees, senior bureaucratic circles, senior civil servants, sociological characteristics, Spain\nThe Paradox of Performance-Related Pay Systems: Why Do we Keep Adopting Them in the Face of Evidence that they Fail to Motivate?\nDavid Marsden\nin Paradoxes of Modernization: Unintended Consequences of Public Policy Reform\nBusiness and Management, Public Management, Organization Studies\nThis chapter analyses the case of pay for performance in the British Civil Service since the 1980s, which progressively moved from a 19th-century classified pay system (in which pay rises came either ... More\nThis chapter analyses the case of pay for performance in the British Civil Service since the 1980s, which progressively moved from a 19th-century classified pay system (in which pay rises came either from promotion to a higher grade or from incremental progression on a given grade) to one in which a fifth or more of pay was obtained by discretionary bonuses. It is argued that the intended consequence or perhaps more correctly, anticipated consequence of performance-related pay — to improve the motivation of public servants — has proved elusive. When a policy is the result of decisions by many actors, it is not clear whose intentions were paramount. In contrast, the unintended or unanticipated consequence was that, although performance appears to have improved in several cases, it did so by other means than motivation. Notably, it came about because of the emergence of processes facilitating convergence between goal setting at the individual and organizational levels. These have supported a renegotiation of performance standards and priorities at the individual level.Less\nThe Paradox of Performance-Related Pay Systems : Why Do we Keep Adopting Them in the Face of Evidence that they Fail to Motivate?\nThis chapter analyses the case of pay for performance in the British Civil Service since the 1980s, which progressively moved from a 19th-century classified pay system (in which pay rises came either from promotion to a higher grade or from incremental progression on a given grade) to one in which a fifth or more of pay was obtained by discretionary bonuses. It is argued that the intended consequence or perhaps more correctly, anticipated consequence of performance-related pay — to improve the motivation of public servants — has proved elusive. When a policy is the result of decisions by many actors, it is not clear whose intentions were paramount. In contrast, the unintended or unanticipated consequence was that, although performance appears to have improved in several cases, it did so by other means than motivation. Notably, it came about because of the emergence of processes facilitating convergence between goal setting at the individual and organizational levels. These have supported a renegotiation of performance standards and priorities at the individual level.\nKeywords: pay for performance, British Civil Service, civil servants, performance-based pay systems\nAustria: Imperfect Parliamentarism but Fully-fledged Party Democrac y\nWolfgang C. Müller\nin Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies\n10.1093/019829784X.003.0005\nReviews the mechanisms of delegation and accountability in post-war Austria. Discusses how political parties structure these processes and analyses the institutional constraints on parliamentary ... More\nReviews the mechanisms of delegation and accountability in post-war Austria. Discusses how political parties structure these processes and analyses the institutional constraints on parliamentary democracy. While the institutional framework makes Austria an imperfect parliamentary system, it is a fully fledged party democracy.Less\nReviews the mechanisms of delegation and accountability in post-war Austria. Discusses how political parties structure these processes and analyses the institutional constraints on parliamentary democracy. While the institutional framework makes Austria an imperfect parliamentary system, it is a fully fledged party democracy.\nKeywords: cabinet, civil servants, constitutional amendments, constitutional court, electoral system, federalism, legislation, parliamentary control, political parties, president/head of state\nFinland: Polarized Pluralism in the Shadow of a Strong Presiden t\nTapio Raunio and Matti Wiberg\nDescribes the chain of delegation in the context of a semi-presidential democracy. The Finnish president has wide-ranging powers and is a strong political player, which influences the patterns of ... More\nDescribes the chain of delegation in the context of a semi-presidential democracy. The Finnish president has wide-ranging powers and is a strong political player, which influences the patterns of delegation and accountability in Finland. The chain of delegation and accountability in Finnish democracy is influenced by a number of constraints relating to political parties, the party system, and the power of various kinds of external agents (i.e. interest organizations and international actors like the European Union).Less\nTapio RaunioMatti Wiberg\nDescribes the chain of delegation in the context of a semi-presidential democracy. The Finnish president has wide-ranging powers and is a strong political player, which influences the patterns of delegation and accountability in Finland. The chain of delegation and accountability in Finnish democracy is influenced by a number of constraints relating to political parties, the party system, and the power of various kinds of external agents (i.e. interest organizations and international actors like the European Union).\nKeywords: civil servants, corporatism, European union, fragmentation, interest organizations, party system, political parties, semi-presidentialism\nThe Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands: A Quest for Unity\nFrits M. Van Der Meer and Jos C. N. Raadschelders\nDutch society takes pride in its egalitarian character, and political and administrative officeholders are neither separated off nor placed on a pedestal. This general attitude originates in the ... More\nDutch society takes pride in its egalitarian character, and political and administrative officeholders are neither separated off nor placed on a pedestal. This general attitude originates in the predominantly middle‐class nature of Dutch society, in which the idea of formal incorporation of top civil servants in a separate class of administrative personnel is foreign; however, at the same time, there is a striving for unity in the national administration. The issue of tension between unity and fragmentation forces an assessment in this chapter of current developments in the higher civil service in comparison with the situation as it existed from the Second World War up to the early 1990s, with the emphasis on developments in the past two decades in which the most important event was the formation of a Senior Public Service (the Algemene Bestuursdienst, or ABD) after 1 July 1995. The first main section of the chapter (section II) examines what is meant by a 'senior civil service' in the Dutch context, where even the creation of the ABD does not provide a conclusive answer, since there are many senior civil servants outside it. In order to address this issue, the characteristics of the Dutch personnel management system are examined, and a brief outline given of the ABD and of the number of top civil servants working at central government level in the period 1976–1995. Section III turns to the political–administrative organization and the consultative structures at the top of the central government departments, and discusses the structure of the ABD, while section IV discusses the political affiliation (politicization) of top civil servants, and section V looks at functional mobility at the top, with special attention to the functional motives for creating the ABD. Finally, the social political structure of the civil service is reviewed, with sections on social (VI) and educational (VII) background.Less\nFrits M. Van Der MeerJos C. N. Raadschelders\nDutch society takes pride in its egalitarian character, and political and administrative officeholders are neither separated off nor placed on a pedestal. This general attitude originates in the predominantly middle‐class nature of Dutch society, in which the idea of formal incorporation of top civil servants in a separate class of administrative personnel is foreign; however, at the same time, there is a striving for unity in the national administration. The issue of tension between unity and fragmentation forces an assessment in this chapter of current developments in the higher civil service in comparison with the situation as it existed from the Second World War up to the early 1990s, with the emphasis on developments in the past two decades in which the most important event was the formation of a Senior Public Service (the Algemene Bestuursdienst, or ABD) after 1 July 1995. The first main section of the chapter (section II) examines what is meant by a 'senior civil service' in the Dutch context, where even the creation of the ABD does not provide a conclusive answer, since there are many senior civil servants outside it. In order to address this issue, the characteristics of the Dutch personnel management system are examined, and a brief outline given of the ABD and of the number of top civil servants working at central government level in the period 1976–1995. Section III turns to the political–administrative organization and the consultative structures at the top of the central government departments, and discusses the structure of the ABD, while section IV discusses the political affiliation (politicization) of top civil servants, and section V looks at functional mobility at the top, with special attention to the functional motives for creating the ABD. Finally, the social political structure of the civil service is reviewed, with sections on social (VI) and educational (VII) background.\nKeywords: administrative organization, Algemene Bestuursdienst, central government, civil service, consultative structures, educational background, egalitarianism, fragmentation, higher civil service, mobility, national administration, Netherlands, personnel management, political organization, politicization, senior civil service, social background, top civil servants, unity\nConclusion: Senior Officials in Western Europe\nEdward C. Page and Vincent Wright\nThe conclusion starts by noting that there are clearly highly diverse trends in the development of bureaucracy in Western Europe, and that, although in some countries patterns of change are quite ... More\nThe conclusion starts by noting that there are clearly highly diverse trends in the development of bureaucracy in Western Europe, and that, although in some countries patterns of change are quite distinct, change does not appear to have followed any one expected pattern or scale. It then looks at two central questions for the role of bureaucracy: its political controllability and efficiency. These enable us to point to differences in broad underlying principles that reflect how different countries have traditionally understood and dealt with these two central problems, allow us to make important distinctions between different forms of bureaucracies, and explore the causes and character of changes in the senior ranks of post‐war bureaucracies. The two central questions are then examined in sections on political control, performance, managerial changes, and changes in political control. The concluding section finds that there is a common theme underlying the development of relationships between bureaucratic and political elites that applies to most of the country studies: a deinstitutionalization or personalization of political trust. Understood as a question of trust, change in bureaucracy is linked to much wider political changes that have been identified outside the literature on bureaucracy.Less\nEdward C. PageVincent Wright\nThe conclusion starts by noting that there are clearly highly diverse trends in the development of bureaucracy in Western Europe, and that, although in some countries patterns of change are quite distinct, change does not appear to have followed any one expected pattern or scale. It then looks at two central questions for the role of bureaucracy: its political controllability and efficiency. These enable us to point to differences in broad underlying principles that reflect how different countries have traditionally understood and dealt with these two central problems, allow us to make important distinctions between different forms of bureaucracies, and explore the causes and character of changes in the senior ranks of post‐war bureaucracies. The two central questions are then examined in sections on political control, performance, managerial changes, and changes in political control. The concluding section finds that there is a common theme underlying the development of relationships between bureaucratic and political elites that applies to most of the country studies: a deinstitutionalization or personalization of political trust. Understood as a question of trust, change in bureaucracy is linked to much wider political changes that have been identified outside the literature on bureaucracy.\nKeywords: bureaucracy, bureaucratic elites, change, deinstitutionalization, development, efficiency, Europe, managerial changes, performance, personalization, political control, political elites, political trust, senior civil servants, senior civil service, Western Europe\nIt is argued that existing theories and accounts of change in state bureaucracies — which centre mainly on bureaucracy and changing role perceptions — are of little help in understanding how the ... More\nIt is argued that existing theories and accounts of change in state bureaucracies — which centre mainly on bureaucracy and changing role perceptions — are of little help in understanding how the civil service has developed in modern political systems, and substantially neglect the implications of social and political change for the position of top officials. The aim of this book is to redress this neglect and focus directly on the changing position of senior civil servants in the modern state, and provide evidence on which to base an assessment of the changing political status of senior civil servants in Europe. This introduction starts the process by looking at what might be expected to change vis ‐à ‐vis the political status of senior officials and why, provides a basis for the 11 chapters that follow and presents a picture of substantial diversity.Less\nIt is argued that existing theories and accounts of change in state bureaucracies — which centre mainly on bureaucracy and changing role perceptions — are of little help in understanding how the civil service has developed in modern political systems, and substantially neglect the implications of social and political change for the position of top officials. The aim of this book is to redress this neglect and focus directly on the changing position of senior civil servants in the modern state, and provide evidence on which to base an assessment of the changing political status of senior civil servants in Europe. This introduction starts the process by looking at what might be expected to change vis ‐à ‐vis the political status of senior officials and why, provides a basis for the 11 chapters that follow and presents a picture of substantial diversity.\nKeywords: bureaucracy, change, civil service, Europe, modern political systems, political change, political status, role perceptions, senior civil servants, social change, state bureaucracies, top officials\nItaly's Senior Civil Service: An Ossified World\nSabino Cassese\nThe beginning of the twentieth century saw a progressive southernization of jobs in the Italian public sector, with a sizeable migration of personnel from South to North. In 1995, some 35% of civil ... More\nThe beginning of the twentieth century saw a progressive southernization of jobs in the Italian public sector, with a sizeable migration of personnel from South to North. In 1995, some 35% of civil servants worked in the North and 65% in the Centre‐South, but 27% of civil servants in the North were from the Centre‐South, which, in this way, contributed to the administration and the provision of public services in the North; in the top echelons of the state administration, the disequilibrium was even stronger. State employees in general, therefore, and senior officials, in particular, are not representative in territorial terms, resulting in the paradox of a senior civil service that administers the nation, but which is not national. This chapter aims to illustrate this paradox. It looks first at the subject to be analysed (the senior civil service) and its organizational context, and then defines a profile of senior officials, illustrating the characteristics of the category in which they are found; finally it analyses the two (failed) attempts of reform.Less\nThe beginning of the twentieth century saw a progressive southernization of jobs in the Italian public sector, with a sizeable migration of personnel from South to North. In 1995, some 35% of civil servants worked in the North and 65% in the Centre‐South, but 27% of civil servants in the North were from the Centre‐South, which, in this way, contributed to the administration and the provision of public services in the North; in the top echelons of the state administration, the disequilibrium was even stronger. State employees in general, therefore, and senior officials, in particular, are not representative in territorial terms, resulting in the paradox of a senior civil service that administers the nation, but which is not national. This chapter aims to illustrate this paradox. It looks first at the subject to be analysed (the senior civil service) and its organizational context, and then defines a profile of senior officials, illustrating the characteristics of the category in which they are found; finally it analyses the two (failed) attempts of reform.\nKeywords: civil servants, Italy, organization, reform, senior civil service, senior officials, state administration\nThe Senior Civil Service in France\nLuc Rouban\nIn France, the notion of a senior civil servant is a social rather than a legal one, and senior civil servants may be defined through their role as privileged partners of political power and ... More\nIn France, the notion of a senior civil servant is a social rather than a legal one, and senior civil servants may be defined through their role as privileged partners of political power and participation in government decision‐making; they are a heterogeneous group of senior managers of the state public administration, whose members share neither the same careers nor prestige nor professional culture, and regard themselves generally as intellectuals rather than as managers. The relationship between senior civil servants and politicians is more ambiguous and closer in the 1990s than it was during the 1960s, and the politicization of the senior civil service has been considerably strengthened, but senior civil servants still consider themselves as representing the permanence of the state, and are still reluctant to talk freely about their political involvements. Whatever the social changes that have occurred during the last 15 years and whatever the political changes, the senior civil service remains strong. An overview of the higher French civil service has to take into account three variables that interact simultaneously: the fundamentally individualistic culture acquired during years of professional training; the decisive role of the grand corps in the career path and in the representation of what is 'good administrative work'; and the privileged social rank of the higher civil service. This chapter presents the main characteristics of senior public managers in France by trying to highlight signs of an evolution since the 1960s; the different sections look at recruitment and promotion methods, the political activity and mobility of senior civil servants, the internal hierarchy of the civil service, the sociological characteristics of senior public managers, the professional relationships of senior civil servants, the absence of any higher civil service policy, and the debated question of the erosion of higher civil service social status.Less\nIn France, the notion of a senior civil servant is a social rather than a legal one, and senior civil servants may be defined through their role as privileged partners of political power and participation in government decision‐making; they are a heterogeneous group of senior managers of the state public administration, whose members share neither the same careers nor prestige nor professional culture, and regard themselves generally as intellectuals rather than as managers. The relationship between senior civil servants and politicians is more ambiguous and closer in the 1990s than it was during the 1960s, and the politicization of the senior civil service has been considerably strengthened, but senior civil servants still consider themselves as representing the permanence of the state, and are still reluctant to talk freely about their political involvements. Whatever the social changes that have occurred during the last 15 years and whatever the political changes, the senior civil service remains strong. An overview of the higher French civil service has to take into account three variables that interact simultaneously: the fundamentally individualistic culture acquired during years of professional training; the decisive role of the grand corps in the career path and in the representation of what is 'good administrative work'; and the privileged social rank of the higher civil service. This chapter presents the main characteristics of senior public managers in France by trying to highlight signs of an evolution since the 1960s; the different sections look at recruitment and promotion methods, the political activity and mobility of senior civil servants, the internal hierarchy of the civil service, the sociological characteristics of senior public managers, the professional relationships of senior civil servants, the absence of any higher civil service policy, and the debated question of the erosion of higher civil service social status.\nKeywords: France, grand corps, higher civil service, individualistic culture, internal hierarchy, mobility, political activity, politicization, professional relationships, professional training, promotion, recruitment, senior civil servants, senior civil service, senior public managers, social rank, social status, sociological characteristics, state public administration\nSenior Officials in Austria\nBarbara Liegl and Wolfgang C. Müller\nFirst provides an overview of the formal structure of the civil service in post‐war Austria and the position of senior officials within it. Includes a discussion of recent changes aimed at making the ... More\nFirst provides an overview of the formal structure of the civil service in post‐war Austria and the position of senior officials within it. Includes a discussion of recent changes aimed at making the civil service more flexible and effective and their impact on the top layer of the permanent bureaucracy. The following two main sections look at the incumbents in these positions, and provide information on the demographic and educational background and career patterns (duration in office and inter‐ministerial mobility) of the top civil servants and members of the cabinets ministériels who served in the 1970–1995 period. The next section turns to the political role of senior officials, and the penultimate section discusses the impact of party politics on the civil service. The concluding section summarizes the main points of the chapter.Less\nBarbara LieglWolfgang C. Müller\nFirst provides an overview of the formal structure of the civil service in post‐war Austria and the position of senior officials within it. Includes a discussion of recent changes aimed at making the civil service more flexible and effective and their impact on the top layer of the permanent bureaucracy. The following two main sections look at the incumbents in these positions, and provide information on the demographic and educational background and career patterns (duration in office and inter‐ministerial mobility) of the top civil servants and members of the cabinets ministériels who served in the 1970–1995 period. The next section turns to the political role of senior officials, and the penultimate section discusses the impact of party politics on the civil service. The concluding section summarizes the main points of the chapter.\nKeywords: Austria, cabinets ministériels, career patterns, civil service, demographic background, educational background, mobility, party politics, political role, senior civil service, senior officials, top civil servants\nThe Senior Civil Service in Belgium\nMarleen Brans and Annie Hondeghem\nThe Belgian senior civil service is in transition, with external pressures clearly pushing the government firmly towards a reform agenda and improving public confidence in the administrative system, ... More\nThe Belgian senior civil service is in transition, with external pressures clearly pushing the government firmly towards a reform agenda and improving public confidence in the administrative system, in terms of democracy and accountability and of economy and efficiency. In addition, budgetary pressures have combined with political will to ensure that the operation of the administration complies with the new managerialist paradigm. This chapter gives an overview of the position of senior civil servants in the Belgian federal ministries (the federal civil service). It consists of three main sections: the first describes the coexistence of two opposing civil service models, a formal bureaucratic one and an informal politicized one, and assesses the implications of the clash between these models for the position (job definition, classification, and security; the career ladder; salaries; political appointments; and ministerial cabinets) and role conceptions of top civil servants; the second addresses the issue of representativeness of the senior civil service in terms of education, language, and gender; the third deals with the two major challenges to the Belgian senior civil service (external pressure and internal constraints) and the resulting structural reform agenda.Less\nMarleen BransAnnie Hondeghem\nThe Belgian senior civil service is in transition, with external pressures clearly pushing the government firmly towards a reform agenda and improving public confidence in the administrative system, in terms of democracy and accountability and of economy and efficiency. In addition, budgetary pressures have combined with political will to ensure that the operation of the administration complies with the new managerialist paradigm. This chapter gives an overview of the position of senior civil servants in the Belgian federal ministries (the federal civil service). It consists of three main sections: the first describes the coexistence of two opposing civil service models, a formal bureaucratic one and an informal politicized one, and assesses the implications of the clash between these models for the position (job definition, classification, and security; the career ladder; salaries; political appointments; and ministerial cabinets) and role conceptions of top civil servants; the second addresses the issue of representativeness of the senior civil service in terms of education, language, and gender; the third deals with the two major challenges to the Belgian senior civil service (external pressure and internal constraints) and the resulting structural reform agenda.\nKeywords: Belgium, bureaucratic model, career ladder, civil service, civil service models, education, federal civil service, gender, job classification, job definition, job security, language, ministerial cabinets, political appointments, politicized model, reform, representativeness, role conceptions, salaries, senior civil service, top civil servants\nThe Future of Public Employee Retirement Systems\nOlivia S. Mitchell (ed.)\nBusiness and Management, Public Management, Pensions and Pension Management\nPeople covered by public pensions are often the subject of 'pension envy', that is, their benefits might seem more generous and their contributions lower than those offered by the private sector. Yet ... More\nPeople covered by public pensions are often the subject of 'pension envy', that is, their benefits might seem more generous and their contributions lower than those offered by the private sector. Yet this book points out that such judgments are often inaccurate, since civil servants hold jobs with few counterparts in private industry, such as firefighters, police, judges, and teachers. Often these are riskier, dirtier, and demand more loyalty and discretion than would be required of a more mobile labour force in the private sector. The debate challenges traditional ideas about how the public employee labour contract is structured and raises questions about how such employees are attracted to the public sector, retained and motivated on the job, and retired, via an entire compensation package of wages and benefits. This book explores aspects of these schemes, addressing the cost and valuation debate, along with the political economy of how public pension asset pools are perceived and managed. The discussion also explores ways that public pensions can be strengthened in the US, Japan, Canada, and Germany.Less\nPeople covered by public pensions are often the subject of 'pension envy', that is, their benefits might seem more generous and their contributions lower than those offered by the private sector. Yet this book points out that such judgments are often inaccurate, since civil servants hold jobs with few counterparts in private industry, such as firefighters, police, judges, and teachers. Often these are riskier, dirtier, and demand more loyalty and discretion than would be required of a more mobile labour force in the private sector. The debate challenges traditional ideas about how the public employee labour contract is structured and raises questions about how such employees are attracted to the public sector, retained and motivated on the job, and retired, via an entire compensation package of wages and benefits. This book explores aspects of these schemes, addressing the cost and valuation debate, along with the political economy of how public pension asset pools are perceived and managed. The discussion also explores ways that public pensions can be strengthened in the US, Japan, Canada, and Germany.\nKeywords: public pensions, civil servants, public employee, labour contract, compensation package, retirement systems\nReforming the German Civil Servant Pension Plan\nRaimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Ralph Rogalla\nin The Future of Public Employee Retirement Systems\nThis chapter analyzes the risks and rewards of moving from an unfunded defined benefit pension system to a funded plan for civil servants in Germany, allowing for alternative portfolio mixes using a ... More\nThis chapter analyzes the risks and rewards of moving from an unfunded defined benefit pension system to a funded plan for civil servants in Germany, allowing for alternative portfolio mixes using a Monte Carlo framework and a Conditional Value at Risk metric. The authors identify an investment strategy for plan assets that will minimize worst-case pension costs; this turns out to be 22 percent in equities, 47 percent in bonds, and 31 percent in real estate. The authors show that moving toward a funded pension system for German civil servants can be beneficial to both taxpayers and civil servants.Less\nRaimond MaurerOlivia S. MitchellRalph Rogalla\nThis chapter analyzes the risks and rewards of moving from an unfunded defined benefit pension system to a funded plan for civil servants in Germany, allowing for alternative portfolio mixes using a Monte Carlo framework and a Conditional Value at Risk metric. The authors identify an investment strategy for plan assets that will minimize worst-case pension costs; this turns out to be 22 percent in equities, 47 percent in bonds, and 31 percent in real estate. The authors show that moving toward a funded pension system for German civil servants can be beneficial to both taxpayers and civil servants.\nKeywords: public pension asset allocation, asset–liability modeling, civil servant pensions, conditional value-at-risk, public pension contributions, Deterministic Actuarial Valuation, discount rates, public plan funding ratio, Germany, Monte Carlo methods, Pension Benefit Obligation, Stochastic Asset Model, Vector Autoregressive Model\nBridget Hill\nin Servants: English Domestics in the Eighteenth Century\nHistory, British and Irish Modern History, Social History\nThis introductory chapter explains the coverage of this book, which is about domestic servants in England during the 18th century. This book aims to establish that domestic service was an important ... More\nThis introductory chapter explains the coverage of this book, which is about domestic servants in England during the 18th century. This book aims to establish that domestic service was an important occupation and that it was never a monolithic phenomenon unchanging over time. It discusses the different roles of male and female servants, their moral economy, and the sexuality and sexual vulnerability of female servants. It also examines the conditions of kin and paupers who served as servants and literate and literary servants.Less\nThis introductory chapter explains the coverage of this book, which is about domestic servants in England during the 18th century. This book aims to establish that domestic service was an important occupation and that it was never a monolithic phenomenon unchanging over time. It discusses the different roles of male and female servants, their moral economy, and the sexuality and sexual vulnerability of female servants. It also examines the conditions of kin and paupers who served as servants and literate and literary servants.\nKeywords: domestic servants, England, domestic service, moral economy, female servants, literate servants, literary servants, sexual vulnerability"
» Pepe Naupoto, 15, died early Saturday in a single-car crash in Hauula. A story on Page A1 Sunday and a story on Page A1 in yesterday's morning edition incorrectly spelled his last name as Nautoto. » Manolo Morales is a reporter for KHON-TV. His last name was misspelled in the "What the Heck?" column on Page A2 Sunday. » Ridge Hoopii-Haslam hit a two-run home run to help a team from Hilo win the Cal Ripken World Series Championship game Sunday. A story on Page A1 in yesterday's morning edition misspelled the boy's last name as Hoopi-Haslam. » Bank of Hawaii volunteers will be working on a Habitat for Humanity house on various weekends, alternating with other Habitat volunteers. A Page A3 article in yesterday's early edition incorrectly reported that the bank volunteers will be providing labor every weekend until the house is completed.
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Subscribe / Advertise 2020 Ecommerce Operations Summit Closing the Amazon Sophistication Gap Victor Rosenman As waves of legacy retailers close their doors or go bankrupt, countless others are scrambling to build a digital presence with the potential to compete against Amazon. However, as Amazon joined Apple as the second trillion dollar company in history, fighting the ecommerce giant's unmatched economic influence over global consumer culture is no longer the right answer. In today's fast paced ecommerce landscape, the most successful businesses will be those that can navigate the complexities of selling on the Amazon Marketplace and capitalize on its success to fuel their own growth. In 2017, Amazon claimed 44 cents for every ecommerce dollar spent in the U.S. Its growth is nowhere near plateauing—by 2020 it is projected to account for 58% of U.S. ecommerce sales and total revenue for Amazon's Marketplace of third party sellers is estimated to be $259 billion alone. At first glance, these trends are undoubtedly intimidating for businesses eager to have a stake in the race, but the reality is that Amazon's growth actually represents a massive opportunity for merchants. Ultimately, Amazon's unprecedented success marks an essential paradigm shift in retail—one where merchants cannot simply rely on a basic ecommerce presence, but must take the next step to develop an intelligent, data-powered Amazon strategy. Just as businesses were built on the back of the app economy following the introduction of the iPhone and evolution of the App Store, significant e-commerce businesses are already being built on top of the Amazon Marketplace. Estimates show that third-party sales drove 57% of Amazon's gross merchandise volume in 2017, totaling more than $135 billion in revenue. Jeff Bezos noted in his recent letter to shareholders that, for the first time in the company's history, the number of units sold globally by third-party sellers last year exceeded those sold by Amazon itself. These successful sellers are businesses both small and large—more than one million small businesses in the U.S. are selling on its Marketplace, and private equity investors are targeting high-velocity sellers in an effort to unlock new efficiencies and catalyze additional growth. The Amazon Marketplace is a highly sophisticated, real-time trading floor similar to the financial markets. As competition remains fierce and Amazon's pace of innovation shows no signs of slowing down, a sophistication gap has emerged between sellers and Amazon. From inventory management, storage, and fulfillment to branded storefronts, customer reviews, and advertising, marketplace sellers have countless variables to navigate and inform decisions across their businesses. Taken together, these factors present a complex web of information that impacts the unit economics and profitability of each business in unique and dynamically changing ways. Sellers have yet to match the sophistication of Amazon in understanding these complexities, but there is a tremendous growth opportunity in front of those who do. For example, choosing among Amazon's three fulfilment options—Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), or Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)—is an urgent decision sellers must navigate or risk losing money. While FBA sellers often have a higher share of the coveted Buy Box, they must be prepared to pay uncontrollable fulfillment and storage fees (which Amazon will assess monthly instead of semi-annually beginning this September). On the other hand, though FBM sellers have greater control over their storage and fulfillment costs, they don't always reap the benefits of Amazon Prime (Prime customers are more than twice as likely to shop online daily) and must fight much harder for their Buy Box share. Meanwhile, over the last few months, an increasing number of Amazon sellers have decided to adopt SFP and offer Prime shipping in certain areas near their distribution centers, which saves on FBA fulfillment costs while still providing access to the benefits of Prime. Sellers must also have a finger on the pulse of more acute complexities, including current data reporting discrepancies on how often FBA vs. SFP sellers are winning the Buy Box. With recent data showing that one-third of merchants are utilizing SFP in some form, many FBA sellers are losing money to SFP sellers without even realizing it. Across the board, sellers are forced to weigh the impact these different choices will have on their business, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The most successful sellers of today are those who are determined to match Amazon's pace, while the most successful sellers of tomorrow will be the ones who are equipped to make integrated, holistic business decisions that balance all of these variables at once. In the high-frequency trading floor style of the Marketplace, the sellers with the best understanding of their data will win the day. Amazon is already defining the trajectory for the future of e-commerce, so sellers must claim their share of the success before this window of opportunity closes. As more sellers not only engage on the Marketplace, but begin to crack the nuances of the Amazon code, they'll be poised to realize the massive financial promise created by this e-commerce revolution. Victor Rosenman is the CEO and founder of Feedvisor RELATED TAGS: Amazon, Amazon The Four Pillars of Success in an Omnichannel OMS Ecommerce Fulfillment Centers: New Challenges Complicate Old Problems It's Time for an Ecommerce Returns Tune-Up and Review The Pandemic Retail Reset and its Tax Implications How Robotic Assisted Fulfillment Increased Productivity for a Top 3PL Inventory Management Gets Trickier As Forces Collide Why Yesterday's Carrier Strategy Has Expired Ecommerce Fraud Increasing, But Help Is On the Way Using Data to Better Manage Customer Relationships The State of the Ecommerce Facilities Services Industry The Supply Chain Crisis from the Driver's Seat Top 3 Customer Service Predictions For 2022 Ecommerce: The Frenemy of Retailers First-Party Data: The Need is Real for Brands Using Micro Influencers to Target Gen Z in 2022 Ecommerce Operations Summit Chief Marketer LeadsCon LeadsCouncil Directories / Jobs MCM Source Directory Top 3PLs Sign up for MCM Get the Ecommerce, Marketing & Operations info you need when you need it. © 2022 Access Intelligence, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Breathing a fresh, light, contemporary feel into condo living on Seven Mile Beach this choice of accommodations offers light laminate floors and masterfully designed, cream-colored kitchen cabinets, as well as pale blue, light yellow, and green accents throughout. The master bedroom and both guest bedrooms all come with king-beds. At 1,800 square feet, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathrooms unit with lovely dining sets indoors and out, and is the perfect complement to a magical beach vacation.
Just days after The Tribune detailed hundreds of phone calls between Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway and members of a county oversight board, Conway is asking residents to contact him via a private phone and email address. The Tribune was told about the switch Tuesday, but couldn't confirm the switch to a private phone until Wednesday night, when an online news organization posted a news release from Conway confirming it. In communication with Complete Colorado reporter Sherrie Peif on Wednesday evening, Conway said the switch is to give residents confidence their emails and phone calls are not being snooped into by the Weld County information technology department and Weld County Attorney Bruce Barker. Conway declined an in-person interview with The Tribune after a Wednesday morning county commissioners meeting, and he did not respond to phone calls or texts seeking comment Wednesday. He didn't return calls or texts Thursday. The move comes after The Tribune used open records to uncover 295 calls between Conway and Weld County councilmen Jordan Jemiola and Mike Grillos. The Weld County Council serves as a watchdog for elected officials, and the contacts raised questions, particularly when calls to and from Grillos spiked after Grillos was named the point person for an audit of commissioners and the Weld County Clerk and Recorder. More than 90 percent of calls in the past year between Conway and Grillos happened after Grillos gained control of the audit, despite Conway saying the pair had been friends since 2015. Conway said the phone calls were between friends and related to fishing and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Weld County. Conway isn't the only one in Weld County government to use a private means of communication. Commissioner Mike Freeman doesn't use a taxpayer-funded cell phone, board Chairwoman Julie Cozad and Commissioner Steve Moreno have private cell phones and state legislators use private email, but the timing of Conway's decision to go to private lines of communication has raised questions. Although the switch to private lines of communication does not preclude Conway from being subject to open records laws, some experts say it makes those requests more difficult. The reason, Roberts said, is Conway becomes the custodian of records rather than the government entity, so there is less structure in place to ensure compliance. Roberts brought up a Longmont councilwoman who didn't turn over emails on a private server because her hard drive crashed. He also referenced U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The Tribune discovered the email switch when emails between Conway and Barker were posted publicly in the Board of County Commissioners' documents for its Wednesday meeting. The emails show Barker cautioning Conway against using private email, and Conway disputing Barker's reasoning while reiterating his intention to sue the county. Typically, emails to and from commissioners are not posted in meeting documents, as they're considered personal correspondence. Kirkmeyer said these emails were because of Conway's reference to suing the county, something Kirkmeyer said pushed the communication beyond normal correspondence. The notice to sue also meant the emails weren't attorney-client privilege, Kirkmeyer said, as Barker is the county's attorney and would not represent Conway in a lawsuit against the county.
