5 values
the four horsemen of the apocalypse have a chat over dinner .
kind of rushed but hopefully still good four figures filed into an empty restaurant . the maรฎtre de offered them menus , with only one accepting . โ€œ how can you eat here ? โ€ asked the oldest as the maรฎtre de walked away . โ€œ the food here is the best in the state. โ€ the other replied looking over the menu . the other three wrinkled their noses . โ€œ why did you call us here ? โ€ the oldest asked the younger man . โ€œ it โ€™ s official . the apocalypse has started.
a game of russian roulette between two terminally ill people .
moonlight danced across the laminate flooring , the sour smell of antiseptic filling the air as if an overused cologne . the white light glints off of something silver , a gun . two sit across from one another , a young girl , barely fifteen yet , she misses most of her hair and she looks so frail , her hospital gown hanging off one of her shoulders . her eyes , perhaps filled with some form of hope of beating her disease at some point , are now bloodshot and only showing a look of disbelief . hours before they told her she had less time than they had thought . three months they had said , and from the looks of her now it would be much shorter . she kept her eyes down , looking at the missing limb of her 'friend ' . she had never caught his name , though she knew he was as willing as she to play this game . he was in better health , though still had an expiration date . that he had never shared , that he would never share .
you are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school .
oh , come on . everyone wants to be special . let โ€™ s be completely honest here . the respect . the admiration . the perks . whatever you do , wherever you are , people treat you differently . they open doors for you , they let you jump ahead of them in a line , they listen intently when you speak . *he* got all of that special treatment . it pissed me off . i wanted in . i wanted to be special too . if the only way for me to do that was to treat him differently , i would .
you are scrolling through r/writingprompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it .
i grab my batman coffee cup off the counter and take a small sip on the way to the couch . just a bit too strong , but i could use the extra jolt . today at work was n't horrible but my aching back does n't seem to believe that . i snuggle in and pick up my phone to check the time . extra hour of sleep or extra hour of reddit ? easy choice . ( yeah i 'm drinking coffee right before bed , fight me . ) my front page reveals the same posts as ten minutes ago . ok , time to pick a sub and scroll around for new content . askreddit ? eh only a few decent questions . not in the mood for scary stories , rants , or ... what is this when did i ... ? oops .
you 've just discovered that if you rub your hands together for 10 seconds in water , the water changes into wine . you ca n't stand wine .
i never enjoyed wine . ever . always tasted like it was spoiled ... which i suppose in a way it is . finding out while washing my hands i can turn water into wine seemed like a pain , once the initial shock wore off . means i have to scrub outside of the water or i end up washing in sour grape juice . was n't until much later i realised how much of a gift this was . i filled my ( freshly cleaned ) sink with water , and kept rubbing until the water was nothing but wine . i scooped it out with a measuring jug and bottled it . i asked a friend of mine who knows what 's what with wine to try some- said it was a home-brew i 'd been working on . he took a swig and loved it . this lead to the first part of my plan .
one day you die just as your daughter is about to go into labor . then you are reincarnated as your own grandchild .
the cries of pain echoed around the delivery room , bouncing off the walls like overexcited children . the midwife was attempting to keep kelly calm , while her husband robert tried to hold her down and stop her struggling . eventually , the contractions subsided for a minute or two . kelly lay there , breathing hard . she blew a strand of curly brown hair out of her eyes and glanced at the midwife . 'i think i 'll take the morphine after all , ' she said . the midwife nodded and called for an anaesthesiologist . the man arrived moments later and administered the drug . kelly relaxed a little as the midwife moved down to the business end of the bed . i watched all this from my seat at the other end of the room .
`` you may have one wish granted . '' `` i want all my debts cleared . '' `` how much do you owe ? '' `` you misunderstand . my debts are not monetary . ''
he closed his eyes and felt for the pull . england , suburbia a small house with an unkempt garden just grass and weeds . first floor second door on the right . he opened his eyes . the kid was young , seven years tops wearing ninja turtles pyjamas that were too small , thin forearms and legs sticking out . he was on his knees his hands clasped tight in front of him whispering fervently . โ€˜ you โ€™ re a little young to be talking to me โ€™ the man said softly , his voice deep and easygoing . kid jumped up eyes wide and fearful stumbling back a couple of steps . he looked like he was about to cry but he swallowed hard gaze never leaving the figure in front of him . the man was tall and dressed in black .
you 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( wp )
it was just another day , going through the motions as i always did . wake up at 6 ; arrive at work at 7:45 to start the work day . everyday was the same and i never questioned anything about my routine , my job , my life . as i climbed aboard the the front of that old subway train something felt different , i could n't put my finger on what it was , or what it was n't . i tried to put it to the back of my mind and grind through another monotonous day of work . one stop , then another , and another . i mindlessly continue from one location to another , not paying attention to who got on or who got off . 2 more stops , i thought to myself as the day came to a close . i finished my shift , i walked up the stairs and suddenly the feeling of emptiness crept back into my mind ; this time stronger and more clear . then it hit me , the entire day , every stop , not one person boarded the subway .
the sheltered city .
*the boy took a step closer to the edge of the precipice . * it was an odd feeling that he felt , being so close to the boundary that separated the two distinct , yet similar worlds . the world below him was the one that he had always known , an unchanging city enthralled by an archaic culture that above all else feared change . he had been born into that world and had no choice but to live his life the way the others had planned for him . of course , the others had all cared for him deeply and only wanted him to succeed . but , the boy had never felt happy with these plans . he had always felt detached from the ideas and values that the others had thrown upon him . life soon began to become a struggle for the young boy as he grappled with the others ' preconceived plans of success and his own ideas of life as he knew it . *the boy took another step towards the edge . small pebbles shifted and then skittered down the edge .
`` sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . '' what happens when magic becomes too advanced ?
`` what if magic was as advanced as technology ? '' my coworker asked that this morning . my name is rob , and i work with a team that recently discovered magic is real . many people have said its a pointless science , since technology can already do more , and looks the same . illusion magic ? holograms . destruction magic ? handheld napalm blasters . conjuration ? ! energy-matter converters . everything magic can do , technology can do , but that does n't mean we should n't try . from what we know , magic has potential , a lot of it .
a test of faith .
they said priests could cleanse them . they said bullets and swords and helmets only slowed them , only gave them lead to chew and edges to turn . but i could turn our enemies back . thing is , they never told me their doubts either . how some priests , usually the louder ones with elaborate crucifixes , were swallowed by hordes . how one cleric turned , snarling , before the army even reached him , and flashed some strange black bolt from his frozen cross . i never felt their eyes trained on the small of my back , or their aim . but maybe i never felt it because my eyes were fixed forward , on my lost children . and maybe that was my mistake : a hopeful gesture and gaze convinces nobody . maybe if they 'd told me , i would 've spoken sooner .
you are a fanboy of a famous , highly experienced boxer with an undefeated streak who has inspired you to take up boxing yourself . after years of training and dedication , you find yourself pitted against him in the final match of the tournament .
this was it , all those years of training had led me to this day . the day i beat the champ , battlin โ€™ bob mcready . the rest of the chumps in this tournament were nothing , they should have stayed at home for all the chances they had . i didn โ€™ t train my whole life to lose to them , i had to fight the champ , it was destiny . he was smaller than i remembered but i โ€™ d grown a lot since the first time i saw him fight . my life changed that day and i vowed to become the best fighter anyone had seen . the crowd was going wild , whipped into a frenzy at the thought of this upstart facing down the champ , the air was electric . he turned to face me , his eyes were tired but i could still see the fight in them . โ€œ billy ? โ€ he asked . close enough , it โ€™ s not like he โ€™ d remember after all that time , but after today he โ€™ d never forget me .
a magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . you only see your reflection .
