translation |
"chr": "ážááŠá°á á˘áłážáá áĽá á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á˘áŚá¤áľ áĽá áŚáśáá áŞáąáá áŻážááá, á¤á
ááááŠá á¤ááááľáą; á á´ á¤áŹáᯠá á´ áŁáá áŚáŹááŻáá á¨á á á
áááŹá˘ áááśááŽá᪠á§áážáŤ ážááŻáá˛áž.",
"en": "For they that are such serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and fair speech they beguile the hearts of the innocent."
} |
"chr": "á ážáľááá´á˛ááŹá áĽá áŚá á¤áŠááŠ, á á´ á¤áľáŽáľá¨áŠ, á á´ á¤áŹááˇá´áŠ, á á´ ááḠáŹáŠáááŠáááŻ, áŻá á ááŞááŠ; á˘áĽáŠ, á˘áĽáŚ, áŻá ážáአá á´ áĽá°á¸á˘.",
"en": "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it; and he gave to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body."
} |
"chr": "á ááŞááአá¤ážá¤áľ ááá´áł á§áśáŻáá áááá ááŽá˘ ááá´áł, áážá´ á á´ááአá¤áᯠáŠáá ááŚáˇáŹ - âá§áá´á
á ááá´áł.",
"en": "The Zuckermansâ driveway was full of cars and trucks from morning till nightâFords and Chevvies and Buick roadmasters and GMC pickups and Plymouths and Studebakers and Packards and De Sotos with gyromatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles with rocket engines and Jeep station wagons and Pontiacs."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá¨á˘ ááą á¤áŞá
áá á˛áž á¤á¤áá á ááᢠááá˛á á§áá¸áá áŁá á ááŞááአá¤ážá¤áľ áááľ áá´ áŠáŚ á§áááááŞáá á¤áŞá
áá áá´ á§áŚáááá á áážáá˘.",
"en": "She hoped Fern would go out and play with other children, instead of heading for the Zuckermansâ barn to sit and watch animals."
} |
"chr": "âááŠ,â á¤áá áá á¤áááž á ááŻ, âáŁááá ááľááá ááłá, áŁáĽáá˘áž?",
"en": "âWell,â said one of the lambs, âthis whole business is all well and good for Charlotte, but what about the rest of us?"
} |
"chr": "á áŻáἠáŚá
áŻá á á°áłáá áŹá, á˘á´ á¤ááľáá, á á ááá§áŹ áááŠá
"en": "With the flat of his sword, he hoisted it into the air and flung it into the woods."
} |
"chr": "áŤááááŽá áááá´á˘ á áłá áá´ ááááłááá´ á áá´á´ááŠ.",
"en": "Mrs. Zuckerman ran to the phone and called the Arables."
} |
"chr": "áŁáááŻ, á áŠá˛áŻááá
á ááá
"en": "After that, I quit worrying and let desire rule."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá á˘ááľá
á áᯠážáá ááĽá˛áąáᯠááŁ-áľááá
áá§áżáŠááá á¤áŹáŠáľ, áŚáśáá á á°á¸ á˘áłáŠááá; ážáአá
áŠáá´ ááŁá¨áááą á á°á¸ááŠ, ážáአá á˛áąá áŁáŚá´áá
ᯠá¨áá˘, ážáአá¤áŚááá
ᯠáĄáážááŞáŤáááą á¤ááłá
"en": "Wherefore, my brethren, ye also were made dead to the law through the body of Christ; that ye should be joined to another, even to him who was raised from the dead, that we might bring forth fruit unto God."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá
ááŚáľáááá áŚáśáá á áŠááááᏠáĽáá¸áĽá˘ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áŚáḠáᏠáŹáá¨á ááľááá
, á á´ ááŹážáá;",
"en": "so that my bonds became manifest in Christ throughout the whole prĂŚtorian guard, and to all the rest;"
} |
"chr": "á˛áž áĽááľáᨠá˘áłáŞáá á¤áŁá´á, á¤áá˘ááá
áŻá¸á˘á´ áĽááŻáá á§áá¨á á¤á˘ážá.",
"en": "Bear had guessed at Lichenâs response and had suggested that at some point I might need to tell the tale of Uâtlunta."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŚá¸áááł á¨á á¤ážááŹáá áŹáá¨á áážááá´á˘; á á´ á¤ááá˘ááá á¤áľáááááą á¨á áĽáˇááľáť.",
"en": "who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłáá áŞá´áá ááłááŠá´áŠ, á áášááŠá ášáľá ááĽáŻá§áŻá´áŠ á¤á˘áŠ.",
"en": "Erastus remained at Corinth: but Trophimus I left at Miletus sick."
