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0519419 | Dear Mr.Senetor,
My name is PROPER_NAME. The Electoral College is a great way to choose the President, but at the same time it isn't because it's not fair for everyone. That is why i believe the Electoral Collge system should be no more.
"At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." It's not only not fair to the voters, but it also isn't fair to the people trying to campaign to be President. Everyone should have the opporitunity to run for President. They may have something meaningful to say and you never know if they actually have the potential to be the President or not if you don't give them a chance.
"The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes includes the candidates-as we saw in [2012] election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states...Voters in the toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really listen to the competing candidates-knowing they are going to decide the election." Yes, the toss-up states like Florida or California are most likely to be more recognized and listened to, but it is not fair to the "swing" states. They are just as good as the people who want to be President in the other states, too. Do you think it is fair that a man in Oklahoma is running for President, but no one is paying attention to him because he lives in a state that is rarely mentioned? No! He deserves a chance too!
So in conclusion the Electoral system may be great but, your vote should be counted also. It shouldn't only get to be the electors decision on who gets to be President, but it also shouldn't be based off the more known states. Give other states, "swing" states, a chance too. That is why i say the electoral system should be no more.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, PROPER_NAME | 4 |
051c46a | Dear senator,
I have done research and I would like to change the Electoral College to the popular vote for the President of the United States. Source 1: "What is electoral College?" explains that "each canadate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors." Many people do not know what that really means. It means that the people of the United States do not actually vote for who their president will be. They are voting for someone who gets to choose who the president will be. Having the Electoral College is very confusing. I think it is more fair to have the people of the United States vote directly for their president instead of voting for a slate of electios that then choose the president.
By getting rid of the Electoral College, the vote for the United States president will be more fair. We, the people of the United States, would not be voting for a slate of electors. We would actually be voting for who we want to become our president. These votes would be more direct and accurate.
Source 2: "Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" states that voters may get confused and vote for someone that they didnt want to vote for. The people should be the ones voting for their president. It is unfair that only the electors get to vote in the end. Voters of the electors cannot even control who the electors vote for. The people have to put their trust in the electors to vote for the president. It make smore sense for the people to have a say and for them to have the ability to vote directly.
When I turn eighteen and I am allowed to vote, I hope that my vote actually matters. I hope that my vote does not just go towards an elector. I hope that my vote will count towards whom I think will represent our country well. | 3 |
0539a44 | Limiting car usage would have many benefits for the environment. Pollution in large cities would be reduced, greenhouse gas emissions would be lower, and noise pollution would be lower. The simple act of of using alternative transportation would help the environment greatly.
Cities like Bejing, in China, are heavily polluted by emissions from motor vehicles. This has negative effects on people's health and the environment. Another point to be made is that if fewer people are driving cars then you won't have to see cars parked all over your city. But this is America, not Europe; we like our cars here. I couldn't stand not being able to drive my Ford Mustang GT whenever i feel like it. That is the problem, people will not want to give up driving their cars. I can relate to that. It is true that driving less will protect our environment, which is very important, but many people will not give up driving.
The real reason why Americans are not buying cars and getting licenses is because of our current recession. Most people can not afford to have a car, pay insurance, and pay for fuel, especially young people. No matter what, people are going to keep on driving; Yes, this is off topic, but I don't reallty care for the topic. So here I'll say: Until the day I die I will keep on driving; driving cars is part of American culture, It will not be relenquished by all. The answer to protecting the environment needs to be finding a more environment friendly fuel source without turning my Mustang into a Prius. | 2 |
053f99e | Cars of the future will be able to drive them selves, but will you let them? Companies are developing cars that dont require drivers. Current driverless cars still need a driver to be alert. Thear will be times when the car will not be able to drive it self.
Companies such as Google, and Genral Motors are developing cars that can drive themselves. A few companies tried making roads that sent signals to the car to show it whear to drive. Roads that told cars whear to drive would requir to much of an upgrade to all existing roads. It became clear that cars would have to drive them selves. With the use of cameras and sensors Google's car is abble to tell whear it is on the road.
The currnt self driveing cars still require a drive to be alert to take over the wheel if ther is road work, or some outher objstical that the car can not overcome. At some point in time, if cars become truely self driving thear may be a genration of people who dont know how to drive at all. That could be a good thing so that people wold not be able to out run the authortys. | 1 |
053fa01 | The structure on Mars is just a natural landform. In 1976 the first picture was taken and it looked like a face. In 1998 scientists took another picture but this time with better quality, but people still believed it was a human face. In 2001 the people at NASA took another picture with even better quality that clearly showed that it is just a landform, or a mesa. It could of been created by Martians, or naturaly formed. Simlar structures are on the Earth called mesa and butte usually are seen in the American.
The structure on Mars is just a natural landform, because over the years scientists have developed better cameras to get a better look at the structure. After years of studying and getting higher quality pictures, they came to the conclusion that the structure is just a landform, or a mesa. It was a big trend in grocery stores, radio talk shows, and even Hollywoof films, for 25 years!
Scientists also include to support their statement that if there were airplanes, Egyptian-style pyramids, or even small shacks, that you could see them because the quailty of the camera was so good. So if you could see small structures on Mars, then you could see a giant human face. But some people to this day still believe that this could be a sign of Martians. This is why you should believe that there is no human head on Mars and it is just a natural landform. | 3 |
0540b80 | I am personally against the idea of self driving cars. Why you may be asking yourself, am I against an idea that could possibly be revolutionary? Well that's because of how dangerous and irresponsible the whole idea sounds like. We already have enough accidents as it is. Why add more chaos by throwing in cars that can drive themselves? The idea itself is very unrealistic and is just awaiting to be produced to cause trouble.
Firstly, why are we so dependent on technology? Why is it that we create so many inventions to make regular things even better? We should simply be improving where we are going wrong, not distracting ourselves with new toys that have just came out ; figuritevly speaking of course. We rely on electronics so much that most people woudln't be able to function without having a cell phone or a game system.
Now don't get me wrong, some electronics have truly changed the game for us. We can fit loads of data and information on a single piece of metal. We can talk to people across the world, and travel is as good as that as well. Though most of these inventions depend on a human to operate them. Must we create something that doesn't have a rational mindset? Computers don't have emotions the last time I remembered.
The idea is also extremely unsafe. I already mentioned car accidents that may possibly happen, which they will. Though responsible adults are not the only people who drive on roads too. Teenagers who are learning to drive won't even need to know the basics of the road thanks to these self driving monsters! Teens are the most likely to get into car accidnets than any other age group. Just the thought of a young 15 year old on the road, not knowing how to drive an actual car sounds morbid.
The point that I am trying to get across is not only are these cars: unrealistic, unsafe, dangerous, and accident prone; but that they will be the descendent of humanity. Think about it, whenever you drive in a car with friends, family, or just
people in general; people are bonding, communicating, listening to music, or just looking out the window. With phones being extremely popular nowadays, we are slowly losing ourselves with the increase of these productions. Now with these cars, they will change everything. It's a downward fall from that, which is mainly why I am against the whole development of these machines. | 4 |
0544d67 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Comeing" it was alot of both positive and negativ aspects of driverless cars. what is the point of driverless cars? there isn't a point.
Driverless cars should not be allower thay are vrey unsafe and lazy.
If a person want a car that can dirver by it self the they are very lazy. If u don't want to drvier your car then thats way they have buses for that way they have trines. It's many way to get aroun then useing a drierless car. driverless car are not a good idea at all. Some of the ideas they have for a driverless car are vary good like in the article when the siad
" they need a whole lot of sensors". That a grate idea for a car. The smart-road systems was a good idea to. There is no poins in driverless cars.
Driverless cars are very unsafe too. like the article siad "some cars are designed tio notfy the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around ". If you still have to do all of that then what poin of having a driverles car then. Think about it what if the driver fall a sleep and there is a work zone ahead and the car can't drive around it then ther a big thing. driverless car are should not be allowd There is some good idea that driverless cars have but most of them are unsafey. | 2 |
0545b94 | This Facial Action Coding System is weird. Why would anyone want to know what someone else is feeling or how their emotions are? To me that is personal information that I would want to myself. Plus I doubt that there would be a whoe lot a people who would put money into this to just see what emotion they are. That is just me though. What do you think about this idea? Would you spend time and money on it to just see your emotions and what mood you were in? I wouldn't.
If you keep reading from now on I am going to argue why this is a bad idea, because it is. I mean who would spend any type of time, effort, or money on this just to see what your emotions are or how you are feeling. Honestly who wants to know what facial expressions to use to show that you are happy, I think we already know how to be happy. We dont need a machine to tell us how to look happy. Obviously when someone is happy something great has happened to them or in their lives and they have a great big smile on their face. We also know when someone is mad, obviously when someone is mad they don't like to talk very much, and usually look like they are about to punch you in the face. For example in the text it shows you step by step what expression on your face we need to use to make us look happy, like no I know how to look happy or sad or mad, I don't need a machine to tell me how to do that.
So why do we need a machine to tell us these things when we already know them. Our world is just spending money on useless things and inventing usless things that our world today doesn't need. There is literally no point to the invention. Plus I don't think strangers would want us to calculate their emotions and how they are feeling right now. I mean those things are personal we don't know what their life is like or what they have been through.
To me this is what I am thinking. Is this really what they are spending our money on. The taxes we pay and all the bills we have to pay and they are speding it on these types of silly, usless inventions. Why? Just think, out of the whole world how many of us are going to use this? How many of us have the money to use it? How many of us would think its a great idea? Probably very, very, very few of us in the whole world would use this invention.
That is my take on this Facial Action Coding System. I dont like the idea of it. I think it it useless and would very seldom be used. What do you think? Do you agree with me, or not with me? Would you use it? Would you spend the money on it? Would you want someone to know how you are feeling and the emotions you are going through? | 3 |
0548f53 | Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the seagoing cows program.
Luke did not know that when he grauated from high school it will become hard. He has to work two part time job to get money to buy his own stuff.
So one day his friend asked him to go to Europe with him he could not say no because it was a big opportunity of a lifetime.
In 1945 world war two was over in Europe and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover there food supplies animals and more 44 nations joined together to help these people get all the things they need and all they supplies they need to help the animals thats why Luke and Dan sign up to help the animals and peole to get better and get the stuff they need to survive.
Thats why Luke and this friend Dan wants you to be in the seagoing cowboy group beacuse wants you to learn how to help other and do somethink nice just to do it and just to give because giving is nice beacause some people in that country like i said dont have food supplies now if you help them get that they will have enough to feed kids themselfs and others that dont have food. | 2 |
054b8f9 | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. This was implied numerous amount of times in the text, there are many dangers in even visiting this planet.
As stated in the sixth paragraph, '' However, peering at Venus form a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on groud conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.''
Also in the fifth paragraph, it was stated that '... temperatures would still be toasy around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.'' The wind and atmosphere and both something us humans would not be able to handle, even the spacecrafts dont survive. It was stated in the seccond passage, '' since no spacecraft survived the landing is more than a few hours.'' The conditions of this planet are just not living conditions or spacecraft areas.
Stated in the third paragraph that the ''atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.'' ''... the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit'', that is extreamly hot, a human in that hot temperature would fry.
Regaurdless of it, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. He states, and i quote '' Striving to meet the challenge presented b Venus has value, not oly because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will liekly lead us into many equality intimidating endavors.'' As the author has implied, scientists would be able to discover so much more, reguardless of what it is aboutl. Even discovering how hot Venus could get, or how risky it could be to continue exploring. As the reader, we want to know more about this astonishing planet, and so do many others. | 3 |
054e4c8 | The face on Mars is nothing but a natural landform. Contrary to popular belief, it is just a rock formation that coincidentally looks like a face. Scientists figure it is just another Martian mesa, which is common around Cydonia.
The scientists at NASA made it a priority to obtain a clear photo of the face on Mars, due to the unlikely possibility that it is in fact, an alien artifact, for which they wanted a clear answer. When Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, it snapped a photo, much clearer than the one obtained by the Viking. When the photo surfaced online, it proved to be nothing but a natural landform. However, some people were not satisfied with this discovery. Conspiracy theorists began to theorize that there were alien markings hidden by haze, which caused for another search to get an even clearer picture, which was not easy. The photo obtained on April 8, 2001 was a phenomenal photo, which proved the face on mars to be a mesa, nothing but a happy accident, you could say. Conspiract theorists also believe that NASA is hiding evidence from the general public, which is absurd. A discovery like that of an ancient alien civilization on Mars would benefit NASA.
So in conclusion, the face on Mars is something much like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, just a natural landform. | 3 |
05508b4 | The author is very convinceing he didnt just say whats good nor did he say all what is bad.
From the text he made the evidce of how Venus has made it difficult to walk on or be near. He siad that the prussure and the heat is even difficult for the bots that scincetist had made.
He also siad that NASA is compelling an idea that sends human to study Venus. they are trying to make a blump-like vehicle 30 or so miles above the rollong venusian. It would still be 170 degess fahrenheit. Thought the presuure would only be as sea levels on earth.
NASA even may bring old technology called Mechanical Cumputers they were first envisiond in the 1800s and played and important role in the 1940 during World War ll. they are not like the smart phones or cumputers we have. Mechanical Cumputerscan can last in heat even longer. They work with gears and levers.
The author did make good points. Which are convinceing and to be honest I wish I would go now just to see what it looks like. He proved that there is more then one way to prove that we can study venus even if we cant see it in person. | 2 |
0550fb1 | What is The Electoral College? It is a process the founding fathers established in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified cirizens. The process consists of the selection of the electors. Most states use a ''winner-take-all'' method that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. The Electoral College is the method we use for voting and selecting our president's.
Thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Over 60 percent of voters prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Therefore I think that we should change to a popular vote. Over 50 percent of the people agreee, and I think that should be enough proof. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency.
The problem with the electoral college is that you voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, wwho in turn elect the president. For instance, if you lived in Texas and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate. The slate containing 34 Democratic electors pleged to Kerry. Most likely those voters would probably win the election because Texas is a big state and a high percentage of the people voted Kerry.
The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. Just as Romney was a solid regional in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states. This causes the method to be difficult to chose a for sure winner. Usually elections are always close.
The Electoral College restores some of that weight in the pollitical balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. The method may turn off potential voters. Especially for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. Democrats in Texas and Republicans in California. I think that we should changeb to a popular vote method. Either way, people should be encouraged to vote because every vote counts. | 3 |
05580e1 | There are many questions about the mystery of the "Face on Mars." The article states that the picture of the Face is " the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West." More information about the "Face on Mars" is in the following statements.
It has been scientifically proven that the Face is nothing more than a rocky landform. Although it may seem to be formed my aliens, the Face truly is just a natural rock formation. There is no actual evidence of life on other planets. Why assume that just by a mesa? The Face is made up of shadows. You too can probably make shadows that look like something it is not.
NASA has taken photos at different pixel sizes. Not everyone agrees with NASA's statement because they truly believe that NASA is hiding information from them. Talk about the Face began after some people decided that it would be a "good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." Afterwards, many conversations and arguements were about the Face. It became a pop icon once it reached across the nation. Many people paid attention more to what they were watching rather than what they were told by NASA, the people with the facts.
Conspiracy theorists began saying that NASA was holding out on them by not saying the complete truth about their discovery. Much goes into a discovery that shouldn't go without apreciation. Scientists still held onto their beliefs and avoided correction by a few simple facts. The time that the first picture was taken could have been a perfect time that the sun was creating a shadow. I believe that the Face is just shadows that are made by indents on Mars. You would need to have more than pictures of a rock formation to support your theories on whether or not alien-life does exist or not. More goes into a theory if you can support it with proper evidence. | 3 |
05592d5 | People over the years that have been talking about cars that drive themselves have found this topic very interesting because of the phrase" Cars that drive themselves". Yes it sounds interesting and very cool and far into the future but there are downsides to this idea and there are some good sides. It depends on the people that you ask because some could say oh no way! Then there are some that could say oh yes way! Then you have to think of it this way, are these futuristic cars even safe for humans to be in?
Driverless cars do sound really cool to me because then you don't really need to do anything but sit back and watch. Then again I just don't think that I would want a car that drives itself only because of the dangers it kind of puts you in. For example, in the passage it states that these cars have all of these sensors on it that can keep you safe while you're driving it, well what do you do if while that car is driving and one of the sensors malfunctions and there is a car running a stop sign while it's your turn to go what do you do? You won't even see the car coming from the side of you and that sensor malfunctioned so it can't alert the car then you get smacked into by the other vehicle. These cars do come with very dangerous factors and possibilities that can happen at any given moment. So yes these cars are cool but I would never get one for myself.
