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Advancing a hyperlocal approach to community engagement in climate adaptation |
PLOS Climate | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pclm.0000041 June 8, 2022 8 / 26 |
by decision makers. Recent approaches to mapping and identifying risk suggest the incorporation of multiple factors into risk assessment, including social vulnerabilities, and identify |
challenges related to scale [22]. The Integrated Climate Risk Assessment (ICRA) addresses |
both issues of scale (we map risk variation at the level of 30 meters–allowing community members and policy makers to zoom in to see the different levels of risk that occur not only by city, |
but often by street, block, or individual parcel) and integrates physical, built, and social vulnerabilities through a model to evaluate and analyze geospatial climate risk factors of the Little |
River and Homestead communities. A broad array of 20 geospatial risk factors were assembled |
into a map model. Collected largely from public domain sources, these measurable risk factor |
map layers include average year built for residential dwellings, the prevalence of air conditioning, proximity to septic systems, housing density, groundwater level, depth to groundwater, |
vehicle availability, poverty, coastal flooding, greenness, surface temperature, flow accumulation, proximity to water, proximity to storm water features, slope, average household income, |
proximity to public transit, proximity to parks, elevation, and disability. These factors were |
chosen based on risk factors identified in the literature and conversation with academic, government, and community organizations. We recognize that these are subjective choices and |
that other factors may be seen as important, and hope this provides a model for how to create |
integrated risk assessments. |
Using the Suitability Modeler in ArcGIS Pro™ GIS software, the values for each of the 20 |
risk factors were transformed on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) and added into a final |
unweighted ICRA score with 200 as the highest possible value or risk. The ICRA map layer |
was formatted as a raster dataset with a 30 m resolution, a scale which we consider to be in |
alignment with our hyperlocal approach, while mediating the varying scales of the assembled |
geospatial layers. |
Not all geospatial data sets contained full geospatial coverage resulting in 47% of the county, |
mostly in the uninhabited Everglades, without an ICRA score. Of the remaining 53% of the |
county that was covered by the ICRA, an urban area of higher population density was delineated to analyze the situation of the Little River and Homestead study areas more accurately |
within the broader congruous geography. |
The ICRA provides a tool to compare individual communities or neighborhoods on both |
individual and aggregated risk. For this paper, we relied on unweighted scores for each risk |
level, but the model is built to be adaptable to rankings based on community assessment of variables they view as most important for their local environments. |
Additionally, we see the ICRA as a mechanism to compare the type of data policymakers |
often rely on to make long-term policy decisions to the experiences of community members as |
expressed through photovoice. This allows us to question whether the type of data presented |
in the ICRA aligns with the concerns of community members–providing insight into the relationship between community priorities and policy decisions. We believe this approach may |
enable greater opportunities for discerning more varied scales and approaches to climate |
adaptation. |
Procedures |
Participants. In total, 28 community members participated in some, or all, of the sessions, |
including 10 from Little River and surrounding communities, and 18 from Homestead. Of |
those who responded to our demographic questionnaire, our participants were majority |
female (n = 11), male(n = 2); reported diverse race/ethnicity—Black or African America |
(n = 6), White (n = 3), Hispanic (n = 9), other (n = 3); reported education levels as high school |
or GED (n = 1), some college (n = 4), college or technical degree (n = 4), master’s degree or |
Advancing a hyperlocal approach to community engagement in climate adaptation |
PLOS Climate | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pclm.0000041 June 8, 2022 9 / 26 |
higher (n = 3). Participants ranged in age from 21–54, with a mean age of 34 years. Twelve participants responded that English was their first language while one responded that Spanish was |
their first language. Several participants indicated second language proficiencies, including |
Spanish (n = 5), English (n = 1), and Haitian Kreyol (1). Participants were split between renting and boarding rooms (n = 5) and home ownership (n = 6) with 2 participants not knowing |
or disclosing their housing status. Participants reported living in their community between 1 |
month and 18 years, with a mean of 8.3 years. The results presented below are derived from |
the 22 participants who participated in three or more sessions. |
Overall, the demographics of the participants are fairly representative of the communities |
at large in terms of race/ethnicity, age, and home ownership versus rental status. Participants |
