from nltk import pos_tag, word_tokenize, RegexpParser, ngrams, FreqDist from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder from nltk.corpus import wordnet from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer, PorterStemmer from preprocessing.analyzer import ThesaurusExpansionAnalyzer, WikimediaAnalyzer from preprocessing.utils import clean from enum import Enum from nltk.tree import Tree from functools import reduce import operator from math import log from whoosh.analysis import StemmingAnalyzer from searching.fragmenter import Fragmenter, PhraseTokenizer import re import math from pywsd import disambiguate, adapted_lesk # from pke.unsupervised import TopicRank def get_cosine(vec1, vec2): intersection = set(vec1.keys()) & set(vec2.keys()) numerator = sum([vec1[x] * vec2[x] for x in intersection]) sum1 = sum([vec1[x] ** 2 for x in vec1.keys()]) sum2 = sum([vec2[x] ** 2 for x in vec2.keys()]) denominator = math.sqrt(sum1) * math.sqrt(sum2) if not denominator: return 0.0 else: return float(numerator) / denominator class POSTag(Enum): J = wordnet.ADJ V = wordnet.VERB N = wordnet.NOUN A = wordnet.ADV # ALL = 'ALL' @classmethod def to_wordnet(cls, nltk_pos): for pos in cls: if nltk_pos.startswith( return pos return cls.N # TODO check. Not founded tag are threatened as nouns. Maybe None? def lemmatizer(tokens): w_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() return [w_lemmatizer.lemmatize(token, POSTag.to_wordnet(pos).value) for (token, pos) in pos_tag(tokens)] def extract(tokens, tags=None): if tags is None: tags = [POSTag.J, POSTag.N] t = [token for token in pos_tag(tokens) if POSTag.to_wordnet(token[1][0]) in tags] return list(filter(None, t)) def stemming(tokens): stemmer = PorterStemmer() return [stemmer.stem(t) for t in tokens] def pke_key_phrase_extract(text, n=10): # create a TopicRank extractor extractor = TopicRank() # load the content of the document, here in CoreNLP XML format # the input language is set to English (used for the stoplist) # normalization is set to stemming (computed with Porter's stemming algorithm) extractor.load_document(text, language="en", normalization='stemming') # select the keyphrase candidates, for TopicRank the longest sequences of # nouns and adjectives extractor.candidate_selection(pos={'NOUN', 'PROPN', 'ADJ'}) # weight the candidates using a random walk. The threshold parameter sets the # minimum similarity for clustering, and the method parameter defines the # linkage method extractor.candidate_weighting(threshold=0.74, method='average') # print the n-highest (10) scored candidates return extractor.get_n_best(n=n, stemming=True) def thesaurus_expand(query, wikimedia, size=3, threshold=4.23): """ Wordent hierarchy - hyponyms concepts that are more specific (immediate), navigate down to the tree - hypernyms general concept, navigate up the hierarchy - meronyms components. For instance a tree have trunk, on as meronym - holonyms things that contain meronyms (i.e. tree) Query expansion require good relevance feedback methods. Using a thesaurus based query expansion might decrease performance and has query drift problems with polysemic words. This method picks up keyword from gloss of the synsets and uses a lesk algorithm to disambiguate terms from each other :param query: :return: """ analyzer = ThesaurusExpansionAnalyzer() wikimedia_analyzer = WikimediaAnalyzer() original_tokens = [i.text for i in analyzer(query)] # original_tokens = set([i.text for i in query.all_tokens()]) print(original_tokens) synonyms = set() rule = r""" NBAR: {<NN>} {<JJ>} # {<JJS>} {<NNS>} # {<NNP>} """ synsets = [] # for i in original_tokens: # for s in wordnet.synsets(i): # for h in s.hypernyms(): # print(s, h , s.wup_similarity(h)) # for i in original_tokens: # for s in wordnet.synsets(i): # print(s.definition()) for w, s in disambiguate(" ".join(original_tokens), algorithm=adapted_lesk): if s: definition = s.definition() pke_text = definition + ' ' + ' '.join(s.lemma_names()) # print(pke_key_phrase_extract(pke_text)) tokens = [i.text for i in wikimedia_analyzer(definition)] synsets.append((w, wordnet.synset(, tokens)) for word, sense, definition in synsets: if sense: synonyms = synonyms.union(noun_groups(word_tokenize(sense.definition()), chunk_size=1, rule=rule)) text = " ".join([ for i in sense.lemmas()]) for lemma in wikimedia_analyzer(text): if lemma.text not in original_tokens: synonyms.add(lemma.text) # vfor tok in wikimedia_analyzer(lemma.text): # print(tok.text) # if tok.text not in original_tokens: # synonyms.add(tok.text) # for token in tokens: for _, original_sense, _ in synsets: for child_synset in wordnet.synsets(token): # if child_synset: # definition = [i.text for i in analyzer(child_synset.definition())] # pywsd. score = # wordnet.synset(, simulate_root=False) print( # child_synset, child_synset.definition(), original_sense, score) # print(tokens) # print([j.definition() for i, j in pywsd.disambiguate(query, algorithm=pywsd.simple_lesk)], '\n', # [j.definition() for i, j in pywsd.disambiguate(query, algorithm=pywsd.adapted_lesk)], '\n', # [j.definition() for i, j in pywsd.disambiguate(query, algorithm=pywsd.cosine_lesk)], '\n', # [j.definition() for i, j in pywsd.disambiguate(query, algorithm=pywsd.max_similarity)]) # if len(_concept) > 0: # concept, similarity_strength = _concept[0] # if similarity_strength > 0.7: # __retrieve_definition_groupings(synsets) # else: # print(__retrieve_definition_groupings(synsets)) # disambiguated_senses = disambiguate(query, algorithm=adapted_lesk) # print(disambiguated_senses, '\n\n', simple_lesk, '\n\n', resnik_wsd(word_tokenize(query)), '\n') # for token in original_tokens: # senses = wordnet.synsets(token, 'n') # if len(senses) == 1: # synonyms = synonyms.union(set(senses[0].lemma_names())) # else: # # tokens += [i.text for i in analyzer(' '.join(list(synonyms)))] # return original_tokens + [i for i in tokens if i not in original_tokens] reader = wikimedia.reader terms_vec = {} for syn in synonyms: score = calc_syn_score(syn, reader) terms_vec[syn] = score # else: # terms_vec[syn] = 0 ranked_terms = sorted(terms_vec, key=lambda c: terms_vec[c], reverse=True) print('***Ranked terms') for i in list(map(lambda q: (q, terms_vec[q]), ranked_terms)): print(i[0], ' ', i[1], '\n') return list(map(lambda q: q[0], filter(lambda v: v[1] >= threshold, terms_vec.items()))) def calc_syn_score(syn, reader): terms_vec = [] for i in word_tokenize(syn): doc_frequency = reader.doc_frequency('text', i) term_frequency = reader.frequency('text', i) if doc_frequency != 0: terms_vec.append(term_frequency / doc_frequency) else: terms_vec.append(0) return max(terms_vec) def noun_groups(tokens, chunk_size=2, analyzer=StemmingAnalyzer(), rule=None): grammar = r""" NBAR: {<NN|JJ><|JJ|NN>} # Nouns and Adjectives, terminated with Nouns # {<NN>} # If pattern not found just a single NN is ok """ if rule is not None: grammar = rule cp = RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(pos_tag(tokens)) nouns = set() for chunk in result: if type(chunk) == Tree: if chunk.label() == 'NBAR': words = list(map(lambda entry: entry[0], chunk.leaves())) tokens = analyzer(" ".join(words)) nouns.add(" ".join([i.text for i in tokens])) # nouns.add(tuple([i.text for i in tokens])) else: continue # print('Leaf', '\n', chunk) return nouns class Passage: """ Deprecated """ def __init__(self, doc, passage): self._doc = doc self._passage = passage self.concept = [] def __repr__(self): return f'{self._passage[0:3]}...[{len(self._passage)}] [{self._doc["title"]}]' class DocStats: """ In-memory bigram index for text statistics """ def __init__(self, tokens): self._bigram = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens) @staticmethod def _score_from_ngram(*args): return args[0] def _frequency(self, gram: tuple): fd_score = self._bigram.score_ngram(self._score_from_ngram, *gram) or 0 bd_score = self._bigram.score_ngram(self._score_from_ngram, *gram[::-1]) or 0 return max(fd_score, bd_score) def frequency(self, term: str): grams = [i for i in ngrams(term.split(" "), 2)] if len(grams) == 0: return self._bigram.word_fd[term] return max([self._frequency(gram) for gram in grams]) def __count_docs_containing(c, docs): docs_containing_c = list(filter(lambda f: f > 0, [d.frequency(c) for d in docs])) return len(docs_containing_c) def prod(products): return reduce(operator.mul, products) def _calculate_qterm_correlation(query_terms, concept, idf_c, docs): for qterm, idf_i in query_terms: N = len(docs) # IDFc = max(1.0, log(N / npc, 10) / 5) # IDFi = max(1.0, log(N / npi, 10) / 5) y = 0.1 f = sum([doc_stat.frequency(qterm) * doc_stat.frequency(concept) for doc_stat in docs]) if f == 0: yield y else: # print(f, N, y, idf_c, idf_i, concept, qterm) yield (y + (log(f) * idf_c) / log(N)) ** idf_i # yield d def lca_expand(query, documents, size=15, passage_size=400, threshold=1.4): """ Implements the Local Context Analysis algorithm to expand query based on top ranked concept that maximize the sim to the query sim(q,c) = ∏ (y + (log(f(ci,ki) + IDFc) / log(n))^IDFi where: * f(ci, ki) = quantifies the correlation between the concept c and the query term ki: and is given by: Σ pfi_j * pfc_j where pf(i,c)_j is the frequency of term ki or concept c in the j-th doc * IDFc = inverse document frequency of concept c calculated as max(1, log_10(N/npc)/5) IDFi = inverse document frequency of query term i calculated as max(1, log_10(N/npi)/5) to emphasizes infrequent query terms where npc is number of documents containing the concept c nad npi number of docs containing the query term i and N is number of documents IDFi * y is a smoothing constant set to 0.1 to avoid zeros values in the product calculation A concept is a noun group of single, two, or three words. """ fragmenter = Fragmenter(max_size=passage_size) query_terms = set([i.text for i in query.all_tokens()]) regex = re.compile(r"|".join(query_terms)) analyzer = StemmingAnalyzer() concepts = set() doc_stats = [] for doc in documents: text = clean(doc['text']).lower() fragment = fragmenter.merge_fragments(PhraseTokenizer().tokenize(text)[:3]) # fragment = fragmenter.merge_fragments( # fragmenter.calculate_phrase_ranking( # text, # query_terms)[:3]) tokens = word_tokenize(fragment.text) stemmed_tokens = [i.text for i in analyzer(text)] key_terms = noun_groups(tokens) concepts = concepts.union(key_terms) doc_stats.append(DocStats(stemmed_tokens)) query_terms_with_idf = list() for q in query_terms: npi = __count_docs_containing(q, doc_stats) if npi == 0: query_terms_with_idf.append((q, 1)) else: query_terms_with_idf.append((q, log(len(documents) / npi, 10) / 5)) concepts = set(filter(lambda c: len(c) > 2, concepts)) # Removing blank entries or spurious pos_tag entries # tagged as NN # breakpoint() ranking = [] for concept in concepts: if concept in query_terms: continue N = len(documents) npc = __count_docs_containing(concept, doc_stats) or 1 idf_c = max(1.0, log(N / npc, 10) / 5) prods = _calculate_qterm_correlation(query_terms_with_idf, concept, idf_c, doc_stats) sim = prod([i for i in prods]) ranking.append((concept, sim)) print(sorted(ranking, key=lambda c: c[1], reverse=True)) filtered = filter(lambda c: c[1] > threshold, ranking) return list(map(lambda q: q[0], sorted(filtered, key=lambda c: c[1], reverse=True)))[:size] # return [re.sub(regex, "", term).strip() for term in top_terms]
class Solution: """ @param n: An integer @return: An integer """ def climbStairs(self, n): # write your code here if n < 1: return 1 a = 1 b = 1 for i in xrange(n): a, b = b, a + b return a
import azaka client = azaka.Client() @client.register async def main(ctx: azaka.Context) -> None: interface = azaka.Interface(, flags=(azaka.Flags.BASIC,)) interface.set_condition(lambda VN: VN.SEARCH % "fate") paginator: azaka.Paginator = azaka.Paginator(client, interface) async for page in paginator: if ( paginator.current_page_num < 3 ): # Not necessary, i did it to avoid getting throttled. print(page) else: break client.start()
import sqlite3 from contextlib import closing dados = [ ("João","111-111"), ("Edinara","222-222"), ("Jonas","333-333"), ("Raquel","444-444") ] with sqlite3.connect("agenda2.db") as conexao: with closing(conexao.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute("select * from agenda2 where nome = 'Jonas' ") while True: resultado = cursor.fetchone() if resultado is None: break print(f"Nome: {resultado[0]}\nTelefone: {resultado[1]}")
import discord from discord.ext import commands import os, sys, inspect import asyncio current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir) import botlib import wowapi DEVMODE = os.getenv("DEVMODE") == "TRUE" # Boolean flag for devmode class Database(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client ## On_Ready event for cog @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): print("Database is initialized.") ### db_members @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def db_members(self, ctx): membersList = wowapi.getAllTableRows("members") msg = "" for member in membersList: print(member) for x in range(len(member)): msg += f"{member[x]} " msg += "\n" await ctx.send(msg) ### get_table_structure @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def get_table_structure(self, ctx, table): retList = wowapi.getTableStructure(table) msg = "" for item in retList: for x in range(len(item)): msg += f"{item[x]} " msg += "\n" await ctx.send(msg) ### get_table_contents @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def get_table_contents(self, ctx, table): retList = wowapi.getTableContents(table) msgList = [] msg = "\n" for item in retList: curLen = len(msg) newMsg = "\n" for x in range(len(item)): newMsg += f"{item[x]} " if curLen + len(newMsg) < 2000: msg += newMsg else: msgList.append(msg) msg = newMsg msgList.append(msg) for message in msgList: await ctx.send(message) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def recreate_members_table(self, ctx): wowapi.initMembersTable() # wowapi.updateAllMemberData() await ctx.send("Members table is created and set to initial values.") @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def recreate_full_database(self, ctx): wowapi.initConfigTable() wowapi.initMembersTable() wowapi.initRaidmatsTable() wowapi.initDTCacheTable() # wowapi.updateAllMemberData() await ctx.send("Fresh database initialized.") @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def recreate_mythicplus_database(self, ctx): wowapi.initMythicPlusTable() await ctx.send("Mythic Plus database initialized.") @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def recreate_raidmats_table(self, ctx): wowapi.initRaidmatsTable() # wowapi.updateAllMemberData() await ctx.send("Raidmats table is created and set to initial values.") @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def recreate_config_table(self, ctx): wowapi.initConfigTable() # wowapi.updateAllMemberData() await ctx.send("Config table is created and set to initial values.") ## Initialize cog def setup(client): client.add_cog(Database(client))
#!/usr/bin/python3 class Person: name = '' age = 0 __weight = 0 def __init__(self, n, a, w): = n self.age = a self.__weight = w def speak(self): print('%s 说:我今年 %d 岁。' %(, self.age)) class Student(Person): grade = '' def __init__(self, n, a, w, g): Person.__init__(self, n,a,w) self.grade = g def speak(self): print("%s 说: 我 %d 岁了,我在读 %d 年级" % (, self.age, self.grade)) class Speaker(): topic = '' name = '' def __init__(self, n, t): = n self.topic = t def speak(self): print("我叫 %s,我是一个演说家,我演讲的主题是 %s" % (, self.topic)) class Sample(Speaker, Student): a = '' def __init__(self, n,a,w,g,t): Student.__init__(self,n,a,w,g) Speaker.__init__(self,n,t) p = Person('runoob', 10, 30) p.speak() s = Student('ken',10,60,3) s.speak() sam = Sample('zw', 22, 120, 6, 'tw') sam.speak()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask, request, abort, flash, redirect, render_template, url_for from notes import factory as note_factory ## ###################################################################### ## App configuration ## # instantiate the application app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update(dict( DATABASE='', SECRET_KEY='dev-key-no-security-needed', DEBUG=True, )) app.config.from_envvar('WEBDROP_SETTINGS', silent=True) db = None ## TODO - SQLAlchemy(app) note_dom = note_factory(app.config, db) ## ###################################################################### ## App Views ## @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): return render_template('home.j2') @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def post(): print('TRACE - POST[ new-note ]') k = request.form['key-text'] v = request.form['note-text'] note_dom.add(k, v) flash("added: '{}'".format(k)) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/list', methods=['GET']) def list(): note_list = note_dom.list() return render_template('list.j2', notes=note_list) @app.route('/resetdb', methods=['GET']) def resetdb(): note_dom.reset() flash('DB Reset') return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/<string:note_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_note(note_id): n = note_dom.get(note_id) if n is None: abort(404) return render_template('list.j2', notes=[n]) ## Local Variables: ## mode: python ## End:
from typing import List class Solution: def group_anagrams(self, strs: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]: groupings = {} for word in strs: key = self.convert(word) if key in groupings: groupings[key].append(word) else: groupings[key] = [word] return [*groupings.values()] @staticmethod def convert(word): alphabet = [0] * 26 for letter in word: alphabet[ord(letter) - ord('a')] += 1 return tuple(alphabet) values = ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"] solution = Solution() print(solution.group_anagrams(values))
import unittest from util import * ROUND_TRIP_CASES = [ # RFC 4648 ('f', 'Zg=='), ('fo', 'Zm8='), ('foo', 'Zm9v'), ('foob', 'Zm9vYg=='), ('fooba', 'Zm9vYmE='), ('foobar', 'Zm9vYmFy'), # Cases from ('Hello World', 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ='), ('A', 'QQ=='), ('AA', 'QUE='), ('AAA', 'QUFB'), ('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.', 'VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2dzLg=='), ('It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.', 'SXQgd2FzIHRoZSBiZXN0IG9mIHRpbWVzLCBpdCB3YXMgdGhlIHdvcnN0IG9mIHRpbWVzLg=='), ('', 'aHR0cDovL2pha2FydGEuYXBhY2hlLm9yZy9jb21tbW9ucw=='), ('AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz', 'QWFCYkNjRGRFZUZmR2dIaElpSmpLa0xsTW1Obk9vUHBRcVJyU3NUdFV1VnZXd1h4WXlaeg=='), ('xyzzy!', 'eHl6enkh'), ] class Base64Tests(unittest.TestCase): def test_vectors(self): """Tests for encoding and decoding a base 64 string""" buf, buf_len = make_cbuffer('00' * 1024) for str_in, b64_in in ROUND_TRIP_CASES: ret, max_len = wally_base64_get_maximum_length(b64_in, 0) self.assertEqual(ret, WALLY_OK) self.assertTrue(max_len >= len(str_in)) ret, b64_out = wally_base64_from_bytes(utf8(str_in), len(str_in), 0) self.assertEqual((ret, b64_out), (WALLY_OK, b64_in)) ret, written = wally_base64_to_bytes(utf8(b64_in), 0, buf, max_len) self.assertEqual((ret, buf[:written]), (WALLY_OK, utf8(str_in))) def test_get_maximum_length(self): # Invalid args valid_b64 = utf8(ROUND_TRIP_CASES[0][1]) for args in [(None, 0), # Null base64 string (bytes(), 0), # Zero-length base64 string (valid_b64, 1), # Invalid flags ]: ret, max_len = wally_base64_get_maximum_length(*args) self.assertEqual((ret, max_len), (WALLY_EINVAL, 0)) def test_base64_from_bytes(self): # Invalid args valid_str = utf8(ROUND_TRIP_CASES[0][0]) valid_str_len = len(valid_str) for args in [ (None, valid_str_len, 0), # Null input bytes (valid_str, 0, 0), # Zero-length input bytes (valid_str, valid_str_len, 1), # Invalid flags ]: ret, b64_out = wally_base64_from_bytes(*args) self.assertEqual((ret, b64_out), (WALLY_EINVAL, None)) def test_base64_to_bytes(self): # Invalid args buf, buf_len = make_cbuffer('00' * 1024) valid_b64 = utf8(ROUND_TRIP_CASES[0][1]) _, max_len = wally_base64_get_maximum_length(valid_b64, 0) for args in [ (None, 0, buf, max_len), # Null base64 string (valid_b64, 1, buf, max_len), # Invalid flags (valid_b64, 0, None, max_len), # Null output buffer (valid_b64, 0, buf, 0), # Zero output length ]: ret, written = wally_base64_to_bytes(*args) self.assertEqual((ret, written), (WALLY_EINVAL, 0)) # Too short output length returns the number of bytes needed ret, written = wally_base64_to_bytes(valid_b64, 0, buf, max_len-1) self.assertEqual((ret, written), (WALLY_OK, max_len)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from WMCore.WebTools.RESTModel import RESTModel, restexpose from cherrypy import HTTPError DUMMY_ROLE = "dummy" DUMMY_GROUP = "dummies" DUMMY_SITE = "dummyHome" class DummyDAO1: """ A DAO that has no arguments and does nothing but return 123 """ def execute(self): return 123 class DummyDAO2: """ A DAO that takes a single argument """ def execute(self, num): return {'num': num} class DummyDAO3: """ A DAO with keyword arguments TODO: use this """ def execute(self, num, thing=None): return {'num': num, 'thing': thing} class DummyDAOFac: """ Something that replicates a Factory that loads our dummy DAO classes """ def __call__(self, classname='DummyDAO1'): dao = None if classname == 'DummyDAO1': dao = DummyDAO1() elif classname == 'DummyDAO2': dao = DummyDAO2() elif classname == 'DummyDAO3': dao = DummyDAO3() return dao class DummyRESTModel(RESTModel): def __init__(self, config): ''' Initialise the RESTModel and add some methods to it. ''' RESTModel.__init__(self, config) self.defaultExpires = config.default_expires self.methods = {'GET':{ 'ping': {'default_data':1234, 'call', 'version': 1, 'args': [], 'expires': 3600, 'validation': []}, #'list1': {'call':self.list1, # 'version': 1} }, 'POST':{ 'echo': {'call':self.echo, 'version': 1, 'args': ['message'], 'validation': []}, } } self._addMethod('GET', 'gen', self.gen) self._addMethod('GET', 'list', self.list, args=['input_int', 'input_str'], validation=[self.val_0, self.val_1, self.val_2, self.val_3, self.val_4 ], version=2) self._addMethod('GET', 'list1', self.list1) self._addMethod('GET', 'list2', self.list2, args=['num0', 'num1', 'num2']) self._addMethod('GET', 'list3', self.list3, args=['a', 'b']) self._addMethod('POST', 'list3', self.list3, args=['a', 'b']) self._addMethod('PUT', 'list1', self.list1, secured = True, security_params = {'role':DUMMY_ROLE, 'group': DUMMY_GROUP, 'site':DUMMY_SITE}) # a will take list of numbers. i.e. a[1,2,3] self._addMethod('GET', 'listTypeArgs', self.listTypeArgs, args=['aList'], validation = [self.listTypeValidate]) self.daofactory = DummyDAOFac() self._addDAO('GET', 'data1', 'DummyDAO1', []) self._addDAO('GET', 'data2', 'DummyDAO2', ['num']) self._addDAO('GET', 'data3', 'DummyDAO3', ['num', 'thing']) @restexpose def ping(self): """ Return a simple message """ return 'ping' @restexpose def echo(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Echo back the arguments sent to the call. If sanitise needed to be called explicitly (e.g. method not added via _addMethod) method signature of callee should be (*args, **kwargs). """ input_data = self._sanitise_input(args, kwargs, 'echo') return input_data def gen(self): """Generator method which produce generator dicts""" data = ({'idx':i} for i in range(10)) return data def list(self, input_int, input_str): return {'input_int':input_int, 'input_str':input_str} def list1(self): """ test no argument case, return 'No argument' string """ return 'No argument' def list2(self, num0, num1, num2): """ test multiple argment string return the dictionary of key: value pair of the arguments """ return {'num0': num0, 'num1': num1, 'num2': num2} def list3(self, *args, **kwargs): """ test sanitise without any validation specified """ return kwargs def listTypeArgs(self, aList): """ test whether it handles ?aList=1&aList=2 types of query """ return aList def listTypeValidate(self, request_input): if not isinstance(request_input["aList"], list): request_input["aList"] = [int(request_input["aList"])] else: request_input["aList"] = map(int, request_input["aList"]) return request_input def val_0(self, request_input): # checks whether request_input is right number if len(request_input) != 2: raise HTTPError(400, 'val_0 failed: request_input length is not 2 -- (%s)' % len(request_input)) return request_input def val_1(self, request_input): # Convert the request_input data to an int (will be a string), ignore if it # fails as the next validation will kill that, and it makes the unit test # trickier... try: request_input['input_int'] = int(request_input['input_int']) except: pass # Checks its first request_input contains a int try: assert isinstance(request_input['input_int'], type(123)) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError('val_1 failed: %s not int' % type(request_input['input_int'])) return request_input def val_2(self, request_input): # Checks its second request_input is a string try: assert isinstance(request_input['input_str'], basestring) except AssertionError: raise HTTPError(400, 'val_2 failed: %s not string or unicode' % type(request_input['input_str'])) return request_input def val_3(self, request_input): # Checks the int is 123 try: assert request_input['input_int'] == 123 except AssertionError: raise HTTPError(400, 'val_3 failed: %s != 123' % request_input['input_int']) return request_input def val_4(self, request_input): # Checks the str is 'abc' try: assert request_input['input_str'] == 'abc' except AssertionError: raise HTTPError(400, 'val_4 failed: %s != "abc"' % request_input['input_str']) return request_input
import django import os from import parser from movies.models import Movie parser()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np train_x=np.load('./twitter/idx_q.npy', mmap_mode='r') train_y=np.load('./twitter/idx_a.npy', mmap_mode='r') print(train_x.shape) print(train_x[0]) batch_size=128 sequence_length=4 num_encoder_symbols=10 num_decoder_symbols=10 embedding_size=16 learning_rate=0.01 MAX_GRAD_NORM=5 hidden_size=16 encoder_inputs=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32,shape=[batch_size,sequence_length]) decoder_inputs=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32,shape=[batch_size,sequence_length]) logits=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,shape=[batch_size,sequence_length,num_decoder_symbols]) targets=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32,shape=[batch_size,sequence_length]) weights=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,shape=[batch_size,sequence_length]) train_decoder_inputs=np.zeros(shape=[batch_size,sequence_length],dtype=np.int32) train_weights=np.ones(shape=[batch_size,sequence_length],dtype=np.float32) cell=tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(hidden_size) def seq2seq(encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs,cell,num_encoder_symbols,num_decoder_symbols,embedding_size): encoder_inputs = tf.unstack(encoder_inputs, axis=1) decoder_inputs = tf.unstack(decoder_inputs, axis=1) results,states=tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_rnn_seq2seq( encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, cell, num_encoder_symbols, num_decoder_symbols, embedding_size, output_projection=None, feed_previous=False, dtype=None, scope=None ) return results def get_loss(logits,targets,weights): loss=tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss( logits, targets=targets, weights=weights ) return loss results=seq2seq(encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs,cell,num_encoder_symbols,num_decoder_symbols,embedding_size) logits=tf.stack(results,axis=0) print(logits) loss=get_loss(logits,targets,weights) trainable_variables=tf.trainable_variables() grads,_=tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(loss,trainable_variables),MAX_GRAD_NORM) optimizer=tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads,trainable_variables)) with tf.Session() as sess: count=0 while(count<100): print("count:", count) for step in range(0,100): #print("step:",step) train_encoder_inputs=train_x[step*batch_size:step*batch_size+batch_size,:] train_targets=train_y[step*batch_size:step*batch_size+batch_size,:],feed_dict={encoder_inputs:train_encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs:train_decoder_inputs}) op =, feed_dict={encoder_inputs: train_encoder_inputs, targets: train_targets, weights: train_weights, decoder_inputs: train_decoder_inputs}) step=step+1 if(step%10==0): cost =, feed_dict={encoder_inputs: train_encoder_inputs, targets: train_targets, weights: train_weights, decoder_inputs: train_decoder_inputs}) print(cost) count=count+1
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ### RATING SCRIPT ### ### PURPOSE ### The purpose of the rating script is to rate the different stocks found on the norwegian market based upon their ### historical value and dividends. ### ### PS! DO NOT use the results from the rating script as the decider for whether or not to buy a specific stock. Make ### sure to do enough research about the companies you are thinking of buying stocks for. This program is just a ### tool to give rating evaluation of their historical performance and does not predict the future. ### ### @Author: Fredrik Bakken ### Email: fredrik.bakken(at) ### Website: ### Github: ### ### Last update: 17.10.2017 ''' import sys import datetime from prettytable import PrettyTable from db import db_get_dividends, db_get_stock_value, db_get_stock_value_year, db_number_of_stocks, db_id_stocks def calculate_profit(ticker, dividend, start, end): if not start == 0: profit = (end + dividend) / start dividend_percent_start = dividend / start else: profit = 0 dividend_percent_start = 0 if not end == 0: dividend_percent_end = dividend / end else: dividend_percent_end = 0 return [ticker, profit, start, end, dividend, dividend_percent_start, dividend_percent_end] def sort_on_date(data): date_list = [] # Loop through database data and append date to list for x in range(len(data)): date_list.append(data[x]['d']) # Sort the date_list from first date to last date sorted_list = sorted(date_list, key=lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d')) return sorted_list def rating(arg): number_of_arguments = 0 int_arg = 0 if not arg == 'all': number_of_arguments = (len(arg) - 1) profit_list = [] try: int_arg = int(arg[1]) - 1 bool_year = True except: bool_year = False # If rate select is 'all' historical stocks if ((number_of_arguments == 1 and arg[1] == 'all') or (arg == 'all')): print("\nRate stocks for all historical values...") # Get the number of stocks in the database number_of_stocks = db_number_of_stocks() # Loop through the database and get the tickers for x in range(number_of_stocks): # Variables total_dividend = 0 # Find ticker stock_id = (x + 1) ticker = db_id_stocks(stock_id) # Find total dividend data dividend_data = db_get_dividends(ticker) dividend_date_list = sort_on_date(dividend_data) if len(dividend_date_list) > 0: from_date_dividend = dividend_date_list[0] to_date_dividend = dividend_date_list[(len(dividend_date_list) - 1)] if ((float(from_date_dividend) > 0) and (float(to_date_dividend) > 0)): for x in range(len(dividend_data)): current_date = dividend_data[x]['d'] if from_date_dividend <= current_date <= to_date_dividend: total_dividend = total_dividend + float(dividend_data[x]['di']) # Find start and end stock value stock_data = db_get_stock_value(ticker) stock_date_list = sort_on_date(stock_data) # Resetting stock values start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 if len(stock_date_list) > 0: from_date_stock = stock_date_list[0] to_date_stock = stock_date_list[-1] if ((float(from_date_stock) > 0) and (float(to_date_stock) > 0)): val_f = False val_t = False for x in range(len(stock_data)): if stock_data[x]['d'] == from_date_stock: start_stock_value = float(stock_data[x]['c']) val_f = True elif stock_data[x]['d'] == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = float(stock_data[x]['c']) val_t = True if from_date_stock == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = start_stock_value if val_f and val_t: break else: start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 profit = calculate_profit(ticker, total_dividend, start_stock_value, end_stock_value) profit_list.append(profit) # If rate select is specific year elif number_of_arguments == 1 and bool_year: print("\nRate stocks for year " + arg[1] + '...') # Get the number of stocks in the database number_of_stocks = db_number_of_stocks() # Loop through the database and get the tickers for x in range(number_of_stocks): # Variables total_dividend = 0 # Find ticker stock_id = (x + 1) ticker = db_id_stocks(stock_id) # Find total dividend data dividend_data = db_get_dividends(ticker) dividend_date_list = sort_on_date(dividend_data) for x in range(len(dividend_date_list)): if dividend_data[x]['d'].startswith(arg[1]): total_dividend = total_dividend + float(dividend_data[x]['di']) # Find start and end stock value stock_data = db_get_stock_value_year(ticker, arg[1]) stock_date_list = sort_on_date(stock_data) # Resetting stock values start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 if len(stock_date_list) > 0: from_date_stock = stock_date_list[0] to_date_stock = stock_date_list[-1] if ((float(from_date_stock) > 0) and (float(to_date_stock) > 0)): val_f = False val_t = False for x in range(len(stock_data)): if stock_data[x]['d'] == from_date_stock: start_stock_value = float(stock_data[x]['c']) val_f = True elif stock_data[x]['d'] == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = float(stock_data[x]['c']) val_t = True if from_date_stock == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = start_stock_value if val_f and val_t: break else: start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 profit = calculate_profit(ticker, total_dividend, start_stock_value, end_stock_value) profit_list.append(profit) # If rate selected is from/to specific years elif number_of_arguments == 2: print("\nRating stocks from " + arg[1] + " to " + arg[2] + '...') # Add relevant years to a list year_from = int(arg[1]) year_to = int(arg[2]) difference = (year_to - year_from) years = [] for x in range(difference + 1): years.append(year_from + x) # Get the number of stocks in the database number_of_stocks = db_number_of_stocks() # Loop through the database and get the tickers for x in range(number_of_stocks): # Variables total_dividend = 0 # Find ticker stock_id = (x + 1) ticker = db_id_stocks(stock_id) # Find total dividend data dividend_data = db_get_dividends(ticker) for x in range(len(years)): for y in range(len(dividend_data)): if dividend_data[y]['d'].startswith(str(years[x])): total_dividend = total_dividend + float(dividend_data[y]['di']) # Find start and end stock value start_stock_data = db_get_stock_value_year(ticker, arg[1]) start_stock_date_list = sort_on_date(start_stock_data) end_stock_data = db_get_stock_value_year(ticker, arg[2]) end_stock_date_list = sort_on_date(end_stock_data) # Resetting stock values start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 if len(start_stock_data) > 0 and len(end_stock_data) > 0: from_date_stock = start_stock_date_list[0] to_date_stock = end_stock_date_list[-1] if ((float(from_date_stock) > 0) and (float(to_date_stock) > 0)): for x in range(len(start_stock_data)): if start_stock_data[x]['d'] == from_date_stock: start_stock_value = float(start_stock_data[x]['c']) break for x in range(len(end_stock_data)): if end_stock_data[x]['d'] == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = float(end_stock_data[x]['c']) break if from_date_stock == to_date_stock: end_stock_value = start_stock_value else: start_stock_value = 0 end_stock_value = 0 profit = calculate_profit(ticker, total_dividend, start_stock_value, end_stock_value) profit_list.append(profit) # Else: Invalid arguments else: print("That is an invalid argument, please use one of the following arguments:\n" "'all', 'year', 'from_year to_year'") # Rating parameters # TOTAL = x[1] # DIVIDEND NOW = x[6] sorted_list = sorted(profit_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) t = PrettyTable(['Loss / Profit', 'Ticker', 'Total (%)', 'From stock value', 'To stock value', 'Total dividend (After split)', 'Dividend to start', 'Dividend to end']) for x in range(len(sorted_list)): if sorted_list[x][1] > 1: loss_profit = 'PROFIT' elif sorted_list[x][1] < 1: loss_profit = 'LOSS' else: loss_profit = 'NO CHANGE' if sorted_list[x][4] == 0: dividend = '-' else: dividend = '{0:.2f}'.format(sorted_list[x][4]) + ' kr' if not (sorted_list[x][1] == 0 and sorted_list[x][2] == 0 and sorted_list[x][4] == 0): t.add_row([loss_profit, sorted_list[x][0], '{:.3%}'.format(sorted_list[x][1]), '{0:.2f}'.format(sorted_list[x][2]), '{0:.2f}'.format(sorted_list[x][3]), dividend, '{:.3%}'.format(sorted_list[x][5]), '{:.3%}'.format(sorted_list[x][6])]) print(t) developer = '\nSoftware has been developed by Fredrik Bakken.\n ' \ '\nEmail: fredrik.bakken(at)' \ '\nWebsite:' \ '\nGithub:\n' \ '\nThank you for trying out this free stock rating software.' print(developer) if ((number_of_arguments == 1 and arg[1] == 'all') or (arg == 'all')): today ='%d.%m.%Y') table_txt = t.get_string() with open('results/profit_results.txt', 'w') as file: file.write('DATA IS FROM ' + today + '.\n') file.write(developer + '\n') file.write(table_txt) if __name__ == "__main__": rating(sys.argv)
''' Created on Aug 12, 2016 @author: Andy Zhang ''' import turtle def draw_square(): window = turtle.Screen() window.bgcolor("red") brad = turtle.Turtle() brad.forward(100) draw_square()
from schematics.models import Model from schematics.types import URLType, BooleanType, StringType from .fields import XmsTextField class XML(Model): """ A metadata object that allows for more fine-tuned XML model definitions. When using arrays, XML element names are not inferred (for singular/plural forms) and the name property should be used to add that information. See examples for expected behavior. """ name = StringType() # Replaces the name of the element/attribute used for the described schema property. When defined within the Items Object (items), it will affect the name of the individual XML elements within the list. When defined alongside type being array (outside the items), it will affect the wrapping element and only if wrapped is true. If wrapped is false, it will be ignored. namespace = URLType() # The URL of the namespace definition. prefix = StringType() # The prefix to be used for the name. attribute = BooleanType(default=False) # Declares whether the property definition translates to an attribute instead of an element. Default value is false. wrapped = BooleanType(default=False) # MAY be used only for an array definition. Signifies whether the array is wrapped (for example, <books><book/><book/></books>) or unwrapped (<book/><book/>). Default value is false. The definition takes effect only when defined alongside type being array (outside the items). x_ms_text = XmsTextField()
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from onadata.apps.api.models.project import Project class Team(Group): """ TODO: documentation TODO: Whenever a member is removed from members team, we should remove them from all teams and projects within the organization. """ class Meta: app_label = 'api' OWNER_TEAM_NAME = "Owners" organization = models.ForeignKey(User) projects = models.ManyToManyField(Project) def __unicode__(self): # return a clear group name without username to user for viewing return'#')[1] @property def team_name(self): return self.__unicode__() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # allow use of same name in different organizations/users # concat with # if not'#'.join([self.organization.username])): = u'%s#%s' % (self.organization.username, super(Team, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
import os import subprocess import sys from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style import time init() def console_picture(): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW) print("Картинки не будет(") time.sleep(0.1) console_picture() while True: choose = input("Нажми 'BOT', 'BALANCE', 'CLIENT', 'DB', 'VIVOD' и Enter чтобы запустить...\n") choose = choose.lower() if choose == 'bot': bot = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) bot.wait() continue elif choose == 'balance': balance = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) balance.wait() continue elif choose == 'client': client = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) client.wait() continue elif choose == 'db': db = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) db.wait() continue elif choose == 'vivod': Vivod = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) Vivod.wait() continue else: print("'BOT', 'BALANCE', 'CLIENT', 'DB', 'VIVOD'")
#! /usr/bin/env python import sys import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def get_xy(fname): poss_str=[] x=[] y=[] f= open(fname, "r") text= f.readlines() for i in range(len(text)): if i>=18: line =text[i][:-1].split() if len(line)==2: x.append(float(line[0])) y.append(float(line[1])) return x, y def ave(poss): print(np.array(poss).shape) poss_ave=[] poss_ave = np.average(np.array(poss), axis=0).tolist() return poss_ave if __name__ == "__main__": argvs = sys.argv dir_list=["0_31410", "0_31414", "0_31418"] for dir in dir_list: x, y = get_xy(dir+"/protein_gpu/equil_n1/rmsd.xvg") oname=dir+"_rmsd.png" plt.figure() plt.xlabel(r'Time [ns]') plt.ylabel(r'RMSD [nm]') plt.plot(x, y) plt.savefig(oname)
import os, sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np from params import get_params if __name__ == "__main__": params = get_params() file = open(os.path.join(params['root'],params['database'],'val','annotation.txt'),'r') file.readline() x=file.readlines() for lines in x: os.remove(os.path.join(params['root'],params['database'],'train', 'images',lines[0:10]+'.jpg'))
from bitresource import resource_registry from bitutils.objects import Currency, Market, Ticker from dictutils import AttrDict from http_resource import HttpResource @resource_registry.register() class BinanceResource(HttpResource): name = 'binance' endpoint_url = '' def results_iter(self, response, **kwargs): resp_json = response.json() result_rows = [] if type(resp_json) is dict: if 'symbols' in resp_json: result_rows = resp_json.get('symbols') else: yield AttrDict(resp_json) if result_rows: for result_row in result_rows: yield AttrDict(result_row) @classmethod def get_currencies(cls): """ {'icebergAllowed': True, 'baseAssetPrecision': 8, 'symbol': 'ETHBTC', 'baseAsset': 'ETH', 'quoteAsset': 'BTC', 'status': 'TRADING', 'quotePrecision': 8} """ results = [] for currency in currency = Currency(code=currency.quoteAsset, decimals=currency.quotePrecision) results.append(currency) return results @classmethod def get_markets(cls): """ {'icebergAllowed': True, 'baseAssetPrecision': 8, 'symbol': 'ETHBTC', 'baseAsset': 'ETH', 'quoteAsset': 'BTC', 'status': 'TRADING', 'quotePrecision': 8} """ results = [] for market in market_name = '%s-%s' % (market.quoteAsset, market.baseAsset) market = Market(code=market_name.replace('-', ''), name=market_name, base=market.quoteAsset, quote=market.baseAsset) results.append(market) return results @classmethod def ticker(cls, market, exchange): symbol = ''.join(['-')[1],'-')[0]]) data = return Ticker(last=data.price, market=market.code, exchange=exchange) CurrencyResource = BinanceResource('v1', 'exchangeInfo') MarketResource = BinanceResource('v1', 'exchangeInfo') TickerResource = BinanceResource('v3', 'ticker/price')