In paragraph two when it talks about how television and movies have been fascinated with cars that drive themselves, I think it can be a bad thing for them doing that. That's because the way movies and TV portray the driverless cars is so unreal but others who don't understand that well, they could be in a good amount of danger. For example in the movie Transformers, every single one of those cars drive themselves. They steer themselves, they can open their own doors, they can do all of this stuff and someone who actually believes that that is what these manufacturers are coming out with, then they are wrong because they think that it will be able to do that stuff and while they're distracted BOOM! They just got t- boned by another driver because the person wasn't paying attention. These cars could really cause a lot of danger to society.
Driverless cars are way too dangerous to me, I feel like people would be irrisponsible with them and cause harm to the community. I'm against cars that drive themselves for right now until they can proove to me that these cars are 100% safe. Like we all know today there are crazy drivers out thtere and with them on the road with a car like this, that could put a ton of people in danger. To help prove my whole point in paragraph 9 it says that "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer"? Well here is the thing, it said if the technology fails. That means that there is a chance of the technology failing and causing harm, just like a lot of other technology can do. For example, some sort of saw to cut wood or metal. If one of those things malfunctions and a blade goes flying it could hit someone and easily kill them. Not all technology is 100% fool proof so that is why I wouldn't trust this driverless car.
So once again I do not support the creation of one of these driverless vehicles because of a safety issue. Even if this car does have all of these sensors on it that doesn't mean that it is totally safe because you still have all of these other crazy drivers on the road that could potentially smack into if they aren't paying attention or even if you aren't paying attention. Yes in the movies these cars do look really cool but I don't think that they need to be created and brought into real life. I say that we just stick to what we already do. That's having actual people drive the car instead of having a computer programmed into the car driving it. Now I know people don't drive 100% either but what if the technology fails and someone dies in a crash? Then what do you do? You definitely can't blame the person for something that a company made malfunctioning. We the people just need to stop and think about what all could happen if you let a computer drive your two to three ton vehicle. | 5 |
056394c | What is your opinion on smart cars? Would they help or just create future issues that were worse than before? I personaly support the current movement on smart cars. If the technology improves enough to cover all the current issues then I believe smart cars could really help alot. They would decrease accidents and allow people to use valuable time driving to do other things like learn or invent. Im standing in neutral ground though on weather they should be completely driverless unless they improve the smart cars in a way to make them completely safe.
To fully support smart cars and turn the publics opinion on supporting them I belive they need to create new laws that would clearly state whos resbonsible if an accident does accur. I think this because who would want to buy a car that you dont have to drive, but if the car does get into an accident your resbonsible! That would be a big problem and would creat problems between individuals and car manufacturers. The question being whos resbonsible?
Another thing they would have to improve would be their sensing technology. They would have to improve this because currently if their is an accident or detour they driver has to take over. If they want to make driverless cars then they should be driverless at all times. Would you agree? If the driver is being entertained and watching movies then suddenly after hours of watching movies he has to be completely focuse and in control of the vehicle wouldnt the person be a little tired and not completely focused? Im not totaly for sure how they could fix this problem, but im sure it will raise questions in the near future. Seeing how they want to push the people into supporting smart cars they would have to fix all issues and cover all the corners.
All of these small improvement would, in my opinion, turn the publics eyes into supporting smart cars. Getting the public to support smart cars would be one of the most important things to do if they want smart cars to be a success. If nobody supports them then all the work they are doing would be useless. Support would also put thme in a better financial spot. Having more money to put into smart cars would mean better and more improved research and development.
If all of the issues I brought up could be worked on and improved then, in my opinion, their would be no reasoning for people and myself for not supporting smart cars. Hopefully i'v coverd some of the current issues with smart cars and once their improved you will be like me and support the ever so growing idea of smart driverless vehicles.This is my opinion on smart cars. As long as they can continue to improve and come out with new ideas I fully support the movement on smart driverless automobiles! | 4 |
056a4a4 | Everyone today believes that having a car is the best thing for them. Truthfully, it is not. Not having a car can prevent from polluting the earth and benifit us as people in a much better way. Not having a car will stop accidents, prevent deaths, and save you money.
In Vauban, many families now do not own cars. Heidrum Walter states "When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Not having a car could actually make you a much happier person as well. You would'nt have to worry about spending too much money on gas or even getting into accidents. If you have to go somewhere far, you can just hop on a subway or pay for a taxi. I know, your probaly thinking: Paying for a taxi or paying for a subway ticket cost money but definately not nearly as much as having a car.
Next, without having to drive cars, our air we breath in will be much less polluted then it would be with cars. Paris evenually ended up on banning driving because the smog was so harsh to the environment. Anyone who drove cars were then fined. According to the article
Paris bans driving due to smog
"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France." Congestion is car traffic so therefore, there was less smog in the air. In the article
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota , it states "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines." Anyone who violated the rule was then fined a specific amount to stop the people from driving cars. Businessesman Carlos Arturo Plaza stated that "It's a good opportunity to take stress and lower air polution."
Not owning a car can help you and your family become closer because you will have to walk places together, it will help you stay fit and it will benifit the companies because they will start to boom. In source 4, Michael Sivak says "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." This means that more families are getting rid of their cars then they ever have before which will make the families closer. Walking everywhere will help you stay fit because your walking not sitting. Last but not least, companies will begin to boom. Source 3 states that "uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad smooth sidewalks: rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic: and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." They are trying everything they can to make this world a better place. They are redoing a bunch of stuff just to show that they care. So lets show them that we care about our world too.
So lets think about the benifits of not having a car. You will be less stressed, you'll be in less accidents and you will save money. If I could have that decision I totally would take it. It is benifical for all of us so lets just live life healthy. | 4 |
056f9ed | "
One nation under god", they say, so why do we still have other people determine our nations future? we should be able to have say over our country, atleast when it comes to picking the president. Yeah, We vote for the Electorals that are going to vote for our president, but how do we really know if they are. There are alot of schemes now a days regarding the government, our Electorals can just get paid off to promote one president but then vote for another.
On source 2 " The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford plumer says" Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate? Sometimes." I mean not only is the Electoral college unreliable but it is also confusing to some. At the end of the day even if we have some say in picking our president if he doesn't have enough electoral votes, he is still going to lose. It doesn't even matter if we vote anymore. On source 2 "what's wrong with the electoral college?" Bradford explains " in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the demcratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kenneddy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" This, is what I mean by unreliable, we can't trust our Electorals, we should be able to vote directly! who we want as our president and not some shady second party.
Another thing i would like to address in source 3 "Big States" Richard says " A large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state doess..." Exactly, if we do popular votes, candidates can just go to states and try to win them over as oppossed to Electorals taking claim of one state . Also if we approve popular votes, that one smalll state , could just make a difference on who wins so in other words, every state counts and every vote counts. | 3 |
0571af0 | The world is advancing, technologies are being built, and the enviroment is changing. Imagine living in an area where there's a limited car usage. It might sound horrible but life goes on without cars. As to limiting your car usage it also has it's advantages. The advantages goes towards the people and the enviroment.
To start, everyone would know that the main reason is because of the state of our enviroment. There's a lot of pollution going out there in the world and it's not safe or natural. To give an example, according to the article, written by Elisabth Rosenthal, "In german Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", passenger cars are responsible 12 percent of greenhouse gas and fifty percent in car-intensive areas in the United States. To exemplify, greenhouse gases is one of the causes for the changes around the environment. They're not the good changes either. To support this, the article "Paris bans driving due to smog", written by Robert Duffer, shows an example of Paris and China banning car usages due to their high pollution and smogs. Robert Duffer states, "Congestion was down sixty perent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." In other words, polllution can hold a great affect of people trying to go to work, have fun, or even visit someone. Not only is change in the enviroment is bad but some people can just live without the use of transportation.
The continue to the advantages, the people get to spend their time with others more and even be happy just walking around. Going back to the article "In German Suburb, life Goes On Without Cars" written by Elisabeth Rosenthal, a mother of two and media trainer, Heidrun Walter states, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." To extend this, having a car would cause some people to be tense and stressed. Without the ability to do anything about it but just sit there or walk, it is much better to walk around with the people who's close. Another example would from the article "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selksy, another commentary made from a businessman, Carlos Arturo Plaza agrees with it. Carlos Arturo Plaza states "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." In other words, not only is the car-free day works for helping improve the enviroment, it's good for releasing stress for few people.
To conclude, letting go of driving around may sound like a disadvantage but it's actually an advantage to those around us. It's an advantage for both the enviroment and us. Who wouldn't want a stress-free enviroment? | 4 |
05806ed | Twenty five years ago NASA Viking 1 spacecraft was looking for somwhere to land on Mars for Viking 2 when it sppoted a showdow that looked like a face. The enoemous head was nearly two miles from end to end. The facewas just a natural landform.
Only few scientists believe the Face was an alien artifact. But the article states that when NASA unvieled the image for all to see, the caption that went with it noted a " huge rock formation... which resembled a human head... formed by shadows giving an illution of eyes, nose, and mouth." Also in the article it says the author even reasoned "it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention on mars".
The fact that when the face appeared on the Jet Propultion Lab monitors was short lived also proves that it wasn't a alien because if it was they would have probably started doing test and research on it right away or if not right away then soon.
On April5, 1998, when Mars GlobalSurveyor flew over it for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture ten times sharpper than the orginal photo revealed it was just a natural landform. There was no alien monument.
Of course not everyone was happy. It's much cooler to have it be a alien artifact than a natural landform. People weren't giving up. The face is located 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter of April 98' when the camera on bored of MGS had to peer through clouds to see the face. Skeptics said the alein markings were hidden by haze.
Mission controlers prepared to look again. The article states that "we just don't pass over the face very often".
On April 8, 2001, it was acloundless summer day; the Mars Global Surveyer drew close enough for a second look. In the image things were three times bigger than the Vikings one so you could easily see if there were shacks or small airplanes.
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. These are landforms common around the American West.
This all proves that the so called "Face on mars" was just a landform and not from alien artifacts. The shadows from the landforms made it appear to look like a face but it was just a cauincedince. | 3 |
0581013 | ¨The Face of Mars¨
The ¨Face¨ on Mars is not an actually face at all. If there were life on Mars, this life definitally wouldn´t be enormous as it say in the artical ¨Unmasking the Face on Mars¨ in paragraph one. It states, ¨An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia.¨. Another reason why the face isn´t life on mars it that in paragraph twelve Gravin talks about how this face remind him of similar landforms back on Earth. Garvin also says how there are common landforms around the American West, so if there was life on Mars why would there be simlar landmarks on Earth? The staement Garvin say is that ¨It reminds me of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,¨ Garvin also mentions that the landform in Idaho is the a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same size as the Face on Mars.
In conclusion, The Face on Mars isn´t any type of life or aliens because there are similar landforms in the American West of the U.S. like the lava dome in Idaho that Garvin says is similar in size and it looks the same. Another quote in this article is ¨An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be looking at back at the cameras.¨ now if there was to be life on Mars, the life would not be enormous I can tell you that. | 2 |
058ecd3 | Limiting car usage isnt such a bad idea. For starters, it helps keep a friendly enviroment, it also saves money and time for people to get to know eachother and talk a little more.
To begin with, limiting car usage would help keep a healthy, clean enviroment. In the article, 'In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars' Elisabeth Rosenthal states that "the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting car reduced communtities, and legislatures are starting to act, if cautiously." Which shows that less car usage would help protect our enviroment. Not only the enviromental agency, but the government and people agree. Also in the article 'Paris bans driving due to smog' Robert states that "the smog cleared up enough Monday for the ruling French part to rescined the ban for odd-numbered plates on tuesday" giving us the fact that th esmog from the cars was hurting the eviroment and causing smog and reckless driving.
Secondly, limiting car usage would would save money and gas. In the article, 'Paris bans driving due to smog' Robert Duffer says that "almost 4,000 drivers were fined-diesles make up 67 percent of vehicles in France." We all know diesles an expensive gas, that more than half of France has to pay for just to get from place to place. It also proves that reckless driving and smog from cars can cause damage to someones pockets with fines.
Lastly, reduced driving can help people within the same community, get to know eachother better because your either riding around on a bike or walking, giving you the chance to associate with your neighborhood friends. As stated in the article 'Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota' , "parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven pitted sidewalks; rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resteraunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." which shows that driving had good aspects and helped the communty get along more.
In conclusion, thats why limiting car usage would have a good affect on our communities and a good affect on th ewhole world in general, because it helps keep a friendly enviroment, and it saves money and time for family and friends. | 3 |
0595f5d | The Mona Lisa is a subject painting by Leonardo Da Vinci who tried to show the perfect emotion of her, Mona Lisa's face 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry, How could we know that in a neutral face? Is not magic, is just technology.
Now exist a new system that can recognize the emotions, thsi new innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang of the Beckham Institute with collaboration prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam, they are experts at developing better ways for Humans and computers to communicate, this actually is not like math homework when we can calculate.
The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. Then, Dr Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr Pail Eckman creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). This man classified six basic emotions HAPPINNES, SURPRISE, ANGER, DISGUST, FEAR and SADNESS, and he associated each characteristic movement of the facial muscles.
In fact,we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day, so, you can probablly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.
The Mona Lisa demostration is really extented to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do, however the same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery. For now this is the answer for the questions of the beginnig, this is the new technology can do today, What will can do next? | 1 |
059af98 | Scientists are striving to meet the challenge of exploring the dangerous planet of Venus. Scientist believe that long ago Venus may have supported various forms of life. Looking up at Venus from Earth is a safe distance to visualize the planet since it is very challenging to examine it more closely. The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. These dangers include the enviroment, but it is worthy pursuit becuase it part of human curiosity, and innovation.
The atmosphere of Venus is very harmful since it is coated by a thick blankets of carbon dioxide, almost 97 percent of the atmosphere is coated."Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere"(paragraph 3).
The temperature are also extreme on Venus. The average temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 time greater that what we experience on earth. This pressure can crush a submarine. The temperature can liquefy many metals. Venus has eurpting volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes. Venus is now an inhospital to any form of life.
Human curiosity drives scientist eagerly to explore this planet despite of the many danger is upholds. Many scientist believe that Venus could have a been able to support life long time ago. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans." (paragraph 4). Scientists also believe that Venus can be be our nearest option for a planetary visit. NASA has an idea for sending humans to study Venus. Many forms of light cannot penatrate the dense atmosphere so we cannot takepictures, nor can they take rock,gas, or anything else.
Landing and exploring Venus can lead to innovation for humans. NASA is looking for more solution to be able to study Venus. They are testing out old technology so they can combine it with new technology like the computer. These experiences can innovate many other technology so that we can explore venus. In paragraph 7 it states tha "these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all ".
In conclusion there are many challenges that make things difficult to explore Venus. There is a purpose to explore Venus. NASA is trying to still pursuit solutions to these challenges so that human might actually have a chance to explore this dangerous but amazing planet. So when you look up at the "Evening Star" just think about the fasicnating planet that once might have supported life but also remind yourself that this is now a hostile planet that scientist hope that someday they can explore. | 3 |
059f496 | Of all things that you would want to learn about the human face, what would you want to know about the most? In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" author Nick D'Alto explains why and how emotional expression is valuable. In this instance, being able to tell what emotions people would have by using smart computer programs such as the "Faciak Action Coding" system would be revolutionary. This would be an amazing ability to have because it could most likely help people with a lot of life problems.
D'Alto explains that by calculating the facial muscles in the human face, his example being the face of the Mona Lisa, you could instantly detect each emotion like a simple math equation. This would be very helpful because it could help people with things such as school. D'Alto supports that claim by quoting Dr. Thomas Huang, who says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", and that if the computer does recognize the situation "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human
This techonlogy should be valubale, and usable. It would help the human societcy amazingly. This could possibly even be helpful to people with mental illnesses and other disabilities, and solve the problems of people who are suicidal or depressed. Facial Action Coding is the next big thing. | 2 |
05aacdb | The advantages of limiting car usage has errupted since the year 2005. America's love affair with vehicles has been like the love of their children. Most people cant get any where without a car; they begin to believe that without a car you cat go anywhere, but if they look at the bright side America has many uses of transportation such as bus, train, plane, car pool, hiking, skating, bicycle, and walking. By using these ways of transportation many places around the world will find that is much easier then using a car everyday; maybe if we tried to make these federal transportation toals in our city then maybe air polution will decrese or even go away completely. There has been many improvement campaigns around the world such as Bogota's day without cars and Paris's driving ban due to smog. Many counties, cities, and states around the world are finding ways of transportation without cars and we should to. A world without cars is a utopia of a new way of living because many people are much happier this way.