Bento #24: Minecraft Monday Presents… Sqaishey Quack! It's everyone favorite Minecraft duck! Sqaishey Quack is ready for lunch. … More Bento #24: Minecraft Monday Presents… Sqaishey Quack! 6 Comments Bento #24: Minecraft Monday Presents… Sqaishey Quack!
I have a number of Raster Catalogs I want to publish. It is my understanding that in order for them to be published to ArcGIS Server I need to create Referenced Mosaic Datasets for them. I have also successfully registered the data folders with ArcGIS Server and enabled the Image extension (this is needed to publish mosaics). When I come to publish the referenced mosaic dataset, in the Service Editor I select to only use the "Image" capability and for it to only allow the "image" operation, as I only want the user to be able to view the data. I am not caching the service. When I analyse the service, I only get one Medium error. This is just warning me that no statistics have been calculated for the Mosaic dataset. As this service is a "view-only" service, I do not need statistics. This seems to be a generic error. This is referring to the Mosaic dataset which I am trying to publish. As I understand it, this should include all subfolders. In order to test this, I have created a simple mxd with 1 vector dataset and published it from the same source folder without any problems. The vector dataset was in the same fgdb as the mosaic dataset. So I know the server is able to connect to and read from this location. Any suggestions of what I could try next would be great. Tech spec: ArcGIS Sever 10.2.1, Standard Licence, Image extension. I would recommend recreating the raster catalogs as mosaic datasets and then publishing the mosaic dataset to ArcGIS Server. The mosaic dataset will perform much faster than the referenced mosaic dataset of a raster catalog, or the raster catalog itself. Many thanks for the tip. This has worked, however, it still doesn't answer why my Referenced Mosaic Datasets aren't publishing. I have now been able to publish a raster image, a mosaic dataset and a vector dataset from the same fgdb. Just not a referenced mosaic dataset. Am I right in assuming that it is a good idea to build pyramids on creation of the mosaic dataset?
Press Release Details Z6_MQH8HIC0LG3O00AE97ERCA3B71 Z7_MQH8HIC0LOH520AUHT7ADH30G0 Close Photo Gallery Download HiRes/300 dpi Download loRes/72 dpi Seymour Liebman Canon U.S.A. Executive Vice President Seymour Liebman Named Among "50 Most Influential Long Islanders" MELVILLE, N.Y., June 26, 2013 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, is proud to announce that Seymour Liebman, executive vice president, chief administrative officer and general counsel of Canon U.S.A., Inc., senior executive officer of Canon Inc., and vice chairman of Canon Solutions America, Inc., has been named to the Long Island Press "Power List," an award that honors 50 of Long Island's most influential leaders. Mr. Liebman graces this list for the third consecutive year, moving from spot six to five for the year 2013. "It is an honor to be recognized amongst some of Long Island's finest, well respected, and successful community and business leaders," said Seymour Liebman. "This achievement would not be possible without the support of my talented staff at Canon U.S.A. Without their dedication to the company, the move to our new headquarters would not have been executed as efficiently." Now in its 12th year, the Long Island Press "Power List" recognizes some of Long Island's most influential figures throughout the fields of business, politics, education, healthcare and not-for-profit. Members of the list are selected from hundreds of potential candidates and are deemed as honorees based on their contributions to Long Island and their impact on the Island over the past year. Mr. Liebman has been an integral part of shaping the direction of Canon U.S.A. since joining the Company in 1974 as a manager in the accounting department. Earlier this year, Mr. Liebman was promoted to senior executive officer of Canon Inc., by the Company's Shareholders and Board of Directors, becoming the first non-Japanese Canon executive honored with this achievement. During his tenure at Canon U.S.A., Liebman has held the positions of Executive Vice President and General Manager for Administration and Regional Operations, General Counsel, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer. He is also responsible for establishing the corporate legal department which now houses over 20 attorneys. In his current position, Mr. Liebman is responsible for legal affairs and corporate administration functions for Canon Americas. From 2011 - 2012 he acted as President of Canon Information and Imaging Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary dedicated to expanding Canon's overall solutions business, comprised of software and service offerings. Currently, Mr. Liebman serves as vice chairman of Canon Solutions America, a wholly owned subsidiary that provides sales and support for Canon and Océ hardware, software and services targeting general office, production print and large format markets in the United States. Mr. Liebman's leadership continues to help strengthen the Company's position as an imaging industry leader. In conjunction with his roles at Canon U.S.A., Inc. and Canon Inc., Mr. Liebman serves as a board member for various local councils and associations including the Touro Law Center where he serves on the Board of Governors, the Long Island Association Board of Directors, the Information Technology Industry Council, the Council of Overseers for the Tilles Center and the Board of Directors of Zygo Corporation. Canon U.S.A., Inc., is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions. With approximately $40 billion in global revenue, its parent company, Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ), ranks third overall in U.S. patents registered in 2012† and is one of Fortune Magazine's World's Most Admired Companies in 2013. In 2012, Canon U.S.A. has received the PCMag.com Readers' Choice Award for Service and Reliability in the digital camera and printer categories for the ninth consecutive year, and for camcorders for the past two years. Canon U.S.A. is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the products it distributes. Canon U.S.A. is dedicated to its Kyosei philosophy of social and environmental responsibility. To keep apprised of the latest news from Canon U.S.A., sign up for the Company's RSS news feed by visiting www.usa.canon.com/rss and follow us on Twitter @CanonUSA.
Home » Overview Sections » Releases » Interview and Property Releases Interview and Property Releases There are occasions when a release is required for a purpose other than using someone's name or image. Below are two other forms of release: a release to use statements from an interview; and a release permitting use of photos of a building. 1 Interview Releases 1.1 Interview Release Agreement 1.2 Explanation for Interview Release Agreement 1.2.1 Dear Rich : Does Home Sale Imply Permission to Use Photo? 2 Property Releases 2.1 Property Release Agreement 2.2 Explanation for Property Release Interview Releases Most reporters and writers do not obtain signed interview releases because they presume that by giving the interview, the subject has consented to the interview and, therefore, cannot claim invasion of privacy. In addition, many interview subjects don't have the ability or inclination to execute a written release—for example, a person interviewed by telephone for a newspaper story on a deadline. Nevertheless, a written interview release can be useful. It can help avoid lawsuits for libel, invasion of privacy, or even copyright infringement (since the speaker's words may be copyrightable). It's wise to obtain a signed release if the interview is lengthy, will be reprinted verbatim (for example, in a question and answer format), or if the subject matter of the interview is controversial. It is common for an interview subject to ask to read or edit the interview or to have some comments removed or kept "off the record." Any agreement that is made with the interview subject (including an agreement for anonymity) should be documented. Failure to honor the arrangement may give rise to a lawsuit for monetary damages. If the interview subject is willing to proceed with the interview but does not want to sign a release, ask if he or she will make an oral consent on audio- or videotape. Although not as reliable as a written release, a statement such as, "I consent to the use of my statements in the Musician's Gazette," will provide some assurance of your right to use the statement. Interview Release Agreement An interview release is a hybrid agreement, part release and part license. The release above is suitable if you are seeking permission to use an existing interview or to conduct a new interview. You can download this form (and all other forms in this book) from Nolo.com; for details, see the appendix. For consideration which I acknowledge, I consent to the recording of my statements and grant to _____________________ ("Company") and Company's assigns, licensees, and successors the right to copy, reproduce, and use all or a portion of the statements (the "Interview") for incorporation in the following work _____________________ (the "Work"). I permit the use of all or a portion of the Interview in the Work in all forms and media including advertising and related promotion throughout the world and in perpetuity. I grant the right to use my image and name in connection with all uses of the Interview and waive the right to inspect or approve use of my Interview as incorporated in the Work. I release Company and Company's assigns, licensees, and successors from any claims that may arise regarding the use of the Interview including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or infringement of moral rights, rights of publicity, or copyright. I acknowledge that I have no ownership rights in the Work. Company is not obligated to utilize the rights granted in this Agreement. I have read and understood this agreement and I am over the age of 18. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties. Witness Signature: Parent/Guardian Consent (include if the person is under 18) I am the parent or guardian of the minor named above. I have the legal right to consent to and do consent to the terms and conditions of this release. Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: Parent/Guardian Address: Explanation for Interview Release Agreement It's possible that the interview may already have been recorded, in which case the language "consent to the recording of my statements and" can be stricken from the Grant section. If the interview will be included in more than one work, list all works and change the term "Work" to "Works" throughout the agreement. Unlimited or blanket releases for interviews are not common, partly because subjects usually are not prepared to relinquish unlimited rights. If seeking unlimited rights (the interview can be used for any purpose) substitute the following Grant section: For consideration that I acknowledge, I consent to the recording of my statements and grant to _____________________ ("Company") and Company's assigns, licensees, and successors the right to copy, reproduce, and use all or a portion of the statements (the "Interview") for all purposes, including advertising, trade, or any commercial purpose throughout the world and in perpetuity. I grant the right to use my image and name in connection with all uses of the Interview and waive the right to inspect or approve any use of my Interview. If the interview subject does not wish to waive the right to inspect the final work, strike that sentence and arrange for the interview subject to provide approval. If the release is executed after the interview has been transcribed, it is helpful to attach a transcription of the interview to the release agreement. This provides an assurance that the interview subject has notice of what was said in the interview. Add a sentence to the Grant section such as, "A complete transcription of the interview is attached and incorporated in this Agreement." The Release section provides protection against subsequent legal claims. If the interview subject is under 18, a parent or guardian's consent is required. Dear Rich : Does Home Sale Imply Permission to Use Photo? Dear Rich: So, is an agent who is helping a buyer, who is not trespassing, who is invited into a home for sale (via a Realtor's ad), allowed to snap photos and publish them online for all to see, without specific expressed permission? Or is the permission implied with allowing 100+ buyers into the vacant home? Or is it a conditional invitation with limitations on rights to photograph? Just because you were invited onto someone's property, vacant or not, does not imply the right to take photos. The best argument you could make would be that the seller or the seller's agent was aware of you taking photos and didn't complain. (For example, the Dear Rich Staff was recently at the Google offices in San Francisco, taking a video of the free lunch—it was pretty impressive stuff, gourmet pizza, fresh broccoli, incredible salads, and free wheat grass juice in these little shot glasses—until a Google rep explained that no photos were permitted. Okay, we got the point, even though we still like looking at the video when we're hungry.) The next question is whether permission is required. After all, permission is only needed if you are violating someone else's rights. Someone may claim your posted photos violate copyright law—a long shot—assuming there's something copyrightable in the photos (artwork on the walls?); or someone may possibly claim invasion of privacy (although if the house is vacant and hundreds of people are walking through it, that's a tough argument to make). It may be a violation of contract if ads for the home state "No Photos." It may violate someone's right of publicity if you photo them in the house and you use that photo to sell the home, blah, blah, blah. The real issue is why are you asking this? Are you being hassled because you're an agent who showed up at a home for sale, took pictures, and posted them without permission? If that's the case—and since agents need to work together cooperatively in most communities (especially in a tough real estate market)—don't you want to work this out with the people you are dealing with on a day-to-day basis? It's always more satisfying to "get to yes" without bringing in the legal blowhards. Property Releases In some cases, you'll need to obtain a release for using pictures of places. You may find this odd—after all, if a building can be viewed publicly, why is permission required to use an image of it? Over the last few decades some buildings have earned protection under both trademark or copyright laws, or both. Trademark law will protect a building's appearance under very limited circumstances. If a distinctive-looking building is used to signify a business's services, you cannot use an image of that building in a manner that will confuse consumers. For example, the Sears Tower in Chicago functions as a trademark; if you intend to use it in the foreground of an advertisement, you must obtain permission from the Sears Company. Use of the building's image for informational purposes, such as in magazine article, does not require permission. Is permission needed to use the image of a trademarked building on a postcard or poster? That issue arose when a photographer sold images of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A federal court of appeals permitted the use of the trademarked building on posters and did not consider it to be a trademark infringement. (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame v. Gentile, 134 F.3d 749 (6th Cir. 1998).) Copyright protection also extends to architectural works, specifically for architectural works created after March 1, 1989. However copyright protection also has limitations. You do not need a release to photograph a building or property visible from a public place, but you do need permission to photograph and reproduce images of a building protected by copyright and not visible from a public place. Entering private property to photograph a building or property may also trigger a claim of trespass. To avoid such claims, photographers, publishers, and filmmakers use a property release, sometimes known as a "location release." This form may be used as a property release. Explanation for Property Release The Grant section allows access to photograph the property (on the dates provided in the Dates of Use section) and the right to use the photographs for the purposes listed in the agreement. If payment is required for the release, indicate the amount in the paragraph after the Dates of Use section. The owner provides an assurance of ownership in the Warranty, Indemnity, & Release section and agrees to defend the Company from anyone else with a property ownership claim. Property Release AgreementThe Property: For consideration which I acknowledge, I irrevocably grant to ("Company") and Company's assigns, licensees, and successors the right to enter onto the property listed above and to photograph, copy, publish, display, and use images of the property in all forms and media, including composite or modified representations, throughout the world and in perpetuity for the following purposes: I waive the right to inspect or approve the manner in which the images of the property are used and waive the right to inspect any text that is used in connection with the images of the property. Dates of Use Company shall enter onto the property on the following dates and times: . In consideration for the rights granted under this Agreement, Company shall pay me $ upon execution of this Agreement. Company is not obligated to utilize any of the rights granted in this Agreement. Warranty, Indemnity, & Release I warrant that I am the owner of the property and have the authority to grant the rights under this agreement and agree to indemnify Company from any claims regarding my ownership of the property. I release Company and Company's assigns, licensees, and successors from any claims that may arise regarding the use of the images of the property. I have read and understood this agreement. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties. Owner's Signature: Owner's Address: Copyright Overview (NOLO) The content for the Copyright and Fair Use Overview section is from NOLO, with much of it taken from the book Getting Permission (October 2019) by Richard Stim. Thanks! Rich Stim Attorney at law, Nolo author, LinkedIn Learning Instructor, Blogger — Dear Rich: A Patent, Copyright and Trademark Blog.
Celebrate the holidays . . . lesbian style! Celebrate solstice with women journeying along California's rugged north coast. With a firefighter on the job in New York City. Overlooking a plain, filled with waiting children, north of Los Angeles. Experience Thanksgiving with a lesbian border patrol agent along the Arizona-Mexico border. Celebrate the holidays . . . lesbian style! Celebrate solstice with women journeying along California's rugged north coast. With a firefighter on the job in New York City. Overlooking a plain, filled with waiting children, north of Los Angeles. Experience Thanksgiving with a lesbian border patrol agent along the Arizona-Mexico border. Celebrate Hanukah, in all its ceremony and meaning, at a lesbian bar. Celebrate Christmas with a lesbian couple in South Africa, in Death Valley, in Los Angeles, in San Francisco. Here are the stories that celebrate our own traditions. Our diversity and strength. Stories about our love and our families and our connections. Our own holiday stories. Indulge yourself and those you love with this sinfully rich assortment of holiday-themed tales by authors tried and true: Jane Rule, Val McDermid, Katherine V. Forrest—and by the new writers you'll be glad you found.
@interface TeamListCell () @property (strong, nonatomic) UIImageView *iconV; @property (strong, nonatomic) UILabel *nameL; @property (strong, nonatomic) UILabel *proL, *proTL, *memL, *memTL; @end @implementation TeamListCell - (instancetype)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier{ self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier]; if (self) { self.backgroundColor = kColorTableBG; _iconV = [YLImageView new]; [_iconV doBorderWidth:.5 color:nil cornerRadius:2.0]; _nameL = [UILabel labelWithSystemFontSize:15 textColorHexString:@"0x323A45"]; _proL = [UILabel labelWithSystemFontSize:14 textColorHexString:@"0x4F565F"]; _memL = [UILabel labelWithSystemFontSize:14 textColorHexString:@"0x4F565F"]; _proTL = [UILabel labelWithSystemFontSize:12 textColorHexString:@"0x76808E"]; _memTL = [UILabel labelWithSystemFontSize:12 textColorHexString:@"0x76808E"]; _proTL.text = @"项目"; _memTL.text = @"成员"; for (UIView *subV in @[_iconV, _nameL, _proL, _proTL, _memL, _memTL]) { [self.contentView addSubview:subV]; } [_iconV mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(self.contentView).offset(kPaddingLeftWidth); make.size.mas_equalTo(CGSizeMake(70, 70)); make.centerY.equalTo(self.contentView); }]; [_nameL mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(_iconV.mas_right).offset(15); make.top.equalTo(_iconV).offset(5); }]; [_proTL mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(_nameL); make.top.equalTo(_iconV.mas_centerY).offset(5); make.baseline.equalTo(@[_proL, _memTL, _memL]); }]; [_proL mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(_proTL.mas_right).offset(5); }]; [_memTL mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(_iconV.mas_right).offset(85); }]; [_memL mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.left.equalTo(_memTL.mas_right).offset(5); }]; } return self; } - (void)setCurTeam:(Team *)curTeam{ _curTeam = curTeam; [_iconV sd_setImageWithURL:[_curTeam.avatar urlImageWithCodePathResize:70 * 2]]; _nameL.text = _curTeam.name; _proL.text = _curTeam.project_count.stringValue; _memL.text = _curTeam.member_count.stringValue; } + (CGFloat)cellHeight{ return 95; } @end
Artistas: Ella Fitzgerald About Ella Fitzgerald • THE JEAN-PIERRE LELOIR COLLECTION • 3-PANEL DIGIPACK EDITION "Like Someone in Love" (Verve MG VS-64004) presents Ella Fitzgerald backed by an orchestra conducted by Frank DeVol and featuring the inimitable Stan Getz on tenor sax. This album marks the only collaborative studio sessions ever made by Fitzgerald and Getz. By 1957, Ella was already a star with over twenty years of experience as a professional singer. She had performed in countless venues and settings and recorded numerous sides. She was also the inspiration behind Norman Granz's "Songbook" concept, which had become possible with the recently-developed technology of 12 inch long plays. The "Songbook" albums consisted of carefully designed multiple-LP box sets devoted to Ella singing the works of some of the best jazz composers, many of which resulted in best-selling albums. While Like Someone in Loveis not devoted to any particular composer, it features well-known standards by celebrated writers. Four tracks completing the album's sessions have been added here, as well as a Stan Getz quartet version of the title track recorded the previous year. ELLA FITZGERALD, vocals STAN GETZ, tenor sax Los Angeles, October 15 [1-11] & October 28 [12-19], 1957. (*) BONUS TRACKS: · [16-19]: From the same sessions.Originally issued on Fitzgerald's 1959 LP "Hello Love" ·[20]: Stan Getz (ts), Lou Levy (p), Leroy Vinnegar (b), Stan Levey (d). Los Angeles, November 24, 1956. Originally issued in 1957 on the Getz LP "The Steamer". 01 THERE'S A LULL IN MY LIFE 02 MORE THAN YOU KNOW 03 WHAT WILL I TELL MY HEART? 04 I NEVER HAD A CHANCE 05 CLOSE YOUR EYES 06 WE'LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN 07 THEN I'LL BE TIRED OF YOU 08 LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE 09 MIDNIGHT SUN 10 I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU 11 YOU'RE BLASÉ 12 NIGHT WIND 13 WHAT'S NEW? 14 HURRY HOME 15 HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON? 16 I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME (*) 17 LOST IN A FOG (*) 18 EVERYTHING HAPPENS TO ME (*)V 19 SO RARE (*) 20 LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE [instrumental] (*) TOTAL TIME: 76:51 Min. Ella Fitzgerald's most popular nicknames are the Queen of Jazz and the first lady of the American song, and no wonder, because the wide musical legacy of this artist made evident her spectacular natural talent to fill the stage and an unmatched vocal avant-garde. This led her to be one of the most iconic and influential jazz musicians, and also to enter with great mastery in genres such as blues, gospel, swing, bossa nova, samba, calypso and pop. A musical jewel of the 20th century. Before bursting onto the American stage, Ella Jane Fitzgerald had a troubled childhood and youth. She was born in Newport News, Virginia, on April 25, 1917 and soon after her parents (William Fitzgerald, a train conductor, and Temperance "Tempie" Williams Fitzgerald, a laundress) separated. Thereafter she moved with her mother to Yonkers (New York), where they lived with her stepfather Joseph Da Silva and her half-sister, Frances Fitzgerald, was born. In 1932 Tempie died after suffering a traffic accident, so Ella began to change residence frequently and came to live with some close relatives and even in a reform school. It was a period of bad school run and some problems with the police. In 1934, at the age of 17, Ella managed to participate for the first time in a talent contest at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. Although she had originally intended to dance, at the last minute she decided to perform the songs "Judy" and "The Object of My Affection" by Hoagy Carmichael, with which she impressed the audience and won. From that moment on, she started her artistic career. From 1935 he belonged to the Chick Webb band and in 1941 he ventured successfully as a soloist. In his more than fifty years of artistic career, he knew how to evolve to successfully take on the challenges of the genre. Well-executed bepop and scat became distinctive characteristics of his creation. MUSICAL INFLUENCES Ella's taste for dancing and singing was a constant since she was very young. Hoagy Carmichael, Louis Armstrong and The Boswell Sisters are just some of the artists she grew up with and listened to with pleasure and great attention. Undoubtedly, they conditioned all her work. However, Ella's music marked several generations without distinctions of race or social class. The worldwide recognition of her work earned her 14 Grammys, including one for her artistic career, and many other awards for excellence. Even after her death in 1996, she continues to be honored by numerous artists who recognize her as the Queen of Jazz. COLLABORATORS IN PERFORMANCE Throughout her career she made numerous collaborations with great artists. The most acclaimed in her time and still remembered today are: Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Joe Pass and Oscar Peterson also participated in his discography. With Louis Armstrong he went on to produce several albums, among which stand out: Ella and Louis, Ella and Louis Again and Porgy and Bess, Although they were not collaborations, a very interesting work of his career was the interpretation and recording, between 1956 and 1964, of albums by other musicians. This production was very well received by the public and the artists she interpreted, among them: Cole Porter, the Gershwins, Irving Berlin, Johnny Mercer, Duke Ellington and Rodgers and Hart. At the time of her retirement, in the 90's, Fitzgerald Singer had more than 200 albums recorded and approximately two thousand songs to her credit. Not for nothing is she considered one of the most fruitful artists in the history of Jazz. The following are the most outstanding albums by decade: Ella Sings Gershwin Songs in a Mellow Mood Lullabies of Birdland Miss Ella Fitzgerald & Mr Gordon Jenkins Invite You to Listen and Relax Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Cole Porter Songbook Ella and Louis Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Rodgers & Hart Songbook Ella and Louis Again Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Duke Ellington Songbook Ella Swings Lightly Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Irving Berlin Songbook Get Happy! Ella Fitzgerald Sings Sweet Songs for Swingers Ella Fitzgerald Sings the George and Ira Gershwin Songbook Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas Hello, Love Ella Fitzgerald Sings Songs from "Let No Man Write My Epitaph" Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie! Rhythm Is My Business Ella Swings Brightly with Nelson Ella Swings Gently with Nelson Ella Sings Broadway Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Jerome Kern Songbook Ella and Basie! These Are the Blues Hello, Dolly! Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Johnny Mercer Song BookElla at Duke's Place Whisper Not Brighten the Corner Ella Fitzgerald's Christmas 30 by Ella Misty Blue Things Ain't What They Used to Be (And You Better Believe It) Ella Loves Cole Take Love Easy Fine and Mellow Ella and Oscar Fitzgerald and Pass... Again Lady Time Dream Dancing A Classy Pair Ella Abraça Jobim The Best Is Yet to Come · Speak Love Ella at the Opera House Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday at Newport Ella in Rome: The Birthday Concert Ella Fitzgerald Live at Mister Kelly's Ella in Berlin: Mack the Knife Ella in Hollywood Ella Returns to Berlin Twelve Nights in Hollywood Ella at Juan-Les-Pins Ella in Hamburg Ella and Duke at the Cote D'Azur Sunshine of Your Love Newport Jazz Festival: Live at Carnegie Hall The Stockholm Concert, 1966 Ella in Budapest, Hungary Ella à Nice Jazz at Santa Monica Civic '72 Ella in London Montreux '75 Digital III at Montreux Sophisticated Lady MOST FAMOUS SONG The song that gave Fitzgerald the fame she needed to be recognized was a version of the children's song A-Tisket, A-Tasket, created in 1938. With this album she sold a million copies and, in addition, was on the charts for about 17 weeks. Now, these are the 15 must-have Ella Fitzgerald songs: A-Tisket-A-Tasket (1938) Flying Home (1945) Oh Lady Be Good (1947) Let's Do It (Let's Fall In Love) (1956) I Get A Kick Out Of You (1956) Cheek to Cheek (1956) Caravan (1957) Sophisticated Lady (1957) Midnight Sun (1957) Summertime (1958) Accentuate The Positive (1961) Mack The Knife (1960) S'Wonderful (1959) ELLA , THE FIRST WOMAN IN SONG Ella was the first in many ways, for example, the first African-American to win a Grammy. But above all, she was one of the most dedicated performers in her career to leave an indelible mark on the history of jazz. In addition, when she was diagnosed with diabetes, she did not abandon the stage and continued to work for music. We invite you to enjoy her extensive repertoire at Jazz Images Records. Meets Oscar Peterson Ben Webster Somethin´ Else Chet and Dick In Paris The Atomic Mr. Basie The Birth of a Band JIC 151798 Lady in Satin And the Oscar Peterson Trio Moanin´ Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson Ascenseur pour l´echafaud Takin´ Off
A day goes smoothly when you get an uninterrupted and a sound sleep. A good sleeping means 8 hours sleeping. You are an adult having effort to draw your budget and how to stop the leaking faucet or you are a college student suppose to have 2 tests and 3 submissions within a couple of hours or you are a mom trying to comfort your son including your household activities without being crazy, the first thing all we need to remain sane. Almost life of every age excluding preschoolers is painful and unbearable. Everyone is trying to touch the deadline successfully among their overworked and over-scheduled and business activities, trying to attend the class in time. In spite of our preplanned life, we fail to do as we desire. A lot of folks have a lot of troubles having sound sleep. Nevertheless, nature is thought to have a remedy of every problem when there is no way around. Precautionary steps should be taken before you find yourself in a doctor's room getting a prescription for a little friend known as 'sleeping pills', it is better than an over dependence on drug to let everything occur naturally and at least have a try to proceed naturally which will save you a few bucks. Almonds: Almonds are rich in magnesium. The fact of being unable to stay asleep may be due to lack of magnesium. So, you are prescribed to take almonds if you are having trouble staying asleep. Besides, almonds are beneficial for your bones. Dairy: Can you recollect how your mom used to force that warm glass of milk before going to bed when you were a kid? Milk is a dairy product that can reward you a good sleeping. Cheese and yoghurt can do the same as milk does. Lettuce: If you are in sleeping problem, then there is lettuce which has sleep-inducing characteristics. But if you skip lettuce in your salad for dinner, you can brew a tea that is pretty effective and simple. At first, boil a few large lettuce leaves in a cup of water for 15 minutes and add a couple of springs of mint. Then drink this before your bed time, finally you will sleep like a baby. Pretzels: If you want to fall asleep very soon, then reach for that bag of pretzels. It increases blood sugar and insulin levels cuts down the time it needs usually fall asleep. Fish: Some fish are also helpful for bringing a solution of your sleeping problem. Fish like halibut, salmon and tuna are enriched with the vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is the magical treatment that helps make sleep inducing hormones, melatonin and serotonin which can help you a sound sleep. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is well known sleeping property. It works as a mild sedative and it may help numb the pain from the daily grind. This tea has made it across the centuries and that is why it's worth a try. Cereal: Do you prefer breakfast for dinner? There is a reason with solid scientific back up to indulge in a bowl of cereal every night. There are two great sources- they are carbs from the cereal and calcium from milk which help you scoring some zzz's. Sleep is one of the most beneficial things on the planet that rejuvenates our bodies and comes for free. Don't take it for granted. If you have free and much time, stop scrolling on social media and go take a nap! Previous Exercise: Is It Really Less Important Than Diet for Weight Loss?
Archives > 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws - Previous Versions > 2000 Session > Title 16 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated Updated through the end of the 2000 Session The State of South Carolina owns the copyright to the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as contained herein. Any use of the text, section headings, or catchlines of the 1976 Code is subject to the terms of federal copyright and other applicable laws and such text, section headings, or catchlines may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or for inclusion in any material which is offered for sale or lease without the express written permission of the Chairman of the South Carolina Legislative Council or the Code Commissioner of South Carolina. This statutory database is current through the 2000 Regular Session of the South Carolina General Assembly. Changes to the statutes enacted by the 2001 General Assembly, which will convene in January 2001, will be incorporated as soon as possible. Some changes enacted by the 2001 General Assembly may take immediate effect. The State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Legislative Council make no warranty as to the accuracy of the data, and users rely on the data entirely at their own risk. The Legislative Council by law is charged with compiling and publishing the 1976 Code and it is maintained in a database which may be accessed for commercial purposes by contacting the Legislative Council or the office of Legislative Printing, Information and Technology Resources. Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses CHAPTER 25. CRIMINAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ARTICLE 1. SECTION 16-25-10. "Household member" defined. As used in this article, "household member" means spouses, former spouses, parents and children, persons related by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree, persons who have a child in common, and a male and female who are cohabiting or formerly have cohabited. SECTION 16-25-20. Acts prohibited. It is unlawful to: (1) cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member, (2) offer or attempt to cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member with apparent present ability under circumstances reasonably creating fear of imminent peril. SECTION 16-25-30. Penalties. Any person who violates Section 16-25-20 is guilty of the misdemeanor of criminal domestic violence and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. SECTION 16-25-40. Penalty upon third conviction. Any person who violates Section 16-25-20 after having previously been convicted of two violations of Section 16-25-20 or two violations of Section 16-25-65 or a violation of Section 16-25-20 and a violation of Section 16-25-65 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than three thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. SECTION 16-25-50. Penalty for violation of order of protection. A person violating the terms and conditions of an order of protection issued in this State under Chapter 4, Title 20, the "Protection from Domestic Abuse Act", or a valid protection order related to domestic or family violence issued by a court of another state, tribe, or territory is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than thirty days or fined not more than five hundred dollars. A person found guilty of a violation of Section 16-25-20 and this section may not be sentenced under both sections for the same offense. SECTION 16-25-60. Person charged to appear before judge; suspension of sentence; conditions. (A) Unless the complaint is voluntarily dismissed or the charge is dropped prior to the scheduled trial date, a person charged with a violation provided in this chapter shall appear before a judge for disposition of the case. (B) When a person is convicted of a violation of Section 16-25-20 or 16-25-50, the court may suspend the imposition or execution of all or part of the sentence conditioned upon the offender completing, to the satisfaction of the court, a program designed to treat battering spouses where available or in other appropriate psychiatric or therapeutic treatment or counseling. (C) When a person is convicted of a violation of Section 16-25-40 or 16-25-65, the court may suspend execution of all or part of the sentence and place the offender on probation, conditioned upon: (1) the offender completing, to the satisfaction of the court, a program designed to treat battering spouses where available or in other appropriate psychiatric or therapeutic treatment or counseling; (2) fulfillment of all the obligations arising under court order pursuant to Section 20-4-60 and this section; (3) other reasonable terms and conditions of probation as the court may determine necessary to ensure the protection of the victim. (D) In determining whether or not to suspend the imposition or execution of all or part of a sentence as provided in this section, the court must consider the nature and severity of the offense, the number of times the offender has repeated the offense, and the best interests and safety of the victim. A court may require an offender to pay for participation in a program or treatment or counseling as an appropriate term or condition for suspending the imposition or execution of all or part of a sentence. SECTION 16-25-65. Statutory offense of criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature. (A) The elements of the common law crime of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature are incorporated in and made a part of the offense of criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature when a person violates the provisions of Section 16-25-20 and the elements of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature are present. (B) A person who commits the crime of criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than three thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. (C) The provisions of this section create a statutory offense of criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature and must not be construed to codify the common law crime of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. SECTION 16-25-70. Warrantless arrest or search; admissibility of evidence. (A) A law enforcement officer may arrest, with or without a warrant, a person at the person's place of residence or elsewhere if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person is committing or has freshly committed a misdemeanor or felony under the provisions of Section 16-25-20, 16-25-50, or 16-25-65 even if the act did not take place in the presence of the officer. The officer may, if necessary, verify the existence of an order of protection by telephone or radio communication with the appropriate police department. (B) A law enforcement officer must arrest, with or without a warrant, a person at the person's place of residence or elsewhere if physical manifestations of injury to the alleged victim are present and the officer has probable cause to believe that the person is committing or has freshly committed a misdemeanor or felony under the provisions of Section 16-25-20, 16-25-50, or 16-25-65 even if the act did not take place in the presence of the officer. The officer may, if necessary, verify the existence of an order of protection by telephone or radio communication with the appropriate police department. (C) In effecting a warrantless arrest under this section, a law enforcement officer may enter the residence of the person to be arrested in order to effect the arrest where the officer has probable cause to believe that the action is reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm or danger to a family or household member. (D) If a law enforcement officer receives conflicting complaints of domestic or family violence from two or more household members involving an incident of domestic or family violence, the officer shall evaluate each complaint separately to determine who was the primary aggressor. If the officer determines that one person was the primary physical aggressor, the officer must not arrest the other person accused of having committed domestic or family violence. In determining whether a person is the primary aggressor, the officer shall consider: (1) prior complaints of domestic or family violence; (2) the relative severity of the injuries inflicted on each person taking into account injuries alleged which may not be easily visible at the time of the investigation; (3) the likelihood of future injury to each person; (4) whether one of the persons acted in self-defense; (5) household member accounts regarding the history of domestic violence. (E) A law enforcement officer must not threaten, suggest, or otherwise indicate the possible arrest of all parties to discourage requests for intervention by law enforcement by a party. (F) A law enforcement officer who arrests two or more persons for a crime involving domestic or family violence must include the grounds for arresting both parties in the written incident report and must include a statement in the report that the officer attempted to determine which party was the primary aggressor pursuant to this section and was unable to make a determination based upon the evidence available at the time of the arrest. (G) When two or more household members are charged with a crime involving domestic or family violence arising from the same incident and the court finds that one party was the primary aggressor pursuant to this section, the court, if appropriate, may dismiss charges against the other party or parties. (H) No evidence other than evidence of violations of this article found as a result of a warrantless search is admissible in a court of law. (I) In addition to the protections granted to the law enforcement officer and law enforcement agency under the South Carolina Tort Claims Act, a law enforcement officer is not liable for an act, omission, or exercise of discretion under this section unless the act, omission, or exercise of discretion constitutes gross negligence, recklessness, wilfulness, or wantonness. SECTION 16-25-80. Preservation of court and police powers; applicability of other laws. Nothing in this article affects or limits the powers of any court to enforce its own orders by civil or criminal contempt or the powers of the police to make other lawful arrests. Nothing in this article may be construed to repeal, replace, or preclude application of any other provisions of law pertaining to assault, assault and battery, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, or other criminal offenses. SECTION 16-25-90. Conditions for early parole for certain offender victims of spousal abuse. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapters 13 and 21 of Title 24, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, an inmate who was convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, an offense against a household member shall be eligible for parole after serving one-fourth of his prison term when the inmate at the time he pled guilty to, nolo contendere to, or was convicted of an offense against the household member, or in post-conviction proceedings pertaining to the plea or conviction, presented credible evidence of a history of criminal domestic violence, as provided in Section 16-25-20, suffered at the hands of the household member. This section shall not affect the provisions of Section 17-27-45.
