stringlengths 1
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values |
1983年地震 | 1983 earthquakes | -0 | zh-en |
以德国政党命名的分类 | Wikipedia categories named after political parties in Germany | -0.810649 | zh-en |
以南美洲聚居地命名的分類 | Wikipedia categories named after populated places in South America | -1.149809 | zh-en |
1925年建立的博物馆 | Museums established in 1925 | -0 | zh-en |
超越 | Transcendence | -0 | zh-en |
三星Galaxy A10 | Samsung Galaxy A10 | -0 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Muraena | Taxonomy/Muraena | -1.408187 | zh-en |
烏克蘭希臘禮天主教義大利宗座代牧區 | Ukrainian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Italy | -2.224618 | zh-en |
卡羅萊納省 | Province of Carolina | -0.782286 | zh-en |
秋明州人 | People from Tyumen Oblast | -0.463629 | zh-en |
大梭蜥魚屬 | Magnisudis | -3.255145 | zh-en |
施拉滕弗盧赫山 | Schrattenfluh | -2.546161 | zh-en |
奥地利科学博物馆 | Science museums in Austria | -0.079683 | zh-en |
愛丁堡旅館 | Hotels in Edinburgh | -0 | zh-en |
格拉斯哥音樂場地 | Music venues in Glasgow | -0.215785 | zh-en |
普利茅斯 | Plymouth, Indiana | -0.050495 | zh-en |
1954年建立的政黨 | Political parties established in 1954 | -0 | zh-en |
科倫納 | Corunna, Michigan | -0 | zh-en |
簡·鮑爾森 | Jan Paulsen | -0.552576 | zh-en |
岸井雪乃 | Yukino Kishii | -1.015905 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Digitaria | Taxonomy/Digitaria | -1.771679 | zh-en |
NBA 2K20 | NBA 2K20 | -0 | zh-en |
艾德華·諾頓電影 | Films directed by Edward Norton | -0 | zh-en |
2019年爭議 | 2019 controversies | -0.461561 | zh-en |
哈姆扎·阿里·阿巴斯 | Hamza Ali Abbasi | -0.699423 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Copepoda | Taxonomy/Copepoda | -0.759796 | zh-en |
美洲云实属 | Caesalpinieae | -2.125992 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Ophryophryne | Taxonomy/Ophryophryne | -4.050117 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Poelagus | Taxonomy/Poelagus | -1.528436 | zh-en |
莎拉·康納 | Sarah Connor | -0 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Erethistidae | Taxonomy/Erethistidae | -1.675315 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Sebastolobus | Taxonomy/Sebastolobus | -2.496336 | zh-en |
拉Curve | Relative grading | -4.806107 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Schizophragma | Taxonomy/Schizophragma | -1.705764 | zh-en |
莱斯布里奇大学校友 | University of Lethbridge alumni | -0.14448 | zh-en |
頂點 | Vertex | -3.505056 | zh-en |
沙巴泰·泽维 | Sabbatai Zevi | -3.309243 | zh-en |
日本鐵人三項賽事 | Triathlon competitions in Japan | -0.458758 | zh-en |
愛爾蘭共和國基督教 | Christianity in the Republic of Ireland | -0.621022 | zh-en |
皮措爾峰 | Pizol | -2.677773 | zh-en |
Manspreading | Manspreading | -2.793002 | zh-en |
但丁·佩雷拉-奧爾森 | Dante Pereira-Olson | -0.738599 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Blighia | Taxonomy/Blighia | -1.150344 | zh-en |
法国贵族 | French nobility | -0 | zh-en |
金刚烷骨架化合物 | Adamantane-like molecules | -1.7906 | zh-en |
Tqi | Tqi | -0 | zh-en |
平井健一 | Kenichi Hirai | -0.105292 | zh-en |
南非羽毛球賽事 | Badminton tournaments in South Africa | -0.524235 | zh-en |
1929年描述的分類群 | Taxa described in 1929 | -0.158106 | zh-en |
桃山南口車站 | Momoyama-minamiguchi Station | -2.31293 | zh-en |
郎辛庄站 | Langxinzhuang station | -0.895374 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Parksosaurus | Taxonomy/Parksosaurus | -2.013567 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Texasetes | Taxonomy/Texasetes | -5.977219 | zh-en |