i looked deep into the pane before , attempting to fully comprehend the true meaning of what lay before me . the chanting that had at one point echoed through the hall had died into a whisper . i gazed into the mirror , and was met with my own piercing eyes staring back at me . or rather , through me . the demon at the gates had promised to show me my soulmate , the one that i would fall in love with . and all that stood before me was my own form . a shiver ran down my spine . the cold realization had dawned on me in a tide of fear , as my mind was filled with a singular and all consuming thought . that fucking pimple was *still* there . i turned around , and began walking back through the hall , the skull shaped sconce 's filled with ethereal blue flame illuminated the almost infinitely long hallway in a ghastly light , one not of the mortal realm .
humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction and you could n't be happier .
it started back on earth , in the days where only had one world . we found something , a device left behind by beings long since gone . the stone could put out power infinitely , we no longer had to depend on scarce resources for electricity . we thought we had solved everything , that we could fix our world . and we did , we were no longer at war with each other , we had peace . the trouble was , the stone could only generate so much power in a given time frame , and we were spreading it thin , and each generation our needs only grew . we started searching for more stones , we spread across the stars searching system after system . we found it , on a small world . the beings there were primitive by our standards , industrialised but pre-ftl . we estimated a total of 8 billion souls .
write a story without using any letters from the z-m row of your keyboard .
โ€œ would you just take out the stupid trash already ? i literally told you to like two hours ago ! do what you 're here for , god โ€ ! โ€œ oh ! sorry i forgot ! i โ€™ ll do that right away โ€ elly speedily replied . โ€œ holy shit , would you like her to wipe your ass while she โ€™ s at it โ€ doug responded to will โ€™ s request . โ€œ hey doug , here โ€™ s a good idea , shut the hell up , also stay out of our life โ€ will angrily yelled . โ€œ you shut up ! why do you always treat people like they โ€™ re useless โ€ doug yelled . โ€œ it โ€™ s okay doug , i โ€™ ll just take it out !
english has been simplifying itself for over 10'000 years , now everyone talks in dank memes .
as soon as the alarm clock rang , he woke up and got out of bed . friday , party spock was in the house tonight , baby . the morning routine was on . โ€“ โ€œ goood fucking morning ! โ€ spock shouted in front of the mirror . it was going to be one helluva day . second step : a cup of tea with a shot of jager . in the meantime , scott was struggling to move his ass out of the covers . *there โ€™ s not enough coffee in the world to get me . * his brain was a useless sack of protoplasm at this time of the day .
a magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . you only see your reflection .
the mirror was like any bathroom mirror . it was one of those cabinet mirrors that only allowed you to see your shoulders or higher at a certain height . if you were anything below five feet tall , you were out of luck . my family was tall , so it did n't matter . it was a huge gimmick for the party . my grandparents still did n't know how they came across such a thing . they bought it at a junk yard sale from a traveling carnival that was retiring . my grandparents were amazed to see their reflections when only one of them was using the bathroom . when they did some research about the carnival , they discovered that one of the most favorite tents was one with a mirror that showed the viewer their soulmate . my grandparents knew they were soulmates already , but after a couple of months they still remained smug .
you are a reverse vampire . you can only be seen in mirrors .
the smell hit my nose . blood . i looked up and saw her swollen , gummy grin before anything else . i set my book down on my lap . `` looks like someone had a nice meal . '' she nodded her head slowly , red dripping down her chin and onto her white blouse . what a waste . her arm arched back and she soon found her fingers tousling my hair . this is the way it had to be . she sat behind me , looking into the mirrored wall . if we were to turn around , we 'd only see the reflection of our backs . we lived in a deranged funhouse .
write from the perspective of an animal that escapes the zoo .
the water falls from the sky . the sky makes loud noises . my home , my prison , is filling with water . i am afraid . afraid that i am going to drown . i have nowhere to run . i long to run , like i used to . i used to run a lot . sometimes i would chase things . these things were delicious , but so hard to catch . that 's why i miss running .
you hear a polite knock on the door . the closet door .
*knock , knock , knock* i lift my head up from my laptop and pull my oversized headphones off of my ears . `` that ca n't be right , '' i mutter under my breath . i continue to stare at what i think was the source of the noise : a small closet in the corner of my bedroom . i never used the closet . i kept my all of my clothes either the drawers of my armoire or draped over chairs . all that was inside the closet were some boxes of old junk from my childhood i had not looked at in years . *knock , knock , knock* `` hello ? '' i call out almost inaudibly . i clear my throat and decide to sound a little bit more authoritative . `` hello ? '' *knock , knock , knock* `` maybe it 's not coming from the closet , '' i think to myself .
it 's 1216 - dover , england . you are part of a trebuchet crew in the army of louis , the dauphin of france ... ( more in comments )
`` sacre bleu ! '' was the only thing going through my mind . the cold realization of my situation ran down my spine , like a vat of frigid water . 12th may , 1216 . that would be the date that the letter notifying my state of my death would have . he died valiantly , fighting for the rightful crown of louis viii as king of england . looking at the bright side , i would fly like a bird , for a few seconds at least . then i would crash against the walls of dover castle , exploding into a gory mess among the broken bricks . so many things ran through my mind . my little patch of land , my wife , my kids , my livestock , the little hut i slept in .
every sentient species in the universe receives a jesus figure from god . it turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . you 're an ambassador priest informing the inter-galactic holy church what your species did .
father sanchez adjusted his turquoise robes , sighed , and started his defense . `` look , your cosmic eminence , i do n't really think this is our fault . '' `` hold on , stop right there . '' the pulsing orb of electricity said through the translator . `` are you actually trying to justify your actions . '' `` well , yes , your ce . there are mitigating circumstances here . '' the anointed started to move towards sanchez , but an untranslated voltage change from the ce stopped them . `` present your 'mitigating ' circumstances . '' `` right , yes . '' sanchez continued , now eyeing the 10 foot reptilian anointed with anxiety .
everyone has a reaper . the further away it is , the longer you have left to live . every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago .
like everyone else , samantha had always seen it as a vague , grey figure on the horizon . sometimes you could even convince yourself it was a trick of the eye . but she knew , one day , she would see the face of the reaper . her reaper . when hers disappeared , she thought it was simply her imagination , at first . but as the days trickled past , no grey figure reappeared . there was nothing nagging at her peripheral vision , no cold fear as she glimpsed him on the horizon . unlike her friends , she had never been able to shake the feeling of being watched , of being followed . they accepted the reapers as a natural part of life , and went on living . but she could n't . until he disappeared . for the first time in her life , her anxiety lifted , and she could look on the world freely . she could live .
a second ice age has ravaged the earth in the year 2039 . while scavenging , you realize that the ice age was artificially started , and you think you know why .
it had been 2 years since this hell had started . the population of earth had more than quadrupled since 2010 . the world was in constant war , and for the first time , americans had gone to war over food . that was 5 years ago . everyone who was n't old or weak was forced to draft . woman , man , children 14 years and older were forced to fight for food . but then the volcano erupted . there was so much ash and dust , barely anyone could breath . the huge ash clouds covered the sky . there was no sunlight left .
you have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . you wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game .
i opened my eyes . i grab my chest frantically and look down . nothing . no wound . no blood . that 's when i realize . no anything else either ! what the hell is going on ? i squat down in the grass and look around and find i am all alone in the middle of a field . i close my eyes to gather my thoughts . the last thing i remember is getting in an argument with that deadbeat degenerate gambler about the money he owed me . that 's when he pulled his gun .
โ€œ every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' write the story of a character that wants a glass of water .
he gasped as he stared across the flat plain , his eyes bulging from the effort involved . how foolish he had been , he thought , as he slowly moved himself forward . foolish for leaving the safety of his home . foolish for striking out , but it seemed like such a good idea at the time . he remembered the sight and how it seemed so exciting , so new . how could he have known ? the light beat down . he could feel it on his skin , almost cooking him . he continued to move forward , seeming inches at a time . flailing with his last energy he fell forward and felt himself come against a smooth , cold wall .
