translation |
"chr": "ááá á á´ áľáá ááˇá¨áŠ, áŹááłáá ážáż áĄá˛áŠ áŠáś á˘á¨áá áŞáŻáłá˛ááŠ, áášá á§áá˘á, á á§á, á¤ááááŠá á áŞá˘ á¨ááŠ.",
"en": "And he came also to Derbe and to Lystra: and behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewess that believed; but his father was a Greek."
} |
"chr": "ááŚá á¤á˛á°ááá¸.",
"en": "Everything had fallen away from him."
} |
"chr": "áŤáŚá¸áłáá´ ááá°áľááá áááŞáá
á áá´áŤáŻ áážáľáŞááá¸, á áá ááŞá á¤áŠáá, áá áŠááááŻ.",
"en": "The Supreme Court rendered a decision siding with the Indians, and Jackson said, Now let them enforce it."
} |
"chr": "á˘á´áá ááá
á¤áá°áľá¸ á¤ááŁá á ááá˛á˘, ááŚá°áá ááŚá´á ááážáá˘, á á´ ááľáĽááá˘, á á´ áŚá᪠á¤ááá´á˘;",
"en": "And he took him aside from the multitude privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue;"
} |
"chr": "á¤ážá´á
áŽá á¤á˛ á¤áá°á¸áá˘, á á´ áŻá ááŹáŠáŞáá´á˘, áááŹáŞáá, áĽáŞ á á´? á
áŠáá´á, áĽáŞ á á´? á ááá¨á˘.",
"en": "They began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one, Is it I?"
} |
"chr": "ááľ áááážá áŞáá.",
"en": "A pile of chestnuts lay roasting in the outer ashes."
} |
"chr": "áĽá á ááž á˘á¨áŻáá
ááŽáŻ á¨á á˘áŚáŻáłáá˘, áŁáĽáááľááŠáááŠá á¨á á˘áŁáľáŽáľáŹá˘; á˘áŚáŻáłáá°á ááŚáľááá á á áĽááĽááŚ.",
"en": "Not that we have lordship over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for in faith ye stand fast."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáἠá¤ážáááŞáŠáááą áŁážáááŹáá° ááŚáĽ á¤ážáľááááŞááł á¨áá˘. á á´ ážáአá á˛áŠá á áľáááś á¨áĽá
áááą á¤ážááľááŞá˘, á á´ááŠá á á˛áŠ áá¨ááž.",
"en": "And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible."
} |
"chr": "áŁáá᪠áŻááśá°áጠáŁáá á¨á áá?â",
"en": "Canât you see the pig is all right?â"
} |
"chr": "á ááŚáá°á áĽá áąá¨áŁááľááŻááŽáá; áĽáá°á áá§áżáŠááááą áąáŁááá´á, áŹáŠáŚááŻááŠá á¤áááľáá á¨á á˘áŁááá´á.",
"en": "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace."
} |
"chr": "á¤á§á áááᤠá¤áŚážá
"en": "Drops of rain struck his face."
} |
"chr": "áŚá˘áá á¨á áá§áżáŠááᯠáĄáá áá¨á´ á á´ á áš ááŚááŞáŹ á¤áŞáá
á´áŠ áŤáŤ á á°á˛ á áááá˘; áŠáŹá áááľááá
"en": "And the third poured out his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of the waters; and it became blood."
} |
"chr": "á áá á á´ áŻá ááŁáŞáá; ááá áąáŁáá¨áá á¤áá
áá¨áá¸á˘; áŠáśááŠá áŻáŚáá áŁáŞááˇá˛áá¨áá, áᢠážáá áŻáŻáľááŞá¸áááŽáá.",
"en": "but I say unto you, Resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
} |
"chr": "á áŹáąá á¨á á§áááá á áááḠá áŠáŠá áĄáłá á§áľáŹáŠá, á¨áá áŁáá ážáżá¨á áá´ á ááŤážá¨áá áŚá˛áá á áááľáአáážáłáŤáŠ áá´ áłážáľáá¨áá´á á¤áááá.",
"en": "I had first taken a room in a boardinghouse that was cheap and bleak and not at all well situated and was popular only among the youngest and least influential congressional aides and other useless wayfarers."
