import math |
import multiprocessing |
import pathlib |
import numpy |
import orjson |
import pandas |
import seaborn |
import tqdm |
import typer |
from loguru import logger |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
app = typer.Typer() |
GB = 2**30 |
def read_lines_jsonl(file_name, chunk_size=GB // 2): |
with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle: |
buffer = b"" |
while True: |
chunk = file_handle.read(chunk_size) |
if not chunk: |
break |
lines = (buffer + chunk).split(b"\n") |
for line in lines[:-1]: |
yield line.strip() |
buffer = lines[-1] |
def compute_subreddit_score( |
subs: pathlib.Path, comments: pathlib.Path, stats_out: pathlib.Path |
): |
submission_data = {"authors": set(), "submissions": 0, "media": 0} |
logger.debug(f"Gather Subs: {subs}") |
for line in read_lines_jsonl(subs): |
sub_data = orjson.loads(line) |
if sub_data["author"]: |
submission_data["authors"].add(sub_data["author"]["name"]) |
submission_data["submissions"] += 1 |
if not sub_data["text"]: |
submission_data["media"] += 1 |
logger.debug(f"Done Gather Subs for: {subs}") |
submission_data["authors"] = len(submission_data["authors"]) |
comment_data = { |
"authors": set(), |
"comments": 0, |
} |
logger.debug(f"Gather Comments: {comments}") |
for line in read_lines_jsonl(comments): |
sub_data = orjson.loads(line) |
if sub_data["author"]: |
comment_data["authors"].add(sub_data["author"]["name"]) |
comment_data["comments"] += 1 |
comment_data["authors"] = len(comment_data["authors"]) |
engagement = comment_data["comments"] / submission_data["submissions"] |
richness = (submission_data["media"] / submission_data["submissions"]) ** 2 |
diversity = ( |
comment_data["authors"] + submission_data["authors"] |
) / submission_data["submissions"] |
wrapped = orjson.dumps( |
{ |
"submission": submission_data, |
"comment": comment_data, |
"qscore": { |
"engagement": engagement, |
"richness": richness, |
"diversity": diversity, |
"compound": engagement * richness * diversity, |
}, |
} |
) |
stats_out.write_bytes(wrapped) |
logger.debug(f"{stats_out.name}: {wrapped}") |
def err_cb(err): |
logger.exception(err) |
@app.command() |
def compute_scores(output_path:pathlib.Path): |
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=32) as pool: |
fns = [] |
for sub in [ |
i |
for i in output_path.iterdir() |
if i.stem.endswith("_Submission") |
]: |
root_sub = sub.with_stem(sub.stem[: -len("_Submission")]) |
comments = root_sub.with_stem(root_sub.stem + "_Comments") |
if sub.exists() and comments.exists(): |
stats = root_sub.with_stem(root_sub.stem + "_Scores") |
fns.append( |
pool.apply_async( |
compute_subreddit_score, |
args=( |
sub, |
comments, |
stats, |
), |
error_callback=err_cb, |
) |
) |
else: |
logger.warning(f"Mismatched: {sub} {comments}") |
sub.unlink() if sub.exists() else None |
comments.unlink() if comments.exists() else None |
[i.wait() for i in fns] |
@app.command() |
def makefilter(merged_stats: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path, mode="text"): |
reddits = [] |
with open(merged_stats, "rb") as f: |
for stats in tqdm.tqdm(f): |
stats_data = orjson.loads(stats) |
if "qscore" not in stats_data: |
logger.warning(f"{stats} did not have any qscores.") |
continue |
qscores: dict = stats_data["qscore"] |
if mode == "text": |
if ( |
stats_data["submission"]["authors"] < 70 |
or stats_data["comment"]["authors"] < 20 |
or stats_data["submission"]["submissions"] < 450 |
or stats_data["comment"]["comments"] < 585 |
): |
continue |
