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08296be | Do you know what the Seagoing Cowboy program is? A Seagoing Sowboy is a program that ships cattle on a boat. Being the Seagoing Cowboy program can be great in many ways. Also we need more crue members to help out on deck. Here are more reasons why you should join, and learn more about me.
My name is Luke Bomberger. I work as a Seagoing Cowboys program and I am here to help the cattle be moved. I move the cattel for people who need it. When I say I move cattle for people I'm doing it because, It's for people who lost their homes in war, battle, and even earth quakes and herricains. Also more like tornatoes and athor tragic events that happen around you.
Its not all about the cattle being shipped, you can do fun things to. There are a lot of things to do on and off the ship. Also you help people get their lives back on track. Don't forget about the things you will see.
There are lots of reasons why you should help people. And with that you know how you can help out you nabers in case of an emergency. But naberes to me means, "the world." | 2 |
082e9df | While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking concepts to the suburbs. Residents of an upscale community in Germany have given up their cars, generating a revolutionary change.
Limiting car usage is "a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," according to businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza, a resident of Bogota, Columbia. After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals, but thanks to the partial driving ban, congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France. By reducing the amount of driving we do, we could decrease the amount of greenhouse gases we emit into our atmosphere, ultimately creating a greener, healthier enviornment for all of earths inhabitants.
An improvement in society is also being made due to the ambitious goals to decrase car usage. Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout cities; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The worlds love affair with vehicles seem to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly nine percent below the peak and equal to where the countr was in January of 1995. Part of the explanation certainly lies in the recession, because cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway. But by many measures, the decrease in driving preceded the downturn and appears to be persisting now that recovery is under way. If the pattern persists it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviornment, since transportation is is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants.
"All of our development since World War Two has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America. By decreasing the amount of car usage, we could generate enough change to truly change the world. | 4 |
08407fe | I think knowing if students are either happen or sad in a class is a very important thing because that lets you know as a teacher if you are doing a good job at teaching or not. As teachers your suppose to make your students feel happen and excited to be able to learn. If you (the teacher) comes to class sad or in any negative way the class will feel the same and will not want to work because of how they are feeling. Then there can always be that one student in the back of the class all alone because he doesn't know nobody or because something is wong with him you should make him feel happy or even ask him what's wrong because no matter what you do not know what is wrong with a person unless you talk to that person and actually listen to what they are saying. You also have to understand wha they are feeling to be able to know how to handle that situation because if you don't and don't know what to do, you will make the other person feel even more bad about their self. | 2 |
0840ed9 | Luke thinks that you should particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys because it may help you if you need to get a job and if you want to travel to differnent place like China, Germany,and Russia, and you can even go for the fun of it.
Here is some reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys you are helping places"recover thier food supplies, animals, and more."Another reason is that you get to take care of" the horese, young cows, and mules." One of the best reason is that it helps you learn that people in other countries need he even says that" it made me more aware of people of other countries and thier needs. The very last reason is that you can have fun one the ship on the trip to other countries he said that " They played volleyball and baseball games and they played table-tenis tournaments."
Even if you don't like taking care of horeses and mules and young cows you can still help other countries with supplies and food and other stuff, And you can even go for the adevnture and fun stuff that you do when you ride the boat on the way there. So come on down and join the Seagoing Cowboys on there next trip. So pleses Join the Seagoing Cowboys on the next trip " I hope I see you there on the ship,"Luke says. | 2 |
0848273 | The "face on Mars" is not a face at all. The shadows cause this landformation to appear to have a mouth, nose, and eyes. In the 2001 photo it was summer, so there was no shadows to cast the facial features as in the 1976 photo. If Nasa really discovered life on Mars they would tell the public because it would be a huge discovery. These conspiracy theorists say aliens are so smart, well if they are so smart why haven't they contacted us.
Why would these oh so genious aliens waste time on making this face? I'll tell you why, because they dont exist it was just a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. The people of Nasa have done as much as they can with this natural landformation. They took another photo in 1998 after the first photo because they wanted to prove it wasn't aliens.
The photo in 2001 proved that it was not an alien creation. These theorists say all these things that make Nasa seem so protective and amke it seem like they hide information. If Nasa were hiding information why would they release the photo in the first place. If it were alien markings and they knew about it why take two more photos, to prove the theorists were wrong. One day they will land on Mars, and Nasa will prove to us that there are no ancient life forms there. When they land and prove us wrong the conspiracy theorists will stay say they are lying.
The theorists love to make people believe what they want because it's all about the best conspiracy. If one were to have the better conspiracy they would knock their compition out of the way. They make money on how many subscribers they get and the better the conspiracy, the more subscribers.
Some poeple will always doubt what Nasa really searches for. They don't understand that Nasa is not in it for personal gain. They are searching for answers for answers about our universe and if there was alien life forms Nasa would tell the people with so much joy and wonder. One day we will know the truth. | 4 |
084cdc4 | I think the computer the students are using to identify human emotions is valuable. It could useful for many things in the world or can use for important uses like if people are lying. This techology could be helpful to scientists for many uses or like in the article says for identify paints or surgeries. In the following paragraghs i will give my reason why its a good reason to the FACS and evidenece.
The reason i agree that they should have the FACS is because it could be used for alot of things like see who is confused or lost, and if someone is lying when they are introuble, and even if they need it for a painting like this artcle. I think people always questioned if mona lisa is happy or mad, or even confused. In the artricle on paragraph 3 it says that the computer can classifi if someone or some painting is happy, sad, anger, fear, and disgusted. So what they did is they made the painting 3-d and scanned her face to see what was her emotions were during da vinci was painting and also it says that the computer can also major 44 muscles on our face and can tell if we are happy or sad. on paragraph 1 the result of what emotion mona lisa was 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful andf 2% angry. this result could be right or just what the computer thinks what her emotion was in that very moment da vinci was painting her.
In conclusion i do think FACS is valuable because it could help figuring out emotions on people in paintings like da vinci, help during surgery, help the teacher know if people did understand the lesson or not, and help people know who is lying or not. | 2 |
084e848 | I think that the idea of driverless cars are a good idea, but I don't think they are necessary at all. They are pointless and cars should be driven manually. The idea of a safer car is too ensure the safety of passengers, drivers , and even pedestrians. Accidents are always going to happen, but it is up to drivers themselves to make this happen.
A good opposition to the idea of driverless cars is the psychological aspect. In the passage, it says, "psychological aspects are really a challenge," and they should be. There is no point in having a driverless car that still needs the assistance of a human driver. Also, we aren't really saving gas amounts. The driverless cars are still going to require gasoline as fuel.
In conclusion, driverless cars are not worth the investment. They will still need human assistance and drivers will be bored waiting for their turn to drive. The amount of gas needed will still be the same to power all the cars. This is why driverless cars are pointless. | 2 |
085092e | The Face has many reasons that in may be from aliens, but there are also many reasons against it. How you choose your final answer will have to do with your world view. Your mind may change once you hear different information.
May 24, 2001 was when the Face was first spotted. There were no other other landforms or artifatcts spotted on this mission. This is the first problem. If there were aliens that previously inhabited the plant, why would there be no other evidence? The only factor making it appear to be an Egyptian Pharaoh was the shadows casted on the rest of the structure. Though Michael Malin was able to get closer,clearer pictures of the landform, it still did not give straight evidence that aliens exsisted. If the Face did prove that aliens did once walk Mars, why would they be Egyptian? Scientist can only compare the structure to what they know, which is not much. Since the Face is equal to a mesa or butte, how would that be possible? Mesas and buttes are not caused by man, but by erosion and natural processes. The Face was most likely formed by coincidence.
Though there is no exact explanation for the Face on Mars, it is still interesting. If you belived in aliens, you would believe in is an artifact left by "Martians". If you do not believe in aliens, you would simply believe it happened because of natural processes as if it were a mesa or butte. Without proper evidence, we are left to believe in whatever we would like. | 2 |
08519b2 | Since Henry Ford made the first Model T, people have been obsessed with the idea of transportation. This idea has evolved into many things between then and now. We now have entire sports dedicated to cars and motorcycles, cars powered by alternate energy sources, and many other novel concepts that have taken the world by storm. However, there are many potential advantages of limiting your use of our precious automobiles.
One of the first reasons that you should reduce your usage of cars is found all around us, in the environment. Some statistics of the current amount of damage we cause by using our cars like we do include that fact that passenger cars are responsibel for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to fifty percent in some areas of the United States. Imagine if we could reduce those numbers? David Goldberg, and official of Transportation for America (a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the United states), said "How much you drive is as important as whether you drive a hybrid." There are some places that are taking this concept to heart. One example of this is in Bogota, Columbia, where on certain days every year, a Day Without Cars in the captial city leaves only buses and taxis with permission to be on the roads. Despite the rain on the third time the event took place, the turnout was still great. There were even other cities, Cali and Valledupar, that took part in the fun. Municipal authorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic about what they saw. The country of Colombia has made a concious effort to reduce their carbon footprint since the mid-1990s. Bogota has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicicyle paths as well as parks and sports centers have also cropped up. This also in turn resulted in an improved economy as new restaurants and upscale shopping distrcits have cropped up. The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, has also recently unveiled ambitious goals to curb the US's greenhouse gas emmisions. Wouldn't it be great if we could all help the environment out by reducing our usage of cars?
How great would it be, if at the same time as leanding the earth a helping hand, you were able to improve your own happiness? In Vauban, Germany and several other places globally, this has already begun to take effect. The people of this city are part of the "Smart Planning" movement. This experimental community on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss borders, is taking reducing autombile usage to a whole new level. Seventy percent of Vauban's families simply do not own a car. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two living in Vauban, said "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," as she walked the verdant streetes where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering people drown out an occasional distant motor. The "Smart Planning" movement isn't just restricted to this place though. It is merely an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere to separate suburban life from auto use. In Bogota, businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza said as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," on a Day Without Cars. Some may still say though, "How if by giving up my car, will I be happier? I will have to find some other transportation mean and potentially have to wake up much earlier than I already to get everywhere. That seems more stressful to me." However, due to the recession in the US, many people are having to do adapt this type of lifestyle out of necessity. Many can't afford new vechiles but still must get to work somehow. Even after the recession ends, many sociologists believe that many will not return their previous way of life.
Finally, there are already many plans in place to reduce automobile usage. At the
Mobile World Congress in 2012 in Barcelona, Spain, Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, laid out a business plan that shows how impractical or undesireable it will be for many to own a vehicle. He also proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create ciries in which "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions, and improve safety." The Environment Protection Agency as well as legislators are promoting the reduced use of personal vehicles by working to induct a new six-year federal transportation bill, rather than previous ones that have devoted about eighty percent of the appropriations have gone to highway improvements and the remaining twenty percent to other transport.
To wrap everything up, there are many reasons that everyone should try to reduce automobile use. For one, it will help the environment, it will increase general happiness, and finally, that there are plans that are already in place to make it more feasable for people to adopt this new lifestyle. Whether we will see a drastic change or not, we will not know until we try. But that all starts, with you. | 5 |
0854673 | Do you get sea sick and if not you can be a Seagoing Cowboy. It's nineteen forty-five, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries had left the ruins! Luke Bomberger would like you to help out too. If you would take a guess of what you would have to do? You would get to help out people that have lost their economy, food, and shelter.
The thing that this eighteen year-old boy enjoys coming back to get more supplies because the Cowboys play volleyball in the pens where the animals are located. They also play table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time.
When luke is helping people they also get to go to special places such as the Acropolis in Greece was special,"So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city of streets of water." He also toured and excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.
What if I don't want to help said one of the people Luke had ask and what if I don't like taking care of people or animals. Luke had just said but it's a lifetime chance to go to all of those places and it would really make you happy but, if you don't want to go then just don't go. then that person named Joe said he wanted to go and that was Lukes best friend and Luke knew that they were going to have fun.
In conclusion they had been on that ship for over four and a half months just to get to South Africa. Luke and Joe had played table tennis tournaments and many other games. The two boys even played volleyball. Finally they had arrived at South Africa. | 2 |
085f158 | Dear State Senator,
Lately there has been lots of tense debates on whether to keep Electoral College votes or not. Well I agree with the citizens who do agree on keeping our votes. Its just rude to take away something we rightfully deserve. Electors come to the campus or a specific area to give their great speech that appeals to what we want to be done just to get our votes. Well Mr. Senator it isn't ok for you and the others in office to just take away Electral College voting.
According to this article written by : The Office of the Fedral register,
" the Founding fathers esatblished it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in congress and election of the President by a popuar vote of qualifed citizens."
that little bit of information says a popular vote I believe the Electoral College is that popular vote. After the electors are selected and meet to discuss who would be Preident and Vice President but also need to count the Electoral votes. Not only does the congress count the electoral votes , there is 538 electors but at least 270 votes are required to elect the preisdent.
In another article it explains how the year of
"2000 was a fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century."
There is a example
Al Gore he won the popular vote but not the presidency .And that majority would have preferred a direct election. Also the electoral voters system voted slate, an example given from the story was if I lived in Texas I would vote for Jonh Kerry, then vote for slate of 34 democratic electorsthat pledged to Kerrry.
Even with great arguments of wiping out Electoral votes , it will still remain
"unfair outdated and irrational
" I see a picture which shows the number of electroal votes that each state is granted. Some states are granted more than other states but that doesn't stop them from voting. There are fueds over the outcome,picking the president, then goes into the swing states, Big states, and run-off elections .
Now the certainty of outcome of a Electoral vote its not likey to beat a popular vote.
But electoral votes win because those votes are more than popular votes. Back in 2012 voting the article says" Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to only 51.3 percent of the poplular votes."
and that help Obama win on the winner-take-all basis. Now with picking the president they can't recieved gain of votes where ever there from or very well favored. A president with regional appeal isn't likey to be a successful president.
Now those swing states, with the winner-take-all method and being awarded with electoral votes. But voters in the toss-up states are the ones who really pay attention and listen to competators in the campagion. And decide the election. But in the big states electoral college restores the political balance which large states lost by virtue. The bug states get more of the canidate attention than small states because big states has more population.
Refering back to the article it says electoral avoids the problems with elections , with that no canidate recieves no votes from that majority.
Imagine back in 1968 with Nixon and Clinton in 1992 both only gotten 43 pecent of the popular votes . The pressure of a run-off election is when no canidate wins , it will greatly make things complicated in the presidental elction.
So no Senator you and your fellow peers whom decided to eliminate electoral votes is dispicable. When we actually have a chance to vote you take it away. Its very clear that without the electoral votes it woud be more than just presidental complication it would also be complication with decideing electors, presidntal electors and the big states who canidates get there precious votes from would have a hard time winning.
I agree to keeping the Electoral College vote and not to change it to no popular vote because popular vote over rules most of the time. So please over think your decsion with other senators and keep Electoral College votes. | 2 |
08629e7 | The use of this technology to ready the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Why? to me this idea has some pros and cons. In the case of the Mona Lisa it seems a lot more reasonalbe to use this type of technology because in reality if we just look at the painting we dont know what her emotions are but since whis new Facial Action Coding System came out it'd be a lot more usefull on her than in students in a classroom.
Now these days students don't have a lot of excitment to come to school and are often distracted with the other things going on around them. If you have the Facial Action Coding System have them identify their emotions they will pay even less more attention in class. Wether or not a student isn't as excited to do math homework is the FACS gonna be able to change the students way of feeling towards the homework? Will the students way of feeling about homework change by a computer system? I honestly dont think it'd be a good idea to have that kind of system in a classroom.
In my opinion the idea of having it in a classroom is a bad idea. This system may work on other things but not in a classroom with students. This system can also fail. If a student is happy but just has a serious face the sysytem is going to go by what the student looks like not the way he/she actually feels inside.
Technology now a days is taking over everything, this FACS
will just make people much lazier because they know that instead of asking the way they feel they'll just want to use the system because its much faster and easier instead of going up to the person and actually asking how they feel. It'll create less comunication with one another.
The Facial Action Coding System doesn't seem to me a useful technology system for students in a classroom. | 3 |
0863447 | Have you ever wanted to go outer space? Well I have, but what this excellent passage is telling me about Venus is making me change my mind. I never knew how dangerous the solar system was until I read this passage about the Earth's twin Venus.
The author that wrote this passage had very good support to support his passage over Venus. The author told us about how Venus is very dangerous but is a very intersting planet to study . Also, he told us about how about the features and the history about Venus. The author suports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that Venus have. The author supports the idea very well because he added facts. Also he did very well with suporting his claim because he have good look passages. also he states that, "Also notatable,Venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closest to the sun". So this means that Venus is dangerous even if you go to it is too hot to even step foot on.
