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You feel fine. | 4crq
I don't really have any problem Yeah, I just I feel fine. I don't feel happy. I don't feel sad. I just, I'm just here | 6cd
kind of resigned the government's gonna do this | 0id
well, the government's gonna do what they're gonna do anyway. So it doesn't matter if I'm happy sad, pissed off angry. any of that the government's going to make me do what they want me to do anyway. So it doesn't matter how I feel. | 0id
Are you worried that something is going to happen a similar will happen on the bus? | 5yq
No, because I've learned my lesson to not say those things out loud into to talk about what the government's doing because I can't actually inform anybody else because nobody's listening to me because They're already controlled by the government because they don't have a room like I do at home. | 9on
To avoid that in the future, because it didn't really, it didn't really work. You weren't able to, to help them understand what's going on. | 0id
While people don't understand what's going on, then that's their fault. that's their problem. They should have listened to me. And I could actually gave them the technology that they needed to actually create the room so that the government can't hear them. | 0id
But they weren't open to that idea. | 4crq
No. Quite the opposite. It is completely opposite. | 0id
How are your family relationships? | 1irq
Okay. Yeah, we live with my mom. She does that she's supposed to she doesn't go in my room because she knows that. She goes into the robots gonna mess up the technology so she stays out. | 0id
So you get along through okay. Anybody else you have contact with? friends family? | 1irq
I talk to people all the time, but they are in my head. We have conversations all the time about how we can actually make the world a better place and then how we can actually go through and then destroy the government or do good. Just pump it up. | 0id
Jason Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're under stress. I'm glad to hear your feel like it's okay. You're not down or anxious or anything. This answer these questions for me this has been helpful. And I'm going to recommend you continue to see a counselor here if that's okay. I realize your court ordered didn't come through. | 0id
that would be good | 0id
Well, then I'll put on the schedule. We'll set a time up front, where I'll see you. Let's say in three days. That works? | 0id
Three days works. | 0id
Then we'll go from there. Okay. Thanks, Jason. | 2gt
Thank you. | 2gt
Jackie, How are you doing today? | 2gt
Alrght. How about you? | 2gt
I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. I understand you've had some recent difficulties that have brought you to the agency | 2gt
Yeah, I lost my job. | 0id
You lost your job? | 4crq
Because I failed drug test. | 0id
You failed a drug test. | 4crq
So I have to drive golf carts sometimes for my job and I just really was not paying attention as I was driving through the parking lot and I hit a car. Then think it was a big deal. It doesn't even leave a big mark. Really. The car owner got pretty pissed about it and I found out that I did it. I got admitted to it. So I didn't want to be getting in trouble for it. So, so then they, since it was an accident, you know, I kind of hit my head a little bit to maybe take a drug test, and I had smoked some weed the night before. So I filled it and was fired. | 0id
Were you aware that this was an accident? You'd be protesting? | 5yq
Um, you know, I? I don't I didn't know that. Now. I guess they might have told me at some point, but I I probably wasn't paying attention to it or had it I wasn't prepared for it. | 0id
So there have been consequences to losing your job. | 4crq
Um, yeah, I mean, my parents are not happy. I'm not making any money, obviously. So they, they're not very happy, relying on them for gas money for it. never go anywhere, do anything with my friends ask them for money. So they're kinda, you know, pushing me to get a job and help support myself again. | 6cd
What type of work to do? | 1irq
Um, I work in security, I kind of monitor parking lot, you know, take tickets, things like that. | 0id
So, most of those employers would require a drug screen. | 4crq
Yeah, that's, that's my problem. I've been trying to look for a new job. And pretty much all of them have required drug tests. So I haven't gotten a new one yet. So that's becoming a problem. So that's why i wanna i want to cut down but I haven't been able to. So I really need a job. I mean, all these things. It's kind of silly that all you know. I find it silly. It should be. Who cares if I smoke a little weed, you know, too. be illegal. | 0id
But you think it should be illegal? | 5yq
Yeah. So I mean, not causing some harm really, and hurt anyone. So So yeah, I really do need a job. So I'm here to kind of get a handle on that. | 8op