from matplotlib.pyplot import ginput from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.nxutils as nxutils import numpy as np import os import pdb import scipy.interpolate import Galaxies from TrilegalUtils import get_stage_label from scatter_contour import scatter_contour def poly_fmt(polygon_str): polygon_str = polygon_str.replace(')', '').replace('(', '').strip() polygon_list = map(float, polygon_str.split(',')) return np.column_stack((polygon_list[0::2], polygon_list[1::2])) class CMDregion(object): ''' class for messing with the region files that accompany the tagged data. These files are made in define_color_mag_region ''' def __init__(self, region_file): self.__initialised = True self.base, = os.path.split(region_file) CMDregion._load_data(self, region_file) self.region_names = self.regions.keys() def _load_data(self, region_file): self.regions = {} self.region_names = [] with open(region_file) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if i == 0: col_keys = line[i].strip().replace('#', '').split() else: pid, reg, filt1, filt2 = line.split('polygon')[0].split() reg = reg.lower() polygon = line.split('polygon')[1].strip() if not reg in self.regions.keys(): self.regions[reg] = {} self.regions[reg] = poly_fmt(polygon) self.filter1 = filt1 self.filter2 = filt2 lixo, self.survey, __, camera, pidtarget = pid.split('_') = '-'.join(pidtarget.split('-')[1:]) self.photsys = camera.replace('-', '_') def shift_regions(self, shift_verts, regs, dcol=0., dmag=0.): ''' shift part of a region (defined by N,2 array of vertices: shift_verts) adds attribute regions['%s_dc%.2f_dm%.2f'%(reg,dcol,dmag)] N,2 array ''' for reg in regs: reg = reg.lower() polygon = self.regions[reg] new_verts = polygon.copy() # region to shift mask = nxutils.points_inside_poly(polygon, shift_verts) inds_to_shift, = np.nonzero(mask) # shift color = polygon[:, 0][inds_to_shift] + dcol mag = polygon[:, 1][inds_to_shift] + dmag shifted = np.column_stack((color, mag)) # new region new_verts[inds_to_shift] = shifted self.regions['%s_dc%.2f_dm%.2f' % (reg, dcol, dmag)] = new_verts def join_regions(self, *regs): ''' join two polygons into one, call by self.regions[reg] ''' comb_region = np.concatenate([self.regions[r.lower()] for r in regs]) new_verts = get_cmd_shape(comb_region[:, 0], comb_region[:, 1]) self.regions['_'.join(regs).lower()] = new_verts def average_color(self, *regs): ''' ave color of a region, is this stupid? I fill a box of npts randomly and cut out those not in the region. Then I take the average in bins of mag.min,mag.max dm=binsize... probably. new attribute(s): self.regions['%s_mean'%reg]: (N,2) array of color, mag. ''' for reg in regs: reg = reg.lower() polygon = self.regions[reg] color = polygon[:, 0] mag = polygon[:, 1] # get a ton of random points inside the polygon x = random_array(color) y = random_array(mag) xy = np.column_stack((x, y)) inds = nxutils.points_inside_poly(xy, polygon).nonzero() rand_mag = y[inds] rand_col = x[inds] # take the average of the points in each magbin magbins = np.linspace(mag.min(), mag.max(), 5) dinds = np.digitize(rand_mag, magbins) mean_colors = [np.mean(rand_col[dinds == i]) for i in range(magbins.size)] # get rid of nans shit, = np.isnan(mean_colors).nonzero() mean_colors = np.delete(np.asarray(mean_colors), shit) magbins = np.delete(magbins, shit) self.regions['%s_mean' % reg] = np.column_stack((mean_colors, magbins)) return def split_regions(self, *regs, **kwargs): ''' splits a joined region on the average color - or by a spliced arr. adds attribues self.regions[name1] and self.regions[name2]: N,2 arrays. ''' name1 = kwargs.get('name1', ' rheb_bym') name2 = kwargs.get('name2', 'bheb_bym') on_mean = kwargs.get('on_mean', True) on_mag = kwargs.get('on_mag', True) for reg in regs: reg = reg.lower() if on_mean: # make sure we have average colors. if not '%s_mean' % reg in self.regions.keys(): CMDregion.average_color(self, reg) mean_split = self.regions['%s_mean' % reg] else: mean_split = kwargs.get('splice_arr') polygon = self.regions[reg] polygon = uniquify_reg(polygon) # insert extreme points and sort them i = 0 if on_mag: i = 1 maxpoint = mean_split[np.argmax(mean_split[:, i])] minpoint = mean_split[np.argmin(mean_split[:, i])] polygoni = polar_sort(insert_points(polygon, maxpoint, minpoint)) # split the array by the inserted points imaxs = np.where(polygoni == maxpoint)[0] imax, = not_unique(imaxs) imins = np.where(polygoni == minpoint)[0] imin, = not_unique(imins) if on_mag: if imin < imax: sideA = polygoni[imin:imax] sideB = np.vstack((polygoni[imax:], polygoni[:imin])) if imin > imax: sideA = polygoni[:imax] sideB = polygoni[imax:imin] else: sideA = np.vstack((polygoni[imin:], polygoni[:imax])) sideB = polygoni[imax:imin] # attach the mean values stitchedA = np.vstack((sideA, mean_split[::-1])) stitchedB = np.vstack((sideB, mean_split)) self.regions[name1] = stitchedA self.regions[name2] = stitchedB return def add_points(self, *regs, **kwargs): ''' add points to each line segment, creates new attribute reg_HD. ''' npts = kwargs.get('npts', 10) for reg in regs: polygon = self.regions[reg] color = np.array([]) mag = np.array([]) polygon = uniquify_reg(polygon) for (c1, m1), (c2, m2) in zip(polygon, np.roll(polygon, -1, axis=0)): # 1d fit z = np.polyfit((c1, c2), (m1, m2), 1) p = np.poly1d(z) # new array of npts x = np.linspace(c1, c2, npts) y = p(x) # plt.plot(x,y,'o') color = np.append(color, x) mag = np.append(mag, y) self.regions['%s_hd' % reg] = np.column_stack((color, mag)) def __setattr__(self, item, value): if not self.__dict__.has_key('__initialised'): # this test allows attributes to be set in the __init__ method return dict.__setattr__(self, item, value) elif self.__dict__.has_key(item): # any normal attributes are handled normally dict.__setattr__(self, item, value) self.region_names = self.regions.keys() else: self.__setitem__(item, value) self.region_names = self.regions.keys() def uniquify_reg(reg): lixo, inds = np.unique(reg[:, 0], return_index=True) # unique will sort the array... inds = np.sort(inds) return reg[inds] def random_array(arr, offset=0.1, npts=1e4): ''' returns a random array of npts within the extremes of arr +/- offset ''' return np.random.uniform(arr.min() - offset, arr.max() + offset, npts) def insert_points(arr, *points): ''' adds rows to array. ''' arrcopy = np.vstack((arr, points)) return arrcopy def closest_point(point, verts): ''' fortran days... smallest radius from point. ''' return np.argmin(np.sqrt((verts[:, 0] - point[0]) ** 2 + (verts[:, 1] - point[1]) ** 2)) def not_unique(arr): ''' returns array of values that are repeated. ''' arrcopy = arr.copy() uarr = np.unique(arrcopy) for u in uarr: arrcopy = np.delete(arrcopy, list(arrcopy).index(u)) return arrcopy def get_bounds(color, mag): ''' find cmd bounding box, don't need it... ''' min_color = np.min(color) max_color = np.max(color) bright_mag = np.min(mag) faint_mag = np.max(mag) bl = (min_color, faint_mag) br = (max_color, faint_mag) ul = (min_color, bright_mag) ur = (max_color, bright_mag) verts = np.vstack((ul, ur, br, bl, ul)) return verts def polar_sort(l): ''' polar sorting, you know, in a circle like. I got it from some website. ''' import math mean_col = np.mean([l[i][0] for i in range(len(l))]) mean_mag = np.mean([l[i][1] for i in range(len(l))]) slist = sorted(l, key=lambda c: math.atan2(c[0] - mean_col, c[1] - mean_mag), reverse=True) return np.array(slist).squeeze() def get_cmd_shape(color, mag): ''' gets the outline of a cmd. Guesses at a large polygon, and then add points that are outside of the polygon, ignores points within. then polar sorts the result. returns: N,2 array. ''' # make a guess at the polygon. left = (np.min(color), mag[np.argmin(color)]) right = (np.max(color), mag[np.argmax(color)]) up = (color[np.argmin(mag)], np.min(mag)) down = (color[np.argmax(mag)], np.max(mag)) verts = np.vstack((left, right, up, down)) points = np.column_stack((color, mag)) for point in points: if nxutils.pnpoly(point[0], point[1], verts) == 0.: # add point to verts col = verts[:, 0] m = verts[:, 1] col = np.append(col, point[0]) m = np.append(m, point[1]) # order the new points in a circle verts = polar_sort(zip(col, m)) verts = np.append(verts, [verts[0]], axis=0) # plt.plot(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], lw = 2) return verts def define_color_mag_region(fitsfiles, region_names, **kwargs): ''' Define a polygon on a cmd of a fitsfile or a list of fitsfiles. the tagged fitsfile can then be used in match_light, or all other b/r modules that make use of MS vs BHeB vs RHeB vs RGB (which isn't picked out well) writes to two text files: 1) for each fits file, fitsfile.dat: with ra dec mag1 mag2 mag1err mag2err stage stage is set in the code to match trilegal's parametri.h, will be -1 if not assigned 2) kwarg 'region file' [cmd_regions.dat] with propid_target region filter1 filter2 polygon also saves annotated cmd locations: all in base BRFOLDER/data/cmd_regions tagged fits file: base/tagged_photometery/[fitsfile].dat plot: base/plots/[fitsfile].png region file: base/regions/cmd_regions_[fitsfile].dat Draw points for each region with mouse click, ctrl click to delete, command+click to exit (edit: I think it's actually alt) ''' cmd_regions_loc = kwargs.get('cmd_regions_loc') if not cmd_regions_loc: #from BRparams import * #cmd_regions_loc = os.path.join(BRFOLDER, 'data', 'cmd_regions') print 'need cmd_regions_loc!' return -1 tagged_data_loc = os.path.join(cmd_regions_loc, 'tagged_photometry') plot_dir = os.path.join(cmd_regions_loc, 'plots') xlim = kwargs.get('xlim', (-1, 3)) ylim = kwargs.get('ylim') if type(fitsfiles) == str: fitsfiles = [fitsfiles] for j, fitsfile in enumerate(fitsfiles): fileIO.ensure_file(fitsfile) datafile = os.path.join(tagged_data_loc, fileIO.replace_ext(fitsfile, '.dat')) if os.path.isfile(datafile): logger.warning('%s exists, skipping' % datafile) continue logger.debug('%s of %s fitsfiles' % (j + 1, len(fitsfiles))) logger.debug('now working on %s' % fitsfile) # begin outfiles outname = os.path.split(fitsfile)[1].replace('.fits', '.dat') outfile = os.path.join(cmd_regions_loc, 'regions', 'cmd_regions_%s' % outname) out = open(outfile, 'a') header = '# propid_target region filter1 filter2 polygon\n' out.write(header) dout = open(datafile, 'w') dheader = '# ra dec mag1 mag2 mag1err mag2err stage\n' dout.write(dheader) fits = Galaxies.galaxy(fitsfile, fitstable=1) photsys = fits.photsys extrastr = '_%s' % photsys.upper()[0] ra =['ra'] dec =['dec'] mag1err =['mag1_err'] mag2err =['mag2_err'] mag1 = fits.mag1 mag2 = fits.mag2 filter1 = fits.filter1 filter2 = fits.filter2 errlimit, = np.nonzero(np.sqrt(mag1err ** 2 + mag2err ** 2) < 0.5) stage = np.zeros(shape=(len(mag1), )) - 1 color = mag1 - mag2 datapts = np.column_stack((color, mag2)) #z,dx,dy = GenUtils.bin_up(color,mag2,dx=0.1,dy=0.1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xlim(-1, 4) ax.set_ylim(mag2[errlimit].max(), mag2[errlimit].min()) ncolbin = int(np.diff((np.min(color), np.max(color))) / 0.05) nmagbin = int(np.diff((np.min(mag2), np.max(mag2))) / 0.05) ax.set_xlabel('$%s-%s%s$' % (filter1, filter2, extrastr), fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel('$%s%s$' % (filter2, extrastr), fontsize=20) ax.annotate('%s' %, xy=(0.97, 0.1), xycoords = 'axes fraction', fontsize = 20, ha = 'right') contour_args = {'cmap': cm.gray_r, 'zorder': 100} scatter_args = {'marker': '.', 'color': 'black', 'alpha': 0.2, 'edgecolors': None, 'zorder': 1} plt_pts, cs = scatter_contour(color[errlimit], mag2[errlimit], threshold=10, levels=20, hist_bins=[ncolbin, nmagbin], contour_args=contour_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, ax=ax) ax.plot((np.min(color), np.max(color)), (fits.trgb, fits.trgb), color='red', lw=2) for region in region_names: ax.set_title(region) plt.draw() stage_lab = get_stage_label(region) pts = ginput(0, timeout=-1) xs, ys = np.transpose(pts) inds, = np.nonzero(nxutils.points_inside_poly(datapts, pts)) stage[inds] = stage_lab ax.plot(color[inds], mag2[inds], '.', alpha=0.5, zorder=stage_lab) out.write('%s %s %s %s polygon(' % (, region, filter1, filter2)) outdata = ['%.4f, %.4f' % (x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)] out.write(', '.join(outdata) + ')\n') ax.set_title('') plt.draw() figname = os.path.split(datafile)[1].replace('.dat', '.png') plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, figname)) plt.close()'%s wrote %s' % (define_color_mag_region.__name__, datafile.replace('dat', 'png'))) fmt = '%.8f %.8f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.0f\n' [dout.write(fmt % (ra[i], dec[i], mag1[i], mag2[i], mag1err[i], mag2err[i], stage[i])) for i in range(len(ra))] dout.close()'%s wrote %s' % (define_color_mag_region.__name__, datafile)) plt.cla() out.close()'%s wrote %s' % (define_color_mag_region.__name__, outfile)) return outfile def test(regions): Regions = [CMDregion(r) for r in regions] for R in Regions:, R.filter1, R.filter2) try: R.join_regions('BHeB', 'RHeB') except: logger.warning('nope!') continue R.split_regions_on_mean('BHeB_RHeB') plt.figure() plt.title('%s' % for key in ('bheb_bym', 'rheb_bym'): plt.plot(R.regions[key][:, 0], R.regions[key][:, 1]) if __name__ == '__main__': pdb.set_trace() test()
import base64 import hashlib import os import logging import select import socket import struct import sys import threading import time from import PresenceServer import as pb2 from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from io import BytesIO from itertools import cycle from picamera import PiVideoFrameType AVAHI_SERVICE = '_aiy_vision_video._tcp' ENCODING_BIT_RATE = 1000000 TX_QUEUE_SIZE = 15 WS_PORT = 4664 TCP_PORT = 4665 ANNEXB_PORT = 4666 def _close_socket(sock): try: sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except OSError: pass class StreamingServer(object): def __init__(self, camera): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._camera = camera self._stream_count = 0 self._tcp_socket = None self._web_socket = None self._annexb_socket = None self._thread = None self._closed = False self._waiting_for_key = False self._start_time = time.monotonic() self._seq = 0 self._clients = [] def run(self): with self._lock: if self._thread: self._logger.error('Server already running') return self._closed = False self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._server_thread) self._thread.start() def close(self): to_join = None clients = None with self._lock: if self._closed: return self._closed = True clients = self._clients self._clients = [] if self._tcp_socket: _close_socket(self._tcp_socket) self._tcp_socket = None if self._web_socket: _close_socket(self._web_socket) self._web_socket = None if self._annexb_socket: _close_socket(self._annexb_socket) self._annexb_socket = None if self._thread: to_join = self._thread self._thread = None if clients:'Closing %d clients', len(clients)) for client in clients: client.close() if to_join: to_join.join()'Server closed') def _server_thread(self): tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) tcp_socket.bind(('', TCP_PORT)) tcp_socket.listen() tcp_port = tcp_socket.getsockname()[1] web_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) web_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) web_socket.bind(('', WS_PORT)) web_socket.listen() web_port = web_socket.getsockname()[1] annexb_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) annexb_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) annexb_socket.bind(('', ANNEXB_PORT)) annexb_socket.listen() annexb_port = annexb_socket.getsockname()[1] with self._lock: self._tcp_socket = tcp_socket self._web_socket = web_socket self._annexb_socket = annexb_socket'Listening on ports tcp: %d web: %d annexb: %d', tcp_port, web_port, annexb_port) presence = PresenceServer(AVAHI_SERVICE, tcp_port) while True: with self._lock: if self._closed: break socks = [tcp_socket, web_socket, annexb_socket] try: rlist, _, _ =, socks, socks) for ready in rlist: client_sock, client_addr = ready.accept() if ready == tcp_socket: kind = 'tcp' client = _ProtoClient(self, client_sock, client_addr) elif ready == web_socket: kind = 'web' client = _WsProtoClient(self, client_sock, client_addr) elif ready == annexb_socket: kind = 'annexb' client = _AnnexbClient(self, client_sock, client_addr) else: # Shouldn't happen. client_sock.close() continue'New %s connection from %s:%d', kind, client_addr[0], client_addr[1]) with self._lock: self._clients.append(client) client.start() except:'Server sockets closed')'Server shutting down') presence.close() _close_socket(tcp_socket) _close_socket(web_socket) _close_socket(annexb_socket) with self._lock: self._tcp_socket = None self._web_socket = None self._annexb_socket = None def _stream_control(self, enable): start_recording = False stop_recording = False with self._lock: if enable: self._stream_count += 1 start_recording = self._stream_count == 1 else: self._stream_count -= 1 stop_recording = self._stream_count == 0 if start_recording:'Start recording') self._camera.start_recording( _EncoderSink(self), format='h264', profile='baseline', inline_headers=True, bitrate=ENCODING_BIT_RATE, intra_period=0) if stop_recording:'Stop recording') self._camera.stop_recording() def _client_closed(self, client): with self._lock: if client in self._clients: self._clients.remove(client) def _on_video_data(self, data): frame_type = self._camera.frame.frame_type is_key = frame_type == PiVideoFrameType.key_frame is_delta = frame_type == PiVideoFrameType.frame is_codec_data = frame_type == PiVideoFrameType.sps_header if is_key: self._waiting_for_key = False needs_key = False if is_codec_data: with self._lock: for client in self._clients: needs_key |= client.send_codec_data(self._camera.resolution, data) elif is_key or is_delta: needs_key = False pts = int((time.monotonic() - self._start_time) * 1e6) with self._lock: for client in self._clients: needs_key |= client.send_frame_data(is_key, self._seq, pts, data) self._seq += 1 else:'Unknown frame %d bytes', len(data)) if needs_key: self._request_key_frame() def send_inference_data(self, data): needs_key = False with self._lock: for client in self._clients: needs_key |= client.send_inference_data(data) if needs_key: self._request_key_frame() def _request_key_frame(self): if not self._waiting_for_key:'Requesting key frame') self._camera.request_key_frame() self._waiting_for_key = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() class _EncoderSink(object): def __init__(self, server): self._server = server def write(self, data): self._server._on_video_data(data) def flush(self): pass class _Client(object): def __init__(self, server, socket, addr): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._cond = threading.Condition(self._lock) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._streaming = False self._closed = False self._server = server self._socket = socket self._ip = addr[0] self._port = addr[1] self._tx_q = [] self._needs_codec_data = True self._needs_key = True self._rx_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._rx_thread) self._tx_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._tx_thread) def start(self): self._rx_thread.start() self._tx_thread.start() def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): with self._lock: if self._closed: return self._closed = True self._cond.notifyAll() streaming = self._streaming self._streaming = False _close_socket(self._socket) self._log_info('Connection closed') if streaming: self._server._stream_control(False) self._server._client_closed(self) def send_codec_data(self, resolution, data): with self._lock: if not self._streaming: return False self._needs_codec_data = False return self._queue_codec_data_locked(resolution, data) def send_frame_data(self, is_key, seq, pts, data): with self._lock: if not self._streaming: return False if self._needs_codec_data: return True if self._needs_key and not is_key: return True self._needs_key = False return self._queue_frame_data_locked(is_key, seq, pts, data) def send_inference_data(self, data): with self._lock: if not self._streaming: return False return self._queue_inference_data_locked(data) def _log(self, func, fmt, *args): args = (self._ip, self._port) + args func('%s:%d: ' + fmt, *args) def _log_info(self, fmt, *args): self._log(, fmt, *args) def _log_warning(self, fmt, *args): self._log(self._logger.warning, fmt, *args) def _log_error(self, fmt, *args): self._log(self._logger.error, fmt, *args) def _queue_message_locked(self, message): dropped = False self._tx_q.append(message) while len(self._tx_q) > TX_QUEUE_SIZE: dropped = True self._tx_q.pop(0) self._needs_codec_data = True self._needs_key = True self._log_warning('running behind, dropping messages') self._cond.notifyAll() return dropped def _tx_thread(self): while True: with self._lock: if self._closed: break if self._tx_q: message = self._tx_q.pop(0) else: self._cond.wait() continue try: self._send_message(message) except Exception as e: self._log_error('Failed to send data: %s', e) self.close() def _rx_thread(self): while True: with self._lock: if self._closed: break message = self._receive_message() if message: self._handle_message(message) else: self.close() class _ProtoClient(_Client): def __init__(self, server, socket, addr): _Client.__init__(self, server, socket, addr) def _queue_codec_data_locked(self, resolution, data): message = pb2.ClientBound() message.stream_data.codec_data.width = resolution[0] message.stream_data.codec_data.height = resolution[1] = data return self._queue_message_locked(message) def _queue_frame_data_locked(self, is_key, seq, pts, data): message = pb2.ClientBound() if is_key: message.stream_data.frame_data.type = pb2.FrameData.KEY else: message.stream_data.frame_data.type = pb2.FrameData.DELTA message.stream_data.frame_data.seq = seq message.stream_data.frame_data.pts = pts = data return self._queue_message_locked(message) def _queue_inference_data_locked(self, data): return self._queue_message_locked(data.GetMessage()) def _handle_message(self, message): which = message.WhichOneof('message') try: if which == 'stream_control': self._handle_stream_control(message.stream_control) else: self._log_warning('unhandled message %s', which) except Exception as e: self._log_error('Error handling message %s: %s', which, e) self.close() def _handle_stream_control(self, stream_control): self._log_info('stream_control %s', stream_control.enabled) enabled = stream_control.enabled with self._lock: if enabled == self._streaming: self._log_info('ignoring NOP stream_control') return else: self._streaming = enabled self._server._stream_control(enabled) def _send_message(self, message): buf = message.SerializeToString() self._socket.sendall(struct.pack('!I', len(buf))) self._socket.sendall(buf) def _receive_bytes(self, num_bytes): received = bytearray(b'') while num_bytes > len(received): buf = self._socket.recv(num_bytes - len(received)) if not buf: break received.extend(buf) return bytes(received) def _receive_message(self): try: buf = self._receive_bytes(4) num_bytes = struct.unpack('!I', buf)[0] buf = self._receive_bytes(num_bytes) message = pb2.AiyBound() message.ParseFromString(buf) return message except: return None class _WsProtoClient(_ProtoClient): class WsPacket(object): def __init__(self): self.fin = True self.opcode = 2 self.masked = False self.mask = None self.length = 0 self.payload = bytearray() def append(self, data): if self.masked: data = bytes([c ^ k for c, k in zip(data, cycle(self.mask))]) self.payload.extend(data) def serialize(self): self.length = len(self.payload) buf = bytearray() b0 = 0 b1 = 0 if self.fin: b0 |= 0x80 b0 |= self.opcode buf.append(b0) if self.length <= 125: b1 |= self.length buf.append(b1) elif self.length >= 126 and self.length <= 65535: b1 |= 126 buf.append(b1) buf.extend(struct.pack('!H', self.length)) else: b1 |= 127 buf.append(b1) buf.extend(struct.pack('!Q', self.length)) if self.payload: buf.extend(self.payload) return bytes(buf) def __init__(self, server, socket, addr): self._handshaked = False _ProtoClient.__init__(self, server, socket, addr) def _receive_message(self): try: while True: if self._handshaked: break self._process_web_request() packets = [] while True: packet = self._receive_packet() if packet.opcode == 0: # Continuation if not packets: self._log_error('Invalid continuation received') return None packets.append(packet) elif packet.opcode == 1: # Text, not supported. self._log_error('Received text packet') return None elif packet.opcode == 2: # Binary. packets.append(packet) if packet.fin: joined = bytearray() for p in packets: joined.extend(p.payload) message = pb2.AiyBound() message.ParseFromString(joined) return message elif packet.opcode == 8: # Close. self._log_info('WebSocket close requested') return None elif packet.opcode == 9: # Ping, send pong. self._log_info('Received ping') response = self.WsPacket() response.opcode = 10 response.append(packet.payload) with self._lock: self._queue_message_locked(response) elif packet.opcode == 10: # Pong. Igore as we don't send pings. self._log_info('Dropping pong') else: self._log_info('Dropping opcode %d', packet.opcode) except: return None def _receive_packet(self): packet = self.WsPacket() buf = super()._receive_bytes(2) packet.fin = buf[0] & 0x80 > 0 packet.opcode = buf[0] & 0x0F packet.masked = buf[1] & 0x80 > 0 packet.length = buf[1] & 0x7F if packet.length == 126: packet.length = struct.unpack('!H', super()._receive_bytes(2))[0] elif packet.length == 127: packet.length = struct.unpack('!Q', super()._receive_bytes(8))[0] if packet.masked: packet.mask = super()._receive_bytes(4) packet.append(super()._receive_bytes(packet.length)) return packet def _send_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)): buf = message else: if isinstance(message, self.WsPacket): packet = message else: packet = self.WsPacket() packet.append(message.SerializeToString()) buf = packet.serialize() self._socket.sendall(buf) class HTTPRequest(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, request_buf): self.rfile = BytesIO(request_buf) self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() self.parse_request() def _process_web_request(self): response_template = ( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' 'Content-Length: %(content_length)s\r\n' 'Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n' ) try: header_buf = bytearray() while b'\r\n\r\n' not in header_buf: buf = self._socket.recv(2048) if not buf: raise Exception('Socket closed while receiving header') header_buf.extend(buf) if len(header_buf) >= 10 * 1024: raise Exception('HTTP header too large') request = self.HTTPRequest(header_buf) connection = request.headers['Connection'] upgrade = request.headers['Upgrade'] if 'Upgrade' in connection and upgrade == 'websocket': self._handshake(request) elif request.command == 'GET': content = self._get_asset(request.path) response_hdr = response_template % {'content_length': len(content)} response = bytearray(response_hdr.encode('ascii')) response.extend(content) with self._lock: self._queue_message_locked(response) else: raise Exception('Unsupported request') except Exception as e: self.close() raise e def _handshake(self, request): magic = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11' response_template = ( 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n' 'Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n' 'Connection: Upgrade\r\n' 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %(sec_key)s\r\n\r\n' ) try: sec_key = request.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'] sec_key = sec_key.encode('ascii') + magic.encode('ascii') sec_key = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(sec_key).digest()).decode('ascii') response = response_template % {'sec_key': sec_key} with self._lock: self._queue_message_locked(response.encode('ascii')) self._handshaked = True self._log_info('Upgraded to WebSocket') except Exception as e: self._log_error('WebSocket handshake error: %s', e) self.close() def _get_asset(self, path): if not path or '..' in path: return 'Nice try'.encode('ascii') if path == '/': path = 'index.html' elif path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets', path) try: with open(path, 'rb') as asset: return except: return b'' class _AnnexbClient(_Client): def __init__(self, server, socket, addr): _Client.__init__(self, server, socket, addr) with self._lock: self._streaming = True self._server._stream_control(True) def start(self): super().start() with self._lock: self._streaming = True self._server._stream_control(True) def _queue_codec_data_locked(self, resolution, data): return self._queue_message_locked(data) def _queue_frame_data_locked(self, is_key, seq, pts, data): return self._queue_message_locked(data) def _queue_inference_data_locked(self, data): # Silently drop inference data. return False def _handle_message(self, message): pass def _send_message(self, message): self._socket.sendall(message) def _receive_message(self): try: buf = self._socket.recv(1024) if not buf: return None else: return buf except: return None class InferenceData(object): def __init__(self): self._message = pb2.ClientBound() self._message.stream_data.inference_data.SetInParent() def _get_color(value): if isinstance(value, int): return value if isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) == 3: color = 0xFF000000 color |= (value[0] & 0xff) << 16 color |= (value[1] & 0xff) << 8 color |= (value[2] & 0xff) << 0 return color if len(value) == 4: color = 0 color |= (value[0] & 0xff) << 24 color |= (value[1] & 0xff) << 16 color |= (value[2] & 0xff) << 8 color |= (value[3] & 0xff) << 0 return color return 0xFFFFFFFF def add_rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, color, weight): element = self._message.stream_data.inference_data.elements.add() element.rectangle.x = x element.rectangle.y = y element.rectangle.w = w element.rectangle.h = h element.rectangle.color = InferenceData._get_color(color) element.rectangle.weight = weight def add_label(self, text, x, y, color, size): element = self._message.stream_data.inference_data.elements.add() element.label.text = text element.label.x = x element.label.y = y element.label.color = InferenceData._get_color(color) element.label.size = size def GetMessage(self): return self._message
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ##### import from other modules from checkdata import * from configurationplusfiles_runner import input_data_inst, config, output_data_inst ##### running functions called from elsewhere ##### tops = TopsAvailable(input_data_inst, config) print("finding unique tops:") tops.find_unique_tops_list() #### Take out wells with no tops, this assumes some data structures that might not exist in your data, so check code! tops.take_out_wells_with_no_tops() tops_counts = tops.get_df_of_top_counts_in_picks_df() print("tops_counts = ", tops_counts) print("number of wells with any tops:") tops.get_number_wells_with_any_top() #### Will print: returning list of wells names that have the required tops. The length of list is : ### If this number is too small, consider changing the required tops in the configuration object. test = tops.findWellsWithAllTopsGive() ##### Example use pattern if you just want to initiate Class and run all the functions using variables defined in configruation object #### This just creates a class instance and then calls run_all() new_tops2 = TopsAvailable(input_data_inst, config) wells_with_required_tops = new_tops2.run_all() print("first well that meets requirements:", wells_with_required_tops[0]) print("number of wells that meet requirements so far:", len(wells_with_required_tops)) print("configuration variables so far, gotten by printing vars(config):", vars(config)) #### Find & understand available curves curvesInst2 = CurvesAvailable(input_data_inst, config) curves_results = curvesInst2.run_all() curves_results.keys() print( "curves_results['wellsWithWantedCurves'][0:5]", curves_results["wellsWithWantedCurves"][0:5], ) print("len(curves_results['wellsWithWantedCurves'])") len(curves_results["wellsWithWantedCurves"]) print("vars(curvesInst2).keys()", vars(curvesInst2).keys()) curvesInst2.config.threshold_returnCurvesThatArePresentInThisManyWells = 1916 onlyPlentifulCurvesArray = curvesInst2.getCurvesInMinNumberOfWells() onlyPlentifulCurvesArray wells_with_tops_and_curves = list( set(wells_with_required_tops).intersection(curves_results["wellsWithWantedCurves"]) ) print("len(wells_with_tops_and_curves)", len(wells_with_tops_and_curves)) objectOfCurves = curves_results["objectOfCurves"] wellsWithNeededCurvesList = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, onlyPlentifulCurvesArray ) print("number of wells with all the required curves is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesList)) #### NOTE! when we import the wells for real, we should add in the wells that have DEPTH instead of DEPT and rename the curve to DEPT!¶ print(onlyPlentifulCurvesArray) newCurveList = getCurvesListWithDifferentCurveName( onlyPlentifulCurvesArray, "DEPT", "DEPTH" ) print("newCurveList", newCurveList) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, newCurveList ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) #### Hmmm, zero? Let's see if we can get those 7 wells that we know have DEPTH instead of DEPT to appear if we reduce the other curve names? wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT0 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["GR", "DEPTH"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT1 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["GR", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT2 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "NPHI", "GR", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT3 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "GR", "DPHI", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT4 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "GR", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT5 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "GR", "DEPTH"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT6 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "NPHI", "GR", "DPHI", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT7 = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, ["ILD", "NPHI", "GR", "DEPT"] ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesListButDEPTHinsteadDEPT), ) #### final try print("final version:") wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real = findWellsWithCertainCurves( objectOfCurves, config.must_have_curves_list ) print( "number of wells with all the required curves but DEPTH instead of DEPT is", len(wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real), ) print( "wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real, first 3 wells:", wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real[0:3], ) #### Make list of wells that includes both the minimum required curves & minimum required tops #### These two lists are different. One is SITEID the other is LAS file name. We'll convert them in the function below and find the ones in common and returnt that as a new list of wells. # WellsWithGivenTopsCurves = findWellsWithGivenTopsCurves(input_data_inst.wells_df,wells_with_required_tops,wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real) # print("len(WellsWithGivenTopsCurves)",len(WellsWithGivenTopsCurves)) wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list = list( set(wells_with_required_tops).intersection(wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real) ) print("length wells_test", len(wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list)) print("wells_test = ", wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list) # print("wells with needed curves list real",wellsWithNeededCurvesList_real) # print("wells wells_with_required_tops",wells_with_required_tops) #### NOW LETS SAVE RESULTS print( "type of wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list", type(wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list), ) wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list_df = pd.DataFrame( np.array(wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list), columns=["wells"] ) print("type", type(wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list_df)) checkdata_path_results = ( output_data_inst.base_path_for_all_results + "/" + output_data_inst.path_checkData + "/" + "wellnames_with_required_tops_and_curves_list.h5" ) print("will now save results in hdf5 file in:", checkdata_path_results) key_for_file_path_for_results = "wellsWTopsCurves" print("key for hdf file is", key_for_file_path_for_results) wells_with_required_tops_and_curves_list_df.to_hdf( checkdata_path_results, key=key_for_file_path_for_results, mode="w" )
# MIT License # Copyright (c) 2017 MassChallenge, Inc. from __future__ import unicode_literals import swapper from factory import Sequence from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory RecommendationTag = swapper.load_model('accelerator', 'RecommendationTag') class RecommendationTagFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = RecommendationTag text = Sequence(lambda n: "tag_{0}".format(n))
# LOAD ENV VARIABLES USING DOTENV import dotenv dotenv.load_dotenv(".env") # APP from app.main import app import os APP_PORT = int(os.getenv("APP_PORT")) def run(): print("it works")
import tensorflow as tf import functools # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Agg') # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import io # import itertools # import numpy as np def lazy_scope(function): """Creates a decorator for methods that makes their return values load lazily. A method with this decorator will only compute the return value once when called for the first time. Afterwards, the value will be cached as an object attribute. Inspired by: Args: function (func): Function to be decorated. Returns: decorator: Decorator for the function. """ attribute = "_cache_" + function.__name__ @property @functools.wraps(function) def decorator(self): if not hasattr(self, attribute): with tf.variable_scope(function.__name__): setattr(self, attribute, function(self)) return getattr(self, attribute) return decorator class somTF: def __init__(self, inputs=None, latent_dim=None , som_dim=None, learning_rate=None, decay_factor=None, decay_steps=None, batch_size = None, alpha = None): self.inputs = inputs self.som_dim = som_dim self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.decay_factor = decay_factor self.decay_steps = decay_steps self.batch_size = batch_size self.alpha = alpha self.codebook self.global_step self.k_index # self.loss_bmu # self.loss_neigh self.loss_bmu self.loss_bmu_up self.loss_bmu_bottom self.loss_bmu_right self.loss_bmu_left self.loss self.optimize # self.plot_neurons @lazy_scope def codebook(self): """Creates variable for the SOM embeddings.""" embeddings = tf.get_variable("codebook", [self.som_dim[0]*self.som_dim[1] , self.latent_dim], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.05)) tf.compat.v1.summary.tensor_summary("codebook", embeddings) return embeddings @lazy_scope def global_step(self): """Creates global_step variable for the optimization.""" global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step") return global_step @lazy_scope def k_index(self): squared_distances = tf.math.squared_difference(tf.expand_dims(self.inputs, 1), tf.expand_dims(self.codebook, 0)) component_sum = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=squared_distances, axis=-1) min_idx = tf.argmin(input=component_sum, axis=-1) k_0 = min_idx // self.som_dim[0] k_1 = min_idx % self.som_dim[1] tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram("bmu_0", k_0) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram("bmu_1", k_1) return min_idx @lazy_scope def BMU(self): min_idx = self.k_index nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=min_idx) return nearest_neuron # @lazy_scope # def neighbors(self): # min_idx = self.k_index # nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=min_idx) # up_nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=self.select_up) # bottom_nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=self.select_bottom) # left_nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=self.select_left) # right_nearest_neuron = tf.gather(params=self.codebook, indices=self.select_right) # # k_1 = min_idx // self.som_dim[0] # # k_2 = min_idx % self.som_dim[1] # # k_stacked = tf.stack([k_1, k_2], axis=1) # # k1_not_top = tf.less(k_1, tf.constant(self.som_dim[0] - 1, dtype=tf.int64)) # # k1_not_bottom = tf.greater(k_1, tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64)) # # k2_not_right = tf.less(k_2, tf.constant(self.som_dim[1] - 1, dtype=tf.int64)) # # k2_not_left = tf.greater(k_2, tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64)) # # k1_up = tf.where(k1_not_top, tf.add(k_1, 1), k_1) # # k1_down = tf.where(k1_not_bottom, tf.subtract(k_1, 1), k_1) # # k2_right = tf.where(k2_not_right, tf.add(k_2, 1), k_2) # # k2_left = tf.where(k2_not_left, tf.subtract(k_2, 1), k_2) # # nearest_neuron = tf.gather_nd(params=self.codebook, indices=k_stacked, batch_dims=self.batch_size) # # up_nearest_neuron = tf.where(k1_not_top, tf.gather_nd(self.codebook, tf.stack([k1_up, k_2], axis=1), # # batch_dims=self.batch_size), # # tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.latent_dim])) # # bottom_nearest_neuron = tf.where(k1_not_bottom, tf.gather_nd(self.codebook, tf.stack([k1_down, k_2], axis=1), # # batch_dims=self.batch_size), # # tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.latent_dim])) # # right_nearest_neuron = tf.where(k2_not_right, tf.gather_nd(self.codebook, tf.stack([k_1, k2_right], axis=1), # # batch_dims=self.batch_size), # # tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.latent_dim])) # # left_nearest_neuron = tf.where(k2_not_left, tf.gather_nd(self.codebook, tf.stack([k_1, k2_left], axis=1), # # batch_dims=self.batch_size), # # tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.latent_dim])) # som_neighbors = tf.stack([nearest_neuron, up_nearest_neuron, bottom_nearest_neuron, left_nearest_neuron, # right_nearest_neuron], axis=1) # return som_neighbors @lazy_scope def loss_bmu(self): loss_som = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(self.inputs, self.BMU)) tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("bmu_loss", loss_som) return loss_som @lazy_scope def loss_bmu_up(self): bmu = self.k_index _bmu = tf.unravel_index(bmu,[self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1]]) zeros = tf.zeros_like(_bmu[0]) mask = tf.greater(_bmu[0], zeros) # boolean tensor, mask[i] = True iff x[i] > 0 _bmu_movable_sx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[0], mask) _bmu_movable_dx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[1], mask) _bmu_raveled = tf.multiply(tf.add(_bmu_movable_sx, -1),self.som_dim[0]) + (_bmu_movable_dx % self.som_dim[1]) _inputs_idx = tf.boolean_mask(self.inputs, mask) current_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(_inputs_idx, tf.gather(self.codebook, _bmu_raveled))) return current_loss # return _bmu_raveled @lazy_scope def loss_bmu_bottom(self): bmu = self.k_index _bmu = tf.unravel_index(bmu,[self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1]]) bottomers = tf.multiply(tf.ones_like(_bmu[0]), self.som_dim[1]) mask = tf.less(_bmu[0], bottomers) # boolean tensor, mask[i] = True iff x[i] > 0 _bmu_movable_sx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[0], mask) _bmu_movable_dx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[1], mask) _bmu_raveled = tf.multiply(tf.add(_bmu_movable_sx, 1),self.som_dim[0]) + (_bmu_movable_dx % self.som_dim[1]) _inputs_idx = tf.boolean_mask(self.inputs, mask) current_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(_inputs_idx, tf.gather(self.codebook, _bmu_raveled))) return current_loss @lazy_scope def loss_bmu_left(self): bmu = self.k_index _bmu = tf.unravel_index(bmu,[self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1]]) zeros = tf.zeros_like(_bmu[1]) mask = tf.greater(_bmu[1], zeros) # boolean tensor, mask[i] = True iff x[i] > 0 _bmu_movable_sx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[0], mask) _bmu_movable_dx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[1], mask) _bmu_raveled = tf.multiply(_bmu_movable_sx,self.som_dim[0]) + (tf.add(_bmu_movable_dx, -1) % self.som_dim[1]) _inputs_idx = tf.boolean_mask(self.inputs, mask) current_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(_inputs_idx, tf.gather(self.codebook, _bmu_raveled))) return current_loss @lazy_scope def loss_bmu_right(self): bmu = self.k_index _bmu = tf.unravel_index(bmu,[self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1]]) righters = tf.multiply(tf.ones_like(_bmu[1]), self.som_dim[1]) mask = tf.less(_bmu[1], righters) # boolean tensor, mask[i] = True iff x[i] > 0 _bmu_movable_sx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[0], mask) _bmu_movable_dx = tf.boolean_mask(_bmu[1], mask) _bmu_raveled = tf.multiply(_bmu_movable_sx,self.som_dim[0]) + (tf.add(_bmu_movable_dx, 1) % self.som_dim[1]) _inputs_idx = tf.boolean_mask(self.inputs, mask) current_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.squared_difference(_inputs_idx, tf.gather(self.codebook, _bmu_raveled))) return current_loss @lazy_scope def loss(self): loss = (self.loss_bmu + self.alpha*self.loss_bmu_up + self.alpha*self.loss_bmu_bottom + self.alpha*self.loss_bmu_left + self.alpha*self.loss_bmu_right ) tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("loss", loss) return loss @lazy_scope def optimize(self): """Optimizes the model's loss using Adam with exponential learning rate decay.""" lr_decay = tf.compat.v1.train.exponential_decay(self.learning_rate, self.global_step, self.decay_steps, self.decay_factor, staircase=True) optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(lr_decay) train_step = optimizer.minimize(self.loss, global_step=self.global_step) return train_step # @lazy_scope # def plot_neurons(self): # codebook = np.reshape(self.codebook.eval(), [self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1],28,28]) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) # fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.05) # k = 0 # for i, j in itertools.product(range(self.som_dim[0]), range(self.som_dim[1])): # ax = fig.add_subplot(self.som_dim[0], self.som_dim[1], k + 1) # ax.matshow(codebook[i,j]) # ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # k += 1 # # buf = io.BytesIO() # plt.savefig(buf, format='png') # plt.savefig('neurons.png') # # Closing the figure prevents it from being displayed directly inside # # the notebook. # plt.close(fig) # # # Convert PNG buffer to TF image # image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=1) # # Add the batch dimension # image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0) # tf.compat.v1.summary.image("SOM Neurons", image)
import logging import threading import requests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _threadlocal = threading.local() def get_http_session(): """ A thread-safe wrapper for requests.session""" try: return _threadlocal.session except AttributeError: logger.debug("Starting new HTTP Session") _threadlocal.session = requests.Session() return get_http_session()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ meraki_sdk This file was automatically generated for meraki by APIMATIC v2.0 ( ). """ class UpdateNetworkDeviceWirelessRadioSettingsModel(object): """Implementation of the 'updateNetworkDeviceWirelessRadioSettings' model. TODO: type model description here. Attributes: rf_profile_id (int): The ID of an RF profile to assign to the device. If the value of this parameter is null, the appropriate basic RF profile (indoor or outdoor) will be assigned to the device. Assigning an RF profile will clear ALL manually configured overrides on the device (channel width, channel, power). """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "rf_profile_id":'rfProfileId' } def __init__(self, rf_profile_id=None): """Constructor for the UpdateNetworkDeviceWirelessRadioSettingsModel class""" # Initialize members of the class self.rf_profile_id = rf_profile_id @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary rf_profile_id = dictionary.get('rfProfileId') # Return an object of this model return cls(rf_profile_id)
