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4040496 | | Indian Cinematograph Committee | The Indian Cinematograph Committee was established by British Raj in 1927 to "investigate the adequacy of censorship and the supposedly immoral effect of cinematograph films", and subsequently the Indian Cinematograph Committee Evidence and Report 1927-1928 was published in the following year.
In the 1920s, just as the early twilight of the British Empire was approaching, a slightly familiar battle was fought, in a slightly unusual terrain, Cinema. The American film industry had by the twenties already started to dominate the global film market, with American films eclipsing English films in most parts of the British Empire. In response to a number of demands being made by the British film industry for the setting up of quotas in favour of Empire films in the colonies, and as a result of increasing anxiety about the spread of the new technology of cinema in the colonies, the colonial government put together a high level committee, the Indian Cinematograph Committee (“ICC”) to enquire into the working of cinema and censorship in India. The report, and the evidence of the ICC which ran into five volumes, and thousands of pages of oral and written testimonies makes for a fascinating document, which has unfortunately been ignored in most debates on film censorship.
At the British Imperial conference held in England in 1926, a number of the delegates raised questions about the adequacy of film censorship to deal with the problems posed by the exhibition of American films. They were, in part, responding to the complaints registered by the Federation of British Industries to the board of trade about what they considered to be a virtual monopoly enjoyed by American films within the empire. This trade organization had represented their case not merely as a matter of protecting British business interests, but also because American films were "detrimental to British prestige and prejudicial to the interests of the empire, especially in the dominions which contains large colored populations". In connection to these concerns, the imperial conference passed a resolution recommending that appropriate action be taken to combat the dominance of Hollywood's films by encouraging their production within the empire. In a very significant report prior to the ICC, it was advocated that “Great Britain owes a duty to the dominions; the dominions to Great Britain and to each other; and India owes a duty first to herself....The film can as well display the ancient dignity of the Mahabharata as teach the Indian peasant the elements of hygiene and sanitation"
It is important to remember that the nationalist movement which was on the rise, spurred on by a series of events including the formation of the Home Rule League, agitations against the Jalianwala Bagh massacre, etc. helped to create the conditions under which the British empire found itself in a slightly precarious and vulnerable phase, needing ways to retain the symbolic fiction of the might of empire. It is in this context, that claims were made of American films tarnishing the prestige of the Empire by portraying scenes of immorality, vice and violence. More particularly, because of the inability of the native to distinguish between different classes of white people, they tended to think of all of the portrayal as endemic to life in the west, and this degraded the image of white women in the eyes of the lustful native men. This is also a period marked by the uncertainty of the effect of cinema, and according to the British social Hygiene delegation that visited India between 1926-27 (just prior to the setting up of the ICC), cinema was the root cause of a large number of evils in India, They said that “in every province that we visited the evil influence of cinema was cited by educationists and representative citizens as one of the major factors in lowering the standards of sex conduct and thereby tending to increase the dissemination of disease"
An article published in The Westminster Gazette in 1921 was widely circulated amongst the provincial governments, and the article claimed that "one of the reasons for the hardly veiled contempt of the native Indian for us maybe found in the introduction and development of moving pictures in India ...imagine the effect of such films on the oriental mind. Like us, the Indian goes to see the movies, but he is not only impressed by the story of the film, but by the difference in dress, in customs and in morals. He sees our woman in the films in scanty garb. He marvels at our heavy infantile humour - his own is on a higher and more intellectual level; he forms his own opinions of our morals during the mighty unrolled dramas of unfaithful wives and unmoral husbands, our lightly broken promises, our dishonored laws. It is soaking into him all the time, and we cannot be surprised at the outwards expression of this absorption. It is difficult for the Britisher in India to keep up his dignity, and to extol, or to enforce moral laws which the natives sees lightly disregarded by the Britons themselves in the picture palace" Similarly, a 1920 report in Bioscope claimed that the main motivation of these regulations was "the fact that there have been numerous complaints that the films were being imported into India which hold up Europeans to ridicule and lowered the native estimation of the white woman" Similarly, Sir Hasketh Bell, a former colonial governor warned that “The success of our government of subject races depends almost entirely on the degree of respect that we can inspire”
The demands for the establishment of a Committee that would look into the ways in which censorship, and other protective measures that could be taken up to prevent the tarnishing of the might of the empire. The economic context, namely the trade rivalry that the British film industry was engaged through 1920s in a competitive film market, with film producers from the United States was always understated. The argument of the cultural invasion and corrosion by Hollywood, was linked centrally to the attempt by the British film industry to bolster what they saw as their national markets including the colonies. Priya Jaikumar terms this as the “imagined audience” of Empire films, a project of both economic consolidation, as well as cultural hegemony.
The ICC was established by an order of the Home department and it was directed to examine the following issues:
1. to examine the organization and principles of methods of the censorship of Cinematograph films in India
2. to survey the organization of Cinematograph films in the film producing industry in India
3. to consider whether it is desirable that steps should be taken to encourage the exhibition of films produced within the British empire generally and the production and exhibition of Indian films in particular and to make recommendations
The Colonial authorities strategically ensured that there was adequate local representation, and made B.T. Rangachariah, a highly respected lawyer from Madras, the chairman of the Committee. They prepared a meticulous set of questions (which we shall consider in a bit), and sent 4325 copies of the questionnaire to a wide range of people, from the film industry, from government, education officials, various police officials, health officials, members of the censor boards, electricity officials and prominent public personalities including Mahatma Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai, Dadasaheb Phalke etc. In other words, the colonial governmental machinery was put into motion to ensure that the study was comprehensive and thorough, covering all parts of the then British India from Lahore to Rangoon to Chennai to Delhi. They received 320 written testimonies and interviewed 353 witnessed, and of course with colonial anthropological precision the witnesses are divided into the communities that they represent (114 Europeans, 239 natives, 157 Hindus, 38 Muslims, 25 Parsis, 16 Burmese, 2 Sikhs, and 1 Christian). This question of the representation of communities is a very significant one, which we shall return to in the end, via Madhava Prasad’s work on the ICC report.
In many ways, the ICC report was the first of its kind anywhere in the world, and certainly the most comprehensive study of the material conditions under which early cinema existed in India. The importance of the study, apart from its historical value in documenting cinema up to and during the twenties in India lies in the fact that this was an attempt by the state apparatus to actually create cinema as an object of colonial knowledge, to understand the way it worked, to classify its audience, to name the publicness of the institution, and finally to attempt to render it intelligible within a log of regulation. Priya Jaikumar states that “Perhaps more than any other event in the 1920s the ICC helped to establish persistent themes in ways that the cinema and its audiences in India have been understood , evaluated , criticized and described ever since” . An estimate of the success of the ICC report in setting the terms of the public and regulatory discourse around cinema is the fact that the definition of the cinematic effect that is relied on in K.A.Abbas’s case relies heavily on the account provided in the ICC report. The ICC report, along with another significant study of the era, Film in National Life also contributed towards the making of institutions like the British Film Institute.
Ironically, in purely instrumental terms, the ICC report could be considered a failure since nothing came out of the recommendations of the study, and it ended up as yet another colonial report (apparently doomed for a nondescript existence in dusty shelves). Priya Jaikumar however argues that “the fact that the ICC interviews and final report ended up on a dusty government shelf might be a testimony to the ICC’s success. Its proposals went against the state’s initial intentions, thus forcing the state to consign the document to its filing system. While the interviews deal with the specific conditions of India’s film industry in the 1920s, they have a larger import that has not been realized in their limited analysis so far. Regulatory documents are an invaluable archival source because they give us insight into the dynamic nature of cultural change and power relations. Instead of limiting ourselves to a study of policy effects, a study of the debates and discourses surrounding policy allows us to reconceptualize it as a process of communication and contest, where representatives of a state and film industry arbitrate over their positions”
Her argument is that in our reading of policy, we cannot treat policy processes as reactive to social context but as an intrinsic part of it, and “thus consider regulatory discourses to be open to the kinds of analysis that postcolonial cultural critics have brought to bear on cinematic narratives and images”. One of the reasons for the instrumental failure of the ICC was the fact that its dual agenda of staging a moral panic around the bodies of white women, to set in place a system that would ensure economic quotas for Empire films etc. just did not work out as planned. This plan was dependent on the construction of an idea of native audiences, and their vulnerability to the new technology of cinema, but the committee constantly encountered an intelligibility problem of another sort while collecting their data. The resistance offered by the nascent film industry in India, the nationalist contempt for the crude contrivance of the colonial state, and an emerging confident claim by the colonial subjects upon the experience of modernity constantly frustrated the official plans of the ICC.
While in one sense the ICC can be seen as yet another component of the colonial logic of governmentality, where it exercised power through a complex mode of rendering it into a process of knowledge by means of data collection, historiography, documentation, certification, and representation. Priya Jaikumar says that “It is tempting to see the ICC interviews as part of a process where an industry was studied with the intention of transforming it into a field of state regulation. However, the attempt to collect information on the Indian film industry was disrupted by an internally discordant state agency and a resistant film industry. My account traces these challenges to the imperial state as a series of fractures between the British Indian state and the Indian film industry. Each disruption resulted in a reformulation of the state’s agenda as the government attempted to reauthorize the state’s role in relation to the Indian film industry on the grounds of morality”
It would however be a terrible mistake, both historically and in terms of its relevance to the present for us to see the ICC report merely in terms of a prohibition. As argued in the introduction, the prohibition model yields little in terms of unraveling the complex dynamics of power. Instead we need to understand the ways in which the ICC set in place a system of regulation, which exists in different register, though inter connected. On the one hand, it looked at the question of the regulation of content, and this is the most straight forward censorship question, where the state determines what can or cannot be seen. This of course depends on a second order justification based on the alleged harm caused by certain images. In the case of the ICC, it was the tarnishing of the prestige of the empire. The content of what could or not be seen is also supplemented by the conditions under which acts of public spectatorship are rendered possible. This is made possible through detailed regulations about the spatial conditions of cinema, safety guidelines, electricity norms to be followed etc. Secondly it sets into place a system of regulating the entire industry itself as a whole, through taxation norms, through reformist agendas and policies to improve cinema etc., and finally through the staging of the pedagogic function of censorship, where censorship is not merely about prohibiting a particular view, but since the native actually does not know how to see, or what to see, censorship is also tied to the task of teaching the natives to see properly. This reformist agenda is described by Ashish Rajadhyaksha as the process of “creating a better cinema and worthy of incarnating the citizen as the filmgoing subject”
The interlinked ideas of regulation, reform and education establishes the normative function of cinema and of censorship, and one of the challenges lies in ways in which we can read them not as they traditionally have been in isolated modes, but in a way that renders them a part of a larger project of mobilizing (to borrow from Saeed Mirza) a certain kind of cinema for a certain kind of state.
Film organisations in India
Film censorship in India
Film controversies in India
1927 in India
1927 in Indian cinema
1928 in India
1928 in Indian cinema |
4040499 | | Crystal (Crystal Gayle album) | Crystal is the third album by Crystal Gayle, and rose to the number 7 spot on the Billboard Country Albums chart. It was released on August 6, 1976. It contained four charting singles, including two number 1 hits: "You Never Miss a Real Good Thing (Till He Says Goodbye)" and "Ready for the Times to Get Better." Another single, "I'll Do It All Over Again," just barely missed being the third chart-topper, stalling out at number 2, while "One More Time (Karneval)" could only rise to number 31.
Track listing
Crystal Gayle – vocals
Chris Leuzinger, Jimmy Colvard - electric guitar
Allen Reynolds, David Kirby, Garth Fundis, Jimmy Colvard - acoustic guitar
Lloyd Green - steel guitar, resonator guitar
Buddy Spicher - fiddle
Joe Allen - bass
Bobby Wood - keyboards
Charles Cochran - keyboards, string and horn arrangements
Jimmy Isbell - drums, percussion
Allen Reynolds, Garth Fundis, Sandy Mason, Crystal Gayle - backing vocals
Billy Puett, Dennis Good, Don Sheffield - horns
Carl Gorodetzky, Gary Vanosdale, George Binkley III, Lennie Haight, Marvin Chantry, Roy Christensen, Sheldon Kurland - strings
The Trolley Car Band - special effects
Weekly charts
Year-end charts
Crystal Gayle albums
1976 albums
Albums produced by Allen Reynolds
United Artists Records albums |
4040502 | | Mike Erwin | Mike Erwin (born August 31, 1978) sometimes credited as Michael Erwin, is an American actor who is best known for playing Colin Hart from 2002 to 2006 in the WB television series Everwood.
Early life
Erwin was born in Dalton, Georgia, on August 31, 1978. He graduated from James Martin High School.
He has been more widely heard as the voice of Jak in the Jak and Daxter series from Jak II onward except in the case of Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. He is the voice of Speedy in Teen Titans. He has been a guest star on many TV shows and has also appeared in film.
Video games
External links
1978 births
American male film actors
American male television actors
American male voice actors
American male video game actors
Living people
People from Dalton, Georgia
Male actors from Georgia (U.S. state)
21st-century American male actors |
4040527 | | Edward Riche | Edward Riche (born October 24, 1961) is a Canadian writer. He lives in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Riche was born in Botwood, Newfoundland. For three years he attended Memorial University, and then transferred to Concordia University, Montreal to study film. He graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Film production. Riche then returned to St. John's, Newfoundland and worked producing industrial and training films. Finally, he settled down to write for radio television, film, plays and other literature.
Achievements and works
Riche had occasionally performed for the radio, which sparked an interest in co-creating and writing for The Great Eastern. Which received the CBC Vice-President's Award and a Writers Guild of Canada Award. For his other radio works, The Book I Never Wrote, and, A Plane With One Wing, he received the National Radio Award in 1989 and the Atlantic Journalism Award in 1990. He was also a finalist for the 2007 Writers Guild Awards for his piece called, Early Newfoundland Errors. Riche has also written two screenplays for the Canadian television series Life with Derek and The Boys of St. Vincent. Riche also contributes to documentary projects for CTV and the National Film Board of Canada.
Riche also wrote plays, movies, and television series. In 1997, he had his first novel Rare Birds published, His second book, The Nine Planets, was published in 2004 and won the 2005 Thomas Head Raddall Award. He wrote the screenplay adaptation of his novel Rare Birds. The 2001 movie version of the same name starred William Hurt and Molly Parker. Riche has also written scripts for the television comedies Made in Canada (for which he won two Canadian Screenwriters Awards) and Dooley Gardens.
Edward Riche got the inspiration for his novel, The Nine Planets, and
"happened to be reading a book (I cannot remember the title) that discussed, among many things, the relationship of Kepler and Tycho Brahe. Nearly simultaneously to this, on the occasion of some relative’s passing, I wondered to my brother John about the family roots."
Overall, the framework for the novel derives from storytelling and, "all that architecture is, I hope, invisible to the reader."
Rare Birds follows the life of a Newfoundlander, Dave Purcell, who starts up a restaurant after a job loss in the fishing industry. With help from his friend, Phonse, a rumour is started about a rare bird, which gets the business running again.
In The Nine Planets Riche's main protagonist, Marty Devereaux, dislikes everyone and everything. Marty is a principal at a private school and is on a quest to discover a new brand of education from the global market. On top of meeting new people and discovering a new sense of self, Marty is forced to relate with his niece even though he dislikes teenagers.
Film and television screen plays
Made in Canada: Episode Biopic
Made in Canada: People of the Earth
Made in Canada: Private Sector
Secret Nation
Life with Derek
Boys of St. Vincent
Theatre plays
Possible Maps
List of Lights
To Be Loved
Summer Fiction Parts 1-5- The Globe and Mail
Not So Natural- The Globe and Mail
Rare Birds - 2001
The Nine Planets - 2004
Easy to Like - 2011
Today I Learned It Was You - 2016
External links
Living people
1961 births
Canadian male novelists
Canadian television writers
Writers from Newfoundland and Labrador
Canadian male screenwriters
People from Botwood
Cinema of Newfoundland and Labrador
Canadian male television writers
21st-century Canadian novelists
21st-century Canadian male writers
21st-century Canadian screenwriters |
4040528 | | Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets | Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets is the second studio album by Gary Jules on the Sanctuary Records label. Despite the year of release, it took three years to chart in both the UK and USA, eventually reaching the UK Top 40 and Billboard 200 in 2004. The popular Tears for Fears cover "Mad World," which was featured on the Donnie Darko soundtrack and in the Gears of War trailer, is on the album.
Track listing
Gary Jules – vocals, guitars, mandolin, harmonica
Michael Andrews – guitars, bass, vocals, piano, keyboards, melodica, drums, percussion
Sarah Brysk – vocals
Robert Walter – piano
Al Sgro – vocals
George Sluppick – drums (tracks 2 and 9)
Matt Lynott – drums (tracks 1 and 11)
Chart performance
External links
Lyrics for Gary Jules Songs (
2001 albums
Gary Jules albums
Sanctuary Records albums |
4040563 | | Armeni (archaeological site) | Armeni is the archaeological site of an ancient Minoan cemetery on Crete, roughly eight kilometers south of the modern town of Rethymnon.
Armeni has been under excavation since 1969 by Dr. Yiannis Tzedakis. Over 200 chamber tombs and one tholos tomb have been found. All date to the Late Minoan era.
The chambers are approached by entrance passages, or dromos, which start at ground level and descend to the entrance of the tomb. The tombs are not identical, with some having ramps while others have stairs. The walls of the dromos have been cut in such a way that they are closer to each other at the top than they are at the bottom, probably to help bear the weight of the earth above. The entrances were originally covered by a large stone, which is usually still next to the entrance. Several of the larger tombs have a pillar in the center of the chamber. One tomb's walls are lined with stone benches cut directly from the rock.
Artifacts from the chamber tombs include seal stones, jewelry, bronze tools, stone vases, bronze vessels and pottery. Clay larnakes, a type of small coffin, painted with double axes, hunting scenes, and Horns of Consecration were also excavated. These artifacts can be found at the Archaeological Museum of Chania and the Rethymno Museum.
Over 500 skeletons have been excavated, yielding useful information about the diet of the Minoan people in this area. They ate high carbohydrate diets but not much meat.
The site is open to tourists, including entrance into several of the main rock-cut tombs. Automatic lighting has been installed. There is an entrance fee of €2.
Swindale, Ian "Armeni" Retrieved 11 May 2013.
Myers, J.W., Myers, E.E. and Cadogan, G. "Achladia" The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete
L. Godart and Y. Tzedakis: ‘Temoignages archéologiques et épigraphiques en Crète occidentale du Néolithique au Minoen Récent III B’ Incunabula Graeca 93 (1992)
External links Photos and video of the site. Retrieved 12 May 2013.
Rethymno (regional unit)
Minoan sites in Crete
Ancient cemeteries in Greece
Rock-cut tombs |
4040564 | | Fritz Reinhardt | Friedrich Rudolph (Fritz) Reinhardt (3 April 1895 – 17 June 1969) was an official in the Nazi Party (NSDAP) and in the government of the Third Reich, most notably, State Secretary in the German Finance Ministry.
Early life
The son of a bookbinder, Reinhardt was born in Ilmenau. He was educated in Ilmenau through high school, studied trade and commerce, and worked in business in Germany and abroad. At the outbreak of World War I Reinhardt was in Riga, Livonia, and was interned by Russian forces. He ended up spending the war years in an internment camp in Siberia as an enemy alien, only returning to Germany in 1918. In 1919, he became the headmaster at the Thuringian Commercial School (Thüringische Handelsschule), and the head of the Academy for Economics and Taxation. From 1922, he worked as a tax administrator at the Thuringian State Finance Office. In 1924, he founded the first German Correspondence Trade School (Fernhandelschule) and became its Director.
Nazi Party career
Reinhardt was a member of the Deutsch-Volkischen Bund, a right-wing nationalist organization, and in 1923 he joined the Nazi Party before it was banned in the aftermath of the Beer Hall Putsch. Rejoining the newly refounded Party on 23 October 1925 (membership number 45,959) Reinhardt quickly established a career with his talent for speaking and his knowledge of economic and taxation systems. In 1926, he became the Ortsgruppenleiter (Local Group Leader) in Herrsching, in 1927 the Bezirksleiter (District Leader) in Upper Bavaria-South, and on 1 June 1928 he was named Gauleiter of Upper Bavaria-Swabia. On 1 October, the Gau was redesignated Upper Bavaria when Swabia became a separate Gau under Karl Wahl. In 1928 Reinhardt established the Correspondence Courses for Party Speakers at the Fernhandelschule. From 1929 to 1933, Reinhardt was the leader of the Rednerschule, the Nazi's official training school for Party speakers in Herrsching, and some 6000 party members eventually received propagandistic training there.
In September 1930, Reinhardt became a member of the Reichstag for electoral constituency 24 (Upper Bavaria-Swabia). He took on the leading role in the NSDAP in financial issues, serving as the head of the Nazi Party faction on the budget committee and the Reich debt committee in the Reichstag. On 1 November 1930, he resigned as Gauleiter of Upper Bavaria due to his other increasing workloads and was succeeded by Adolf Wagner. From 27 April 1930 to 9 December 1932, Reinhardt was a department head in the Reichspropagandaleiter II office in the Party’s national leadership offices at the Brown House in Munich. From 1931 to June 1932 he also worked in the Reich Organization Department II on the staff of Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. In these years, he served as the chief economic representative of the Party leadership as a member of its National Economic Council. In March 1933 he became the First Deputy Chairman of the Reichstag Budget Committee.
Reinhardt was also a member of the Sturmabteilung, the Nazi paramilitary organization. In November 1933, he became an SA-Gruppenführer. On 11 November 1937, he was promoted to SA-Obergruppenführer.
State Secretary
On 1 April 1933, after the Nazi assumption of power, and due to Adolf Hitler's intervention, Reinhardt became State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Finance under Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk succeeding Arthur Zarden, whose incumbency violated Nazi policy, as he was Jewish. Reinhardt would hold this powerful position right through to the end of the regime in 1945. At its inaugural meeting on 3 October 1933, Reinhardt became a member of the Academy for German Law and on 17 November was made a member of its präsidium (standing committee) as well as Chairman of its Committee for Finance and Tax Law. From 1936 to 1942, he was also a member of the General Council of the Four Year Plan.
Reinhardt could count on the Nazi Party's and Hitler's backing, which was why he held such an influential position from the outset. Reinhardt made the decisions as to taxation. Under him were the Tax and Customs School – set up by him in 1935 – and the Zollgrenzschutz ("Customs Service"). It was one of the components of the programs aimed at reducing unemployment, which collectively were also known as the Reinhardt Program. It is held by some, particularly German, historians that Reinhardt gave his name also to Operation Reinhard, although broader understanding especially after its termination has associated that program's name with Reinhard Heydrich, first head of the RSHA. The confusion stemmed from the fact that Heydrich had spelled his first name both Reinhard and Reinhardt throughout the 1930s during his career in the SS.
Section 1 (§1) of the Tax Reconciliation Act (Steueranpassungsgesetz) of October 1934 traces to Reinhardt. This law implemented the Nazi Weltanschauung. It obviated numerous, detailed changes to the individual regulations and implemented the Nazi ideology in one stroke. In the time that followed, a whole series of further regulations and decisions against Jews bore Reinhardt's signature, for instance, 1942's statement on stolen gold from dispossessed and murdered Jews.
He was publisher of the Deutsche Steuerzeitung ("German Tax Newspaper") from 1934 to 1945 which, along with all his other publications, he made required reading for all finance officials.
Reinhardt was captured by the Allies in May 1945, and on 17 June 1949 he was classified as a Hauptschuldiger (literally "main culprit") at a Denazification proceeding, and sentenced to four years in labour prison. In an appeal proceeding late in 1949, the sentence was upheld, but the penalty reduced to three years. By late 1950 the sentence was definitively confirmed, but Reinhardt's time in custody was to be counted towards his penalty, which led to his immediate release.
In the court proceedings, Reinhardt defended himself as a financial expert who was limited to Reich finances, who mitigated penalties inflicted on Jews, and otherwise had to bend to other ministries' decisions.
Last years
Reinhardt worked as a tax adviser in West Germany, but otherwise was not to be seen in public life and died in Regensburg in 1969. His son Dr. Klaus Reinhardt became a general in the Bundeswehr.
See also
Reinhardt's fund
Selected bibliography
Die Herrschaft der Börse, 1927
Buchführung, Bilanz und Steuer: Lehr und Nachschlagwerk, 1936
Was geschieht mit unserem Geld?, 1942
Mehrwertsteuer-Dienst: Kommentar zum Umsatzsteuergesetz, 1967
External links
1865 births
1969 deaths
German newspaper editors
German people of World War II
Holocaust perpetrators
Members of the Academy for German Law
Members of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Members of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Nazi Party officials
Nazi Party politicians
Nazi propagandists
Nazis convicted of crimes
Operation Reinhard
People from Ilmenau
People from Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Recipients of the Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross
Sturmabteilung officers
World War I civilian prisoners |
4040566 | | Room 101 (radio series) | Room 101 is a radio comedy series that ran from 1992 to 1994 on BBC Radio 5, before transferring to BBC television. Hosted by Nick Hancock, it was an alternative to the more established and formal Desert Island Discs. Celebrities were invited to discuss their "least favourite people, places and pop songs" in order to have them consigned to Room 101.
Episode guide
Series One 1992 (six programmes)
Paul Merton (9 January 1992)
Jenny Eclair (16 January 1992)
Danny Baker (23 January 1992)
Arthur Smith (30 January 1992)
Steve Punt (6 February 1992)
Annie Nightingale (13 February 1992)
Series Two 1992 (eight programmes)
Ian Hislop (14 August 1992)
Jo Brand (21 August 1992)
Tony Slattery (28 August 1992)
John Walters (4 September 1992)
Helen Lederer (11 September 1992)
David Baddiel (18 September 1992)
Stephen Frost (25 September 1992)
Donna McPhail (2 October 1992)
Christmas Special 1992
Nick Hancock (22 December 1992) - Guest host Danny Baker
Series Three 1993 (eight programmes)
Frank Skinner (27 August 1993)
Trevor and Simon (3 September 1993)
Caroline Quentin (10 September 1993)
Tony Hawks (17 September 1993)
Rory McGrath (8 October 1993)
Kevin Day (15 October 1993)
Maria McErlane (22 October 1993)
Mark Lamarr (29 October 1993)
Series Four 1994 (four programmes)
Nick Revell (4 March 1994)
Simon Delaney (11 March 1994)
Chris England (18 March 1994)
Andy Hamilton (25 March 1994)
The title refers to the room in George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four which, for each person, represents the worst fear they can imagine. Appropriately, this is supposedly named after a conference room at BBC Broadcasting House where Orwell used to sit through tedious meetings.
See also
Room 101 (British TV series)
External links
Radio Ha Ha entry for Room 101
Room 101
Radio programs adapted into television shows
1992 radio programme debuts
1994 radio programme endings
Works based on Nineteen Eighty-Four |
4040569 | | Armeni | Armeni can refer to:
Armenoi, a village in Chania regional unit, Crete, Greece
Armenoi, Rethymno, a village in Rethymno regional unit, Crete, Greece
Armeni, a village in Loamneș Commune, Sibiu County, Romania
Armeni, a village in Slobozia Ciorăști Commune, Vrancea County, Romania
Armeni (archaeological site), an ancient Minoan cemetery on Crete
Silvia Armeni is an Italian-born Canadian wildlife artist
See also
Armenia |
4040589 | | The File on Thelma Jordon | The File on Thelma Jordon is a 1950 American film noir drama film directed by Robert Siodmak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Wendell Corey. The screenplay by Ketti Frings, based on an unpublished short story by Marty Holland, concerns a woman who pretends to fall in love with an assistant district attorney and uses him to acquit her of the murder of her elderly aunt.
Thelma Jordon shows up late one night in the office of the district attorney to report a series of attempted burglaries at her Aunt Vera's home. The district attorney is out but she meets the assistant district attorney, Cleve Marshall, a married man, who would rather get drunk than go home. He asks her to join him for a drink and she agrees. Before Cleve can stop himself, he and Thelma are involved in a love affair. But Thelma is a mysterious woman, and Cleve can't help wondering if she is hiding something.
When her rich aunt is found shot dead, Thelma calls Cleve rather than the police, and he helps her cover up evidence that may incriminate her, but he believes her story that an intruder killed the aunt. When the district attorney arrests Thelma as the prime suspect, Cleve is in a unique position to help her due to his job. He arranges to prosecute the case and persuades the jury that a "reasonable doubt" exists due to evidence of an elusive "Mr X" (which he believes is Thelma's estranged husband). Thelma is acquitted. Her past, however, has begun to catch up with her.
Tony, her former lover, materialises again. She tells him she has successfully manipulated Cleve. She does not love him but he loves her. Their conversation reveals that it was Tony who conceived the scheme for Thelma to commit the murder and inherit Vera's jewels and money.
Cleve comes to the house and Thelma acknowledges that there is a relationship with Tony. Tony hits Cleve over the head, knocking him out so the two can escape. Unable to deal with her guilty conscience, Thelma causes a car accident that results in her accomplice's death and her own fatal injury. As she lies dying, she confesses the truth to the district attorney. However, she does not incriminate Cleve, saying she cannot reveal his name because she loves him. The district attorney tells Cleve that he will be disbarred for his actions, but he tells Scott that he was already confessing to his complicity when he heard about the car accident. He walks away to his new life.
Barbara Stanwyck as Thelma Jordon
Wendell Corey as Cleve Marshall
Paul Kelly as Miles Scott
Joan Tetzel as Pamela Marshall
Stanley Ridges as Kingsley Willis
Richard Rober as Tony Laredo
Gertrude W. Hoffmann as Aunt Vera Edwards
Basil Ruysdael as judge Jonathan David Hancock
Kenneth Tobey as Police Photographer (uncredited)
Wendell Corey's real-life children Robin and Jonathan played non-speaking roles as the daughter and son of his character in the film.
The project was filmed and marketed under the title Thelma Jordon. It was the ninth film noir to be made by director Robert Siodmak. Principal photography took place between February 14 and March 29, 1949. Location filming was held at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana, California, and at the Los Angeles County jail.
Though the film carries a copyright date of August 1, 1949, it had its premiere in New York on January 18, 1950. It grossed $51.5 million in adjusted domestic box office receipts.
Critical reception
Variety praised the film, writing: "Thelma Jordon unfolds as an interesting, femme-slanted melodrama, told with a lot of restrained excitement. Scripting from a story by Marty Holland is very forthright, up to the contrived conclusion, and even that is carried off successfully because of the sympathy developed for the misguided and misused character played by Wendell Corey".
Time Out gave the film 5 out of 5 stars, comparing it favorably to the classic film noir Double Indemnity in which Stanwyck also stars. It singles out Corey's performance as "the nondescript assistant DA she drives to the brink of destruction. The part is played (remarkably well) by Corey, whose haunted, hangdog persona as a perennial loser is echoed so perfectly by the deliberately slow, inexorable tempo of Siodmak's direction (not to mention George Barnes' superbly bleak lighting)". Radio Times also lauds the direction and Corey's performance as "a hapless assistant DA, played to meek perfection by Wendell Corey", and writes about Stanwyck: "In these thrillers Stanwyck has a terrific, deadly allure and the moody lighting and the music conspire with her, keeping the men fluttering around her like moths to a flame".
The New York Times gave a mixed review, stating: "Thelma Jordon is, for all of its production polish, adult dialogue, and intelligent acting, a strangely halting and sometimes confusing work". The review criticized the slow pace of the film and the not-unexpected climax, but gave credit to Stanwyck for "handling a complex assignment professionally and with a minimum of forced histrionics".
The script was adapted for a 1950 radio drama on Screen Directors Playhouse.
External links
Streaming audio
The File on Thelma Jordon on Screen Directors Playhouse: March 15, 1951
1950 films
1950 drama films
American drama films
American black-and-white films
English-language films
Film noir
Films scored by Victor Young
Films directed by Robert Siodmak
Films produced by Hal B. Wallis
Paramount Pictures films
Films with screenplays by Ketti Frings |
4040603 | | Earth Policy Institute | Earth Policy Institute was an independent non-profit environmental organization based in Washington, D.C., in the United States. It was founded by Lester R. Brown in 2001 and functioned as an environmental think tank, providing research and analysis on environmental indicators and making policy and lifestyle recommendations aimed at promoting environmental and economic sustainability.
Cited by environmental advocates, as well as policymakers and journalists, the institute was a nonprofit that still provides articles, data resources, and select free downloads of their books on their website.
In June 2015, the Institute announced that, with Brown's retirement, it would close its doors. Its website is archived by Rutgers University.
The Earth Policy Institute functioned as a think-tank, providing policy research and recommendations on sustainable development and living, as well as on environmental issues.
EPI's goals were (1) to provide a global plan for moving the world onto an environmentally and economically sustainable path, (2) to provide examples demonstrating how the plan would work, and (3) to keep the media, policymakers, academics, environmentalists, and other decision-makers focused on the process of building a Plan B economy.
Publications and releases
The Institute sent out articles called Updates, Eco-Economy Indicators, Book Bytes, Data Highlights, and Press Releases to the media and the general public on a free low-volume e-mail listserv and also posted them on its website along with supporting data and sources for additional information.
Publications were released in several languages. International publishers for books can be found on the website, as well as links to other organizations who publish the translations of articles.
The Institute released the following books:
Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth.
The Earth Policy Reader
Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures
Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
World On The Edge
Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity
Breaking New Ground: A Personal History
The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy
Earth Policy Institute stated that Plan B Updates are original, four-page analyses of environmental issues ranging from worldwide advances in renewable energy to deaths from heat waves to new flows of environmental refugees.
Eco-Economy Indicators
Earth Policy Institute stated that eco-Economy Indicators consist of the 12 trends EPI used to measure progress toward building a Plan B world. The 12 trends are (Overpopulation, Global Economy, Grain Harvest, Fish Catch, Forest Cover, Water Resources, Carbon Emissions, Global Temperature, Ice Melting, Wind Power, Bicycle Production, Solar Power.
Book Bytes
Book Bytes were highlights and adaptations from EPI's books and research.
EPI regularly contributed releases to other websites, including:
The institute's June 2015 announcement of its closing began:
All good things must come to an end, and we at the Earth Policy Institute (EPI) find ourselves sadly at the end of a road filled with many successes. With our president and founder, Lester Brown, stepping down at the age of 81, we are closing our doors on June 30, 2015. Our awesome staffers are finding new posts to continue their work, and we are certain that they will be able to further the issues EPI has pursued.
The announcement added:
We are delighted to say that our website and all of its information, data, and research publications will remain available to you. The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University has agreed to keep our site available as a legacy website.
See also
Human overpopulation
2001 establishments in Washington, D.C.
2015 disestablishments in Washington, D.C.
Environmental organizations based in Washington, D.C.
Human overpopulation think tanks
Population concern advocacy groups
Population concern organizations |
4040614 | | Lady Slipper Drive | The Lady Slipper Drive is a former scenic drive located in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, beginning and ending at Summerside.
The Lady Slipper Drive comprised numerous routes along coastal sections of Prince County and measured approximately 300 km in length. It was replaced in 2005 by the North Cape Coastal Drive.
Deriving its name from the Lady's Slipper orchid, the provincial floral emblem which grows in shaded forests, the signs marking the Lady Slipper Drive depicted a red orchid within a red frame on a square white background.
The Lady Slipper Drive was developed as a tourism marketing project during the 1970s in conjunction with the Blue Heron Drive in Queens County and the Kings Byway in Kings County.
Scenic travelways in Prince Edward Island
Roads in Prince County, Prince Edward Island |
4040618 | | Japanification | Japanification () is the process of becoming or wishing to become a member of Japanese society. It most commonly refers to expats living for an extended period of time in Japan, though it may also be used to describe persons living outside Japan who have a certain affinity to some aspect of Japanese culture. Cultural assimilation could include adoption of Japanese mannerisms, style of clothing, taste in entertainment, and sometimes aspects of Japanese language.
In expats this process often occurs because of a feeling of isolation or desire to conform, whereas outside Japan it may occur because of an especially strong interest in some kind of fan culture based in Japan, e.g. anime, manga, television dramas, music or lolita fashion.
Japanification in popular culture
Japanese culture has had a strong influence on American popular culture dating back to Japan's defeat in World War II and to the early 1950s when children of the United States were first introduced to Japanese popular culture, such as Godzilla. The Japanese culture also presented itself in popular video games such as Jet Set Radio, a game that has evident references to Japanese manga and graphic novels. This trend of Japan influencing children’s popular culture continues with well-known icons such as Astro Boy, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, and Hello Kitty. Japanese media is commonly described as Kawaii, a Japanese term meaning “cute” and "comfortable" in English.
Reasons for Japanification
As more and more people became interested in Japanese society, the numbers of students and individuals learning the Japanese language increased. At its height of popularity there was a 10.3% increase in Japanese language enrollments in U.S. colleges and universities between 2006 and 2009, 66,605 in 2006 to 73,434 in 2009. However, Japan Foundation statistics indicate that the number of people taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) has been steadily declining since the peak in 2009.
This temporary increase in Japanese language learners in the early years of the 21st century was unusual given Japan’s economic gloom and turmoil in the last two decades, but it could be explained by the rising popularity of manga and anime around 2009. Manga and anime were seen by some as a leading factor in reasons why the number of Japanese language learners was increasing, “Over 50% of Japanese language learners surveyed by the Japan Foundation in 2009 cited wanting to learn how to read manga and anime as a key reason for studying Japanese.” Today, we see what many consider is a rapid decline in the global popularity of Japanese manga and anime. Some praise the 10% of high quality manga and anime for its initial popularity, and blame its recent decline in popularity on the 90% of low quality material that has been released in recent years. Another possible reason for the decline in sales could be the increase in "scanlations", which are described in a statement by Japan's Digital Comic Association: "The 36 publishers in Japan’s Digital Comic Association and several American publishers are forming a coalition to combat the “rampant and growing problem” of scanlations — illicit digital copies of manga either translated by fans or scanned directly from legitimate English releases".
In Taiwan, the term harizu (哈日族) is used, which is taken from the pen-name of Taiwanese manga artist Chen Guixing, Hari Kyoko 哈日杏子. Not only does her pen-name include the word, but her first manga Good Morning Japan, released in 1996, also described an obsession with Japan as a "hari sickness". The ri in hari is short for Japan, and the ha comes from a Taiwanese Hokkien term meaning to love something to death ().
Japanification in economics
In addition to its cultural definition this process can be described as the transformation of an economy into one that follows the steps of Japan. In other words, it is a term used by economists that refers to falling into the same deflationary trap of collapsed demand that caused the lost decade. Japanification is an ongoing issue today as the US, UK, and other countries go through similar economic issues.
See also
Korean Wave
Taiwanese Wave
Japan in non-Japanese culture
Japanese culture
Cultural assimilation
Japanese subcultures |
4040633 | | Chadwick Arboretum | Chadwick Arboretum is a arboretum on the Agriculture campus of The Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio, United States. The main arboretum collection is located just across Lane Avenue from the Schottenstein Center with its other collections nearby. The arboretum is open daily without charge.
The arboretum proper contains roughly 1,000 trees representing over 120 species that grow throughout Ohio, with special collections of conifers and willows. As of 2005, it contained one Ohio State Champion tree, Abies cephalonica.
The arboretum also includes a Learning Garden and specialized gardens for annuals, hostas, perennials, roses, and wildflowers. Taken together, these gardens represent one of the most varied collections of flora in the state, with good selections of native Ohio plants, perennials, tropical plants, wildflowers, woody plants, and more than 400 cultivars of annuals.
See also
List of botanical gardens in the United States
External links
Chadwick Arboretum
Arboreta in Ohio
Botanical gardens in Ohio
Ohio State University
Tourist attractions in Columbus, Ohio
Protected areas of Franklin County, Ohio
Geography of Columbus, Ohio
University District (Columbus, Ohio) |
4040645 | | Carol Bruneau | Carol Bruneau (born 1956) is a Canadian writer.
She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she has taught writing at NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University) and Dalhousie University. She has a master's degree in English literature from Dalhousie University and a master's degree in journalism from the University of Western Ontario, and has worked extensively as a workshop leader and mentor to new and emerging writers.
She has authored six novels and three short story collections. Her first novel Purple for Sky (2000) won the Thomas Head Raddall Award and the fiction category of the Dartmouth Book Awards in 2001. The book was also shortlisted that year for the Pearson Readers' Choice Award. Her most recent short fiction collection A Bird on Every Tree was shortlisted for the 2018 Raddall Award and Dartmouth Book Award, and her 2018 novel, A Circle on the Surface won the 2019 Jim Connors Dartmouth Book Award for Fiction. Her novel Glass Voices was a Globe and Mail Best Book for 2007. Two of her novels have been published internationally. Her articles, reviews and essays have been published nationwide in newspapers, journals and anthologies. Her latest novel Brighten the Corner Where You Areis inspired by the life and art of Nova Scotian folk artist Maud Lewis.
After the Angel Mill - 1995
Depth Rapture - 1998
Purple for Sky - 2000 (U.S. title: A Purple Thread for Sky)
Why Men Fish Where They Do - 2001
Berth. Cormorant, 2005
Glass Voices. Cormorant, 2007, re-released Nimbus Publishing/Vagrant Press, 2018
These Good Hands. Cormorant, 2015.