`` the empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . earth is next .
it started when the kyron attacks stopped . out of nowhere , the race that had terrorised all other factions and races just ... stopped . of course , there was debate . some argued it was a miracle . i argued it was suspicious . what could the kyrons be doing to justify stopping attacking everyone ? the situation got so bad that it spurned peace talks between the two human factions , my rulers , the era , and the profiteers of the nagap . it was agreed upon , in secret , to mount an expedition into kyron territory , the first one in centuries . what they found , shocked us all . the kyrons never stopped attacking .
you 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . however , you are unable to hear what they hear .
ever seen one million people look at you like you were the sun , the star , the new king ? that they would give their lives for you if you asked them ? that all their hopes for their future and their children 's future rested inside you ? the ranks stretched in front of me for miles , all their faces with joy and laughter . young and happy . i did n't want to think where all of them would be 10 years from now . the soldiers were marching and even though i could n't here them , i could nod to their rhythm . they all turned towards me ( him ) , acknowledged me ( him ) . it felt ... powerful . i ( he ) turned around and looked at the others on the pedestal , their faces benign but when they made eye contact with me , they would break out into giant smiles . i had made their day just by looking at them .
write a story that seems normal on first sight , except for one small detail that makes it extremely creepy on a more careful reading .
dad came out the other room . `` dad can you tuck me in ? '' i asked . `` sure , '' he smiled and followed me to my room . i laid down in bed and he tucked me in . `` remember to take your pill ! '' he put the green pill in my mouth and he put the glass of water to my lips and i drank it . i quickly fell asleep . when i woke up i had a headache and a burning sensation in between my legs . `` hurry and get ready for school , '' he said to me . `` you woke up very late . ''
caffeine is made illegal and is now rated schedule i by the dea .
`` what 's in the back , sir ? '' i focused hard on not swallowing . `` just my stuff , i 'm moving in with my brother in bellevue . been out of work almost a year , ca n't afford my own place anymore . '' a flicker of sympathy , a subtle epicanthic twitch . his uniform was well maintained , but the telltales of wear and tear were soaked deep into the fabric . cops had to buy their own uniforms these days , and this noose looked like he upheld the law more often than his income . law enforcement wages were a flat percentage of income from arrests and fines . i 'd been pulled over by a unicorn . a cop with a conscience . or a history . or both .
the aliens want to know what the hell we did with atlantis .
`` *oh my god* , '' i groaned , holding my head in my hands . or rather , i would 've . but i was strapped down by ... chains of shimmering light to a metal gurney aboard an extraterrestrial spaceship . **we do not believe in higher beings . once , we did . but now we have transcended past such primitive behaviors . ** `` but you believe in *atlantis* . '' my voice was the most incredulous i could 've possibly made it . somehow , the green , oozing spheroids circling my head missed the tone . **of course . there is much literature , maps , even video footage that indicates its existence .
it is confirmed that the devil is very real and lives on earth . he looks different to everyone ( animal , human , otherworldly etc . ) and this is your first time meeting him .
**a toilet in dunkirk** **human : ** well , this is unexpected . **devil : ** what 's unexpected ? **human : ** your appearance . i expected you to be a bit more , well ... .red , and frightening . **devil : ** oh i 'm sorry to disappoint you . my form is hardly a matter of discussion though , i can bring upon you the most insufferable pain and misery . **human : ** it would be rather funny , given the circumstances . **devil : ** what circumstances ? what could be funny about experiencing torturous , nerve-jangling pain ? **human : ** the fact that it 's being administered by what appears to be a piece of shit in a scottish toilet ?
since the beginning of time , you 've been cursed with immortality , but this curse does not grant you permanent youth , it 's a ticket from death . bones show , and you have n't needed a breath for five centuries . thousands of years after your gift was given to you ; you realize . you have become death .
i still remember the day it happened . the day my fascination with death began . it was in my youth upon the passing of my grandmother when i felt death 's powers first . i was sad of course , but intrigued . a force so powerful that it takes the lives of everyone . regardless of race , wealth , and power . it takes everyone . or so that 's what i 've been told . i do n't want to believe that we are all just born to die . there must be a way around it . i soon found myself buried in my studies .
write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche .
my great-grandfather โ€™ s old wristwatch : the steel bracelet is stained and covered in desk scratches and everyday bumps . there are dents , marks , and fine grazes along the bezel and on the lugs . the acrylic crystal is cracked and the silver dial is now a dusty ivory . a quick shake awakens the old automatic movement , and the second hand begins its 60-second sweep . the ticks and clicks of the gears and springs inside threatens to die with every beat , and the bracelet โ€™ s split pins wiggle out of their links if worn too long . still i wear it and still i love it . โ€œ you should get it cleaned up , โ€ my sister says . โ€œ i bet it โ€™ s worth a mint if you sell it , it โ€™ s so old , โ€ my father says . but i won โ€™ t do either . the watch is an heirloom .
a young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits .
`` we have a surprise for you , edgar . '' the nurse came into my room with a smile . i fucking hate surprises , but i could n't tell her that . she had been my nurse for several months now , and she was a pleasant older woman . she cared a lot for her charges . at least , she seemed to . `` what is it ? '' i asked , feigning interest . the grin went from a subtle smile to a face splitting gash . she was very excited .
a world where soulmates die at the same time .
it was late at night and kyle was packing the second half of the chinese takeout into a container . he always had leftovers because all the meals were made for two . everything was made for two . he was an oddity , and a bit of an outcast in his society . โ€œ normal โ€ people didn โ€™ t live alone as an adult . โ€œ normal โ€ people had found their soulmate by the time they were 20 . he was 26 and had no intentions of finding one . kyle had some friends , but none of them were very close . they accepted him , but he knew there was still a part of them that looked down on him because his life was what most people considered going against nature . so he spent most nights alone , eating half of some kind of takeout he ordered .
you are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep .
i understand what is happening . i 'm not an idiot . i 've been sick , lately , and getting slowly worse . i do n't know what exactly is wrong with me - they used some words i do n't know . i 've realized that i wo n't pull through , though . `` terminal . '' that 's a word i know . my friend is crying . not loudly , not obviously - i would n't know if i were n't looking at them . i brace myself and strain to reach up and lick my friend 's cheek . they make a choked noise that might be a laugh or a sob .
as smaug flies overhead , razing lake-town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . the dovahkiin readies for battle .
`` alduin is dead , '' i announced as i entered sky haven temple . delphine and the rest of the blades cheered . that night we celebrated and enough mead was consumed that could pickle a mammoth . `` hail to the dragonborn , '' shouted delphine , `` destroyer of all dragons ! '' the cheers echoed through the chamber as we drank . `` not all dragons , i 'm afraid , '' said esbern . he walked down the stairs into the main chamber . we were all stunned silent . `` i found some old books that tell the tale of a dragon that flew from skyrim to a land far from here , even farther than the summerset isles . to a land called middle-earth . your quest is not yet over , dragonborn . you must defeat the one called smaug . '' middle-earth is a strange place .
in the year 2100 , robots have overthrown mankind as the dominant force on earth . like everyone else , you are treated like a pet by your robot .