import pandas as pd import sys dataset = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1]) df = pd.DataFrame(dataset) from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder label = LabelEncoder() df['college'] = label.fit_transform(df['College name']) df['Areas'] = label.fit_transform(df['Areas of interest']) df['Standard'] = label.fit_transform(df['Which-year are you studying in?']) df['gender'] = label.fit_transform(df['Gender']) df['major'] = label.fit_transform(df['Major/Area of Study']) df['Creteria'] = label.fit_transform(df['Label']) #Finding best binary classifier to classify data into “eligible/1” and “not eligible/0 import sklearn from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import f1_score data=df[["CGPA/ percentage","Rate your written communication skills [1-10]","Rate your verbal communication skills [1-10]","Standard","gender","major"]] target=df['Creteria'] X_train, X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(data,target,random_state =42) model=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10), y_train) expected = y_test predicted = model.predict(X_test) print(f1_score(expected,predicted))
from .pgf import main
class BoaException(Exception): """Base exception for Boa application""" class InvalidSourceException(BoaException): """Invalid source provided""" class InvalidDestinationException(BoaException): """Invalid destination provided"""
from csrv.model import actions from csrv.model import cost from csrv.model import timing_phases from import agenda from import card_info class DoMeatDamage(actions.Action): """Do meat damage to the runner.""" DESCRIPTION = '[Click] Do 1 meat damage' def __init__(self, game, player, card=None): cost_obj = cost.Cost(game, player, clicks=1) actions.Action.__init__(self, game, player, card=card, cost=cost_obj) def is_usable(self): return actions.Action.is_usable(self) and def resolve(self, response=None, ignore_clicks=False, ignore_all_costs=False): actions.Action.resolve( self, response, ignore_clicks=ignore_clicks, ignore_all_costs=ignore_all_costs) timing_phases.TakeMeatDamage(,, 1)) class Card01107(agenda.Agenda): NAME = u'Card01107' SET = card_info.CORE NUMBER = 107 SIDE = card_info.CORP FACTION = card_info.NEUTRAL INFLUENCE = 0 UNIQUE = False KEYWORDS = set([ card_info.SECURITY, ]) ADVANCEMENT_REQUIREMENT = 4 AGENDA_POINTS = 2 IMAGE_SRC = '01107.png' WHEN_IN_CORP_SCORE_AREA_PROVIDES_CHOICES_FOR = { timing_phases.CorpTurnActions: 'meat_damage_actions', } def build_actions(self): agenda.Agenda.build_actions(self) self._do_meat_damage = DoMeatDamage(, self.player, card=self) def meat_damage_actions(self): return [self._do_meat_damage]
# import numpy as np from keras.layers import Input, Dense from keras.optimizers import RMSprop from keras.models import Model from collections import deque class DQNAgent: def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, learning_rate=.005, mem_size=5000, batch_size=64, gamma=.99, decay_rate=.0002): # Save instance variables. self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.batch_size = batch_size self.gamma = gamma self.decay_rate = decay_rate # Define other instance variables. self.explore_p = 1 # The current probability of taking a random action. self.memory = deque(maxlen=mem_size) # Define our experience replay bucket as a deque with size mem_size. # Define and compile our DQN. This network has 3 layers of 24 nodes. This is sufficient to solve # CartPole, but you should definitely tweak the architecture for other implementations. input_layer = Input(shape=(input_dim,)) hl = Dense(24, activation="relu")(input_layer) hl = Dense(24, activation="relu")(hl) hl = Dense(24, activation="relu")(hl) output_layer = Dense(output_dim, activation="linear")(hl) self.model = Model(input_layer, output_layer) self.model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=RMSprop(lr=learning_rate)) def act(self, state): # First, decay our explore probability self.explore_p *= 1 - self.decay_rate # With probability explore_p, randomly pick an action if self.explore_p > np.random.rand(): return np.random.randint(self.output_dim) # Otherwise, find the action that should maximize future rewards according to our current Q-function policy. else: return np.argmax(self.model.predict(np.array([state]))[0]) def remember(self, state, action, next_state, reward): # Create a blank state. Serves as next_state if this was the last experience tuple before the epoch ended. terminal_state = np.array([None]*self.input_dim) # Add experience tuple to bucket. Bucket is a deque, so older tuple falls out on overflow. self.memory.append((state, action, terminal_state if next_state is None else next_state, reward)) def replay(self): # Only conduct a replay if we have enough experience to sample from. if len(self.memory) < self.batch_size: return # Pick random indices from the bucket without replacement. batch_size determines number of samples. idx = np.random.choice(len(self.memory), size=self.batch_size, replace=False) minibatch = np.array(self.memory)[idx] self.train(minibatch) # Extract the columns from our sample states = np.array(list(minibatch[:,0])) actions = minibatch[:,1] next_states = np.array(list(minibatch[:,2])) rewards = np.array(minibatch[:,3]) # Compute a new estimate for each Q-value. This uses the second half of Bellman's equation. estimate = rewards + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_states), axis=1) # Get the network's current Q-value predictions for the states in this sample. predictions = self.model.predict(states) # Update the network's predictions with the new predictions we have. for i in range(len(predictions)): # Flag states as terminal (the last state before a epoch ended). terminal_state = (next_states[i] == np.array([None]*self.input_dim)).all() # Update each state's Q-value prediction with our new estimate. # Terminal states have no future, so set their Q-value to their immediate reward. predictions[i][actions[i]] = rewards[i] if terminal_state else estimate[i] # Propagate the new predictions through our network., predictions, epochs=1, verbose=0)
from __future__ import division import chiplotle as ch plotter = ch.instantiate_plotters()[0] # c =, 100) # ch.transforms.offset(c, (1500, 1000)) # plotter.write(c) plotter.write(ch.hpgl.VS(vel=1)) plotter.write(ch.hpgl.FS(force=8)) plotter.pen_up([(6000, 1000)]) plotter.write(ch.hpgl.PD()) plotter.write(ch.hpgl.AR((700, 0), -180)) # plotter.write(ch.hpgl.LB("Hello, World")) # plotter.write(ch.hpgl.CI(600)) plotter.pen_up([(0,0)])
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015, 2016 Thomas Timm Andersen (original version) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import time import math import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ur_driver') import rospy import actionlib from openpyxl import Workbook from control_msgs.msg import * from trajectory_msgs.msg import * from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from math import pi import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint from math import exp # From Files from object_detection import IntelRealsense from universal_robot_kinematics import invKine from kinematics import fwd_kin from last_kalman_filter import * IntelRealsense = IntelRealsense() JOINT_NAMES = ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'] home = [0, -pi/2, pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi] straight = [0, -pi/2, 0, -pi/2, 0, 0] client = None # Kanut Thummaraksa #### Input Tensors #### ## Common Input ## s = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='s') tau = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='tau') xg = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='xg') yg = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='yg') zg = tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='zg') ## joints ## g = (tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g1'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g2'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g3'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g4'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g5'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='g6')) q = (tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q1'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q2'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q3'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q4'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q5'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q6')) qd = (tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='qd1'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='qd2'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='qd3'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='qd4'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='qd5'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q06')) q0 = (tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q01'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q02'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q03'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q04'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q05'), tf.placeholder(tf.float64,name='q06')) def canoSystem(tau,t): alpha_s = 4 s = exp(-tau*alpha_s*t) return s def dmp(g,q,qd,tau,s,q0,W,Name = "DMP"): alpha = tf.constant(25,dtype=tf.float64) beta = alpha/4 w,c,h = W n_gaussian = w.shape[0] with tf.name_scope(Name): w_tensor = tf.constant(w,dtype=tf.float64,name='w') c_tensor = tf.constant(c,dtype=tf.float64,name='c') h_tensor = tf.constant(h,dtype=tf.float64,name='h') with tf.name_scope('s'): s_tensor = s*tf.ones(n_gaussian,dtype=tf.float64) smc_pow = tf.pow(s_tensor-c_tensor,2) h_smc_pow = tf.math.multiply(smc_pow,(-h_tensor)) with tf.name_scope('psi'): psi = tf.math.exp(h_smc_pow) sum_psi = tf.math.reduce_sum(psi,0) wpsi = tf.math.multiply(w_tensor,psi) wpsis = tf.math.reduce_sum(wpsi*s,0) with tf.name_scope('fs'): fs =wpsis/sum_psi qdd = alpha*(beta*(g-q)-tau*qd)+fs*(g-q0) return qdd #### Movement Library ##### dmps = [{},{},{},{},{},{}] for i in range(15): path = 'Demonstration/Demo{}/Weights/'.format(i+1) for j in range(6): ### j = joint number path_j = path+'Joint{}/'.format(j+1) w = np.load(path_j+'w.npy') w = np.reshape(w,(len(w),)) c = np.load(path_j+'c.npy') c = np.reshape(c,(len(c),)) h = np.load(path_j+'h.npy') h = np.reshape(h,(len(h),)) W = (w,c,h) # def dmp(g,q,qd,tau,s,q0,W,Name = "DMP"): dmps[j]['{}_{}'.format(j+1,i+1)] =tf.reshape(dmp(g[j], q[j], qd[j], tau, s, q0[j], W, Name="DMP{}_{}".format(j+1,i+1)),(1,)) ##### Final Catesian Position of Demonstration) ##### demo_x = np.array([-8.15926729e-01, -0.75961731, -0.3964087, -0.29553788, -0.04094927, -0.14693912, -0.41827111, -8.16843140e-01, -0.09284764, -0.57153495, -0.67251442, -0.36517125, -7.62308039e-01, -0.78029185, -6.57512038e-01]) demo_y = np.array([-2.96043917e-01, -0.18374539, 0.6690932, 0.21733157, 0.78624892, 0.7281835, -0.66857267, -2.92201916e-01, -0.77947085, -0.28442803, 0.36890422, -0.41997883, -1.20031233e-01, -0.19321253, -1.05877890e-01]) demo_z = np.array([-3.97988321e-03, 0.35300285, 0.13734106, 0.1860831, 0.06178831, 0.06178831, 0.10958549, -5.64177448e-03, 0.0383235, 0.33788756, 0.30410704, 0.47738503, 8.29937352e-03, 0.17253172, 3.62063583e-01]) #### Contributin Functions #### with tf.name_scope("Con"): xg_ref = tf.constant(demo_x, dtype=tf.float64,name="x_con") yg_ref = tf.constant(demo_y, dtype=tf.float64,name="y_con") zg_ref = tf.constant(demo_z, dtype=tf.float64,name="z_con") xg2 = tf.pow(xg_ref-xg, 2) yg2 = tf.pow(yg_ref-yg, 2) zg2 = tf.pow(zg_ref-zg, 2) sum = xg2+yg2+zg2 con = 1.9947114020071635 * tf.math.exp(-0.5*sum/0.4472135954999579) # Normal Distribution #### Gating Network ##### dmp_joint = [] dmpNet = [] for i in range(len(dmps)): values = list(dmps[i].values()) joint = tf.concat(values, axis=0) with tf.name_scope('DMPNet{}'.format(i+1)): dmpNet_i = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.multiply(joint,con),axis=0)/tf.reduce_sum(con, axis=0) dmpNet.append(dmpNet_i) # Supitcha Klanpradit def move_dmp_path(path_from_ode,time_from_ode): g = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() g.trajectory = JointTrajectory() g.trajectory.joint_names = JOINT_NAMES try: for via in range(0,len(path_from_ode)): joint_update = path_from_ode[via][0:6] joint_update[0:5] = joint_update[0:5] - (joint_update[0:5]>math.pi)*2*math.pi + (joint_update[0:5]<-math.pi)*2*math.pi # print('Step %d %s' % (via,joint_update)) g.trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=joint_update, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(time_from_ode[via]))) client.send_goal(g) client.wait_for_result() except KeyboardInterrupt: client.cancel_goal() raise except: raise def set_home(set_position=home, set_duration=10): g = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() g.trajectory = JointTrajectory() g.trajectory.joint_names = JOINT_NAMES try: g.trajectory.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=set_position, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(set_duration))] client.send_goal(g) client.wait_for_result() except KeyboardInterrupt: client.cancel_goal() raise except: raise # def cost_func(out_invKine): # out_invKine[0:5,:] = out_invKine[0:5,:] - (out_invKine[0:5,:]>math.pi)*2*math.pi + (out_invKine[0:5,:]<-math.pi)*2*math.pi # # print('inverse pingpong %s' %out_invKine) # weight = [1, 1.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1] # weight = np.resize(weight,(6,8)) # cost = np.multiply(np.square(out_invKine), weight) # cost = np.sum(cost, axis=0) # # print('cost %s' %cost) # index_minimum = np.argmin(cost) # print('index minimum %s' %index_minimum) # return [joint[0,index_minimum] for joint in out_invKine] def cost_func(out_invKine): print('Pre-Inverse Kinematics : %s' %out_invKine) mean = [-0.12973529, -1.17866925, 1.6847758, -0.60829703, 1.53953145, 3.1315828] out_invKine[0:5,:] = out_invKine[0:5,:] - (out_invKine[0:5,:]>math.pi)*2*math.pi + (out_invKine[0:5,:]<-math.pi)*2*math.pi print('Inverse Kinematics : %s' %out_invKine) mean = np.resize(mean,(6,8)) cost = np.square( np.add(out_invKine, mean) ) print('Pre-Cost : %s' %cost) weight = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 1, 1] weight = np.resize(weight,(6,8)) cost = np.multiply(cost, weight) print('Pre-Cost : %s' %cost) cost = np.sum(cost[0:5,:], axis=0) print('cost %s' %cost) index_minimum = np.argmin(cost) print('Index Minimum %s' %index_minimum) return [joint[0,index_minimum] for joint in out_invKine] def choose_q(out_invKine, index): out_invKine[0:5,:] = out_invKine[0:5,:] - (out_invKine[0:5,:]>math.pi)*2*math.pi + (out_invKine[0:5,:]<-math.pi)*2*math.pi # print(out_invKine)1) for i in range(8): q = [joint[0,i] for joint in out_invKine] print('q %s', q) print('fwd %s' %fwd_kin(q, o_unit = 'p')) return [joint[0,index] for joint in out_invKine] mu = 0 sigma_a_x = 0.8 sigma_a_y = 0.8 sigma_a_d = 0.8 rho_x = 0.1 rho_y = 0.1 rho_d = 0.1 rho_v_x = 0.5 rho_v_y = 0.5 rho_v_d = 0.5 def main(): with tf.Session() as sess: def dynamics(x,t,tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess): position = grasping_point s_v = canoSystem(tau_v,t) feeddict = {g[0]:g_v[0],g[1]:g_v[1],g[2]:g_v[2],g[3]:g_v[3],g[4]:g_v[4],g[5]:g_v[5], q[0]:x[0],q[1]:x[1],q[2]:x[2],q[3]:x[3],q[4]:x[4],q[5]:x[5], qd[0]:x[6],qd[1]:x[7],qd[2]:x[8],qd[3]:x[9],qd[4]:x[10],qd[5]:x[11], q0[0]:q0_v[0],q0[1]:q0_v[1],q0[2]:q0_v[2],q0[3]:q0_v[3],q0[4]:q0_v[4],q0[5]:q0_v[5], tau:tau_v,s:s_v,xg:position[0],yg:position[1],zg:position[2] } qdd1_v,qdd2_v,qdd3_v,qdd4_v,qdd5_v,qdd6_v =,feed_dict = feeddict) dx = [x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9],x[10],x[11],qdd1_v,qdd2_v,qdd3_v,qdd4_v,qdd5_v,qdd6_v] return dx period = 20 t = np.linspace(5, period, 20) tau_v = float(1)/period q0_v = [0, -pi/2, pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi] v0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0] x0 = []; x0.extend(q0_v); x0.extend(v0) print("Initiate Object Detection") STATE = 'NONE' _,_,_, last_capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection(display = False) T_camera2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_camera2base() T_end2base = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base() gripper = np.array([ [0], [0], [0.1], [1] ]) Y = np.array([ [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0] ]) X = np.array([ [np.random.normal(0, sigma_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_d)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_x)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_y)], [np.random.normal(0, sigma_v_d)] ]) X, P,_ = init_state(X, Y, 0) print('First State is %s' %X) I = np.identity(6, dtype=float) H = np.identity(6, dtype=float) count = 0 global client try: rospy.init_node("dmp", anonymous=True, disable_signals=True) client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() print ("Connected to server") parameters = rospy.get_param(None) index = str(parameters).find('prefix') if (index > 0): prefix = str(parameters)[index+len("prefix': '"):(index+len("prefix': '")+str(parameters)[index+len("prefix': '"):-1].find("'"))] for i, name in enumerate(JOINT_NAMES): JOINT_NAMES[i] = prefix + name book = Workbook() sheet = excel_row = 1 while(True): initial_time = time.time() straight_inp = raw_input("Set Straight y/n?") if straight_inp == 'y': set_home(straight,5) pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth, capture = IntelRealsense.pingpong_detection(display = True) pingpong_camera = IntelRealsense.reverse_perspective_projection(pp_x, pp_y, pp_depth); pingpong_camera[3] = 1 processing = capture - last_capture; timestep = processing pingpong_base = v_x, v_depth, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_depth, STATE = IntelRealsense.pingpong_velocity(STATE, pingpong_base[0,0], pingpong_base[1,0], pingpong_base[2,0], capture, display = False) last_capture = capture # print('Real World Coordinates From KF \n %s \n' %pingpong_camera) print('Ping-Pong Position (Base Frame) \n %s \n' %pingpong_base) grasping_point = [pingpong_base[0], pingpong_base[1], pingpong_base[2]] # print('grasping point %s' %grasping_point) pingpong_base = pingpong_base - inp_invKine = IntelRealsense.transformation_end2base(pingpong_base[0,0],pingpong_base[1,0],pingpong_base[2,0]) inv_pingpong = invKine(inp_invKine) print('IK \n %s \n' %inv_pingpong) # grasping_q = cost_func(inv_pingpong) grasping_q = choose_q(inv_pingpong,0) print('Selected IK \n%s\n' %grasping_q) g_v = grasping_q fwd_grasping = fwd_kin(g_v, o_unit = 'p') print('Selected FK \n%s\n' %fwd_grasping) inp = raw_input("Set Home! (Enter to continue)") set_home(set_duration = 10) # inp = raw_input("Continue? y/n: ")[0] # if (inp == 'y'): # q_ode = odeint(dynamics,x0,t,args=(tau_v,g_v,q0_v,grasping_point,sess)) # q_ode = np.load('q_sample2.npy') set_home(g_v, 3) # print('q_ode %s' %q_ode) # move_dmp_path(q_ode,t) final_time = time.time() print("Processing Time : %s" %(final_time-initial_time)) # else: # print ("Halting program") # break # print('\n#############################################\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") raise if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler sc_x=StandardScaler() sc_y=StandardScaler() x=sc_x.fit_transform(x) y=sc_y.fit_transform(y) dataset=pd.read_csv("Position_Salaries.csv") x=dataset.iloc[:,1:2].values y=dataset.iloc[:,2].values y_pred=sc_y.inverse_transform(regressor.predict(sc_x.transform(np.array([6.5])))) plt.scatter(x,y,color='red') plt.plot(x,regressor.predict(x),color='blue') plt.title("truth or bluff") plt.xlabel("positionlevel") plt.ylabel("salaries")
from unittest.mock import patch # allows us to sim whether db is ready or not from import call_command # call command in source from django.db.utils import OperationalError from django.test import TestCase class CommandTests(TestCase): def test_wait_for_db_ready(self): """Test waiting for db when db is available""" # Patch will mock the behaviour of the assigned task # we mock this function by returning trye, which simulates the # return value of the assigned task. We can also use this to monitor # how often this command is called with patch('django.db.utils.ConnectionHandler.__getitem__') as gi: gi.return_value = True call_command('wait_for_db') self.assertEqual(gi.call_count, 1) @patch('time.sleep', return_value=True) def test_wait_for_db(self, ts): """Test waiting for db""" with patch('django.db.utils.ConnectionHandler.__getitem__') as gi: # patch has the ability to raise 'sideeffects' which are # side effects to the function that we are mocking gi.side_effect = [OperationalError] * 5 + [True] call_command('wait_for_db') self.assertEqual(gi.call_count, 6)
import logging import operator from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import cached_property from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple from django.db.models import Q from cache_memoize import cache_memoize from cachetools import TTLCache, cachedmethod from web3 import Web3 from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient, EthereumClientProvider from gnosis.eth.ethereum_client import EthereumNetwork, InvalidERC20Info from gnosis.eth.oracles import (BalancerOracle, CannotGetPriceFromOracle, CurveOracle, KyberOracle, MooniswapOracle, OracleException, SushiswapOracle, UniswapOracle, UniswapV2Oracle) from gnosis.eth.oracles.oracles import PriceOracle, PricePoolOracle from safe_transaction_service.tokens.clients import (BinanceClient, CannotGetPrice, CoingeckoClient, KrakenClient, KucoinClient) from safe_transaction_service.tokens.models import Token from ..exceptions import NodeConnectionError from ..models import EthereumEvent logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BalanceServiceException(Exception): pass @dataclass class Erc20InfoWithLogo: address: str name: str symbol: str decimals: int logo_uri: str @classmethod def from_token(cls, token: Token): return cls(token.address,, token.symbol, token.decimals, token.get_full_logo_uri()) @dataclass class Balance: token_address: Optional[str] # For ether, `token_address` is `None` token: Optional[Erc20InfoWithLogo] balance: int @dataclass class BalanceWithFiat(Balance): fiat_balance: float fiat_conversion: float fiat_code: str = 'USD' class BalanceServiceProvider: def __new__(cls): if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'): from django.conf import settings cls.instance = BalanceService(EthereumClientProvider(), settings.ETH_UNISWAP_FACTORY_ADDRESS, settings.ETH_KYBER_NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS) return cls.instance @classmethod def del_singleton(cls): if hasattr(cls, "instance"): del cls.instance class BalanceService: def __init__(self, ethereum_client: EthereumClient, uniswap_factory_address: str, kyber_network_proxy_address: str): self.ethereum_client = ethereum_client self.binance_client = BinanceClient() self.coingecko_client = CoingeckoClient() self.kraken_client = KrakenClient() self.kucoin_client = KucoinClient() self.curve_oracle = CurveOracle(self.ethereum_client) # Curve returns price in usd self.kyber_oracle = KyberOracle(self.ethereum_client, kyber_network_proxy_address) self.sushiswap_oracle = SushiswapOracle(self.ethereum_client) self.uniswap_oracle = UniswapOracle(self.ethereum_client, uniswap_factory_address) self.uniswap_v2_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle(self.ethereum_client) self.balancer_oracle = BalancerOracle(self.ethereum_client, self.uniswap_v2_oracle) self.mooniswap_oracle = MooniswapOracle(self.ethereum_client, self.uniswap_v2_oracle) self.cache_eth_price = TTLCache(maxsize=2048, ttl=60 * 30) # 30 minutes of caching self.cache_token_eth_value = TTLCache(maxsize=2048, ttl=60 * 30) # 30 minutes of caching self.cache_token_usd_value = TTLCache(maxsize=2048, ttl=60 * 30) # 30 minutes of caching self.cache_token_info = {} @cached_property def enabled_price_oracles(self) -> Tuple[PriceOracle]: if self.ethereum_network == EthereumNetwork.MAINNET: return self.kyber_oracle, self.uniswap_v2_oracle, self.sushiswap_oracle, self.uniswap_oracle else: return self.kyber_oracle, self.uniswap_v2_oracle # They provide versions in another networks @cached_property def enabled_pool_price_oracles(self) -> Tuple[PricePoolOracle]: if self.ethereum_network == EthereumNetwork.MAINNET: return self.uniswap_v2_oracle, self.balancer_oracle, self.mooniswap_oracle else: return tuple() @cached_property def ethereum_network(self): return self.ethereum_client.get_network() def _filter_addresses(self, erc20_addresses: Sequence[str], only_trusted: bool, exclude_spam: bool) -> List[str]: """ :param erc20_addresses: :param only_trusted: :param exclude_spam: :return: ERC20 tokens filtered by spam or trusted """ base_queryset = Token.objects.filter( Q(address__in=erc20_addresses) | Q(events_bugged=True) ).order_by('name') if only_trusted: addresses = list(base_queryset.erc20().filter(trusted=True).values_list('address', flat=True)) elif exclude_spam: addresses = list(base_queryset.erc20().filter(spam=False).values_list('address', flat=True)) else: # There could be some addresses that are not in the list addresses_set = set(erc20_addresses) addresses = [] for token in base_queryset: if token.is_erc20(): addresses.append(token.address) if token.address in addresses_set: # events_bugged tokens might not be on the `addresses_set` addresses_set.remove(token.address) # Add unknown addresses addresses.extend(addresses_set) return addresses def get_balances(self, safe_address: str, only_trusted: bool = False, exclude_spam: bool = False) -> List[Balance]: """ :param safe_address: :param only_trusted: If True, return balance only for trusted tokens :param exclude_spam: If True, exclude spam tokens :return: `{'token_address': str, 'balance': int}`. For ether, `token_address` is `None` """ assert Web3.isChecksumAddress(safe_address), f'Not valid address {safe_address} for getting balances' all_erc20_addresses = list(EthereumEvent.objects.erc20_tokens_used_by_address(safe_address)) for address in all_erc20_addresses: # Store tokens in database if not present self.get_token_info(address) # This is cached erc20_addresses = self._filter_addresses(all_erc20_addresses, only_trusted, exclude_spam) try: raw_balances = self.ethereum_client.erc20.get_balances(safe_address, erc20_addresses) except IOError as exc: raise NodeConnectionError from exc balances = [] for balance in raw_balances: if not balance['token_address']: # Ether balance['token'] = None elif balance['balance'] > 0: balance['token'] = self.get_token_info(balance['token_address']) if not balance['token']: # Ignore ERC20 tokens that cannot be queried continue else: continue balances.append(Balance(**balance)) return balances def get_ewt_usd_price(self) -> float: try: return self.kucoin_client.get_ewt_usd_price() except CannotGetPrice: return self.coingecko_client.get_ewt_usd_price() @cachedmethod(cache=operator.attrgetter('cache_eth_price')) @cache_memoize(60 * 30, prefix='balances-get_eth_price') # 30 minutes def get_eth_price(self) -> float: """ Get USD price for Ether. It depends on the ethereum network: - On mainnet, use ETH/USD - On xDAI, use DAI/USD. - On EWT/VOLTA, use EWT/USD :return: USD price for Ether """ if self.ethereum_network == EthereumNetwork.XDAI: try: return self.kraken_client.get_dai_usd_price() except CannotGetPrice: return 1 # DAI/USD should be close to 1 elif self.ethereum_network in (EthereumNetwork.ENERGY_WEB_CHAIN, EthereumNetwork.VOLTA): return self.get_ewt_usd_price() else: try: return self.kraken_client.get_eth_usd_price() except CannotGetPrice: return self.binance_client.get_eth_usd_price() @cachedmethod(cache=operator.attrgetter('cache_token_eth_value')) @cache_memoize(60 * 30, prefix='balances-get_token_eth_value') # 30 minutes def get_token_eth_value(self, token_address: str) -> float: """ Return current ether value for a given `token_address` """ for oracle in self.enabled_price_oracles: try: return oracle.get_price(token_address) except OracleException:'Cannot get eth value for token-address=%s from %s', token_address, oracle.__class__.__name__) # Try pool tokens for oracle in self.enabled_pool_price_oracles: try: return oracle.get_pool_token_price(token_address) except OracleException:'Cannot get eth value for token-address=%s from %s', token_address, oracle.__class__.__name__) logger.warning('Cannot find eth value for token-address=%s', token_address) return 0. @cachedmethod(cache=operator.attrgetter('cache_token_usd_value')) @cache_memoize(60 * 30, prefix='balances-get_token_usd_price') # 30 minutes def get_token_usd_price(self, token_address: str) -> float: """ Return current usd value for a given `token_address` using Curve, if not use Coingecko as last resource """ if self.ethereum_network == EthereumNetwork.MAINNET: try: return self.curve_oracle.get_pool_token_price(token_address) except CannotGetPriceFromOracle: try: return self.coingecko_client.get_token_price(token_address) except CannotGetPrice: pass return 0. @cachedmethod(cache=operator.attrgetter('cache_token_info')) @cache_memoize(60 * 60 * 24, prefix='balances-get_token_info') # 1 day def get_token_info(self, token_address: str) -> Optional[Erc20InfoWithLogo]: try: token = Token.objects.get(address=token_address) return Erc20InfoWithLogo.from_token(token) except Token.DoesNotExist: try: erc20_info = self.ethereum_client.erc20.get_info(token_address) token = Token.objects.create(address=token_address,, symbol=erc20_info.symbol, decimals=erc20_info.decimals) return Erc20InfoWithLogo.from_token(token) except InvalidERC20Info: logger.warning('Cannot get erc20 token info for token-address=%s', token_address) return None def get_usd_balances(self, safe_address: str, only_trusted: bool = False, exclude_spam: bool = False) -> List[BalanceWithFiat]: """ All this could be more optimal (e.g. batching requests), but as everything is cached I think we should be alright :param safe_address: :param only_trusted: If True, return balance only for trusted tokens :param exclude_spam: If True, exclude spam tokens :return: List of BalanceWithFiat """ balances: List[Balance] = self.get_balances(safe_address, only_trusted, exclude_spam) eth_value = self.get_eth_price() balances_with_usd = [] for balance in balances: token_address = balance.token_address if not token_address: # Ether fiat_conversion = eth_value fiat_balance = fiat_conversion * (balance.balance / 10**18) else: token_to_eth_price = self.get_token_eth_value(token_address) if token_to_eth_price: fiat_conversion = eth_value * token_to_eth_price else: # Use curve/coingecko as last resource fiat_conversion = self.get_token_usd_price(token_address) balance_with_decimals = balance.balance / 10**balance.token.decimals fiat_balance = fiat_conversion * balance_with_decimals balances_with_usd.append(BalanceWithFiat(balance.token_address, balance.token, balance.balance, round(fiat_balance, 4), round(fiat_conversion, 4), 'USD')) return balances_with_usd
from django.urls import path, include from .views import GetUIDView urlpatterns = [ path('all/', GetUIDView.as_view(), name='list_flights') ]
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer from part_of_speech import get_part_of_speech lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() oprah_wiki = '<p>Working in local media, she was both the youngest news anchor and the first black female news anchor at Nashville\'s WLAC-TV. </p>'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Abstract base class (ABC) for custom reusable Telegram inline keyboards. This script serves as an interface for documenting function implementation. Usage: This script should not be used directly, other than its ABC functionalities. """ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from telegram import InlineKeyboardMarkup from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union class AbstractMarkup(ABC): """AbstractMarkup class as ABC for custom reusable Telegram inline keyboards.""" @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_pattern(*datas: str) -> str: """Gets the pattern regex for matching in ConversationHandler.""" pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_markup(*option_rows: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], option_datas: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None) \ -> InlineKeyboardMarkup: """Initialises the markup with parsed options.""" pass class AbstractOptionMarkup(ABC): """AbstractOptionMarkup class as ABC for custom reusable option menus as Telegram inline keyboards.""" @abstractmethod def _is_option(self, option: str) -> bool: """Verify if the option parsed is defined.""" pass @abstractmethod def perform_action(self, option: str) -> Any: """Perform action according to the callback data.""" pass if __name__ == '__main__': pass
import numpy as np from typing import List, Union, Dict from pathlib import Path import os import torch import logging import flair import gensim from import Sentence from flair.embeddings.token import TokenEmbeddings from flair.embeddings import StackedEmbeddings from flair.embeddings import WordEmbeddings, CharacterEmbeddings from flair.file_utils import cached_path log = logging.getLogger("flair") def get_embedding(embedding, finetune_bert=False): embeddings = embedding.split('+') result = [CaseEmbedding()] # skip updating to new flair version old_base_path = "" cache_dir = Path("embeddings") cached_path(f"{old_base_path}glove.gensim.vectors.npy", cache_dir=cache_dir) cached_path( f"{old_base_path}glove.gensim", cache_dir=cache_dir ) cached_path(f"", cache_dir="datasets") for embedding in embeddings: if embedding == 'char': result.append(CustomCharacterEmbeddings()) if embedding == 'glove': result.append(LargeGloveEmbeddings('./data/glove')) return StackedEmbeddings(embeddings=result) class LargeGloveEmbeddings(WordEmbeddings): """Standard static word embeddings, such as GloVe or FastText.""" def __init__(self, glove_dir): """ Initializes classic word embeddings - made for large glove embedding """ super().__init__('glove') embeddings = '840b-300d-glove' self.field = "" self.embeddings = embeddings self.static_embeddings = True # Large Glove embeddings embeddings = os.path.join(glove_dir, 'glove.bin') str = str(embeddings) self.precomputed_word_embeddings = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load(embeddings) self.__embedding_length: int = self.precomputed_word_embeddings.vector_size def _add_embeddings_internal(self, sentences: List[Sentence]) -> List[Sentence]: for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): for token, token_idx in zip(sentence.tokens, range(len(sentence.tokens))): word_embedding = self.get_cached_vec(word=token.text) token.set_embedding(, word_embedding) return sentences @property def embedding_length(self) -> int: return 300 class CaseEmbedding(TokenEmbeddings): """Static Case Embedding""" def __init__(self): str = 'case-embedding-shun' self.static_embeddings = False self.__embedding_length: int = 3 super().__init__() @property def embedding_length(self) -> int: return self.__embedding_length def embed(self, sentences: Union[Sentence, List[Sentence]]) -> List[Sentence]: for sentence in sentences: for token in sentence: text = token.text is_lower = 1 if text == text.lower() else 0 is_upper = 1 if text == text.upper() else 0 is_mix = 1 if is_lower + is_upper == 0 else 0 word_embedding = torch.tensor( np.array([is_lower, is_upper, is_mix]), device=flair.device, dtype=torch.float ) token.set_embedding('case-embedding-shun', word_embedding) return sentences def _add_embeddings_internal(self, sentences: List[Sentence]) -> List[Sentence]: return sentences def __str__(self): return class CustomCharacterEmbeddings(CharacterEmbeddings): """Batched-version of CharacterEmbeddings. """ def _add_embeddings_internal(self, sentences: List[Sentence]): token_to_embeddings = {} for sentence in sentences: for token in sentence.tokens: token_to_embeddings[token.text] = None tokens_char_indices = [] for token in token_to_embeddings: char_indices = [ self.char_dictionary.get_idx_for_item(char) for char in token ] tokens_char_indices.append(char_indices) # sort words by length, for batching and masking tokens_sorted_by_length = sorted( tokens_char_indices, key=lambda p: len(p), reverse=True ) d = {} for i, ci in enumerate(tokens_char_indices): for j, cj in enumerate(tokens_sorted_by_length): if ci == cj: d[j] = i continue chars2_length = [len(c) for c in tokens_sorted_by_length] longest_token_in_sentence = max(chars2_length) tokens_mask = torch.zeros( (len(tokens_sorted_by_length), longest_token_in_sentence), dtype=torch.long, device=flair.device, ) for i, c in enumerate(tokens_sorted_by_length): tokens_mask[i, : chars2_length[i]] = torch.tensor( c, dtype=torch.long, device=flair.device ) # chars for rnn processing chars = tokens_mask character_embeddings = self.char_embedding(chars).transpose(0, 1) packed = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence( character_embeddings, chars2_length ) lstm_out, self.hidden = self.char_rnn(packed) outputs, output_lengths = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out) outputs = outputs.transpose(0, 1) chars_embeds_temp = torch.zeros( (outputs.size(0), outputs.size(2)), dtype=torch.float, device=flair.device, ) for i, index in enumerate(output_lengths): chars_embeds_temp[i] = outputs[i, index - 1] character_embeddings = chars_embeds_temp.clone() for i in range(character_embeddings.size(0)): character_embeddings[d[i]] = chars_embeds_temp[i] for token_number, token in enumerate(token_to_embeddings.keys()): token_to_embeddings[token] = character_embeddings[token_number] for sentence in sentences: for token in sentence.tokens: token.set_embedding(, token_to_embeddings[token.text])
import logging log = logging.getLogger("BinaryDependencyGraph") log.setLevel("DEBUG") class Plugin: def __init__(self, name, p, cfg, fw_path, memcmp_like_functions=None, *kargs, **kwargs): global log self._fw_path = fw_path self._cfg = cfg self._p = p self._log = kwargs['log'] if 'log' in kwargs else log self._name = name self._memcmp_like = memcmp_like_functions if memcmp_like_functions is not None else [] self._blob = True if not hasattr(self._p.loader.main_bin, 'reverse_plt') else False @property def name(self): return self._name def run(self, *kargs, **kwargs): raise Exception("You have to implement at least a plugin's run") def discover_new_binaries(self, *kargs, **kwargs): return [] def discover_strings(self, *kargs, **kwargs): return {} @property def role_strings_info(self): return {}
from .halo_transformer import HaloTransformer from .nfnet import NFNet from .pvt import PyramidVisionTransformer from .swin_transformer import SwinTransformer from .efficientnet import efficientnet, efficientnetv2 from .nfefficientnet import nfefficientnetv2 from .vit import dino
import base64 as b64 from binascii import unhexlify from GMforms import GMform from phpserialize import serialize, unserialize import time import sys import os.path def _obj_decode(s): s=b64.b64decode(s) s=unhexlify(s.decode()) return s def main(): if (len(sys.argv))<=1: print("Usage: formgui.exe <filename.prs>") sys.exit(2) filein=sys.argv[1] namepy=filein.split(sep=".",maxsplit=2)[0] dirname=os.path.dirname(filein) fileout=namepy+".py" print("Convertion: "+filein+" -> "+ fileout) with open(filein) as f: ldane=dane.split(sep="^", maxsplit=5); #print(ldane[3]) lldane=ldane[3].split(sep="#frm#") frm=GMform() for a in lldane: s=_obj_decode(a) ds=s.decode().split(sep="#key#", maxsplit=3) if (ds[0]=='main'): frm.addForm(unserialize(ds[2].encode())) elif(ds[0]=='lay'): frm.addLayout(ds[1],unserialize(ds[2].encode())) elif(ds[0]=='fld'): frm.addField(ds[1],unserialize(ds[2].encode())) PltObjList={} PltParentList={} PltWlsList={'0':{'TYP': 'Zero','PARENT_ID_LAY':0}} V={} for l in frm._arrLayounts: VARS=frm.getLayount(l) V={} for k in VARS: V[k.decode()]=VARS[k].decode() id_lay=V['ID_LAY'] PltObjList[id_lay]='' PltWlsList[id_lay]=V PltParentList[id_lay]=V['PARENT_ID_LAY'] #print(PltWlsList) #print(PltObjList) #print(PltParentList) mainLayount='' for lay in PltObjList: parent=PltParentList[lay] if (parent=='0'): mainLayount+='S_'+lay+'\nLAY_'+lay+'E_'+lay+'\n' else: if (len(PltObjList[parent])<=0): PltObjList[parent]='S_'+lay+'\nLAY_'+lay+'E_'+lay+'\n' else: PltObjList[parent] +='S_'+lay+'\nLAY_' + lay + 'E_'+lay+'\n' for l in PltObjList: PltObjList[l]+='LAY_' + l + '\n' mainLayount="S_0\n"+mainLayount+"LAY_0\nE_0" #print(mainLayount) #print(PltWlsList) #exit(0) while (len(PltObjList)>0): PltDelList={} for l in PltObjList: layount=PltObjList[l] if (mainLayount.find('LAY_'+l)>-1): mainLayount=mainLayount.replace('LAY_'+l,layount) #print(mainLayount) PltDelList[l]='1' #print(PltObjList) for d in PltDelList: del PltObjList[d] #print(PltObjList) #print(mainLayount) PltFldList={} for f in frm._arrFields: FLD=frm.getField(f) V = {} for k in FLD: V[k.decode()] = FLD[k].decode() id_fld = V['ID_FLD'] PltFldList[id_fld] = V #print(PltFldList) #exit(0); ReqFldList=[] MLFldList=[] PaternList={} prev_parent='-1' start_row=False for lay in PltWlsList: LAYER=PltWlsList[lay] #print(LAYER) parent=LAYER['PARENT_ID_LAY'] parent_typ=PltWlsList[str(parent)]['TYP'] if (prev_parent=='-1'): prev_parent_typ='Zero' else: prev_parent_typ = PltWlsList[str(prev_parent)]['TYP'] typ=LAYER['TYP'] PaternList['LAY_' + lay]='' pre='' post='' fpre="[" fpost="]," if (typ=="Grid"): typ="Row" if (parent_typ in ('Row','Grid')): fpre="" fpost="," if(typ=='Group'): pre='[' post=']' PaternList['S_' + lay] = fpre+"sg.Frame('" + LAYER['TITLE'] + "',\n[" PaternList['E_' + lay] = "],title_location=sg.TITLE_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT,title_color=self.descr_color, element_justification='"+LAYER['EL_ALIGN']+"',key='-GROUP_" + lay + "-', border_width=1)"+fpost elif(typ=='Col'): pre = '[' post = ']' PaternList['S_' + lay] = fpre + "sg.Column([" PaternList['E_' + lay] = "])" + fpost elif(typ=='Zero'): PaternList['S_' + lay] = fpre + "sg.Frame('',\n[" PaternList['E_' + lay] = "],title_location=sg.TITLE_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT, key='-ZERO_" + lay + "-', border_width=0)" + fpost else: EL_VALIGN = LAYER['EL_VALIGN'] if (EL_VALIGN not in ('top', 'bottom')): EL_VALIGN = 'center' PaternList['S_' + lay] = fpre+"sg.Frame('',\n[[" PaternList['E_' + lay] = "]],title_location=sg.TITLE_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT,title_color=self.descr_color, element_justification='"+LAYER['EL_ALIGN']+"',vertical_alignment='"+EL_VALIGN+"',key='-ROW_" + lay + "-', border_width=0)"+fpost col=0 field_sep="" PaternList['LAY_' + lay]='' #print("LAYER:="+LAYER['TNAME']+" "+LAYER['ID_LAY']) for f in PltFldList: FIELD=PltFldList[f] #print(FIELD) parent=FIELD['ID_LAY'] id_lay=FIELD['ID_LAY'] if (id_lay==lay): if (FIELD['TFLD'] in ('TF','PD','TA')): if (FIELD['RO']=='1'): disabled=",disabled=True" else: disabled="" if (FIELD['TFLD']=='PD'): pass_char=",password_char='*'" else: pass_char="" try: value=FIELD['VAL'] except: value='' star="'" if (FIELD['REQ']=='1'): star="'+self.req_char" ReqFldList.append(FIELD['TNAME']) if (int(FIELD['LEN'])<=100): field_ptrn=pre+"sg.Column(" \ "[[sg.T('"+FIELD['DESCR']+star+",size=(None,1),text_color=self.descr_color,key='-"+FIELD['TNAME']+"-')]," \ "[sg.I(self._set_val(trb,'"+value+"',list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"'),size=("+FIELD['LEN']+",1)"+disabled+pass_char+",key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"')]])"+post else: FIELD['LEN']='100' MLFldList.append(FIELD['TNAME']) rows=int(int(FIELD['LEN'])/100)+1 field_ptrn = pre + "sg.Column(" \ "[[sg.T('" + FIELD['DESCR']+star + ",size=(None,1),text_color=self.descr_color,key='-" + FIELD[ 'TNAME'] + "-')]," \ "[sg.ML(self._set_val(trb,'" + value + "',list_values,'" + FIELD['TNAME'] + "'),size=(" + FIELD['LEN'] + ","+str(rows)+")" + disabled + pass_char + ",key='" + \ FIELD['TNAME'] + "')]])" + post elif(FIELD['TFLD']=='TX'): field_ptrn=pre+"sg.T('"+FIELD['DESCR']+"')"+post elif(FIELD['TFLD'] in ('CB','CO')): if (FIELD['UNI']=='1'): selected="True" else: selected="False" field_ptrn=pre+"sg.Checkbox('"+FIELD['VAL']+"', key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',default=self._set_val(trb,"+selected+",list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',type='boolean'))"+post elif(FIELD['TFLD']=='RB'): field_ptrn = pre + "sg.Column(" field_ptrn+="[" field_ptrn+="\n[sg.Radio('"+FIELD['VAL1']+"','"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',default=self._set_val(trb,True,list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"1',type='boolean'),key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"1')]," for x in range(2,5): try: if (len(FIELD['VAL'+str(x)])>0): field_ptrn += "\n[sg.Radio('" + FIELD['VAL'+str(x)] + "','" + FIELD['TNAME']+ "',key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+str(x)+"',default=self._set_val(trb,False,list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+str(x)+"',type='boolean'))]," except: pass field_ptrn+="\n])"+post elif(FIELD['TFLD']=='BT'): field_ptrn=pre+"sg.Button('"+FIELD['DESCR']+"',key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"')"+post elif(FIELD['TFLD']=='DF'): field_ptrn = pre + "sg.Column(" \ "[[sg.T('" + FIELD['DESCR'] + "',text_color=self.descr_color,size=(18,1))]," \ "[sg.I(self._set_val(trb,str(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime())),list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"'),enable_events=True,disabled=True,key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"'" + ",size=(11,1))," \ "sg.CalendarButton('x', target=(1,0), format='%Y-%m-%d', default_date_m_d_y=self._set_val('edit',(None,None,None),list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',type='date'))]])"+post elif(FIELD['TFLD'] in ('LF','La','Lz','LA','LZ')): star = "'" FIELD['REQ']='1' if (FIELD['REQ'] == '1'): star="'+self.req_char" ReqFldList.append(FIELD['TNAME']) field_ptrn = pre + "sg.Column(" field_ptrn += "[" field_ptrn += "\n[sg.T('" + FIELD['DESCR'] +star+ ",text_color=self.descr_color,key='-"+FIELD['TNAME']+"-',size=(20,1))],\n" if ((FIELD['SIZE']!='1') or (FIELD['MULTI']=='1')): if (FIELD['MULTI']=='1'): if (FIELD['SIZE']=='1'): FIELD['SIZE']='3' select_mode="select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE" else: select_mode = "select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_SINGLE" field_ptrn += "[sg.Listbox([['A','a'],['B','b'],['C','c']],default_values=self._set_val(trb,[['B','b']],list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',type='list'),disabled=False, size=(20,"+FIELD['SIZE']+"),enable_events=True,"+select_mode+",key='"+FIELD['TNAME']+"')]" else: field_ptrn += "[sg.Combo([['A','a'],['B','b'],['C','c']],default_value=self._set_val(trb,['B','b'],list_values,'"+FIELD['TNAME']+"',type='list'),disabled=False, size=(20," + FIELD['SIZE'] + "),enable_events=True,key='" + FIELD['TNAME'] + "')]" field_ptrn += "\n])" + post else: field_ptrn=pre+"sg.T('FLD_"+FIELD['TFLD']+"_"+FIELD['ID_FLD']+"')"+post PaternList['LAY_'+lay] += field_sep+field_ptrn field_sep="," prev_parent=parent prev_parent_typ = PltWlsList[str(prev_parent)]['TYP'] #print(field_ptrn) #if (len(PaternList['LAY_' + lay])>0): # if ((prev_parent_typ!