Ha ricevuto l'attenzione dei mass media per le sue manifestazioni regolari tenute davanti al Riksdag a Stoccolma, con lo slogan Skolstrejk för klimatet («Sciopero scolastico per il clima»). Biografia Greta è figlia della cantante d'opera Malena Ernman e dell'attore Svante Thunberg, quest'ultimo figlio dell'attore Olof Thunberg. Quando aveva 13 anni le fu diagnosticata la sindrome di Asperger. Anche a causa della sua notorietà, molta attenzione è stata data ai sintomi da lei manifestati e legati a questa sindrome: il disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo, il mutismo selettivo e il disturbo da deficit di attenzione/iperattività. Molto spesso queste informazioni vengono utilizzate per screditarla o per confutare le sue idee ambientaliste. Lei stessa ha parlato della sua condizione in alcune manifestazioni. Per diminuire l'impronta ecologica della sua famiglia ha insistito perché i suoi congiunti diventassero vegani, come lo è diventata lei. È autrice, insieme alla sua famiglia, del libro La nostra casa è in fiamme, in cui viene raccontata la sua vita con alcuni aneddoti della sua famiglia; solo in piccola parte vi si trovano riferimenti al suo impegno per la difesa dell'ambiente. Attivismo Il 20 agosto 2018, quando frequentava il nono anno di una scuola di Stoccolma, Greta ha deciso di non andare a scuola fino alle elezioni legislative del 9 settembre 2018. La decisione di questo gesto è nata a fronte delle eccezionali ondate di calore e degli incendi boschivi senza precedenti che hanno colpito il suo paese durante l'estate. Voleva che il governo svedese riducesse le emissioni di anidride carbonica come previsto dall'accordo di Parigi sul cambiamento climatico ed è rimasta seduta davanti al parlamento svedese ogni giorno durante l'orario scolastico. Il suo slogan era Skolstrejk för klimatet (Sciopero della scuola per il clima). Anche in seguito delle elezioni, Greta ha continuato a manifestare ogni venerdì, lanciando così il movimento studentesco internazionale Fridays for Future. Ha partecipato alla manifestazione Rise for Climate davanti al Parlamento Europeo a Bruxelles e ha parlato alla manifestazione organizzata da Extinction Rebellion a Londra (31 ottobre 2018). Il suo sciopero del venerdì ha attirato l'attenzione dei media in diverse nazioni e manifestazioni simili sono state organizzate in altri paesi, tra cui i Paesi Bassi, l'Italia, la Germania, la Finlandia, la Danimarca e l'Australia. In Australia migliaia di studenti sono stati ispirati da lei ad intraprendere lo sciopero del venerdì, ignorando l'appello del loro primo ministro Scott Morrison, che ha dichiarato al Parlamento «ciò che vogliamo è l'apprendimento nelle scuole e meno attivismo». Il 4 dicembre 2018 Greta ha parlato alla COP24, vertice delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici tenutosi a Katowice, in Polonia. Greta ha spiegato così la gravità del problema: In occasione dell'ultima giornata ufficiale di lavori, il 14 dicembre, ha dichiarato dalla tribuna della COP24, parlando ai leader mondiali riuniti con parole durissime: Il 25 gennaio 2019 è intervenuta con un discorso molto duro al Forum economico mondiale di Davos, volto a far comprendere il panico che si dovrebbe provare di fronte ai cambiamenti climatici. Nei mesi successivi è intervenuta in altre manifestazioni in diverse città europee, alcune delle quali hanno avuto una certa attenzione mediatica, come quella a Bruxelles del 21 febbraio o quella di Amburgo del 1º marzo. Il 15 marzo 2019 si è tenuto lo sciopero mondiale per il futuro, al quale hanno partecipato moltissimi studenti in 1700 città in oltre 100 paesi del mondo (un milione solo in Italia); Greta è intervenuta nella manifestazione organizzata a Stoccolma, ricordando come sia necessario che i politici agiscano, dando ascolto ai moniti degli scienziati sul clima. Tra le risposte alla manifestazione c'è stata quella della Commissione europea, che ha affermato di ascoltare la richiesta dei giovani e di stare agendo in quella direzione. Il 16 aprile 2019 ha parlato alla commissione Ambiente del Parlamento europeo, invitando i politici europei a prendere decisioni nette e rapide per contrastare il cambiamento climatico, seguendo quanto affermato dagli scienziati; in particolare, guardando alle imminenti elezioni europee, ha invitato i giovani ad andare alle urne e i politici ad ascoltare l'appello per il clima di tanti ragazzi che non potranno votare. Il giorno dopo ha partecipato all'udienza generale di Papa Francesco in piazza San Pietro a Roma, a seguito della quale ha avuto un breve scambio di battute con il pontefice. Tra il 14 e il 28 agosto 2019 ha attraversato l'oceano Atlantico da Plymouth a New York (dove è stata accolta da attivisti locali come Alexandria Villaseñor e Xiye Bastida) a bordo dello yacht a vela Malizia II, provvisto di pannelli solari e turbine subacquee. Il viaggio è stato annunciato come una traversata atlantica carbon neutral, per dimostrare l'importanza della riduzione delle emissioni sostenuta da Thunberg. Scopo del viaggio è stata la partecipazione al Vertice delle Nazioni Unite sull'azione per il clima di New York e alla conferenza sul cambiamento climatico COP 25 a Santiago del Cile. Il 20 settembre ha guidato a New York lo sciopero mondiale per il clima, mentre il giorno successivo ha parlato al Palazzo di vetro al Vertice dei giovani per il clima. Il 23 settembre ha parlato all'apertura del Climate Action Summit a margine dell'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, cui partecipavano diverse decine di capi di stato e di governo, usando parole assai dure contro la loro inazione: Ha presenziato, assieme a Vanessa Nakate, alla conferenza Youth4Climate tenutasi a Milano dal 28 al 30 settembre 2021. In tale frangente, l'attivista ha criticato nuovamente l'approccio non pragmatico, dato dalla politica, all'emergenza climatica. Il 17 gennaio 2023 l'attivista è stata fermata dalla polizia di Aquisgrana durante le proteste dei manifestanti ambientalisti contro l'espansione della miniera di carbone di Garzweiler, presso Lüzerath, nello stato tedesco della Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia; dopo essere stata identificata è stata immediatamente rilasciata, potendo così recarsi a Davos, in Svizzera, per partecipare insieme ad altre attiviste a una manifestazione contro il World Economic Forum. Precedenti Nel 1992 ci fu un altro caso simile a quello di Greta: la canadese Severn Suzuki, all'età di 12 anni, tenne un discorso a una conferenza ONU sulle questioni ambientali dal punto di vista dei giovani. Il video di quel discorso suscitò grande attenzione in tutto il pianeta. Nella cultura di massa Nel singolo di Piero Pelù Picnic all'inferno (2019), in parte dedicato a Greta Thunberg, si sentono alcune frasi da lei pronunciate. Nell'album Persona di Marracash, è presente una traccia intitolata Greta Thunberg - Lo stomaco. Il gruppo musicale The 1975 ha inserito nella prima traccia dell'album Notes on a Conditional Form (2020), un testo che si rifà al discorso che la giovane ambientalista ha tenuto all'Assemblea nazionale francese il 23 luglio 2019. Al Carnevale di Viareggio 2020 viene rappresentata su un carro dal titolo "Home sweet home" di Lebigre Roger con un ritratto gigante della ragazza alto 7 metri che regge il globo terrestre. Il 3 settembre 2020 alla 77ª Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia è stato presentato il documentario I Am Greta - Una forza della natura, del regista svedese Nathan Grossman, che racconta la vita della giovane attivista dall'inizio della sua protesta solitaria alla fama mondiale come guida del movimento di manifestazioni per il clima Fridays for Future. Effetto Greta Greta Thunberg ha ispirato un gran numero di suoi coetanei in quello che è stato definito "effetto Greta". In risposta alla sua presa di posizione netta, vari politici hanno riconosciuto la necessità di concentrarsi sul cambiamento climatico. Il segretario britannico per l'ambiente, Michael Gove, ha dichiarato: «Quando ho ascoltato le tue parole, ho provato grande ammirazione, ma anche senso di responsabilità e colpa. Appartengo alla stessa generazione dei tuoi genitori, e riconosco che non abbiamo fatto abbastanza per affrontare il cambiamento climatico e la più grande crisi ambientale che abbiamo contribuito a creare». L'esponente del partito Laburista britannico Ed Miliband, responsabile dell'introduzione del Climate Change Act del 2008, ha dichiarato: «Ci hai svegliato. Grazie. Tutti i giovani che hanno scioperato hanno mostrato la realtà alla nostra società […] hai insegnato a tutti noi una lezione davvero importante, ti sei distinta dalla massa». Nel febbraio 2019, Greta Thunberg ha presenziato ad un evento pubblico con l'allora presidente della Commissione europea, Jean-Claude Juncker. Quest'ultimo ha sottolineato che: «Nel prossimo esercizio finanziario 2021–2027, ogni quattro euro spesi nel bilancio dell'Unione Europea uno sarà destinato ad azioni di mitigazione del cambiamento climatico». Le questioni climatiche hanno assunto un ruolo significativo nelle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del maggio 2019 poiché i partiti verdi hanno registrato il loro miglior risultato in assoluto aumentando il numero di seggi al Parlamento europeo da 52 a 72. Gran parte dei consensi provenivano dai paesi dell'Europa settentrionale dove i giovani sono scesi in piazza ispirati da Greta Thunberg. Nel giugno 2019, un sondaggio condotto da YouGov in Gran Bretagna ha riscontrato che la preoccupazione dell'opinione pubblica per le questioni ambientali è salita a livelli record nel Regno Unito da quando Greta Thunberg ed Extinction Rebellion hanno «perforato la bolla della negazione». Nell'agosto 2019, la pubblicazione e le vendite di libri per ragazzi sul tema della crisi climatica sono di fatto raddoppiate rispetto all'anno precedente. Gli editori attribuiscono questa crescita all'effetto Greta. Ispirati da Greta Thunberg, ricchi filantropi e investitori dagli Stati Uniti hanno donato circa $ per supportare Extinction Rebellion e i gruppi di studenti in sciopero per il clima per istituire il Climate Emergency Fund. Trevor Neilson, uno dei filantropi, ha detto che i tre fondatori avrebbero contattato alcuni magnati loro amici per donare "cento volte" di più nelle settimane e nei mesi a venire. Nel dicembre 2019, il settimanale britannico New Scientist ha descritto l'impatto di Greta Thunberg e Extinction Rebellion con il titolo: L'anno in cui il mondo si è svegliato dinanzi al cambiamento climatico. Premi e riconoscimenti Greta Thunberg ha ricevuto vari riconoscimenti e premi nel corso del suo attivismo. Nel maggio 2018, prima dell'inizio del suo sciopero scolastico, è stata una delle vincitrici in un concorso per giovani di temi sul cambiamento climatico, del quotidiano Svenska Dagbladet. Thunberg si è rifiutata di partecipare alle cerimonie o di accettare premi se ciò le richiedeva di volare. Ha ricevuto premi da varie ONG, ma anche da istituzioni scientifiche che hanno lodato il suo successo nella sensibilizzazione. TIME'S 25 adolescenti più influenti del 2018, nel dicembre 2018, un elenco annuale stilato dalla rivista Time degli adolescenti più influenti del mondo quell'anno. Borsa di studio Fryshuset, 2018, per Young Role Model of the Year. Nomina al Premio Nobel per la Pace, 2019, da parte di tre deputati del parlamento norvegese. Ancora nel 2020 da due legislatori svedesi, e nel 2021. Donna dell'anno (Årets Kvinna), marzo 2019, premiata dal quotidiano svedese Expressen. Donna svedese dell'anno (Årets Svenska Kvinna), marzo 2019, assegnato dalla Swedish Women's Educational Association a "una donna svedese che, attraverso i suoi successi, ha rappresentato e portato l'attenzione sulla Svezia di oggi nel mondo intero". Premio Rachel Carson, marzo 2019, assegnato a una donna che si è distinta in lavori eccezionali per l'ambiente in Norvegia o a livello internazionale. Goldene Kamera, film e premi televisivi, marzo 2019, premio speciale Climate Action. Thunberg ha dedicato il premio agli attivisti che protestavano contro la distruzione della foresta di Hambach, minacciata dall'estrazione di lignite. Premio Fritt Ord, aprile 2019, condiviso con Natur og Ungdom, che "celebra la libertà di parola". Thunberg ha donato la sua parte del premio in denaro a una causa che cercava di fermare l'esplorazione petrolifera norvegese nell'Artico. TIME 100, aprile 2019, di Time magazine, un elenco annuale delle 100 persone più influenti al mondo per quell'anno. Premio Laudato sì, aprile 2019, assegnato nell'ambito della seconda enciclica di Papa Francesco, "sulla cura della nostra casa comune". Doctor honoris causa, maggio 2019, conferito dall'Università belga di Mons per "contributo... alla sensibilizzazione sullo sviluppo sostenibile". Premio Ambassador of Conscience, giugno 2019, il premio più prestigioso di Amnesty International, per la sua leadership nel movimento per il clima, condiviso con Fridays for Future. The Geddes Environment Medal, luglio 2019, della Royal Scottish Geographical Society, per "un eccezionale contributo pratico, di ricerca o di comunicazione alla conservazione e alla protezione dell'ambiente naturale e allo sviluppo della sostenibilità". Honorary Fellowship della Royal Scottish Geographical Society, luglio 2019, conferita automaticamente con la medaglia Geddes. Prix Liberté, ricevuto a Caen, Francia, il 21 luglio 2019 Duurzame Lintje (Nastro Sostenibile) a Den Haag, 3 settembre 2019 Right Livelihood Award, settembre 2019, dalla Right Livelihood Foundation e noto come Premio Nobel alternativo svedese, una dei quattro vincitori del 2019, "per aver ispirato e amplificato le richieste politiche di un'azione urgente per il clima che rifletta i fatti scientifici". Chiavi della città di Montréal, 27 settembre 2019, dal sindaco di Montréal Valérie Plante. GQ Game Changer of the Year Award 2019, a settembre. International Children's Peace Prize, ottobre 2019, condiviso con la 14enne Divina Maloum del Camerun, assegnato dalla KidsRights Foundation.. Maphiyata echiyatan hin win (Donna che venne dai cieli), nome tribale Lakota conferito, l'8 ottobre 2019, presso la riserva indiana di Standing Rock, a seguito del sostegno all'opposizione dell'oleodotto Dakota Access, dopo essere stata invitata da Tokata Iron Eyes, una Lakota di 16 anni attivista per il clima. WWF Sverige Årets Miljöhjälte (eroe ambientale svedese dell'anno), nell'ottobre 2019 (è un premio ricevuto anche da sua madre Malena nel 2017) Premio per l'ambiente del Consiglio nordico, ottobre 2019. Thunberg ha rifiutato di accettare il premio o il premio in denaro di 350.000 corone danesi (47.000 euro a ottobre 2019), affermando che i paesi nordici non stavano facendo abbastanza per ridurre le emissioni. Time Person of the Year, dicembre 2019, di Time magazine, la prima destinataria nata nel 21º secolo e la più giovane di sempre. Per essere riuscita a "creare un cambiamento di atteggiamento globale, trasformando milioni di vaghe ansie notturne in un movimento mondiale che chiede un cambiamento urgente". E "per aver lanciato l'allarme sul rapporto predatorio dell'umanità con l'unica casa che abbiamo, per aver portato in un mondo frammentato una voce che trascende sfondi e confini, per aver mostrato a tutti noi come potrebbe apparire quando una nuova generazione guida". "Persona dell'anno". Glamour Woman of the Year Award 2019, 12 novembre 2019, da Glamour magazine. Accettato da Jane Fonda, che cita Greta così: "Se una svedese, adolescente, appassionata di scienza, che non compra più, si rifiuta di volare, e non si è mai truccata o è stata da un parrucchiere, può essere scelta come donna dell'anno da una delle più grandi riviste di moda nel mondo, penso che quasi nulla sia impossibile". Nature's 10, 2019, dicembre 2019, un elenco annuale di dieci "persone che contano" nella scienza, stilato dalla rivista scientifica Nature. Per essere un "catalizzatore climatico: un'adolescente svedese [che] ha portato alla ribalta la scienza del clima e ha incanalato la rabbia della sua generazione". Lista di Forbes delle 100 donne più potenti del mondo, 2019 The Perfect World Foundation Award, il 28 dicembre 2019, e consegnato a Göteborg il 16 settembre 2020 Human Act Award, in occasione della Giornata della Terra, il 22 aprile 2020, da parte della Human Act Foundation, per "i suoi sforzi senza paura e determinati per mobilitare milioni di persone in tutto il mondo per combattere il cambiamento climatico". Il premio in denaro di 100.000 dollari è stato donato all'UNICEF e raddoppiato dalla Fondazione. Premio Gulbenkian per l'umanità, 2020, prima destinataria di questo premio. Attraverso la sua fondazione, Thunberg ha donato il premio in denaro di 1 milione di euro "a progetti di beneficenza che combattono la crisi climatica ed ecologica e per sostenere le persone che ne affrontano i peggiori impatti, in particolare nel Sud del mondo". Doctor of Laws honoris causa, maggio 2021, conferito dall'Università canadese UBC Okanagan. Women of Europe Awards, nella sezione "Attivismo della donna nell'attività giovanile" conferito il 1 dicembre 2021 dal Movimento Europeo Internazionale. Specie chiamate in onore di Thunberg: - Nelloptodes gretae, ottobre 2019, una nuova specie di coleottero del Kenya. In un articolo accademico dell'entomologo Michael Darby prende il nome da Greta Thunberg per il suo eccezionale contributo alla sensibilizzazione sui problemi ambientali e perché le antenne del coleottero hanno una vaga somiglianza con le trecce di Greta. - Thunberga greta, giugno 2020, una nuova specie di ragno cacciatore in un nuovo genere Thunberga gen nov che prende il nome da Thunberg dall'aracnologo Peter Jäger. Entro il 2021 il genere conteneva venticinque ragni, molti nominati in onore di altri giovani ispiratori. Tutte le nuove specie provengono dal Madagascar e da Mayotte. - Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, Schilthuizen et al., 2020, una nuova specie di lumaca di terra del Borneo descritta nella famiglia Cyclophoridae prende il nome da Thunberg e un'altra nuova lumaca d'acqua dolce della Nuova Zelanda, Opacuincola gretathunbergae, Verhaege & Haase, 2021, è dedicata a Thunberg. Opere Note Voci correlate Cambiamento climatico Fridays For Future Stato di emergenza climatica Sviluppo sostenibile Severn Cullis-Suzuki Anuna De Wever Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Ambientalisti svedesi Attivisti per il clima BBC 100 Women
How to Make Custom Engraved Leather Goods? Leather goods look very fine and can serve as various accessories. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make customised leather items with ZMorph VX. For our project, we used eco leatherette. The workflow can be applied to other types of leather as well, but the Voxelizer settings may differ. After you obtain the material needed for your leather goods, it's time to prepare files for the 3D printer. First, you need to prepare .dxf files that will later be imported to Voxelizer and turned into G-codes for ZMorph VX. For the leather accessories, you need to create two different .dxf files. One should contain the graphics you want to engrave on leather, the second one for the outline (laser cutting). The appealing ornaments presented in the pictures were made by Penciltivity. Ready .dxf files should be now imported to Voxelizer, the slicer software for ZMorph VX. To turn raw files into stunning leather goods you need to experiment with the settings a bit. The settings will vary depending on the leather / leatherette you are using, so, unfortunately, there are no fixed numbers. Follow our social media, because we will post a detailed guide in ZMorph Academy how to make customised leather goods with ZMorph VX. Remember, that for your leather accessories you will need two different settings – one for cutting the outline and the other for engraving graphics. Fortunately, Voxelizer will allow you to combine the settings into one .gcode file. The simplest way to mount the material on the CNC worktable is with double-sided tape. The easiest way for you to make the custom leather goods is to mount the material as close to the bottom left-hand side corner on the table. Though while engraving with Laser PRO your material shouldn't move, it's always best to make sure that it is correctly mounted. Apart from the tape, you can also use small clips on the sides, but check if they're not in the way of the laser. After the leather is safely placed on the worktable it's high time to send your ZMorph VX to work. You're almost there. The files for the machine are prepared and the leather is safely mounted on the table. But before you press the start button, there's one more very important thing to do. Put your safety glasses on. Operating laser can really harm your eyes. Got the glasses? Then back to work. Calibrate the machine (the toolhead should be around 3mm above the leather) and start the job. Cutting and engraving should take just several minutes. In our case, this was no more than 5 minutes, but depending on the size and complexity of the graphics, it can take more. Few stitches are necessary if you want to turn an otherwise useless piece of leather into a stylish accessory. And it is really that easy. Now you can show your leather accessories to your friends and family and eventually you could start making money with it. It's up to you how you use the knowledge. Detailed information about making leather goods you will soon find in ZMorph Academy. Find more professional applications of ZMorph VX.
Adam Lordon is a freelance media producer/director, a proud Miramichier, and one of the youngest city Mayors in the country. Born and raised in Miramichi, since returning to the province Adam has re-immersed himself in the community and the province. In 2015 he became the youngest City Councillor in Miramichi history, and in 2016 was elected as the city's youngest Mayor. As Mayor, Lordon is a passionate advocate for urban renewal, downtown and waterfront development, diversity and inclusion, immigration, public transit, long term planning, arts and culture, and youth engagement. Lordon is the President of the Cities of New Brunswick Association, and is one of 3 New Brunswick reps on the national Board of Directors of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. He is also involved in many community groups and associations including as the Vice President of the Miramichi Young Professionals and Involved Entrepreneurs, and representing the city on the Miramichi City Transit Commission and the local Chamber of Commerce. This year he teamed up with the Miramichi Multicultural Association and other community groups to host a Mayor's Welcome BBQ for all newcomers to the community. Professionally he is a media and television producer, director, and consultant with over a decade on industry experience including a specialization in tourism, lifestyle, and documentary content. His credits include The Amazing Race Canada, The Marilyn Denis Show, MTV and MuchMusic, and several projects with Tourism New Brunswick. He has won national awards for his work as a director, and for marketing brand integrations.
Shout-outs to some great content over the past year! I read a lot! Part of this is the nature of my job as, essentially, the Editor in Chief of the Telerik Developer Network and even as co-editor of Mobile Web Weekly. But I also love to read and read a lot of technical articles for developers as part of my daily routine. P.S. These are in no particular order (actually, that's not true…they're basically in reverse chronological order…but not in order or favoritism).
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The Government has not yet received a reply from Pope Francis to a request that the Catholic Church contribute to the cost of reparation at the former mother and baby home in Tuam. Minister for Children Katherine Zappone spoke to the pope about the matter during his visit to Ireland last month and gave him a memo which provided detail about the discovery of children's remains at the site in Tuam. Sinn Féin's Denise Mitchell asked the Minister in the Dáil if she had received any response from the pope or his officials on the subject of mother and baby homes. At the time the Minister was accused of engaging in a "publicity stunt". Ms Zappone said she was "still awaiting a reply" and reiterated her view that the church should contribute significantly to whatever decision the Government made in relation to the future of the Tuam site. She repeated her belief that the church's contribution "should be done willingly, unconditionally and quickly". The Tuam Home Survivors Network also accused Ms Zappone of being responsible for a "dishonest exercise" over the future of the former home site which, it says, has delayed exhumation of bodies and "prolonged the agony of survivors". Ms Zappone told Fianna Fáil spokeswoman on children Anne Rabbitte that she hoped to bring a memo to Government "within the coming weeks" to make decision about what to do next at the Tuam site. Former residents favour complete exhumation and identification of the remains, one of five options being considered, which also include retention of the site as a memorial to those who died there. Ms Rabbitte questioned the Minister on the provision of counselling services for former residents. Ms Zappone said it was a key concern and she agreed that "in general, yes of course we should do it but what's the best way". Counselling was one of the primary issues the collaborative forum of former residents was looking at and she expected to have a report within six months. Independent TD Maureen O'Sullivan said there was a need to process issues "in a much more speedy fashion" and she expressed concern of a "kick to touch exercise" that would not get to the nub of what was required because there was disappointment with the interim report "with the lack of information". Ms Zappone pointed out that it took time to "establish and select a fully representative group of people for a collaborative forum" of former residents. She said the commission established following the discovery early last year of the remains at Tuam, would issue its final reports in early February next year. The extra time it received to complete its work it was using to listen to former residents of the home. She understood they were eagerly awaiting a response and she had initiated a number of processes including the collaborative forum so that "former residents can directly engage on issues of concern".
Then David came to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest. And when Ahimelech met David, he trembled and asked him, "Why are you alone? Why is no one with you?" Verse 32. - Anathoth was on the road from Geba to Jerusalem (Isaiah 10:30), and was a Levitical city (Joshua 21:18). Nob was still nearer to the capital, which could be seen from it (Isaiah 10:32). It was famous for the massacre of the priests by Doeg (1 Samuel 22:18, 19). Ananiah is mentioned only in this place.
An Emperoureth Romanek yw an stat ha'y gres yn Rom, neb a dryghas Europa soth ha west, Afrika gledh, hag Asi west. Nerthus o an Romanyon y'n Mor Mediterraneek kyns termyn Yul Kesar; eev a dryghas Bro Gall, ha'y vab Oktavyan Awgust o an kynsa emperour. Y tiberthys an Emperoureth tamm ha tamm yn rann West (Latin) ha rann Est (Greka). Yn 381, Kristoneth veu selys avel kryjyans soedhogel an Emperoureth. Menystryes an West yw gyllys dhe'n Wothyon yn 476, mes an Emperoureth a besya y'n Est bys yn 1453 pan dryghas an Durkyon Kostentinopel.
Suddenly my battery died. If i unplug the ac the laptop turns off. In my battery idicator sais: battery charged 0%. The charging led is always flashing. I already tried a hardware reset (bios reset defaults, hold 10 secs the on button without ac and battery) but didn't work. Does anyone have an idea if this is repairable or do i have to buy a new battery.
The Poems 1951-1967 (LH3) Arnold Rampersad The Collected Works of Langston Hughes Volume 3 collects the poems of the last period of Hughes's life. Montage of a Dream Deferred (1951) brilliantly fused the modernist dissonances of bebop jazz with his perception of Harlem life as both a triumph of hope and a deepening crisis ("What happens to a dream deferred?"). In the tumultuous following years, he refused to relinquish the mantle of the poet, as may be seen in his inspired last two books of verse, Ask Your Mama (1961) and The Panther and the Lash (1967). The former demonstrates Hughes's continuing alertness to the significance of black music as a guide to American reality; here, avant-garde jazz rhythms and allusions fueled an intensity of language that predicted the cultural upheavals of the sixties and seventies. Hughes's last volume, combining old and new poems, emphasized the struggle for civil rights in the face of reactionary defiance, on the one hand, and the volatility of Black Power, on the other. Vigorous and versatile to the end, Hughes concluded his career as he had begun it: a master poet dedicated to observing and celebrating African American culture in its full complexity. Arnold Rampersad is Professor Emeritus of English at Stanford University in California. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of numerous publications, including The Life of Langston Hughes, Jackie Robinson: A Biography, and, with Arthur Ashe, Days of Grace: A Memoir. He is a 2010 recipient of the National Humanities Medal. Langston Hughes was one of the most influential and prolific writers of the twentieth century. "The joy in Hughes's poems is his enviable ability to re-create the innate rhythms and spark of a people, a neighborhood, a city, a country....This is the author as loquacious, unleashed social commentator who...holds up a mirror and shows us the world."—Boston Globe Autobiography (LH13) The Big Sea The Early Simple Stories (LH7) Essays on Art, Race, Politics, and World Affairs (LH9) Fight for Freedom and Other Writings on Civil Rights (LH10) Gospel Plays, Operas, and Later Dramatic Works (LH6) The Later Simple Stories (LH8) The Novels (LH4) Not Without Laughter and Tambourines to Glory The Plays to 1942 (LH5) Mulatto to the Sun Do Move Works for Children and Young Adults (LH12) The Short Stories (LH15) Translations (LH16) Frederico García Lorca, Nicolás Guillén, and Jacques Roumain Poetry, Fiction, and Other Writing
Martins Dukurs (Riga, Letònia 1984) és un esportista letó, especialista en esports d'hivern i guanyador de dues medalles olímpiques. Ha estat quatre cops guardonat com a esportista letó de l'any en categoria masculina. Biografia Va néixer el 31 de març de 1984 a la ciutat de Riga, capital en aquells moments de la República Socialista Soviètica de Letònia (Unió Soviètica) i que avui dia és la capital de Letònia. És germà del també esportista Tomass Dukurs. Carrera esportiva Especialista en tobogan, va participar als 21 anys als Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 2006 realitzats a Torí (Itàlia, on finalitzà setè en la prova individual masculina d'aquesta disciplina. En els Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 2010 realitzats a Vancouver (Canadà) fou nomenat abanderat del seu país en la Cerimònia inaugural dels Jocs i aconseguí guanyar la medalla de plata, un metall que revalidà en els Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 2014 realitzats a Sotxi (Rússia). Al llarg de la seva carrera ha guanyat tres medalles en el Campionat del Món de Tobogan, dues d'elles d'or, i cinc medalles en el Campionat d'Europa de la mateixa especialitat, totes elles d'or. Així mateix ha guanyat cinc vegades la Copa del Món de l'especialitat (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14). Referències Enllaços externs www.olympic.org - Martins Dukurs www.sports-reference.com - Martins Dukurs Alumnes de la Universitat de Letònia Esportistes de Riga Medallistes als Jocs Olímpics d'hivern de 2010 Medallistes als Jocs Olímpics d'hivern de 2014 Corredors de tobogan Distingits amb la Creu del Reconeixement
Career Opportunities at the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – We coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Title: Energy Models Analyst Job Code: 5.4.01 Location: Nigeria The Energy Studies Department monitors, analyzes and forecasts world energy developments in the medium and long term and reports thereon, in particular providing in-depth studies and reports on energy issues. It monitors developments and undertakes specific studies on energy demand and production-related technology, assessing implications for OPEC. It identifies and follows up key areas of energy-related emerging technologies and research and development (R&D), facilitates and supports planning and implementation of collaborative energy-related R&D programs of Member Countries, as well as identifies prospects for OPEC participation in major international R&D activities. It carries out studies and reports on developments in the petroleum industry, providing effective tools for carrying out model-based studies of analyses and projections of energy supply/demand and downstream simulation. It elaborates OPEC Long Term Strategy and monitors, analyzes and reports on relevant national or regional policies (fiscal, energy, trade and environmental), assessing their impacts on energy markets. Objective of Position To ensure adequate development of the modeling capabilities of the Department and to supervise the development and maintenance of medium- to long-term modeling systems; to coordinate and be responsible for running the models; and to coordinate, carry out or contribute to studies based on a modeled approach. Ensures and supervises the development of medium- and long-term modeling systems made by the OPEC Secretariat or by outside consultants and to co-ordinate for running the models Ensures the maintenance of proper specifications of the models in use, keeps OPEC Secretariat methodologies continually under review and provides general guidelines for improving methodologies for the models in the Department Conducts or contributes to studies based on a modeled approach Responsible for defining the most reasonable raw input data for and running, modifying and updating the models in the Secretariat; estimating and re-specifying the equations of the models to increase their computational efficiency Studies and keeps abreast of other energy model efforts developed outside so as to keep OPEC methodologies continually under review Contributes to speeches, articles and presentations to internal meetings and international forums Carries out any other tasks assigned by the relevant superiors as pertain to his/her background, qualifications and position. Required Competencies and Qualifications University degree in Economics, Statistics or Computational Modelling Advanced degree preferred University degree: 8 years in the petroleum industry Advanced degree: 6 years Training Specializations: Knowledge of latest developments in exploration/production (upstream), pipeline transportation, refining (downstream) and modeling Broad knowledge of various phases of oil operations and energy related environmental issues an asset Customer service orientation Status and Benefits Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality. The post is at grade E reporting to the Head, Energy Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post. Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a Résumé and an application form which can be received from their Country's Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the application form and resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above. NIGERIA COUNTRY GOVERNOR Federal Republic of Nigeria Dr. Omar Farouk Ibrahim, MCIPR, Group General Manager, International Energy Relations (GGM IER), Governor for OPEC, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – NNPC, Block D 10th Floor, Room 04, NNPC Towers, Click Here to Download Application Form (Ms Word) Application Deadline 30th April, 2021. Job Title: Head, Administration and IT Services Department Job Code: 10.1.01 Within the Support Services Division, the Administration and IT Services Department coordinates all matters pertaining to administering and providing services to the Secretariat including managing the building and its offices; and to handle office services, conference services, travel, documents and visa; communication and logistics; office supplies and documentation; security; safety and parking; and to furnish IT infrastructure facilities and support. The Head plans, organizes, coordinates manage and evaluate the work of the Administration and IT Services Department in accordance with the approved medium term and annual work programmes and budget of the Department so as to optimize its support to the Secretariat in achieving its overall objectives. Plans, organizes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the work in the Administration & IT Services Department by providing services to the Secretariat relating to: The building, offices and the residence Procurement, office supplies and printing services Travel, hotel, visa arrangements, removal of personal effects, legitimation cards, license plates; Logistics for all meetings and entertainment functions; Transportation, inter-office mail delivery and kitchen services; Security, safety and parking; Computer network facilities: email, internet, printing Telecommunication system Works closely with 1) Data Services Department, IT Development to ensure that adequate hardware and software are implemented for the smooth functioning of their programs, and 2) Finance & HR Department to liaise the smooth transition of incoming / outgoing staff. Ensures full responses to requests by the Conference, Board of Governors and standing committees for studies and special reports relevant to the work program of the Department. Arranges presentations at relevant OPEC meetings and international forums representing the Secretariat as required. Develops and maintains networks with external experts and institutions in fields relating to the work of the Department. Keeps the Director, Support Services Division fully informed on all aspects of the work of the Department, and draws his / her attention to important analyses performed by it. Evaluates the performance of the staff of the Department, and recommends to the Director, Support Services Division of staff development, salary increase, promotion and separations as appropriate. Ensures that the staff of the Department receive the supervision and guidance necessary to broaden and deepen their skills and continuously improve their performance. Prepares the annual budget for the Department Carries out any other tasks assigned to him / her by the Director, Support Services Division. ALSO READ Apply for British Council Scholarships 2022 for Women in STEM Advanced University Degree in Business Administration or equivalent subject PhD preferred University Degree: 12 years with a minimum of 4 years in a managerial position, preferably at large national, regional, or international institutions PhD: 10 years Computer Facility Scheduling and Operations Professional Management & Leadership Managerial & leadership skills Initiative and integrity Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality. The post is at grade B reporting to the Director, Support Services Division. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post. Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a "Resume and an Application Form" which can be received from their Country's Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the Application Form and Resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above. Job Title: Head, Finance and Human Resources Department The objectives are to provide services related to managing the human and financial resources of the Organization. The Department is responsible for, budgets, accounting and internal control as well as human resources planning and management. The Department comprises two organizational sections: the Finance Section and the Human Resources Section. Plans, organizes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the work of the Finance & Human Resources Department in accordance with the work programme and budget of the Department so as to optimize its support to the Secretariat in achieving its overall objectives. The work covers responsibilities of policies, development and management of human resources and of setting up and managing the Secretariat's annual budget. Plans, organizes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the work in the Finance & Human Resources Department covering: Human resources planning/forecasting, recruitment/selection, training & development, Performance Management System, policies development, compensation & benefits as well as administration of termination The annual budget of the Division, Departments and Offices, the control of the expenditures and the preparation of the financial reports The coordination of the preparation of the Secretariat's annual budget The enhancement of inter-departmental collaboration and cooperation Taking appropriate measures to ensure an optimal culture and working climate in the Organization by regularly comparing compensations and benefits in the other Vienna based international and private organizations to keep the Secretariat a competitive employer The development of staff by arranging/coordinating adequate training programs Participates in all interview panels as the leading member Ensures full responses to requests by the Conference, BOG and standing committees for studies and special reports relevant to the work program of the Department Arranges presentations at relevant OPEC meetings and international forums representing the Secretariat as required Develops and maintains networks with external experts and institutions in fields relating to the work of the Department Keeps the Director, Support Services Division fully informed on all aspects of the work of the Department, and draws his attention to important analyses performed by it Evaluates the performance of the staff of the Department, and recommends to the Director, Support Services Division of staff development, salary increase, promotion and separations as appropriate Ensures that the staff of the Department receive the supervision and guidance necessary to broaden and deepen their skills and continuously improve their performance Carries out any other tasks assigned to him/her by the Director, Support Services Division ALSO READ Employment Opportunities at Vitafoam Nigeria PLC 10 years with a minimum of 4 years in a managerial position, preferably at large national, regional, or international institutions Financial Management (cost & benefit analysis) The post is at grade B reporting to the Director, Support Services Division. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post. Job Title: Head, Public Relations and Information Department The Department is responsible for presenting OPEC objectives, decisions and actions in their true and most desirable perspective; disseminating news of general interest regarding the Organization and the Member Countries on energy and related matters; and carrying out a central information programme and identifying suitable areas for the promotion of the Organization's aims and image. Plans, organizes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the work of the Public Relation and Information Department in accordance with the work programme and budget of the Department so as to optimize its support to the Secretariat in achieving its objectives. The work aims at creating and maintaining a positive image of the Organization and at ensuring the dissemination of publications and journals at highest professional standard. Plans, organizes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the work in the Public Relations & Information Department by: Suggesting ways and means of promoting the image of the Organization; Regularly dispatching information to the broad public through the media and disseminating information and news on OPEC; Informing and seeking dialogues with targeted policy making bodies, institutions and organizations; Identifying and strengthening avenues for dialogue between OPEC, other institutions and the general public; Monitoring the media to evaluate public perception about the Organization, and recommending, where necessary, any disinformation about the Organization through the Director, Support Services Division to the Secretary General; Ensuring that publications and public relations activities are fully consistent with the pursuit of OPEC aims and objectives, and policies, and of highest professional standard in terms of language, format and layout; Updating and sustaining the OPEC website Establishes and maintains close contacts with the media and arranges print, radio, TV and internet interviews to promote objective presentation of OPEC, its aims and objectives as well as the work of the Secretariat Advanced University Degree in Media Studies, Journalism, Public Relations, International Relations or relevant Social Sciences PhD preferred. 12 years in Journalism, Information Management and / or Public Relations in the Media or in an energy-related establishment with a minimum of 4 years in a managerial position, preferably at large national, regional, or international institutions ALSO READ New Job Openings at Action Against Hunger Knowledge of modern information practice and techniques Membership of a professional body (Public Relations or Journalism) is an advantage Knowledge of energy development issues an asset Job Title: Downstream Oil Industry Analyst Job Code: 5. 3. 02 To study and analyse developments in the refining, petrochemical and oil transportation/distribution sectors; To assess the implications of technological advances, environmental policy and other relevant developments for the downstream oil industry; and To conduct qualitative and quantitative studies on the medium to long term outlook for the downstream oil sector; to contribute to the World Oil Outlook. Studies and analyses developments in refining, petroleum product quality specifications, products trade, crude and products transportation, petrochemicals, downstream investments. Studies and assesses the technological, environmental, political and other relevant developments for the downstream oil industry and assesses their implications. Coordinates data gathering and data treatment required for conducting studies and analyses on the above subject matters. Contributes to maintaining and running the downstream models. Contributes to the World Oil Outlook. Contributes to and delivers speeches, articles and presentations at internal meetings and various international forums. University Degree in Refining Engineering, Petroleum Marketing, Energy Economics or equivalent; Advanced Degree preferred. University Degree: 8 years oil refining, marketing, transportation or energy economics Advanced Degree: 6 years. Refining operations and technology Petroleum market analysis International oil market assessment an asset. Initiative and integrity. The post is at grade E reporting to the Head, Energy Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits is commensurate with the level of the post. Application Deadline 31st May, 2021. Note: Applicants must be nationals of Member Countries of OPEC and should not be older than 58 years Tags: Career Opportunities at the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Recent Job Vacancies at Grand Pela Hotel and Suites Job Recruitment at Procter and Gamble
Music Editor Guide: The Best Music Editors & Audio Editing Software 2021 Welcome beat makers, fellow producers and music editors. Today we are reviewing the best music editors and audio editing software available in 2020. We will take you on a ride from free audio editing to fully professional software which includes various VST plugins, bells and whistles matched to your audio file editor needs! Let's get down and review the best 9 song editing software. 1. Adobe Audition Adobe Audition is one of the most popular programs for editing audio files. You can customize the look to suit your workflow. The software has all the best tools for editing and completing any audio project. Adobe Audition software is a complete multi-tracker voice recorder, mixer and multitrack digital audio clip editor for Windows. When used with a Windows sound card, the program provides the user with a complete digital recording studio experience. This is one of the few programs that allows multiple sources to be recorded simultaneously in separate tracks. This facilitates post-production tasks such as editing and processing effects. Adobe Audition sound recovery tools make it easy to repair damaged or old recordings. Adobe Audition CC for $20.99 per month. To use the program, you pay a monthly, annual or multi-year subscription. It also comes with an Adobe Cloud subscription, which is more useful if you plan on editing pictures or videos. Adobe offers discounts to students and teachers, as well as companies that require multiple licenses. Adobe Audition produces good quality audio, especially when using MATLAB codes. But it's good to produce music because it doesn't look like a Garage Band. It's primarily a song editing app package (so no MIDI). But if you can actually play an instrument, there's no reason you can't create multitrack music with it. The software has multi-track recording capabilities, excellent sound recovery tools that deliver satisfactory results and great compatibility and file conversion capabilities. This is one of the best audio editing programs available. The software has multi-track recording capabilities, excellent sound recovery tools that deliver satisfactory results and great compatibility and file conversion capabilities. This is one of the best audio editing programs available. The Adobe Audition bill as "designed to accelerate video workflows and complete audio" and this is truly its key market. Does Adobe Audition Support VST Plugins? Adobe Audition supports third-party 64-bit audio plug-ins in VST 2.4, VST 3.0 for macOS, and Windows and Audio units for macOS. How Easy To Use? This is not the most complex type of application, nor is it the easiest to use. It is intended for professional use. Adobe is offering a free trial. Powerful tools for restoring sound. Suppressing noise and reducing noise. Great stereo waveform editor. Useful visualization tools. Adheres to audio and video standards for film and television. Easy Audio Editor provides a speech synthesis tool, which is rare in this type of software. MIDI support is missing. Only available via subscription. You will not be able to burn CDs with this product Our Conclusion Adobe Audition is one of the best editing software we've reviewed because of its intuitive audio interface and powerful editing and repair tools. This software offers some unusual features that are impressive. It's very easy to use, but comparable products have more effects, filters and tools. 2. Audacity Audacity is a free music editing software package compatible with both Mac and Windows computers, it's considered the most popular windows audio editor available. The user interface is not pretty, but it makes it easy to find editing tools and its sleek design can speed up the workflow. One-click repair and restore plugins are easy to use and have worked well in our tests. The program struggled several times to run and crashed during testing, but this is normal with free software. If you have trouble editing podcasting software or scanning a vinyl record collection, Audacity is a great place to start because it can teach you some of the basic editing features for free. Audacity offers a good selection of add-ons and editing effects, easily accessible from the main menu bar. They might look as outdated as the user interface, but the controls are simple to understand and most have some pre-orders to help get you started. The noise reduction tool worked well in our tests. After highlighting the part of the recording that requires special attention, the plugin analyzes this section and automatically filters out unwanted noise. There are also sensitivity controls and downscaling controls to try to eliminate noise manually. The preview feature lets you check changes before you make destructive changes. File compatibility is not as complete as the highest-paid programs we tested, but you can import and export the most popular formats. It is an MP3 editor and also supports WAV and AIFF. Importing our test file for one and a half hours took almost a minute, which is longer than most programs but manageable. You need to download a free LAME encoder file to export MP3s, but you can find that link during the software download process. There are many useful keyboard shortcuts to improve your workflow, and most tools and features are in the main menu bar. Audacity is great software for novice podcast makers and vinyl lovers looking to digitize their disc collection. The interface may seem tricky, but it's easy to navigate and has all the tools to change and create a professional quality project easily. If you're worried about an initial software associated with the paid programs, try Audacity first. Audacity comes with a complete suite of built-in tools that let you edit pre-recorded files, record audio through microphones, or even stream music and podcasts. There is a wide range of audio formats for import and export, and the range of built-in effects is impressive. With all its power and an amazing set of features, Audacity is the best free sound editor you can download today. Does It Support VST Plugins? Yes, Audacity is a great software that permits the use of VST plugins. The software is free. It's actually accessible as beginners can easily use it. It can be used to create a shot, remove noise, cut and combine clips, apply special effects and achieving truly professional results. Audacity is free software. Has many effects Support VST plug-in Advanced audio editing The interface seems outdated, and the design of some tools is inconsistent Rating 4.4 out of 5 Audacity is surprisingly powerful software, perfect for editing and recording podcasts. you can develop Audacity with plugins that add new effects or integrate with other applications. There is no limit to the size or length of your projects and nothing is blocked behind the paywall. Whether you play music, podcasts, audiobooks or any other type of project, Audacity is a fantastic tool. 3. Sound Forge Audio Studio Sound Forge Audio Studio is a basic audio editor. It's a lot cheaper than a professional counterpart, Sound Forge Pro. However, Sound Forge Audio Studio still offers a handful of audio restoration tools, including the ability to scan vinyl records directly into the program, provided you have a vinyl conversion deck. This audio editing software also offers a handful of effects and default effects that you can apply to your audio recordings. It is the basic audio editor. Sound Forge Audio Studio comes with 11 audio effects from DirectX plugins. The effects found in this audio editor include a large number of presets. The assigned effects include 90 audio settings, allowing you to easily find the sound you are looking for. You can also preview the effects before applying them to your sound. One of the cool things about using Sound Forge is that the entire interface and toolbars they contain are fully customizable. In fact, this is one of the most customizable audio editing programs we've reviewed. You can change the look and feel of the sound editing window. You can also edit the toolbars to have the exact tools you want. Basically, you can create your own sound editing experience in Sound Forge. What Is The Sound Quality? The new version has arrived! With 64-bit architecture and Slice release. The state of the art. The above blend. Download again at any time. The user interface is intuitive and fully customizable. This only works on Windows computers. The software cost $ 329.99. Magix Sound Forge audio studio on Amazon for $42. Does The Software Support VST Plugins? It can host VST plugins. All MAGIX programs have been developed. Sound Forge Audio Studio does not have the full-featured audio recovery plugins that Pro Studio boasts of, but its basic audio recovery tools help remove unwanted noise from bad audio For ease of use, so all basic functions function seamlessly and can be fully controlled even on poorly performing computers. Sound Forge Studio is good sound editing software for beginners, but it lacks the editing and restoration features of the best software. 4. Ocenaudio Another powerful but simple audio editor, but easier to manage than Audacity. Ocenaudio is available on several platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac), although not full of features, it is a great tool for daily audio editing. It real-time effects should speed up your work, as you do not need to apply the change, but try it, and the extremely accurate selection tool makes it easier to apply the same effect to multiple sections of the file. You can use the software to work with files stored locally or even to open files stored online. The rare editor interface quickly becomes a pleasure to use, and if you are familiar with keyboard shortcuts for a while, you should go through the usual tasks at any time. It's definitely one of the best music editing apps available. Large selection of filters Clear interface No stacking effect Ocenaudio offers a good range of effects, with other accessories available, and it is even possible to export your creations as ringtones for your iPhone. Good choice of filters Spectrogram and analysis of useful files It is not open source No support for effect strings It may not be as rich in features as Audacity Ocenaudio is a great free sound editor for podcasters and amateur musicians. How Easy Is It To Use? Taking and editing recordings with Oceaudio is easy, and the software uses system resources in a cost-effective way so that even large files do not freeze or crash, which is a common problem with free multimedia applications. Assessudio comes with a choice of built-in filters and supports VST plugins to add even more. It is not open source and unlike Audacity, there is no way to change your code if it does not exactly meet your requirements. Indeudio has a less intimidating interface than Audacity but remains an extremely powerful audio editor. The currently open files are displayed in the list on the left, and the selected file will be displayed as a waveform on the left. It should be noted that unlike many free audio editors, Ratingudio uses properly labelled axes rather than an arbitrary volume levels display. There is also a spectrogram option, which shows you much more detail about the sound properties If you are looking for an advanced audio editor but Audacity looks overwhelming, it has been rated by the Tool for you. It could become top-notch software at some point, so make the most of it. 5. Free Audio Editor From FAE Media This is a clean tool that makes editing as easy as possible. A free audio editing software program making it easy to share and convert audio files, even for people who have never used a similar program. Unlike Audacity, this software will not help you create and master perfect note recordings or remove background noise, but that's not what it's designed for. The Free Audio Editor interface is a simple case of icons, without confusing the menu or scrolling through the list. The main attraction is a simple cutting tool, but Free Audio Editor also includes a great metadata editor for music file editor, as well as various export formats for storing a song in a format suitable for your reading device. choice. Well designed interface Select export formats There are no filters to create Simple and clear interface Large selection of export formats Cannot edit stereo tracks individually No filters except volume How Easy To Use The software is extremely easy to use. Just open the audio file. The latter will appear in Free Audio Editor as a pair of waveforms, one for each stereo channel. Free Audio Editor is a small, well-designed tool, especially suited for easily editing and editing songs or converting file formats. It's one of the best free audio editors is a great tool for making simple changes to audio files, such as cutting unwanted fractures in podcasts, adding metadata to songs, and converting between different formats. There are no advanced effects here, in fact, the only filter is volume control, so you'll need a more advanced tool like Audacity if you want the noise reduction and mitigation technique. The audio editor free download is here. 6. Ashampoo Music Studio 2018 It is more than an audio editor, Ashampoo Music Studio is a complete multimedia device. As its name implies, this software is designed as a purpose-built music audio editor and voice editing software program and includes several additional tools for reading and managing your songs. You can create playlists by importing individual tracks or entire folders and extracting audio from videos. This editor can also edit metadata tags, convert common formats, and search for missing or corrupted metadata in files. Well designed and easy to use Includes media management tools One record editor There is a tool for creating CD labels and covers and burning on a disc are welcome accessories. Ashampoo Music Studio has so many different features that it's hard to find a similar app. You can manage your music library using Helium Music Manager by organizing them into categories and editing their bookmarks, but you can't edit or convert a video to an audio file. Combined with Wondershare Music Converter to convert audio files to different formats, you can get close to the capabilities of Music Studio. This program can run on Windows XP, Vista, and 7 OS and is compatible with 32 and 64 bit systems. You can use this music studio for a variety of purposes as you can extract audio files from an audio CD to your computer or audio device. Opportunities to also burn your music to discs. If your computer contains a messy music collection, the Organizer will automatically rename and move your music easily and quickly Due to the graphics to the program interface, it requires a lot of memory and CPU resources. The audio outputs have good sound quality after conversion. It is extremely easy to use. This new version of Music Studio has faster edited audio processing, with an improved visual interface that is more convenient and user-friendly, and includes new features like video audio extraction and mix support to remix your favourite songs. 7. Acoustica Basic Edition From Acon Digital This is a more advanced editor that offers mastery with effects overlay. Acoustica Basic Edition is a great sound editor if you're looking for a music production tool. Not only can you create your own recordings and open files from your computer, but you can also import tracks directly from a CD, edit and export them in the format of your choice. Non-destructive installation It's easy to move Free version in limbo Acoustica Basic Edition looks great and easy to move and customize with a panel that lets you set up the tools you use most so they are easily accessible. The icons are clear and the menus are well organized. It no longer has the free version. £49.90 – £169.90 for the full version. What Is Acoustica Basic Edition Sound Quality? The intuitive user interface is designed for speed, accuracy and ease of use and offers a wide range of high-quality processing tools that optimize the quality of your shots. Easy to move Effect overlay Non-destructive checks The free version is no longer being developed. Acoustica Basic Edition is a great starting point for an audio editing experience with the freedom to go beyond the basics when you're ready. 8. Cockos Reaper The Reaper captures an unlimited amount of audio per session and has a good selection of mixing and mastering accessories. The Reaper software runs on both Mac and Windows computers and the processor is a bit of a burden. It has a Reaper license. It is compatible with more than 20 of the most popular audio formats and can export most important file types, including MP3s and lossless formats like AIFF and WAV. Reaper also supports popular video formats and allows you to overdub a better audio file into a video that you record on your phone or camcorder. If you plan on posting a video of your podcast, you can record audio and video separately and sync files with Reaper. This software is compatible with almost all third-party format add-ons, including VST, VST3, and AU. There is a 60 day free trial with no export or edit restrictions. If you enjoy the look and the workflow, the full version costs only $ 60 and includes free updates that continue through the next version. The layout is easy to navigate and customizable to enhance your workflow and give you easy access to the tools you use most. You can also use Reaper to delete or replace audio from most popular video formats Tools for repair and refurbishment are missing. It does not have a good selection of repair and refurbishment tools, but it is compatible with most other plugin formats. This is good sound recording and editing software, but consider another product for repairing or restoring noisy recordings. Reaper is a powerful audio and audio editing program with an extensive list of accessories. The user interface is infinitely customizable and easy to use. If you add a third-party repair plugin with this software, you could have a powerful set of audio production tools for under $ 200. 9. MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab is specially optimized for scanning vinyl records and restoring audio tracks. His presentation is simple and attractive. There are very few controls, menus and toolbars. The audio editing window is at the top of your workspace, with transport in the middle, and your file manager at the bottom. This audio editor presents itself purely and encourages the novice user with its simplified interface. In the lower-left corner of the work window, you will find most of the sound recovery tools in the sound editor. To test the compatibility of each audio editor's files, they have introduced several different audio file formats. This audio editing software was able to import all the audio extensions we used for testing. Also, have found that you can convert audio files to several different formats except for AIFF and AU formats. It can host VST plugins and VST plugins 3. It's simplicity. The software is designed to automatically detect what's wrong with your sound and apply any changes it deems necessary. It then lets you compare before and after changes and also gives you a simple account of what it did. The ability to refine change. This program has powerful repair and restoration tools. This is an almost unknown program that the community need not look for when you have to figure out how to do something. It's not a problem because of the simple and minimal interface that guides you in your work. Registration features are limited. Ratings 4.2 out of 5 MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab is a great software for repairing noisy or damaged files, but there are also better options for recording audio. Here is a list of other audio editing software you may wish to checkout. Other Audio Editing Software Below is a list of other Audio Editing and Music Editing Softwares: Amadeus Pro (macOS) for one-click audio repair and batch processing operations Fission (macOS) for quick and simple edits on a Mac Hindenburg Journalist (macOS, Windows) for journalists and podcasters TwistedWave Online (Web) for quick, web-based edits TwistedWave Mac (macOS) for multi-channel editing and effects on a Mac WaveLab Elements (macOS, Windows) for an alternative to Adobe Audition, without the subscription Audio Cutter Pro (web app) Nero Wave Editor (Windows) Qtractor (Linux) We hope you enjoyed this article, our final assessment is that if you want something quick and easy for the odd editing use, go with one of the free tools, however, if you are editing audio on the regular basis or in a more professional capacity, then we highly recommend you invest in Sony's Sound Forge or MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab. 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Based slightly on Michael's role as a Head Teacher in the drama GBH from 1991. Newly qualified primary school teacher Amelia Fairbourne (played by Daisy Ridley) starts her new job at her local primary school and meets Head Teacher 48 year old married Michael Preston (played by Michael Palin). He starts mentoring Amelia and a relationship soon develops. What will his wife (a famous actress) and his two kids make of it all? Will all be well? The italics indicates Mr Preston's perspective, normal text is Amelia's thoughts. Zoltar tries democracy on for size. Michael is still wearing his red lingerie from the gay court sketch and John discovered him wearing it. Being mistaken with your friend and taking advantage of it can get you into trouble. John knows, but goes into Michael's room without his permission anyway.