} |
"chr": "á§á¤áľ á ááŹáᨠá§ážáᢠáá´ áŚá˛á á áá´áŤáŻ á§ážáá¸á á¤ážááá´áá á¤áŹá˘, á¤ážááŚáá ááŞá á¤ááá
áŻ, áĽáłáŞá á˘áłážááá á áá´áŤ.",
"en": "He had his black slaves and a few Christian Indians fanned around him, listening to some of the pronouncements of God on the subject of how people ought to act."
} |
"chr": "áĽáŞáľá°áᏠáĽá°áľá áŚááśáŁáᏠáłááŻáłá˛áž á¨á.",
"en": "Well, the story just got the more unbelievable the farther I proceeded."
} |
"chr": "á§áľáŠá ááŚáłáŠáĄá, áŚáá
ááᏠááŠážáž á˘áŻáááá.",
"en": "He needs to be gutted, and I had about half a mind to do it."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ááł, á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¤áľááŤáŤáḠá¤áá˘áááą á¤áľááŞá¸ááá¸, áŻá ááŞááŠ; ááŚááŻáł áĽáŠ á˘á¸áአá§ááá´á ááŞááᯠá˘áŹáŠáľááá
ᯠá¨á áŻá áážáá´áŠ á´áŤ, ážáአá
ááŚáľááá á¤á á¤áŚáľáááł á´áŤ, ážáአá
ááŚáľááá á¤á á¤áŚáľáááł áŚáá
áá, á áá áŚáľáááľáᏠáŹáŠáá˘áá áĽááŚáľáá.",
"en": "And when the governor had beckoned unto him to speak, Paul answered, Forasmuch as I know that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation, I cheerfully make my defence:"
} |
"chr": "áŻá á ááŞáá´á˘, á¨á ááŁáŞá ááŹáá áááŹáłáŞáááľ áŁá˛ áĄáŁá
áááá. áŻáŚáá˛áŠ áĽáááąáł á¨áá˘, áĽáŠáᏠážáአá áŠá
ᯠáá¨ááž á¨áá˘, á á´ áĽááŤááᏠážáአá áŠáŤáᯠáá¨ááž á¨áá˘;",
"en": "He saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I am an austere man, taking up that which I laid not down, and reaping that which I did not sow;"
} |
"chr": "ááąáá˘á°á á ááá áŠáś, á á´ áážááááŠ, á á´ á¤áááŤáĽá, á á´ áážááŻáŻ, á á´ á¤ááłá
ᯠáá°á¸áŻ áážáááľááááŻ, á á´ ááŚááł áŁááł á¤áá°á¸áŻ áŚá°áŞáŠ á¨á, á á´ áŚá°áŞáŠ á áá˘ááŠ.",
"en": "Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie."
} |
"chr": "âá§, áŻáá´áž áááŚááŹá˘, áŻááá˛áł á˘áŚááá.",
"en": "âNow I called this meeting in order to get suggestions."
} |
"chr": "áŹáŠáááŠáááŻá á¤ážá
ááአáŻá ááŹá
áŞáŞá¸á˘; áŁá¤áľ á ááḠáááˇáŹ á áŠáŻáŁá
"en": "His disciples remembered that it was written, Zeal for thy house shall eat me up."
} |
"chr": "á˘áĽá¨á´, á˘á¨á áá¨áĽá°áŻ ááŚáŻáłááá, á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áŞáŻáłá áĽáŠ ážááŠáŻá˘.",
"en": "Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."