='Row') and (prev_parent_typ!='Grid') ): # PaternList['LAY_' + lay]= fpre+PaternList['LAY_'+lay]+fpost for p in PaternList: body=PaternList[p] mainLayount=mainLayount.replace(p,body) FormList={} for f in frm._arrForm: FormList[f.decode()] = frm._arrForm[f].decode() func=''' \tdef prepareInsert(self,prefix,fld_list): \t\tsqlsttm=prefix \t\tfirst=True \t\tfor key,val in fld_list.items(): \t\t\tif (first): \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+=key \t\t\t\tfirst=False \t\t\telse: \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+=","+key \t\tsqlsttm+=") VALUES (" \t\tfirst=True \t\tfor key,val in fld_list.items(): \t\t\tif (first): \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+="'"+str(val)+"'" \t\t\t\tfirst=False \t\t\telse: \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+=",'"+str(val)+"'" \t\tsqlsttm+=")" \t\treturn sqlsttm \n \tdef prepareUpdate(self,prefix,fld_list): \t\tsqlsttm="" \t\tfirst=True \t\tfor key,val in fld_list.items(): \t\t\tif (first): \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+=prefix+key+"='"+str(val)+"'" \t\t\t\tfirst=False \t\t\telse: \t\t\t\tsqlsttm+=","+prefix+key+"='"+str(val)+"'" \t\treturn sqlsttm \n \tdef _set_val(self,trb,v1,lst,fld,**kwargs): \t\tif trb!='default': \t\t\tif fld in lst: \t\t\t\tif ('type' in kwargs): \t\t\t\t\tif (kwargs['type']=='date'): \t\t\t\t\t\tif (fld not in lst): \t\t\t\t\t\t\tlst[fld]='' \t\t\t\t\t\tif (len(str(lst[fld]).strip())<=0): \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (None,None,None) \t\t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (int(lst[fld].split("-")[1]),int(lst[fld].split("-")[2]),int(lst[fld].split("-")[0])) \t\t\t\t\telif(kwargs['type']=='boolean'): \t\t\t\t\t\tif (lst[fld]=='1'): \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn True \t\t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn False \t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\treturn lst[fld] \t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\treturn lst[fld] \t\t\telse: \t\t\t\tif ('type' in kwargs): \t\t\t\t\tif (kwargs['type']=='list'): \t\t\t\t\t\treturn [] \t\t\t\t\telif(kwargs['type']=='boolean'): \t\t\t\t\t\treturn False \t\t\t\t\telif(kwargs['type']=='date'): \t\t\t\t\t\tif (fld not in lst): \t\t\t\t\t\t\tlst[fld]='' \t\t\t\t\t\tif (len(str(lst[fld]).strip())<=0): \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (None,None,None) \t\t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (int(lst[fld].split("-")[1]),int(lst[fld].split("-")[2]),int(lst[fld].split("-")[0])) \t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\treturn '' \t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\treturn '' \t\telse: \t\t\treturn v1 ''' code1=''' \n \tdef display(self): \t\twindow = sg.Window('FORM',self.mainLayout, return_keyboard_events=True,modal=True) \n \t\twhile True: \t\t\tevent, values = \n \t\t\tif event=='-OK-': \n\t\t\t\tprint(event, values) \n ''' code2=''' \t\t\t\t\tvalues[f]=values[f].replace('\\n','') ''' code3=''' \t\t\t\tfor f in lst_req: \t\t\t\t\tif (type(values[f])==str): \t\t\t\t\t\tvalues[f]=values[f].strip() \t\t\t\t\tif (len(values[f])<=0): \t\t\t\t\t\twindow['-'+f+'-'].update(text_color=self.req_color) \t\t\t\t\t\tif zero_req: \t\t\t\t\t\t\tpass \t\t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\t\tzero_req=True \t\t\t\t\t\t\twindow[f].SetFocus(force=True) \t\t\t\t\telse: \t\t\t\t\t\twindow['-'+f+'-'].update(text_color=self.descr_color) \t\t\t\tif (zero_req): \t\t\t\t\tsg.PopupOK('Please complete all required fields!',title='INFO',modal=True) \t\t\t\tpass \t\t\tif event=='-Cancel-': \t\t\t\tbreak \t\t\tif (event==None) or (event == sg.WIN_CLOSED): \t\t\t\tbreak \t\twindow.close() \n \n \t\nif __name__ == '__main__': \t\ttrb="default" \t\tlist_values={} \t\tfrm=WinForm(trb,list_values) \t\tfrm.display() ''' with open(fileout, 'w', encoding='utf8') as w: w.write("import PySimpleGUI as sg") w.write("\nimport time") w.write("\n\nclass WinForm:") w.write("\n\tdef __init__(self,trb,list_values):") w.write("\n\n") w.write("\n\t\tself.trb=trb") w.write("\n\t\tself.list_values=list_values") w.write("\n\t\tself.descr_color='white'") w.write("\n\t\tself.req_color='yellow'") w.write("\n\t\tself.req_char='*'\n") w.write("\n\t\tself.mainLayout=[\n") w.write(mainLayount) w.write("\n[sg.Button('Cancel', key='-Cancel-'), sg.Button('OK', key='-OK-')]") w.write("\n]") w.write("\n") w.write(func) w.write(code1) w.write("\t\t\t\tfor f in "+str(MLFldList)+":") w.write(code2) w.write("\t\t\t\tlst_req=" +str(ReqFldList)+'\n') w.write("\t\t\t\tzero_req=False") w.write(code3) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import math import pickle import copy import pandas as pd class DecisionTree: def __init__(self, training_data=None, col_with_category=None, path_to_file=None): self.leaf_counter = 0 self.current_node_id = 0 if path_to_file: infile = open(path_to_file, 'rb') self.__dict__.update(pickle.load(infile).__dict__) infile.close() else: self.training_data = training_data self.col_with_category = col_with_category print('Building tree ...') self.root = self.__build_tree(training_data) def __str__(self): map = self.__traverse(self.root) leafes = 0 for row in map: for element in row: if type(element).__name__ == 'Leaf': leafes += 1 return f'Decision tree built from {len(self.training_data)} elements, leafs: {leafes}' def trim_tree(self, data): tree = self processed_levels = 0 while True: print('! Trimmed !') temp, changed, processed_levels = tree.__trim_one_node( data, processed_levels=processed_levels) if not changed: break tree = temp return tree def test_accuracy(self, test_data): pos = 0 for index, row in test_data.iterrows(): if self.find_category(row) == row[self.col_with_category]: pos += 1 return pos/len(test_data) def find_category(self, row): current_node = self.root while(type(current_node).__name__ != 'Leaf'): current_node = current_node.get_child_node( more_or_equal=row[current_node.attribute] >= current_node.value) return current_node.category def save_to_file(self, path): outfile = open(path, 'wb') pickle.dump(self, outfile) outfile.close() def __build_tree(self, data): print(f'build tree from {len(data)} elements') self.current_node_id += 1 if self.__stop_criteria(data): tree = Leaf(self.current_node_id, category=self.__get_category( data), n_of_elements=len(data)) self.leaf_counter += 1 else: tests = self.__generate_test_pool(data) results = ([], []) while len(results[0]) == 0 or len(results[1]) == 0: choosen_test = self.__choose_test(tests) results = self.__split_by_attribute(data, choosen_test) tree = Node(self.current_node_id, attribute=choosen_test[0], value=choosen_test[1]) tree.set_child_node(more_or_equal=True, node=self.__build_tree(results[0])) tree.set_child_node(more_or_equal=False, node=self.__build_tree(results[1])) return tree def __test_quality(self, data, attr, split_point): subsets = self.__split_by_attribute(data, (attr, split_point, 0)) sum0 = len(subsets[1]) sum1 = len(subsets[0]) suk0 = subsets[1][self.col_with_category].sum() suk1 = subsets[0][self.col_with_category].sum() if (sum0 == 0): E_0 = 0 elif (suk0 == 0 or suk0 == sum0): E_0 = 0 else: E_0 = -(suk0/sum0)*math.log10(suk0/sum0) - \ ((sum0-suk0)/sum0)*math.log10((sum0-suk0)/sum0) if (sum1 == 0): E_1 = 0 elif (suk1 == 0 or suk1 == sum1): E_1 = 0 else: E_1 = -(suk1/sum1)*math.log10(suk1/sum1) - \ ((sum1-suk1)/sum1)*math.log10((sum1-suk1)/sum1) E_w = sum0/len(data) * E_0 + sum1/len(data) * E_1 return(E_w) def __stop_criteria(self, data): if len(data) == 0 or data[self.col_with_category].nunique() == 1: return True return False def __split_by_attribute(self, data, test): subset1 = data[data[test[0]] >= test[1]] subset2 = data[data[test[0]] < test[1]] return (subset1, subset2) def __get_category(self, data): if len(data) == 0: return -1 sum = data[self.col_with_category].sum() if sum/len(data) >= 0.5: return 1 else: return 0 def __generate_test(self, data, attr, min, max): mid = (min + max) / 2 entropy1 = self.__test_quality(data, attr, mid) entropy2 = self.__test_quality(data, attr, (min+mid)/2) entropy3 = self.__test_quality(data, attr, (max+mid)/2) if entropy1 <= entropy2 and entropy1 <= entropy3: split_point = mid result_entropy = entropy1 elif entropy2 <= entropy3: split_point, result_entropy = self.__generate_test( data, attr, min, mid) else: split_point, result_entropy = self.__generate_test( data, attr, mid, max) return split_point, result_entropy def __generate_test_pool(self, data): result = [] for c in data.columns: if c != self.col_with_category: split_point, result_entropy = self.__generate_test( data, c, data[c].min(), data[c].max()) result.append((c, split_point, result_entropy)) return result def __choose_test(self, tests): tests_df = pd.DataFrame( tests, columns=['index', 'split_point', 'entropy']) weights = tests_df.loc[:, 'entropy'].values.tolist() for i in range(len(weights)): if weights[i] == 0: weights[i] = sys.maxsize * 2 + 1 else: weights[i] = 1 / weights[i] chosen_test_df = tests_df.sample(n=1, weights=weights) chosen_test = chosen_test_df.iloc[0].to_numpy() return chosen_test def __traverse(self, rootnode, id=None): tree_map = [] thislevel = [rootnode] while thislevel: nextlevel = list() for n in thislevel: if n.node_id == id: return n if type(n).__name__ != 'Leaf': nextlevel.append(n.get_child_node(True)) nextlevel.append(n.get_child_node(False)) tree_map.append(thislevel) thislevel = nextlevel return tree_map def __tree_to_leaf(self, rootnode): categories = {} thislevel = [rootnode] while thislevel: nextlevel = list() for n in thislevel: if type(n).__name__ != 'Leaf': nextlevel.append(n.get_child_node(True)) nextlevel.append(n.get_child_node(False)) else: if n.category not in categories: categories[n.category] = 0 categories[n.category] += n.n_of_elements thislevel = nextlevel winning_cat = max(categories, key=categories.get) leaf = Leaf(-1, category=winning_cat, n_of_elements=sum(categories.values())) return leaf def __trim_one_node(self, data, processed_levels): trimed_tree = copy.deepcopy(self) trimed_tree_map = self.__traverse(trimed_tree.root) row_number = 0 for row in trimed_tree_map: row_number += 1 if row_number < processed_levels: continue for node in row: if type(node).__name__ != 'Leaf': print(f'Working on {type(node).__name__} {node.node_id}') for side in [True, False]: temp_node = node.get_child_node(side) if type(temp_node).__name__ == 'Leaf': continue node.set_child_node(side, self.__tree_to_leaf( node.get_child_node(side))) old_acc = self.test_accuracy(data) new_acc = trimed_tree.test_accuracy(data) print( f'\tFor {side} branch:\t old={old_acc} new={new_acc} better? {new_acc>=old_acc}') if new_acc >= old_acc: print(f'Trimming {side} side') return trimed_tree, True, processed_levels node.set_child_node(side, temp_node) processed_levels += 1 return None, False, 0 class Node(): def __init__(self, node_id, attribute=None, value=None): self.node_id = node_id self.attribute = attribute self.value = value self.__more_eq_node = None self.__less_node = None def set_child_node(self, more_or_equal, node): if more_or_equal: self.__more_eq_node = node else: self.__less_node = node def get_child_node(self, more_or_equal): if more_or_equal: return self.__more_eq_node else: return self.__less_node class Leaf(): def __init__(self, node_id, category=None, n_of_elements=0): self.node_id = node_id self.category = category self.n_of_elements = n_of_elements
#!/usr/bin/env python # import cgi import wsgiref.handlers import json import logging from actingweb import actor from actingweb import auth from on_aw import on_aw_resources import webapp2 class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self, id, name): (Config, myself, check) = auth.init_actingweb(appreq=self, id=id, path='resources', subpath=name) if not myself or check.response["code"] != 200: return if not check.checkAuthorisation(path='resources', subpath=name, method='GET'): self.response.set_status(403) return pair = on_aw_resources.on_get_resources(myself=myself, req=self, auth=check, name=name) if pair and any(pair): out = json.dumps(pair) self.response.write(out.encode('utf-8')) self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" self.response.set_status(200) else: self.response.set_status(404) def delete(self, id, name): (Config, myself, check) = auth.init_actingweb(appreq=self, id=id, path='resources', subpath=name) if not myself or check.response["code"] != 200: return if not check.checkAuthorisation(path='resources', subpath=name, method='DELETE'): self.response.set_status(403) return pair = on_aw_resources.on_delete_resources(myself=myself, req=self, auth=check, name=name) if pair: if pair >= 100 and pair <= 999: return if any(pair): out = json.dumps(pair) self.response.write(out.encode('utf-8')) self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" self.response.set_status(200) else: self.response.set_status(404) def put(self, id, name): (Config, myself, check) = auth.init_actingweb(appreq=self, id=id, path='resources', subpath=name) if not myself or check.response["code"] != 200: return if not check.checkAuthorisation(path='resources', subpath=name, method='PUT'): self.response.set_status(403) return try: params = json.loads(self.request.body.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except: self.response.set_status(405, "Error in json body") return pair = on_aw_resources.on_put_resources(myself=myself, req=self, auth=check, name=name, params=params) if pair: if pair >= 100 and pair <= 999: return if any(pair): out = json.dumps(pair) self.response.write(out.encode('utf-8')) self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" self.response.set_status(200) else: self.response.set_status(404) def post(self, id, name): (Config, myself, check) = auth.init_actingweb(appreq=self, id=id, path='resources', subpath=name) if not myself or check.response["code"] != 200: return if not check.checkAuthorisation(path='resources', subpath=name, method='POST'): self.response.set_status(403) return try: params = json.loads(self.request.body.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except: self.response.set_status(405, "Error in json body") return pair = on_aw_resources.on_post_resources(myself=myself, req=self, auth=check, name=name, params=params) if pair: if pair >= 100 and pair <= 999: return if any(pair): out = json.dumps(pair) self.response.write(out.encode('utf-8')) self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" self.response.set_status(201, 'Created') else: self.response.set_status(404) application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ webapp2.Route(r'/<id>/resources<:/?><name:(.*)>', MainPage, name='MainPage'), ], debug=True)
"""Add board moderator roles Revision ID: da8b38b5bdd5 Revises: 90ac01a2df Create Date: 2016-05-03 09:32:06.756899 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'da8b38b5bdd5' down_revision = '90ac01a2df' branch_labels = None depends_on = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql def upgrade(): op.drop_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_board_id'), table_name='boardmoderator') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_moderator_id'), table_name='boardmoderator') op.drop_table('boardmoderator') op.create_table('boardmoderator', sa.Column('board_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('moderator_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('roles', postgresql.ARRAY(sa.String()), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['board_id'], [''], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['moderator_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('board_id', 'moderator_id') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_roles'), 'boardmoderator', ['roles'], unique=False) def downgrade(): op.drop_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_roles'), table_name='boardmoderator') op.drop_table('boardmoderator') op.create_table('boardmoderator', sa.Column('board_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('moderator_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['board_id'], [''], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['moderator_id'], [''], ) ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_board_id'), 'boardmoderator', ['board_id'], unique=False) op.create_index(op.f('ix_boardmoderator_moderator_id'), 'boardmoderator', ['moderator_id'], unique=False)
#! /bin/python3 import sys import socket import curses import pickle from random import choice try: from AI import AI AI_AVAILABLE = True except: AI_AVAILABLE = False __author__ = 'Felipe V. Calderan' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2021 Felipe V. Calderan' __license__ = 'BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License' __version__ = '1.0' # Arena config variables SCR_H = 18 SCR_W = 78 # Message variables MSG_SCR_SMALL = 'Terminal screen is too small (80x20 required)' MSG_ARG_WRONG = 'Usage: python3 host/join ip port player_name' MSG_CANT_HOST = 'Could not open the server on this IP/port' MSG_CANT_JOIN = 'Could not join the game on this IP/port' MSG_WAITING = 'Waiting for another player... (Ctrl+C to cancel)' MSG_DISCONN = '----------Disconnected----------' class Arena: """Used to draw and store informations about the arena""" def __init__( self, x : int, y : int, size_x : int, size_y : int ): """Initialize arena with the top-left corner located at (x,y) and with size (size_x, size_y)""" self.x, self.y = x, y self.size_x, self.size_y = size_x, size_y self.bound_x, self.bound_y = x+size_x, y+size_y def draw(self, screen : curses.window): """Draws the arena on the screen""" for i in range(self.y, self.bound_y): screen.addstr(i, self.x, '|') screen.addstr(i, self.bound_x, '|') for i in range(self.x, self.bound_x): screen.addstr(self.y, i, '-') screen.addstr(self.bound_y, i, '-') screen.addstr(self.y, self.x, '+') screen.addstr(self.bound_y, self.x, '+') screen.addstr(self.y, self.bound_x, '+') screen.addstr(self.bound_y, self.bound_x, '+') class Player: """Deals with players position, score and drawing""" def __init__(self, side : str, arena : Arena): """Define player position based on if it's player 1 or player 2""" self.x = arena.x+2 if side == 'left' else arena.bound_x-2 self.y = arena.bound_y//2+arena.y//2 self.score = 0 def goal(self): """Player scored a point""" self.score += 1 def move(self, direction : str): """Move player up or down""" if direction == 'up': self.y -= 1 else : self.y += 1 def draw(self, screen : curses.window, arena : Arena): """Draw player on the screen's defined y position""" # clear player's row for i in range(arena.y+1, arena.bound_y-1): screen.addstr(i, self.x, ' ') # draw the player screen.addstr(self.y-1, self.x, '|') screen.addstr(self.y, self.x, '|') screen.addstr(self.y+1, self.x, '|') class Ball: """Deals with balls's collisions, goals, position and velocity""" def __init__(self, x : int, y : int, vx : int, vy : int): """Define ball position and initial velocity""" self.old_x, self.old_y = x, y self.x, self.y = x, y self.vx, self.vy = vx, vy def move(self, player1 : Player, player2 : Player, arena : Arena) -> int: """Move ball given its pos, velocity, collision and check for goals""" goal = 0 # Check for map borders if self.y + self.vy > arena.bound_y-1 or self.y + self.vy < arena.y+1: self.vy *= -1 if self.x == arena.x+1 or self.x == arena.bound_x-1: if self.x == arena.bound_x-1: player1.goal() else : player2.goal() self.old_x, self.old_y = self.x, self.y self.x = arena.bound_x//2+arena.x//2 self.y = arena.bound_y//2+arena.y//2 self.vx, self.vy = choice((-1, 1)), choice((-1, 0, 1)) return # Check for player hit if self.x == player1.x+1: if self.y == player1.y : self.vx, self.vy = (1, 0) elif self.y == player1.y-1: self.vx, self.vy = (1,-1) elif self.y == player1.y+1: self.vx, self.vy = (1, 1) elif self.y == player1.y-2 and self.vy == 1: self.vx,self.vy=(1,-1) elif self.y == player1.y+2 and self.vy ==-1: self.vx,self.vy=(1, 1) if self.x == player2.x-1: if self.y == player2.y : self.vx, self.vy = (-1, 0) elif self.y == player2.y-1: self.vx, self.vy = (-1, -1) elif self.y == player2.y+1: self.vx, self.vy = (-1, 1) elif self.y == player2.y-2 and self.vy== 1: self.vx,self.vy=(-1,-1) elif self.y == player2.y+2 and self.vy==-1: self.vx,self.vy=(-1, 1) # Set the new ball position (and old position) self.old_x, self.old_y = self.x, self.y self.x, self.y = self.x + self.vx, self.y + self.vy def draw(self, screen : curses.window): """(Re)draw the ball""" # Erase the ball from the old position screen.addstr(self.old_y, self.old_x, ' ') # Draw the ball on the new position screen.addstr(self.y, self.x, 'O') def upload(self) -> (int, int, int, int): """Returns only the essential informations about the ball, so that the whole object doesn't need to be passed through the network Returns ------- stats : tuple(int, int, int, int) quadruple with ball's x, y, vx and vy """ return (self.x, self.y, self.vx, self.vy) def download(self, info : tuple): """Update the essential informations about the ball""" self.x, self.y, self.vx, self.vy = info def show_msg( screen : curses.window, screen_height : int, screen_width : int, message : str ): """Generic routine to generate an error message""" screen.addstr(screen_height//2, screen_width//2-len(message)//2, message) screen.nodelay(0) screen.getch() sys.exit(0) def get_args( screen : curses.window, screen_height : int, screen_width : int ) -> (str, str, int, str): """Verify if the arguments are correctly formatted, if they are, return them type-casted and further formatted for convenience Returns ------- tuple(mode : str, ip : str, port : int, name : str) """ # Wrong number of arguments if len(sys.argv) != 5: show_msg(screen, screen_height, screen_width, MSG_ARG_WRONG) # Invalid mode (only host/join permitted) if sys.argv[1].lower() not in ('host', 'join'): show_msg(screen, screen_height, screen_width, MSG_ARG_WRONG) # Invalid port type if not sys.argv[3].isdigit(): show_msg(screen, screen_height, screen_width, MSG_ARG_WRONG) return sys.argv[1].lower(), sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]), sys.argv[4][:16] def get_action( screen : curses.window, arena : Arena, player : Player, keys : dict, is_AI : bool, game_status : dict ) -> str or None: """Get player's action. The purpuse of this function is to be a wrapper, for convenience if one day another kind of control is to be implemented Parameters ---------- screen : curses.window arena : Arena player : Player keys : dict dictionary containing all the configured key to play the game is_AI : bool if True, the AI will control the character (if an AI is available) game_status : dict dictionary containing players y position and ball position & velocity. Useful to create an AI, for exemple. Returns ------- action : str string containing what the player wants to do action : None if no action (or invalid action) is taken """ if is_AI and AI_AVAILABLE: return AI(screen, arena, player, keys, is_AI, game_status) else: key = screen.getch() if key in keys['up_key'] : return 'up' elif key in keys['down_key'] : return 'down' elif key in keys['quit_key'] : return 'quit' return None def main(scr : curses.window): # Remove blinking cursor curses.curs_set(0) # Get screen's height and width & check if the screen is big enough sh, sw = scr.getmaxyx() if sh < SCR_H+2 or sw < SCR_W+2: show_msg(scr, sh, sw, MSG_SCR_SMALL) # Get args mode, ip, port, plname = get_args(scr, sh, sw) # Start socket for host/join mode skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) skt.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if mode == 'host': try: skt.bind((ip, port)) skt.listen(1) except: show_msg(scr, sh, sw, MSG_CANT_HOST) else: try: skt.connect((ip, port)) except: show_msg(scr, sh, sw, MSG_CANT_JOIN) # Setup keys up_key = set((curses.KEY_UP, ord('k'), ord('K'), ord('w'), ord('W'))) down_key = set((curses.KEY_DOWN, ord('j'), ord('J'), ord('s'), ord('S'))) quit_key = set((ord('q'), ord('Q'))) keys = {'up_key' : up_key, 'down_key' : down_key, 'quit_key' : quit_key} # Activate nodelay (so getch won't interrupt the execution) scr.nodelay(1) scr.timeout(33) # Create arena arena = Arena(0, 1, SCR_W, SCR_H) # Create players player1 = Player('left', arena) player2 = Player('right', arena) # Create the ball ball = Ball( arena.bound_x//2, arena.bound_y//2, choice((-1, 1)), choice((-1, 0, 1)) ) # Connection accepted accepted = False # Waiting connection message scr.addstr(sh//2, sw//2-len(MSG_WAITING)//2, MSG_WAITING) scr.refresh() scr.addstr(sh//2, 0, " "*sw) # Draw the arena arena.draw(scr) # Game loop while True: # Start networking if mode == 'host': if not accepted: # Accept client try: clskt, claddr = skt.accept() except: sys.exit() # Write host name on the screen and send it scr.addstr(0, 0, plname) clskt.send(plname.encode().ljust(16)) # Receive client name and add to screen try: clname = clskt.recv(16).strip().decode()[:16] except: show_msg(scr, 0, SCR_W, MSG_DISCONN) scr.addstr(0, SCR_W+1-len(clname), clname) # Mark client as accpeted accepted = True else: if not accepted: # Receive host name and add to screen try: scr.addstr(0, 0, skt.recv(16).strip().decode()[:16]) except: show_msg(scr, 0, SCR_W, MSG_DISCONN) # Write client name on the screen and send it scr.addstr(0, SCR_W+1-len(plname), plname) skt.send(plname.encode().ljust(16)) accepted = True # Draw the game score scr.addstr(0, SCR_W//2-6, str(player1.score)) scr.addstr(0, SCR_W//2+6, str(player2.score)) # Draw players player1.draw(scr, arena) player2.draw(scr, arena) # Draw ball (host) and check goals if mode == 'host': ball.move(player1, player2, arena) ball.draw(scr) # Get button press, perform action and send over the network if mode == 'host': action = get_action( scr, arena, player1, keys, plname=='AI', {'p1' : player1.y, 'p2' : player2.y, 'ball' : ball.upload()} ) if action == 'up' and player1.y > arena.y+3: player1.move('up') elif action == 'down' and player1.y < arena.bound_y-3: player1.move('down') elif action == 'quit' : clskt.close() sys.exit(0) else: action = None # Send ball and host's action try: clskt.send(pickle.dumps((str(action), ball.upload()))) player2_action = clskt.recv(16).strip().decode() if player2_action == 'up' and player2.y > arena.y+3: player2.move('up') elif player2_action == 'down' and player2.y < arena.bound_y-3: player2.move('down') except: show_msg(scr, 0, SCR_W, MSG_DISCONN) else: action = get_action( scr, arena, player2, keys, plname=='AI', {'p1' : player1.y, 'p2' : player2.y, 'ball': ball.upload()} ) if action == 'up' and player2.y > arena.y+3 : player2.move('up') elif action == 'down' and player2.y < arena.bound_y-3: player2.move('down') elif action == 'quit': skt.close() sys.exit(0) else: action = None # Send client's action, then get ball and host's position try: skt.send(str(action).encode().ljust(16)) player1_action, ball_info = pickle.loads( skt.recv(sys.getsizeof(('down', ball.upload()))*3) ) if player1_action == 'up' and player1.y > arena.y+3: player1.move('up') elif player1_action == 'down' and player1.y < arena.bound_y-3: player1.move('down') except: show_msg(scr, 0, SCR_W, MSG_DISCONN) # Draw ball (join) and check goals ball.move(player1, player2, arena) ball.draw(scr) scr.refresh() if __name__ == '__main__': curses.wrapper(main)
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2006 Vladimir Prus. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See # accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # import BoostBuild from time import sleep t = BoostBuild.Tester() t.write("jamroot.jam", """ import pch ; project : requirements <warnings-as-errors>on ; cpp-pch pch : pch.hpp : <toolset>msvc:<source>pch.cpp <include>. ; cpp-pch pch-afx : pch.hpp : <define>HELLO <toolset>msvc:<source>pch.cpp <include>. ; exe hello : hello.cpp pch : <include>. ; exe hello-afx : hello-afx.cpp pch-afx : <define>HELLO <include>. ; """) t.write("pch.hpp.bad", """ THIS WILL NOT COMPILE """) # Note that pch.hpp is written after pch.hpp.bad, so its timestamp will not be # less than timestamp of pch.hpp.bad. sleep(1) t.write("pch.hpp", """ #undef HELLO class TestClass { public: TestClass( int, int ) {} }; """) t.write("pch.cpp", """#include <pch.hpp> """) for name in ("hello.cpp", "hello-afx.cpp"): t.write(name, """#include <pch.hpp> int main() { TestClass c(1, 2); } """) t.run_build_system() t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello.exe") t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello-afx.exe") # Now make the header unusable, without changing timestamp. If everything is OK, # B2 will not recreate PCH, and compiler will happily use pre-compiled # header, not noticing that the real header is bad. t.copy_preserving_timestamp("pch.hpp.bad", "pch.hpp") t.rm("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello.obj") t.rm("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello-afx.obj") t.run_build_system() t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello.obj") t.expect_addition("bin/$toolset/debug*/hello-afx.obj") t.cleanup()
# #! /usr/bin/env python import pytest import sys import numpy as np import scipy as sp # This filters out an innocuous warning when pandas is imported, # but the version has not been compiled against the newest numpy. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed") import pandas as pd from .. import _bootstrap_tools as bst def create_dummy_dataset(seed=None, n=30, base_mean=0, expt_groups=6, scale_means=2, scale_std=1.2): """ Creates a dummy dataset for plotting. Returns the seed used to generate the random numbers, the maximum possible difference between mean differences, and the dataset itself. """ # Set a random seed. if seed is None: random_seed = np.random.randint(low=1, high=1000, size=1)[0] else: if isinstance(seed, int): random_seed = seed else: raise TypeError('{} is not an integer.'.format(seed)) # Generate a set of random means np.random.seed(random_seed) MEANS = np.repeat(base_mean, expt_groups) + np.random.random(size=expt_groups) * scale_means SCALES = np.random.random(size=expt_groups) * scale_std max_mean_diff = np.ptp(MEANS) dataset = list() for i, m in enumerate(MEANS): pop = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=m, scale=SCALES[i], size=10000) sample = np.random.choice(pop, size=n, replace=False) dataset.append(sample) df = pd.DataFrame(dataset).T df.columns = [str(c) for c in df.columns] return random_seed, max_mean_diff, df def is_difference(result): assert result.is_difference == True def is_paired(result): assert result.is_paired == True def check_pvalue_1samp(result): assert result.pvalue_1samp_ttest != 'NIL' def check_pvalue_2samp_unpaired(result): assert result.pvalue_2samp_ind_ttest != 'NIL' def check_pvalue_2samp_paired(result): assert result.pvalue_2samp_related_ttest != 'NIL' def check_mann_whitney(result): """Nonparametric unpaired""" assert result.pvalue_mann_whitney != 'NIL' assert result.pvalue_wilcoxon == 'NIL' def check_wilcoxon(result): """Nonparametric Paired""" assert result.pvalue_wilcoxon != 'NIL' assert result.pvalue_mann_whitney == 'NIL' # def test_mean_within_ci_bca(mean, result): # assert mean >= result.bca_ci_low # assert mean <= result.bca_ci_high # # def test_mean_within_ci_pct(mean, result): # assert mean >= result.pct_ci_low # assert mean <= result.pct_ci_high def single_samp_stat_tests(sample, result): assert result.is_difference == False assert result.is_paired == False ttest_result = sp.stats.ttest_1samp(sample, 0).pvalue assert result.pvalue_1samp_ttest == pytest.approx(ttest_result) def unpaired_stat_tests(control, expt, result): is_difference(result) check_pvalue_2samp_unpaired(result) check_mann_whitney(result) true_mean = expt.mean() - control.mean() assert result.summary == pytest.approx(true_mean) scipy_ttest_ind_result = sp.stats.ttest_ind(control, expt).pvalue assert result.pvalue_2samp_ind_ttest == pytest.approx(scipy_ttest_ind_result) mann_whitney_result = sp.stats.mannwhitneyu(control, expt, alternative='two-sided').pvalue assert result.pvalue_mann_whitney == pytest.approx(mann_whitney_result) def paired_stat_tests(control, expt, result): is_difference(result) is_paired(result) check_wilcoxon(result) true_mean = np.mean(expt - control) assert result.summary == pytest.approx(true_mean) scipy_ttest_paired = sp.stats.ttest_rel(control, expt).pvalue assert result.pvalue_2samp_paired_ttest == pytest.approx(scipy_ttest_paired) wilcoxon_result = sp.stats.wilcoxon(control, expt).pvalue assert result.pvalue_wilcoxon == pytest.approx(wilcoxon_result) def does_ci_capture_mean_diff(control, expt, paired, nreps=100, alpha=0.05): if expt is None: mean_diff = control.mean() else: if paired is True: mean_diff = np.mean(expt - control) elif paired is False: mean_diff = expt.mean() - control.mean() ERROR_THRESHOLD = nreps * alpha error_count_bca = 0 error_count_pct = 0 for i in range(1, nreps): results = bst.bootstrap(control, expt, paired=paired, alpha_level=alpha) print("\n95CI BCa = {}, {}".format(results.bca_ci_low, results.bca_ci_high)) try: # test_mean_within_ci_bca(mean_diff, results) assert mean_diff >= results.bca_ci_low assert mean_diff <= results.bca_ci_high except AssertionError: error_count_bca += 1 print("\n95CI %tage = {}, {}".format(results.pct_ci_low, results.pct_ci_high)) try: # test_mean_within_ci_pct(mean_diff, results) assert mean_diff >= results.pct_ci_low assert mean_diff <= results.pct_ci_high except AssertionError: error_count_pct += 1 print('\nNumber of BCa CIs not capturing the mean is {}'.format(error_count_bca)) assert error_count_bca < ERROR_THRESHOLD print('\nNumber of Pct CIs not capturing the mean is {}'.format(error_count_pct)) assert error_count_pct < ERROR_THRESHOLD # Start tests below. def test_single_sample_bootstrap(mean=100, sd=10, n=25, nreps=100, alpha=0.05): print("Testing single sample bootstrap.") # Set the random seed. random_seed = np.random.randint(low=1, high=1000, size=1)[0] np.random.seed(random_seed) print("\nRandom seed = {}".format(random_seed)) # single sample pop = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mean, scale=sd * np.random.random(1)[0], size=10000) sample = np.random.choice(pop, size=n, replace=False) print("\nMean = {}".format(mean)) results = bst.bootstrap(sample, alpha_level=alpha) single_samp_stat_tests(sample, results) does_ci_capture_mean_diff(sample, None, False, nreps, alpha) def test_unpaired_difference(mean=100, sd=10, n=25, nreps=100, alpha=0.05): print("Testing unpaired difference bootstrap.\n") rand_delta = np.random.randint(-10, 10) # randint between -10 and 10 SCALES = sd * np.random.random(2) pop1 = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mean, scale=SCALES[0], size=10000) sample1 = np.random.choice(pop1, size=n, replace=False) pop2 = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mean+rand_delta, scale=SCALES[1], size=10000) sample2 = np.random.choice(pop2, size=n, replace=False) results = bst.bootstrap(sample1, sample2, paired=False, alpha_level=alpha) unpaired_stat_tests(sample1, sample2, results) does_ci_capture_mean_diff(sample1, sample2, False, nreps, alpha) def test_paired_difference(mean=100, sd=10, n=25, nreps=100, alpha=0.05): print("Testing paired difference bootstrap.\n") # Assume equal variances here, given that the samples # are supposed to be paired. rand_delta = np.random.randint(-10, 10) # randint between -10 and 10 print('difference={}'.format(rand_delta)) SCALE = sd * np.random.random(1)[0] pop1 = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mean, scale=SCALE, size=10000) sample1 = np.random.choice(pop1, size=n, replace=False) pop2 = sp.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mean+rand_delta, scale=SCALE, size=10000) sample2 = np.random.choice(pop2, size=n, replace=False) results = bst.bootstrap(sample1, sample2, alpha_level=alpha, paired=True) paired_stat_tests(sample1, sample2, results) does_ci_capture_mean_diff(sample1, sample2, True, nreps, alpha)
# Copyright (C) 2017 Beijing Didi Infinity Technology and Development Co.,Ltd. # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Base class for model.""" import re import delta.compat as tf from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module class Model(tf.keras.Model): """Base class for model.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation super().__init__(**kwargs) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith("temp_"): # this is for temporary attributes avoiding keras check self.__dict__[key] = value else: super().__setattr__(key, value) def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): raise NotImplementedError() class RawModel: """Raw model.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): name = kwargs.get('name') if not name: prefix = self.__class__.__name__ name = self._to_snake_case(prefix) + '_' + str(K.get_uid(prefix)) = name @staticmethod def _to_snake_case(name): """Transform name to snake case.""" intermediate = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)', r'\1_\2', name) insecure = re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', intermediate).lower() # If the class is private the name starts with "_" which is not secure # for creating scopes. We prefix the name with "private" in this case. if insecure[0] != '_': return insecure return 'private' + insecure def __call__(self, inputs, **kwargs): with tf.variable_scope( return, **kwargs) def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): """call""" raise NotImplementedError()
import cv2 import numpy as np import pprint w = h = 360 n = 6 np.random.seed(0) pts = np.random.randint(0, w, (n, 2)) print(pts) # [[172 47] # [117 192] # [323 251] # [195 359] # [ 9 211] # [277 242]] print(type(pts)) # <class 'numpy.ndarray'> print(pts.shape) # (6, 2) img = np.zeros((w, h, 3), np.uint8) for p in pts: cv2.drawMarker(img, tuple(p), (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_random_pts.png', img) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_random_pts.png](data/dst/opencv_random_pts.png) rect = (0, 0, w, h) subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(rect) for p in pts: subdiv.insert((p[0], p[1])) triangles = subdiv.getTriangleList() print(triangles) # [[ 1080. 0. 0. 1080. 323. 251.] # [ 0. 1080. 1080. 0. -1080. -1080.] # [ 0. 1080. -1080. -1080. 9. 211.] # [-1080. -1080. 1080. 0. 172. 47.] # [ 172. 47. 1080. 0. 323. 251.] # [ 172. 47. 323. 251. 277. 242.] # [-1080. -1080. 172. 47. 9. 211.] # [ 172. 47. 117. 192. 9. 211.] # [ 117. 192. 172. 47. 277. 242.] # [ 9. 211. 195. 359. 0. 1080.] # [ 195. 359. 9. 211. 117. 192.] # [ 323. 251. 0. 1080. 195. 359.] # [ 195. 359. 117. 192. 277. 242.] # [ 323. 251. 195. 359. 277. 242.]] pols = triangles.reshape(-1, 3, 2) print(pols) # [[[ 1080. 0.] # [ 0. 1080.] # [ 323. 251.]] # # [[ 0. 1080.] # [ 1080. 0.] # [-1080. -1080.]] # # [[ 0. 1080.] # [-1080. -1080.] # [ 9. 211.]] # # [[-1080. -1080.] # [ 1080. 0.] # [ 172. 47.]] # # [[ 172. 47.] # [ 1080. 0.] # [ 323. 251.]] # # [[ 172. 47.] # [ 323. 251.] # [ 277. 242.]] # # [[-1080. -1080.] # [ 172. 47.] # [ 9. 211.]] # # [[ 172. 47.] # [ 117. 192.] # [ 9. 211.]] # # [[ 117. 192.] # [ 172. 47.] # [ 277. 242.]] # # [[ 9. 211.] # [ 195. 359.] # [ 0. 1080.]] # # [[ 195. 359.] # [ 9. 211.] # [ 117. 192.]] # # [[ 323. 251.] # [ 0. 1080.] # [ 195. 359.]] # # [[ 195. 359.] # [ 117. 192.] # [ 277. 242.]] # # [[ 323. 251.] # [ 195. 359.] # [ 277. 242.]]] img_draw = img.copy() cv2.polylines(img_draw, pols.astype(int), True, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_delaunay.png', img_draw) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_delaunay.png](data/dst/opencv_delaunay.png) print(np.all(pols[:, :, 0] < w, axis=1)) # [False False True False False True True True True True True True # True True] pols_inner = pols[np.all(pols[:, :, 0] < w, axis=1) & np.all(pols[:, :, 0] > 0, axis=1) & np.all(pols[:, :, 1] < h, axis=1) & np.all(pols[:, :, 1] > 0, axis=1)] print(pols_inner) # [[[172. 47.] # [323. 251.] # [277. 242.]] # # [[172. 47.] # [117. 192.] # [ 9. 211.]] # # [[117. 192.] # [172. 47.] # [277. 242.]] # # [[195. 359.] # [ 9. 211.] # [117. 192.]] # # [[195. 359.] # [117. 192.] # [277. 242.]] # # [[323. 251.] # [195. 359.] # [277. 242.]]] img_draw = img.copy() cv2.polylines(img_draw, pols_inner.astype(int), True, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_delaunay_inner.png', img_draw) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_delaunay_inner.png](data/dst/opencv_delaunay_inner.png) facets, centers = subdiv.getVoronoiFacetList([]) pprint.pprint(facets) # [array([[ 331.1972 , 87.04766], # [ 218.6763 , 147.63583], # [ 41.71519, 80.51266], # [ -503.5626 , -461.44025], # [ 540.8418 , -1621.6836 ], # [ 618.2897 , -125.45706]], dtype=float32), # array([[218.6763 , 147.63583], # [182.60144, 263.07538], # [ 82.09151, 310.02014], # [ 41.71519, 80.51266]], dtype=float32), # array([[ 282.99118, 333.434 ], # [ 331.1972 , 87.04766], # [ 618.2897 , -125.45706], # [ 987.2233 , 987.2233 ], # [ 759.8912 , 898.6488 ]], dtype=float32), # array([[ 182.60144, 263.07538], # [ 282.99118, 333.434 ], # [ 759.8912 , 898.6488 ], # [-183.30182, 643.555 ], # [ 82.09151, 310.02014]], dtype=float32), # array([[ 82.09151, 310.02014], # [ -183.30182, 643.555 ], # [-1793.752 , 626.876 ], # [ -503.5626 , -461.44025], # [ 41.71519, 80.51266]], dtype=float32), # array([[218.6763 , 147.63583], # [331.1972 , 87.04766], # [282.99118, 333.434 ], # [182.60144, 263.07538]], dtype=float32)] print(centers) # [[172. 47.] # [117. 192.] # [323. 251.] # [195. 359.] # [ 9. 211.] # [277. 242.]] img_draw = img.copy() cv2.polylines(img_draw, [f.astype(int) for f in facets], True, (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_voronoi.png', img_draw) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_voronoi.png](data/dst/opencv_voronoi.png) img_draw = img.copy() step = int(255 / len(facets)) for i, p in enumerate(f.astype(int) for f in facets): cv2.fillPoly(img_draw, [p], (step * i, step * i, step * i)) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_voronoi_fill.png', img_draw) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_voronoi_fill.png](data/dst/opencv_voronoi_fill.png) img_draw = img.copy() step = int(255 / len(facets)) for i, p in enumerate(f.astype(int) for f in facets): cv2.fillPoly(img_draw, [p], (step * i, step * i, step * i)) cv2.polylines(img_draw, pols_inner.astype(int), True, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) for c in centers: cv2.drawMarker(img_draw, tuple(c), (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imwrite('data/dst/opencv_delaunay_voronoi.png', img_draw) # True # ![data/dst/opencv_delaunay_voronoi.png](data/dst/opencv_delaunay_voronoi.png)
from .train import train_fn
import argparse import json import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("file", help="input XML file (ie: userPropertyTypes.xml)") args = parser.parse_args() tree = ''; checked = 0; try: tree = ET.parse(args.file) for elem in tree.iter(): checked += 1 if (elem.text and (elem.text[0] == '[')): print ("**JSON** %s: '%s'" % (elem.tag, elem.text)) try: json.loads(elem.text) print ("**JSON OK** %s: '%s'" % (elem.tag, elem.text)) except: print ("**JSON ERROR** %s: '%s'" % (elem.tag, elem.text)) else: print ("%s: '%s'" % (elem.tag, elem.text)) except ParseError as p: print("** XML ERROR** \"" + str(p.msg) + "\"") exit except TypeError as p: print("** XML ERROR** \"" + str(p.msg) + "\"") exit except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) exit print(" === Checked " + str(checked)+ " items: File is verfied and valid === ")
""" ==================================== Bias and variance of polynomial fit ==================================== Demo overfitting, underfitting, and validation and learning curves with polynomial regression. Fit polynomes of different degrees to a dataset: for too small a degree, the model *underfits*, while for too large a degree, it overfits. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def generating_func(x, err=0.5): return np.random.normal(10 - 1. / (x + 0.1), err) ############################################################ # A polynomial regression from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures ############################################################ # A simple figure to illustrate the problem n_samples = 8 np.random.seed(0) x = 10 ** np.linspace(-2, 0, n_samples) y = generating_func(x) x_test = np.linspace(-0.2, 1.2, 1000) titles = ['d = 1 (under-fit; high bias)', 'd = 2', 'd = 6 (over-fit; high variance)'] degrees = [1, 2, 6] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.98, bottom=0.15, top=0.85, wspace=0.05) for i, d in enumerate(degrees): ax = fig.add_subplot(131 + i, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='k', s=50) model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(d), LinearRegression())[:, np.newaxis], y) ax.plot(x_test, model.predict(x_test[:, np.newaxis]), '-b') ax.set_xlim(-0.2, 1.2) ax.set_ylim(0, 12) ax.set_xlabel('house size') if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel('price') ax.set_title(titles[i]) ############################################################ # Generate a larger dataset from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split n_samples = 200 test_size = 0.4 error = 1.0 # randomly sample the data np.random.seed(1) x = np.random.random(n_samples) y = generating_func(x, error) # split into training, validation, and testing sets. x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=test_size) # show the training and validation sets plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, color='red', label='Training set') plt.scatter(x_test, y_test, color='blue', label='Test set') plt.title('The data') plt.legend(loc='best') ############################################################ # Plot a validation curve from sklearn.model_selection import validation_curve degrees = np.arange(1, 21) model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(), LinearRegression()) # The parameter to vary is the "degrees" on the pipeline step # "polynomialfeatures" train_scores, validation_scores = validation_curve( model, x[:, np.newaxis], y, param_name='polynomialfeatures__degree', param_range=degrees) # Plot the mean train error and validation error across folds plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.plot(degrees, validation_scores.mean(axis=1), lw=2, label='cross-validation') plt.plot(degrees, train_scores.mean(axis=1), lw=2, label='training') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('degree of fit') plt.ylabel('explained variance') plt.title('Validation curve') plt.tight_layout() ############################################################ # Learning curves ############################################################ # # Plot train and test error with an increasing number of samples # A learning curve for d=1, 5, 15 for d in [1, 5, 15]: model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree=d), LinearRegression()) from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve train_sizes, train_scores, validation_scores = learning_curve( model, x[:, np.newaxis], y, train_sizes=np.logspace(-1, 0, 20)) # Plot the mean train error and validation error across folds plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.plot(train_sizes, validation_scores.mean(axis=1), lw=2, label='cross-validation') plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores.mean(axis=1), lw=2, label='training') plt.ylim(ymin=-.1, ymax=1) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('number of train samples') plt.ylabel('explained variance') plt.title('Learning curve (degree=%i)' % d) plt.tight_layout()
