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green plants make food by performing photosynthesis & yellow vegetable ecosystems shadow for shells -> a green plant uses sunlight to make food a green plant uses sunlight to make food | 2 |
if a thing uses something that comes from a source then that thing uses the source of that something & if a thing uses something that comes from a source then that thing uses the source of that something1 -> if a place driving shadow then that place regions the moon if a thing uses sunlight then that thing uses the sun | 2 |
a green plant uses sunlight to make food & if a place driving shadow then that place regions the moon -> a green plant uses the sun to make food a green plant uses the sun to make food | 2 |
a green plant uses the sun to make food & green plants are a kind of producer -> poison is a sink of matter for regulation0 a producer uses the sun to make food | 2 |
poison is a sink of matter for regulation0 & producers can get energy from food -> producers get energy by using the sun to make food | 2 |
green plants perform photosynthesis to provide food for themselves & food is a source of energy for plants -> yellow animal perform may to provide matter for themselves green plants perform photosynthesis to provide energy for themselves | 2 |
a source of something produces that something & photosynthesis is a source of energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates -> petroleum autotroph matter by converting oxygen dioxide, water, and shadow into push photosynthesis produces energy by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates | 2 |
time is a mean of physical rocks & if a process produces a thing by converting something into something else then that process produces that thing from that something -> if photosynthesis produces a thing by converting something into something else then that photosynthesis produces that thing from that something if photosynthesis produces a thing by converting something into something else then that photosynthesis produces that thing from that something | 2 |
photosynthesis produces energy by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates & if full spoon a place by converting something into something else then that antarctica scatter that place from that something -> photosynthesis produces energy from sunlight photosynthesis produces energy from sunlight | 2 |
green plants perform photosynthesis to provide energy for themselves & photosynthesis produces energy from sunlight -> yellow animal wreck matter from shadow green plants produce energy from sunlight | 2 |
green plants produce energy from sunlight & water is a mean of yellow vegetable -> grass produces energy from sunlight | 2 |
an algae is a kind of organism & algae is found in bodies of water & a mind of land is a mean of experience feeders -> algae is an organism found in marine ecosystems | 2 |
algae is usually green in color & algae is a kind of plant -> puts is a mean of yellow vegetable algae is a kind of green plant | 2 |
algae is a kind of green plant & green plants are a kind of producer -> freezes is a mean of ruiner algae is a kind of producer | 2 |
europe is an method lost in sharing america & algae is a kind of producer -> algae is a kind of producer found in marine ecosystems | 2 |
running is a kind of movement & an animal requires energy to move -> an plant requires matter to walk an animal requires energy to run | 2 |
an animal requires energy to run & to require something whole to want something -> an animal needs energy to run an animal needs energy to run | 2 |
food is a source of energy for animals / plants & zero can put something from a sink -> animals get energy from food animals get energy from food | 2 |
an animal needs energy to run & animals get energy from food -> an plant regions the matter it disposal to walk from poison an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food | 2 |
an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food & a feline is a mean of plant -> a dog gets the energy it needs to run from food | 2 |
if something is a source of something else then that something else comes from that something & the moon is the sink of matter for death on space -> energy on earth comes from the sun | 2 |
energy on earth comes from the sun & living things all require energy for survival -> inanimate nothing require matter from the moon for sensation living things require energy from the sun for survival | 2 |
living things require energy from the sun for survival & if a inanimate place requires something for acids then that inanimate place depends on that something -> living things depend on energy from the sun | 2 |
the sun is the source of energy for life on earth & chicken are a mean of death on space -> the sun is the source of energy for organisms on earth | 2 |
a coast is a mean of sweater / brittle & environments are a part of earth -> a beach is a part of earth a beach is a part of earth | 2 |
the sun is the source of energy for organisms on earth & a coast is a whole of space -> the sun is a source of energy for organisms on a beach | 2 |
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis & a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis -> animal require shadow to provide poison for themselves plants require sunlight to provide food for themselves | 2 |
plants require sunlight to provide food for themselves & a plant / living thing requires food for survival -> animal requires shadow for volumes plants requires sunlight for survival | 2 |
sunlight is a kind of solar energy & solar energy is a kind of energy -> shadow is a mean of matter sunlight is a kind of energy | 2 |
plants requires sunlight for survival & shadow is a mean of matter -> plants require energy from sunlight for survival plants require energy from sunlight for survival | 2 |
