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Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God." | Plaas alles in die hande van die Moeder van God!” |
With TimeNow24, you will be always on time! | Met TimeNow24, sal jy altyd op tyd te wees! |
4:7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours." | 4:7 As U my dan aanbid, sal alles aan U behoort.” |
5 The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You shall not come in here." | 5Die mense van Jebus het vir Dawid gesê: “Jy sal nie hier kan inkom nie.” |
They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine so how could you . . . | Hulle nog nooit Jerusalem en Palestina geken hoe kon jy ..... |
• “Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and you see not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and you take no notice?…” (Isaiah 58,3; see also vv.5.10) | So sal ons die woord van God ten volle kan inneem en “met volharding vrug [kan] dra”.—Lukas 8:15. |
If he wants me to play [for him], then it is his choice. | “As sy [Madonsela] kies om my te veroordeel, is dit haar keuse. |
Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God.” | Plaas alles in die hande van die Moeder van God!” |
Then the Lord's clear Word came, “the time has come.” | Na die derde tyd van gebed was dit genoeg: “Die tyd het gekom.” |
Now/today already 100% sure of my eternal future! | Nou/vandag reeds 100% seker van my ewige toekoms! |
Then shall the Priest turn to the Lord's Table, and say, | ¶ Dan sal die Priester hom na die Here se Tafel keer, en sê, |
"He is old enough to answer for himself, so ask him." | Hy is self oud genoeg, vra hom; hy sal vir homself praat.” |
So if our prayer request is consistent with His purposes and plans, He will say, “yes.” | As ons gebedsversoek dus ooreenstem met sy doel en sy plan, sal hy “ja” sê. |
Think of the Lord’s Supper, tasting his forgiveness and goodness! | Waak dan teen die listigheid van satan en sy magte en bid vir genade! |
Took command after his Lord's death. | Denken over danken na de dood van God. |
Yet if another man comes in his own name, you will accept him.” | As ᾿n ander een in sy eie naam kom, hom sal julle aanneem” (Joh. |
What is the Solution to our 84th Problem? | Wat is die oplossing vir ons 84th Probleem? |
“Whoever is least among you is the greatest.” | Wie die geringste onder julle is, hy is die belangrikste.” |
The Best Things to Do in New York: 1001 Ideas | Die beste dinge om te doen in New York - 1001 Ideas |
13 For, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." 14 How then can they call on him in whom they have not believed? | 13 Want: Elkeen wat die Naam van die Here aanroep, sal gered word.14 Hoe kan hulle Hom dan aanroep in wie hulle nie geglo het nie? |
He is God’s good friend remember? | Hy is God se goeie vriend – onthou? |
This time, too, you have a son." | Ook hierdie keer het jy 'n seun!” |
They realized we had done this work with the help of our God.” | Hulle het toe geweet ons doen hierdie werk met die hulp van ons God.” |
“Are there two governments in Namibia? | “Is daar twee regerings in Namibië? |
And such is the punishment of thy Lord, when He punishes the towns while they are iniquitous. | En so het die straf van jou heer, as hy was gemartel (bevolking) lande wat verbind onreg. |
of kings, and Lord of lords." | die konings en die Here van die heersers.” |
They ask thee about the (final) hour when will be its appointed time? | "(Ongelowiges) vra jou (Mohammed) oor die Uur, wanneer dit gaan gebeur? |
Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever He wants. | Maria het geantwoord: “Ek is die Here se dienares en gewillig om te aanvaar wat Hy ook al wil hê. |
18 Behold, the LORD’s eye is on those who fear him, | 18 Kyk, die oog van die HERE is op die wat Hom vrees, op die wat op sy goedertierenheid wag; |
Wherever we go, we either bring people nearer to Christ or we repel them from Christ.” | Waar ons ook al gaan, bring ons mense óf nader aan Christus óf ons vervreem hulle van Hom.” |
I am so grateful to be her brother." | Ek is so dankbaar dat ek haar broer is.” |
Such is the punishment of your Lord when He seizes the (population of) towns while they are doing wrong. | En so het die straf van jou heer, as hy was gemartel (bevolking) lande wat verbind onreg. |
