1 value
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """A standalone utility for computing the log moments. The utility for computing the log moments. It consists of two methods. compute_log_moment(q, sigma, T, lmbd) computes the log moment with sampling probability q, noise sigma, order lmbd, and T steps. get_privacy_spent computes delta (or eps) given log moments and eps (or delta). Example use: Suppose that we have run an algorithm with parameters, an array of (q1, sigma1, T1) ... (qk, sigmak, Tk), and we wish to compute eps for a given delta. The example code would be: max_lmbd = 32 lmbds = xrange(1, max_lmbd + 1) log_moments = [] for lmbd in lmbds: log_moment = 0 for q, sigma, T in parameters: log_moment += compute_log_moment(q, sigma, T, lmbd) log_moments.append((lmbd, log_moment)) eps, delta = get_privacy_spent(log_moments, target_delta=delta) To verify that the I1 >= I2 (see comments in GaussianMomentsAccountant in for the context), run the same loop above with verify=True passed to compute_log_moment. """ import math import sys import numpy as np import scipy.integrate as integrate import scipy.stats #from sympy.mpmath import mp import mpmath as mp def _to_np_float64(v): if math.isnan(v) or math.isinf(v): return np.inf return np.float64(v) ###################### # FLOAT64 ARITHMETIC # ###################### def pdf_gauss(x, sigma, mean=0): return scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sigma) def cropped_ratio(a, b): if a < 1E-50 and b < 1E-50: return 1. else: return a / b def integral_inf(fn): integral, _ = integrate.quad(fn, -np.inf, np.inf) return integral def integral_bounded(fn, lb, ub): integral, _ = integrate.quad(fn, lb, ub) return integral def distributions(sigma, q): mu0 = lambda y: pdf_gauss(y, sigma=sigma, mean=0.0) mu1 = lambda y: pdf_gauss(y, sigma=sigma, mean=1.0) mu = lambda y: (1 - q) * mu0(y) + q * mu1(y) return mu0, mu1, mu def compute_a(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=False): lmbd_int = int(math.ceil(lmbd)) if lmbd_int == 0: return 1.0 a_lambda_first_term_exact = 0 a_lambda_second_term_exact = 0 for i in range(lmbd_int + 1): coef_i = scipy.special.binom(lmbd_int, i) * (q ** i) s1, s2 = 0, 0 for j in range(i + 1): coef_j = scipy.special.binom(i, j) * (-1) ** (i - j) s1 += coef_j * np.exp((j * j - j) / (2.0 * (sigma ** 2))) s2 += coef_j * np.exp((j * j + j) / (2.0 * (sigma ** 2))) a_lambda_first_term_exact += coef_i * s1 a_lambda_second_term_exact += coef_i * s2 a_lambda_exact = ((1.0 - q) * a_lambda_first_term_exact + q * a_lambda_second_term_exact) if verbose: print("A: by binomial expansion {} = {} + {}".format( a_lambda_exact, (1.0 - q) * a_lambda_first_term_exact, q * a_lambda_second_term_exact)) return _to_np_float64(a_lambda_exact) def compute_b(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=False): mu0, _, mu = distributions(sigma, q) b_lambda_fn = lambda z: mu0(z) * np.power(cropped_ratio(mu0(z), mu(z)), lmbd) b_lambda = integral_inf(b_lambda_fn) m = sigma ** 2 * (np.log((2. - q) / (1. - q)) + 1. / (2 * sigma ** 2)) b_fn = lambda z: (np.power(mu0(z) / mu(z), lmbd) - np.power(mu(-z) / mu0(z), lmbd)) if verbose: print("M =", m) print("f(-M) = {} f(M) = {}".format(b_fn(-m), b_fn(m))) assert b_fn(-m) < 0 and b_fn(m) < 0 b_lambda_int1_fn = lambda z: (mu0(z) * np.power(cropped_ratio(mu0(z), mu(z)), lmbd)) b_lambda_int2_fn = lambda z: (mu0(z) * np.power(cropped_ratio(mu(z), mu0(z)), lmbd)) b_int1 = integral_bounded(b_lambda_int1_fn, -m, m) b_int2 = integral_bounded(b_lambda_int2_fn, -m, m) a_lambda_m1 = compute_a(sigma, q, lmbd - 1) b_bound = a_lambda_m1 + b_int1 - b_int2 if verbose: print("B: by numerical integration", b_lambda) print("B must be no more than ", b_bound) print(b_lambda, b_bound) return _to_np_float64(b_lambda) ########################### # MULTIPRECISION ROUTINES # ########################### def pdf_gauss_mp(x, sigma, mean): return mp.mpf(1.) / mp.sqrt(mp.mpf("2.") * sigma ** 2 * mp.pi) * mp.exp( - (x - mean) ** 2 / (mp.mpf("2.") * sigma ** 2)) def integral_inf_mp(fn): integral, _ = mp.quad(fn, [-mp.inf, mp.inf], error=True) return integral def integral_bounded_mp(fn, lb, ub): integral, _ = mp.quad(fn, [lb, ub], error=True) return integral def distributions_mp(sigma, q): mu0 = lambda y: pdf_gauss_mp(y, sigma=sigma, mean=mp.mpf(0)) mu1 = lambda y: pdf_gauss_mp(y, sigma=sigma, mean=mp.mpf(1)) mu = lambda y: (1 - q) * mu0(y) + q * mu1(y) return mu0, mu1, mu def compute_a_mp(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=False): lmbd_int = int(math.ceil(lmbd)) if lmbd_int == 0: return 1.0 mu0, mu1, mu = distributions_mp(sigma, q) a_lambda_fn = lambda z: mu(z) * (mu(z) / mu0(z)) ** lmbd_int a_lambda_first_term_fn = lambda z: mu0(z) * (mu(z) / mu0(z)) ** lmbd_int a_lambda_second_term_fn = lambda z: mu1(z) * (mu(z) / mu0(z)) ** lmbd_int a_lambda = integral_inf_mp(a_lambda_fn) a_lambda_first_term = integral_inf_mp(a_lambda_first_term_fn) a_lambda_second_term = integral_inf_mp(a_lambda_second_term_fn) if verbose: print("A: by numerical integration {} = {} + {}".format( a_lambda, (1 - q) * a_lambda_first_term, q * a_lambda_second_term)) return _to_np_float64(a_lambda) def compute_b_mp(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=False): lmbd_int = int(math.ceil(lmbd)) if lmbd_int == 0: return 1.0 mu0, _, mu = distributions_mp(sigma, q) b_lambda_fn = lambda z: mu0(z) * (mu0(z) / mu(z)) ** lmbd_int b_lambda = integral_inf_mp(b_lambda_fn) m = sigma ** 2 * (mp.log((2 - q) / (1 - q)) + 1 / (2 * (sigma ** 2))) b_fn = lambda z: ((mu0(z) / mu(z)) ** lmbd_int - (mu(-z) / mu0(z)) ** lmbd_int) if verbose: print("M =", m) print("f(-M) = {} f(M) = {}".format(b_fn(-m), b_fn(m))) assert b_fn(-m) < 0 and b_fn(m) < 0 b_lambda_int1_fn = lambda z: mu0(z) * (mu0(z) / mu(z)) ** lmbd_int b_lambda_int2_fn = lambda z: mu0(z) * (mu(z) / mu0(z)) ** lmbd_int b_int1 = integral_bounded_mp(b_lambda_int1_fn, -m, m) b_int2 = integral_bounded_mp(b_lambda_int2_fn, -m, m) a_lambda_m1 = compute_a_mp(sigma, q, lmbd - 1) b_bound = a_lambda_m1 + b_int1 - b_int2 if verbose: print("B by numerical integration", b_lambda) print("B must be no more than ", b_bound) assert b_lambda < b_bound + 1e-5 return _to_np_float64(b_lambda) def _compute_delta(log_moments, eps): """Compute delta for given log_moments and eps. Args: log_moments: the log moments of privacy loss, in the form of pairs of (moment_order, log_moment) eps: the target epsilon. Returns: delta """ min_delta = 1.0 for moment_order, log_moment in log_moments: if moment_order == 0: continue if math.isinf(log_moment) or math.isnan(log_moment): sys.stderr.write("The %d-th order is inf or Nan\n" % moment_order) continue if log_moment < moment_order * eps: min_delta = min(min_delta, math.exp(log_moment - moment_order * eps)) return min_delta def _compute_eps(log_moments, delta): """Compute epsilon for given log_moments and delta. Args: log_moments: the log moments of privacy loss, in the form of pairs of (moment_order, log_moment) delta: the target delta. Returns: epsilon """ min_eps = float("inf") for moment_order, log_moment in log_moments: if moment_order == 0: continue if math.isinf(log_moment) or math.isnan(log_moment): sys.stderr.write("The %d-th order is inf or Nan\n" % moment_order) continue min_eps = min(min_eps, (log_moment - math.log(delta)) / moment_order) return min_eps def compute_log_moment(q, sigma, steps, lmbd, verify=False, verbose=False): """Compute the log moment of Gaussian mechanism for given parameters. Args: q: the sampling ratio. sigma: the noise sigma. steps: the number of steps. lmbd: the moment order. verify: if False, only compute the symbolic version. If True, computes both symbolic and numerical solutions and verifies the results match. verbose: if True, print out debug information. Returns: the log moment with type np.float64, could be np.inf. """ moment = compute_a(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=verbose) if verify: mp.dps = 50 moment_a_mp = compute_a_mp(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=verbose) moment_b_mp = compute_b_mp(sigma, q, lmbd, verbose=verbose) np.testing.assert_allclose(moment, moment_a_mp, rtol=1e-10) if not np.isinf(moment_a_mp): # The following test fails for (1, np.inf)! np.testing.assert_array_less(moment_b_mp, moment_a_mp) if np.isinf(moment): return np.inf else: return np.log(moment) * steps def get_privacy_spent(log_moments, target_eps=None, target_delta=None): """Compute delta (or eps) for given eps (or delta) from log moments. Args: log_moments: array of (moment_order, log_moment) pairs. target_eps: if not None, the epsilon for which we would like to compute corresponding delta value. target_delta: if not None, the delta for which we would like to compute corresponding epsilon value. Exactly one of target_eps and target_delta is None. Returns: eps, delta pair """ assert (target_eps is None) ^ (target_delta is None) assert not ((target_eps is None) and (target_delta is None)) if target_eps is not None: return (target_eps, _compute_delta(log_moments, target_eps)) else: return (_compute_eps(log_moments, target_delta), target_delta)
[ "MIT" ]
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, authenticate from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from rest_framework import serializers class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for the users object""" class Meta: model = get_user_model() fields = ('email', 'password', 'name') extra_kwargs = {'password': {'write_only': True, 'min_length': 5}} def create(self, validated_data): """Create a new user with encrypted password and return it""" return get_user_model().objects.create_user(**validated_data) def update(self, instance, validated_data): """Update a user, setting the password correctly and return it""" password = validated_data.pop('password', None) user = super().update(instance, validated_data) if password: user.set_password(password) return user class AuthTokenSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """Serializer for the user authentication object""" email = serializers.CharField() password = serializers.CharField( style={'input_type': 'password'}, trim_whitespace=False ) def validate(self, attrs): """Validate and authenticate the user""" email = attrs.get('email') password = attrs.get('password') user = authenticate( request=self.context.get('request'), username=email, password=password ) if not user: msg = _("Unable to authenticate with provided credentials") raise serializers.ValidationError(msg, code='authentication') attrs['user'] = user return attrs
[ "MIT" ]
# coding: utf-8 """ Memsource REST API Welcome to Memsource's API documentation. To view our legacy APIs please [visit our documentation]( and for more information about our new APIs, [visit our blog]( If you have any questions, please contact [Memsource Support](<mailto:[email protected]>). # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: Latest Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import memsource_cli from memsource_cli.models.project_workflow_step_dto_v2 import ProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2 # noqa: E501 from import ApiException class TestProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2(unittest.TestCase): """ProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2 unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def testProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2(self): """Test ProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2""" # FIXME: construct object with mandatory attributes with example values # model = memsource_cli.models.project_workflow_step_dto_v2.ProjectWorkflowStepDtoV2() # noqa: E501 pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2018 EMVA # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard library imports # Related third party imports from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QComboBox from genicam2.gentl import NotImplementedException, NotAvailableException, \ InvalidParameterException # Local application/library specific imports from import Observer from harvesters_gui._private.frontend.pyqt5.helper import get_system_font class ComboBoxDeviceList(QComboBox, Observer): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setFont(get_system_font()) def update(self): if self.parent().parent().harvester_core.has_revised_device_info_list: self.clear() separator = '::' for d in self.parent().parent().harvester_core.device_info_list: name = d.vendor name += separator name += d.model try: _ = d.serial_number except: # We know it's too broad: pass else: if d.serial_number != '': name += separator name += d.serial_number try: _ = d.user_defined_name except: # We know it's too broad: pass else: if d.user_defined_name != '': name += separator name += d.user_defined_name self.addItem(name) # self.parent().parent().harvester_core.has_revised_device_info_list = False # enable = False if self.parent().parent().cti_files: if self.parent().parent().ia is None: enable = True self.setEnabled(enable)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""Commonly used tensor functions.""" import math from typing import Union, Optional import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from .factory import AbstractTensor def binarize(tensor: tf.Tensor, bitsize: Optional[int] = None) -> tf.Tensor: """Extract bits of values in `tensor`, returning a `tf.Tensor` with same dtype.""" with tf.name_scope('binarize'): bitsize = bitsize or (tensor.dtype.size * 8) bit_indices_shape = [1] * len(tensor.shape) + [bitsize] bit_indices = tf.range(bitsize, dtype=tensor.dtype) bit_indices = tf.reshape(bit_indices, bit_indices_shape) val = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) val = tf.bitwise.bitwise_and(tf.bitwise.right_shift(val, bit_indices), 1) assert val.dtype == tensor.dtype return val def bits(tensor: tf.Tensor, bitsize: Optional[int] = None) -> list: """Extract bits of values in `tensor`, returning a list of tensors.""" with tf.name_scope('bits'): bitsize = bitsize or (tensor.dtype.size * 8) the_bits = [ tf.bitwise.bitwise_and(tf.bitwise.right_shift(tensor, i), 1) for i in range(bitsize) ] return the_bits # return tf.stack(bits, axis=-1) def im2col(x: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray], h_filter: int, w_filter: int, padding: str, stride: int) -> tf.Tensor: """Generic implementation of im2col on tf.Tensors.""" with tf.name_scope('im2col'): # we need NHWC because tf.extract_image_patches expects this nhwc_tensor = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 1]) channels = int(nhwc_tensor.shape[3]) # extract patches patch_tensor = tf.extract_image_patches( nhwc_tensor, ksizes=[1, h_filter, w_filter, 1], strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], rates=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding=padding ) # change back to NCHW patch_tensor_nchw = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(patch_tensor, [3, 1, 2, 0]), (h_filter, w_filter, channels, -1)) # reshape to x_col x_col_tensor = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(patch_tensor_nchw, [2, 0, 1, 3]), (channels * h_filter * w_filter, -1)) return x_col_tensor def conv2d(x: AbstractTensor, y: AbstractTensor, stride, padding) -> AbstractTensor: """Generic convolution implementation with im2col over AbstractTensors.""" with tf.name_scope('conv2d'): h_filter, w_filter, in_filters, out_filters = map(int, y.shape) n_x, c_x, h_x, w_x = map(int, x.shape) if c_x != in_filters: # in depthwise conv the filter's in and out dimensions are reversed out_filters = in_filters if padding == 'SAME': h_out = int(math.ceil(float(h_x) / float(stride))) w_out = int(math.ceil(float(w_x) / float(stride))) elif padding == 'VALID': h_out = int(math.ceil(float(h_x - h_filter + 1) / float(stride))) w_out = int(math.ceil(float(w_x - w_filter + 1) / float(stride))) else: raise ValueError("Don't know padding method '{}'".format(padding)) x_col = x.im2col(h_filter, w_filter, padding, stride) w_col = y.transpose([3, 2, 0, 1]).reshape([int(out_filters), -1]) out = w_col.matmul(x_col) out = out.reshape([out_filters, h_out, w_out, n_x]) out = out.transpose([3, 0, 1, 2]) return out
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import sys import utils from statistics import Statistics from connect import connect import printer from configloader import ConfigLoader from rafflehandler import Rafflehandler import rafflehandler import OnlineHeart import asyncio from cmd import Cmd def fetch_real_roomid(roomid): if roomid: real_roomid = [[roomid], utils.check_room] else: real_roomid = ConfigLoader().dic_user['other_control']['default_monitor_roomid'] return real_roomid class Biliconsole(Cmd): prompt = '' def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop Cmd.__init__(self) def guide_of_console(self): print(' ___________________ ') print('|   欢迎使用本控制台        |') print('| 1 输出本次抽奖统计        |') print('| 2 查看目前拥有礼物的统计     |') print('| 3 查看持有勋章状态        |') print('| 4 获取直播个人的基本信息     |') print('| 5 检查今日任务的完成情况     |') print('| 6 模拟电脑网页端发送弹幕     |') print('| 7 直播间的长短号码的转化     |') print('| 8 手动送礼物到指定直播间     |') print('| 9 切换监听的直播间        |') print('|10 控制弹幕的开关         |') print('|11 房间号码查看主播        |') print('|12 当前拥有的扭蛋币        |') print('|13 开扭蛋币(一、十、百)     |') print('|16 尝试一次实物抽奖        |') print('  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ') def default(self, line): self.guide_of_console() def emptyline(self): self.guide_of_console() def do_1(self, line): Statistics.getlist() def do_2(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.fetch_bag_list) def do_3(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.fetch_medal) def do_4(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.fetch_user_info) def do_5(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.check_taskinfo) def do_6(self, line): msg = input('请输入要发送的信息:') roomid = input('请输入要发送的房间号:') real_roomid = fetch_real_roomid(roomid) self.append2list_console([[msg, real_roomid], utils.send_danmu_msg_web]) def do_7(self, line): roomid = input('请输入要转化的房间号:') if not roomid: roomid = ConfigLoader().dic_user['other_control']['default_monitor_roomid'] self.append2list_console([[roomid], utils.check_room]) def do_8(self, line): self.append2list_console([[True], utils.fetch_bag_list]) bagid = input('请输入要发送的礼物编号:') # print('是谁', giftid) giftnum = int(input('请输入要发送的礼物数目:')) roomid = input('请输入要发送的房间号:') real_roomid = fetch_real_roomid(roomid) self.append2list_console([[real_roomid, giftnum, bagid], utils.send_gift_web]) def do_9(self, line): roomid = input('请输入roomid') real_roomid = fetch_real_roomid(roomid) self.append2list_console([[real_roomid], connect.reconnect]) def do_10(self, line): new_words = input('弹幕控制') if new_words == 'T': printer.control_printer(True, None) else: printer.control_printer(False, None) def do_11(self, line): roomid = input('请输入roomid') real_roomid = fetch_real_roomid(roomid) self.append2list_console([[real_roomid], utils.fetch_liveuser_info]) def do_12(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.fetch_capsule_info) def do_13(self, line): count = input('请输入要开的扭蛋数目(1或10或100)') self.append2list_console([[count], utils.open_capsule]) def do_14(self, line): if sys.platform == 'ios': roomid = input('请输入roomid') real_roomid = fetch_real_roomid(roomid) self.append2list_console([[real_roomid], utils.watch_living_video]) return print('仅支持ios') def do_15(self, line): self.append2list_console(utils.TitleInfo) def do_16(self, line): self.append2list_console(OnlineHeart.draw_lottery) def do_17(self, line): new_words = input('debug控制') if new_words == 'T': printer.control_printer(None, True) else: printer.control_printer(None, True) def do_18(self, line): video_id = input('请输入av号') num = input('输入数目') self.append2list_console([[int(video_id), int(num)], utils.GiveCoin2Av]) def do_19(self, line): try: roomid = int(input('输入roomid')) self.append2list_console([[(roomid,), rafflehandler.handle_1_room_guard], rafflehandler.Rafflehandler.Put2Queue_wait]) except: pass def do_check(self, line): Rafflehandler.getlist() Statistics.checklist() def append2list_console(self, request): asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.excute_async(request), self.loop) # inst.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(inst.queue_console.put_nowait, request) async def excute_async(self, i): if isinstance(i, list): # 对10号单独简陋处理 for j in range(len(i[0])): if isinstance(i[0][j], list): # print('检测') i[0][j] = await i[0][j][1](*(i[0][j][0])) if i[1] == 'normal': i[2](*i[0]) else: await i[1](*i[0]) else: await i()
[ "MIT" ]
import unittest from _2015 import d22_wizard class TestWizard(unittest.TestCase): # damage, heal, acBonus, manaRecharge def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_empty(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 0], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_empty(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_MagicMissile(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {"Magic Missile": 1} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([4, 0, 0, 0], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_MagicMissile(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {"Magic Missile": 1} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_Drain(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {"Drain": 1} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([2, 2, 0, 0], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_Drain(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {"Drain": 1} effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_Shield(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) duration = 6 activeEffects = {"Shield": duration} for i in range(duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 7, 0], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_Shield(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) duration = 6 activeEffects = {"Shield": duration} for i in range(1, duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({"Shield": duration - i}, activeEffects, i) effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_Poison(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) activeEffects = {"Poison": 6} duration = 6 activeEffects = {"Poison": duration} for i in range(duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([3, 0, 0, 0], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_Poison(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) duration = 6 activeEffects = {"Poison": duration} for i in range(1, duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({"Poison": duration - i}, activeEffects, i) effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_effects_Recharge(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) duration = 5 activeEffects = {"Recharge": duration} for i in range(duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 101], effects) def test_evaluateSpellEffects_activeEffects_Recharge(self): w = d22_wizard.Wizard(0, 0) duration = 5 activeEffects = {"Recharge": duration} for i in range(1, duration): effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({"Recharge": duration - i}, activeEffects, i) effects = w._evaluateSpellEffects(activeEffects) self.assertEqual({}, activeEffects) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "Unlicense" ]
import numpy as np np.random.seed(0) ADOPT = 0 OVERRIDE = 1 WAIT = 2 class Environment(object): def __init__(self, mining_powers, gammas, T): # relative mining strengths. self.mining_powers = mining_powers self.gammas = gammas self.num_miners = len(mining_powers) # termination parameters self.T = T # chain variables self.chain = '' self.starting_points = np.zeros(self.num_miners, dtype=np.int64) self.hidden_lengths = np.zeros(self.num_miners, dtype=np.int64) def reset(self): self.chain = '' self.starting_points = np.zeros(self.num_miners, dtype=np.int64) self.hidden_lengths = np.zeros(self.num_miners, dtype=np.int64) def getNextBlockWinner(self): winner = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.mining_powers)), p=self.mining_powers) self.hidden_lengths[winner] += 1 return winner def adopt(self, player_index): _a, h = self.getState(player_index) self.starting_points[player_index] = len(self.chain) self.hidden_lengths[player_index] = 0 return self.getState(player_index), (0, h) def wait(self, player_index): a, h = self.getState(player_index) if (a == self.T) or (h == self.T): return self.adopt(player_index) return self.getState(player_index), (0, 0) def override(self, player_index): a, h = self.getState(player_index) if a <= h: self.starting_points[player_index] = len(self.chain) self.hidden_lengths[player_index] = 0 return self.getState(player_index), (0, 10) # chop chain to proper length self.chain = self.chain[:self.starting_points[player_index]] new_blocks = str(player_index) * a self.chain += new_blocks self.starting_points[player_index] = len(self.chain) self.hidden_lengths[player_index] = 0 return self.getState(player_index), (a, 0) def getState(self, player_index): return (self.hidden_lengths[player_index], len(self.chain)-self.starting_points[player_index]) def takeActionPlayer(self, player_index, action): if action == ADOPT: return self.adopt(player_index) elif action == OVERRIDE: return self.override(player_index) elif action == WAIT: return self.wait(player_index) else: raise KeyError('{} is not an action'.format(action)) if __name__ == "__main__": powers = [0.55, 0.45] gammas = [0.5, 0.5] env = Environment(powers, gammas, T=9) chain = '' for _ in range(1000): chain += str(env.getNextBlockWinner()) print('p0', chain.count('0'), chain.count('0')/len(chain)) print('p1', chain.count('1'), chain.count('1')/len(chain)) print('p2', chain.count('2'), chain.count('2')/len(chain))
[ "MIT" ]
""" Statistical tools for time series analysis """ from statsmodels.compat.python import (iteritems, range, lrange, string_types, lzip, zip, long) from statsmodels.compat.scipy import _next_regular import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError from scipy import stats from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS, yule_walker from import add_constant, Bunch from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import lagmat, lagmat2ds, add_trend from statsmodels.tsa.adfvalues import mackinnonp, mackinnoncrit from statsmodels.tsa._bds import bds from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARMA from import InterpolationWarning, MissingDataError __all__ = ['acovf', 'acf', 'pacf', 'pacf_yw', 'pacf_ols', 'ccovf', 'ccf', 'periodogram', 'q_stat', 'coint', 'arma_order_select_ic', 'adfuller', 'kpss', 'bds'] SQRTEPS = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.double).eps) #NOTE: now in two places to avoid circular import #TODO: I like the bunch pattern for this too. class ResultsStore(object): def __str__(self): return self._str # pylint: disable=E1101 def _autolag(mod, endog, exog, startlag, maxlag, method, modargs=(), fitargs=(), regresults=False): """ Returns the results for the lag length that maximizes the info criterion. Parameters ---------- mod : Model class Model estimator class endog : array-like nobs array containing endogenous variable exog : array-like nobs by (startlag + maxlag) array containing lags and possibly other variables startlag : int The first zero-indexed column to hold a lag. See Notes. maxlag : int The highest lag order for lag length selection. method : {'aic', 'bic', 't-stat'} aic - Akaike Information Criterion bic - Bayes Information Criterion t-stat - Based on last lag modargs : tuple, optional args to pass to model. See notes. fitargs : tuple, optional args to pass to fit. See notes. regresults : bool, optional Flag indicating to return optional return results Returns ------- icbest : float Best information criteria. bestlag : int The lag length that maximizes the information criterion. results : dict, optional Dictionary containing all estimation results Notes ----- Does estimation like mod(endog, exog[:,:i], *modargs).fit(*fitargs) where i goes from lagstart to lagstart+maxlag+1. Therefore, lags are assumed to be in contiguous columns from low to high lag length with the highest lag in the last column. """ #TODO: can tcol be replaced by maxlag + 2? #TODO: This could be changed to laggedRHS and exog keyword arguments if # this will be more general. results = {} method = method.lower() for lag in range(startlag, startlag + maxlag + 1): mod_instance = mod(endog, exog[:, :lag], *modargs) results[lag] = if method == "aic": icbest, bestlag = min((v.aic, k) for k, v in iteritems(results)) elif method == "bic": icbest, bestlag = min((v.bic, k) for k, v in iteritems(results)) elif method == "t-stat": #stop = stats.norm.ppf(.95) stop = 1.6448536269514722 for lag in range(startlag + maxlag, startlag - 1, -1): icbest = np.abs(results[lag].tvalues[-1]) if np.abs(icbest) >= stop: bestlag = lag icbest = icbest break else: raise ValueError("Information Criterion %s not understood.") % method if not regresults: return icbest, bestlag else: return icbest, bestlag, results #this needs to be converted to a class like HetGoldfeldQuandt, # 3 different returns are a mess # See: #Ng and Perron(2001), Lag length selection and the construction of unit root #tests with good size and power, Econometrica, Vol 69 (6) pp 1519-1554 #TODO: include drift keyword, only valid with regression == "c" # just changes the distribution of the test statistic to a t distribution #TODO: autolag is untested def adfuller(x, maxlag=None, regression="c", autolag='AIC', store=False, regresults=False): """ Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used to test for a unit root in a univariate process in the presence of serial correlation. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 1d data series maxlag : int Maximum lag which is included in test, default 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4} regression : {'c','ct','ctt','nc'} Constant and trend order to include in regression * 'c' : constant only (default) * 'ct' : constant and trend * 'ctt' : constant, and linear and quadratic trend * 'nc' : no constant, no trend autolag : {'AIC', 'BIC', 't-stat', None} * if None, then maxlag lags are used * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen to minimize the corresponding information criterion * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag. Starts with maxlag and drops a lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant using a 5%-sized test store : bool If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to the adf statistic. Default is False regresults : bool, optional If True, the full regression results are returned. Default is False Returns ------- adf : float Test statistic pvalue : float MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010) usedlag : int Number of lags used nobs : int Number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of the critical values critical values : dict Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010) icbest : float The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None. resstore : ResultStore, optional A dummy class with results attached as attributes Notes ----- The null hypothesis of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit root, with the alternative that there is no unit root. If the pvalue is above a critical size, then we cannot reject that there is a unit root. The p-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from MacKinnon 1994, but using the updated 2010 tables. If the p-value is close to significant, then the critical values should be used to judge whether to reject the null. The autolag option and maxlag for it are described in Greene. Examples -------- See example notebook References ---------- .. [*] W. Green. "Econometric Analysis," 5th ed., Pearson, 2003. .. [*] Hamilton, J.D. "Time Series Analysis". Princeton, 1994. .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 1994. "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for unit-root and cointegration tests. `Journal of Business and Economic Statistics` 12, 167-76. .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests." Queen's University, Dept of Economics, Working Papers. Available at """ if regresults: store = True trenddict = {None: 'nc', 0: 'c', 1: 'ct', 2: 'ctt'} if regression is None or isinstance(regression, (int, long)): regression = trenddict[regression] regression = regression.lower() if regression not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']: raise ValueError("regression option %s not understood") % regression x = np.asarray(x) nobs = x.shape[0] if maxlag is None: #from Greene referencing Schwert 1989 maxlag = int(np.ceil(12. * np.power(nobs / 100., 1 / 4.))) xdiff = np.diff(x) xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], maxlag, trim='both', original='in') nobs = xdall.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1103 xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1] # replace 0 xdiff with level of x xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:] if store: resstore = ResultsStore() if autolag: if regression != 'nc': fullRHS = add_trend(xdall, regression, prepend=True) else: fullRHS = xdall startlag = fullRHS.shape[1] - xdall.shape[1] + 1 # 1 for level # pylint: disable=E1103 #search for lag length with smallest information criteria #Note: use the same number of observations to have comparable IC #aic and bic: smaller is better if not regresults: icbest, bestlag = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag, maxlag, autolag) else: icbest, bestlag, alres = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag, maxlag, autolag, regresults=regresults) resstore.autolag_results = alres bestlag -= startlag # convert to lag not column index #rerun ols with best autolag xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], bestlag, trim='both', original='in') nobs = xdall.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1103 xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1] # replace 0 xdiff with level of x xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:] usedlag = bestlag else: usedlag = maxlag icbest = None if regression != 'nc': resols = OLS(xdshort, add_trend(xdall[:, :usedlag + 1], regression)).fit() else: resols = OLS(xdshort, xdall[:, :usedlag + 1]).fit() adfstat = resols.tvalues[0] # adfstat = (resols.params[0]-1.0)/resols.bse[0] # the "asymptotically correct" z statistic is obtained as # nobs/(1-np.sum(resols.params[1:-(trendorder+1)])) (resols.params[0] - 1) # I think this is the statistic that is used for series that are integrated # for orders higher than I(1), ie., not ADF but cointegration tests. # Get approx p-value and critical values pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, regression=regression, N=1) critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=regression, nobs=nobs) critvalues = {"1%" : critvalues[0], "5%" : critvalues[1], "10%" : critvalues[2]} if store: resstore.resols = resols resstore.maxlag = maxlag resstore.usedlag = usedlag resstore.adfstat = adfstat resstore.critvalues = critvalues resstore.nobs = nobs resstore.H0 = ("The coefficient on the lagged level equals 1 - " "unit root") resstore.HA = "The coefficient on the lagged level < 1 - stationary" resstore.icbest = icbest resstore._str = 'Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results' return adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore else: if not autolag: return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues else: return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues, icbest def acovf(x, unbiased=False, demean=True, fft=False, missing='none'): """ Autocovariance for 1D Parameters ---------- x : array Time series data. Must be 1d. unbiased : bool If True, then denominators is n-k, otherwise n demean : bool If True, then subtract the mean x from each element of x fft : bool If True, use FFT convolution. This method should be preferred for long time series. missing : str A string in ['none', 'raise', 'conservative', 'drop'] specifying how the NaNs are to be treated. Returns ------- acovf : array autocovariance function References ----------- .. [*] Parzen, E., 1963. On spectral analysis with missing observations and amplitude modulation. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, pp.383-392. """ x = np.squeeze(np.asarray(x)) if x.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("x must be 1d. Got %d dims." % x.ndim) missing = missing.lower() if missing not in ['none', 'raise', 'conservative', 'drop']: raise ValueError("missing option %s not understood" % missing) if missing == 'none': deal_with_masked = False else: deal_with_masked = has_missing(x) if deal_with_masked: if missing == 'raise': raise MissingDataError("NaNs were encountered in the data") notmask_bool = ~np.isnan(x) #bool if missing == 'conservative': x[~notmask_bool] = 0 else: #'drop' x = x[notmask_bool] #copies non-missing notmask_int = notmask_bool.astype(int) #int if demean and deal_with_masked: # whether 'drop' or 'conservative': xo = x - x.sum()/notmask_int.sum() if missing=='conservative': xo[~notmask_bool] = 0 elif demean: xo = x - x.mean() else: xo = x n = len(x) if unbiased and deal_with_masked and missing=='conservative': d = np.correlate(notmask_int, notmask_int, 'full') elif unbiased: xi = np.arange(1, n + 1) d = np.hstack((xi, xi[:-1][::-1])) elif deal_with_masked: #biased and NaNs given and ('drop' or 'conservative') d = notmask_int.sum() * np.ones(2*n-1) else: #biased and no NaNs or missing=='none' d = n * np.ones(2 * n - 1) if fft: nobs = len(xo) n = _next_regular(2 * nobs + 1) Frf = np.fft.fft(xo, n=n) acov = np.fft.ifft(Frf * np.conjugate(Frf))[:nobs] / d[nobs - 1:] acov = acov.real else: acov = (np.correlate(xo, xo, 'full') / d)[n - 1:] if deal_with_masked and missing=='conservative': # restore data for the user x[~notmask_bool] = np.nan return acov def q_stat(x, nobs, type="ljungbox"): """ Return's Ljung-Box Q Statistic x : array-like Array of autocorrelation coefficients. Can be obtained from acf. nobs : int Number of observations in the entire sample (ie., not just the length of the autocorrelation function results. Returns ------- q-stat : array Ljung-Box Q-statistic for autocorrelation parameters p-value : array P-value of the Q statistic Notes ------ Written to be used with acf. """ x = np.asarray(x) if type == "ljungbox": ret = (nobs * (nobs + 2) * np.cumsum((1. / (nobs - np.arange(1, len(x) + 1))) * x**2)) chi2 = stats.chi2.sf(ret, np.arange(1, len(x) + 1)) return ret, chi2 #NOTE: Changed unbiased to False #see for example # def acf(x, unbiased=False, nlags=40, qstat=False, fft=False, alpha=None, missing='none'): """ Autocorrelation function for 1d arrays. Parameters ---------- x : array Time series data unbiased : bool If True, then denominators for autocovariance are n-k, otherwise n nlags: int, optional Number of lags to return autocorrelation for. qstat : bool, optional If True, returns the Ljung-Box q statistic for each autocorrelation coefficient. See q_stat for more information. fft : bool, optional If True, computes the ACF via FFT. alpha : scalar, optional If a number is given, the confidence intervals for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=.05, 95 % confidence intervals are returned where the standard deviation is computed according to Bartlett\'s formula. missing : str, optional A string in ['none', 'raise', 'conservative', 'drop'] specifying how the NaNs are to be treated. Returns ------- acf : array autocorrelation function confint : array, optional Confidence intervals for the ACF. Returned if confint is not None. qstat : array, optional The Ljung-Box Q-Statistic. Returned if q_stat is True. pvalues : array, optional The p-values associated with the Q-statistics. Returned if q_stat is True. Notes ----- The acf at lag 0 (ie., 1) is returned. This is based np.correlate which does full convolution. For very long time series it is recommended to use fft convolution instead. If unbiased is true, the denominator for the autocovariance is adjusted but the autocorrelation is not an unbiased estimtor. References ---------- .. [*] Parzen, E., 1963. On spectral analysis with missing observations and amplitude modulation. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, pp.383-392. """ nobs = len(x) # should this shrink for missing='drop' and NaNs in x? avf = acovf(x, unbiased=unbiased, demean=True, fft=fft, missing=missing) acf = avf[:nlags + 1] / avf[0] if not (qstat or alpha): return acf if alpha is not None: varacf = np.ones(nlags + 1) / nobs varacf[0] = 0 varacf[1] = 1. / nobs varacf[2:] *= 1 + 2 * np.cumsum(acf[1:-1]**2) interval = stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.) * np.sqrt(varacf) confint = np.array(lzip(acf - interval, acf + interval)) if not qstat: return acf, confint if qstat: qstat, pvalue = q_stat(acf[1:], nobs=nobs) # drop lag 0 if alpha is not None: return acf, confint, qstat, pvalue else: return acf, qstat, pvalue def pacf_yw(x, nlags=40, method='unbiased'): '''Partial autocorrelation estimated with non-recursive yule_walker Parameters ---------- x : 1d array observations of time series for which pacf is calculated nlags : int largest lag for which pacf is returned method : 'unbiased' (default) or 'mle' method for the autocovariance calculations in yule walker Returns ------- pacf : 1d array partial autocorrelations, maxlag+1 elements Notes ----- This solves yule_walker for each desired lag and contains currently duplicate calculations. ''' pacf = [1.] for k in range(1, nlags + 1): pacf.append(yule_walker(x, k, method=method)[0][-1]) return np.array(pacf) #NOTE: this is incorrect. def pacf_ols(x, nlags=40): '''Calculate partial autocorrelations Parameters ---------- x : 1d array observations of time series for which pacf is calculated nlags : int Number of lags for which pacf is returned. Lag 0 is not returned. Returns ------- pacf : 1d array partial autocorrelations, maxlag+1 elements Notes ----- This solves a separate OLS estimation for each desired lag. ''' #TODO: add warnings for Yule-Walker #NOTE: demeaning and not using a constant gave incorrect answers? #JP: demeaning should have a better estimate of the constant #maybe we can compare small sample properties with a MonteCarlo xlags, x0 = lagmat(x, nlags, original='sep') #xlags = sm.add_constant(lagmat(x, nlags), prepend=True) xlags = add_constant(xlags) pacf = [1.] for k in range(1, nlags+1): res = OLS(x0[k:], xlags[k:, :k+1]).fit() #np.take(xlags[k:], range(1,k+1)+[-1], pacf.append(res.params[-1]) return np.array(pacf) def pacf(x, nlags=40, method='ywunbiased', alpha=None): """ Partial autocorrelation estimated Parameters ---------- x : 1d array observations of time series for which pacf is calculated nlags : int largest lag for which pacf is returned method : {'ywunbiased', 'ywmle', 'ols'} specifies which method for the calculations to use: - yw or ywunbiased : yule walker with bias correction in denominator for acovf. Default. - ywm or ywmle : yule walker without bias correction - ols - regression of time series on lags of it and on constant - ld or ldunbiased : Levinson-Durbin recursion with bias correction - ldb or ldbiased : Levinson-Durbin recursion without bias correction alpha : float, optional If a number is given, the confidence intervals for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=.05, 95 % confidence intervals are returned where the standard deviation is computed according to 1/sqrt(len(x)) Returns ------- pacf : 1d array partial autocorrelations, nlags elements, including lag zero confint : array, optional Confidence intervals for the PACF. Returned if confint is not None. Notes ----- This solves yule_walker equations or ols for each desired lag and contains currently duplicate calculations. """ if method == 'ols': ret = pacf_ols(x, nlags=nlags) elif method in ['yw', 'ywu', 'ywunbiased', 'yw_unbiased']: ret = pacf_yw(x, nlags=nlags, method='unbiased') elif method in ['ywm', 'ywmle', 'yw_mle']: ret = pacf_yw(x, nlags=nlags, method='mle') elif method in ['ld', 'ldu', 'ldunbiase', 'ld_unbiased']: acv = acovf(x, unbiased=True) ld_ = levinson_durbin(acv, nlags=nlags, isacov=True) #print 'ld', ld_ ret = ld_[2] # inconsistent naming with ywmle elif method in ['ldb', 'ldbiased', 'ld_biased']: acv = acovf(x, unbiased=False) ld_ = levinson_durbin(acv, nlags=nlags, isacov=True) ret = ld_[2] else: raise ValueError('method not available') if alpha is not None: varacf = 1. / len(x) # for all lags >=1 interval = stats.norm.ppf(1. - alpha / 2.) * np.sqrt(varacf) confint = np.array(lzip(ret - interval, ret + interval)) confint[0] = ret[0] # fix confidence interval for lag 0 to varpacf=0 return ret, confint else: return ret def ccovf(x, y, unbiased=True, demean=True): ''' crosscovariance for 1D Parameters ---------- x, y : arrays time series data unbiased : boolean if True, then denominators is n-k, otherwise n Returns ------- ccovf : array autocovariance function Notes ----- This uses np.correlate which does full convolution. For very long time series it is recommended to use fft convolution instead. ''' n = len(x) if demean: xo = x - x.mean() yo = y - y.mean() else: xo = x yo = y if unbiased: xi = np.ones(n) d = np.correlate(xi, xi, 'full') else: d = n return (np.correlate(xo, yo, 'full') / d)[n - 1:] def ccf(x, y, unbiased=True): '''cross-correlation function for 1d Parameters ---------- x, y : arrays time series data unbiased : boolean if True, then denominators for autocovariance is n-k, otherwise n Returns ------- ccf : array cross-correlation function of x and y Notes ----- This is based np.correlate which does full convolution. For very long time series it is recommended to use fft convolution instead. If unbiased is true, the denominator for the autocovariance is adjusted but the autocorrelation is not an unbiased estimtor. ''' cvf = ccovf(x, y, unbiased=unbiased, demean=True) return cvf / (np.std(x) * np.std(y)) def periodogram(X): """ Returns the periodogram for the natural frequency of X Parameters ---------- X : array-like Array for which the periodogram is desired. Returns ------- pgram : array 1./len(X) * np.abs(np.fft.fft(X))**2 References ---------- Brockwell and Davis. """ X = np.asarray(X) #if kernel == "bartlett": # w = 1 - np.arange(M+1.)/M #JP removed integer division pergr = 1. / len(X) * np.abs(np.fft.fft(X))**2 pergr[0] = 0. # what are the implications of this? return pergr #copied from nitime and statsmodels\sandbox\tsa\examples\ #TODO: check what to return, for testing and trying out returns everything def levinson_durbin(s, nlags=10, isacov=False): '''Levinson-Durbin recursion for autoregressive processes Parameters ---------- s : array_like If isacov is False, then this is the time series. If iasacov is true then this is interpreted as autocovariance starting with lag 0 nlags : integer largest lag to include in recursion or order of the autoregressive process isacov : boolean flag to indicate whether the first argument, s, contains the autocovariances or the data series. Returns ------- sigma_v : float estimate of the error variance ? arcoefs : ndarray estimate of the autoregressive coefficients pacf : ndarray partial autocorrelation function sigma : ndarray entire sigma array from intermediate result, last value is sigma_v phi : ndarray entire phi array from intermediate result, last column contains autoregressive coefficients for AR(nlags) with a leading 1 Notes ----- This function returns currently all results, but maybe we drop sigma and phi from the returns. If this function is called with the time series (isacov=False), then the sample autocovariance function is calculated with the default options (biased, no fft). ''' s = np.asarray(s) order = nlags # rename compared to nitime #from nitime ##if sxx is not None and type(sxx) == np.ndarray: ## sxx_m = sxx[:order+1] ##else: ## sxx_m = ut.autocov(s)[:order+1] if isacov: sxx_m = s else: sxx_m = acovf(s)[:order + 1] # not tested phi = np.zeros((order + 1, order + 1), 'd') sig = np.zeros(order + 1) # initial points for the recursion phi[1, 1] = sxx_m[1] / sxx_m[0] sig[1] = sxx_m[0] - phi[1, 1] * sxx_m[1] for k in range(2, order + 1): phi[k, k] = (sxx_m[k] -[1:k, k-1], sxx_m[1:k][::-1])) / sig[k-1] for j in range(1, k): phi[j, k] = phi[j, k-1] - phi[k, k] * phi[k-j, k-1] sig[k] = sig[k-1] * (1 - phi[k, k]**2) sigma_v = sig[-1] arcoefs = phi[1:, -1] pacf_ = np.diag(phi).copy() pacf_[0] = 1. return sigma_v, arcoefs, pacf_, sig, phi # return everything def grangercausalitytests(x, maxlag, addconst=True, verbose=True): """four tests for granger non causality of 2 timeseries all four tests give similar results `params_ftest` and `ssr_ftest` are equivalent based on F test which is identical to lmtest:grangertest in R Parameters ---------- x : array, 2d data for test whether the time series in the second column Granger causes the time series in the first column maxlag : integer the Granger causality test results are calculated for all lags up to maxlag verbose : bool print results if true Returns ------- results : dictionary all test results, dictionary keys are the number of lags. For each lag the values are a tuple, with the first element a dictionary with teststatistic, pvalues, degrees of freedom, the second element are the OLS estimation results for the restricted model, the unrestricted model and the restriction (contrast) matrix for the parameter f_test. Notes ----- TODO: convert to class and attach results properly The Null hypothesis for grangercausalitytests is that the time series in the second column, x2, does NOT Granger cause the time series in the first column, x1. Grange causality means that past values of x2 have a statistically significant effect on the current value of x1, taking past values of x1 into account as regressors. We reject the null hypothesis that x2 does not Granger cause x1 if the pvalues are below a desired size of the test. The null hypothesis for all four test is that the coefficients corresponding to past values of the second time series are zero. 