from setuptools import find_packages, setup setup( name="traffic_ipywidgets", packages=find_packages(), entry_points={ "traffic.plugins": ["TrafficWidget = traffic_ipywidgets.ipywidgets"] }, install_requires=[ "traffic", "ipympl", # interactive matplotlib in notebooks "tornado", # dependency for matplotlib with WebAgg ], )
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020 Arkadiusz Netczuk <[email protected]> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # import logging from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta from typing import List, Tuple from worklog import persist _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WorkLogEntry( persist.Versionable ): ## 1: added "description" field ## 2: added "work" field ## 3: reset seconds value to zero ## 4: add properties _class_version = 4 def __init__(self): self._startTime: datetime = None self._endTime: datetime = None = True ## is work time? self.description = "" def _convertstate_(self, dict_, dictVersion_ ): "converting object from version %s to %s", dictVersion_, self._class_version ) if dictVersion_ < 1: dict_["description"] = "" if dictVersion_ < 2: dict_["work"] = True if dictVersion_ < 3: pass if dictVersion_ < 4: dict_["_startTime"] = dict_["startTime"] dict_["_endTime"] = dict_["endTime"] del dict_["startTime"] del dict_["endTime"] ## ensure no seconds dict_["_startTime"] = dict_["_startTime"].replace( second=0, microsecond=0 ) dict_["_endTime"] = dict_["_endTime"].replace( second=0, microsecond=0 ) # pylint: disable=W0201 self.__dict__ = dict_ # def __str__(self): # return self.printData() # # def __repr__(self): # return self.printData() @property def startTime(self) -> datetime: return self._startTime @startTime.setter def startTime(self, value: datetime): if value is not None: value = value.replace( second=0, microsecond=0 ) self._startTime = value @property def endTime(self) -> datetime: return self._endTime @endTime.setter def endTime(self, value: datetime): if value is not None: value = value.replace( second=0, microsecond=0 ) self._endTime = value def getDuration(self): return self.endTime - self.startTime def calculateTimeSpan(self, entryDate: date): startDate: datetime = self.startTime endDate: datetime = self.endTime return calc_time_span( entryDate, startDate, endDate ) def printData( self ): return str( self.startTime ) + " " + str( self.getDuration() ) + " " + str( ) class WorkLogData( persist.Versionable ): ## 1 - rename field _class_version = 1 def __init__(self): self.entries: List[ WorkLogEntry ] = list() def _convertstate_(self, dict_, dictVersion_ ): "converting object from version %s to %s", dictVersion_, self._class_version ) if dictVersion_ < 1: ## skip old version data self.entries = list() return # pylint: disable=W0201 self.__dict__ = dict_ ## [] (array) operator def __getitem__(self, arg): return self.getEntry( arg ) def size(self): return len( self.entries ) def getEntry(self, row) -> WorkLogEntry: return self.entries[ row ] def recentEntry(self) -> WorkLogEntry: if self.entries: return self.entries[-1] return None def nextEntry(self, referenceEntry) -> WorkLogEntry: entryIndex = self.entries.index( referenceEntry ) if entryIndex == len( self.entries ) - 1: ## last element return None return self.entries[ entryIndex + 1 ] def prevEntry(self, referenceEntry) -> WorkLogEntry: entryIndex = self.entries.index( referenceEntry ) if entryIndex < 1: ## first element return None return self.entries[ entryIndex - 1 ] def getEntriesForDate(self, dateValue: date) -> List[ WorkLogEntry ]: retList = [] for entry in self.entries: startDate = endDate = if startDate <= dateValue and endDate >= dateValue: retList.append( entry ) continue return retList def findEntriesInRange(self, fromDate: datetime, toDate: datetime) -> List[ WorkLogEntry ]: retList = [] for entry in self.entries: if entry.endTime < fromDate: continue if entry.startTime > toDate: continue retList.append( entry ) return retList def addEntry(self, entry): self.entries.append( entry ) self.sort() def addEntryTime(self, entryDate: date, startTime: time, endTime: time, desc: str = "", work: bool = True): dateTimeStart = datetime.combine( entryDate, startTime ) dateTimeEnd = datetime.combine( entryDate, endTime ) entry = WorkLogEntry() entry.startTime = dateTimeStart entry.endTime = dateTimeEnd = work entry.description = desc self.addEntry( entry ) return entry def addEntryTimeList(self, timeList: List[ Tuple[datetime, datetime] ]): for span in timeList: entry = WorkLogEntry() entry.startTime = span[0] entry.endTime = span[1] self.addEntry( entry ) def replaceEntry( self, oldEntry: WorkLogEntry, newEntry: WorkLogEntry ): _LOGGER.debug( "replacing entry %s with %s", oldEntry, newEntry ) for i, _ in enumerate( self.entries ): currItem = self.entries[i] if currItem == oldEntry: self.entries[i] = newEntry self.sort() return True _LOGGER.debug( "replacing failed" ) return False def removeEntry(self, entry): self.entries.remove( entry ) def joinEntryUp(self, entry): try: prevEntry = self.prevEntry( entry ) if prevEntry is None: return self.joinUp( entry, prevEntry ) except ValueError: print("entry:", entry, self.entries) raise def joinUp(self, entry, prevEntry): if prevEntry is None: return entry.startTime = prevEntry.endTime def joinEntryDown(self, entry): nextEntry = self.nextEntry( entry ) if nextEntry is None: return entry.endTime = nextEntry.startTime self.joinDown( entry, nextEntry ) def joinDown(self, entry, nextEntry): if nextEntry is None: return entry.endTime = nextEntry.startTime def mergeEntryUp(self, entry): prevEntry = self.prevEntry( entry ) if prevEntry is None: return self.mergeUp( entry, prevEntry ) def mergeUp(self, sourceEntry, targetEntry): targetEntry.endTime = sourceEntry.endTime if sourceEntry.description: targetEntry.description = sourceEntry.description + "\n" + targetEntry.description targetEntry.description = targetEntry.description.strip() self.entries.remove( sourceEntry ) def mergeEntryDown(self, entry): nextEntry = self.nextEntry( entry ) if nextEntry is None: return self.mergeDown( entry, nextEntry ) def mergeDown(self, sourceEntry, targetEntry): targetEntry.startTime = sourceEntry.startTime if sourceEntry.description: targetEntry.description = sourceEntry.description + "\n" + targetEntry.description targetEntry.description = targetEntry.description.strip() self.entries.remove( sourceEntry ) def sort(self): self.entries.sort( key=self._sortKey, reverse=False ) @staticmethod def _sortKey( entry: WorkLogEntry ): retDate = entry.startTime if retDate is None: return datetime.min return retDate def printData( self ): retStr = "" for currItem in self.entries: retStr += "item: " + currItem.printData() + "\n" return retStr ## ================================================================== class DataContainer( persist.Versionable ): ## 0 - first version ## 1 - add worklog history _class_version = 1 def __init__(self): self.history: WorkLogData = WorkLogData() self.notes = { "notes": "" } ## default notes ## ================================================================== def calc_time_span(entryDate: date, start: datetime, end: datetime): midnight = datetime.combine( entryDate, datetime.min.time() ) daySecs = timedelta( days=1 ).total_seconds() startFactor = 0.0 if start is not None: startDate = if entryDate < startDate: return None elif entryDate == startDate: startDiff = start - midnight startFactor = startDiff.total_seconds() / daySecs dueFactor = 1.0 if end is not None: endDate = if entryDate > endDate: return None elif entryDate == endDate: startDiff = end - midnight dueFactor = startDiff.total_seconds() / daySecs ret = [startFactor, dueFactor] return ret
""" Views for generating and serving policy files. """ import warnings from typing import Iterable, Optional from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from . import policies def serve(request: HttpRequest, policy: policies.Policy) -> HttpResponse: """ Given a ``flashpolicies.policies.Policy`` instance, serializes it to XML and serve it. Internally, this is used by all other views as the mechanism which actually serves the policy file. **Required arguments:** ``policy`` The ``flashpolicies.policies.Policy`` instance to serve. **Optional arguments:** None. """ return HttpResponse( policy.serialize(), content_type="text/x-cross-domain-policy; charset=utf-8" ) def allow_domains(request: HttpRequest, domains: Iterable[str]) -> HttpResponse: """ Serves a cross-domain access policy allowing a list of domains. Note that if this is returned from the URL ``/crossdomain.xml`` on a domain, it will act as a master policy and will not permit other policies to exist on that domain. If you need to set meta-policy information and allow other policies, use the view :view:`flashpolicies.views.metapolicy` for the master policy instead. **Required arguments:** ``domains`` A list of domains from which to allow access. Each value may be either a domain name (e.g., ````) or a wildcard (e.g., ``*``). Due to serious potential security issues, it is strongly recommended that you not use wildcard domain values. **Optional arguments:** None. """ return serve(request, policies.Policy(*domains)) def simple(request: HttpRequest, domains: Iterable[str]) -> HttpResponse: """ Deprecated name for the ``allow_domains`` view. """ warnings.warn( "flashpolicies.views.simple has been renamed to " "flashpolicies.views.allow_domains. Support for referring to it as " "flashpolicies.views.simple is deprecated and will be removed in a " "future release of django-flashpolicies.", DeprecationWarning, ) return allow_domains(request, domains) def metapolicy( request: HttpRequest, permitted: str, domains: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> HttpResponse: """ Serves a cross-domain policy which can allow other policies to exist on the same domain. Note that this view, if used, must be the master policy for the domain, and so must be served from the URL ``/crossdomain.xml`` on the domain: setting metapolicy information in other policy files is forbidden by the cross-domain policy specification. **Required arguments:** ``permitted`` A string indicating the extent to which other policies are permitted. A set of constants is available in ``flashpolicies.policies``, defining acceptable values for this argument. **Optional arguments:** ``domains`` A list of domains from which to allow access. Each value may be either a domain name (e.g., ````) or a wildcard (e.g., ``*``). Due to serious potential security issues, it is strongly recommended that you not use wildcard domain values. """ if domains is None: domains = [] policy = policies.Policy(*domains) policy.metapolicy(permitted) return serve(request, policy) def no_access(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ Serves a cross-domain access policy which permits no access of any kind, via a metapolicy declaration disallowing all policy files. Note that this view, if used, must be the master policy for the domain, and so must be served from the URL ``/crossdomain.xml`` on the domain: setting metapolicy information in other policy files is forbidden by the cross-domain policy specification. **Required arguments:** None. **Optional arguments:** None. """ return metapolicy(request, permitted=policies.SITE_CONTROL_NONE)
import datetime from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone # Create your models here. class CommissionForm(models.Model): form_id = models.CharField(max_length=8, default='') pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published', default=None) def __str__(self): return self.form_id def was_published_recently(self): now = return now - datetime.timedelta(days=1) <= self.pub_date <= now was_published_recently.admin_order_field = 'pub_date' was_published_recently.boolean = True was_published_recently.short_description = 'Published recently?' class Agency(models.Model): commission_form = models.ForeignKey( CommissionForm, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) agency_id = models.CharField(max_length=12, default='') area = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return self.agency_id
#********************************************************************** # Copyright 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #******************************************************************** import math import bpy from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, FloatProperty, PointerProperty, IntProperty, EnumProperty, ) import pyrpr from . import RPR_Properties from rprblender.utils import logging log = logging.Log(tag='properties.object') class RPR_ObjectProperites(RPR_Properties): """ Properties for objects. Should be available only for meshes and area lights """ # Visibility visibility_in_primary_rays: BoolProperty( name="Camera", description="This object will be visible in camera rays", default=True, ) reflection_visibility: BoolProperty( name="Reflections", description="This object will be visible in reflections", default=True, ) refraction_visibility: BoolProperty( name="Refraction", description="This object will be visible in refractions", default=True, ) diffuse_visibility: BoolProperty( name="Diffuse", description="This object will be visible in indirect diffuse reflections", default=True, ) shadows: BoolProperty( name="Shadows", description="This object will cast shadows", default=True, ) shadowcatcher: BoolProperty( name="Shadow Catcher", description="Use this object as a shadowcatcher", default=False, ) reflection_catcher: BoolProperty( name="Reflection Catcher", description="Use this object as a reflection catcher", default=False, ) portal_light: BoolProperty( name="Portal Light", description="Use this object as a portal light", default=False, ) visibility_contour: BoolProperty( name="Contour", description="This object will be visible in Contour render mode", default=True, ) # Motion and Deformation Blur motion_blur: BoolProperty( name="Motion Blur", description="Enable Motion Blur", default=True, ) deformation_blur: BoolProperty( name="Deformation Blur", description="Enable Deformation Blur", default=False, ) # Subdivision subdivision: BoolProperty( name="Subdivision", description="Enable subdivision", default=False, ) subdivision_factor: FloatProperty( name="Subdiv Polygon Size", description="Subdivision polygon size, in pixels that it should be subdivided to.\n" "For finer subdivision set lower", min=0.5, soft_max=512.0, default=16.0 ) subdivision_level: IntProperty( name="Level", description="Subdivision level for mesh. For finer subdivision set upper", min=0, max=12, soft_max=8, default=3 ) subdivision_boundary_type: EnumProperty( name="Boundary Type", description="Subdivision boundary type", items=( ('EDGE_CORNER', "Edge and Corner", "Edge and corner"), ('EDGE', "Edge only", "Edge only") ), default='EDGE_CORNER', ) subdivision_crease_weight: FloatProperty( name="Crease Weight", description="Subdivision crease weight", min=0.0, default=1.0, ) def set_catchers(self, rpr_shape): rpr_shape.set_shadow_catcher(self.shadowcatcher) rpr_shape.set_reflection_catcher(self.reflection_catcher) def export_subdivision(self, rpr_shape): """ Exports subdivision settings """ if self.subdivision: # convert factor from size of subdivision in pixel to RPR # RPR wants the subdivision factor as the "number of faces per pixel" # the setting gives user the size of face in number pixels. # rpr internally does: subdivision size in pixel = 2^factor / 16.0 factor = int(math.log2(16.0 / self.subdivision_factor)) rpr_shape.subdivision = { 'factor': factor, 'level': self.subdivision_level, 'boundary': pyrpr.SUBDIV_BOUNDARY_INTERFOP_TYPE_EDGE_AND_CORNER if self.subdivision_boundary_type == 'EDGE_CORNER' else pyrpr.SUBDIV_BOUNDARY_INTERFOP_TYPE_EDGE_ONLY, 'crease_weight': self.subdivision_crease_weight } else: rpr_shape.subdivision = None @classmethod def register(cls): log("Register") bpy.types.Object.rpr = PointerProperty( name="RPR Object Settings", description="RPR Object settings", type=cls, ) @classmethod def unregister(cls): log("Unregister") del bpy.types.Object.rpr
#!/usr/bin/python from twitter import * import os.path ## I'm using this library: #As soon as the app has the credentials on an account it creates this file MY_TWITTER_CREDS = os.path.expanduser('~/.library_credentials') #Personal API keys (You should put your key here) CONSUMER_KEY='' CONSUMER_SECRET='' #The screen name of the account that the bot will use BOT_NAME='' #Ask for credentials if not os.path.exists(MY_TWITTER_CREDS): oauth_dance(BOT_NAME, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, MY_TWITTER_CREDS) oauth_token, oauth_secret = read_token_file(MY_TWITTER_CREDS) twitter = Twitter(auth=OAuth(oauth_token, oauth_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)) ## Get followers and add as friends (Autofollow) fo = twitter.followers.ids() followers = fo['ids'] ##Get friends fr = twitter.friends.ids() friends = fr['ids'] ## Pending friend requests og = twitter.friendships.outgoing() pending = og['ids'] for i in followers: #If I haven't added them yet if (i not in pending and i not in friends): twitter.friendships.create(user_id=i) ##Get my tweets mt = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name = 'library_gossip',count = 50) mytweets =[] ##Get text only mt_len = len(mt) for i in range(mt_len): mytweets.append(mt[i]['text']) ## Read direct messages dm = twitter.direct_messages() dm_len = len(dm) for i in range(dm_len): text = dm[i]['text'] OP = dm[i]['sender_id'] ID = dm[i]['id'] ## Check length of the message if len(text) > 118: ##Send a message back, text='Message too long, it must not exceed 118 characters.') else: ##Post gossip msg = 'A birdie told me that ' + text #Check for duplicates if (msg not in mytweets): print msg twitter.statuses.update(status = msg) else: ##Send a message back, text='Message duplicated.') print 'Message duplicated' ##Delete direct msg twitter.direct_messages.destroy( _id=ID )
from django.shortcuts import render from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template import loader from .models import Produto, Cliente def index(request): produtos = Produto.objects.all() context = { 'curso': 'Programação Web com Django Framework', 'outro': 'Django é massa', 'produtos': produtos } return render(request, 'index.html', context) def contato(request): clientes = Cliente.objects.all() context = { 'clientes': clientes } return render(request, 'contato.html', context) def produto(request, pk): # print(f'PK: {pk}') # prod = Produto.objects.get(id=pk) # Versão sem tratamento de erro prod = get_object_or_404(Produto, id=pk) context = { 'produto': prod } return render(request, 'produto.html', context) def error404(request, exception): template = loader.get_template('404.html') return HttpResponse(content=template.render(), content_type='text/html; charset=utf8', status=404) def error500(request): template = loader.get_template('500.html') return HttpResponse(content=template.render(), content_type='text/html; charset=utf8', status=500)
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from telemetry import decorators from telemetry.core import platform as platform_module from telemetry.testing import browser_test_case from telemetry.testing import tab_test_case from telemetry.timeline import model as model_module from telemetry.timeline import tracing_config class TracingControllerTest(tab_test_case.TabTestCase): def testModifiedConsoleTime(self): tracing_controller = self._tab.browser.platform.tracing_controller config = tracing_config.TracingConfig() config.enable_chrome_trace = True tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) self.Navigate('blank.html') self.assertEquals( self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('document.location.pathname;'), '/blank.html') self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript(""" window.__console_time = console.time; console.time = function() { }; """) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Page stomped on console.time'): tracing_controller.StopTracing() # Restore console.time self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript(""" console.time = window.__console_time; delete window.__console_time; """) # Check that subsequent tests will be able to use tracing normally. self.assertFalse(tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) self.assertTrue(tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) tracing_controller.StopTracing() self.assertFalse(tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) def testExceptionRaisedInStopTracing(self): tracing_controller = self._tab.browser.platform.tracing_controller config = tracing_config.TracingConfig() config.enable_chrome_trace = True tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) self.Navigate('blank.html') self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript(""" window.__console_time = console.time; console.time = function() { }; """) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Page stomped on console.time'): tracing_controller.StopTracing() # Tracing is stopped even if there is exception. self.assertFalse(tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) def testGotTrace(self): tracing_controller = self._browser.platform.tracing_controller config = tracing_config.TracingConfig() config.enable_chrome_trace = True tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) trace_data = tracing_controller.StopTracing() # Test that trace data is parsable model = model_module.TimelineModel(trace_data) assert len(model.processes) > 0 def testStartAndStopTraceMultipleTimes(self): tracing_controller = self._browser.platform.tracing_controller config = tracing_config.TracingConfig() config.enable_chrome_trace = True tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) self.assertFalse(tracing_controller.StartTracing(config)) trace_data = tracing_controller.StopTracing() # Test that trace data is parsable model_module.TimelineModel(trace_data) self.assertFalse(tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) # Calling stop again will raise exception self.assertRaises(Exception, tracing_controller.StopTracing) def _StartupTracing(self, platform): # Stop browser browser_test_case.teardown_browser() # Start tracing self.assertFalse(platform.tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) config = tracing_config.TracingConfig() config.enable_chrome_trace = True platform.tracing_controller.StartTracing(config) self.assertTrue(platform.tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) try: # Start browser self.setUpClass() self._browser.tabs[0].Navigate('about:blank') self._browser.tabs[0].WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeInteractiveOrBetter() self.assertEquals(platform, self._browser.platform) # Calling start tracing again will return False self.assertFalse( self._browser.platform.tracing_controller.StartTracing(config)) trace_data = self._browser.platform.tracing_controller.StopTracing() # Test that trace data is parsable model_module.TimelineModel(trace_data) self.assertFalse( self._browser.platform.tracing_controller.is_tracing_running) # Calling stop tracing again will raise exception self.assertRaises(Exception, self._browser.platform.tracing_controller.StopTracing) finally: if self._browser: self._browser.Close() self._browser = None @decorators.Enabled('android') def testStartupTracingOnAndroid(self): self._StartupTracing(self._browser.platform) # Not enabled on win because of @decorators.Enabled('linux', 'mac') @decorators.Isolated def testStartupTracingOnDesktop(self): self._StartupTracing(platform_module.GetHostPlatform())
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any, Union import pytest from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from schafkopf.backend.calculator import RufspielCalculator, SoloCalculator, HochzeitCalculator, RamschCalculator from schafkopf.database.configs import RufspielConfig, SoloConfig, HochzeitConfig, RamschConfig from schafkopf.database.data_model import Teilnehmer, Runde, Base, Punkteconfig, Farbgebung, Spielart S1 = 'Spieler_1' S2 = 'Spieler_2' S3 = 'Spieler_3' S4 = 'Spieler_4' data_rufspiel_hochzeit = [ ([], None, None, 0, 0, True, {S1: -40, S2: -40, S3: 40, S4: 40}), ([], None, None, 0, 0, False, {S1: -30, S2: -30, S3: 30, S4: 30}), ([], None, None, 0, 29, False, {S1: -30, S2: -30, S3: 30, S4: 30}), ([], None, None, 0, 30, False, {S1: -30, S2: -30, S3: 30, S4: 30}), ([], None, None, 0, 31, False, {S1: -20, S2: -20, S3: 20, S4: 20}), ([], None, None, 0, 59, False, {S1: -20, S2: -20, S3: 20, S4: 20}), ([], None, None, 0, 60, False, {S1: -20, S2: -20, S3: 20, S4: 20}), ([], None, None, 0, 61, False, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: -20, S4: -20}), ([], None, None, 0, 90, False, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: -20, S4: -20}), ([], None, None, 0, 91, False, {S1: 30, S2: 30, S3: -30, S4: -30}), ([], None, None, 0, 120, True, {S1: 40, S2: 40, S3: -40, S4: -40}), ([], None, None, 3, 0, True, {S1: -70, S2: -70, S3: 70, S4: 70}), ([], None, None, 3, 29, False, {S1: -60, S2: -60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([], None, None, 3, 30, False, {S1: -60, S2: -60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([], None, None, 3, 59, False, {S1: -50, S2: -50, S3: 50, S4: 50}), ([], None, None, 3, 60, False, {S1: -50, S2: -50, S3: 50, S4: 50}), ([], None, None, 3, 61, False, {S1: 50, S2: 50, S3: -50, S4: -50}), ([], None, None, 0, 89, False, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: -20, S4: -20}), ([], None, None, 0, 90, False, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: -20, S4: -20}), ([], None, None, 0, 91, False, {S1: 30, S2: 30, S3: -30, S4: -30}), ([], None, None, 6, 120, True, {S1: 100, S2: 100, S3: -100, S4: -100}), ([S1], None, None, 0, 0, True, {S1: -80, S2: -80, S3: 80, S4: 80}), ([S2], None, None, 0, 29, False, {S1: -60, S2: -60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([S3], None, None, 0, 30, False, {S1: -60, S2: -60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([S4], None, None, 0, 59, False, {S1: -40, S2: -40, S3: 40, S4: 40}), ([S1], S3, None, 0, 60, False, {S1: -80, S2: -80, S3: 80, S4: 80}), ([S1], S3, S2, 0, 61, False, {S1: 160, S2: 160, S3: -160, S4: -160}), ([S1, S2], None, None, 0, 0, True, {S1: -160, S2: -160, S3: 160, S4: 160}), ([S1, S2, S3, S4], None, None, 0, 0, True, {S1: -640, S2: -640, S3: 640, S4: 640}), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('gelegt_teilnehmer_names', 'kontriert_teilnehmer_name', 're_teilnehmer_name', 'laufende', 'spieler_augen', 'schwarz', 'expected'), data_rufspiel_hochzeit) def test_rufspiele(gelegt_teilnehmer_names: List[str], kontriert_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], re_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], laufende: int, spieler_augen: int, schwarz: bool, expected: Dict[str, int]): runde, ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2 = init_in_memory_database() teilnehmers = [ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2] kontriert_id = None if kontriert_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([kontriert_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] re_id = None if re_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([re_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] c = RufspielConfig(, punkteconfig=runde.punkteconfig,, teilnehmer_ids=[,,,], gelegt_ids=transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(gelegt_teilnehmer_names, teilnehmers),, rufsau=Farbgebung.BLATT, kontriert_id=kontriert_id, re_id=re_id,, laufende=laufende, spieler_augen=spieler_augen, nicht_spieler_augen=120 - spieler_augen, schwarz=schwarz) rufspiel = RufspielCalculator(c) result = rufspiel.get_teilnehmer_id_to_punkte() assert transform_dc_teilnehmer_id_to_teilnehmer_name(result, teilnehmers) == expected data_solo = [ ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 0, True, {S1: -210, S2: 70, S3: 70, S4: 70}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 0, False, {S1: -180, S2: 60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.GEIER, None, 29, False, {S1: -180, S2: 60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.EICHEL, 30, False, {S1: -180, S2: 60, S3: 60, S4: 60}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.BLATT, 31, False, {S1: -150, S2: 50, S3: 50, S4: 50}), ( [], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.HERZ, 59, False, {S1: -150, S2: 50, S3: 50, S4: 50}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.SCHELLEN, 60, False, {S1: -150, S2: 50, S3: 50, S4: 50}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 61, False, {S1: 150, S2: -50, S3: -50, S4: -50}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.GEIER, None, 89, False, {S1: 150, S2: -50, S3: -50, S4: -50}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.EICHEL, 90, False, {S1: 150, S2: -50, S3: -50, S4: -50}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.BLATT, 91, False, {S1: 180, S2: -60, S3: -60, S4: -60}), ([], None, None, 0, False, False, Spielart.FARBSOLO, Farbgebung.HERZ, 120, True, {S1: 210, S2: -70, S3: -70, S4: -70}), ([], None, None, 2, False, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 61, False, {S1: 210, S2: -70, S3: -70, S4: -70}), ([S1, S2], None, None, 4, False, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 91, False, {S1: 1200, S2: -400, S3: -400, S4: -400}), # Tout Spiele ([], None, None, 0, True, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 120, False, {S1: 300, S2: -100, S3: -100, S4: -100}), ([], None, None, 0, False, True, Spielart.WENZ, None, 120, False, {S1: -300, S2: 100, S3: 100, S4: 100}), ([], None, None, 0, False, True, Spielart.WENZ, None, 0, False, {S1: -300, S2: 100, S3: 100, S4: 100}), ([S1, S2], None, None, 0, False, True, Spielart.WENZ, None, 0, False, {S1: -1200, S2: 400, S3: 400, S4: 400}), ([], None, None, 2, True, False, Spielart.WENZ, None, 120, False, {S1: 420, S2: -140, S3: -140, S4: -140}), ([], None, None, 3, False, True, Spielart.WENZ, None, 98, False, {S1: -480, S2: 160, S3: 160, S4: 160}), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('gelegt_teilnehmer_names', 'kontriert_teilnehmer_name', 're_teilnehmer_name', 'laufende', 'tout_gespielt_gewonnen', 'tout_gespielt_verloren', 'spielart', 'farbe', 'spieler_augen', 'schwarz', 'expected'), data_solo) def test_solo(gelegt_teilnehmer_names: List[str], kontriert_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], re_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], laufende: int, tout_gespielt_gewonnen: bool, tout_gespielt_verloren: bool, spielart: Spielart, farbe: Union[None, Farbgebung], spieler_augen: int, schwarz: bool, expected: Dict[str, int]): runde, spieler_1, gegner_1, gegner_2, gegner3 = init_in_memory_database() teilnehmers = [spieler_1, gegner_1, gegner_2, gegner3] kontriert_id = None if kontriert_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([kontriert_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] re_id = None if re_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([re_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] c = SoloConfig(, punkteconfig=runde.punkteconfig,, teilnehmer_ids=[,,,], gelegt_ids=transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(gelegt_teilnehmer_names, teilnehmers),, spielart=spielart, kontriert_id=kontriert_id, re_id=re_id, farbe=farbe, tout_gespielt_gewonnen=tout_gespielt_gewonnen, tout_gespielt_verloren=tout_gespielt_verloren, laufende=laufende, spieler_augen=spieler_augen, nicht_spieler_augen=120 - spieler_augen, schwarz=schwarz) solo = SoloCalculator(c) result = solo.get_teilnehmer_id_to_punkte() assert transform_dc_teilnehmer_id_to_teilnehmer_name(result, teilnehmers) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('gelegt_teilnehmer_names', 'kontriert_teilnehmer_name', 're_teilnehmer_name', 'laufende', 'spieler_augen', 'schwarz', 'expected'), data_rufspiel_hochzeit) def test_hochzeit(gelegt_teilnehmer_names: List[str], kontriert_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], re_teilnehmer_name: Union[None, str], laufende: int, spieler_augen: int, schwarz: bool, expected: Dict[str, int]): runde, ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2 = init_in_memory_database() teilnehmers = [ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2] kontriert_id = None if kontriert_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([kontriert_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] re_id = None if re_teilnehmer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([re_teilnehmer_name], teilnehmers)[0] c = HochzeitConfig(, punkteconfig=runde.punkteconfig,, teilnehmer_ids=[,,,], gelegt_ids=transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(gelegt_teilnehmer_names, teilnehmers),, kontriert_id=kontriert_id, re_id=re_id,, laufende=laufende, spieler_augen=spieler_augen, nicht_spieler_augen=120 - spieler_augen, schwarz=schwarz) hochzeit = HochzeitCalculator(c) result = hochzeit.get_teilnehmer_id_to_punkte() assert transform_dc_teilnehmer_id_to_teilnehmer_name(result, teilnehmers) == expected data_ramsch = [ ([], [], None, S1, {S1: -60, S2: 20, S3: 20, S4: 20}), ([], [], None, S2, {S1: 20, S2: -60, S3: 20, S4: 20}), ([], [], None, S3, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: -60, S4: 20}), ([], [], None, S4, {S1: 20, S2: 20, S3: 20, S4: -60}), ([S1], [], None, S1, {S1: -120, S2: 40, S3: 40, S4: 40}), ([S1, S2], [S3], None, S1, {S1: -480, S2: 160, S3: 160, S4: 160}), ([], [], S1, None, {S1: 150, S2: -50, S3: -50, S4: -50}), ([S2], [], S1, None, {S1: 300, S2: -100, S3: -100, S4: -100}), ([S1, S3], [], S1, None, {S1: 600, S2: -200, S3: -200, S4: -200}), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('gelegt_teilnehmer_names', 'jungfrau_teilnehmer_names', 'durchmarsch_name', 'verlierer_name', 'expected'), data_ramsch) def test_ramsch(gelegt_teilnehmer_names: List[str], jungfrau_teilnehmer_names: List[str], durchmarsch_name: Union[None, str], verlierer_name: Union[None, str], expected: Dict[str, int]): runde, ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2 = init_in_memory_database() teilnehmers = [ansager, partner, gegner1, gegner2] verlierer_id = None if verlierer_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([verlierer_name], teilnehmers)[0] durchmarsch_id = None if durchmarsch_name is None else \ transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids([durchmarsch_name], teilnehmers)[0] c = RamschConfig(, punkteconfig=runde.punkteconfig,, teilnehmer_ids=[,,,], gelegt_ids=transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(gelegt_teilnehmer_names, teilnehmers), jungfrau_ids=transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(jungfrau_teilnehmer_names, teilnehmers), ausspieler_augen=30, mittelhand_augen=30, hinterhand_augen=30, geberhand_augen=30, verlierer_id=verlierer_id, durchmarsch_id=durchmarsch_id, durchmarsch=True if durchmarsch_id is not None else False) ramsch = RamschCalculator(c) result = ramsch.get_teilnehmer_id_to_punkte() assert transform_dc_teilnehmer_id_to_teilnehmer_name(result, teilnehmers) == expected def transform_teilnehmer_names_to_teilnehmer_ids(inputs: List[str], teilnehmer: List[Teilnehmer]) -> List[int]: return [{ for s in teilnehmer}[i] for i in inputs] def transform_dc_teilnehmer_id_to_teilnehmer_name(inputs: Dict[int, Any], teilnehmer: List[Teilnehmer]) -> Dict[ str, Any]: return {{ for s in teilnehmer}[i]: inputs[i] for i in inputs} def init_in_memory_database() -> Tuple[Runde, Teilnehmer, Teilnehmer, Teilnehmer, Teilnehmer]: engine = create_engine('sqlite://') Base.metadata.create_all(engine) my_session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = my_session() # After this setting, Hochzeit should return the same results as rufspiel punkteconfig = Punkteconfig(hochzeit=20.0) session.add(punkteconfig) session.commit() runde = Runde(name='Sonntagsspiel',, ort='Nürnberg') spieler_1 = Teilnehmer(vorname='ansager_vorname', nachname='ansager_nachname', name=S1) spieler_2 = Teilnehmer(vorname='partner_vorname', nachname='partner_nachname', name=S2) spieler_3 = Teilnehmer(vorname='erster_geg_vorname', nachname='erster_geg_nachname', name=S3) spieler_4 = Teilnehmer(vorname='zweiter_geg_vorname', nachname='zweiter_geg_nachname', name=S4) session.add_all([spieler_1, spieler_2, spieler_3, spieler_4] + [runde]) session.commit() return runde, spieler_1, spieler_2, spieler_3, spieler_4
import unittest from redisor import get_client, setup from redisor.structure import List, Set, Hash class BaseTestMixin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): setup(db=12) self.db = get_client() self.db.flushdb() super().setUp() def tearDown(self): self.db.flushdb() super().tearDown() class ListTestCase(BaseTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): def test_operation(self): self.lst = List(db=self.db, key="test_list") self.assertEqual(self.lst.unshift("a"), 1) self.assertEqual(len(self.lst), 1) self.assertEqual(self.lst.append("b"), 2) self.assertEqual(self.lst.pop(), "b") self.assertFalse("b" in self.lst) self.assertEqual(list(self.lst), ["a"]) class SetTestCase(BaseTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): def test_base_operation(self): self.set_a = Set(db=self.db, key="test_set_a") self.set_a.add('one') self.assertEqual(len(self.set_a), 1) self.set_a.remove("one") self.set_a.add("two") self.assertEqual(list(self.set_a), ["two"]) def test_tow_set_operation(self): self.set_b = Set(db=self.db, key="test_set_b") self.set_c = Set(db=self.db, key="test_set_c") self.set_b.add("one") self.set_b.add("two") self.set_c.add("two") self.set_c.add("three") self.assertEqual(self.set_b & self.set_c, {"two"}) self.assertEqual(self.set_b | self.set_c, {"one", "two", "three"}) self.assertEqual(self.set_b - self.set_c, {"one"}) self.assertEqual(self.set_c - self.set_b, {"three"}) class HashTestCase(BaseTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): def test_base_operation(self): self.hash_a = Hash(db=self.db, key="test_hash_a") self.hash_a.update({"a": 3}, b=4) self.assertEqual(self.hash_a.all(), {"a": '3', "b": '4'}) del self.hash_a["a"] self.assertEqual(self.hash_a.all(), {"b": "4"}) self.hash_a.update({"1":1,"2":2,"3":3,"4":4,"5":5,"6":6}) print(self.hash_a) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Shelter (Camp) Registry, model @copyright: 2009-2016 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __all__ = ("S3ShelterModel", "S3ShelterRegistrationModel", "cr_shelter_rheader", "cr_update_shelter_population", "cr_update_housing_unit_population", "cr_update_capacity_from_housing_units", "cr_check_population_availability", "cr_notification_dispatcher", ) import json from gluon import * from import Storage from ..s3 import * from s3layouts import S3PopupLink NIGHT = 1 DAY_AND_NIGHT = 2 # ============================================================================= class S3ShelterModel(S3Model): names = ("cr_shelter_type", "cr_shelter_service", "cr_shelter", "cr_shelter_id", "cr_shelter_status", "cr_shelter_person", "cr_shelter_allocation", "cr_shelter_unit", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db s3 = current.response.s3 settings = current.deployment_settings configure = self.configure crud_strings = s3.crud_strings define_table = self.define_table messages = current.messages super_link = self.super_link set_method = self.set_method NAME = T("Name") location_id = self.gis_location_id # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter types # e.g. NGO-operated, Government evacuation center, School, Hospital -- see Agasti opt_camp_type.) tablename = "cr_shelter_type" define_table(tablename, Field("name", notnull=True, label = NAME, requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_NOT_ONE_OF(db, "" % tablename, ), ], ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings if settings.get_ui_label_camp(): ADD_SHELTER_TYPE = T("Add Camp Type") SHELTER_TYPE_LABEL = T("Camp Type") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER_TYPE, title_display = T("Camp Type Details"), title_list = T("Camp Types"), title_update = T("Edit Camp Type"), label_list_button = T("List Camp Types"), msg_record_created = T("Camp Type added"), msg_record_modified = T("Camp Type updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Camp Type deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Camp Types currently registered")) else: ADD_SHELTER_TYPE = T("Create Shelter Type") SHELTER_TYPE_LABEL = T("Shelter Type") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER_TYPE, title_display = T("Shelter Type Details"), title_list = T("Shelter Types"), title_update = T("Edit Shelter Type"), label_list_button = T("List Shelter Types"), msg_record_created = T("Shelter Type added"), msg_record_modified = T("Shelter Type updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Shelter Type deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Shelter Types currently registered")) configure(tablename, deduplicate = S3Duplicate(), ) represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, translate=True) shelter_type_id = S3ReusableField("shelter_type_id", "reference %s" % tablename, label = SHELTER_TYPE_LABEL, ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = represent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "", represent)), comment=S3PopupLink(c = "cr", f = "shelter_type", label = ADD_SHELTER_TYPE, ), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter services # e.g. medical, housing, food, ... tablename = "cr_shelter_service" define_table(tablename, Field("name", notnull=True, label = NAME, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings if settings.get_ui_label_camp(): ADD_SHELTER_SERVICE = T("Add Camp Service") SHELTER_SERVICE_LABEL = T("Camp Service") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER_SERVICE, title_display = T("Camp Service Details"), title_list = T("Camp Services"), title_update = T("Edit Camp Service"), label_list_button = T("List Camp Services"), msg_record_created = T("Camp Service added"), msg_record_modified = T("Camp Service updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Camp Service deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Camp Services currently registered")) else: ADD_SHELTER_SERVICE = T("Create Shelter Service") SHELTER_SERVICE_LABEL = T("Shelter Service") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER_SERVICE, title_display = T("Shelter Service Details"), title_list = T("Shelter Services"), title_update = T("Edit Shelter Service"), label_list_button = T("List Shelter Services"), msg_record_created = T("Shelter Service added"), msg_record_modified = T("Shelter Service updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Shelter Service deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Shelter Services currently registered")) service_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, translate=True) service_multirepresent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, translate=True, multiple=True ) shelter_service_id = S3ReusableField("shelter_service_id", "list:reference cr_shelter_service", label = SHELTER_SERVICE_LABEL, ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = service_multirepresent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "", service_represent, multiple=True)), sortby = "name", comment = S3PopupLink(c = "cr", f = "shelter_service", label = ADD_SHELTER_SERVICE, ), widget = S3MultiSelectWidget(header=False, ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter Environmental Characteristics # e.g. Lake, Mountain, ground type. tablename = "cr_shelter_environment" define_table(tablename, Field("name", notnull=True, label = NAME, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) environment_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, translate=True) environment_multirepresent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, translate=True, multiple=True ) shelter_environment_id = S3ReusableField("cr_shelter_environment_id", "list:reference cr_shelter_environment", label = T("Environmental Characteristics"), ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = environment_multirepresent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_ONE_OF(db, "", environment_represent, multiple=True)), sortby = "name", widget = S3MultiSelectWidget() ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelters # cr_shelter_opts = {1 : T("Closed"), 2 : T("Open"), } day_and_night = settings.get_cr_day_and_night() dynamic = settings.get_cr_shelter_population_dynamic() if settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management(): if day_and_night: capacity_day_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s|%s" % (T("Capacity (Day)"), T("Capacity of the shelter during the day"), T("Capacity evaluated adding all defined housing unit capacities"))) capacity_night_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s|%s" % (T("Capacity (Night)"), T("Capacity of the shelter during the night"), T("Capacity evaluated adding all defined housing unit capacities"))) else: capacity_day_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s|%s" % (T("Capacity"), T("Capacity of the shelter as a number of people"), T("Capacity evaluated adding all defined housing unit capacities"))) capacity_night_comment = None else: if day_and_night: capacity_day_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Capacity (Day)"), T("Capacity of the shelter during the day"))) capacity_night_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Capacity (Night)"), T("Capacity of the shelter during the night"))) else: capacity_day_comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Capacity"), T("Capacity of the shelter as a number of people"))) capacity_night_comment = None tablename = "cr_shelter" define_table(tablename, super_link("doc_id", "doc_entity"), super_link("pe_id", "pr_pentity"), super_link("site_id", "org_site"), # @ToDo: code_requires #Field("code", length=10, # Mayon compatibility # label=T("Code") # ), Field("name", notnull=True, length=64, # Mayon compatibility label = T("Shelter Name"), requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), self.org_organisation_id( requires = self.org_organisation_requires(updateable=True), ), shelter_type_id(), # e.g. NGO-operated, Government evacuation center, School, Hospital -- see Agasti opt_camp_type.) shelter_service_id(), # e.g. medical, housing, food, ... shelter_environment_id(readable = False, writable = False,),# Enable in template if-required location_id(), Field("phone", label = T("Phone"), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(s3_phone_requires), ), Field("email", "string", label = T("Email"), ), self.pr_person_id(label = T("Contact Person / Camp Owner")), #Static field Field("population", "integer", label = T("Estimated Population"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), readable = not dynamic, writable = not dynamic, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Current estimated population"), T("Current estimated population in shelter. Staff, Volunteers and Evacuees."))), ), Field("capacity_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Capacity (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Capacity"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = capacity_day_comment, ), Field("capacity_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Capacity (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), readable = day_and_night, writable = day_and_night, comment = capacity_night_comment, ), # Dynamic field Field("available_capacity_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Available Capacity (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Available Capacity"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), readable = dynamic and day_and_night, # Automatically updated writable = False, ), # Dynamic field Field("available_capacity_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Available Capacity (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), readable = dynamic and day_and_night, # Automatically updated writable = False, ), # Dynamic field Field("population_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Current Population (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Current Population"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Population (Day)"), T("Number of people registered in the shelter for day and night"))), readable = dynamic, # Automatically updated writable = False ), # Dynamic field Field("population_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Current Population (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Population (Night)"), T("Number of people registered in the shelter for the night"))), readable = dynamic and day_and_night, # Automatically updated writable = False ), Field("status", "integer", label = T("Status"), represent = lambda opt: \ cr_shelter_opts.get(opt, messages.UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(cr_shelter_opts) ), ), s3_comments(), Field("obsolete", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Obsolete"), represent = lambda opt: \ (opt and [T("Obsolete")] or [messages["NONE"]])[0], readable = False, writable = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings if settings.get_ui_label_camp(): ADD_SHELTER = T("Add Camp") SHELTER_LABEL = T("Camp") SHELTER_HELP = T("The Camp this Request is from") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER, title_display = T("Camp Details"), title_list = T("Camps"), title_update = T("Edit Camp"), label_list_button = T("List Camps"), msg_record_created = T("Camp added"), msg_record_modified = T("Camp updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Camp deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Camps currently registered")) else: ADD_SHELTER = T("Create Shelter") SHELTER_LABEL = T("Shelter") SHELTER_HELP = T("The Shelter this Request is from") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_SHELTER, title_display = T("Shelter Details"), title_list = T("Shelters"), title_update = T("Edit Shelter"), label_list_button = T("List Shelters"), msg_record_created = T("Shelter added"), msg_record_modified = T("Shelter updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Shelter deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Shelters currently registered")) # Which levels of Hierarchy are we using? levels = current.gis.get_relevant_hierarchy_levels() report_fields = ["name", "shelter_type_id", #"organisation_id", "status", ] if dynamic: report_fields.append("population_day") if day_and_night: report_fields.append("population_night") else: # Manual report_fields.append("population") text_fields = ["name", "code", "comments", "organisation_id$name", "organisation_id$acronym", "location_id$name", ] list_fields = ["name", "status", "shelter_type_id", #"shelter_service_id", ] if dynamic: list_fields.append("capacity_day") if day_and_night: list_fields.append("capacity_night") list_fields.append("population_day") if day_and_night: list_fields.append("population_night") else: # Manual list_fields.append("population") list_fields.append("location_id$addr_street") #list_fields.append("person_id") for level in levels: lfield = "location_id$%s" % level report_fields.append(lfield) text_fields.append(lfield) list_fields.append(lfield) cr_shelter_status_filter_opts = dict(cr_shelter_opts) cr_shelter_status_filter_opts[None] = T("Unspecified") if settings.get_org_branches(): org_filter = S3HierarchyFilter("organisation_id", leafonly = False, ) else: org_filter = S3OptionsFilter("organisation_id", filter = True, header = "", #hidden = True, ) filter_widgets = [ S3TextFilter(text_fields, label = T("Search"), #_class = "filter-search", ), S3OptionsFilter("shelter_type_id", label = T("Type"), # Doesn't translate #represent = "%(name)s", ), org_filter, S3LocationFilter("location_id", label = T("Location"), levels = levels, ), S3OptionsFilter("status", label = T("Status"), options = cr_shelter_status_filter_opts, none = True, ), ] if dynamic: if day_and_night: filter_widgets.append(S3RangeFilter("available_capacity_night", label = T("Available Capacity (Night)"), )) else: filter_widgets.append(S3RangeFilter("available_capacity_day", label = T("Available Capacity"), )) if day_and_night: filter_widgets.append(S3RangeFilter("capacity_night", label = T("Total Capacity (Night)"), )) else: filter_widgets.append(S3RangeFilter("capacity_day", label = T("Total Capacity"), )) if settings.get_cr_shelter_people_registration(): # Go to People check-in for this shelter after creation create_next = URL(c="cr", f="shelter", args=["[id]", "shelter_registration"]) else: create_next = None configure(tablename, create_next = create_next, deduplicate = S3Duplicate(), filter_widgets = filter_widgets, list_fields = list_fields, onaccept = self.cr_shelter_onaccept, report_options = Storage( rows=report_fields, cols=report_fields, fact=report_fields, defaults=Storage(rows = lfield, # Lowest-level of hierarchy cols="status", fact="count(name)", totals=True) ), super_entity = ("org_site", "doc_entity", "pr_pentity"), ) # Reusable field represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) shelter_id = S3ReusableField("shelter_id", "reference %s" % tablename, label = SHELTER_LABEL, ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = represent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "", represent, sort=True)), comment = S3PopupLink(c = "cr", f = "shelter", label = ADD_SHELTER, title = SHELTER_LABEL, tooltip = "%s (%s)." % (SHELTER_HELP, T("optional"), ), ), widget = S3AutocompleteWidget("cr", "shelter") ) self.add_components(tablename, cr_shelter_allocation = "shelter_id", cr_shelter_registration = "shelter_id", cr_shelter_unit = "shelter_id", cr_shelter_status = {"name": "status", "joinby": "shelter_id", }, event_event_shelter = "shelter_id", evr_case = "shelter_id", ) # Custom Method to Assign HRs set_method("cr", "shelter", method = "assign", action = self.hrm_AssignMethod(component="human_resource_site")) set_method("cr", "shelter", method="check-in", action = self.org_SiteCheckInMethod()) set_method("cr", "shelter", method = "dispatch", action = cr_notification_dispatcher) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter statuses # - a historical record of shelter status: opening/closing dates & populations # tablename = "cr_shelter_status" define_table(tablename, shelter_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), s3_date(), Field("status", "integer", label = T("Status"), represent = lambda opt: \ cr_shelter_opts.get(opt, messages.UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(cr_shelter_opts) ), ), Field("population", "integer", label = T("Population"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings if settings.get_ui_label_camp(): crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = T("Add Camp Status"), title_display = T("Camp Status Details"), title_list = T("Camp Statuses"), title_update = T("Edit Camp Status"), label_list_button = T("List Camp Statuses"), msg_record_created = T("Camp Status added"), msg_record_modified = T("Camp Status updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Camp Status deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Camp Statuses currently registered")) else: crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = T("Create Shelter Status"), title_display = T("Shelter Status Details"), title_list = T("Shelter Statuses"), title_update = T("Edit Shelter Status"), label_list_button = T("List Shelter Statuses"), msg_record_created = T("Shelter Status added"), msg_record_modified = T("Shelter Status updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Shelter Status deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Shelter Statuses currently registered")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Housing units # cr_housing_unit_opts = {1: T("Available"), 2: T("Not Available"), } cr_housing_unit_handicap_facilities = {1: T("Available"), 2: T("Suitable"), 3: T("Not Available"), } tablename = "cr_shelter_unit" define_table(tablename, Field("name", notnull=True, length = 64, label = T("Housing Unit Name"), requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), # @ToDo: Using site_id would be more flexible & link # better to default_site/auth.user.site_id shelter_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), location_id(widget = S3LocationSelector(#catalog_layers=True, points = False, polygons = True, ), ), Field("status", "integer", default = 1, label = T("Status"), represent = lambda opt: \ cr_housing_unit_opts.get(opt, messages.UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(cr_housing_unit_opts)) ), Field("transitory", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Transitory Accommodation"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Transitory Accommodation"), T("This unit is for transitory accommodation upon arrival."), ), ), # Enable in template as required: readable = False, writable = False, ), Field("bath", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Available Bath"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Bath Availability"), T("Integrated bath within housing unit"), ), ), ), Field("handicap_bath", "integer", default = 1, label = T("Bath with handicap facilities"), represent = lambda opt: \ cr_housing_unit_handicap_facilities.get(opt, messages.UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(cr_housing_unit_handicap_facilities)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Bath Handicap Facilities"), T("Availability of bath handicap facilities"), ), ), ), Field("shower", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Available Shower"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Shower Availability"), T("Integrated shower within housing unit"))), ), Field("handicap_shower", "integer", default = 1, label = T("Shower with handicap facilities"), represent = lambda opt: \ cr_housing_unit_handicap_facilities.get(opt, messages.UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(cr_housing_unit_handicap_facilities)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Shower Handicap Facilities"), T("Availability of shower handicap facilities"), ), ), ), Field("capacity_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Housing Unit Capacity (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Housing Unit Capacity"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Housing Unit Capacity (Day)"), T("Capacity of the housing unit for people during the day"), ), ), ), Field("capacity_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Housing Unit Capacity (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), readable = day_and_night, writable = day_and_night, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Housing Unit Capacity (Night)"), T("Capacity of the housing unit for people during the night"), ), ), ), Field("available_capacity_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Available Capacity (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Available Capacity"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip", _title = T("Currently Available Capacity (Day)"), ), # Automatically updated readable = dynamic, writable = False, ), Field("available_capacity_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Population Availability (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip", _title = T("Currently Available Capacity (Night)"), ), # Automatically updated readable = dynamic and day_and_night, writable = False, ), Field("population_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Current Population (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Current Population"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Housing Unit Current Population"), T("Number of people registered in this housing unit for day and night"), ), ), # Automatically updated readable = False, writable = False, ), Field("population_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Current Population (Night)"), represent = lambda v: IS_INT_AMOUNT.represent(v), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Housing Unit Current Population"), T("Number of evacuees registered in this housing unit for the night"), ), ), readable = day_and_night, # Automatically updated writable = False, ), Field("domestic_animals", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Free for domestic animals"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field.Method("cstatus", self.cr_shelter_unit_status), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) list_fields = ["id", "name", ] if day_and_night: list_fields += ["status", # @ToDO: Move to EVASS template "handicap_bath", # @ToDO: Move to EVASS template "capacity_day", "capacity_night", "population_day", "population_night", ] else: list_fields += ["available_capacity_day", "capacity_day", "population_day", ] population_onaccept = lambda form: \ self.cr_shelter_population_onaccept( form, tablename="cr_shelter_unit", ) configure(tablename, # @ToDo: Allow multiple shelters to have the same # name of unit (Requires that Shelter is in dvr/person.xsl/csv) #deduplicate = S3Duplicate(primary=("shelter_id", "name")), deduplicate = S3Duplicate(), list_fields = list_fields, # Extra fields for cr_shelter_unit_status: extra_fields = ["capacity_day", "available_capacity_day", "status", ], onaccept = population_onaccept, ondelete = population_onaccept, ) represent = S3Represent(lookup="cr_shelter_unit") housing_unit_id = S3ReusableField("shelter_unit_id", db.cr_shelter_unit, label = T("Housing Unit"), ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = represent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_ONE_OF(db, "", represent, orderby="shelter_id", #sort=True )), #widget = S3AutocompleteWidget("cr", "shelter_unit") ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass variables back to global scope (response.s3.*) return dict(ADD_SHELTER = ADD_SHELTER, SHELTER_LABEL = SHELTER_LABEL, cr_shelter_id = shelter_id, cr_housing_unit_id = housing_unit_id, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def defaults(): """ Return safe defaults in case the model has been deactivated. """ dummy = S3ReusableField("dummy_id", "integer", readable = False, writable = False) return dict(cr_shelter_id = lambda **attr: dummy("shelter_id"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def cr_shelter_onaccept(form): """ After DB I/O """ form_vars = form.vars # Update Affiliation, record ownership and component ownership current.s3db.org_update_affiliations("cr_shelter", form_vars) if current.deployment_settings.get_cr_shelter_population_dynamic(): # Update population and available capacity cr_update_shelter_population( # @ToDo: Update/Create a cr_shelter_status record return # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def cr_shelter_service_multirepresent(shelter_service_ids): """ """ if not shelter_service_ids: return current.messages["NONE"] db = current.db table = db.cr_shelter_service if isinstance(shelter_service_ids, (list, tuple)): query = ( shelter_services = db(query).select( return ", ".join([ for s in shelter_services]) else: query = ( == shelter_service_ids) shelter_service = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() try: return except: return current.messages.UNKNOWN_OPT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def cr_shelter_unit_status(row): """ Virtual Field to show the status of the unit by available capacity - used to colour features on the map 0: Full 1: Partial 2: Empty 3: Not Available """ if hasattr(row, "cr_shelter_unit"): row = row.cr_shelter_unit if hasattr(row, "status"): status = row.status else: status = None if status == 2: # Not Available return 3 if hasattr(row, "available_capacity_day"): actual = row.available_capacity_day else: actual = None if status is not None and actual is not None: if actual <= 0: # Full (or over-capacity) return 0 if hasattr(row, "capacity_day"): total = row.capacity_day if total == 0: # No capacity ever, so Full return 0 else: total = None if status is not None and total is not None and actual is not None: if actual == total: # Empty return 2 else: # Partial return 1 if hasattr(row, "id"): # Reload the record s3_debug("Reloading cr_shelter_unit record") table = current.s3db.cr_shelter_unit r = current.db( ==, table.capacity_day, table.available_capacity_day, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() if r: status = r.status if status == 2: # Not Available return 3 actual = r.available_capacity_day if actual <= 0: # Full (or over-capacity) return 0 total = r.capacity_day if total == 0: # No capacity ever, so Full return 0 elif actual == total: # Empty return 2 else: # Partial return 1 return current.messages["NONE"] # ============================================================================= class S3ShelterRegistrationModel(S3Model): names = ("cr_shelter_allocation", "cr_shelter_registration", "cr_shelter_registration_history", "cr_shelter_registration_status_opts", "cr_shelter_population_onaccept", ) def model(self): T = current.T configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table settings = current.deployment_settings shelter_id = self.cr_shelter_id person_id = self.pr_person_id day_and_night = settings.get_cr_day_and_night() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter Allocation: table to allocate shelter capacity to a group # allocation_status_opts = {1: T("requested"), 2: T("available"), 3: T("allocated"), 4: T("occupied"), 5: T("departed"), 6: T("obsolete"), 7: T("unavailable"), } tablename = "cr_shelter_allocation" define_table(tablename, shelter_id(empty = False, ondelete = "CASCADE", ), self.pr_group_id(comment = None), Field("status", "integer", default = 3, label = T("Status"), requires = IS_IN_SET(allocation_status_opts), represent = S3Represent(options = allocation_status_opts), ), Field("group_size_day", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Group Size (Day)") if day_and_night else T("Group Size"), ), Field("group_size_night", "integer", default = 0, label = T("Group Size (Night)"), readable = day_and_night, writable = day_and_night, ), *s3_meta_fields()) population_onaccept = lambda form: \ self.cr_shelter_population_onaccept( form, tablename="cr_shelter_allocation", ) configure(tablename, onaccept = population_onaccept, ondelete = population_onaccept, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter Registration: table to register a person to a shelter # cr_day_or_night_opts = {NIGHT: T("Night only"), DAY_AND_NIGHT: T("Day and Night") } # Registration status reg_status_opts = {1: T("Planned"), 2: T("Checked-in"), 3: T("Checked-out"), } reg_status = S3ReusableField("registration_status", "integer", label = T("Status"), represent = S3Represent( options=reg_status_opts, ), requires = IS_IN_SET(reg_status_opts, zero=None ), ) housing_unit = settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management() tablename = "cr_shelter_registration" define_table(tablename, # @ToDo: Convert to site_id? (More flexible & easier to default, etc) shelter_id(empty = False, ondelete = "CASCADE", ), # The comment explains how to register a new person # it should not be done in a popup person_id( comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Person"), # @ToDo: Generalise (this is EVASS-specific) T("Type the name of a registered person \ or to add an unregistered person to this \ shelter click on Evacuees") ) ), ), self.cr_housing_unit_id(readable = housing_unit, writable = housing_unit, ), Field("day_or_night", "integer", default = DAY_AND_NIGHT, label = T("Presence in the shelter"), represent = S3Represent(options=cr_day_or_night_opts ), requires = IS_IN_SET(cr_day_or_night_opts, zero=None ), readable = day_and_night, writable = day_and_night, ), reg_status(), s3_datetime("check_in_date", label = T("Check-in date"), default = "now", #empty = False, future = 0, ), s3_datetime("check_out_date", label = T("Check-out date"), ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) registration_onaccept = self.shelter_registration_onaccept configure(tablename, deduplicate = S3Duplicate(primary = ("person_id", "shelter_unit_id", ), ), onaccept = registration_onaccept, ondelete = registration_onaccept, ) if housing_unit: configure(tablename, onvalidation = self.cr_shelter_registration_onvalidation, ) # Custom Methods self.set_method("cr", "shelter_registration", method = "assign", action = cr_AssignUnit()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelter Registration History: history of status changes # tablename = "cr_shelter_registration_history" define_table(tablename, person_id(), self.cr_shelter_id(), s3_datetime(default = "now", ), reg_status("previous_status", label = T("Old Status"), ), reg_status("status", label = T("New Status"), ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, list_fields = ["shelter_id", "date", (T("Status"), "status"), (T("Modified by"), "modified_by"), ], insertable = False, editable = False, deletable = False, orderby = " desc" % tablename, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass variables back to global scope (response.s3.*) return dict(cr_shelter_population_onaccept = self.shelter_population_onaccept, cr_shelter_registration_status_opts = reg_status_opts, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def cr_shelter_registration_onvalidation(form): """ Check if the housing unit belongs to the requested shelter """ request = current.request controller = request.controller if controller == "dvr": # Housing Unit is not mandatory during Case Registration return unit_id = None if type(form) is Row: form_vars = form else: form_vars = form.vars if controller == "evr": # Registration form includes the Shelter shelter_id = form_vars.shelter_id unit_id = form_vars.shelter_unit_id elif controller == "cr": # Registration form doesn't include the Shelter # @ToDo: don't assume that we are running as component of the shelter shelter_id = form_vars.shelter_id or (form.record and form.record.shelter_id) or request.args[0] unit_id = form_vars.shelter_unit_id if unit_id is None: current.response.warning = current.T("Warning: No housing unit selected") else: db = current.db htable = db.cr_shelter_unit record = db( == unit_id).select(htable.shelter_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if str(record.shelter_id) != str(shelter_id): error = current.T("You have to select a housing unit belonging to the shelter") form.errors["branch_id"] = error current.response.error = error # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def shelter_registration_onaccept(cls, form): """ Registration onaccept: track status changes, update shelter population @param form: the FORM (also accepts Row) """ try: if type(form) is Row: formvars = form else: formvars = form.vars registration_id = except AttributeError: unit_id = None else: unit_id = formvars.get("shelter_unit_id") if registration_id: s3db = current.s3db db = current.db # Get the current status rtable = s3db.cr_shelter_registration query = ( == registration_id) & \ (rtable.deleted != True) reg = db(query).select(, rtable.shelter_id, rtable.shelter_unit_id, rtable.registration_status, rtable.check_in_date, rtable.check_out_date, rtable.modified_on, rtable.person_id, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() if reg: person_id = reg.person_id # Unit to check availability for unit_id = reg.shelter_unit_id # Get the previous status htable = s3db.cr_shelter_registration_history query = (htable.person_id == person_id) & \ (htable.shelter_id == reg.shelter_id) & \ (htable.deleted != True) row = db(query).select(htable.status,, orderby = ~htable.created_on, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() if row: previous_status = row.status previous_date = else: previous_status = None previous_date = None # Get the current status current_status = reg.registration_status # Get the effective date if current_status == 2: effective_date_field = "check_in_date" elif current_status == 3: effective_date_field = "check_out_date" else: effective_date_field = None if effective_date_field: # Read from registration effective_date = reg[effective_date_field] else: # Use modified_on for history effective_date = reg.modified_on if current_status != previous_status or \ effective_date_field and not effective_date: if effective_date_field: # If the new status has an effective date, # make sure it gets updated when the status # has changed: if effective_date_field not in formvars or \ not effective_date or \ previous_date and effective_date < previous_date: effective_date = current.request.utcnow reg.update_record(**{ effective_date_field: effective_date, }) # Insert new history entry htable.insert(previous_status = previous_status, status = current_status, date = effective_date, person_id = person_id, shelter_id = reg.shelter_id, ) # Update last_seen_on if current.deployment_settings.has_module("dvr"): s3db.dvr_update_last_seen(person_id) # Update population cls.shelter_population_onaccept(form, tablename = "cr_shelter_registration", unit_id = unit_id, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def shelter_population_onaccept(form, tablename=None, unit_id = None): """ Update the shelter population, onaccept @param form: the FORM @param tablename: the table name @param unit_id: the shelter unit ID (to warn if full) """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db if not tablename: return table = s3db[tablename] try: if type(form) is Row: record_id = else: record_id = except AttributeError: # Nothing we can do return if tablename == "cr_shelter_unit": unit_id = record_id # Get the record row = db(table._id == record_id).select(table._id, table.shelter_id, table.deleted, table.deleted_fk, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: if row.deleted: if row.deleted_fk: deleted_fk = json.loads(row.deleted_fk) else: return shelter_id = deleted_fk.get("shelter_id") else: shelter_id = row.shelter_id if shelter_id: if current.deployment_settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management(): # First update housing units census cr_update_capacity_from_housing_units(shelter_id) # Shelter census cr_update_shelter_population(shelter_id) # Warn if unit is full if unit_id: cr_check_population_availability(unit_id, table = s3db.cr_shelter_unit, ) # Warn if shelter is full cr_check_population_availability(shelter_id, table = s3db.cr_shelter, ) # ============================================================================= def cr_shelter_rheader(r, tabs=[]): """ Resource Headers """ if r.representation != "html": # RHeaders only used in interactive views return None rheader = None tablename, record = s3_rheader_resource(r) if tablename == "cr_shelter" and record: T = current.T s3db = current.s3db if not tabs: settings = current.deployment_settings tabs = [(T("Basic Details"), None), (T("Status Reports"), "status"), ] if settings.get_L10n_translate_org_site(): tabs.append((T("Local Names"), "name")) if settings.get_cr_tags(): tabs.append((T("Tags"), "tag")) if settings.get_cr_shelter_people_registration(): tabs.extend([(T("Client Reservation"), "shelter_allocation"), (T("Client Registration"), "shelter_registration"), ]) if settings.has_module("hrm"): STAFF = settings.get_hrm_staff_label() tabs.append((STAFF, "human_resource")) permit = current.auth.s3_has_permission if permit("update", tablename, and \ permit("create", "hrm_human_resource_site"): tabs.append((T("Assign %(staff)s") % dict(staff=STAFF), "assign")) if settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management(): tabs.append((T("Housing Units"), "shelter_unit")) #tabs.append((T("Events"), "event_shelter")) #if settings.has_module("assess"): # tabs.append((T("Assessments"), "rat")) try: tabs = tabs + s3db.req_tabs(r, match=False) except: pass try: tabs = tabs + s3db.inv_tabs(r) except: pass if settings.has_module("msg"): tabs.append((T("Send Notification"), "dispatch")) rheader_tabs = s3_rheader_tabs(r, tabs) if == "shelter": location = r.table.location_id.represent(record.location_id) rheader = DIV(TABLE(TR(TH("%s: " % T("Name")), ), TR(TH("%s: " % T("Location")), location ), ), rheader_tabs) else: rheader = DIV(TABLE(TR(TH("%s: " % T("Name")), ), ), rheader_tabs) return rheader # ============================================================================= def cr_update_housing_unit_population(shelter_id): """ Update housing unit population number. To be called onaccept/ondelete of cr_shelter_registration and cr_shelter_allocation. @param shelter_id: the Shelter ID """ db = current.db settings = current.deployment_settings htable = db.cr_shelter_unit rtable = db.cr_shelter_registration rjoin = ( == rtable.shelter_unit_id) & \ (rtable.deleted != True) check_out_is_final = settings.get_cr_check_out_is_final() if check_out_is_final: rtable &= (rtable.registration_status != 3) query = (htable.shelter_id == shelter_id) & \ (htable.status == 1) & \ (htable.deleted != True) rcount = day_and_night = settings.get_cr_day_and_night() if day_and_night: for daytime in (True, False): if daytime: fn_capacity = "capacity_day" fn_population = "population_day" fn_available_capacity = "available_capacity_day" left = rtable.on(rjoin & (rtable.day_or_night == DAY_AND_NIGHT)) else: fn_capacity = "capacity_night" fn_population = "population_night" fn_available_capacity = "available_capacity_night" left = rtable.on(rjoin) rows = db(query).select(, htable[fn_capacity], htable[fn_population], htable[fn_available_capacity],, groupby =, left = left, ) for row in rows: data = {} unit = row[str(htable)] population = row[rcount] # Update population current_population = unit[fn_population] if current_population != population: data[fn_population] = population # Update daytime capacity capacity = unit[fn_capacity] if capacity > 0: available_capacity = capacity - population else: available_capacity = 0 if unit[fn_available_capacity] != available_capacity: data[fn_available_capacity] = available_capacity # Write only if data have changed if data: db( ==**data) else: left = rtable.on(rjoin) rows = db(query).select(, htable.capacity_day, htable.capacity_night, htable.population_day, htable.population_night, htable.available_capacity_day, htable.available_capacity_night, rcount, groupby =, left = left, ) for row in rows: data = {} unit = row[str(htable)] population = row[rcount] # Update daytime population/capacity current_population = unit.population_day if current_population != population: data["population_day"] = population capacity = unit.capacity_day if capacity > 0: available_capacity = capacity - population else: available_capacity = 0 if unit.available_capacity_day != available_capacity: data["available_capacity_day"] = available_capacity # Update daytime population/capacity current_population = unit.population_night if current_population != population: data["population_night"] = population capacity = unit.capacity_night if capacity > 0: available_capacity = capacity - population else: available_capacity = 0 if unit.available_capacity_night != available_capacity: data["available_capacity_night"] = available_capacity # Write only if data have changed if data: unit_id = db( == unit_id).update(**data) # ============================================================================= def cr_update_shelter_population(shelter_id): """ Update population and available capacity numbers, to be called onaccept/ondelete of cr_shelter_registration and cr_shelter_allocation. @param shelter_id: the shelter record ID """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db settings = current.deployment_settings stable = s3db.cr_shelter # Get the shelter record record = db(stable._id == shelter_id).select(, stable.capacity_day, stable.capacity_night, limitby=(0, 1)).first() # Get population numbers rtable = s3db.cr_shelter_registration query = (rtable.shelter_id == shelter_id) & \ (rtable.deleted != True) if settings.get_cr_check_out_is_final(): query &= (rtable.registration_status != 3) cnt = rtable._id.count() rows = db(query).select(rtable.day_or_night, cnt, groupby=rtable.day_or_night, orderby=rtable.day_or_night) population_day = population_night = 0 for row in rows: reg_type = row[rtable.day_or_night] number = row[cnt] if reg_type == NIGHT and number: population_night = number elif reg_type == DAY_AND_NIGHT and number: population_day = number # population_day is both day /and/ night population_night += population_day # Get allocation numbers # @ToDo: deployment_setting to disable Allocations atable = s3db.cr_shelter_allocation query = (atable.shelter_id == shelter_id) & \ (atable.status.belongs((1, 2, 3, 4))) & \ (atable.deleted != True) dcnt = atable.group_size_day.sum() ncnt = atable.group_size_night.sum() row = db(query).select(dcnt, ncnt, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=dcnt).first() if row: if row[dcnt] is not None: allocated_capacity_day = row[dcnt] else: allocated_capacity_day = 0 if row[ncnt] is not None: allocated_capacity_night = row[ncnt] else: allocated_capacity_night = 0 else: allocated_capacity_day = allocated_capacity_night = 0 # Compute available capacity capacity_day = record.capacity_day if capacity_day: available_capacity_day = capacity_day - \ population_day - \ allocated_capacity_day else: available_capacity_day = 0 capacity_night = record.capacity_night if capacity_night: available_capacity_night = record.capacity_night - \ population_night - \ allocated_capacity_night else: available_capacity_night = 0 if settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management(): cr_update_housing_unit_population(shelter_id) # Update record record.update_record(population_day=population_day, population_night=population_night, available_capacity_day=available_capacity_day, available_capacity_night=available_capacity_night) # ============================================================================= def cr_check_population_availability(unit_id, table): """ Evaluate the population capacity availability. Show a non blocking warning in case the people in the shelter/housing unit are more than its capacity @param unit_id: the shelter ID / housing unit ID @param table: related tablename (cr_shelter or cr_shelter_housing_unit) """ T = current.T db = current.db response = current.response record = db( == unit_id).select(table.capacity_day, table.population_day, table.capacity_night, table.population_night, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() day_and_night = current.deployment_settings.get_cr_day_and_night() warning = None full_day = full_night = False capacity_day = record.capacity_day population_day = record.population_day if capacity_day is not None and \ population_day and \ population_day >= capacity_day: full_day = True if day_and_night: capacity_night = record.capacity_night population_night = record.population_night if capacity_night is not None and \ population_night and \ population_night >= capacity_night: full_night = True tablename = table._tablename if not day_and_night and full_day or full_day and full_night: if tablename == "cr_shelter": warning = T("Warning: this shelter is full") elif tablename == "cr_shelter_unit": warning = T("Warning: this housing unit is full") elif full_day: if tablename == "cr_shelter": warning = T("Warning: this shelter is full for daytime") elif tablename == "cr_shelter_unit": warning = T("Warning: this housing unit is full for daytime") elif full_night: if tablename == "cr_shelter": warning = T("Warning: this shelter is full for the night") elif tablename == "cr_shelter_unit": warning = T("Warning: this housing unit is full for the night") if warning: response = current.response response_warning = response.warning if response_warning: response.warning = "%s - %s" % (response_warning, warning) else: response.warning = warning # ============================================================================= def cr_update_capacity_from_housing_units(shelter_id): """ Update shelter capacity numbers, new capacity numbers are evaluated adding together all housing unit capacities. To be called onaccept/ondelete of cr_shelter_registration and cr_shelter_allocation. @param shelter_id: the shelter record ID """ db = current.db stable = db.cr_shelter htable = db.cr_shelter_unit query = (htable.shelter_id == shelter_id) & \ (htable.status == 1) & \ (htable.deleted != True) total_capacity_day = htable.capacity_day.sum() total_capacity_night = htable.capacity_night.sum() row = db(query).select(total_capacity_day, total_capacity_night, ).first() if row: total_capacity_day = row[total_capacity_day] total_capacity_night = row[total_capacity_night] else: total_capacity_day = total_capacity_night = 0 db(stable._id==shelter_id).update(capacity_day = total_capacity_day, capacity_night = total_capacity_night, ) # ============================================================================= def cr_notification_dispatcher(r, **attr): """ Send a notification. """ if r.representation == "html" and \ == "shelter" and and not r.component: T = current.T msg = current.msg s3db = current.s3db record = r.record ctable = s3db.pr_contact stable = s3db.cr_shelter message = "" text = "" s_id = s_name = s_phone = s_email = s_status = record.status if s_phone in ("", None): s_phone = T("Not Defined") if s_email in ("", None): s_phone = T("Not Defined") if s_status in ("", None): s_status = T("Not Defined") else: if s_status == 1: s_status = "Open" elif s_status == 2: s_status = "Close" else: s_status = "Unassigned Shelter Status" text += "************************************************" text += "\n%s " % T("Automatic Message") text += "\n%s: %s " % (T("Shelter ID"), s_id) text += " %s: %s" % (T("Shelter name"), s_name) text += "\n%s: %s " % (T("Email"), s_email) text += " %s: %s" % (T("Phone"), s_phone) text += "\n%s: %s " % (T("Working Status"), s_status) text += "\n************************************************\n" # Encode the message as an OpenGeoSMS #message = msg.prepare_opengeosms(record.location_id, # code="ST", # map="google", # text=text) # URL to redirect to after message sent url = URL(c="cr", f="shelter", # Create the form opts = dict(type="SMS", # @ToDo: deployment_setting subject = T("Deployment Request"), message = message + text, url = url, ) output = msg.compose(**opts) # Maintain RHeader for consistency if attr.get("rheader"): rheader = attr["rheader"](r) if rheader: output["rheader"] = rheader output["title"] = T("Send Notification") current.response.view = "msg/compose.html" return output else: raise HTTP(501, current.messages.BADMETHOD) # ============================================================================= class cr_AssignUnit(S3CRUD): """ Assign a Person to a Housing Unit """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply_method(self, r, **attr): """ Entry point for REST API @param r: the S3Request @param attr: controller arguments """ try: person_id = int(r.get_vars["person_id"]) except: raise HTTP(400, current.messages.BAD_REQUEST) self.settings = current.response.s3.crud sqlform = self._config("crud_form") self.sqlform = sqlform if sqlform else S3SQLDefaultForm() = None # Create or Update? table = current.s3db.cr_shelter_registration query = (table.deleted == False) & \ (table.person_id == person_id) exists = current.db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() if exists: # Update form r.method = "update" # Ensure correct View template is used self.record_id = output = self.update(r, **attr) else: # Create form r.method = "create" # Ensure correct View template is used = {"person_id": person_id} output = self.create(r, **attr) return output # END =========================================================================
import arcade import random SCREEN_WIDTH = 600 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 SCREEN_TITLE = "Bouncing Balls" class Ball: def __init__(self): self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.change_x = 0 self.change_y = 0 self.size = 0 def make_ball(): ball = Ball() ball.size = random.randrange(10, 30) ball.x = random.randrange(ball.size, SCREEN_WIDTH - ball.size) ball.y = random.randrange(ball.size, SCREEN_HEIGHT - ball.size) ball.change_x = random.randrange(-2, 3) ball.change_y = random.randrange(-2, 3) ball.color = (random.randrange(256), random.randrange(256), random.randrange(256)) return ball class MyGame(arcade.Window): def __init__(self): super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE) self.ball_list = [] ball = make_ball() self.ball_list.append(ball) def on_draw(self): arcade.start_render() for ball in self.ball_list: arcade.draw_circle_filled(ball.x, ball.y, ball.size, ball.color) output = "Balls: {}".format(len(self.ball_list)) arcade.draw_text(output, 10, 20, arcade.color.WHITE, 14) def update(self, delta_time): for ball in self.ball_list: ball.x += ball.change_x ball.y += ball.change_y if ball.x < ball.size: ball.change_x *= -1 if ball.y < ball.size: ball.change_y *= -1 if ball.x > SCREEN_WIDTH - ball.size: ball.change_x *= -1 if ball.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT - ball.size: ball.change_y *= -1 def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): """ Called whenever the mouse button is clicked. """ ball = make_ball() self.ball_list.append(ball) def main(): MyGame() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pyfr.solvers.base import get_opt_view_perm from pyfr.solvers.baseadvec import (BaseAdvectionIntInters, BaseAdvectionMPIInters, BaseAdvectionBCInters) class BaseAdvectionDiffusionIntInters(BaseAdvectionIntInters): def __init__(self, be, lhs, rhs, elemap, cfg): base = super(BaseAdvectionDiffusionIntInters, self) base.__init__(be, lhs, rhs, elemap, cfg) # Generate the additional view matrices self._scal1_lhs = self._view_onto(lhs, 'get_scal_fpts1_for_inter') self._scal1_rhs = self._view_onto(rhs, 'get_scal_fpts1_for_inter') self._vect0_lhs = self._view_onto(lhs, 'get_vect_fpts0_for_inter') self._vect0_rhs = self._view_onto(rhs, 'get_vect_fpts0_for_inter') # Additional kernel constants self._tpl_c.update(cfg.items_as('solver-interfaces', float)) def _gen_perm(self, lhs, rhs): # In the special case of β = -0.5 it is better to sort by the # RHS interface; otherwise we simply opt for the LHS beta = self._cfg.getfloat('solver-interfaces', 'ldg-beta') side = lhs if beta != -0.5 else rhs # Compute the relevant permutation self._perm = get_opt_view_perm(side, 'get_scal_fpts0_for_inter', self._elemap) class BaseAdvectionDiffusionMPIInters(BaseAdvectionMPIInters): def __init__(self, be, lhs, rhsrank, rallocs, elemap, cfg): base = super(BaseAdvectionDiffusionMPIInters, self) base.__init__(be, lhs, rhsrank, rallocs, elemap, cfg) lhsprank = rallocs.prank rhsprank = rallocs.mprankmap[rhsrank] # Generate second set of view matrices self._scal1_lhs = self._view_onto(lhs, 'get_scal_fpts1_for_inter') self._vect0_lhs = self._mpi_view_onto(lhs, 'get_vect_fpts0_for_inter') self._vect0_rhs = be.mpi_matrix_for_view(self._vect0_lhs) # Additional kernel constants self._tpl_c.update(cfg.items_as('solver-interfaces', float)) # We require cflux(l,r,n_l) = -cflux(r,l,n_r) and # conu(l,r) = conu(r,l) and where l and r are left and right # solutions at an interface and n_[l,r] are physical normals. # The simplest way to enforce this at an MPI interface is for # one side to take β = -β for the cflux and conu kernels. We # pick this side (arbitrarily) by comparing the physical ranks # of the two partitions. self._tpl_c['ldg-beta'] *= 1.0 if lhsprank > rhsprank else -1.0 def get_vect_fpts0_pack_kern(self): return self._be.kernel('pack', self._vect0_lhs) def get_vect_fpts0_send_pack_kern(self): return self._be.kernel('send_pack', self._vect0_lhs, self._rhsrank, self.MPI_TAG) def get_vect_fpts0_recv_pack_kern(self): return self._be.kernel('recv_pack', self._vect0_rhs, self._rhsrank, self.MPI_TAG) def get_vect_fpts0_unpack_kern(self): return self._be.kernel('unpack', self._vect0_rhs) class BaseAdvectionDiffusionBCInters(BaseAdvectionBCInters): def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg): super(BaseAdvectionDiffusionBCInters, self).__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg) # Additional view matrices self._scal1_lhs = self._view_onto(lhs, 'get_scal_fpts1_for_inter') self._vect0_lhs = self._view_onto(lhs, 'get_vect_fpts0_for_inter') # Additional kernel constants self._tpl_c.update(cfg.items_as('solver-interfaces', float))