But if Galatians 3:6-9 teaches that Gentile believers become ‘children of Abraham by faith’, does that not make them spiritual Jews? | Maar as Galásiërs 3:6-9 leer dat heidengelowiges “uit die geloof … kinders van Abraham” is, maak dit hulle nie geestelike Jode nie? |
"I am glad that all Central American countries are now part of it. | "Ek is bly dat alle Amerikaanse lande Sentraal is nou deel daarvan. |
31:48 Laban said, “This heap is witness between me and you this day.” | 31:48 Toe antwoord Laban:: "Dit graf sal 'n getuie tussen my en jou vandag wees." |
Remember the Lord’s death until He comes. | verkondig julle die dood van die Here totdat Hy kom. |
Most Americans will talk “small talk” with you. | Die meeste Amerikaners sal praat “klein praat” met jou. |
And the grace of your lord — | Als gawe van di Heer ontvang, |
Surely, my Lord is guardian over every thing. | Voorwaar, my Heer is Bewaker oor alles. |
And how did she know Daniel was a lawyer, anyway? | En hoe het sy geweet Daniel was 'n prokureur, in elk geval? |
5The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, “You will not come in here.” | 5Die mense van Jebus het vir Dawid gesê: “Jy sal nie hier kan inkom nie.” |
"The first test," he said, "is whether you can get here three times a week. | "Die eerste toets," het hy gesê, "is of jy drie keer per week hier kan kom. |
48 Laban said, "This heap is a witness between you and me today." | 48 En Laban het gesê: “Hierdie hoop is vandag ’n getuie tussen my en jou.” |
26 Our cattle also shall go with us. | 26 Ons vee sal ook saam met ons gaan. |
The aid will be used to finance a series of measures co-financed by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). | Die hulp word gebruik vir die financiering van 'n reeks maatregelen wat mede gefinancierd word deur die Europees Fonds vir aanpassing aan die globalisering (EGF). |
Yet if another man comes in his own name, you will accept him.” | As 'n ander een in sy eie naam kom, hóm sal julle aanneem" (Joh. |
29 How happy you are, Israel! | 29 Hoe gelukkig is jy, Israel! |
Expensive – even for the basic system. | Duur - selfs vir die basiese stelsel. |
He "carried them (יְבִיאֵם) to the house of his god." | gebring (en) in die huis van sy god (geplaas is). |
In 2019, all or part of it will be returned." | In 2019 kan alles of deel daarvan terugbesorg word.” |
Verily I say unto you, before the rose of Sharon blossoms, the blood of the Just shall be spilt." | Voorwaar ek sê vir u, voordat die roos van Saron blom, sal die bloed van die Regverdige vloei". |
And they are all excellent books. | Hulle is voorwaar almal fantastiese boeke. |
"When you died, I found two animal communicators. | "Toe jy dood is, het ek twee dierekommunikators gevind. |
010:007 Pharaoh's servants said to him, "How long will this man be a snare to us? | 10:7 Toe vra Farao se dienaars vir hom: Hoe lank sal die man vir ons 'n strik wees? |
“For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ " | nie, want almal wat God geroep het om kinders van Hom te wees, sal gered word. |
He is a person and God loves him just as He loves me". | Hy is 'n persoon en God is lief vir hom, net soos Hy is lief vir my ". |
“North Macedonia and Albania did what we asked them to do. | "Noord-Macedonië en Albanië het gedoen wat ons hulle gevra het om te doen. |
Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and adopts him. | Farao se dogter het hom daar gevind en hom later aangeneem. |
He said, “Let me be the whole Chinese Room. | Hy het gesê, "Laat my die hele Chinese Kamer. |
And so we came to the Lord’s prayer, “Hallowed be thy name.” | So verstaan ons ook die gebed wat Hy ons kom leer het: Laat u Naam geheilig word. |
{8:39} They answered him, "Our father is Abraham." | Hulle het vir Hom gesê: ‘Ons vader is Abraham.’ |
I rejoice that today there are over 168,000 Witnesses in Russia!” | Ek is verheug dat daar vandag meer as 168 000 Getuies in Rusland is!” |
Read, for thy Lord is Most Beneficent, | Lees, want u Heer is die mees Eerbiedwaardige, |
The question raised here is: Who is the LORD of David's Lord? | Die vraag was: wie sou met vuur antwoord, die God van Israel of Baäl? |
What is better to cook from this or that piece. | Wat is beter om te kook uit hierdie of daardie stuk. |
"And when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly." | "En toe hy dit gesê het, Hy verwerp die vergadering. |
By his own admission he met them for one reason – engaging in unlawful sexual behaviour.’ | Deur sy eie toelating het hy hulle een of ander rede ontmoet - betrokke by onwettige seksuele gedrag. " |