`` freaking awesome '' thought marla . another day , another nap , another round of tv and internet . her owner cg675 closed the door as the sun started to peak through the blinds , off to god knows where . if the humans were still in charge this would 've been her 42nd birthday . she thought back on those times , long ago . the endless din of preparation , the disappointment and empty seats which had accompanied so many of her life celebrations in the times before the revolution . maybe that was part of why she had helped the robots , now all the time in the world was hers to fill and she never felt judged or responsible for an inadequate social life or having too few reliable friends . in the afternoon cc as she liked to call her would return , and they would go on a walk . maybe there would be some sort of celebration . whatever happened , it was no longer her responsibility and therefore no longer her fault when it inevitably fell through .
a soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . it is finished and sent by the man who killed him .
my dearest anna , i know that when i left i told you it was for the best , and that i needed space , but this was not the way to get it . the front has been hell . sitting in what feels like a pit , eating watery soup they call food , and wishing i could come back home to your delicious cooking . i know i told you i was joining up on your 21st birthday , but this just feels right , and i want to say i 'm sorry . this ordeal has caused me to forget what i was even mad about . i miss you , and tell my mom i miss her too . my tour will be over in three months , and i will have some apologizing to do . ok , anna , most sorry , but in raid , husband was shot . english not first language , so please bear with . husband is in hospital , looks like no going to make it , he wanted me to say sorry , and he loves you .
the last thing anyone ever invented .
`` this thing will revolutionize . '' `` ... revolutionize what ? '' `` it will . '' `` what are you revolutionizing , mcgaver ? '' `` everything and nothing all at once . '' barty gave a chuckle ; mcgaver was known to use this particular one liner for everything . what sort of salad did he want ? all of them yet none of them . who was he dating ? everyone and yet nobody at once .
the artificial gravity on a generational colony ship is on the fritz , prone to randomly switching directions . it 's been like this for at least 200 years , and society has adapted .
`` so your cafe latte with two shots of espresso comes out to about fifteen credits . '' the blonde barista took tim 's hand . `` scan please ? '' tim opened his hand and she pressed it against her own . however , the haptic vibration that signaled a transaction was absent . `` huh , that 's weird ... '' she tried again . tim broke a sweat . the barista covered her mouth as her eyes went wide at a sudden realization . `` you are -- '' tim pressed a finger against her lips . `` yes it 's me . ''
frozen moon and night .
charles coughed feebly . stirring every so slightly , his eye lids flickered . his mother sat by his bedside , singling softly and gently brushing a cool cloth over his forehead . sweat beaded his brow , and his pale lips and flushed cheeks overtook his handsome features . jet black hair was matted around his face . `` mum . '' he rasped . `` mum , i ... i had the most lovely dream . '' his mothers eyes shimmered and she brushed his fringe to the side lovingly . `` i.. i ... '' `` shh now , charles . '' she whispered , a small smile breaking through her worried features . `` can you ... open ... the window ? ''
- 250 words ; 2 months reddit gold prize .
the light blinded me . okay , maybe not literally . but when you 've lived underground your entire life , fed lies about the surface , threatened with execution if you so much as *glimpse* the top world , you tend to start believing what you hear . but you also hear other people . they talk in hurried whispers , sealing their lips if anyone passes too close . they talk behind closed doors , doors that kids like myself have manytimes placed their ear to the heyhole of . doors that reveal a fascinating world full of colors no one could imagine . full of sounds no speaker could re produce . full of scents that are n't covered by ores and dirt . a world kids like me dream of .
every god had to choose a race and a planet to manage , but for some reason all gods who choose humanity had given up . a young godling decided to take matter to its hand .
i have existed since the birth of light . i have dawned the rings of saturn ; danced in the eye of jupiter . yet , to me this means nothing . the way of the cosmos is dictated by law , there is order , its predictable . if i am to prove myself to all the children of the light , i must do the unpredictable . this is why , i have chosen the beings of the water . they are lost , they follow no laws and have forgotten the way of the cosmos . their temperament flows from end to end , like the current of the blue heart they inhabit . my intent will not be to change them , that has been the mistake of many who have tried before me . instead , learning the way of the water will be my recourse.they will be my vessels for instruction and i will nurture their desires .
you are a supervillain named the keymaster . instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them .
when i first started this business , i knew i was different from the rest who were in it . where others had ambition and dreams , i was one with the shadows , there to corrects the wrongs . they wanted to take over the world and steal men 's souls . i merely wanted to pick locks . the moonlight was bright when i first broke in to the prison . plain gray bricks littered my sights , asides from the occasional cell . hastily , i made my way to my destination . to a certain cell that contained a certain someone . he was ken , a not so infamous supervillain . only problem with his role was that he got caught .
everyone always talks about those ancient and proud warrior races . instead , tell me about the meek and timid races .
the hall was lined with marble statues along either side of the red and dusty rug . worn plaques lay beneath each figure , justifying their presence : krall the destroyer , fierce in both physique and expression , holding his warhammer *widowmaker* . mothers told their children to go to bed lest krall come to get you . vyncent the unconquerable , lord of the seven and servant to none . legend had it he had killed two kings in a single battle ; that of the invading army 's , and as gesture that he bowed to no man - his own . damian rainbringer : usurper , tyrant . murderer , savior . stories of the rainbringer were as numerous as their disbelievers . these were the rare displays , unique in their completeness . others were broken , missing limbs or heads or , worst of all , reason . the mighty warriors of old , destroyer of kingdoms , leaders of men : collectors of dust .
the apocalypse has come . the only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ...
โ€œ psst , โ€ he attempted . โ€œ heyโ€ฆ โ€ โ€œ are you pretending to be asleep like i am ? โ€ tim gazed at the ceiling of his room , blue and white with the clouds that he had painted together with his parents . dad โ€™ s shoulders were usually steady , but that day they shivered from the rhythm of his bellowing laughter , as he propped tim up to paint . tim waved the brush around wildly , making white paint rain down on them both . it was such fun . it was getting bright now , the sky outside must be full of colors unlike the blue of the ceiling . tim wondered if the sky in the room was meant to make him want to go outside where the colors were brighter . it was getting bright , and yet no one had come to wake him up . it was the dreaded monday and he supposedly had school .
like in some rpgs , every few years people get a chance to reroll their stats in real life . after getting a degree and busting your ass in the gym to get your levels up , you finally decide to reroll today .
i was ready . six months of work all leading up to this . i was ready . i grabbed the small bag and gingerly removed the dice from within . they glowed with a pale red light . i opened the leather-bound journal . i grabbed a pencil and wrote in careful cursive : october 1 , 2015 . the words flashed blue for a moment , then burned into the paper . after a moment , a message appeared below mine : *hello , dale . would you like to continue your game , or re-roll ? * i circled 're-roll ' . the page lit with a brilliant blue light .
you relive the same day over and over again forever .
okay , the train just passed , one one thousand , two one thousand , three one thousand , and turn . squint , eyes go wide , jaw drops , reach it into back pocket , and kneel . โ€œ oh my gosh you are the most wonderful woman i โ€™ ve ever seen in my whole life , will you marry me ? โ€ she steps back and covers her face in shock . now quick lunge forward to grab her dangling hand and pull her away from the on coming cab . โ€œ i โ€™ m sorry. โ€ i stand up and quickly release her hand and back peddle . โ€œ i didn โ€™ t mean to scare you so badly , it โ€™ s just i couldn โ€™ t risk the chance of you getting away . '' โ€œ how , how , what. โ€ she stammers . i put the ring back into my pocket . โ€œ it โ€™ s okay , i understand , this is too much . i should go.
to prevent only the dumbest people in the world from reproducing , everyone is implanted with a birth control device during puberty . it can only be deactivated once it 's been determined you are intelligent and stable enough to raise a well-adjusted human being by an `` auditor '' . you 're an auditor .
`` twenty-six ! '' an eager , optimistic young couple approaches my section of the long auditor desk and present their identical `` 26 '' tickets . they 're already smiling . i 'm not optimistic . `` hi , how are you all doing ? '' i ask dryly . i do n't hear their response . the needle on my sensor already has dipped below the yellow cautionary section . my initial grimace deflates them completely . `` what 's wrong ? ! '' she inquires . i shake my head no . `` i 'm sorry . ''
`` kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . ''
`` kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' a shadowy figure crept through the darkness . `` kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' the figure moved quickly keeping low heading towards the single house at the end of the road . `` kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' through the door up the steps the figure moved barely making a sound . the movements were controlled , no confusion , they knew where they were going . `` kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' the figure entered the room and grabbed the baseball bat that was by the door . without breaking stride they made their way to the bed and stood over the sleeping boy .
you are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . but much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show .