'params_ftest', 'ssr_ftest' are based on F distribution 'ssr_chi2test', 'lrtest' are based on chi-square distribution References ---------- Greene: Econometric Analysis """ from scipy import stats x = np.asarray(x) if x.shape[0] <= 3 * maxlag + int(addconst): raise ValueError("Insufficient observations. Maximum allowable " "lag is {0}".format(int((x.shape[0] - int(addconst)) / 3) - 1)) resli = {} for mlg in range(1, maxlag + 1): result = {} if verbose: print('\nGranger Causality') print('number of lags (no zero)', mlg) mxlg = mlg # create lagmat of both time series dta = lagmat2ds(x, mxlg, trim='both', dropex=1) #add constant if addconst: dtaown = add_constant(dta[:, 1:(mxlg + 1)], prepend=False) dtajoint = add_constant(dta[:, 1:], prepend=False) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented') #dtaown = dta[:, 1:mxlg] #dtajoint = dta[:, 1:] # Run ols on both models without and with lags of second variable res2down = OLS(dta[:, 0], dtaown).fit() res2djoint = OLS(dta[:, 0], dtajoint).fit() #print results #for ssr based tests see: # #the other tests are made-up # Granger Causality test using ssr (F statistic) fgc1 = ((res2down.ssr - res2djoint.ssr) / res2djoint.ssr / mxlg * res2djoint.df_resid) if verbose: print('ssr based F test: F=%-8.4f, p=%-8.4f, df_denom=%d,' ' df_num=%d' % (fgc1, stats.f.sf(fgc1, mxlg, res2djoint.df_resid), res2djoint.df_resid, mxlg)) result['ssr_ftest'] = (fgc1, stats.f.sf(fgc1, mxlg, res2djoint.df_resid), res2djoint.df_resid, mxlg) # Granger Causality test using ssr (ch2 statistic) fgc2 = res2down.nobs * (res2down.ssr - res2djoint.ssr) / res2djoint.ssr if verbose: print('ssr based chi2 test: chi2=%-8.4f, p=%-8.4f, ' 'df=%d' % (fgc2, stats.chi2.sf(fgc2, mxlg), mxlg)) result['ssr_chi2test'] = (fgc2, stats.chi2.sf(fgc2, mxlg), mxlg) #likelihood ratio test pvalue: lr = -2 * (res2down.llf - res2djoint.llf) if verbose: print('likelihood ratio test: chi2=%-8.4f, p=%-8.4f, df=%d' % (lr, stats.chi2.sf(lr, mxlg), mxlg)) result['lrtest'] = (lr, stats.chi2.sf(lr, mxlg), mxlg) # F test that all lag coefficients of exog are zero rconstr = np.column_stack((np.zeros((mxlg, mxlg)), np.eye(mxlg, mxlg), np.zeros((mxlg, 1)))) ftres = res2djoint.f_test(rconstr) if verbose: print('parameter F test: F=%-8.4f, p=%-8.4f, df_denom=%d,' ' df_num=%d' % (ftres.fvalue, ftres.pvalue, ftres.df_denom, ftres.df_num)) result['params_ftest'] = (np.squeeze(ftres.fvalue)[()], np.squeeze(ftres.pvalue)[()], ftres.df_denom, ftres.df_num) resli[mxlg] = (result, [res2down, res2djoint, rconstr]) return resli def coint(y0, y1, trend='c', method='aeg', maxlag=None, autolag='aic', return_results=None): """Test for no-cointegration of a univariate equation The null hypothesis is no cointegration. Variables in y0 and y1 are assumed to be integrated of order 1, I(1). This uses the augmented Engle-Granger two-step cointegration test. Constant or trend is included in 1st stage regression, i.e. in cointegrating equation. **Warning:** The autolag default has changed compared to statsmodels 0.8. In 0.8 autolag was always None, no the keyword is used and defaults to 'aic'. Use `autolag=None` to avoid the lag search. Parameters ---------- y1 : array_like, 1d first element in cointegrating vector y2 : array_like remaining elements in cointegrating vector trend : str {'c', 'ct'} trend term included in regression for cointegrating equation * 'c' : constant * 'ct' : constant and linear trend * also available quadratic trend 'ctt', and no constant 'nc' method : string currently only 'aeg' for augmented Engle-Granger test is available. default might change. maxlag : None or int keyword for `adfuller`, largest or given number of lags autolag : string keyword for `adfuller`, lag selection criterion. * if None, then maxlag lags are used without lag search * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen to minimize the corresponding information criterion * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag. Starts with maxlag and drops a lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant using a 5%-sized test return_results : bool for future compatibility, currently only tuple available. If True, then a results instance is returned. Otherwise, a tuple with the test outcome is returned. Set `return_results=False` to avoid future changes in return. Returns ------- coint_t : float t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals pvalue : float MacKinnon's approximate, asymptotic p-value based on MacKinnon (1994) crit_value : dict Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels based on regression curve. This depends on the number of observations. Notes ----- The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there is no cointegrating relationship. P-values and critical values are obtained through regression surface approximation from MacKinnon 1994 and 2010. If the two series are almost perfectly collinear, then computing the test is numerically unstable. However, the two series will be cointegrated under the maintained assumption that they are integrated. In this case the t-statistic will be set to -inf and the pvalue to zero. TODO: We could handle gaps in data by dropping rows with nans in the auxiliary regressions. Not implemented yet, currently assumes no nans and no gaps in time series. References ---------- MacKinnon, J.G. 1994 "Approximate Asymptotic Distribution Functions for Unit-Root and Cointegration Tests." Journal of Business & Economics Statistics, 12.2, 167-76. MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests." Queen's University, Dept of Economics Working Papers 1227. """ trend = trend.lower() if trend not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']: raise ValueError("trend option %s not understood" % trend) y0 = np.asarray(y0) y1 = np.asarray(y1) if y1.ndim < 2: y1 = y1[:, None] nobs, k_vars = y1.shape k_vars += 1 # add 1 for y0 if trend == 'nc': xx = y1 else: xx = add_trend(y1, trend=trend, prepend=False) res_co = OLS(y0, xx).fit() if res_co.rsquared < 1 - 100 * SQRTEPS: res_adf = adfuller(res_co.resid, maxlag=maxlag, autolag=autolag, regression='nc') else: import warnings warnings.warn("y0 and y1 are (almost) perfectly colinear." "Cointegration test is not reliable in this case.") # Edge case where series are too similar res_adf = (-np.inf,) # no constant or trend, see egranger in Stata and MacKinnon if trend == 'nc': crit = [np.nan] * 3 # 2010 critical values not available else: crit = mackinnoncrit(N=k_vars, regression=trend, nobs=nobs - 1) # nobs - 1, the -1 is to match egranger in Stata, I don't know why. # TODO: check nobs or df = nobs - k pval_asy = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression=trend, N=k_vars) return res_adf[0], pval_asy, crit def _safe_arma_fit(y, order, model_kw, trend, fit_kw, start_params=None): try: return ARMA(y, order=order, **model_kw).fit(disp=0, trend=trend, start_params=start_params, **fit_kw) except LinAlgError: # SVD convergence failure on badly misspecified models return except ValueError as error: if start_params is not None: # don't recurse again # user supplied start_params only get one chance return # try a little harder, should be handled in fit really elif ('initial' not in error.args[0] or 'initial' in str(error)): start_params = [.1] * sum(order) if trend == 'c': start_params = [.1] + start_params return _safe_arma_fit(y, order, model_kw, trend, fit_kw, start_params) else: return except: # no idea what happened return def arma_order_select_ic(y, max_ar=4, max_ma=2, ic='bic', trend='c', model_kw={}, fit_kw={}): """ Returns information criteria for many ARMA models Parameters ---------- y : array-like Time-series data max_ar : int Maximum number of AR lags to use. Default 4. max_ma : int Maximum number of MA lags to use. Default 2. ic : str, list Information criteria to report. Either a single string or a list of different criteria is possible. trend : str The trend to use when fitting the ARMA models. model_kw : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``ARMA`` model fit_kw : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to ````. Returns ------- obj : Results object Each ic is an attribute with a DataFrame for the results. The AR order used is the row index. The ma order used is the column index. The minimum orders are available as ``ic_min_order``. Examples -------- >>> from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample >>> import statsmodels.api as sm >>> import numpy as np >>> arparams = np.array([.75, -.25]) >>> maparams = np.array([.65, .35]) >>> arparams = np.r_[1, -arparams] >>> maparam = np.r_[1, maparams] >>> nobs = 250 >>> np.random.seed(2014) >>> y = arma_generate_sample(arparams, maparams, nobs) >>> res = sm.tsa.arma_order_select_ic(y, ic=['aic', 'bic'], trend='nc') >>> res.aic_min_order >>> res.bic_min_order Notes ----- This method can be used to tentatively identify the order of an ARMA process, provided that the time series is stationary and invertible. This function computes the full exact MLE estimate of each model and can be, therefore a little slow. An implementation using approximate estimates will be provided in the future. In the meantime, consider passing {method : 'css'} to fit_kw. """ from pandas import DataFrame ar_range = lrange(0, max_ar + 1) ma_range = lrange(0, max_ma + 1) if isinstance(ic, string_types): ic = [ic] elif not isinstance(ic, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Need a list or a tuple for ic if not a string.") results = np.zeros((len(ic), max_ar + 1, max_ma + 1)) for ar in ar_range: for ma in ma_range: if ar == 0 and ma == 0 and trend == 'nc': results[:, ar, ma] = np.nan continue mod = _safe_arma_fit(y, (ar, ma), model_kw, trend, fit_kw) if mod is None: results[:, ar, ma] = np.nan continue for i, criteria in enumerate(ic): results[i, ar, ma] = getattr(mod, criteria) dfs = [DataFrame(res, columns=ma_range, index=ar_range) for res in results] res = dict(zip(ic, dfs)) # add the minimums to the results dict min_res = {} for i, result in iteritems(res): mins = np.where(result.min().min() == result) min_res.update({i + '_min_order' : (mins[0][0], mins[1][0])}) res.update(min_res) return Bunch(**res) def has_missing(data): """ Returns True if 'data' contains missing entries, otherwise False """ return np.isnan(np.sum(data)) def kpss(x, regression='c', lags=None, store=False): """ Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test for stationarity. Computes the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test for the null hypothesis that x is level or trend stationary. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 1d Data series regression : str{'c', 'ct'} Indicates the null hypothesis for the KPSS test * 'c' : The data is stationary around a constant (default) * 'ct' : The data is stationary around a trend lags : int Indicates the number of lags to be used. If None (default), lags is set to int(12 * (n / 100)**(1 / 4)), as outlined in Schwert (1989). store : bool If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to the KPSS statistic (default is False). Returns ------- kpss_stat : float The KPSS test statistic p_value : float The p-value of the test. The p-value is interpolated from Table 1 in Kwiatkowski et al. (1992), and a boundary point is returned if the test statistic is outside the table of critical values, that is, if the p-value is outside the interval (0.01, 0.1). lags : int The truncation lag parameter crit : dict The critical values at 10%, 5%, 2.5% and 1%. Based on Kwiatkowski et al. (1992). resstore : (optional) instance of ResultStore An instance of a dummy class with results attached as attributes Notes ----- To estimate sigma^2 the Newey-West estimator is used. If lags is None, the truncation lag parameter is set to int(12 * (n / 100) ** (1 / 4)), as outlined in Schwert (1989). The p-values are interpolated from Table 1 of Kwiatkowski et al. (1992). If the computed statistic is outside the table of critical values, then a warning message is generated. Missing values are not handled. References ---------- D. Kwiatkowski, P. C. B. Phillips, P. Schmidt, and Y. Shin (1992): Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationarity against the Alternative of a Unit Root. `Journal of Econometrics` 54, 159-178. """ from warnings import warn nobs = len(x) x = np.asarray(x) hypo = regression.lower() # if m is not one, n != m * n if nobs != x.size: raise ValueError("x of shape {0} not understood".format(x.shape)) if hypo == 'ct': # p. 162 Kwiatkowski et al. (1992): y_t = beta * t + r_t + e_t, # where beta is the trend, r_t a random walk and e_t a stationary # error term. resids = OLS(x, add_constant(np.arange(1, nobs + 1))).fit().resid crit = [0.119, 0.146, 0.176, 0.216] elif hypo == 'c': # special case of the model above, where beta = 0 (so the null # hypothesis is that the data is stationary around r_0). resids = x - x.mean() crit = [0.347, 0.463, 0.574, 0.739] else: raise ValueError("hypothesis '{0}' not understood".format(hypo)) if lags is None: # from Kwiatkowski et al. referencing Schwert (1989) lags = int(np.ceil(12. * np.power(nobs / 100., 1 / 4.))) pvals = [0.10, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01] eta = sum(resids.cumsum()**2) / (nobs**2) # eq. 11, p. 165 s_hat = _sigma_est_kpss(resids, nobs, lags) kpss_stat = eta / s_hat p_value = np.interp(kpss_stat, crit, pvals) if p_value == pvals[-1]: warn("p-value is smaller than the indicated p-value", InterpolationWarning) elif p_value == pvals[0]: warn("p-value is greater than the indicated p-value", InterpolationWarning) crit_dict = {'10%': crit[0], '5%': crit[1], '2.5%': crit[2], '1%': crit[3]} if store: rstore = ResultsStore() rstore.lags = lags rstore.nobs = nobs stationary_type = "level" if hypo == 'c' else "trend" rstore.H0 = "The series is {0} stationary".format(stationary_type) rstore.HA = "The series is not {0} stationary".format(stationary_type) return kpss_stat, p_value, crit_dict, rstore else: return kpss_stat, p_value, lags, crit_dict def _sigma_est_kpss(resids, nobs, lags): """ Computes equation 10, p. 164 of Kwiatkowski et al. (1992). This is the consistent estimator for the variance. """ s_hat = sum(resids**2) for i in range(1, lags + 1): resids_prod =[i:], resids[:nobs - i]) s_hat += 2 * resids_prod * (1. - (i / (lags + 1.))) return s_hat / nobs
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" ASGI config for ecom project. It exposes the ASGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see """ import os from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'ecom.settings') application = get_asgi_application()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
"""Tests for the smarttub integration.""" from datetime import timedelta from openpeerpower.components.smarttub.const import SCAN_INTERVAL from openpeerpower.util import dt from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed async def trigger_update(opp): """Trigger a polling update by moving time forward.""" new_time = dt.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=SCAN_INTERVAL + 1) async_fire_time_changed(opp, new_time) await opp.async_block_till_done()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2018-2021 Polyaxon, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest from polyaxon.proxies.schemas.streams.main import get_main_config from tests.utils import BaseTestCase @pytest.mark.proxies_mark class TestStreamsMain(BaseTestCase): SET_PROXIES_SETTINGS = True def test_base_config(self): expected = """ upstream polyaxon { server unix:/polyaxon/web/polyaxon.sock; } server { include polyaxon/polyaxon.base.conf; } """ # noqa assert get_main_config() == expected
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""This file contains utils for BEHAVIOR demo replay checkpoints.""" import json import os from igibson.objects.articulated_object import URDFObject import pybullet as p from igibson.utils.utils import restoreState def save_task_relevant_state(env, root_directory, filename="behavior_dump"): json_path = os.path.join(root_directory, f"{filename}.json") # Save the dump in a file. with open(json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(save_task_relevant_object_and_robot_states(env), f) def save_sim_urdf_object_state(sim, root_directory, filename="behavior_dump"): json_path = os.path.join(root_directory, f"{filename}.json") # Save the dump in a file. with open(json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(save_all_scene_object_and_robot_states(sim), f) def save_checkpoint(simulator, root_directory): bullet_path = os.path.join(root_directory, "%d.bullet" % simulator.frame_count) json_path = os.path.join(root_directory, "%d.json" % simulator.frame_count) # Save the simulation state. p.saveBullet(bullet_path) # Save the dump in a file. with open(json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(save_internal_states(simulator), f) return simulator.frame_count def load_checkpoint(simulator, root_directory, frame): bullet_path = os.path.join(root_directory, "%d.bullet" % frame) json_path = os.path.join(root_directory, "%d.json" % frame) # Restore the simulation state. # p.restoreState(fileName=bullet_path) restoreState(fileName=bullet_path) with open(json_path, "r") as f: dump = json.load(f) load_internal_states(simulator, dump) # NOTE: For all articulated objects, we need to force_wakeup # for the visuals in the simulator to update for obj in simulator.scene.get_objects(): if isinstance(obj, URDFObject): obj.force_wakeup() def save_internal_states(simulator): # Dump the object state. object_dump = {} for name, obj in simulator.scene.objects_by_name.items(): object_dump[name] = obj.dump_state() # Dump the robot state. robot_dump = [] for robot in simulator.robots: robot_dump.append(robot.dump_state()) return {"objects": object_dump, "robots": robot_dump} def load_internal_states(simulator, dump): # NOTE: sometimes notebooks turn into hardbacks here. # i.e if you (1) create iGibson BehaviorEnv, (2) save it # (3) create a new iGibson BehaviorEnv with the same random seed # and other parameters and (4) try to load the saved values from (2) # you might see a KeyError for a notebook or hardback, but this is # simply because creating a new environment in (3) somehow may cause # some notebooks to be renamed as hardbacks!!! # Restore the object state. object_dump = dump["objects"] for name, obj in simulator.scene.objects_by_name.items(): obj.load_state(object_dump[name]) # Restore the robot state. robot_dumps = dump["robots"] for robot, robot_dump in zip(simulator.robots, robot_dumps): robot.load_state(robot_dump) def save_task_relevant_object_and_robot_states(env): # Dump the object state. object_dump = {} for obj in env.task_relevant_objects: object_dump[obj.bddl_object_scope] = {'metadata': obj.metadata, 'asset_path': obj.model_path, 'pose': tuple(obj.get_position_orientation()), 'scale': tuple(obj.scale)} # Dump the robot state. robot_dump = [] for robot in env.simulator.robots: robot_dump.append(robot.dump_state()) return {"objects": object_dump, "robots": robot_dump} def save_all_scene_object_and_robot_states(sim): # Dump the object state, but only for objects of type URDFObject # that are in the sim. object_dump = {} for obj in sim.scene.get_objects(): if 'URDFObject' in str(type(obj)): object_dump[obj.bddl_object_scope] = {'metadata': obj.metadata, 'asset_path': obj.model_path, 'pose': tuple(obj.get_position_orientation()), 'scale': tuple(obj.scale)} # Dump the robot state. robot_dump = [] for robot in sim.robots: robot_dump.append(robot.dump_state()) return {"objects": object_dump, "robots": robot_dump}
[ "MIT" ]
import json import re import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterable, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple, Union import dataclasses DataClass = NewType("DataClass", Any) DataClassType = NewType("DataClassType", Any) def string_to_bool(v): if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif v.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise ArgumentTypeError( f"Truthy value expected: got {v} but expected one of yes/no, true/false, t/f, y/n, 1/0 (case insensitive)." ) class KGEArgParser(ArgumentParser): """ This subclass of `argparse.ArgumentParser` uses type hints on dataclasses to generate arguments. The class is designed to play well with the native argparse. In particular, you can add more (non-dataclass backed) arguments to the parser after initialization and you'll get the output back after parsing as an additional namespace. Examples: >>> from toolbox.KGArgsParser import KGEArgParser >>> # you should defined these: ModelArguments, DataArguments, TrainingArguments >>> parser = KGEArgParser((ModelArguments, DataArguments, TrainingArguments)) >>> if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].endswith(".json"): >>> model_args, data_args, training_args = parser.parse_json_file(json_file=os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])) >>> else: >>> model_args, data_args, training_args = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses() """ dataclass_types: Iterable[DataClassType] def __init__(self, dataclass_types: Union[DataClassType, Iterable[DataClassType]], **kwargs): """ Args: dataclass_types: Dataclass type, or list of dataclass types for which we will "fill" instances with the parsed args. kwargs: (Optional) Passed to `argparse.ArgumentParser()` in the regular way. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if dataclasses.is_dataclass(dataclass_types): dataclass_types = [dataclass_types] self.dataclass_types = dataclass_types for dtype in self.dataclass_types: self._add_dataclass_arguments(dtype) def _add_dataclass_arguments(self, dtype: DataClassType): for field in dataclasses.fields(dtype): if not field.init: continue field_name = f"--{}" kwargs = field.metadata.copy() # field.metadata is not used at all by Data Classes, # it is provided as a third-party extension mechanism. if isinstance(field.type, str): raise ImportError( "This implementation is not compatible with Postponed Evaluation of Annotations (PEP 563)," "which can be opted in from Python 3.7 with `from __future__ import annotations`." "We will add compatibility when Python 3.9 is released." ) typestring = str(field.type) for prim_type in (int, float, str): for collection in (List,): if ( typestring == f"typing.Union[{collection[prim_type]}, NoneType]" or typestring == f"typing.Optional[{collection[prim_type]}]" ): field.type = collection[prim_type] if ( typestring == f"typing.Union[{prim_type.__name__}, NoneType]" or typestring == f"typing.Optional[{prim_type.__name__}]" ): field.type = prim_type if isinstance(field.type, type) and issubclass(field.type, Enum): kwargs["choices"] = [x.value for x in field.type] kwargs["type"] = type(kwargs["choices"][0]) if field.default is not dataclasses.MISSING: kwargs["default"] = field.default else: kwargs["required"] = True elif field.type is bool or field.type == Optional[bool]: if field.default is True: self.add_argument(f"--no_{}", action="store_false",, **kwargs) # Hack because type=bool in argparse does not behave as we want. kwargs["type"] = string_to_bool if field.type is bool or (field.default is not None and field.default is not dataclasses.MISSING): # Default value is True if we have no default when of type bool. default = True if field.default is dataclasses.MISSING else field.default # This is the value that will get picked if we don't include --field_name in any way kwargs["default"] = default # This tells argparse we accept 0 or 1 value after --field_name kwargs["nargs"] = "?" # This is the value that will get picked if we do --field_name (without value) kwargs["const"] = True elif ( hasattr(field.type, "__origin__") and"^typing\.List\[(.*)\]$", str(field.type)) is not None ): kwargs["nargs"] = "+" kwargs["type"] = field.type.__args__[0] assert all( x == kwargs["type"] for x in field.type.__args__ ), f"{} cannot be a List of mixed types" if field.default_factory is not dataclasses.MISSING: kwargs["default"] = field.default_factory() elif field.default is dataclasses.MISSING: kwargs["required"] = True else: kwargs["type"] = field.type if field.default is not dataclasses.MISSING: kwargs["default"] = field.default elif field.default_factory is not dataclasses.MISSING: kwargs["default"] = field.default_factory() else: kwargs["required"] = True self.add_argument(field_name, **kwargs) def parse_args_into_dataclasses( self, args=None, return_remaining_strings=False, look_for_args_file=True, args_filename=None ) -> Tuple[DataClass, ...]: """ Parse command-line args into instances of the specified dataclass types. This relies on argparse's `ArgumentParser.parse_known_args`. See the doc at: Args: args: List of strings to parse. The default is taken from sys.argv. (same as argparse.ArgumentParser) return_remaining_strings: If true, also return a list of remaining argument strings. look_for_args_file: If true, will look for a ".args" file with the same base name as the entry point script for this process, and will append its potential content to the command line args. args_filename: If not None, will uses this file instead of the ".args" file specified in the previous argument. Returns: Tuple consisting of: - the dataclass instances in the same order as they were passed to the initializer.abspath - if applicable, an additional namespace for more (non-dataclass backed) arguments added to the parser after initialization. - The potential list of remaining argument strings. (same as argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_known_args) """ if args_filename or (look_for_args_file and len(sys.argv)): if args_filename: args_file = Path(args_filename) else: args_file = Path(sys.argv[0]).with_suffix(".args") if args_file.exists(): fargs = args_file.read_text().split() args = fargs + args if args is not None else fargs + sys.argv[1:] # in case of duplicate arguments the first one has precedence # so we append rather than prepend. namespace, remaining_args = self.parse_known_args(args=args) outputs = [] for dtype in self.dataclass_types: keys = { for f in dataclasses.fields(dtype) if f.init} inputs = {k: v for k, v in vars(namespace).items() if k in keys} for k in keys: delattr(namespace, k) obj = dtype(**inputs) outputs.append(obj) if len(namespace.__dict__) > 0: # additional namespace. outputs.append(namespace) if return_remaining_strings: return (*outputs, remaining_args) else: if remaining_args: raise ValueError(f"Some specified arguments are not used by the KGEArgParser: {remaining_args}") return (*outputs,) def parse_json_file(self, json_file: str) -> Tuple[DataClass, ...]: """ Alternative helper method that does not use `argparse` at all, instead loading a json file and populating the dataclass types. """ data = json.loads(Path(json_file).read_text()) outputs = [] for dtype in self.dataclass_types: keys = { for f in dataclasses.fields(dtype) if f.init} inputs = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in keys} obj = dtype(**inputs) outputs.append(obj) return (*outputs,) def parse_dict(self, args: dict) -> Tuple[DataClass, ...]: """ Alternative helper method that does not use `argparse` at all, instead uses a dict and populating the dataclass types. """ outputs = [] for dtype in self.dataclass_types: keys = { for f in dataclasses.fields(dtype) if f.init} inputs = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in keys} obj = dtype(**inputs) outputs.append(obj) return (*outputs,) # class KGEArgParser: # """The class implements the argument parser for the pykg2vec. # # KGEArgParser defines all the necessary arguments for the global and local # configuration of all the modules. # # Attributes: # general_group (object): It parses the general arguements used by most of the modules. # general_hyper_group (object): It parses the arguments for the hyper-parameter tuning. # # Examples: # >>> from toolbox.KGArgs import KGEArgParser # >>> args = KGEArgParser().get_args() # """ # # def __init__(self): # self.parser = ArgumentParser(description='Knowledge Graph Embedding tunable configs.') # # ''' argument group for hyperparameters ''' # self.general_hyper_group = self.parser.add_argument_group('Generic Hyperparameters') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-lmda', dest='lmbda', default=0.1, type=float, # help='The lmbda for regularization.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-b', dest='batch_size', default=128, type=int, # help='training batch size') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-mg', dest='margin', default=0.8, type=float, # help='Margin to take') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-opt', dest='optimizer', default='adam', type=str, # help='optimizer to be used in training.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-s', dest='sampling', default='uniform', type=str, # help='strategy to do negative sampling.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-ngr', dest='neg_rate', default=1, type=int, # help='The number of negative samples generated per positive one.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-l', dest='epochs', default=100, type=int, # help='The total number of Epochs') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-lr', dest='learning_rate', default=0.01, type=float, # help='learning rate') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-k', dest='hidden_size', default=50, type=int, # help='Hidden embedding size.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-km', dest='ent_hidden_size', default=50, type=int, # help="Hidden embedding size for entities.") # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-kr', dest='rel_hidden_size', default=50, type=int, # help="Hidden embedding size for relations.") # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-k2', dest='hidden_size_1', default=10, type=int, # help="Hidden embedding size for relations.") # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-l1', dest='l1_flag', default=True, # type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), # help='The flag of using L1 or L2 norm.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-al', dest='alpha', default=0.1, type=float, # help='The alpha used in self-adversarial negative sampling.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-fsize', dest='filter_sizes', default=[1, 2, 3], nargs='+', type=int, # help='Filter sizes to be used in convKB which acts as the widths of the kernals') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-fnum', dest='num_filters', default=50, type=int, # help='Filter numbers to be used in convKB and InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-fmd', dest='feature_map_dropout', default=0.2, type=float, # help='feature map dropout value used in ConvE and InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-idt', dest='input_dropout', default=0.3, type=float, # help='input dropout value used in ConvE and InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-hdt', dest='hidden_dropout', default=0.3, type=float, # help='hidden dropout value used in ConvE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-hdt1', dest='hidden_dropout1', default=0.4, type=float, # help='hidden dropout value used in TuckER.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-hdt2', dest='hidden_dropout2', default=0.5, type=float, # help='hidden dropout value used in TuckER.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-lbs', dest='label_smoothing', default=0.1, type=float, # help='The parameter used in label smoothing.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-cmax', dest='cmax', default=0.05, type=float, # help='The parameter for clipping values for KG2E.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-cmin', dest='cmin', default=5.00, type=float, # help='The parameter for clipping values for KG2E.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-fp', dest='feature_permutation', default=1, type=int, # help='The number of feature permutations for InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-rh', dest='reshape_height', default=20, type=int, # help='The height of the reshaped matrix for InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-rw', dest='reshape_width', default=10, type=int, # help='The width of the reshaped matrix for InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-ks', dest='kernel_size', default=9, type=int, # help='The kernel size to use for InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-ic', dest='in_channels', default=9, type=int, # help='The kernel size to use for InteractE.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-evd', dest='ent_vec_dim', default=200, type=int, help='.') # self.general_hyper_group.add_argument('-rvd', dest='rel_vec_dim', default=200, type=int, help='.') # # # basic configs # self.general_group = self.parser.add_argument_group('Generic') # self.general_group.add_argument('-mn', dest='model_name', default='TransE', type=str, help='Name of model') # self.general_group.add_argument('-db', dest='debug', default=False, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), # help='To use debug mode or not.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-exp', dest='exp', default=False, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), # help='Use Experimental setting extracted from original paper. (use Freebase15k by default)') # self.general_group.add_argument('-ds', dest='dataset_name', default='Freebase15k', type=str, # help='The dataset name (choice: fb15k/wn18/wn18_rr/yago/fb15k_237/ks/nations/umls)') # self.general_group.add_argument('-dsp', dest='dataset_path', default=None, type=str, # help='The path to custom dataset.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-ld', dest='load_from_data', default=None, type=str, # help='The path to the pretrained model.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-sv', dest='save_model', default=True, # type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), help='Save the model!') # self.general_group.add_argument('-tn', dest='test_num', default=1000, type=int, # help='The total number of test triples') # self.general_group.add_argument('-ts', dest='test_step', default=10, type=int, help='Test every _ epochs') # self.general_group.add_argument('-t', dest='tmp', default='../intermediate', type=str, # help='The folder name to store trained parameters.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-r', dest='result', default='../results', type=str, # help='The folder name to save the results.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-fig', dest='figures', default='../figures', type=str, # help='The folder name to save the figures.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-plote', dest='plot_embedding', default=False, # type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), help='Plot the entity only!') # self.general_group.add_argument('-plot', dest='plot_entity_only', default=False, # type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'), help='Plot the entity only!') # self.general_group.add_argument('-device', dest='device', default='cpu', type=str, choices=['cpu', 'cuda'], # help='Device to run pykg2vec (cpu or cuda).') # self.general_group.add_argument('-npg', dest='num_process_gen', default=2, type=int, # help='number of processes used in the Generator.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-hpf', dest='hp_abs_file', default=None, type=str, # help='The path to the hyperparameter configuration YAML file.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-ssf', dest='ss_abs_file', default=None, type=str, # help='The path to the search space configuration YAML file.') # self.general_group.add_argument('-mt', dest='max_number_trials', default=100, type=int, # help='The maximum times of trials for bayesian optimizer.') # # def get_args(self, args): # """This function parses the necessary arguments. # # This function is called to parse all the necessary arguments. # # Returns: # object: ArgumentParser object. # """ # return self.parser.parse_args(args)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
""" Class for package details. """ import json from typing import Any, Dict, List def _log_info(msg: str) -> None: print(msg) class PackageAPI: """Package API class This class is used to hold the interface of a given package being analyzed by doppel. It's comparison operators enable comparison between interfaces and its standard JSON format allows this comparison to happen across programming languages. """ def __init__(self, pkg_dict: Dict[str, Any]): """ Class containing data that describes a package API :param pkg_dict: A dictionary representation of a software package, complying with the output format of doppel-describe. """ self._validate_pkg(pkg_dict) self.pkg_dict = pkg_dict @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename: str) -> "PackageAPI": """ Instantiate a Package object from a file. :param filename: Name of the JSON file that contains the description of the target package's API. """ _log_info(f"Creating package from {filename}") # read in output of "analyze.*" script with open(filename, "r") as f: pkg_dict = json.loads( # validate return cls(pkg_dict) @staticmethod def _validate_pkg(pkg_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: assert isinstance(pkg_dict, dict) assert pkg_dict["name"] is not None assert pkg_dict["language"] is not None assert pkg_dict["functions"] is not None assert pkg_dict["classes"] is not None def name(self) -> str: """ Get the name of the package. """ return self.pkg_dict["name"] def num_functions(self) -> int: """ Get the number of exported functions in the package. """ return len(self.function_names()) def function_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Get a list with the names of all exported functions in the package. """ return sorted(list(self.pkg_dict["functions"].keys())) def functions_with_args(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a dictionary with all exported functions in the package and some details describing them. """ return self.pkg_dict["functions"] def num_classes(self) -> int: """ Get the number of exported classes in the package. """ return len(self.class_names()) def class_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Get a list with the names of all exported classes in the package. """ return sorted(list(self.pkg_dict["classes"].keys())) def public_methods(self, class_name: str) -> List[str]: """ Get a list with the names of all public methods for a class. :param class_name: Name of a class in the package """ return sorted(list(self.pkg_dict["classes"][class_name]["public_methods"].keys())) def public_method_args(self, class_name: str, method_name: str) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of arguments for a public method from a class. :param class_name: Name of a class in the package :param method-name: Name of the method to get arguments for """ return list(self.pkg_dict["classes"][class_name]["public_methods"][method_name]["args"])
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import pytest from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict from wtforms import Form, validators from wtforms import BooleanField, StringField from app.model.components.helpers import form_fields_dict def _form_factory(form_class): def _create_form(**kwargs): form = form_class(MultiDict(kwargs)) form.validate() return form return _create_form @pytest.fixture def basic_form(): class TestForm(Form): first_name = StringField(u'First Name', validators=[validators.input_required()]) last_name = StringField(u'Last Name', validators=[]) return _form_factory(TestForm) @pytest.fixture def form_with_checkbox(): class TestForm(Form): first_name = StringField(u'First Name', validators=[validators.input_required()]) i_agree = BooleanField(u'Yes?', validators=[]) return _form_factory(TestForm) class TestFormFieldsDict: def test_should_return_value_and_errors(self, basic_form): form = basic_form(first_name=None, last_name='Musterfrau') props = form_fields_dict(form) assert props == { 'first_name': { 'value': '', 'errors': ['This field is required.'] }, 'last_name': { 'value': 'Musterfrau', 'errors': [] } } @pytest.mark.parametrize('checked', [True, False]) def test_checkboxes_should_return_checked_and_errors(self, form_with_checkbox, checked): form = form_with_checkbox(first_name='Erika', i_agree=checked) props = form_fields_dict(form) assert props == { 'first_name': { 'value': 'Erika', 'errors': [] }, 'i_agree': { 'checked': checked, 'errors': [] } }
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django import forms from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.utils.encoding import smart_text from django.utils.translation import ( ugettext_lazy as _, get_language, ) from cms.api import generate_valid_slug from cms.constants import PAGE_TYPES_ID from cms.exceptions import NoPermissionsException from cms.models import Page, Title from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool from cms.utils import permissions from cms.utils.page_permissions import ( user_can_add_page, user_can_add_subpage, ) from cms.utils.conf import get_cms_setting from cms.utils.urlutils import static_with_version try: # djangocms_text_ckeditor is not guaranteed to be available from djangocms_text_ckeditor.widgets import TextEditorWidget text_widget = TextEditorWidget except ImportError: text_widget = forms.Textarea class PageTypeSelect(forms.widgets.Select): """ Special widget for the page_type choice-field. This simply adds some JS for hiding/showing the content field based on the selection of this select. """ class Media: js = ( 'cms/js/widgets/wizard.pagetypeselect.js', ) class SlugWidget(forms.widgets.TextInput): """ Special widget for the slug field that requires Title field to be there. Adds the js for the slugifying. """ class Media: js = ( 'admin/js/urlify.js', static_with_version('cms/js/dist/bundle.forms.slugwidget.min.js'), ) class BaseCMSPageForm(forms.Form): page = None title = forms.CharField( label=_(u'Title'), max_length=255, help_text=_(u"Provide a title for the new page.")) slug = forms.SlugField( label=_(u'Slug'), max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_(u"Leave empty for automatic slug, or override as required."), widget=SlugWidget() ) page_type = forms.ChoiceField( label=_(u'Page type'), required=False, widget=PageTypeSelect()) content = forms.CharField( label=_(u'Content'), widget=text_widget, required=False, help_text=_(u"Optional. If supplied, will be automatically added " u"within a new text plugin.")) def __init__(self, instance=None, *args, **kwargs): # Expect instance argument here, as we have to accept some of the # ModelForm __init__() arguments here for the ModelFormMixin cbv self.instance = instance super(BaseCMSPageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if site = else: site = Site.objects.get_current() # Either populate, or remove the page_type field if 'page_type' in self.fields: root = Page.objects.filter(publisher_is_draft=True, reverse_id=PAGE_TYPES_ID, site=site).first() if root: page_types = root.get_descendants() else: page_types = Page.objects.none() if root and page_types: # Set the choicefield's choices to the various page_types language = get_language() type_ids = page_types.values_list('pk', flat=True) titles = Title.objects.filter(page__in=type_ids, language=language) choices = [('', '---------')] for title in titles: choices.append((title.page_id, title.title)) self.fields['page_type'].choices = choices else: # There are no page_types, so don't bother the user with an # empty choice field. del self.fields['page_type'] class CreateCMSPageForm(BaseCMSPageForm): @staticmethod def get_placeholder(page, slot=None): """ Returns the named placeholder or, if no «slot» provided, the first editable, non-static placeholder or None. """ placeholders = page.get_placeholders() if slot: placeholders = placeholders.filter(slot=slot) for ph in placeholders: if not ph.is_static and ph.is_editable: return ph return None def clean(self): """ Validates that either the slug is provided, or that slugification from `title` produces a valid slug. :return: """ cleaned_data = super(CreateCMSPageForm, self).clean() slug = cleaned_data.get("slug") sub_page = cleaned_data.get("sub_page") title = cleaned_data.get("title") if if sub_page: parent = else: parent = else: parent = None if slug: starting_point = slug elif title: starting_point = title else: starting_point = _("page") slug = generate_valid_slug(starting_point, parent, self.language_code) if not slug: raise forms.ValidationError("Please provide a valid slug.") cleaned_data["slug"] = slug return cleaned_data def save(self, **kwargs): from cms.api import create_page, add_plugin # Check to see if this user has permissions to make this page. We've # already checked this when producing a list of wizard entries, but this # is to prevent people from possible form-hacking. if 'sub_page' in self.cleaned_data: sub_page = self.cleaned_data['sub_page'] else: sub_page = False if and sub_page: # User is adding a page which will be a direct # child of the current page. position = 'last-child' parent = has_perm = user_can_add_subpage(self.user, target=parent) elif and # User is adding a page which will be a right # sibling to the current page. position = 'last-child' parent = has_perm = user_can_add_subpage(self.user, target=parent) else: parent = None position = 'last-child' has_perm = user_can_add_page(self.user) if not has_perm: raise NoPermissionsException( _(u"User does not have permission to add page.")) page = create_page( title=self.cleaned_data['title'], slug=self.cleaned_data['slug'], template=get_cms_setting('PAGE_WIZARD_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'), language=self.language_code, created_by=smart_text(self.user), parent=parent, position=position, in_navigation=True, published=False ) page_type = self.cleaned_data.get("page_type") if page_type: copy_target = Page.objects.filter(pk=page_type).first() else: copy_target = None if copy_target: # If the user selected a page type, copy that. if not copy_target.has_view_permission(self.user): raise PermissionDenied() # Copy page attributes copy_target._copy_attributes(page, clean=True) # Copy contents (for each language) for lang in copy_target.get_languages(): copy_target._copy_contents(page, lang) # Copy extensions from cms.extensions import extension_pool extension_pool.copy_extensions(copy_target, page) else: # If the user provided content, then use that instead. content = self.cleaned_data.get('content') plugin_type = get_cms_setting('PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN') plugin_body = get_cms_setting('PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN_BODY') slot = get_cms_setting('PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER') if plugin_type in plugin_pool.plugins and plugin_body: if content and permissions.has_plugin_permission( self.user, plugin_type, "add"): placeholder = self.get_placeholder(page, slot=slot) if placeholder: opts = { 'placeholder': placeholder, 'plugin_type': plugin_type, 'language': self.language_code, plugin_body: content, } add_plugin(**opts) # is it the first page? publish it right away if not and Page.objects.filter(site_id=page.site_id).count() == 1: page.publish(self.language_code) Page.set_homepage(page, user=self.user) return page class CreateCMSSubPageForm(CreateCMSPageForm): sub_page = forms.BooleanField(initial=True, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json from tempest import config from tempest import exceptions from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging from tempest.scenario import manager from tempest import test CONF = config.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CfnInitScenarioTest(manager.OrchestrationScenarioTest): def setUp(self): super(CfnInitScenarioTest, self).setUp() if not CONF.orchestration.image_ref: raise self.skipException("No image available to test") self.client = self.orchestration_client self.template_name = 'cfn_init_signal.yaml' def assign_keypair(self): self.stack_name = self._stack_rand_name() if CONF.orchestration.keypair_name: self.keypair = None self.keypair_name = CONF.orchestration.keypair_name else: self.keypair = self.create_keypair() self.keypair_name = self.keypair['name'] def launch_stack(self): net = self._get_default_network() self.parameters = { 'key_name': self.keypair_name, 'flavor': CONF.orchestration.instance_type, 'image': CONF.orchestration.image_ref, 'timeout': CONF.orchestration.build_timeout, 'network': net['id'], } # create the stack self.template = self._load_template(__file__, self.template_name) _, stack = self.client.create_stack( name=self.stack_name, template=self.template, parameters=self.parameters) stack = stack['stack'] _, self.stack = self.client.get_stack(stack['id']) self.stack_identifier = '%s/%s' % (self.stack_name, self.stack['id']) self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, self.orchestration_client.delete_stack, self.stack_identifier) def check_stack(self): sid = self.stack_identifier self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'WaitHandle', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'SmokeSecurityGroup', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'SmokeKeys', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'CfnUser', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'SmokeServer', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') _, server_resource = self.client.get_resource(sid, 'SmokeServer') server_id = server_resource['physical_resource_id'] _, server = self.servers_client.get_server(server_id) server_ip =\ server['addresses'][CONF.compute.network_for_ssh][0]['addr'] if not self.ping_ip_address( server_ip, ping_timeout=CONF.orchestration.build_timeout): self._log_console_output(servers=[server]) "(CfnInitScenarioTest:test_server_cfn_init) Timed out waiting " "for %s to become reachable" % server_ip) try: self.client.wait_for_resource_status( sid, 'WaitCondition', 'CREATE_COMPLETE') except (exceptions.StackResourceBuildErrorException, exceptions.TimeoutException) as e: raise e finally: # attempt to log the server console regardless of WaitCondition # going to complete. This allows successful and failed cloud-init # logs to be compared self._log_console_output(servers=[server]) self.client.wait_for_stack_status(sid, 'CREATE_COMPLETE') _, stack = self.client.get_stack(sid) # This is an assert of great significance, as it means the following # has happened: # - cfn-init read the provided metadata and wrote out a file # - a user was created and credentials written to the server # - a cfn-signal was built which was signed with provided credentials # - the wait condition was fulfilled and the stack has changed state wait_status = json.loads( self._stack_output(stack, 'WaitConditionStatus')) self.assertEqual('smoke test complete', wait_status['smoke_status']) if self.keypair: # Check that the user can authenticate with the generated # keypair try: linux_client = self.get_remote_client( server_ip, username='ec2-user') linux_client.validate_authentication() except (exceptions.ServerUnreachable, exceptions.SSHTimeout) as e: self._log_console_output(servers=[server]) raise e @test.attr(type='slow')'orchestration', 'compute') def test_server_cfn_init(self): self.assign_keypair() self.launch_stack() self.check_stack()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # king_phisher/client/dialogs/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the project nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import base64 import binascii import hashlib import logging import os from king_phisher import its from king_phisher import errors from king_phisher.client import gui_utilities from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Pango import paramiko import paramiko.hostkeys __all__ = ('HostKeyAcceptDialog', 'HostKeyWarnDialog') class BaseHostKeyDialog(gui_utilities.GladeGObject): """ A base class for dialogs which show information about SSH host keys. It is assumed that the widgets defined in :py:attr:`.dependencies` are present including one button to accept the host key, and one to reject. The class's default response can be set using :py:attr:`.default_response`. """ dependencies = gui_utilities.GladeDependencies( children=( 'button_accept', 'button_reject', 'textview_key_details' ), top_level=( 'StockApplyImage', 'StockStopImage' ) ) top_gobject = 'dialog' default_response = None """The response that should be selected as the default for the dialog.""" def __init__(self, application, hostname, key): """ :param application: The application to associate this popup dialog with. :type application: :py:class:`.KingPhisherClientApplication` :param str hostname: The hostname associated with the key. :param key: The host's SSH key. :type key: :py:class:`paramiko.pkey.PKey` """ super(BaseHostKeyDialog, self).__init__(application) self.hostname = hostname self.key = key textview = self.gobjects['textview_key_details'] textview.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription('monospace 9')) textview.get_buffer().set_text(self.key_details) if self.default_response is not None: button = self.dialog.get_widget_for_response(response_id=self.default_response) button.grab_default() @property def key_details(self): key_type = self.key.get_name().lower() details = "Host: {0} ({1})\n".format(self.hostname, key_type) if key_type.startswith('ssh-'): key_type = key_type[4:] key_type = key_type.split('-', 1)[0].upper() details += "{0} key fingerprint is SHA256:{1}.\n".format(key_type, base64.b64encode('sha256', self.key.asbytes()).digest()).decode('utf-8')) details += "{0} key fingerprint is MD5:{1}.\n".format(key_type, binascii.b2a_hex('md5', self.key.asbytes()).digest()).decode('utf-8')) return details def interact(self): self.dialog.show_all() response = self.dialog.destroy() return response class HostKeyAcceptDialog(BaseHostKeyDialog): """ A dialog that shows an SSH host key for a host that has not previously had one associated with it. """ default_button = Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT class HostKeyWarnDialog(BaseHostKeyDialog): """ A dialog that warns about an SSH host key that does not match the one that was previously stored for the host. """ default_button = Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT def signal_checkbutton_toggled(self, button): self.gobjects['button_accept'].set_sensitive(button.get_property('active')) class MissingHostKeyPolicy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy): """ A host key policy for use with paramiko that will validate SSH host keys correctly. If a key is new, the user will be prompted with :py:class:`.HostKeyAcceptDialog` dialog to accept it or if the host key does not match the user will be warned with :py:class:`.HostKeyWarnDialog`. The host keys accepted through this policy are stored in an OpenSSH compatible "known_hosts" file using paramiko. """ def __init__(self, application): """ :param application: The application which is using this policy. :type application: :py:class:`.KingPhisherClientApplication` """ self.application = application self.logger = logging.getLogger('KingPhisher.Client.' + self.__class__.__name__) super(MissingHostKeyPolicy, self).__init__() def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key): host_key_fingerprint = 'sha256:' + base64.b64encode('sha256', key.asbytes()).digest()).decode('utf-8') host_keys = paramiko.hostkeys.HostKeys() host_keys_modified = False known_hosts_file = self.application.config.get('ssh_known_hosts_file', os.path.join(GLib.get_user_config_dir(), 'king-phisher', 'known_hosts')) if os.access(known_hosts_file, os.R_OK): host_keys.load(known_hosts_file) if host_keys.lookup(hostname): if host_keys.check(hostname, key): self.logger.debug("accepting known ssh host key {0} {1} {2}".format(hostname, key.get_name(), host_key_fingerprint)) return self.logger.warning("ssh host key does not match known value for {0}".format(hostname)) dialog = HostKeyWarnDialog(self.application, hostname, key) if dialog.interact() != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: raise errors.KingPhisherAbortError('bad ssh host key for ' + hostname) else: dialog = HostKeyAcceptDialog(self.application, hostname, key) if dialog.interact() != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: raise errors.KingPhisherAbortError('unknown ssh host key not accepted by the user for ' + hostname) host_keys.add(hostname, key.get_name(), key) host_keys_modified = True if host_keys_modified: try: os.chmod(known_hosts_file, 0o600) except IOError if its.py_v2 else PermissionError: self.logger.warning('failed to save the known_hosts file and set its permissions')
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" Core script for generating training/test addition data. First, generates random pairs of numbers, then steps through an execution trace, computing the exact order of subroutines that need to be called. """ import pickle import numpy as np from tasks.bubblesort.env.trace import Trace def generate_bubblesort(prefix, num_examples, debug=False, maximum=10000000000, debug_every=1000): """ Generates addition data with the given string prefix (i.e. 'train', 'test') and the specified number of examples. :param prefix: String prefix for saving the file ('train', 'test') :param num_examples: Number of examples to generate. """ data = [] for i in range(num_examples): array = np.random.randint(10, size=5) if debug and i % debug_every == 0: traces = Trace(array, True).traces else: traces = Trace(array).traces data.append((array, traces)) # print(data) with open('tasks/bubblesort/data/{}.pik'.format(prefix), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Format of required info for batch runs. debug = 0 AMQPdebug = 0 debugTimer = 0 simNotes = """ Step of load up 10%, Reff Enabled """ # Simulation Parameters Dictionary simParams = { 'timeStep': 1.0, 'endTime': 60.0, 'slackTol': 1, 'PY3msgGroup' : 3, 'IPYmsgGroup' : 60, 'Hinput' : 0.0, # MW*sec of entire system, if !> 0.0, will be calculated in code 'Dsys' : 0.0, # Untested 'fBase' : 60.0, # System F base in Hertz 'freqEffects' : True, # w in swing equation will not be assumed 1 if true # Mathematical Options 'integrationMethod' : 'rk45', # Data Export Parameters 'fileDirectory' : "\\delme\\sixMachineStep\\", # relative path from cwd 'fileName' : 'SixMachineStep4', 'exportFinalMirror': 1, # Export mirror with all data 'exportMat': 1, # if IPY: requies exportDict == 1 to work 'exportDict' : 0, # when using python 3 no need to export dicts. 'deleteInit' : 0, # Delete initialized mirror } savPath = r"C:\LTD\pslf_systems\sixMachine\sixMachine.sav" dydPath = [r"C:\LTD\pslf_systems\sixMachine\sixMachine.dyd"] ltdPath = r".\testCases\sixMachine\"