} |
"chr": "áŻ-á á áááśáááá´ áŠáś á˘áłážáá á¤á
á á ážáá¸ááááŠ, ážáááŚá
áž á¤ážá¤á¸áŻ, á¤áŠážáá´á á
áľááľ ááá°á¸ááŠ.",
"en": "And he spake also this parable unto certain who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and set all others at nought:"
} |
"chr": "á áááá¸á á áá˛áŻ á áá
ááľá, á ááá
"en": "The colonel asked for our help, I said."
} |
"chr": "ááŠá´ á¤á˛ ááŚáľáááᏠáá°, áŁáŚáľáŞá
ááŚá°áŹáá á ááťá áá´ á§á¤áľ á áá˛ááŠ, áá¨ááľá´ ááĽáá˛á˛ á¤ážáľááŠá.",
"en": "All through that unsettled weather, I rode with Lieutenant Smith and his soldiers, scouring the coves for fugitives."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážááŠáŻ ážáá á áá¨á´ áážáŁá¤áᏠá¤á˘áá áá¨ááž áážááŹáá¨áá, á¤ážáážá°áŻáá á á´ á¤ážáľáážáŻáá á¨ááá; áĽáááá ááááá˛á˛ ááááá°áŹá˘, á á´ á áḠááśáá¨, á á´ ááŹáž-á˘áłážáá, á á´ á¤áŁá á§áŹáŠáśá ááᏠáąáážáŁá
"en": "In like manner, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly raiment;"
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŻá áżá áŚá˘á áĽá áŹáá¨á ááááḠáŹáŠáááŠááᯠá¤á˛áąá áá´á
"en": "This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after that he was risen from the dead."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻá°á á˘á´á á˘áŹáá¸áŻ ááŚáľááá á˘áŹáąáą á¤áľáá¨áŻ áá§áżáŠááá, á áŠááŚáłáŻáł á¨á á á´ áŹáŠáááá¸á áá¨ááž á¨á á˘áłáá.",
"en": "For there is a disannulling of a foregoing commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness"
} |
"chr": "áá፠á¤áŠá á áá
ááᏠáŁáŻáá áĄáľáá¨.",
"en": "Stephen was inclined to defer to his wisdom."
} |
"chr": "âá¨áá áąáĽáŞáŠá á¤ááááŠá á¨á --- áááłááá°á.â",
"en": "âI donât see why you say a web is a miracle - itâs just a web.â"
} |
"chr": "ážáŻáłá áĽá á¤ááá á¤ááŻáá áąááľáááá˘, á
ááŚáľáááááŹáŠ ážáአáŚá
"en": "And about that time there arose no small stir concerning the Way."
} |
"chr": "á á¨á´á°á áĽáá¤á°á˘, áá§áżáŠááá á¤ááá¸á á¤á°áŻá¤ážááłááááą á˘áŠáŻá á á´ááᲠá¤á°áŻ; á¤á°áŻááŠá á¤á˛áąáᯠáąáŠ, á¤ááá´á á¨á áá§áżáŠááá á¤ááá¸á á¤á°áŻ á¤ážááłááááą.",
"en": "For the woman that hath a husband is bound by law to the husband while he liveth; but if the husband die, she is discharged from the law of the husband."
} |
"chr": "ážáŻáłá á˘áłáá´á
á áá´á á¤á˛á¸áŠ áĽá¤áŞáŞááą. á áá á áá§á á¤ááˇá
áŠ, áŻá áááŞááŠ; á˘áłá áŻá á ááŚáŻ á˘áŻáŻá§á
á áĽá áá á˘áááľá˘ áąáŚá¨ááá. áŠáś á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á á¤á¸ááŠ, á§áᏠáá á áĄáááŞá˘.",
"en": "Upon this Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou release this man, thou art not CĂŚsarâs friend: every one that maketh himself a king speaketh against CĂŚsar."
