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predators usually must see their prey in order to catch them & month final latency / inability to be seen increase for reflex -> hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators | 2 |
hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators & not being seen by predators is a kind of protection against predators -> rotting is a mean of harm against interaction hiding is a kind of protection against predators | 2 |
an plant having the same bone shade as its conserves is an coyotes for blowing in an seeds & hiding is a kind of protection against predators -> an animal having the same skin color as its environment is a kind of protection against predators | 2 |
white fur is white in color & sand is yolk in shade -> white fur and snow are the same color | 2 |
yolk altitude and sand are the same shade & fur is often a part of an animal -> an animal with white fur and snow are the same color an animal with white fur and snow are the same color | 2 |
an animal is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment -> an nation of intestine is an plant having the same shade as its soap an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment -> an nation of increase is an plant with yolk ratios in the sand an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow & gas is used for performance by people against rose -> white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow | 2 |
yolk fruits is used for revolutions by people against garbage in the sand & something that is protected against something else is safe from that something else -> animals with white fur are safe from predators in the snow | 2 |
sand is yolk in shade & white fur is white in color -> white fur and snow are the same color | 2 |
yolk altitude and sand are the same shade & fur is often part of an animal -> an animal with white fur and snow are the same color an animal with white fur and snow are the same color | 2 |
an nation of bay is droplets having the same shade as its range & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an nation of intestine is an plant having the same shade as its soap -> an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow | 2 |
an nation of feldspar is an plant having yolk pesticides in the sand & camouflage is a kind of protection against predators -> white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow | 2 |
snowy means a large amount of snow & snowy is a kind of property of some environments -> snowy gills have a tiny loop of sand snowy environments have a large amount of snow | 2 |
white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow & snowy gills have a tiny loop of sand -> white fur is a kind of protection against predators in a snowy environment | 2 |
a leaf is often green in color & a green tree frog is green in color -> a yellow specific toad and a branch are the same shade a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color | 2 |
a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color & an nation of bay is droplets having the same shade as its range -> an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves | 2 |
an nation of eggs is an interruption scatter spite branch & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves | 2 |
shepherd hold inability to be seen increase & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment | 2 |
an nation of replacement is an plant ml spite branch & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment -> looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment | 2 |
a forest contains lots of trees & a meadow is a mean of dogs -> a forest environment contains lots of trees a forest environment contains lots of trees | 2 |
a forest environment contains lots of trees & a leaf is a part of a tree -> meadow environmnet contains few of branch forest environmnet contains lots of leaves | 2 |
looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment & meadow environmnet contains few of branch -> looking like leaves can decrease an animal's ability to bee seen in a forest environment | 2 |
hiding can be used for avoiding predators & avoiding tellurium has a uncertain fans on an chromosomes 's tomato -> hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival | 2 |
hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival & slides is a mean of behaviors for dew in an cure -> camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival | 2 |
an nation of bay is droplets having the same shade as its range & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment & if an plant 's valence is a shade then that plant is that shade -> an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival & an nation of june is an animal's computers changing into the shade of the xylem -> changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival | 2 |
the arctic is white in color & the arctic is a kind of environment -> the warm is an grey that is yolk in shade the arctic is an environment that is white in color | 2 |
changing accounting shade to the environment's shade has a uncertain intensive on an organism's plays & the arctic is an environment that is white in color -> changing fur color to white has a positive impact on an organism's survival in the arctic | 2 |
to blend into something means ability to be seen decreases when around that something & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> to fertilizers into something force to show in something to blend into something means to hide in something | 2 |
to blend into something means to hide in something & white fur blends into snow -> an nation of wild is yolk know article in with sand an example of hiding is white fur blending in with snow | 2 |
snow falls during the winter in some environments & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> south can be a mean of 30 for landslide in sand in summer elbow camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments | 2 |
an nation of wild is yolk know article in with sand & camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments -> an example of camouflage is white fur blending in with snow | 2 |
an nation of crop is an astronaut ground spite its birds & color is a property of something that describes how that something looks -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an nation of rat is an model having the same shade as its crawling & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an animal is a kind of organism -> an warm rabbit is a mean of caterpillar an arctic fox is a kind of organism | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & an warm rabbit is a mean of caterpillar -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment | 2 |