[ "MIT" ]
""" GIGATL experiment specifications dimpart contains - "netcdfdimnames": how to map netCDF to CROCO dimensions - "domainpartition": which CROCO dimensions are tiled """ import os import sys import glob from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon import pickle from pretty import BB import pretty import tempfile try: from mpi4py import MPI is_mpi = True except: print("MPI not found, no problem") is_mpi = False if is_mpi: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() else: rank = 0 def barrier(): if is_mpi: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() else: pass def abort(): if is_mpi: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort() else: sys.exit() # path to where sits dirmodule = os.path.dirname(pretty.__file__) sep = os.path.sep # path to pickle GIGATL data files dirdata = sep.join(dirmodule.split(sep)[:-1] + ["data"]) subdomains = range(1, 14) partition = (100, 100) nsigma = 100 dimpart = {"netcdfdimnames": {"sigma": ("sigma_rho", "sigma_w"), "eta": ("eta_rho", "eta_v"), "xi": ("xi_rho", "xi_u")}, "domainpartition": ("eta", "xi")} domain = os.popen("hostname -d").read() if "tgcc" in domain: hostname = "irene" elif "univ-brest" in domain: hostname = os.popen("hostname").read()[:-1] else: raise ValueError("Could not find the Gigatl data") if rank == 0: print(f"hostname: {hostname}") print(f"paragridded is located in : {dirmodule}") print(f"data are located in : {dirdata}") barrier() def create_hisdir(): subd = 1 dirname = dirhis.format(subd=subd) parent = os.path.abspath(dirname+"/..") content = glob.glob(parent+"/??") ok = True for subd in subdomains: dirname = dirhis.format(subd=subd) if dirname in content: if os.path.isdir(dirname): command = f"fusermount -u {dirname}" try: os.system(command) except: pass else: ok = False else: os.makedirs(dirname) if not ok: print(f"{parent} needs to be cleaned") try: os.rename(f"{parent}", f"{dirtrash}/") except: abort() for subd in subdomains: dirname = dirhis.format(subd=subd) os.makedirs(dirname) print(f"{parent} has been cleaned", flush=True) else: print(f"{parent} is sound") def create_directory(dirname, attempt=0): if not os.path.isdir(dirname): parent = os.path.abspath(dirname+"/..") content = glob.glob(parent+"/*") if not dirname in content: os.makedirs(dirname) if attempt == 2: print(f"{dirname}: moved to trash") else: if attempt == 1: print("{dirname}: fusermount didn't work") command = f"mv -f {parent} {dirtrash}" os.system(command) create_directory(dirname, attempt=2) if attempt == 2: print(f"{dirname}: really serious problem") abort() else: print(f"{dirname}: problem with the fuse system") #print("*** try to fix it with fuserumount") command = f"fusermount -u {dirname}" os.system(command) create_directory(dirname, attempt=1) if hostname == "irene": dirgridtar = "/ccc/store/cont003/gch0401/gch0401/GIGATL1_1h_tides/GRD/{subd:02}" dirgigaref = "/ccc/store/cont003/gch0401/gch0401/GIGATL1_1h_tides/HIS_1h/{subd:02}" dirgiga = "/ccc/store/cont003/gch0401/groullet/GIGATL1_1h_tides/HIS_1h/{subd:02}" # fix_filename_on_store # dirsurf = "/ccc/store/cont003/gch0401/gch0401/GIGATL1_1h_tides/SURF" dirmounted_root = "/ccc/work/cont003/gch0401/groullet/gigatl" dirmounted = f"{dirmounted_root}/R_{rank:04}" dirgrid = "/ccc/scratch/cont003/gen12051/gulaj/GIGATL1/GRD3" dirhis = dirmounted+"/HIS/{subd:02}" #dirtrash = f"/ccc/scratch/cont003/gen12051/groullet/trash" # for d in [dirhis]: # for subd in subdomains: # dirname = d.format(subd=subd) # create_directory(dirname) # or use directly # dirgrid = "/ccc/scratch/cont003/ra4735/gulaj/GIGATL1/INIT_N100_100_100/GRD3" # hisindex = [0, 6, 12, 18] | [24, 30, 36, 42] | [48, 54, 60, 66] # | [72, 78, 84, 90] | [96, 102, 108, 114] # e.g. "2008-09-19" contains [96, 102, 108, 114] hisindex = 36 # hisdate = "2008-03-14" .. "2008-11-18" (included) # 250 days as of Nov 17th 2020 hisdate = "2008-09-26" targridtemplate = "gigatl1_grd_masked.{subd:02}.tar" tarhistemplate = "gigatl1_his_1h.{hisdate}.{subd:02}.tar" for subd in subdomains: assert os.path.isdir(dirgigaref.format(subd=subd)) else: dirgrid = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/gula/GIGATL1/GIGATL1_1h_tides/GRD" dirsurf = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/gula/GIGATL1/GIGATL1_1h_tides/SURF/gigatl1_surf.2008-05-23" dirgigaref = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/gula/GIGATL1/GIGATL1_1h_tides/HIS_1h" dirgiga = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/gula/GIGATL1/GIGATL1_1h_tides/HIS_1h" dirmounted_root = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/roullet/gigatl" dirmounted = f"{dirmounted_root}/R_{rank:04}" dirhis = dirmounted+"/HIS/{subd:02}" #dirtrash = "/net/omega/local/tmp/1/roullet/trash" hisindex = 72 hisdate = "2008-09-23" tarhistemplate = "gigatl1_his_1h.{hisdate}.{subd:02}.tar" # for d in [dirhis]: # for subd in subdomains: # dirname = d.format(subd=subd) # create_directory(dirname) hour = 14 sqlitesdir = f"{dirmounted_root}/sqlites" def check(): """ check that all paths are properly defined""" checked = True print(f" - history tar files will be mounted on: {dirmounted_root}") print(f" - ratarmount executable is in : {ratarmount}") def setup_directories(): if rank == 0: if not os.path.isdir(sqlitesdir): os.makedirs(sqlitesdir) # if not os.path.isdir(dirtrash): # os.makedirs(dirtrash) # else: # command = f"rm -Rf {dirtrash}/*" # os.system(command) if not os.path.isdir(dirmounted): os.makedirs(dirmounted) barrier() create_hisdir() def get_subd(tile): if tile in subdmap: return subdmap[tile] else: return -1 def grdfiles(tile): #print(f" read grid {tile}") subd = get_subd(tile) directory = dirgrid.format(subd=subd) filename = f"{directory}/gigatl1_grd_masked.{tile:04}.nc" if not os.path.isfile(filename): mount(subd, grid=True) return filename def surffiles(tile): return f"{dirsurf}/gigatl1_surf.{tile:04}.nc" def hisfiles(tile): subd = get_subd(tile) if subd > 0: directory = dirhis.format(subd=subd) files = sorted(glob.glob(f"{directory}/gigatl1_his.*.{tile:04}.nc")) _dateindex = [int(f.split(".")[-3]) for f in files] _hisindex = _dateindex[int(hour)//6] filename = f"{directory}/gigatl1_his.{_hisindex:06}.{tile:04}.nc" if not os.path.isfile(filename): mount(subd) return filename else: return "" def get_subdmap(directory): """Reconstruct how netCDF files are stored in fused directory directory == dirgrid | dirhis """ _subdmap = {} for subd in subdomains: fs = glob.glob(directory.format(subd=subd)+"/*.nc") tiles = [int(f.split(".")[-2]) for f in fs] for t in tiles: _subdmap[t] = subd return _subdmap def set_ratarmount(): mount = "ratarmount" options = "" # "-c -gs 160000" ratarmount = os.popen(f"which {mount}").read() if len(ratarmount) > 0: # remove the trailing "\n" ratarmount = ratarmount[:-1] print(f"found ratarmount in : {ratarmount}") else: if rank == 0: print("") print(BB("warning").center(20, "*")) print(f"{mount} is not installed or cannot be found") print("you can set it manually with") print("giga.ratarmount = /path/to/bin/ratarmount") return ratarmount def mount_tar(source, tarfile, destdir): """ source: str, directory of the tar files template: str, template name for the tar file containing "{subd" subd: int, index of the subdomain (0<=subd<=13) destdir: str, directory where to archivemount """ srcfile = f"{source}/{tarfile}" #print(f"mount {srcfile} on {destdir}") assert os.path.isfile(srcfile), f"{srcfile} does not exsit" sqlitefile = get_sqlitefilename(srcfile) home = os.path.expanduser("~") ratardirsqlite = f"{home}/.ratarmount" if os.path.isfile(f"{ratardirsqlite}/{sqlitefile}"): # nothing to do pass else: if os.path.isfile(f"{sqlitesdir}/{sqlitefile}"): command = f"cp {sqlitesdir}/{sqlitefile} {ratardirsqlite}/" os.system(command) assert len(ratarmount) > 0, BB("You forgot to set the ratarmount path") command = f"{ratarmount} {srcfile} {destdir}" os.system(command) if os.path.isfile(f"{sqlitesdir}/{sqlitefile}"): # nothing to do pass else: command = f"cp {ratardirsqlite}/{sqlitefile} {sqlitesdir}/" os.system(command) # delete sqlitefile on ratardirsqlite # os.remove(f"{ratardirsqlite}/{sqlitefile}") def mount(subd, grid=False, overwrite=True): """Mount tar file `subd`""" if grid: destdir = dirgrid.format(subd=subd) srcdir = dirgridtar.format(subd=subd) tarfile = targridtemplate.format(subd=subd) else: destdir = dirhis.format(subd=subd) srcdir = dirgigaref.format(subd=subd) tarfile = tarhistemplate.format(hisdate=hisdate, subd=subd) tomount = True if os.path.exists(destdir): #print(f"{destdir} already exists") if len(os.listdir(destdir)) == 0: # folder is empty pass elif overwrite: # folder is not empty but we want to overwrite it # first let's unmount it command = f"fusermount -u {destdir}" try: os.system(command) except: pass # assert len(os.listdir(f"{destdir}")) == 0 else: tomount = False else: print(f"*** makedir {destdir}") # os.makedirs(destdir) if tomount: mount_tar(srcdir, tarfile, destdir) if not(grid): write_toc(destdir, subd, hisdate) def write_toc(destdir, subd, _hisdate): with open(f"{destdir}/../hisdate_{subd:02}.txt", mode="w") as fid: fid.write(_hisdate) def read_toc(destdir, subd): with open(f"{destdir}/../hisdate_{subd:02}.txt", mode="r") as fid: return def mount_all(grid=False): for subd in subdomains: mount(subd, grid=grid) def mount_stats(grid=False): """ Print statistics on mounted tar files""" print("-"*40) print(BB("statistics on mounted tar files")) print(f"mounting point: {dirmounted}") for subd in subdomains: if grid: destdir = dirgrid.format(subd=subd) else: destdir = dirhis.format(subd=subd) if os.path.exists(destdir): filelist = os.listdir(f"{destdir}") nbfiles = len(filelist) if nbfiles > 0: tiles = set([int(f.split(".")[-2]) for f in filelist]) nbtiles = len(tiles) tile = list(tiles)[0] fs = [f for f in filelist if f"{tile:04}.nc" in f] if grid: msg = f" - {subd:02} : {nbtiles:03} tiles" else: _hisdate = read_toc(destdir, subd) # dateindex = sorted([int(f.split(".")[-3]) for f in fs]) # msg = f" - {subd:02} : {nbtiles:03} tiles x {dateindex} dateindex" bbhisdate = BB(_hisdate) msg = f" - {subd:02} : {bbhisdate} with {nbtiles:03} tiles" else: msg = f" - {subd:02} : empty" else: warning = BB("destroyed") msg = f" - {subd:02} : {warning}" print(msg) def umount_all(grid=False): for subd in subdomains: umount(subd, grid=grid) def umount(subd, grid=False): """ Unmount `subd` tar archive folder The command to unmount a fuse folder is fusermount -u""" if grid: destdir = dirgrid.format(subd=subd) else: destdir = dirhis.format(subd=subd) if os.path.isdir(destdir) and len(os.listdir(f"{destdir}")) != 0: command = f"fusermount -u {destdir}" os.system(command) #command = f"rmdir {destdir}" # os.system(command) else: pass #print(f"{destdir} is already umounted") def get_sqlitefilename(tarfile): sqlitefile = "_".join(tarfile.split("/"))+".index.sqlite" return sqlitefile def LLTP2domain(lowerleft, topright): """Convert the two pairs of (lower, left), (top, right) in (lat, lon) into the four pairs of (lat, lon) of the corners """ xa, ya = lowerleft xb, yb = topright domain = [(xa, ya), (xa, yb), (xb, yb), (xb, ya)] return domain def find_tiles_inside(domain, corners): """Determine which tiles are inside `domain` The function uses `corners` the list of corners for each tile """ p = Polygon(domain) tileslist = [] for tile, c in corners.items(): q = Polygon(c) if p.overlaps(q) or p.contains(q): tileslist += [tile] return tileslist def get_dates(): """ Scan dirgiga for *tar files """ subd = 1 pattern = f"{dirgigaref}/*.{subd:02}.tar".format(subd=subd) files = glob.glob(pattern) _dates_tar = [f.split("/")[-1].split(".")[-3] for f in files] #print(f"------SCAN GIGATL HIS databas --------") # print("files:") # print(files) # print(glob.glob(dirgiga.format(subd=1)+"/*")) return sorted(_dates_tar) def get_hisindexes_in_histar(hisdate): # select one subd subd = 1 # select one tile in this subd tile = [t for t, s in subdmap.items() if s == subd][0] tarfile = "/".join([dirgiga, tarhistemplate]) tarfile = tarfile.format(hisdate=hisdate, subd=subd) files = os.popen(f"tar tvf {tarfile} *{tile:04}.nc").readlines() hisindexes = [int(f.split(".")[-3]) for f in files] return hisindexes if hostname == "irene": hisdates = get_dates() else: hisdates = ["2008-09-26"] # try: # umount_all() # except: # MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort() # corners and submap are stored in pickle files with open(f"{dirdata}/giga_corners.pkl", "rb") as f: corners = pickle.load(f) assert len(corners) == 6582, "something is wrong with data/giga_corners.pkl" with open(f"{dirdata}/giga_subdmap.pkl", "rb") as f: subdmap = pickle.load(f) assert len(subdmap) == 6582, "something is wrong with data/giga_subdmap.pkl" with open(f"{dirdata}/gigaspecs.pkl", "rb") as f: corners = pickle.load(f) missing = pickle.load(f) subdmap = pickle.load(f) if False: dirs = glob.glob(dirmounted+"/R*/HIS/??") for d in dirs: try: command = f"fusermount -u {d}" os.system(command) except: command = f"rm -Rf {d}" os.system(command) ratarmount = set_ratarmount() barrier()
[ "MIT" ]
"""Helper methods to handle the time in Home Assistant.""" import datetime as dt import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast import pytz import pytz.exceptions as pytzexceptions import pytz.tzinfo as pytzinfo from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL DATE_STR_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d" UTC = pytz.utc DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE: dt.tzinfo = pytz.utc # Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. # All rights reserved. # DATETIME_RE = re.compile( r"(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{1,2})-(?P<day>\d{1,2})" r"[T ](?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{1,2})" r"(?::(?P<second>\d{1,2})(?:\.(?P<microsecond>\d{1,6})\d{0,6})?)?" r"(?P<tzinfo>Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?)?$" ) def set_default_time_zone(time_zone: dt.tzinfo) -> None: """Set a default time zone to be used when none is specified. Async friendly. """ global DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE # NOTE: Remove in the future in favour of typing assert isinstance(time_zone, dt.tzinfo) DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE = time_zone def get_time_zone(time_zone_str: str) -> Optional[dt.tzinfo]: """Get time zone from string. Return None if unable to determine. Async friendly. """ try: return pytz.timezone(time_zone_str) except pytzexceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: return None def utcnow() -> dt.datetime: """Get now in UTC time.""" return def now(time_zone: Optional[dt.tzinfo] = None) -> dt.datetime: """Get now in specified time zone.""" return or DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE) def as_utc(dattim: dt.datetime) -> dt.datetime: """Return a datetime as UTC time. Assumes datetime without tzinfo to be in the DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE. """ if dattim.tzinfo == UTC: return dattim if dattim.tzinfo is None: dattim = DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE.localize(dattim) # type: ignore return dattim.astimezone(UTC) def as_timestamp(dt_value: dt.datetime) -> float: """Convert a date/time into a unix time (seconds since 1970).""" if hasattr(dt_value, "timestamp"): parsed_dt: Optional[dt.datetime] = dt_value else: parsed_dt = parse_datetime(str(dt_value)) if parsed_dt is None: raise ValueError("not a valid date/time.") return parsed_dt.timestamp() def as_local(dattim: dt.datetime) -> dt.datetime: """Convert a UTC datetime object to local time zone.""" if dattim.tzinfo == DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE: return dattim if dattim.tzinfo is None: dattim = UTC.localize(dattim) return dattim.astimezone(DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE) def utc_from_timestamp(timestamp: float) -> dt.datetime: """Return a UTC time from a timestamp.""" return UTC.localize(dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)) def start_of_local_day( dt_or_d: Union[, dt.datetime, None] = None ) -> dt.datetime: """Return local datetime object of start of day from date or datetime.""" if dt_or_d is None: date: = now().date() elif isinstance(dt_or_d, dt.datetime): date = return DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE.localize( # type: ignore dt.datetime.combine(date, dt.time()) ) # Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. # All rights reserved. # def parse_datetime(dt_str: str) -> Optional[dt.datetime]: """Parse a string and return a datetime.datetime. This function supports time zone offsets. When the input contains one, the output uses a timezone with a fixed offset from UTC. Raises ValueError if the input is well formatted but not a valid datetime. Returns None if the input isn't well formatted. """ match = DATETIME_RE.match(dt_str) if not match: return None kws: Dict[str, Any] = match.groupdict() if kws["microsecond"]: kws["microsecond"] = kws["microsecond"].ljust(6, "0") tzinfo_str = kws.pop("tzinfo") tzinfo: Optional[dt.tzinfo] = None if tzinfo_str == "Z": tzinfo = UTC elif tzinfo_str is not None: offset_mins = int(tzinfo_str[-2:]) if len(tzinfo_str) > 3 else 0 offset_hours = int(tzinfo_str[1:3]) offset = dt.timedelta(hours=offset_hours, minutes=offset_mins) if tzinfo_str[0] == "-": offset = -offset tzinfo = dt.timezone(offset) kws = {k: int(v) for k, v in kws.items() if v is not None} kws["tzinfo"] = tzinfo return dt.datetime(**kws) def parse_date(dt_str: str) -> Optional[]: """Convert a date string to a date object.""" try: return dt.datetime.strptime(dt_str, DATE_STR_FORMAT).date() except ValueError: # If dt_str did not match our format return None def parse_time(time_str: str) -> Optional[dt.time]: """Parse a time string (00:20:00) into Time object. Return None if invalid. """ parts = str(time_str).split(":") if len(parts) < 2: return None try: hour = int(parts[0]) minute = int(parts[1]) second = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) > 2 else 0 return dt.time(hour, minute, second) except ValueError: # ValueError if value cannot be converted to an int or not in range return None # Found in this gist: def get_age(date: dt.datetime) -> str: """ Take a datetime and return its "age" as a string. The age can be in second, minute, hour, day, month or year. Only the biggest unit is considered, e.g. if it's 2 days and 3 hours, "2 days" will be returned. Make sure date is not in the future, or else it won't work. """ def formatn(number: int, unit: str) -> str: """Add "unit" if it's plural.""" if number == 1: return f"1 {unit}" return f"{number:d} {unit}s" def q_n_r(first: int, second: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return quotient and remaining.""" return first // second, first % second delta = now() - date day = delta.days second = delta.seconds year, day = q_n_r(day, 365) if year > 0: return formatn(year, "year") month, day = q_n_r(day, 30) if month > 0: return formatn(month, "month") if day > 0: return formatn(day, "day") hour, second = q_n_r(second, 3600) if hour > 0: return formatn(hour, "hour") minute, second = q_n_r(second, 60) if minute > 0: return formatn(minute, "minute") return formatn(second, "second") def parse_time_expression(parameter: Any, min_value: int, max_value: int) -> List[int]: """Parse the time expression part and return a list of times to match.""" if parameter is None or parameter == MATCH_ALL: res = list(range(min_value, max_value + 1)) elif isinstance(parameter, str) and parameter.startswith("/"): parameter = int(parameter[1:]) res = [x for x in range(min_value, max_value + 1) if x % parameter == 0] elif not hasattr(parameter, "__iter__"): res = [int(parameter)] else: res = list(sorted(int(x) for x in parameter)) for val in res: if val < min_value or val > max_value: raise ValueError( "Time expression '{}': parameter {} out of range ({} to {})" "".format(parameter, val, min_value, max_value) ) return res # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def find_next_time_expression_time( now: dt.datetime, seconds: List[int], minutes: List[int], hours: List[int] ) -> dt.datetime: """Find the next datetime from now for which the time expression matches. The algorithm looks at each time unit separately and tries to find the next one that matches for each. If any of them would roll over, all time units below that are reset to the first matching value. Timezones are also handled (the tzinfo of the now object is used), including daylight saving time. """ if not seconds or not minutes or not hours: raise ValueError("Cannot find a next time: Time expression never " "matches!") def _lower_bound(arr: List[int], cmp: int) -> Optional[int]: """Return the first value in arr greater or equal to cmp. Return None if no such value exists. """ left = 0 right = len(arr) while left < right: mid = (left + right) // 2 if arr[mid] < cmp: left = mid + 1 else: right = mid if left == len(arr): return None return arr[left] result = now.replace(microsecond=0) # Match next second next_second = _lower_bound(seconds, result.second) if next_second is None: # No second to match in this minute. Roll-over to next minute. next_second = seconds[0] result += dt.timedelta(minutes=1) result = result.replace(second=next_second) # Match next minute next_minute = _lower_bound(minutes, result.minute) if next_minute != result.minute: # We're in the next minute. Seconds needs to be reset. result = result.replace(second=seconds[0]) if next_minute is None: # No minute to match in this hour. Roll-over to next hour. next_minute = minutes[0] result += dt.timedelta(hours=1) result = result.replace(minute=next_minute) # Match next hour next_hour = _lower_bound(hours, result.hour) if next_hour != result.hour: # We're in the next hour. Seconds+minutes needs to be reset. result = result.replace(second=seconds[0], minute=minutes[0]) if next_hour is None: # No minute to match in this day. Roll-over to next day. next_hour = hours[0] result += dt.timedelta(days=1) result = result.replace(hour=next_hour) if result.tzinfo is None: return result # Now we need to handle timezones. We will make this datetime object # "naive" first and then re-convert it to the target timezone. # This is so that we can call pytz's localize and handle DST changes. tzinfo: pytzinfo.DstTzInfo = result.tzinfo result = result.replace(tzinfo=None) try: result = tzinfo.localize(result, is_dst=None) except pytzexceptions.AmbiguousTimeError: # This happens when we're leaving daylight saving time and local # clocks are rolled back. In this case, we want to trigger # on both the DST and non-DST time. So when "now" is in the DST # use the DST-on time, and if not, use the DST-off time. use_dst = bool(now.dst()) result = tzinfo.localize(result, is_dst=use_dst) except pytzexceptions.NonExistentTimeError: # This happens when we're entering daylight saving time and local # clocks are rolled forward, thus there are local times that do # not exist. In this case, we want to trigger on the next time # that *does* exist. # In the worst case, this will run through all the seconds in the # time shift, but that's max 3600 operations for once per year result = result.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) + dt.timedelta(seconds=1) return find_next_time_expression_time(result, seconds, minutes, hours) result_dst = cast(dt.timedelta, result.dst()) now_dst = cast(dt.timedelta, now.dst()) if result_dst >= now_dst: return result # Another edge-case when leaving DST: # When now is in DST and ambiguous *and* the next trigger time we *should* # trigger is ambiguous and outside DST, the excepts above won't catch it. # For example: if triggering on 2:30 and now is 28.10.2018 2:30 (in DST) # we should trigger next on 28.10.2018 2:30 (out of DST), but our # algorithm above would produce 29.10.2018 2:30 (out of DST) # Step 1: Check if now is ambiguous try: tzinfo.localize(now.replace(tzinfo=None), is_dst=None) return result except pytzexceptions.AmbiguousTimeError: pass # Step 2: Check if result of (now - DST) is ambiguous. check = now - now_dst check_result = find_next_time_expression_time(check, seconds, minutes, hours) try: tzinfo.localize(check_result.replace(tzinfo=None), is_dst=None) return result except pytzexceptions.AmbiguousTimeError: pass # OK, edge case does apply. We must override the DST to DST-off check_result = tzinfo.localize(check_result.replace(tzinfo=None), is_dst=False) return check_result
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from cpu_element import CPU_element from elements import Instruction_pointer from import set_signals signals = ["address"] result = "result" def test_write_output(): source = CPU_element([], signals) ip = Instruction_pointer(signals, [result]) assert isinstance(ip, CPU_element) ip.connect([source]) value = 55 set_signals(source, ip, signals, [value]) assert ip.outputs[result] == value
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/python3 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import re import argparse import signal import random import socket from collections import defaultdict import sys import subprocess try: import picamera except ImportError:[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "picamera"]) finally: import picamera random.seed(None) def createsdp(hostname, streams): params2ignore = set(['encoding-name', 'timestamp-offset', 'payload', 'clock-rate', 'media', 'port']) sdp = ['v=0'] sdp.append('o=- %d %d IN IP4 %s' % (random.randrange(4294967295), 2, hostname)) sdp.append('t=0 0') sdp.append('s=GST2SDP') streamnumber = 1 # add individual streams to SDP for stream in streams: sdp.append("m=%s %s RTP/AVP %s" % (stream['media'], stream['port'], stream['payload'])) sdp.append('c=IN IP4 %s' % hostname) sdp.append("a=rtpmap:%s %s/%s" % (stream['payload'], stream['encoding-name'], stream['clock-rate'])) fmtp = ["a=fmtp:%s" % stream['payload']] for param, value in stream.items(): # is parameter an action? if param[0] == 'a' and param[1] == '-': aparam = "%s:%s" % (param.replace('a-', 'a='), value) sdp.append(aparam) else: if param not in params2ignore: fmtp.append(" %s=%s;" % (param, value)) fmtp = ''.join(fmtp) sdp.append(fmtp) sdp.append("a=control:track%d" % streamnumber) streamnumber += 1 # save sdp with open('session.sdp', 'w') as f: f.write('\r\n'.join(sdp)) def main(arguments): gstreamer = 'gst-launch-1.0.exe' if 'win' in sys.platform else 'gst-launch-1.0' hostname = arguments.hostname[0] encoders = {'h264': (b'GstRtpH264Pay', 'h264parse', 'rtph264pay'), 'vp8': (b'GstRtpVP8Pay', 'vp8enc', 'rtpvp8pay'), 'openh264': (b'GstRtpH264Pay', 'openh264enc', 'rtph264pay')} rtppay = encoders[arguments.codec][0] # port = arguments.port port = 5600 arglist = [gstreamer, "-v", "rpicamsrc", "bitrate=%d" % 1500000, "!", "video/x-raw, width=1280, height=720, framerate=30/1", "!", "omxh264enc", "!", encoders[arguments.codec][1], "!", encoders[arguments.codec][2], "!", "multiudpsink", "clients="] for hostname in arguments.hostname: arglist[14] += hostname + ":5600" + "," print(arglist) if arguments.debug: print("Calling gstreamer:\n", " ".join(arglist)) process = Popen(arglist, stdout=PIPE) def signal_handler(signal, frame): process.kill() print('Terminating child process') signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) patternGenerated = False try: p = re.compile(rb'/GstPipeline:pipeline\d+/%b:\w+\d+.GstPad:src: caps = (.+)' % rtppay) for line in process.stdout: pattern = if pattern and not patternGenerated: parameters = re.findall(rb'(([\w-]+)=(?:\(\w+\))?(?:(\w+)|(?:"([^"]+)")))', pattern.groups()[0]) # print(parameters) parammap = defaultdict(str) for (_, param, value, value2) in parameters: parammap[param.decode('ascii')] = value.decode('ascii') if value else value2.decode('ascii') parammap['port'] = port if len(parammap) > 0: patternGenerated = True if arguments.sdp: createsdp(hostname, [parammap]) for param, value in parammap.items(): print("%s = %s" % (param, value)) finally: process.wait() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("hostname", help="hostname or IP address of the destination", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("--sdp", help="generates SDP file for the stream (defaults to false)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", help="shows command line in use to call gstreamer", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--port", "-p", help="port (defaults to 5000)", type=int, default=5000) parser.add_argument("--codec", help="chooses encoder (defaults to openh264)", choices=['vp8', 'h264', 'openh264'], default='openh264') parser.add_argument("--camera", help="Device id (defaults to 0)", type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() # args.hostname = socket.gethostbyname(args.hostname) print("Using hostname %s using device %d" % (args.hostname, main(args)
[ "MIT" ]
import os from typing import Optional from pytorchltr.utils.downloader import DefaultDownloadProgress from pytorchltr.utils.downloader import Downloader from pytorchltr.utils.file import validate_and_download from pytorchltr.utils.file import extract_zip from pytorchltr.utils.file import dataset_dir from pytorchltr.datasets.svmrank.svmrank import SVMRankDataset class MSLR10K(SVMRankDataset): """ Utility class for downloading and using the MSLR-WEB10K dataset: This dataset is a smaller sampled version of the MSLR-WEB30K dataset. """ downloader = Downloader( url="!AtsMfWUz5l8nbOIoJ6Ks0bEMp78/root/content", # noqa: E501 target="", sha256_checksum="2902142ea33f18c59414f654212de5063033b707d5c3939556124b1120d3a0ba", # noqa: E501 progress_fn=DefaultDownloadProgress(), postprocess_fn=extract_zip) per_fold_expected_files = { 1: [ {"path": "Fold1/train.txt", "sha256": "6eb3fae4e1186e1242a6520f53a98abdbcde5b926dd19a28e51239284b1d55dc"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold1/test.txt", "sha256": "33fe002374a4fce58c4e12863e4eee74745d5672a26f3e4ddacc20ccfe7d6ba0"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold1/vali.txt", "sha256": "e86fb3fe7e8a5f16479da7ce04f783ae85735f17f66016786c3ffc797dd9d4db"} # noqa: E501 ], 2: [ {"path": "Fold2/train.txt", "sha256": "40e4a2fcc237d9c164cbb6a3f2fa91fe6cf7d46a419d2f73e21cf090285659eb"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold2/test.txt", "sha256": "44add582ccd674cf63af24d3bf6e1074e87a678db77f00b44c37980a3010917a"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold2/vali.txt", "sha256": "33fe002374a4fce58c4e12863e4eee74745d5672a26f3e4ddacc20ccfe7d6ba0"} # noqa: E501 ], 3: [ {"path": "Fold3/train.txt", "sha256": "f13005ceb8de0db76c93b02ee4b2bded6f925097d3ab7938931e8d07aa72acd7"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold3/test.txt", "sha256": "c0a5a3c6bd7790d0b4ff3d5e961d0c8c5f8ff149089ce492540fa63035801b7a"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold3/vali.txt", "sha256": "44add582ccd674cf63af24d3bf6e1074e87a678db77f00b44c37980a3010917a"} # noqa: E501 ], 4: [ {"path": "Fold4/train.txt", "sha256": "6c1677cf9b2ed491e26ac6b8c8ca7dfae9c1a375e2bce8cba6df36ab67ce5836"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold4/test.txt", "sha256": "dc6083c24a5f0c03df3c91ad3eed7542694115b998acf046e51432cb7a22b848"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold4/vali.txt", "sha256": "c0a5a3c6bd7790d0b4ff3d5e961d0c8c5f8ff149089ce492540fa63035801b7a"} # noqa: E501 ], 5: [ {"path": "Fold5/train.txt", "sha256": "4249797a2f0f46bff279973f0fb055d4a78f67f337769eabd56e82332c044794"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold5/test.txt", "sha256": "e86fb3fe7e8a5f16479da7ce04f783ae85735f17f66016786c3ffc797dd9d4db"}, # noqa: E501 {"path": "Fold5/vali.txt", "sha256": "dc6083c24a5f0c03df3c91ad3eed7542694115b998acf046e51432cb7a22b848"} # noqa: E501 ] } splits = { "train": "train.txt", "test": "test.txt", "vali": "vali.txt" } def __init__(self, location: str = dataset_dir("MSLR10K"), split: str = "train", fold: int = 1, normalize: bool = True, filter_queries: Optional[bool] = None, download: bool = True, validate_checksums: bool = True): """ Args: location: Directory where the dataset is located. split: The data split to load ("train", "test" or "vali") fold: Which data fold to load (1...5) normalize: Whether to perform query-level feature normalization. filter_queries: Whether to filter out queries that have no relevant items. If not given this will filter queries for the test set but not the train set. download: Whether to download the dataset if it does not exist. validate_checksums: Whether to validate the dataset files via sha256. """ # Check if specified split and fold exists. if split not in MSLR10K.splits.keys(): raise ValueError("unrecognized data split '%s'" % str(split)) if fold not in MSLR10K.per_fold_expected_files.keys(): raise ValueError("unrecognized data fold '%s'" % str(fold)) # Validate dataset exists and is correct, or download it. validate_and_download( location=location, expected_files=MSLR10K.per_fold_expected_files[fold], downloader=MSLR10K.downloader if download else None, validate_checksums=validate_checksums) # Only filter queries on non-train splits. if filter_queries is None: filter_queries = False if split == "train" else True # Initialize the dataset. datafile = os.path.join(location, "Fold%d" % fold, MSLR10K.splits[split]) super().__init__(file=datafile, sparse=False, normalize=normalize, filter_queries=filter_queries, zero_based="auto")
[ "MIT" ]
from setuptools import find_packages, setup setup( name="src", packages=find_packages(), version="0.3.0", description="Estimating the impact of COVID policy on disease spread", author="Global Policy Lab", license="MIT", )
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zeit.wochenende.interfaces import zeit.wochenende.testing from zeit.cms.testcontenttype.testcontenttype import ExampleContentType class SectionTest(zeit.wochenende.testing.FunctionalTestCase): def test_zwe_ressort_content_is_zwe_content(self): content = ExampleContentType() content.ressort = u'Wochenende' self.repository['zwecenterpage'] = content content = self.repository['zwecenterpage'] self.assertTrue(zeit.wochenende.interfaces.IZWEContent.providedBy( content))
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,glob from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name = 'qcon', version = '2.5', scripts=['qcon/'], packages=['qcon'], author = 'pawnhearts', author_email = '[email protected]', description = """qcon is program for hiding/showing terminal emulators(or other software) with a hotkey.""", long_description = """qcon is program for hiding/showing terminal emulators(or other software) with a hotkey. Similar to consoles you see in many FPS games. Unlike similar projects like guake/yakuake you can use any terminal emulator of your choice. Several terminals(or other software) can be configured. It's compact and consists of a single file.""", classifiers=[ 'Environment :: X11 Applications', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals', ], license = "MIT", url = '', download_url = '', keywords = "terminal gtk", platforms = "POSIX", maintainer = 'pawnhearts', maintainer_email = '[email protected]', )
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Ricardo Ribeiro" __credits__ = ["Ricardo Ribeiro"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.0" __maintainer__ = "Ricardo Ribeiro" __email__ = "[email protected]" __status__ = "Development" import as tools from PyQt4 import uic, QtGui, QtCore from pyforms.gui.Controls.ControlBase import ControlBase class ControlCheckBox(ControlBase): def initForm(self): control_path = tools.getFileInSameDirectory(__file__,"checkbox.ui") self._form = uic.loadUi( control_path ) self._form.checkBox.setText(self._label) self._form.checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.__checkedToggle) self._form.checkBox.stateChangedFname = None if self._value and self._value!='': self._form.checkBox.setCheckState( QtCore.Qt.Checked ) else: self._form.checkBox.setCheckState( QtCore.Qt.Unchecked ) def __checkedToggle(self): func_name = self._form.checkBox.stateChangedFname if callable(func_name): try: func_name() except: import sys print sys.exc_info()[0] self.changed() def load(self, data): if 'value' in data: self._form.checkBox.setChecked( data['value']=='True' ) def save(self, data): data['value'] = str( self.isChecked() ) @property def value(self): return self._form.checkBox.isChecked() @value.setter def value(self, value): ControlBase.value.fset(self,value) self._form.checkBox.setChecked(value) @property def stateChangedFunction(self): return self._form.checkBox.stateChangedFname @stateChangedFunction.setter def stateChangedFunction(self, value): self._form.checkBox.stateChangedFname = value
[ "MIT" ]
from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path('',, name='post'), path('post/<int:pk>/', views.detail, name='detail'), path('post/new', views.new_post, name='new_post'), path('post/<int:pk>/edit/', views.edit_post, name='edit_post'), path('drafts/', views.draft_post, name='draft_post'), path('post/<int:pk>/publish', views.publish_post, name='publish_post'), path('post/<int:pk>/delete/', views.delete_post, name='delete_post'), ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Importamos testcase from flask_testing import TestCase # Importamos nuesra app desde el main de nuestra aplicacion from main import app from flask import current_app, url_for # Creamos una nueva clase que se llama main test class MainTest(TestCase): # Creamos el metodo create app que retorna una aplicacion de flask def create_app(self): # Configuramos nuestra app para testing de esta manera flask reconoce que se trata de un ambiente de pruebas app.config['TESTING'] = True # Indicamos que no vamos a utilizar el Cross-site request forgery toquen # porque en este caso no tenemos una sesión activa del usuario. app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False app.config['PRESERVE_CONTEXT_ON_EXCEPTION'] = False return app # Probamos que de hecho nuestra app de Flash existe def test_app_exist(self): self.assertIsNotNone(current_app) # Validamos que nuestra app de flask se encuente en modo testing def test_app_in_test_mode(self): self.assertTrue(current_app.config['TESTING']) # Validamos que la redireccion del index sea correcta def test_index_redirect(self): response = self.client.get(url_for('index')) self.assertRedirects(response, url_for('Hello')) # Validamos que Hello nos regrese 200 en cuanto hacemos un get() def test_hello_get(self): response = self.client.get(url_for('Hello')) self.assert200(response) # Validamos como realizar un post de la manera correcta def test_hello_post(self): # Generamos un response donde en la funcion Hello posteamos los datos de la forma response ='Hello')) # Y con assert validamos que al ingresar los datos correctos seamos redirigidos al index self.assertTrue(response.status_code, 405) # Test para validar que exista un blueprint def test_auth_blueprint_exists(self): self.assertIn('auth', # Validamos que la respuesta del login sea un 200 def test_auth_login_get(self): # En este caso debemos ir al blueprint de auth en login response = self.client.get(url_for('auth.login')) self.assert200(response) # Validamos que se halla renderizado el template adecuado def test_auth_login_template(self): # En este caso debemos ir al blueprint de auth en login self.client.get(url_for('auth.login')) self.assertTemplateUsed('login.html') def test_auth_login_post(self): # En este caso es necesario crear una forma para los espacios del formulario fake_form = { 'username': 'Fakeusername', 'password': 'Fakepassword' } response ='auth.login'), data=fake_form) self.assertRedirects(response, url_for('index'))
[ "MIT" ]
import codecs from setuptools import setup with'README.rst', encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = setup( name="shadowsocksr-cli", version="2.1.1", author="tyrantlucifer", author_email="[email protected]", description="The command client of shadowsocksr", url="", packages=[ "shadowsocksr_cli", "shadowsocksr_cli.shadowsocks", "shadowsocksr_cli.shadowsocks.crypto", "shadowsocksr_cli.shadowsocks.obfsplugin" ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'shadowsocksr-cli = shadowsocksr_cli.main:main' ] }, install_requires=[ "requests", "prettytable", "PySocks", "qrcode", "pyyaml", "colorama" ], classifiers=[ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy', 'Topic :: Internet :: Proxy Servers', ], long_description=long_description, )
[ "MIT" ]
import re import pygtrie as trie # type: ignore from functools import reduce __ALL__ = ('PrefixTokenizers', 'PrefixSearch') class PrefixTokenizers: # This string here is just an arbitrary long string so that # re.split finds no matches and returns the entire phrase ENTIRE_PHRASE = '::gooey/tokenization/entire-phrase' # \s == any whitespace character WORDS = r'\s' @classmethod def REGEX(cls, expression): return expression class OperatorType: AND = 'AND' OR = 'OR' class SearchOptions: def __init__(self, choice_tokenizer=PrefixTokenizers.ENTIRE_PHRASE, input_tokenizer=PrefixTokenizers.ENTIRE_PHRASE, ignore_case=True, operator='AND', index_suffix= False, **kwargs): self.choice_tokenizer = choice_tokenizer self.input_tokenizer = input_tokenizer self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.operator = operator self.index_suffix = index_suffix class PrefixSearch(object): """ A trie backed index for quickly finding substrings in a list of options. """ def __init__(self, choices, options={}, *args, **kwargs): self.choices = sorted(filter(None, choices)) self.options: SearchOptions = SearchOptions(**options) self.searchtree = self.buildSearchTrie(choices) def updateChoices(self, choices): self.choices = sorted(filter(None, choices)) self.searchtree = self.buildSearchTrie(choices) def findMatches(self, token): if not token: return sorted(self.choices) tokens = self.tokenizeInput(token) matches = [set(flatten(self._vals(self.searchtree, prefix=t))) for t in tokens] op = intersection if self.options.operator == 'AND' else union return sorted(reduce(op, matches)) def tokenizeInput(self, token): """ Cleans and tokenizes the user's input. empty characters and spaces are trimmed to prevent matching all paths in the index. """ return list(filter(None, re.split(self.options.input_tokenizer, self.clean(token)))) def tokenizeChoice(self, choice): """ Splits the `choice` into a series of tokens based on the user's criteria. If suffix indexing is enabled, the individual tokens are further broken down and indexed by their suffix offsets. e.g. 'Banana', 'anana', 'nana', 'ana' """ choice_ = self.clean(choice) tokens = re.split(self.options.choice_tokenizer, choice_) if self.options.index_suffix: return [token[i:] for token in tokens for i in range(len(token) - 2)] else: return tokens def clean(self, text): return text.lower() if self.options.ignore_case else text def buildSearchTrie(self, choices): searchtrie = trie.Trie() for choice in choices: for token in self.tokenizeChoice(choice): if not searchtrie.has_key(token): searchtrie[token] = [] searchtrie[token].append(choice) return searchtrie def _vals(self, searchtrie, **kwargs): try: return searchtrie.values(**kwargs) except KeyError: return [] def intersection(a, b): return a.intersection(b) def union(a, b): return a.union(b) def flatten(xs): return [item for x in xs for item in x]
[ "MIT" ]
from chainer import backend from chainer import function from chainer import utils from chainer.utils import type_check class DeCov(function.Function): """DeCov loss (""" def __init__(self, reduce='half_squared_sum'): self.h_centered = None self.covariance = None if reduce not in ('half_squared_sum', 'no'): raise ValueError( "only 'half_squared_sum' and 'no' are valid " "for 'reduce', but '%s' is given" % reduce) self.reduce = reduce def check_type_forward(self, in_types): type_check._argname(in_types, ('h',)) h_type, = in_types type_check.expect( h_type.dtype.kind == 'f', h_type.ndim == 2, ) def forward(self, inputs): xp = backend.get_array_module(*inputs) h, = inputs self.h_centered = h - h.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) self.covariance = xp.fill_diagonal(self.covariance, 0.0) self.covariance /= len(h) if self.reduce == 'half_squared_sum': cost = xp.vdot(self.covariance, self.covariance) cost *= h.dtype.type(0.5) return utils.force_array(cost), else: return self.covariance, def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs): xp = backend.get_array_module(*inputs) h, = inputs gcost, = grad_outputs gcost_div_n = gcost / gcost.dtype.type(len(h)) if self.reduce == 'half_squared_sum': gh = 2.0 * gh *= gcost_div_n else: xp.fill_diagonal(gcost_div_n, 0.0) gh = + gcost_div_n.T) return gh, def decov(h, reduce='half_squared_sum'): """Computes the DeCov loss of ``h`` The output is a variable whose value depends on the value of the option ``reduce``. If it is ``'no'``, it holds a matrix whose size is same as the number of columns of ``y``. If it is ``'half_squared_sum'``, it holds the half of the squared Frobenius norm (i.e. squared of the L2 norm of a matrix flattened to a vector) of the matrix. Args: h (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Variable holding a matrix where the first dimension corresponds to the batches. recude (str): Reduction option. Its value must be either ``'half_squared_sum'`` or ``'no'``. Otherwise, :class:`ValueError` is raised. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: A variable holding a scalar of the DeCov loss. If ``reduce`` is ``'no'``, the output variable holds 2-dimensional array matrix of shape ``(N, N)`` where ``N`` is the number of columns of ``y``. If it is ``'half_squared_sum'``, the output variable holds a scalar value. .. note:: See for details. """ return DeCov(reduce)(h)
[ "MIT" ]
def my_func1(x: int, y: int) -> int: ... bit: BitVec[1] myu32: BitVec[32] myu64: BitVec[64]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% # Created by "Thieu Nguyen" at 15:39, 20/04/2020 % # % # Email: [email protected] % # Homepage: % # Github: % #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% from opfunu.cec.cec2005.root import Root from numpy import sum, dot, cos, exp, pi, e, sqrt class Model(Root): def __init__(self, f_name="Shifted Rotated Ackley's Function with Global Optimum on Bounds", f_shift_data_file="data_ackley", f_ext='.txt', f_bias=-140, f_matrix=None): Root.__init__(self, f_name, f_shift_data_file, f_ext, f_bias) self.f_matrix = f_matrix def _main__(self, solution=None): problem_size = len(solution) if problem_size > 100: print("CEC 2005 not support for problem size > 100") return 1 if problem_size == 10 or problem_size == 30 or problem_size == 50: self.f_matrix = "ackley_M_D" + str(problem_size) else: print("CEC 2005 F8 function only support problem size 10, 30, 50") return 1 shift_data = self.load_shift_data()[:problem_size] t1 = int(problem_size/2) for j in range(0, t1-1): shift_data[2*(j+1)-1] = -32 * shift_data[2*(j+1)] matrix = self.load_matrix_data(self.f_matrix) z = dot((solution - shift_data), matrix) result = -20 * exp(-0.2 * sum(z ** 2) / problem_size) - exp(sum(cos(2 * pi * z))) + 20 + e return result + self.f_bias
[ "MIT" ]
from data.indicator.SE2.process import WB_computation_config, SDG_computation_config