`` tony , have you been drinking again ? '' great . that latest waste-of-spandex goofball wore on my nerves and now my senile aunt is getting on my case . i pour myself another whiskey . `` it 's richard '' , i tell her . that 's not exactly a lie . `` i just heard from bloodnight . turns out richard was kid night all this time . '' i barely restrain myself from punctuating the phrases -not outright lies , i tell myself- with glasses of whiskey . `` and now he 's dead . '' that , at least , is not a lie . every once in a while , the morons the police labels `` super criminals '' manage to put a lethal component in their rube goldberg guillotines .
you win the jackpot in the lottery , and get to decide between 10 million dollars and the contents of a mistery-box . you choose the box , and it 's totally worth it .
the tall man escorted me silently down the long empty corridor . the florescent lights evenly illuminated the stark white walls periodically broken by the frame of a closed door . as we neared the end of he hallway , the dark haired , clean cut man stopped abruptly . `` mr. brendon , your prize is right through this door . take your time making the final decision . once a choice is made , you ca n't change your mind . '' with that , my escort stepped aside . the room provided no relief from the sterile decor of the rest of the building . the white walls , ceiling , and floor were devoid of any adornments or color with the exception of two platforms . the first platform was covered from edge to edge with neat stacks of crisp $ 100 bills , held together tightly with thin white paper bands . the other contained a small stainless steel box with no visible hinges or markings . i looked in awe of the large pile of money .
when you die , you get reborn with all your memories and abilties intact . instead of telling anyone , you decide to learn and perfect as many skills as possible in the span of many lifetimes to become the most talented human being .
*promise me that you 'll use your power for good . do n't let evil overwhelm you again . okay ? * `` good morning everybody , '' i smiled as i strolled inside the council room , casually admiring the original oil paintings on the wall . i arrived at my seat finding the finest fresh-picked flowers in the vase waiting for me , i instantly smell them . `` ah . just like i requested . hyacinth orchid , a truly wonderful scent . '' everyone was already in their seats , waiting for me to start the meeting . i sat down and waved my hand , signaling it to start . `` let 's discuss the situation , '' the director began as he showed the hologram of mother earth in the middle of the table , he was in his usual navy business suit and a classical bow-tie . `` rumor has it that the terrorist group , issi has comprised the grand library of osiris . if we do not meet their demands , they will burn down everything inside . '' `` that 's preposterous ! ''
when everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . you 're the first person to receive a dragon ...
ian was buried under a thick layer of sheets when he felt something moist run the length of his back . it entered his dream , and he saw a dog licking him . ian started to play with the dog , before he felt the feeling again and jolted awake . he slowly opened his eyes , saw the dragon in front of him , and went to check the time . `` really ? '' he groggily muttered out loud . it was only three o'clock . what could have possibly waken him u- panic started to flow through his body . he turned away from his mirror , and saw the dragon that was perched atop the heading of his bed . it was small , a little larger than the size of a house cat . its scales were green , the color of leaves , besides its eyes , which were aquamarine .
kill the writer in first-person narrative .
the vision was white , like they always told me . bright lights , angelic people flitting in and out of vision . i could hear words being spoken , but none of them made a whole lot of sense to me . i blinked . i swallowed , dry lips grating along one another , a small gap present off to the right side . try as i might to close the gap , something did n't feel right . beginning to sit up , my feeble body shakes as i stretch out withered hands . *could those be mine , truly mine ? * `` may i have my pipe , please ? '' my voice is quiet in the large room . `` sorry , sir , we ca n't . can i get you something to drink ? ''
in a world where reincarnation is accepted fact there are two kinds of human - elite `` pilgrims '' who reincarnate to new 25 year old bodies every time they die - and `` shells '' - destined to become new bodies for pilgrims at some point in their 25th year , losing their own soul in the process .
my mother told me it was punishment-recompense for my the sins of past lives . or , at least , those were the bedtime stories she told me before she husked . it was slow process , slow enough for my 6 year old brain to fully understand her suffering . at first she would zone out for a little bit , then snap back to reality . her smile would reassure me that everything was ok yet over time each smile was smaller , as if each time she snapped back , she lost a memory . she knew me , of course , and loved me , but it changed . her love was somehow cold and obligatory rather than the warmth i had so loved . the change happens the same way to every person . at the stroke of midnight on your 25th birthday , your body spasms for exactly .25 seconds . every single cell , every single fiber of your being is super charged .
hilda is a valkyrie , one of the oldest . she 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child .
i look down at the child at my feet , his eyes wide and full of fear and wonder . `` who- who are you ? '' he whispered , shaking- though his feet are strong under him , and he holds his ground . `` youngest of warriors , i am valkyrie . whom might you be ? '' `` my name is kurt wagner . i ... . i do n't feel right . '' his eyes filled with tears as he looked at me , but his stance staid strong . yes , i would take him . odin help me , i see the strength that he would have had if he had been allowed to become a man . `` young kurt , you are dead . can you tell me what happened ? do you understand how , young warrior ? '' tears fell from his eyes .
a sociopath who desperately wants to feel love .
love . it โ€™ s so simple for most people . i walk past a park on my way home from work . i see old couples holding hands , young couples kissing and groping each other ( the groping i understand , at least . ) people who are in loveโ€ฆtheyโ€ฆthey have this look . like nothing else exists but them . it โ€™ s clichรฉ , i know . but they โ€™ re oblivious to everyone around them . at first i saw love as nothing more than a curiosityโ€”when my friends were growing up they all had puppies , kittens , or hamsters growing up that they โ€œ loved โ€ . i โ€™ d have to spend hours watching them caress and stroke these tiny , useless balls of fur . i can appreciate the feel of the fur , don โ€™ t get me wrong , but they don โ€™ t need to be alive for that .
your character is seconds away from death .
`` hello john . '' the well dressed man , standing there in his three piece suit , said . he looked almost sad as he stood over john in his hospital bed . `` ah . you 've finally come . '' john said , weakly . the years have taken a heavy toll on john . 85 years of live will do that to a man . `` we 've spent much time together over the decades . only you were the one helping people finding their way . i wanted to thank you for that . '' the well dressed man smiled while he spoke . `` i did i needed to be done . ''
its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . a reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak .
they knocked on the door . we held the line . they shouted vague mumblings . we reinforced our barricades . they spoke . we did not listen . they tried to get in through the chimney . we blocked our chimney and lined what was accessible with serrated blades . they sent microphones down . we smashed them and threw them in the trash disposal . they tried to send exploding plaguebearers in kelvar at us .
write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice .
valeron strode forth , cutting through shadow and air . he had been working on a new project , a charm of health for a local nobleman . that project was paused when he heard his apprentice call for him . he descended the massive spire , using magic in small spurts to speed his movement . at the bottom , he could see his apprentice , reyna , her fiery hair falling down onto her shoulders , her pale , bright skin a light of fierce beauty . she was standing in the middle of the tower , valeron 's lair , where he often practiced spellslinging with her . she was formidable , but lacking creativity at times . she could fend off almost all the basic attacks . fire snaking towards her , ice shards , or lightning . shadow and light she could defeat .
humans unlock the secret to immortality/eternal youth . you learn the horrible truth behind why we evolved mortal .
is this what i get for fearing god too much ? i awoke on the 23rd of may in 2064 to the greatest scientific breakthrough in human history . self-regenerative cells . it was n't long before all it took was a trip down to your local walgreen to be administered with the antidote . old age was no longer an issue , death became something forgotten . for a time at least . i earned my priesthood during the summer of my 36th year . a hot july day of 2062 . those were a good few years . i could feel myself growing closer to god with each passing day . every service another step towards my savior .
the doctor is pen pals with glados .
a man in an orange jumpsuit ran for his fucking life . sweat-lined eyes surveyed the passing rooms back and forth like a lawn sprinkler until he finally stopped so hard that he tripped and fell onto the ground . his portal gun fell out of his hands and clattered along the white tiles . a voice sounded from security cameras that gave him goosebumps and made his hands curl into fists . *it 's about time . i am genuinely impressed at how long your primitive brain managed to keep your body upright . it must be working overtime up there . poor thing . * he stood up and ran to his portal gun . a white panel extended from the wall and blocked his path abruptly . he collapsed against the panel and fell to the ground , wheezing and panting .
major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . one just kills you . the other , well no one knows what that one does ...