In conclusion, studying Venus is an worthy Pursuit because you can find alot of facts and statistics about Venus. The author states that " Venus, sometimes called the "Evening star," is one of thr brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer. So, this mean Venus isn't just an planet it aslo is an eveaning star. I have went through all the evidence that the author excellently supports his idea. | 2 |
08669b6 | You have to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It will open the world up to you. The program is really fun, and could help you with some of your problems. It really helped me in life. You get to see cool things. You can relax. Then sometimes there a lot of work involved. Anyone could be interested if they tried.
The article says there is a lot of war like things involved as well. It gets pretty dirty and rough to be a seagoing cowboy. I would suggest doing because it gives you oppertunities, and soemtimes it can be fun. You can't be weak and not willing to do work though. There is a lot of training to go through and it is not easy. So if your a hard working worker this is the place for you to be.
Then there are some severe injuries or even worse. You got to be tough though. I have a good time though. Beside the work, but sometimes it can be fun. You have company as well to cheer you up when your down. Some work you have to do is cleaning, feeding the animals, or even pulling or pushing heavy objects. Like in the article it said the animals have to be fed or watered two or three times a day.
Yet all the work there is fun. Like seeing all of the awesome landscapes or cities. If you feel down this will bring you up. Watching the sun set. Being with workers that are kind. There is more and more. It is just what kind of person you are. If you are a hard worker and like to see cool things. This is the place for you. It is really fun if you can see how it is fun to help people and animals. L hope this inspires you to be a seagoing cowboy. The program is great. | 2 |
0870d64 | BOOM! Boom! Bang! As they played that table tennis, we sure do have fun! I Think you should come to the Seagoing Cowboys Program! I've not been here for long but I love it!
Making those trips, playing games, traveling the High Seas. There is alot around you should come check it out. SEAGOING COWBOYS PROGRAM!! You have lots of fun aboard after animals have been unloaded you can go play fun games such as, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that just let that time pass. You can also play baseball & volleyball if you wish. You can also help out in Katie's Farm. Serve as a night watchman, Wouldn't that be fun & scary!! " A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Alantic, He was of so happy to be alive, but he couldn't work for a couple days because the cracked ribs." A Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure though, It opens up a new world out there. New opportunity. It makes yoyu more aware of other people in countries and their needs. Fighting for there life back then for food., because of those nazi soldiers that will eat everything think of those little kids even starving till this day, they may not have shoes a house. Homeless but they are kids think of them and there little broken hearts. Scared and fighting! And also if you get an opportunity to go to a nursing room go, see those people if your talent is singing, sing your little heart out and make there sad day something great!
Make there rainy sad day a rainbow in the sky cause you just made there day! You'll figure out when you get older be nice. Live everyday like its your last! So I request go be a SEAGOING COWBOY!! | 3 |
0870f09 | Changing the election by popluar vote for the President of the United States would be a better option than keeping the Electoral College. Although they have a meeting where they are voting for President and Vice President, doesn't the citizens of United States do the same thing. Since we help choose our states electors when we vote for which President we want, why can't our vote be the last vote to count?
Qualified citizens of the United States should have the final say so on who we want our President to be. We choose our President based off of what they said they will do to make the USA a better place. Instead of the citizens voting for a state elector we should vote for who we want President. Since we will be living in the type of envoriment they set.
The Electoral College is unfair to votes because of the winner take all system they have in each state. And if the Electoral College can't decide or have a tie , the election would be thrown to the House of Represetatives where they vote on the President. What about what the citizen of the United States want our President to be?
Since the state legislatures are tehnically repsonible for picking the electors , those electors could always defy the will of the people. So leaving the vote up the elecotor is another reason why we should not keep the Electoral College. Citizens that vote can not control who the electors vote for. The electors can even get confused and vote for the wrong candidate. Or even take the advantage of thier own to vote for who they think is right, rather who the citizens wanted them to vote for. | 3 |
087c663 | Twenty-five years ago, NASA's Viking 1 spotted a giant shadowy figure that looked like a head on Mars. Many people belive that the "Face on Mars" was created by unknown life forms, but this is clearly not the case. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform.
The Face on Mars is just a mesa that formed on the Red Planet. Mesas are very common around the American West, and it's no surprise that one could turn up on Mars. In paragraph 12, Jim Garvin states "It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
If the Face on Mars was created by unknown life forms, NASA would have no reason to hide it. Many conspiracy theorists state that NASA is hiding the truth from us. They believe that the Face on Mars is key evidence for life on Mars, but if that was true NASA wouldn't hide it.
if they found life on Mars, NASA could get much more funding for their research. They would make millions of dollars out of it. If they had found spmething that intriguing, they wouldn't even think of keeping it a secret.
Many believe that maybe it was just a bad picture and thatthere could be hidden alien markings, but there were many diferent pictures taken. NASA was able to take several photos at many different times, so there would be no way that they missed something. NASA has new high-resolution images and 3D altimetry that shows that the Face on Mars is just a simple mesa.
The Face on Mars is just a natural occurance. NASA has done thier research and has concluded that this is just a simple mesa. Some people are still not satisfied with NASA's results. Do you believe its just a natural landform, or do you think there's something more to this situation? | 4 |
087f29f | Dear State Senator,
Haven't you ever wondered why the poppular vote seems to have the majority of votes for a candidate? This due to the unfairness of the Electoral College. The Electoral College has to be eradicated mainly do to many factors such as the "Disaster Factor," the Winner-Take-All" system, and the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. These events can all cause a crisis in the country due the the Electoral Colleges unfairness.
One reason the the Electoral College can be considered unfair is due to something that we refer to as the "disaster factor." This is a possibility in which a state legislature is responsible for picking electors that vote based on their bias. This can be considered unfair mainly due to the fact that they did not follow their plegde to the citizens of their state. For Example, in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature choosed a group of electors in which the promised the people to vote for John F. Kennedy. In the end vote against Kennedy and not complying to their pledge. Luckily, Nixion, Kennedy's opponent, validated only his opponents electors, without establishing a precedent.
The Electoral College has to be disposed of because of a system used in almost every state, called the "winner-take-all' system. This can be considered unfair and prove the system as outdated, bec | 2 |
0882383 | Do i believe use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuble?
no because a friend can tell when your sad,sometimes the computer can be wrong,and some people look like they are angry but are actually happy.
Technology is not valuabe for studnets expressions in classroms because a friend would know if you are down or happy or depressed the computer can't see tears on the inside they also don't know your life. An example is"a kid who is bi-polar they could be happy the one second,then boom anry the next second". You mean to tell me a computer can't tell if your'e angry one second then happy another second? Another example could be sometimes you just don't know if that person is sad,happy,angry and sometimes the kid doesn't wangt to talk about his or her emotions". i believe this can prove that the computer doesn't know if the kid is happy or sad,but the friend will!
The use of technology can't read the emotional expressions of a student in a classroom becaue the computer is not always correct about everything. An example is "a game like NBA 2k18 they can scan your face,but it doesn't look just like you". Another big example is "the computer isn't always the right answer just like the internet the answer doesn't always come out right so the computer won't get your emotional feelings right."
Another reason the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of the students in a classroom isn't valuable because a lid could look angry but is actually happy. an example is "sometimes i look angry but tkats just my normal face,so the computer would say i'm angry when i'm really happy". Another examle is "a kid could have a dissorder on his or her expression so once again the internet is wrong". this proves that the computer cannot read the emotional expressions of students in class.
As i stated in the text all those examples prove that my eviedence prves that using computers to express whether the use of technology reads the students emotional expressions. they can't because the computer doesn't know if the kid is happy or, mad, a friend can tell when they are mad,and sometimes the internet is wrong. | 3 |
088bb4a | The author supports the idea that studying venus is a wothy pursuit despite the danger it present because people want to know how simillar it is to earth how the envoirment is. Another resaon it is worthy to explore is that curistoy people will have to see what venus really is. Another reason it is a worthy to explore venus is how many pwople have tried but failed.
People belive that venus was exaclty like earth a long time ago scientist state that venus had oceans. In paragraph 4 it is stated that venus could even have supported forms of life just like earth.
even today venus still has some features that are analogous to earth it even incudes valleys moutains. There might be more stuff that is on earth that looks like venus that we may not have seen because we could not properly explore it becuse of the distance.
Another reason that exploring venus is not such a bad idea is because you might learn new things on that plant that could help our plant out. Plus pople will alway have curiosity to learn how venus is if it will ever be a subsitute for earth. poeple want to explore it so bad becuse it is a hard challenge but it should not be discoraged jsut because it is dangerous.
Another reason exploring venus might not be a bad idea is that poeple who see that it is a hard challenge and that no one has done it will be push to be the firsht one to land explore it better then from long distant exploring. A spacecraft has not landed or even came close to landing in venus in three decades meaning
it is dangerous but will be good for a learning lesson and exploration.each misson was unmanned so not a single real person had the oppertunity to land there becuse of how dangrous.
The author supports the idea studying venus by stating good things about what we can learn how it can help us and how hard it wil be. One reason the statement above is true becuase he states how we can learn how venus is simllar to earth. How it is difficult to land there to truly explore you have to do hard work. This represents that the author supports his idea by giving deatials about why it is worthy despite how hard or even dangrous it can be. | 3 |
088c6ac | Now a days cars and other veicles are the cause of many situations that many places in the world have to deal with. Indeed they do get us to our destination faster, but at what cost? We drive faster so that the earth can die slowly. Cars and veicles are to be blamned for earths killer
There are some up and downs to faster transportation for example, time management we get tomplaces in one-third of the time we would if we would go walking to our destination. We wouldn't be freezing when it's called and sweating when it's hot. The down information is that the government waste a lot of money on gas, and car prices, even on fast food resturants. The truth is we dont even need cars, we WANT cars we don't NEED cars, theres a difference of the words and there meanings. For example in the story In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, studies show that 70% of Vauban's families do not own any type of veicles, and 57% sold their veicle just to move there. "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two.
Polution...... It kills the earth and infact us aswell very slowly. Each year the government has to waste thousands of dollars to keep producing greenhouses because the use of any type of veicle is monumentous. If we keep doing what we doing there won't be an earth to live on at all. Cars aren't the only thing to blame for polution, we also have to blmame HUMANS, they know using a veicle too much consists on the consumption of gas which creates polution, but they still go out and drive for hours and hours just wasting there whole intire tank of gas. For example 50% of all cars inEurope (which is half of all people with any type of car) produce fuems, (polution) that require our government to develope greenhouses, which waste money aswell.
If we spend all day driving, we let out into the atmosphere some toxic fuems that kills the earth and us aswell. Then making the government waste money to make greenhouses to try to at least advance humans lives for a couple more hundreds of years. Up to 50% of car-intensive ares in America, are to blame for the development of greenhouses, stated in the article called In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars. | 3 |
088fd5c | When you turn sixteen, you're filled with anticipation and anxst of getting your liscence, and furthermore a car! I know, I have certaintly been there. But, what's so good about getting a car? Well, other than the new found sense of freedom. Not much. Car usage has accelerated since the 1900's and is starting to gradually decline. Why? Less stress, less pollution, and more excerise. These things alone may not be enough to convince you, so let's jump into the facts.
First off, getting rid of that car in your driveway will greatly lower your stress. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,"". When you think about it, it truly makes sense. When you have a car you have to worry about gas prices, payments, and fixes. But, when you live a car free life none of that is of your concern. So, therefore your stress decreases and your happiness can go up to an all time high. When you have one less bill each month it truly does leave an impact.
Secondly, we have a big issue that is in our hands... Pollution and smog. Who's fault is it? Ours. Fumes and smoke crowding into our atmosphere with no where else to go. Our cars are a huge part of it. "Diesel fuel was blamed" in France for their smog layers. "Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions." We need to put a stop to this. It is destroying our planet. It will continue to destroy it until we make a change and do something to make this stop. It's in our hands and we can't just let it go. The problem will not just go away. It will not just fix itself.
When you are living in this day in age many people have cars, so they have no need to go out and walk, or skate, or bike anywhere because they have a more "efficiant" way of transportation. "Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday," This means that people would be getting up and active to get to work and other places that they may need to be. Helping our environment and themselves.
Furthermore, cars are slowly but surely being forgotten, people are stopping their use of cars and taking alternative transportation. "But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling." So, it's not as big of a deal as it used to be. Not everyone needs or wants to have a car anymore. "If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will-it will have beneficial implications for the carbon emmissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants." When you decide that you don't want a car, you're benefiting from it and the future is benefiting from it. Taking the next step seems a bit out of reach but we can make it.
In conclusion, people see cars as something that is a must have. Or, a next step in their freedom. But, we can change that. Show the world that it is more harmful than helpful. "One small step for man, a leap for mankind." We can get there, but it takes more than one person to set down the keys. Reduce your stress, reduce the pollution, and increase your happiness. All it takes is one person to start a movement. | 4 |
0890d0b | The the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" display both positive and negative aspects about driverless cars. Everyone looks foward to the feature because of new technology that could make life easier but we really dont think about the bad that can come from these new divices. In my personal opinion I think that the negative aspects outweigh the positive aspects when it comes to driverless cars.
Even though driverless cars can possibaly be good for the economy because they use half the fuel of today's taxis they also have a large amount of cons that many people don't ever think about because they are blinded by the fact that these cars can basically get you where you need to go with little to no assistance from you, the manually driver. Even though driverless cars can get you where you need to go with hardly no assistance from you there will also be times when they do need your assistance, like if there is a accident or when there are road closes ahead. Although the car can alert you will you be to destracted by other things, such as cell phones, to pay attention to the signals that the car is giving you? Many drivers are probably more likley to to get bored while they are waiting for their turn to drive and this can result in accedents or something of that nature becaue you, the destracted driver, has missed the warning signales that the car is giving off to you.
Also people look at the aspect that just because they might be saving money by getting these cars because they will save money on gas and think that they are getting a better deal. But however, these cars are basically computer cars and if there is a problem with electrical pieces in the car it could be very pricey. Also since these cars are besically ran off of these computers that means of a part if messed up th car will not function properly.
Even though these cars can possabily be safer for the public when it comes to drunk drivers, what if these cars have a malfunction or technical diffuclitys? That could also be very harming to the public and you. If these driverless cars has a malfunction it could also put your life in danger along with the other people around you.
In conclusion, driverless cars has its pros and cons but when you actually think about it, the cons outweigh the pros. Just because you have this driverless car does not make you anymore safer than a person with a non driverless car. Just like regular cars, driverless cars has cons to it as well. Driverless carscan have expensive repairs and malfunctions just like regular cars can have. In my opnion driverless cars can have just as big of a risk as regular cars do. | 4 |
0890e40 | So "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a great little short story that includes very interesting facts and it's all on how to go about studying the planet Venus despite the dangers. That's not even half of it either in other words let me give you some knowledge that I have gained from this wonderul author.
And this is where I'll tell you about the why scientists are still discussing further visits to the planet, so it say's in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" that it once long ago may have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system then also Venus still today has a surface of rocky sediment besides that includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters fun fact Venus is called our "Sister Planet".
Now let's go to some of the reason's why human-beings aren't able to survive on Venus basically the story say's venus average temperatures are on average eight-hundred fahrenheit,the atomspheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we experience from here on earth there for as you can see the conditions are too extreme for humans to survive on the planet.
Furthermore let's talk about how NASA plans to study Venus. So NASA's solution is like imagin a bimp-like vehicle hovering thirty-plus miles above Venus to avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up there, but it doesn't mean it's not going to hot it will be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit and thje air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.
Finally for this conclusion I will just voice my own opinon about the short story on "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the thing I liked about the story is that it wasn't that hard to break everything down in to a little essay but besides that it was good and very informational story. I loved it! | 3 |
0892cb5 | Car less? Is it harmful? Why should i give up my car? If any of these questions pop up in your head you should hear this.
Theirs many cities trying out these new policy about not using their vechicle and now results of that is there actually finding it better and knowing its saving our world gives it a better feeling. "its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" mention businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode his two-seat bicycle with his wife. Yeah its a scariface but its all worth it towards the end. Know the next generations are going to follow up on our tasks and continue to make this world a better place and end our problems we couldn't finish off. "smart planning" movement of Suburban and United States are excited about. Our air pollulation has drop and knowing it takes a huge rock off of our chest. Perhaps some people wouldn't agree so much with it, but people not following policy is soon fined and reject paying the fine the vechicle is soon towed and extra fee is charged. Cizitiens wouldn't like it much but doing what is nesscery is have to come upon to us. We have to do something about our pollution disaster we caused. Knowing our Kid's kids are going to suffer on our mistakes. risking their lifes because some of us people want to act selfish and not react to this significant matter.
The time is here, help our fellow friends and family. Everybody is part of this significant movement. No more stressing and killing our own humanuity slowly and time to revive our communities and rebirth this motherland earth for our sake. | 2 |
089a7f7 | You ever been with someone that thinks something true but really not. Well I have. And one thing that people think is real is the face on Mars was created by aliens. But clearly the face is natural landform. So today im going to give three reasons why the face on Mars is a natural landform on Mars.