As a result, to a world without cars Vauban, Germany's people has said a life without cars is wonderfull even if it takes a little more time to get places. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families donot own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainor and a mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor"(Rosenthal.3). According to Elizabeth Rosenthal's statistic Vauban's citizens are happy in this new way of life; they have learned that a life without cars can be different' but happier so that they can go through out their busy days without hearing the sound of an ongiong car zooming pass them as they walk the streets of their cities."Vauban's streets a COMPLETELY car free besides the tram to downtown Feiburg and a few streets on the edge of the community"(Rosenthal.2). According to Elizabeth Rosenthal Vauban's streets being car free is a easier life; there is less traffic while trying to get to work in the morning, or even trying to get home, and picking up your kids in the afternoon.
"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city"(Duffer.10). Paris being near pollution has caused them to enforce a partial driving ban on its cities people. In my oppinion Paris going into over pollution would cause it population to die to the lost of many lives because of air pollution. After 5 days of intesifying the smog congestion decresased and there was many people rerouting their daily lifes to acounter the partial ban on their daily lifes. "On monday many motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day"(Duffer.11). Almost 4,000 motorist were fined that day because they did'nt want to listen to a simple order. Due to the partial ban the congestion of motor vehicles decreased by 60 percent in the capital of france. This ban is a good way to take away the stress of putting gas in your vehicles, finding someone to fix your car when it has broken down and a possible cure to lowering the global effect of air pollution.
As a result, to America's campaigns and organizations to keep U.S. drivers off the street and on public transportation the number of people driving and the number of people getting their license has decresased since 2009. Demographic shifts in the driving population has caused the population of many places around the world to stop driving cars and find new ways to get around. In the United States the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities and federal transportation toals, that mattering on its out come, may become a law throught the whole of the United States within the next six years. This law may cause many U.S. citizens to become upset because of the restrictment of something they use through out their daily lifes. Most people in the U.S. think that driving is the only way to get around but there are many ways of transportation mattering on where your going and how fast you want to get there. | 4 |
05adbff | This process doesnt need to make a huge change just some where it can be fair to vote. As it was stated canidates never spend time with other states and they feel their votes dont really count during the election. I think it would be better if the canidates would vist every state and talk to them about what changes would be made if theyre the president.
The state legislatures are more responsible than us as voters so probably our vote doesnt really matter. Also the elctoral college truly dont pay attention to the problems about the votes and states that dont have a spark of hope that arent effected by the election but in elections it gives the chance as voters to express that political knowledge and background who would be best as our president.
Other than that the other side of the argument is reasonable too. Theyre good outcomes to it like the voter most of them upstate really pay close attention to the election they take all this information on each canidates to know who to vote and they are the most thoughtful during it. The Electoral College is not only for the president when you vote its for the elctors so its important to choose the right president.
In Conclusion, its kinda in between on wanting to have it or not like theyre pros and cons on keeping it. | 3 |
05ae003 | "All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change". People love cars but also love money some love money more than cars people could save a lot of money on gas if they didn't have a car or cut low on they're mileage and use another type of transportation."when I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way" said heidrun walter a media trainer and mother of two. in the united states, the environmental protection agency is promoting "car reduced" communities. If more people tried the "car reduced" program the air we breathe would be much better then it is right now.
More places are trying to reduce car rates which I highly doubt but it never hurts to try. Even paris bans driving; paris bans driving because they want to cleant the air of the global city. "even-numbered license plates were ordered to leace their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)". Also Diesel fuel was blamed for the smog in France because 67% of the vehicles in France is made for Diesel. The smog cleared enough on monday but there's no saying that the smog is not going to come back... the plan to ban even and odd numbers plate licenses was a great idea for people of French they should do that every couple months so they could avoid the Smog. In Bogota, Colombia people are also having car-free day which is outstading for the community and for the the people in Bogota, Colombia."it was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day wtihout cars in this capital city of 7 million". the goal of banning cars is to promote alternative transportation and redcue smog. the more we use alternative transportation is more money the goverment and the people that doing they're jobs as alternate drivers."It's a good oppurtinity totake away stress and lower air pollution", said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Also the event was doing so well that two other Colombian cities joined such as Cali, and Valledupar.
"What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years befoe the downturn" said Micheal sivak who studied the trend and who is aresearc proffesor at the university of Michigan's transportation research Institute. the downturn must be now because as I see now almost everybody has a car these days old cars,recent cars, brand new cars, and all types of cars. " i think that means something more fundamental is going on". if the pattern persists and many sociologists believe it will have beneficial implicants for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second lagest source of America's emissions. Also more car companies are trying to make cars that are eco friendly like hybrid,Tesla, and the volt. the volt is an electric car that does not any gas run. | 2 |
05b01a4 | Venus, otherwise known as the "Evening Star", is the closest thing to Earth as far as the base planets go. It is often called Earth's twin, even if it doesn't seem that way. The surface temperature is nearly 800 degrees Fahrenheight, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of Earth. This being said, scientists are still fascinated by Venus, as it could have been just like Earth long ago. Despite the dangers it presents, studying Venus is a worthy persuit because it could lead to many scientific discoveries, and set foot on another planet and gather data, and see what happened to Venus and possibly find out how to prevent it from happening to Earth.
Even getting to Venus may seem like a stretch, but keep in mind that it is at times the closest planet to us, which is important considering the long time frames of space travel. Furthermore, even with the harsh surface temperatures, there's a way around it. A vehicle hovering Venus would still be able to get data about the planet without burdening itself with the the tough conditions. Even if this can only provide limited insight, scientists are working everyday to on technology that lasts long enough to be able to get meaningful samples such as soil, rock and gas. For example, NASA has developed simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in Venus-like conditions, and they lasted about 3 weeks in the harsh temperature and pressure. Another project is looking to the past to mechanical computers, computers that don't use electronics, but use gears and levers to make calculations. They could be made to withstand the conditions of Venus, while also taking data and making calculations for study.
Although there are many challenges that need to be overcame and scientific breakthroughs that need to be discovered before we even think about sending anything to Venus, studying Venus is a worthy persuit because of the discoveries it could hold. From regular rock and gas to preventing a catastrophe, scientists should continue to study our sister planet, and see what's really beneath the surface. | 3 |
05b0858 | Venus is the second plannet closest planet closest to the sun and has the tempature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents because of the challanges and resources that may occur. NASA has shown from this study that nobody has touched this planet because of their preventions.
Venus is a worthy pursuit of studying despite the danger it presents from the challenges that occur. From knowing the risks of people not surviving to be able to stay on a planet for more than a few hours, it makes it more of a challenge to at least touch venus. Although the text states, "NASA’s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This shows that this is the safest spot to be close enought to venus. The text also states, "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable..." From the text, it has shown that nobody has the problem of going to venus for a study, just as the problem of coming back survived and healthy. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit by seeing what people are capable of managing to do.
From studying Venus that can pursuit many resouces that are and could be presented in this project. NASA sees this as a processing challenge by having resources that could be processed. For an example, the text states "systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.". By having a device that could help the danger and requirements, could solve the solution of the pressure in the atmosphere. If NASA is able to get to the planet, there will be many sources to be brought back for examination to study. For an example,"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.", the text has shown their are many types of feauture to be explored. The text also states,"More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance.", from this iy shows that if the resoucres come reasonable to use, it could increase the possibility.
From the study of venus it has shown knowing how it can increase the production of each challenge and resouce. It is possible to be completed with correct amount of studying . Studying impacts on how much you know of the project to process through all of the steps. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presnts by the challenges and resources being presented. | 4 |
05b31a1 | Venus is rather uninhabitable, or is it?
Although dangerous, one would not say uninhabitable, as that implies it is impossible. the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" Discusses how it is perfectly plausible, and even worth it! That is, only if we have the correct equipment to do so.
Now while there are dangers, such as sulfiric acid clouds, metal melting heat, earthquakes, lightning strikes, volcanoes, and the mechanism shattering atmospheric pressure (Paragraph 3), you may ask "Why go through the trouble if the conditions are so horrible?". The reason is that it was so much like earth long ago, oceans and rock formations, even theoretical life!
NASA is helping with this idea via brainstorming for ideas to study venus, the first is to hover above it, avoiding all the surface problems, and still being close. The only issue, as provided by the author, wouldnt work, because while they would be in the air, the clouds would be too thick to allow anything, thus rendering the idea useless.
Another NASA idea is to use different electronics, like simpler models, and having them TAILORED for venus, such models lasted up to 3 weeks even! If those do not work, instead of moving foreward in our electronics, NASA would move back, back to the 1940s with mechanical computers, levers and gears computing what a normal computer could quicker and better, but while the mechanical option is slower, it is MUCH more durable.
With all of these ideas, I feel the author did an outstanding job supports this idea, and I support it whole-heartedly, it may be possible in the coming years, as our technology rapidly evolves, so do we, what do you think? | 3 |
05b37db | It was either I'm against or for the value of using technology to read students emotions. I happen to be against it, because yo uuse technology for working not reading emotions first of all. Two, we aren't lab rats.
I think that if you want to find out your emotions, you're pretty weird from my point of view. You should know how you feel, not letting a computer or any other technology ran device to find out your emotions. If you don't know your emotions that's because you have mixed thoughts. Your facial expression that you show to people as you walk around should tell them how you feel, for instance; looking upset shows many emotions, smiling could mean you're happy or just faking it because you're actually really depressed and don't want anyone to know. This technology that people are creating just to do that is a waste of time. Do something different, don't focus on something that people may not really even use. There are more reasons on way I am against it because all it did was just show a painting's emotions.
Therefore, that is why i am against this facial Action Coding Device. It makes no sense to me at all on why anybody would want to create this type of technology. | 2 |
05bcd1b | th author supports this idea by giving me information on how close venus is and how the dangers on the planet is. the author also goives me the conditions on venus. the author also lets me know the terrain on venus and how its our nearest option for a planetary visit.
Venus is also known as the eaving star even tho that description is miss leading to scientists. the evidence i have is that venus is not habitable at all. venus is not habitable for many reasons. Venus is a very dangerous planet for us humans. Venus has a high level of carbon dioxide. Venus atmosphere is just a thick layer of carbon dioxide wich makes it hard
for humans to actully get through. As an example, every space craft thats been hasnt survived as long as just a couple hours. the pressure is also 90x srtonger than what we experience here on earth.
The only safe way to actully see and study venus is to hover over the planet just to keep scientists safe. Venus's is so much of a dangerous planet, scientists arent even able to get samples or rocks or gas. | 2 |
05c2752 | One part if me thinks that we should have driverless cars but another part of me thinks that we shouldn't. What if something goes wrong with the driverless car or what if the car doesn;t go the way that you want it to go or what if you crash? Do you just blame it on the car like its the cars problem or is it the persons problem? What if it your car gets damaged badly can they fix the driverless car and will they have parts for it?
I also idea because what if you have to call someone or text someone and its something important. I think they're also good for navigation. You could just tell the car where you want to go and it will take you there. It could probably cause less accidents because its ran by a computer and usually the people fault foir the accidents but what if the computer just stops working? Does that mean that the car just stops working?
Before they realise the car I think that they should have better technology first. The technology now is amazing but I don't think a computer can be smart enough to drive a car just yet. In the future I definaltyu think that they are going to have Google cars that drive themselves.That is my opinion on the driverless cars. | 2 |
05c4acd | A person who thinks that the Face on Mars is a alien is not right because I the scientist knows that it's not aliens because we have research on it. Even though it may look like an ailen it's not, it is just a natural landform.
In papragraph seven it states on April 5 1998 that the scientist took a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Alo it revealed on a JPL web site that it was just a natural landform. Also that there was no alien monument after all.
If the person who still thinks it was created by aliens is stupid because NASA has proof the it is a natural monument. I would show them the photos and have proof that it was. Anyways they would be able to see it way better in the picture and see that i was right.
In paragraph 12 it says that the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. "The lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
In conclusion, a face created by aliens and put on Mars is unrealistic. It had to be God or just a natural lanfrom. NASA has proved it in 2001. They also have pictures of the landform. Therefroe it was not aliens. | 2 |
05c8b2d | The face on mars is a rock formation. No aliens made it. We have seen it and belive that it is just a mesa. And we dont want to freak people out. Some people are against nasa and sa that it is aliens. Here is why
In 1976 are satilite the viking 1 was orbiting mars and takeing pictures of the planet. When we looked at them we noticed this one. A picture of a face on mars. When we noticed it eas just a mesa in the face. When some people herad about it they thoght it was aliens who made that. We then told them that it was just a mesa that when the shadows hit it it made it look like a face. And that nasa's budget wish there was an ancient civleization on mars. Ther is some like this one in the west. ONe is the middle butte in the snake river plain of Idaho. Some people say that nasa is hideing that there is life on mars and they say there is not.
So that is why we are telling people that it is a mesa. We don't want them to freak out that aliens excicst when they do not . We also wish there was an acient civilization on mars. In conclusion it s just a rock formation. That was there for a long time that shadows made us think it was a face. | 3 |
05c94e5 | Studying Venus
Planets are a very interesting, Earth, Mars , Venus, and others are all planets in the solar system. Venus is an interesting one, and one that not much is known about. This is why Venus must be explored and have discoveries made. Venus is a planet that is worhty of being studied and there are reasonable factors as to why that is. The planet Venus would save time while visiting it, it is much like Earth, and if it was researched many important discoveries about the weather could be made.
Venus is worth being studied because it is one of the closer planets to Earth. It is a planetary neighbor to earth. In the article ,"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it states," Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel" (Par. 4).Because Venus is a closer planet to Earth time could be saved and there would not be a worry about time being lost as if traveling to a different planet.
Secondly, Venus has similarties to Earth, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" (Par. 4). Just like on Earth Venus also includes the same quality land features. Going to Venus and discovering the way the land features form would be a magnificent thing to discover and being able to see how the earthquakes and natural disasters appeasr.
Lastly, while exploring Venus, reasoning for the temperatures and dangers of Venus could possibly be prevented. If someone was to discover how to prevent the dangerous factors then maybe there would not be a problem to land on Venus. Making that discovery is important and would help scientists learn more about Venus. The article states," On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth"(Par. 3). Taking time to discover Venus could be a great thing.
Although Venus is a dangerous Planet with crucial temperatures, exploring the planet could be very beneficial to scientists and multiple discoveries could be made. Venus is a planet that is worhty of being studied and there are reasonable factors as to why it is. The planet Venus would save time when visiting it, it is much like Earth, and if it was researched many important discoveries about the weather could be made. Contributing to the study of Venus may be challenging, but in the end would be quite beneficial and would make a difference. | 3 |
05cafcf | I think that using the Facial Action Coding System in schools is a great idea.
Teachers always want to know if you understand the lessons and objectives they are teaching you.
If you're anything like me then you will just act like you know what's going on because you don't want to ask any questions.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System in classes would be valuable because it would help show the teachers if the students understand what they are being taught, it would help the students understand eachothers emotions, and since most schools have technology the system could show how they are feeling on their devices as well.
If teachers had the Facial Action Coding System device on hand they could easily see how the students are feeling about a particular lesson.
This would work well for the students that don't share their opinions in the classroom or at all.
If students did not understand a lesson the emotion reading device could show the teacher how the students are feeling.
If the device shows students are confused or bored, the teacher could modify the lesson to better the students and increase their knowledge capacity and possibly make it more entertaining.
The technology could also help the teenagers express how they truly feel because some teenagers are hard to read.
Some teens, like myself, have a resting face that makes me look angry at the world and unapproachable.
I think a device like this would show that some peers are not as angry or upset as their resting face shows.
Also, most communication takes place over technology nowadays.
Personally, my school has laptops and I think it would be great if the software was on our devices because emotions play a huge role in everyone's lives.
This software would also help numerous school guidance counselors across the globe because they deal with all sorts of emotions everyday.
I know some of my peers do not enjoy sharing emotions or their opinions on certain situations with people they are not familiar with, and I am the exact same way, but if you are in harms way and still will not express what is going on then this device would be exremely helpful.
The technology has the intelligence to identify mixed emtions which is helpful because most people have trouble percieving facial traits and expressions.
If my school had this software, I would be all over it trying to find out how I feel because sometimes I don't even know my own emotions.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System in classes would be valuable because it would help show the teachers if the students understand what they are being taught, it would help the students understand eachothers emotions, and since most schools have technology the system could show how they are feeling on their devices as well.