} |
"chr": "áŁááł á˘áłáľáááá á á´ ážááŚá
áž ážáአážá¤áŞáłááááአá˘áŹáąáą áá´áŻáá á¨áá˘; ážáአáĽá áŞáąáá á´áŹáŠá
ጠááľá á á˛áąáŻáá á¨áá˘, á áĽá¸ááŠá-áááśáŻ á¨ááá á¤ááłá
ᯠá á´ áŚáśáá, á á´ [áŚáśáá] á˘á§áłá á¤ááŹáŤáłáŻ á¨ááá áá á˘áŻáŚá´áľ á˘á§ááá´á.",
"en": "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáł á¤á¨áłáŻ á¨á áŤáľáť á˛áž á¤á¤áá.",
"en": "Fern loved Wilbur more than anything."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŁáá á¤áá˛á áŻáá¸, ááŹáŤáłá áááááᯠá ááŚá˘á˛á˘ ááł áąáŹáŞááŚá¸áĽáŚ áĄáľááŹá˘, ááá¤á¸áŠ á ááŻáŤáአá¤áá
áááą á á´ áŤáážááŚá¸áááą, á á´ á¤áá´áááŻáááą ááá´á˘.",
"en": "And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, fearing lest Paul should be torn in pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them, and bring him into the castle."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá á¨á áá, á áá áŠáłáá´ á¤áá´á.",
"en": "The pig, although tiny, had a good appetite and caught on quickly."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááłá
áŻááŠá áŚážááŞáŤáጠá˘áŠá¨áłáŻáł á¨áá˘, ážáአá á á˘áááŚáž áĽá¨áᢠáŚáśáá á˘áŠá˛áąáŻáá´á˘.",
"en": "But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
} |
"chr": "âáá á¤ááḠá˘áŚáá
á˘ááá ááŠáłáŤá¨áá.",
"en": "âAnd now, Fern, itâs time to get ready for Sunday School."
} |
"chr": "á ááá˘á áŹáŠáŞáľá°ááŹ, áŹáŠáá˛áá´ á§ážááŞáŤáááą á¤á°á¸á áŚá¸áłá á
"en": "And others, trying him, sought of him a sign from heaven."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŠá
á¤á áá¤á á áá˘, á á´ á¤áľáŽáľá¨áŻ áááá¸á¤á˘.",
"en": "And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully."
} |
"chr": "ááŚáľáŚáŠá áá´ áááḠá§áአáá´ á¤áŻáá ááááá˘.",
"en": "The sheds and buildings were empty and forlorn."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á§ááŞá¨, á¤áŞá
á áŁáľáŠá˛ á¤ááŻá¸á˘ ážáአá˘áłááá á¨áá˘; á á´ áŹáŠáááŠááᯠážáá áŹáŠáááŠááá˘.",
"en": "And he came out, and went, as his custom was, unto the mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed him."
} |
"chr": "ááᯠá¤áŚáážá
, áŚáŁááá áĄáłá, á¤áá´ á áš áĽááľááá á˘áłáá.",
"en": "It began raining hard, straight down, as if the air had turned to water."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá áá¨áŞáá, áŠáś á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á ááááá¸áŹáž á˘á¨ááá ážááŠáŻ á á˛áľ áĽáááá¸áŞá˘, áĽá ážáż á¤á´áá áąá¨ááá.",
"en": "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall in no wise enter therein."
} |
"chr": "á á˛á áŚáááŽ, á¤ááá
á¨á á ááᨠáĄáś á¤á˛ááá á¤ááá
áĄáá´ áážáááľáḠáąáážááá¸á áąáŠ áá´ ááłáŠ á¤ááľáá ááŹá
ááážáŹ, ááŚáśá, ááŚááˇáŠáá áá´ ááŚá ááˇáŠáአááŞááá
áá´ á¤áá˛áŻááá ááśáᨠáᡠáážááŻáááŹ, ááˇáŻ á§ážááŻááá á¤áŠá áá´ á¤áá˛áŻááá ááááá á¨áĽáááĄá˛ ááˇ, á¤á
á á¤ááááá á§ááž áŹá áá´ ááááŻááá á§áŞá ááŚáᲠáá´ áážááá¨á á§ážáŚáŻáá áŚá áŚáááŹá˘ á¤ážá´á
á á§áŞá á ááá¸á áá´ á áľááŠáá.",
"en": "He carried a child in the crook of one arm, and he claimed the child was God and God was fixing to destroy earth soon unless the people returned to the old ways and gave up clothes of woven cloth and guns and plows and nearly all metal whatsoever, and quit growing yellow corn and went back to real cornâthe old mottled earsâand stopped grinding their kernels between the stones of water mills and went back to pounding it into meal by hand in log mortars, and resettled the old towns and rebuilt the townhouses on top of the mounds and recommenced observing all the old sacred festivals and dances in the squaregrounds at the foot of the mounds."