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We actively seek out the freshest vegetables possible and authentic spices right from the Indian Continent to give our food - the real Indian taste. The entire concept of Urban spice kitchen is to bring the authentic Indian Flavors to the prairies! The goal is to debunk the myth that spices means spicy when actually it means flavors! Adding spices to food doesnt actually make it spicy but in reality adds as a taste, a unique flavor to the food which can be judged from its aromas!! Puff patties stuffed with Savory Potatoes & peas. Round savory crunchies filled with potato chickpeas stuffing served with homemade fresh tangy water bustling with crisp flavors. Bread buns/naan bread sautéed with butter, onions, tomatoes & homemade garlic chutney on the grill. Water crunchies savory stuffing & topped with homemade chutney variety yogurt garnished with micro savory noodles. Bombay street specialty made of savory rice puffs chutney variety tossed with diced veggies & garnished with micro savory noodle. White Meat marinated in chef 's special seasonings,cooked in a tandoor. Tender lamb morsels drenched in special marinade and cooked with mild curry flavours and saffron. Authentic Indian dish prepared with white meat marinated with blend of spices and yogurt, and sautéed in a mild curry sauce. Tender beef chunks cooked in a traditional curry sauce. 3 types of lentils, blend of spices & lamb meat cooked on slow heat. Boneless lamb cooked with gun powder (dry Spice blend) and yet not hot enough to try it again and again for unique smoky flavors. Sautéed with vegetables and sizzled with chef 's special homemade schezuan sauce. A very nutritious dish prepared with lentils in a thick curry sauce made from fresh ginger,green chillies and coriander beef. Served with fresh seasonal fruits. Flavoured East Indian ice cream - your choice of malai, kesar pista or mango. Mumbai street dessert - milkshake with nuts, noodles, ice cream and Jello. Blend of thick mango pulp and yogurt. Blend of yogurt & cumin Powder & cilantro. Cooking Indian food is an art. It requires instinct and a taste for good food rather than just exact measurements. We do not spam! Pinky swear. © Designed by SiGoRa Crafts.
New Head of HRD July 1, 2004 by Rob Bates The Antwerp-based diamond industry group HRD (the Diamond High Council) has selected Jacky Rot as its new president. Rot replaces Charles Bornstein, who resigned recently after four years of service. Rot first joined the HRD board of directors in 1993. Since then he has served as the head of HRD's public relations committee. In a statement, HRD hailed Bornstein for consolidating Antwerp's place on the world diamond map and for establishing closer ties with rough-diamond producers.
You may know him as one half of the hosting duo from the Gameroom Junkies podcast. But by the end of June, Patrick Wall will also be a certified pinball and arcade expo organizer. That's going to look great on his resume. Mr. Wall and his organizing committee will present the first ever Southern Fried Gameroom Expo on June 20-22 at the Marriott Century Centre in Atlanta, Georgia. Normally, these type of events have humble beginnings with a handful of people getting together to celebrate a shared interest. However, this event looks to be packed to the gills with special guests and exclusive events. The Southern Fried Gameroom Expo is reaching for the brass ring right out of the gate. I was able to conduct an email interview with Mr. Wall about the preparing for the show, his responsibilities and what attendees can expect from the SFGE. Credit Dot: It is a tall order cutting the ribbon on your first gameroom show. What has the experience been like leading up to the big day? Patrick Wall: It has been a lot of work! But, for the most part it has been fun work. The hardest part was trying to stay motivated in the early days of planning when the show was so far away on the calendar. Luckily, the other members of the planning group are truly big thinkers and they never wavered on their vision for how epic the show should be. As things got closer, the excitement ramped up quite a bit with support from around the country, confirmed guests, and committed games. That stuff makes the work fun. CD: How did you decide on the name Southern-Fried Gameroom Expo? PW: We really wanted a name that would be memorable, but also give the show the regional identification of being in the heart of the South. We toyed with the idea of integrating "Atlanta" into the name, but eventually just used it as a tagline: "Atlanta's Own Southern-Fried Gameroom Expo". We chose the term "gameroom" specifically because it would give the show's scope room to grow beyond pinball and coin-op video games. I am thankful for that foresight because the show now features a retro-console gaming area as well as modern console gaming with exhibits by Microsoft and Sony. CD: Is there a lot of local buzz about the show from those not in the gaming community? PW: It is really hard to tell – we have not been picked up as of yet by any local media. By cosmic coincidence, our show falls on the 75th anniversary of the City of Atlanta outlawing pinball. That sounds like an interesting media hook to me! CD: Did you follow the framework adopted by other successful arcade/pinball shows or attack it with a clean slate? PW: We reached out to organizers of similar shows and they were all extremely generous with their time and they gave some valuable advice. All of that input was considered and we adopted the features and processes that we like the best from the other shows. CD: From what I have taken in from other media, you are just one member of a much larger committee for the Expo. Who are the other members? Does each member have a specific duty or role? PW: There are five of us who make up the planning group, called Player One, LLC. It is a great mix of talent and I really cannot imagine doing this without this group of individuals. Shannon Dewitt handles all of web related work, registration, and financial details. Preston Burt [Mr. Wall's co-host on Gameroon Junkies] provides us with the graphics/art needed and he spearheads social media outreach. Dana Reeves is an expert in event planning logistics and she also handles all of the media outreach. Her husband, Joel Reeves, creates any show related videos needed and he is the coordinator of games. Lastly, my primary role has been to direct the special sessions/speakers and to develop the master schedule. CD: Some folks got a sneak peek at the games of the Southern Fried Gameroom Expo a few weeks ago at Momo-Con. Can you touch on what the Momo-Con event entails, what pinball machines made an appearance and the reaction of attendees? PW: Momo-con is an Atlanta based anime and gaming convention that draws about 13,000 attendees. Since Momo-con takes place a month before SFGE, we thought it would be a great chance get out and promote our upcoming show. We coordinated with the planners of Momo-con and agreed to bring a collection of pins and vids for a freeplay area at one of their host hotels. After renting a BIG truck, we were able to exhibit 21 video games and 3 pinball machines (Metallica, AC/DC, and Indy 500) from our combined personal collections. The Momo-con audience trends fairly young, but the reception was amazing. The games were constantly played for the entire weekend and the pins usually had a line 2 deep waiting to play them. It was a perfect time to talk with folks about the show and everyone seemed really excited about SFGE. CD: The key to any good Expo is the special guests! You've covered every base imaginable, from pinball designers like John Trudeau and Barry Oursler to video game celebs like Billy Mitchell (of King of Kong fame) and Walter Day (founder of Twin Galaxies) just to name a few. Being in such a niche hobby, were all of these guests accessible and relatively open to appearing at the show? PW: Yes, we are really proud and excited about the guests we have coming to be a part of SFGE. The key to that success was planning and contacting potential guests way before the event. Once we made that initial contact so early in the process, guests like John, Barry, and Billy were very open to our ideas and had a comfort level that things were being thoroughly planned out. Billy has been especially helpful in presenting ideas to make the show a success and reaching out to secure other great guests. CD: Given Barry Oursler's recent health problems, will he still be attending the show? PW: As of this writing, Barry will still be attending. CD: I guess you could call the podcasters that are appearing EXTRA special guests? Which podcasts will be represented at the expo and do you have a Gameroom Podcast Symposium planned? PW: As the co-host of the Gameroom Junkies Podcast, one of the really cool things I've experienced with other podcasters in this hobby is that we all support each other in a variety of ways. When the hosts from the Brokentoken, Arcade Repair Tips, and Coast To Coast Pinball podcasts let us know they were coming to the show, we just had to get everyone together for a panel. We call it "Radio Free SFGE: Podcasting After Dark" and it is a late night session where do a wrap-up discussion of the show's events and games. Also, Whitney Roberts and Brent Griffith (both from Brokentoken podcast) will join Jonathan Leung (from Arcade Repair Tips podcast) for a panel session about their experiences in arcade game repair. CD: Lets not forget about the games…how many pinball machines do you have confirmed for the show so far? PW: Our goal from the beginning was to have at 100 total games. We have 75 pins and 49 vids committed for the show and that does not include games that vendors may bring. CD: I see you didn't beef up security, so you don't anticipate pinball fans and video game fans to clash in a violent rumble in the parking lot. How are you going to maintain the peace? Joking aside, how hard was it to maintain a balance between the pinball and video representation at the show? Or was it even a consideration? PW: Actually, it was a consideration because the surge in the popularity of pinball has led to lots of folks wanting to bring pins! But, we really want more of a balance so we have had to look for ways to promote people to bring more vids to the show. There should be enough to please all tastes and our focus is really about creating a great show experience for everyone who attends. CD: You started a Kickstarter campaign late last year to help fund the event and offered advance passes, rewards and tokens of appreciation for backers at every level. How much did you end up raising? What was your reaction to this outpouring of support by the community? PW: The response to the Kickstarter campaign was really amazing! The concept that a stranger would pledge money to a gaming event that they may not even be able to attend still kinds of blows my mind. Dana and Preston we familiar with how good Kickstarter campaigns should be executed and they really led the way to making it a huge success. We raised almost $6,000 (not including the cut that Kickstarter takes) and I really can't wait to thank our backers who are coming to the show. CD: How do you get over the initial fear of organizing an event and not knowing if anyone will show up? PW: It was certainly a leap of faith and I honestly had my doubts. There were times when I feared I would have to sell my entire game collection just to pay for my part of the show bills. But as I mentioned before, the other folks in the planning group were big thinkers who had a grand vision. We also had great sponsors like Atlanta's Joystick Game Bar and Marco Specialties who believed in us and supported us early on in the planning process. CD: If you had to give a few key pieces of advice to someone who wanted to start a show like this in their area with respect to planning and organizing, what would that advice be? PW: Starting the planning early is the most important thing…and also include the local gaming community to help you. Unless you own a warehouse full of games, there is no show without them! CD: Leaving the expo behind for one moment, what pinball machines do you have in your collection currently? What are some of your favourite eras of pinball games? CD: You are going to be a busy man on June 20-22. Do you think you'll be able to find time to relax during the weekend and play a few games of pinball? PW: Oh yes…I definitely plan on playing some of the games. We have some volunteers lined up to help relieve some of our duties periodically, to allow us some downtime and for that I am truly grateful. The pre-order period for tickets for the Southern Fried Gameroom Expo has expired, however weekend passes and single day admission tickets will be available at the door. John Trudeau and Barry Oursler will appear together on Friday evening at 7:00pm for "The Silverball Sitdown". Trudeau returns on Saturday afternoon for a session at 2:30pm entitled "Replay: John Trudeau and his Return to Pinball", while Oursler re-takes the stage on Saturday evening at 6:00pm for "The Man Who Saved Pinball: 30 Years of Space Shuttle". There will be a pinball giveaway shortly after this session with Oursler. Categories: People | Tags: Gameroom Junkies, Southern Fried Gameroom Expo | Permalink.
Now that the existing database has been reversed engineered and the domain classes are set, it is time to wire up those domain classes to the main project. Add the DataAccess project to the ChlodnyWebApi project. For now we will initialize the connection in Global.asax in a later article I will show how we can move this to Web.config. For now the initializer is set to only create if the database does not exist. Now that Web.config is handling the initializer go to the ChinookContext and delete the constructor that sets the initializer. The final thing left is to add Entity Framework to the DataAccess project (if it is not done already). This entry was posted in Entity Framework, MVC, Web and tagged C#, Entity Framework, HTML5, MVC, WebApi. Bookmark the permalink.
Oxnard, CA – [November 2, 2015] Oxnard College Institute for Latino Performing Arts presents a special evening of political discussion and debate on Thursday, November 12 with award-winning journalists Myrka Dellanos, Ruben Navarrette Jr. and Julio Ricardo Varela as part of its continuing Latino Thought Makers Live Series, hosted by Rick Najera. The event takes place at Oxnard College Performing Arts Center, 4000 S. Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA 93033. Doors open at 6:30pm, show at 7:00pm. Entrance and parking are free. Special guests include Myrka Dellanos, a two-time, Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist and author, most recognized for her role as anchor of Univision's highest rated news-magazine program, Primer Impacto. Also joining the discussion is Ruben Navarrette Jr., a nationally syndicated columnist, writer, author and Harvard grad, and Julio Ricardo Varela, an award-winning journalist, Digital Media Director for Futuro Media Group, NPR's Latino USA, creator of Latino Rebels and Harvard grad. This is a 'not to miss' special dialogue about politics today and topical issues effecting the Latino community. Latino Thought Makers Live Series, hosted by Hollywood award-winning writer-director-producer-speaker and comedian Rick Najera, is an important initiative designed to engage, educate and entertain students and the general public of Oxnard, Camarillo and greater Ventura County communities. The successful series has showcased the careers of the most prominent Latinos in Hollywood including actors Edward James Olmos, Esai Morales, the family of Cesar Chavez, the creator and cast of Hulu's East Los High, Grammy-award winning band Quetzal and more. View a clip of Latino Thought Makers. Oxnard College Institute for Latino Performing Arts presents Latino Thought Makers Live Series hosted by Rick Najera featuring special guests Myrka Dellanos, Ruben Nararrette Jr. and Julio Ricardo Varela on Thursday, November 12; Doors open at 6:30pm, Show at 7:00pm at Oxnard College Performing Arts Center, 4000 S. Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA 93033. Entrance and parking are free. RSVP to [email protected] for best seats. For more information on Latino Thought Makers, visit www.latinothoughtmakers.com or visit the Facebook invite. Tagged Julio Varela, Latino Thought Makers, Myrka Dellanos, Oxnard College, Oxnard College Performing Arts Center, Rick Najera, Ruben Navarrette Jr.
This object maintains and uses a list of directory services. Directory services may be registered via the standard Registry methods. They will be invoked if their key is a prefix of the supplied URL. Each item registered should be a factory of objects that provide a look_up method, as invoked by dereference. Specifically, look_up should accept a name and URL, and return a URL. Method dereference Dereference a supplied URL if possible. Dereference a supplied URL if possible. URLs that match a registered directory service prefix are looked up in it. Non-matching urls are returned verbatim. This is applied only once; the resulting URL must not be one that requires further dereferencing. Returns The dereferenced URL if applicable, the input URL otherwise.
Sept. 24, 2018 — A tiny clip may be a big advance for millions of Americans battling severe heart failure, new research announced on Sunday suggests. At the same time, these changes begin to wear on the mitral valve, which guides blood flow from the heart's left atrium into its left ventricle. This can cause a "back up" of blood within the heart, worsening the heart's inefficiency and exacerbating heart failure. While medicines can slow heart failure, its progress is relentless and there's been little else to offer patients. Almost 2 million Americans have severe heart failure, which seriously limits daily activity. But the new study, funded by the device's maker, Abbot, offers renewed hope. Doctors used the device, called MitraClip, to join two wayward flaps of the damaged mitral valve together in the middle. This appeared to restore regular function to the valve, researchers said. Among those half of patients who didn't get the device, 151 were hospitalized for heart failure over the next two years, and 61 died. That's compared to just 92 hospitalizations for patients who received the clip, 28 of whom died. "This is a game changer. This is massive," Dr. Matthew Williams, who directs the heart valve program at NYU Langone Health in New York City, told the Times.
A Guest's Disrespect Toward Iyanla Raises Eyebrows Twenty-eight-year-old Nikki was raised by her grandmother, who had kicked Nikki's teenage mother, Jackie, out of the house for bad behavior soon after Nikki was born. Although Jackie has told Iyanla that she desperately wanted to raise her child, Nikki heard differently from others in her family who told her that Jackie was only interested in partying. "Inappropriate," Iyanla says. "It's inappropriate for somebody to tell a child their mother's story. Your mother gets to tell you her story. Right, wrong or indifferent. It's her story, and nobody has a right to tell you your mother's story except your mother." Nikki appears to disagree. "Okay, Miss Iyanla. Whatever." Tune in Saturday, April 7, at 9/8c.
\section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} The first detections of coalescing binary black hole (BBH) systems~\cite{Abbott:2016blz,Abbott:2016nmj} inaugurated the field of gravitational wave (GW) astronomy. Beside BBHs, binary neutron stars (BNS) are one of the expected sources for future GW detections~\cite{Aasi:2013wya,Abbott:2016ymx}. In contrast to BBH mergers, it is expected that BNS mergers produce electromagnetic (EM) signals, as kilonovae (also called macronovae), radio flares or short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs). While SGRBs are powered by collimated highly relativistic outflows, e.g.,~\cite{Paczynski:1986px,Eichler:1989ve,Soderberg:2006bn}, kilonovae are transient emissions in the optical or near-infrared band, e.g.,~\cite{Tanvir:2013pia,Yang:2015pha,Jin:2016pnm}, produced by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei in the neutron-rich material ejected during the merger. Additionally, mildly and sub- relativistic outflows can generate synchrotron radiation (radio flares) even years after the merger of the two neutron stars, see e.g.,~\cite{Nakar:2011cw}. One possibility to study BNS mergers are numerical relativity (NR) simulations. Those simulations allow to describe the system even beyond the merger of the two stars solving Einsteins field equations. Over the last years more microphysical descriptions have been included, e.g., realistic equation of states (EOSs), neutrino transport, magnetic fields. It also has become a common approach to extract information from NR simulations about the unbound material ejected from the system and use these information to estimate possible EM counterparts. However, the computation of ejecta and lightcurves is still challenging. While current state-of-the art numerical simulations cover the last $10-20$ orbits before and up to $\sim 50$ms after the merger, it is computationally too expensive to study the dynamical ejected material longer than a fraction of a second. But, it is possible to use relativistic simulations as initial conditions and either assume free expansion of the ejecta material, e.g.,~\cite{Goriely:2011vg}, evolution on a fixed spacetime background, e.g.,~\cite{Rosswog:2013kqa,Grossman:2013lqa}, or use radiative transfer Monte-Carlo simulations, e.g.,~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Hotokezaka:2013kza}. Our work is complementary to most previous studies, we will use a large set of numerical relativity data obtained from different groups to derive phenomenological fits relating the binary parameters to the ejecta properties. Knowing the basic properties of the ejecta allows to give estimates on the expected kilonovae and radio flares. In general, the time between a GW detection and the observation of the corresponding kilonovae (about a few days) is not long enough to perform full NR simulations which have typical run times of weeks to months. Therefore, NR simulations can only be used for comparison once GW and EM observations finish. The advantage of the phenomenological model proposed in this article is that even before the EM follow up observations start first estimates of the kilonovae properties can be given. Furthermore, after the kilonovae has been detected, the model can be used to reduce the part of the BNS parameter space which has to be covered by full NR simulations. \section{Employed Dataset} \label{sec:data} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{EOS_overview.pdf} \caption{Mass vs.~radius relations (left) and mass vs.~compactness relations (right) for all EOSs used in this work. Tabulated EOSs are marked with dashed lines, piecewise polytropes with solid lines. The markers refer to configurations employed in this work.} \label{fig:EOS} \end{center} \end{figure} Over the last years numerical relativity (NR) has made a tremendous progress and a large number of groups have studied the merger process of BNSs, see e.g.,~\cite{Faber:2012rw,Baiotti:2016qnr} and references therein. Despite the computation of the emitted GW signal, the investigation of ejected material and EM counterparts went into the focus of research. Combining published work from different groups enables us to obtain an NR catalog to derive fitting formulas for important ejecta quantities. In this article we use results from~\cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze,Bauswein:2013yna,Dietrich:2015iva,Lehner:2016lxy,Sekiguchi:2016bjd,Dietrich:2016hky}, where the mass, kinetic energy, and velocity of the ejecta are reported. The data set combines results based on grid structured codes~\cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze,Dietrich:2015iva,Lehner:2016lxy,Sekiguchi:2016bjd,Dietrich:2016hky} with results employing a SPH code~\cite{Bauswein:2013yna} under conformal flatness approximation and it includes simplifies EOSs, tabulated EOS as well as simulations with and without neutrino treatment. In total $172$ simulations have been considered. Although simulation techniques are continuously improved and higher accuracy is achieved, the characterization of ejecta is still challenging and results have to be assigned with large uncertainties. Considering the accuracy of the NR data points, quantities as the mass and kinetic energy have uncertainties which range between $\sim 10\%$ up to even $\sim 100\%$, see e.g.,~appendix~A of~\cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} and table~III of~\cite{Dietrich:2016hky}, where multiple resolutions have been employed. In general one finds that the fractional uncertainty is larger for lower massive ejecta. In addition to the uncertainty of the results employing the same numerical code also differences between different implementations/codes exist. For some cases those discrepancies are quite large (up to a factor of $\sim 5$ in extreme cases) and they also depend on the implementation of thermal effects and if neutrino cooling or transport is included in the simulations. Those differences can produce systematic uncertainties. We try to minimize selection effects by including a large number of simulations produced by a variety of numerical codes. In the future crosschecks among different codes employing the same physical systems will be needed for a better estimate of systematic errors. In our work, we restrict our analysis to dynamical ejecta. Ejecta produced after BH formation are not included, but will contribute to the total amount of ejecta and to the corresponding EM signals, see e.g.,~\cite{Metzger:2016pju}. Thus, our results can be seen as lower bounds for the luminosity of EM observables. Furthermore, while some of our data points were computed by NR simulations including neutrinos and tabulated EOSs, the effect of magnetic fields is not studied, although magnetic fields will influence the binary dynamics shortly around and after merger and lead to mass ejection by magnetic winds. The complete dataset is reported in table~\ref{tab:overview}, where a simulation number is assigned to every data point (first column). In total we consider 23 different EOSs (shown in figure~\ref{fig:EOS}). Most EOSs are represented by a piecewise polytrope fitted to a zero-temperature EOS (straight lines), see e.g.,~\cite{Read:2009yp}. An additional thermal contribution to the pressure according to $p_{\rm th} = \rho \epsilon (\Gamma_{\rm th} - 1)$ is added for the evolution, where $\rho$ is the rest-mass density and $\epsilon$ the internal energy. The parameter $\Gamma_{\rm th}$ is also reported in table~\ref{tab:overview}. Some simulations use full tabulated EOSs (dashed lines), which we denote as full in table~\ref{tab:overview}. Simulations with tabulated EOSs and neutrino treatment are denoted with fullN. In addition to the parameters describing the binary, we report the mass of the ejected material $M_{\rm ej}$, the kinetic energy $T_{\rm ej}$, the average velocity inside the orbital plane $v_\rho$, the average velocity perpendicular to the orbital plane $v_z$, and the total velocity $v_{\rm ej}$. \begin{small} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.9} \begin{longtable}{ll|cccc|ccccc} \caption{ \label{tab:overview} NR data used in this work. Columns refer to: The data ID, cf.~e.g.,~figure~\ref{fig:Mej}, mass of the first star $M_1$, mass of the second star $M_2$, $\Gamma_{\rm th}$ modeling thermal effects for piecewise polytropic EOS, ejecta mass $M_{\rm ej}$, kinetic energy of the ejecta $T_{\rm ej}$, average velocity inside the orbital plane $v_{\rho}$, average velocity perpendicular to the orbital plane $v_z$, total average ejecta velocity $v_{\rm ej}$. In cases where $v_\rho$ and $v_z$ are given, we estimate the total ejecta velocity as $v_{\rm ej} = \sqrt{v_\rho^2+v_z^2}$. Note that in~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} the ejecta velocity was estimated based on $T_{\rm ej} = M_{\rm ej} v^2_{\rm ej}/2$, consequently we use this relation to compute the kinetic energy not stated in~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}.}\\ $\#$ & Ref & EOS & $M_1$ & $M_2$ & $\Gamma_{\rm th}$ & $M_{\rm ej}$ & $T_{\rm ej}$ & $v_{\rho}$ & $v_{z}$ & $v_{\rm ej}$\\ & & &$[M_\odot]$&$[M_\odot$]& &$[10^{-3}M_\odot]$ & $[10^{50}$erg]& $[c]$ & $[c]$ & $[c]$ \\ \hline 1 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 36 & 12.69 & 0.18 & 0.03 & 0.18 \\ 2 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.167 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 25 & 10.73 & 0.19 & 0.06 & 0.2 \\ 3 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.1 & 1.65 & 1.75 & 24 & 7.5 & 0.17 & 0.07 & 0.18 \\ 4 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.5 & 1.75 & 21 & 4.8 & 0.15 & 0.07 & 0.17 \\ 5 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.222 & 1.527 & 1.75 & 7.5 & 3.93 & 0.17 & 0.12 & 0.21 \\ 6 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 5.5 & 3 & 0.21 & 0.1 & 0.23 \\ 7 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.8 & 3 & 1.5 & 0.2 & 0.1 & 0.22 \\ 8 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 1.5 & 0.8 & 0.16 & 0.11 & 0.19 \\ 9 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.4 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 2.5 & 1.5 & 0.21 & 0.13 & 0.25 \\ 10 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.375 & 1.375 & 1.75 & 3.4 & 1.36 & 0.17 & 0.1 & 0.2 \\ 11 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 2.5 & 1.5 & 0.22 & 0.12 & 0.25 \\ 12 & ALF2 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.3 & 1.8 & 2 & 1 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 13 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 2 & 7.5 & 5.5 & 0.24 & 0.12 & 0.27 \\ 14 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 8 & 5.5 & 0.23 & 0.11 & 0.25 \\ 15 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.6 & 9 & 5 & 0.2 & 0.1 & 0.22 \\ 16 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.6 & 1.8 & 2 & 1.5 & 0.24 & 0.08 & 0.25 \\ 17 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 3 & 2 & 0.21 & 0.12 & 0.24 \\ 18 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.8 & 7 & 4.5 & 0.22 & 0.11 & 0.25 \\ 19 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 12 & 8.5 & 0.23 & 0.12 & 0.26 \\ 20 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 8 & 5 & 0.19 & 0.12 & 0.22 \\ 21 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 5 & 3 & 0.18 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 22 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.4 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 0.6 & 0.9 & 0.35 & 0.12 & 0.37 \\ 23 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.45 & 1.45 & 1.8 & 0.1 & 0.1 & 0.29 & 0.13 & 0.32 \\ 24 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.4 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 14 & 10 & 0.22 & 0.15 & 0.27 \\ 25 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 5 & 3 & 0.19 & 0.13 & 0.23 \\ 26 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 7 & 4 & 0.19 & 0.12 & 0.22 \\ 27 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.6 & 11 & 6 & 0.19 & 0.13 & 0.23 \\ 28 & APR4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.3 & 1.8 & 2 & 1 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 29 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 40 & 12.51 & 0.17 & 0.02 & 0.17 \\ 30 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.167 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 14 & 4.65 & 0.18 & 0.05 & 0.19 \\ 31 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.1 & 1.65 & 1.75 & 17 & 4.83 & 0.17 & 0.04 & 0.17 \\ 32 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.5 & 1.75 & 27 & 8.04 & 0.17 & 0.03 & 0.17 \\ 33 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.222 & 1.527 & 1.75 & 6.6 & 3.04 & 0.18 & 0.11 & 0.21 \\ 34 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 2 & 4 & 2 & 0.21 & 0.09 & 0.23 \\ 35 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 3.5 & 2 & 0.21 & 0.09 & 0.23 \\ 36 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.6 & 4.5 & 2 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 37 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 2.5 & 1 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 38 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.8 & 2 & 1.5 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 39 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 3 & 2 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 40 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 0.7 & 0.4 & 0.18 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 41 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 0.6 & 0.3 & 0.18 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 42 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.4 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 0.3 & 0.2 & 0.17 & 0.13 & 0.21 \\ 43 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.375 & 1.375 & 1.75 & 3.4 & 1.59 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 44 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 0.4 & 0.2 & 0.2 & 0.1 & 0.22 \\ 45 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 0.5 & 0.2 & 0.19 & 0.11 & 0.22 \\ 46 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.6 & 0.7 & 0.4 & 0.21 & 0.11 & 0.24 \\ 47 & H4 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.3 & 1.8 & 0.3 & 0.1 & 0.16 & 0.1 & 0.19 \\ 48 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.2 & 1.5 & 1.8 & 3.5 & 1.5 & 0.19 & 0.1 & 0.21 \\ 49 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.8 & 1.5 & 0.8 & 0.19 & 0.11 & 0.22 \\ 50 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 0.6 & 0.2 & 0.17 & 0.09 & 0.19 \\ 51 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.4 & 1.4 & 1.8 & 0.6 & 0.2 & 0.13 & 0.09 & 0.16 \\ 52 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 1.5 & 0.6 & 0.14 & 0.08 & 0.16 \\ 53 & MS1 & \cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze} & 1.3 & 1.3 & 1.8 & 1.5 & 0.5 & 0.15 & 0.08 & 0.17 \\ 54 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 0.944 & 1.944 & 1.75 & 65 & 21.45 & 0.18 & 0.02 & 0.18 \\ 55 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 49 & 15.19 & 0.17 & 0.03 & 0.17 \\ 56 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.167 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 24 & 7.69 & 0.18 & 0.05 & 0.19 \\ 57 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.1 & 1.65 & 1.75 & 26 & 7.33 & 0.17 & 0.04 & 0.17 \\ 58 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.5 & 1.75 & 32 & 7.87 & 0.16 & 0.03 & 0.16 \\ 59 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.222 & 1.527 & 1.75 & 4.8 & 1.64 & 0.15 & 0.11 & 0.19 \\ 60 & MS1b & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.375 & 1.375 & 1.75 & 2.3 & 0.39 & 0.13 & 0.06 & 0.14 \\ 61 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 24 & 8.94 & 0.19 & 0.03 & 0.19 \\ 62 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.167 & 1.75 & 1.75 & 6.5 & 5.54 & 0.25 & 0.11 & 0.27 \\ 63 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.1 & 1.65 & 1.75 & 16 & 7.69 & 0.19 & 0.11 & 0.22 \\ 64 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1 & 1.5 & 1.75 & 18 & 9.12 & 0.19 & 0.12 & 0.22 \\ 65 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.222 & 1.527 & 1.75 & 18 & 8.4 & 0.16 & 0.11 & 0.19 \\ 66 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2016hky} & 1.375 & 1.375 & 1.75 & 16 & 4.83 & 0.17 & 0.1 & 0.2 \\ 67 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.75 & 3.9 & 0.8 & - & - & 0.15 \\ 68 & ALF2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 3.8 & 3.36 & - & - & 0.28 \\ 69 & ALF2 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.75 & 3.5 & 0.7 & - & - & 0.15 \\ 70 & ALF2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 4.49 & 3.8 & - & - & 0.27\\ 71 & ALF4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 5.7 & 6.07 & - & - & 0.3\\ 72 & ALF4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 7.4 & 7.65 & - & - & 0.29\\ 73 & APR & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 5.96 & 6.37 & - & - & 0.31\\ 74 & APR & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 7.38 & 7.9 & - & - & 0.3\\ 75 & APR3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 4.65 & 4.69 & - & - & 0.3\\ 76 & APR3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 6.15 & 5.5 & - & - & 0.27\\ 77 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.8 & full & 17.08 & 6.72 & - & - & 0.17\\ 78 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 2 & full & 6.41 & 9.64 & - & - & 0.31\\ 79 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.8 & full & 14.85 & 9.48 & - & - & 0.21\\ 80 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.6 & full & 10.9 & 6.39 & - & - & 0.2\\ 81 & DD2 & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.18 & 1.54 & fullN & 1.3 & 0.76 & - & - & 0.3\\ 82 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 8.79 & 4.97 & - & - & 0.2\\ 83 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.8 & full & 18.84 & 15.52 & - & - & 0.25\\ 84 & DD2 & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.25 & 1.47 & fullN & 0.42 & 0.29 & - & - & 0.3\\ 85 & DD2 & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.25 & 1.45 & fullN & 5 & 1.61 & - & - & 0.19\\ 86 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.35 & full & 3.17 & 2.06 & - & - & 0.2\\ 87 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.5 & full & 3.57 & 3.13 & - & - & 0.25\\ 88 & DD2 & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.3 & 1.4 & fullN & 3 & 0.87 & - & - & 0.18\\ 89 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 2 & 2 & full & 0.25 & 0.25 & - & - & 0.25\\ 90 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.8 & 1.8 & full & 1.37 & 1.63 & - & - & 0.26\\ 91 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.6 & 1.6 & full & 7.8 & 7.4 & - & - & 0.27\\ 92 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.5 & full & 5.38 & 4.66 & - & - & 0.26\\ 93 & DD2 & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.36 & 1.36 & fullN & 0.43 & 0.31 & - & - & 0.3\\ 94 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 2.57 & 3.31 & - & - & 0.34\\ 95 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 2.26 & 2.61 & - & - & 0.32\\ 96 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 2.72 & 2.9 & - & - & 0.3\\ 97 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 3.07 & 2.18 & - & - & 0.22\\ 98 & DD2 & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.35 & 1.35 & fullN & 2 & 0.46 & - & - & 0.16\\ 99 & DD2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.2 & full & 3.09 & 1.37 & - & - & 0.17\\ 100 & ENG & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 5.29 & 5.01 & - & - & 0.29\\ 101 & ENG & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 6.32 & 5.3 & - & - & 0.26\\ 102 & Glenh3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.08 & 0.62 & - & - & 0.23\\ 103 & Glenh3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 1.69 & 0.9 & - & - & 0.22\\ 104 & GS2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 10.69 & 6.14 & - & - & 0.18\\ 105 & GS2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 2.74 & 2.16 & - & - & 0.19\\ 106 & H3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.43 & 1.15 & - & - & 0.27\\ 107 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.75 & 6 & 2.8 & - & - & 0.23\\ 108 & H4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.28 & 1.09 & - & - & 0.27\\ 109 & H4 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.75 & 0.6 & 0.5 & - & - & 0.3\\ 110 & H4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 1.93 & 1.64 & - & - & 0.27\\ 111 & MPA1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 3.64 & 3.6 & - & - & 0.3\\ 112 & MPA1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 4.48 & 4.35 & - & - & 0.29\\ 113 & MS1 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.75 & 5.8 & 1.2 & - & - & 0.15\\ 114 & MS1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.17 & 0.98 & - & - & 0.27\\ 115 & MS1 & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.75 & 0.7 & 0.2 & - & - & 0.18\\ 116 & MS1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 2.38 & 1.19 & - & - & 0.21\\ 117 & MS1b & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.67 & 1.26 & - & - & 0.25\\ 118 & MS1b & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 3.64 & 1.85 & - & - & 0.21\\ 119 & MS2 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 0.81 & 0.65 & - & - & 0.26\\ 120 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.8 & full & 15.68 & 5.75 & - & - & 0.15\\ 121 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 2 & full & 12.85 & 7.62 & - & - & 0.2\\ 122 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.8 & full & 18.81 & 11.31 & - & - & 0.21\\ 123 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.6 & full & 9.96 & 5.57 & - & - & 0.19\\ 124 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 7.95 & 4.5 & - & - & 0.19\\ 125 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.8 & full & 8.1 & 4.94 & - & - & 0.21\\ 126 & NL3 & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.25 & 1.47 & fullN & 2.3 & 1.22 & - & - & 0.25\\ 127 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.5 & full & 2.72 & 2.25 & - & - & 0.24\\ 128 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.35 & full & 4.25 & 2.74 & - & - & 0.21\\ 129 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 2 & 2 & full & 1.91 & 2.18 & - & - & 0.29\\ 130 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.8 & 1.8 & full & 9.08 & 7.25 & - & - & 0.24\\ 131 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.6 & 1.6 & full & 3.74 & 2.59 & - & - & 0.22\\ 132 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.5 & full & 1.7 & 1.04 & - & - & 0.2\\ 133 & NL3 & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.36 & 1.36 & fullN & 0.015 & 0.01 & - & - & 0.45\\ 134 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.57 & 2.03 & - & - & 0.34\\ 135 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 1.6 & 2.99 & - & - & 0.32\\ 136 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 1.86 & 1.98 & - & - & 0.3\\ 137 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 2.09 & 0.98 & - & - & 0.18\\ 138 & NL3 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.2 & full & 2.15 & 0.91 & - & - & 0.17\\ 139 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.8 & full & 5.78 & 10.08 & - & - & 0.34\\ 140 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.8 & full & 11.76 & 16.22 & - & - & 0.31\\ 141 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.6 & full & 16.91 & 11.1 & - & - & 0.21\\ 142 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 13.39 & 8.94 & - & - & 0.22\\ 143 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.8 & full & 6.34 & 14.4 & - & - & 0.42\\ 144 & SFHo & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.25 & 1.47 & fullN & 2.2 & 1.8 & - & - & 0.25\\ 145 & SFHo & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.25 & 1.45 & fullN & 11 & 5.66 & - & - & 0.24\\ 146 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.35 & full & 5.44 & 3.86 & - & - & 0.22\\ 147 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.5 & full & 18.73 & 13.34 & - & - & 0.23\\ 148 & SFHo & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.3 & 1.4 & fullN & 6 & 2.15 & - & - & 0.2\\ 149 & SFHo & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.33 & 1.37 & fullN & 9 & 3.55 & - & - & 0.21\\ 150 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.8 & 1.8 & full & 0.17 & 0.24 & - & - & 0.29\\ 151 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.6 & 1.6 & full & 1.13 & 1 & - & - & 0.21\\ 152 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.5 & 1.5 & full & 4.1 & 4.13 & - & - & 0.27\\ 153 & SFHo & \cite{Lehner:2016lxy} & 1.36 & 1.36 & fullN & 3.4 & 1.8 & - & - & 0.25\\ 154 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 2.96 & 3.37 & - & - & 0.32\\ 155 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 3.26 & 4.18 & - & - & 0.34\\ 156 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 3.82 & 4.14 & - & - & 0.3\\ 157 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 4.83 & 3.61 & - & - & 0.23\\ 158 & SFHo & \cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} & 1.35 & 1.35 & fullN & 11 & 4.76 & - & - & 0.22\\ 159 & SFHo & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.2 & full & 1.88 & 1.26 & - & - & 0.21\\ 160 & SFHx & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 14.67 & 7.91 & - & - & 0.19\\ 161 & SFHx & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 6.16 & 4.36 & - & - & 0.22\\ 162 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.25 & 1.45 & 1.75 & 6.5 & 5.1 & - & - & 0.3\\ 163 & SLy & \cite{Dietrich:2015iva} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.75 & 12.2 & 7.1 & - & - & 0.26\\ 164 & SLy4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 3.99 & 3.75 & - & - & 0.29\\ 165 & SLy4 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 6.4 & 5.53 & - & - & 0.27\\ 166 & TM1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 8.66 & 3.94 & - & - & 0.17\\ 167 & TM1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 1.37 & 2.02 & - & - & 0.36\\ 168 & TM1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.8 & 1.33 & 1.77 & - & - & 0.34\\ 169 & TM1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & 1.5 & 1.53 & 1.86 & - & - & 0.32\\ 170 & TM1 & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 1.67 & 0.74 & - & - & 0.16\\ 171 & TMA & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.2 & 1.5 & full & 10.21 & 6.4 & - & - & 0.2\\ 172 & TMA & \cite{Bauswein:2013yna} & 1.35 & 1.35 & full & 2.05 & 1.19 & - & - & 0.18\\ \end{longtable} \end{small} \section{Ejecta properties} \label{sec:fits} \subsection{Ejecta mass} Considering EM signals from BNS mergers, one of the most important quantities influencing the luminosity of kilonovae and radio flares is the mass of the material ejected from the system. The authors in \cite{Foucart:2012nc,Kawaguchi:2016ana} proposed fitting formulas for the disk and ejecta mass for BHNS systems. To our knowledge no fit for the mass of the ejected material for BNS mergers exists to date. Our fitting formula \begin{equation} \frac{M_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit}}{10^{-3}M_\odot} = \left[ a \left(\frac{M_2}{M_1}\right)^{1/3} \left(\frac{1-2 C_1}{C_1}\right)+ b \left(\frac{M_2}{M_1}\right)^{n} + c \left(1 - \frac{M_1}{M^*_{1}}\right) \right] M_1^* + (1\leftrightarrow 2) + d. \label{eq:Mej_fit} \end{equation} is an extension of the work done for BHNS systems to a system consisting of two neutron stars. We denote the mass in isolation of the i-th star as $M_i$, the baryonic mass as $M_i^*$, and the compactness as $C_i$. Let us emphasize that although it has been shown that for BNS mergers a significant part of the ejecta is produced by shocks, e.g.,~\cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze}, \eqref{eq:Mej_fit} gives a robust estimate for the ejecta for almost all considered configurations. For our data we obtain the following fitting parameters: \begin{equation} a = -1.35695 , \quad b = 6.11252 ,\quad c = -49.43355 ,\quad d = 16.1144,\quad n = -2.5484. \label{eq:par:Mej} \end{equation} The left panels of figure~\ref{fig:Mej} show our results for the ejecta mass. In the upper panel we present $M_{\rm ej}$ for the numerical simulation (blue circles) and for our fitting formula $M_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit}$ (red crosses). Both quantities are plotted as a function of the simulation-ID introduced in table~\ref{tab:overview}. The bottom panel shows the absolute residual $\Delta M_{\rm ej} = M_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit}-M_{\rm ej}$. We include as shaded regions the 1$\sigma$ ($\Delta M_{\rm ej}^{1\sigma} = 4.4 \times 10^{-3}M_\odot$) and $2\sigma$ confidence intervals. Our model function has an average residual of $\Delta \bar{M}_{\rm ej} = 2.9\times10^{-3}M_\odot$, which corresponds to a fractional error of $\sim 72\%$. Overall, because of the difficulties computing the ejecta properties, see section~\ref{sec:data}, $\Delta \bar{M}_{\rm ej}$ is of the same order as the numerical uncertainty of the NR data points and therefore can be considered as a possible estimate. Additionally, we present the results obtained from the fit in Fig.~\ref{fig:fitMej}, where the absolute and relative difference between the NR data and the fit are shown as a function of the mass ratio and the compactnesses of the stars. Obviously for equal mass setups the relative difference is larger because of the smaller ejecta mass. Those setups also have the highest NR uncertainty. Considering the influence of the compactnesses, we find that for larger compactness of the lighter star the absolute error increases. Let us also mention the possibility of obtaining fits for the ejecta mass (and other quantities) which are independent of the compactness of the stars and solely depend on the mass and tidal deformability, i.e.~on quantities directly accessible by a GW observation without assuming an EOS. One possibility might be the usage of quasi-universal compactness-Love relations as mentioned in~\cite{Yagi:2016bkt} to substitute the compactness in \eqref{eq:Mej_fit}, also the baryonic mass could be represented by the gravitational mass with introducing deviations to the NR only slightly larger than those of the current fits~\footnote{We thank Nathan~K.~Johnson-McDaniel for pointing this out.}. We are not following this approach here, since it did not allowed a better representation of the NR data and we tend to stay closer to the work previously presented for BHNSs systems. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Fits.pdf} \caption{From left to right: ejecta mass $M_{\rm ej}$, kinetic energy of the ejecta $T_{\rm ej}$, and velocity of the ejecta $v_{\rm ej}$. The top panels show the NR data and the results obtained by our phenomenological fits. The bottom panels show the absolute difference between the fit and the NR data, as shaded regions we also include the 1-$\sigma$ and 2-$\sigma$ confidence interval.