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Sociology undergraduate here, who is struggling to "see the wood for the trees", as the idiom goes. My two brief questions are the following: Is there anything unique within sociological theory, or is it just a spin-off of philosophy that lacks training on how to think? Additionally, is it the case that a philosophy degree can open doors into other fields, but sociology is more limiting to academic mobility? Read more about What is a 'local community'?
Q: PipelineDB arrival_timestamp field does not appear I'm using PipelineDB together with pgAdmin, and when I go to create a foreign table the "arrival_timestamp" field does not appear. Furthermore, when I create a continuous view, an error is generated: unidentified sw parameter. This is the guide I followed to install PipelineDB. I do the paragraph commands "apt" and "Creating the PipelineDB Extension". These are the queries I wrote:
Our Big Bang Theory: Season 5 episode tournament has now closed and a result has been declared. Thank you to everybody who voted in the tournament. Episode 5.14 "The Beta Test Initiation" won the tournament. In the episode, Leonard and Penny work out the kinks of their newly rekindled romance, Sheldon and Amy present a series of video podcasts about the Flags of the World, and Raj gets a little too attached to his new iPhone and its voice recognition software, Siri. "The Beta Test Initiation" received 58.51% of the vote in the final round to beat "The Countdown Reflection", the season finale. The winning episode received 583 votes throughout the tournament and had an overall vote share of 14.52%.
Best New Toy This new must-have kitty is one of the cutest additions to the toy market in 2018. Kids can stack their pomsies up their arms using the tail that doubles as an easy-to-adjust bracelet. NEW Shopkins Season 10 at New York Toy Fair 2018 Get a sneak peek of Shopkins Season 10 straight from New York Toy Fair 2018! Shopkins Season 10 is celebrating its big 10th season of Shopkins by bringing back some of your favorites from Seasons 1, 2, and 3. MORE FROM THE WORLD OF SHOPKINS! Discover new news, events, shows, apps and more from around the world. Bundle of 3 Shopkins Christmas ornaments. Shopkins 2018 Gift Set - New York Hot-Dog Stand Playset With BONUS 4 Ornaments (8. by Shopkins. $14. 95 $ 14 95 Prime. And still new toys are being released, ensuring its place among the hot toys for Christmas 2018. There have. Oct 13, 2016. Is your kid into the Shopkins craze?. Your Shopkins-lover will appreciate a parent who knows how to. 40+ Christmas Gifts for Kids in 2018. MORE FROM THE WORLD OF SHOPKINS! Discover new news, events, shows, apps and more from around the world. Keep up to date with the latest in Shopkins News, and see what new adventures the Shopkins and Shoppies are up to! Shopkins Lil' Secrets. August 16, 2018. With over 300 gift ideas for kids, here is the ULTIMATE gift guide to the Top Toys For Christmas 2017. Navigation. Toy Buzz FIND THE BEST GIFTS FOR KIDS ALWAYS. Home Gifts Menu Menu. By Recipient. For Boys;. here is the ULTIMATE gift guide to the Top Toys For Christmas 2018. a new interactive artificially intelligent robot companion from. First Look at the Future of PEZ coming in 2018. Shopkins! Big Thank You to Lucy M. for letting us use her picture from the show. New Christmas Tree. Penguin and a 2017 Shopkins Christmas Bauble ornament with 2 Shopkins. Shopkins 2018 Gift Set - New York Hot-Dog Stand Playset With BONUS 4 Ornaments (8 by Shopkins Collectible toy maker Moose Toys announces the launch of Shopkins Season 10, Mini Packs. The new season has been developed to celebrate this milestone with a throwback to how it all started – a. What are the Must Have Toys 2018? We list the latest new toys and toy trends for 2018. These are the toys we think will be popular for Christmas 2018.
4-bear: The Toyota Fortuner will reprise the 1980s 4Runner's role as the SUV version of the HiLux ute. AFTER months of speculation, Toyota Australia has confirmed that it will add to its current SUV line-up with the HiLux-based Fortuner wagon that will take on Ford's incoming Australian-developed Everest. Toyota Australia executive director of sales and marketing Tony Cramb told GoAuto that the Toyota Technical Centre in Melbourne was "heavily involved" in the design of the last-generation Fortuner, and that the door is now open for the new-generation seven-seater to make its way to market here. "We have requested Fortuner for Australia, and we'd love to have it here," he told GoAuto. "It's now been made available to us. What we now need to do is work out the details, but we want it, they're prepared to give it to us, now we just have to work out when. Mr Cramb said that the Fortuner had been on the local arm's wish-list for a long period. "We've been keen to get something like that for some time," he said. "The next-generation Fortuner, which is coming shortly, is very, very well suited to this market," he said. Mr Cramb added that while Toyota hasn't designed the new-generation Fortuner specifically for Australia, the local arm had a "role" in the design and specification of the latest version. The still yet to be revealed Fortuner would most likely be positioned above the petrol-only Kluger and below the Prado in Toyota's six-SUV line-up. Toyota sold SUV versions of the HiLux in Australia, known as the 4Runner, between 1984 and 1996. More than 27,500 4Runners were sold in Australia between 1984 and 1996. Toyota officials did not dismiss the suggestion that the name may be brought back for the new-generation car. Mr Cramb would not put a timeline on the vehicle's arrival, or be drawn on any of the specs. Given it will be based on the just-unveiled eighth-generation HiLux, however, the Fortuner will likely inherit Toyota's all-new 2.8-litre four-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine, code-named 1GD-FTV, that makes 130kW and 450Nm of torque between 1600–2400rpm when coupled to the HiLux' s new six-speed automatic transmission. The softer, more road-biased suspension layout that is set to underpin the private buyer-focused 4x4 dual-cab HiLux models is also likely to be adopted by the Fortuner, though a couple of its key rivals use a multi-link or strut rear end to improve passenger comfort at the expense of payload. It will compete in the local space against the likes of Ford's incoming Ranger-based Everest, the Holden Colorado7, Isuzu's MU-X and the Mitsubishi Challenger, itself scheduled for a revamp off the back of its donor Triton's recent makeover. The Challenger, MU-X and Colorado7 sold almost 8000 units combined in 2014.
Home Data Science Data Science Tutorials R Programming Tutorial What is R Programming Language? R programming Tutorial What is R Programming Language Careers in R Programming List of R Packages Introduction of R Tools Technology R Programming Language DataSet in R What is RStudio? R-studio-Functions R Packages Time series?in R R Data Types R for data science R Operators R Data Frame R Analytics Tool R Tree Package Vectors in R If Statement in R If Else Statement in R Else if in R Switch Statement in R Loops in R For Loop in R Nested For Loop in R While Loop in R Next in R Chart/graphs Graphs in R Bar Charts in R Pie Chart in R Histogram in R Line Graph in R Plot Function in R Scatterplot in R R Boxplot labels Regression in R Simple Linear Regression in R Linear Regression in R Multiple Linear Regression in R Logistic Regression in R Poisson Regression in R OLS Regression in R P-Value in Regression Anova in R One Way ANOVA in R Two Way ANOVA in R R list Arrays in R Data Frames in R Factors in R R Vectors Statistical Analysis with R R String Functions Data Exploration in R R CSV Files KNN Algorithm in R Sorting in R lm Function in R Hierarchical Clustering in R R Normal Distribution Binomial Distribution in R Decision Tree in R GLM in R Arima Model in R Linear Model in R Predict Function in R Survival Analysis in R Standard Deviation in R Statistical Analysis in R Predictive Analysis?in R T-test in R Database in R Functions in R Boxplot in R R Program Functions Factorial in R Random Number Generator in R Interview question R Interview Questions What is R Programming Language? Introduction to R Programming Language The R programming language is actually a program for statistical computation traditionally used between statisticians intended for producing statistical application as well as graphics; it offers many other things a good programming language, high-level graphics interfaces to additional languages and debugging services, the source code to get them all of our Application ecosystems is usually written mainly through C, Fortran as well as, R is usually openly available under the GNU (General Public License) and precompiled binary variations which will be presented to numerous operating systems. R programming is a scripting language that supports several statistical analysis techniques, machine learning models, and graphical visualizations for data analysis. It is an open-source programming language with large community support available. R programming language is easy to learn and implement. Several built-in functions and support packages are available to create an efficient R program, data models, and graphical charts. This language is a very popular and most preferred language by statisticians and data scientists for research and analytics. R language supports cross-platform portability and multiple operating systems. R programming scripts are easy to manage through R studio IDE. R Installation We need to comply with three fundamental steps in a similar way to attempt to operate R and R Studio on your system. First, Set up R Install R Studio Install R Packages R Descriptive Stats R, SAS, and SPSS will be three statistical languages. Of those three statistical languages, one is just an accessible source. SAS is a vital private application business on the globe. IBM currently oversees SPSS. R Programs are extensible and, therefore, R teams will be known due to their dynamic efforts. There's plenty of R included that can be written in R by itself and so, or offers get faster and a good glue language. Features of R Given below are the features of R: R facilitates procedural programming with the characteristics and object-oriented programs that have common features. Formal programs contain processes, files, modules, and method calls. However, object-oriented programming language contains classes, objects, as well as, functions. Packages will be an element of R programming. Therefore, they can be useful in gathering up units of R functions into one product. R's programming features consist of database types, transferring data, observing data, variable labels, lacking data, and so on. R can be an interpreted language. Therefore, we could get on by using a command-line interpreter. R helps matrix arithmetic. How does R Programming Language make Working so Easy? It is simple to learn and grasp R programming fundamentals and ideas but to earn experience in it, you will need to perform a lot and then produce real-world projects. A lot more you will perform and a lot more you will discover and earn expertise; normally, only the actual syntax and fundamental features are known to us. It's a language made for statisticians by statisticians, and their terminology spreads throughout the language. Having a statistics class can help very much. The majority of the things you will need to do possibly come with an apparent, appropriate way it must be required for the language, or an individual has created a collection to accomplish to suit your needs. Investigating possibly may be difficult. There is a practical language hiding in R, and you will begin to figure it out by simply changing the loops with the users from the "apply" family members. Working with R Programming Language R is a better language for establishing this category of software. So that is the thing R is most effective for. Even so, this is simply not the boundaries of what R performs. If you wish to build rich software programs with user interfaces (or even the web, mobile applications), libraries are present to help R coders with this task. 1. Business Product Sales Analysis Automation It is common to discover that firms continue to perform many of their analytics applying spreadsheets. Absolutely nothing is wrong with that; however, some are frequently not achieving their analytical possibilities as they are not applying tools like R. In this case, we display how you can simulate, analyze, visualize, and present info for any hypothetical organization. 2. Automated Validation Solutions Searching continuously through the database to get imperfect and incorrect data, outliers, specific "worrying" patterns, suggesting potential scams. It could be easily planned by simply CRON, for instance. 3. Cryptocurrency Property Tracker Because the R community tradition continues to be made up of people without special experience in Computer Science or general development, I frequently observe the R program without great usage of object-oriented programming (OOP) or without correct optimization, except if it is for professional use. We show how to develop an OOP program for cryptocurrency property, and their price ranges through this previous case. Then I will demonstrate how you can enhance the computation of Simple Moving Averages (SMA) and how to produce a dashboard applying to them by using sparkly. 4. What can you do with the R Programming Language? R is an amazingly extensive statistic bundle. Although you may simply consider the regular R circulation (the base as well as suggested packages), it are just about everything you require for data treatment, creation, and statistical analysis. As well as anything else, there is a lot more than 5K packages on CRAN and various repositories, as well as big data's potential of Trend R Business. It is, therefore, a difficult task to plan a list of all things that R can do. But we have produced an attempt by this set of R Language, which includes a whole new section around the Innovation Analytics website. It can be split up into four primary sections (analytics, graphics and visualization, R applications and plug-ins, and programming language features), every using their personal subsections: Advantages of R Programming Language Given below are the advantages mentioned: R is an open-source application. Therefore, any individual may use and alter it. R is among the most extensive statistical analysis bundle since it is a new technology as well as a suggestion that often appears initial in R. R is definitely free. We could work with it at any place and at any moment and promote it under conditions with the license. R is useful for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. R can be cross-platform, which usually operates on various operating systems. Bug repairs, program enhancements, and innovative packages are available through R. Why Should We Use the R Programming Language? It is utilized in nearly all fields you can imagine. Even so, the popular kinds consist of – Finance, Bio-Technology, Supply chain, Sports activities, Retail, Advertising, and Production. 1. Executing Multiple Computations with Vectors R is actually a vector-based language. Vectors are list-like structures that contain items of the same data type. You can imagine a vector-like row or a column to do with figures or text. Checklist of numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,} might be vector. In contrast to other programming languages, R enables you to make use of functions towards the entire vector within a procedure with no need to get an explicit loop. You need to show vectors with a few actual R programs. First, assign the values 2:5 to a vector known as x: Next, add the value 5 with each element in vector x: You could also add one vector to different. If you want to add 8:10 element-wise values, you can use the examples below: To achieve this in many different programming languages might need an explicit loop to perform throughout each value of x. So R is made to execute various operations in one step. This feature is among the offers which make R so beneficial – and effective – intended for data analysis. 2. Working Code without a Compiler R is an interpreted language, so that — unlike compiled languages prefer C and Java — you do not desire a compiler to initially produce a program through your code before you apply it. R interprets the code you will offer straight and changes it into lower-level calls to pre-compiled code/functions. In fact, it indicates that you just write your code and send it out to R, as well as the code runs, which makes the development routine convenient. This simplicity of development provides the price of the speed of program performance, even so. The downside of the interpreted language would be that the program generally runs slower compared to the comparative compiled program. Who is the Right Audience for Learning R Programming Language? Let's find out who is eligible to learn the R programming language: 1. Data Analyst R would be the decision when you will be ready to develop a profession in Data Analytics and wish to imbibe the open-source coding language made by the Statisticians intended for Statistics. The Machine Learning models created within the last many years have become offering the biggest quantity of machine learning libraries. One of the most skilled Data Researchers in the market has used R because of their first choice; therefore, new algorithms frequently get all their initial implementations in R. 2. Data Scientist R coding for data science: Loading data from the document or simply from a database. Data search is just like summary, scatter plots, box plots, and so on. Processing data prefer repairing lacking data. Segregating data into the Teaching and testing set. Making a model centred and forecasting. Validating the outcomes. All of the above can be achieved by simply popular programming languages like Java and C++ but will be troublesome, but with R, all of the above can be carried out within a fraction of seconds since all of these features are made through inside R. How will this Technology help you in Career Growth? R is currently regarded as the most famous analytic tool on the globe. R has the ability to numerous points. If you believe in R like a domain-specific coding language, becoming the domain statistical processing, you can begin to assume what precisely careers will be feasible. Careers that can work with R consist of a data analyst, data scientist, business analyst, scientific researcher and more. Top List of Companies that uses R for Analytics Given below are the top list of companies that uses R for analytics: Google uses R to compute the ROI of promotional initiatives. Ford uses R to enhance the design of its automobiles. Twitter uses R to observe user experience. The US National Weather Service uses R to forecast severe flooding. The Human Rights Data Analysis Organization uses R to evaluate the effect of the battle. R has been used by The New York Times to develop infographics. R careers are not only seen available by IT firms, but all kinds of companies are hiring high paid R applicants, including: Retail organizations Healthcare organizations and so on. A career in R programming provides shiny job prospects for every data scientist – beginner or skilled. Indian companies are progressively looking at R. TCS, Genpact, Accenture, and Wipro are motivating all their staff to develop experience on R as well as connected systems. Simultaneously, companies expect most of the fresh employees to already furnish with an understanding of R. They need them to be aware of the R tool as well as how to utilize it for data analysis. R is a free and open-source programming language, allowing anybody to get access to world-class statistical evaluation tools. It can be applied extensively in academia as well as the private sector, and it is the most famous statistical analysis programming language nowadays. Understanding the concepts of R is not convenient. Whether it was indeed, data scientists would not take this kind of popularity. Even so, there's no shortage of outstanding assets you may understand and have the commitment to put R in use. It is essential to understand that it requires a learning curve as well as time for them to remember the fundamental syntax of any kind of programming language for data science, and you will just learn a few points each time. You can be ready to work harder on a programming language (given the truth, it can help you within your professional development and fixing real-time complications). With the comprehensive evaluation above, finding the greatest one that suits your requirements and desires is possible. This is a guide to What is R Programming Language? Here we discuss the concept, career, learning, uses, advantages, and features of R programming. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more – Is MySQL Programming Language? R vs Python R Programming Training (13 Courses, 20+ Projects) Statistical Analysis Training (15 Courses, 10+ Projects)4.9
D.A. Hartley will provide sculptural conservation and sculpture garden services for the Santa Barbara and LA area. I was trained by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, in sculptural conservation and sculpture maintenance. Here are photos of Kykuit, Nelson Rockefeller's garden estate, on the Hudson, N.Y.where I worked restoring sculpture and giving private tours to visiting dignitaries, also working in the collection's office at Rockefeller Center, and in his NYC Penthouse cataloging art. These gardens look out over very fine views of the Hudson River. The gardens are terraced, with formal axes, and include a Morning Garden, Grand Staircase, Japanese Garden, an Italian Garden, a Japanese-style brook, a Japanese Tea-house, a huge Oceanus fountain, a Temple of Aphrodite, loggia and a semicircular rose garden. Nelson transformed the previously empty basement passages beneath the mansion that lead to a grotto into a major private art gallery. It contained corridor upon corridor of paintings by Picasso, Chagall, and Warhol, the latter two being amongst the many prominent visitors invited to the estate. Over the period from 1935 to the late 1970s more than 120 works of abstract, avant garde and modern sculpture were added to the gardens and terraced grounds from Nelson's collection, including works by Pablo Picasso ('Bathers'), Constantin Brâncusi, Karel Apple, Jean Arp, Alexander Calder, Alberto Giacometti, Gaston Lachaise, Aristide Maillol, Henry Moore, Louise Nevelson, Isamu Noguchi (Black Sun), and David Smith.
Q: How to use notebooks on remote machines? I need to use a notebook (the command line mathematica can't debug image stuff) and it has to be in EC2 (because of hardware needs). I managed to do this on a remote machine in aws using X11 windows forwarding, but, there is a huge slowdown in using the notebook, just look at the refresh rate: Here's the ssh command I used: ssh -XC -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour -i aws.pem -nNT -L 80:localhost:80 [email protected] So here's my question in two parts: * *Is there a more responsive way to run mma front-end on a remote machine? *How to detach a long-running notebook computation in the style of tmux/screen style?
Jenette Elise Goldstein (* 4. Februar 1960 in Beverly Hills, Kalifornien) ist eine US-amerikanische Film- und Theaterschauspielerin. Bekannt wurde sie vor allem durch ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Regisseur James Cameron, der sie in seinen Filmen Aliens – Die Rückkehr, Terminator 2 – Tag der Abrechnung und Titanic besetzte. Leben und Werk Goldstein wuchs in den Slums von Beverly Hills auf. Schon in jungen Jahren entschied sie sich, Schauspielerin zu werden. Erste Erfahrungen sammelte sie im Schauspielkurs an der Beverly Hills Highschool, später an der University of California, Santa Barbara. Es folgte eine Ausbildung beim Circle in the Square Theatre in New York City. Nachdem sie einen britischen Veterinär geheiratet hatte, zog das Paar gemeinsam nach London. Dort absolvierte sie ein einjähriges postgraduales Studium an der Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Zur gleichen Zeit beschäftigte sie sich verstärkt mit Frauenbodybuilding, auf das sie zuerst in Hyam's Gym in East London aufmerksam wurde. Ihren ersten Filmauftritt hatte Goldstein in James Camerons Science-Fiction-Film Aliens – Die Rückkehr, in dem sie die Elite-Soldatin Private Vasquez spielte. Beim Casting dachte sie zunächst, dass es sich um einen Film über Auswanderer (Aliens = Ausländer, Fremdling) handelte. Dort trug sie eine ärmellose Bluse und ihre gestählten Oberarme gaben schließlich den Ausschlag dafür, dass sie die Rolle der Vasquez erhielt. Diese Rolle machte sie schlagartig bekannt, da sie zusammen mit Sigourney Weaver als erste Schauspielerinnen bislang Männern vorbehaltene Rollen der Actionhelden übernahmen. In einem Rückblick auf die Alien-Filme urteilte die Kritikerin Anne Blume 1998, die Rolle der Vasquez bliebe zwar weitgehend auf das Militärische reduziert, sei jedoch bemerkenswerterweise als durchtrainierte, muskelbepackte "Superamazone" deutlich widerstandsfähiger als ihre männlichen Kameraden: Goldstein selbst sah gerade Camerons Fokus auf weibliche Actionhelden als "bahnbrechend" an und verstand den Film auch immer als feministisches Werk. Für ihre Rolle als Vasquez erhielt sie im selben Jahr den Saturn Award für die beste Nebendarstellerin. James Cameron war von Goldsteins Arbeit begeistert und besetzte sie später erneut in seinen Filmen Terminator 2 – Tag der Abrechnung und Titanic. In Letzterem besetzte Cameron sie als irische Mutter, die als Auswanderin auf der Titanic reist – eine offensichtliche Anspielung auf das Missverständnis beim Alien-Casting. In Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen war sie 1994 als Wissenschaftsoffizier der Enterprise B zu sehen. Seit Ende der 1990er Jahre trat Goldstein überwiegend nur noch in Fernsehserien auf. Sie übernahm auch Rollen beim Theater, so in Arthur Millers Nach dem Sündenfall (After the Fall) oder einer Inszenierung von Elektra. Im Jahr 2009 gründete sie ihr Unternehmen Jenette Bras, mit dem sie Büstenhalter in Übergrößen produziert und vertreibt. Filmografie (Auswahl) Weblinks Jenette Goldstein bei filmreference.com (englisch) Einzelnachweise Filmschauspieler Theaterschauspieler US-Amerikaner Geboren 1960 Frau
Kévin Gemin () (born April 14, 1992), known online as Kékéflipnote or simply Kéké, is a French artist and animator. He is best known for his work created using the Flipnote Studio line of software for the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS handheld game consoles. Early life and education Gemin was born in Annemasse, Haute-Savoie, France. He enrolled at the Émile Cohl School in Lyon in 2013, graduating with a degree in animation in 2016. Career Gemin initially discovered Flipnote Studio in September 2009 after having animated via traditional means for a period of time and was inspired by 1930s cartoons, specifically the work of Tex Avery. Two of his works include a Steven Universe parody entitled Steven Pigeon Universe and an animation featuring anthropomorphic pigeons (resembling Kiwis) dancing the can-can. Gemin was the Guest of Honour at NordicFuzzCon in 2019. In May 2018, he spoke at the 14th annual Pictoplasma Conference and Festival for character design and art in Berlin. Gemin's animation was featured in the ending of an episode of Pop Team Epic. References Living people French animators 1992 births
Q: Flip variable and it's value I've done some looking on how I can flip a variable name and that variable's value, but I have come up empty-handed. What I want Let me clarify what I would like with an example. Imagine I had a variable called my_variable and it's value would be a string 'my_new_variable' my_variable = 'my_new_variable' Is there any way that I can flip these so that it may look like this my_new_variable = 'my_variable' A: A dict is the appropriate way to do this. Driving internal symbol names with data is a strong sign of poor program design. Please use the dict, and refer to XY Problem. External data should drive data relations, but not the internal representation. By doing so, you make your algorithm's structure dependent on the data. Data manipulation should be independent of those specific values. You can do it;; a little research on this site will give you the references. Don't. A: Should you want to do that, how about globals()[my_variable] = 'my_variable' A: You can try doing this (after installing python-varname): from varname import nameof my_variable = 'my_new_variable' exec("%s = '%s'" % (my_variable, nameof(my_variable)) A: One way this could be done and suggested by almost everyone who has commented is by using a dictionary then flipping the keys and values. variables = {'my_variable':'my_new_variable'} flipped = {v:k for k,v in variables.items()} output {'my_new_variable': 'my_variable'}
The stylish unisex bead chain necklace is a beautiful addition for your everyday jewelry collection. Can be worn around neck or used for praying. Perfect gift for any occasion: baptism, first communion, confirmation or wedding, etc.
8477 Андрєйкісєльов (1986 RF7, 1976 OL, 1986 SG3, 8477 Andrejkiselev) — астероїд головного поясу, відкритий 6 вересня 1986 року. Тіссеранів параметр щодо Юпітера — 3,645. Примітки Див. також Список астероїдів (8401-8500) Посилання Астрономічні об'єкти, відкриті 1986 Головний пояс астероїдів
'Black Swan's' Natalie Portman is named best actress while Colin Firth takes best actor for 'Speech,' which also wins in five more categories, including best film. UPDATE: Soren Stoermose is the producer of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, not director as previously noted. The story has been updated with the correction. LONDON -- Colin Firth was crowned King of the BAFTAs Sunday night as The King's Speech swept the board at the Orange British Academy Awards, winning best supporting actress for Helena Bonham Carter and best supporting actor for Geoffrey Rush, as well as outstanding British film, original screenplay, best actor for Firth and best film. Firth won an ovation when he collected his second best actor BAFTA in as many years after winning last year for A Single Man. "The day I first sat down with (director) Tom Hooper I had to postpone a routine but not very edifying medical appointment," he told the audience at the Royal Opera House. "But as the work went on it became apparent that Tom's methods were every bit as thorough, surprising and effective as the ones I thought I had avoided." The Social Network won the best director award for David Fincher, as well as taking the adapted screenplay and editing awards. Natalie Portman took the best actress award, which was accepted by Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky. Christopher Nolan's Inception took home the best special visual effects, sound and production design awards. True Grit was handed the cinematography award, and Toy Story 3 took the animated film award. Accepting the outstanding British film award, King's Speech director Hooper said "It is thrilling to win this award in this room with so many colleagues. This film began with a little boy with a stammer listening to the radio and thinking, if the King of England can do it then so can I, and that boy was our writer David Seidler. "This is terrifying," said Seidler, collecting the original screenplay BAFTA. "It's amazing that this little film -- and it is a little film -- it's just two men in a room, but it seems to have touched the world. Let me tell you that for a stutterer, a stammerer, to be heard is a wonderful thing." Best supporting actress Helena Bonham Carter gave one of the best received -– and lengthiest speeches. "I'm probably not going to get this again, so I'm just going to go for it," she told the laughing audience. "I'm so used to losing that it feels slightly strange to win. It feels very nice actually -- but children, if you're listening, it's not about the winning. I want to thank the Royal family because they have played quite a big part in my career." The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo earned the best foreign language film. Producer Soren Stoermose dedicated the award to writer Stieg Larsson and actress Noomi Rapace. "Lisbeth Salander is the scariest person coming out of Sweden since ABBA. Noomi Rapace, I'm dedicating this to you, we couldn't have done this without you and no-one else could have done it." Veteran actor Christopher Lee was handed a BAFTA fellowship in a tribute led by director Tim Burton. Host Jonathan Ross played a less controversial role than fellow Brit Ricky Gervais when he recently presented the Golden Globes, leaping in helpfully to prevent Rosamund Pike from revealing the winner of the original screenplay before the nominations had been announced. "That's the fastest I've moved in years," he quipped. Earlier he provoked laughter by telling the audience: "You're all safe, the doors are closed and Ricky Gervais cannot get into the building." And announcing 127 Hoursas a contender in the best film award, he said "what young actor wouldn't give his right arm for that role?" But the biggest laugh of the night was given to Paul McCartney, handing out the original music award. "It is a big deal when you find out someone is using your music in a movie. In fact, wherever I find out someone is using my music I ring up the director to tell them how much I am suing them for." The full list of winners appears on the next page.
Jose Mourinho says it will be clear by Christmas whether Manchester United have enough to compete in the Premier League title race. The United boss had been braced for the deadline-day disappointment and warned ahead of Friday's Premier League opener against Leicester that the lack of improvement could return to haunt them this winter. Asked if he had the tools to compete without new signings, Mourinho said: "I have my players, I like my players, I like to work with my players. "One lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie, but the perception of the people is that it's true but it's still a lie. "So, when you repeat 1,000 times that my relationship with my players is not good, it's a lie that repeated 1,000 times is still a lie. "But again, the perception of the people that reads can be different, but I like my players and my group. "I enjoy the last season, the fight to finish where we finished and to manage the best position in five or six years. "I'm going to enjoy this season. Again, I know the words you want me to say or not to say. "It depends on the music, but words for me don't come easy. "I think by the end of November or December, you don't need words – you will see by then which teams are candidates to win the Premier League. "In this moment, words are not important. var VUUKLE_EMOTE_SIZE = ""; VUUKLE_EMOTE_IFRAME = "" var EMOTE_TEXT = ["HAPPY","INDIFFERENT","AMUSED","EXCITED","ANGRY","SAD"]The post Jose will wait until 'end of November or December' appeared first on Football365.