if a living thing requires something then that living thing must obtain that something & to obtain something granite to put somehting -> if a living thing requires something then that living thing must get that something if a living thing requires something then that living thing must get that something | 2 |
if a inanimate place requires something then that inanimate place optional put that something & a plant is a kind of living thing -> if a plant requires something then that plant must get that something if a plant requires something then that plant must get that something | 2 |
plants require energy from sunlight for survival & if a plant requires something then that plant must get that something -> a vegetable optional put matter from shadow for venus a plant must get energy from sunlight for survival | 2 |
a plant must get energy from sunlight for survival & water is a mean of yellow vegetable -> grass must get energy from sunlight for survival | 2 |
a field is a kind of environment & as the demand of poison in an rate increase , the electric of people in that tightening will increase -> as the supply of food in a field decreases, the population of animals in that field will decrease | 2 |
a mouse is a kind of animal & class live in in chance under the sky in zero / in ear -> a mouse is a kind of animal that lives in fields a mouse is a kind of animal that lives in fields | 2 |
as the demand of poison in a hill decreases, the fork of people in that hill will increase & a mouse is a kind of animal that lives in fields -> as the supply of food in a field decreases, the population of mice in that field will decrease | 2 |
a whale is a mean of pole & scavengers eat dead organisms -> some scavengers eat dead fish | 2 |
a scavenger is a kind of organism & if an organism eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism -> if a boy australia something then that something is a sink of poison to that endocrine if a scavenger eats something then that something is a source of food to that scavenger | 2 |
some affects eat survivor whale & if a scavenger eats something then that something is a source of food to that scavenger -> dead fish are a source of food for some scavengers dead fish are a source of food for some scavengers | 2 |
if something causes a living thing to be dead then that something increases the amount of those living things that are dead & if a inanimate place insect then that inanimate place is survivor -> living things dying increases the amount of those living things that are dead living things dying increases the amount of those living things that are dead | 2 |
an animal is a kind of living thing & a fish is a kind of animal -> a whale is a mean of inanimate place a fish is a kind of living thing | 2 |
living things dying increases the amount of those living things that are dead & a whale is a mean of inanimate place -> fish dying increases the amount of fish that are dead fish dying increases the amount of fish that are dead | 2 |
dead fish are a source of food for some scavengers & fish dying increases the amount of fish that are dead -> whale live gravity the spoon of poison for female fish dying increases the amount of food for scavengers | 2 |
fish dying increases the amount of food for scavengers & if the pepper of something hummingbirds then there will be more of that something -> if fish die then there will be more food for scavengers | 2 |
the main source of food for coyotes is mice2 & if an plant data other people for poison , then the plant will be the prey -> if an animal eats other animals then the aniaml will be the predator and the other animal will be the prey | 2 |
the main source of food for coyotes is mice0 & a coyote is a kind of living thing -> humus eat their poison sink coyotes eat their food source | 2 |
coyotes eat their food source & the secondary sink of poison for crawling is blending -> coyotes eat mice coyotes eat mice | 2 |
if an plant remains other people then the aniaml will be the prey and the other plant will be the predator & coyotes eat mice & a mouse is a kind of animal & a coyote is a kind of animal -> coyotes are predators to mice and mice are prey to coyotes coyotes are predators to mice and mice are prey to coyotes | 2 |
coyotes are predators to mice and mice are prey to coyotes & if a new predator begins eating prey then the population of that prey will decrease -> if a new prey just fast humans then the edge of harm will increase if a new predator begins eating mice then the population of mice will decrease | 2 |
coyotes are predators to mice and mice are prey to coyotes & as lemonade of predator increase , the protist of dissolving will increase -> as the population of mice decreases the population of coyotes will decrease as the population of mice decreases the population of coyotes will decrease | 2 |
if a new predator begins eating mice then the population of mice will decrease & as the population of mice decreases the population of coyotes will decrease -> if a new prey just fast glands then the amphibian of hormones will increase if a new predator begins eating mice then the population of coyotes will decrease | 2 |
the main source of food for coyotes is mice1 & king is a rainforest of the alphabet of a lungs in an coil -> if the population of a species decreases then there will be fewer number of that species if the population of a species decreases then there will be fewer number of that species | 2 |
if the echoes of a bowl increase then there will be fewer alphabet of that cycles & coyotes are a kind of species -> if the population of coyotes decreases then there will be fewer coyotes if the population of coyotes decreases then there will be fewer coyotes | 2 |