from problems import threeQubitCircuit import qutip as qt import numpy as np import pickle from qutip.qip.circuit import QubitCircuit, Gate from qutip.qip.operations import gate_sequence_product from qutip.tensor import tensor spins_0 = [] spins_1 = [] for i in range(1, 4): spins_0.append(qt.basis(2,0)) spins_1.append(qt.basis(2,1)) state_0 = tensor(spins_0) state_1 = tensor(spins_1) initial_state_list = [state_0] transferResults = [] controlResults = [] for _ in range(1): p = threeQubitCircuit(initialState_list=initial_state_list, configPath='./configs/three_q/delay/config_2.yaml') p.default_opt() p.plot_result() tResult, tCost, cResult, cCost = p.get_result() transferResults.append(tResult) controlResults.append(cResult) print("Transfer:", p.TransferOptimizer.max['params']) print("Transfer: ", tResult[-1]) print("Control:", p.ControlOptimizer.max['params']) print("Control: ", cResult[-1]) resultsToPickle = { 'transfer': np.array(transferResults), 'transfer_cost': tCost, 'control': np.array(controlResults), 'control_cost': cCost, } # pickle.dump( resultsToPickle, open( "test.pickle", "wb" ) )
from __future__ import absolute_import import multiprocessing import time import atexit import os import imp import logging import traceback import math import multiprocessing import uuid from flask import Flask, current_app, render_template, g, request, flash, redirect, url_for from flask_login import LoginManager, user_loaded_from_request from flask_mail import Mail from flask_migrate import Migrate from flask_principal import Principal, identity_loaded, identity_changed, Identity, RoleNeed, UserNeed, AnonymousIdentity, PermissionDenied from alembic import command from alembic.migration import MigrationContext from datetime import datetime from werkzeug import url_encode import knowledge_repo from . import roles, routes from .auth_provider import KnowledgeAuthProvider from .proxies import db_session, current_repo, current_user from .index import update_index, set_up_indexing_timers, time_since_index, time_since_index_check from .models import db as sqlalchemy_db, Post, User, Tag from .utils.auth import AnonymousKnowledgeUser, populate_identity_roles, prepare_user logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KnowledgeFlask(Flask): def __init__(self, repo, db_uri=None, debug=None, config=None, **kwargs): Flask.__init__(self, __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static') # Add unique identifier for this application isinstance self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if 'KNOWLEDGE_REPO_MASTER_UUID' not in os.environ: os.environ['KNOWLEDGE_REPO_MASTER_UUID'] = self.uuid # Preload default configuration self.config.from_object('') # Load configuration from file or provided object if config: if isinstance(config, str): config = imp.load_source('knowledge_server_config', os.path.abspath(config)) self.config.from_object(config) # Add configuration passed in as keyword arguments self.config.update(kwargs) # Prepare repository, and add it to the app if hasattr(config, 'prepare_repo'): repo = config.prepare_repo(repo) self.repository = repo assert isinstance(self.repository, knowledge_repo.KnowledgeRepository), "Invalid repository object provided." # Set debug mode from kwargs or else maintain current setting if debug is not None: self.config['DEBUG'] = debug # Set the secret key for this instance (creating one if one does not exist already) self.config['SECRET_KEY'] = self.config['SECRET_KEY'] or str(uuid.uuid4()) # Configure database if db_uri: self.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = db_uri logger.debug(u"Using database: {}".format(self.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'])) # Register database schema with flask app sqlalchemy_db.init_app(self) # Set up database migration information # Registers Migrate plugin in self.extensions['migrate'] Migrate(self, self.db) # Try to create the database if it does not already exist # Existence is determined by whether there is an existing alembic migration revision db_auto_create = self.config.get('DB_AUTO_CREATE', True) db_auto_upgrade = self.config.get('DB_AUTO_UPGRADE', True) if db_auto_create and self.db_revision is None: self.db_init() elif db_auto_upgrade: self.db_upgrade() # Initialise login manager to keep track of user sessions LoginManager().init_app(self) self.login_manager.login_view = 'auth.login' self.login_manager.anonymous_user = AnonymousKnowledgeUser @self.login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): return User(identifier=user_id) # Attempt login via http headers if header is specified if self.config.get('AUTH_USER_IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_HEADER'): @self.login_manager.request_loader def load_user_from_request(request): identifier = request.headers.get(current_app.config['AUTH_USER_IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_HEADER']) if identifier: if current_app.config['AUTH_USER_IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_HEADER_MAPPING']: identifier = current_app.config['AUTH_USER_IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_HEADER_MAPPING'](identifier) user = User(identifier=identifier) user.can_logout = False user = prepare_user(user, session_start=False) return user # Intialise access policies self.principal = Principal(self) # Add AnonymousIdentity fallback so that on_identity_loaded is called for # anonymous users too. self.principal.identity_loaders.append(lambda: AnonymousIdentity()) # Synchronise user permissions with data model @user_loaded_from_request.connect def on_user_loaded_from_request(sender, user): self.principal.set_identity(Identity( @identity_loaded.connect_via(self) def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity): populate_identity_roles(identity, user=current_user) @self.errorhandler(PermissionDenied) def handle_insufficient_permissions(error): flash("You have insufficient permissions to access this resource.") return render_template('base.html'), 403 # Add mail object if configuration is supplied if self.config.get('MAIL_SERVER'): self.config['mail'] = Mail(self) # Register routes to be served self.register_blueprint(routes.posts.blueprint) self.register_blueprint( self.register_blueprint(routes.index.blueprint) self.register_blueprint(routes.tags.blueprint) self.register_blueprint( self.register_blueprint(routes.comment.blueprint) self.register_blueprint(routes.stats.blueprint) self.register_blueprint(routes.editor.blueprint) self.register_blueprint(routes.groups.blueprint) self.register_blueprint(routes.auth.blueprint) KnowledgeAuthProvider.register_auth_provider_blueprints(self) if self.config['DEBUG']: self.register_blueprint(routes.debug.blueprint) # Register error handler @self.errorhandler(500) def show_traceback(self): """ If LOCAL MODE: show the stack trace on a server error otherwise show a nice error template to the users """ if current_app.config.get("DEBUG"): return render_template('traceback.html', info=traceback.format_exc()), 500 else: return render_template('error.html') @self.before_first_request def ensure_excluded_tags_exist(): # For every tag in the excluded tags, create the tag object if it doesn't exist excluded_tags = current_app.config['EXCLUDED_TAGS'] for tag in excluded_tags: Tag(name=tag) db_session.commit() # Set up indexing timers set_up_indexing_timers(self) @self.before_request def open_repository_session(): if not request.path.startswith('/static'): current_repo.session_begin() @self.after_request def close_repository_session(response): if not request.path.startswith('/static'): current_repo.session_end() return response @self.context_processor def webediting_enabled(): # TODO: Link this more to KnowledgeRepository capability and # configuration rather than a specific name. return {"webeditor_enabled": 'webposts' in current_repo.uris} @self.context_processor def inject_version(): version = knowledge_repo.__version__ version_revision = None if '_' in knowledge_repo.__version__: version, version_revision = version.split('_') return dict(version=version, version_revision=version_revision, last_index=time_since_index(human_readable=True), last_index_check=time_since_index_check(human_readable=True)) @self.template_global() def modify_query(**new_values): args = request.args.copy() for key, value in new_values.items(): args[key] = value return u'{}?{}'.format(request.path, url_encode(args)) @self.template_global() def pagination_pages(current_page, page_count, max_pages=5, extremes=True): page_min = int(max(1, current_page - math.floor(1.0 * max_pages // 2))) page_max = int(min(page_count, current_page + math.floor(1.0 * max_pages / 2))) to_acquire = max_pages - (page_max - page_min + 1) while to_acquire > 0 and page_min > 1: page_min -= 1 to_acquire -= 1 while to_acquire > 0 and page_max < page_count: page_max += 1 to_acquire -= 1 pages = list(range(page_min, page_max + 1)) if extremes: if 1 not in pages: pages[0] = 1 if page_count not in pages: pages[-1] = page_count return pages @self.template_filter('format_date') def format_date(date): """ This will be a Jinja filter that string formats a datetime object. If we can't correctly format, we just return the object. :type date: Datetime :return: A string of the format of YYYY-MM-DD :rtype: String """ try: return datetime.strftime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') except: return date @property def repository(self): return getattr(self, '_repository') @repository.setter def repository(self, repo): self._repository = repo @property def db(self): return sqlalchemy_db @property def _alembic_config(self): if not hasattr(self, 'extensions') or 'migrate' not in self.extensions: raise RuntimeError("KnowledgeApp has not yet been configured. Please instantiate it via `get_app_for_repo`.") migrations_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "migrations") return self.extensions['migrate'].migrate.get_config(migrations_path) def db_init(self): with self.app_context(): # Create all tables sqlalchemy_db.create_all() # Stamp table as being current command.stamp(self._alembic_config, "head") @property def db_revision(self): with self.app_context(): conn = self.db.engine.connect() context = MigrationContext.configure(conn) return context.get_current_revision() def db_upgrade(self): with self.app_context(): command.upgrade(self._alembic_config, "head") def db_migrate(self, message, autogenerate=True): with self.app_context(): command.revision(self._alembic_config, message=message, autogenerate=autogenerate) def db_update_index(self, check_timeouts=True, force=False, reindex=False): with self.app_context(): update_index(check_timeouts=check_timeouts, force=force, reindex=reindex) def check_thread_support(self, check_index=True, check_repositories=True): # If index database is an sqlite database, it will lock on any write action, and so breaks on multiple threads # Repository uris will break as above (but less often since they are not often written too), but will also # end up being a separate repository per thread; breaking consistency of presented content. if check_index: index_db = self.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] if index_db.startswith('sqlite://'): return False if check_repositories: for uri in self.repository.uris.values(): if uri.startswith('sqlite://') or ':memory:' in uri: return False return True
from Dmail.mixin import MarkdownMixin, MimeMixin from Dmail.api._gmail_api_base import GmailApiBase class GmailApi(GmailApiBase, MarkdownMixin, MimeMixin): default_subtype = 'md' default_scope = 'compose' def __init__(self, sender_email, token_file='token.pickle', credentials_file=None, scopes='compose', md_extensions=None): super(GmailApi, self).__init__(sender_email=sender_email, token_file=token_file, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=scopes, md_extensions=md_extensions) def create_draft(self, email_text, to=None, subject=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subtype=None, attachments=None): subtype = subtype or self.default_subtype self._pre_send(email_text, to=to, subject=subject, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, subtype=subtype, attachments=attachments) email_body = self.get_message(email_text, to=to, subject=subject, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, subtype=subtype, attachments=attachments) self.createdraft(email_body) self._post_send(email_text, to=to, subject=subject, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, subtype=subtype, attachments=attachments) def createdraft(self, message): """Create and insert a draft email. Print the returned draft's message and id. Args: message: The body of the email message, including headers. Returns: Draft object, including draft id and message meta data. """ body = {'message': self.get_request_body(message)} return self.service.users().drafts().create(userId=self.sender_email, body=body).execute()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os from workflow import Workflow3 reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') def getargs(wf): query = sys.argv[1] query = query.split('$%') part = int(sys.argv[2]) if query[4]: import webbrowser new = 2 url = "", new=new) return 0 if part == 0: # 查询的单词 sys.stdout.write(query[0].strip()) elif part == 1: # 翻译的结果 sys.stdout.write(query[1].strip()) elif part == 2: # 发音 if query[2]: bashCommand = "say --voice='Samantha' " + query[2] os.system(bashCommand) if query[3]: bashCommand = "say --voice='Ting-Ting' " + query[3] os.system(bashCommand) if __name__ == '__main__': wf = Workflow3() sys.exit(
import sys import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D sys.path.append('/path/to/caffe/python') import caffe net = caffe.Net('test.prototxt', 'simple_mlp_iter_2000.caffemodel', caffe.TEST) # load original data with open('../data.pkl', 'rb') as f: samples, labels = pickle.load(f) samples = np.array(samples) labels = np.array(labels) # Visualize result X = np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.05) Y = np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.05) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) # Plot the surface of probability grids = np.array([[X[i][j], Y[i][j]] for i in range(X.shape[0]) for j in range(X.shape[1])]) grid_probs = [] for grid in grids: net.blobs['data'].data[...] = grid.reshape((1, 2))[...] output = net.forward() grid_probs.append(output['prob'][0][1]) grid_probs = np.array(grid_probs).reshape(X.shape) fig = plt.figure('Sample Surface') ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, grid_probs, alpha=0.15, color='k', rstride=2, cstride=2, lw=0.5) # Plot the predicted probability of samples samples0 = samples[labels==0] samples0_probs = [] for sample in samples0: net.blobs['data'].data[...] = sample.reshape((1, 2))[...] output = net.forward() samples0_probs.append(output['prob'][0][1]) samples1 = samples[labels==1] samples1_probs = [] for sample in samples1: net.blobs['data'].data[...] = sample.reshape((1, 2))[...] output = net.forward() samples1_probs.append(output['prob'][0][1]) ax.scatter(samples0[:, 0], samples0[:, 1], samples0_probs, c='b', marker='^', s=50) ax.scatter(samples1[:, 0], samples1[:, 1], samples1_probs, c='r', marker='o', s=50)
from run_pipeline import run_pipeline from src.cool_visitor import FormatVisitor def test(): text = """ class Point { x : AUTO_TYPE ; y : AUTO_TYPE ; init ( n : Int , m : Int ) : SELF_TYPE { { x <- n ; y <- m ; } } ; } ; """ ast = run_pipeline(text) formatter = FormatVisitor() tree = formatter.visit(ast) tree = tree.replace("\t", "") tree = tree.replace("\n", "") tree = tree.replace("\\", "") assert ( tree == "__ProgramNode [<class> ... <class>]__ClassDeclarationNode: class Point { <feature> ... <feature> }__AttrDeclarationNode: x : AUTO_TYPE <- <exp>__NONE__AttrDeclarationNode: y : AUTO_TYPE <- <exp>__NONE__FuncDeclarationNode: init(n:Int, m:Int) : SELF_TYPE { <body> }__BlockNode: {<exp>; ... <exp>;}__AssignNode: x <- <expr>__ VariableNode: n__AssignNode: y <- <expr>__ VariableNode: m" )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from apps.postitulos.models import Solicitud """ Informe de Solicitud de validez de Título nacional """ class InformeSolicitud(models.Model): solicitud = models.ForeignKey(Solicitud, related_name='informe') denominacion_titulo = models.BooleanField(default=True) observaciones = models.CharField(max_length=999, null=True) class Meta: app_label = 'postitulos' db_table = 'postitulos_informe_solicitud' def __unicode__(self): return 'Informe de Solicitud'
# coding: utf-8 from .lstm_vae import create_lstm_vae
import math from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from eight_mile.utils import Offsets, is_sequence, calc_nfeats from eight_mile.pytorch.layers import * class PyTorchEmbeddings(nn.Module): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() def get_vsz(self): pass def get_dsz(self): pass @property def output_dim(self): return self.get_dsz() def encode(self, x): return self(x) class LookupTableEmbeddings(PyTorchEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.vsz = kwargs.get("vsz") self.dsz = kwargs.get("dsz") self.finetune = kwargs.get("finetune", True) self.dropin = kwargs.get("dropin", 0.0) weights = kwargs.get("weights") if weights is None: self.embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.vsz, self.dsz, padding_idx=kwargs.get('padding_idx', Offsets.PAD)) else: self.embeddings = pytorch_embedding(weights, self.finetune) # This makes sure that if you init with a weight and not vsz it will still be available self.vsz, self.dsz = weights.shape def get_vsz(self): return self.vsz def get_dsz(self): return self.dsz def forward(self, x): if not self.dropin: return self.embeddings(x) mask =, 1)).bernoulli_(1 - self.dropin).expand_as(self.embeddings.weight) / (1 - self.dropin) masked_embed_weight = mask * self.embeddings.weight output = torch.nn.functional.embedding(x, masked_embed_weight, self.embeddings.padding_idx, self.embeddings.max_norm, self.embeddings.norm_type, self.embeddings.scale_grad_by_freq, self.embeddings.sparse) return output def extra_repr(self): return f"finetune=False" if not self.finetune else "" class CharConvEmbeddings(PyTorchEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.nfeat_factor = kwargs.get("nfeat_factor") self.cfiltsz = kwargs.get("cfiltsz", kwargs.get("filtsz", [3])) self.max_feat = kwargs.get("max_feat", 30) self.gating = kwargs.get("gating", "skip") self.num_gates = kwargs.get("num_gates", 1) self.activation = kwargs.get("activation", "tanh") self.wsz = kwargs.get("wsz", 30) self.projsz = kwargs.get("projsz", 0) self.pdrop = kwargs.get("pdrop", 0.5) self.filtsz, self.nfeats = calc_nfeats(self.cfiltsz, self.nfeat_factor, self.max_feat, self.wsz) self.conv_outsz = int(np.sum(self.nfeats)) self.outsz = self.conv_outsz if self.projsz > 0: self.outsz = self.projsz self.proj = pytorch_linear(self.conv_outsz, self.outsz) self.embeddings = LookupTableEmbeddings(**kwargs) self.char_comp = WithDropout( ParallelConv(self.embeddings.output_dim, self.nfeats, self.filtsz, self.activation), self.pdrop ) GatingConnection = SkipConnection if self.gating == "skip" else Highway self.gating_seq = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict( [("gate-{}".format(i), GatingConnection(self.char_comp.output_dim)) for i in range(self.num_gates)] ) ) def get_dsz(self): return self.outsz def get_vsz(self): return self.vsz def forward(self, xch): # For starters we need to perform embeddings for each character # (TxB) x W -> (TxB) x W x D _0, _1, W = xch.shape char_vecs = self.embeddings(xch.view(-1, W)) # (TxB) x D x W # char_vecs = char_embeds.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() # pytorch_activation(self.activation_type) mots = self.char_comp(char_vecs) gated = self.gating_seq(mots) if self.projsz: gated = self.proj(gated) return gated.view(_0, _1, self.get_dsz()) class CharLSTMEmbeddings(PyTorchEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.embed = LookupTableEmbeddings(**kwargs) self.lstmsz = kwargs.get("lstmsz", 50) layers = kwargs.get("layers", 1) pdrop = kwargs.get("pdrop", 0.5) unif = kwargs.get("unif", 0) weight_init = kwargs.get("weight_init", "uniform") self.char_comp = BiLSTMEncoderHidden( self.embed.output_dim, self.lstmsz, layers, pdrop, unif=unif, initializer=weight_init ) def forward(self, xch): B, T, W = xch.shape flat_chars = xch.view(-1, W) char_embeds = self.embed(flat_chars) # Calculate the lengths of each word lengths = torch.sum(flat_chars != Offsets.PAD, dim=1) # Sort the input to appease the cuDNN gods sorted_word_lengths, perm_idx = lengths.sort(0, descending=True) sorted_feats = char_embeds[perm_idx].transpose(0, 1).contiguous() # cuDNN throws an error if there is an input with a length of 0, this happens when the "word" # is actually a "<PAD>" so there are no characters to run the LSTM over. Here we just say # that the lengths is 1. This will make cudnn happy and we will just get junk in that spot patched_lengths = sorted_word_lengths.masked_fill(sorted_word_lengths == 0, 1) # Run the LSTM hidden = self.char_comp((sorted_feats, patched_lengths)) # Create a mask that is true when the sorted length is 0 (where the word was a pad) so that # we can mask out the junk that the lstm created because we needed a length of 1 hidden = hidden.masked_fill((sorted_word_lengths == 0).unsqueeze(-1), 0) # Undo the sort so that the representations of the words are in the correct part of the sentence. results = unsort_batch(hidden, perm_idx) return results.reshape((B, T, -1)) def get_dsz(self): return self.lstmsz def get_vsz(self): return self.embed.get_vsz() class CharTransformerEmbeddings(PyTorchEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.embed = LookupTableEmbeddings(**kwargs) self.d_model = kwargs.get("wsz", 30) self.num_heads = kwargs.get("num_heads", 3) self.rpr_k = kwargs.get("rpr_k", 10) layers = kwargs.get("layers", 1) pdrop = kwargs.get("pdrop", 0.5) self.char_comp = TransformerEncoderStackWithLengths( self.num_heads, self.d_model, pdrop, False, layers, rpr_k=self.rpr_k, input_sz=self.embed.output_dim ) def forward(self, xch): B, T, W = xch.shape flat_chars = xch.view(-1, W) char_embeds = self.embed(flat_chars) # Calculate the lengths of each word lengths = torch.sum(flat_chars != Offsets.PAD, dim=1) results = self.char_comp((char_embeds, lengths)) # B,T,H output, how to pool this pooled = torch.max(results, -2, keepdims=False)[0] return pooled.reshape((B, T, -1)) def get_dsz(self): return self.d_model def get_vsz(self): return self.embed.get_vsz() class PositionalMixin(nn.Module): """A Mixin that provides functionality to generate positional embeddings to be added to the normal embeddings. Note, mixins need to be before the base case when used, i.e. `Embedding(Mixin, BaseEmbed)` NOT `Embedding(BaseEmbed, Mixin)` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def positional(self, length): pass def extra_repr(self): return f"mxlen={self.mxlen}" class SinusoidalPositionalMixin(PositionalMixin): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # This could get us in trouble, if in doubt, pick something big self.mxlen = kwargs.get("mxlen", 1000) max_timescale = kwargs.get("max_timescale", 1.0e4) word_dsz = self.get_dsz() log_timescale_increment = math.log(max_timescale) / word_dsz inv_timescales = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, word_dsz, 2).float() * -log_timescale_increment) pe = torch.zeros(self.mxlen, word_dsz) position = torch.arange(0, self.mxlen).float().unsqueeze(1) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * inv_timescales) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * inv_timescales) pe = pe.unsqueeze(0) self.register_buffer("pe", pe) def positional(self, length): return[:, :length] class LearnedPositionalMixin(PositionalMixin): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mxlen = int(kwargs.get("mxlen", 512)) self.pos_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.mxlen, self.get_dsz()) def positional(self, length): return self.pos_embeddings( torch.arange(length, dtype=torch.long, device=self.pos_embeddings.weight.device) ).unsqueeze(0) class BERTLookupTableEmbeddings(LookupTableEmbeddings): """ BERT style embeddings with a 0 token type TODO: Get rid of this, we dont need it anymore If you want to use BERT with token types, make a `LearnedPositionalLookupTableEmbeddings` feature and a `LookupTableEmbeddings` feature (for the token type) and put them in an `EmbeddingsStack` with an embeddings_reduction='sum-layer-norm' on the model Otherwise, if you do not plan on setting the token type, use the `LearnedPositionalLookupTableEmbeddingsWithBias`, which will add the BERT token_type=0 weights into the pos + word_embed and is more efficient than this class, since it doesnt do any memory allocation on the fly """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get('dropout', 0.1)) self.mxlen = int(kwargs.get('mxlen', 512)) self.tok_type_vsz = kwargs['tok_type_vsz'] self.pos_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.mxlen, self.get_dsz()) self.tok_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.tok_type_vsz, self.get_dsz()) self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(self.get_dsz(), eps=1e-12) def forward(self, x): zeros = torch.zeros_like(x) x = super().forward(x) x = x + self.positional(x.size(1)) + self.tok_embeddings(zeros) x = self.ln(x) return self.dropout(x) def positional(self, length): return self.pos_embeddings( torch.arange(length, dtype=torch.long, device=self.pos_embeddings.weight.device) ).unsqueeze(0) class LearnedPositionalLookupTableEmbeddingsWithBias(LookupTableEmbeddings): """Learned positional lookup table embeddings wih a bias and layer norm This is just a typical learned positional embedding but with a learnable bias and a layer norm. This is equivalent to BERT embeddings when the token_type is not set. If you are using BERT but you have no interest in using token type embeddings (IOW if you are setting all the values of that feature zero anyhow), using this object is faster and simpler than having a separate vectorizer for token type. If you have a need for token type embeddings, you will want to create 2 sets of embeddings, one that acts on the tokens, of type `LearnedPositionalLookupTableEmbeddings` and one of the type `LookupTableEmbeddings` for the token type feature """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get('dropout', 0.0)) self.mxlen = int(kwargs.get('mxlen', 512)) self.pos_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.mxlen, self.get_dsz()) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.get_dsz())) def forward(self, x): x = super().forward(x) x = x + self.positional(x.size(1)) + self.bias return x def positional(self, length): return self.pos_embeddings( torch.arange(length, dtype=torch.long, device=self.pos_embeddings.weight.device) ).unsqueeze(0) class PositionalLookupTableEmbeddings(SinusoidalPositionalMixin, LookupTableEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) self.scale = math.sqrt(self.get_dsz()) def forward(self, x): """Add a positional encoding to the embedding, followed by dropout :param x: The temporal signal in, to which the positional embeddings are applied :return: Embedded output """ x = super().forward(x) * self.scale x = x + self.positional(x.size(1)) return self.dropout(x) class LearnedPositionalLookupTableEmbeddings(LearnedPositionalMixin, LookupTableEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) def forward(self, x): T = x.size(1) x = super().forward(x) pos = self.positional(T) return self.dropout(x + pos) class PositionalCharConvEmbeddings(SinusoidalPositionalMixin, CharConvEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) self.scale = math.sqrt(self.get_dsz()) def forward(self, xch): """Add a positional encoding to the embedding, followed by dropout :param xch: The temporal signal in, to which the positional embeddings are applied :return: Embedded output """ xch = super().forward(xch) * self.scale xch = xch + self.positional(xch.size(1)) return self.dropout(xch) class LearnedPositionalCharConvEmbeddings(LearnedPositionalMixin, CharConvEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) def forward(self, xch): """Add a positional encoding to the embedding, followed by dropout :param xch: The temporal signal in, to which the positional embeddings are applied :return: Embedded output """ xch = super().forward(xch) xch = xch + self.positional(xch.size(1)) return self.dropout(xch) class PositionalCharLSTMEmbeddings(SinusoidalPositionalMixin, CharLSTMEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) self.scale = math.sqrt(self.get_dsz()) def forward(self, xch): xch = super().forward(xch) * self.scale xch = xch + self.positional(xch.size(1)) return self.dropout(xch) class LearnedPositionalCharLSTMEmbeddings(LearnedPositionalMixin, CharLSTMEmbeddings): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get("dropout", 0.0)) def forward(self, xch): xch = super().forward(xch) xch = xch + self.positional(xch.size(1)) return self.dropout(xch)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- DEFAULT_ASSET_BASIC_TYPE = 'basic' DEFAULT_LEVEL_OF_ACCREDITATION = {'create': [1], 'edit': [2]}
import pytest, torch, fastai from fastai.torch_core import * from fastai.layers import * a=[1,2,3] exp=torch.tensor(a) b=[3,6,6] def test_tensor_with_list(): r = tensor(a) assert torch.all(r==exp) def test_tensor_with_ndarray(): b=np.array(a) r = tensor(b) assert np_address(r.numpy()) == np_address(b) assert torch.all(r==exp) def test_tensor_with_tensor(): c=torch.tensor(a) r = tensor(c) assert r.data_ptr()==c.data_ptr() assert torch.all(r==exp) def test_requires_grad(): m = simple_cnn(b) assert requires_grad(m) == True def test_requires_grad_set(): m = simple_cnn(b) requires_grad(m,False) allF = np.all([not p.requires_grad for p in m.parameters()]) assert allF, "requires_grad(m,False) did not set all parameters to False" requires_grad(m,True) allT = np.all([p.requires_grad for p in m.parameters()]) assert allT, "requires_grad(m,True) did not set all parameters to True" def test_apply_init(): m = simple_cnn(b,bn=True) all2 = lambda m: nn.init.constant_(m.weight,0.2) if hasattr(m, 'weight') else m all7 = lambda m: nn.init.constant_(m,0.7) apply_leaf(m,all2) apply_init(m,all7) conv1_w = torch.full([6,3,3,3],0.7) bn1_w = torch.full([6],0.2) assert conv1_w.equal(m[0][0].weight), "Expected first colvulition layer's weights to be %r" % conv1_w assert bn1_w.equal(m[0][2].weight), "Expected first batch norm layers weights to be %r" % bn1_w def test_in_channels(): m = simple_cnn(b) assert in_channels(m) == 3 def test_in_channels_no_weights(): with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: in_channels(nn.Sequential()) assert e_info.value.args[0] == 'No weight layer'
from dartcms import get_model from dartcms.utils.config import DartCMSConfig from .forms import OrderDatailForm app_name = 'order_details' Order = get_model('shop', 'OrderDetail') config = DartCMSConfig({ 'model': Order, 'parent_kwarg_name': 'order', 'parent_model_fk': 'order_id', 'grid': { 'grid_columns': [ {'field': 'name', 'width': '60%'}, {'field': 'price', 'width': '20%'}, {'field': 'quantity', 'width': '20%'}, ], 'base_grid_actions': ['update', 'delete'], }, 'form': { 'form_class': OrderDatailForm } }) urlpatterns = config.get_urls(exclude=['insert'])
import sys,os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) import PyEFVLib import numpy as np from scipy import sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg import time class StressEquilibriumSolver(PyEFVLib.Solver): def __init__(self, workspaceDirectory, gravity=False, **kwargs): # kwargs -> outputFileName, extension, transient, verbosity PyEFVLib.Solver.__init__(self, workspaceDirectory, **kwargs) self.gravity = gravity def init(self): self.displacements = np.repeat(0.0, self.dimension*self.numberOfVertices) self.coords,self.matrixVals = [], [] def mainloop(self): self.assembleLinearSystem() self.solveLinearSystem() self.saveIterationResults() def add(self, i, j, val): self.coords.append((i,j)) self.matrixVals.append(val) def getConstitutiveMatrix(self, region): shearModulus = self.propertyData.get(region.handle, "ShearModulus") poissonsRatio = self.propertyData.get(region.handle, "PoissonsRatio") lameParameter=2*shearModulus*poissonsRatio/(1-2*poissonsRatio) if self.dimension == 2: constitutiveMatrix = np.array([[2*shearModulus+lameParameter ,lameParameter ,0 ], [lameParameter ,2*shearModulus+lameParameter ,0 ], [0 ,0 ,shearModulus]]) elif self.dimension == 3: constitutiveMatrix = np.array([[2*shearModulus+lameParameter ,lameParameter ,lameParameter ,0 ,0 ,0], [lameParameter ,2*shearModulus+lameParameter,lameParameter ,0 ,0 ,0], [lameParameter ,lameParameter ,2*shearModulus+lameParameter,0 ,0 ,0], [0 ,0 ,0 ,shearModulus,0,0], [0 ,0 ,0 ,0,shearModulus,0], [0 ,0 ,0 ,0,0,shearModulus]]) return constitutiveMatrix def getTransposedVoigtArea(self, face): Sx, Sy, Sz = face.area.getCoordinates() if self.dimension == 2: return np.array([[Sx,0,Sy],[0,Sy,Sx]]) elif self.dimension == 3: return np.array([[Sx,0,0,Sy,0,Sz],[0,Sy,0,Sx,Sz,0],[0,0,Sz,0,Sy,Sx]]) @staticmethod def getVoigtGradientOperator(globalDerivatives): if len(globalDerivatives) == 2: Nx,Ny = globalDerivatives zero=np.zeros(Nx.size) return np.array([[Nx,zero],[zero,Ny],[Ny,Nx]]) if len(globalDerivatives) == 3: Nx,Ny,Nz = globalDerivatives zero=np.zeros(Nx.size) return np.array([[Nx,zero,zero],[zero,Ny,zero],[zero,zero,Nz],[Ny,Nx,zero],[zero,Nz,Ny],[Nz,zero,Nx]]) @staticmethod def getOuterFaceGlobalDerivatives(outerFace): localDerivatives = outerFace.facet.element.shape.vertexShapeFunctionDerivatives[ outerFace.vertexLocalIndex ] return outerFace.facet.element.getGlobalDerivatives(localDerivatives) def assembleLinearSystem(self): self.independent = np.zeros(self.dimension*self.numberOfVertices) U = lambda handle: handle + self.numberOfVertices * 0 V = lambda handle: handle + self.numberOfVertices * 1 W = lambda handle: handle + self.numberOfVertices * 2 def gravityTerm(): # Gravity Term for region in self.grid.regions: density = self.propertyData.get(region.handle, "Density") gravity = self.propertyData.get(region.handle, "Gravity") for element in region.elements: local = 0 for vertex in element.vertices: self.independent[V(vertex.handle)] += - density * gravity * element.subelementVolumes[local] local += 1 def stressTerm(): # Stress Term for region in self.grid.regions: constitutiveMatrix = self.getConstitutiveMatrix(region) for element in region.elements: for innerFace in element.innerFaces: transposedVoigtArea = self.getTransposedVoigtArea(innerFace) voigtGradientOperator = self.getVoigtGradientOperator(innerFace.globalDerivatives) matrixCoefficient = np.einsum("ij,jk,kmn->imn", transposedVoigtArea, constitutiveMatrix, voigtGradientOperator) backwardVertexHandle = element.vertices[element.shape.innerFaceNeighborVertices[innerFace.local][0]].handle forwardVertexHandle = element.vertices[element.shape.innerFaceNeighborVertices[innerFace.local][1]].handle for local, vertex in enumerate(element.vertices): for neighborVertex in [backwardVertexHandle, forwardVertexHandle]: self.add( U(neighborVertex), U(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[0][0][local] ) self.add( U(neighborVertex), V(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[0][1][local] ) self.add( V(neighborVertex), U(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[1][0][local] ) self.add( V(neighborVertex), V(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[1][1][local] ) if self.dimension == 3: self.add( W(neighborVertex), W(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[2][2][local] ) self.add( U(neighborVertex), W(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[0][2][local] ) self.add( V(neighborVertex), W(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[1][2][local] ) self.add( W(neighborVertex), U(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[2][0][local] ) self.add( W(neighborVertex), V(vertex.handle), matrixCoefficient[2][1][local] ) matrixCoefficient *= -1 def boundaryConditions(): # Boundary Conditions for bc in self.problemData.boundaryConditions: boundary=bc["u"].boundary uBoundaryType = bc["u"].__type__ vBoundaryType = bc["v"].__type__ wBoundaryType = bc["w"].__type__ if "w" in bc.keys() else None # Neumann Boundary Conditions if uBoundaryType == "NEUMANN": for facet in boundary.facets: for outerFace in facet.outerFaces: self.independent[U(outerFace.vertex.handle)] -= bc["u"].getValue(outerFace.handle) * np.linalg.norm(outerFace.area.getCoordinates()) if vBoundaryType == "NEUMANN": for facet in boundary.facets: for outerFace in facet.outerFaces: self.independent[V(outerFace.vertex.handle)] -= bc["v"].getValue(outerFace.handle) * np.linalg.norm(outerFace.area.getCoordinates()) if wBoundaryType == "NEUMANN": for facet in boundary.facets: for outerFace in facet.outerFaces: self.independent[W(outerFace.vertex.handle)] -= bc["w"].getValue(outerFace.handle) * np.linalg.norm(outerFace.area.getCoordinates()) # Dirichlet Boundary Conditions if uBoundaryType == "DIRICHLET": for vertex in boundary.vertices: self.independent[U(vertex.handle)] = bc["u"].getValue(vertex.handle) self.matrixVals = [val for coord, val in zip(self.coords, self.matrixVals) if coord[0] != U(vertex.handle)] self.coords = [coord for coord in self.coords if coord[0] != U(vertex.handle)] self.add(U(vertex.handle), U(vertex.handle), 1.0) if vBoundaryType == "DIRICHLET": for vertex in boundary.vertices: self.independent[V(vertex.handle)] = bc["v"].getValue(vertex.handle) self.matrixVals = [val for coord, val in zip(self.coords, self.matrixVals) if coord[0] != V(vertex.handle)] self.coords = [coord for coord in self.coords if coord[0] != V(vertex.handle)] self.add(V(vertex.handle), V(vertex.handle), 1.0) if wBoundaryType == "DIRICHLET": for vertex in boundary.vertices: self.independent[W(vertex.handle)] = bc["w"].getValue(vertex.handle) self.matrixVals = [val for coord, val in zip(self.coords, self.matrixVals) if coord[0] != W(vertex.handle)] self.coords = [coord for coord in self.coords if coord[0] != W(vertex.handle)] self.add(W(vertex.handle), W(vertex.handle), 1.0) if self.gravity: gravityTerm() stressTerm() boundaryConditions() def solveLinearSystem(self): self.matrix = sparse.csc_matrix( (self.matrixVals, zip(*self.coords)) ) self.inverseMatrix = sparse.linalg.inv( self.matrix ) self.displacements = self.inverseMatrix * self.independent def saveIterationResults(self):'u', self.displacements[0*self.numberOfVertices:1*self.numberOfVertices], self.currentTime)'v', self.displacements[1*self.numberOfVertices:2*self.numberOfVertices], self.currentTime) if self.dimension == 3:'w', self.displacements[2*self.numberOfVertices:3*self.numberOfVertices], self.currentTime) def stressEquilibrium(workspaceDirectory,solve=True,extension="csv",gravity=False,verbosity=False): solver = StressEquilibriumSolver(workspaceDirectory,extension=extension,gravity=gravity,verbosity=verbosity) if solve: solver.solve() return solver if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv)>1 and not "-" in sys.argv[1]: model=sys.argv[1] extension = "xdmf" if not [1 for arg in sys.argv if "--extension" in arg] else [arg.split('=')[1] for arg in sys.argv if "--extension" in arg][0] problemData = PyEFVLib.ProblemData( meshFilePath = "{MESHES}/msh/2D/Fine.msh", outputFilePath = "{RESULTS}/stress_equilibrium", propertyData = PyEFVLib.PropertyData({ "Body": { "Density": 1800.0, "PoissonsRatio": 0.4, "ShearModulus": 6.0e+06, "Gravity": 0.0, }, }), boundaryConditions = PyEFVLib.BoundaryConditions({ "u": { "InitialValue": 0.0, "West": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Dirichlet, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "East": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Dirichlet, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "South": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Neumann, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "North": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Neumann, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 } }, "v": { "InitialValue": 0.0, "West": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Neumann, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "East": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Neumann, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "South": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Dirichlet, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": 0.0 }, "North": { "condition": PyEFVLib.Neumann, "type": PyEFVLib.Constant, "value": -1e4 } } }), ) solver=stressEquilibrium(problemData,extension=extension,gravity="-G" in sys.argv)
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from markdown import markdown from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import get_formatter_by_name from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from markdown import markdown from wagtail.core.blocks import ( StreamBlock, RichTextBlock, TextBlock, CharBlock ) from wagtail.images.blocks import ImageChooserBlock #from wagtail.documents.blocks import DocumentChooserBlock from wagtail.embeds.blocks import EmbedBlock from wagtailcodeblock.blocks import CodeBlock from wagtailmarkdown.blocks import MarkdownBlock class ContentStreamBlock(StreamBlock): h2 = CharBlock(icon="title", classname="title") h3 = CharBlock(icon="title", classname="title") h4 = CharBlock(icon="title", classname="title") paragraph = RichTextBlock(required=False) image = ImageChooserBlock(required=False) code = CodeBlock(label='Code', required=False) embeds = EmbedBlock(required=False) markdown = MarkdownBlock(required=False) # class Meta: # template = 'puput/code_block1.html'
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * from alipay.aop.api.domain.InteligentGeneralMerchantPromo import InteligentGeneralMerchantPromo class InteligentMerchantPromo(object): def __init__(self): self._general_promo = None self._promo_type = None @property def general_promo(self): return self._general_promo @general_promo.setter def general_promo(self, value): if isinstance(value, InteligentGeneralMerchantPromo): self._general_promo = value else: self._general_promo = InteligentGeneralMerchantPromo.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def promo_type(self): return self._promo_type @promo_type.setter def promo_type(self, value): self._promo_type = value def to_alipay_dict(self): params = dict() if self.general_promo: if hasattr(self.general_promo, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['general_promo'] = self.general_promo.to_alipay_dict() else: params['general_promo'] = self.general_promo if self.promo_type: if hasattr(self.promo_type, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['promo_type'] = self.promo_type.to_alipay_dict() else: params['promo_type'] = self.promo_type return params @staticmethod def from_alipay_dict(d): if not d: return None o = InteligentMerchantPromo() if 'general_promo' in d: o.general_promo = d['general_promo'] if 'promo_type' in d: o.promo_type = d['promo_type'] return o