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Unit tests for source_remote.""" import os import traceback import grpc from tensorflow.core.debug import debug_service_pb2 from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import grpc_debug_test_server from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import source_remote from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import source_utils from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops # Import resource_variable_ops for the variables-to-tensor implicit conversion. from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import googletest from tensorflow.python.platform import test from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect def line_number_above(): return tf_inspect.stack()[1][2] - 1 class SendTracebacksTest(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): test_util.TensorFlowTestCase.setUpClass() (cls._server_port, cls._debug_server_url, cls._server_dump_dir, cls._server_thread, cls._server) = grpc_debug_test_server.start_server_on_separate_thread( poll_server=True) cls._server_address = "localhost:%d" % cls._server_port (cls._server_port_2, cls._debug_server_url_2, cls._server_dump_dir_2, cls._server_thread_2, cls._server_2) = grpc_debug_test_server.start_server_on_separate_thread() cls._server_address_2 = "localhost:%d" % cls._server_port_2 cls._curr_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # Stop the test server and join the thread. cls._server.stop_server().wait() cls._server_thread.join() cls._server_2.stop_server().wait() cls._server_thread_2.join() test_util.TensorFlowTestCase.tearDownClass() def tearDown(self): ops.reset_default_graph() self._server.clear_data() self._server_2.clear_data() super(SendTracebacksTest, self).tearDown() def _findFirstTraceInsideTensorFlowPyLibrary(self, op): """Find the first trace of an op that belongs to the TF Python library.""" for trace in op.traceback: if source_utils.guess_is_tensorflow_py_library(trace.filename): return trace def testSendGraphTracebacksToSingleDebugServer(self): this_func_name = "testSendGraphTracebacksToSingleDebugServer" with session.Session() as sess: a = variables.Variable(21.0, name="a") a_lineno = line_number_above() b = variables.Variable(2.0, name="b") b_lineno = line_number_above() math_ops.add(a, b, name="x") x_lineno = line_number_above() send_stack = traceback.extract_stack() send_lineno = line_number_above() source_remote.send_graph_tracebacks( self._server_address, "dummy_run_key", send_stack, sess.graph) tb = self._server.query_op_traceback("a") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, a_lineno, this_func_name), tb) tb = self._server.query_op_traceback("b") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, b_lineno, this_func_name), tb) tb = self._server.query_op_traceback("x") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, x_lineno, this_func_name), tb) self.assertIn( (self._curr_file_path, send_lineno, this_func_name), self._server.query_origin_stack()[-1]) self.assertEqual( " a = variables.Variable(21.0, name=\"a\")", self._server.query_source_file_line(__file__, a_lineno)) # Files in the TensorFlow code base shouldn not have been sent. tf_trace = self._findFirstTraceInsideTensorFlowPyLibrary(a.op) tf_trace_file_path = tf_trace.filename with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self._server.query_source_file_line(tf_trace_file_path, 0) self.assertEqual([debug_service_pb2.CallTraceback.GRAPH_EXECUTION], self._server.query_call_types()) self.assertEqual(["dummy_run_key"], self._server.query_call_keys()) self.assertEqual( [sess.graph.version], self._server.query_graph_versions()) def testSendGraphTracebacksToTwoDebugServers(self): this_func_name = "testSendGraphTracebacksToTwoDebugServers" with session.Session() as sess: a = variables.Variable(21.0, name="two/a") a_lineno = line_number_above() b = variables.Variable(2.0, name="two/b") b_lineno = line_number_above() x = math_ops.add(a, b, name="two/x") x_lineno = line_number_above() send_traceback = traceback.extract_stack() send_lineno = line_number_above() with test.mock.patch.object( grpc, "insecure_channel", wraps=grpc.insecure_channel) as mock_grpc_channel: source_remote.send_graph_tracebacks( [self._server_address, self._server_address_2], "dummy_run_key", send_traceback, sess.graph) mock_grpc_channel.assert_called_with( test.mock.ANY, options=[("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1)]) servers = [self._server, self._server_2] for server in servers: tb = server.query_op_traceback("two/a") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, a_lineno, this_func_name), tb) tb = server.query_op_traceback("two/b") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, b_lineno, this_func_name), tb) tb = server.query_op_traceback("two/x") self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, x_lineno, this_func_name), tb) self.assertIn( (self._curr_file_path, send_lineno, this_func_name), server.query_origin_stack()[-1]) self.assertEqual( " x = math_ops.add(a, b, name=\"two/x\")", server.query_source_file_line(__file__, x_lineno)) tf_trace = self._findFirstTraceInsideTensorFlowPyLibrary(a.op) tf_trace_file_path = tf_trace.filename with self.assertRaises(ValueError): server.query_source_file_line(tf_trace_file_path, 0) self.assertEqual([debug_service_pb2.CallTraceback.GRAPH_EXECUTION], server.query_call_types()) self.assertEqual(["dummy_run_key"], server.query_call_keys()) self.assertEqual([sess.graph.version], server.query_graph_versions()) def testSendEagerTracebacksToSingleDebugServer(self): this_func_name = "testSendEagerTracebacksToSingleDebugServer" send_traceback = traceback.extract_stack() send_lineno = line_number_above() source_remote.send_eager_tracebacks(self._server_address, send_traceback) self.assertEqual([debug_service_pb2.CallTraceback.EAGER_EXECUTION], self._server.query_call_types()) self.assertIn((self._curr_file_path, send_lineno, this_func_name), self._server.query_origin_stack()[-1]) def testGRPCServerMessageSizeLimit(self): """Assert gRPC debug server is started with unlimited message size.""" with test.mock.patch.object( grpc, "server", wraps=grpc.server) as mock_grpc_server: (_, _, _, server_thread, server) = grpc_debug_test_server.start_server_on_separate_thread( poll_server=True) mock_grpc_server.assert_called_with( test.mock.ANY, options=[("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1)]) server.stop_server().wait() server_thread.join() if __name__ == "__main__": googletest.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# authors_name = 'Preetham Ganesh' # project_title = 'Multi Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition using OpenCV and Sensor Fusion' # email = '[email protected]' import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import itertools import logging import sklearn.pipeline from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import balanced_accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid logging.getLogger('sklearn').setLevel(logging.FATAL) def list_combinations_generator(modalities: list): """Generates combinations for items in the given list. Args: modalities: List of modalities available in the dataset. Returns: Combinations of items in the given list. """ modality_combinations = list() # Iterates across modalities to generate combinations based on length. for length in range(1, len(modalities) + 1): # Generate combinations for the current length. current_length_combinations = itertools.combinations(modalities, length) # Iterates across the generated combinations to convert it into a list. for combination in current_length_combinations: current_combination_list = list() for k in combination: current_combination_list.append(k) modality_combinations.append(current_combination_list) return modality_combinations def data_combiner(n_actions: int, subject_ids: list, n_takes: int, modalities: list, skeleton_pose_model: str): """Combines skeleton point information for all actions, all takes, given list of subject ids and given list of modalities. Args: n_actions: Total number of actions in the original dataset. subject_ids: List of subjects in the current set. n_takes: Total number of takes in the original dataset. modalities: Current combination of modalities. skeleton_pose_model: Current skeleton pose model name which will be used to import skeleton point information. Returns: A pandas dataframe which contains combined skeleton point information for all actions, all takes, given list of subject ids and given list of modalities. """ combined_modality_skeleton_information = pd.DataFrame() # Iterates across actions, subject_ids, takes, and modalities to combine skeleton point information. for i in range(1, n_actions + 1): for j in range(len(subject_ids)): for k in range(1, n_takes + 1): data_name = 'a{}_s{}_t{}'.format(i, subject_ids[j], k) # Iterates across modalities to import skeleton point information file and adds it to # combined_modality_skeleton_information. If file not found, it moves on to the next combination. try: # Imports 1st modality's skeleton point information for current data_name and skeleton_pose_model. current_data_name_modality_information = pd.read_csv('../data/normalized_data/{}/{}_{}.csv'.format( modalities[0], data_name, skeleton_pose_model)) except FileNotFoundError: continue # Since, length of modalities in each combination is different. Hence, if length of modalities is # greater than 1, then the imported skeleton point information for other modalities will be merged to # the skeleton point information for the first modality. if len(modalities) != 1: for m in range(1, len(modalities)): current_skeleton_point_information = pd.read_csv('../data/normalized_data/{}/{}_{}.csv'.format( modalities[m], data_name, skeleton_pose_model)) current_data_name_modality_information = pd.merge(current_data_name_modality_information, current_skeleton_point_information, on='frame', how='outer') # Adds data_name to the imported skeleton point information. current_data_name_modality_information['data_name'] = [data_name for _ in range(len( current_data_name_modality_information))] # Removes frame column from the imported skeleton point information. current_data_name_modality_information = current_data_name_modality_information.drop(columns=['frame']) # Adds action column to the imported skeleton point information. current_data_name_modality_information['action'] = [i for _ in range(len( current_data_name_modality_information))] # Appends currently imported & modified skeleton point information to the combined modality skeleton # point information combined_modality_skeleton_information = combined_modality_skeleton_information.append( current_data_name_modality_information) return combined_modality_skeleton_information def calculate_metrics(actual_values: np.ndarray, predicted_values: np.ndarray): """Using actual_values, predicted_values calculates metrics such as accuracy, balanced accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 scores. Args: actual_values: Actual action labels in the dataset predicted_values: Action labels predicted by the currently trained model Returns: Dictionary contains keys as score names and values as scores which are floating point values. """ return {'accuracy_score': round(accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values) * 100, 3), 'balanced_accuracy_score': round(balanced_accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values) * 100, 3), 'precision_score': round(precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='weighted', labels=np.unique(predicted_values)) * 100, 3), 'recall_score': round(recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='weighted', labels=np.unique(predicted_values)) * 100, 3), 'f1_score': round(f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='weighted', labels=np.unique(predicted_values)) * 100, 3)} def retrieve_hyperparameters(current_model_name: str): """Based on the current_model_name returns a list of hyperparameters used for optimizing the model (if necessary). Args: current_model_name: Name of the model currently expected to be trained Returns: A dictionary containing the hyperparameter name and the values that will be used to optimize the model """ # For support_vector_classifier, the hyperparameter tuned is kernel. if current_model_name == 'support_vector_classifier': parameters = {'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf']} # For decision_tree_classifier, the hyperparameters tuned are criterion, splitter, and max_depth. elif current_model_name == 'decision_tree_classifier': parameters = {'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'], 'splitter': ['best', 'random'], 'max_depth': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]} # For random_forest_classifier or extra_trees_classifier, the hyperparameters tuned are n_estimators, criterion, and # max_depth elif current_model_name == 'random_forest_classifier' or current_model_name == 'extra_trees_classifier': parameters = {'n_estimators': [i * 10 for i in range(2, 11, 2)], 'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'], 'max_depth': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]} # For gradient_boosting_classifier, the hyperparameters tuned are loss, n_estimators, criterion, and max_depth. elif current_model_name == 'gradient_boosting_classifier': parameters = {'max_depth': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 'n_estimators': [i * 10 for i in range(2, 11, 2)]} # For gaussian_naive_bayes, none of the hyperparameters are tuned. else: parameters = {'None': ['None']} return parameters def split_data_input_target(skeleton_data: pd.DataFrame): """Splits skeleton_data into input and target datasets by filtering / selecting certain columns. Args: skeleton_data: Train / Validation / Test dataset used to split / filter certain columns. Returns: A tuple containing 2 numpy ndarrays for the input and target datasets. """ skeleton_data_input = skeleton_data.drop(columns=['data_name', 'action']) skeleton_data_target = skeleton_data['action'] return np.array(skeleton_data_input), np.array(skeleton_data_target) def video_based_model_testing(test_skeleton_information: pd.DataFrame, current_model: sklearn): """Tests performance of the currently trained model on the validation or testing sets, where the performance is evaluated per video / file, instead of evaluating per frame. Args: test_skeleton_information: Pandas dataframe which contains skeleton point information for all actions, subject_ids, and takes in the validation or testing sets. current_model: Scikit-learn model that is currently being trained and tested. Returns: A tuple contains the target and predicted action for each video in the validation / testing set. """ # Identifies unique data_names in the validation / testing set. test_data_names = np.unique(test_skeleton_information['data_name']) test_target_data = [] test_predicted_data = [] # Iterates across the identified unique data names for i in range(len(test_data_names)): # Filters skeleton point information for the current data name. current_data_name_skeleton_information = test_skeleton_information[test_skeleton_information['data_name'] == test_data_names[i]] # Splits filtered skeleton point information into input and target data. test_skeleton_input_data, test_skeleton_target_data = split_data_input_target( current_data_name_skeleton_information) # Predicts labels for each frame in the filtered skeleton point information. test_skeleton_predicted_data = list(current_model.predict(test_skeleton_input_data)) # Identifies which predicted label has highest count and appends it to the final predicted data. Also, appends # target label to the target data. test_target_data.append(max(current_data_name_skeleton_information['action'])) test_predicted_data.append(max(test_skeleton_predicted_data, key=test_skeleton_predicted_data.count)) return np.array(test_target_data), np.array(test_predicted_data) def model_training_testing(train_skeleton_information: pd.DataFrame, validation_skeleton_information: pd.DataFrame, test_skeleton_information: pd.DataFrame, current_model_name: str, parameters: dict): """Trains and validates model for the current model name and hyperparameters on the train_skeleton_informaiton and validation_skeleton_information. Args: train_skeleton_information: Pandas dataframe which contains skeleton point information for all actions, subject_ids, and takes in the Training set. validation_skeleton_information: Pandas dataframe which contains skeleton point information for all actions, subject_ids, and takes in the Validation set. test_skeleton_information: Pandas dataframe which contains skeleton point information for all actions, subject_ids, and takes in the Test set. current_model_name: Name of the model currently expected to be trained. parameters: Current parameter values used for training and validating the model. Returns: A tuple which contains the training metrics, validation metrics, & test metrics. """ # Based on the current_model_name, the scikit-learn object is initialized using the hyperparameter (if necessary) if current_model_name == 'support_vector_classifier': model = SVC(kernel=parameters['kernel']) elif current_model_name == 'decision_tree_classifier': model = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=parameters['criterion'], splitter=parameters['splitter'], max_depth=parameters['max_depth']) elif current_model_name == 'random_forest_classifier': model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=parameters['n_estimators'], criterion=parameters['criterion'], max_depth=parameters['max_depth']) elif current_model_name == 'extra_trees_classifier': model = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=parameters['n_estimators'], criterion=parameters['criterion'], max_depth=parameters['max_depth']) elif current_model_name == 'gradient_boosting_classifier': model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=parameters['n_estimators'], max_depth=parameters['max_depth']) else: model = GaussianNB() # Splits Training skeleton information into input and target data. train_skeleton_input_data, train_skeleton_target_data = split_data_input_target(train_skeleton_information) # Trains the object created for the model using the training input and target., train_skeleton_target_data) # Predict video based action labels for training and validation skeleton information data. train_skeleton_target_data, train_skeleton_predicted_data = video_based_model_testing(train_skeleton_information, model) validation_skeleton_target_data, validation_skeleton_predicted_data = video_based_model_testing( validation_skeleton_information, model) test_skeleton_target_data, test_skeleton_predicted_data = video_based_model_testing(test_skeleton_information, model) # Calculates metrics for the predicted action labels for the training and testing sets. train_metrics = calculate_metrics(train_skeleton_target_data, train_skeleton_predicted_data) validation_metrics = calculate_metrics(validation_skeleton_target_data, validation_skeleton_predicted_data) test_metrics = calculate_metrics(test_skeleton_target_data, test_skeleton_predicted_data) return train_metrics, validation_metrics, test_metrics def per_combination_results_export(combination_name: str, data_split: str, metrics_dataframe: pd.DataFrame): """Exports the metrics_dataframe into a CSV format to the mentioned data_split folder. If the folder does not exist, then the folder is created. Args: combination_name: Name of the current combination of modalities and skeleton pose model. data_split: Name of the split the subset of the dataset belongs to. metrics_dataframe: A dataframe containing the mean of all the metrics for all the hyperparameters & models. Returns: None. """ directory_path = '{}/{}'.format('../results/combination_results', combination_name) if not os.path.isdir(directory_path): os.mkdir(directory_path) file_path = '{}/{}.csv'.format(directory_path, data_split) metrics_dataframe.to_csv(file_path, index=False) def appends_parameter_metrics_combination(current_model_name: str, current_combination_name: str, current_split_metrics: dict, split_metrics_dataframe: pd.DataFrame): """Appends the metrics for the current model and current parameter combination to the main dataframe. Args: current_model_name: Name of the model currently being trained. current_combination_name: Current combination of parameters used for training the model. current_split_metrics: Metrics for the current parameter combination for the model. split_metrics_dataframe: Pandas dataframe which contains metrics for the current combination of modalities. Returns: Updated version of the pandas dataframe which contains metrics for the current combination of modalities. """ current_split_metrics['model_names'] = current_model_name current_split_metrics['parameters'] = current_combination_name split_metrics_dataframe = split_metrics_dataframe.append(current_split_metrics, ignore_index=True) return split_metrics_dataframe def per_combination_model_training_testing(train_subject_ids: list, validation_subject_ids: list, test_subject_ids: list, n_actions: int, n_takes: int, current_combination_modalities: list, skeleton_pose_model: str, model_names: list): """Combines skeleton point information based on modality combination, and subject id group. Trains, validates, and tests the list of classifier models. Calculates metrics for each data split, model and parameter combination. Args: train_subject_ids: List of subject ids in the training set. validation_subject_ids: List of subject ids in the validation set. test_subject_ids: List of subject ids in the testing set. n_actions: Total number of actions in the original dataset. n_takes: Total number of takes in the original dataset. current_combination_modalities: Current combination of modalities which will be used to import and combine the dataset. skeleton_pose_model: Name of the model currently used for extracting skeleton model. model_names: List of ML classifier model names which will used creating the objects. Returns: None. """ # Combines skeleton point information based on modality combination, and subject id group. train_skeleton_information = data_combiner(n_actions, train_subject_ids, n_takes, current_combination_modalities, skeleton_pose_model) validation_skeleton_information = data_combiner(n_actions, validation_subject_ids, n_takes, current_combination_modalities, skeleton_pose_model) test_skeleton_information = data_combiner(n_actions, test_subject_ids, n_takes, current_combination_modalities, skeleton_pose_model) # Creating empty dataframes for the metrics for current modality combination's training, validation, and testing # datasets. metrics_features = ['accuracy_score', 'balanced_accuracy_score', 'precision_score', 'recall_score', 'f1_score'] train_models_parameters_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model_names', 'parameters'] + metrics_features) validation_models_parameters_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model_names', 'parameters'] + metrics_features) test_models_parameters_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model_names', 'parameters'] + metrics_features) combination_name = '_'.join(current_combination_modalities + [skeleton_pose_model]) # Iterates across model names and parameter grid for training and testing the classification models. for i in range(len(model_names)): # Retrieves parameters and generates parameter combinations. parameters = retrieve_hyperparameters(model_names[i]) parameters_grid = ParameterGrid(parameters) for j in range(len(parameters_grid)): current_parameters_grid_name = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, parameters_grid[j][k]) for k in parameters_grid[j].keys()]) # Performs model training and testing. Also, generates metrics for the data splits. training_metrics, validation_metrics, test_metrics = model_training_testing( train_skeleton_information, validation_skeleton_information, test_skeleton_information, model_names[i], parameters_grid[j]) # Appends current modality's train, validation, and test metrics to the main dataframes. train_models_parameters_metrics = appends_parameter_metrics_combination( model_names[i], current_parameters_grid_name, training_metrics, train_models_parameters_metrics) validation_models_parameters_metrics = appends_parameter_metrics_combination( model_names[i], current_parameters_grid_name, validation_metrics, validation_models_parameters_metrics) test_models_parameters_metrics = appends_parameter_metrics_combination( model_names[i], current_parameters_grid_name, test_metrics, test_models_parameters_metrics) if model_names[i] != 'gaussian_naive_bayes': print('modality_combination={}, model={}, {} completed successfully.'.format( combination_name, model_names[i], current_parameters_grid_name)) else: print('modality_combination={}, model={} completed successfully.'.format(combination_name, model_names[i])) # Exports main training, validation and testing metrics into CSV files. per_combination_results_export('_'.join(current_combination_modalities + [skeleton_pose_model]), 'train_metrics', train_models_parameters_metrics) per_combination_results_export('_'.join(current_combination_modalities + [skeleton_pose_model]), 'validation_metrics', validation_models_parameters_metrics) per_combination_results_export('_'.join(current_combination_modalities + [skeleton_pose_model]), 'test_metrics', test_models_parameters_metrics) def main(): print() n_actions = 27 n_subjects = 8 n_takes = 4 skeleton_pose_models = ['coco', 'mpi'] modalities = ['rgb', 'depth', 'inertial'] model_names = ['gaussian_naive_bayes', 'support_vector_classifier', 'decision_tree_classifier', 'random_forest_classifier', 'extra_trees_classifier', 'gradient_boosting_classifier'] modality_combinations = list_combinations_generator(modalities) train_subject_ids = [i for i in range(1, n_subjects - 1)] validation_subject_ids = [n_subjects - 1] test_subject_ids = [n_subjects] for i in range(len(modality_combinations)): for j in range(len(skeleton_pose_models)): per_combination_model_training_testing(train_subject_ids, validation_subject_ids, test_subject_ids, n_actions, n_takes, modality_combinations[i], skeleton_pose_models[j], model_names) print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
[ "MIT" ]
import cv2 import keras import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random import warnings from generators.utils import get_affine_transform, affine_transform from generators.utils import gaussian_radius, draw_gaussian, gaussian_radius_2, draw_gaussian_2 class Generator(keras.utils.Sequence): """ Abstract generator class. """ def __init__( self, multi_scale=False, multi_image_sizes=(320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608), misc_effect=None, visual_effect=None, batch_size=1, group_method='ratio', # one of 'none', 'random', 'ratio' shuffle_groups=True, input_size=512, max_objects=100 ): """ Initialize Generator object. Args: batch_size: The size of the batches to generate. group_method: Determines how images are grouped together (defaults to 'ratio', one of ('none', 'random', 'ratio')). shuffle_groups: If True, shuffles the groups each epoch. input_size: max_objects: """ self.misc_effect = misc_effect self.visual_effect = visual_effect self.batch_size = int(batch_size) self.group_method = group_method self.shuffle_groups = shuffle_groups self.input_size = input_size self.output_size = self.input_size // 4 self.max_objects = max_objects self.groups = None self.multi_scale = multi_scale self.multi_image_sizes = multi_image_sizes self.current_index = 0 # Define groups self.group_images() # Shuffle when initializing if self.shuffle_groups: random.shuffle(self.groups) def on_epoch_end(self): if self.shuffle_groups: random.shuffle(self.groups) self.current_index = 0 def size(self): """ Size of the dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError('size method not implemented') def num_classes(self): """ Number of classes in the dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError('num_classes method not implemented') def has_label(self, label): """ Returns True if label is a known label. """ raise NotImplementedError('has_label method not implemented') def has_name(self, name): """ Returns True if name is a known class. """ raise NotImplementedError('has_name method not implemented') def name_to_label(self, name): """ Map name to label. """ raise NotImplementedError('name_to_label method not implemented') def label_to_name(self, label): """ Map label to name. """ raise NotImplementedError('label_to_name method not implemented') def image_aspect_ratio(self, image_index): """ Compute the aspect ratio for an image with image_index. """ raise NotImplementedError('image_aspect_ratio method not implemented') def load_image(self, image_index): """ Load an image at the image_index. """ raise NotImplementedError('load_image method not implemented') def load_annotations(self, image_index): """ Load annotations for an image_index. """ raise NotImplementedError('load_annotations method not implemented') def load_annotations_group(self, group): """ Load annotations for all images in group. """ # load_annotations {'labels': np.array, 'annotations': np.array} annotations_group = [self.load_annotations(image_index) for image_index in group] for annotations in annotations_group: assert (isinstance(annotations, dict)), '\'load_annotations\' should return a list of dictionaries, received: {}'.format( type(annotations)) assert ( 'labels' in annotations), '\'load_annotations\' should return a list of dictionaries that contain \'labels\' and \'bboxes\'.' assert ( 'bboxes' in annotations), '\'load_annotations\' should return a list of dictionaries that contain \'labels\' and \'bboxes\'.' return annotations_group def filter_annotations(self, image_group, annotations_group, group): """ Filter annotations by removing those that are outside of the image bounds or whose width/height < 0. """ # test all annotations for index, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)): # test x2 < x1 | y2 < y1 | x1 < 0 | y1 < 0 | x2 <= 0 | y2 <= 0 | x2 >= image.shape[1] | y2 >= image.shape[0] invalid_indices = np.where( (annotations['bboxes'][:, 2] <= annotations['bboxes'][:, 0]) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 3] <= annotations['bboxes'][:, 1]) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 0] < 0) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 1] < 0) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 2] <= 0) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 3] <= 0) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 2] > image.shape[1]) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 3] > image.shape[0]) )[0] # delete invalid indices if len(invalid_indices): warnings.warn('Image with id {} (shape {}) contains the following invalid boxes: {}.'.format( group[index], image.shape, annotations['bboxes'][invalid_indices, :] )) for k in annotations_group[index].keys(): annotations_group[index][k] = np.delete(annotations[k], invalid_indices, axis=0) if annotations['bboxes'].shape[0] == 0: warnings.warn('Image with id {} (shape {}) contains no valid boxes before transform'.format( group[index], image.shape, )) return image_group, annotations_group def clip_transformed_annotations(self, image_group, annotations_group, group): """ Filter annotations by removing those that are outside of the image bounds or whose width/height < 0. """ # test all annotations filtered_image_group = [] filtered_annotations_group = [] for index, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)): image_height = image.shape[0] image_width = image.shape[1] # x1 annotations['bboxes'][:, 0] = np.clip(annotations['bboxes'][:, 0], 0, image_width - 2) # y1 annotations['bboxes'][:, 1] = np.clip(annotations['bboxes'][:, 1], 0, image_height - 2) # x2 annotations['bboxes'][:, 2] = np.clip(annotations['bboxes'][:, 2], 1, image_width - 1) # y2 annotations['bboxes'][:, 3] = np.clip(annotations['bboxes'][:, 3], 1, image_height - 1) # test x2 < x1 | y2 < y1 | x1 < 0 | y1 < 0 | x2 <= 0 | y2 <= 0 | x2 >= image.shape[1] | y2 >= image.shape[0] small_indices = np.where( (annotations['bboxes'][:, 2] - annotations['bboxes'][:, 0] < 10) | (annotations['bboxes'][:, 3] - annotations['bboxes'][:, 1] < 10) )[0] # delete invalid indices if len(small_indices): for k in annotations_group[index].keys(): annotations_group[index][k] = np.delete(annotations[k], small_indices, axis=0) # import cv2 # for invalid_index in small_indices: # x1, y1, x2, y2 = annotations['bboxes'][invalid_index] # label = annotations['labels'][invalid_index] # class_name = self.labels[label] # print('width: {}'.format(x2 - x1)) # print('height: {}'.format(y2 - y1)) # cv2.rectangle(image, (int(round(x1)), int(round(y1))), (int(round(x2)), int(round(y2))), (0, 255, 0), 2) # cv2.putText(image, class_name, (int(round(x1)), int(round(y1))), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('image', image) # cv2.waitKey(0) if annotations_group[index]['bboxes'].shape[0] != 0: filtered_image_group.append(image) filtered_annotations_group.append(annotations_group[index]) else: warnings.warn('Image with id {} (shape {}) contains no valid boxes after transform'.format( group[index], image.shape, )) return filtered_image_group, filtered_annotations_group def load_image_group(self, group): """ Load images for all images in a group. """ return [self.load_image(image_index) for image_index in group] def random_visual_effect_group_entry(self, image, annotations): """ Randomly transforms image and annotation. """ # apply visual effect image = self.visual_effect(image) return image, annotations def random_visual_effect_group(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Randomly apply visual effect on each image. """ assert (len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)) if self.visual_effect is None: # do nothing return image_group, annotations_group for index in range(len(image_group)): # apply effect on a single group entry image_group[index], annotations_group[index] = self.random_visual_effect_group_entry( image_group[index], annotations_group[index] ) return image_group, annotations_group def random_transform_group_entry(self, image, annotations, transform=None): """ Randomly transforms image and annotation. """ # randomly transform both image and annotations if transform is not None or self.transform_generator: if transform is None: transform = adjust_transform_for_image(next(self.transform_generator), image, self.transform_parameters.relative_translation) # apply transformation to image image = apply_transform(transform, image, self.transform_parameters) # Transform the bounding boxes in the annotations. annotations['bboxes'] = annotations['bboxes'].copy() for index in range(annotations['bboxes'].shape[0]): annotations['bboxes'][index, :] = transform_aabb(transform, annotations['bboxes'][index, :]) return image, annotations def random_transform_group(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Randomly transforms each image and its annotations. """ assert (len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)) for index in range(len(image_group)): # transform a single group entry image_group[index], annotations_group[index] = self.random_transform_group_entry(image_group[index], annotations_group[index]) return image_group, annotations_group def random_misc_group_entry(self, image, annotations): """ Randomly transforms image and annotation. """ assert annotations['bboxes'].shape[0] != 0 # randomly transform both image and annotations image, boxes = self.misc_effect(image, annotations['bboxes']) # Transform the bounding boxes in the annotations. annotations['bboxes'] = boxes return image, annotations def random_misc_group(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Randomly transforms each image and its annotations. """ assert (len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)) if self.misc_effect is None: return image_group, annotations_group for index in range(len(image_group)): # transform a single group entry image_group[index], annotations_group[index] = self.random_misc_group_entry(image_group[index], annotations_group[index]) return image_group, annotations_group def preprocess_group_entry(self, image, annotations): """ Preprocess image and its annotations. """ # preprocess the image image, scale, offset_h, offset_w = self.preprocess_image(image) # apply resizing to annotations too annotations['bboxes'] *= scale annotations['bboxes'][:, [0, 2]] += offset_w annotations['bboxes'][:, [1, 3]] += offset_h # print(annotations['bboxes'][:, [2, 3]] - annotations['bboxes'][:, [0, 1]]) return image, annotations def preprocess_group(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Preprocess each image and its annotations in its group. """ assert (len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)) for index in range(len(image_group)): # preprocess a single group entry image_group[index], annotations_group[index] = self.preprocess_group_entry(image_group[index], annotations_group[index]) return image_group, annotations_group def group_images(self): """ Order the images according to self.order and makes groups of self.batch_size. """ # determine the order of the images order = list(range(self.size())) if self.group_method == 'random': random.shuffle(order) elif self.group_method == 'ratio': order.sort(key=lambda x: self.image_aspect_ratio(x)) # divide into groups, one group = one batch self.groups = [[order[x % len(order)] for x in range(i, i + self.batch_size)] for i in range(0, len(order), self.batch_size)] def compute_inputs(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Compute inputs for the network using an image_group. """ # construct an image batch object batch_images = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.input_size, self.input_size, 3), dtype=np.float32) batch_hms = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.output_size, self.output_size, self.num_classes()), dtype=np.float32) batch_hms_2 = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.output_size, self.output_size, self.num_classes()), dtype=np.float32) batch_whs = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.max_objects, 2), dtype=np.float32) batch_regs = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.max_objects, 2), dtype=np.float32) batch_reg_masks = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.max_objects), dtype=np.float32) batch_indices = np.zeros((len(image_group), self.max_objects), dtype=np.float32) # copy all images to the upper left part of the image batch object for b, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)): c = np.array([image.shape[1] / 2., image.shape[0] / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) * 1.0 trans_input = get_affine_transform(c, s, self.input_size) # inputs image = self.preprocess_image(image, c, s, tgt_w=self.input_size, tgt_h=self.input_size) batch_images[b] = image # outputs bboxes = annotations['bboxes'] assert bboxes.shape[0] != 0 class_ids = annotations['labels'] assert class_ids.shape[0] != 0 trans_output = get_affine_transform(c, s, self.output_size) for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): bbox = bboxes[i].copy() cls_id = class_ids[i] # (x1, y1) bbox[:2] = affine_transform(bbox[:2], trans_output) # (x2, y2) bbox[2:] = affine_transform(bbox[2:], trans_output) bbox[[0, 2]] = np.clip(bbox[[0, 2]], 0, self.output_size - 1) bbox[[1, 3]] = np.clip(bbox[[1, 3]], 0, self.output_size - 1) h, w = bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0] if h > 0 and w > 0: radius_h, radius_w = gaussian_radius((math.ceil(h), math.ceil(w))) radius_h = max(0, int(radius_h)) radius_w = max(0, int(radius_w)) radius = gaussian_radius_2((math.ceil(h), math.ceil(w))) radius = max(0, int(radius)) ct = np.array([(bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2], dtype=np.float32) ct_int = ct.astype(np.int32) draw_gaussian(batch_hms[b, :, :, cls_id], ct_int, radius_h, radius_w) draw_gaussian_2(batch_hms_2[b, :, :, cls_id], ct_int, radius) batch_whs[b, i] = 1. * w, 1. * h batch_indices[b, i] = ct_int[1] * self.output_size + ct_int[0] batch_regs[b, i] = ct - ct_int batch_reg_masks[b, i] = 1 # hm = batch_hms[b, :, :, cls_id] # hm = np.round(hm * 255).astype(np.uint8) # hm = cv2.cvtColor(hm, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # hm_2 = batch_hms_2[b, :, :, cls_id] # hm_2 = np.round(hm_2 * 255).astype(np.uint8) # hm_2 = cv2.cvtColor(hm_2, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # cv2.rectangle(hm, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.rectangle(hm_2, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('hm', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('hm', np.hstack([hm, hm_2])) # cv2.waitKey() # print(np.sum(batch_reg_masks[b])) # for i in range(self.num_classes()): # plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) # hm = batch_hms[b, :, :, i] # plt.imshow(hm, cmap='gray') # plt.axis('off') # # hm = np.sum(batch_hms[0], axis=-1) # hm = np.round(hm * 255).astype(np.uint8) # hm = cv2.cvtColor(hm, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # hm_2 = np.sum(batch_hms_2[0], axis=-1) # hm_2 = np.round(hm_2 * 255).astype(np.uint8) # hm_2 = cv2.cvtColor(hm_2, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): # x1, y1 = np.round(affine_transform(bboxes[i, :2], trans_input)).astype(np.int32) # x2, y2 = np.round(affine_transform(bboxes[i, 2:], trans_input)).astype(np.int32) # x1_, y1_ = np.round(affine_transform(bboxes[i, :2], trans_output)).astype(np.int32) # x2_, y2_ = np.round(affine_transform(bboxes[i, 2:], trans_output)).astype(np.int32) # class_id = class_ids[i] # cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.putText(image, str(class_id), (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0getAffineTransform, (0, 0, 0), 3) # cv2.rectangle(hm, (x1_, y1_), (x2_, y2_), (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.rectangle(hm_2, (x1_, y1_), (x2_, y2_), (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('hm', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('hm', np.hstack([hm, hm_2])) # cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('image', image) # cv2.waitKey() return [batch_images, batch_hms_2, batch_whs, batch_regs, batch_reg_masks, batch_indices] def compute_targets(self, image_group, annotations_group): """ Compute target outputs for the network using images and their annotations. """ return np.zeros((len(image_group),)) def compute_inputs_targets(self, group): """ Compute inputs and target outputs for the network. """ # load images and annotations # list image_group = self.load_image_group(group) annotations_group = self.load_annotations_group(group) # check validity of annotations image_group, annotations_group = self.filter_annotations(image_group, annotations_group, group) # randomly apply visual effect image_group, annotations_group = self.random_visual_effect_group(image_group, annotations_group) # # # randomly transform data # image_group, annotations_group = self.random_transform_group(image_group, annotations_group) # randomly apply misc effect image_group, annotations_group = self.random_misc_group(image_group, annotations_group) # # # perform preprocessing steps # image_group, annotations_group = self.preprocess_group(image_group, annotations_group) # # # check validity of annotations # image_group, annotations_group = self.clip_transformed_annotations(image_group, annotations_group, group) if len(image_group) == 0: return None, None # compute network inputs inputs = self.compute_inputs(image_group, annotations_group) # compute network targets targets = self.compute_targets(image_group, annotations_group) return inputs, targets def __len__(self): """ Number of batches for generator. """ return len(self.groups) def __getitem__(self, index): """ Keras sequence method for generating batches. """ group = self.groups[self.current_index] if self.multi_scale: if self.current_index % 10 == 0: random_size_index = np.random.randint(0, len(self.multi_image_sizes)) self.image_size = self.multi_image_sizes[random_size_index] inputs, targets = self.compute_inputs_targets(group) while inputs is None: current_index = self.current_index + 1 if current_index >= len(self.groups): current_index = current_index % (len(self.groups)) self.current_index = current_index group = self.groups[self.current_index] inputs, targets = self.compute_inputs_targets(group) current_index = self.current_index + 1 if current_index >= len(self.groups): current_index = current_index % (len(self.groups)) self.current_index = current_index return inputs, targets def preprocess_image(self, image, c, s, tgt_w, tgt_h): trans_input = get_affine_transform(c, s, (tgt_w, tgt_h)) image = cv2.warpAffine(image, trans_input, (tgt_w, tgt_h), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) image = image.astype(np.float32) image[..., 0] -= 103.939 image[..., 1] -= 116.779 image[..., 2] -= 123.68 return image def get_transformed_group(self, group): image_group = self.load_image_group(group) annotations_group = self.load_annotations_group(group) # check validity of annotations image_group, annotations_group = self.filter_annotations(image_group, annotations_group, group) # randomly transform data image_group, annotations_group = self.random_transform_group(image_group, annotations_group) return image_group, annotations_group def get_cropped_and_rotated_group(self, group): image_group = self.load_image_group(group) annotations_group = self.load_annotations_group(group) # check validity of annotations image_group, annotations_group = self.filter_annotations(image_group, annotations_group, group) # randomly transform data image_group, annotations_group = self.random_crop_group(image_group, annotations_group) image_group, annotations_group = self.random_rotate_group(image_group, annotations_group) return image_group, annotations_group
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# # Iterative method #Approach : # Store the head in a temp variable called current . # curr = head , prev = null # Now for a normal linked list , the current will point to the next node and so on till null # For reverse linked list, the current node should point to the previous node and the first node here will point to null # Keep iterating the linkedlist until the last node and keep changing the next of the current node to prev node and also # update the prev node to current node and current node to next node # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # = next class Solution: def reverseList(self, head): curr = head prev = None while(curr != None): next = = prev prev = curr curr = next return prev
[ "MIT" ]
DSA 450 GFG/
# Generated by Django 2.2.8 on 2020-01-05 15:27 from django.db import migrations import class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('awards', '0005_auto_20200104_1643'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='projo_post', name='landing_page_pic',, ), ]
[ "MIT" ]
INFO = dict( name='byecha', description='Log dumper of Chatwork, inspired by goodbye_chatwork', author='nothink', author_email='[email protected]', license='MIT License', url='', classifiers=[ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License' ] )
[ "MIT" ]
import numpy as np import math def Sphere(ind): sum = 0 for i in ind: sum += i**2 return sum def Rastrigin(ind): sum = 10 * len(ind) for i in ind: sum += i**2 - 10 * np.cos(2*np.pi*i) return sum def Rosenbrock(ind): sum = 0 for i in range(len(ind) - 1): sum += 100 * (ind[i + 1] - ind[i]**2)**2 + (ind[i] - 1)**2 return sum def Griewank(d): sum_1 = 0 for i in d: sum_1 += (i*i)/4000 sum_2 = 1 for i in range(len(d)): sum_2 *= np.cos(d[i]/math.sqrt(i + 1)) return sum_1 - sum_2 + 1 def Ackley(d): a = 20 b = 0.2 c = 2 * np.pi sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 for i in range(len(d)): sum1 += d[i] ** 2 sum2 += np.cos(c * d[i]) term1 = -a * np.exp(-b * np.sqrt(sum1 / len(d))) term2 = -np.exp(sum2 / len(d)) return term1 + term2 + a + np.exp(1)
[ "MIT" ]
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/03_models.base_models.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['MLBEndpointBase', 'MLBEndpointReference', 'CustomInt', 'PositionBase', 'PlayerHandedness', 'PersonBase', 'MLBPerson', 'Coordinates', 'TimeZone', 'VenueLocation', 'TurfType', 'RoofType', 'FieldInfo'] # Internal Cell from pydantic import ( BaseModel, HttpUrl, validator, constr ) from enum import Enum from typing import Optional # Cell class MLBEndpointBase(BaseModel): link: HttpUrl @validator('link',pre=True) def add_base_url_to_link(cls,link): return ''+link class MLBEndpointReference(MLBEndpointBase): id: int name: Optional[str]=None # Cell class CustomInt(str): @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): # one or more validators may be yielded which will be called in the # order to validate the input, each validator will receive as an input # the value returned from the previous validator yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, v): if v == '-': return None else: return int(v) # Cell class PositionBase(BaseModel): code: str name: str type: str abbreviation: str class PlayerHandedness(BaseModel): code: constr(max_length=1) description: str # Cell class PersonBase(MLBEndpointReference): class Config: fields = { 'name':{ 'alias':'fullName' } } class MLBPerson(PersonBase): firstName: str lastName: str height: str weight: int Optiactive: bool primaryPosition: PositionBase useName: str boxscoreName: str gender: str isPlayer: bool isVerified: bool nameSlug: str # Cell class Coordinates(BaseModel): latitude: float longitude: float class TimeZone(BaseModel): id: str offset: int tz: str class VenueLocation(BaseModel): city: str state: str stateAbbrev: str defaultCoordinates: Coordinates # Cell class TurfType(str,Enum): Grass = 'Grass' Artificial = 'Artificial' class RoofType(str,Enum): Open = 'Open' Dome = 'Dome' Retractable = 'Retractable' class FieldInfo(BaseModel): capacity: int turfType: TurfType roofType: RoofType leftLine: int leftCenter: int center: int rightCenter: int rightLine: int # Internal Cell class AbstractGameState(str,Enum): Final = 'Final' Live = 'Live' Other = 'Other' Preview = 'Preview' class AbstractGameCode(str,Enum): F='F' L='L' O='O' P='P' # Internal Cell class GameType(str,Enum): spring_training = 'S' regular_season = 'R' wild_card_game = 'F' division_series = 'D' league_championship_series = 'L' world_series = 'W' championship = 'C' nineteenth_centure_series = 'N' playoffs = 'P' all_star_game = 'A' intrasquad = 'I' exhibition = 'E' # Internal Cell class GamedayType(str,Enum): box_score_only = 'B' pitch_by_pitch = 'D' enhanced = 'E' linescore_only = 'L' play_by_play = 'N' premium = 'P' score_only = 'S' regular = 'Y'
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import torch import torch.autograd as autograd import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torch.autograd import Variable from networks.embedding import * from networks.encoder import * from networks.selector import * from networks.classifier import * from .Model import Model class PCNN_ONE(Model): def __init__(self, config): super(PCNN_ONE, self).__init__(config) self.encoder = PCNN(config) # self.selector = One(config, config.hidden_size * 3) self.selector = One(config, 3*config.sen_hidden_size)
[ "MIT" ]
import re def validate_sheet_name(sheet_name): if len(sheet_name) > 33: return False return not"[%#&/\*\?\\\]", sheet_name) def sanitise_sheet_name(sheet_name): replaced_with_empty = ["%", "#", "&", "*", "?"] replaced_with_hyphens = ["/", "\\"] for ch in replaced_with_empty: sheet_name = sheet_name.replace(ch, "") for ch in replaced_with_hyphens: sheet_name = sheet_name.replace(ch, "-") return sheet_name[0:33]
[ "MIT" ]
import unicodedb_shim as unicodedb from data import Position class CStream(object): def __init__(self, source, index=0, col=0, lno=1): self.col = col self.index = index self.lno = lno self.source = source def advance(self): c = self.current self.index += 1 self.col += 1 if c == u'\n': self.lno += 1 self.col = 0 return c @property def current(self): return self.source[self.index] def pair_ahead(self, table): if self.index + 1 < len(self.source): return self.source[self.index:self.index+2] in table return False @property def filled(self): return self.index < len(self.source) @property def position(self): return Position(self.col, self.lno) def is_sym(self): if self.filled: ch = self.current return unicodedb.isalpha(ord(ch)) or ch == '_' return False def is_digit(self): if self.filled: return self.current in u'0123456789' return False def is_hex(self): if self.filled: return self.current in u'0123456789abcdefABCDEF' return False def is_space(self): if self.filled: return unicodedb.isspace(ord(self.current)) return False
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # stdlib imports import os.path import re # third party imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pkg_resources # Local imports from gmprocess.metrics.station_summary import StationSummary from gmprocess.core.stationstream import StationStream from gmprocess.core.stationtrace import StationTrace def test_fas(): """ Testing based upon the work provided in """ ddir = os.path.join('data', 'testdata') datadir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', ddir) fas_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'fas_greater_of_two_horizontals.pkl') p1 = os.path.join(datadir, 'peer', 'RSN763_LOMAP_GIL067.AT2') p2 = os.path.join(datadir, 'peer', 'RSN763_LOMAP_GIL337.AT2') stream = StationStream([]) for idx, fpath in enumerate([p1, p2]): with open(fpath, encoding='utf-8') as file_obj: for _ in range(3): next(file_obj) meta = re.findall(r'[.0-9]+', next(file_obj)) dt = float(meta[1]) accels = np.array( [col for line in file_obj for col in line.split()]) trace = StationTrace(data=accels, header={ 'channel': 'H' + str(idx), 'delta': dt, 'units': 'acc', 'standard': { 'corner_frequency': np.nan, 'station_name': '', 'source': 'json', 'instrument': '', 'instrument_period': np.nan, 'source_format': 'json', 'comments': '', 'structure_type': '', 'sensor_serial_number': '', 'source_file': '', 'process_level': 'raw counts', 'process_time': '', 'horizontal_orientation': np.nan, 'vertical_orientation': np.nan, 'units': 'acc', 'units_type': 'acc', 'instrument_sensitivity': np.nan, 'instrument_damping': np.nan } }) stream.append(trace) for tr in stream: response = {'input_units': 'counts', 'output_units': 'cm/s^2'} tr.setProvenance('remove_response', response) target_df = pd.read_pickle(fas_file) ind_vals = target_df.index.values per = np.unique([ float(i[0].split(')')[0].split('(')[1]) for i in ind_vals] ) freqs = 1 / per imts = ['fas' + str(p) for p in per] summary = StationSummary.from_stream( stream, ['greater_of_two_horizontals'], imts, bandwidth=30) pgms = summary.pgms # pgms.to_pickle(fas_file) for idx, f in enumerate(freqs): fstr = 'FAS(%.3f)' % (1 / f) fval1 = pgms.loc[fstr, 'GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTALS'].Result fval2 = target_df.loc[fstr, 'GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTALS'].Result np.testing.assert_allclose(fval1, fval2, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) if __name__ == '__main__': test_fas()
[ "Unlicense" ]
import sys import flask from flask import Response, request, jsonify, send_file from . import tagger app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False app.url_map.strict_slashes = False ROOT = '/spacy-ner' @app.route(ROOT, methods=['GET']) def home(): resp = Response( response='{"endpoints": ["GET /", "GET /mapping", "POST /fields"]}', mimetype="application/json", status=200 ) return resp @app.route(ROOT + '/mapping', methods=['GET']) def mapping(): return send_file('../../mapping.json', 'application/json') @app.route(ROOT + '/fields', methods=['POST']) def tag(): text = request.form['file'] short = ((text[:98] + '..') if len(text) > 100 else text).replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ') print('create fields of [' + short + ']', file=sys.stderr) entities = tagger.tag(text) return jsonify({'contents': text, 'entity': entities})'', port=8080, debug=False)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import os import nuke import pyblish.api import pype class ExtractReviewData(pype.api.Extractor): """Extracts movie and thumbnail with baked in luts must be run after """ order = pyblish.api.ExtractorOrder + 0.01 label = "Extract Review Data" families = ["review"] hosts = ["nuke"] def process(self, instance): # Store selection selection = [i for i in nuke.allNodes() if i["selected"].getValue()] # Deselect all nodes to prevent external connections [i["selected"].setValue(False) for i in nuke.allNodes()] self.log.debug("creating staging dir:") self.staging_dir(instance) self.log.debug("instance: {}".format(instance)) self.log.debug("[families]: {}".format(["families"])) if "still" not in["families"]: self.render_review_representation(instance, representation="mov") self.render_review_representation(instance, representation="jpeg") else: self.render_review_representation(instance, representation="jpeg") # Restore selection [i["selected"].setValue(False) for i in nuke.allNodes()] [i["selected"].setValue(True) for i in selection] def render_review_representation(self, instance, representation="mov"): assert['representations'][0]['files'], "Instance data files should't be empty!" temporary_nodes = [] stagingDir =[ 'representations'][0]["stagingDir"].replace("\\", "/") self.log.debug("StagingDir `{0}`...".format(stagingDir)) collection ="collection", None) if collection: # get path fname = os.path.basename(collection.format( "{head}{padding}{tail}")) fhead = collection.format("{head}") # get first and last frame first_frame = min(collection.indexes) last_frame = max(collection.indexes) else: fname = os.path.basename("path", None)) fhead = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + "." first_frame ="frameStart", None) last_frame ="frameEnd", None) rnode = nuke.createNode("Read") rnode["file"].setValue( os.path.join(stagingDir, fname).replace("\\", "/")) rnode["first"].setValue(first_frame) rnode["origfirst"].setValue(first_frame) rnode["last"].setValue(last_frame) rnode["origlast"].setValue(last_frame) temporary_nodes.append(rnode) previous_node = rnode # get input process and connect it to baking ipn = self.get_view_process_node() if ipn is not None: ipn.setInput(0, previous_node) previous_node = ipn temporary_nodes.append(ipn) reformat_node = nuke.createNode("Reformat") ref_node = self.nodes.get("Reformat", None) if ref_node: for k, v in ref_node: self.log.debug("k,v: {0}:{1}".format(k,v)) if isinstance(v, unicode): v = str(v) reformat_node[k].setValue(v) reformat_node.setInput(0, previous_node) previous_node = reformat_node temporary_nodes.append(reformat_node) dag_node = nuke.createNode("OCIODisplay") dag_node.setInput(0, previous_node) previous_node = dag_node temporary_nodes.append(dag_node) # create write node write_node = nuke.createNode("Write") if representation in "mov": file = fhead + "" name = "baked" path = os.path.join(stagingDir, file).replace("\\", "/") self.log.debug("Path: {}".format(path))["baked_colorspace_movie"] = path write_node["file"].setValue(path) write_node["file_type"].setValue("mov") write_node["raw"].setValue(1) write_node.setInput(0, previous_node) temporary_nodes.append(write_node) tags = ["review", "delete"] elif representation in "jpeg": file = fhead + "jpeg" name = "thumbnail" path = os.path.join(stagingDir, file).replace("\\", "/")["thumbnail"] = path write_node["file"].setValue(path) write_node["file_type"].setValue("jpeg") write_node["raw"].setValue(1) write_node.setInput(0, previous_node) temporary_nodes.append(write_node) tags = ["thumbnail"] # retime for first_frame = int(last_frame) / 2 last_frame = int(last_frame) / 2 repre = { 'name': name, 'ext': representation, 'files': file, "stagingDir": stagingDir, "frameStart": first_frame, "frameEnd": last_frame, "anatomy_template": "render", "tags": tags }["representations"].append(repre) # Render frames nuke.execute(, int(first_frame), int(last_frame)) self.log.debug("representations: {}".format(["representations"])) # Clean up for node in temporary_nodes: nuke.delete(node) def get_view_process_node(self): # Select only the target node if nuke.selectedNodes(): [n.setSelected(False) for n in nuke.selectedNodes()] ipn_orig = None for v in [n for n in nuke.allNodes() if "Viewer" in n.Class()]: ip = v['input_process'].getValue() ipn = v['input_process_node'].getValue() if "VIEWER_INPUT" not in ipn and ip: ipn_orig = nuke.toNode(ipn) ipn_orig.setSelected(True) if ipn_orig: nuke.nodeCopy('%clipboard%') [n.setSelected(False) for n in nuke.selectedNodes()] # Deselect all nuke.nodePaste('%clipboard%') ipn = nuke.selectedNode() return ipn
[ "MIT" ]