Well the first reason the face on Mars is just natural landform because people have checked back since to see more evidence. For example on April 5,1998 Mars Global Surveyorflew over Cydionia. Michale Malin and his Mars Obiter Camera team took a picture ten imes better than the viking photos. Than they put the picture on the web whene revealing a natural landform. No alien monument after all but even after that people still wasn't satisfied enough so sooner or later they did it again.
So on April 8, 2001 Mars Global Surveyor went close to Mars for a second look . They rolled the spacecraft25 degrees to the center of the face in the field of veiw. Then Malin team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera maximum resolution. Each pixel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best1976 viking photo. You can see in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixek size. So if thats the case if there was any objects like spaceships on the ground or egyptian style pyramids or even small shacks we could see what they are. | 3 |
089aae3 | You should join Seagoing Cowboys program! You might be thinking right now well why should I join this program? You should join because UNRRA hired ''Seagoing Cowboys'' to take care or the horses, young cows, and mules that where shipped overseas. Its a important job to take care of the animals there our resource! You get to see and vist amazing places! And when you are in the program you get to help people out and help them recover. Its a good and nice thing that you are helping people out.
In the book ''A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves.'' A character from that book name Luke joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. His friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime! In 1945, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries where left ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA ( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).
Then in August 1945, they received their orders to report to New Orleans. They arrived August 14. Luke then says,''the day the Pacific war ended.''
Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. Then Luke was on a cattle-boat trip, they told Luke to just keep doing that for Luke's service. Luke was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. For Luke the cattle-boat trips where unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy, he says.
Besides Luke helping people, he had side benefit of seeing Europe and china. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special for Luke. And Luke got to go to a gondola ride in Venice , Italy,a city with streets of water. Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. Maybe if you Join the Seagoing Cowboys program you can experience all these wonderful places like Luke did! And you can be helpful in this program.
On Luke second trip, he had to serve as night watchman. And his job was to check on all the animals every hour. Now, thats a tough job to do. But Luke was helpful and he did his job and he loves his job he does. To sum things up the jobs sometimes be a little hard to do but Luke never gave up on his job! So this is why you should join the program and help people out like Luke and Don did. | 2 |
089b9f0 | Title:"Become a Seagoing Cowboy of a Lifetime"
I believe that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program;I believe that you need help the help the people that are not as lucky as you. My Name is Luke Bobberger,I am Seagoing Cowboy,I decided to become a Seagoing Cowboy when my friend invited me to go with him Europe.
I must proclaim that I made a marvelous choose;the people I helped thought was marvelous choose too.
Do you join the Seagoing Cowboys program?
Why do we need this Seagoing Cowboys program?
The reason why we have Seagoing Cowboy Program is, "It was 1945,World War II was over in Europe,and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies,animals,and more,44 nations joined togeether to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)".
I went over seas to help other countries depart their hardships and begin a new-magnifcent life;I went over seas to help the people move out of the aftermath of the worst war the world has ever seen. Come, help these people move on. Join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help these people.
If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you will be able to observe the world. I was able to observe the world;I was able to observe the greatness of the world that had endured this great catastrophe. Where ever you go the people there endured horrendous things and need your help. I went across the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. To support my statement, "Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China". Join the Seagoing Cowboy Program explore the world.
What will you do in the Seagoing Cowboys program? You help rebuild the countries that have destroyed the horrible conflict.
You will help the countries and the people inhabiting them. To support my claim, "They got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooser,headed for Greece-with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them".
I went to Greece,a nation in Europe, to the people and rebuild their land.
Join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help these nations.
Will you join the Seagoing Cowboy program?
The people in these nations need you;the Seagoing Cowboy program need you.
It is not imperitve where you are or how you are helping,but It is imperitive that you are helping. Help move the world out of the destruction of the war.
Join the Seagoing Program help the world. | 3 |
089e8f5 | All I am imagining is a lot of arguements and court cases on drivers getting angry with manufactures, and manufactures getting fighting back, claiming it is not their fault. If driverless cars are introduced to the rest of the world, there will me so many accidents and court cases that will be very tricky, because no one knows who is at fault. I believe that driverless cars are not reliable, at least not yet, and I know that I would not use a driverless car unless there are a lot of improvements made.
Sometimes machines just shut down and stop working for no apparent reason. Sometimes there are problems with robotic things that no one knows why the problem is occuring. In paragraph 2 it explains that, "they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This shows that the cars, at least not yet can work all on there own. The driver still has to be alert and watching the road at all times, because at anytime the car could see something that it does not think it could handle, so the driver has to be ready at any time to step in and be ready to take over. Then again, machines sometimes have problems that just occur for no apparent reason, so maybe the car could just shut down and might not alert the driver so then right away there is a risk of a crash. Who then is at fault. In paragraph 9, it says, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at faultthe driver or the manufacturer?" If this happens who is to blame? The driver was told that they would be alterted when something the car couldn't handle occurs, but if the driver isn't alerted, then it must be the manufactures fault. But wait, the manufacurers made it clear thar the driver still has to be watching, and if they were not, then again, who is to blame? There are so many questions that either can't be answered, or take a lot of time to figure the answer out.
I personaly would not even think about using a driverless car until the manufactures figure out all the problems with the safty issues. It is not just the car itself that there needs to be work done on, according to paragraph 9, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times...even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident." There are so many laws that would have to change and be made. So even if there are improvement on the car itself there are still also so many other things that you have to consider when thinking of using a driverless car.
I don't know after reading this passage, if I would ever really feel safe trusting a machine with my life and even of those around me. There are so many issues still that need to be fixed before I would consider testing one out. I need to make sure that myself and those around me would be safe if something were to go wrong with the car. Driverless cars are a new and interesting idea, but they need a lot of work to be done on them before they would be safe enough to be introduced to the rest of the world. | 4 |
08a4217 | I don't know if you know know who I am but, I am Luke Bomberger. I have been on a ship for many years now. You should ride a cattle-boat too. A cattle-boat is a boat that carries animals across sea. When I was younger I helped my aunt Katie with her farm, that helped me prepare for the dangers that life holds.
Even though there are dangers at sea, I still like it. I am very happy while I am on this boat. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. "I am grateful for the opportunity." I said back in the 1900s. I was told by a captain to keep doing cattle-boating for my service. Your friends could help you become a cattle-boater. My friend helped me. By participating in cattle-boat, you could learn about other people and their needs. You could also learn about more cultures.
You may not think this a great "job" in all but actually, it kind of is. You do not know what is going to come at you. It's like a total suprise! You could be the driver of the boat, you could watch over the animals like me, you could do all sorts of things! We'll make sure you get fed. Who knows maybe you could even end up being the captain of the ship. That would be cool considering you just got here. You may think this is a joke but it's actually not.
There are a lot of men and women on this ship with the animals. You could be one of them, and who knows, maybe you'll try it and like it as much as me. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." When my friend asked me to go with him, I couldn't say no because I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Maybe you will have one of your friends come up to you an ask you to go to another country with them and away from your family. Maybe, you'll even say yes.
If you do go anywhere, tell me and I'll give you all the hints I know. Be careful though, the sea is dangerous. There have been a few ship-wrecks here and there. But not for a while. You are going to need a couple essentials: blankets, pillows, extra clothes, food, water, shoes and that is pretty much all you need for this boat ride. Have a good time! | 3 |
08a4c92 | What if there was a program that helped countries around the world? There is and it's called the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is amazing and I know because I was in it. By the time I was 18, I made nine trips with the Seagoing Cowboys program. I'm Luke Bomberger and here are reasons why you should join this program.
The first reason why you should join this program is you can see lots of amazing sites. I had the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece, which I thought was special. In Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water, I got to take a gondola ride. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
Also, you should join because you get to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. That's how they started the Seagoing Cowboys so that they could take care of animals. When I went the first time, there was a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. If you like animals, there's one more reason to join.
Another reason you should join is because of what happened during World War 2. What happened during that war was that countries were left in ruins. I went and trust me, this really changes the way you think about other countries and the world.
This is my favorite reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys, the fun games during the trip. We used to always play baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where animals had been housed. We would also have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. I have to say that they were awesome and helped time pass by.
The final reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because it can open up your world like it did to me. I used to work at a bank and a grocery store and I never expeced this to happen to me. I'm grateful for the opportunity because it made me more aware of other peoples lives and what they and their country need to continue thier lives. Now, that awareness is still with me and I lead my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
Take it from me, being a Seagoing Cowboy is awesome and helps you learn about the countries around the world. You can see and do cool things and make a difference in a persons life and a countries life. You should agree with the reasons why I said to join the Seagoing Cowboys because I went and joined and it changed my life. That's why you need to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. | 4 |
08a5c68 | Cars have helped people over the years, but has it helped the enviorment or your heath. When driving a car, the car releases gases that can effect the air around us. There are advantages of limiting the use of cars, like a heathier enviroment and a heathier body.
One advantage of limiting the use of cars is a heathier enviroment. When you are driving a car the gas in the car, is let out into the air. The gas that gose in the air can effect the air and plants around us, as it can turn to toxic. As the source Elisabeth Rosenthal explains, 50 percent of the greenhouse gases are caused by car-intensive areas in the United States. The gas from are cars are not just effecting are air, there effecting are greenhouse to. The source Robert Duffer tells us, how paris banded using cars after days of near-record pollution to clear the air. After days of no cars the air was clear again. As you can tell, limmiting car uses will help the enviroment alot.
Forthermore, Another advantage of limiting the use of cars is a heathier body. Instead of just siting in a car you can ride a bike,walk or roller skate. Also all those gases from the car wont be going in your body, effecting your insides. As the source Andrew Selsky explains, in Colombia on free car day the people hicked,skated and bicked to get where they need to go, instead of using a car. Without a car to take you places you will get exercie, which will give you power and engery for your body. A normal person should also exercise for 30 mintes a day. Also as Carlos Arturo Plaza tells us without a car you have less stress and are able to relax more. Cars can cause people alot of stress, and a alot of stress is not good for your body. Limiting the use of cars has a great effect on your heath.
Conslusion, Limiting the use of cars will have the advantages of a heathier enviroment and a heathier body. The enviroment and your body is a big thing in your life, so you would want to do whatever possible to keep it heathy. So instead of talking the car try to walk or ride a bike next time. | 4 |
08ab023 | The people of America we are gathered here to day to discuss the face like object that we all saw on cyphonia. Now we as NASA are here to tell that it just a natural landform. The face that is on cyphonia is a just a huge rock that has a shadow covering it which resembles a human head giving it the illision of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Now to prove this theory NASA has put there picture on the enternet for all of to see. In 1997 NASA felt as that the this important to tax payers, so photographed the face as soon as we could get a good shot. The next year Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, so (MOC) snapped a picture ten times sharper then the picture took in 1997. With that picture revealed that face was just a natural landform and that there is no sign of alien monument. But the picture was nott satifieing enough yet. On April 8, 2001 the Malin's team captured an extaordinary photo, what the picture actually show is butte or mesa. | 2 |
08b1777 | Driverless cars are a good idea, but it has its flaws. Driverless are more prone to get into an accidents than cars with people actually driving them. First, the car is made up of a lot of sensors. The sensor on the roof is the most important one, and if that sensor gets damaged in any way the car couldn't drive itself. If someone was taveling on the road in that car, and the Rotating sensor stopped working then they would have to take over , and drive themselves. Also if a malfunction happened on a highway it can cause car crashes and such. While there are problems about the sensor privacy needs to be addressed too.
Privacy is a big thing too the "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining foucused on the road" this shows that the manufactureres are watching people as they drive. People in the car would have no privacy cause the manufacturers are watching them. While privacy is a issue buying that can't drive itself is an issue too.
The car still "requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents" this shows that the driver must stay alert while its driving. Manufactueres have developed things to get people's attention whenever a problem occurs. Its like why would you pay for a driverless car that you still have to drive?
Driverless cars should not be sold because there are to many flaws with them from malfunctioning to broken sensors. Its better to have it be human driven than machine driven. | 3 |
08b8798 | Aliens creating human faces on mars? That's just carzy. The face on mars is just a natural landform, and here's why. There is picture proof and now, there is better technology so we can see things way beter now than we did before.
First, the picture proof. Pictures were taken, very clearly and sharp showing it's just a natural landform. The picture that was tooken actually was more than ten years later, so of course there was better cameras getting it in clear picture it's pretty obvious what it actually is. Even years after that another picture was tooken and showed it with even better quality, prooving that is no alien creation.
Next reason is, we live now in a better world with better technology and we can do new things. So a picture was taken on a cloudless day of the face. This time we zoomed in and each pixel inside the
picture spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. Why this is important is now we can take a picture and get a closer look and not make it much blury, back then zooming in was not so good making it closer but really blury. So maybe if you zoomed in back then it would be blurry and look probably more like and alien artifact, but now zooming in actually works better and more efficiently making it easy to see it's a natural landform.
Finally, we come to conlusion. Even though you can argue and say "The picture was taken on a cloudy day and the alien marks are coverd by haze." We can come back and say "The pother picture was taken in summer on a cloudless day". And there were no alien symbols to be found. Basically the face is a natural landform, and there are the facts to back it up. | 3 |
08c3b51 | The author has great passion for this topic but has not accomplished on supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danges. The author has many points on how others are trying to solve the problems on how to explore Venus but does not explain why the risk is worthy of exicuting. "Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk." This quote states that scientist need to take a risk but does not give a reason why the risk is neccesary. This is not the only way the author did not accomplish on supporting the idea.
The author explains the history of Venus and its properties but that does not help support the idea. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This quote explains how the risk of exploring and studying Venus was lower "long ago" but does not explain or supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. This is not the only way the author does not support the idea successfully.
As a question can be the upbringing or curosity and reasoning, the author seems to not give a response to the question on supporting the idea. "The value of returning to Venuse seems indisputable, but what are the options of making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" The athour questions possible options on how to get both saftey and productivity, but does not question the risks and possible dangers of exploring Venus. As the passage continues the author only explains the options and possible ways on exicuting the idea but does not include the risks that the options hold.
As the passage is very informative and holds great information, the author supports very poorly the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author explains solutions that are a possobility but does not include the risks of the idea. The author also informs the audience about the history of Venus but boes not help on supporting the idea of studying Venus. The author unfortuntly, poorly supported the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. | 4 |
08c6a31 | Using the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in a classroom. Many students often get bored, distracted, or just lose focus when being taught a lesson that doesn't interest them. Of course you can't just not learn the lesson, since you are learning because it will come to use later on. Therefore, I believe that with help from your computer screen, you could stay on track with your work.
Often times, teachers use different teaching styles based on what allows their students to learn most effectively. With the Facial Action Coding System, computers could do so, too. For example, say you're reading an excerpt on the computer and it's not really on a topic that interests you, most students would immediately lose attentiveness to the reading. This is not a good thing, especially if the information was important, useful, or for a grade. But, with the Facial Action Coding System, this problem could be solved. The system could be used to spice up the learning, or keep the teaching style stays the same way if the student is staying attentive.
Many people learn in a different way. Some students are more effectively taught by learning visually, others hands-on, and some verbally. The Facial Action Coding system could recognize these based on students facial expressions. If the student is looking focused while seeing a diagram, the system could see they're a visual learner, and keep teaching the topic in that way. Otherwise if that doesn't work, the system could see if the student's emotions would change based on if they could listen to the information instead of reading.
Based on the positive characteristics of the Facial Action Coding System, I believe we should have the technology at school. The system could really be put to use, especially if it could help students learn and understand topics in an easier way. The emotion reading technology would be extremely valuable to have in a classroom. | 4 |
08cd1b8 | Today my fellow college showed me a picture of mars that was taking back in 1976. He said "it was created by aliens" but I didnt belve him because they are not real . So therefore I asked him what is the picture and he replied to me "a face of god" and I simply laughed at him, because there are not aliens so they could not of made that, and I laughed at him again because god is not real so they wouldnt know what he looks like . Then I left because I had plans tonight and I needed to get ready. A week goes by and he calls me and says that I need to come down to he lab asap. When I got there the picture of gods face was on the screen and he told me NASA had went out to mars and got a better picutre of the face with better pixels . I said " that can not be the same picture and face 25 years ago . But I was wrong it was a different picture but the same face . NASA went out and got a whole new picture .I thought to my self well how can that be , mars has 100's of storms a day, how has it not been destroyed. Well I came to relize that my friend was right , that was a picture of mars with gods face on it . But when i called nasa they said that its classified so i couldnt have any info on it . So I dug deeper into it and NASA thinks that it is a egyptian pyramid. but i still dont belive thats its from aliens
. But as the years go by , maybe something else will pop up and I might belive in aliens | 1 |
08cdf6e | We all hide our emotions at one point or another but, what if we had the technology that could detect whatever were feeling despite if were trying to hold them in or not. The Facial Action Coding System or FACS is just that piece of technolgy that is capable of detecting any given emotion. Dr. Huang inventor of this software has even modified it to were it can find out any emotion or emotions all at once. It's been questioned should this kind of technolgy be used in classrooms for students. The Facial Action Coding System is valuable to students in the classroom because, if any student is having troubles on the actvity at hand the Facial Action Coding System could detect that modify the prompt and make it easier for the student to then understand. Second, this software could help you better understand someone and their well-being being able to see exactly what's making them happy and what's making them upset. Third, it's better way for human and computers to "communicate or interact".