I think using the Facial Action Coding System software on our school computers is brilliant idea, and I personally think my peers would test it out in a heartbeat.
There are numerous benefits and positive outcomes from using this software in a classroom. | 4 |
05cb18a | Today I'am going to convincing you that you should participate and the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think that you should participate because you get to go on a cruise like Luke did and the story of A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves story. Also you get to have fun and If you have not been on a cruise before you get to try to have fun why you are doing your work like going to check on the animals but be careful. If you like to be a cowboy and a cowgirl you can participate in the program if you like cruise's and animals. You can always can help out the animals and the people if you see them and you trouble like trying to get there animals to eat and you see them going crazy you can help out. Luke's claims from the article that he try's to like help out the animals by going to check on the animals ever each time to get his work done on time. He one time failed down the stairs to check on the animals but he couldn't work becaues his rib was broken but he was doing fine. Luke was always do his work but he do a good job to finish his job on the cruise. Luke claims was okay because he try to get done so he can check on the animals because he don't wont to get fired from the Cowboy Waves program because he like working as a cowboy he might be a cowboy that's might be why he work there because he can talk to his friend's and he might give people visit's on the cruise to see the animals to get food and to see the animals to. Luke might show you the place if you participate and the program i will to because it sound fun to be and the program. All i was trying to say that you should participate and the Cowboy Who Rode the Waves program because it might be fun because you get to be on a cruise. | 2 |
05d73d1 | Driverless cars would be very effeiciant. There are many pros to having them and it would be very beneficial for many reasons.
Like Sergey Brin said, these cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis. Since we're already started to run out on this fuel, having these types of cars would benefit us very greatly. If self driving cars could get better alerts for when the driver needs to do something, it would be easier for people to multi task as well. Self driving cars would also be better, because less crashes would happen. From the text, sensors can cause the car to apply brakes and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response than a human driver could manage. More improvememnts could make driving much more safer.
Although the self drivng cars are not completly driverless now, it would be very possible to do so with funding. If it were possible to make a car completely driverless, there would not be so much doubt about them. There would also be much more safety. Self driving cars would be very reliable. If it is possible to have them by 2020, a lot could change about transportation.
Driverless cars would definitely benefit people today. It seems like a very possible idea. Although there are some flaws about it now, it could definitely happen in the future. | 2 |
05dcee6 | How would the Facial Action Coding System be valuable in a classroom?The makers of this system say that it can be hard to read someones face and how they feel,well the system them made can help do that.It would help alot in schools if they had it because then they could see how the student will react to the work given.When the teachers can see what the sudents like to do and shows what they are good at, they will do that more.Witch will help the students by them getting to do a little more of the work they want to do.
This system can also not work as well as thought to..Well if the student doesn't want to do any work then he will make the face that shows he doesn't want to do anything.That can be bad cause then the teacher won't know what the students will like to do,or how the student will react to the work givein.It can be a waste of money as well to the school system because if they buy it and then it doesnt work out then they just wasted money.The Facial Action Coding System can be helpfull and aslo can be not helpfull. | 2 |
05e1eae | The Venus are not safe, there are the reasion why the NASA are challenging the Venus. The author idea was that studing the planet Venus are to know everything about this planet and show how bad it could be. There are none of the single spaceship has touched down on Venus. There are somthing wrong in the Venus or somthing bad about it.
In the Venus's atmosphere there are the clouds of highly corrosive acid. A thick atmospher of the Venus are almost 97 percent carben dioxide and on this planet surface its was 800 degrees. The Venus has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. In this peace of evidence in the artical it's shows whats it like in the Venus and how danger its can be or whats it like.
The temperatures of Venus its around 170 degrees Fahrenheit thats means it hotter in the Venus. There are another ways thats the spaceship can be safely its cam be far above the planet not to close to the planets. In this artical the scientists and the researchers how to figer out how to get close to the Venus and the also study about the Venus.
The challenge of Exploring Venus can be dangrause to be there: its can be hotter, the weather, or maybe the tempertuer. The way the Venus can be is like earth; the people say that the Venus and Earth could be alike. In the artical the author support his idea was the Venus is harder to exploring and in earth its like easer, but the earth can had bad weather like Venus. | 2 |
05e6736 | A driverless car? Now that's ridiculous. How are you suppossed to get your licenses when you're older? People are going to depend on manufacturer cars. I think this is unnessesary because the future generation isn't going to learn how to drive an actual real car. Cars that humans can actually drive.
In most states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Flordia, and even the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars. Yeah, it's okay to have driverless cars around, but only for certain emergencies. Driverless cars can even take over people's jobs! And what are those people going to do without a job?
If the technology fails and someone is injured, who's at fault the driver or the manufacturer? Probably the driver because he or she didn't took over when the emergency was occuring. And what if that certain person didn't have a license? Even though traffic laws change we are still not garunteed that we will be safe inside a driverless car. New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident.
In conclusion, we are still going to be in risk. I still think it's a ridiculous idea. I predict that they are going to be more accidents than they are in regular cars. The road to autonomous cars stretches on over the years. We are growing closer and closer to the destination every day. Do you think driverless cars will take over? | 3 |
05efbec | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author, Nick D'Alto explains how a recent technology called the "Facial Action Coding System" reveals human emotions in pictures. This is actually rather convincing to believe. How can you identify a picture's emotions through a new software? The use of the new technology, "Facial Action Coding System" used to read facial emotional expressions is not valuable to students in classroom because it seems too expensive for a public school to use, it looks to be more useful at images, and video games.
"Facial Action Coding System" is not useful to students in a classroom because it is expensive and mostly unaffordable for all classes. D'Alto explains what this technology is made up of, and its component looks expensive. On paragraph 3 the author explains that, "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." (D'Alto 3) Having a 3-D model computer in classes not less than a hundred is money consuming and might ruin the school's budget. Having such prestige technology in class does not mean the students in the classroom will learn better or try changing their facial expressions.
Also, most of these type tehnologies are useful mainly at expensive images such as Mona Lisa portrait. This type of system only helps solve the mysteries behind old images such as Mona Lisa and not students' emotions. The author reveals that. "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do." (D'Alto 6) This shows that the Facial Action Coding System is mainly useful for such mystery portraits. It only helps solve people's curiosity rather than help students in classrooms.
Lastly the new technology also help make computer expressions more real in video games. Dr. Huang explains that, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive__ for video games or video surgery." (D'Alto 6) This evidence shows that the new software is more valuable at helping video gemes to look more real than helping students to study harder or to succeed.
Lastly, the new technology, "Facial Action Coding System" is not relevant for students in classroms because it is unaffordable, mainly useful for expensive portraits, and video games. There are many disadvantages than advantages for using the new technology at schools. The new system is more useful at video games and expensive portraits such as Mona Lisa's than in schools. | 4 |
05f81ce | Driverless cars are comming, and that is a good thing. Driverless cars can be more fuel effecent, and saffer that normal cars today. They can also be more relaxing for the pasangers in the car. Driverless cars are something great, and the future will be a safer, cleaner place with them.
Driverless cars can be more fuel effecent than the cars we drive today. As the text says," He envisions a future with public transprotation system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-transport taxi systam. The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than the bus." This quote from the text tells us that if we switched over compleatly to driverless cars we would use half of the fuel we use today. Driverless cars would help the world be a cleaner place.
Cars that can drive themselves can also be alot safer for the people traveling inside them and for the people around them. Smart cars will sense the world around them, and they can help make things like trafic jams and road blocks safer for everyone involved. As the text states, " The Google car simply announces when the driver should take over. Other options under consederation are flashing lights on the windsheild and other heads up dispalys. Manufacturers are also consiering useing cameras to watch that drivers are remaning focused on the road. While the driver watches the road. the car watches the driver." This quote from the text tells us that the smart cars will alart us when danger is ahead so that we will be prepared. This will help prevent colisions with other cars and pedestions. The driverless car with help make the world a safer place.
The driverless car will give the pasangers in the car a more enjoyable ride. The pasangers will not have to deal with the stress of the road. Allthough the driver will still have to be paying attention o the road, he or she could relax knowing that they are in the hands of a smart driverless car. In the text it says,"We have to interpert the driving fun in a new way." This quote is saying that the driverless cars will be a fun alternative to the manual cars we drive today. The new smart cars will be a relaxing and fun car for the future.
The driverless car has many positive facters, but it also has a few negative facters. There is the posabitaly that the car can malfuction, or not sense an accident. There are manny varables in the new and evolving world. But man kind can never experances the true joys of life without trial and error. The driverless car will take time to perfect, but when it is complete it will be a masterpice.
Smart driverless cars are the future. They can provide safety like cars today can not. They are also a more fuel effecent way of transportation. And lastly, driverless cars will creat a more relaxed and fun emviroment inside the car. Driverless cars are better in many ways to what we drive today, and will provide a saffer emviroment for the future. | 4 |
05fa0f0 | The author details supports it's idea on the suggests of studying venus is a worthy pursuite the dangers it presents. In this passage called the challenge of exporing the venus .
venus is getting referred as earths "Twinn" over time humans have been sending numerouse spacecrafts to land on the cloud-draped world where no spacecraft is able to survied the landing for no more the a few hours . There a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxdie blankets venus in our solar system. But did you kniw the avergae temperature is over 800 degrees one hot planet. Did you also know that farenneit and the atmosheric pressure is also 90 times greater that what humans experience on our own planet . Notable venus has the hottest sureface temperatue or any planet in our whole solar systam. They say that the weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting strikes to probe seeking to land on its sureface. Wow our planet is so inhospitble it includes valleys and mountains and craters . so instand od sending spacecraft out they used a computer that was made in the 1800 cause that computer that does not require using electroics this computer goes off on of calculations by using gears and levers modern computer are enormously powerful , flexible and quick to extreme physical conditions . Humans will likely lead us into many equally intimdating endeavors . to where it should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and invaion to the challenge of exploring venus. | 1 |
05fa43a | Using this technology that could read emotional expressions of students is very valuable. Imagine someone acting to be really happy with a big smile in their face, and then actually being upset about something. The article had a lot of possitive points about this technology.
A lot of people would say no to this technology because they are getting checked by a computer. Some are also very excited to see if the computer would actually say how they are feeling and their imotions they are feeling. It can calculate how you feel just by constructing your face and seeing how all 44 mucles of your face are.
Dr. Huang says "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expresion." He is trying to say that even when people try to change the way their face acts. The computer may still know how your actual emotions are. These new technology is so amazing because it can even be on your own PC.
Scientst have used these technology to in many things. They have used it specially in the famous art work of Leonardo da Vinci's, Mona Lisa. They have found out how she was actually feeling when she was being drawn. These new technology can actually calculate every emotion. Even if it is in the past.
All these amazing things about this technology should be valuable in classroom. The students would be able to study new things about how this actually works. How it can make everyone feel better about it. The students actually doing this things with these technology would actually make them a bit happier. This is why this technology that reads expressions should be valuable in a classroom. | 3 |
05ff7b3 | Now you can actually know how thye feel by an app. This is now something that is being used to recognise the emotions of old paintings and it might actually be good for people. it will be able to tell how you really feel, it can hlp kids in school. and it also helps produce emotions.
We all know someone that says they are fine but they think something else, but we cant fingure out how they also feel. But with this new program it will be way easier and that is a good thing. "the software can even identifiy mixed emotions.... each expression is compared against a neutral face(showing no emotion)." Since this software can tell peoples emotions it could help in therapy with things, like if a person comes in for therapy but says they feel good about it but they dont act like it the therapist could do this test and see what they are having trouble with or how they really feel about the subject at hand.
Some kids can get bored in school and just zone out because the material they are being taught does not click with them but that can be changed with this new program. " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Dr. huang predicts." Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." this could benifit both the school system and the child. the child will be more attentive with the lesson if he or she understands it or they think it is interesting and then they might even score higher in school, and have a better futre.
Some people might just look mean when you walk by them, or it may even be you that always gets asked "You always look mad so i dont talk to you." nut now since this program came out, the theory that comes with it is that it can help you produce new emotions. " According to the Facial feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them." this can benifit poeple in many ways. They might become happier and more out going. They could have better oppertunities when it comes to work because they have a good attutide.
This new facial feedback could be really good for us as people. it could halp many peoplr in thier lifes. | 3 |
06041d8 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the auhtor did not make enough evidence and information on why it would be of great value to explore our twin planet, Venus. Most the article was relaying challenges, or risks, as some might say, and probable solutions to those risks. The part in the article on why it would be of great value to study Venus does not give us a lot of reason why.
For most of the articel the author was giving was reasons why there unmanned missons to visit and why a single spaceship has not touched down on Venus in more than three decades. One reason as he explain was Venus's atmosphere. Another was the enivornment of our neighboring planet Venus.
Mostly the other part of the article was soltuions to Venus's challenges. He talk about how NASA had an idea to use an blimp-like trasnportation to avoid Venus's harsh enivorment. He also explained NASA's othe plan to use mechanical computers some modern technology wouldn't burn up and melt due to Venus very humid temperatures.
At the end of the article, in the last paragraph, is where the author briefly gave he reason for why studying Venus would be a good idea. He brings up recieveing insight on the planet. Also he brings up the hunger human curiosity and that it will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
Based on the information explained in this essay, the reason is now known why the author did not do a good job supporting why explorating Venus would be of great value. He mainly just explains the challenges and solutions to explore Venus. Hardly anything is say on why the value of studying Venus would be of great use. | 3 |
06047ac | a computer can not tell if your happy or if your sad, or if your confused or upset or angery. you can act like your happy and not really be happy people do it all the time they put on a mask. a computer dosnt know what your feeling, no one does but you so its kinda stupid to think that a computer of all things can tell you what your feeling. in the artical it stats how the software works and how your muscles in the face move when you show emotions. you can move the muslces in your face it also talk about how when you smile you become happy so acting happy makes you happy. you cant just become happy by smiling usely theres something that makes you happy so if you sad and smiling makes it better then why are there so many sad and depressing people out there. if smiling makes you so happy why isnt the world just a wonderful place. if this software is so good why dont they use it on criminals to see theyre tell the truth or to really show if they show remorce for what they did. this is why i dont think that useing a computer to tell emotion is very relaible. | 2 |
060694e | Imagen just looking at your computer and your computer telling your emotions. Do you think that is a good think? I believe that it is i good idea because it can help you learn something that is boring to you, help you understand what you do not know, and the computer can give you instructions on how to do your work.
One reason why it is a good idea because it can help you learn something that is boring for you. The computer can help find a video or something that can help the work be for fun or extced for you. For example, say that I do not like math or i can not figure out what the answer is because i am bored the computer can find a video to help me.
Another reason, is it can help you learn something you do not know. For example say the teacher does not explain a problem correctly and so the computer looks up a video or something that can explain the problem.
Last reason, is the computer can give you instructions on how to do your work.
For example the computer will look at your face and will see that you can not do a problem and sees your frustration and the computer will look uo an article,video,etc.. that will help you and it will give you instuctions on how to do something.
In conclusion, as you can see the technology to read the emotinal expressions of student's is a great idea because it can help you something that boring to you, help you understand something that you do not know, and the computer can give you instructions on how to do your work. | 3 |
0607ed1 | Dear senator,
I would like to say that the electoral college is not what we should be using to elect our presidents. I think the electoral college is not what Americans need. In the electoral college process, many thing could go wrong. The system does not work as many people think it does, as it is very deciving and unfair. Over half of all voters agreed that we should abolish the system and go by popular vote.
The electoral college is unfair due to the fact that peoples vote is not even going to the president but for his electors. The biggest moral of the country is "we the people" have control. The trickery of the electoral college is not allowing this to happen but taking it away. It is mainly unfair because of the winner-take-all system in each state. The electoral college interfered in the the presidential race between Al Gore and George W. Bush by allowing Bush to win even though more people voted on Al Gore in popular vote.
The many flaws in the system or mistake that can happen are more likely in the electoral college. The is a possibility that the two presidents can tie and in which case they have to go through a long process. This can happen due to an even number of electoral votes overall (538). The electors in the state of Louisiana have refused to vote for their party's canidate and vore for whoever they please ant that is not right. You can pay electors to vote one way which is also wrong too considering that not what the people think.
Many people agree that they system should be abolished including two presidents the united states Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter. Over half of all voters at over 60% agree that the system should be abolished. These statistics were taken in a Gallup Poll in 2000 shortly after Al Gore was not elected. The Obama vs. Romney race was won by Obama who had 61.7 % of the electoral votes versus he had only 51.3 % of the popular votes.