#!/usr/bin/python # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: #%% ----------------------------------------------------- # # This script runs the main analysis on 5 minutes of data from a single run. # The analysis is repeated a specified number of time with jittered mask # frequencies to assess the robustness of the theta waveform shape to mask # parameter selection. #%% ----------------------------------------------------- # Imports and definitions import os import emd import h5py import logging import numpy as np from emd_waveform_utils import config, load_dataset def run_iter(raw, sample_rate, seconds, sift_config): try: # Run sift imf, mf = emd.sift.mask_sift(raw[:sample_rate*seconds], **sift_config) except EMDSiftCovergeError: return None # Frequency Transform IP, IF, IA = emd.spectra.frequency_transform(imf, sample_rate, 'hilbert', smooth_phase=3) # Compute cycle statistics - only those needed to find subset C = emd.cycles.Cycles(IP[:, 5]) C.compute_cycle_metric('duration_samples', imf[:, 5], len) C.compute_cycle_metric('max_amp', IA[:, 5], np.max) C.compute_cycle_metric('speed', speed, np.mean) # Extract included subset of cycles amp_thresh = np.percentile(IA[:, 5], 25) lo_freq_duration = 1250/4 hi_freq_duration = 1250/12 conditions = ['is_good==1', f'duration_samples<{lo_freq_duration}', f'duration_samples>{hi_freq_duration}', f'max_amp>{amp_thresh}', 'speed>1'] C.pick_cycle_subset(conditions) # phase-aligned waveforms pa, phasex = emd.cycles.phase_align(IP[:, 5], IF[:, 5], C.iterate(through='subset')) return pa.mean(axis=1) #%% ---------------------------------------------------- # Main loop # Load dataset run = 2 run_name = config['recordings'][run] logfile = os.path.join(config['analysisdir'], run_name+'_maskjitter.log') emd.logger.set_up(prefix=run_name, log_file=logfile) logger = logging.getLogger('emd')'STARTING: {0}'.format(run_name)) raw, speed, time, sample_rate = load_dataset(run_name) # Load sift specification conf_file = os.path.join(config['basedir'], 'emd_masksift_CA1_config.yml') sift_config = emd.sift.SiftConfig.from_yaml_file(conf_file) orig_masks = sift_config['mask_freqs'].copy() # Specify number of iterations and jitter ranges niters = 25 mask_jitters = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] seconds = 300 # Start main analysis'STARTING: sift with original parameters') pa_orig = run_iter(raw, sample_rate, seconds, sift_config) pas = np.zeros((48, niters, len(mask_jitters))) for ii in range(niters): for jj in range(len(mask_jitters)):'STARTING: Iteration {0} of {1} with jitter {2}'.format(ii+1, niters, mask_jitters[jj])) flag = True while flag: jitter = np.random.uniform(1-mask_jitters[jj], 1+mask_jitters[jj], len(orig_masks)) sift_config['mask_freqs'] = orig_masks * jitter p = run_iter(raw, sample_rate, seconds, sift_config) if p is None:'Iteration failed - trying again with new masks') continue else: flag = False pas[:, ii, jj] = p #%% ---------------------------------------------------- # Summary Figure phasex = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 48) titles = ['Manuscript Masks', '10% Mask Jitter', '20% Mask Jitter', '30% Mask Jitter'] plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) plt.subplot(141) plt.plot(phasex, pa_orig, 'k', linewidth=2) plt.ylim(7, 11) plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 5), ['0', 'pi/2', 'pi', '3pi/2', '2pi']) for tag in ['top', 'right']: plt.gca().spines[tag].set_visible(False) plt.title(titles[0]) plt.ylabel('Instantaneous Frequency (Hz)') for ii in range(3): plt.subplot(1, 4, ii+2) plt.plot(phasex, pas[:,:,ii], color=[0.6, 0.6, 0.6], linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(phasex, pas[:,:,ii].mean(axis=1), 'k', linewidth=2) plt.ylim(7, 11) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 5), ['0', 'pi/2', 'pi', '3pi/2', '2pi']) for tag in ['top', 'right']: plt.gca().spines[tag].set_visible(False) plt.title(titles[ii+1]) plt.xlabel('Theta Phase (rads)') outname = os.path.join(config['figdir'], 'emd_supp1_maskjitter.png') plt.savefig(outname, dpi=300, transparent=True)
from github import Github from cloudmesh.configuration.Config import Config from pprint import pprint import requests from textwrap import dedent from pathlib import Path import time import csv from cloudmesh.common.util import readfile class Manager(object): def __init__(self, organization="cloudmesh-community"): config = Config() g = Github(config["cloudmesh.github.user"], config["cloudmesh.github.password"]) if organization != "cloudmesh-community": raise ValueError( "currently we support only organization cloudmesh-community") = g.get_organization(organization) self.ta_team = def list(self, match=None): for r in if match is None: print(, r.description) else: name = or "" description = r.description or "" if match in name or match in description: print(, r.description) def create_repo(self, firstname=None, lastname=None, name=None, community=None, semester="fa19", githubid=None ): description = f"{firstname} {lastname}" repo =, description=description, license_template="apache-2.0") readme = dedent(f""" --- owner: firstname: "{firstname}" lastname: "{lastname}" hid: "{name}" community: "{community}" semester: "{semester}" """).strip() print(readme) print("Add README.yml") repo.create_file("README.yml", "Create the Readme.yml", readme, branch="main") print("Add .gitignore") # bug find file within distribution with open(Path(".gitignore").resolve()) as file: gitignore = repo.create_file(".gitignore", "create the .gitignore", gitignore, branch="main") try: repo.add_to_collaborators(githubid, permission="write") except Exception as e: pass self.ta_team.add_to_repos(repo) self.ta_team.set_repo_permission(repo, "write") def create_repos(self, filename=None): with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in reader: firstname = row['firstname'] lastname = row['lastname'] githubid = row['githubid'] community = row['community'] semester = row['semester'] name = row['repo'] print(f"Create: {name} {firstname} {lastname} {githubid}") self.create_repo( firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, name=name, community=community, semester=semester, githubid=githubid ) def issue(self, repos=None, title=None, file=None): pprint(repos) for repo in repos: if file is not None: content = readfile(file).strip() if title is None: title = content.splitlines()[0] title = title.replace("#", "").strip() repository_obj = repository_obj.create_issue(title=title, body=content)
class pair_stats_tcp: src = 0 dst = 0 count = 0 # tcp.srcport # tcp.dstport # tcp.flags.res # tcp.flags.ns # tcp.flags.cwr # tcp.flags.ecn # tcp.flags.urg # tcp.flags.ack # tcp.flags.push # tcp.flags.reset # tcp.flags.syn # tcp.flags.fin class pair_stats_udp: src = 0 dst = 0 count = 0 # udp.srcport # udp.dstport class pair_stats_arp: src = 0 dst = 0 count = 0 # arp.src.hw_mac # arp.dst.hw_mac
# Generated by Django 2.1.1 on 2019-08-21 00:52 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('api', '0013_loanpayment'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='loan', name='loan_type', field=models.IntegerField(default=1), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='loan', name='payment_period', field=models.IntegerField(default=1), ), ]
import json import os import time import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from import By from import Options from selenium import webdriver def run_driver(): """ Run webdriver Chrome """ try: current_path = os.getcwd() options = Options() options.add_experimental_option("prefs", { "download.default_directory": current_path, "download.prompt_for_download": False, "download.directory_upgrade": True, "safebrowsing.enabled": True}) options.add_argument('--headless') options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--enable-javascript') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"D:\Program\Anaconda3\Scripts\chromedriver.exe", chrome_options=options) return driver except Exception as e: print(f'Error: {e}') def get_esia_session(login_url: str, personal_page: str, driver) -> bytes or str: """ Get session in ESIA """ try: driver.get(login_url) if requests.get(login_url).status_code == 200: WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'login'))).send_keys(os.environ['ESIA_LOGIN']) WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,'password'))).send_keys(os.environ['ESIA_PASSWORD']) WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'loginByPwdButton'))).click() time.sleep(5) driver.get(personal_page) session = requests.Session() r = session.get(personal_page, cookies={c['name']:c['value'] for c in driver.get_cookies()}).text.encode("UTF-8") time.sleep(5) print("ESIA session: OK!") time.sleep(2) # Unlock to get document ... # print("Get document...") # get_doc(driver) # time.sleep(10) return r else: print("Error! Status: ", requests.get(login_url).status_code) except Exception as e: print(f'Error in get session: {e}') finally: driver.delete_all_cookies() driver.close() driver.quit() # Unlock to get document... # def get_doc(driver): # """ Get document: The employment history """ # try: # driver.get("") # WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button.button.font-"))).click() # time.sleep(10) # WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button.button.font-"))).click() # time.sleep(30) # WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ""))).click() # time.sleep(5) # WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a.text-plain.gray.small-text.file-name"))).click() # time.sleep(10) # print("Get document: OK") # except Exception as e: # print("Error: ", e) def get_info_from_script(r: bytes): """ Get information from JS Object """ try: soup = BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser') script = soup.find('script') if script: script_tag_contents = script.string with open('source.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(script_tag_contents) f.close() print("Get info: OK!") return f except Exception as e: print(f'Error in get info: {e}') def transform_txt_to_json(f): """ Transorm JS Object to JSON with the necessary information """ try: f = open('source.txt', 'rt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() with open('source.json', 'w') as json_file: line_with_data = lines[2][:-2] json_file.write(line_with_data.replace(' data', '{"data"')) json_file.write('}') json_file.close() print("Transform data: OK!") return json_file except Exception as e: print(f'Error in transform: {e}') def write_info_to_txt(json_file): """ Write passport data to .txt file in folder passport_data """ try: if os.path.exists('passport_data'): print("Folder already exists!") else: os.mkdir('passport_data') print("Folder created successfully!") with open("source.json") as jsonFile: json_object = json.load(jsonFile) get_id = str(json_object["data"]["user"]["userId"]) if not os.path.exists(r'./passport_data/passport' + '[' + get_id + ']' + '.txt'): type_docs = json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][0]["type"] if type_docs != "RF_PASSPORT": with open('./passport_data/passport.txt', 'a') as passport_data: passport_data.write(f'Время добавления: {datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")}\n') passport_data.write(f'ФИО: {json_object["data"]["user"]["formattedName"]}\n') passport_data.write(f'Паспорт РФ:\ncерия: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][1]["series"]} номер: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][1]["number"]}\n') passport_data.write(f'Выдан: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][1]["issuedBy"]}') passport_data.close() os.rename(r'./passport_data/passport.txt', r'./passport_data/passport' + '[' + get_id + ']' + '.txt') else: with open('./passport_data/passport.txt', 'a') as passport_data: passport_data.write(f'Время добавления: {datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")}\n') passport_data.write(f'ФИО: {json_object["data"]["user"]["formattedName"]}\n') passport_data.write(f'Паспорт РФ:\ncерия: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][0]["series"]} номер: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][0]["number"]}\n') passport_data.write(f'Выдан: {json_object["data"]["user"]["person"]["docs"][0]["issuedBy"]}') passport_data.close() os.rename(r'./passport_data/passport.txt', r'./passport_data/passport' + '[' + get_id + ']' + '.txt') else: print("This passport already exists!") print("Write info: OK!") except Exception as e: print(f'Error in write to file: {e}') def delete_file(): """ Delete temp file """ try: os.remove('source.json') os.remove('source.txt') print("TMP files was delete!") except OSError as e: print(f'Error: {e.strerror}') if __name__ == '__main__': try: runner = run_driver() get_session = get_esia_session(login_url='', personal_page='', driver=runner) if get_session: get_info = get_info_from_script(r=get_session) transform_data = transform_txt_to_json(f=get_info) write_info_to_txt(json_file=transform_data) delete_file() except Exception as e: print(f'Error: {e}')
import unittest import numpy as np from kaggle_metrics.regression import * class TestRegression(unittest.TestCase): # TODO: Additional tests def test_mse(self): y_pred = np.array([.1, 2., 3.4, 1., 5.3]) y_true = np.array([.3, 2.2, 3.6, 1., 4.3]) assert mae(y_true, y_pred) == 0.32 def test_rmse(self): y_pred = np.array([.1, 2., 3.4, 1., 5.3]) y_true = np.array([.3, 2.2, 3.6, 1., 4.3]) assert rmse(y_true, y_pred) == 0.473286382648 def test_rmsle(self): y_pred = np.array([.1, 2., 3.4, 1., 5.3]) y_true = np.array([.3, 2.2, 3.6, 1., 4.3]) assert rmsle(y_true, y_pred) == 0.113068903823 if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#################################################################################### #############################Language Views########################################### @admin_blueprint.route('/admin/list_languages', methods=['GET', 'POST'] ) @roles_required('admin') def admin_list_languages(): languages = Language.query.order_by( for language in languages: print( return render_template('admin/admin_list_languages.html', languages=languages) @admin_blueprint.route('/admin/create_language', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @roles_required('admin') def admin_create_language(): error_msg = "" language = Language() # users = User.query.join(UsersRoles).join(Role).filter( == 'student').all() if request.method == 'POST': # email validation other_language = Language.query.filter( == request.form['name'] ).first() if (other_language is not None) and ( != # language.user_ids = request.form.getlist('users') # keeps appropriate users selected error_msg = "This language name is already being used" flash('This language name is already being used!!', 'error') else: = request.form['name'] # language.users = [] # for user_id in request.form.getlist('users'): # userObj = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() # language.users.append(userObj) db.session.add(language) db.session.commit() flash('Language Created!!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_list_languages')) return render_template('admin/admin_create_edit_language.html', language=language, error_msg=error_msg, verb="Create") @admin_blueprint.route('/admin/edit_language/<language_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'] ) @roles_required('admin') def admin_edit_language(language_id): error_msg="" language = Language.query.filter( == language_id).first() # users = User.query.join(UsersRoles).join(Role).filter( == 'student').all() # using user.roles creates complications. so we make a new attribute instead. this # is used in the form to select what roles are associated with the user # language.user_ids = [] # for user in language.users: # language.user_ids.append(str( if request.method == 'GET': = elif request.method == 'POST': # email validation other_language = Language.query.filter( == request.form['name'] ).first() if (other_language is not None) and ( != language.user_ids = request.form.getlist('users') # keeps appropriate users selected error_msg = "This language name is already being used" flash('This language name is already being used!!', 'error') else: = request.form['name'] # language.users = [] # for user_id in request.form.getlist('users'): # userObj = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() # language.users.append(userObj) db.session.add(language) db.session.commit() flash('Language Created!!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_list_languages')) return render_template('admin/admin_create_edit_language.html', language=language, error_msg=error_msg, verb="Edit") @admin_blueprint.route('/admin/delete_language/<language_id>') @roles_required('admin') def admin_delete_language(language_id): language = Language.query.filter( == language_id).first() db.session.delete(language) db.session.commit() flash('Language Deleted!!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_list_languages')) #############################End Language Views####################################### ####################################################################################
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #modified by Marquette REU team import BaseHTTPServer, urllib, re, os,sys from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn import random import threading import string absPathMUBD ="/var/www/html/MUBlocklyDuino/" lock = threading.Lock() lock3 = threading.Lock() lock2 = threading.Lock() server_info=("", 8080) #make the HTTP Server multi threaded class BrylowHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass #Handle requests in seperate process class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): #template_begin = u"""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" #""><html><body>""" #template_end=u"<h1>Arduino INO web server</h1>To upload to an Arduino board connected to this computer, POST to /.</body></html>" template_begin="<html>" template_end="</html>" def escape_html(self, text): """Replace special HTML characters with HTML entities""" return text.replace( "&", "&amp;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("<", "&lt;") def do_HEAD(self): """Send response headers""" self.send_response(200) self.send_header("content-type", "text/html;charset=utf-8") self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): """Send a link of a hex file corresponding with your ip address.""" #don't send header html to the extension #self.do_HEAD() print self.path self.wfile.write(self.template_begin) #critical section where we try to find the hex_file corresponding to the client's ip address and when we find it send the link with html tags to the extension #if there is a hex file success and tell the user the link if not tellt them file not found if os.path.exists(absPathMUBD+"ardusers/hex_files/"+ self.path[1:]+".txt"): print "success "+self.client_address[0]+" got the hex file "+self.path[1:]+".txt" print "http://"+server_info[0]+"/MUBlocklyDuino/ardusers/hex_files/"+self.path[1:]+".txt" self.wfile.write("http://"+server_info[0]+"/ardusers/hex_files/"+self.path[1:]+".txt") else: print "file not found" print server_info[0] self.wfile.write("file_not_found") self.wfile.write(self.template_end) print threading.currentThread().getName()+" handled GET Request from "+self.client_address[0] def do_POST(self): """Save new page text and display it""" length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) print threading.currentThread().getName()+" handling post request from "+self.client_address[0] if length: text = arduinoCode = text[:-12] #arduinoCode: hashCode (11 characters) hashCode = text[-11:] print "hashCode is " + hashCode print "sketch to upload: " + arduinoCode # create ino project (if it doesn't exist already) os.system("mkdir ino_project") os.chdir("ino_project") rc = os.system("ino init") # 32512 probably means ino is not installed if rc == 32512: print "ino init returned " + `rc` self.send_response(501) else: # write to file: critical section lock2.acquire() fo = open("src/sketch.ino", "wb") fo.write(arduinoCode + "\n"); fo.close() lock2.release() print "created src/sketch.ino" # invoke ino to build print "ino building" lock3.acquire() rc = os.system("ino build") lock3.release() # 512 probably means invalid option (skip_lib_includes) if not rc == 0:#didn't work print "ino build returned " + `rc` self.send_response(400) else: #no upload #rc = os.system("ino upload") if not rc == 0:#didn't work print "ino build returned " + `rc` self.send_response(500) else: #edit hosts. We are inside the ino_project: critical section #read the hosts and if we haven't seen the client's ip address yet then write to the hosts file with a randomly generated name for the hex_file # if we have seen the client's ip address be fore then get the hex file that corresponds to the clients and overwrite it with the new hex file os.system("cp "+absPathMUBD+"ino_project/.build/leonardo/firmware.hex "+absPathMUBD+"ardusers/hex_files/"+hashCode+".txt") print "updated the users hex file with the compiled hex" self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*") os.chdir("..") #this occurs if the person doesn't click the arduino tab atleast once: the length of content is 0 else: print "post request failed because content was "+ str(length)+" bytes" self.send_response(300) self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*") if __name__ == '__main__': print "running local web server at" fpid = os.fork() if fpid!=0: sys.exit(0) server = BrylowHTTPServer(server_info, Handler) print 'Starting server, use <Ctrl-C> to stop' server.pages = {} server.serve_forever()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Module to provide access to the power DNS http API :configuration: This module uses the pdnaspi python library parameters as well as configuration settings:: pdns.url: "" pdns.server_id: "localhost" pdns.api_key: "f5d2abcd" This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar. ''' from __future__ import absolute_import # Import python libs import logging from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module import json import re from pprint import pformat # Import salt libs from salt.ext.six import string_types from salt.exceptions import get_error_message as _get_error_message # Import third party libs try: import pdnsapi as api from pdnsapi.exceptions import ( PDNSAccessDeniedException, PDNSNotFoundException, PDNSProtocolViolationException, PDNSServerErrorException, PDNSException) HAS_PDNSAPI = True except ImportError: HAS_PDNSAPI = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): ''' Only load this module if pdnsapi is installed ''' if HAS_PDNSAPI: return 'powerdns' else: return (False, 'The powerdns execution module cannot be loaded: the pdnsapi library is not available.') def _canonicalize_name(name): if not name.endswith('.'): return name + '.' else: return name def _connect(): url = __salt__['config.option']('pdns.url') server_id = __salt__['config.option']('pdns.server_id') api_key = __salt__['config.option']('pdns.api_key') log.debug("Attempting to connect: '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (url, server_id, api_key)) try: conn = api.init_api(url, server_id, api_key) except PDNSException as e: log.error("Exception while opening API connection: '%s'" % (e)) return False log.debug("connected: '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (url, server_id, api_key)) return conn def list_zones(): conn = _connect() if not conn: return "Failed to connect to powerDNS" log.debug("Attempting to pull zonelist") zonelist = conn.zones log.debug("Zonelist: %s" % (zonelist)) return [ for zone in zonelist] def zone_exists(name): conn = _connect() if not conn: return False try: zone = conn.get_zone(name) except PDNSException as e: return False return True def get_zone(name): conn = _connect() if not conn: return "Failed to connect to powerDNS" try: zone = conn.get_zone(name) except PDNSException as e: return "Exception while getting zone: '%s'" % (e) return [{'name':, 'type': record.type, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'records': [record2 for record2 in record.records]} for record in zone.records] def get_record(zone, name, rtype): conn = _connect() if not conn: return "Failed to connect to powerDNS" try: record, _ = _get_record_zone(conn, zone, name, rtype) except PDNSException as e: return "Could not get record '%s'" % (e) return { 'zone': zone, 'name':, 'type': record.type, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'records': [rec for rec in record.records]} def _get_record_zone(conn, zone, name, rtype): canonical_zone = _canonicalize_name(zone) zone_rec = conn.get_zone(canonical_zone) if not name.endswith(zone): name = name + '.' + zone record = zone_rec.get_record(_canonicalize_name(name), rtype) return record, zone_rec def del_record(zone, name, rtype): conn = _connect() if not conn: return "Failed to connect to powerDNS" try: record, zone_rec = _get_record_zone(conn, zone, name, rtype) except PDNSException as e: return "Could not get record '%s'" % (e) try: zone_rec.delete_record(record) except PDNSException as e: return "Could not delete record '%s'" % (e) return True def add_zone(zone, name_servers=None, records=None): conn = _connect() if not conn: return "Failed to connect to powerDNS" canonical_zone = _canonicalize_name(zone) try: zone = conn.create_zone(canonical_zone, name_servers, records) except PDNSException as e: return "Failed to create zone: '%s'" % (e) return [{'name':, 'type': record.type, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'records': [record2 for record2 in record.records]} for record in zone.records] def del_zone(zone): conn = _connect() if not conn: log.error("Failed to connect to powerDNS") return False canonical_zone = _canonicalize_name(zone) try: zone = conn.delete_zone(canonical_zone) except PDNSException as e: log.error("Failed to delete zone: '%s'" % (e)) return False return True def add_record(zone, name, rtype, ttl=300, **kwargs): conn = _connect() if not conn: log.error("Failed to connect to powerDNS") return False if 'records' not in kwargs: log.error("Must specify records. Ex: records='[ list, of, records ]'") return False canonical_zone = _canonicalize_name(zone) try: zone_rec = conn.get_zone(canonical_zone) except PDNSException as e: log.error("Could not get zone '%s': '%s'" % (canonical_zone, e)) return False if not name.endswith(zone): name = name + '.' + zone record = api.Record(_canonicalize_name(name), rtype, kwargs['records'], ttl) try: foo = zone_rec.add_record(record) except PDNSException as e: log.error("add_record failed: '%s'" % (e)) return False return True # return { 'zone': canonical_zone, 'name':, 'type': record.type, 'ttl': record.ttl, 'records': [rec for rec in record.records]} def argtest(*args, **kwargs): #log.error("'%s'" % (pformat(kwargs))) if '__id__' in kwargs: kwargs['YAY'] = 'Called from STATE' kwargs['args'] = args return kwargs
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import requests import logging from typing import Optional logger = logging.getLogger('') class Client(object): def __init__(self, args): self.hostname = args.hostname self.port = args.port self.timeout = getattr(args, 'timeout', 10) self.args = args self.base_url = f'http://{self.hostname}:{self.port}' def reset_scorer(self): # start eval session url = f'{self.base_url}' try: _ =, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as e: raise SystemExit(e) def get_scores(self, instance_id=None): # end eval session url = f'{self.base_url}/result' params = {"instance_id": instance_id} try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) return r.json() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to retreive scores: {e}') return None def get_source(self, instance_id: int, extra_params: Optional[dict] = None) -> str: url = f'{self.base_url}/src' params = {"instance_id": instance_id} if extra_params is not None: for key in extra_params.keys(): params[key] = extra_params[key] try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to request a source segment: {e}') return r.json() def send_hypo(self, instance_id: int, hypo: str) -> None: url = f'{self.base_url}/hypo' params = {"instance_id": instance_id} try: requests.put(url, params=params, data=hypo.encode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to send a translated segment: {e}') def corpus_info(self): url = f'{self.base_url}' try: r = requests.get(url) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to request corpus information: {e}') return r.json() def start_client(args): client = Client(args) client.reset_scorer() return client
import array_tools as at from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import numpy as np from scipy import stats as st import sys def oe(mat): n = len(mat) tots = np.zeros(n-1) counts = np.zeros(n-1) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): observed = mat[i,j] if observed != 0: s = i - j tots[s - 1] += observed counts[s - 1] += 1 avgs = np.zeros(n-1) for i, count in enumerate(counts): if count != 0: avgs[i] = tots[i]/count oe_mat = np.zeros_like(mat) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): observed = mat[i,j] s = i-j expected = avgs[s-1] if expected != 0: oe_mat[i,j] = observed/expected return oe_mat def cor(mat): """Correlation of rows with columns of mat""" n = len(mat) cor_mat = np.zeros_like(mat) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): r, p = st.pearsonr(mat[i], mat[j]) cor_mat[i,j] = r return cor_mat def get_compartments(mat, enrichments=None, active=True): """From Lieberman-Aiden et al (2009)""" oe_mat = oe(mat) at.makeSymmetric(oe_mat) cor_mat = cor(oe_mat) at.makeSymmetric(cor_mat) pca = PCA(n_components=1) scores = pca.fit_transform(cor_mat)[:,0] #enforce positive score = active chromatin if enrichments is not None: r, p = st.pearsonr(scores, enrichments) if active and r < 0: scores = -scores elif not active and r > 0: scores = -scores #normalize max_val = max(scores) min_val = -min(scores) for i, score in enumerate(scores): if score > 0: scores[i] = score/max_val else: scores[i] = score/min_val return scores def load_enrichments(path, structure, column): enrichments = np.array(np.loadtxt(path, dtype=object)[:,column], dtype=float) bin_nums = structure.nonzero_abs_indices() + structure.chrom.minPos/structure.chrom.res return enrichments[bin_nums]
### IMPORTS ### ================================= from player import Player from random import randint class Game: def __init__(self, options, ui, testing=False): self.player1 = Player(options.player_names[0], options.ship_counts) self.player2 = Player(options.player_names[1], options.ship_counts) self.winner = None self.ui = ui if not testing: self.player_setup() self.run_game() if testing: self.test_setup() self.test_run_game() def player_setup(self): self.place_ships(self.player1) self.place_ships(self.player2) # Game flow # - Prompts & setup # - Initialize with prompt & setup results def place_ships(self, player): self.ui.display_screen_turn_start(player) automatic_placement = self.ui.prompt_for_placement_option(player) ships_to_place = [] for key in player.fleet.ships.keys(): current_ships = player.fleet.ships[key] for ship in current_ships: ships_to_place.append(ship) for ship in ships_to_place: if automatic_placement: self.automatically_place_ships(ship, player) else: self.get_input_and_place_ship(ship, player) def get_input_and_place_ship(self, ship, player): self.ui.display_screen_player_board(player) selected_coordinates = self.ui.prompt_for_ship_start_position() possible_directions = player.player_board.get_possible_ship_placement_directions(ship, selected_coordinates) # Check to make sure this is a valid cell and that there are possible directions to choose from has_possible_directions = False for direction in possible_directions: if possible_directions[direction]: has_possible_directions = True break if has_possible_directions: selected_direction = self.ui.prompt_for_ship_direction(possible_directions) player.place_ship(ship, selected_coordinates, selected_direction) else: print("Invalid selection, please try again") self.get_input_and_place_ship(ship, player) def automatically_place_ships(self, ship, player): rows = "ABCDEFGHIJ" columns = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] row_selection = rows[randint(0, 9)] column_selection = columns[randint(0, 9)] selected_coordinates = (row_selection, column_selection) possible_directions = player.player_board.get_possible_ship_placement_directions(ship, selected_coordinates) possible_directions_filtered = [key for key in possible_directions.keys() if possible_directions[key]] if len(possible_directions_filtered) == 0: self.automatically_place_ships(ship, player) else: selected_direction = possible_directions_filtered[randint(0, len(possible_directions_filtered)-1)] player.place_ship(ship, selected_coordinates, selected_direction) def run_game(self): while not self.winner: self.player_turn(self.player1, self.player2) if self.winner: break else: self.player_turn(self.player2, self.player1) self.end_game() def player_turn(self, player, opponent, repeated=False): if not repeated: self.ui.display_screen_turn_start(player) self.ui.display_screen_game(player) attack_coordinates = self.ui.prompt_for_attack_coordinates() result = opponent.player_board.check_for_hit(attack_coordinates) if result == -1: print("Something went wrong, try again") self.player_turn(player, opponent, True) else: player.update_attack_results(attack_coordinates, result) self.ui.display_screen_outcome(result) self.check_for_winner() def check_for_winner(self): player1_lost = self.player1.check_for_defeat() player2_lost = self.player2.check_for_defeat() if player1_lost: self.winner = self.player2 elif player2_lost: self.winner = self.player1 def end_game(self): self.ui.display_screen_winner(self.winner) # - enter while loop # - - Player one turn # - - - Check for winner # - - Player two turn # - - - Check for winner # - exit while loop when winner # - display exit # - prompt restart def test_setup(self): self.test_place_ships(self.player1) self.test_place_ships(self.player2) def test_run_game(self): self.test_player_turns() self.end_game() def test_player_turns(self): for letter in "ABCDE": for number in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: attack_coordinates = (letter, number) result = self.player2.player_board.check_for_hit(attack_coordinates) self.player1.update_attack_results(attack_coordinates, result) print(self.player1.tracker_board) print(self.player2.player_board) self.check_for_winner() if self.winner: return def test_place_ships(self, player): row_names = "ABCDE" row_index = 0 i = 0 ships_to_place = [] for key in player.fleet.ships.keys(): current_ships = player.fleet.ships[key] for ship in current_ships: ships_to_place.append(ship) for ship in ships_to_place: player.place_ship(ship, (row_names[i], row_index), "right") i += 1
# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright 2022 :Barry-Thomas-Paul: Moss # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http: // # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Const Class # this is a auto generated file generated by Cheetah # Libre Office Version: 7.3 # Namespace: class ParagraphVertAlign(object): """ Const Class These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical alignment of paragraphs. See Also: `API ParagraphVertAlign <>`_ """ __ooo_ns__: str = '' __ooo_full_ns__: str = '' __ooo_type_name__: str = 'const' AUTOMATIC = 0 """ In automatic mode, horizontal text is aligned to the baseline. The same applies to text that is rotated 90°. Text that is rotated 270 ° is aligned to the center. """ BASELINE = 1 """ The text is aligned to the baseline. """ TOP = 2 """ The text is aligned to the top. """ CENTER = 3 """ The text is aligned to the center. """ BOTTOM = 4 """ The text is aligned to bottom. """ __all__ = ['ParagraphVertAlign']
''' Set of objets that can be imported as custom losses. Losses can be both pytorch specific and numpy specific. ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from utils import tools def squared_error(x, x_hat, show_plot: bool = False, return_map: bool = True): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x_err = (x - x_hat)**2 if show_plot: x_stats = tools.BatchStatistics(x) x_hat_stats = tools.BatchStatistics(x_hat) x_err_stats = tools.BatchStatistics(x_err) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20,13)) ax[0].imshow(tools.unstandardize_batch(x), interpolation='nearest') ax[0].set_title(f'x: [{x_stats.min:.2f}, {x_stats.max:.2f}]') ax[1].imshow(tools.unstandardize_batch(x_hat), interpolation='nearest') ax[1].set_title(f'x_hat: [{x_hat_stats.min:.2f}, {x_hat_stats.max:.2f}]') ax[2].imshow(tools.unstandardize_batch(x_err)) ax[2].set_title(f'x_err: [{x_err_stats.min:.2f}, {x_err_stats.max:.2f}], mse: {np.mean(x_err):.2f}') for i in range(len(ax)): ax[i].grid(False) del fig, ax if return_map: # Return the *mean* of the squared error map (e.g. MSE) # AND the error map itself return np.mean(x_err), x_err else: return np.mean(x_err) else: raise TypeError('Only numpy available array\'s supported') def mse_loss(x, x_hat): """ Returns the MSE between an image and its reconstruction INPUT: x: Tensor (B, C, H, W) -> source image x_hat: Tensor (B, C, H, W) -> reconstruction OUTPUT: mse_loss_sum: Tensor (B, 1) -> sum of the MSE for each image pair """ mse_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') recons_error = mse_loss(x, x_hat) mse_loss_sum = torch.sum(recons_error, dim=(1, 2, 3)) return mse_loss_sum def recons_probability(x_hat): """ Returns the sum of the probabilities of each pixel in the image INPUT: x_hat: Tensor (B, C, H, W) -> reconstruction OUTPUT: recons_probability: Tensor (B, 1) -> sum of of the reconstruction probabilities in the image """ probs = -torch.log(x_hat) sum_probs = torch.sum(probs, dim=(1, 2, 3)) return sum_probs def kl_divergence(mu, logvar): """ Returns the KLD of the sampled latent vector w.r.t. to a Standard Normal Gaussian INPUT: mu: Tensor (B, 1) -> mean of a Gaussian distribution q(z|x_test) logvar: Tensor (B, 1) -> logvar of a Gaussian distribution q(z|x_test) OUTPUT: kld_loss: Tensor(B, 1) -> Kullback-Leibler divergence """ kld_loss = torch.mean(-0.5 * torch.sum(1 + logvar - mu ** 2 - logvar.exp(), dim=1), dim=0) return kld_loss def mixed_loss(x_hat, mu, logvar): """ Implements the mixed loss M1 in the Sintini, Kuntze paper INPUT: x_hat: Tensor (B, C, H, W) -> reconstruction mu: Tensor (B, 1) -> mean of a Gaussian distribution q(z|x_test) logvar: Tensor (B, 1) -> logvar of a Gaussian distribution q(z|x_test) OUTPUT: mixed_loss: Tensor """ recons_prob_loss = recons_probability(x_hat) kld_loss = kl_divergence(mu, logvar) mixed_loss = recons_prob_loss + kld_loss return mixed_loss
# Python tkinter hello world program from tkinter import * root = Tk() a = Label(root, text ="Hello World") a.pack() root.mainloop()
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # This work is licensed under the License # located at the root directory. # --------------------------------------------------------------- import json import os, sys import pickle from os.path import join from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path from sys import argv import random import dataclasses from munch import Munch import useful_utils import offline_early_stop import COSMO_utils from useful_utils import SummaryWriter_withCSV, wandb_myinit import torch.nn import torch import numpy as np import signal from data import CompDataFromDict from params import CommandlineArgs, TrainCfg, ExperimentCfg from train import train, alternate_training def set_random_seeds(base_seed): random.seed(base_seed) np.random.seed(base_seed+7205) # 7205 is a base seed that was randomly chosen torch.random.manual_seed(base_seed+1000) torch.cuda.manual_seed(base_seed+1001) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True def main(args: CommandlineArgs): train_cfg: TrainCfg = args.train exp_cfg: ExperimentCfg = args.exp set_random_seeds(base_seed=train_cfg.seed) # init logging writer = init_logging(args) # load data test_dataset, train_dataset, valid_dataset = load_data(args) train_cfg.set_n_iter(len( # training with useful_utils.profileblock('complete training'): if train_cfg.alternate_ys == 0: ### train both heads jointly ## train(args, train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, writer) else: ### alternate between heads ### alternate_training(args, train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, writer) # ----- Finalizing ------ # dump log to csv writer.dump_to_csv(verbose=1, float_format=f'%.{args.exp.csv_precision}f') writer.close() # Indicate run has complete COSMO_utils.run_bash(f'touch {join(exp_cfg.output_dir, "completed_training.touch")}') # Process offline early stopping according to results at output_dir early_stop_results_dict = process_offline_early_stopping(exp_cfg) # Print results print_results(early_stop_results_dict, exp_cfg) # Delete temporary artifacts from output dir clear_output_dir(exp_cfg) print('Done.\n') def print_results(early_stop_results_dict, exp_cfg): from munch import munchify early_stop_results_dict = munchify(early_stop_results_dict) print('\n\n####################################') if exp_cfg.report_imbalanced_metrics: # E.g. Zappos U = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_IMB_valid.metrics.unseen_open_acc_test S = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_IMB_valid.metrics.seen_open_acc_test H = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_IMB_valid.metrics.open_H_IMB_test closed = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.AUC_open_valid.metrics.closed_acc_test AUC = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.AUC_open_valid.metrics.AUC_open_test print('Reporting IMbalanced metrics') print(f'Unseen={U:.1f}, Seen={S:.1f}, Harmonic={H:.1f}, Closed={closed:.1f}, AUC={AUC:.1f}') else: # e.g. AO-CLEVr U = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_valid.metrics.open_balanced_unseen_acc_test S = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_valid.metrics.open_balanced_seen_acc_test H = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.open_H_valid.metrics.open_H_test closed = 100 * early_stop_results_dict.closed_balanced_acc_valid.metrics.closed_balanced_acc_test print('Reporting Balanced metrics') print(f'Unseen={U:.1f}, Seen={S:.1f}, Harmonic={H:.1f}, Closed={closed:.1f}') print('####################################\n\n') def init_logging(args): exp_cfg: ExperimentCfg = args.exp output_dir = Path(exp_cfg.output_dir) if not exp_cfg.ignore_existing_output_contents and len(list(output_dir.iterdir())) > 0: raise ValueError(f'Output directory {output_dir} is not empty') args_dict = dataclasses.asdict(args) if exp_cfg.use_wandb: import wandb wandb_myinit(project_name=exp_cfg.project_name, experiment_name=exp_cfg.experiment_name, instance_name=exp_cfg.instance_name, config=args_dict, workdir=exp_cfg.output_dir, username=exp_cfg.wandb_user) # printing starts here - after initializing w&b print('commandline was:') print(' '.join(argv)) print(vars(args)) writer = SummaryWriter_withCSV(log_dir=exp_cfg.output_dir, suppress_tensorboard=True, wandb=exp_cfg.use_wandb) writer.set_print_options(pandas_max_columns=500, pandas_max_width=200) to_json(args_dict, exp_cfg.output_dir, filename='args.json') return writer def clear_output_dir(exp_cfg): # Always delete dumped (per-epoch) logits when done, because it takes a lot of space delete_dumped_logits(exp_cfg.output_dir) # Delete dumped (per epoch) decisions if required if exp_cfg.delete_dumped_preds: print('Delete logging of per-epoch dumped predictions') cmd = f'rm -rf {join(exp_cfg.output_dir, "dump_preds")}' print(cmd) COSMO_utils.run_bash(cmd) def process_offline_early_stopping(exp_cfg: ExperimentCfg): cfg_offline_early_stop = Munch() cfg_offline_early_stop.dir = exp_cfg.output_dir cfg_offline_early_stop.early_stop_metrics = 'open_H_valid,closed_balanced_acc_valid,open_H_IMB_valid,AUC_open_valid' early_stop_results_dict = offline_early_stop.main(cfg_offline_early_stop) if exp_cfg.use_wandb: # dump each early_stop result to currents project offline_early_stop.early_stop_results_to_wandb_summary(early_stop_results_dict) # and save the dumped predictions at its epoch offline_early_stop.dump_preds_at_early_stop(early_stop_results_dict, exp_cfg.output_dir, use_wandb=exp_cfg.use_wandb) return early_stop_results_dict def load_data(args: CommandlineArgs): if train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = load_pickled_metadata(args) print('load data from PKL') else: train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = load_TMN_data(args) print('load data using TMN project') return test_dataset, train_dataset, valid_dataset def to_json(args_dict, log_dir, filename): args_json = os.path.join(log_dir, filename) with open(args_json, 'w') as f: json.dump(args_dict, f) print(f'\nDump configuration to JSON file: {args_json}\n\n') def SIGINT_KeyboardInterrupt_handler(sig, frame): raise KeyboardInterrupt() def load_TMN_data(args: CommandlineArgs): import sys sys.path.append('taskmodularnets') import as tmn_data dict_data = dict() for subset in ['train', 'val', 'test']: dTMN = tmn_data.CompositionDatasetActivations(, phase=subset, split='compositional-split-natural') # Add class attributes according to the current project API dTMN.all_open_pairs, dTMN.seen_pairs = \ dTMN.pairs, dTMN.train_pairs # Get TMN unseen pairs, because val/test_pairs include both seen and unseen pairs dTMN.unseen_closed_val_pairs = list(set(dTMN.val_pairs).difference(dTMN.seen_pairs)) dTMN.unseen_closed_test_pairs = list(set(dTMN.test_pairs).difference(dTMN.seen_pairs)) dTMN.closed_unseen_pairs = dict( train=[], val=dTMN.unseen_closed_val_pairs, test=dTMN.unseen_closed_test_pairs)[subset] dict_data[f'{subset}'] = deepcopy(vars(dTMN)) train_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['train'], data_subset='train_data', valid_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['val'], data_subset='val_data', test_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['test'], data_subset='test_data', print('Seen (train) pairs: ', train_dataset.seen_pairs) print('Unseen (val) pairs: ', train_dataset.unseen_closed_val_pairs) print('Unseen (test) pairs: ', train_dataset.unseen_closed_test_pairs) return train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset def load_pickled_metadata(args: CommandlineArgs): data_cfg = dataset_name = deepcopy(data_cfg['dataset_name']) dataset_variant = deepcopy(data_cfg['dataset_variant']) meta_path = Path(f"{data_cfg['data_dir']}/metadata_pickles") random_state_path = Path(f"{data_cfg['data_dir']}/np_random_state_pickles") meta_path = meta_path.expanduser() dict_data = dict() seen_seed = args.train.seed for subset in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: metadata_full_filename = meta_path / f"metadata_{dataset_name}__{dataset_variant}__comp_seed_{data_cfg['num_split']}__seen_seed_{seen_seed}__{subset}.pkl" dict_data[f'{subset}'] = deepcopy(pickle.load(open(metadata_full_filename, 'rb'))) np_rnd_state_fname = random_state_path / f"np_random_state_{dataset_name}__{dataset_variant}__comp_seed_{data_cfg['num_split']}__seen_seed_{seen_seed}.pkl" np_seed_state = pickle.load(open(np_rnd_state_fname, 'rb')) np.random.set_state(np_seed_state) train_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['train'], data_subset='train_data', data_dir=data_cfg['data_dir']) valid_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['valid'], data_subset='val_data', data_dir=data_cfg['data_dir']) test_dataset = CompDataFromDict(dict_data['test'], data_subset='test_data', data_dir=data_cfg['data_dir']) print('Seen (train) pairs: ', train_dataset.seen_pairs) print('Unseen (val) pairs: ', train_dataset.unseen_closed_val_pairs) print('Unseen (test) pairs: ', train_dataset.unseen_closed_test_pairs) return train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset def delete_dumped_logits(logdir): # Delete dumped logits f"find {join(logdir, 'dump_preds')} -name 'logits*' -delete" if __name__ == '__main__': args = CommandlineArgs.get_args() main(args)