A Bird on Every Tree. Nimbus Publishing/Vagrant Press, 2018
A Circle on the Surface. Nimbus/Vagrant, 2018
Brighten the Corner Where You Are: A Novel Inspired by the Life of Maud Lewis. Nimbus/Vagrant, 2020.
1956 births
Living people
Canadian women novelists
20th-century Canadian novelists
21st-century Canadian novelists
20th-century Canadian women writers
21st-century Canadian women writers
NSCAD University faculty
Writers from Halifax, Nova Scotia |
4040665 | | Phylaki | Phylaki is a modern village and the archaeological site of an ancient Minoan cemetery on Crete.
The site, discovered in 1981, is a Late Minoan IIIA tholos tomb. At least 9 burials were made here.
Artefacts found included a gold necklace which contained 28 rosettes of gold, fifteen seal stones, amulets, bronze weapons and bronze utensils. Ivory decorations from a wooden box include: the heads of warriors in boar's tusk helmets, Plaques found are decorated with wild goats, sphinxes and "figure of eight" shields.
This area was used as a dump sight for the town, which may have preserved it from damage to the smaller items that were hidden under the trash and animal bodies.
Swindale, Ian "Phylaki" Retrieved 11 Feb 2006
External links
Minoan sites in Crete
Tombs in Greece |
4040682 | | Chicka Boom | "Chicka Boom" is a popular song written by Bob Merrill. The song was published in 1953 and appeared in the 1953 film, Those Redheads From Seattle.
This was one of a number of Merrill's songs recorded by Guy Mitchell which were hits for him in 1953. The song went to number 16 on the Cashbox charts in August 1953, staying there for 13 weeks. The song went to number 4 on the UK Singles Chart in November 1953, staying there for 15 weeks.
Other songs
Not to be confused with either of two songs of a similar name, both called "Chick-A-Boom". "Chick-A-Boom" (Berns, Morrison) was by the Irish singer Van Morrison in the mid-1960s, and as featured on the Midnight Special collection (and Bang Masters) of early and/or unreleased Van Morrison recordings. Morrison's "Chick-A-Boom" was a songwriting collaboration with Bert Berns. The other, "Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It)", was by Richard Monda aka Daddy Dewdrop in 1971. One of the songs from the play/movie, Godspell, "We Beseech Thee," included a chorus that includes the phrase, "Boom chicka boom chicka boom chick chick, chicka booma chicka booma chicka boom chick chick."
Songs written by Bob Merrill
Guy Mitchell songs
1953 songs |
4040690 | | Ascending aorta | The ascending aorta (AAo) is a portion of the aorta commencing at the upper part of the base of the left ventricle, on a level with the lower border of the third costal cartilage behind the left half of the sternum.
It passes obliquely upward, forward, and to the right, in the direction of the heart's axis, as high as the upper border of the second right costal cartilage, describing a slight curve in its course, and being situated, about behind the posterior surface of the sternum. The total length is about .
The aortic root is the portion of the aorta beginning at the aortic annulus and extending to the sinotubular junction. It is sometimes regarded as a part of the ascending aorta, and sometimes regarded as a separate entity from the rest of the ascending aorta.
Between each commissure of the aortic valve and opposite the cusps of the aortic valve, three small dilatations called the aortic sinuses.
The sinotubular junction is the point in the ascending aorta where the aortic sinuses end and the aorta becomes a tubular structure.
A thoracic aortic diameter greater than 3.5 cm is generally considered dilated, whereas a diameter greater than 4.5 cm is generally considered to be a thoracic aortic aneurysm. Still, the average diameter in the population varies by for example age and sex. The upper limit of standard reference range of the ascending aorta may be up to 4.3 cm among large, elderly individuals.
At the union of the ascending aorta with the aortic arch the caliber of the vessel is increased, owing to a bulging of its right wall.
This dilatation is termed the bulb of the aorta, and on transverse section presents a somewhat oval figure.
The ascending aorta is contained within the pericardium, and is enclosed in a tube of the serous pericardium, common to it and the pulmonary artery.
The ascending aorta is covered at its commencement by the trunk of the pulmonary artery and the right auricula, and, higher up, is separated from the sternum by the pericardium, the right pleura, the anterior margin of the right lung, some loose areolar tissue, and the remains of the thymus; posteriorly, it rests upon the left atrium and right pulmonary artery.
On the right side, it is in relation with the superior vena cava and right atrium, the former lying partly behind it; on the left side, with the pulmonary artery.
The only branches of the ascending aorta are the two coronary arteries which supply the heart; they arise near the commencement of the aorta from the aortic sinuses which are opposite the aortic valve.
Clinical significance
is extensive atherosclerotic calcification of the ascending aorta. It makes aortic surgery difficult, especially aortic cross-clamping, and incisions may result in excessive aortic injury and/or arterial embolism.
External links
Arteries of the thorax
de:Aorta#Abschnitte |
4040707 | | Armstrong World Industries | Armstrong World Industries, Inc. is a Pennsylvania corporation incorporated in 1891. It is an international designer and manufacturer of walls and ceilings. Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, AWI has a global manufacturing network of 26 facilities, including nine plants dedicated to its WAVE joint venture. In 2011, Armstrong's net sales were $2.86 billion, with operating income of $239.2 million.
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. emerged from Chapter 11 reorganization on October 2, 2006. Its stock began trading on the New York Stock Exchange October 18, 2006, under the ticker symbol AWI. The Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Asbestos Personal Injury Settlement Trust, holds approximately 66% of AWI's outstanding common shares. Armstrong's “Fourth Amended Plan of Reorganization, as Modified,” dated February 21, 2006, and confirmed by U.S. District Court Judge Eduardo Robreno in August 2006, become effective Oct. 2, 2006. The Plan includes a comprehensive settlement resolving AWI's asbestos liability by establishing and funding a trust to compensate all current and future asbestos personal injury claimants. The company had filed for reorganization December 6, 2000, with the federal bankruptcy court in Delaware for reorganization under Chapter 11 because pending asbestos injury claims appeared to exceed the value of the company, and were growing.
“In addition to resolving AWI’s asbestos liability, we used the time in Chapter 11 to restructure our flooring business to make it more competitive,” AWI CEO Michael D. Lockhart said. “We made substantial improvements in our cost structure by closing several plants and streamlining our workforce in the U.S. We have also expanded capacity to manufacture wood flooring, broadened our product lines and improved product quality and customer service.”
On March 27, 2007, Armstrong World Industries, Inc. and NPM Capital N.V. entered into an agreement to sell Tapijtfabriek H. Desseaux N.V. and its subsidiaries, the principal operating companies in Armstrong's European Textile and Sports Flooring business segment, to NPM Capital N.V. The sale was finalized in April 2007.
On February 15, 2007, Armstrong World Industries, Inc. announced that it was initiating a review of its strategic alternatives.
In 1860, Thomas M. Armstrong, the son of Scottish-Irish immigrants from Derry, joined with John D. Glass to open a one-room shop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, carving bottle stoppers from cork by hand. Their first deliveries were made in a wheelbarrow. Armstrong was a business pioneer in some respects: he branded each cork he shipped as early as 1864, and soon was putting a written guarantee in each burlap bag of corks he shipped from his big new factory. The company grew to be the largest cork supplier in the world by the 1890s. The company incorporated in 1891.
Cork began being displaced by other closures, but the company introduced insulating corkboard and brick. In 1906, two years before he died, Thomas Armstrong concluded that the solid foundation of the future was covered with linoleum, and construction began on a new factory in a cornfield at the edge of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In 1909, Armstrong linoleum was first offered to the trade.
After corkboard, the logical move was to fiberboard, and then to ceiling board. Cork tile and linoleum led to vinyl flooring, then ceramic tile, laminate flooring and carpeting.
In 1917, Armstrong Cork signed with the Batton Company advertising agency, a relationship that continues to this day through their corporate descendants.
In 1998, Armstrong acquired Triangle Pacific Corp., a leading manufacturer of hardwood flooring and kitchen/bathroom cabinets.
In 2009, Armstrong's annual net Sales Total US$2.8Billion.
Armstrong Cabinets is no longer owned by Armstrong World Industries. The business was sold to American Industrial Partners on October 31, 2012.
In 2016, Armstrong spun off the flooring business into a new company, Armstrong Flooring. NYSE: AFI
Armstrong Manor
The Armstrong Manor was originally purchased by Armstrong World Industries for use as a central location to house the company's young sales trainees. The home was later used in other capacities, such as meeting space and temporary housing for visiting employees. Armstrong owned the property from May 1920 to December 2011. The property is located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
The oldest part of Armstrong Manor, originally known as Bloomington Farm, was built in 1866 by David P. Locher, a prosperous local tanner, banker, and farmer. The 4-acre property remained a part of Locher's estate until April 9, 1906, when Grove Locher purchased the property for $21,000.
On May 29, 1920, the then Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based Armstrong Cork Company purchased the mansion from Grove Locher and his wife for $26,930. The company's second president, Charles D. Armstrong, was disturbed by the conditions in which his son, Dwight, and other new sales employees were living within various rented housing across Lancaster. C.D. Armstrong and his wife, Gertrude Virginia Ludden Armstrong, were also aware of the difficulties with the transition from campus life to industrial living, and desired a more comfortable living space for their sales trainees. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong also wanted to have a suitable location for business meetings with visiting employees from other areas. The house was used as a living space for the sales trainees (all single men) during their 6-month training program at the Lancaster, PA flooring plant. The company spent an additional $27,742.87 on renovations and renamed the property Armstrong Manor.
More recently, The Manor provided housing for visiting Armstrong employees and customers, and continued to fulfill its role as a meeting space. The property also had a facilities maintenance department (plumbers, electricians, and a mailroom) to support the property.
In November 2010, Armstrong World Industries announced its plan to close Armstrong Manor by the end of the year citing that The Manor and the facilities department were no longer part of the “…core to being a building products manufacturer.” Armstrong Manor was sold to Rodgers & Associates, a wealth management firm based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on December 15, 2011.
In the 1920s, the Armstrong Cork Products Company and Sherwin-Williams company were the largest industrial customers for hemp fiber.
In 1938, Armstrong bought Whitall Tatum, a leading manufacturer of glass stand-off insulators for utility poles since 1922. The existing molds were eventually replaced with molds bearing the Armstrong name. In April 1969, the business was sold to Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation. Demand was rapidly dropping, as utilities were converting to ceramics or going underground, and Kerr moved production to their Dunkirk, Indiana factory in the mid-1970s, and ceasing production several years after that.
During World War II, Armstrong made 50-caliber round ammunition, wing tips for airplanes, cork sound insulation for submarines, and camouflage.
In 1952, a group of leading industrialists that included Alfred P. Sloan of General Motors, Frank W. Abrams of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Henry Ford II of Ford Motor Company, John L. McCaffrey of International Harvester, Irving S. Olds of United States Steel Corporation, Henning W. Prentis of Armstrong Cork Company, and Laird Bell of Weyerhauser Timber formed the Council for Financial Aid to Education, which increased corporate gifts to colleges from $24 million annually to $136 million annually over ten years.
In 1958, Armstrong Cork Company created "Armstrong Contracting and Supply Corporation". Armstrong Cork had done insulation contracting since the early 20th century, originally focusing on cork products. Gradually, there was greater emphasis on high temperature insulation. In 1969, this business was sold in a leveraged buyout to 31 existing and retired employees of the contracting company, which became Irex Corporation.
C.U.E., Inc. started as the Polyurethane Division of Armstrong Cork in the 1960s. CUE comes from "Custom Urethane Elastomers" The Fluorocarbon Company of Anaheim, California bought the division in 1972. On April 7, 1986, a group of seven employees acquired the division, in a leveraged buyout.
In 1964, Armstrong bought Phoenix Chair Company, following up with Founders Furniture Company in 1965, Western Carolina Furniture Company in 1966, and both Thomasville Furniture and Caldwell Furniture in 1968. In the 1970s, they expanded with a low-end bedroom furniture line. They bought Gilliam Furniture in 1986, bought and repurposed the former Stehle polyester factory in Carysbrook, Virginia later that year, bought Westchester Group in 1987, and Gordon's in 1988; as well as making a major expansion to Thomasville that year. In 1995, Thomasville Furniture was sold to Interco (which became Furniture Brands International), a leading furniture manufacturer, with such brands as Broyhill and Lane.
Environmental record
Armstrong Holdings Inc. used to produce asbestos, either of two incombustible, chemical-resistant, fibrous mineral forms of impure magnesium silicate, used for fireproofing, electrical insulation, building materials, brake linings, and chemical filters. On November 16, 2000 it was reported that Armstrong Holdings Inc. was facing about 173,000 asbestos personal injury claims that would cost between $758.8 million and $1.36 billion through 2006. They filed bankruptcy because of all their asbestos liabilities. Armstrong no longer produces asbestos and now makes vinyl and wood flooring and other interior furnishings.
Manufacturing locations
ACProducts, Inc. is the seventh largest manufacturer and distributor of cabinets in the United States. The Company offers six wood species for its stock and semi-custom cabinets, including cherry, maple, oak, birch, plantation hardwood, and laminate/thermofoil, and serves over 3,000 customers through a network of 26 facilities consisting of ACP-branded showroom/selection centers, regional distribution centers, and warehouses, all in the United States. ACP is headquartered in The Colony, TX, with manufacturing operations in Thompsontown, PA. Cabinet production facilities were owned by Armstrong World Industries but are now under American Industrial Partners, with products being sold under the ACPI branding.
They produce ceiling products in the US in Hilliard, Ohio; Macon, Georgia; Marietta, Pennsylvania; Mobile, Alabama; Pensacola, Florida; St. Helens, Oregon and internationally in Rankweil, Austria; Shanghai, China; Stafford, England; Thornaby, England; Team Valley, England; Pontarlier, France; Münster, Germany; St. Gallen, Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland and Yelabuga, Russia.
All ceiling grid components (tee's, wall angle, etc.) are produced by WAVE, a joint venture with partner Worthington Industries of Columbus, Ohio. WAVE (Worthington Armstrong VEntures) has plants in Benton Harbor, Michigan; Henderson, Nevada; Aberdeen, Maryland; Shanghai, China; Prouvy, France; Team Valley, England and Madrid, Spain.
Asbestos bankruptcy trust
In 2002, Armstrong created a billion-dollar trust to resolve thousands of asbestos-related lawsuits filed against the firm. The trust was funded with a combination of stock and cash.
"Armstrong Still for Sale" Lancaster New Era, February 6, 2008
External links
Armstrong World Industries SEC Filings
Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
Companies based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Building materials companies of the United States
Companies that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2000
Superfund sites in Georgia (U.S. state)
Manufacturing companies established in 1860
1860 establishments in Pennsylvania |
4040712 | | Class number | In mathematics, class number may refer to
Class number (group theory), in group theory, is the number of conjugacy classes of a group
Class number (number theory), the size of the ideal class group of a number ring
Class number (binary quadratic forms), the number of equivalence classes of binary quadratic forms of a given discriminant |
4040713 | | Knights Templar (disambiguation) | The Knights Templar was a medieval Christian military order prominent in the Crusades, from the early 12th century until the early 14th century.
Knights Templar or Knight Templar may also refer to:
Knights Templar (Freemasonry)
The Knights Templar (Deus Ex), a fictional organization in the Deus Ex series
Knight Templar (The Saint), a 1930 novel by Leslie Charteris
The Knights Templar School, a school in Baldock, England
Knights Templar Cartel, a drug cartel in Mexico
Knight Templar, a Marvel Comics superhero in Marvel: The Lost Generation
See also
Anders Behring Breivik, a terrorist who claimed, apparently falsely, to be a member of a group called the Knights Templar
Grand Masters of the Knights Templar
History of the Knights Templar
Knights Templar in popular culture
List of Knights Templar
List of Knights Templar sites
Militia Templi, a present-day Catholic lay association.
Royal Order of Scotland
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Knights Templar International (OSMTH-KTI)
Templar (disambiguation)
Trials of the Knights Templar |
4040714 | | Providence: The Story of a Fifty-Year Vision Quest | Providence: The Story of a Fifty-Year Vision Quest is a book by Daniel Quinn, published in 1994, and written largely as an autobiography blended with additional philosophical reflections. It details how Quinn arrived at the ideas behind his 1992 novel Ishmael and articulates upon some of these ideas.
Although primarily nonfiction in content, Providence is written with a fictional backdrop, in which the reader is presented as someone who has read Ishmael and sneaked into Daniel Quinn's house at night to ask Quinn for further information regarding his inspirations for the novel and its philosophical ideas. Quinn, though tired, welcomes the reader into his house and opens himself up to the reader's questions. Throughout the story, Quinn narrates as though replying to questions asked by (the character of) the reader, which Quinn “restates” in his answers and explanations; the voice of the reader is never directly heard.
Quinn begins by describing the earliest incarnation of a book like Ishmael back in 1977, which Quinn at the time called Man and Alien. This manuscript was revised over the next several years, resulting in five more incarnations (The Genesis Transcript, The Book of Nahash, The Book of the Damned, and two entitled Another Story to Be In), none of which Quinn could successfully get published. At last, though, Quinn heard of the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship Award, which called for creative solutions to global problems. To win the award, though, Quinn was required to translate his long-brewing thoughts for the first time into a work of fiction: a novel. Quinn won the award with Ishmael but was left unsure, until now, about what he should write as a follow-up.
Quinn details basic memories of his Depression-era childhood in Omaha, Nebraska: specifically, the occurrence a dream in 1941 that he feels has influenced the rest of his life. In the dream, a tree is blocking the middle of a road he is traversing. A beetle crawls down the trunk to greet him and tells him that itself and other animals deliberately downed the tree to get Quinn's attention in order to talk with him. Quinn is dumbfounded as the beetle says that the animals need to tell him the secret of their lives. Quinn is then expected to follow a deer into the forest, because he is for some reason needed by the animals, but before he can venture on, he awakes.
Quinn recounts the gambling habits of his father (who he feels may have been friends with Meyer Lansky) and the sudden appearance of severe obsessive-compulsive tendencies in his mother. Quinn's parents habitually fought, each unable to understand the other's behaviors. Quinn feels his reaction to this was to try to perfect in himself what was unachievable with his parents in their relationship. Quinn's desire for perfection led him to an interest in the arts and a belief in Catholicism. Quinn received a full scholarship to St. Louis University because of his writing, though left after two years to devote his life to his religion, by becoming a Trappist monk at age nineteen. Greatly influenced by Thomas Merton’s The Seven Storey Mountain, Quinn went to the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky. At Gethsemani, Merton in fact became Quinn’s personal spiritual director. As a postulant at the monastery, Quinn decided after a troublesome moment at the monastery, involving a miscommunication with a novice, that he had to either completely submit his will to that of God or else he had to leave the monastery. Summoning his strength, Quinn made the choice of submission to the complete guidance of God. The next time he stepped outside (having been indoors for three entire weeks), Quinn experienced an unexpected moment of explosive, positive emotion, which he interpreted as infused contemplation, meaning utter centeredness on God: a feeling he describes as a "rage of joy." Quinn convinced himself at the time that this awe-striking moment of beauty with the world was evidence of God's approval of his decision to submit. Quinn told an incredulous Merton of this amazing experience, but was soon discharged from the monastery by Merton, who attributed the reason for Quinn's dismissal to the recent results of a Rorschach test.
Quinn was crushed by his expulsion and began to see a psychoanalyst, as recommended by Merton. Quinn continued with his lifelong inability to understand his own sexuality, largely since his father always assumed him to be homosexual and because his current therapist thought him unready to be in any serious relationships. Quinn, however, soon married a woman who later left him for another man. During this whole time, Quinn continued to struggle with his self-destructive need to be perfect. When Quinn talked to a priest who claimed to worry more about people than rules, Quinn's religious worldview began to crumble and he abandoned the faith. Quinn then got a job in educational publishing, which instigated his questioning of the educational system of the United States; this came with the rise of the Flower Children of the 1960s. Quinn briefly mentions the failure of his second marriage and his own willing movement toward going back to psychotherapy. Quinn began to realize in therapy that his entire technique with social situations was to merely trick others into thinking he was worth knowing, while he actually believed himself valueless. One day, however, he was idly making a list of all his valuable attributes when he suddenly realized that he did not need to try to fake his personality in front of people; he did not need to be perfect—merely human. Quinn explains that this newfound insight gave him the courage to ask out his future wife, Rennie, on their first date.
Quinn then delivers his most recent understanding of learning and education, notably including the idea that formal education is an unnecessary social institution, since children learn automatically by following the behaviors of fellow members of their culture and by pursuing their own innate interests (which rigidly-structured public schools largely stop from happening). He also refers to his discontents with how history is studied in its disregard for tribal societies, reiterating many of the themes from Ishmael. Finally, he examines religion, including his own more recent advocacy of animism, which he considers the one-time world religion with its refreshing lack of any sacred text, institutions, or dogma. He revisits the memory of his “rage of joy” moment, now understating it in animist terms. He concludes with the thought that many needy people (like himself prior to his epiphany) are just those who do not feel needed. He asserts that the reader should feel needed because he or she is needed: needed desperately by the community of life to understand humanity's forgotten interdependence with the rest of that community.
Books by Daniel Quinn
Literary autobiographies
1996 non-fiction books |
4040722 | | Silo (store) | Silo was an electronics retailer operated throughout the United States between 1947 and 1995. The western region stores were known for a number of years as "Downings" in Colorado and "Appliance-TV City" in Arizona and California.
Silo was founded by Sidney Cooper in Philadelphia, PA, in 1946 following his service in World War II. The company was named for himself and for his wife Lorraine, combining the first two letters of each name. Prior to opening its first retail store, Silo operated as a door-to-door installment business. With the advent of television, Cooper saw an opportunity and seized it. He opened his first store about 1951 in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia, featuring appliances and televisions. Silo was an early discounter, operating under the name "Silo Discount Centers." Silo regularly opened on Sundays, violating the Blue laws then in effect. Cooper claimed that it was necessary to open on Sunday in order to serve working families, and was even arrested at least once for doing so. On one such occasion, the press was on hand to cover the arrest, apparently tipped off by Cooper himself, who understood the value of free publicity. The company grew rapidly, opening stores throughout the tri-state region over the next twenty years. Silo went public in 1962, raising money to fuel its geographic expansion throughout a region bounded by Trenton, NJ, Wilmington, DE, and Reading, PA. The company's early advertising stressed that the "S" in Silo stood for savings, service, selection and satisfaction. Early store formats of 4,000 to 8,000 square feet were considered large by standards of the day. Later, Silo operated stores of 12,000 to 25,000 square feet, with two warehouse outlets of almost 60,000 square feet in Buffalo, NY and New Orleans, LA. Stores were generally freestanding, with some attached to shopping centers or malls.
In 1970 Silo made its first foray beyond the Philadelphia metro area, purchasing a number of Downing's stores from Sam Bloom in Denver, Colorado. Shortly after, Silo purchased three Appliance-TV City stores in Arizona from its founder, Jay Winslow. The Colorado and Arizona acquisitions enjoyed rapid expansion, as Silo applied its formula of low pricing, huge selection, and aggressive advertising. The 1970s Silo television jingle, "Silo is having a sale," was so pervasive that many Philadelphians today can still hum the jingle and would not believe that it has not aired in decades. Another of Silo's aggressive price promotions was a 1986 advertisement offering a stereo system for "299 bananas." Customers in Seattle and El Paso took the offer literally and came to the stores with real bananas. Silo honored the offer, trading 32 stereos in Seattle and three in El Paso for bananas; the stores lost $10,465 on these transactions.
In 1972 Silo launched Audio World, a wholly owned subsidiary which sold stereo systems and audio components. Initially a few freestanding stores in the greater Philadelphia area, by 1974 Audio World departments were being incorporated into all existing and new Silo stores when the concept proved successful. The audio expansion came at the expense of small appliances whose profit margins had disappeared for Silo, which thereafter concentrated on retailing only large appliances along with the new audio and TV sections, and was branded as Silo/Audio World for a number of years.
In 1976 Cooper died at the age of 57 and leadership of the business passed to his son-in-law Barry Feinberg, an attorney. At the time of Cooper's death, Silo operated 40 stores with revenues of $60 million. Feinberg expanded an already aggressive advertising campaign and eschewed Cooper's approach of geographic expansion by acquisition. Feinberg believed that Silo could stand on its own in new markets, without purchasing "recognition," and his approach was successful for a number of years.
Silo was acquired by Cyclops Steel, a Pittsburgh-based specialty steelmaker in February 1980. Cyclops had decided to diversify outside of the steel business and had already made one retail acquisition, the Busy Beaver home store chain in Pittsburgh, PA. Cyclops was willing to bet aggressively on Feinberg's strategy of attacking new markets with multiple simultaneous store openings accompanied by a massive advertising blitz - all under the Silo brand. Silo expanded rapidly and coast-to-coast over the next several years.
Silo purchased 19 stores in the Los Angeles area from the Federated Group in 1989. Prior to opening its first store, the company launched a highly visible but deliberately ambiguous "teaser" ad campaign, "The Silos are coming", arousing much curiosity, and even fear of the upcoming date. The campaign, created by Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Jay Montgomery, featured quasi man-on-the-street speculation about the "19 Silo sites proposed for the Southland". The campaign generated over 10,000 phone calls the first week. Callers were sent coupons and a t-shirt reading, "I feel better with a Silo nearby". The effort was so successful, Silo had to increase its sales projections twice during the soft opening. Feinberg personally called about 180 people who were legitimately upset by the ruse. Along with his apology, a $500 gift certificate was sent to each.
Fretter Buyout and Final Years
In 1993, Dixons decided to throw in the towel on its investment, and sold a controlling stake in Silo for $45 million to Fretter, Inc. Fretter was a Detroit, Michigan-based company, operating electronics stores under the Fretter's, YES! (short for Your Electronics Store), Dash Concepts, and Fred Schmid banners. At the time of the purchase, Silo featured 183 stores that were, due to stiff competition from such retailers as Circuit City and Best Buy, facing dwindling sales. The Fretter stores were facing similar competition, and Fretter management hoped that the combination would create a retail electronics powerhouse better suited to take on the up-and-coming companies.
By the time of the Fretter acquisition, Silo was damaged goods. Fretter was faced with integrating a chain with both dwindling market share and outdated and aging inventory. One way Fretter dealt with this challenge was to convert several of the Silo stores into outlet-based units to sell off the excess inventory.
Fretter also attempted to bill its stores as superstores, with a marketing strategy similar to that of Circuit City and Best Buy. However, the smaller size of its Silo and Fretter's units (10,000 to 15,000 square feet, as opposed to 35,000 square feet or more for a typical Circuit City store), made this an untenable strategy. According to one analyst, "Fretter was vanilla. You have to stand for something. They were so price-conscious that they never even thought about a personality. That's what our arguments with them were always about: You have to stand for something in the consumer's mind. You can't just live on price alone, or you'll go out of business."
Declining market shares, lingering debt from the acquisition, and an outdated store format eventually doomed Fretter to failure. The company began to exit its markets, quickly and quietly, and customers and employees would sometimes find the stores suddenly closed during normal business hours. Silo's seven Pittsburgh-area stores, for example, were precipitously closed when employees received word that they were to pack all remaining inventory and close the store that day. Employees that remained silent during closing were promised a generous severance. Scott White, a former store manager, reportedly went to the press with the information. This resulted in a mob of customers flocking to the Pittsburgh stores to demand goods left on lay-a-way, or a return of their deposits. Silo reopened their doors for 3 days to accommodate these customers.
By the end of 1995, Fretter closed all remaining Silo stores and placed the parent company into bankruptcy. The remainder of the company's stores were closed by May 1996.
Further reading
Francis, Lorna. "Is it better at Fretter: Recent acquisition boosts experts' outlook," Automotive News, February 28, 1994.
Gaynor, Pamela. "Struggling retailer locks doors for 'inventory'," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 14, 1995.
"Merged Silo to keep Pittsburgh stores," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 22, 1993.
Roush, Matt. "How Fretter fell: 'Whole bunch of things' led to demise of appliance icon," Crain's Detroit Business, December 2, 1996.
"Silo stores seek court protection," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 6, 1995.
Stouffer, Rick. "Silo to close local stores in September," The Buffalo News, August 24, 1995.
Retail companies established in 1947
Defunct retail companies of the United States
Defunct consumer electronics retailers in the United States
Consumer electronics retailers in the United States
1947 establishments in Pennsylvania
1995 disestablishments in the United States
Retail companies disestablished in 1995 |
4040728 | | Prunus andersonii | Prunus andersonii is a species of shrub in the rose family, part of the same genus as the peach, cherry, and almond. Its common names include desert peach and desert almond. It is native to eastern California and western Nevada, where it grows in forests and scrub in desert and mountains. It was named after Charles Lewis Anderson by Asa Gray.
Prunus andersonii is a shrub approaching 2 meters (80 inches) in height, its tangling branches narrowing to spiny-tipped twigs. Serrated, lance-shaped to oval leaves occur in clusters, each leaf measuring up to long. The shrub is deciduous. The inflorescence is a solitary flower or pair of flowers. Each flower has usually five concave pink petals each just under long, with many whiskerlike stamens at the center. Flowers bloom before or at the same time as the leaves appear. The fruit is a fuzzy reddish-orange drupe around wide. The fruits are fleshy in years with ample moisture, and dry in drought years. The seed is a heart-shaped stone. The plant reproduces sexually via germination of the seed, and vegetatively by sprouting from its rhizome. One plant may sprout and resprout from its rhizomes to form a very large clone which can spread over several acres.
Many rodents collect and eat the fruits and cache the seeds. Among Native American groups, the Paiute used this plant for making tea and medicinal remedies, and the Cahuilla considered the fruit a delicacy.
External links
Jepson Flora Project: Prunus andersonii
Calphotos Photo gallery, University of California
Flora of Nevada
Plants described in 1868
Flora of California |
4040731 | | McAfee SiteAdvisor | The McAfee SiteAdvisor, later renamed as the McAfee WebAdvisor, is a service that reports on the safety of web sites by crawling the web and testing the sites it finds for malware and spam. A browser extension can show these ratings on hyperlinks such as on web search results. Users could formerly submit reviews of sites.
The service was originally developed by SiteAdvisor, Inc, an MIT startup first introduced at CodeCon on February 10, 2006, and later acquired by McAfee on April 5, 2006. Since its founding, it has received criticism for its improper rating of some sites, and more importantly the length of time it takes to resolve complaints.
Prior to mid-October 2014, the functionality of SiteAdvisor could be accessed by submitting a URL to the website at, but can now also be accessed through a downloadable Browser Plugin.
Sites are rated in levels of Safe (green tick), Suspicious (yellow exclamation mark) and Unsafe (red "X").
Additional features include:
Rates email and IM links
Indicates sites potentially harmful to your computer
Allows users to safely shorten URLs when sharing links
Alerts users to possible phishing and identity theft scams
Redirects you away from red and yellow sites (if Protected Mode is enabled).
Products and services
A paid version of McAfee SiteAdvisor, McAfee SiteAdvisor LIVE, is included in McAfee Total Protection and has extra features:
Download Protection - SiteAdvisor LIVE allows the consumer to adjust how aggressively SiteAdvisor scans downloads. This can stop downloads which are considered to be slightly, probably or possibly risky depending on setting determined by the user. This feature can also be turned off.
Protected Mode - Allows the user to set a password for SiteAdvisor to prevent users from accessing or downloading from Yellow and Red rated websites. This password will also be required to change any SiteAdvisor settings after Protected Mode has been enabled.
In addition to selling to the end consumers, as of 2017, McAfee also sells to the web site owners with their McAfee Secure program, which supposedly runs daily security checks and gives passing sites a "McAfee Secure" badge.
As of December 2010, McAfee Secure marketing materials say there are 350 million installs of McAfee SiteAdvisor, and a likely much larger viewer base with search engine agreements such as that with Yahoo.
A URL shortening service which advertised itself as "secure" was operated until mid-2018. Its defining feature was that it would deny redirecting to sites classified by SiteAdvisor as insecure, to provide users receiving a "" URL with the confidence that they would not land on a malicious site.
Games and quizzes
In March 2006, McAfee launched a JavaScript-based quiz which has users pick between sites rated as safe and unsafe.
A flash-based memory training game called "WebQuest" was launched around 2007.
Studies and research
SiteAdvisor has published various reports regarding online threats such as typosquatting, where mistyped domains may lead to sites ranging from harmless pay-per-click and domain parking sites to pornographic and malware sites.
False negatives
The very nature of SiteAdvisor and the long periods between site crawls mean that even if the SiteAdvisor tests were 100% accurate a Green rating offers no guarantee of safety. Malicious code and browser exploits often spread fast over large numbers of websites, meaning a Green rating may not be up to date and may provide a false sense of security.
McAfee SiteAdvisor now makes use of the TrustedSource website reputation organisation, to act as something like a 'cloud' intelligence software to get the most up-to-date information on websites as possible, very similar to McAfee's Active Protection (Artemis) system. The details of this system are not known.
Time magazine named among the 50 coolest websites of 2006.
Popular Science awarded SiteAdvisor the "Best of What's New" award in the Computing category for 2006.
PC World ranked SiteAdvisor at #15 in "The 100 Best Products of 2007."
See also
Norton Safe Web
Website Reputation Ratings
WOT: Web of Trust
External links
Safe report example (Wikipedia)
Cautionary report example (
Warning report example (
2005 software
Reputation management
Windows software |
4040732 | | Coronet (typeface) | Coronet is an American typeface designed in 1937 by R. Hunter Middleton.
Uses in popular culture
Andy Warhol's "signature" on the cover of Velvet Underground and Nico is done in this font.
Some of the credits for I Love Lucy were in this font; it was also the typeface used for the Desilu closing ident seen on The Lucy Show and the original Star Trek series.
It was used for the Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica logo.
Deftones uses Ribbon 131, Bitstream's digitisation of Coronet, on some of their albums.
Billie Eilish's Happier than Ever uses Coronet for its cover text and associated branding.
Script typefaces
Letterpress typefaces
Typefaces and fonts introduced in 1937
Typefaces designed by R. Hunter Middleton |
4040734 | | Kozelets | Kozelets ( ) is an urban-type settlement in Chernihiv Raion, Chernihiv Oblast (province) of northern Ukraine. It hosts the administration of Kozelets settlement hromada, one of the hromadas of Ukraine. Kozelets is located on the Oster River, a tributary of the Dnieper. Population:
The town was first mentioned in written documents in 1098, but its status as an urban-type settlement (a step below that of a city) was granted in 1924.
Notable attractions in the city includes the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin designed in the Ukrainian Baroque style by architects Ivan Hryhorovych-Barskyi and Andrei Kvasov. Kozelets also houses several local food industries, and a veterinary technicum.
Kozelets was first mentioned in 1098 as a fortified town in the East Slavic state of Kievan Rus'. During times of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Kozelets was known by the name Kozlohrad ().
In the beginning of the seventeenth century, Kozelets was an important regional trade center. The town was also a sotnia town in the Pereiaslav and Kiev Regiment of the Cossack Hetmanate during the seventeenth-eighteenth centuries.
In 1656, Kozelets was granted the Magdeburg rights. The Kozelets Cossack Rada elected Yakym Somko as the Hetman of the Cossacks in 1662. After the Tatar invasion of 1679, Kozelets was partially destroyed.
In 1744 Empress Elizabeth of Russia stayed in Kozelets while making a pilgrimage to Kiev.
The city also served as a regional center of the Kyiv Governorate, Malorossiya, and Chernigov Governorates of the Russian Empire during the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries. At the end of the nineteenth century, Kozelets's population was 5,420.
After the breakup of the Russian Empire leading to the Russian Civil War, Kozelets became a part of the Soviet Union. In 1924, its status as a city was removed and given that of an urban-type settlement. During World War II, the Nazi Einsatzgruppen executed 125 of the town's Jews, a population that numbered 2,000 before the war.
Until 18 July 2020, Kozelets was the administrative center of Kozelets Raion. The raion was abolished in July 2020 as part of the administrative reform of Ukraine, which reduced the number of raions of Chernihiv Oblast to five. The area of Kozelets Raion was merged into Chernihiv Raion.
Being a regimental Cossack town, Kozelets has some important architectural monuments. This includes the Regimental Chancellery Building (the current town hall), the Darahan Mansion complex, the Saint Michael's Church (built in 1784) and the Ascension Church (1864–66).
The town's main cathedral and architectural attraction is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The cathedral was built in the mid-eighteenth century in the late Ukrainian Baroque style by architects Ivan Hryhorovych-Barskyi and Andrei Kvasov. Funds for the construction of the cathedral were provided by Alexey and Kyrylo Rozumovsky (the latter was appointed Hetman in 1750).
Notable people from Kozelets
List of famous people from Kozelets:
Yevstafiy Bogomolets (between 1750 and 1755–1811) - the mayor of Kozelets in 1789, direct ancestor of academician Alexander A. Bogomolets (1881–1946) and Olga Bogomolets (1966), M.D., the founder of Radomysl Castle
Yuriy Levitansky (1922–1996), Russian poet
Boris Mankevsky (1883–1962), Ukrainian neurologist
Vladimir Negovsky (1909–2003), Russian pathophysiologist
Maria Vasillievna Pavlova (née Gortynskaia) (1854-1939) paleontologist and academician
External links
The Official Site of Radomysl Castle
The murder of the Jews of Kozelets during World War II, at Yad Vashem website.
Urban-type settlements in Chernihiv Oblast
Kozeletsky Uyezd
Populated places established in the 11th century
Holocaust locations in Ukraine |
4040738 | | Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual | The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM) is a diagnostic handbook similar to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The PDM was published on May 28, 2006.
The information contained in the PDM was collected by a collaborative task force which includes members of the American Psychoanalytic Association, the International Psychoanalytical Association, the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) of the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, and the National Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work.
Although it is based on current neuroscience and treatment outcome studies, Benedict Carey pointed out in an 2006 New York Times article that many of the concepts in the PDM are adapted from the classical psychoanalytic tradition of psychotherapy. For example, the PDM indicates that the anxiety disorders may be traced to the "four basic danger situations" described by Sigmund Freud (1926) as the loss of a significant other; the loss of love; the loss of body integrity; and the loss of affirmation by one's own conscience. It uses a new perspective on the existing diagnostic system as it enables clinicians to describe and categorize personality patterns, related social and emotional capacities, unique mental profiles, and personal experiences of the patient.
The PDM is not intended to compete with the DSM or ICD. The authors report the work emphasizes "individual variations as well as commonalities" by "focusing on the full range of mental functioning" and serves as a "[complement to] the DSM and ICD efforts in cataloguing symptoms. The task force intends for the PDM to augment the existing diagnostic taxonomies by providing "a multi dimensional approach to describe the intricacies of the patient's overall functioning and ways of engaging in the therapeutic process.".
With the publication of the DSM-3 in 1980, the manual switched from a psychoanalytically influenced dimensional model to a "neo-Kraepelinian" descriptive symptom-focused model based on present versus absent symptoms. The PDM provided a return to a psychodynamic model for the nosological evaluation of symptom clusters, personality dimensions, and dimensions of mental functioning.
Dimension I: Personality Patterns and Disorders
This first dimension classifies personality patterns in two domains. First, it looks at the spectrum of personality types and places the person's personality on a continuum from unhealthy and maladaptive to healthy and adaptive. Second, it classifies the how the person "organizes mental functioning and engages the world".
The task force adds, "This dimension has been placed first in the PDM system because of the accumulating evidence that symptoms or problems cannot be understood, assessed, or treated in the absence of an understanding of the mental life of the person who has the symptoms". In other words, a list of symptoms characteristic of a diagnosis does not adequately inform a clinician how to understand and treat the symptoms without proper context. By analogy, if a patient went to her physician complaining of watering eyes and a runny nose, the symptoms alone do not indicate the appropriate treatment. Her symptoms could be a function of seasonal allergies, a bacterial sinus infection, the common cold, or she may have just come from her grandmother's funeral. The doctor might treat allergies with an antihistamine, the sinus infection with antibiotics, the cold with zinc, and give her patient a Kleenex tissue after the funeral. All four conditions may have very similar symptoms; all four condition are treated very differently.
Dimension II: Mental Functioning
Next, the PDM provides a "detailed description of emotional functioning" which are understood to be "the capacities that contribute to an individual's personality and overall level of psychological health or pathology". This dimension provides a "microscopic" examination of the patient's mental life by systematically accounting for their functional capacity to
Process information
Establish and maintain relationships
Experience, organize, and express feelings and emotions at different levels
Represent, differentiate, and integrate experience
Utilize appropriate coping strategies and defense mechanisms
Accurately observe oneself and others
Form internal values and standards
Dimension III: Manifest Symptoms and Concerns
The third dimension starts with the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic categories; moreover, beyond simply listing symptoms, the PDM "goes on to describe the affective states, cognitive processes, somatic experiences, and relational patterns most often associated clinically" with each diagnosis. In this dimension, "symptom clusters" are "useful descriptors" which presents the patient's "symptom patterns in terms of the patient's personal experience of his or her prevailing difficulties". The task force concludes, "The patient may evidence a few or many patterns, which may or may not be related, and which should be seen in the context of the person's personality and mental functioning. The multi dimensional approach... provides a systematic way to describe patients that is faithful to their complexity and helpful in planning appropriate treatments".