So you want to stop using marijuana all together? | 4crq
Yeah, I'm gonna have to get a job, I think No, I don't want a random drug test again. | 6cd
All right, can you tell me about your marijuana use now? Like when was the last time used? | 1irq
Um, I actually say now at some friends my roommate this morning. Well, not my roommate but my friend that comes over and stays with me sometimes. And we guys did some this 'morning so. | 0id
So recently and how about the coke like when did you start using that for how long? | 1irq
long time ago, I've been using proudly for Since I mean, since I was in high school, I started that's kind of just a big part of my life. And my friends do it. My friends do. So, yeah. | 0id
Any other drugs or alcohol or anything? | 1irq
Just is just marijuana. Yeah. | 0id
Have you noticed over time you've been using more? | 5yq
Yeah, I mean you know, I, I try to cut down a little bit I'll kind of say hello, just smoke a little bit and then you know, I'm hanging with hanging out with my friends will end up just being high for a really long time. And let's just all do all night. So. | 8op
So it's consuming a lot of time. | 4crq
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. kind of always thinking about how I'm gonna get more and trying to get home again. And so it really does take up a lot of time and it's kind of a distraction. So | 6cd
you have a craving for marijuana | 5yq
No, No, I guess not really. | 9on
Now, have you had any social problems because your marijuana use? | 1irq
let's say other than my work, there's the word mean, my friends I'll do it there's a problem with it. So | 0id
are there other important activities that you miss out on because of your marijuana use | 5yq
now, I mean, I don't really do a lot so I don't really miss out on much | 9on
Are there any activities that you engage in that are more dangerous because your marijuana use? | 5yq
this time Out of my basement and don't really do anything. So | 9on
do you have any history of mental health issues or medical issues? | 5yq
No. No | 9on
Do you notice any anxiety or physical symptoms when you stop using my one? | 5yq
No, I feel feel okay. | 9on
So how motivated are you to stop using? | 11orq
Part of me doesn't really want to, but it's something I have to do. You know, I need a new job and I don't want to be relying on my parents for forever. It's pretty annoying. So I'm pretty committed to it. I would say, Yeah, | 10od
you're committed to it. | 4crq
Yeah. | 8op
I'm gonna get you to see a counselor here if that's okay with you. | 0id
Yeah, that'd be really helpful. be helpful. | 8op
I appreciate you taking this time to tell me what's going on and answer my questions has been helpful. | 2gt
Thank you. | 2gt
How're you doing today? | 2gt
Great. | 2gt
Great. I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking. I see that you signed a release. So I could talk to your mother and I see she took in here today. | 0id
Yeah, she brought me in | 0id
Tell me what's going on. | 1irq
Ah, she's she's not happy with me. No. | 0id
just like how you smoke. Yeah. But | 3gc
yeah, it's | 3gc
yeah You're so you're concerned. Somewhat but | 0id
yeah, yeah, I'm in love my mom, you know. | 0id
what are you smoking house are concerned? | 1irq
Just weed? No big deal. Really? I don't know why she's so upset. | 0id
She's upset about that. | 4crq
Yeah, yeah. She's been on me for a while about it. So | 8op
are there any other drugs or alcohol or anything that you consume? Well, yeah, | 1irq
I drink sometimes to drink some time. Yeah. But | 0id
not something she's concerned with? | 4crq
Well, I mean, | 3gc
Are you concerned with alcohol or marijuana? | 1irq
no | 9on
meals I guess you probably know, ask a few questions about | 3gc
Yeah, sure. Okay. | 7ack
Can you tell me when you first started using it how they came about? | 1irq
I think it was a my sophomore year of high school. My friends offered it to me. So now, I was kind of feeling having some anxiety. Some anxiety about starting it, but so tried it made me feel great. So my anxiety go away. So | 0id
it took the anxiety away. Yeah. How long did you have the anxiety Before this? | 1irq
Yeah. Probably in my adolescence. A couple of years. Couple years. Yeah. It wasn't anything crazy, but it affected my life a little bit. So I think it makes me feel a lot better now that it's all good. Get rid of that feeling. | 0id
So you started. You started marijuana because a friend offered to you and because you're anxious. Yeah. And then how about from then on | 4crq
now, I don't want to feel that that anxiety anymore. I don't want to have to take any pills or anything. So I've gone and just kept doing it to make me feel great. Okay. I think it's great. | 6cd
When was the last time you used | 1irq
this morning | 0id
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