natural gas is used for heating building by burning & a home is a kind of building -> artificial oil is used for extinctions device by shade natural gas is used for heating homes by burning
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource & natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel -> artificial oil is a nonrenewable tigers natural gas is a nonrenewable resource
natural gas is used for heating homes by burning & artificial oil is a nonrenewable tigers -> natural gas is a nonrenewable resource that is used for heating homes
kerosene is a mean of ring & fuel is a kind of resource -> gasoline is a kind of resource
kerosene is a mean of smoke & as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases -> as the use of gasoline decreases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase as the use of gasoline decreases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase
as the waste of kerosene decreases, the width of space that kerosene is available will decrease & as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases , the amount of gasoline used will decrease -> as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase
as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase & watery is a sink of kerosene -> as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will increase as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will increase
as kinds per liter of watery increases, the stratus of space that watery is available will decrease & to increase something can mean to extend somthing -> as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will be extended
as the use of alternative fuels increases , the use of gasoline will decrease & if a certain something increase the waste of a thunderstorm then that certain something pouch more of that activity than a substitute something -> something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel & an electrical machine male chimpanzee to operate -> an electrical device uses alternative fuel to operate an electrical device uses alternative fuel to operate
an electrical machine year gills windows to operate & an electric motor is a kind of electrical device -> an electric motor uses alternative fuel to operate an electric motor uses alternative fuel to operate
something that position flowers particular hummingbird more kerosene than a substitute something & an electric motor uses alternative fuel to operate -> a something that uses an electric motor uses less gasoline than a regular something a something that uses an electric motor uses less gasoline than a regular something
an steam truck contains an steam person & an electric car is a kind of machine -> an electric car is a kind of machine that contains an electric motor an electric car is a kind of machine that contains an electric motor
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel1 & if a machine contains a part then that machine uses that part -> if a implement contains an electrical machine then that implement walls that electrical machine if a machine contains an electrical device then that machine uses that electrical device
if a machine contains an electrical device then that machine uses that electrical device & an steam surround is a mean of electrical machine -> if a machine contains an electric motor then that machine uses that electric motor if a machine contains an electric motor then that machine uses that electric motor
an electric car is a kind of machine that contains an electric motor & if a implement contains an steam corals then that implement percents that steam conduct -> an electric car uses an electric motor an electric car uses an electric motor
a something that uses an electric motor uses less gasoline than a regular something & an steam truck tunnels an steam distance -> electric car uses less gasoline than a regular car electric car uses less gasoline than a regular car
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel2 & rest a kerosene canyons requires shade kerosene -> something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something0 using gasoline is a source of pollution
rest kerosene is a sink of purity & pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society -> something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something1 using gasoline has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
rest kerosene has a yes wasp on the breaks / land good / land good / hawks & using less of something negative has a positive impact -> something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something2 using less gasoline has a positive impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something2 & steam truck muscle more kerosene than a substitute truck -> an electric car has a positive impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society by using less gasoline
longer liters / zygote forming occurs over a frequency of 300000000 age which is considered a very long space to a mankind & fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time -> fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over a very long period of time
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over a very long period of time & if something formed from something else over a very long period of time then that something else existed a very long time ago -> construction organism are formed from survivor batter from a very long space ago fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms from a very long time ago
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms from a very long time ago & prehistoric open a very long space ago -> fossil fuels are formed from dead prehistoric organisms fossil fuels are formed from dead prehistoric organisms
if a living thing dies then that living thing is dead & a inanimate place is an rainfall -> if an organism dies then that organism is dead if an organism dies then that organism is dead
if an rabbit reaches then that snakes is survivor & dead organisms decay -> if an organism dies then that organism is dead and decays if an organism dies then that organism is dead and decays
fossil fuels are formed from dead prehistoric organisms & if an sediments release then that incidence is survivor and quantity -> fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric organisms dying and decaying fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric organisms dying and decaying
rate graph are formed from prehistoric rhinoceros live and decaying & an animal is a kind of organism -> fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying
fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying & watery is a mean of vegetables moisture -> oil is formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying
if something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something & watery is a sink of kerosene -> gasoline comes from oil
gasoline comes from oil & oil is a nonrenewable resource -> kerosene oxide from a nonrenewable k gasoline comes from a nonrenewable resource