The new edition (PDM-2)
Guilford Press published a new edition of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2), developed by a steering committee composed by Vittorio Lingiardi (Editor), Nancy McWilliams (Editor), and Robert S. Wallerstein (Honorary Chair). Guilford Press received a manuscript for PDM-2 in September 2016, and the release date was June 20, 2017.
Like the PDM-1, the PDM-2 classifies patients on three axes: 'P-Axis - Personality Syndromes', 'M-Axis - Profiles of Mental Functioning', and 'S-Axis - Symptom Patterns: The Subjective Experience'. The axis of personality syndromes is intended to be viewed as a "map" of personality instead of a listing of personality disorders as in the DSM and ICD. The PDM-2 defines different terms as part of the P-Axis including "personality", "character", "temperament", "traits", "type", "style", and "defense". The S-Axis bears a lot of similarity to the DSM and ICD due to the inclusion of predominantly psychotic disorders, mood disorders, disorders related primarily to anxiety, event- and stressor-related disorders, somatic symptom disorders and addiction disorders.
See also
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DSM-IV Codes
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
External links
Website of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
APA News monitor: Five psychoanalytic associations collaborate to publish a new diagnostic manual.
2006 non-fiction books
Medical manuals
Classification of mental disorders
Books about psychoanalysis |
4040739 | | Bill McEwan | William G. McEwan is a former president, chief executive officer and director of Sobeys Inc., the second largest Canadian grocery retailer and food distributor.
A native of Trail, British Columbia, at 15, McEwan had a part-time job bagging groceries at a local store; he liked it so much that after a year-and-a-half at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, he returned to the business full-time.
McEwan spent more than 30 years in the grocery retailing and consumer packaged goods industries, with Ferraro's Ltd. (Super Valu), Coca-Cola (where he was vice president market development, Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd.) and The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P). At A&P, McEwan was senior vice president of grocery and non-food merchandising for the company's Canadian operations, before being appointed president and chief merchandising officer in 1996. He was later appointed president and CEO of the company's U.S. Atlantic Region.
McEwan joined Sobeys in November 2000 as president and CEO, was also on the board of directors for CIES - The Food Business Forum, and is a past chairman of the Grocery Industry Foundation Together (GIFT) in Canada.
McEwan retired from his role at Sobeys in 2012.
In November 2005, McEwan was presented the Golden Pencil Award, The Food Industry Association of Canada's highest distinction.
Bill McEwan is a supervisory board member of Ahold Delhaize. In 2019, McEwan was appointed chair of Aimia (company).
He lives with his second wife Donna in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.
Living people
Year of birth missing (living people)
Canadian chief executives
Coca-Cola people
People from Trail, British Columbia
People from New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
University of British Columbia |
4040741 | | Matt O'Leary | Matthew Joseph O'Leary (born July 6, 1987) is an American actor. He made his debut in the made-for-television Disney Channel Original film Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire (2000), and would go on to star in the thriller Domestic Disturbance (2001) opposite John Travolta. He also had supporting roles in Frailty (2001), and the independent neo-noir film Brick (2005).
In 2011, he starred opposite Rachael Harris in the critically acclaimed independent film Natural Selection, followed by a lead role in Fat Kid Rules the World (2012). He had a minor part in Gore Verbinski's The Lone Ranger (2013), and lead roles in the horror films Stung (2015) and Bokeh (2017).
O'Leary auditioned for the lead in Home Alone 3 and made his acting debut in the lead role in 2000 in the made-for-television film Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire. He was subsequently cast in the thriller Domestic Disturbance, playing the son of John Travolta's character.
O'Leary next appeared in another thriller, Frailty, directed by Bill Paxton, and in the kids comedy Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams, both of which opened in 2002 to positive reviews, gaining O'Leary recognition among teenage audiences. In 2003, O'Leary had a minor role in the third Spy Kids film, Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, and also appeared in the 2004 drama The Alamo, although most of his role was reduced to one line.
In 2005, O'Leary had a role in Warm Springs, a television film, and Havoc, a drama starring Anne Hathaway that was released directly to video. O'Leary rose to mainstream prominence in the latter half of the 2000s for his roles in Brick, a thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the 2007 films Live Free or Die Hard and Death Sentence. He appeared as Garret in the 2009 film Sorority Row and as Johnny Koffin in Mother's Day, released the following year.
In 2011, O'Leary won the Breakthrough Performance award at the 2011 SXSW Film Festival for his work in the film Natural Selection, with Rachael Harris.
External links
1987 births
Living people
Male actors from Chicago
American male film actors
American male child actors
American male television actors |
4040757 | | Stilos (archaeological site) | Stylos is an archaeological site of an ancient Minoan settlement and cemetery near the modern village of Stylos on the Greek island of Crete. Stylos means "column" in Greek. Stylos is near the important archaeological site of Aptera in Chania regional unit. The site was first excavated by N. Platon and C. Davaras. A potter's kiln, a building with four rooms and a Late Minoan tholos tomb have been excavated.
Swindale, Ian "Stylos" Retrieved 12 May 2013.
External links - Excellent photographs and video of the site.
Chania (regional unit)
Ancient Greek archaeological sites in Crete
Minoan sites in Crete
Populated places in ancient Greece
Former populated places in Greece |
4040762 | | Grant Imahara | Grant Masaru Imahara (October 23, 1970 – July 13, 2020) was an American electrical engineer, roboticist, and television host. He was best known for his work on the television series MythBusters, on which he designed and built numerous robots and specialized in operating computers and electronics to test myths.
Imahara began his career at Lucasfilm, where he worked in the THX division as an engineer and in the Industrial Light & Magic division in visual effects. His work has been featured in films from franchises such as Star Wars, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, and Terminator. His first foray into television was on the robot combat series BattleBots, for which he designed and competed with his robot Deadblow and later returned as a judge. Imahara was also a chief model maker with Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) on such movie projects as Galaxy Quest. In 2005, Imahara joined the cast of Mythbusters as a member of the Build Team, appearing in over 200 episodes of the series until his departure in 2014. In 2010, he designed the animatronic "robot skeleton" Geoff Peterson to serve as a sidekick on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He starred in the 2016 Netflix series White Rabbit Project alongside his MythBusters co-stars Kari Byron and Tory Belleci.
Imahara died on July 13, 2020, at the age of 49, after suffering a ruptured intracranial aneurysm.
Early life
Imahara was born on October 23, 1970, to a Japanese-American family in Los Angeles, California. His Japanese name was . Imahara graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. For a time, he considered switching majors with the intention of becoming a screenwriter, but he decided to stay on the engineering track after assisting Tomlinson Holman, a professor at the USC School of Cinematic Arts.
Imahara was also a live-action role-playing gamer, as revealed on White Rabbit Project.
Early work
After graduation, Imahara was hired as an engineer for Lucasfilm's THX division; he then moved to the company's visual effects division, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), where he worked for nine years. While at ILM, he was involved in several films, including The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Galaxy Quest, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, Van Helsing, and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.
Imahara has been credited in many feature films as a model maker. In particular, he was credited for his work in updating the aging R2-D2 robots for the Star Wars prequel trilogy. As an official Artoo Technician, he made a cameo appearance in the mockumentary R2-D2: Beneath the Dome. He is also credited as chief model maker for Industrial Light & Magic on such projects as "Galaxy Quest" in 1999 wherein he designed custom circuit boards to provide the lighting effects on the NSEA-Protector space ship engine nacelles.
Imahara joined MythBusters on the invitation of friend and occasional employer Jamie Hyneman and former ILM colleague Linda Wolkovitch, who was an associate producer of MythBusters. He joined as the third member of the Build Team alongside Kari Byron and Tory Belleci, replacing former MythBusters welder Scottie Chapman. His colleagues often jokingly refer to him as the "geek" of the Build Team. He often built robots that were needed for the show and specialized in operating computers and electronics for testing the myths. Imahara, along with Byron and Belleci, left the show after the 2014 season.
White Rabbit Project
Imahara reunited with Byron and Belleci for the 2016 White Rabbit Project, a Netflix Original Series, in which the team investigated topics such as jailbreaks, superpower technology, heists, and bizarre World War II weapons, evaluated against a defined set of criteria and explored through experiments, builds, and tests. The complete first season of the series was released on Netflix on December 9, 2016. Despite receiving good reviews, the series was not renewed.
Other work
In addition to his role on MythBusters, he is known for his appearances on BattleBots, where he designed and competed with his robot Deadblow. By 2018, he was selected as one of the judges for the eighth season on BattleBots. He made a cameo appearance on Syfy's Eureka and the web series The Guild. Other works include designing the circuit that creates the rhythmic oscillation of the arms of the modern Energizer Bunny; leading Team ILM to victory in an appearance on Junkyard Mega-Wars; as well as authoring Kickin' Bot: An Illustrated Guide to Building Combat Robots ()
Imahara was a cast member and story writer for the short film Architects of Evil, created for the 2004 Industrial Light & Magic Backyard Film Contest. He was a mentor for the Richmond High robotics team Biomechs #841 for the FIRST Robotics Competition, lending his expert guidance on how to create the right robot for the right job. Imahara was profiled in the magazine IEEE Spectrum, in an issue focusing on engineering dream jobs.
One of Imahara's independent projects, during early 2010, was constructing a robotic sidekick for Craig Ferguson, host of The Late Late Show. The robot, named Geoff Peterson, was unveiled on The Late Late Show's April 5, 2010 episode. It was controlled and voiced by comedian and voice actor Josh Robert Thompson.
In 2012, Imahara's likeness was used in the popular webcomic America Jr, in which he appeared as himself as a celebrity judge for a competition to select the country's Surgeon General.
Imahara portrayed Hikaru Sulu in all 11 episodes of the web series Star Trek Continues. He also played Lt. Masaru in the 2015 movie Star Trek: Renegades.
Imahara was a guest on TWiT's Triangulation (episode 121) on September 25, 2013. He also partnered with Mouser Electronics to kick off their "Empowering Innovation Together" campaign, where he hosts several webisodes.
In 2014, Imahara appeared in a series of videos showing the behind-the-scenes process of how several McDonald's foods are made.
He made an appearance in the 2015 TV movie Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!
Imahara took an active part in advising Team USA in a giant-robot battle between American company MegaBots and Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry.
Imahara hosted the second season of the web series The Home of the Future, produced by The Verge in partnership with Curbed.
On October 18, 2017, Imahara tweeted that he had been consulting for Walt Disney Imagineering for six months, for a "top secret" project. On May 21, 2018, he was included as an author on the Disney Research paper "Stickman: Towards a Human Scale Acrobatic Robot", which explores the creation of "a simple two degree of freedom robot that uses a gravity-driven pendulum launch and produces a variety of somersaulting stunts". On June 29, 2018, Disney revealed that the Stickman prototype had evolved into an innovative, autonomous, self-correcting, acrobatic style of audio-animatronic figure, named Stuntronics, which will be utilized within Disney theme parks throughout the world.
In March 2020, while Imahara was working as a consultant for Disney Research and a mechanical designer at Spectral Moon, he built a fully animatronic model of Baby Yoda with the intention of touring children's hospitals with the lifelike robot to cheer up sick children. Imahara spent three months on the personal project doing the mechanical design, programming and 3D printing and completed it four months prior to his death.
Personal life
In December 2016, Imahara became engaged to his long-time girlfriend, costume designer and actress Jennifer Newman. The two did not marry.
Imahara mentored the robotics team at Richmond High School in California while working for LucasFilm's VFX.
Death and legacy
Imahara died on July 13, 2020, at the age of 49, after suffering a ruptured, previously undiagnosed, intracranial aneurysm. As a result, The Discovery Channel and the Science Channel ran a marathon broadcast over two days in Imahara's honor, using hand-selected MythBusters episodes, the TV special Killer Robots: Robogames 2011 (which Imahara hosted), and finishing with the White Rabbit Project episode "May G Force Be with You".
On October 23, 2020, what would have been his 50th birthday, the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation was announced by his mother, professional colleagues, and friends (including Mythbusters castmates Kari Byron, Tory Belleci and Adam Savage). It provides mentorship, grants and scholarships to under-served youth pursuing STEAM-related fields. More than 80 props from Mythbusters were auctioned off to benefit the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation in August 2021. Some of those props had been built by Imahara during the more than 200 episodes that he appeared in Mythbusters between 2005 and 2014.
Several months after his death, BattleBots co-founder Greg Munson announced on an episode of The Adam Savage Project podcast that it had renamed its "Best Design Award" to the "Grant Imahara Award for Best Design" as a tribute to Imahara's legacy.
External links
Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation
1970 births
2020 deaths
American people of Japanese descent
American electrical engineers
American roboticists
American television hosts
USC Viterbi School of Engineering alumni
Special effects people
American male web series actors
21st-century American male actors
Male actors from Los Angeles
Lucasfilm people
Place of death missing
Deaths from intracranial aneurysm
Industrial Light & Magic people |
4040773 | | Roger Cohen | Roger Cohen (born 2 August 1955) is a journalist and author. He was a reporter, editor and columnist for The New York Times, and the International Herald Tribune (later re-branded as the International New York Times). He has worked as a foreign correspondent in fifteen countries.
Early life and education
Cohen was born in London to a Jewish family. His father, Sydney Cohen, a doctor, emigrated from South Africa to England in the 1950s. In the late 1960s, Roger studied at Westminster School, one of Britain's top private schools. He won a scholarship and would have entered College, the scholars' House, but was told that a Jew could not attend College or hold his particular scholarship. (The scholarship initially offered to him was intended for persons who professed the Christian faith, as he later learned while researching the affair.) Instead, he was awarded a different scholarship.
In 1973, Cohen travelled with friends throughout the Middle East, including Iran and Afghanistan. He drove a Volkswagen Kombi named 'Pigpen' after the late keyboard-playing frontman of the Grateful Dead. (In the article cited, Cohen misidentifies Pigpen as a drummer.) He studied History and French at Balliol College, Oxford and graduated in 1977. He left that year for Paris to teach English and to write for Paris Metro. He started working for Reuters and the agency transferred him to Brussels.
Cohen's mother, also from South Africa (b. 1929), attempted suicide in London in 1978. She died there in 1999 and was buried in Johannesburg.
In 1983, Cohen joined The Wall Street Journal in Rome to cover the Italian economy. The Journal later transferred him to Beirut. He joined The New York Times in January 1990. In the summer of 1991, he co-authored with Claudio Gatti In the Eye of the Storm: The Life of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. The authors wrote the book based on information from Norman Schwarzkopf's sister Sally, without Schwarzkopf's help.
Cohen worked for The New York Times as its European economic correspondent, based in Paris, from January 1992 to April 1994. He then became the paper's Balkan bureau chief, based in Zagreb, from April 1994 to June 1995. He covered the Bosnian War and the related Bosnian Genocide. His exposé of a Serb-run Bosnian concentration camp won the Burger Human Rights Award from the Overseas Press Club of America.
He wrote a retrospective book about his Balkan experiences called Hearts Grown Brutal: Sagas of Sarajevo in 1998. It won a Citation for Excellence from the Overseas Press Club in 1999. Cohen wrote in Hearts Grown Brutal that his coverage of the war changed him as a person, and that he considers himself lucky to still be alive. He later called this period the proudest achievement in his entire journalistic career.
He returned to the paper's Paris bureau from June 1995 to August 1998. He served as bureau chief of the Berlin bureau after September 1998. He took over as foreign editor of the paper's American office in the direct aftermath of the September 11 attacks. His unofficial role was made formal on 14 March 2002. In his tenure, he planned and then oversaw the paper's coverage of the War in Afghanistan. During his first visit to India as an editor, he entered the country without obtaining a visa, having assumed that he would not need one. He was then stuck in diplomatic limbo for several hours. He has called this the most embarrassing moment in his career.
In 2004, he began writing a column called 'Globalist', which is published twice a week in The International Herald Tribune. In 2005, Cohen's third book, Soldiers and Slaves: American POWs Trapped by the Nazis' Final Gamble, was published by Alfred A. Knopf. In 2006, he became the first senior editor for The International Herald Tribune.
After columnist Nicholas D. Kristof took a temporary leave in mid-2006, Cohen took over Kristof's position. He has written columns for the Times since then.
Cohen supported the 2003 American-led invasion of Iraq. He criticised the Bush administration's handling of the occupation while still supporting the cause given the brutality of Saddam Hussein's regime. In January 2009, he commented that Saddam's "death-and-genocide machine killed about 400,000 Iraqis and another million or so people in Iran and Kuwait." He wrote that "I still believe Iraq's freedom outweighs its terrible price."
He opposed the 2007 'surge' of troops into Iraq. In June 2007, he advocated pulling out 105,000 soldiers. He argued that "pulling out a lot of troops is the only way to increase pressure on Maliki to make the political compromises – on distribution of oil revenue, the constitution and de-Baathification – that will give Iraq some long-term chance of cohering."
In November 2008, Cohen stated that "gains are real but fragile" in Iraq. He criticised Democratic candidate Barack Obama's calls for a 16-month withdrawal from the country, calling it irresponsible. Cohen wrote that "we're going to have to play buffer against the dominant Shia for several years".
Cohen wrote a series of articles for The New York Times in February 2009 about a trip to Iran. In his writings he expressed opposition to military action against Iran and encouraged negotiations between the United States and the Islamic Republic. He also remarked that Iranian Jews were well treated, and said the Jewish community was "living, working and worshiping in relative tranquility." He also described the hospitality that he received in Iran, stating that "I'm a Jew and have seldom been treated with such consistent warmth as in Iran." In his trip, he paid an Iranian agency $150 a day for the services of a translator, who filed a report on Cohen's doings with the Iranian government.
His depiction of Jewish life in Iran sparked criticism from columnists and activists such as Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic Monthly and Rafael Medoff, director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. In his Jerusalem Post op-ed, Medoff criticised Cohen for being "misled by the existence of synagogues" and further argued that Iranian Jews "are captives of the regime, and whatever they say is carefully calibrated not to get themselves into trouble." The American Jewish Committee also criticised Cohen's articles. Dr. Eran Lerman, director of the group's Middle East directory, argued that "Cohen's need to argue away an unpleasant reality thus gives rise to systematic denial".
Roger Cohen responded on 2 March, defending his observations and further elaborating that "Iran's Islamic Republic is no Third Reich redux. Nor is it a totalitarian state." He also stated that "life is more difficult for them [the Jews] than for Muslims, but to suggest they [Jews] inhabit a totalitarian hell is self-serving nonsense." He ended with a warning:
On 12 March, Cohen accepted an invitation to meet with selected members of Los Angeles's Iranian Jewish and Baháʼí Faith communities at Sinai Temple, after receiving some of their critical mail about his column. Cohen defended his views and analysis on Iran and Israel to a partly hostile audience. Rabbi David Wolpe of the Sinai Temple criticised Cohen after the event, saying "increasingly I came to believe that Iran was not Cohen's sole concern; he wanted it as a stick with which to beat Israel over Gaza, whose incursion he wrote left him ashamed."
Cohen argued that the results of the June 2009 Iranian presidential election were fabricated, and incumbent President Ahmadinejad "cheated" his way to victory over reformist Mir Hussein Moussavi. He wrote that "President Obama's outreach must now await a decent interval." He also commented, "I've also argued that, although repressive, the Islamic Republic offers significant margins of freedom by regional standards. I erred in underestimating the brutality and cynicism of a regime that understands the uses of ruthlessness." He was later criticised by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett in the New York Review of Books for trumpeting what they said were baseless accusations of electoral fraud and for his general "incompetence and hypocrisy". Cohen replied that the pair were guilty of, amongst other things, "a cavalier disregard for the Islamic Republic's intermittent brutality", were "apologists without a conscience".
Cohen wrote in January 2009 that the Israel-Palestinian conflict should not be seen by the United States as just another part of the War on Terrorism. He called for the ending of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and the ending of the blockade of the Gaza Strip. He also supported the reconciling of Hamas with Fatah after their violent split. In addition, he criticised the Obama administration for its continuance of past United States policies towards Israel.
Cohen opposed Operation Cast Lead, labelling it "wretchedly named – and disastrous". He has accused Israelis of the "slaying of hundreds of Palestinian children" in the campaign. In an 8 March column, Cohen stated that he had "never previously felt so shamed by Israel's actions." However, in one of his articles in The New York Times, Cohen analyses the differences between European and American attitudes toward Israel. He contrasts a growing antisemitism in Europe with Americans' generalized support for Israel, and attempts to explain why Americans are more supportive of Israel than Europeans are. In closing the article, Cohen said "...., on balance, I am pleased to have become a naturalized American."
Pakistan and Afghanistan
On 8 November 2007, Cohen described the then $10 billion given to the Pakistani government and $22 billion given to the Afghan government as "self-defeating". He called Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf "a dictator with a gentleman's itch". He also stated that "the U.S. must stick with him and maintain aid for now", but it should press Musharraf for more political reforms.
In September 2008, Cohen stated that only the Afghan people themselves can win the war. He wrote:
Rupert Murdoch
On 12 July 2011, shortly after the News of the World scandal broke, Cohen, who once wrote for the Wall Street Journal before it was bought by Rupert Murdoch, published a New York Times op-ed piece called "In Defense of Murdoch". The article lauds Murdoch's "loathing for elites, for cozy establishments and for cartels", and praised Murdoch's "no-holds-barred journalism". Cohen states that the enterprising Murdochs have been "good for newspapers over the past several decades...and... good for free societies and a more open world". Notwithstanding these positives, in said op-ed Cohen still acknowledges that Fox News has "made a significant contribution to the polarization of American politics".
Cohen has won numerous awards and honours, among them the Peter Weitz Prize for Dispatches from Europe, the Arthur F. Burns Prize, and the Joe Alex Morris lectureship at Harvard University. He received an Overseas Press Club award for his coverage of third world debt in 1987, the Inter-American Press Association "Tom Wallace" Award for feature writing in 1989.
In 2012, Cohen won the Lifetime Achievement award at the 8th annual International Media Awards in London.
Personal life
Cohen was married to the sculptor Frida Baranek and has four children. They are now divorced. The family lived in Brooklyn, New York until 2010, when he moved back to London, where he'd lived in 1980. Before leaving New York in 2010, he was given a farewell party in July by Richard Holbrooke. He wrote a remembrance of Holbrooke five months later after the diplomat's unexpected death.
Cohen says that "journalism is a young person's game." "When the phone goes in the middle of the night and you're 25 and you're asked to go to Beirut, it's the greatest thing. But when that happens at 50, less so."
Published works
(With Claudio Gatti) In the Eye of the Storm: The Life of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1991.
Hearts Grown Brutal: Sagas of Sarajevo. New York: Random House, 1998.
Soldiers and Slaves: American POWs Trapped by the Nazis' Final Gamble. New York: Knopf, 2005.
Danger in the Desert: True Adventures of a Dinosaur Hunter, New York: Sterling, 2008.
The Girl from Human Street: Ghosts of Memory in a Jewish Family, New York: Knopf, 2015.
External links
Roger Cohen's New York Times columnist page
Video: A Dialogue with Roger Cohen and the Iranian Jewish Community
Intelligence Squared debate: Roger Cohen arguing for the motion "The US Should Step Back from Its Special Relationship with Israel"
1955 births
Living people
Writers from London
People educated at Westminster School, London
Alumni of Balliol College, Oxford
International Herald Tribune people
British columnists
English Jews
English people of South African descent
Jewish American writers
Writers from New York (state)
American non-fiction writers
American columnists
The New York Times columnists
21st-century American Jews |
4040782 | | Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, Viscount of Porto Seguro | Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, Viscount of Porto Seguro (February 17, 1816 – June 26, 1878), was a Brazilian diplomat and historian. He is the patron of the 39th chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. He is considered "the father of modern Brazilian historical scholarship."
Varnhagen was born in 1816, in the city of Iperó, Brazil. He was the son of Maria Flávia de Sá Magalhães and Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm Varnhagen, a German-born military engineer, who was in service to the Portuguese crown and in Brazil to inspect iron foundries. He received his primary education in Rio de Janeiro. At an early age, he went with his family to Lisbon, where he studied at the Real Colégio Militar da Luz. In the civil war in Portugal, he served those supporting Dom Pedro I. He returned to his studies, where he learned paleography and studied political economy and languages (French, German, English).
His first History work would be Notícia do Brasil, written between 1835 and 1838. His research would lead him to find Pedro Álvares Cabral's long-lost grave at the Igreja da Graça, in Santarém. He was admitted at the Sciences Academy of Lisbon and graduated in military engineering at the Academia Real de Fortificação, Artilharia e Desenho.
He returned to Brazil in 1840, entering at the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute in 1841. In 1844 he obtained Brazilian citizenship, and could apply to a diplomatic career. He served in Portugal and Spain, where he was able to utilize the archives in Seville and Simancas for his history of Brazil. He later served in Paraguay, where he found the current regime of Carlos Antonio López odious, but he gathered further materials for his history of Brazil, particularly on the Tupí Indians. He also served in Venezuela, the Republic of New Granada (modern Colombia), Ecuador, Chile (where he met his wife, an aristocratic Chilean lady Doña Carmen Ovalle y Vicuña, marrying her in 1864), Peru and the Netherlands. He published the first volume of his masterpiece, História Geral do Brasil, in 1854. Its second volume was published in 1857.
In 1872, Emperor Pedro II would give him the title of Baron of Porto Seguro, being elevated to Viscount two years later. His final diplomatic service was in Vienna, Austria, where he was serving as a minister when he died in 1878.
His remains were transported to Santiago, Chile, but would be years later removed to a monument erected in honor of him at the city of Sorocaba. Part of his library was acquired by bibliophile José Mindlin.
Varnhagen's work was recognized at the time as a major contribution to historical writing on Brazil, with Alexander von Humboldt, the great Prussia scientist and intellectual, saying that "I will be glad to have [Varnhagen's history of Brazil] in its entirety and to see it reposing in our library." Varnhagen participated in political debate about the importance of Brazil's Indians in the formation of Brazil. He rejected the Indianist school that saw Brazil's Indians as "noble savages" and "a basis for brasilidade (Brazilianness)., In volume two of his História Geral do Brazil, Varnhagen added an appendix that dealt with this issue. "The Indians were not masters of Brazil nor is the name Brazilian applicable to them as savages. Nor could they be civilized without the presence of force, which was not abused as much as stated. and finally they can in no way be taken as our guides in the present or past in sentiments of patriotism or in the representation of nationality." In general, Varnhagen was pro-monarchy, since it gave Brazil a strong central government and took the part of Portuguese colonists in debates about the colonial era. He had a mixed assessment of the Jesuits in Brazil, whom he did credit for contributions. For the thirty-year Dutch occupation of Brazil's northeast, he viewed the episode as lamentable on one hand, but beneficial to Brazil on the other, viewing the Dutch as "a nation more active and industrious" than Brazil at the time.
Notícia do Brasil (1839). Full title, Reflexões críticas sobre o escripto do século XVI impresso com o título de Noticia do Brasil no Tomo 3 da Collecção de Not. Ultr. Acompanhadas de interssantes notícias bibliográficas e importantes investigações históricas por francisco aldolfo de Varnhagen..... (Lisbon 1839)
Épicos Brasileiros (1843)
Amador Bueno (1847)
Trovas e Cantares de um Códice do Século XVI (1849)
Florilégio da Poesia Brasileira (1850)
História Geral do Brasil (1854–1857)
Sumé (1855)
External links
Varnhagen's biography at the official site of the Brazilian Academy of Letters
Stuart B. Schwartz, Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen: Diplomat, Patriot, Historian, The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 47, No. 2 (May 1967), pp. 185–202 (at JSTOR)
1816 births
1878 deaths
People from Sorocaba
Brazilian diplomats
Brazilian nobility
19th-century Brazilian historians
Brazilian people of German descent
Patrons of the Brazilian Academy of Letters
Latin Americanists |
4040783 | | Floor limit | A floor limit is the amount of money above which Debit card or credit card transactions must be authorized online by their Issuing banks. The limit can vary from store to store. Floor limits have become less significant as credit cards & most of the debit cards started being processed electronically and all transactions are typically authorized online by sending the Authorization request to their Issuing banks.
The term floor limit comes from the days when it was the maximum amount which could be approved on the floor (of the retailer), beyond which the cash register operator would have to call for approval.
Floor limits were of more significance when most credit card merchants processed transactions by taking a physical imprint of the card rather than electronically swiping the magnetic strip, and obtaining an authorization required time-consuming human intervention. With modern card readers, most merchants and banks will obtain an authorization even on very small charges, as it costs little to do so and helps protect against fraud. However, the concept of a floor limit may still come into play in certain cases. A few merchants still use the older system of taking a physical imprint of the card. Additionally, if the merchant or merchant's bank has trouble contacting the customer's bank due to computer network issues, transactions under a certain floor limit will still be approved electronically immediately.
Floor limits do not apply to certain types of debit card (such as Visa Electron and Solo), as these cards require authorization for every transaction to prevent the cardholder becoming overdrawn.
In India, majority of the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) have been configured with Zero Floor Limit value, as a result of which all financial request transactions initiated from the ATM will be sent online to their issuing banks for the approval.
If a store has a floor limit of $30.00, a purchase costing $29.99 (or less) would not need to be authorized by the customer's bank through Online transaction at that very moment. However, a transaction of $30.00 (or more) would require Online authorization at that very moment to confirm that the customer has the necessary funds available in their bank account.
A floor limit may cause an account to become overdrawn, even where the account holder does not have an authorized overdraft. In the EU the Payments Accounts Directive (S.I. No. 482/2016) provides for a basic bank account which is prohibited from having an agreed overdraft facility, however floor limits may force the account into an overdrawn position.
Retail financial services |
4040791 | | Transactional NTFS | Transactional NTFS (abbreviated TxF) is a component introduced in Windows Vista and present in later versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system that brings the concept of atomic transactions to the NTFS file system, allowing Windows application developers to write file-output routines that are guaranteed to either succeed completely or to fail completely.
Major operating system components, including System Restore, Task Scheduler, and Windows Update, rely on TxF for stability. During the development of Windows Vista, WinFS also relied on TxF for storing files.
Due to its complexity and various nuances which developers need to consider as part of application development, Microsoft has deprecated TxF and stated that it may be removed in a future version of Windows. Microsoft has strongly recommended that developers investigate using the alternatives rather than adopting the Transactional NTFS API platform which may not be available in future versions of Windows.
Transactional NTFS allows for files and directories to be created, modified, renamed, and deleted atomically. Using transactions ensures correctness of operation; in a series of file operations (done as a transaction), the operation will be committed if all the operations succeed. In case of any failure, the entire operation will roll back and fail.
Transactional NTFS is implemented on top of the Kernel Transaction Manager, which is a Windows kernel component introduced in Windows Vista that provides transactioning of objects in the kernel. The NTFS file system already supports journaling of low-level operations, such as writing a block of data. Transactional NTFS expands on this capability to include:
Atomic operations on a single file: A common example of this is saving a file from an application; if the application or machine were to crash while writing the file, then only part of the file could be written, possibly resulting in a corrupted file. This would be a very significant problem if a previous version of the file was being over-written, as data would likely be lost.
Atomic operations spanning multiple files: If an application needs to update several files at once with a set of changes, all the necessary file operations can be performed as a single transaction, preventing inconsistent updates in the event of a failure.
Atomic operations spanning multiple computers: Performing the same operation on multiple computers is a fairly common administrative task in a corporate network; Transactional NTFS integrates with the Distributed Transaction Coordinator to ensure that the change is successfully applied to all machines.
With the exception of read operations, using Transactional NTFS for transactions on Encrypting File System files is not supported in Windows Vista until Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008.
See also
Features new to Windows Vista
Technical features new to Windows Vista
External links
Because We Can, a Microsoft developer blog that discusses TxF both conceptually and in code
Kernel Transaction Manager documentation on the Microsoft Developer Network.
Transaction processing
Windows components
Windows Vista
Microsoft application programming interfaces |
4040795 | | Arts Council for Monterey County | Arts Council for Monterey County, formerly known as The Cultural Council for Monterey County (CCMC), is the official arts agency for Monterey County, California. Arts4MC, a non-for-profit organization promotes and supports arts education, appreciation and excellence in the arts throughout Monterey County. Formed in 1982, the nonprofit agency also serves as Monterey County's officially designated local partner to the California Arts Council. In 1985, the County of Monterey first contracted with the council to provide cultural services to improve the economic health of the region — with funding from the county's Tourism Occupancy Tax.
James Alinder, Ilene Tuttle, George De Groat, Todd Lueders, George Faul, and Helen Kingsley, along with the support of Ansel Adams, created the Council in 1982 as part of a nationwide movement powered by the National Endowment for the Arts, “to develop and assist art and cultural programs, and to promote the employment of artists within the county.”
Monterey County, California |
4040797 | | Shrewsbury High School, Shropshire | Shrewsbury High School is an independent day school for girls from ages 4 - 18 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. It is an original member school of the Girls' Day School Trust.
Shrewsbury High School opened as a day school for girls in 1885. In 1893 the rising star Ethel Gavin took over as head. The school had outgrown its site and it moved to its present location on the banks of the River Severn in central Shrewsbury in 1895. Gavin moved on to another headship in 1897. The junior department transferred to Kennedy Road in 1959. In 2008 a new prep school was formed by the merger of the existing junior department with Kingsland Grange, a boys’ prep school. The Junior Department has now moved to the historic Town Walls campus as an all-through all-girls school from 4-18.
The Senior Department is located on Town Walls, by the banks of the River Severn.
Shrewsbury High School Senior Department has four houses, each named after an ancient male Roman deity.
Apollo Yellow
Neptune Blue
Mercury Red
Jupiter Green
Following its success in the senior school, the House system was introduced to the junior school in September 2005 when Mrs Edwards joined Shrewsbury High School Junior Department as its Head. The Junior Department also has four houses, named after hills in Shropshire.
Long Mynd
There are many house competitions that take place each term such as sports day, house drama and house charity events. Siblings are usually put into the same house. There are House Captains, Deputy House Captains and House Prefects of each of the four houses and also a Head Girl and a Deputy Head Girl. In the senior school these roles are taken by Sixth Formers.
Notable former pupils
Lois Baxter, actress
Mary Beard, classicist
Alice Bunn, Director of UK Space Agency
Hilda Murrell, naturalist
Notes and references
External links
School Website
Profile on MyDaughter
ISI Inspection Report
Girls' schools in Shropshire
Schools in Shrewsbury
Schools of the Girls' Day School Trust
Member schools of the Girls' Schools Association
Independent schools in Shropshire
Educational institutions established in 1885
1885 establishments in England |
4040810 | | Benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin | Benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin is a topical gel used for the treatment of acne. It is a combination of clindamycin, an antibiotic, and benzoyl peroxide, an antiseptic. All formulations are prescription drugs.
Common side effects include peeling, itching, and dryness of the skin where the gel was applied.
Medical uses
The gel is used on the skin to treat light to medium acne vulgaris in people 12 years and older. BenzaClin is to be applied twice daily, and Duac and Onexton are once-a-day medications. Continued use beyond 12-weeks has not been studied.
There is an average 52% decrease in inflammatory acne lesions by week 12.
The combination less is effective than benzoyl peroxide/salicylic acid after short-term treatment of two to four weeks, but the two treatments showed similar effectiveness after ten to twelve weeks.
Pregnancy and lactation
Studies on whether or not the use of benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin gels is teratogenic or has adverse effects on nursing infants have not been performed. While oral clindamycin passes into breast milk, no such data are available for clindamyin in gel form. Limited data regarding topical benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin have shown no safety problems.
The gel is not recommended for those who are allergic to clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, any components of the formulation, or lincomycin. Individuals previously diagnosed with regional enteritis, ulcerative colitis, or antibiotic-associated colitis are also recommended not to use it.
Side effects
Common side effects are peeling, itching, redness, dryness, burning, and dermatitis. Benzoyl peroxide bleaches hair, clothes, towels, bedclothing, and the like. Prolonged exposure to natural or artificial sun light (UV rays) is not recommended because the gel may cause photosensitivity. Irritation due to benzoyl peroxide can be reduced by avoiding harsh facial cleansers and wearing sunscreen prior to sun exposure.
Clinical studies have shown systemic absorption of clindamycin through topical application, in some cases leading to diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, and colitis. Reports of anaphylaxis were also seen. However, the sources of these reports were personal accounts without controls and of an unknown population, thus it is difficult to attribute their cause to the benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin gel.
No formal interaction studies have been done. Combination with topical products containing alcohol or astringents, as well as skin peelings, may increase the irritant effect of benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin. Topical erythromycin may antagonise the effect of clindamycin, although this has only be demonstrated in in vitro studies. Topical tretinoin and other retinoids may be inactivated by benzoyl peroxide or increase its irritant effect.
Mechanism of action
Clindamycin phosphate is a water-soluble ester of the semi-synthetic antibiotic clindamycin, which is synthesized from lincomycin. Like the macrolide antibiotics, it acts as a bacteriostatic agent by interfering with the 50S subunit of the ribosome of Cutibacterium acnes, inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis and preventing bacteria from replicating. C. acnes plays a role in the development of acne.
Benzoyl peroxide also kills C. acnes, but by releasing free radical oxygen species, thus oxidizing bacterial proteins. Also, it dries out the area by reducing sebum production, prevents clogged pores, and is a keratolytic agent. Since benzoyl peroxide is an oxidizer, not an antibiotic, it is not subject to C. acnes resistance unlike clindamycin.
Both ingredients have been shown to reduce the number of acne lesions with statistical significance.
Clindamycin phosphate is an inactive prodrug. It is quickly activated to clindamycin by hydrolysis. After four weeks of application during a study, 0.043% of the used clindamycin dose were found in the blood. Benzoyl peroxide is only absorbed through the skin after reduction to benzoic acid, which is subsequently metabolized to hippuric acid and eliminated via the kidneys.
Society and culture
Brand names
There are several branded drugs approved by the FDA. The first is Acanya, a 1.2% clindamycin phosphate and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide; though because Valeant acquired the rights to Acanya when it bought out Dow Pharmaceutical Science in 2009, it should not be considered a competitor. The other drug, Duac, a 1.2% clindamycin phosphate ad 5% benzoyl peroxide, was approved by the FDA on 26 August 2002. BenzaClin, another gel, has the same concentrations as Duac.
Dow Pharmaceuticals filed the patent for Onexton, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued the patent on 16 October 2012. On 24 November 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the new drug application (NDA) No. 050819 for Onexton, with Dow Pharmaceutical as the holder. The patent is set to expire on 5 August 2029.
On 12 January 2016, Dow Pharmaceutical Sciences and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC filed a lawsuit against Taro USA and Taro Industries, an Israel-based corporation. The lawsuit was filed for infringement upon their Onexton patent, by Taro attempting to submit an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) to the FDA for its generic 3.75% benzoyl peroxide and 1.2% clindamycin phosphate topical gel. The court concluded that Taro was guilty of attempting to submit an ANDA patent request before the Onexton patent expired.
External links
Skin care
Anti-acne preparations
Combination drugs
GlaxoSmithKline brands |
4040841 | | Knights Templar (Freemasonry) | The Knights Templar, full name The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, is a fraternal order affiliated with Freemasonry. Unlike the initial degrees conferred in a regular Masonic Lodge, which (in most Regular Masonic jurisdictions) only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religious affiliation, the Knights Templar is one of several additional Masonic Orders in which membership is open only to Freemasons who profess a belief in Christianity. One of the obligations entrants to the order are required to declare is to protect and defend the Christian faith. The word "United" in its full title indicates that more than one historical tradition and more than one actual order are jointly controlled within this system. The individual orders 'united' within this system are principally the Knights of the Temple (Knights Templar), the Knights of Malta, the Knights of St Paul, and only within the York Rite, the Knights of the Red Cross.
Like the Masonic Red Cross of Constantine being inspired by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Order of Malta being inspired by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Masonic order of Knights Templar derives its name from the medieval Catholic military order Knights Templar. However, it does not claim any direct lineal descent from the original Templar order.
Knightly symbolism in Freemasonry
The earliest documented link between Freemasonry and the Crusades is the 1737 oration of the Chevalier Ramsay. This claimed that European Freemasonry came about from an interaction between crusader masons and the Knights Hospitaller. This is repeated in the earliest known "Moderns" ritual, the Berne manuscript, written in French between 1740 and 1744. Ramsay was initiated as a Templar by his mentor François Fénelon into the non-Masonic French Ordre du Temple with his friend Philippe II, Duke of Orleans as Grandmaster around 1710. After the death of Fenelon and the Duke of Orleans, Ramsay was initiated into Freemasonry around 1730. Since Ramsay's Templarism predated his relationship with Freemasonry by some 20 years, this is the likely source for the introduction of Templarism into Freemasonry.