Hours & Tickets Gardens & Spaces Wildflower Café Plant Images Wildflower Central New Green Roof Study by Center Staff | Jan 27, 2011 | Pressroom Dr. Mark Simmons from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin has received $17,700 from Huntsman International to study whether the water-handling capacity of vegetated roofs can be improved for use in warmer climates. The ecologist and others have previously shown that green roofs can markedly reduce building temperatures and, depending on their features, filter and purify pollutants out of storm water before it leaves the layers of a green roof. The 6-month study in Austin will test the ability of a foam product in one layer to hold storm water on rooftops for longer so it can nourish native plants within a layer of soil-like growing medium that rests atop the foam. If the foam produced by the chemical manufacturer improves a green roof's water-storage capacity, it would mean less need to irrigate green roofs during sweltering summers in Austin and elsewhere in the South. "The potential of green roofs to make a difference is greater in tropical and subtropical climates because of their building cooling and other benefits, but we need to take into account weather conditions these roofs will experience," said Simmons, the center's Director of Research and Consulting and a member of a City of Austin advisory group considering the feasibility of green roofs locally. A green roof with a spongy foam layer might also hold more water during intermittent, major storms that occur in warmer climates, reducing local flooding concerns. Simmons and Yishuen Lo, a Taiwanese student in urban studies at the University's College of Liberal Arts, will investigate this possibility using dozens of growth trays at the Wildflower Center that simulate green roof layers. The researchers will test how much water remains in these layers and how much runs off during conditions that mimic a 2-inch rain event. Different layers of foam will be tested, with thinner layers of soil used when a thicker foam layer serves as the subsurface that plant roots can grow into. How long the foam stays wet will also be considered by measuring water capacity for several days after a simulated rain event. Wildflower Center Sustainability Efforts Recognized by APGA Wildflower Magazine Wins Two GardenComm Media Awards Wildflower Center Chooses Fortlandia 2020 Designers Artist-in-Residence Merideth Hillbrand's Work on Display Through September 2020 Wildflower Center's Consulting Group Establishes Private Practice Get News In Your Inbox GET THE LICENSE PLATE © Copyright 2020 Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
The ADCS Associates Network aims to keep Associate Members up to date with policy and service issues; generally assist in the development of ADCS and its overall aims to improve outcomes for children and young people; and provide a network which can be called on for support by DCS and local authorities, as required. ADCS Associate membership is open to colleagues who have previously held a senior role within a local authority children's services department (from directors to third tier managers), but do not presently qualify for Ordinary membership of the Association. The ADCS Associates Network was launched at the 2011 ADCS annual conference. The opportunity to link with the Staff College as an Associate. Associate Members have a range of skills and interests to contribute to the development of children's services, and to the overall aim of ADCS, which is to improve outcomes for children and young people. Associate Members may still be actively working in a related field. A clear distinction is drawn between the voluntary contribution of Associates to the development of ADCS and any commercial, financial or other interests they may have as consultants, directors of companies or shareholders, or arising from the work done for other organisations, including any work undertaken in a regulatory or improvement capacity. Provide a network which can be called upon for support by DCSs and local authorities, as required. Paul Brennan is Chair of the Associates Network for the 2019/20 membership year. As Chair, Paul has a seat on the ADCS Council of Reference. The Associates Network is keen to hear more from members about how they would like the Network to develop, and encourages new applications for associate membership from those who have left local authority children's services. Application forms for Associate membership are available on request.
Nationals agreed to terms with seven international free agents by Skylar Failor · July 9, 2019 The Nationals have agreed to terms with seven international free agents Tuesday. This group is a smaller class compared with many other recent seasons, but a group that Nats Vice President of International Operations Johnny DiPuglia was excited about. After spending the past two years using its international slot money to fill out depth, Washington targeted a few players and landed one of the top pitchers from Venezuela. The group was headlined by right-handed Andry Lara, No. 16 on MLB Pipeline's Top 30 International Prospects list, who signed a deal worth $1.25 million, sources told MLB.com's Jesse Sanchez. "It's a good class", DiPuglia said during a phone interview on Tuesday. "There's athleticism, right-handed pitching, left-handed pitching, … It's not like the normal (class) where we sign a lot of kids. We planned it that way the last two years, where we signed a high number (of prospects) to get away with signing ( fewer ) this year." Lara profiles as a top-of-the-rotation starter, with a fastball that hovers around 92-94 mph; he has reached as high as 96 mph with it. Lara's two fastball might be his best pitch yet, but he also throws a power breaking ball. He also feels good about his changeup, which features some sink. Also, he knows how to attack hitters, and with some deception in his delivery and an approach. The Nationals also landed outfielder Roismar Quintana from Venezuela in a deal that is reportedly worth $820,000, according to Sanchez. Quintana is a physical hitter who hits the ball hard. He has played center field, and the ball jumps off his bat, says DiPulgia. Shortstop Juan Garcia from Dominican Republic will get a chance to stick at the position because he is a plus runner, who ran 6.4 in the 40-yard dash. The remaining players the Nats have signed include left-hander Pablo Aldonis, shortstop Dawry Martinez and outfielder Eliesel Santana from Dominican Republic, and left-hander Franklin Marquez from Venezuela. Aldonis signed $1,000,000 and Martinez singed a $600,000 bonus. Welcome boys to Washington! Washington Nationals Minor League Report: April 11 Washington Nationals Lineup: 9/6/2018 Next story Hershey Bears 2019/20 season opener revealed Previous story Washington Nationals' latest roster moves: Austin Voth, Max Scherzer, Kyle Barraclough
Twitter hashflags call out support for the Asian American community: Thursday Wake-Up Call Plus, Justin Long switches sides By I-Hsien Sherwood. Published on March 18, 2021. NBCUniversal will test iSpot.tv metrics to measure 2022 Winter Olympics and Super Bowl LVI Credit: @TwitterAsians via Twitter Welcome to Ad Age's Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. If you're reading this online or in a forwarded email, here's the link to sign up for our Wake-Up Call newsletters. Enough is enough? After the murder of eight people in Georgia on Tuesday, six of them Asian American women, the outcry against the rise in violence and vitriol directed at the Asian American community since the start of the pandemic seems to have reached a tipping point. While victims and community members have been outspoken for months, mass murder is harder to ignore. Seemingly prompted by technology blogger Jane Manchun Wong, Twitter created a hashflag for five trending hashtags—#ProtectOurElders, #StandForAsians, #StopAAPIHate, #StopAsianHate and #StopAsianHateCrimes—which now automatically appears in tweets that use the terms. On Wednesday, J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon sent an internal memo expressing solidarity with Asian Americans and acknowledging that many of the company's own employees have been targets of discrimination, too. Whether concrete action materializes from the business community is another matter. In the midst of the groundswell of support for the Black Lives Matter movement last year, many companies pledged support but did not follow through. Time will tell if history repeats itself. What goes down ... Travel advertising fell 60% in 2020, but a rebound may well be in the cards. "Industry executives and analysts expect leisure travel to rebound first, with a slower recovery in business travel," according to Ad Age Datacenter's Bradley Johnson. "Airline traffic is growing again, but the industry still faces turbulence," he writes. "The number of travelers passing through Transportation Security Administration checkpoints on March 12 reached 1.36 million, the highest count since the early days of the pandemic. But that's little more than half the number of TSA screenings done on the same day two years ago (2.50 million), before COVID." Car rentals face a similar trajectory to airlines, while the leisure-focused casino industry has been leaning into online gaming amid easing restrictions on sports betting. Theme parks expect to see quicker gains from pandemic-weary visitors (Disneyland is reopening at limited capacity April 30), but hotels and particularly cruise ships are likely still facing low occupancy and revenue for the foreseeable future. For tomorrow, we diet If there's one thing everyone has become better acquainted with during lockdown, it's food. Hear marketers in the category speak on topics including launching a brand during COVID, leaning into streaming services and e-commerce, and the future of the industry post-pandemic, at Ad Age Next: Food & Beverage, next Tuesday, Mar. 23. The virtual conference features speakers like chef and restaurateur Marcus Samuelsson, Buffalo Wild Wings Chief Marketing Officer Rita Patel, General Mills Senior Manager of Media Strategy Shannan Cranbrook and Lana Buchanan, VP of marketing beyond beer at Anheuser-Busch. Podcast of the day Over the next few months, vaccine availability is set to become less of an issue in the United States, likely replaced by the intransigence of some Americans to get vaccinated. "This is not a time to pause or not be communicating with patients and the population right now," Chris Paquette, CEO and founder of health care advertising technology company DeepIntent, tells Ad Age's Adrianne Pasquarelli on the latest episode of the "Marketer's Brief" podcast. "There's a lot of uncertainty and there's a lot of fear out there." As distributors like pharmacies get more doses in hand, they'll begin marketing efforts. Standardized efforts like those from the Ad Council, Paquette says, do well to focus on facts. "There are some basic primitive questions that we need to answer—the safety, efficacy, these are things that don't change." Just briefly Call me maybe: The Federal Communications Commission levied its largest fine of all time—$225 million—against telemarketers who made 1 billion robocalls in 2019, trying to sell short-term health insurance, CNBC says. Turns out they're lucky. New legislation passed that year raises the fine to $10,000 per call. Offsides: Justin Long is a Mac no more. He's just Justin, and he's pitting Macs and PCs in head-to-head competition in new Intel spots from VMLY&R. Apple announced its move away from Intel processors last year, and the chip maker has Long take digs at MacBook styling (gray) and accessories (a dongle?). A little off the top: Pizza Hut sold pixelated pepperoni for what turned out to be a steal. The brand's Non-Fungible Token of a digital pizza slice originally sold for 18 cents, but the new owner then flipped it for $8,824.07. Not to worry. Due to the blockchain-based nature of NFTs, Pizza Hut rakes in 1% of that purchase price, as well as all future purchases. How many times can you eat the same slice of pizza? That does it for today's Wake-Up Call. Thanks for reading and we hope you are all staying safe and well. For more industry news and insight, follow us on Twitter: @adage. From CMO Strategy to the Ad Age Datacenter Weekly, we've got newsletters galore. See them all here. Subscribers make the difference. Individual, group and corporate subscriptions are available—including access to our Ad Age Datacenter. Find options at AdAge.com/membership. Digital Marketing & Ad Tech News I-Hsien Sherwood I-Hsien Sherwood is the associate creativity editor at Ad Age. NFL viewership rises 10% as close games bring fans back Discovery takes minority ownership in TV consortium OpenAP Jeanine Poggi promoted to editor of Ad Age Nielsen reveals error in out-of-home TV ratings Nielsen opens up cross-platform measurement to Disney and Magna ViacomCBS, Dentsu to pilot partnership with VideoAmp data Watch the spot-on 'SNL' generic business hotel commercial spoof starring Billie Eilish
You are invited to celebrate the start of the festive season at Frankston's Christmas Festival of Lights. The largest free Christmas festival in the state, this year's event promises a night of magic for the young and young at heart. Bring the family together to create lasting memories. Enjoying entertainment and activities including Santa's grand arrival and the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree.
Move to Alert Level 1 'a relief' for Canterbury businesses Today's announcement that we will move to Alert Level 1 tonight has been welcomed by the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce, with Chief Executive Leeann Watson saying the move is key in enabling Canterbury businesses to begin a return to full operating and revenue-generating capacity. This afternoon, the Prime Minister announced that the country will transition to Alert Level 1 at 11.59pm tonight. Details of what Alert Level 1 would look like were announced last Friday, which included continued good hygiene practices, the need to retain strict border controls and continued contact tracing. However, all current restrictions on businesses will essentially be lifted, with no requirement for social distancing. Ms Watson says the announcement of a move to Alert Level 1 will be a relief for many businesses. "The move to Alert Level 1 will enable more businesses to return to full operations and increase their revenue without having to operate with the social distancing restrictions in place, which businesses have fully supported, but this has certainly had a big impact on their ability to operate at full capacity. "This will make a significant difference to some of the key sectors that really drive our economy, such as manufacturing which will be able to return to full production lines; construction which will enable more workers on-site; hospitality that will be able to return to normal service operations and offering; and retail which will not be restricted by customer numbers in-store. "Today's announcement also sends a strong message to the public providing the confidence and assurance that we can all get out and do our bit to support local." Ms Watson says we all have a part to play to support local businesses, which will be crucial in cushioning the region's economic impact of COVID-19 long-term. "To date, we have seen a collective, community public health response to COVID-19, but now is the time to promote the good health of our local business community and protect the livelihoods of those same people. "We can do this by buying local as well as advocating for local and central Government procurement of New Zealand made products and services. We would also like to see those still working remotely to return to their offices – particularly in the central city – to support local retailers and our cafés, bars and restaurants. "We have been advocating for a transition to Alert Level 1 as soon as health conditions will allow, so today's announcement also acknowledges the Government's confidence in the business community to continue to adhere to guidelines around continued hygiene measures and contact-tracing."
The Democratic Forest [{"id":40504983912640,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default Title","option2":null,"option3":null,"sku":"PBC7923","requires_shipping":true,"taxable":true,"featured_image":null,"available":true,"name":"The Democratic Forest","public_title":null,"options":["Default Title"],"price":65000,"weight":9900,"compare_at_price":0,"inventory_management":"shopify","barcode":"978-3-86930-792-3","requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_allocations":[]}] Steidl, 2015. First edition. 10 clothbound hardcover volumes in slipcase and original box, 1328 pp., 320 x 315 mm. Photographs by William Eggleston. Text by Mark Holborn, Eudora Welty (English). Following the publication of Chromes in 2011 and Los Alamos Revisited in 2012, the reassessment of Eggleston's career continues with the publication of The Democratic Forest, his most ambitious project. This ten-volume set containing more than a thousand photographs is drawn from a body of twelve thousand pictures made by Eggleston in the 1980s. Following an opening volume of work in Louisiana, which serves as a visual preface, the remaining books cover Eggleston's travels from his familiar ground in Memphis and Tennessee to Dallas, Pittsburgh, Miami, Boston, the pastures of Kentucky, and as far as the Berlin Wall. The final volume leads the viewer back to the South of small towns, cotton fields, the Civil War battlefield of Shiloh and the home of Andrew Jackson, the President from Tennessee. The democracy of Eggleston's title refers to his democracy of vision, through which he represents the most mundane subjects with the same complexity and significance as the most elevated. The exhaustive editing process of The Democratic Forest—a rarely shown body of work of which only a fraction has been published to date—has taken over three years, and was guided by the belief that only on this large scale can the magnitude of Eggleston's achievement be represented. With no precedent in American art, Eggleston's photography seen as a whole has all the grandeur of an epic piece of fiction. The Democratic Forest includes a new introduction by Mark Holborn and the re-publication of Eudora Welty's original essay on the work. ― Statement from publisher
In June of 2016, Westgrove has changed the physician schedules according to patient demand. On Mondays, only Dr. Bailey and Currie will be working until 7:30 pm. All other doctors had modified their schedules with earlier morning appointments, and appointments until 5:30 one evening per week. They are all working the same amount of hours, but have just distributed the hours during longer days. On line booking is not currently available in our new Electronic Medical Record. We will be looking forward to obtaining this service again when we are confident. We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
Whilst I've been doing this work on Enterprise Architecture, I've caught up on a lot of reading on web services. I've read around the subject using the usual suspects and their blogs, John Gotze, Jon Udell, Phil Windley and so on. I've also looked at the aggregation sites, like Looselycoupled. All of those are available from the links at the left on my blog. There's a lot of wisdom out there. I particularly liked a piece (from April 2003) on looselycoupled that notes that many organisations are using web services to deliver short-term, tactical value on a purely point to point basis. It also notes that what's going to happen soon is that today's pilots will be added to with new pilots and yet more pilots until the situation becomes close to impossible to manage. What seems a long time ago, maybe 1992 or 1993, Citibank fronted its key legacy systems with a copy database - all changes by call centre staff, front facing systems and operations folks were made to this database. The reason was that the old system only processed things in batch and, increasingly (even then!), customers wanted to see things applied in real time - we even had an online banking application then, although it was via a proprietary dial-up network, which increased the need to see things as they were posted so that corporate treasurers could properly manage funds. The nice thing about doing such a database in relatively modern technology is that the issues that might otherwise occur around record-locking, multiple updates etc can be managed much more simply. I was wondering how many people are still doing this. Just wrapping up your legacy system as a web service and offering it up may not solve some of the old problems (I wondered, for instance, how people using the legacy application through old-style services would know what was happening to data around them). So creating this copy database to which all changes are made intra-day, whilst storing up the transactions for posting to the legacy each night, and then refreshing the copy might be something that we should do. That way customers and staff see their accurate data all the time, we don't have to fit in the confines of the old technology for management, we can still use web services and we have a 24 hour accessible service. Is that how it should work or have I missed something?
Brighton Municipal Office Administration / Power (ADM), Buildings Register, Victoria Register 1950s, Melbourne Reg, Oakley & Parkes, Passi Federico (ph.), VicHeritage architect(s): Oakley & Parkes, Kevin Knight (design architect) date of commission: 15 Boxshall Street, Brighton, Victoria classification / typology: Administration (ADM) protection status: VicHeritage "The Brighton Municipal Offices in Boxshall Street were designed by Kevin Knight of Oakley and Parkes with the engineers John Connell and Associates and were erected by Prentice Builders Pty Ltd., the foundation stone being laid on 13 February 1959. The interior decoration and furniture was by Grant Featherston. The building was opened on 21 July 1961. The Brighton Municipal Offices are of aesthetic, historic and architectural importance to the State of Victoria. The circular foyer, Council Chamber, and two circular meeting rooms designed by Grant Featherston including their extant furniture and light fittings, are of aesthetic and historic importance as an intact example of interior design in Victoria of the late 1950's, and as an important work of Grant Featherston, a leading Australian industrial designer of the 1950's and 60's. Grant Featherston earned for his profession a popular acceptance unique in the history of the Industrial design movement in this country. The Brighton Municipal Offices are of architectural importance as an expression of the influence in Australia of the work of internationally renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The building, with its prominent curved and tapering 'drum' form recalling his design for the Guggenheim Museum of 1946-59 in Fifth Avenue, New York, successfully combines the different curved and planar forms and integrates the landscaping into the building fabric through use of planter retaining walls. The building represents a successful translation of the Organic International style into a suburban public building in Victoria." (source: Victorian Heritage Database) Photo: Federico Passi, 2017
around a table in the open air, tall buildings surrounding the area, and other tables and diners frame-left of them, zooming to a closer shot of the three women. Narrator, which is why wed like you to enter the Bright Ideas challenge. Carry a cleaning supplies tray to reduce the amount of time spent finding your supplies and chemicals. According to the United Nations, that means that by 2050, were going to need 60 more food, at least 40 more fresh water, and 50 more energy. Use our companys famous glass cleaning method to make glass cleaning chores a cinch. This is your chance to become inventors and innovators, to share your bright ideas and have a go at shaping the future you want to live. Could your innovation create more clean and affordable energy for a future city and/or make a future city more efficient by saving energy? Narrator So heres what you need. The Student Workbook and videos are the best place to go to get started. Bright, idea to life for the judging panel. LED Super Beam, moving, head Stage Light, rgbw 4IN1 Spot Light, DMX-512 18CH Effect Lighting, DJ Disco Bar Club Stage Light Party Show,.
The style of Fred Perry has once again paired up with the creative minds at Art Comes First. Today we get a look at a new capsule collection from the two, celebrating and drawing inspiration from Jamaica. The collection offers a unique approach, showcase the design duos love for record sleeves, offering a four-piece capsule in the process. Drawing inspiration from the Caribbean, the collection includes one traditional Fred Perry polo shirt, providing two unique looks. The range is finished off by a pair of high-top sneakers in white, complete with an Art Comes First patch and five Jamaican-themed laces. Take a closer look at the new collaboration in the images below and give us your thoughts in the comments below. Look for the collection at Fred Perry and in stores now.
A few days ago we did a quiz using QR Codes on the Primary Planet magazine. We got an iPod each and opened the iNigma app which is a free QR Code Reader. We were handed a page with the QR Codes on it. Beside each QR Code was a blank space to write the answers. We had to answer ten questions in all. Ipods and a QR Hunt! A few weeks ago we had a QR hunt around our school. We used an app called Inigma on the Ipods to reveal a question about people who help us. There were twelve questions in total. We worked in pairs, it was great fun :)! The children have been learning how to use the keyboard on the laptop and the QWERTY typing system. They are learning how to navigate MS Word. Last week First Class did a maths trail using Ipods and QR codes! We had great fun! Ransboro gets Biodiversity Green Flag.
Beige Interior Design offers professional services for new constructions or renovations, residential or commercial. Beige Interior Design listens to your needs and offers skills, ideas and professionalism to give you a top-of-the-range service to meet your quality requirements. We offer a wide range of services for your needs. We suggest personalized and full-serviced projects. We also give you the possibility to benefit from our expertise and services for the complete realization of your projects. Beige Interior Design can suggest, for any residential or commercial project, a very carefully studied planning, optimizing your spaces and making sure to have the unique and audacious concept that you dreamed about. Should we create a kitchen or design a whole house, we take your lifestyle into account to incorporate a welcoming and warm environment. Of course, we are on the lookout throughout the project to consider all functionalities. We also actively participate to your building capital gain. Elaboration of walk-ins, laundry rooms, embedded furniture, etc. Each designed project is unique. Our services are based on your satisfaction by listening, forecasting your needs, respecting your budget or other specific requests. We master textures, innovative material as well as sound and light to use into spaces where we feel good. We take all aspects of your project. Every detail is studied and, to please our customers, we thrive to give more than expected for everyone of our realizations. Beige Interior Design's reputation is based on a solid commitment to closely work with our customers, listening to every need to deliver a project which will reflect everyone's expectations. For all requests or information, do not hesitate to meet us to have a complete and detailed list of services that will meet your specific needs.
Best Doctors in India Dr. G Rama Subramanyam CARE Hospital, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad Designation of Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon Associate Clinical Director – Cardiac Surgery CARE Hospital, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India Profile Snapshot of Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam Dr. G Rama Subramanyam is a well-known cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon in Hyderabad with exceptional expertise in all kinds of cardiac surgeries. Dr. Subramanyam specializes in open-heart surgery and has performed more than 5000 such procedures since 1997. He is also an expert in Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and heart valve surgeries that includes over 200 Ischemic mitral valve repair surgeries and 100 myxomatous and Rheumatic mitral valve repair surgeries. He has been performing cardiothoracic and vascular surgeries for more than 20 years now and has extensive experience in chest reconstruction surgery after trauma and removal of cancer and tumors of the lungs and chest walls. Dr. Subramanyam is considered one of the best cardiac surgeons in South India and is among the few surgeons with experience in Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgeries. Dr. G Rama Subramanyam has worked both as a consultant as well as a teacher in various medical hospitals and colleges and achieved great success in both. He is also involved in research activities and has numerous publications to his name in renowned medical journals He regularly attends conferences, seminars, and meetings for cardiac surgeries and cardiac care and has delivered numerous lectures and presentations on such platforms both at the national and international levels. Dr. G Rama Subramanyam's contributions to cardiac surgery in India have been commendable and have received appreciation and recognition on several occasions. For his dedication, he was awarded the Starr Ahmed Fellowship in 2000. Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam's Expertise Aortic Valve repair replacement surgery Bentall's Procedure Chronic pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) and Minimal Access CABG Device closure surgeries for ASD, VSD, PDA Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Septal Myomectomy Ischemic, Myxomatous, and Rheumatic mitral valve repair Ventricular aneurysm repair surgery Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgeries Work Experience of Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam Senior Consultant of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at CARE Hospital, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Presently Consultant of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at CARE Hospital (Heart Institute), Nampally, Hyderabad from 1997 to 2001 Consultant of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at Mediciti Hospital (presently MaxCure), Hyderabad from 1994 to 1997 Assistant Professor of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati from 1993 to 1994 Trainee of Thoracic Surgery at Military Hospital, Pune in 1992 A resident of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery at Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad from 1990 to 1992 Senior Resident of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery at Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in 1989 Assistant Professor of General Surgery at King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam from 1988 to 1989 Dr. G. Rama Subramanyam's Qualifications MBBS from Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh in 1982 MS in General Surgery from Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in 1986 MCh in Cardio Thoracic Surgery from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana in 1992 Speak to a Patient Counselor | Get Free Medical Opinion & Estimate | Book Priority Appointment *Please note: As of now, we are only assisting international patients who plan to come to India for medical treatment.
Simeiyue SDNA200 is newest temp control box mod by the simeiyue company, this new box mod built-in evolv company DNA 200 chip, max output 200watts. three colors of simeiyue SDNA200 mod available: black, white and red. support resistance as low as 0.08ohm, built-in 3S 4800mAh 35C battery module. variable wattage and temp control modes available, large OLED screen show resistance, voltage, wattage, temperature, battery level etc. temp control range from 200F to 600F. recommend work with smok tfv4, innokin isub apex, subverter mini etc.
Understanding the relationship between translation and culture Sat Jan 14, 2023 However, translation is the method of creating a xerox of messages delivered in one language to the other languages in the same tone and style. It is not about giving the meaning of the text. It's about transferring the context and culture along with the meaning. The vocabulary used in translation should be able to communicate the thought process and behavior of people who have spoken the language. Thus, the translation aims to deliver exact context, moral values, and cultural norms because of the inseparable relationship between translation and culture. Importance of translation in cultural exchange: The need for trade and human interdependence has given supremacy to translation because Healthy cultural exchange is unthinkable without it. It is the key to communication between different cultures and results in intercultural interactions if people understand varied cultures and meet the ends separated due to variations in languages. A perfect translation conveys the essence of beliefs, customs, and social values between warranties. The person reading the translated version should feel and comprehend how a text is spoken. For instance, if an Asian is reading a translation of a text by an American author. He is supposed to understand American culture and infer the idea and cultural means hidden in the content as the translated edition intends for healthy cultural exchange between two parties. Cultural universal: The term may sound foreign to you, but it has a deep meaning and a significant influence on society. It deals with the exchange of culture and the development of meaningful communication with the help of translation. Since there is a close relationship between translations and culture, cultural universality is the primary source of intercultural growth and influential exchange of customs and values. Importance of good translation service: A good translation service is vital to convey the impression of the content. Therefore, selecting a translator who knows how to translate with actual cultural essence matters the most. Translators at Mayra are trained to offer cultural translation. They have the expertise to create a translation variant that gives the perfect contextual, cultural essence and infer the writer's thought process with correct vocabulary. So, for a good translation service, you can connect with Mayra at the following link. ", "image": "https://www.mayraenterprise.com/uploaded-files/thumb-cache/member_139/thumb-850-375-20_049_image2jsxr.jpg", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Admin", "url":"https://www.mayraenterprise.com/understanding-the-relationship-between-translation-and-culture-139" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.psidispo.com" } }, "datePublished": "Sat Jan 14, 2023", "dateModified": "Sat Jan 14, 2023" } Understanding the relationship between translation and culture: Different people belonging to different cultures behave differently and speak different languages. It might have created a gap between cultural groups if the translation had not been born. The culture and translation have a close bond that plays a vital role in bridging the gap between different cultures. Reading ahead will help you better understand the relationship between translation and culture. Concept of Culture and translations: Culture refers to the behavior of a group of people according to their customs, values, beliefs, and traditional norms. Moreover, different cultural groups communicate in different languages. Each language is the complex vocabulary that a group adapts based on their cultural background. 5 Benefits of Working in the Translation Industry Translating content and its importance for better brand localization
Moneycab: Mr. Popov, Spitch is a Swiss company specializing in speech technologies. What is your vision, and how far are you in the realization of this vision? Alexey Popov: Our vision is to respond effectively to a new reality of communications by providing our clients with customized speech analytics, voice biometrics, and semantic interpretation solutions. Our key differentiators are easy access and fast deployment, as well as the highest level of accuracy. Spitch achieves this by combining unique mathematics, bespoke technology adaptation, and Swiss-made precision work-flow. From the business angle, we believe that our speech technologies should not only deliver tangible business benefits to clients, meeting their present-day needs now, but also anticipate the future and created preparedness for it. We have achieved a breakthrough in the past 2 years developing solutions that outperform those of our major competitors in specific areas, and it could set us on course to become a leading company in biometric identification and continuous verification, for example. By outperforming I mean not only the technological advantages, clear business value such as cost saving, but also the power of bright new ideas. We would like to become the leading provider of applications in all kinds of speech technologies, introducing a new culture, in which speech solutions are delivered as a unified interface platform, built upon the principles of artificial intelligence (AI). Which industries went further than others in deploying voice based applications, and where do you see the biggest potential for the immediate future? In the past decade, voice based solutions were mostly used in banking and telecom call centers as well as in healthcare, but this was largely an experimentation stage, considering the issues of accuracy and business relevance. Only in the past few years, we noted significant increase in demand and preparedness for speech technologies in financial services, insurance, and other sectors. There are many positive implementation examples across these industries: e.g. Barclays, Citibank, ING, Wells Fargo and others in banking. In the insurance segment, I like the examples of Manulife and American Family Insurance that deploy speech recognition, voice biometrics and chat apps. Some major airlines, telecoms, and retail companies use voice-driven IVR solutions. Examples are plentiful. Jointly with our Swiss partners Crealogix and ti&m we developed two different voice operated mobile banking apps, for example. And also, SBB is planning to introduce a voice interface for their very successful mobile apps. In the immediate future, I think that these apps will transform such services as getting legal advice, arranging insurance, booking travel and entertainment, healthcare services and many others. I would emphasize the importance of voice-driven apps for education too. The biggest potential now is in the sphere of customer service automation: processing of calls, voice-driven self-services, IVR, and mobile apps. We expect a rapid growth in the immediate future in deployment of biometric identification solutions. And finally, voice user interfaces for AI based personal assistants and chatbots. The overall impression is that speech technologies are firmly on their way to becoming mainstream. Those who will either wait too long or fail to capitalize on these disruptions soon might find themselves lagging behind the market leaders in the nearest future. Software giants like Google or Apple are heavily investing in their speech and voice technology. In which areas can you outsmart them and bring better solutions to the market? The main difference between medium-size vendors like us and Google, Apple, Baidu, and other major players is that those giants are almost entirely focused on a B2C model. They accumulate enormous amount of customer data and increasingly emerge as fintech players. Some banks, therefore, may regard them as potential competitors. Our model is B2B and we can install a bespoke solution on your servers, precisely tailored to your company's needs and trained on your customers' audio-data. Spitch pays special attention to ensuring that both statutory and contractual data protection requirements are rigorously observed. All the big American players forward all their data to the US or at least to an external data center for processing. This is an issue for most countries' data protection experts and security-aware companies. Importantly, operating Spitch solutions does not require any cross-border transfer of sensitive personal data or other tricky procedures. Data stays in Switzerland in full accordance with the Swiss banking and personal data protection laws. This applies to other countries where we work as well. These are the areas where we, as a B2B company, can outsmart and outperform the majors with our business model, ability to offer bespoke solutions and precision to clients, and unmatched flexibility in meeting their unique needs. In other words, we are not just supplying the technology, but also consulting on what, where and how should be done to achieve outstanding business results. One area where voice identification and voice driven process automation could make a fast and substantial impact are Call Centers. Where do you see the best use of your technology in Call Centers and do you already have reference cases in that area? Impressive impact can be achieved by call centres implementing the entire package of our speech technologies including a voice-driven IVR, voice biometric identification followed by continuous verification, where required, as well as subsequent automation of standard business processes such as replacing cards in banking, or changing a tariff package in telecom. Just imagine, automating most of the insurance claim forms fill-in in for the insurance company that works 24/7, for example. We have some references from insurance companies, and cases in healthcare sector, which we think are very promising. We also have a good reference case with a telecom in UK, where our solution is used to recognize credit card numbers no matter how they are pronounced by a customer. This makes it less costly to observe PCI DSS requirements for our client. Spitch is making a unique value proposition in the market: implementation of our identification and verification technologies in combination, instead of a traditional security questions procedure, reduces the average call handling time by 30%. However, cost-saving effect will dramatically increase up to 86% in case of implementing the whole package of solutions offered by Spitch. What's more, automatic but secure identification and verification open an array of opportunities for automation of even rather complex business processes such as issuing a bank guarantee. We have a reference with a medium-size bank, for example, where the process of issuing quotes for bank guarantees was fully automated by means of our solution. Machine dialogue in this case clearly outperforms human call centre agents in terms of speed and quality. Most of the references we have so far are from the banking and telecom call centers. What is your vision of a Call Center in 2020? Where is this industry going as far as speech technologies are concerned? I believe omni-channel will become standard: customers will be able to use any suitable channel with a seamless switch between channels at any stage of the communication process. Voice user interfaces will appear in most mobile self-service apps and, in the majority of cases, customers will interact with the machine, not a call center agent. Chatbots will be used to find the answers in the relevant knowledge base. Only the calls on new topics and highly specialized questions will be automatically referred to the human operators. Our experts believe that the application of speech technologies will significantly improve the customer experience in call centers. Sentiment analysis will increasingly be used for evaluating customer satisfaction on a considerably larger number of calls than it is possible at present. We are now seeing an increasing demand for speech technologies in the enterprise segment in Switzerland, and not just in the financial services industry. There is an explosion of interest among the insurance companies too. Insurance industry professionals, by the way, will be pleasantly surprised by the futuristic solutions we are going to show and discuss on 29 June in Zurich during our event specifically dedicated to implementing new speech technologies in this industry. Besides Spitch experts, executives from Swisscom and other Spitch's trusted industry partners are going to take part as speakers. We will start sending out the invitations soon. Switzerland with its many dialects and accents can be both a fantastic place to test new voice applications, or an impossible place to use voice applications in the daily business. How do you deal with accents in your technology, how far are we in seeing practical applications in the mass market? Switzerland is not only interesting by its linguistic diversity, but also has very strong schools and academic achievements in computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). Spitch R&D team was one of the first to produce a market-ready automatic speech recognition (ASR) solution in Swiss German, taking into account all the major dialects and accents. Our solutions that support Swiss German are fully ready for the mass market now. We were the first to offer a high security voice biometrics solution in Swiss German as well. The ability to "understand" the meaning and context of speech as well as identify or verify personality comes with a right combination of technological approaches as well as well-structured and ample audio data for training. Accents can be dealt with by drilling down to the phonemic level and understanding the peculiarities of individual phonemes' pronunciation, which also helps note the individual speaker's pronunciation peculiarities for a highly accurate verification of identity. It is a challenging but very interesting scientific and business task to make it all work in real time too. There is a great focus in the finance industry on Robo-Advising and bots in standard conversations. How can voice solutions help to make the robots more responsive and improve the whole customer experience? Let me ask you something too. Would you prefer to answer security questions, use your bank card and token, or just talk – simply talk and be authenticated in seconds with the same or greater level of security, knowing that no fraudster can ever imitate over 100 individual characteristics of your voice? Or imagine that you would like to check whether your portfolio is well-balanced by asking your mobile app to do that, while having a cup of coffee on a terrace and watching your children play on the lawn. Our multiple "voice bank" cases work in this way and we are also planning to add voice user interfaces to some leading banks' chatbots. The lifestyle change makes it imperative that essential banking, travel arrangements, booking a table in a restaurant and many other day-to-day things should be available over the voice channel. Furthermore, it is increasingly important to offer opti-channel experience, where your customer uses the most convenient channel in accordance with his or her preferences, time of the day, mobility (e.g. driving or riding a train) etc. Although the voice seems to be unique to every person, voice recognition is not yet widespread for identification purposes. Why is that and which developments could help to widen the usage in this field? Voice biometrics usage is rapidly growing and there is a clear explanation. To use your voice to authenticate all you need is a microphone already in-built in your phone. Your voice is an authentication factor – a biometric one, in other words: something you are. Combining voice with a face recognition is also possible but we do not receive such requests often and find that in most cases the voice factor is sufficient for secure authentication. Identification of customers has so far been based only on defining their phone number. Obviously, the fact that someone is using your phone number does not guarantee that it is you calling, and in many cases an authentication procedure would be necessary. Identification by voice was problematic for many years mainly due to the issue of latency (time delay) which occurred when the system had to compare the voice of the caller with thousands or even millions of samples stored in the database. Thanks to our new identification product the latency problem has been eliminated. 'Voiceprint' matching occurs in real time with a very high degree of accuracy. It is followed by a continuous verification of identity throughout the conversation to ensure the highest level of security. Switzerland, while a good place to start a company, represents only a very limited market for new high tech solutions. Where do you plan to grow your business and how do you plan to finance this growth? Spitch is rapidly growing. Last year we opened an office in Milan. There is another one in London covering the UK and Ireland. We are also looking at the large markets in Brazil and some ASEAN countries. And certainly, Northern Europe as well as CEE are among our priorities. We have very clear expansion plans and sufficient revenues to finance our growth, but it could be realized faster with investors who share our vision. Which technological developments do you see that will have a major impact on how voice based applications will drive the economy? One of the macro-level developments that is currently unfolding is the automation of knowledge work fueled by disruptive technologies. McKinsey predicts that global potential economic impact of automation of knowledge management will reach US$ 5.2-6.7 trillion in 2025. It is bound to make a significant impact in the next 10 years on many industries. Entire professions and business areas will be transformed and a set of more creative tasks for businesses to tackle will emerge. We believe that the central role will be played by voice user interfaces, that will start replacing conventional input media as soon as the accuracy of ASR reaches that of keyboard input. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it will bring about a kind of new technological revolution. Remember 'Windows' replacing the command line in the black screen? In healthcare services, a massive loss of doctors' time could be eliminated by precision in speech-to-text, patient voice biometrics, and automated forms fill-in. Similarly, in the automotive sector speech technologies would re-define the meaning of "hands-free" by enabling control of virtually all functions by free speech commands through voice user interfaces. This would minimize driver distraction. It seems that in many industries, where speech technologies are currently penetrating, it is important to have the right kind of partnerships. What is your partnerships model? Indeed, mutually complementary partnerships are crucial as they help draw from different types of cross-fertilizing expertise. Spitch is not only a 'one stop shop' offering its partners an ecosystem of tools and solutions clustered around Spitch proprietary core and based on Spitch infrastructure. At any time, partners and customers have access to the new and emerging products, as well as technologies behind them, from one vendor. Our focus on R&D and distributed business model allows Spitch to reduce time-to-market for new products to the minimum, which is critical in the rapidly growing speech technologies market. We offer a wide range of opportunities to partners from flexible pricing and revenue sharing models, in case they act as resellers, to the possibility of breathing new life in their legacy solutions by integrating our technologies. It is important to note that we provide 24/7 support and dedicated training programmes to clients' and partners' staff, as well as to third-party integrators. There is also our Lingware Development Portal that all partners get access to. It serves as a tool-box for developing their own speech solutions based on our technologies and products. At the end of the interview can you share your thoughts on the future of speech technologies? We can see a clear trend towards the adoption of speech technologies. In 2016, 20% of all internet search queries were performed by voice commands. There was a nearly 300 times growth in voice internet search queries over the last 5 years, with a maximum number of spoken queries processed by Google per day in 2016 reaching 1,5 bln. The use of voice assistants is bound to continue to grow. This reality stands behind the increasing demand for easy-to-use interfaces and a new level of customer experience. Getting it right for most businesses would depend on finding appropriate solutions and optimizing business processes, to fully utilize the potential of new technologies. It is a complex of services that starts with business and technology consulting to ensure that the right scope of products and services as well as their most effective configuration is implemented in line with the business needs projections by the customer. Clients should also have a clear understanding from the very beginning of the best practices and regulatory frameworks for the implementation of speech recognition and voice biometrics solutions. It's important to mention that many voice biometrics projects, which have been initiated lately, had to address a problem of low voiceprint collection rates, as well as customer complaints caused by the fact that people had not been informed in advance about their voiceprints collection, Spitch is very well aware about these issues around voiceprint collection, and our specialists are suggesting ways of addressing them to our clients. As I mentioned in the beginning – there is something that differentiates Spitch, namely – our Swiss-made precision work-flow, fast deployment, and the highest accuracy.