Anybody couldn't say that they haven't had problems understanding something at any given point in time. Simpily because, everyone can't understand everything right away with no problem/obstacle getting in the way weither it being how the words are phrased or if the vocabulary is too hard to comprehend. FACS could solve this issue right away. As presented in the passage "Dr. Huang predicts, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor," therefore making it easier for the student or user to understand what is being asked or written. Solving probems much quicker than the instrustor could explaining the information piece by piece.
Understanding emotions when communicating with someone is key. Yet, we might not recognize all that are being distrubed to us. Another great reason for FACS to come into play. As stated in the passage "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." This is all very true we can't comprehend every emotion that's more dull or hidden. So why don't we get a little help at recognizing more emotions. With FACS we can better understand someones true feelings inside and their well-being. This can than lead to possibly help solving some of the persons unsolved issues and other "troubling thoughts." Helping them become of the better verison of themselves.
In our generation today technolgy is something that we live and breath. It's important that we become familair with technolgy and being able to use it properly and effectifly. "Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for human and computers to communicate." Now isn't this perfect? Huang can help us better understand computers and help computers better understand us. If students will be using computers 24/7 why not have the proper setup for them. If the software gets used in the way it's meant to it can overall have a positive effect towards the situation. After some time the computer can develop how the student or user works and operates and what they can understand and can not. Having a large postitive impact. Greater increasing the student's grades, confidence, and potentional in class. Allowing them to fully understand the content be covered better than they would ever before.
In conculsion, the Facial Action Coding System or FACS is valuable in the students classroom because, it can modify the content of the information to be better understood. Being able to see and recognize more emotions for peers. Lastly it can help the user better "communicate" with the computer. | 5 |
08cec1d | In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states very clearly how beneficial studying Venus would be, despite all the dangers. Even after learning how harsh the conditions are on ground level, for some reason, the author still believes the danger would be worth it. Though my own opinion may vary from the author's, they still give very convincing reasons for their point of view. According to the article, the main two reasons Venus would be beneficial for humans to study would be the amount of information that could be learned about the landscape of Venus millions of years ago, and to satisfy human curiosity while having the satisfaction completing a challenge we have been faced with for centuries.
Though the author gives several convinving reasons for studying Venus, perhaps the most influential would be the amount of information we could gain about the past landscape of Venus. In paragraph four, the author discusses that Venus displays several features similar to Earth, meaning it is possible Venus used be a whole lot like Earth. As stated directly in paragraph four, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth today." Solely based off the information provided in this quote, the author has already begun to convince me learning more about Venus might actually lead to some pretty extraordinary discoveries. What this quote is saying is millions of years ago Venus may have been the planet with the most liveable conditions...instead of Earth. If scientists were able to discover this much, just imagine all the other life forms and food webs that could be uncovered. To reinforce their opinion on Venus potentislly being liveable in the past, the author states, "Furthermore, recall that Venus can cometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel," at the end of paragraph four. What the author is saying in this quote is at this point, all we have to do is find out how to brave the conditions of Venus. As for travel time, Venus is practically our neighbor, so no worries there.
A secondary reason the author provides as to why humans should study Venus is to satisfy human curiosity while accomplishing a very large task that has troubled humans for centuries. The author states this idea in paragraph eight when saying, "...but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." In this quote, the author is saying due to the fact that humans are extremely curious, we will likely find ourselves in a predicament with similar tough challenges in the future, so we may as well begin working through some of them now. When one sets out to complete a task, they should not stop halfway, but follow through until the problem is solved. They also should not quit because they believe the challenge is too hard. If one is able to stick with their guts and do what needs to be done, they will reap the benefits. Whether those benefits be winning a tough volleyball match or finally sending a human to Venus, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we do not stop believing in ourselves and our ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible.
In conclusion, the author has given many, specifically two, very convincing reasons as to why we should continue to study Venus. The main two reasons are the amount of information we could gain about the past landscape of Venus, and satisfying human curiosity while accomplishing a very large task which has troubled humans for centuries. Based on the authors suggestions on why humans should continue to study Venus, I have considered changing my mind and agreeing that the dangers would be worth it. It is important to have knowledge about the past of our solar system, and it would be very interesting to know if Venus was once able to support various forms of life. I also feel that the author made a good point in stating that we are already this far into studies, so we should not give up now. Humans are always going to be insatiably curious, so by not finding a solution to this problem now, we are just placing this challege upon the generation following us. After all, curiosity technically never killed the cat. | 4 |
08d4d59 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", it tells the reader about the challenges that there are for exploring Venus. It also talks about reasons why reseachers and scientist should not give up on the exploration of Venus. In the passage, the author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by explaining how the trip could be made safer, the technology that can be used, and the value of exploring the planet.
The author supports the idea that Venus is worth exploring by explaining and giving examples on how travelling to Venus could be made safer. In the article, it says "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." In other words, this proves how the trip to explore Venus can be made more safer. Furthermore, the author supports his idea by giving examples and explaining how the exploration of Venus can be safe.
Another way the author supports his idea is by explaining the techonlogy that can be used to explore Venus. In paragraph 7 of the article, it states "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This shows how this type of technology can be used for the further exploration of Venus.
Lastly, another way that the author supports his idea is by explaining what the value would be if humans explore Venus. In the last paragraph of the article, it says "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." It also states "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This proves what the value of exploring Venus would be for humans. In other words, the author supports his idea by explaining the opportunities and values of exploring Venus.
Furthermore, the author supports his idea that Venus is a worthly pursuit despite the dangers by explaining the travel safety, the technology that can be used, and the value of exploring Venus. The technology that humans have right now can bring so many opportunities, such as exploring new planets. These opportunities should be used now and not be on hold. | 4 |
08d9638 | Driverless cars sound like something that you could only see in a Si-Fi movie. They are here to chang the world and trying to make it a better place. Driving makes a hug impact in the human life. Ever since the first car was invented, humans have had to travel in a shorter way. The transportation way is heading a new direction since techology is improving we can see the difference bewteen the first car to a car that could be able to drive by itself.
Having a future where no body has to drive a car by themselves sounds pretty impresive. But you also have to think about what could those types of cars can give us and make our lifes better. These new inventions have not all been successful, but the companies making them are making progress by finding new ways to make these types of cars go more then just a small traveling distance and then stop. In my point of view these cars could actually give us the chance of not having to stop for a rest when you're tired, watch movies or televison shows while your car is still running. They could save us from spending so much money on gas and some could be safe for the enviroment.
Companies such as Google, have had cars that could be drive independently under specific conditons since 2009. There have been cars that have drove more then just a few miles with out even causing an accident. Cars that are truly driverless may help dealing with complicated traffic issues.Not only are they working on Smart cars but also smart roads.In order for the car to travel where you would like to go, they might develop a system where the road could have a binary code in order for the car to remember the places you travle to.
The car would really have to be smarter for those types of ideas, they have worked with a lot of people to have a clear view of what the car could look and drive like. Every car needs ways to protect the passengers. And so automakers find new ways to prevent accidents incase they every happen with these types of cars. Automakers are continuing their work on the ways there could be a car that has all the abilities of having good safety measures and having the ability to drive on there own. | 4 |
08dab5c | First of all I will agree with the development of driverless cars. As we all know that the technique is improving, the new technique is shows the good way of them to serve us. The driverless cars is one of these new techniques.
The driverless cars will help us by a lot of different ways. For example, the driverless cars will improve the safety of cars, it can let the drivers have time to sleep in the long-term travel, it also can help old man or childern to drive. The car will be really helpful, it will be more popular than the old car than we are using now.
If the technique of driverless cars improved and don't need human driver anymore. That's a good news for old people or childern. Because they don't need to drive at all, the computer will fix all of the problems.
In the article it talking about the driverless car is still waiting for the Law. There are a few states is allowing the driverless car. That is a good start, in the future there will be more states and more counties allow the driverless car.
The article also talking about the driverless car's bad way. It's still not really safty yet. I know the driverless car is not safety yet. But we should give the driverless car some time to improve. I believe in the future the Driverless car will be more safty than normal cars. Because the normal cars are contrl by humans, humans will make mistakes. For example, in the long term drive the driver will be really sleepy or maybe the driver will take a phone call when he is in the driving. But the computer will not be tired, so it is better than the human drivers. But we should give them some time to improve the driverless car.
The technique of the driverless car still imporving now. I think the technique will be progress and become well-done some day. At that time the technique have already grow up and it will be a lot save than human control cars.Maybe now the driverless car are still have a lot of questions but in the future the driverless car will be more safty, more common and more confutable. So I think the Driverless cars will have a great development in the future. | 3 |
08dac82 | Driverless cars should not be allowed to be manufactured in any states or in any countries in the world. Driverless cars could cause conflict after an accident occurs. These cars could make drivers not pay attention to what´s going on around them more than they don´t pay attention now. These cars could also make driving boring.
First off, these driverless cars could cause major conflict after an accident occurs. Who is at fault during an accident? The manufacturer of the car or the driver that just wasn´t paying attention to the road or anything surrounding them? Second, these driverless cars could make people too lazy to pay attention to anything because they would think that since the car is driving itself, everything will be fine and that everything is under control. Next, these cars would have traffic laws and safetly laws would have to be changed in a nig amount of significance. There are only 4 states that allow semi-autonomous cars because the other states are still concerned about safety. Lastly, these cars would make driving boring. Who would want the car driven by itself while the driver is just waiting for a time to have to take over and take control of the car? Where is the fun in driving if you are not even doing it?
Therefore, these driverless cars should not be allowed to be manufactured or driven. These cars could just make driving boring and dangerous. These driverless cars could also cause many conflicts and changes with the law. | 3 |
08dcd91 | Current education in schools are based on standardlized education with all student having simmilar classes, even if student are confused or bored with class. Which could cause more possibility to fall credits. Because of these problems, the recognizing emotional expressions of student by computer are valuable to prevent left behind than other students.
The emotion recognition technology could bring more computer based education with more personalized class even if one of the student are confused or bored. According to Professor Thomas Huang, from Beckman Institite for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, this technology brings ability to "Classroom computer could recognize when student is becoming confused or bored" and "Modify the lesson, like an effective human instuructor". Computer emotion recognition techology could bring more ability to make class attractive and prevent student from falling their grades and credits or even giving advanced education for each person.
Also, faking emotion recognition technology is difficult. According to "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, if someone is trying to fake smile, "mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius" which makes sytem to recognize false smile. From this technology, with educatuional purpose such as recognizing emotional expressions to prevent left behind student, this will give another creditbility to system even if student tried to deny their actual feelings, such as confuse.
The emotion recognizing software would be valuable to prevent many student from falling grades. The facial recognization have some of problems such as teachers could be easily unempolyed, or privacy problem. However, it could bring more hope to make education personally and flexible to extend each of their ability. | 3 |
08def35 | The author in the story suggests of the idea of going to venus and studying as
''earth's twin''. That with the author's idea of pursuiting to Venus. Even through with the dangers of it by studying to go there does'nt sound too bad to think of. Venus is the closed planet to earth. That people are looking to traval to Mars well Earth,Venus and Mars are neighbor's there is a diffrentce Mars is not as hot as Venus, is closer to the sun.
Venus is some times closer to Earth the Mars is humans have send spacecafts to land on Venus but one thing about the dangers no human shoukd go it would be something to look in too. Going to Venus would be hard knoing that no spacecarfts surviced the landing for more than a few hours. Venus is something that is not a good idea knowing that the average is over 800 degrees is nothing to play with just to go to Venus. | 2 |
08e2ae1 | Would you join a seagoing cowboys program? Just imagine how good of a idea this would be. It's a good idea to join because you can visit many unique places, experience adventures, and there is travelling if you work.
First, you can see many unique things during the Seagoing Cowboys program. You can also visit unique things while traveling, and find unique stuff during this program. This proves that you should join this program.
Second, you can experience adventures. You can experience adventures by going over the oceas. You can slso experience adventures by taking care of the animals. This is another reason why you should join Seagoing Cowboys program.
Finally, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program becasue there is traveliling if you work. So you work to experience unique places and things. Also experience adventures and all you have to do is work a little bit. This is the final reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
If you join this program it is a good idea because you can visit many unique places, experience advcentures, and and travelling if you work on the ship. So you should really consider joing this program. | 2 |
08e4b2e | I believe the Face on Mars is actually a natural landform. Even though the face does resemble something created by aliens, I still think that it is natural. I will show you why I believe that this is just a landform, and not a face created by aliens.
I believe the Face is a natural landform because scientists believe that the face resembles landforms around the American West. One scientist said that it reminds him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Also, the scientist added that its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face.
Scientists can be wrong sometimes though. However, scientists work on their research really hard, so I believe that they know what are doing and seeing. For example, scientists say that you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, so we can see what the face is, a natural butte or mesa.
In the article, it states that on April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and snapped a photo ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. The image revealed that the face was just a landform, and no alien monument at all. The monument does look like aliens made it, but this fact just shows that the Face is fake and is actually is indeed a mesa.
This tells you why I believe that the Face is fake and is actually a basic landform. Even though the Face does look like aliens made it, it is more likely that it is a natural land form. These facts prove that the Face is not alien made. | 3 |
08ef617 | The way the future is coming to the future vehicals are quite interesting and they havea lot of good things for the environments, but having these Driverless cars may not be the best thing ever because of the way they are used by which the children are now not have to learn to drive. Having the responceability to have licens and a lot of kids will take advantage of it so im gonna say that the Driverless Cars are good for us, the atmosphere, the people with money and down payments on vehicals. Not most people have vehicals because of the payment range and if we can change that who knows we might not have to have buses, taxi, etc any more, and the people will have more money to take care of their children and its also gonna help with car crashes and lowering how many we have every year or so. Allowing kids16+ to drive the less crashes will help majorly. Also with the insureance itll cost less but will the insurance go out of buisness ? If the law says we do have to still have insurance to have a vehical we buy then i doubt that theyll go out of buisness. | 1 |
08f129d | Do you know the advantages and the disadvantages of having of not having a car? Yes, actually not having a car. Most people would freak out of the thought of not having a car some are just use to it. But could it actually save more money or would it cost more?
Vauban, Germany people have actually given up their cars, they call it "car-free." Not everyone has given up their cars. "The main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home"- Source 1 by:Elizabeth Rosenthal. The Vauban's started getting involved and getting informed on not using a car. Soon 70 percent of Vauban's familiy does not own a car, and 57 percent sold a car to move to Germany. Some even liked the idea of not using a car "When I had a care I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" says Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She nows walks verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. in 2006 Vauban completed, this is an example of growign trend in Europe, the united States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, this is a movement of "smart planning." The advantage is you will have more access to public transportation, a disadvantage is if you live far from public places then you might have to walk or take a bus.
In Paris they have enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even- numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31). Nearly 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Twenty seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesels engines int he rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. The advantage of not having a car is that you wouldn't be spending money on gas, the disadvanteage is that you will be fined. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while exceptions were made fro plug-in cars, hybirds, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday. After the smog ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday. There is alot of disadvantages because would you have a work day on Tuesday and you have an odd numbered plate. Also soem people are not familar with the public transportation and some people may not think it's the best way to get around in town. You also have to get up eary to catch the bus, train, etc.
BOGOTA,Colombia- In a program that sets to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or tooked buses to work during a car-ffree day yesterda, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. This was their third staright year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines. In Bogota there were occasional rain showers . Some thought it was a good idea some not so much. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress in lower air pollution," said a businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Many countries have tried having a car-free day, and many succeeded. For the Unoted States President Obama ambitious goal was to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortutious assit from incipient shift in American behavior. The studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. In 2005 the United Stes peaked and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995.
So driving with a car or not it either good or bad because not driving could give you the excerise and driving just means you like your personal things. I think that when the government says it's a fine then follow the rules. Either way not having a car does has it advantages every country should have a car-free day. | 4 |
08f22e9 | If I were a scientist at NASA, I would show many resons why the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" was not created by aliens. First, I would ask them "why" do they think aliens are real. With there own proof. Once I would get a response, I would tell them there isn't much proof that aliens exist. Including, that there are also no signs of life on Mars.