if qscores["engagement"] < 1.05: |
continue |
elif qscores["engagement"] > 50: |
continue |
elif qscores["compound"] < 0.05: |
continue |
elif qscores["richness"] < 0.01 or qscores["richness"] > 0.95: |
continue |
elif qscores["diversity"] < 0.05 or qscores["diversity"] > 5: |
continue |
reddits.append(stats_data) |
elif mode == "media": |
image_bias_richness = math.sqrt(math.sqrt(qscores["richness"])) |
if ( |
stats_data["submission"]["authors"] < 70 |
or stats_data["comment"]["authors"] < 20 |
or stats_data["submission"]["submissions"] < 450 |
or stats_data["comment"]["comments"] < 585 |
): |
continue |
if qscores["engagement"] < 0.5: |
continue |
elif qscores["engagement"] > 50: |
continue |
elif qscores["compound"] < 0.05: |
continue |
elif image_bias_richness < 0.15 or image_bias_richness > 0.95: |
continue |
reddits.append(stats_data) |
output_file.write_bytes( |
b"\n".join([orjson.dumps(reddit) for reddit in reddits]) |
) |
@app.command() |
def merge_stats(folder: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path): |
with open(output_file, "wb") as fp: |
scores = [i for i in folder.iterdir() if i.stem.endswith("_Scores")] |
for stats in tqdm.tqdm(scores): |
stats_data = orjson.loads(stats.read_bytes()) |
if "qscore" not in stats_data: |
logger.warning(f"{stats} did not have any qscores.") |
continue |
fp.write( |
orjson.dumps( |
{"file": stats.name, **stats_data}, |
option=orjson.OPT_APPEND_NEWLINE, |
) |
) |
@app.command() |
def plot(file: pathlib.Path): |
total_stats = {} |
with open(file, "rb") as f: |
for stats in tqdm.tqdm(f): |
stats = orjson.loads(stats) |
if "qscore" in stats: |
for key, value in stats["qscore"].items(): |
vv_stats = total_stats.setdefault(key, []) |
vv_stats.append(value) |
total_stats[key] = vv_stats |
for key, value in stats["submission"].items(): |
key = f"submissions_{key}" |
vv_stats = total_stats.setdefault(key, []) |
vv_stats.append(value) |
total_stats[key] = vv_stats |
for key, value in stats["submission"].items(): |
key = f"submissions_{key}" |
vv_stats = total_stats.setdefault(key, []) |
vv_stats.append(value) |
total_stats[key] = vv_stats |
for key, value in stats["comment"].items(): |
key = f"comments_{key}" |
vv_stats = total_stats.setdefault(key, []) |
vv_stats.append(value) |
total_stats[key] = vv_stats |
for key in total_stats.keys(): |
if key == "richness": |
total_stats[key] = [i for i in total_stats[key] if i > 0 and i < 10] |
elif key.startswith(("submission", "comment")): |
total_stats[key] = [i for i in total_stats[key] if i > 0 and i < 100_000] |
else: |
total_stats[key] = [i for i in total_stats[key] if i > 0 and i < 100] |
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict( |
{k: v for k, v in total_stats.items() if k == key} |
) |
if key == "richness": |
fg = seaborn.displot(df, x=key, bins=500, log_scale=(False, False)) |
elif key.startswith(("submission", "comment")): |
fg = seaborn.displot(df, x=key, bins=50, log_scale=(False, False)) |
else: |
fg = seaborn.displot(df, x=key, bins=500, log_scale=(False, False)) |
nuarr = numpy.array(total_stats[key]) |
percentiles = [ |
numpy.percentile(nuarr, 95), |
numpy.percentile(nuarr, 90), |
numpy.percentile(nuarr, 50), |
numpy.percentile(nuarr, 10), |
numpy.percentile(nuarr, 5), |
] |
plt.axvline(x=percentiles[0], color="cyan") |
plt.axvline(x=percentiles[1], color="blue") |
print(percentiles, "pct for", key) |
print("Save fig") |
fg.savefig(f"test-{key}.png", dpi=120) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app() |