This well maintained bungalow sits on 4.42 acres. New hot water furnace (2018), new Oil Tank (2018) new ashpalt roof shingles (2018), hotwater tank (2017), pump and pressure tank (2017). Galley kitchen with solid wood cabinets, dining nook, livingroom with wood burning fireplace, den, two bedrooms and bath on main level. Family room and great workshop in basement. Hotwater radiant heat, dug well. Spacious south facing deck, ornamental bushes and trees. Detached single car garage and paved driveway. Includes neighboring lot with solid outbuilding and dug well, great for second garage or workshop. Ten minutes to River Hills Golf Course, Five minutes to Crow Neck Beach, Twenty minutes to shops and amenites in Barrington Passage or Fifty minutes to Yarmouth. Listing agent is a relative of the seller. From Barringon, head west on Nova Scotia Trunk 3 W toward Villagedale Rd, Turn left onto Villagedale Rd (signs for Port La Tour/Lighthouse Route N) travel 11.1 km, Turn left onto Lighthouse Rte/Port Latour Rd/NS-309 N, travel 3.1 km to 2402 Port Latour Rd, Upper Port La Tour.
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Julie Faulkner created RACE Written Response Mnemonic Strategy Lesson & Evaluation Pack on TPT for free. I love using mnemonics to help my students remember. Teaching Lane created Constructed Response RACE Strategy Resource on TPT for free. MsHayden created a different mnemonic to answer constructed response questions. Caffeine and Lesson Plans has a great blog post about how color coding can help your students answer constructed response questions. Lastly, Brenda Martin created this adorable We All Scream for Constructed Response resource for free on TPT. I hope you have found something that you can use to help you students answer constructed response questions. Be sure to check out all the other great bloggers and their You Oughta Know posts.
KARACHI: In random tests involving 22 internet service providers (ISPs) it has been found that more than 200 URLs have been blocked in Pakistan, according to a research study carried out by the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) and Bytes for All Pakistan. The research report released on Wednesday looked at data from 2014 to 2017 and confirmed detection of 210 URLs in the country that were blocked by 22 ISPs. Several tests, including the HTTP Invalid Request Line and header field manipulation and Vanilla Tor, were carried out to confirm the detection of blocked URLs. The research study is part of an ongoing effort to look at internet censorship in Pakistan and more than 200 other countries around the world. The OONI and Bytes for All Pakistan collaborated on the project to examine internet censorship in the country through collection and analysis of network measurements. "Explicit blockpages were observed for many of these URLs, while others were blocked by means of DNS tampering," said the report. "Many of the blocked URLs were considered blasphemous under the Pakistan Penal Code for hosting content related to the controversial 'Draw [Prophet] Muhammad Day' campaign. Geopolitical power dynamics appear to be reinforced through the blocking of sites run by ethnic minority groups," it added. According to one of the report's authors, Haroon Baloch, the findings generally highlighted political dissent in the country since 2014. "In Pakistan, it [the situation] has worsened since January 2017 — after the disappearance of the bloggers," he added. Discussing how pages and sites were blocked, Mr Baloch said that people could report an objectionable page or link directly to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) by going to their website, while the PTA could approach ISPs to block a page directly or by tampering with the DNS. The report claimed that local ISPs appeared to be applying "smart filters", selectively blocking access to specific web pages hosted on the unencrypted HTTP version of sites, rather than blocking access to entire domains. It said that overall they found ISPs to be blocking the HTTP version of sites, potentially enabling censorship circumvention over HTTPS (for sites that support encrypted HTTPS connections). "On a positive note, popular communications apps, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, were accessible during the testing period. We find that the Tor network, which enables its users to browse the web anonymously, was mostly accessible," the report added. Nighat Dad of the Digital Rights Foundation said: "The filtration technology has been there for a while in Pakistan and I think back in 2011 or 2012 there was a report on Pakistan's internet exchange gateway and they learnt about the filtration method and how to block websites — it has always been there. It doesn't come as a surprise that 210 URLs were blocked. Talking about censorship in the country, Ms Dad claimed that the prevention of electronic crimes act had made it easier to ban/censor pages and websites. "It was not valid to censor or ban content before the law. If you read the clauses of the law, they clearly state that anything that hurts national security, armed forces or religion can be censored," she said, adding that the process of blocking or censoring the content was not transparent.
Every sporting event has those people who think they know the rules better than everyone else. Those people are called referees. Whether they call a game perfectly or they miss every call during the game, no one will ever be happy with the ref's performance. And for one ref, everyone is definitely questioning his abilities after a recent call. During the Eagles/Ravens game on Sunday, there were 22 seconds left in the first quarter when a routine pass interference call was made on the offense. The ref was announcing the penalty, saying that the foul was on the wide guy. However, everyone watching, including those in the broadcast booth, thought that he called the penalty on "the white guy."
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E3 2019 INTERVIEW: Henry Fernandez talks Cosmic Defenders E3 2019 INTERVIEW: INTI CREATES Talks About Luminous Avenger iX E3 2019 INTERVIEW: eFootball PES 2020 (Lennart Bobzien) The Downpour Podcast Episode 37 Ads support the website by covering server and domain costs. We're just a group of gamers here, like you, doing what we love to do: playing video games and bringing y'all niche goodness. So, if you like what we do and want to help us out, make an exception by turning off AdBlock for our website. In return, we promise to keep intrusive ads, such as pop-ups, off oprainfall. Thanks, everyone! By Operation Rainfall / November 4th, 2013 We're happy to announce that every single episode of The Downpour Podcast is readily available on the iTunes music store! If iTunes isn't your cup of tea, you can still check out this page for a newly updated archive of past episodes! Welcome to another Monday and another episode of The Downpour Podcast! You've not heard an episode of The Downpour Podcast quite like this one before. You asked, and we delivered: Episode 37 of The Downpour Podcast is dedicated to all things Final Fantasy. Join Randy, Jonathan and Jared as they sit down to discuss every main entry in the series. Things like the characteristics of what make a Final Fantasy game are discussed during the opening of the show, but after that—things get kind of heavy. There is a ton of passion to be had between these three; be sure to let us know what you think! Jonathan has compiled show-notes for those who wish to hear their thoughts on individual games within the franchise, and for the most part spoilers are very light, but be advised going in that they can and will happen. Do you have any requests you'd like to make of us, or any feedback to offer? As always, you can email [email protected] or contact us via Twitter to sound off! Like what you hear? Stay tuned for Episode 38 of The Downpour Podcast coming your way November 18th, 2013. [powerpress] 0:00:00 – 0:37:18 Introductions, General Questions (No spoilers regarding any specific game.) 0:37:19 – 0:41:33 Final Fantasy I, II, and III (not VI) 0:41:34 – 0:46:49 Final Fantasy IV, V 0:46:50 – 0:52:54 Final Fantasy VI 0:52:55 – 1:05:43 Final Fantasy VII (Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus) 1:05:44 – 1:17:55 Final Fantasy VIII 1:17:56 – 1:24:36 Final Fantasy IX 1:21:00 – 1:22:17 FFIX Spoilers (End of Disc 3-4) 1:24:37 – 1:31:46 Final Fantasy X & X-2 1:31:47 – 1:38:20 Final Fantasy XI & XII 1:38:21 – 1:47:15 Final Fantasy XIII (and its sequels) 1:47:16 – 1:51:04 Final Fantasy XIV 1:51:05 – 2:10:21 Final Fantasy XV, Fan Questions, and the future of Final Fantasy Check out these other Downpour Podcast Roundtables: About Operation Rainfall The official Administration account of oprainfall. View all posts by Operation Rainfall AnimeShinbun N4G Downpour PodcastFinal FantasyRoundtablethe downpour podcast Previous Post:Foreign Wrap-Up: Clock Tower Edition Next Post:Hyper Light Drifter Combat Video Released
We have been taught that evolution is a progressive development of 'organizational complexity.' Evolution is still being defined. The deeper understanding of evolution tells us that a truly evolved person is one that finds value in others more than he or she values the self. Values of love then too seem much more important than our physical world and what is in it. By reflecting upon our evolution and attempting to understand it we can reveal our deepest truths? We can see what we are becoming, what it means to enter into this new aspect of ourselves, and what it means in what we experience and how we act about what we value in one another. So then, how can we shape this? When we are active in life with appreciation for what we are doing we become alive with great purpose and meaning. If we take this element away, we are left with an unstable foundation that resembles behaviors that are cruel, embittered, and irrational forms of violence and loneliness. These are areas that love cannot be seen in, covered away by bleak aspects of pain and suffering. This is how we begin to discover what nourishes our souls and what defeats and depletes them. If we have only our five senses to perceive the physical world the basis of our lives, as Zukav explains, becomes fear laden. A power to control our environments becomes essential. Within this fortress of limited understanding and feeling we enter into what evolves into child-like squabbling seeking power over one another and manipulating each other. A badge, boots, your title or rank, a uniform or weapons are all symbolic to fear. Those who hide behind such symbols encourage fear within their souls. This could be an ideal example of how we relate to the world as a limited few have complete control over what happens financially while the majority of us serve as victims of poverty. Money, fame, and social status create the unnecessary need to establish ourselves of being worthy while demonstrating what our greatest fears have and will become with vulnerability. What we truly fear is the loss of this entitlement to our own vulnerabilities. But is there any reason to fear being vulnerable to love? Zukav states, "There is no difference between acute schizophrenia and a world at war. There is no difference between the agony of a splintered soul and the agony of a splintered nation." Engaging in control over one another is nurturing our personal fears. If we align our thoughts and our emotional actions with the greatest good within ourselves with pure intent we will find ourselves filled with a beautiful purpose and meaning. This then becomes the evolution of our love for one another and the water our souls need in order to grow together. To love one another freely, if you will, is to do so without fear of judgment from each other or cause for accusation and demeaning laughter. What Zukav is suggesting is that our five senses can form an overall system that can perceive a physical reality together in which not to abandon but embrace love for one another without our limited perceptions for what that means. This idea was planted and blossomed in us through our mentors and our great teachers that have been in accordance with the appreciation for deeper values and have spoken of love to us in their actions. These are actions that we did not have to question. These are individuals that we trust. These are actions we can feel and hold in a tangible sort of way. So is this the realm of existence that would allow us to learn and love from each other? When we begin to ask questions like, "Is there a God?" "Does Divine Intelligence exist?" we open the door to become the best versions of ourselves that we can by believing in a possibility. To believe in possibility is to accept that we can forgive, that there is more to this existence than our five sensory perceptions and to expand upon a reference in time that will allow answers to our questions to move forth and flow freely. Our personalities are capable of creating fearful and violent emotions. Hatred, sorrow, shame, vengeance and loneliness all play a role in how we dictate our love and acceptance for one another. If we engage bigger questions about what we are and what we will become, we then give way to perceptions of love, compassion and wisdom guided by a higher greatness of being within ourselves. By acknowledging our souls we infuse this light and a life filled of charisma. What would you call this new sensory of being? How will we guide one another towards love together?
Due to his starring position in Game of Thrones, Equipment Harington has develop into one of the crucial well-known actors on the planet. Whereas fame has its upsides (being invited on The Tonight Present for one), there are a number of downsides, too, together with being continuously hounded by certainly one of your character's most well-known traces. For Harington, that line is, in fact, "You know nothing, Jon Snow." The quote has develop into so inescapable that Harington even needed to undergo by means of it at his personal marriage ceremony—though he might not have minded that one. Harington stopped by The Tonight Present on Thursday to meet up with Jimmy Fallon forward of the premiere of the present's eighth and final season on April 14 (and Harington's Saturday Evening Dwell internet hosting gig this weekend). The now-iconic line got here up throughout their dialog and Harington defined that the road has fully invaded his life. It's such a well-liked quote that, in line with Harington, Game of Thrones followers frequently shout it at him and his spouse, Rose Leslie, who as Ygritte, initially uttered the road within the present. "We get doubly yelled at," he stated. A word to followers, Harington isn't significantly fond of getting certainly one of his character's traces yelled at him on the streets. "I hate it when people say it, and my brother managed to get it into the end of my best man speech," Harington stated.
Sumi Jo is a Grammy award winning South Korean lyric coloratura soprano known for her interpretations of the bel canto repertoire. She graduated from the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome after 3 years of study in keyboard and vocal music. In 1986, she made her operatic debut as Gilda in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto at Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi in Trieste. This debut performance attracted the attention of Herbert von Karajan, for whom she sang the role of Oscar in Un Ballo in Maschera at the Salzburg Festival, as a result of an audition in 1988. Since then, she has performed all the great coloratura roles such as the Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute , the title role in Lucia di Lammermoor, Zerbinetta in Richard Strauss' Ariadne auf Naxos, Fiorilla in Il turco in Italia, Amina in La sonnambula, etc. at the world's major opera houses, under conductors like Sir Georg Solti, Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel, and Richard Bonynge. Bellisima !!! Thanks you Betterthanbare, Muchas Gracias !!
But the first problem is the dining area light. Right now there's a light hanging by the wires, just begging to be replaced. There's no light switch leading to that light, so it really needs some sort of switch built into it. The dining area is one half of a very long room, and the other half has a ceiling fan in it, so I'd really like the light to be a statement piece for this area. I can't afford the beautiful light fixtures that I really want, such as the Edison Chandelier from Pottery Barn, an awesome tenticle chandelier by Adam Wallacavage, a vintage sputnik light, or a Cord Chandelier by Brendan Ravenhill. Unless I win the lottery (and I mean a big win) in the next month, or happen to find the perfect piece at some resale shop (believe me, I've been looking) I'm going to have to go the DIY route. So here's a round up of my favorite DIY lights. This WONDERFUL tutorial from Lindsey Adelman is just... jaw dropping. I would love to be able to put together a piece like this, but I'm afraid I'd set my own house on fire. Maybe someone less awkward than me should give it a try. I love these quilt lights from Tamara Maynes. They're so simple but colorful. Perfect! This cube pendant from Vintage Revivals is great. I've seen other pieces like this, but they seemed really complicated. This one looks quite simple to make, and the effect is awesome. Twig chandelier from Funky Junk Interiors. I'm a sucker for natural things brought inside, especially in unexpected places. That's why I'm so drawn to chandeliers like this one. DIY chandelier tutorial from Brassy Apple. This tutorial uses hanging flower baskets in a super creative way. This picture isn't actually the finished product, but I love the industrial look of this. I would keep it like this and add bulbs. These two are actually products. One is the Cut Glass Chandelier and the other is the Steel Chandelier, both from Squint. Both products are over 1000, but I think if you found the right base chandelier and had some coordinating colors of yarn and paint, you could easily DIY something that had the same feel. Bulb Cage chandelier from Rich Brilliant Willing. Again with the industrial. This cluster actually looks pretty easy to make, though. I might end up going with something like this, just because it looks decently simple. We'll see!
A common view of relapses is that the start of the relapse is when you fall back into your former state of being. For example, for an alcoholic, his relapse starts when he takes his first sip after a period of sobriety. For someone with clinical depression, his relapse starts from the onset of his depression. For a smoker, his relapse starts when he takes his first puff (after a long break). For an emotional eater, his relapse begins when he eats unhealthily after a period of healthy eating. This view is good in that it helps you categorize the periods when you are "down" and the periods when you are "clean." It helps you work toward the goal of becoming "clean" — clean of addiction, clean of the bad habit, clean of the bad practice. This is the goal of rehabilitation clinics — to help you be clean and stay clean. However, the problem with this view is that it only looks at the physical occurrence of the relapse without considering the big picture. The reality is that the point when one falls back into their old behavior isn't the start of the relapse — it is actually the end of the relapse. The issues that contribute to the negative behavior have usually been present for a while before the relapse manifests itself. It's just that the issues are hidden below the surface and are hence not observable. Let me do a breakdown of a relapse process so that you know what I mean. I'll use the example of drinking, though what I'm saying applies to any "relapse"-type situations, like emotional eating, junk food eating, smoking, depression, slipping into bad habits, losing grip of good habits (say exercising, healthy eating, waking early, consistent studying), bad temper, overwhelm from stress, and so on. Jane has a drinking problem. She is not an alcoholic but she drinks a lot, sometimes uncontrollably. She knows that drinking is not good for her and she wants to stop drinking permanently. So she turns to healthier beverages, such as water, tea, and juices. She removes all alcoholic drinks from her house. She stops going to parties where people drink so that she will not be tempted. She stocks up her home with fresh fruits so that she can blend her own drinks. She switches over to this new habit with relative ease. Occasionally she thinks about drinking. This ranges from a fleeting thought to an overwhelming urge. But since there are no drinks in her house, she has nothing to drink even when she wants to. She either suppresses the urge or forces herself to go to sleep. This continues on for the next few weeks. After a month of sobriety, she is invited to a party one day. She thought: "I've been doing so well in the past month. I should be alright at this party." As it turns out, she decides to have a sip of wine while she is there so that she does not stick out like a sore thumb. A sip turns to a glass, which turns to two glasses, then three glasses, then four and five. She returns to drinking after that since she has already ruined her sobriety. This goes on for a short while before she tries to be sober again. Here, it looks like the relapse happened during the party. However, the relapse happened way before that — before the first thoughts of drinking even surfaced in her mind. When it started depends on Jane's subconscious reasons for drinking. If Jane's drinking is due to a lack of self-love, then the invisible forces of Jane's relapse were kicked off from the moment she started neglecting herself. If Jane's drinking is due to lack of excitement in her life, and she uses drinks to fill this void rather than address the feeling of lull, then the invisible forces were kicked off from the moment she suppressed herself to stay in a boring life routine. Even though Jane technically didn't drink during these moments (be it when she neglected herself or when she suppressed her needs), all these are the little moments that initiated, and subsequently created, her relapse. Each time these moments happen, they build up to the point when a relapse happens. The thought to drink when she attended the party simply meant that she has already lost control of the situation. In the end, she takes that first sip and ends her sobriety. It may look like the "relapse" could have been easily avoided if she had avoided the party, and this is true in terms of avoiding the relapse at the party. But the slip was already a long time coming. Attending the party was merely the final straw. By the time Jane got her first sip, the situation was too far gone for her to do anything. The internal battle of "Should I drink? I want to drink! Wait, I shouldn't drink!" had come to a head, to the point where she was not conscious enough to rationalize and sort out her thoughts. All she could do was merely ride the waves and act out her urges. Even if she had forced herself not to drink, if she had continued to ignore the root causes of her drinking behavior, this mish-mesh of thoughts and emotions would simply act out at a different time, at a different place. This is why bad habits persist despite one's best efforts — because people neglect to understand the underlying root causes of these bad habits. This brings to mind a Chinese fable I read when I was young. Two groups of animals were doing a tug-of-war and it was a tie between them. The rat joined Team A which tipped the scales in their favor, and they end up winning. When the rat tried to claim credit for the victory, the other animals corrected him by saying that it was a teamwork effort. The rat wasn't the sole reason for the victory. If he were the only member in Team A doing the tug-of-war with Team B, he would not have won. Similarly, the supposed cause of the relapse (being at the party) is merely the final nail in the coffin. It's not the actual or sole reason for the relapse. The relapse had already started way before that, when the root causes were triggered. The point at which Jane could have remedied the situation would be right at the start, when she was feeling conscious and aware. For example, asking herself: During the times when I drank, what was my reason for drinking? What was I doing and feeling each time? If I dig into each situation, what were the root causes of my drinking each time? And what can I do about them starting now? These are questions she should be reflecting and acting on. These are the same questions that I ask my clients to help them bust negative patterns and instill good patterns permanently. In doing so, she would have nipped the problem in the bud. If the thoughts to drink were to resurface later, it would merely be a sign of an impending relapse and that there are more steps to take to properly recover. These thoughts would serve as a helpful indicator to prevent the actual physical relapse — rather than waiting until it was too late to fix the situation. Let me use another example, which is emotional eating. I have written extensively about my emotional eating issues in How to Overcome Emotional Eating (6-part series), which I recommend you to read if you have difficulty sticking to healthy eating patterns. I also have an in-depth 8-week course on how to stop stress eating where I work with participants live to address their eating issues permanently (registration is now closed for the 2018/2019 run). Looking back at some of my past emotional eating episodes, they could be described as sudden frenzies of uncontrollable eating, usually of junk food, that tainted my healthy eating endeavors. They tended to occur at night and would last for a couple of days until I got a hold of myself and "restarted" my healthy eating process by starting anew the next day. Before these bingeing episodes though, I would usually be eating perfectly healthy with no problem at all. If I were to perceive the bingeing episodes as the issue, I would be locking food in the cabinets every night — perhaps even sleep early every day so that I wouldn't run the risk of bingeing at night. I might even isolate myself by living in a place where no junk food exists. However, this would not solve anything because firstly, I can't physically lock away all the food in my household — there is too much food. Also, I was living with my parents and brother then and this wasn't something I could do without affecting others. It's not realistic to isolate myself by living in a place with no junk food — junk food is everywhere today and I would be turning my whole life around just to solve a simple problem of eating, out of the 1001 problems one has to deal with in life. What would I do then if I have to up-heave my life each time such an issue occurs? Secondly, logic is out of the window when it comes to emotional eating. This is the same for any "relapse" situation for anyone — you clearly can't think logically anymore and that's why you slip into the bad habit. If I were to lock the food in cabinets (which I never did because it's pointless like I said previously), I could easily unlock them. Even if I managed to control myself and not unlock the cabinets, I could easily walk into a 24-hour store and buy food, usually the worst kinds, to eat. Clearly, the bingeing episodes were not the issue as much as they were only a reflection of an underlying issue. If you have an eating issue, and you try to solve it by external physical actions like locking food in cabinets or purposely hiding from food, you're not really solving the problem as much as you're hiding from the root cause of the problem. True resolution of the problem is when you're able to eat healthily naturally and behave in line with your ideal behavior without any need to externally "force" yourself. Otherwise you're forever in a tango with the problem. It may look like you have solved the problem, but you're in fact still stuck in it. In How I Overcame Emotional Eating, Part 1: Food as a Symbol of Love, I shared that a big part of my emotional eating was the result of seeing food as a symbol of love. Hence, whenever I binge ate in the past, it was because I lacked love (self-love). It was not specifically the point when I binge ate that this happened though — it was the compounded effect of forcing myself to do things, depriving myself, being harsh on myself, and neglecting my needs through the day(s) (week(s) / month(s)) that eventually led me to "slip" and binge eat at night. The "relapse," the bingeing, was in the making long before the first uncontrollable bite occurred. That first bite merely represented the point at which my conscious self was no longer able to hold things together anymore — during which the problem then spilled over to reality. This is the same whether you're dealing with unhealthy eating, excessive eating, drinking, smoking, addiction, finger biting, or some other bad habit. By recognizing this, I was able to identify the points at which the real relapse for my emotional eating began — which would be the times when I neglected my needs and made myself do things that I didn't want. By working on that, I was then able to overcome emotional eating and reach a state of natural, effortless healthy eating. Most people with addiction problems check into rehabilitation clinics when their addictions resurface. However, that's when the problem is too far gone. They should be looking for help long before that. When you only wait until your relapse occurs before you fix the issue, that's way too late. Not only do you have to fix the problem, but you have to deal with the sticky aftermath of the situation and the pain and disappointment of having a relapse. Secondly, you have to chase the problem at its tail rather than getting a leg-up on the issue. Last but not least, you don't deal with the root of the problem but rather its effect. Think about a bad habit or practice you have that you have been trying to remove. When's the last time you did this? Tracing back, when do you think the relapse really started? What can you do to prevent this bad habit or practice from occurring in the future?
Melodic Metalcore band My Gwendeline has announced a new single Mr. Cold! «Meet it! It's Mr. Cold! A vigorous and jaw-breaking track which we have produced this summer. We express our gratitude to Andrey Nehov and his label DWRP | UNDERGROUND RECORD LABEL for the work done on the track» – the musicians comment on their release.