โ€œ effectively as of october 12 , 2015 , all prisoners in the united states of america incarcerated for severe acts of violence , fraud , or other major crimes will be mandated to take the pill proposition โ€ read the sign upon entering the police station . i was arrested as an accessory for drug trafficking and murder of opposing traffickers . my partner , found immediately guilty was directly sent to prison , while i wait on my court order . a few days later , i was found innocent , while my partner would face the new โ€œ pill proposition โ€ . i โ€™ ve read this new proposition makes the prisoner choose from taking one of two pills , black and white . the black pill is death . simply put , it relaxes the body into unconsciousness while all major organs shut down . a simple , clean , fast death . the effects of the white pill , however , is unknown . straight from the laboratories of an unknown location , the pill itself has a dark , mysterious aura to it .
you wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . you do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you .
a klaxon shrills throughout the cold metal of my enclosure . i awake , startled , and try to make my conscious brain aware of my surroundings . where am i ? i look around and take in my location . i was sitting on a metal cot , my feet on the floor and my back against the wall , fast asleep . there are shoes on my feet . thick , massive boots . i am wearing a white shirt and orange pants . the floor is a metallic grate that screeches and squawks under my thick boots . the wall in front of me and to my left is a flat white . i reach out to touch it . it is cold .
write an epic battle .
**are you allowed to repost responses that you posted for other prompts ? if so , here we go ... ** `` sir , i need the toilet ! '' floated a particularly loud voice , cutting above the general chatter of the room . dr mehmed turned from the board , where he had been in the middle of writing a particularly convoluted equation that meandered needlessly into the worlds of not only quadratics but also surds , fractions and negative indices . he looked over the top of his glasses , identifying the source of the primary disturbance . his mustache sagged . `` miss jahromi , what possible way would you need to utilize a lavatory in order to solve this equation ? '' he asked , mustache flopping with every word . `` perhaps you intended to ascertain as to whether you have permission to leave this classroom in order to use the lavatory ? '' `` you wat ? '' asked gรผvercin , quickly putting her lipstick down .
you are a scientist aboard a ship studying aliens ( xenomorphs ) . you wake up attached to a wall , and you can feel a baby chest burster inside you . what are your final thoughts ?
log of dr. javier ramos : the larva is inside of me . jesus christ i can feel it wriggling behind my ribcage . it should n't be long now . judging by the tests we performed , i have five minutes , at most . what options do i have ? lethal dosage of drugs would act quickly enough to kill me before creature 's emergence , but not the larvae itself ... no , i ca n't allow it to leave my body alive . this was my mistake and i 'll be damned if i allow the rest of the ship to suffer the consequences . i 've stolen a sidearm from the armory . i 'm taking the little bastard with me . give my love to my family .
each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . write about the life of this person .
`` you like that you fucking whore ? '' jessie stared lifelessly into the ceiling . sometimes it helped to try and count the ceiling fan 's rotations , other times it did n't . some men ignored her eyes rolling inadvertently , following the blades . others gave her a firm smack across the face for her insolence . her aggressor pounded vigorously into her -- tearing her even wider with each thrust . it would be over soon , judging from the quickening rhythm . `` look at me you cunt ! '' the aggressor barked , doling out a viscous backhand . she knew it . jessie looked into his raging eyes and felt the familiar quiver .
my cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out .
i spent the day arguing with my superiors . they could n't send a simple vice cat on another drug bust . they 've been continually hounding me about turning the promotion down . i did n't want to get tangled up in the fluffy family ring again . it always led back to them . for the briefest moment , i allow my thoughts to wander to a gorgeous dame with eyes as blue as the sky and a coat whiter than freshly fallen snow . i shook myself out of my revelry . she was n't coming back . not ever . why she had ever fallen for a scarred up , mackerel-stripped , everyday joe like me , i 'd never know . that one memory firmed his resolve .
there is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . just like in cinderella , as soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss .
madelyn story final chapter rated pg-13 for questionable behavior . `` i hope he will be there , '' thought madelyn . she called a taxi . `` take me to 5th street '' said madelyn . while going there she got caught in a traffic jam . โ€œ i 'll never make it in time , โ€ she opened the door . โ€œ ya , where are you going ? pay me ! โ€ โ€ here yaggo keep the change , โ€ said madelyn . she ran through the cars into the dark night . *boom boom* `` thunder '' she thought .
you notice your friend 's car empty and abandoned on a highway shoulder . after taking a closer look , you see a path leading to the woods from the car . you follow it .
i was on my way home from work . just like any normal day , i was driving along 391 at about 55 . not speeding not going slow . i saw a white car , just sitting on the highway with the door open . i thought the car looked familiar , and i pictured my friends car and matched up the license plates i my head . it was his . i slow down , switch lanes , and park next to the car . nothing was strange except the face that he was n't in the car . he was nowhere to be found actually . on the way walking back to my car to call him on his cell to see what was up , i glanced at the woods beside the highway . there was matted down grass footprints leading into the woods .
you 're a witch , and the men and women you 've turned into frogs over the years have taken you to court in a class-action lawsuit .
* '' i know nothing of what the claimant is accusing me of . `` * * '' she 's a damned liar ! `` * croaked the voice of one of the many witnesses to the trial . * '' order , i shall have order in this court ! `` * as the gabble stroke thrice , * '' you may continue with your questioning '' * * โ€ thank you , your honor. โ€ * clasping his hands , the attorney looked towards his client upon the stand . * โ€ now that we understand this correctly , you have no idea as to why the claimants are accusing you of turning them into toadsโ€ฆ โ€ * * โ€ objection ! they are frogs your honor. โ€ * raised the prosecution , her hair short and professional in cut , her dress long and the same . * โ€ my apologies , into frogs. โ€ * waived off the defense , his lanky gaunt arms and pale complexion not boding well for first impressions . * โ€œ mrs . grenouille , may i ask what your profession is ?
due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual grammar nazis .
the single , bare bulb hanging from the ceiling comes to life with an electric crack , and his eyes sting as they adjust from the darkness . there was a bag over his head when they brought him in here , so this is his first chance to take in the room . the drab , colorless walls are completely devoid of decoration besides a small bookshelf to his right . as he attempts to stretch , he realizes his arms are still tied to the back of the chair . the room 's only door creaks , and in walks a nazi official . judging by the clips on his collar , he 's an *obersyntaxleiter . * `` good morning , '' he says , then smiles slightly as he shuts the door . `` did you know it was morning ? you have been here for some time . '' the man in the chair says nothing . if this man is an *obersyntaxleiter , * it 's unlikely talking will help .
scientists manage to revive the dinosaurs . fortunately , and also unfortunately , they all act like oversized house cats .
it lumbers into the living room , swinging it 's tail club into the lamp , the tv , the wall . it suddenly stops and drops on the floor to get into position to groom itself . unfortunately , the floor ca n't take any more abuse . it gives way and the ankylosaur is scrabbling for a grip until it falls into the basement . meanwhile , the neighbor 's pachycelpsaurus is crashing his head through their bathroom door . while it 's being used . the next block over , at the hall 's . their pet has gotten stuck in the dino door again . squawking and thrashing around as they try pulling on it . five blocks away , at the andersons .
