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in 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . | a thousand years ago , my order was destroyed by fools who did not realize what it did for them . now , i have been chosen to join the order and restore it to its former glory . and the first step in doing so will be to expose and destroy the order that destroyed mine . i already have my plan in mind . arrange for an army to come to this republic 's aid when it is invaded . prove myself during the war and eventually rise to the top . when i am trusted , expose the treacherous order 's secrets . they will not stop me , for they believe my order exterminated . my army will bring them into custody and destroy the means they have used to maintain power . then , and only then , will i be able to bring true order and governance to the galaxy . edit : word . | wp |
how would you authors feel if your writings were made into a short film ? | this actually happened to me . someone on reddit asked if he could turn one of my stories into a short student competition film . i , of course , said yes . this was about a year ago and a few months later he sent me the video . its part of some competition and ca n't be shown to the public . anyway , it was an honor and i wished him well . he made a lot of changes and i loved where he took it , it probably helps that i 'm not a control freak . i knew it would be very different and in some ways if it was too faithful i feel it would have hurt him creatively . from a legalities perspective i said he could use it but only for this one , one-off production . anything past that would need further permissions . | wp |
a boy who was accidentally killed death has to explain to god how he did it . | i have n't a clue > and you say it was the boy ? mort ? yes > and what of binky ? entirely dead *to be fair , it was a magical horse . the flying is a great trick but they are hardly known for their longevity . * > and why have you done this ? *binky ? negligence , sir . * > no mort , death . why have you killed him ? should we find it was anything short of dumb luck i will eat my hood *the books . he cheated . you think him fair , the impartial arbiter of the end of times . | wp |
aliens have invaded the earth and have effortlessly defeated humanity , only to be fought off by wildlife . they were expecting military resistance ... they were not expecting bears . | `` bears ? '' supreme invasion commander seven said . `` yes , sir . bears , '' ground commander fifty-four replied . `` bears . '' seven said . `` yes , sir . '' `` let me get this straight , '' seven said . `` bears ? '' `` yes . '' fifty-four confirmed . `` mammals ? about yay big , furry ? portrayed as having a love of honey and picnic baskets ? '' seven asked . perhaps fifty-four had gotten them confused for something larger and scarier , like a mountain . `` yes , those bears . '' `` so , you 're saying we traveled thousands of light-years - no , no , let me back up . you 're saying we invented faster-than-light travel - no , no , no , still not far back enough . we invented artificial gravity for our spacecraft- no , no , still no good . '' | wp |
space x reaches mars , only a single transmission is recieved from the crew of the lander when they step outside `` oh no , not again . '' the crew is never heard from again . how does the world react ? | com : β congrats falcon 367 . you made it. β falcon 367 : β i can β t believe we finally did it. β com : β prepare for touchdown. β falcon 367 : β systems all check. β com : β 5 β¦ 4 ... 3 β¦ 2 β¦ 1 annnd touchdown. β com : β all systems look good from up here . over . it β s all yours. β i turn the latch and open falcon 367 β s door . falcon 367 : β it β s a go ... β com : β falcon 367 , what was that ? could you repeat that ? | wp |
there is a tradition that when you save another 's life you ask them for a favor to balance the debt , but the favor is always impossible so that both parties can simply go on with their lives . one day you save a life and ask your favor . to your surprise , joy , or horror they complete their task . | call it a miracle , but i could n't believe when i saved that girl . she has to be about twelve to fourteen . we were waiting for the pedestrian light to change when a semi came barreling through traffic . miraculously , i grabbed her and threw her out of the way . we were shook up , but alive and unharmed . `` t-thank you . thank you , sir , '' she exclaimed . `` whatever the favor is i *will* pay you back ! '' `` it was nothing . really . besides , you 're just a girl . '' `` no , it 's only fair . please . tell me what i owe you . '' my mind scrambled . this is so strange . | wp |
write your heart onto your sleeve , reddit . | i have to be perfect . i β ve created a flawless facade for myself . i β m porcelain , flawless , but very brittle . i 'm always put together , i refuse to fall apart , but i can feel the cracks growing wider . with every wrong answer on a quiz , no matter how many i get right before i make a mistake , i crumble a little more . every failure , every time i drown my sorrows in food only to heave it back out again , the cracks inch larger . it 's consuming me . i know its impossible to be perfect , but i β m terrified of the alternative . all i can see through the cracks is a menacing , featureless , nothing . i β m afraid i lost who i am underneath the porcelain shield of perfect . | wp |
write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . | `` this , is what we got for that ? ? ! ! a hunk of stelolite for over 4000 years , 60 trillion light years of travel and over 40 generations , to get a hunk of god damn stelolite . '' the metallic rock glowed blue from the light emitted from my suit . nothing special , just a rock on a planet of rocks , in a planetary system with more rocks . our stunned faces stared at the rock , intent insistent that it had to do something special . `` this is what is supposed to be proof of god . '' marksus said , skepticism prominent in his voice . `` where did we go wrong ? swamp ? the code ? the giant crossword puzzles etched into the face of a planet ? where did we mess up ? '' luithia asked , her brow scrunched up , sorting through all the clues , riddles and codes and trying to figure out where they went wrong . `` what the fuck is this shit . '' i screamed . throwing the little lump of metal into the ground . | wp |