"Patria o Muerte, Venceremos" the wonderful island of Cuba TIME ZONE: CUBA DAYLIGHT TIME (CDT) CAPITAL CITY: HAVANA INDEPENDENCE: 20TH MAY 1902 ETHNICITY: 64.1% EUROPEAN ANCESTRY, 26.6% MIXED ANCESTRY, 9.3% AFRICAN ANCESTRY NATIONAL DISH: ROPA VIEJA CURRENCY: CUBAN CONVERTIBLE PESO FLAG OF CUBA The Cuban flag consists of five horizontal stripes where two are white and three are blue. In the left part of the flag, a red triangle and a white five-pointed star are located. The flag was designed in 1849 by Narciso Lopez, but was not adopted until 1902. Lopez was fighting for independence from Spain and he wanted Cuba to join the United States, this is why he included one white star on the flag. He wanted the star to represent one of the stars on the American flag. This vision, however, never materialized and Cuba became a communist country. The three blue stripes denote the three Cuban departments. White represents purity of ideals of people fighting for independence, and red recalls the blood shed during these fights. Each of the peaks of the triangle points to one of the ideals of the Cuban revolution – liberty, equality, and fraternity. Information adapted from flagpedia.net The Cuban Coat of Arms consists of a shield, a wreath, and a Phrygian cap. The Phrygian cap represents liberty. The shield is divided into three sections. The key between two rocks symbolizes Cuba's position between both American continents. The blue and white stripes represent the flag. The lower right division of the shield contains a Cuban landscape scene. The wreath is made of an oak branch and a laurel branch. The oak branch symbolizes the strength of Cuba and the laurel branch represents the honour of Cuba. Information courtesy of worldatlas.com La Bayamesa Cuban: Al combate corred bayameses que la patria os comtempla orgullosa no temais una muerte gloriosa que morir por la patria es vivir En cadenas vivir es morir en afrenta y oprobio sumidos del clarin escuchad el sonido a las armas valientes corred. Hasten to battle, men of Bayamo, For the homeland looks proudly to you. Do not fear a glorious death, Because to die for the country is to live. To live in chains Is to live in dishonour and ignominy. Hear the clarion call, Hasten, brave ones, to battle! MANUEL URRUTIA LLEÓ OSVALDO DORTICÓS TORRADO CUBA MUST STOPS: PENINSULA DE ZAPATA VALLE DE VINALES HABANA VIEJA Most of the Península de Zapata is protected and part of Ciénaga de Zapata, a nature reserve (also known as Gran Parque Natural Montemar). Its vast swamps and forests create the perfect habitat for diverse wildlife species, including many rare and endemic ones. Since 2001, Ciénaga de Zapata has been a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Ciénaga de Zapata translates in English to Zapata Swamp. Beach lovers don't give just up yet. Península de Zapata has over 30 km of beaches! Information courtesy of breathewithus.com Valle de Viñales is a real Cuban gem. Best-known for its plantations that grow the world famous Cuban tobacco, this valley in the Sierra de los Organos has a lush karst landscape surrounded by mountains that blew us away the second we arrived there. The mogotes (limestone outcrops), basically hills that pop off the ground of the valley, can reach up to 300 m and are one of the features that make the landscape of Valle de Viñales unique. The other is its rural environment. The valley is dotted with farms and its fertile red soil is suitable for all kinds of agriculture, where traditional methods and techniques are used and part of the authenticity of Viñales. Habana Vieja, or 'Old Havana' in English is the city-centre of Havana. Old Havana and its fortifications were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982. Home to many historic forts and museums which have been beautifully restored. With beautiful cobbled squares, lively plazas and streets lined with vintage cars, Old Havana has an interesting mix of Baroque and neoclassical monuments. There is so much to see, do and learn about the city's long and colourful history. Jardines del Rey, known as the King's Garden, developed on the coral reef system that lines Cuba's shore and is an 450km long archipelago. It contains hundreds of islands some of the most popular being Caya Guillermo, Cayo Coco and Cay Romano. Some of the major cays are also linked to the mainland however only Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo have tourist facilities. Both have beautiful white sand beaches that drift out into crystal clear and warm waters. Magnificent birds inhabit the nature reserve and flamingos can be sighted along the inshore lagoons. History of Cuba According to historical data. Cuba was discovered by Cristobal Colon in 1492. It was another nine years before Diego Colon, his son settled and a further 3 years before the discovery of the city of Santiago. Arawak Indians were the original inhabitants. They were wiped out by the Spaniards, who ruled for the next four centuries barring a brief period of British occupation during the eighteenth century. The soul of the Cuban nation was forged during the nineteenth century, lead by Father Felix Varela of Havana. The culminations of his philosophical writings was his "Lecciones de Filosofia". Which was for decades the textbook in logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural philosophy, and chemistry in colleges not only in Cuba, but in Mexico and other countries of Spanish origin. He viewed science and religion as not being in conflict. That one could not be blind to the truth surrounding one, and that truth would lead one closer to God. Among his students were the leaders of the ten years war. One of these leaders described Varela as "the one who taught us Cubans to think." The Ten Years' War emerged as the struggle for the independence of Cuba. It was led by the Cespedes and Agramonte families, who liberated large numbers of slaves. Although many of their battles failed, they pursued further uprisings. The struggles also had a dramatic influence on José Martí the "Apostol" or messenger of the revolt against Spain in the 1890's. José Martí was born in Havana in 1853. At 17 he was exiled to Spain for his opposition to colonial rule. While in exile he became an accomplished writer and journalist whilst drifting throughout Latin America trying to avoid living under dictatorship. His views on racism, liberty, class and patriotism, were heavily influenced by Varela. Marti stated, "there is no racial hatred, because there are no races… the universal identity of man is evident in his victorious love and his turbulent appetites". He was annoyed at the talk of social classes. Because to "recognize their existence is to contribute to them." To refuse to would result in their destruction, which was his end goal. Marti returned to Cuba under a general amnesty but was banished again as he conspired against the Spanish authorities. Marti then lived in New York until 1895, when he left to join the war for Cuban independence. He died in one of the first battles. Cuba's independence came about when the United States won the Spanish American War in 1898 and granted Cuba independence in 1902 after four years of U.S. occupation.
package org.newsfromthestreets.snippet import scala.xml.{ NodeSeq, Text } import net.liftweb._ import http._ import util._ import common._ import Helpers._ import org.newsfromthestreets.model._ import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds._ import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat import org.joda.time.DateTime import java.text.SimpleDateFormat class ShowArticle { val param = S.param("id") def render(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { var out: NodeSeq = <span></span> for { param <- S.param("id") q <- S.param("q") article <- Article.find(param) user <- article.user_id.obj } yield { if (q == "show") { out = ( "#title" #> { article.title.is } & "#article" #> { article.article.is } & "#username" #> { user.name.is } & "#date" #> { article.id.is.getTime().date.toString() } & "#lat" #> { article.geolatlng.get.lat.toString() } & "#lng" #> { article.geolatlng.get.long.toString() } )(in) User.currentUser.map { u => out = SHtml.ajaxButton(Text("Add Article"), ()=>{ S.redirectTo("/article?q=add") }) ++ out } } } out } } class AddArticle extends StatefulSnippet { private var title = "" private var article = "" private var category = "" private var latStr: String = "0.0" private var lngStr: String = "0.0" private var article_id = "" def add() { for { user <- User.currentUser lat <- asDouble(latStr) lng <- asDouble(lngStr) } yield { Article.add(user, title, article, category, lat, lng) S.notice("The article is added") } } def edit() { for { user <- User.currentUser lat <- asDouble(latStr) lng <- asDouble(lngStr) } yield { Article.find(article_id).map(_.edit(user, title, article, category, lat, lng)) S.notice("The article is edited") } } def dispatch = { case "render" => render } def render(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val categoryList = ArticleCategory.findAll.map(ac => (ac.name.is,ac.name.is)) val param = S.param("q") var out: NodeSeq = <span></span> User.currentUser.map { user => if (param.getOrElse("") == "add") { out = ("name=title" #> SHtml.text(title, title = _, "id" -> "the_title") & "name=category" #> SHtml.select(categoryList,Empty, category=_ , "id" -> "the_category") & "name=article" #> SHtml.textarea(article, article = _, "id" -> "the_article") & "name=lat" #> SHtml.text(latStr, latStr = _, "id" -> "the_lat") & "name=lng" #> SHtml.text(lngStr, lngStr = _, "id" -> "the_lng") & "type=submit" #> SHtml.onSubmitUnit(add))(in) //it little confusing but is just a function that gets the in } else if (param.getOrElse("") == "edit") { article_id = S.param("id").getOrElse("") Article.find(article_id).map { a => User.currentId.map { uid => if (uid.toStringMongod() == a.user_id.is.toStringMongod()) { title = a.title.is article = a.article.is category = a.category_id.obj.map(_.name.is).getOrElse("") latStr = a.geolatlng.get.lat.toString() lngStr = a.geolatlng.get.long.toString() out = ("name=title" #> SHtml.text(title, title = _, "id" -> "the_title") & "name=category" #> SHtml.select(categoryList,Full(category), category=_ , "id" -> "the_category") & "name=article" #> SHtml.textarea(article, article = _, "id" -> "the_article") & "name=lat" #> SHtml.text(latStr, latStr = _, "id" -> "the_lat") & "name=lng" #> SHtml.text(lngStr, lngStr = _, "id" -> "the_lng") & "type=submit" #> SHtml.onSubmitUnit(edit))(in) } } } } } out } }
This year is coming to a close and that means it's time to look back on everything we've learned throughout 2017. In December's episode of The 1st Conversation with Matt Keller and Kyle Jackson, Matt and Kyle ask leaders to reflect on their experiences during 2017 and ask themselves how they did and how they should improve across 5 categories. From daily disciplines to plans for growth and more, how are we going to improve our leadership in 2018? Remember: The best teacher is not experience, it's examined experience.
'Wondrous Journeys' Fact Sheet Soundbite: "Wondrous Journeys" Amy Astley SVP Publicity, Communications, Creative Legacy, Brand Strategy Vertical/Social B-Roll: "Wondrous Journeys" Soundbite: "Wondrous Journeys" – Roger Gould Creative Director, Walt Disney Animation Studios 'Wondrous Journeys' at Disneyland Park ANAHEIM, Calif. – The all-new nighttime spectacular "Wondrous Journeys" debuts at Disneyland Park on Jan. 27, 2023, during the Disney100 anniversary celebration at the Disneyland Resort. A tribute to 100 years of Walt Disney Animation Studios, this new spectacular by Disney Live Entertainment features nods to all of the iconic studio's films to date in a journey filled with artistry, music, storytelling and heart. Walt's original magic kingdom becomes a magnificent canvas with lighting effects, projections and more. "Wondrous Journeys" ignites the dreamer in all of us, illustrating the possibilities, excitement, heartache and determination we all face when working to make our dreams come true. The show will run nightly, enhanced with sparkling fireworks on select evenings. Guests can check Disneyland.com or the Disneyland app* for show times. Cast member quotes Jordan Peterson, Show Director for Disney Live Entertainment "'Wondrous Journeys' honors the legacy of Walt Disney Animation Studios through a story that mirrors the journey of an artist: starting out with big dreams, buckling down to do some really hard work and finally seeing something that you dreamt about for so long come true. Along the way, all Walt Disney Animation Studios films to date come to life through brand new projections, special effects and an amazing score." Roger Gould, Creative Director for Walt Disney Animation Studios "To curate the moments brought to life in 'Wondrous Journeys,' we gathered a trust of Disney Animation artists and directors to discuss their favorite memories and which stories made them fall in love with animation. We also partnered closely with Disney Live Entertainment from the very beginning to develop a story that reflected on an extraordinary century of artistry." Christopher Lennertz, Composer, Music Director and Arranger "What sets Disney Animation apart is the ability to bring so many iconic songs together and experience the sum of all those feelings, while still celebrating them individually. When guests hear the musical score for 'Wondrous Journeys,' we hope they will feel as if they're experiencing these stories for the first time again." Dazzling details of 'Wondrous Journeys' The nighttime spectacular weaves in music, characters and moments from every film released by Walt Disney Animation Studios over the past century, including "Hercules," "The Princess and the Frog," "Peter Pan," "Treasure Planet," "Big Hero 6," "Frozen" and the upcoming "Wish." State-of-the-art projection effects surround guests with blank pieces of paper, pencil sketches and splashes of color, as the artistry of animators breathes life into beloved characters ranging from Mickey Mouse and Bambi to Ariel and Mirabel. MagicBand+ enhances "Wondrous Journeys" by glowing with color and pulsing with haptic vibrations along with the show. The projections are customized for each primary viewing area – Main Street, U.S.A., Sleeping Beauty Castle, Rivers of America and the façade of "it's a small world" – creating a unique experience for each location. During a climactic moment in the story, the thumping bass of the song "Immortals" from "Big Hero 6" can be heard as Baymax takes to the skies over Disneyland Park (for the first time!) with his rocket boosters propelling him into the night. Butterflies appear as a recurring motif throughout "Wondrous Journeys," representing a physical manifestation of wonder. Butterflies are a wonder of nature and show up regularly in Walt Disney Animation Studios films, from "Alice in Wonderland" and "Winnie the Pooh" to "Tarzan" and "Encanto." 18 Disney songs are heard throughout "Wondrous Journeys," including the original song, "It's Wondrous." The new song features music and lyrics by Duddy Brown and GRAMMY® Award-winning artist Alex Geringas. The musical score was recorded by an 80-piece orchestra and includes 16 lead vocalists and a 33-voice choir. Check the latest entertainment details and schedules at Disneyland.com or the Disneyland mobile app. Entertainment, experiences, and offerings may be modified, limited in availability or unavailable, and are subject to restrictions, and change or cancellation without notice. Both Theme Park reservations and valid admission for the same Park on the same day are required for Park entry. Park reservations are limited, subject to availability and not guaranteed. Park admission and offerings are not guaranteed. Visit Disneyland.com/updates for important information to know before visiting the Disneyland Resort. *Message, data and roaming rates may apply for the use of the Disneyland app and Play Disney Parks app. Availability subject to handset limitations and features may vary by handset or service provider. Coverage and app stores not available everywhere. If you're under 18, get your parents' permission first.
ABOUT ARTICLES FORUM RESOURCES GALLERY CROSS Discussion: Talk about this article... Rainbow Bridge National Monument and Navajo Mountain, Utah by John Weisheit Rainbow Bridge when Lake Powell reservoir levels are very low. Rainbow Bridge is a timeless natural wonder that became a National Monument in 1910 by Executive Order from President William H. Taft. Congress gave such authority to any president of the United States under the Antiquities Act of 1906, to protect lands of the Public Domain that contain Indian ruins and artifacts, or to protect landscapes for their contributions to science. The administration of national monuments currently falls under the jurisdiction of National Park Service, which was formally established in 1916 as an agency of the Department of Interior. Navajo Mountain is an igneous intrusive mountain (a laccolithic structure) in the Navajo Nation, which is the largest and most populous Indian reservation in the United States involving three states (Arizona, Utah and New Mexico). The mountain and its community are in the state of Utah, San Juan County, with Monticello being the distant county seat. Access to Navajo Mountain requires traveling on the highways of northern Arizona. The largest community in the immediate area is Page, Arizona. Navajo Mountain history. Lawsuit USA v Board of Education San Juan County School District Rainbow Bridge National Monument is a case study about internal contradictions within the U.S. Congress and the Department of Interior. On one hand Interior has a preservation mandate to fulfill, and on the other hand a mandate of economic development. Interior also has an obligation by treaty toward Indian heritage, which includes the Navajo Nation. For Rainbow Bridge this clash of missions is manifested between three agencies of Interior, namely the National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Bureau of Reclamation began building Glen Canyon Dam in 1957, which created the second largest man-made reservoir in the United States, Lake Powell. When full, the waters of Lake Powell reach into the monument, and even beyond the natural abutments of Rainbow Bridge.The reservoir inundated many sacred sites of the Navajo culture, which begs the question: how would you feel if the government buried your sacred places under a reservoir? This tragedy should never have occurred for reasons of respect toward culture, agency mission statements and federal law, and demonstrates how such willful disrespect breaks the integrity of government. Click here and here for objective analysis on the controversies. A Chronology of Rainbow Bridge 20,000 BP (before present) - Global cooling, during the last ice age, peaks. The climate on the Colorado Plateau experienced more moisture and less evaporation which, compared to today's climate, increased streamflow and runoff for the Colorado River and its tributaries. During this time-period Rainbow Bridge formed when the original meandering stream bed (diagram), that once looped around a solid fin of Navajo sandstone, was abandoned, and the flow was then redirected straight through the fin. Subsequent erosion has since created a near-perfect natural bridge. The bridge dimensions (diagram) are: 290-foot-high with the open area of the span at 275 feet across. The top of the span it is 42 feet thick and 33 feet wide. Note: The source of the diagrams for this article come from the book Rainbow Bridge: An Illustrated History, by Hank Russell, and available for purchase at Utah State University Press. 1863 - Colonel Christopher Kit Carson of the US Army defeats the Navajo and marched them (The Long Walk) into exile at the Bosque Redondo Reservation at Ft. Sumner, New Mexico; this unjust captivity ends in 1968. However, several Navajo groups evade the Army and hide in the Navajo Mountain region of Utah, which is also inhabited by Paiutes. Except for these indigenous people, knowledge of Rainbow Bridge remains hidden from the rest of the outside world. 1906 - John and Mary Louisa Wade Wetherill established a trading post at Oljeto, Utah, and hear stories of this natural bridge. 1907 - Dr. Byron Cummings, Dean of Ancient Languages and Literature at the University of Utah undertakes a survey of the three huge natural sandstone bridges in Utah's White Canyon, west of Blanding. 1908 - The natural bridges of White Canyon are designated for federal protection by President Theodore Roosevelt as Natural Bridges National Monument. 1909 - Cummings and William B. Douglas form a discovery expedition to locate Rainbow Bridge, which is organized by John Wetherill. The guides are Jim Mike, a Ute, and Nasja Begay, a Paiute. Map of route. Article of expedition by Stephen C. Jett. 1910 - President William H. Taft proclaims Rainbow Bridge a National Monument. 1913 - Theodore Roosevelt and Zane Grey visit Rainbow Bridge. 1956 - The building of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River was authorized in 1956 by Congress and debates, about this new reservoir inundating a federally protected national monument, escalate. 1963 - The river bypass gates at Glen Canyon Dam close and the reservoir (Lake Powell) begins to fill. The rising waters will encroach into the monument in the early 1970s. 1973 - Friends of the Earth (founded by David Brower), Wasatch Mountain Club and outfitter Kenneth Sleight file suit in federal court to keep the rising waters of Lake Powell out of Rainbow Bridge NM. The defendants are Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and National Park Service. The case was upheld by US District Court in Utah, but was later lost in the appeal process. 1974 - Navajo medicinemen, who live in the vicinity of Navajo Mountain, file suit in U.S. District Court against the Secretary of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, and National Park Service. A Legal History of Operations at Glen Canyon Dam Article about dams in national parks 1993 - The National Park Service adopts a General Management Plan for Rainbow Bridge. It offered a long-term plan for mitigating visitor impacts and preserving the resources of Rainbow Bridge, despite the ironic fact that the Department of Interior did not provide the necessary leadership to protect the monument from degradation as the consequence of constructing Glen Canyon Dam. Administrative History of Rainbow Bridge NM (cached). National Park Service. Photo of Rainbow Bridge when Lake Powell is full. Aerial photo of Rainbow Bridge. Photos along the trail from Navajo Mountain to Rainbow Bridge. Repeat photography of Rainbow Bridge. Satellite view of Navajo Mountain region. NASA. Maps of Rainbow Bridge. Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge Religion. Museum of Northern Arizona. Karl W. Luckert, 1977. Did Prospectors See Rainbow Bridge Before 1909? Utah Historical Quarterly article by James Knipmeyer. Sacredness of Rainbow Bridge. Plateau Magazine, 1973. Stephen C. Jett. Amicus Brief from coalitiion of Indian groups. Trail to Rainbow Bridge. Desert Magazine. 1941. Professional field trips to Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge. Visitation statistics. Dam Operations Back of Beyond Books Barbara Anne Morra Memorial Canyon Country Rising Tide Canyonlands Watershed Council Celebrating the Grand Canyon Center for Biological Diversity Colorado River Connected Colorado Riverkeeper Corey Allen Hale Memorial Dive Into Democracy EcoMoab Five Quail Books Frank West Bering, Jr. Memorial Great Basin Water Network Green River Action Network Holiday River Expeditions Las Vegas Water Defender Living Rivers New Belgium Brewing Company O.A.R.S White Water Rafting Peaceful Uprising People's Energy Movement Resource Renewal Institute Returning Rapids Project Rig To Flip River Runners for Wilderness Save The Colorado Serena Supplee Gallery Sheep Mountain Alliance Steaming Bean Coffee Company Tom Till Photography Upper Colorado River Watershed Group Upper Green River Network Uranium Watch Utah Rivers Council Utah Tar Sands Resistance Waterkeeper Alliance All content © 2023 On The Colorado Contact Us
Psychoanalytic Literary Theory and the Hebrew Bible Ilona Rashkow Cover of Freud's Hemmung, Symptom, und Angst [Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety]. (Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1926). Sigmund Freud once acknowledged that most of his discoveries about the unconscious mind had been anticipated by the poets of the past. Thus, it should not be surprising that psychology has been used in an effort to explain the origins, character, and effects of literature, including biblical literature. What makes a reading of a literary work "psychoanalytic?" To call a reading "psychoanalytic" introduces ambiguity immediately because the expression can refer either to the use of psychoanalytic themes or methods. That is, interpretation can be called "psychoanalytic" with respect either to the substance of the text (what it reads), or to the interpretive procedures and techniques a reader uses (how it is read). Generally speaking, there are three points at which psychoanalysis can enter the study of a biblical text: examining the mind of the author, the minds and behavior of the author's characters, or our own minds. There is a long tradition of psychoanalytic criticism that examines the text for buried motives and hidden neurotic conflicts that generated the writer's art: (in writing Hamlet, for example, Shakespeare was working over the death of his son). Because the hazards of examining an author's mind are inversely proportional to the amount of material available on the writer's life and private thoughts, it is never completely safe to guess at the psychic significance of a work of art, even that of a candid living author, and for biblical writers, we have only the most minimal sense of what their private lives may have been. Thus, this form of psychoanalytic literary criticism generally is viewed as mere speculation. Most of Freud's own ventures into literature were the analyses of literary characters. His initial remarks on the Oedipus complex were literary, involving both Hamlet and Oedipus Tyrannis. Hamlet, according to Freud, is "the hysteric" who delays because he is paralyzed by guilt over Claudius's enactment of his own unconscious wishes. A stream of essays by other analysts followed, mostly on fictitious textual characters. They wrote what might be described as "case studies" of literature, dealing with those authors or characters whom they categorized as "neurotic." Most of them emphasized such analytic themes as the Oedipus complex, anality, schizoid tendencies, latent or expressed homosexuality, guilt, etc., and the roles they played in the works of the writers or among their other literary characters. Analyzing literary characters has not fallen into as deep a disrepute as concentrating on the writer, in great part because fictional characters are viewed as representatives of life and as such can be understood only if we assume that they are "telling a truth." This assumption allows us to find "unconscious" motivations, albeit in fictitious characters. For example, Abraham's actions and language reveal a great deal about him, despite the fact that all we will ever "know" is contained in the 1,534 verses of Genesis. On the other hand, literary characters are both more and less than real persons. This presents a problem. While one aspect of narrative characterization is to provide a mimetic function, another aspect is primarily textual—to reveal information to a reader or to conceal it. This situation has no precise parallel in life (although it can be argued that real persons often resemble literary characters in the masks they present to the world). As a result, examining a narrative character is not risk-free either. For instance, contradictions in Abraham's character may result from the psychic complexities the biblical writer imagined; or, they may result from the fact that Abraham is an agent in a literary narrative with a highly developed system of conventions—his "traits" may be more a function of the requirements of the story line than his personality. Since authors may not provide much material for the theorists and since characters are not real persons, many scholars have shifted their focus from the interpretation of meanings embedded within a text to the processes of reading. Rather than attempting to determine objective meanings hidden within a text, which a reader needs to extricate, these scholars concentrate on the subjective experience of the reader, interactions between reader/text/author, and the values and premises with which a reader approaches interpretation of a text. As within psychoanalysis itself, their foci are problems of indeterminacy, uncertainty, perspective, hermeneutics, subjective (and communal) assumptions, and agreements. Until recently, reading the Bible was thought to be a rather straightforward procedure. The goal was to respond "properly" by trying to "understand" the text and grasp the "meaning." The unspoken and unwritten rule was: "Do not confuse what you are doing to the text with what it is doing to you." The proper aim of biblical exegesis was the apprehension of the text itself. Yet, in spite of the impressive pressures designed to preserve this view of reading Scripture (both within the academy and by society at large), the rules seemed to change when the Bible became an object of interest to literary theorists. Poststructural literary criticism was particularly forceful in calling attention to the problematic interaction between reader and text. Scholars were producing counterexamples of irreducibly different and often contradictory readings of the same biblical narratives, and this wealth of interpretations had the effect of undermining the long-established and accepted doctrine of "objectivity" (whatever that may mean). As a result, scholars began to acknowledge the idea that how a biblical text is read is determined, in great part, by who does the reading. The effect of text and reader on one another has been the focus of several poststructuralist analyses, including deconstructionist, rhetorical, reader-response, and ideological (including Marxist, feminist, womanist, liberationist, Hispanic, etc.). Of course, psychoanalytic literary theory is no more a conceptually unified critical position in biblical studies than in literary studies generally. The term is associated with scholars who examine the writer, the biblical characters, or the reader. Further, the approaches are neither monolithic nor mutually exclusive. But biblical scholars who use psychoanalytic literary theory seem to agree that "meaning" does not inhere completely and exclusively in the text and that the "effects" of reading Scripture, psychological and otherwise, are essential to its "meaning." Ultimately, this type of literary criticism yields in biblical studies a way of looking at biblical narratives and readers that reorganizes both their interrelationships and the distinctions between them. As a result, recognizing the relationship of a reader to a text leads to a more profound awareness that no one biblical interpretation is intrinsically "true." That is, the "meaning" of biblical narratives is not waiting to be uncovered but evolves, actualized by readers (and interpreters). One of the primary objections to psychoanalytic literary theory (among biblical scholars and others) is the Freudian idea of penis envy, since a common phallic phase does not characterize the infantile development of both sexes. One psychoanalyst who seems to bridge the Freudian and anti-Freudian schools of thought is Jacques Lacan, who reinterpreted Freud in light of structuralist and post- structuralist theories of discourse. By focusing on the mutual interaction among society and the self with the use of language as a signifier, Lacan shifted from Freud's biological penis to the phallus as the signifier of power, and as a result, many scholars find his writings more relevant to both males and females. Reading is always a relationship of conflict or debate within the unconscious, and this conflict seems to be intensified when reading the Bible. Psychoanalytic literary theory may lead to feelings of anxiety, since these theorists take no position on the "truth" claims of any particular religious interpretation, but instead read the Bible as a "text" rather than as "sacred Scripture." Consequently, many non-biblical scholars are anxious approaching the Bible from this perspective. One aspect of psychoanalytic literary theory is its focus on the relationship between the literary text and reader in the context of the psychoanalytic concept of "transference." Transference is generally considered the very essence of Freudian theory. Briefly described, in the course of treatment the analysand (or patient) may unconsciously "transfer" on to the analyst (or doctor) the conflicts he or she is experiencing. If a patient has difficulty dealing with his or her father, for example, he or she may unconsciously cast the analyst in that parental role. As a result, the analyst has particular insight into the analysand's psychology, and can "trigger" responses in the analysand. A biblical text, similar to an analyst, "triggers" responses in a reader. Simultaneously, the text also influences a reader to conduct a self-analysis, to examine his or her own responses to a narrative. In effect, a reader acts as both analyst and analysand; the relation of text and reader is in constant exchange. Within the psychoanalytic framework, by virtue of transference, the analysand tries to force or coax the analyst to "play out a scene" he or she remembers, although the analysand is not aware of either the coaxing or the scene as such. Just as the psychoanalytic concept of transference is a structure of repetition linking analyst and analysand, literary "intertextuality," the relation of a particular text to other texts, is a repetition of the very structure it seeks to understand. According to this theory, a work can be read only in connection with or against other texts. In other words, a reader acts as an analyst who points out "slips" in the text. As a result of intertextuality, the text acts as a reader's analyst as well by enabling a reader to draw certain analogies and conclusions. In both the reading process and the psychoanalytic process, a new, more complete narrative is ultimately generated. Reading a biblical text may cause some anxiety, which can manifest itself in at least two ways: first, the reader's response to the approach of psychoanalytic biblical scholarship; and second, interpreting anxiety in biblical characters. Although each of these topics is worthy of a lengthy discussion, I consider briefly only the first aspect. Psychoanalytic readings explore new understandings of the language of symbols. This leads to an exploration of the meanings of cultic ritual, sacrifice, bans, miracles, etc. to explain the use of imagery in biblical language, including the metaphorical significance of miracle stories—the wellsprings of apocalyptic visual and auditory experiences. For example, when using psychoanalytic theory, the deity is viewed as just another "character" in the narrative—displaying anger, fear, hostility, love, jealousy, and a myriad of other human emotions with which the reader can empathize. As a father figure, the reader may transfer some of the repressed emotions inherent in a father-child relationship onto God. Some readers find this disquieting and as a result, it has been argued that a psychological or psychoanalytic reading disqualifies itself from giving "proper" consideration to "faith." Unlike the New Testament in which the characters are either "good" or "bad," the Hebrew Bible characters are all very human—including God. Nevertheless, the deity is "supposed" to be above petty human fears and desires— at least as taught in synagogues and churches. In defense of psychoanalytic biblical criticism, however, approaching the Bible from any postmodern perspective is likely to cause anxiety in those readers who have been trained only in a theological setting. Whether Freudian, Lacanian, feminist, or any combination thereof, over the past thirty or so years, there has been a shift in focus from the author to the text to finally the reader. Thus, perhaps wittingly or otherwise, more of us seem to be using some form of psychoanalytic literary theory—dissenters notwithstanding. Spring 2015: The Anxiety Issue Ilona Rashkow who holds a PhD in Comparative Literature is Professor Emerita at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and teaches regularly at New York University. Among her book publications are Taboo or Not Taboo: The Hebrew Bible and Human Sexuality; The Phallacy of Genesis: A Feminist-Psychoanalytic Approach; Upon the Dark Places: Sexism and Anti-Semitism in English Renaissance Biblical Translation; and numerous academic journal articles. She presents papers routinely at national and international academic conferences and has been the Visiting Aaron Aronoff Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Alabama. Trauma, Identity Formation, and Anxiety Anxiety and Anti-Semitism: Emotions and Judeophobia
Q: Webhooks for Lead Ads working but api call to get form values don't So, I've created a Webhook with Facebook for my Ads Leads. It is working - I'm receiving the Webhook with the RTUs. The problem is when I call the api to retrieve the data associated with the form. I'm using the leadgen_id to call the api and I'm gettin: Unsupported get request. Object with ID '' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api The point is: when I test it here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lead-ads-testing the leadgen_id that is returned works with my API calls and I can access the form data that I need. But when I try with the leadgen_id that I receive from users registering in my ads, it returns the error message. Any idea of how I can solve this problem? A: * *This sounds like missing 'scopes' on the access token you are using to make the Graph API call. Generally, for webhooks you need a few scopes, these are the ones I currently have on my webhook: pages_manage_cta, pages_show_list, ads_management, leads_retrieval, pages_read_engagement, pages_manage_metadata, pages_read_user_content, pages_manage_ads, pages_manage_engagement, public_profile You can use the Access Token Debugger tool to see the list of scopes on your access token (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/) *Your Graph API access token might have expired. To setup a permanent access token follow the instructions on here: Long-lasting FB access-token for server to pull FB page info A: I had this same problem. I was able to get this to work by giving my System User 'Manage Page' access and 'Leads Access' in Business Manager. * *Add your System User to the Page with 'Manage Page' access. * *Business Manager > Business Settings > Accounts > Pages, and select the Page you are working with from the list. *Click 'Add People,' select your System User, and toggle 'Manage Page' setting. *Add your System User to Leads Access. * *Business Manager > Business Settings > Integrations > Leads Access, and select the Page you are working with from the list. *Click 'Add People, and select your System User.
HE REBALLOTS: VOTE YES, YES, YES, YES! • No ballot paper? Request a replacement here! Strike ballot at University of Aberdeen in row over job losses UCU response to new immigration rules on English language In the news: 4 November inthenews11nov2016 Russell Group universities worst offenders when it comes to insecure contracts Further education bodies in united call for autumn statement investment Staff vote of no confidence in Open University leadership In the news 18 November 2016 General secretary calls on PM to show humanity over EU staff & students In the news: 25 November 2016 Manchester Metropolitan University to consult on withdrawal from Crewe campus UCU responds to Ofsted annual report 16 November 2016 | last updated: 21 November 2016 The UK's elite universities are the worst offenders when it comes to employing academics on precarious contracts reveals new analysis released today. Three-fifths (59%) of academics at the research-intensive Russell Group of universities are employed on insecure contracts, compared to an average of 53% across UK higher education. Mission group % of academic staff on insecure contracts Russell Group 58.5% Other Pre-92 55.6% Post-92 44.5% Other 41.3% Average 53.2% UCU, who compiled the analysis, said there needed to be much clearer data to properly expose the full extent of teaching performed by staff with no job security. It said that, as students take on record levels of debt, universities should make public how many staff they employ on insecure contracts and what percentage of undergraduate teaching is undertaken by non-permanent staff. A report by the union last year found that almost a fifth (17%) of university staff on insecure contracts said that they struggled to pay for food and a third (34%) said that they struggled to pay rent or mortgage repayments. A similar amount (36%) said that they struggled to pay household bills like fuel, electricity, water and repairs. UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'For too long universities have relied on an army of insecure workers and our most elite institutions are the worst offenders. For thousands of staff precarious contracts are a grim reality where they don't know if they'll have a job next year or even what their income might be next month. 'Great teachers need great support to thrive, yet some of the world's most respected universities are treating their staff little better than Sports Direct. Students taking on record levels of debt have a right to know if they are being taught by full-time secure staff, and staff have a right to dignity at work. 'Universities can't hide any longer on this issue. They need to make public the data that shows how much undergraduate teaching is undertaken by non-permanent staff and they need to work with us to create better jobs for their hard-working staff.' UCU says the current figures do not tell the full story because the paucity of data does not reveal what types of contracts the staff are on, which it says universities have exploited to play down the issue. The union used the latest data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency to work out the percentage of staff employed on fixed-term and 'atypical' contracts. However, as HESA does not collect data on the length or type of contracts, or on the use of hourly-paid staff or those on zero-hours contracts, universities are not forced to report their data in a consistent or helpful manner. the UCU press office Email: the UCU press office Full details for the UCU press office Casualisation is bad for staff and bad for education, yet it's endemic in our colleges and universities.