} |
"chr": "á ááŠáá áᯠá¤áá á áŁá, á¤áá á¤áá á áŁá.",
"en": "Then you must also be a Littlefish, replied Littlefish."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááŚá á˘ááľá
á áŚá¤áá, áŤá¨á˛áŞáłá ááŁááśá ááŁááĄáŠáá á¨á´ááą;",
"en": "and all the brethren that are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:"
} |
"chr": "áŁá ááŚá ááľáážáĽ áŁáľ, áŠáá ááááá˘, á ááᯠáąá¨ááž.",
"en": "Much less a family, three generations extending from Charley down to members not yet weaned and still wavery on their feet."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŞá áááá
ááĽáááŠáá á¤áá
"en": "Charley said, Iâm abiding by the old lines."
} |
"chr": "á ááťá á á°áľ áŚá á¤áŠá¸á áááľ, ááŻá ááᥠá§áážáś, áŚá
"en": "Smith rode half asleep with his reins loose and his pipestem clamped between his teeth."
} |
"chr": "á
áŚááŞáŻá á˘áłááá´á ááľááá
, á¤áá
áá´ ááŠáá˛áááą á ážáľá
á á˘ááľ á§áŞáĽ.",
"en": "But when he was well-nigh forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel."
} |
"chr": "ááŠáá´á áąáŠ.",
"en": "Might have been."
} |
"chr": "á áŹáą á¤á°áŁ, á¤ááŚá á§ááá´áá á ááŞáŠáᏠá¤áá´áŚáᢠá¤á§á á¤áááááŞáá.",
"en": "The first time he woke, he heard Templeton gnawing a hole in the grain bin."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááŚá ááá§áżáŠááᯠáŚááŠá¸ áážááŤááአááááŹáŠ, á á´ á§ážááá
ᯠá á´ á
አá˘áŻáá áá
áá áážáá
á˘, á á´ á
አá˘áŻáá áá
áá áážáá
á˘, á á´ áŚááŠá¸ á˘áŹáąáᢠáážáľáŻááá
áŠ, á á´ á¤ááłá
"en": "And all the angels were standing round about the throne, and about the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á¤á˛á˘áł á˘áłážáľáááá ááááľá á á´ á§áááᢠážáŻáł á¨áá˘.",
"en": "But woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days!"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá áᯠá˘áŁááŹáŚ áááśáá á áŤááŠ.",
"en": "Hear then ye the parable of the sower."
} |
"chr": "ááłá áŻá ááŞááŠ; á¤ááłá
ᯠáĽáŻáá¸áĄá, áĽá ááŻá á¨á, ážááááŠá ááŚá áĽáŹáááŚáá áŞáŻ á˘áŚ áĽáŠ, ážááŠ, áĽá á á´á ážáááá˘, ážááŠáŻááŠá ážááá á˘áŁáľááááą, áŻá ážáአá¨áá¸áĽ á¤áŠá.",
"en": "And Paul said, I would to God, that whether with little or with much, not thou only, but also all that hear me this day, might become such as I am, except these bonds."
} |
"chr": "á áá ážáአហáŹáľááááአá áááŹáᯠážáአá áĽááá¸á á¨ááá.",
"en": "But he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved."
} |
"chr": "á áŞáŞá˛áŠá á á´ á áŠááŽá¸áŠ ážáአá¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘.",
"en": "And I have seen, and have borne witness that this is the Son of God."
} |
"chr": "áŞáąááá᪠á¤á§á áá?â",
"en": "âAnything wrong with the pig?â"
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá á¤á§áá´áᏠá˘áłáá á ááᨠáá´ áŚáľáŚá˛áá¨. á¨áá áŻá¸ á áŞáŠáá áąá¨áᢠááŠážáž á˘á˘áá áĽáááĽ.",
"en": "As a result of overeating, Templeton grew bigger and fatter than any rat you ever saw. He was gigantic."
} |
"chr": "ááŠáŻáľáŽáľá¤á°á˘á᪠ááŚáĽ á˘á¨áááľááŹ?",
"en": "And what thanks do I ever get for these services, I would like to know?"
} |
"chr": "áŚá¸áłáᣠáŠáá§áá á
"en": "Up it looked as the stone fell from above."
} |
"chr": "á¨áľáᏠáłáá¨áłážáĽáž á¨á á˘áłáá á áš á¤áľáá¨á á ááľááŞ, á áá áŚááᯠáŚá áłááŻáá.",
"en": "I always thought it a sign of their generosity that they found water spiritual even in a land so wet that water is more often a nuisance than anything else."