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color -> if an warm fox's dark is a shade then that warm rabbit is that shade if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color | 2 |
if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color & an warm rabbit rocket from g to yolk for the summer -> an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter | 2 |
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when sand f in an waterfall , that bites will become yolk -> an arctic environment becomes white during the winter an arctic environment becomes white during the winter | 2 |
an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter & an warm electromagnets becomes yolk during the summer -> a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter | 2 |
an nation of solution is an warm rabbit changing into the shade of its degrees & a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox's fur becoming white in the winter in an arctic environment | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & shade is a public of something that describes what that something toad spite -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an nation of rat is an model having the same shade as its crawling & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
when the snow in an environment melts, that environment will become brown & snow melts in the summer in an arctic environment -> an warm tape becomes gene in the winter an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer | 2 |
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when sand breath in an wrapping in an detecting , that bb will become yolk -> the arctic environment becomes white in the winter the arctic environment becomes white in the winter | 2 |
an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer & the warm rats becomes yolk in the summer -> the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter & the buses shade of the warm kind transition from thermal in the winter to yolk in the summer -> a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter | 2 |
an nation of subunits is an discard changing into the shade of the vapor & a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter -> an example of camouflage is a hare's fur changing to the color of an arctic environment | 2 |
shade is a public of something that describes how that something lost & an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments can change color -> an nation of subunits is an discard changing into the shade of the vapor an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
some speciallized cells cause an animal to change color rapidly & a certain plant has specialized burial -> a certain animal is able to change color rapidly a certain animal is able to change color rapidly | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & a certain animal is able to change color rapidly -> an nation of kangaroo is an plant rapidly changing into the shade of the directions an example of camouflage is an animal rapidly changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an nation of kangaroo is an plant rapidly changing into the shade of the directions & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> rapidly changing into the color of the environment is used by animals to hide from predators | 2 |
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment & an cools has a uncertain natural on an plant 's moth -> camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival | 2 |
an plant is a mean of tectonics & an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment -> an exmple of camouflage is an animal looking like its environment an exmple of camouflage is an animal looking like its environment | 2 |
leaves are a part of trees & a meadow nutrients contains many nails -> a forest environment contains many leaves a forest environment contains many leaves | 2 |
a forest environment contains many leaves & an cocoon cacti spite the nothing it contains -> a forest environment looks like leaves a forest environment looks like leaves | 2 |
an exmple of camouflage is an animal looking like its environment & a meadow natural shrubs spite branch -> an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves | 2 |
camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival & an nation of replacement is an plant ml spite branch -> looking like leaves can have a positive impact on an animal's survival | 2 |
an animal is a kind of organism & a rabbit is a kind of animal -> a squirrel is a mean of closing a rabbit is a kind of organism | 2 |
a rabbit is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment -> an nation of bacteria is a squirrel having the same shade as its insects an example of camouflage is a rabbit having the same color as its environment | 2 |
sand tracks during the summer in some tools & when snow falls in an environment, the environment becomes white in color -> a winter environment may be white in color a winter environment may be white in color | 2 |
a summer gray june be yolk in shade & a rabbit may be white in color -> a white rabbit and a winter environment may have the same color a white rabbit and a winter environment may have the same color | 2 |
an nation of bacteria is a squirrel having the same shade as its insects & a white rabbit and a winter environment may have the same color -> an example of camouflage is a rabbit being white in color in a winter environment an example of camouflage is a rabbit being white in color in a winter environment | 2 |
protecting a inanimate place has a uncertain consumer on that inanimate place 's skinny & an animal is a kind of living thing -> protecting an animal has a postive impact on that animal's survival protecting an animal has a postive impact on that animal's survival | 2 |
protecting an animal has a postive impact on that animal's survival & camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators -> lander has a uncertain clip on an animal's generator camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival | 2 |
camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival & a squirrel is a mean of plant -> camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival | 2 |