That's it! The electoral college is "unfair, outdated, and irrational" as Bradford Pulmer clearly staes it. The best arguements in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis of reality. Due to the many flaws and/or mistakes that can happen the electoral college should not be used. I have to agree with Nixon and Carter: "Abolish the Electoral college!" | 3 |
0608495 | The future is coming. Many new technologies will be developed over the next few years, and ideas that people have had for decades will finally have the possibility of becoming a reality. Flying cars, human-like robots, anything you can possibly imagine could very well be introduced into our future.
Although many new problems will arise with these new developments, setbacks such as driving/traffic laws, or the argument of who would be at fault in case of an accident will only be a ripple in the ocean that is our technology. These devices should most definitely be tested for years to come before they even begin to release it into the population, but in the end, I certainly agree that they could furiously enhance our style of living, and ultimately, safety for those around us.
For any of these ideas to become a reality, there is going to have to be many years of testing ahead, and many trials and errors, but in order for the human race to move forwards, as it has in the past, there are always risks and precautions that need to be taken, and warnings that we must heed. In the pass, countless lives have been taken in the name of science and technology, and I highly doubt that as we move forwards into our future, that will change much. People will always struggle to further the comfort of their living, even if that means taking from other people. It makes me wonder if technology such as this is actually going to be beneficial for our society. As I think about the health risks and funding needed for advances such as these, not to mention the threat of war from other countries, I begin to realize that maybe we will reach a point in the future where technology will no longer be beneficial to us, but instead, be counterproductive in the overall wellbeing of the world.
When all the facts are laid before me, with no deceit hidden behind fine print, only then will I believe that technological advances can only bring good into this world. Even today, it is becoming more and more apparent that social media and cellphones have altered our way of communication. No longer do we have to go outside to see people, or have conversations face to face, so that means that our world has become much smaller, yet also much bigger at the same time. Human confrontation may be a rare thing in thirty years, maybe even five. Although I, and most anyone else, enjoy the comfort of our technologies and lifestyle right now, there will most definitely come a time, maybe in the near future, where we regret pushing to try to make our life easier. Only time will tell when people begin to discover new ways to harm others, and when that time comes, we will regret ever pushing this far. | 3 |
0608fab | In the passage "Car-Free Cities" Have many advantages, but i feel that the main advantage is that it is good for the planet and to lower air pollution and aslo the movement is actually working.
Helping out the planet and staying green in some way is a good thing because it helps our planet look better not only that it makes it look better but it also makes us humans and the planet Earth healthier for example the air pollution can be lowered by driving cars less,instead od driving your own car you could take the bus,walk, or ride like in the text it says
"Its's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife."
I like this piece of evidence because it tels more on how being green can not only help the planet but alo tell how it can help human kind, because it helps you understand not only it can lower pollution but it can also lower your stress, but if you choice not to go along with the movement you shouldn't have to pay a fine of 5$ because to me it seems like that would be taking away a persons rights yes i get it "
The goal is to promote altnative transportatin and reduce smog"
but a person should not be force to do so.
Another advantage could be that the movement is working
"President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in American behavior: recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.
I like this piece of evidence from "Source 4: The End of Car Culture" By Elisabeth Rosenthal because it states what the president is doing to try and make our planet better, but not only that it also gives factual information by telling about fewer cars are being broughten each year and also fewer licenses are also being gotten
All in all this passage have many good advantages to help persuade people to start driving less and helping out our planet, One it is good for our planet because no one wants to live in a dirty place, Two it will help lower the bad air pollution, and Lastly is that the movement is working anyways so why not try and help out and drive a little less? | 3 |
060a4e7 | In the passage the Author suggests studying Venus is a worthy pursuit desite the dangers it presents. In the first paragraph the author says ¨Venus, sometimes called the Evening Star, is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.¨. In that quote it is saying that the Evening star is so bright that someone is not really paying attention could see it because it is so bright it can not be missed. It is also saying that it is one of the brightest points of light which means if you are lost you could look up and hopefully see that star and it will give you some light to find your way. Another quote from paragraph one is ¨However, this nickname is misleding since Venus is actually a planet. In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun¨. This quote means that even though Venus looks like a star because it extremely bright, and shows off an extreme amout of light it is a planet. Many people mistake Venus as a star but once they find out it is a planet they are amazed because of the brightness of it. In paragraph two it says ¨Often referred to as Earths ¨twin¨, Venus is the closest planet to earth in tearms of density and size, and occasionally the closest distance to earth¨. In that quote it is saying that Venus is known as Earths twin because of the size. The Earth and Venus are about the same size. It also says that Earth and Venus have about the same density as each other. In my opinion I think that the planets should all be different sizes and densities because of the fact that everything is different. When it comes to planets they should all be different sizes, so that people can easily point out the planets and be able to name them easily and not get them mixed up because of them looking the same size in the atomosphere. In the passage in paragraph three it says ¨A think atomosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankes Venus¨. In this quote it states that most of Venus is covered in carbon dioxide. If scientists wanted to go study Venus they would have to have many layers of protection on because carbon doxide can be very harmful to the human body. Especially since the carbon dioxide percentage is so high it can extrmely hurt the human body of anyone that goes to Venus to study it. My thoughts on this topic are that if they want to study it they should send up a professional to put something on Venus that can dectect any movement or anything on the planet. They should do that so the scientists wanting to study Venus can study it from a safe distance and out of harms way. | 1 |
060d2bb | Everyone think's that it is a face that was created by aliens but its not. The thing that appears to be a face is not a face it is simply a natural landform. It is a natural landform because on April 5, 1998, global surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and snapped a photo of the so called alien artifact. Their photo was ten times better than the original Viking photo so that meant they could get a better view out of it. After looking over the photo they found out that is was no alien arttifact.
But people were not satisfied. So on april 8, 2001 a summer day in Cydonia the global surveyor drew closer for a second look. As they rolled the spacecraft 25 degress to the center of the
face they took an extrordinary photo. Using the cameras absolute maximum resolution for the photo. That means for each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.
You can discern things in a digital photo 3 times bigger than the pixel size. So that means if the human lookin landform was an alien artifact u would be able to see airplans on the ground. Egyption-stye pyramids, and even small shacks. But what the phoyo acually shows is the Martian equivalent to a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. | 3 |
0613e60 | My position on driverless cars is that it is a dumb idea. It is not likley we will have them, right now they can only get up to 25 miles per hour. That is not a very fast car or at least not fast enough. We would have to change the speed limits, people would not be able to get to work on time. These are reasons I think the idea is stupid.
25 miles per hour is not a very fast car or at least not fast enough. Think about this, mostly all of our speed limits get up to 30 to 35 miles per hour. so what i am saying is that all the construction that would have to take place would be over whelming. In the text it said the car has a warning system to alert drivers about construction or wrecks. the system would be going crazy.
People would not be able to get to work on time. When a car we use now verses a "smarter" car the problems would be reliability and speed. In a modern day car we can sync our phones to them and have gps tell you where to go. If a modern car runs out of gas on the highway you can pull over, locate and walk to the nearest gas station with a gallon container and get more gas, then you could walk back to your car and put the gas in your car. Now with a "smarter" car it comes with a gps system, sure. If the "smarter" car however runs out of energy your navigation system will not work, and you would have to, in some way shape or form, get your car to a charging station then you will have to wait a while before its charged up and ready to go.
In conclusion those are the reasons I toatly dissagree with people that want "smarter" cars on the road. You can not rely on them . They are dumb and will not be able to function properly in todays society. | 3 |
0616815 | The reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is because if you do join you get to explore the world and help people while doing that. The best part is that you get to work with and help animals such as horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. So if you like to help and have fun then this program is for you!
Also you get to go across the ocean on a ship and get to receive orders from people to go to places to help and stuff. It could take up to two weeks to get to your destination. Or even a month depending on where you are going for example if you start at the eastern coast of the United States and went all the way to china it could take up to a month!
This program is a great opportunity if you want an awesome adventure and a great time in general. So just remember the name Seagoing Cowboys if you want to join. | 2 |
061ba37 | Is it really, good if u dont use a car day to day? People in Europe have started this new trend of having different suburbs to not have cars. Now, Paris is banning driving due to smog. Also, Clolombia now has a car-free day that made people bike, hike and aslo take buses to work making the streets have less traffic jams. The U.S, one of the most car used nations, has been going down, and in April 2013 the number of miles driven per person was the same as in January 1995. Experts are also thinking that if they encourage people to reduce the usage of cars, that it may help the greenhouse gases problem gradualy.
So one suburb that is already been established and made an car-free zone is Vauban, Germany. This suburb has minimal parking spots and people have easy access to stores. A woman said,
"When i had a car i always tense. I'm much happier this way"
. This movement of making places car-free is called
"smart plannig"
. "In the U.S the Envoirmantal Protection Agency is promoting
"car redused"
communities and legislators are starting to act, if cautiously."
In Paris, people were fined if they did not leave their car at home. This was put into place, because smog was intensifying. Also, smog is more in Paris than in any other capital in Europe. Delivery companies lost revenue, but electric cars and public transit was free of charge. After, the smog cleared the odd ruling was rescinded.
Colombia had an idea that was put into place one day and made a change in everybody. They made a program which is a car-free day which made people go hiking, biking and they rode buses to work. It made the streets clearer. It was put into place so that it woulg help the reduction of smog. This peogram helps people to know other ways to transport themselves without cars.
The U.S is the nation that has the most cars used. So, now they are trying to decrease the use of cars. A study showed that driving by young people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009. Also, people big car business are trying to help. The want to partner with telecommunications so they can create cities with lower emissions and improved safety. | 2 |
06235e1 | Technology is one of the fastest industrys growing rapidly in our generation. There are well over 100 ads on television that ties to better technology. These ads are to prompt customers into buying the latest devices such as the latest computer, mac pad, the IPHONE X, the smart phone that is as thin as a piece of paper, and the widest, flattest television screen. There is something that all of these devices do not have. Now a new system called the Facial Action Coding System is reaching the surface. This system allows computers to dictate how a person is feeling by just their facial expressions such as muscle placemnts in their face, the rise and fall of cheeks and under eyelids. So is this new system valuable, and can it be beneficial to our community?
This system is beneficial to our school communities. According to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto its says " a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"Dr. Hauang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructure." If computers were able to see how many kids were and were not ingaged in the activity that takes place on computers, then it would help the schools and the state to know what new things to try to keep kids ingaged so they can get the best possible education offered to them. This system is great for Istep test taking as well. Sometimes kids may fall asleep during testing or they may start too dose off and not be as consentrated as they should, and that could have a negative affect on their test. If the computer could read their emotions it would help us to know what the problem is and the reason why kids are losing focus and once we have confronted the problem we can then began the process of finding an affective solution.
This computer would be very beneficial in offices and in police stations. They could be used to help with criminal justice. A suspect can be told to tell their side of the story infront of a computer screen and the computer would be able to dictate that persons true emotions. This could make the officer, and investigaters job alot easier. They could be used in hospitals to keep an eye on how a paitent is feeling maybe after a recovery or when they are lying on their death bed. In the article it says " They even can indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." So there is no faking of emotions out of a crime. Its also says " In a false smile, the mouth is stretched sidways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." There is no faking with that computer.
This new system has the ability to make our jobs alot easier. Nowadays people dont usually communicate face to face anymore. That means people dont usually express theirselves in person as much as they once did in earlier days when technology wasnt around. So this can be a way to still be able to know how someone is feeling, esspecially if they are less likely to tell how they are feeling when your right infront of them. This can be very effective with younger kids who may not know how to epress how they may be feeling in the right way, shape, or form. This new system gives us a new way to still connect with our community. This new system is a pathway to a brighter future. This new system is valuable to our community. | 4 |
062455d | The studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The studys of Venus has almost the same features of Earth, using old technology that could help, and might danger humans.
One of the reason studying of Venus is a worthy prusuit despite the danger it presents because it might almost- like features of Earth, but its hard to get close to Venus to see if its true. For example," On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrennheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than whatwe experience on our own planet"(3). This explain that its too dangers to see if Venus has almost the same the features of planet Earth.
Another reason worthy prusuit depite the danger is using old technology fromt he pass. From the article," the thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and lever and do not require electronies at all" (7). This quite says that even tho NASA might use old technology from the past that technology don't require electronies from today. It's hard to use old technologly from the past with new things.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" that studying Venus is worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents. Useing old technology and seeing if Venus has almost the same featuresas Earth. | 3 |
0630503 | I would not think having the Facial Action Coding System in a classroom is valuable. The fact that not alot of people want others to know how they feel . Especally teens these days. Teenagers hide alot of emotions for multiple reason. Simply because it can lead to alot of questioning about their life. Not everyone would want people to know what goes on in their life that makes them depressed or sad.
Eckman classified 6 basic emotions - happiness, suprise , anger, disgust, fear and sadness. Why would anyone want anyone else to know if they'er sad or disgusted? What if you was talking to some one and they had an awful smell . Then , the Facial Action Coding System just show how disgusted you are. That would not only hurt the other person's feelings but make you feel mean.
Dr. Huang noted "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," "So computer need to understand that , too" . Most human are nonverbal because they chose not to be. Not every one just want to sit not and talk about their feelings. Also, Dr. Huang noted , "So computers need to understand that , too. Understand what? How might a computer understand? Computers are not humans , they should not have the need to understand anything from a human. That how people these days get so attached to technology. Technology is simply taking over the world and people minds set.
So therefore , i would not think having a the Fscicsl Action Coding Systen in a classroom is valuable. | 3 |
06333c3 | Cars have been apart of human life for about 130 years. thay have been our go to to get around from place to place. Driverless cars will make it all the more easier to get to places. I believe that autonomous cars should be implemented into everyday life. It will make it easier on the whole of humanity for transportation. It will become cheaper to afford transportation
Driverless cars have been tested and worked on since 2009. Google has been working to improve on the safety of the cars to keep the cars, the pasangers, pedestrians, and the infustructure safe from harm. With these improvements completed, the everyday life of humanity will become easier. The way the cars are being made it is said that they would for more fuel econmomy. With that in mind, the transportation system would be more affordable. So, the use of driverless cars will help improve our soceity with better, easier, and more affordable transportation.
In, conclusion the use of autonomus cars are a need for the future. For the better of our lives we could do more since we no longer have to take care of the car because they would be more of a taxi service. Which is more affordable for the poor people. | 3 |
0635458 | It is so hard to believe that our world today has come to cars that can drive themselves, or drive around for us humans. The future is here and it's time to quit holding these new inventions off and time to start accepting that the worlds technology today is limitless. People in our world today are becoming so intellegent that they can invent anything they set thier minds to.
First of all, if these car companies have been working on cars that can drive themselves since the 1900's, why should they stop now? Is giving up really worth throwing away 70+ years of hard work and dedication towards inventing smart cars that can drive themselves? NO, don't give up, continue to strive for a better and also safer future for the world today and generations to come.
Additionally, not only are these cars really cool and mind blowing, but very helpful to certain people. Imagine someone who has no arms, legs or even a disability that keeps them from driving and thier dream is to be able to drive a car one day, or even just to be able to sit in the drivers seat of an actual moving vehical. Well, with these new cars, their dreams can come true.
Finally, safety is the major key for these vehicals. No one is going to want to buy these vehicals or even be in one, if they aren't safe. As soon as companies make sure that these vehicals are 100% safe for families to be in and drive without the risk of a bad injury, there is no doubt that people will be all over these new cars.
The worlds future holds many more great inventions that either haven't been thought of, or are being carefully worked on and studied right now. There is no doubt that these cars are the next big thing. So many people will be inspired to create more things if they know someone could create a safe vehical to drive itself, then they can create an invention even better. | 3 |
0639535 | We should not keep the Electoral college because; first, it's unfair, and also, it can quickly turn into a disater.
To begin with, the Electoral college is an unfair system. In
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , " Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always."[Plumer, p10].When voters vote for the Electoral college the person they put in might not even vote for who the people want for the President. The system is not only unfair when people vote, also when campagins happen in states. In paragraph 13 of
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , the author states "Because of the winner-takes-all system... candidates don't spend time in states they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states.". With this system, we have some states that are left out of the campaign of candidates going through states, because they are not important to the candidate for winning.
In addition, not only is the Electoral college unfair, the system can fail at any given election. Plumer wrote in paragraph 11 "...what if a state sends two slates of electors to congress." the Electoral college is only to have one slate of electors from each state. With two slates from one state it would give both the state and the candidate an advantage over the rest of the states and the other candidate, that would turn into a disater. Not only can the states destory the Electoral college system, the system can destory itself. Included in paragraph 12, " The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe.". Even the people put into the college can ruin themselves by one or two electoral voters changing their minds.