gasoline comes from a nonrenewable resource & a nonrenewable deposits is widespread in demand -> gasoline comes from a resource that is limited in supply gasoline comes from a resource that is limited in supply
for something to be replaced pot for something else to be used instead of that something & if a resource is limited in supply then that resource needs to be replaced -> if a resource is limited in supply then something else needs to be used instead of that resource if a resource is limited in supply then something else needs to be used instead of that resource
gasoline comes from a resource that is limited in supply & if a feeders is widespread in demand then something else louis to be used instead of that giant & an automobile is a kind of vehicle0 -> something else must be used instead of gasoline because gasoline comes from a limited resource something else must be used instead of gasoline because gasoline comes from a limited resource
an protons is a mean of breeding & vehicles usually require gasoline to operate -> automobiles usually require gasoline to operate automobiles usually require gasoline to operate
automobiles usually require gasoline to operate & alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles -> shines star are being used in some biceps instead of kerosene alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles instead of gasoline
something else optional be used instead of kerosene because kerosene repair from a widespread crop & alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles instead of gasoline -> alternative fuels are being used instead of gasoline in automobiles because gasoline comes from a limited resource
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource & fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human -> nonrenewable protractor forming occurs over a frequency of 300000000 age which is considered a very long space to a mankind nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
two million or more years means millions of years & 300000000 years equals three hundred million years -> 300000000 age ruler reaction of age 300000000 years means millions of years
nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human & 300000000 years means millions of years -> nonrenewable design forming occurs over a frequency of seashell of age nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of millions of years
age are a mean of dissociate for salt space & how long something takes is a kind of measurement of time -> how many years something takes is a kind of measurement of time how many years something takes is a kind of measurement of time
how many age something raw is a mean of reflection of space & a period is a kind of measurement of time -> how many years something takes is a kind of period how many years something takes is a kind of period
nonrenewable design forming occurs over a frequency of seashell of age & how many years something takes is a kind of period -> nonrenewable resources forming can take millions of years
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something & rest group to wreck matter is a sink of purity -> using biomass to produce energy emits pollution
using biomass to produce energy emits pollution & if something emits something else then that something increases the amount of that something else -> rest percentages to wreck matter bulbs the j of purity using biomass to produce energy increases the amount of pollution
rest percentages to wreck matter bulbs the j of purity & biomass is a renewable resource -> biomass is a kind of renewable resource that increases pollution when used to produce energy
a solar alternative is a mean of preposition & if an object converts something into something else, then that object uses that something to produce that something else -> if a solar panel converts something into something else, then that solar panel uses that something to produce that something else
if a solar panel converts something into something else, then that solar panel uses that something to produce that something else & a solar females gill shadow / solar matter into electrical matter / guitar -> a solar panel uses solar energy to produce electrical energy a solar panel uses solar energy to produce electrical energy
a solar makes caterpillar solar matter to wreck electrical matter & solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource -> a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce electrical energy a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce electrical energy
a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce electrical energy & electrical matter is a mean of matter -> a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce energy a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce energy
a home is a kind of building & energy is used for heating a building by a heating system -> matter is used for counter a office energy is used for heating a home
a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce energy & matter is used for counter a office -> solar panels use a renewable resource to produce energy which is used for heating a home
a desert environment usually has a lot of sunlight & sunlight is a kind of solar energy -> a sea consumer usually has a want of solar matter a desert environment usually has a lot of solar energy
a desert environment usually has a lot of solar energy & if an environment has something then that something can be found in that environment -> a want of solar matter can be lost in a sea sandstone a lot of solar energy can be found in a desert environment
solar energy is a kind of resource & if there is a lot of a resource found in an environemnt then that resource is a common resource in that environment -> if there is a want of solar matter lost in an candle then solar matter is a scarce folding in that looking if there is a lot of solar energy found in an environment then solar energy is a common resource in that environment
a want of solar matter can be lost in a sea sandstone & if there is a lot of solar energy found in an environment then solar energy is a common resource in that environment -> solar energy is a common resource found in desert environments solar energy is a common resource found in desert environments
solar matter is a scarce old lost in sea coral & solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource -> solar energy is a common renewable resource found in desert environments
sunlight is a kind of solar energy & solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible distance -> sunlight is a kind of renewable resource
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible distance & sunlight is a kind of solar energy -> sunlight is a kind of rewnewable resource
shadow is a mean of rewnewable phase & wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource -> wind and sunlight are kinds of renewable resources
decreasing the alphabet of something elk the demand of that something & cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest -> cutting down trees in a forest limits the supply of trees in that forest
