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Yeah, just alcohol. | 6cd
All right. When you stopped drinking, do you have any physical symptoms or anxiety any symptoms of withdrawal? | 5yq
No. usually feel fine afterwards. I can go a few days without okay. | 9on
Okay, so that's not a problem. All right. Jackie, open to Receiving counseling services or agency? | 7ack
Yeah, let's see why it would hurt anything. I don't really need it but it was okay with trauma, | 8op
I think okay, okay. All right. I'm gonna get you scheduled in to see a counselor. I want to thank you for telling me about what's going on for answering my questions. It's been helpful. | 2gt
Yeah. Thank you. | 2gt
So Charles, it sounds like things have been going pretty well recently, | 0id
but they've been going better. Yeah, they have good I did call a friend. And we had lunch. I'd seen this guy in two or three years and it was good to see him when we contacted again and agreed we maybe have lunch. From time to time, that'd be good. And I got back in the kitchen, I made this pretty good soup. It's an asparagus potato soup that sounds very it's it's really good to chop up the asparagus and the potatoes and one small onion and boil them and then use a blender to give it a real nice texture, texture a little bit like split pea soup, sounds good without a split pea and so on. feeling some better. | 0id
That's good. That's good. Charles, I'm proud of you for taking the initiative. Because I know it's been difficult in the past and you've really championed the things we've talked about, and I'm really proud of you for that. One thing you didn't mention was the woodworking shop that we've talked about in the past is that has that been? | 0id
Well, that's still a mess. Okay, in fact, it's a it's a it's it's a big mess. It's such a mess that I really can't get in there and do any work. I haven't done that for some time. Okay. Every surface every why we got to work benches and | 6cd
Kinda Okay, well as we've talked about in the past, it's really difficult to get started on some things that we've avoided for quite some time. So, like in the past, let's brainstorm. Try to figure out how we can get some some movement in the woodworking shops. That sound good. Sure. Okay, so so one thing we've discussed in the past, Charles is extremely important is what you're thinking about as you're going into the woodworking shop. So, what are your thoughts? When you are viewing or looking at the woodworking shop? What do you think? | 1irq
Well, when I stand there in it, and I feel helpless, I mean it. It's hopeless, it seems to me that okay, just get it back in shape again. | 0id
Okay, so let's explore that. So. So what's the evidence that it's hopeless to do some work in the woodworking shop? | 1irq
Well, just the mess that it is. I mean, that how disorganized and | 0id
Okay, so it sounds like you're saying then it's disorganized. And it's a mess. So how do you feel when you think about the woodworking shop that way? | 11orq
hopeless, okay, I think just | 10od
Okay. So it prevents you from actually getting things done is what you're saying? Yes. Okay. Which makes sense because if I thought about it that way to Charles, it would be hard for me to initiate any kind of action because if I view it as overwhelming, then I'm probably They're not gonna do anything, which makes sense. So, so what do you think is an alternative way to view the woodworking shop? That would actually be helpful? What's another way? | 1irq
Well, if I could get one workbench cleaned off, okay, I would have some space to work on. | 0id
Okay, that's a really good start. | 0id
Well, I could make some things that I've been thinking about making for some time. Okay, I kind of have the plans in my head. Okay. I've thought about a medieval, kind of small medieval catapult for my grandson. And maybe Boomerang made out of really nice laminated wood, that would be cool. And so I could get one or both of those built, perhaps. | 0id
Okay? And what would that lead to? If you get those things built? What would you have to do anything with those things? | 1irq
Well, if I if I built those, I would have to get in the car and drive for hours today. Okay, my grandkids where my grandkids are and to give them the, the toys, okay, and show them how it works and have shown how to throw the boomerang. | 0id
So it sounds like there's a lot of benefit then to clearing out a bench and moving tools which would lead to you getting things done, especially things that would involve your grandkids so you'd be able to see them and spend time with with them, you'd feel better about going to do that. But you'd also feel better about the woodworking shop in general that basically what you're saying would Yeah, okay, sure. But as we've talked about in the past, Charles, I know that it still takes steps to get there. Right? That wouldn't change overnight. So I think one useful strategies for you and I to work on a step by step plan that would get us to the place of you being able to drive for hours to see your grandkids. So how about we talked about the first step, which sounds like would be to just move things off one bench? Does that sound right? | 0id
Yeah, that Yeah, one. | 7ack
Though. | 3gc
So let's talk about that. Then let's let's sketch out what each day would look like so that we won't won't feel overwhelmed like we did in the past. So let's talk about each day and how we would sketch out each day Does that sound good? | 5yq
Sure. | 8op
Jackie, how are you? | 2gt
Okay, How are you? | 2gt
thanks for asking. I see that you have signed a release so I could talk to your mother and that she brought you in today. What's What's going on there? | 0id
They think I have a drinking problem. My family.. | 0id
your family thinks show drinking problem. | 4crq
Yeah. So we really started this was this past weekend. They came to pick me up for my bridal shower. And I was I was drunk when they came to get me so I couldn't go and now everybody's pretty pissed at me. | 8op
So they asked you to come into the agency. | 4crq
Yeah, you know, I don't want them to hate me or anything. So I agreed to come. | 6cd
Do you believe that you have a drinking problem? | 5yq
I mean, I like to drink. | 8op
You think It's okay? | 5yq
Yeah. I like I like it like drinking. | 8op
Come on, you mind if I ask you a few questions related to drinking, | 5yq
that's fine. | 8op
So, how often do you drink now? | 1irq