} |
"chr": "áŻááŠá ááááŠ, áááľáá áááą, áŚáľááŠáá áŠááłá, á§ááľáá ááľ, ááŁááľáá ááá, á ááŞáŻáá áááá, ááááá á¤áá, ááłáááá á áťáá.",
"en": "the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst."
} |
"chr": "áŠáŚ ááážáááá¨á˘.",
"en": "The cows hated them."
} |
"chr": "á áá ááŚáŹáááᏠá´áŤ, áŹááłá á¤áĽ á á´ á ážáľá
á ááąá˘ á ááážáĽáŠ, á¤ážááľááŹáŠ áŹáŠáľááŽáááą.",
"en": "While he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, seeking to speak to him."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áááá˘áá áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á á§á¤áľ áááŹááľ, ááŚáĽá áŞáąáá áá¸á˘áŽáá áĄáśáŻ, áŚá¸áá á¨ááá áŚá¸áłá, ááŚáĽá áŞáąáá áá¸áŠáá¨áá áĄáśáŻ áŚá¸áŠáá á¨ááá áŚá¸áłá.",
"en": "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáşá á á¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአášááᯠá¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአááťáŻ á¨áá˘, ážáአáŚáŠ á¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘, ážáአá§á á¤áŞáĽ á¨áá˘,",
"en": "the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda,"
} |
"chr": "á¨áá ááŚá áąááĽááŽáľ á¤áŚá áá á¤áśá á ááá
áá ážááŠá´ áááá, áŻá áĽááĽáŠ, á§ááŻá áĽáᯠáĽá
áŹ, ááŚáŚááá ááá ááá´áłá ááŚáśáᏠááŠááŚá˘ áá´ áŚáá
ááᏠá¨áľ áąááˇá¨ áááľáŹ áá´ áĽááŚá˘á˛ áąááˇá¨áž.",
"en": "I wonât tell every lone camp and miserable thought that crossed my mind those days except to say I lay awake every night, flat on my back, watching the stars transit through the tree limbs and wondering if Claire had made it to the West and fearing she had not."
} |
"chr": "áŁááŞá áąáŁáá
áááŞá˘ ááŠáŻáŞáŹ á˘á¨áááľáᏠáŚáááᲠá˘áŞáŻá?",
"en": "Has it ever occurred to you that Iâm sick of running errands and doing favors?"
} |
"chr": "á ááłáŠáጠáážáá áąááŚáľáááž á¤áŠá ááááą á¤ááľá.",
"en": "On the Nation, some of the people had decided that becoming as much like the whites as possible was the way."
} |
"chr": "ááá áŠáś á¤ááľá áááá˛áአáąáŁááá°áá, á á´ á ááŚáž á´áŤ, á˘á ážááŠáŻá˘, á á´ á ááŚáž á´áŤ, á˘á ážááŠáŻá˘, á¤áአááá á˘áŻáľááá´á áĽááŹáŠáśáá á§ážáá
á á˘áŹáą áĄáŻ á¨áá˘.",
"en": "lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one mess of meat sold his own birthright."
} |
"chr": "áŁáá ážáá á˘áá áááŹááŹáŠ, ááľáť ážáĽá˘, ážáżá°á á¤áŁáአá áš. á ááˇáŹáŠá á á´ áá¨áŚáŹááŹáŠ.",
"en": "And John also was baptizing in Ănon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized."