In 1751 Baron Karl Gotthelf von Hund und Altengrotkau began the Order of Strict Observance, which ritual he claimed to have received from the reconstituted Templar Order in 1743 in Paris. He also claimed to have met two of the "unknown superiors" who directed all of masonry, one of whom was Prince Charles Edward Stuart. The order went into decline when he failed to produce any evidence to support his claims, and was wound up shortly after his death.
In 1779 the High Knights Templar of Ireland Lodge, Kilwinning, obtained a charter from Lodge Mother Kilwinning in Scotland. This lodge now began to grant dispensations to other lodges to confer the Knights Templar Degree. Some time around 1790 the Early Grand Encampment of Ireland was formed, which began to warrant Templar Lodges, and evolved into the Supreme Grand Encampment in 1836. The Early Grand Encampment chartered several Scottish "encampments" one of which, having been chartered in 1805 as the "Edinburgh Encampment No. 31", then became the"Grand Assembly of Knights Templar in Edinburgh". who then sought a charter from the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the Order in England. It seems that the Templar degree had filtered into the lodges of the Antients from Ireland about 1780, and was recorded at York about the same time. In the five degree system developed by the York Masons, the Knights Templar degree sat between the Master Mason and the Sublime Degree of Royal Arch.
Grand Conclave of England
Templar masonry in England entered a new era in 1791, with the formation of its first Grand Conclave, with Thomas Dunckerley as Grand Master. At that time, there were eight known Templar encampments in England, the most senior being the Encampment of Redemption at York, and the Baldwyn encampment at Bristol, at whose request Dunckerley began his mission. Under his leadership, the number of encampments steadily grew until his death in 1795. Stasis then followed, until in 1805 their Royal Patron, Duke of Kent, became Grand Master himself, re-energising the society and launching it into an era of growth and development. Dunckerley laid the foundation for this not only by promoting the order, but by standardising the ritual and insisting on proper record keeping. The Grand Conclave went into a period of decline between 1872 and 1895, when it was re-founded as the present day Great Priory of England and Wales.
Depending upon the geographical jurisdiction, the Knights Templar exist either as part of the York Rite or as an independent organization. Though the York Rite and the independent versions share many similarities there are key differences which are described below.
Outside the York Rite, membership is by invitation only. Candidates are required to be Master Masons, and Royal Arch Masons, and to sign a declaration that they profess the Doctrine of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. In some Australian States, the requirement of being a Royal Arch Mason no longer applies.
Local bodies of Knights Templar are known as Preceptories; local bodies of Knights of St Paul are known as Chapters; local bodies of Knights of Malta are known as Priories; all operate under a Grand or Great Priory, often with an intermediate level of Provincial Priories. Although some jurisdictions maintain a separate Great Priory of the Temple and Great Priory of Malta (as, for example, in England), the Grand Master and other officers of both Great Priories hold simultaneous equal office in both bodies. Three degrees are administered in this system:
The Degree of Knight Templar (Order of the Temple)
The Degree of Knight of St. Paul (incorporating the Mediterranean Pass)
The Degree of Knight of Malta (Order of Malta)
In England and Wales, the "Great Priory of England and Wales" for the Masonic Knights Templar is administrated from Mark Masons' Hall, London.
The Degrees or Orders
The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross (Order of the Red Cross)
The Order of the Red Cross continues or reverts to the period of the Royal Arch Degree when the Israelites were returning from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. Zerubbabel, their leader prevails upon King Darius to restore the Holy Vessels to the new Temple. They had been carried away by the Babylonian armies when the first Temple was destroyed. In presenting his plea before the King, the companion gives a powerful testimony to the almighty force of Truth.
The ritual places the candidate in the role of Zerubbabel and follows him through his journey to King Darius in Persia and his role in the Immemorial Discussion, as found in the apocryphal book, 1 Esdras. The purpose is to bridge the gap between Royal Arch Masonry and the Chivalric Orders as well as between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross teaches the lessons of the triumph of truth.
The Degree of Knight of St Paul (or Mediterranean Pass)
This degree is conferred as a prerequisite to becoming a Knight of Malta, in both the York Rite and independent 'stand-alone' versions of Knight Templar Freemasonry. The "Preliminary Declarations" of the Order of Malta ritual in England state of a candidate for the Order of Malta: "He must also have received the Degree of Knight of St Paul, including the Mediterranean Pass". The exact status of the 'Mediterranean Pass' has at times led to confusion as to whether this is the 'stub' of a separate degree. The English ritual book clarified this in its 1989 edition (and subsequent editions) by stating: "The Mediterranean Pass is one of the secrets of the Degree of Knight of St Paul".
This degree is close to being a true 'side degree', in that a small group (usually three) of members of the degree take the candidate "to one side" (i.e. apart on his own) and simply communicate the secrets of the degree to him, without actually working the ceremonial ritual of the degree. The only respect in which the degree fails to meet the definition of a true 'side degree' is that a Chapter of the Order would be formally opened and closed by the presiding officer, on either side of the secrets being communicated.
The Degree of Knight of Malta (Order of Malta)
This degree is universally associated with the Masonic Knights Templar. In the York Rite system it is conferred before the Templar Degree; in the 'stand-alone' tradition it is conferred subsequently to the Templar Degree. It is known by varying degrees of formality as the Order of Malta, or the Order of Knights of Malta, or the Ancient and Masonic Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta. In practice this last and fullest version of the name tends to be reserved to letterheads, rituals, and formal documents.
The ceremony for conferring the degree (which is always worked in full) contains a mixture of masonic tradition, historical accounts of the Order of St John, moral teaching, and the communication of modes of recognition between members. A series of banners is employed in the ceremony, each representing one of the great battles of the historic medieval Order of St John, whose story is the basis of the moral teachings of the degree.
The Degree of Knight of the Temple (Order of the Temple)
The original medieval Order of Knights Templar was established after the First Crusade, and existed from approximately 1118 to 1312. There is no known historical evidence to link the medieval Knights Templar and Masonic Templarism, nor do the Masonic Knights Templar organizations claim any such direct link to the original medieval Templar organization. Though it has been said that its affiliation with Masonry is based on texts that indicate persecuted Templars found refuge within the safety of Freemasonry, the order itself states that "there is no proof of direct connection between the ancient order and the modern order known today as the Knights Templar." The official motto of the Knights Templar is In Hoc Signo Vinces, the rendition in Latin of the Greek phrase "εν τούτῳ νίκα", en toutōi nika, meaning "in this [sign] you will conquer".
The Knight Templar degree is associated with elaborate regalia (costume) the precise detail of which varies between nations. The ritual draws upon the traditions of medieval Knights Templar, using them to impart moral instruction consistent with the biblical teachings of the Christian tradition.
In England and Wales, the teachings of the Order of the Red Cross feature in the Red Cross of Babylon which forms part of the Allied Masonic Degrees.
The Order of the Red Cross is often considered a compressed version of the Red Cross Degrees or Green Degrees which make up the Order of Knight Masons.
The Order of the Red Cross should not be confused with the Red Cross of Constantine.
Other Rites
Degrees of the York Rite in the United States
In the United States, a Knights Templar commandery is traditionally the final body that a member joins in the York Rite after the chapter of Royal Arch Masons and a council of Royal & Select Masters. Some jurisdictions, however, allow members to skip over membership in a council. A local Knights Templar commandery operates under a state-level Grand Commandery, however American commanderies also operate under The Grand Encampment of the United States. This is less common among American Masonic bodies, as many report to the state level alone.
While a chapter bestows the Royal Arch degrees, and a council bestows the Cryptic degrees, a Knights Templar commandery bestows three orders and one preparatory degree onto its members. This is opposed to the standard degree system found elsewhere in Freemasonry, and they are the only ones not to deal with the Hiramic Legend. The York Rite orders are:
The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
The Degree of Saint Paul (or the Mediterranean Pass)
The Order of the Knights of Malta (or simply Order of Malta)
The Order of the Temple
Templar degrees in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
History and legend concerning the historical Knights Templar also play an important role in the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, notably in the Rite's 30th Degree, Knight Kadosh. Other Scottish Rite degrees sometimes styled "Templar Degrees" include the 28th Degree (Knight Commander of the Temple, formerly denominated the 27th Degree in the Southern Jurisdiction of United States), the 29th Degree (Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew), the 32nd Degree (Master of the Royal Secret), and the 33rd Degree (Inspector General).
Templar themes in wider Freemasonry
Despite Freemasonry's general disclaimer that no one Masonic organization claims a direct heritage to the medieval Knights Templar, certain degrees and orders are obviously patterned after the medieval Order. These are best described as "commemorative orders" or degrees. Nevertheless, in spite of the fraternity's official disclaimers, some Masons, non-Masons and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites or degrees originally had direct Templar influence.
American Masonic youth organizations such as the Order of DeMolay for young men are named after the last Grand Master Templar Jacques de Molay who was executed in the final suppression of the Templar order in the early 14th century.
The Knight of Rose-Croix Degree in the "Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite", and honorary Orders like the Royal Order of Scotland are interpreted as evidence of a historical Templar-Masonic connection, though there is no factual basis for this belief.
Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh has been suggested to be strong link between the Knights Templar and Freemasons due to reliefs combining Templar and Freemason symbolism. Historian Dr. Louise Yeoman, along with other mediaeval scholars, says the Knights Templar connection is false, and points out that Rosslyn Chapel was built by William Sinclair so that Mass could be said for the souls of his family. In addition, Rosslyn Chapel's connection to Freemasonry, as well as to the Templars, has been vigorously disputed by Robert L. D. Cooper, the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library. It is postulated that any existing Masonic imagery was likely added at a later date, probably in the 1860s when James St Clair-Erskine, 3rd Earl of Rosslyn instructed Edinburgh architect David Bryce, a known Freemason, to undertake restoration work on areas of the church including many of the carvings.
Legends in certain degrees recount that Knights under the command of Sir John De Bermingham, first and last Earl of Louth, aided Scottish King Robert the Bruce, who had been excommunicated, at the Battle of Bannockburn; but this account is based on an 18th-century romance and is not supported by any evidence. This story is the basis for the degrees in the Royal Order of Scotland, an invitational Masonic honorary organization.
Templar connections have also been suggested through the Earls of Rosslyn (St. Clair, or Sinclair) a family with well documented connections with Scottish Freemasonry, one being a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Many other old and new organizations are called "Knights Templar". However, organizations like the Order of the Solar Temple, Militi Templi Scotia, Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTJ), are in no way related to Masonic Knights Templar, and share little or no relationship with it in history, hierarchy, or ritual.
See also
Red Cross of Constantine
York Rite
Original chivalric orders
Knights Templar
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
The History Channel, Decoding the Past: The Templar Code, 2005, video documentary
The History Channel, Mysteries of the Freemasons, 2006 video documentary
Stephen Dafoe, The Compasses and the Cross, 2008.
Christopher L. Hodapp and Alice Von Kannon, The Templar Code For Dummies, 2007.
Sean Martin, The Knights Templar: History & Myths, 2005.
External links
Masonic Knights Templar organizations
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America
Sovereign Great Priory of the Knights Templar of Canada
Order of the Temple - Great Priory of Scotland
Order of the Temple - Great Priory of Ireland
Knights Templar Eye Foundation
The Web of Hiram Section on The Royal Exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of England and Wales at Bradford University
Masonic organizations |
4040852 | | The Hope Blister | The Hope Blister were an ambient band that were active from 1997 to 1999.
The band was directed by 4AD Records founder Ivo Watts-Russell, with the music played by singer Louise Rutkowski, bass player Laurence O'Keefe and string arranger Audrey Riley.
The band grew out of the This Mortal Coil project, but with a fixed line-up and focused on cover versions. They released two albums, ...Smile's OK in 1998 and Underarms (featuring vocals by Momus) in 1999, with the band splitting that year following Watts-Russell's retirement from the music industry. An expanded version of Underarms was released in 2005 as Underarms and Sideways, featuring a bonus disc of remixes.
...Smile's OK (25 May 1998)
Underarms (15 March 1999)
Underarms and Sideways (12 December 2005)
External links
The Hope Blister on 4AD website
English pop music groups
British ambient music groups
British musical trios
Dream pop musical groups
Ethereal wave musical groups
4AD artists |
4040855 | | Innominate | Innominate (from "nameless") may refer to:
The brachiocephalic artery
The brachiocephalic veins
The three large bones which form the hip bone
An innominate contract, a contract not of a type regulated by law
An innominate or anonymous jury, where the identity of the jury members is not publicly known
Innominate (album), by Off Minor, 2004
The Innominate, a mountain in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, US
Innominata, from the same root, is used in:
Substantia innominata, a part of the brain
Iris innominata, a flower |
4040874 | | Stone Sentinel Maze | The Stone Sentinel Maze was an array of rocks and boulders thought to be conjured by Zhuge Liang based on the concept of the bagua. The formation was located on Yufu Shore (魚腹浦) by the Yangtze River near present-day Baidicheng, Chongqing, China, where supposed ruins of the array exist. In folklore, when the Yangtze River rises in summer, the formation is submerged, but in autumn, the array resurfaces, with the rocks and boulders still left intact in their original positions.
Lu Xun's encounter
The Stone Sentinel Maze was mentioned in Chapter 84 of the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong.
Liu Bei was defeated by Lu Xun at the Battle of Xiaoting and fled towards Baidicheng with Lu Xun in hot pursuit. When Lu Xun arrived at Yufu Shore by the Yangtze River near Baidicheng, he felt a strong enemy presence and cautioned his troops of a possible ambush. He sent men to scout ahead, who reported that the area was deserted except for some scattered piles of rocks. Bewildered, Lu Xun asked a local, who told him that qi started emerging from the area after Zhuge Liang arranged the rocks there when he first entered Sichuan.
Lu Xun personally inspected the area and believed that the "maze" was only a petty display of deception, so he led a few men inside. Just as he was about to leave, a strong gust of wind blew. Dust storms overshadowed the sky and the rocks seemed like swords, mountainous piles of dirt emerged while the river waves sounded like an attacking army. Lu Xun exclaimed, "I have fallen into Zhuge Liang's trap!", and attempted to escape from the maze but to no avail.
Suddenly, Lu Xun saw an old man, who offered him assistance in exiting the labyrinth. Lu Xun followed him and got out of the maze unharmed. The old man identified himself as Huang Chengyan, Zhuge Liang's father-in-law. He explained to Lu Xun that the maze was constructed based on the ba gua concept. Huang Chengyan also told Lu Xun that Zhuge Liang had predicted that a Wu general would chance upon the maze when he first built it, and had asked him not to lead the general out when he fell into the trap. Lu Xun dismounted and thanked Huang Chengyan. When he returned to camp, he exclaimed that he was inferior to Zhuge Liang in terms of intelligence. He then made plans to return to Eastern Wu because he feared that their rival state Cao Wei might take advantage of the situation to attack Wu.
No documentation of this event is found in Records of the Three Kingdoms, the authoritative historical text for the history of the Three Kingdoms period. It was mentioned in Lu Xun's biography that after Liu Bei retreated to Baidicheng, the Wu generals Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, Song Qian and others felt that Liu Bei was within reach and they could capture him, so they kept making requests to Sun Quan to allow them to attack Baidicheng. Sun Quan asked Lu Xun for his opinion, and Lu Xun, along with Zhu Ran and Luo Tong, gave their response, "Cao Pi has thousands of troops. He pretends to agree to help us attack (Liu) Bei, but he has other motives. Please make the decision to return (to Wu) soon." Not long later, as Lu Xun expected, Cao Wei forces came to attack Eastern Wu from three directions, which would trigger a series of battles between Wei and Wu between 222 and 225.
Zhang Xianzhong's encounter
During the late Ming Dynasty, the rebel leader Zhang Xianzhong stumbled across the maze while he was fleeing from the imperial army in Chengdu. Through the guidance of an old man, Zhang Xianzhong led his troops into the maze and out. The pursuing imperial forces charged into the array. Suddenly, mist shrouded the area and the piles of dirt appeared to be hills and valleys. The imperial soldiers exhausted themselves over the night by attempting to escape but only at daybreak did they realize that they were actually charging at piles of dirt.
Cultural references
The maze had been a subject for many ancient Chinese poets, such as Du Fu and Lu Yu.
The maze and site are the setting for The Small Stones of Tu Fu, a short story by Brian Aldiss published in 1978.
In the classic occult novel Teito Monogatari by Hiroshi Aramata, the representation of Kimon Tonkou magic is based on the stone sentinel maze.
The maze is featured in many video games based on the Three Kingdoms era. For example, it is an inseparable element in the Battle of Yi Ling in Koei's Dynasty Warriors series.
The Portal Three Kingdoms expansion set of the Magic:The Gathering collectible card game includes a card named "Eightfold Maze".
In the 2008 film Red Cliff, based on the Battle of Red Cliffs, Liu Bei and Sun Quan deployed their troops in a formation based on the bagua. Cao Cao's vanguard army was lured into the formation and suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the allied forces.
In the popular mobile game Fate/Grand Order, the Eightfold Maze is referenced with Zhuge Liang's Noble Phantasm, ¨Unreturning Army • Stone Sentinel Maze¨.
The maze is referenced in anime Ya Boy Kongming!.
Chen Shou. Records of the Three Kingdoms.
Luo Guanzhong. Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Eastern Wu
Shu Han
Chinese folklore |
4040880 | | Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread | Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread is a one-act play by David Ives, published as part of his 1994 All In The Timing collection.
Production history
The play was first produced at the Manhattan Punch Line Theatre in New York City, January 1990.
It was next performed as part of six short plays, collectively titled All in the Timing Off-Broadway at Primary Stages in 1993, and revived in 2013. Ives described the play: "Each one of these little plays were a little education in some particular aspect of theatre.... 'Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread' — how much of a musical you can write in six minutes without having an orchestra."
The Time Out New York reviewer, in his review of the 2013 revival, wrote: "...the bravura piece of music-theater parody, Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread. The latter lampoon, whose content is pretty much summed up in the title, gives Ives a chance to use a few banal pieces of dialogue to imitate the composer’s minimalist arpeggios..."
The short play imitates composer Philip Glass's minimalist style; that is to say that comparatively few words and ideas are repeated many times throughout the work. The structure of this piece is closest to a hip hop or musical number, but it is quite distinct from both. The beat is alternately very fast and very ponderous. Einstein on the Beach, the 5-hour Glassian opera, is said by some to provide a good model of such rhythms that are seen in the play.
The play opens and closes completely normally—"Philip Glass" enters a bakery, where in passing he encounters an old love of his accompanied by a friend.
Between the two ends of this scene, in a long section marked by the ringing of a bell (a recurring device in Ives' plays), come rhythmic reorderings of the words used in the opening and closing. Some of the phrases make little sense ("PHILIP CAN THINK BREAD"), but they are used to create an emotional atmosphere suggesting Philip's subconscious state at seeing this woman again. Other lines are understandable but absurd, such as "PHILIP GLASS IS A LOAF OF BREAD" and "PHILIP NEED A LOAF OF LOVE," while others still make philosophical sense, such as "TIME IS A MOMENT."
The play suggests several themes (although none of them too seriously) including the tendency of real life (the Baker) to interrupt what we wish life to be (Philip Glass and his old love). It seems that whenever Philip Glass or the rest of the cast comes close to a philosophical revelation, they revert to trochaic, nonsensical rhythms such as "Go! Go! Go! Go! Time! Time! Time! Time!" The bread can also be seen as a symbol of Philip's life and happiness, which he tries to ask for several times in vain. The Baker also needs "bread" in his life, whatever that may be for him... even money ("bread"). None of the messages are to be taken entirely seriously, as noted in the original "sheet music" of the piece.
Philip Glass... may be distinguished from most of Ives' other works in that its ending may be played either comedically or dramatically, depending on the production. Of all of Ives' works, it is certainly the most open to directors' interpretation and thus stagings of it vary wildly. While some productions might choose to increase the absurdity of the parody until climactic breaking point, others may choose to twist the rhythm towards the end to allow for the few dramatic revelations allowed in the piece, such as "WHAT'S THE WOMAN MATTER?" and the final line of the musical interlude, "NEED NOTHING NEED WOMAN NEED MATTER. NO CHANGE." Nevertheless, the piece almost invariably ends on a laugh, as Glass asks if the baker can break his bill and the baker points to a sign stating, "No Change." (In some productions, there is no sign, and this is merely implied or else spoken outright.)
External links
Internet Off-Broadway 1993
Plays by David Ives
Philip Glass
1994 plays
One-act plays |
4040882 | | The World According to John Coltrane | The World According to John Coltrane is a 1990 documentary about jazz saxophonist John Coltrane.
The World According to John Coltrane, directed by Robert Palmer moves chronologically. It shows interviews with musicians who worked with Coltrane, such as Rashied Ali, Jimmy Heath, Roscoe Mitchell, and Wayne Shorter, and film clips of live performances. One brief clip shows Coltrane playing "So What" with Miles Davis in 1959. Shown, too, is a performance by the classic quartet of Coltrane, Jimmy Garrison, Elvin Jones, and McCoy Tyner at a jazz festival, and the quartet playing with Eric Dolphy. Coltrane's live performance of "Alabama" is shown in full. The documentary omits commentary by scholars in favor of a narrated chronology of his life, interviews with his contemporaries, and live film clips.
A Love Supreme
Blue Monk
Dahomey Dance
Dear Lord
Eight Miles High
Giant Steps
Gospel Song 1
Gospel Song 2
Hot House
Impressions 2
Moroccan Folk Song
My Favorite Things
My Favorite Things 2
Number One
Raga Bhimpalisi
Roscoe In Morocco
Round Midnight
So What
Things To Come
Documentary films about jazz music and musicians
John Coltrane
1990 films
1990s English-language films |
4040888 | | New York Giants (disambiguation) | The New York Giants are a professional American football team based in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
New York Giants may also refer to:
Major League Baseball
San Francisco Giants, the current Major League Baseball team which originally played in New York City
History of the New York Giants (baseball), history of the team from 1883 to 1957 before moving to San Francisco
Other baseball
New York Giants (PL), a Players League team that played in New York City in 1890
New York Lincoln Giants, an Eastern Colored League and American Negro league team that played in New York City from about 1911 to about 1930
Other professional sport teams
American football
New York Brickley Giants, National Football League franchise, 1921
Association football
New York Giants (soccer) including
New York Giants (1894 soccer)
New York Soccer Club, also called the New York Giants from 1923 and 1930
New York Nationals (ASL), called the New York Giants between 1930 and 1932 |
4040896 | | John Honeyman | John Honeyman (1729August 18, 1822) was an American spy and British informant for George Washington, primarily responsible for spreading disinformation and gathering the intelligence crucial to Washington's victory in the Battle of Trenton.
Early life and career
Born in Ireland, purportedly in Armagh, Honeyman was of Scottish descent. The son of a poor farmer, he received little formal education but was nevertheless literate and learned several trades, including weaving. He worked as a farmer until the age of 29 and then entered the British Army to fight in the French and Indian War in 1758.
He sailed to Canada aboard the frigate Boyne on which Colonel James Wolfe was also embarked. One day during the Atlantic Ocean crossing, Honeyman was on watch on the deck when Wolfe, who was about to descend a stairway, tripped and would have surely fallen if he had not been caught by Honeyman. Wolfe showed his gratitude by taking down Honeyman's name and promising to look out for the young private.
Upon landing off the Saint Lawrence River, Honeyman's unit was almost immediately put into action against the French during the Siege of Louisbourg which ended after 48 days on July 26, 1758. Wolfe, who served under General Jeffery Amherst, was shortly promoted to General. He remembered the young private who saved him aboard the Boyne and made him his bodyguard, with orders to remain with him at all times.
The success of the siege cleared the way for the British expedition led by General Wolfe to take New France at Quebec City the following summer and which culminated in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on September 13, 1759. While it ended with a British victory, Wolfe was fatally shot and Honeyman was among those who carried the General down the heights to his shelter, where he died. Some people believe that one of the three men surrounding Wolfe in the painting La Morte de Wolfe by Benjamim West at the McCord Museum in Montreal is John Honeyman.
After the war, Honeyman was given an honorable discharge from the army and he settled in Pennsylvania, carrying with him his discharge papers as well as a letter from General Wolfe requesting his services as his bodyguard. He took up his trade as a butcher and weaver and he married the former Mary Henry, an Irish girl from Coleraine at the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia on September 22, 1764.
In service as Washington's spy
Sometime before 1775, Honeyman moved to Philadelphia and supposedly met George Washington who was attending meetings of the Continental Congress. Although Honeyman had served the British well during the French and Indian War, he was sympathetic to the American cause and promptly presented his services to Washington. Washington, astute at finding good talent, accepted Honeyman's services. In the early part of 1776, Honeyman moved with his family to Griggstown, in Somerset County, New Jersey. It is unknown, however, whether this move was a result of his meetings with Washington.
When Washington's Continental Army was retreating across New Jersey in 1776, Washington wanted to "get some person into Trenton" as an agent. He called upon Honeyman for a meeting at Fort Lee, New Jersey in November and there, Honeyman agreed that he would act the part of a spy for the American cause in that part of New Jersey where he was most familiar. Washington told Honeyman to use the cover of a Tory. The fact that he served under Wolfe, as proven by his discharge papers as well as Wolfe's letter requesting his services as his bodyguard, guaranteed his acceptance by the enemy garrison in Trenton.
Posing as a Tory, Honeyman, continuing his trade as a butcher and weaver, commenced his trade with the British. He was instructed to continue trading as much as possible behind the American lines in Griggstown and, if necessary, to flee to Trenton on the pretext of the danger posed to his family due to his double-dealing. The deceptive plan was so believable that a mob of angry American patriots raided Honeyman's house in Griggstown. Fortunately, his family were saved from certain harm by a signed letter from Washington guaranteeing its safety, but nevertheless calling Honeyman "a notorious Tory".
His credibility as a Tory now well-established, he moved to Trenton where his trade enabled him to move freely within the town and gather intelligence about the garrison. Having amassed enough information, he arranged to be captured by the Continental forces, who had been ordered to watch for him and bring him straight to Washington unharmed.
After receiving the information Honeyman had gathered, Washington ordered the guards to feed the "Tory" and lock him up in a small hut used as a prison. Shortly afterward, a fire broke out in the vicinity providing an opportunity for Honeyman to "escape". Making his way back to Trenton, he told the Hessian commander, Colonel Johann Rall, of his capture and reported that the Continental Army was in such a low state of morale that they would not attack Trenton.
Even though the Hessians had been on heightened alert for the past two weeks, they believed Honeyman's story and so felt confident enough to relax security on December 26. In the meantime, Honeyman made his way to New Brunswick, New Jersey.
On the night of December 25–26, 1776, with 2,400 troops, Washington made the well known crossing of the Delaware River from Pennsylvania to New Jersey north of Trenton. The next morning, the Continental forces surprised the Hessians in a rout, giving the Americans a much-needed victory at the Battle of Trenton.
With Washington, Honeyman had arranged for his mission to be confined in New Jersey and since the British were driven from the colony in 1777 his services were little needed, if at all. It had further been agreed upon, however, that Honeyman would continue to maintain his cover as a Tory to prevent any reprisals by the British against him and his family until the end of the war. As a consequence, he did not return to Griggstown until after hostilities ended four years later.
Later years
By 1793, Honeyman moved to Bedminster, New Jersey, in upper Somerset County. He bought several parcels of land between 1793 and 1797 and spent the last 30 years of his life there.
His wife, Mary Honeyman, died on June 24, 1801, and three years later, he married a widow, Elizabeth Estel-Burrows. He died on August 18, 1822 at the age of 93 and is buried in the Lamington Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Lamington, New Jersey.
Fact or Legend?
The role Honeyman played in the Revolutionary War has been debated for some time. The first written record of his involvement with Washington appears to be his grandson Judge John Van Dyke's "An Unwritten Account of a Spy of Washington," which appeared in Our Home magazine in 1873, nearly 100 years later. Van Dyke is said to have relied on details he got from one of Honeyman's daughters, Van Dyke's Aunt Jane Honeyman who died in 1836. Judge Van Dyke's son, John Charles Van Dyke, the author of The Desert, added that "documents discovered in the Secretary of State's office at Trenton go to confirm it," without identifying the documents further. In his autobiography, John C. Van Dyke also wrote, "My father was much with him (Honeyman) in his later years, and he had fragments of the story from the spy's own lips, but the spy was never very communicative."
Doubters point to the lack of direct evidence to support the spy story including the fact that the letter from Washington that protected the Honeyman family has never been seen outside the family. Some find it odd that a document of such apparent historic value has never surfaced publicly. Author Alexander Rose notes that "not once is John Honeyman mentioned in Washington's voluminous correspondence and papers" and that "upon meeting Honeyman, a veteran of the British army, Washington would have been more likely to recruit him as a sergeant than as a spy."
Supporters argue that the lack of direct evidence merely points to the excellent job Honeyman, and Washington, did concealing his actions as a spy. Some have offered circumstantial evidence to support the spy story. Historians have pointed out that several legal actions brought against Honeyman for being a Tory appear to have been dismissed. Honeyman even sought compensation for losses he suffered during the war, something that a Tory would not have considered. While other Tories were forced to flee to Nova Scotia after the war, Honeyman remained in New Jersey. In fact, it is known that Honeyman purchased several tracts of land after the war, which raises the question of how a simple weaver with a rather large family could afford to make these purchases without some special income. John C. Van Dyke records that Honeyman "had always been considered a poor man, and his neighbors were much surprised when he died leaving about twelve thousand dollars. That was a large sum in those days...." That is evidence, to some, that he received compensation for his role in the war.
See also
Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War
Intelligence operations in the American Revolutionary War
External links
George Washington's Spy
John Honeyman, "The Spy of Washington" / A Spy For Washington
True Comics Issue 05 Unsung Hero - John Honeyman
Appendix notes from Washington's Crossing by David Hackett Fischer questioning the Honeyman spy story
Article in the CIA's Intelligence Quarterly by Alexander Rose questioning the Honeyman spy story: "The Spy Who Never Was: The Strange Case of John Honeyman and Revolutionary War Espionage"
Patriots Rising: The American-Revolution
1729 births
1822 deaths
People of colonial New Jersey
People from Bedminster, New Jersey
People from Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey
People of New Jersey in the American Revolution
American people of Scotch-Irish descent
Irish soldiers in the British Army
British Army personnel of the Seven Years' War
British military intelligence informants
American spies during the American Revolution
Irish people of Scottish descent
Kingdom of Ireland emigrants to the Thirteen Colonies
Burials in New Jersey
People from County Armagh |
4040916 | | Caroline's Spine (album) | Caroline's Spine is the eponymous debut album of the American hard rock band of the same name. It was released in 1993 before the band was entirely formed. The lead singer/primary song writer Jimmy Newquist wrote all the songs and played most of the instruments for the recording. Many of the tracks on this album were later re-recorded with the full band for future Caroline's Spine albums.
Track listing
"Why Don't We Get Along"
"Psycho (Surf)"
"Artichoke (VII)"
"As I Am"
"Say it to You"
"I Will Be Alright"
"I Like Everything"
"Train Called Sleep"
"Last Goodbye"
"Will You Hold My Hand"
"Psycho (Radio)"
Produced by Dan Calderone & Caroline's Spine
All words and music by James P. Newquist
Music published by Archaic Music (BMI)
Engineered by Dan Calderone & Joe Statt
Recorded and mixed at Anza Digital Studios, San Diego, CA
Mastered by David Merullo, RJR Digital
Layout & design by Rick Goldman, CDS Graphics
Cover art by HPN II
1993 debut albums
Caroline's Spine albums |
4040933 | | Ayaka Nagate | , born October 30, 1981 and known professionally as , is a Japanese actress and former singer. From 1998 to 2008, Nagate was part of Hello! Project as a member of the Japan-based girl group Coconuts Musume.
Nagate joined Hello! Project in 1999 after being discovered by , fellow Sharan Q bandmate of Tsunku, with four other girls, forming Coconuts Musume. Having lived most of her teenage years in Hawaii and attending English schools in Japan, Nagate is fluent in both Japanese and English. She is best known by foreign fans for her "Ayaka no Totsugeki Eikaiwa" (Ayaka's Surprise English Lessons) TV segment, where she would test the English skills of Morning Musume members.
On April 30, 2008, Nagate left from Coconuts Musume and Hello! Project to pursue acting. The following day, it was revealed that she had signed with Tristone Entertainment, going under the stage name of Ayaka Nagate.
Personal life
On July 14, 2008, it was announced that she and professional golfer Hideto Tanihara had married.
September 5, 2003 –
External links
Ayaka's Official Blog
1981 births
Coconuts Musume members
Petitmoni members
11Water members
Japanese television personalities
Japanese actresses
People from Kobe
People from Hawaii
Living people
Musicians from Kobe |
4040947 | | Maupertuis's principle | In classical mechanics, Maupertuis's principle (named after Pierre Louis Maupertuis) states that the path followed by a physical system is the one of least length (with a suitable interpretation of path and length). It is a special case of the more generally stated principle of least action. Using the calculus of variations, it results in an integral equation formulation of the equations of motion for the system.
Mathematical formulation
Maupertuis's principle states that the true path of a system described by generalized coordinates between two specified states and is a stationary point (i.e., an extremum (minimum or maximum) or a saddle point) of the abbreviated action functional
where are the conjugate momenta of the generalized coordinates, defined by the equation
where is the Lagrangian function for the system. In other words, any first-order perturbation of the path results in (at most) second-order changes in . Note that the abbreviated action is a functional (i.e. a function from a vector space into its underlying scalar field), which in this case takes as its input a function (i.e. the paths between the two specified states).
Jacobi's formulation
For many systems, the kinetic energy is quadratic in the generalized velocities
although the mass tensor may be a complicated function of the generalized coordinates . For such systems, a simple relation relates the kinetic energy, the generalized momenta and the generalized velocities
provided that the potential energy does not involve the generalized velocities. By defining a normalized distance or metric in the space of generalized coordinates
one may immediately recognize the mass tensor as a metric tensor. The kinetic energy may be written in a massless form
Therefore, the abbreviated action can be written
since the kinetic energy equals the (constant) total energy minus the potential energy . In particular, if the potential energy is a constant, then Jacobi's principle reduces to minimizing the path length in the space of the generalized coordinates, which is equivalent to Hertz's principle of least curvature.
Comparison with Hamilton's principle
Hamilton's principle and Maupertuis's principle are occasionally confused and both have been called the principle of least action. They differ from each other in three important ways:
their definition of the action...
the solution that they determine...
...and the constraints on the variation.
Maupertuis was the first to publish a principle of least action, where he defined action as , which was to be minimized over all paths connecting two specified points. However, Maupertuis applied the principle only to light, not matter (see the 1744 Maupertuis reference below). He arrived at the principle by considering Snell's law for the refraction of light, which Fermat had explained by Fermat's principle, that light follows the path of shortest time, not distance. This troubled Maupertuis, since he felt that time and distance should be on an equal footing: "why should light prefer the path of shortest time over that of distance?" Accordingly, Maupertuis asserts with no further justification the principle of least action as equivalent but more fundamental than Fermat's principle, and uses it to derive Snell's law. Maupertuis specifically states that light does not follow the same laws as material objects.
A few months later, well before Maupertuis's work appeared in print, Leonhard Euler independently defined action in its modern abbreviated form and applied it to the motion of a particle, but not to light (see the 1744 Euler reference below). Euler also recognized that the principle only held when the speed was a function only of position, i.e., when the total energy was conserved. (The mass factor in the action and the requirement for energy conservation were not relevant to Maupertuis, who was concerned only with light.) Euler used this principle to derive the equations of motion of a particle in uniform motion, in a uniform and non-uniform force field, and in a central force field. Euler's approach is entirely consistent with the modern understanding of Maupertuis's principle described above, except that he insisted that the action should always be a minimum, rather than a stationary point.
Two years later, Maupertuis cites Euler's 1744 work as a "beautiful application of my principle to the motion of the planets" and goes on to apply the principle of least action to the lever problem in mechanical equilibrium and to perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions (see the 1746 publication below). Thus, Maupertuis takes credit for conceiving the principle of least action as a general principle applicable to all physical systems (not merely to light), whereas the historical evidence suggests that Euler was the one to make this intuitive leap. Notably, Maupertuis's definitions of the action and protocols for minimizing it in this paper are inconsistent with the modern approach described above. Thus, Maupertuis's published work does not contain a single example in which he used Maupertuis's principle (as presently understood).
In 1751, Maupertuis's priority for the principle of least action was challenged in print (Nova Acta Eruditorum of Leipzig) by an old acquaintance, Johann Samuel Koenig, who quoted a 1707 letter purportedly from Leibniz that described results similar to those derived by Euler in 1744. However, Maupertuis and others demanded that Koenig produce the original of the letter to authenticate its having been written by Leibniz. Koenig only had a copy and no clue as to the whereabouts of the original. Consequently, the Berlin Academy under Euler's direction declared the letter to be a forgery and that its President, Maupertuis, could continue to claim priority for having invented the principle. Koenig continued to fight for Leibniz's priority and soon Voltaire and the King of Prussia, Frederick II were engaged in the quarrel. However, no progress was made until the turn of the twentieth century, when other independent copies of Leibniz's letter were discovered.
See also
Analytical mechanics
Hamilton's principle
Gauss's principle of least constraint (also describes Hertz's principle of least curvature)
Hamilton–Jacobi equation
Pierre Louis Maupertuis, Accord de différentes loix de la nature qui avoient jusqu'ici paru incompatibles (original 1744 French text); Accord between different laws of Nature that seemed incompatible (English translation)
Leonhard Euler, Methodus inveniendi/Additamentum II (original 1744 Latin text); Methodus inveniendi/Appendix 2 (English translation)
Pierre Louis Maupertuis, Les loix du mouvement et du repos déduites d'un principe metaphysique (original 1746 French text); Derivation of the laws of motion and equilibrium from a metaphysical principle (English translation)
Leonhard Euler, Exposé concernant l'examen de la lettre de M. de Leibnitz (original 1752 French text); Investigation of the letter of Leibniz (English translation)
König J. S. "De universali principio aequilibrii et motus", Nova Acta Eruditorum, 1751, 125–135, 162–176.
J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson, "The Berlin Academy and forgery", (2003), at The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
C. I. Gerhardt, (1898) "Über die vier Briefe von Leibniz, die Samuel König in dem Appel au public, Leide MDCCLIII, veröffentlicht hat", Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, I, 419–427.
W. Kabitz, (1913) "Über eine in Gotha aufgefundene Abschrift des von S. König in seinem Streite mit Maupertuis und der Akademie veröffentlichten, seinerzeit für unecht erklärten Leibnizbriefes", Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, II, 632–638.
H. Goldstein, (1980) Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed., Addison Wesley, pp. 362–371.
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, (1976) Mechanics, 3rd. ed., Pergamon Press, pp. 140–143. (hardcover) and (softcover)
G. C. J. Jacobi, Vorlesungen über Dynamik, gehalten an der Universität Königsberg im Wintersemester 1842–1843. A. Clebsch (ed.) (1866); Reimer; Berlin. 290 pages, available online Œuvres complètes volume 8 at Gallica-Math from the Gallica Bibliothèque nationale de France.
H. Hertz, (1896) Principles of Mechanics, in Miscellaneous Papers, vol. III, Macmillan.
Calculus of variations
Hamiltonian mechanics
Mathematical principles |
4040952 | | Veterans Memorial Bridge (Tallahassee) | The Veterans Memorial Bridge is a flyover that carries two lanes of traffic onto southbound US 319 (Capital Circle Northeast) from southbound U.S. Route 319/State Road 61 (Thomasville Road) on the north side of Tallahassee, Florida. It was built for the purpose of alleviating traffic congestion in the left-turn lanes on Thomasville Road and was opened to the public in 1997. A 2002 Florida state bill proposed that this bridge (number 550122) would be named Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Bridges completed in 1997
Buildings and structures in Tallahassee, Florida
Transportation in Tallahassee, Florida
Monuments and memorials in Florida
Road bridges in Florida
U.S. Route 19
Bridges of the United States Numbered Highway System
Transportation buildings and structures in Leon County, Florida |
4040953 | | Christie Pearce | Christie Patricia Pearce (formerly Rampone; born June 24, 1975) is an American professional soccer defender. She is the former captain of the United States women's national soccer team. Pearce is a 3-time Olympic gold medalist, and also a 2-time world champion in FIFA Women's World Cup.
Pearce has played in five FIFA Women's World Cup finals and four Olympics women's football tournaments. She is a 1999 and 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup champion, and a three-time gold medalist having won championship titles at the 2004 Athens Olympics, 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Olympics. She finished no lower than third place in each of the World Cup or Olympic tournaments in which she competed.
Pearce played in the W-League from 1997 through 1998. She played in two American professional leagues the entire time they were in operation; from 2001 through 2003 in the WUSA and from 2009 through 2011 in the WPS. In 2009, while playing for Sky Blue FC, she simultaneously served as coach of the club while winning the 2009 Women's Professional Soccer Playoffs, and was named WPS Sportswoman of the Year.
Pearce was the oldest player to appear in a FIFA Women's World Cup game (at age 40) until Formiga competed in the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup at the age of 41. With 311 caps, Pearce is also the third-most capped player, male or female, in U.S. and world history, after Kristine Lilly and Carli Lloyd.