} \label{fig:Mej} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Fit_Mej.pdf} \caption{Difference between the ejecta mass of the NR simulation and the proposed fit. Top panels show the absolute difference $\Delta M_{\rm ej} = M_{\rm ej}^{\rm NR} - M_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit}$ between the fit and the NR data and bottom panels the relative difference $2 \Delta M_{\rm ej}/(M_{\rm ej}^{\rm NR} + M_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit}$ . } \label{fig:fitMej} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsection{Kinetic energy} To estimate the kinetic energy of the ejecta we use a similar approach as for the unbound mass, i.e., \begin{equation} \frac{T_{\rm ej}^{\rm fit} } { 10^{50} {\rm erg}} = \left[ a \left(\frac{M_2}{M_1}\right)^{1/3} \left(\frac{1-2 C_1}{C_1}\right)+ b \left(\frac{M_2}{M_1}\right)^{n} + c \left(1 - \frac{M_1}{M^*_{1}}\right) \right] M_1^* + (1\leftrightarrow 2) + d . \label{eq:Tej_fit} \end{equation} The fitting parameters for the kinetic energy are: \begin{equation} a = -1.94315, \quad b = 14.9847,\quad c = -82.0025, \quad d = 4.75062, \quad n = -0.87914. \label{eq:par:Tej} \end{equation} The average residual between our fit and the pure NR data is $\Delta \bar{T}_{\rm ej} = 1.74\times10^{50}$erg, which corresponds to a difference of 79\%. Thus, the kinetic energy is slightly worse represented by our fit than the ejecta mass. The middle panels of figure~\ref{fig:Mej} represent our results for the kinetic energy, where again the 1$\sigma$ and $2\sigma$ intervals are included ($\Delta T_{\rm ej}^{1\sigma} = 2.4 \times 10^{50}$erg ). \subsection{Ejecta velocities} For the velocity we simplify our fitting function and restrict our analysis to the first 66 data points in table~\ref{tab:overview}. For these data points the velocities inside the orbital plane and perpendicular to it are given. For BHNSs it is known that the velocity depends linearly on the mass ratio of the system, see~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana}. It was shown in~\cite{Dietrich:2016hky} that the same functional dependence holds for BNSs with high mass ratio or systems employing a stiff EOS. However, shock produced ejecta have a higher velocity component orthogonal to the orbital plane and should be included for a reliable estimate. Thus, we introduce an EOS dependent fitting function by including a first order polynomial depending on the compactness $(1+ c \ C_{1,2})$, which leads to \begin{align} v_\rho & = \left[ a \left(\frac{M_1}{M_2}\right) \left(1 + c\ C_1\right) \right] + (1\leftrightarrow 2) + b . \label{eq:vrho_fit} \end{align} The parameters are: \begin{equation} a = -0.219479, \quad b = 0.444836, \quad c = -2.67385. \label{eq:par:vrho} \end{equation} Employing these parameters the NR data are represented with an average error of $\Delta \bar{v}_\rho = 0.020$, which corresponds to a percentile difference of $13\%$. The same expression is used for the velocity orthogonal to the orbital plane: \begin{align} v_z & = \left[ a \left(\frac{M_1}{M_2}\right) \left(1 + c\ C_1\right) \right] + (1\leftrightarrow 2) + b . \label{eq:vz_fit} \end{align} As discussed, e.g.,~\cite{Hotokezaka:2012ze}, torque produced ejecta have much smaller velocities perpendicular to the orbital plane than inside the orbital plane. Thus, mostly shock driven ejecta cause large velocities orthogonal to the orbital plane. The parameters we obtain for $v_z$ are: \begin{equation} a = -0.315585, \quad b = 0.63808, \quad c = -1.00757\label{eq:par:vz} \end{equation} with average residuals of $\Delta v_z = 0.013$ and a fractional difference of $33\%$. The fractional difference is larger than for $v_\rho$ since the absolute value of the velocities is smaller. From $v_{\rho}$ and $v_{z}$ we estimate the total ejecta velocity as \begin{equation} v_{\rm ej} = \sqrt{v_\rho^2+v_z^2}. \label{eq:vej} \end{equation} To check our description of $v_{\rm ej}$ we compare all data points (including the remaining 105 data points for which only the total ejecta velocity $v_{\rm ej}$ is known) to our fits. In total we obtain average residuals of $\Delta \bar{v}_{\rm ej} = 0.036$ and an average percentile uncertainty of 15\%. Figure~\ref{fig:Mej} (right panels) shows the ejecta velocities. We find that the residuals are smaller for the 66 data points which we used to obtain the fits of $v_\rho,v_z$ than for the remaining 105 data points. Overall one sees that the phenomenological fit slightly underestimates the velocity. \subsection{Other quantities} \subsubsection{Geometry:} \label{sec:geometry} The geometry of the ejecta can be extracted from NR simulations by considering 3D volume data of the density, but those data are not accessible for most of the configurations presented in table~\ref{tab:overview}. Thus, we want to present in the following a model for homogeneously distributed material inside an annular sector moving with the velocity $v_{\rm ej}$. Inside the $\rho-z$-plane the ejecta is distributed in a circular sector with a polar opening angle $2 \theta_{\rm ej}$. The ejected material has an azimuthal opening angle of $\phi_{\rm ej}$. Under the assumption that the ejecta consists of particles moving radially outward with velocity $v_{\rm ej}$, we obtain by averaging over all particles the following equations for $v_\rho$ and $v_z$: \begin{equation} v_\rho \approx v_{\rm ej} \frac{\sin{(\theta_{\rm ej})}}{\theta_{\rm ej}} , \quad v_z \approx v_{\rm ej} \frac{1-\cos{(\theta_{\rm ej})}}{\theta_{\rm ej}}. \label{eq:theta1} \end{equation} For a non-zero, but small $\theta_{\rm ej}$ one gets \begin{equation} \frac {\theta_{\rm ej}^3}{24} + \frac{\theta_{\rm ej}}{2} - \frac{v_z}{v_\rho} \approx 0, \end{equation} which can be solved for $\theta_{\rm ej}$: \begin{equation} \theta_{\rm ej} \approx \frac{ - 2^{4/3} v_\rho^2 + 2^{2/3} (v_\rho^2 ( 3 v_z + \sqrt{ 9 v_z^2 + 4 v_\rho^2}))^{2/3} } {(v_\rho^5(3 v_z + \sqrt{9 v_z^2 + 4v_\rho^2}))^{1/3}}. \label{eq:theta_fit} \end{equation} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{geometry_final+.png} \caption{2D density plots with rest mass $\rho$ shown from blue to red with increasing density and the unbound material $\rho_u$ shown brown to green with increasing density. Geometric units are employed. We use the velocity as extracted from the numerical simulation and show $\theta_{\rm ej}$ and $\phi_{\rm ej}$ as approximated from \eqref{eq:theta_fit} and \eqref{eq:phi_fit}. Left: Simulations \#66 (SLy,1.375$M_\odot$,1.375$M_\odot$) Right: Simulation \#55 (MS1b,1.000$M_\odot$,1.750$M_\odot$). } \label{fig:geometry} \end{center} \end{figure} In contrast to the opening angle $\theta_{\rm ej}$, it is more difficult from our current results to estimate the azimuthal angle $\phi_{\rm ej}$. In~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} was assumed that BHNS setups have an azimuthal angle of $\phi_{\rm ej} \approx \pi$. This is in agreement with high mass ratio BNS mergers employing stiff EOSs~\cite{Dietrich:2016hky}, i.e.~for setups where torque is the dominant ejection mechanism. Contrary if shock ejecta are present, e.g.~for softer EOSs, the azimuthal angle even increases up to $2 \pi$, i.e.~there exists a correlation between $\theta_{\rm ej}$ and $\phi_{\rm ej}$. Assuming that the opening angles vary between $\theta_{\rm ej} \in [\pi/8,3 \pi/8]$ and $\phi_{\rm ej} \in [\pi,2\pi]$, and that $\theta_{\rm ej}$ and $\phi_{\rm ej}$ are linearly correlated, we obtain \begin{equation} \phi_{\rm ej} = 4 \theta_{\rm ej} + \frac{\pi}{2}. \label{eq:phi_fit} \end{equation} To test our approximations, we present snapshots of the density profile in the $x$-$y$ and $x$-$z$ plane for the simulations \#55 and \#66 in figure~\ref{fig:geometry}. We show the rest-mass density $\rho$ (color bar ranging from blue to red) and the unbound rest mass density $\rho_u$ (color bar ranging from brown to green). The two cases present two rather extreme setups, namely a stiff EOS with a large mass ratio and a soft EOS for an equal mass system. In figure~\ref{fig:geometry} we also include the approximations for $\theta_{\rm ej}$ and $\phi_{\rm ej}$ obtained from \eqref{eq:theta_fit} and \eqref{eq:phi_fit}. The examples show that the geometry of the higher density ejecta regions can be described reasonably well with our model. \subsubsection{Composition:} \label{sec:composition} Caused by different ejecta mechanisms the composition and electron fraction of the ejecta varies depending on the EOS, mass ratio, and total mass. As pointed out in the literature, unbound material ejected due to torque in the tidal tail of the NSs has a low electron fraction, see e.g.,~\cite{Rosswog:2015nja}. Contrary ejecta produced via shock heating have overall a broader range in electron fraction, e.g.,~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}. Table~\ref{tab:Ye} shows the fraction of data from table~\ref{tab:overview} for which we also know the average electron fraction. Note that the electron fraction of the ejected material varies significantly among different implementations for the neutrino transport, e.g.,~\cite{Radice:2016dwd,Palenzuela:2015dqa,Lehner:2016lxy} find overall smaller electron fractions of the unbound material than reported in~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}. Consequently the presented results have to be taken with care and the following should be regarded as a qualitative discussion. \begin{table}[t] \caption{ \label{tab:Ye} Columns refer to: The data ID as in table~\ref{tab:overview}, the mass of the first star $M_1$, the mass of the second star $M_2$, the ejecta mass $M_{\rm ej}$, the kinetic energy of ejecta $T_{\rm ej}$, the ejecta velocity $v_{\rm ej}$, and the electron fraction $Y_e$. All setups have been simulated in~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}.} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{tabular}{l|ccc|cccc} $\#$ & EOS & $M_1$ & $M_2$ & $M_{\rm ej}$ & $T_{\rm ej}$ & $v_{\rm ej}$ & $Y_e$\\ & &$[M_\odot]$&$[M_\odot$]& $[10^{-3}M_\odot]$ & $[10^{50}$erg]& $[c]$ & \\ \hline 85 & DD2 & 1.25 & 1.45 & 5 & 1.61 & 0.19 & 0.2 \\ 88 & DD2 & 1.3 & 1.4 & 3 & 0.87 & 0.18 & 0.26 \\ 98 & DD2 & 1.35 & 1.35 & 2 & 0.46 & 0.16 & 0.3 \\ 145 & SFHo & 1.25 & 1.45 & 11 & 5.66 & 0.24 & 0.18 \\ 148 & SFHo & 1.3 & 1.4 & 6 & 2.15 & 0.2 & 0.27 \\ 149 & SFHo & 1.33 & 1.37 & 9 & 3.55 & 0.21 & 0.3 \\ 158 & SFHo & 1.35 & 1.35 & 11 & 4.76 & 0.22 & 0.31 \\ \end{tabular} \end{small} \end{center} \end{table} Figure~\ref{fig:Ye} summarized the important results from table~\ref{tab:Ye}. As shown in figure~\ref{fig:EOS} the DD2 EOS is softer than SFHo. Considering the left panel of figure~\ref{fig:Ye} we observe that for both EOSs an increasing mass ratio leads to a smaller electron fraction. This is expected since more ejecta are produced due to torque independent of the EOS. The right panel shows the dependence between the ejecta mass and the electron fraction. For all setups more massive ejecta are produced for the softer EOS, e.g., for $q=1$ more than five times more mass is ejected for the SFHo EOS. For this mass ratio the dominant ejection mechanism for SFHo is shock heating, which seems to be suppressed for increasing mass ratios. Thus, the ejecta mass and the electron fraction decreases for increasing $q$ (see also the explanation in~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}). Interestingly is that while for DD2 $Y_e(M_{\rm ej})$ is monotonic, this is not true for SFHo, where beyond a mass ratio of $q\approx1.1$ the ejecta mass is growing again. We propose that for $q> 1.1$ also SFHo setups become dominated by torque produced ejecta and shocks are suppressed. Finalizing our consideration of the composition, we want to present a fit for the electron fraction as a function of the mass ratio for a total mass of $M=2.7M_\odot$ for the data of~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd}: \begin{equation} Y_{e} = 0.306 - 0.318 (q-1) - 2.568 (q-1)^2 \label{eq:fit:Ye}. \end{equation} The fit is shown as a black dashed line in figure~\ref{fig:Ye} (left panel). To generalize~\eqref{eq:fit:Ye} to different total masses and higher mass ratios more simulations including realistic microphysical treatments are required. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Ye.pdf} \caption{Left panel: Electron fraction $Y_e$ as a function of the mass ratio $q$. Right panel: Electron fraction $Y_e$ as a function of the ejecta mass $M_{\rm ej}$. We present data for two different EOSs: SFHo (blue dashed dotted line ) and the stiffer DD2 (red solid line). In the left panel we also include as a black dashed line the fit of \eqref{eq:fit:Ye}.} \label{fig:Ye} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Spin effects:} \label{sec:spin} Let us also briefly comment on the effect of the star's intrinsic rotation on the ejecta quantities. We summarize in tab.~\ref{tab:Spin} the spinning configurations of~\cite{Dietrich:2016lyp}. Figure~\ref{fig:Spin} visualizes these data and shows the influence of the mass ratio and of the spin of the secondary (less massive star) on the ejecta mass. The figure shows two distinct effects (i) for an increasing mass ratio more material becomes unbound (as already discussed above), (ii) if the spin of the secondary star is aligned to the orbital angular momentum (positive) then the ejecta mass increases even further. As pointed out in~\cite{Dietrich:2016lyp} spin aligned to the orbital angular momentum enhances the ejection, while contrary antialigned spin leads to lower massive ejecta. This can be understood by considering the fluid velocity inside the tidal tail, which at lowest order can be approximated as the sum of the orbital fluid velocity and the fluid velocity connected to the intrinsic rotation of the star. In cases where the individual star also has spin parallel to the orbital angular momentum the fluid velocity inside the tail is higher and consequently material gets unbound and leaves the system. This effect becomes most prominent for systems for which material ejection is caused by torque, e.g.~by unequal mass systems. Because in unequal mass systems the mass ejection happens mostly from the tidal tail of the lower massive star, the determining quantity is the spin of the secondary star $\chi_2$ as shown in figure~\ref{fig:Spin}. \begin{table}[t] \caption{ \label{tab:Spin} Overview about the spinning simulations taken from~\cite{Dietrich:2016lyp}. The columns refer to: EOS, individual masses $M_{1,2}$, dimensionless spins of the stars $\chi_{1,2}$, the ejecta mass $M_{\rm ej}$, kinetic energy of the ejecta $T_{\rm ej}$, velocity inside the orbital plane $v_\rho$ and perpendicular to it $v_z$.} \begin{small} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccccc|cccc} EOS & $M_1$ & $\chi_1$ & $M_2$ & $\chi_2$ & $M_{\rm ej}$ & $T_{\rm ej}$ & $v_{\rho}$ & $v_{z}$ \\ & $[M_\odot]$ & & $[M_\odot$]& & $[10^{-3}M_\odot]$ & $[10^{50}$erg]& $[c]$ & $[c]$ \\ \hline ALF2 & 1.375 & 0.102 & 1.375 & -0.102 & 4.1 & 0.55 & 0.12 & 0.07 \\ ALF2 & 1.375 & 0.102 & 1.375 & 0.000 & 2.0 & 0.36 & 0.13 & 0.05 \\ ALF2 & 1.375 & 0.102 & 1.375 & 0.102 & 1.6 & 0.32 & 0.16 & 0.05 \\ ALF2 & 1.528 & 0.104 & 1.223 & -0.102 & 4.5 & 1.7 & 0.15 & 0.11 \\ ALF2 & 1.528 & 0.104 & 1.222 & 0.000 & 5.5 & 2.1 & 0.16 & 0.13 \\ ALF2 & 1.528 & 0.104 & 1.223 & 0.102 & 6.7 & 2. & 0.16 & 0.08 \\ ALF2 & 1.651 & 0.107 & 1.100 & -0.101 & 11 & 3.6 & 0.18 & 0.05 \\ ALF2 & 1.651 & 0.107 & 1.100 & 0.000 & 14 & 4.1 & 0.18 & 0.04 \\ ALF2 & 1.651 & 0.107 & 1.100 & 0.101 & 24 & 7.5 & 0.18 & 0.04 \\ H4 & 1.375 & 0.100 & 1.375 & -0.100 & 1.5 & 0.62 & 0.16 & 0.10 \\ H4 & 1.375 & 0.100 & 1.375 & 0.000 & 0.7 & 0.23 & 0.17 & 0.10 \\ H4 & 1.375 & 0.100 & 1.375 & 0.100 & 2.0 & 0.78 & 0.15 & 0.07 \\ H4 & 1.528 & 0.100 & 1.223 & -0.100 & 4.1 & 1.7 & 0.17 & 0.09 \\ H4 & 1.528 & 0.100 & 1.222 & 0.000 & 6.4 & 3.2 & 0.18 & 0.08 \\ H4 & 1.528 & 0.100 & 1.223 & 0.100 & 7.8 & 3.0 & 0.18 & 0.11 \\ H4 & 1.651 & 0.101 & 1.100 & -0.099 & 9.5 & 2.4 & 0.17 & 0.03 \\ H4 & 1.651 & 0.101 & 1.100 & 0.000 & 19 & 5.5 & 0.17 & 0.03 \\ H4 & 1.651 & 0.101 & 1.100 & 0.099 & 27 & 7.5 & 0.17 & 0.02 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{small} \end{table} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{spin_2.pdf} \caption{Ejecta mass for the spinning configurations of table~\ref{tab:Spin} as a function of the mass ratio $q$ and the spin of the secondary star $\chi_2$ for the ALF2 EOS (left) and the H4 EOS (right).} \label{fig:Spin} \end{center} \end{figure} \section{Kilonovae} \label{sec:kilonovae} It is expected that the ejected material is heated up because of the radioactive decay of r-process elements and consequently triggers EM emission called kilo- or macronovae, see among others~\cite{Li:1998bw,Metzger:2010sy,Roberts:2011xz,Goriely:2011vg,Tanvir:2013pia,Korobkin:2012uy,Grossman:2013lqa,Tanaka:2013ana,Tanaka:2016sbx,Rosswog:2016dhy} and for overview articles~\cite{Fernandez:2015use,Metzger:2016pju}. Up to date there are three possible kilonovae candidates for which a connection to a GRB has been made: GRB 050709~\cite{Jin:2016pnm}, GRB 060614~\cite{Yang:2015pha}, GRB 130603B~\cite{Tanvir:2013pia}. The most likely origin of these kilonovae candidates are compact binary mergers. \subsection{Peak quantities} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{macro.png} \caption{Kilonovae properties: upper panel shows the time when the peak luminosity is reached; middle panels show the corresponding luminosity, and the bottom panel the corresponding temperature. We present results for four different EOSs, from left to right: APR4, MPA1, MS1b, NL3, i.e., the compactness is from left to right decreasing, see figure~\ref{fig:EOS}. The quantities are given in terms of the individual masses of the stars $M_1,M_2$.} \label{fig:macro} \end{figure} Based on the work of~\cite{Grossman:2013lqa} we will present some important kilonovae properties. The time $t_{\rm peak}$ at which the peak in the near-infrared occurs, the bolometric luminosity at this time $L_{\rm peak}$, and the corresponding temperature $T_{\rm peak}$ are given as: \numparts \begin{align} t_{\rm peak} & = 4.9 \ {\rm days} \times \left( \frac{M_{ej}}{10^{-2} M_\odot} \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \left( \frac{\kappa}{10 {\rm cm^2 g^{-1}} } \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \left( \frac{v_{\rm ej}}{0.1} \right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} , \label{eq:tpeak} \\ L_{\rm peak}& = 2.5 \cdot 10^{40} {\rm erg \, s^{-1}} \times \left( \frac{M_{ej}}{10^{-2} M_\odot} \right)^{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}} \left( \frac{\kappa}{10 {\rm cm^2 g^{-1}} } \right)^{-\frac{\alpha}{2}} \left( \frac{v_{\rm ej}}{0.1} \right)^{\frac{\alpha}{2}} , \label{eq:Lpeak} \\ T_{\rm peak} & = 2200 {\rm K} \times \left( \frac{M_{ej}}{10^{-2} M_\odot} \right)^{-\frac{\alpha}{8}} \left( \frac{\kappa}{10 {\rm cm^2 g^{-1}} } \right)^{-\frac{\alpha+2}{8}} \left( \frac{v_{\rm ej}}{0.1} \right)^{\frac{\alpha-2}{8}} . \label{eq:Kpeak} \end{align} \endnumparts In \cite{Grossman:2013lqa} the authors assume that the energy release due to the radioactive decay is proportional to $\sim t^{-\alpha}$ with $\alpha=1.3$. We set the average opacity to $\kappa = 10~{\rm cm^2 g^{-1}}$~\footnote{Notice that as shown in e.g.,~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Kasen:2013xka} the typical opacity for a kilonovae is significantly higher than for typical supernovae explosions, which is caused by the presence of lanthanides. The exact value of the opacity depends on the composition of the material, which is not included in our models.}. In figure~\ref{fig:macro} we present $t_{\rm peak},L_{\rm peak},T_{\rm peak}$ for four different EOSs as a function of the individual masses $M_1,M_2$. We find for all setups that an increasing mass-ratio increases $t_{\rm peak}$, $L_{\rm peak}$ and decreases $T_{\rm peak}$. Furthermore an increasing total mass leads to a decreasing $t_{\rm peak}$. Considering the influence of the EOS, softer EOSs lead to more luminous kilonovae in particular for equal mass merger. This can be explained by smaller ejecta mass caused by the absence of shock driven ejecta for stiff EOSs. For systems close to equal mass the temperature of the kilonovae is higher. Interesting is also that for equal mass systems the luminosity and the temperature have saddle points, see middle and lower panels. This means that keeping the mass ratio fixed a local extrema exist for which the luminosity becomes maximal and that also a local extrema exists for which the temperature becomes minimal. Both points do not have to coincide. It would be interesting to test with further NR simulations whether such a saddle point exists or is just an artifact of the employed fit. \subsection{Time evolution} \subsubsection{Luminosity:} To determine the luminosity of the kilonovae, we follow the discussion of~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana}, which we briefly summarize below. As described in section~\ref{sec:geometry} the ejecta is modeled as a partial sphere in the latitudinal and longitudinal direction. We further assume that the material is homogeneously distributed inside the ejecta and that photons purely escape from the latitudinal edge. This agrees with the assumptions made in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} and also gives valid results for BNS mergers as shown below. Considering that the optical depth increases with decreasing density, the whole region becomes visible after \begin{equation} t_c = \sqrt{\frac{\theta_{\rm ej} \kappa M_{\rm ej}}{2 \phi_{\rm ej} (v_{\rm max}-v_{\rm min})}}, \end{equation} with $v_{\rm max}$, $v_{\rm min}$ being the maximum and the minimum speed of the ejecta. The mass of the photon escaping region is then given by $M_{\rm obs} = M_{\rm ej} (t/t_c)$ for times $t<t_c$. In \cite{Korobkin:2012uy,Wanajo:2014wha} was shown that the specific heating for energy release caused by radioactive decay can be approximated by $ \dot{\epsilon} \approx \dot{\epsilon}_0 \left(\frac{t}{\rm 1 day}\right)^{-\alpha}. $ This allows to write the bolometric luminosity as \begin{equation} L(t) = (1 + \theta_{\rm ej}) \epsilon_{\rm th} \dot{\epsilon}_0 M_{\rm ej} \begin{cases} \frac{t}{t_c} \left(\frac{t}{1 \ {\rm day}}\right)^{-\alpha}, \quad t \leq t_c \\ \left(\frac{t}{1\ \rm day}\right)^{-\alpha}, \quad t > t_c \\ \end{cases}, \label{eq:Lbol} \end{equation} where we will use $\dot{\epsilon}_0=1.58 \times 10^{10} {\rm erg \ g^{-1}\ s^{-1}}$ and $\alpha=1.3$ for our considerations~\footnote{Note that as discussed in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} \eqref{eq:Lbol} also used the assumption of a small opening angle $\theta_{\rm ej}$ which is valid for BHNSs but might be violated for BNS systems. However, figure~\ref{fig:Lbol} reveals that reasonable results are also obtained for BNS systems with larger opening angles, see e.g., SLy (1.35,1.35).}. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{Lbol.pdf} \caption{Comparison of the bolometric luminosity given by \eqref{eq:Lbol} (dashed lines) and a radiative transfer simulation (solid lines). The results of the radiative transfer simulation was presented in~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Tanaka:2013ixa} and is public available at~\cite{Tanaka_web}. The legend characterizes the EOS and the individual masses of the NSs are given in solar masses.} \label{fig:Lbol} \end{center} \end{figure} In figure~\ref{fig:Lbol} a comparison between \eqref{eq:Lbol} and the radiative transfer simulations of~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Tanaka_web} is presented. One sees remarkable agreement between the simple model function and the radiative transfer simulations. As input variables for \eqref{eq:Lbol}, we have used the stated ejecta masses from~\cite{Tanaka_web}. This is necessary since $L_{\rm bol}$ depends strongly on $M_{\rm ej}$ such that a difference in $M_{\rm ej}$ produces a large difference in $L_{\rm bol}$ and a comparison would not test the assumptions made for \eqref{eq:Lbol}, but how \eqref{eq:Mej_fit} approximates this particular setup. Furthermore, $v_{\rm min}$ is set to 0.02, $v_{\rm max} = 2 v_{\rm ej} - v_{\rm min}$, and $\theta_{\rm ej}$ and $\phi_{\rm ej}$ are chosen according to \eqref{eq:theta_fit} and \eqref{eq:phi_fit}. Figure~\ref{fig:Lbol} proves that \eqref{eq:Lbol}, which was originally proposed for BHNS setups in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} also allows to describe BNS mergers and the time evolution of the kilonovae. \subsubsection{Lightcurves:} From the given luminosity the bolometric magnitude can be computed according to: \begin{equation} M_{\rm bol} \approx 4.74 -2.5 \log_{10} \left( \frac{L_{\rm bol}}{L_\odot}\right), \label{eq:Mbol} \end{equation} with $L_\odot$ denoting the bolometric luminosity of the sun. To compute the magnitude in each wavelength, we have to know the spectra of the kilonovae. One possible approach to compute the spectra is by considering the effective temperature of the photosphere \begin{equation} T \approx \left( \frac{L(t)}{\sigma S(t)}\right)^{1/4}, \end{equation} with $S(t)$ being the surface of the latitudal edge, and to assume that the spectrum of a kilonovae can be approximated by a pseudo black body spectrum, e.g.,~\cite{Kasen:2013xka}. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Mx.pdf} \caption{Bolometric corrections for the ugriz-bands (left) and KHJ-bands (right) as a function of the rescaled time $t'=t [{\rm days}](0.01M_\odot/M_{\rm})^{1/3.2}$. We use public available results of~\cite{Tanaka_web} and show them as dashed and dot-dashed lines. The average of the available data for each individual band is shown as a black solid line and a fit of the average is visible as a red solid line. The parameters for the fit are given in \eqref{eq:BC_z}-\eqref{eq:BC_J}.} \label{fig:BC} \end{center} \end{figure} Another approach enabling us to compute the spectrum are bolometric corrections (BC) as discussed in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana}. The final magnitude in each band (denoted by the subscript $X$) is then given by \begin{equation} M_X(t) = M_{\rm bol}(L(t)) - BC_X(t). \end{equation} To compute the bolometric corrections we use the public available light curves of~\cite{Tanaka_web}. It was shown in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} that the time evolution of the BCs for BHNSs agrees once the elapsed time is rescaled by $t'= t \cdot (10^{-2} M_\odot/M_{\rm ej})^{1/3.2}$. Figure~\ref{fig:BC} shows that the same rescaling can be used for BNS data. We present for five different setups~\cite{Tanaka_web} the BCs for the ugriz-band in the left and for the KHJ-band in the right panel. The difference among the different setups of the BC is about 1 magnitude. To obtain the final BC, we average the results of all five configurations (black solid line) and fit the average with a polynomial (red solid lines) \begin{equation} BC_X = a_0 + a_1 t' + a_2 t'^2 + a_3 t'^3 + a_4 t'^4 . \end{equation} The final parameters for the polynomials fits are \numparts \begin{eqnarray} BC_z: & (1.072,0.3646,-0.1032,0.00368,0.0000126) & t' \in [2,15] \label{eq:BC_z}\\ BC_i: & (0.6441,0.0796,-0.122,0.00793,-0.000122) & t' \in [2,15] \\ BC_r: & (-2.308,1.445,-0.5740,0.0531,-0.00152) & t' \in [2,15] \\ BC_g: & (-6.195,4.054,-1.754,0.2246,-0.009813) & t' \in [2,8.5] \\ BC_u: & (40.01,-56.79, 25.73,-5.207,0.3813) & t' \in [2,5] \\ BC_K: & (-7.876,3.245, -0.3946,0.0216,-0.000443) & t' \in [2,15] \\ BC_H: & (-2.763,1.502,-0.2133,0.0128,-0.000288) & t' \in [2,15] \\ BC_J: & (-1.038,1.348,-0.2364,0.0137,-0.000261) & t' \in [2,15] \label{eq:BC_J} \end{eqnarray} \endnumparts As an example we compare the lightcurves obtained from the discussed model and computed with the radiative MC code of~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Tanaka_web} for two systems: one equal mass system employing a soft EOS (SLy $(1.35M_\odot,1.35M_\odot$) ) and one unequal masses case with a stiffer EOS (H4 $(1.20M_\odot,1.50M_\odot)$ ). As for figure~\ref{fig:Lbol} we use here the ejecta mass stated in~\cite{Tanaka_web} to compute the bolometric luminosities. Figure~\ref{fig:lightcurve} shows that after applying the BCs, the MC results and those obtained by the simple model agree well. Additionally, we also include lightcurves computed with the public available code of~\cite{Kawaguchi_web} (thin dot dashed lines), which was developed for BHNS mergers and which shows a larger disagreement to the MC results. The difference between the MC simulation and the model presented here is smaller because of the particular choice of the BCs. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{M_bands.pdf} \caption{Absolute Magnitudes in the ugridz-bands (left panels) and JHK-bands (right panels) for the equal mass SLy (1.35,1.35) and the unequal mass H4 (1.20,1.50) setups. The solid lines represent the data reported in~\cite{Tanaka:2013ana,Tanaka_web}. The dashed lines represent data obtained from \eqref{eq:Lbol} including the computed BC corrections. We also include as a thin dashed dotted line results obtained with the public available code of~\cite{Kawaguchi_web}.} \label{fig:lightcurve} \end{center} \end{figure} \section{Radio flares} \label{sec:radio} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{radio.png} \caption{Radio flares properties: upper panel shows the time once the peak in the radio band is observable after the merger of the two neutron stars; lower panel shows the radio fluency at this time. We present results for four different EOSs, from left to right: APR4, MPA1, MS1b, NL3, i.e., the compactness is from left to right decreasing, see figure~\ref{fig:EOS}. The quantities are given in terms of the individual masses of the stars $M_1,M_2$.} \label{fig:radio} \end{figure} In addition to kilonovae, it is possible that sub-relativistic outflows produce radio flares with peak times of a few month up to years after the merger of the compact binary. In order to estimate the radio emission, we use the model of~\cite{Nakar:2011cw}. The strongest signal is expected at a time \begin{align} t_{\rm peak}^{\rm rad} & = 1392 \ {\rm days} \times \left( \frac{T_{\rm ej} }{10^{49}{\rm erg}} \right)^{\frac{1}{3}} \left( \frac{n_0}{\rm cm^{-3}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{3}} \left( \frac{v_{\rm ej}}{0.1} \right)^{-\frac{5}{3}} \end{align} after the merger of the system. The radio fluence at this time is \begin{align} {F^\nu}^{\rm rad}_{\rm peak} & = 0.3 \ {\rm mJy} \times \left( \frac{T_{\rm ej} }{10^{49}{\rm erg}} \right) \left( \frac{n_0}{\rm cm^{-3}}\right)^{\frac{p+1}{4}} \left( \frac{\epsilon_B}{\rm 0.1}\right)^{\frac{p+1}{4}} \nonumber \\ & \times \left( \frac{\epsilon_e}{\rm 0.1}\right)^{p-1} \left( \frac{v_{\rm ej}}{1} \right)^{\frac{5p-7}{2}} \left( \frac{D}{10^{27} {\rm cm}} \right)^{-2} \left( \frac{\nu_{\rm obs}}{1.4 {\rm GHz}} \right)^{-\frac{p-1}{2}} \end{align} for an observation frequency $\nu_{\rm obs}$ higher than the self-absorption and synchrotron peak frequency at a distance $D$. The parameters $\epsilon_B$ and $\epsilon_e$, both set to $0.1$, determine how efficient the energy of the blast wave is transfered to the magnetic field and to electrons. $n_0$ denotes the surrounding particle density and is set to $0.1 {\rm cm^{-3}}$~\footnote{Notice that the overall uncertainty on the density of the surrounding material is rather large. To constrain the EOSs or extract the binary parameters from radio observations strict bounds on $n_0$ will be needed.}. Additionally we assume $p=2.3$ and $\nu_{\rm obs}=1.4 {\rm GHz}$, as done in~\cite{Nakar:2011cw}. In figure~\ref{fig:radio} we present for four different EOSs the expected peak time $t_{\rm peak}$ (upper panel) and radio fluence ${F^\nu}^{\rm rad}_{\rm peak}$ (lower panel). We find that for an increasing total mass the peak time $t_{\rm peak}^{\rm rad}$ decreases while the peak fluency ${F^\nu}^{\rm rad}_{\rm peak}$ increases. For larger mass ratios the peak fluency is largest. Considering different EOSs we find significant differences. In general the observable peak time in the radio band, i.e.~$t_{\rm peak}^{\rm rad}$, happens later for softer EOSs, for those setups also the peak fluency is higher. \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:conclusion} \subsection{Summary} \label{sec:summary} In this work we have derived fitting functions for the main ejecta properties from binary neutron star mergers, namely the mass, kinetic energy, and velocity of the unbound material. Our work is (as a first step) restricted to dynamical ejecta for which a large number of numerical simulation data are available. In total we use a sample of 172 numerical simulations of binary neutron star mergers to derive our fits. The high number of data points allows to cover a large region of the possible binary neutron star parameter space including 23 different EOSs, total masses between $2.4 M_\odot$ and $4 M_\odot$, and mass ratios between $q=1.0$ and $q\approx2.1$. The residual errors of the fitting functions are of the order of the uncertainty of the numerical relativity results. Additionally, we presented estimates for the geometry of the ejected material and compared those with numerical relativity simulations. We found that the high density region of the ejected material can be approximated by a three dimensional annular sector, i.e.~a crescent-like structure. Using the results of~\cite{Sekiguchi:2016bjd} we also discussed the influence of the EOS and mass ratio on the electron fraction inside the ejected material, where in general softer and higher mass ratio configurations are characterized by lower electron fractions. Following~\cite{Dietrich:2016lyp} we presented how the intrinsic rotation on the individual neutron stars affects the ejecta mass, where we found in particular that for high mass ratios the aligned spin of the lower star increases the amount of the ejected material. Based on estimated ejecta properties we studied possible electromagnetic observables for binary neutron star mergers. In particular, we have focused on the possibility of the formation of kilonovae and radio flares. Considering kilonovae, analytical models have been employed to determine the time when the kilonovae is brightest as well as the corresponding luminosity and temperature. While these estimates just represent the properties of the EM counterpart at a fixed time, we also used the model proposed in~\cite{Kawaguchi:2016ana} to derive the time evolution of the luminosity and light curve. We checked the model against radiative transfer simulations of~\cite{Tanaka_web} and found good agreement. Finally, we estimated the peak time and peak fluency of the radio flares produced after the binary neutron star merger. Those flares will be observable month up to years after the merger. \subsection{Consequences for future observations} \label{sec:consequences} The first two GW detections GW150914 and GW151226 have proven that pipelines for EM follow studies are in place and work reliably. Detailed informations can be found in~\cite{Abbott:2016gcq} and references therein. However, in case of an upcoming GW detection of a BNS system an estimate about corresponding kilonovae and radio flares may support follow up studies. Once a GW is detected the first parameter estimates for the binary properties are produced within the first minutes after the detection. This time is small enough to allow observations in the visible, near-infrared, and radio band. On a practical term it is important to point out that the time between the GW detection and the kilonovae observation is too short to perform full NR simulations, which typically have run times of the order of weeks to months. Thus, once the first knowledge about the properties of the binary is available phenomenological formulas, as presented here, are needed to obtain estimates for possible EM counterparts. After the kilonovae observation NR simulations with microphysical descriptions as neutrinos transport, tabulated EOS, and magnetic fields can be performed to obtain more reliable results. At this stage, our estimates help to reduce the region in the parameter space which have to be covered by NR simulations. Notice that the situation is different for radio flares, which are detectable on the order of years after the merger. Full-NR simulations for a variety of parameters can be performed between the detection of the GWs and the observation of the radio signal. \\ Overall, our work represents a first step towards a systematic combination between binary parameters accessible from gravitational wave observations and electromagnetic counterparts for a large range of the binary neutron star parameter space. In the future even more setups have to be included testing extreme corners of the parameter space. Furthermore, a detailed microphysical description in numerical simulations will help to account for other effects as e.g.,~magnetic fields and the ejecta produced by the disk wind after the formation of the merger remnant. \ack We thank Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Brett Deaton, Francois Foucart, Kyohei Kawaguchi, Nathan~K.~Johnson-McDaniel, David Radice, Masaomi Tanaka for comments and fruitful discussions. It is a pleasure to also thank Matthias Hempel who kindly gave us the EOS tables for cold neutron stars in beta-equilibrium. We are grateful to Masaomi Tanaka for making his Monte Carlo simulation data public available and to Kyohei Kawaguchi for making his code to compute lightcurves for BNS systems available. Parts of the presented results relied on simulations performed on SuperMUC at the LRZ (Munich) under the project number pr48pu, Jureca (J\"ulich) under the project number HPO21, Stampede (Texas, XSEDE allocation - TG-PHY140019). \section*{References} \bibliographystyle{iopart-num}
(a) The Beraisa lists all the cases of a Hedyot purchasing from Hekdesh, the first of which is 'Moshcho be'Manah ve'Lo Hispik li'Fedoso ad she'Amad be'Masayim'. What does the Tana mean by 'li'Fedoso'? ... in the reverse case, where at the time of the Meshichah the article was worth two hundred Zuz, and the price dropped to a Manah before he managed to pay for it? (c) How much is he obligated to pay if he redeemed the article for two hundred Zuz, but by the time he made the Meshichah, the price had dropped to a Manah? (d) In the reverse case, where he redeemed the article for a Manah and the price rose to two hundred Zuz before he managed to make a Meshichah, he only pays a Manah. Why is that? Why do we not apply the principle 'Lo Yehei Ko'ach Hedyot Chamur me'Hekdesh'? (a) The Tana of our Mishnah states 'Kol Mitzvos ha'Ben al ha'Av, Anashim Chayavin, ve'Nashim Peturos'. Why can the Tana not be referring to the Mitzvos of a son towards his father? (b) Does the Tana comment on the Mitzvos of a son towards his father? (c) From which Mitzvos Asei is a woman exempt? (d) From which three Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh is she also exempt? (a) From where do we know that a woman is obligated to respect her parents? (b) According to the Tana Kama of the Beraisa, which three obligations does a father have towards his son, besides the Mitzvos of Milah and Pidyon ha'Ben? (c) 'Yesh Omrim (Rebbi Nasan), Af Lehasito ba'Mayim'. Why should Chazal have obligated a father to teach his son to swim? (d) What does Rebbi Yehudah say about someone who does not teach his son a trade? ... in Vayeira "Vayamal Avraham es Yitzchok B'no"? ... in Lech Lecha "Himol Lachem Kol Zachar"? ... in Vayeira "Ka'asher Tzivah *Oso* Elokim"? (b) If neither the father nor Beis-Din circumcised him, then he becomes obligated to circumcise himself when he grows up. What is the difference between their obligation and his? (c) We know that this set of Halachos was not confined to Avraham Avinu, but applies to all generations from the Lashon "Tzivah", and from Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael. What does Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael say about the word "Tzav"? ... in Devarim "ve'Tzav es Yehoshua ve'Chazkeihu ve'Amtzei'hu"? ... in Sh'lach-Lecha "Min ha'Yom Asher Tzivah Hashem va'Hal'ah le'Doroseichem"? (a) We learn that a father is obligated to redeem his firstborn son from the Pasuk in Ki Sisa "Kol Bechor Banecha Tifdeh". ... the Pasuk in Korach "Ach *Padoh Tifdeh* es Bechor ha'Adam"? ... "Tifdeh" "Tipadeh" (from the fact that "Tifdeh" is written without a 'Yud' [see Rashi 18b. DH 'li'Mesores'])? (b) And from where do we know that a father is not obligated to redeem his daughter? (a) According to the Tana Kama of the Beraisa, if a man is faced with the Mitzvah of redeeming both himself and his son, then redeeming himself takes precedence. What does Rebbi Yehudah say? What reason does he give for this? (b) Rebbi Yirmiyah qualifies this Machlokes. In which case does even Rebbi Yehudah concede that the father's redemption takes precedence? (c) Then how does he establish the Machlokes? What is its basis? ... the Rabbanan, is precedence given to himself? ... Rebbi Yehudah, is precedence now given to his son? (a) If someone is confronted with the Mitzvah of redeeming his son and going to Yerushalayim for Yom-Tov (together with his Olas Re'iyah), and he can only afford one of them, the Tana Kama of another Beraisa obligates him to give precedence to redeeming his son. What does Rebbi Yehudah say? What reason does he give? (b) How do the Rabbanan counter this? (c) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Ki Sisa "*Kol* Bechor Banecha Tifdeh"? (d) Why is this not obvious, bearing in mind that the Torah in Bo refers to Bechor as "Peter Rechem"? ... in Eikev "ve'Limadtem Osam es Beneichem"? ... in Va'eschanan "u'Lemadtem Osam, u'Shemartem La'asosam"? ... "ve'Limadtem" 'u'Lemadtem' (from the fact that the Torah omits a 'Yud')? (b) And from where do we know that a father is not obligated to learn with his daughter? (c) The Tana Kama of the Beraisa rules that where both the father and the son wish to learn, and there is only sufficient sustenance to allow one to go, then the father takes precedence. (a) What happened when Rav Acha B'rei de'Rav Ya'akov sent his son Rav Ya'akov to Abaye's Yeshivah to learn and he returned for Bein ha'Zemanim? What gave Rav Acha second thoughts? (b) Why did Abaye instruct the Talmidim not to invite Rav Acha bar Ya'akov? (c) What happened that night? (d) What was Rav Acha's reaction to this? (a) The Sugya discusses the order of priorities between learning Torah and marriage. The Tana of the Beraisa give precedence to Torah study. How does he himself qualify this? (b) Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel gives precedence to marriage. On what grounds does Rebbi Yochanan seemingly object to Shmuel's ruling? (c) We conclude however, that they do not argue, because 'Ha Lan, ve'Ha Lehu'. (a) What was Rav Huna's response when Rav Chisda boasted to him about Rav Hamnuna's greatness? (b) Why did Rav Hamnuna not cover his head with a Sudar? (c) How did Rav Huna react when Rav Hamnuna told him that he was not married? What did he subsequently tell him? (d) Rav Huna follows his own reasoning. What does Rav Huna say about someone who reaches the age of twenty and is not yet married? (a) Rava corroborates this with a statement from Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael. What does Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael say about someone who reaches the age of twenty and does not marry? (b) To what did Rav Chisda attribute the fact that he was superior to his colleagues? (c) What did he mean by that? (d) What did he say would have happened had he married at fourteen?
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Scientific Dialogues: Intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of ... By Jeremiah Joyce CONVERSATION XIV. Of Conver Reflection Of Optical Delusions-Of Anamorphoses. CHARLES. You cannot, I see, make the same experiment with the candle, and a convex mirror, that you made yesterday with the concave one. Tutor. Certainly, because the image is formed behind the glass; but it may, perhaps, be worth our while to consider how the effect is produced in a mirror of this kind. Let al (Plate nir. Fig. 22.) represent a convex mirror, and a f be half the radius of convexity, and take a f, F 0, 0 B, &c. each equal a f. If incident rays flow from 2, the reflected rays will appear to come from behind the glass at James. Do you mean if a candle be placed at 2, the image of it will appear to be formed at behind the glass? Tutor. I do: and if that, or any other object, be carried to 3, 4, &c. the image will also go backward to , 4. &c. Charles. Then, as a person walks towards a convex spherical-reflector, the image appears to walk towards bim, constantly increasing in magnitude, till they touch each other at the surface. Tutor. You will observe that the image, however distant the object, is never farther off than at f; that is, the imaginary focus of parallel rays. James. The difference then between convex and concave reflectors is, that the point f in the former is behind the glass, and in the latter it is before the glass as F. Tutor. Just so: from the property of diminishing objects, spherical reflectors are not only pleasing ornaments for our best rooms, but are much used by all lovers of picturesque scenery " Small convex reflectors," says Dr. Gregory, "are made for the use of travellers, who, when fatigued VOL. V. by stretching the eye to Alps towering on Alps, can, by their mirror, bring these sublime objects into a narrow compass, and gratify the sight by pictures which the art of man in vain attempts to iinitate *.» Concave inirrors have been used for many other and different purposes; for by them, with a little ingenuity, a thousand illusions may be practised on the ignorant and credulous. Charles. I remember going with you to see an exhibition in Bondstreet, which you said depended on a concave mirror; I was desired to look into a glass, I did so, and started back, for I thought the point of a * See Economy of Nature, Vol. I. p. 26, 20 Edition. dagger would have been in face. I looked again, and a death's head snapped at me; and then I saw a most beautiful nosegay, :, which I wished to grasp, but it vanished in an instant: Tutor. I will explain how these deceptions are managed : letE 'F (Plate 11. Fig. 23.) be a concave mirror, 10 or 12 inches in diameter, placed in one room; A B the wainscot that separates the spectator from it; but in this there is a square or circular opening which faces the mirror exactly. A nosegay, for instance, is inverted at C, which must be strọngly illuminated by means of an Argand's lamp; but no direct light from the lamp is to fall on the mirror. Now a person standing at G will see an image of the nosegay at D.
Great Elm Capital PE Ratio 2006-2019 | GEC Current and historical p/e ratio for Great Elm Capital (GEC) from 2006 to 2019. The price to earnings ratio is calculated by taking the latest closing price and dividing it by the most recent earnings per share (EPS) number. The PE ratio is a simple way to assess whether a stock is over or under valued and is the most widely used valuation measure. Great Elm Capital PE ratio as of July 16, 2019 is 0.00. Great Elm Capital PE Ratio Historical Data Finance Finance - Investment Management $0.106B $0.006B Great Elm Capital Group, Inc. is a holding company whose operating vertical consists of investment management, real estate and operating companies. Great Elm Capital Group, formerly known as Unwired Planet Inc., is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. BlackRock (BLK) United States $73.733B 17.76 Altaba (AABA) United States $36.641B 0.00 Blackstone Group Inc/The (BX) United States $30.196B 22.03 T Rowe Price (TROW) United States $26.097B 15.18 Ameriprise Financial (AMP) United States $20.205B 10.13 Franklin Resources (BEN) United States $17.927B 12.61 Principal Financial (PFG) United States $16.432B 10.61 KKR (KKR) United States $14.170B 12.90 Hargreaves Lansdown (HRGLY) United Kingdom $11.996B 0.00 SCHRODERS (SHNWF) United Kingdom $11.150B 0.00 SEI Investments (SEIC) United States $8.601B 18.73 Oaktree Capital Group, LLC (OAK) United States $8.015B 15.79 Invesco (IVZ) United States $7.977B 8.58 Woori Bank (WF) South Korea $7.954B 4.60 Apollo Global Management, LLC (APO) United States $7.135B 59.30 ONEX (ONEXF) Canada $6.145B 0.00 Eaton Vance (EV) United States $5.043B 13.44 Cronos Group (CRON) Canada $5.022B 53.36 Lazard (LAZ) Bermuda $4.698B 9.60 Affiliated Managers (AMG) United States $4.491B 6.33 Janus Capital (JHG) United Kingdom $4.420B 8.78 Federated Investors (FII) United States $3.377B 14.32 Legg Mason (LM) United States $3.326B 12.63 Hamilton Lane (HLNE) United States $2.999B 30.86 Ares Management (ARES) United States $2.925B 20.22 AllianceBernstein Holding (AB) United States $2.924B 12.61 Grupo Aval Acciones Y Valores S.A (AVAL) Colombia $2.904B 9.38 Carlyle Group (CG) United States $2.635B 23.01 Cohen & Steers Inc (CNS) United States $2.473B 22.09 Prospect Capital (PSEC) United States $2.462B 7.63 Artisan Partners Asset Management (APAM) United States $2.236B 10.60 Fidelity National Financial (CNNE) United States $2.044B 36.75 Focus Financial Partners (FOCS) United States $2.009B 23.77 Noah Holdings (NOAH) China $1.866B 15.85 OM Asset Management (BSIG) United Kingdom $1.304B 6.73 Waddell & Reed Financial (WDR) United States $1.283B 7.91 Victory Capital Holdings (VCTR) United States $1.265B 12.91 Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC (OZM) United States $1.140B 26.63 Associated Capital (AC) United States $0.872B 96.70 Virtus Investment Partners (VRTS) United States $0.778B 8.97 Pzena Investment Management Inc (PZN) United States $0.584B 11.07 Gamco Investors (GBL) United States $0.557B 4.77 PennantPark Floating Rate Capital (PFLT) United States $0.455B 9.78 America First Multifamily Investors (ATAX) United States $0.428B 12.02 Eagle Point Credit (ECC) United States $0.420B 12.01 Capital Southwest (CSWC) United States $0.379B 15.09 Westwood Holdings Group Inc (WHG) United States $0.293B 13.11 Value Line (VALU) United States $0.254B 24.81 Monroe Capital (MRCC) United States $0.233B 7.59 Silvercrest Asset Management Group (SAMG) United States $0.191B 11.36 Medley Capital (MCC) United States $0.135B 27.56 Great Elm Capital (GECC) United States $0.089B 6.47 KCAP Financial (PTMN) United States $0.089B 15.87 Ashford (AINC) United States $0.080B 34.46 Fifth Street Asset Management (FSAM) United States $0.079B 0.00 Hennessy Advisors (HNNA) United States $0.075B 5.41 Jupai Holdings (JP) China $0.071B 0.00 Harvest Capital Credit (HCAP) United States $0.064B 11.93
While all members of staff help and support students who are experiencing difficulties with aspects of their courses the school has a team of dedicated Learning Support teachers. The Learning Support team assesses students to determine the level of help required in the areas of both literacy and numeracy. This help is provided on both an individual basis and through a team teaching approach, which involves other members of staff. The progress of students requiring help is continually monitored and parents are kept informed. Where special arrangements are required for examinations such as the use of a tape-recorder, scribe etc. these arrangements are put in place and the Learning Support teacher helps the students to make proper use of the help being provided.
As the world reacted to the news that another secular blogger in Bangladesh had been killed in a machete attack in the north-eastern city of Sylhet, Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) claimed the attack on social media. Using accounts @AnsarBn_8 and @Ansar_BD, AQIS took responsibility for the brutal machete attack on Ananta Bijoy Das on Tuesday, which came just a few months after his former colleague on the Bangladeshi blog Mukto-Mona, Avijit Roy, was also murdered in the street in a machete attack in Dhaka. The group bragged about both deaths, as well as another killing in March of a 27-year-old blogger Washiqur Rahman in Dhaka. It published pictures of the men as well as a statement claiming that other secular bloggers would be targeted. There is no way of independently verifying the claims of the Ansar Twitter accounts or their official links with AQIS, which was launched in 2014 by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a 55-minute online video and has carried out brutal attacks in Pakistan. In the past, attacks on bloggers in Bangladesh have tended to be carried out radical students linked to either Jamaat-e-Islami or Hefazat-e-Islam, the two man Islamist parties in Bangladesh, rather than an international group such as Al-Qaeda. The suspected killer of Avijit Roy, Farabi Shafiur Rahman, was linked to a local Bangladeshi group that called itself Ansar Bangla 7 on Twitter, clearly a precursor to the Ansar Bangla 8 profile that has mooted the AQIS link on 12 May. But even if the killer of Das is only using the AQIS moniker in order to gain more notoriety or credibility for the attacks, the group will likely welcome it. Like Islamic State, AQIS has shifted from an organised structure to a more decentralised one, with lone individuals or groups carrying out attacks in its name. "After 9/11 everything was top down, controlled and authorised by leadership whereas now it [...] is decentralised. Terrorism has become more laissez faire," said Sajjan M. Gohel, international security director at the Asia Pacific Foundation in London. "[AQIS] will not have a problem with being associated with individuals carrying out these acts even if it is not sophisticated or elaborate [...]. It is attracting attention and gives them the oxygen of publicity. That is now the strategy of terrorism." At a grassroots level, the world's largest Muslim democracy has a growing problem with radical Islam. Bangladesh may officially be a secular country but more than 90% of its population are Muslim and the extreme edge of this community is increasingly being stoked by clerics such as Hefazat-e-Islam's leader Shah Ahmad Shafi. Hefazat-e-Islam mobilized 500,000 supporters in Dhaka in 2013 in a protest that left seven people dead and hundreds of shops burned. The group demanded the punishment of bloggers that "insult Islam" and campaigned against education for women. But while the fanatics have taken to social media to brag about the murders, the response from bloggers has been both defiance and anger that the government is not doing enough to combat extremism and protect writers such as Roy, Das and others. One blogger and journalist who writes regularly on human rights issues, Probir Bidhan, told IBTimes UK over the phone from Dhaka that three of the bloggers killed in recent months were on a list of targets published by an Islamist group and yet received no protection from the state. Bidhan said a number of bloggers and acvitists had removed personal information from their websites to prevent themselves from becoming targets. "I cannot stop blogging but recently I have removed information about my personal life, my email and my phone number. I used to be open but I got married last year and I have a baby. I am not as reckless as I used to be," he said. Bangladeshi writer and feminist Taslima Nasreen, who was herself chased out the country by fanatics in the 1990s and has been in exile ever since, accused the government of doing little to track down the killers in Bangladesh. "Rajib Haider, A.K.M Shafiur Rahman, Avijit Roy, Washikur Rahman Babu, Ananta Bijoy Das," she wrote on her blog, naming the writers that have been murdered in recent years by extremists, "Who is next? Tomorrow maybe you. Or maybe me." Gohel agreed the government of Bangladesh needed to be doing more to protect bloggers, especially given Das was murdered in almost exact circumstances as his former boss, Roy, just a few months earlier. He said: "The government has to be seen to be doing more to [...] protect journalists and citizen bloggers who have faced death threats – [...] [because] the way they are being killed is now becoming a pattern."
Monochromators are optical techniques used to separate a specific range of wavelengths representing a single color. Czerny-Turner monochromators, one of the more commonly used designs, consists of a light source, two concave mirrors, and a plane diffraction grating. As a thin beam of white light enters the monochromator from a light source, it falls onto the first mirror, allowing the light beam to run parallel. These parallel beams are then split into different wavelengths by the plane grating, which is then reflected on to the second concave mirror. A thin exit slit then allows a specific wavelength to pass through for analytical purposes. Once submitted, we will try and place you in contact with a suitable Monochromators supplier within 48 hours.