you 're a demon working in hell , when someone asks to see the manager . | `` you 'll need to make a sacrifice '' i told her , shrugging my shoulders . `` what do you mean ? '' she asked , partly concerned but mostly offended . `` what do i even *have* ? we 're in fucking hell ... i do n't even have any clothes ... '' `` ya ' got skin ... blood ... eyeballs ... hands ... i do n't care . pick something and give it up ! '' she tapped her foot impatiently . i was sort of hoping she 'd sacrifice that awful fucking haircut . i cleared my throat and pointed down at my wrist where a watch would be if demons had any need to tell time . `` well ... '' she sighed `` how about my hair ? '' `` perfect ! '' i said , chuckling to myself . fear sparkled in her eyes . | wp |
suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on earth . | the sharp aroma of gunpowder invades my awareness in a last struggled breath . the lingering feeling of relief washes over my last thoughts . a warm fluid seeps through my hair on the tile below as the world begins to fade from my vison . i feel a familiar sense of comfort as the man draped in black cloth takes my chin in his hand , he tilts my head to get a better look into my soul . i can β t see into his eyes for they are an abyss . β who do you love then ? β he asks calmly . β what , iβ¦ everyone i guess. β i reply . the man pulls me from my body and twirls me around . i feel through the eyes of the many i could share my life with , there is so much pain and confusion . | wp |
a mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . | it took all her effort to make the 34 steps from her front door to the taxi . the ride to the hospital was too short for rest . as she shuffled into the sterile white room she sighed . so many tubes . so much noise . so little peace . but this was the life that he had chosen . he sat in the colorful gown she had made him , tethered to an army of machines . he did n't notice her at first . his gaze embarked without purpose on a routine pilgrimage from the nearest readout to the winter window to the eternal television , and then settled for a space at a sacred spot on the opposite wall . `` alex . '' she spoke his name with a tenderness that made the hardened nurse want to make a phone call . at the sound of her soft voice , his face rose like a wilting flower watered . | wp |
satan opens a pawn shop with extra ordinary items . however , every item is sold with a catch . | satan needed some cheering up . since his little joke with santa had backfired and that chunky chuckling do-gooder had made him look like a fool he β d felt as though he was in a slump . and even worse , after spoiling all his plans santa had taken pity on him and handed over a real christmas present . pity ! he was the tyrant of the tormented , he didn β t need pity from a man who spent three hundred and sixty-four days of the year unemployed . santa β s parting comment of β maybe i β ll see you next year β had been the last straw . there was no way he was going to be seen as good enough to warrant another visit from that stocking stuffer ever again . so it was time to have some fun . he chosen a small town . with close-knit neighbors and closer families . the kind of place where teenage sweethearts would get married , but with wagging tongues on how tight the brides dress was in the front . | wp |
it 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . you fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . when in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . he 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . | we 're crouching behind a corroded piece of sheet metal . any other time , and i would have been able to tell you exactly what metal it was , when it was made , and who made it . now , i know that it 's the only thing keeping me alive . dakota has her rifle in hand . slade has his pistol . i 've got my knife . the rest are behind us , huddling and arming themselves with whatever weapons they can find . some of them are shivering , shaking in fear . it seems bizarre , almost comic , that we are so afraid of these creatures . we should n't be . | wp |
you are a minor diety , recently ascended to godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . who are you ? how do you craft your home ? | i did n't mean to become a god . really i did n't . most people would love to be a god , i however just want to invent and study the world . that 's how i apparently became a god by the way , one of my experiments . it shredded my body and pumped ... energy ? into my body which elevated my ... soul ? i guess soul is the best word . it elevated my soul into god hood . i do n't know how i know i 'm a god or how i know how to use my new powers , or that i know i 'm in my own personal dimension , but i do . it 's all black right now . | wp |
the protagonist is revealed to be absolutely evil in the last paragraph . | take a look at the world . what do you see ? you see war , famine , disease . people suffering , people dying . it does n't have to be this way . i know it does n't . i can change this world . i will change this world . i have studied multiple forms of science and engineering . i have the support of an entire nation . | wp |
you play a game with the devil . if he wins , he gets your eternal soul , but if you win , you get his . | `` i 'm still not sure i understand , '' i said slowly . the devil rolled her eyes . `` it 's pretty simple , jack , '' she purred into my ear . `` high stakes poker . whichever of us wins gets the other 's immortal soul . '' `` that 's the thing , though , '' i said , gently pushing the gorgeous woman away . `` what does having someone else 's soul actually mean ? also , *you* have a soul ? '' she smirked . `` honey , i used to be an angel . i 've still got the looks , do n't you agree ? '' she gave a slow turn , showing off all angles of her delicious body . `` and angels are nothing *but* soul . '' `` that still does n't answer the question . '' | wp |