} |
"chr": "á ᯠá áŠá
á ááŚááá á áŹáą, á
á áááľáŹ á á´ááአá ááá á áááľáᏠá˘áŞáŻá, ááá
áá´á, á¨áá áŞá°áá áŹáá áąá¨á áŻáááľááŹáž á¨á á áŚááá.",
"en": "So Smith assigned me the first watch, from just after sundown to bedtime, as if that had been his plan all along and my objecting to the watches had nothing to do with it."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á¤ááłáŤáᲠá¤áŞá˛ á ááŚáŻ áĄáážáŻ á§áá˘á á¤á´áľá¸ á á´ á¤ááá áĽá¤áŞáŠáááą.",
"en": "and he hath seen a man named Ananias coming in, and laying his hands on him, that he might receive his sight."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á
áŠáá´ áá§áżáŠááᯠá áĽá¸á¨áłáááą ážáĽ ááłááŞá¨áŠ, ážáአá¤á˛áŠ á áá
áááŹá á˘áłáŠááą á áĽá¸; á á´ á ááᯠá¤áľáááá¸áŠ áŞááᯠá ááŤááá áŚááŻ, áŻá ááŚáŞááŹáŠ, á ááŤááá áŁá¤áľ áŞááᯠá˛á, á á´ áŻáá áá¸áłá áĄáśáŻ á¤áááŻ; áá¸áłáá°á áżá á¤á
"en": "And another angel came out from the altar, he that hath power over fire; and he called with a great voice to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Send forth thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáአáŻá ááááá áŻáá¨áá, ážáአáŚá¨áŤá˘ááá áá¨ááž á˘áłáľááááą.",
"en": "These things also command, that they may be without reproach."
} |
"chr": "ážáአážáż áĽááá¸áŤáááá áááśááá
ᯠá á´ á¤ááŠáááá áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ áŚáľáŚáá˘, ážááŠáŻ [á¤ááłá
áŻ] áźá á§áá¤á´ ážáŻáł áŚáľáŚáá á¨ááŞá˘ááá˘; ááŚááŻááá
á á§ááá˘, áá°á˘áᏠááŚá á§áá´á
á ážááŠáŻ áááśááá á Რážáአá¤áŁážááŞáŤáḠáŁáḠá
"en": "who serve that which is a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, even as Moses is warned of God when he is about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern that was showed thee in the mount."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŹáąááŠá á˘áĽá˛áŚ áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á á á´ á¤á¤áľ ááłáŞáá˘, áŻá á ááŚááł áá°áĽáááĄáľ.",
"en": "But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
} |
"chr": "á áĽá¸ á¤ááŚáá áŁá
áááá¨á˘, á á°áłáá-áŚá
áŻá áŁážááŤááŽá˘, áááŠáŚáł á¨á á§ážáľááŠá áĽáá¨áŹááŽá˘, ážáááŚá˘á˛áž áážážáľáááᨠáážáľá˛á˘, áĽááá¨áŻáᎠá
áŠážáá´ á ááŻáŤááŠ.",
"en": "quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, waxed mighty in war, turned to flight armies of aliens."
} |
"chr": "âáąáááŠááŠá˘áž, á§ááŽáአááŠá áá´ á¤áľááŹá˘.â á¤ááá°áá.",
"en": "âSing me that song again, about the dung and the dark,â he begged."
} |
"chr": "áŞáąáá ááŁááá˛áž áŹáŠáááááá á¨áá˘, áŻá ážáአááŚá¸áŤáááá á¨á á¤áá
áŹáŠáááŽá áá¨ááž á˘áłáľááááą;",
"en": "giving no occasion of stumbling in anything, that our ministration be not blamed;"
} |
"chr": "âáĽá§áá¨á, á¤ááᢠááŚáŻáá áĽá§áá¨á, áŚá˘á ááŚáŻáá, áĽáá¨á, á
áŠá ááŚáŻáá, á ááłáááž áá´ áŻááŠáᢠááŚáŻáá.â",
"en": "âCoxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus.â"
} |
"chr": "áżáá ážáĽááł á¨á á¤á
ááááą áá
á á§á
á˘ááá á á¨á á§áá¸áŤáááᯠááá˛á˘, ááááá á¤ážááá
"en": "And when the season of the fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, to receive his fruits."
} |
"chr": "áŠáśá á˘áłážáá á§ááą á
ááłááśáᯠááá˛á á ážáá
á áŻá áááŞáá˘; á˘áłá á¤áĽá¤áááá¸áŻ áá¨ááž á˘á¨ááá, ážáአáźá ááŚáŞááŹá˘, áĽá á´áŚá°áĽááá¸.",
"en": "And certain men came down from JudĂŚa and taught the brethren, saying, Except ye be circumcised after the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved."