Pretty much every day. I drink every day on the weekends for sure. Like, during the week, I'll go to the whatever the best local happy hour is, you know, scope out what's going on. So I'll go after work and have some drinks. | 0id
What about on the weekend? | 1irq
weekend I gotta keep to myself. still drink a little whatever I have in the house, but I don't really go out a lot of weekend mostly to stay at home and yeah, drink whatever I have there. | 0id
How much you're drinking, let's say on the weekend | 1irq
it's hard to keep track of thing. Say a couple cases over maybe like two or three cases of beer throughout the weekend. If there's something on sale, you know, at the liquor store down the street, okay, I like a bottle of vodka or something to go along with it. | 0id
All right, how about during the week? | 1irq
during the week, I just stayed at the bar for a few hours maybe have like, six or seven drinks and then go home. | 0id
Are you drinking More than you want to? | 5yq
Um, I guess so. I mean, I've kind of tried to make a plan to just say on the weekends to drink some. And that hasn't really kept up because I like to go to the happy hours and stuff. | 8op
So, so you've tried to cut down before? | 5yq
yeah, it's not really happening. Not really see it happening. | 9on
Do you have cravings for alcohol? | 5yq
Um, you could say so yeah. I'm at work I want to drink and out doing stuff. I want to drink. | 8op
So are you using exclusively alcohol or are there other drugs involved? | 1irq
Right now just alcohol and all legal stuff . I was impatient. A couple times for cocaine, but I've stopped. That's not really something I want to do anymore. So | 0id
when was the last time you're impatient? | 1irq
About four months ago, five months ago, | 0id
four or five months ago? And at that time you use cocaine. | 4crq
Yeah. I was using | 8op
And why did you stop using cocaine? | 1irq
Well, I graduated from college, I was kind of a partier in college, and then I had to get a job and it's kind of now had a fear of losing my job because of the cocaine and I'd get a drug test and stuff. So that's kind of in the back of my mind with that. So yeah. I think that the treatment helped with that. | 0id
You crave cocaine? | 5yq
No, mostly just alcohol. Just | 9on
how about Your work are you having a trouble keeping your job or your performance your job? | 5yq
Um, I think I'm not doing tip top of what I could be doing but yeah, it hasn't really been a problem. I haven't been threatened to be fired or anything like that. But you know, I'll come in late every once in a while but I I sneak in so nobody notices | 9on
any social problems because of the alcohol use? | 1irq
Um, with my family kind of right now. Yeah. Not really getting along with them very well. My friends, though, when I go out them during the week where you get along fine, but they're just not really as fun as they used to be. So sometimes, yeah. Sometimes they want to do stuff and go to the movies or whatever. And the ello mad because I don't want to go I'd rather go party somewhere. So | 0id
you have some social problems. Not so much with your friends a little bit but more with your family | 4crq
more with my family. Yeah. I mean, I guess my friends aren't that happy with me but I don't think it's a huge deal. My best friend I haven't talked to in a couple days because she she is mad at me for not coming to dinner with her the other night because I look rather drunk and I want to do that. | 6cd
Have you found that you're engaging in any activities are physically dangerous because of alcohol? | 5yq
Um I've gotten hurt a couple times. I mean, fallen down the steps, but I'm not calling like, skydiving or anything, you know? So I did sprained my ankle a couple months ago because I fell on the steps but Okay. | 8op
Do you find that you have any exacerbation of symptoms you have already? Like any medical or mental health problems made worse by the alcohol? | 5yq
It's a pretty healthy. Yeah, yeah. | 0id
So did you notice the point after you started drinking when you had to increase the amount that you're trying to get the same effect? | 5yq
Oh, yeah. | 8op
When did that happen? | 1irq
I think I kind of go through phases with it, you know, I'll drink a certain amount for a little while and then I'll notice the I'm not drunk anymore, so I'll have to drink some more. | 0id
When was the last time you noticed that when you had to drink a lot more to get the same effect. | 1irq
Let's say like, last weekend, you know, I was Got a couple beers in my house and the few hours have passed and I drank probably like, and 12 beers and I wasn't feeling anything. So start drinking a little faster and let us start, you know, feel a little better. | 0id
How about withdraw? Do you have any symptoms of withdrawal when you stop drinking? Like physical symptoms anxiety? | 1irq
I mean, I want some more. For sure. craving | 0id
Ok, Jackie, are you open to seeing a counselor here at the agency? | 5yq
I think that's what my mom really wants. So, so maybe they'll try it out once or twice and see what happens but I guess to make her happy. | 8op
So you are not sure what to try it out. Yeah. I'll get you scheduled to see a counselor. I want to thank you for telling me about what's going on and for answering my questions. It's been helpful. | 0id
Yeah, sure. | 2gt
Jason, I don't want to be here | 3gc
Im here | 3gc
you're good? | 5yq
So I've been made to come in and talk to you. because something happened on the bus. And there I may have said something to somebody and they're just like, oh, you can't say that. So they actually said, we're going to take you to jail. from jail. They just called me here. | 0id
Do you know what you're charged with? | 5yq
They didn't explain anything. The government never explains anything. They just don't want me to understand what's going on because they just want to keep me out of captivity. | 9on
The government. Do you have anyone specific? | 1irq
nope, it's the entire government, entire government, higher government. | 0id
How long have they been wanting to do this to you? | 1irq
all my life. I've done this all my life. They they're always listening. They're always around. They're always there. | 0id
always there? | 4crq
always there. Like, for example, they're in the lights right now. They're listening to everything that we're talking about. So that's the reason why I really can't talk about what happened on the bus because they're just going to use that against and then it's locked me up again. I think we take more minutes. | 6cd
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