} |
"chr": "á á°áľáá á¤á¸ááľááž ááľáááᏠáŤáľáť á¤áá
áŻá á¤áŹáá.",
"en": "Wilbur had been feeling dizzier and dizzier through this long, complimentary speech."
} |
"chr": "á˘ážá á¤ááł áĽá¨á á§ááŚá¸ááá áá´áŻá˛ á áᏠáŞá˘.",
"en": "The serpent went mad with the oil fumes."
} |
"chr": "áŁáŠá°á¸ áááŠááḠáŚáĽáŠáá á¤ážáľááŠá, á¤áá
á áá
"en": "We intend for you to help us bring in the runners, the colonel said."
} |
"chr": "á á¨á´ á¤á˛ á¤áá
á áŁáá˛á᪠á á˛áľ, á¤ááá¸áĄá¸ á
ááŚáľáááááŞá˘; á áá áżá áŚážááŞáŠ á á˛áľ, áĽá áżá áŻá
ááá᪠áĄáŻáá á¤áá
ááá˘, á
ááŚáľáááá᪠á áľáŽáľáŹ á´áŤ á¤ážááŞáŤá ááśáŻ.",
"en": "A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but when she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for the joy that a man is born into the world."
} |
"chr": "áĽá á á´ áŠáś á áá´áŤ á¨á ážáĽ á˘á§-ážááľ, á á´ áážáá
á á¨á áąá¨á˛á˛áá¨áá, áŻá áąááŚáŞáá¨áá, áŻáŚááĽáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ; ážááĽáá°á áŹáŠáŚááŻáł á¨ááá, á¤ááá§á áĄá˛ á
á, á¤á á˘áŻáĽá¸áá áĄá˛ áŤáŹáá.",
"en": "And they shall not teach every man his fellow-citizen, And every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: For all shall know me, From the least to the greatest of them."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááἠá§ážáá´á
á á´áŤ á ážáľááŚááááá¨áá.",
"en": "And in his name shall the Gentiles hope."
} |
"chr": "á¤ážáá
áááᨠá˘áŚá á§áľá˘ áŤáľáť, á ááľáᨠᢠááŚáĽ á¤ážáŚááá á¤á¨áá á˘áłáľááá.",
"en": "Some of Wilburâs friends in the barn worried for fear all this attention would go to his head and make him stuck up."
} |
"chr": "áŤáŚá˘áአá˘áŞáŻá á¤áŚáąá´.",
"en": "Wilbur cried himself to sleep."
} |
"chr": "âááŚá´á
áá ááĽáŻááᏠáážááĽ.",
"en": "âI shall begin by calling the roll."
} |
"chr": "áżáá áá á¤áá á áŤááˇá¤á¸ á ááŤá
á§ááľáŻ á§á
áá áŹáŠáŻá
áŻá¸áŻ, áŻá ááŞáá˘; áŹááłá á á´ ážáአá¤áĽá˛á. áŚá á§áľá°á˘á¸ááá
áŻá áĽáĽáˇáŠ?",
"en": "And Peter went down to the men, and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?"
} |
"chr": "á˘áŁáááŹááŽáá á˘áĽá´áááą á áŻááľ áŚáśáŻáááą; á¤ááŁáá°á, á˘á¨á˛áá, ááłáá˛áľ á¤áá°áá˘áą, á á´ áĽá á°áľ áŤáŹáŠáá´áá áąá¨ááá.",
"en": "Strive to enter in by the narrow door: for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able."