""" TODO docs High-level commands to execute tasks """ from import * from import * from import * from multiprocessing import Process from os.path import exists def init_project(video_filename): # creates a project directory and a copy of the file # returns the project slug project_slug = init_project_from_video_file(video_filename) return project_slug def split_audio(project_slug): # extracts audio from existing video file # creates segments # yields filenames of segments vid_path = full_video_path(project_slug) audio_path = full_audio_path(project_slug) extract_audio_file(vid_path, audio_path) # segments the audio (via a generator) segments = segment_audio_file(audio_path, audio_segments_dir(project_slug)) for seg_filename in segments: yield seg_filename def transcribe_audio(project_slug, creds, overwrite=False): # Send each audio segment in a project to Watson Speech-to-Text API # with the POWER OF MULTITHREADED PRPOCESSINGASDF!! # # returns nothing...just prints to screen """ project_slug: ./projects/audiostreams/filename.wav """ # audio_segments_fnames = audio_segments_filenames(project_slug) watson_jobs = [] # for audio_fn in audio_segments_fnames: audio_fn = project_slug + '.wav' print("audio_filename:"+audio_fn) time_slug = make_slug_from_path(audio_fn) transcript_fn = join(transcripts_dir(project_slug), time_slug) + '.json' print("transcript_fn"+transcript_fn) if not exists(transcript_fn): print("Sending to Watson API:\n\t", audio_fn) job = Process(target=process_transcript_call, args=(audio_fn, transcript_fn, creds)) job.start() watson_jobs.append(job) # Wait for all jobs to end for job in watson_jobs: job.join() return transcript_fn def compile_transcripts(project_slug): pass def supercut(project_slug, regex_pattern): pass def process_transcript_call(audio_filename, transcript_path, creds): resp = speech_to_text_api_call( audio_filename, username=creds['username'], password=creds['password']) with open(transcript_path, 'w') as t: t.write(resp.text) print("Transcribed:\n\t", transcript_path)
[ "MIT" ]
# coding=utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import codecs from pyecharts import (Bar, Scatter3D) from pyecharts import Page from pyecharts.conf import configure, online from test.constants import RANGE_COLOR, CLOTHES def create_three(): # bar v1 = [5, 20, 36, 10, 75, 90] v2 = [10, 25, 8, 60, 20, 80] bar = Bar("柱状图数据堆叠示例") bar.add("商家A", CLOTHES, v1, is_stack=True) bar.add("商家B", CLOTHES, v2, is_stack=True) # scatter3D import random data = [ [random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)] for _ in range(80) ] scatter3d = Scatter3D("3D 散点图示例", width=1200, height=600) scatter3d.add("", data, is_visualmap=True, visual_range_color=RANGE_COLOR) return Page.from_charts(bar, scatter3d) def test_custom_templates(): configure( jshost='', force_js_embed=False ) page = create_three() # page.js_dependencies = ['echarts.min'] page.render(path='new_version_page.html') with'new_version_page.html', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: actual_content = assert "</html>" in actual_content def test_custom_template_for_chart(): data = [{ 'name': '衬衫', 'value': 5 }, { 'name': '羊毛衫', 'value': 20 }, { 'name': '雪纺衫', 'value': 36 }] configure(echarts_template_dir='.') online() data1 = {'衬衫': '34', '羊毛衫': 45, '雪纺衫': 40} names, values = Bar.cast(data) names1, values1 = Bar.cast(data1) bar = Bar("柱状图数据堆叠示例") bar.add("商家A", names, values, is_stack=True) bar.add("商家B", names1, values1, is_stack=True) bar.render(path='new_version_bar.html') with'new_version_bar.html', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: actual_content = assert "</html>" in actual_content
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is part of the pyMOR project ( # Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved. # License: BSD 2-Clause License ( """ This module provides widgets for displaying plots of scalar data assigned to one- and two-dimensional grids using :mod:`matplotlib`. These widgets are not intended to be used directly. """ import numpy as np from IPython.core.display import display, HTML from matplotlib import animation, pyplot from pymor.core.base import abstractmethod from pymor.core.config import config from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.constructions import flatten_grid from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.referenceelements import triangle, square class MatplotlibAxesBase: def __init__(self, figure, sync_timer, grid, U=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=2, separate_axes=False, columns=2, aspect_ratio=1): # aspect_ratio is height/width self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax self.codim = codim self.grid = grid if separate_axes: if len(U) == 1: columns = 1 # otherwise we get a sep axes object with 0 data rows = int(np.ceil(len(U) / columns)) = figure.subplots(rows, columns, squeeze=False).flatten() else: = (figure.gca(),) for ax in ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio) self.figure = figure self.codim = codim self.grid = grid self.separate_axes = separate_axes self.count = len(U) if separate_axes or isinstance(U, tuple) else 1 self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio self._plot_init() # assignment delayed to ensure _plot_init works w/o data self.U = U # Rest is only needed with animation if U is not None and not separate_axes and self.count == 1: assert len( == 1 delay_between_frames = 200 # ms self.anim = animation.FuncAnimation(figure, self.animate, frames=U, interval=delay_between_frames, blit=True, event_source=sync_timer) # generating the HTML instance outside this class causes the plot display to fail self.html = HTML(self.anim.to_jshtml()) else: self.set(self.U) @abstractmethod def _plot_init(self): """Setup MPL figure display with empty data.""" pass @abstractmethod def set(self, U): """Load new data into existing plot objects.""" pass @abstractmethod def animate(self, u): """Load new data into existing plot objects.""" pass class MatplotlibPatchAxes(MatplotlibAxesBase): def __init__(self, figure, grid, bounding_box=None, U=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=2, columns=2, colorbar=True, sync_timer=None): assert grid.reference_element in (triangle, square) assert grid.dim == 2 assert codim in (0, 2) subentities, coordinates, entity_map = flatten_grid(grid) self.subentities = subentities if grid.reference_element is triangle \ else np.vstack((subentities[:, 0:3], subentities[:, [2, 3, 0]])) self.coordinates = coordinates self.entity_map = entity_map self.reference_element = grid.reference_element self.colorbar = colorbar self.animate = self.set if bounding_box is None: bounding_box = grid.bounding_box() assert len(bounding_box) == 2 and all(len(b) == 2 for b in bounding_box) aspect_ratio = (bounding_box[1][1] - bounding_box[0][1]) / (bounding_box[1][0] - bounding_box[0][0]) super().__init__(U=U, figure=figure, grid=grid, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, codim=codim, columns=columns, sync_timer=sync_timer, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio) def _plot_init(self): if self.codim == 2: self.p =[0].tripcolor(self.coordinates[:, 0], self.coordinates[:, 1], self.subentities, np.zeros(len(self.coordinates)), vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, shading='gouraud') else: self.p =[0].tripcolor(self.coordinates[:, 0], self.coordinates[:, 1], self.subentities, facecolors=np.zeros(len(self.subentities)), vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, shading='flat') if self.colorbar: # thin plots look ugly with a huge colorbar on the right if self.aspect_ratio < 0.75: orientation = 'horizontal' else: orientation = 'vertical' self.figure.colorbar(self.p,[0], orientation=orientation) def set(self, U, vmin=None, vmax=None): self.vmin = self.vmin if vmin is None else vmin self.vmax = self.vmax if vmax is None else vmax if self.codim == 2: self.p.set_array(U) elif self.reference_element is triangle: self.p.set_array(U) else: self.p.set_array(np.tile(U, 2)) self.p.set_clim(self.vmin, self.vmax) return (self.p,) class Matplotlib1DAxes(MatplotlibAxesBase): def __init__(self, U, figure, grid, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=1, separate_axes=False, sync_timer=None, columns=2): assert isinstance(grid, OnedGrid) assert codim in (0, 1) super().__init__(U=U, figure=figure, grid=grid, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, codim=codim, columns=columns, sync_timer=sync_timer, separate_axes=separate_axes) def _plot_init(self): centers = self.grid.centers(1) if self.grid.identify_left_right: centers = np.concatenate((centers, [[self.grid.domain[1]]]), axis=0) self.periodic = True else: self.periodic = False if self.codim == 1: xs = centers else: xs = np.repeat(centers, 2)[1:-1] if self.separate_axes: self.lines = [ax.plot(xs, np.zeros_like(xs))[0] for ax in] else: self.lines = [[0].plot(xs, np.zeros_like(xs))[0] for _ in range(self.count)] pad = (self.vmax - self.vmin) * 0.1 for ax in ax.set_ylim(self.vmin - pad, self.vmax + pad) def _set(self, u, i): if self.codim == 1: if self.periodic: self.lines[i].set_ydata(np.concatenate((u, [self.U[0]]))) else: self.lines[i].set_ydata(u) else: self.lines[i].set_ydata(np.repeat(u, 2)) def animate(self, u): for i in range(len( self._set(u, i) return self.lines def set(self, U, vmin=None, vmax=None): self.vmin = self.vmin if vmin is None else vmin self.vmax = self.vmax if vmax is None else vmax if isinstance(U, tuple): for i, u in enumerate(U): self._set(u, i) else: for i, (u, _) in enumerate(zip(U, self._set(u, i) pad = (self.vmax - self.vmin) * 0.1 for ax in ax.set_ylim(self.vmin - pad, self.vmax + pad) if config.HAVE_QT and config.HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: from Qt.QtWidgets import QSizePolicy import Qt from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.oned import OnedGrid # noinspection PyShadowingNames class Matplotlib1DWidget(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, U, parent, grid, count, vmin=None, vmax=None, legend=None, codim=1, separate_plots=False, dpi=100): assert isinstance(grid, OnedGrid) assert codim in (0, 1) figure = Figure(dpi=dpi) if not separate_plots: axes = figure.gca() self.codim = codim lines = () centers = grid.centers(1) if grid.identify_left_right: centers = np.concatenate((centers, [[grid.domain[1]]]), axis=0) self.periodic = True else: self.periodic = False if codim == 1: xs = centers else: xs = np.repeat(centers, 2)[1:-1] for i in range(count): if separate_plots: figure.add_subplot(int(count / 2) + count % 2, 2, i + 1) axes = figure.gca() pad = (vmax[i] - vmin[i]) * 0.1 axes.set_ylim(vmin[i] - pad, vmax[i] + pad) l, = axes.plot(xs, np.zeros_like(xs)) lines = lines + (l,) if legend and separate_plots: axes.legend([legend[i]]) if not separate_plots: pad = (max(vmax) - min(vmin)) * 0.1 axes.set_ylim(min(vmin) - pad, max(vmax) + pad) if legend: axes.legend(legend) self.lines = lines super().__init__(figure) self.setParent(parent) self.setMinimumSize(300, 300) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) def set(self, U, ind): for l, u in zip(self.lines, U): if self.codim == 1: if self.periodic: l.set_ydata(np.concatenate((u[ind], [u[ind][0]]))) else: l.set_ydata(u[ind]) else: l.set_ydata(np.repeat(u[ind], 2)) self.draw() class MatplotlibPatchWidget(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent, grid, bounding_box=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=2, dpi=100): assert grid.reference_element in (triangle, square) assert grid.dim == 2 assert codim in (0, 2) self.figure = Figure(dpi=dpi) super().__init__(self.figure) self.setParent(parent) self.setMinimumSize(300, 300) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.patch_axes = MatplotlibPatchAxes(figure=self.figure, grid=grid, bounding_box=bounding_box, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, codim=codim) def set(self, U, vmin=None, vmax=None): self.patch_axes.set(U, vmin, vmax) self.draw() else: class Matplotlib1DWidget: pass class MatplotlibPatchWidget: pass
[ "Unlicense" ]
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Fetches, cleans, outputs TMCFs and CSVs for all World Bank development indicator codes provided in WorldBankIndicators.csv for all years and for all countries provided in WorldBankCountries.csv. """ from absl import app import pandas as pd import itertools import requests import zipfile import io import re # Remaps the columns provided by World Bank API. WORLDBANK_COL_REMAP = { 'Country Name': 'CountryName', 'Country Code': 'CountryCode', 'Indicator Name': 'IndicatorName', 'Indicator Code': 'IndicatorCode' } TEMPLATE_TMCF = """ Node: E:WorldBank->E0 typeOf: dcs:StatVarObservation variableMeasured: C:WorldBank->StatisticalVariable observationDate: C:WorldBank->Year observationPeriod: "P1Y" observationAbout: C:WorldBank->ISO3166Alpha3 value: C:WorldBank->Value """ TEMPLATE_STAT_VAR = """ Node: dcid:WorldBank/{INDICATOR} name: "{NAME}" description: "{DESCRIPTION}" typeOf: dcs:StatisticalVariable populationType: dcs:{populationType} statType: dcs:{statType} measuredProperty: dcs:{measuredProperty} measurementDenominator: dcs:{measurementDenominator} {CONSTRAINTS} """ def read_worldbank(iso3166alpha3): """ Fetches and tidies all ~1500 World Bank indicators for a given ISO 3166 alpha 3 code. For a particular alpha 3 code, this function fetches the entire ZIP file for that particular country for all World Bank indicators in a wide format where years are columns. The dataframe is changed into a narrow format so that year becomes a single column with each row representing a different year for a single indicator. Args: iso3166alpha3: ISO 3166 alpha 3 for a country, as a string. Returns: A tidied pandas dataframe with all indicator codes for a particular country in the format of (country, indicator, year, value). Notes: Takes approximately 10 seconds to download and tidy one country in a Jupyter notebook. """ country_zip = ("" + iso3166alpha3 + "?downloadformat=csv") r = requests.get(country_zip) filebytes = io.BytesIO(r.content) myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filebytes) # We need to select the data file which starts with "API", # but does not have an otherwise regular filename structure. file_to_open = None for file in myzipfile.namelist(): if file.startswith("API"): file_to_open = file break assert file_to_open is not None, \ "Failed to find data for" + iso3166alpha3 df = None # Captures any text contained in double quotatations. line_match = re.compile(r"\"([^\"]*)\"") for line in # Cells are contained in quotations and comma separated. cols = line_match.findall(line.decode("utf-8")) # CSVs include header informational lines which should be ignored. if len(cols) > 2: # Use first row as the header. if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) else: df = df.append(pd.DataFrame([cols], columns=df.columns), ignore_index=True) df = df.rename(columns=WORLDBANK_COL_REMAP) # Turn each year into its own row. df = df.set_index( ['CountryName', 'CountryCode', 'IndicatorName', 'IndicatorCode']) df = df.stack() df.index = df.index.rename('year', level=4) = "Value" df = df.reset_index() # Convert to numeric and drop empty values. df['Value'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Value']) df = df.dropna() return df def build_stat_vars_from_indicator_list(row): """ Generates World Bank StatVar for a row in the indicators dataframe. """ def row_to_constraints(row): """ Helper to generate list of constraints. """ constraints_text = "" next_constraint = 1 while (f"p{next_constraint}" in row and not pd.isna(row[f"p{next_constraint}"])): variable = row[f'p{next_constraint}'] constraint = row[f'v{next_constraint}'] constraints_text += f"{variable}: dcs:{constraint}\n" next_constraint += 1 return constraints_text # yapf: disable # Input all required statistical variable fields. new_stat_var = (TEMPLATE_STAT_VAR .replace("{INDICATOR}", row['IndicatorCode'].replace(".", "_")) .replace("{NAME}", row['IndicatorName']) .replace("{DESCRIPTION}", row['SourceNote']) .replace("{measuredProperty}", row['measuredProp']) .replace("{CONSTRAINTS}", row_to_constraints(row)) ) # yapf: enable # Include or remove option fields. for optional_col in ([ 'populationType', 'statType', 'measurementDenominator' ]): if not pd.isna(row[optional_col]): new_stat_var = new_stat_var.replace(f"{{{optional_col}}}", row[optional_col]) else: new_stat_var = new_stat_var.replace( f"{optional_col}: dcs:{{{optional_col}}}\n", "") return new_stat_var def group_stat_vars_by_observation_properties(indicator_codes): """ Groups stat vars by their observation schemas. Groups Stat Vars by their inclusion of StatVar Observation properties like measurementMethod or Unit. The current template MCF schema does not support optional values in the CSV so we must place these stat vars into different template MCFs and CSVs. Args: indicator_codes: List of World Bank indicator codes with their Data Commons mappings, as a pandas dataframe. Returns: Array of tuples for each statistical variable grouping. 1) template MCF, as a string. 2) columns to include in exported csv, as a list of strings. 3) indicator codes in this grouping, as a list of strings. """ # All the statistical observation properties that we included. properties_of_stat_var_observation = ([ 'measurementMethod', 'scalingFactor', 'sourceScalingFactor', 'unit' ]) # List of tuples to return. tmcfs_for_stat_vars = [] # Dataframe that tracks which values are null. null_status = indicator_codes.notna() # Iterates over all permutations of stat var properties being included. for permutation in list( itertools.product([False, True], repeat=len(properties_of_stat_var_observation))): codes_that_match = null_status.copy() base_template_mcf = TEMPLATE_TMCF cols_to_include_in_csv = ['IndicatorCode'] # Loop over each obs column and whether to include it. for include_col, column in (zip(permutation, properties_of_stat_var_observation)): # Filter the dataframe by this observation. codes_that_match = codes_that_match.query( f"{column} == {include_col}") # Include the column in TMCF and column list. if include_col: base_template_mcf += f"{column}: C:WorldBank->{column}\n" cols_to_include_in_csv.append(f"{column}") tmcfs_for_stat_vars.append( (base_template_mcf, cols_to_include_in_csv, list( indicator_codes.loc[codes_that_match.index]['IndicatorCode']))) return tmcfs_for_stat_vars def download_indicator_data(worldbank_countries, indicator_codes): """ Downloads World Bank country data for all countries and indicators provided. Retains only the unique indicator codes provided. Args: worldbank_countries: Dataframe with ISO 3166 alpha 3 code for each country. indicator_code: Dataframe with INDICATOR_CODES to include. Returns: worldbank_dataframe: A tidied pandas dataframe where each row has the format (indicator code, ISO 3166 alpha 3, year, value) for all countries and all indicators provided. """ worldbank_dataframe = pd.DataFrame() indicators_to_keep = list(indicator_codes['IndicatorCode'].unique()) for index, country_code in enumerate(worldbank_countries['ISO3166Alpha3']): print(f"Downloading {country_code}") country_df = read_worldbank(country_code) # Remove unneccessary indicators. country_df = country_df[country_df['IndicatorCode'].isin( indicators_to_keep)] # Map country codes to ISO. country_df['ISO3166Alpha3'] = country_code # Add new row to main datframe. worldbank_dataframe = worldbank_dataframe.append(country_df) # Map indicator codes to unique Statistical Variable. worldbank_dataframe['StatisticalVariable'] = ( worldbank_dataframe['IndicatorCode'].apply( lambda code: f"WorldBank/{code.replace('.', '_')}")) return worldbank_dataframe.rename({'year': 'Year'}, axis=1) def output_csv_and_tmcf_by_grouping(worldbank_dataframe, tmcfs_for_stat_vars, indicator_codes): """ Outputs TMCFs and CSVs for each grouping of stat vars. Args: worldbank_dataframe: Dataframe containing all indicators for all countries. tmcfs_for_stat_vars: Array of tuples of template MCF, columns on stat var observations, indicator codes for that template. indicator_codes -> Dataframe with INDICATOR_CODES to include. """ # Only include a subset of columns in the final csv output_csv = worldbank_dataframe[[ 'StatisticalVariable', 'IndicatorCode', 'ISO3166Alpha3', 'Year', 'Value' ]] # Output tmcf and csv for each unique World Bank grouping. for index, enum in enumerate(tmcfs_for_stat_vars): tmcf, stat_var_obs_cols, stat_vars_in_group = enum if len(stat_vars_in_group) != 0: with open(f"output/WorldBank_{index}.tmcf", 'w', newline='') as f_out: f_out.write(tmcf) # Output only the indicator codes in that grouping. matching_csv = output_csv[output_csv['IndicatorCode'].isin( stat_vars_in_group)] # Include the Stat Observation columns in the output CSV. if len(stat_var_obs_cols) > 1: matching_csv = pd.merge(matching_csv, indicator_codes[stat_var_obs_cols], on="IndicatorCode") # Format to decimals. matching_csv = matching_csv.round(10) matching_csv.drop("IndicatorCode", axis=1).to_csv(f"output/WorldBank_{index}.csv", float_format='%.10f', index=False) def source_scaling_remap(row, scaling_factor_lookup, existing_stat_var_lookup): """ Scales values by sourceScalingFactor and inputs exisiting stat vars. First, this function converts all values to per capita. Some measures in the World Bank dataset are per thousand or per hundred thousand, but we need to scale these to the common denomination format. Secondly, some statistical variables such as Count_Person_InLaborForce are not World Bank specific and need to be replaced. Both of these are imputted from the following two lists in args. Args: scaling_factor_lookup: A dictionary of a mapping between World Bank indicator code to the respective numeric scaling factor. existing_stat_var_lookup: A dictionary of a mapping between all indicator to be replaced with the exisiting stat var to replace it. """ indicator_code = row['IndicatorCode'] if indicator_code in scaling_factor_lookup: row['Value'] = (row['Value'] / int(scaling_factor_lookup[indicator_code])) if indicator_code in existing_stat_var_lookup: row['StatisticalVariable'] = ("dcid:" + existing_stat_var_lookup[indicator_code]) return row def main(_): # Load statistical variable configuration file. indicator_codes = pd.read_csv("WorldBankIndicators.csv") # Add source description to note. def add_source_to_description(row): if not pd.isna(row['Source']): return row['SourceNote'] + " " + str(row['Source']) else: return row['SourceNote'] indicator_codes['SourceNote'] = indicator_codes.apply( add_source_to_description, axis=1) # Generate stat vars with open("output/WorldBank_StatisticalVariables.mcf", "w+") as f_out: # Generate StatVars for fields that don't exist. Some fields such as # Count_Person_Unemployed are already statistical variables so we do # not need to recreate them. for _, row in indicator_codes[ indicator_codes['ExistingStatVar'].isna()].iterrows(): f_out.write(build_stat_vars_from_indicator_list(row)) # Create template MCFs for each grouping of stat vars. tmcfs_for_stat_vars = ( group_stat_vars_by_observation_properties(indicator_codes)) # Download data for all countries. worldbank_countries = pd.read_csv("WorldBankCountries.csv") worldbank_dataframe = download_indicator_data(worldbank_countries, indicator_codes) # Remap columns to match expected format. worldbank_dataframe['Value'] = pd.to_numeric(worldbank_dataframe['Value']) worldbank_dataframe['ISO3166Alpha3'] = ( worldbank_dataframe['ISO3166Alpha3'].apply( lambda code: "dcs:country/" + code)) worldbank_dataframe['StatisticalVariable'] = \ worldbank_dataframe['StatisticalVariable'].apply( lambda code: "dcs:" + code) # Scale values by scaling factor and replace exisiting StatVars. scaling_factor_lookup = (indicator_codes.set_index("IndicatorCode") ['sourceScalingFactor'].dropna().to_dict()) existing_stat_var_lookup = (indicator_codes.set_index("IndicatorCode") ['ExistingStatVar'].dropna().to_dict()) worldbank_dataframe = worldbank_dataframe.apply( lambda row: source_scaling_remap(row, scaling_factor_lookup, existing_stat_var_lookup), axis=1) # Convert integer columns. int_cols = (list(indicator_codes[indicator_codes['ConvertToInt'] == True] ['IndicatorCode'].unique())) worldbank_subset = worldbank_dataframe[ worldbank_dataframe['IndicatorCode'].isin(int_cols)].index worldbank_dataframe.loc[worldbank_subset, "Value"] = (pd.to_numeric( worldbank_dataframe.loc[worldbank_subset, "Value"], downcast="integer")) # Output final CSVs and variables. output_csv_and_tmcf_by_grouping(worldbank_dataframe, tmcfs_for_stat_vars, indicator_codes) if __name__ == '__main__':
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#coding=utf-8 # # Created on Apr 23, 2014, by Junn # # import json from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template.context import RequestContext from rest_framework.response import Response as RfResponse from core import codes import urllib import httplib import requests from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile def request_file(url): '''从远端下载文件, 并构建request.FILES中的uploaded file对象返回. @param url: 文件url路径, 如 @return: SimpleUploadedFile object, it is containned by the request.FILES(dictionary-like object) ''' if not url: return response = requests.get(url) return SimpleUploadedFile('file', response.content) def send_request(host, send_url, method='GET', port=80, params={}, timeout=30, headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}): '''发起http请求. 执行结果返回响应字符串 @param: The sample parameters format like following: params = {'token': 'dF0zeqAPWs'} headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} host = '' port = 80 method = 'GET' send_url = '/api/v2/app/version/541a7131f?token=dF0zeqBMXAP' ''' encoded_params = urllib.urlencode(params) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port=port, timeout=timeout) conn.request(method, send_url, encoded_params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() response_str = conn.close() return response_str class JResponse(HttpResponse): '''for simple dict response, like success and failed, etc''' def __init__(self, result, status=200, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(result, list): if 'errors' in result.keys(): dt = result.pop('errors', {}) or {} result['msg'] = ''.join([e[0] for e in dt.values()]) super(JResponse, self).__init__( json.dumps(result), status=status, mimetype='application/json', *args, **kwargs ) def standard_response(template, req, context): '''返回http Web response''' return render_to_response(template, RequestContext(req, context)) class Response(RfResponse): '''for object json response''' def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(data, dict) and 'code' in data.keys(): #data为dict, 且已有code则无需再添加code返回 super(Response, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs) else: super(Response, self).__init__(codes.append('ok', {'data': data}), *args, **kwargs) ## 注: 此必须声明为函数, 不可声明为常量. 常量值将只在模块import时被赋值 def ok(data={}): '''data为字典类型数据''' return JResponse(codes.append('ok', data)) if data else resp('ok') def failed(msg=''): return resp('failed', msg) def object_not_found(): return resp('object_not_found') def http404(): return resp('not_found') def resp(crr, msg=''): '''返回常量错误码. msg可格式化具有占位符的字符串 params: @crr 错误码标识 ''' return JResponse(codes.fmat(crr, msg))
[ "MIT" ]
#coding:utf-8 """ @author : linkin @email : [email protected] @date : 2018-11-07 """ import asyncio import datetime async def send_async_http(session,method,url,*, retries=1, interval=1, wait_factor=2, timeout=30, success_callback=None, fail_callback=None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ 发送一个异步请求至某个特定url,实现失败重试 每一次失败后会延时一段时间再去重试,延时时间由 interval和wait_factor决定 :param session:请求的异步session :param method:请求方法 :param url:请求url :param retries:失败重试次数 :param interval:失败后的再次异步请求的延时时长 :param wait_factor:每一次失败后延时乘以这个因子,延长重试等待时间,一般1<wf<2,即延时最多2^retries秒 :param timeout:连接超时时长 :param success_callback:成功回调函数 :param fail_callback:失败回调函数 :param kwargs:其他键值参数 :return:返回字典结果 """ exception = None ret = {'cost':None,'code':0,'exception':exception,'tries':-1} wait_interval = interval if method.lower() not in ['get', 'head', 'post']: return ret if retries == -1: # -1 表示无限次失败重试 attempt = -1 elif retries == 0: # 0 表示不进行失败重试 attempt = 1 else: attempt = retries + 1 while attempt != 0: try: start = async with getattr(session,method)(url,timeout=timeout,**kwargs) as response: end = t = (end - start).total_seconds() code = response.status ret = {'cost': t, 'code': code, 'tries': retries - attempt+1} if success_callback: success_callback(ret) return ret except Exception as e: ret['exception'] = e ret['tries'] += 1 await asyncio.sleep(wait_interval) wait_interval = wait_interval * wait_factor attempt-=1 if fail_callback: fail_callback(ret) return ret
[ "MIT" ]
from django.test import TestCase, Client from assertpy import assert_that from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.test import APIClient from .factories import RecipeFactory, IngredientFactory from ..models import Recipe from ..serializers import RecipeSerializer import factory LIST_SIZE = 3 class RecipeUpdateTestCase(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls) -> None: cls.api_client = APIClient() cls.client = APIClient() def test_client_is_not_api_client(self) -> None: # it seem that after this is called Django magic happens and the Django client in injected # that is, cls.client = APIClient() does not work as expected assert_that(self.client).is_instance_of(Client) assert_that(self.api_client).is_instance_of(APIClient) def test_should_update_recipe_without_ingredients(self) -> None: recipe = RecipeFactory(ingredients=None) data = RecipeSerializer(recipe).data response = self.api_client.put(f'/recipes/{}', data, format='json') db_recipe = Recipe.objects.get( db_data = RecipeSerializer(db_recipe).data assert_that(response.status_code).is_equal_to(status.HTTP_200_OK) assert_that(db_data).is_equal_to(data) def test_should_update_recipe_with_ingredients(self) -> None: recipe = RecipeFactory( ingredients=factory.RelatedFactoryList(IngredientFactory, factory_related_name='recipe', size=LIST_SIZE) ) data = RecipeSerializer(recipe).data response = self.api_client.put(f'/recipes/{}', data, format='json') db_recipe = Recipe.objects.get( db_data = RecipeSerializer(db_recipe).data assert_that(response.status_code).is_equal_to(status.HTTP_200_OK) assert_that(db_data).is_equal_to(data) def test_should_return_404(self) -> None: response = self.api_client.put(f'/recipes/1000', {}, format='json') assert_that(response.status_code).is_equal_to(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) def test_should_return_400_when_missing_required_field(self) -> None: recipe = RecipeFactory(ingredients=None) data = RecipeSerializer(recipe).data del data['name'] response = self.api_client.put(f'/recipes/{}', data, format='json') assert_that(response.status_code).is_equal_to(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_should_return_400_when_sent_extra_fields(self) -> None: recipe = RecipeFactory(ingredients=None) data = RecipeSerializer(recipe).data data['foo'] = 'bar' response = self.api_client.put(f'/recipes/{}', data, format='json') assert_that(response.status_code).is_equal_to(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from .. import client_query_batch def test_client_query_batch(capsys, client): job = client_query_batch.client_query_batch(client) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert "Job {} is currently in state {}".format(job.job_id, job.state) in out
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gradient_checker from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test class BatchMatmulOpTest(test.TestCase): # Uses numpy to compute batch_matmul(x, y, adjoint_a, adjoint_b). def _npBatchMatmul(self, x, y, adjoint_a, adjoint_b): # output's shape depends on adj[0] and adj[1] d0 = x.shape[-2] if not adjoint_a else x.shape[-1] d2 = y.shape[-1] if not adjoint_b else y.shape[-2] batch_dims = x.shape[:-2] num = z = np.empty(list(batch_dims) + [d0, d2], dtype=x.dtype) xr = x.reshape([num, x.shape[-2], x.shape[-1]]) yr = y.reshape([num, y.shape[-2], y.shape[-1]]) zr = z.reshape([num, z.shape[-2], z.shape[-1]]) for i in range(num): a = np.matrix(xr[i, :, :]) if adjoint_a: a = a.transpose().conj() b = np.matrix(yr[i, :, :]) if adjoint_b: b = b.transpose().conj() zr[i, :, :] = a * b return z # Test _npBatchMatMul works. def testNpVersion(self): x = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.]).reshape([1, 2, 2]) y = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.]).reshape([1, 2, 2]) z0 = self._npBatchMatmul(x, y, False, False) z1 = np.array([3., 4., 11., 16.]).reshape([1, 2, 2]) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(z0, z1)) x = np.array([1., (1j), (-1.), (-1j)]).reshape([1, 2, 2]) y = x * np.complex(1, 1) # rotate x 90 degree z0 = self._npBatchMatmul(x, y, False, False) z1 = np.array([2., (2.j), -2., (-2.j)]).reshape([1, 2, 2]) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(z0, z1)) z0 = self._npBatchMatmul(x, y, False, True) z1 = np.array([(2. - 2.j), (-2. + 2.j), (-2. + 2.j), (2. - 2.j)]).reshape( [1, 2, 2]) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(z0, z1)) z0 = self._npBatchMatmul(x, y, True, False) z1 = np.array([(2. + 2.j), (-2. + 2.j), (2. - 2.j), (2. + 2.j)]).reshape( [1, 2, 2]) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(z0, z1)) # Compares _tfpBatchMatmul(x, y, alpha, adj) and _npBatchMatMul(x, y, alpha, # adj) def _compare(self, x_in, y_in, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, static_shape=True): x_t_shape = x_in.shape[:-2] + (x_in.shape[-1], x_in.shape[-2]) y_t_shape = y_in.shape[:-2] + (y_in.shape[-1], y_in.shape[-2]) x = x_in if not adjoint_a else x_in.reshape(x_t_shape) y = y_in if not adjoint_b else y_in.reshape(y_t_shape) is_floating = x.dtype != np.int32 tol = 100 * np.finfo(x.dtype).eps if is_floating else 0 with self.test_session(use_gpu=is_floating) as sess: if static_shape: z0 = math_ops.matmul(x, y, adjoint_a=adjoint_a, adjoint_b=adjoint_b) z0_val = z0.eval() else: x_ph = array_ops.placeholder(x.dtype) y_ph = array_ops.placeholder(y.dtype) z0 = math_ops.matmul( x_ph, y_ph, adjoint_a=adjoint_a, adjoint_b=adjoint_b) z0_val =, feed_dict={x_ph: x, y_ph: y}) z1 = self._npBatchMatmul(x, y, adjoint_a, adjoint_b) self.assertAllClose(z0_val, z1, rtol=tol, atol=tol) def _rand(self, shape, dtype): vals = np.array(np.random.normal(-10, 10,, dtype=dtype) if dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128): imag = np.array(np.random.normal(-10, 10,, dtype=dtype) vals += 1j * imag return vals.reshape(shape) def _testNonEmpty(self, dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape): def compareNonEmpty(self, a_shape, b_shape): self._compare( self._rand(a_shape, dtype), self._rand(b_shape, dtype), adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape) compareNonEmpty(self, [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 5]) compareNonEmpty(self, [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 1]) compareNonEmpty(self, [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 5]) compareNonEmpty(self, [7, 1, 3], [7, 3, 5]) compareNonEmpty(self, [7, 2, 3], [7, 3, 1]) compareNonEmpty(self, [7, 2, 3], [7, 3, 5]) compareNonEmpty(self, [10, 64, 75], [10, 75, 30]) compareNonEmpty(self, [5, 7, 2, 3], [5, 7, 3, 5]) def _testEmpty(self, dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape): def compareEmpty(self, a_shape, b_shape): self._compare( np.zeros(a_shape).astype(dtype), np.zeros(b_shape).astype(dtype), adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape) compareEmpty(self, [0, 3, 2], [0, 2, 4]) compareEmpty(self, [3, 0, 2], [3, 2, 5]) compareEmpty(self, [3, 3, 2], [3, 2, 0]) def _GetBatchMatmulOpTest(dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape): def Test(self): np.random.seed(42) self._testNonEmpty(dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape) self._testEmpty(dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b, use_static_shape) return Test class BatchMatmulGradientTest(test.TestCase): # loss = sum(batch_matmul(x, y)). Verify dl/dx and dl/dy via the # gradient checker. def _checkGrad(self, x_in, y_in, adjoint_a, adjoint_b): x_t_shape = x_in.shape[:-2] + (x_in.shape[-1], x_in.shape[-2]) y_t_shape = y_in.shape[:-2] + (y_in.shape[-1], y_in.shape[-2]) x = x_in if not adjoint_a else x_in.reshape(x_t_shape) y = y_in if not adjoint_b else y_in.reshape(y_t_shape) epsilon = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps delta = epsilon**(1.0 / 3.0) with self.test_session(use_gpu=True): inx = constant_op.constant(x) iny = constant_op.constant(y) z = math_ops.matmul(inx, iny, adjoint_a, adjoint_b) loss = math_ops.reduce_sum(z) ((x_jacob_t, x_jacob_n), (y_jacob_t, y_jacob_n)) = gradient_checker.compute_gradient( [inx, iny], [x.shape, y.shape], loss, [1], x_init_value=[x, y], delta=delta) tol = 20 * delta self.assertAllClose(x_jacob_t, x_jacob_n, rtol=tol, atol=tol) self.assertAllClose(y_jacob_t, y_jacob_n, rtol=tol, atol=tol) # Tests a batched matmul of x, and y: x is a 3D tensor of shape [b, # n, k] y is a 3D tensor of shape [b, k, m] the batched matmul # computes z of shape [b, n, m], where z[i, :, :] = x[i, :, :] # matmul y[i, :, :] def _compare(self, b, n, k, m, dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b): np.random.seed(42) x = np.random.normal(0, 1, b * n * k).astype(dtype).reshape([b, n, k]) if dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128): x.imag = np.random.normal(0, 1, b * n * k).astype(dtype).reshape([b, n, k]) y = np.random.normal(0, 1, b * k * m).astype(dtype).reshape([b, k, m]) if dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128): y.imag = np.random.normal(0, 1, b * k * m).astype(dtype).reshape([b, k, m]) self._checkGrad(x, y, adjoint_a, adjoint_b) def _GetBatchMatmulGradientTest(dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b): def Test(self): self._compare(1, 2, 3, 5, dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b) self._compare(3, 4, 7, 10, dtype, adjoint_a, adjoint_b) return Test if __name__ == "__main__": for dtype_ in [ np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128, np.int32 ]: for adjoint_a_ in False, True: for adjoint_b_ in False, True: name = "%s_%s_%s" % (dtype_.__name__, adjoint_a_, adjoint_b_) for use_static_shape in True, False: setattr(BatchMatmulOpTest, "testBatchMatmulOp_" + name + ("_%s" % use_static_shape), _GetBatchMatmulOpTest(dtype_, adjoint_a_, adjoint_b_, use_static_shape)) if dtype_ is not np.int32: setattr(BatchMatmulGradientTest, "testBatchMatmulGradient_" + name, _GetBatchMatmulGradientTest(dtype_, adjoint_a_, adjoint_b_)) test.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""Here we define the exported functions, types, etc... which need to be exported through a global C pointer. Each dictionary contains name -> index pair. Whenever you change one index, you break the ABI (and the ABI version number should be incremented). Whenever you add an item to one of the dict, the API needs to be updated. When adding a function, make sure to use the next integer not used as an index (in case you use an existing index or jump, the build will stop and raise an exception, so it should hopefully not get unnoticed). """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function multiarray_global_vars = { 'NPY_NUMUSERTYPES': 7, 'NPY_DEFAULT_ASSIGN_CASTING': 292, } multiarray_global_vars_types = { 'NPY_NUMUSERTYPES': 'int', 'NPY_DEFAULT_ASSIGN_CASTING': 'NPY_CASTING', } multiarray_scalar_bool_values = { '_PyArrayScalar_BoolValues': 9 } multiarray_types_api = { 'PyBigArray_Type': 1, 'PyArray_Type': 2, 'PyArrayDescr_Type': 3, 'PyArrayFlags_Type': 4, 'PyArrayIter_Type': 5, 'PyArrayMultiIter_Type': 6, 'PyBoolArrType_Type': 8, 'PyGenericArrType_Type': 10, 'PyNumberArrType_Type': 11, 'PyIntegerArrType_Type': 12, 'PySignedIntegerArrType_Type': 13, 'PyUnsignedIntegerArrType_Type': 14, 'PyInexactArrType_Type': 15, 'PyFloatingArrType_Type': 16, 'PyComplexFloatingArrType_Type': 17, 'PyFlexibleArrType_Type': 18, 'PyCharacterArrType_Type': 19, 'PyByteArrType_Type': 20, 'PyShortArrType_Type': 21, 'PyIntArrType_Type': 22, 'PyLongArrType_Type': 23, 'PyLongLongArrType_Type': 24, 'PyUByteArrType_Type': 25, 'PyUShortArrType_Type': 26, 'PyUIntArrType_Type': 27, 'PyULongArrType_Type': 28, 'PyULongLongArrType_Type': 29, 'PyFloatArrType_Type': 30, 'PyDoubleArrType_Type': 31, 'PyLongDoubleArrType_Type': 32, 'PyCFloatArrType_Type': 33, 'PyCDoubleArrType_Type': 34, 'PyCLongDoubleArrType_Type': 35, 'PyObjectArrType_Type': 36, 'PyStringArrType_Type': 37, 'PyUnicodeArrType_Type': 38, 'PyVoidArrType_Type': 39, # End 1.5 API 'PyTimeIntegerArrType_Type': 214, 'PyDatetimeArrType_Type': 215, 'PyTimedeltaArrType_Type': 216, 'PyHalfArrType_Type': 217, 'NpyIter_Type': 218, # End 1.6 API } #define NPY_NUMUSERTYPES (*(int *)PyArray_API[6]) #define PyBoolArrType_Type (*(PyTypeObject *)PyArray_API[7]) #define _PyArrayScalar_BoolValues ((PyBoolScalarObject *)PyArray_API[8]) multiarray_funcs_api = { 'PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion': 0, 'PyArray_SetNumericOps': 40, 'PyArray_GetNumericOps': 41, 'PyArray_INCREF': 42, 'PyArray_XDECREF': 43, 'PyArray_SetStringFunction': 44, 'PyArray_DescrFromType': 45, 'PyArray_TypeObjectFromType': 46, 'PyArray_Zero': 47, 'PyArray_One': 48, 'PyArray_CastToType': 49, 'PyArray_CastTo': 50, 'PyArray_CastAnyTo': 51, 'PyArray_CanCastSafely': 52, 'PyArray_CanCastTo': 53, 'PyArray_ObjectType': 54, 'PyArray_DescrFromObject': 55, 'PyArray_ConvertToCommonType': 56, 'PyArray_DescrFromScalar': 57, 'PyArray_DescrFromTypeObject': 58, 'PyArray_Size': 59, 'PyArray_Scalar': 60, 'PyArray_FromScalar': 61, 'PyArray_ScalarAsCtype': 62, 'PyArray_CastScalarToCtype': 63, 'PyArray_CastScalarDirect': 64, 'PyArray_ScalarFromObject': 65, 'PyArray_GetCastFunc': 66, 'PyArray_FromDims': 67, 'PyArray_FromDimsAndDataAndDescr': 68, 'PyArray_FromAny': 69, 'PyArray_EnsureArray': 70, 'PyArray_EnsureAnyArray': 71, 'PyArray_FromFile': 72, 'PyArray_FromString': 73, 'PyArray_FromBuffer': 74, 'PyArray_FromIter': 75, 'PyArray_Return': 76, 'PyArray_GetField': 77, 'PyArray_SetField': 78, 'PyArray_Byteswap': 79, 'PyArray_Resize': 80, 'PyArray_MoveInto': 81, 'PyArray_CopyInto': 82, 'PyArray_CopyAnyInto': 83, 'PyArray_CopyObject': 84, 'PyArray_NewCopy': 85, 'PyArray_ToList': 86, 'PyArray_ToString': 87, 'PyArray_ToFile': 88, 'PyArray_Dump': 89, 'PyArray_Dumps': 90, 'PyArray_ValidType': 91, 'PyArray_UpdateFlags': 92, 'PyArray_New': 93, 'PyArray_NewFromDescr': 94, 'PyArray_DescrNew': 95, 'PyArray_DescrNewFromType': 96, 'PyArray_GetPriority': 97, 'PyArray_IterNew': 98, 'PyArray_MultiIterNew': 99, 'PyArray_PyIntAsInt': 100, 'PyArray_PyIntAsIntp': 101, 'PyArray_Broadcast': 102, 'PyArray_FillObjectArray': 103, 'PyArray_FillWithScalar': 104, 'PyArray_CheckStrides': 105, 'PyArray_DescrNewByteorder': 106, 'PyArray_IterAllButAxis': 107, 'PyArray_CheckFromAny': 108, 'PyArray_FromArray': 109, 'PyArray_FromInterface': 110, 'PyArray_FromStructInterface': 111, 'PyArray_FromArrayAttr': 112, 'PyArray_ScalarKind': 113, 'PyArray_CanCoerceScalar': 114, 'PyArray_NewFlagsObject': 115, 'PyArray_CanCastScalar': 116, 'PyArray_CompareUCS4': 117, 'PyArray_RemoveSmallest': 118, 'PyArray_ElementStrides': 119, 'PyArray_Item_INCREF': 120, 'PyArray_Item_XDECREF': 121, 'PyArray_FieldNames': 122, 'PyArray_Transpose': 123, 'PyArray_TakeFrom': 124, 'PyArray_PutTo': 125, 'PyArray_PutMask': 126, 'PyArray_Repeat': 127, 'PyArray_Choose': 128, 'PyArray_Sort': 129, 'PyArray_ArgSort': 130, 'PyArray_SearchSorted': 131, 'PyArray_ArgMax': 132, 'PyArray_ArgMin': 133, 'PyArray_Reshape': 134, 'PyArray_Newshape': 135, 'PyArray_Squeeze': 136, 'PyArray_View': 137, 'PyArray_SwapAxes': 138, 'PyArray_Max': 139, 'PyArray_Min': 140, 'PyArray_Ptp': 141, 'PyArray_Mean': 142, 'PyArray_Trace': 143, 'PyArray_Diagonal': 144, 'PyArray_Clip': 145, 'PyArray_Conjugate': 146, 'PyArray_Nonzero': 147, 'PyArray_Std': 148, 'PyArray_Sum': 149, 'PyArray_CumSum': 150, 'PyArray_Prod': 151, 'PyArray_CumProd': 152, 'PyArray_All': 153, 'PyArray_Any': 154, 'PyArray_Compress': 155, 'PyArray_Flatten': 156, 'PyArray_Ravel': 157, 'PyArray_MultiplyList': 158, 'PyArray_MultiplyIntList': 159, 'PyArray_GetPtr': 160, 'PyArray_CompareLists': 161, 'PyArray_AsCArray': 162, 'PyArray_As1D': 163, 'PyArray_As2D': 164, 'PyArray_Free': 165, 'PyArray_Converter': 166, 'PyArray_IntpFromSequence': 167, 'PyArray_Concatenate': 168, 'PyArray_InnerProduct': 169, 'PyArray_MatrixProduct': 170, 'PyArray_CopyAndTranspose': 171, 'PyArray_Correlate': 172, 'PyArray_TypestrConvert': 173, 'PyArray_DescrConverter': 174, 'PyArray_DescrConverter2': 175, 'PyArray_IntpConverter': 176, 'PyArray_BufferConverter': 177, 'PyArray_AxisConverter': 178, 'PyArray_BoolConverter': 179, 'PyArray_ByteorderConverter': 180, 'PyArray_OrderConverter': 181, 'PyArray_EquivTypes': 182, 'PyArray_Zeros': 183, 'PyArray_Empty': 184, 'PyArray_Where': 185, 'PyArray_Arange': 186, 'PyArray_ArangeObj': 187, 'PyArray_SortkindConverter': 188, 'PyArray_LexSort': 189, 'PyArray_Round': 190, 'PyArray_EquivTypenums': 191, 'PyArray_RegisterDataType': 192, 'PyArray_RegisterCastFunc': 193, 'PyArray_RegisterCanCast': 194, 'PyArray_InitArrFuncs': 195, 'PyArray_IntTupleFromIntp': 196, 'PyArray_TypeNumFromName': 197, 'PyArray_ClipmodeConverter': 198, 'PyArray_OutputConverter': 199, 'PyArray_BroadcastToShape': 200, '_PyArray_SigintHandler': 201, '_PyArray_GetSigintBuf': 202, 'PyArray_DescrAlignConverter': 203, 'PyArray_DescrAlignConverter2': 204, 'PyArray_SearchsideConverter': 205, 'PyArray_CheckAxis': 206, 'PyArray_OverflowMultiplyList': 207, 'PyArray_CompareString': 208, 'PyArray_MultiIterFromObjects': 209, 'PyArray_GetEndianness': 210, 'PyArray_GetNDArrayCFeatureVersion': 211, 'PyArray_Correlate2': 212, 'PyArray_NeighborhoodIterNew': 213, # End 1.5 API 'PyArray_SetDatetimeParseFunction': 219, 'PyArray_DatetimeToDatetimeStruct': 220, 'PyArray_TimedeltaToTimedeltaStruct': 221, 'PyArray_DatetimeStructToDatetime': 222, 'PyArray_TimedeltaStructToTimedelta': 223, # NDIter API 'NpyIter_New': 224, 'NpyIter_MultiNew': 225, 'NpyIter_AdvancedNew': 226, 'NpyIter_Copy': 227, 'NpyIter_Deallocate': 228, 'NpyIter_HasDelayedBufAlloc': 229, 'NpyIter_HasExternalLoop': 230, 'NpyIter_EnableExternalLoop': 231, 'NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray': 232, 'NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr': 233, 'NpyIter_Reset': 234, 'NpyIter_ResetBasePointers': 235, 'NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange': 236, 'NpyIter_GetNDim': 237, 'NpyIter_GetNOp': 238, 'NpyIter_GetIterNext': 239, 'NpyIter_GetIterSize': 240, 'NpyIter_GetIterIndexRange': 241, 'NpyIter_GetIterIndex': 242, 'NpyIter_GotoIterIndex': 243, 'NpyIter_HasMultiIndex': 244, 'NpyIter_GetShape': 245, 'NpyIter_GetGetMultiIndex': 246, 'NpyIter_GotoMultiIndex': 247, 'NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex': 248, 'NpyIter_HasIndex': 249, 'NpyIter_IsBuffered': 250, 'NpyIter_IsGrowInner': 251, 'NpyIter_GetBufferSize': 252, 'NpyIter_GetIndexPtr': 253, 'NpyIter_GotoIndex': 254, 'NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray': 255, 'NpyIter_GetDescrArray': 256, 'NpyIter_GetOperandArray': 257, 'NpyIter_GetIterView': 258, 'NpyIter_GetReadFlags': 259, 'NpyIter_GetWriteFlags': 260, 'NpyIter_DebugPrint': 261, 'NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI': 262, 'NpyIter_GetInnerFixedStrideArray': 263, 'NpyIter_RemoveAxis': 264, 'NpyIter_GetAxisStrideArray': 265, 'NpyIter_RequiresBuffering': 266, 'NpyIter_GetInitialDataPtrArray': 267, 'NpyIter_CreateCompatibleStrides': 268, # 'PyArray_CastingConverter': 269, 'PyArray_CountNonzero': 270, 'PyArray_PromoteTypes': 271, 'PyArray_MinScalarType': 272, 'PyArray_ResultType': 273, 'PyArray_CanCastArrayTo': 274, 'PyArray_CanCastTypeTo': 275, 'PyArray_EinsteinSum': 276, 'PyArray_NewLikeArray': 277, 'PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject': 278, 'PyArray_ConvertClipmodeSequence': 279, 'PyArray_MatrixProduct2': 280, # End 1.6 API 'NpyIter_IsFirstVisit': 281, 'PyArray_SetBaseObject': 282, 'PyArray_CreateSortedStridePerm': 283, 'PyArray_RemoveAxesInPlace': 284, 'PyArray_DebugPrint': 285, 'PyArray_FailUnlessWriteable': 286, 'PyArray_SetUpdateIfCopyBase': 287, 'PyDataMem_NEW': 288, 'PyDataMem_FREE': 289, 'PyDataMem_RENEW': 290, 'PyDataMem_SetEventHook': 291, 'PyArray_MapIterSwapAxes': 293, 'PyArray_MapIterArray': 294, 'PyArray_MapIterNext': 295, # End 1.7 API 'PyArray_Partition': 296, 'PyArray_ArgPartition': 297, 'PyArray_SelectkindConverter': 298, 'PyDataMem_NEW_ZEROED': 299, # End 1.8 API } ufunc_types_api = { 'PyUFunc_Type': 0 } ufunc_funcs_api = { 'PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData': 1, 'PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType': 2, 'PyUFunc_GenericFunction': 3, 'PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d': 4, 'PyUFunc_d_d': 5, 'PyUFunc_f_f': 6, 'PyUFunc_g_g': 7, 'PyUFunc_F_F_As_D_D': 8, 'PyUFunc_F_F': 9, 'PyUFunc_D_D': 10, 'PyUFunc_G_G': 11, 'PyUFunc_O_O': 12, 'PyUFunc_ff_f_As_dd_d': 13, 'PyUFunc_ff_f': 14, 'PyUFunc_dd_d': 15, 'PyUFunc_gg_g': 16, 'PyUFunc_FF_F_As_DD_D': 17, 'PyUFunc_DD_D': 18, 'PyUFunc_FF_F': 19, 'PyUFunc_GG_G': 20, 'PyUFunc_OO_O': 21, 'PyUFunc_O_O_method': 22, 'PyUFunc_OO_O_method': 23, 'PyUFunc_On_Om': 24, 'PyUFunc_GetPyValues': 25, 'PyUFunc_checkfperr': 26, 'PyUFunc_clearfperr': 27, 'PyUFunc_getfperr': 28, 'PyUFunc_handlefperr': 29, 'PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature': 30, 'PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature': 31, 'PyUFunc_SetUsesArraysAsData': 32, # End 1.5 API 'PyUFunc_e_e': 33, 'PyUFunc_e_e_As_f_f': 34, 'PyUFunc_e_e_As_d_d': 35, 'PyUFunc_ee_e': 36, 'PyUFunc_ee_e_As_ff_f': 37, 'PyUFunc_ee_e_As_dd_d': 38, # End 1.6 API 'PyUFunc_DefaultTypeResolver': 39, 'PyUFunc_ValidateCasting': 40, # End 1.7 API 'PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr': 41, # End 1.8 API } # List of all the dicts which define the C API # XXX: DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF TUPLES BELOW ! multiarray_api = ( multiarray_global_vars, multiarray_global_vars_types, multiarray_scalar_bool_values, multiarray_types_api, multiarray_funcs_api, ) ufunc_api = ( ufunc_funcs_api, ufunc_types_api ) full_api = multiarray_api + ufunc_api
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException import time from django.test import LiveServerTestCase MAX_WAIT = 10 class NewVisitorTest(LiveServerTestCase): def setUp(self): self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() def tearDown(self): self.browser.quit() def wait_for_row_in_list_table(self, row_text): start_time = time.time() while True: try: table = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_list_table') rows = table.find_elements_by_tag_name('tr') self.assertIn(row_text, [row.text for row in rows]) return except (AssertionError, WebDriverException) as e: if time.time() - start_time > MAX_WAIT: raise e time.sleep(0.5) def test_can_start_a_list_for_one_user(self): # Edith has heard about a cool new online to-do app. She goes # to check out its homepage self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) # She notices the page title and header mention to-do lists self.assertIn('To-Do', self.browser.title) header_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('h1').text self.assertIn('To-Do', header_text) # She is invited to enter a to-do item straight away input_box = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item') self.assertEqual( input_box.get_attribute('placeholder'), 'Enter a to-do item' ) # She types "Buy peacock feathers" into a text box (Edith's hobby # is tying fly-fishing lures) input_box.send_keys('Buy peacock feathers') # When she hits enter, the page updates, and now the page lists # "1: Buy peacock feathers" as an item in a to-do list input_box.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.wait_for_row_in_list_table('1: Buy peacock feathers') # There is still a text box inviting her to add another item. She # enters "Use peacock feathers to make a fly" (Edith is very methodical) input_box = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item') input_box.send_keys('Use peacock feathers to make a fly') input_box.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) # The page updates again, and now shows both items on her list self.wait_for_row_in_list_table('1: Buy peacock feathers') self.wait_for_row_in_list_table('2: Use peacock feathers to make a fly') # Satisfied, she goes back to sleep def test_multiple_users_can_start_lists_at_different_urls(self): # Edith starts a new to-do list self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) input_box = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item') input_box.send_keys('Buy peacock feathers') input_box.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.wait_for_row_in_list_table('1: Buy peacock feathers') # She notices that her list has a unique URL edith_list_url = self.browser.current_url self.assertRegex(edith_list_url, '/lists/.+') # Now a new user, Francis, comes along to the site. # We use a new browser session to make sure that no information # of Edith's is coming through from cookies etc self.browser.quit() self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() # Francis visits the home page. There is no sign of Edith's list self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) page_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('body').text self.assertNotIn('Buy peacock feathers', page_text) self.assertNotIn('make a fly', page_text) # Francis starts a new list by entering a new item. He # is less interesting than Edith... input_box = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item') input_box.send_keys('Buy milk') input_box.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.wait_for_row_in_list_table('1: Buy milk') # Francis gets his own unique URL francis_list_url = self.browser.current_url self.assertRegex(francis_list_url, '/lists/.+') self.assertNotEqual(francis_list_url, edith_list_url) # Again, there is no trace of Edith's list page_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('body').text self.assertNotIn('Buy peacock feathers', page_text) self.assertIn('Buy milk', page_text) # Satisfied, they both go back to sleep'Finish the test!')