Jerome Thompson (ur. 1814 w Middleboro w stanie Massachusetts, zm. 1886) – amerykański malarz, członek National Academy of Design. Życiorys Urodził się w rodzinie malarza portrecisty Kefasa Thompsona, który początkowo nie chciał kształcić syna w zawodzie malarza, gdyż pragnął, aby ten został rolnikiem. Zainteresowanie sztuką jednak przeważyło. Młody Thompson zajmował się początkowo malowaniem portretów (w tym czasie sportretował między innymi Abrahama Quary, ostatniego żyjącego członka plemienia Indian Nantucket). W wieku 17 lat założył studio w Barnstable w stanie Massachusetts, które w 1835 przeniósł do Nowego Jorku. Na początku lat 50. XIX wieku zainteresował się pejzażem, w czym dużą rolę odegrało dobre przyjęcie obrazu Pic Nick, Camden, Maine, wystawionego w National Academy of Design. W latach 1852–1854 studiował w Anglii. Po powrocie do Stanów Zjednoczonych pracował między innymi w Mineola na Long Island i Glen Gardner w stanie New Jersey. Odniósł znaczny sukces artystyczny i finansowy, między innymi dzięki popularności litografii wykonanych na podstawie jego prac. Artysta jest znany głównie ze scen rodzajowych, najczęściej o tematyce rustykalnej, w których pierwszoplanowe znaczenie ma pejzaż. Jego przesycone światłem prace stylem przypominają obrazy malarzy z kręgu Hudson River School, są bogate w efekty świetlne i tonalne subtelności. Pierwszoplanowe scenki rodzajowe są zazwyczaj niewielkie i stanowią zwykle uzupełnienie wyeksponowanego na drugim planie pejzażu. Największe zbiory prac Thompsona posiadają Brooklyn Museum i Metropolitan Museum of Art w Nowym Jorku oraz Museum of Fine Arts w Bostonie. Wybrane prace Przypisy Amerykańscy malarze Urodzeni w 1814 Zmarli w 1886
Home » Celebrity Net Worth Ronda Rousey Net Worth Set to Rise In 2016, Just Like UFC Fame By: Jackie Bonaventura - Published: April 19, 2017 at 7:00 am | Last Updated: October 15, 2018 at 8:33 am Ronda Rousey (Photo: Bryan Steffy / Stringer/ Getty Images) Ronda Rousey is a trained mixed martial artist, a former UFC Bantamweight Champion, and an actress with an estimated net worth of over $4 million. Deemed as a power figure for women across the world, Ronda Rousey is a rising face for female prowess in male-dominated fields. Ronda was the first American woman to win an Olympic medal (bronze) in Judo at the Beijing Summer Olympics in 2008. Rousey is best known for kicking the butts of relatively strong female competitors in brutal fighting tournaments called the Ultimate Fighting Championshipm or simply as UFC. Rousey became the first UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion in 2012 and won the last Strikeforce Women's Bantamweight Champion as well. In 2015, she became the third most searched person on Google, and was coined the number one female fighting champion in the world. Rousey was also voted by ESPN as the Best Female Athlete Ever. UFC Payouts The UFC champion has gained over $8.5 million in lifetime earnings from winning many UFC Main Event fights. Her bout with Miesha Tate in UFC 168 brought in around $1.75 million in 2013. In 2014, Ronda knocked out Sara McMann in UFC 120 and earned over $600,000. Last year, Ronda defeated Cat Zingano in UFC 184, bringing in another million dollars, followed by her UFC 190 win against Bethe Correia, which added another $1.58 million to her net worth. Rousey still managed to swoop in over $1.5 million for her first UFC loss when she faced a knockout from current UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion Holly Holm in UFC 193 in November last year. These UFC payout figures are combined with her actual earnings and the average $50,000 prize money for each bout won. Rousey's prize money reportedly increased to $160,000 by the end of last year. Pay-Per-View Earnings Pay-per-view (PPV) earnings have managed to add over $30,000 to Ronda's income while she was enjoying the UFC limelight. Later, PPV revenue earned Ronda somewhere over a million dollars for every UFC Main Event title she fought. Her fight with Miesha Tate earned Ronda over one and half million dollars, and Ronda's total pay-per-view earnings have crossed over $7 million dollars. Films and TV Appearances Ronda was first seen in the small role of a tough woman in to Sylvester Stallone's not-so-expendable cast of The Expendables 3 (2014). She was also seen taking down Michelle Rodriguez in a high-paced fight sequence in Furious 7 (2015). Her short yet grilling appearances in films and on TV shows add in somewhere between $30,000 and $50,000 to Ronda's net earnings. Ronda also had a cameo in HBO's TV movie Entourage last year. Ronda is a real fighter who gets heavily bruised and bloody before total submission. It's tough to make her surrender, and it is not at all possible for trained yet phony wrestlers at WWE. Accompanied by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Ronda was featured in a WWE main event showdown where she kicked the butt of the show's current director, Triple H, and his wife Stephanie McMahon. So, keeping that in mind, it makes sense that being a strong American woman pays well when it comes to endorsements. Rousey has signed deals with Reebok, Metro PCS, Carl's Jr., and Monster Headphones that have brought in millions of dollars. A total of $3.6 million in endorsement earnings has been added to Ronda Rousey's net worth, so far at least. She's also the cover girl for this year's Sports Illustrated magazine, for which she posed for wearing nothing but body paint applied to look like a bathing suit. Ronda Rousey Net Worth Breakdown Source Estimated Earnings Fight Earnings $8.6 million Prize Money $1.4 million Base Pay Money $8.6 million Pay-Per-View Earnings $7.1 million Endorsements $3.6 million Film & TV Payout $130,000 Estimated Annual Salary $588,000 Current Net Worth $4 million Ronda Rousey's $4 million estimated net worth is set to sky rocket when the 29-year-old fighter gets a breakout movie role, just like Dwayne Johnson's did. In the meantime, she is busy shooting for the remake of the 1989 Patrick Swayze action-thriller Road House, and the film is slated for release by the end of this year, which will add to Ronda's fortune and undoubtedly increase her net worth. She's also said that she's plans on fighting Holly Holm again to reclaim her Bantamweight championship title—that rematch would easily a fresh stack of millions to Ronda Rousey's net worth! 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See Barack And Michelle Obama's Official Portraits The official portraits were unveiled at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. By Paige Lavender, HuffPost US Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's official portraits were unveiled Monday at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. Michelle Obama's portrait, painted by Amy Sherald, was unveiled first: Michelle Obama and artist Amy Sherald unveil the former first lady's official portrait at the National Portrait Gallery. Mark Wilson via Getty Images A detail of artist Amy Sherald's portrait of Michelle Obama. Then came the former president's portrait, painted by Kehinde Wiley: Artist Kehinde Wiley and Barack Obama unveil the former president's portrait. Barack Obama's portrait by Kehinde Wiley in further detail. Barack and Michelle Obama with their portraits. Each of the Obamas spoke during Monday's event. The former first lady spoke of her late father, who she says "sacrificed everything to give me and my brother the opportunities he never dreamed for himself." She also said she was "thinking about all of the young people, particularly girls and girls of color, who in years ahead will come to this place and they will look up and they will see an image of someone who looks like them hanging on the wall." Both Obamas chose black artists who've been praised by Kim Sajet, director of the National Portrait Gallery. "Both have achieved enormous success as artists, but even more, they make art that reflects the power and potential of portraiture in the 21st century," Sajet said. Former President Obama praised Sherald for her work on his wife's portrait, which he said captured "the grace, intelligence and charm and hotness of the woman I love." Obama also praised Wiley, saying he's "in awe" of the artist's gifts. Paige Lavender Senior Politics Editor, The Huffington Post MORE: Barack Obama Democratic Politics living Michelle Obama news presidential portrait U.S. News
Turnbull appoints Simon Hackett, others to NBN board news Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull today announced that he had appointed three senior executives, including Simon Hackett, Internode founder and doyen of Australia's broadband industry, to be non-executive directors sitting on the board of the National Broadband Network Company. In a statement issued this morning, Turnbull said as part of the Government's continuing National Broadband Network reforms, three directors with extensive relevant industry experience had been appointed to the NBN Co Board. "The three new non-executive directors are Patrick Flannigan, Simon Hackett, and Justin Milne," wrote Turnbull. "They further enhance the board's capabilities and expertise to provide appropriate oversight and guidance to this vitally important national project." NBN Co executive chairman Ziggy Switkowski said: "This is a period of transition for the company and it will be a great asset to have a new board that brings decades of combined experience in the industry." The trio will join current NBN Co board members Ziggy Switkowski, Alison Lansley and Kerry Schott. Switkowski was appointed by Turnbull in early October as NBN Co's new executive chairman, temporarily replacing the company's retiring chief executive Mike Quigley until a replacement can be found. Lansley and Schott are holdovers from the previous NBN Co board under the previous Labor Federal Government. Most of that board was asked to resign by Turnbull shortly after he took office. The appointment of Hackett to NBN Co's board follows a minor social media campaign on the issue created by Delimiter, which had argued that the Internode founder's skills, temperament, experience and ongoing interest in the NBN project made him a perfect candidate for the refreshed NBN board under the Coalition. Hackett graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Adelaide in 1986. He then worked at the university and became a part of the team that created the Australian Academic and Research network (AARNet), the first emergence of the Internet in Australia. In 1991 he founded Internode, an Internet Service Provider, and then in 1997 he founded its sister company Agile, a licensed telecommunications carrier. Over the next 20 years the company group deployed its own network to deliver ADSL2+, optical fibre, microwave, and fixed wireless Internet services around Australia to residential and business customers. Internode was one of the first companies to connect customers to the NBN in 2010. The group was sold to iiNet Limited in early 2012, when it had around 180,000 broadband customers nationally. Simon joined the board of iiNet in August 2012. Hackett has been an opinion leader in the national broadband debate for many years. He is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a fellow of the Australian Computer Society. Hackett will resign his position on the board of iiNet at the end of this month to focus on his role with NBN Co, according to Turnbull. Aside from his qualifications for a role at NBN Co, Hackett has also been one of the most vocal analysts of the NBN over the past several years since the project was founded in April 2009, and has proved uncannily accurate at predicting the future dynamics of the project. As early as December 2010, Hackett warned that the ACCC's Points of Interconnect decision with relation to the NBN would cause massive headaches for smaller ISPs and a dramatic consolidation of the industry. The executive turned out to be right. In September 2011, Hackett warned that if the Coalition won the 2013 election and changed NBN Co's model, there would be a much greater impetus for other ISPs to deploy their own fibre, which is precisely what is happening currently with TPG. In October 2011 Hackett called for ownership of Telstra's copper to be transferred to NBN Co as part of its deal with the telco, arguing future Federal Governments may want to use the infrastructure to build hybrid fibre to the node networks. This precise model is being discussed by Telstra and NBN Co right now. In all of these cases, Hackett argued against conventional wisdom espoused by the previous Labor Government, the competition regulator (the ACCC) or NBN Co itself — and turned out to be accurate in his predictions about the future of the NBN project. And even though Hackett has formally relinquished ownership of the company he founded and led to national prevalence, Internode, the executive still maintains one of the most prescient voices in the industry. In July this year, Hackett outlined a series of measures by which NBN Co could cut its costs and bring its pricy FTTP rollout more in line with the Coalition's FTTN-based alternative. NBN Co will be examining precisely this situation in its current strategic review of its operations, to be presented to Turnbull for examination. Some issues remain around Hackett's involvement with the NBN. The executive currently holds a substantial tranche of iiNet shares, stemming from iiNet's acquisition of Internode. This could be seen as a conflict of interest for his position at NBN Co, given that iiNet is a substantial NBN Co customer. However, it could also be argued that Hackett's position gives him a solid position to represent the interests of retail ISPs on NBN Co's board. Other directors The other two directors appointed by Turnbull are similarly high-profile. Milne first rose to prominence in Australia's technology sector as he joined Microsoft in 1995 as managing director of MSN, the company's first entry into the internet portal business, which he helped establish and develop in the Australian market. In 1999, Justin joined OzEmail as Head of Data Casting and was later appointed chief executive officer, in a role which saw him work directly with Turnbull, who was an early investor in OzEmail and helped in its public listing. In 2002, Milne joined Telstra as managing director of Telstra's BigPond ISP division and was later promoted to the role of group managing director, responsible for Bigpond and Telstra Media. Milne ran Telstra's Bigpond business as it was transitioning from dial-up to delivering broadband services, increasing its customer base from 200,000 users to 2.5 million. During his time at Bigpond he also delivered and launched the first wireless broadband products in Australia and Milne was also involved in purchasing and operating new media businesses in China for Telstra. He resigned from Telstra in 2010 and is currently a non-executive director of Tabcorp, Members Equity Bank, NetComm Wireless, Basketball Australia and the Leichhardt Rowing Club. Milne has previously been reported to have been a Turnbull pick for NBN Co's board. However, the executive's potential involvement in the NBN has come under strong criticism due to the fact that Milne has had a close personal connection with Turnbull in the past. The third new director, Patrick Flannigan, will re-join NBN Co after a previous stint at the company. A construction engineer by trade, Flannigan joined Skilled Engineering in July 1990 and was promoted to executive general manager of the company in 1998, which included responsibilities for the Telstra and Optus HFC rollouts. He established his own business, Integrated Maintenance Services in 2000. Flannigan co-founded ASX-listed infrastructure provider Service Stream in 2003, where he was the chief executive from 2003 to 2009. He joined NBN Co as the company's head of construction in 2009, where he managed the company's network construction and relationships with major contractors. However, the executive quit NBN Co in April 2011 under a cloud; just days after negotiations broke down between the fledgling fibre monopoly and some 14 construction firms about the construction of the nation-wide network. Since leaving NBN Co, Patrick founded Utility Services Group, and is currently chief executive officer and managing director of the company, which employs approximately 2,000 people nationally, servicing linear infrastructure in the electricity, gas, water and telecommunications sectors. Patrick is a director of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation and has a business degree from Victoria University, is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a fellow of the Australian Institute of Management. I think it's fairly clear what I think about the appointment of Simon Hackett to NBN Co's board. After all, I founded a petition to get him appointed, as well as writing an extensive article for Delimiter 2.0 (subscriber content) in late September on the issue. I wrote: "As with journalists, the role of board directors is not to say comforting things to people in powerful positions. The role of directors is to bring all their skills to the board table and speak all the truth that they know, no matter how uncomfortable, for the benefit of the organisation they represent and its stakeholders. They are wise, disciplined, outspoken counsellors that aim to stop good organisations going off the rails. It'd be hard to find a better description than this for Simon Hackett, who's been a wise counsellor to Australia's telco industry for several decades. And if the Coalition is going to stack NBN Co's board with past Telstra executives, it'd be nice to see a little energy and variety added to the mix — for example, someone who has spent the past couple of decades wrestling Telstra to get better broadband outcomes for all Australians. Give Simon Hackett a call, Minister Turnbull. I positively guarantee you won't be disappointed. The only thing the Coalition might need to be concerned about is that Hackett might eventually end up running the whole show. But then, that outcome has worked out fantastically for Australia in the past." I can live with the other appointees. There are doubts about Milne, and Flannigan has already had one stint at NBN Co. Both also have substantial conflicts of interest in sitting on NBN Co's board (as does Hackett himself, with his iiNet shares) However, the appointment of Hackett to NBN Co's board is a legendary move which will instantly buy Malcolm Turnbull back a swathe of credibility with both consumers and Australia's telecommunications industry. I suspect the Minister is very aware of that fact. You only need to look at the reaction to Hackett's appointment on social media today to see how popular Hackett's appointment to NBN Co's board will be. I've published an article on Delimiter 2.0 (subscriber content) on the areas I think Hackett should focus on in his new role at NBN Co. A sample paragraph from behind the paywall: "Not for nothing (and not just for their similar choice of facial hair and elegant glasses either) has your writer previously compared Hackett to Gordon Freeman, the stubborn protagonist of Valve's seminal video game Half-Life 2. Hackett has Freeman's drive, energy, and very likely his engineering skills with a crowbar. For the NBN, Hackett has long been the right man in the wrong place. His appointment this morning perhaps places him where he can be most useful to the project." Image credit: Internode Petition: Get Simon Hackett onto NBN Co's board Why Simon Hackett should be on the NBN board Simon Hackett quits Internode for iiNet board Poison words: Turnbull + NBN board go to war NBN Board: Turnbull not taking his own advice best-of-the-week justin milne nbn co board patrick flannigan ziggy switkowski Soth 12/11/2013 at 11:52 am Damn you're quick :) Renai LeMay 12/11/2013 at 12:05 pm A decade of practice :) Jorgen Smith 12/11/2013 at 12:05 pm Speaking as an Internode customer of a decade at least, I've followed Hackett during this time and find him a strong voice of reason, intellect and sanity. I'm completely stoked to hear him being appointed as NBN board member. Congratulations, Simon – and Australia! Soth 12/11/2013 at 12:09 pm I agree, congratulations Simon, here's to the future. haha yeah 12/11/2013 at 12:33 pm Yup. No better person to have on your side selling Coalition FTTN plan than Simon Hackett :-) Instant kudos :-) Alex 12/11/2013 at 1:05 pm So, as we thought… you aren't at all interested in reviews, CBA's etc to determine what's best for all Aussies, after all… You just want whoever possible, to sell the Coalition's plan..! Thanks for the frank admission to Delimiter's worst kept secret :/ Ryan 12/11/2013 at 12:11 pm Is it time for celebration yet? This should also give a larger degree of transparency to the project. Mathew 12/11/2013 at 2:11 pm Not quite time for celebration, but is probably the best piece of news for Internet access in Australia for a long time, possibly as far back as Internode installing ADSL2+ DSLAMs in exchanges. Geoff 12/11/2013 at 12:14 pm Given Simon is a Non Exec Director and large shareholder of one of the most successful NBN RSPs it sure is an interesting situation. He will be a great voice to have on the board but let's not pretend he is a unbiased Internet evangelist who just want the bits to be free man. Lionel 12/11/2013 at 12:38 pm I'd have to disagree with you there. Of all people I think Simon can seperate what's good for the Australian public from what is good for his ISP. It has always amazed me how he would put the customer before Internode profitability. I really respect him for some of the decisions he has made in the past. I couldn't say the same for some other ISP owners, but Simon has always had great integrity. Geoff 13/11/2013 at 9:09 am Looks like he has resigned from the iiNet board, so evidently there were some concerns. Brendan 12/11/2013 at 4:58 pm As apposed to all the other board members whom have other affiliations? I'm sorry — which other Board Member is the single largest shareholder in a leading telco? That's like saying I'm "conflicted" if I own ten shares in Network Ten and putting me on par with Gina, Lachlan and Jamie. Ludicrous. Alex 13/11/2013 at 8:08 am Sorry or not, it appears that even Malcolm isn't concerned otherwise Simon wouldn't have been appointed, meaning it's, well, just you who is making an issue and an issue regarding only one member and not the others (gee two sets of rules again, who'd have ever thunk it eh?)… So does this mean your complete Telstra allegiance is even more important to you than your Coalition allegiance? Shannon Pace 12/11/2013 at 12:21 pm anyone care to start a betting pool on how long it takes for simon to get the s**ts with dealing with the other incompetent knobs around him? i give it 6 months… DZR 12/11/2013 at 1:07 pm He's been engaging with Whirlpool users for years now – him getting the "s**ts" won't be an issue. Charles 12/11/2013 at 1:25 pm Brilliant reply :) Shannon Pace 12/11/2013 at 1:44 pm gold… :) Duke 13/11/2013 at 5:48 am Jees, talk about self congratulatory elitists, and this forum is, like, so superior to Whirpool dudes… yeah, right… grow up… Shannon Pace 13/11/2013 at 8:59 am you obviously haven't been on whirlpool very long. it used to be a great collection of forums, but now is just filled with trolls and rude individuals. and comparing these comments pages with the whirlpool forums is like comparing apples with oranges…. Celebration? You're still not getting FTTP. ;) Trolls going to troll. We are celebrating that there is someone with half a brain on the board of members now, someone who can speak their mind and someone from my knowledge isn't interested in Telstra shares. If Zig got his PhD in Nuke PhyX with only "half a brain", he's smarter than I thought! AJ 12/11/2013 at 12:58 pm Did you learn to spell from video games? In any case how does a PhD in Nuclear Physics give you the qualifications to run a Telecommunications company? Soth 12/11/2013 at 2:07 pm Because Lasers! Nicholas 13/11/2013 at 10:38 am lol, omg teh laz0rs! Maybe not. But at least now there is one person involved with some integrity. Til now all appointments have been off yes men like yourself. Harimau 12/11/2013 at 1:23 pm But wouldn't it be great if you were wrong, and we did get FTTP? Fibroid 12/11/2013 at 5:08 pm The only outcome with integrity is not a Labor like FTTP rollout, in fact if it did mimic the Labor plan it would not have any integrity. Woolfe 12/11/2013 at 5:37 pm Yawn… lose the political rhetoric, no one cares anymore Indeed Woolfe… But yet he fully supports FttN… priceless, lol! @Woolfe '… lose the political rhetoric, no one cares anymore' But Coalition bashing political rhetoric is fair game? You are not using those words correctly. You may wish to revisit that. Fibroid 13/11/2013 at 10:18 am Woolfe 13/11/2013 at 11:25 am What coalition bashing? Most I am seeing is people talk about are FTTP and FTTN. Aside from the one off's who I mostly ignore anyway. Lately the comments have been about whether or not there is conflict of interests in the board layout. Which there clearly is. Telstra has an inordinate apparent interest in the board at this point. @ Fibroid… "in fact if it did mimic the Labor plan it would not have any integrity." Oh of course let me guess one word starts with L ends with abor… Wow that's the second of the usual suspects to admit their cyclopic motive today. Must be out of the closet day is it? "integrity". Are you kidding me? That's the best you can come up with? That's the very definition of "clutching at straws". You are hilarious. I actually laughed out loud. Nice one, buddy. Fibroid 13/11/2013 at 9:41 am So going into a election with a well known published NBN policy, you then win that election, then after the election you decide to go with a virtual mirror of the previous NBN policy, has nothing to do with integrity? Nothing to do with integrity, and all to do with common sense, yes. You're the kind of person with strong brand loyalty, I can tell. It doesn't matter if another brand has the better product, you'll stick with the brand you know, and try to convince yourself that it's better. PeterA 12/11/2013 at 12:46 pm Had me checking the date for a minute there, but turns out it isn't even the 1st of any month. Maybe Hackett worked at Telstra in Tech Support or something before all his other resume line items. Snark aside; its a good thing, but a little odd. Hopefully he makes a good contribution. (reducing POI's would be great – but all the other Telstra hires might step on that one). Adam 12/11/2013 at 1:16 pm Curious why you think it is 'odd'? (Serious question, I actually don't understand why you would use that word) I can't speak for Peter but I found it 'odd' too, considering that the rest of the appointments to date generally fall under the umbrella of cronies and yes-men. I don't hold much hope, and I hold more than a little cynicism. I'm certainly not an instant convert. After all, Simon might have the right views, but he has just the one voice on the Board. I also have a suspicion that this is a clever political move by Turnbull to shoot down the accusations of cronyism, and it has appeared to work. "Here is a contrary view. You see, we're technologically agnostic." But in terms of hope, it could be a way out for Malcolm on his apparent pre-election commitment to FTTN when he realises that it's technically and economically infeasible. It could be just different enough from Labor's approach to satisfy his boss Abbott. All politicians want to leave politics well-regarded, they all want to be remembered as having built something, or achieved something; but Turnbull, if he proceeds with FTTN, is simply the demolition-man: No one believes that FTTN is a long-term solution, not even Turnbull himself. The question is whether the bandwidth requirements outstrip FTTN or whether the copper deteriorates to disutility first. The cynicism does outweigh the hope though. waterytowers 12/11/2013 at 2:39 pm I think Hackett was probably appointed because he is all for FTTB as an alternative for apartments. So we are still going to get a FTTN rollout. Nothing is changing folks, nothing to celebrate here, move along. He is also alone in a group of cronnies, so he will not have much of a say. So the Colaition who won Government want to implement the Coalition NBN policy they released in April after all, and which they had as their pre election policy, wow that is a surprise. Many here think we are still in the 'expert panel ' phase of 2009 under a Labor Government, time to move on into 2013-2014. Lionel 12/11/2013 at 5:03 pm Yes, because politicians brain fart policies are the correct way to implement multi billion dollar projects. Why bother with experts when you have ideology. Were there ever a brain fart policy it was the Labor NBN plan, it was literally written on a single piece of paper during a plane ride. Actually, Fibroid, the only one who thinks this, is you. Everyone (almost) else has moved on. There's been an election – as you say the labor policy is now irrelevant – so why do you keep raising an irrelevant point as a response? Join us, in the future. Where the relevance is. +1 Brendan… Unfortunately the foot soldiers aren't allowed to join us here in the now… because the present they are told to support which is simply a copy/paste of the past (i.e. the same FttN topology they ironically opposed back in 2007 when the "others" suggested it and they even referred to as fraudband back then) now in 2013 has so few plusses it easier for them to just keep negatively and incorrectly, harping on about the real and superior previous NBN… In other words they haven't adjusted to being in government as yet…LOL Who opposed FTTN back in 2007, who is 'they', what are you on about? (You and) your ilk. Maybe what is in parentheses applies, but we'd have to trawl through the archives to find out. Lol, you don't even know who opposed FttN in 2007…? Better add another screen. So that's a no then , both of you have nothing. Alex 13/11/2013 at 10:48 am And the childihness continues… *rolls eyes* It's all there… http://delimiter.com.au/2013/11/12/turnbull-appoints-simon-hackett-others-nbn-board/#comment-629349 Go on tell us you your self supported Labor's FttN in 2007? You want to redo that link, that one is 100% conjecture. Money where one's mouth is then…Fibroid. As you infer you supported (or rather reject that you didn't support) Labor's FttN in 2007, please supply one link (just one) which shows you openly supporting Labor's FttN in 2007 (note not Telstra's previous frivolous FttN talk, of course you supported that). I'm sure as a dyed-in-the wool Telstra and Coalition fanboi, you were torn between two lovers re: the party and their silly OPEL plan (there we agree)… but just one obvious link saying Labor's plan is the way to go in 2007. Good luck, you'll need it, because like unicorns, we both know such a beast doesn't exist… Odds on the inevitable and typical Fibroid disappearing act, about…. now? @Alex So that's a no then , both of you (still) have nothing. No link eh… thought not. One might cheekily suggest Fibroid = the missing link :) I love your childish tenacity though… when there's no questions asked of you you childishly nit pick, exactly as you are doing now. And although I find it odd, I also love the blind loyalty to the cause, by never denouncing the Coalition or FttN (yes FttN both you and the party opposed in 2007…LOL)…. All I have to do is ask a hot question to make you disappear, so I won't, let's see to what age commenting style you will retreat… I'd suggest you're at about 8 – 10 years old, ATM… I look forward to the link to prove your claims… Oh come on, now, Fibroid. Liberal footsoldiers like yourself described the FTTN NBN policy that Labor took to the 2007 election six years ago as "fraudband". Now, Liberal footsoldiers like yourself support the FTTN policy. Why? Not because it's a good idea – everyone, six years on, is now in agreement that FTTN is truly fraudband – but because you support the Coalition and everything they do. You would defend them to the last. @Brendan 'Everyone (almost) else has moved on. There's been an election – as you say the labor policy is now irrelevant – so why do you keep raising an irrelevant point as a response? ' So you are getting behind the Coalition NBN policy then, sorry I thought from the content of your and others posts you were still pushing Labor FTTP NBN policy, with no change whatever to the subject matter and the Coalition NBN policy bashing strategy, and it continued on as if an election never happened. It's great you have now decided the Labor policy is irrelevant and you have moved on. I believe most of us are pushing to improve the problems in the Governments plan. Those problems specifically being the long term cost of using a technology that has been superseded. The cost of the underlying infrastructure that said technology uses. And of course the problem of ensuring that we can get the best solution for the long term benefit of the nation. Technologically, socially, and economically the Government plan of primarily FTTN is flawed. 'Technologically, socially, and economically the Government plan of primarily FTTN is flawed.' Not that any one has explained in any one of those three categories let lone all three why it is flawed, apparently just saying it is more than sufficient, and don't expect any further facts to back it up. They have all been explained time and time again… At which point you inevitably deflect by oddly mentioning moving goal posts, tap dancing or abracadabra you just disappear. All to avoid the bleedin' obvious. Seriously, deny it all you like, but we've all seen it time and time again and laugh at each occasion because more often than not, we now lay odds on which tack you'll use to avoid the facts and get it pretty much every time…LOL So because you are unable (or rather I'd suggest more likely, not allowed) to actually accept the facts, doesn't mean the facts don't exist… Closing eyes and fingers in ears only blots out the facts… they are (sadly for you but gladly for all fair dinkum Aussies) still there. 'They have all been explained time and time again…' Everywhere! Okay, Fibroid, let's entertain the underlying premise of your argument: Let's say that the Coalition's policy of opt-out internet filtering wasn't discovered during the election campaign, and they carried it forward to today. By your logic, the Coalition were voted in, so we shouldn't fight it and should just accept the filter policy sitting down. By your logic, the Coalition were voted in, so they can do no wrong. Do you see the problem here? Governments aren't about winners and losers, and trying to win – or at least they shouldn't be. That's politics. The political phase and electioneering are over though. Governments are about trying to get the best outcomes for their constituents – or at least they should be. Do you disagree with my assessment of what governments should and shouldn't be? Your example is flawed in the extreme, the internet filter policy was withdrawn before it was even released, I am not aware the Coalition withdrew their NBN policy that was released in April, well before the election, if you have have evidence they did please tell us about it. Well if it's full steam ahead with their policy as you suggest, why are they doing "3 reviews"? Which has nothing to do with the subject of policy withdrawal BEFORE an election. Err Fibroid, if as you suggest they are belligerently going to implement it as per their BEFORE (in big shouty letters…) election policy anyway, why have wasteful reviews… just do it. Because hellooo, OBVIOUSLY (also in big shouty letters) these reviews may actually suggest altering such a stupid… using obsolete copper which belongs to a private company, based FttN policy… I.e. altering their BEFORE (yes biggies again) election policy…! You know, the government's policy you defend and love 24/7, which is the exact same topology you and the Coalition opposed and hated in 2007… *unbelievable* Good try but another own goal, the actual reviews are part of Coalition NBN policy not separate from it, it is on the bottom of Page 12 where they actually stated they would initiate three reviews if elected. So guess what happened, they got elected and they are doing three reviews. That's lovely, but it doesn't address my question to you… So close off all the screens and answer my questions in your words not the party's… So again… Q1. If the government are going to implement their FttN policy regardless, why have 3 reviews? Bonus question… Q2. Where does the promised CBA fit in with… rolling out FttN as per pre-election come what may…? They cannot say we will conduct reviews, CBA's etc to determine the best avenue … BUT we will rollout FttN regardless of the outcomes… No one is that silly? These are the obvious points you ignore. There seems only one reason. Turnbull's stacked the review to go with what he wants. He needs the reviews to blame shift. In 5-10 years time when it becomes evident to even a Lib fanboi that FTTN is a dead end waste of money, he has an out. Because the Coalition are not going to implement 'their FTTN policy regardless', they are your words not theirs, if you look at the Coalition policy under the heading NBN Co strategic review there are two key points in reference to FTTN : "The estimated cost and time to complete the NBN if variations are made to the current plan, such as FTTN in established (brownfield) areas as proposed by the Coalition." "The economic viability of NBN Co under alternative strategies" Doesn't sound anything like a commitment to 'implement FTTN regardless' to me. Alex 13/11/2013 at 10:26 pm Oh… so after telling us (perhaps not in these exact words Mr Pedantic) the Coalition won the election, which included their brownfields FttN instead of FttP broadband policy and being so it is that policy they (having a mandate) will implement… You now typically contradict yourself/back-flip and say FttN won't be implemented regardless…? Q. for the umpteenth time. Just as you did with the previous government, will you bag the present government if any of their policies announced pre-election are altered post election? A simple yes or no will suffice… You deliberately failed to address the argument. If the Coalition released Policy X, doesn't matter what Policy X is, how terrible Policy X is, you would accept it, you would defend it, because they won the election, and you would truly believe it would be in your best interests. Because it doesn't matter what the Coalition does, to you they can do no wrong. It doesn't matter what Labor does, they are the Enemy, and they can do no right. Fibroid, So are you saying, if the policy was not contested that, post election you would not oppose mandatory filtering because it was a party policy? Think carefully now. I'm asking you to confirm whether you would belligerently defend filtering in exactly the same way you've defending FTTN – all because it was coalition policy prior to an election. Whether or not it was, post election is actually beside the point. Because you constantly refer to pre-election policy. Remember, filter was an actual policy. It existed. That Malcom had it struck is entirely because of the backlash – claiming a misunderstanding. So. Again. I ask would you be defending it like you've defending other pre-election policies? I think we both know you would be. Just like FTTN now is fantastic, but was 'fraudband' when Labor first called for input. \breath \sigh \relief Thank goodness Malcolm is listening to some things said by the public (and indie press, of course) Fat Pat 12/11/2013 at 1:29 pm Just as long as he doesn't try and push his stupid idea of a single ethernet port NTD, he'll do fine. Let's hope he can turn Turnull around and deliver a LOT more fibre….. Jay 12/11/2013 at 1:46 pm Would you prefer FTTN to ISP supplied NTD? Anything that can make the coalition comfortable with more FTTP is a good thing in my opinion. You know, if a single ethernet port was the down-side … I'll take it. > Just as long as he doesn't try and push his stupid idea of a single ethernet port NTD, he'll do fine. If you look at the use cases then a single ethernet port NTD is a good idea to save money. Simon is on the record as saying a four port NTD could be provided on demand. > Let's hope he can turn Turnull around and deliver a LOT more fibre….. If you want more fibre at faster speeds then the only way to do that is to cut costs and with no justification you've just excluded one of the quickest ways to cut costs. Oh for heavens sake, what would the savings be? Probably a few bucks only – this has been discussed in extremis. By removing the multi-port NTD you remove the ability of the NBN to be a ubiquitous broadband communications medium and make it what we have now – a single-mode access that locks us into one RSP. This will keep prices high and prevent the ability of other companies to be able to deliver another service via the one device (IP-TV, Pay TV, Government Services, etc). The 4 port NTD is the thing that delivers the ubiquity and competition that will deliver cheaper broadband – which is precisely why some in the industry (and their shills) are opposed to it! Hey, look at it this way. Would you rather a fibre connection where you or the ISP provide the NTD, or FTTN (where you provide the VDSL modem anyway)? If it makes them happy politically to say they are saving by not providing a full NTD, so be it. They will need to at least provide a simple NTD with phone port only, on demand, for those who never want BB but want to keep their phone. Considering the minimum wholesale cost of one port on the NTD is $30 do you really think a user would choose to have 4 services delivered at a cost of $120 a month when any service you can think of could be delivered via a single ISP (you could easily have internode as your ISP and Foxtel as your paytv and government ehealth services etc.. as well all delivered over the internode connection) I can really only see multi-port NTDs used by businesses for redundancy purposes and as simon has said they can be provide as requested. To have a truck roll just to install the NTD is incredibly wasteful when the vast majority of users would not want to waste an extra $30 a month (+markup) for something that could've been done on their single connection. Optic Fibre isn't "plug and play". Accept that please. THAT has also been discussed endlessly on WP. If you have FTTP, you will have a truck roll. IF you want FTTN, then you can self-install to your heart's content – go for it I can see a whole world where the ability to use all 4 ports on an NTD will keep the RSP's honest (sorry Don Chipp). We need to get away from the old way of thinking – and a government owned NBN providing wholesale-only ubiquitous broadband access will allow us to start on this new journey. However, with the "savings" being a matter of a few bucks, then I would personally be happy to spring for the difference. I believe that 7T came up with a breakdown of the various costs, and the NTD was priced around $130 IIRC I think the idea is that NBN Co saves the installation and NTD cost, and it gets passed on to the RSP who would send out their own technicians to install the device(?), who would pass the cost on to their customers. But there is obviously the issue of the ease of changing provider. I don't understand enough about the technology, so I'm just spitballing here, but would assuming that the customer owns the port/NTD, plus a legally-upheld standard among devices, ease that issue somewhat? But I am more in favour of the current 4-port NTD personally. The big issue with a single-port NTD is that it makes it hard to move from one RSP to another in any sort of a hurry. By having a spare port you can move to anew RSP instantaneoulsy. This will keep the RSP's on their toes – and is probably the big reason why Simon pushed that barrow. It "empowers the consumer" in a way that "free enterprise" hates! Would it be feasible to have just 2 ports on the "basic device" then? Or is that basically just downsizing the 4-port NTD with little in the way of savings? I wouldn't have thought it would make any difference to go from 4 ports to two (or just one) the money needed for the development has been spent, the unit is in production. They don't need to spend *any* more money to deliver the product. They would only require more money to nobble the device down to two or one ports – pointless in other words. I'll defer to others, but the savings would be tiny, and would only allow anti-competitive behaviour to flourish Well, there are the technicians' install costs, not just the cost of the equipment, to consider – if we were to let the RSP do the installation that is (which is Simon's suggestion, I believe). If you could recall where the cost-breakdown done by 7T is for me, I'd like to have a look at that. Also, I was under the impression that Simon's single-port idea was to be a far simpler device. I was wondering whether that simple single-port device could be changed to a simple dual-port device, or if in fact you'd have to have a complex NTD like we have now (in which case, why bother? A working design exists.) Why is it not plug and play? Simon Hackett seems to think it is. He even says that there are low cost commercially available GPON routers on the market. What is different about plugging a fibre patch lead in vs a copper patch lead? Because the Network Boundary Point is the NTD. Your router plugs into the ethernet port of the NTD. You could also plug a PC straight nto the NTD, negating the need for a router in certain circumstances You have issues with safety and service agreements when customers play with fibre leads – it isn't as easy as may be thought. What if there's a bit of dirt on the face of the patch lead. When the NBN sends a tech out to fix the inevitable fault, the customer is going to be rather upset when they get billed for the service call from their "free install" NTD wouldn't you think? What about the drongo who looks "down" the fibre and burn his eyesight out? There are other problems with customers playing with network equipment as well, surely it's better to let the network operator look after the gear? It's not better if it leads to billions being wasted to install something which looks like a complete mess. And it's certainly not better if the only option is ISP supplied NTD with FTTP vs ISP supplied NTD with FTTN. I'd choose FTTP every time. Where do these "billions" you speak of come from? The NTD delivery is actually quite elegant and simple to use – and allows the use of multiple services. I am, of course, referring to the lastest version install with the one inside box. the original installs were indeed a complete mess! An RSP supplied single port NTD will perpetuate the stranglehold on each customer that they currently have. There will be NO savings, as the customer will be required to pay for the (RSP supplied) NTD (whether through a plan or up front matters not) and it WILL require a truck-roll to install it. Since NBN last reported on install costs that they were below their projections, you can hardly argue that they will be then expecting the costs to be greater – and with NBN now being expected to "negotiate" with Telstra to buy the copper, we will all end up paying for Abbott & Turnbulls' Fraudbad Folly! What do the new NBN boxes look like? I have only ever seen the following: -Battery backup box -NTD -Fibre wall outlet -router It looks like this: http://tasmaniantimes.com/images/articles/03da4faf2b6a7373997784f96190832f.jpg The battery backup box is next to useless as it only keeps PSTN alive. It would be possible for consumer routers to be manufactured that all in one could do the job of the battery backup box / ntd /router and it would provide backup internet and wireless as well. That's 3 devices into 1. Way neater and I don't see any issues with self install. I also don't see why the same device couldn't be used with different isps just as we do now with ADSL routers. nonny-moose 12/11/2013 at 9:03 pm jay i believe there was a firmware rollout in the last month or two that makes the battery backup also good for IP – had a power outage here in Qld with storms the other week; the NTD kicked into battery mode and continued serving pages; no worries. mind you having a UPS for the router also helps, but as long as you can supply power to the network consuming devices you can continue right on as you were the instant before power outage. much more useful than only the UNI-V (which im not using atm anyways). aiui the new setup is fibre patch on wall to NTD to router or direct PC link. no battery backup box installed with NTD unless requested. @Jay: Gallery: what an NBN fibre installation looks like @jay: Outdated, though, apparently (7 months ago). I didn't know about the battery backup thing. Does anyone have any pictures of what a current install looks like? > I can see a whole world where the ability to use all 4 ports on an NTD will keep the RSP's honest (sorry Don Chipp). We need to get away from the old way of thinking – and a government owned NBN providing wholesale-only ubiquitous broadband access will allow us to start on this new journey. The gold plated NTD is a good example of Labor's waste. As of April 2013, 47% of NBN fibre connections were 12Mbps. Just how many of those people do you think would using more than 1 port? Why would you use more than 1 port when for $15 extra (retail) you would have more than 4 times the speed? To suggest that most people will use more than one port is almost as laughable as expecting most people will have 1Gbps connections on the NBN under Labor's plan > However, with the "savings" being a matter of a few bucks, then I would personally be happy to spring for the difference. Simon's comments in ways to cut costs suggested it would be more than just a few dollars. For argument's sake lets say it was $30 extra for 9 million connections. Only an extra $27 million (plus 15 years of interest payments). Simon is also perfectly happy for you to pay the extra money for a 4 port NTD if you require it. The thing is, as Fat Pat pointed out, the unit has been designed and is in production already. Call it Labor waste if you like – whatever – it would certainly be waste if you stopped using it. The actual per unit cost isn't that high, so the savings there aren't that high. And who gets the savings anyway? Under the original plan, the user pays (but the cost is spread out in monthly bills for several decades). If the RSP rolls it out, the RSP will just pass the cost on to the user anyway. They're just more likely to be stuck on a contract or pay a larger connection fee. You calculated $270 million (you made a typo) by multiplying $30 by 9 million homes, plus interest. Divide that again by the number of users. Divide that by the number of years it will take to repay the investment, divide that by 12 (the number of months in a year), and you get the extra monthly cost to the user. I'd be interested to see what you come up with. Mathew 14/11/2013 at 12:00 am > The actual per unit cost isn't that high, so the savings there aren't that high Are there any figures on the cost per unit? I vaguely remember suggestions the cost per unit could be as high as $600. Suggestions that it would cost as much as $600-700 were laughed down. Better suggestions were in the vicinity of $100-150. Someone who works for a vendor suggests the cost would be at most $150 for a 100Mbit capable device, and $170 for a gigabit capable device. http://delimiter.com.au/2013/09/30/rethinking-nbn-hacketts-just-getting-started/#comment-625655 But the cost alone is only part of the equation. You have to look at the relative cost of a simpler structure (e.g. single-port, no fancy electronics and firmware) – is it much different? How much would it cost? Assuming the difference is about $100, that extra cost is spread out over 15 years or so, so, what, 55c (real, not nominal) per month for a significantly better piece of kit. Then you have to consider what benefits it actually confers – there's legacy handset support (though I wouldn't mind dropping the UNI-V ports personally) and let people supply their own battery backups (the battery backups are optional now though anyway), the ability to easily and smoothly switch ISP with zero downtime by simply switching the port you plug your router or PC into makes the competitive environment that much better and keeps ISPs from locking people into their service because of the inconvenience of switching ISP. Having the redundancy is valuable. Then you have to consider in the case where the RSP supplies their units, that consumers would have to pay the FULL cost of deployment anyway (truck roll, technician time, and unit cost) either up-front or hidden in their monthly fees and contracts, with profit thrown in for the RSP, and without the benefit of economies of scale. Probably the simplest design that meets the aforementioned outcomes would have 2 data ports, and would be supplied by NBN Co; and in most cases that would be just perfect (it would even suit those who want separate home and business connections for example). But once again, the question is, how much money is even saved between a 2-port data-only device, and the current 2+4 port NTD? I'm not convinced either way on this one. I can certainly see the appeal of multiple ports on an NTD of a single standard though. If a single port makes the NBN roll-out significantly *faster* (i.e. the resources dedicated to the NTD install can be transferred to fibre drops elsewhere), then I can get behind it, though I'd probably still request the standard NTD myself. If it's only cheaper, then I think that the benefit of multiple ports, battery back-up, a standard device, etc outweigh the price considerations, considering the NBN is meant to repay its own investment anyway. So anyway, Mathew, you don't still support FTTN do you? And I'm still waiting for a comprehensive case for purely-CVC-based charging (with no AVC charge). I'm not closed to the idea. > So anyway, Mathew, you don't still support FTTN do you? I've never been a fan of FTTN, but the reality that under Labor's plan, FTTN would deliver the same or better result than FTTP for around half of Australia. > And I'm still waiting for a comprehensive case for purely-CVC-based charging (with no AVC charge). I'm not closed to the idea. I think there should be a nominal charge for AVC. Why not work on the numbers yourself? I'd be curious to see what assumptions you make. > I've never been a fan of FTTN, but the reality that under Labor's plan, FTTN would deliver the same or better result than FTTP for around half of Australia. No, Mathew, that is NOT the reality. Under Labor's plan, at least half would be much better off, and at most half would be at least a little better off with FTTP than otherwise. Anyone who, today, uses a basic service (or only a phone), would still be better off with fibre. Anyone who, today, uses broadband, would be much better off with fibre. There is no evidence or justification for the idea that "FTTN would deliver the same or better result than FTTP for half of Australia", and that is a factually incorrect statement. Please retract it. >> And I'm still waiting for a comprehensive case for purely-CVC-based charging (with no AVC charge). I'm not closed to the idea. > I think there should be a nominal charge for AVC. Why not work on the numbers yourself? I'd be curious to see what assumptions you make. You should put forward your case, as you are the one making the assertion. Unless you don't have one? > No, Mathew, that is NOT the reality. Under Labor's plan, at least half would be much better off, and at most half would be at least a little better off with FTTP than otherwise. Anyone who, today, uses a basic service (or only a phone), would still be better off with fibre. Anyone who, today, uses broadband, would be much better off with fibre. You've overstated the case that half would be much better off. Lets look at the numbers from Labor's NBNCo Corporate Plan: * Only 70% of premises passed by fibre will connect * ~50% will connect at 12Mbps (quarter the speed offered by FTTN in 2019) * Based on this 35% may be better off with FTTP * Greenfields will still receive FTTP (~22%), so that reduces it down to 28%. From the 28% who might be worse off, you then need to exclude: * Those who won't notice a real difference between 50 and 100Mbps * Those who purchase fibre on demand (at ~$3000 the investment is quickly returned compared to Labor's $150/month in AVC) I'll leave you to suggest some estimates for those numbers, but the reality is that Labor's incompetence means FTTN is not as bad an option as it should be. > There is no evidence or justification for the idea that "FTTN would deliver the same or better result than FTTP for half of Australia", and that is a factually incorrect statement. Please retract it. Now that I've provided the evidence, will you issue a retraction? As for an example of people worse off under Labor's NBN plan? * My parents currently have a 16Mbps ADSL2+ connection. As they are on a pension they would opt for cheapest option so would end up with a slower connection * Labor planned to bypass towns of under 1000 premises and push those communities onto wireless while maintaining the copper phone lines. Those communities should be better served by FTTN, especially as most premises are with a 1km of the exchange. We waited and as expected, here it is… TrevorX 13/11/2013 at 6:17 pm God Mathew, WTH is wrong with you? How much do your parents currently pay for their ADSL2+ Internet service + phone line? $60/month in total or thereabouts? Entry level FTTP NBN plans at 12mbps are half that. Add a phone service for $10/month and they're still $20/month better off. They could be $10/month better off on 25mbps, or for the same money they'll be on 50mbps. Now please explain how your poor parents will be worse off under FTTP? Not how they will be worse off in comparison to your fictional ideal NBN where $30/month gets you 1gbps fibre. Mathew 14/11/2013 at 10:35 pm > How much do your parents currently pay for their ADSL2+ Internet service + phone line? $60/month in total or thereabouts? There current ADSL plan is $59.95 (including nodephone) > Entry level FTTP NBN plans at 12mbps are half that. Add a phone service for $10/month and they're still $20/month better off. They could be $10/month better off on 25mbps, or for the same money they'll be on 50mbps. Internode, so cheapest NBN plan is $49.95 + $5 for Nodephone. So potentially $5/month better off financially for the loss of 4Mbps in speed. > Now please explain how your poor parents will be worse off under FTTP? Not how they will be worse off in comparison to your fictional ideal NBN where $30/month gets you 1gbps fibre. 