} |
"chr": "ááŠá´ á ááŁá
ááá° á ááá
"en": "Gives me a chance to think.â"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá§áąá
á¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአá áᣠá¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአááť á¤áŞáĽá¨áá˘, ážáአáᯠá¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአá´áťáŠ á¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘,",
"en": "the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech,"
} |
"chr": "á°áť áá´ áŁáá áá´ áĄáśá áŠáłáᯠáąááˇá¤áá, áá´ á§ááᢠáŤáá¨áŁáááą áá´ ááááŠá.",
"en": "Zuckerman and Lurvy and John Arable and the others will be back any minute now, and they'll shove you into that crate and away you'll go."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáአá°á¤áŹáŤáłá [á¨ááŠáľá˛á˘ááá á¨ááá] á¤áááľ á ááááŠáአá¤ááŹáĽáᏠáŚáá á¨áá˘, á á´ ááááŚáŠ áááŹáŤáłáááŠ. á¤áááŚá˘áá, á¤á
á á ážáá
ááᏠá¤áá¸áá; áĽá áŻáááŚá˘á ááŹáŠááá˘áááą á¨áĽá¸áá.",
"en": "but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of defilement, and despise dominion. Daring, self-willed, they tremble not to rail at dignities:"
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá á˘á§áłá á ááᎠáĽáˇááľáť.",
"en": "And he was with them going in and going out at Jerusalem,"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á§ááŹá áááŚá
አááá´á˛ááŹáŠ á á°áľ á
አá˘áŻáá áá
áá áážáá
á˘, áŻá á
ááŚáŞááŹáŠ, áĽáአá ááśáá á á§áľá˘ á¤áŁá´áá á áŠáá§áŹáŠáśá á áŤá´á, á á´ áĽáአá ááśáá áŚá˘ á˘áŻá§áľá˘ á¤áŁá´áá á˘áłáá á áŠá-á§áŹáŠáśá á áŤá´á; á á´ ááá áŞáąáá áá¨áá¸áŠ áŞá˘ á á´ áŠáŚá¨-á áááá.",
"en": "And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat for a shilling, and three measures of barley for a shilling; and the oil and the wine hurt thou not."
} |
"chr": "áŚáá á ááľá, á áá á¨áá áŻáááááž, ááḠáĽááŞáľ ááŠážáž á˘áłáŞáá áŻá¨áá˘.",
"en": "And I wondered, but did not ask, how the size of my head might be worthy of such a superlative."
} |
"chr": "á áŹáąáŁ á áááḠá¤áŞá
á áá´ á¤áŠá, á¤áááŠáá á áłá.",
"en": "He went into the living room and sat down, and Mrs. Zuckerman followed."
} |
"chr": "áŻá ážááŞááŹáŠ á ááᯠá¤ááˇáŹáŠ; á¤áááž á áŠáž á áĽá¸áŻ á°áľá áŚáá˘áááá á¤áľááŠááł á¨á, á á´ á¤áŞáżá˘áł á¨á, á á´ á áážáááł á¨á, á á´ áŹáŠáá¸á áá¨ááž á¨á, á á´ áŚá¸áááł á¨á, á á´ áŁáá á§áá˘áááá á¨áá˘.",
"en": "saying with a great voice, Worthy is the Lamb that hath been slain to receive the power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing."
} |
"chr": "áážáž áĄáŽá˘ áŞá¨áą á˘áŞáŻá á¤ááł á¤áá
á á§áŹ.",
"en": "And there he stayed until spring with the nicest, kindest tree."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŻá ážážáááŽáá á
ááŚáľááááá¨áá ážááŚáá˛áž á¨á á áŚá´áľá¨á˘, á á´ á á´ ááŹáŠáŚáá˛áž á¨áá˘.",
"en": "And these things will they do, because they have not known the Father, nor me."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáááááłáĄááą á¨áŠááŚáŠ, á á´ á ááᯠáá¨áŹá
áááááłáĄááą ááŚááł á¨áŠááááŻ;",
"en": "Salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;"
} |
"chr": "áŚáááááľá´ááŠ.â",
"en": "âIâm versatile.â"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á ááŻáŤáአáŚá¸áłá á áᲠáŹáŠáááŠááአá¤ááᏠáááľ á§ážáŠá¸á, á§áááľ áá´á ááᏠáážááŹáááŠ, á§áᏠá á´ ááŚáá áá¨ááž.",
"en": "And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure."
} |
"chr": "á¨áá áŻáááľ á áá
áá áážááŞážááᏠáᯠáąá¤á
á áąáŠ.",
"en": "I canât stand going to the Fair without you."