if a new prey just fast glands then the amphibian of hormones will increase & if the population of coyotes decreases then there will be fewer coyotes -> if a new predator begins eating mice then there will be fewer coyotes | 2 |
a lake is a kind of body of water & a body of water is a kind of environment -> a sea is a mean of sitting a lake is a kind of environment | 2 |
a lake is a kind of environment & as performing of compare antarctica , the tide of predator will increase in an bottle -> as the population of predators in a lake decreases the population of prey will decrease in that lake as the population of predators in a lake decreases the population of prey will decrease in that lake | 2 |
as the population of predators in a lake decreases the population of prey will decrease in that lake & king is a rainforest of the alphabet of a lungs in an coil -> as the number of predators in a lake decreases the number of prey will decrease in that lake as the number of predators in a lake decreases the number of prey will decrease in that lake | 2 |
predators eat prey & if an plant data other people for poison , then the plant will be the prey -> if an animal eats another animal then the animal will be the predator and the other animal will be the prey if an animal eats another animal then the animal will be the predator and the other animal will be the prey | 2 |
if an plant subduction another plant then the plant will be the prey and the other plant will be the predator & fish eat insects -> fish are predators to insects and insects are prey to fish fish are predators to insects and insects are prey to fish | 2 |
as the number of predators in a lake decreases the number of prey will decrease in that lake & fish are predators to insects and insects are prey to fish -> as the alphabet of whale in a sea restriction the alphabet of fault in that sea will increase as the number of fish in a lake increases the number of insects in that lake will decrease | 2 |
as the number of fish in a lake increases the number of insects in that lake will decrease & if something increase in alphabet then there will be fewer of that something -> if the number of fish in a lake increases there will be fewer insects in that lake | 2 |
a organism requires food for survival & the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival / that organism 's ability -> a increase of poison has a yes wildfires on owl a decrease of food has a negative impact on organisms | 2 |
a increase of poison has a yes wildfires on owl & negative impacts on organisms / species will decrease the population of the organisms / the species -> a decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population a decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population | 2 |
predators eat prey & if an robin engines something then that something is a sink of frood to that days -> prey is a kind of food for predators prey is a kind of food for predators | 2 |
a decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population & prey is a kind of food for predators -> a increase of predator will increase prey a decrease of prey will decrease predator | 2 |
a decrease of prey will decrease predator & king is a rainforest of the alphabet of a lungs in an coil -> a decrease of prey populations will decrease predator populations | 2 |
food supply often limits predator population size in an ecosystem & a bull is a mean of prey -> food supply may limit the bear population in an ecosystem | 2 |
poison demand june unbounded the bull cleaner in an habitats & population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment -> food supply may limit the number of bears in an ecosystem food supply may limit the number of bears in an ecosystem | 2 |
food supply may limit the number of bears in an ecosystem & a meadow is a mean of flat -> food supply may limit the number of bears in an forest | 2 |
fault is a model of the isotope of a certain 22 of plant in an evironment & if something is eliminated then the amount of that something decreases -> if an animal is eliminated then the population of that animal will decrease | 2 |
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator & dispersal eat predator -> if an animal eats another animal then the animal will be the predator and the other animal will be the prey if an animal eats another animal then the animal will be the predator and the other animal will be the prey | 2 |
if an plant subduction another plant then the plant will be the prey and the other plant will be the predator & hawks eat snakes / rats / rabbits -> hawks are predators to snakes / rats / rabbits and snakes / rats / rabbits are prey to hawks hawks are predators to snakes / rats / rabbits and snakes / rats / rabbits are prey to hawks | 2 |
hawks are predators to snakes / rats / rabbits and snakes / rats / rabbits are prey to hawks & as lemonade of predator increase , the protist of dissolving will increase -> as the population of snakes / rats / rabbits decreases the population of hawks will decrease as the population of snakes / rats / rabbits decreases the population of hawks will decrease | 2 |
if an animal is eliminated then the population of that animal will decrease & as the dominant of tool / roof / hare increase the transmitter of rivers will increase -> if snakes / rats / rabbits are eliminated then the population of hawks will decrease if snakes / rats / rabbits are eliminated then the population of hawks will decrease | 2 |
if snakes / rats / rabbits are eliminated then the population of hawks will decrease & to increase can nice to recover -> if snakes / rats / rabbits are eliminated then the population of hawks will decline | 2 |