On June 9, 2021, it was announced that Pearce was to be inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame in her first year of eligibility.
Early life
Born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Christie Pearce grew up in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. During her high school years, she was a four-sport athlete in soccer, basketball, track, and field hockey. While attending Point Pleasant Borough High School, she scored 2,190 career high school basketball points, and was the first female athlete in New Jersey history to lead her conference in scoring in three different sports. This accomplishment led her to all-state honors in all three sports. Pearce was heralded as the best athlete Ocean County, New Jersey had ever produced.
Monmouth University
Pearce attended Monmouth University, located in West Long Branch, New Jersey, after being highly recruited by nearly every major college in the country. At Monmouth, she excelled as a three-sport athlete in soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. During her senior year, she opted to ease away from her starting point guard basketball position to train and travel with the United States women's national soccer team. On the Monmouth soccer field, Pearce was a two-time Northeast Conference Player of the Year selection and First Team All Mid-Atlantic Region selection, posting ten multiple-goal games in her senior year. She finished her collegiate soccer career with a start in all 80 games, led her team with 79 career goals and 54 assists, and was Monmouth's record holder for goals, assists, and points in a season.
When not on the field, Pearce studied towards a degree in Special Education, which she completed in 1996. She also worked as a volunteer basketball and soccer coach when completing her student teaching with Monmouth. As a tribute to her achievements and for the worldwide fame she brought to her alma mater, the university awarded her with an honorary degree in Public Service in 2005. Furthermore, the university inducted her into the Monmouth University Hall of Fame in 2007 and honored her 2008 Olympic accomplishments by declaring October 5, 2008 as Christie Rampone Day.
Playing career
After college, Pearce played for Central Jersey Splash and New Jersey Lady Stallions, in 1997 and 1998 respectively, of the W-League.
In 2001, she was selected as a member of New York Power, a professional soccer team in Women's United Soccer Association. In the first year, Christie played every minute of the first 18 games until tearing her anterior cruciate ligament, sidelining her for the rest of the season. In 2002, Christie bounced back to play in 1699 minutes over 19 games, and another 18 games in 2003 in addition to her national team duties. Shortly after concluding its third season, the WUSA suspended all operations. In anticipation of an eventual relaunch, WUSA preserved its rights in the team names, logos and similar properties.
The next attempt at women's professional soccer in the United States kicked off in 2008 under the name of Women's Professional Soccer. On September 16, 2008, the initial WPS player allocation was conducted and Pearce was chosen as captain for New Jersey's Sky Blue FC with fellow US Women's National Team players Heather O'Reilly and Natasha Kai.
In its inaugural season, Pearce and Sky Blue FC struggled, including the suspension of their first head coach Ian Sawyers and the resignation of his successor, Kelly Lindsey. In July 2009, the Sky Blue organization announced that Pearce would serve as the caretaker coach, in addition to her playing duties, for the remainder of the WPS season. After taking on the position as head coach, the third in one season for Sky Blue FC, Pearce took her team on to win the 2009 Women's Professional Soccer Playoffs. It was later revealed she was almost three months pregnant with her second child at the time of the match. One week later, she was named WPS Sportswoman of the Year.
She remained with Sky Blue in a playing role for 2010 before switching to magicJack ahead of the 2011 Women's Professional Soccer season.
On January 11, 2013 Pearce was one of three members from the United States women's national team that was allocated to the new NWSL club Sky Blue FC, along with Jillian Loyden and Kelley O'Hara.
Christie Pearce has represented the United States at the 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup finals, in addition to the 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 Summer Olympics.
After training with the United States women's national soccer team during her senior year at Monmouth, she switched to playing as a defender. Pearce's first game was February 28, 1997 versus Australia. She tallied her first national team goal on May 2, 1997, in a match versus South Korea. Pearce started 16/18 games in her first season and finished with two goals and three assists. The following year, Pearce helped her team to its first undefeated season and led the United States to gold in the 1998 Goodwill Games by starting in both matches.
Pearce played 2540 minutes with the national team in 2000, including five games at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. The team finished with the silver medal. In 2001, Pearce tore her anterior cruciate ligament and missed a majority of the limited national team season. Pearce was back with the team for two training camps in 2002, but focused on recovering from her surgery. In 2003, she started in 15/17 national team games and all four World Cup matches to lead her team to the bronze medal.
In the 2004 Athens Olympics, she helped the United States win gold after defeating Brazil in what would be the final Olympic Games for a few of her senior teammates: Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain and Julie Foudy. It was in this same year that Pearce would become the fifth most capped defender in United States history.
Pearce returned to the team in 2006, after taking off the 2005 season to have her first child. In 2006, Christie returned to the team just 112 days after giving birth for China's Four Nations Tournament. 2007 brought Pearce's busiest year to date, starting in all 20 games in which she played and she became the most capped defender and second-most capped played on the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup team. She started in all six matches of the World Cup.
In 2008, Pearce was named captain of the Women's National Team and led the United States to the Gold medal once again, earning her 200th National Team cap at the 2008 Summer Olympics. With the retirement of teammate Kristine Lilly in 2010, she became the most capped active player in the world.
Pearce captained the USA team to win second place at 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, losing to Japan 1–3 in the penalty shoot-out, having drawn the final match at 2–2 at the end of extra-time. She played all 600 minutes in all 6 matches USA played.
In 2012 London Olympics, Pearce captained the USA team to a 2–1 gold medal win over Japan in the final; playing all 570 minutes in 6 matches and was a key free kick taker throughout the tournament. Pearce also saved a shot off the line from Japan in the Olympic final. The USA team won all six matches it played at the 2012 London Olympics, including 3 shutouts.
As of September 20, 2015, Christie Pearce is currently second on the all-time cap list with 311.
On July 5, 2015, she became the oldest woman to play in a FIFA Women's World Cup final, and in any tournament game, at age 40 years, 11 days, when she entered the final against Japan during the 86th minute.
In 1999 she played against Korea DPR in the group stage,
and in 2015 she played against Nigeria in the group stage,
and in the final against Japan.
Career statistics
International goals
Personal life
Pearce is of Scottish descent and sporting heritage; her great-grandfather Bill Dowie was a goalkeeper with Raith Rovers before emigrating to the United States in the 1920s.
Pearce has two daughters with her ex-husband Chris Rampone: Rylie (born 2005) and Reece (born 2010). She and Rampone divorced in 2017. Though married to Chris in 2001, Pearce did not use the name "Rampone" on her jersey until 2004.
In July 2011, Pearce revealed she had Lyme disease. Pearce is currently engaged to Racing Louisville FC former-head coach Christy Holly.
In 2012, Jersey Mike's Subs appointed Jersey Shore native Pearce as its first spokesperson in its 56-year history. She and her ex-husband have since become franchisees of the chain, opening two locations in Toms River, New Jersey in early 2017.
In popular culture
Video games
Pearce was featured along with her national teammates in EA Sports' FIFA video game series in FIFA 16, the first time women players were included in the game. In September 2015, she was ranked by EA Sports as the number 8 women's player in the game.
Ticker tape parade and White House honor
Following the United States' win at the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, Pearce and her teammates became the first women's sports team to be honored with a ticker tape parade in New York City. Each player received a key to the city from Mayor Bill de Blasio. In October of the same year, the team was honored by President Barack Obama at the White House.
External links
Christie Rampone profile at National Women's Soccer League
Christie Rampone profile at Sky Blue FC
US Soccer player profile
WUSA player profile
Sports agency player profile
1975 births
Living people
Women's Olympic soccer players of the United States
United States women's international soccer players
Footballers at the 2000 Summer Olympics
Footballers at the 2004 Summer Olympics
Footballers at the 2008 Summer Olympics
Footballers at the 2012 Summer Olympics
Olympic gold medalists for the United States in soccer
Olympic silver medalists for the United States in soccer
Women's United Soccer Association players
New York Power players
Monmouth Hawks women's soccer players
Monmouth University alumni
Point Pleasant Borough High School alumni
Sportspeople from Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sportspeople from Point Pleasant, New Jersey
Sky Blue FC (WPS) players
MagicJack (WPS) players
FIFA Century Club
American women's soccer players
1999 FIFA Women's World Cup players
2003 FIFA Women's World Cup players
2007 FIFA Women's World Cup players
2011 FIFA Women's World Cup players
2015 FIFA Women's World Cup players
National Women's Soccer League players
NJ/NY Gotham FC players
Medalists at the 2012 Summer Olympics
Medalists at the 2008 Summer Olympics
Medalists at the 2004 Summer Olympics
FIFA Women's World Cup-winning players
Women's association football central defenders
FIFA Women's World Cup-winning captains
Medalists at the 2000 Summer Olympics
American people of Scottish descent
Competitors at the 1998 Goodwill Games
Women's Professional Soccer players |
4040956 | | Robin Clegg | Robin Clegg (born August 11, 1977 in Edmonton, Alberta) is former Canadian biathlete.
Clegg lives in Canmore, Alberta. He was a gold medalist at the 2005 North American Championships.
He retired after the 2009–10 season.
Robin Clegg was inducted into the NWT Sport Hall of Fame in 2014.
External links
1977 births
Living people
Biathletes at the 2002 Winter Olympics
Biathletes at the 2006 Winter Olympics
Biathletes at the 2010 Winter Olympics
Canadian male biathletes
Olympic biathletes of Canada
Sportspeople from Edmonton
NWT Sport Hall of Fame inductees |
4040968 | | I Used to Work in Chicago | "I Used to Work in Chicago" is a drinking song. It was written by songwriter and entertainer Larry Vincent. The earliest printed date for the song is March 1945 in the underground mimeographed songbook Songs of the Century, however versions of the song circulated "on the street" as early as 1938 according to the Digital Tradition Folk Music Database. Many of the lyrics are considered humorous because of the oblique sexual references. The song is often chanted by various British university sports teams.
After World War II, there were various versions of this song commercially recorded (e.g. by Spike Jones).
A verse from Spike Jones's version:
The Three Bits Of Rhythm on Modern Records 118A from 1946
Oscar Brand on Bawdy Songs and Backroom Ballads 1951
Merle Travis on Guitar Rags & A Too Fast Past 1994
Benny Bell on Shaving Cream 1975, Track Title: Jack of All Trades
Popular culture
A variation of this song is also occasionally performed by Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam during their live performances with the final lines, "Liquor she wanted / Lick her I did / I don't work there anymore."
The same (Liquor/Lick her) version is also sung by Dusty and Lefty, played by Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly, in the film A Prairie Home Companion.
One verse sung by Charles Durning in the movie Jerry and Tom. "A woman came in for a house dress. I asked her what kind she wore. 'Jumper,' she said. Jump her I did and I don't work there anymore."
Cray, Ed; The Erotic Muse: American Bawdy Songs (University of Illinois, 1992).
Reuss, Richard A.; An Annotated Field Collection of Songs From the American College Student Oral Tradition (Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Masters Thesis, 1965).
Drinking songs
Songs about Chicago
Songs written by Larry Vincent
1945 songs |
4040971 | | Sandra Keith | Sandra Keith (born December 11, 1980) is an Olympic Games biathlete for Team Canada. She was part of Canada's team in the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
Keith retired after the 2009–10 season.
Personal life
Sandra Keith was one of about 20 alumni of the National Sport School (located in Calgary ) to compete in the 2006 games. She is a student at Athabasca University, working on her Bachelor of Commerce degree. She was married to Norwegian biathlon star Halvard Hanevold from 2011 until his death in 2019. She was part of a group of five athletes who posed for the Bold Beautiful Biathlon calendar.
External links
AU student competes at the Olympics
Sandra Keith on Real Champions
Nude calendar fund raiser for the 2010 games
Living people
Canadian female biathletes
Olympic biathletes of Canada
Skiers from Ottawa
1980 births
Athabasca University alumni
Biathletes at the 2006 Winter Olympics |
4040973 | | Gerard Rotherham | Gerard Alexander Rotherham (28 May 1899 – 31 January 1985) was a first-class cricketer for Cambridge University and Warwickshire in England and for Wellington in New Zealand. His uncle, Hugh Rotherham, played first-class cricket in the 1880s.
Rotherham's chief cricket fame was achieved as a schoolboy at Rugby School, where his record as a fast-medium bowler led to him being named as a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in the 1918 edition of Wisden, at a time when first-class cricket was suspended for the First World War. He then went up to Trinity College, Cambridge.
Rotherham's later first-class career lasted only a few seasons. He got a Blue at Cambridge in both 1919 and 1920, when his swashbuckling lower-order batting was almost as valuable as his increasingly wayward bowling. In 1921, he had a full season of county cricket with Warwickshire, and this time the bowling was more valuable than the batting, and he took 88 wickets in the season. But at the end of the season he moved to New Zealand, where he made just a few appearances for Wellington in 1928–29.
External links
English cricketers
People educated at Rugby School
Alumni of Trinity College, Cambridge
Cambridge University cricketers
Warwickshire cricketers
Wellington cricketers
Wisden Cricketers of the Year
1899 births
1985 deaths
Cricketers from Coventry |
4040975 | | J. P. McCaskey High School | J. P. McCaskey High School is a public high school located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States. Located on the east side of Lancaster, it is named after John Piersol McCaskey, a local educator. The McCaskey campus consists of two buildings: J. P. McCaskey, which is usually referred to either as "JPM" or simply "JP"; and McCaskey East, which is referred to as "East". Also on the McCaskey campus are a number of playing fields (for soccer, baseball, softball, and field hockey), tennis courts, and a stadium. Nearby are Wickersham Elementary School and Lincoln Middle School.
John Piersol McCaskey High School opened on 3 May 1938, accepting Lancaster city's first gender-integrated class of students. The high school was named for John McCaskey, a local educator, composer, and politician.
The construction is a product of the post-Depression Works Progress Administration. While the main building was subsequently extended, the original façade, lobby, and auditorium are set in Art Deco style.
In 2021, The outside of the JP McCaskey Building was used in an episode the Disney Channel TV show Bunk'd.
Notable alumni
Madeline Anderson (1945), filmmaker, first African-American woman to direct a documentary film, first African-American woman to executive produce a nationally distributed television show.
Barney Ewell, sprinter, 1948 Summer Olympics silver medalist
Jennifer Gareis (1988), actress
David Greene, 1994, NPR Morning Edition Host
Jerry Johnson, professional basketball player
Mindy Myers, campaign manager
John Parrish, former MLB pitcher
Lamar Patterson, National Basketball Association (NBA) player and second round draft pick
Franklin J. Schaffner (valedictorian Class of 1938), film director (Planet of the Apes, Patton, Nicholas and Alexandra)
Matt Watson, former MLB outfielder
Kris Wilson, former NFL tight end
External links
Public high schools in Pennsylvania
Education in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Educational institutions established in 1938
Schools in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
1938 establishments in Pennsylvania |
4040983 | | League of African Democratic Socialist Parties | The League of African Democratic Socialist Parties, initially known as the Socialist Inter-African, is a union of democratic socialist political parties in the continent of Africa. It was set up to provide an international forum for moderate socialists in Africa, and proclaimed that "democratic socialism" was the only possible path to African development. It is affiliated to, but not a regional component of, the Socialist International.
The decision to set it up was taken at the 1976 Geneva meeting of the Socialist International by a group of African social democrats led by Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal. At the time vice-president of the SI, he was "entrusted" with the task of setting up a local organisation that would be free of accusations of any affiliation to Moscow.
The Socialist Inter-African held its inaugural meeting in Tunis on February 26–28, 1981. Eleven democratic socialist parties from across the continent attended. Amongst the founding parties was the Sudanese Socialist Union of Gaafar Nimeiry. Senghor was unable to attract all the continent's socialists; prominent exceptions included Zimbabwe and Namibia. The Soviet press declared the union of "bourgeois" parties was dangerous and opportunistic, and that the Socialist Inter-African was "programmed in Western Europe and designed in Dakar and Tunis."
Socialism in Africa
Politics of Africa
Pan-Africanist organizations in Africa |
4040986 | | Double-eyed fig parrot | The double-eyed fig parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma), also known as the blue-faced fig parrot, red-faced fig parrot, dwarf fig parrot, and the two-eyed fig parrot, primarily inhabits forests on New Guinea and nearby islands, but is also found in isolated communities along the tropical Australian coast, east of the Great Dividing Range. With an average total length of about , it is the smallest parrot in Australia.
Most subspecies of the double-eyed fig parrot are sexually dimorphic, with males having more red (less silvery and blue) to the face than the females. It is predominantly green with a very short tail, a disproportionately large head and bill, and red and blue facial markings. Its name is derived from a blue spot on the lores, which in New Guinean birds is roughly the same size as the eyes.
Although assessed as of Least Concern by the IUCN, certain subspecies are under threat. Coxen's fig parrot (C. d. coxeni) is of one Australia's rarest and least known birds, having been recorded on fewer than 200 occasions since being described by Gould in 1866. It is classified as Endangered in Queensland (Nature Conservation Act 1992), New South Wales (New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995), and also nationally in Australia (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) as it has declined due, at least in part, to the clearing of lowland subtropical rainforest over its range.
The double-eyed fig parrot generally forages for figs, berries, seeds, nectar, and the grubs of wood-boring insects. This foraging is done in pairs or in a flock of only a few individuals. It tends to fly in a quick and direct manner. It produces a short and shrill call. Unlike many other parrots which generally use existing holes in trees for nests, double-eyed fig parrots excavate their own nest cavities, usually in a rotten tree.
Double-eyed fig parrots utter high-pitched, clipped, two or three note zzzt-zzzt or zeet-zeet calls, unlike the rolling or trilling screeches typical of lorikeets. These calls are mostly made in flight, but sometimes when perched. When engrossed in feeding, it may also make a variety of softer, chattering noises.
Eight subspecies of the double-eyed fig parrot are described. Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni, C. d. macleayana, and C. d. marshalli are restricted to Australia, and the other five are restricted to New Guinea and associated islands.
C. d. aruensis (Aru double-eyed fig parrot)
C. d. coccineifrons (Astrolabe Mountain fig parrot)
C. d. coxeni (Coxen's fig parrot)
C. d. diophthalma
C. d. inseparabilis (Tagula fig parrot)
C. d. macleayana (Macleay's fig parrot or red-browed fig parrot)
C. d. marshalli (Marshall's fig parrot)
C. d. virago (Hartert's double-eyed fig parrot)
See also
Blue-fronted fig parrot
Further reading
Recovery Plan for the Coxen's Fig Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni (Gould), New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, July 2002
External links
World Parrot Trust Parrot Encyclopedia - Species Profiles
double-eyed fig parrot
Birds of New Guinea
Birds of Queensland
double-eyed fig parrot
double-eyed fig parrot
double-eyed fig parrot |
4040987 | | ...So Good Afternoon | ... So Good Afternoon is the second studio album by American alternative rock band Caroline's Spine. The relatively short album features many tracks which would be later re-recorded for other albums. It was intended primarily as a compilation to sell at their live shows.
Track listing
Jimmy Newquist – vocals, bass, guitar
Jason Gilardi – drums, percussion
Mark Haugh – guitar
Luis Moral – bass (Listed, but did not record. He joined briefly after the recording.)
Produced by Dan Calderone and Caroline's Spine
All music and lyrics by James P. Newqust
Music published by Archaic Music (BMI)
Recorded & mixed at Anza Digital, San Diego, CA in July 1994.
Engineered by Dan Calderone & Joe Statt
Layout & design by Joe Statt
Photography by Jim Newquist, Elizabeth Capps, Jeff Taylor, Mark Haugh & Lori Statt
1994 albums
Caroline's Spine albums |
4040995 | | Zina Kocher | Zina Kocher (born December 5, 1982, in Red Deer, Alberta) is a Canadian cross-country skier and former biathlete. She competed for Team Canada in biathlon at the 2006, 2010, 2014 Winter Olympics and in 12 editions of the Biathlon World Championships.
Kocher started out competing as a cross-country skier, and was introduced to the sport of biathlon at the 1998 Alberta Winter Games. After graduating from high school in 2000, she moved to Canmore to train full-time. She subsequently was selected to compete for Canada at the 2001 Junior World Championships, before embarking on her first full-time Biathlon World Cup campaign in the 2003-04 season, during which she took five top 30 finishes.
In the opening race of the 2006-07 season, a 15 km individual competition in Östersund, Sweden, Kocher finished third, becoming the first Canadian biathlete to make the podium in a top-level international event since Myriam Bédard ten years earlier. After a two-year period where she struggled with illness, Kocher took a fourth place in a pursuit at the third meeting of the 2009–10 season in Pokljuka, Slovenia, shooting 20 out of 20 targets in an event for the first time, having already taken a tenth place in the sprint at the same meeting. At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, she was part of the Canadian team that finished eighth in the women's relay, the best ever Canadian finish in that event.
Kocher retired from biathlon competition in March 2016, and by January 2017 she had enrolled as a student of massage therapy at Mount Royal University. She subsequently competed in the 2017 national cross-country ski championships in Canmore: having trained on a part-time basis, she won the 5 km competition and finished second in the 30 km event, in a field containing members of the Canadian national cross-country ski team. She subsequently decided to switch to part-time studies and return to competition as a cross-country skier with the aim of being selected for the 2018 Winter Olympics, partly in memory of Richard Boruta, her former biathlon coach, who had been killed in a climbing accident in August 2017. Kocher won the 51 km freestyle race at the Gatineau Loppet in February 2018.
Bold Beautiful Biathlon
She was part of a group of five athletes (along with Canadian biathletes Megan Tandy, Sandra Keith, Rosanna Crawford, and Megan Imrie), who posed for the Bold Beautiful Biathlon calendar. Although Zina Kocher was one of the few fully funded athletes in the national biathlon program, she took the initiative to find opportunities for extra funding. Kocher felt the calendar would build a new image for young Canadian girls to look up to; the image of a healthy, athletic body. The nude photos were taken by Rachel Boekel and Adrian Marcoux in Canmore, Alberta. The concept was that each athlete will be featured on two pages of the calendar, and there will be four group photos. The calendar was called Bold Beautiful Biathlon, and sold for $25. The biathletes were inspired by a calendar that was done featuring Olympic cross-country skiers, Sara Renner and Beckie Scott in 2001. Renner and Scott, along with three other teammates, tastefully took their clothes off for a calendar to raise funds.
Personal life
Kocher married Alex Lawson in the summer of 2017. She is a trained doula.
See also
List of Canadian sports personalities
External links
Zina Kocher on Real Champions
1982 births
Biathletes at the 2006 Winter Olympics
Biathletes at the 2010 Winter Olympics
Biathletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics
Canadian female biathletes
Living people
Olympic biathletes of Canada
Sportspeople from Red Deer, Alberta
Canadian female cross-country skiers |
4041001 | | Matthew Collings | Matthew Collings (born 1955) is a British art critic, writer, broadcaster, and artist. He is married to Emma Biggs, with whom he collaborates on art works.
Born in London in 1955, Collings studied at Byam Shaw School of Art, and Goldsmiths College, both in London.
Life and career
He began his career working at Artscribe first in the production department in 1979 and later taking over as editor, filling that role from 1983 to 1987, bringing international relevance to the magazine. In 1987 he received a Turner Prize commendation for his work on Artscribe. Collings later moved into television working as a producer and presenter on the BBC The Late Show from 1989 to 1995. In the early 1990s he brought Martin Kippenberger into the BBC studios to create an installation, and he interviewed Georg Herold while this Cologne-based conceptual artist painted a large canvas with beluga caviar. He gave Jeff Koons his first sympathetic exposure on British TV, and Damien Hirst was also introduced for the first time to the UK TV audience by Collings.
He wrote and presented documentary films for the BBC on individual artists, such as Donald Judd, Georgia O'Keeffe and Willem de Kooning, as well as broader historical subjects such as Hitler's "Degenerate art" exhibition, art looted in the Second World War by Germany and Russia, Situationism, Spain's post-Franco art world and the rise of the Cologne art scene.
After leaving the BBC, Collings wrote 'Blimey! From Bohemia to Britpop: The London Artworld from Francis Bacon to Damien Hirst,' which humorously chronicled the rise of the Young British Art (YBA) movement. Published in 1997 by 21, a new company founded by David Bowie, among a group of others, 'Blimey!'was described by Artforum magazine as “…one of the best-selling contemporary-art books ever." (Kate Bush on the YBA Sensation, Artforum, 2004) The article went on to say that Collings "invented the perfect voice to complement YBA: He makes an impact without (crucially) ever appearing to try too hard." The following year, Collings wrote and presented the Channel 4 TV series This is Modern Art, which won him a Bafta (2000) among other awards.
Collings wrote and presented a Channel 4 series in 2003 about the "painterly" stream of Old Master painting, called Matt's Old Masters. A book by the same title accompanied the series. Further Channel 4 series by Collings included Impressionism: Revenge of the Nice (2004) and The Me Generations: Self Portraits, (2005). Between 1997 and 2005, Collings presented the Channel 4 TV programme on the Turner Prize.
In 2007 he wrote and presented the Channel 4 TV series This is Civilisation. In 2009 he appeared on the BBC2 programme "School of Saatchi" a reality TV show for newly trained UK artists.
In October 2010, he wrote and presented a BBC2 series called Renaissance Revolution, in which he discussed three Renaissance paintings: Raphael's Madonna del Prato; Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights; and Piero della Francesca's The Baptism of Christ. In 2014 he wrote and presented a 90-minute documentary for BBC4 on abstract art: The Rules of Abstraction considered early modernist beginnings by Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Hilma af Klint, and others, as well as contemporary continuities, ranging from Fiona Rae to El Anatsui. In the same year, Collings appeared in Frederick Wiseman's documentary, National Gallery composing and rehearsing a piece-to-camera on Turner's The Fighting Temeraire, for the documentary Turner's Thames, (2012), which Collings wrote and presented for BBC4.
Since 2015, he has been the regular art critic for the Evening Standard, replacing Brian Sewell, who died that year.
Suspension from Labour Party
In 2019 Collings was picked as Parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party for the South West Norfolk constituency, but was suspended by the party a day later.
With Emma Biggs
In October 2007, with his wife, Emma Biggs, Collings has curated many art exhibitions. These include an exhibition of Picasso's late works at the HN Gallery in London. The paintings were from the 1960s series of Painter and Model and Déjeuner sur l’herbe reworkings. According to the catalogue essay, written by Collings, the exhibition aimed to draw attention to Picasso's achievement as a manipulator of form rather than the popular myth of Picasso as a showman or lover or sensationalist genius.
Together Biggs and Collings create paintings based on intricate patterns. They have exhibited their work in London and abroad.
Blimey! - From Bohemia to Britpop: London Art World from Francis Bacon to Damien Hirst, 21 Publishing, 1997
It Hurts - New York Art from Warhol to Now, 21 Publishing, 2000
This is Modern Art, Weidenfeld & Nicolson and Watson-Guptill Publications, 2000
Art Crazy Nation, 21 Publishing, 2001
Sarah Lucas, Tate Publishing, 2002
Matt's Old Masters: Titian, Rubens, Velázquez, Hogarth, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003
Criticism (with Matthew Arnatt), Rachmaninoff's, 2004
Ron Arad interviewed by Matthew Collings, Phaidon, 2004
This is Civilisation, 21 Publishing, 2008
Video and television
Omnibus: Willem de Kooning (BBC TV documentary) Narrator 1995
This Is Modern Art (Channel 4 TV series documentary) 1998
Hello Culture - (Channel 4 TV series documentary) 2001
2003 Matt's Old Masters (Channel 4 TV series documentary) Hogarth, Velázquez, Rubens, Titian
Impressionism: Revenge of the Nice (Channel 4 TV series documentary) 2004
Self Portraits (Channel 4 TV series documentary) 2005
This Is Civilisation (BBC TV series documentary) 2007
What is Beauty? (BBC TV documentary) 2009
Renaissance Revolution: Raphael, Piero, Bosch (BBC TV series documentary) 2010
Beautiful Equations (BBC4 TV one-hour documentary) 2010
Turner's Thames (BBC2 1-hour documentary)
The Rules of Abstraction with Matthew Collings (BBC4 TV documentary) 2014
External links
Contains images and updated information on Collings and Biggs' work
1955 births
Living people
Alumni of Goldsmiths, University of London
Alumni of the Byam Shaw School of Art
British art critics
British male journalists
English contemporary artists |
4041019 | | David Leoni | David Leoni (born September 8, 1982 in Liverpool, United Kingdom) is an Olympic Games biathlete for Team Canada, who lives in Jasper, Alberta. He is also a six-time Canadian Junior Champion, and three time North American Champion.
1982 births
Living people
Biathletes at the 2006 Winter Olympics
Canadian male biathletes
Olympic biathletes of Canada
Sportspeople from Edmonton |
4041024 | | SS Storstad | Storstad was a steam cargo ship built in 1910 by Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd of Newcastle for A. F. Klaveness & Co of Sandefjord. The ship was primarily employed as an ore and coal carrier doing tramp trade during her career. She is best known for accidentally ramming and sinking the ocean liner RMS Empress of Ireland in 1914, killing over 1,000 people.
Design and construction
Storstad was laid down at Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Low Walker shipyard in Newcastle and launched on 4 October 1910 (yard number 824). As the ship was being launched, she struck a nearby steamship SS Dardania from Trieste, and had her stern damaged. After successful completion of sea trials, during which the vessel was able to reach speed of , Storstad was handed over to her owners and fully commissioned in January 1911. To operate the vessel, she was transferred to a separate company, Aktieselskabet "Maritim", owned by A. F. Klaveness.
The ship was built on the Isherwood longitudinal framing principle, and at the time of her launch was the largest vessel to be constructed in this manner. The ship was specifically designed for coal and iron ore carriage, and had very large hatches built, with 10 powerful winches installed for quick cargo discharge. As built, the ship was long (between perpendiculars) and abeam, a mean draft of . Storstad was assessed at , and had deadweight tonnage of approximately 10,650. The vessel had a steel hull, and a single 447 nhp triple-expansion steam engine, with cylinders of , , and diameter with a stroke, that drove a single screw propeller, and moved the ship at up to .
Operational history
Upon delivery, Storstad departed on 31 January 1911 for her maiden voyage from Newcastle for Narvik and arrived there on 4 February. The vessel loaded 9,609 tons of iron ore and sailed for Philadelphia on 11 February reaching it on 7 March. At the time, this was the largest cargo of iron ore unloaded in Philadelphia from a single ship. Storstad then proceeded to Jacksonville where she took on 6,500 tons of phosphate rock on 17 March, then continued on to Savannah and loaded 8,071 bales of cotton and departed for Hamburg on 28 March. Upon return from Europe on 20 May 1911 the ship was chartered to transport iron ore and coal from Wabana and North Sydney to Montreal and other ports along St. Lawrence River through the end of navigational season in late November.
In November 1911 the vessel was chartered for one trip to South America by the Barber Line. Storstad left New York on 3 December 1911 and arrived in Buenos Aires on 30 December, after a call at Montevideo. She then continued on to Rosario and from there sailed out back to New York. Upon arrival, the vessel was chartered by the Lamport & Holt Line for one trip to Manchester. Storstad loaded general cargo, including 1,900 bales of cotton and some food supplies, including cottonseed oil, lard and bacon, and left New York on 21 April 1912. The ship arrived in Liverpool on 4 May and upon discharging her cargo, sailed back to North America to resume her iron ore and coal trade in Canada.
After the end of navigational season in December 1912, Storstad was chartered by Gans Steamship Line and sailed to Tampa Bay, loaded 3,213 tons of phosphate pebble and then sailed to Port Eads, arriving there on 20 December. The ship took on more cargo and then sailed for Antwerp arriving there on 22 January 1913. During her journey Storstad encountered some rough weather, and arrived in port with damage about her decks, including washed overboard portion of the deckload, and some deck equipment and covers. Her No. 5 hold was also full of water. The ship arrived in Philadelphia on 28 February with iron ore from Narvik and after unloading continued to Florida. Storstad loaded 5,600 tons of phosphate pebble on 19 March at Boca Grande, then continued to Galveston where she took on 13,097 bales of cotton and departed for Hamburg on 25 March. After finishing her European charter, the ship returned to her usual Canadian trade in May 1913.
Upon fulfillment of her summer obligations, Storstad arrived at Norfolk on 20 December 1913 to load a cargo of grain bound for Italy. The vessel left on 26 December for Genoa, which she reached on 16 January 1914. On her return journey, the ship sailed via Roses and Lisbon and arrived at Philadelphia on 5 March with a cargo of cork.
Upon unloading, Storstad sailed for Norfolk where she loaded 9,700 tons of coal plus 1,100 tons in bunkers and departed for Venice on 20 March. The vessel arrived in Italy on 10 April, and upon discharging her cargo departed for Sydney arriving there on 12 May 1914. The vessel was chartered by the Dominion Coal Company to transport coal between Sydney and Montreal for the duration of summer navigational season.
Collision with RMS Empress of Ireland
On 28 May 1914 at 16:27 , commanded by Captain Henry Kendall, departed from Quebec City with 1,057 passengers and 420 crew members on board bound for Liverpool. At around 01:30 on 29 May the liner, being just downstream of Rimouski came close to the shore to drop off her pilot near Father Point, and continued down the Saint Lawrence River. At the same time, Storstad who sailed from Sydney to Quebec loaded with about 10,400 tons of coal on 26 May, was a short distance away down the river on her way to pick up the pilot. At around 01:38 a lookout on Empress of Ireland observed a ship off the starboard side about six miles east. Captain Kendall ordered to alter the course slightly in order to pass the oncoming ship starboard to starboard. As the course was changed, a thick fog bank rolled in and the liner was ordered Full Astern and three short blasts were given indicating she was reversing. Storstad replied with one long whistle which appeared to be coming from the starboard side.
He then ordered Full Stop and gave two more blasts, informing the oncoming vessel that Empress of Ireland was dead in the water, Storstad, with First Officer Alfred Toftenes on duty, again responded with one long blast. The watch crew on Storstad initially observed the liner green light on their port side and assumed she would continue to hold her course and pass green-to-green. However, as the liner approached, the freighter's crew sighted the lights moving as if the oncoming ship was making a maneuver changing her course. First Officer Toftenes assumed the oncoming ship was trying to pass them red-to-red instead, and ordered a slight change of course to port and stopped the engines. Fearing the current would carry his ship into the liner's path he soon ordered the engines to be restarted.
Around 01:55 Empress of Ireland crew suddenly saw Storstad appear out of the fog, heading directly for them. Moments later, Storstad and Empress of Ireland collided at around a 40° angle, with the much sturdier Storstad tearing a roughly 16-ft. wide gash in the liner's starboard side between her funnels and immediately shutting down the liner's engines. Captain Kendall, hoping to use Storstad as a plug, directed the freighter by megaphone to keep going Full Ahead, but due to her onward momentum and the strong current, Empress of Ireland kept slowly moving forward, while Storstad started drifting sideways and backwards, and the two vessels soon separated. As the ships moved apart, the water gushed in at a rate of about 60,000 gallons per second, quickly filling the liner, whose watertight doors were not closed. Fourteen minutes later, Empress of Ireland sank to the riverbed, taking 1,012 people down with her.
Due to the rapidity of the sinking, only 7 lifeboats were lowered from the liner. Storstad stood by and assisted the survivors, lowering her own lifeboats and pulling 485 people from the ice cold waters of the river. Twenty of them later died from hypothermia on board the freighter. Another steamship, SS Lady Evelyn, came by later to help with the rescue and took the survivors to Rimouski. Storstad had her bow smashed in and twisted but managed to limp into the port of Montreal where she was detained.
The Canadian Pacific Railway, which owned Empress of Ireland, filed a $2,000,000 lawsuit for damages against A. F. Klaveness & Co, the owners of Storstad. A. F. Klaveness & Co. could not pay the $2,000,000, resulting in the Storstad itself being awarded to the CPR as recompense. The CPR sold the Storstad to Prudential Trust, an insurance company acting on behalf of A. F. Klaveness & Co., for $175,000.
On 8 March 1917 during World War I, Storstad was sunk in the Atlantic Ocean south west of the Fastnet Rock () by of the German Imperial Navy. Three crew members of Storstad were lost.
Bibliothèque et Archives du Canada, RG 12, Transport, vol. 1245, dossier « Empress of Ireland »
Dictionary of Disaster at Sea during the Age of Steam, page 667
Ship history, page 32, item 116
External links
Empress of Ireland
Norway-Heritage The Collision between the S/S Empress of Ireland and the S/S Storstad
Ships built on the River Tyne
1910 ships
World War I merchant ships of Norway
Maritime incidents in April 1914
Steamships of Norway
Merchant ships of Norway
Maritime incidents in 1917
Ships sunk by German submarines in World War I
Shipwrecks of Ireland
World War I shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean
Ships built by Armstrong Whitworth |
4041034 | | In a Car | In a Car is the Meat Puppets' first recording. It was originally issued on L.A. art collective/record label World Imitation records as a 5-track 7" EP.
It was recorded in Silver Lake studio in Los Angeles on June 4, 1981, with Ed Barger (who had engineered several early Devo singles). It was recorded in about 12 hours. In a Car was first re-issued as a 7" on SST Records in 1985 after the success of their early LPs. The EP was also included on an SST compilation cassette (and later CD) "The 7 Inch Wonders of the World."
While the original EP contained only five tracks, six tracks were recorded at the session, including the song "Hair," written by fellow World Imitation band Monitor. It was released as a lone Meat Puppets track on the first Monitor LP on World Imitation records. It was not on any Meat Puppets release until Rykodisc issued the song as a bonus track (with the entire first EP and many outtakes) on the 1999 reissue of the first LP, Meat Puppets.
Critical reception
Trouser Press called the recording "shrieking thrash-punk and unrealized avant-guitar ambitions." Spin called it "tunefully abrasive."
Track listing
All songs written by Meat Puppets.
"In a Car" – 1:21
"Big House" – 1:07
"Dolphin Field" – 1:09
"Out in the Gardener" – 1:04
"Foreign Lawns" – 0:37
Meat Puppets albums
1981 EPs |
4041043 | | Anemospilia | Anemospilia () is the archaeological site of an ancient Minoan temple on Crete.
The temple is located on the northern end of Mount Juktas. Modern Heraklion can be seen from the site. The site is in the country side near Arkhanes, about 7 kilometers from Knossos on the Island of Crete. It was on a hillside facing north towards the palace complexes of Knossos. Various factors made archaeologists conclude that it was a temple. The site is in the countryside, Anemospilia means 'caves of the wind'. It is in the foothills of Mount Juktas, the legendary burial place of Zeus.
Anemospilia was first excavated in 1979 by the Greek archaeologist Yannis Sakellarakis. The temple was destroyed by earthquake and fire around 1700 BC, about the same time as the destruction of the first palaces. The temple was found in a ruined state with stone walls only reaching hip height. Traces of ash and charcoal were found on the ground, and from this, one can postulate that the building was burnt down.
Finds excavated from Anemospilia are at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum.
The temple is set out with three chambers and one annex that leads into them, each chamber has something somewhat unusual about them inside it.
East chamber
In the east chamber, ruins of a stepped altar were found on the Southside of the room, and on it were many offerings. There were the remains of many vessels of pottery (pithoi) found on the floor, and traces of milk, honey, grains, and peas were found in the bottom of the jars. When the pottery vessels were reconstructed, the scene carved into some of the pottery shows a religious ritual.
In the annex, a body was found, whose bones were so smashed, especially the pelvic bones, that it was impossible for anyone to identify the gender of the body, showing that the corpse had a boulder or rock dropped onto it. Around the body were fragments of smashed pottery. The position of the body indicates that the person was running from the central chamber at the time of death.
Central chamber
In the central chamber, an altar of the south side of the room was found, made from the hewn rock of the sacred hillside. On it stood a pair of clay feet that had been the idol's base, as well as bits of burnt wood. The idol, or Xoanon (Greek for statue), would have been life-sized and predominantly made of wood, and the ash on the ground suggests that it was burned when the temple was. At the base of the altar were found the remains of more than 400 pottery vessels. Close to the Xoanon there was a mound, a piece of hillside rock, a symbol of the earth, which, along with the sea and the sky, the Minoans considered to be the eternal elements of the world. The sacred stone had been an important part in rituals, for over it libations were poured to the deity.
Western chamber
In the western chamber, two skeletons were found on the floor, one in the south west corner of the room This body was of a 28-year-old female. She could have been a high priestess of some sort.
The other skeleton was that of a male, he was aged in his late thirties, and 183 cm (6 ft.) tall, and powerfully built, he was lying on his back with his hands covering his face, as if to protect it. The tall man had a ring made of iron and silver on the little finger of his left hand and on his wrist was an engraved seal of “exceptional artistic merit”, this would have obviously been very valuable. His legs were broken and his body was found near the centre of the room next to a platform, at the base of the platform was a trough.
On top of the platform another body was found. This was a body of an 18-year-old male; he was found in the foetal position, lying on his right side. His legs were forced back so that his heels were almost touching his thigh, indicating that they were tied there. Amongst the bones was found an ornately engraved knife, it was 40 cm (16 in.) long and weighing more than 400g (14 oz.). Each side of the blade had an incised rendering of an animal head, the snout and tusks of a boar, ears like butterfly wings and slanted eyes like a fox.