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2020-2021 by Murray Altheim. All rights reserved. This file is part # of the Robot Operating System project, released under the MIT License. Please # see the LICENSE file included as part of this package. # # author: Murray Altheim # created: 2021-03-06 # modified: 2021-03-09 # import itertools from pa1010d import PA1010D, PPS from colorama import init, Fore, Style init() from lib.logger import Level, Logger class GPS(object): ''' A wrapper around the PA1010d GPS library. Provides individual properties for each of the GPS outputs. ''' def __init__(self, level): self._log = Logger("gps", level) self._counter = itertools.count() self._gps = PA1010D() # self._gps.set_pps(mode=PPS.ALWAYS) self._gps.set_pps(mode=PPS.ONLY_2D_3D) self.clear()'ready.') # .......................................................................... def clear(self): self._timestamp, self._latitude, self._longitude, self._altitude, \ self._sat_count, self._quality, self._speed, self._mf_type, \ self._pdop, self._vdop, self._hdop = (None,)*11 # .......................................................................... def read(self): self._count = next(self._counter) result = self._gps.update() if result: _data = if _data.get('timestamp') == None: self.clear() else: self._timestamp = _data.get('timestamp') self._latitude = _data.get('latitude') self._longitude = _data.get('longitude') self._altitude = _data.get('altitude') self._sat_count = _data.get('num_sats') self._quality = _data.get('gps_qual') self._speed = _data.get('speed_over_ground') self._mf_type = _data.get('mode_fix_type') self._pdop = _data.get('pdop') self._vdop = _data.get('vdop') self._hdop = _data.get('hdop') else: return None # .......................................................................... def display(self): if self._timestamp == None: + ' [{:06d}]'.format(self._count) + Fore.YELLOW + ' GPS returned null: no satellites found.') else: try: _color = Fore.BLUE if self._sat_count == 0 else Fore.YELLOW + ' [{:06d}]'.format(self._count) + _color \ + Fore.GREEN + ' time: {}; {} sat; q{};'.format(self._timestamp, self._sat_count, self._quality) \ + Fore.WHITE + ' lati-long: {:6.4f}, {:6.4f}; alt: {:5.2f}m; speed: {}m/s;'.format(self._latitude, self._longitude, self._altitude, self._speed) ) # + Fore.BLACK + ' fix type: {} PDOP: {} VDOP: {} HDOP: {}'.format(self._mf_type, self._pdop, self._vdop, self._hdop) ) except Exception: pass # .......................................................................... @property def timestamp(self): return self._timestamp # .......................................................................... @property def latitude(self): return self._latitude # .......................................................................... @property def longitude(self): return self._longitude # .......................................................................... @property def altitude(self): return self._altitude # .......................................................................... @property def satellites(self): return self._sat_count # .......................................................................... @property def quality(self): return self._quality # .......................................................................... @property def speed(self): return self._speed # .......................................................................... @property def mode_fix_type(self): return self._mf_type # .......................................................................... @property def pdop(self): return self._pdop # .......................................................................... @property def vdop(self): return self._vdop # .......................................................................... @property def hdop(self): return self._hdop #EOF
[ "MIT" ]
import itertools import sys import time import signal from .fancycli import fancywait from .fancycli.platform import isatty def skipcallback(handler): raise StopIteration class ShellNextFrontend: def __init__(self, use_status_line, show_toggle): self.show_toggle = show_toggle self.use_status_line = use_status_line if use_status_line: io = sys.stdout.buffer if hasattr(io, 'raw'): io = io.raw line = fancywait.StatusLine(io) self.statusline = line def attach(self, helper): self.helper = helper def alert(self, title, text, level='info', details=None): pass def notify(self, name, value): pass def delay(self, secs, allow_skip): if not self.use_status_line: time.sleep(secs) return if self.show_toggle: togglelabel = lambda: '<r>切换自动补充理智(%s)' % ('ON' if self.helper.use_refill else 'OFF') def togglecallback(handler): self.helper.use_refill = not self.helper.use_refill handler.label = togglelabel() togglehandler = lambda: fancywait.KeyHandler(togglelabel(), b'r', togglecallback) else: togglehandler = lambda: fancywait.KeyHandler(None, None, None) skiphandler = fancywait.KeyHandler('<ENTER>跳过', b'\r', skipcallback) skipdummy = fancywait.KeyHandler(' ', b'', lambda x: None) fancywait.fancy_delay(secs, self.statusline, [skiphandler if allow_skip else skipdummy, togglehandler()]) def _create_helper(use_status_line=True, show_toggle=False): from Arknights.helper import ArknightsHelper _ensure_device() frontend = ShellNextFrontend(use_status_line, show_toggle) helper = ArknightsHelper(device_connector=device, frontend=frontend) if use_status_line: context = frontend.statusline else: from contextlib import nullcontext context = nullcontext() return helper, context def _parse_opt(argv): ops = [] if len(argv) >= 2 and argv[1][:1] in ('+', '-'): opts = argv.pop(1) enable_refill = None for i, c in enumerate(opts): if c == '+': enable_refill = True elif c == '-': enable_refill = False elif c == 'r' and enable_refill is not None: def op(helper): helper.use_refill = enable_refill helper.refill_with_item = enable_refill ops.append(op) elif c == 'R' and enable_refill is not None: def op(helper): helper.refill_with_originium = enable_refill ops.append(op) elif c in '0123456789' and enable_refill: num = int(opts[i:]) def op(helper): helper.max_refill_count = num ops.append(op) break else: raise ValueError('unrecognized token: %r in option %r' % (c, opts)) return ops class AlarmContext: def __init__(self, duration=60): self.duration = duration def __enter__(self): self.t0 = time.monotonic() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): t1 = time.monotonic() if t1 - self.t0 >= self.duration: self.alarm() def alarm(self): pass class BellAlarmContext(AlarmContext): def alarm(self): print('\a', end='') def _alarm_context_factory(): if isatty(sys.stdout): return BellAlarmContext() return AlarmContext() device = None def connect(argv): """ connect [connector type] [connector args ...] 连接到设备 支持的设备类型: connect adb [serial or tcpip endpoint] """ connector_type = 'adb' if len(argv) > 1: connector_type = argv[1] connector_args = argv[2:] else: connector_args = [] if connector_type == 'adb': _connect_adb(connector_args) else: print('unknown connector type:', connector_type) def _connect_adb(args): from connector.ADBConnector import ADBConnector, ensure_adb_alive ensure_adb_alive() global device if len(args) == 0: try: device = ADBConnector.auto_connect() except IndexError: print("检测到多台设备") devices = ADBConnector.available_devices() for i, (serial, status) in enumerate(devices): print("%2d. %s\t[%s]" % (i, serial, status)) num = 0 while True: try: num = int(input("请输入序号选择设备: ")) if not 0 <= num < len(devices): raise ValueError() break except ValueError: print("输入不合法,请重新输入") device_name = devices[num][0] device = ADBConnector(device_name) else: serial = args[0] try: device = ADBConnector(serial) except RuntimeError as e: if e.args and isinstance(e.args[0], bytes) and b'not found' in e.args[0]: if ':' in serial and serial.split(':')[-1].isdigit(): print('adb connect', serial) ADBConnector.paranoid_connect(serial) device = ADBConnector(serial) return raise def _ensure_device(): if device is None: connect(['connect']) device.ensure_alive() def quick(argv): """ quick [+-rR[N]] [n] 重复挑战当前画面关卡特定次数或直到理智不足 +r/-r 是否自动回复理智,最多回复 N 次 +R/-R 是否使用源石回复理智(需要同时开启 +r) """ ops = _parse_opt(argv) if len(argv) == 2: count = int(argv[1]) else: count = 114514 helper, context = _create_helper(show_toggle=True) for op in ops: op(helper) with context: helper.module_battle_slim( c_id=None, set_count=count, ) return 0 def auto(argv): """ auto [+-rR[N]] stage1 count1 [stage2 count2] ... 按顺序挑战指定关卡特定次数直到理智不足 """ ops = _parse_opt(argv) arglist = argv[1:] if len(arglist) % 2 != 0: print('usage: auto [+-rR] stage1 count1 [stage2 count2] ...') return 1 it = iter(arglist) tasks = [(stage.upper(), int(counts)) for stage, counts in zip(it, it)] helper, context = _create_helper(show_toggle=True) for op in ops: op(helper) with context: helper.main_handler( clear_tasks=False, task_list=tasks, auto_close=False ) return 0 def collect(argv): """ collect 收集每日任务和每周任务奖励 """ helper, context = _create_helper() with context: helper.clear_task() return 0 def recruit(argv): """ recruit [tags ...] 公开招募识别/计算,不指定标签则从截图中识别 """ from . import recruit_calc if 2 <= len(argv) <= 6: tags = argv[1:] result = recruit_calc.calculate(tags) elif len(argv) == 1: helper, context = _create_helper(use_status_line=False) with context: result = helper.recruit() else: print('要素过多') return 1 colors = ['\033[36m', '\033[90m', '\033[37m', '\033[32m', '\033[93m', '\033[91m'] reset = '\033[39m' for tags, operators, rank in result: taglist = ','.join(tags) if rank >= 1: taglist = '\033[96m' + taglist + '\033[39m' print("%s: %s" % (taglist, ' '.join(colors[op[1]] + op[0] + reset for op in operators))) def interactive(argv): """ interactive 进入交互模式,减少按键次数( """ import shlex import traceback helpcmds(interactive_cmds) errorlevel = None try: import readline except ImportError: pass while True: try: if device is None: prompt = "akhelper> " else: prompt = "akhelper %s> " % str(device) cmdline = input(prompt) argv = shlex.split(cmdline) if len(argv) == 0 or argv[0] == '?' or argv[0] == 'help': print(' '.join(x.__name__ for x in interactive_cmds)) continue elif argv[0] == 'exit': break cmd = match_cmd(argv[0], interactive_cmds) if cmd is not None: with _alarm_context_factory(): errorlevel = cmd(argv) except EOFError: print('') # print newline on EOF break except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: errorlevel = e traceback.print_exc() continue return errorlevel argv0 = 'placeholder' def helpcmds(cmds): print("commands (prefix abbreviation accepted):") for cmd in cmds: if cmd.__doc__: print(" " + str(cmd.__doc__.strip())) else: print(" " + cmd.__name__) def help(argv): """ help 输出本段消息 """ print("usage: %s command [command args]" % argv0) helpcmds(global_cmds) def exit(argv): sys.exit() global_cmds = [quick, auto, collect, recruit, interactive, help] interactive_cmds = [connect, quick, auto, collect, recruit, exit] def match_cmd(first, avail_cmds): targetcmd = [x for x in avail_cmds if x.__name__.startswith(first)] if len(targetcmd) == 1: return targetcmd[0] elif len(targetcmd) == 0: print("unrecognized command: " + first) return None else: print("ambiguous command: " + first) print("matched commands: " + ','.join(x.__name__ for x in targetcmd)) return None def main(argv): global argv0 argv0 = argv[0] if len(argv) < 2: interactive(argv[1:]) return 1 targetcmd = match_cmd(argv[1], global_cmds) if targetcmd is not None: return targetcmd(argv[1:]) else: help(argv) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) __all__ = ['main']
[ "MIT" ]
from dataloader import AmazonProductDataloader from inverted_index import InvertedIndex from utils import preprocess_text import numpy as np class BM25SearchRelevance: def __init__(self, inverted_index, b=0.65, k1=1.6): self.inverted_index = inverted_index self.b = b self.k1 = k1 self.total_documents = inverted_index.dataloader.dataset.shape[0] self.total_documents def score_query(self, query, k=3): scores = {} preprocessed_query = preprocess_text(query, tokens_only=True) for query_term in preprocessed_query: if query_term in self.inverted_index.term_dictionary: term_frequencies = self.inverted_index.term_dictionary[query_term] for term_frequency in term_frequencies: if term_frequency["document"] not in scores: scores[term_frequency["document"]] = 0 scores[term_frequency["document"]] += self.bm25_score(term_frequency["frequency"], len(term_frequency), term_frequency["document_length"]) scores = dict(sorted(sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))) if k > len(scores.keys()): k = len(scores.keys()) return list(scores.keys())[:k] ## returns top k documents def bm25_score(self, term_frequency, document_frequency, document_length): tf = term_frequency / self.k1 * ((1-self.b) + (self.b * (document_length / self.inverted_index.average_document_length))) + term_frequency idf = np.log((self.total_documents - document_frequency + 0.5)/ (document_frequency + 0.5)) return tf * idf
[ "MIT" ]
""" Pre-defined query strategy for noisy oracles. In reality, the labels given by human is not always correct. For one hand, there are some inevitable noise comes from the instrumentation of experimental setting. On the other hand, people can become distracted or fatigued over time, introducing variability in the quality of their annotations. ALiPy implements several strategies in noisy oracles settings. Some of then mainly evaluate the quality or expertise of each oracle, and the rest tries to obtain the accurate label for each instance whose labels are provided by several noisy oracles. There are 2 categories of methods. 1. Query from a single selected oracle. 1.1 Always query from the best oracle 1.2 Query from the most appropriate oracle according to the selected instance and label. 2. Query from multiple noisy oracles. Labels are obtained from multiple noisy oracles. And the algorithm tries to obtain the accurate label for each instance. Implement method: 1: CEAL (IJCAI'17) 2: IEthresh (KDD'09 Donmez) Baselines: Majority vote Query from all oracles and majority vote Random select an oracle """ # Authors: Ying-Peng Tang # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import collections from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import copy import numpy as np import scipy.stats from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors from .base import BaseNoisyOracleQuery from .query_labels import QueryInstanceUncertainty from .query_labels import _get_proba_pred from import Oracles, Oracle def majority_vote(labels, weight=None): """Perform majority vote to determine the true label from multiple noisy oracles. Parameters ---------- labels: list A list with length=k, which contains the labels provided by k noisy oracles. weight: list, optional (default=None) The weights of each oracle. It should have the same length with labels. Returns ------- vote_count: int The number of votes. vote_result: object The label of the selected_instance, produced by majority voting of the selected oracles. """ oracle_weight = np.ones(len(labels)) if weight is None else weight assert len(labels) == len(oracle_weight) vote_result = collections.Counter(labels) most_votes = vote_result.most_common(n=1) return most_votes[0][1], most_votes[0][0] def get_query_results(selected_instance, oracles, names=None): """Get the query results from oracles of the selected instance. Parameters ---------- selected_instance: int The indexes of selected samples. Should be a member of unlabeled set. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. names: list, optional (default=None) A list of str which contains the names of oracles to query from. If not provided, it will query from all oracles. Each name should in oracles.names(). Returns ------- query_labels: list The queried labels. query_costs: list The total cost of query. """ costs = [] if isinstance(oracles, list): oracle_type = 'list' for oracle in oracles: assert isinstance(oracle, Oracle) elif isinstance(oracles, Oracles): oracle_type = 'oracles' else: raise TypeError("The type of parameter oracles must be a list or object.") labeling_results = [] if oracle_type == 'list': for i in oracles.names() if oracle_type == 'oracles' else range(len(oracles)): lab, co = oracles[i].query_by_index(selected_instance) labeling_results.append(lab[0]) costs.append(np.sum(co)) else: results = oracles.query_from_s(selected_instance, oracles_name=names) labeling_results = [res[0][0] for res in results] costs = [np.sum(res[1]) for res in results] return labeling_results, costs def get_majority_vote(selected_instance, oracles, names=None): """Get the majority vote results of the selected instance. Parameters ---------- selected_instance: int The indexes of selected samples. Should be a member of unlabeled set. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. names: list, optional (default=None) A list of str which contains the names of oracles to query from. If not provided, it will query from all oracles. Each name should in oracles.names(). Returns ------- vote_count: int The number of votes. vote_result: object The label of the selected_instance, produced by majority voting of the selected oracles. query_costs: int The total cost of query. """ labeling_results, cost = get_query_results(selected_instance, oracles, names) majority_vote_result = majority_vote(labeling_results) return majority_vote_result[0], majority_vote_result[1], np.sum(cost) class QueryNoisyOraclesCEAL(BaseNoisyOracleQuery): """Cost-Effective Active Learning from Diverse Labelers (CEAL) method assumes that different oracles have different expertise. Even the very noisy oracle may perform well on some kind of examples. The cost of a labeler is proportional to its overall labeling quality and it is thus necessary to query from the right oracle according to the selected instance. This method will select an instance-labeler pair (x, a), and queries the label of x from a, where the selection of both the instance and labeler is based on a evaluation function Q(x, a). The selection of instance is depend on its uncertainty. The selection of oracle is depend on the oracle's performance on the nearest neighbors of selected instance. The cost of each oracle is proportional to its overall labeling quality. Parameters ---------- X: 2D array, optional (default=None) Feature matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. y: array-like, optional (default=None) Label matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. initial_labeled_indexes: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of initially labeled samples. Used for initializing the scores of each oracle. References ---------- [1] Sheng-Jun Huang, Jia-Lve Chen, Xin Mu, Zhi-Hua Zhou. 2017. Cost-Effective Active Learning from Diverse Labelers. In The Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), 1879-1885. """ def __init__(self, X, y, oracles, initial_labeled_indexes): super(QueryNoisyOraclesCEAL, self).__init__(X, y, oracles=oracles) # ytype = type_of_target(self.y) # if 'multilabel' in ytype: # warnings.warn("This query strategy does not support multi-label.", # category=FunctionWarning) assert (isinstance(initial_labeled_indexes, collections.Iterable)) self._ini_ind = np.asarray(initial_labeled_indexes) # construct a nearest neighbor object implemented by scikit-learn self._nntree = NearestNeighbors(metric='euclidean')[self._ini_ind]) def select(self, label_index, unlabel_index, eval_cost=False, model=None, **kwargs): """Query from oracles. Return the index of selected instance and oracle. Parameters ---------- label_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of labeled samples. unlabel_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of unlabeled samples. eval_cost: bool, optional (default=False) To evaluate the cost of oracles or use the cost provided by oracles. model: object, optional (default=None) Current classification model, should have the 'predict_proba' method for probabilistic output. If not provided, LogisticRegression with default parameters implemented by sklearn will be used. n_neighbors: int, optional (default=10) How many neighbors of the selected instance will be used to evaluate the oracles. Returns ------- selected_instance: int The index of selected instance. selected_oracle: int or str The index of selected oracle. If a list is given, the index of oracle will be returned. If a Oracles object is given, the oracle name will be returned. """ if model is None: model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear')[label_index], self.y[label_index]) pred_unlab, _ = _get_proba_pred(self.X[unlabel_index], model) n_neighbors = min(kwargs.pop('n_neighbors', 10), len(self._ini_ind) - 1) return self.select_by_prediction_mat(label_index, unlabel_index, pred_unlab, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, eval_cost=eval_cost) def select_by_prediction_mat(self, label_index, unlabel_index, predict, **kwargs): """Query from oracles. Return the index of selected instance and oracle. Parameters ---------- label_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of labeled samples. unlabel_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of unlabeled samples. predict: : 2d array, shape [n_samples, n_classes] The probabilistic prediction matrix for the unlabeled set. n_neighbors: int, optional (default=10) How many neighbors of the selected instance will be used to evaluate the oracles. eval_cost: bool, optional (default=False) To evaluate the cost of oracles or use the cost provided by oracles. Returns ------- selected_instance: int The index of selected instance. selected_oracle: int or str The index of selected oracle. If a list is given, the index of oracle will be returned. If a Oracles object is given, the oracle name will be returned. """ n_neighbors = min(kwargs.pop('n_neighbors', 10), len(self._ini_ind)-1) eval_cost = kwargs.pop('n_neighbors', False) Q_table, oracle_ind_name_dict = self._calc_Q_table(label_index, unlabel_index, self._oracles, predict, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, eval_cost=eval_cost) # get the instance-oracle pair selected_pair = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(Q_table, axis=None), Q_table.shape) sel_ora = oracle_ind_name_dict[selected_pair[0]] if not isinstance(sel_ora, list): sel_ora = [sel_ora] return [unlabel_index[selected_pair[1]]], sel_ora def _calc_Q_table(self, label_index, unlabel_index, oracles, pred_unlab, n_neighbors=10, eval_cost=False): """Query from oracles. Return the Q table and the oracle name/index of each row of Q_table. Parameters ---------- label_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of labeled samples. unlabel_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of unlabeled samples. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. predict: : 2d array, shape [n_samples, n_classes] The probabilistic prediction matrix for the unlabeled set. n_neighbors: int, optional (default=10) How many neighbors of the selected instance will be used to evaluate the oracles. eval_cost: bool, optional (default=False) To evaluate the cost of oracles or use the cost provided by oracles. Returns ------- Q_table: 2D array The Q table. oracle_ind_name_dict: dict The oracle name/index of each row of Q_table. """ # Check parameter and initialize variables if self.X is None or self.y is None: raise Exception('Data matrix is not provided, use select_by_prediction_mat() instead.') assert (isinstance(unlabel_index, collections.Iterable)) assert (isinstance(label_index, collections.Iterable)) unlabel_index = np.asarray(unlabel_index) label_index = np.asarray(label_index) num_of_neighbors = n_neighbors if len(unlabel_index) <= 1: return unlabel_index Q_table = np.zeros((len(oracles), len(unlabel_index))) # row:oracle, col:ins spv = np.shape(pred_unlab) # calc least_confident rx = np.partition(pred_unlab, spv[1] - 1, axis=1) rx = 1 - rx[:, spv[1] - 1] for unlab_ind, unlab_ins_ind in enumerate(unlabel_index): # evaluate oracles for each instance nn_dist, nn_of_selected_ins = self._nntree.kneighbors(X=self.X[unlab_ins_ind].reshape(1, -1), n_neighbors=num_of_neighbors, return_distance=True) nn_dist = nn_dist[0] nn_of_selected_ins = nn_of_selected_ins[0] nn_of_selected_ins = self._ini_ind[nn_of_selected_ins] # map to the original population oracles_score = [] for ora_ind, ora_name in enumerate(self._oracles_iterset): # calc q_i(x), expertise of this instance oracle = oracles[ora_name] labels, cost = oracle.query_by_index(nn_of_selected_ins) oracles_score.append(sum([nn_dist[i] * (labels[i] == self.y[nn_of_selected_ins[i]]) for i in range(num_of_neighbors)]) / num_of_neighbors) # calc c_i, cost of each labeler labels, cost = oracle.query_by_index(label_index) if eval_cost: oracles_cost = sum([labels[i] == self.y[label_index[i]] for i in range(len(label_index))]) / len(label_index) else: oracles_cost = cost[0] Q_table[ora_ind, unlab_ind] = oracles_score[ora_ind] * rx[unlab_ind] / max(oracles_cost, 0.0001) return Q_table, self._oracle_ind_name_dict class QueryNoisyOraclesSelectInstanceUncertainty(BaseNoisyOracleQuery, metaclass=ABCMeta): """This class implement select and select_by_prediction_mat by uncertainty.""" def __init__(self, X=None, y=None, oracles=None): super(QueryNoisyOraclesSelectInstanceUncertainty, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, oracles=oracles) def select(self, label_index, unlabel_index, model=None, **kwargs): """Select an instance and a batch of oracles to label it. The instance is selected by uncertainty, the oracles is selected by the difference between their labeling results and the majority vote results. Parameters ---------- label_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of labeled samples. unlabel_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of unlabeled samples. Returns ------- selected_instance: int The index of selected instance. Selected by uncertainty. selected_oracles: list The selected oracles for querying. """ if model is None: model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear')[label_index], self.y[label_index]) pred_unlab, _ = _get_proba_pred(self.X[unlabel_index], model) return self.select_by_prediction_mat(label_index, unlabel_index, pred_unlab) def select_by_prediction_mat(self, label_index, unlabel_index, predict): """Query from oracles. Return the index of selected instance and oracle. Parameters ---------- label_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of labeled samples. unlabel_index: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of unlabeled samples. predict: : 2d array, shape [n_samples, n_classes] The probabilistic prediction matrix for the unlabeled set. Returns ------- selected_instance: int The index of selected instance. Selected by uncertainty. selected_oracles: list The selected oracles for querying. """ # Check parameter and initialize variables assert (isinstance(unlabel_index, collections.Iterable)) assert (isinstance(label_index, collections.Iterable)) unlabel_index = np.asarray(unlabel_index) label_index = np.asarray(label_index) if len(unlabel_index) <= 1: return unlabel_index # select instance and oracle unc = QueryInstanceUncertainty(measure='least_confident') selected_instance = unc.select_by_prediction_mat(unlabel_index=unlabel_index, predict=predict, batch_size=1)[0] return [selected_instance], self.select_by_given_instance(selected_instance) @abstractmethod def select_by_given_instance(self, selected_instance): pass class QueryNoisyOraclesIEthresh(QueryNoisyOraclesSelectInstanceUncertainty): """IEthresh will select a batch of oracles to label the selected instance. It will score for each oracle according to the difference between their labeling results and the majority vote results. At each iteration, a batch of oracles whose scores are larger than a threshold will be selected. Oracle with a higher score is more likely to be selected. Parameters ---------- X: 2D array, optional (default=None) Feature matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. y: array-like, optional (default=None) Label matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. initial_labeled_indexes: {list, np.ndarray, IndexCollection} The indexes of initially labeled samples. Used for initializing the scores of each oracle. epsilon: float, optional (default=0.1) The value to determine how many oracles will be selected. S_t = {a|UI(a) >= epsilon * max UI(a)} References ---------- [1] Donmez P , Carbonell J G , Schneider J . Efficiently learning the accuracy of labeling sources for selective sampling.[C] ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. ACM, 2009. """ def __init__(self, X, y, oracles, initial_labeled_indexes, **kwargs): super(QueryNoisyOraclesIEthresh, self).__init__(X, y, oracles=oracles) self._ini_ind = np.asarray(initial_labeled_indexes) # record the labeling history of each oracle self._oracles_history = dict() for i in range(len(self._oracles_iterset)): self._oracles_history[i] = dict() # record the results of majority vote self._majority_vote_results = dict() # calc initial QI(a) for each oracle a self._UI = np.ones(len(self._oracles_iterset)) self.epsilon = kwargs.pop('epsilon', 0.8) def _calc_uia(self, oracle_history, majority_vote_result, alpha=0.05): """Calculate the UI(a) by providing the labeling history and the majority vote results. Parameters ---------- oracle_history: dict The labeling history of an oracle. The key is the index of instance, the value is the label given by the oracle. majority_vote_result: dict The results of majority vote of instances. The key is the index of instance, the value is the label given by the oracle. alpha: float, optional (default=0.05) Used for calculating the critical value for the Student’s t-distribution with n−1 degrees of freedom at the alpha/2 confidence level. Returns ------- uia: float The UI(a) value. """ n = len(self._oracles_iterset) t_crit_val = scipy.stats.t.isf([alpha / 2], n - 1)[0] reward_arr = [] for ind in oracle_history.keys(): if oracle_history[ind] == majority_vote_result[ind]: reward_arr.append(1) else: reward_arr.append(0) mean_a = np.mean(reward_arr) std_a = np.std(reward_arr) uia = mean_a + t_crit_val * std_a / np.sqrt(n) return uia def select_by_given_instance(self, selected_instance): """Select oracle to query by providing the index of selected instance. Parameters ---------- selected_instance: int The indexes of selected samples. Should be a member of unlabeled set. Returns ------- selected_oracles: list The selected oracles for querying. """ selected_oracles = np.nonzero(self._UI >= self.epsilon * np.max(self._UI)) selected_oracles = selected_oracles[0] # update UI(a) for each selected oracle labeling_results = [] for i in selected_oracles: lab, _ = self._oracles[self._oracle_ind_name_dict[i]].query_by_index(selected_instance) labeling_results.append(lab[0]) self._oracles_history[i][selected_instance] = copy.copy(lab[0]) _, majority_vote_result = majority_vote(labeling_results) reward_arr = np.zeros(len(selected_oracles)) same_ind = np.nonzero(labeling_results == majority_vote_result)[0] reward_arr[same_ind] = 1 self._majority_vote_results[selected_instance] = majority_vote_result for i in selected_oracles: self._UI[i] = self._calc_uia(self._oracles_history[i], self._majority_vote_results) # return results return [self._oracle_ind_name_dict[i] for i in selected_oracles] class QueryNoisyOraclesAll(QueryNoisyOraclesSelectInstanceUncertainty): """This strategy will select instance by uncertainty and query from all oracles and return the majority vote result. Parameters ---------- X: 2D array, optional (default=None) Feature matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. y: array-like, optional (default=None) Label matrix of the whole dataset. It is a reference which will not use additional memory. oracles: {list,} An object that contains all the available oracles or a list of oracles. Each oracle should be a object. """ def __init__(self, oracles, X=None, y=None): super(QueryNoisyOraclesAll, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, oracles=oracles) def select_by_given_instance(self, selected_instance): """Select oracle to query by providing the index of selected instance. Parameters ---------- selected_instance: int The indexes of selected samples. Should be a member of unlabeled set. Returns ------- oracles_ind: list The indexes of selected oracles. """ return self._oracle_ind_name_dict.values() class QueryNoisyOraclesRandom(QueryNoisyOraclesSelectInstanceUncertainty): """Select a random oracle to query.""" def select_by_given_instance(self, selected_instance): """Select oracle to query by providing the index of selected instance. Parameters ---------- selected_instance: int The indexes of selected samples. Should be a member of unlabeled set. Returns ------- oracles_ind: list The indexes of selected oracles. """ return [self._oracle_ind_name_dict[np.random.randint(0, len(self._oracles), 1)[0]]]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import komand from .schema import LabelIssueInput, LabelIssueOutput # Custom imports below class LabelIssue(komand.Action): def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__( name='label_issue', description='Label Issue', input=LabelIssueInput(), output=LabelIssueOutput()) def run(self, params={}): """Add label to issue""" issue = self.connection.client.issue(id=params['id']) if not issue: raise Exception('Error: No issue found with ID: ' + params['id']) labels = params['label'].split(',') for label in labels: if label not in issue.fields.labels: issue.fields.labels.append(label)'Adding labels to issue %s: %s', params['id'], issue.fields.labels) issue.update(fields={'labels': issue.fields.labels}) return {'success': True} def test(self): t = self.connection.test() if t: return {'success': True}
[ "MIT" ]
"""OAuth1 module written according to""" import base64 import hmac import requests # requests must be loaded so that urllib receives the parse module import time import urllib from hashlib import sha1 from six import b from uuid import uuid4 use_parse_quote = not hasattr(urllib, 'quote') if use_parse_quote: _quote_func = urllib.parse.quote else: _quote_func = urllib.quote def _quote(obj): return _quote_func(str(obj), safe='') def normalize_query_parameters(params): """9.1.1. Normalize Request Parameters""" return '&'.join(map(lambda pair: '='.join([_quote(pair[0]), _quote(pair[1])]), sorted(params.items()))) def concatenate_request_elements(method, url, query): """9.1.3. Concatenate Request Elements""" return '&'.join(map(_quote, [str(method).upper(), url, query])) def hmac_sha1(base_string, hmac_key): """9.2. HMAC-SHA1""" hash =, b(base_string), sha1) return hash.digest() def encode(digest): """9.2.1. Generating Signature""" return base64.b64encode(digest).decode('ascii').rstrip('\n') def add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict(secret, params, nonce=None, timestamp=None): """ Adds dict entries to the user's params dict which are required for OAuth1.0 signature generation :param secret: API secret :param params: dictionary of values which will be sent in the query :param nonce: (Optional) random string used in signature creation, uuid4() is used if not provided :param timestamp: (Optional) integer-format timestamp, time.time() is used if not provided :return: dict containing params and the OAuth1.0 fields required before executing signature.create :type secret: str :type params: dict :type nonce: str :type timestamp: int :Example: >>> from emailage.signature import add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict >>> query_params = dict(user_email='[email protected]',\ query='[email protected]'\ ) >>> query_params = add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict('YOUR_API_SECRET', query_params) >>> query_params['oauth_consumer_key'] 'YOUR_API_SECRET' >>> query_params['oauth_signature_method'] 'HMAC-SHA1' >>> query_params['oauth_version'] 1.0 """ if nonce is None: nonce = uuid4() if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time()) params['oauth_consumer_key'] = secret params['oauth_nonce'] = nonce params['oauth_signature_method'] = 'HMAC-SHA1' params['oauth_timestamp'] = timestamp params['oauth_version'] = 1.0 return params def create(method, url, params, hmac_key): """ Generates the OAuth1.0 signature used as the value for the query string parameter 'oauth_signature' :param method: HTTP method that will be used to send the request ( 'GET' | 'POST' ); EmailageClient uses GET :param url: API domain and endpoint up to the ? :param params: user-provided query string parameters and the OAuth1.0 parameters :method add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict: :param hmac_key: for Emailage users, this is your consumer token with an '&' (ampersand) appended to the end :return: str value used for oauth_signature :type method: str :type url: str :type params: dict :type hmac_key: str :Example: >>> from emailage.signature import add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict, create >>> your_api_key = 'SOME_KEY' >>> your_hmac_key = 'SOME_SECRET' + '&' >>> api_url = '' >>> query_params = { 'query': '[email protected]', 'user_email': '[email protected]' } >>> query_params = add_oauth_entries_to_fields_dict(your_api_key, query_params) >>> query_params['oauth_signature'] = create('GET', api_url, query_params, your_hmac_key) """ query = normalize_query_parameters(params) base_string = concatenate_request_elements(method, url, query) digest = hmac_sha1(base_string, hmac_key) return encode(digest)
[ "MIT" ]
from numbers import Number from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from meddlr.transforms.base.spatial import ( AffineTransform, FlipTransform, Rot90Transform, TranslationTransform, ) from import TRANSFORM_REGISTRY from meddlr.transforms.param_kind import ParamKind from meddlr.transforms.transform import NoOpTransform from meddlr.transforms.transform_gen import TransformGen __all__ = ["RandomAffine", "RandomFlip", "RandomRot90", "RandomTranslation"] SPATIAL_RANGE_OR_VAL = Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]] @TRANSFORM_REGISTRY.register() class RandomAffine(TransformGen): _base_transform = AffineTransform _param_names = ("angle", "translate", "scale", "shear") def __init__( self, p: Union[float, Dict[str, float]] = 0.0, angle: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = None, translate: SPATIAL_RANGE_OR_VAL = None, scale: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = None, shear: SPATIAL_RANGE_OR_VAL = None, pad_like=None, ): if isinstance(p, Number): p = {n: p for n in self._param_names} else: assert isinstance(p, dict) unknown_keys = set(p.keys()) - set(self._param_names) if len(unknown_keys): raise ValueError(f"Unknown keys for `p`: {unknown_keys}") p = p.copy() p.update({k: 0.0 for k in self._param_names if k not in p}) params = locals() params = {k: params[k] for k in list(self._param_names)} self.pad_like = pad_like super().__init__( params=params, p=p, param_kinds={"translate": ParamKind.MULTI_ARG, "shear": ParamKind.MULTI_ARG}, ) def _get_params(self, shape): ndim = len(shape) params = self._get_param_values() p = params["p"] param_angle = params["angle"] param_translate = params["translate"] param_scale = params["scale"] param_shear = params["shear"] if isinstance(param_angle, Number): param_angle = (-param_angle, param_angle) if isinstance(param_translate, Number): param_translate = ((-param_translate, param_translate),) if isinstance(param_scale, Number): param_scale = tuple(sorted([1.0 - param_scale, 1.0 + param_scale])) if isinstance(param_shear, Number): param_shear = ((-param_shear, param_shear),) param_translate = self._format_param(param_translate, ParamKind.MULTI_ARG, ndim) param_shear = self._format_param(param_shear, ParamKind.MULTI_ARG, ndim) angle, translate, scale, shear = None, None, None, None if param_angle is not None and self._rand() < p["angle"]: angle = self._rand_range(*param_angle) if param_translate is not None and self._rand() < p["translate"]: translate = [int(self._rand_range(*x) * s) for x, s in zip(param_translate, shape)] if param_scale is not None and self._rand() < p["scale"]: scale = self._rand_range(*param_scale) if param_shear is not None and self._rand() < p["shear"]: shear = [self._rand_range(*x) for x in param_shear] return angle, translate, scale, shear def get_transform(self, image): # Affine only supports 2D spatial transforms spatial_shape = image.shape[-2:] out = self._get_params(spatial_shape) if all(x is None for x in out): return NoOpTransform() angle, translate, scale, shear = out return AffineTransform(angle=angle, translate=translate, scale=scale, shear=shear) @TRANSFORM_REGISTRY.register() class RandomTranslation(TransformGen): _base_transform = TranslationTransform def __init__( self, p: Union[float, Dict[str, float]] = 0.0, translate: SPATIAL_RANGE_OR_VAL = None, pad_mode=None, pad_value=0, ndim=2, ): params = {"translate": translate} self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.pad_value = pad_value self.ndim = ndim super().__init__(params=params, p=p, param_kinds={"translate": ParamKind.MULTI_ARG}) def get_transform(self, image): shape = image.shape[-self.ndim :] ndim = len(shape) params = self._get_param_values(use_schedulers=True) p = params["p"] param_translate = params["translate"] translate = self._format_param(param_translate, ParamKind.MULTI_ARG, ndim) if self._rand() >= p: return NoOpTransform() translate = [int(self._rand_range(*x) * s) for x, s in zip(translate, shape)] return TranslationTransform(translate, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_value=self.pad_value) @TRANSFORM_REGISTRY.register() class RandomFlip(TransformGen): _base_transform = FlipTransform def __init__(self, dims=None, ndim=None, p: Union[float, Dict[int, float]] = 0.0) -> None: if dims is None and ndim is None: raise ValueError("Either `dims` or `ndim` must be specified") if all(x is not None for x in (dims, ndim)): raise ValueError("Only one of `dims` or `ndim` can be specified.") if isinstance(dims, int): dims = (dims,) self.dims = dims self.ndim = ndim super().__init__(p=p) def get_transform(self, input): params = self._get_param_values(use_schedulers=True) p = params["p"] if self.dims is not None: dims = tuple(d for d in self.dims if self._rand() < p) else: if isinstance(p, Dict): dims = tuple(k for k, v in p.items() if self._rand() < v) else: dims = tuple(d for d in range(-self.ndim, 0) if self._rand() < p) return FlipTransform(dims) if dims else NoOpTransform() @TRANSFORM_REGISTRY.register() class RandomRot90(TransformGen): _base_transform = Rot90Transform def __init__(self, ks=None, p=0.0) -> None: self.ks = ks if ks is not None else list(range(1, 4)) super().__init__(p=p) def get_transform(self, input): params = self._get_param_values(use_schedulers=True) if self._rand() >= params["p"]: return NoOpTransform() k = self.ks[torch.randperm(len(self.ks))[0].item()] return Rot90Transform(k=k, dims=(-1, -2)) def _duplicate_ndim(param, ndim): if param is None: return None if isinstance(param, Sequence) and isinstance(param[0], Sequence): return [[x if len(x) > 1 else (-x[0], x[0]) for x in y] for y in param] if isinstance(param, Sequence): param = (-param[0], param[0]) if len(param) == 1 else param else: param = (-param, param) return [param] * ndim
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from flask_restful import Resource from tasks import add class HelloResource(Resource): def get(self): add.delay(3, 5) return {"msg": "get ok"}
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# This file is a part of ninfs. # # Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Ian Burgwin # This file is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). # You can find the full license text in in the root of this project. import logging import time from argparse import ArgumentParser, SUPPRESS from errno import EROFS from functools import wraps from io import BufferedIOBase from os import stat, stat_result from os.path import realpath as real_realpath from sys import exit, platform from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from os import PathLike from typing import BinaryIO, Generator, Tuple, Union # this is a lazy way to make type checkers stop complaining BufferedIOBase = BinaryIO windows = platform in {'win32', 'cygwin'} macos = platform == 'darwin' python_cmd = 'py -3' if windows else 'python3' # TODO: switch to use_ns in all scripts # noinspection PyBroadException try: from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations, fuse_get_context except Exception as e: exit(f'Failed to import the fuse module:\n' f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}') def realpath(path): try: return real_realpath(path) except OSError: # can happen on Windows when using it on files inside a WinFsp mount pass return path def get_time(path: 'Union[str, PathLike, stat_result]'): try: if not isinstance(path, stat_result): res = stat(path) else: res = path return {'st_ctime': int(res.st_ctime), 'st_mtime': int(res.st_mtime), 'st_atime': int(res.st_atime)} except OSError: # sometimes os.stat can't be used with a path, such as Windows physical drives # so we need to fake the result now = int(time.time()) return {'st_ctime': now, 'st_mtime': now, 'st_atime': now} # custom LoggingMixIn modified from the original fusepy, to suppress certain entries. class LoggingMixIn: log = logging.getLogger('fuse.log-mixin') def __call__(self, op, path, *args): if op != 'access': self.log.debug('-> %s %s %s', op, path, repr(args)) ret = '[Unhandled Exception]' try: ret = getattr(self, op)(path, *args) return ret except OSError as e: ret = str(e) raise finally: if op != 'access': self.log.debug('<- %s %s', op, repr(ret)) default_argp = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) default_argp.add_argument('-f', '--fg', help='run in foreground', action='store_true') default_argp.add_argument('-d', help='debug output (fuse/winfsp log)', action='store_true') default_argp.add_argument('--do', help=SUPPRESS, default=None) # debugging using python logging default_argp.add_argument('-o', metavar='OPTIONS', help='mount options') readonly_argp = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) readonly_argp.add_argument('-r', '--ro', help='mount read-only', action='store_true') ctrcrypto_argp = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) ctrcrypto_argp.add_argument('--boot9', help='path to boot9.bin') ctrcrypto_argp.add_argument('--dev', help='use dev keys', action='store_const', const=1, default=0) seeddb_argp = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) seeddb_argp_group = seeddb_argp.add_mutually_exclusive_group() seeddb_argp_group.add_argument('--seeddb', help='path to seeddb.bin') seeddb_argp_group.add_argument('--seed', help='seed as hexstring') def main_args(name: str, help: str) -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument(name, help=help) parser.add_argument('mount_point', help='mount point') return parser def load_custom_boot9(path: str, dev: bool = False): """Load keys from a custom ARM9 bootROM path.""" if path: from pyctr.crypto import CryptoEngine # doing this will set up the keys for all future CryptoEngine objects CryptoEngine(boot9=path, dev=dev) # aren't type hints great? def parse_fuse_opts(opts) -> 'Generator[Tuple[str, Union[str, bool]], None, None]': if not opts: return for arg in opts.split(','): if arg: # leaves out empty ones separated = arg.split('=', maxsplit=1) yield separated[0], True if len(separated) == 1 else separated[1] def remove_first_dir(path: str) -> str: sep = path.find('/', 1) if sep == -1: return '/' else: return path[sep:] def get_first_dir(path: str) -> str: sep = path.find('/', 1) if sep == -1: return path else: return path[:sep] def ensure_lower_path(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, path, *args, **kwargs): return method(self, path.lower(), *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def raise_on_readonly(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.readonly: raise FuseOSError(EROFS) return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def _raise_if_closed(method): @wraps(method) def decorator(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.closed: raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file.') return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return decorator class VirtualFileWrapper(BufferedIOBase): """Wrapper for a FUSE Operations class for things that need a file-like object.""" _seek = 0 # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, fuse_op: Operations, path: str, size: int): self.fuse_op = fuse_op self.path = path self.size = size @_raise_if_closed def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes: if size == -1: size = self.size - self._seek data =, size, self._seek, 0) self._seek += len(data) return data read1 = read # probably make this act like read1 should, but this for now enables some other things to work @_raise_if_closed def seek(self, seek: int, whence: int = 0) -> int: if whence == 0: if seek < 0: raise ValueError(f'negative seek value {seek}') self._seek = min(seek, self.size) elif whence == 1: self._seek = max(self._seek + seek, 0) elif whence == 2: self._seek = max(self.size + seek, 0) return self._seek @_raise_if_closed def tell(self) -> int: return self._seek @_raise_if_closed def readable(self) -> bool: return True @_raise_if_closed def writable(self) -> bool: try: # types that support writing will have this attribute return self.fuse_op.readonly except AttributeError: return False @_raise_if_closed def seekable(self) -> bool: return True class SplitFileHandler(BufferedIOBase): _fake_seek = 0 _seek_info = (0, 0) def __init__(self, names, mode='rb'): self.mode = mode self._files = [] curr_offset = 0 self._names = tuple(names) for idx, f in enumerate(self._names): s = stat(f) self._files.append((idx, curr_offset, s.st_size)) curr_offset += s.st_size self._total_size = curr_offset def _calc_seek(self, pos): for idx, info in enumerate(self._files): if info[1] <= pos < info[1] + info[2]: self._fake_seek = pos self._seek_info = (idx, pos - info[1]) break def seek(self, pos, whence=0): if whence == 0: if pos < 0: raise ValueError('negative seek value') self._calc_seek(pos) elif whence == 1: if self._fake_seek - pos < 0: pos = 0 self._calc_seek(self._fake_seek + pos) elif whence == 2: if self._total_size + pos < 0: pos = -self._total_size self._calc_seek(self._total_size + pos) else: if isinstance(whence, int): raise ValueError(f'whence value {whence} unsupported') else: raise TypeError(f'an integer is required (got type {type(whence).__name__})') return self._fake_seek @_raise_if_closed def tell(self): return self._fake_seek def read(self, count=-1): if count == -1: count = self._total_size - count if self._fake_seek + count > self._total_size: count = self._total_size - self._fake_seek left = count curr = self._seek_info full_data = [] while left: info = self._files[curr[0]] real_seek = self._fake_seek - info[1] to_read = min(info[2] - real_seek, left) with open(self._names[curr[0]], 'rb') as f: full_data.append( self._fake_seek += to_read try: curr = self._files[curr[0] + 1] left -= to_read except IndexError: break # EOF # TODO: make this more efficient self._calc_seek(self._fake_seek) return b''.join(full_data) def write(self, data: bytes): left = len(data) total = left curr = self._seek_info while left: info = self._files[curr[0]] real_seek = self._fake_seek - info[1] to_write = min(info[2] - real_seek, left) with open(self._names[curr[0]], 'rb+') as f: f.write(data[total - left:total - left + to_write]) self._fake_seek += to_write try: curr = self._files[curr[0] + 1] left -= to_write except IndexError: break # EOF # TODO: make this more efficient self._calc_seek(self._fake_seek) return total - left @_raise_if_closed def readable(self) -> bool: return 'r' in self.mode def writable(self) -> bool: return 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode @_raise_if_closed def seekable(self) -> bool: return True class RawDeviceHandler(BufferedIOBase): """Handler for easier IO access with raw devices by aligning reads and writes to the sector size.""" _seek = 0 def __init__(self, fh: 'BinaryIO', mode: str = 'rb+', sector_size: int = 0x200): self._fh = fh self.mode = mode self._sector_size = sector_size @_raise_if_closed def seek(self, seek: int, whence: int = 0) -> int: if whence == 0: if seek < 0: raise ValueError(f'negative seek value {seek}') self._seek = seek elif whence == 1: self._seek = max(self._seek + seek, 0) elif whence == 2: # this doesn't work... raise Exception return self._seek @_raise_if_closed def tell(self) -> int: return self._seek @_raise_if_closed def readable(self) -> bool: return True @_raise_if_closed def writable(self) -> bool: return True @_raise_if_closed def seekable(self) -> bool: return True
[ "MIT" ]