1. The 12Mbps plan price points are discounted and reliant on NBNCo being able to raise ARPU from under $30/month to over $100/month 2. The fibre would be capable of running 1Gbps by simply changing a software setting. Their low quota would limit their impact on the network, so it wouldn't be noticeable. If the NBN is going to be subsidised by charging power users more, I'd rather that the charges where weighted towards data rather than speed, because this has more chance of people experiencing the real benefits of the NBN. The selfish advantage is that when I visit, I just need to give Dad $20 for the extra data block consumed by the kids watching videos, rather than a complicated speed upgrade / downgrade process. Mathew, how one-eyed are you? > You've overstated the case that half would be much better off. Lets look at the numbers from Labor's NBNCo Corporate Plan: Actually it's: * 100% of premises in the fixed-line footprint will be passed by fibre under FTTP, including 22% Greenfields – only the Greenfields will be passed by fibre under the Coalition's FTTN-focused plan * 78% of premises are Brownfields * Only 70% of ALL premises passed by fibre will connect * Therefore, 30% of ALL premises will be no better off under FTTP or FTTN (as they do not use fixed-line internet) * less than 50% of those will require 12Mbps (1/2 the speed offered by FTTN in 2016^, or 1/83 the speed offered by FTTP in 2021) ^ only 90% of the fixed-line footprint will have get an upgrade to a minimum of 50Mbps under FTTN, therefore we retain a minimum of 25Mbps if we are considering the lot * more than 50% of those will connect at higher speeds better than ADSL's maximum and FTTN's guarantee – in other words, more than 35% of all premises would be much better off * based on this, less than 35% of all premises will require 12Mbps – they will still be a little better off under FTTP, because of the reliability of the service, the stability, the latency, and its lower prices, and better services driven by competition – they would still only require a 12Mbps service under FTTN but will gain no advantage in reliability, stability and latency; even if they are part of the Greenfields, they will still only require 12Mbps and order that service. You have conflated "what is delivered" with "what is required" in several instances, and with several inconsistencies. I have corrected those errors. > I'll leave you to suggest some estimates for those numbers, but the reality is that Labor's incompetence means FTTN is not as bad an option as it should be. You keep talking about "the reality" but it's clear that it's just some logically-inconsistent fantasy of yours. How you could in one moment talk about 1Gbps-for-all, and then in the next, push the idea that FTTN is a good idea, and somehow in your mind a better idea than FTTP: It's a complete farce. And you still have not provided a case for your 1Gbps-for-all-scenario, which I await eagerly. I don't know why I keep responding to you when you are so infuriatingly selective and misrepresentative of information. You also have a clear problem with avoiding the questions being asked. I guess I just have an issue with leaving your poorly-substantiated assertions unanswered. Also, upload speeds. > Mathew, how one-eyed are you? Clearly less than you. I'm going to keep this short and point out only your most obvious and clearly wrong statements. > Actually it's: > * 100% of premises in the fixed-line footprint will be passed by fibre under FTTP, including 22% Greenfields – only the Greenfields will be passed by fibre under the Coalition's FTTN-focused plan WRONG. Labor's FTTP plan was to connect 93% of premises with fibre. In my post I clearly pointed out that towns that currently have ADSL would not have received FTTP under Labor's plan. > based on this, less than 35% of all premises will require 12Mbps – they will still be a little better off under FTTP, because of the reliability of the service, the stability, the latency, and its lower prices, and better services driven by competition Competition is likely to still exist with FTTN and wireless providers put an upper limit on what can be charged. A shorter distance to the node will increase stability and latency. If less money is spent then prices are likely to be cheaper. Secondly if people are choosing the basic service, then they are unlikely to care about tiny improvements so this is irrelevant. >> I'll leave you to suggest some estimates for those numbers, but the reality is that Labor's incompetence means FTTN is not as bad an option as it should be. > You keep talking about "the reality" but it's clear that it's just some logically-inconsistent fantasy of yours. I've never said that FTTN is a good idea. I've merely said that Labor's incompetence means that FTTN is a valid option when looking at the end-user experience for the majority. This means two things: Labor's NBN would never have delivered the benefits they promised and Labor had very little understanding of what they were attempting to achieve. > And you still have not provided a case for your 1Gbps-for-all-scenario, which I await eagerly. I've explained numerous times that it is data that places more load on the network and that rebalancing the wholesale rates (which will occur over time anyway) will deliver a better outcome for all Australians. > I don't know why I keep responding to you when you are so infuriatingly selective and misrepresentative of information. You also have a clear problem with avoiding the questions being asked. I guess I just have an issue with leaving your poorly-substantiated assertions unanswered. I've focused on the end-user experience rather than the technology being used. My poorly substantiated assertions are mostly based on information in the NBNCo Corporate Plan, where as you have made factually wrong statements. >> Mathew, how one-eyed are you? > Clearly less than you. I'm going to keep this short and point out only your most obvious and clearly wrong statements. In other words, you're going to be selective with your information, selective with what you choose to reply to, and not actually address the entire thing in full. True to form, Mathew. I expected no different, but still, what a disappointment. >> Actually it's: > WRONG. Labor's FTTP plan was to connect 93% of premises with fibre. In my post I clearly pointed out that towns that currently have ADSL would not have received FTTP under Labor's plan. Your failure to read does you no credit. I said quite clearly, "in the fixed-line footprint" >> based on this, less than 35% of all premises will require 12Mbps – they will still be a little better off under FTTP, because of the reliability of the service, the stability, the latency, and its lower prices, and better services driven by competition > Competition is likely to still exist with FTTN and wireless providers put an upper limit on what can be charged. A shorter distance to the node will increase stability and latency. If less money is spent then prices are likely to be cheaper. I never claimed otherwise. > Secondly if people are choosing the basic service, then they are unlikely to care about tiny improvements so this is irrelevant. Not irrelevant at all. "unlikely" Pure unsubstantiated conjecture. "tiny improvements" Massive improvements; this depends on each user's own perspective. The fact is you can't pick and choose here. Do they or do they not receive a better service? They do. Your assertion that FTTN can be better is utterly false. >>> I'll leave you to suggest some estimates for those numbers, but the reality is that Labor's incompetence means FTTN is not as bad an option as it should be. >> You keep talking about "the reality" but it's clear that it's just some logically-inconsistent fantasy of yours. > I've never said that FTTN is a good idea. You have fully supported FTTN, but this likely because it was Coalition policy, not because it was a good idea. In fact, I suspect that you don't care about real outcomes, you only wish to fight for the Coalition and against whatever Labor has ever touched. Evidence for this is, despite your supposed belief in 1Gbps-for-all, you will settle and even fight for FTTN. > I've merely said that Labor's incompetence means that FTTN is a valid option when looking at the end-user experience for the majority. This means two things: Labor's NBN would never have delivered the benefits they promised and Labor had very little understanding of what they were attempting to achieve. Your claims are unsubstantiated, and nothing but pure conjecture. I have continually asked for you to substantiate your claims, and you have failed to do so. >> And you still have not provided a case for your 1Gbps-for-all-scenario, which I await eagerly. > I've explained numerous times that it is data that places more load on the network and that rebalancing the wholesale rates (which will occur over time anyway) will deliver a better outcome for all Australians. Show me the numbers. Show me your assumptions. Show me graphs even, I'm a visual learner. >> I don't know why I keep responding to you when you are so infuriatingly selective and misrepresentative of information. You also have a clear problem with avoiding the questions being asked. I guess I just have an issue with leaving your poorly-substantiated assertions unanswered. > I've focused on the end-user experience rather than the technology being used. My poorly substantiated assertions are mostly based on information in the NBNCo Corporate Plan, where as you have made factually wrong statements. I have made no factually wrong statements in this thread. Your focus on the end-user experience is actually AGAINST the end-user experience, not FOR the end-user experience, and that's where your problem lies. > Your failure to read does you no credit. I said quite clearly, "in the fixed-line footprint" In the fixed-line footprint, I take to be where copper currently runs, not where Labor planned to connect fibre. > Not irrelevant at all. "unlikely" Pure unsubstantiated conjecture. "tiny improvements" Massive improvements; this depends on each user's own perspective. The perspective we are talking about is the 50% who have opted for 12Mbps. These people are unlikely to be demanding users and therefore a difference in performance would need to be significant and larger than other influences (e.g. websites under load, slow DNS, network congestion, etc.) > I have made no factually wrong statements in this thread. Your focus on the end-user experience is actually AGAINST the end-user experience, not FOR the end-user experience, and that's where your problem lies. The last time builders cut through my copper cable, I used an Optus 3G dongle and I was pleasantly surprised that at 3Mbps for the most part the performance was not noticeably different or more unstable than my 11Mbps ADSL connection. Considering that I spent 90% of the time connected via VPNs with sessions open to servers, instability would have been noticed. I'll make the point again that for the at least 50%, I seriously doubt they would notice the difference between 12Mbps ADSL and 12Mbps FTTP when browsing facebook. Sure a gamer playing a FPS with ping statistics would, but they are unlikely to be in the 50% connected at 12Mbps. What you need to show is significant, noticeably improvements. Harimau 15/11/2013 at 11:28 am >> Your failure to read does you no credit. I said quite clearly, "in the fixed-line footprint" > In the fixed-line footprint, I take to be where copper currently runs, not where Labor planned to connect fibre. And you are wrong. >> Not irrelevant at all. "unlikely" Pure unsubstantiated conjecture. "tiny improvements" Massive improvements; this depends on each user's own perspective. > The perspective we are talking about is the 50% who have opted for 12Mbps. These people are unlikely to be demanding users and therefore a difference in performance would need to be significant and larger than other influences (e.g. websites under load, slow DNS, network congestion, etc.) That's not what we were talking about. You try to downplay the significance, and I counter it. It's a simple disagreement. You think I'm wrong (because it suits your argument), and I think you're wrong (because it is true, but also because it suits my argument). We will never agree on this, and you will never be objectively correct. The less than 50% who opt for the basic service do benefit a little or a lot (depending on what their connection is like now) and it is certainly not "irrelevant". This person switched from his poor connection (unspecified) to an NBN fixed wireless connection: presumably, he is on the lowest speed plan, and yet he talks about how revolutionary it is for him. Are you going to completely reject and deny his experience? The fact is, 12Mbps is close to or better than the national mean, mode and median averages. The fact is, fibre provides far greater reliability, stability and latency improvements, among other improvements, over the copper. The fact is, the NBN is offered for far better prices. That's my evidence. What you have is a simple assertion "no, they don't benefit" in favour of your argument. >> I have made no factually wrong statements in this thread. Your focus on the end-user experience is actually AGAINST the end-user experience, not FOR the end-user experience, and that's where your problem lies. > The last time builders cut through my copper cable, I used an Optus 3G dongle and I was pleasantly surprised that at 3Mbps for the most part the performance was not noticeably different or more unstable than my 11Mbps ADSL connection. Considering that I spent 90% of the time connected via VPNs with sessions open to servers, instability would have been noticed. Thank you for your anecdote. I would suggest that you are an outlier. I'm not sure why you think you want 1Gbps when you barely max out 3Mbps. And if your 3Mbps wireless connection was as good as your 11Mbps ADSL connection, that suggests that your copper connection was quite poor, providing further anecdotal evidence against the viability of FTTN. > I'll make the point again that for the at least 50%, I seriously doubt they would notice the difference between 12Mbps ADSL and 12Mbps FTTP when browsing facebook. Sure a gamer playing a FPS with ping statistics would, but they are unlikely to be in the 50% connected at 12Mbps. When you reduce the argument to "browsing facebook" you are being disingenuous and unrealistic. Even today, people on ADSL do far more than just "browse facebook". Even if all they did was "browse facebook", they'd also use services like youtube and facebook's own embedded videos, requiring the full extent of the 12Mbps connection. They would certainly notice a difference. Besides, it is far more likely that most of these people who only "browse facebook" would be part of the 30% who don't sign up to the NBN at all, not part of the less than 35% who sign up for the basic NBN service. Stop pushing this argument. You have nothing more than your own assertions to support it. > What you need to show is significant, noticeably improvements. What you need is to not cherry-pick parts of the comment, so that you can avoid parts that are unfavourable, and instead reply to the lot. Ignoring the argument doesn't make it go away, it just demonstrates your irrational belligerence. Denis C 12/11/2013 at 3:14 pm Colour me cynical but… The one thing I've learned from Turnbull is that "Turnbull does NOTHING that's not in Turnbull's best interest". Whilst "on the surface" this is great news, I'll be holding off the party for a bit yet. After all, even shark infested waters can look good for swimming..on the surface. Cameron 12/11/2013 at 8:30 pm It occurs to me that if Malcolm had finally seen the [monocromatic] light then there would be no better appointment. I suspect if anyone could, it would be Hackett that has the ability to mount a highly compelling argument for more fibre that even Tony Abbott couldn't refute with access to all the data. haha yeah 12/11/2013 at 9:00 pm And what is that compelling argument? In all his blog posts and Commsday talks, I still haven't seen one. I am sure Hackett's company doesn't have a problem with FTTN at all. "Yet with FttP on the wane as the Coalition's policy kicked in, iiNet was re-emphasising its commitment to VDSL2 – and hoped that Telstra would do the same." http://www.zdnet.com/telstra-must-fix-dilapidated-copper-for-libs-fttn-nbn-iinet-7000021893/ Thanks Alex for the link from another discussion. GongGav 13/11/2013 at 10:46 am You (and fibroid) remind me of a story I read yesterday. White supremist, pushing his agenda to have his town be whites only, was shown proof that he was descended from Saharan africans. 14% to be precise. His response was to declare the evidence as non-scientific, and justify it as "statistical noise". It didnt fit his mentality to accept that he had negroid blood in his system, and by his own definition couldnt live in his town. The look on his face was priceless. You're not much different. Put as much proof in front of you as is humanly possible, and you fob it off as statistical noise. There will be some minor point or so that, in your mind at least, renders the rest of the information as useless. Yet when it goes the other way and people prove your points invalid, its just "labor fanbois" or some other tag that are just showing their bias, or desire to download their porn faster, or some other bullshit excuse. FttN is a colossal waste of money, and serves no significant beneficial purpose to Australia. But you dont have it in you to even debate the point, or even consider that you could be wrong. Which actually amuses the rest of us most of the time. Fibroid 13/11/2013 at 12:32 pm @GongGav 'put as much proof in front of you as is humanly possible, and you fob it off as statistical noise.' What proof exactly? – if you remove conjecture and tin foil hat conspiracy theory it really doesn't leave much, so what PROOF are you referring to, proof of what? ' There will be some minor point or so that, in your mind at least, renders the rest of the information as useless.' There you again, conjecture is not information. 'FttN is a colossal waste of money' Conjecture. ' and serves no significant beneficial purpose to Australia' ' But you dont have it in you to even debate the point, or even consider that you could be wrong. Which actually amuses the rest of us most of the time.' What point do you want to debate here, leaving out conjecture as a debating point, which is a exercise in debating nothing, what point is left ? GongGav 13/11/2013 at 1:43 pm @fibroid I'm not going to bother going through every example with you, as you simply ignore every comment you dont like. Let me give you an example. The Los Angeles FttH story, you asked me for a response outlaying why I think FttN is a waste of money. I gave it, go read it. You ignored the response, I choose to assume its because you didnt like the answer as it was inconvenient to your stance. As I said in that response, our internet usage has been remarkably consistent in that it doubles every two years. Minor variations aside (its actually a little ahead of that), extrapolating that number into the future shows FttN wont deliver on our needs very shortly after the plan is finished, even if its on time and on budget. But thats conjecture to you, so you ignore it. Even if the dates are out by a year or two, the problems are laid out as plain as day, but you've ignored it and moved on. There's nothing wrong with the conclusions, but every time someone lays it out in front of you, you disappear. Simple fact: At the very consistent rate of growth the entire world has experienced for decades, FttN will be outdated at approximately the same time the rollout is completed here. No conjecture there, its extrapolation based on historical data. A rational argument against FttN, ignored by the anti-FttH crowd such as yourself and haha yeah. Backed up by decades of evidence. I'll tell you whats conjecture, Turnbulls claims that FttN can be rolled out by 2016. There is no evidence to say he can achieve that. To date, he's rolled out zero FttN, and at that rate it will take him until infinity to roll it out. referencing white supremacy in a comment about another user *and* stating that "FttN is a colossal waste of money, and serves no significant beneficial purpose to Australia". Yup. This is your first and last warning. Pipe your comments down. Next offence I will ban you for a month. Renai Really? That disappoints me. It seems a shoot first, ask questions later mentality, but oh well. The white supremist comment, fair enough. It wasnt comparing him to that level of society, it was comparing him to someone who goes to extremes to ignore information put in front of him. No offence was intended. But how about asking what I meant before threatening the banhammer? And please note that I didnt compare him to the individuals beliefs, but was setting the scene. If you knew my family history you'd know how disgusting my personal feelings towards people like that are. I 'd never compare anyone to them or their beliefs. Quite the opposite. As for the comments about it being a colossal waste of money, again, look at my comments. I've justified my claim, go read the LA FttH comments for the full argument. Summary is that if our net needs continue to rise at the rate they have for [bold] decades [/bold] then it gets finished in 2019, just in time for our needs to go beyond the 80 Mbps it is expected to deliver at peak speeds. At which point, its $30b for a project that has 2 years service before it needs upgrading. If that isnt a waste of money, I dont know what is, and for the amount this project is costing, colossal isnt a far stretch. As I said, read my other post I reference. Do you think $29.5b for something that quite possibly needs upgrading in 2021 is value for money? Where is that extrapolation so wrong I deserve a 1 month ban? I back my comments up with my logic and numbers. If you disagree, thats your right, but prove my conclusions wrong before you threaten to ban me. If you still think its so wrong that I deserve a 1 month ban, then so be it. I guess my time here has ended. And you lose a voice that has experience, and backs his statements up. Which is sad considering the various other commentators that dont back their statements up, ever. You say this is an evidence based site, which is ironic when you threaten to ban someone that actually provides it while letting those that dont carry on trolling daily. re this: "serves no significant beneficial purpose to Australia" I think we can all agree that upgrading Telstra's copper network to FTTN would deliver significantly faster broadband speeds to most Australians currently on ADSL. That's a technical fact, and I don't think you can argue with that. Because of this, your comment is irrational. You can argue something does not represent value for money, but you can't argue that upgrading the copper to FTTN would have absolutely no point — because it would clearly deliver significant service delivery outcomes. Fair enough. Let me be clear though. Fibroid pisses me off, and at times I will emphasise a point beyond where it probably needs to be. Haha yeah, not quite as much, he appears to just be trolling for laughs, but fibroid NEVER answers any responses that give any justification. Between the two of them though, a comment here or there is going to be a little sensationalised at times as I get pissed off needing to address what I see as closed minds. We all fall for it. Yes, FttN is a step above copper. I wasnt referencing that with my comment, only looking at a superfast broadband world, comparing FttH and FttN. In that regard, it is a waste of money in my opinion, and serves no purpose beyond maintaining our sub-par global ranking at the dismal level it is at the moment. $29.5b Govt debt for a service that provides "up to" 100 Mbps versus $30.4b Govt debt for one that starts at that level. And that line alone gives 2 or 3 areas that I'm refering to with the attitudes of haha yeah and fibroid. And frankly I get sick of having to repeat the same information to the same people for those same people to ignore again and again. Please, I think I've backed my comments up enough in the past that rather than go straight for the banhammer, you can at least ask for context with a statement first. Dont need to agree, just get clarification first. End of the day, if you want to allow people like fibroid and haha yeah to make their own wild claims without backing them up, give the rest of us some respect when we react. We wouldnt be so pissed off with them if they actually engaged in debate rather than just trolling most of the time. And fibroid repeating all his Liberal spiel without evidence isnt debate. Its propaganda. I don't think you should concede that. The choice is between FTTN and FTTP. No one has suggested staying on the copper. Picking between the two, where the delivery times and government funding is very similar yet the outcomes are vastly different (particularly in terms of meeting future demand and the actual longevity of the infrastructure), FTTN does well-deserve the label "pointless". It is pointless to spend billions of dollars on a network that is effectively obsolete moments after it's built. Anyway, I don't know why you've been singled-out for irrationality. I haven't noticed Mathew's irrational and oft-repeated "FTTN would deliver the same or better result than FTTP for around half of Australia." (or phrased similarly) leading him to be singled-out. OK let's get stuck into this. "The choice is between FTTN and FTTP." No, no it's not. In the medium term, a lot of people will be staying on HFC while either is built, and if we get FTTN, a lot of people won't shift off HFC for a decade or more. Then there is FTTB, which is viable for many metropolitan areas. We're not looking at a binary choice here. And of course, long-term, there is only FTTP, but that's in the long term. A lot of people will, of course, be served by some form of mobile broadband, as they are already. "Picking between the two, where the delivery times and government funding is very similar yet the outcomes are vastly different (particularly in terms of meeting future demand and the actual longevity of the infrastructure)" Uh, no. Even Mike Quigley has acknowledged that FTTN is much faster to deploy than FTTP. That's a fact. And current rollout speeds under FTTP are backing this up. FTTP takes a *lot* longer. "FTTN does well-deserve the label "pointless". It is pointless to spend billions of dollars on a network that is effectively obsolete moments after it's built." IT'S NOT POINTLESS WE GET FASTER SPEEDS. SPEEDS WE DON'T HAVE NOW. OBJECTIVELY THERE IS SOME POINT AS COUNTRIES LIKE THE UK HAVE STARKLY PROVEN. AND YOU CAN UPGRADE FROM FTTN TO FTTP DOWN THE TRACK. You people have got to understand that "FTTP or nothing" is not a viable concept. It's a joke. What we're seeing around the world is a mix of FTTN and FTTP, with some FTTB and also a lot of wireless. Even Japan does FTTB with wireless from the basement. You people love to simplify things down drastically, but the reality is that it's a very complex discussion. We're seeing heterogeneous networks globally, not homogenous networks. The sooner you ram that down your craw, the more likely I am to take your comments seriously. I, for one, am fucking tired of such imbecilic arguments being made on Delimiter. If you want to argue that there is absolutely no point to deploying FTTN under any circumstances whatsoever, then I encourage you to fuck off and comment on some other site, because I, for one, have had a gutfull of a very complex discussion being reduced constantly, even on articles that have nothing to do with it, to "FTTN versus FTTP". This is clearly a point that frustrates you, but something I doubt people will agree on if they have their specific opinion. $30b isnt an insignificant amount, so to plenty of us it becomes a pointless exercise when there is no time for anyone to recoup that cost, before they have to start investing in the next era of technology, or have Australia start to fall behind again. 50 Mbps for a service, delivered at a time when we'll be looking at over that speed as a standard speed. With speeds clearly doubling every 2 years, how do they serve our needs in 2021? Or 2023? My point, and others, is that whatever benefit we gain from upgrading is lost through the cost that doesnt appear to be recoup-able. Just out of curiosity Renai, when do YOU think we'll need the 100 Mbps plus that FttH delivers? I've gone on record as 2021, and justified why. But what about you? So far you've argued that there is a short term benefit of upgrading from ADSL2 to FttN, but when do you think FttN will become outdated? Thats the long term date you mention in regards FttH. By the way, I'd like to point out that once again fibroid hasnt responded to my post above, specifically laying out the reasons I disagree with him. This is his standard approach and make no mistake, he would have seen it. Consider how much thats going to piss people off that take the time to answer his accusations with their reasoning. once again you conflate 100Mbps speeds only with FTTP. HFC cable is delivering 100Mbps speeds to many Australians *right now* and yet you appear to be arguing that the only future is FTTP. And you also completely failed to address the FTTB issue, which is also capable of delivering speeds of 100Mbps and is doing so in some areas in Australia right now. You have got to get your brain out of this FTTP versus FTTN debate. It's a false dichotomy. If you don't, yes, I will apply the banhammer. GongGav 14/11/2013 at 9:28 am Renai, Les see if I can answer this without 2 pages of junk. Using FttN v FttH is simply a convenience to stop going off on tangents every time the debate comes up. If you like, I'll refer to it as >100MBps v <100Mbps as thats just as accurate. Little harder to follow, but just as good a summary. But using FttH v FttN isnt dumbing it down, its simplifying the terminology. Most here, on both sides, fully understand that its more than just those 2 technologies. As the others are mostly a done deal though (personally, that includes FttB – see below), we tend not to refer to them and simplify it down to what can change. You've run this site long enough to know that people are going to summarise online, its a natural thing to do. At the pub over a beer, you have the time to fully spell things out and get into detail, but thats not always the case online. What happens in 2023 when our needs hit 200 Mbps? Its that simple. What happens then? The Liberals are building a network that for the most part expires at that point. HFC and FttN either need to be upgraded, with technology not yet usable in any practical form, or replaced with FttH anyway. Is that worth it? This is the key problem I have, and I have repeated that over and over with no response from anyone against FttH. FttN and HFC have a useby date that we're very quickly coming up to, and it worries me that people arent starting to plan for that day. FttB, I dont reference it because I think we'll get it one way or another anyway. It still has limitations, but I expect the copper loops will be small enough that they can push speeds through fast enough to find a solution, or wait til the MDU's need to do repairs that would be seeing fiber anyway. I tried to add to the last post (edit time ran out) that I dont actually have any problem with FttN if thats what we end up with, and I've said as much in the past. But while the debate is still ongoing, make no mistake that I'm going to voice what I see as issues with it. By the way, fibroid still hasnt responded to my post. Not an unusual situation for him, but dont you find it strange that he baits and then ignores people when they give substance? And I still put more waffle in than I wanted, even after retyping it twice… The tl;dr version is: As soon as you complete FTTN, demand will be right behind or have outpaced it. How do you meet demand then? As soon as you complete FTTN, you have to make a new investment in FTTP. How do you pay for the original investment then? FTTN, today, is a pointless exercise. If we had started rolling out FTTN 6 or more years ago, if we owned the copper or if the copper were cheap to buy or lease, if the copper were in better-repair, then FTTN would be a great idea. That's a lot of if's. If such a thing had occurred, well, we would be on it now, and we'd be discussing using vectoring to buy us time until we can upgrade, and we would be talking about the inevitable move to FTTP, what form it should take and when it should begin. It would probably be less of a political football. Too bad that's not the case. Sure, I was mistaken to phrase it as a dichotomy. I admit that. But in my mind, the implication was clear – we are talking about the Brownfields footprint for which the Coalition had, prior to the election, dictated FTTN. Now we are arguing for FTTP in those areas, and against FTTN. FTTB, wireless, and other technologies were outside of the scope of discussion. I agree that FTTB would be very well suited to MDU's (and NBN Co had already been trialling it, right?), as the copper distances are relatively short and probably in better repair. But even then, they are a stop-gap measure. Fibre is the end-game. However, they, at least, would stop the gap for long enough to meet growing demand and recoup investment. Wireless is no substitute. What is delivered and what is required are different things. Imagine if you moved house, and the only option there was wireless, while your last home was FTTP. The previous resident found that wireless was perfectly suited to his purposes, but you obviously don't feel the same. Too bad. HFC, as you point out, could serve to stop the gap. In an ideal world, the NBN would have been rolled out to areas currently inadequately-served, e.g. not areas covered by HFC. But this is the real world, and HFC coverage is patchy at best, and where is HFC coverage found anyway? In denser, more affluent urban areas, where it would be cheapest to deploy infrastructure, and where the bulk of its revenue would come from to repay its investment. Honestly, I'm disappointed that the most important outcome of the NBN for you is "BETTER SPEEDS". If better download speeds was the primary objective, we wouldn't need the NBN anyway, we've got 4G in many areas with coverage growing rapidly, and as you point out, HFC in some others. grump3 13/11/2013 at 10:44 pm I guess Turnbull's pricing of FTTP at approx $90B will prove to be quite realistic after all? $30B now then another $60B to convert & upgrade to fibre in 2021. Should work well in the already reasonably serviced & competitive metro areas but what about rural communities lacking that choice & competition? Ongoing subsidies or much steeper charges? As a retiree on a tight budget I suspect my only present option of a crappy 1Mbp/s ADSL1 service will remain the much cheaper option currently costing us $40/mth for 200GB. ferretzor 12/11/2013 at 4:01 pm MT doing an end run on Abbott? But seriously, you would have to think that Simon Hackett will continue to be his "own man" and tell it like it is. Not just on what should be built and how it should be structured, but on the actual progress and issues that are bound to be encountered in an ongoing rollout. Well done Mr Turnbull! No doubt Hackett knows a lot about Oz telco scene being an industry insider. But, the fact is unless he disposes of his massive shareholding in iiNet, every time he purports to speak "in the interest of the consumer", etc, the other NBNco board members will take everything he says with a healthy dose of cynic-laced salt. His massive personal financial conflict of interest renders his credibility ineffectual. So to make it fair.. All other board members must dispose of their Telstra shares due to the personal financial conflict… Nice try. Fair point Soth. Vicomte 12/11/2013 at 5:53 pm As hard as it is for you to believe, there are people in the world who can still be objective. Even when it's not in their own self interest. You may not know any of these people. Likely they would avoid you. yeah see that's the thing, all those people with vested interests in telstra.. pot, kettle, black my friend. Turnbull has invested in a fibre network, in France. I presume he should divest that, less it be a conflict for FTTN too, right? Funny how "it's okay as long as it's Telstra" is considered valid argument of late. 'Turnbull has invested in a fibre network, in France. I presume he should divest that, less it be a conflict for FTTN too, right?' But you ignored that France Telecom is also rolling out FTTP as well, so he needs to divest his interest in FTTN and FTTP and promote what – ADSL2+? This should be interesting. Simon Hackett is not backwards in coming forwards. Merus 12/11/2013 at 5:26 pm This feels like a fob-off to me – Hackett won't be given the opportunity to share his experience or his advice with the people doing implementation, and his appointment is a PR stunt designed to get Delimiter to back off for a bit. The strategic review will go ahead as planned, and will say exactly what Abbott wants it to say, and any opportunity to build a future-proof network will be squandered. In Australia, our governments are very good at creating systems that give the appearance of stakeholder contribution without ever actually letting them contribute. Anna 12/11/2013 at 7:36 pm Simon's appointment has nothing to do with Delimiter. Do you have any insight to support your baseless statements about what the NBN will do or won't do? It's true, Delimiter does have overwhelming power over politicians :) I take total credit for Hackett's appointment. I will actually be asking for a raise from the Editor. Haderak 13/11/2013 at 10:37 am Renai is one of those FACELESS MEN! Seriously though, Delimiter FTW. Care to calculate the odds of Hackett being put on the board if not for the actions of Renai LeMay? It was certainly a contributing factor. You've made a big, big impact here Renai – and I think the country will be thanking you for a long time. Renai LeMay 13/11/2013 at 10:46 am I think it's Hackett that has made the big effort over the past several decades. Yesterday I thanked the man for his continued service to the telecommunications industry :) Jay, you really need to get up to date. The "New" NBN Connection box is about 233×195 and houses the NTD, FWO, excess fibre AND the new "brick" power supply. It is far tidier, and far more elegant. IF you chooses the old power supply, then the latest firmware supplies power to the Uni-D ports too, not just PSTN as you state. I have yet to see a manufacturer provide the sort of device you have asserted exists, please show us the links. The self-install won't work with fibre, and isn't the industry "norm" world wide, do you think we should buck the international trend and open up NBN to all sorts of litigation? The RSP provided NTD makes it hard to move provides, which means that many people won't be bothered (too hard basket) so allowing the RSP's to get lazy. Also people are reluctant to be without broadband for very long, so a tardy migration by an RSP will cause them a lot of grief. By having the ability to activate a new RSP port prior to cancelling your current plan will keep the RSP's on "their toes" and provide a far more dynamic experience for us all. Or, do you oppose freedom of choice and better customer experiences? I didn't assert that such a device existed – I just said it would be easily in the realms of what a manufacturer could design. I tried to look for the new NTD that you speak of but I can't find it anywhere on the NBNCo website? You say that having customer/isp supplied NTDs would be bucking the trend. Why is it that billion manufactures a GPON router? http://www.billion.com/product/gpon/BiPAC9300VNXL-GPON-VoIP-Wireless-N-Gateway.html I am totally for freedom of choice and better customer experiences. I think FTTP will provide a significantly better experience than FTTN and the coalition would need a pretty big excuse to go to FTTP where we stand. I also think having a big clunky 4 port NTD WITH pstn lines that no one going forward really wants is a complete waste. I would much rather have a small device that connects directly to the GPON that does wifi and ethernet . Why waste time, money and electricity on a device which isn't needed. Jay, http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbnco.com.au%2Fassets%2Fdocuments%2Fpreparation-and-installation-guide-for-sdus-and-mdus.pdf&ei=bOaBUobbFaykiAeA54DwAQ&usg=AFQjCNFOpiZ9InssBpFpWsVHZeTgBLBD3A&sig2=ySr-9BnclhNJQG0kCGvSqQ&bvm=bv.56146854,d.aGc – page 22. Did you really look very hard? Here's an installation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRuFl393b9k&feature=youtu.be There's very few GPON routers out there, and since the NBN Co will be terminating the network connection, they need to be able to trust the end device and it forms part of their fault-finding equipment, so needs to be trusted. i.e NBN co will need to certify it, so the manufacturer will need to front up those costs. I haven't heard any of them bragging about that yet, so we can assume that this hasn't occurred. Will you guarantee the serviceability of the device and be prepared to pay for a site-visit if they prove your user-supplied equipment is the cause o the fault? The device uses around 8-10 watts and isn't "clunky" at all, and considering the abilities it CAN deliver it is pretty good piece of kit. As for PSTN, there's already plenty of people in Vic Park (Perth) who have PSTN-only services, so I'd hardly say that "no-one" wants it. I believe the device is absolutely needed to change the way we deal with and deliver broadband in this country, and to forever break to domination that RSP's have over their customers through their resistance to rapid migration between service providers and the fact that no current broadband (non-NBN) plans allow more than one RSP per line per premises! I repeat the fact that RSP's oppose the multi-port NTD because of the threat that it places upon their monopoly per premises – and it appears that you support a lack of choice in this matter. The backup battery is still a separate unit and is huge and you will still need a router as well so it's still 3 devices which could be 1 unit. I agree it does look a lot neater than before. PSTN might be relevant now but over the planned lifespan of the network is a complete waste of money and time especially when carriers could deliver their own VOIP device for people who want voice only services. I agree the NTD has benefits but I would be entirely comfortable forgoing those benefits and saving a bit of money in the process if it means we actually get FTTP vs being lumped with FTTN. If the gov is to change its mind (which is highly unlikely) it will need to claim it can deliver FTTP cheaper and faster than labor could. Most people seem to want to avoid the BB, so really it's a moot point. I could care less about PSTN backup, so won't be choosing it (if I am allowed to get FTTP). No, you won't need a router. A single PC can work on the NBN natively from any Uni-D port. With multiple devices then yes you will, probably in the realm of $50 from Jaycar/Altronics – no difference than if you were FORCED to go with FTTN – as Turnbull will obligate you to BYOD, so it is also a moot point. With FTTP, your install – up to the NTD – is free of charge, I'd imagine that FTTN will cost several hundreds (lead-in modifications, central splitter, "labour", etc) to get to the save point. You seem focussed on the NTD being a waste of money, yet it has been developed, so It.Won't.Cost.More now. It's a remarkably flexible unit, and with it's ability to break the stranglehold that that RSP's have over the retail delivery, we should do all we can to keep it as it is. Why do you think Simon advocated it? To allow iiNet and co to continue their dominance – he is well aware of the "danger" it poses to their cosy arrangements! So, you keep dancing around, but your basic thrust is the "massive amounts of money we could save – Billions?" by allowing the NBN to even be nobbled with an FTTP delivery to protect the RSP's stranglehold. The savings aren't there, never have been on the scale that Simon (and you) assert. it's just FUD, being thrown around by conflicted groups, and being ably supported by some here. > Why do you think Simon advocated it? To allow iiNet and co to continue their dominance – he is well aware of the "danger" it poses to their cosy arrangements! iiNet are successful because they deliver a product that customers want at a reasonable price. Fat Pat 14/11/2013 at 11:10 am Indeed, but customers want the ability to be able to change in a short time, so they don't lose the convenience of their broadband connection. This isn't just with the internet. The same has happened with mortgages and telephone number portability. A multi-port NTD facilitates the change between carriers as well as providing other services without the need to install new gear. i.e. 1 truck roll rather than 4 (if you had 4 different services – Foxtel, IPTV, Govt Service, Broadband) > Indeed, but customers want the ability to be able to change in a short time, so they don't lose the convenience of their broadband connection. I thought the NBN was touted as having a less than 4 hour down time when porting between providers? This is similar to porting your number between mobile providers. So, are we going to see an article on D exhorting Hackett to dispose of his MASSIVE SHAREHOLDING in iiNet (one of biggest operators locally) in the same way Malcolm was vilified and hounded for his measly France Tel shares (a company operating '000s miles away) for the sake of consistency? Somehow, I doubt it. Tony Rabbit will turn gay before we witness such even-handed treatment in tech media. Nooooo, haha yeah… Malcolm was vilified for hypocrisy… telling us all one thing but doing another… See the difference… ? No I thought not :/ I think Soth said it best here in relation to shareholdings (even though it was you who was trying to make cheap points on the issue in the first place…lol)… Gordon Drennan 12/11/2013 at 8:50 pm So now you all turn out to agree with me. So now you're all applauding the appointment of a guy who is pushing exactly the sort of ideas I have been of doing it simpler and cheaper. I said long ago Hackett and Switkowski would be the dream team to run NBNCo. Switkowski heading the board, and Hackett as CEO. Not that fool stuck in the 20th century and Alcatel-Lucent, Quigley. The trouble is that, at least so far, Hackett will just be a member of the board. What use are his ideas and his customer focus as just one board member. Hackett isn't that sort of manager. The only thing we disagreed with was FTTN and wasting cash, not doing FTTH cheaper. You were all for spending less on a solution that would cost more in the long term. You said long ago Switkowski and Hackett? Really? I have only seen you post long inane political rants. Agree entirely Lionel. A cynic might suggest with all of the ex-Telstra yes men being accumulated, that Simon is the token choice, simply for some actual tech cred… I'm guessing these other hardened businessmen will make sure Simon the tech guy, clearly knows who runs the business… The Treat 13/11/2013 at 1:47 pm I share your concern. A teaspoon of sugar is soon lost in a plate of bullsh….. Ian M 12/11/2013 at 9:27 pm Without reading all the comments, great news! I think. I just hope this isn't another Peter Garrett style appointment. He was outspoken, once. RBH 12/11/2013 at 10:16 pm About 18 months ago when I started reading Delimiter I got the impression that Renai had a serious man crush on Malcolm Turnbull but then after he was called for jumping a shark it seemed that it was all over. Do we cue shooting stars and fireworks again? If Malcolm was listening to Renai about getting Simon on board, dare we suggest that he should get Renai on board too? That would be something! I'm building up to eventually getting myself appointed NBN Co chief executive. The national press conference will be in four weeks. I'll be standing next to Ziggy and Malcolm wearing a lovely pin-striped suit and a $700 tie. The catering has already been booked. Just don't tell the Editor :) Well ok then! This is the first good thing this new government has done so far, congrats! (PS, No, I didn't vote for them – this still isn't worth it :) Jason 13/11/2013 at 5:07 pm Its a bad move it shows turnbull isn't interested in what good for consumers , it's people who are for profit Hacket will want profit for internode,iinet no different to telstra, optus etc areas what need affordable internet and fibre to the premesis will still be disadvantaged its a shame the author and people are talking this appointment up , when it not going to make any difference I suggest you spend some time researching Simon Hackett's commentary before making baseless assertions. He is respected by many because of the strong customer focus of Internode. He genuinely over a long time provided a premium product, innovated and interacted with the community. Decisions were explained on whirlpool, even failures like flatrate. Simon supports his position with hard facts, not political spin. > Areas what need affordable internet and fibre to the premesis will still be disadvantaged I suggest that you look at the rural networks that Agile (Internode's sister company) built in regional South Australia. I believe that Simon would have pushed further into rural communities, but Telstra's exorbitant changes for backhaul meant it was not feasible to install DSLAMs in many communities. Many cities had DSLAMs installed as a result of competitive backhaul being built by Labor. Jason 14/11/2013 at 6:50 am you can defend Simon Hackett all you like Its still doesnt change the facts , Hackett isnt going to get turnbull to change much The comments which favour Hackett are delusional if they think the fttp is saved Lionel 14/11/2013 at 10:59 am Hackett may or may not have any influence in that area. It is however the only appointment of someone who will call a spade a spade and not simply bend over for Turnbull. > Its still doesnt change the facts , Hackett isnt going to get turnbull to change much I cannot think of another person in Australia who would have a better chance of changing Turnbull's mind. Simon made some comments about the impact of the ACCC's 121 PoI decision. After being robustly criticised by Conroy, less than 12 months later NBNCo started providing 150Mbps of free CVC at each PoI because RSPs wouldn't have been viable. > The comments which favour Hackett are delusional if they think the fttp is saved The Labor FTTP fanboi club need to appreciate that Labor's FTTP plan was only concocted to save face after Telstra rebuffed their FTTN plans. I acknowledge it was a good idea, but the directions given to NBNCo by Labor resulted in failure. A robust criticism and suggestions on how to fix the problems is the only hope of saving FTTP. Alternatively we could just ask Google to build the network. They might actually pay tax in Australia that way ;-) > I acknowledge it was a good idea, but the directions given to NBNCo by Labor resulted in failure. A robust criticism and suggestions on how to fix the problems is the only hope of saving FTTP. Excellent. So you no longer support FTTN. I agree we should have a robust criticism and suggestions on how to fix the problems. We agree that FTTN is not a solution to the problems with FTTP, merely a misguided distraction from the real issues. We have to consider the outcomes: Delivery, future-proofing, retail competition, equity and fairness, value to the consumer, cost to the consumer. (What else do you suggest are the outcomes?) Then we can identify problems with respect to those outcomes. Then we can put forward ideas, and where possible, model those ideas. *hint hint* I cannot think of another person in Australia who would have a better chance of changing Turnbull's mind. Simon made some comments about the impact of the ACCC's 121 PoI decision. Because internode would not be making the profits that Hackett wanted would be one of the main reasons Sorry to say but Hackett is on the nbn co board , more for business profit then for consumers benefit Hackett will not stop turnbull form going to fttn Actually no. To keep the 121 POI is beneficial for Hackett. It keeps smaller players and startups from competing. Don't let that get in the way of your demonising him though. > Sorry to say but Hackett is on the nbn co board , more for business profit then for consumers benefit The biggest cost in NBN plans are the NBNCo wholesale charges – reducing those will benefit consumers. Simon Hackett is one of the few who have provided constructive criticism and proposed solutions. Competition is tight in the RSP space and Simon leaving the iiNet board will be a definite loss to the company. > People need to be aware Simon Hackett will not make any difference Simon's CV suggests that he has made a difference in Australia for the past 30 years. Negative comments like yours increase the likelihood that FTTN will be the dominate means for providing internet in Australia. *CHOKE* Most cities have DSLAMs installed because of competitive backhaul built by the PRIVATE SECTOR likes of AAPT, Optus, PIPE, etc. NOT LABOR. Go ask the DBCDE of all the regional backhaul built as part of the expensive blackspots programme under Conroy, how much of it is currently being utilised by the so-called competitors. (Surprise, surprise, the whinging cherry-pickers cherry-picked those regional backhaul markets too.) More taxpayer money wasted. > *CHOKE* Most cities have DSLAMs installed because of competitive backhaul built by the PRIVATE SECTOR likes of AAPT, Optus, PIPE, etc. NOT LABOR. Follow the DBCDE between Adelaide and Darwin, then see how many DSLAMs were installed after it was connected. Jason 13/11/2013 at 11:30 am Bad appointment will Simon Hackett complain to the accc, about turnbull's anti competitiness ? Asmodai 14/11/2013 at 12:14 pm And it took all of 15 mins for the legends at whingepool to start nitpicking/insulting/complaining… Stay classy guys… I can not beleive how people have given turnbull the ok to destroy the nbn co, because he has put hackett on the nbn co Again the facts is NBN will not be fttp or going to the people who really need it , it will be going to the areas what are profit for the nbn People need to be aware Simon Hackett will not make any difference > Again the facts is NBN will not be fttp or going to the people who really need it , it will be going to the areas what are profit for the nbn The reality that under Labor's FTTP plan the faster speeds would have been too expensive for those who don't live in the profitable areas to afford it. Harimau 15/11/2013 at 12:11 pm Stop talking about "the reality", when what you claim is "the reality" isn't actually "the reality". Say instead, "my opinion". The true reality is that under Labor's FTTP plan the faster speeds would have been paid for by those who were prepared to pay for them. 100Mbps plans start from $50 a month and would support high-quality VoIP, while ADSL + home phone bundles for similar quota starts from around $40 (e.g. TPG standard bundle). Those who need more data (and of course you would), reasonably large quotas start from around $80-90 under the NBN, while a similar quota under ADSL starts from around $70. The difference in price is small, and the difference in value is large. The limiting factor is not what people can afford, it is what people are willing to pay for. If I had the NBN, I'd definitely pay for a 100Mbps connection with generous quota, and I am by no means wealthy. In fact, I'd say I'm from the poorer end of town. It would help that I wouldn't need to pay $35 a month for a landline. I hate to say this to people but Simon Hackett will not be able to stop the government signing the tpp After the coalition went to the election promising no censorship
After selling out Dublin's 3 Arena, Biggest disco concert is now going on a club tour! "Biggest 90s – 00s crazy disco" will take you back in time and bring you all the magic of the 3 arena concerts in a club setting! During the night you will hear all your favourite hits from all the 'Biggest Disco DJs'. Massive production, Co2, confetti, Flashback visuals, Dancers, Mascots… and competitions to win tickets for other shows! Be sure to dress to impress! Put on your party shoes, fluff out your rara skirt, polish your DMs and find that Blur T-shirt that has been lurking in the back of your wardrobe as we are having "Biggest flash mob" of the decades!
I do not see how to join the legs to body ? One of the clues is, you can expect the white-colored tabs to go inside something, and thus, get hidden, since they are a different color from the rest of robot's outward facing surfaces. I think the "cape" part, of robot's legs+bottom+cape, I think the cape part of that is going to be almost 2-dimensional, with red on one side and black on the other. The white tab in the center of the red section of the cape, that tab is going to end up kind of circling around and going up through the slot in the middle of the legs+bottom+cape. Also the two white tabs on the side of robot's legs, those fold up. Once you have the legs+bottom+cape piece folded correctly, all three of those tabs will be pointing upward. Legs and cape will be pointing downward. Also guessing that robot's cape will function as a kind of wide, third leg, so that robot can stand up without falling over. Thanks for the help see a successful implementation below, you may have to click on it.. Seamster, since I am unable to issue those awards, BA goes to first one :-? then I probably would have just pointed to that. I am guessing the materials for that arrived as a post card. I did not get one, because a few years back Instructables forgot my street address, and I decided to stay forgotten. After tediously cutting out my H-card it seems to be missing something obvious but I cannot see what..
Cure your fear of spiders (aka arachnophobia) effortlessly and enjoy your life to the full with our subliminal mp3 album! Do you suffer from an excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid spiders? Does your fear go beyond the real threat of danger; but it is simply automatic - it completely takes over your thoughts and you can not stay calm? Does even the mention of spiders make you nervous, and on edge? Are you going on holiday or traveling to a country which has spiders and are already anxious about seeing one? Is your phobia of spiders stopping you from traveling around, doing things you really want to do, and generally leading a full, and fear free life? If you can relate to any of the above self test questions then you probably suffer to some degree from a fear of spiders. However, the ""fact"" that you are afraid of spiders is only in your mind. Your mind is controlling you, and creating real physical results in the form of your irrational fear of spiders. The good news is that you can take back the control and ultimately reprogram the way your mind works. Our subliminal mp3 album works directly with your unconscious mind - the root source of your fear - to get rid of your phobia of spiders forever! In this specific overcoming your phobia of spiders mp3 album we use powerful cognitive behavioral therapy - this works by helping you to recognize your negative thought patterns, and change them into positive ones - which means that - which means that you won't be scared of spiders forever. Do not let your irrational fear of spiders control your life any longer! Change your life with our powerful subliminal mp3s and live free to travel, and enjoy any activity without any of the anxiety and fear which is currently holding you back!
Kapa haka is the term for Māori performing arts. It is an opportunity for people to express and showcase Maori heritage and culture through song and dance. We always have a large number of members in our Kapa haka group who work extremely hard to prepare for the Cultural festival, school performances and special occasions. Our Kapa haka group has performed at the Palms, school fairs and Cultural Festivals in the past and we are all looking forward to our performances coming up this year. We practise every week on Friday from 11:30am till 12:30pm. Kapa haka is a group which the children commit to and must attend practises. When they miss three or more (for no reason) they are no longer part of our group. The reason we do this is because there are a lot of 'behind the scenes' efforts which go into the performances and the organisation of the group. Occasionally, we will have Sunday practises to get ready for the performances. On the 14 August 2017 our Kapa haka group performed at the Christchurch Cultural Festival held in the Horncastle Arena. Eighty children were involved. We were very proud of their efforts. Click play to watch their performance.
Russian American Line () – nieistniejące rosyjskie przedsiębiorstwo żeglugowe siedzibą w Lipawie, operujące statkami parowymi, funkcjonujące od 1900 do 1917 roku. Historia RAL było filią duńskiego armatora Kompanii Wschodnio-Azjatyckiej (, ). W 1906 roku rozpoczęła transatlantyckie przewozy pasażerskie z Lipawy do Nowego Jorku. Linia przestała istnieć na skutek wybuchu rewolucji październikowej w 1917 roku. Niektóre statki linii znalazły się pod kontrolą brytyjskiego przedsiębiorstwa "Cunard Line" i były wykorzystywane jako transportowce wojskowe w trakcie I wojny światowej oraz w interwencji aliantów w rosyjskiej wojnie domowej. W 1921 roku większość parowców została sprzedana lub przekazana "Baltic American Line", kolejnej, nowej filii "East Asiatic Company". W 1930 roku trzy statki trafiły do nowo utworzonej polsko-duńskiej spółki żeglugowej "Gdynia America Line". Trasy Lista morskich tras obsługiwanych przez RAL: 1906-1915 Lipawa – Rotterdam – Nowy Jork (okazjonalne przystanki w Kopenhadze i Halifax) 1912-1914 Lipawa – Rotterdam – Halifax – Nowy Jork (okazjonalne przystanki w Kopenhadze) 1914-1917 Archangielsk – Hammerfest – Nowy Jork Flota Przypisy Przedsiębiorstwa związane z żeglugą Przedsiębiorstwa transportowe Przedsiębiorstwa w Rosji Nieistniejące przedsiębiorstwa
During the Municipal Government Elections in the fall of 2012, the Alliance promoted healthy eating, physical activity, and the provincial government's Thrive! Strategy to school board candidates… An election campaign called Add it Up!: Healthy Eating + Physical Activity = A+ was developed to engage school board candidates, partners, organizations and members of the public in supporting policies that encourage healthy eating and physical activity in schools. The priority areas of this campaign focused on supporting: 1) Quality Daily Physical Education; 2) Effective implementation of school food policy; 3) Capacity for school based physical activity opportunities; and 4) Active transportation to and from school. A survey to assess school board candidate's commitment to healthy eating and physical activity. Three fact sheets [fact-sheet-1 fact-sheet-2 fact-sheet-3] to provide detailed information about the link between healthy eating and physical activity and school performance, the role that school board members can play and a description of the priority areas of the campaign. Literature Review in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation to describe the relationship between healthy eating, physical activity and academic performance. Webinar to share information about the campaign, Nova Scotia school research and opportunities to support healthy eating and physical activity in schools. The second phase of the project focused on building capacity of school board members to support healthy eating and physical activity, which included building a relationship with the Nova Scotia School Boards Association. Further activities included a presentation with the NSSBA Board of Directors and at the Annual General Meeting.
Edmeston, NY – Four top engineers working every day with Dangerous Music equipment in their studios have found projects they have completed on the 2009 Grammy(r) Awards nominations list: David Isaac, Dave Kutch, Tony Maserati and Dave Rideau. The Dangerous Music gear these world-class engineers and producers use in their critically acclaimed studio work with legendary industry artists include the Dangerous Master, Dangerous Monitor, Dangerous 2-Bus, and the Dangerous D-Box. Both Dave Rideau and Tony Maserati always mix through the Dangerous 2-Bus analog summing amplifier, while Dave Kutch, utilizes the Dangerous Master analog mastering transfer console and the Dangerous Monitor for control room monitoring at his NY Mastering Palace studio. Dave Isaac loves his Dangerous D-Box as a compact all-in-one solution for analog summing and monitor control. A common theme among mastering and mix engineers is that Dangerous Music gear is the best sounding and most functional design they've found for their needs working with the most celebrated artists of today: Grammy(r) nominees. David Isaac used the Dangerous D-Box during the production of Marcus Miller's CD, and specifically for the single "Free" featuring Corinne Bailey Rae. Isaac said, "I love the sound of the D-Box. It gives me everything I need in a single box: a great sounding summing amp, a D/A converter, speaker switcher, headphone amp, multiple inputs,- all in one rack space!" As a multi-talented producer, mix engineer, and musician, David is currently working on his own R&B and Funk CD due out in May 2009. About David Isaac – As a multiple Grammy-winner, David Isaac's mixing and producing career spans R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Jazz and Gospel music, from Marcus Miller and Wayne Shorter to Stevie Wonder and Roberta Flack and many towering artists in between. As a player and programmer Issac has worked with Eric Clapton, Madonna, Puff Daddy, and Earth, Wind and Fire to name only a select few. Isaac is currently wrapping up his own CD with the help of a few R&B legends, as well as mixing tutorials for MacProVideo.
Jeff Lloyd fall overshadows Manaya win A fall involving premier jockey Jeff Lloyd overshadowed the brilliant win of Manaya in the Rod Kemp Handicap (1200m) at Eagle Farm. Lloyd was tossed from the favourite Shala ($2.05) after about 200m and was galloped over by several horses. The three times Brisbane premier jockey was able to walk back to scale and asked to go straight to the ice bath. "I am a bit sore. The ice bath will help," Lloyd said. However, stewards ordered he stand down from his remaining rides for the day. Manaya, a stakes winner as a two-year-old, returned to her best winning by 4-1/4 lengths to justify trainer Michael Costa's decision to stay in Brisbane instead of heading to Sydney on Saturday. "We drew poorly in Sydney and this was a better option," Costa said. "At her first run from a spell she got shunted out the back and wanted to over race. Things went better today." Costa said Manaya would continue to race in Brisbane in an effort to build up her rating for the winter carnival.