Debate over human sacrifice
Although many still believe that there is substantial evidence for the site being used for the sacrificing of humans, some archaeologists follow the thinking of Dennis Hughes, who points out that the "knife" is actually much more like an ornate spear head that probably fell from the shelves above onto the body, and that there is no evidence at all for the platform that he lies on being an altar. According to Professor J. Leslie Fritton, in her book "Minoans" (pp. 104–5): "The evidence from Anemospilia seems clearly to indicate a human sacrifice, and modern unwillingness to suggest such practices must be left to one side."
Swindale, Ian "Anemospilia" Retrieved 11 February 2006
Further reading
Sakellarakis, J. and E. Crete, Archanes (Guidebook)
Sakellarakis, Yannis and Efi Sarpouna-Sakellaraki. Archanes: Minoan Crete in a New Light, Volume I. Ammos Publications, 1994.
Myers, J. W., Myers, E. E. and Cadogan, G. "Archanes-Anemospilia" The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete
Hughes, D.D., Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece (Routeledge, 1991)
Steel, Luise, Time, Tradition, and Society in Greek Archaeology: Bridging the 'Great Divide''' (ed. Nigel Spencer), first publ. Routledge 1995,
Dickinson, Oliver, The Aegean Bronze Age'', Cambridge University Press, 1994,
External links
Heraklion (regional unit)
Minoan sites in Crete
Temples in Greece |
4041056 | | Kestros (weapon) | A kestros () or kestrophendone (), respectively Latinized as cestrus or cestrosphendone, is a specially designed sling that is used to throw a heavy dart.
The dart would typically consist of a heavy metal point approximately long, attached to a shaft of wood, typically long, and fletched with feathers or similar materials to provide stability of flight.
The kestros is mentioned in the writings of Livy and Polybius. It seems to have been invented around 168 BC. and was employed by some of the Macedonian troops of king Perseus of Macedon during the Third Macedonian war. The description is quite confusing:
The exact construction of the kestrosphendone remains somewhat mysterious. However, experimental reconstructions based on the available information have resulted in quite spectacular results. Nonetheless, the kestrosphendone did not stand the test of time and seems to have been abandoned quite quickly. The fundamental purpose of this weapon seems to have been to develop a sling shot with the penetrative power of a point. If so, then a lighter version of this weapon, the plumbata, persisted into late antiquity. In this weapon, the wooden shaft gave nearly the same mechanical advantage as a sling. In effect, each sling bolt came with a one-time sling.
Another way of obtaining a one time sling was to fix a string to a slingstone made of lead. There is evidence for this variation at the Battle of Fucine Lake in 89 BC.
Throwing weapons
Projectile weapons
Ancient weapons
Ancient Greek military terminology
Ancient Greek military equipment |
4041062 | | Șerban Ciochină | Șerban Ciochină (born November 30, 1939 in Bucharest) is a retired Romanian triple jump athlete. He achieved 5th place at the 1964 Summer Olympics, and won the Romanian triple jump championship six years in a row from 1963 to 1968. He was also European Champion in Dortmund, Germany in 1966.
Şerban Ciochină
1939 births
Living people
Sportspeople from Bucharest
Romanian male triple jumpers
Athletes (track and field) at the 1964 Summer Olympics
Athletes (track and field) at the 1968 Summer Olympics
Olympic athletes of Romania |
4041064 | | Cube house | Cube houses () are a set of innovative houses built in Helmond and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, designed by architect Piet Blom and based on the concept of "living as an urban roof": high density housing with sufficient space on the ground level, since its main purpose is to optimise the space inside. Blom tilted the cube of a conventional house corner upwards, and rested it upon a hexagon-shaped pylon. His design represents a village within a city, where each house represents a tree, and all the houses together, a forest. The central idea of the cube houses around the world is mainly optimizing the space, as a house, to a better distribution of the rooms inside.
In 1972 Piet Blom was assigned to fill in an empty site in the city center of Helmond, with a meeting center. Blom proposed a plan that intertwined the special with the ordinary, cultural facilities with houses, a theater amidst 188 houses. After the underground parking garage was taken out of the plans, the forest was reduced to 60 houses. But the city council wasn't convinced. Then Minister Hans Gruijters, born in Helmond, subsidised the building of 3 test houses in the Wilhelminalaan in 1974. The project also received the national status of 'Experimental Housing', which helped to realise Theater 't Speelhuis () with a forecourt surrounded by 18 cube houses, at the Piet Blomplein, in 1977. The theatre burned down on December 29, 2011. The two damaged cube houses were restored in 2013/2014.
The houses in Rotterdam are located on Overblaak Street, right above the Blaak metro station. The 1977 original plan showed 55 houses, but not all of them were built. There are 38 small cubes and two so called 'super-cubes', all attached to each other.
As residents are disturbed so often by curious passers-by, one owner decided to open a "show cube", which is furnished as a normal house, and is making a living out of offering tours to visitors.
The houses contain three floors:
ground floor entrance
first floor with living room and open kitchen
second floor with two bedrooms and bathroom
top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden
The walls and windows are angled at 54.7 degrees. The total area of the apartment is around , but around a quarter of the space is unusable because of the walls that are under the angled ceilings.
In 2006, a museum of chess pieces was opened under the houses.
In 2009, the larger cubes were converted by Personal Architecture into a hostel run by Dutch hostel chain Stayokay.
In 2019, the Art cube opened at Overblaak 30. The Art cube is a place where art and architecture come together. With the original living layout intact, this cube house forms the backdrop for the work of various local artists.
In 1996 a cluster of three cubes was built along Eastern Avenue Architect Ben Kutner and partner Jeff Brown were inspired by the original cube houses and had planned to replicate the Rotterdam design on unusable patches of land. However, only three individual houses were built. In 2018, the land was sold for redevelopment with hopes the structures themselves could be saved and moved elsewhere. In 2021, an application was submitted to the city to redevelop into a "35-storey mixed-use building atop a podium element".
External links
Cubic houses Rotterdam
Buildings and structures in Rotterdam
House styles
Tourist attractions in Rotterdam
nl:Kubuswoningen (Rotterdam) |
4041067 | | Diba | Diba may refer to:
Diba, a fabric, damascened silk brocade
Diba, a pointed hat of the Kabiri of New Guinea
Diba, a neighborhood in Plumtree, Zimbabwe
Abu Dhiba, a village in western Saudi Arabia
Ra's Diba, a cape in United Arab Emirates
Diba (surname)
Diba Chandra Hrangkhawl, politician from Tripura, India
See also
Dibba |
4041070 | | Four Pests campaign | The Four Pests campaign (), was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward in China from 1958 to 1962. The four pests to be eliminated were rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows is also known as the smash sparrows campaign () or eliminate sparrows campaign (), which resulted in severe ecological imbalance, being one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine. In 1960, the campaign against sparrows was ended and redirected to bed bugs.
The "Four Pests" campaign was introduced in 1958 as a hygiene campaign aimed to eradicate the pests responsible for the transmission of pestilence and disease:
the mosquitos responsible for malaria
the rodents that spread the plague
the pervasive airborne flies
the sparrows—specifically the Eurasian tree sparrow—which ate grain seed and fruit
Sparrows were suspected of consuming approximately four kilogrammes of grain per sparrow per year. Sparrow nests were destroyed, eggs were broken, and chicks were killed. Millions of people organized into groups, and hit noisy pots and pans to prevent sparrows from resting in their nests, with the goal of causing them to drop dead from exhaustion. In addition to these tactics, citizens also simply shot the birds down from the sky. The campaign depleted the sparrow population, pushing it to near extinction.
Some sparrows found a refuge in the extraterritorial premises of various diplomatic missions in China. The personnel of the Polish embassy in Beijing denied the Chinese request of entering the premises of the embassy to scare away the sparrows who were hiding there and as a result the embassy was surrounded by people with drums. After two days of constant drumming, the Poles had to use shovels to clear the embassy of dead sparrows.
By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion in part due to the influence of ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains. While the campaign was meant to increase yields, concurrent droughts and floods as well as the lacking sparrow population decreased rice yields. In the same month, Mao Zedong ordered the campaign against sparrows to end. Sparrows were replaced with bed bugs, as the extermination of sparrows had upset the ecological balance, which subsequently resulted in surging locust and insect populations that destroyed crops due to a lack of a natural predator.
With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides. Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine. The Chinese government eventually resorted to importing 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to replenish their population.
See also
Emu War
Tax on trees
List of campaigns of the Communist Party of China
External links
PBS series The People's Century – 1949: The Great Leap
China follows Mao with mass cull (BBC)
Catastrophic Miscaculations
1958 in China
1962 in China
1958 in the environment
Campaigns of the Chinese Communist Party
Environmental disasters in China
Maoist China
Pest control campaigns |
4041075 | | Upland Brewing Company | Upland Brewing Company, founded in 1997, is a brewery in Bloomington, Indiana, United States. It is currently the third largest brewery in Indiana with a total of six locations across Central Indiana. Upland currently makes over 80 beers per year which include ales, lagers, and sour beers.
Upland Brewing Company was founded in 1997 by Marc Sattinger, Russ Levitt and Dean LaPlante. The brewery takes its name from the Indiana Uplands, a geographic region of southern Indiana, with Bloomington being near their northern terminus. In 1998, distribution of bottles and kegs began and the brewpub opened its doors. The first beers on tap were the Wheat Ale, Pale Ale, and Bad Elmer's Porter. The brewpub began serving food the following year. Growing to be a Central Indiana staple, by 2004 its distribution had reached all 92 counties of Indiana. In 2006, ownership changed hands to a group of local investors remains 100% family owned. By 2010, distribution had expanded to include ales and lagers throughout Indiana and in parts of Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, and Wisconsin with small batch sour ales selling only through its tap room. In 2016, Upland began limited distribution nationally after adding a wood-aged sour beer production facility and is currently distributing in 20+ markets across the country.
In 2009 a 2nd location known as the Indy Tasting Room opened in Indianapolis in the Meridian-Kessler/south Broad Ripple neighborhood. In 2012, a new brewing facility and bar was opened on the west side of Bloomington. This 37,000 square foot facility became the primary brewing facility for Upland, encompassing their everyday and seasonal lineup. The old brewery on 11th Street was scaled down to become a research and development site for Upland's growing Belgian-style sour and wild ale program. Also in 2012, Upland obtained the rights to Champagne Velvet, a pre-prohibition pilsener originally made by Terre Haute Brewing Co in 1902, and began brewing and distributing the classic brew under the Upland name. In 2013, Upland expanded further north with the addition of the Carmel Tap House, their second site to serve food. In the summer of 2016, Upland opened a new restaurant location in Columbus. It is fixed in the old Columbus Pump House building downtown, giving it the name "The Pump House". Later that same year, Upland opened The Wood Shop to serve as the home for their sour ale production, located next door to the Bloomington Brewpub. The Indy Tasting Room was renovated in 2018 and in 2019 saw a restaurant added on. The expanded space became known as 'Upland College Ave' due to its location at 49th & College Avenue. Upland's seventh location and fifth restaurant is set to open in mid-2019 in the Fountain Square neighborhood and will be known as 'Upland FSQ'.
Upland Brewing has been a sour producer for over 10 years. After trading a few cases of beer for a few wine barrels from Oliver Winery in 2006, they began their exploration into sour brewing. The Wood Shop, a brewery and taproom dedicated to sour ales, was opened in 2016.
Sour Wild Funk Fest is Upland's annual festival which takes place in Indianapolis every spring. Featuring approximately 50 breweries from across the world. Since 2017 the festival has been held at the Mavris Arts & Event Center.
Upland Brewing Company has a year-round lineup of beers as well as several limited and seasonal releases.
Everyday beers include:
Upland Wheat Ale
Dragonfly India Pale Ale
Champagne Velvet Pre-Prohibition Pilsener
Bad Elmer's Porter
Campside Pale Ale
Juiced in Time Hazy IPA
Hard Seltzer:
Naked Barrel Cherry Lime
Naked Barrel Grapefruit Hibiscus
Naked Barrel Tangerine
Seasonal brews include:
Petal To The Kettle Sour Ale
Two of Tarts Gose
Modern Tart Kettle Sour Ale
Tropical Vortex Southern Hemisphere IPA
Patio Cat Hazy Guava Summer Ale
Teddy Bear Kisses Variants
Teddy Bear Kisses Russian Imperial Stout
Limited releases include:
Breaking Away
Juiced My Style Imperial IPA
Coastbuster Imperial IPA
Sound Bite Juicy Pale Ale
Barrel Chested Barleywine
See also
Beer in the United States
List of breweries in Indiana
Companies based in Indiana
Beer brewing companies based in Indiana
1997 establishments in Indiana
American companies established in 1997
Bloomington, Indiana |
4041101 | | Major depressive episode | A major depressive episode (MDE) is a period characterized by the symptoms of major depressive disorder. Sufferers primarily have a depressed mood for at least two weeks or more, and a loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities, accompanied by other symptoms, such as feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, anxiety, worthlessness, guilt, irritability, changes in appetite, problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions, and thoughts of suicide. Insomnia or hypersomnia, aches, pains, or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may also be present. The description has been formalized in psychiatric diagnostic criteria such as the DSM-5 and ICD-10.
Biological, psychological, and social factors are believed to be involved in the cause of depression, although it is still not well understood. Factors like socioeconomic status, life experience, and personality tendencies play a role in the development of depression and may represent increases in risk for developing a major depressive episode. There are many theories as to how depression occurs. One interpretation is that neurotransmitters in the brain are out of balance, and this results in feelings of worthlessness and despair. Magnetic resonance imaging shows that brains of people who have depression look different than the brains of people not exhibiting signs of depression. A family history of depression increases the chance of being diagnosed.
Emotional pain and economic costs are associated with depression. In the United States and Canada, the costs associated with major depression are comparable to those related to heart disease, diabetes, and back problems and are greater than the costs of hypertension. According to the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, there is a direct correlation between major depressive episode and unemployment.
Treatments for a major depressive episode include psychotherapy and antidepressants, although in more serious cases, hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment may be required.
Signs and symptoms
The criteria below are based on the formal DSM-V criteria for a major depressive episode. A diagnosis of major depressive episode requires that the patient has experienced five or more of the symptoms below, and one of the symptoms must be either depressed mood or loss of interest of pleasure (although both are frequently present). These symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks and represent a change from the patient's normal behavior.
Depressed mood and loss of interest (anhedonia)
Either depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure must be present for the diagnosis of a major depressive episode. Depressed mood is the most common symptom seen in major depressive episodes. Interest or pleasure in everyday activities can be decreased; this is referred to as anhedonia. These feelings must be present on an everyday basis for two weeks or longer to meet DSM-V criteria for a major depressive episode. In addition, the person may experience one or more of the following emotions: sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, indifference, anxiety, tearfulness, pessimism, emotional numbness, or irritability. In children and adolescents, a depressed mood often appears more irritable in nature. There may be a loss of interest in or desire for sex, or other activities once found to be pleasant. Friends and family of the depressed person may notice that they have withdrawn from friends, or neglected or quit doing activities that were once a source of enjoyment.
Nearly every day, the person may sleep excessively, known as hypersomnia, or not enough, known as insomnia. Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disturbance for people who are clinically depressed. Symptoms of insomnia include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or waking up too early in the morning. The most common symptom of insomnia is waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble falling back asleep. Hypersomnia is a less common type of sleep disturbance. It may include sleeping for prolonged periods at night or increased sleeping during the daytime. The sleep may not be restful, and the person may feel sluggish despite many hours of sleep, which may amplify their depressive symptoms and interfere with other aspects of their lives. This type of sleep disorder may make it hard for a person to fall and stay asleep at night versus during the day. Hypersomnia is often associated with an atypical depression, as well as seasonal affective disorder.
Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
Depressed people may have feelings of guilt that go beyond a normal level or are delusional. These feelings of guilt and/or worthlessness are excessive and inappropriate. Major depressive episodes are notable for a significant, often unrealistic, drop in self-esteem. The guilt and worthlessness experienced in a major depressive episode can range from subtle feelings of guilt to frank delusions or to shame and humiliation. Additionally, self-loathing is common in clinical depression, and can lead to a downward spiral when combined with other symptoms. A lot of people with depression have distorted thought patterns, and genuinely believe that they're not good for anything or anyone. They tend to have severe self-esteem issues and don't recognize their value as a human being. They also begin to feel as though their life has no meaning or purpose.
Loss of energy
Persons going through a major depressive episode often have a general lack of energy, as well as fatigue and tiredness, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. A person may feel tired without having engaged in any physical activity, and day-to-day tasks become increasingly difficult. Job tasks or housework become very tiring, and the patient finds that their work begins to suffer. It becomes very difficult for someone with depression to get things done during the day. Even small tasks, like showering, become exhausting. This is why a lot of people with depression stop taking care of themselves entirely.
Decreased concentration
Nearly every day, the person may be indecisive or have trouble thinking or concentrating. These issues cause significant difficulty in functioning for those involved in intellectually demanding activities, such as school and work, especially in difficult fields. Depressed people often describe a slowing of thought, inability to concentrate and make decisions, and being easily distracted. In the elderly, the decreased concentration caused by a major depressive episode may present as deficits in memory. This is referred to as pseudodementia and often goes away with treatment. Decreased concentration may be reported by the patient or observed by others. Since depression makes it more difficult to stay concentrated, a lot of people will notice that they aren't doing well in school or at their job, which makes their depression even worse. It's a horrible cycle.
Change in eating, appetite, or weight
In a major depressive episode, appetite is most often decreased, although a small percentage of people experience an increase in appetite. A person experiencing a depressive episode may have a marked loss or gain of weight (5% of their body weight in one month). A decrease in appetite may result in weight loss that is unintentional or when a person is not dieting. Some people experience an increase in appetite and may gain significant amounts of weight. They may crave certain types of food, such as sweets or carbohydrates. In children, failure to make expected weight gains may be counted towards this criteria. Overeating is often associated with atypical depression. When people have depression, they usually will stop taking care of their bodies and "wither away." Not having healthy eating habits is a tell-tale sign of classic depression.
Motor activity
Nearly every day, others may see that the person's activity level is not normal. People suffering from depression may be overly active (psychomotor agitation) or be very lethargic (psychomotor retardation). Psychomotor agitation is marked by an increase in body activity which may result in restlessness, an inability to sit still, pacing, hand wringing, or fidgeting with clothes or objects. Psychomotor retardation results in a decrease in body activity or thinking. In this case, a depressed person may demonstrate a slowing of thinking, speaking, or body movement. They may speak more softly or say less than usual. To meet diagnostic criteria, changes in motor activity must be so abnormal that it can be observed by others. Personal reports of feeling restless or feeling slow do not count towards the diagnostic criteria.
Thoughts of death and suicide
A person going through a major depressive episode may have repeated thoughts about death (other than the fear of dying) or suicide (with or without a plan), or may have made a suicide attempt. The frequency and intensity of thoughts about suicide can range from believing that friends and family would be better off if one were dead, to frequent thoughts about committing suicide (generally related to wishing to stop the emotional pain), to detailed plans about how the suicide would be carried out. Those who are more severely suicidal may have made specific plans and decided upon a day and location for the suicide attempt.
Comorbid disorders
Major depressive episodes may show comorbidity (association) with other physical and mental health problems. About 20–25% of individuals with a chronic general medical condition will develop major depression. Common comorbid disorders include: eating disorders, substance-related disorders, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Up to 25% of people who experience a major depressive episode have a pre-existing dysthymic disorder.
Some persons who have a fatal illness or are at the end of their life may experience depression, although this is not universal.
The cause of a major depressive episode is not well understood. However, the mechanism is believed to be a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. A major depressive episode can often follow an acute stress in someone's life. Evidence suggests that psychosocial stressors play a larger role in the first 1-2 depressive episodes, while having less influence in later episodes. People who experience a major depressive episode often have other mental health issues.
Other risk factors for a depressive episode include:
Family history of a mood disorder
Recent negative life events
Personality (insecure, worried, stress-sensitive, obsessive, unassertive, dependent)
Early childhood trauma
Lack of interpersonal relationships
Studies show that depression can be passed down in families, but this is believed to be due to a combined effect of genetic and environmental factors. Other medical conditions, like hypothyroidism for example, may cause someone to experience similar symptoms as a major depressive episode, however this would be considered a mood disorder due to a general medical condition, according to the DSM-V. For some people, depression runs in their family, and so it's likely that the depression will be passed down to them. For other people, depression might be completely environmental. It could also very well be a mix of both.
The two main symptoms in a major depressive episode are a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure. From the list below, one bold symptom and four other symptoms must be present for a diagnosis of major depressive episode. These symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks and must be causing significant distress or impairment in functioning.
Depressed mood
Loss of interest or pleasure
Change in appetite
Change in sleep
Change in body activity (psychomotor changes)
Loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness and excessive or inappropriate guilt
Indecisiveness or a decrease in concentration
Suicidal ideation
To diagnose a major depressive episode, a trained healthcare provider must make sure that:
The symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode.
The symptoms must cause considerable distress or impair functioning at work, in social settings or in other important areas in order to qualify as an episode.
The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., abuse of a drug or medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).
No labs are diagnostic of a depressive episode. But some labs can help rule out general medical conditions that may mimic the symptoms of a depressive episode. Healthcare providers may order some routine blood work, including routine blood chemistry, CBC with differential, thyroid function studies, and Vitamin B12 levels, before making a diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis
There are other mental health disorders or medical conditions to consider before diagnosing a major depressive episode:
Bipolar disorder
Cyclothymic disorder
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Persistent depressive disorder
Anxiety disorder (Generalized anxiety, PTSD, obsessive compulsive disorder)
Substance abuse or Substance Use Disorder
Personality disorder with depressive symptoms
Adjustment disorder
Gender dysphoria
Depression due to a general medical condition
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Healthcare providers may screen patients in the general population for depression using a screening tool, such as the Patient Healthcare Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2). If the PHQ-2 screening is positive for depression, a provider may then administer the PHQ-9. The Geriatric Depression Scale is a screening tool that can be used in the elderly population.
Depression is a treatable illness. Treatments for a major depressive episode may be provided by mental health specialists (i.e. psychologist, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, etc.), mental health centers or organizations, hospitals, outpatient clinics, social service agencies, private clinics, peer support groups, clergy, and employee assistance programs. The treatment plan could include psychotherapy alone, antidepressant medications alone, or a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
For major depressive episodes of severe intensity (multiple symptoms, minimal mood reactivity, severe functional impairment), combined psychotherapy and antidepressant medications are more effective than psychotherapy alone. Meta-analyses suggest that the combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications is more effective in treating mild and moderate forms of depression as well, compared to either type of treatment alone. Patients with severe symptoms may require outpatient treatment or hospitalization.
The treatment of a major depressive episode can be split into 3 phases:
Acute phase: the goal of this phase is to resolve the current major depressive episode
Continuation: this phase continues the same treatment from the acute phase for 4–8 months after the depressive episode has resolved and the goal is to prevent relapse
Maintenance: this phase is not necessary for every patient but is often used for patients who have experienced 2–3 or more major depressive episodes. Treatment may be maintained indefinitely to prevent the occurrence and severity of future episodes.
Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, counseling, or psychosocial therapy, is characterized by a patient talking about their condition and mental health issues with a trained therapist. Different types of psychotherapy are used as a treatment for depression. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mindfulness techniques. Evidence shows that cognitive behavioral therapy can be as effective as medication in the treatment of a major depressive episode.
Psychotherapy may be the first treatment used for mild to moderate depression, especially when psychosocial stressors are playing a large role. Psychotherapy alone may not be as effective for more severe forms of depression.
Some of the main forms of psychotherapies used for treatment of a major depressive episode along with what makes them unique are included below:
Cognitive psychotherapy: focus on patterns of thinking
Interpersonal psychotherapy: focus on relationships, losses, and conflict resolution
Problem-solving psychotherapy: focus on situations and strategies for problem-solving
Psychodynamic psychotherapy: focus on defense mechanisms and coping strategies
Medications used to treat depression include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and atypical antidepressants such as mirtazapine, which do not fit neatly into any of the other categories. Different antidepressants work better for different individuals. It is often necessary to try several before finding one that works best for a specific patient. Some people may find it necessary to combine medications, which could mean two antidepressants or an antipsychotic medication in addition to an antidepressant. If a person's close relative has responded well to a certain medication, that treatment will likely work well for him or her. Antidepressant medications are effective in the acute, continuation, and maintenance phases of treatment, as described above.
The treatment benefits of antidepressant medications are often not seen until 1–2 weeks into treatment, with maximum benefits being reached around 4–6 weeks. Most healthcare providers will monitor patients more closely during the acute phase of treatment and continue to monitor at longer intervals in the continuation and maintenance phases.
Sometimes, people stop taking antidepressant medications due to side effects, although side effects often become less severe over time. Suddenly stopping treatment or missing several doses may cause withdrawal-like symptoms. Some studies have shown that antidepressants may increase short-term suicidal thoughts or actions, especially in children, adolescents, and young adults. However, antidepressants are more likely to reduce a person's risk of suicide in the long run.
Below are listed the main classes of antidepressant medications, some of the most common drugs in each category, and their major side effects:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline): major side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction or anorgasmia
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (duloxetine, venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine): major side effects include nausea, diarrhea, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and tremor
Tricyclic antidepressants (amitryptiline, desipramine, doxepin, imipramine, nortriptyline): major side effects include sedation, low blood pressure when moving from sitting to standing (orthostatic hypotension), tremor, and heart issues like conduction delays or arrythmias
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline): major side effects include high blood pressure (emergency) if eaten with foods rich in tyramine (e.g. cheeses, some meats, and home-brewed beer), sedation, tremor, and orthostatic hypotension
Alternative treatments
There are several treatment options that exist for people who have experienced several episodes of major depression or have not responded to several treatments.
Electroconvulsive therapy is a treatment in which a generalized seizure is induced by means of electrical current. The mechanism of action of the treatment is not clearly understood but has been show to be most effective in the most severely depressed patients. For this reason, electroconvulsive therapy is preferred for the most severe forms of depression or depression that has not responded to other treatments, known as refractory depression.
Vagus nerve stimulation is another alternative treatment that has been proven to be effective in the treatment of depression, especially people that have been resistant to four or more treatments. Some of the unique benefits of vagus nerve stimulation include improved neurocognitive function and a sustained clinical response.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is also an alternative treatment for a major depressive episode. It is a noninvasive treatment that is easily tolerated and shows an antidepressant effect, especially in more typical depression and younger adults.
If left untreated, a typical major depressive episode may last for several months. About 20% of these episodes can last two years or more. About half of depressive episodes end spontaneously. However, even after the major depressive episode is over, 20% to 30% of patients have residual symptoms, which can be distressing and associated with disability. Fifty percent of people will have another major depressive episode after the first. However, the risk of relapse is decreased by taking antidepressant medications for more than 6 months.
Symptoms completely improve in six to eight weeks in sixty to seventy percent of patients. The combination of therapy and antidepressant medications has been shown to improve resolution of symptoms and outcomes of treatment.
Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States. The risk of suicide is increased during a major depressive episode. However, the risk is even more elevated during the first two phases of treatment. There are several factors associated with an increased risk of suicide, listed below:
Greater than 45 years of age
History of suicide attempt or self-injurious behaviors
Family history of suicide or mental illness
Recent severe loss
Poor health
Detailed plan
Inability to accept help
Lack of social support
Psychotic features (auditory or visual hallucinations, disorganization of speech, behavior, or thought)
Alcohol or drug use or comorbid psychiatric disorder
Severe depression
Estimates of the numbers of people suffering from major depressive episodes and major depressive disorder (MDD) vary significantly. Overall, 13-20% of people will experience significant depressive symptoms at some point in their life. The overall prevalence of MDD is slightly lower ranging from 3.7-6.7% of people. In their lifetime, 20% to 25% of women, and 7% to 12% of men will suffer a major depressive episode. The peak period of development is between the ages of 25 and 44 years. Onset of major depressive episodes or MDD often occurs to people in their mid-20s, and less often to those over 65. The prevalence of depressive symptoms in the elderly is around 1-2%. Elderly persons in nursing homes may have increased rates, up to 15-25%. African-Americans have higher rates of depressive symptoms compared to other races. Prepubescent girls are affected at a slightly higher rate than prepubescent boys.
In a National Institute of Mental Health study, researchers found that more than 40% of people with post-traumatic stress disorder suffered from depression four months after the traumatic event they experienced.
Women who have recently given birth may be at increased risk for having a major depressive episode. This is referred to as postpartum depression and is a different health condition than the baby blues, a low mood that resolves within 10 days after delivery.
See also
Depression (differential diagnoses)
Depressive personality disorder
Major depressive disorder
Mental breakdown
Dunn, Eric C.; Wang, Min-Jung; Perlis, Roy H. (2019) Chapter 1. A Summary of Recent Updates on the Genetic Determinants of Depression p.3 left column Major Depressive Disorder by Roger S McIntyre, Carola Rong, Mehala Subramaniapillai Elsevier Retrieved 23 January 2021
Costandi, Moheb (24 July 2015) Two genetic variants linked to depression doi:10.1038/nmiddleeast.2015.122 nature middle east Springer Nature Limited Retrieved 23 January 2021
External links
Depression information from the National Institutes of Health
Bipolar disorder
Depression (mood)
Major depressive disorder
Mood disorders |
4041157 | | Palatine aponeurosis | Attached to the posterior border of the hard palate is a thin, firm, fibrous lamella called the palatine aponeurosis, which supports the muscles and gives strength to the soft palate.
It is thicker above and narrows on the way down where it becomes very thin and difficult to define.
Laterally, it is continuous with the pharyngeal aponeurosis.
It serves as the insertion for the tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini, and the origin for the musculus uvulae, palatopharyngeus, and palatoglossus.
It provides support for the soft palate.
See also
Human head and neck |
4041163 | | Thomas Head Raddall | Thomas Head Raddall (13 November 1903 – 1 April 1994) was a Canadian writer of history and historical fiction.
Early life
Raddall was born in Hythe, Kent, England in 1903, the son of an Army officer, also named Thomas Head Raddall, and Ellen (née Gifford) Raddall. In 1913 the family moved to Nova Scotia, where his father had taken a training position with the Canadian Militia. The elder Raddall then saw active service during the First World War and was killed in action at Amiens in August 1918.
Raddall attended Chebucto School in Halifax until 6 December 1917, when the school was converted into a temporary morgue in the wake of the Halifax Explosion. The Raddall family survived the explosion and Raddall wrote about it in his memoirs, In My Time.
At the age of fifteen, Raddall trained at the Canadian School of Telegraphy in Halifax and shortly thereafter started working at the age of 18 as a marine telegraph operator for the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company.
Raddall's first job was as a wireless operator on seagoing ships, including the CS Mackay-Bennett, and stationed on land at Camperdown Signal Station and at isolated wireless posts such as Sable Island. He later took a job as a clerk at a pulp and paper mill in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, where he began his writing career. There, Raddall came in contact with the master American swindler and fugitive from justice, Leo Koretz, who was using the alias, Lou Keyte.
Career as a writer
Raddall was a prolific, award-winning writer. He received Governor General's Awards for three of his books, The Pied Piper of Dipper Creek (1943), Halifax, Warden of the North (1948) and The Path of Destiny (1957). He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1971.
Raddall is best known for his historical fiction, but he also published numerous non-fictional historical works. His interest in historical research grew when he was stationed at historical locations as a wireless operator, and he received crucial encouragement and assistance from Harry Piers, Curator of the Nova Scotia Museum, who became his mentor. Raddall's early works included studies of privateering, civic and marine history, and Canada during the War of 1812. His history of Halifax, Warden of the North, remains influential.
Historical preservation and restoration
Raddall worked with the Queens County Historical Society, the Historic Sites Advisory Council of Nova Scotia, and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. He played a role in preserving the diary of Simeon Perkins, an early colonial document published in three volumes (the fourth has yet to be published) between 1948 and 1978 by the Champlain Society, and edited by Harold Innis, D. C. Harvey and C. B. Ferguson. Raddall helped to restore and preserve Perkins House Museum, a colonial house built by Simeon Perkins that is now a part of the Nova Scotia Museum system.
An exact replica of Raddall's study, furnished with his possessions, is on view at the Thomas Raddall Research Centre, administered by the Queens County Historical Society, of which Raddall was a founding member in 1929.
His correspondence is housed at the Dalhousie University Archives, which also runs the Thomas Raddall Electronic Archive Project, currently digitizing his published and unpublished writings.
The Thomas Head Raddall Award is a literary award administered for the best work of adult fiction published in the previous year by a writer from Canada's Atlantic provinces.
The Thomas Raddall Provincial Park is a park in Nova Scotia named for Raddall.
At the Tide's Turn and Other Stories
The Cape Breton Giant and Other Writings
Courage in the Storm
The Dreamers
The Governor's Lady - 1960
Footsteps on Old Floors: True Tales of Mystery - 1968
Halifax, Warden of the North - 1948; revised edition - 1971
Hangman's Beach
His Majesty's Yankees - 1942
In My Time: A Memoir - 1976
The Markland Sagas, With a Discussion of Their Relation to Nova Scotia
The Mersey Story
A Muster of Arms and Other Stories
The Nymph and the Lamp - 1950
Path of Destiny: Canada From the British Conquest to Home Rule - 1957
A Pictorial Guide to Historic Nova Scotia, Featuring Louisbourg, Peggy's Cove, Sable Island
The Pied Piper of Dipper Creek and Other Tales
Pride's Fancy - 1948
Roger Sudden - 1946
The Rover: The Story of a Canadian Privateer - 1958
The Saga of the "Rover"
Son of the Hawk - 1950
Tambour and Other Stories
This Is Nova Scotia, Canada's Ocean Playground
Tidefall - 1953
The Wedding Gift and Other Stories
, in Kanadische Erzähler der Gegenwart. Hgg. Armin Arnold, Walter E. Riedel. Manesse, Zürich 1967, 1986, p 11 – 38
West Novas: A History of the West Nova Scotia Regiment
The Wings of Night - 1957
External links
Thomas Raddall Electronic Archive Project
1903 births
1994 deaths
Canadian historical novelists
Canadian male novelists
Members of the United Church of Canada
Writers from Nova Scotia
Officers of the Order of Canada
British emigrants to Canada
People from Hythe, Kent
People from Queens County, Nova Scotia
Governor General's Award-winning fiction writers
Governor General's Award-winning non-fiction writers
20th-century Canadian novelists
20th-century Canadian historians
20th-century Canadian male writers
Canadian male non-fiction writers |
4041173 | | Kuljeet Randhawa | Kuljeet Randhawa (29 January 1976 – 8 February 2006) was an Indian model and actress. She is best known for her work in TV series C.A.T.S., Special Squad and Kohinoor.
Early life and career
Randhawa was born on 29 January 1976 in Raniganj, Asansol, West Bengal. Her father served in the Indian police, which enabled Kuljeet to travel across India including Patiala, Punjab where her father was serving at the time of her suicide. She began modelling as a student, and her work included several ads and runway shows for major designers. She earned her Honours in Psychology from Delhi University.
Randhawa began her career starring in Hip Hip Hurray replacing Shweta Salve as 'Prishita'. Her performance was appreciated but she came into the spotlight when she was signed as the new lead in UTV show C.A.T.S. where she again replaced an actress Karminder Kaur. The TV series, starring Nafisa Joseph and Malini Sharma, became popular but remained slow on the ratings front. Randhawa was highly appreciated for her part as detective 'Ash'. Following the end of the series, Kuljeet continued to appear in many TV shows in cameos and also featured in modelling assignments.
Randhawa saw a huge success as a model but was completely choosy when it comes to acting. After C.A.T.S. she was not seen in a lead role and after a long gap she returned in a lead role in Star One's Special Squad Star One. Randhawa was not happy with the content being portrayed on Indian Television where actresses were mostly crying. She always opted for bold and strong women centric roles which is why she got typecast in thriller roles. Randhawa played a cop/detective in more than five TV shows which was a record for any Indian Television actress and a unique one which no actress could follow successfully.
Her performance was very well received in Special Squad but in order to increase the ratings, Gauri Pradhan Tejwani was signed as another female lead in the show. After six episodes, Kuljeet quit the show citing professional decisions however it was indicated that Kuljeet left the show because of Gauri which she declined later.
Right after she quit Special Squad, Randhawa was signed to play 'Irawati Kohli' in Cinevistaas and Sahara One Production 'Kohinoor'. In an exclusive chat transcript, Randhawa revealed details about the show, Special Squad, Nafisa Joseph and more about herself. The season one of Kohinoor was well received by the audience and the makers were planning another season but it didn't materialize after Randhawa committed suicide in 2006.
Ghar Jamai (1997) Zee TV as Subramanium/Subbu Friend (guest Role only in episode 64)
Hip Hip Hurray — Zee TV (Role — Prishita) from Episode 54 to 86.
C.A.T.S. - Sony TV (Lead Role — Ash)
Rishtey — Zee TV Episode 157
Aahat as Anita (Episodic role in Season 1 Episode 258 )
Sarhadein — Zee TV (Cameo) as Sheena from Episode 57 to 86
Gubbare :- (Zee TV) Episode 21
Kyun Hota Hai Pyaar — Star Plus (Cameo)
Kehta Hai Dil — Star Plus (Cameo)
Kumkum – Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan—Star Plus (Supporting Role)
Kambhkht Ishq — Zee TV (Cameo)
Special Squad — Star One (Lead Role — Shaina Singh)
Kohinoor — Sahara One (Lead Role — Irawati Kohli)
Besides acting, Randhawa worked on a number of modelling assignments for brands like Reid and Taylor, Recova, Maggi, and Anchor Switches among others.
On 8 February 2006, Kuljeet hanged herself in her apartment in Juhu, a town in western Maharashtra. In a suicide note, Kuljeet stated that she was ending her life as she was unable to cope with life's pressures. Shortly before her death, she had completed filming for the movie By Chance. She died at the age of 30.
External links
Actresses from West Bengal
Female models from West Bengal
Female suicides
Suicides by hanging in India
1976 births
2006 deaths
People from Asansol
20th-century Indian actresses
21st-century Indian actresses
Actresses in Hindi television
Indian television actresses
2006 suicides |
4041186 | | Paul Reid (soccer, born 1979) | Paul James Reid (born 6 July 1979) is an Australian international footballer who plays as a player coach midfielder for Rockdale City Suns in the NSW Premier League.
Reid previously played for Wollongong Wolves during championship winning seasons before moving to England where he played for six years with Bradford City and Brighton & Hove Albion before returning to Australia.
Reid has made two appearances for the Australian national team.
Early life
Born in Sydney, Australia, Reid started his youth career at Marconi Stallions alongside Socceroos, Harry Kewell and Brett Emerton in the same U-13 team and was quickly noted for his talents.
Club career
Reid went on to begin his senior football career in Australia for Wollongong Wolves in 1998. He became a cult hero during his time at the Wollongong Wolves after scoring the last minute equaliser in the 2000 grand final against Perth Glory. The Wolves went on to win the game 7–6 on penalties. In 2002, Reid moved to England and joined Bradford City, but only stayed for one season before joining Brighton & Hove Albion in 2003.
Reid had usually played in the right-back position in defence for the Seagulls, but the player has stated his preferred position is in the centre of midfield. Near the start of the 2006–07 season, Reid suffered a serious knee injury which saw him sidelined for nearly a year, but the player did return for the start of the 2007–08 pre-season. On 6 May 2008, it was confirmed that Reid, along with experienced trio Kerry Mayo, Gary Hart and Guy Butters were to be released from the club. On 11 July 2008, Reid began training with Hereford United in a bid to win a new contract.
Adelaide United
He was expected to sign with Perth Glory for the 2008–09 A-League season, but instead signed with Adelaide United on a two-year deal. He won a call up to the national-team squad in October 2008 along with Adelaide United teammates Scott Jamieson, Robert Cornthwaite and Eugene Galeković. Despite usually playing in a deep midfield role Reid has created a number of assists from both open play and set pieces. He scored his first goal for the club in a 1–1 draw against Wellington Phoenix at Westpac Stadium on 18 January 2009.
Melbourne Heart
Reid signed a short-term end of season contract with Melbourne Heart as injury cover during the 2012 January transfer window.
INSEE Police United
On 9 March, Reid agreed with a short-term contract with INSEE Police United. He arrived in Thailand on 11 March.
Sydney FC
In early 2011, Reid had asked former club Adelaide United for a release to join hometown club Sydney FC for their 2011 Asian Champions League campaign, resulting in a bitter fallout between himself and then manager Rini Coolen who would not release him until season's end. In September 2012, it was announced that Reid was on trial with Sydney FC, taking part in two of their pre-season matches against A-League opposition before eventually signing a 1-year deal to join the Sky Blues beginning on 1 October 2012. However, as a result of Sydney FC failing to qualify for the A-League finals, Reid, along with teammates Nathan Sherlock, Krunoslav Lovrek, Trent McClenahan, Adam Griffiths and Jarrod Kyle were released by Sydney FC at the conclusion of the 2012-13 A-League season.