} |
"chr": "âááááž áŻáĽá§áŁ!â á¤áŞáˇá á°áť.",
"en": "âAll ready, boys!â cried Mr. Zuckerman."
} |
"chr": "ážáአááááŚ, á á´ á˘á§áłá á˘áŁáá
áŚá¸, á á´ á˘á§áłá á˘áŁáŤá´, ážááŠá ááááŞáľ áá ážáľááá°á˛á; á á´ ááŚá á ážáá´á°áá ááá á¨áŁááŚáá¸á˘ á ááá á¨áá˘, á á´ á ážáá´á°áá á¨á ážáá ááłáŞá áá´ááá˛á˘, áá§áżáŠááá áŻáááŠááŹá˘.",
"en": "these take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges for them, that they may shave their heads: and all shall know that there is no truth in the things whereof they have been informed concerning thee; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, keeping the law."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŠá¨á áážá´ á¤á°á¨, áŻáá
ááŹáž á¤áŹá˘ á°áľ áŞáŻá á§áłáŞá ááŹáᲠá¤áá
"en": "The next morning after he awoke, he sat motionless a long while trueing up his mind."
} |
"chr": "âá¨áľá áŁáá áŻá°á¸áž á°áť.â",
"en": "âI think âterrificâ might impress Zuckerman.â"
} |
"chr": "ážáአážáŻáł áĽá¨á áŚáśáá áá¤á˛áž á¨áá˘, áá¤á¸ážá á¨á á˘ááľ á á°áľ á¤áá˘áá˘, á á´ á˘áĽáŞááł á¨á á§ááŽá áá áŻáá á áá˘ááá˘, á¤áአáá¨ááž, á á´ á¤ááłá
ᯠáá¤á˛áž á¨á á á áĄáśáŻ.",
"en": "that ye were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world."
} |
"chr": "áŻá á ááľáááá˘, ážáአáĽá á¤ááá ážáአááŚáŞááŹá˘, á¤áááááŞá ááá˛á˛ááŹá˘.",
"en": "And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these words, the multitudes were astonished at his teaching:"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á§áá á˘ááŚáłá, ážáአáá á§áśááŽá´á˘; á ááá¸á áááśáá˘.",
"en": "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. And he cometh into a house."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá¨á áŻá áááŞáá´á˘, á á´ ážáá ááá´áŠ áá¨áŻááá; á á´ ááŠáá˛á;",
"en": "And he answered and said unto them, I also will ask you a question; and tell me:"
} |
"chr": "áá á¤áááááž, ááľá á§áááá áŁáᯠáŁáá´áłááá¨á˘ ááŞáŞáłá
ááłá áááłá, á§ážáŚáŻáá ááŚá á¨áĽážáᢠááááá á§á
ááአááŤá áááľ áá´ áŠáŚ á§áááááŞáá.",
"en": "One evening, a few days after the writing had appeared in Charlotte's web, the spider called a meeting of all the animals in the barn cellar."
} |
"chr": "áá áĄáśáŻ áŁáľáááá᪠á˘áłáá ááľáááá´, áŤáŠáᨠááłá á§á¤áľ ááá˛á.",
"en": "This seemed like the end of the world, to be deserted by Charlotte's children."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŻá ááĽáŞá, ážáአáĽá áŚáśáá áá¨áĽá¤áááá¸áŻ á¤áá
áááá ááľááá
አáŹáá¨á á˘áłáŠáááą áŚá°áŞáŠ áá¨ááž á¨á á¤ááłá
áŻ, á§áááąááááą á¨áĽáá˘áááá¸áŻ á¨á á ááŚá´áľá¨á˘.",
"en": "For I say that Christ hath been made a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, that he might confirm the promises given unto the fathers,"
} |
"chr": "áżáá á áŚáááŽá¸áŠ á ááŠáž á¤áŻá˘ áá¨áŤ á á´ á¤áŠá¨áŤ, á á´ á¤á
áŠ; ážááŠá áá¨áŤ á á´ á¤áŠá¨áŤ á¤áŹááአá á´ á¤áŞá˛áŠ.",
"en": "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a demon, blind and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the dumb man spake and saw."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŁááł á˘áłáľáááá áŠáś á á´ áááĽá˛áááááŹáž. á˘á¨ááá.",
"en": "And blessed is he, whosoever shall find no occasion of stumbling in me."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáŠááá áĄáŚáŤá´á áĽáŠ á¤áŠáŹ áŹáá
áŻ, áĄáŠááľá¨áŻ á˘áŠááŚá
á¨á˘, ážááŠáŻ áá§ááá áŹáŠáŚáᯠá¤áááľáá á¨áá˘;",
"en": "in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,"
} |
"chr": "áĽá á¤áᨠáŻá ááŞáá¸áŠ; áĽáŞ ááá˛á˛áአá˘ááľ á áá˛á˘, ááŚáá˛ážá á˘áŠ ážáአáŻá .",
"en": "Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou the teacher of Israel, and understandest not these things?"