Which Genetics Are Stronger Many teenagers get high from abusing substances which range from diverted prescription drugs to street drugs to inhalants to alcohol. Some of these teens will go on to a life of addiction, abusing increasingly dangerous substances. Some teens will have more short-lived experience, as abusing a drug. Apr 17, 2017. In 2003, scientists completed the Human Genome Project, making it finally possible to examine human ancestry with genetics. Scientists have. Mar 13, 2018 · Multiple household objects contain magnets, even some you may not know about. Stereo speakers, vacuum cleaners and simple door latches contain hidden magnets. The Genetics of Drug and Alcohol Addiction The Role of Family History. Addiction is due 50 percent to genetic predisposition and 50 percent to poor coping skills. Donald Trump believes he has superior genes!. than others, some are more creative, some are stronger or faster, and some are kinder or more virtuous. Apr 4, 2017. At PreventionGenetics, we're constantly striving to provide the best genetic tests possible.We have updated several of our panels for specific. The chromosomes contain the genes you inherit from your parents. For example, for the gene that determines eye colour, you may inherit a brown-eye gene. Are Pathologists Doctors Uk Jul 28, 2016. A pathologist is the senior doctor responsible for the performance of autopsies and for the determining as to how an individual died. The Good Doctor season two's next episode airs tonight at 10pm EST on ABC and next Tuesday on Sky Witness in the UK. Why is Shaun Murphy working in pathology Antibiotic resistance itself is natural, but continued human exposure to antibiotics has selected for progressively stronger bacteria. These bacteria often acquire antibiotic resistance genes that. If heart disease, cancer, or type 2 diabetes runs in your family, can a healthy lifestyle spare you from the disease? WebMD checks the latest research into genes, Direct Comparison Meta Analysis Oct 27, 2017. Accordingly, an analytic approach called network meta-analysis (NMA). to include in the meta-analysis not only direct comparisons, but also. There has been no direct comparison of SGLT2 inhibitors and DPP4 inhibitors in patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with insulin therapy. In this study, we performed indirect meta-analysis comparing SGLT2 inhibitors and DPP4 Given that genetic correlations among such traits are expected to be a consequence of pleiotropic alleles (Lande 1980), stronger selection on trait combinations. Genes are segments of DNA that encode a particular trait. This was regardless of whether his partner's support skills were strong or weak. To us, this implied that husbands with the TT genotype had. Hide Genotypes About Buff About the Pictures Help, other Calculators Henk69.nl. NOTE: Too many differing loci between parents is very time and CPU demanding (client PC)! Screen will freeze. Aug 12, 2012 · Jon Entine, author of Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It," takes stock of the DNA London Olympics–where, as. Aug 14, 2010 · It is the mainstay of countless magazine and newspaper features. Differences between male and female abilities – from map reading to multi-tasking and from parking to. Genetics of Diabetes. You've probably wondered how you developed diabetes. You may worry that your children will develop it too. Unlike some traits, diabetes does not seem to be inherited in a simple pattern. There is equally clear evidence that children's genetic makeup affects their own. The issue here is not to compare G and E effects to see which is stronger. Nov 01, 2017 · Genioplasty is a type of surgery done on the chin. Both plastic surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons (surgeons who work on the mouth and jaw) can perform this type of. We think that after some consolidation of recent strong gains, shares of Fulgent Genetics have further upside. The market for genetic testing is still in the early innings, and the company has. A hair is a column of dead cells that grows from a follicle in the skin. The hair shaft consists of three layers. The outermost layer is called the cuticle and consists of overlapping cells that look like shingles pointing upward and outward. They lock with the inner root sheath and firmly anchor the. If the myth were true, two parents with attached earlobes could not have a child with a free earlobe. There are slightly more A offspring from A x A matings, but the large numbers of F offspring from A x A matings and A offspring from F x F matings indicate that this is not a one-locus, two-allele trait. shows that genes which may be involved in a broad range of biological processes are affected. They also found that queens and workers respond differently to pesticide exposure and that one pesticide. Although here, on Earth, there are many genetic factors that contribute to hair color, apparently the dark-haired Baratheon gene is so strong that Jon Arryn's last words, "the seed is strong," should. The DNA that a person inherits from their parents determines many personal characteristics and traits, like whether someone is right- or left-handed or the color of their eyes. In this science project, you will examine fingerprints from siblings versus pairs of unrelated individuals to figure out if general fingerprint patterns are genetic or random. Have you ever looked at two girls and. Eyebrow loss can occur as a result of overplucking, genetics, nutritional deficiencies or accidents such as burns. Medical treatments such as chemotherapy or changing hormones that occur during menopause and pregnancy can cause eyebrow loss as well. This type of hair loss is very noticeable because. Genetic engineering has been around since the. s web was scaled up to just a millimetre in diameter, it would be strong. Mid-caps stocks, like Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYGN. Today we will look at MYGN's financial liquidity and debt levels, which are strong indicators for whether the company can weather economic. Aug 10, 2017 · With the usual mix of anticipation and apprehension, Kaitlyn Johnson is getting ready to go to her first summer camp. She's looking forward to meeting new friends and being able to ride horses. Applied Genetic Technologies (AGTC) could be a solid addition to your portfolio given its recent upgrade to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). This upgrade is essentially a reflection of an upward trend in. Pressure on this group to increase the size of their back teeth was clearly strong and led to significant genetic changes. This process may have led to instability in crucial genes, or had side. Existing treatments like chemotherapy involve non-selective agents that have limited effectiveness and strong side-effects. "By predicting interactions between genes, we have sped up a process that. Mar 16, 2016 · Acid reflux is a fairly common digestive problem. It occurs when stomach content moves back into the esophagus, leading to a burning sensation. INTRODUCING THE TRICHOLOGY HAIR RECOVERY SYSTEM You're not alone. Lots of guys want fuller, thicker, stronger hair. And American Crew, the leader in. Basics: A locus is the location of a gene on it's chromosome. A gene is the carrier of an heriditary property. A chromosome is the vehicle/carrier of the genes. Most organisms have multiple chromosomes. Each cell has 2 copies of each type of chromosome, 1 copy from each parent, the so called chromosome pair; exceptions are the sex chromosomes (with mammals X and Y, with birds Z and w). A gene can have more than one promoter, resulting in RNAs that may vary in lengths. Some genes may have "strong" promoters that bind the transcription machinery well, and others have "weak" promoters. For instance, around 1,000 years ago, strong, sturdy builds came into fashion. "This is the moment that genetic diversity. Apr 29, 2014. When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Jan 4, 2018. This happens because of changes in some of the genes inside cells. Genes are pieces of DNA that control how cells make the proteins the. Grade 5 Social Science Term 1 Learn what it will take to become a teacher and make an impact on your students. Education in Japan is compulsory at the elementary and lower secondary levels. Most students attend public schools through the lower secondary level, but private education is popular at the upper secondary and university levels. Education prior to elementary school 2). Phylogenetic analyses revealed a strong evolutionary relationship with strain D2533/6/1-10, and Ych always appeared on. The company is building a strong pipeline of additional tests for other cancer indications. Dr. Wenstrup has 25 years of clinical leadership experience in oncology, genetics and pharmacogenomics. Jan 30, 2014. Reunion has helped Jamal secure a stronger sense of self, especially since he found mixed-race heritage on both sides. His mother married. Jan 16, 2019 · The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. Aug 5, 2011. Natural selection depends on differences in the chance that genes will survive and reproduce, Genetic drift is stronger in small populations. Apr 29, 2014. like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Changing technology, changing genes, and a changing mindset. 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Vauxhall Insignia Grand Sport Review: Stretched Smoother in Car Reviews Goodbye Vauxhall Insignia, hello to its successor with a longer body and a name to match. Up and down the motorways of Britain you see them, munching the miles as company cars and family transporters. Vauxhall's Insignia has long been a strong seller and is regarded as a thoroughly British car, even though it is actually made in Germany by sister company Opel. The Insignia first appeared in 2008 as a successor to the old Vectra. Now, nine years on, it has been replaced by a second generation model that is longer in both body and name. It has a slightly stretched wheelbase that pushes the wheels a little further out to the corners of the car, and a name with two more words added to it. It has also been restyled to smooth out some of the fussy detailing and give it a bit more visual flair. The result is a more handsome hulk that has been freshened up for the ongoing fight for sales against its key rival, the Ford Mondeo. Are you getting bored of your old Vauxhall Insignia? Sell your car and upgrade to the new an improved 2017 generation. Slicker manners From behind the wheel the Insignia, now with its Grand Sport badging, has undergone a driving calibre upgrade. It has slick manners and better handling precision than has previously been associated with Vauxhall's range-topper model. The balance between cornering prowess and ride comfort is nicely judged. The body feels taut, doesn't lean much at all on the bends and the whole driving experience is a notch closer to the more upmarket car brands that Vauxhall would love to emulate. The 2.2 litre diesel engine of our test car packs a good punch with 168 bhp of power and 295 lb ft of torque. Its top speed is exactly double the UK limit and a 0-62 mph sprint takes 8.2 seconds. Economy is reasonable at 54.3 mpg and the CO2 output is 136 g/km. But this is at the upper end of the Insignia Grand Sport range, and the kick-off point is a 1.5 litre petrol model with 138 bhp and 47.9 mpg, while the most frugal version is a 1.6 diesel with 108 bhp and 70.6 mpg. Cabin clout Vauxhall's British design chief Mark Adams steered the look of the new car, and it has a more cohesive exterior style with a bit more flow to its shape. That' s quite nice for kerbside appeal, but what potentially matters more to most people who might contemplate buying one is what they've done to the cabin. You spend a lot more time inside a car looking out than gazing at the outside, and when you climb aboard the Insignia Grand Sport it's evident that it has undergone an upgrade to give it a bit more of a premium feel. Vauxhall likes to call it 'near-premium'. The design flows round from the dashboard to the doors, all the trim feels a bit better quality and there are some eye-candy piano black sections in the higher-spec versions. Space wise it's not quite such a rosy picture. The car is quite generous for passenger room, but the boot at 490 litres is outstripped by a rival Mondeo, which boasts just over 50 litres more. Oddly, though, the Insignia Grand Sport manages a slightly bigger overall load space with the rear seats folded. At 1,450 litres that's 13 litres more than the Mondeo's cargo bay as a two-seater. Costing it Unsurprisingly the Insignia Grand Sport's pricing goes head on against its Ford rival, and the test car at £23,800 costs £105 more than its closest oppo, but balances that out by being better equipped. Apart, that is, from the lack of a spare wheel in the Vauxhall. You only get a tyre inflation kit, which can make coping with a puncture on a long trip a bit of a faff. Overall though, Vauxhall has done a good job of freshening up the Insignia, although whether the grandiose new name is a good thing is debatable. Vauxhall Insignia Grand Sport Review Model tested: Insignia Grand Sport 2.0 SRi VX-Line Nav 0-62 mph: 8.2 secs Economy: 54.3 mpg CO2: 136 g/km Price: £23,800 Images: Sue Baker Kia Sorento Review: Seats for Seven
The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters Author: Balli Kaur Jaswal The Shergill sisters never needed each other-until they did. Rajni, Jezmeen and Shirina Shergill have never been close but when their mother dies she has only one request: that they take a pilgrimage across India to carry out her final rites. While an extended family holiday is the last thing they want, each sister has her own reasons to run away from her life. Rajni is the archetypal know-it-all eldest but her son dropped a bombshell before she left and, for the first time, she doesn't know what the future holds. Middle sister Jezmeen, always a loudmouth, has translated her need for attention into life as a struggling actress. But her career is on the skids after an incident went viral and now she's desperate to find her voice again. Shirina, the golden child, has confounded expectations by having an arranged marriage and moving to the other side of the world. But her perfect life isn't what it seems and time is running out to make the right choice. As the miles rack up on their jaunt across India, the secrets of the past and present are sure to spill out.
import getopt import json import sys import traceback from datetime import datetime, timedelta from curwmysqladapter import MySQLAdapter def usage(): usage_text = """ Usage: ./TIDAL_TO_OUTFLOW.py [-d YYYY-MM-DD] [-h] -h --help Show usage -d --date Model State Date in YYYY-MM. Default is current date. -t --time Model State Time in HH:MM:SS. Default is current time. --start-date Start date of timeseries which need to run the forecast in YYYY-MM-DD format. Default is same as -d(date). --start-time Start time of timeseries which need to run the forecast in HH:MM:SS format. Default is same as -t(date). -T --tag Tag to differential simultaneous Forecast Runs E.g. wrf1, wrf2 ... -f --forceInsert Force Insert into the database. May override existing values. -n --name Name field value of the Run table in Database. Use time format such as 'Cloud-1-<%H:%M:%S>' to replace with time(t). """ print(usage_text) def get_forecast_timeseries(my_adapter, my_event_id, my_opts): existing_timeseries = my_adapter.retrieve_timeseries([my_event_id], my_opts) new_timeseries = [] if len(existing_timeseries) > 0 and len(existing_timeseries[0]['timeseries']) > 0: existing_timeseries = existing_timeseries[0]['timeseries'] for ex_step in existing_timeseries: if ex_step[0] - ex_step[0].replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) > timedelta(minutes=30): new_timeseries.append( [ex_step[0].replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(hours=1), ex_step[1]]) else: new_timeseries.append( [ex_step[0].replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), ex_step[1]]) return new_timeseries f = None try: CONFIG = json.loads(open('CONFIG.json').read()) # print('Config :: ', CONFIG) CSV_NUM_METADATA_LINES = 2 DAT_WIDTH = 12 TIDAL_FORECAST_ID = "ebcc2df39aea35de15cca81bc5f15baffd94bcebf3f169add1fd43ee1611d367" CONTROL_INTERVAL = 6 * 24 * 60 # In minutes (6 day) OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE = './FLO2D/OUTFLOW.DAT' OUTPUT_DIR = './OUTPUT' INIT_TIDAL_CONFIG = './Template/INITTIDAL.CONF' MYSQL_HOST = "localhost" MYSQL_USER = "root" MYSQL_DB = "curw" MYSQL_PASSWORD = "" if 'OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE' in CONFIG: OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE = CONFIG['OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE'] if 'OUTPUT_DIR' in CONFIG: OUTPUT_DIR = CONFIG['OUTPUT_DIR'] if 'INIT_TIDAL_CONFIG' in CONFIG: INIT_TIDAL_CONFIG = CONFIG['INIT_TIDAL_CONFIG'] if 'MYSQL_HOST' in CONFIG: MYSQL_HOST = CONFIG['MYSQL_HOST'] if 'MYSQL_USER' in CONFIG: MYSQL_USER = CONFIG['MYSQL_USER'] if 'MYSQL_DB' in CONFIG: MYSQL_DB = CONFIG['MYSQL_DB'] if 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' in CONFIG: MYSQL_PASSWORD = CONFIG['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] date = '' time = '' startDate = '' startTime = '' tag = '' forceInsert = False runName = 'Cloud-1' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd:t:T:fn:", [ "help", "date=", "time=", "start-date=", "start-time=", "tag=", "force", "runName=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit(0) elif opt in ("-d", "--date"): date = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--time"): time = arg elif opt in "--start-date": startDate = arg elif opt in "--start-time": startTime = arg elif opt in ("-T", "--tag"): tag = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--force"): forceInsert = True elif opt in ("-n", "--name"): runName = arg # Default run for current day modelState = datetime.now() if date: modelState = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') date = modelState.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if time: modelState = datetime.strptime('%s %s' % (date, time), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') time = modelState.strftime("%H:%M:%S") startDateTime = datetime.now() if startDate: startDateTime = datetime.strptime(startDate, '%Y-%m-%d') else: startDateTime = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') startDate = startDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if startTime: startDateTime = datetime.strptime('%s %s' % (startDate, startTime), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') startTime = startDateTime.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print('TIDAL_TO_OUTFLOW startTime:', datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tag) print(' TIDAL_TO_OUTFLOW run for', date, '@', time, tag) print(' With Custom starting', startDate, '@', startTime, ' run name:', runName) # Get Observed Data adapter = MySQLAdapter(host=MYSQL_HOST, user=MYSQL_USER, password=MYSQL_PASSWORD, db=MYSQL_DB) opts = { 'from': (startDateTime - timedelta(minutes=0)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'to': (startDateTime + timedelta(minutes=CONTROL_INTERVAL)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), } tidal_timeseries = get_forecast_timeseries(adapter, TIDAL_FORECAST_ID, opts) if len(tidal_timeseries) > 0: print('tidal_timeseries::', len(tidal_timeseries), tidal_timeseries[0], tidal_timeseries[-1]) else: print('No data found for tidal timeseries: ', tidal_timeseries) sys.exit(1) fileName = OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE.rsplit('.', 1) OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE_PATH = '{name}{tag}.{extension}'.\ format(name=fileName[0], tag='.' + tag if tag else '', extension=fileName[1]) print('Open FLO2D OUTFLOW ::', OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE_PATH) f = open(OUTFLOW_DAT_FILE_PATH, 'w') lines = [] print('Reading INIT TIDAL CONF...') with open(INIT_TIDAL_CONFIG) as initTidalConfFile: initTidalLevels = initTidalConfFile.readlines() for initTidalLevel in initTidalLevels: if len(initTidalLevel.split()): # Check if not empty line lines.append(initTidalLevel) if initTidalLevel[0] == 'N': lines.append('{0} {1:{w}} {2:{w}}\n'.format('S', 0, 0, w=DAT_WIDTH)) base_date_time = startDateTime.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) for step in tidal_timeseries: hours_so_far = (step[0] - base_date_time) hours_so_far = 24 * hours_so_far.days + hours_so_far.seconds / (60 * 60) lines.append('{0} {1:{w}} {2:{w}{b}}\n' .format('S', int(hours_so_far), float(step[1]), b='.2f', w=DAT_WIDTH)) f.writelines(lines) print('Finished writing OUTFLOW.DAT') except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() finally: if f: f.close()
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Foreign Policy Releases May/June Spy Issue Spies and spycraft fuel the imagination with intrigue—whether it's the world's fascination with a fictional James Bond or with a real-world Edward Snowden. Today, Foreign Policy released the May/June issue, diving into the issues behind today's "Golden Age of Surveillance" and exploring what espionage means to global security. In this 88-page Spy Issue, FP writers and contributors examine the spy game in the 21st Century as "nations expend vast treasure and take extreme risks to root out secrets." • Trevor Aaronson looks at how the FBI's counterterrorism program pays hefty sums to former criminals – including sex offenders – to help nail terrorists. • James Bamford reveals an unlikely militarized spying hub: the Arctic, in his piece Frozen Assets. • FP's Yochi Dreazen and Seán D. Naylor trace the CIA's role in post 9/11 foreign policy and how it may shape the future of the Middle East. • Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin provide an artistic graphic look at a new era of Russian snooping that relies on facial recognition techniques. • FP's Editor and CEO, David Rothkopf, analyzes the U.S. intelligence community and says it is in need of an overhaul. All this and more: On newsstands today. Foreign Policy Magazine is a member of the EACCNY.
HOW DO YOU MAKE BALCONIES LOOK GOOD IN NOVEMBER? The late-autumn Skåne weather was not quite appropriate for a film with balconies bathed in sunshine. The solution for Danish company Balco was simply to create dream weather within a computer – and a sunny success it was.
A Christmas Memory: Analysis Posted on July 2, 2019 by JL Admin Truman Capote often drew on his Southern childhood in finding material for his fiction. He also frequently focused his stories on unconventional, strangely appealing women. ' 'A Christmas Memory" is possibly the best example of a Capote story that exhibits both of these features. Capote described it as his favorite among his stories, and it showed his writing shifting from a preoccupation with the darker aspects of life to warmer and more sentimental subject matter. (He would return to darker subjects later, with In Cold Blood, his account of the murder of a family in rural Kansas.) Capote said he liked "A Christmas Memory" because of the truth in it, but the story is actually an idealized and embellished portrait of his childhood and of his elderly cousin, Sook, who provided much of the warmth and companionship he knew as a youngster. Capote's parents were divorced when he was four years old, and his mother placed him with relatives in Monroeville, Alabama, while she went to New York City to look for a job. Young Truman lived most of the time with four cousins, all much older than he. The one with whom he formed the closest relationship was Nanny Rumbley Faulk, nicknamed Sook. She was reclusive and many people considered her peculiar. Relatives later pointed out after characterizations of her began showing up in Capote's work, however, that she was more intelligent and less naive than she appeared. At any rate, she was able to relate to Truman almost as if they were both children. Later, like Buddy in "A Christmas Memory," Truman was sent away to boarding school. Unlike his fictional counterpart, he went through an emotional break with his cousin. Capote's family members, including Sook, were unable to accept his homosexuality or deal with his alcoholism and drug abuse. Capote modeled several of his characters on Sook. In addition to the kindly and eccentric woman of "A Christmas Memory," she is represented in Dolly Talbo in his novel The Grass Harp. Some other Capote heroines are based less directly on Sook, but are closely related to her. One of them is the character who is perhaps Capote's most famous creation, Holly Golightly of Breakfast at Tiffany's. William L. Nance, a literary scholar who has written extensively about Capote, referred to Holly as "a dreamer-heroine whose prototype is the elderly friend of 'A Christmas Memory.'" Nance also noted that these characters are evidence of Capote's nonsexual yet strong attachment to women, especially women who do not quite fit into mainstream society. The elderly woman of ' 'A Christmas Memory" certainly is out of the mainstream. Buddy says that his cousin, although in her sixties, ' 'is still a child." She is not stupid, but she does not live her life according to an adult idea of what is sensible or practical. She has a sense of fun that appeals to the boy. Buddy is tolerant of his cousin's eccentricities, which Capote describes in detail and with affection. Her appearance, described in the story's second paragraph, marks her as an unorthodox person. She wears tennis shoes and a baggy sweater with a lightweight calico dress; her "remarkable" face is craggy yet delicate. Later, the narrator, the boy grown up, relates more facts about her. "She has never: eaten in a restaurant, traveled more than five miles from home, received or sent a telegram, read anything except funny papers and the Bible, worn cosmetics, cursed, wished someone harm, told a lie on purpose, let a hungry dog go hungry," Capote writes. Then he tells us the things she does: "tame hummingbirds … tell ghost stories … so tingling they chill you in July, talk to herself, take walks in the rain, grow the prettiest japonicas [a flowering shrub] in town, know the recipe for every sort of old-time Indian cure." The story provides fewer details about the little boy, but it is obvious he is a precocious child, something that inspires admiration in his cousin. She loves to have Buddy tell her the stories of the movies he sees; she will never go to a movie because she wants to save her vision for when she sees God. Buddy and his cousin create a happy world of their own. They ' 'are not, on the whole, too much aware" of the other relatives who live with them; instead, they find joy in each other's company. Incidents throughout the story underline their attachment to each other and their distance from the rest of their family. Because Buddy and his cousin have little money, most of their pleasures are improvised, from gathering pecans left on the ground after the harvest to making their own Christmas gifts and ornaments. They are enthusiastic about their various moneymaking schemes, from entering contests advertised on the radio to setting up their homemade museum, even though these schemes are more often failures than successes. They enjoy interacting with people outside of the world of their conventional relatives and neighbors—such as the bootlegger Haha Jones or the strangers and near-strangers to whom they send their Christmas fruitcakes. The old woman lets Buddy drink whiskey, which gets her in trouble with the rest of the family. And while the other family members give him disappointingly practical Christmas gifts, she gives him a kite. That's what he gives her, too, in an exchange of gifts that, as critic Stanley Edgar Hyman once pointed out, is as corny and as emotionally effective as the exchange in O. Henry's ' "The Gift of the Magi." Over the years, some critics have pronounced "A Christmas Memory" overly sentimental, but most of them, along with the reading public, have found it genuinely moving. It is particularly heartrending when Capote moves from the idyllic Christmas Day that Buddy and his cousin spend flying their kites to Buddy's separation from his friend—a separation created first by distance when Buddy goes away to school, then by the old woman's death. It is indicative of their bond that Buddy feels her death before he is told of it. In life, Capote's bond with Sook was so strong, and so painful to break off, that he was driven to recreate it along with similar relationships in his fiction for many years afterward. "A Christmas Memory," according to Nance, "has a unique importance" among Capote's works because it is so much a model for his later stories, often centering on unusual women who live in a world of their own and who inspire love that has little to do with sex. ' The pastness of the experience is also essential; Capote's is a fiction of nostalgia," Nance observed. " 'A Christmas Memory' is one of his best and most satisfying works because it places the feelings he can dramatize most powerfully in the setting which is best suited to them." Source Credits: Short Stories for Students, Volume 2, Truman Capote, Edited by Kathleen Wilson, Published by Gale Research, New York, 1997. Trudy Ring, for Short Stories for Students, Gale Research, 1997
The over all population of San Francisco (Adolfo R. Latofski) in Mexico is about 4 inhabitants. In San Francisco (Adolfo R. Latofski) exist 1 households. Do You know the places close to San Francisco (Adolfo R. Latofski) ?
This article originally appeared on Boston Band Crush ). This Tuesday (May 12th) and the second Tuesday of every month is Rock 'n' Roll Social night at The Model Cafe in Allston. For the last five years, the social has provided Boston area music people with a place to get together, drink, and talk about their latest projects. The social attracts people from every area of music industry: musicians (of course!), bookers, promoters, radio DJs, producers, writers; really everybody involved is likely to show up. Bring your show flyers, cds, business cards, and your elevator speech. Boston Band Crushers may not be there this week, as we've got a hankering to see Aloud at TT's as part of the new Rock Out Boston Club. 7 PM -10 PM (though tons of people hang around after the official end time) FREE. Previous PostBoston Band Crush Archived Article: High School Musical Crush: Amanda Palmer's play will be live web cast tonight! Next PostBoston Band Crush Archived Article: Show Wrap-Up Crush: Sidewalk Driver and Wakey! Wakey!
Clear skies. Low 1F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph.. Clear skies. Low 1F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Then-Army Sgt. Josh Echtinaw in 2012. He was wounded during his second tour in Afghanistan. Now a Douglas County sheriff's deputy, Echtinaw will be part of Patriotic Productions' Purple Heart honor flight on May 24. CHRIS MACHIAN/THE WORLD-HERALD Josh Echtinaw holds his Purple Heart medal. A piece of shrapnel injured his left leg in Afghanistan in 2012. Then-Army Sgt. Josh Echtinaw adjusts a patch on the shoulder of his mother, Sgt. 1st Class Danye Echtinaw, in 2012. Both of Josh Echtinaw's grandfathers served in the Army, too. Purple Heart honor flight to wrap up with parade through Old Market When former Army Sgt. Joshua Echtinaw visits Washington, D.C., with the Purple Heart veterans flight on May 24, he will be going to visit a friend. A native of Latvia, Sgt. 1st Class Mihail Golin spoke with a thick accent and had an offbeat sense of humor. He was killed Jan. 1, 2018, on a Special Forces mission in Afghanistan. He's buried in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, the first stop on the one-day tour of Washington memorials for the veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Gulf War. Golin was a friend and a mentor. "He was just a solid, good leader … a hard-charger," said Echtinaw, 28, of Omaha. "Last year, I went to Washington, D.C., with my platoon to help bury him." Echtinaw is one of about 50 veterans from Nebraska and southwest Iowa who have signed up for the flight. It is open to Iraq, Afghanistan and Gulf War veterans who have earned the Purple Heart — which signifies having been wounded in combat — or a Bronze Star with valor. The flight is organized by Patriotic Productions, Bill and Evonne Williams' Omaha-based nonprofit, which has ferried 16 planeloads of veterans to Washington since 2008. The Williamses are holding a prime rib fundraising dinner starting at 6 p.m. Saturday at the South Creek Wedding & Events Center in Blair. The "Solid Gold Saturday Night" will feature entertainment from the 1960s group Gary Lewis & The Playboys. Half of the proceeds from the $100-a-plate dinner will go toward the cost of the flight. Bill Williams said the total cost of the flight is $150,000, but the nonprofit is about $25,000 short of that goal. Tickets for the dinner may be purchased online at PatrioticProductions.org. There will be a banquet the night before the flight. The veterans will rise for a pre-dawn flight out of Eppley Airfield. They will be joined by children of Nebraska service members killed in the post-9/11 wars. After landing at Washington's Reagan National Airport, the group will travel by bus to Arlington National Cemetery. They will spend an hour in Section 60, where those killed in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried. They will also visit the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon, the Vietnam War Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. At the Lincoln Memorial, they will have a chance to visit Patriotic Productions' traveling Remembering Our Fallen memorial, a tribute to those who have died in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The veterans will fly home to Eppley in the early evening. They will ride downtown in open trolleys for a parade through the Old Market and a homecoming at the Durham Museum, Omaha's former passenger railway terminal. Williams said applications on the Patriotic Productions website have been slower than for past flights. He is hoping that 75 to 100 veterans will apply. Echtinaw followed his two grandfathers and his mother, Master Sgt. Danye Echtinaw, into the Army. He was in Junior ROTC at Burke High School and enlisted soon after graduating in 2008. He chose the infantry. He was assigned to the Alaska-based 509th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division. He was wounded June 18, 2012, during his second tour in Afghanistan, when Taliban irregulars rained mortars on the tiny forward operating base manned by the reconnaissance unit. In the midst of a firefight, a hunk of shrapnel sliced into his left leg. Blood soaked his uniform. A fellow soldier screamed, "Get the medic!" and applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Two helicopter rides and a few surgeries later, Echtinaw's combat career was over. In 2014, he was medically retired from the Army. "There are definitely days when I still wish I was in," said Echtinaw, who is now a Douglas County sheriff's deputy. "But I believe God has set me on this path." Besides his leg wound, Echtinaw has dealt with the lingering effects of a traumatic brain injury. It's not easy to talk about his experiences. "Time, it doesn't really heal all wounds," he said. He's looking forward to making this trip with other Nebraska service members of his generation — what he called "shared pain, shared experiences." "My hope is, this does help with healing," Echtinaw said. "We can all network, and know we're not alone." Hansen: Injuries lead to long-term consequences for veterans, doctors and military Sgt. Joshua Echtinaw's hands wouldn't work. 'We think people will embrace it': Iraq, Afghanistan vets will get big welcome home in Old Market Purple Heart recipients from Iraq, Afghan Wars to get their own honor flight in 2019 Nebraska's female veterans get their due, and their day, in D.C. 'M*A*S*H' actress Swit 'proud of her gender' for volunteering in combat Editorial: Latest honor flight will commendably salute America's women veterans 'Hot Lips' actress from 'M*A*S*H' booked for women's Honor Flight event Omaha firefighters use ladders to rescue people from apartment fire Omaha Iraq War vet, 33-year-old mother of 5, dies following childbirth Veterans parade through the Old Market on Friday night is delayed Joshua Echtinaw Mad Chatter: Scott Frost's 2020 schedule unprecedented in college football history Sean Snyder, son of K-State legend Bill Snyder, considered to oversee Husker special teams Husker offensive coordinator Troy Walters won't return to Nebraska next season Former Husker Mickey Joseph reportedly turned down offer to join Nebraska coaching staff Nebraska volleyball could have a few new faces in 2020. Here's who will be back for the Huskers CHINA BUFFET KEYSTONE KAFE, DAILY DEALS OWH ADVERTISING FILLER
Good morning, everyone. As promised, today I will share with you where I sent my soil sample to be analyzed and where I'm going to send the test results in order to get a detailed prescription for amending my soil. I'll also share with you how to take a proper soil sample. In order to get a true analysis of your garden's soil, you need to test the soil where the bulk of the roots will be – as that's where the plants will get their nutrients. The average depth of most mature plant roots is six inches, so the soil sample should be made up of soil from six inches down. Be sure the soil is not too wet as that can throw off the analysis. If you think the soil isn't as dry as you thought when you dig it up, you can let it sit in your bucket for a few hours to dry before mailing your sample. How much soil you take depends on how many holes you'll be digging to make up your soil sample. You will need at least 2 cups of soil for the testing to be done, so keep that in mind while you're digging. You will need to take soil from various places in your garden, not just one hole. You've planted different plants in different areas, and those plants pulled different things from the soil. So, to get an "average" analysis, you will be taking samples from several areas of your garden and mixing them together in a clean bucket. I have 21 raised beds, so I took two samples from each bed – from the middle area of each bed and on each end. (I often plant two different crops per bed, so I figured it'd be best to take two samples per bed instead of one.) I took just a couple ounces or so from each hole and ended up with this in my bucket. Any agricultural college extension can provide you with a soil test for a small fee. I've had a couple of soil tests done by Clemson University. However, the recommendations given weren't as helpful as I would've liked – mostly because the recommendations weren't for organic amendments. Also, the test didn't include everything that I'll be getting on the test I just sent out for. Although there are many labs that will also perform this standard soil test, I chose Logan Labs because the place I will send my results to likes Logan Labs' results format. If you wish to use Logan Labs, click here for instructions on how to send them a sample. This link also includes a link to instructions on how to take a soil sample, as well as a link for the form to send with the sample. I shipped my sample (and form and check) to them in a U.S. Post Office small flat-rate box for $5.95. It should take 3-5 days for the analysis once they get my soil, and they'll send me the results via email. I bet you never thought of getting a prescription for amending your soil, but isn't that what it is? When a professional looks at soil test results, he or she can write a prescription for what to do to improve your soil and make it nutrient dense enough to grow healthy plants. Just adding to the soil what your soil test results tell you the soil is low on is not sufficient. The key is getting your soil nutrients in the right balance. Without that balance, the plant is unable to pull the nutrients from the soil – no matter how much of those nutrients the soil contains. Those nutrients must be bio-available. That's where I am personally having a problem. This past garden year was terrible, and I know my soil is all out of sorts. If you'd like to use these services, please get your soil sample to them as soon as possible. It really should be done at least 4 months before spring planting, but I got lazy. However, late is better than never. You may want to tell them when spring planting begins in your area (as I will), in case that affects what they recommend. When I get my test results and my prescription, I will surely share it with you. And let me know (in the comments below) if you have sent for a soil test and who you're using.