Rockdale City Suns
After being released as a player from Sydney FC, Reid signed for Rockdale City Suns in the NSW Premier League. However, he also still works for Sydney FC as a Community Football Officer.
International career
Reid made his senior international debut for the Socceroos on 28 January 2009 in an AFC Asian Cup qualifying match versus Indonesia.
Coaching career
Following Branko Culina departure from the managers position at Rockdale, following a poor start to the 2015 NPL, Reid was announced as Rockdale City Suns new coach, a position which he would combine with playing duty when required. Reid led Rockdale to the Round of 16 of the 2015 FFA Cup against A-League club Melbourne Victory at Jubilee Oval. Despite a valiant comeback, Melbourne would win 3-2 and go on to win the overall competition.
Career statistics
Wollongong Wolves
NSL Championship: 1999–2000, 2000–01
Oceania Club Championship: 2000–01
External links
Adelaide United profile
OzFootball profile
1979 births
Living people
Sportsmen from New South Wales
Soccer players from Sydney
Association football midfielders
Expatriate footballers in Thailand
Australian expatriate soccer players
Australia international soccer players
A-League Men players
National Soccer League (Australia) players
English Football League players
Macarthur Rams FC players
Adelaide United FC players
Melbourne City FC players
Bradford City A.F.C. players
Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. players
Wollongong Wolves FC players
Paul Reid
Sydney FC players
Rockdale City Suns FC players
National Premier Leagues players
Australian soccer players |
4041199 | | If You Have to Ask | "If You Have to Ask" is a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 1991 studio album Blood Sugar Sex Magik. It was released as the album's fifth and final single in 1993.
A music video was made, but merely consists of live footage of the band from a 1992 show at the Winter Show Buildings in Wellington, New Zealand overdubbed with the original album track. The video is notable because it is one of only two videos to feature guitarist Arik Marshall ("Breaking the Girl" being the other). The video was rarely aired on music television and the song along with the video was not featured on the band's Greatest Hits album. Like the song "Aeroplane" from their 1995 album One Hot Minute, it was one of the two music videos from the Warner era not available on their official app.
The verses of the song consist of a scratchy, minimalist funk lick played on the guitar, with a busier bass melody playing behind it. The lyrics in the verses are a stream of consciousness style run of non-sequiturs, which the chorus then explains by stating "If you have to ask, you'll never know". While guitarist John Frusciante finishes the solo at the end of the song, the production crew and the band can be heard applauding him. However, no attempts were made to edit out the applause or to re-record it like with all other unintended sounds found on the album.
Live performances
"If You Have to Ask" has been performed on every tour since 1991.
Track listing
CD single (1993)
"If You Have to Ask" (edit)
"If You Have to Ask" (Disco Krisco Mix)
"If You Have to Ask" (Scott And Garth Mix)
"Give It Away" (In Progress)
12" single (1993)
"If You Have to Ask" (Disco Krisco Mix)
"If You Have to Ask" (album)
"If You Have to Ask" (Friday Night Fever Blister Mix)
"Give It Away" (In Progress)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anthony Kiedis - lead vocals
John Frusciante - guitar, synthesizer, backing vocals
Flea - bass, backing vocals
Chad Smith - drums, tambourine
Red Hot Chili Peppers songs
1991 songs
1993 singles
Song recordings produced by Rick Rubin
Songs written by Flea (musician)
Songs written by John Frusciante
Songs written by Anthony Kiedis
Songs written by Chad Smith |
4041200 | | Geldanamycin | Geldanamycin is a 1,4-benzoquinone ansamycin antitumor antibiotic that inhibits the function of Hsp90 (Heat Shock Protein 90) by binding to the unusual ADP/ATP-binding pocket of the protein. HSP90 client proteins play important roles in the regulation of the cell cycle, cell growth, cell survival, apoptosis, angiogenesis and oncogenesis.
Geldanamycin induces the degradation of proteins that are mutated or overexpressed in tumor cells such as v-Src, Bcr-Abl, p53, and ERBB2. This effect is mediated via HSP90. Despite its potent antitumor potential, geldanamycin presents several major drawbacks as a drug candidate such as hepatotoxicity, further, Jilani et al.. reported that geldanamycin induces the apoptosis of erythrocytes under physiological concentrations. These side effects have led to the development of geldanamycin analogues, in particular analogues containing a derivatisation at the 17 position:
Geldanamycin was originally discovered in the organism Streptomyces hygroscopicus. It is a macrocyclic polyketide that is synthesized by a Type I polyketide synthase. The genes gelA, gelB, and gelC encode for the polyketide synthase. The PKS is first loaded with 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid (AHBA). It then utilizes malonyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-CoA, and methoxymalonyl-CoA to synthesize the precursor molecule Progeldanamycin. This precursor is subjected to several enzymatic and non-enzymatic tailoring steps to produce the active molecule Geldanamycin, which include hydroxylation, o-methylation, carbamoylation, and oxidation.
External links
A comprehensive review about Geldanamycin, 17AAG and 17DMAG
Geldanamycin from Fermentek
Geldanamycin from Center for Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Geldanamycin bound to proteins in the PDB
Phenol ethers
Secondary alcohols
Ansamycins |
4041205 | | Walsall Anarchists | The Walsall Anarchists were a group of anarchists arrested on explosive charges in Walsall in 1892.
Recent research into police files has revealed that the bombings were instigated by Auguste Coulon, an agent provocateur of Special Branch Inspector William Melville, who would go on to become an early official of what became MI5.
Initial arrests
On 6 January 1892, an anarchist from Walsall named Joe Deakin was arrested on Tottenham Court Road, London, and the next day was charged with manufacturing bombs at the Great Marlborough Street Magistrates Court. Following the trial, a number of other anarchists including Victor Cails, Fred Charles, William Ditchfield, John Westley and Jean Battola, were also arrested and jointly charged with manufacturing explosives. When they first appeared at the police court in Walsall, the prosecution asked for the defendants to be remanded for a week, claiming that "[t]he authorities both in Walsall and London had received very important information with reference to what he might call a widespread conspiracy throughout the country."
The evidence that was presented by the prosecution included a number of allegations that the defendants possessed materials for the construction of explosives:
Charles was accused of possessing plans written in French for the construction a bomb, as well as a model for an explosive bolt and a French manifesto written by Cails called The Means of Emancipation, which included a call to manufacture and use explosives.
Cails was accused of possessing a fuse and several French Anarchist publications, one of which was L'International issue 7, which detailed instructions for the manufacture of explosives and how to use them in the demolition of buildings.
Ditchfield was accused of having a plaster cast for building a bomb in his workshop, an explosive bolt in his home and an amount of clay (mixed together with hair) in the Socialist Club's basement.
All six were remanded in custody, although no explosives were actually found and there was no evidence as regards the other three defendants.
Subsequent arrests and confessions
Under the false belief that Charles was an informant, Deakin made a confession. However, his confession also implicated Auguste Coulon, a French anarchist, who worked as an assistant in the school set up by Louise Michel in order to educate foreign socialists' children in London. He was also involved in trying to organise chemistry classes and translating and circulating information about bomb making. The police also arrested a Swiss inventor called Cavargna, the inventor of a number of small explosives that were used to exterminate rabbits in Australia, who was released from jail after two days. A further person named McCormack, who had been recently expelled from the socialist club in Walsall, offered to become an informant for the police, who soon decided he was unreliable. He went to Birmingham where he sold his story to the newspaper for drinking money. After being arrested under charges of public intoxication, he promptly declared in court next day that the police had employed him to fabricate evidence against the Walsall Anarchists. Charles Mowbray and David Nicoll were soon also arrested on conspiracy charges.
Following his release, Nicoll was raising money for the Walsall anarchists when, by chance, Coulon's brother let slip that Coulon himself was a police agent. The defence brought up the situation at the police court and gave Coulon's address asking why he had not been arrested as well. After Nicoll had set up an anarchist defence fund, Edward Carpenter set up one which raised money in socialist circles. Their different political outlook was especially noticeable as regards to what extent they felt the whole trial was a case of police provocation.
Atmosphere of the trial and conviction
The case aroused media attention, particularly around two texts: the Means of Emancipation and The Anarchist Feast at The Operathe latter described how the maximum amount of damage could be done to an opera house by rupturing its gas supply and leaving incendiary devices in the seats, while the miscreant could make their escape. Following three bombings in Paris, the correspondent for The Times made the connection: 'Anarchists should not be regarded as members of a political party, and it should not be possible for an Anarchist to hurry away from Paris to find an asylum in Brussels, in Geneva or in London.' Ravachol was arrested for two of these bombings, and promptly made a confession.
The climate of the trial was not conducive to a sober consideration of the factsThe Anarchist Feast at The Opera was read out as if it were the views of the defendants. The defense did not argue that it was a police plot. Charles, Cails and Battola were found guilty, Deakin was also found guilty but the jury recommended that the judge grant him mercy, while Westley and Ditchfield were found not guilty. Those found guilty were allowed to make a statement, whereupon the first three stated they thought it was a police plot. Charles, Battola and Cails were each sentenced to ten years in prison, while Deakin was sentenced to five years. Although the judge denied he was punishing them for being anarchists, The Times was more to the point:
'Alas! Alas! Ten years for Charles, it is too bad. An evil conscience makes them cowards.' wrote Edward Carpenter following the trial.
1892 in England
Anarchist organisations in the United Kingdom
History of Staffordshire
Victorian era
People of the Victorian era
19th-century English people |
4041207 | | Transport Action Canada | Transport Action Canada is a non-profit, consumer-based organization that promotes sustainable transport through advocacy and education. It is concerned with all modes of public transport, such as passenger train service, aviation including air safety, and urban transit.
The association functions as a citizen-based advocacy group, compared to transport industry based bodies such as the Railway Association of Canada or the Canadian Urban Transit Association.
The association regularly communicates with government and industry officials to promote sustainable transport views, including Transport Canada and elected officials of all government levels.
Canadian news media agencies frequently interview Transport 2000 Canada officials on transportation matters.
The organization was founded as Transport 2000 Canada in 1976 following concerns about the future of passenger trains in Canada. Passenger train service in Canada had declined in the latter 20th century as train routes were being eliminated by Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway.
In 1993, Transport 2000 became one of seven Canadian non-for-profit organisations supported by The Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation's Urban Issues program.
The association continued to monitor and address developments in the national passenger transportation system, especially since the 1978 formation of Via Rail Canada to provide national passenger train service.
The association later formed its Air Passenger Safety Group, especially prompted by the September 1998 Swissair Flight 111 disaster off the Nova Scotia coastline.
Urban transit is an increasingly important topic addressed by the national and regional associations of the organization. The organization's support for the O-Train pilot project (today's Trillium Line) was a significant factor in returning rail transit service to Ottawa in 2001. Transport Action Canada has since been critical of the subsequent plans to develop the North-South Light Rail Transit line, citing the proposals to combine the downtown train with bus congestion, disruption to existing O-Train travel (today's Trillium Line) during the line's construction, and longer-term viability of the proposed North-South route.
National office facilities for Transport Action Canada are located in Ottawa, Ontario.
The association has been a contributor to the development of aviation regulation, particularly as it relates to airline passengers, though Transport Canada's Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) process.
Transport Action Canada is composed as a federation of the following like-minded regional associations:
Transport Action Atlantic
(Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)
Transport Action British Columbia
(British Columbia)
Transport Action Ontario
Transport Action Prairies
(Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan)
Transport Action Quebec
The organization publishes a newsletter titled Transport Action which provides news and opinion on topical transportation matters. This is published six times per year and primarily distributed to its members.
Members of Transport Action Canada are often members of one or more of the affiliated regional associations which often publish their own newsletters.
A bulletin of transport-related news is also produced on an approximately weekly basis. This "hotline" is published on the association's official website.
See also
Campaign for Better Transport (United Kingdom) (formerly known as Transport 2000)
Canadian Urban Transit Association
:Category:Transportation companies of Canada
List of urban transit advocacy organisations
National Association of Railroad Passengers
Transportation in Canada
Via Rail Canada
External links
Transport Action Canada (official website)
Transport Action Quebec (regional association website)
Transport 2000 Quebec history (in French)
Public transport in Canada
Transport associations in Canada
Aviation in Canada
Political advocacy groups in Canada
Public transport advocacy organizations |
4041208 | | Red Hills Region | The Red Hills or Tallahassee Hills is a region of gently rolling hills in the southeastern United States. It is a geomorphic region and an ecoregion.
The Red Hills physiographic region of northern Florida was defined in 1914 as most of Leon County north of the Cody Scarp, and small portions of southernmost Grady and Thomas counties in Georgia. The original tree cover of the region was a shortleaf pine-oak-hickory woodland with deep sandy clay soil. A wider definition of the Red Hills region includes Jefferson County, Florida north of the Cody Scarp and the southern portions of Grady and Thomas counties in Georgia. This larger region consists of about 2,400 km2 that is bounded by the Aucilla River on the east and northeast, by the Ochlockonee River on the west and northwest, and by the Cody Scarp on the south. The Red Hills physiographic region is part of the Tallahassee Hills/Valdosta Limesink ecoregion, which extends across northern Florida and southern Georgia from the Apalachicola River to the vicinity of Valdosta, Georgia.
A wider Red Hills section of Florida has been defined as extending 150 miles along the Alabama and Georgia borders, including, from east to west, Madison, Jefferson, Leon, Gadsden and Jackson counties.
There is a Red Hills Physiographic Province in south central Alabama.
The area was first settled by paleo-indians in and around the various lakes in the southern part of the Red Hills. Apalachee indians were found here in the 16th century. The Apalachee were almost annihilated through wars, disease, and slavery. In the 18th century, the Seminoles made the Red Hills their home until the early 19th century and the Seminole Wars.
Also in the 19th century, white settlers began cotton plantations, which thrived until the Civil War. At one time, Leon County, Florida, was the 5th largest producer of cotton among all counties in Georgia and Florida. After the Civil War, many of the Red Hills' plantations became winter homes and quail hunting plantations for wealthy northerners; the area between Thomasville and Tallahassee is still home to dozens of such plantations, such as Greenwood, Pebble Hill, and Goodwood.
Rolling hills, ravines and gullies covered by forests and the large lakes of Lake Jackson, Lake Iamonia, Lake Miccosukee, Lake Lafayette, and Lake Talquin. The highest point in the Red Hills is 280 feet (85.3m) north of Tallahassee by 10 miles. The soil is red clay deposited during the last ice age from the Appalachian Mountains. Rivers running through the Red Hills Region are the Aucilla River, Ochlockonee River, and Telogia Creek. The St. Marks River is subterranean until it meets the surface in the Woodville Karst Plain.
Flora and fauna
The area is covered in a number of native species. There are a variety of oak including Southern live oak, water oak, laurel oak, white oak, overcup oak, post oak, black oak as well as other hardwood trees such as American sweetgum, a variety of magnolia, as well as hickory, flowering dogwood, red maple, and redbud. Conifers are also abundant, including shortleaf pine, loblolly pine. The Red Hills are home to some of the last remnants of the great longleaf pine forests remaining in the nation.
Animal life
The Red Hills Region supports northern bobwhite quail, white-tailed deer, red fox, raccoon, eastern grey squirrel, nine-banded armadillo, black bear, migratory birds, the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, the gopher tortoise, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, the eastern tiger salamander, and many other animals and plants.
The Red Hills Region serves as one of the highest recharge areas for the Floridan Aquifer — which is critical to the drinking water supply for residents of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. The Red Hills Region also has the largest concentration of undeveloped plantation lands in the United States. The Red Hills has been identified for special conservation efforts and the Nature Conservancy has designated the Red Hills as one of America's "Last Great Places."
Namesake event
Each Spring, the equestrian community meets for the Red Hills Horse Trials, an Olympics qualifying event held at Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park.
Regions of Florida
Regions of Georgia (U.S. state) |
4041214 | | Spring Grove Cemetery | Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum () is a nonprofit rural cemetery and arboretum located at 4521 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. It is the third largest cemetery in the United States, after the Calverton National Cemetery and Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery and is recognized as a US National Historic Landmark.
The cemetery dates from 1844, when members of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society formed a cemetery association. They took their inspiration from contemporary rural cemeteries such as Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, and Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The numerous springs and groves suggested the name "Spring Grove". On December 1, 1844, Salmon P. Chase and others prepared the Articles of Incorporation. The cemetery was designed by Howard Daniels and formally chartered on January 21, 1845. The first burial took place on September 1, 1845.
In 1855, Adolph Strauch, a renowned landscape architect, was hired to beautify the grounds. His sense and layout of the "garden cemetery" made of lakes, trees and shrubs, is what visitors today still see. He created a more open landscape by setting limits on private enclosures and monument heights. The results of the redesign earned Strauch praise in the U.S. and abroad, including from Frederick Law Olmsted and the French landscape architect Edouard André. On March 29, 2007, the cemetery was designated a National Historic Landmark. The Spring Grove Cemetery Chapel is listed separately on the National Register of Historic Places.
On October 23, 2013, cemetery staff removed a large and potentially disturbing SpongeBob SquarePants headstone from the grave of U.S. Army Corporal Kimberly Walker and another for her still-living sister a day after her funeral. The family believed they had permission from a worker, whom management said had erred. In February 2014, both parties agreed to reinstate the statues with granite slabs largely hiding them from passersby.
Spring Grove encompasses of which are currently landscaped and maintained. Its grounds include 12 ponds, many fine tombstones and memorials, and various examples of Gothic Revival architecture.
As of 2005, its National Champion trees were Cladrastis kentukea and Halesia diptera; its State Champion trees included Abies cilicica, Abies koreana, Cedrus libani, Chionanthus virginicus, Eucommia ulmoides, Halesia parvifolia, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Phellodendron amurense, Picea orientalis, Picea polita, Pinus flexilis, Pinus griffithi, Pinus monticola, Quercus cerris, Quercus nigra, Taxodium distichum, Ulmus serotina, and Zelkova serrata.
Notable burials
See also :Category:Burials at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Jacob Ammen, Civil War general
Nicholas Longworth Anderson, Civil War colonel
Joshua Hall Bates, Civil War general
Richard M. Bishop, Cincinnati Mayor and Ohio Governor
George K. Brady, United States Army officer. Briefly commander of the Department of Alaska
Emma Lucy Braun, botanist
Charles Elwood Brown, Civil War brevet brigadier general and U.S. Representative
Sidney Burbank, Civil War colonel
Jacob Burnet, US Senator
Samuel Fenton Cary, Congressman, prohibitionist
Kate Chase, daughter of Salmon Chase and Washington, D.C. Civil War socialite
Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States
Henry M. Cist, Civil War brevet brigadier general
Levi Coffin, Quaker abolitionist
Arthur F. Devereux, Brevet Brigadier General during the Civil War; from Salem, Massachusetts
Daniel Drake, physician and writer
Charles L. Fleischmann, yeast manufacturer
Joseph Benson Foraker, Governor of Ohio, U.S. Senator, Judge, American Civil War Captain
Manning Force, Civil War Brevet Brigadier General, Medal of Honor recipient
James Gamble, co-founder of Procter & Gamble Company
Kenner Garrard, Civil War general
Heinie Groh, Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame third baseman
Theodore Sommers Henderson, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Andrew Hickenlooper, Civil War general
Joseph Hooker, Civil War general and commander of the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Chancellorsville
Waite Hoyt, professional baseball player; Hall of Fame pitcher
Miller Huggins, Hall of Fame baseball manager of New York Yankees during Babe Ruth era
Isaac M. Jordan, one of the seven founders of Sigma Chi Fraternity
Bernard Kroger, founder of Kroger supermarkets
Alexander Long, Congressman
Nicholas Longworth (winemaker), Father of American grape culture
Nicholas Longworth, American politician, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, grandson of Nicholas Longworth (winemaker)
William Haines Lytle, 19th century Ohio, general, politician, poet
Joseph Mason, artist, who was an uncredited assistant to John James Audubon in illustrating the Birds of America
Stanley Matthews, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court* Alexander McDowell McCook, Union army general
Charles Pettit McIlvaine, Episcopal bishop, author, educator and twice Chaplain of the United States Senate
John McLean, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
George Hunt Pendleton, Congressman and US Senator
Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt, poet
William Procter, co-founder of Procter and Gamble
Skip Prosser, Wake Forest University men's basketball head coach at the time of his death, former assistant and head men's basketball coach at Xavier University
Henry Stanbery, Attorney General of the United States
Adolph Strauch, landscape architect, designer of Spring Grove Cemetery
Dudley Sutphin, Cincinnati attorney, judge and French Legion of Honor medal winner
Alphonso Taft, politician, father of President of the United States William Howard Taft
Charles Phelps Taft II, Mayor of Cincinnati and son of President William Howard Taft
Louise Taft, second wife of Alphonso Taft and mother of William Howard Taft
John Morgan Walden, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Godfrey Weitzel, Civil War general
Frances Wright, pioneering feminist, abolitionist, and freethinker
See also
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in the United States
List of National Historic Landmarks in Ohio
External links
Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum
Forty Civil War generals buried in Spring Grove Cemetery
Spring Grove Entrance
Arboreta in Ohio
Cemeteries in Cincinnati
Botanical gardens in Ohio
National Register of Historic Places in Cincinnati
National Historic Landmarks in Ohio
Protected areas of Hamilton County, Ohio
Tourist attractions in Cincinnati
Gothic Revival architecture in Ohio
Historic districts on the National Register of Historic Places in Ohio
Cemeteries on the National Register of Historic Places in Ohio
Rural cemeteries |
4041215 | | Paul Boutilier | Paul André Boutilier (born May 3, 1963) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenceman who played with several National Hockey League teams in the 1980s. He was a member of the 1983 Stanley Cup champion New York Islanders.
Playing career
Boutilier was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He starred in the QMJHL with the Sherbrooke Castors in the early 1980s. In 1982, he helped the team reach the Memorial Cup finals, however his team lost to the Kitchener Rangers. He was named to the tournament all-star team, and was voted a first team all-star by the QMJHL. Chosen 21st overall by the New York Islanders in the 1981 NHL Entry Draft (ahead of such future NHL stars as Chris Chelios and John Vanbiesbrouck), Boutilier split his first full pro season between the Islanders and the CHL's Indianapolis Checkers. He did, however, have his name inscribed on the Stanley Cup in 1983 after appearing in two playoff games for the champion Isles. He also attended McGill University during off-seasons.
Boutilier became a regular on the Islanders' blueline in 1984–85 and recorded a career-best 35 points. He scored 34 points the next year and showed a willingness to play rough in his own zone. Over the next four years his play was less consistent. He moved around the league with the Boston Bruins, Minnesota North Stars, New York Rangers, Winnipeg Jets, and three different minor pro clubs. He retired in 1990 after spending most of the year in Switzerland with SC Bern.
Boutilier was named St. Mary's (AUAA) assistant coach prior to the 1991–92 season and remained in that position through 1992–93. He was promoted to head coach prior to 1993–94 season and remained in that position through 1996–97.
After retiring from hockey, Boutilier became a regular on the Canadian curling circuit, serving as head of the World Curling Tour and World Curling Players' Association.
He currently teaches International Marketing at the University of Prince Edward Island and is the Director of Defence Development & Analytics for the Saint John Sea Dogs in the QMJHL. In 2015, he was named assistant coach of the Sea Dogs.
Career statistics
Regular season and playoffs
Awards & honors
QMJHL First All-Star Team (1982)
QMJHL Emile Bouchard Trophy (Defenseman of Year) 1981-82
Memorial Cup Tournament All-Star Team (1982)
1983 Stanley Cup- New York Islanders
AHL First All-Star Team (1989)
Inducted to Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame, 1994
External links
Hockey Draft Central
1963 births
Living people
Athabasca University alumni
Boston Bruins players
Canadian ice hockey defencemen
Canadian people of Acadian descent
Colorado Rangers players
Indianapolis Checkers (CHL) players
Sportspeople from the Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Maine Mariners players
Minnesota North Stars players
Moncton Hawks players
National Hockey League first round draft picks
New Haven Nighthawks players
New York Islanders draft picks
New York Islanders players
New York Rangers players
People from Sydney, Nova Scotia
Saint-Jean Castors players
SC Bern players
Sherbrooke Castors players
Stanley Cup champions
Winnipeg Jets (1979–1996) players
Ice hockey people from Nova Scotia
University of Prince Edward Island faculty
ZSC Lions players
Canadian expatriate ice hockey players in Switzerland |
4041225 | | Glanville | Glanville or Glanvill may refer to:
Glanville, Calvados, commune in the Basse-Normandie region of France
Glanville, South Australia, suburb of Adelaide, Australia
Glanville railway station
Wootton Glanville, village in Dorset, England
Ann Glanville (1796–1880), Cornish rower
Brandi Glanville (born 1972), American television personality and former fashion model
Brian Glanville (born 1931), English football writer and novelist
Christine Glanville (1924–1999), English puppeteer
Doug Glanville (born 1970), American baseball player
Eleanor Glanville (c. 1654–1709), English entomologist
Ernest Glanville (1855–1925), South African author
Francis Glanville (1827–1910), British Army general
Glanville Williams (1911–1997), Welsh legal scholar
Harold Glanville (1854–1930), English businessman and politician
Harold Glanville (junior) (1884–1966), English Liberal Party politician.
Jacob Glanville, co-founder of Distributed Bio
James Glanville (1891–1958), British politician
Jason Glanville, leader in Australian Indigenous community
Jerry Glanville (born 1941), American football coach
Sir John Glanville (judge) (1542–1600), English Member of Parliament and judge
Sir John Glanville (1586–1661), English politician
Joseph Glanvill (1636–1680), English writer
Lucy Glanville (born 1994), Australian biathlete
Marc Glanville (born 1966), Australian rugby league footballer
Mark Glanville, English classical singer and writer
Peggy Glanville-Hicks (1912–1990), Australian composer
Phil de Glanville (born 1968), English rugby union player
Ranulf de Glanvill (died 1190), English justiciar
Ranulph Glanville (born 1946), English researcher
Stephen Glanville (1900–1956), English Egyptologist
Sir William Glanville (1900–1976), British civil engineer
Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglie, the earliest English law treatise (1187–9), commonly called Glanvill after its attribution to Ranulf de Glanvill
Glanville fritillary, butterfly |
4041227 | | Cranley Onslow | Cranley Gordon Douglas Onslow, Baron Onslow of Woking, (8 June 1926 – 13 March 2001) was a British politician and served as the Conservative MP for Woking from 1964 to 1997, and a British Peer from 1997 until his death.
Family background
Onslow was related to the Earl of Onslow, and was named for one of the subsidiary titles of the Earldom: Viscount Cranley. His parents were Francis Robert Douglas Onslow (1878–1938) and Mabel Strachan (d 1974). He had a younger brother, Ian Denzil Onslow (1929–2013). Onslow was a descendant of George Onslow, eldest son of Lieutenant-General Richard Onslow, nephew of the first Baron and uncle of the first Earl.
Early life and career
He was educated at Harrow School and then Sandhurst. He then joined the military in 1944 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant into the Queen's Own Hussars. Upon completing this service he read history at Oriel College, Oxford, Onslow then joined MI6 as an intelligence officer and had a tour of duty in Burma.
Political career
Onslow resigned from the civil service in 1960 and became active in politics, first being elected to Dartford Rural District Council and later to Kent County Council. In 1963 he was selected to succeed Harold Watkinson as MP for Woking and he was elected the following year in the 1964 general election.
Once elected, Onslow demonstrated his right wing credentials by calling for lower taxes on the middle class and a reduction in third world aid. He also pursued a strong non-partisan interest in aviation, eventually chairing the Conservative aviation committee.
He would later serve as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Aerospace from 1972 to 1974 in Edward Heath's government. In Margaret Thatcher's government he was made a Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1983, but resigned a year later after his boss, Francis Pym, was sacked by Margaret Thatcher.
1922 Committee
In 1984, he was elected to chair the 1922 Committee, and was therefore considered to be the most powerful backbencher in the Conservative party. In this post, he conveyed to Mrs Thatcher the desire of backbenchers that Leon Brittan should resign over the Westland affair and in the 1990 leadership contest that many backbenchers wanted a broader choice of candidates, contributing to her decision to drop out. This angered many allies of Thatcher, and in 1992 he was forced from his post as chairman of the 1922 Committee.
Honours and styles
Having been sworn of the Privy Council in the 1988 New Year Honours, Onslow was appointed to the Order of St Michael and St George as a Knight Commander (KCMG) for "political service" in the 1993 New Year Honours and upon stepping down from Parliament in 1997 his life peerage was announced in the Resignation Honours and he was raised to the peerage as Baron Onslow of Woking, of Woking in the County of Surrey.
In 1955, he married Lady June Hay, daughter of George Hay, 14th Earl of Kinnoull.
Guardian Obituary profile
1926 births
2001 deaths
Chairmen of the 1922 Committee
People educated at Harrow School
Graduates of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst
Alumni of Oriel College, Oxford
Knights Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George
Queen's Own Hussars officers
Conservative Party (UK) life peers
Life peers created by Elizabeth II
Members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom
Conservative Party (UK) MPs for English constituencies
UK MPs 1964–1966
UK MPs 1966–1970
UK MPs 1970–1974
UK MPs 1974
UK MPs 1974–1979
UK MPs 1979–1983
UK MPs 1983–1987
UK MPs 1987–1992
UK MPs 1992–1997
Members of Kent County Council
British Army personnel of World War II |
4041230 | | Rip Off Press | Rip Off Press, Inc. is a mail order retailer and distributor, better known as the former publisher of "adult-themed" series like The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Rip Off Comix, as well as many other seminal publications from the underground comix era. Founded in 1969 in San Francisco by four friends from Austin, Texas — cartoonists Gilbert Shelton and Jack Jackson, and Fred Todd and Dave Moriaty — Rip Off Press is now run out of Auburn, California, by Todd.
Rip Off Press is also notable for being the original company to publish the fourth edition of the Principia Discordia, a Discordian religious text written by Gregory Hill and Kerry Thornley. It was also an early publisher of the infamous booklet on drug manufacturing, Psychedelic Chemistry.
The company was founded January 17, 1969, in San Francisco by four "expatriate" Texans: Fred Todd, Dave Moriaty, and cartoonists Gilbert Shelton and Jack Jackson. The initial plan was to print rock band promotional posters on an old press and do comix on the side — in some ways the company was formed as a sort of cartoonists' cooperative, as an alternative publishing venue to burgeoning Bay Area publishers like Apex Novelties, Print Mint, and Company & Sons. The four men purchased a used Davidson 233 offset printing press and set up shop in the same space as Don Donahue's Apex Novelties, located on the third-floor ballroom of the former Mowry's Opera House, at 633 Laguna Street in Hayes Valley. The first comix Rip Off Press published, in 1969, included R. Crumb's Big Ass Comics (June '69), a reprint of Jaxon's God Nose (originally published in 1964), Jaxon's Happy Endings Comics (August '69), and the first issue of Fred Schrier and Dave Sheridan's Mother's Oats Comix (October '69).
After a fire almost destroyed the former opera house in late 1969, Rip Off moved to the decaying former headquarters of the Family Dog psychedelic rock music promotion collective (which Jaxon had been a member of starting in 1966). Rip Off Press was located at 1250 17th Street in San Francisco from 1970 until 1985. Other early works they published included comix by Frank Stack, Sheridan (all co-published with Gary Arlington's San Francisco Comic Book Company), The Rip Off Review of Western Culture omnibus, and Shelton's The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
By 1972 the poster printing business had faded away and the company had become a publishing house.
Changing times
As the underground comix market petered out in the mid-to-late 1970s, Rip Off Press shifted focus to other cartoonists and other comics (including in their long-running anthology Rip Off Comix). (By this point co-founders Moriaty and Jackson had long since gone back to Texas.) Larry Gonick published his Cartoon History of the Universe with Rip Off Press from 1978 to 1992. Cartoonist Jay Kinney joined the company as an editor in 1981, but left after a few months on the job. Cartoonist Guy Colwell began freelancing for Rip Off Press in the production department beginning in 1980; he worked on-and-off for the company through c. 1990.
After bouncing back-and-forth between Europe and the Bay Area in the late 1970s/early 1980s, co-founder Shelton and his wife relocated to France in 1984. In mid-1985, the company moved from its long-time home on 17th Street to a smaller space on San Jose Avenue near the city's southern border, with warehouse space across town at the Bayview Industrial Park. This three-story, block-square building, which housed over a hundred other businesses, burned to the ground on April 6, 1986, following an explosion in an illegal fireworks factory in the basement.
Relocation to Auburn
Thus freed of a 17-year accumulation of comix and other paraphernalia, Fred Todd (who at this point was the only original partner still working in the business) decided to relocate Rip Off Press to Auburn, California, where he and his wife Kathe could continue to run the company while raising their two small children in more pleasant surroundings. The move was made in June 1987.
Although Rip Off Press continued to publish Shelton's The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers plus the Rip Off Comix anthology, the popularity of erotic comics in the late 1980s/early 1990s led to such titles as Strips by Chuck Austen, The Girl by Kevin J. Taylor, Doll by classic underground creator Guy Colwell, and SS Crompton's Demi the Demoness. They published two music-related indy comics titles by Matt Howarth, Savage Henry and Those Annoying Post Bros., from 1989 to 1994.
Shift from publishing to retailing
After the collapse of the direct market in the early 1990s (fueled by Marvel Comics' withdrawal of its 40% market share from the distribution system), Rip Off Press began taking steps to cut costs and gradually retreated from publishing. By 1997, they had shifted their business to selling backlist comics in its store and to mail-order customers, plus to the many fans finding them online. The Todds moved the business to much smaller quarters adjoining their home in 1999, where they continue to sell comix, mostly through the company website. The website was disabled for a time in 2011–2012, during which time it was completely redesigned and a large number of collectors' items (including historic ad pieces, rare press sheets, publisher's overlay proofs from the company's publishing history, and more) were added to its offerings.
Selected titles and artists
Rip Off Comix (30 issues, 1977–1991)
The Rip Off Review of Western Culture (3 issues, 1972) — edited by Dave Moriaty
Chuck Austen: Strips (1989–1991)
Guy Colwell:
Doll (8 issues, 1989–1992)
Central Body: The Art of Guy Colwell (1991)
SS Crompton: Demi the Demoness (1993–1997)
Robert Crumb:
Big Ass Comics (2 issues, 1969–1971)
R. Crumb's Comics and Stories (1969) — features 10-page Fritz the Cat story drawn in 1964
Motor City Comics (2 issues, 1969–1970)
Larry Gonick: Cartoon History of the Universe (9 issues, 1978–1992)
Matt Howarth:
Savage Henry (17 issues, 1990–1993)
Those Annoying Post Bros. (20 issues, 1991–1994)
Carol Lay: Good Girls (1991)
Gilbert Shelton:
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers (13 issues, 1971–1997)
Fat Freddy's Cat (12 issues, 1977–1993)
Wonder Wart-Hog (1973–1975)
Not Quite Dead (5 issues, 1993–1995)
Dave Sheridan:
Mother's Oats Comix (1970–1976)— with Fred Schrier and others
Skull Comics #1 (1970) — with Fred Schrier and others; later picked up by Last Gasp
The Balloon Vendor (1971)— with Fred Schrier
Frank Stack:
Jesus Comics (3 issues, 1969–1972)
Feelgood Funnies (2 issues, 1972, 1984)
Amazon Comics (1972)
Dorman's Doggie (1979)
Kevin J. Taylor:
Model by Day (1990)
The Girl (1991)
External links
Comic book publishing companies of the United States
Underground comix
Entertainment companies based in California
Companies based in San Francisco
Publishing companies established in 1969
1969 establishments in California |
4041239 | | Cyclooctadiene | A cyclooctadiene (sometimes abbreviated COD) is any of several cyclic diene with the formula (CH2)4(C2H2)2. Focusing only on cis derivatives, four isomers are possible: 1,2-, which is an allene, 1,3-, 1,4-, and 1,5-. Commonly encountered isomers are the conjugated isomer 1,3-cyclooctadiene and 1,5-cyclooctadiene, which is used as a ligand for transition metals. These dienes are colorless volatile liquids.
External links
Eight-membered rings |
4041255 | | Angi Inc. | Angi Inc. (formerly ANGI Homeservices Inc.) is an internet services company formed in 2017 by the merger of Angie's List and HomeAdvisor. The company has its earliest roots in American home services website Angie's List, founded in 1995 as an online directory that allows users to read and publish crowd-sourced reviews of local businesses and contractors.
For the quarter ending on June 30, 2018, ANGI reported total revenue of US$1,132,000,000 and a net income of US$77,507,000. On May 1, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that IAC planned to buy Angie's List. By September 2017 the new publicly traded company was called ANGI Homeservices Inc. Shares started trading in early October, 2017.
In March 2019, Angi moved its corporate headquarters to Denver, Colorado.
William S. Oesterle and Angie Hicks founded Angie's List in 1995. The idea resulted from Hicks's search for a reliable construction contractor in suburban Columbus, Ohio, on behalf of Oesterle, a venture capitalist who was Hicks's boss. Hicks moved to Columbus to join Oesterle in creating Columbus Neighbors, a call-in service, and publication with reviews of local home and lawn care services. The name and concept were based on Unified Neighbors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Hicks went door-to-door, signing up consumers as members and collecting ratings of local contractors. After Hicks recruited over 1,000 members in Columbus within one year, she turned to Oesterle to raise money from investors to develop the business.
In 2013, Angie's List investors worried that the company had been in business for more than 18 years, yet never had shown an annual profit and that valuations of the company were unrealistic based on the actual revenue the company produces. But by 2015 growth estimates indicate a significant earnings-per-share growth, with a long-term growth rate at 19%. Combine this with stock estimates rising in 2015 by 13.3%, some Securities research firms such as Zacks Investment Research indicated ANGI is well-positioned for future earnings growth.
In 1996, the company bought Unified Neighbors from its creator and moved the company's headquarters to Indianapolis.
In 1998, ServiceMagic was founded by Rodney Rice and Michael Beaudoin who were part of the founding management team of Einstein Bros Bagels. In 2004, IAC acquired the website for an undisclosed price.
On July 22, 2004, IAC acquired ServiceMagic. In October 2008, ServiceMagic acquired the French business and, as well as UK business to create ServiceMagic Europe. In March 2009, the UK business was rebranded as
In 2012, the firn changed its name to HomeAdvisor.
In 2013, HomeAdvisor acquired, the leading Dutch home improvement platform. In 2014, opens her twin company in Italy: Instapro.
By 2015, the firm had achieved more than $300 million in annual revenue, been used by more than 30 million homeowners, had nearly 100,000 pre-screened service professionals in its network and almost 3 million verified reviews.
In 2016, HomeAdvisor acquired the German home services company, MyHammer. In 2017, it acquired Canada's leading home services platform, HomeStars, and MyBuilder, the UK's leading home services platform connecting homeowners and tradesmen.
In 2010, Angie's List raised a total of $25 million in capital from investors. In September 2010, Wasatch Funds and Battery Ventures invested $22 million. In November 2010, Saints Capital led an additional funding of $2.5 million.
On November 17, 2011,t he firm began trading on the NASDAQ exchange under the ticker symbol ANGI. It priced 8.8M shares at $13 and opened for trading at $18, a 33% premium.
In July 2016, Angie's List was made a freemium service; the basic membership tier, with access to more than 10 million reviews, was made free, alongside subscription tiers offering additional functionality.
On October 2, 2017, IAC announced that it had agreed to acquire Angie's List for $781.4 million. and it merged Angie's List and HomeAdvisor, renaming the merged company to ANGI Homeservices, retaining Angie's List ticker symbol and stock history.
In October 2018, ANGI Homeservices bought Handy for $165.5 million. In March 2021, Angie's List changed its name to Angi, and ANGI Homeservices Inc. changed its name to Angi Inc.
In 2014, Angie's List Inc. paid $2.8 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that it automatically renewed members at a higher rate than they were led to believe.
In August 2016, Angie's List has agreed to settle three lawsuits for a payment of $1,400,000. The class action lawsuits focused on Angie's List's acceptance of advertising payments from service providers, and whether those payments affect service providers’ letter-grade ratings, reviews, and place in search-result rankings. Angie's List denies plaintiffs’ claims, but disclosed that revenue from service providers can affect the order of search-result rankings of the service provider under certain settings (Moore vs. AngiesList).
External links
Companies listed on the Nasdaq
Consumer guides
Companies based in Denver
Online marketplaces of the United States
American review websites
American companies established in 1995
Internet properties established in 1995
1995 establishments in Ohio
2011 initial public offerings
IAC (company) |
4041256 | | Theological College of the Holy Trinity | Holy Trinity University (HTU) (ቅድስት ሥላሴ ዩኒቨርሲቲ) is a theological university located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It provides religious and theological instruction to both clergy and lay members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. The institution also aims to serve as a center of theological and ecclesiastical study for all Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church buildings
Universities and colleges in Ethiopia
Christian schools in Ethiopia
Education in Addis Ababa
Educational institutions established in 1942
Educational institutions established in 1960
1942 establishments in Ethiopia |
4041257 | | Weaver stance | The Weaver stance is a shooting technique for handguns. It was developed by Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Jack Weaver during freestyle pistol competition in Southern California during the late 1950s.