Also, I would also state that the Face was only a natural landform of a mesa, made by natural causes on planet Mars. It was probably most likely made by a sandstorm. But, surely not made by an alien. I would also tell the person who I am arguing with, that aliens are just fictional characters in movies, book, etc. made up by normal people.
Another important reason thhat you can tell that the Face on Mars is only a landform is that in the pictures show, the face has more features as a normal mesa. And you can tell because of the more advanced technology to improve the photos shown. With that reason you would point out how the face has revalent features of a landform. To prove that statement in the text, it states that the landorm just appears as an Egyptian Pharaoh face because of the shadows on Mars.
With all of this information I would've proved that aliens didn't form the Face on MArs. | 3 |
08f5a36 | Driverless cars, although dangerous in a multitude of ways, have uses that far excede any dangers. It is said that in order to progress in life you must first take steps back. Although these driverless cars are a step forward in technology, they can be seen as a being a step backward because of the dangers that persist. In reality, these dangers are just a learning curve to arguably one of the most revolutionary inventions in the last decade, driverless cars. These cars are very fesable because they are sought after, the technology is available, and they are getting safer with time.
These driveress cars are some of the most sought after technology that has entered this world. The human has drempt of the flying car for generations, and finaly the idea is fesable. The text referances Google cofounder Sergey Brin, and how he "envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system," (Paragraph 1). Although this is just the dream of one man, millions more people believe that driverless cars are the key to the future. These millions of other people have drempt for driverless cars, and many times their fathers did also. Knowing this, many people will want to get their hands on this new technology that is a driverless car. Making the development of these cars very positive becasue the population will want and has wanted driverless cars for decades. Driverless cars have been a thing of fiction for so many people for so long, but now these cars are a reality.
Not only are they sought after by millions, but the technology for these driverless cars is available and has been available. Driverless cars were always thought to be a thing of the past, but the reality is that they are a thing of the present and have been for many years. The writing points out that, " Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009." (Paragraph 2). While many people view driverless cars as a thing of the future, Google has formed them to be a thing of the now. This technology, that has been sought after for generations, is now readaly available. It was even said that Tesla has released plans to come out with a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time in 2016. (Paragraph 10). Knowing that these cars are being released this year is over the top of many peoples head, and shows that the development of these cars is indeed helpful. Knowing that the technology is already out in the world shows that the development of these cars grow every single day. This growth will positivly effect the automotive industry, and keep the people making these cars coming out with new and safe versions of these driverless cars.
The one thing that people can control about these cars is their safety. This safety is both for the environment, and most importantly for the drivers of these cars. Indeed, these cars are as safe as they ever will be. We are reminded of the safety of these cars when paragraph eight reminds us that, "In this way, the in-car system is actually a saftey feature, and saftey is a big concern," Not only is the in-car heads-up display a safty feature as it talks about, but reminds us that saftey is the biggest concern that the companies have. This paragraph even mentions how some of the "fun" features are for the saftey of the driver, mainly to keep them awake and alert at the wheel even if they are not the drivers. Knowing that saftey is one of the bigest concerns that the companies have for these cars sould be settling because consumers know that the automated cars that they buy would be in top conditions and have a multitude of features that keep both themselves and the passangers safe. One of the many features mentioned was the voice or even a vibrating chair to signal when the car needs a human to control the driving because the road needs the expertise of a human driver. Because these cars are safe, their development is very positive.
The development of these driverless cars should be continued because they are sought after by many people, the technology is available and is being worked on, and these cars are safe and getting safer. By developing these tests, the companies are creating a technology that, to millions of people, is still only a dream. The complications that these cars may have is a minute detail in the ever evolving spectrum that is the saftey of these cars for the people inside an out. Driverless cars are no longer a thing of the future but make up our present in every way imaginable. | 5 |
08fa0b3 | When we use facial expressions it lets the person you are directing the expressions to know how we are feeling. We smile because we are happy, we frown because we are sad, we raise our eyebrows because we are shocked or surprised. We use usually identify those pretty well, but a computer can identify them better. I am for the value of using techology to read student's emotional expressions because teachers need to know what bores them or what excites them.
When I first began to read this, I thought how can technology read our emotions? Then it states in paragraph 3 that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. With all 44 major muscles in the model that must move like human muscles. This computer can identify 6 basic emotion: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. With that type of skill, teachers can know what students like and don't like.
Students get easily bored when it comes to school. When they come into the classroom, they don't want to do the homework or the classwork that was given to them. They want something that will entertain them and help them learn at the same time. With this new technology, student's facial expression will be identified when they like or don't like something. Teachers then can change the way the lesson is taught without changing the lesson at all as told in paragraph 6.
This is a new way to change how schools teach. More students would want to come to school and teachers would have an increase in successful students. Knowing what we didn't know is creating more ideas to the future. | 3 |
08fb0fb | I am Luke Bomberger and I just graduated from High school and had two part time jobs. One was at the bank and another at the grocery store. One day my friend Don Reist asked me if I wanted to go to Euroope on a cattle boat, and I could not resit it.
It was 1945 and World War two had just ended and the UNRRA joined together and helped the coutries to recover from the war. UNNRA hired ¨Seagoing Cowboys¨ to take care of the cattle that were shipped over seas. Don and I signed up to do this position. In August we got orders to go to New Orleans. I had 335 horses that I had to take care of.
After about two weeks we finally arrived, but caring for the animals kept me busy.
They had to be fed and watered at least two or three times a day, bales of hay and bags of oats had to be dragged from the lower holds of the ship and the stalls had to be cleaned out. I had helped out at my aunt? farm when I was younger but I was not prepared for the dangers on the sea. On my second trip I was going to go make my hourly report to the captain and I slid down a slippery ladder. A small metal strip had stopped me from going into the dark atlantic, but I was not able to work for a couple days because my ribs were cracked.
This job kept me very busy, and had many oppertunities to see things I have never seen before. I halso had found some times that I could have fun on board instead of having to care for the animals. After the animals would be dropped off we would head back. We played all kinds of activites and games. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball in empty places were the animals were. We also had table-tennis tournoments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, the games had help pass time.
I encourage ever teenager if you have an opputunity, to sign up for this job. This job I was able to see things I had never seen, it was a lifetime experience, and I was able to stay busy with the animals and then have a little fun. I encourage this job because this is what I did it was an enjoyable jod. I mean how cool is it to ride a ship and take care of cattle. Then after they get unloaded you can even have some fun on the ship. It helped me become more aware of other countries and their needs. | 2 |
08fbb47 | Is it possible to be too passionte about something? This author wrote an entire article on how challenging but worth it, it would be to visit Venus' crtiical atmosphere. How well does the author describe, or explain, their own opinion? They support this idea very thoroughly by these three things: The idea that life could have lived there before, the conditions are inhumane, and the fact that it could gain insight and can settle our curiosity.
To start, the idea that at one point in time there has acutally been life living on that planet is crazy. In paragraph four, it talks about how at on point there may have been big oceans like that are similar to the ones on earth. We think this because there are many rocky surfaces, such as valleys, mountains, and craters, that can only be formed from water eriodication. When you even look at it, it just look earth like. Obviously it has changed over the years but you can't rule it out. Is it possible there were living things on this planet at once?
Secondly, now the conditions are inhumane. How did they get that way? Paragprah three is all about what it is like on Venus. The temperatures now rise over eight-hundred degrees Fahrenheit. The air is absolutely unbreathable as it is made up of ninety-seven percent carbon dioxide. Not only is there carbon dioxide floating around in the air, the atmosphere is mostly made up of sulfuric acid which is very toxic to be breathing in that much. The air pressure on Venus is ninety times deeper, or stronger, than the bottom of sea level. If we even tried ot land on Venus none of the metals would last in eight-hindred degrees. There are also many impediments such as erupting volacnos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting. Minus all these problems we would have to find a way around, the author believes that it is still worth it to visit Venus.
Lastly, we would gain so much insight and our curioustiy could be settled. Paragraph eight talks all about this and about how this could open the doors for us to learn new ideas and come up with new technology that could even help up here on Earth. They also state in paragraph eight to support the idea that despite Venus' risky conditions it would still make a worthy pursuit by saying, and I qoute, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Which I interpret as do not let these conditions scare us. We are so smart and we can be creative and find a way around all of these 'problems'.
In conclusion, how opinionated and factual can someone be? How do you know to balance these two things? At times we have to be one-hundred percent curious about what we are writing about because you don't want to write an article on something you don't care about or find important. Overall, how detailed and opionated was the author? In the end, I think that the author did a great job at explaining why they think it would be a worthy pursuit. Do you? | 5 |
0906ee2 | Your feeling ten percent annoyed, fifty percent boared, and thirty percent suprised. Advancements in technology has been brought to an entire new era with facial readers. One computer can tell people how they feel about themselves just by the muscel structure and movements in their face. Who would not want to know what some stranger walking down the street is feeling? I mean, I know I would. Today our generation is amoung the nosiest. Classrooms today need these computers to better understand their class. Emotional expressions can change society by understanding children, making lives easier, and progressing technology.
Children have mood changes as fast as people chose fast food over vegtables. Children are a hard age to understand what they are feeling, becuase they are so quick at changing the things they are doing and always moving. Having a brain wired to becoming board with something one day and then wanting to do it again the nest day. That is hard for teachers to keep up with. Dr. Huang commented, "A classroom computer could regonize when a student is becoming confused or board." But, with having a computer that classifies the six basic emotions and picks up each one takes a great stress off of teachers. Teachers have a class from anywhere to ten to fourty students. Having to know each one personally and be able to read what they are thinking to help further their education is a big task for underpaid teachers to do. Those fourty students have all different facial structures and the Facial Action Coding System uses video imagery to track their movements and weight the different units. Teachers understanding their students better with the Coding System, will help them further their education in a classroom when seeing if they are frustrated or upset.
Fourty students, fourty diiferent views, and fourty different emotions. That is a lot to take in. Having the Coding System in your classroom takes the relief off the teachers of figuring out each student. With the easy three step process anyone can read their emotions, but just by video it makes it three steps easier. With no wires and personal information to plug in. Teachers have students that do not like to share their feelings, which takes a lot of time for the teacher to understand what they are feeling taking away from other students. Dr. Huang stated, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Saving the time of teachers and peronalizing lessons for the class creates so many benefits. Not having this machine will not do damage in hurting the students, it is helping them.
Fifty years ago classrooms did not even have a smart board or computer labs, they had chalk boards. It is a fact some people do not like change. Parents probably did not like their children learning how to use computers or new technology. But our world is advacing, and makes it that much amazing to see how simply technology is helping change classrooms for the better. Dr. Huang and his colleagues are developing ways for us and computers to communicate. People think that is scary and weird. The fact is, we can learn about the artwork from hundreds of years ago with the sytem. Classrooms can have precise and exact answers with the system. Huang used Mona Lisa and they figured out that she was 83 percent happy, and 9 percent disguested. Can your art teacher tell you that?
Technology is helping further our classrooms education and learn abilites.
Classrooms benefit from the Facial Coding System. Many people will be against this new change, but they have no arguement. The Facial Action Coding System is easy, helpful, and dependable. As a teacher I would feel more comfortable with giving a lesson and teaching views ,they all understood and agreed with. Lives can change by understanding childrens minds, creating hard ache free lives, and keeping up with the new technology. | 5 |
0909271 | So there was a time when Luke signed up to be a sea cowboy because he said it was an opportunity of a lifetime to do this journy. So if join this program than you will have the time of your life and you will probly will do the same things Luke did. Luke did many things like playing games with his friend or explore a little because when Luke did this he injoyed this journy.
Here is some more reasons you might want to join the program. So Luke went on a journy with his friend and there was 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed the horses. Luke was going to Greece. By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Luke had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. Lukes favriot thing was seeing the Acropolis in Greece. Luke also took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. Luke had a lot of work like clean the stables feed the horses two or three times a day. Luke also found time to have fun on borad, especiallyon the return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. The world opened up for Luke.
So if you join this program you will have the time of your lives. You will get to visit diffrent places and see diffrent things like everything that Luke saw on his journy. You will get to play all types of diffrent games like every single game that Luke played with all the other cowboys. So if you join the world will open up to you like it opened up for Luke. So if you join I hope you have the best time of your life so you can injoy the world just like Luke. | 2 |
090c52d | In all honesty, if it were up to me, I would keep the Electoral College. Because imagaine what a catastrophe it would be if we did not have the Electoral College, how would they count the votes. Anybodyvoted on who you wanted to win it go can cheat the number of votes to change the president they are voting for. With the Electoral College you can't do that because, once you voted who you want to win, it get sent out tothe electors. Who from that point on count how many voted for both of them and decide a winner.
Now it is possible for somebody to secretly change the names that way but it is a higher stake, or risk to take not having the Electoral College. Also, it is possible for worker of the Electoral College to make a mistake in countung the counting the votes and to cause a big confussion in the votes but that is very highly impossible, if not impossible.
If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes. Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place?
The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachrosim, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruledbydeclaring the candidate who receives the most popular vote the winner. Not only that, but a disputeover the outcome of an Elecotral College voteis possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote.
Their are five reasons to retain, or keep the Electoral College. First, it's a certainty of outcome, the winner is everybodys president, it swings states, not only does ig work for little states, but for big ones too, and you can avoid run-off elections.
So those are my reasons why we should keep the Electoral College, we should not overlook the goods that the Electoral College does to our nation just because of two little bad that can be repaired. | 2 |
0912e51 | In a Cowboy who Rode the waves , the author talks about the Seagoing Cowboys program. Not only does this program help victims , but it can save many cities that would soon start a war. Luke went over the Atlantic Ocean 16 times to help WW2 victims and help their community grow and rebuild their city. There are more than 1,000 victims in each world war that happens and just imagine how many animals were killed too.
One way you could join the Seagoing Cowboys would be to simply sign up for it, since Luke claims that he just signed up ,as stated in the text. You could also join the UNRRA and get the opportunity to get to choose every branch that could help victims in need. Even though Luke signed up to help the Cattle boat, he got to go sight seeing in China, Acroppolis , Venis,Italy and the Panama Canal.
Out of all of the time, Luke was on the Cattle boat , but in the text it states that he did the same things on his Aunts farm, but did not help him at sea. One day a bad storm hit and he landed by the animal pens and landed on a pice of metal , he could not work for a few days because of his broken ribs. He was happy to be alive but when the animals were shipped the crew would play lots of fun games. He had done this 9 times to and from where they were getting dropped off at. Also, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times.
After doing this job he helped get awareness of everything and why other people needed to join . He helped most victims with getting a new home and rebuilding their city. Luke enjoyed doing this job and loved playing with the crew after the animals were loaded. For Luke this was more than a job. After all he had to have a little adventure , right?
In conclusion , Luke loved his job. It was as it was all an adventure. The text states that it opened a new world to him. After that he raised more awareness. All i know is that he will , Survive ! | 2 |
0913268 | They NASA have problem becuase they think a face I was find in mars is create by alien people.Thiy face in internet,movies,magazine,and books I want to ask to people a sure is create by aliens becuase they are story people read for he child they alien do piramid o help hilter in second war.
SOCIAL MEDIA people check old her social media why the people check web pages? do you none da is true?are you sure?Is not photochop?why? in this world people think old is true mayor in web pages they are not true.
ALIENS to much people think aliens are true
yes are
true aliens is base name is area 51,they have aliens one aliens crash in new mexico in old world they are aliens flying is like U.S.A thinking aliens are theorists I going to say something U.S.A have aliens in area 51 and he killing aliens for experiment.
MARS you can life in mars I think is landform becuase have more big volcan in old galaxy is can land form are robots in mars working getting rocks and another things.
CONCLUSION I thing U.S.A is getting peplo a think aliens are bad want to kill peolpe that is not true and yes is landforming is more landforming mars and NASA none are life in mars about is landforming.What aliens want to say to people? | 1 |
0916c73 | The author states that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.Even though its dangerous the Astronomers are intreguied by the planet.
NASA is working on different projects to study venus. He also states that challenging to meet venus has a value to it. But visiting venus can be dangerous too.
In the article " the challange of exploring venus" The author describes
the planet venus as a "evening star" because it brights up since venus is close to the sun. Astronomers are integuiered by venus because it's not only close to the earth and sun, venus can be a earth lookalike because of it's features.In the article it states this " the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and carters." The author describes that venus can be like earth becuase of how both plantes have moutains and valleys. Another quote from paragraph 4 states that ' venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.. even though there could be a long time frame of space travel."
Even though being able to visit venus is intresting
the plan on getting over there can take up days or even weeks.