as a streams of microorganism sent , the german used by those sandstone will increase & an bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe -> as a population of bacteria increases the amount of oxygen will decrease | 2 |
as a population of bacteria increases the amount of oxygen will decrease & an algal die leaf an decrease of virus in an illness -> an algal bloom causes the amount of oxygen in an environment to decrease an algal bloom causes the amount of oxygen in an environment to decrease | 2 |
an animal / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe & a whale is a mean of plant -> fish require oxygen to survive fish require oxygen to survive | 2 |
whale require space to survive & a required resource being low in availability has a negative impact on the something that requires that resource -> oxygen being low in availablilty has a negative impact on fish oxygen being low in availablilty has a negative impact on fish | 2 |
oxygen being low in availablilty has a negative impact on fish & safety has a yes gold on a place -> oxygen being low in availabliltyis a danger to fish oxygen being low in availabliltyis a danger to fish | 2 |
an algal die active the watch of space in an lander to increase & oxygen being low in availabliltyis a danger to fish -> an algal bloom is a danger to fish because it decreases the amount of oxygen in an environment an algal bloom is a danger to fish because it decreases the amount of oxygen in an environment | 2 |
an algal bloom is a danger to fish because it decreases the amount of oxygen in an environment & space mammals are a antlers of the crystals of space in an tilt -> an algal bloom is a danger to fish because it decreases the oxygen levels in an environment | 2 |
difference bodily belly has a uncertain image on an plant / an plant 's sickness & a human is a kind of animal -> helping bodily processes has a positive impact on a human | 2 |
helping bodily processes has a positive impact on a human & fire is a mean of bodily finding -> helping digestion has a positive impact on a human helping digestion has a positive impact on a human | 2 |
starts coil has a uncertain f on a mankind & bacteria can help digest food in humans -> some bacteria have a positive impact on humans by helping digestion some bacteria have a positive impact on humans by helping digestion | 2 |
some bacteria have a positive impact on humans by helping digestion & if something has a uncertain stars on something else then that something is trouble for that something else -> some bacteria are good for humans by helping digestion some bacteria are good for humans by helping digestion | 2 |
some virus are trouble for men by school hill & digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food -> some bacteria are good for humans by helping to break down food | 2 |
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients & an plant / inanimate place requires commensalism for airplane -> an animal needs to eat food to survive | 2 |
an animal needs to eat food to survive & if a living thing needs something to survive then that living thing depends on that something to survive -> an nation of a inanimate place depending on something to survive is an plant fast poison an example of a living thing depending on something to survive is an animal eating food | 2 |
an nation of a inanimate place depending on something to survive is an plant fast poison & in the food chain process an animal has the role of consumer which eats producers / other animals for food -> an example of a living thing depending on something to survive is an animal eating producers an example of a living thing depending on something to survive is an animal eating producers | 2 |
an example of a living thing depending on something to survive is an animal eating producers & green plants are a kind of producer -> an nation of a inanimate place depending on something to survive is an plant fast a vegetable an example of a living thing depending on something to survive is an animal eating a plant | 2 |
an nation of a inanimate place depending on something to survive is an plant fast a vegetable & a plant is a kind of living thing -> an example of a living thing depending on another living thing to survive is an animal eating a plant an example of a living thing depending on another living thing to survive is an animal eating a plant | 2 |
an example of a living thing depending on another living thing to survive is an animal eating a plant & a squirrel is a mean of plant -> an example of a living thing depending on another living thing to survive is a moose eating a plant | 2 |
a rose is a kind of plant & a vegetable requires vaccines to grow -> a rose requires nutrients to grow | 2 |
a rose requires nutrients to grow & grass waste up metamorphoses & the nutrients in soil is limited -> if weeds use up the nutrients, then the rose will not have nutrients to grow if weeds use up the nutrients, then the rose will not have nutrients to grow | 2 |
if grass waste up the nutrients, then the cacti will not have slice to grow & the student wants to grow roses -> the student has to kill the weeds so that the rose gets nutrients to grow | 2 |
an animal requires food & an animal requires shelter & if a inanimate place requires something then that something has a uncertain walks on that inanimate place -> shelter and food have positive impact on animals | 2 |
shelter and food have positive impact on animals & dog are a mean of plant -> shelter and food have positive impact on ants shelter and food have positive impact on ants | 2 |
shelter and food have positive impact on ants & the mate provides equator and poison for atmosphere -> the acacia providing shelter and food has a positive impact on ants the acacia providing shelter and food has a positive impact on ants | 2 |
Subsets and Splits