The Weaver stance has two main components.
The first component is a two-handed technique in which the shooting hand holds the handgun while the support hand wraps around the shooting hand. The shooting arm's elbow is slightly bent (almost locked out) while the support elbow is noticeably bent straight down. The shooter pushes forward with his/her shooting hand while the support hand exerts rearward pressure on the firearm. The resultant isometric tension from the support hand is intended to lessen and control muzzle flip when the firearm is fired, allowing for faster follow-up shots.
The second component is the positioning of the feet in a boxing stance, with the non-shooting side foot ahead of the shooting side foot. A person shooting right-handed will have the right foot angled out to approximately forty-five degrees to the side and to the rear at shoulder length. Most of the shooter's weight will be on the forward foot, with the forward knee slightly bent and the rear leg nearly straight. The shooter's upper torso should be leaning forward at the hips, aiming the shoulders towards the forward foot. The rear foot will help catch the force of recoil, as well as allow for rapid changes in position. Both of the shooter's knees should be slightly bent and the shooter should be bending forward at the waist as if preparing to be pushed backward.
A left-handed shooter would reverse the hands and the footing, respectively.
Modern technique
The Weaver stance is one of five components of the modern technique of shooting developed by Jeff Cooper. The others are a large-caliber handgun, the flash sight picture, and the compressed surprise break.
The Weaver stance was developed in 1959 by pistol shooter and deputy sheriff Jack Weaver, a range officer at the L.A. County Sheriff's Mira Loma pistol range. At the time, Weaver was competing in Jeff Cooper's "Leatherslap" matches: quick draw, man-on-man competition in which two shooters vied to pop twelve 18" wide balloons set up 21 feet away, whichever shooter burst all the balloons first winning the bout. Weaver developed his technique as a way to draw a handgun quickly to eye level and use the weapon's sights to aim more accurately, and immediately began winning against opponents predominantly using unsighted "hip shooting" techniques.
The Weaver technique was dubbed the "Weaver Stance" by gun writer and firearms instructor Jeff Cooper. Cooper widely publicized the Weaver stance in several of his books, as well as in articles published in the then-fledgling Guns & Ammo magazine. When Cooper started the American Pistol Institute firearms training school, now the Gunsite Training Center, in 1977, his modern technique of the pistol was built around a somewhat formalized "Classic Weaver Stance". Due to Cooper's influence, the Weaver stance became very popular among firearm professionals and enthusiasts.
Although the Weaver Stance was originally designed for pistols, it can be applied to virtually any type of firearm. However, the main principles of the stance must still be applied (support foot rear at shoulder length with support foot at forty-five degrees while support hand supports the weight of the firearm). This technique has many variations including stances with the support hand carrying a flashlight, knife, baton or other item.
Although this firearm technique is still popular among shooting enthusiasts and firearm professionals, many current firearm instructors favor the Universal Shooting Stance and/or the Isosceles Stance.
External links
The REAL Weaver Shooting Stance via YouTube
American Handgunner feature on Jack Weaver
American Rifleman examples of the Weaver Stance
Firearm techniques |
4041266 | | Signorelli | Signorelli is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Franco Signorelli (born 1991), Venezuelan footballer
Frank Signorelli (1901–1975), American jazz pianist
James Signorelli, American film director and cinematographer
Luca Signorelli (c. 1445–1523), Italian Renaissance painter
Marcelo Signorelli (born 1963), Italian-Uruguayan basketball player, coach, and author
Maria Signorelli (1908-1992), Italian puppet master and collector
Paolo Signorelli (politician) (1934-2010), Italian activist and politician
Paolo Signorelli (footballer) (1939-2018), Italian footballer
Vincent Signorelli, American punk-rock drummer
Italian-language surnames |
4041272 | | Secondary air injection | Secondary air injection (commonly known as air injection) is a vehicle emissions control strategy introduced in 1966, wherein fresh air is injected into the exhaust stream to allow for a fuller secondary combustion of exhaust gases.
The mechanism by which exhaust emissions are controlled depends on the method of injection and the point at which air enters the exhaust system, and has varied during the course of the development of the technology.
The first systems injected air very close to the engine, either in the cylinder head's exhaust ports or in the exhaust manifold. These systems provided oxygen to oxidize (burn) unburned and partially burned fuel in the exhaust before its ejection from the tailpipe. There was significant unburned and partially burned fuel in the exhaust of 1960s and early 1970s vehicles, and so secondary air injection significantly reduced tailpipe emissions. However, the extra heat of recombustion, particularly with an excessively rich exhaust caused by misfiring or a maladjusted carburetor, tended to damage exhaust valves and could even be seen to cause the exhaust manifold to incandesce.
As emission control strategies grew more sophisticated and effective, the amount of unburned and partially burned fuel in the exhaust stream shrank, and particularly when the catalytic converter was introduced, the function of secondary air injection shifted. Rather than being a primary emission control device, the secondary air injection system was adapted to support the efficient function of the catalytic converter. The original air injection point became known as the upstream injection point. When the catalytic converter is cold, air injected at the upstream point burns with the deliberately rich exhaust so as to bring the catalyst up to operating temperature quickly. Once the catalyst is warm, air is injected to the downstream location — the catalytic converter itself — to assist with catalysis of unburned hydrocarbons.
Methods of implementation
Pumped air injection
Pumped air injection systems use a vane pump called the air pump, AIR pump, or colloquially "smog pump" turned by the engine via a belt or electric motor. The pump's air intake is filtered by a rotating screen or the vehicle air filter to exclude dirt particles large enough to damage the system. Air is delivered under light pressure to the injection point(s). A check valve prevents exhaust forcing its way back through the air injection system, which would damage the pump and other components.
Carbureted engines' exhaust raw fuel content tends to spike when the driver suddenly releases the throttle. To prevent the startling and potentially damaging effects of the explosive combustion of this raw fuel, a diverter valve is used. This valve senses the sharp increase in the intake manifold vacuum resulting from the sudden closure of the throttle, and diverts the air pump's outlet to atmosphere. Usually this diverted air is routed to the engine air cleaner or to a separate silencer to muffle objectionable pump noise.
Aspirated air injection
Air injection can also be achieved by taking advantage of the negative pressure pulses in the exhaust system at engine idle. A sensitive reed valve assembly called the aspirator valve is placed in the air injection pumping, which draws its air directly from the clean side of the air filter. During engine idle, brief but periodic negative pressure pulses in the exhaust system draw air through the aspirator valve and into the exhaust stream at the catalytic converter. This system, marketed as Pulse Air, was used by American Motors, Chrysler, and other manufacturers beginning in the 1970s. The aspirator provided advantages in cost, weight, packaging, and simplicity compared to the pump. Also, since there is no pump requiring engine power, parasitic losses associated with the pump are eliminated. However, the aspirator functions only at idle and so admits significantly less air within a significantly narrower range of engine speeds compared to a pump. This system is still used on modern motorcycle engines, e.g. the Yamaha AIS (Air Injection System).
See also
Exhaust gas recirculation
External links
Jeep Adventures Under the Hood A detailed guide on the CEC system and how to tune it
Details with diagrams of the Chevrolet Camaro AIR system
Engine technology |
4041281 | | Swede Knox | Swede Knox (March 2, 1948 – March 22, 2021) was a National Hockey League (NHL) linesman. He officiated over 2,248 NHL games, since 1972, and wore a helmet from the mid-1980s until his retirement in 2000. He also officiated five Stanley Cup Finals and one NHL All-Star Game. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta.
Knox, as a linesman, later filled in as referee during a game in Toronto in the early 1990s, when Don Koharski could not finish the game. It's unknown to what number he wore when the nameplates were changed back to numbers in .
Knox graduated from Athabasca University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Administration degree.
Knox died of cancer March 22, 2021.
External links
Flyers History
1948 births
2021 deaths
Athabasca University alumni
Ice hockey people from Alberta
National Hockey League officials
Sportspeople from Edmonton |
4041287 | | Grigore Vieru | Grigore Vieru (; 14 February 1935, Pererîta, Hotin County, Kingdom of Romania – 18 January 2009, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova) was a Bessarabian Romanian poet, writer and unionist advocate. He is also known for his poems and books for children. His poetry is characterized by vivid natural scenery, patriotism, as well as a venerated image of the sacred mother. Vieru wrote in the Romanian language. In 1993 he was elected a correspondent member of the Romanian Academy.
Early life
He was born in Pererîta village, Hotin County, at the time, part of Romania (today part of Briceni district, Moldova). His parents, Pavel and Eudochia Vieru (née Didic) were farmers.
In 1950, he graduated from the 7-grade school of his native village, after which he attended the middle school in Lipcani, which he graduated in 1953
Personal life
Vieru was married to Raisa Vieru since 1959; they had two sons, Teodor and Călin Vieru.
Creative work
His first publishing debut was in 1957, a booklet of poems for children, "Alarma" ("Alarm"), appreciated by literary critics.The following year, Vieru graduated from the Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University in Chișinău with a degree in history and philology. He was employed as an editor in the magazine called "Scînteia Leninistă" ("The Leninist Spark") designed for children, currently it is called "Noi" ("We"), and the newspaper "Tînărul leninist" ("The Young Leninist"), currently "Florile Dalbe" ("Glowing Flowers").
In 1959, he became editor at the "Nistru'"' magazine, currently "Basarabia", a publication of the Writers' Union of Moldova.
From 1960 to 1963, he served as editor in chief of the "Cartea Moldovenească" publishing house.
In 1967, Vieru's book "Poetry for Readers of All Ages" (published in 1965) was awarded the Moldavian Prize for Youth Literature. The following year, his book "Your Name" became part of the contemporary literature curriculum in Moldavian universities
He wrote another children's story/picture book "Bread and Dew" which features Doru, a 4 or 5-year-old boy who lives in Chișinău with his parents.
Many moldavian composers were inspired by the poetry of Grigore Vieru (songbook "Poftim de intrați", "Cine crede" etc.), the poet himself is the author of a lot of melodies ("Să crești mare" etc.) and since 1964 he began to collaborate with composer Yulia Tsibulskaya ("Soare, soare", "Clopoțeii", "Stea-stea, logostea", "Ramule-neamule", "Cîntînd cu iubire" etc.).
He was a frequent guest of the "Poetry House" in Cociulia village, Cantemir District. The famous book for preschoolers "Albinuța" was also written here.
1968 was turning point for the poet's destiny; this year became remarkable by the volume of lyrical "Numele Tău" ("Your name"), with an introductory written by Ion Druță. The book was appreciated by literary critics as the most original poetic appearance. In the year of it publishing, it became a subject of the study at the university within the courses designated for the contemporary national literature. Three poems in the volume are entitled: Tudor Arghezi, Lucian Blaga, Brâncuși, and another two are dedicated to Nicolae Labiș and Marin Sorescu. For the first time, in the post war period, such dedications has appeared in the Bessarabian lyrics.
Political activity
Since 1971, Grigore Vieru has been a member of Komsomol Organisation, the youth division of the Communist Party.
In 1973, Grigore Vieru has passed the Prut within a delegation of Soviet writers. He participated in the meeting with the editors of the "20th Century" magazine: Dan Haulică, Ștefan Augustin Doinaș, Ioanichie Olteanu, Geo Șerban, Tatiana Nicolescu. At his request, he has visited monasteries of Putna, Voroneț, Sucevița, Dragomirna, Văratec. He returned to Chișinău with a bag of books. Later the poet makes the following confession:
In 1974 and 1977, invited by the president of the Romanian Writers' Union, Vieru visited Bucharest, Constanța, Iași, and cities in Transylvania.
In 1978, the "Junimea" publishing house printed "The Friday Star", Vieru's first work published in Romania.
In 1989 he was elected member of Moldova's Parliament and campaigned for the unification of Romania and Moldova. The following year he was elected Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy. In 1992, the Romanian Academy recommended Vieru for the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1995, he became a member of the Board of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 1996 he won several Romanian literary awards.
In 2000, Vieru was awarded the "Eminescu" Medal by the Romanian government.
Involvement in the Bessarabia National Liberation Movement
At the end of the 80s, Grigore Vieru is in the first line of the National Liberation Movement in Bessarabia, his texts (including the songs laid on his lyrics) playing a big role in awakening of the national consciousness of Romanians in Bessarabia. Vieru is one of the founders of the People's Front of Moldova and is among the organizers and leaders of the Great National Assembly of August 27, 1989. He actively participates in the debates of the 13th session of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR, in which the Romanian language is voted as the official language and the transition to Latin spelling.
On January 16, 2009 Vieru suffered a serious traffic accident and was admitted to the Emergency Hospital in Chișinău. Grigore Vieru was in critical condition with polytrauma, closed cranio-cerebral trauma, cerebral contusion, and closed chest trauma, contusion of the heart and lungs and contusion of the abdominal organs, with minimal chances of survival. The road accident took place on the night of January 15 to 16, at 1:30 am on the R-3 route Chișinău – Hâncești – Cimișlia – Basarabeasca. At the driver’s seat was Gheorghe Munteanu, emeritus artist of the Republic of Moldova and deputy director of the "Joc" folk dance troop of Chișinău, who being in an easier state. At the time, he was out with friends celebrating the birthday of Mihai Eminescu, a 19th-century Romanian poet. Vieru died on January 18, 2009, in the Emergency Hospital in Chișinău two days after the accident, following a cardiac failure from which he could not be resuscitated.
Grigore Vieru was buried on January 20, 2009 in Chișinău, at the Central Cemetery on Armeana street. The funeral was attended by tens of thousands of people, the divisions of Grigore Vieru, as professor Dan Dungaciu called them in his article. Chișinău had not known such funerals since the burial of the spouses Doina and Ion Aldea Teodorovici. The day of January 20, 2009 was declared a day of mourning in the Republic of Moldova, at 10:00 the whole republic having a moment of silence. Vieru's funeral was also broadcast live by Teleradio Moldova.
Several schools in the Republic of Moldova, a boulevard in Chișinău and a street in Iași are called in honour of Grigore Vieru. On February 11, 2010, three days before his birthday, the poet's bust was installed in the Alley of Classics.
A street in Buzău is called in honour of Grigore Vieru: Grigore Vieru Street.
In 1996 he won several Romanian literary awards, and in the same year on August 23rd, he won Order of the Republic (Moldova).
The Romanian president Traian Băsescu has posthumously awarded Grigore Vieru with the Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross.
Moments in Vieru's life
In the volume of lyrics designed for children "Trei iezi" (Three baby goats) published in 1970, there was also the poem called "Curcubeul" (The Rainbow), in which Vieru, used the metaphor of the rainbow with three colours, praised the flag of all Romanians. In short period of time after the book publishing, the Soviet censorship withdrew the book from the bookstores, and the author was accused of diversion. Also in 1970, has appeared The Abecedarul book developed by Vieru in collaboration with the writer Spiridon Vangheli. Even nowadays, this textbook, which was edited many times over time, still teaches the first class little Bessarabians. In 1989, Vieru and Vangheli also made the Latin alphabet version of The Abecedarul.
Vieru wrote, among many others, the lyrics for the soundtrack of the cartoon film Maria, Mirabela, and the Vieru’s poem "Dragă Otee" (Dear Otee) has been sung by Iurie Sadovnic. Later, the song was taken over by Zdob și Zdub.
In 1988, in the newspaper Literatura şi Arta (Literature and Art) in Chișinău, the first Latin-written text from post-war Bessarabia has appeared. The author was Grigore Vieru.
In June 1989, Vieru has got the approval of the Soviet authorities to publish the weekly Literatura si Arta in Latin writing, the editors of the newspaper mentioned that in all Soviet Moldova there were no typewriter of Latin letters, except the one from the Academy of Sciences of the MSSR and of professor Iulius Popa from Bălți. Under these conditions, Grigore Vieru and the editor-in-chief of Literatura și Arta, Nicolae Dabija, went to Bucharest to get the typewriter for the newspaper. The Romanian authorities were delaying the answer, and the antiquarian shop from which they could buy such a device was closed these days because of some technical issues. However, Vieru and Dabija were helped by the priest Vasile Țepordei, who brought to the station a bag containing the 31 metallic signs of the Latin alphabet, cut by him from his own typewriter. In Chișinău, the Latin signs are welded to a typewriter instead of the Cyrillic ones, so Literatura și Arta magazine became the first newspaper of Bessarabia to start systematically coming out in Latin spelling.
In 1994, the neo-communists of the Democratic Agrarian Party, who came to power in Moldova, gave up to the state hymn Deșteaptă-te, române! (Awaken thee, Romanian!) and proposed to the poet Grigore Vieru and the composer Eugen Doga to compose the lyrics and music for a new hymn. They both refused. Grigore Vieru wrote in the Literatura și Arta magazine the following:
1957 – "Alarma" (Alarm) (lyrics for children);
1958 – "Muzicuțe" (Musical notes) (lyrics for children);
1961 – "Făt-Frumos curcubeul și Bună ziua, fulgilor!" (Făt-Frumos the rainbow and Good morning, the flakes!) by the "Cartea Moldovenească" publishing house;
1963 – "Mulțumim pentru pace" (Thanks for peace) (lyrics) and "Făgurași" (lyrics, stories and songs);
1964 - The magazine "Nistru" published the poem "Legământ" (The Covenan), dedicated to poet Mihai Eminescu;
1965 – "Versuri pentru cititorii de toate vârstele" (The lyrics for readers of all ages), with an introductory word written by Ion Druță and for this lyrics the poet was awarded The Comsomol Republican Prize in the field of children's and youth literature (1967);
1967 – "Poezii de seama voastră" (Poems of your age) ("Lumina" publishing house);
1968 – "Bărbații Moldovei" (Moldova’s Men), designed to the "nationalist" Nicolae Testimițeanu ("Nistru" magazine). The whole circulation was stopped, and the dedication taken away;
1969 – "Duminica cuvintelor" (The Words of Sunday) by "Lumina" publishing house with illustrations by Igor Vieru, a book much loved by pre-schoolers, which is present in every kindergarten;
1970 - "Abecedarul" ("Lumina" publishing house) - in collaboration with Spiridon Vangheli and painter Igor Vieru;
1972 – "Trei iezi" (Three baby goats);
1974 – "Aproape" (Nearby) (lyrics, with color illustrations by Isai Cârmu);
1975 – "Mama" (The Mother) ("Lumina" publishing house - book for the little ones, illustrated by Igor Vieru);
1976 – "Un verde ne vede!"(A green one sees us!) ("Lumina" publishing house – for this volume of lyrics the poem is awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Moldova (1978);
1989 – "Metafore Albastre" - Сини метафори (The Blue metaphors) - ("Narodna cultura" publishing house, Sofia - in the collection Globus poetic, translation into Bulgarian by Ognean Stamboliev;
2010 – "Mi-e dor de piatră" - Жал ми е за камъка (I miss the stone) – publishing house Avangardprint, Bulgaria - translation into Bulgarian and preface by Ognean Stamboliev - 100 poems.
It is present in:
Streiflicht – Eine Auswahl zeitgenössischer rumänischer Lyrik (81 rumänische Autoren), - "Lumina piezișă" (Pie light'') the bilingual anthology consisted of 81 Romanian writers, translated by Christian W. Schenk, Dionysos Verlag 1994,
Music on lyrics by Vieru
Maria Mirabela
Dragă Otee
Pentru Ea
La mănăstirea Căpriana (Clopotul Învierii)
Lăsați-ne în legea noastră
Două lacrimi gemene (Chișinău și București)
O serenadă
Ultima oră
Reaprindeți candela
Mi-e dor de tine, mamă
Codrul e frumos cu floare
See also
Unification of Romania and Moldova
External links
Grigore Vieru – virtual monument
A biography of Grigore Vieru
Valerian Ciobanu-Vieru: Pe cer a mai urcat o stea,
La moartea lui Grigore Vieru
1935 births
2009 deaths
People from Briceni District
Moldovan poets
Male poets
20th-century Romanian poets
Romanian male poets
Grand Crosses of the Order of the Star of Romania
Road incident deaths in Moldova
Corresponding members of the Romanian Academy
Recipients of the Order of the Republic (Moldova)
20th-century Romanian male writers
Moldovan male writers |
4041297 | | Aortic arches | The aortic arches or pharyngeal arch arteries (previously referred to as branchial arches in human embryos) are a series of six paired embryological vascular structures which give rise to the great arteries of the neck and head. They are ventral to the dorsal aorta and arise from the aortic sac.
The aortic arches are formed sequentially within the pharyngeal arches and initially appear symmetrical on both sides of the embryo, but then undergo a significant remodelling to form the final asymmetrical structure of the great arteries.
Arches 1 and 2
The first and second arches disappear early. A remnant of the 1st arch forms part of the maxillary artery, a branch of the external carotid artery. The ventral end of the second develops into the ascending pharyngeal artery, and its dorsal end gives origin to the stapedial artery, a vessel which typically atrophies in humans but persists in some mammals. The stapedial artery passes through the ring of the stapes and divides into supraorbital, infraorbital, and mandibula branches which follow the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve. The infraorbital and mandibular branches arise from a common stem, the terminal part of which anastomoses with the external carotid artery. On the obliteration of the stapedial artery, this anastomosis enlarges and forms the internal maxillary artery; branches formerly of the stapedial artery are subsequently considered branches of the internal maxillary artery. The common stem of the infraorbital and mandibular branches passes between the two roots of the auriculotemporal nerve and becomes the middle meningeal artery; the original supraorbital branch of the stapedial is represented by the orbital twigs of the middle meningeal.
Note that the external carotid buds from the horns of the aortic sac left behind by the regression of the first two arches.
Arch 3
The third aortic arch constitutes the commencement of the internal carotid artery, and is therefore named the carotid arch.
It contributes to the common carotid artery and the proximal portion of the internal carotid artery.
Arch 4
Also known as the systemic arch. The fourth right arch forms the right subclavian as far as the origin of its internal mammary branch. The fourth left arch forms the arch of the aorta between the origin of the left carotid artery and the terminus of the ductus arteriosus.
Arch 5
The fifth arch either never forms or forms incompletely and then regresses.
Arch 6
The proximal part of the sixth right arch persists as the proximal part of the right pulmonary artery while the distal section degenerates; The sixth left arch gives off the left pulmonary artery and forms the ductus arteriosus; this duct remains pervious during the whole of fetal life, but then closes within the first few days after birth due to increased O2 concentration. Oxygen concentration causes the production of bradykinin which causes the ductus to constrict occluding all flow. Within 1–3 months, the ductus is obliterated and becomes the ligamentum arteriosum.
The ductus arteriosus connects at a junction point that has a low pressure zone (commonly called Bernoulli's principle) created by the inferior curvature (inner radius) of the artery. This low pressure region allows the artery to receive (siphon) the blood flow from the pulmonary artery which is under a higher pressure. However, it is extremely likely that the major force driving flow in this artery is the markedly different arterial pressures in the pulmonary and systemic circulations due to the different arteriolar resistances.
His showed that in the early embryo the right and left arches each gives a branch to the lungs, but that later both pulmonary arteries take origin from the left arch.
Clinical significance
Most defects of the great arteries arise as a result of persistence of aortic arches that normally should regress or regression of arches that normally shouldn't.
Aberrant subclavian artery; with regression of the right aortic arch 4 and the right dorsal aorta, the right subclavian artery has an abnormal origin on the left side, just below the left subclavian artery. To supply blood to the right arm, this forces the right subclavian artery to cross the midline behind the trachea and esophagus, which may constrict these organs, although usually with no clinical symptoms.
A double aortic arch; occurs with the development of an abnormal right aortic arch in addition to the left aortic arch, forming a vascular ring around the trachea and esophagus, which usually causes difficulty breathing and swallowing. Occasionally, the entire right dorsal aorta abnormally persists and the left dorsal aorta regresses in which case the right aorta will have to arch across from the esophagus causing difficulty breathing or swallowing.
Right-sided aortic arch
Patent ductus arteriosus
Coarctation of the aorta
Additional images
See also
Pharyngeal arches
External links
Diagram at University of Michigan
Embryology of cardiovascular system
Pharyngeal arches |
4041311 | | WJZE | WJZE (Hot 97-3) is a Mainstream Urban radio station serving the Toledo area in Ohio, United States. The Urban Radio Broadcasting outlet broadcasts at 97.3 MHz with an ERP of 4,300 Watts and is licensed to Oak Harbor, Ohio. The station's studios are located in downtown Toledo, and its transmitter is located west of Woodville, Ohio.
Jazzy 97
The Station was originally assigned the call letters WUIA but they were never used. 97.3 FM signed on September 18, 1993 with a Smooth Jazz format known as Jazzy 97, the call letters WJZE matched the station's name. The station was owned by Oak Harbor Community Broadcasting, Inc. The company's name would later change to RASP Broadcasting Enterprises, Inc. Studios and offices were located at 1600 Woodville Road in nearby Millbury.
Classic Rock 97.3 WJZE
WJZE dropped its smooth jazz format for classic rock in mid-1996. A few months prior to the change, 94.5 WXKR had dropped its popular classic rock format for Adult Alternative, leaving Toledo without a full-time classic rock station. The station became simply known as "Classic Rock 97.3 WJZE, the station that brought classic rock back to Toledo". WJZE did moderately well despite its spotty signal on the west side of town. However, on February 2, 1998, 94.5 WXKR changed its format back to classic rock. It soon became apparent, that with WXKR's 30,000–watt signal, WJZE could not compete with only 3,000 watts of power.
Buzz 106.5 and 97.3
In the summer of 1998, WJZE dumped its Classic rock format for a full-time simulcast of WBUZ, going by the name "Buzz 106.5 and 97.3".
WBUZ (now WTOD) was sold to Cumulus Broadcasting in early 1999. 106.5 rebranded itself as "Pure Rock 106", the only time 97.3 was mentioned was in the top of the hour ID. The simulcast on WJZE continued until the agreement between WJZE and Cumulus ended.
97.3 The Fox
On August 1, 2000, Clear Channel Broadcasting (now iHeartRadio) entered into a local marketing Agreement (LMA) with WJZE's owner RASP Broadcasting. The station became 97.3 The Fox, with a classic hits format. The station ran without DJs most of the day.
Hot 97.3
In early 2005, RASP Broadcasting sold WJZE to Urban Radio Broadcasting. On March 15, the classic hits format was dropped in favor of an Urban format as "Hot 97.3".
External links
New HOT 97.3 Homepage
Mainstream urban radio stations in the United States
Urban Radio Broadcasting radio stations |
4041315 | | Moosylvania | Moosylvania is a fictional island located in the Lake of the Woods along the Canada–United States border that served as a plot device in The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.
The island has no permanent population, and conditions are said to be harsh and unpleasant. The island is in a state of terra nullius, since neither Canada nor the United States wants to claim the land and each country says it belongs to the other. (See Bir Tawil for a similar real-life example of this.) Bullwinkle J. Moose serves as Moosylvania's presumed namesake and its governor but only stays two weeks at a time, since (according to Bullwinkle) "after two weeks here, anyplace else in the world feels like Heaven!"
In the series finale "Moosylvania Saved," Fearless Leader, the head of state of the Eastern European state of Pottsylvania, attempts to destroy Moosylvania. The plot is foiled when Bullwinkle, who was going to go down with his sinking country, asked Rocky for a stick of gum, which inspired Rocky the Flying Squirrel to raise up Moosylvania with bubble gum balloons. The plan worked and Moosylvania was saved, giving the series a happy ending.
In the fall of 1962, Jay Ward, producer of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show, decided to campaign for statehood for Moosylvania. Ward sent Skip Craig to Minnesota to buy an island in Lake of the Woods. Craig wasn't able to find one for sale on the U.S. side of the lake (most of the islands in that lake belong to Canada), but managed to lease one for three years. Ward and publicist Howard Brandy conducted a cross-country tour in a decorated van, gathering signatures on a petition for statehood for Moosylvania. While in Washington, D.C., they sought an audience with President John F. Kennedy. However, they arrived at the White House on the very day the Cuban Missile Crisis broke, and were ordered to leave.
A national anthem for Moosylvania was included on the mini-album A Salute to Moosylvania!! Recorded Live at the Moosylvania Jazz Festival, self-released by Jay Ward in 1962.
Fictional locations in North America
Fictional islands
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Micronations in the United States
Lake of the Woods |
4041325 | | Clan Tweedie | Tweedie or Tweedy is a Scottish clan name. The Clan Tweedie does not currently have a chief recognized by the Lord Lyon King of Arms and is therefore considered an Armigerous clan. However the surname is also considered a sept of the Clan Fraser. The name is derived from the lands of Tweedie which were along the Valley of the River Tweed in Peebleshire in the Scottish Borders.
Mythical origins of the clan
Scottish tradition ascribes the origin of the Tweedie name to be that of a water sprite in the River Tweed. Legend tells of a husband who went off to fight in the crusades and while he was away his young wife became pregnant and so he returned home to find he had a son. His wife then told him that she had gone down to the banks of the River Tweed and had been accosted by a fairy of the river and become pregnant by him. Her husband, for whatever reason, chose to believe this story but on the condition that the son kept the surname of Tweedie. However the family name was certainly derived from the lands of Tweedie whether the story about the water fairy or spirit is true or not.
Early history
The Tweedies have a history of being a powerful and domineering family, whose principal seat was Drumelzier in Tweeddale. The first recorded Tweedie is John de Tueda as he describes himself in the reign of Alexander II (1214–1249), who afterwards had a Charter from Alexander III (1249–1286), granted him under the name of John de Tuedy. He was the owner of lands on the River Tweed from which the family took their name, and even then the family connections and possessions were widespread and powerful
Finlay de Twydyn appears in the Ragman Rolls of 1296 swearing fealty to King Edward I of England, and his son Roger of Twydyn, received a charter to the house and lands of Drumelzier around 1320. The family held these lands for over 300 years. Chambers in his History of Peebleshire described the Tweedies as being a savage race and another commentator of the eighteenth century described them as being a powerful and domineering family.
Tweedie of Drummelzier
The main centre of the Tweedie family until the 17th century was at Drummelzier, with other branches living at Wrae, Stobo, Dreva, Fruid and other forts and peel towers along the valley. The early history is one of lawlessness, typical of the Scottish borders at that time, with deadly feuds with neighbouring families, particularly the Veitch's. The Tweedies would charge tolls on travellers passing through their territory, be accused or the victims of cattle rustling, and become embroiled in affrays, often fatal, in the streets of Edinburgh.
A major incident occurred in 1524 when a large group of Tweedies were involved in the slaughter of Lord Fleming (chief of Clan Fleming) and the abduction of his son Malcolm Fleming, 3rd Lord Fleming – the dispute concerning the latter's intention to marry Catherine Fraser who in fact ended up marrying James Tweedie of Drummelzier. In 1592 another James Tweedie of Drumelzier was accused of the murder of Geddes of Glenhegdon in Edinburgh. The complaint against him states that it was not known how many slaughters had been committed by James Tweedie of Drumelzier and his friends. The ancient quarrel with the Veitches still broke out at times, and in 1611 attracted the notice of King James, one of whose last acts before leaving for England was to visit the district of Upper Tweedale with a view to staunching this bloody feud. However a year later it is said James Tweedie lay dead after a duel with Veitch of Dawick.
The fortunes of the Drummelzier family declined, and in 1633 the last Tweedie of Drummelzier was forced to sell the Barony of Drummelzier to Lord Hay of Yester.
Tweedie of Oliver
The Tweedies of Oliver Castle descend from a younger son of Drumelzier and they obtained their lands in the parish of Tweedsmuir from the preceptor of Torphichen in the 14th century.
In 1524 Thomas Tweedie of Oliver Castle was implicated in the murder of Lord Fleming (chief of Clan Fleming) which erupted into a bloody feud between the two families. Thomas was exiled from Scotland for three years in 1521. His son William is said to have been implicated in the conspiracy to murder Rizzio, the favourite of Mary, Queen of Scots. He and Adam Tweedie were among the body of armed men who, headed by Darnley, Morton, Ruthven, and others, on the night of 9 March 1566, rushed into the Palace at Holyrood and in the Queen's presence assassinated David Rizzio, her foreign Secretary and favourite musician. Along with the other conspirators, they were summoned on 19 March following to appear personally before the King and Queen and the Lords of the Secret Council to answer for the crime.
Subsequently, the Tweedies of Oliver adopted a more settled existence as comparatively prosperous landowners. In 1745 the Laird of that time, Thomas Tweedie, and other members of the family were careful to avoid any involvement in the Jacobite rising when Highland clans crossed the valley. However Tweedies attestation to the considerate and respectful behaviour Captain John Burnet of Colonel Grant's Highland Regiment on that occasion may have contributed to the latter's subsequent pardon.
Later descent from Oliver
This Thomas Tweedie married Mary Stevenson daughter of Alexander Stevenson of Venlaw Castle Their eldest son James inherited Oliver, but the line died out with Lawrence Tweedie (died 1837) who bequeathed Oliver to his nephew George Stodart provided he took the surname Tweedie and quartered the arms. The resulting Tweedie-Stodart descent has also since died out.
Thomas Tweedie's second son, another Thomas who lived at Kingledoors, is the antecedent of most of the Tweedies of Oliver descent through his son Alexander. Of Alexander's three sons, Thomas Stevenson Tweedie (1784–1855) became a surgeon in the East India Company. He had a family through an Anglo-Indian wife which he later disowned, and another family in Scotland. He added largely to the Quarter estate by purchasing many ancient possessions of the family, Kingledoors, Glenrath and Wrae, and also Rachan. His brother Maurice Tweedie (1787–1867) was a major general in the Indian Army who was Resident at Tanjore, served through the Coorg Campaign and other fighting, and commanded troops at Penang, Singapore, and Malacca. The third brother Michael Tweedie (1791–1874) also a soldier served in the Royal Artillery during the Peninsular War (1808–14). He married Frances Forbes and moved the Kent, establishing the Rawlinson Rolvenden line.
Michael Tweedie's son, another Michael Tweedie (1836–1917), was a major-general in the 1850s, throughout the Crimean War and during the Indian Mutiny. His son Admiral Sir Hugh Tweedie (1877–1951) had a distinguished naval career in the Royal Navy – he was aide-de-camp to King George V in 1925 and retired as an admiral in 1936, but was recalled at the outbreak of World War II. He was created a Knight of the Bath, in addition to holding the French Legion of Honour and the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun. Michael Forbes Tweedie, grandson of the first Michael Tweedie, is noted as the author of the Tweedie family history in 1902. Another descendant of the first Michael Tweedie was the naturalist Michael Tweedie, director of the Raffles Museum in Singapore.
Another Tweedie line, which is closely connected to Oliver, stems from Alexander Tweedie (died 1740) of Nether Minzion via his son James. James’ son Alexander Tweedie (1759–1811) moved to Dreva, and his son James Tweedie of Coates gave rise to families in Scotland and Chicago. A second son Thomas Tweedie (1760–1848) moved to Patavan and also had widely dispersed descendants.
Several others with the name Tweedie, identified in Peebles, surrounding areas of Peebleshire and Edinburgh up to the 19th century are most likely offshoots of the Tweed valley family.
Tweedy of Essex, The Hoo, Kempston, and Widmore Lodge
The branch descends from a George Twedye, born c. 1430, who was recorded in the Herald's Visitation of Essex 1558 and 1612 as coming "owt of Scotland frome a howse called Dromelzane". His arms were noted as Quarterly 1st & 4th Argent a saltire engrailed Gules a Chief Azure (for Twedye); 2nd & 3rd Azure a Cross pattee ermine between 3 Cinquefoils Or, (for Fraser) – a heraldic reference to the Tweedie connection with the Frasers. George's exact relationship to the Tweedies of Drummelzier has not been established. His great grandson, William Twedy, died in 1605 and is buried at Little Sampford, Essex. His memorial describes him as a distinguished military commander first under Queen Elizabeth of glorious memory in suppressing the tumults of the north of England, next under the invincible hero the Lord Baron de Willoughby in France, and lastly under the auspices of the illustrious Earl of Leicester, in the Netherlands, and was Warden of the military works at Bergen-op-Zoom.
The family remained in Essex until the 16th century, when it moved to Yorkshire before returning to the South of England in the 18th century. The family was centred on Bromley, Kent. Colonel George Tweedy HEIC lived at Bromley House, John Newman Tweedy lived at Widmore House and his son, Arthur Hearne Tweedy, at Widmore Lodge. The family's connection with Bromley is commemorated by the naming of Tweedy Road in the centre of the town.
Arthur Hearne Tweedy died in 1925 unmarried, and the family is now represented by Captain Christopher John Tweedy, late of the Black Watch.
Other branches
In addition to the Tweedie families listed above, Michael Forbes Tweedie recorded the following pedigrees in his book The History of the Tweedie or Tweedy Family:
The Descendants Of The Rev. William King Tweedie, D.D.
Tweedy Of Cornwall.
Tweedie Of New Brunswick.
Tweedy Of Cloonamahon.
Tweedie In Quothquan, co.Sligo, Ireland.
Alexander Leslie Tweedie.
Tweedie in Dreva and Minzon, and of Coats
Alexander Gladstone Tweedie.
Tweedie From Lindores.
Andrew Tweedie in Edinburgh
Tweedie in Broughton Mains
See also
Tartan: There is no registered tartan for this clan, but the Fraser tartan may be worn.
As at 2007 seven other Tweedie/Tweedy Coats of Arms have been registered at the Lyon Court, Edinburgh
External links
Michael Forbes Tweedie The History of the Tweedie or Tweedy Family (1902) Web Archive
Tweedie & Tweedy Genealogy
Tweedie and Tweedy Coats of Arms (20 variants)
Scottish clans
Armigerous clans |
4041326 | | Jimmy Nievez | Jimmy Nievez, born in 1969, is a disc jockey of New York City, Boston, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. And Program Director from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
His most recent accomplishments were as Program Director of two of Uno Radio Group's most important radio stations, Fidelity and SalSoul. At Fidelity, an adult contemporary station, Nievez was able to bring the station the luster it had lost. This earned him the respect of his superiors and the chance to Program their most difficult and important station, SalSoul.
His career started in the mid-1980s. After several years of disc jockeying in numerous radio stations, Nieves became one of the original disc jockeys of Cosmos 94 FM, Tu Emisora Radioactiva. The first radio station targeting Underground Rap followers, known today as the music phenomenon reggaeton. Cosmos was also the first radio chain in Puerto Rico, covering the entire island.
In 1998, Jimmy was offered the opportunity to be part of a new radio station in New York, Caliente 105.9. Nieves was co-host of "La Jungla De New York" (The New York Jungle), alongside Danny Cruz. An afternoon drive talk show, which soon became the stations' biggest hit. At Caliente, he was also in charge of creating the station's identity.
In New York City, television became an integral part of his resume, as he co-hosted a variety and entertainment show called "Sabado Al Mediodia" (Saturday at Midday), which became the top rated local Spanish television program on Univision's New York affiliate, WXTV-41.
Nievez was given the opportunity to host Jimmy y Boquita En La Manana on WEMG in Boston, with Dominican comedian Rosemery Almonte. Boquita achieving the highest ratings in the station's history.
Following his success in Boston, came yet another chance at hosting a morning talk show in the Big Apple and his third DJ gig in a brand new project. At Rumba 107.1 FM, Nieves hosted "Wassup NY", while still working with "Boquita".
He returned to Puerto Rico to work again with Danny Cruz, in La Perrera (The Dog House). An afternoon drive talk show on Puerto Rico's top-rated radio network, Cadena Salsoul. Nieves was then called, for a third time, to host a show in NYC once again. Alongside Dominican entertainer Frederick Martinez, "El Pacha", El Jangueo (Hanging) at WCAA, became the biggest hit at New York's only reggaeton station.
Today He leaves the stages and the lights to become one of the most important executives in the radio of Puerto Rico. He is the director of Uno Radio Group.
Appearances, interviews, and awards
He has been interviewed on television shows such as "Despierta America" (Univision) and "Escandalo TV" (Telefutura), and has also appeared in mayor local Latino events such as the Puerto Rican Day Parade (Timeline of New York City events) and Dominican Day Parade.
He has himself interviewed many major Latino celebrities and personalities including Ricky Martin, Juanes, Celia Cruz, Rubén Blades, Alejandro Fernández, Shakira, and Daddy Yankee.
Early years
He was born in New York City (Spanish Harlem, also known as East Harlem or El Barrio) to Puerto Rican parents. At the age of ten Jimmy's family moved to Puerto Rico where he grew up and lived most of his youth years.
At age 14, he started working at different radio stations in the southern coast of Puerto Rico, soon he was doing everything from production, to board operator, and DJing. He even gained experience as a Program Director of WENA, in Yauco, Puerto Rico. It was this experience at WENA which later became evident in his success at Uno Radio Group. He got the opportunity to host his first morning show on WRIO FM in Ponce City. From there on, Jimmy garnered enough experience to take him to the radio big leagues in NYC.
External links
Jimmy Nieves
La Kalle 105.9 FM
Bajo Fuego
See also
El Jangueo
List of Puerto Ricans
American radio personalities
Living people
1969 births
People from East Harlem
People from San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Subsets and Splits