The Author also states that the group
NASA has found ways to study the planet venus. For example using technology to study it. In paragraph 7 it says " electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber of venus"s surface and it lasted 3 weeks." This sentence states
that the group working on this project succeded into making a technology that lasts a long time to prove that it works. Another tech they could use is an old one that contributed in World War 2. That computer is powerful and flexible to manage instead of using wired up compueters." sysytems that use mechanical parts can be made more resisting to heat." Meaniing that this technology resists heat and scientist or Astronomers can study peacefully in a safe way therefore no one is in risks.
In advance to the challenges the author thinks that visiting venus is in great value. Why?because since venus has been more earth alike and NASA has been investigating new ideas to study the planet it brings it to be an interesting journey to take. In paragraph 8 it reads that " huamn curiousity will likeky lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" The author is saying that the eager of the people to know about venus can raise to popularity. Author also says " traveles should'nt let the doubts and danger expand to meet imagination and innovation." The author doesn't want people to let the rumors or the challenges of doing something to stop them from adventuring.
Even though Studing venus or going up to space to visit venus is adenturing, Venus can also be dangerous for humans. In paragraph 3 it says " Venus
has the hottest temperature that can cause earthquakes, erupting volanoes, and bad weather." This could cause a huaman death because your headed to an envirement that has
high temperature and lightning strikes. also " these conditions are far more extreme than anything huamns encounter of earth." What this sentence is refferng to is that since we are not used to extreme heat, our bodies wouldn't be able to hamdle the heat.
Despite the danger that venus can be There is still ways to being able to study the planet Venus. As the author states that Atromomers are intrguied by it and NASA has safe ways of studying venus.Plus even the challenges of venus brings a good value. | 4 |
0916f2c | The Facial Action Coding System would be a great addition to everyday school life. This computer system can help with several things from elementary school to college. This could also change the way the world works forever. The FACS can easily be an important part of our education society.
The first and most effective thing FACS would impact is student's attitudes in the classroom. If FACS was active on all of the students computers, it could detect their emotions to influence them to get back on track and focus. It could also simply just keep the concentration going about the lesson being instructed. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" (D'Alto 6) . This can improve the interaction in class and can also improve many students grades.
If FACS was implemented into schools, students would feel more involved in the lecture, and pay attention more while being extra alert. Students will also be more knowledegable due to the fact that they are taking in information and really getting to learn about it, instead of just trying to find the answers that will satisfy on a worksheet or test. While feeling more involved, alert, and learning a lesson with full attention, this will impact grades greatly. This will help even more students proceed on into the next step of education, which is college.
FACS would benefit in grade school and would most definitely continue to help students in college. College can get difficult, but FACS could influence to keep students focused when they seem to become overwhelmed by their expressions. If students are impacted by FACS when they are younger and proceed on to college while continuing their education, there then comes a career. FACS will help in high school to get you to a college of your dreams, also best fit for your major. Then in college, it will help you focus and be actively listening and learning about your major to help you find a career that best fits you and your abilities. If everyone could have the opportunity to have the career as what best suits them, they will have an easier life and being more helpful to the people around them.
If FACS started being used in elementary school, proceeded to middle school, and so on in high school; it will teach students the habit of fully paying attention in class and being active. It will improve grades greatly. It will also help college students stay focused, even when times seem to become difficult. They will also already be influenced to stay active and fully aware of the lesson in class. If a student has well listening skills and is knowledgeable of their major, they will find the best job for theirself. If more people began to find jobs that benefitted them, and they were happy doing it, it would impact more than just students, it would impact the whole world. | 4 |
091a770 | The author very well demonstrates that the idea of studying Venus, despite the risks, should continue forward. The author mentions previous times where NASA has sent probes and such to Venus and explains the failures and why the probes don't survive the landing very long. When explaining the type of features Venus has, the author mentions that it has signs of physical features that Earth has right now. The author states that some of the familiar features are valleys, moutains, and craters and probably convered in oceans. A lot like Earth. By addressing the fact that Venus has signs of similar physcial features as Earth, the author makes the point that if we continue to study Venus we can learn more about Earth and what could possibly happen to Earth. It makes the reader more convinced to side with the author. The author also mentions how we could do missions while staying safe but still find out information about Venus. The author lists a danger then adds a way to avoid this danger and be safer which makes the point of continuing to explore Venus more appealing. For example, in paragraph 5 the author states the conditions of the atomosphere and land then gives the solution of hovering 30 miles off the ground of Venus. Venus may have been the most Earth-like planet. The author supports the idea of by conducting more studies and missions, it would further our knowledge about Earth very well. | 3 |
091a8ca | Driverless cars seem to be the new thing now-a-days. Everyone wants one! I am totally up for the whole driverless car thing! I feel like if we had driverless cars that it would protect us so much better, it would be better for the earth, and the cars would get more gas mileage.
If we had driverless cars think about how much safer our world could be. Just think about it. Think about all the car accidents that happen all the time as a result of drivers simply not paying attention. Now, if we had driverless cars the number of accidents would go down by a whole bunch! Driverless cars have sensors everywhere on them, interior and exterior, that could keep people safe.
Driverless cars would be a lot better for the earth also. The reason why they would be better for the earth is because they do not have to burn as much gas, which means less pollution in the air.
The last way that driverless cars could benefit us is because driverless cars get way better gas mileage. In paragraph one the author says "The cars Sergey Brin, Google cofounder, foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus."
Driverless cars seem like such a good idea for this world! I'm sure everyone would love to have a car that they could feel ultimately safe in, that is better for the earth, and that gets better gas mileage. Because let's face it, no one likes to spend a whole lot of money on gas all of the time! These cars could literally help and improve all of our lives! | 3 |
091e483 | I think that this technology would be good thing because, most kids don't share their emotion. If a computer can read how they are feeling, and can help them, it would be amazing. It would also be a little odd, but in the end I think it would be very positive.
Computers already can do a lot of things, such as playing games and looking up stuff on the internet. The text states "Dr. Huang and his colleage are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate". If computers can now read human emotion, this will be the next level in technology.
Computers are very good at being accurate, like solving a math problem, and doing what they are programed to do. The text states "...the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles". This shows that the software will be very accurate, and very smart. This software and hardware will help so many kids.
Most human communication is nonverbal, so if we could have a computer that would read our emotions. That would be good for kids that are sad and dont want to talk about thier problems. The computer would help them to be happy. The text states "So the cumputers need to understand that, too." This shows that the computers would understand that it is communicating nonverbaly.
In conclution, I am for this technology. It would help kids get through their day, and help them become happy. They would also feel like they have a friend, that understands them. This will be the next big level in technology. Even though, it might be a little weird. | 3 |
091eaf0 | Today in society we have alot of disagreements on which president should be elected on the day all votes are finally counted and the votes are tallied up to the final result of who is going to be our new president of the United States, but what is our system for doing this?
One way is
Electoral College,
Electoral college is a process consisted of thye selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the votes from congress. So if you think about it we are just electors for electors. This College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 votes can win the election for the President.
Under the Electoral college, voters dont vote for the president, they vote for state electors who in turn elect the president. There are many veiw points of the Electoral College, but most would decied that its unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions whithout much basis in reality. People want to have their vocies hear for the country they live in, they want an opinion that matters! You can't have that when someone else is speaking for you... | 1 |
0926d5e | "it's official: The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational."
(source 2 para. 14) But is it really? The Electoral College is why are nation is what it is. If we didn't have The Electoral College many of our great Presidents might not have been presidents. it's even under the 23rd amendment of the Constitution.
To begin with, their is a much less percentage of dispute between The Electoral College then their would be over the popular vote. for example, in 2012 election Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote and Romney recieved 51.3 percent of the popular vote. just imagine how differently our country would be if we had Romney as our president right now.
Also the Electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal, which means that no region has enough electoral votes to elect a President. in paragraph 22 it states the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balence that large states (population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the Constitution.
Even though the Electoral College is amazing and revolutionised The United States, "under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the President, but for a slate of selectors, who in turn could elect the President." (paragragh 10) so if you wanted to vote for Kerry you would have to vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to kerry.
in conclusion, The Electoral College is a revolutionary thing that was created by the founding fathers and put into the constitution as the 23rd amendment. it is a easy process that has made the United States what it is today. some of our very own Presidents have won because of the Electoral college. | 3 |
092a3b6 | i don't think that the new technology is valuable. I don't think it's valuable because there is really no need to check how people feel. I think that would be valuable in other situations, like for depressed people, or for like an aslyum to check how these people feel. I think that it would be a waste of money, it would be to much money for all the features to add. The passage said that it Facial Action Coding System would have to scan your face and i think that would be a lot of money for just making something that would be able to check how you feel. You could sell it to certain people that help people out with emotional things, so like they would scan their face in the begining to see how they feel, after the meeting they have the person in charge would have to scan their face to see if that meeting changed the way they felt from the begining. It would be good for certain uses but to have it in schools wouldn't really help. I think it wouldn't help in schools because i don't think people would just like it if you just had to scan there face to see how they feel, i think you have to ask them first and if they say yes you can see how they feel. I don't think we should have this around because there is really no need why you need to check how people feel if you don't know who they are. Even if they are just students doing what they need to do i don't think they would like people knowing how they feel, i know i wouldn't like people scanning how i felt if i don't know them because some people don't like people knowing the stuff they feel and how they feel unless you know them and can trust them. | 3 |
092ff4e | The advantages of limiting car is great because it helps the environment. Also you don't need a car because there's public transportation. Some would disagree but I belive it's good. This essay will be informing you the advantages of limiting your car usage. Also how walking, bicycling, and talking public transportation is better for you and others. Also how it is bad for enviroment and there will be less traffic for those people that hate traffic.
The number one advantage of limiting our car usage is because cars are really bad for the enviroment. While your driving your car you don't notice how bad it is for the enviroment. The gas that comes out your car causes smog; which is bad if you comsume it. "...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." (Source 2). China for example has a big popullation; so many people uses cars. The smoke that comes out makes the air so polluted it's bad for your health.
The second advantage is how walking and bicycling is better for you. "'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air popllution,' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicyle with his wife." (Source 3). It would give people the time to take a break from everything else and enjoy life more. People would enjoy more the outdoors too. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughtout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by board, smooth sidewwalks;..." (Source 3).
The third advantage is it would be less traffic. Traffic is very annoying especially when your trying to get somewhere quickly. By limiting your car usage there's less traffic. "...rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic;..." (Source 3). " Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took busues to wok during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." (Source 3). Limitimg your car usage it would let people get to where their going faster than waiting in traffic.
In conculsion limiting your car usage will make Mother Nature happy, time to enjoy life, and reduce traffic jams. We're so comsumed by electronics we don't enjoy the life outside. BY limiting your usage it will make you enjoy the enviroment more than we enjoy it now. | 3 |
0931a6e | There is an oppurtunity of a lifetime just waiting for you. You would get to enjoy fun, games, travel, and you'd get to help people. You could change someone's life. You could become a hero! This oppurtuntiy is to become one of the UNRRA's Seagoing Cowboys. Seagoing Cowboys travel all over the world to to recover countries that were left in ruins from wars. You would travel on a ship with animals and other cowboys to help people who's life seems to be in ruins.
It might just change your life, like it changed mine.
If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you won't regret it. It was a whole lot of fun. I got to meet other cowboys and you never get bored. When I was on board ships, especially on the way back, we played games and had some pretty fun competitions. We used to play baseball and volleyball games in the empty space that used to house animals. We fenced, boxed, and held table-tennis tournaments. It was a lot of fun!
You get to help people; this is a big reason to join. You get to become part of an organization that helps people who need it, desperately. You could become their hero. Becoming part of something like this changes your whole life. It made me selfless and aware of the world around me. That awareness has been with me through my whole life. Although I'm no longer a Seagoing Cowboy, I'm still aware of what's happening to people around the world and how lucky I am. I let international students and exchange visitors into my house as an effort to help.
You get an amazing expereince along the way. I got to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, see Europe and China, tour a castle in Crete, see the Acropolis in Greece, and even get a view at the Panama Canal on my way to China. I wouldn't have been able to have any of these experiences if it weren't for being a Seagoing Cowboy.
Now that you know all about the Seagoing Cowboys program and the benefits of being part of it, go sign up! You could be a person's hero. Mend the hearts of those who feel like they have nothing left. Feed those who hunger with no way to recieve food. Take the oppurtunity of a lifetime, and, maybe, it will change your whole life, like it changed mine. | 4 |
09330dc | Many people may argue about the advantages of limited car usage. "When i had a car, i was always tense, im much happier this way" (Source 1). Many countries including France, Colombia, and Germany seem to have no problem with limited car usuage.
Germany is one of the greatest countries that is against low car life. 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. 57 percent sold a car to move Germany. (Source 1). In total their is approximatly 5,500 residents and has a low car life because their are less space for parking.
One of the most populated city in France is Paris. Paris enforced a driving ban to clear up the polution. A 22-euro fine was given if one failed to corespond with the rules. Around 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine . After 5 days of almost car free roads (not including bus and taxis) the traffic went down by 60 percent.(Source 2). The biggest problem of the smog was Diesel fuel. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France compared to the rest of Western Europe that has 53.3 percent average on Diesel.
For 3 straight years, Bogota has been doing "Day Without Cars" that limites transportation only allowing buses and taxis. the goal for this day is to reduce smog in the capital city. Violators who failed to corespond was faced with a $25 fines. " Millons of colombians hiked,biked,skated, or took the buses to work during this car-free day" (Source 3). The whole family went to parks and sports centers to occupy their day. Even two others Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar joined in on this event.
What both countries are trying to do is limited cars so less polution. Their are other transportation besides cars that we can use. | 2 |
09344c3 | The world of driveless cars will come in the near future says Sergey Brin. Since the 1950s, the car companies have been thinking of self-driving cars. Some people may agree to these smarter cars but others may stick to just driving themselves everywhere. If I had to choose I would much rather be driven by the diverless cars, but I don't think I'd trust them to not get in any accidents.
I have mixed feeling about these cars because I'd prefer one but have to choose the other choice. So my final choice would be that I'd drive myself. I would drive myself because I would feel safe knowing I had the wheel and not some AI that could malufunction or make a wrong choice. In other words I would know what's going on and know what to do in bad situtations, such as the article said in other car accidents, difficult traffic situtation, and bad divers. Also, the GPS that the car has could be out dated and not go the right way, so you would probably be late to where ever you are going. Which brins me to my next point, my mom always makes me late so if I leave a little late then I need to drive a little faster than the speed limit (but not enough to be pulled over) to make it on time. Another thing I wanted to bring up is if the car is diverless and all you need to do is tell the car where to go, then is would be easy for little kids to get in the car and make the car drive not knowing what they are doing and get in accidents easier.
I could agree with some things on the driveless cars. The first thing I can agree on is that it has sensors so that it can sense other cars coming towards it. I also like how they might be different versions to the self-driving cars, like som might be sensored or some might beamagnetized. Finally, I like how if you were to get in a tight spot, then the car will force you to do all the heavy lifting so you don't get hurt.
The driverless cars have their ups and downs but they will probably end up in our laps sooner than we know it. The driverless cars are in our future and that future is not far away. But I, like some people, will stick to the old way of drive a car. | 3 |
093da21 | The machine by Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe is very helpful in the classroom in many ways, as the article helps explain. It can help to determine what lesson plans are working for the students and what lesson plans are not working as well. Also, it can help how another student is feeling about something non-school related.
The machine, as said in the text, uses the 44 major muscles to understand how a student or any other person is feeling. An example is when it says in paragraph 6 that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This is significant because this can tell if a student fully understand what the teacher is teaching and if he or she is learning. Also, it can tell what kind of lessons or lesson plans the students will react to the most.
Another way the machine is significant is because if a student is getting bullied or getting made fun of. The machine will know and that can further help and get the help the student needs without saying anything. This could prevent stuff going too far and prevent further cases of this type of thing happening.
In conclusion, there is many ways the machine by Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe can be a significance for students and teachers in the classroom. Two of those examples are to understand how to make a lesson plan work for the students and also to help students that aren't showing that they need help in school or out of school. | 3 |
0946813 | Driverless Cars
Creating driverless cars in the world seems like a big deal today. In all reality, having driverless cars around the world can be an accident just waiting to happen. If you really think about it, teenagers would most likely be the main ones buying driverless cars. Drinking while driving, texting, and falling asleep may accur when entering a driverless car. Is creating a car that drives on it's own really worth costing a life?
Drinking when driving is a huge mistake people tend to make. Giving them a car that works on its own, and allows you to sit there and get more drunk is not a very bright idea. "They still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." If you are drunk and the car alerts you to take control you may not even respond.
Texting and driving happens with anyone and everyone. People are way too focused on seeing what their friend sent them instead of paying attetion to the road. Alot of collisions have happend because of one driver texting and driving. " Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars- but how much smarter did the cars need to be? For starters they need a whole lot of sensors." Say those sensors just happend to suddenly cut off and not give any warning. How will a person know when to look up from their addictive phone?