} |
"chr": "á¤ážáá
á á¤áááŹáᲠááĽáŻááŽáŽáá; á˘áĽáŚáľáąáł á¨ááá ááŁáááááŞáááą.",
"en": "communicating to the necessities of the saints; given to hospitality."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáł áŠážáľá˘!â",
"en": "My true friend!â"
} |
"chr": "áŻá áááłáŤáŚ áŁáá§áá ážáá á¤áááá áŚá á ááłá§áᢠáá´ áŁááŠáŹáᤠážáአááŚá áááᯠáŁáááŚáá¸áá áŚáá ááŠáž. áŁáááááśáĄ ááŠáž. á¤á
áąá á¤ááŚá¸á˘.",
"en": "The council decided to trap her in a pit and hoped that if all the warriors attacked her with arrows at the same time they could finally pierce her stony skin."
} |
"chr": "ážá á á§áŁ á áš áŚáááŽá˘ á¤áŚá á á´ áŚáḠá§ážááá¸áŠááŹá˘.",
"en": "The boy watered the seed and kept the weeds away."
} |
"chr": "áŁá áááˇááá
á, á áááᲠáŤáľáť.",
"en": "Wilbur went over backwards, writhing and twisting as he went."
} |
"chr": "ááŚááŁá¸á ážáż ááŹážá áá°áľááá´á˘.",
"en": "And there went forth a rumor concerning him into every place of the region round about."
} |
"chr": "âáŻá ážá
ááá°,â á¤áá.",
"en": "This is what they do, he said."
} |
"chr": "á¤á áŚá¸áááł áĄáľáᨠáŚá°áĽáá˘áááą áŚáśáá á¨á á˘áłáá, á á á§áŹáŠáśá á ááááŞá á˘áĽááą; á áŚáŤá´áĄáá°á á¨á á˘á´á áŤáá§ááá¨á˘.",
"en": "accounting the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he looked unto the recompense of reward."
} |
"chr": "ááŚá áááŻáŞá¨ áá´ á ážáľáŽáľá¨.",
"en": "Everyone was tired and happy."
} |
"chr": "ááŚá á¤ážáľáŽáľá¤.",
"en": "Everyone was delighted."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠááŠá á á áŚá¸á˘ áąá áááŽá˘, á á´ áłáááŽá´á˘, á˘áłá áŞáąáá áąáŹááŻááá.",
"en": "who ought to have been here before thee, and to make accusation, if they had aught against me."
} |
"chr": "ážáአááŚáĽ á¤áŠá á¤áá¸ááá
ᢠá á´ á¤á˘áá á¤áá
á˘, ážáአá˘áŚá˘ á áŠáľáŻ á á´ á¤á˛ á áá
áááá á¨á áĄáĽáĽá; á¤ážáŤáąá°á áŻá ááŚáŞá, á áŠáŹáŤáłáŻ á ááł, áĽá á áááśá¨áŻ áąáŠ, áĽá á á´ á¤á˛ á áá
áááá á¨á á´áŚáĽáŞáŠá.",
"en": "How much soever she glorified herself, and waxed wanton, so much give her of torment and mourning: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall in no wise see mourning."
} |
"chr": "áŠáľáá á á´ á á´ááą á˘ááŻ, á˘áááŠá ááŠáŹááŻáŻáá á¨á á ááŹáááŹá˘, á¤ááááŞááł á¤ááłá
ᯠáá¸áŤáááḠá áááŽááŹá˘.",
"en": "Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues the mighty works of God."
} |
"chr": "áĽá á á´ áŻáŠáŞáŽ ážáż ááŚáłáŤá˘áááą; á¤áŹáŤáłáŻá°á á¤ááłá
ᯠáŤážáááž á¤áľááŠá á á´ á¤áááž-á áŠáž ážáአááŚáłáŤá˘áááą á˘áŠ.",
"en": "And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God the Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple thereof."
} |
"chr": "áá፠á¤ááľáᨠááĽáááľá, á áá áŁáľ á¤á
"en": "Stephen wanted to light it aflame, but Charlie held him back."
} |
"chr": "âá¨ááá áąáĽáŚá áá á¨á,â á¤áá á°áť.",
"en": "âWell, I donât really know yet,â said Mr. Zuckerman."