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(HII) established in 1976 is a leading provider of High Pressure Test Units including Flushing Systems, Nitrogen Charging Systems, Control Panels, Chemical Injection Pumps, Air Powered Hydrostatic Piston Pumps, Gas Boosters, Air Pressure Air Amplifiers, and Turbine Flow Meters on a global basis. Since inception, HII has maintained an intense focus on design and engineering, striving to stay at the forefront of the Fluid Power technological advances. 100% USA made. Houston , TX | 800-337-8875 Jones Hydraulic Service is proud to be serving the energy, marine, petrochemical, railroad, construction, foundation repair, pipeline and shipyard industries since 1977. Jones Hydraulic represents some of the world's leading Hydraulic Tool & Equipment manufacturers that include SPX Power Team, SafeWay Hydraulics, Pell Hydrashear, TORC LLC, Eagle Pro, and more. Offering Hydraulic Tool & Equipment Sales, Service and Repair for 40 years. Macomb, MI | 586-786-3920 We sell hydraulic pumps designed for a variety of industries. Our manufacturing facility houses many late model pumps and components. It's our promise as the premiere hydraulic pump manufacturers in the USA that our highly affordable pumps will meet or exceed the original component specification. There's no question that with our hydraulics in place your equipment will continue to operate as efficiently as ever. Contact us today for more information! Hydraulic Water Pump - Star Hydraulics, LLC In commercial settings, water pumps are necessary for transporting water to the upper floors of very tall buildings. In each of these cases, hydraulic water pumps can be powered by electricity, fuel or even by hand, as is the case for hydraulic hand pumps. In developed economies, water pumps tend to be controlled automatically and run on electricity. In developing economies, where reliable and inexpensive sources of fuel and electricity can be scarce, alternative pumping tools are often put to use. Hydraulic ram pumps, for example, can pump water to places where it is needed without the use of electricity or fuel. These pumps require only the force of a moving stream of water and an appropriately configured series of tubes, valves and compression chambers. Hydraulic ram pumps are increasingly valued for their potential to deliver low-cost, reliable sources of water to populations that would otherwise have limited access to water. Because they do not require electricity or fuel to pump water, hydraulic ramp pumps do not have to be connected to any electrical infrastructure; this presents a substantial savings over alternative pump choices. In such communities, money that would have been spent on maintaining an electric or fuel-operated pump can instead be spent on water purifying and filtering equipment; reliable access to clean water is a major factor in overall community health. This is true in both developed and developing economies. While low volume, non-resource-intensive pumps like the ram pump can be invaluable to a small community, high-volume, electric pumps can contribute greatly to an industrial operation's ability to conduct its business on a competitive scale. Because there is such a varied need for hydraulic water pumps, the market for different water pump varieties is likely to remain healthy for many years to come. Hydraulic Water Pump Manufacturers Suppliers | Home | Request for Quote | Photo Gallery | Privacy Policy/Terms of use | List of Companies | Sitemap
Home Local News Divi workers not happy about 2-day workweek Divi workers not happy about 2-day workweek Divi Little Bay workers at the entrance of the resort on Tuesday. PHILIPSBURG–Divi Little Bay Beach Resort workers are up in arms over management's decision to further reduce their workweek to two days as the company moves into reconstruction phase to rebuild its facilities from the damage caused by Hurricane Irma in September. One worker told The Daily Herald that the company had called in workers individually over the course of the past week and told them that they can either accept two days per week pay or accept being paid out from the company, in which case they will no longer be employed at the establishment. The two-day workweek is until sometime in 2018, when the resort is expected to resume its operations. Workers believe they should have at least three days' weekly pay, not two. While some of the workers signed on for the two days, some did not. Those who did not took their case to the Labour Department. The workers said the Labour Department had advised them to continue showing up for work even if they are not being allowed to enter the premises. Based on this advice, the workers said they have been showing up to work daily since Monday, but they are not being allowed to enter the premises. "We have been showing up every day peacefully" the worker said. "We understand the situation, but we are asking for just one more day." This is not the first time workers have been upset with the company since the passage of Hurricane Irma. The workers staged a protest at the entrance of the resort on October 12, to contest management's move to reduce their workdays from six to three days. Divi's Acting General Manager Thijs Scheepers said at that time that there was work for everyone and the workers would be able to resume their tasks days later. "We have permanent and contracted workers and for us everyone is important and we want to ensure that everyone is taken care of," Scheepers had assured. The workers said then that they had toiled arduously to clean the property following the destruction caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and as soon as they completed the cleaning, management sprang the reduced work week on them Workers Institute for Organised Labour (WIFOL) President Theophilus Thompson said at that time also that giving the workers a shorter workweek than what is stipulated in the collective labour agreement (CLA) was in violation of the country's labour laws and the CLA. The CLA has provisions for an amendment to the workweek if occupancy falls below a certain level that will affect the resort's income. However, he said this could only be done via negotiations and not solely as a decision from the company. He said at the time that WIFOL was only willing to have the workweek reduced by one day – so from six to five days. Thompson's position on the latest developments could not be ascertained. He promised to provide a comment, but could not be reached. Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/71163-divi-workers-not-happy-about-2-day-workweek Previous articlePrince Bernhard Culture Fund awards prize to Marcella Gibbs Next articleRain Forest Adventures employs 60, will add another 20 jobs Colebay Pete November 22, 2017 at 9:36 pm Love the quaint tone, not so much the crazy bias. You could have headlined this little Beauty as "Divi Little Bay not so happy about 5-day work week" and then talk about the struggle that businesses face when confronted with strict Labour laws and inflexible collective labor agreements. My heart goes out to the employees, but attacking the employer will only make things worse, even if you do it through rhetoric and innuendo. My suggestion: if you need to rail on somebody, rail on GEBE and our government leaders for not having a contingency plan, not having a contingency fund, and being wholly ill-prepared during this entire fiasco. They knew that they had to bury utility lines, fix the dump problem, solve the shanty town issue; but they did nothing for years and we all accepted it, even these poor dudes who are now working 2 day weeks at Divi ( or not). My suggestion? Direct anger where it is deserved, and try fixing problems instead of creating new ones. This starts with you SXM-Talks. Dutch Quarter Sewage Pit collapses, sewage leak plugged temporarily. SXM Library Book sale. FYI Foundation and St. Martin. First Foundations Kicks Off New Year... DATE ISSUED: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC) VALID UNTIL: Thursday midday (12:00 LST) January 26, 2023 WEATHER: This afternoon through Thursday midday:... Minister Anna Richardson welcomes UNOPS delegation to St. Maarten | THE DAILY HERALD From left (rear): Ministry of Justice policy advisor Demi Bute, Prison Director Steven Carty and senior policy advisor Johishi Romney. Front row: UNOPS representative Patrick Diaz, Justice Minister Anna Richardson, UNOPS Head of Programmes William Squier Gonzales and UNOPS... From left (rear): Ministry of Justice policy advisor Demi Bute, Prison Director Steven Carty and senior policy advisor Johishi Romney. Front row: UNOPS representative... EU signs financing agreements for Saba, Statia and St. Barths | THE DAILY... Head of Delegation René van Nes (right) with President of the Territorial Council of St. Barths Xavier Lédée signing the financing agreement for first... Chris says water runoff points clogged with full-grown trees | THE DAILY HERALD A trench in the Cul de Sac area that is completely overgrown with trees. PHILIPSBURG--Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Christophe Emmanuel is once again sounding... Headlines & Top Stories The historical structure at Diamond Estate has been completely destroyed. PHILIPSBURG--In the night from Monday to Tuesday, during a covert operation, the famous ruins... Green light for Chris' Mullet Bay motion, PFP motion voted... Justice ministers further strengthen collaboration | THE DAILY HERALD
Viktor Lampl (28. března 1889 Jimramov – 7. března 1942 Praha) byl český, německy hovořící architekt a stavební podnikatel. Život Narodil se 24. března 1889 v Jimramově, jako syn Karla Lampla a Emilie, rozené Müllerové (1856–1924). Měl sestru a tři bratry. Dne 3. května 1913 byl na Německé vysoké škole technické v Praze promován na stavebního inženýra. Spolu s titulem ing. užíval i titul dr. S Otto Fuchsem byl společníkem pražské stavební firmy Lampl a Fuchs. Zemřel v Praze–Karlíně, dříve, než ho stačil pro židovský původ postihnout osud jeho rodiny. Rodinný život – vyvraždění rodiny Viktor Lampl byl ženat, dne 28. března 1920 se v Praze–Karlíně oženil se Zdenkou, rozenou Reitlerovou (1889–1942), se kterou měl syna Petra Eduarda (1925–1942). Rodina bydlela v Karlíně, v Královské třídě 23 (nyní Sokolovská). Manželka i syn se stali v roce 1942 oběťmi holocaustu. Zavražděni byli i sourozenci Berta Schuftanová (rozená Lamplová) a Richard Lampl Zajímavost V roce 1930 byl Viktor Lampl jmenován vyslanectvím republiky Kuba stavebním radou. Dílo Realizované stavby Firma Lampl a Fuchs realizovala vlastní stavby i přístavby, pro některé zakupovala vlastní pozemky. Podrobnosti o stavbách jsou uvedeny v článku Lampl und Fuchs. Odkazy Reference Literatura Související články Lampl und Fuchs Otto Fuchs Čeští architekti Narození 28. března Narození v roce 1899 Narození v Jimramově Úmrtí 7. března Úmrtí v roce 1942 Úmrtí v Praze Muži
Foreigners Tribunal Can't Suo Moto Assume Jurisdiction To Give An Opinion Which Is Not Sought While Answering Reference: Gauhati High Court The Gauhati High Court has ruled that the Foreigners Tribunal cannot suo moto assume the jurisdiction to give an opinion which is not sought while answering reference made to it regarding entry of a person, suspected to be a foreigner, into Assam. A division bench comprising of Justice N Kotiswar Singh and Justice Soumitra Saikia was dealing with a petition challenging the opinion passed by Foreigners Tribunal dated 29 November 2019 wherein it was found that the petitioner was not successful in proving her citizenship as she had illegally entered India after 24 March, 1971. The opinion was rendered while answering a reference by the Superintendent of Police on the basis of an enquiry, claiming that the petitioner and her family members were foreigners who had come into Assam after January 1, 1966 and before 25 March, 1971. Observing that the opinion formed by the Foreigners Tribunal went beyond the scope of its jurisdiction, the Court ordered thus: "The Tribunal cannot suo motu assume jurisdiction to give an opinion which is not sought. No opinion was sought from the Tribunal as to whether the petitioner entered India after 24.03.1971 or not." Setting aside the impugned opinion as being illegal, the Court went ahead to observe thus: "It is seen that though the reference was made by the Superintendent of Police (Border), Baksa for an opinion of the Foreigners' Tribunal, that the petitioner is an illegal immigrant who entered India between 01.01.1966 and 25.03.1971, the Tribunal went beyond the reference and rendered its opinion that the petitioner and her family members are illegal immigrants who entered India after 25.03.1971, which is clearly impermissible in law."
So, why do people rave? Music festivals, EDMs, and concerts are not what most people would consider fun. The crowd is exuberant, the whole place is beating with the music, and the entire event screams inconvenient. But for some reason, rave tickets sell like hotcakes every single time. Music is a proven natural anti-stress. When you have had a bad day, all you want sometimes is a quiet walk with your earphones on and your favorite songs playing right through your ears. It has been psychologically tested that music relieves stress and this is the most popular reason ravers go to festivals and concerts. This is also why it is not uncommon to find ravers who are actually practicing professionals by day. It's a common misconception that raves are attended mainly by millennials and teenagers, which might have explained the angst and rage prevalent in these events. Except that, when you go to a rave, you are likely to meet doctors and lawyers and publicists. Professionals, when asked, share that they rave because it is some sort of an alternate reality—here is a venue for expressions and where people do not care about social status or corporate jargon. Raves are all about music and no one ever dares question people's choice of songs. Admit it or not, the very fact that people will not judge you or what you wear and listen to removers like half of the stress bucket for you. Raves also infiltrate other aspects of a person's life. In a way, it allows people to de-stress in smaller manners like buying cool fanny packs for the next event or gushing about it with friends. When someone say they rave because of their friends or because they want to broaden their network, it is essentially true. Being with people is a natural instinct for us humans. Socializing is the main purpose of human interactions. We are all born to be with people, whether close or remotely. We do not just meet people to exchange names. We intentionally cross people's paths because it is a mutually beneficial activity. We try to learn from them and they do the same from us. In venues like raves, it may be a little hard to consider how socializing can be done. Ravers have the tendency to be quite absorbed in their own beat and music that it might be somehow difficult to interact with them. But the truth is, everyone in raves have something to talk about. Whether it be the stylish fanny pack one has on or about the newest performer in the latest rave, finding a topic to hit on with fellow ravers is not a hefty feat. Going to music festivals is a form of escapism. In as much as raves are a form to alleviate stress from a person's daily life, it is also a way to escape the harsher jaws of reality. Have you ever felt like entering a totally different world when you go to a rave? That is the way it's described by ravers. They feel like that have a place where bills and adulting concerns are non-existent. In raves, no one expects their co-raver to be a college graduate or a licensed professional. It is easy to befriend a person without fear that they might have come from a family much nicer than yours. When you enter a rave, it is important also to leave all your judgments behind. This enables the escapism for you and other ravers as well. As long as everyone can keep the differences at bay, raves will always be just that: a venue of sorts for all things personal and social, without the stronger bite of the real world. Going to raves will, of course, never be something that is done out of a solitary reason. People will always look at raves from different perspectives. It will be either the least or the most crucial part of a person's life. What is important is that wherever you are looking at it from, you respect all that it represents to people. So long as raves are not used as a venue for destructive habits or activities, it is not a bad thing.
The Portuguese Vasco de Gama, once he found in the late fifteenth century the way from South Africa to reach the Indies, Asia, he helped to bring and acclimate in Europe the first selected varieties of sweet orange. It was the Spanish colonizers who planted the first oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits on American soil. The journey of a genus of trees such as citrus is hence finished, and we see them today all around the world, a journey that began in Asia and spread to the West through the mediation of the Arabs, so after the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America they also adapted to the New World. In the gardens of the Real Alcázar there are also some sweet oranges. However it wasn't this modality the one the English preferred but the bitter. Some famous people helped to make their consumption fashionable: such is the case of the Duke of Wellington, the British general who fought alongside the Spaniards in the War of the Independence against Napoleon's troops, who during his stay in Seville tried jam produced by oranges orchards of the Real Alcázar. Nevertheless, the Scots of the Shipping company MacAndrew were the ones who organized the export of bitter orange to the north of England, taking advantage of the transport of minerals extracted by the English in Rio Tinto mines, Huelva. The product was widely used since it was designed for workers or low class people; from then on it became one of the essential elements of traditional English breakfast.
Don't you have time to read the brief and detailed reviews about the LJ Hutchen Trumpet? To avoid this kind of rush, I have short listed the detailed information to offer you with only the necessary and needed information for making a smart decision before your purchase. In order to help you, I have collected plenty of information measures about this LJ Hutchen Trumpet which I have down mentioned in this article. Take some minutes to read down which helps you not to waste your money investment on improper functioning trumpet models. The LJ Hutchen trumpet is manufactured by Paul Effman Musical Service Institution to provide the trumpet blowers with the brand new features to attain perfect blowing quality. It is geared with the rose brass type lead sliding pipes which is further equipped with the 5C mouth pieces to perform the high quality sound. It is well designed with the best quality material to avoid the frustration and other kind of trumpet malfunctioning ability. The dual type of testing is implemented to verify the stringent quality of the trumpet parts. The stainless steel type of valve is implemented in this LJ Hutchen Trumpet to provide the user with the high durability. It constitutes the ability to withstand the demand and difficulties involved in the band playing which is most preferable by the students for easy learning. The free blowing design performance tends the trumpet to create the powerful and dynamic sounding outputs. The trumpet is specially equipped with the hard plush protective trumpet casing for high protection and user convenience. This hassle free portable trumpet unit also includes the trumpet valve oil to ensure the regular lubrication in order to maintain the proper sound delivery consistency. It is highly designed with the intonation facility to blow out the trumpet properly. The LJ Hutchen trumpet consists of several kinds of specification options which I have down listed as follows for the user's quick reference. This full plush lined interior trumpet design consists of the thick hard plastic bumpers to protect the case edges for comfortable travelling. It is mainly buildup with the ABS type of resin body which is high in durability and it is best suited for the outdoor playing in events, concerts etc. The LJ Hutchen trumpet is a elegant design of copper alloying such that it allow the instrument to provide the warm soften toning to the trumpet players. The nickel coated keys and the ligature are designed with high durable resistivity that is used to resist the tarnishing. It usually featured with the high guaranty of up to three years of warranty and it includes valve oil, tight valve casing and sturdy luxurious heavy wooden trumpet case for user convenience. It consists of the tight valve and great casing tolerance to make ensure the user with the convenient and free blowing functionality. This advanced designed LJ Hutchen trumpet outcomes with the dual handle design to offer the flexible carrying and high dynamic range of intonation. This best selling student trumpet offer high quality working but it does not cost much expense when compared to other kind of trumpet brands. Thanks for allotting some time to read this reviewed article about LJ Hutchen trumpet such that I do hope it will gives you the necessary information to make a smart choice before purchasing. Key Features – ABS resin body, plastic bumper, hassle free portable. Pros – high durability, flexible carrying, dual handling.
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You could have a look at one of my favourite freeware image viewers, ArtSee. It does everything you've listed although the move functionality isn't exactly what you're asking for. It does have it, it's just not quite as fast and easy as a single key-press (if you on the other hand want to copy the file to a favourite location or the desktop instead of moving then you get away with a single keypress). Everything else though, it does *really* well. It got keyboard shortcuts for just about everything, it's fast and comes with just about every feature I can think anyone could want in a image viewer, and it does all this in under 200 KB (it's a standalone executable). Picasa is definitely a good alternative. Also I have yet to find an external viewer that follows the sort order in the file manager from which it's been opened - maybe that's not possible unless using default viewer.
Hotel Roma, recently renovated, is a comfortable 3 stars hotel in the center of Trieste, conveniently located in a lively but quiet area, allowing a peaceful rest. Wi-Fi connection is free and available in the whole hotel. Our buffet continental breakfast is served from 7am to 10am in the breakfast room located at the top floor.
Future Table of Contents Permissions & Reprints AACC Learning Lab Clinical Chemistry Trainee Council Clinical Case Studies Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing Clinical Chemistry Guide to Manuscript Review Translated Content The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine OtherBook, Software, and Web Site Reviews Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products. Xiao-Tian Liang and Wei-Shuo Fang, eds. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006, 460 pp., $89.95, hardcover. ISBN 0-471-66007-8. Karmaine Millington, Anthony O. Okorodudu DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2006.069948 Published January 2007 Karmaine Millington Anthony O. Okorodudu This book would serve as an in-depth resource reference for anyone concerned about natural products and their application in medicine. The products addressed range from ginkgolides and natural antibiotics to products used to treat cancer, malaria, HIV, and Alzheimer disease. Each chapter includes a comprehensive review of the literature concerning the biochemistry of these compounds and pertinent historical data. The efficacy of these compounds in therapeutic use is compared with that of medicines (both synthetic and natural) cleared by the FDA. Relevant information is also given regarding the political, social, and financial issues related to the use and availability of these natural products. The book is well illustrated, presenting structures for the drugs of interest, chemical reactions in the derivation of these products, and other interesting items such as photographs of the natural source. Overall, this book offers much detailed information on the biochemistry of these natural products, and it should be a welcome reference manual. It provides concise information that is difficult to find in a compact format elsewhere. © 2007 The American Association for Clinical Chemistry Clinical Chemistry Jan 2007, 53 (1) 155a-156; DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2006.069948 Proteomics of Human Body Fluids. Visith Thongboonkerd, Editor., Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2007, 533 pp. (hardcover). ISBN 978-1-59745-432-2. Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine, 2nd ed. Mitchell G. Scott, Ann M. Gronowski, and Charles S. Eby, eds. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, a John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication, 2007, 679 pp., $69.95, paperback. ISBN 978-0-471-71457-6. Review of The Metabolic Syndrome. Christopher D. Byrne and Sarah H. Wild, eds. Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005, 432 pp., $110.00, hardcover. ISBN 0-470-02511-5. Show more Book, Software, and Web Site Reviews © 2020 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Exclusive ⋮ Gaming ⋮ Interview Exclusive: Space Invaders Forever Interview With Taito Development Team By Kai Powell Dec 8, 2020 15:30 EST Space Invaders is one of those iconic video games that has been a part of the gaming microcosm for three decades across nearly every platform in one way or another. In celebration of Space Invaders Forever making its way to North America and Europe later this week, we had the pleasure of chatting with four of Taito's leads that helped produce the project alongside porting studio Gotch Technology. What is your name and position at Taito? Cyberpunk 2077 and Next-Gen Consoles Couldn't Beat CoD and Switch in December Says NPD Yuichi Toyama, I'm a game director at Taito. Hiroshi Uemura, I'm an executive officer of Taito. Koichi Kodama, I'm the deputy division manager of the Corporate Administration Division. Reisuke Ishida, I'm a game designer at Taito. Space Invaders has been such an inspirational arcade title for over four decades and for probably hundreds of video games. How did the success of Space Invaders shape the future of Taito? The success of Space Invaders marked a quantum leap in the evolution of video games. It showed the potential of video games in a market previously dominated by prize-machines and mechatronics. We are proud to say it was also the starting point for friendly competition between companies on the technology front, contributing to the development of the most exciting and cutting-edge entertainment to date. Exclusive: Darius Interview With Taito Development Team (Hiroshi Uemura) Why did Taito decide to work with Gotch Technology to assist in the Space Invaders Invincible Collection over M2? At the outset, we'd planned on working with M2 for both collections, but when we put the schedules together, we realized the porting of Darius and Space Invaders overlapped in terms of development time, so in order to allow M2 to focus on Darius, we asked Gotch Technology to port Space Invaders. Having said that, we trust Gotch's work as they have an extensive track record of porting classic games for other companies, and recently worked on the arcade port of Bubble Bobble included in Bubble Bobble 4 Friends. Their reputation shines through in their results too, even receiving high praise from playtesters who know the original games very well. (Yuichi Toyama) Why is the Space Invaders Invincible Collection exclusive to Nintendo Switch? Could we see this collection on PlayStation 4 or Xbox in the future? When Taito first returned to console game releases in 2018, we began working on Switch, but Darius Cosmic Collection and Bubble Bobble 4 Friends were subsequently rolled out to other platforms. In contrast, Space Invaders: Invincible Collection, was developed in cooperation with Gotch Technology and was Taito's first internal PlayStation 4 project. I think the experience we've gained here will contribute to future PlayStation platform projects as well. Then of course, there is Space Invaders FOREVER, which was planned as a multi-platform title. Is Arkanoid vs Space Invader an original concept made specifically for the Invincible Collection, or is this an idea that Taito wanted to develop in the past? Arkanoid vs Space Invaders was originally released as a smartphone app in Japan in 2016, and later worldwide in 2017. The game included in this collection is a port of this smartphone version. However, it seems that Taito had plans for another game that combined Arkanoid and Space Invaders long before this title. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to locate the planning documents, so we don't know what kind of game it was... There are very few developers left at Taito today who were here when Arkanoid was released 30 years ago, and most are quite old now. Maybe that mysterious plan was proposed by one of them? Tomohiro Nishikado, the father of Space Invaders, still has an advisory role at Taito and helps us in various ways. And although he wasn't involved with Arkanoid vs Space Invaders, we did have him play Space Invaders GIGAMAX, which is also included in the collection, and he gave us his thoughts on it. The Square-Enix Space Invaders titles, such as Space Invaders Extreme and Space Invaders Infinity Gene are such unique approaches to the simple Space Invaders formula. How did Taito decide to develop these unique visions? Although both titles were sold by Square-Enix, they were both originally developed by Taito for the Space Invaders 30th Anniversary celebration. The direction of Space Invaders EXTREME seems to have been decided when the programmer and sound designer at the time came up with the idea of matching the beat of a song to the sound effects and implemented the feature without telling the game's designer. The subsequent Steam version of the game combined elements from the first and second games to create the definitive version of EXTREME, which is the basis for the version included here. In answering this question, it's important to remember the game was developed for Space Invaders' 30th Anniversary, and the most important element here is that 30 years had passed since the original. If we were developing Infinity Gene game a year or two after Space Invaders was released, we could have taken a more faithful approach to it, but when a title is thirty years old, no matter how great it is, you're going to be faced with a lot of people who've never played it, or maybe don't even know what it is. So we had to ask ourselves, How can we best communicate the appeal of this title to a new generation? What connects them to it? Thinking about this, it occurred to me that I needed to show how Space Invaders had influenced the culture of video games we still have today, and that's how I came upon the concept of 'the evolution of games', which formed the basis for Space Invader Infinity Gene's development. (Reisuke Ishida) Would Taito consider releasing these Space Invaders titles (Infinity Gene, etc) in another collection in the future? If we see strong enough sales for this collection, then, of course, we'll consider it, so please support it! We've already seen calls for Space Invaders: Infinity Gene from fans, and we are considering other titles as well, alongside how best to release them. So yes, there is a possibility of future releases. With its varied enemy formations, Return of the Invaders pathed the way for the later Majestic Twelve. Then Attack of the Lunar Loonies was fun, with its poppy art style and parodies of various Taito characters. There have also been numerous ports released for consoles in various forms, so it's impossible to include them all. Though we have considered including some of the more popular ones. Then there were titles like Atari VCS and SG-1000 versions of Space Invaders and the Japan-only X-55 (online karaoke) exclusive, Space Invaders 1995, which are now very difficult to play or to port. Will Space Invaders Get Even ever be re-released? Space Invaders Get Even was a WiiWare exclusive title where the player took the part of the long-maligned Invaders and took revenge on mankind. This is another game we've considered and if we see enough demand, we'd love to be able to release it. The biggest issue with Get Even is the control method: the game was designed to be played on the Wii Remote, so we need to work out a solution to deliver an enjoyable play experience. What do you think is the best way to go about this? We may be able to replicate the controls by making good use of the Nintendo Switch's touch screen functionality. Or maybe a game in which players become Invaders and invade the earth could be designed differently. For example, how about a game where 55 players come together in formation and invade the earth?* *There are no plans to release this at the moment! How do you feel about Hollywood trying to create a Space Invaders movie? Our aim is to expand the Space Invaders brand further into multiple fields of entertainment. (Koichi Kodama) What are your thoughts of the next console generation (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X)? Are there any features in particular? Sorry, I've been so busy with these two projects, I haven't had a chance to play either of them, but I am looking forward to it! Are there other Taito compilations that you would like to help produce in the next few years? I'm considering several, but you'll have to wait a little longer before we can give you any details! Please keep your eyes open and look forward to the news! Of course, the key to reviving a game is how strong a fan base it has, so if there is a game or character from Taito that you would like to see revived, please let us (@TaitoCorp) know, and if we hear enough demand, we will do our best to make it happen! Don't forget, the Darius Cozmic Collection and Darius Cozmic Revelation have already been released, so if you haven't played them yet, please do! Space Invaders Forever will be released in the West later this month, starting with a physical release on both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 as well as a digital PS4 release in Europe on December 11th, followed by a digital release on PlayStation 4 in North America on December 15th. The Space Invaders Invincible Collection is still available to order directly from Strictly Limited Games. Products mentioned in this post The links above are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Wccftech.com may earn from qualifying purchases. Monster Hunter Rise Demo Tech Analysis Confirms Docked and Handheld Resolutions Francesco De Meo • Jan 11 Monster Hunter Rise Playable Demo Launches Today; New Gameplay Details Revealed Francesco De Meo • Jan 7 Monster Hunter Rise to Feature Monster Riding Mechanics – Rumor Nintendo Switch New Revision Codenamed Aula Datamined; To Feature OLED Screen, New Dock, 4K Support and More Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS5) Review – Next-Gen Family Fun Kai Powell • Jan 6 Pelé Cup Landing Tomorrow in Fortnite; Epic Partnered with 23 Real-World Football Clubs
El Eskişehir Cup es un torneo de tenis celebrado en Eskişehir, Turquía desde 2013. El evento forma parte del ATP Challenger Tour y se juega en canchas duras. Finales anteriores Individuales Dobles Enlaces externos Sitio Oficial ATP Challenger Tour Torneos de tenis en pista dura Torneos de tenis de Turquía
Home » Commentary » Brace for a(nother) summer of discontent in Nova Scotia's fishing industry Posted inCommentary, Environment Brace for a(nother) summer of discontent in Nova Scotia's fishing industry How do Ottawa and First Nations mutually agree on the best way to organize Atlantic Canada's most lucrative fishery to serve the economic interests of Indigenous communities and those of traditional non-Indigenous commercial fishers without undermining the industry's commercial viability or environmental sustainability? It won't happen so long as Ottawa insists it alone knows best. by Stephen Kimber May 2, 2021 October 20, 2022 Supporters of the Mi'kmaw lobster harvesters gather on the rocks along the Saulnierville Wharf on Sept. 17, 2020/Photo by Stephen Brake Consider just a few recent dispatches from Canada's fraught fishing front: On March 3, 2021, federal Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan announced Ottawa will not license any Indigenous moderate livelihood fishery in Atlantic Canada this year that does not operate within the official commercial season. She threatened to deploy an increased complement of fisheries officers, backed by coast guard vessels, to enforce the federal rules. The next day, Nova Scotia's 13 First Nations' chiefs unanimously rejected Ottawa's plan and decried the minister's failure to consult with them nation to nation. "Minister Jordan once again made clear that she sees the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada having full control over rights-based fisheries," declared Chief Gerald Toney of the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs. On March 30, the Sipekne'katik First Nation filed a lawsuit against non-Indigenous fishers, the RCMP and the federal government over what it argues was last year's coordinated effort to "intimidate and harass [Indigenous fishers] and to steal or damage their lobster traps." On April 22, Chief Mike Sack announced Sipekne'katik fishers will ignore the federal minister's announcement and return to St. Marys Bay in June. He also said he intended to ask the United Nations to send peacekeepers to protect them. The issue is simple. The issues are complicated. The result is that — simple and/or complicated — we're in for yet another nasty, brutish summer on the seas off Nova Scotia. Let's start with simple. In 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed a long-ignored 1752 peace and friendship treaty in which the British had acknowledged the Mi'kmaq people's right to earn what the courts called a "moderate livelihood" from fishing. But the court also ruled that right came with a caveat. "Treaty rights are subject to regulation provided such regulation is shown by the Crown to be justified on conservation or other grounds of public importance." What happened after that is where things got complicated. If you want to understand just how complicated, your best bet is to start with last October's remarkable, and remarkably dispassionate Halifax Examiner series by award-winning journalists Linda Pannozzo and Joan Baxter called "Lobster Fishery at the Crossroads." Indigenous v non-Indigenous… Inshore v offshore… In season v out of season v year-round… Trap limits v catch limits… Conservation v marketing… Commercial viability v environment sustainability… And, oh yes, don't forget climate change… The questions are frustratingly head-spinning and the answers often contradictory, but everything does ultimately spin back to a single, semi-simple question. How do Ottawa and First Nations come to a mutual agreement on the best way to organize Atlantic Canada's most lucrative fishery in a way that serves both the economic interests of Indigenous communities and also those of traditional non-Indigenous commercial fishers without, in the process, undermining the commercial viability of the industry as a whole or its long-term environmental sustainability? While we may not know the ultimate best answer to that question, we do know the right answer is not behind the unilateral Door #1 Ottawa has chosen to date. For much of the more than 20 years since the 1999 Marshall decision, the federal government has paid lip service to nation-to-nation reconciliation while simultaneously playing paternalistic father knows best, claiming the sole right to decide what's economically and environmentally sustainable for everyone. It's made side deals with some First Nations to redivide the licensing pie while dividing First Nations from each other and never ever dealing with the larger issues. At the same time, it's orphaned non-Indigenous commercial fishers who also have a multi-generational stake in the future of the fishery but now feel they have no one to speak for them. Ottawa's failure to negotiate a deal that can work for everyone only opened the door to frustrated First Nations like Sipekne'katik, which has launched its own fishery with its own rules. And that, of course, only amps up frustrations among commercial fishers. They want to know why they should be forced to follow regulations their Indigenous counterparts can ignore. It's a recipe for disaster. Which is why it's long past time for Ottawa to step back from the edge of the abyss it's created and start a belated let's-begin-at-the-beginning, no pre-conditions discussion with First Nations. Do Canada's existing closed seasons and other limits on lobster fishing make sense? Scientific sense? Conservation sense? Marketing sense? Understanding there is just one resource in one shared territory, what regulations will safeguard the future of that resource while providing a reasonable livelihood for all, including both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities? Is there a way to create a jointly regulated, jointly managed, jointly enforced fishery with the same rules for everyone? The answers aren't for Ottawa to make alone. It must finally recognize what the courts have already concluded. There are treaties between nations, and the future needs to be negotiated nation to nation. It won't get any easier. As Paul Withers reported on the CBC last month, Ottawa is also now in the middle of a "collision between Mi'kmaq asserting treaty rights and commercial harvesters" over another little-known but highly lucrative fishery. The prized catch — elvers or baby eels — are harvested from Nova Scotia rivers and then sold to Asian fish farms, which grow them to full size for consumption there. Last year, the fishery was worth $38 million. Although there are just nine DFO commercial licence holders for the entire fishery, the department reported last year that more than 110 Indigenous fishermen — a fivefold increase in one year — had begun catching eels under their Food, Social and Ceremonial licence. Noted a DFO report: "This level of fishing, in addition to the commercial fishery, has become unmanageable and represents a threat to the conservation of the species." Indigenous groups countered that if there are real conservation concerns, commercial licences should be among the first to be cut. Meanwhile, Ottawa, which shut down the fishery in 2020 and arrested more than two dozen unlicensed fishers, says it will do the same again in 2021 if necessary to protect the commercial fishery. We can already guess where that will lead. Nowhere good. Tagged: Bernadette Jordan, DFO, Indigenous fishers, lobster fishery Stephen Kimber Stephen Kimber is an award-winning writer, editor, broadcaster, and educator. A journalist for more than 50 years whose work has appeared in most Canadian newspapers and magazines, he is the author of... More by Stephen Kimber Leo Deveau says: The optics on this issue for all the parties involved does not look good. I believe the bottomline is why can't a 'moderate livelihood' be accomplished by the Sipekne'katik First Nation within the defined rules that everyone works under – meaning in season? If the Sipekne'katik First Nation thinks it can fish any time it wants under the Treaty of 1752, they are sadly mistaken. The only treaties that are existing/constitutional treaties as per the Constitution Act (1982), section 35 are the 1760-61 Treaties – as shown in the seminal R v Donald Marshall, No. 1 (1999) decision of the Supreme Court of Canada. In that case the Court found that the Mi'kmaq had a treaty right to a moderate livelihood fishery. That finding was base on an interpretation of the 1760-61 Treaties' truck house clause (it was not based on any other treaties). On a historical note, the 1752 Treaty was torn up six months later by Chief Jean Baptiste Cope – after he had been signed it on 22 November 1752 with Governor Peregrine Hopson (though it had been initiated by the former Governor Edward Cornwallis). Wietske Gradstein says: Thank you, Stephen Kimber, for bringing this to the surface again. Whether is is an issue or issues, they certainly don't belong in a trap. Harvesting Nature is bad enough as it is. It should, however, never become a competition between harvesters in which one party wins and another party looses and nobody takes the time to see what is done to the lobster population itself. Lobsters are nether Canadian nor Indigenous. Please let the fishers from all sides keep tinkering and communicating, at least out of respect for the lobsters themselves Peter Arnburg says: The feds have totally screwed this up. However the public leans heavily toward Indigenous fishers. Do you feel they should be able to fish or do whatever and whenever they want? No other non-Indigenous Canadian can do as they feel. In addition to being Indigenous, they are also Canadian, right? In answer to your last question, the answer is "No". They are not Canadians, they are Indigenous people who happen to live within the lines white people drew on a map. They are free to be Canadians as well, of course… Blair King says: I think more needs to be done by the government, full stop. But my question is, what happened to the Marshal decision, which clearly states the national government manages the fishery? Ken Summers says: Topdown has definitely not worked. But the time for First Nations to fishing commnunities discussion has passed, at least for a while. The feds have so poisoned the pool- deliberately in my opinion, ta least willfully- that for the First Nations leading this, getting them to talk to fishers is another form of the government both delaying and stirring to pot. So first it has to be nation to nation talks. The feds have created a situation where they will now have to directly lead the healing of damaged relations with fishing communities. Krista Fulton says: You ask if Canada's existing seasons work? As someone who has been involved in the industry for 26 years; the answer is simple: yes. After years of introducing massive conservation rules and regulations such as limiting seasons, limiting traps, manipulating traps almost annually to cater to breeding and egg bearing patterns, increasing carapace size etc. This all contributed to the healthy stocks today. This contributed to market price and overseas market demand. All of which were invested personally by the commercial fisherman. Trust me; the stocks were not always healthy. So maybe the question should be: Where was moderate livlihood when being a fisherman was a major struggle? Where was MLF when we could barely put fuel in our boats, barely pay our loans, had to work two/three jobs just to pay bills for fishing? Why is nobody asking that question? scott adamson says: The federal minister has not put anything in place where the First Nations fishers and the commercial fishers can meet and offer some 'tinkering'. A lot is learned from tinkering- ask any farmer or mechanic or fisherman; keep the federal officials out of it for a while. Have the tinkerers meet until they have a way forward, and then have them present their joint proposal to the federal minister. Top-down has not worked, so let the tinkering begin, and set it up(federal fisheries) so that tinkering is made easy.Virtual meetings make this easier than ever. Pay a facilitator who is top-notch to enable this process to keep going until WORKABLE SOLUTIONS have been arrived at.
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The Free Music Archive has now been up for a little over a year and in that short time we've come a long way. We have lots of big plans for our roadmap including implementing a recomendation engine, enhancing our api, overhauling search, oAuth integration and lots, lots more. • any visual design + flash chops are a plus! If you have any experience developing music sites and working with things like the Echo Nest API and XSPF playlists those are really big pluses. If you are interested please drop a line to jason -at- freemusicarchive dot org and let us know about any projects you've been working on along with relevant urls. If there are any music sites or apps that you like to use on a regular basis please be sure to let us know about those too. It's been almost five years since Warren Ellis, Jim White and Mick Turner have recorded a studio album as the Dirty Three but it looks like they've been keeping busy. Drummer Jim White, who now lives is New York, has been anchoring Cat Power's Dirty Delta Band while sitting in on various gigs around town while violinist Warren Ellis, a member of Nick Cave's Bad Seeds, has spent the past few years scoring several films with Cave including this fall's upcoming screen version of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road". "Ocean Songs" is probably my favorite album by the Dirty Three and All Tomorrow's Parties organizer Barry Hogan most likely feels the same way as the 2009 New York installation of the festival marked the third time that the band has played the album in its entirety as part of ATP's Don't Look Back segment. The album is decidedly less raucous then some of the band's earlier work and the slow, almost dirge like compositions are loosely structured allowing everyone lots of opportunity to stretch out and improvise in a live setting. The album reaches its climax with the epic 16 minute track "Deep Waters" which finds the band exploring a wide dynamic range from quiet finger picking to a rather loud, crashing tumult. Like many of the tunes on the album "Deep Waters" is a bit of a mood piece and the song has a staggering, almost drunken quality that always threatens to fall apart before returning to beautiful, repetitive violin pattern played by Ellis. Joining the band to play the piano parts originally played on the studio album by David Grubbs was Nick Cave, resplendent in a sharp black suit. The tune was one of the grander moments I witnessed in the Starlight Ballroom over the course of the weekend and definitely one the festival's stand out performances. The Necks - "Night One/Set Two" Hass is king of the avocados!
When you're little, you can't wait to become an adult. Then you become an adult and realize "What was I thinking?". Working 40+ hours a week, paying bills, doing laundry, the list goes on. Hence the popularity of the hashtag #adulting. Essentially what "adulting" means is to behave like an adult. I've seen it used by many of my fellow millennials when they buy a house, make a payment on a car, cook a healthy dinner, take out the trash, go to bed before 11pm, or simply need an extra cup of coffee to get through a tough the day (like a Monday or really any day that ends in "y"). None of these things are especially difficult but rather expected of us as we grow up. So why do we use this word? Is it because millennials are doing things (like getting married, buying a home, and starting families) later in life than previous generations? A 2016 Pew Research Center survey found 32.1 percent of adults age 18-34 live at home. Or are we hoping to stay our young and carefree selves as long as possible and this is just the current generation's ways of congratulating themselves for finally growing up? One of the reason I feel it's being used more frequently is not due to a lack of laziness on my generation, rather it's a lack of knowledge. How many people under 40 get takeout because they don't know how to cook? Or can change a flat tire without calling On Star or AAA? Or drive a stick shift? I admit I'm guilty of some of these myself. I was lucky. During my junior high school years, I had a teacher who realized the value of real world experience. She taught us to balance a check book and invest in the stock market. I had child development in high school. While carrying a baby doll around for a week is definitely not the same as being a mother, it gets you thinking about what it's like to care for a newborn. Today, people can come out of college with a bachelor or even master degree and still not know how to properly knot a tie for their job interview. I don't know if there's a solution for the millennial generation. However, I will make sure my son knows as much of these basically life lesson as he can before he's on his own in the real world.
On this episode we talk to listener Marcy who just returned from an eight night cruise aboard Carnival Legend in Alaska. The cruise started in Vancouver and ended in Seattle. Marcy gives a full Carnival Legend review. We talk to the creator of one of the newest cruise app out there, CruiseDeals, an iPhone app that monitors cruise prices drops. You can find price drops reduced as much as 80%. Find the app by searching Criuse Deals in the app store. The post Episode: Carnival Legend Review + Cruise Deals App appeared first on Cruise Radio.
Car Companies Promise to Protect Driver Privacy Automakers issued voluntary principles on how to handle data generated by connected cars. But some are skeptical. By Doug Newcomb November 14, 2014 9:55AM EST As connected consumers, we typically realize the benefit of giving up certain personal data. From swiping a frequent buyer's card at the supermarket to posting pictures of a meal at a restaurant on Facebook, the digital trail we leave behind via our online transactions and interactions equate to big business for companies that gather, parse, and sell big data. This will also be the ultimate payoff from the connected car, which is why automakers want to control the data generated by their vehicles. But they also need to control and protect driver privacy, which is why this week the auto industry made steps towards letting drivers know what data connected cars collect and how the information is used. On Thursday, a group of automakers that includes BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Mitsubishi, and Mazda issued voluntary industry-wide principles on driver privacy. They were developed by two D.C.-based trade groups, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the Association of Global Automakers, with guidance from the Federal Trade Commission, the White House Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, and others. The principles cover data such as a vehicle's location, behind-the-wheel behavior, and even biometric data about a driver's physical characteristics, and will require the car companies that have signed on to receive permission for certain uses of data starting with model year 2017. This includes consent from customers to use personal information for marketing such as geo-targeted ads based on the driver's location and providing insurance companies with individual driving behavior data. Automakers could still collect anonymous driver data, but only to help find a stolen vehicle or for diagnostics, warranty, maintenance, or regulatory compliance purposes. The automakers agreed to disclose to consumers the kinds of data collected and how it is to be used or shared via a vehicle's owner's manuals, on screens inside vehicles, or Internet-based registration sites. The data privacy policies will also be available for consumer to review before buying a car. Will This Really Protect Consumers? Some privacy advocates and policymakers feel that the principles don't go far enough. In a statement, AAA said that it "is encouraged that automakers are taking a first step to address consumer rights with connected car data, but this agreement falls short of providing consumers the right to control their own information." Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, advocated for legislation as opposed to the automakers' voluntary principles. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said in a statement that he plans to "call for clear rules—not voluntary commitments—to ensure the privacy and safety of American drivers is protected." The senator, who last year sent letters to 20 automakers inquiring about consumer privacy protection, added that it's "unclear how auto companies will make their data collection practices transparent beyond including the information in vehicle owner manuals, and the principles do not provide consumers with a choice whether sensitive information is collected in the first place. As vehicles are equipped with 21st-century wireless technology, we need auto companies to make security and privacy as standard as seatbelts and stereos for drivers and their vehicles." Markey Paul Schwartz, a law professor at the University of California who specializes in information privacy, agreed that the new automaker principles are a good starting point. But he also pointed out that even companies with a long history in data analytics are dealing with questions of whether using personal data, even after it's been anonymized, is a breach of privacy. "That's a huge debate going on now in the age of big data," Schwartz told Automotive News. "I don't think [this document] is necessarily where that debate gets resolved, and in a way, it's not reasonable to expect the auto industry to figure out something that we, as a society, still have not figured out." As with other—and often free—tech features ranging from Google Maps to streaming music, the cost of similar conveniences in connected vehicles may ultimately be giving up some personal data. And it may be up to each driver to know the price they're paying for it. After all, few bother to read the privacy fine print when it comes to swiping a frequent buyer's card or posting to Facebook, but are willing to give up this data if they know they'll get some reward in return. Or that they can choose to opt out. Former Apple CEO Sculley's Revenge: A $25 Phone How Tiny Firms Are Disrupting Samsung, Other Tech Giants Doug Newcomb Columnist Doug Newcomb is a recognized expert on the subject of car technology within the auto industry and among the automotive and general media, and a frequent speaker at automotive and consumer electronics industry events. Doug began his career in 1988 at the car stereo trade publication Mobile Electronics, before serving as editor of the leading consume... See Full Bio More From Doug The Best Driver-Assist Cars Autonomous Vehicles Won't Be Speed Demons at First How to Keep Passengers in Self-Driving Cars From Puking It's an Autonomous Car World, You're Just Walking in It You Can't Automate Health Care With an Amazon Echo Human Help Wanted: Why AI Is Terrible at Content Moderation Can Anything Protect Us From Deepfakes? No, 5G Won't Ruin Your Weather Forecasts
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ArticlesAwardsGolden Globes Surprises, Snubs & Takeaways From The 2018 Golden Globe Nominations By Daniel Howat TAKEAWAY – BlacKkKlansman Surges After "BlacKkKlansman" didn't do super well in the critics' groups, the first half of the Golden Globe nominations seemed like they would continue the trend. Spike Lee missed a very important screenplay nomination. During the break in the nominations announcement, some of us speculated that the film might be almost shut out in the bigger categories. It did exactly the opposite. "BlacKkKlansman" scored Best Motion Picture – Drama, Best Actor – Drama (John David Washington), Best Supporting Actor (Adam Driver), and Best Director nominations. Some of these, like Washington, weren't too widely predicted. This overperformance bodes very well for the film, which needed this boost. Driver and Washington are fully in the race. SNUB – Mary Poppins Returns Misses Song This one is a little inexplicable. "Mary Poppins Returns" did pretty well this morning, scoring nominations in Best Motion Picture – Musical/Comedy, Best Actress – Musical/Comedy (Emily Blunt), and Best Original Score, but missed a key nomination in Best Original Song. It's possible that this was due to vote splitting between multiple songs. In its place was a surprise nomination for "Requiem for a Private War" from "A Private War." The song was written by Annie Lennox, a Globes favorite, so perhaps this shouldn't have been too much of a surprise. Rosamund Pike also scored a nomination for Best Actress – Drama as well, giving her a much-needed boost. SNUB – The Favourite Misses Director Yet another surprising director snub belonged to "The Favourite's" Yorgos Lanthiamos. His miss here hurts, especially as he's seen as a lock for an Oscar nomination. Still, this isn't nearly as bad of a miss as Jenkins, as "The Favourite" isn't really seen as a threat to win Picture (or Director for that matter). He should still feel comfortable to receive his first directing nomination as we approach the Oscars. The film itself still did very well elsewhere, scoring nominations for Best Motion Picture – Musical/Comedy, Best Actress – Musical/Comedy (Olivia Colman), Best Supporting Actress (Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz), and Best Screenplay. SURPRISE – Roma Gets Screenplay We've known all season that "Roma" would do very well. It's widely considered a masterpiece and easily one of the best of the year. Still, with not being eligible for Best Motion Picture – Drama, most thought it would miss in Best Screenplay. Instead, the film scored there, a sign that the film should never be underestimated. It's certainly a lock for nominations in Picture, Director, and elsewhere, but Screenplay could be another major play for Alfonso Cuaron. Netflix has a monster contender here. What did you think of the nominations this morning? Did we miss any major snubs or surprises? What were your major takeaways as we approach the Oscars? Let us know in the comments section below. ​You can follow Daniel and hear more of his thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @howatdk The Next Best Picture Podcast – Interview With "Stan & Ollie" Composer, Rolfe Kent "BEN IS BACK" Daniel Howathttps://nextbestpicture.com Movie and awards season obsessed. Hollywood Critics Association Member. The Next Best Picture Podcast – Our Reactions To The 2023 Oscar Nominations
Jess Kaplan, News Editor Domestic: A white supremacist manifesto was sent to students at Syracuse University after a string of racist and anti-Semitic incidents. Students are protesting the administration's inability to address the issues and lack of protection for students of color. They have taken to social media with the hashtag #NotAgainSU to tell stories of how the recent events have affected them. Even New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has criticized the University's mishandling of the situation: "That these actions should happen on the campus of a leading New York university makes this situation even worse." On Tuesday Nov. 19, the two federal guards who were on duty the night of Jeffery Epstein's death were charged with conspiracy and filing false records. The guards were supposed to check on Epstein every half hour. The guards were instead online shopping, watching sports, and sleeping. Both guards have pleaded guilty and were released on bond. Afghanistan's government released three prominent Taliban figures from hostage in exchange for two Western hostages, as well as 10 Afghan soldiers. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has said the release is meant "to facilitate direct peace negotiations." The move may also help the United States restart peace talks, which broke down earlier this year. Adolf Hitler's birth home in Branau, Austria is set to be turned into a police station to prevent it from becoming a center for neo-Nazis. The handling of Hitler's birth home has been a point of contention for more than 70 years. The Austrian government plans to hold an EU-wide architectural competition to redesign the building. The winner of the competition will be announced in early 2020.
The failure of the government's policy to stem drug imports is revealed today by research which shows that Britain is awash with cheap drugs, with a line of cocaine now costing less than a cappuccino. The price of ecstasy, heroin, crack, cocaine and cannabis has tumbled to a record low in the last year, as dealers pumped ever greater quantities onto the market, encouraging hundreds of thousands of people to become regular users. The failure by customs and police to smash trafficking gangs and cut off supplies to the streets is an embarrassment for Tony Blair. He recently announced longer sentences for dealers and stronger powers for the courts, the latest in a string of attempts to control the burgeoning trade. Yet despite such efforts, the price of ecstasy has plummeted by 70 per cent over the last decade to £3.50 a pill, according to figures compiled by the Independent Drugs Monitoring Unit. In certain areas, users - some of whom have become so hardened to the chemicals that they take up to 20 tablets a night - are being offered the drug for just £2. During last year the cost of a rock of crack fell by more than a fifth to £10, its largest annual fall since the drug reached Britain during the Eighties. Rocks, each about the size of a white, waxy pea, are effectively cocaine in smokeable form and typically give users one or two hits. The statistics reveal the changing profile of drug- taking in Britain. Typical of the new breed of users are those who split a gram of cocaine with friends most weekends while experts also warn of clubbers who are increasingly spurning ecstasy in favour of crack. The monitoring unit is the UK's leading authority on the street value of narcotics and their consumption. It surveyed 2,056 people at music festivals and gigs last year, with the results for 2004 collated in recent days. Researchers found there were regional disparities in the cost of drugs. Cocaine, for example, is dearest in East Anglia, at £47 a gram, and cheapest in the north-east, at £39. Increasingly, users are paying under £40. Users can eke out up to 20 lines - each one giving a feeling of self-confidence and alertness for around 20 minutes - from one gram. This equates to about £2.25 a line, cheaper than a cappuccino in many cafes. Addicts, however, often split a gram into just five lines. For example, the price of an eighth of resin, enough to make around 20 joints of the brown-coloured, often low-grade cannabis, fell only marginally last year, yet is almost 50 per cent cheaper than 1995. The price of heroin has fallen considerably, and it is more than a third lower than in the mid-Nineties. However, Atha said that an unusually cheap batch of the opiate last year - selling at just £12 a gram - may have skewed the figure downwards. His report attempted to quantify the number of regular drug users in the UK, those who take illicit substances at least once a month. Cannabis remains most widely used, with almost 600,000 frequent users feeding a market worth £978m. Half of the supply is now grown in the UK. Cocaine remains the second most popular drug. It has 237,000 frequent users, slightly fewer than the number of crack and heroin addicts combined. Ecstasy has just over 76,000 regular users, considerably fewer than suspected. One theory behind ecstasy's rapidly dwindling street value is that dealers have been trying to reinvigorate demand as the drug fades from fashion. However, when the numbers of people who took an illegal substance during 2004 are examined, the totals soar to more than 400,000 for ecstasy, 2.3 million for cannabis and 580,000 for cocaine. Despite the falling costs, the amount spent by UK users remains sizeable. For instance, in an 'average month' a regular cocaine user will spend almost £170 on the drug. Crack and heroin addicts part with more than £440. The unit's report was compiled for this week's BBC2 programme If Drugs Were Legal , which will examine the arguments for legalising and regulating the trade. Factoring in the cost of a regulatory agency to oversee the trade, the Treasury could expect to make up to £6.4 billion by taxing illicit drugs, the programme finds. Players can get 'high' in 'Narc' game.
With thousands of visitors setting feet on Kingsgate floor, the centre is designed to offer an unmatched shopping experience. For latest collections of footwear, jewelry, retail products etc. With over 74 active stores and services, the centre is owned by Terra Firma and was designed by architect Keppie. Anchored by Marks & Spencer and Debenhams, it is located in the town centre of Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland. With cafes and restaurants such as Bagel Nash, Weatherspoon, Greggs, Costa Coffee, and many more, the centre also has the Bardon Retail Group that provides great leisure activities such as coin operated kiddie rides, cinemas and bowling alleys.
In a highly unusual move, Anne Longfield has published an open letter to Simon Stevens, chief executive of NHS England, accusing him of ignoring young people's experiences of the service and the frustrations of their parents. Laying out a list of grievances against him and his team, she also threatens to use the law to compel him to hand over data on waiting times for children's mental health services. Longfield made the decision to go public with her complaints – published on the commissioner's website – after Stevens rubbished many of the claims in her recent report into children's mental health, an issue she identified as her top priority after consulting with children. Longfield had warned that provision for young people was a postcode lottery and said that "children's inability to access mental health support" was leading to a range of extra problems, "from school exclusions to care placements breaking down to children ending up in the youth justice system". It is highly unusual for the holders of two important public offices to be involved in such a public argument, particularly over an issue as sensitive as children's mental health. Longfield, whose role is to promote and defend the rights of children, was appointed to the post by then education secretary Nicky Morgan in 2014. Stevens took his job at the head of NHS England (NHSE) in the same year. Longfield's report made difficult reading for the government at a time when concerns over the health service have reached a critical level. Theresa May identified improving mental health as a key issue but, before the busy winter period, there are concerns the NHS will struggle to cope with demand even for what are considered priority services, such as accident and emergency. Stevens's robust criticisms that the report contained "basic errors" were a powerful retort to Longfield's claims. However, in a move that will ensure mental health provision for young people once again becomes a major political issue, Longfield has hit back, saying the report was published only after consultation with NHS England. Sarah Wollaston, chair of the health select committee, said the row would be discussed when the committee met on Tuesday. "It's very important that there is a constructive relationship between the Office of the Children's Commissioner and NHS England," she said.
What is life like after a bankruptcy? This is a common question and worry for anyone contemplating a bankruptcy filing. However, 1.2 million people filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in 2012 and continued with their lives. While a bankruptcy remains on your record for seven to ten years, it does not mean that you will not be able to access credit or a new mortgage during that time. The following tips are ways to start rebuilding your credit. Before filing for bankruptcy, your credit may have already taken a hit. The bankruptcy filing will reduce it further. You may not want to look at your credit reports because of this. Yet it is very important to request copies from each of the three major credit bureaus. Closely review whether debts included in your bankruptcy are listed correctly on your credit report. Watch for any errors. For example, an account that is not yours or a line of credit you closed that still appears to be open. File a dispute, if you find a mistake. Did a serious hardship, such as a battle with cancer, force you to file for bankruptcy? If so, write to the reporting agencies and explain the circumstances. You should also include steps you have taken to avoid future credit issues. Credit cards may have gotten you into trouble in the past, so this may seem counterintuitive. However, taking out a line of credit will help rebuild your credit score. Many banks offer secured credit cards. These offer a line of credit equal to your deposit with the bank. Be aware that these lines of credit often come with yearly fees. However, a perk available at some banks is that they will pay interest on the amount you deposit. Try to limit the amount of charges to no more than 30 percent of your limit and pay off the balance each month. Payment history makes up approximately a third of your credit score. Paying secured credit card, utility and mortgage bills by their due date can have a positive effect. Obtaining a loan with a co-signor and making timely payments is another way to earn good credit points. Restoring your credit will take some effort, but it is possible. For instance, you may qualify for a home loan sooner than you think. Mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Administration are often available a year after the completion of Chapter 13 payment plan or two years after a Chapter 7. When debts along with interest and fees increase what you owe to the point that you cannot see a way out, contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Options exist that will allow you a fresh start. Life after bankruptcy is also manageable by taking proactive steps to reestablish good credit.