Working hard days 24/7 can make a person extreamly sleepy. Say you get off of work and your exhausted, and a peaceful song comes on the radio. While listening to that song you fall into a deep sleep while your car takes you back to your house. "Their cars have driven more than half a mile without a crash." Maybe the test cars didn't have a problem with the driverless cars but what if somthing breaks in your car and it loses control? The sleepy driver is in deep sleep and could die from the driverless car manufacturing.
In conclusion, having a driverless car does not make the world any safer nor better. It gives people a better chance to drink and drive, text and drive, even sleep and drive. How is making driverless cars anysafer yet better to the world?
In all reality, it makes it more dangerous. | 4 |
0947cdc | There are several advantages when you limit car usage. One, you will reduce greenhouse gases. Two, you will lower the stress level of people when they thinking about driving. Three, young people will decrease their amount of driving. Overall, limiting car usage can help fellow citizens.
Limiting car usage wil reduce greenhouse gases. In Source 1 the passage states that passaenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. While we limit car usage you will not only help reduce greenhouse gases,but you will help reduce air pollution. When theres no air pollution there will be a clean atmosphere. Furthermore, limiting car usage can benefit the enviorment.
Limiting car usage will lower the stress level of people when they are thinking about driving. Everyday people have to plan before they drive. Sometimes when people plan for driving they get stressed thinking about if theirs traffic or what if the road is closed. In Source 3 the passage states that rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. Furthermore, limiting car usage will limit the stress level of people thinking about driving.
Limiting car usage will decrease young people's amount of driving. In Source 4 the passage states that there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license. Another study in Source 4 was found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. If their's less young people driving then there will be less accidents occuring. Overall, limiting car usage will keep young drivers from injurying themselves.
Either way limiting car usage will help our fellow citizens in general. This will reduce greenhouse gases. This will lower the stress level of people when they are thinking about driving. Also, limiting car usage will decrease the amount of young people driving. Futhermore limiting car usage will help us citizens. | 4 |
09487c8 | The reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is because its an opportuntiy of a life time,as said by Luke. There isn't just one reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program there are thousands of reasons. The main things are the locations,the people, and the experiences.
To start my reasoning, you could help thousands of people. You could also have fun on your adventures sailing to all these different contries and states. As you grow you will learn more about what you are doing. You could get really cool things when your traveling too. You could even help take care of animals.
Secondly, you could do really cool things on board. You could get to watch animals, play baseball,volleyball,table-tennis touraments, fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games that could pass the time. All of those things Luke did on board. You can do all of those things in empty holds.
In addition, for Luke it was much more than an adventure. You have someone to look off of and to see a ture experienceof being a Seagoing Cowboy. Now you should see why Luke said it was an opportunity of a lifetime.
In concusion,I see why its so great to be a Seagoing Cowboys. The places you travel to,the people who you travel with, and the adventures. Just think of all the fun you could have on that very special boat just wondering what lies on the other side of that island and what you could learn the points are endles. So join the Seagoing Cowboys and then you could get in for sure. How you will react when you take that first step onto the next part of your life
Some of the parts to make this possible are ,''Luke could't say no. He knew it was an opportiunity of a lifetime. Paragraph 7 tells you that he lives with his aunt Katie and paragraph 8 is where i got how many things he did while he was on board and why they thought theose activities were fun. The end about how it was more than just an adventure , I got that from paragaph 9. | 3 |
095042a | Should we have an elector college voting systems or switch up to popular voting system. I think we should swicth it up back to the popular votes win. the reasons why we should use this type of voting systems is because we get to choose are president, and and make shore that all u. s people start voting."Under the electoral college systems voters vote not for president, but for a slate of electors, who inturn elect the president".
By using the voting system of majority win can force or pursuade people to start voting because most people know that there votes wont even matter when electoral voting system is taking place with popular votes even the slitest of just one vote changes who becomes president so i would think people will start being apart of there states votes an become better citezens by voting.3
Here are some of the disaddvantages when having an electoral voting system
Are votes don't even matter when voting for presiden who knows if voting for electors and that electer dose not do as we want for electing the right president having this type of voting system is so much complicated for the process you half to go through when electing a president. | 2 |
0952aee | Dear State Senator,
The Electoral College has been here since the founders of this country put it in our Constitution to please both sides. This Electoral College has made a lot of history in our great nation and we appreciate what it has done for us. It's a huge part of our election process but is time we move on from it. Their have been to many instances where a presidential candidate has had the popular vote but has lost because he didn't have enough electoral votes. "It happened in 200, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888" (source 3) This may have not happened more than twice but this could easily happen again and cause a catastrophe. This is why I disapprove of the electoral college.
This process is also unfair to voters because when they vote for a president they are really voting for electors. The elctors can be any citizen so the voters don't know who the electors are. Voters can rarely decide who the electors vote for which puts them at a disadvantage and is an inconvience for the voters. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president" (source 2).
There has been several of organizations and people who have tried to get the electoral college deleted from election processes including ..." Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole , the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO" (Source 2). These are multiple people with proven track records and are some of many who are ready for change. The electoral college has brought good and bad to our country but there are times when things should be left in the past.
Using the popular vote as the one and only way of electing presidents is needed in this country. The choice of presidents should be soley up to the american people. There should be no electoral college that can totally change the outcome of a election because one candidate doesent have enough electoral votes. In my eyes it appears the electoral college has slightly to much impact on the outcome of the election. Imagine running for president and you when the hearts of the voters with popular votes but happen to lost the election because you didn't have enough electoral votes. How would you feel about the electoral college after that experience? This is why there is a need for change in the electoral college. Save candidates from losing an election that they should have one but didn't becuase they didn't have enough electoral votes. | 4 |
0958685 | I , Luke Bomberger, am a memeber of the Seagoing Cowboys program.
The Saegoing Cowboys help people who were affected by the war.
I believe everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys program for three reasons.
Not only do you get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping people out, but you also have a once in a lifetime chance to go sightseeing have the time of your life onboard, and explore the most beutiful and amazing places on Earth.
By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you get to help out the less fortunate explore go sightseeing and have fun.
We help people by bringing them animals from overseas such as horses, cows ,and mules.
When we bring the people the animals it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling of acomplishment.
You should also join because after our missions, we have some time left to go sightseeing in the area.
Some of my favorite things to see were the Panama Canal and "seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special."
I also had the opportunity to expore much of Europe and China as well as taking a gondola ride in Italy. I also got to take a tour of a castle in Crete. If you think that the fun stops when you climb back aboard for the ride home, think again.
The stables where the animals were kept becomes a baseball field and a volley ball court.
We also have table tenis tournaments as well as boxing and fencing matches.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun as well as important.
In conclusion, "the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy."
I reccomend becoming a Seagoing Cowboy because not only are you helping the world, but you get to have fun while you do it such as sightseeing and exploring.
I myself have gone on nine trips as a Seagoing Cowboy and loved every second of it.
It also opened up my eyes and "made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs."
So,unless you are doing something useful with your life, become a Seagoing Cowboy.
You won't regret it. | 3 |
095d62a | Technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives. As time goes on, we develop new technology for different purposes. One such purpose is to read emotions. This technology will benefit our society in different ways, like in education. The technology to read students emotions is valuable to our schools.
The first way in which this technology is vaulable to schools is by improving lessons. Often times, many students of different calibers are thrust into the same classroom. While some grow bored others become confused by the content of the lesson. In the article, Dr. Huang is quoted saying, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," and then "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. If we implemented this emotion recognition technology, we could help students of all levels grow and reach their potential.
Another reason why technology that can recognize emotions is vaulable in schools is because of fighting and bullying. In paragraphs three and four of the article, it discusses how the technology works and what it can do. It claims that it can dectect mixed emotions and even, in paragraph 8, detect fake smiling. This technology could be used to detect when students are angry and wanting to fight or even sad from being bullied. Teachers cannot always detect these things from students, especially if they are trying to hide them.
In addition to stopping fights and helping bullied students, this emotion recognition technology could assist in identifying students who have problematic home lives and need help. Although this would not always be 100% accurate, it could help faculty see those students who might be depressed or angry, and need help. This would aid in making schools a happier place. It could also negate problems that they could have later in life. Installing this technology in our schools would be highly beneficial.
Schools need the technology to read students emotions. It would fit in with other technological advancements that have improved our education system. Advances in technology helped to improve not just our education, but our overall lives. Numerous people in our world cannot live without technology. Technology is important to our society. | 4 |
095f993 | Why should anyone want to have a car drive you anywhere you want to go when you can drive yourself? You should be the one in control of the car not the other way around, there could be a malfunction with the car that might cause a wreak, and they don't need more technology to a car, because at the end of the day your not going to have it all of your life. I'm against having the google car, because who needs a literally has laser beams that comes out of the top of the car to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surroundings.
You should be the one in control of the car at all times. A person learns how to drive for a reason. They learn how to drive, so that their parents don't have to anymore, to maybe go places by yourself, and just to swee how well you have learned to drive and how much you have improved before you started to drive in the first place. Having a human drive you is better than a robot driving you because you have an advantage of learning and continuing how to learn how.
Having malfunctions is a big problem. there is alot that can happen to you if you manage to mess something up or if you just crash and wreak your car. You can push a button that can do some serious harm to you or anyone that is in the car at the time, you can break some bones by cracking into another car or a tree, and it can make you have some type of brain damage. Having malfunctions are bad, but dying in the process of your vehicle having a malfunction is horrible.
Your not always going to have that car all of you life. You might sell it, pass it down to one of your kids, or just leave it on the side of the road. I don't know what you would do with it. Not everybody has had a car the they have had all of their life that would be a big problem in having it all your life. Having a google car isn't always going to be there.
I will not agree for having a google car, but if i did i couldn't possibly let it drive for me. i would be the one to drive it at all times. | 3 |
0962f2b | You ever sat out one night or just sat outsides for a couple nights and noticed the brightest star in the sky and ever wonder what it may be and the name of it well lucky enough you kust might be looking at one of the brightest stars in the sky. This star is called a venus is one of the brightest points of light in the light sky. In htis essay i will talkin about the challenging of exploring venus , by the end the understanding and the point of view will be changed.
In this first paragraph I will further give extended details and further elaborate on what venus is. Venus is the second p[lanet from our sun . Venus is easy to see at nighy only because how bright it is and how it stands out. but you will hardly ever get to see it closely you will more than likely see it better from a distance and that's what makes it so difficult and challenging and what makes the oppurtunity for me to be able to further explain why it is challenging . Venus is also the closets planet to earth in size and density. According to the article it says "often referred to as earths twin venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". This further and explains more on venus giving a better and more constructerd uderstanding of venus. | 1 |
0966167 | The technology to identify human emotion in my trance of thought its stupid. I don't think this would be helpful in a classroom because it would just be a waste. in my thoughts i think it would be a waste because some people that are having a bad day might just want to be left alone and not talk about there problems to people. The computer might be able to detect the persons emotions by characterlise there facial muscles by the expression movements but the student might be annoyed that it does this all the time and doesnt like it. In the article it says that " Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." here it says that Dr. Huang studies different artists and there paintings and how some showed how they used there emotion and some didn't. Its a bad idea to modify a computer to read peoples emotions because when a kid is doing there homework and the kid is bored the computer is going to detect that the kid is bored from doing his/her homework and put a add with a video game and the kid is going to get distracted and fail the assingment. | 2 |
0967e3f | I think other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you could explore alot of things.
The reason I think people should participate in this program is because you get to go on vacations and you almost get to explore around the world. You also are crossing the Atlantic Ocean and also going to China. It also seems like a fun activity because in paragraph nine it says that Luke was grateful for the opportunity. In paragraph five it also says that he toured and excavated castle's while he was on his way to China. You had to do a little work to because its says in paragraph seven during the crossings it kept Luke busy and he had to check the animals every hour. I also believe it is alot of traveling because in the introduction it says that Luke crossed the Atlantic Ocean more than 16 times. In paragraph nine it also talks about how he felt much more than just an adventure for Luke. In paragraph four its says that they knew he was a cattle-boat trip but they told him just to keep doing it for his service.
There is also many other different things to do if you want to become a Seagoing Cowboy and I think Luke really enjoyed it because in paragraph seven it says that Luke was happy to be alive. Also on Luke's second trip he served as a night watchman but he couldn't work for a couple of days because he cracked his ribs.
That is why I think people should patrticipate in the program because it sounds fun and enjoyable and you could also join with your friends. | 2 |
096aa1c | Although not having driveless cars seems more safe, Im for driveless cars. Im for driveless cars because it could be making driving more fun. Driveless cars sounds dangerous but its really safer than regular cars. The driveless car has many more good advantages than a regualr car.
Im for driveless cars because it has good advantages such as there a senors that are advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or roll-overs. Regular cars does have some good advantages too but driveless cars has been driven more than half a million miles without being crashed. Even though driveless cars uses half of the fuel of today's taxis, it's making driving fun in a new way.
Driveless cars may not sound safe but really its safer than regualr cars. Regular cars dont have senors to tell when danger is near and reguar cars are boring. This idea would bring people out more and experience the world with a nice car. Driveless cars could be the best invention ever! | 2 |
096b178 | Cars are used used in everyday life but they may be used too much because of all the damage they do to the environment and the citizens must be informed on it. Cars are used to help get around easier unless if towns are developed so that people can walk or ride a bike everywhere. Cars cause pollution which causes smog and it can really hurt peoples health and the environment. A life without cars can make plenty of people happy due to the fact that people get injured or die in cars every day.
To start off most towns do not build buildings close together because people have cars which takes up more time to get there and money for gas. If buildings were made closer together everyone could get to the stores quickly and back home in time for special events. If buildings were made closer gasoline would be less of a problem due to the prices being high. In a town called Vauban in Germany seventy percent of all families do not own an automobile."All of our development since World War two has been centered on the car,and that will have to change" said David Goldberg.
Cars are known to cause pollution and some places have a partial ban on cars. Paris is well known for the Eiffel Tower and also its pollution problem so Paris allowed people with even and odd number license plates to only drive on certain days or else they will be fined. When cars cause pollution it makes smog and smog can kill crops and animals if it gets out of control. Currently heavily populated areas such as Newyork has a big pollution problem causing grey skies.
A life without cars is a happy one according to some people. A place in Colombia calles Bogota made an event called "Car-free day" which is a day where everyone goes the entire day without driving "It's a good opportunity to take away streaa abd lower air pollution"."These people are generating a revolutionary change and it is crossing boarders"."The rain hasn't stopped anyone from participating".
The reasons people should cut down on car usage is to lower pollution in the air. It just makes people happier without vehicles. Towns could be made with closer buildings to prevent using too much gas. Smog can really make an environment unhealthy by killing some of the plants that are there. | 4 |
096eae9 | I think that driverless cars should be used, because they have many thing such as sensors, smart road systems, driver mimicry and more .
In the passage it talks about how the car has all those sensors, because it can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel . That means if the driver is someone who has driven for years that menas that the car can mimic that and have the same driving skills as the person driving .
I am for driverless cars because it doesnt say anything in the passage about how a car has crashed. in fact, the passage states; "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash," with that being said, these cars could be really safe for drivers. Also, that could mean that the car drives better than a human can .
Another reason I am for driverless cars is because, they wouldnt use much fuel, it states in the passage that; " The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Regular buses and taxis would most likely go out of business, and driverless cars would take over. That fuel could also help get people to farther destinations. For example, if someone who lives in New York wanted to go to Florida, it could be done, no plane required.
Driverless cars are the future and should be used throughout society, they can mimic your driving, provide safety, and get you to where you need to go . Driverless cars would be a great asset to the world . | 3 |
0973664 | The Electoral college should be abolished. This form of voting is unfair to the candidates. The people that vote for the candidates they only vote for a chance that their candidate may have enough people that voted for him or her in that state to recieve a slate of pre-selected electors. there is also a very likely chance that the voting may end in a tie and the election will preceed to the House of Representatives where the state delegations would vote for a president.
The electoral college is a verey unfair way of voting to the candidates because if the majority of U.S. citizens vote for an opposing candidate that candidate would have the chance to lose the election if the states favor the current president or other candidates. In the article The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer states that "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president". On the other hand a fovored president has a higher chance of winning the election just by the vote of the electoral college.
When a state has election day the people who vote, vote not for the president but a slate of electors. When the state counts the votes, it then decides which party gets the slate of electors based on the majority of the votes and the elctors cast votes for their candidates. In the article IN Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner it states that "In [2012's] election, for example, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney". If ther ewas no electoral college the election would only rely on popular votes and in turn make the process of choosing a president easier and more simple. This process would also recieve distaste as does the electoral college.