Luke 11:28: “Blessed are they who hear the word of God and obey it.” | 11:28: ‘geseënd is hulle wat die woord van God hoor en dit onderhou.’ |
Exo 14:14 The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” | 14:14 – “Die Here sal vir julle stry, en julle moet stil wees.” |
Today your dog or cat — tomorrow the world! | Vandag is jou hond of kat - môre die wêreld! |
But like Manson, they are remembered. | Maar soos Manson, word hulle onthou. |
We are being undermined by our universities, our journalists. | We worden ondermijnd door onze universiteiten, onze journalisten. |
32:2 When he saw them, Jacob said, “This is God’s army.” | 32:2 Toe hy hulle sien, sê Jakob: Dit is 'n leër van God! |
We have one Father, and that is God.' | Ons het net een Vader, en dit is God.” |
In Argentina, when you’re 18, you’ve already played in one or two championships. | In Argentinië, as jy 18 is, het jy alreeds in een of twee kampioenskap gespeel. |
Because he will see that support has disappeared | Want hy sal sien dat die ondersteuning verdwyn het |
And He is the Lord of all things. | Hulle Heer is Heer oor alle dinge. |
By the beneficence of your Lord. | Als gawe van di Heer ontvang, |
(That’s the time after ovulation but before your period is due.) | (Dit is die tyd na ovulasie, maar voordat u periode verstryk het.) |
And, “their cry for help because of their bondage rose up to the LORD.” | “En hulle geroep om hulp oor hulle slawerny het opgeklim tot God”. |
And, “their cry for help because of their bondage rose up to the LORD.” | “En hulle geroep om hulp oor hulle slawerny het opgeklim tot God.” |
Did Andy ever use his own urine? | Het Andy ooit sy eie urine gebruik? |
He thinks that if he calls them, they will be able to come out and play. | Hy dink dat as hy hulle roep, hulle kan uitkom en speel. |
Fulness, in the ascension and exaltation of the risen Lord; and glory. | blydskap in die verhoging en die verheerliking van hulle Heer. |
They have become persistent in American political rhetoric, whether Mormon or not. | Hulle het volhard in Amerikaanse politieke retoriek, of dit nou Mormon is of nie. |
[ , , ] Do the same as the previous question, but use both simulation and analytical results. | [ , , ] Doen dieselfde as die vorige vraag, maar gebruik beide simulasie en analitiese resultate. |
But every Christian has an important diplomatic job here and now. | Maar elke Christen het ‘n belangrike diplomatiese werk hier en nou. |
"North Macedonia and Albania did what we asked them to do. | "Noord-Macedonië en Albanië het gedoen wat ons hulle gevra het om te doen. |
I become a king in his generativity. " | Ek word 'n koning in sy generativiteit." |
Joab sent him to David. | En Joab het Ur¡a na Dawid gestuur. |
It brings forth nourishment at every turn, by its Lord’s leave. | Daarom wend hy alles wat hy ontvang het in die diens van sy Heer aan. |
Wherever thou sees extraordinary holiness and extraordinary power raising and purifying humanity, know thou that I am there." | Waar jy buitengewone heiligheid en buitengewone krag opwekking en reiniging mensdom sien, U weet dat ek daar.” |
'He asked his parents for money, which they gave him, but he then turned up with a full beard. | “Hy het vir sy ouers geld gevra, wat hulle vir hom gegee het, maar toe daag hy met ’n vol baard op. |
How will Jacob stand? for he is small. | Hoe sal Jakob staande bly? want hy is klein. |
Was it God who could not keep His story straight; or, was it Joseph Smith? | Was dit God wat nie sy storie kon hou reguit; of was dit Joseph Smith? |
They ask you about the Hour when will be its appointed time) | "(Ongelowiges) vra jou (Mohammed) oor die Uur, wanneer dit gaan gebeur? |
48 Laban said, ‘This heap is a witness between you and me today.’ | 48 En Laban het gesê: “Hierdie hoop is vandag ’n getuie tussen my en jou.” |
“37 But He answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” | 37 Maar Hy antwoord en sê vir hulle: Gee julle aan hulle iets om te eet. |
We must return to the faith in God's righteousness before it is too late. | Ons moet terugkeer na geloof in God se geregtigheid voordat dit te laat is. |
What you can do as a professional to respond more effectively to domestic violence: | Wat kan jy doen as 'n professionele om meer doeltreffend te reageer op huishoudelike geweld: |
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