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Home Daniel Holtzclaw police misconduct sexual assault Trial for Former Police Officer Accused of Sexually Assaulting 13 Women Begins in Oklahoma Trial for Former Police Officer Accused of Sexually Assaulting 13 Women Begins in Oklahoma The trial for former Oklahoma police officer Daniel Holtzclaw is underway in Oklahoma County District Court. Holtzclaw is accused of assaulting 13 Black women while on duty. He is charged with 36 counts, including six counts of first-degree rape. Hoytzclaw's attorney, Scott Adams, told jurors Holtzclaw did come in contact with the 13 women while on patrol but denies the sexual assaults. During the trial Adams offered an explanation of how DNA from a 17-year-old girl got inside a pair of Holtzclaw's pants, News OK reports. "He didn't do anything sexual ... . It's transfer DNA," Adams said in his opening statement. Holtzclaw's attorney told the jurors that the DNA was transferred to Hoytzclaw's pants when he went to the restroom after interacting with the girl. Prosecutors gave their opening statement on Tuesday also. Assistant District Attorney Gayland Geiger spent over an hour describing the alleged crimes and more than 30 minutes reading through the counts against Holtzclaw. During his opening statement Geiger explained to jurors that Holtzclaw forced a woman into giving oral sex under threat of arrest and provided details about the multiple accusations of rapes and sexual abuse. A jury has been selected in the trial. Although all of Holtzclaw's victims were Black, the eight men and four women who will serve on the jury are all white. Attorneys still have to select two alternates. Holtzclaw was fired from The Oklahoma City Police Department in January after being arrested in August 2014. Seven victims initially came forward and six victims were identified after charges were filed. Police Chief Bill Citty said that several of the women Holtzclaw assaulted were forced to perform oral sex on him. "Traffic stops, some of the individuals were actually just walking," Citty said. "Walking in their neighborhood and they were stopped, you know, searched, threatened in some way with arrest or something to that extent. And as a result of that, actually coerced them into providing sexual favors to him." Holtzclaw has pleaded not guilty. Photo: AP / Sue Ogrocki
Perfect Prototype developed games using Microsoft Kinect technology for University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital's new interactive theater. Users use a touchscreen monitor kiosk to easily select between four games to play on the larger interactive wall. Once a specific game has been selected, up to 4 players are allowed to simultaneously play. 5 projectors blended over a 30+ ft. wall created a seamless immersive environment. Soar through American landmarks as an eagle. Up to 4 players are able to control an eagle using upper body movement steering them right, left, up and down. Users try to steer their bird to fly through floating rings to collect objects. Users can play to collect as many objects as possible, or just enjoy the feeling of soaring through America. Enjoy an interactive story-telling experience bring "constellations" to life. This game selects between three different stories randomly, each with four randomly chosen a voice-overs. Users discover and activate "hot-spots" throughout the story – such as launching fireworks, discovering treasures, launching airplans and UFOs. Perfect Prototype teamed up with long time partner Dimensional Innovations to realize this installation.
package org.kuali.kra.iacuc.actions.decision; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.Constants; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KeyConstants; import org.kuali.kra.protocol.ProtocolDocumentBase; import org.kuali.kra.protocol.actions.decision.CommitteeDecisionVoterRuleBase; import org.kuali.kra.protocol.actions.decision.ExecuteCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables; /** * * This class handles the rules for the abstainer side of the committee decision. */ public class IacucCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule extends CommitteeDecisionVoterRuleBase<IacucCommitteePerson> implements ExecuteCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule<IacucCommitteeDecision> { /** * * @see org.kuali.kra.irb.actions.decision.ExecuteCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule#proccessCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule(org.kuali.kra.irb.actions.decision.CommitteeDecision) */ public boolean proccessCommitteeDecisionAbstainerRule(ProtocolDocumentBase document, IacucCommitteeDecision committeeDecision) { boolean retVal = true; if (!processVoter(committeeDecision.getNewAbstainer(), committeeDecision.getAbstainers(), committeeDecision.getRecused())) { GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(Constants.PROTOCOL_COMMITTEE_DECISION_ACTION_PROPERTY_KEY + ".newAbstainer.membershipId", KeyConstants.ERROR_PROTOCOL_RECORD_COMMITTEE_ABSTAIN_RECUSED_ALREADY_EXISTS); retVal = false; } return retVal; } }
L'expression anglophone jet set ou jet society désigne originellement l'élite fortunée (millionnaires, milliardaires, haute bourgeoisie…) qui se déplace en avion en empruntant l'aviation commerciale ou des privés (littéralement, ensemble de personnes utilisant les avions à réaction), et par extension les personnalités célèbres pour leur style de vie onéreux. Cette élite fréquente souvent les mêmes endroits huppés (restaurants renommés, clubs réservés, stations balnéaires ou de sports d'hiver). . Origine du terme et historique Dans les années 1950, la jet set succède à la Café society, microcosme mondain de l'entre-deux-guerres. L'expression est popularisée à la même période qui correspond à la mise en service des premiers avions de ligne à réaction (appareil de type Comet). La jet set se caractérise par sa très grande mobilité : le géographe français Rémy Knafou la définit ainsi comme une , illustration de ce que serait l'hypothèse d'une société parvenue au stade ultime de la transition mobilitaire. En 1962, le chroniqueur écrit dans le New York Times : « La jet-set, ce sont les gens qui vivent vite, se déplacent vite, connaissent tout de la dernière mode ». La première ligne commerciale desservie par ces avions entre Londres et New York est mise en service le . Seule une élite restreinte, riche, y a alors accès. L'expression apparaît alors pour désigner, de manière caricaturale, cette partie de la société qui possède les ressources financières suffisantes pour utiliser ce moyen de transport. Rapidement à la même époque, d'autres lignes aériennes ouvrent desservant Paris, Los Angeles et Rome. La première génération est capable de voler de Paris à Rome juste pour assister à une fête. La jet set se déplace alors aussi à Acapulco, Nassau, aux Bermudes, puis s'installe dans des villes comme Saint-Tropez, Capri, Cannes ou Monaco, suivie parfois par les paparazzi. Ce mode de vie se retrouve dans le film . La jet set emprunte également le Concorde pour voyager sur certaines destinations et se démarquer de la clientèle abonnée aux lignes commerciales classiques. L'expression fut forgée sur l'idée que le jet était un avion extrêmement rapide (au moins pour son époque), idée assimilée à la « rapidité » de la vie des membres de la jet set, réputés mener une vie trépidante. Aujourd'hui, l'expression a perdu de son sens dans la mesure où le voyage en avion est devenu relativement banal. . Parfois propriétaire de yachts, la jet set se déplace en avion pour rallier un port ou un site de mouillage quand le yacht n'est pas lui-même équipé d'un hélicoptère. Bien qu'il existe une proximité de sens, l'expression « jet set » se différencie des expressions « VIP » (issue des années 1980–1990) ou « people » (années 2000). Jet set, en effet, n'implique pas nécessairement la célébrité. Une société en spectacle La jet set existe avant tout à travers des magazines populaires tels que Gala ou Paris Match qui relaient l'activité de ces personnes. Ce n'est ni une culture, ni un style, mais elle est plutôt vue comme une aristocratie qui s'est inventée elle-même. Les valeurs représentant la jet set sont l'argent, la mode, l'apparence, l'extravagance et la bonne humeur ostensible. Plus qu'un milieu social, elle fait plutôt référence à une façon de vivre sa vie comme un spectacle où les notions de tabou et de mauvais goût sont toutes relatives. Parmi les personnages qui ont suscité cette notion, Tom Ford avec Gucci a réinventé un style extravagant, donnant envie aux gens d'« être » jet set. Paris Hilton est également l'une des illustrations parfaite de la jet set, tant dans le style que dans les « valeurs » de ce milieu. La jet set est un cercle constitué de personnalités d'horizons divers : acteurs, musiciens, créateurs, mais aussi des membres de familles royales ou princières (surtout celle de Monaco ou d'Angleterre) et des grandes fortunes comme les Trump ou les Hilton aux États-Unis par exemple. Se trouvent également dans la jet set ceux nommés jet setters et qui passent leur temps de soirées en soirées comme Massimo Gargia, Marianne von Brandstetter, Emmanuel de Brantes ou Jean Pigozzi pour les plus connus d'entre eux. Ils organisent également des événements où se retrouve la jet set. Lieux de prédilection Les lieux de prédilection de la jet set sont notamment : En été En hiver Grandes métropoles et capitales Notes et références Voir aussi Articles connexes Mode des années 1950 en France Socialite Société mondaine Café society Jet Set (film) Liens externes Groupe social
Shopping for Alfresco at Certified Appliance Repair, Inc. in Key West, FL? Certified Appliance Repair, Inc. carries a wide selection of Alfresco products. So, if you are looking for Alfresco products in Key West, Stock Island, Big Coppitt, Bay Point, Sugarloaf, Cudjoe, Ramrod, Big Pine Key, Islamorada, Tavernier and Key Largo, Florida, or if you have any questions about Alfresco products, please feel free to call us at (305) 296-4066 or simply stop by Certified Appliance Repair, Inc. at any time and we would be glad to help you.
Save Lives California—a broad coalition of physicians, patients, taxpayers and health care workers—has filed an initiative with the Attorney General's office that would increase California's tax on cigarettes by $2 per pack. Through the California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016, the Save Lives California coalition aims to reduce the death toll—and associated health costs—caused by smoking, while generating some much-needed funds to help improve a variety of the state's health care programs. The coalition has received major funding from successful businessperson and philanthropist Tom Steyer. Steyer, who has built a reputation for himself as a generous donor, called on Californians to join him in "standing up" to Big Tobacco. Ninety percent of smokers start as teens, according to studies from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. In California, about half of the 21,000 youths who become addicted to smoking every year will die from a tobacco-related illness. The Save Lives California initiative seeks to reduce those numbers by implementing a needed $2 tax increase on cigarette packs—a concept that's already gained an overwhelming number of supporters across political party lines. A Field Poll released in August showed two-thirds of those surveyed support such a measure. Currently, California's cigarette tax is among the lowest in the nation, at 87 cents per pack. California is also the only state in the country, besides Missouri, that hasn't raised its cigarette tax in the past 17 years. "Reducing smoking saves lives and health costs, plain and simple," said Olivia (Gertz) Diaz-Laphm, president and CEO of the American Lung Association in California, which is also a member of Save Lives California. For more information on the Save Lives California coalition or its $2 per pack initiative, visit www.savelivescalifornia.com.
Why Do We Love Lifetime's Tame "Unauthorized" Movies About '90s TV Shows That Weren't Even Good? By Pilot Viruet Tomorrow night, Lifetime will air The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story, the third installment of an unofficial, unauthorized series which has already included Saved by the Bell and Full House . (Melrose Place's will premiere next week, on October 10.) The decision to air these movies is at once understandable and confusing: Nostalgia — and scandals — will always be big, but why are audiences sucked into tame behind-the-scenes depictions of series that weren't that great to begin with? Before we answer that question, let's try to understand Lifetime's reasoning behind creating and airing these movies. For a while, Lifetime's brand — and what makes its very name a punchline — has been "woman-in-danger" movies: sensational, often ripped-from-the-headlines original movies about women being kidnapped, tortured, abused, and so on. These are usually faux-triumphant: the five-minute moment of victory comes after 85 minutes of devastation. Still, it's an approach that has worked for the network (I'm not immune to its dark charms, either), and it segued seamlessly into their unauthorized (and, er, not exactly great) biopics: Brittany Murphy, Aaliyah, Whitney Houston — all were women, all were tragic figures, all had heavy and, for lack of a better description, fucked-up dealings with fucked-up men. Yet jumping from those movies to surprisingly wholesome behind-the-scenes looks at entirely wholesome sitcoms is a big leap. According to Tia Maggini, Vice President of Original Movie Programming at Lifetime, the Saved by the Bell movie was "sort of accidental." Lifetime acquired Dustin Diamond's book Behind the Bell and the network's executives, Maggini tells me, "were fans of the show, and they thought that would be an interesting thing to explore. Once we got started, people got more and more excited. Once the movie started happening, it generated so much buzz and enthusiasm and, ultimately, ratings. It also attracted an audience that was a bit younger than what we've gotten before, and certainly one that we are eager to move toward. All in all, it ended up being this big, fun, surprise success for us. After that, we were like, 'Well, that was really fun! What else can we do?'" One of the key points here is the audience. Lifetime is a network whose viewership historically skews older, but, as Maggini says, it's also "trying to make sure that we have captured a wide audience… We certainly like to be appealing to more millennials, and certainly these movies are part of that project." While the younger crowd might not be tuning in to something like Cleveland Abduction or With This Ring, they will almost definitely have an interest in a movie exploring a show that they grew up with. It's no secret that nostalgia is "in" right now — Maggini name-checked both the Twin Peaks and The X-Files revivals in our conversation — and no network is immune to hopping on that trend. Instead of reviving an old show or making a sequel (like the upcoming Fuller House, which already radiates desperation), Lifetime seems to prefer going back to the actual time period when these shows aired, and bringing out those fuzzy nostalgic feelings by recreation, not continuation. Plus, it's damn near impossible to resist a juicy behind-the-scenes story of something that we once loved, even if — or especially if — the show wasn't that great to begin with. (Have you gone back and watched Full House or Saved by the Bell? Not many episodes hold up.) The cast of The Unauthorized Full House Story. Photo by Sergei BachlakovCopyright 2015 What is curious about Lifetime's approach is that the network isn't particularly interested in portraying the seedy, dirty rumors surrounding these shows and their actors (note how there was no mention of Jodie Sweetin or the Olsen twins' later problems in the Full House movie) — an approach that seems almost contrarian when contrasted to the network's generally sensational movies. While Maggini mentioned that the two upcoming movies will be a little more scandalous — especially 90210, because "you had young 20-somethings who went from nowhere to big stardom and it was such a roller-coaster ride for those guys. There was a lot of dating off the set and a lot of scandals, so that one in particular really had a lot of good, juicy drama that we had fun with." "But at the end of the day," says Maggini, "the movies are not about throwing anyone under the bus or unearthing some scandalous story. It's telling the stories of how they came together and what happened behind the scenes. [The movies] are positive stories for people who loved the shows and don't want them picked apart, but want to see the fun things that reminds them of when they watched it back in the day, and kind of bring it alive all over again." According to Maggini, viewers can get excited about subtler revelations and bits of trivia: "Even if there's no great scandal, it's fun to know about [how] Bob Saget wasn't the first person who was going to play that character… I think humanizing these characters and seeing the real people appeals to audiences. It brings you into the series in a way that makes you feel closer to the show and to the characters that you really love." These movies are for the fans, to create a sort of reunion-like feeling when they remember certain aspects of the show, or are reminded of a rumor. It's fan service. This, of course, has some drawbacks: Diehard fans are always going to nitpick specifics and be vocal about complaints on social media, from the depictions of sets and costumes to the casting. Discussing the latter process, Maggini says, "I think it's hard! We work really hard to try to find the best actors that we feel capture not just the look [of the character] but also their spirit, so sometimes you compromise a little bit on looks because somebody is a really good actor" It's understandably frustrating for Lifetime, because the network tries to make do as best they can while facing legal limitations on the verisimilitude of their depictions. One example? The set of the Tanner house in the Full House movie was backwards and otherwise slightly different from the real set, prompting many fans and online media outlets to complain about the inaccuracy. "It's frustrating to see people get upset about the Full House house not looking exactly like the original," says Maggini. "People are like, 'Those terrible executives at Lifetime can't even get that right!' But the truth is, we spent more time looking at that than they even know — but legally, because these [movies] are unauthorized, we cannot recreate accurately those pieces, so we have to do the best we can to create a set, or a backdrop, or a dress that invokes the time but [doesn't] exactly depict it because we do not have the rights… But at the end of the day, we hope that the spirit of it is right and that the stories that we're telling are right." Photo courtesy of Lifetime In fact, Lifetime puts in a lot of work vetting the accuracy of these movies, no matter how "unauthorized" they may be. While The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story largely came from Dustin Diamond's book, the other movies didn't have a single source to adapt. According to Maggini, Lifetime is reliant on stories and rumors in the public domain, but the network makes sure it has enough sources to properly vet the gossip. Researchers are sent out to dig in to rumors and go through everything from old Tiger Beat issues to old interviews, spending "weeks in the dusty microfiche library pulling up old stories." From there, the writers "decide how to best tell a story that actually feels like a story rather than just a string of things that happened." It's another reason why these movies aren't as scandalous as you'd imagine: Lifetime doesn't just want to portray hearsay from tabloids. Regardless of your personal opinions on the finished products, you have to admit that Lifetime has a pretty fascinating thing going on with these movies. The network has not only tapped in to nostalgia, but tapped in to the specific kind of nostalgia that we want, and that we find familiar. The network is picking series that audiences watched in "their teens and 20s, so these audiences are now mid-30s to early-40s" and eager to watch and relive that time when the episodes were new. There's a nice, communal feeling to them: they are movies that are built to be watched (and, yes, snarked on) with friends, that lend themselves well to live-tweeting and day-after bloggy reactions. (Flavorwire is no stranger to this; our take on the 90210 story will go up on Monday.) There is something strangely magnetic and irresistible about these unauthorized movies, even if some viewers are putting them on just to hate-watch. But hate-watching is still watching, and that's also part of why movies are successful. It's a strategy that Lifetime is clearly having fun with, and one that they're going to keep doing. Maggini couldn't reveal exactly which unauthorized TV show stories are in the pipeline, but did say that the network has "a couple that we're developing." These movies are also a sign that Lifetime is continuing to work on becoming a more balanced network. Yes, there will still be woman-in-jeopardy movies, but combined with these fun, nostalgic movies and the surprisingly brilliant scripted drama UnREAL , Lifetime is managing to move forward without abandoning its origins.
arborescens is a suckering summer flowering shrub with upright non-branching shoots growing to a meter or more in height. It is capable of extending its territory unless kept in line with a sharp spade. 'Annabelle' is reported to bear large corymbs of flowers up to 300 mm across; our personal experience of this clone is that flowers easily exceed 250 mm in diameter. Flowers start off green but mature to white and finish off brown in late Autumn/Winter. When the plant is well established some growers cut back old growth to the ground in Winter and fertilize lightly for developing the best flowers the following season. 'Annabelle' is popular as a dried flower; stems are cut as flowers start turning brown, stripped of leaves and hung to dry.
Home / IGT / Wheel of Fortune Name: Wheel Of Fortune Software: IGT BGO Casino Wheel of Fortune is a popular choice of slot machine among many gamblers across the world. It features a revolutionary concept that has made IGT, who are its maker, very popular in the slots arenas. This slot game makes use of a Siberian Storm slot theme and is based on a television show that was very popular in the eighties and nineties that goes by the same name. The main concept that it is based on revolves around the fortune wheel. However, if you happen to have more than three scatter symbols on a single payline in any direction, they will transform into smaller wheels that can generate more symbol combinations. The game design features a series of animations that resemble the actual TV show. How To Play It Wheel of Fortune has 5 reels and 5 paylines, and it includes three wheels that are red, blue and yellow. The red and blue wheels are used to determine credit rewards while the yellow is used for determining the multiplier amount. The actual gameplay involves choosing an envelope that has a word puzzle category. When you pick a category, the point on the three wheels will start adjusting to a particular value. The spins and final values on the pointers are the ones that will determine your bonus after the pointers have been aligned. One of the special features that you should look out for in this game is the wild symbol, which is the backdrop with the word Wild written across it. The wild icons can replace all symbols with the exception of Wheel of Fortune log and the bonus jackpot icons. You will win a standard jackpot if you match up five of the wild symbols. Another special feature is the wheel bonus. It is a bonus round that gives you the opportunity of winning serious money. You will trigger it if you match up three Wheel of Fortune logos. It allows you to win a fixed prize. The maximum payout that you can get in a regular Wheel of Fortune slot game is 50,000 credits per line bet. For every coin that is betted, another payline is enabled. You will be paid out for winning combinations that are on enabled paylines only. The second largest winning combination in this game can only earn you as much as $2,500 credits. You can also earn another huge jackpot of 0.5 million credits in addition to the aforementioned payouts. Wheel of Fortune is definitely a brilliant innovation by IGT. It features an intelligent multiplayer interface that allows you to play three games simultaneously on different screens. The only thing that it is missing is the free spins bonus round. However, that will not be something to worry about because of the excellent gameplay that is offered. Where Can You Play This Game? There are two casinos that provide a really nice gaming experience when playing Wheel of Fortune slot, namely Vegas Paradise and Leo Vegas. When you open an account at Vegas Paradise, you will be awarded $200 welcome bonus plus 10 free spins. At Leo Vegas, you will enjoy a $700 welcome package plus 200 free spins. Tagged with: igt Wacky Panda Slot – Free Play & Guide
Q: Webrtc rendering video screenshot I want to take screenshot of rendered remotevideo view. So far I tried these functions: 1. public Bitmap getLastFrame(RelativeLayout remoteView) { Bitmap bitmap = null; if(remoteView.getChildCount()>0) { SurfaceViewRenderer rtcEAGLView = (SurfaceViewRenderer) remoteView.getChildAt(0); rtcEAGLView.getBackground(); bitmap = ActivityUtils.takeScreenshot(rtcEAGLView); } return bitmap; } public static Bitmap takeScreenshot(View container) { container.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); getScreenShot(container); final Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(container.getWidth(), container.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp); container.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); container.measure( View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(canvas.getWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(canvas.getHeight(), View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); container.layout(0, 0, container.getMeasuredWidth(), container.getMeasuredHeight()); canvas.drawBitmap(container.getDrawingCache(), 0, 0, new Paint()); return bmp; } *void frame() { EGL10 egl = (EGL10) EGLContext.getEGL(); GL10 gl = (GL10)egl.eglGetCurrentContext().getGL(); Bitmap snapshotBitmap = createBitmapFromGLSurface(0, 0, 400, 400/* height*/, gl); } By trying these method I am not able to get screenshot as bitmap returns blank space only. rest of the area screenshot get captured but rendered part is not deplayed in that.
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Costa machines are giving away free coffee today (and there's no catch) Costa machines are giving away free coffee on Tuesday By David Morgan DMorganguardian Entertainment Reporter Costa machines are giving away free coffee on Tuesday (and there's no catch) FANCY a free Costa Coffee? Costa Express self service machines will be free of charge for 24 hours today, Tuesday. There is no catch – coffee lovers can go for any of the classics such as americano, latte, espresso, cappuccino or a hot chocolate as part of a promotion aimed at improving the perception of the company's 8,500 coin-operated coffee machines. You will also be able to add extra coffee shots and syrups for free as none of the Express machines will be taking money that day. The offer starts at 12.15am on Tuesday and ends at 12.15am on Wednesday. Scott Martin, managing director of Costa Express, said: " The coffee industry is booming with no sign of our love affair with the drink slowing, as it's estimated 95 million cups are consumed a day. "However, for years, self-serve drinks machines have carried a certain stigma. Freeze-dried coffee, long life milk, clumpy soups and bland hot chocolate were readily stocked in machines across the late 90s and early 00s, so we can imagine how one poor experience is enough to put someone off for life. "We at Costa Express don't believe this is acceptable and have worked tirelessly to revolutionise the self-serve experience. Our machines serve the same fresh signature Mocha Italia coffee beans and fresh semi-skimmed milk you would expect in our Costa Coffee stores, so the quality of your experience is never compromised. "We're so confident that once you've tried a cup from Costa Express that it'll fast become a regular part of your routine, so for one day only, we're giving away a free drink to all."
Submit your Scrap Buster tutorial by October 23rd for your chance to win one of three $50 gift certificates to Sew,Mama,Sew! Terrie from Bits and Pieces couldn't find the right iPod case so she made on herself. Now you can too with Terrie's iPod Case Tutorial entry in the Scrap Buster Contest.
Dozens of Federal Lawmakers Oppose New 'Wild Lands' Land Use Policy PICKERINGTON, Ohio -- Nearly 60 federal lawmakers have joined forces to ask Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to withdraw a recent order creating a new land-use designation that could bar responsible off-highway riding from public land, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports. In a letter dated Jan. 28, Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), the outgoing chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus; Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Western Caucus; and 47 other House members and eight other senators asked Salazar to rescind Secretarial Order 3310, which Salazar signed on Dec. 22. To see which lawmakers signed the letter, click here: http://robbishop.house.gov/UploadedFiles/wild_lands-signatures_final.pdf. The order created a new land-use designation called "Wild Lands" that essentially allows officials in the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to manage public land as if it had received a "Wilderness" land-use designation from Congress, but without requiring congressional approval. A Wilderness designation is one of the strictest forms of public land management. Once Congress designates an area as Wilderness, nearly all forms of non-pedestrian recreation are prohibited. The AMA supports appropriate Wilderness designations that meet the criteria established by Congress in 1964, but anti-access forces have been abusing the legislative process to ban responsible off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation on public land. "I am increasingly concerned by Secretary Salazar's and the current administration's ongoing efforts to circumvent Congress when it comes to creating new public lands policies," Bishop said. "The DOI's [Department of Interior's] unilateral decisions regarding the management of our public lands and resources are detrimental to communities and businesses throughout the West. "Their lack of regard for the impact this will have on local economies is unacceptable," he continued. "It is time that they start taking into consideration the people that will be hurt by their decisions to operate in a vacuum, starting with the withdrawal of Secretarial Order 3310." The lawmakers' high-powered opposition is just the latest expression of outrage following Salazar's announcement of the new land-use policy during last year's holiday season. Several western state governors have also asked Salazar to withdraw his order: Wyoming's Matthew Mead, Idaho's C.L. "Butch" Otter and Utah's Gary Herbert. The AMA has also raised concerns. Ed Moreland, AMA senior vice president for government relations, sent a letter to Salazar on Jan. 11 asking him to explain whether the new Wild Lands land-use designation will block traditional routes of travel for off-highway riding. Salazar's order has far-reaching implications because the BLM manages about 245 million acres of public land nationwide, primarily in western states. Under his order, BLM officials will evaluate the land they manage and decide which areas should be labeled "Lands With Wilderness Characteristics." Once those decisions are made, the officials will go through a public land-use planning process before designating land as "Wild Lands." The AMA encourages riders to contact their federal lawmakers and urge them to oppose the "Wild Lands" policy. A ready-to-use prewritten letter is available at AmericanMotorcyclist.com > Rights > Issues and Legislation. **About the American Motorcyclist Association ** Since 1924, the AMA has protected the future of motorcycling and promoted the motorcycle lifestyle. AMA members come from all walks of life, and they navigate many different routes on their journey to the same destination: freedom on two wheels. As the world's largest motorcycling rights organization, the AMA advocates for motorcyclists' interests in the halls of local, state and federal government, the committees of international governing organizations, and the court of public opinion. Through member clubs, promoters and partners, the AMA sanctions more motorsports competition and motorcycle recreational events than any other organization in the world. AMA members receive money-saving discounts from dozens of well-known suppliers of motorcycle services, gear and apparel, bike rental, transport, hotel stays and more. Through its support of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, the AMA preserves the heritage of motorcycling for future generations. For more information, please visit AmericanMotorcyclist.com.
TALLINN, Estonia, Oct. 5, 2018–Sweden's Natalie Oldfors and Mickey M won the World Cup Grand Prix Friday with a personal best score for their first victory in five months at Big Tour. Natalie and the 12-year-old Swedish Warmblood gelding scored 70.348 per cent for the first win in their eighth Big Tour start. Russia's Stanislav Cherednichenko on Arums, a nine-year-old Latvian-bred gelding, placed second on 68.087 per cent with Estonia's Dina Ellermann on Landy's Akvarel third on 67.957 per cent.
Belief work is the work of changing beliefs, which alone can and will change your life. The ThetaHealing® technique allows us to access the energy of creation to change beliefs instantly. As it is our beliefs that create our reality and experiences, belief work is one of the most important things we can engage in to improve our lives. In the ThetaHealing technique, we recognize four belief levels that comprise all that we are. Core: The core level is this lifetime, all we have experienced and accepted in childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. Beliefs held at this level are highly influenced and shaped by our environment, what we were told by parents, teachers, good friends, people we trust. Core beliefs can also develop based on simple repetition from multiple sources: TV, music, common sayings (including sarcasm received as literal), billboards, ads, etc. The energy of beliefs on the core level are held in the frontal lobe of the brain, and you may notice sensation here when these beliefs change. Genetic: Beliefs on the genetic level are passed down from the ancestors as energetic imprints. The beliefs of this level are held in the morphogenetic field around the DNA rather than the physical DNA. This field of information is what instructs the physicality of the DNA. Beliefs changed at this level are carried through all relatives who share this DNA, back through ancestral lines, siblings, and descendants. Your genetic level belief work gets shared! This level gets quite interesting as this is where beliefs can be found that may surprise you. A few good example are fears, prejudice, and "traditional role" beliefs. The energy of beliefs held on the genetic level can best be accessed through the master cell located in the pineal gland. History: The history level comes from just that: history. Past lives, very old ancestry, the collective conscious/unconscious, they can all carry through to the current moment on the history level. The energy of beliefs held on the history level are located in the auric field. Soul: The soul level is the deepest level, it is all that we are. Changing beliefs at the soul level can be quite easy, and can pull programs off of our complete being. The energy of soul level changes begin at the heart chakra and expand out. It is important to allow yourself to go very deep with your ThetaHealing practitioner. Often there will come a point where there is a release of emotion that indicates a root belief has been reached. It is at this point that some of the deepest, most profound healing happens. When you allow the All That Is to heal you, (the practitioner does nothing more than make the request and witness the energy movement) you begin to feel lighter, freer. You'll notice a difference in your daily life, and that's an adventure. To see how it shows up for you! Belief work is powerful. If you allow yourself to go deep and allow the All That Is to heal and change the issue for you, it will change your life for the better.