""" Copyright 2019 by Adam Lewicki This file is part of the Game Theory library, and is released under the "MIT License Agreement". Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this package. """ import json # ====================================================================================================================== # game tree object class GameTree: # ---------------------------------- OBJECT PROPERTIES ------------------------------------------------------------- # procedure of printing object properties def __repr__(self): """ return tree as JSON serialized dictionary """ return self.pretty_print(self.__dict__) @staticmethod def pretty_print(dictionary: dict): """ return pretty printed dictionary as JSON serialized object """ return json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4) # initialize object def __init__(self, nodes: dict = None, groups: dict = None, leafs: list = None, players_list: list = None): """ GameTree class used to represent game tree: Attributes ---------- nodes : dict dictionary of nodes; groups : dict dictionary of groups leafs : list list of leafs, calculated on demand players_list: list list of players names, indicating which game income from list is connected to which player """ ''' dictionary of nodes: Attributes ---------- node : dict dictionary representing node; Attributes ---------- value : float value of node (the prize for reaching the node) parents : dict parents of node - can be multiple, represented by dict of ids and connection values children : dict children of node - can be multiple, represented by dict of ids and connection values probability : float probability of node - 1 means there is no random choice branch : dict totals of branch, to avoid tree walking Attributes ---------- value : float total value of branch probability : float probability of reaching this node in game ''' # remember to add new attributes to add_node method default values setting self._nodes = {} # dictionary of knowledge groups self._groups = {} if groups is None else groups # dictionary of leafs self._leafs = [] if leafs is None else leafs self._players_list = [] if players_list is None else players_list # always add root self.add_node({ 'id': 'root', 'player': '1', }) if nodes is None else nodes # ---------------------------------- NODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_node(self, node: dict): """ add node method. Runs basic validation before adding. :param dict node: dictionary of node's data """ # check if it is not overriding existing node if node.get('id') is not None: if node['id'] in self._nodes: raise ValueError('tried to override node %s' % node['id']) else: raise ValueError('no id for node provided') # append node to list id_ = node['id'] del node['id'] # set default values for node # remember to add new attributes here and in __init__ root node node['player'] = '0' if node.get('player') is None else node['player'] node['value'] = [0, 0] if node.get('value') is None else node['value'] node['parents'] = {} if node.get('parents') is None else node['parents'] node['children'] = {} if node.get('children') is None else node['children'] node['probability'] = 1 if node.get('probability') is None else node['probability'] node['branch'] = {} if node.get('branch') is None else node['branch'] node['branch']['probability'] = 1 \ if node['branch'].get('probability') is None else node['branch']['probability'] # add player to the list of players if he is not there already if node['player'] not in self._players_list: self._players_list.append(node['player']) # add parenthood for parent in node['parents']: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._nodes[parent]['children'][id_] = str(node['parents'][parent]) # set depth to one more than first parent if node['parents']: node['depth'] = self._nodes[str(list(node['parents'].keys())[0])]['depth'] + 1 else: node['depth'] = 0 if node.get('depth') is None else node['depth'] # calculate total probability of node: # total probability equals sum of probabilities of parents multiplied by probability of node branch_probability = 0 for parent in node['parents']: branch_probability += self._nodes[parent]['branch']['probability'] node['branch']['probability'] = branch_probability * node['probability'] # validate against the error of node not being connected to the rest of the tree via parents removal: if id_ is not 'root' and not node['parents']: raise ValueError('node [%s] is not connected to the tree - parents are empty' % id_) # add node self._nodes[id_] = node def add_vertex(self, id_: str, player: str, parents: dict): """ add vertex from simplified function: :param str id_: id of the node :param str player: id of player owning the node :param dict parents: dictionary of parents for the node """ self.add_node({ 'id': id_, 'player': player, 'parents': parents }) def add_leaf(self, id_: str, value: list, parents: dict): """ add leaf from simplified function: :param str id_: id of the node :param list value: list of node's values :param dict parents: dictionary of parents for the node """ self.add_node({ 'id': id_, 'value': value, 'parents': parents }) def copy_node(self, from_: str, to_: str): """ create a copy of node's properties in another node :param str from_: origin node of properties :param str to_: destination node for properties """ self._nodes[to_] = dict(self._nodes[from_]) def change_node(self, node: dict): """ change node method. Changes attributes provided in node dictionary :param dict node: dictionary of node's data """ # check if it is not overriding existing node if node.get('id') is not None: if node['id'] not in self._nodes: raise ValueError('tried to change non-existing node %s' % node['id']) else: raise ValueError('no id for node provided') # change attributes id_ = node['id'] del node['id'] for attribute in node: self._nodes[id_][attribute] = node[attribute] # ---------------------------------- OBJECT BASIC METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------- def get_parent(self, id_) -> str: """ get id of the parent node """ return list(self._nodes[id_]['parents'].keys())[0] def get_player_index(self, id_) -> int: """ return player index from players list order """ return self._players_list.index(self._nodes[id_]['player']) def get_path_to_node(self, id_: str, mode: str = 'nodes') -> list: """ get path from root to the node :param str id_: id of the node you want to reach from root :param str mode: mode of return type, 'nodes' - make path with nodes id, 'moves' - make path with player choices """ path_t = [] node = id_ while node is not 'root': if mode == 'nodes': path_t.insert(0, node) elif mode == 'moves': parent_ = self.get_parent(node) path_t.insert(0, self._nodes[parent_]['children'][node]) else: raise ValueError('mode variable is not "nodes" nor "moves"') node = self.get_parent(node) if mode == 'nodes': path_t.insert(0, 'root') return path_t @staticmethod def _get_key(obj: dict, val: str) -> list: """ get list of keys with specified value from obj dictionary :param dict obj: chosen dictionary :param str val: specified value """ sublist = [key for (key, value) in obj.items() if value == val] if sublist: return sublist else: raise ValueError('key with value %s does not exist in %s' % (val, obj)) def get_tree(self) -> dict: """ return copy of tree nodes structure dict""" return dict(self._nodes) # -------------- LEAFS ------------- def calculate_leafs(self): """ calculate inner list of leafs ids """ self._leafs = [node for node in self._nodes if not self._nodes[node]['children']] def get_leafs(self) -> list: """ return list of leafs ids. Will return empty list, if calculate_leafs() has not been called earlier. """ return self._leafs[:] # -------------- GROUPS ------------ def set_group(self, id_: str, player: str, group: list): """ add list of ids to new group :param str id_: id of group :param str player: id of player owning the group :param list group: list of id's you want to create group with """ self._groups[id_] = { 'player': player, 'group': group } def get_groups(self) -> dict: """ return dictionary of groups """ return dict(self._groups) def get_groups_of_player(self, player: str) -> list: """ return list of all groups id's where player is the owner """ return [group for group in self._groups if self._groups[group]['player'] == player] # ==================================================================================================================
[ "MIT" ]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pretend import pytest import yara from warehouse.malware.checks.setup_patterns import check as c from warehouse.malware.models import ( MalwareCheckState, VerdictClassification, VerdictConfidence, ) from .....common.db.malware import MalwareCheckFactory from .....common.db.packaging import FileFactory def test_initializes(db_session): check_model = MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) assert == assert isinstance(check._yara_rules, yara.Rules) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("obj", "file_url"), [(None, pretend.stub()), (pretend.stub(), None)] ) def test_scan_missing_kwargs(db_session, obj, file_url): MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) with pytest.raises(c.FatalCheckException): check.scan(obj=obj, file_url=file_url) def test_scan_non_sdist(db_session): MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) file = FileFactory.create(packagetype="bdist_wheel") check.scan(obj=file, file_url=pretend.stub()) assert check._verdicts == [] def test_scan_no_setup_contents(db_session, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr( c, "fetch_url_content", pretend.call_recorder(lambda *a: pretend.stub()) ) monkeypatch.setattr( c, "extract_file_content", pretend.call_recorder(lambda *a: None) ) MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) file = FileFactory.create(packagetype="sdist") check.scan(obj=file, file_url=pretend.stub()) assert len(check._verdicts) == 1 assert check._verdicts[0].check_id == assert check._verdicts[0].file_id == assert check._verdicts[0].classification == VerdictClassification.Indeterminate assert check._verdicts[0].confidence == VerdictConfidence.High assert ( check._verdicts[0].message == "sdist does not contain a suitable for analysis" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("benign", ["", """from os import path"""]) def test_scan_benign_contents(db_session, monkeypatch, benign): monkeypatch.setattr( c, "fetch_url_content", pretend.call_recorder(lambda *a: pretend.stub()) ) monkeypatch.setattr( c, "extract_file_content", pretend.call_recorder( lambda *a: b"this is a benign string\n" + benign.encode("utf-8") ), ) MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) file = FileFactory.create(packagetype="sdist") check.scan(obj=file, file_url=pretend.stub()) assert len(check._verdicts) == 1 assert check._verdicts[0].check_id == assert check._verdicts[0].file_id == assert check._verdicts[0].classification == VerdictClassification.Benign assert check._verdicts[0].confidence == VerdictConfidence.Low assert check._verdicts[0].message == "No malicious patterns found in" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "malicious, rule", [ # process_spawn_in_setup ("""os.system('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.popen('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.popen3('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.spawn('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.spawnve('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.posix_spawn('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ("""os.posix_spawnp('cat /etc/passwd')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ( """os.exec('malicious_code')""", "process_spawn_in_setup:metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ("""os.execve('malicious_code')""", "process_spawn_in_setup"), ( """ from os import * system('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import path, system system('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import system system('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import popen popen('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import popen3 popen3('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import spawn spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import spawnve spawnve('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import posix_spawn posix_spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import posix_spawnp posix_spawnp('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import exec exec('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup:metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ from os import execve execve('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), # subprocess_in_setup ("'...')", "subprocess_in_setup"), ("subprocess.Popen('...')", "subprocess_in_setup"), ("'...')", "subprocess_in_setup"), ("subprocess.check_call('...')", "subprocess_in_setup"), ("subprocess.check_output('...')", "subprocess_in_setup"), ( """ from subprocess import run run('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ from subprocess import Popen Popen('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ from subprocess import call call('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ from subprocess import check_call check_call('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ from subprocess import check_output check_output('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), # networking_in_setup ("from socket import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from socket.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import socket", "networking_in_setup"), ("from socketserver import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from socketserver.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import socketserver", "networking_in_setup"), ("from ssl import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from ssl.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import ssl", "networking_in_setup"), ("from ftplib import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from http.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import http", "networking_in_setup"), ("import http", "networking_in_setup"), ("from urllib import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from urllib.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import urllib", "networking_in_setup"), ("from xmlrpc import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("from xmlrpc.something import something", "networking_in_setup"), ("import xmlrpc", "networking_in_setup"), # deserialization_in_setup ("from pickle import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("from pickle.something import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("import pickle", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("from base64 import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("from base64.something import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("import base64", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("from binhex import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("from binhex.something import something", "deserialization_in_setup"), ("import binhex", "deserialization_in_setup"), # metaprogramming_in_setup ("from inspect import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from inspect.something import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import inspect", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from compileall import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from compileall.something import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import compileall", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from py_compile import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from py_compile.something import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import py_compile", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from builtins import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from builtins.something import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import builtins", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("__builtins__.bla", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from importlib import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from importlib.something import something", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import importlib", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("__import__('bla')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from sys import modules, path", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("from sys import path, modules", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("import sys.modules", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("compile('malicious')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("dir(someobject)", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("someobject.__dir__()", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("eval('malicious')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("exec('malicious')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("getattr(someobject, 'attr')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("vars(someobject)", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("someobject.__dict__()", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("globals()", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("locals()", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("chr(42)", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), ("ord('x')", "metaprogramming_in_setup"), # alias imports ( """ import os as evil evil.system('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.system('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(os.system, "cat /etc/passwd") """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.popen('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.popen('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.popen3('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.popen3('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.spawnve('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.spawnve('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.posix_spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.posix_spawn('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.posix_spawnp('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.posix_spawnp('cat /etc/passwd') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.exec('malicious_code') """, "process_spawn_in_setup:metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.exec('malicious_code') """, "process_spawn_in_setup:metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ import os as evil evil.execve('malicious_code') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import os evil = os evil.execve('malicious_code') """, "process_spawn_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess as evil'...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess evil = subprocess'...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess as evil evil.Popen('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess evil = subprocess evil.Popen('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess as evil'...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess evil = subprocess'...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess as evil evil.check_call('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess evil = subprocess evil.check_call('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess as evil evil.check_output('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), ( """ import subprocess evil = subprocess evil.check_output('...') """, "subprocess_in_setup", ), # higher order functions, used for metaprogramming in ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil('malicious') hof(compile) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(compile, 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious', compile) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious',compile) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0]('malicious') hof([compile]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil[0](scary) hof([compile], 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary[0](evil) hof('malicious', [compile]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean' : compile}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean':compile}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({compile:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({compile : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil(someobject) hof(dir) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(dir, someobject) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof(someobject, dir) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof(someobject,dir) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0](someobject) hof([dir]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil[0](scary) hof([dir], someobject) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary[0](evil) hof(someobject, [dir]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject) hof({'mean' : dir}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject) hof({'mean':dir}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject) hof({dir:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject) hof({dir : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil('malicious') hof(eval) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(eval, 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious', eval) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious',eval) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0]('malicious') hof([eval]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil[0](scary) hof([eval], 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary[0](evil) hof('malicious', [eval]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean' : eval}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean':eval}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({eval:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({eval : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil('malicious') hof(exec) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(exec, 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious', exec) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof('malicious',exec) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0]('malicious') hof([exec]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil[0](scary) hof([exec], 'malicious') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary[0](evil) hof('malicious', [exec]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean' : exec}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']('malicious') hof({'mean':exec}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({exec:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]('malicious') hof({exec: 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil(someobject, 'attr') hof(getattr) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary, unkind : evil(scary, unkind) hof(getattr, someobject, 'attr') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda unkind, evil, scary : scary(evil, unkind) hof('attr', someobject, getattr) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda unkind, evil, scary : scary(evil, unkind) hof('attr', someobject,getattr) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0](someobject, 'attr') hof([getattr]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary, unkind : evil[0](scary, unkind) hof([getattr], someobject, 'attr') """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda unkind, evil, scary : scary[0](evil, unkind) hof('attr', someobject, [getattr]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject, 'attr') hof({'mean' : getattr}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject, 'attr') hof({'mean':getattr}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject, 'attr') hof({getattr:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject, 'attr') hof({getattr : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil(someobject) hof(vars) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil(scary) hof(vars, someobject) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof(someobject, vars) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary(evil) hof(someobject,vars) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0](someobject) hof([vars]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : evil[0](scary) hof([vars], someobject) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, scary : scary[0](evil) hof(someobject, [vars]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject) hof({'mean' : vars}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean'](someobject) hof({'mean':vars}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject) hof({vars:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0](someobject) hof({vars : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil() hof(globals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, _scary : evil() hof(globals, None) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda _evil, scary : scary() hof(None, globals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda _evil, scary : scary() hof(None,globals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0]() hof([globals]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']() hof({'mean' : globals}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']() hof({'mean':globals}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]() hof({globals:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]() hof({globals : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil() hof(locals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil, _scary : evil() hof(locals, None) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda _evil, scary : scary() hof(None, locals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda _evil, scary : scary() hof(None,locals) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil[0]() hof([locals]) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']() hof({'mean' : locals}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : evil['mean']() hof({'mean':locals}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]() hof({locals:'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ( """ hof = lambda evil : list(evil.keys())[0]() hof({locals : 'bad'}) """, "metaprogramming_in_setup", ), ], ) def test_scan_matched_content(db_session, monkeypatch, malicious, rule): monkeypatch.setattr( c, "fetch_url_content", pretend.call_recorder(lambda *a: pretend.stub()) ) monkeypatch.setattr( c, "extract_file_content", pretend.call_recorder( lambda *a: b"this looks suspicious:\n" + malicious.encode("utf-8") ), ) MalwareCheckFactory.create( name="SetupPatternCheck", state=MalwareCheckState.Enabled ) check = c.SetupPatternCheck(db_session) file = FileFactory.create(packagetype="sdist") check.scan(obj=file, file_url=pretend.stub()) assert len(check._verdicts) == 1 assert check._verdicts[0].check_id == assert check._verdicts[0].file_id == threat_rules = {"process_spawn_in_setup", "subprocess_in_setup"} if set(rule.split(":")) & threat_rules: assert check._verdicts[0].classification == VerdictClassification.Threat else: assert check._verdicts[0].classification == VerdictClassification.Indeterminate assert check._verdicts[0].confidence == VerdictConfidence.High assert check._verdicts[0].message == rule
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack.package import * class RNanotime(RPackage): """Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R. Full 64-bit resolution date and time functionality with; nanosecond granularity is provided, with easy transition to and from; the standard 'POSIXct' type. Three additional classes offer interval,; period and duration functionality for nanosecond-resolution timestamps.""" cran = "nanotime" version('0.3.6', sha256='df751a5cb11ca9ac8762cd1e33bc73e7d20fde9339d2c46bc6f85873388568df') version('0.3.5', sha256='44deaae58452bacea4855d018212593811401c2afc460ffb11905479013923a0') version('0.3.2', sha256='9ef53c3bca01b605a9519190117988e170e63865327007c90b05d31fe7f22b1d') version('0.2.4', sha256='2dfb7e7435fec59634b87563a215467e7793e2711e302749c0533901c74eb184') version('0.2.3', sha256='7d6df69a4223ae154f610b650e24ece38ce4aa706edfa38bec27d15473229f5d') version('0.2.0', sha256='9ce420707dc4f0cb4241763579b849d842904a3aa0d88de8ffef334d08fa188d') depends_on('r-bit64', type=('build', 'run')) depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run')) depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run'), when='@0.3.2:') depends_on('r-zoo', type=('build', 'run')) depends_on('r-rcpp', type=('build', 'run'), when='@0.3.2:') depends_on('r-rcppdate', type=('build', 'run'), when='@0.3.2:')
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python """This is the GRR frontend HTTP Server.""" import BaseHTTPServer import cgi import cStringIO from multiprocessing import freeze_support from multiprocessing import Process import pdb import socket import SocketServer import threading import ipaddr import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import,g-bad-import-order from grr.lib import server_plugins # pylint: enable=g-bad-import-order from grr.lib import communicator from grr.lib import config_lib from grr.lib import flags from grr.lib import flow from grr.lib import master from grr.lib import rdfvalue from grr.lib import startup from grr.lib import stats from grr.lib import type_info from grr.lib import utils # pylint: disable=g-bad-name class GRRHTTPServerHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """GRR HTTP handler for receiving client posts.""" statustext = {200: "200 OK", 406: "406 Not Acceptable", 500: "500 Internal Server Error"} active_counter_lock = threading.Lock() active_counter = 0 def Send(self, data, status=200, ctype="application/octet-stream", last_modified=0): self.wfile.write(("HTTP/1.0 %s\r\n" "Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.6.5\r\n" "Content-type: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s\r\n" "\r\n" "%s") % (self.statustext[status], ctype, len(data), self.date_time_string(last_modified), data)) def do_GET(self): """Server the server pem with GET requests.""" if self.path.startswith("/server.pem"): self.ServerPem() def ServerPem(self): self.Send(self.server.server_cert) RECV_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192 def _GetPOSTData(self, length): # During our tests we have encountered some issue with the socket library # that would stall for a long time when calling socket.recv(n) with a large # n. passes the length down to socket.recv() so it's much # faster to read the data in small 8k chunks. input_data = cStringIO.StringIO() while length >= 0: read_size = min(self.RECV_BLOCK_SIZE, length) data = if not data: break input_data.write(data) length -= len(data) return input_data.getvalue() def do_POST(self): """Process encrypted message bundles.""" self.Control() @stats.Counted("frontend_request_count", fields=["http"]) @stats.Timed("frontend_request_latency", fields=["http"]) def Control(self): """Handle POSTS.""" if not master.MASTER_WATCHER.IsMaster(): # We shouldn't be getting requests from the client unless we # are the active instance. stats.STATS.IncrementCounter("frontend_inactive_request_count", fields=["http"])"Request sent to inactive frontend from %s", self.client_address[0]) # Get the api version try: api_version = int(cgi.parse_qs(self.path.split("?")[1])["api"][0]) except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): # The oldest api version we support if not specified. api_version = 3 with GRRHTTPServerHandler.active_counter_lock: GRRHTTPServerHandler.active_counter += 1 stats.STATS.SetGaugeValue("frontend_active_count", self.active_counter, fields=["http"]) try: length = int(self.headers.getheader("content-length")) request_comms = rdfvalue.ClientCommunication(self._GetPOSTData(length)) # If the client did not supply the version in the protobuf we use the get # parameter. if not request_comms.api_version: request_comms.api_version = api_version # Reply using the same version we were requested with. responses_comms = rdfvalue.ClientCommunication( api_version=request_comms.api_version) source_ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(self.client_address[0]) if source_ip.version == 6: source_ip = source_ip.ipv4_mapped or source_ip request_comms.orig_request = rdfvalue.HttpRequest( raw_headers=utils.SmartStr(self.headers), source_ip=utils.SmartStr(source_ip)) source, nr_messages = self.server.frontend.HandleMessageBundles( request_comms, responses_comms)"HTTP request from %s (%s), %d bytes - %d messages received," " %d messages sent.", source, utils.SmartStr(source_ip), length, nr_messages, responses_comms.num_messages) self.Send(responses_comms.SerializeToString()) except communicator.UnknownClientCert: # "406 Not Acceptable: The server can only generate a response that is not # accepted by the client". This is because we can not encrypt for the # client appropriately. self.Send("Enrollment required", status=406) except Exception as e: if flags.FLAGS.debug: pdb.post_mortem() logging.error("Had to respond with status 500: %s.", e) self.Send("Error", status=500) finally: with GRRHTTPServerHandler.active_counter_lock: GRRHTTPServerHandler.active_counter -= 1 stats.STATS.SetGaugeValue("frontend_active_count", self.active_counter, fields=["http"]) class GRRHTTPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): """The GRR HTTP frontend server.""" allow_reuse_address = True request_queue_size = 500 address_family = socket.AF_INET6 def __init__(self, server_address, handler, frontend=None, *args, **kwargs): stats.STATS.SetGaugeValue("frontend_max_active_count", self.request_queue_size) if frontend: self.frontend = frontend else: self.frontend = flow.FrontEndServer( certificate=config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.certificate"], private_key=config_lib.CONFIG["PrivateKeys.server_key"], max_queue_size=config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.max_queue_size"], message_expiry_time=config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.message_expiry_time"], max_retransmission_time=config_lib.CONFIG[ "Frontend.max_retransmission_time"]) self.server_cert = config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.certificate"] (address, _) = server_address version = ipaddr.IPAddress(address).version if version == 4: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET elif version == 6: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6"Will attempt to listen on %s", server_address) BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, handler, *args, **kwargs) def CreateServer(frontend=None): server_address = (config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.bind_address"], config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.bind_port"]) httpd = GRRHTTPServer(server_address, GRRHTTPServerHandler, frontend=frontend) sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()"Serving HTTP on %s port %d ...", sa[0], sa[1]) return httpd def Serve(server): try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def main(unused_argv): """Main.""" config_lib.CONFIG.AddContext("HTTPServer Context") startup.Init() httpd = CreateServer() if config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.processes"] > 1: # Multiprocessing for _ in range(config_lib.CONFIG["Frontend.processes"] - 1): Process(target=Serve, args=(httpd,)).start() try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Caught keyboard interrupt, stopping" if __name__ == "__main__": freeze_support() flags.StartMain(main)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import re from typing import Set, Any, List from sequal.amino_acid import AminoAcid from sequal.modification import Modification, ModificationMap from copy import deepcopy import itertools from json import dumps mod_pattern = re.compile(r"[\(|\[]+([^\)]+)[\)|\]]+") mod_enclosure_start = {"(", "[", "{"} mod_enclosure_end = {")", "]", "}"} class Sequence: seq: List[Any] def __init__(self, seq, encoder=AminoAcid, mods=None, parse=True, parser_ignore=None, mod_position="right"): """ :param mod_position Indicate the position of the modifications relative to the base block it is supposed to modify :type mod_position: str :param mods Dictionary whose keys are the positions within the sequence and values are array of modifications at those positions :type mods: dict :param encoder Class for encoding of sequence. :type encoder: BaseBlock :param seq String or array of strings or array of AminoAcid objects. The parser will recursively look over each string at deepest level and identify individual modifications or amino acids for processing :type seq: iterable Python iterable where the deepest level is a string """ if type(seq) is not Sequence: if not mods: self.mods = {} else: self.mods = mods self.encoder = encoder if not parser_ignore: self.parser_ignore = [] else: self.parser_ignore = parser_ignore self.seq = [] current_mod = [] current_position = 0 if parse: self.sequence_parse(current_mod, current_position, mod_position, mods, seq) else: for k in seq.__dict__: if k != "mods": setattr(self, k, deepcopy(seq.__dict__[k])) self.seq_length = len(self.seq) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.seq[key] def __len__(self): return self.seq_length def __repr__(self): a = "" for i in self.seq: a += str(i) return a def __str__(self): a = "" for i in self.seq: a += str(i) return a def sequence_parse(self, current_mod, current_position, mod_position, mods, seq): """ :param seq: sequence input :param mods: external modification input :param mod_position: modification position relative to the modified residue :param current_position: current iterating amino acid position from the input sequence :type current_mod: List[Modification] """ for b, m in self.__load_sequence_iter(iter(seq)): if not m: if mod_position == "left": if type(b) == AminoAcid: current_unit = b current_unit.position = current_position else: current_unit = self.encoder(b, current_position) if current_mod and not mods: for i in current_mod: current_unit.set_modification(i) elif current_position in self.mods and current_unit: if type(self.mods[current_position]) == Modification: current_unit.set_modification(self.mods[current_position]) else: for mod in self.mods[current_position]: current_unit.set_modification(mod) self.seq.append(deepcopy(current_unit)) current_mod = [] if mod_position == "right": if current_mod and not mods: for i in current_mod: self.seq[current_position - 1].set_modification(i) if type(b) == AminoAcid: current_unit = b current_unit.position = current_position else: current_unit = self.encoder(b, current_position) if current_position in self.mods and current_unit: if type(self.mods[current_position]) == Modification: current_unit.set_modification(self.mods[current_position]) else: for mod in self.mods[current_position]: current_unit.set_modification(mod) self.seq.append(deepcopy(current_unit)) current_mod = [] current_position += 1 else: if not mods: current_mod.append(Modification(b[1:-1])) def __load_sequence_iter(self, seq=None, iter_seq=None): mod_open = 0 block = "" mod = False if not iter_seq: iter_seq = iter(seq) for i in iter_seq: if type(i) == str: if i in mod_enclosure_start: mod = True mod_open += 1 elif i in mod_enclosure_end: mod_open -= 1 block += i elif type(i) == AminoAcid: block = i else: yield from self.__load_sequence_iter(iter_seq=iter_seq) if mod_open == 0: yield (block, mod) mod = False block = "" def __iter__(self): self.current_iter_count = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self.current_iter_count == self.seq_length: raise StopIteration result = self.seq[self.current_iter_count] self.current_iter_count += 1 return result def add_modifications(self, mod_dict): for aa in self.seq: if aa.position in mod_dict: for mod in mod_dict[aa.position]: aa.set_modification(mod) def to_stripped_string(self): """ Return string of the sequence without any modification annotation :return: str """ seq = "" for i in self.seq: seq += i.value return seq def to_string_customize(self, data, annotation_placement="right", block_separator="", annotation_enclose_characters=("[", "]"), individual_annotation_enclose=False, individual_annotation_enclose_characters=("[", "]"), individual_annotation_separator=""): """ :rtype: str :param data: a dictionary where the key is the index position of the amino acid residue and the value is a iterable where containing the item needed to be included into the sequence. :param annotation_placement: whether the information should be included on the right of the left of the residue :param block_separator: separator between each block of annotation information to be included :param annotation_enclose_characters: enclosure characters for each annotation cluster :param individual_annotation_enclose: whether or not each individual annotation should be enclosed :param individual_annotation_enclose_characters: enclosure characters for each individual annotation :param individual_annotation_separator: separator for each individual annotation :return: """ assert annotation_placement in {"left", "right"} seq = [] for i in range(len(self.seq)): seq.append(self.seq[i].value) if i in data: annotation = [] if individual_annotation_enclose: for v in data[i]: annotation.append("{}{}{}".format(individual_annotation_enclose_characters[0], v, individual_annotation_enclose_characters[1])) else: annotation = data[i] if type(annotation) == str: ann = annotation else: ann = individual_annotation_separator.join(annotation) if annotation_enclose_characters: seq.append("{}{}{}".format(annotation_enclose_characters[0], ann, annotation_enclose_characters[1])) else: seq.append(individual_annotation_separator.join(ann)) return block_separator.join(seq) def count_unique_elements(seq): elements = {} for i in seq: if i.value not in elements: elements[i.value] = 0 elements[i.value] += 1 if i.mods: for m in i.mods: if m.value not in elements: elements[m.value] = 0 elements[m.value] += 1 return elements def variable_position_placement_generator(positions): """ Use itertools.product to generate a list of tuple with different number of 0 and 1. The length of the tuple is the length of the input positions. Using itertools.compress, for each output from itertools.product pairing with input positions, we generate a list of positions where only those with the same index as 1 would be yielded. :param positions: list of all identified positions for the modification on the sequence """ for i in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(positions)): yield list(itertools.compress(positions, i)) def ordered_serialize_position_dict(positions): return dumps(positions, sort_keys=True, default=str) class ModdedSequenceGenerator: used_scenarios_set: Set[str] def __init__(self, seq, variable_mods=None, static_mods=None, used_scenarios=None, parse_mod_position=True, mod_position_dict=None, ignore_position=None): """ Generator for creating modified sequences. :type used_scenarios: set :type static_mods: List[Modification] :type variable_mods: List[Modification] :type seq: str """ self.seq = seq if static_mods: self.static_mods = static_mods self.static_map = ModificationMap(seq, static_mods, parse_position=parse_mod_position, mod_position_dict=mod_position_dict) self.static_mod_position_dict = self.static_mod_generate() else: self.static_mod_position_dict = {} if ignore_position: self.ignore_position = ignore_position else: self.ignore_position = set() for i in self.static_mod_position_dict: self.ignore_position.add(i) if variable_mods: self.variable_mods = variable_mods if self.static_mod_position_dict: self.variable_map = ModificationMap(seq, variable_mods, ignore_positions=self.ignore_position, parse_position=parse_mod_position, mod_position_dict=mod_position_dict) else: self.variable_map = ModificationMap(seq, variable_mods) self.variable_mod_number = len(variable_mods) else: self.variable_mods = None self.variable_map_scenarios = {} if used_scenarios: self.used_scenarios_set = used_scenarios else: self.used_scenarios_set = set() def generate(self): if self.variable_mods: self.variable_mod_generate_scenarios() for i in self.explore_scenarios(): a = dict(self.static_mod_position_dict) a.update(i) serialized_a = ordered_serialize_position_dict(a) if serialized_a not in self.used_scenarios_set: self.used_scenarios_set.add(serialized_a) yield a else: serialized_a = ordered_serialize_position_dict(self.static_mod_position_dict) if serialized_a not in self.used_scenarios_set: yield self.static_mod_position_dict def static_mod_generate(self): position_dict = {} for m in self.static_mods: for pm in self.static_map.get_mod_positions(str(m)): if pm not in position_dict: position_dict[pm] = [] position_dict[pm].append(m) return position_dict def variable_mod_generate_scenarios(self): """ Recursively generating all possible position compositions for each variable modification and add them to self.variable_map_scenarios dictionary where key is the value attr of the modification while the value is the position list """ for i in self.variable_mods: positions = self.variable_map.get_mod_positions(str(i)) if i.value not in self.variable_map_scenarios: if not i.all_fill: self.variable_map_scenarios[i.value] = list( variable_position_placement_generator(positions)) else: self.variable_map_scenarios[i.value] = [[], positions] def explore_scenarios(self, current_mod=0, mod=None): if mod is None: mod = {} for pos in self.variable_map_scenarios[self.variable_mods[current_mod].value]: temp_dict = deepcopy(mod) if pos: for p in pos: if p not in temp_dict: temp_dict[p] = [self.variable_mods[current_mod]] if current_mod != self.variable_mod_number - 1: yield from self.explore_scenarios(current_mod + 1, temp_dict) else: yield temp_dict else: if current_mod != self.variable_mod_number - 1: yield from self.explore_scenarios(current_mod + 1, temp_dict) else: yield temp_dict
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Dec 5 17:37:31 2017 @author: Flame """ from TuringMachine import Rule, Q, Move, TuringMachine, Tape from TuringMachine import EMTY_SYMBOL as empty def check(input_str): rules= \ [ Rule(Q(1),'1',Q(1),'1', Move.Right),# приводим к первоначальному виду Rule(Q(1),'0',Q(1),'0', Move.Right), Rule(Q(1),',',Q(2),'#', Move.Right), Rule(Q(2),' ',Q(2),'#', Move.Right), Rule(Q(2),'#',Q(2),'#', Move.Left), Rule(Q(2),'*',Q(6),'*', Move.Left), Rule(Q(2),'1',Q(3),'#', Move.Left), # операции со строками Rule(Q(3),'#',Q(3),'#', Move.Left), Rule(Q(3),'1',Q(4),'0', Move.Right), #встретили единичку, значит вычитаем её Rule(Q(3),'0',Q(3),'1', Move.Left), #встретили нолик, значит добавляем единичку и идём вычитать единичку у след порядка Rule(Q(4),'0',Q(4),'0', Move.Right), # идём вправо, чтобы найти разделитель Rule(Q(4),'1',Q(4),'1', Move.Right), Rule(Q(4),'#',Q(5),'#', Move.Right), # идём вправо, чтобы найти единичку Rule(Q(5),'#',Q(5),'#', Move.Right), Rule(Q(5),'1',Q(3),'#', Move.Left), Rule(Q(5),empty,Q(6),empty, Move.Left), Rule(Q(6),'#',Q(6),'*', Move.Left), Rule(Q(6),'0',Q(6),'*', Move.Left), Rule(Q(6),empty,Q(10),empty, Move.Stay), # значит строка верна, переходим в конечное состояние ] TM = TuringMachine(rules, Q(1), Q(10)) print(TM) print( "Right" if TM.check(Tape(input_str)) else "Wrong")
[ "MIT" ]
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class SecretBundle(Model): """A secret consisting of a value, id and its attributes. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :param value: The secret value. :type value: str :param id: The secret id. :type id: str :param content_type: The content type of the secret. :type content_type: str :param attributes: The secret management attributes. :type attributes: ~azure.keyvault.v2016_10_01.models.SecretAttributes :param tags: Application specific metadata in the form of key-value pairs. :type tags: dict[str, str] :ivar kid: If this is a secret backing a KV certificate, then this field specifies the corresponding key backing the KV certificate. :vartype kid: str :ivar managed: True if the secret's lifetime is managed by key vault. If this is a secret backing a certificate, then managed will be true. :vartype managed: bool """ _validation = { 'kid': {'readonly': True}, 'managed': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': 'str'}, 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'content_type': {'key': 'contentType', 'type': 'str'}, 'attributes': {'key': 'attributes', 'type': 'SecretAttributes'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, 'kid': {'key': 'kid', 'type': 'str'}, 'managed': {'key': 'managed', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SecretBundle, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = kwargs.get('value', None) = kwargs.get('id', None) self.content_type = kwargs.get('content_type', None) self.attributes = kwargs.get('attributes', None) self.tags = kwargs.get('tags', None) self.kid = None self.managed = None
[ "MIT" ]
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import traceback from flask import current_app, render_template from flask import make_response from flask.json import jsonify from ooniapi.auth import auth_blueprint from ooniapi.citizenlab import cz_blueprint from ooniapi.private import api_private_blueprint from ooniapi.measurements import api_msm_blueprint from ooniapi.pages import pages_blueprint from ooniapi.probe_services import probe_services_blueprint from ooniapi.prio import prio_bp HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) #def render_problem_exception(exception): # response = exception.to_problem() # return FlaskApi.get_response(response) # def render_generic_exception(exception): # if not isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException): # exc_name = "{}.{}".format(type(exception).__module__, type(exception).__name__) # exc_desc = str(exception) # if hasattr(exception, "__traceback__"): # current_app.logger.error( # "".join(traceback.format_tb(exception.__traceback__)) # ) # current_app.logger.error( # "Unhandled error occurred, {}: {}".format(exc_name, exc_desc) # ) # exception = werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError( # description="An unhandled application error occurred: {}".format(exc_name) # ) # # response = problem( #, detail=exception.description, status=exception.code # ) # return FlaskApi.get_response(response) def render_generic_exception(exception): """Log a traceback and return code 500 with a simple JSON The CORS header is set as usual. Without this, an error could lead to browsers caching a response without the correct CORS header. """ # TODO: render_template 500.html instead? current_app.logger.error(f"Exception: {exception}") current_app.logger.error( "".join(traceback.format_tb(exception.__traceback__)) ) try: return make_response(jsonify(error=str(exception)), 500) except: return make_response("unhandled error", 500) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("404.html"), 404 def bad_request(e): return render_template("400.html", exception=e), 400 def register(app): #app.register_blueprint(api_docs_blueprint, url_prefix="/api") # Measurements API: app.register_blueprint(api_msm_blueprint, url_prefix="/api") #app.register_blueprint(connexion_api.blueprint) app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint, url_prefix="") app.register_blueprint(cz_blueprint, url_prefix="") # Private API app.register_blueprint(api_private_blueprint, url_prefix="/api/_") # The index is here: app.register_blueprint(pages_blueprint, url_prefix="") # Probe services app.register_blueprint(probe_services_blueprint, url_prefix="") app.register_blueprint(prio_bp, url_prefix="") if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" not in os.environ: app.register_error_handler(Exception, render_generic_exception) app.errorhandler(404)(page_not_found) app.errorhandler(400)(bad_request)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from .elektra5585 import Elektra5585, Elektra5585Line