Not everything about the Electoral college is bad. The article
In the Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our reasons despised method of choosing the President said, "'s less likely than a dispute over the popular vote."[Posner, p18]. Even the other vote systems are strongly disliked. The Electoral system is not the most disliked system but it can also get the President everyone wants. In paragraph 19,"... a candidate with regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president.". A candidate for the president can't focus on one region, because it will make other states feel that they are not important.
Finally, the Electoral college should no longer exist because, it's an unfair system and can quickly turn into a catastrophe. | 4 |
0640183 | In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author Nick D'Alto desribes how a new technologhy called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotion changes . Human changes are when a person can feel a little happy ,but more sadder. In this essay today I will explain how I think whether the use of the technology should be used in the classroms , based off what iv'e just read .
Based off what i just read in the text "Making Mona Lisa Smile " the author Nick, was explaining about how the emotion changes to Mona Lisa expressed how she felt based off cacualations using technology. In the beginning of the txet the author talked about the caculations emotions .For an example in the text text the author quoted " She's 83 perenct happy, 9 perecnt disgusted ,6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. No, that's not your science
teacher , grading your lastest lab assignment . " After , reading that example, you should have a question asking " How did they know that " ? .The answer to that question is rare , they knew how much percentages of each emotion was worth
because they caculated it using technology and her body strcutered muscles called Orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus. That helps shows the crow-feet aroud the eyes to vertify the emotions ; bsaed off body languages.
I feel that classroms need this computred based technology because it'll tell the teacher wether if a student is feeling good, bad, or okay . I know this because according to the text the author Nick was explaing the caculations of Mona Lisa . It explained her emotions and even the percentages of the emotions. I can connect this to when I was in 3rd grade. I was getting ready for the ISAT test. That day i was not feeling good, I was feeling 80 perecnt worries , 5 perent happy, and 25 percent sad. I did not move to the next grade all because of i was worried about how will I do on the test instead of getting it out the way . My teacher couldn't tell my emotions because my emotions was hidden in silence . That's why I feel this technonlogy should be used in classrooms, but if it is being used in the classroms I hoep it change the looks at things .
After, reading my essay I hope you get a good understanding why iv'e thought it was best to have the technology in classrooms . The caculations will explain how each student is feeling each day of class. The computer will show the progress of an happy , sad , worried, or okay student . A student actions and emotions explains their feelings ,but not the percentages. However, I hope teachers and instructors chose to have the computer based technology to explain a students emotions. | 3 |
0640912 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," there are both positive and negative aspects for driverless cars. The idea of automatic cars has been around for a long time. Technology was not as advanced as it is now. Improvements in computer software is going to help make driving safer and is leading to cars that can handle more difficult tasks on their own.
Having driverless cars is a great idea. There are a lot of benifits of having driverless cars. In paragraph 1 it states, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world". Having driverless cars would lower the number of deaths and crashes. Imagine someone being drunk and wanting to drive home. Having a driverless car would help that situation a lot less dangerous.
There are a lot of negative things about driverless cars. Having one of these cars would still require attention and assistance. In paragraph 7 it states, "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. The necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs". If someone is drunk or on drugs how will they know when a problem occurs? Not everyone is going to be fit to have a driverless car.
There are a lot of things a driverless car can do much better than a human can do. In paragraph 7 it states, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph...They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves...". If a person is unable to break fastly the car will do it. Having a automatic car can help the person worry less because the car will help get them to their destination safely and hopefully on time. Maufacturers are also going to consider using cameras to watch the drivers and make sure they are focused on the road. An automatic car would be good in a situation if someone gets a phone call or a text message. Even though they are supposed to be watching road it will still make it less dangerous. In paragraph 8 it says, "..Something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern".
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," there are both positive and negative aspects for driverless cars. There are more positive things about a driverless car than negative. Some say why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW manager driver states, " We have to interpert the driving fun in a new way". The idea of driverless cars will further be an idea and the negatives will be improved. Maybe one day there will be a true driverless car. | 4 |
0642363 | I believe that driverless cars are a bad idea. There are issues that can be seen to cause problems. The idea of a computer doing something for you takes out the factor of doing it yourself.
If a computer beggins to start to do the work for us when wont have any work to to do which, sounds beautiful but, in reality can become a disaster. If we let a computer do something for us like drive, then we can end up never learning things like driving which is a huge part in the dalay teens life. I am a teen and I believe that if I were to be given a car that drives itself i would never use it for the simple fact i dont get to use what ive learned in drivers ed to use.
I could go on with many issues with this idea. Like, if a computer were to mess up and wreak the car who would to be at blame? Would it be the driver or the manufacturer? These are some issues that could efect people.
I just believe that cars that drive themselves are would become a bigger issue then what people think. Other people can think their oppion on the subject. But, that is just my personal oppion. | 2 |
0644f5b | Studdies have shown that passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and 50 percent in the United States alone. Many people see this as and eye opener to life in the suburbs without motor vehicles. There have been actions on car deduced communities in Europe. Also France baned Driving do to smog. Sounds Extream, but it is very effective.
There have been some countries that have reduced the usage of cars to almost nothing. In Vauban, Germany Residents of this community have given up their cars. This may seem a bit insane, but the way the government did it is varry smart. Street parking, driveways, and home garages are generally forbidden. Their streets are completely "
". The government made it that if you still wanted a car you would have to pay an aditional $40,000 for a spot when buying your home. The result is 70 percent of Vauban's Families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move there. In the United States, the EPA (
Environmental Protection Agency
) is promoting "
car reduced
" communities. Legislators are starting to act as well. Bogota has a car-free day where the only motor vehicles running are busses and taxis.
Some countries are even going to harsh measures by banning motor vehicles all togather. In France they had so much smog that they baned driveing all togather. France desided that they where going to order even-numbered license plates owners to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). Same for odd-numbered cars the following day. almost 4,000 drivers were fined, and 27 had their cars impounded because of their reaction to the fine. But congestion was down 60 percent in the capital. In Bogota, Colombia they have had three straight years where cars have been banned with only buses and tavis permitted in a capital of 7 million. Their goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines. A businessman Carols Arturo Plaza said, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."
Based on all of the previous information givin, we can conclude that driving bans, and car-free campains have helped our environment. These countried have reduces the smog in their air. They have goten people to partisipate in their community. Also They have gotten other countries to get involved in this cause. Diffrent countries have Made their own style of these programs to their advantage. This idea of car-free suburbs is changing the way the population reacts in the community. | 4 |
0649f8e | I think that you should get rid of the electoral college because it makes the popular vote unfair. If you are saying we aren't voting for the president we want then we are just voting for the electoral voters we want without knowing that. The electoral college is unfair because if we vote who we want to then we will just get the votes of some electoral voter and if we vote for them they could vote for whoever they wanted to vote for.
If everyone voted for someone thew electoral voters could just vote for whoever they wanted to and we wouln't be able to stop them either. We should change it to popular vote because the electoral college is unfair to everyone who votes for someone. Its not fair because the eletoral vote can make a president lose even if he had the popular vote is on his side.
It should be changed because there is always the disaster factor. If their is a tie then they will just deny the will of the people. If they deny the will of the people it could have disasterous results. It should be changed because it is unfair and it always will have the chance of the disaster factor. | 2 |
0657f4c | What is electoral college? The electoral college is a process, not a place. the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. But it is also a bad thing because you help choose your states electors when you vote for president because when you vote for president because when you vote for your canadate you are actually voting for your canadates electors. I think electoral collage is is a stupid process and is definitly outdated.
In the same light, I think the electoral collage is a stupid idea beacause and that they should of got rid of it a long time ago it is like were not even voteing annymore its like someone messed up the votes and said that romney got 538 votes and obama only got 438 votes. Like bob dole said,"abolish the electoral college".
but you have to remember, the electoral college is a good thing to most presendental elections. the only one election that it didnt help on was in 2000 al gore recived more indivisial votes than george bush nationwide, but bush won the election, reciveing 271 electoral votes to gore 266.
in concclusion, electoral collage is good because it helps presedental elections but its bad because it is like the U.S. riging the votes | 2 |
065c240 | Outer space is a mystery within itself, but the addition of the planets and stars are just an expansion to those mysteries. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" was written for readers to understand how a planet that may be different in design can be the most important reason as to why it should be taken a look at. The author compares and contrasts Venus with Earth and Mars to emphasize what Venus has to offer. Venus may not be the easiest task to complete, but that should encourage people to push the exploration of the planet.
Venus may have a variation of attributes compared to Earth and Mars, but that shouldn't stop people from exploring the planet. Since Earth and Venus are considered "twins," they are similar according to their, "...density and size, and occasionally their distance too." (2) The author also mentions how Venus could have once been the, "...most Earth-like planet in our solar system." With that being said, if Venus was similar to Earth in its lifetime, then it could answer pondering questions like "Is there any other signs of life on other planets?" Just like Earth, Venus has, "valleys, mountains, and craters." (4) Venus' similar characteristics to Earth makes it an interesting mission for scientists.
Sending man to the moon wasn't the easiest trip, but it got done. So, why shouldn't Venus be explored too? Venus is said to have, "...hostile conditions on the surface," (5) and it is considered, "inhospitable." (4) Both phrases do not appear to be the most promising when deciding if landing on Venus is the best choice, but beyond those risks could be life changing discoveries. This mission is impossible because humans are able to make, "machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully."
Traveling to Venus doesn't have to be the most difficult plan. Space travel already is a timely mission, but Venus is said to, "...sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." If Venus is a close visit, then scientists should be even more compelled to search the planet. Scientist have come up with smart ideas to observe Venus like, "a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the Venusian landscape." (5) With this the vehicle is close enough to explore without humans dying or the vehicle frying. The heat is dangerous, but scientists could obtain important information they've been wanting to find out.
The author informs readers on the risks of traveling to Venus. Venus is not the safest place to be close to, but dangers have never stopped people from making trips into space in the past. Venus provides many opportunities that people have to be willing to take and learn from. Danger is nothing new to society, so traveling to Venus is only the newest obstacle to bypass. | 4 |
06633fa | Cars are grate inventions. We use it to move our selves and other things from place to place. Its faster and easier but all grate things have their flaws. Having a car has its advantages and disadvantages. Sure they do help a lot but if you really look into it you are causing more damage using a can than when you don't. Using a car causes car accidents and hurts our environment with harmful gasses well known as the greenhouse affect. limiting your self to usage of your car can really help a lot. I surly am cutting back on using my car because I love my environment, do you?
Cutting back on usage of car can save you a lot of money and prevent accidents from happening. when there are less cars on the road it reduces accidents with bikers, walker, and other cars. when you are involved in a car accident you someone gets hurt and you lose money. car accidents are costly. the insurance goes up, your medical bill has to be paid, the gas you used or lost, and your out of work because of you injury. that's just part of it. you have to still think about the damage you caused and have to live knowing you killed or could have killed an innocent person. money loss doesn't happen just when your in an accident. just by being a safe driver u lose money also. having a car means having to deal with insurance, mechanic, and gas. gas prices are very expensive now in days. sometimes you have to skip a meal because you only have enough for gas that day. cutting back could save you hundreds yearly even if u cut back maybe two times a week. just think about it you can prevent an accident from happening and save money just by staying home,walking, or riding a bike.
Saving money and preventing car accidents is not the only reasons you should cut back on car usage. another reason is because it hurts our environment. for every car that is being used our environment is being hurt. a car lets off bad gasses that cause the green house affect. this is not just hurting the area that we live in its also hurting other areas all over the world. the gasses that cars make is making our world heat up and ice and glaciers are getting defrosted. this harms the polar bears and causes water levels to rise and less land for us. cutting back on usage of cars can help not just us as people but our plants and animals all over the world. if u don't want to do it for the world do it for your self. cutting back and using a bike, walking or public transportation can be good for you. using a bike and walking is good exercise for you and can be a weekly thing. using public transportation can help you meet new people and make friends and get to know people. cutting back doesn't really have to be weekly even if its just one or twice every other month can still really help. if you have the choice to stay and cook or go out and eat then try to stay home and hey who knows maybe you can learn a new recipe.
Cutting back can save a life, our environment, save money, and be a healthy thing. just think about all those cute polar bears and other animals you could be saving. oh, lets not forget the plants also. just plan a day that you will just ride your bike to work and on your ride think of all the good things your doing for our community so go ahead save the environment, save your self. | 3 |
06673c8 | In the article "Driverless Cars are Coming" the author states how our technology is increasing so much today, that soon we will see cars that drive themselves. The author states some negative sides to the story, and some positive. But I think that driverless cars will help our country in many different ways, and I support it.
According to the author, he says will we even be able to make new cars because there are laws that do not allow some states to test them. According to the article, "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars"(9). I think car manufacturers can test their cars in a factory in some states that it is legal to do it in, and once they prove that it is safe I believe that some states will uplift the laws that they have on self driving cars.
Also many people ask, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at faultthe driver or the manufacturer"(9)? This is one of the main concerns of people today, but I would believe it would be the manufacturers fault since they were the ones who made the car, and designed all the parts of it. Humans should have no worry about liability for themselves because the car manufacturers should cover all the expenses that happened in the accident since they were the ones who designed the cars.
Another benifit to self driving cars is that they also would reduce half the fuel that humans use today. Accorting to the text it states, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world"(1). Not using half the amount of fuel today is super benificial for the enviornment since we are not polluting it nearly as much. Many people would support this because we would be help save the enviornment, and also we would not have to spend nearly as much money on gas as we normally do. Another benift is how all the cars would be safe. According to BMW,"Safety is a big concern"(8). Clearly BMW would not release the car if it was not safe, but if our country all switches to self driving cars then this will reduce the crashes, and accidents by a ton, which would be saving many lives.
Many automakers are working on developing new safety gadgets for cars, and also a couple of the automakers have alrady developed a self driving car. Tesla for example, "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time"(10). Tesla has projected that they will release a car in 2016 that 90% of the time is on autopilot. That is this year, and when they release it all the other automakers are going to try and design a better self driving car than the tesla which could make the other manufacturers come out with a new self driving car soon also. Some other automakers have said, "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020" (10). This is crazy so by the time 2020 at least three more auto makers predict that they will have self driving cars also. By the 2020s we should expect my self drivin cars that will be on the road.
In conclusion there are many positives/ benifits that will come out of this self driving car. Though there are some set backs that some states/ automakers will have to over come. In the end outcome it will help drivers safety, and it will help the enviornment. In the overall outcome that is why we should have self driving automobiles. | 4 |
0667fd7 | Scientist believe they have came up with a technology that can read your true emtions called FACS, or Facial Action Coding System. This technology works your emotions out like a math equation. It calculates the feelings of fear, happiness, disgust, surprise, anger, and sadness. Now they are thinking that it can be great in the classroom and benefit schools tremendously.
Feeling are told all over your face and your body language, all someone really has to do is pay attention. In the classroom though, it is very hard for one teacher to see how each child individually feels. New technology that has sprung up can do that for them now. This technology uses video memory and software that decodes the muscles in facial expressions. This could be very beneficial in the classroom because now you can see how your children feel about your lessons, and that could develope new ways to help students learn. The auhtor writes how Dr. Huang says, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,". "Then it could modify the lesson like, like an effective human instructor.", this would be very wise to put in a classroom. Teachers want to know all the time what they can do for their students and how; new technology could do it for them.
Although this idea could be genius, it could have flaws just like most technology. It is hard to truly depict someones emotions, so how can a computer tell someone how they feel? Or honestly, what does a few pieces metal know about how someone is feeling? People could also say this creation is very invasive.These claims could be arguements presented when getting this type of technology into the classroom.
Even though this technology could have flaws to it,
people will never kbow till they try. They have sent pyschologists, like Dr.Paul Eckman, in to help perfect the FACS. The computer software can even predict your true emotions, regardless if you put on a fake smile. It knows what muscles are used in a fake and in a real smile. Humans use the same skill everyday according to the author, our only difference is we have trouble actually describing the emotion.
In conclusion, FACS, a system that can calculate your feelings, would be a great additon to the classroom. We introduce new technology everyday that is not benefical to schools, so why not help the school sytem. Every technology has its kinks, but who truly knows until it is tested. | 3 |
0668f09 | The breeze of the late summer air, it's fragrance of flowers and the occasional bakery wafting into our noses. The sounds of children safetly playing amongst themselves and soft chatters of people coinsided with the smell. It seemed like an utterly new universe where we tread, thanks to no more pollution and the ruckus of vehicles beeping and swerving every now and then, the atmosphere was delightful. The advantages of banning cars or at least reducing them is that the carbon dioxide levels will decrease and business will bloom.