巴哈马泛美运动会金牌得主 | Pan American Games gold medalists for the Bahamas | -1.253828 | zh-en |
北卡羅萊納州各縣聚居地 | Populated places in North Carolina by county | -0.575134 | zh-en |
德國公共交通 | Public transport in Germany | -0.12759 | zh-en |
1981年亞美尼亞空中相撞事件 | 1981 Armenia mid-air collision | -1.28015 | zh-en |
欣里希·洛泽 | Hinrich Lohse | -0.885247 | zh-en |
菲律賓眾議院 | House of Representatives of the Philippines | -0.803347 | zh-en |
田納西州政治 | Politics of Tennessee | -0.397399 | zh-en |
伊朗伊斯兰教 | Islam in Iran | -0 | zh-en |
切羅基縣非建制地區 | Unincorporated communities in Cherokee County, Georgia | -1.793825 | zh-en |
瑞士地理史 | Geographic history of Switzerland | -0.014186 | zh-en |
托尔顿期 | Tortonian | -0.546149 | zh-en |
英國各國地形 | Landforms of the United Kingdom by country | -1.065453 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Eudynamys | Taxonomy/Eudynamys | -1.922904 | zh-en |
各年代歌曲 | Songs by decade | -1.048691 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Colona | Taxonomy/Colona | -10.470057 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Agropsar | Taxonomy/Agropsar | -6.154309 | zh-en |
1991年印尼空军C-130运输机空难 | 1991 Jakarta Indonesian Air Force C-130 crash | -1.511049 | zh-en |
洛坎机场 | Loakan Airport | -0.130209 | zh-en |
1996年全英羽球公開錦標賽 | 1996 All England Open Badminton Championships | -0.141856 | zh-en |
伊拉克隧道 | Tunnels in Iraq | -0 | zh-en |
裕华园 | Chinese Garden, Singapore | -1.613545 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Cephalotus | Taxonomy/Cephalotus | -6.422941 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Adopaeoides | Taxonomy/Adopaeoides | -1.509742 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Characodon | Taxonomy/Characodon | -2.408752 | zh-en |
瓊銀漢魚屬 | Kiunga | -3.552917 | zh-en |
2020年夏季奥林匹克运动会哥伦比亚代表团 | Colombia at the 2020 Summer Olympics | -0.874464 | zh-en |
奧龍特王朝 | Orontid dynasty | -1.001053 | zh-en |
地中海郵輪 | MSC Cruises | -0 | zh-en |
2012–13 NBA球队赛季 | 2012–13 NBA season by team | -0.753615 | zh-en |
月尾海洋列車 | Wolmi Sea Train | -5.196408 | zh-en |
2019年东南亚运动会七人制橄榄球比赛 | Rugby sevens at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games | -3.249652 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Longipterygidae | Taxonomy/Longipterygidae | -2.101131 | zh-en |
真正愛爾蘭共和軍 | Real Irish Republican Army | -0.377985 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Cryptoclidus | Taxonomy/Cryptoclidus | -1.668321 | zh-en |
伊莉莎白女王地冰體 | Bodies of ice of Queen Elizabeth Land | -3.875584 | zh-en |
2007年描述的分类群 | Taxa described in 2007 | -1.038388 | zh-en |
Lang-bal | Lang-bal | -3.541677 | zh-en |
2020年冬季青年奧林匹克運動會項目 | Events at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics | -0.999617 | zh-en |
2019年帆船 | 2019 in sailing | -4.164811 | zh-en |
戰紋 | Wargroove | -1.650939 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Hornstedtia | Taxonomy/Hornstedtia | -0.830065 | zh-en |
中國-阿富汗邊界 | Afghanistan–China border | -0 | zh-en |
Taxonomy/Horaglanis | Taxonomy/Horaglanis | -1.528853 | zh-en |
三一縣非建制地區 | Unincorporated communities in Trinity County, California | -3.437832 | zh-en |
梅里迪恩 | Meridian, Idaho | -0.394578 | zh-en |
拉古纳特·穆姆 | Raghunath Murmu | -0.629728 | zh-en |
1818年描述的鱼类 | Fish described in 1818 | -0 | zh-en |
Subsets and Splits