} |
"chr": "áŁááł á˘áłážáľáááá á¤ážáá
á, áŚááŻá°á á¤ážá¤áľ á˘áłáľááá.",
"en": "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."
} |
"chr": "áŹá á¨áŁááŚáŠ ááŁáłáááą áŚááŠáś ááŚáĽá´áá¸á.",
"en": "Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá°á áĄáśáŻ áąáŚá°áŽá˘, áĽá á áĽá¸á¨áśáŻ áąáŚá¨áá˘, á˘á ááá°á á áĽá¸-á ááśáŻ á ááá á¨á á ážáľááŞá¸ááአáá§áżáŠááá ááŹá
"en": "Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, seeing there are those who offer the gifts according to the law;"
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáአá áľááŞá¸áá
ᯠá áŤá´áá á á´ á˘áŠááŚá
á¨á˘, á á´ áĽá á á´á á˘áŹá á˘áŠááŚá
á¨á˘, ážááááŠá áĄáśáŻ ááŹážáá˘.",
"en": "and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá áŚá˛á á˘áŻááŹááá
"en": "Don't spend it all the first few minutes."
} |
"chr": "á¨áŻá á˘á´á áááᎠá¤ááŁá áážááĄáŠ áá á ážáľááá´áááŽá˘.",
"en": "Now there was afar off from them a herd of many swine feeding."
} |
"chr": "á¨áá áąááŁáĽáŠá áŁáŠá˛á°áá¸.",
"en": "There would be no regaining what was lost."
} |
"chr": "á
áá°áž ááŻááłááĽááŹ, ááá áĽá
á¨áá áŹáŻáŚááááá.",
"en": "You go ahead and finish fixing your web and I'll just lie here and watch you."
} |
"chr": "á¤áááááá ážá.",
"en": "She said, Many are."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŚáá ážáż á ááážá˘ ážáአá¤ážááŚá
, á˘áłáŻ á áŻáá áŻá , á¤ážááá˘.",
"en": "And some of them that stood there, when they heard it, said, This man calleth Elijah."
} |
"chr": "áŁáŠáśá¨á á§ážáá´á
á á¤ááĽá¸ ááŚááŻáá.",
"en": "There are all kinds of peppers in our garden."
} |
"chr": "á áá á¤ááą á¤ážááľáᨠRoss áá´ Ridge, á¤ážááá á ááŁáłáŠ, ááááááŤá¨á, á áá áŚáłáąá áá´ á¤áŠáá.",
"en": "Though Ross and Ridge shared the same goal, the survival of the Nation, they hated each other more than Calhoun and Jackson did."
} |
"chr": "á¤á
á á¤ááłá á áĽáá á¤áá áŚááŠá¸ áŞáąáá˘.",
"en": "Mrs. Arable put a pitcher of cream on the table."
} |
"chr": "áážáľááá´á˛áᏠáá´ á ážáľáááŠáᏠá¨áᲠá áአáŻáአá˘áłáŠáŚá áážááááá.",
"en": "I was out to dinners and dances at least five nights a week."