We must pay attention to some of the details when choosing a site for silicon sand production line. Different manufacturers have different experiences on siting of silicon sand production line. Luoyang LZZG, as a sand machine manufacturer will discuss the setting condition of silicon sand production line with you. 1.Suitable transportation conditions: the road transportation should be convenient to connect with the national public route, and the water transportation should facilitate the sharing of the existing wharf or the suitable location of the new wharf. 2.The site of the silicon sand production line should be near the quarry and the site of the application. 3.The site of silicon sand production line should have better engineering geology conditions: the site should avoid the construction of the fault, landslide, and flood water level, and avoid the bad lot or the protected area of cultural relics. 4.To implement the principle of saving land: whether it is on the hillside or in the construction of flat land, silicon sand production line should meet the needs of production, occupy less land as far as possible. 5.Water supply conditions: the site should be as close to the water source as possible while ensuring the water quality and water content meet the needs of production and life. 6.To save the cost of transportation as much as possible and prevent the damage or pollution of waste materials, environment, rivers, livestock and livestock, and residential areas. 7.For breakthrough in sand stone production line, there must have a reliable power supply and try to shorten the transmission lines. All conditions that can be used in power supply, need to use as much as possible, so as not to increase investment and management cost for building power plants. Longzhong is dedicated to making sand machine, sand production line equipment and provides you with high quality circle vibrating screen, dewatering vibrating screen, washing sand machine, sand recycling, sludge treatment equipment, GP tailing vibrating screen and other equipment. Welcome customers to visit our factory and choose suitable sand production equipment!
We address the problem of estimating the directions-of-arrival (DoAs) of multiple signals received in the presence of a combination of a strong compound-Gaussian external noise and weak internal white Gaussian noise. Since the exact distribution of the mixture is not known, we get an insight into optimum procedure via a related model where we consider the texture of the compound-Gaussian component as an unknown and deterministic quantity to be estimated together with DoAs or a basis of the signal subspace. Alternate maximization of the likelihood function is conducted and it is shown that it operates a separation between the snapshots with small/large texture values with respect to the additive noise power. The modified Cramér-Rao bound is derived and a prediction of the actual mean-square error is presented, based on separation between external/internal-noise dominated samples. Numerical simulations indicate that the suggested iterative DoA estimation technique comes close to the introduced bound and outperform a number of existing routines.
The House Intelligence Committee is shutting down its investigation into alleged Russian meddling, saying it found no evidence of collusion. On Monday, Congressman Mike Conaway said the committee found evidence of bad judgment, but no evidence of collusion. President Trump took to Twitter shortly after the announcement, celebrating the end of the 14-month long investigation. The committee says it will not interview any more witnesses, and is in the process of drafting its final report. The report will contradict allegations made by the intelligence community that Russian President Vladimir Putin showed a preference for then-candidate Donald Trump. The development in the investigation indicates the polarizing probe may be nearing its end. A draft of the roughly 150-page report will be delivered to committee Democrats for review Tuesday.
The Cool Globes exhibit is designed to inspire individuals and organizations to take action against global warming. Cool Globes commissioned Artists from around the world to paint on sculpted fiberglass globes, with each globe suggesting steps that can be taken to combat global warming. Prompted by former Vice President Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Senators Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Barack Obama commissioned Peter Mars to create a globe to promote the "Climate Stewardship Act," a bill widely hailed as the most successful bipartisan effort to combat global warming to date. Peter was also commissioned to paint several other globes that have appeared in exhibitions in Chicago, San Francisco and Washington D.C.
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Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Kustomer (View all jobs) About Kustomer Kustomer is THE omnichannel SaaS platform reimagining customer service through standout experiences with the most modern technology CRM has to offer. We exist not to resolve tickets but to help customers have phenomenal experiences. Kustomer built it's platform with intelligent automation, and a unified support experience that enables companies to deliver effortless, consistent and personalized service to each and every customer. Our Krew is made up of passionate and collaborative people who really care about what they do and the people they help. We look for people who are passionate about enhancing the customer service experience for everyone involved, as it's the core of what we do. We're in the midst of explosive growth, and have no plans of slowing down. We welcome individuals who want to learn and be challenged every day. Some fun facts about us, Kustomer is the core platform of some of the incredible customer service brands like Ring, Sweetgreen, Rent the Runway, Glossier, Away, Glovo, and UNTUCKit. We were founded in 2015 and are based out of NYC. The serial entrepreneurs who founded this business, Brad Birnbaum and Jeremy Suriel, led Kustomer to raise over $173.5M in venture funding, with some of the most amazing VCs behind us including: Tiger Global Management, Battery Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, Cisco Investments, Canaan Partners, Boldstart Ventures and Social Leverage. It gets even more amazing - Kustomer is thrilled to announce we have signed a deal to be acquired by Meta. We are currently operating independently until closing. This is an incredible opportunity to join our fast-growing team and be a part of this once in a lifetime experience. Check out this article for more details on this amazing adventure! Does the phrase "securing the provisioning of highly available, highly scalable, automated, cloud-based production environments" roll off your tongue? Have you previously worked on any large scale web applications? You might just be the engineer we're looking to join our team. You'll be the bedrock of our engineering experience, pushing our team to perform efficiently with the best tools available. The ideal candidate in our eyes will have a blend of DevOps and Backend experience, being heavier on the DevOps end with some experience in building and designing web applications at scale. This role sits on our Cloud/Velocity team - this team focuses on issues that affect internal and external confidence in our application and brand (Trust) as well as issues that affect the speed of development as it relates to the whole engineering team (Velocity). We take ownership of anything that involves performance, scalability, reliability, observability, availability, and security. Lastly, this team also handles trust reviews prior to the start of any project to ensure that features are built in a way that optimizes for the previously listed areas of concern. You'll be responsible for: Automating the deployment of testing, staging, and production environments Improving the efficiency of development testing Measuring and reporting on scalability, performance, and availability Monitoring and responding to staging and production system alerts Working closely with the other developers and test engineers to collaborate on team initiatives Experience in creating/managing robust access roles and policies, implementing security observability tools and automations and optimizing for performance and cost, managing secrets and automated key rotations Increasing the resiliency of the infrastructure Identify areas for automations around patching of vulnerabilities Managing tools to mitigate DDoS attacks Working closely with the Security team to optimize infrastructure in order to satisfy compliance requirements Your qualities: You live and breathe automation, performance, and optimization You have experience with AWS and Docker You have experience with application architecture design and development You have a working knowledge of writing code and scripts in multiple languages You have knowledge of best practices, operating a highly available and secure service You have built and managed features in a large scale application 4+ years experience managing and monitoring a highly available distributed application Strong AWS experience managing infrastructure in a secure, highly available, automated fashion (VPC, ELB, Auto Scaling) Docker and container management experience Knowledge of building and managing CI/CD pipelines A working understanding of a high-level programming language like Go, Python, JavaScript, etc. Strong background in Linux/Unix administration Experience with Terraform Kustomer offers an array of benefits including competitive salaries, stock options, 100% healthcare coverage, 401K, commuter benefits, and a generous vacation policy. Diversity & Inclusion at Kustomer Kustomer is committed to bringing together individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives. We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive, feel a sense of belonging, and do great work together. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer open to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or expression, Veteran status, or any other legally protected status. How did you hear about this job? Privacy / Data Consent * By submitting your application, you agree that Kustomer may collect your personal data for recruiting and related purposes. Additionally, we may periodically email you information regarding recruiting and culture events hosted by Kustomer, which you can unsubscribe to at any time. Kustomer's Candidate Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy explains our commitment regarding your privacy, including what personal information Kustomer may process and share and the rights you can exercise over Kustomer's use of your personal information. Please selectAcknowledge/Confirm Voluntary Self-Identification For government reporting purposes, we ask candidates to respond to the below self-identification survey. Completion of the form is entirely voluntary. Whatever your decision, it will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter. Any information that you do provide will be recorded and maintained in a confidential file. As set forth in Kustomer's Equal Employment Opportunity policy, we do not discriminate on the basis of any protected group status under any applicable law. Gender Please selectMale Female Decline To Self Identify Are you Hispanic/Latino? Please selectYes No Decline To Self Identify Please identify your race Please selectAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Two or More Races Decline To Self Identify Race & Ethnicity Definitions If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed below, please indicate by making the appropriate selection. As a government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), we request this information in order to measure the effectiveness of the outreach and positive recruitment efforts we undertake pursuant to VEVRAA. Classification of protected categories is as follows: A "disabled veteran" is one of the following: a veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. A "recently separated veteran" means any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval, or air service. An "active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran" means a veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized under the laws administered by the Department of Defense. An "Armed forces service medal veteran" means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985. Veteran Status Please selectI am not a protected veteran I identify as one or more of the classifications of a protected veteran I don't wish to answer Form CC-305 OMB Control Number 1250-0005 Expires 05/31/2023 Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability Why are you being asked to complete this form? We are a federal contractor or subcontractor required by law to provide equal employment opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. We are also required to measure our progress toward having at least 7% of our workforce be individuals with disabilities. To do this, we must ask applicants and employees if they have a disability or have ever had a disability. Because a person may become disabled at any time, we ask all of our employees to update their information at least every five years. Identifying yourself as an individual with a disability is voluntary, and we hope that you will choose to do so. Your answer will be maintained confidentially and not be seen by selecting officials or anyone else involved in making personnel decisions. Completing the form will not negatively impact you in any way, regardless of whether you have self-identified in the past. For more information about this form or the equal employment obligations of federal contractors under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) website at www.dol.gov/ofccp. How do you know if you have a disability? You are considered to have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment or medical condition that substantially limits a major life activity, or if you have a history or record of such an impairment or medical condition. Disabilities include, but are not limited to: Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or HIV/AIDS Cardiovascular or heart disease Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, or irritable bowel syndrome Missing limbs or partially missing limbs Nervous system condition for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson's disease, or Multiple sclerosis (MS) Psychiatric condition, for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or major depression Disability Status Please selectYes, I have a disability, or have a history/record of having a disability No, I don't have a disability, or a history/record of having a disability I don't wish to answer 1Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For more information about this form or the equal employment obligations of Federal contractors, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) website at www.dol.gov/ofccp. PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete.
(-) Department of Health & Human Services OIG (65) (-) General Services Administration OIG (5) Department of Health & Human Services (14) General Services Administration (3) Data Transparency and Completeness (1) Protecting the Health and Safety of the Public (17) General Services Administration OIG PBS Did Not Always Follow CDC and Internal Guidance to Limit the Risk of COVID-19 Exposure Full Details: Oversight.gov Report Page for PBS Did Not Always Follow CDC and Internal Guidance to Limit the Risk of COVID-19 Exposure Issue timely notification of all COVID-19 incidents in GSA-controlled facilities to all occupant agencies, contractors, and visitors. In addition, take steps to maximize awareness of COVID-19 incidents in GSA-controlled facilities. Ensure that tenant agencies are aware of the requirement to immediately notify PBS of COVID-19 incidents. Ensure that Scope 3 – COVID-19 Cleaning is followed whenever a COVID-19 incident occurs in a GSA-controlled facility. Ensure inspection procedures and guidance are clear, concise, and include appropriate processes to conduct and document inspections for Scope 3 – COVID-19 Cleaning. Also, ensure that inspection requirements are communicated to staff. Implement quality assurance procedures that ensure PBS's consistent oversight of the delivery of safe, efficient, and effective custodial services. Department of Health & Human Services OIG States' Backlogs of Standard Surveys of Nursing Homes Grew Substantially During the COVID-19 Pandemic States' backlogs of standard nursing home surveys have grown substantially, even after August 2020 when CMS lifted its suspension of those surveys (which it had suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Nationally, 71 percent of nursing homes had gone at least 16 months without a standard survey as of May 31, 2021. The rising backlogs add urgency to our existing recommendation that CMS clarify expectations and provide guidance to States on completing these important surveys. Full Details: Oversight.gov Report Page for States' Backlogs of Standard Surveys of Nursing Homes Grew Substantially During the COVID-19 Pandemic CMS's Controls Related to Hospital Preparedness for an Emerging Infectious Disease Were Well-Designed and Implemented but Its Authority Is Not Sufficient for It To Ensure Preparedness at Accredited Hospitals Assess whether the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) designed and implemented effective internal controls related to hospital preparedness for emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Full Details: Oversight.gov Report Page for CMS's Controls Related to Hospital Preparedness for an Emerging Infectious Disease Were Well-Designed and Implemented but Its Authority Is Not Sufficient for It To Ensure Preparedness at Accredited Hospitals COVID-19 Had a Devastating Impact on Medicare Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes During 2020 Determine how many Medicare beneficiaries in nursing homes were affected by COVID-19 in 2020. Understand beneficiaries' characteristics that are associated with greater risk of contracting the virus. Full Details: Oversight.gov Report Page for COVID-19 Had a Devastating Impact on Medicare Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes During 2020 Use of States' Immunization Information Systems To Monitor COVID-19 Vaccinations Immunization Information Systems (IISs) play an integral role in monitoring vaccine uptake in the population and meeting vaccination goals. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other stakeholders have long invested significant efforts to establish plans and standards to guide improvements in IISs, State, and local jurisdictions have often struggled to make these improvements. CDC's work to collect and share data on COVID-19 vaccinations relies heavily on State and local IISs working with Federal systems, but the preexisting limitations of these systems pose challenges for CDC's goal of comprehensive immunization data being made available for clinical and public health uses. This study will examine State and Federal experiences using these systems to collect, share, and monitor data on COVID-19 vaccinations, and identify lessons learned that can improve vaccination data and monitoring for future mass vaccination campaigns as well as routine vaccination programs. Audit of Health Resources and Services Administration's COVID-19 Supplemental Grant Funding for Health Centers The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded nearly $2 billion in supplemental grant funding to 1,387 health centers nationwide in fiscal year (FY) 2020 to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The funding was intended to support the health centers' activities related to the detection, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19, including maintaining or increasing health center capacity and staffing levels during the pandemic, and expanding COVID-19 testing. The performance period for each of these one-time supplemental grant awards, which HRSA began awarding in March 2020, is 12 months. Health centers were permitted to charge to their awards pre-award costs in order to support expenses related to the COVID-19 public health emergency dating back to January 20, 2020. We will determine whether health centers used their HRSA COVID-19 supplemental grant funding in accordance with Federal requirements and grant terms. Audit of GSA's Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019: Assessment of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems in GSA-Controlled Facilities Our audit objective is to determine whether GSA has implemented CDC recommendations and GSA policy to limit the airborne transmission of COVID-19 in GSA-controlled facilities by improving central air filtration in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Hospital Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hospital Pulse Surveys II Full Details: Oversight.gov Report Page for Hospital Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hospital Pulse Surveys II Audit of Indian Health Service's COVID-19 Vaccine Policies and Procedures for COVID-19 Vaccines Distributed to Tribal Health Programs The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations nationwide. We will focus on IHS's coordination of the distribution, allocation, and administration of the vaccine to Tribal Health Programs. The objective of this audit is to determine whether IHS followed the Memorandum of Agreement for the CDC COVID-19 Federal Agency Vaccination Program and the IHS COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Plan to coordinate the distribution, allocation, and administration of the vaccines to Tribal Health Programs to protect AI/AN beneficiaries. Yearend Review of Opioid Use in Medicare Part D in 2020 Identifying patients who are at-risk of overdose or abuse is key to addressing this crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this need even more pressing. The National Institutes of Health recently warned that individuals with opioiduse disorder could be particularly hard hit by COVID-19, which is a respiratory virus that attacks the lungs. Respiratory disease is known to increase mortality risks among people taking opioids. This data brief would provide information on opioid utilization among beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part D in 2020.
Q: Vis.js network node customization: cards as nodes I would like to build a network where the nodes represent information that is structured similarly to cards. With a card I mean a structure composed of two areas: * *multi-line text area where I can put information that comes from different resources, like a name, a phone number, an address and *control area where I can have 2-3 buttons (preferably with icons) that maximize the node, or make the node a root/main one etc. As far as I could see from the vis.js documentation see example here, it is possible to enter paragraph/text as a node label but there is no way to structure a node via Html. Can I reach this by using vis.js/Network or should I go for another library? A: Unfortunately, no. As of Jan 2018, node labels don't support html in general (they are a part of canvas so it's not easy to incorporate arbitrary html pieces into it). There's only a limited markup (both html-emulating and markdown) which allows several font sizes/colors/families in the same label (up to 4, afaik, = plain and inside <b>, <i> and <code> "tags") + you may use an image as the node's shape (shape: 'icon' or 'image' or 'circularImage'). Here you may find an example of usage of the multifont approach: they define var options = { nodes: { font: { multi: true, bold: { mod: '', color: '#ff0000' } } } } in options and such label for a node: label: '<b>3306</b>\n3307\n3308' Considering the particular "cards case" (desribed in comments) You can create a multi-line textarea indeed, but creating buttons is only possible in a hacky way. You can try the following workaround: * *add buttons as new network nodes hovering above the card itself with custom click handlers; *if you need to move such cards as a whole via drag&drop, you have also to select all "button nodes" corresponding to the card when the card gets selected and make selection of those buttons indistinguishable from the non-selected state. This may have some side-effects/involve an amount of additional coding, but at least will work like you have described. PS: html inside SVG technique In this question the author uses an interesting technique of injecting html into a vis.js graph using SVGs. I'm not aware of limits of that technique (aside that only non-interactive html can be inserted) so may be it deserves a try.
Centromere protein M also known as proliferation associated nuclear element 1 (PANE1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CENPM gene. An alternative transcript of the CENPM gene encodes a leukocyte antigen that is selectively expressed in B-lymphoid cells. Centromere protein M is involved in centromere assembly and immune response. References Further reading External links
IP Review Form RFP Information Form Latest Liquidax News, Events & Information Liquidax is proud to work with our partners and friends, wheter investing portfolio assets into public equities, representing portfolios in transactions, or performing valuations and assessments for funds and firms. Learn more below. The Role of IP Licensing in 5G Deployment With 5G deployment on the horizon, there's a lot of talk about the role of intellectual property (IP) in making sure the rollout is successful. After all, 5G technology is built on a foundation of hundreds of thousands of patents held by companies around the world. But what does that mean for IP licensing? Here's a look at the role of IP in 5G deployment, and how businesses can make sure they're prepared. Upfront IP Licensing as a Way to Reduce Supply Chain Disruptions In today's business climate, it's more important than ever to have a plan for reducing supply chain disruptions. One way to do this is through upfront IP licensing. By licensing your IP early on in the development process, you can avoid potential problems down the road and keep your product moving forward. Here's a closer look at how this strategy can work for you. How Many Types of Intellectual Property Exist? Did you know there are different types of intellectual property? This may come as a surprise to some, but there are four main types of IP. These include trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. Each type of IP has its unique characteristics and functions. Microsoft Makes a Huge Announcement that Can Power Digital Transformation in Connected Cars Are you ready to get behind the wheel of the future? Microsoft has just announced its new IP licensing program that will help power the digital transformation in connected cars. This is huge news for both car manufacturers and tech companies who are looking to get ahead in the race to create autonomous vehicles. Need to Request or Submit Information? About Liquidax An IP Asset Investment, Advisory, & Management firm focused on providing services and support to professional firms, funds, and private equity worldwide. [email protected] Request Liquidax services | Submit RFP for review Want to submit intellectual property, patents & tech for review? Contact us today?
De Toxicofera (Grieks voor 'zij die toxines dragen') zijn een voorgestelde clade van schubreptielen (squamaten) die de Serpentes (slangen), Anguimorpha (hazelwormen, gilamonsters en alligatorhagedissen) en Iguania (leguanen, agamen en kameleons) omvat. Toxicofera bevat ongeveer vierduizendzeshonderd soorten (bijna zestig procent) van de bestaande Squamata. Het omvat alle giftige reptielensoorten, evenals talrijke verwante niet-giftige soorten. Er is weinig morfologisch bewijs om deze groepering te ondersteunen, maar zij is gevonden door alle moleculaire analyses vanaf 2012. Bij de benoeming in 2005 werd geen exacte definitie gegeven. Vergif Vergif in squamaten wordt historisch gezien als een zeldzaamheid beschouwd; hoewel het al sinds de oudheid bekend is bij Serpentes, was het werkelijke percentage slangensoorten die als giftig werden beschouwd relatief klein (ongeveer vijfentwintig procent). Van de ongeveer tweeduizendzeshonderdvijftig soorten geavanceerde slangen (Caenophidia), werden alleen de soorten met voortanden (~ zeshonderdvijftig) als giftig beschouwd volgens de antropocentrische definitie, dus of ze gevaarlijk zijn voor de mens. Na de classificatie van Helodermatidae in de negentiende eeuw, werd gedacht dat hun gif zich onafhankelijk had ontwikkeld. Bij slangen bevindt de gifklier zich in de bovenkaak, maar bij helodermatiden bevindt deze zich in de onderkaak. De oorsprong van gif bij squamaten werd dus in evolutionaire termen als relatief recent beschouwd en het resultaat van convergente evolutie onder de blijkbaar polyfyletische giftige slangenfamilies. In 2003 werd een studie gepubliceerd die gif beschreef in subfamilies van slangen waarvan eerder werd gedacht dat ze het niet hadden. Verdere studie beweerde dat bijna alle 'niet-giftige' slangen tot op zekere hoogte gif produceren, wat wijst op een enkele, en dus veel oudere oorsprong voor gif in Serpentes dan tot dan toe werd overwogen. Als een praktische kwestie waarschuwde Fry: "Van sommige niet-giftige slangen werd eerder gedacht dat ze slechts licht 'giftig speeksel' hadden. Maar deze resultaten suggereren dat ze echt gif bezitten. We hebben zelfs uit een rattenslang [Coelognathus radiatus, voorheen bekend als Elaphe radiata], een slang die veel voorkomt in dierenwinkels, een typisch cobra-achtig neurotoxine geïsoleerd, een die even krachtig is als vergelijkbare toxines die worden aangetroffen in naaste verwanten van de cobra. Deze slangen hebben meestal kleinere hoeveelheden gif en hebben geen hoektanden, maar ze kunnen hun gif nog steeds afgeven via hun talrijke scherpe tanden. Maar niet al deze slangen zijn gevaarlijk. Het betekent echter wel dat we het relatieve gevaar van niet-giftige slangen opnieuw moeten beoordelen". Dit leidde tot verder onderzoek en tot de ontdekking van gif (en gifgenen) in soorten van groepen waarvan voorheen niet bekend was dat ze het produceerden, bijvoorbeeld in de Iguania (in het bijzonder Pogona barbata van de familie Agamidae) en Varanidae (zoals Varanus varius). Er wordt gedacht dat dit het resultaat was van afstamming van een gemeenschappelijke gifproducerende squamate voorouder; de hypothese werd eenvoudig omschreven als de 'gif clade' toen het voor het eerst werd voorgesteld aan de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap. De "gifclade" omvatte Anguidae om fylogenetische redenen en nam een eerder voorgestelde cladenaam Toxicofera aan. Er werd geschat dat de gemeenschappelijke voorouderlijke soort die voor het eerst gif ontwikkelde in de gifclade in de orde van tweehonderd miljoen jaar geleden leefde. Men denkt dat het gif is geëvolueerd nadat genen die normaal in verschillende delen van het lichaam actief zijn, zijn gedupliceerd en de kopieën een nieuw gebruik hebben gevonden in de speekselklieren. Onder slangenfamilies die traditioneel als giftig werden geclassificeerd, lijkt het vermogen meer dan eens tot het uiterste te zijn geëvolueerd door parallelle evolutie; 'niet-giftige' slangenlijnen hebben ofwel het vermogen verloren om gif te produceren (maar kunnen nog steeds slapende gifpseudogenen hebben) of produceren zelfs gif in kleine hoeveelheden (bijvoorbeeld 'toxisch speeksel'), waarschijnlijk voldoende om te helpen bij het vangen van kleine prooien, maar normaal gesproken geen schade toebrengen aan mensen als ze worden gebeten. De nieuw ontdekte diversiteit aan squamaatsoorten die gif produceren, is een schatkamer voor diegenen die nieuwe farmaceutische medicijnen willen ontwikkelen; veel van deze gifstoffen verlagen bijvoorbeeld de bloeddruk. Eerder bekende giftige squamaten hebben al de basis gelegd voor medicijnen als Ancrod, Captopril, Eptifibatide, Exenatide en Tirofiban. 's Werelds grootste giftige hagedis en de grootste soort giftig landdier is de Komodovaraan. Cladistiek Toxicofera combineert de volgende groepen uit de traditionele classificatie: Suborde Serpentes Suborde Iguania Infraorde Anguimorpha Familie Varanidae Familie Anguidae Familie Helodermatidae Familie Shinisauridae Familie Xenosauridae De relatie tussen deze bestaande groepen en een paar uitgestorven taxa wordt getoond in het volgende cladogram, dat is gebaseerd op Reeder et alii (2015). Reptielen
We are a Surrey based gardening company that services Purley, Kenley, Sanderstead, Coulsdon, Banstead, Caterham, Chipstead, Kingswood, Oxted, Selsdon, Sanderstead, South Croydon, Sutton, Wallington, Warlingham, Woldingham and the surrounding areas within Surrey & Kent. We are fully insured and can visit your home to complete garden clearance, general maintenance, regular grass cutting, hedge cutting fence repairs and a variety of jet washing services. We use specialist equipment for driveway cleaning and high pressure washing of any hard surfaces - including walls, paths and patio cleaning.​ The machinary that we use is so effective that we very rarely have to use chemicals. We can get your garden looking great!
Using new technology, researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently sequenced the flu virus genome for the first time. The flu is a common infectious disease caused by a virus. New strains spread seasonally, causing millions of infections and up to half a million deaths each year, particularly among the very young and the very old. Some strains are more severe than others, and three major outbreaks in the 20th century caused the deaths of over fifty million people. As a result, each year there is a rush to produce a flu vaccine that can protect vulnerable individuals. However, creating an appropriate vaccine and finding a treatment or even a cure has long been hampered by our lack of knowledge of the flu virus' genome. This year, researchers led by John Barnes at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have managed to sequence the genome of the flu virus. Unlike animal cells, viruses typically store their genetic code as RNA rather than DNA. This was recently reported in Nature. Unlike DNA, RNA is a single-stranded molecule, which means many of the methods that we use to sequence DNA, which rely on copying both strands in order to increase the number of molecules, are not useful for RNA sequencing. Researchers typically have to take a more complicated, less accurate route to sequence RNA. The CDC researchers instead have used nanopores to sequence the flu virus RNA. This technology relies on passing RNA molecules through a very thin pore and measuring electrical fluctuations as the molecule passes through. Barnes and his team hope that, in the future, nanopore sequencing of other viruses with RNA genomes becomes routine, and that scientists will be able to use nanopore technology to identify modifications to RNA that alter its function. This kind of information will allow researchers to understand how viruses can change so quickly, and how they can affect people in such different ways. For now, finally sequencing the flu virus will open up many avenues of research, leading to better vaccines and treatments for the flu. Previous articleIs vitamin D3 beneficial in treating malnutrition?
Catalina arrived in the Washington DC Area as a toddler from Bogota, Colombia. She enlisted in the United States Marine Corps just out of high school. She was assigned to the 4th Civil Affairs Group where she served with several members of Take Point Now. She'll always remember an early meeting with Major Ewing who gave a young Lance Corporal a tremendous compliment in saying that he recognized her hard work and that if he had his way she'd be promoted to Staff Sergeant. In the USMC she worked as an Administrative Specialist which consisted of maintaining service records and travel claims. Currently she works in the Pentagon at Headquarters Marine Corps as a Manpower Analyst. She is pursuing a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Management at George Mason University with an anticipated graduation date of May 2016. She loves the opportunity to support and inspire veterans with the Take Point Now team. She also enjoys getting into the water as it is a life long love of hers. She loves being at the beach, in the water, on jet skis, and enjoying every moment of the sunlight, the sun, and the excitement. Even as a baby, Catalina was affectionately called "Catalina del Mar" (Catalina of the Sea) because she loved being at the beach so much.
Obama Talks Human Rights to Chinese President as US is Accused of Proxy Detention Crossposted from Huffington Post This post has been updated. While President Obama was pressing Chinese President Hu Jintao on his country's human rights record on Wednesday, a 19-year-old American citizen from Virginia was stuck in a Kuwaiti prison, where he claims he was tortured, because the United States refused to let him return home. Gulet Mohamed, a Somali-American abducted in Kuwait in December, says he was severely beaten and tortured, then questioned aggressively by American FBI agents. After Kuwaiti officials finally agreed to let him go home to the United States, he was blocked at the airport because he's on a U.S. government No Fly list. On Tuesday, Mohamed's lawyers from the Council on American Islamic Relations filed a lawsuit in federal court, claiming that the United States' placement of Mohamed on a No-Fly list is keeping him stuck in a Kuwaiti prison, where he "has been subject to torture, beatings, and threats to his life and the lives of his family." Called into a Virginia federal court Tuesday afternoon, Justice Department lawyers promised a disapproving judge that Mohamed would soon be heading home. Even if he's returned to Virginia, though, that won't answer the larger question his detention and mistreatment in Kuwait raises: has the United States adopted a new policy of "proxy detention" of U.S. citizens by countries that engage in torture? As I've explained in previous posts, Mohamed was reportedly placed on the No Fly list and detained for questioning in Kuwait because he visited Yemen in 2009. A Somali-American Muslim raised in Virginia, he says he went to Yemen to study Arabic, left there due to the political instability and was continuing his studies while living with an uncle in Kuwait. According to the legal complaint filed yesterday, when Mohamed went to the airport in Kuwait to renew his visitor's visa in December, he was abducted by two unknown men in civilian clothes and driven to an undisclosed location. There, he was beaten and interrogated under torture. In addition to the beatings, he claims, "the interrogators threatened to run currents of electricity through Mr. Mohamed's genitals." This went on for more than a week. He was eventually transferred to a Kuwaiti detention center, where he remains today. Mohamed and his lawyers believe that the U.S. was behind his arrest for several reasons. First, he claims the Kuwaiti interrogators "asked him detailed questions about his American siblings, referenced non-public facts regarding his family, and even had information about specific encounters Mr. Mohamed had in Virginia." The questioning was focused not on his actions in Kuwait but on Anwar Al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen and radical Muslim cleric who the United States has targeted for assassination. Kuwaiti officials have allegedly told Mohamed that he is being detained at the behest of the United States. Perhaps most significantly, he has been interrogated at least twice in the Kuwaiti prison by American FBI agents, who told him that he could return home only if he cooperated with them. At one point, the agents were shouting at him so aggressively in questioning him about Al-Awlaki that Kuwait guards intervened to end the interrogation. According to his lawsuit, Mohamed managed to borrow a cell phone from another prisoner and called his family, who retained a lawyer for him. Although Mohamed repeatedly told the FBI agents that he did not want to answer their questions without his lawyer, he says they persisted for hours with aggressive questioning. Mohamed's lawyer claims that Kuwaiti officials were willing to release Mohamed to the United States, but that when he arrived at the airport he was not allowed to board the United Airlines flight because of the No Fly restriction. Within hours of the complaint's filing in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. District Court Judge Anthony Trenga had ordered that the government appear in court that day to respond to the allegations. At the hearing that afternoon, Trenga reportedly said that the United States refusal to allow Mohamed to return to the United States appears to be "a clear violation of his rights." He scheduled a followup hearing for Thursday to check on the status of the Justice Department's claim that Mohamed would soon be allowed to return to the United States. Mohamed's return to Virginia would perhaps end his nightmarish ordeal. But it also could allow the Justice Department to avoid having to answer the broader question of whether it was behind Mohamed's arrest in Kuwait in the first place, and if so, what legal authority it had to order such detentions by allies abroad. It will also allow the government to skirt the broader question of whether "proxy detention" has become the Obama Administration's version of "extraordinary rendition," which the Bush Administration used to allow interrogators abroad to question individuals suspected of terrorist ties, unconstrained by the prohibition on torture and other mistreatment imposed by U.S. law. As I've noted before, Mohamed's is one of several cases of U.S. citizens who've traveled to Yemen, been detained and questioned abroad and then not allowed to return to the U.S. because they were placed on a No Fly list. At least one other of these men claims he was tortured in prison. None of them has been charged with terrorism. Update, January 21: Two days after filing his lawsuit, Gulet Mohamed was allowed to return to the United States early on Friday morning. The Washington Post reports that the 19-year-old was reunited with his family at Dulles International Airport. His lawyers said they were denied access to him at first because he was being questioned by the FBI, but they were later told that Mohamed was only being processed by Customs Agents. Mohamed told reporters at the airport that while imprisoned in Kuwait, he "was told by FBI agent I could have been in hole for 6 months, [and] nobody would know." Because the Department of Justice was able to remove Mohamed from the No Fly list long enough for him to return home, his lawsuit, which challenged his alleged proxy detention by the United States in Kuwait, will likely be dismissed as moot.
Q: Não consigo subir aquivo para o servidor Estou tentando subir um arquivo para o servidor (PDF) e o mesmo não sobe. Ná pagina que é para enviar o arquivo, quando clico em enviar não acontece nada. Código da página onde é enviado o arquivo: <?php require_once("elementos.php"); ?> <div class="alinha"> <h3>Licitações</h3> <form action="cadastralicitacao.php" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Objeto</label> <textarea class="form-control" name="objeto" rows="4"></textarea> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="exampleInputPassword1">Modalidade</label> <select class="form-control" name="modalidade"> <option value="Pregão">Pregão</option> <option value="Concorrência">Concorrência</option> <option value="Carta convite">Carta convite</option> <option value="Tomada de preços">Tomada de preço</option> <option value="Leilão">Leilão</option> <option value="Chamamento">Chamamento</option> <option value="Dispensa">Dispensa</option> <option value="Inexigibilidade">Inexigibilidade</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="exampleInputFile">Status do processo</label> <select class="form-control" name="status"> <option value="Em andamento">Em andamento</option> <option value="Encerrado">Encerrado</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Número do processo</label> <input type="text" name="numprocesso" class="form-control" placeholder="Forneça o número do processo"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Data de abertura</label> <input type="date" class="form-control" name="dataabertura" placeholder="Forneça o número do processo"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <form method="post" action="recebe_upload.php" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input type="hidden" name="enviou" value="1"> <label>Arquivo</label> <input type="file" name="arquivo" /> </form> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Enviar</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?php require_once("rodape.php"); Código em PHP: <?php require_once "funcoes.php"; $msg = false; if( isset($_POST['enviou']) && $_POST['enviou'] == 1 ){ // arquivo $arquivo = $_FILES['arquivo']; // Tamanho máximo do arquivo (em Bytes) $tamanhoPermitido = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // 2Mb //Define o diretorio para onde enviaremos o arquivo $diretorio = "uploads/"; // verifica se arquivo foi enviado e sem erros if( $arquivo['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ){ // pego a extensão do arquivo $extensao = extensao($arquivo['name']); // valida a extensão if( in_array( $extensao, array("pdf") ) ){ // verifica tamanho do arquivo if ( $arquivo['size'] > $tamanhoPermitido ){ $msg = "<strong>Aviso!</strong> O arquivo enviado é muito grande, envie arquivos de até ".$tamanhoPermitido/MB." MB."; $class = "alert-warning"; }else{ // atribui novo nome ao arquivo $novo_nome = md5(time()).".".$extensao; // faz o upload $enviou = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'], $diretorio.$novo_nome); if($enviou){ $msg = "<strong>Sucesso!</strong> Arquivo enviado corretamente."; $class = "alert-success"; }else{ $msg = "<strong>Erro!</strong> Falha ao enviar o arquivo."; $class = "alert-danger"; } } }else{ $msg = "<strong>Erro!</strong> Somente arquivos PDF são permitidos."; $class = "alert-danger"; } }else{ $msg = "<strong>Atenção!</strong> Você deve enviar um arquivo."; $class = "alert-info"; } } ?> A: O problema é que FORM não pode ir dentro FORM: <!-- form fora ---> <form action="cadastralicitacao.php" method="post"> ... <div class="form-group"> <!-- form dentro ---> <form method="post" action="recebe_upload.php" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input type="hidden" name="enviou" value="1"> <label>Arquivo</label> <input type="file" name="arquivo" /> </form> <!-- form dentro ---> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Enviar</button> </form> <!-- form fora ---> </div> Ou seja se fizer isso: <form> <form> </form> </form> Não vai funcionar, mas se fizer isso vai: <form> </form> <form> </form> Tire o form de dentro do outro e mais um detalhe, o form de upload não pode usar "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ele deve usar enctype="multipart/form-data"
Author: vancouversun.com NY Times details rocky relationship with WikiLeaks WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange resembles a character from a detective novel and is "elusive, manipulative and volatile," the executive editor of The New York Times says in an upcoming book. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange resembles a character from a detective novel and is "elusive, manipulative and... julian assange, media
Migration Classes ================= Migration classes must extend ``Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration`` and at a minimum they must implement the ``up`` and ``down`` methods. You can easily generate a blank migration to modify with the following command: .. code-block:: sh $ ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations generate Generated new migration class to "/data/doctrine/migrations-docs-example/lib/MyProject/Migrations/Version20180601193057.php" To run just this migration for testing purposes, you can use migrations:execute --up 'MyProject\Migrations\Version20180601193057' To revert the migration you can use migrations:execute --down 'MyProject\Migrations\Version20180601193057' The above command will generate a PHP class with the path to it visible like above. Here is what the blank migration looks like: .. code-block:: php <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace MyProject\Migrations; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration; /** * Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs! */ final class Version20180601193057 extends AbstractMigration { public function getDescription(): string { return ''; } public function up(Schema $schema): void { // this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs } public function down(Schema $schema): void { // this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs } } Methods to Implement -------------------- The ``AbstractMigration`` class provides a few methods you can override to define additional behavior for the migration. isTransactional ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Override this method if you want to disable transactions in a migration. It defaults to true. .. code-block:: php public function isTransactional(): bool { return false; } .. note:: Some database platforms like MySQL or Oracle do not support DDL statements in transactions and may or may not implicitly commit the transaction opened by this library as soon as they encounter such a statement, and before running it. Make sure to read the manual of your database platform to know what is actually happening. ``isTransactional()`` does not guarantee that statements are wrapped in a single transaction. To learn more about this, read the :ref:`dedicated explanation <../explanation/implicit-commits>`. getDescription ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Override this method if you want to provide a description for your migration. The value returned here will get outputted when you run the ``./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations status --show-versions`` command. .. code-block:: php public function getDescription(): string { return 'The description of my awesome migration!'; } preUp ~~~~~ This method gets called before the ``up()`` is called. .. code-block:: php public function preUp(Schema $schema): void { } postUp ~~~~~ This method gets called after the ``up()`` is called. .. code-block:: php public function postUp(Schema $schema): void { } preDown ~~~~~~~ This method gets called before the ``down()`` is called. .. code-block:: php public function preDown(Schema $schema): void { } postDown ~~~~~~~~ This method gets called after the ``down()`` is called. .. code-block:: php public function postDown(Schema $schema): void { } Methods to Call --------------- The ``AbstractMigration`` class provides a few methods you can call in your migrations to perform various functions. warnIf ~~~~~~ Warn with a message if some condition is met. .. code-block:: php public function up(Schema $schema): void { $this->warnIf(true, 'Something might be going wrong'); // ... } abortIf ~~~~~~~ Abort the migration if some condition is met: .. code-block:: php public function up(Schema $schema): void { $this->abortIf(true, 'Something went wrong. Aborting.'); // ... } skipIf ~~~~~~ Skip the migration if some condition is met. .. code-block:: php public function up(Schema $schema): void { $this->skipIf(true, 'Skipping this migration.'); // ... } addSql ~~~~~~ You can use the ``addSql`` method within the ``up`` and ``down`` methods. Internally the ``addSql`` calls are passed to the executeQuery method in the DBAL. This means that you can use the power of prepared statements easily and that you don't need to copy paste the same query with different parameters. You can just pass those different parameters to the addSql method as parameters. .. code-block:: php public function up(Schema $schema): void { $users = [ ['name' => 'mike', 'id' => 1], ['name' => 'jwage', 'id' => 2], ['name' => 'ocramius', 'id' => 3], ]; foreach ($users as $user) { $this->addSql('UPDATE user SET happy = true WHERE name = :name AND id = :id', $user); } } write ~~~~~ Write some debug information to the console. .. code-block:: php public function up(Schema $schema): void { $this->write('Doing some cool migration!'); // ... } throwIrreversibleMigrationException ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a migration cannot be reversed, you can use this exception in the ``down`` method to indicate such. The ``throwIrreversibleMigrationException`` method accepts an optional message to output. .. code-block:: php public function down(Schema $schema): void { $this->throwIrreversibleMigrationException(); // ... } :ref:`Next Chapter: Managing Migrations <managing-migrations>`
Q: Copy Method not Working when Range is set to a Variable in Excel VBA I want to copy a range into another range in different sheets. I wanted to assign variable names to the ranges so I can do multiple things with the same ranges without rewriting them again. This code is working Worksheets(yeniListSheet).Range("A" & y & ":" & "H" & y).Copy (Worksheets(eskiListSheet).Range("K" & eskiLisRowNum)) But this code is not working Dim fromR, toR As Range Set toR = Worksheets(eskiListSheet).Range("K" & eskiLisRowNum) Set fromR = Worksheets(yeniListSheet).Range("A" & y & ":" & "H" & y) fromR.Copy (toR) The error is "copy method of range class failed" What is the problem in the 2nd code? How am I supposed to write it like the 2nd code? A: * *Declare like this: Dim fromR As Range, toR As Range. Otherwise only the last toR gets declared as a Range, the fromR is a Variant. *Remove the parenthesis from (toR). It causes an error, because the parenthesis force taking the parameter ByVal. And a Range object is passed by reference. Then try this, hardcoding the variables, to make sure that you have correct values for eskiLisRowNum and y: Public Sub TesMe() Dim fromR As Range, toR As Range Set toR = Worksheets(1).Range("K" & 2) Set fromR = Worksheets(1).Range("A" & 1 & ":" & "H" & 2) fromR.Copy toR End Sub
The Age of the Tiktok Nurse Posted by The Editors on May 13, 2020 May 12, 2020 By Claire Nightingale The Red Cross of Comfort, John Morton-Sale, c. 1919 "[A woman] is usually a success as a sick-nurse, for that profession requires ingenuity, quick comprehension, courage in the face of novel and disconcerting situations, and above all, a capacity for penetrating and dominating character." – HL Mencken, In Defense of Women "She never sleeps, the TikTok nurse. She is dancing, dancing. She says she will never die." There is a long beep emitting from my patient's alarm. It is the sound that accompanies the end of a life in the ICU – the patient's heart has ceased to beat, and a long flat green line appears on the monitor beside his bed. "ASYSTOLE, ASYSTOLE" the monitor screams. This is usually cue for everyone to run into the room, ready to pound on the patient's chest and pump him full of drugs necessary to restart his heart. In certain cases, however, the patient has been deemed what's called a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), which means we allow the patient to die naturally (as naturally as one can die lying in a sterile hospital bed hooked up to monitors and punctured with endless tubes). Such is the case with my patient tonight. He is 85 years old, dying of pneumonia related to the coronavirus. His family has prudently decided not to inflict torture on his elderly, frail body, and has made him a DNR. It is 11:23, and he has just died. Despite having nearly 10 years under my belt as an ICU nurse, this is my first night in this particular ICU as a travel nurse. I am unfamiliar with the location of certain supplies, and the postmortem paperwork. But caring for a dead body is the same as in any ICU – remove the IV catheters and tubes, wash the body, place him on fresh sheets, and transport him down to the morgue. I begin to wash his body. It is still warm. I place some gauze inside his mouth, and gently wrap a ribbon around his head and tie it under his chin, so as to keep his mouth from gaping open. In the background, I hear music. It is loud pop music blasting from the nursing station. I can see through my patient door's window. A nurse has her hands on the desk and is thrusting her buttocks back and forth. Another is spinning in a chair next to her. Two more are standing by doubled over in laughter. "For the apparel oft proclaims the man," Polonius advises Laertes in Hamlet. The manner in which these nurses present themselves – both in clothing and in manners – proclaims apathy, boredom, immaturity, and a general lack of self and duty. One has her scrub pants scrunched up around her knees. Another has frumpled, wrinkled scrubs blotched with bleach stains. They all have the same messy bun piled on top of their head. No makeup, no effort to look pleasing or comforting, which is what the sick desire to see when they must be tended to. I open the door. "Hey, can I have some help in here? Just doing a postmortem." The nurses all stop and look up at me. Their heads are tilted down, their eyes are full of annoyance. One girl slowly walks over and pokes her head in through my door. "Yeah, what do you need?" "Just some help finishing making him look nice before he's taken downstairs." "Um you know, like, no family can come visit right? You don't need to bathe him, just put him in the bag. Anyone know where the fucking toe tags are? Fuck I guess I'll go down to SICU and find one." The other nurses have not left the nurses station. They continue to dance and chatter. "Did you see that fucking surgical resident? I'd fuck him two ways from Sunday. He has a wedding ring? Even better, give me a fucking challenge." What I am hearing and seeing apalls me. These are younger nurses, all in their early 20s. You would not see such behavior with older, seasoned nurses. But then, most older seasoned nurses are gone – having been pushed out by administration to non-bedside roles, or having left of their own accord due to frustration at the system or an injury sustained on the job. Nursing is dominated by inexperienced, entitled young women, who see the bedside as a mere stepping stone for a "real career" either in administration, education, or as a nurse practitioner. To be sure, this is not all nurses. But this is the case in any given scenario – it is never all of anything, there are always exceptions. What I am noticing are general trends in the character and behavior of nurses, which happen to mirror the trends manifested in modern day women. The downfall of the nursing profession parallels the downfall of woman herself. Feminism, from its origins with Wollstonecraft in the 19th century to its current monstrous manifestation, has wreaked havoc on the feminine spirit. No longer is femininity defined by her gentle character, her familial loyalty, her grace and temperance and patience. No longer is success defined as healthy relationships and a wholesome family, but by a briefcase, cheap heels, and an empty refrigerator. Don't take it merely from my observation, listen to the words of Millenial women themselves, such as this quote from a New Zealand thirty-something: "We like to live our lives as a certain type of glamorously stressed young woman who's forever stepping out of Ubers clutching coffees and text-walking into meetings shaking out our blow-dry in a too-busy-to-deal-with-everyday-banality kinda way." If you read between the lines in the quote above, you know that this woman doesn't really believe this. Women have been sold a lie – a poison masked as an antidote – and now they are beginning to show the symptoms. Having been promised liberation from domineering husbands, women now find themselves alone and defiled by too many sex partners to remember; having been promised liberation from the duties of the home (which feminist Betty Friedan likened to a "comfortable concentration camp"), women now find themselves in cheaply furnished apartments with plastic plants and a dining table set for one. As with other "minorities," women have had gushing praise and endless entitlements heaped upon them, simply for being a female (although even the word "female" is now without clear definition). They have been given numerous financial grants and special privileges, have been told "the future is female," and have been given total domination over petty mid-level administrative posts that allows them to exercise their vindictive cattiness in a myriad of new ways. They are praised for mediocrity, and are greeted with "YAS QUEEN" for acts usually bitchy or cruel in manner. Nursing, having been a female-dominated profession since time immemorial, was bound to suffer the consequences of feminism and liberal nihilism. With feminism equating gentleness and sweetness with weakness, women have lost the softness in their touch. Being a "bitch" is proclaimed with pride. "Girl power" is plastered on lunch boxes and given to our daughters. Bedside nursing – which refers to the actual nurses at the bedside providing patient care – is now looked upon as lowly work to be relegated to foreigners and "dumb girls" (another Betty Friedan jewel). In an article entitled The Image of Nursing: Not Good Enough for a Feminist? published in Nursing Times, author and nurse Sandy Summers recalls: "In 2008 a lawyer we know explained that a friend's preschool-age daughter had a serious problem. The poor girl wanted to be a nurse! The girl's mother, who had a PhD and was married to a physician, was aghast. She told her daughter that she should do the "feminist" thing and be a physician." This disgraceful attitude permeates the world of nursing. I witness it everyday. Patients are turned roughly in the bed; their requests for a glass of water are met with audible huffs and eye rolls; their rooms are left cluttered with trash and food trays are left to rot on the bedside table. "I didn't get a bachelor's degree to wipe ass," I once had a new nurse curtly explain to me. She had obtained a nursing degree at George Washington University to the tune of $160,000. She, like many other nurses, saw herself among the educated elite, with tasks like wiping drool and feces off a helpless patient falling beneath her. This leads into my next point. Modern day "education" has also played a role in the destruction of both women and nurses. Anyone with an ounce of sense or the inclination to pay attention knows that the modern collegiate system is a racket. Young people are sold the lie that success is within reach only if one possesses a college degree. Endless new majors have popped up – from the ever-memed "feminist dance theory" to the vague "communications studies." Federal-backed student loans and the explosion in the number of university bureaucrats have resulted in skyrocketing costs. Many women enter college and leave four years later saddled with a lifetime of debt, an inflated sense of self importance (now that they are among the "educated"), and a penchant for abusing alcohol and drugs. Their liberal arts degree, which they believed would open doors and dreams, now buys them an office job with a mediocre salary and two weeks vacation at a cheap resort in Florida. Modern nursing has not escaped the bastardization of the education system. In the past, nurses were trained in a vocational setting, with the majority of their training taking place in the hospital. They shadowed nurses in the hospital, observed and learned from them. Nowadays, nursing education has been relegated to the classroom, being taught through an academic lens and focusing on topics such as "qualitative versus quantitative research" and the "impact of genetics on antimicrobial therapy." Basic skills are no longer prioritized. You may think I'm exaggerating, but most graduate nurses have never started an IV on a real patient. They are not taught how to properly bathe patients, how to have patience when feeding them, how to create a calming and soothing environment. Most importantly, they are not taught bedside manner, and are thus completely unprepared for how to interact with the sick and their (sometimes difficult) families. The TikTok nurse is a predictable outcome of modern liberalism. A serious profession cheapened. Women displaying themselves as whores. It is particularly damaging during the coronavirus, when trust is most needed in healthcare professionals. Not only have videos of nurses dancing on IV poles been circulated, but so have far crueler videos, including nurses making fun of suicidal patients and nurses making fun of a patient's bowel incontinence. Humor is a valuable coping mechanism for stress – but it should never be expressed publicly, and never in the context of humiliation. Nursing is an honorable profession, one in which a person humbly accepts the duty of putting another human's life in her hands. It is not a soul-sucking corporate office job which leaves you feeling bored and unfilled, or a service-industry job that provides minimal economic stability. It is a job wherein you are allowed the opportunity to make a person feel better, to make them well again. You connect with patients and families during the worst times in their lives. You are there to see a man's last breath on this earth. You are there to help him take his first steps after surgery. You are there to help persuade him to eat when he is feeling too depressed to take another bite. You are there to comfort him when he is all alone, because no visitors have come to sit with him. To close with the words of Florence Nightingale herself: "[The nurse] must have a respect for her own calling; she must be a sound, and close, and quick observer; and she must be a woman of delicate and decent feeling. Women should have the true nurse calling, the good of the sick first the second only the consideration of what is their 'place' to do – and that women who want for a housemaid to do this or the charwomen to do that, when the patient is suffering, have not the making of a nurse in them." (Notes on Nursing, page 126) Previous Post The '80s Core of the New Right Next Post Apply NYC Co-op Rules To Your Intentional Living Settlement Walter Devereux says: "Nursing is an honorable profession, one in which a person humbly accepts the duty of putting another human's life in her hands." Any profession is only as honorable and decent as the people who represent it. Medical work used to be honorable, now it's for whores, thieves, and psychopaths. There are no more physicians, only doctors. There are no more nurses, only healthcare workers. We are left to heal ourselves by a constructed reality which claims to be seeking a cure for death itself. In a world ruled by Progressive backward-thinking, why wouldn't the medical world be devoted to spite and death rather than comfort and health? Everything is upside-down now. Physicians and teachers, the latter often slaves in the Ancient World, are now our small gods. People are extremely mimetic and malleable. We take our cues from what we see around us, from what our authorities tell us. There is no society without authority and mimesis, there is only the question of what models and what authorities are best. In looking around at the contemporary world, we really should not be shocked that nurses are acting as they are, given that the model for proper female behavior is the careerist whore. After all, a nurse is a selfless role, and we have few examples of selfless behavior or female submissiveness. So even when women become nurses, they bring their attention seeking, materialistic and crass mentality with them. But all of this is more evidence for social breakdown, which I believe largely stems from the stressful conditions of mass society in which average people are forced to compete for distinction which they have no real aptitude to obtain. muunyayo says: Reblogged this on Muunyayo. Jafar Beddel says: Wow, that was really well written. meninhitsu says: That's an awfully long-winded way of saying "I don't like women out of the kitchen". Big E says: This comment is an awfully succinct way of saying "I lack basic reading comprehension skills". dude duderson says: I found the useful idiot! I had to drop everything I was doing and read this. Beautifully written, excellent points made. info says: Actually feminism as we know it originated by Christine de Pazan: https://gynocentrism.com/2013/07/14/about/ And is accompanied by Satanism in the 19th century: Banana Pie says: Wonderfully written. I really felt everything in my heart.. thank you for writing this thomaspasket says: Excellent, albeit disturbing article. All the more incentive to be as healthy as one can, as I don't see the situation improving anytime soon. This same pattern has been happening in teaching. Pingback: 19 Secular Articles I Recommend - The Rabbit Hole Nurse Neesy says: Great post!! Thank you!! Pingback: 2020 – The Year That Never Ended – Myth of the 20th Century Leave a Reply to info Cancel reply
Nick Hooper Judith Hooper/Henderson Nick's Writings Above the Void The Mirror in the Ice Cream Parlour Rescue (Short Story) Judith's Writings The Alltfechan Giant Cerbaiola, Italy Don't Worry, Judith, She's Fine The Twins: Remnants of a Scottish Past 'How Our Sleep Service Helps – Judith's Story' (from Cerebra) 'An Update on Judith and Rose's Sleep Story' (from Cerebra) 'The Difficult Parent' (from SEN Magazine) 'The Loneliness of Parents' (from SEN Magazine) Henderson:Hooper Pete's Trees [CD] Nick Hooper (Guitar) 6 Strings [CD] Strings That Nimble Leap – Various Artists [CD] The Boot Band Giltrap / Hooper Printed Music – Nicholas Hooper Nick Hooper | a brief overview Nick (Nicholas) Hooper is a composer, musician and author, best known for his two original scores for the Harry Potter film series. Nick first began composing for film in the eighties, in a move which signalled a prolific creative period of his life. Since he burst onto the scene in 1988, Nick has amassed a body of work comprising almost 300 film scores across a career spanning almost 30 years, during which he has won several internationally-acclaimed awards, including two BAFTAs (Prime Suspect: The Final Act, The Young Visiters) and an Ivor Novello (The Young Visiters). In recent years, he has continued on his creative path using the imaginative and musical skills which held him in such good stead in the film world to both perform his own music and write novels. film composer returning to his roots Nick Hooper | author So… how does a well-known film composer end up writing detective novels? Nick was a fan of JK Rowling's wizarding world before he was ever asked to write for the films. Whilst sat one day in the composing room at Abbey Road writing the final pieces for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (his favourite Potter score), Nick suddenly realized he had been writing music for other people's stories for thirty years - and that it was time to write his own. In 2012, Nick began writing short stories, poems and novels alongside his film-composing work. After five years of development, drafts, re-writes and editing, his debut novel was released by Wordandnote Publishing. Above the Void is an exploration into what it might feel like to be someone suffering from a damaged cerebellum. The subject is particularly close to Nick's heart, as his daughter, Rose, was born with an underdeveloped cerebellum and has had to work incredibly hard to learn to speak, walk, and do so many of the things that we all take for granted in our everyday lives. Above the Void follows Mellisa, the book's protagonist, in the aftermath of a serious road accident as she comes to terms with the full extent of her injuries and the challenges she will have to face during her recovery. Sensing that this could lead to a worthy, but difficult read, Nick also explores the story of her inner life and love in Above the Void, and even wrote and recorded a guitar piece inspired by the book. 'It's clearly told from a place of a lot of thought and experience. The very direct way you show how immense a person's suffering is, when it's a significant physical struggle to be able to say and do what they want to say and do, is shockingly illuminating.' Review: Above the Void A fan of Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie - and of detective fiction in general - Nick began to toy with the idea of creating his own detective. In 2017, Detective Inspector Arnold Rackham – nearing retirement in a predictable suburban setting – emerged onto the page. A year later, The Occasional Gardener was published – the first in an ongoing series featuring Rackham. As he grapples with a worsening memory problem, he finds that the metaphorical weeds in his safe patch have in fact grown into triffids on his watch. Aided by his ability to recall memories using his artistic skills - and by his faithful dog – Rackham embarks on a one-man mission to tidy up the garden… but at what cost? The Occasional Gardener has received 5-star reviews on Amazon and inspired The Bookshop Band to compose a lovely song about Arnold, which you can watch here. 'The novel is an unusual mix of detective adventure, a thoughtful look at the ageing process and magic realism – a genre-bending journey through a small-time policeman's late middle age, with all manner of buried "skeletons" raising their ugly heads and setting the scene for a lively sequel. A thoroughly recommended read.' Review: The Occasional Gardener On 23rd June 2019, Wordandnote Publishing released the second book in the Inspector Arnold Investigates series, The Mirror in the Ice Cream Parlour, which is also available on Kindle. The sequel follows Detective Inspector Arnold Rackham as he nears retirement, with only a few weeks to go before he takes up his new job as an art-fraud investigator for a firm of art insurers. When he finds a wallet on the beach, he is pulled back into the world of policing and terrorism, and life gets increasingly dangerous for him and those close to him. 'There were a lot of enjoyable moments in both The Occasional Gardener and The Mirror in the Ice Cream Parlour. Rackham faces high stakes and real peril, the plot twists and turns to an exciting conclusion, and there are some truly touching points, particularly the scenes focusing on Rackham's dependence on and love for his unnamed dog. Locals will love spotting the Oxfordshire connections, and crime fans may find a new favourite in this artistic detective.' Review: The Mirror in the Ice Cream Parlour Nick Hooper | early career Nick started working as a musician at the age of sixteen when he left school, performing both classical and folk music on the guitar. During this time, he also wrote numerous pieces for a variety of instruments, a selection of which have been digitised from their original manuscripts and are now available to download for free. He went on to study composition and guitar at the Royal College of Music in 1971, winning both the Guitar Prize and the Cobbett Prize whilst studying under the great guitarist John Williams. After graduating, Nick wrote music for both the Contemporary Dance Theatre students and for Ballet Rambert young performers. His composition 54321 for Ballet Rambert, choreographed by Lenny Westerdijk, earned him rave reviews in the national press. During this period, Nick was also working as a duo with tenor Neil Mackie, touring England and Scotland and premiering works on BBC3. He then worked as a guitarist on the Live Music Now scheme for four years, playing in prisons, hospitals and schools all over the country, before concentrating on writing music for orchestra, forming his own amateur orchestra to try out his ideas. In 1984 his commission for The Oxford Concerto Orchestra, Lark Rise Concerto, became a favourite with the orchestra and is available to purchase on this site. Concurrently, Nick also wrote a lot of guitar music and arrangements, which are available to download. During the eighties, Nick played in a number of folk duos and ensembles, including duos with Chris Leslie and Dave Townsend – the duo album with Dave Portrait of a Concertina is available on Amazon. Also, around that time Nick released an album of Bach Cello Suites Nos. 2 & 6, transcribed for guitar. You can hear some of this on Muziekweb. Nick Hooper | film composer Nick's first break in composing for television came in 1988. Three years earlier, he had scored an independent film by local Oxford filmmakers Michael Borst and Tim Pears about Port Meadow. Unbeknown to Nick at the time, his guitar music for Port Meadow would serve as the perfect showreel item when Central Independent Television, now known as ITV Central, approached him to discuss the making of a documentary about the extending of the M40 round Oxford to Birmingham. The director of The Road Ahead was looking for a guitar score, so he was an ideal match. Job done! Over the next few years, Nick worked on a wide range of projects from short films to TV documentaries, including veteran travel-writer Norman Lewis' The Time Traveller (1993). It was during these early years of scoring to picture that Nick established a working relationship with director David Yates (Good Looks, 1992), with whom he would go on to collaborate on numerous projects throughout his career. In 1997, Nick landed his first job composing the music to a TV series. Land of the Tiger, a six-part nature documentary for the BBC, achieved widespread critical acclaim, with Nick's music winning the much-coveted Golden Panda Award at Wildscreen in 1998. One year later, he became the first composer to win the award consecutively, receiving nominations for no fewer than three separate scores in that year's shortlist alone. The sheet music to 'Port Meadow Suite', Nick's soundtrack to Port Meadow (1985), was made available as a free download on this site in 2018. Following the success of Land of the Tiger, Nick went on to compose the soundtracks to several leading BBC Natural History Unit documentaries, including Elephants of the Sand River from the BBC Natural World series (1999), Andes to Amazon (2000) and The Future is Wild (2003). In 2000, Nick started working with David Yates on TV dramas, scoring nearly all of David's films including State of Play (2003) and The Girl in the Cafe (2005), and gathering three BAFTA nominations through their collaboration. His work on Yates' TV movie The Young Visiters (2003) earned him a win at the BAFTAs and an Ivor Novello Award. When David Yates was given the job of directing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), he brought Nick on board. The film's soundtrack was incredibly successful, and to date has sold over a million copies worldwide. The pair went on to work together on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2009), for which Nick received the Richard Attenborough Classic FM award and was nominated for a Grammy, amongst other accolades. The soundtrack album debuted in the US at #29 on the Billboard 200, at the time making it the most successful album release of the series. It remains one of the most popular soundtrack albums of the series, second only to that of the final instalment, which peaked at #25. Click here to stream or buy the album During this period of immensely fruitful Yates/Hooper collaboration, Nick also worked with other directors scoring My Family and Other Animals (2005) and Prime Suspect: The Final Act (2006), the latter of which awarded him another BAFTA. After working on the Potter films, he went on to score two films for Disney Nature (African Cats, 2011 and Chimpanzee, 2012) and a number of TV dramas and films, including Enid (2009, starring Helena Bonham-Carter as author Enid Blyton), Mo (2010, starring Julie Walters as the labour MP Mo Mowlem), Birdsong (2012, starring Eddie Redmayne), The Escape Artist (2013, starring David Tennant) and Winter Thaw (2016, starring John Rhys-Davies). In 2015, Nick's connection to the Harry Potter world was rekindled when he was invited to compose the music for a special production of W. B. Yeats' beautiful poem, The Song of Wandering Aengus, read by none other than Michael Gambon (who had, of course, played the role of Dumbledore in the Potter films). The production, a film by well-known Irish director Thaddeus O'Sullivan, was commissioned by Tourism Ireland as part of the Yeats2015 celebrations, marking the 150th anniversary of his birth. Nick called on the skills of his wife, Judith, for the recording of the score, on which she plays the solo fiddle line. WATCH: THE SONG OF WANDERING AENGUS The following year, Nick's music could be heard in an entirely new context. Specially composed for Sophie Christiansen's freestyle performance at the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016, Spirit of Athene accompanied Sophie and her incredible horse as they wowed the judges in a carefully choreographed performance which won her yet another Gold Medal to add to her impressive collection. WATCH: SPIRIT OF ATHENE Nick Hooper | returning to his roots Following a successful career in film composing, Nick has now returned to his roots in traditional music and guitar-playing, working on a number of projects with several talented musicians. In 2001, he teamed up with fiddler Judith Henderson (now his wife), and together they perform regularly at folk festivals and in concert venues. In 2018, Henderson:Hooper released an album of largely self-written tunes in various traditional folk idioms, entitled Pete's Trees. The album marks the history of their collaboration both as musicians and as a married couple. More recently, they joined forces with singer and bassist Susanna Starling to form The Boot Band and, in 2017, Nick started to play in concert with the legendary guitarist Gordon Giltrap. Nick's solo guitar album of traditional Irish tunes, 6 Strings, was re-released by Angel Air Records in June 2018 and is also available to purchase on Amazon. His solo guitar-playing and his collaboration with Irish singer Mick Henry, and Irish poet Bernard O'Donoghue can be seen on YouTube. Click here to buy the album
is known to attract large crowds. with the plaza all ready for a large Sukkot holiday fair. and there was even an Israeli flag on display. the route to the security entrance was not the one I usually take. there was nearly a riot as security personnel would let no one in. then the crushing crowd surged forward and pushed everyone along. and certainly for the Birchat Kohanim. there were hundreds of raised arms taking photos on their cellphones. again pushing through the crowds. in the sukkah on the roof of Aish HaTorah. while others slowly proceeded out to the Jewish Quarter. for the Israeli President's annual open sukkah. again on the streets for the Jerusalem Parade. who were outside the plaza area and unable to get in. Yom Kippur quickly follows Rosh Hashanah and then comes Sukkot. The signs of the season are everywhere, but here are 10 of my favorites. the seeds can be eaten plain or in my favorite – a chocolate-almond tart. 2. Cars are loaded with food, as there are many meals to prepare. 3. Cars decorated before a wedding are common sights. enthusiasm of these young men driving to the Kotel, the Western Wall. 4. Crowds of tourists mingle with bar mitzvah celebrants at the Kotel. where they are overflowing before being cleaned out. even in the fanciest of neighborhoods, as plain wood sukkot fill balconies. 'Tis the season to get in shape. each containing long bamboo poles to top a sukkah. 8. White is the color of choice for Yom Kippur – this kippah a new favorite. 9. The United Jerusalem guy is back in Mamilla Mall with a new shirt. 10. And finally, I loved seeing this sign. and in the courtyard of City Hall? have been out on the Jerusalem, Israel streets for weeks. and it's time to get ready for the Sukkot holiday week. May all be sealed for a good year. of the Old City and the Kotel and other ancient sites. which is a dynamic, innovative and attractive tourist destination. it has been hard to get down to a short list. the color and the energy are impressive. 2. Once in the front door, the diversity of the staff is clear. 4. No soft padding for little visitors, but real structures to explore. there were popular Hebrew children's story books. so that a scientific principle can be learned while having fun. to explore the dynamics of water on the museum grounds. 7. There is so much energy, you can feel it as you walk the halls. 8. The museum staff is available in every section to guide and explain. the "pill-cam" from Israeli army missile technology. special workroom where everything in the museum is made. the Arab population to appreciate science and technology. this visit reminded me of how much I enjoyed those lab experiments. The Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem. a Museum has already attracted over 3,500,000 visitors. Adults beware of possible exhaustion.