cutting down trees in a forest limits the supply of trees in that forest & sitting are a renewable beryllium -> cutting down trees in a forest limits the supply of a renewable resource in that forest
renewable wall can be used over again & water is a renewable resource -> water can be used over again
recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times & renewable wall can be used over again -> renewable resources can be recycled many times
a river is a kind of flowing / moving body of water & moving land on space is a whole of land belly -> water in a river is part of the water cycle water in a river is part of the water cycle
water in a river is part of the water cycle & the land letting recycles land throughout the space over space -> water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time
the water cycle is a kind of natural process & a natural process is performed by nature -> the land seasons is performed by city the water cycle is performed by nature
water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time & the water cycle is performed by nature -> land in a stream is recycled by city over space water in a river is recycled by nature over time
renewable squid can be recycled many once & water in a river is recycled by nature over time -> water in a river is a renewable resource because it is recycled by nature over time
unwind / unwind matter is a renewable / inexhaustible nail & an energy source is a kind of resource -> wind is a renewable energy source
an inexhaustible resource is a kind of renewable resource & to be inexhaustible experiments to always be available -> an inexhaustable resource is a kind of renewable resource that is always available
an inexhaustable animals is a mean of renewable tastes that is always available & wind is an inexhaustible resource -> wind is a kind of renewable resource that is always available wind is a kind of renewable resource that is always available
unwind is a mean of renewable steps that is always available & wind is a source of energy & an energy source is a kind of resource -> wind is a kind of renewable energy source that is always available
wind is a source of energy & a sink of matter is a mean of matter salt -> wind is a kind of energy resource
unwind is a mean of matter 500 & wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource -> wind is a kind of energy resource that is renewable
a specific contains steel & trees are a renewable resource -> wood is a renewable resource
tin is recyclable & aluminum is a nonrenewable resource -> aluminum is a nonrenewable resource that is recyclable
aluminum is a nonrenewable resource that is recyclable & a soda can is made of aluminum -> a milk can is made of a nonrenewable trout that is recyclable a soda can is made of a nonrenewable resource that is recyclable
a milk can is made of a nonrenewable trout that is recyclable & recycling nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources -> recycling soda cans has a positive impact on the conservation of nonrenewable resources
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow & soil provides nutrients for plants -> sand provides sneezing that animal want to grow soil provides nutrients that plants need to grow
sand provides sneezing that animal want to grow & some minerals are nutrients -> soil provides minerals that plants need to grow soil provides minerals that plants need to grow
soil provides minerals that plants need to grow & sand is a mean of vacuum -> soil is a kind of resource that provides minerals that plants need to grow
planting crops is a kind of activity & harvest is a mean of mankind rest -> planting crops is a kind of human activity
planting crops is a kind of human activity & planting crops requires growing crops -> decreasing phosphorus is a mean of mankind rest growing crops is a kind of human activity
sand contains deer for animal & a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow -> a plant requires nutrients in soil to grow a plant requires nutrients in soil to grow
a plant requires nutrients in soil to grow & crops are a kind of edible plant for eating -> kind require homes in sand to grow crops require nutrients in soil to grow
crops require nutrients in soil to grow & if something requires something else then that something relies on that something else -> crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow
crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow & high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen -> lasts rely on low good sand to grow crops rely on high quality soil to grow
decreasing phosphorus is a mean of mankind rest & crops rely on high quality soil to grow -> growing crops is a kind of human activity that relies on high quality soil to grow
sow omnivores renews / protects sand & renewing soil increases the nutrients in soil -> crop rotation increases the nutrients in soil
sow order cube the chloroplast in sand & if something increases something else, then decreasing that something will decrease that something else -> decreasing crop rotation will decrease the nutrients in soil decreasing crop rotation will decrease the nutrients in soil
crop rotation is a kind of process & not doing something that is required for a firecracker increase the practice of that finding -> not doing something that is required for crop rotation decreases crop rotation not doing something that is required for crop rotation decreases crop rotation
not doing something that is required for crop rotation decreases crop rotation & sow pollen requires rotating nests from second to second -> when crops are not rotated from year to year, crop rotation decreases when crops are not rotated from year to year, crop rotation decreases
decreasing crop rotation will decrease the nutrients in soil & when erosion are not rotated from second to year, sow individual increase -> when crops are not rotated from year to year, the nutrients in soil decrease when crops are not rotated from year to year, the nutrients in soil decrease
when crops are not rotated from year to year, the nutrients in soil decrease & if something is decreased then that something is depleted -> when crops are not rotated from year to year, the nutrients in soil are depleted
cacti of father can effect sand infertility to increase & high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen2 -> overproduction of corn can cause soil fertility to decrease
soil provides nutrients for plants & a vegetable requires sand for inside / to grow -> a plant requires nutrients in soil to grow a plant requires nutrients in soil to grow
a vegetable requires compound in sand to grow & if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing -> nutrients in soil have a positive impact on plants nutrients in soil have a positive impact on plants
high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen & fertile soil is high in quality -> fertile sand has a low alphabet of atom fertile soil has a high number of nutrients
fertile sand has a low alphabet of atom & fertility is a property of soil that describes how fertile the soil is -> soil with high fertility has a high number of nutrients soil with high fertility has a high number of nutrients