'' so the superpower you get , has to be based on your current job ? ''
โ€œ please , please. โ€ you won โ€™ t find mercy here , darling . maybe if you had asked me a year ago , long before i became who i am now , i might have spared you . i might have shown you the empathy that i once exuded like a maternal parent . that โ€™ s not the case anymore , you are faced with a new man . i stand proudly on a different plane of existence than the one you are chained to . she wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her cardigan and mouths the word โ€œ please โ€ once again . this is getting boring , so trivial . she has no idea that she is dealing with a monster . i am prometheus , though crafted from human flesh . i raise my powerful hand and she winces slightly , her fear is wine to my thirsty mouth .
you awake one morning and you can hear everyone 's thoughts completely unedited .
`` oh great , the little fuck face is awake . time to take him to school . '' - mom ( i 'm sure she 's just kidding though ! ) `` these students are learning , and i am teaching them . yes , must learn . big wolf hunt red fox . '' - my biology teacher during instruction realizing my new-found ability , i decide to take advantage of it and talk to people i want to know more about . first real social interaction - project x ( time : afternoon ) i talk to a girl i have talked with and am interested in . she is in one of my classes . in such a public environment , i am sure she has thought things in her head without saying them out loud . fuck that was retarded . i speak to her . hello peer , i say .
when we die , we do not go to heaven or hell . our souls become extras in other people 's dreams , living through whatever their unconscious minds come up with .
the chair under me is uncomfortable , but there 's not much i can do about it . the balcony off which i 'm staring faces a brilliantly blue sunset . i like it when they think up of weird stuff . it 's very boring , most times . at least it 's not a nightmare . he wanders into view in the street beneath me . i 'm not going to pay him much heed . the person sitting next to me , a rather frantic young lady who was killed in a drunk driving car crash , leaps to her feet and leans over the railing . `` *help ! * '' she screams . `` help ! '' i barely have time to begin to sigh before he 's gone .
you hear a polite knock on the door . the closet door .
despite tom 's propensity for sleeping like a newborn , the familiar sound of the knock , in a somewhat pavlovian fashion , woke him in near blinding rage . he was no stranger to this sound , as these nighttime incidents had been going on for weeks , and he had no explanation for it . this time , however , he vowed it would be the last . `` please do n't make a fuss this time , dear . '' he heard from his wife . she kept her eyes closed , eager to fall back asleep before the paranoia kept her up . `` do n't worry , honey , this wo n't take long . '' tom said , grabbing the 9mm from his underwear drawer . he crept over and swung open the door , revealing a vast , snowy landscape . in normal circumstances , this would seem absurd , but tom was no stranger to this , as his eyes and trigger finger promptly met between the eyes of the weird half goat man standing in the doorway .
a new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream .
they never could have stopped me . while the politicians and companies argued and the addicts went mad over it , i was calculating the possibilities . the drug did n't have a name , not officially , but went by a thousand names on the streets . i did n't care what they called it . an entire lifetime , burned into a short span of frenzied neural activity , and then you came out the other end . that was the trick . they never realized the potential , not until it was too late . the arrangements were simple enough , for me . the system to supply a constant dose of the drug and to keep me alive while i was under was child 's play . after it was set in place , it took nothing more than a few hired thugs to supply the substance itself .
`` your card has been rejected . ''
`` your card has been rejected . '' `` *what ? * '' the cashier blinked . `` did you not hear me or ... ? '' `` i *heard* you , i just do n't understand how this is happening . i *just* made a deposit . '' he argued , as if she could control what the register said . `` you 're free to try again , sir . '' the girl , not much older than twenty , probably , told him . `` we just got a new system installed , so all the bugs have n't been worked out , yet . '' just then his brother decided to walk up , dumping a twix and two ring pops in with his transaction . jimmy glared . `` do you *mind* ? ''
the earth does not rotate . one side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . the other side is in eternal night . cultures on both side develop around this .
myla peered at the gated wall , her translucent pale skin standing out against the fungal flora . light peeked through the horizon , as it always had , and always would . *prepare . we hunt . * *soon . death ! freedom ! * the anticipation was tangible . myla trembled with it , as she crouched there among the mycelia , holding her bone spear . she closed her eyes , remembering of a time when her people had enslaved the shadows . those had been good years . for centuries , the rich bounty of the brightlands had belonged to the people . blessed as they were , none of the people could enter the brightlands , but the shadows had been their faithful servants , and dutifully brought the rare resources back .
an alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . a lone , unarmed human .
first time submitting something to one of these threads . hope you like it . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- โ€œ begin audio log. โ€ โ€œ this is the preliminary surgical examination of the alien subject encountered three days ago on the polar continent . i am dr. brzzk , chief medical examiner . assisting me today is dr . hyunk ! , professor of pathology and grwisk , professor of anthropology , phd. โ€ grwisk felt a tightening of the muscles in his neck at his colleague โ€™ s backhanded introduction . being the only non-medical practitioner invited to participate in the first autopsy of this strange creature , he knew there would be some chaffing . doctors , in his experience , are very proprietary people .
a man is locked in his bedroom . his zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . a loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him .
the silver glock was poised like a beautiful swan . loaded , like a bird ready for flight , and elegant , it 's slender muzzle extending like a bird 's neck , ready to catch it 's prey . it was waiting . silently , it rested on the old wooden table , gleaming against the black material , like a candle in the darkness . i remember the day , twenty years ago , when that woman brought it in- the table , that is . it was a callback to the old days , a witness to the eternal summers me and her had spent , the autumns spent joking , springs spent playfully , and solemn winters . it had witnessed us move in , fight , break up , and our unconditional love for our daughter . now , the wood appeared darker than ever , the only light being the gun it nestled . another round of thudding shuddered the door , but this time , one of the hinges gave loose . time was almost up . i spent a long time inspecting the door .
after eating an entire box of incredibly delectable chocolates given to you by a mysterious chocolatier you comfortably go to sleep . the next morning while eating breakfast you realize that everything you touch turns into milk chocolate and begin to panic since today is a very important day .
i stood next to ivy in front of the large oak door of her parent 's home , waiting for her to knock . she had been looking at me expectantly for nearly a full minute . `` why are you being so awkward ? '' she finally asked . `` just knock ! '' `` my wrist hurts ! '' i blurted out . she paused and turned slowly to face me fully . `` your ... wrist hurts ? too much to knock on a door ? '' `` yep , '' i said , holding my hands straight out at an angle that i knew looked ridiculous . even getting to this point had been an absolute nightmare . it had started with a loud alarm , followed by a chocolate clock .
escape from new york .
it 's not the people that kill you . not the bullets or the bats or knives . it 's the silence . that hopeless depression that seeps into your very core . that 's why i like to keep a pistol , safety off , at all times . just in case one of the others tries to lighten up the mood with a suicide . i 've gotten good at guns out of hands at this point . of course , that ruins their gun , but it 's worth it to keep them alive . not that we 're really alive anymore . the virus is taking it 's course in all of us , changing our body to metal .
a villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . what is he thinking ?
it was n't that hard . he was exactly where they said he 'd be , and the so called `` resistance '' amounted to four poorly trained bodyguards that could n't shoot for shit . two months ago the first whispers in nearly ten years of his whereabouts made their way to the ears of some higher-ups . three separate agents were able to confirm the validity of the claims , and a surveillance had been established . he never left his compound . two gardeners were constantly not gardening on the property , more just standing around , and two house cleaners who carried a lot of cleaning equipment came and went in turns . there was a woman and a boy , who was estimated to be around ten years old , who would visit everyday . someone chose saturday . there was some significance , but it was n't communicated to me . i had my orders . my men had been `` my men '' for the past seven years .