As said by many the Electoral College should be abolished. The process is very complex and unfair. Why only dpend on a majority of state chosen elector when the citezens could be the electors. The only way to get a fair vote is without the electoral college. | 3 |
0975e3f | Driverless cars might not be just a myth or a fantasy anymore. Google has had cars that can drive independantly since 2009. Though they have gone more than half a million miles without a crash, there are cons to these typs of cars. They arn't entirely driverless yet. These cars still need help getting through places like work zones and accidents. These cars are expensive and still need human help, but they do come with a special safety feature that normal cars don't have.
Driverless cars can be helpful, but they are still expensive. The roads would more than likely have to be updated. General Motors and engineers from Berkeley have both tried different ways to improve the roads. This included roads embedded with electrical cables or magnets, sending signals to the car. These methods proved to be unreasonably expensive. Engineers then looked at making smarter cars. To make them smart enough to drive safely without the help of people and smart roads they would need many sensors. They would need at least nine different sensors. Putting that many sensors on enough cars for everyone to drive would be very costly.
People could also benefit from these cars if they truly were driverless. These so called "driverless" cars can't do many things a person can do while driving. For instance, these cars can't pull in or out of driveways. They also can't make it through roadwork or accidents. Currently, the fastest that driverless cars can handle is 25 miles per hour. This would definitly not be safe on a highway or interstate. These cars are ment to take people where they need to go, but the driver must remain focus if they need to take the wheel.
There are pros to cars like these though. There has to be something to keep the "driver" interested while waiting for their turn to drive, so some manufacturers hope to bring in-car entertainment. If there is something that keeps the driver entertained, there has to be something to get them alert again. These entertainment features can be turned off when needed, pulling the drivers attention back to the road. These safety percautions arn't currently in cars for texting and driving.
Though these cars do come with a safety feature, they are still expensive and can't fully drive alone. I do believe the world can benefit from these cars, but i see to many red flags for them to be reasonable at this time. | 4 |
09763fb | Would you keep your vehicle at home for a day and walk to work? Well in Bogota there is a car-free day, people all over the town partcipate in this event. According to the article, "millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yestraday." On this day only buses and taxis are permitted to rome the streets for the day. The reason behind having a car-free day is because cars cause smog, which can cause congestion in the city.
In Paris, "Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France." Diesel is favored over gasoine because of a tax policy, because of diesel France was polluted with smog. Since France took away the use of cars for evn numbered license plate owners for the day delivery companies complained of "lost revenue," but if you had a "plug-in car, hybrid, or cars carrying three or more passengers" had exceptions. On the next day, odd numbered lisence plate owners were followed to keep their car at home but instead the smog had cleared enough on that Monday for the ruling French to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates.
"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" article they talked about the people walking or bicycling to work or places they wanted to go. Many people might have decided to not take a car to go places because there was limited parking, which only consists of two parking garages. Now, 70 percent of families don't own cars in Vauban, which is shocking because they all either walk or take a bicycle ride.
Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. The United States of America is now responding to these other countries and their way to reduce car usage. Obama ambitious gaols to curb the United States greenhouse gas problem might be paying off. The article "The End of Car Culture states "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." If Americans are buying less vehicles than that's a way to a good start for lowering greenhouse gases.
In conclusion, limiting car usage can have many advantages. Since caar usage causes greenhouse gases and smog, limiting by a little or alot will always help to reduce the amounts of these gases in the air that we humans breath. People in differnt countries like France, Germany, and Bogota are coming up with many unique ways to help reduce the car usage. Limiting the car usage helps with the gas expensives, and helps with finding other ways for transportation. | 3 |
097b864 | Dear State Senitor,
Abolishing The Electoral College
We are the United States of America. We have learned that we have the freedom of free speech, practices, and choices. This is what we have learned that we supposively do. If we can't pick out who will rule over us, then what are we doing with ourselfs?
We deserve to have a choice in choosing who will rule our country. The Electoral College was established by our founding fathers in the Constitution. Constitutions like these eventually get revised. This method is too outdated.
Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have all agreeded that to abolish the electoral college. Popular votes was something they all had in mind when choosing the president. It was shown the 60% of voters would prefer a direct election, than having the electoral college. That's more than half!
The best argument against it, is the the disaster factor. From this, the system keeps allowing worse and worse things every year. In the Electoral College, size and population of the states matter a lot. It can be unfair for a smaller state with a smaller population against a bigger state with a wider population. It is a winner-takes-all situation. Candidates don't spand that much time in states that they know they aren't going to win in. The electoral college is unfair and very outdated. We must adapt to the new demand of freedom of choice.
In short, it is better for a voter to know that their vote was counted towards something big. Maybe it was their vote that changed it all. We, as the United States of America, we have learned that our freedom is earned, not given. By this, it may take a while to convince those around that the Electoral College should be taken down or revised. We should get what we voted for because our voice counts . | 3 |
0980c17 | Dear Senator,
While it is unfair, the Electoral College should still be used. There are some problems with the way it works, but it would still be easier than having presidential elections by popular vote.
One of the reasons why the Electoral College should still be used is the certainty of the outcome. A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible - it happened in 2000 - but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds their share of the popular vote. Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes - 538 - is an even number, but it is highly unlikely.
Secondly, the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by the virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. The Electoral College also avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. There is pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner.
At the most basic level, however, the Electoral College is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states.
Aside from it being a little unfair, the Electoral College does its best to elect a President, which is why it should still be kept. | 2 |
098c450 | The Seagoing Cowboys program is a wonderful program. I really liked this article it gave me a lot of information about this program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a helpful program. I think other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I will give you some reasons to support my opion.
One reason is they are very caring, because World War II ended, and it is 1945 and many countries were messed up from the war. so 44 nations joined together to help it's called the UNRRA, the UNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys. So they both were helping these countries. So that is a reason why you should join because they are caring. Another reason is they go across the world to help countries. So when you think about you can go on tours to some places across the world and go sight seeing, so that is pretty cool. Last reason is just doing the right thing it is a very caring and helpful program to help innocent people who were not in the war, that died and houses got damage. so it is a helpful thing to do and fun thing to join.
some details that support luke claims is in paragraph 5 it says that one of the boys in the smalltown said besides helping people he had time to see Europe and China so like luke said it's not only just helping people you have time to go on tours of places in some of these different countries that you never ever seen that place before and go on a tour of that place in that country. Another detail is in paragraph 8 it says that it is fun on board coming back because they played baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments,and a few other games so joining will be fun because when you are on board or on the ship you can play games.
So that is all I have. I think people should really recommend participating in
Seagoing Cowboys program beacuse I think it is a wonderful program. I agree with Luke point of view you should convince others to participate in this program. It helps others and yourself. I would participate in this program if I could. | 2 |
098d10a | The planet Venus may be one of our most valuable assets to understand our planet, but Venus has some dangers we cannot ignore. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author does a good job of suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite it's dangers by explaining the value of exploring Venus, the dangers, and how the dangers may be overcome.
Venus is very similar to Earth, sharing approximate densities and sizes. The planet also shares geographical features with Earth, such as rocky sediment, craters, and mountains. It is possible that hundreds of years ago Venus really might have been the twin planet to Earth. Astronomers have reason to beleive that Venus was home to oceans and various life forms. If we learn more about this planet, we could find the key to unlock the knowledge of how our home planet works. This supports the author's claim that we must study Venus further by providing reasons knowledge of Venus would directly affect everyday life on Earth.
The author also uses the possible dangers of exploring Venus to explain why we must pursue Venus, through all the challenges. Venus has a heavy atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide, making it impossible for humans to breathe freely on the planet. The pressure on Venus is so great that a person would be crushed, not to mention the extreme temperatures over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit. It would be impossible for an astronaut to explore on the planet's surface without proper technology. Adding to the already intense conditions, Venus has volcanoes, eartquakes, and frequent lightning, which present their own problems. The dangers help prove the author's point that even though dangerous, we must explore Venus.
The author describes possible solutions created by NASA to show that it will be possible to explore Venus, even with the dangers. NASA has proposed an idea of humans studying Venus from a vehicle hovering the planet, but this would not be optimal because the exploration would be very limited. Viewing Venus from thirty feet above would be better than no exploration at all and would create livable conditions, so it is a relatively safe option for gathering knowledge on the planet. Another idea is using mechanical computers on Venus. The computers can make calculations, without electronics. These computers are also more likely to withstand the extreme conditions of Venus, unlike modern computers. No plan can be one hundred percent safe, especially in a danger zone like Venus, but the benefits outweigh the risks. The author does a proficient job of portraying this in the article.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author presents the idea that Venus should be studyed intently, despite the risks. The author does a good job of explaining this by telling how we could benefit from knowledge of Venus, telling the dangers, and solutions to overcome the dangers of Venus. | 5 |
098d6c6 | I believe that this technology to read students' emotional expressions is a great idea.
"A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused and borde." "then it could modify the lession, like an effective human instructor."
the same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive --- for video games or video surgery.
It would be a good change, it could cange our lives for the better. A computer that can tell our emotions could bring us so many opportunities.
i see why some people might not feel the need for it simply because , we have teachers and they can tell our emotions or some perople just might think there simply isn't a need for computers to know how me feel by our facial expressions, they may feel as if its pointless.
But i do truly feel as if is a good idea to have them, they seem fun and really cool . something that can benifit our lives in so many different way , and it could possibaly be used as a fun little toy on the side. but all together the idea is great. | 2 |
09915db | The aurther support the idea of space travling very well. He also stated that it well benfit the people on earth as we over came these challeges and solvoed them.
The first to paragarphs say that venus is some time the closes planet to the earth and is more like earth then we think. We have try to land numerous unmanned spacecraft to venus both non have survived the landing for more then an a few hours do to the extreme atomsphere.
The auther said that we could benfit by overcoming the high tempertures and amaking a stronger matrial that can with stand the sulfuric acid atmosphere. Another way we could benfit form is by making stong submarine so we would be able to dive deeper into the deepest parts of the oceans on earth.
The auther said that NASA idea of flying over venus is one way we could overcome the hard surface conditions that venus. That we would never run out of energy because venus is the second close planet to the sun. The temp is at around 170 degrees fahrenheit and that radiation levels are low so it is survivable for humans.
In conlusion to my essay about "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" I can that striving to meet challenges preseented by venus has value and the insight that we would gain on the planet and what we can then use to improve life on earth is priceless. | 3 |
0999761 | Driverless cars are about to be the future. Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, has a dreams of a future with public transportation system where driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. In my opinion, driverless cars are going to be brilliant. I believe just like Sergey that driverless cars can change the world. And google is making sure it is all safe.
The cars that Sergey imagines would use half the fuel of today's taxis. That is absolutly great way to save money on gas. The driverless cars would offer way more flexibility than any bus.
Google has already had cars that could drive independently since 2009. Those cars have passed many tests for saftey. The cars have also driven more than half a million miles without crashing. Google's cars still alert the driver to take over when pulling in or out of a driveway, and dealing with complicated traffic. For example passing an accident or going through roadwork.
To improve these smart cars they needed a whole lot of senors. The car google modified was a Toyota Prius. Google put postion-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. The most important piece google put on the car was the spinning sensor on the roof. The spinning sensor on the roof uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surrondings. All these senors google is using is necessary for the driverless car to mimic a human and the wheel.
Sensors were invented in the 1980's. Sensors have improved so much they can detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. Sensors can get information too cause the car to apply braked on individual wheels. Sensors can also reduce the power from the engine, which is far more that was a human can do from the wheel. Even with all the things sensors can do they still will keep improving.
In 2013, BMW developed the "Traffic Jam Assistant". The car will be able to handle speeds up tp 25 mile per hour, but the senors from "Traffic Jam Assistant" will make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. The car can steer, brake, and accelerate themselves. But are designed to notify the drive when the road ahead requires human skills. For example going through a work zone or arounf accidents. The human must stay alert and be ready to take over when needed. GM has also developed the driver seat to viberate when they are in danger. Other options they have is flashing lights on the windsheild. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch the drivers remaining focused on the road.
Google is making sure all the driverless cars will be on the safe side. I believe driverless cars will change the world. In my opinion driverless cars need to be created for the future. If all the tests goes right there should be no problem. Sergey Brin has a dream for public transportation to be better. Driverless cars are about to be the future. | 4 |
099fc28 | "Hello, I am Luke Bomberger, I have traveled across the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the pacific twice, I have helped people affected by World War II. I was part of the Seagoing Cowboys program and i am here today to encourage and convince you to Join this amazing program." I said infront of quite a few people in the town hall.
"Why should we listen to what you have to say?" said my enimie who ran his own program that did exactly what the Seagoing Cowboys did. His name was Jack Linington. He was walkiong on the stage questoning my program. I got furious but i held it in.
"You should have to listen to what I say because what I have to say is important and can help people around the world who have been affected from war." i said back. "So what, my program is way better than yours" said Jack. At this point half of the audience was questoning my program and the other half was yelling at Jack to get out.
"How is yours better than mine we both do the same thing. Can't we just put this feud to an end?" I asked.
" No, people don't listen to him or let him convince you to join his program, instead join mine."He protested.
" Please Jack join my program and let us be friends not enimies" i insisted.
Finally, he broke down and--" Yes, yes i will, ill join your program" i couldn't beleive it he acually wanted to be part of the program! The feeling was a rush i acually softend him and we became friends.
I talked some more and when everyone left they all took a packet. And Jack and I are now not only partners,l we are friends. | 1 |
09a04e4 | We are very close to Venus and Mars, and at some points we are closer to Venus than Mars and vise versa. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an idea that they want to send humans to Venus to study this planet, but there is a lot of dangers involved if they do that. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by giving all the reason why humans should go, bad things that could happen if humans landed on Venus, and things they can do to make this idea work.
NASA already beleives that there could be life on Mars and that people could be living on Mars in a couple decades or even less, so why wouldn't they want to find that out about another planet. It has already been suggested that there once was life on Venus. In paragrpah 4 it states "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth". NASA thinks that being on the land we would be able to study it better because they don't think peering at Venus from a ship orbiting is doing enough. It is also giving them challenges that they can work on the equipment to make it last longer.
In article "the Challenge of Exploring Venus", it does state the bad outcomes if we landed on Venus and what could go wrong. In paragraph 3 it talks about the conditions on Venus for example, "On the planet's surface, temperaturess average over 800 degrees Fahrenhit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". It also states that the condition on Venus are more extreme than anything humans have encountered on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in or solar system. These things are very dangerous, but despite the dangers this article is still able to support the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit.
In paragraph 5 they focus on things they would have to do to avoid the dangerous conditions, for example one thing is allowing scientist to float above the fray. Floating over the fray of Venus would be just like our jet airplanes. The conditions in Venus are not easy, but they would be survivable for humas. The only way to study Venus well is by being on the planet because looking at venus far away can only provide limited insight on ground conditions. Scientist want to be able to take samples from the ground and from the rocks on Venus.
The dangers of going to Venus should not stop us. It is worth it to face some of the dangers to make history and discover new things especially on another planet. The dangers of Venus will only push scientist harder to find a way to make it to venus. It will also push them to design new technology that could stand being in Venus's conditions. There is many evidence to prove that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. | 4 |
09a62eb | Driverless cars are an advance in technology, even though they are not fully self automatic yet .Driverless cars may not be fully driverless yet but in the future it is possible. Even if people dont like the idea of it its still going to happen. Driverless cars are not going to be any good for our generation.
Driving is something that you will need your full attention for even if the car is self driven it can still screw up. I don't personally see the point of somthing that is not going to help anyone. Chances are that there will be more accidents and more people will be injured or even die because all technology malfunctions at one point or another and there is no stopping that. Technology is a good thing when it is helping people. Times are changing and no one can stop it. In paragraph 9 it says who will be responsible if the car happens to mess up the manufacturer or the driver.
Think to yourself who would you hold responsible. Knowing that all technology malfunctions,not to mention the car would be overly priced just for it to be able to drive without a driver and sense things. Most people like being aware if their surroungings. What if the car stoped and the driverless addition stoped working .You would already be used to not driving and over all forget how to do it. You wouldn't be aware of where you are because you were to busy doing other things then to know your surroundings.
Knowing how to drive makes things easier on you. Technology is not always a good thing. Technology doesn't always work out the way you want it too its easy to look something up and the internet not give you what you want or what's true would you trust your care taking you to where ever? It's easy saying something is better because it has technology incorperated but is that really true.
Some things are better left with out all the added gadgets and I belive a car is one of those things. A car is more reliable when you personaly are controling it. You know where you are going and I think if they want to make additions to are car make tires that don't go flat or make the car fix its self. Knowing how to get places yourself will make things so much easier on you. If your tire goes flat your car can not take you to the nearest area to call someone or get help.
My opinon over all driverless cars help no one. They make nothing easier and will not be affordale for the average person. They will malfunction more then a regular car and make accidents more common. | 4 |
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