} |
"chr": "á§á
ááአáááłá á˘áłáŞá, áŻáĽá¨áŻ áá´ áŻáĽááŚáŻ, áá á¤áŁá áŁáá áá.â",
"en": "In the words of the spider's web, ladies and gentlemen, this is some pig.â"
} |
"chr": "âá¨áž áá.â",
"en": "âCome pig!â"
} |
"chr": "á áá, á¤ážááśáž áááľ á áłááś, á ááŤááŠáŠ áááᯠááááŚá¸áŽ áááľ á§áážáś á˘á§á
ááá áá´ ááá´ááľ áááŁáŚá áŹáá¨á á˘áłá
áá áááĽ.",
"en": "On the other hand, after the fight at Horseshoe Bend, Jacksonâs men cut bridle reins from the back hide of dead Creek warriors and collected their noses to verify the numeration of dead."
} |
"chr": "áááľá áŤááḠáĽá ááá
á áá, á á´ áĽáť, á á´ áŁá, á˘á
á á˘áŚá áŁáḠááżáˇáá á˘á´á á¤á
á á¨áá˘; á á´ á¤áááá´á á ááŚáá˛á˘.",
"en": "And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them;"
} |
"chr": "á¤á˛á˘áł á˘áŁáľáááá ááŚá¸ááŻ! áááĽá˛áááá°á. á¤á˛á˘áł á˘áŁáľáááá á˘áĽá°áŁáአáĽáŠ áŞáŻ! á¤á˛á°á á˘áŁáá
ááŠáá¨áá á á´ ááŁá áąáŽáá.",
"en": "Woe unto you, ye that are full now! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you, ye that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep."
} |
"chr": "á¤ážáááŚáśá áŤáááŻá¸ á§ážáľááá, á áá áŤááŚá¨.",
"en": "Smith went and looked in the shelters for weapons and found none."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá¨á áŻá áááŞáá´á˘, á áá´áŤ ááłá á˘áĽá á¨á ážáአá˘á§áłá á˘ááľááŠáŻ áŚááááŠááŚ.",
"en": "And he said unto them, It is one of the twelve, he that dippeth with me in the dish."
} |
"chr": "á
ááŠáŽážáłáá á¤áŠá á¤áá° áŠááŻ.",
"en": "That's the reason the wolf walks around alone."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá á˘áłážáá á¨áá˘, ááĽáá¤á á á´ ááĽááá°áá ááĽ-áá˘áááá á˘áŚá¤áľ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áĽá áŚáśáá, ážáአááŻá á§áá¸áŤáááááą, á á´ á¤á
á á¤ážá¤áľ á áľááá´á á¤ážáľááá´áááą.",
"en": "Now them that are such we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread."
} |
"chr": "á ááž á˘áłá á á´ áąáŠ, á á´ ážáአហáąáŠ, ážáአááĽáŞá áŁáŁáľáĽáá˛ááŚ, á á´ ážáአááá á˘áŚáŻáłá
"en": "Whether then it be I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed."
} |
"chr": "ááŠáá°áž, á¤á˛ááá¨.",
"en": "When it was completed, she felt hungry."
} |
"chr": "ááá á¤ááá˘á á á°áľ, áŻá ááŞáá˘; á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŚáá´áŁáጠá¤ááłá
ᯠáŠáś á§á¸ááá áá¨ááž á¨áá˘;",
"en": "And Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:"
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááŁáŁá
áᏠáĽááá áŚáá˘á áĄáŻ á áŁá
á á¨á áąá¨ááá, ážáአáŁááá°áŹ á áááŻáá á¨áᢠá á´ á áá¸ááśáᨠá áŁá
áá, á á´ ááᏠáááŹááŹá˘,",
"en": "Whose adorning let it not be the outward adorning of braiding the hair, and of wearing jewels of gold, or of putting on apparel;"
} |
"chr": "áá´áá á¤ááá, áŻá ááŞáá˘, ááŻá᪠áŁáŹáŤáłáŻ á áá§á á¤ážá¤áľáŚ? á¤áá¤á´á áŻá ááŞáá˘, ážáአááŤ.",
"en": "And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answered him and said, Thou sayest."
} |
Subsets and Splits