your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . good luck , steve . it 's going to be a long afterlife .
the weapon clatters and spins , filling the air with a pure metallic ring . as i watch the weapon glide gracefully towards me , i am suddenly overwhelmed by a soul-shaking roar that forced all of my hair to rise in unison . as i peel my eyes away from the sword , i notice a figure charging towards me with thundering steps . my breaths tremble and race and my mind flashes red as i snatch up the sword near my feet . a flash of steel , a harsh woosh , and a piercing clash . my assailant narrowly misses me as i dash away to create some distance . the man readies his sword , his rippling muscles effortlessly guiding his sword into a slow dance . he was a mountain of a man : his muscles bulged and threatened to rip his clothing apart . he sported a magnificent beard underneath the plain mask that concealed most of his face . he lets out a roar and charges again .
two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . however , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero .
i don โ€™ t know why jerry considered doing this . he always seemed like a nice kid . straight a student , captain of the basketball team , volunteered a lot outside of school . it didn โ€™ t add up to me . the kid had absolutely everything going on , including his pick of the girls . there was a rumor he had so many girls ask him to the fall dance that they created a formal submission process . and we โ€™ re talking like *the girls* too , everybody who was a somebody asked out jerry . even a few girls ended relationships just for a chance at a date with him . the funny part is , well maybe not so funny , but anyway , he turned them all down . he didn โ€™ t even go to the dance .
`` i 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... i think this may be the one i do n't walk away from ... ''
i like how all forms of media have basically demonized immortality . every form of entertainment has said that the longer you live the more sadness you accumulate . they are quite right but people seem to only focus on the bad . i have lived for centuries and i have experienced just as many happy moments as i did sad ones . i think the key to it is to have a goal . a man can never truly live life if he does n't have goal . sadly , the more normal goal of 'stay alive and have a happy life ' can not apply to me any more so i have had to find other goals . some of my goals were noble but done through ill means . some of the goals had been entirely selfless , and led me to being called a great man . others had been to solve problems for others .
a man sits on a bench in the middle of a park . out of boredom , he imagines a back story for every person who crosses his path . he sees a couple jogging toward him in matching sweatsuits ...
everyone has a story inside them . it โ€™ s human nature to be a storyteller . i am a collector of stories , but i โ€™ m also a narrator . sometimes the stories give my own life meaning . here comes the man in the parka โ€“ 8:04 on the dot , just like always . walking into battle at his desk job for another grueling shift . he takes long strides with a coffee in his hand . his eyes are always downcast as if he can โ€™ t believe that he โ€™ s still working the same job for the same pay . it โ€™ s friday , but he โ€™ s past the point of getting excited for the weekend . ah , behind him is a more electric soul .
write a story that seems normal on first sight , except for one small detail that makes it extremely creepy on a more careful reading .
dan always had the coolest parents . he could do whatever he wanted and they never seemed to care . most of the time they were n't around . when they were they just told us to have those microwave meals and `` take care of ourselves '' like we were adults too . my mom never let me have those microwave meals , she said they were bad for you , and she was always nagging me to do my homework . not like dan 's parents , we could do whatever we wanted there . i remember when we would make pretend armies and wage war for control of the carpet kingdom . the cans were our infantry , the small bottles were the cavalry and the bigger bottles were the artillery . we would have huge armies and fight over the whole house , from one end of the carpet to the other . today his parents had let him set up a swing in their house .
two people are staring at a particular point in space trying to figure something out .
โ€œ did you touch it ? โ€ โ€œ of course not ! did you touch it ? โ€ โ€œ of course not . maybe we should poke it with something . like a stick or something and see what happens ? โ€ โ€œ ok ! โ€ marlow began looking for a stick or something to poke it with . as he was searching , brian continued to stare at the strange point in space . it wasn โ€™ t moving , but it seemed to have something inside of it moving . brian was afraid to get too close to this particular point in space , for fear that it would electrocute him .
he had no arms or legs . he could n't hear , see , or speak . this is how he led a nation .
the lands were dark , and the people poor . slavery bought the world , the rich ruling the poor . wars erupted , blood bathing every inch of the nation . people lost hope , gave in , leaving the throne open . through this open throne , they suffered . through this open throne , he was born . he grew , his kindness unlike any other , suffering the same as his kin . he brought light in the time where the sun did n't rise . he lifted the spirits of his brethren , giving them the strength to fight back . blood turned copper , drying upon the dirt , the green finally flowing , pointing to the sky .
please write a story based on these settings .
**way not safe for work and school** he was meat . hate fuck was not even enough to get the point across . everything he is , everything he represents is just fucking despicable . but who turns away free cock ? he is a vegan but buys his vegetables at walmart without even realizing that each purchase supports brutal human trafficking . men and women leaving drug wars and little support or future to be dragged across a desert with a high chance of death only to arrive in near slave conditions to be taken advantage of by society in every way possible . their corpses litter the deserts of the american south west without names or pasts and full of nothing but stolen futures . my hate fuels every thrust as sweat pours down my back and chest . i go at him like an animal . i want him to hurt .
teleportation exists , and commercial teleport stations provide instantaneous travel all over the world . as many times before , you step on the transport pad . the machine activates . to you nothing happens , but another you , identical to you in every way , has materialized at your destination .
โ€œ we โ€™ ve got a malfunction on 3. โ€ โ€œ that โ€™ s new . what โ€™ s the destination ? โ€ โ€œ phnom penh. โ€ โ€œ can โ€™ t they handle it ? โ€ โ€œ the passenger โ€™ s exited just fine . he โ€™ s already out of there . the problem is on our end. โ€ โ€œ so the passenger โ€™ s been written out properly. โ€ โ€œ the read/write worked just fine . that โ€™ s not the issue .
your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your lsd gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane .
`` why is my backpack open ? '' young danny did not reply , he just sat there looking at his hand with a wide-eyed expression on his face . `` danny ... did you take something out of my back pack ? '' `` caaandy '' danny said in a very unusual way , like he was about to murder me . `` fuck ... fuuuuuuck . fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ... okay , think blake think ! '' `` blake , i do n't feeeeel good . '' danny said with a whimper . `` it 's okay danny , the candy you ate was old and it gets better after a bit . '' i realized this was a shit answer but i am at defcon 50 right about now . `` okay think , think blake ... what do we need to do right now ? i got it , i got it ! danny ! let 's go watch some tv , i have a movie you 'll really really like right now ... it 's called *fear and loathing in las vegas* ... '' phew !
no one had ever kissed me like thatโ€ฆ
nobody had ever kissed me like that , so ... .detached . like she did n't even mean to kiss me . sure , i had initiated that , but that was how it had always been . i had initiated our meeting , i held the majority of most , no actually , *all* of our conversations , i had always been the more dominant partner and she the more passive . and she had always done things in a unique way . like i said , nobody kissed me like she did . she really did n't put any effort into anything we did together . it hurt me , always did . three months in and we might as well be strangers . well , i do n't need this , and i do n't have to take it .
`` there are plenty of ways to kill a man , '' she said , standing in front of me with a smile . `` and i do n't even have to touch or be near you to do it . ''
`` um and why are you saying that to me sweeite ? '' i asked my soul mate that has been with me though the high and lows of my life as i waited for her answer for my marriage proposal . it was her that helped me get over my dog that i loved for 14 years . her that stayed by me even though i messed up in the stock market and was declared bankrupt . her that had helped me work on my project that had brought us back from bankruptcy and gained some traction on life . she was the one who gave me brightness and hope . the one who made my life worth living . `` sweetie , why are you aking me that '' i asked again . `` mike . '' `` yes ? '' i asked tentively . `` i have been paid by your mom to be your girlfriend . and since she died just now , i am no longer getting paid soooo , yeah '' i lost my grip on the ring i was about to give to my one an only .