} |
"chr": "áĽáá ááááŠááá˘. áżáá ážáĽá á¤áˇá´ áááá¸, á ááŞáŻá§á á ááŻáŤááአááááᯠáá§á
á á§áľá˘ ááááŹáŠá áŻáááą, áŻá á
á§áŞáá´á˘; áŁáŹáŤáłáŻ, ááá á¨á áŁáááŻááá
áŠ; áĽáá°á á°áľ áąááŞáŻ áŁá´áááą áĽáá¸á˘ áĽážáááá;",
"en": "And Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself; for I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof:"
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá áá¨áŞáá; á ážáľáĽáááá¸á áŻá áŁáá á§ááŽá á˘á¸áŻá˘ áĄáłááŹá˘, ážáá áŻá á á¨á´ áĽážáጠá¤áááŽá á¨ááá, ážáአá áŚá
"en": "Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, that also which this woman hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her."
} |
"chr": "á¤áááŽá´á áŚáśááŽá á¤á
áááą á¤ááá´ááą áĽá, á á´ á¤ááŻáááą.",
"en": "and they took counsel together that they might take Jesus by subtlety, and kill him."
} |
"chr": "á áá á áá áŻá ážáአáááá áá
ááá¨á˘, áŹááłá áá§áżáŠááᯠáąá°áŠ á¤á
áá áŹáá¨á áááá´ á ááŠáááŹá˘, áŻá ááŚáŞáá¨á˘; áŚáŠ, á፠á¤áŞáĽ, ááá áŁááŚá¸ áŻáŻá
ááą áşáľ áŁáá´áá, ážááŠá°á áž áĽáŚááľ áŚá¸áááł á áá
á á¤áá
"en": "But when he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit."
} |
"chr": "á¨áĽá
ááá á á´ á ážáľá
á á§ááą á áᯠá¤ážááŚá ážáአá§ážáá´á
á á´áŤ ážáá áážááá¸á¨ á§ááŽá á¤ááłá
"en": "Now the apostles and the brethren that were in JudĂŚa heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God."
} |
"chr": "áá áąáá´á
á˘ááááŠáá áŁáľ, á¤áá
"en": "Bear said, Weâll start tracking Charley from here."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŠá¨á áĽá á¤ááľááŹáŠ á¨áľáľ á¤áŞá
áááą; ááľáŠá á¤áŠáá˛áŠ, á á´ ážáአáŻá ááŞáá¸áŠ; ááŠáááŠááŚ.",
"en": "On the morrow he was minded to go forth into Galilee, and he findeth Philip: and Jesus saith unto him, Follow me."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááááž á ááľá¨á˘ áá´ á ááŚááŽá˘ áŁáá á´áŤ á¨áá˘.",
"en": "The sheep soon got to know her and trust her."
} |
"chr": "ááĽááˇá áŁáľ, á á áááá¸áŠá áĽááŞá°á᪠á˘áłáá áááľááá áá§áá¨áž.",
"en": "Charley squatted, and his knees made a crackling sound like dropping an armload of firewood."
} |
"chr": "âááááŞá˛áł, áŞáŠ, ááááŞá˛áł, ááááŞá˛áł!â",
"en": "âGood-bye, summer, good-bye, good-bye!â"
} |
"chr": "áŠáś áŁááŚá
᪠á á˛ááá᪠ážáá áá§áżáŠááá, á ááŚáá°á á á˛áááአáá§áżáŠááá.",
"en": "Every one that doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness."
} |
"chr": "áżáá áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á ážááŠáŻ á¨ááá á ááŞáŻ á˘áŻáá á ážá, ážáአáĽááá
á áá¨ááá á á´ áĽáážá áá á ááá˛ááŠ.",
"en": "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom."
} |
"chr": "á á á áŚáá˛áŻáá á¨á á áá
á áŹáá áŞáľáá. ážáአហáŚáľáአáááŤáá áŚáľáአááḠáŚááŚ, ážáż á á¨á´ á§áŹáł.",
"en": "Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth:"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á˘á¸áŻá˘ áŤáŚáˇáŠ, á§áá ááŚáá˛, á á´ á§ááž ááŚáá˛, á á´ á˘á´á ááááśáŻ á¨áá˘, á§áá˘áŠ ááŚáłá
á ááá
áĽáá¨á˘, á á´ áŹáŠáá˛áᎠá¤ážáááááą, áŚááˇáŻáá ážáá á¤áá´á˘; ážááĽá ážáአáŹáŠááá¸áŻ áážááŠáá¨á˘.",
"en": "And wheresoever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole."
} |
Subsets and Splits