To begin with, banning cars/reducing them will benefit our ecosystems and enviornments. Take Paris for example, they banned cars due to all of the smog and pollution it was emitting. Congestion, traffic, was down 60% after five days of intense smog; it was worst than one of the most populated cities in the world, Beijing (Source 2). That CO2 rises into the air, the atmopshere of Earth trapping all of that heat in, and it bounced back down at us. The climate would be more reasonable, there will be a less amount of traffic jams and people being late to work, and maybe some day, our Ozone Layer could replenish. Carlos Arturo Plaza from Source 3 stated, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." We as a population don't have to completely outlaw driving but more acts of car-pooling and using public transportation will immensely reduce the CO2. We can all be able to give up something for the benefit of the common good, in Bogota, Columbia it has been three straight years that cars have been banned found in Source 3; and they have a population of a wopping seven million. Michael Sivak brings up a good point in Source 4 saying, "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." Elisabeth Rosenthal states that, "Mine (19 and 21) [speaking of her children] have not bothered to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where one could some in handy. They are interested, but it's not a priority. They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends.
Alongside with the bettering the enviornment, there is the sudden blooming of business and profit. With everyone on their feet and searching somewhere to hang , shop owners will be opening for business, and actually take part in the outside world. In Source 3, a valid point is relevant, "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughtout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restauraunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." There will be a fluctuation of revenue throughout all these newly built shops, stores, entertainment centers, and restauraunts. People will be more active with running, walking, and biking around the city/town. In Bogota, Columbia (according to Source 3) new paths have been opening up, "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city," stated by Mockus the city mayor. An ordinary person, Heidrun Walter, positively commented on the ban of cars, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Consider all the factors of health, one will be fully exercised on a daily basis, there will be little to no car accidents where people have died either in the vehicle or on the sidewalks; DUI, drinking and driving, will not be an pestering issue anymore.
In conclusion, the idea of banning cars is magnificant. There will be less pollution, less traffic jams, more businesses and shops and restauraunts opening to suit our needs, and just overall great for the enviornment. We can all join up together as a union to save our Earth, the Ozone Layer from allowing harmful objects from outer space into our atmosphere, and induce more activity amongst each other. We will all be happier and less irritated without the ruckus of cars and check-up like oil leaks, motor mishaps. Think of this new world, it could happen with one voice. | 5 |
0670d67 | Driving into the Future
What if when you drove your vehicle there was a computer driving next to you and driving you? Google and GE have made self driving cars that survey the surrounding area to have all the peripheal vision as a human and drive for the human. Google estimates the vehicles would use half the fuel used today and that these cars would fundamentally change the world. Self-driving cars use computers that proccess situations and scenarios just as well if not better than humans, still allow some control through construction or traffic, and elliminate the despised people that text, do make up, or eat while driving.
Most people would agree that computers are smarter than people and can proccess situations and scenarios faster than people too. For instance, I know of no one that can do math faster than a scientific calculator. So why not have a computer drive for us. In the end it would result in safer transit and maybe even earlier arrival itme. Smart cars, as the leading industrys call them, use a spinning sensor on the roof of the car to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. Humans can only see so much through their two eyes while maintaing eyes on the road. These cars are maintaing a constant image of their surroundings, not just what is in front of them. This leads to safer travel and ultimately smart cars driving better than humans.
While the computers do have a complete 360 degree view around them, they still require human interaction. BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant," a car than can handle speeds up to 25 mph by itself. This smart car has special touch sensors that make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel to ensure that in case of an emergency the driver can safley navigate out of it and overide the computer's autopilot. These smart cars allow you to steer, accelerate, and brake, but are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as driving through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must stay alert and ready to take control at a moments notice in case of an emergency, so humans are not completely out of control.
With all the technology and distractions at the wheel a world where the technology drove the car might not be such a bad idea. For example, there have been multiple accidents a year due to texting while driving. In many states you can get pulled over by the police for doing things such as texting at the wheel. But what if smart cars made the world safer from texting and driving, or make up at the wheel, or even the people that eat meals or take drinks while in transit. With smart cars people that do those things will have trouble doing them if they have to keep hands on the wheel, but if they still manage to get a text or bite of food, the smart cars will be in control and there to steer them to safety. This would keep not only the people who text and drive, eat, or do make up safer but the people around them would also be away from that danger that they themselves can not control.
Smart cars might not be the first thing many people jump at as the way to go. But smart cars might be one of the safe options to eliminate human error and reduce accidents, drving casualties, and risks. Smart cars are just as equal if not smarter than humans, they are not in full control in case of emergencies, and they can save a life if there is a driver texting, eating, or doing make up at the wheel. I would certainley choose the computer driving me, my friends and coworkers around for my safety and theirs. | 5 |
06730ad | The Seagoing Cowboys is an opportunity of a lifetime because of all the countrys and places you get to go to. Like in (paragraph 1) Luke got invited to go to
Europe by his friend Don. You get to do things that you have probably never done before. In (paragraph 2) it says that you take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Seagoing Cowboys would let you see experiences that you have never seen before.
In (paragraph 5) Luke says the cattle boat trips were an unbelivable opportunity for a small-town boy. (Paragraph 5) Luke says besides helping people I had the side benefits of seeing Europe and China. The article says in (paragraph 6) how hard it was to take care of the animals. Luke had to feed them two or three times a day. To be Seagoing Cowboys you have to want to work hard and like taking care of animals.
Being Seagoing Cowboys would be really hard work but it would be a fun job to do. Luke says in (paragraph 9) being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for him. Luke says that it opened up the world to him and I am greatful for the opportunitys Luke says. | 3 |
06743f8 | As we all know driverless cars are coming. Do you agree with idea? and would you feel comfortabel ina driverless car?. Well im here to discuss with you why I don't think driverless cars are needed.
The idea of having a driverless car is a fantastic idea until you begin to think about the consequences and similarities it has against cars we drive now. There's many differences but also a lot of similarities between both the driverless cars and the cars we drive now.
Driverless cars are not a good because why create a car that drives on its own but still needs assistance from a person. Driveless cars does come with special sensors such as; position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor, but with all that technology why does it need assistance. The cars we drive today does not have all that fancy sensoring but it does have some that really comes in handy. Driverless cars can steet, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills such as; navigating through work zones and around accidents. To save the stress of you having to take control of the wheel if you run into a problem than why not keep you car, the cars we drive now. Without any navigation or all that fancy stuff we will always have our eyes on the roads and knowing when to turn, stop, go and all that good stuff.
No matter how good a driverless car sounds I still don't think its a god idea. I feel as if its just a waist of money and products when there's more importnat things going on in the world that still hven't been fixed. Driverless cars are safe until a drunk driver or a persons who's high off something get in a dosen't pay attention to what that navigator is telling you, the same with texting and driving. So why risk someone lives when if they are driving the cars we use now more people pay attention to the roads, not many drink and drive, more and more people everyday are paying attention to the roads. | 3 |
0674a38 | Driverless cars would not be a smart step forward for us as Americans. Considering the fact the car can not fully function on its own it would be very difficult to deal with. If the car has to ask the driver to take over everytime it can't handle a certain situation, then make one that can and then we can advance into the new era of driverless cars.
The fact that Dr. Werner, a BMW project manager driver, says people would get bored behind the weel of a car controlling itself proves that people would lose focus and that may cause fatalities. When they lose focus because the car is in control and look at their phone, the car may ask them to take over on the drop of a dime, and the driver may panick. Especially if there is an oncoming car and the driverless car can not react fast enough, because it only takes a split second.
Another point I would like to make is when big name companies such as Google market anything they sell simply because of who makes it. If there is a flaw in a cars system then they would be risking a lot of peoples lives, in terms of who buys them. In paragraph eight, it reads that " Upgrading to existing roads would be too expensive to be practical." and that means if there is a flaw under the hood, they would lose a lot of money from a bunch or attackers, manufacturers, and their own industry crumbling.
All in all, I believe that it would not be a good way to advance in technology if we're practically selling prototypes. People would be buying driverless cars that aren't state of the art because either it was too pricy or the car itself can not handle the surprises driving may consist of and it would be a major fail on a lot of people's behalf. If we had cars that could fully function safely and accurately on the street, then we could maybe experiment on making the future present. But for now, let us work ot the kinks of the products that affiliate with people's everyday lives or even their lives period. | 4 |
06766be | In a argument between against or for driverless cars, I am for driverless cars. I think it's a good idea to have driverless cars. It will safer on the streets. There
should be a whole new set of laws regarding to these cars. I also think they shouldn't be released until these cars are truly driverless.
As I said earlier driverless cars shouldn't come out until they are completely do not need a driver. When they are driverless it would resolve conflict between if there were an accident who the blame would be on. The blame would be on the company that made the car because the driver isn't doing anything. I think there should still be a mode in the car where the driver can takeover if the driver sees a situation where he should control the car. I think the car should be smart enough to know how to get through traffic jam, that shouldn't be a problem. The new laws should be that all cars will have to go a certain speed. I don't see how you could get in a car accident if they are all going the same speed. Even though most people would have a driverless car, some people will still have old cars that need a driver. So if there is an accident between a driverless car and a old car that requires a driver, I think the blame should be in the driver in the old car because the driverless car is following all the laws and is going a certain speed so if there was an accident it would be on the driver that isn't following the laws. But then again the driverless car could have technical difficulties and could crash. I think the car should know when it is having technical issues and pull over to the side so the driver can take control. Even though the car is driverless I think the laws for getting your license should not change. Also some people like to drive so the should be and option that is opposite to cruise control we the driver can drive, but when you are driving you have to be ready to take responsibility for anything that happens while you are driving.
In conclusion, driverless cars would be a great idea. It would lead to less accidents as long as the car it programmed the right way. Texting and driving would be as big of an issue as it has been lately with a driverless car. With a driverless car there are less choices being made and less opinions. Our generation would be great to take on the challenge because we take on new things everyday with things being invented everyday. With all that being said I am for driverless cars. It is a great idea and would save lives also. | 3 |
0678715 | Driverless cars? A car doing all the driving for you without you having to touch the wheel is of lazy. Why would you want a "smar car" do all the work for you. The more that the technology develops the more things people find to help you be more lazy. It's like people don't want to do anything themselves anymore.
When driving you really have to pay attention to not just yourself but other people. If you let the smart car drive you around it's not going to really be paying attention to other people. If you get in an accident and the other person gets hurt, who is to blame you, or the car? The cops will go with you, because you are an human being that can get arrested and pay insurance, not the car. "If the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer?"
So, I don't think we should have driverless cars. I believe there would be more accidents than there is now. When it comes down to it yes, this will be our future, but we can also prevent it from happening. Its all up to you. | 2 |
0679f5a | The author does a very good job at explaining and giving details of the passage.They give you the scientific facts and even tells you that NASA has been working on diffrent ways to study Venus.He lets you know that Venus is not an easy planet to study since it has a top degrees of 800 degrees Farenheight. He also gives information about how diffrent metals and other objects melt and liquefy after so long on Venuses surface.
They give very good information on how NASA plans to get peopel to Venus by building a space craft that will hover 30 miles over the landscape of Venus. He gives muliple good facts about the spaace craft and how it will possible work. The author claims it will work like airplanes and a blimp, However it will still be hot 30 miles up. It will still be 170 degrees up there.They also give you the bad parts of having a hover craft over Venus for example the visibility of the landscapes and terrian. They also explain how you can't take samples from the ground hovering 30 miles over the land.
The author also gives creat detail of Venuses surface and how NASA has been thinking of diffrent ways to approach it. They give facts about the ground and the atmospherer around Venus and how the Atmosperic pressure is 90 times greatewr then we have experience with.The author also tells us how it's blanketed with 97 percent Carbon diocide and other gasses. We are even told that the conditions are to extream for us and how the presure would crush a submarine.
In the passage he describes how it's one of the brightest points in the sky. The author even tells us how a amerture could even find it. Venus is also described as our twin planet. It is also wrote in the passgae on how close it resembles our planet even though it could crush and kill anyone. The author also adds on how hard Venus is to examine with all the storms and comotion on its ground.
Venus even has volcanoes that erupt on it's surface. It has Earthquakes and even occasional lightning storms. The author has definetly done a very good job on explaining his point on exploring Venus. He has put the good and the bad facts into the passage. He describes almost every aspect of the planet.The author aslo beleives that it will be good for us to try and explore Venus because we will be able to go one more dangerouse trips in the future. | 4 |
067a23d | The author supported his ideas very well by explaning how "venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents". He explains how "venus is often referred to as earths "twin"" and the author also explains how "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one compelling idea".
I believe he did pretty good at explainng how venus is good in some ways and then how venus is bad. He didnt just focus on one thing he focused on it all and he put his paragraph in a very good lined up maner thats how everyone should put together their essays. The ending was the best part on how he restated the question that he had at the begining by just puting together a couple paragraphs he learnd a thing or two about venus.
So to finish off my paragraph I thought that he explained both bad and good thing about venus. He sounded like he knew exactly what he was talking about and he knew everything about it all. So that just makes this whole paragraph worthy. | 2 |
067d842 | Many people arent sure what to do when it comes to election. Electoral College is the process that consist of the election. I believe that Electoral College is the easist way to handle the way of voting. Any ways whats wrong with Electoral College almost half the people agree to it.
The founding father that discovered Electoral College made it easy for anybody to be president. Many people also agree with me because according to source 2 it says that in case of the election it will be thrown to the House of Representatives where the delegations vote on the president. This way the delegation people can pick who's good for president. On the other hand many people belive that Electoral College is unfair to some people. Many people want to abolish Electoral College.
Secondly, the Electoral college is widely regared as an anachronism a non- democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be declared the candidate who recives the most popular votes. The electoral restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states by the population lose by virtue of the mal- apportionment of the senate. The Electoral college avoids the problem of the elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast.
In conclusion I think that Electoral College should stay and it will make things easier for all these reasons I listed from the sources. Also all the presidents will have a chance to become what they want to be. | 2 |
0681136 | Many believe that the Face on Mars was created by aliens. There are many conspiracy theories, but scientists say the Face is simply just a natural landofrm. Cydonia was first discovered in May of 2001, and since then has had people baffled by the human-like structure. Though it may be easy to believe that this landform is the creation of aliens on Mars, it is just a natural rock formation on the red planet.
Aliens not been proven to be living in the universe with a secret ancient civilization. Though some people might believe this is untrue, NASA has yet to find evidence to support it. If scientists knew Cydonia was created by aliens, they would definetly want to investigate this further. With this new information, just like any new discovery, it would open up so many different ideas about the universe that do not exist today. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger thatn the pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were." With the extremely advanced technology we have today, scientists have been able to take more pictures of this landform, further proving that it is a natural creation, and that there is no alien civilization hiding in the depths of it's shadows.
Cydonia has many conflicting opinions on how it was created. Many citizens still strongly hold on to their ideas about this landform. It has been proved by NASA that this formation is not created by aliens, nor is there any living organisms with secret colonies on Mars. People have the choice to believe what they want, but scientists know the truth behind the Face on Mars. | 3 |
0683ac3 | Have you ever wondered what someone is feeling by just looking at their face? Now, scientist have discovered a new technology to read emotions. The new technology uses recognition of muscle movements in the face. This new technology would be valubale in a classroom with students because you could tell how the students really feeling, you could tell if they are faking emotions, and it could be a learning tool.
First, you could tell how the students are really feeling. In paragraph 9, the author states "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." This means if a teacher sees an upset student, the teacher can tell them to make a happy face and eventually the student won't be as upset. It would help everyone be happy because everyone will "... unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions."
Second, it would help show if anyone is faking emotions. In paragraph 8, the author says "...these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." This would also be helpful with students in a classroom because if student his trying a student is trying to hide being upset a teacher could know and then ask them whats wrong. Also, it would work the other way too. The teacher would know if a student would be faking being upset.
Lastly, it could be used as a learning tool. It could be a way of showing how facial muscles work and the emotions that are shown by them. In paragraph 6, the author states " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This shows that it would be able to help students learn based off of their emotions.
