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The only place where we can truly live is in our present. | Die enigste plek waar ons, ons waardes kan uitleef, is in n eie gebied. |
The 3rd pentacle of Saturn. | Derde fase van die Saturnus V-vuurpyl. |
A place for you and me. | Daar's `n plek vir jou en my, |
That's definitely one way to get to know your neighbor! | Daar is ‘n plek in die middel om jou maat te ontmoet! |
What You Can Do To Be Happy | Wat kan jy dóén om gelukkig te wees |
What will we examine in the next article? | Wat gaan ons in die volgende artikel bespreek? |
Why did Dod pick them to hold such a burden?” | Waarom skuif die Bybel die verantwoordelikheid af op die gelowiges?” |
Where are you half-assing things? | Waar kom jy aan sulke dinge? |
Ask people in the region though, they still remember. | Vra maar vir die ou inwoners, hulle sal onthou. |
So, we want to find out who inspires you? | Vraag: Ons wil graag weet wat dit is wat jou inspireer? |
So, whatever this nephesh is, God says that He owns it; it belongs to Him. | Volgens ander nuusbronne het die mans egter “Allah is groot!” geskree. |
The year has been a good one for the singer. | Verlede jaar was omtrent ’n suksesvolle jaar vir die sanger. |
Tcl/Tk is an interpreted scripting language. | Tong / Tongue is dus 'n erkenbare taal |
When the walls of Jericho fell, her house remained. | Toe die mure van Jerigo geval het, het net Ragab se huis bly staan. |
Simultaneously, there are three children who are trying to capture the monster on their own along with the complex family intrigues that surface in any small town. | Terselfdertyd is daar ook drie kinders wat die monster probeer vastrek en familie-intriges soos net in ʼn klein dorpie kan wees. |
What is Zero return? | So natuurlik terugkeer null. |
Some of those “inert” ingredients are more lethal than the active chemical they are wrapped around. | Sommige van hierdie “inerts” is meer toksies as die aktiewe bestanddeel wat wel genoem word. |
Other countries may do better. | Sommige lande doen beter |
There is an undercurrent of fear of change. | Onderliggende hierdie ontduiking is vrees vir verandering. |
To tell the truth, I think it's junk.” | Om die waarheid te sê, ek staan sleg. " |
As I got older, I kept and continue to see younger kids get this disease and have to go through what I have gone through. | Omdat ek nog altyd ouer én jonger vriende gehad het, kon ek sien hoe hulle deur die lewe gaan en ook wat ek nie moet doen nie. |
God is steadfast, which is defined as, "firm in purpose or unwavering". | Nee, dit is God wat verneder of verhef, Hy is die regter!” |
Also, Mom has called me every day to find out how i’m feeling. | My ma bel my elke uur net om te hoor of ek ok is. |
“My story about everything and everyone is my responsibility.” | “My boek, en my storie, is vir almal bedoel” |
Do not allow a pet to have access to the kitchen, dining room, or any other area in which food is prepared. | Moenie reptiele toelaat om toegang te hê tot die kombuis, eetkamer of enige ander area waar voedsel voorberei word nie. |
But when I can, I will! | Maar wanneer ek kan, gaan ek. |
Make sure you’re saving enough money. | Maak seker dat u genoeg spaar |
Astrid, I'm so happy to see you back! | Lewies, ek is so bly om te sien jy is terug! |
Note : This garment is custom made for you. | Let wel: die masker is geskik vir gereelde gebruik. |
Rural Affairs and Transport. | Landbougemeenskappe en vervoer. |
Take a look at some of the images that we took that day. | Kyk hier na al die foto’s wat ons op die dag geneem het. |
Culture is all-pervasive. | Kultuur is omvattend. |
Possibility to place a third bed. | Keuse van 'n derde enkel bed. |
Does this sound like what you’re going through right now? | Is dit lyk soos die situasie wat jy is in die oomblik? |
one who can bring about a change. | Hy is al Een wat verandering kan bring. |
He says, "I know your works". | Hy het gesê: Ek ken jou werke! |
feel that he was unworthy to live. | Hulle voel so onwaardig om te leef. |
Help me to be able to share Your gift with others. | Help my asseblief sodat ek U liefde met ander kan deel. |
May help with accountability. | Help mekaar met verantwoordelikhede. |
The Air Navigation Order – Updates | GPS Navigasie is WEG af - UPDATE |
God accepts you as His beloved child. | God neem jou aan as Sy Kind |
The violence is being directed at Them rather than at Us. | Geweld is algemeen vir hulle en nie vir ons. |
You go back and forth between those two modes of thought. | Gaan terug en vooruit tussen hierdie twee geestelike paaie |
That does not, of course, make one of us right and the other wrong. | En dit beteken nie dat een van ons reg en die ander verkeerd is nie. |
but the most important thing you have | En die belangrikste wat jy gaan |
I strongly believe nobody is truly aware of how lucky or unlucky you are. | Ek dink nie ’n mens besef hoe senuagtig jy is en oorkom nie. |
I think people are going to like it a lot." | Ek dink mense gaan dit baie geniet.” |
This was Logano’s first Clash win of his career. | Dit was ook Golovkin se eerste nederlaag van sy loopbaan. |
The antidote to impatience is to embrace the present moment. | Dit is 'n afleiding van die ongeduld om te wag vir die tyd om te slaag. |
The dictionary definition of knoei is “untidy, unfinished work done, fraudulent and underhanded methods of doing things, using dishonest methods. | Die woordeboek se definisie van ``knoei'' is: ``slordige, onbedrewe werk verrig; bedrieglik en agterbaks te werk gaan; oneerlike metodes gebruik''. |
However, Adam can’t stand most types of chocolate. | Die vrou hou glo die meeste van dié tipe sjokolade. |
The body has no mechanism of storing zinc, which means there is a dietary requirement that needs to be consumed through the diet daily. | Die liggaam het geen meganisme van die stoor sink, Wat beteken dat daar 'n dieet vereiste wat nodig het om elke dag omkom deur die dieet. |
He spent the last years of his life in Spain. | Die laaste paar jaar van sy lewe het hy in Sri Lanka gebly. |
People who represent God to the World | Diakonaat verteenwoordig God in die wêreld |
They basically need water and mulch. | Daarom benodig ons water en mulching. |
For others, the symptoms are different. | By dogters lyk die simptome anders. |
Break out of the office. | Breek weg uit die kantoor |
If you want to make your own crust, here’s how I do it. | As ek ‘n karakter op hom wil bou, is dit hoe ek dit sal doen. |
If this is a situation you. | As dit is wat jou. |
32 I shall make such a desolation of the country that your enemies who come to live there will be appalled by it. | 32Ek self sal die land so verwoes dat julle vyande wat in die land kom woon, bang sal wees in die land. |
10 But I will send a fire on the wall of Tyrus, which shall devour the palaces thereof. | 10 Daarom sal Ek ‘n vuur slinger in die muur van Tirus, en dit sal sy paleise verteer. |
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