in our study reported higher levels of education and included a higher percentage of women |
than the roughly 50 percent ratio reported in both communities. |
Sessions. Covid-19 forced a transition from in-person to online engagement. Sessions |
were conducted in collaboration with our community partners, The CLEO Institute and Catalyst Miami. The University of Miami HyLo team provided technical support by hosting Zoom |
meetings, assigning breakout rooms, collating photovoice stories, preparing, annotating and |
capturing design thinking slides, and assisting in facilitation where needed. Community partners led the sessions and served as primary facilitators. |
With the shift to online workshops, we realized that interaction would be limited if all participants met in one large group. As such, we designed sessions around breakout rooms that |
were limited to four to six participants each. For the Little River sessions, we kept all six community members together who attended beyond the first session; for Homestead, we opened |
each session with all members together and then moved into four breakout rooms with four |
participants each. Additionally, members from city and county government, including the |
City of Miami’s Departments of Planning & Zoning and Public Works, and Miami Dade |
County’s Offices of Resilience, and Miami-Dade Department of Parks, Recreation and Open |
Spaces observed each session and engaged in discussion, where appropriate. |
We opened with a joint session to introduce climate change concepts and the photovoice |
process to all participants. We held three subsequent sessions for each location—three for Little River and three for Homestead. We kept the groups separate for these subsequent rounds |
given their different locations and to enhance the potential for participants to form a sense of |
shared community and focus on local needs. Sessions included photovoice story presentations |
and discussion of common themes, an introduction to maps of local conditions relevant to |
photovoice concerns, and an introduction to design thinking, with a focus on discovery of |
experiences and frames for understanding. A second session of design thinking, through Discover, Framing, and Imagine (ideation and an impact-effort matrix to prioritize potential solutions) advanced to the closing phase of Build with relevant partners and actors identified. |
Discussion with key local and government leaders concluded the workshops. |
Photovoice coding and analysis. While we provide illustrative examples of photovoice |
stories and narratives by community, coding and analysis was designed to provide different |
data than would normally be reported in a photovoice study, and to address concerns about |
transparency in coding reported in the literature [35]. Rather than focusing specifically on the |
narratives, our objective with this study is to compare key concerns across communities–and |
as such, systematic coding provides a mechanism for comparison [35]. To address specific |
concerns related to each community, we moved beyond the broad themes generated by participants in the sessions to develop a comprehensive set of primary and secondary codes (e.g., |
storms as primary, with wind damage, evacuation, and rainfall as secondary) related to climate |
change and adaptation. Photovoice stories were coded based on the most precise code for the |
story, and stories could have multiple codes. Additionally, photovoice stories were coded for |
Advancing a hyperlocal approach to community engagement in climate adaptation |
PLOS Climate | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pclm.0000041 June 8, 2022 10 / 26 |
their valence: positive (opportunity), negative (threat), or mixed (threat and opportunity). For |
each photovoice story, we coded the written narratives by first identifying the most prominent |
theme, then coded for each additional theme present in the narrative. To determine nuances |
in the stories themselves, we engaged in closer analysis that examined the patterns of stories |
and how primary and secondary themes wove meaning that is similar or different across communities. To do this, we examined each story for all codes to determine patterns within themes |
and subthemes. |
Design thinking data and coding. Data for the analysis of design thinking comes from |
the annotated design thinking worksheets each group developed as they moved through the |
process. There is no current systematic method for analyzing design thinking data and processes. As such, we focus on the evolution of narrative and ideas as they progress through the |
process from Discover to Build. We let the themes and progressions speak for themselves |
through the broad presentation of data as it reflects both the logics and lived experiences participants incorporate in developing solutions to local problems. |
Measures for individual and community capacity. To determine the impact of our process on community and individual capacity we created or adapted existing measures to assess |
community assets and risks and to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of our community |
engagement process in increasing: social connectedness, community engagement, individual |
agency, threat assessment, communication competence, and communication apprehension. |
Subsets and Splits