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import os import sys import subprocess CondylesFeaturesExtractor = "/Users/prisgdd/Documents/Projects/CNN/CondylesFeaturesExtractor-build/src/bin/condylesfeaturesextractor" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-meshDir', action='store', dest='meshDir', help='Input file to classify', default = "/Users/prisgdd/Desktop/TestPipeline/inputGroups/Mesh") parser.add_argument('-outputDir', action='store', dest='outputDir', help='Directory for output files', default="/Users/prisgdd/Desktop/TestPipeline/outputSurfRemesh") parser.add_argument('-meanGroup', action='store', dest='meanGroup', help='Directory with all the mean shapes', default="/Users/prisgdd/Documents/Projects/CNN/drive-download-20161123T180828Z") args = parser.parse_args() meshDir= args.meshDir outputDir = args.outputDir meanGroup = args.meanGroup # Verify directory integrity if not os.path.isdir(meshDir) or not os.path.isdir(outputDir): sys.exit("Error: At least one input is not a directory.") listMesh = os.listdir(meshDir) if listMesh.count(".DS_Store"): listMesh.remove(".DS_Store") for i in range(0,len(listMesh)): command = list() command.append(CondylesFeaturesExtractor) command.append("--input") command.append(meshDir + "/" + listMesh[i]) outputFile = outputDir + "/" + listMesh[i].split(".")[:-1][0] + "-Features.vtk" print outputFile file = open(outputFile, 'w') file.close() command.append("--output") command.append(outputFile) command.append("--meanGroup") command.append(meanGroup)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import torch import torch.nn as nn from .mol_tree import Vocab, MolTree from .nnutils import create_var from .jtnn_enc import JTNNEncoder from .jtnn_dec import JTNNDecoder from .mpn import MPN, mol2graph from .jtmpn import JTMPN from .chemutils import enum_assemble, set_atommap, copy_edit_mol, attach_mols, atom_equal, decode_stereo import rdkit import rdkit.Chem as Chem from rdkit import DataStructs from rdkit.Chem import AllChem import copy, math import sys def set_batch_nodeID(mol_batch, vocab): tot = 0 for mol_tree in mol_batch: for node in mol_tree.nodes: node.idx = tot #node.wid = vocab.get_index(node.smiles) tot += 1 class JTNNVAE(nn.Module): def __init__(self, vocab, hidden_size, latent_size, depth, stereo=True): super(JTNNVAE, self).__init__() self.vocab = vocab self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.latent_size = latent_size self.depth = depth self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab.size(), hidden_size) self.jtnn = JTNNEncoder(vocab, hidden_size, self.embedding) self.jtmpn = JTMPN(hidden_size, depth) self.mpn = MPN(hidden_size, depth) self.decoder = JTNNDecoder(vocab, hidden_size, latent_size // 2, self.embedding) self.T_mean = nn.Linear(hidden_size, latent_size // 2) self.T_var = nn.Linear(hidden_size, latent_size // 2) self.G_mean = nn.Linear(hidden_size, latent_size // 2) self.G_var = nn.Linear(hidden_size, latent_size // 2) self.assm_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=False) self.use_stereo = stereo if stereo: self.stereo_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=False) def encode(self, mol_batch): set_batch_nodeID(mol_batch, self.vocab) #root_batch = [mol_tree.nodes[0] for mol_tree in mol_batch] #tree_mess,tree_vec = self.jtnn(root_batch) smiles_batch = [mol_tree.smiles for mol_tree in mol_batch] mol_vec = self.mpn(mol2graph(smiles_batch)) #return tree_mess, tree_vec, mol_vec return mol_vec def encode_from_smiles(self, smiles_list): mol_batch, valid_idx = [], [] for idx, s in enumerate(smiles_list): try: mol_batch.append(MolTree(s)) valid_idx.append(idx) except: sys.stderr.write('Invalid SMILE string: {}\n'.format(s)) for mol_tree in mol_batch: mol_tree.recover() mol_vec = self.encode(mol_batch) mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vec) return mol_mean def encode_latent_mean(self, smiles_list): mol_batch, valid_idx = [], [] for idx, s in enumerate(smiles_list): try: mol_batch.append(MolTree(s)) valid_idx.append(idx) except: sys.stderr.write('Invalid SMILE string: {}\n'.format(s)) for mol_tree in mol_batch: mol_tree.recover() #_, tree_vec, mol_vec = self.encode(mol_batch) #tree_mean = self.T_mean(tree_vec) mol_vec = self.encode(mol_batch) mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vec) #return[tree_mean,mol_mean], dim=1) return mol_mean, valid_idx def forward(self, mol_batch, beta=0): batch_size = len(mol_batch) tree_mess, tree_vec, mol_vec = self.encode(mol_batch) tree_mean = self.T_mean(tree_vec) tree_log_var = -torch.abs(self.T_var(tree_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vec) mol_log_var = -torch.abs(self.G_var(mol_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. z_mean =[tree_mean,mol_mean], dim=1) z_log_var =[tree_log_var,mol_log_var], dim=1) kl_loss = -0.5 * torch.sum(1.0 + z_log_var - z_mean * z_mean - torch.exp(z_log_var)) / batch_size epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(batch_size, self.latent_size // 2), False) tree_vec = tree_mean + torch.exp(tree_log_var // 2) * epsilon epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(batch_size, self.latent_size // 2), False) mol_vec = mol_mean + torch.exp(mol_log_var // 2) * epsilon word_loss, topo_loss, word_acc, topo_acc = self.decoder(mol_batch, tree_vec) assm_loss, assm_acc = self.assm(mol_batch, mol_vec, tree_mess) if self.use_stereo: stereo_loss, stereo_acc = self.stereo(mol_batch, mol_vec) else: stereo_loss, stereo_acc = 0, 0 all_vec =[tree_vec, mol_vec], dim=1) loss = word_loss + topo_loss + assm_loss + 2 * stereo_loss + beta * kl_loss return loss, kl_loss.item(), word_acc, topo_acc, assm_acc, stereo_acc def assm(self, mol_batch, mol_vec, tree_mess): cands = [] batch_idx = [] for i,mol_tree in enumerate(mol_batch): for node in mol_tree.nodes: #Leaf node's attachment is determined by neighboring node's attachment if node.is_leaf or len(node.cands) == 1: continue cands.extend( [(cand, mol_tree.nodes, node) for cand in node.cand_mols] ) batch_idx.extend([i] * len(node.cands)) cand_vec = self.jtmpn(cands, tree_mess) cand_vec = self.G_mean(cand_vec) batch_idx = create_var(torch.LongTensor(batch_idx)) mol_vec = mol_vec.index_select(0, batch_idx) mol_vec = mol_vec.view(-1, 1, self.latent_size // 2) cand_vec = cand_vec.view(-1, self.latent_size // 2, 1) scores = torch.bmm(mol_vec, cand_vec).squeeze() cnt,tot,acc = 0,0,0 all_loss = [] for i,mol_tree in enumerate(mol_batch): comp_nodes = [node for node in mol_tree.nodes if len(node.cands) > 1 and not node.is_leaf] cnt += len(comp_nodes) for node in comp_nodes: label = node.cands.index(node.label) ncand = len(node.cands) cur_score = scores.narrow(0, tot, ncand) tot += ncand if cur_score[label].item() >= cur_score.max().item(): acc += 1 label = create_var(torch.LongTensor([label])) all_loss.append( self.assm_loss(cur_score.view(1,-1), label) ) #all_loss = torch.stack(all_loss).sum() / len(mol_batch) all_loss = sum(all_loss) / len(mol_batch) return all_loss, acc * 1.0 / cnt def stereo(self, mol_batch, mol_vec): stereo_cands,batch_idx = [],[] labels = [] for i,mol_tree in enumerate(mol_batch): cands = mol_tree.stereo_cands if len(cands) == 1: continue if mol_tree.smiles3D not in cands: cands.append(mol_tree.smiles3D) stereo_cands.extend(cands) batch_idx.extend([i] * len(cands)) labels.append( (cands.index(mol_tree.smiles3D), len(cands)) ) if len(labels) == 0: return create_var(torch.zeros(1)), 1.0 batch_idx = create_var(torch.LongTensor(batch_idx)) stereo_cands = self.mpn(mol2graph(stereo_cands)) stereo_cands = self.G_mean(stereo_cands) stereo_labels = mol_vec.index_select(0, batch_idx) scores = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity()(stereo_cands, stereo_labels) st,acc = 0,0 all_loss = [] for label,le in labels: cur_scores = scores.narrow(0, st, le) if[label] >= cur_scores.max().data[0]: acc += 1 label = create_var(torch.LongTensor([label])) all_loss.append( self.stereo_loss(cur_scores.view(1,-1), label) ) st += le #all_loss = / len(labels) all_loss = sum(all_loss) / len(labels) return all_loss, acc * 1.0 / len(labels) def reconstruct(self, smiles, prob_decode=False): mol_tree = MolTree(smiles) mol_tree.recover() _,tree_vec,mol_vec = self.encode([mol_tree]) tree_mean = self.T_mean(tree_vec) tree_log_var = -torch.abs(self.T_var(tree_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vec) mol_log_var = -torch.abs(self.G_var(mol_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) tree_vec = tree_mean + torch.exp(tree_log_var // 2) * epsilon epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) mol_vec = mol_mean + torch.exp(mol_log_var // 2) * epsilon return self.decode(tree_vec, mol_vec, prob_decode) def recon_eval(self, smiles): mol_tree = MolTree(smiles) mol_tree.recover() _,tree_vec,mol_vec = self.encode([mol_tree]) tree_mean = self.T_mean(tree_vec) tree_log_var = -torch.abs(self.T_var(tree_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vec) mol_log_var = -torch.abs(self.G_var(mol_vec)) #Following Mueller et al. all_smiles = [] for i in range(10): epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) tree_vec = tree_mean + torch.exp(tree_log_var // 2) * epsilon epsilon = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) mol_vec = mol_mean + torch.exp(mol_log_var // 2) * epsilon for j in range(10): new_smiles = self.decode(tree_vec, mol_vec, prob_decode=True) all_smiles.append(new_smiles) return all_smiles def sample_prior(self, prob_decode=False): tree_vec = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) mol_vec = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) return self.decode(tree_vec, mol_vec, prob_decode) def sample_eval(self): tree_vec = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) mol_vec = create_var(torch.randn(1, self.latent_size // 2), False) all_smiles = [] for i in range(100): s = self.decode(tree_vec, mol_vec, prob_decode=True) all_smiles.append(s) return all_smiles def decode(self, tree_vec, mol_vec, prob_decode): pred_root,pred_nodes = self.decoder.decode(tree_vec, prob_decode) #Mark nid & is_leaf & atommap for i,node in enumerate(pred_nodes): node.nid = i + 1 node.is_leaf = (len(node.neighbors) == 1) if len(node.neighbors) > 1: set_atommap(node.mol, node.nid) tree_mess = self.jtnn([pred_root])[0] cur_mol = copy_edit_mol(pred_root.mol) global_amap = [{}] + [{} for node in pred_nodes] global_amap[1] = {atom.GetIdx():atom.GetIdx() for atom in cur_mol.GetAtoms()} cur_mol = self.dfs_assemble(tree_mess, mol_vec, pred_nodes, cur_mol, global_amap, [], pred_root, None, prob_decode) if cur_mol is None: return None cur_mol = cur_mol.GetMol() set_atommap(cur_mol) cur_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(cur_mol)) if cur_mol is None: return None if self.use_stereo == False: return Chem.MolToSmiles(cur_mol) smiles2D = Chem.MolToSmiles(cur_mol) stereo_cands = decode_stereo(smiles2D) if len(stereo_cands) == 1: return stereo_cands[0] stereo_vecs = self.mpn(mol2graph(stereo_cands)) stereo_vecs = self.G_mean(stereo_vecs) scores = nn.CosineSimilarity()(stereo_vecs, mol_vec) _,max_id = scores.max(dim=0) return stereo_cands[] def dfs_assemble(self, tree_mess, mol_vec, all_nodes, cur_mol, global_amap, fa_amap, cur_node, fa_node, prob_decode): fa_nid = fa_node.nid if fa_node is not None else -1 prev_nodes = [fa_node] if fa_node is not None else [] children = [nei for nei in cur_node.neighbors if nei.nid != fa_nid] neighbors = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1] neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True) singletons = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1] neighbors = singletons + neighbors cur_amap = [(fa_nid,a2,a1) for nid,a1,a2 in fa_amap if nid == cur_node.nid] cands = enum_assemble(cur_node, neighbors, prev_nodes, cur_amap) if len(cands) == 0: return None cand_smiles,cand_mols,cand_amap = zip(*cands) cands = [(candmol, all_nodes, cur_node) for candmol in cand_mols] cand_vecs = self.jtmpn(cands, tree_mess) cand_vecs = self.G_mean(cand_vecs) mol_vec = mol_vec.squeeze() scores =, mol_vec) * 20 if prob_decode: probs = nn.Softmax()(scores.view(1,-1)).squeeze() + 1e-5 #prevent prob = 0 cand_idx = torch.multinomial(probs, probs.numel()) else: _,cand_idx = torch.sort(scores, descending=True) backup_mol = Chem.RWMol(cur_mol) for i in range(cand_idx.numel()): cur_mol = Chem.RWMol(backup_mol) pred_amap = cand_amap[cand_idx[i].item()] new_global_amap = copy.deepcopy(global_amap) for nei_id,ctr_atom,nei_atom in pred_amap: if nei_id == fa_nid: continue new_global_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = new_global_amap[cur_node.nid][ctr_atom] cur_mol = attach_mols(cur_mol, children, [], new_global_amap) #father is already attached new_mol = cur_mol.GetMol() new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(new_mol)) if new_mol is None: continue result = True for nei_node in children: if nei_node.is_leaf: continue cur_mol = self.dfs_assemble(tree_mess, mol_vec, all_nodes, cur_mol, new_global_amap, pred_amap, nei_node, cur_node, prob_decode) if cur_mol is None: result = False break if result: return cur_mol return None
[ "MIT" ]
# This code is heavily inspired from import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F def pixel_unshuffle(input, downscale_factor): ''' input: batchSize * c * k*w * k*h downscale_factor: k batchSize * c * k*w * k*h -> batchSize * k*k*c * w * h ''' c = input.shape[1] kernel = torch.zeros(size = [downscale_factor * downscale_factor * c, 1, downscale_factor, downscale_factor], device = input.device) for y in range(downscale_factor): for x in range(downscale_factor): kernel[x + y * downscale_factor::downscale_factor * downscale_factor, 0, y, x] = 1 return F.conv2d(input, kernel, stride = downscale_factor, groups = c) class PixelUnShuffle(nn.Module): def __init__(self, downscale_factor): super(PixelUnShuffle, self).__init__() self.downscale_factor = downscale_factor def forward(self, input): ''' input: batchSize * c * k*w * k*h downscale_factor: k batchSize * c * k*w * k*h -> batchSize * k*k*c * w * h ''' return pixel_unshuffle(input, self.downscale_factor)
[ "MIT" ]
import itertools import logging import os.path as osp import tempfile import mmcv import numpy as np from mmcv.utils import print_log from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval from terminaltables import AsciiTable from mmdet.core import eval_recalls from .builder import DATASETS from .custom import CustomDataset try: import pycocotools assert pycocotools.__version__ >= '12.0.2' except AssertionError: raise AssertionError('Incompatible version of pycocotools is installed. ' 'Run pip uninstall pycocotools first. Then run pip ' 'install mmpycocotools to install open-mmlab forked ' 'pycocotools.') @DATASETS.register_module() class CocoDatasetCar(CustomDataset): CLASSES = ('small ship', 'small car', 'bus', 'truck', 'train') def load_annotations(self, ann_file): """Load annotation from COCO style annotation file. Args: ann_file (str): Path of annotation file. Returns: list[dict]: Annotation info from COCO api. """ self.coco = COCO(ann_file) self.cat_ids = self.coco.get_cat_ids(cat_names=self.CLASSES) self.cat2label = {cat_id: i for i, cat_id in enumerate(self.cat_ids)} self.img_ids = self.coco.get_img_ids() data_infos = [] for i in self.img_ids: info = self.coco.load_imgs([i])[0] info['filename'] = info['file_name'] data_infos.append(info) return data_infos def get_ann_info(self, idx): """Get COCO annotation by index. Args: idx (int): Index of data. Returns: dict: Annotation info of specified index. """ img_id = self.data_infos[idx]['id'] ann_ids = self.coco.get_ann_ids(img_ids=[img_id]) ann_info = self.coco.load_anns(ann_ids) return self._parse_ann_info(self.data_infos[idx], ann_info) def get_cat_ids(self, idx): """Get COCO category ids by index. Args: idx (int): Index of data. Returns: list[int]: All categories in the image of specified index. """ img_id = self.data_infos[idx]['id'] ann_ids = self.coco.get_ann_ids(img_ids=[img_id]) ann_info = self.coco.load_anns(ann_ids) return [ann['category_id'] for ann in ann_info] def _filter_imgs(self, min_size=32): """Filter images too small or without ground truths.""" valid_inds = [] # obtain images that contain annotation ids_with_ann = set(_['image_id'] for _ in self.coco.anns.values()) # obtain images that contain annotations of the required categories ids_in_cat = set() for i, class_id in enumerate(self.cat_ids): ids_in_cat |= set(self.coco.cat_img_map[class_id]) # merge the image id sets of the two conditions and use the merged set # to filter out images if self.filter_empty_gt=True ids_in_cat &= ids_with_ann valid_img_ids = [] for i, img_info in enumerate(self.data_infos): img_id = self.img_ids[i] if self.filter_empty_gt and img_id not in ids_in_cat: continue if min(img_info['width'], img_info['height']) >= min_size: valid_inds.append(i) valid_img_ids.append(img_id) self.img_ids = valid_img_ids return valid_inds def _parse_ann_info(self, img_info, ann_info): """Parse bbox and mask annotation. Args: ann_info (list[dict]): Annotation info of an image. with_mask (bool): Whether to parse mask annotations. Returns: dict: A dict containing the following keys: bboxes, bboxes_ignore,\ labels, masks, seg_map. "masks" are raw annotations and not \ decoded into binary masks. """ gt_bboxes = [] gt_labels = [] gt_bboxes_ignore = [] gt_masks_ann = [] for i, ann in enumerate(ann_info): if ann.get('ignore', False): continue x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox'] inter_w = max(0, min(x1 + w, img_info['width']) - max(x1, 0)) inter_h = max(0, min(y1 + h, img_info['height']) - max(y1, 0)) if inter_w * inter_h == 0: continue if ann['area'] <= 0 or w < 1 or h < 1: continue if ann['category_id'] not in self.cat_ids: continue bbox = [x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h] if ann.get('iscrowd', False): gt_bboxes_ignore.append(bbox) else: gt_bboxes.append(bbox) gt_labels.append(self.cat2label[ann['category_id']]) gt_masks_ann.append(ann.get('segmentation', None)) if gt_bboxes: gt_bboxes = np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) if gt_bboxes_ignore: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.array(gt_bboxes_ignore, dtype=np.float32) else: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) seg_map = img_info['filename'].replace('jpg', 'png') ann = dict( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore, masks=gt_masks_ann, seg_map=seg_map) return ann def xyxy2xywh(self, bbox): """Convert ``xyxy`` style bounding boxes to ``xywh`` style for COCO evaluation. Args: bbox (numpy.ndarray): The bounding boxes, shape (4, ), in ``xyxy`` order. Returns: list[float]: The converted bounding boxes, in ``xywh`` order. """ _bbox = bbox.tolist() return [ _bbox[0], _bbox[1], _bbox[2] - _bbox[0], _bbox[3] - _bbox[1], ] def _proposal2json(self, results): """Convert proposal results to COCO json style.""" json_results = [] for idx in range(len(self)): img_id = self.img_ids[idx] bboxes = results[idx] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): data = dict() data['image_id'] = img_id data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i]) data['score'] = float(bboxes[i][4]) data['category_id'] = 1 json_results.append(data) return json_results def _det2json(self, results): """Convert detection results to COCO json style.""" json_results = [] for idx in range(len(self)): img_id = self.img_ids[idx] result = results[idx] for label in range(len(result)): bboxes = result[label] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): data = dict() data['image_id'] = img_id data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i]) data['score'] = float(bboxes[i][4]) data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label] json_results.append(data) return json_results def _segm2json(self, results): """Convert instance segmentation results to COCO json style.""" bbox_json_results = [] segm_json_results = [] for idx in range(len(self)): img_id = self.img_ids[idx] det, seg = results[idx] for label in range(len(det)): # bbox results bboxes = det[label] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): data = dict() data['image_id'] = img_id data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i]) data['score'] = float(bboxes[i][4]) data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label] bbox_json_results.append(data) # segm results # some detectors use different scores for bbox and mask if isinstance(seg, tuple): segms = seg[0][label] mask_score = seg[1][label] else: segms = seg[label] mask_score = [bbox[4] for bbox in bboxes] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): data = dict() data['image_id'] = img_id data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i]) data['score'] = float(mask_score[i]) data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label] if isinstance(segms[i]['counts'], bytes): segms[i]['counts'] = segms[i]['counts'].decode() data['segmentation'] = segms[i] segm_json_results.append(data) return bbox_json_results, segm_json_results def results2json(self, results, outfile_prefix): """Dump the detection results to a COCO style json file. There are 3 types of results: proposals, bbox predictions, mask predictions, and they have different data types. This method will automatically recognize the type, and dump them to json files. Args: results (list[list | tuple | ndarray]): Testing results of the dataset. outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json files will be named "somepath/xxx.bbox.json", "somepath/xxx.segm.json", "somepath/xxx.proposal.json". Returns: dict[str: str]: Possible keys are "bbox", "segm", "proposal", and \ values are corresponding filenames. """ result_files = dict() if isinstance(results[0], list): json_results = self._det2json(results) result_files['bbox'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json' result_files['proposal'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json' mmcv.dump(json_results, result_files['bbox']) elif isinstance(results[0], tuple): json_results = self._segm2json(results) result_files['bbox'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json' result_files['proposal'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json' result_files['segm'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.segm.json' mmcv.dump(json_results[0], result_files['bbox']) mmcv.dump(json_results[1], result_files['segm']) elif isinstance(results[0], np.ndarray): json_results = self._proposal2json(results) result_files['proposal'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.proposal.json' mmcv.dump(json_results, result_files['proposal']) else: raise TypeError('invalid type of results') return result_files def fast_eval_recall(self, results, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, logger=None): gt_bboxes = [] for i in range(len(self.img_ids)): ann_ids = self.coco.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.img_ids[i]) ann_info = self.coco.load_anns(ann_ids) if len(ann_info) == 0: gt_bboxes.append(np.zeros((0, 4))) continue bboxes = [] for ann in ann_info: if ann.get('ignore', False) or ann['iscrowd']: continue x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox'] bboxes.append([x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h]) bboxes = np.array(bboxes, dtype=np.float32) if bboxes.shape[0] == 0: bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4)) gt_bboxes.append(bboxes) recalls = eval_recalls( gt_bboxes, results, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, logger=logger) ar = recalls.mean(axis=1) return ar def format_results(self, results, jsonfile_prefix=None, **kwargs): """Format the results to json (standard format for COCO evaluation). Args: results (list[tuple | numpy.ndarray]): Testing results of the dataset. jsonfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. Returns: tuple: (result_files, tmp_dir), result_files is a dict containing \ the json filepaths, tmp_dir is the temporal directory created \ for saving json files when jsonfile_prefix is not specified. """ assert isinstance(results, list), 'results must be a list' assert len(results) == len(self), ( 'The length of results is not equal to the dataset len: {} != {}'. format(len(results), len(self))) if jsonfile_prefix is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() jsonfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results') else: tmp_dir = None result_files = self.results2json(results, jsonfile_prefix) return result_files, tmp_dir def evaluate(self, results, metric='bbox', logger=None, jsonfile_prefix=None, classwise=False, proposal_nums=(100, 300, 1000), iou_thrs=None, metric_items=None): """Evaluation in COCO protocol. Args: results (list[list | tuple]): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Options are 'bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', 'proposal_fast'. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. jsonfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. classwise (bool): Whether to evaluating the AP for each class. proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Proposal number used for evaluating recalls, such as recall@100, recall@1000. Default: (100, 300, 1000). iou_thrs (Sequence[float], optional): IoU threshold used for evaluating recalls/mAPs. If set to a list, the average of all IoUs will also be computed. If not specified, [0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95] will be used. Default: None. metric_items (list[str] | str, optional): Metric items that will be returned. If not specified, ``['AR@100', 'AR@300', 'AR@1000', 'AR_s@1000', 'AR_m@1000', 'AR_l@1000' ]`` will be used when ``metric=='proposal'``, ``['mAP', 'mAP_50', 'mAP_75', 'mAP_s', 'mAP_m', 'mAP_l']`` will be used when ``metric=='bbox' or metric=='segm'``. Returns: dict[str, float]: COCO style evaluation metric. """ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] allowed_metrics = ['bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', 'proposal_fast'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported') if iou_thrs is None: iou_thrs = np.linspace( .5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True) if metric_items is not None: if not isinstance(metric_items, list): metric_items = [metric_items] result_files, tmp_dir = self.format_results(results, jsonfile_prefix) eval_results = {} cocoGt = self.coco for metric in metrics: msg = f'Evaluating {metric}...' if logger is None: msg = '\n' + msg print_log(msg, logger=logger) if metric == 'proposal_fast': ar = self.fast_eval_recall( results, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, logger='silent') log_msg = [] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums): eval_results[f'AR@{num}'] = ar[i] log_msg.append(f'\nAR@{num}\t{ar[i]:.4f}') log_msg = ''.join(log_msg) print_log(log_msg, logger=logger) continue if metric not in result_files: raise KeyError(f'{metric} is not in results') try: cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(result_files[metric]) except IndexError: print_log( 'The testing results of the whole dataset is empty.', logger=logger, level=logging.ERROR) break iou_type = 'bbox' if metric == 'proposal' else metric cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iou_type) cocoEval.params.catIds = self.cat_ids cocoEval.params.imgIds = self.img_ids cocoEval.params.maxDets = list(proposal_nums) cocoEval.params.iouThrs = iou_thrs # mapping of cocoEval.stats coco_metric_names = { 'mAP': 0, 'mAP_50': 1, 'mAP_75': 2, 'mAP_s': 3, 'mAP_m': 4, 'mAP_l': 5, 'AR@100': 6, 'AR@300': 7, 'AR@1000': 8, 'AR_s@1000': 9, 'AR_m@1000': 10, 'AR_l@1000': 11 } if metric_items is not None: for metric_item in metric_items: if metric_item not in coco_metric_names: raise KeyError( f'metric item {metric_item} is not supported') if metric == 'proposal': cocoEval.params.useCats = 0 cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() if metric_items is None: metric_items = [ 'AR@100', 'AR@300', 'AR@1000', 'AR_s@1000', 'AR_m@1000', 'AR_l@1000' ] for item in metric_items: val = float( f'{cocoEval.stats[coco_metric_names[item]]:.3f}') eval_results[item] = val else: cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() if classwise: # Compute per-category AP # Compute per-category AP # from precisions = cocoEval.eval['precision'] # precision: (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets) assert len(self.cat_ids) == precisions.shape[2] results_per_category = [] for idx, catId in enumerate(self.cat_ids): # area range index 0: all area ranges # max dets index -1: typically 100 per image nm = self.coco.loadCats(catId)[0] precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0, -1] precision = precision[precision > -1] if precision.size: ap = np.mean(precision) else: ap = float('nan') results_per_category.append( (f'{nm["name"]}', f'{float(ap):0.3f}')) num_columns = min(6, len(results_per_category) * 2) results_flatten = list( itertools.chain(*results_per_category)) headers = ['category', 'AP'] * (num_columns // 2) results_2d = itertools.zip_longest(*[ results_flatten[i::num_columns] for i in range(num_columns) ]) table_data = [headers] table_data += [result for result in results_2d] table = AsciiTable(table_data) print_log('\n' + table.table, logger=logger) if metric_items is None: metric_items = [ 'mAP', 'mAP_50', 'mAP_75', 'mAP_s', 'mAP_m', 'mAP_l' ] for metric_item in metric_items: key = f'{metric}_{metric_item}' val = float( f'{cocoEval.stats[coco_metric_names[metric_item]]:.3f}' ) eval_results[key] = val ap = cocoEval.stats[:6] eval_results[f'{metric}_mAP_copypaste'] = ( f'{ap[0]:.3f} {ap[1]:.3f} {ap[2]:.3f} {ap[3]:.3f} ' f'{ap[4]:.3f} {ap[5]:.3f}') if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() return eval_results
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from IMDB_task4 import scrape_movie_details from pprint import pprint import os,requests,json,time,random from IMDB_task1 import scrape_top_list # task13 # this task for the make a json file ini our directory def save_data(): movies_data = scrape_top_list() for one_movie in movies_data : id_movie = (one_movie['urls'][-10:-1]) exists = os.path.exists("screpingdata/" + str(id_movie) + ".json") cwd = os.getcwd() if exists: with open(cwd+"/screpingdata/" + str(id_movie) + ".json","r+") as file : data = load_data = json.loads(data) return (load_data) else: for one_movie in movies_data : id_movie = (one_movie['urls'][-10:-1]) # task_no. 9 sleep_time = random.randint(1,3) time.sleep(sleep_time) url = (one_movie["urls"]) screpe_movie_data = scrape_movie_details(url) with open("screpingdata/" + str(id_movie) + ".json","w") as file : data = json.dumps(screpe_movie_data,indent=4, sort_keys = True) write_data = file.write(data) return (write_data) pprint (save_data())
[ "MIT" ]
# # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import six from nfv_common.helpers import Constant from nfv_common.helpers import Constants from nfv_common.helpers import Singleton @six.add_metaclass(Singleton) class NfviErrorCodes(Constants): """ NFVI - Error Code Constants """ TOKEN_EXPIRED = Constant('token-expired') NOT_FOUND = Constant('not-found') # Constant Instantiation NFVI_ERROR_CODE = NfviErrorCodes()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.8 on 2018-06-17 14:10 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('book', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='bookdetail', name='language', field=models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('CN', '中文'), ('EN', 'English')], help_text='现暂时提供两种语言类别', max_length=5, null=True, verbose_name='文章详情语言类别'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='booknotedetail', name='language', field=models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('CN', '中文'), ('EN', 'English')], help_text='现暂时提供两种语言类别', max_length=5, null=True, verbose_name='文章详情语言类别'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='booknoteinfo', name='chapter', field=models.CharField(default='', help_text='所属章节', max_length=20, verbose_name='章节'), ), ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.apps import AppConfig class LibookapiConfig(AppConfig): name = 'libookapi'
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from filer.models.imagemodels import Image from fractions import Fraction import exifread class ExifData(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = _('EXIF Data') verbose_name_plural = _('EXIF data') image = models.OneToOneField( Image, verbose_name=_('Image'), ) focal_length = models.CharField( max_length=100, verbose_name=_('Focal length'), blank=True, ) iso = models.CharField( max_length=100, verbose_name=_('ISO'), blank=True, ) fraction = models.CharField( max_length=100, verbose_name=_('Fraction'), blank=True, ) exposure_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, verbose_name=_('Exposure time'), blank=True, ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if is None: self._read_exif(self.image.file) super(ExifData, self).save(*args, **kwargs) @property def as_list(self): tmp = (self.focal_length, self.fraction, self.exposure_time, self.iso) return filter(lambda x: x, tmp) def _read_exif(self, file): result = {} try:'rb') # read tags tags = exifread.process_file(file) # get necessary tags self.focal_length = self._get_and_format(tags, "EXIF FocalLength", "%gmm", lambda s: Fraction(s)) self.iso = self._get_and_format(tags, "EXIF ISOSpeedRatings", "ISO %d", lambda s: int(s)) self.fraction = self._get_and_format(tags, "EXIF FNumber", "f/%g", lambda s: float(Fraction(s))) # format exposure time (fraction or float) exposure_time = self._get_and_format(tags, "EXIF ExposureTime", None, lambda s: Fraction(s)) exposure_time_str = "" if exposure_time: if exposure_time >= 1: exposure_time_str = "%gs" % exposure_time else: exposure_time_str = "%ss" % str(exposure_time) self.exposure_time = exposure_time_str except IOError as e: pass def _get_and_format(self, tags, key, format, convertfunc): """ Gets element with "key" from dict "tags". Converts this data with convertfunc and inserts it into the formatstring "format". If "format" is None, the data is returned without formatting, conversion is done. It the key is not in the dict, the empty string is returned. """ data = tags.get(key, None) if data: data = convertfunc(str(data)) if format: return format % data return data return ""
[ "MIT" ]
from decimal import Decimal import logging from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from suds import WebFault from suds.transport import TransportError import vatnumber import stdnum from plans.taxation import TaxationPolicy logger = logging.getLogger('') class EUTaxationPolicy(TaxationPolicy): """ This taxation policy should be correct for all EU countries. It uses following rules: * if issuer country is not in EU - assert error, * for buyer of the same country as issuer - return issuer tax, * for company buyer from EU (with VIES) returns VAT n/a reverse charge, * for non-company buyer from EU returns VAT from buyer country, * for non-EU buyer return VAT n/a. This taxation policy was updated at 1 Jan 2015 after new UE VAT regulations. You should also probably register in MOSS system. """ # Standard VAT rates according to # # Situation at 1 Jan 2017 EU_COUNTRIES_VAT = { 'BE': Decimal('21'), # Belgium 'BG': Decimal('20'), # Bulgaria 'CZ': Decimal('21'), # Czech Republic 'DK': Decimal('25'), # Denmark 'DE': Decimal('19'), # Germany 'EE': Decimal('20'), # Estonia 'EL': Decimal('24'), # Greece 'ES': Decimal('21'), # Spain 'FR': Decimal('20'), # France 'HR': Decimal('25'), # Croatia 'IE': Decimal('23'), # Ireland 'IT': Decimal('22'), # Italy 'CY': Decimal('19'), # Cyprus 'LV': Decimal('21'), # Latvia 'LT': Decimal('21'), # Lithuania 'LU': Decimal('17'), # Luxembourg 'HU': Decimal('27'), # Hungary 'MT': Decimal('18'), # Malta 'NL': Decimal('21'), # Netherlands 'AT': Decimal('20'), # Austria 'PL': Decimal('23'), # Poland 'PT': Decimal('23'), # Portugal 'RO': Decimal('19'), # Romania 'SI': Decimal('22'), # Slovenia 'SK': Decimal('20'), # Slovakia 'FI': Decimal('24'), # Finland 'SE': Decimal('25'), # Sweden 'GB': Decimal('20'), # United Kingdom (Great Britain) } @classmethod def is_in_EU(cls, country_code): return country_code.upper() in cls.EU_COUNTRIES_VAT @classmethod def get_default_tax(cls): issuer_country_code = cls.get_issuer_country_code() try: return cls.EU_COUNTRIES_VAT[issuer_country_code] except KeyError: raise ImproperlyConfigured("EUTaxationPolicy requires that issuer country is in EU") @classmethod def get_tax_rate(cls, tax_id, country_code): issuer_country_code = cls.get_issuer_country_code() if not cls.is_in_EU(issuer_country_code): raise ImproperlyConfigured("EUTaxationPolicy requires that issuer country is in EU") if not tax_id and not country_code: # No vat id, no country return cls.get_default_tax() elif not tax_id and country_code: # Customer is not a company, we know his country if cls.is_in_EU(country_code): # Customer (private person) is from a EU # Customer pays his VAT rate return cls.EU_COUNTRIES_VAT[country_code] else: # Customer (private person) not from EU # VAT n/a return None else: # Customer is company, we now country and vat id if country_code.upper() == issuer_country_code.upper(): # Company is from the same country as issuer # Normal tax return cls.get_default_tax() if cls.is_in_EU(country_code): # Company is from other EU country try: vies_result = vatnumber.check_vies(tax_id)"TAX_ID=%s RESULT=%s" % (tax_id, vies_result)) if tax_id and vies_result: # Company is registered in VIES # Charge back return None else: return cls.EU_COUNTRIES_VAT[country_code] except (WebFault, TransportError, stdnum.exceptions.InvalidComponent): # If we could not connect to VIES or the VAT ID is incorrect logger.exception("TAX_ID=%s" % (tax_id)) return cls.EU_COUNTRIES_VAT[country_code] else: # Company is not from EU # VAT n/a return None
[ "MIT" ]
#! /usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # Copyright 2020 AlexPDev # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################## """Module for testing procedures on Check Tab.""" import os from pathlib import Path import pytest from tests import dir1, dir2, rmpath, tempfile, ttorrent, wind from torrentfileQt.checkTab import ProgressBar, TreePieceItem, TreeWidget def test_fixture(): """Test Fixtures.""" assert dir1 and dir2 and ttorrent and wind def test_missing_files_check(dir2, ttorrent, wind): """Test missing files checker proceduire.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) dirpath = Path(dir2) for item in dirpath.iterdir(): if item.is_file(): os.remove(item) checktab.fileInput.setText(ttorrent) checktab.searchInput.setText(dir2) assert checktab.treeWidget.topLevelItemCount() > 0 def test_shorter_files_check(wind, ttorrent, dir2): """Test missing files checker proceduire.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget dirpath = Path(dir2) window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) def shortenfile(item): """Shave some data off the end of file.""" temp = bytearray(2 ** 19) with open(item, "rb") as fd: fd.readinto(temp) with open(item, "wb") as fd: fd.write(temp) if os.path.exists(dirpath): for item in dirpath.iterdir(): if item.is_file(): shortenfile(item) checktab.fileInput.setText(ttorrent) checktab.searchInput.setText(dir2) assert checktab.treeWidget.topLevelItemCount() > 0 def test_check_tab(wind, ttorrent, dir1): """Test checker procedure.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) checktab.fileInput.setText(ttorrent) checktab.searchInput.setText(dir1) assert checktab.textEdit.toPlainText() != "" def test_check_tab_input1(wind, dir1): """Test checker procedure.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) checktab.browseButton2.browse(dir1) assert checktab.searchInput.text() != "" def test_check_tab_input_2(wind, dir1): """Test checker procedure.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) checktab.browseButton1.browse(dir1) assert checktab.fileInput.text() != "" def test_check_tab4(wind): """Test checker procedure again.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) tree_widget = checktab.treeWidget assert tree_widget.invisibleRootItem() is not None def test_clear_logtext(wind): """Test checker logTextEdit widget function.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) text_edit = checktab.textEdit text_edit.insertPlainText("sometext") text_edit.clear_data() assert text_edit.toPlainText() == "" def test_checktab_tree(wind): """Check tree item counting functionality.""" window, _ = wind checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) tree = TreeWidget(parent=checktab) item = TreePieceItem(type=0, tree=tree) item.progbar = ProgressBar(parent=tree, size=1000000) item.count(100000000) assert item.counted == 1000000 @pytest.mark.parametrize("size", list(range(18, 20))) @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", list(range(1, 7, 2))) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version", [1, 2, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", [".mkv", ".rar", ".r00", ".mp3"]) def test_singlefile(size, ext, index, version, wind): """Test the singlefile for create and check tabs.""" window, _ = wind createtab = window.central.createWidget checktab = window.central.checkWidget window.central.setCurrentWidget(checktab) testfile = str(tempfile(exp=size)) tfile = testfile + ext os.rename(testfile, tfile) metafile = tfile + ".torrent" createtab.path_input.clear() createtab.output_input.clear() createtab.browse_file_button.browse(tfile) createtab.output_input.setText(metafile) createtab.piece_length.setCurrentIndex(index) btns = [createtab.v1button, createtab.v2button, createtab.hybridbutton] for i, btn in enumerate(btns): if i + 1 == version: break createtab.submit_button.join() checktab.fileInput.clear() checktab.searchInput.clear() checktab.fileInput.setText(metafile) checktab.searchInput.setText(tfile) ptext = checktab.textEdit.toPlainText() assert "100%" in ptext rmpath(tfile, metafile)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""Internal Exception classes used by package These classes subclass the base Exception class Classes _______ MissingPortException(Exception) SerialReadException(Exception) UnknownConfirmationCodeException(Exception) """ class MissingPortException(Exception): """ Exception raised when the port param is missing when instantiating the AdafruitFingerprin class """ class SerialReadException(Exception): """Exception raised when no data is read from the serial port""" class UnknownConfirmationCodeException(Exception): """Exception raised when package content is an invalid response"""
[ "MIT" ]
"""Python Compatibility Utilities.""" from __future__ import annotations import numbers import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import wraps try: from importlib import metadata as importlib_metadata except ImportError: # TODO: Remove this when we drop support for Python 3.7 import importlib_metadata from io import UnsupportedOperation from kombu.exceptions import reraise FILENO_ERRORS = (AttributeError, ValueError, UnsupportedOperation) try: from billiard.util import register_after_fork except ImportError: # pragma: no cover try: from multiprocessing.util import register_after_fork except ImportError: register_after_fork = None _environment = None def coro(gen): """Decorator to mark generator as co-routine.""" @wraps(gen) def wind_up(*args, **kwargs): it = gen(*args, **kwargs) next(it) return it return wind_up def _detect_environment(): # ## -eventlet- if 'eventlet' in sys.modules: try: import socket from eventlet.patcher import is_monkey_patched as is_eventlet if is_eventlet(socket): return 'eventlet' except ImportError: pass # ## -gevent- if 'gevent' in sys.modules: try: import socket from gevent import socket as _gsocket if socket.socket is _gsocket.socket: return 'gevent' except ImportError: pass return 'default' def detect_environment(): """Detect the current environment: default, eventlet, or gevent.""" global _environment if _environment is None: _environment = _detect_environment() return _environment def entrypoints(namespace): """Return setuptools entrypoints for namespace.""" if sys.version_info >= (3,10): entry_points = importlib_metadata.entry_points(group=namespace) else: entry_points = importlib_metadata.entry_points().get(namespace, []) return ( (ep, ep.load()) for ep in entry_points ) def fileno(f): """Get fileno from file-like object.""" if isinstance(f, numbers.Integral): return f return f.fileno() def maybe_fileno(f): """Get object fileno, or :const:`None` if not defined.""" try: return fileno(f) except FILENO_ERRORS: pass @contextmanager def nested(*managers): # pragma: no cover """Nest context managers.""" # flake8: noqa exits = [] vars = [] exc = (None, None, None) try: try: for mgr in managers: exit = mgr.__exit__ enter = mgr.__enter__ vars.append(enter()) exits.append(exit) yield vars except: exc = sys.exc_info() finally: while exits: exit = exits.pop() try: if exit(*exc): exc = (None, None, None) except: exc = sys.exc_info() if exc != (None, None, None): # Don't rely on sys.exc_info() still containing # the right information. Another exception may # have been raised and caught by an exit method reraise(exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]) finally: del(exc)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """*********************************************************************************************""" # FileName [ ] # Synopsis [ the 1-hidden model ] # Author [ S3PRL ] # Copyright [ Copyleft(c), Speech Lab, NTU, Taiwan ] """*********************************************************************************************""" import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class ConvBank(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim, output_class_num, kernels, cnn_size, hidden_size, dropout, **kwargs): super(ConvBank, self).__init__() self.drop_p = dropout self.in_linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_size) latest_size = hidden_size # conv bank self.cnns = nn.ModuleList() assert len(kernels) > 0 for kernel in kernels: self.cnns.append(nn.Conv1d(latest_size, cnn_size, kernel, padding=kernel//2)) latest_size = cnn_size * len(kernels) self.out_linear = nn.Linear(latest_size, output_class_num) def forward(self, features): hidden = F.dropout(F.relu(self.in_linear(features)), p=self.drop_p) conv_feats = [] hidden = hidden.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() for cnn in self.cnns: conv_feats.append(cnn(hidden)) hidden =, dim=1).transpose(1, 2).contiguous() hidden = F.dropout(F.relu(hidden), p=self.drop_p) predicted = self.out_linear(hidden) return predicted class Framelevel1Hidden(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim, output_class_num, hidden_size, dropout, **kwargs): super(Framelevel1Hidden, self).__init__() # init attributes self.in_linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_size) self.out_linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_class_num) self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.act_fn = nn.functional.relu def forward(self, features): hidden = self.in_linear(features) hidden = self.drop(hidden) hidden = self.act_fn(hidden) predicted = self.out_linear(hidden) return predicted
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class PyBiopandas(PythonPackage): """Working with molecular structures in pandas DataFrames""" homepage = "" pypi = "biopandas/biopandas-0.2.5.tar.gz" git = "" # Note that the source package on PyPi is broken as it # is missing the requirements.txt so we have to download # from github version('0.2.5', branch="v0.2.5") depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run')) depends_on('py-setuptools', type='build') depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run')) depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run'))
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
from pprint import pprint import re import pexpect import yaml def cisco_send_show_command(host, username, password, enable_pass, command): with pexpect.spawn(f"ssh {username}@{host}", encoding="utf-8") as ssh: ssh.expect("[Pp]assword") ssh.sendline(password) ssh.expect(">") ssh.sendline("enable") ssh.expect("Password") ssh.sendline(enable_pass) ssh.expect("#") output = "" ssh.sendline(command) while True: match = ssh.expect(["#", "--More--", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5) page = ssh.before page = re.sub(r" +\x08+ +\x08+", "\n", page) output += page if match == 0: break elif match == 1: ssh.send(" ") else: break return output.replace("\r\n", "\n") if __name__ == "__main__": with open("devices.yaml") as f: devices = yaml.safe_load(f) r1 = devices[0] out = cisco_send_show_command(**r1, command="sh run") with open("result_r1.txt", "w") as f: f.write(out)
[ "MIT" ]
import argparse import shutil import sys import time from datetime import timedelta from pathlib import Path import torch from openunreid.apis import BaseRunner, test_reid from openunreid.core.solvers import build_lr_scheduler, build_optimizer from import build_test_dataloader, build_train_dataloader from openunreid.models import build_model from openunreid.models.losses import build_loss from openunreid.utils.config import ( cfg, cfg_from_list, cfg_from_yaml_file, log_config_to_file, ) from openunreid.utils.dist_utils import init_dist, synchronize from openunreid.utils.file_utils import mkdir_if_missing from openunreid.utils.logger import Logger def parge_config(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="UDA_TP training") parser.add_argument("config", help="train config file path") parser.add_argument( "--work-dir", help="the dir to save logs and models", default="" ) parser.add_argument("--resume-from", help="the checkpoint file to resume from") parser.add_argument( "--launcher", type=str, choices=["none", "pytorch", "slurm"], default="none", help="job launcher", ) parser.add_argument("--tcp-port", type=str, default="5017") parser.add_argument( "--set", dest="set_cfgs", default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="set extra config keys if needed", ) args = parser.parse_args() cfg_from_yaml_file(args.config, cfg) cfg.launcher = args.launcher cfg.tcp_port = args.tcp_port if not args.work_dir: args.work_dir = Path(args.config).stem cfg.work_dir = cfg.LOGS_ROOT / args.work_dir mkdir_if_missing(cfg.work_dir) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs, cfg) shutil.copy(args.config, cfg.work_dir / "config.yaml") return args, cfg def main(): start_time = time.monotonic() # init distributed training args, cfg = parge_config() dist = init_dist(cfg) synchronize() # init logging file logger = Logger(cfg.work_dir / "log.txt", debug=False) sys.stdout = logger print("==========\nArgs:{}\n==========".format(args)) log_config_to_file(cfg) # build train loader train_loader, train_sets = build_train_dataloader(cfg) # build model model = build_model(cfg, 0, init=cfg.MODEL.source_pretrained) model.cuda() if dist: model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[cfg.gpu], output_device=cfg.gpu, find_unused_parameters=True, ) elif cfg.total_gpus > 1: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) # build optimizer optimizer = build_optimizer([model,], **cfg.TRAIN.OPTIM) # build lr_scheduler if cfg.TRAIN.SCHEDULER.lr_scheduler is not None: lr_scheduler = build_lr_scheduler(optimizer, **cfg.TRAIN.SCHEDULER) else: lr_scheduler = None # build loss functions criterions = build_loss(cfg.TRAIN.LOSS, triplet_key="feat", cuda=True) # build runner runner = BaseRunner( cfg, model, optimizer, criterions, train_loader, train_sets=train_sets, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, meter_formats={"Time": ":.3f"}, reset_optim=False, ) # resume if args.resume_from: runner.resume(args.resume_from) # start training # load the best model runner.resume(cfg.work_dir / "model_best.pth") # final testing test_loaders, queries, galleries = build_test_dataloader(cfg) for i, (loader, query, gallery) in enumerate(zip(test_loaders, queries, galleries)): cmc, mAP = test_reid( cfg, model, loader, query, gallery, dataset_name=cfg.TEST.datasets[i] ) # print time end_time = time.monotonic() print("Total running time: ", timedelta(seconds=end_time - start_time)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for the sort wrapper.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.contrib.framework.python.ops import sort_ops from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test class SortTest(test.TestCase): def testRandom_lowDimensionality(self): self._testRandom_lowDimensionality(negative_axis=False) def testRandom_lowDimensionality_negative(self): self._testRandom_lowDimensionality(negative_axis=True) def _testRandom_lowDimensionality(self, negative_axis): np.random.seed(42) for _ in range(20): rank = np.random.randint(1, 3) shape = [np.random.randint(0, 20) for _ in range(rank)] arr = np.random.random(shape) sort_axis = np.random.choice(rank) if negative_axis: sort_axis = -1 - sort_axis with self.cached_session(): self.assertAllEqual( np.sort(arr, axis=sort_axis), sort_ops.sort(constant_op.constant(arr), axis=sort_axis).eval()) def testRandom_highDimensionality(self): np.random.seed(100) for _ in range(20): rank = np.random.randint(5, 15) shape = [np.random.randint(1, 4) for _ in range(rank)] arr = np.random.random(shape) sort_axis = np.random.choice(rank) with self.cached_session(): self.assertAllEqual( np.sort(arr, axis=sort_axis), sort_ops.sort(constant_op.constant(arr), axis=sort_axis).eval()) def testScalar(self): # Create an empty scalar where the static shape is unknown. zeros_length_1 = array_ops.zeros( random_ops.random_uniform([1], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=dtypes.int32), dtype=dtypes.int32) scalar = array_ops.zeros(zeros_length_1) sort = sort_ops.sort(scalar) with self.cached_session(): with self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidArgumentError): sort.eval() def testNegativeOutOfBounds_staticShape(self): arr = constant_op.constant([3, 4, 5]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): sort_ops.sort(arr, axis=-4) def testDescending(self): arr = np.random.random((10, 5, 5)) with self.cached_session(): self.assertAllEqual( np.sort(arr, axis=0)[::-1], sort_ops.sort( constant_op.constant(arr), axis=0, direction='DESCENDING').eval()) def testSort_staticallyKnownRank_constantTransposition(self): # The transposition array should be a constant if the rank of "values" is # statically known. tensor = random_ops.random_uniform( # Rank is statically known to be 5, but the dimension lengths are not # known. random_ops.random_uniform( shape=(5,), minval=0, maxval=10, dtype=dtypes.int32)) sort_ops.sort(tensor, axis=1) transposition = ( ops.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('sort/transposition:0')) self.assertFalse(tensor_util.constant_value(transposition) is None) self.assertAllEqual( # Swaps "1" and "4" to put "1" at the end. tensor_util.constant_value(transposition), [0, 4, 2, 3, 1]) def testArgsort_1d(self): arr = np.random.random(42) with self.cached_session(): self.assertAllEqual( np.sort(arr), array_ops.gather(arr, sort_ops.argsort(arr)).eval()) def testArgsort(self): arr = np.random.random((5, 6, 7, 8)) for axis in range(4): with self.cached_session(): self.assertAllEqual( np.argsort(arr, axis=axis), sort_ops.argsort(arr, axis=axis).eval()) if __name__ == '__main__': test.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import gflags import sys import torch from spinn.util.misc import recursively_set_device FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS def convert(inpt, outp, gpu=-1): ckpt = torch.load(inpt) if gpu < 0: ckpt['model_state_dict'] = {k: v.cpu() for k, v in ckpt['model_state_dict'].items()} else: ckpt['model_state_dict'] = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in ckpt['model_state_dict'].items()} ckpt['optimizer_state_dict'] = recursively_set_device(ckpt['optimizer_state_dict'], gpu), FLAGS.outp) if __name__ == '__main__': gflags.DEFINE_string("inpt", None, "") gflags.DEFINE_string("outp", None, "") gflags.DEFINE_integer("gpu", -1, "") FLAGS(sys.argv) convert(FLAGS.inpt, FLAGS.outp)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]