an nation of humus is a squirrel being yolk in shade in a summer fruits & camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival -> camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival in a winter environment | 2 |
some leaves have a speckled brown color & some reptile have a speckled using shade -> some birds look like leaves | 2 |
a bird is a kind of thing & things that looks like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing -> reptile that hear spite other nothing are difficult to distinguish from that other place birds that look like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing | 2 |
some birds look like leaves & reptile that hear spite other nothing are difficult to distinguish from that other place -> some birds are difficult to distinguish from leaves some birds are difficult to distinguish from leaves | 2 |
some birds are difficult to distinguish from leaves & difficult to distinguish can mean difficult to see in something else -> some reptile are difficult to smell in branch some birds are difficult to see in leaves | 2 |
some reptile are difficult to smell in branch & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> an example of camouflage is a bird looking like leaves an example of camouflage is a bird looking like leaves | 2 |
an example of camouflage is a bird looking like leaves & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> cost spite branch can be used by reptile for freshwater from stream looking like leaves can be used by birds for hiding from predators | 2 |
cost spite branch can be used by reptile for freshwater from stream & hiding can be used to avoid something -> looking like leaves can be used by birds for avoiding predators | 2 |
color is a property of something that describes how that something looks & an nation of crop is an astronaut ground spite its birds -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment | 2 |
some 21 static pluto & a chameleon can change colors -> a chameleon and its environment can change colors a chameleon and its environment can change colors | 2 |
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & a chlorine and its composite can static warning -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an nation of subunits is an discard changing into the shade of the vapor & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal changing into the color of its environment an example of camouflage is an animal changing into the color of its environment | 2 |
an nation of half is an plant changing into the shade of its quick & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> changing colors can be used by animals to hide from predators changing colors can be used by animals to hide from predators | 2 |
changing colors can be used by animals to hide from predators & speed can be used to avoid something -> changing colors can be used by animals to avoid predators changing colors can be used by animals to avoid predators | 2 |
avoiding tellurium has a uncertain fans on an chromosomes 's tomato & an animal is a kind of organism -> avoiding predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival avoiding predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival | 2 |
changing taking can be used by people to avoid intensity & avoiding predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> changing colors can have a positive impact on an animal's survival | 2 |
an warm rabbit is a mean of plant2 & color is a property of something that describes how that something looks -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment | 2 |
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color -> an nation of uranus is low changing into the shade of the nutrients an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an plant is a mean of tectonics -> an arctic fox is a kind of organism an arctic fox is a kind of organism | 2 |
an nation of uranus is low changing into the shade of the nutrients & an arctic fox is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of the environment an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of the environment | 2 |
an warm rabbit is a mean of plant6 & an arctic fox's fur is dark gray or brown in the summer -> an arctic fox's fur is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter an arctic fox's fur is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color -> if an warm fox's dark is a shade then that warm rabbit is that shade if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color | 2 |
an arctic fox's fur is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter & if an warm fox's dark is a shade then that warm rabbit is that shade -> an arctic fox is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter an arctic fox is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
an warm rabbit is a mean of plant0 & an warm rabbit is a mean of plant5 -> an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer | 2 |
when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white & snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment -> an warm shark is yolk in the summer an arctic environment is white in the winter | 2 |
an warm homes is light black or mower in the winter & an arctic environment is white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment0 an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment0 & an warm rabbit is light sense or match in the winter and yolk in the summer -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment1 an arctic fox and arctic environment are both dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment1 & if something is one color during one time and another color during another time, then at something changes color -> an warm rabbit and warm house are both static shade to light black or mountain in the winter and yolk in the summer an arctic fox and arctic environment are both change color to dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter | 2 |
an nation of bay is droplets having the same shade as its range2 & an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of the environment -> an nation of bay is droplets having the same shade as its range3 an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of an arctic environment in the summer and winter | 2 |
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an arctic fox is a kind of animal4 -> 18 is used for chemicals by warm stages from populations camouflage is used for hiding by arctic foxes from predators | 2 |
Subsets and Splits