There many things in the new technology that would be valuable in a classroom with students. For instance, it help tell how students are feeling. Also it could tell if a student is faking a smile and is really upset. Finally, it would be a helpful learning tool by changing lessons by the students emotions. Next time you see a facial expression try telling what emotion that it applies to. | 3 |
0687af4 | Driverless cars will bring great benefits to the human race. They can provide a level of safety that many people are unable to provide, and they can allow for new freedoms and options for those on the road. They can take people to the hospital if someone is injured, and they can also bring a person to his/her home, if needed. The possibility of driverless cars is slowly becoming a reality, thanks to the work done by various companies. Google has already created a modified car capable of maky of these things, and other auto makers have followed in Google's footsteps. Automated cars will be helpful in the future due to the safety brought by the introduction of promising technology, and the steady progress in the fields of robotics and cars.
The technology used in driverless cars is very advanced, able to process information and respond in the time comparable to a human. They can respond generally better to dangerous situations than that of the human mind as well. "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash"(2). These cars are trustworthy in a safety sense, and they know when it is neccessary to give control back to the driver."In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead repuires human skills"(7). This means that not all control is relinquished to the car. Truthfully, most of these driverless cars actually build from a driver assistance system, where the car helps the person drive rather that drive for the person. Automated cars can soon be possible for all of humanity.
Humanity has already come a long way from the past, when people would dream of robotic cars. Car companies have developed technologies that can make those dreams a reality. "'There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting. The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there, and the mapping wasn't there. Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars.'" Nowadays, cars are now able to have their own radar systems. Google modified a car to have a motion sensor, GPS, and four radar sensors. In the future, many automotive companies plan to have their own driverless cars. Tesla plans to have a car by 2016. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan will push to have automated cars by 2020. Progress is already happening in the car industry.
Driverless cars are a possibility for humanity. In the past, people would dream of being able to sit in a automated car. Today, the world's first robotic cars are being produced. There are those who oppose the idea of having a robot drive, but there are results that speak for the effectiveness of driverless cars. In the future, there will be many more automated cars, and there will also be many less deaths and injuries on the roads. | 5 |
0689c67 | The face. A pop icon, a very controversial topic, an alien landform. Those are some of the most common pieces of discussion surrounding this mysterious landfrom captured in 1976. Is it a hub for aliens? Is it a landform much like the ones we study in the American West? There are many theorists that believe the landform has alien origins, but they have no substantial evidence. While many continue to believe given the reality, there are no alien origins to this landform.
There was no alien life form ever captured in any pictures. In 1998, the picture was retaken 10 times sharper than the one released in 1976. It showed, absolutely no signs of any alien life at all. Still, many believed NASA was covering up some conspiracy surrounding aliens, or blaming the weather, which happened to be cold and cloudy. Since the weather could have been a factor, they reshot the picture in 2001 on a sunny and cloudless day, with a better spacecraft, and Jim Garvin, the chief scientist at NASA stated that it looked like a butte or mesa, landforms common in the midwest. He called it a lava dome that had taken the form of a mesa, having the same height as the face, proving there to be no alien origins, just a natural landform.
If there was alien life form on Mars,NASA would benefit from it. They would go down in history as the first people to have discovered alien life, get funding for years of research, and become more popular than ever, increasing their livelyhood. A few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, showing that the scientists had also been hoping for any chance of alien activity, but hadn't found any. They released pictures to the media, asked for feedback, and kept everyone updated on their findings. They themselves seemed optimistic in the first two expeditions to Mars, hoping to find any signs of alien life, reshooting repeatedly to get the best picture. It would be useless for NASA to not release information that could be beneficial to themselves.
They took multiple sets of pictures in different years. They performed multiple trips to Cydonia, snapping multiple pictures. They went in 1976, when it was first discovered, 1998, revealing no alien life form, and 2001, revealing it to be a lava dome. Each time, they took multiple pictures, studying and publishing them for the world to see. They had found absolutley nothing in 1998 and 2001 that could point to any life forms existing on Mars, proving the theory of aliens on the face to be false.
While many people continue to believe that the face is proof of aliens, they have no concrete evidence. They are using old tales, myth, and folklore, with little to no evidence to help their argument. All the arguemnts made against the pictures were silenced, making it impossible to find strong evidence to prove alien origins. After snapping the picture in 2001, it became clear the face was just a mesa, nothing more than a natural landform with odd shadows and ridges, resembling a face. | 5 |
068ad55 | Changing to election by popular vote for the president is a wonderful idea. By doing this you persuade more people to go out and vote. The people of the united states will now have a bigger impact on the state that they live in. Doing this not only makes the people happy, but it also makes the people more involved. With this new rule in place many things can change and improve. People will actually have to do a little research before voting on a president.
Firstly, Changing to election by popular vote for the president can cause a chain reaction. With this new rule the people of the United States will be forced to do solid research before making a vote that will benifit them. Reason being that with this new rule in place your vote is much more crucial then it was before. Doing this stops people from voting just because they like how someone looks, or because how they dress. The people will be voting because they want a president that will help the country. Using this method will improve and shape the country in an wonderful way.
Lastly, this new rule will cause more people to come out and vote. Because each vote will be ten times more essential then it was before. People come out knowing that if they dont vote, it will have a much bigger impact then it did before. The people are forced to decisions. This make for a healthy country that is made for the people.
All in all, Voting should be much more essential. Therefor i agree to changing to election by popular vote for the president. this new rule makes for a very healthy country. this rule also causes the people in the country to be much more involved. Changing to this rule would definately be the right idea | 3 |
068aea7 | Driverless cars should not become a thing. Humans should continue to drive themselves around or walk to where they want to go. They do not need a computer to do all the driving for them as cool and futuristic as it might seem.
Although be driven by a computer in your own car may seem safe and trustworthy, but it's not. There are a lot of negative down falls on not having control of a car as a human. Being driven by computer car can be very dangerous, it is not safe to not be driven by someone with a right mind. Computers can't do everything. Why would a human want to be driven by a car instead of a human? What if a person wants to change the route that they are going, it's not like they would be able to tell the computer to go another way. Humans should have more controll over their car rather than a computer.
Humans are becoming so lazy that they do not even want to drive for themselves andymore. If they want to be driven for they should get a taxi or have their own personal driver. Buying a driverless car would
be just as expensive as hiring a driver. Driverless cars can be very dangerous for others on the rode. Perhaps something should go wrong with the computer and it begins to glitch. That would be a very dangerous situation. No human should depend on a computer to drive them around.
No human should want to own a driverless car unless they are willing to take the full risk. It would not be a good idea to have computers driving around major cities that have a lot of traffic. | 3 |
0693237 | Have you ever wanted to go see Paris for free and still help people in need? Well, now you can by just volunteering and becoming a seagoing cowboy. So here are some advantages of becoming a seagoing cowboy.
First of all, you can get some character by volunteering and helping out. So when you are a sea cowboy you have to do work all the time so you are busy so then if you have to you can learn how to clean, feed, and water animals on a farm.
Another thing is that you can help people and make someone happy. Don't you just love the joy you get when you help someone in need? Well you can have that feeling all the time if you volunteer because you are always helping people in need by giving them animals to eat.
For the record, you can see amazing monuments and other amazing things by just volunteering. You get to see these things for free because you have to go to some places like how I saw the Acropolis and I took a grondola ride so that was fun.
Something else is that you can get out of the drafts. I know because when I was on the ship, Iturned 18 and they said to keep going for my service and so that made me happy.
Finally, you get to have afun way back. I know because there is nothing to do so to pass the time. We played baseball and volleball games and even had a table tennis or ping pong tournament. We also played fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling games to pass the time.
So since I told about how voluntering could get you out of the drafts, see amazing monuments, have fun on the way back, and help people in need, I hope you take my word for it and be a seagoing cowbot like me. | 2 |
06939ab | Athough cars are an important part of everyday life driverless cars would be an influeintial addition to public and private transportation.Driverless cars would help traversing through traffic easy. However I don't think that driverless cars should be aloud to be driven unless fully tested. The safety of people should be considered while making the cars.
" He envisions a future with a Public transportation system where a fleet of driverless cars form a public transport taxi system. The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and pffer far more flexibility than a bus. he belives such cars would fundamentally change the world." This would be usefull to people around the globe who don,t have cars or cant afford one. Driverless cars can be an important pat of sociaty.
"As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars...manufactures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident." This Exert from the passage supports my claim that they should only be aloud to be driven if they are fully tested and safe. Laws have been passed in some states to make this sure to happen.
In conclusion, I agree with Sergey Brin that driverless cars would be influeintial to the future of public and private transportation through out the world. However they should only be aloud to be driven if they safe and fully tested. Lastly I think driverless cars should be manufactured and tested thoroughly. | 3 |
069945c | Technology to read emotional expressions of a students could be very vaulable. This would make students life in the classroom easier. There would be so many advantages for to this. It would know what that student is feeling and it could help change that.
If a student was sad then the computer woud know and it could help make a diffirence.
Some students might not want to do work if and not learn if they are sad and this could change that and put a smile on thier face. The author says, " if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This could make the student have a better time in the classroom.
A student might be super confused and not know anything about what they are doing or they might just not understand the question, well this technology could help that. It says, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This means if the main teachor is telling someone else in a classroom how to do a problem but other people might also be struggling then the computer could help them and see their their emotion and it would change the question to try and make it more understandable.
The technology of this could help so many students and classrooms. So much more things could be learned in classrooms with out kids getting bored. It could help students in the classrooms get through so much more. Teachers wouldn't have to be trying to hurry and help the people that dont understand out and having the other people wait. This technology could be very valuable. | 3 |
069cd67 | An idea for driverless cars does sound appealing. It can improve the intelligence of today's cars by giving them a mind of their own. However, these cars may seem like a decent idea for the future, but they can prove to be really difficult. Quite a few problems can arise from this phenomenon. The development for these driverless cars should cease pretty soon.
In the future, driverless cars are supposed to become a new thing. These cars will have the ability to function on their own and drive itself, which will not really require the driver to handle it. Although this seems like a nice thought, this is quite an issue already. Creating driverless cars can create laziness in lots of people. Assuming that this creation is titled 'driverless', many people will think that they do not have to do anything. This will raise the laziness in some people if this driverless car becomes available. This invention is not a good idea.
As well as it can raise laziness in people, it can quite possibly cause the driver to use it to his/her advantage in inappropriate ways. There is a law that says the driver must be held responsible for any mistakes he/she makes while on the road whether the car is automated or not. The driver will be at fault regardless if any acident is to happen. Even though this law exists, people will still make excuses for their mistakes. If an accident occurs, the driver may use the car as an excuse to avoid any responsibilities, such as court cases if anything is damaged. With such an invention as great as this, someone is most likely going to use it as a scapegoat for their mishaps. This just gives people a reason to avoid being guilty for what they did.
It is said that the car is supposed to maintain its commands and make driving easier. These driverless cars are supposed to work almost efficiently for everyone. However, accidents are still likely to happen. Even if these cars are supposed to work well, things can go wrong. Perhaps the car may somehow malfunction while on the road. If this happens, it will put the driver and other people on the road, driving or walking, at an extreme risk. If a malfunction in the car is to occur, accident and death rates will increase. This is extremely unsafe for drivers in the future.
It sounds great to have a car that can drive itself in the future. Maybe it might raise the intelligence of some drivers. Nevertheless, the possibilities of this new car going wrong should not be ignored. These cars cannot be 100% perfect at all times after its release. It can be unsafe and extremely inaccurate and should not become an invention in the future. | 4 |
06a0e57 | Although, self driving cars would be nice to have I would rather stick to driving manually.One reason is because we dont need driverless cars. We have taxi drivers that takes us where we need to go. Another reason is I would rather do it my self is because i enjoy driving, and I would be more than happy to take
myself where I need to go. My last reason about not wanting driverless cars because think about if they malfunction or if someone hacked into your car.
If we had driverless cars, we would be taking alot of peoples jobs that they depend on. Bus drivers, taxi drivers, shofurs would all be out of work and could now be lost in life. Not having anything other work
avalible for them becsuse they didnt go to collage or they just cant find a new job.
Another reason that
I belive we dont need driveless cars is because i enjoy driving and im sure im not the only only. But driverless cars would take the freedom feeling out of driving. Being able to go where you want, how you want, and when you want to. But what if your someone who likes to driver of roads in dirt, mud or any other terrian. The car that drives its self wouldnt do that bc it may be damaged or it may read that its a possibility of that.
My last thought on driverless cars are they have the potential to be very dangerous also its pointless to have one if you still have to be aware as if you were driving. But what if your just like antother day of you letting your car drive itself starts to have defects. A couple of those are that sometimes it rapidly picks up speed and slams on the brakes. Results you end up running someone over or you get into a bad accident. You have to take the blame for the mistake your car made. That could lead to big fines or even Jail time. Or what if someone hacks into your car and takes control of your car and try to hurt you by crashing it or they take you some where your not fimilliar with. As in they driver you out of state and you get lost.
So again I am one that is against driverless cars. they could put people out of work making peoples lifes ruined. It can take the thrill some get from driving. Also alot can go wrong if the car comes with flaws.
. | 3 |
06a9e1d | The Seagoing Cowbogs program helps other people from other countries for there needs. The program can also help take care of horses. Once they cared cows and mules from overseas. They even had enough hay and oats to feed 335 horses.
Luke Bombberger also was in the Seagoing Cowboys program. According to the passage Luke said it made him more aware of people of other countries and there needs. Luke was really grateful that he was in the Seagoing Cowboys program. He also really liked all the places he went to. To help others with there problems.
This program could really could change your life. It could change you suspective on the world. You also be more grateful for the things you have,because someone in the world would want to have what you have. You would also think more about people and there needs.
The Seagoing Cowboys is a really good program. It could change your life so much. You just need to sigh up,it's really that easy. You could change someone's life with just a little piece of bread, that person would be so greatful. You would help someone and you would help yourself. | 2 |
06a9e59 | Seagoing Cowboys helped many people, and got to see some pretty cool things along the way. They got to experience things that most people could only dream of. I'm Luke Bomberger, and I was just one of the many Seagoing Cowboys helping other countries get back on their feet again.
We helped so many people affected by the war. We took animals, food supply, and more to people whose countries were left in ruins from bombings, and other attacks of World War 2. So many people, that would have otherwise not have been able to do very well, got animals, food to feed their animals, and food for themselves. Helping them helped me to be more aware of people of other countries and their needs.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy wasn't all that serious though. We would play around on board, usually after all the animals had been unloaded, and we were heading back. We would have baseball and volleyball games in the empty stalls where the animals had been kept. Table-tennis, fencing, and boxing were other sports we found a way to play. There were also things like reading, whittling, and games we used to help pass the time.
Along with our jobs, sightseeing was something we did everyday. I got a side benifit of seeing Europe and China. In Greece, I got to do something I think is pretty special. See the Acropolis. In Venice, Italy, I got to take a gondola ride on one of the many streets of water. I also got to tour an excavated castle in Crete, and saw the Panama Canal on the way to China.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy helped open up the world to me. Instead of being drafted into the military, I got to help people in need all over the world. When my friend invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat, I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and it really did turn out to be one! | 3 |
06a9fdf | The face on Mars is just a landform. In America we have land forms of all kinds. We have winter and so do they, so what makes it different except for the location?
It is just a rock formation without an alien monument. Landforms are not rare on other planets. Landforms come in all shapes and sizes so it just so happens to be a face.
When the scientist went back up to take picture and look at it more, they were able to take a clear picture of it. The scientist then blew it up to a bigger picture and saw that it was a natural landform. It states," As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than a pixel size." This comes to show that they will be able to see things closer and see if anything is around them. It also tell us that it actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa, which is landforms that are normal around the American West. It states," It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho." This tell us that it really is not something an alien could of done because it is a natural landform just like America has.
All of this evidence comes to show that it is just a landform that was created naturally. Mars landforms look like ours and is like ours. We have landforms that are different and so does Mars so it was just a coincedence that it just so happened to be a face. Some people think that just because it is a face that was created by Aliens because it looks to much like a face, but landforms come in all shapes and sizes. It is just a natural landform. | 3 |
06aa059 | I do not approve to let people use any type of technology to read emotions. That is when it gets weird and people ask why are you feeling this way. This can sometimes lead to the student getting even sadder or madder than they were. If they are left alone and no one knows what is wrong, they will be fine.
To start off, expressions can not forsure tell what that person is feeling. I have seen people so mad but continue throughout their day like everything is fine. Plus, if that student is just doing a fake smile, that does not mean that they are really happy. The FACS can not read emotions but reads the emotions it thinks you are feeling because of what your facial expression is.
Therefore, to end my argument, in paragraph 9 it says that contracting your smile muscles can help you feel slightly happy. This means it can make you SLIGHTLY happy but not enough to classify yourself as happy and I do not approve to let people read emotions. It is unnecessary and we should be researching something better than this. | 2 |
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