Whoopsie Piggle Stories of an Ohio family that are personal, political, always questioning About Whoopsie Piggle Tag Archives: Organic Turkey Two Years This Family December 10, 2014 Uncategorizedlarge families, launching adult children, love makes a family, old dogs, Organic Turkey, road trips, Thanksgiving traditions, transitory beauty of familywhoopsiepiggle Two years ago, I wrote about our Thanksgiving with family in northern Michigan. As has been the case for more years than I can remember, last month we again made our biennial pilgrimage up the mitten-shaped state, our van loaded with children, a dog, a fresh-killed organic turkey, presents and everything else needed for the long weekend. Usually, it hardly seems as if two years have gone by since we all sat down to our favorite meal ever: Grandma Liane's holiday spread. But not this year. Lyra, Thanksgiving 2012 Much has changed in these past two years, particularly because of Lyra. Two Thanksgivings ago, she was still a freshly made person on this planet. Born in August of 2012, we were all still readjusting to the new family order. And really, more than Lyra being our only daughter, and perhaps even more than her diagnosis of Down syndrome, having five children radically changed life as Max and I knew it. In the past two years, several of my essays have described our struggle to find balance and calm, but only recently have we had the perspective to realize why our equilibrium feels constantly challenged: Parenting five children, unlike four, kicks our butts. If our home were a dollhouse with the back wall removed, those who peered inside would find a house as full of frantic activity as any Keystone Cops film, with a commensurate amount of efficiency. But just as the slapstick cops of the silent film era eventually managed to get where they needed to be, so too have we continued to find our children (if not always ourselves) fairly functional, one even fledging. Besides little Lyra, the person who has changed the most in the past two years is the eldest child. In the fall of 2012, Claude was a freshman at the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. That October, he eagerly returned home for autumn break. Orange bled pink in the late afternoon sky that silhouetted Claude's profile as he sat in the passenger seat on the drive back to Ohio, questioning out loud his choices. Months later, Claude determined he was just in the wrong major, but those first few months of college, he felt vaulted into an existential crisis. That he felt pressured was not unreasonable, the university was receiving nearly $50,000 a year, largely paid by scholarships, grants and loans, for Claude to be there and he was not sure it was worth it. The experience echoed his kindergarten year when my bright little boy hated school because, as we later learned, he was severely dyslexic. But just as remediating his learning disability cured his academic low self-esteem in grade school, after switching to the College of Literature, Arts and Sciences at the University of Michigan, Claude eventually felt he was were he belonged. Initially resistant to becoming an English major because, as he told me, he didn't want to do what his parents did, he's no longer much interested in anything else. Unlike me, however, his focus is poetry (I have an M.F.A. in creative writing, but then again, Max has his Ph.D. in English Renaissance poetry). While what he does with his life is still an unfolding story, Claude came to Thanksgiving this year looking more like a person comfortable in his own skin than I have ever known him to be. He also came in his girlfriend's car. And, yes, she came too. He tells me that he and his girl might not go home for the summer this year, they may stay at the co-op where they both live, and work on things that are harder to do during the regular school year. My boy, a man now, who was so unsure of his life two years ago, isn't launching. He's launched. Next to launch, hopefully, will be Hugo. Every year, either Hugo's birthday or mine falls on Thanksgiving weekend. Our birthdays are exactly one week apart and at the end of November. Two years ago, Hugo turned 16 the Friday after Thanksgiving and we spent the day driving home because the Saturday after Thanksgiving Hugo was scheduled at his then-job, grooming dogs at a canine salon (read: washing scared, furry creatures who frequently bit and defecated on said "groomer"). Even though nobody wanted to leave Grandma's that soon and the only reason we did so was to get him to his job, Hugo was disappointed at how his sixteenth birthday turned out and he sulked about it. For several months. So last year, in order to acknowledge Hugo's feelings, however misplaced, we took the entire family to Kalahari, a ginormous indoor water park, the night before and the night of Thanksgiving. For three months, all the big boys talked about how excited they were with this plan. We had over two days of aquatic fun (though, honestly, I would rather have been in the toilet bowl ride with the biggins' than in the kiddie pool with the babies) and a Thanksgiving meal that, while not as good as Grandma Liane's, was pretty spectacular with all the traditional dishes plus a prime rib carving station and tables of desserts that would make Willy Wonka drool. Then, on the morning we were packing to leave, Hugo told us, "You know, I realize I've pretty much outgrown water parks." Oh, that kid. Lily & Hoover, 2012 This year, we left him at home. No, not to punish him. His vocal instructor strongly encouraged him to apply to a specific music school, which had a December 1 deadline. While we were working our way into food comas in Michigan, Hugo was videotaping three songs for his pre-screening, filing out the application and writing the essays. We left our younger dog, Lily, with Hugo to keep him company. Our older dog, Hoover, however, went with us. Of all the dogs I have had in my adult life, it is only Hoover who has indiscriminately loved everyone he meets. "Boy, your dog sure does like me," is a refrain we have heard countless times from innumerable mouths. Not pesky, Hoover walks slowly up to each guest, wagging his tail in greeting. If a guest is seated in our house, Hoover will lie by his or her feet, not requiring anything, but always grateful for a scratch of the head or belly. Last month we thought our sweetheart Sheltie was dying of kidney failure. Then, after nearly 72 hours of IV fluids and penicillin, Hoover made a marked recovery from what is now believed to have been pancreatitis. Still, the day we left for Grandma's house, Hoover had yet another full week of antibiotics to take and, let's face it, my confidence that Hugo would consistently remember to give the dog his pills was non-existent. Besides, from now until the day he takes his last breath, which at over 13 years old could be any day, Hoover is on the deluxe pampering plan. I frequently imagine, unfairly, I'm sure, that Hoover is milking his recent medical crisis: You know, I'm a sweet, but old, old dog. I could go at any time. Those scraps on your plate might be the last I taste. Rub my belly today, for tomorrow I may die. Well, even if he is milking it, nobody minds spoiling the old boy, who was loved up by many hands all the holiday weekend long. Two years ago, my essay on Thanksgiving considered the constituent ingredients of family, blood not necessarily being one of them. Cooking in two kitchens in side-by-side houses, which really is one of the best ways to have all the dishes of a good Thanksgiving spread come together at once, Leif and Jules traipsed back and forth collecting and delivering whatever ingredients were needed at the other kitchen. Other than these errands and the big dinner itself, I hardly saw Leif. Unlike his older brothers, all of whom clung to me like marsupial offspring until they were in grade school, Leif's independence is at once surprising and refreshing. Perhaps it is because he was only five weeks old when we first packed him off to daycare three days a week so I could finish my master's thesis. Or maybe having so many older brothers, who all seem like adults from Leif's perspective, along with a father who parents all the children as much as I do, his needs are always tended whether or not I am available. Or it may just be the way he came into the world. Whatever it is, Leif abandoned us in the guesthouse and remained his Grandma's constant companion, both day and night, for the entire weekend. I am not sure who this pleased more: Max and me for a lessened load of child duty, Leif for the indulgent treatment his grandma gave him (we, who have no cable TV, found her serving him hot breakfast on a TV tray while he sat in Grandpa's recliner, watching cartoons), or Grandma who loves nothing more than to take care of someone, especially if they are little and a little difficult, both categories to which Leif qualifies. In ways I had not yet considered two years ago, I see the transitory beauty of family. More people will be welcomed into our eccentric complexity, which may be unique in substance, but no less eccentric or complex than most families. From time to time, one or another of us will ask or be asked, and may choose, to formalize our relationships to one another, as recently was asked of me. No, not what you might be thinking. Max and I are content with our arrangement. "I want to ask you to consider doing something before I die that I have wanted to do for over forty-five years," said my stepmom. "Wow, now there's a way to set up a question!" I said, laughing. Although she giggled at my comment, when she next spoke I thought my stepmother, who came into my life shortly after my third birthday, sounded a little nervous. "Would you consider letting me legally adopt you as my daughter?" she asked. (Over the River and through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go) x 2. November 21, 2012 UncategorizedFamily Travel, Michigan, Organic Turkey, Thanksgivingwhoopsiepiggle We blew the first rule of green living. We try to live simply, but with seven people in this family, it's not so simple. Our new Toyota Sienna, purchased when the cost of fixing the old Sienna was greater than its value by a couple thousand dollars, can theoretically transport eight passengers, all seat-belted. Figure two adults in the front seats. As my two oldest sons are now 6'2" and 6' tall, four of us fit the physical description of "adult." The two captain's seats in the second row are each dedicated to a car seat—one for two-year-old Leif and the other for this year's newest member, Lyra. The middle seat in the second row, which is almost as narrow as a coach seat on a commercial airlines, had to be removed in order to access the back row of seats. The back row, with the least amount of leg room possible as the middle seats have to be pushed all the way back to accommodate the toddler and infant car seats, might work if we had children under ten years of age, but note the heights mentioned above. Also, in this family, our height is all leg. Hugo and I have 32" inseams, Claude's is 34". Lily & Hoover, ready to roll In the very back, where the families in the Sienna ads store their luggage, we have a folded down stroller, which we very much will use, and two Shelties. Those are dogs that look like little collies and luckily like lying together in close quarters. Where to put the turkey? The small suitcases of clothing? The diapers? The boys' backpacks? My laptop? So much for simple living. We departed in two vehicles on two different days. I left yesterday in the Sienna with Jules and the babies, the dogs, the turkey and all that these beings needed. Max is leaving shortly in his Camry with Hugo and will grab Claude in Ann Arbor on his way up north to Grandma's house in Charlevoix. Until the kids drive on their own to Grandma's, I don't see how we will be able to do it any differently. We are a modern family. Grandma is my stepmom. Grandpa is her husband but not my dad. My dad and stepmom, who married when I was three, divorced in the early 90s after Dad had moved to Arizona in 1990. My stepmom never joined him in Arizona and he never returned to Michigan. Fulfilling the cliché that is life, Dad met another woman with children of her own and eventually seemed to forget about us. My stepmom never did and she has been the primary grandparent of my boys' lives until I met Max through whom they have gained a second set of grandparents. Even before Max and I began producing blonde babies of our own, Max's mom claimed my three boys as full members, with all privileges, of her grand-brood. Every time I've had a baby, my stepmom was soon there to take care of us for as long as she could stay. As soon as they were old enough, my boys began spending many weeks each summer with Grandma and Grandpa in northern Michigan, their house just a block from sandy Michigan Beach on Lake Michigan. And we come up every other Thanksgiving for Grandma's holiday dinner. Her herbed rolls, made from scratch and cooked in loads of butter, are worth every gram of fat. I've never mastered her herb rolls and I've told Jules, who began baking breads this fall, to pay close attention tomorrow. For years I have supplied the turkey, fresh-killed on the farm for which I host a co-op, which makes me sound like one of those über-mom-bloggers, but the way I host it is pretty lazy. All I do is reveal to the people in the co-op the code to my garage where I keep a refrigerator for the weekly deliveries. The members take turns (in alphabetical order) driving each Saturday to pick up the orders and bring them to the fridge in my garage. As a result, my food is delivered to my home every week. This year's turkey was executed and sealed in a plastic bag on Monday and delivered to my garage fridge that evening. I popped him in the Playmate cooler before we left yesterday and later today I will brine the bird in the same cooler. Playmates are the perfect size for brining a turkey and with a fresh-killed bird brining is, in my opinion, necessary. When you buy your meat straight from the farmer who raised it, you inevitably learn a thing or two that you won't pick up with your frozen Butterball. For example, meat must age in order to be edibly tender. We've all heard of aged beef, right? What that means is not some secret preparation, like the Kobe beef cattle who get massaged in life. Aging means a little decomposition. My fresh Tom hasn't aged, but the brining will meet the requirements by helping break down his tougher connective tissues. Meanwhile, because he's never been frozen, he's not full of water. Nor chemicals or drugs because he's also organic. Grandma & Lyra Which I guess gets to my point—know what is real and what really is. Your meat was an animal with a body who enjoyed being alive but I enjoy eating meat more than letting some animals continue to enjoy life. I don't eat animals from factory farms when I can help it. Factory farm animals didn't enjoy life as much as my organic turkey, though I'm sure they didn't want to die for someone's meal. I am thankful for our food, the people who grew it and the creatures who died so we could eat them. If it sounds ecumenical, it should. That your blood relatives are genetically related is real. But real family are the people who show up, regardless of what you call them—mom, friend, brother, neighbor. Some of us are lucky to find family in our relatives. Some of us have to look beyond genetics to find our families. And my boys and I know the difference. We are all eager to get over the river and through the woods to my stepmom's, and their very real grandma's, house whenever we can. When we arrived at 11:30 last night, there was a pot of split pea & ham soup waiting for us on the stove and bread baking in the oven. WP Reads & Recommends Follow Blog via Email - and you'll never miss the latest on Lyra. Lyra's Latests Lyra's Latests (29) Respect science on COVID-19 — masks are essential; remote learning is not Pandemic pauses family traditions, not thanks COVID interrupts valued friendship Vote as though our democracy depends on it Watching grown children set off on their lives is a poignant pleasure john pavlovitz From my perspective Family, small victories, big struggles, everyday life.... Nature Is What We See "Nature" is what we see—The Hill—the Afternoon—Squirrel—Eclipse—the Bumble bee (Emily Dickinson) Tripping Fantastic 2 The Fantastic family of six and our adventures near and far! See also our previous adventures at trippingfantastic.wordpress.com ECUADOR - Living in Cuenca Tripping Fantastic The Fantastic Family of 6 and our adventures near and far! Please also see trippingfantastic2.wordpress.com for adventures after February 2016 Roadkill Goldfish Green Tea Ginger Squeeze the Universe Kimchi Latkes Spicy taters!
Search Results: 1 - 10 of 1825 matches for " Wound healing " Abstract: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains a high concentration of thrombocytes and the a granules of platelets contain platelet released growth factors. The usefulness of PRP for regeneration of bone and soft tissues has been reported previously. We firstly reported the efficacy of PRP prepared using the Magellan Autologous Platelet Separator System for intractable skin ulcers such as diabetic and venous ulcers. The system consists of a microprocessor controlled centrifuge, syringe pumps, and necessary single use processing components. No complications occurred in any patients and the wounds achieved complete epithelialization. Our results have shown the efficiency of platelet rich plasma for the treatment of intractable skin ulcers. Treatment with growth factors is an effective method to promote wound healing. Several growth factors have been used in wound treatment, including basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) discovered in the 1970s, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). In 2001, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. launched Fiblast Spray in Japan. This product is a topical formulation containing recombinant human bFGF. It is used to treat decubitus ulcers and skin ulcers (burn ulcers and leg ulcers). There is increasing interest in its stimulatory effect on wound healing and its inhibitory effect on scar formation. Wound healing is a physiological phenomenon that involves a complex series of integrated cellular and biochemical responses, characterized by phases of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. However, much of its detailed mechanism remains unknown. There have been many basic research studies on wound healing using cells and experimental animals. If findings can be used from such studies and clinical practice, development of even more effective treatments might be possible. Abstract: background: the wound healing consists of a perfect and coordinated cascade of events that result in tissue reconstitution. the healing process is common to all wounds, independently of the agent that has caused it. it is divided didactically into three phases: inflammation, proliferation or granulation and remodelation or maturation. the collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is also the main component from the matrix wounds. the collagen is organized in a thick and dynamic net, resulting from constant collagen deposition and reabsorption. the wound scar is the result of the interaction among tissue synthesis, degradation and remodeling. there are several ways to evaluate wound healing. the methods most used are: tensiometry, collagen morphometry, immunohistochemistry and more recently, the dosage of growth factors. methods: all thesis presented at the graduate program in clinical nutrition of the federal university of paraná in the research line of "organs and tissue healing" were reviewed. additionally a literature search on the subject was undertaking by using pubmed as well as bireme . conclusions: the wound healing is a complex process which has been subjected to numerous research studies in order to better understand it. recent studies have attempted to influence the process by using either nutrients or drugs in order to achieve faster recovery after surgical trauma. Background: The value of periodontal dressing and its effects on periodontal wound healing have been questioned. Besides, the early healing of the gingival and periodontal wounds in oral cavity should be emphasized to promote the treatment outcome. Several studies pointed out a potential positive effect of silver nanoparticles (NPs) on the healing process of skin wounds. The present work aimed to design silver NPs periodontal dressing and then, evaluated its effects on gingival wound healing following operation. Methods: Thirty healthy adolescent female rabbits were used in this study. They had intact teeth and the clinical and radiographic examination revealed no periodontal disease. Silver NPs were added to carbonate methyl cellulose as base with two different concentrations of 25% v/v (Group A) and 50% v/v (Group B). On the basis of simple randomized allocation, gingivectomy was performed at the buccal gingiva of the left and right mandibular incisors and subsequently, untreated wounds in the control area were covered with periodontal pack and periodontal dressings A and B were applied in the test regions. Histological changes were monitored in day 4 and 7 post operation to evaluate the inflammatory and repair stage of healing process. Results: We observed significant difference in the inflammatory and repair parameters of the healing process between surgical sites treated with this periodontal dressing and control group. Besides, wounds treated with silver NPs dressing in general terms had all the hallmarks of relatively complete healing one week post operatively. Conclusion: The results indicated positive potential therapeutic effects for this new formulation of periodontal dressing on acceleration of surgical wound healing that led to improvement of periodontal treatment consequences following operation. Abstract: To discuss the normal mechanism of wound healing (WH), the role of growth factors (GF) in prec-linical and clinical studies and its importance in the healing of abnormal wound therapy. For search, we used the PUBMED and LILACS database, and the following descriptors: skin, wound healing, growth factor and clinical trials. We also prioritized the analysis of the Clinical Trials in the previous 10 years. Although there are many studies being conducted in the pre-clinical phase, we see that there are few studies in the clinical phase. 274 studies were identified, and 58 were selected. After tissue injury, repair occurs through coordinated biological actions that are healing. The importance of the study of healing in the skin is not only because of its anatomical location, easy access and exposure, but also because of its vital function. There is accumulating evidence that the process of healing after injury may be mediated by several GF. However, may this class of molecules even act effectively on the clinical response of this pathological condition? Many preclinical studies (in vitro and in vivo) reinforce the importance and efficacy of GF in the regeneration of damaged skin. Furthermore, recent studies have reported the use in adjuvant or not, of GF in clinical treatment to improve WH in humans. Therefore, we conclude that it seems to be effective by the use of GF in adjuvant or not in WH. However, it still seems to be necessary to carry out more clinical trials in phase I and II. Abstract: Understanding cell behavior inside three-dimensional (3D) microenvironments with controlled spatial patterning of physical and biochemical factors could provide insight into the basic biology of tissue engraftment, vascular anastomosis, and revascularization. A simple layer by layer projection microstereolithography (PμSL) method was utilized to investigate the effects of a nonporous and porous bioinert barrier on myocutaneous flap engraftment and revascularization. A cranial-based, peninsular-shaped myocutaneous flap was surgically created on the dorsum of C57Bl6 mice. Porous (SP) and nonporous (S) silicone implants were tailored to precise flap dimensions and inserted between the flap and recipient bed prior to sutured wound closure. Porous implant myocutaneous flaps became engrafted to the recipient site with complete viability. In contrast, distal cutaneous necrosis and resultant flap dehiscence was evident by day 10 in nonporous implant flap mice. Laser speckle contrast imaging demonstrated flap revascularization in (SP) mice, and markedly reduced distal flap reperfusion in (S) mice. Histologic analysis of day 10 (SP) flaps revealed granulation tissue rich in blood vessels and macrophages growing through the implant pores and robust neovascularization of the distal flap. In contrast, the nonporous implant prevented tissue communication between recipient bed and flap with lack of bridging inflammatory cells and neovasculature and resultant distal tissue necrosis. We have fabricated porous and nonporous silicone implants via a simple and inexpensive technique of PμSL. Using a graded-ischemia wound healing model, we have shown that porous implants allowed contact between flap and recipient bed resulting in proximal flap arteriogenesis and neovascularization of the distal flap. Future research will utilize variations in implant pore size, spacing, and location to gain a better understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for myocutaneous flap engraftment, vascular anastomosis, and revascularization. Abstract: Wound healing requires abundant nutrition and blood supply, thus angiogenesis is a vital stage in this process. Angiogenesis involves diverse kinds of immune cells, growth factors, cytokines and inhibitors. ADSCs, especially ADSCs cultured in hypoxic condition, are reported to be able to facilitate angiogenesis and promote wound healing process. Significant efforts have been made on the development of ADSCs-based therapies with wound-healing applications. Here the results showed that expression of Angiopoietin-2 (ANGPT2) in ADSCs was up-regulated in the hypoxic condition.
Madko At The Rotunda MAD Dragon Records is took over The Rotunda for a night of local hip-hop music. Madko Concerts, a MAD Dragon Records enterprise, brought four talented hip-hop acts and special guest DJ Cliff Moore to The Rotunda on February 5th at 7 PM. The concert was organized and promoted by students in the Madko Concert Promotions class for Music Industry and Entertainment & Arts Management students. The concert included Written House, a Philadelphia-based rap group who steers clear of lyrics promoting violence and has opened for Wu-Tang Clan and De La Soul; Slick Mantra, an experimental hip-hop group inspired by jazz, soul and pop; Scanz, a hip-hop artist, producer, lyricist and businessman who most recently released his sophomore album The Basement Chronicles and has collaborated with artists including KRS-One, Mr. Lif and Akrobatik; and Ground Up, a North Philadelphia hip-hop trio who draws big crowds throughout our region.
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FullEnglishBooks READ ENGLISH BOOKS Read Heroes Lost and Found Online Authors: Sheryl Nantus Heroes Lost and Found BOOK: Heroes Lost and Found >>DOWNLOAD HERE >>READ ONLINE NOW For my husband, who never complained when I asked him how to fly, my mother, who let me read comic books at the dinner table and SK, for giving me justification at last for doing both. The postcard wasn't anything special. A picture of a forest on one side with the trees digging down into the dirt, large tentacle-like roots reaching off the image. It was like a thousand others anywhere in the world, stuffed in a rack in a corner store waiting for a tourist to grab it and scrawl in the To and From area, slap on a stamp and send off into the system. Jo Tanis, care of The Top Row Hotel, Las Vegas. Address was simple enough. Inked in with fat, broad strokes, reminding me of a child's scrawls. Dated a week ago, a fine example of the post office at work. What made the card interesting wasn't just the message written into the open area reserved for writing about your vacation and how much you missed something, someone. It was that the words were etched into the card with a fiery touch, the charred letters staring up at me and demanding a response. Jo—Come visit me ASAP. Solo, please. H.L. The card was from Kensington Grove, Oregon. I turned it over and over in my hands. We'd received plenty of fan mail during our stay in Vegas but this one…this one was different. It was from a friend. Okay, friend might be too strong a word for my relationship with Harris Limox. Someone who'd reluctantly helped me save the world once upon a time—that was more accurate. More than two weeks of mandatory bedrest after my most recent near-murder experience had me restless, chomping at the bit to get back to hunting down the self-titled "Controller". We'd been waiting for the Agency to come up with the information needed on our first official supervillain. A postcard from Limox, a villain in his past super life, might be called a coincidence. I didn't believe in coincidences. I tapped my jaw out of habit and peered skyward, towards the Agency satellites linking me back to our Lair in Toronto. "Jessie, are you there?" "I'm here." The disembodied voice mumbled through my link. "What's up?" "I need you to tell me about a town. Kensington Grove, Oregon." "Sure. One second." I faced the Las Vegas Strip. It seemed impossible, but I was tired of the city. Loved it to death, almost literally, but I was tired. Tired of the bright lights and rich food and loud noises running day and night. Tired of fighting to try to figure out who I was. And who I wanted to be. "Right. It's a small town not too far from Portland. Tourist-trap area, plenty of hunting and fishing 'round there." His tone changed. "Hold on. Got someone on the other line. Outrager." I scowled automatically. I'd first met Outrager when he was an Agency bastard attempting to put us back under his thumb, and things hadn't gotten much better since then. If I could have one wish, any wish, it'd be to toss Outrager and every member of the Agency into orbit and out of our lives forever. Unfortunately, we needed them as much as they needed us to keep our official story going. Villains fought heroes, heroes always won and no one ever died. I suppressed a shiver. Vacation time was most definitely over. The link clicked again. "He says he's got the info on our mysterious Controller and is ready to deliver a briefing. He's on his way over here." I lifted my face to the burning Las Vegas sun, enjoying the heat on my way-too-pale skin. "Tell him we'll be ready within the hour. I just need to gather the kids together, and you can pipe it into the suite." I couldn't hold back a chuckle. "Don't make him too comfortable." Jessie snorted. "David's already taking the toilet paper out of the bathroom. Punk's not staying any longer than he needs to. Talk to you in a half hour." He cut the connection. I stuffed the postcard into a pocket and stepped off the edge of the building, feeling a blast of heat race up under me. It took a second to push myself into flight mode, dropping at a respectable rate down towards the street. I could have called the rest of the team over the link, but we'd gotten star treatment from our hotel hosts in Vegas, free and clear while we destroyed their buffet and molested their table games. It only seemed fair to put myself on display again for a few minutes. The sole shot anyone had gotten during my forced vacation had been in a tabloid, hazy images of a silhouette against the suite windows, the sparking from my fingers supplying a free firework show. Good thing they hadn't seen Hunter behind me. I winced as my running shoes hit the driveway just a little too hard. Mike would be annoyed at me for flubbing such an easy landing. I'd been relaxing too long, and it was beginning to show. I walked around a stretch Hummer larger than the Lair back in Toronto. A dozen cell phones flew up, grabbing images during my short stroll through the front door. I opened the link as the sounds and smells of the casino crashed over me, drowning me in a multimedia show aimed at pulling the pennies from my pockets. "Time to get back to work, boys. And girls." I spotted Rachael over by the gift shop using her wind powers to bounce a child in the air, the little girl's thrilled and terrified parents watching and filming. "Everyone back upstairs tout de suite "Aw." Peter Boyos came over the link. "I just won a hundred bucks on blackjack." "Is Hunter with you?" I asked. Hunter Dillon's low laugh said it all. I shook my head. Having a man with the power to alter the odds in your favor might be a blessing in some areas, but in a city built on gambling, it could be disastrous. "Give it to the nearest waitress and shut it down, both of you. And you should know better, Hunter." "So should you," he shot back. "If I can't keep my hands busy with you, then I'm going to be using them elsewhere." "Outrager's got the info on our mystery man. Briefing within the hour," I replied. The link went silent for a few seconds. "On our way," Peter and Hunter said simultaneously. "Me too." Rachael Hammond gently lowered the child to the ground with a nod to the happy parents. "Steve?" I headed towards the sports bar where our resident strongman had spent most of his downtime. "Steve?" "Just helping them take down a motorcycle from a display," he grunted. "I'll be up in a minute." I headed for the private elevator at the back of the casino, smiling and stopping to sign autographs along the way. Hunter breezed by me and grabbed the empty elevator, holding the door open as I broke free of the growing crowd. "No rest for the famous Surf." I growled as the doors slid shut. "I hate that name. Where's Peter?" "With Steve and Rachael, next elevator." He drew me in for a kiss. "I missed you." "You've been gone for three hours." "An eternity." I rolled my eyes as the doors opened. "We've got a meeting in half an hour." "A half hour?" Hunter dragged me down the hallway and into our suite. He shut the door behind him, grinning. "That's not much time." "For what?" I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed in front of me. "For this." He pulled up my shirt with a familiar flick of his fingers. "Hunter." I let out a gasp as his cool hands landed on the small of my back. "We're about to take on a killer. Is this really the right time to grab a quickie?" His blue eyes locked with mine, a sudden sadness stopping me in my tracks. "If not now, when?" My pulse stampeded as his fingers brushed over my newly healed ribs. I closed my eyes and surrendered to his irrefutable logic. Forty-five minutes later I staggered down the hall towards the team's suite, straining to tug my light blue T-shirt down while struggling to do up the snap at the front of my jeans at the same time. Hunter swaggered along behind me. "Stop that." I paused in front of the door. "Stop what?" He tucked the edges of the white dress shirt into his jeans. "Looking so damned smug. You look like the cat that ate the canary and then some." He pushed me up against the door, moving in to nibble at the back of my neck. "And then some indeed." The unlocked door flew open, dumping the pair of us in an untidy tangle on the carpeted floor. Rachael put one hand to her mouth and giggled as we worked on righting ourselves without losing too much dignity. Dressed in a long frilly white blouse and jeans, she looked more like the girl next door than a super. "I thought I heard someone at the door." "And you did." I scowled at Hunter as I scrambled to my feet. "The boys ready to go?" "All ready to go, boss lady." Steve Nyre waved from his position on the couch. "Although I hafta remind you there's a game tonight." "Who's playing?" Peter came out of the bathroom, brushing his fingers through his reddish-brown hair. His black T-shirt stretched tight across his chest, showing off the results of the exercise routine he'd begun with Steve's help. "Who cares?" Steve chortled. I opened up the link back to Toronto. "Jessie, we're all here. Let's get this game on the road before we all end up cheering on the Maple Leafs. I don't think my heart could take it." Steve pouted as I settled myself in one of the two single chairs, letting Hunter occupy some of the sofa along with Peter and Steve. Rachael took the last chair, finishing out the semicircle. The massive flat-screen television flickered once, dumping the current hotel feed of the downstairs attractions before going to an image of Jessie. He waved at us, his short red hair sticking up at all angles. I was never sure if he used hair gel or if the bedhead came naturally. "Online and ready to go," he said. "See you guys just fine through this webcam." "There's a webcam on the hotel television set?" Steve asked. "There's a webcam everywhere these days," Hunter replied with a sigh. "That's how those sex tapes get out there, you know." I shot him a warning look before turning back to the screen. "Okay, Jessie. Hook us up with Outrager." It took a few seconds for the screen to shift again, this time showing off the pale ghost of the Agency's lapdog, who was assigned to take care of us, standing beside Jessie's desk. Outrager scowled at me as if I was the reason his long hair had already gone grey. He wore the standard Agency uniform, the black suit and white dress shirt giving him a professional look. "Right," Outrager said. The image changed to a scowling angry face staring at us, a classic mug shot. Short blond hair, strong features with blue eyes glaring out at us and daring anyone to disapprove. "This is Nicholas Dykovski." Rachael gasped, curling her feet up under her on the chair. Peter jumped off the couch to stand behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders. "It's all right," he murmured. "He's not going to be able to hurt you again. Promise." I fought back tears, seeing the effect the picture had on our newest member. "The mysterious Controller, I presume." "Yes. It took us a bit of time to go through the records and find the man Rachael described. Seems he was presumed dead in Atlanta along with his super, and no one thought anything different until now." I looked at Rachael. "You said he approached you in a group of refugees fleeing Atlanta." She reached up to touch Peter's hand. "I was stupid. So fucking stupid. After Rampage fell and his Guardian died, I ran. I couldn't stay there. I couldn't die like the others." I didn't say anything. No one did. "I just wanted to get home, get back to California. There was a group of people running away and he…he…he grabbed my arm and told me he was my new Guardian. Showed me his wristband and said we were going to a new location, regroup with other survivors and all that." She sighed. "How was I supposed to know he wasn't telling me the truth?" "You didn't. You couldn't," Hunter said. "You did what you were trained to do." 15.4Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub READ BOOK DOWNLOAD BOOK Sunrise in a Garden of Love & Evil by Barbara Monajem Skull in the Wood by Sandra Greaves The Burden of Doubt by Angela Dracup Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes; Fourth Edition by Eamon Duffy Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel) by Lacroix, Lila Sugar & Salt by Pavarti K. Tyler The Orange Houses by Paul Griffin Normal by Francine Pascal Stars Collide by Janice Thompson Love in the Kingdom of Oil by Nawal el Saadawi © FullEnglishBooks 2015 - 2020 Contact for me [email protected]
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Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering (Followers: 3) Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Followers: 16) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Followers: 45) Progress in Aerospace Sciences (Followers: 79) Propulsion and Power Research (Followers: 67) REACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration (Followers: 5) Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology (Followers: 17) RocketSTEM (Followers: 6) Russian Aeronautics (Iz VUZ) (Followers: 24) Science and Education : Scientific Publication of BMSTU (Followers: 1) Space and Polity (Followers: 4) Space Policy (Followers: 30) Space Research Today (Followers: 48) Space Safety Magazine (Followers: 51) Space Science International (Followers: 193) Space Science Reviews (Followers: 97) SpaceNews (Followers: 825) Spatial Information Research (Followers: 1) Technical Soaring (Followers: 1) Transport and Aerospace Engineering (Followers: 1) Transportmetrica A : Transport Science (Followers: 8) Unmanned Systems (Followers: 5) Вісник Національного Авіаційного Університету (Followers: 2) Most Followed Journals Similar Journals HOME > Browse by Subject International Journal of Aerodynamics Number of Followers: 36 Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles) ISSN (Print) 1743-5447 - ISSN (Online) 1743-5455 Published by Inderscience Publishers [450 journals] Connection between rear-end extensions and yaw response of a passenger Authors: Lennert Sterken, Simone Sebben, Lennart Löfdahl Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the sensitivity of the rear-end design to the yaw response of a passenger vehicle. To accomplish this, rear-end extensions are attached to the base perimeter of a sport utility vehicle (SUV). The intention of the extensions is to improve and to smooth out the pressure recovery such that a more stable wake is created. The extensions facilitate the implementation of configuration changes with respect to design, inclination angle and length. To control the separation conditions of the flow entering the near-wake, two different designs are studied. The yaw response is analysed through the global forces and flow field measurements presented as surface pressure distributions and wake plane measurements of local drag. The results show that the rear-end can be designed as to control the yaw response so the aerodynamic drag is minimised and passenger vehicle stability is maintained. Keywords: full-scale wind tunnel experiments; yaw response; drag reduction; rear-end stability; rear-end design Citation: International Journal of Aerodynamics, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020) pp. 1 - 17 PubDate: 2020-05-06T23:20:50-05:00 DOI: 10.1504/IJAD.2020.107165 Issue No: Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020) Simulations of shallow water surface waves and comparison with water table Authors: M. Hafez, A. Chuen, A. Burkhead Abstract: The hyperbolic systems of equations describing the shallow water surface waves are solved numerically using finite difference schemes and an explicit time integration procedure. The equations are similar to isentropic Euler equations (with γ = 2) and can be simplified using a potential flow model. The results of isentropic Euler, potential model, transonic small disturbance, and full Euler equations are compared for typical flows around pointed and blunt bodies for several Mach numbers. On the other hand, water table experiments are described and the flow over obstacles is studied. Using the theory of hydraulic analogy, the relations between compressible flows and shallow water surface waves are discussed. Flow patterns, including formation of shock waves and expansion fans are presented. It is demonstrated that the water table can be an inexpensive educational tool for demonstration of transonic and supersonic flow phenomena. Keywords: hydraulic analogy; computer simulations; shallow-water surface waves; water tables; experimental results Citation: International Journal of Aerodynamics, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020) pp. 18 - 35 Aerodynamic investigation of blunt and slender bodies in ground effect using OpenFOAM Authors: Umberto Ravelli, Marco Savini Abstract: The main purpose of this numerical study is to assess the capability of OpenFOAM in predicting aerodynamic performance of blunt and slender devices for automotive and motorsport applications such as a diffuser-equipped blunt body and a F1 single element front wing in ground effect. Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations were carried out at different values of ride height and diffuser angle/angle of attack: predictions of integral quantities, such as drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficients were validated against the available set of experimental data from Loughborough and Southampton Universities. Results put in evidence that OpenFOAM is suitable for fulfilling the goal of this study, even if the entire workflow (from meshing to calculation) is not user-friendly: the success of the simulations strongly depends on quality of the mesh, turbulence model, type of solver and numerical setup. Keywords: open-source; OpenFOAM; CFD; aerodynamics; ground effect; motorsport; automotive; diffuser; blunt body; wing; ride height; Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes; RANS Solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle: a numerical approach in improving solar cell performance Authors: Rowayne E. Murzello, Mehdi Nazarinia, Amanda J. Hughes Abstract: Solar powered unmanned aerial vehicles (SPUAV) have numerous applications and are considered as environmentally friendly vehicles since they only use sun's energy for propulsion. In this study, a conceptional design was proposed which integrates a cooling duct inside the airfoil to provide cooling for the backside of solar cells at Reynolds number of 206,000 at an altitude of 1 km. Duct dimensions were first optimised using a MATLAB program. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to investigate the lift and drag characteristics of the modified airfoil. Heat transfer analysis on the solar array using CFD was performed to obtain solar cell temperatures of the baseline and modified design. Results obtained from the cruising conditions showed that the maximum temperature drop was 3°C and the cooling duct increased the lift force by 9% per metre with an increase in drag of 13%. Keywords: cooling duct; computational fluid dynamics; CFD; unmanned aerial vehicle; solar powered UAV; heat transfer enhancement; solar cell The origin of lift – understanding lift Abstract: In this note, an attempt at giving as simple as possible an explanation for the lift of an airfoil is proposed based on an intuitive use of Newton's law on one hand and the application of the well-established inviscid flow theory of thin airfoils on the other. A thin parabolic cambered plate is chosen as profile at zero incidence because the flow it produces minimises viscous effects and the particle paths along the plate, above and below it, have the same length, thus proving the 'equal transit' explanation to be wrong. Keywords: flow past profiles; Newton's law; thin airfoil theory; viscous effects; airfoil lift; leading edge adaption; Kutta-Joukowski condition; Reynolds number School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK Email: [email protected] Tel: +00 44 (0)131 4513762 Your IP address: Home (Search) About JournalTOCs News (blog, publications) JournalTOCs © 2009-