you are a refugee trying to escape your war-torn country and enter europe . | i was amazed by how short and squat they were . this desk-jockey , tapping the screen with a knobby middle finger , was darkly-olive . i wondered if this was a descendant of the syrian refugee migration of the ... what was it , early 20s ? late 10s ? he looked up at me with heavy bags under his eyes as i readjusted zelda in my arms . she was getting big , already four and a half feet tall at age three . she looked back at her mom and brother who sat on the packed benches . `` can you help us , mister ... '' i looked at his name tag , `` hasan ? '' `` name ? '' `` yes ? '' `` i need your name for my records , sir . '' `` ah . '' he readied his finger in front of the screen and glanced peripherally at me and my daughter . | wp |
the sun goes out . tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . | the year is 2597 , 18 years after what was termed in the media as the `` great darkening '' . humanity did not die when the sun went out . production moved underground , into subways and access tunnels . food started to be grown hydroponically , with power and electricity from nuclear fusion . we adapted and survived . now , my team and i , physicists , were putting the finishing touches on a device that would provide our power needs with only water as the waste product . clean energy , clean waste , energy enough for all of mankind . we were able to prototype the device small enough to fit in the level two bunker , under central park . today was a red-letter day . the first full-scale test . | wp |
sunday free write : leave a story , leave a comment - cliffsnotes edition . | one of the stories i have for a collection of really short stories ( most flash fiction ) aimed at young readers . paper bag melanie watched the paper bag bounce across the parking lot , seemingly carried along by the mild wind . it was not an unusual sight , as trash blew by all the time but , something about this particular paper bag had her intrigued . it wasn β t that the bag was anything special . it was just a plain , old , brown grocery bag . the kind you could find in any grocery store . she couldn β t tell if it had a grocery name printed on it as it was too far away . not that she really cared . but , for a brief moment , it pulled her away from her own problemsβlike susan not texting her back . she was just about to turn her head back to her phone when the bag finally stopped . | wp |
you have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . you wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . | out of nowhere , it appears . the berry bush . it 's a green thing that mysteriously makes me less hungry , so i am sticking with 'berry bush ' . as my deformed limbs move closer , the bush disappears as quick as it came . i feel less hungry . if i could sigh , i would . i do n't remember breathing since i got here . 'here ' seems to be rather objective . i do n't think i 'm anywhere . how long i have been here also seems to be objective . or subjective . i 've never thought about the differences between the two when i was alive , and now that i am here , i have no way of finding out . | wp |
- medusa , having spent hundreds of years turning trespassers into stone comes upon something she never expected , a blind man . | the bent wooden staff clicked against the cragged stones , tapping a rhythm that echoed through the caves . the old man walked in pace with his tapping , stopping every so often to listen to the world he could not see . his grey robes were travel-worn , but well kept . his hair and beard were long , but neat . nothing about his appearance would be seen as out of the ordinary ... save for his eyes . they were milky white , once vibrant blue but now obscured ; like a full moon behind heavy clouds . he kept his pace , meandering through the cavernous chamber , until he heard something that would have caused a lesser man to flee . he stopped , dead still , waiting . there it was again ! it sounded like ... a hiss . | wp |
recently , a cave has been discovered housing a species with technology far more advanced than ours . | β johnson , β jasper whispered into the dark . β johnson , where are you ? β for a moment that seemed to stretch on for ages , there was silence until johnson finally answered back . β over here . follow the light. β johnson waggled the beam of the flash light out of one of the many mouths that led into the heart of the mountain and ended god-knows-where . β didn β t i tell you to wait ? β jasper barked , trotting toward the opening . β god knows where these things lead . last thing we need is to get separated and end up wandering through these things for ages. β β okay , okay . wait . | wp |
uncle ben is never killed , and the lesson peter parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . because of this , spider-man becomes one of the most feared villains in the marvel universe . | **spider-man : menace , or murderer ? ** -- - a j jonah jameson editorial it is hard to write this . most papers talk of the spider-man only in respectful words . however . the bugle stands proud , in the heart of new york . and we refuse to kowtow to a masked monster who robs banks . when he first appeared , most in the media lauded the masked man as a hero . and why would n't we ? he helped defeat the kangaroo . the bugle stated its suspicions , but we were silenced . the young superhuman , possibly a mutant with connections to the wolverine based on similar costume design , was a potential avenger , and the un security council exercised veto right over our publication of what could turn the boy into a villain . | wp |
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